#anti-dnd action play another game
dragoneer99 · 2 years
Marian’s Ultimate TTRPG Recommendation Post
So I’m sick to fuck of everyone twisting every god damn thing to shove it into dungeons and dragons. This post is as detailed as I can get for alternatives you can seek out, as I’m a big fan of a diverse range of tabletop games.
First, for new players who are easily intimidated by large rulesets, or veterans who just prefer a lightweight system, I highly recommend most apocalypse hacks, white wolf games (despite my opinions on their writing), or just using the fate system. If you’re a fan of KSBD, you could try out the Broken Worlds system (just pledge 1$ to the patreon.) You can also try Exalted if you really enjoy Wuxia, or just take the fate system and build your own world. If you like percy jackson, consider looking at the Scion books. If you like vampires, werewolves and witches, white wolf has you covered on all three.
If you want MORE detail, especially with regards to customization, I would recommend Palladium Fantasy or Rifts. Exhaustive in their lore, both the lore AND the ruleset highly encourage individual customization and building the character YOU want to play. I would also encourage Abaddon’s other works, like Lancer and ICON, lancer for the mech nerds and icon for the epic fantasy nerds.
If there’s any type of IP you really enjoy in the fantasy or sci-fi worlds, there is usually a tabletop RPG! Cyberpunk itself has one, as well as Lord of the Rings (The One Ring ttrpg is what you want to look for), pretty much all Warhammer properties, Star Wars, AND Star Trek all have their own ttrpgs. You just have to look for them.
If superheroes and such are more your thing, both Marvel and DC have made TTRPG systems before, although they’re somewhat outdated now. I’d recommend Champions or Heroes Unlimited for rules-heavy, and Mutants and Masterminds for rules-light.
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formulaorange · 1 year
Winter 2023 - What to Watch
The new year is here and we aren't starting it off slow. There's a lot that look worth checking out so buckle up, this is a long post full of anime recommendations.
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Starting with some banger sequels: Vinland Saga S2 Tokyo Revengers S2 The Misfit of Demon King Academy S2 Bofuri S2 The Vampire dies in No Time S2 Bungou Stray Dogs S4 We also have the continuations of these shows, each one, honestly worth a watch: BlueLock My Hero Academia S6 To Your Eternity S2 The Eminence in Shadow All of these are some big name series that'll definitely have their own following. Personally I'm looking forward to the contrast between the seriousness of Vinland Saga and the dumb humour in The Vampire dies in No Time. As for new series, there's definitely a few noteworthy ones:
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NieR: Automata Ver 1.1a For all you gamers out there, NieR is finally getting a solid looking anime. But also for those who haven't played the game, this honestly looks like a solid sci-fi series. 100% worth checking it out. Kubo-san Won't Let me be Invisible This is a new series from Shonen Jump. (I believe there's only 3 english volumes out as of now.) It seems like a solid slice of life and there'll definitely be a decent fan following.
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Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill This is a series I started reading a while back and it's actually so much fun, I can't believe MAPPA ended up being the ones who picked it up. I think it'll be a solid show and I'm really looking forward to watching it come to life.
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Buddy Daddies This looks super fun and cute. It seems similar to Yakuza babysitter but more shonen jump-esque? Genres are comedy and organized crime. Should be a solid series regardless of if there's any similarities to spyxfamily.
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Trigun Stampede While I don't know much about the trigun series, I think it's crazy that it looks like this entire show is 100% CGI. I'm interested to see how smooth it actually looks because the trailer looked damn impressive. The Ice Guy and his Cool Female Colleague I've heard about this series and it looks like such a solid adult romance (as in they're actually adults). I'm stoked to have another series like this coming up.
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Sugar Apple Fairy Tale The animations look so good 😭I'm such a sucker for this animation style and character design. Something about it just too pretty to not check out. There's also something about it that give me Mushoku tensei vibes. Giant Beasts of Ars This actually looks super different. The concept and creatures look interesting and has an oddly medieval vibe to things. Reminds me a bit of DND. I think it'll be a neat series worth looking into if you're interested in the Kaiju fighting genre. Malevolent Spirits: Monogatari Not going to lie, this looks like a JJK spin off or some kind of smaller SJ series. I'll check it out and see if it actually has any potential, but for now it looks like the standard standout mc with a group of people he's stuck with to fight of spirits. Some additional ones that look interesting:
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Revenger I originally thought this would be a write off because it's so low on the list for anticipated series and the name seemed kinda bland, but the trailer actually looks neat. It seems to be an old school action with an anti-hero in old Japan. I can't really explain it well, but definitely worth a look over. Hikari no Ou This is the artsy series for the season. It looks primarily story focused and has the standard artsy animation style (sonny boy, heike monogatari). If you're here for the story, I think this is the one to check out. In/Spectre S2 This series has a solid manga following and seems to have a really interesting concept. Worth taking a look at. Spy Classroom Tbh, I don't think i'll watch this, but it seems like something worth mentioning. Essentially assassination classroom but with spies. If you're looking for the ecchi series - check out: My Life as Inukai-san's Dog This guy's turned into a dog and is kept by the girl he likes. Just 100% ecchi, very limited plot by the looks of it.
And of course, the 3 episode isekai/fantasy section: Farming Life in Another World Not much that needs to be said, but if it can stay as a wholesome farming anime then I'll likely watch a few episodes. The Reincarnation of the Strongest Exorcist in Another World The animations look pretty solid and it seems like there might be some interesting creatures/plot points to this one. Worth a few episodes at least. Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte Interesting take on the current theme of entering shoujo games. Essentially these 2 friends are somehow able to talk to the mc in a love game, confusing him and pretty much acting as the angel and the devil on his shoulder. Final Notes: There's a bunch more out that that I ended up not including just for quality's sake. Save you guys the pain of all the isekais out there this season. At the end of the day, there's some really solid sequels of much loved shows and just as many decent looking new series. My guess is that if Buddy Daddies actually holds it's ground against some of the others, it'll be one of the underdogs of the season.
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PLEASE tell me about the hq dnd au. I’m intrigued
ok but like genuinely I wrote a little oneshot of how I think it would go for tskym week like...three years ago and I'm disappointed it didn't get as much interest as i thought it would. I got really into D&D when I started listening to The Adventure Zone in 2018 (which, I think it's absolutely crazy that was 4 years ago btw) and I've been obsessed with the idea of the hq gang playing dnd for a while.
The premise of the fic is that the reader is experiencing the campaign, not the process of making it, but through a unique lens: we're watching the PCs instead of the characters playing at the table. Each character's PC is of course created with a class, race, and backstory that is different than their own with unique names- but, because it's still a Haikyuu fic, we're still watching the characters go through these situations.
So like, in my example fic, we read and comprehend that "Tsukishima" and "Yamaguchi" are the ones controlling the narrative, but their characters are the ones experiencing the sensations.
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The way I would work this is by essentially writing a fantasy Haikyuu fic that loosely follows D&D 5e rules/my small knowledge of how D&D works, and include cut scenes like provided in the example to show the "playing" D&D aspect of the fic. This would also be able to excuse any acts that the "Characters" (PCs with their names changed to reflect the person playing them) do that may seem OOC or weird choices for them to make by blaming it on a "bad roll" or "failed check." Essentially bailing the author out if people complain about a character's actions being "totally OOC for him" lol.
"But 12 people is a lot of people for a D&D party, isn't it?" The answer to that is yes. Having all of one team or multiple teams in one campaign together would be near impossible for an IRL game. Like, not gonna lie there. I would probably have the team split into two separate campaigns that occasionally overlap, with other characters from other teams simply being NPCs that the audience, looking at the story from an outsider's perspective, could potentially identify as another character. Great example would be, if the campaign follows Karasuno, seeing a childhood friend duo could imply either Kuroo and Kenma or Oikawa and Iwaizumi or one of the Miya twins and Aran, depending on the relationship of the duo.
I have a lot of feelings about potentially writing this one day, and the ideas are probably confusing if you haven't read the oneshot I did with the concept, but year. D&D AU.
In a Karasuno-centric version of this, Ennoshita is of course the DM.
They host at Tanaka or Daichi or Yamaguchi's houses the most, because they have a lot of space and their parents aren't home often enough for such a large group meet in.
Another way to shrink the group is to just have Narita and Kinoshita have their own separate campaign that Enno DMs on the side, but I like the idea of an even split for players.
Tanaka has played a dragonborn in every campaign he's ever played and has a custom dice set that looks like a dragon's hoard.
Akiteru DMed a mini campaign for Yamaguchi and Tsukki when they were in middle school, and Enno discovering their minis while studying at Yamaguchi's house is how they get their team campaign going.
Hinata, like everything else, is a complete newbie but somehow manages to rock everyone's shit still. Like, everyone's convinced his dice are loaded even after doing multiple float tests, but he just had great rolls. That is, until he needs to have a good roll in the middle of some important combat and he gets a 3 with a -2 add on and nearly beefs it.
Tsukki has healing spells, which he absolutely should not be allowed to have bc he refuses to use them on anyone anyway.
Tsukki and Daichi are very anti-roleplay. Meanwhile, Suga, Tanaka, and Hinata absolutely love it. Everyone else is neutral with a positive lean.
Yamaguchi is surprisingly the one that romances everyone he sees- surprising because of his general demeanor, but also because I genuinely think he either plays paladin, cleric, or monk. Very non-flirtatious beings, usually.
Yachi and Kiyoko are definitely in this somewhere. I can't decide if I want them actually playing or as NPCs somewhere in the story, but they're definitely there.
I like to think that the other teams also have their own campaigns going on, and sometimes they run into one another at a post-session dinner or something.
This could honestly fit into the highschool canon or in like a college AU.
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underthedekutree · 3 years
Gender and Race in Zelda Games - Pt 1
Hey, can we talk about how the Gerudo’s defining trait is their gender? It’s very explicitly marketed to the player that they are an all female race and that has a lasting impact on their culture and how they interact with other races, considering they are reproductively compatible with hylians (and is the only way to ensure their survival as a race).
Although Nintendo likes to distance themselves from any political statements, the Zelda franchise does give an insight into their views on gender identity and racial representation. I’m going to be mostly going off of Breath of the Wild (and a bit of OoT) for this.
There are 7 major civilised races in BOTW’s Hyrule, and they’re mainly based on standard tropes of the high fantasy genre, which has most of its roots in the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. Things like the Elder Scrolls and DnD follow a similar set of race tropes. Basically in a nutshell:
Hylians = Humans (protagonist material, has a far reaching empire, medieval aesthetic, predominantly white because yay colonialism amirite)
Zora = Elves (attuned with nature, long life/immortality, thinks they’re better than you, thin/sexy/youthful appearance, feminine)
Gorons = Dwarves (associated with earth, overtly masculine, stocky/stout appearance, b e a r d s)
Koroks = Halflings/Hobbits (smol, associated with plants and greenery, often the starting point in a story, disconnected from the world, humble people, old english farmer aesthetic)
Gerudo = Orc/Haradrim/Khajiit (the Oppressed Minority, often desert people, has an ”Exotic” accent/language, vague mix of middle-eastern, african and/or south american aesthetics)
Rito = Bird People (free spirits, archery for days, native american/canadian aesthetic)
Sheikah = The Asians (tm) (the wise philosophical ones, always has a shrivelled up old Confucian-inspired leader, are probs ninjas)
First of all, no, Hylians are not elven-coded; just because they have pointed ears does not equal elf. The way they are coded in the text is very much human.
So I’m going to elaborate a bit more on the Gerudo here for this post, since they are the strongest example of what my whole point of this is. I’ll be talking about the Gorons in another post later down the track (that’s a whole other can o beans).
Ocarina of Time is where we are first introduced to the Gerudo as a race, and red flag number one comes up: the main villain is Gerudo. The only man in an entire race of women, who has automatically assumed de-facto leadership because of his gender. Hmm. Okay then, game.
Because of Ganondorf’s actions throughout OoT, the Gerudo garner a sour reputation amongst the other races, and a lot of this context comes from reactions to Link wearing the Gerudo Mask. Many are terrified or unsettled by the mask, such as King Zora, some will comment on how it reminds them of a woman in their life, and Darunia very gruffly states how much he hates the Gerudo (wow dude, not cool). There is an everpresent stigma against them as a people, one that only compounds in the Adult time after Ganondorf takes over. In Windwaker, Ganondorf talks about how his original motivation was to take Hyrule for its resources, as his people were suffering in the desert whilst Hyrule florished. But his actions only caused them more suffering, as he seemed not to care for his people once he took Hyrule Castle, and the Gerudo could no longer mingle with Hylians, because this takeover increased the stigma against the Gerudo tenfold.
This stigma was so great that even in Breath of the Wild, thousands of years later, their people are still recovering from their collective shame (eg. Urbosa). Look how long its taken Germany to recover post WWII, and some still hold grudges against them, even though they’re now practically one of the most anti-Nazi nations ever. But clear strides have been made in Gerudo culture - they now seem to be a proud people, embracing both their strength and their femininity. But a new interesting issue arises.
It’s alarming how much suggestion there is in BotW that the Gerudo are being taken advantage of. Men are barred from city walls, and for good reason. All of the men outside of the walls are there for the sole purpose of entering the Forbidden Garden, as it were. Like the men at the bazaar who freeze up when they see lady Link. Or the creepy guy with the sand boots circling the town like a hawk in the hopes of catching a lady’s eye. There are a couple of guys in trouble on the other side of the desert you can save (from a lizalfos I think? If memory serves), and all they will talk about is how Gerudo Town is some kind of paradise of hot women, like they’re using their dicks as a compass. I hope they never get there. And to top it all off, there’s Voe and You, an entire dating class teaching women on how to interact with men, and how to walk the line between being cautious of predators, and not being Risa. 
I don’t know how to articulate how this messes with my brain, and I’m very bad at conclusions. Nonetheless, what I am trying to say is this. What does this all tell us about how Nintendo writes women, and how the changing times have affected the representation of women in Zelda? Why are there entire races who are tied to their gender? This trend of coding races to a gender in video games isn’t confined to the Zelda series either, its present in a lot of Nintendo games (if I may gesture to the Lochladies from Mario Odyssey), and media as a whole. Is this a good thing? What is the purpose? I don’t know how to answer those questions. There is always a form of subconscious meaning ascribed to the stories we tell, whether we intend to or not. I don’t know what to do with this information really, its just something to think about. And this is a starting point too, there’s a lot more to be said if you start training your eye to look for these things in the games you’re playing, especially Nintendo games, since they seem to have been free from The Discourse because of how they market their company to be so Opinionless and therefore accomodating to people from all backgrounds. But they most certainly aren’t opinionless.
Disclaimer: I do not believe that Nintendo are trying to push some Political Agenda (the opposite, actually), it’s mostly subconscious coding and association due to, as I mentioned, for us as people to express our own views through story.
Segway to part 2: I said at the start that it’s strange how the femininity of the Gerudo is so heavily highlighted, and its a core part of their identity as a race. So why the hell does this not apply to the freaking GORONS?
Have a nice day, and thanks for reading my rambles :D
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ghostfriendly5 · 4 years
Is Goblin Slayer Seinen? No, it’s Puerile Right Wing
The manga Inuyashiki (Better than Goblin Slayer, and I dropped Inuyashiki), features a young shonen battle-manga fan who acquires extraordinary powers and uses them horribly murder ‘bad guys’ or anyone who opposes him. A female character who reads more violent, ‘controversial’ manga like Gantz, Death Note and AoT has contrastingly learnt from them such shocking truths as that well-intentioned people can do bad things. Our fan of ‘youth-friendly’ shonen manga finds nothing in their black-and-white world to contradict his sociopathic idea that it’s good to murder the bad guys.
If you believe that Goblin Slayer is a morally complex anti-hero because he kills evil goblin children, or that his story has any more moral depth than a toxic puddle, you are dangerously mistaken. Read Gunslinger Girl, read Planetes, gratuitous rape doesn't make a manga fit for adult consumption.
 Like the Trump Mexican rapists manifesto, Goblin Slayer blows up all real world morality and ethical judgement by creating a race of always-evil rapists that it is as virtuous to slay and hate as the British army massacring ‘dark-skinned Indian rapists’ believed their actions to be. The goblins are utterly evil and Goblin Slayer is utterly good; the all-competent, always-justified hero who gets and deserves breeding rights to every (unraped) girl in the show. Making the perfect hero a misunderstood loner, strong and silent, who gradually opens up and learns to talk to girls, is another exceptionally banal piece of male-wish fulfilment, right out of the trashy-light-novel Shield Hero and Sword Art Online playbook.
The morality of GS is black and white, viciously childish, and entirely false. In the real world there is no means of incriminating an entire people, and killing an infant because they will certainly grow up to be a rapist is madness, outside the poisonous fantasies of racists. But it feels good to hate without thought; violence sells, sex sells, dehumanisation sells and Goblin Slayer sells. Every cheap shoot 'em up ever created has sold on this principle, I grant, but it's a particularly worthless story to silence and shame rape victims for.
A deeper affinity with the toxic right than cheap hatemongering is shown in Goblin Slayer’s glorification of the individual adventurer and his simple, practical ‘common-sense’ racism, combined with a monumental hatred of institutions. The central government and the Adventurer’s Guild in the GS world are unconscious of the goblin threat and useless in their response to it without Goblin Slayer's example. This is a bog-basic right wing tenet that governments and institutions can’t solve ordinary peoples’ problems, only individuals with their marvellous practical values and machismo. Writing a fantasy justifying these ideas is similar to the cockeyed real-world logic that if you underfund and mismanage a state institution because you don’t believe in its usefulness, the subsequent failure justifies your original belief. It must be mentioned again that one man with a big sword is a ridiculously ineffective way of practically wiping out a fast-breeding race; Goblin Slayer isn’t about solving complex problems, just sex and violence at the same time.
Furthermore, extracts from the novels posted on this website characterise the goblins themselves as walking persecution complexes, seeing themselves as victims of the adventures while raping and killing. This is exactly the kind of gaslighting narrative that the toxic right actually use to dismiss racism, anti-Semitism and sexual violence as invented problems of minorities 'playing the victim'. The more you know the worse it gets.
Goblin Slayer is a Trump-voting video gamer's manga; it is undeniably written with fans of Doom, hack n' slash and fanservice in mind (And absolutely no links to traditional DnD). The toxic masculine element that exists in gaming most likely has some overlap with the lowest level of Goblin Slayer viewers, who make or repost rape joke memes on Reddit, and draw fanart for which they should be thoroughly ashamed.
The defence has been touted that the goblins represent more impersonal, abstract problems neglected by the Democratic administration, such as the decline of US heavy industry (proposed by a GS manga fan, who denounced the anime for fanservice rape!) To which I respond once again that representing an impersonal, abstract problem by the most personal, carnal, cynically emotive and woman-degrading means imaginable, to whit, monster gang rape, without proposing any less mindless, male-glorifying solution to a complex problem than thud and blunder dungeoneering...you get the idea. And therefore I conclude that Goblin Slayer must be destroyed, so endeth the lesson.
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I swear on all things holy that if I see another post say Sam is racist bc he plays a goblin, I am going to EXPLODE. He's Jewish, ffs! He can't be anti-Semitic. And newsflash. Media is made up of conflict and resolution. People do bad things, or think of themselves as bad, that doesn't mean their bigoted! If a gay person hates themselves because their gay, are they suddenly homophobic? No! It means they have self hatred they need to work through. Is it homophobic for them to wish to not be gay? No! Its self hatred. You cant complain there's no representation of the self hatred minority groups go through when everytime a piece of media shows it, you call it bigoted! Yes, we know you hate Sam for whatever reason. Maybe you hate comedic relief characters, maybe you hate how his character isnt complete comedy, or maybe just don't like the man. Idgaf. Leave him out of this and get on with your life. Stop acting like Sam Regiel joking with Marisha and possibly drawing on life experiences (and if he isnt, clearly drawing a line of comparison between what his character is going through and what real people go through) is somehow more important than what goes on in the real world. This is a DnD game. Maybe actually do something with your life than nitpicking every action a Jewish man who cares for the LGBT+ community does ffs
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bloodyshadow1 · 6 years
you know I’ve seen a few people saying that Beau flirting with Yasha is disgusting because Ashley and Yasha said that Yasha wasn’t looking for a romantic relationship and that if Beau was a man that her actions wouldn’t be okay.  While it is valid for people to feel this way it doesn’t stop it from being dumb for a number of reasons. 
  * And just so anyone knows, I’m not trying to say people can’t feel awkward or not like watching the two characters interact because it makes them feel uncomfortable, I’m really not, I’m just saying that you being uncomfortable because you’re projecting yourself into a character or a scenario isn’t the same thing as what is happening on the screen.
1. If Beau was a man that people would constantly be calling “him” out on his behavior.  This is false.  Scanlan Shorthalt, a man gnome bard played by the very talented Sam Rigel, hit on almost everything alive, including teammates that told him they weren’t interested in him and rarely got called out for it.  Scanlan did so far more frequently than Beau did and in far more perverse ways. Yes, Scanlan could be charming and funny, and yes he underwent character development causing him to apologize for his behavior to Pike who was the focus of ‘affection’, but the apology was also after 58 episodes and discovering he had a daughter who tried to kill him because of his slutty ways left her mother with a bastard child.  Look, I like Scanlan, not necessarily romantically with anyone, but I like him all the same and Sam plays him well.  But it doesn’t change the fact that his perverse nature wasn’t called out on and at times it was even celebrated by the fans and cast members.  It’s pretty damn hypocritical to condemn Beau’s behavior that it little more than flirting than Scanlan who has done far worse.  (Now I’m sure there are people who dislike Beau’s behavior along with Scanlan’s, That’s fine for you, and I’m sorry that you’re uncomfortable with both characters.  However, that doesn’t change the fact that on a whole no one seemed all to bothered by Scanlan, a man’s behavior, compared to Beau, a woman who has expressed romantic interest in other women.)
  2. Ashley as herself on Talk Machina and as Yasha in game has said that she wasn’t looking for a romantic relationship.  I’m not disputing or denying that, but what I am arguing against is that the fandom seems to put Ashley and her characters on this sort of purity pedestal, I saw it with Pike and I can see it with how the fandom treats Yasha.  Not looking for a romantic relationship doesn’t mean they are celibate or not enjoying people flirting with them.  (This isn’t me saying that all women want to be flirted with all the time, but some people do enjoy being flirted with, some people go to bars dressed to the nines and just lavish in the attention because they had a bad day, they had an argument with someone, or maybe they just do like the attention, it’s fine and it’s normal.)  Yasha says that she isn’t looking for a relationship right now but that doesn’t mean she isn’t looking for something purely physical with no feelings involved.  I’m not saying that this is the case for the character. I’m just saying that not looking for a romantic relationship means just that, that Yasha isn’t looking for a romantic partner or partners. And it certainly doesn’t mean ‘gross lesbian stay away from me.’ 
  3. Not saying no doesn’t mean consenting to saying yes, and just because Yasha hasn’t told Beau to stop doesn’t make it okay. I’m not going to argue about this since I believe this. And when I see one person constantly hitting on another in tv shows and movies and the other person is clearly uncomfortable despite not vocally declining or expressing disinterest it bugs the crap out of me.  It’s just a bad scenario and is used too much “romantic” scenes where it is played up to be romantic when it is really just disturbing.  That being said, there is a huge difference between shows like Critical Role and other forms of media. Other forms of media have writers who are writing plots and for characters on how to act, they are the ones who say that this is okay or how a story goes.  Critical Role is a live show about a group of friends playing dnd and roleplaying their characters in real time.  Ashley and Marisha have known each other for several years and have been friends for just as long it seems.  I’m not going to speculate on their relationship, but I have to believe that if Ashley was uncomfortable with Beau flirting with Yasha she would have told Marisha to cut it out, or if she was uncomfortable with that to at least tell someone else in the group to talk to Marisha about it in private without naming names.  I have to believe that if either of them or any member of the cast were really uncomfortable by the way another member was acting that they would be willing to talk about it.
  4. The way Beau acted towards Yasha in the Bath was gross and uncomfortable. I’m not gonna deny that even as a Beauyasha shipper that this scene could be uncomfortable, I know that if it was two other characters that I didn’t ship I wouldn’t be on board as I am.  This is also what I think of the only time Beau could actually be considered a perv, but I still don’t really see what the big deal is personally.  Both Beau and Yasha are two adult women who consented to be in communal bath with each other.  Additionally, they were both doing the same thing, checking out their companions in the baths as they get out and were basically having a game of chicken to get a look at the other.  And while Beau focuses on Yasha it is still just the same action.  If the scene makes you uncomfortable I’m sorry, but it doesn’t make Beau a perv than it does Yasha.
5. Beau flirts with Yasha all the time relentlessly.  Look as a Beauyasha shipper I got to tell you, that is just another outright false statement even though it would provide shipping fodder for me.   I’m not going to pretend that Beau doesn’t flirt with Yasha, but it’s far less than what people actually believe to be true, most of it is just how the fandom embellishes things and how the other members of the cast interpret the relationship between the 2.  Ashely and Yasha have only been in 6 out of 15 episodes, that’s barely more than a third, Beau has barely flirted with the barbarian compared to how much people think she does. 
In episode 1, Beau agrees to give up her stick once Yasha says that she’ll carry Beau to her seat, then Beau wingmans for Jester when she overhears Yasha say the Tiefling is adorable.  She is on Yasha’s should so she isn’t spying on her or anything creepy, she literally overheard it unintentionally.  After Yasha says she isn’t looking for a relationship then Beau asks if Yasha can hold her through the show and relents after Yasha says it costs 5 gold.  Look this doesn’t have to be seen as romantic, it just looks like Beau is a thirsty lesbian and wants to flirt with the gorgeous mountain of muscle that Yasha is.  Then zombies and Yasha leaves.  That was all their interactions other than a small bit in the tavern and a part where Beau goes, “Yashaaaa,” in what could be considered flirty. 
We don’t see Yasha until Episode 4, and while Beau definitely highlights her attraction to Yasha it’s still not that much.  There’s the bit where she puts money on Yasha thinking that they’re going to arm-wrestle, (which despite it showing Beau’s attraction to Yasha it’s also a safe bet seeing as Yasha is a barbarian and despite being a Half-Orc Fjord has barely more than average strength).  There is also a small bit after that when Beau comments that they should play Boulder Parchment Shears and Yasha is the one who flirts with Beau calling it a kid’s game and that she’ll show Beau a better version.  That is Yasha flirting with Beau, not Beau flirting with Yasha.  Then near the end of the episode Beau could be seen as jealous when Yasha says she can’t travel with them quickly listing off member of the carnival that Yasha might be beholden to, but it could also be seen as someone just being curious about a party members backstory who keeps leaving seeing as Nott chimes in and tells Beau to leave it to the detectives and does the exact same thing.  Speaking of which, Nott continues trying to find out about Yasha’s backstory and even gives her flowers this episode, maybe to make sure the giant woman doesn’t hurt her but it could be seen as just as much flirting as Beau did towards Yasha. 
Then we don’t see Yasha until Episode 9, which leads up to the bath situation that I already discussed and I’m pretty sure that’s it.
Then episode 10 comes since Ashely was able to stay for another episode and to my knowledge Beau doesn’t flirt with Yasha.  She shows some attraction to her with wanting to stand on her side brotraying Fjord in the process and marveling about her, but she doesn’t perv on Yasha or come close it. 
Episode 11 Yasha is briefly in the beginning of the episode played by Matt but she mostly just leaves.
Then in episode 14 comes and Yasha is back again.  And despite this being seen as a big Beauyasha episode for shippers and anti-shippers, Beau doesn’t really talk with Yasha that much, much less flirt with her.  Jester is the one who asked Yasha if she was attracted to someone and despite Yasha saying she did and Beau being attracted to Yasha she doesn’t say anything. Caleb is the one who seems to play matchmaker between the two trying to convince Yasha to buy things for Beau and trying to give Yasha the credit for buying the throwing stars.  Yasha goes out of her way to ask for the throwing stars for Beau, and Beau/Marisha seem to be happy that Yasha is trying to shop on her behalf but again Caleb is the one who pushes the relationship between them.  Then when they’re on the boats illuminated by Caleb’s dancing lights and Marisha/Beau comments on it being romantic he’s the one who serenades her with kiss the girl in regards to Yasha.  I’m not sure if it was Marisha who said it and Liam was singing to her as a player, or if it was Beau being Serenaded by Caleb regarding Yasha, but again, it wasn’t Beau who forced the situation, not Beau flirting with Yasha. 
Episode 15 is the newest episode and there’s Beau comment about always being a fan of going down, an innuendo that is mostly favored by Sapphic women.  Yes Marisha is looking at Ashley and Ashley nods in acknowledgement but it doesn’t mean that it was Beau specifically aiming it at Yasha, and while I prefer to think of it as Beau saying it in regards to Yasha, it could just be Beau making the comment out loud to the party, most lesbians I know can’t resist making innuendos about going down either, not always flirting, sometimes just making a pun or turning a phrase.  After that it’s the other cast members who bring up their ship name Beauyasha and Yashagard when they get the same initiative and are able to flank the Cube, but that’s not Beau flirting with Yasha or Yasha flirting with Beau. 
Now this is an extremely long rant so I’m gonna finish up here.  While I’m sure there are moments that I’ve missed that have been exaggerated by the fandom between Beau and Yasha, but that’s just it, the fandom taking it to literally not the character being out of control.  Again, I’m sorry if watching Beau flirt with Yasha makes you uncomfortable, I’m not going to say you aren’t valid in feeling so, maybe these few moments that are canon do make your genuinely uncomfortable, that’s fine and I will respect that.  However, there is also a chance that it’s you projecting more and making Beau’s behavior out to be worse than it is, maybe it’s because of how the fandom acts or how the other cast members do, but I just urge you to wonder if it’s canon Beau’s behavior or just your perception of Beau that makes you uncomfortable.  
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ai-coursework · 4 years
Starting Points for Comic Ideas
Over the course of the summer break we were given 6 prompts (A comic based off a true story, a comic based off a historical event, a comic with no words, a comic created specifically for a certain type of demographic, a comic told on something other than A4 or A5, and a comic with a story told from a different perspective) to help us come up with at least 6 plots for different types of comics - of which we would pick two to go ahead with.
Listed below are the stories I created for these prompts:
True Story:
Comic about my first time playing Among Us with online friends
I catch Marco (the imposter) killing Ursyn and venting away right in front of me
I forget you can report dead bodies on sight and instead panic and run for the emergency button in the cafeteria
I yell into my microphone to explain what I saw but Marco yells over me and convinces the other players that I’m super “suspicious” and gets the other players to vote for me to be thrown out of the spaceship 
“Ash was not the imposter”
Friends instantly laughing and yelling at Marco and saying that they’re sorry for not believing me
Marco laughing like an evil villain 
Portrayed as a gritty horror comic with the characters we play as being actual astronauts in space trying to survive with an alien imposter on board killing the crewmembers off one by one
Other Info:
Could sell online or in stores such as Forbidden Planet that cater to video game fans just as much as anime/comic book fans
Audience would be people who play video games probably more than the average person
Would roughly be around 10-12 pages long
Historical Story:
The story of Mary Reed and Anne Bonny (1720)
All of the men on their ship were drinking and getting ridiculously drunk
Mary and Anne spot a British Navy ship approaching and try to rally the crew into action
The crew members instead flee below deck to hide and continue drinking with the hope that the navy ship will leave them be
Navy soldiers attacked the ship, but only Mary and Anne were there to defend the ship and the crew and fight off the soldiers because the rest of the men were too drunk to fight. Both were pregnant at the time (Mary about 4 months along, Ann about the same)
Mary, Anne and the crew get taken prisoner by the Navy (That ship specifically being lead by an ex-pirate turned Navy soldier)
Mary died in prison of a fever not long after giving birth because of the poor hygiene levels in the prison
No one knows how Anne escaped the British Navy after giving birth in prison. It’s rumoured she duped a soldier with a slight of hand trick. She allegedly lived until she was in her 80s.
Other Info:
Could sell online, MCM and other comic conventions, or comic stores that have an older/more mature demographic rather than teenagers
Audience would be people interested in historical stories and figures, people who like pirates, possibly people who are fans of the Pirates of the Caribbean films
Around 15 pages long
Story with No Words/True Story:
Based off the time I caught a shadow person run across my bedroom and crawl onto my bed at 3am
Main character in bed on laptop at 3am
Out the corner of their eye they see a black shape dart across the room towards the end of their bed
Think nothing of it and carry on
They happen to look up about 30mins later to see the black shape standing at the end of their bed. Continue to stare as the shadow person starts to slowly crawl onto their bed
As it gets closer the MC is too scared to move, until it gets too much and they jump up to turn on a light
The shadow person disappears
Will have to add in more suspense and scary “flourishes” to build up more tension and make the story a longer read
Other Info:
Could sell online, indie comic stores, comic companies that specialize in horror may be interested
Audience would be people aged 16-21 who are fans of supernatural horror, possibly people who identify as “witches” and follow the Pagan/Wicca religions
Around 10-12 pages long
Story from Another Perspective:
Little Red Riding Hood told from the perspective of the wolf
Noir Detective setting, whole comic in black and white with the only colour being Red Riding Hood’s hood
Detective Inspector Wolf has been tasked with tracking down the infamous serial killer “Red Hood”. Has been following her for several months and has now found the perfect opportunity to bring her to justice
Knows that her next target is an old blind lady living just outside the city and has already had the police department pick her up and take her someplace safe so DI Wolf can carry out his plan
On his way to the old lady’s house, he notices a man coming down the path; Woodroe “Woody” Cutter, a former suspect in his investigation. He questions Woody, asking if he’s seen a woman matching Red’s description in the area, but Woody hasn’t seen anyone like it around. Wolf advises Wood to keep his distance from the area, and Woody complies. 
Once at the house, Wolf puts on his disguise to look like the old woman, and gets into her bed ready for Red Hood.
After Red has arrived, pretending to be the old blind lady’s granddaughter, they go through the classic “what big hands you have” schtick, showing that Red already knows that it’s Wolf and not the old lady.
Red attempts to kill Wolf with a knife she had hidden down her bra, Wolf stops her and pulls his gun out and points it at her. After a brief conversation, Red successfully kills Wolf with a small gun strapped to her thigh
She calls for Woody who then appears in the doorway to help her move and dispose of the body of Wolf. Red then apologises to Woody before killing him with her knife to make it look like the two men fought and killed each other in the process, framing Woody as the infamous serial killer Red Hood.
Red leaves the scene unscathed, already plotting her next move
Other Info:
Could sell online, in comic stores that specialize in selling indie, horror and/or murder mystery comics
Audience would be people interested in serial killers, murder mysteries, and detective novels, mostly older teens and young adults
Between 12-15 pages long
Story that appeals to a specific demographic:
A scene from a past DnD session
Specifically created for people who play Dungeons and Dragons (or who have an interest in playing)
My character, Imryll, and the rest of her party are trapped in an anti-magic tower surrounded by the corpses of a pack of werewolves after calling on a powerful tiefling and his fallen angel guard to help them
The Triton of our party sasses the Tiefling and gets himself thrown out of the tower by the Tiefling, killing him instantly
The Rogue, Paladin, and Monk each get an attack on the Tiefling before the fallen angel grabs him and flies out of the window of the tower. The tiefling teleports away as soon as they’re out of range of the anti-magic field of the tower
Imryll gets the monk to throw her as far as he can out of the window so she’s outside of the anti-magic field and uses her magic to summon lightning down on the fallen angel
Injured, the fallen angel still manages to fly away out of range and escapes
Imryll then transforms herself into a bear so she’s able to take the fall damage from hitting the ground
Other Info:
Could sell online, indie comic stores, MCM and other comic cons, tabletop gaming events
Audience would be people aged 16+ as teenagers and people into their 30s enjoy dnd and fantasy stories, fans of tabletop games, people who enjoy high fantasy novels, people who play or who want to play dnd
Around 12-14 pages long
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bralef · 7 years
A lot happened this year at PortConMaine - mostly in the form of tabletop RPGs - so I decided to write all about them. This is basically just going to be a huge wall of text of me gushing about the fun I had doing tabletop RPGs for half a week.
Thursday was kind of a weak start. My uncle surprised me by taking me to the new Transformers movie. I appreciate the gesture, but it was not only terrible, but it made me late to PortCon. I’d have rather watched Wonder Woman again. As a result, I missed the DnD 5e session I was planning on attending, so I went with some Star Wars session instead. I played a Wookie Technician. Nothing particularly amazing or awesome happened, but it was fun and funny enough, I suppose. Then I played some weird Spy/Word-guessing game that takes way too long to understand. Me and the guy I teamed up with won both rounds. Finally, I played a few rounds of Lupinball, some (free?) game on Steam. One of those deceptively simple lightning-fast multiplayer games. It's pretty fun.
Friday was great, exactly what I'd expect out of a good day at Portcon. I participated in three sessions, and will cover them in order from least exciting to most.
In between two better sessions was a Pathfinder campaign where we explored some haunted house. It only took a couple hours (I think that DM preferred multiple quick adventures rather than one big one) and ultimately was pretty boring. I played a half-orc Inquisitor. Nothing really noteworthy happened.
The last session I did was a DnD 5e session called the Sunless Citadel. I was a Dwarven Barbarian who I named Beerbeard McBeardbeer after a character in a long-term campaign I'm in (though I didn't roleplay him very similarly). What we were supposed to do was help these Kobolds rescue their baby god or something.
What ended up happening was, we convinced them to let us use their key to open some big important door. Someone touched a magic orb that forced everyone to make a Wisdom save or be feared, forcing them to run right into a pit (where they would take 1d6 fall damage, or half on a successful save). Beerbeard and one other party member passed immediately. The others, including the Kobold holding the key, all ran into the pit and took damage (keeping in mind this is Level 1 where the median health of everyone is like 9). One of them re-entered the room and passed his save that time. The other two kept running back into the room, failing the save, and chucking themselves into the pit again (Beerbeard watched). One of them, at one point, decided to kill the kobold (who had been knocked unconscious by the fall) and steal the key...for some reason. Finally we all made it past the Orb of Confusion and into the next room.
The next room was simply a riddle where the answer was “stars.” Nothing exciting there. The next two rooms were separated by a spiky pit. Our monk made it across and promptly got fucking manhandled by an imp. So, one of our other dudes jumps across. Beerbeard tried to join them, failed the check, and took 9 piercing damage (out of his 16 health). Another party member failed too, only she was way squisher so she immediately went down.
Beerbeard managed to carry the downed party member out of the pit...Right as the imp went invisible. Fuuuuuck. The next several turns consisted of us swinging at nothing and attempting to find the imp, who eventually went across the pit to fight our remaining party member who hadn't jumped across. He eventually managed to slay it, and we were left with a coffin that we were all pretty certain contained a boss. We were beaten to shit, our healer was out of spell slots, and two of us were at 1 HP, but we had already expended all of our (read: one) hit dice. There was nothing to do but try fighting the troll.
It killed us all.
The second session I played was a contender for the best one I played all week. I believe it was Shadowrun, or at least took place in the same universe/system, but was some kind of sequel or successor to it. One thing I really dug about the system is how on-the-fly and improvised everything is, even among tabletops. For example, once per session every player gets to declare a contact. It can be as specific and on-the-nose as you want. For example, if the party's mission is to infiltrate some facility, you can go, say, “Oh, a buddy of mine worked as a security guard there once, he might be able to hook us up with some floor plans or something.” Stuff like that. In addition to whatever explicit equipment you have, certain events or actions will give you “Intel” or “Gear,” which basically works in a similar manner. With gear, if you're in a tight spot, you can say “Oh, that gear I picked up earlier? That was a grappling hook. I'm going to use it to scale the building and get away.”
Anyway, I played an Adept, which is sort of like a cyberpunk monk. A cybermonk, if you will. (I didn't steal that from you JP, I thought it up too but let you say it since I was on a phone and figured you'd pick up on it without my input). Taking inspiration from the recommended suggestions for my character, I made him a wrestler named Red Rooster. “He sounds like a luchador.” ...Well, I did make him hispanic, so yeah, that works! One of my party members was a huge fan of Red Rooster, and another party member, who was a hacker, used Red Rooster’s mask as his online hacking avatar.
We were also told to create fictional facilities in the universe that would be relevant to the session. I came up with Koala Tea, a restaurant chain. I decided that Red Rooster is basically their mascot, and thus all of his moves are named after items from their menu.
We were tasked with stopping a facility from releasing a mind-control potion onto the market. We decided to do this by blowing up their manufacturing facility. Along with Red Rooster (real name Carlito Diez), we had Tuck, a human hacker; Dominic, a shaman who was capable of communing with the spirit world and its inhabitants; and Devontus Grimlore, a troll-kin hired killer who preferred brute force. In our backstory, Devontus once broke into a Koala Tea establishment and, very publically and conspicuously, removed an official's mechanical endoskeleton from his body. Forcefully. This resulted in a huge brawl between him and Red Rooster, that evidently resulted in them becoming friends.
Dominic declared his contact: Siri, spirit of smart phones and information. She gave him a general map of the building and allowed him to open a window of opportunity for us to infiltrate. Unfortunately this also garnered the attention of Clippy, an obnoxious spirit who constantly annoys Dominic and suggests inappropriate solutions to problems.
We entered the facility using automated trucks that Tuck had hacked into. When we got in, we opened the doors, and Red Rooster blasted into the room on his flashy motorcycle while Devontus pulled out a piece of gear he had gathered earlier: A minigun.
Devontus is gunning down machines and personnel alike, while Red Rooster holds off the guards by driving his motorcycle into them and leaping off with a Koala Slider™ Tackle. Shrapnel from a stray gunshot cost Red Rooster one of his eyes, and Devontus gets his arm caught in some industrial machinery (he's a troll, he'll be fine). I realized that he was the only one who hadn't used his contact yet, so I decided a particular guard looked very familiar, even without his signature mask on...Red Rooster's rival, former mascot of Kangaroo Coffee...Blue Bull.
“What are you doing here, Blue Bull?! Dressed in that uniform and using a gun, guarding such a dishonorable facility! What happened to you?”
“YOU DON'T GET TO DECIDE WHAT'S DISHONORABLE FOR ME RED ROOSTER RAAAAAAA” cue the fight, which I planned on winning to show Blue Bull the error of his ways, making him help us in destroying the facility.
I rolled the minimum roll possible, so Red Rooster got his ass kicked. He went in for a Koala BBQ Rib™crusher, but Blue Bull countered with an Atomic Coffee™ Suplex. So he didn't help us...But we still destroyed it, and got away thanks to Dominic timing the mission beforehand so that we simply needed to board one of the automated trucks that was leaving.
We completed the mission, and all we needed to do was get paid. We rolled to see whether there were any complications with the payment. Turns out we were set up, by what was heavily implied to be an elder god. Multiple incarnations of Clippy suddenly appeared and we tried to fight them off. Dominic cast an anti-clippy talisman he had explicitly gained earlier, which vaporized them and caused a dark void to appear, no doubt leading to the one who had set us up. We had to decide whether to stay and fight and probably die, or run. Devontus was up for a fight. As for the rest of us:
Me: I have “Code of Honor” and “Pride” as two of my character traits. Red Rooster literally can't turn away from this fight.
Dominic: [turns to Tuck] Remember us! Tell our story!
Tuck's player: You're assuming I'm still there.
Tuck: [already long gone]
The session ended with the three of us remaining turning to the void and leaping into whatever mysterious adventure it held in store for us. End Credits.
Saturday was a weird coincidence. I played three sessions, and my character in all three of them was associated with dragons.
The 5e session I planned on attending was full, so I went with a 3.5e session instead, where I played a Half-Elf Dragon Shaman. The DM seemed pretty new at the whole thing, as there was very little actual roleplaying and it was basically just filler to get us from fight to fight. Early on I was really bored and tired to the point where I considered making an excuse to leave. I stuck with it, though, and by the end we had had a few fun moments, more from just joking around than the actual session. At one point our dwarf clobbered a sleeping red dragon with his axe...and it failed to notice or wake up.
The DM from the Sunless Citadel session was running the same campaign again, so I decided to join in again and see if we'd be more successful this time. He gave us all potions to help in that regard. This time I was playing a Dragonborn Fighter named Lamarr, and this time we actually went ahead with the plot instead of taking a detour to an optional boss. We agreed to help the kobolds find their dragon baby god. One complication was the fact that we had a goblin rogue on our team – the goblins stole the baby god, so the kobolds hated them. We managed to assure them he was on our (and thus, their) side, so the baby god's caretaker (Meebo) escorted us into Goblin territory. After fighting a big mama rat and her children (made a lot easier by our bard Tom casting a Sleep spell) we stepped into a hallway filled with caltrops. Our half-elf tried pushing them out of the way but somehow impaled herself and fell unconscious. We then got shot at by some Goblins at the other end of the hall, but our own goblin was all “Hey! What are you doing?” and managed to convince them he was working for some big goblin boss. He was mentioning that he'd want to work out a trade for the baby god, when Meebo saw this and went “TRAAAITOOOOR!” He ran back to the other kobolds, who turned their weapons on Tom, assuming we were secretly working for the goblins. He managed to convince them that Meebo was simply being paranoid and that we were being slick by tricking the goblins. We basically had a pass with both factions, and that’s where the session ended.
Finally, was a session where we were all dragons. Actual, literal dragons. Young ones, who had been kept in a cryptid circus and used for entertainment by evil witch bitch Magna. My character was Bar, a clawed dragon who was capable of digging. I don't think I ever actually used digging to our advantage. Highlights include:
The one diplomat dragon we had convincing five axe-juggling dwarf brothers to stop fighting us and actually help us escape.
Phantasmapotomas, a dancing hippo who existed as an excuse for the DM to sing songs relevant to whatever situation was at hand.
“I want to take him out nonlethally. [crit fail]” DM: Whoops, his head popped off!
Blue Dragon tackling the “caretaker” that abused us for years. He survived, but it was heavily implied his spine was severed and that he was paralyzed.
A riddle door who required three questions: What is your name, what is your mission, and [insert randomly-generated difficult trivia question]?
Diplomat dragon's response: 1. [Name]. 2. “To escape this hellhole.” 3. “Wait, WHICH capital? There's four of th- *launched into the sky*”
Arrogant Dragon's response: 1. [Name] 2. “To escape this place.” 3. “A number.” *launched into the sky*”
The Dwarven brothers' response: 1. [hacks door into pieces with axe] 2. [eats piece of door] Huh, gingerbread! (“It's a durable, reliable building material!”) 3. Now THAT'S how you get past a riddle door! [steals Magda's paybox]
The DM talking/responding out of character in Magda's voice/in character, implying she had metagame knowledge.
Magda attempting to turn four of us into newts in turn, and all four of us crit failing the save while Diplomat Dragon was being attacked by clown ghouls.
Us freeing all of the cryptids except the mermaids, because letting them out would kill them and dumping them into the local rivers would wreak havoc on the ecosytem. As one player described them, they were basically Dire Piranhas.
Ultimately we succeeded, and in fact we got straight to the point quicker than the DM planned. This is the same DM who hosted Werewolf Wrestling Federation vs the Vampire Women (one of the most fun sessions I’ve ever played), and when I mentioned that to him he said that, just because I asked, he'd make another session of that happen next year. Woo!
On Sunday I killed some time by playing a few quick scenarios with the same Pathfinder DM, where I played a Cavalier named Alain (horse named Dalahan I think). First we stormed a haunted estate and killed some bugs and a weird ghoul thing. He wielded a severed leg as a weapon, and there was a corpse with only one leg in the corner. Here's a few quotes from the session:
“Can I take the leg?” “You can take the leg.” “I take the leg.”
“I give him his leg back.”
“No wait, I changed my mind, I need it.”
There was a well in the middle of the room with like a million more ghoul things, one of which was climbing up. I jabbed down into the well with my lance, and got a nat 20.
“You see Alain plunging into the well with his lance, blood and gore spewing out.”
“It's like a satanic toilet.”
It was a very short session, but that's good because it ended right when the conclusion of the Sunless Citadel started.
We only had three returning party members (including me), and three new ones. Our goblin rogue was taken over by the DM for diplomatic purposes, as were Tom and one other character. Tom managed to gain audience with the goblin boss (actually a Hobgoblin), and several slaves (read: the players new to this session) were brought out to be used as footstools. Aurelia, our Paladin, tried sneaking food to one of them, but was noticed. A flying mug and a shout of “NO FEEDING THE PRISONERS” let us know how the goblins felt about that. Our Cleric distracted them with dancing long enough for Tom to pick the locks on their manacles. One of them (a Tiefling Wizard whose first name was Freedom) cast a cantrip to make one of the doors fly open to try and cause a distraction, but was noticed, causing the goblins to realize we had set them free. Commence fight.
We were holding our own, but eventually a small goblin woman who had been kneeling in the corner stood up on the throne and declared she was the ruler of the goblins now. This caused the hobgoblins and goblins to fight amongst themselves. Eventually we helped her take down the king and his lackeys. As thanks, she freed the slaves: Freedom; a Dragonborn Monk named Roger; and a Warlock who I think was a halfling. They joined us, and we went upstairs to try and find the baby god: According to them, they lost at least one goblin per day to the thing, so were more than happy to let us take him off their hands.
Tipped off by a goblin’s screaming and severed arm launched from a doorway, we found the baby god. He then unleashed frost breath and knocked down Lamarr and the Cleric, before finishing off Roger with a claw. Aurelia managed to drag Lamarr out, and eventually we got everyone out alive and healed up, after sealing the door shut. Concluding that this dragon was far beyond our capacity at the moment, we instead opted to go after our second goal: finding the source of some magical fruit that can cure any ailment.
We went down a well in the goblin throne room, and were attacked by some twig things (who were easily dispatched) and shovel-wielding skeletons. The skeletons were tougher, but Lamarr knocked one’s head off with a nat 20. We then fought a Bugbear and his pet rats (one of which was named Fang).
Eventually we tied up a second Bugbear (I think her name was Helga) and had her lead us to Bellack, the magician behind the mystical fruit tree. He revealed he was basically mind controlling two previous adventurers as slaves.
Bellack: You have two options: Leave this place, or become my slaves. It is too late to save these two.
Lamarr: But not too late to avenge them.
Aurelia: We won’t be your slaves!
Lamarr: And we’re not leaving, either.
Cue the final boss fight...Which I immediately had to leave because I had a bus to catch. What an anticlimactic end to a great campaign, right?
Fortunately, at my request, the person playing Aurelia actually Emailed me the results of the fight and how the campaign ended:
“So the good news is that we didn't die. You and Roger used your fire breath to burn up the evil tree and we took down Bellack- however after burning the tree freed Sir Bradford and Sharlin from the spell, Bellack's death caused them to either and die. We did try to heal them, but the magic was beyond us. The big tree was in a grove of saplings and we decided to torch the whole grove as the trees were just too powerful. We took the bodies of Sharlin and Sir Bradford back to Oakhurst for proper burial- Sharlin to her family and Sir Bradford to the temple of Pelor. And that's where we ended it. Our entire party did make it out in the end- though (as I'm sure you can imagine) not without more struggling to keep the cleric in check.”
Thanks, Abby. You’re a lifesaver. A perfect way to end the campaign, as well as Portconmaine 2017. This was a great year, and I hope to have an even better one next year!
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