#anti barty crouch sr
godofstory · 8 months
rereading Goblet of Fire after years..man I HATE crouch sr so bad
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my poor Winky😭 she didn't say who really did it for that bitch's sake but he dissowned her anyway🥺
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what do you think would have happened to the plot if harry defeated voldemort in gof? what would happen to death eaters? and the ministry? and do you think harry would be seen as a saviour in 5th year instead of a liar like in the original book?
What Happens to the Death Eaters?
Most of them remain imprisoned without Voldemort to release them. They're still waiting for the any day now day when he will return and they will have glorious revolution once again.
Karkoroff probably flees back to Durmstrang but this time there's no Voldemort to kill him horribly for trying to run. Peter probably manages to survive the encounter with Harry by running away and is hiding as a common rat again and probably trying to become someone's pet (he had it pretty good at the Weasleys). Snape is still a Hogwarts professor. Lucius is still living the high life having pretended he was imperiused the whole time. Given Barty was caught when Harry returned and confronted him, and I don't see that changing, Barty is still probably sentenced to death by dementor kiss.
The Ministry
This one's a bit of a pickle.
The question is does Cedric still die?
If Cedric lived, then there's no smear campaign. Fudge is not having his position threatened by the Dark Lord having possibly returned, instead, Crouch shot himself in the foot and bled out in the street. Harry Potter and Cedric Diggory were just kidnapped by the Death Eater son Barty Crouch had freed from prison, who also killed Barty Sr., and who tried to resurrect the Dark Lord. Given that this tournament was Fudge's baby and Fudge had nothing to do with it (versus Voldemort returning meaning Fudge has to deal with it/quell panic of the people) means Fudge can pin it all on dead Barty with delight and show how great he is by comparison.
Fudge doesn't love Cedric and Harry insisting "the Dark Lord totally came back for five minutes off screen but don't worry he's dead for real again" but he's choosing not to pay attention to that and says "shut up boys" when they try to talk about it.
If Cedric died then we have a problem because Harry doesn't look good. Here Harry's transported to the stage with a dead Cedric, claiming the cup was secretly a portkey where the Dark Lord who's been dead for ten years resurrected himself, but don't worry because Harry killed him for good again this time so you won't find any evidence of this having happened.
With that much money on the line, with Harry having a history of incidents from previous years, with the dead body hanging out, and the excuse being "I swear the Dark Lord rose from the dead, stabbed Cedric, then immediately died again!" It's looking like Harry murdered Cedric or, if being very kind to him, Harry had some kind of an episode in the trauma of having witnessed Cedric dying somehow.
There's no smear campaign, as Harry isn't claiming the Dark Lord is back (he's dead again remember), so no one wants to publicize that Harry may have probably did murder Cedric. Cedric's father, of course, blames Harry as he did canonically at the time and probably presses for a murder trial but I imagine he's told to shut it because Harry's the boy who lived and you can't just go accusing him of murder (even when he probably certainly did it).
Is Harry Viewed as a Savior
Once again, depends who you ask.
The Order and Harry's close friends, as well as Dumbledore, very much believe that Harry fought Voldemort again and killed him off screen in ten minutes. Harry's done this every year he's been at Hogwarts, it's nothing new, and nice that he's dead for real this time (even though he was dead for real last time too).
However, everyone else I imagine is on the fence with many thinking he killed Cedric, that this Dark Lord thing certainly never happened, and not wanting to believe it or think about it or else choosing carefully not to say it.
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moonlightdancer26 · 8 months
All the hate towards Snape for possibly being the reason Sirius was put in azkaban, bc he might''ve known about Peter, yet none towards the man who deliberately put Sirius in without a trial. Who also was a lousy father.
Ok I’ve seen asks about Barty Crouch’s involvement with Sirius’s imprisonment a few times. I’ve neglected answering them for now, but since this is like the third or fourth time I’ve gotten a similar ask (who I assume was sent by the same person more than once), I’d like to share my take on this.
I personally disagree with you, Nonnie, I don’t think Barty Crouch was at all to blame when it came to Sirius’s imprisonment. I don’t even blame Dumbledore, the only ones I blame are Sirius and Peter (obviously). A lot of y’all like to say “Dumbledore/Barty Crouch put Sirius in prison without a trial!!!!” when it really isn’t true, many forget that Sirius didn’t even deny the crime and was literally caught in the act. The only reason DEs like the Lestranges even had a trial is because they were under suspicion of committing those crimes, so they at least had the chance of denying their involvement. Sirius didn’t do anything to stop himself from getting arrested nor did he even deny it — it wasn’t because he had actually committed the crime, but because he felt immense guilt over his recommendation of having the Potters switch Secret Keepers to the point where he felt that he deserved to be imprisoned because of it. If Sirius had protested, said that he was framed, and yelled out that Peter was actually the murderer, don’t you think Dumbles would’ve done something about that? Or y’know… maybe if Sirius’s very much alive best friend of ten years had went and begged Dumbledore for a trial because he hadn’t automatically assumed that his best friend turned out to be a mass-murderer and a traitor, something could have been arranged. But that didn’t happen.
Also, there was no possibility of Snape knowing about Peter. Contrary to what many people like to say, it makes zero sense. Whether you think Snape loved or was obsessed with Lily, it’s factual that Snape obviously didn’t want Lily to die. That’s shown when we see him literally going to Dumbles, despite thinking he would kill him (“Don’t kill me!”), because he so badly wanted to protect Lily and ensure her safety. Why on Earth would he keep quiet about Peter and risk getting her killed when that’s clearly not what he wants? All of this is putting aside that Karkaroff literally said that Voldemort kept all of his followers’ identities secret due to security reasons, because apparently that’s not enough proof for Snape antis.
Btw this is nothing against you anon. You’re pretty valid for thinking that given that it’s certainly an easy way of looking at things, I think it’s just an incorrect perspective.
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solitaire-sol · 1 month
Marauders Fandom Vent Post
CW: The following is anti-Regulus, anti-Barty Crouch Jr, anti-Slytherin Skittles, anti-Death Eater whitewashing, and a little general ranting about canon vs non-canon.
I should be finishing my Moonchaser Week fics but I made the mistake of browsing around and wow wow wow there are some truly terrible takes and I kind of really hate it.
"Regulus was abused and--" Really? Was he? Because all the info we get on him in canon is that he was Orion and Walburga's 'golden boy,' probably after Sirius started getting rebellious, definitely not reason enough to be Voldy's No. 1 Cheerleader until he was personally offended by the pursuit of immortality/mistreatment of Reg's house-elf. Just because ten billion fics follow-the-leader'd a handful of Big Fics where Sirius and Regulus were regularly Crucio'd on the daily from early childhood (and were still somehow functional when it landed Neville's parents, two adult and experienced Aurors, in the madhouse) does not make it canon. REGULUS WAS NOT A POOR ABUSED KITTEN AGAHGAHGAH
Oh, and speaking of the Longbottoms: "There's no proof Barty Jr really tortured anyone and he probably didn't even do anything at school so we don't know--"
Yeah, I guess that's fair. I mean, he was a dyed-in-the-wool Deatheater and was sent with two known murder-y/torture-y Deatheaters specifically to "take care" of the Longbottoms, who were as mentioned tortured into madness, but maybe Barty Jr was just sent along to take minutes or serve tea or something! No-one desperate to avoid Hell Prison might try to avoid it by saying they were innocent of the thing they did! We should believe the fascist fanboy who hangs out with other murderous and torturous fascist fanpeople.
"But Barty Jr was under the Imperious by his father! He was abused so--"
Yes, because his father stupidly broke his son out of Hell Prison as his wife's dying wish, tried to hide said son and couldn't control him because Barty Jr was a Voldy fanboy who kept trying to rejoin/restart their little Dark Magic gang! I'm not defending Barty Sr, he made a lot of very poor decisions throughout, but he Imperious'd Barty Jr to keep him from wandering off and doing Death Eater things like, oh, torturing and murdering Muggles and Muggleborns! There's no indication that Barty Jr was Imperius'd or cursed or abused or anything worse than having an emotionally distant workaholic father before he went into Azkaban, and there are lots of kids with emotionally distant parents who don't join hate armies and try to resume said activities after, again, his dying mother sacrificed herself for his freedom. Shockingly, Barty Jr is actually terrible!
I know, I know, it's fandom, do whatever you want, but I just don't understand this bizarre dual-vision myopia. Either canon doesn't matter, you can do what you want and ignore whatever's in the books, in which case why bother citing canon events at all? Or canon does matter, in which case your wildly speculative and sometimes outright incorrect 'facts' should at least be acknowledged as exactly that, rather than stretching the intended meaning of the phrase 'it could happen' so far that it snaps! Why are people so desperate to whitewash these murderous fanatics, they aren't even actually hot, their fans have decided they're hot and therefore should be whitewashed and I don't understanddddddd
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foursaints · 4 months
hello! i saw that your barty's knuckle tattoos spell anti n gone. i have to ask, are you referring to the daughter of oedipus, antigone or does it have some other meaning? also! if you are, may i ask why?
yeah i meant antigone! i see barty in her very much, at the very least as the patron saint of doomed characters. especially ones doomed by familial cycles… “we begin in the dark / and birth is the death of us” and all that.
considering crouch sr as the head of magical law enforcement & barty’s trial, i love the passage where antigone rails about the inadequacy of manmade justice and the chorus responds with “raw as her father isn’t she?”
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saintsenara · 1 year
Classic: Harmony; Drarry.
A bit niche: James/Sirius; Regulus/Barty Jr.
Tastefully deranged: Voldemort/Barty Jr.; Lily/Bellatrix.
Deranged: Barty Sr./Winky.
Crack: Drapple.
ok, well this is the game that keeps on giving... thank you, anon!
hermione granger/harry potter
i'm afraid to say that i've never read a single piece of harmony all the way through.
i just never see it working unless the characters are changed beyond recognition. harry's conflict-avoidance versus hermione's love of debate is a recipe for disaster, and while i absolutely don't go in for the common anti-harmony argument that harry doesn't like spending time with hermione, it's certainly true that he doesn't pay a huge amount of attention to her and her interests in canon.
all of which is to say, there's a huge potential for drama here, which i would really like, but most harmony is in the vein of "tee hee, ron is so ugly and stupid, harmony is smart and perfect, come darling let us solve world hunger".
and that's not for me.
draco malfoy/harry potter
i fuck with drarry providing draco is the more feral of the two.
i've seen lots of drarry with harry being basically bewitched by draco and... no. draco "i'm keeping tabs on how many times you go to the hospital wing and constantly trying to get your attention from the slytherin table" malfoy is down bad and up to no good. he is not suave and cool.
harry's just there.
sirius black/james potter
regulus black/barty crouch jr.
i've mentioned a lot that i hate fanon regulus. well i hate fanon barty even more, since he actually has a canon personality.
that is to say, if they're both sweet woobies who didn't realise they'd joined a terrorist organisation, and just wish they could leave the death eaters and teach the world to sing, it's a hard no from me.
if they're both deranged aspiring war criminals with daddy issues, sign me up.
barty crouch jr./lord voldemort
i'm incredibly into it, and will one day publish the wip i have with this very pairing.
lily evans/bellatrix lestrange
i don't love it as a concept, largely because lily has enough drama queens in her life with snape, james, and sirius. she needs someone whose idea of fun isn't running around shrieking and committing murder.
plus, imagine the awkwardness of being lord voldemort's love rival. it couldn't be me.
barty crouch sr./winky
don't have sex with your slaves.
draco malfoy/apple
the apple - a crisp granny smith, since smith is a pureblood name [descended from hufflepuff, don't you know] - is the purest thing draco has ever encountered.
they're a match made in heaven.
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birlwrites · 10 months
also LMAO crouch fam + moody sitcom would be funny but like. in an awkward silence sort of way. so much staring going on between moody and barty and moody is trying to figure this kid out (son of mega anti-dark sr, but friends with a black???) and barty is just there vibing. thinking about illegal things. wishing he was hanging out with regulus. thinking Thoughts about his books. walking around like his mind hasn't been altered by very illegal dark magic. wishing he was hanging out with regulus. etc
moody has reasons to be keeping an eye on barty and near as he can tell all barty does is a) read books at weird hours, b) play loud rock music in the living room whenever his father is home (which, to moody, means Constantly), c) sleep, also at weird hours, and d) work regulus black into every single conversation he has with crouch sr
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ao3feed-romione · 2 years
Cassandra Crouch and the Audacity of These Bitches
Cassandra Crouch and The Audacity of These Bitches by Green Strawberries
When Cass — a casual HP movie fan — miraculously wakes up in the wizarding world, she anticipates spell-casting, friendship-forging and mischief.
But she has certainly bitten off more than she can chew.
Mortified after learning she's Barty Crouch Jr's little sister, Cass is stuck - without her memories - navigating a world in which she is accused of every crime under the sun for the next several years, all-the-while trying her best to help a certain chosen one.
Cassandra Crouch is basically the physical embodiment of Taylor Swift's Midnights album.
Words: 3846, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Cassandra Crouch - The OG Cursed Child
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Harry Potter Characters, Marauders, Mrs Norris, Barty Crouch Jr., Bartemius "Barty" Crouch Sr., Moaning Myrtle
Relationships: Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Argus Filch & Mrs Norris, Harry Potter/Original Female Character(s), Pansy Parkinson/Original Female Character(s), Blaise & Draco & Ginny & Harry & Hermione & Pansy & Ron, Sirius Black & Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Snape Wears Eyeliner, Song: Anti-Hero (Taylor Swift), Metafiction, Sassy Harry Potter, Cass is a Little Shit, Albus Dumbledore Bashing, Machiavellian Original Character, Slytherin Original Character(s), “Maybe I'm the problem?”, ”Nah.”, Song: Mastermind (Taylor Swift)
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43279068
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oliverfrawgy · 3 years
Characters who deserve an apology from the fandom
• All the weasleys (except the twins, they weren't bashed as much)
• Nymphadora Tonks (y'all did her dirty)
• SEVERUS SNAPE (I said what I said)
• Cornelius Fudge (pretty sure harry couldn't have been the first one to say voldy was back in over a decade + is he really supposed to believe a teen with no proof about something so big?)
• Barty Crouch Sr. (Even Remus believed Sirius was guilty, and y'all are mad at Crouch for thinking that too) (EXCEPTION for people who hate him for letting his son go free)
•Hermione Granger (she is NOT a redemption arc for your favorite death eaters)
• Lucius Malfoy (yes, he was a bad person but y'all need to STOP painting him as abusive, and hold Draco/Narcissa accountable)
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recreancyrpg · 2 years
Can you talk a little about your Ministry's law enforcement org? What's a hit wizard compared to an auror?
Absolutely! So the major law enforcement arm is the Magical Law Enforcement Patrol (or MLEP) and they’re basically the “beat cops” who handle everyday law enforcement duties -- the ones who give you tickets for flying carpets or selling cauldrons without a license or confiscate your fire-breathing chickens. Arthur Weasley, for instance, assumes that it will be agents of the MLEP who are sent to deal with those anti-muggle prank regurgitating toilets in OotP.
One of the subsets of the MLEP are the Hit Wix, like our own Gideon Prewett, who are mentioned in the books as being the folks who arrested Sirius Black after he was framed by Pettigrew. So we’ve been looking at them as sort of like SWAT or riot police (or to go with the British equivalent, specialist firearms officers). Basically, they’re the folks you call in to handle the nasty stuff that the “ordinary coppers” of the regular MLEP might be outmatched by.
Then there are the Aurors, generally referred to as Dark Wizard catchers. We think of them as something between detectives and SWAT: they’re trained to deal with the nasty stuff like a Hit Wix would, but they also do investigation and tracking work -- such as, again, leading the hunt for Sirius Black (which is why Kingsley can lead the department in the wrong direction in OotP). They would be the more “intellectual” side of the Ministry’s task forces for fighting Dark Magic while the Hit Wix are more of the “bruisers” (at least if you ask someone like Alice!).
The descriptions from the Wiki (admittedly not a reliable source in most cases) actually seem pretty accurate and helpful for a comparison here:
The Department of Magical Law Enforcement maintained squads of trained Hit Wizards and Witches whose job it was to move out at a moment's notice in dire and dangerous situations, be it to disperse the crowd during riots or apprehend dangerous wizarding criminals once they had been located.
While Hit Wizards were trained to fight Dark Wizards, just like the Aurors, the latter appeared to differ in that unlike Hit Wizards, Aurors were more of an elite force whose abilities went far beyond simply arresting suspects such as investigation, concealment and disguise, stealth and tracking, poisons and antidotes, etc., whereas Hit Wizards appeared to be primarily a fighting and controlling force, and not trained to investigate crime.
If we think critically about the structure, we would see some issues of corruption just like in our modern world. For instance, the “riots” mentioned might be more like actual protests and Hit Wix come in to create the chaos, while the protestors are non-violent. So that might be a source of conflict for characters like Gideon or the Longbottoms these days, as the Ministry becomes more corrupt (both by infiltration from the Death Eaters and by those like Barty Crouch Sr. who are increasingly willing to cross lines and break rules in their pursuit of their enemies). I’d encourage you to think critically using our own worldview when looking at these careers because while none of them perfectly line-up with any real world equivalents, a lot of the social issues that afflict one are likely to apply to the others, too.
Hope this helps and hope to see an app from you soon!
-Admin Karli
*this answer was edited after posting to include additional information and details.
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clare-with-no-i · 3 years
Wow, okay, that makes a lot of sense! I’ve always thought the Ministry was just too incompetent, but now I think the corruption was a big part of it, too. Where do you think the reign of Barty Crouch falls in all of this? Because he was apparently ruthless when it came to DEs. I feel like that’s the one thing that could overturn your, and my, theory about the Ministry’s issues...
Oh no I don’t think that Barty Crouch at all disproves the idea that the Ministry was ineffective when it came to the DE’s. In fact, I think he’s a symptom of its ineffectiveness.
Like, yes, he was ruthless in ‘catching criminals’ and in his treatment of them, but that does not speak to any actual desire to get bad people out of the Wizarding community, so much as it does a desire to enforce the law in a brutal, violent way. Remember - he’s the one that sent Sirius to prison without trial. So was the first War truly his shining moment as an anti-DE political figure, or just someone who found himself in control of unchecked resources and ability to throw people in Azkaban?
In the real world, so-called “tough on crime” policy has been a facet of many countries’ governments, and it very rarely has its desired effect on deterring violence or oppression. In fact, it usually propagates these things - speaking from an historical perspective, the US’s Wars on Crime and Drugs did NOT eradicate those two things; they just created more crime and drug usage through the over-policing of low-income neighborhoods, and with a push for mass incarceration, economically depressed entire communities by taking away at least one parent from most households along with countless other negative things. It’s very much the dichotomy of the proposed intent versus the actual impact.
I only bring this up as an example to show that figures like Barty Crouch Sr. are largely allegorical for so many politicians that have passed through Western media consciousness; they’re platformed for their ability to fix a problem like the Death Eaters, but they end up causing much more harm than good. That’s pretty much how I perceive him.
I think the Order would still be necessary because there is absolutely no optical/political agenda to their actions; even though so many of the DE members had ties to the sacred 28, they had no problems going after them. There was no lobbying, no court of public opinion, and no tedious social politicking involved. Just trying to fight a fascist.
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
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“And so...esteemed members of the Wizengamot...based on the overwhelming evidence -- the factually bankrupt, inflammatory anti-Muggle and Muggle-born leaflets sent out by the defendant’s Commission and promoted by the defendant herself; the transcripts of trials overseen by the defendant that spell out blatant corruption and unsanctioned cross-examination techniques, including having Dementors present during all trials and actively refusing to give any defendant proper legal representation; the testimony of over fifty Ministry employees, speaking to the defendant’s close working relationships with known Death Eaters and to her own willingness to overlook Wizarding Law to advance herself and her Commission’s political aims; the countless memos written in the defendant’s own hand condemning nearly a thousand people, including over a hundred children, to unjust captivity; and the defendant’s well-known reputation among her ex-students, her coworkers, and even her own family for enjoying the suffering of others and persecuting fellow wizards and witches not just for their blood, but also for suffering from medical conditions like lycanthropy and blood maledictions -- all of which the defense has offered no suitable defense for, aside from incorrectly asserting that the defendant was ‘simply following orders’ from her superiors...I think there is no question as to her guilt, or to what justice would be appropriate.
Although I -- as a private citizen of the Wizarding World -- agree with Minister Shacklebolt’s measure to remove the Dementors from Azkaban prison...I must acknowledge that if there were ever a case for a criminal from our world deserving the Dementor’s Kiss...it would be Dolores Jane Umbridge. But because we -- unlike the defendant -- have a code of honor before us that we will not break just to achieve a political objective...I believe it’s our solemn duty to ensure this basilisk in human skin never walks free again.”
~Carewyn Cromwell, prosecutor for the trial of Dolores Umbridge // January 1999
Hey guys! So I came across this awesome fashion post and was reminded of dress robes...so here we have a 25-year-old Carewyn Cromwell as the lawyer in charge of prosecuting Dolores Umbridge for her crimes during the Second Wizarding War. She got her hair cut, as you can see! In the 90′s, when the original books are set, there was a lot less of the “big hair” popular during the 80′s, and short, more modest hairstyles became more common. Think of this as a #Future!MC Challenge? 8D
More Future!Carewyn lore under the cut!
The Second Wizarding War was...difficult for Carewyn. Although she had so much baggage with Dumbledore, she agreed to join the Order of the Phoenix, but only on her own terms. Carewyn never attended any of the Order’s meetings in person, preferring to stay in touch solely through her old friends Tonks and Jae, so as to stay at an advantageous position within the Ministry without Fudge suspecting her of associating with known Dumbledore allies like Professor McGonagall or the Weasleys. Even if she wasn’t very active on the battlefield against Voldemort, Carewyn nonetheless provided quite a bit of covert support to them by silently sabotaging Fudge and the Death Eaters at the Ministry. It was a struggle to stay silent and composed in the face of the Death Eaters’ tyrannical takeover of the Ministry and persecution of Muggle-borns and political dissidents, but Carewyn knew she had to strike at the proper moment, if she had any chance of delivering a fatal blow to someone as powerful as Voldemort. This doesn’t mean it wasn’t very, very hard for her not to lash out violently in defense of the people the Muggle-Born Registration Commission hauled into court on trumped-up charges. She was able to smuggle intelligence out to other Order members who helped with rescuing some of those prisoners or protecting wanted fugitives, but Carewyn never forgave herself about the many people she was unable to help.
Meanwhile Carewyn’s brother, Jacob Cromwell -- now a rather prominent Cursebreaker and traveling magical researcher -- helped the Order by hiding Muggle-born fugitives in a secret room he’d constructed in his flat. Even though Ministry officials searched his home multiple times, Jacob’s combination of both magical and Muggle tricks kept the families in his care from being detected every single time.
When the Battle of Hogwarts began, the Minister and his entire support staff left the Ministry to either join their true master Voldemort or (in the case of Percy Weasley) join the Order. Carewyn -- realizing how dangerous it would be to leave the Ministry unprotected when Voldemort and the Death Eaters were still at the height of their magical power -- instead stayed behind, incapacitated the head of the Muggle-born Registration Commission Dolores Umbridge, put her under citizen’s arrest, and took temporary charge over the remainder of the Ministry’s staff. Carewyn sent the majority of them either home to their families or to Hogwarts as reinforcements -- the few employees who chose to stay behind then helped Carewyn with securing the Ministry against a possible assault by the Death Eaters in case they returned and with starting the process of rescuing the Muggle-borns and political enemies imprisoned in Azkaban and its related camps. By the time the Battle of Hogwarts was over, the Death Eaters had lost everything -- their leader, most of their members, and all the power they’d accrued over the Wizarding World.
After the Battle, Carewyn arrived at Hogwarts, seeking out Jacob, who’d gone to fight in her stead, as well as Percy, who at that point would’ve been the legal successor to the role of Minister. While there, she learned of the deaths of Tonks, Lupin, and Fred. The three deaths, on top of the past deaths of other dear friends like Rowan, Cedric, Kyril @kyril-hphm​, Moody, and Dobby, were too much for Carewyn to bear. Even now, years later, she resents herself for not having been able to take care of and protect her friends the way she thinks she should have.
Since Percy had resigned as Junior Undersecretary mid-battle, it was decided that an election would have to be held very quickly -- in the meantime, Kingsley Shacklebolt took on the role temporarily, with Carewyn, Arthur Weasley, and Percy serving as support. (Shacklebolt would go on to be nominated and elected Minister for several terms.) Carewyn specifically almost singlehandedly took on the task of bringing everyone who had aligned themselves with the Death Eaters to court to receive proper justice. Fortunately, unlike Barty Crouch, Sr. during the First Wizarding War, Carewyn never railroaded her defendants or lost sight of who she was getting justice for. Every time she faced an accused Death Eater or Voldemort sympathizer, Carewyn felt the presence of her friends in that courtroom with her. And when she looked into her defendants’ eyes and -- through her Legilimency -- saw no sincere love in their minds or souls, the lawyer once called “Cursebreaker Cromwell” became all the more convinced that love was the strongest magic of them all.
Interestingly, although Carewyn prosecuted all three Malfoys, she actually offered relevant evidence and testimony she came across in her own investigations to the defense attorneys assigned to Draco and Narcissa Malfoy. She never let go of her dislike for Lucius Malfoy or his wife, but perhaps because of her sympathy for Draco Malfoy’s position as well as her having met him when he was a kid, Carewyn didn’t express vocal disappointment when the Wizengamot pardoned the Malfoy family after the War. In Draco’s case specifically, Carewyn believed that he, unlike his parents, had the potential to reform himself. She even visited Draco after he was released from custody and -- reminding him of what he’d said to her before they’d parted ways so many years ago -- challenged him to a friendly duel.
Carewyn Cromwell’s name never became world-renown, but the cases she was involved in, both regarding the War and not, became her legacy. Thanks to her efforts, countless Death Eaters were arrested; victims of the Muggle-born Registration Commission received proper compensation and justice; the Statute of Secrecy was relaxed so that Muggle spouses of witches and wizards were allowed to know of their partner’s magical talent before having children with them; and the High Inquisitor position was dismantled so thoroughly that no similar position could ever be created again.
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rpgadverts · 6 years
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albus dumbledore, leader of a seemingly failed resistance, previous headmaster of hogwarts and lover of all things lemon.
minerva mcgonagall is one of our most wanted characters and is also part of the underground subplot. founder of an underground educational facility as hogwarts became increasingly anti-muggleborn.
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barty crouch sr., head of the department of magical law enforcement even as the ministry itself falls prey to ultimate corruption.
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brushfirerp · 2 years
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Brush Fire is set in London, England, in the winter of 1990. The new year has just passed, and it has now been 45 years since Albus Dumbledore's death and Gellert Grindelwald's success at integrating the magical and muggle worlds. Despite the time that has passed, there is still active conflict between the magic and nonmagical communities, due in large part to anti-Muggle legislation that has been passed by the Ministry in the early days of the integration, and have not yet been turned over. The current Minister for Magic is Barty Crouch Sr, who ran on a Pro-Muggle platform in 1985, and has yet to prove good on his promises. Grindelwald's Acolytes are still a very large threat to Muggles, Muggleborns, and Squibs. There are active attacks against them that are continually fought against by the Resistance, an underground, Pro-Muggle group.
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jcinktinder · 6 years
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albus dumbledore, leader of a seemingly failed resistance, previous headmaster of hogwarts and lover of all things lemon.
minerva mcgonagall is one of our most wanted characters and is also part of the underground subplot. founder of an underground educational facility as hogwarts became increasingly anti-muggleborn.
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barty crouch sr., head of the department of magical law enforcement even as the ministry itself falls prey to ultimate corruption.
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saintsenara · 3 months
Frank Longbottom/Rabastan Lestrange is my guilty pleasure. (The angst!) Thoughts?
anon, i love this for you! and not just because i'm on a one-woman mission to make rodolphus lestrange/percy weasley happen...
i'm really, really compelled by the question of why, exactly, the longbottoms are targeted by the lestranges, and - in particular - why the lestranges would believe that they had information pertaining to voldemort's whereabouts after his disappearance in 1981.
after all, while they must be known to the death eaters as order members... why don't they target moody - who is also an order member who is central to the government's anti-voldemort response? why don't they target barty crouch sr.? or millicent bagnold? and so on...
my personal view is that the quartet are convinced that frank and alice are central to the mystery by barty crouch jr. [especially because, as i've said elsewhere, he's the best villain in the series by a country mile], who would know they were important figures in the anti-voldemort cause via his father. i also rather like the idea that - since we know from canon that all the pureblood families are interrelated - the two longbottoms are connected to their attackers by more than just politics. imagine if... augusta longbottom's maiden name is lestrange...
so obviously i love this as an alternative way of introducing that connection between the lestranges and their victims - and i also love the opportunity it gives for me to indulge another headcanon: that rabastan lestrange is a bit weak-willed, and very much in thrall to his brother and sister-in-law. i really like the idea of him knowing that a man he had some sort of affection for was about to be attacked and then... just not doing anything about it.
it's not admirable, but it is entertaining.
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