#anti acosaf
achaotichuman · 1 month
I've run out of Acotar things to rant about someone give me something controversial that I haven't yelled about yet.
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walnutart · 2 years
Ranking the main characters of ACOTAR
Nesta Archeron - so nesta is one of the most realistic characters sjm has ever written. her depiction of mental illness and PTSD is something i relate to a lot. The way she was treated in ACOSF is bs and i will never forgive the inner circle for pulling that shit :) (my queen my love my boo thang
Gwyn and Emerie- they're perfect angels. I love emerie and i hope sjm actually takes the fucking time to explore her characterization and sexuality. i need ONE GOOD DEPICTION OF A WLW WOMAN IN THIS SERIES PLEASE GOD PLEASE.
Feyre Archeron- uhh she's sexy? idk I'm really sad about what SJM did with her character. much like nesta she kind of tamed her? instead of being this strong amazing feminist icon she just kinda became a glorified secretary/desk lady for Rhys? idk domestic feyre gives me the bit of an ick. However, on the rare occasion when Feyre is not with Rhys, i fucking adore her.
Lucien- he's the only male character i can tolerate in this book. even though after he found out about elain he became a bit of a possessive little bitch.
Amren (minus Acosf i still haven't forgiven her)
Morrigan- She's mid. Based on her characterization I feel like SJMaas has never actually talked to a queer woman. or a queer period. like wtf do you mean her coming out scene was a chapter long. shut up?? anyways hasty bad lgbtq rep as per usual
Elain Archeron- I feel like her character has a TON of potential and I honestly don't have anything against her. I just wish Sarah tapped into her character more
Cassian- the shit he pulled in acosf is unforgivable. I only ever like him when he's with nesta.
Azriel- stop treating this man like he's the next coming of christ. he's boring. he never talks. he simped for a woman who clearly didn't like him for like a billion years. as a lesbian i simple Dont Get It
Rhys- Stop treating this man like he invented feminism. he did not. he sexually assaulted feyre under the mountain, coerced her into a shady ass deal, and treated nesta like shit for something that wasn't really her fault? Also hid the fact that FEYRE COULD FUCKING DIE. WTF DUDE??? LIKE SORRY???
Tamlin- uh i mean goes without saying. BUT also Sarah J Maas is SHITTTTT at depicting toxic relationships. seriously Feylin had the most cartoony ass 2D ass abusive relationship like wtf
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starsreminisce · 3 months
Antis like to highlight that Lucien lives with Vassa, conveniently ignoring Jurian, as if Azriel doesn't reside with Nesta and Cassian.
However, it was Bryce who felt as though she was intruding on an intimate moment between Nesta and Azriel, whereas we haven't encountered similar descriptions regarding Lucien and Vassa.
Even when Vassa discussed having to return to Koschei, there weren't any indications of intimacy between her and Lucien.
Lucien never embraced Vassa, didn't defend her against Jurian's teasing, and their interactions were primarily focused on engaging conversations. In fact, Lucien blushed while looking at Elain when Feyre teased him about being Vassa's acolyte.
After the battle, Lucien immediately sought out Elain, and during the subsequent meeting, he remained by her side. In ACOSAF, Mor hinted that Lucien and Elain weren't ready for a romantic relationship.
ACOSF unequivocally clarifies Lucien's feelings, positioning him clearly with Elain rather than Vassa, as emphasized within paragraphs of each other.
So, why are the brief interactions between Vassa and Lucien being misconstrued as romantic, while the interactions between Nesta and Azriel are perceived as platonic?
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Feysand: An Objective Perspective
Is Rhysand An Abuser?
First, if we mean to be objective, we must use an objective classification. What is domestic abuse? According to facs.nsw.gov.au, “It’s when there is violent, abusive or bullying behaviour or actions towards a partner or former partner to scare and control them. It can happen at home or outside the home. It causes fear and harm to the body, mind and spirit.”
The Domestic Abuse Hotline also has this to say: “Domestic violence (also referred to as intimate partner violence (IPV), dating abuse, or relationship abuse) is a pattern of behaviors used by one partner to maintain power and control over another partner in an intimate relationship.”
Hopefully, we can agree on those two definitions. Now, does Rhysand demonstrate “violent, abusive or bullying behaviour”? Do his actions fall into “a pattern of behaviors used by one partner to maintain power and control”?
The simple answer: it’s complicated. Because of the way Sarah J. Maas has written this series, Rhysand is The Ultimate Man Male. He can essentially do no wrong. Any bad behavior is swept under the guise of his “mask”- i.e., the scene in the Court of Nightmares. Or, if he hurts her, it is brushed off as for her own good- like the time Under The Mountain. This makes it difficult to figure out whether or not he is an abuser, or whether he’s just… like that. In order to understand this, I’m going to give a few examples of things that Tamlin, the known abuser of the series, has done to Feyre.
He infringed on her autonomy by preventing her from leaving the house, thereby limiting her rights.
He lost his temper and exploded a room with her inside of it, thereby putting her in danger.
Let’s look at examples of Rhysand, and what I believe to be some MAJOR red flags.
He purposefully does not tell her about vital information to do with her pregnancy. She almost dies because of this. This omission of information, to me, demonstrated a very clear lack of respect. Maybe, if she had known that there was a possibility she could die, she would have chosen to have an abortion- or, if he had told her beforehand, when she gave him her xmas present, she might not have chosen to have a baby at all. I don’t want to make this a pro-choice issue… but at some level, it is.
He sends her to the home of a cannibalistic, highly dangerous, ancient, powerful, vicious being to get a piece of jewelry, thereby putting her in a massive amount of danger. I cannot emphasize this enough. Putting someone in a situation where they could be eaten alive does not demonstrate your respect for them. I know Maas was trying to write him as a Sexy Consent King, like “hey babe i respect u SO much i’m going to send you to a monster’s lair because I TRUST YOUR aBILITIES BABE”, but… no. No.
Under The Mountain, he drugs her and puts her on his lap, thereby limiting her rights. Not even going to bother to elaborate. Y’all know this by heart.
In conclusion: It isn’t black and white. I believe he positions himself as the king of consent and giving her choices while maneuvering it so that she has less and less choices as they go along (i.e. him not telling her about the crucial pregnancy info), which definitely qualifies as abusive behavior. But someone else might see it differently. From my perspective, it is abuse. But because I swore this was going to be objective, I’m going to say my final answer is: think about it.
On The Issue Of Rhysand And “Consent”
Again, for the people in the back: Putting someone in a situation where they could be eaten alive does not demonstrate your respect for them. Here’s a post that talks about consent much better than I could. In her words, “idolizing consent over lives” is dangerous, harmful, and very real. Do NOT blindly regurgitate every *woke* maxim on consent that you read! Let’s not, as a society, get to a point where it’s like: “Do I have your consent to pour this drink over your head because you said something beyond offensive about my ethnicity?” or “Do I have your consent to take away your car keys so you won’t drive drunk and possible harm others/yourself?” Trust your gut.
How does this relate to Rhysand? Well, first of all, he undeniably puts her in danger. This is justified by the contrast between him and Tamlin. Maas essentially is telling us that Tamlin limits her by keeping her out of danger, and Rhysand empowers her by giving her access to danger. And it’s very easy to get caught in the undertow of this strange logic. Believe me, it is. When I first read the ACOTAR series, I was jiving along with all of your Fuck Tamlin Let Him Die playlists. But here’s a radical idea: imperilment is not a love language. I am not saying that Tamlin was a better option. I am saying that it is possible to respect someone and their right to their own decisions without putting them in danger.
On Making Her High Lady
While it’s fucked up that before Feyre, there were no High Ladies, Feyre incontrovertibly should not be High Lady. Why? Because in fae terms, she is an infant. She learned to read a few years ago. (I am not ridiculing her for her illiteracy, because I understand that the circumstances in which she grew up did not allow for a literate education. That is completely understandable! However, what is not understandable is putting this woman into a position of staggering political power. Learning to read a few years ago means that her comprehension rate is likely a lot lower than the average Velaris citizen. It is… not good for the ruler of a territory to be less capable than the average citizen. This would be like if the president didn’t have a high school diploma.). She has no knowledge of the political landscape. She does not understand etiquette (i.e. her physically attacking someone because of an insult, although to be 100% fair, Rhysand did the same.)
Hey, Feyre! Someone slut-shaming your mate for sleeping with Fae Hitler is not grounds for murder! In ordinary life, it would be grounds for slapping him in the face or something similar, but YOU ARE TRYING TO HAVE A CRISIS COMMITTEE BETWEEN TERRITORIES, WHICH HAS THE POTENTIAL TO SAVE THOUSANDS OF LIVES. An inability to sacrifice one’s ego, even at the potential loss of life, is a worrying characteristic in a ruler.
In Conclusion:
Feyre is not unproblematic when one looks at her decisions as a whole. While the narrative positions events so that they all turn out in her favor, as one would expect given that authors not only write character but plots, in a real-life situation - or just a more realistic plot - her actions would harm many, many people. Rhysand’s behavior towards Feyre is worrying as well, and objectively I think it’s fair to say qualify as signs, if not absolute empirical evidence of abuse.
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Lol at everyone despising Tamlin for years bc he didn’t help Feyre and he locked her up against her will and in ACOSF Rhy and Feyre literally pull a Tamlin on Nesta.
Tamlin is painted as this kind of monster, but in ASOSF it’s not the IC whose fault it is, oh no it’s Nesta’s fault. And no it wasn’t fucked up they did that and no one is gonna call them out on it. Of course we are gonna convince Nesta that she’s the one in the wrong for literally everything.
Okay how about this Feyre was in the wrong with Tamlin. She should have told him straight up what was happening. She should have had a fucking back bone and drew her line in the sand and no bend on the issue. She should have told Tamlin "I can’t live like this so either you let me do this or I’m gone.” Maybe Tamlin was just "giving her time and space” like Feyre did to Nesta?? Maybe Tamlin was just hoping she would work it out with a little time and space like Feyre was. And Feyre gave Nesta a HELL of a lot more time and space than Tamlin did Feyre. Everyone cries neglect and "poor feyre poor feyre” when it’s Feyre but when it was Nesta who was more neglected (in that Tamlin saw Feyre like everyday while Feyre would go months without seeing Nesta) and for a lot longer period of time. Yet no one in the book is saying poor Nesta or saying she was neglected. Nah they are just like “your a slut and an alcoholic and are embarrassing us.”
I’m just so pissed at the hypocrisy and playing God from the IC. Forgive someone? Could never. Make a mistake themselves? Don’t know her. I’m so mad that no one is calling them out on this and I’m so pissed that Nesta folded and just took on all the blame instead of fucking calling them out. This whole book series is just through Feyre’s victim mentality eyes and Rhy’s cruel, unable to forgive eyes
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bliuc · 3 years
Someone literally told me “Nesta abused Feyre, she didn’t teach her how to read and write”, excuse sir what in the hell? My mom didn’t teach me how to write and read and it isn’t because of that, that she is abusive.
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redroseprincess · 3 years
I want a man who constantly flirts with a girl he once slept with in front me , who constantly thinks she’s beautiful and perfect and admires her and who constantly lets her get in the away of our relationship like he’s scared to hold my hand . Most of all I want him to watch her insult me and don’t say a word about it accept agree , ohhh and degrades my grief that is just true love and oooo also also states that I shouldn’t be loved
This is the love of my life ,
May I present you the name of this man and his name is Cassian and he’s the best like nesta could not have asked for someone to love her better , they say true doesn’t exist but with Cassian it does ❤️❤️❤️
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eerna · 3 years
ACOTAR smut overcomes me with profound sadness. It puts me in such a dark mood. It makes me feel so so so sorry but I don’t know why or for whom. There are tears behind the laughter
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grumpy-grandma · 3 years
I just want a one more good rant before I move on from acotar till the next book: My biggest disappointment in the acotar books is we never see Rhysand acknowledge or deal with his sexual trauma!! He was a sex slave for 50 years, and he only need two months of recovery/processing 50 years of sexual abuse before he was about his ‘mate’ Feyre. The IC brings up his years of sex slave all the time, and he is just chill. I really think Nesta and Rhysand could have had a special bond or understanding if SJM ever acknowledge Rhysend was sexual abuse for 50 years!!!!!
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feyre-cursebreaker · 3 years
I think Elain is still loyal to Graysen, or at the very least loyal to the relationship she had with him, and the guilt she feels from ‘ruining’ that may be a major barrier to her reaching out to Lucien.
Also, she currently lives with her very happily mated younger sister, and seeing Feyre and Rhys be so good together probably drives that guilt even more. A mating bond with a very handsome Fae lord is available to Elain too but, again, what about the life she planned with Greysen? What about that life that she wanted so bad?
The scenes where Elain “shrinks in on herself” when Lucien is around is probably more guilt and shame than being uncomfortable. Again, a very handsome male is very nice to her, respectful of her space, and giving her very thoughtful gifts, and she can’t reach out to him, she can’t bring herself to return the kindness. Elain isn’t a bad person for that, she doesn’t owe him anything, but there’s still an embarrassment when you can’t reciprocate someone else’s kindness, especially when they’re well intentioned.
If Elucien wasn’t end game, SJM would have at least had Elain ask Feyre to keep Lucien away from her. It’s not on-brand for SJM to keep a female character in an uncomfortable situation when there is no good reason for it. She is an advocate for sexual assault victims in her books, enthusiastic consent is always depicted in sex scenes, and one of the worst things you can be in an SJM book is someone who commits sexual assault and someone who abuses power over others. I can’t see SJM silencing a woman just for the sake of drama.
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achaotichuman · 3 months
It went right over my head when I read it before but it’s wild to think you were an IC fan before 🤯
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Some of the awful years.
Y’all will flip at this, but here were my thoughts on the Acotar cast when I was fresh in the fandom.
Rhysand- Liked him, didn’t feel as bad for him as others did but I knocked that down to me just straight up not being attracted to him. I started hating him in Acosf tho. I hadn’t read Acosaf because I thought it a waste of time. But if I had seen those scenes before Silver flames then I would’ve probably hated him sooner.
Feyre- I thought she was really fucking annoying. Especially in her scenes with Nesta. Not much can be said for her because Feyre was more of a device to see through. But I would be the last to advocate for her. Obviously that has changed drastically.
Morrigan- Liar. First thing that comes to mind. She seemed like a white girl who peaked in highschool so I just didn’t like her.
Amren- She was my favourite character second to Nesta. Solely for the reason we now had a morally grey character that actually acted like an unapologetically bad person when she wanted to. This has severely changed. Also literally two lines into her introduction I was screaming Valg King. Amren is a Valg King no one can change my mind. That part hasn’t changed.
Cassian- I was a die hard Cassian fan. I loved this man. I swear to God I would have gone to war for him. I was also die hard nessian. Obviously that has also changed, for the better in my opinion.
Azriel- I cannot physically express how much I hated Azriel. He was quite literally my least favourite character, I wanted him dead. I was hoping every single page that he would be killed off. He was there for vibes and vibes only. Since Azris I am a changed man, but sometimes I just can’t stand him.
Nesta- My Queen. My Lady. My wife. My mirror. She made me feel seen and heard. I love this woman and I always will.
Elain- No opinions on her. I figured pretty quickly she would be a bigger factor later on but I had no opinions on her. I am very pro Elain now, but in canon I just don’t really trust SJM with her. Which is also why my only solid ship with her is Gywnlain. I am very anti Elriel, always was.
Lucien- My heart and soul. I was obsessed with this man. I wanted to wrap him up and hold him close. Still do.
Eris- I didn’t understand the hype in Acowar but come silver flames and I was diving deep into this man. Trying to undo every cryptic word. I developed a very deep love for him. One that has only grown.
Tamlin- Felt sorry for him, but overall I had no strong opinions. I really wanted Acotar back. In the first book I would have probably given up a kidney for him, then it went down slowly. In Acowar however I was defending this man left and right. By Acosf I wanted more Tamlin.
Then I started to deep dive into the characters and their arcs. This was before I joined Tumblr. And the more I read the more convinced I was that in the next book the IC was going to have a falling out because their dynamics made no sense to me. They looked like they were slowly breaking, and Rhysand was very shortly put on my anti list.
But I never made a big fuss about my thoughts because if I did I got attacked really fuckin quickly.
Then I joined Tumblr and found a great community where I could hate and be supported.
Love you guys to death. Thanks to all of you I get to be in my Pro Tamlin, anti IC world and I am so glad I get to be here.
Edit- I was also extremely closeted when I first read Acotar and that definitely had its affect on my opinions on some of the characters.
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I’m very disappointed of all these haters! I have so much to say but Idk how to start and so I’ll try my best to group it in a coherent way as much as I can.
First of all, it’s already pretty obvious that Elain will be getting the next installment of the series. It’s also already VERY obvious that Azriel is going to be her love interest in her story! Why?
• Little bits and crumbs of interaction that’s been described in the text with the atmosphere of sexual tension and chemistry! You’re in denial if you do not see/sense that!
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Mind you these are only from ACOSAF only! Not including the ones from the previous books! What does this imply? These heavily support the idea of their feelings for one another! Look at Azriel being so defensive in the most subtle way! Even his shadows were ready to attack after Elain was getting verbally attacked by Nesta! He “stills/stiffens” at the mention of Elain’s name! He doesn’t want Elain to be exposed to danger! (Cough, mate reflexes???) I’m not even gonna talk about the mating thing right now cause again, it’s all a bundle of complications!
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• It’s been confirmed in Azriel’s pov that they BOTH have feelings for one another! Their situation is just very complicated and THAT is what makes it interesting! How they overcome it! Will they overcome it? Will they have the courage to chase after it? Will they face their fears and traumas to attain what they want? Will they even admit to one another regarding these emotions? Will they choose love over duty? Or duty over love?
The appearance of Gwyn in the bonus chapter definitely stirs some questions (relationship wise) but if you step back and look at the whole thing. Really, will you disregard all those small crumbs left by the author across the series, the build up for the next couple, just to be stomped? I don’t think so!
Do I think Gwyn will play an important role for Azriel and Elain to progress? Yes! I feel like Azriel and Gwyn will develop a friendship! This is definitely possible! With the theory that Gwyn IS a lightsinger, makes it even more possible! I can sense misunderstandings, miscommunications, pent up emotions! With Rhys orders to Azriel regarding Elain and Elain misunderstanding Azriel’s kiss rejection, I can already smell it!
I would feel bad if I was the author! Just because WE ONLY SEE GLIMPSES of Elain in the series, just because she GARDENS, just because she’s soft spoken, DOESN’T MEAN THAT SHE IS EITHER OF THOSE THINGS!
Rhys says so himself that what we know of Elain is not all of it! That Elain probably only acts like that BECAUSE IT IS WHAT’S PUSHED FOR HER TO BE. She is portrayed as all those things because they make it so! But we see glimpses of her actually standing her ground and it shocks everybody! Why? Because they never expect it from her! They only see her as this fragile baby but IT’S NOT WHO SHE IS! AND WE FINALLY GET TO FIGURE HER OUT IN HER BOOK JUST LIKE HOW WE FIGURED NESTA OUT IN HER BOOK! Don’t you dare deny that you hated Nesta before she opened up about her trauma and issues! How you judged her as also WEAK and SPOILED before she had the courage to stand up and admit her demons! How you hated that she pushes everybody away because of all that hate in her heart! We are YET to know Elain and YALL ALREADY THROWING HER OFF THE CLIFF.
And this is where GWYN comes in again! Because it’s VERY APPARENT that most of the readers want GWYN X AZRIEL because she’s this badass-sword wielding-dark past female-turned fighter! Because she’s like Feyra and Nesta and NOT ELAIN. Don’t you deny it! Because she doesn’t GARDEN but TRAINS. She isn’t soft spoken but hard edged! Yall are bullies!
“ Just kill her off, it wouldn’t make a difference.”
“ She doesn’t deserve Azriel!”
“ Azriel needs someone who can handle him.”
“ I’m dropping the book if Azriel ends up with Elain.”
Again, we know SO LITTLE of Elain! Her traumas, her secrets, her demons, her struggles, her past! HER TRUE SELF.
It’s just soooo infuriating reading these comments and reviews!
But one thing is for certain and that’s ALL WRITTEN IN THE BOOKS.
I stand by what the author had sprinkled all over the series and stand by my love for Elain and Elriel! I know there’s an edge beneath all that softness. Thorns on her roses! She has a long way to go JUST LIKE FEYRA AND NESTA. I am all here for it and I cannot wait!
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starsreminisce · 7 months
tbh even E/riels are disappointed with acosf but they don't say it to others although they talk about it among themselves lol I used to be one so I should know. acosf was Nesta's books everyone expected to see Elain more bc she was close to her and they also heard about the training so they were 100% sure they were going to see E/riel training scenes (the very one they accuse Gwynriel for being boring and they don't want Nessian 2.0 lmao) so when they didn't get that they started commenting on Gwynriel post of how they wanted Elain instead of Gwyn in those scenes (specially the shadows dancing around Gwyn and the private dagger lesson) and that's when the toxicity started and I knew this place was not for me anymore. even tho I used to be a bypass in the fandom and not actually fixated on the books I saw enough threats and bullying, it was bad. I came back on acotar fandom this summer after a very long time and even now the reek of jealousy from that side of the fandom is recognizable. the pure ignorance and delusion is quite amusing, they know E/riel won't happen but they have to make it look like they don't so their years of being obsessed with a fictional ship and bulling other fans, the author and publisher won't got to waist yk. bc when I read acosf for the first time I knew Gwynriel is endgame and even before that I wasn't a huge E/riel fan but I wanted to tolerate them for the possibility of them happening and not Elucien (after the end of acofas we weren't sure who would be endgame and I was quite sad bc I was more incline toward Elain and Lucien)
anyway if they were so confidence in their ship they wouldn't do none of that and let others enjoy their time being in the fandom.
Oop that’s some piping hot tea right there.
Honestly, why couldn't they just be as chill as Azris shippers?
Azris shippers understand that the likelihood of their ship is slim, but they can manifest and hope for the best. Through Love, all is possible!
Yes, it's quite possible! I can passionately support Gwynriel and Azris in tandem. E/riels can readily accept that Elucien is the endgame couple while finding delight in the hints and potentials of E/riel until the next book's release when perspectives may change. Although there may still be Neris shippers out there, I haven't observed any significant disrespect directed toward Nessian. It's possible that I might not be searching thoroughly, but it's heartening that it's not as prevalent as the mainstream rivalry between Elucien and Gwynriel vs. E/riel.
I perceived ACOSAF as a retcon of Elucien, as Elain's abrupt shift from suggesting Lucien move to Velaris to ignoring him lacked a clear explanation of their deteriorating relationship. More on this later.
I get why E/riel shippers held onto hope after ACOSAF, even though I viewed their connection as more platonic. Azriel's deep love for Mor was abundantly clear in the series, and the Hybern scene hinted at the endgame couples, particularly Moriel, which was reinforced by SJM's deleted Pinterest.
In my view, Gwyn embodies a blend of Mor and Elain, sharing Mor's trauma, the ability to fit in with "one of the boys," a girl-next-door quality, and an interest in combat, while also displaying Elain's quiet and reserved nature.
On a more serious note, it's entirely possible to appreciate a ship without resorting to belittling anyone, whether it's a character without proper canon context or an actual person. Doubling down and resorting to insults becomes even more embarrassing. Perhaps this is due to a reluctance to acknowledge the scarcity of E/riel content to draw from.
Ironically, my anti-E/riel posts stem from my restraint in responding to most of their takes but they aren't inclined to listen, and I lack a suitable outlet to release my frustrations.
Additionally, I take issue with the way many books romanticize red flags as desirable relationship traits. It's crucial to recognize that Azriel's hesitancy to be his true self around Elain is an unhealthy dynamic, and it's not Elain's responsibility to change that. When someone acknowledges their actions as a mistake, it's wise to believe them and move on. This situation is reminiscent of the problematic "Twin Flame" concept, which often excuses negative behavior under the guise of a deeper connection.
But, thats why I don't like E/riel in a nutshell.
Gwyn and Lucien are fictional characters written to have a lot of trauma in their backstories. While they are not real, I can easily consider what you say about them as a reflection of what you truly believe to real people who have gone through something similar.
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Me reading acosf
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bliuc · 3 years
i find it amazing that people feel so angry because a 14 child had to go hunt (when she choose to) for her family but then find it acceptable that it should be a 16 child to go hunt, not the dad, but the 16-year-old child.
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redroseprincess · 3 years
If Sarah J Maas didn’t want us to dislike Morrigan and see how problematic she is ,than why on earth would she write these new scenes that were not a shock to most people who found Morrigan problematic from the third book , about how she truly is and how much of a bully she is . Like I feel like she wrote it in a way so we dislike Morrigan not like her more , and I hope we get a POV of Morrigan in the future to see her side as to why she’s acting like this
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