#anti faux cult
redacted-coiner · 4 months
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[PT: Ficto-Religions]
Ficto-Religions, a term to refer to religons/neoreligons found in fictional sources and/or religions that are based off religious mediums! These are commonly non practiced religions within this world but does not mean they are never practiced. These religions should not be moderated , rather these shall only be something that someone should inner personally use (of course multiple people can use it but it should stick to one person to one person).
Note: These are NOT Fults/Cults. Do not use them as if they are! Also the term isn’t a queer identity, just tagged for reach due to the nature of my blog.
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[ID: none yet]
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DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag.
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cccat-in-a-meat-sack · 5 months
Alright, if you are a """"fult"""" starter, and you give two shits about cult survivors, for the love of god, TAG YOUR SHIT WITH TW CULT
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inuette · 4 months
Official (Anti) RQ Archive
[PT: Official (Anti) Radqueer Archive. END PT. ]
 Last Updated (DD/MM/YY): 08/01/24. This archive will be updated over time, so make sure to check back regularly if you can! If you have anxiety regarding opening links, no worries! All these posts are archived under our "archived" & resources tags.
Anti-RQ Terms/Flags
'PRAT' meaning
'Fluffy Para'
'Atypical Dysphoria Awareness' (Creator Boundary)
Reclaimed Transage, Transracial (Adoptee), Transspecies and Transabled Flags
Reclaimed Transabled Flag 2 + Symbol
BIID Flag + Symbol
RQ Terms/Flags
'Faux Cult'/'Fult' and Flags
Other Terms
'Xenosatanism' and Xenosatanist Flags
The Angel's Web "Fult"
'Not All Radqueers'
Initial 'Fult' PSA
"The Ezra Files" (Content/Trigger Warning: (Pro-C) Pedophilia, Incest, Bestiality, Zoosadism, Toddler/Baby Abuse, Grooming, CSEM Trading, Rape, Abduction, Admissions Of CSA, Admissions Of Incest, Admissions Of Bestiality…)
TransN*zi Symbols
Other Resources
What IS A Radqueer? Why Are They Bad?
RQ Original Coining Info
RQs are a Cult
RQs and Stochastic Terrorism
The Insult of 'Cisdisabled'
BIID and RQ Grooming
RQ '2024 Calendar'
Talk of Atypical Dysphoria
WHY Misuse of Transrace and the term 'Trace' are Bad
Talk of "Transautism"/being "Transautistic"
You Cannot 'Coin' A Medical Disorder/Talk of "MUDs"
Intrusive Thoughts About =/= Actually Believing in Them
'I have intrusive thoughts about ...' isn't a 'Valid' Excuse
Transitioning When It Comes To TransIDs and TransX Identities
Transethnic People Aren't Valid (Focuses on East Asians & Koreans)
There Are Better Ways to Cope with Atypical Dysphoria
Why Arissomei/Arissodic is its Own Term
Racial Hierarchy and Being "Trace"/"Transracial"
Blackface is Blackface — Your "Intent" Doesn't Matter
Alternative (Non-TERF Rhetoric) Anti-Radqueer Arguments
Suibaiting Radqueers ISN'T Okay
If You're Thinking of Leaving the RQ Community
'Cracker' is Not a Slur
Suibaiting RQs isn't Welcome Here
Radinclus does NOT Mean Radqueer
Misusage of Languages in RQ Spaces
Reporting a RQ for Inciting Violence
(Fighting Against) RQs Rebranding Terms as 'RQ Terms'
Coping with Atypical Dysphoria
Getting Out and Staying Out Of the Community
General Tips
Reaffirmation of Why RQs are Bad (TWs included in the post)
BIID (Body Integrity Identity Disorder) =/= Radqueer (Affirmation)
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pink-devolve · 2 months
RadQueer Blocklist
This is a long list of every radqueer account I could find under the basic RQ tags. If there’s an account that’s not on this list, please message me with the account name and I will add it.
Not every account on here is inherently extremely harmful. If a person called themself radqueer, I added them to the list. Some of this is based on opinion, like if a person says they’re anti-contact but is doing things the show otherwise, I tagged them as pro contact. And if a person doesn’t identify as trans-race/trans-disabled but is being a bigot, I tagged them as such.
Don’t harass anyone on this list. And for legal reasons, if I’m labeling someone as predatory, that is just an accusation.
List under cut
‼️- Predatory
🛑- Pro-C
⚠️- Trans-abuser
🔱- Trans-abused
☢️- Trans-disabled
🚫- Trans-race
❎- Rq, other
- Kangalpuppy, pro-c for everything, says minors, animals and d3ad ppl can consent ‼️🛑
- Radmutt, pro-c for everything, says minors, animals, and d3ad ppl can consent ‼️🛑
- Mommytransid, 25/yo dating a minor ‼️🛑⚠️
- Sootdazai, claims to abuse and “program” its partners. Claims to have r4p3d one of his partners ‼️🛑⚠️🔱🚫
- Here-4-vibez, pro-r4p3, pro-c, transCSA, claims to have “plural obsessive disorder” ‼️🛑⚠️🔱
- Arsynnotarson, pro-c zoo, makes posts about dating animals, transabused ‼️🛑🔱
- Hobiesbrokenguitar, pro-c zoo, trans-race ‼️🛑🚫
- Office-vampire, trans-abuser, talks about jacking off to trauma narratives, adult and asked young teenagers to send their trauma narratives ‼️🛑⚠️
- Shotamania, pro-c MAP, trans-abuser/harmful, says “they’re pro everything” ‼️🛑⚠️
- 88-arachnids-grip-88, threatened to send SH pics to someone in order to try and manipulate them, told someone how to kts, threatened to kill animals, “trans-groomer” ‼️🛑⚠️
- Lobotomizuki, dating Ciel, claims to be trans-abuser, trans-disabled, trans-r4p1st 🛑🔱☢️
- Paraluvs, transabused, posts self harm art on their page, pro-c, minor in kink 🛑🔱
- Predqueer, pro-c, complains about not knowing what programming is while talking about transramcoa. Coins terms🛑🔱
- Val-loves-rqs, trans-ramcoa/abused, pro-c 🛑🔱
- Radicalclues, trans-disabled, trans-race, trans-abused, adult para account that interacts with young teen para accounts, “”mirrored-contact”” 🛑🚫🔱☣️
- Deer-mageikan, pro-c 🛑
- Cakechaser, pro-contact, says all furries are zoos, compares being transgender to being transrace, trans-abused(asks people to abuse them) 🛑🔱🚫
- Transillusionisms, trans-abused/er, trans-ramcoa, pro-romantic contact zoo 🛑⚠️🔱
- Foliage-446, transdisabled, minor owned para acc, xeno-satanist🛑☢️
- Deucey-deuce, pro-c, trans-abused/er 🛑⚠️🔱
- Transhcdid, trans-abused/er, pro-c, claims transramcoa terms. Makes extremely offensive flags for said terms(like graphics depicting abuse) Transdisabled 🛑⚠️🔱☢️
- Jamesbuchananbarness, transn@z1, doesn’t state contact stance⚠️🚫☢️
- Ziziscampsite, trans-n@z1, has n@z1-fan art as their pfp, says they were a n@z1 in a past life ⚠️☢️🚫
- Bloodydelusional, trans-disabled, transabused/er, says they will coin anything and have no DNI ☢️⚠️🔱
- h0lyl0l1, transtbmc /other abuse, transdisabled, transrace, transabuser ⚠️🔱☢️🚫
- Toxicpilled, transabuser, transabused, trans-slave ⚠️🔱🚫
- Radumbrella, minor owned para acc, trans-race, trans-drugaddict, trans-cannibal, transabused ⚠️🔞🔱🚫☢️
Transramcoa, identifies as trans-ramcoa and creates terms centered around ramcoa. Usually the flags are extremely offensive, trans-race, trans-disabled ⚠️🚫🔱☢️
- Wwwjunocom, trans-disabled, trans-abusive, trans-sch001-sh00t3r ☢️⚠️
- Leyleypsychotic, “”fult””(faux cult) leader, trans-abused, trans-disabled ⚠️🔱☢️
- Transdhampir, trans-disabled, trans-abuser, trans-abused, coins RQ terms ⚠️☢️🔱
- Doctors-littlehelper, trans-harmed, trans-harmful ⚠️🔱
- Wocatana2, trans-abuser ⚠️
- Narcissistic-gremlin, co-owner of RQ server, trans-abuser ⚠️
- Toxic-debris, coins trans-abuse/r terms 🔱⚠️
- Alastor-my-love, trans-abuser ⚠️
- Luci-st4r, trans-abused, trans-abuser ⚠️🔱
- Abuserprince, says they’re complex-contact, trans-abuser ⚠️
- Rqplushie, “”fult”” leader, minor ran para acc, trans-race ⚠️🚫
- Dreamingchu2, trans-abused, trans-abuser, trans-plural, trans-race, trans-disabled (it goes on but I got lazy)⚠️🔱🚫☢️
- Trulycupid, racist, created a term called “winter-punk”, not trans-race afaik but they get the emoji 🚫
- Radiumqueer, claims gender=sex and therefore trans-race is just as valid as transgender 🚫
- Thatparablog, transrace 🚫
- Wadeystabs, trans-race, RQ 🚫
- Astrolective, RQ, trans-race 🚫
- Uwameshi, says being trans-race ””phobic”” is the same thing as being transphobic 🚫
- Mistymeow69, RQ, trans-race 🚫
- Anothertransidblog, trans-race 🚫
- Transrace, “trans-race activism blog” 🚫
- Tr4nsr4c14lj4p4n3s3g1rl, trans-race 🚫
- Transidveronica, trans-race 🚫
- 4ndr0m3da, trans-disabled, trans-race ☢️🚫
- Forgedesires, trans-disabled, trans-race ☢️🚫
- The-catwithin, trans-native, trans-disabled ☢️🚫
- Plushie-ina-big-sweater, trans-race, trans-disabled ☢️🚫
- Sqrmsh, trans-race and transdisabled ☢️🚫
- Brainlessspuppy, trans-disabled, coins terms ☢️
- Lucifer-radqueer, trans-disabled ☢️
- Loatheticbeast, transplural ☢️
- Hearts4romeii, transplural, talks graphically about how she wants to khs ☢️
- Littlemelonberry, trans-addict, supportive of abusive identities ☢️
- Iotaisradqueer, trans-disabled ☢️
- Radicalnpdisms, RQ, trans-disabled ☢️
- Thecodakkeeffectt, coins medically-unrecognized-disorders ☢️
- Radqueer-fanboy, transplural ☢️
- Emopack, trans-autistic ☢️
- Radqueerstars, trans-disabled ☢️
- Toxic-exes, trans-disabled ☢️
- Haventhing, trans-severesh, uses flags that have drawings of SH and blades ☢️
- Needygirlonline, trans-disabled, trans-plural ☢️
- Transx-mogai-cafe, coins terms, trans-disabled ☢️
- Lolinawinii, trans-disabled ☢️
- Transabled-archive, archives all “trans-abled” terms ☢️
- Snowlovesyourq, trans-autistic ☢️
- Transagestuffuwu, trans-disabled, cross-tags ☢️
- Gay-we1rdo, trans-disabled ☢️
- Transpluralunite, trans-plural, trans-disabled ☢️
- Toransuneko, trans-disabled ☢️
- Arctic-fox-queer, trans-disabled ☢️
- Maned-wolfe, trans-disabled ☢️
- Transshells, trans-disabled, term coiner ☢️
- Dyspunktional-raven, gets mad when people say autistic instead of cis-autistic(etc) ☢️
- E4t-fl3sh, trans-disabled, trans-autistic ☢️
- Wuskie-woof-meom, trans-disabled ☢️
- Cloudytransx, trans-didfaker(?), trans-disabled 🔱☢️
- Francislikeseverybeing, trans-disabled, trans-abused, trans-ramcoa 🔱☢️
- Adxmmu88xy, trans-autistic, trans-plural, trans-ch1lds3xw0rk3r 🔱☢️
- Radicallysoup, trans-ramcoa, trans-disabled, interacts with and reblogs posts made by predatory/abusive people, trans-plural🔱☢️
- Ur-local-goldfish, transabused, transdisabled, alt account of gorgeous-rq-girlies🔱☢️
- Transharmed, trans abused, term coiner, trans-disabled 🔱☢️
- Transharmedbutsillier, transharmed alt acc, posts nsfw trans-harmed stuff 🔱☢️
- Dwlliennwurse, uses a typing quirk without translations, coins terms, trans-abused, trans-autistic 🔱☢️
- Npdblythe, trans-hcdid 🔱☢️
- Rq-selfship-fun, trans-abused 🔱
- Radqueerdogboy, trans-abused 🔱
- Fish-of-fanqia, trans-abused, claims to be in a “”fult””(faux-cult) 🔱
- Rqcrimeboyz, trans-abused, RQ 🔱
- A-system-in-a-system, trans-abused, trans-ramcoa 🔱
- Radicalbunny, trans-abused, uses several transid labels for extreme abuse, uses stutter quirk without translations 🔱
- R4dqu33r-g1nny-w34sl3y, trans-abused, trans-programmed 🔱
- Maxrqstuff, trans-hcdid 🔱
- Voidformed, coins trans-harmed terms 🔱
- Catsang, transramcoa 🔱
Selfsanguinamory, catsangs alt acc 🔱
- Vivziequeer, talks about wanting to be used by people, RQ 🔱
- Wortha-prettypenny, coins radqueer labels ❎
- Colorsof-therainbow, wortha-prettypenny’s other acc ❎
- Xxbl00d-st4rxx, RQ, has requested that people send them trauma-dumps for fetish reasons ❎
- Radqueer-takes, just posts pro rad-queer discourse ❎
- Berrytasticdeer, RQ ❎
- Pricklymuffinzzzzz, RQ ❎
- Randobitchyasscoiningshite, RQ ❎
- Digitallyadored, RQ ❎
- Gorgeous-rq-girlies, RQ coining blog ❎
- Cr1ng3yl0z3r, RQ ❎
- Gnarpcotics, RQ ❎
- Waitercore, RQ ❎
- Radqueer-empire, blog for a radqueer discord server ❎
- Blissfuloverdose7, RQ ❎
- Varii-corvid, coins terms ❎
- Minecraftenthusiast2882, coins terms ❎
- Rotnik-tmblr, RQ ❎
- Incestoophilia, wrote an article on incest called “keeping it in the family” 31 y/o that consistently interacts with young teenagers ❎
- Rq-boxes, RQ ❎
- Radqueerfluff, RQ ❎
- Wayofthefunkmaster, RQ ❎
- Weirdness-is-good, wayofthefunkmasters alt acc ❎
- Thedigitalwave, compares antis to transphobes, RQ ❎
- Radqueerpfps, makes flag pfps ❎
- Rq-term-search, RQ ❎
- Gluestrawbz, coins terms ❎
- Animal-creature, RQ ❎
- Sleepyeepyvoidcat, uses paid ads to promote their account(I got one on my dashboard), RQ ❎
- Dexxxma, RQ, partner of radicalclues ❎
- Sincerestkisses, RQ ❎
- Little—beetle, RQ ❎
- Qu33rjude, RQ ❎
- Russetfur1128, RQ ❎
- Rinlencoins, coining account ❎
- Jesterrq, RQ ❎
- Honeydew-wecantwo, RQ ❎
- Hunter-fox, coins RQ terms ❎
- Gamezee420, RQ ❎
- Cherishyne, RQ ❎
- R0tsm4z3, RQ ❎
- Morachivist, coins trans-race terms, refuses to say their contact stance ❎
- Hellelaplace, RQ ❎
- Luckas-rockz, RQ ❎
- Rqheadcanons, headcanons characters as harmful labels ❎
- Curiouscattohours, RQ ❎
- Rainbowfam, RQ ❎
- Acidic-nebula-raincloud, RQ ❎
- Satanlovesradqueers, term coiner ❎
- Peppermint-bloodshed92, coins terms ❎
- Spookrq, RQ ❎
- Radqueer-headspace, makes RQ content and coins terms, “”complex-contact”” ❎
- Gearbox-dollhouse, calls themself a yandere, RQ ❎
- Gearbox-dolls, alt account for gearbox-dollhouse ❎
- Bloodydollies, nsfw RQ alt account for gearbox-dollhouse ❎
- Anyolovez, RQ ❎
- Pastel-golden, RQ ❎
- Transthehorrors, coins terms, RQ ❎
- Lostbhappy, owner of RQ discord server ❎
- Rqmoodboards, RQ ❎
- Alexidentitiescoiningblog, coins terms ❎
- Radicaalkirby, RQ ❎
- Rosiesdelights, coins terms, RQ ❎
- Userboxmachine, makes RQ userboxes ❎
- Yourlocaledgysnake, RQ ❎
- Ur-transx-favs, creates RQ headcanons ❎
- Radqueerstim, makes RQ stim boards ❎
- Freaksboards, RQ stimboard acc ❎
- Internalcondom, RQ ❎
- Antirq-blocklist, RQ ❎
- Yourfaveis-transid-coded, transid head canons ❎
- Transstimland, makes RQ stimboards ❎
- Princesse-du-rose, RQ ❎
- Fungus-ID, RQ, term coiner ❎
- Theradroom, RQ confessionals ❎
- Adamssafeheaven, RQ ❎
If you notice a mistake, dm me and I’ll fix it. And again if there is someone not on here that needs to be added, please dm me. Better yet, write a brief description of them and add the emojis.
Ik they’re probably going to throw a fit about this and out themselves. So I’ll update the list in a few days.
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anti-radqueer-zone · 5 months
https://www.tumblr.com/anti-radqueer-zone/737008020957151232/i-deeply-hope-this-is-a-troll-and-i-just-cant?source=share Wondering what you think of cult of the lamb then?
I've never played it, but my partner does, so I know some things about it.
First of all, games are not the same as real life; you can't compare a cartoon animation with objectives to a real-life cult or a "faux cult." To my knowledge, no one has ever been harmed or tricked into joining a cult as a result of the cult of the lambs. I actually know people who have joined cults thinking they were jokes and then slowly got turned into real-life cult members.
Second of all, Cult of the Lambs shows a lot of violence; it is a cartoon game, so it isn't gory, but it depicts the sacrifice of followers for the leaders own personal gain. It isn't necessarily a realistic depiction of cults, but it doesn't depict cults as light, funny, or something to enjoy; it depicts them as selfish and murderous.
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sarcastic-salem · 2 years
It feels ironic that I’m writing, but I really don’t give a shit. I feel like it needs to be put out there for my own mental health.
I’ve been a Norse Heathen for 5 years now, and I love my religion. I love the connection I feel with my deities. I love having them there to talk to and support me, and I love all the esoteric weird bullshit and borderline paranormal “woo shit” that comes with being a Pagan.
Which the majority of the Heathen community look down on out of a sense of arrogant self-righteousness and an absolutely massive inferiority complex.
Because Heathenry — as the ancient Norse would have practiced — is a dead religion. Everything we know about it comes either from extremely biased 13th century Christian scholars, cishet white historians, or whatever practicing Heathens pieced together post-1900 following the invention of Asatru in Iceland.
There’s no historical proof that Heathenry was practiced as it is today.
And because Heathens can’t stand the idea of being compared to the gullible and deluded Wiccans—
Note: These are not my personal beliefs. I don’t believe (all) Wiccans are gullible and deluded. The above is a statement based off of my own experiences in the Heathen community cause guess — I used to be a Wiccan. So I’ve experienced this bullshit stigma firsthand.
—The vast community of reconstructionalist Heathens have decided that every aspect of our religion has got to be
A biggest dick contest.
People are constantly trying to one-up each other like,
“Oh-hoh, look what I just learned that makes me vastly superior and absolutely must be true because this vaguely translated 12th century tome that I bought off eBay says so!”
And as if that wasn’t bad enough, a lot of the shit recons are putting out there is racist, anti-LGBT bullshit. So, of course, Heathenry automatically comes with a crash course on how to not be brainwashed by faux feminist white supremacists and literal fucking Nazis. And the fact that the Nazi population has not only been steadily growing since 2018 but has also managed to successfully infiltrate “safe spaces” intended for queer and BIPOC Heathens
Is not exactly what I’d call a win for the Heathen community.
Because there is no community. There is no sense of unity in the general non-Nazi Heathen community at large. Because the recons are all busy being like,
“You can’t do that — that’s NOT how it worked 4,000 years ago! And that God only has a name and a single monolith in Norway. So you can’t worship them, either, cause we’re smart and we said so.”
And when someone does notice that some fucking weird potentially harmful shit is up in the community people are just like,
“Well, we’d look into it but that particular cult of Heathen eugenicists doesn’t seem to exist on Tumblr. So we’re just gonna wait for them to make their way here and see what happens. Now, if you don’t mind I’d like to get back to translating this cave painting that was found a year ago in Iceland.”
And its fucking bullshit. Like there could be — and is — an actual fucking Nazi takeover taking place and reconstructionalist assholes will be dogpiling someone because they bought a fucking Ouija Board or a piece of fucking rose quartz cause they thought it might make them happier.
Recons, what the fuck is with you people? The Heathen community is a fucking nightmare. You are killing this community while Nazis are driving people to commit fucking suicide.
Get your fucking shit together.
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sixamese-simblr · 8 months
Reviewing the Black Friday musical by Starkid because I feel like it
I know that the shared audience for this and my blog is probably close to zero but I feel like sharing my thoughts. I've been binging Team Starkid musicals the past few weeks, and because Black Friday is both clearly higher budget and simultaneously not as strong as the preceding ones, Firebringer and The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals, I feel like I need to get my thoughts out.
Spoilers will be unmarked.
Black Friday is a musical about an eldritch entity called Wiggly trying to get a foothold in our realm, and doing so in the most American way possible: selling merch of itself.
So far, love the premise. There are two main issues I have with the show: while the show is correct in its message, it spends too much time with characters spelling the message out to the audience, and the tone is too bleak to really work.
My first gripe is arguably the smaller one. The musical's central conceit is that all the adult characters have "holes", emptiness in their lives they seek to fill with products. Among the media I've seen dealing with consumerism it is the most spot-on with its analysis. Most anti-consumerist media says "products don't make you truly happy" but doesn't stop to ask why people turn to products. Black Friday acknowledges that they do so because products are the only thing that's reliable in American society with so much economic insecurity, no social safety net and a political system that cannot be counted on to change anything. While the analysis is spot-on, the musical has not one but two characters (Uncle Wiley and Lex) talk basically at the audience for several minutes to explain this, and once more in song form (Made in America). It just feels preachy and takes away from the interpretation of the musical as a text by providing the author's intended reading. It also takes away from Wiggly as an eldritch entity - it makes Wiggly just a little too concrete to work.
My bigger gripe is the tone of the musical - it's a really bleak and serious tone. While I respect the turn into a more serious path, it's just not done particularly well, because the chosen tone conflicts with the medium. One of the major conceits of musical theater is that when the emotions get strong, they get expressed through song. The main protagonists, however, only feel gloom: they are a teenage toy store employee who wants to get away from her deadbeat mom, a dad who lost his wife last year and a nurse who killed her abusive husband. However, gloom is not a particularly great emotion to sing about. This makes most of the songs not really stick. The main standout song for me is the opening jingle which instead expresses a manufactured corporate cheeriness - a great choice! Corporate positivity is already an inherently inhuman emotion and is a great fit for an eldritch entity! The entire musical starts with the characters having deep life problems and ends with the implication that they die in a nuclear blast. The emotional ups and downs are not pronounced enough. I wish they kept up the faux cheeriness more to contrast with the dreariness of the characters. I feel it could be done to really unsettling effect, although that could rended the musical a little too similar to The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals. Then again, it fits with the inherently silly premise of an evil plushie. One song that I feel particularly drops the ball is Wiggle, the villain song near the end by the members of the Wiggly cult that has formed in the mall. It's the climax of the musical, and it just doesn't capture the religious extacy that it attempts to get to.
To round off with my positive remarks on the musical: Linda, Wiggly's prophetess and cult leader, is an absolute delight. We support women's wrongs in this house.
It also has one of the coolest on-stage practical effects I've ever seen. Throughout the musical, we get a sense of what Wiggly look like through his depiction as the dolls:
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However, halfway through the second act we finally meet Wiggly in person, using two lights for eyes and the Christmas decorations that have been there the whole time for tentacles to genuinely great effect:
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It gives such a great sense of an otherworldly creature lurking in the shadows, not quite clear enough to make out, but through the magic of pareidolia and the fact that we've seen the stuffed Wigglies and know what he's supposed to look like he's clearly visible. It's such a great way to evoke the presence of a larger-than-life eldritch monster live on stage.
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niconiconwo · 1 year
Chinese media making us look cooler than our own propaganda outlets. Bleak
The thing that is funny about it is culturally leaning into the whole anti-authority muh freedoms thing post 9/11 (and perhaps post-Nam) while also trying to monetise the faux-revolution crowd and legitimise the Mil-Ind Complex simultaneously is what brought us here.
A people gets the propaganda they deserve really. Our culture has been commodified for profitable consumption and this was cheered for by no less than three generations, it is hardly a surprise what we got in our fast food bag here. What exactly should our propaganda posters have on them? Uncle Sam? Industrious factory workers and farmers? Drawings of 105 Shermans shelling Stuttgart? Our imperial cult is spiritually dead, our society is sick and broken, our infrastructure is barely above third world. The laptop caste has taken up pseudo-divine mandate in our country, for now anyways, and this is the foregone conclusion.
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rametarin · 3 months
To reprise
Me: "Hey. When you make posts arguing correct things, if you then slap on a word like, 'retarded', you've stepped over that bullshit imaginary line in the sand your opponents use as a gotcha so they don't have to even consider the logic. When you do this, the other sycophants that have been trained to eat out of the idiot's hand and then dogpile into a bunch of yes men hooting into their echo chamber, will focus on, "YOU SAY BAD WORD! OPINION DISCARDED" instead of the rational integrity of your argument. They can perform outrage over a faux pas and bury the actual meat of the discussion. You've given them even an ambiguous and muddy excuse to upend the chess board and leave, self-satisfied. Consider not using words they consider to be inflammatory, so they do not have any excuse to ignore the veracity of what you say and try to actually defend their positions. Give them no excuse to disregard your argument by citing your usage of, "slurs." FORCE them to go out of their way with reaching logic to invent reasons, and stretch the credibility of their accusations, because even their believers/followers will see that as a reach too far and eventually, snap. The reality they don't like hurts worse than any insult you could hurl, I promise you."
My post was not about retarded being a slur so you shouldn't use it, it was about adjusting and tailoring your speech to reach people that are, for all intents and purposes, brainwashed or blinded by ego. They've been cultivated into a place where their opponents have to walk on eggshells of their design in order to communicate with them as a form of power, or they're told they have the right to antagonistically deny others an audience, and their people ignore that they just left the table and the encounter, rather than support their beliefs and logic in a way that defends or proves them, and rewarded with the group mentality that says they don't have to support how they arrived where they did in their worldview. They do not extend that same courtesy to those they disagree with. And don't have to, because it's a communal personality cult based on principle.
If you want to dismantle and defuse this hideous culture, you need to be able to play their game and win it without giving them any opportunity to take their ball and go home, claiming you said something so hideous and out of bounds they couldn't dignify it with further correspondence. And the fewer reasons you give them they can claim are valid, the more they eventually have to come to the realization it's not their opponents that are Nazis or bigots for disagreeing with anything, it's them looking for excuses to treat even benign behavior like it's hate speech or violence.
Naturally, there are some that are so indoctrinated because they're sheep that want to fit in and see that as the "winning side," or at least, the morally correct side. They're either too ignorant or too invested in the desired outcome (usually something socialistic or communist) to be flexible. But, the ones that are not simply stooges cannot deny to themselves when they see petty disqualification from someone that is not using, "slurs." When they have to actually argue the meat of the matter and have no convenient ejection seat or trap card to pull out that gets them out of the heat and pressure, it falls on them to do something desperate.
And when that happens, we get stupid reaching shit like webcomics about walruses and seals who are, "so annoying because they want to argue despite being polite, with people that don't want to argue." It makes them look pathetic.
Refusal to comprehend this is exactly why the moldy haired anti-nuclear breadtube pieces of shit are even close to winning cultural arguments. Because people that could be arguing with any kind of dignity are being lazy and acting like these overgrown children don't have the ability to engage with the democracy just because they're stupid.
It's BECAUSE they're stupid they can change the foundations and face of the system, because of the values and things they've been taught to recognize as forbidden. People that actually have intelligence are shepherding them in an asymmetric way that benefits from the chaos caused by their bleating discordant stupidity, like mean girls with self-awareness stoking the fires of a bunch of stupid gradeschool girls to be petty, shallow and vain as a form of competition. And unless you can appeal to their better senses and get them to personally choose to think about things outside of their dogmatic and safe, convenient perspective, you're just going to get more morons jumping down the narcotics lined prairie dog holes of Antifa and far-leftist nonsense that takes something even approaching reasonable mercy and reinterprets it through their disgusting red lenses just to hitch them up to pro-communist initiatives like a bunch of reined donkeys.
Some of you that replied have reading comprehension and still replied, "Naw, I see what you're saying but I choose to continue using retarded as an insult." And that's fine. I think that's counterproductive, but notice how my post said please. It was a request and suggestion supporting why, not a demand, and if you read my post, you'll notice it was neutral as to whether or not it was even a valid slur.
The rest of you read a post about how you shouldn't carelessly sling around words like retarded at people you're arguing with on social media because the sort of people put off like that, are EXACTLY the sort of people that should be reading arguments that challenge their notions with as few easy outs as possible, so you shouldn't GIVE them any excuse to pack up and leave and make them do it themselves, and immediately concluded it was just yet another post from some bug eating Lenin apologist wagging a finger and declaring victory during a discussion citing technial foul, for the other calling someone mentally defunct.
One fewer idiot drinking the kool-aid means one fewer idiot laying in wait to sabotage productive, constructive operations. One fewer idiot to vote against nuclear power plants. One fewer idiot to support abolishing police stations and replacing them with narco-mafia- or some flabby community watch that's just one step removed from narco-mafia. One fewer idiot to scream about how animal rights means meat should be illegal. One fewer idiot to claim fucking wool is harmful to the environment so you should use plastic leather. One fewer idiot browbeating their girlfriends about how a popcorn flick is "harmful to society because MMMMAAALE GAAAAAAAAZE" and them feeling self-conscious but not wanting to fight with their friend about it.
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redacted-coiner · 4 months
As much as I despise fults, I do wish I could make flags for fictional religons.
I just MMMHGG. Why do my brain have to do this.
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what does anti RQ/Prat & Fults mean
Ain’t RQ= Anti Radqueer
Fults= Faux Cults
For more information look here(link)
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morkitten · 1 year
I got exactly 01 hatemail and I immediately deleted it because replying to those is just a waste of time, but the more I thought about it the more it painted a really sad picture in my mind. If you’re the one who sent it, here’s my earnest reply to you: 1. I didn’t need to know their name. This is why I’m not using gendered language either. I don’t care about their name, gender, or anything like that, and you absolutely shouldn’t reveal that information about someone else to a stranger 2. “I didn’t understand what you said which clearly shows that you’re just trying to shroud your racist intentions towards my friend”. This is what concerns me the most. First off, each reply was less than a paragraph long, and the idea that I’m imparting is not really complex (“don’t set up people as harassment targets for innocuous faux-pas & then associate islamophobia/xenophobia with it”). I know sometimes my prose reads weird, but I don’t think it’s really difficult. English is not my first language, so that might be part of the issue. If there’s anything specifically that was confusing, you can just ask me. Secondly, this is an anti-intellectual line of thinking at best, and cult-like behavior at worst. Your first reaction to not understanding something should be to try to figure it out, and not “this is clearly just a bigot skirting the fact that they don’t want to admit it”. Do you understand how thinking this way won’t let you grow as a person, or help you get equipped with the tools necessary to actually sniff out lies, dogwhistles, bad-faith discourse and manipulation? It may feel like an armor, but it sets you up for being someone who’s easy to manipulate instead. I didn’t know they were muslim, but I still think this behavior should be called out regardless. I’ll admit that comparing that reply to an upvote-thirsty redditor was something I maybe wouldn’t have done if I had that information already. I know how it can be frustrating to see people seemingly not care or understand a huge issue that affects you personally, so I could have called that out in a less shitty and demeaning way, in a way that acknowledges and empathizes with this hurt. I still think it sucks. I’ve lived through a lot of 2015-ish twitter to see these easy “quote retweet dunks” over slight faux-pas or taking shit out of context in the name of social justice that really just amounts to bullying people who were ascribed way more perverse intent for likes & RTs. It may not have been the intent, but this is what it does in practice. 3. You’re the one who called your friend a slur. I didn’t even know that was a slur until two days ago, when I saw a random tweet calling it something that “only brits use”. You’re the one who wanted your friend to be called a slur. I want you to think about that. (I know the irony in replying to someone who basically complained “tl;dr” with a much bigger reply, but if you want to engage with me I require at least as much effort as it takes to read this. then I’ll know you’re at least trying)
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sparrowhawksshadow · 1 year
There’s this tension throughout all the Friends at the Table seasons -- particularly the sci-fi ones, though it’s present in Hieron too -- between the insistence that a better world is possible and profound skepticism of anything or anyone claiming to be or represent that better world. “Utopianism vs anti-utopianism” is an oversimplification, but I think it gets the point across.
(cut for fandom rambling)
I’m thinking particularly of Stel Columnar here: the evil space empire’s pet techno-optimist liberals. (I forgot which Divine was their patron for a minute, but it’s Future, right? Which makes their hollow faux-reformist thing especially resonant, given that Gur Sevraq stole the Future from them.) They feel like an echo of the New Earth Hegemony from the Twilight Mirage season in their arrogant complacency.
Contrast them with the Twilight Mirage itself. Over the course of Season 4, it was drawn as a deeply imperfect, contested, nevertheless worthwhile project. Now we’ve returned to the Mirage for the first time in 500 years to find it being run like a shitty university co-op, falling over at the first push from a glorified advertising algorithm and a blood cult. Well, that’s maybe unfair -- maybe the Brink is particularly dysfunctional compared to the rest of the Mirage at this point. But there seem to be some authoritarian tendencies emerging within the QuiErr Coalition that remind me of the birth of Stel Nideo. (Austin made that joke about reinventing the Rapid Evening, at the end of the Orbital game...)
So what we see repeated over and over -- and maybe about to repeat itself again -- is Utopia either turning totalitarian and chauvinistic, or falling apart into squabbling and getting snapped up by empires with fewer scruples. Which makes Perennial, the devil-figure of the Principality, such a fascinating and compelling character to me. She is the Divine that embodies this cycle of futility, the God that laughs at both empire and revolution.
For how long will there be empires? For as long as we breathe? Longer? Will the categories of our conquest outlast us, or could there come a day for something else? We once dreamt that breaking free from our ancient home in the cosmos would allow us to escape the mass and pull of tyranny and trauma. We failed then, but perennial chaos offers us another chance. Can we launch with such speed that we glide, graceful or imperfect, beyond war and pain? Or is the truth more damning than that: Might we carry our own gravity with us?
For Gur Sevraq, who stole the Future from Columnar, the question remains unanswered. “[P]erennial chaos” offers not a Sisyphean theory of history but an assurance that empire will one day fall. But -- of course -- Gur Sevraq’s body hasn’t been cold for a week before their legacy is co-opted by that same empire’s propagandists. (Fill in your real-world historical parallels here -- I can think of two or three without looking anything up.) That seems like a point in the column of “carry our own gravity with us,” huh?
Maybe the synthesis here is something like: You lose Utopia forever the moment you convince yourself you’ve achieved it. One must imagine Robot Sisyphus happy.
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tom-at-the-farm · 2 years
It was a really fast downward trajectory from "various companies exploit faux wokeness for profit, #believewomen #culturalreckoning" to "Duolingo publicly shames DV victim on tiktok for clout"
Everyday that Ted Kaczynski-worshipping anti-technology cult looks more attractive
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phantasmeels · 2 years
Yet another unhinged gaming theory: Majora’s Mask edition
*plops down* Alright, I got another one that’s been stewing in my brain. Really been trying to make some sense of the lore of MM and I think I have a fairly interesting idea. It might come as no surprise but I don’t buy all of Nintendo’s lore explanations for their games, as it feels like they either forget the original ideas or discard/alter them entirely. So here’s my take on the setting of Majora’s Mask, Termina; what it is, how it came to be, etc. I’ll be explaining my theory in a chronological way from the start of the land’s history to the time of the game.
To begin: The ancient tribe that created the mask for hexing rituals was Hyrulean, not Terminian, and existed a long time ago; as in, a time when some of Demise’s more powerful demons, perhaps with measures of divine power, might still have been around. My hypothesis concerning them is that one of those demons was one named Majora. This demon was able to exert a strong psychic influence on mortals, even across great distances, and was well recognized by monsters/demons in general. (See the mask’s effects in Breath of the Wild that allows the wearer to be left alone by many monsters due to their recognition of the entity.)
Majora wanted worshipers and attention, fancying itself as a god, or at least desiring to be one. It got those worshipers as a cult, a group of cultists who grew into the aforementioned ancient tribe. In order to properly and safely interact with this tribe of followers, it allowed itself to be made into a mask, and the wearer would channel its presence, words and will through a form of willing possession. The cult developed traditions that involved the use of masks generally, which would follow them as they migrated across time and space to the dimensionally parallel realm called Termina.
Now, concerning the origin of Termina: I do think there is a chance it always existed, even before Majora or Skull Kid came into the picture, but Nintendo is insistent that at least the mask was heavily linked to the origin of the realm. However, just looking around Termina gives the impression that it has been around for a very long time, having an implied intricate history which wouldn’t just all pop into existence the moment Skull Kid put the mask on. So I propose a compromise between both sets of ideas: Majora did indeed cause the creation of Termina, along with its first peoples, but it was a very long time ago, before the Skull Kid put the mask on.
I propose that in more ancient times, the mask, housing a demon with some measure of divine power, created Termina as a smaller reflection of Hyrule. It wasn’t a totally independent dimension, as it depended on the existence of Hyrule and its peoples in order to exist; hence, so much of the population of Termina reflects the peoples of Hyrule in a sort of faux-real-time dynamic. Once this world was made, Majora led its followers across one of the dimensional nexuses, and ended up in the lands neighboring the canyon which would grow into the kingdom of Ikana. They settled this region, and built the Stone Tower as their personal stronghold and cultic center dedicated to Majora. (You might also note the anti-triforce/goddess imagery that the tower is so infamous for, strengthening my idea that Majora was a demon and its followers were anti-goddess.) The ancient tribe would later be known as the Garo, and as history shows, they came into conflict with the growing Ikana peoples quite often.
Worship of Majora went on for a long time, spreading quietly over much of Termina as a small number of cult members spread throughout the peoples of the world. Eventually the mask’s malign nature came more to light as more terrible things would happen to the ancient tribe, as well as their Ikanan neighbors. Almost all of the Garo became so overcome with fear of the mask and its power that they sealed it away, locking away the Stone Tower as well to keep the mask’s cursed power from spreading. From here, all of those who had survived the wars between the Garo and Ikana, as well as the horrors wrought by the mask, left the regions behind entirely, spreading throughout the Terminian populations. They brought with them their mask-related traditions, but sought a better faith, which was forged when eventually an agreement was reached between the peoples of Termina and the four giants. These giants became the land’s deified protectors, and together created another divine mask to be donned when the land might need protecting during their eventual slumbers. This would be known as the mask of the Fierce Deity, a spirit dwelling inside the mask, which required the happy and hopeful memories of the peoples of Termina, as well as their righteous fury against evil and calls for protection against calamity to operate as a transformation mask. From the point of this covenant between the peoples and the giants, a new set of traditions and religious practices emerged as seen practiced in the game. In addition to the covenant with the four giants and fierce deity, the people also formed a faith in what they called the Goddess of Time, and thus themes of the passage of time were integrated into the faith traditions of Termina. This was a prophetic thing, prophesying the coming of Link and the powerful Ocarina of Time from Hyrule that would come as the salvation to the peoples.
Meanwhile, having been locked away, left behind and bereft of worshipers, Majora’s fury and rage burned furiously, but helplessly from its prison. There was no recourse available to it other than to constantly call out for someone to come and retrieve it, to let it out, and don it so that it might unleash its calamitous powers in vengeance against a world that it had created yet had now rejected it in favor of the four giants, the goddess of time, and the fierce deity. Eventually, the call did reach someone: The Happy Mask salesman, a Terminian of some power who, upon discovering a dimensional nexus between Hyrule and Termina, brought the mask traditions to Hyrule in the form of the Happy Mask shop, where he would gather and sell masks he found to people in both realms. Eventually, he heeded the call to find and claim Majora’s Mask, and by finding a way up into the Stone Tower (as I doubt he could open the doors described in the game himself), he brought the mask out of its prison. Though he was strong enough to resist putting the mask on himself, Majora sealed its victory when the Skull Kid, in his usual mischief ‘acquired’ the mask from the Salesman. Unable to resist the mask’s compulsions, it put the mask on, and from there became the puppet of the demon who now possessed him. Still set on revenge, Majora caused many troubles to Termina by the hands of the Skull Kid, seeking to destroy the world it had created. This leads us to the game itself where Link saves Termina, preserving it as a mirrored dimension of Hyrule.
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hunter-rq · 3 months
OH. MY. GOD ! !
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(not reblogging bc of the being's dni and bc i dont want to boost this things ew)
WHAT DO YOU MEANN??? YOU LOST AN ANTI WE GAIN A FRIEND! MANIPULATED INTO BEHAVIOR SHIFT?? BRO, IF THEY WERE AN ANTI, (i hope) THEY HAVE A STRONG ENOUGH MIND TO NOT BE MANIPULATED INTO THIS LMAOO-- if u rlly believe that, what the actual fuck, we aint a cult, there are faux cults or xults i dont remember that are 100% consensual and im pretty sure they dont sacrifice goats or something, lol
"is highly unethical and inmoral (and just plain disgusting)" YEAHH YEAHHHHH FEED ME WITH UR HATE ANTISSS,, ok so, "plain disgusting"??? i mean, i know its not every rq's way of seeing it but some like to be called disgusting so you aint hating with this one lmao
btw, ya'll behave like a cult then, fans of youtubers are cults and dont make me start with gamers- what, no? well, you are saying that WE are and we arent doing anything, why cant i call every group i find a cult then? what IS a cult even?
i loooove that you are acting like we are a mundial hazard, "oh, dear collagues, please refrain from scrolling through radqueer antis, we cant take that! in addition, have caution with the following behaviours, as you may fall into the unescapable pit of the cult of the degenerates and criminals!" JSVSJAHSJHAAHHSJAVS im dying i swear
i think i should do RADQUEER NEWS ! ! too..
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