#anyways I had a cute fit yesterday but got no pics
toomuchracket · 3 days
brat release in the d word universe
girlie gets to dress up party and get some pictures taken
BRATMOBILE !! girlie gets to ride in the brat tesla
imagining the collective scream of "oh my god MILF" when you get out of the bratmobile in your cunty fit (lbd. one of matty's shirts half undone over it because 1. you had a baby a month ago and you're feeling a teensy bit more self-conscious than normal 2. because it's cunty and 3. because you miss him and lyla a lil and this makes you feel better. heels. brat green handbag)... unreal. and the night is a lot of fun!! reckon you kinda hang around with george most of the time he's not performing, because someone told him to keep an eye on you (guess who), and you have maybe 1 drink for the first time in nine months and lowkey it goes to your head lmfao you are DANCING and cheesing in pics with your friends. and also dissecting i think about it all the time with c and g in the taxi home, very like "in my opinion, you should have a baby. it's fun! i get cuddles all the time and also i got to watch lyla accidentally kick matty clean in the jaw yesterday..." - which makes george cackle - and continuing "and, like, you can still have a fun life. look at me, in heels on a night out a month into motherhood, for fucks sake! but yeah. i know it's a personal choice. but i think it would be nice" lol. she says she'll see, "but i think if i had a kid as lovely as yours it would be great. actually, can we come in and see her when we drop you off?"; you agree, so yeah there's an interlude between parties for charli and george to visit their niece for a hug. matty's lowkey aghast when you all rock up to the door, but lyla stays sound asleep through all the cuddles, and besides he thinks it's cute that his friends love her enough to pause a night out just to see her. what he thinks is cutest, though, is the way she seems to recognise you when you hold her, even in her sleep, and the image of you still in your pretty outfit just cuddling your baby and periodically cooing at her while you excitedly recount your evening to him. he literally loves you so much it's insane lol. anyway! that's that. a fun night <3
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wishingprince · 2 months
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This convention has been absolutely bonkers in bad ways but also in a LOT of good ones, very excited for tonight though and that I took off work tomorrow because I am completely beat and I need rest. Six days until my tattoo!
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big-boah · 2 years
‼️ I am changing my pronouns from he/they to he/him. I have post-T beard euphoria that says I should stick with that since I never enforce the "they" and it doesn't feel as right.
Also changing my nickname to include Dan because A) I think it's a funny name... "Dan" sounds like just that guy over there. and B) I had to change my name from Danni to Dan at work because no one was respecting my pronouns and I wanted to punch something on client calls (pronouns are on my email signature in big BOLD letters next to my name), and not ONCE has someone messed them up since. I am enjoying being called this name very much. 😁
You can still call me Danni if you want, I accept Dan, Danni, D, Dad, or a handful of blorbo nicknames including Vegeta.
Some details of my trans journey under the cut:
I started going by Danni when I was 12 in 2006 because I "came out" as FtM, my dad, brother, and friends at the time respected the nickname, which was lovely. (The reason came out is in quotes is because I don't actually believe in gender at all, why do people need to be defined further? but in this unfortunate paradigm we live in, i get masculine gender euphoria. I also think that it's ridiculous that people need to "come out" and why can't we just be ourselves and exist and change whenever we want? Who gives a shit? Anyway!)
In 2018 I started going by Dan and started testosterone the week after I got married (we come from Christian families so I had to be a freakin' chick at my wedding lmao the pics came out mad cute though) and my gender went from nb to FtM in my own head.
I had to get off T due to medical issues in January 2021, and NB fit my whole deal better so I "switched" back to Danni, he/they, nb etc etc
The leftover changes from T = gray hair, full on black body hair including chest/face, Vegeta 5-head hairline, downstairs changes and veins lol lots of them. I love these changes a lot and the crappy beard gives me immense gender euphoria, and my husband was petting it yesterday calling me handsome and I was like...mmm yup definitely a gay dude I've known this since I was literally 6 😁
Anyways that's that, you can still call me Danni if you want that's still my name, but I'm updating my socials 🤷🏻‍♂️
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starjxsung · 1 month
haiii bbs! how are you?
may the fashion fairies bless you for all of your concerts 🧚🏼‍♀️ i think that for lolla imma just dress nice nice on friday. then probs a bit more casual the other days bc i read that it’s not thaaaaat big of a deal compared to coachella (i still like dressing up for everything i can but ik im not having the energy after standing 12+hrs on friday🤣) i read that armys CAMPED the night before so ngl im kinda scared to not be able to see skz too well.
hmmmmmm that is soooo tough😫but its probably top 5 after mononoke, howls and spirited away. buuuut i need to rewatch it because i also rank them due to them being my comfort films so maybe the boy and the heron is objectively a better film or may become one of my super faves as a comfort film. honorable mention movies that i never hear anyone talk about that are tiered for me: pom poko and when marnie was there (i cried so bad while watching both of them)
i saw that skz are attending the met dressed in tommy 😶‍🌫️ i kinda hate the concept of the met gala, the fundraiser part is okay; but it’s the whole exclusively rich people exhibition that i absolutely don’t like yk? and there’s no real talk about the necessity of the fundraiser in the event so it’s kinda not too slay for me. (i love skz though so i’ll probs watch them walk and then stop🤣. and even it’s not too significant for me, im so aware that it is an objectively super important event so i am very proud of them for that!). i hope this doesn’t turn you off about me😪
on another note i got the funniest little pc holder! terrible pic bc we went out to eat at night. i also noticed i barely have any hyune pcs😭
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anyways ily bb! i hope you’ve been having a great weekend <3 take care
HI MY BABYYYYYYYYYY I’m sorry this took to long to answer !!!! I was going THRUUU IT with the Met Gala yesterday and I was simultaneously on my phone looking at every single post that was published and trying to avoid all media bc the paparazzi were making me so mad and I was stressed 😭
I KNOWWWWW I remember armys (and moas!) camping before hobipalooza & when txt performed and I’m stressed that I’m not going to get a good spot 🤕 for Global Citizen a lot of people camped too and I got there kinda late bc I slept in but the spots we got were still pretty decent! My only issue was the PHONESSSS in the air oh my god you could not get a single pic of 3racha without a phone blocking your view… I had to stand on my tippy toes and block everyone’s view behind me to get ONE good pic and even then I never ended up getting a pic of Jungkook without phones in the way 😔 hoping the screens at Lolla are good so we don’t have to deal w the same shit
I love when Marnie Was There!!!!!!! Oh my god it’s so underrated!!!!!!!!! I cried so hard the first time I watched it ☹️🫶 I need to watch the boy & the heron and I will tell you all my thoughts !!
I have so many thoughts about the met gala but honestly I am just SOOO GLAD it’s over lmfkdkskdkdkskkdjfj I was beyond stressed waiting for them to arrive and seeing what they were going to wear 😭 obviously ended up a shit show of a night thanks to problematic American photographers but what’s new at a western event like the met gala 🤕
I love you bbg I hope you’re having the absolute best week !!!!!!!!!! 💗💕💓💘💖🫶
Here are my Felix & Renjun bag setups from the past 2 days (also Minho on my sister’s bag) one of my friends replied to my story and asked why my bag is “always cunted up” and I will be referring to decorating my bag like that all the time now LMAO
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mintyasphodel · 1 year
here’s a rambly text post about what i’ve been up to!
while hunting for ghoulia at target today (they had nothing except the coffin bean and frankie/deuce pack), i saw some real littles... shopkins... things. i thought they fully transitioned to using the real littles name, but?? i guess not??? is shopkins just for the foodstuffs? anyways. the backpacks were super cute, but i don't love the scale of the items (i don't like shopkins for that reason tbh. i never got into them.)
but i got some real littles shoes! a far cry from ghoulia, but i've been intrigued about them for a while. i like shoes a reasonable amount, i think. i got one from series... uh... hm. it doesn't look like it has that information. well, my collector's guide includes the color-changing ones, if that helps anyone at all. i got the possible best case scenario: the plain and boring ones! lol. it's muted sweetie, which is apparently a common shoe. they're very cute looking. they probably won't fit my dolls, but i still like them. i'm undecided if i'll get more or not. i love the little shoebox and tissue paper, but none of the other shoes in this series are really catching my eye, though the basketball style shoes are so cute.
also, i got lagoona! finally, my sweet fishy daughter has returned. i can't wait for her skulltimate secrets to drop, i am SO pumped for that. all i have left to get now are ghoulia (sigh), cleo, and clawdeen. they had the moons variant clawdeen at my store, but i honestly prefer the striped, so i'll either keep looking or just grab her on amazon, depending on if it's random or not.
i love lagoona so much 😭 she's so perfect... except i wish her armfins were a different color to match her leg fins. and blue gradient hands but that's more of a pipe dream, i think different color armfins is (a more) realistic (pipe dream). i'll take some pics of her and maybe the rest of the ghouls in a few days, my schedule is kinda busy! but i FINALLY got to pull all the plastic stay ties out of a doll head without one fucking breaking!!! good luck lagoona here to save the day!!!!! ughhhhh i had to carefully snip one in lala and toralei, and push the end of two into frankie. utterly hellish.
my barbie looks #3 arrived yesterday! that was super exciting. i paid a bit more than retail for her, but that’s okay. the sculpt is SO beautiful!!!!! i love it so much!!!!!! it makes me want to hop on ebay and grab another of her head lol. the upper elbow joint was stuck so i boiled her arms for a bit and some of the water got on her flocking and messed it up... sob sob. the plan was to customize her but her head is SO CUTE i cry. and omg she really does have the pinkest undertone ever, i was so sure it was going to work and be fine for a head i have but NOPE LOL people were NOT exaggerating, She Is So Pink. maybe i’ll make a post about that later with the planned head i was going to use (127 i believe?)
she fits the mini version of my jacket i made a while ago! maybe i’ll post that as well. hm, and create a new tag for my sewing stuff.. that’d probably be useful.i love love the petite hand mold, it’s so expressive and easier to get into tiny tiny sleeves lmao. i’ll probably remake my mini jacket in a stretchier fabric (i just used quilting cotton for the current/prototype version) so it’s easier to dress the doll and i don’t have to use tweezers to ease the fabric over tiny hands. 
i want to sew things for lagoona, but she’s literally my favorite doll and i think she’s perfect as is, so whatever. i loved her since g1, i’m not gonna stop now lol.
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outerbankies · 3 years
be here now — topper thornton
request(s): “i think topper taking you out of town for a few days after you guys get back from university and he’s so soft and lovey dovey” + “topper giving you a promise ring with his birthstone so everyone knows you’re his”
pairing: topper x reader
warnings: one singular mention of alcohol
a/n: inspired by this pic and those 2 asks! happy weekend besties enjoy!
my writing
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“Isn’t the point of coming home for us to, like, be home?”
Topper laughs, the sound bright and familiar to your ears, even through the phone speaker. Deciding to go off to separate colleges two years ago meant that that was how you heard your boyfriend’s voice a majority of the time these days, and it was still nothing compared to the real thing. And being back home in OBX meant you were just itching to hear it again, right in front of you for real. “We have all summer to be home, angel. It’s one weekend away.”
“I know,” you smile, switching the phone to speaker so you can finish folding up some last minute additions to your bag. “I’m excited.”
“Good. That’s what I like to hear. I’m gonna get the Malibu ready, pick you up in ten?”
“Ooh,” you purr. “He’s picking me up in his boat?”
“Of course I am. My parents just got it out of the slip yesterday, it needs a maiden voyage for the summer.”
“I’m honored,” you laugh. “See you soon, Top.”
“There she is.”
You’re dropping your bag to the wood of your parents’ dock and practically racing to the end of the platform, tying Topper’s boat up as fast as you ever have so he can get out, pulling you into a hug so bone-crushing your feet leave the ground for a second.
“I missed you,” you hum, giggling as Topper walks the two of you back to where your bag is, trying to fit in as many kisses as you can.
“Missed you too, pretty. C’mere,” he says, leaning in for another kiss now that your bag is slung securely over his shoulder. “You ready?”
“More than ready.”
“Alright, hop in,” he says, holding a hand out to you where he now stands back in his boat, your bag tucked neatly under one of the seats. “Bow or stern?”
You just smile and throw yourself back into his arms. “You know you’re gonna let me drive.”
You drive the Malibu until you get bored, much preferring to let Topper take over while you just watch and hold him around his waist.
“Easy travel day yesterday?” he asks, kissing your forehead.
“Yeah, flight was okay. Had to take the ferry but, whatever,” you sigh. “Just tired still.”
“Mm,” he hums. “You can sleep in the car on the way up.”
“No, I have to pick the music,” you argue. “And coordinate snacks.”
“I can figure out my own snacks,” he mumbled.
“Do you remember the sunflower seeds? You were finding them in the seats for weeks.”
“Oh my god. One time,” he groans, shaking his head in the backseat. “That was Rafe and Kelce’s fault for fighting in the backseat.”
“That was a fun trip,” you recall, thinking back on the summer before, when Topper brought you all to his college town. You’d already been multiple times, of course, but Kelce and Rafe always made things a bit more fun, if a little chaotic. “Maybe we should have invited them this time.”
You’re teasing, just trying to get a rise out of him. Of course it works, Topper cutting his eyes over to you as you pull back up at his house. “Hey, no. We have all summer to deal with them crashing our dates. This is Y/n and Topper time.”
“Y/n and Topper time?” you laugh. “You’re so fucking cute. Missed you.”
“You said that already, baby,” he points out. But his eyes scan your face in adoration, and he kisses you anyway.
“Yeah, ‘cause I really missed you,” you sigh, head hidden in his neck.
“I know. Missed you more.”
“Not even.”
“I absolutely did.”
“Not possible, Thornton,” you tease, letting him go as the two of you make to get out of the boat, but not before pressing one more kiss to his jawline.
The weekend’s about as perfect as it can be. The cottage Topper booked is adorable, the weather is perfect save for one bout of rain that drenched you both on a walk home from dinner. A little tipsy from the bottle of wine you’d just shared, sober you might be embarrassed by the way you let Topper twirl you around in the middle of the street, both of your clothes getting soaked as you two made your way back to where you were staying.
Both off school for the summer with a few weeks before the internships lined up in your parents’ business networks began, you have nothing to do but catch up and just be with each other for the first time in a while. You didn’t get to spend last summer together, so you couldn’t help but be excited for what lay ahead.
But you wake up anxious, tossing and turning until you can’t justify possibly waking your sleeping boyfriend anymore, sliding out of bed as the sun rises. You flick the coffee pot in the kitchenette on, needing something to do with your hands, watching as Topper slept soundly.
You don’t know why, but your heart clenches at the rested look on his face, the way his navy crew neck rides up on his stomach, his messy hair and the way the arm that was previously wrapped around you lays stretched out to the side, fingers twitching in his sleep like he’s reaching out for you.
You abandon the coffee and the two mugs you set out, slipping one of Topper’s fleeces over your arms and putting your flip flops on, walking out to the front porch.
You fold yourself into one of the wooden chairs set out on the porch, your thoughts lost to the skyline you gaze out upon.
Of course if isn’t long until Topper is shuffling around in bed, not thinking anything of it when you aren’t next to him, but sitting up a bit straighter when he can’t see you in the cottage at all. He smells coffee, sees two mugs set out on the counter unused, then peers around to watch you through the front windows as the coffee finishes up.
When Topper joins you on the deck, you look up from where you had your chin digging into your knees. You smile slightly as he sets your coffee down in front of you, accepting a kiss on the forehead and a soft touch on your back.
“Morning,” Topper greets sleepily, settling into the chair across the table from you. “You’re up—” he checks his wrist, pushing his sleeve up so he can read his watch “—early, baby, holy shit. I told you we don’t have to drive back until noon.”
“Morning, Top,” you greet quickly, busying yourself with testing out the coffee he made perfectly for you. Your boyfriend leans closer to you, his tired eyes searching your face.
“What are you doing out here?”
“Thinking. Couldn’t sleep anymore,” you mumble, sinking into your chair. You sweep your eyes back across the sky, noticing concern in his eyes when you look at him.
“What are you thinking about, baby?”
“Don’t you wish it could be like this all the time? Like every weekend?”
Recognition flashes across his face, and he’s smiling into his coffee slightly. “Of course I do.”
“It’s just so much easier like this,” you say.
“Being with you is easy for me all the time,” Topper says.
You feel a smile lift your lips just slightly, even if it’s at at his naïveté. “Topper.”
“Y/n,” he counters.
“I’m being serious. You know it’s not easy most of the time. At least,” you bite your lip, wondering if your feelings were exaggerated if Topper was completely fine. “At least, not for me.”
“Hey, not what I meant,” Topper says, his raised eyebrows enough to make you abandon your last train of thought. “And you know that.”
“So then what do you mean that it’s easy, Top?” you say. “I wake up everyday just missing you. I’m on this vacation with you, laying with you, we’re about to spend the entire summer together and and I can’t even stop thinking about missing you again—”
“Even on my worst day, baby. When I miss you so much I can’t even breathe, I am ten thousand times better off than I would be if you weren’t mine.”
You exhale, your mouth parted. “Top.”
“It’s hard because we love each other, Y/n,” Topper says. “And we want to be together. Which means it’s worth it.”
You nod, looking into his eyes, already so reassured just from the tone of his voice. “It’s worth it.”
“And every day we’re apart,” Topper starts, hand grabbing your own. He’s careful of your coffee mugs, pulling you out of your chair until you’re standing in front of him and he’s pulling you to sit sideways in his lap. “Is just one day closer to being back together. And we always have home, and then one day, we’ll never live apart ever again.”
You sink into his lap, arms wrapped around his shoulders, squeezing him extra tight while his arms reach around your back and lay across your thighs. “One day.”
“Hey,” Topper says softly, a hand on your face guiding you to pull back and look at him. “I’ve been thinking—you know how you got me this?”
Topper pulls the gold chain out from under the collar of his sweatshirt. You nod, hand reaching around to the back, where you had the charms of your initials placed when you bought it for Topper on your last anniversary. You knew Topper would like it because it was subtle, but everyone who needed to know knew, that he was yours. “Yes, because you wear it everyday.”
He just smiles, reaching into his shorts pocket underneath where your legs rest. “I wanted you to have something to wear everyday, too.”
The gold of the ring band matches that of Topper’s chain perfectly. It’s a thin band, your boyfriend knowing you’re just like him—you aren’t one for anything bulky or flashy, in the center a small pearl. You furrow your eyebrows, looking back up at him.
“Topper, it’s… so pretty.”
“And it’s my birthstone,” he says softly. You look at the ring, then back to Topper again, your body suddenly thrumming with butterflies.
“Topper,” you say, lost for words besides the name of the boy sitting here, ready to give you everything. “Can you…”
You unwind your arms from around his shoulders, looking in between both of your hands. When you look back at him, Topper is already pulling on your right hand, pausing before he puts it on your ring finger. His thumb strokes over your knuckle. “This one okay?”
You nod, wiggling your fingers as soon as he slides it into place. You place it on his chest, looking at the way your pieces compliment each other. “It’s not even my birthday. Or our anniversary.”
“I know,” he says, smiling. “But now you’ll always know that you’re mine.”
“Me and everyone else.”
Topper sighs, smiling like he’s been caught out. “That’s just a bonus.”
You finally lean in and kiss him, fiddling with the charms on the back of his chain like you always do, but reveling in the way you now feel it clinking against your new ring. “Have you had that in your pocket all weekend?”
“Yep,” he says, nodding shamelessly. “Wanted it to feel like the right moment.”
“I like you. I think I’ll keep you for a bit.”
“For these last two years of school?” he says.
You tilt your head, pretending to think about it. “And maybe a bit longer after that.”
tags @pogueslandia @mrs-cameron @catonthesideoftheroad @krisphann @jemimah-b99 @serrendipiity
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
Wed 7 Apr ‘21
Louis left Tulum and went to Mexico City, and we got airport pics from both ends: the gathered fans were told by his bodyguard that they should keep their distance but that yes, pictures would be allowed. Thank you Louis! We got to see him a little for the first time in so long, in videos of him walking by (and getting ready to walk by) and blurry pics of him with his guitar, and Oli and Charlie- I’m excited to someday see the footage of whatever they’re working on. But for now, finally some proper pictures of the long long hair, or at least the below the hat part, all flippy and like...LONG! It’s on his SHOULDERS! Early pics had some interesting shadows around an elbow, prompting a flurry of NeW TaTtoO?? excitement, but when more pics were posted we could see that no, his elbow remains the same, false alarm. Once that tattoo kerfuffle died down the interest refocused on his shirt, which featured- a whole damn pile of skulls!
Louis went through a long phase of wearing skull shirts a while back, and the fact that it was during a period of a lot of very pointed t-shirt messages (and that he kept doing it more than ever despite knowing what we were reading into it) seemed to reinforce the theory that he did in fact mean things by it, and seeing him say yes to fan photos while wearing this shirt for the occasion… well! WELCOME BACK public Louis, we MISSED YOU! Yesterday’s shirt was for the band Obituary- is the band name a nod at the fact that Syco, generally considered to be the main target of previous skull shirts, is now dead and gone (rest in pieces assholes:))? Is Louis drawing attention to the livestream that band did a few days ago for their album ‘The End Complete’, and if so, is that also about Syco or about… something else? Inconclusive, but if we were meant to find their song “End It Now”, that can truly only be about one thing!! Am I to believe that SBB himself, Mr “I like to draw the fans’ attention to the lyrics of things” just, whoopsy, missed that! I mean, you would think every band on earth has lyrics about “ending it“ with the number of times he’s made that mistake, damn… he just never learns. Poor Louis, gosh how embarrassing! Lol. Anyway, I’ve seen people wondering lately what will happen when all the fans that have joined us in this time of lockdown and of no real contact with Louis will react when their version of Louis has to compete with the real one- and him barely being back at all but immediately reminding people that he is not a dad FFS feels like an excellent beginning, this should be good! BUCKLE IN friends! The real Louis is sooo much more fun than the boring made up one, just get ready to enjoy the chaotic energy and trying to keep up with him….
Oh also Louis liked a Snuts tweet about being underdogs as they fight to get the release week UK #1 for their new album, and a charity says they reached out to Louis AND LOTTIE to play in their celeb footie match PLEASE, HOW CUTE WOULD THAT BE? Come on Tomlinsons, say yes!
Liam has a big interview in Glamour to promote his BAFTAS performance! If *I* were doing the piece I would have really gone hard on the Two Liams angle of the performance (in which Liam will be accompanied by a hologram of himself) but alas they are boring and only interviewed one of him- maybe the part where he says “you're on stage, you're a certain type of person, and at home you're a certain type of person” sort of counts? The “that's always something I've really struggled with” makes it not so fun though, but that’s a Liam interview for ya; worrisome and makes you want to hug him a lot. “I didn't actually realize this for a long time, but I often give a little bit too much away,“ he says, and today is no exception. We catch up on the time since last we heard from him, when he told us he was going to take some well-earned time off and try to focus on writing new music; he continues to have difficulty with downtime unfortunately. Oh Liam, I do wish it were easier for you to take a break! He says, “I stopped working and I had a full, proper month off [and that was] really hard. And it was all a bit dark for me for a little bit... not being able to go anywhere, not being able to do anything. It really, really hit home. And I just found myself sat in the same place day in, day out. And I was like, okay, I really do not know what to do with myself” and “for me, learning to relax has always been quite a hard thing to do because I feel like if I'm not moving forward, then I must be going backwards.” He goes on to say “so, in a way it's kind of a blessing in disguise, as this has all kind of taught me to relax a little bit more. And to not be so worried about that, like the world is not going to fall over if I don't do something today,” and I wish I believed him, but that’s Liam’s way, to be like oh I need to add something upbeat and end on a cheerful note! So IDK. He also talks about drinking too much, at the beginning of lockdown especially, and how he’s dealt with it by getting back to working out and dieting. There’s nothing there that he hasn’t talked about before (he’s publicly addressed both his struggles with alcohol dependency and has talked a lot about his disordered eating though he hasn’t himself named it that) but after publication Glamour edited the piece to omit the part about his drinking-- I’m guessing the augmented reality app people didn’t feel it fit their ideal image (sigh). What that leaves is him saying how nice it was to be able to eat what he wanted during lockdown but that having the boundaries and rules in place of restricting his food again has made him feel better about himself, which if you ask me is still plenty distressing. Oh Liam :( <I’ve never wanted to hug someone so bad/ Spongebob meme> On a slightly more cheerful note, he tells us he feels supported and heard by a manager that he’s close to, and by Louis, and that those relationships are good for him (the interviewer does ask about Bear, but financee Maya is not mentioned even once in this article). The piece ends with a startling response to a comment about his upcoming performance: “I'll see you wherever you want me in your house, I guess.”
Niall posted about his Masters (golf) fantasy league and he was seen out and about! He was photographed in London driving a car the size of a house and on the street carrying one of his dozens of different reusable water bottles, with his hair floppy and down- is it a new haircut or just unstyled??- and shorts and little roundish shades. Hello Neil! There was a rumored sighting of Harry in London as well but no pics and like we know he’s there anyway so… shrug. And iHeart award nominations are up, and they’re pitting louies against harries, ouch. Will it be nasty (well when isn’t it even without this voted category, sigh), or will the louies simply steamroller everyone as per usual? Only time will tell, but if so harries can console themselves with their likely wins in the Male Artist of the Year, Best Lyrics (Adore You), and Song of the Year (WS) categories.
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ranty-ramblestein · 2 years
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(captions~) Today I also finished another NM Card, because apparently when I stopped harvesting crops, I had left it really close to finishing the related card??
Well, I didn’t have to empty my fields to finish it, so I quickly got the new keywords, which I actually used! (The old ones just seemed like he was bragging...)
After that, I went to the restaurant to expand it!  Glad I set up those duck roommates yesterday and unlocked this! Anyway, the actual build is below.  I mostly matched it to the lower floor, but I added a ton of cute deco~
pic 1: "Wait, I never finished this before I stopped harvesting!?" Croissant gaped, pulling out his golden watering can from storage. pic 2: The broken radio is up now, but... None of them are reacting to it, ugh. pic 3: Forgot to do the Bug-Off and sell bugs yesterday :( pic 4: I added a bunch of vines other here?  Might add some by the fairy circle, too. pic 5: I chose correctly! pic 6: Also, I wanted an even number of top and bottom mannequins. pic 7: "Thriving and Populace, huh...?" Croissant had a thought. pic 8: Instead of 'Rich Soul Mate', he's thriving! pic 10: "Yeah, I can't wait!" Croissant smiled.
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There are requirements for this room, surprisingly!  Probably because I should’ve gotten this before I unlocked the art gallery where I could go wild, lol.
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“OH!  I never made it Chatter here!?” Croissant gasped.
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No Chatter up here, since it’s private, but the pink lights continue!
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I made it a private date room, heh!
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I really like how this turned out!  The pillars were a nice addition to not make those corners so empty~ (...Maybe Counters would’ve fit there better instead of the vintage low tables.)
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Ok, Sparro is with Portia here, because she’s his latest client!  And when she asked to get dinner, he didn’t expect her to take him to a private room!  This is a business dinner for him!  He will drop his relationship status to a famous dog in this meeting!  He’s not cheating!!
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...Gonna take pics of Del and Tucker being in there, lol.
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sleevesareforlosers · 3 years
discussion group!
ok so you already knew i went as poison ivy but i want you to know about the shoes i wore because i didn’t post any pics of those they were bighuge black platform sneakers with these wraparound straps that were studded with silver spikes and red roses (like roses and thorns!! get it!!) and they were incredible
i made that truly godawful skirt but i guess some other things ive recently made were a bride of frankenstein themed epic kandi cuff, my halloween costume (!!) and uhhhh some terrible watercolor paintings for class. kind of running dry in the making things department i’m hoping once i get my class finals done i’ll have some time/energy back to make things that don’t suck <3
i don’t drink tea!!!!! i am a godless heathen who doesn’t drink tea OR coffee (im very very picky. #justautisticthings)
my favorite kind of fall weather is when it’s still a little warm and it’s bright & sunny with a pretty blue sky but there’s crunchy leaves everywhere and it’s got just the tiniest crisp bite in the air/wind so when you go to a pumpkin patch or fall festival or something you can wear a cute jacket with the sleeves rolled up and you can drink hot chocolate or cider and it feels fitting
anyways good luck with the essays i love you and thank you for the strip of lace and the crunchy leaf! i am handing you a strip of leftover black cord curtain trim from my black parade costume from two years ago and a handful of shiny beads and buttons that are shaped like old fashioned shoes
here is pretzel going very fast!
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[ID: a picture of a medium sized golden curly-furred dog running and looking up at the camera with his tongue sticking out a tiny bit and his ears flopping behind him. he is right at the top of the image and the background (a paved path and grass with brown leaves on them) is blurry indicating that he is moving very fast. end ID]
!!! hello love!
YES ur costume looked so good and those shoes sound like they absolutely fucked oh my god??? i love that
oh !!!! thats SO much stuff and all sounds so cool hello?? the cuff sounds fucking breathtaking and im sure ur watercolours were awesome too!! fingers crossed for more motivation post-finals and also good luck w ur finals!!
askdfjh valid!! spiritually handing u a mug of hot chocolate
oh thats ALSO a good weather! i get those in spring more i think but its like. yeah thats a good vibe when it happens in october <3 had a shorts and croptop day yesterday which was insane but so nice
also ty!! gratefully accepting a little cording and some beads and buttons <3 AND a very fast pretzel!!!
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peaceoutofthepieces · 4 years
chapter 22.5
When My Phone Turns Off
You can all thank @ciaraparkie for pointing out that this is the best way of doing this particular plot point. You can assume it occurred yesterday after the events of chapter 22, or today before the events of the next chapter.
Jens is glad this is one of the days they’ve planned to meet up with Sander after school so they could all head to the skatepark together. He never thought he’d be so happy about such a thing, but he’s a little relieved to have that extra source of support. Robbe, however, gives him a worried glance and leans in close to him, asking, “Is it okay that Sander’s here?”
Jens purses his lips and nods, squeezing Robbe’s shoulder reassuringly. Sander notices, and obviously understands, asking, “You’re doing that today?”
“Yeah,” Jens sighs, glancing at Moyo and Aaron a few paces ahead. He doesn’t know why he’s worried. At this point, they’ve spent enough time with Robbe and Sander that it’d be impossible to still be secretly hiding any problem with it. At least, he thinks so. At this point, they’re actively supportive. 
But for Jens to come out now, months later...he’s worried it’s going to be a little weird. Again. 
“Yo, pussies,” Moyo calls back to them. “Are you planning on actually making it to the park today or what?”
Jens flips him off and he laughs, pushing Aaron ahead of him and jogging on down the street. Robbe gives Jens a small smile and Sander gives his back a reassuring pat. Jens takes a breath and follows them. 
At the skatepark, he sits at the top of a ramp with Sander and watches the others do a few runs. He waits for Robbe to start showing off, but he’s too busy sending glances at them to try many tricks. Sander watches him in awe regardless, sitting silently next to Jens with his camera at the ready. 
“You don’t have to tell them today, you know,” Sander says. “When Robbe asked, he was trying to rush you.”
Jens sighs. “I know. Of course I know that. But I’ve already been not telling them for weeks.”
“Yeah but you’ve only known for weeks. You don’t owe it to anyone to tell them. Not if you don’t want to, not before you’re ready.”
“It’s different, though,” Jens points out. “With Lucas. There’s more to it than just telling them I’m bi.”
“You’re what?”
Jens and Sander look up to find Moyo standing behind them, face surprised as he stares at Jens. Jens can’t see any malice there, any disgust, and yet his chest tightens all the same. It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. He was supposed to actually tell them, not have them overhear. Sander sends him a look, worried and apologetic, and Jens simply shrugs. He isn’t going to take it back now, even if it isn’t going exactly as planned. 
He didn’t have that much of a plan in the first place. 
He catches Robbe’s gaze and beckons him over, watching him collect Aaron on his way. Moyo sits down next to Jens as Robbe jogs up and tucks himself into Sander’s side. Once Aaron’s seated next to Moyo, Jens twists around to face them and tries to be comforted by the knowledge of Robbe and Sander at his back. Moyo’s eyes flit over his face, questioning. “You’re bi?”
“What?” Aaron asks, mouth dropping open. 
Jens smiles slightly and gives them a small shrug. “Yeah.”
Moyo licks his lips, shaking his head, as Aaron blinks at him. “Since when?” Moyo asks.
Jens hears Sander huff a laugh. “Since always, I guess. Since when have I known? A few weeks.
Moyo nods, looking straight ahead. Aaron looks between the two of them before settling his focus on Jens. “And what,” he pauses, clearing his throat, “what made you, uhm, realise this?”
Jens bites his lip, debates for a second, and then says, “It was Moyo, actually.”
Moyo whips back around to look at him, wide-eyed. “Me?” he demands, as Robbe bursts out laughing. 
Jens joins him, giggling lightly as he says, “No, not like that. Damn. I mean, when you told us to check out other YouTube channels, I...I found this guy.” Moyo nods in understanding and waits for him to continue. Jens sighs. “It’s kind of a long story?”
Moyo shares a look with Aaron, then shrugs. He offers Jens a smile. “We’ve got time.”
So, Jens tells them much the same story as he told Robbe. He allows himself to go into a little more detail, backtracking when he realises he’s left something out. Robbe points these out occasionally, when Jens gets lost and starts going too fast, but aside from that there aren’t many interruptions. Moyo and Aaron listen intently, as does Sander, taking in Jens’s full account of the story instead of Robbe’s passed-on information. It makes his chest pinch, talking about it again, talking about it out loud, reminding himself of Lucas at all. It also feels therapeutic, more so than when he talked about it with Robbe, when the hurt was still too raw, the wound still too fresh. There’s still a thread of pain there, twined tightly with a spool of anger, all doused in the overwhelming feeling of loss that he’d felt even before blocking the boy, as soon as the realisation had set in. 
Moyo and Aaron are silent when he’s done, taking it all in, considering. Jens doesn’t expect to get anything new out of this, doesn’t expect them to give him any reassurance that Robbe hasn’t already. 
Still, they try. 
“Maybe he is telling the truth, though?” Aaron tries. “About you, I mean. It sounds like he was being sincere?”
Moyo nods. “Yeah, man. Like, why would you go to that much work just for a joke? And why would he follow you, like your posts and shit if he was just playing a game?”
“He didn’t know it was me,” Jens points out. 
“When he followed you, yeah,” Moyo agrees. “But after that? It doesn’t fit. Why would he flirt with you, and come out to you and whatever all for a joke? I would’ve been the kind of person to take the piss like that and I never would have gone to that much effort. That’d take like, a seriously sick person. And I don’t think this dude is like that. Really.”
Jens sighs, slumping until his back hits Sander’s shoulder. Sander makes a small noise of protest, but doesn’t push him off. Robbe laughs quietly and says, “I’ve already told you all this, but if Moyo thinks it's sick and wouldn’t do it, I can’t imagine Lucas would. Imagine how much of a dick he’d have to be.”
Moyo flips Robbe off, but also gestures his agreement. Jens smiles, shaking his head at them. “I was hoping you two would be on my side,” he jokes. 
“Well this whole not thinking he’s really into you thing reminds me of another situation,” Moyo points out, with a pointed look over Jens’s shoulder. Sander squeezes Robbe closer to his side and drops a kiss onto his head. “And it worked out okay for them.”
“He has a point,” Sander shrugs, purposefully jostling Jens and earning a grumble in answer. “If he really means that much to you, maybe it’s worth fighting for him.”
“Or at least forgiving him,” Robbe adds softly. Jens looks back at him and Robbe gives a little shrug. “You’ll never be able to let it go if you leave it without some kind of resolution. You’ll always either be mad or wondering if you were wrong. Or both.”
Jens really hates when Robbe’s right. 
Still, he shakes his head. “I can’t go back on myself now. I definitely can’t be the one to reach out. That’s a whole new level of pathetic.”
Aaron shrugs. “Maybe he’d like you taking pathetic to a new level.”
Moyo looks around him and makes a face. “What the fuck, man? No. He’s not doing that.” He turns back to Jens. “You’re not doing that, right?”
“Right,” Jens agrees quickly. Even if he’s willing to forgive Lucas, or at least hear him out, at least consider that he was honest about his feelings, he isn’t going to go crawling back to him. Ever. Lucas doesn’t deserve that amount of attention from him. But, maybe he could be convinced to unblock him, eventually. To leave the ball in Lucas’s court. 
He’ll have probably already moved on by then, anyway. 
“What does this guy look like, anyway?” Aaron questions. “Did you do as well as Robbe?”
Jens snorts as Sander grins, but he pulls up a pic of Lucas. “Nice,” Sander says. 
Jens twists around to look at him. “Robbe didn’t show you?” Sander shakes his head, so Jens passes him the phone. 
Sander considers the last image Lucas posted, complete with his personal favourite black and white filter, and simply comments, “Cute. I understand why you’d watch his videos.”
Robbe makes an indignant sound and Jens laughs, passing the phone to Moyo and Aaron, who huddle together to examine it. They both hum, and Aaron shrugs as Moyo gives the phone back to Jens. “I mean, he’s no Sander, but…”
“But he’s pretty fucking pretty?” Jens finishes. “Yeah. I know.”
Sander reaches around Jens to pinch his cheek. “But not as pretty as you,” he cooes. Jens bats him away. 
“Listen, we can’t tell you what to do, but Robbe’s right. I think you should give him a second chance,” Moyo says.
Jens raises a brow. “Honestly, I didn’t think you’d be so…”
“Supportive?” Robbe offers.
“I was gonna say chill but, yeah, actually.”
Moyo huffs, looking away from them as he says. “I get that last time wasn’t my best moment but...I’m not good at apologising, okay? I know I’m not good at these things. I’m learning. But you know I love you, man,” he punches Jens’s arm. “That’s enough, yeah?”
Jens nods, returning his smile. Since the start of their friendship, Moyo’s been closer to Jens than he ever was to Robbe. Their friendship maybe even improved after everything, when Moyo made it clear that even though he wasn’t sure how to react and didn’t know how to be supportive at the time, he wasn’t willing to lose Robbe over it. Jens is glad the same sentiment extends to him, and that he’s coming out at a time where they’re all a bit more educated. 
“It won’t be a problem anymore if you’re all done coming out to me,” Moyo points out, giving Aaron a look. It takes Aaron a moment to notice him, but then he starts sputtering, pointing out that he already has a girlfriend and being hit back with the reminder that all three of the others also had girlfriends. 
“Okay but wait,” Aaron says, returning his attention to Jens. “Does this mean you’d fuck me?”
“Man,” Moyo says, as Robbe and Jens start laughing.
“No. Sorry bro,” Jens apologises. 
Aaron groans. “Who, out of us then?”
“Obviously me,” Moyo says.
“No,” Jens laughs. “Out of you? Sander.”
“Really?” Sander asks, sounding genuinely intrigued.
Robbe moves from under his arm, sitting up to pout at them. “Hey, Sander wasn’t an option last time, it’s supposed to be out of the Broerrrs.” 
“Sander is an honorary Broerrr,” Jens points out.
“True, but Robbe’s right,” Moyo says. “Sander wasn’t an option last time.”
“Then Robbe,” Jens says immediately. Robbe cheers, offering Jens a fist bump.
“Seriously?” Aaron gawks. “What the fuck.”
“You’re last again, man,” Moyo laughs.
Aaron protests, “No, he didn’t pick between us.” Moyo rolls his eyes, but they both look to Jens. Jens points at Moyo and Aaron groans.
While they’re laughing, Jens feels at peace. He realises that, for a moment, he’d completely forgotten about Lucas.
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5sosbitchfest · 4 years
Alrighty, Nonsters.  We currently have 290 Asks in our box!  As much as we might try, I know there is NO WAY we’re going to be able to get through all of them.  Everything exploded this weekend when MessyGate went down!   I don’t want to ignore any asks just because I already answered a similar one.  So, I’ve tried to gather as many similar Asks as possible to let your your voices be heard.  Y’all are definitely NOT alone in your feelings.  Get ready for a lot of opinions on Messy’s Twitter Drama.  
Also, if you sent in an Ask and we haven’t answered it yet, please feel free to resubmit it!  I do try to scroll through all of them but it is a daunting task and personal stuff and work make it difficult for me to get through everything in a timely manner!
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I’m really disappointed in Luke and this band in general, the way they deal with things. “honest policy” with messy? So he knew all of this and it was okay? Or he confronted her on this and he is okay with what she has done? I’m not sure this whole thing would be a deal breaker for me, but it certainly would make me real mad at my SO and some whiny excuses wouldn’t be enough to make things alright. Radio silence would’ve been much better than that story he posted, made himself look like a fool.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: These girls will sooner or later become their downfall if their management or them does not realise they should rely on other things than bringing relationship up front to sell their music. I find it extremely bad that they are behaving as if nothing happened, I hope there will be changes once touring will be possible again and we won’t see these girls tagging along everywhere or being brought up in interviews all the time but somehow I’m not counting too much on that.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I wonder if Luke knows everything that Messy got exposed for or just the parts Messy wanted to show him. Bc Luke said in his Story that he wasn't online lately so maybe he wasn't on Twitter too and Messy just showed him the parts that make her look good and he still doesn't know that she spoke bad about Ashton or how she stalked the fans also after she knew that they didn't hack his email adress cause he wasn't on Twitter so he couldn't see the screenshots.🤷‍♀️
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I'm just waiting for the day one of them date someone who isn't a part of their circle. tired of them passing around the same toxic girls.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: These girls are just digging a whole for these guys and they want be able to get out of it soon
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: It was a chicken move for Sierra to do it as a reply and no one has talked on twitter that she deleted it because they probably think her deleting it is saying it wasn’t true
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Am I the only one who thinks that guys really only heavily interact with us when they want to promote something or say something about the music? I do understand they have lives so being on Twitter isn't number one priority and with all the drama that surrounds this fandom its very easy to not want to be online a lot, I just can't help but feel that way
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I'm talking about this messy situation (no pun intended) with my friend and she said to me that Messy should consider changing her career if she can't handle that not all people are going to like her. (that ofc doesn't include any form of harassment bc that's not cool)
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I really don't know how to feel about the Luke situation. At first I was upset and disappointed of Luke but now I almost pity him bc real or not either the management would want Luke to defend her or Messy. And I think Luke isn't the kind of person who would stand up against the management or Messy (even though it would probably be better for him if he would). And most people don't realise when they're in a toxic relationship so I can't really blame him. I just hope this ends asap.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I literally was so angry and frustrated with Luke and this whole situation yesterday that I couldn’t even look at him on my home screen, I had to change it. It’s really a disappointing thing to witness. Whether management put him up to this or he genuinely believes this toxicity is okay, I’m just very grumpy with him at the moment. He deserves better and WE (the fans) deserve better.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I think Luke really needs to be in a relationship with sb who either isn't famous and doesn't want to be or with someone who is famous bc they have a successful career too and who doesn't need Like to be famous.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I’ve only seen a few accounts on Twitter who are attacking Messy and Crusty to the core and exposing every bad thing they’ve done with receipts for the sossies defending them! I’m happy that karma is finally getting to those con artist who think they can get away with anything
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: that recent lierra picture is photoshoped lmao. if you look at Sierra's hand you can see color coming off from it and her arm looks hella weird.her forehead looks hella weird and look couldn't have taken the picture because I doubt that he could stretch his arm that far and make a perfect picture. also we haven't even seen Sierra's face so I still don't believe they're together
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: The Lemon pic was like a punch in the face (even though Petunia and Luke are looking cute there). But I've been asking myself lately if Luke has seen the whole drama going around on Twitter or just the posts Messy wanted him to know so the ones who make her look like the victim (and not the ones where she insulted Ashton or she made it clear that she stalked his fans). Cause Luke said he hasn't been online lately.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I mean we dont know how much of the story he truly is aware of and how much s changed to fit her narrative and get L to feel bad for her. Plus he was under pressure from management to do damage control and not standing up for his gf is a very bad look for outsiders who dont understand why she's at fault. It was a pretty neutral statement and he was obviously told to make the post so I dont blame him and just blame her more for putting him in the situation in the 1st place
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I wonder how much toxicity happens behind the scenes, we know S is very manipulative and L is very much a people pleaser so.. and with how much they have to sell their "love" and "happiness" in the relationship. Minipulation is a powerful thing and it could explain why hes out of touch with reality, especially lately since he's isolated with her and doesnt have the voices of the band to raise any concerns and he's been getting skinny again and seems very "meh" rather than happy, idk
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I feel so disconnected with this fandom rn. I feel like no one is streaming CALM and that makes me sad bc it's such an amazing album. The boys aren't even online anymore, everyone is mad at each other and now Luke comes up with this shit... tbh I wish I would wake up tomorrow and see him tweeting something like yeah I'm sorry about my ig story I still love y'all lmao
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Wait wait wait wait ive been gone from the fandom for a little while now and what the fuck is going on with Luke and S? What did S do that she made a fake ass apology for?? I’m so lost please help me! 😂
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I'm seeing a lot of my mutuals unstanning and I'm just so mad bc Sierra started this drama and got Luke into it and I'm sad that people are leaving bc of this, it's just too much toxicity and it shouldn't affect the band and their connection with the fans but with Luke saying this he makes it seem like he supports the ugly things she does
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I am a Luke stan and I've always loved him bc he has inspired me so much through the years but when he does this things it's like...damn. I feel like he's invalidating the fans' feelings by being like "if you don't like my girlfriend, ur fake" like he has never noticed me on Twitter or anything but my biggest fear is to be blocked by him or just ignored bc I don't like her (although I never expressed it publicly) n yeah anyways :// It feels weird
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Going back and re-reading the DM’s messy literally confirms that she accesses Luke’s account by saying “we couldn’t get in” or some shit like that
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I hate being a luke stan, sometimes it just seems like he doesn't care? he always puts these toxic gfs before the ones who adore him and pay his bills. might just move into Cashton's lane. unproblematic kings.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: He literally posted a picture of him cuddling her and petunia within the hour
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: The saddest part of this situation is it’s like a repeat of Arzaylea. Luke has no idea what a respectful, mature relationship is. We saw it with Arz and were seeing it again it’s just a little bit different. He stays being controlled and manipulated by toxic partners. I really think homeboy needs to be single for a WHILE and focus on himself. He needs to unlearn the things his past and current relationships have taught him about love because if I know anything, it’s that this ain’t real love.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Is it bad that I just want the larzaylea drama back?? Like everyone could at least agree on their feelings then...
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Just checked messy’s insta and of course, everyone that still supports her filled her tagged with just the single picture
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I feel like the reason Sierra is getting away with what she’s done is because she isn’t that known. Like yeah she’s associated with 5sos, but they’re also like not that big which is probably why it’s getting swept under the rug. I’ve only seen the 5SOS fandom calling her out for her actions. If this had happened with a well known celebrity, they probably would’ve been dragged and been trending on Twitter. I might be wrong but I feel like this is what’s happening which is just unfair.
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shiro-0197 · 3 years
Oh I'm glad you got to rest more today tho!! Are you feeling okay this morning?? HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!!! Will you be doing anything special to celebrate it?
Fan-Haikyuu team? (I may just be dumb, but is that when you think of actors who fit the Haikyuu characters?😭😭😭I'm probably wrong but that sounds really cool) I'm just taking a short break from work, and I'll continue again in a while ^-^
in that case I sincerely hope you have something every morning :] (question: rice or noodles??) Oh I see!! I don't drink milk with my tea... I've never tried it because my mom always says tea is better without milk (but maybe that's just her 😝) but I love green tea the most.
aaah that's just so precious. And yeah the mbti test was pretty hard for me too, but I like my classification a lot. It sums me up perfectly, now that I think about it.
YOUR QUICHES ARE PROBABLY TO DIE FOR ISTG. Pizza's are also a good way to sneak cheese in! I made some yesterday for dinner and I'm pretty sure I used a lot more cheese than needed xD but oh well, cheese is bae 😼🤚
omg your parrot sounds ADORABLE! What's its name? And ksjdksks yes toads are very cute too :> they're like creatures mostly found in fairy tails, so I find that nice. But yes, in general, all animals are perfect and deserve love :) my club's logo is a lion, so I kinda like lions too (they're just big cats with pretty hair tbh)
You're tempting me to not do it, sir— 😼
omg noooo I'm sobbing that's fullproof istg. But yeah smh amateurs :] were the stories any interesting, or was it just school books related to the syllabus ? We don't have that here tbh we just have the literature components to our language studies, and that's the only books they make us read (but everyone buys the summary from bookshops so no one ever reads the whole book anyways)
thank you for reminding me, my precious cookie, I'll certainly keep that in mind and take more frequent rests :) I hope you do the same too, and smile often!! (I'm sure you have the prettiest smile), and of course, a wonderful day ahead.
AKDBDLSBDKSK NOOOOO SCIENCE PUNS I'M MELTING. 😝That's so cute, because you're Hydrogen; my number 1 !!
Love you love you LOVE YOU!
Hey hey!! I'm feeling great, I've had a headache since the pillow said "fuck you" and somehow got messed up, but I took a pill and had a drink, and ow I'm better:D Thank youu!! I'm not sure I will, since my mom is going to a relative's birthday and im gonna stay at home alone, so might as well just make myself grilled cheese while watching Netflix. But, if i were at school right now, we'd definitely have a festival (or as close as we can get to a festival, considering the school's budget) or something similar to that, hehe. The school really made a huge deal out of holidays. I really miss it sometimes, cuz it never feels like a holiday at home, even during new years:/
Ohh, I meant like, creating original characters and shoving them all into the HQ universe and making it a team. Lemme show you the least of the team members xD
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We're still working on the staff and the leftover characters' designs. I made school and volleyball uniform, but they dont look great so I'll probably work on them more!!! Me, Kuro & Liza (the friend) are making it, with Kuro being the main artist and Liza creating the characters. I'm responsible for the stuff. It's pretty fun. Hahah, sorry for rambling like that, it's like a personal passion project, and it's the only productive thing I can do while having fun, so I'm very happy about it~
I really love noodles♡ anything related to noodles is my favorite. If only you'd see me freaking out when I see spaghetti on our school menu XD I wish we got to make noodle soup more often. I love it so much😭
I only prefer rice when it's really spicy. I love spicy stuff a lot, and plain rice/rice soup feels really weird and my picky ass doesnt like it. I also love Pilaf (we call it plov here), it's not always spicy but it still tastes good😝
Oh, I think you should try it! It's really good, kind of plain but still nice. I'm really picky about my tea and I havent drunk any good tea in ages, but I remember a really nice cafe that served PERFECT green tea. I miss it😩 It was when I went on a school event, we got to roam around the city (with the teachers of course, because most have no idea where they are haha), and I visited that cafe, and I absolutely loved everything about it.
OH YEAH, but pizzas are really thin and get eaten fast, while quiches and pies are more fulfilling XD that's just me probs but still~
Ahhh, my parrot's name was Molly! Though only after her death I realised that it was indeed a "he", which was awkward. But the shopkeeper said it's a girl, and we were uneducated, so it's not our fault XD it was the cutest, tbh. It loved running after my pens when we played on the table. Sadly, my disgrace of a father kept reopening the front door in winter and overfeeding it when I wasn't home, so the parrot passed away:( one more reason to hate the old man, haha~ dont worry, I'm over it :D
Omg!! Lions, lions are so wonderful🥺🥺 Our school logo is a bird,
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Hopefully it's visible. The pic is transparent, sorry for that XD
The stories weren't the best. There were children's turkish books, a few kazakh classics, a Harry Potter book (I hadnt gotten a chance to read or watch them, but after the Rowling situation I kind of lost any wish to somehow associate with the books) and honestly the Russian ones were the only readable ones:D (also, what little cheaters they are XD tbh our guys probably would do the same)
I'll try my best to smile whenever I can~ itll be easy if i just keep you in mind, shortcake;D
Ohhh that one is adorable!! I love you muchh😭🥺💕💕
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angrylizardjacket · 5 years
and everything that goes with it; i thank you all
A/N: So........ ash v. social media v. borhap cast i guess??? no-one asked for this, but i love them.
It definitely starts as a joke.
“Hey, Ma Rocket?” Joe’s filming on his phone during a costume trial. With her arms crossed, Ash is partially hidden by Rami who’s spinning, the frills of his shirt fanning out around him. She’s frowning, thoughtful and pensive, but when Joe calls, she turns to him, eyebrows raised and expectant.
“Aye?” She’s not smiling, mind obviously still pondering over the fit of Rami’s costume, but it’s a clear enough acknowledgement that Joe’s response is clearly spoken through a smile.
“You responded; you’re the on-set mom now.” He declares. Ben laughs from somewhere off camera. “No takebacks.” Joe follows it up with, but Ash is already wearing a longsuffering look of resignation. The video cuts off before she can flip him off, but her movements are too deliberate to be misconstrued as anything else. The video is released almost a full year later, once the NDA has been lifted on the movie and Behind the Scenes pictures and videos start flooding out, but at that point the joke had moved beyond being just that.
Ash is not hard won; kindness and respect win her loyalty easily, it’s just that those traits are sometimes hard to come by in this industry, and she’s often dismissed because of her age, especially by younger performers. Bohemian Rhapsody is different, of course in part because they all know who she is by virtue of who they’re playing,
Joe’s not her favourite, not officially, and neither is Ben, much to his quiet disappointment; officially her favourite is Karen, and everyone else is tied second, but each of them holds a very special place in her heart and soon that begins to bleed into her social media, as well as some of theirs. Ash gets Instagram at Joe’s behest, only a month before the world premiere of Bohemian Rhapsody. It’s not as if she’s lived her life in obscurity, but come the turn of the millennium, her time at the edge of the spotlight had mostly come to an end, and she had been able to continue her work behind the curtain of pop culture for almost twenty years. This was all new, and unexpected, but she tried to take it in stride.
So she follows the cast, of course, follows Roger and Brian and the Official Queen page, as well as any of her friends or former clients she can find, and much to their horror, her children. Okay so her son isn’t horrified since he’s a public figure and he doesn’t use it for personal photos, but both her daughters have posted pictures of themselves in bikinis, and they thought they’d be safe since Roger followed them after the photos were posted, and at least he never went back and liked any of their old photos. Ash likes every single photoeach of her children has even posted, and all three are a little horrified.
That’s a cute one of us at Bonfire Night!! Is one of the many comments she leaves across the entire timeline of Astrid’s Instagram history, this particular one being from a 2014 photo, and so Astrid herself posts a screenshot of her mother blowing up her notification on her story.
@joemazzello what have you done
Joe subsequently posts a screenshot of a set of DMs between himself and Astrid on his own story.
Yesterday @ 3:47am
@astro_winnie: then tell him to change his oil
@astro_winnie: what a heathen
Today @ 1:21pm
@astro_winnie has mentioned you in her story
@joemazzello: What exactly are you accusing me of here?
@astro_winnie: mum didn’t have an Instagram yesterday 🤔🤔
@astro_winnie: I don’t know how but this is your fault
@joemazzello: she’s just having fun 😂😂
The whole conversation is captioned ’Well anyways, go follow Ma Rocket @rockettaylor49’. The following picture on his story, posted ten minutes later, is a clarification that he isn’t actually Ash’s son, that it’s just a nickname. Even so, Ash’s actual son gets a photo with him at the premiere and caption it ‘brother from another mother (probably) @joemazzello’ and it goes viral on both Tumblr and Twitter.
Ash’s first official post is a picture of herself and Freddie, a Polaroid of the two of them aged beyond belief, taken in 1969. It’s the only photo she had when she was still in uni, and even she seems surprised to see it. Roger finds her staring at it, expression blank as she looks at where they keep it, pride of place, over the mantle. Without even asking, he understands, and he presses a kiss to her temple.
’@rockettaylor49: My favourite client helped me with this caption, he said I should remind you all that you can have more than one love of your life, and that that love isn’t necessarily romantic. To me, Freddie was family from the moment I met him, and I love and miss him every day. Freddie & Me. 1969.’
The post is flooded with love and support and more heart emojis than you can shake a stick at, and it’s not long before she’s amassed a large following. The only outlier in the initial comments comes from her second daughter, Cate.
@cate.astrophy: @rogertaylorofficial got upgraded to favourite client. nice.
The entire rest of the family, as well as a few random unknowns, like the comment.
Ash’s aesthetic is surprisingly clean; old photos from back in the day, old initial costume designs in sketchbooks, the paper gold with age and colours faded, but still with her initial notes scribbled neatly around the edges. The only modern things she posts are photos of shopping bags filled with fabric she’s just purchased, and photos of her friends and family.
There’s only one selfie on her page. Its Ash, poorly framed if only to keep Joe in focus behind her where he’s leaning against the door to a trailer and double over with laughter, with Ben glaring through the window at both of them.
’@rockettaylor49: Trixie gave me a selfie stick and Ben tried to confiscate it when he heard me say 'selfie’ so he was locked out. Usually I was with Roger on the other side of the door back when Deaky was locking us out of places… What a terrible influence he was!! But anyways here you all go, my first selfie. Me & Trixie featuring My Disrespectful Boy, Ben. 2018.’
The way the cast call her ‘Ma’ definitely started out as a joke, mostly between Joe, Ben, and Ash, but it slowly spreads to the others.
“Where’s The Golden Boy?” Ash calls on set, holding a cap for Rami, who was warming up. It’s rather endearing, the way he jogs to her wearing a smile.
“Here, Ma, what do you need from me?” 
“Hat.” Is all she says, presenting it to him. They’ve always had a soft spot for each other, having worked together on Night At the Museum and it’s sequels for several years. He was one of the last to pick up the habit of calling her ‘ma’, after spending so long calling her Rocket, but he’s grown into it, they all have. Even some of the crew have taken to using the nickname, or some variation.
And maybe she leans into it, leans into her age and her wisdom, and they know they’re sort of telling her story too, but there’s a disconnect when they look at her, at her greying hair and the deep laugh lines around her mouth, and they forget who exactly she is. Though sometimes, rarely, they’re given sharp reminders.
There’s a video on Gwil’s phone that he later puts on Instagram once he has her permission, and the NDA has come to an end, of Ash on the set of Live Aid. She’s sitting on the edge of the stage, legs hanging over the edge, and Roger’s in front of her, at the perfect height to rest his chin on her knees. 
“Do you think you can still do that impression of yours?” Roger’s voice is barely audible, but he’s grinning, and Ash cards a hand through his short, white hair.
“Which- oh, the Freddie- oh Christ,” she laughs, “this’d be the place for it, aye?” And she starts clearing her throat, about the time that Roger spots Gwil and his curious camera.
“Sorry, was just trying to catch a video of the empty stadium,” Gwil’s voice can be heard, and Roger laughs, which causes Ash to turn. Seeing Gwil, she smiles, and nods at the camera.
“You’re gonna wanna get a video of this,” Roger grins, nudging Ash’s knee, and she turns an amusing shade of pink, struggling to her feet. Gwil rushes forward to help her up, but Ash brushes him off.
“I used to do this with Freds to help him warm up, and whenever I was side of stage,” she says, a strangely fond smile on her face as she reminisces, “I’m no singer, never have been, this is probably as close as I’ll get,” she warned, looking straight at the camera.
Taking a deep breath, she clears her throat, and belts out ‘ay-oh’. As if being summoned by a siren, everyone who can hear her, responds in kind. Smiling, pleased, she continues with the bit, as does everyone else, slowly gathering around her. It sounds uncannily like Freddie, and she holds an arm out to Rami to join her in leading the gathered crowd, which he agrees to with a bright grin, which ends with him yelling ‘hey, hey, hey, Hammer to Fall!’ and Ash, as well as the rest of the crew, bursts out into laughter.
The video’s posted with the caption ‘Ash Mercury in her prime’. All three of Ash and Roger’s kids comment about how they hadn’t heard her do that in so long, and not for the first time, Gwilym finds himself marveling at what it would be like to have Ash and Roger as actual parents.
Once the camera’s off, Ash  talks quietly about how she and Freddie used to practice it, because he couldn’t teach Ash to sing to save his life, but he’d be damned if he couldn’t teach her this.
“He was like, an actual brother to her,” Ben says quietly when he and the other three boys are gathered together, checking in before they finally started filming.
“Yeah, it’s crazy to think some times; she took his last name for a full fifteen years," Rami muses, and there’s something that warms in his heart whenever he catches Ash’s wistful gaze as she watches them perform, quietly grateful.
There’s a few videos here and there from set from Ash, little moments she finds endearing, usually set to music;
She catches her son, Barney, and his partner dancing to Seaside Rendezvous alone in the makeup truck, joyful and bright, they sway together to the beat as her son sings along, and his partner laughs fondly, pressing their smile against his chest as he tries to make kazoo noises.
When Cate, her middle daughter, comes to set, she takes a seat by the piano and plays the opening for Seven Seas of Rhye.
“That’s the one he wrote for you, isn’t it?” She turns, beaming, and Ash sits beside her. Again, Cate plays the opening, and Ash hums along, out of key, and Cate swallows her own gentle laughter, instead singing along.
Karen Gillan has a perm in order to play Ash, but unlike Joe, she appears to have no trouble in it, actually takes great pride in it. Ash has caught the rest of the cast, on several different occasions, using it to take photos of themselves with a stunning, ginger beard, which amuses her to no end, as it was something Roger was want to do on occasion when he got bored back in the day.
On the night of the Oscars, at the afterparty, Ash uploads two videos in the same post, one from set, and one from that night. They’re simply captioned ‘Me & The Champions. 2018/19′.
The video from on set is from the final day; Ash’s hands are shaking the camera slightly, but her voice is loud and clear, ringing throughout the set; 
“Where are my kids?” And like clockwork, Ben, Gwilym, Rami, and Joe all come out from various places, followed by Lucy and Karen, all giving her fond looks.
“Oh man, I’m gonna miss my set-mom,” Joe looks like the thought genuinely pains his heart, and as the realization dawns on the others, there’s a fond and faintly forlorn expression mirrored on all their faces. Joe’s the first to go in for the hug, despite Ash’s faint ‘oh Jesus Christ, Trixie’, but they all soon join.
The second video is from right after the Oscars awards ceremony, when most of the cast and crew who’d been attending are doing photo opportunities, and while Brian and Roger are already with them, Ash had hung back.
“It’s so good to see all my kids in the one place!” She calls, and Joe’s expression lights up as he hears her voice.
“Ma, we won!” Rami holds up his Oscar with delight, already a little tipsy, as were the rest of them as they crowd Ash, all wrapping her up in a group hug. Someone’s humming We Are The Champions. Ash suspects Joe. But she takes delight in the moment anyways, pride flaring bright in her chest.
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Savannah, Jac, Amelia & Isabelle
Savannah: What are we doing to get party ready? Savannah: because I vote we hit the spa to get our collective ✨ back Savannah: it should be ILLEGAL how my skin looks Jac: No way, I was JUST thinking how good your skin looked like THIS morning Jac: but it's never NOT a good time for the spa too though so 🤭 Savannah: your hype is everything! I don't even deserve how flawless you are in a beyond skin deep way Savannah: but yes to the spa being my go to fave ^^ Amelia: I can't Jac: only giving what you put out, it is beyond deserved ❤❤ Jac: Why not Meelie? Amelia: I'll be at the party but the only way I could be there too is if my mum comes with and NOBODY wants that Jac: Your mum is fun Amelia: not that fun Jac: Doesn't [some boujee place they'd like] have a 10% discount right now, Savvy? Jac: they do THE BEST facials Savannah: 👏🏾 Yes! You have the BEST taste & I think it's actually gone up to 15% 🙌🏾 Isabelle: Awh 😟 it sounds like so much fun but mine won't give me any money and I'm so broke after getting those new trainers Savannah: Don't be silly! It's totally my treat, Is Savannah: your pores shouldn't have to stay clogged for the sake of those trainers Jac: That is so generous of you 🥺🥺 Jac: I NEED a hot oil hair treatment like yesterday, I don't know why it's so dry right now but it's not a mood Savannah: your hair looked beautiful yesterday & if you don't believe me, I literally heard so many girls from the year above talking about it so Jac: 😳😳😳 Jac: well I KNOW Ty heard those 6th years talking about you, he was so jealous, bless him 🥰 Savannah: I was in the bathroom overwhelmed by sadness & I heard your name over & over, it felt seriously fated Savannah: oh my god, he refuses to tell me what they sad, I've given him the full 🥺 & everything Savannah: *said Amelia: maybe you need bigger eyelashes Savannah: Do you think? Jac: Oh my God, where even was I? Boo! 😖 You should have called so I could come find you Jac: no way, you like, INVENTED puppy dog eyes, your natural lashes are so thick and dark Jac: he's just saving your blushes, so cute Savannah: ugh, my phone was like dying because Sienna had all this drama with a girl in her class earlier Savannah: 🥰 you're so cute, I can't even handle all these compliments Jac: Is she okay or do we need to talk to this girl? Jac: her year is vicious, I swear Savannah: she says she's okay but she can't hide how upset she is from me Jac: You're way too empathetic, you know her inside out Jac: Poor Sienna, does she want to come too? Savannah: that's SUCH a great idea, I'll ask her Jac: We could all get matching nails Isabelle: Sorry...mum called Isabelle: won't that be really expensive though? are you super sure Sav? Savannah: of course, Is Savannah: it's not like I need a new outfit for Erin's house party Isabelle: Yay, thank you so much! 😁 So you can come too Meels? Amelia: No Amelia: it wasn't about the money, remember? Isabelle: 😥 you don't want to be left out though Amelia: there's nothing I can do about that Isabelle: oh that's such a shame Isabelle: I'll bring you back some of those mini cakes and sandwiches they do Amelia: thanks Amelia: I'll see you at Erin's Jac: Are you sure there's no way? Amelia: you've really forgotten the 📅 haven't you? Jac: Oh, it's her birthday Jac: right? Amelia: yeah Savannah: we should send her 💐 from all of us Savannah: I love your mum Jac: Are you definitely coming to the party then? Amelia: I'll be there Amelia: Erin throws a good party Jac: 💐 is a great idea, we can go pick them out Jac: what are you doing with her today then? Amelia: 🎭🩰 totally not my thing but my dad won't take her Amelia: she doesn't think I will either, so it'll be stay a huge surprise Jac: That's really nice, she'll love it Jac: I'd love to go sometime Savannah: Ballet lessons were the highlight of my Saturday when I was little, I was obsessed Savannah: mainly for the outfits though 😄 Jac: I can so picture you with your little bun 😊 adorable Savannah: [pics because she's that bitch] Jac: 😭😭😭😭 Jac: how have you always been PERFECT Jac: I was so ugly 😬😂 Amelia: no you weren't Jac: I so was Jac: you and Is were really sweet and I was so 😱😱 Jac: never mind the puppy fat, yikes Amelia: the fringe my mum forced me to have was not sweet 😣 Savannah: I'm with Amelia, you were definitely such an 👼🏻👶🏻 Amelia: she was Amelia: [pics of them all as kids but especially her being bffs with Jac to make that point to Savannah like] Jac: You guys are so sweet Jac: I love you Isabelle: I look exactly the same is that a good or a bad thing Amelia: 😂 Amelia: better than looking like 👧🏻 Amelia: I'm literally an emoji Isabelle: Iconic, some would say Isabelle: 🤭 Savannah: these pics are going to make me cry, I swear Savannah: too adorable Savannah: as if you've all been friends for so long Jac: It's so wild to me that we weren't friends before now Jac: we should've been friends this whole time too Savannah: I know, but I guess I wasn't ready until now Savannah: I had so much character development to do first Jac: 🙌🙏 ^^ SAME Jac: it had to be now Jac: you're all being nice about it but I would lowkey DIE if you knew me even a few years ago Jac: not cute Savannah: ^^^^^^ Savannah: Ty hasn't seen me before we got together & I 🙏🏾 he never will Amelia: he didn't go to another school, I think he knows that you existed before him Jac: the glo-up is too real to go back 💁 Savannah: I'm still waiting for my glow up Savannah: there's only so much the spa can do Jac: 😤 you're so FLAWLESS Jac: like literally, there isn't a single thing wrong with you Savannah: stop, I don't know if I'll start blushing or sobbing Isabelle: I would love to look like you, Savannah Isabelle: what should I wear tonight? Isabelle: I want Tom to notice me Savannah: I'm flattered but you need to embrace your own beauty, Is Savannah: it's so important Savannah: Oh, Tom R or Tom S? Isabelle: Ew, Tom S Isabelle: I made out with Tom R last year and it was baaaad bad Savannah: One second, I'll ask Ty about him now I have the right Tom Isabelle: I'm so excited I might puke Savannah: okay so he likes to make the first move, you'll need to dress like you're not the kind of girl who kissed Tom R Isabelle: How do I do that? I need help 😩 Savannah: maybe you can borrow something of Amelia's Isabelle: Can I Meels? Isabelle: I dunno if I'll suit your style though...I'm not cool Amelia: I couldn't get the grass stains out of the skirt you borrowed last time Isabelle: Whoops 😉 Amelia: and you don't need to dress to impress Tom S anyway, he's nothing special Isabelle: He's so lush though Amelia: 🤨 Isabelle: Come on! You have eyes Isabelle: isn't he so fit guys Savannah: I only have eyes for one boy, but he does have nice eyes himself Jac: You've done worse Isabelle: Yeah, Tom R for example Isabelle: 😨 Savannah: 😅 Savannah: You know who apparently is the worst kisser ever, Donovan! Savannah: have you ever kissed him, Is? Isabelle: Have I? Isabelle: 🤔 Amelia: he leaned in to 💋 but you 🤮 on his trainers Isabelle: Ha! Isabelle: Dodged a bullet, apparently Jac: He wasn't as fast Savannah: Oh my god! Jac: It was so shaming, we had to call her mum to pick her up Savannah: my parents would kill me Jac: Your mum is like, beyond chill, Is Jac: she lets you get away with loads Savannah: I'd be beyond jealous if I wanted to kiss Tom R, or fall down drunk in his path, at least Savannah: thankfully he's not my type Isabelle: Not even, she was so mad at me for ages Isabelle: I was sick in the fireplace Isabelle: it was so hard to clean Jac: Is that friend of Ty's going? Jac: 😶 Savannah: yes Jac: 🥴 Isabelle: oooooooooooooooooh, do you like someone J?!?!? Savannah: he doesn't usually go to house parties but as soon as he heard you were, he recognised that Erin's had potential Isabelle: who who Savannah: J doesn't want to make a big deal out of it Amelia: then why turn it into a big secret? Jac: It's no secret Jac: but Is has already got no chill and you know I'm shy Jac: I won't be able to cope with how blatant her 👀 is Amelia: you could've told me that you liked someone Jac: I am telling you Jac: like, right now Amelia: not really Jac: What do you mean? 🤨 Amelia: I mean, you're not actually telling me anything Jac: I'm not trying to like, commandeer this whole convo and make it about me Jac: but okay Jac: he's one of Ty's friends, he's on the team too Amelia: I could scroll up for that info but okay Jac: I don't know what you want me to say? Jac: I've not spoken to him properly yet, he's just interesting Amelia: interesting how? Jac: 😳 Savannah: is this third degree honestly necessary? Jac: maybe I shouldn't go now Jac: I'm feeling kinda off Savannah: Baby 😔 Savannah: we can do whatever you want to do Jac: No, I won't spoil your guys fun Jac: you should all go Savannah: it won't be any fun without you Savannah: & anyway, if you don't feel well you need someone there to take care of you Jac: You'd do that for me? Jac: you'll make me cry, I swear Savannah: It's just a stupid party, you're you Jac: Will Ty be mad at you? Savannah: of course not, all his friends will be there, he doesn't need me as much as you do Jac: I wanna still try to do the spa Jac: for Sienna Jac: but I just can't see him now, the anxiety is too high Savannah: she'll understand if we have to reschedule but it might make you feel better to be pampered Savannah: but I'll give you a facial if you can't cope with a full spa situation Savannah: it's totally your decision Jac: I do have this new mask I think will be amazing for your skin type Jac: bring Sienna, she can see the new pup we just got Savannah: you understand too, don't you, Is? Savannah: I'll take you for a manicure next week, I promise Isabelle: Oh, yeah, totally Isabelle: mum said it's too much to accept anyway Isabelle: Are you sure you don't want to come though? Isabelle: sounds like he really wants to see you Savannah: I'm here for you if you want any more outfit help for Tom, just facetime me Isabelle: Thank you sweetie, I'm really torn between these 3 dresses Isabelle: wait, 4 Isabelle: I'll definitely call Jac: You're a doll, Is Jac: Tom is gonna be 😍 Savannah: ^^ I can't wait to hear how blown away he is by you Isabelle: I'll give you all the rundown tomorrow morning 😁😁😁 Isabelle: do you want to go together, Meels? Amelia: I've got to put the time in with mum, I'll probably be late getting there Amelia: don't worry about waiting for me Isabelle: Okay, if you're sure Isabelle: come find me when you get there Amelia: yeah, Tom's tall, I'll be able to Isabelle: 🤤🤤🤤 Isabelle: he's so tall Amelia: play it cool, Is Isabelle: 😖 Savannah: you don't need to listen to Amelia, she's not an expert Amelia: I don't need to know about boys, I know her Isabelle: I don't wanna be sick on this one's shoes Amelia: of course you don't Amelia: trust me, drink less, dance more Jac: you should let him give you your first drink Savannah: 👏🏾 he'll LOVE that Isabelle: Ugh, thanks guys Isabelle: I am going to need to pre-drink though Isabelle: for my nerves Amelia: me too, for my 🎭🩰🧠 Jac: What ballet is it? Amelia: 🔥🐦 Jac: Your mum will love it Amelia: she hasn't already seen it, that's a good start Jac: I haven't either Jac: I mean, I just watch the performances at home but yeah Jac: we've sent the flowers via one of those postbox ones, they'll come tomorrow Amelia: she'll love those too Amelia: maybe even more than seeing me dressed for 🎭🩰 Jac: send us your outfit too then, yeah Amelia: no way, they're going nowhere but my mum's facebook Jac: I am her friend, you know Isabelle: hey, I'm not! Amelia: add her, she won't mind Isabelle: I'm so going to Isabelle: not my Insta though Isabelle: I've blocked mine 💁 Amelia: it's okay, I don't let her on my insta either any more Amelia: she leaves too many 😳 comments Isabelle: Mammys are the worst Isabelle: 😬😬 Amelia: at least she understands socials, my dad is clueless Amelia: and he's not THAT old Isabelle: My nan loves selfies Amelia: your nan is my everything Amelia: if I could bring her to the party tonight, I would Isabelle: 😂 you're so wild Amelia: tear yourself away from whichever Tom it is and you'll see Isabelle: not with Pam thank you 🤣 Isabelle: she has a boyfriend Amelia: get it Pamela Isabelle: his name is Brian Isabelle: they go down dolly mount every Friday, it's so cute Amelia: I'm so happy for them Jac: Awh, how sweet Jac: What about Jackie, has she been dating? Isabelle: She never tells me anything Isabelle: she says she's too busy working Amelia: Jackie doesn't need a man Isabelle: You sound just like her! Amelia: cut me deeper, Is 💔 Isabelle: sorry, you do though Isabelle: do you listen to the same female empowerment spotify playlist? Amelia: link me, I'd probably I'd be into it Isabelle: [does, imagine those single lady tunes lmao] Amelia: 😂 Amelia: this could save my life when I hate the 🎭🩰 Isabelle: no, no, take this Isabelle: [some dance sexy sassy playlist she's listening to] Amelia: you should send that one to Erin Amelia: save the party too Isabelle: Good idea Isabelle: [some cringy tiktok moment of her dancing, Isabelle stop] Amelia: [a video of amelia dancing amazingly at some party or other recently that Isabelle had to go home early from so she missed it, cos we gotta remind the lurking bae who we are] Isabelle: 🤯🤯🤯🤯 YOU'RE SO GOOD Isabelle: you should post! you'd get so many likes Amelia: I was so drunk, that's all Savannah: I can't believe that's you! Amelia: 🤔 am I flattered or offended Isabelle: Meels has always been a good dancer Isabelle: you should teach me Amelia: we can start tonight if it won't make Tom rage that he isn't teaching you something Isabelle: it's for his benefit Isabelle: so many lads are gonna be 😍 at you Amelia: they'll be looking at you if I do it right Isabelle: I'm fine with that 😋 Amelia: me too Jac: [some message between Ty and this Tom with some form of insider info they've made him get lol like you're welcome Isabelle but you also owe us now] Amelia: I'm seriously not understanding why you like him, Is Isabelle: 😲 OMG OMG Isabelle: it is so useful having a boy on our team Isabelle: thank you Ty, ahhhhhhh Isabelle: [pictures of him like hello] Savannah: We all want you to be happy Isabelle: 🥺🥺 awwwww Savannah: did you narrow down your outfit picks yet? Isabelle: no, I'm making toasties Isabelle: mum said I have to line my stomach 🙄 Jac: I hope that doesn't make a reappearance later Amelia: Erin's 🏠 is lovely, try not to redecorate it for her Amelia: can I stay over at yours, Is? Amelia: my parents will be all 😍🥰😘 Isabelle: 🤢🤢🤢 Isabelle: You can Isabelle: mum's on nights so she'll be gone and we won't have to worry about waking her up Amelia: if Tom's staying too, tell me now because that's as 🤢 Isabelle: Amelia! Amelia: I don't want to see or hear it, sorry Isabelle: he won't be staying, oh my gosh Amelia: okay Isabelle: I'm not a slag Isabelle: that's just what Kane put about when I dumped him for two-timing me Amelia: until I shut him up Isabelle: Ha, that was funny Isabelle: I thought he was gonna cry Amelia: he probably did when he went home Jac: 👏 Amelia: I should probably go get 🎭🩰 ready Amelia: 😣 this 👗 though Amelia: I'm going to look like I belong on Pam's 🚽 to hide her 🧻 Jac: 😏 Jac: it's not like you can wear your grass-stained skirt Amelia: It's long gone Jac: Shame Amelia: yeah, I liked it Jac: and Is had a good time in it Jac: fond memories Amelia: I'm sorry, okay? Jac: ... Jac: What? Amelia: for the 'third degree' earlier Jac: Oh, right Jac: well thanks for apologising, that's mature of you Amelia: I can be, sometimes Jac: I wouldn't suggest otherwise Amelia: I just had no idea you liked any of Ty's friends Jac: It's not like a thing, is all Jac: I'm not like in love with the boy Jac: you'd know if it was serious Amelia: would I? Jac: Obviously Jac: don't be silly Amelia: I have to go, I wouldn't have time to be silly even if you wanted me to Jac: Make sure your mum has a good time then ❤ Amelia: she will, I've booked a dinner reservation and everything Savannah: That's so cute! I feel like I should be a better daughter starting today Jac: Same Jac: putting us all to shame Isabelle: I only got my mum a necklace from the market for her birthday Isabelle: and it made her neck go green 😩 Amelia: she's been annoying me less lately Amelia: actually being helpful Isabelle: 🥳🥳🥳 Amelia: I didn't realise she was good for advice AND gossip Jac: You know you can talk to us too, right Isabelle: ^^ We're your best friends forever Amelia: it's nothing, I thought I liked someone too but I got it wrong Isabelle: but you never like ANYONE Isabelle: no offence Amelia: none taken Isabelle: you'll find someone Meels 😙 Amelia: maybe Amelia: maybe not Isabelle: Of course you will, you're lovely! Isabelle: right girls Jac: But she can take as much time as she likes, Is Savannah: Ty has so many amazing friends when you are ready, but there's no rush Amelia: Thanks Sav, but they're not my type Jac: I hate to think of your mum waiting on her birthday Jac: you don't wanna be late because Is still hasn't picked an outfit Amelia: don't worry, I'm going Isabelle: See you at Erin's 💖 Jac: Later 👋 Amelia: yeah x 2
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
Mon 1 Feb ‘21
Happy 27th Birthday to Harry! For Harry’s birthday, everyone gave us the gift of their unseen pics, from people who want to brag about being lucky enough to get to hang out and do friend stuff with him, behind the scenes pics from photoshoots and concerts and the TPWK shoot and charity visits, and sweet casual pics from extended family (and tributes to how lovely he is from the people who know him best, his relatives, such as “gorgeous man”, “youngest pup” (sooo ABO Harry is canon I guess), and “obnoxiously obnoxious”). Photo highlights include a moody chiarascuro shot from Helene Pabrum, cute snaps from Tokyo friends, a weird video from the Brits of him carefully pouring tequila from one bottle to another to make them have the same amount, and an even weirder contribution from Freddie’s grandma Ruth who posted a manip of him... and Louis.. and Freddie…?? UMMM OKAY THEN. She fits right in with the other instagram fans tbh, why am I even surprised. ANYWAY, speaking of hellholes where people want to believe everything at once even if there’s direct contradiction, twitter dedicated a moment to Harry. They weren’t wrong, he dominated the trends all day, and not only that all that seemed to be about him actually WERE as far as I know, unlike yesterday when there were so many Louis trends that the trend explainer person got overwhelmed and just started saying all the trends were about Louis (Freddie Mercury and Michael Clifford were actually getting talked about as it happens). But, important question here, does Liam Gallagher know it’s Harry’s birthday? “Of course, I’ve sent him some flowers”, he says, which if true is very sweet but also I hope “some” actually means a ludicrously huge quantity of some kind of weird-ass flowers as payback for the 2k worth of fish Harry sent him!
Not to be outdone by all this content, the powers that be brought us pap pics from the DWD set (taken Saturday). Harry, likely in reaction to doing the same photo op multiple times (you can tell by how he’s only carrying his bizarrely huge water bottle and wearing the costume ring in some pics), does a little goofy walk for the cameras in his period costume: slacks, tattoos covered, hair slicked, and the piece de resistance, a cute lil flowered apron!! I KNOW he’s gonna be all creepy and stuff in the movie and the frilly apron scene won’t be nearly as much fun as TODAY’S frilly apron scene, but still, can’t wait to see it. Florence Pugh joins him on the trailer to set pap walk(s), both masked up. Later there were more pics, with his massive water bottle again (which has motivating ‘drink more water’ encouragements on the side, you would think he got enough of that on twitter), but alas no more apron. People mag made an effort to make something of the fact that he and Olivia were both present on the set of the film they both are working on but they truly had nothing. I’m sure something ludicrous lurks just around the corner though...
The anniversary celebratory fanart has been taken down from Louis’ spotify but it looks like it was a hit-- most of the tracks have been put on one or another of their popularity driven weekly playlists and Defenseless in particular looks set to break into the top 200 this week. Walls sales, likewise, shot up over the anniversary.
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szopenhauer · 4 years
When was the last time you cried and what was the reason?: family issues
Do you believe in ghosts?: maybe
If you could live on the moon, would you?: almost all of it belongs to Tom Cruise so no 
What is your favorite time in history to learn about?: I just like many interesting history facts in general
When is the last time you felt discriminated against because of your gender?: not sure which situation was last
What race are you?: caucasian, white, european, polish, slavic
What is your favorite sex position?: I’m not into sex tbh Have you ever lost your SO to another person?: yup
Have you ever had a thing for a friend’s parent?: no
Have you ever believed in Santa Clause? from what I remember
Have you ever thought you were getting a surprise party, but you really weren’t? nah and I don’t like surprises so I’m glad I never really had a party like this
Have you ever forgotten someone’s birthday? I suck with dates
Has a friend looked bad in a profile picture and you didn’t tell her? it was my opinion but if they liked their pic then it’s their problem
Does it take forever for your internet to load websites? sometimes
Have you ever pretended to listen to someone but you really weren’t? yeah :x
Are you a bad driver, or do you know someone that is? I know some that are bad yet say they’re oh so awesome at it ugh!
Have you seen the animated movies Tarzan? sure
Have you actually called 911 for an actual emergency? If so, what was the emergency? not me but my parents
Do you sleep in the living room a lot? I never do
Did you enjoy watching The Flintstone’s growing up? yep
Do you wish you were born in a different year? kinda wish I was born after war and die before 2020 or even live in another time period 
What do you buy more: Movies or candy? neither
Did you used to eat chapstick when you were younger? ewww, noooo, not even toothpaste
What made you pick up the last book you started reading? I was watching a movie and heard that book has a different ending so I had to see for myself Have you received any bad or troubling news lately? shitload When was the last time you were relieved about something? I wish I was... What about your life concerns you the most? my health related issues mostly but also money and fam, love life, religion etc. Is there a common thing most people seem to do without trouble, but it scares you (talking on the phone, driving, interviews, etc)? When was the last time you had to do one of these kinds of things? there are, recently
Describe a time when you were there for a friend? were there in person? When was the last time you went somewhere for the first time? days or weeks ago What is a situation that makes you feel especially confident? umm... Hypothetically and generally speaking, how would you go about breaking up with someone? Is there anything you would make sure to say, or perhaps not say? depends Would you say you’re easy or difficult to offend? I guess I’m easily offended Is there a belief you have that most others around you don’t have? Do you share this belief with others, or do you tend to keep it to yourself?  sure, might talk about it if asked and in the mood  If you’ve moved out from home, what was the scariest thing about it? What was/is your favorite thing about it? I didn’t move out yet but there are dark scenarios I imagine that could happen and they concern me What are your thoughts on “forgiving” murderers or rapists? Do you think it’s even possible to forgive these people? I wouldn’t forgive a rapist but particular murders can be justified If you could learn about anything without the stress of grades or cost, what kind of classes would you take? who cares about grades and cost when you have no possibility/talent/ability anyway?... Last item of clothing you purchased - do you wear it often? didn’t wear it yet Has anything made you feel nostalgic lately? lots What was the last chore you completed? I just helped mom around kitchen and bathroom - przynieś/podaj itp.
Which of the Seven Deadly Sins do you commit the most? sloth?
Has anyone ever told you that you’re incapable of whispering? nope, my mom is incapable, she whispers louder than when she’s normally talking to someone
Who was the best kisser you’ve ever dated? I’ve only kissed one person in my entire life
When was the last time you watched a YouTube video? yesterday
this one
and I plan on doing smth similar
Do you personally think Wikipedia is a reliable source? one of the most reliable sources that are available for free
When you were a child, did you ever want to become a wizard/witch? meh
Do you want to repaint your walls? I prefer to move out 
Would you rather have hardwood floors or carpet? hardwood
Who would you say is the most selfish person you know? majority of society
Have you ever made out in a movie theater before? waste of the movie
How old were you when you got to go on your first date? dunno what I can count as one
Would you call your parents over-protective or under-protective? weirdly protective
Did your parents ever let you play in the pits of those multicolored balls? never had a chance to
Has anyone ever called you a good kisser before? I had my moment
Have any of your siblings ever had a crush on your significant other? she’s into men so...
Do you know someone who cares about themselves more than their child? it seems that most of parents act this way
What’s your favorite hairstyle you’ve had so far? hmm...
How many dogs do you have, if any at all? 1
Do you think biting is weird or sexy? biting hard is very dangerous and I’m not into being bitten but I might/can bite a little
Would you rather be called hot or beautiful? neither but I'll “believe” slightly more in being beautiful than hot I think
Have you ever had a pet turtle before? yep
Do you still sleep with your parents when you’re scared sometimes? just once I had a bad night and my dad was working overnight so I went to my mom’s bed but then I left in the middle of the night anyway as she was snoring, not that it usually bothers me 
Have you ever met someone with two different color eyes? saw pics on the internet only
How many surveys on average would you say you’ve done in your lifetime? shitload
Do you enjoy going school shopping? tiny bit as I enjoy shopping in general?
Do you think Pug dogs are adorable or just plain ugly? adorable
Have you ever met someone who completely resembled their pet? lookalikes
Has anyone ever knitted you something before? sure
Do you think there is a soulmate out there for everyone? then why some ppl die single?...
Do you like short or long surveys the best? it’s not about length, I need interesting questions
Have you ever bought fake money and tried to make it pass for real? I didn’t try to make it pas for real wtf
Are your siblings nice the majority of the time? *rolling my eyes*
How many uncles do you have? don’t know nor care as they don’t give a shit about me
Do you freak out when a thunderstorm comes along? nah, sometimes I feel physically bad because of it tho
How often do you shower? basically everyday
What is the absolute worst thing about high school? from my personal experience - stress
How many sodas do you usually drink in one day? I don’t drink soda for years
Have you ever met an annorexic pregnant woman? woah I can’t imagine that
Have you ever simply looked at someone & could tell they were homosexual? oh well...
Do you have the ability to read someone without even knowing them? sometimes
Would you rather eat or sleep? sleep
Are you one of those die hard Twilight or Harry Potter fans? am not, especially Twilight - I didn’t read/watch it because it sounds awful
Have you ever cried while watching a movie trailor? yes 
Have you ever learned that someone had lied to you all along? sadly
When was the last time you had a physical injury? this ending week
Have you ever wanted to be a lawyer? not really
Have you ever had to bail someone out of jail before? nope
Is there anyone in your imediate family who was adopted? no
Do you know anyone who doesn’t have any common sense? I meet many ppl like this often on the streets or online
Do you think you look anything like your parents? I know I do
Who is the skinniest person you know? Is it because of a disease? when it comes to look or weight? disease though
Is this year the best one you’ve had so far? r u joking?...
What color is your significant other’s hair? natural or dye? XD
Are you ashamed of anyone in your family? yeah The best Christmas gift you ever gotten? The sims 2 as I dreamed of it and didn’t expect my poor parents will afford and give it to me ever, I was so moved that I cried and my sister was jealous and angry 
Who is your favorite actor or actress? can’t decide
What is cuter: kisses on the forehead of the cheek? I don’t consider them cute when I receive them but kind of awkward actually but giving them is a different story
Do you believe in evolution or creation? smth in between, it’s complicated 
What group would you say you’d normally fit into the most? I feel that I wouldn’t really fit any
Are you better at drawing things or painting? drawing
Have either of your parents ever called you a failure before? I am a failure
How long have you been on the computer right now? too long, about 6 hours Name three black things that you can see? celphone, pendrive, necklace would you perfer to do the dishes or hang washing/laundry? dishes
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