#and those are my thoughts on didyme
archoniluthradanar · 7 months
The test of a vampire : A Beauty and the Beast re-telling Part Five
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The test of a vampire : A Beauty and the Beast re-telling
Marcus dei Volturi x female OC
Caterina had tried to escape her servitude to Marcus of the Volturi, but failed. Marcus explains why he was so angry with her intrusion, but tries to make amends.
Chapter Five
The Compromise
Marcus walked over to the table and smiled down at his meager but heart-felt tribute to his lost mate. Indicating with his free hand at the bust, he said, "Caterina, this is Didyme, my wife. She was killed...many years ago. The garden, I've dedicated to her. I bring in one pink rose, her favourite colour, until it wilts, then I replace it." He looked at the human. "I was not expecting to see you here. No one comes in without my permission, and it upset me seeing you here. I never should have shouted like that at you. Accept my apology, please."
"I understand, Marcus," she responded. "She was very beautiful. How long were you together?"
"She was beautiful, inside and out. Didyme had the gift of making everyone around her happy. We were together for what felt like...hundreds of years." Marcus could not tell the human it was literally that long and longer.
Caterina looked up at Marcus, saying, "Please accept my apology for running away. I was frightened, but it was stupid of me, and you did save me, so I owe you that."
"Speak no more about any of it." Marcus smiled. "At least we have worked through our misunderstandings."
"You know, my father is a farmer, so I know how to cultivate the earth and make things grow. Would it be alright if I helped you in the garden some time? After I've done my other chores, of course. And I would not mind cleaning this room for you. At least I could sweep the floor and dust the furniture. For Didyme."
He thought a moment, deciding it would give them a chance to get to know one another. And he found her offer of caring for Didyme's room touching. "I thank you for that, and I would enjoy having you help me in the garden." He led her from the room, never having let go of her hand.
Later that afternoon, Marcus asked Felix to get Caterina and bring her to the garden. He had all the supplies needed already lying on the grass.
When Caterina arrived, she smiled her thanks to Felix and walked over to Marcus. "I'm here and ready to work. What can I do?"
"Well, my dear, let me show you the varieties of roses I have here. Some, I developed myself."
Caterina perused the rose bushes, marveling at their beauty and the fragrance of the blooms. And all of this was dedicated to a woman long dead. He must have loved her very much, she thought. It explained a lot. Some people never let go their grieving. Her father had mourned her mother for a long time too.
Together they worked the beds, turning over the dirt and trimming away the dead buds from the bushes. Once, when Marcus removed a caterpiller off a branch and showed it to Caterina, she shrieked, jumping back.
Marcus laughed, and asked her if she was afraid of the small creature.
"I don't like insects of any kind." When Marcus held it out to her to show her how harmless it was, she huffed and walked back several feet. "Please keep it away."
The tall man laughed with pleasure, since he rarely laughed prior to her arrival at the castle. He tossed it to the other aside of the yard, showing her his empty hands. "It's gone, Caterina. You have nothing to fear now."
"It's silly, I know. I just hate bugs," she shivered while saying it.
The pair enjoyed talking while working. Caterina actually laughed aloud at some of the stories he related to her, finding the tall man humorous. She leaned on her rake, watching him while he worked. Was he really so bad? He had saved her from those ruffians, and who knows how far they would have gone, had he not appeared. But how had he found her?
Once they were done with the gardening, Caterina helped Marcus return the tools to the supply room in an area of the castle she'd evert been before. She washed up at a sink there, then Marcus led her to the kitchen for supper.
"Won't you stay?" she asked him.
Marcus looked down at the young woman. He felt a warmth suffuse his body when he heard her question. Did she really want him to stay with her? "I never eat with the staff, but I will talk with you later. And Caterina, thank you for helping me today. I...enjoyed myself."
Caterina smiled at Marcus, watching him as he left. Then she joined the others for their evening meal.
"I have a surprise for you."
"A surprise, for me?"
"Yes, Now I'm going to blindfold you, so do you trust me?"
"Yes, I trust you, Marcus." Caterina waited with anticipation when Marcus tied the length of black fabric around her eyes.
"Can you see anything, Caterina?"
"No, it's dark as night," she replied, reaching up to check the blindfold. She felt Marcus' cool hand take hold of hers, leading her to wherever he was taking her.
"Good. Don't try to walk too fast. Don't worry. I won't let you fall," he said reassuringly.
Caterina held Marcus' hand tightly. She had no desire to trip and embarrass herself. She heard the sound of an opening door. The air was slightly musty, causing her to wonder where he had brought her.
"This is for you," Marcus whispered in her ear. He removed the blindfold and let her see his surprise.
Caterina gasped. "Books! So many books! Marcus, where did you get all these books?" She moved among the shelves, her eyes perusing the vast collection. She would carefully remove one to slowly turn the pages, then seeing they were in a foreign language. She recognized if they were in French, Spanish, or Greek, but could not read the words.
"A lifetime of collecting," he said. "Some are in foreign languages you may not understand, but if there is something you'd like me to read to you, I would be happy to do that for you."
Caterina searched the shelves, looking for titles in Italian. Running her fingertips over the spines, she noticed some seemed very old volumes. Others looked like actual manuscripts. In one area, she saw a locked glass case enclosing what looked like actual scrolls, written on parchment. She marveled at the written word in all its forms she had come to love since she was a child.
"Well?" Marcus asked, a small smile on his face.
"I love it," she said, her eyes sparkling with excitment. They drew Marcus in, and he felt satisfaction knowing he'd done something that pleased Caterina. He left her while she ran from shelf to shelf, looking for something to read. She found several books in Italian and another in French she would ask Marcus to read for her.
Back in his rooms, Marcus had lit the fireplace in the ante-room. He never used it, and found the warmth of the flames strangely comforting. Caterina had asked him to read an older book to her that was about the English queen Elizabeth the First, written by a French courtier only a few years after she had died. She could read only the simple title. It wasn't very large, and she felt able they could finish it in two days.
Marcus wondered how she had come to have an interest in the woman who ruled England for nearly 45 years. Farmer's daughters didn't generally have such interests beyond their homes, and then the families they would later raise with their husbands. Marcus decided he would ask Caterina if she had any suitors for her hand. He had to know.
Hearing a knock on his door, Marcus answered it to see Demetri with Caterina. "Come in, dear."
She gave Demetri a smile, then entered the room, thanking Marcus for inviting her. "I am very interested in the book I indicated. To write about eye-witness events during that time, it just seems so exciting." She went over to the fireplace and sat in front of it, holding the book almost reverently. She handed it to Marcus, saying, "Here is the one I hoped you would read. It's in French. I kept three books I found that were written in Italian. They're in my room, if that's all right. I thought to read them before bed."
"Of course. Keep them as long as you wish." Marcus sat on the sofa, Caterina next to him. He began to read, sneaking a peek at her now and then. Her eyes betrayed her interest as she listened to the days at the English court told through the eyes of a French nobleman.
Marcus stopped reading when he noticed Caterina nodding off. "I believe it's your bedtime, young woman. We can contimue tomorrow evening." He set the book down, and helped her back to her room. By the time they reached it, Caterina was awake and able to ready for bed.
While Caterina was getting to know the man who held her life in his hands, Guiseppe had visited her home to find her absent. Her father told him she was working at the Palazzo dei Priori, a place rife with rumours of strange happenings.
The strapping man became angry. "How can you, her own father, allow her to go there, knowing the stories about missing tourists? Has anyone spoken with the people who live there? It's said they see no one. I will gather some of the townsfolk and retrieve her myself."
"No! Please do not interfere. I do not believe those stories, or I would not have allowed her to go. She will finish her time working there and be sent home soon. If you interfere..."
"Have you spoken with Caterina?" Guiseppe demanded.
Mario looked down at the floor. "Not since I dropped her off at the palazzo."
"There you are! I will go there and demand to see her."
"Please, Guiseppe, leave it alone. You may cause more harm than good."
The man who wanted Caterina for his wife reluctantly nodded. "Very well. For now, I'll wait. But if you hear anything from her, I want to know."
Guiseppe left, Mario closing the door behind him. The older man wondered himself, why had his daughter not called him.
One day, Caterina was cleaning in Marcus's rooms, when he entered to pick up some documents Aro needed.
On seeing him, Caterina smiled and nodded. "Good day, Marcus. I hope you are well."
The Volturi master glanced at the woman, giving her a smile in return. "Thank you, Caterina. I won't be here long. I just needed to retrieve something." He went to his desk and found what he came for, and was about to leave, when Caterina blocked his way.
"Marcus, I have been here quite awhile, and I...I haven't talked to my father in so long, and I was wondering...please may I call him?"
Marcus thought for a moment. She had not asked this of him, so she must be worried. She had done her job well, and he found he enjoyed her company more and more. He had to wonder if Caterina was enjoying his company. "Very well. This afternoon, I will allow you to use the phone here, and...with me listening. Just to be sure."
Caterina smiled broadly. "Oh, thank you, Marcus. Of course I don't mind you listening. I have nothing to hide. I just need to know he's fine and eating, and doing well at market."
"I'll send Felix for you when I'm finished." Marcus saw the pure pleasure on her face. When she threw herself at him in an impulsive hug, he was taken aback, but the sudden warmth in his chest would not allow him to chastise her.
Once she had released him, Marcus quickly left the room, but the warmth stayed with him even after he had reached the throne room.
"Are you alright, brother?" Aro asked, seeing Marcus with a strange expression on his face.
"Yes, I'm fine. Here are the papers you needed," he said, walking to his chair. Sitting down, the vampire still felt her arms around him.
Caterina had finished her work, and returned to her room to clean up and add some makeup. Not that she was trying to appear attractive to her employer...or was she? It didn't matter, she told herself. She was going to get to speak with her father today.
Felix brought her to Marcus' rooms and then winked at her before walking down the corridor. "Enjoy your conversation, Caterina."
Marcus smiled on seeing her, thinking there was something different about her. He handed Caterina his cell phone, showing her how to make a call. It wasn't something he used often. Unlike Aro, he had no one to call, but he was glad he had it now, if only to make Caterina happy and see her glowing smile.
Caterina thanked Marcus and dialed home. When she heard her father's voice, she cried excitedly. "Papa, it's me, Caterina!"
Marcus could hear what the older man was saying.
"Caterina, my daughter, how are you?" The old man was excited to finally hear his daughter.
I'm well, papa, do not worry. Marcus, the man I'm working for, has been very kind. You have no need to worry. I am eating well, and the work is not too hard. I've made a few friend among the staff. I wouldn't even mid being here if I were free to go home every night."
Hearing that was good news for Marcus, since it let him know she didn't hate being here.
"How are you, papa? Are you eating? And how is the market? Have you making enough money? I miss helping you."
"Child, I'm doing well, and I've sold all the produce I've been able to take. It's amazing! We will be doing well for some time."
Marcus smiled. He had made sure the old man's produce was bought for the staff's meals here at the castle and paying above market price.
"When will you be returning home, Caterina? If your work has been excellent, I would think it would be soon."
She looked over at Marcus who had his back to her, as if he were not listening. "I don't know, papa. It cannot be much longer. I should go now. Please take care of yourself. Good bye, papa. I love you very much."
"I love you, my dear Caterina. Thank your master for letting you call."
Caterina hit the 'end' button and disconnected the call. She handed the phone to Marcus. "Thank you, Marcus. Papa thanks you as well." Tears slid down her cheeks. "I had better go. Thank you again, Marcus." With that, she fled his rooms, and headed for her bedroom to have a good cry. It felt wonderful to hear his voice. At least her father was well and earning some money. She lay on her bed, wiping her face with her hands. Hopefully she would be able to use the phone again.
Marcus was pleased at the call. Caterina had spoken well of him, and her father was not pushing, demanding she be released. Unknown to him, Guiseppe was at his favourite birrerie, or the local pub, fomenting hatred among the pub's patrons. He worked hard to get men to agree to join him, invading the castle and retrieving Caterina, by force if necessary.
A/N : there will be one more chapter for this story. Hope you're enjoying it. And thanks to anyone reading it.
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wakeofvultures · 7 months
I read Wuthering Heights recently while I was sick (to better understand Bella Swan) and I have been trying to figure out which "main three" Volturi couple would have the whole “he’s more myself than I am” and “so haunt me then” (dig up your deceased lover’s grave) energy. Note that considering there is very little canon material on Athenodora, Didyme, and Sulpicia (and the Volturi in general), this is all based on my headcanons and how I characterize them in my fic, Cracks in the Crypt.
I was kind of staring at Didyme/Marcus just based on what becomes of Marcus after Didyme’s death, but he has a kind of energy that doesn’t fit the Cathy/Heathcliff dynamic at all. Like, I headcanon that Marcus was weary of the violence of his world, but Didyme showed him the beauty that could be found in their lives. This does not match the Cathy/Heatchcliff vibe where they mock and belittle everyone around me.
Athenodora/Caius do have the absolute wild shenanigans, dramatic energy required for digging up your lover’s grave so they haunt you, but I believe that at their heart that they are pretty different people who end up fitting together very well. They end up finding a lot of common ground which surprises them, because the why of their actions are different. Example: Caius is very duty and responsibility-driven which makes him loyal to those closest to him. Athenodora is driven by her own amusement and comfort which in turn makes her protective of the people whom she thinks of as her people. This is not “he’s more myself than I am” energy.
Aro/Sulpicia are the closest bet to me. I’m not looking to exactly recreate the Wuthering Heights dynamic exactly, because they definitely lack the class difference that’s a pivotal theme of the book (at least in my characterization), but in my mind, Aro would pick a woman who would understand him so thoroughly that even a thousand years apart would not make a difference to how well they know each other. I imagine they would haunt each other even if they were both still living if they were ever to split (not exactly like Bella/Edward but wow Meyer sure did try to translate Cathy/Heathcliff vibes to her main couple). Sulpicia, I don’t think, would ever be able to hate Aro simply, because she would understand his reasoning perfectly (even if she found out about Didyme). She just understands him too well for hate, but she can disagree with him. I do think that any Didyme reveals would end in divorce for them.
On a side note, I do think that Athenodora could hate Caius in a world where all is revealed about Didyme’s murder and subsequent cover up. There are also circumstances where I see them staying together. I think it would depend on how the reveal happens (and if my dear oc, Myrtis is a factor).
Anyway, thus ends the random ramble that no one asked for. It's nearly 500 words. Feel free to disagree (respectfully)/share your thoughts with me if you have any.
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tinfairies · 1 year
Oh my god!! The Volturi clan were my favourite clan ever, vampires hate them but without them the vampire world would be in ruin. Felix and Demitri… good god I want to climb those men like trees. I know Felix gives the best hugs everr. Honestly, I thought them two were gay with each other. I was like “they’ve been alive however long and you’re trying to tell me they haven’t fucked? No, it’s just clearly not true” they’re bicons and I don’t care what anyone says. There’s no way they’ve lived that long and haven’t indulged in the same sex.
Are any of the volturi straight? Besides Marcus poor man was hung up on his dead wife aka his besties sister…
Omg Marcus is my lil meow meow. Legit I had this while fanfic of him and Didyme in my head years ago. It was amazing.
Aro is a fucking psychopath and I love it, same with Caius.
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writerman · 2 years
October 3rd 
Prompt: “That was not my intention.”
Ship: Mentions of Garro (Garrett x Aro)
Fandom: Twilight
Rating: None
Summary: This prompt is written as a spin-off chapter for Thrall. A chapter that was not written for the fic but definitely a scene that would have happened if the story had warranted it. 
Please enjoy! 
I know this and the fic for the 2nd were posted today but honestly, I'm so behind because I went back to work on Monday :/
How long had it been since the 3 of them had spent any sort of time together in the same room? 
While it truly did not matter to him, he did admit to himself it had been a long time. Though neither of his brothers seemed to care, why would it when all they had was time, hours, days, months to spare for the pursuit of whatever it was they wished? 
“Well, brother. How do you intend to celebrate your victory? Your thrall has returned and seemed to have deemed it necessary to remain, for whatever reason…” Caius didn’t bother to lift his head to look at Aro and instead fussed with the cuffs of his shirt until satisfied. 
To his right, Marcus remained silent and absorbed in his own thoughts unwilling to share any wisdom that might have been clamouring within him, Caius paid him no mind and finally raised his gaze to Aro who stared back intently. 
“You’ve taken such an interest in my thrall, do you regret passing him onto me now that you’ve had the chance to witness how much fun he is to toy with?” Aro’s words were slow and measured, it was quite apparent he was trying to bait Caius and he watched keenly for any sign that his words had irritated the blond. 
“You know very well I have very little patience for him. Did I not suffer him long enough for the whims of Athenadora? Do you already grow tired of him?” 
“What an odd question, brother, is it your wish that I do?”
“If you mean to cast him off to the wayside with the insinuation that I might take him on, you are mistaken. I am sure, however, Marcus would take him off your hands, Didyme would surely like a new playmate.” Of course, those words hit a nerve and Aro’s expression darkened just as the sky would moment before the thunder rolled in. 
“You overstep your bounds, Caius. You mean to goad me into a fight when we were having such a lovely discussion. One might assume you have issue with me, is that so?” All that was missing was the gentle clink of fine bone china and their conversation could have been that of parlour gossip. 
“That was not my intention, brother. Surely you understand that I loathe having another conversation about your pet. Is this all you truly wish to speak on when we are together in this way for the first time in a year?” The question had proven complex enough that Aro fell into quiet contemplation and Caius managed to exchange a look with Marcus who rolled his eyes, an overly animated gesture coming from him. 
“You may be correct, then pray, tell me what you would have us speak on, the weather?”
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akawestruck · 1 year
I watched The Labyrinth again. It is now 2am 3am and I have more Thoughts on the nature of the Labyrinth. So this is part 1, a reflection on what the characters' roles in the story and in Sarah's coming of age journey are, and how those are related to the nature of the Labyrinth.
I feel like this should be an 'In this essay I will...' but I don't really have a thesis statement, so... more under the cut
There are many ways to interpret the Labyrinth and the residents therein, but I'm going to start with the interpretation that the whole thing is a manifestation of Sarah's coming of age and all residents are parts of her. Specifically, the 'childish' parts. In which case it would go:
Hoggle: Her selfishness. The most prominent part of Sarah we're shown in the outside world. Causes problems and easily controlled by her fantasies (Jareth) but ultimately wants what's best for her
Ludo: Her naivety and magical thinking. Introduced as being besieged on all sides, simple but powerful, and gets attached to people easily. Sarah immediately has a strong affinity for him, and defends him
Sir Didymous: Her sense of fairness/duty. Reckless and overzealous, can't be convinced to change his mind or himself but willing to go with loopholes (accompanied by Ambrosius, her cowardice)
Jareth: Her fantasies. An escape from her responsibilities, seemingly seductive and controlling her life, but actually subject to her own desires. A standout line from his introduction is 'this isn't for an ordinary girl', because what girl like Sarah doesn't dream of being extraordinary?
I could go into a full analysis with evidence on each of them but I think if you are willing to go along with this interpretation it's not a stretch. Honestly, the more I think about it the more elements of the story I can fit, even aspects that I first dismissed as extra trappings to round out the characters, like Jareth telling Toby that he 'has my eyes'. Either because Toby is literally related to Sarah and Jareth is part of her, or because Sarah loves Toby and is working on internalizing that he is family despite him being new and not having the same mother.
The obstacles of the Labyrinth can somewhat be fitted into this as well, so honourable mention to the Fire Gang: Peer pressure. Doing harmful things like they're normal, trying to get her to join in. Plus the Bog of Eternal Stench: Toby's diapers (and the exaggeratedly inescapable influence of his existence on all aspects of her life the moment her entered it, the ultimate fear of her selfishness, traversable only by a healthy dose of magical thinking, and guarded by her sense of duty).
On a Doyalist level this is sufficient in itself. The characters in a coming of age story reflect aspects of the protagonist as they come of age, duh. But on a Watsonian level it's interesting because the characters are parts of Sarah's psyche, and they look like toys from her room or, in Jareth's case, play the role of the villain from her favourite novel but look like her mother's new partner (though the Vibes between Sarah and Jareth personally make me prefer to think of that as an Easter Egg rather than a real resemblance).
I keep knawing at the question of the nature of the Labyrinth. To be clear, on a story level I'm fully satisfied without an explanation. I love the blurred lines of fantasy and reality. However, I want to play in this world myself, so for myself I want to establish an explanation that follows canon but also expands the world. The Labyrinth is too much dictated by Sarah and what she needs to grow up, I can't interpret it's existence as fully independent of her, much though I enjoy various fae!Jareth fics. At the same time, I personally don't enjoy playing in the 'it's all in her head' explanation. I don't want the moments of magic in the real world to be purely her imagination, I want Jareth to have really burst into her house and her friends to have had a dance party in her room. So I prefer the hybrids like that the Labyrinth exists independently but shapes itself to the Runner (or it's her fanfic come to life, my previous post from immediately after watching for the first time).
Anyway, maybe more parts of this essay will manifest. I also want to ramble about Jareth's lines at the end and how they're related to Sarah's relationship with her stepmother. And the nature of Jareth more generally.
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troquantary · 3 years
Didyme, Part 2: Something, Something, Plato's Allegory of the Cave
Continuing from here, and we’re doing sub-parts for this bit. I’m genuinely surprised I had this much to say. (And fun fact, I almost lost the entire goddamn post, but fortunately I was copy-pasting into Word just in case. Not today, Satan.)
2.1. What Canon Tells Us
Didyme’s murder by Aro (and with Caius’ apparent assistance, either during or afterwards), is only mentioned on the page in Life and Death, the 10th Anniversary gender-swapped version of Twilight. Edythe/Edward mentions it briefly when discussing the painting of the leaders Carine/Carlisle brought back from Volterra, but it’s just background information with little narrative weight. I bring it up just to highlight Caius’ involvement and knowledge -- I’ll get back to that.
Now, here’s the “canon” backstory we have to work with. Per the illustrated guide, Didyme was Aro’s younger sister, and he turned her at some point after meeting Marcus, Caius, and Athenadora. Interestingly, the Guide doesn’t say anything about Aro returning to Didyme out of brotherly love; apparently he just wanted to see if she would have a powerful gift like his, only to be underwhelmed (”disappointed,” according to his Guide entry) by her actual ability -- she made people happy just by being around them. Then she and Marcus fell in love, sharing “the strongest romantic bond of any of the Volturi” (from Marcus’ Guide entry), and this prompted a suddenly very single Aro to seek out his own mate, Sulpicia. The Guide says Didyme “distracted” Marcus from Aro’s goals, and that the pair eventually made plans to split off on their own, leading Aro to murder Didyme so he could hold onto Marcus and his valuable gift. Although nothing written so far suggests that Aro even liked his sister, the Guide does state that Aro “truly loved her” and that his grief upon killing Didyme was genuine.
Apparently Caius’ role in all is was something Meyer thought up later, because none of the leaders’ Guide entries mention him being in on it. (You can’t see me, but I’m staring pointedly at Part One.)
2.2. Fuck Canon, Actually
(This just seemed like the funniest place for a cut. Continued below~)
I’ll be honest with you, person who’s persistent/unfortunate enough to still be here: very little about this murder scenario makes sense to me. I’m going to start with the “disappointing” nature of Didyme’s gift and that it was supposedly much less useful to Aro than Marcus’, because that’s just...stupid, frankly, and there’s no way Aro would have missed the inherent utility of Didyme’s gift. I don’t even have to read into anything to get this idea -- the Guide itself shows us how useful it is! It says right there in Marcus’ entry that Aro went off to turn Didyme, and returned with his sister, “along with the first members of the guard -- vampires who were drawn to Didyme’s aura of happiness.” That is a direct quote.
Just -- I practically shrieked when I read that. You’re telling me that Didyme’s gift was the stated reason their coven got its first subordinates, and I’m supposed to believe that Aro thought that was disappointing? Fuck off! Fuck off!! Even if Didyme’s happiness aura isn’t as powerful as Corin’s opium haze, well, Aro doesn’t have Corin yet, does he? He has every reason in the world to want to keep Didyme around, drawing other vampires to his cause -- even if most of those vampires aren’t gifted or skilled enough to join the guard, it’s still good PR.
At this early stage in the Volturi’s rise to power, it isn’t a good time to lose Didyme -- or any of his inner coven, really. Yet Aro apparently considered her disposable enough that he killed her. I can’t square this with what we know about Aro: that he’s still coherent despite holding god-knows how many people’s lives in his head; that he’s very intelligent; that he’s cunning, charming, and persuasive. Aro, once he learned they were thinking about leaving, would have tried to talk to Didyme and Marcus and done everything in his power to convince them to stay just a bit longer, until the Volturi’s position was more secure. And maybe he did; the timeline of all this is hazy, but nothing in the Guide suggests that Aro jumped straight to duplicity and murder. Clearly, though, whatever negotiations or arguments he presented failed. So what does their desire to leave the Volturi at this critical stage say about Didyme, or Marcus for that matter?
2.3. What It Says About Didyme and Marcus (Mostly Headcanon)
Brace yourself, because we’re into full headcanon territory now. To follow me, please refer to @therealvinelle ‘s meta about the larger mission of the Volturi and why they’re necessary, because I’m starting from the perspective that the Volturi are ultimately a force working in vampires’ and humans’ favor. While Meyer and the Guide would have you believe that Aro’s just power-hungry, actually looking at the impact of the Volturi and the benefits of enforcing secrecy shows that his broader vision isn’t just world domination, but establishing a world in which vampires and humans can both thrive and endure. There’s no way the rest of the inner coven was unaware of this goal; we know Aro talks a lot, so he’s certainly talked his coven’s ears off about this.
Now, we know very little about Marcus and what he was like before he was all dead inside. Based on what would be a logical balance of personalities, with Aro as lead decision-maker and Caius as ruthless enforcer, it seems likely that Marcus was originally the voice of reason and/or mercy. I also think Marcus would have had a strong sense of duty. The Guide says that Aro was the first friend Marcus had as a vampire, and I believe that Marcus cared about him very much and was committed to the Volturi. I think he would have been genuinely conflicted about leaving, especially considering the stabler, safer world the Volturi have been striving to build, and which they haven’t yet secured. Again, it’s a very bad time for any of the leadership to split off -- but in the end, Marcus and Didyme are going to do it anyway.
What for, though? Why leave? @theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin has an interesting take on that question here: that Didyme saw that she and Marcus would be locked into the Volturi life and a thankless existence for eternity and tried to opt out while she still could. I like it a lot, it’s a great post and that scenario makes sense, but the tone of it feels...too forgiving. Maybe that’s because I’m evil. But the way I see it, given the magnitude of the Volturi’s mission, and its (at best) very tenuous grip on power at the time Marcus and Didyme plan to leave (they haven’t even defeated the Romanians yet), jeopardizing the entire operation so that they can pursue their romance unburdened strikes me as...well, fundamentally selfish on some level, so much that I find myself side-eyeing Didyme and Marcus for it. Although to be clear, it’s not the desire to live their own lives apart from the Volturi that I find selfish, just the timing of their departure.
Honestly, I’d like not to vilify another female character if I don’t have to. Given everything I’ve just said, I see Didyme in much the same way as I see Bella: not a bad person, but someone with definite selfish tendencies. At best, she’s likely short-sighted or naive if she doesn’t see how leaving the Volturi at this stage is fucking them over in a big way. However, I hesitate to read into the happiness aura as a straightforward indication of Didyme’s fundamental goodness; I think she probably was kind, charming, and delightful to be around, hence the nature of her gift -- but that capacity for selfishness is still there. (I’m certain Meyer wants us to take her gift as proof of Didyme’s goodness, to reinforce how evil Aro is for killing her...but I think I’ve made my disdain for what Meyer wants me to think pretty clear.)
I am not saying it was justifiable or okay for Aro to murder his sister. I’m really not. It’s actually better, from a character standpoint, that it isn’t okay -- that Aro has to carry this with him for the rest of his life while Marcus sits in the throne next to him, reduced to a husk, so that in effect Aro has lost them both after all. It’s got that Greek tragedy element @theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin​ mentioned in her post. (Even better from that standpoint, the Guide implies that Aro found Chelsea relatively soon after killing Didyme, which compounds the tragedy.) I mean, it’s terrible, and it hurts me because I love Aro, but it’s compelling stuff.
What I am saying is, I can see how their insistence on leaving might have deeply hurt and offended him. And that brings me to my issue with the calculated murder scenario the Guide gives us -- I still think Didyme’s gift is too valuable for Aro to throw away by killing her in cold...venom (or whatever), even as the price for keeping Marcus in the fold. Plus, there’s the fact that Aro does love Didyme, and I imagine her gift makes it very difficult for people to think of harming her...when they’re calm, anyway.
Yeah, the only way I can really see the murder happening is if Aro killed Didyme in the heat of an argument about her leaving, possibly even by accident -- except you can’t accidentally kill a vampire, can you? It’s a very deliberate process wherein you have to dismember them and burn every piece, which also means it probably takes long enough that any irrational, overwhelming rage would wear off before you were done. But now that you’ve started....
I mean, at that point it would certainly be awkward to put your half-rubble sister back together, and Aro would be in a whole other load of shit even if he did. It’s possible, given what we’re told, that Aro could have lashed out and yanked Didyme’s head off before snapping out of it, only to realize that his sole option now is to finish the job. If he doesn’t kill Didyme now, she and Marcus won’t just leave, they’ll be sworn enemies of Aro from then on. And thanks to Didyme’s gift being the draw for a lot of the guard, and the inherently bad look of a leader who would brutally attack his own sister, a chunk of the guard would probably leave with them, destroying Aro’s plans. No, the only way to salvage it is to follow through.
Then Aro has to call in Caius for help with the cover-up, because it wasn’t actually planned and it’s just pure luck that no one walked in on the murder as it was happening.
And maybe Aro learns a hard lesson about learning to let people walk away, leaving the possibility open that they could be drawn in again. Because if Aro had just waited, he would have found Chelsea, and with her gift he could have had Marcus and Didyme back again.
Assuming everything didn’t fall apart as soon as they left, of course. But that’s a whole other what-if scenario.
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superhero--imagines · 2 years
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Part 1 Here! / Part 2 Here! / Part 3 Here! / Part 4 Here! / Part 5 Here! / Part 6 Here! / Part 7 Here! / Part 8 Here! / Part 9 Here! / Part 10 Here! / Part 11 Here! / Part 12 Here! / Part 13 Here! / Part 14 Here! / Part 15 Here! / Part 16 Here! / Part 17 Here! / Part 18 Here! / Part 19 Here!/ Part 20 Here! His POV Part 1! Here /  His POV Part 2 Here!  / Part 21 Here! / Part 22 Here! / Random Headcanons / Part 23 Here! / Part 24 Here! / Part 25 Here! Part 26 Here ! <This is Part 27!>
* By all accounts Didyme was the most beautiful girl in all of Thebes
* “But she wasn’t just a pretty face, she was the brightest person of her generation.”
* Astrology, cartography, calligraphy, art, strategy, mathematics - Didyme excelled at all of them.
* “But even in Ancient Greece, even then, the world was not kind to women who attempted to rise above their station.”
* If Didyme solved an unsolvable problem, she was told it wasn’t unsolvable at all. If she pointed an error in someone’s work, she was scolded and told that an error never existed to begin with. If Didyme created an invention, a man would get the credit.
* “And so the girl from Thebes realized there was no ‘good’ future in sight, she would be married off for some cattle and a higher social standing to man twice her senior. She’d give him a handful of children, one of which would be his heir, and then once her beauty faded away, she would be discarded entirely.”
* And you’re there too, watching the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen, with gold ringlets of hair and deep chocolate brown eyes realize there are no happy endings in life, at least not for her.
* “But the story doesn’t end there.” You ask, and Marcus shakes his head.
* “No, the story doesn’t end there.”
* “Aro loved Didyme, in his own way. Even though the world might deny her intelligence, no one knew of it better than Aro.”
* And so, the night before her wedding, Aro appeared before her, almost carrying an otherworldly attractiveness, with crimson eyes and extended his hand.
* And so the girl who tried to fight fate and failed, grasped the hand offered to her, and dreamt of a world where she might be allowed to exist as she was.
* “Did Aro do it because he thought she might show an extraordinary gift?” You ask, and a smile twitches on Marcus’s face
* “This isn’t about Aro, this is about the girl from Thebes.” He reminds you
* The girl from Thebes possessed no extraordinary power, her beauty remained untouched, with the softness of a mortal.
* “The venom only makes us look how we choose,” Marcus says. “For most it means some form of subjective enhancement, but the girl from Thebes was happy as she was.”
* “I thought Didyme possessed the power to make people happy.” You say and Marcus nods
* “She did, but it wasn’t the result of a gift,” he stops, looking to his hands as a soft smile creeps onto his face. “She was just exceptionally kind, to humans and vampires alike.”
* She created water purification systems for the people of Volterra, conspired and taught girls how to read and write in the corner of the castle garden, drive away any rogue vampires from the city of Volterra, but worst of all-
* “The cheeky thing used my name to do all those things!” He tells you with a grin and laugh. You find yourself smiling as well. “They call it Saint Marcus day in Volterra, but really it should be Saint Didyme day.”
* “And you were opposed to it?”
* “At first I was.” He admits, still smiling. “At first I just saw her as Aro’s bratty younger sister. You must understand, at the time she acted nothing like a lady, at least not one I had ever met.” You laugh at his baffled expression, smiling when that soft smile reappears once more.
* “She was like nothing I had ever seen, she was…” he trails off, thinking of the right words to say
* “An original piece?” You supply, and Marcus smiles
* “An original piece, no one else like her in the entire world.”
* They spent centuries together, the girl from Thebes and the vampire who served as her brothers general, and he watched in awe as bit by bit she made the world a better place.
* “She had her own code of ethics, only feeding from criminals and the occasional goat. Her eyes were always mismatched, one gold and the other red.”
* But he loved that about her too.
* A long, morose sigh heaves through his chest.
* “If it were up to me, we would have stayed there for an eternity, in that pale yellow shade of happiness.”
* But the girl from Thebes has dreams of her own.
* “She grew wary of this existence, she had taken the only road she knew as a form of survival, but she still clasped her humanity with both hands.”
* “Staying human for so long comes with its own trials.” You murmur, and Marcus nods.
* “It’s a bit like love, you have to always try and remember what holds you to it.” He looks to the twinkling stars, sighing once more. “The girl from Thebes realized she had traded one hell for another, and desired for the humanity she’d so recklessly shed all those years ago.”
* “When I asked why, the world was still so patriarchal in nature, she said ‘Marcus I want to change the world with my own hands, with my own power, not through someone else’s name or the power passed on to me from someone else.’”
* And so she began researching a cure for vampirism, and Marcus reluctantly helped her.
* “If it was her, I think she might have even accomplished it, but then-“
* But then she was killed
* “But then Aro murdered her.” You flinch at Marcus’s blunt words, they leave his mouth without a tremor. “And Caius helped him, and then they locked their wives away in a tower.”
* “And the girl from Thebes became a memory.”
* You gulp, speechless.
* So he knew all along that the girl he loved was killed by her own brother.
* What must it have been like, knowing the person you loved so much was taken by the leader you were forced to serve?
* What must it have been like to feel the weight of that immovable loyalty on his shoulders for years while his body crumbled under the despair of loss
* You feel so grateful for your power it might make you stand up, but it’s the reason you’re safe as well
* You watch as the sky turns to a light shade of lilac, the stars disappearing one by one.
* “I’m sure you have many questions,” Marcus says. “About time, and how two versions of yourself can exist, about why Aro and Caisus’s wives were really locked away, and how any of this is possible.”
* “But we’re out of time.” You say, staring at the moon, and feeling a pang of loneliness. Marcus nods.
* “For now take this,” Marcus holds out a bundle of yellow paper to you, all mismatched shades, written in varying colors of ink, tied together with a string.
* “(Y/N) of Denali, I entrust you you the girl from Thebes final research.” You take the bundle with both hands, swallowing hard. You feel your eyes burn as the venom lines your waterline.
* He takes two steps, before you call out to him.
* You have so many questions, like why Marcus of all people? Or has this all happened before? Are you doomed to fail before you even try?
* But there’s one question, a clumsy foolish thing that burns in the back of your mind.
* And you can figure the rest out for yourself, but not this one.
* “Did she love you?” You ask, and he turns around. You swallow hard. “Didyme, did she love you?” You clarify.
* You wonder if he’ll be upset or shocked
* But instead he grins
* “The girl from Thebes didn’t belong to anyone, she only belonged to herself.”
* The words are sad, but his mouth stays in the wide grin.
* You clutch the papers against your chest and smile back, watching until he disappears and the sky turns a pale orange.
* You look down to the papers in your hand, holding them a little closer to your chest.
* Your mouth opens and closes, you close your eyes and remember what Edward told you before you left.
* “Don’t be scared.”
* It’s only now that you understand what he really meant
* “Don’t be scared, because you’re not alone.”
* How many have come before you, you wonder
* How many Didyme’s, and Marcus’s, and Carlilse’s, and Edward’s, and Jane’s have discovered this path, each one walking just a bit further than the last, so that the path might be a bit more well treaded, a little more stable for you to walk on.
* “Thank you.” You whisper
* Because you are not alone.
* You pass the clearing by the lake, then the meadow - the pale flowers crunching under your feet, climb the first mountain, watching the sky burn from orange to deep purple, and then the second as the purple transforms into lavender.
* By the time you grasp the windowsill of your room, it’s golden hour.
* “You’re back I was so worried! How - “ you cut Edward off midsentance, throwing your arms around him and burying your face in his chest.
* His arms feel warm as he wraps them around your shoulders, a whistle of a breath tousling your hair.
* “I love you.” You feel your mouth wobble as the words pas your lips. Even though you know how he feels, it still feels embarrassing to say it first.
* But Edward doesn’t let you feel embarrassed for long, because when you tilt your chin up to meet his eyes, he’s grinning ear to ear
* If you didn’t know any better you might think he’s only a minute away from a blush
* “I love you too”
Tag List:
 @moonlights27 @thebluetint @the100thtwilight ght @awesomebooklover17 @oneofthepotterheads @imdoingathingmom @yrawn @alyciaswhore @little-horror-show @wicked-watering-can @lazydreamers @ideas-for-you-to-adopt @moose-squirrel-asstiel @hotmessgoodness @jaimewho21 @what-am-i-doing10 @anotheryooniverse @emmettcullenisahimbo imbo @my-super-musical-life @smolvampiregirl @it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream @mihikaahujaaa @reclusive-chicken-nugget @monkeyluver4546 @wonhomarshmallow @bwbatta @bubblyabs @thatwaspossesion @helzerat @parascape @katrodriguez99  @leilanixx @kiki-ren @winxanity-ii @dontletyourmemebedreams @hazeofeleven @whatafreakingloser @lightsupdoyouknowwhoyouare
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volterran-wine · 3 years
Echos of the Past || Aro x S/O
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"To err is human; to forgive, divine" ― An Essay on Criticism, Alexander Pope
Requested by Anonymous: "Hello, opera anon here, I'm not sure you remember me but I had an imagine idea and I'd really like how you'd write it, you're very good at angst ! So, could I please request an imagine about Aro's mate finding out about what he did to his sister and wondering if he would ever do the same to them if they were between Aro and power ? I have no idea how it could end but I'm very curious about Aro's reaction and how you'll write this! Thank you !"
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Of course I remember you OperaAnon! How have you been? Did you end up checking out those opera's I recommended? I see that you crave angst on this fine day, many of my requesters seem to want that from me. I shall deliver as best as I can.
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Summary: Aro has felt uneasy for weeks, something was on the horizon. A great shift would occur soon... and he was not certain if he was prepared for it. Meanwhile, his mate becomes privy to rumours; tales from a bygone age that should never have seen the light of day.
Wordcount: 1437 words
!Warnings! Dark themes, Depressive thoughts, Mentions of Alcohol, Mentions of Violence, Mentions of Murder.
𝐄𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐲, 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲
It had been a quiet enough day, rain was gently pattering against his windows as he sat at his desk. Any other day he would find solace in these circumstances; a good excuse to get some of his work done. But he felt uneasy; a shadow hung over his beloved home. His mate had begun straying from him, avoiding his company and spending their days with his sister in law. Truthfully; they had not even shared a bed in a fortnight. There had been whispers in the palace, whispers they had attempted to silence. Aro's thoughts were interrupted when the double doors to his quarters were thrown open with a crash. It seemed that his mate had finally decided to grace him with their presence. He rose, regal and tall as he regarded them.
"Is it true?"
"Is what true?" He knew exactly what they were alluding to, had anticipated this confrontation for weeks. There had always been rumours surrounding The Volturi, especially him; the sacrifices he was willing to make for power and bending the laws how he saw fit. None of it was true of course, but fear had always been a great motivator when it came to making people bend to his will. Some of it is true. That. Is true. Not the way they believe. Aro felt his head begin to throb, the tell tale sign of his control slipping as a dull ache settled in his cranium. And now his sweet adoring mate was pushing and pulling at all the wrong emotions inside of him, the gods truly did not favour him.
"Did you kill her?" they asked in an accusatory tone. Desperately trying to read his carefully crafted expression. He didn't answer; instead he turned to watch as the rain came crashing down harder against his windows, how the droplets created intricate patterns on the glass. What could a person say to such accusations? Tell the truth.
"Aro, did you kill your own sister?"
The silence was uncomfortable, the two lovers standing across from one another, tense and waiting. Who would move first? Who would utter the next words that very well could determine the course of their entire future. Aro weighed his options carefully, saying the wrong thing in this situation could prove fatal. There was a language wasn't there? That had an idiom that conveyed that silence equaled agreement? That foreign idiom would be the end of him, for his mate had made up their mind as he was lost in his own thoughts. Eyes wide as confused fury blazed within them, they took a step closer.
"How could you do such a thing?!"
"You speak of something you know nothing about, we do not discuss Didyme in Volterra." Aro snapped. Oh; how it hurt to say her name, how long had it been since he had said it out loud? Two hundred years ― perhaps even longer. Didyme would always follow him like a shadow, his personal sword of Damocles that swung ominously over his head. We all know you deserve to see it fall. No. You will rot, your coven, your family will rot.
"Know nothing?! Everyone-"
"I didn't mean it!" His voice rose to a level he had not used for hundreds of years. Aro's mate certainly had not seen him like this, breathing laboured; a dangerous glint in his usually jovial eyes. You meant it, you made a choice. I did it for the coven, for the future. You did it for yourself.
Aro let the war in his head continue on for what felt like an eternity, until his mate finally spoke up again. It was quiet, a meek response; a realisation that sounded and felt like a gunshot. "Would you hurt me?" ― for power. It was a valid question, for they had just drawn the conclusion that Aro was willing to murder his own flesh and blood for mere power. You did. No. How he wanted to reassure them, cradle their beautiful face in his hands; kiss it until there was no suspicion left in them. But the question alone had his mind reeling, and his limbs felt sluggish.
The past did not necessarily repeat itself; but it always echoed. In every decision and ruling Aro passed down there were traces of Didyme. Anecdotes that would never fade from the minds of Volterra's residents. His sweet sister would live forever; but not in the way he had planned. You wanted her gone, she threatened everything. No, she always had a place in my plans. Your scheming cost Didyme her life. Leave me be. We'll never leave. Shaking hands rose to knead at his temples, his head felt like it was ready to explode. He wanted to drink, hole himself up in the wine cellar until there was nothing but muddled and warm thoughts in his mind. His silence must have unnerved them once more, for they let out a choked sob; Aro's attention snapped to them again ― eyes dark.
Their expression grew horrified, as if it had finally dawned on them exactly who it was they had become bonded mates with. Aro was as dark as he was light, an eternal conundrum nobody had even come close to solving. Well.. there had been one; but he was gone. His mates hands rose to their face, eyes now filling with tears as they turned their back on him. The king was silent as he watched his mate sob and comfort themselves, arms grasping on to their sides tightly. It was a truly wretched sight, Aro never wanted less than absolute happiness for his loved ones. He was a hopeless romantic like that.
Aro silently approached them, reaching out to gently lay his hand on their shoulder; testing the unknown waters. They did not recoil from him in disgust, he swallowed thickly ― at least there was that. Shoulders shook beneath his fingers as venomous tears fell and stained the carpet.
The sheer amount of fear they felt was overwhelming, a once comfortable mind was desperately trying to push him out. Throwing him to the wayside and letting him drown in their surface thoughts. Unwelcome. What little remained of his glass heart cracked further, how he wished others could feel what he felt. For half a second he considered leaving them to their own devices, give them time to calm down and figure out their own thoughts. Another harsh sob tore at his sensitive hearing, the sound so ruefully sad.
He couldn't leave them, it would be too cruel. Pulling them close he spun them into his arms, limbs wrapping around them in a secure manner. How he found the strength to continue speaking; he did not know. "Didyme... was a beautiful soul." His mates tears slowly subsided, now curious and listening to what he had to say. His voice was hoarse when he continued "And I miss her every day." And he regretted his actions; control he had not yet mastered that fateful night. The look of disbelief on Caius' face when Aro called for him he would never forget. His gravest mistake, an accident he wished he could take back.
They stood there for a while, the only sound that could be heard was the rain. Eventually, arms snaked around his waist, pulling him even closer to his mates body. Aro attempted to furiously blink away tears that were threatening to fall, burying his face into their hair; inhaling their sweet scent and letting it wash over him. Their mind was settling down, but there was caution there; and he would grant them that. What he didn't expect was a sense of grief, solemn thoughts for a woman who had passed long before their birth. What had he done to be deserving of such a mate? You do't deserve them, you don't deserve anything.
"I swear to you, on all that I am.. I shall never harm you." Their head frantically nodded as they buried their face into his suit jacket. But can you really promise that? Hush. A hand tangled in their hair as he let the tidal waves of emotion wash over him, hitting him full force over and over again. He deserved this at the very least; he could have denied their claims, but he had not. It would have been so easy to manipulate them into thinking it truly had been a crime he did not commit. Instead he had let them in on the most dangerous and painful secret in all of Volterra. The only solace? He had soothed their worries, his word had been enough.
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𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐱𝐭 Aro’s mental state: Aro's gift can be very debilitating if he is not grounded and in control of himself. If it was unclear; the use of bold and italic outside of speech are multiple intrusive thoughts he has to deal with when his control slips. In my world building his gift has a lot of draw-backs, this being one of them. Exactly who these voices sound like in Aro’s head… I’ll leave that to your interpretation.
Zwijgen is instemmen: The idiom that Aro is grasping at. It does not have a great translation in English; but the essence of it is: "The one who stays silent is in agreement with what is spoken." Ergo; Aro's mate thinks Aro's silence says it all and draws their on conclusions.
The Sword of Damocles: Refers to a character who appears in an anecdote commonly referred to as "the Sword of Damocles", an allusion to the imminent and ever-present peril faced by those in positions of power. Aro feels like one wrong step can cause everything he has worked hard for to come crashing down.
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𝐈𝐧 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠: Writing this has made it clear I really need to sit down and write exactly what I think happened to Didyme in my worldbuilding. As I have eluded to both before and in this imagine; Aro did not intentionally mean to hurt his sister. And it makes it all the more tragic, and my heart breaks for him and the entire coven. There is a darkness to my Aro, but I also believe there is a lot of underlying turmoil within him as a character.
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thatfanficstuff · 2 years
Her Three Kings - 34
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A Volturi Kings x OFC story
Warnings: If I need to put something here let me know.
A/N: I'm just going to leave this here and run away. Thanks.
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Somehow the kings managed to convince their mate’s guard to remain behind. They needed a moment with her, just her and them. They needed to repair the damage that had been done. Hopefully, their theories were correct and time spent in her presence would strengthen the bonds. Once their bond had been repaired, they could work on the others. For now their focus was on Liliana’s health.
As they reached their floor, they paused at seeing the two guards outside of Aro’s room. “I thought I told you not to leave her alone,” he snapped.
“And we didn’t. We have been here the entire time,” Demetri stated.
Marcus frowned. “I rather thought you would be reuniting with her. Surely, you’ve missed her.”
Jane turned to face him. “She left us and chose him over us. Why should we care that she has returned?”
He inwardly cringed, letting nothing show on his face. Jane and Demetri had been among those closest to Lily. For them to respond so coldly to her was unsettling. The sooner they got this mess resolved the better.
They dismissed the guards and entered the room once they left. Frowns settled on all of their faces when they didn’t immediately see their mate.
It was Caius who found her on the side of the room where the bed blocked their view from the door. She sat on the floor, leaning against the wall staring straight ahead. Tear tracks were visible on her face though she was no longer crying.
Caius knelt on the floor in front of her and pushed the hair away from her face. “Lily?” His voice was soft, almost a whisper but there was no response from his queen.
He took her hands in his and ran his thumbs across her knuckles. “Little one, cuore mio, please look at me.”
Still there was not a twitch of movement from her. Those blank eyes stared straight ahead not focusing on anything. Caius glanced over his shoulder to his brothers. He didn’t speak a word, the fear on his face saying everything that needed to be said.
“Put her on the bed,” Marcus instructed.
The blond scooped her up and carefully laid her on the bed. She was completely unresponsive. It was like moving a dead body. He swallowed past the lump in his throat. Seeing her like this terrified him.
Marcus moved to her side and grasped her hand. He patted the back of it. “Come on, my love. Come back to us.” When that elicited no response, he moved to her cheek. Still nothing. His shoulders slumped and he bowed his head. After a moment, he looked to Aro. “Call Carlisle and get the Hale boy in here.”
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Japer hadn’t been able to get anymore of a response from Liliana than the kings. And the only thing Carlisle could offer on her condition was that she needed blood. He’d talked them through running a tube down her throat. They’d fed her blood until her color started to return. That had been hours ago and she still hadn’t so much as flinched.
For the moment, Marcus was alone with their mate. His brothers had gone to settle some business so they could take all the time they needed to be with her. He leaned forward in his chair with his elbows resting on his knees and his hands clasped in front of his mouth. “Oh, my love. Why couldn’t we just have our happiness?”
He sighed and leaned back as he raked a hand through his hair. His gaze moved from her to the small portrait Aro kept of his sister hanging on the wall. “There was a time when Didyme died that I thought I might follow along with her. She had become my whole world, you see. Everything I was, everything I did, revolved around her. And then the Romanians…” He trailed off, not wanting to finish the sentence even after all this time.
“The severing of that bond was brutal. For me and for Aro. Even Caius suffered as they had been very close. Almost like siblings. But I was the one that didn’t eat. Days faded into weeks until I was very much like you.” He huffed a laugh. “Except I drank. A lot. Aro slipping blood into my alcohol stores was the only thing that kept me alive. Without it I would have faded away, I think.”
He took her hand in his and played with her fingers. “And the real tragedy of that would be that I never would have met you, the true love of my life. Don’t get me wrong, dolcezza, I loved Didyme deeply. But I love you with a depth I hadn’t known existed. You were made for me, Liliana. For all of us. If I lose you, I will not survive this time. I’m certain of it.”
“I’m not sure any of us would survive it, brother,” Aro said from the doorway.
Marcus glanced to him in surprise not having heard him come in.
“I’m done with my tasks. If you would like to see to yours, I’ll stay with her.”
Marcus nodded and got to his feet. He laid a swift, sweet kiss on Lily’s forehead. “Come back to us, my love.”
He placed a hand on Aro’s shoulder as he passed by on his way out the door.
Rather than taking his brother’s seat, Aro sat beside Liliana on the bed and grasped her hand in his. He flinched at the thread of pain he picked up from her. He turned her palm up and traced the lines that ran across it with the tip of his finger. He supposed if his brother was making confessions, he should as well. Maybe it would help her return to them.
“I had never been in love before I met you,” he said. “Not to say I didn’t know what love was. Of course, I did. I’m a very old vampire after all. But even when I married Sulpicia, we were simply companions for one another. It was an arrangement that we both knew would come to an end one day.”
He paused and searched for any sign that she heard his words. There was nothing, but he’d already begun so he might as well finish. “I gave up hope many years ago of ever finding a mate. Then this beautiful, amazing woman twirled her way into my life. I was taken with you the first moment I saw you. And then you showed us your enormous capacity for love and I was lost. Every day you astound me. You are so much more than I ever hoped for, so much more than any of us deserve.”
Aro dropped his head forward as he silently pleaded with the universe to be kind. Just this once. The room was silent as tears ran down his face to drip onto their hands where they connected. “Please. Don’t leave me here.” His voice was barely a whisper in the air. “I need you.”
He wasn’t sure how long they stayed like that until Caius entered the room. “Any change?”
The raven-haired vampire couldn’t even bring himself to look at his brother, not wanting to disappoint him. He shook his head. “Nothing.”
Aro got to his feet. He needed a moment away from her to collect himself. “I’ll leave you,” he stated and left the room without once meeting Caius’ gaze.
Caius kept his eyes locked on Lily. The ache that seemed to have taken up permanent residence in his chest worsened and he rubbed at it with the heel of his hand. It wouldn’t help. Nothing helped. He’d been trying to get rid of it from the moment they discovered that she’d left.
He picked her up gently from the bed and carried her over to the sofa. He sat and settled her so she sat sideways in his lap. Her head laid against his chest and he ran fingers through her hair to push it away from her face. She didn’t respond to any of it.
He brought his head to rest against hers and rocked the two of them slowly. Words flowed from him in every language she knew. Terms of endearment and pleas for her to wake up. Pleas for her to come back to them. To him.
“I love you, little one. And I get that you needed time. That everything seemed against you, but it’s time to return to me. We’ll figure this out together, but we can’t do that if you don’t return to yourself.”
That was the position Aro and Marcus found them in when they returned together half an hour later. They let him hold her awhile longer then took her and placed her back on the bed. The three of them sat in silence watching the still figure of their mate at a complete loss as to how to help her.
A day passed. Then another. And still they stayed, leaving only to freshen up and feed. They gave her more blood when her color started to fade, but she did nothing but stare.
“We should change her clothes. Put her in something more comfortable,” Marcus suggested.
Aro nodded once. “We’ll have to get something from her rooms. I couldn’t bear to have any of her things here. It hurt too much to see them when we didn’t know if she’d be returning. Everything’s in her rooms.”
Marcus huffed a laugh. “I did the same thing.”
They both turned to Caius. “I destroyed them. She’ll be cross over it, I’m sure.”
The brothers shared their first smile in days. They were weak and fleeting, but they were smiles just the same.
“The Cullens will be making their way here. Carlisle is concerned that she hasn’t woken yet. He confessed he thought the blood and time with us would repair the damage,” Aro said.
The other two nodded not really having an opinion one way or the other. Marcus leaned back in his seat with his arms behind his head. He’d been using his gift almost constantly as a way to keep an eye on their queen. It was draining.
Suddenly, all of Liliana’s bonds began to fade to gray. He jumped to his feet and grabbed her hand. “She is dying.”
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therealvinelle · 3 years
You or The Muffin made a post on your dream cast(s), but I’m not really familiar with those references/actors (with the exception of Bowie and Jean Claude Van Damme and Clint Eastwood I think you mentioned). Is there anyone you would choose that’s a little more recent (80s-present)?
Our dream cast.
Our dream voice cast, for those interested.
Fun fact, both those posts were composed together, so yeah we share these opinions. We composed this one together as well.
Keep in mind that this list is... well it's for Twilight as I would make it. Which means that of course we’re casting a Didyme, nevermind that she’s been dead for thousands of years, but Denali who?
And once again we’re disrupting the time-space continuum and casting big name actors you’ve definitely heard about as they were ten, twenty, or thirty years ago.
Alright, so newer and shinier Twilight fancast, this time with a few alternatives because decisions are hard:
Alice: ... Audrey Hepburn.
I'm sorry. I tried. I tried to be modern, but I got to Alice and originally we thought Saoirse Ronan, appearances be damned because Ronan is a great actress, only to realize Ronan should be Renesmée.
So we're back to the dream cast. Audrey Hepburn was a tiny, pixie-like, yet ridiculously beautiful woman. Like Alice, her growth was stunted due to prolonged starvation during the War, so she's the perfect casting in a way no modern Western actress is going to be. She was also an amazing actress, just absolutely magnetic each time she graced the screen. She would be a fantastic Alice.
Aro: A young Tom Cruise.
Cruise is an absurdly beautiful man, and at 173 cm he is the right stature as I could never cast a tall actor for Aro. He's a very good actor, so I'm sure he'd be up for it. Also, he'd look great with chalky petrified vampire makeup on. He'd pull it off. I want to see this.
Optionally: Cate Blanchett
Yes, she's a woman. But that's what acting is all about, you play someone you're not. It's more a thing in theatre than in film that men can play women and women can play men, but I say fuck the rules, we're doing it theatre style. And Blanchett absolutely have that enigmatic, ethereal, otherworldly quality I'd want for Aro.
Bella: A young Sarah Michelle Gellar
Gellar is a petite beauty, she is spunky yet adorable, and very charming, the people of Forks and the Cullens would very believably gravitate towards her. Most importantly she has the acting chops to pull it off. She would portray an amazing Bella.
Caius: Daniel Craig
The man is the right age, he's someone you don't mess with. Craig has perhaps a touch too charismatic, but he's good enough that I'm hopeful he could tune it down.
Carlisle: A young Leonardo DiCaprio
DiCaprio is ridiculously attractive and has a bad case of The Babyface™. Watching him try to convince people that he’s 30 years old and has adult kids would be absolutely hilarious, and very faithful to the books. He’s a talented actor, too, very versatile.
Optionally: David Tennant
Tennant doesn't look the part, he is handsome but handsome in that particular way when flawed features come together handsomely. He does however have the perfect charm, gravitas, and energy for the character, so I think he could make a great Carlisle. 
This is where the magic of movie adaptions come in - you’re not going to be able to translate directly from text to screen, that’s impossible. If you embrace that and make some bold choices, you stand to make a truly spectacular adaption. One of the reasons why the Twilight films failed is that they were too faithful to the books while failing to understand the spirit of them, whereas the TV miniseries adaption of His Dark Materials switched a lot of things up and is absolutely amazing for it.
Demetri: Robert Downey Jr.
Ridiculously charismatic and talented actors cast in bit parts and making them shine is a passion of mine.
Didyme: Cate Blanchett
Look, Blanchett had to be in this somehow, and we could think of no one more appropriate. She has too much enigma for Esme, is too womanly for Alice, and once the idea for Didyme was had it was hard to weasel out of. 
Cate Blanchett would be convincing as Aro's sister, as a woman who haunts her lover and brother even thousands of years after her passing, an enigmatic and divine woman who can never be forgotten.
Also she's my fancast for her brother, so this works out quite nicely. Why cast someone who merely looks like Aro’s actor when you can just cast the same actor.
Edward: A young Johnny Depp
Very few men are otherworldly beautiful. There are countless handsome men, yes, and many beautiful ones, but Depp has extreme and symmetrical features that come together beautifully. Robert Pattinson does too, for the record, so what makes me prefer Depp is the fact that he is an incredible actor. Pattinson is good, but Depp is the kind of talent who can power through even the worst scripts, give him nothing and he will give you the world. He’s on Al Pacino’s level, this man can salvage anything.
Emmett: Terry Crews
Terry Crews is a mountain of a man, he's massive. He'd nail Emmett's infectious cheer, too. He has a very symmetrical and attractive face that follows the golden ratio beautifully, so I could buy him being a vampire.
Esme: Anne Hathaway ten years ago. Ref one, ref two.
She’s out of this world beautiful and has the perfect Esme aesthetic. Hands down best Esme. The fact that she’s a very good actress helps.
Felix: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
He’s got the physique for the part and would be absolutely menacing.
James: Brad Pitt
Brad Pitt is a character actor who tragically got lost in the blockbuster scene. He’s good, he deserves cool parts. So yeah, Pitt as James. I think he’d be absolutely amazing for the part, it’d be the kind of performance where you can tell the actor was enjoying every second on set.
Jane and Alec: Child Dakota Fanning
Fanning was a good choice for Jane, it's just that she was slightly too old when she was cast (and they made her look even older!) and the screenwriters had written a different character than the one in the books (and not for the better - I’m all for changing things in an adaption! But, well, she was Marvel levels of bad villain). And as Alec is a bit part and supposed to be nearly identical to her, I’d just have Fanning play him as well.
Jasper: Clint Eastwood, every time.
Optionally: feels like blasphemy to even have an “optionally”, but here we are. If you somehow haven’t heard of the guy, then… er. No, sorry, I’ve got nothing. Know that I tried, though.
Marcus: Tom Holland
The man has such babyface, which fits since Marcus is 19.
Just Tom Holland, sitting around, looking young and depressed.
Renata: A young Natalie Portman
Yes, yes, Renata is a bit part, I know that, but this is my Twilight we're casting for so I do what I want.
Portman fits the physical description for Renata, and I find that description to be relevant to her character. She's a teeny tiny woman charged with protecting the most important man in the world, and gifted with intouchability. Portman looks is beautiful enough to fit the bill for a Twilight vampire, and tiny enough to stress the absurdity of this 5′0″ woman being anybody’s bodyguard, nevermind Aro’s.
Renesmée: Child Saoirse Ronan (Though Adult Ronan works too, she’s my cast for the hybrid gremlin period.)
She was an extraordinarily talented child actress, and she’s beautiful while odd-looking. I could absolutely believe I was looking at an otherworldly hybrid when looking at her.
Mostly I think Renesmée is going to be a very hard part for anybody, as the given actor will be portraying one of the most ridiculed characters in recent pop culture. It’ll take major talent to get the audience to care about Renesmée, but I think Ronan, if anybody, could do it.
Rosalie: Margot Robbie ten years ago
She’s out of this world beautiful, and more importantly she’s an incredible actress. She would be incredible for the part.
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lunastwilightblog · 3 years
The Volturi are the good guys and Bella is the up-and-coming villain
I’m on my computer for this as I know it might be long, but bear with me (insert Emmett pun here) 🐻
So wait - the Volturi are the good guys? But didn’t SM write them as the bad guys? 
Well, yes, SM did write Aro and co in as the antagonists of the series, but bear in mind that originally she didn’t write most of New Moon to happen, or the entirety of Eclipse. There was Twilight and Forever Dawn, which we’ll sadly never read. Her vision of the Volturi and their role as the evil villains who wanted to separate Edward and Bella became distorted as she had to flesh them out more and show their role as the governing body.
Then she wrote the Illustrated Guide and revealed their history and the horrors of the world without their authority; with the Romanians being as brutal as they were, the constant terror humans lived with and the fracturing of the world into many unstable and violent vampire-ruled empires (plus with way more children of the moon running about, probably as far west as - at least - central Europe). 
When the Volturi were coming to power they were laughed at with the idea of their law, a significant reason the Romanians didn’t take them seriously. But now they are extremely popular.
This isn’t just because Aro created vampires to go out and sing his praises. Volturi rule has been a blessing for both humans and vampires.
For humans it’s the obvious: they are not living their lives in fear, they are not subject to massacres (except if caught in newborn warzones), their population has been able to grow and expand, modern medicine and technology have been able to flourish, society is much more stable, people need to flee areas much less (if ever) so they can stay put and complete research/live to meet their grandkids/etc, and not have to serve a vampire in the local castle. 
For vampires it’s actually quite similar: with the human population growing to as large as it is today when at the time the Volturi came to power it was (estimated to be) only 210 million globally, vampires have been able to grow to even greater numbers also, and feed more often than before. If a vampire 2000 years ago killed 5 people in a town it would be an outrage the humans would certainly have noticed, however kill 5 people in a place as big as London, LA, Paris, Singapore, Bucharest... it would likely not be noticed very much, if at all (depending on who you kill).  
Humans like to measure things in percentages. Those 5 people is a huge number to a town of 2000 - that’s 0.25% of the whole town’s population. It would be talked about, and relatives of the dead/missing would all know each other. Yet kill those 5 in a city of 12 million (as is London), that’s only 0.00004167% of the population. And chances are, the dead humans’ families don’t even live in the area (or could be in another country entirely) never mind know each other to realise there was a mass murder.
So vampires, as long as they hide from humans, as is the only law (besides no immortal children or consorting with werewolves), they have a lot more freedom nowadays than they did before the times of the Volturi. There are so many people that they can easily get lost in a crowd, move internationally, and not be pressured for allegiance by a local vampire warlord (before meeting Aro, Caius ran afoul of the Romanians, and he barely escaped with his life).
With there only being one authority, and one that does not interfere with your day-to-day life, is a dream come true. As long as they don’t break this law that is very easy to abide by, they can do whatever the f*** they want.
Carlisle would have never been able to get a job as a doctor if he was known to be a vampire, nor could any of the Cullens have entered education of any form. They’d be stuck sneaking into libraries after closing, and googling. Edward would have never met Bella (neither would Edward’s ancestors have immigrated to America - in fact, Europeans may have never discovered America in the first place. The whole Cullen coven aside from Carlisle might never have been born).
So what the Volturi have done (despite many of them having not-so-savoury personalities corrupted by hunger for power or violence) is bring peace to the world, get rid of tyrants, increase the food supply, allow a greater amount of freedom, and the first kind of trials and justice ever seen in their world. Sure, Aro uses trials to find new talent, but it’s still a world away from before.
Which leads me on to the events of Breaking Dawn, and Bella.
So. Maybe controversial, but: the Volturi did absolutely nothing wrong in Breaking Dawn.
They turned up thinking a serious crime had been committed. They stopped to talk (which Vladimir certainly never would have done!), considered the evidence and processed new discoveries and discussed their legality, decided there was no crime to punish, and left with only the informant dead. Yes, Irina had been innocent in the way that she strongly had believed she had been telling the truth and her memories must have presented good enough evidence to Aro initially, but their witnesses had come to see justice being served, and in the vampire world that is execution. Aro could have continued with prosecuting the Cullens for something he now knew was false, or execute Irina instead.
(Side note: she did kind of deserve it too. She didn’t bother to check her evidence, she wanted revenge for Laurent’s death so her accusation wasn’t coming from a place of good intentions but instead she was willing to have her friends and family killed for Laurent. She was also forcing Aro into a position where he had to prepare himself to kill Carlisle, whom we know he cherishes. Remember also that Aro turned down Laurent’s application to the Guard because he’d followed the Romanians for a while, so he won’t have been entirely trusting of Irina anyway, her having been Laurent’s mate).
Anyway. Onto Bella.
So Aro’s impression of Bella after New Moon seems to be positive. Why? Well, through Edward’s thoughts he saw that Bella was able to keep The Secret. He had heard how much she wanted to be a vampire. In addition, Marcus showed him how strong Edward and Bella’s bond is. Both of them knew, that if E & B’s love was almost as strong as Marcus and Didyme’s, that no matter what Edward currently said or thought about Bella being turned it was invalid. If Bella were dying, he would turn her for sure, which happened. Then the obvious, that Edward had already proven he could not live without her.
Bella was trustworthy and probably going to be turned. Alice showing proof was just a formality so Aro could say he had evidence rather than admit he’d just made assumptions (and Alice having had that vision may act as proof that his assumption was correct).
Therefore, from Aro’s perspective, Bella was a human who wanted to become immortal so much that she would rather die than not, and she was already following his law. She was no issue. 
Bella, knowing the law, should have been very grateful that she was left alive. Edward not being executed and she not being killed or forcibly turned on the spot... Aro had been very nice to them.
And again, in BD, he was very nice to them. Some people will inevitably say that he was weak in not killing them all. I mean, they stood beside Vladimir and Stefan! They have an army of wolves fundamentally opposed to vampires! Aro has lost Good Reputation Points by sparing the Cullens. He held as close to a trial as vampire society has ever had, and rightfully pronounced the Cullens innocent.
So shouldn’t Bella like him? He has spared her life and the lives of her loved ones more than one, and proven that he can be spoken to and conversed with properly and is willing to admit he was wrong. With Aro, we know it’s important to look more at what he does than what he says, and what he has done is be very kind to the Cullens (though who knows about the future?).
Yet Bella was creeped out by him when they met and interpreted him as a threat to Edward’s life. As she loves Edward, she’s always going to be of this mind, and first impressions are important.
Vampires are stuck with the mindsets they had when turned. An example of this is Esme, who was turned after her baby died and she tried to die too. She is permanently feeling maternal. She was turned only days after giving birth. Before knowing this, Bella even describes her as maternal and the mother of the family. Huilen also has a lot of care for Nahuel, being his aunt, because of her love for Pire, and while she was dying, Pire begged Huilen to raise him. Joham does not seem to have this parental love for his son and daughters; he never really knew Pire and was never affected by her love for Nahuel, and did not meet him until years after he was born. He’s only genetically a parent. He doesn’t have the protective mindset. When he was turned, he was a curious scientist (in fact, it was even why his creator turned him). He sees the world and people as things to study.
When Bella was turned, all she was thinking about was Renesmee. She begged Edward to get the baby out and didn’t care for her own life.
And she will be forever stuck in this high alert, must-protect-my-baby mode. Then for weeks as a newborn vampire, she was thinking of Aro as a threat and preparing to fight him. Compounding that, he was a threat to her daughter.
Both of these things will have had a significant effect on who she will have become after her newborn phase ended. It is impossible for Bella to ever like Aro now, even if she tried.
Her dislike of him, and willingness to fight against him, will be forever engrained in her brain.
This is dangerous.
Bella found the Romanians weird, but she didn’t dislike them per se. She would probably be willing to stand with them against the Volturi again.
We can take an educated guess and assume that sometime they will rise up again - and Bella might stand with them (though I highly doubt any of the other Cullens would).
Bella was not a problem for Aro until she stood beside Vladimir and Stefan. 
Here is this vampire who can block most of his coven’s gifts, stuck with an intense dislike of him, who he has seen with his own eyes stand with his enemies. He has every right to be nervous now. Her love for her mate is almost as strong as Marcus’s bond to Didyme - how strong is her bond to Renesmee? Likely more. Aro knows the threat in that. He knows that Bella may be viewing him in the way Marcus feels when he thinks of taking revenge on whoever killed Didyme.
Nobody wants the Romanians back in power. Those who lived under their reign and those who have heard first hand stories told to them all know very well that life under Vladimir would be horrible, brutal, awful for all beside his close coven members (though considering he had a very large coven that was often squabbling amongst itself, it was probably miserable for a lot of them too).
But Bella is young. She has no memory of the world before the Volturi, and knows no one with first hand experience of that world other than the Volturi. She will have heard that it was horrible, but she has no emotional or personal connection to the near-ancient past, and vampires who lived during that time are disappearing. No one lives forever.
Then, she is American. Like Garrett, she values freedom, and the Volturi are the only oppressive vampire force either of them has ever known. Despite them being the least oppressive in vampire history, Bella and Garrett haven’t experienced the alternative. They are a government that is at times harsh, is corrupt, and executes people. They go to war and they obliterate their enemies. Bella doesn’t see that the Volturi is the least bad government her world is ever going to get, and that they’ve granted her so much freedom. She is unable to see that because, in her youth, she has nothing to compare them against.
By standing against the Volturi, Bella isn’t just standing against Aro, Caius, and Marcus. She is standing against the peace they have brought between vampires, against humans living without fear, against modern civilisation itself. She stands a representative of the next world order, and Aro can sense it.
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volturiwolf · 3 years
The Volturi Princess - A Felix Volturi x fem!Reader Story (part 1)
A/N: This is the first Volturi- and Twilight-related story I ever started writing and it is quite long and elaborated/complex, as I tend to overanalyze in many parts. I have wrote a few parts until now and I'll be uploading them in the future. I have been quite emotional throughout writing it, trying to understand the reader's point of view.
A/N 2: I'm sorry if something doesn't make sense. English is not my first language. I also include Italian through the story, with translation, but I'm not a native or a speaker, so I'd like to apologize in advance to those who speak Italian. Enjoy :)
A/N 3: According to "The Amagi" on Youtube, Felix was born in 250 BC (their thumbnail), so I used that in my story.
No of Words: about 5347
Mentions of: Abandonment, Abortion, Anxiety, Blood, Bruises, Coma/Comatosed State, Death Emotional Abuse, Emotional and Physical Pain, Gaslighting, Greece/Greek Language - with translation, Heartbreak, Italian Language - with translation, Manipulation, Murder, Pain, Panic Attacks, Pregnancy, Suffering, Suicide/Suicidal Thoughts, Swear Language, Throwing Up/Puking, Witches/Wizards/Witchcraft
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My heart felt heavy. I may have just escaped the cruelest vampire of all, but I also ran away from the love of my life, my mate, the only person who could fully understand me in this world. I asked him to run away with me, but, although our bond was strong, he felt obliged to stay loyal to his master, his creator. I drove as fast as I could, away from the sunny Volterra, and away from him.
(Y/N) grew up quite privileged, in Vampire terms. Being born into the Volturi coven was something many vampires could only dream about. (Y/N) was abandoned by her parents when she was a baby, but Aro, one of the three Volturi leaders, took her under his protection, and offered her more things than she could ever have imagined. After all, she was his only biological granddaughter, the “Volturi princess”, an heiress to the throne; her mother lost that “privilege” when she met and fell in love with a wizard.
(Y/N)’s mother soon got pregnant with her, and then later turned her husband into a vampire to help her with her pregnancy, and stay together forever. However, (Y/N)’s parents couldn’t raise her because they wanted to run free and careless, not commit to anything permanent, so Aro took over and raised his granddaughter with the highest honors and privileges, “as a princess should be raised”.
(Y/N) was a mix of Vampire, Witch and Human, due to the grandmother, Sulpicia, being human when Aro found her; Sulpicia later fell pregnant with (Y/N)’s mother, and Aro transformed her to vampire, as he had planned all along. Aro raised (Y/N) according to his own rules and morals, teaching her how to kill humans to feed from, how to attack and slip away from her opponents, how to lead other vampires, and most importantly, how to keep her identity and existence a secret, not only to humans, but other non-Volturi vampires as well. No one could know that there was a possibility of a vampire having a child with a human, and that the child could be effectively controlled and raised as a regular vampire.
As (Y/N) grew older and older, reaching the human age of 25 within 7 years of her birth, Aro would spend more and more time with her, examining and studying her possibilities and her potential powers’ development. (Y/N) grew up to be extremely strong and fast, an excellent tracker with great intelligence and understanding of the world around her. However, Aro could not risk sending her to “Volturi duties”. She was his hope for a stronger coven; with (Y/N) in the throne, Aro felt like he could conquer the vampire world with ease.
That’s why he was always searching for the best guards he could find, to protect the coven and do his work instead of himself, Caius, or (Y/N). He couldn’t rely on Marcus, as he proved to be too emotional since Didyme died, but was still valuable for his plan. Caius, on the other hand, although powerless, was far more sadistic and “diligent” in following vampire rules, and (Y/N)... (Y/N) was just too obedient, following every order Aro gave her - a strong asset for the Volturi.
Aro was changing guards and trackers quite easily, disposing them when they were no longer needed or when he found better ones. He needed talented and strong vampires to serve the coven and do their work.
Chelsea was the very first vampire Aro created solely to serve the Volturi, after recognizing her potential when she was human. Chelsea’s gift of relationship manipulation was truly useful in bringing new vampires into the coven and was used thousands of times during Volturi's reign. It could also easily dispose of them, making their bonds with other vampires break at will; those vampires were isolated by the other vampires and then killed - Aro couldn’t risk letting them get away knowing the Volturi’s secrets and life.
About 100 years later, Corin joined the Volturi, just a couple decades after (Y/N)’s birth. Corin’s gift of addictive contentment was the one which kept Marcus in the Volturi after Didyme’s death - along with Chelsea’s to make him committed to Aro’s greater plans, and was also used on Sulpicia, Athenadora and any other vampire in the Volturi guard to keep them satisfied being in the Volturi. Under Aro’s instructions, Corin was keeping Chelsea content with being in the Volturi, and Chelsea was keeping Corin loyal to them, each of them using their gifts against each other, without their knowledge.
Sometime between 230 and 220 BC, while travelling in Rome, searching for additional vampires to add to the coven, Aro supposedly met a young, strong and ambitious fighter, who wished to become a gladiator one day, named Felix. Felix did not only look, but also was physically capable of fighting even with beasts, during his short time as a fighter, way before the Colosseum was built. Born into a poor family, his strength was his only way of making money, and becoming a gladiator was his only way out of poverty, a way to provide for both his family and himself.
When his family was almost imprisoned by Roman army officers for outstanding debts, Felix was forced to make a deal with them to fight, in whatever they ordered him to. Fighting turned out to be the only way for Felix to deal with his emotions and rage towards people in power. When Aro approached Felix, he was promised a good life, where he wouldn’t have to worry about surviving another day. Felix did not seem willing enough, not being fond of the idea of serving people in power, who he so despised.
Luckily for Aro, Chelsea was the one who “convinced” Felix to join the Volturi guard, with Aro changing him afterwards. Unlike previous guards, Felix showed impeccable strength, speed and talent towards both dodging and initiating attacks, eventually making him a permanent member in the Volturi Guard, along with Chelsea and Corin.
Felix was assigned as the leading guard for the three kings’ protection, this role extending to the protection of their two wives and (Y/N); though Aro knew that, if it came to anyone attacking his granddaughter, she would be able to handle it by herself. However, he still wanted to make sure that she was safe and that Aro would do anything to protect her.
For about a couple millennias, (Y/N) was content with her situation, being the “Volturi princess” and all that. Besides, having Felix in the Volturi was another reason to stay in the coven, apart from staying loyal and true to Aro for taking her in, when she was abandoned.
Every time Felix looked into her eyes, she felt her whole body burn - though, it wasn’t a feeling of suffering, rather a feeling of longing, waiting for something to happen so badly that her body couldn’t control itself. Although she was partially a vampire, (Y/N) would feel like she couldn’t breathe, like her legs were ready to give up on her, like she wanted to grab Felix and never let go.
Felix, although not admitting it even to himself, would feel the same way, but he knew that his position would not allow him to approach (Y/N) in such a way. He was just a guard - although he was the strongest of them all, and she was the Volturi princess, one of his masters, whom he was only allowed to approach in order to protect. He didn’t want Aro to know he saw his granddaughter like that; it could cost him his position in the guard, or even his life. So, he kept these feelings deep within him, not allowing them to resurface, or act upon them.
However, every time these two existed at the same place, the invisible sparks between them would fly left and right. And only one vampire was able to see them. One who hadn’t felt these sparks in centuries.
(Y/N)’s POV:
I yawned loudly as I woke from a long, much needed sleep. I was the only vampire around who was able to sleep, mostly due to my non-vampire natures. I didn't really need to sleep on a regular basis, but when I did, I could literally sleep 3 days straight and nobody would be able to wake me up. “For my own protection”, as Aro said, I would always have at least two guards outside of my room’s door, in case anything happened while I was sleeping. Like what could even happen? My room was at the furthest side of this huge castle. I’m pretty sure that if there ever was an attack against the Volturi, it would most probably have been dealt with immediately, and the attacker wouldn’t make it anywhere near my room.
I felt the warm sun on my skin, slightly glowing and sparkling beautifully. My eyes, mostly (Y/E/C) with a golden ring around the pupil, could easily adjust to the light. Unlike the other vampires, I could easily live among humans; I could sleep, eat human food, my skin not being as sparkly as others, and I could control my thirst far better than others.
Since Jane and Alec joined the coven, Aro would show an immense interest in them and their skills, helping them train daily and develop their powers further, eventually forgetting about me. I would spend more and more days away from the castle, “protected” by my anonymity, getting to know humans more and more. The longer I was observing them, the more they would trigger my interest in them. They could feel true emotions, real pain, real hurt, real love. They had their families, they received an unconditional love that I could never have.
Unbeknownst to Aro or anyone else for that matter, I have started developing new powers, similar to the other vampires in the Volturi coven or anyone else outside of it. I have also started noticing that I may have an immunity towards others’ talents, feeling that neither Corin’s addictive contentment made me satisfied with being in the Volturi, nor Chelsea’s relationship manipulation could keep me loyal to Aro anymore. If it weren’t for Felix, or Demetri and the Twins, who have all become my best friends by now, I would have probably left.
A vampire named Carlisle Cullen had visited the Volturi and stayed with us for a while, about 100 years ago. He saw the way the Volturi treated humans like they were nothing, and how they were as cruel as to kill other vampires, with the excuse that they were exposing our kind with the way they lived. Entire covens had been wiped out due to such excuses, a way to eliminate potential enemies from becoming too powerful and find as many talented vampires as possible and force them to join the Volturi.
Carlisle was talking about a new way of life, where vampires wouldn’t have to kill humans to survive, a life where vampires and humans could live in peace, without harming each other. He was insisting that vampires could survive on animal blood just as efficiently as with human blood; that animal blood would not make them weaker, and that it would be a much more ethical and sustainable way to feed.
Of course, Aro and Caius were the first ones to mock his proposition, clearly not caring about humans’ feelings and pain. Marcus did not budge at all, his heartache making him indifferent to anything around him. But I was growing more and more interested in this alternative way of life; I was, after all, feeding on human food already, so that I was feeding on human blood as little as I could.
It was a few years after Carlisle left Volterra that Eleazar joined the Volturi. Aro forced him to join after finding out he could detect if someone had any special ability. Aro considered his gift useful in identifying if any of his enemies had any special power when in battles, or when he sent Eleazar around the world to recruit talented vampires.
Eleazar was clearly not liking the way the Volturi forced their ways and wants on others, and how they could take advantage of others for their own benefit. I could just sense that he was displeased and was forcing himself to stay in the coven, one, due to Corin’s and Chelsea’s gifts, and two, out of fear of what could happen to him and his mate, Carmen.
Carmen, a vampire from Spain, like Eleazar, met with Eleazar while he was a guard here, they fell in love, and eventually, Eleazar decided to leave the Volturi and run away with Carmen. Aro decided that he did not care about him and his gift as much as others’, so he let him go unharmed, “blessing” them for safe travels.
Just a few days before he left, I consulted him on my own powers. Though a lower member of the guard, Eleazar had his own room, a decent place to stay, and spend his endless hours in. I knocked slightly on the door.
“Come in”, a calm voice was heard. I opened the door and came into his room. Carmen was sitting on the edge of their bed and Eleazar was reading a book on his desk. They both smiled sweetly. I just felt and knew they were too nice to fit anywhere in here, among the cruel and strict Volturi.
“(Y/N)! So nice to see you!”Carmen exclaimed and stood to hug me. The second we hugged I started seeing parts of her life in Spain, the calm waters of Catalunya, the vast vineyards where she would spend the early years of her life… I quickly detached myself from her embrace. I just couldn’t invade her privacy like that. She and Eleazar both looked at me worried, as if I had offended them.
“I’m sorry. I just can’t let you “show” me your whole life like that!” I looked at Carmen apologetically.
“(Y/N), you saw Carmen’s life?” Eleazar continued, intrigued by my words.
“That’s why I came to talk to you. I..I feel like I’ve been developing a gift, or a few gifts, to be completely honest. And I feel like.. like I have a specific power one day, and another power the next!” I stated frantically.
It was the first time I have openly talked about my powers to anyone, and I was shaking just by the words that came out of my mouth. Eleazar did not say anything, he just stood there for a few minutes, I supposed “examining” me, as if a doctor checking on a patient.
“Remarkable.” He said calmly. He looked at his mate with excitement, as if he just discovered a lost treasure. “(Y/N) has one of the most remarkable gifts I have ever seen.” He then turned to me. “You, (Y/N), are able to copy anyone else’s gifts and keep them as your own. You don’t even have to be in contact with them. Just by meeting someone, you can obtain their powers. I have never met anyone like that. You also seem to have obtained immunity to others’ powers, kind of like a shield. I have met such vampires before. From the stories Aro has been telling, your mother was like that. It is likely that you copied that gift for her. Such vampires are extremely useful to themselves or even others, in battles. Like themselves, you can use your gift to protect others from others’ powers, beside yourself.”
That came too sudden to my ears. I have assumed that I may have at least one power, but I didn’t realise I could copy others’ powers. That is why I was showing signs of Aro’s power!
“How can I train my powers? Eleazar! Carmen! You have to help me!”
“As you know, we will be leaving soon. I don’t know if there will be enough time to train you.”
“It’s okay. We will train as much as you want. Please, Eleazar! Please, Carmen!” I started begging them. As if they were hypnotized, they quickly looked at each other and agreed to help me.
The next few days, before Eleazar and Carmen’s departure, included intense training, far away from Volterra, deep in the woods, where no human could interrupt us. I couldn’t say the same for vampires, but I hoped nobody would cross paths with us. Eleazar and Carmen helped me develop my self-control and self-awareness, concentrating through the deepest parts of my mind, resurfacing my shield and expanding it beyond my existence. I started to have control over it, as if it was an actual solid substance, a veil floating around me towards any direction I ordered it to go.
After Eleazar and Carmen left, I started travelling the world more, trying to copy as many powers as I could come across with, while also training my shield. My excitement for the endless possibilities was what kept me going - kind of when Aro would add another talented vampire to his Guard. His Guard. Felix. I wonder how he was. I hadn’t seen him in a while. I wondered if he thought of me like I thought of him.
After travelling pretty much anywhere I could reach, I eventually went back to where it all started: I went to Greece. Aro met Sulpicia here, apparently my mom met my dad here. Maybe I could find out, understand why they left me. I have never met them, but I felt as if my tracking skills could detect them through my own existence.
I started travelling through the country, hoping that they stayed here or, at least, that they’re alive. I spent about 2 or 3 years in Greece, trying to take in every different place, while also avoiding the battles that seemed to take place in every other corner. I was feeding off animals mainly, mostly when I couldn’t find any other human food. I was washing myself in rivers, streams, whatever I could find.
I was stopping by any village that seemed to be still standing, asking about the current situation. The Greek Revolution, which started a few years ago, seemed to still be going on. The Ottomans, who had been occupying Greece for almost 400 years, could not allow Greeks to turn against them and start claiming their rights within the Ottoman Empire.
Many Greeks I met and talked to, admitted that some of the Ottomans were actually being nice to them; it was only the Ottoman government ordering their armies to execute massive massacres against Greeks, and after all this time, a few Greeks started gathering up and planning a revolution, away from Greece, in fear of being caught. They started getting organized and finding possible allies to help them with the Revolution; they just couldn’t risk getting caught within the country that they were hoping the independent Greece could become. The battles were becoming more and more intense, both on the mainland, as well as on the islands.
I started looking for answers, anything that could suggest that my parents were still alive and somewhere in Greece. To my surprise, I crossed paths with many Greek nomad vampires all over the country. They were also fighting against either Ottoman vampires or each other for territorial claims; however, they all talked me out of travelling north, towards Macedonia. The region had started being reclaimed back by Greek humans, but vampires were also seeing the potential for the area and they fought against each other for the land.
All of the nomads I encountered were talking about some of the most vicious vampires claiming the land, their enemies being literally slaughtered and burned to set an example for other vampires to back off their territory. I was intrigued, and I knew that, most probably, I would be able to deal with them or flee before they got to me.
So, I started travelling north, through the woods and mountains, in order to avoid any possible battle between humans, though many of them seemed to hide in the mountains, preparing for their battles. Macedonia was a quite big and vast region, so I had to travel quite a few days and search every possible corner.
I know I shouldn’t have done this, but I was feeling exhausted from all the searching. I haven’t fed in quite some time, and my throat was burning by the familiar need for blood. I haven’t seen any animals all these days, and I was wondering if they were gone or hiding.
Sadly, I came across a human. He seemed to be wounded, probably during a battle, his blood gushing out of his body. I couldn’t help myself, when I breathed in the smell, the burning sensation becoming unbearable. I thought of approaching him slowly, so as not to scare him, offering to help him, but deep down I just wanted to feed off of him.
“Γειά! Συγνώμη αν σε τρόμαξα. Σε είδα από μακριά. Μπορώ να σε βοηθήσω με κάποιο τρόπο; (Hey! Sorry if I scared you. I saw you from afar. Can I help you in any way?)” I offered calmly.
The man was trying to suppress his growls. I could sense his pain. I tried to help him stand on his feet, and then I saw all of his memories. He was in the army, fighting alongside Greeks against the Ottomans, in Macedonia, just outside of Thessaloniki. I didn’t even know I was so close to a city, let alone Thessaloniki.
He was trying to pass through the woods, when he came across what seemed to be two red-eyed vampires, one male and one female. They tried to attack him, but someone else managed to shoot him first, forcing the two vampires to run away. I don’t know how or why, these two felt familiar to me, I could feel that through his memories.
“Γειά! Μπορείς.. Μπορείς να πας στο κοντινότερο χωριό; Νομίζω.. Νομίζω ότι είδα κάτι στο δάσος, δε νομίζω ότι ήταν κάτι φυσιολογικό! Πρέπει.. Πρέπει να προειδοποιήσω τους άλλους! (Hey! Can.. Can you get me to the nearest village? I think.. I think I saw something in the woods, I don’t think it was something normal! I have.. I have to warn the others!)” He mumbled in between sharp shoots of pain.
“Με συγχωρείς πολύ! (I’m really sorry!)” I plead with guilty eyes. I put my hand in his wound, searching for the bullet, while he was consumed by pain. I took the bullet out of the wound, and quickly attached my lips on his skin, sucking the blood as fast as I could, biting deeply unintentionally. His screams were becoming louder and louder, so I covered his mouth with my hand, while trying to shut him up or break his jaw. A few seconds later, he stopped screaming, and I let his lifeless body fall, completely numb and drained out of blood.
I felt renewed, his blood travelling to every part of my body and giving me a new kind of strength that I haven’t felt in a while. I still felt guilty for killing him, but he was already wounded and I couldn’t risk him exposing our kind to others. I assumed that whoever found him - if anyone found him - would also assume that he died of blood loss, so I tried to position him in a realistic pose for that purpose, as best as I could. I left him there, and continued the search for my parents.
I was running through the woods, trying to locate the two vampires from the guy’s memories. My mind was chaotic, I wasn’t thinking about something specific. I stopped in my tracks. What Aro taught me, and what I understood from Demetri’s tracking skills, is that you have to stop, take a breath and realize your position in the world. Then, you would be able to realize everything around you and find your targets. I have successfully found other vampires like that before, vampires who I have either met in person or smelled their scent, but I didn’t know if I could find someone through someone else’s memories of them.
I took a deep breath and tried to concentrate as best as I could, focusing on the smaller details of the guy’s memories of these vampires. I felt two vampires running on my west, about 10 kilometers away, and I ran after them. They were running fast, but I was way faster. Within a minute or two, I was running right behind their tracks. They must have realized that a stranger was following them, but, instead of running, they suddenly stopped. I stopped as well, and we were now facing each other.
The female had long, brunette, curly hair, and the male short, dark brown, straight hair; both of their hair looked shiny, healthy, and rich. They were of average height and their eyes were piercing red, as if they also fed quite recently. The female was exceptionally beautiful and enchanting; I could only compare her to Heidi’s exceptional beauty. The male looked quite stoic and austere, though still beautiful.
Both of them on defensive positions, waiting for me to attack. I wasn’t planning to move any further from my position; I was only waiting for their own reactions. I felt that kind of a burning sensation within me again, like a feeling buried deep inside me, trying to find an escape.
Suddenly, the male growled at me, flames springing out of his hands, and being thrown at me. I felt my heart fall out of my chest, fearing that this would be my end. As if my body reacted on its own, I felt my own shield extending out of my body, building a wall around me and protecting me from the male’s attack. My hands started burning and flames came out, ready to counterattack the male. The male looked at the female, dumbfounded by what he witnessed, still in a defensive position, but ready to attack again.
The male shrinked back, the female following close by. “Who are you looking for? We haven’t seen you around. Who are you? Why are you here?” The male requested. His voice serious, but smooth at the same time; a voice I could only describe as the warm earth below their bare feet.
“No, I’m not. I come from Italy, though I think I was born around here. My name is (Y/N), I’m looking for my parents. I don’t quite remember what they look like, but I’m pretty sure that they lived around here. They abandoned me when I was a baby.”
“This has been our territory for almost 3 millennials! We would have known if any humans abandoned their offspring around here!” The female exclaimed, as if she didn’t believe a word I said. I didn’t want to tell them the whole story, but I had to show them that I didn’t mean to fight in any way.
“I never said they were humans. My mother was actually sort of a vampire, like you.”
The female started letting her guards down. “What do you mean sort of? I’ve never heard of a “sort of vampire” before!” She continued doubtfully.
“Believe me or don’t, my mother was born half vampire, half human. My dad wasn’t even a vampire before she met him. He wasn’t even human to be honest.” My eyes started stinging slightly. I could have had a good, happy life if they didn’t abandon me. I wouldn’t have to grow up with Aro.
“You said you were from Italy.” I nodded at the male, as he continued. “You never said where exactly.”
I wasn’t sure if I should tell them my real origin; I wouldn’t like them to know I was a Volturi, but I knew I needed help to find my parents. If they were actually here as long as they say, they might have known or met my parents at some point.
“Volterra. I was born here, in Greece, like my mother, but grew up in Volterra with my grandparents.” I looked down, kind of scared, kind of anxious, waiting for their next move.
The female gasped. “Are you a Volturi?!” I looked at her, straight in the eyes, swallowed, and nodded. “I know the Volturi. Who are your grandparents?”
“Aro and Sulpicia.” I answered so quietly that, if they weren’t vampires, they wouldn’t have heard me, my voice trembling slightly.
The female suddenly fell on her knees, the male wrapping his arms around her, comforting her. I didn’t know what was going on. Did I say something wrong? Were they scared? The sheer mention of the Volturi would scare a lot of vampires, but I thought that maybe these two seemed strong enough to deal with them.
The female started sobbing, no tears coming out of her red eyes, her body shaking. I felt something within me break. I felt that I didn’t want to upset them, that’s why I was hesitant in telling them who I really was. The male looked at me, pain in his eyes. I saw a familiar look. I saw me in his eyes, what I looked at in my mirror anytime I was thinking about my parents, or, sometimes, when I thought of Felix.
“Are you a half witch?” The male asked quietly. Something snapped in me. How would he know that?
“I swear, I didn’t do anything to your mate! I DIDN’T!” I shouted at the male. I didn’t want him to think that I would hurt his mate, or himself.
“I know you wouldn’t. It’s just..” He looked at his mate who had stopped sobbing, but was still down on her knees, unable to stand up. “..my mate is Aro and Sulpicia Volturi’s only daughter.”
My body tensed and shivered. If that woman is the only daughter Aro and Sulpicia ever had...could that mean..?
I took a few steps back. “AM I YOUR DAUGHTER? ARE YOU MY PARENTS?” I looked at them in disbelief.
Those were the people who abandoned me! That let me grow parentless, under Aro’s rules and directions! I was breathing heavily, in between sobs. I didn’t even realize that I set my whole body ablaze, until both vampires looked at me shocked. I didn’t feel any pain, but I couldn’t stop the flames licking my body, and in my frantic state, I started panicking even more.
The male started approaching me slowly, trying to not scare me away. “Shush, shush. You’re okay. You’re doing okay. I know how it feels at first. You’re experiencing some aspects of the life as a witch. It’s okay. Close your eyes and picture the flames in your head.” I closed my eyes and tried concentrating on the flames. “Now, imagine them burning out, becoming smaller and weaker.” I focused on the flames, imagining them weakening. After a few minutes, I felt them getting smaller and smaller, and finally disappearing. I opened my eyes slowly.
The female was standing next to the male, watching me carefully. In a quick motion, she pulled me and embraced me, stroking my hair lightly. I breathed in her scent, a mix of mountain flowers and the saltiness of the sea. Her touch was soft, and filled me up with what felt like a thousand different emotions.
But, I mostly felt safe. It was the first time in my life that I actually felt this safe. And whole. I felt like I actually belonged somewhere. I hugged her back. Tears started spilling from my eyes. That was my mom! That was actually my mom! After all this time, we were finally together. I felt the male, my dad, hugging both of us, and in that moment, I felt my legs giving up on me, and I finally fell into a long sleep.
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In Her Memory. (Marcus Volturi x female!Reader)
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"What if he hates it?" You asked quietly. Athenodora paused, before turning towards you. "I've known Marcus for a very long time now." She began. "I'm more than certain that he will love it." "But what if he thinks I've ruined it? Or I'm trying to replace her?" "Sweetheart," Athenodora said gently. "remember Marcus' gift, he knows your true intentions even without his gift. As for the dress, it's a dress and if he were to react differently then he'll have me to deal with." She smiled slightly. "I'm going to go and get him now. Deep breaths. You look beautiful." 
"Athenodora, you said it was urgent. What do you need, Caius is beside himself-" Marcus began but Athenodora cut him off putting her hands on his shoulders with a soft smile. "I'm perfectly fine, brother. I asked for you since (Y/N) prepared a little surprise for you." Marcus paused. "For me?" She nodded in response. "Come! Come this way. Although..." She trailed off, moving behind Marcus and covering his eyes. "I will have to be your eyes.” Marcus cracked a small smile. "This will end badly. I sense trouble." Athenodora giggled. "I think you'll love it.” 
"Alright, the door frame is right in front of you." You heard Athenodora say. You turned to see her walking behind Marcus, shielding his eyes.  "That's quite a stretch Athenodora." You smiled and Athenodora flashed you a smile. "It's the heels, I wouldn't have been able to reach any other way." "Athenodora, do not make me-" Marcus began before he was cut off when he bumped into the door frame. "-move into something." Marcus finished as you and Athenodora giggled.  "Are you okay?" You asked. "My love, it's a door frame. I'm sure the frame is more hurt than I am." Marcus replied. Athenodora assessed the damage before lightly scoffing."It's a tiny crack." "How bad, Athenodora?" Marcus asked wearily. "About a foot long." "That is not tiny!" Marcus argued. Athenodora hushed him. "Trust me, you won't care when you see (Y/N)'s surprise." "Are they naked?" Your jaw dropped at his question. "Marcus!" Athenodora scolded lightly. "It's enough for you to conceal my vision and it has you distracted enough to have me walk into things. Not to mention, you said I'd love it. Which...speaks for itself." You caught the growing smirk on Marcus' face. "I'm not naked." You deadpanned. Marcus hummed. "Well isn't this intriguing?" "Marcus, this is serious!" "Alright, very well. I'm waiting, you have my full attention." 
You and Athenodora looked at each other, nodding once before she released her hold on him. "Okay, you can open your eyes." Slowly, he did, as though suddenly nervous. Although you were just as nervous. His eyes landed on you. 
You would have taken his breath away if he were breathing. Marcus was immediately overcome with emotion. His hands moved to cover his mouth. He hadn’t seen Didyme’s dress in so long and to see the his love wear it just as she had all those years ago. It filled him with intense joy and love. The colour stayed the same, soft purple colour, bordering pink.  “Say something.” You said softly, unable to figure out what he was feeling.  “You look so beautiful.” Marcus said behind his hand.  “You don’t hate it?” You asked lightly. Marcus shook his head. “Never, I couldn’t.” He sounded as though he was struggling to form a sentence.  “Didyme had such beautiful dresses and i thought it was only fair at least one of them got to see the light of day.” You said lightly and Marcus nodded before he finally approached, taking your hand as he looked you over once again. “Although this isn’t really my colour.” You added sheepishly. “I made some changes. To honour her but have a piece of me too. I know i could never replace her and i’d never try so this is my attempt to show that.” Marcus tilted his head at you slightly.  “Spin me.” You said quietly with a small smile.  With a smile of his own, he did. 
As you turned, the colour changed with the movement of the skirts, like waves touching the shore. The soft purple changing and mixing with the colour blue. The colours blended in well together, almost like a galaxy when the light reflected off the dress. Marcus gasped, covering his mouth once more, doubling over as emotions hit him hard. You moved to his side, noticing Athenodora had slipped out the door, giving you both privacy. Before you could say anything, he straightened and kissed you, pulling you in closer as he did so.  “I do not deserve you.” Marcus said quietly.  “I’d have to say it is I who doesn’t deserve you.” You countered. “I never tell you but you make me feel safe. I never had a safe place to land, not until you.” Marcus hummed quietly with a soft smile.  "Before you, I never thought I'd smile again. I was even okay with it." He said. "You're a fountain of good fortune, my dear. I’d be a fool to see you as anything less.” He stroked your face lovingly with his hand. “My precious, (Y/N). Where would i be without you?" You held him tighter. “Then don’t let me go.” You replied softly.  “Never.” He promised as he walked backwards, pulling you with him. “Dance with me, my love.”
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Marcus x F!Human Reader | A Tug of Fate | Wildest Dreams Taylor Swift Inspo Babble
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It was a rather bleak day, granted every day was bleak if it was Marcus' opinion. He didn't need sleep, hadn't for the last six thousand years, though the last thousand had made him want to close his eyes and not wake up.
If he had his way-- which he wouldn't thank to his blasted-- loving-- albeit pushy brothers and sisters.
Marcus was of the mind that after living as long as he did, once you lost your anchor there was no point in one even being here. And ever since she was gone. Lost to him and the world in an array of violence and diamond dust ash. He hadn't had the ability to even fathom a world without her.
And so, he had trudged, along and quiet, alone and miserable, weighted by the thousands of years of killing, betrayal, ruling, and chaos. But the one thing that had been a constant was the sweetest voice in the world calling his name.
As he stared out at Volterra from his rooms, he exhaled an unneeded breath, it was utterly bleak-- truly so. How was he supposed to keep going, for what another thousand, maybe more if humans didn't obliterate them all with their nuclear nonsense.
Marcus leaned over and placed his head in his hands staring at his feet. There it was again that incessant tug that had been happening for the last three days, pulling out his window into the city.
A chain had formed and he had no concept as to where it would lead, this phantom taunting from his own gift. Ghosts of the past, perhaps he was finally losing it.
But then as he turned his head, a flash of a sound.
A bell like laugh followed by words of humor. "Come on, you can't even look in there? Awe! It's so beautiful! Hm...seems kinda familiar..."
The voice trails off-- and the jerk of the chain is painful.
The voice had sounded so disappointed.
Marcus glared at the silence outside his windows past the gardens he and his love had built to the wall where the voice taunted him. Beckoned him, called him like a sailor to the sea to drown his misery in waters of oblivion.
With more determination than he had in a millennia he strode into his closet and got ready in a flash.
Your hand traces the walls of the gigantic palace like structure, the stone feels-- hm, it's hard to place, in fact this entire place feels just-- familiar.
You had booked a trip out of sheer randomness, flinging a dart at the board and it had landed in Italy, bringing a bigger map you had flung another dart and here you were-- Volterra.
What were the odds that this place had been in your dreams?
No one knew, none of your tour group, none of the people who jostled you along because it was time to check out the plaza and shops.
"I wonder what was in there..." you mutter softly unaware of the eyes watching you carefully till you turn and see a shadow partially covered by a walkway, sunlight carefully filtering through the greenery and terracotta roofing. "Hello?" You call smiling at the tall figure. "Hi! uh sorry I don't speak Italian but are you needing anything?"
The shadow moves back a few steps. You frown, and shrug, "well okay! Bye-bye!" you wave and prance back to your group.
Marcus had paused, you were not what he was expecting. Watching you in a sun dress with the setting twilight of Volterra glittering off your bangles and sun kissed skin.
He knew you.
But did you know him?
He followed carefully, watching as your group circled the plaza and fountain. Your head turned and caught sight of him, and you froze. Blinking quickly as if to clear your head. "Hi there!" A beaming smile crossed your face, honey eyes gleaming. Oh he knew those eyes. It was impossible to miss the specks of brown and tawny spindles of circles that would glitter with happiness.
Not your red eyes...oh no...not yet...
But did you remember.... you were not who you were...you were a new person... not weighted down by the sorrows of the past, a second chance to a clean slate of happiness....was that the Gods designs?
Had you come back?
Marcus sees you step forward, "excuse me. Do you live here?"
I thought heaven can't help me now Nothing lasts forever....
But this is gonna take me down
Your stunned. He's utterly beautiful. A tragic beauty you think, Romanesque features, tall build and so utterly still like a Sentinal posted at the gates of eternity waiting-- what was he waiting for...
The man nods, "yes, I am." His voice is pitched deep enough to rattle in your ear drums, and strike something deep in your soul. You're confused for a moment.
"Oh! how lovely, it's a beautiful city! I was about to go to a tour of the--" you pointed at a lovely lady gathering people but he is suddenly right in front of you.
"That is not a good idea, I hear the tour is quite dull."
"Awe...but it's for the Palazzo..." you pout a bit, "is it really that dull?"
He's watching you, as if trying to figure something out, "that is actually where I work, would you like a private tour?"
You smirk, "You're not a serial killer are you?"
He bows, half at the waist, a elegant-- out of time-- movement as he offers you a hand, one that engulfs your hand entirely as it closes on your fingers. "You shall be in the best care cara mia."
You realize he's freezing, and something clicks, another thought that this feels all too familiar. Those onyx eyes, the soft smile on his lips, the light lingering in his gaze as he looks straight into your soul.
I can see the end as it begins My one condition is...
Marcus has given you a tour of the entire Palazzo, hanging to keep the guard and you separated, and you away from the throne room away from the screams.
But as he comes to the garden he pauses. You're chattering away asking so many questions and tugging on his sleeve. He smiles at the happiness you have-- the bond is there, the same....the bond he had missed, but it's stronger, it's pure and it isn't weighted by the tainting of sorrow or the ever present torture of wanting to leave immortality.
He couldn't make you happy....you had been so bereft with immortality.
How were any of them to know?
But now? Marcus watched as you perused the gardens smiling at all the flowers. The setting sun sparking off auburn and black in your hair.
You glanced over your shoulder at him and smiled.
Say you'll remember me standing in a nice dress Staring at the sunset, babe Red lips and rosy cheeks Say you'll see me again Even if it's just in your wildest dreams
"Can I ask you something?" you pause and glance at him.
"As I've said you may ask me anything and I shall answer it for you."
"You're going to think I'm crazy." You watch him pause, this mysterious guardian you've acquired. "D-do...do I know you?"
He raises a brow, but you can see it, the twitch of an emotion that is barely held in check.
"I... I feel like I do...and it's odd. I've never been here, I've never met you before but I--" you swallow feeling a deep welling of pain in your heart. "I missed you...." you don't understand and you feel tears clog your throat as you instinctively reach for him.
But he's caught your hand, a desperate, ecstatic look on his face. "I don't even know your name this time...." He whispers as he presses a cold kiss to your palm.
And his voice is a familiar sound Nothing lasts forever....
but this is getting good now
"it's y/n..." you whisper.
A wide smile. "....little one....Do you remember my name?"
You pause, and the answer floats up to your lips like bubbling champagne from a uncorked bottle.
Sweet, drunken, loving, everything, nothing, the world, and the universe wrapped up in heart strings of red.
Suddenly you're embraced, a cold kiss to your lips and the empty ache that had presided your whole life in your heart--
Was suddenly gone.
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panlight · 3 years
Let's say that vampires suddenly begin aging/maturing but only mentally, post BD. How would this affect things? Bella and Edward would (theoretically) age out of their all-consuming "No one has ever loved anyone like I love you!" drama. Rose might gain perspective and grow out of her baby obsession. Immortal children could mature mentally, but then you might end up with an angry, unstable adult in a child's body ala Claudia from IWaV. What about the Volturi? Would Marcus get over Didyme?
I would hope they would grow out of the "no one loves anyone as much as I love you" teenage melodrama but part of me wonders if they are Just Like That and even with fully adult brains they'd still be one of those couples like, "you don't get it, you don't understand the depths of our love" and these other couples who have been together longer, in some cases one party waiting for the other much longer, with equally traumatic pasts are just like "okay sure guys."
This might be a better scenario for adult or near-adult vampires, because then they wouldn't be stuck with those not-quite-mature brains and thought patterns. I think it would be worse for younger vampires, because they would been more keenly aware how their body, forever a teen, didn't match their adult mind. I'm sure some of them feel something like this a little in canon; it must be frustrating for Carlisle to start over in new hospitals and everyone thinking he's this young kid who doesn't know anything. But it would be even worse to imagine someone like Jane with an adult brain and an adult understanding of the world being forever trapped looking like a 12-year-old. Like you said, it would be shades for Claudia from Interview. And not a very pleasant existence. In some ways this being 'stuck' at that mental age might be a blessing, because while time would pass your sense of yourself seems to stay somewhat static? Edward is still emotionally 17, not an 100-year-old who looks 17. As frustrated and depressed as he is, he might be even more so if he "felt" like he was an 100-year-old man rather than still having a 17-year-old brain.
I think it would make it at least possible for vampires to move on from the loss of their mates if this kind of change/growth/maturity were on the table, but I do wonder how much the lack of sleep is a factor here. They don't have a meaningful way to break up time. Days, weeks, months, it's all pretty meaningless to them because they exist in one endless 'day.' So even if passing through grief were possible, it might still be hard, because the concept of "it's been a year I need to move on with my life" doesn't exist for them in the same way it does for humans. It still feels like it just happened because there are no breaks in consciousness.
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I asked my dad how to pronounce Didymos and he gave me the Greek–accurate pronunciation (which is something like di-du-moss but the middle u does the thing where you purse your lips a whole lot) and I nearly fell over laughing because OF COURSE ASTOR WOULD INSIST PEOPLE USE THAT RIDICULOUSLY HARD PRONUNCIATION, THAT'S PROBABLY WHY HE'S ONLY REFERRED TO BY HIS SURNAME IN THE FIRST PLACE
Actually I have a lot of thoughts about Astor’s name and I shall be taking your wonderful ask as an excuse to talk about it.
Spoilers below if you haven’t caught up on hku yet, mainly dealing with the afters of the Digging In and Sinking Arc
So you might have noticed that I put a lot of emphasis on people’s “true” name. Arcadius/Larc, Assivus/Asivus/Siv, Zelda/Mallory, and much more, including the ever elusive Calamity Ganon/???, who’s true nature, and therefore name, has not been officially showcased.
My emphasis on names pretty much all started with Astor and the idea of onomancy—the magic/divination/power that comes from a true name.
Although mostly this started because I thought Astor was a really stupid first name when by all accounts I’ve only ever heard it as a last name. But I digress
For the sake of my interpretation, a “true name” is equivalent to a characters true nature, which means that a characters birth name might not necessarily be their “true” name. For example, “Link” is definitely not Larc’s true name as being a vessel es hero was never meant to be his destiny not nature.
“Mallory,” surprisingly, is more attuned to who Zelda is as a character, even though it actually means “bad luck.” While “Zelda,” in a similar fashion to “Link” is tuer to a broader idea of general greatness and destiny, the name Mallory is closely tied with her mother and her mother’s love(for ducks) and innocence and hope for her daughter. Mallorys name is a true teller of her destiny, but also a way that informs her ultimate flaw and journey—her life is full of negativity, and yet she is expected to be a powerful symbol of hope. Can she actually do that, or will she dive into something darker and deeper?
But back to Astor, as the original guy that I gave a “true name” to, I spent the most time researching it. Didymos, is the name of an asteroid. Specifically, it is the closest asteroid to earth. Insert analysis about Astor being a magical seer who’s job is to look to the stars, and yet is constantly pulled down by the haunting of earthly turmoil here.
However the name “Didymos” itself also means twin, double, or two, a reference to the fact that while the Calamity always reiterates that they “chose Asivus first,” he settled with Astor as his second choice after Siv initially refused. Didym(meaning, double) and os(meaning, to have)
Now, the name Didymos is pronounced as di-dEE-mos, the purses lips “du” like you said. This is because the prefix that gives the name its “double” meaning (ha see what I did there) is the Greek prefix, Didym—. The suffix giving the two name variants, Didymos and Didymus.
Now I actually was going to make the spelling of his name “Didymus” as it would be a direct reference to the apostle Thomas, literally known as “Doubting Thomas” and “Didymus the Blind.” In fact the original intention with Astor’s name was to allude to biblical depictions of apostles and prophets who made severe mistakes in life. I mean, I even made Astor’s middle name “Amanon,” an altered reference to a certain character in the Bible who was murdered by their half brother
However, I went with the “Didymos” spelling varient because of the importance of the Greek suffix -os. The -os is the suffix used to determine the subject of the sentence, while other suffixes such as -us depict the acting part of a sentence. (This is because Greek words did not place important on word order to get information across. The dog bit the cat, and the cat bit the dog have two different meanings. However, in Greek, those two sentences would both mean “the dog bit the cat” unless you specify the subject -os suffix for the word “cat”)
Thus I preferred to go with Didymos given that I do not see Astor as a character who goes out of their way to act, but rather arrogant in their idea of being the “subject” of the sentence, and having fate act accordingly to his fortunes.
HOWEVER, that is the analysis of his birth name, the given pronunciation of “Didymos.” It is pronounce in a rough two syllable Didy-mos and means “to have double.” His name is the cemented foreshadowing of his role as second to the Calamity, and the Calamity’s second choice of servant.
But Astor prefers the prononciation Di-die-mus, the pronouncing of the “dy” as “die” forcing the -os suffix to change to a -us. And the didym- suffix destroying the original meaning of the word. But I’m getting ahead of myself.
So obviously, Astor is embarrassed about his name, because in paper, if you see the word “Didymos” there is a very high chance you’re doing to read it like didy-mos and be calling him some very amusing nicknames including Didy, Didy-Bidy, and of course, Tiddymos, because we are mature. Thus comes the very understandable transformation into Di-dy-mos, mostly because Astor is emo and like the fact that “die” is now pronounced in his name.
But there is also a very intentional breakage if the word’s meaning with this new prononciation, as is does not follow the prefix prononciation for Didym—. This means that with this pronunciation, the “twin/double” meaning of his name no longer exists, which therefore means his tie as Ganon’s second/Siv’s copy no longer exists. In fact it literally cancels out, as both the fixes of “Di” and “Dy” mean two, but when both used in the context of one word, are then void of their identities meanings since Greek language didn’t allow for adjacent syllables to both have noun meanings, so they must cancel out.
In addition, the new prononciation of the “dy” tends to lead the tongue towards an -us suffix, rather than -os. This would then mean that Astor’s name is no longer be in sentence subject, but rather in sentence acting.
Therefore, to summarize, the entire meaning of Astor’s name is entirely dependent on its pronunciation. Unlike all the other characters, who’s fates and journées can be identified by their true name, Astor’s is a contradiction, it is two things, and you cannot be sure which it is. Yes it is alluding to his connections with Ganon, but does Astor’s personal pronouncing allude to a fate that is entirely different?
You cannot know his destiny from name alone. You cannot predict it, much like how Astor struggles with his predictions, even thought one side obviously looks more probable than the other. It’s too much of a hassle to analyze. It’s too much of a hassle to correct people’s prononciation. Its too much of a hassle to pretentiously pronounce that “dy” for you all. Just like how it’s too much stress to constantly hope for better futures when the clearest one laid out before him is most probable.
So we settle, for Astor.
And Astor settles, for the barest minimum.
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