#anyone in real life can do??? regardless of their ethnicity????
comradekatara · 2 months
What if Azula was born a non-bender? Ozai would consider her even more of a disapointment than Zuko, causing Zuko to become her defender. When he is banished she spirals, traveling the colonies drinking, partying in a Tyrion Lannister way, unable to use her extreme intelligence. Eventually she joins Zuko, plus the GAANG, but after the war she becomes basically a Fire Nation Henry Kissinger.
I can’t find my original response to a very similar ask I received in the past, but I appreciate that I’m now 2/2 on asks regarding “azula being born a nonbender” that are also phrased in the most insane way possible.
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nkjemisin · 1 month
Hey there. I'm writing a story set in New York City and am not American. I have few characters, but most of them are arab or white. I can't help but feel a bit wrong about it, given that America is much more diverse than that, and NYC being an emblem of that. Do you think I should force myself to include more representation or should I just tell my story, and leave that more diverse cast to some other story I could write? I know this is a neverending debate and there are many opinions about it, but I've always agreed with everything you've said in matters of representation in fiction, and so I'd be curious to know your personal answer on it.
I'm a little confused by how you're using "representation," here. It sounds like you think representation = "randomly sticking BIPOC everywhere." I think when most people use that word, it means something more like "create an accurate or at least plausible depiction of a group or place." In actual New York, there are plenty of Middle Easterners and white people who live in relatively homogeneous small communities where they might only see someone of a different ethnicity on the subway. If your story is set in one of those communities -- and you do stick some random BIPOC in that subway scene, because that's plausible -- then it sounds like your characters might be an example of good representation.
(Note: if you're not writing something set in the real world, but it features human beings, it needs to represent humanity as a whole, unless there's a good in-world reason not to. But if it's our world? You can get specific.)
Here's the catch, tho: plausibility is relative. If you've absorbed some biases and haven't done enough research, then you might end up writing something that feels plausible to you, but which isn't actually representative or plausible to anyone else. The way to avoid this is to do the research and check (to the best of your ability) your biases. For example, you aren't American, I assume you've at least visited NYC? If not, you should. You can visit some of the communities I mentioned! You can eat in restaurants, visit mosques, have conversations with actual real people who are living the life you're writing about! If you don't have the time, money, or spoons to do that, there are other ways to do good research -- films and YT/Tiktok videos made by people from the communities in question, for example. But you'd need to watch a lot of them to get a good representative sample.
I recommend this book to all the writing students I've taught at Clarion, and other writer workshops: Writing the Other, by Nisi Shawl and Cynthia Ward. There's a particular part of it that seems relevant here, which is a kind of hierarchy of "appropriate" appropriation, I think first mentioned by Diantha Day Sprouse but included in Writing the Other. Basically it says that if you want to write about a culture that isn't your own, you can learn about that culture in one of several ways: a) You can be an Invader, and just go take whatever intellectual and artistic tidbits from that culture that you want, regardless of how damaging this might be to members of that group. Example: non-Indigenous people who write about actual secret practices, or who encourage the desecration of sacred places. b) You can be a Tourist, in which you're still mooching from that culture, but at least you're figuratively paying someone for it and accepting tidbits that the culture has chosen to sell. Example: getting a sensitivity reader. Or c) you can be an Invited Guest, who brings in as much as they take out, and who has formed relationships that are beneficial to all involved. Example: being part of an exchange program, both as a student and later as a host, and maintaining those friendships outside of the program.
The goal is to be an IG, but that isn't always possible. Tourist is still better than being an Invader. (...I feel like I'm leaving out a category. It's been a while since I read the book; any more recent readers want to check me here?) But the closer you can get to actually participating in that culture, the more your work will be informed by reality instead of biases or misinformation, and the more likely your work will read as plausible not just to you, but to your widest possible audience -- people familiar with the culture and people who aren't.
(I'm a little concerned about your phrasing of "force myself to include more representation," note. Why would that need to be a forced thing? A writer's goal should be to write something that feels lived-in and authentic to [if it's a real place] most people's experience -- not to meet some arbitrary standard, but because that's how you master immersion and characterization. If good immersion and characterization feel forced to you right now, that suggests you need more practice. I recommend writing short stories!)
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therealslimsanji · 5 months
I'm ngl, everytime I see like hate towards Taz over this it's like there's a new thing to be like upset about because the behaviour is just so bad that it really doesn't feel like good faith arguments.
I'll also be upfront, I'm very arab and am a quarter Palestinian so it's not like I don't have any say in this, even if thankfully my family aren't near the genocide that is happening they are still very affected by this.
Like people being against the 'neutrality' of the red Cross have to understand that this is the same neutrality that doctors and surgeons have to have when it comes to aiding people. It's the kind of neutrality that is not about avoiding doing anything which is the real problem but the neutrality of "do no harm" which is a needed ethical point that needs to be with anyone who has a person's life in their hands. If people are worried that sending money to the British Red Cross might mean that the money goes to British Tax then that's just not the case as they are a charity and that means all the money that goes into the charity must go to whatever aid the charity is about with none of it going to taxes.
I just feel like the people who (rightly) get pissed about any doctor that doesn't help a trans or queer person because of the doctor's "religious beliefs" are missing the main point of why this shit is horrendous, because it is one person who has someone's life in their hands choosing who lives or dies instead of just trying to do the job of preventing death.
And the British Red Cross only brings aid to civilians, people who are just living in these places, and Israeli civilians are still people with lives, whether they support their government or not or anything, they still have families and the death of those families can be kindling of the corrupt and is the suffering of the living, regardless of whether it is an Israeli family or a Palestinian family (it's even this point that is making me post this anonymously because I saw how people questioned Taz's heritage and I've had people dismiss my nationality because of how much I try to stay anonymous (my parents are queerphobic and I am currently engaged to my girlfriend of 4 years and of course I don't want my parents knowing that))
And I've brought up like people making this point that he wanted to distance himself from his arab half because he goes by Taz Skylar instead of Tarek Yassin and like ??? The man has been upfront about being dyslexic and tarek, and Yassin has multiple phonetic spellings that would mess with writing it??? Like legit, Taz Skylar is probably the easiest thing to write and read if you're dyslexic.
And then the way people acted over him, deleting tweets and shit like yes, he is an adult, but he's also an adult that has mental issues and had been upfront about that??? Like, I'm just glad that he eventually just stuck to the point and clarified some things as well in his Instagram post. (Like the fact that he brings up that he also wanted to help the refugees that come up to tenerife kinda shows that he had other things in mind and probably just didn't think that would translate to taking any position on the genocide and when people mistook that he had to clarify he just doesn't want innocent people hurt)
Ngl I might just send some anon messages once in a while just being like "AND ANOTHER THING" but atm it is also too early so for now imma leave these points and just try to get on with my day because OOF
Thank you for this! Because I've argued with peoplen who say "you can't be neutral in a genocide" with "yes, actually, you can because it doesn't mean you're INDIFFERENT. And in the case of thr RC, neutrality saves the lives of INNOCENT parties on both sides." But they just don't wanna hear it. I guess because it makes too much sense? Idk.
And the issue with his name is stupid as FUCK. I'm half Sicilian. In the 40s-60s, MANY singers and actors would change their ethnic looking/sounding Italian surnames to more "American" ones. People changing their names and/or shortening them is NOTHING new, and even white Americans have done the same thing in Hollywood. Let's be honest, he probably went with Taz Skylar because 1) Taz sounds like a possible nickname given to him when he was a kid and he just stuck with it because he liked it and 2) going into the acting business with an Arab name? Guess what roles he's gonna get stereotyped with. Especially if/when he becomes bigger over here in America. It has zero to do with "distancing himself." He's done nothing that other famous folk haven't been doing for DECADES.
You can send as many ANONS as you wish. Honestly, this is my first time ever getting Anon asks, and it's been fun 😄.
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lemedstudent2021 · 30 days
Where should Jews live? Where do they belong? Where do you consider their native land to be? Honest question.
an honest question deserves an honest answer so here ya go:
Anywhere and everywhere. Jews- the followers of the Abrahamic religion Judaism- along with Muslims, Christians, Atheists, Sikhs, Vegans, and literally any human being under the sun have the right to live wherever they please (given certain criteria are met like visas and that it isnt a military station/ off limits area etc).
Yes my dear reader(s) you read that right; ones faith or lack thereof shouldnt be an obstacle in any aspect of ones life, be it medical services, education, job opportunities, so on and so forth. How novel.
That answers where they 'should' live (although I dont by any means impose anything on anyone; y'all do whatever as long as its legal and harms no one including yourself. God bless). Could is more accurate.
As for where they 'belong', this in my opinion is one of the beauties of religion: people from all walks of life can belong to a religion. Diversity lies at the heart of our existence as human beings and denying it is like denying the existence of the sun. Tolerance is a must if we are ever going to get along with each other. And this belonging isn't irrevocabley tied to geography. But I digress :)
Quick aside just so we're all on the same page: converting to a religion renders you just as valid and equal as someone born into a religion. Most if not all religions preach equality between their followers regardless of background, so i wont hear anything of 'oh theyre not real xyz' or 'they dont count' or any of that bs.
By this logic (religious demographics are, generally speaking, very diverse), there is no 'this set of people belong here, and those over there' ...and proof of that in a sense would be atheists/ agnostics; where would they 'belong'? Antarctica? Outer space? alright ill stop XD
If that were the case, most of the planet would be crammed in the Middle East lol [Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon alone are home to 34M (as of 2023), and the followers of the 3 main Abrahamic religions are an estimated 3.4B (as of 2020) globally. We wouldnt fit even if we used one of these]. Yeah nationality/ race/ ethnicity/ background influence and maybe even dictate one's religious identity, but it isn't the all or nothing we may think it to be.
Which brings us nicely to the next point, and here if you'll allow me i'd like to correct it to native land of Judaism (where it originated/ flourished/ spread whatever) as opposed to native land of Jews because as i mentioned above, a religion doesnt (or shouldnt) differentiate nor discriminate between its followers. By restricting them to one geographical location (and for some using it as an indicator of their authenticity) we do them great disservice as well as contradict the teachings themselves. A demonstration:
Im Jordanian right, (dad's maternal side are from bilad al sham; Syria) and im a born Muslim alhamdulillah. My dads Malaysian roommates from his uni days are also born Muslims (and have the best food lol, my all time favourite is lemak cili padi) and seperating us on the basis of them not being Arab or Middle Eastern is unislamic, intolerant, xenophobic, and wrong on every level. Alternatively, im just as Muslim as someone from Mecca or Medina. We're all Muslim. we are the world...
Circling back, Judaism the religion is native to the Holy land (I guess you can say it started in Egypt till it moved there but idk. Regardless), and Jews (adherants of the faith) can't in my humble opinion be fairly categorised as one monolithic unit... just like any and every other faith out there.
Another quick aside; this is merely a tumblr post that cant do the history and culture and intricacies and so much more of this matter a portion of the justice it deserves. I am but a tired medical student answering to the best of my abilities a question I was asked with my limited knowledge in theology and perspective in general, so do me a favour and keep that in mind. And to anyone reading this if you have questions or corrections or resources or anything you want to mention be my guest :)
If you're still here, I'm both grateful and amused. Here's what you probably came for, the piece de resistance if you will: 🍉israel🍉
Disclaimer: thanks for reading this far, but if you disagree in any way shape or form with any of the 30 human rights articles, you may as well stop reading and put your device through the shredder. Bigots, racists, fascists, anti vaxxers etc. dni
So far ive seen this idea, call it what you will, two times (which isnt a lot but its weird that it happened to me twice consecutively), that claims the freedom of Palestine equals a genocide of the Jews.
Er, no? No ma'am. One does not solve a genocide by comitting another genocide. What part of 'never again' are we missing here?
Before we get into politcal nominations and factions and other territories i dont plan on invading (pun intended) but might accidentally cross anyway (I forgot where i was going with this) i want to remind everyone that Judaism is not synonymous with Israel nor zionism (if u disagree with this go ahead and shred ur device too).
A refresher: Judaism is a religion, Israel is an illegal-occupying-apartheid-state, and Zionism is a movement/ ideology
So 'genocide of the Jews' is both wrong (diction) and more wrong (factually incorrect) in that the liberation of Palestine means freedom from oppression, discrimination, settler colonialism... the whole nine yards. Enough bloodshed already its been nearly 76 years.
When Netenyahu is eventually drop kicked out of office (and hopefully hung, drawn, and quartered for his plentiful warcrimes) what happens to the (illegal) citizens of Israel? Well first off, return the stolen homes and land to their rightful owners who have the keys (and documents if they werent tampered with or erased) to prove it.
As for the illegal-under-international-law settlements and new also illegal establishments; I have no idea what international laws will decree (not that I have that much faith in the judiciary system), but I assume they will be seized and evicted of the illegal tenants (how you like me now?) and given to those who have been displaced or homes ruined etc. because its theirs and theirs alone and it was unlawfully and cruelly taken away from them and not because the (remaining lol) former Israeli citizens can't or shouldn't live in palestine. they can go live somewhere where its legal. the priority is Palestinians tho.
What about the indigenous everyone else? As long as their houses aren't stolen or illegal they can should stay because its legal and its theirs and thats that. you cannot kick someone out of their home to give it to another (which was the basis of the creation of Israel.) because its ✨i l l e g a l✨
And the people who dont belong so to speak? I think this one's case by case; like I said at the very, very beginning; people have the right to live wherever as long as its legal and ok to do so regardless of faith or background, and no one should be denied their right to live in Palestine as a country like any other, but they certainly must be denied living in homes stolen and given to them because thats, say it with me now, illegal <3
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Hey, so in my fandom there’s some discourse about racial stereotypes in fantasy that hearken back to real-life ones from centuries ago. And I was wondering what you think about it. I was thinking of responding, just don’t want people from there jumping all over me lol
Regarding the fantasy racial discourse in fandom post, I’m not white, if that means anything, and I don’t know if the people talking about it are white either
I think people often jump all over each other when emotionally fraught subjects come up. If you want to go discuss it, do so, but don't expect it to stay polite necessarily.
As for what I think of the actual discourse, it would depend on what it is.
Is this "Your orcs sound like a Turk play from Early Modern England"? Is this "You can never use the word 'goblin' ever because a tumblr post told me so"? There are plenty of reasonable and plenty of stupidass opinions in these kinds of discussions.
Generally, my stance is that if a quick glance at the wikipedia article on antisemitic canards can tell you there's something wrong with your goblins, it's time to rethink your whole book.
Most things, however, are in a gray area where good writing skill will make your book work and weak writing skill will make your book racist as fuck. "Be better at writing" isn't very useful advice, but it's the reality for most times people try to write narratives about contentious issues.
Also, never trust a discussion about a specific book's supposed failings if the commenters are from the US/Canada/Western Europe and the book's author is not—regardless of the ethnicity of anyone involved!
It's still entirely possible the commenters are right that the book sucks, but I would approach all such discussions with the liveliest of suspicion.
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Those who go "Criticizing the Israeli government isn't antisemitic... but accusing it of apartheid or genocide is" do themselves no favors. Nor do they do Israel any favors in the long term.
Before I proceed, I need to make clear (both to Israelis as well as "antizionists"/tankies) when the accusation is paired with a declaration that Israel shouldn't exist, I'll agree that's when we get into antisemitism. After all, it'd be baffling to say that Serbia, China, or Sudan should cease existing for their part in genocide within the past 3 decades (not to be confused with the stance that certain parts of those nations have full grounds to break away), and only a relative fringe (your daily reminder that tumblr/twitter is not real life) will say the same about all the countries in the Americas.
Setting that aside, my issue is declaring that you can't say genocide or apartheid takes the teeth out of arguments to make them palatable for the political establishment.
Usually when I see people deny that apartheid, they bring up how Israeli Arabs have all the rights of citizenry. Except they fail to address how the accusation is leveled primarily at Israel's treatment of the West Bank (the settlements fulfill the literal translation of the "apartheid"). Or how within Israel proper, you can see a concerted campaign by the right to further marginalize Arab communities; from Netanyahu declaring Arab voters a fifth column, to the clear intent of the "nation state law", to incitement of violence from mobs and MKs.
Standing Together elaborates on the apartheid element:
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Now for the genocide part, one could argue about the whether this actually meets the academic definition. However I'd still argue that by itself, accusing the Israeli government of genocide isn't inherently antisemitic even if it's frequently stated by those who are. Death toll aside, if you not only look at the progressive nature of the evacuation orders that pushes Gazans into an ever shrinking "safe zone" with no provision for return, it's not hard for it to meet at least the ethnic cleansing criteria.
Importantly, the Israeli government has done nothing to reign in extremism. By not shutting down its genocidal members (who are signaling that they want to resettle Gaza) or doing anything more than wrist-slapping mobs, it essentially approves that ideology. So while Israelis as a whole aren't genocidal, those who are are where it counts. Which then is where you have intent, regardless of Bibi's English statements to the world.
Also, no, not everyone who suffers deprivation or hardship is gonna become a genocidal terrorist. But it's well-documented that such conditions do make it easier for extremist groups to gain influence and recruit. In that regard, I argue that "Oct 7 was a natural consequence" is also a harsh but valid statement; not just due to conditions that make it easier for Hamas to get control (and gain popularity in the WB) but also because it's clear as day that the far-right coalition's push for WB occupation actually weakened Israeli security.
And comparing yourself to the conduct of Hamas or any of the Arab states to make yourself look better is an utter fallacy.
It's fair to point out the hypocrisy of those who level the accusations but don't say a peep about Russia or China (or how Arab states treat Palestinian refugees for that matter). And I think it's fair to ask anyone who comes out with such an accusation to clarify if they are just critiquing your gov/military's actions or your very existence.
But when "It's fair to criticize Israel" is repeatedly followed by "Not like That", it raises the question as to whether you really are inviting criticism of Israeli policy. Because hating Bibi is easy; harder is addressing the conditions that allowed him to come to power and the long-term ramifications.
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britts-galaxy-brain · 11 months
Oh no, anon is right. Ginger was hella about to be banned from my server at some point. I was far more lenient than I should have been and genuinely tried to resolve shit peacefully and then the stuff with "Turning Red" and "Encanto" happened in my server and they left.
Nathan made a bunch of jokes about how "Turning Red" should have focused or talked about 9/11, while we were trying to explain why that wouldn't happen. Mind you, both Ginger and Nathan knew this was a criticism started by MME and people started meming on him because of it, but regardless.
However, direct quote from Ginger: "Kinda a shame because Turning Red does have some problems with its pace, cohesion, and shallow characterization (as well as some very real stereotyping) that is even harder to talk about now that opinions like his muddied the waters"
When I pointed out/asked: "Wasn't the story written by a Canadian-Chinese woman though?" Ginger said that just because a film stars or is written by POC doesn't mean it's above criticism. And this is where I started to get admittedly annoyed. That may be true, but I also wanted to hear other Chinese-Canadians echo the same sentiment that Ginger held about the movie.
We had a bit of back and forth until I finally asked her: "Can you point me in the direction of someone who is chinese and someone who is Columbian who have made these criticisms? Like, I can see what you are saying but I would also appreciate hearing about criticisms from someone who isn't white. /gen" (mind you the tone indicator was very much included)
And Ginger shot herself in the foot when she said "I haven't read any for this film because they haven't been held up. Why do I have to find these sources to have these problems?" and Nathan literally just said "What the Fuck?" in response to me.
Ginger then proceeded to go on about how POC have rich and varied lives so "Why is their first big story about their cultural issues then?"
Which is... the dumbest fucking thing I have ever heard in my goddamn life, I cannot even begin to describe why this is so stupid, okay wow-
After I, politely, explained that perhaps as people of these ethnic and racial backgrounds that perhaps they wanted to discuss these issues because of their own experiences and that I'd still like to read or listen to a Chinese person discuss Ginger's talking points, I said that I didn't want us speaking over Chinese folks. And Ginger doubled down, claiming that she had her own thoughts and quote "I'm not speaking over anyone. I have my own thoughts, feelings, and concerns about a movies themes and problems."
If that isn't the literal definition of speaking over someone, I do not know what is.
And then after that, Nathan up and yells "This server has a real problem with autonomous thinking and respecting the views of anyone that doesn't 100% agree with them. I'm out."
Which literally isn't at all what happened. Then Nathan left right before I tried to explain why I believed he was wrong, to which Ginger said and these were her last words in my server:
"Yes. You are. And frankly I'm tired of feeling like this in here. This server has been an uncomfortable place to be in and I don't want to be part of it anymore. You all have a good night. Turning Red has problems. Later."
I sat there genuinely stunned for a few moments. While Ginger and Nathan were never obviously racist, they got so fucking whiny when I asked them to cite me a source of a Chinese person criticising "Turning Red" and a Colombian person criticising "Encanto" that it just goes back to this weird white knight shit.
They wanna sit there and be all progressive but when the Native American person is asking two white people to cite their sources and inadvertedly telling them to stop being white saviours, they double down. Not a cute look.
And mind you, this was just my personal experience. Some of my friends and I genuinely believe that one of our friends received anon harassment from one of them. The reason why we believe that is because the way the anon typed was eeriely similar to the way Nathan typed certain phrases. The guy is just generally unpleasant to be around.
Also everything about how Ginger and Nathan were being weird about autistic traits within characters and only seeing validity in them when they couldn't see their own autistic traits within them and Nathan shitting on OCs while then whining when one of my friends told him a read of "Jekyll and Hyde" that he ascribed to was "shallow" is also 100% true.
Quite frankly, Ginger has her head up her own ass and I believe a lot of it is thanks to Lily.
Wait he's the one who started the Turning Red 9/11 discourse?!! 💀💀
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(Re)introduction post
I seem to be gaining a lot of new followers atm (migrants from langtwt, I’m guessing! In that case: hello and welcome to langblr!) SO here’s a little bit about me and my blog!
About Me
I mostly go by Victoria online and it's what I prefer
In my 30s (yes I am a Real Adult with at least some of my shit figured out)
UK born and raised (East Midlands), although I'm moving to Japan soon!
I currently teach English as a foreign language on italki to students of all ages (current age range is something like 5-60), but will be teaching at an Eikaiwa from January
I'm also an aerialist (pole and hoop), which I teach and perform, a stilt-walker and fire performer (you can go visit my sideblog @jo-jenova if you're interested)
I'm also a fan of gymnastics, dance, writing (fantasy/sci fi/general fiction), baking, buying and owning books (and occasionally reading them), vikings (not in a weird white supremacist way), corvids, cats, Star Trek and, of course, linguistics
I’m currently awaiting an ADHD and autism assessment. I’m 99.9% sure I have ADHD and have pretty much no doubts that I’ll get a diagnosis (autism I’m less convinced of, but we’ll see what the experts say)
My native language is English (British - close to modern RP)
I also speak Norwegian and it is my main love/target language. This year I took the official B2/C1 exams and got C1. I write bokmål and speak a variety of Oslo dialect.
I'm also learning Japanese (current level: not quite N5). My goal is to reach a comfortable N5 level before I go there.
I largely understand Scots (more written than spoken), Danish (more written than spoken) and Swedish.
Languages I love and have some experience with but am not learning right now include: Finnish, Icelandic, Ukrainian, Tswana, Spanish
Wishlist: Korean, Cornish, Irish, Old Norse, Old English, Chinese
I can speak/understand a bit of French because I learned it for like 12 years but I've forgotten most of it (I do appear to be dabbling in it a little again though whoops lol)
I post primarily about Norwegian, Japanese, other Nordic languages, Celtic languages (Scots included as an honorary member) and linguistics, but occasionally I'll post about other things too.
About My Blog
My blog focuses primarily on my own personal language journey. I'm not really about aesthetics (you might get an aesthetic picture once in a blue moon) or pretending to be more advanced than I am. I mostly try to reflect where I am.
Sometimes this means I come across as bragging when I’m proud of myself or attention-seeking when I’m feeling down. That’s not my intention; I mostly just aim to be honest with myself and everyone else.
I post language logs once a week. These are so I can keep a track of what I've been doing and how I feel from week-to-week. They're not to show off how much I did or make anyone feel like they should be doing more. But if they make you feel that way and need to unfollow me because of that, then I understand.
Other things I post may include vocabulary lists, grammar posts, things related to linguistics, challenges and links to things related to my target languages that I find interesting.
I don’t do drama or discourse. I feel no obligation to respond to inflammatory asks and usually delete anything that I think is contentious. This is a language blog and it’s pretty rare that I deviate from that (I have a side blog for all my non-languagey stuff). But of course you can ask me questions about me and my life!
My blog is absolutely a safe space for people from all walks of life regardless of sexual identity, gender identity, ethnicity, nationality, colour, religion, size, IQ, background etc. If you consider that to be an issue, then you know where the unfollow button is.
I’m kinda terrible at replying to messages, so please don’t take it personally if I never respond to you.
My ask box is always open and anon is always on, so please feel free to send me any questions you have! (But uhh like I say I’m bad at replying sometimes so please just give me a nudge because honestly I may have just forgotten)
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scxttershot · 8 months
— character info sheet.
(repost, don’t reblog)
name: Floyd Lawton.
name meaning: Floyd, meaning "gray or gray-haired". There's many ways we could interpret the word "gray"; Floyd's life has been a series of miseries, so I'd argue it's indeed quite dismal! Lawton, derived from Old English and roughly meaning "old farmstead estate".
alias/es: Deadshot. Keep it simple, Floyd.
ethnicity: Presumably at least part English, at least in that way that a lot of Americans have English ancestry but have no real connection to the country. Headcanon-wise, he is the usual generic White American Admixture + Tongan on his mother's side. Passing for white is conditional, as always, and he gets pretty dark when he tans.
one picture / icon you like best of your character:
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three h/cs you never told anyone:
Floyd can sing! I personally headcanon him to sound a bit like Justin Furstenfield of the band Blue October; smoky, raspy, haunted voice full of all the agonies he'll never say.
Managed to kill a target with only a NERF gun once. I refuse to elaborate, because it's a lot funnier if I don't.
After years of hanging out with the Six, Floyd doesn't actually give a shit about what pronouns you call him. He'll respond consistently to "Floyd" and that's all anyone needs to know about him. Still goes by He/Him but literally just does not care to correct people if or when they assume otherwise.
three things your character likes doing in their free time: 
Smoking, obviously.
Have mentioned he's into whittling; he'll whittle just about anything cleavable enough if left alone with it, including bars of soap and candles.
Oddly enough, playing Angry Birds. [just a personal headcanon] Zoe got him into it.
eight people your character likes / loves:
I feel like I'd be cheating if I listed the entire Secret Six but I will mention them regardless [sobs in I have never seen a decent Catman RPer]
His daughters, Zoe and Suchin.
Owen Mercer. @playedbetter it's partly a fondness because Floyd knows his father extremely well.
Mary! @babydxhl Smoke buddies.
@ people: yeah IDK interact with me more?? Shrug. My problem is mostly that he doesn't really know people.
two things your character regrets:
Killing his brother, Edward, on accident. This is just canon.
[headcanon] letting his mother take advantage of him sexually. We love survivor's guilt here at scattershot.com!
one phobia your character has:
Does seeing himself nude count? Floyd basically goes into autopilot when showering, having sex, etc. He will literally never get over this also.
Tagged by: I stole this lmfaooo Tagging: @minodalus , @cxpperhead , @playedbetter specifically for Lori, @telekinctic , IDK will think of more people later it's 1 AM and I am Neil banging out the tunes
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munsons-maiden · 2 years
you don’t have to answer bc this will probably cause discourse lol
i honestly don’t understand how chrissy can be with someone like jason yet people ship her with eddie. like you can’t argue that she didn’t know about all the names that he was called and probably thought them too, since she was afraid/nervous around him in the woods during the drug deal. it’s a small town and even smaller school, you can’t tell me that she didn’t think the same things as jason did. she just had the chance of seeing that he’s actually nice one time and it was during a drug deal.
imo everyone just wants to see themselves as the only pretty, white, thin girl who is available to ship eddie with. if chrissy was black or asian or fat then she would not have as many fans or people feeling sorry for her (in the show and irl). same with Eddie tbh but that’s a whole other can of worms that people on here aren’t ready for.
i probably would’ve liked her character better if she was woc or fat tbh but then tumblr would shame her or ship eddie with nancy instead lol
I'm answering this because a) discourse is okay as long as it's friendly and respectful, and b) because I'd like to offer my own perspective on Chrissy since she's a character I can very much relate to.
First of all, as I said, that's only my opinion but I would have shipped her with Eddie regardless of her outer appearance, body type, ethnicity or even gender for that matter because I see the potential between those two and because I see Chrissy as a character very differently than you do.
I don't mean that as an offense, but you shouldn't generalize the reasons why people like Chrissy or ship her with Eddie; they don't owe anyone an explanation for that and some people, myself included, relate to her for a whole array of deeply personal reasons (and I mean that with shipping completely aside; let's focus on Chrissy as her own character here in this reply).
What I see when I look at Chrissy is a young girl who's hurting because she's forced into a corset of conformity that suffocates her with every day. Her abusive mother and her surroundings have taught her that perfection is what matters (we clearly see that in her Vecna vision, in the facade she's putting up at the pep rally during Jason's speech - the smile never reaches her eyes, they're hollow and sad) and it's literally killing her long before Vecna strikes. She struggles with an eating disorder. Her thinness is the sign of a severe mental illness that kills people in real life. She's a victim of abuse, and she's killed in one of the most brutal, horrendous ways possible. I'm only talking about Chrissy's specific case here, not the general problems of racism and fatphobia in fandom and irl because that would be far too complex to address correctly in a single post - but we, the audience, were meant to feel sorry for Chrissy, and the reasons why many of us do are, again, varying. Personal experience, relating with her struggle etc.
Chrissy is drowning - and I can assure you, as someone who's walked in her shoes, that in her situation, you're in constant survival mode. And Jason being a narcissist doesn't help her situation, but more on that later.
you can’t argue that she didn’t know about all the names that he was called
Yes, Chrissy knew Eddie was being called a freak. But if we see one thing very clearly in the woods scene, it's that she doesn't think of him as that, and that she doesn't treat him as such - and never did because if she had, you can bet that Eddie would have taken way longer to warm to her. Compared with, for example the talk between Steve and Eddie in the UD where Steve doesn't exactly try to make Eddie comfortable or reciprocate the attempt at finding a common ground but instead subconsciously makes Eddie, once again, feel like a freak for his interest in heavy metal, the woods scene shows that Chrissy doesn't view Eddie as a freak, at least not in a bad way because her reaction to Eddie calling her the Queen of Hawkins High vs a Freak is like day and night:
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This whole encounter in the woods, regardless of whether you ship them or not, clearly shows us one thing: Chrissy is deeply unhappy, and I'd even call her desperate because she holds on to Eddie for dear life because...this stranger she doesn't even know is the only one she can open up to knowing he won't judge her because he's already a freak. The situation reminds me a bit of Jack and Rose in Titanic tbh, or Belle and The Beast. This concept is indeed as old as time, storytelling-wise.
You can see her performative fake smile at the rally:
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vs her real smile with Eddie:
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I said it before: Eddie and Jason are the embodiment of two very different values. Jason stands for forced conformity and the very real danger of being bullied or worse if you don't conform; Eddie embodies being yourself and knowing your worth even if others don't see it. You can read about that here.
and probably thought them too, since she was afraid/nervous around him in the woods during the drug deal
She was very clearly nervous/afraid because the second before she met Eddie, she had the second absolutely terrifying hallucination in a single day.
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Now tell me, after that: wouldn't you be nervous/unsettled as well?
Eddie clearly thinks she's scared to get caught first (and tries to calm her, telling her that it was a safe place and nobody would ever come out there to catch them dealing), then he thinks she's scared of him - that's why he tells her he'd go and that it wasn't a problem. To which Chrissy says: "No, it's not that - I don't want you to go." and then she opens up to him because who else does she have to open up to? Jason? Who doesn't see her fading away further with the mental illness that's slowly killing her?
Chrissy was never scared of Eddie. (else, she would've never come to his trailer, but I digress).
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The constant pressure to be perfect Chrissy faces at home, by her mother, the comments on her weight we see her making in the Vecna vision: Chrissy has been raised to believe she needs to be flawless and perfect and (since we're all human) Chrissy knows she can never be flawless and perfect, never be enough. It's constant failure, she feels inadequate and her self-esteem is very low because of it no matter that she's the Queen because she knows it's a mask and it's tied to the terms and conditions of being perfect - and being Queen puts her in a spotlight, a constant danger of people realizing she's not perfect.
It's a constant feeling of losig control, and she gains a sense of security and control in the only way she knows how: controlling her weight and her hunger. That's exactly how EDs are developed. (A widespread, very harmful misconception about EDs such as Bulimia Nervosa and Anorexia Nervosa is that those suffering from it hate people who are overweigh when in reality, it's not about weight, they hate themselves because the unattainable standards of perfectionism they were taught to adhere to cannot be attained by them. I say that as a psychologist. Those suffering from EDs are victims of unattainable standards of beauty and perfectionism as much as people who are overweight (I'm only talking about beauty standards here, not about society's reaction. I'm very much aware that people with overweight face fatphobia - they're both victims of the same system; the difference is that those on the underweight side of the spectrum of it "fit" better with the norm and thus are spared the treatment those on the overweight side of the same spectrum sadly have to face).
And that's why she's with Jason, btw, a study-book narcissist and master-manipulator. When you're struggling, especially with a low self-esteem, you fall prey to people like Jason and the sense of security they give you, their status can give you, or simply because you don't feel you deserve better.
Chrissy is running for her life long before Vecna gets her.
Again, you're perfectly entitled to your opinion on Chrissy, just like everyone else. And just like you did in your ask, I'm offering my own perspective on her as a character.
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omniaspec-rat · 1 year
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[Image ID: A Tumblr post that says "I might coin race-presenting terms? For when someone presents as a certain race (regardless of actual racial identity.) Like a black-presenting transjapanese or a white-presenting ciswasian, for example. Do these terms already exist?". The username is not visible. End ID.]
It is serious? They're going to write THIS in a post and then say they (transid) are not racist??? IT IS SERIOUS????
And it gets worse
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[Image ID: A tumblr post, no username is visible. It says "Some transjapanese tips for my fellow transjapanese!!! (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
Before you say something in real life say "ahh!" Example: "ahh! Hello!!"
2. Instead of saying "huh?" say "eh?" or "ehhh?" Example: "What are you doing today?" "ehh??"
3. If you want you can also tell people you're Japanese, Mixed with Japanese, or just of Japanese heritage! Example: "What are your race/ethnicity are you?" "Oh, I am Japanese!"
4. You can also bow when saying hello, goodbye, when the compliment you, or when you're saying sorry! There's also 3 ways to bow, they even have names Eshaku (15°), Keirei (30°), and Saikeirei (45°) and sometimes people and there's also a bow for apologizing it's called Shazai (70°) and rarely if you're wishing mercy upon yourself you can get on your knees and bow
5. Never use tape to pull back your eyes, never pull your eyes back in general!!!
6. Try Japanese makeup or Japanese fashion, there's a lot of feminine, masculine, or neutral fashion on Japanese culture!
7. Try learning a Japanese accent, there's a lot of helpful ways on Youtube or Tiktok!
8. If you want you can also follow a Japanese religion most Japanese people are Atheist but there's are 2 popular religions in Japan being Shintoism and Buddhism
9. Learn Japanese if you have the time to!". End ID.]
All of this can basically be summed up as "lie, perform stereotypes and do a bit of cultural appropriation everyday!"
Does anyone GENUINELY write this and think "I sure as hell am not racist"??
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junkissed · 1 year
junkissed guidelines.
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keep in mind i am a student so with school, work, and life, i may not be fast about answering requests. i will do my best to answer as many as i can, but i reserve the right to decline any request regardless of whether or not it breaks my guidelines. i really try to get thru all of them, but i get busy and it may not happen! please don't take it personally :)
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requests & interaction guidelines
minors will be hard blocked. i write adult nsfw content and i am not comfortable interacting with anyone under 18. i can't stop you from reading, but do not interact with me.
blank and ageless blogs will be blocked on this blog ( @junkissed ) but you can send an ask to my main blog @wenjunehui and i will unblock once you add your age!
i am usually lenient about spam likers, but please remember i'm a real person and flooding my notifs with empty likes doesn't feel good. it's okay to read many of my fics at once, but consider leaving a comment or reblogging once in a while!
asks are always welcome! feel free to send links, photos, whatever you want :)
please read this whole post before sending a request to make sure it's something i'm comfortable with. if you're not sure about something just ask, i'm happy to clarify!
please be kind when requesting! it doesn't cost any extra effort to ask politely instead of demanding that i write something without so much as a 'please' or 'thank you'. remember that i am a stranger to you, and i do this for fun in my free time because i enjoy it. if you want to keep reading my fics and want me to keep writing, a little kindness goes a long way!
if you want to claim an emoji just let me know!! there is no requirement to be an emoji anon, i love all my anons so please don't be shy i won't bite <3
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reader notes
all my fics will be either fem/afab reader or gn reader x idol. i won't write idol x idol on its own, but there will be mxm in fics that feature poly relationships. — overall i try my best not to include any descriptions of reader's body type (unless requested; ie. tall/short reader reactions, etc). while i try to keep the reader as neutral as possible, i write from my own experiences and it's possible i may include something that gives the impression of a certain type of reader/body, so if you encounter that please let me know and i am happy to correct it!
because of my own identity, i don't feel comfortable writing about these because i don't want to misrepresent experiences or identities that i don't personally share:
male/amab reader — trans reader — aro or ace reader — specific races or cultural/ethnic backgrounds — specific nationality (country) — chubby/fat reader
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writing guidelines
💭 who i write for 💭
seventeen ot13 — txt ot5 — stray kids ot8 — ateez ot8 — enhypen hyung line (heeseung, jay, jake, sunghoon only) i will always write and take requests for seventeen! they are my ult group and i'm most comfortable writing about them. for the other groups, i will only take requests for drabbles, headcanons, reactions, texts, and mtl; i don't take requests for longer fics just because i don't feel i know them as well as svt enough to do them justice.
🟢 will always write (ok to request!) 🟢
non-idol au — established relationship — dom!idol — clear consent — happy endings — unprotected piv sex — breeding/creampie — subspace — weed & alcohol use — college au — choking, marking, spanking — dacryphilia — degradation/humiliation — multiple members (threesome, poly, etc.) — parent!idol or reader — anything else not listed under yellow or red
🟡 sometimes ok (ok to request, but i may choose not to write it) 🟡
butt stuff (anal, pegging, etc.) — a/b/o or hybrid au — pet play — high school au — weapons — pregnancy — period related smut — cheating/infidelity — idol au
🔴 will not write (do not request) 🔴
major character death — pedophilia/underage reader or idol — noncon/dubcon — incest — piss/vomit/anything of that nature — foot fetish — lactation — age play/ddlg — self harm/eating disorders/mental illnesses — drug abuse/addiction — extreme toxicity, abuse, manipulation, yandere, etc. — unhappy endings
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© junkissed. last updated 06 june 2024.
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rivertalesien · 7 months
So there was a Good Omens fan (or two) on Bluesky who questioned Neil Gaiman about having possibly cast nb/trans actors as Aziraphale and Crowley (since they're not human), instead of two cishet men (who play in drag for one sequence where A & C are female-presenting). The answer, I felt, was a little slippery and probably just to halt the whole thing in its tracks. After all, it's a moot point: the show's already cast and that's that. Instead of screenshots, here's the link to the start of the whole thing (just follow the threads, it's...something).
The problem with asking such questions is that it almost never fails for the (cishet) creator to get a little defensive or at least to play it safe and not really answer, and, moreover, for his defenders to speak for him and over him and over others and all but derail the real point of the question: why couldn't he have cast nb/trans actors in the main roles? Then it drags on and the one who asked the question in the first place is sort of belittled because no one understood and people tend to get their backs up when queers question representation....so, yeah, while it was all fairly civil, it didn't really go anywhere, just Gaiman confirming they wouldn't be casting anyone else as A and C in season 3.
Good Omens was published in 1990 by two white men who were part of a generation where white men were the default in pretty much everything (and still are, in pretty much every other thing). 30-odd years later, Gaiman's production of Good Omens doesn't really deviate from the book or its early 90s values (and this is not a criticism of who he cast), but I do wonder: what would this show have been like if an nb/trans creative was charged with a new interpretation? What about BIPOC (no one seems to bothered how A and C and even Gabriel are played by white men)?
I can only ask myself that (and I'm not trans, though the older I get the more I feel closer to nb or at least gender-non-specific idk). I'm not BIPOC, either.
I think I would have cast several different actors in the role, depending on the sequence. Male, female, nb, trans, multi-ethnic. All of the above. They would share certain characteristics (hair color, glasses, clothing, etc), even share mannerisms, but still allow for both characters to add dimensions as we slip through time periods. They're angels and demons, after all.
An animated version would have allowed for a great deal of fluidity in their look, too, and that might have been an interesting way to go.
Ultimately, the limits of the imagination and experience of the person charged with bringing these things to life is going to determine a great deal, and so are the demands of the studios and advertisers. Sometimes you get a little of what you want, sometimes you compromise.
Sometimes you don't get shit, and that's especially true when you're queer (which was kind of the point of the original poster in that thread).
Ultimately, asking non-queer creatives to include us means no response or some progress, if we're lucky: a supporting character, a side character here or there. Gaiman himself has made a point of casting queer performers and having queer characters in his shows (particularly Sandman). A and C are canonically queer. Dream and their siblings are queer af. It's not like this wasn't happening and who can blame him for casting Sheen and Tennant? Regardless of their personal relationships with Gaiman, they really fit *his* vision for *his* show.
So. How would *you* have done it?
And, for pity's sake, leave poor Neil out of it.
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whitepassingpocs · 11 months
ok, so, my family (dad, more specifically grandpas side, I dont like dicing it up like that but it’s necessary for this story) is louisiana kreyol. We have been in america since at least the early 1700s and I know our ethnic background is french, italian, native, and west african. We are culturally kreyol-ish despite living in the pnw because my grandpa brought it with him when he moved up here. He does not speak the language.
My grandpa was interested in his culture, but the rest of my dads side…isn’t, and largely identifies as white. (despite not really looking white?. their skin is very much olive/brown and my dad looks more asian if anything.)
due to the way the world works, I obviously have very little information on the native side. Even the tribe itself only has about half a page of information on google. Same thing with the west african.
I look ethnically ambiguous, and identify heavily as native (and mediterranean, i dont identify as african as much but i do want to connect to that side a bit more) but reconnecting is so hard when theres no information.
my grandpa is dead, he died in 2018 which was before i even thought much about my heritage. my grandma does have native heritage but shes not connected and she doesnt know a whole lot about my grandpas side, i tried asking her the other day but she said that our family cant be kreyol because they “dont know how to speak the language” which just,, hurt.
I just don’t know what to do, I feel like im lying if i identify as poc, but i also feel like im lying if i identify as white.
I just feel very lost, i dunno :(
hello there. my condolences for the loss of your grandpa. its really hard to lose the family member you feel is most connected to your culture. the important thing to remember is that connection is also in you because you are connected to him, regardless of how you look or what you know. you come from your grandpa. i am not kreyol (if anyone who follows is, please feel free to comment on this ask), but some general advice on feeling connected is:
do your research - honestly just use everything at your disposal to research the history and culture you’re a part of whether that’s family records, books, internet, public records -  research! research! research!
interact with other ppl of your culture - be careful with this if you’re a minor, but interacting with other ppl from your culture in real life/online can be helpful but do so safely
follow activists/influencers from your culture - this will also involve research, but the best way to learn about the issues facing your people is from the people fighting them/advocating for them
learn language and recipes - again, this will take research, but there are loads of language learning apps for learning ancestor tounges. same with recipes for indigenous foods
engage with media from your culture - watch films, tv shows, and read books about and created by your people. its the easiest way to learn about your culture. even just finding clips on youtube
follow blogs/social media about ur culture - another great way to both learn and connect with ppl is following positivity/history pages about ur culture. it’s also a great way to decolonise ur feed
be patient with yourself - reconnecting is a process that is different for everyone. it’s a never-ending process and you have to respect there will be times you’re frustrated and even wrong about certain things - that’s okay. take a deep breath and keep going
labels are not as important as your actions - a label is a word you give yourself. it does not necessarily give you culture, allyship, community, history or knowledge. that has to come from you and your actions which is why its important to keep what you do in focus over what you call yourself. at the end of the day, that’s what matters. that’s how people will see you as who you are.
listen!! - there are gonna be times you get things wrong, there are going to be times where you’ll be called out. these are moments of learning. they’re not easy, but they’re necessary. listen and learn.
remember, blood quantum is colonial - unlearning to think of your heritage as something quantifiable is a big step and one of the most important steps you’ll take. no matter how much milk you add to coffee its still coffee
otherwise, check out our reconnecting tag for asks relating to advice on reconnecting and feeling connected to your culture. wishing you the best of luck 💛
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bellitenzin · 1 year
Power of walking away!
This article is all about why walking away is so powerful and attractive at the same time. There are few reasons why when you decide to walk away from anybody in your life, it actually comes across extremely powerful and attractive. So please stay tuned. Welcome to belli article. This is going to be my first article here on tumble. If you are here, please like, share and follow.
Walking away works on anybody, your family, your friend, your boss, your wife, absolutely anybody. One of the greatest superpowers one can possess in the real world is the power of walking away. It is one of the amazingly simple yet powerful things any person can actually do regardless of your background, ethnicity, religion etc. Why waste your life for people who never support you, who genuinely never want the best for you, why spend the money and time with a person who is not sure about dating you or going into business with you etc.
Now, how is walking away so attractive? Very much like no contact rule, which essentially implies cutting complete contact with someone, going silent and sticking to it. It is all about regaining or having the upper hand and choosing yourself over another person and seeing your worth. It is not like playing some psychology game at all & it isn’t similar to that by any means. There is a significant difference between manipulation and removing yourself from a person, a group of people or a social situation. And life is too damn short to waste it with idiots. Therefore, getting up & walking away is an incredibly brave & powerful method. Couple of months back only, I walked away from a toxic relationship of over two years. In spite of investing so much in that relationship, it ended up taking me for granted. I felt so disregarded & finally it hit my absolute bottom. Enough is enough, I said it to myself and walked away. Also, everybody can walk away from anyone if your worth is not valued regardless of genders difference, social status and so forth.
Now, how is walking away powerful and attractive?
Well, I will reveal all in the following four ways, why walking away is not only attractive and powerful but also utterly irresistible too.
No.1 You become a challenge.
The primary reason why walking away is incredibly powerful & attractive is because you immediately become a bit of a challenge. The vast majority of people are so uncertain nowadays that even the smallest amount of pressure or absence of clearness can send them to spiral of chaos. How accessible are you when it comes to dating & relationships? Could it be said that you are always at the end of a phone call, a little text and you promptly answer? Do you drop everything just to see that person even when you are really busy? Do you prioritise that person over everything, your hobbies, your work, your friends and so forth? The problem initially here is, you are not likely to be a challenge and as a result, you have found yourself almost utterly obsess for the attention of that other person. You love them so much that you don’t want to lose them & take all the necessary steps to keep them in your life and make sure you have no mistakes or make no mistakes whatsoever. Most likely you are kind of ripped. We have all been there though. For a man who give gifts, who show the affection to the smallest things, and ensure they are okey all the time and to the point where it gets irritating. And sadly, these usually brings most of relation to the cross streets and almost to the points of no returns. So, what is the solution? Indeed, walking away. By doing so it shows that you are not in that frame of mind games, uncertainties or any types of nonsense. It shows you have dignity, pride and an amazing amount of self-respect. It shows that you have that healthy boundary which need not to crossed. And now you are a challenge. The other person is stunt that you got up and walked away. They arrogantly believed that you will be with them regardless of how treated you. And just how wrong were they?
No.2 They miss your attention.
Another reason walking away is so attractive is the other person will immediately miss the attention you had given them. People are so predictable these days. You give them an inch; you can guarantee they will take a mile and take advantage. People are constantly taking advantage of other people, you name it, they will happily let you call them first all the time. They will let you chase them, they will let you treat them to nice things. They will make you put all the effort and all the work. They let all the effort; all the arrangements lie with you. You are the mouse, and they are the cheese.Ultimately you are trying your hardest to make sure that they will stay with you and make sure that they are always going to like you. You check on them constantly, you ask them how their days are going and so on and so forth. You are initiating the attention with them every single time and they know this. They think I have got him/her. I have wrapped his/her around my little finger. If I call, they will come running, if I say jump, they will say how high? However if you walk away, what happens to that wonderful attention that you were giving them? Obviously, it stops immediately. It comes to an abrupt end and suddenly they are at a loose end. They crave you more than ever. They will become obsessed with you because you have starved them of the very thing that they arrogantly assumed were entitled for eternity i.e., your attention. No.3
You are mysterious.
Human beings are always curious about the unknown. When you’re constantly available and everybody knows what you are up to, what you want, who you are. Then your mystery is non-existent. By walking away and remaining no contact ignites excitement and fear within their subconscious mind. By the person constantly knowing where you are, what you are up to. You show that you are way excessively available. However, suddenly you walked away and following anxiety clicked their mind. They start to question themselves, what are they doing? who are they with? Who are they spending time with? What are they thinking? and so on. Walking away and remaining silent makes you mysterious and mystery is very attractive. No.4
You regain your power
Yes, walking away regains your power. Having the strength to get up and walk away from negative and toxic individuals is hugely underrated super power. It is of course not easy to walk away from the person whom you have loved more than anything but it is the only right thing to do. The greatest power you can ever possess is the power of walking away. By tolerating abuse, negligence, mind games, toxicity, dramas, stress all the time, would only affect your life making it considerably worse. The upper hand lies firmly with you. What you have to do is walk away silently. There is no power in butting heads and continuing arguments with a fool. There is no power in butting heads and continuing arguments with a fool. There is no power in chasing and flogging a dead horse. There is no power in begging and pleading. However there is power in walking away. You are portraying the confidence and self belief that you will not tolerate anything or anybody that does not abide by your standards. This is not about being arrogant but for the right reason, which is your own self respect. It needs to be about yourself, not the other person. Thank you for your attention.
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91062854-ka · 2 years
Ichika [Voiced by: Saori Hayami (Japanese)/Brina Palencia (English)]
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Kanji: いちか
Rōmaji: Ichi ka
Also Known As:
Ichika Sakamaki
Lady Ichika
Lady Sakamaki
Mama/Mother (by Akemi and the Sakamaki and Mukami brothers)
My dear, my love (by Karlheinz)
Age: Unknown
Status: Alive
Personal Information
Human (formerly)
Ethnicity: Japanese
Gender: Female
Blood Type: O
Hair Color: Platinum blonde white
Eye Color: Gray
Fourth Wife of Karlheinz
Baker (formerly)
Flower shop worker (formerly)
Sakamaki Family
Her parents' bakery (formerly)
Her aunt's flower shop (formerly)
Karlheinz (husband)
Akemi (daughter)
Shu (stepson)
Reiji (stepson)
Ayato (stepson)
Kanato (stepson)
Laito (stepson)
Subaru (stepson)
Ruki (adoptive son)
Kou (adoptive son)
Yuma (adoptive son)
Azusa (adoptive son)
Richter (brother-in-law)
Unnamed father (deceased)
Unnamed mother (deceased)
Unnamed aunt (deceased)
Hobbies: Baking, reading, taking care of flowers, playing with her children, singing, playing the violin
Favorite Food: Chocolate chips
Ichika is the fourth wife of Karlheinz and the mother of Akemi Sakamaki. She is also the stepmother of Shu, Reiji, Ayato, Kanato, Laito, Subaru and Kino, and the adoptive mother of Ruki, Kou, Yuma and Azusa.
Ichika has been described by her stepsons, adoptive sons, her daughter, her husband, or anyone who saw her as the most beautiful woman they've ever seen, even more beautiful than Cordelia.
She has long wavy platinum blonde, white mid back hair and has grey eyes. She wears a light grey dress with three roses embellishment by the left side of her waist. On her right arm, she wore a long black see-through glove that was similar in style to the straps on her dress. She also wore a black necklace on her neck.
As a village girl, she once wore a simple sky-blue casual dress with white shirt underneath and a while apron and black no heel slippers with her long hair tied up into a long single ponytail with a few hair strains out before she lets her whole hair down after she married Karlheinz.
Village girl outfit:
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Formal dress:
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Ichika is very kind and motherly to the young Sakamaki and Mukami brothers and later to her only daughter. Ichika is said to possess an inner beauty that even death could not steal. Being beautiful inside and out, Ichika is very caring and kind to anyone she meets. She is sweet and friendly to all living beings and cherished all lives around her. She takes pride in her baking and enjoys making sweets for the people. Ichika is also very faithful towards her royal husband and treats him with respect. 
However, Ichika did show to fear him due to the fact that he is the Vampire King and what he might do to her if she makes one mistake to upset him even after she became a vampire. Her greatest characteristic trend is her motherly love towards her children, giving her stepsons and adopted sons real motherly love and loving them and her daughter as a real mother despite not being their real one. Ichika's sweet and kind nature had often clash with the other wives due to their parenting behavior towards their children. This shows that Ichika won't get along with parents who puts their own needs and interests above their children.
Ichika was born and raised in a small human village in Japan with her mother and father and aunt. During her life in her hometown, Ichika took a liking to reading and wanted to learn how to play the violin and sing, so she can sing along to any music she listens to for entertainment. Her aunt always tells her from a young age not to trust men since there are some who wants to take advantage of women, Ichika didn't understand at the time, but listen to her aunt regardless.
She found that what her aunt meant when her music teacher her father hired tried to get her attention and even tries to take sexually advantage of her whenever they were alone together, however, she listened to her aunt's warning and tries to avoid him when their lessons are over, her former teacher almost sexual assaulted her after he snapped from being tired of her rejecting him, but her father came home in time to stop him, fired him and called the police to arrest him, she was only 13 years old at the time.
When she was 16, a man who was a secretary to a powerful duchess hired her to be his assistant when he visited the flower shop one day, so she starts helping him and earning a well pay money, however she began to realize that, like her former music teacher, he tries to get her for her looks and body as well and tries to avoid him whenever they were alone together. When he tries to sexual assault her, the duchess came to his office for important papers and saw this and called out guards to stop him, fired him on the spot and had him arrested.
Since then, Ichika began to develop a strong mistrust of men growing up, with the exception of her father. She became well known in her village for her talents and being an excellent baker and working at her aunt's flower shop, but she is mostly well known for her beauty. All the women in the village are secretly jealous of her as all the men wanted her as their wife, but she always turns them down, believing they only want her for her looks and not for herself due to her past trauma.
At some point, Ichika caught the eye of the Vampire King himself when he was visiting her village one day. Karlheinz was supposed to be incapable of love, but from the moment he lay his eyes on Ichika, he feels attracted to her and was unaware of it, until he discovered the men of her village wants her as their wife, realizing he wants her for himself as his fourth wife.
Ichika at first rejected him, believing he only wants her for her looks just like the men before him, but after she found out what he really is, she grew afraid and tried to avoid him, however Karlheinz managed to convince her to marry him, and even though she knew he has three wives, she eventually married him with no other choice and after they got married, she said her goodbyes to her parents and aunt and became the stepmother of the Sakamaki brothers. Her marriage to Karlheinz did came with criticism from many people because of her status born as a commoner and as a human. 
This earned Ichika many jealousies from the female nobility who saw her as an unfit wife for the Vampire King. Soon enough, Ichika became very close to her stepsons, showering them with motherly love they never got from their biological mothers, such as teaching Shu how to play the violin, spending time with Reiji, and playing with the triplets and Subaru.
Ichika even gotten close to the Mukamis after her husband saved them from an orphanage when they were humans. At some point, she met Kino and tries to visit him as much as she can to spend time with him. Ichika was heartbroken when she heard her parents and aunt passed away from an illness and the ones who comfort her for her loss was her husband and her sons. The Sakamaki and Mukami brothers all begged Ichika not to leave them, but she told them she can't promise them that due to her being a human.
At some point after Beatrix and Christa's deaths, Ichika became terminally ill with an unknown disease, and Cordelia seize this opportunity to finally get rid of her since Ichika was going to die soon by her illness, believing she would finally have all of Karlheinz's attention since whenever he comes to the house to visit, he would mostly spend time with Ichika. Cordelia and Ichika were arguing about Cordellia's treatment towards the triplets again before Cordelia mortally wounded her and drank her to the point of death.
Ichika tries to run away from her and fortunately for Ichika, she found the room where her stepsons were. When they saw her and the state she was in, they quickly rushed over to check on her while asking her what happened, she told them Cordelia was trying to kill her and while the triplets went to deal with Cordelia, Reiji, Shu and Subaru took her somewhere safe so Reiji can treat her injury.
After the triplets took care of Cordelia by killing her, they appeared in Ichika's bedroom just as Reiji asked Ichika why Cordelia tried to kill her after he treated her injury. Ichika reveals to them that she is slowly dying because of her illness, and Cordelia wanted to get rid of her, so she can get their father's attention for herself. Soon Karlheinz appeared, heard what happened and approached her to see if she was alright, to which she reassures him she is, but Reiji said that she was running out of time due to her illness.
Hearing this and not wanting to lose his favorite wife, Karlheinz offers Ichika a chance to live by turning her into a vampire, after some convincing from her husband and stepsons, she finally accepts his offer and Karlheinz turned her into a vampire. Making the Sakamaki brothers happy now that they won't lose her, along with Kino and the Mukami brothers who heard about it. Soon enough after her transformation, Ichika gave birth to a baby girl name Akemi a year later.
Karlheinz is Ichika's husband. Ichika is Karl's favorite wife. Ichika is very faithful and loyal to her royal husband. Karlheinz was supposed to be incapable of love, and yet when he first lay his eyes on her, there was something about her that attracts him so much to the point where he wants her for himself as his fourth wife. Ichika does eventually marry him, but only out of fear of what he'll do to her after she found out what he really is.
So even she does admit that he is very handsome, she only fears and respects him, especially after finding out he killed the two men who tried to sexually assault her when he found out what they tried to do to her from a young age, so she doesn't really love him, and he knows it. He tries to make things comfortable between them to make her feel safe and less tense whenever they're in the same room together, so whenever Karlheinz visited, he always brings and gives flowers to Ichika and the meaning behind those flowers are 'love'.
Akemi Sakamaki 
Akemi is Ichika's biological and only daughter. She loves her child very much and is happy to bring her into the world. She would teach Akemi how to sing and wants her to be happy, but not being spoiled. But Akemi doesn't know that Ichika made a deal with Karlheinz that she'll give birth to her in exchanged for Laito's freedom from his imprisonment.
Shu Sakamaki 
Shu is Ichika's eldest stepson. Ichika cares about Shu despite not being her biological child. She was also the one who told the butler to give her the puppy that Beatrix wants to get rid of, so Ichika can give him back to Shu to take care of together in secret.
Reiji Sakamaki 
Reiji is Ichika's second oldest stepson. Because of Reiji was heavily neglected by his mother, Ichika tried to show him with motherly love to make him happy. Ichika is the only one Reiji has a soft spot for, besides Akemi.
Ayato Sakamaki
Ayato is Ichika's third oldest stepson. Ichika always tried to let Ayato see that he was already the best. She also stands up for him to Cordelia so he can have more time to play with his brothers and focus on his studies later on or for the next day. She was also the one who taught him how to swim after saving him from drowning in a lake by Cordelia, because of this, Ichika is very protective of Ayato and tries her best to make sure he stays away from Cordelia as much as possible.
Kanato Sakamaki 
Kanato is Ichika's fourth older stepson. Kanato took a quick liking to Ichika and soon began to seek her attention. He enjoys Ichika's baking and the sweets she makes whenever they're together. He always says Ichika is the best baker and she always makes the best sweets. She would always make sure he stays away from Cordelia as much as possible after she saw him bleeding his vocal cords out from singing too much to Cordelia, and caught her and Richter having sex while he was playing with his Teddy, because of this, Ichika is very protective of Kanato.
Laito Sakamaki 
Laito is Ichika's fifth older stepson. Ichika enjoys playing with Laito and is very kind to him. She was the one who gifted him a fedora hat, and he wears it all the time and treasures it. Ichika is very protective of Laito and wants him to stay away from Cordelia as much as possible. She defends him against Karlheinz after she told him that Cordelia was the one who made Laito have sex with her and started an incestuous relationship with her.
She was able to convince him to set Laito free from his prison, but in exchange to give him a child of her own. Laito felt responsible for Ichika giving up her virginity to Karlheinz in exchange for his freedom, but Ichika reassures him not to feel guilt since she knew she'll lose it to Karlheinz sooner or later. Because of this, out of all the Sakamaki brothers, she is closest to Laito the most because she knew what it's like to almost be used as an object due to her past trauma.
Subaru Sakamaki 
Subaru is Ichika's sixth younger stepson. Ichika loves to spend time with Subaru and encourages him to play with his half-brothers at a young age and was always by his side when his real mother is not around. Subaru is very kind to Ichika and enjoys her company as they would walk around the gardens when it was just the two of them. She would always tell him he is not a monster, and he is not powerless, hideous and polluted whenever she heard him calling himself those things and tells him he is a beautiful and kind boy who deserves to be loved and happy.
Kino is Ichika's youngest stepson. Ichika is the only wife that discovered about the illegitimate son of her husband. However, Ichika is loving to Kino and treated him with kindness. Because of this, Kino plans to let Ichika, and later her daughter Akemi, live once he gets rid of the vampire race for her kindness and motherly love for him.
Ruki Mukami 
Ruki is Ichika's eldest adoptive son. At first, Ruki was a bit distrustful of his new adoptive mother because of his trust issues towards women after he was abandoned by his real mother, but eventually grew to respect her. He was actually surprised when he found out that she has distrust issues towards men and yet she was loving towards him and his brothers but is understanding when Ichika didn't want to tell him the truth.
Kou Mukami 
Kou is Ichika's second oldest adoptive son. Ichika was very kind to Kou and wanted to help him overcome his tragic past. She was also the one who taught him how to sing. Kou adores Ichika and loves her as a mother he always wanted, he always seeks her attention and whenever she visits, he would always run up to her to be the first to hug her. Because of this, out of all the Mukami brothers, she is closest to Kou the most because she knew what it's like to be used and only be liked for her looks due to her trauma.
Yuma Mukami 
Yuma is Ichika's third younger adoptive son. Yuma was at first distrustful of his new adoptive mother. But he soon learned that she once lived a normal human life before she met Karlheinz. After finding out she loves flowers, he began to plant some in his garden with her, seeing how she doesn't mind gardening and because of this, Yuma begins to enjoy her company as they would plant flowers or fruits and vegetables together whenever she visits.
Azusa Mukami 
Azusa is Ichika's youngest adoptive son. Ichika tried to help Azusa with his problem of feeling pleasure from pain. Azusa feels unease because he never had any parental love before in his whole life as a human, but after receiving motherly love from Ichika, he begins to crave for her love and is always happy whenever Ichika comes to visit.
Richter is Ichika's brother-in-law. Ichika despises Richer for traumatizing the triplets by sleeping with Cordelia in front of them numerous times. However, she is unaware until later on she found out that Richter has romantic feelings for her and is conflict on who he loves more: Ichika or Cordelia. When she found out, she didn't feel the same way due to her distrust of men after how she was treated in the past and remains loyal to Karlheinz.
Cordelia and Ichika did not get along together. Ichika strongly disapproved of Cordelia's treatment towards the triplets and wants them to stay away from her as much as possible. The two wives were rivals of who was Karlheinz's favorite wife, but Karlheinz always favors Ichika over Cordelia, because of this, Ichika uses this to get Cordelia into trouble whenever she does something inappropriate to Ayato, Kanato and Laito, knowing he always sides with her. Since Ichika is more beautiful than Cordelia and gets more gifts and attention than she does, Cordelia easily becomes very jealous of her.
Beatrix and Ichika did not get along together. While Ichika felt sorry for Beatrix due to her being bullied by Cordelia, she didn't like Beatrix favoring Shu over Reiji and they would often argue on Beatrix's treatment on the two older sons.
Christa and Ichika did not get along together. Ichika did feel sorry for Christa due to her poor mental health because of Karlheinz and what he did to her that caused her to be in the state she was in. However, Ichika didn't like that Christa took it out on Subaru whenever she has her episodes.
Like all vampires, she has an inhuman strength as well as increased speed (less than a pureborn vampire), increased vision and hearing, and smell. Being a vampire, she also has fast healing though it is slower than a pure blood.
She appears to be capable of teleporting from nowhere in an instant.
Impure vampires do not have the same amount of skills like pure ones, nor do they possess their own magic, however, Karlheinz borrows some for her, such as a protective barrier and bat familiars.
However, due to being a former human, Ichika is quite used to things like daylight and human food.
• Ichika's name means "one thousand flowers".
• Ichika is the only wife who didn't come from a noble background and was a human.
• Ichika is a good swimmer after being taught by her father.
• According to Karlheinz, the Sakamaki and Mukami brothers, and Kino, Ichika's scent is as sweet as candy.
• Ichika has a beautiful singing voice, Karlheinz even said that she sounds like a siren singing.
• Ichika was only bitten twice by Karlheinz, the first time was in front of his younger brother out of jealousy and possessive when he saw Ritcher trying to charm her, and the second time was during the progress of turning her into a vampire.
• According to Karlheinz, Ichika's blood is the finest blood he has ever tasted.
• Ichika wears a beautiful golden ring with an enormous red ruby jewel that's shaped like a rose on her left ring finger, this represents how she belongs to Karlheinz forever.
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