#anti fat acceptance
shaftking · 2 months
I’m so tired of obese people using PCOS and/or thyroid issues as excuses why they’re 300+ fucking lbs as if that means anything except that they’re not managing their symptoms at all. Guess what! Being obese makes your PCOS and thyroid problems worse because of the hormonal effects of excess visceral fat! It makes your hunger cues fucked up! (So do excess processed foods, for the record!) It makes you eat more and be lethargic and move less. You’re not obese because you have PCOS and thyroid problems you’re obese because you are eating too much/not eating well and not moving enough and exacerbating existing health problems! You aren’t managing your symptoms and you are making excuses about it! I know this for a fact because I literally have these exact same incurable health issues and I’m actually managing my symptoms and actually minding my hunger cues and paying attention to what I’m eating and how much I’m moving instead of intuitively eating myself into a binge eating disorder and ignoring the actual ramifications of how these disorders effect the body! If you’re lazy and looking for excuses then say that! But stop acting like PCOS and thyroid issues are just making you gain weight from thin air because that is impossible and not at all how any of this works. Literally just be fucking honest.
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fitness-not-haes · 3 months
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niiwa-angel · 2 months
More perks of being a healthy weight!!
Easier to use public transit. The seats are more comfortable and if it's standing room only, you aren't keeping other people out of the bus because of your obesity.
Bathing is relaxing rather than annoying. No rolls to clean under, you can lift your feet easily to clean your toes. All of you fits under the shower stream.
On that note, you smell better. No rolls for sweat to accumulate and stink, you can bathe better, and you aren't sweating buckets just from moving all of your weight.
You can sleep anywhere. You're drinking at a friend's house and staying the night? You can sleep on the couch, in a sleeping bag on the floor, or in the bed with them, all with comfort. Your dorm has twin beds only? That's fine, you won't overflow from them.
Shoes fit. I've been watching some My 600 lb Life lately and God so many of them can't wear shoes or can only wear flip flops because their feet are so fat! It's kind of scary.
You can do things with your friends. Mall walking, going to a clip or bar and sit anywhere, music festivals, fan expos, theme parks. Being a healthy weight makes these things so much more enjoyable.
I think I've mentioned this one, but your body looks proportional. Being super underweight, your head starts to look way to big and your limbs look unnatural. Being overweight, your limbs and stomach look massive while your head looks too small.
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egalitarianchica · 11 months
Stop telling obese people that they’re healthy and beautiful. Obesity kills. Don’t bully obese people but do encourage people of every size to maintain healthy lifestyles.
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anon-controversies · 9 months
Let me be clear about something, treating fat people badly is disgusting. You shouldn't treat anyone badly, and no one should feel unwelcome in places, especially common places like the gym where people feel unwelcome or unsafe, everyone has a place there.
However, expecting society to conform to you, isn't something that anyone should expect.
You will not fit in every clothing brand. I am a small person, and often I can't find clothes small enough to fit me due to things like inconsistent sizing. Often stores will carry up to a 3X and will not carry a size smaller than a S or XS, and I simply can't fit in the clothing item, which sucks, but then I go find somewhere else.
Not every place will cater to you, and that's okay.
Different things are meant for different people, and that doesn't make it fat-phobia, and I can hold this belief while still believing that of course fat people shouldn't be harassed because no one should. Those beliefs can coexist and it is ridiculous and manipulative to present the idea that they can't.
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Btw, fat acceptance was created by white men so that it would be more socially acceptable to fetishize overweight/obese women
Thats sooo empowering
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slimnotsorry · 1 year
That lower belly bulge is not your uterus, it's fat.
The uterus sits 3-4 inches behind the abdomen, tucked away behind the pelvic bone. If you are not pregnant, you shouldn't be able to see or feel your uterus under the skin.
The lower belly bulge that many women have is actually just fat. It's normal to have extra fat there, it can be protective of inner organs. But it's entirely possible and normal and even sometimes healthy for women to have a completely flat abdomen.
Having a flat tummy does NOT make someone less of a woman, it does not mean they're fake or photoshopped, it does not make them unhealthy, and I'm tired of seeing this disinformation everywhere. The more you know.
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a0701l · 1 month
So today I went to my beautician and she gave me some m3ansp0 without asking, like wtf but thank you?? It put me back on track to starve myself again! I needed this to get everything back on track because I was eating 600 calories a day! It's way too much
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will-pilled · 2 years
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it won't let me reblog it for some reason, but I want to put this shit out in the open.
Fuck you, OP. Holy shit fuck you so fucking much I hate you.
I have to go on a diet all by my fucking self and try and scrap healthy food together in my house, which is hard to do beyond words because my parents have a fucking junk food addiction.
And rather that being mature adults and taking care of their children, can you take a guess as to what they do? That's right! They push this stupid fucking addiction onto me and my siblings.
Health food is an actual fucking TREAT for us. And my parents make fun of me when I want good food. "Oh ArE yOu On A DiEt? YoUrE ToO YoUnG."
Yeah. I AM too young to need to go on a diet. That's the fucking issue. You should be taking fucking care of me. But you're not, so I have to do it myself. I REFUSE to live like you people. I'll fucking STARVE before I get that big again, and I wasn't nearly as big as some people. It didn't look like it, but my health was SUFFERING. I was hurting and I had no fucking idea until I got smaller because I was USED to the health issues. Fucking gross.
It's child abuse to force your bad habits onto your children.
Disrespectfully, fuck you OP.
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9private-rant0291 · 3 months
Being fit , slim or just not have excess fat is freeing in itself . Ive seen and read too much of the Fat acceptance group whine about everything . Much to all their dismay
1.) No one will comply/copy your lifestyle unless its among your communities
2.) If you say Health at every size . Shut your yap when people are fit or have pretty/skinny/woman privilage
3.) We have a life outside Scarfing down Junkfood and process food
4.) Victim blaming isnt cute . Also saying its linked to racism your using other peoples race as a excuse How pathetic
5.) Health is acessable at many many ways
6.) Healthcare providers dont want to help your butts due to your bublering Selves
7.) Fashion brands wont comply to your demands get over it . Estimate cost per yard of materials and services to make the garments . If you have the skill then Make your own clothing
8.) Yes its your fault you went Fat (except thoes who had legit illness) but thoes intentional weightgain....you are all stupid not learning how Obesity is the gate way to many illnesses
9.) With your distruction , misinformation and bullying You are pushing everyone back then turning them stupid
10.) Being obese Leads to an EARLY DEMISE
11.) Sure its not our problem to care about your Your body . Just showing up as a slob , telling people #9 Your making people unhealthy due to you not putting effort
12.) Stop projecting your insecurities disguised as "Body Positivity" you all stole that community thats suposed to be for the amputies , victims of thoes who be hurt irl and have Scars or have scars that were made fun of!
13.) You all shouldnt have a word in anything about anyone who wants to lose weight to be fit, be pretty, glow up , want to take advantage of pretty privilage
14.) Everyone has Preffrences and when we say we dont like Fat people Get over it
15.) Instead of whining ...again Put in the work .
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shaftking · 5 months
Straight up can morbidly obese people stop calling themselves “plus sized” as if they’re just curvier than the average or are kinda chubby. Girl you are 300 lbs. Almost as wide as you are tall. You are not plus sized, you are super sized. You have a legitimate problem that is not helped by underplaying it.
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fitness-not-haes · 4 months
Health at Every Size
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slamburger · 2 months
I don’t care how you spin it, being fat is, with very few exceptions, not good. This is coming from someone who is fat and is working at losing weight, because I know that being fat is detrimental to my health and wellbeing. Sure, there are some people who can be fat while being healthy, (say, professional powerlifters for example) but for the vast majority of people like you and me, being fat is shortening our lifespans, causing bone structure issues, and generally being an inconvenience to us and those around us.
Some people are just naturally heavier than others, but that’s one thing. Being fat is another. If you’re going around talking about “fatphobia” or whatever, you’re encouraging and reinforcing unhealthy behavior. There’s a reason that the world is not built with fat people in mind, and that’s because being fat is bad, and should very much be discouraged.
Again, I am fat. I am trying to lose weight and not be fat anymore, because being fat is really bad for you. Body positivity related to weight needs to stop, flat out.
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hey. do you think fatphobia isn't real? do you think its made up? do you think fat people are complaining about the natural consequences of their actions?
why do you care?
no, really, why do you care so much about fat people? why do you care that they are "complaining"? why does it make you so mad? everyone complains. all the time. and, i mean, this is tumblr! nothing matter here. why do you care so much?
why do you get so angry at fat people you think are gross? why do you care so much about someone else's supposed eating habits? hygiene habits? lack of exercise routine? why does any of that matter?
are fat people actually doing anything to you? affecting your life? changing laws or bullying you? really? how? do you think that fat people are coercing skinny people into fat lifestyles? how? by existing? by complaining? by talking about problems in their life?
are you concerned that they're ruining their bodies? why do you care?
its not your body. its not your life.
unfortunately, if this post does end up getting gears turning, the people who change their mind won't say anything. the people most likely to respond are the fatphobic "anti-fat activists" who are blinded completely by their hatred of fatness and fat people. any fat person who finds this post, please be cautious of the notes. i don't know what they'll look like.
but if you have someone in your life who might benefit from these questions, go ahead and ask them. ask them to explain their bias. maybe it will make them see how pointless it is to hate fatness. safety first, however.
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anon-controversies · 9 months
Friendly reminder that there is such thing as healthy weight gain, which is not talked about enough in the anti-HEAS community.
I have always been a smaller person and still am, but since changing my workouts to be strength based, I have gained lean muscle, which means I have put on a few pounds of weight.
That is true healthy weight gain, that was supported through movement, discipline and a healthy varied diet.
So if you are smaller, and find yourself putting on a little bit of muscle weight when you start working out differently, that does not mean you are getting unhealthy, and sometimes people need a reminder of that :)
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"Heart attacks and cardiac arrest aren't fat-caused, that's just medical fatphobia."
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It's not fat phobia. Organs cannot function whe covered in stuff like fat. It blocks the ventricles, presses down on your chambers and overall makes your heart work harder to do the same function as someone elses. You are literally crushing yourself to death from the inside.
Visceral fats cannot develope without a source of energy, the laws of thermodynamics apply to the human body, it's not your genetics, and I dont want you to die. Wake up.
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