#and this rocks and feels good because realizing and embracing your gender feels good. :)
blueaisha · 6 months
i keep thinking about making posts abt me de/retransitioning in hopes of reaching anybody that might need it but i don't really think they will and maybe thats for the best cause Tumblr is Insane and i think having even a few-hundred note post would kill me, but, for what it's worth...
the main thing that opened the door and let me be the gender i am and start to explore this was learning that... becoming cis isn't going to magically make me a raging transphobe, lol. changing my gender didn't feel like a big deal, but Becoming Cis, willingly, happily, openly, certainly did. hey, there's a word for people who become cis after being trans for quite some time! Hey, there is kind of a Loaded reputation and association for these people! and fuck, aren't i just lumping myself in with my worst enemies if i do this? if i go against what i've been defending all this time? if everything i've ever said and upheld and even introduced to others was WRONG for me????
so i realized smth i'm disappointed that i didn't learn the day, month, year i started questioning my gender back when i was like, 13: your gender is not inherently tied to any beliefs, opinions, personality traits, actions, etc. it's transphobic if you MAKE it transphobic. it WOULD be transphobic if i was saying "this is how it is for Everyone", or that "trans propaganda" Made Me like this or what the fuck ever, but, these aren't things i believe or agree with, so i don't say them, they aren't what my de/retransition is fueled by, and i'm not spreading these ideas about transness and detransition because I Can Still Vocally Be Against These Ideas Regardless Of My Gender!!!
you can be whatever you want, genderwise, beliefswise, cis or trans or something else, binary or nonbinary or something else, dysphoric or nondysphoric, having or not having this body part, this style you wear, this haircut, etc etc etc. the beliefs youve spent however long sticking to and living by aren't gonna magically fall out of your grasp if you do 'The Wrong Thing' with your gender, any opinion youre proposed with has to go through you first, and if your answer is 'no' it can just stay 'no'. you aren't transphobic for exploring your gender (quite the contrary i would say), and if anyone insists you inherently are regardless of what you do, well... prove them wrong. :P
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smokersbaby · 1 year
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Safe Place
Characters: Smoker TW: hurt/comfort, fluff, mentioning of murders Reader: gender neutral WC: +1k Author's note: I started writing this having just fluff in mind and it went in the opposite direction. I managed to add the cheesy part somehow
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That grumpy face of his, two cigars hanging from the side of his mouth and his jaw clenched almost crushing them.
It was no clue that it wasn't the best day for Smoker and you could see it in every movement he made, how his body tensed feeling your hand caressing his cheek in an attempt to make him feel better.
"Love…" you whispered, a kind expression on your face trying to not upset him more than he already was. He didn't answer. His eyes were fixed on a newspaper reporting yesterday's news, his eyebrows narrowed as to express how sad he was looking at the picture in the journal.
Your eyes looked down at what he was reading on the paper: a picture of a burned-down house, the title explaining how a pirate killed a whole family and set fire to their house after robbing it. Smoker's hands clenched on the newspaper as if this news made his heart torn.
Then you remembered. Yesterday Smoker returned home late at night after work, the sound of him kicking off his boots woke you up suddenly from your slumber. You waited 10 then 20 minutes for him to come to bed but he didn't. You got dragged back into your sleep before seeing him that night.
As you woke up this morning, Smoker had already left, another day without seeing or having a chance to talk to him. You found an empty glass with his favourite bottle of whiskey near to it and then you realized he didn't even come to bed after you fell asleep as he spent the night in the kitchen and fell asleep with his head on the table.
What happened yesterday? The answer was under your eyes as you read the newspaper. "I didn't manage to save them" he said in a murmur, the paper crumpling under his fingers. There was no need for other explanations: he managed to capture the pirate who committed the crime, but it was too late, that bastard had already killed the whole family and he couldn't do anything.
Smoker buried his face in his hands, his sorrow taking over him. It wasn't the first time a thing like that happened but he couldn't get accustomed to such tragedies.
Even if he was good at hiding his emotions from his subordinates and appearing tough as a rock, the home was the only place he let himself feel emotions without any fear of showing them to you.
You knew Smoker well and for that reason, you also knew words weren't necessary in such a delicate moment. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders from behind as he was sitting at the table, you placed your head into the crook of his neck trying to comfort him making feel your presence.
The newspaper was still in his hands, with a slow movement you took that away from his hands closing it, the image on the paper made him only feel worse so he didn't deserve to see it any longer.
That was the worst part of his duty: seeing people suffering and dying because of pirates and criminals, it was also the reason that drove him to choose such a straining job.
Smoker let out a sigh and grabbed your hands squeezing them a bit as you were hugging him from behind. He got up from his chair and stood in front of you, his strong arms wrapping your body in a warm embrace as if it was his way to thank you for being close to him even in the worst moments.
Not a single word was spoken. Your fingers slipping through his white hair put a light smile on his face, his heart being less heavy during that moment. The feeling of his big hands caressing your back made you realize how much he needed you, not only in that harsh moment but every day of his life.
He picked you up in his arms, walking towards your shared bedroom carrying you as if you were the most precious thing in his world. He let you down on the bed, and you opened up your arms to him as to say "come here".
You didn't have to tell him twice since he reached you on the soft mattress, placing his head on your chest still being careful to not squish you too much under his weight.
He hugged your waist as he laid on top of you snuggling against your chest. Seeing him like that made your heart melt, it was one of the rare time you was the one cuddling and comforting him and not the contrary.
You placed a kiss on the top of his head, the slow movement of your hands through his hair made him relax so much to get him to fall asleep.
After a few minutes, you started talking to him in a shooting tone, as if your voice could reach him in his slumber. "It wasn't your fault Smoker, I want you to know that. You saved so many lives capturing pirates and just because this time you didn't manage to stop him from committing his crimes it doesn't mean that you are not worthy. Life is unfair, we all know it. But fortunately, people like you exist and I'm so proud of you.".
A wide smile appeared on his face "That was indeed cheesy but I appreciated it, thank you my love" he whispered, answering back to you. A blush appeared on your face as you realized that he wasn't sleeping and he heard every single word of yours.
You sighed pretending to be annoyed by his behaviour, but you couldn't hold a grudge against him as he was watching you with such an innocent stare that made your heart melt.
A smile spread on your face, you leaned forward to kiss him while him still laying on your chest to snuggle. "I love you" he murmured against your lips, caressing your cheeks and showing you how much you meant to him.
He fell asleep on you, for real this time, knowing he had a person who truly cared and appreciated him just as he was.
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happilychaengs · 1 year
Can you imagine where mina and the reader are dating.  Mina calls the girls to sleep.  reader goes to bed early so girls can v-live.  the reader wakes up thirsty and everyone on v-live tells mina that they saw the mysterious reader.  When this occurs, the reader calls mina because she can't find the soda she left in the fridge.  People start asking questions and decide to just add the reader to the V-live and mina and the reader cuddle while the members go live with cuteness and kisses and later the reader, mina and the members go to watch a movie together so the reader and mina end up sleeping together ❤️❤️.
'My Little Ghost'
a/n: my brain is out of commision. sorry if this isn't exactly what you had in mind since my writing is 📉 
word count: 575
mina x gender neutral reader
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Your head rocked back and forth as your eyelids began to close, your body feeling heavy. Mina smiles at you, knowing the feeling all too well, before quietly telling you to go to bed before her. You mumbled something as you stood up, wobbling over to your shared room.
Mina mindlessly stares at Jihyo fumbling with her phone and setting it down; Sana and Momo played rock paper scissors on the couch.
"Hi, Once! How are you all doing?" Jihyo smiles as she stares at the phone on the floor, reading all the comments.
"Why are we doing a v-live so late?" Jihyo ponders the thought for a short while, "Well... we just wanted to hear from Once, right?" Nayeon pops up from behind her as she nods, "Mhm!"
Jihyo props up the phone, capturing all the girls into frame as they all wave. She continues reading the comments aloud as she purses her lips, "Nayeon, will we see your solo song during the concert?"
Nayeon smirks as she sticks out her fingers, pointing at the screen, playfully shrugging her shoulders, "Who knows? Maybe or maybe not? You just have to go to find out!"
Jihyo nods slightly as she continues staring at the phone, "Okay... let's see..." Her brows furrow, "What's all this talk about a ghost in our dorm? There's no ghost walking behind us. Once, that's not funny... Some of us are very scared of gho-"
The girls shrieked as they hear a voice boom throughout the dorm, "Mina!" Sana jumps up from the couch and almost slips, quickly realizing it was you, "Where's the soda I left in the fridge?"
Mina giggles, "It's near the bottom!"
Jihyo's chest heaves, her hand above her heart as she tries breathing normally, "That was... embarassing." She quickly hands the phone to someone else as Nayeon reads one of the questions, "Who was that? Let's find out then. We should call them over!"
Nayeon calls out to you from across the room, urging you to come over here. "Y/N! Come joins us!" The rest of the girls quickly recover from the little scare as they join along, cheering you to come over as you rolled your eyes, the soda can in your hands as you sat beside Mina on the floor.
Sana playfully puts her hand up to your mouth, mimicking a microphone, "How does it feel to be called a ghost, Y/N?"
"And how does it feel to be dating a ghost, Mina?"
She doesn't say much words but instead, she plants a quick kiss on your cheek, wrapping her arms around you. "My little ghost."
The rest of the girls make sounds of disgust, Nayeon trying to retch out her guts as Jihyo nabs the phone from her hands. "Sorry, Once. We feel too sick after that to continue the live. Have a good night."
The girls quickly say their goodbyes as they poke fun at the both of you for what seemed like hours.
A movie plays on in the background as Mina laid countless soft kisses across the base of your neck in the corner of the room, her warm embrace enough to make you drowsy again.
While everyone else was enraptured with the movie, your eyes feel heavier and heavier as your head rested on Mina's, your legs wrapped around hers under the covers. You hear her soft voice as she nuzzles closer into you, "Good night."
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darling-answers · 8 months
may I request platonic headcanons for Hanzo, Genji, Mei, and Symmetra being friends with a gn! reader who has Chlorokinesis? 🌿🌺
please, and thank you
Of Course thank you! For requesting I appreciate it! Honestly I had to look up what Chlorokinesis is cause.. I wasn’t very sure but what I found was it a power of like controlling nature like Rocks, Forest, Basic nature stuff so I will definitely base this more off of Like Earthy stuff because it may fit better for me! so I will try to make it gender neutral as much as possible but If I ever use any female or Male pronouns please tell me so I may fix them!
Also these HeadCannons are short cause I’m not fully sure on the powers and I try not to make it to Uncanon.
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“ なぜ私にパワーのことを教えてくれなかったの?” ( What…. why didn’t you tell me about your Powers..?”)
That the First thing that comes out of Hanzo Mouth, his eyes are widen in shock as he just impressively stares at the Vines you Produce to trap the Assassin who came to try to kill You and Hanzo. Hanzo tried protecting you and getting you out of harms way but that another shock that came through when you just stubbornly pulled away and trap the vines around the Assassin.
Hanzo casually come up and poke at the Vines for a minute before turning back at you and raising an eyebrow giving you a small “ You Serious?” Look as you nervously let out a giggle, “ what was I supposed to do? Let him try and kill us with a gun to the head?” You let out a huff which made Hanzo give you a more wild crazy look. He let out a sigh not surprise of your antics as he rubbed the back of his head and looked over at The Assassin who laid on the floor dizzy and unconscious. “ Next time you show off your powers make sure to tell me first.” Hanzo said while giving an appreciative Nod. “ you are amazing….” He mumbled in a silent voice seeing you Sit there.
Eating the lovely sandwich he had prepared for you while you weren’t even paying attention anymore to the assassins.
~~~~~~~~~~~| Voice lines in Game|~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hanzo: “ Seeing you with your powers Made me realize that My Powers should be used for good.”
You: “ Well why didn’t you just thought about that in the first place! You make your own decisions on how to respond to situations!”
Hanzo: “ Seeing you with your powers Made me realize that My Powers should be used for good.”
You: “ If it makes you feel better, Life always isn’t the greatest as showing us which path we should take, so Walk on the path you decide, don’t let others choose for you.. Okay?”
Hanzo: “You should stop Taking over the Overwatch base with Flowers and Vines… sometimes I can’t even find my Bow the One that gives me strength:”
You: “ But I thought you like my flowers and Vines :D you ask me to make you a flower crown for genji to help commemorate your relationship!”
Hanzo: “…. Don’t mention that to anyone…..”
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He already knew about your Special powers, There were multiple times on a mission where he couldn’t find you only to realize your sitting right next to him camouflage because leaves and flower had come up to protect you in there nature embrace. There were a lot of embarrassing times he had come to you to ask you to make a flower bouquet for His Special someone. He always made sure to thank you so much about it while you were in his presence or went out on a mission with him.
Every time you went outside he would see you grow vegetables and Seeds for animals which made his art Melt. He started being very overprotective of you and when you grew frustrated he also became frustrated. You were like his best friend! You didn’t deserve to be dealing with that especially when you’re the most kindest person known to man kind. As your power grew stronger and more uncontrollable he introduced you to Zenyatta.
He asked Zenyatta to help with controlling your nature powers so that you don’t looks control over them or yourself.
~~~~~| Voicelines in Game|~~~~~~~~~~~~
Genji: “ I wonder… do you ever make… Sushi Rolls?”
You: “ Why are you asking? You want some..?”
Genji: “ Never..mind.”
Genji: “ it is hard not admiring how useful your power can be.”
You: “ sometimes it hard getting a grasp on how Different powers are to be used but I try my best.”
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“ are you alright?!? Please don’t tell me that you’re injured.” She would first rushed over and check for any injuries Worried itch onto her face, until she realize your the one who did that cool power not the enemy. She already froze the enemy in an iceberg as she checked on you when she looked at how pretty the vines was she gasp and admired the Beauty of them.
“ Snowball! Look these vines, these flowers! There so beautiful, look how special this is.” She would gasp as she spins with snowball in her hand. “ this is incredible absolutely magnificent Why didn’t you tell me?!?”
She would be definitely so excited about discovering power gasping and begging you to do more! If you look uncomfortable she would definitely stop and apologize to you multiple times as she secretly keeps admiring your power.
When you guys are at Overwatch base you guys would start doing experiments with her cyro and Your nature, to see how you guys could make more effective damages to enemies without harming them as much.
She very excited to have another friend on base it gets incredibly lonely when everyone else is busy so being able to interact and have another friend makes up her old friends who she misses.
~~~~~~~~~~~~| Voicelines in Game|~~~~~~~~~~~
Mei: “ I wonder in the winter when the flowers get frost over.. is there anyway you can bring them back to life.”
You: “ I never tried.. we could do an experiment over at our sleepover with my power if you want to? Let just hope the incident last time doesn’t happen again.”
Mei: “ are you alright? Your powers seem exhausting and you shouldn’t be force to do such a heavy duty.”
You: “ I’m alright! I’m taking care of myself and my dehydration is not as bad I promise!”
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“ your powers are very interesting, they could be use to make more advance breakthrough and important developments in Technology and Society, why have you not seem to improve on your Skills. They are very important and could be use for the greater good of science?”
She very much appreciated your presence and how much you have changed her life in a more interesting way. Your the first person she actually seems to be able to understand her point of view and you always seem to show her your intelligence in a different manner then she ever understood.
Symmetra is all about perfection but you balance her out perfectly. You make her a knowledge that while she may not be able to always be perfect and that okay! She slowly starts letting her barrier ( literally.) down and letting others into her life, the people who may have disperse from her life long ago aren’t like that, she found her family the place where she can be herself.
She is much grateful for that and sometimes out of the blue when she feels emotional she just comes to hug you when she finds you and thank you for all you have done for her. Even if you don’t think it much it a lot for her.
~~~~~~~~~~~~| Voicelines in Game.|~~~~~~~~~~~
Symmetra: “ I do not understand why you do not get frustrated of your mistakes you make.”
You: “ if you never makes mistakes you will never learn something new :D”
Symmetra: “ Your technology advancement with your nature is very interesting and progress on you being able to protect yourself against enemies is admirable.”
You: “ Thank you..? I just try my best!”
This honestly took a long time because of motivation and the fact that I didn’t fully understand the concept even when I researched about it so I’m sorry if it doesn’t live to your expectations :(
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curtainhideout01 · 1 year
The Everlasting Affection between Sisters
The relationship between sisters is based on mixed gestures of love, hate, fun, etc. As the sister’s relationship comes with a lot of drama, arguments, and frustrations, but it’s the love between the sisters which wins over every negative situation in life.
Your sister can drive you crazy and you might have to settle with her in your teens. But as time passes by, you two grow and mature. And then start to realize that it’s wonderful to have sister as a sibling in your life. Whether she is a little or big sister.
Thus, the relationship between two sisters changes and evolves over time.
Here’s the list of factors that keep the sister-sister relationship alive.
1. Sisters Discuss Love & Relationships–
Talking about romance or failed relationship with your sister is comforting.
A sister is smart enough to guide you with dating and relationships because she belongs to your generation. Additionally, she can easily put her feet in your shoes to understand you better.  
You can vent about your relationship and expect guidance from her. A sister has got your back and she supports you. Whereas she also shares her experiences in love relationships.
2. Sisters are Chatterbox–
Sisters build bond by talking to each other
Being good listeners, sisters reduce each other’s worries and anxieties in life.
Sisters understand each other emotionally because they belong to the same gender. Thus, sisters help in combating the tough situations of life. Whether it’s about boosting her confidence or uplifting her morale.
3. Sisters Share & Care–
Sisters don’t share the room, dress, or books only rather they share their life.
From sharing the same room to toys and clothes, sisters share the same closet. Thus, you are never short of accessories or dresses. While having your sister by your bedside is relaxing and easing.
Nonetheless, sisters fight for clothes, shoes, and jewelry as adolescents or in youth but in adulthood, they become each other’s confidants.
4. Sisters Protect Each Other–
Fixing each other’s mess is the primary job of sisters.
An elder sister is like a mother who takes care of her younger sister sibling-like daughter.
A sister is not less than a brother. She is a protector. She is your partner in crime and saves you from the horrifying scolding of your parents.
Being a bigger sister, you would hate to see your sister in misery. And as a little sister, you stand as a rock pillar to protect her.
5. Sisters are Closely Connected–
Sisters know each other in and out.
A sister knows your fears, the stories of childhood. She knows your favorite song, actor, or singer, hobbies, dislikes, and whatnot. Moreover, a sister knows about your weakness. So, they get the benefit to pull each other’s legs.
Moreover, a sister supports you in having the career of your choice.
6. Sisters are Good Companions–
If you are feeling lonely and unloved. You shouldn’t worry as sisters are good companions.
She will always be by your side with embraced love and affection. She can read your mind from your emotions and gestures because she has seen you growing up.
While, sisters are outstanding shopping partners as they can go around malls and shopping complexes for the whole day tirelessly.
7. Sisters Stay Together–
If you have a sister sibling, you must have had the matching outfit picture.
The two sisters can be seen together often and are assured of having the same character traits. But that’s not true. As the two sisters are different personalities yet closer to each other.
Sometimes, sisters have similar body features and they can be easily recognized. Meanwhile, the comparison between the two sisters is obvious as they stay together.
Howsoever, sisters love to do things together, like cooking, shopping, and dressing up.
Cherish the Sisterhood with Pride
Having a sister means you can laugh together.
Having a sister is, having a best friend for life. If you have a younger or elder sister, you won’t miss having a best friend in your life. Because she becomes your trusted friend.
Howsoever, you miss having a sister if you don’t have a sibling or if you have a brother sibling.
So, how is your bonding with your sister? Share your experiences below in the comment section.
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ready-to-obeyme · 4 years
[OM!] Demon Brothers panic-buy MC a last-minute birthday present
Prompt: You drop the fact that your birthday is in a few days, much to the demon brothers’ surprise. They don’t have a gift for you prepared-- panic ensues.
Note: gender neutral; :) i just like seeing them get flustered
“Ah, your birthday? Of course I knew. You thought I didn’t?”
He didn’t know-- not until you told him just then a mere DAYS before your birthday
Internally panicking but he will NOT have you know that he missed this rather important detail
Casually asks you in the next few days if you’re free to go out with him because “he wants to spend more time with you--” which he DOES but he has ulterior motives such as hoping you’d point out something you like when you go out so he can gift it to you
Will watch your movement and gestures like a hawk trying to gauge what sort of present you would want from him
Money isn’t really a concern of him; he just wants to make sure that his gift is something you actually want and is thoughtful enough
If he’s unlucky and you are in fact NOT free in the few days leading up to your birthday, he paces a lot in his room, trying to remember if there was something you mentioned from a past conversation because he has too much pride asking you what you would want for your birthday
...but eventually caves in and asks his other brothers (probably Asmo or Beel) what they think you would like because his love for you >>> his pride
He has seared your birthdate into his mind now because he’d rather not have a repeat of whatever happened this year
“Your birthday? Hahaha of COURSE I knew your birthday was in a few days… IN A FEW DAYS--?!”
He blurts this out but you tell him it’s fine but he won’t have it
He’ll try to cover it up, pretending he knew, but he sucks at lying and the fact he suspiciously walks out of your room to find a quick job listing to get enough money for a present is telling enough
First ideas most likely include rummaging in his room for anything valuable or shiny that you could possibly want
Considers giving you his car for a second in his panic but realizes you’d probably freak out at the extremely extravagant present
Will definitely try to snoop in his brothers’ rooms in search of things and collectively tells them (and makes them panic) about your birthday as well
Eventually sucks it up and works at Hell’s Kitchen, literally diving underneath counters and tables to avoid having you see him working
Terrible at making excuses to you about where he is so you probably know he’s working, and he feels bad that he has to avoid hanging out with you-- but he loves you and this is for you, after all, so he bears it
Buys you something he finds value in and thinks would like nice if you wore it; after all, the Avatar of Greed wants the best he can afford for you
You tell him your birthday is coming up soon while he’s playing something and the only thing he says first is “oh nice”
Then he realizes
He died on the screen, which you point out, but his eyes are wide and a little pleading
Asks you directly what you want for your birthday and he will literally search it up for you on Akuzon right there and then (it’s wild seeing online shopping on several screens)
“How about this one? Wait, no-- that’s terrible quality and the reviews are horrible; let’s check out this one.”
Makes you tell him everything you could have possibly wanted in the past few months so he can compile a list of things he can search up and select from
If he’s manic for the next few days, know that he hasn’t been gaming (has not since you dropped this very important detail) but has been vigorously searching up all the online shopping sites he can find to get the things you wanted down to its detail and quality
Definitely enlists his online friends for recommendations, but regardless will buy you matching gaming headset on top of whatever you wanted because he wants you to know you’re his Player 2, even if you don’t game
All the presents come on the same day (Mammon grumbles that it’s blocking the walkway) and he shoos you away as he carts everything up to his room to wrap it
Wishes he had more time to make you a present instead of buying something but hey there’s always next year
“O-Oh. Your birthday is in a few days, huh?”
Satan stares at you for a few moments too long as if he wants to say something but decides against it and gives you a benign conversation starter like “You must be excited for another year done”
Inwardly, he’s trying to calculate in his head when he has time to research for things you want, if going on a cat cafe date is too indulgent to be a gift to you, if he should just ask you what you want for a present-- all while holding a conversation with you
Not a great conversation, mind you-- you can tell he’s a little preoccupied, but you’re more worried about how his sentences trail than anything
Pops up randomly in the next few days in your room just to chat, looks around your room, and then leaves again (like a cat)
He’s trying to find a present that you’d want to use-- something practical-- but also something you’d also enjoy having (he’s setting up high standards, but he wants his gift to be good enough for you)
Low-key stressing a lot over this that he’s a little distracted at all times
Ends up combining all his gift ideas by setting up a date for you to spend some quality time with him AND buy your gift when the two of you are together AND has a gift ready for you just in case nothing catches your fancy on your date (he is anything if not prepared for all scenarios)
The gift he gets you is something he’d think you’d enjoy or reminded him of you (and hopes for the best)
Asmo is almost offended that you didn’t tell him about your birthday-- how is he supposed to set up a extravagant birth week celebration if your birthday is in a few days?
But no matter-- he’s not that discouraged and is determined to rock your socks off with a present anyways, even though he would have definitely had your birthday celebration as a tag for the entire month if he had the time (now it’s only a week-long trending tag, but he’ll make do)
Will definitely coyly offer up himself as a present (and if you say yes, he will be at your mercy) but thinks he has more creativity that than to make you special day great
Takes you on a shopping spree where he dresses you up in the fanciest of clothes and things that you have always adored and refuses to let up until you let him buy you a gift
On the day of your birthday, he offers up his room as an entire spa day-- pedicure, manicure, whatever-cure you would ever want! Massage, face mask, bubble bath-- if there’s anything that can let him show how much he appreciates you, then tell him! He is at your mercy today!
Takes you out on a spin in town, buying you drinks and dancing with you at clubs if that’s what you want; but the night is yours, hun!
You tell him when he’s eating something and his face morphs from surprised, delight, to sadness
“I… didn’t get you a present yet…”
You reassure him that it’s completely okay, but you know your words aren’t working because he still has that forlorn expression that reminds you of a kicked puppy
Asks you directly what you would want and if you tell him he’d be more than happy to get whatever it is you requested, even if it’s a physical gift or if you want to spend the entire day with him
It is your birthday and he already feels bad for not being able to really prepare for it properly, so he’ll do anything he can to make you happy
If you don’t tell him what you want, you better be strong enough to resist looking into his eyes to not cave into just telling what you want
Eventually settles on giving you something thoughtful and quickly hand-made-- like a set of coupons that say things such as ‘I will do your chores for a week’ or ‘I will make you dinner’
The coupon book has a lot of food-related things than anything, but you know his love language is basically food-- he loves you lots, okay?
Other than that, he’s super indulgent to you on your birthday. You want a lift? No problem. You want him to carry you bridal style to school? Sure, he can’t see why not!
“Wait, seriously? You waited until NOW to let me know?”
Kind of annoyed about the fact you dropped this detail on him now and decides to immediately punish you by trapping you in his embrace in a forced snuggle even while you laugh (so honestly, you have no regrets)
Tells you he’s not getting you a present
He’s getting you a present though, regardless of what he says, but now he has the element of surprise on his side (assuming you believe that he’s not getting you something)
Hangs out with you per usual in the next few days, paying more attention to what you would want in a present and asking low-key questions about possible gift ideas-- he’s real sneaky about it, so you honestly won’t pick up on it at all
Goes out of his way to help you study and help you out because it is your birthday, after all, and he’s pretending like he didn’t get you a present
Probably casually drops off a gift at your desk on your birthday, and if you’re surprised, he’s a little smug-- but if you’re not, he’ll be a little embarrassed but will tell you to just ‘open the present already’
Gift is most likely to be something that he’s noticed that you have continually needed but never had the thought or time to get-- just to make your life a little easier
Tells you to go nap with him as compensation for the work he’s done trying to think up of a gift for you
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overtimers · 3 years
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so i’m of the opinion that nanami can sub under the right circumstances so have some content with him getting soft dommed and loved on. enjoy <3
reader: gender neutral rating: explicit word count: 1,301
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♡  it’s not that he can’t be in charge in the bedroom, or that he doesn’t like it. on the contrary, there are times when he’s too wound up to do anything else
♡  but to claim that he doesn’t have a submissive bone in his body would be false. even if most people assume that’s the case
♡  he knows he can be a wet blanket sometimes, dour or stoic or seen as a hard-ass. but with the same languid joviality that you give to your kisses, you press him back against the sofa in your apartment and whisper you’ll take care of him
♡  poor nanami doesn’t stand a chance. he makes a soft sound that could definitely be a choked-on sigh and you’re already removing his glasses. his chest aches when you kiss the bridge of his nose, he tries to lean forward
♡  but your chests can’t press any tighter together, he realizes. and your fingers in his hair brush and tug his head back to keep him from trying. you look at his face, at his dilating pupils and his slightly open mouth
♡  you call him needy and he shivers, but it isn’t cruelly meant. he likes that you can see when he has needs, and want to meet with so much energy and desire. you want to please him by taking him apart piece by piece. nanami considers that you are the only person in the world who is allowed to find out how he works
♡  when you ask for explicit consent, the wordplay makes him groan and drop his head on your shoulder. you tug him back by the hair and the exasperation in his voice leaves so quickly
♡  he has unexpectedly deep moans and is more vocal than you might think. he mostly grumbles your name and tells you not to tease him, but it happily goes disregarded
♡  nanami doesn’t actually want you to go easy on him. he wants you to tease and deny him for as long as you like. he wants to make you happy when he gives in to the way you make him feel
♡  you use his tie as a lead, guiding him from to wherever you want to have him. he likes your spontaneity, in contrast with his own tendency to take you on the bed when he’s being dominant
♡   but you like to fuck all over the apartment. dining chairs, on counters, against walls. the  whole space is yours to use and he is to be used. it sounds like heaven
♡   he doesn’t try to pull away or change your mind. he delights in wherever you decide, embracing the thrill of surprise and of not having to choose. but his favourite spot is when you stay right on the couch, and only move to pull him into your lap
♡   you keep him under control with his tie wrapped around your fist. he can see you when you’re this close, having to lean in a little because any sort of distance just will not do. nanami presses your forehead against his
♡   he cups your face and you let him kiss you, trying his best to please while you distract him with your hands. he turns bright red when you tell him he’s easily distracted, even if it’s true
♡   you grab at his chest over his dress shirt, squeezing his pecs and abs. he doesn’t know if he’s always been this sensitive or if it’s just the thrill of you touching him that makes it so. but he struggles to stay on task when you push your fingers underneath his shirt
♡   you don’t even try to unbutton anything, you just force the fabric to ride up while you press and stroke and feel his skin. he’s been hard since you sat him in your lap, but his cock throbs incessantly with each brush of your hand
♡   he thinks about you ripping his shirt open, buttons going flying and ruining it completely. nanami knows if you were to actually do it he’d be annoyed in the afterglow, but all the thought does in the moment is make him twitch in anticipation
♡   he’s lanky and awkward with intimacy, trying to push himself up on his knees so his bodyweight doesn’t hurt you. you seem to know when he’s about to do foolishness, one hand reaching to grab him by the tie and tug him back down so he’s pressed against you again
♡   when you tease him for the obvious bulge in his trousers, it’s almost a relief. at least you’re not ignoring it like last time, waiting until his patience wore so thin that he needed to remind you himself
♡   but it was hot when that happened, he admits to himself. still, nothing quite compares to you palming the front of his pants without him needing to beg first. he rocks a little back against your palm, which only prompts more teasing
♡   but he just can’t keep his hips still. nanami grunts when you take your hand away, moving instead to unbutton his shirt. he likes when your skin is against his, absolutely, but he thought you weren’t going to make this an endurance test
♡   his face is a blushy mess, he revels in feeling a little powerless more than you might think when you tug on his tie again and say that if he wants to come then he can start grinding on you
♡   he knows this pretty well, though and while you wouldn’t describe him as eager to do as ordered-- he wraps his arm around you and gets to work
♡   your hands return to his chest, pinching and rolling his nipples which makes him grunt in surprise. he likes it more than he thought, which you counted on. you always know how best to please him
♡   it’s easy to rile him up, especially when you’re kind and move one hand down to cup his bulge so he has something to rut against. he sighs and drops his cheek to your shoulder, and your other hand immediately rises to his hair
♡   he likes that best of all, slowly working his hips against yours while you brush his hair back from his forehead. it’s as calming as it is arousing, a welcome reprieve from the weight of the world on his shoulders
♡   nanami likes it when you talk to him. you warble praise and sweet words without really thinking and it coaxes him into relaxing. he wants to exist, even for just a little while, as nothing more than the kind names you call him
♡   he wants to be good, needy, precious and anything else you can come up with. he can hear the smile in your voice as he grunts that he’s going to come. and he revels in the way you remind him that you haven’t even touched him yet, at least not really
♡   you don’t stop him, as you do on occasion when you’re really testing his stamina. he’s grateful for that, so much so that he doesn’t mind when you squeeze and palm him until he comes in his trousers
♡   he slumps down on top of you, his arms thrown around your neck and his chest heaving. all the while, your fingers brush through his hair. after a few minutes of pause, they form a fist and carefully pull his head back
♡   you kiss him, and he melts into the embrace. if you didn’t know any better, you’d say he thanks you for the attention. but it’s hard to tell when he’s still gasping for air.
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justsassysworld · 3 years
Till I Can't Remember My Own Name
Strss has building and building for our dear reader, luckily, they have a very enthusiastic ghost who's more than happy to help relieve some of that tension.
Beetlejuice x reader
Gender neutral reader, rough kisses, bondage, tentacle action, hair pulling, spanking, maybe over stimulation
The door slams behind you as you storm into your home. It's not that your day was particularly bad, but it was another straw closer to breaking the camel's back. Throwing your crap onto the couch, you stomp towards your kitchen, not really knowing what your looking for.
A soft pop is your only warning before a pair of familiar arms wrap around your waist.
"Hey, sweets! How's you doing?" he purrs in your ear. You sink back into him, and lost in his embrace, you realise exactly what you need.
Spinning in his arms, you wrap your hand around his tie. You drag him close, barely an inch separating your lips. "I need you."
A excited grin splits his face, and before he can get out a smart remark you draw him in and pour all your passion into a searing kiss. His response is immediate, arms wrapping around you, one hand in your hair, the other on your ass. You pull back slightly, needing him to understand. "I want you to take me to bed and fucking rail in until I can't even remember my own name."
His hair is glowing pink as he throws you over his shoulder and rushes to your bedroom. He tosses you onto the bed, both of your clothes dissappearing in the brief moments you're air born.
Before your back can come back up off the mattress, he's there. Lightning quick tentacles whip out, wrapping around all of your limbs, restraining you. Your ankles are pulled up and out, leaving you thuroughly exposed. More twisting limbs slither across your torso, two stopping to play with your nipples.
A low moan escapes your throat, but before you can beg for more, a new appendage finds your mouth, slowly probing. Whining, you suckle on the tip.
A light touch fathers against your inner thigh, drawing your attention. Claw tipped fingers drag across the creases between your thighs and crotch. Your back tries to bow, but held as you are, you can't go far.
"Alright, babes," Beetlejuice growls, rising up to hover over you, face to face. "Before I give you what you asked, you gotta be real sure. You're gonna moan for me, once, and I'll go nice and slow, taking my time. Twice, and I'll absolutely wreck you, I'll pound you like nobody's ever done before." His eyes gleam as he stares into yours, hunting for your intent. "Well, sexy? What's it gonna be?"
Not hesitating for even a second, you let out two moans, reminding yourself to ask for the first option in the future.
The tentacle in your mouth pulls back, quickly replaced by Bj's tongue. It's a short kiss, a claiming kiss. When he moves back down, your mouth is once again filled.
Emptying your mind, you force yourself to let go of everything outside of the pleasure that's just starting to build.
Caught off guard, you let off a startled scream when the heat of his mouth suddenly surrounds you. His hands clamp down on your hips, keeping you in place.
It's hard for you to focus on any one thing. Between the tentacle in your mouth, the two others tormenting your nipples, and his mouth, he's already got you out of your mind. And you know this is just the foreplay.
His tongue starts to probe, hand taking over where he had been. You realize this isn't for your pleasure, but that he's prepairing you, getting you nice and slick for what's coming next.
The limbs holding you tense slightly before you're flipped over, knees bent, ass up, hips held in his hands. Your arms are secured in front of you as you feel his hands glide down your back, claws occasionally catching. You flex your jaw when the tentacle is removed.
He folds his body over you, teasing you, his cock rubbing against you. "You sure you want this, babes?" he purrs against your ear. "If you say yes, you ain't gonna be able to walk straight for at least a week."
Waiting for your answer, his teeth and tongue tease your neck and ear, while his evil fingers pinch and play at your nipples. Unable to do much more, you nod your head vehemently.
Obviously, that isn't good enough, because all you get is a quick smack on the ass, and a condiscending, "Uh, uh, uh, you can do better than that. Give me the words."
"Please," you whine, rocking against him as much as you can. "Fucking fuck me already!"
A satisfied chuckle is your only warning before he slams into you. As he leans back to get better leverage, your mouth is once again filled. His hips start to piston with inhuman speed, his claws digging into your hip. You hear him mumbling and groaning behind you, but you really only understand every few words.
Your mind starts to go blank as he pounds into you, but then you feel something slide down your hip and start stimulating you. A muffled whine is your immediate response.
The more he teases, and the faster he thrusts, the closer you get to cumming. but somethings missing.
A sharp slap makes you moan. The next has you trying to rub your thighs together. One more, combined with a targeted thrust and careful stroke, has you crying out, both into the room and in extacy.
Suddenly, there's one hand in your hair, one wraps around waist, and you're pulled up, back plastered to his chest.
Beetlejuice positions you carefully. Legs on either side of his, arms pinned to your sides, fingers replace the tentacle in your mouth. He's got a couple hands on your hips, two more tweek your nipples, and another rests on your throat, a gentle reminder of his control.
He starts to really slam into you, not giving you a chance to calm down, to let the orgasm ebb. Instead, he's amping you back up, and you know your next climax will be earth shattering.
Teeth barely graze your neck, letting you know exactly what's coming next. There's nothing to muffle the soul searing sound that escapes you when he clamps down, right where your shoulder and neck meet. His shout is mostly contained by your flesh as he slams into you two-make that three- times more.
You feel his cum filling you as you melt back against him. A contented sigh eeks out when you find yourself laying across his chest, muscles like jelly and mind completely wiped.
"Sooooo," he starts, pulling you in tight. "What was your name again?"
Giggling, you press a kiss against his chest before angling your face up. "You'll have to tell me. You fucked me silly."
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writing-in-april · 3 years
Made to Match
Frankie Morales x Gender Neutral Reader
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Summary: Reader can’t stop stealing Frankie’s hat.
A/N: Hey everyone- this is my sixteenth fic for my 30 fics in 30 days for April!!!! This is just a very fluffy sweet little fic I wrote for Frankie 😌 Side note- I wanted to thank everyone for being so kind after my last post ranting about my emotional breakdown today, thank you- so much it means a lot. Feel free to leave me an anon about anything here- I love hearing from people about anything (I promise I don’t bite lol) Thanks for reading and hope y’all enjoy!
Warnings: Frankie gets a little frisky by gettinbf close to grabbing Reader’s ass & one or two swear words
Main Masterlist Word Count: 1.5k
“You can’t keep stealing my hat!” Frankie shouted at you as you ran away from him with his hat perched on your head. All you did was giggle and scurry away faster.
You ran into your shared bedroom, looking around frantically for a quick place to hide. Realistically you knew Frankie would find you in a heartbeat, he had been trained to track stealthier people throughout his career. You were definitely no challenge considering you couldn’t even keep your mouth shut and stop laughing.
It was funny to see him pretend to get mad each time you’d pluck it off of his head, even though the look in his eyes showed how much he liked it.
The quickest place to hide was in the closet you both shared, choosing to hide in between both of your racks of hanging clothes. You posited that he might not check here, both of you preferred wearing the more casual clothes folded neatly in the dresser. The only thing Frankie regularly wore that was in here was a few of his nice flannels that he didn’t want getting creases in. He was never in here, so he wouldn’t think to check here
It was quiet, definitely too quiet. You bit your lip while holding your breath, afraid that he might somehow hear you. The silence was tense, your mind over analyzing every small noise you heard.
A small creak from the floorboards made you tense up even more, you were sure Frankie was close. That was soon after confirmed to you by a loud shout to scare you out of your hiding place, “Boo!”
Even though you had known he was close you still couldn’t help but let out a short scream, adrenaline now coursing through your veins as a result of being startled. Your shout dissolved back into laughter that infected the room once your mind fully processed that it was only Frankie. He pulled you out from the rack with a gentle grip on your wrist, starting to tickle your sides as soon as you emerged. The sounds of each other's laughter were addicting to both you and Frankie. You did have to eventually beg when tears came to your eyes, “I yield! You can have your hat back!”
He popped it off your head, plopping it back down where it belonged on his head. You draw your lips into the biggest pout you could manage, though you weren’t actually upset of course. It was fun to pull Frankie’s leg even if he knew you were pretending right off the bat.
“But- I look the best in it.” Frankie’s look on his face told you that your fake pout and dramatic words weren't swaying him at all.
“I don’t disagree with you. But, it’s still mine,” He teased, “Besides, mine is too big on you, you need one that fits better.”
Frankie’s passing comment about getting you a baseball cap for yourself hadn’t stuck with you for very long, certainly not 2 months after. You had stolen his hat many times since then, it was too fun not too.
It was the furthest thing from your mind as you filled out some meaningless paperwork at your kitchen table. You were getting bored to tears, filling in blanks that basically just repeated the same information over and over again until you reached the end. You audibly sighed in relief when Frankie came in through the front door, back from work for the evening.
He set down his truck keys on the kitchen table, carefully avoiding revealing something he obviously was holding behind his back. He hadn’t said anything to you yet besides a simple greeting and telling you he missed you. Instead, deciding to stand, patiently waiting for you to finish what you were doing.
“What are you doing?” You questioned not bothering to finish the paperwork for now, standing up as he rocked back on his heels .
“I- Umm have something for you…” He pushed a package in your hand that he had been hiding behind his back after his admission. When he handed you his pocket knife to open the package you tore into it, carefully of course, in case it was something fragile. In the box held a hat, one that looked suspiciously similar to the one sat on his head. You pulled it out of the box, inspecting it in your hands, realizing it was an exact match for his.
“You got this for me?” You squeaked and he nodded in return, while you flipped it over in your hands, looking at every inch. It had a similar patch on the front that had the same ‘Standard Heating & Oil’ on the front. At first looking at it you thought he might have gotten it custom made for you, until you realized it was well loved just as his was. Well, maybe not as much considering Frankie’s hat had fallen apart at the seams until you had fixed it with some new stitching. It must have taken a while to track down a real one with the exact same logo as his. Your curiosity was peaked so you asked, “Where did you get this?”
He shifted his eyes back and forth, getting a little nervous that you might not like it. He did eventually find the words to tell you, “I was looking on um- EBay for one and then I happened to find one at a thrift store while looking for new flannels.”
“I- I love it, thank you so much baby.” You gasped in excitement and leaned forward to press a kiss to his burning cheeks. Something about it being made at a similar time as his made it all the more special, glad that Frankie was blessed with serendipity.
Frankie then shyly asked, “Can I put it on you?”
Almost immediately you answered, “Yes!” Frankie still looked rather bashful at your response, tugging his own cap down before grabbing your new one. Something about you being excited for his little gifts always seemed to make him extremely bashful, like he felt he didn’t deserve your praise. You made it your mission to change that each time he added to the list of little things that made you love him even more.
“This one will fit better on you than mine.” Your eyes went soft, the gesture so sweet that you suddenly wanted to cry for some reason. Frankie was always a very sweet man, each time he did something like this your heart melted into a puddle on the floor no matter how many times he’s done it.
He takes the bill of your new hat and places it on your head, swatting your hands away when you move to push it down so he could do it himself. The hat fits perfectly on your head, almost so perfect that you wouldn’t be surprised if Frankie had measured your head while you were sleeping and adjusted it accordingly. He tapped the top of the bill once while looking down at you with his own hat snug on his head making you giggle.
Moving his hands again to now smooth over the tops of your shoulders he inspected the fit of it with a smile. “It looks perfect- you look perfect.”
Bringing your lips to Frankie’s you then gave him a soft kiss while cupping his scratchy cheeks. It was slightly awkward to maneuver the bills of your caps to be able to have your lips meet properly, the corners of Frankie’s eyes crinkling in amusement as you huffed trying to adjust your mouth on his. You did eventually find the perfect angle to tilt both of your heads without bonking the curved bills together.
Sighing into the kiss, Frankie reciprocated, deepening it a little bit more. His hands were always wandering, trailing down from your shoulders to the small of your back, low enough that he was almost grabbing your ass. You couldn’t seem to stop giggling, something that Frankie loved, even while kissing.
“What are you doing?” You repeated your question from earlier, much more teasingly this time while his hand travelled down further.
“Nothing…” The way the pitch in his voice rose you could tell that was a lie. You quirked your eyebrow up at him in question, silently calling him a liar. He withered underneath your gaze and admitted, “Alright- maybe it’s something but, you just look so good in your hat.”
Teasing him was almost too easy sometimes, you could get him to be flustered with just a few simple words or even none at all, “Mmmm alright I’ll let it go, I do like this hat on me too. Thanks again for getting it for me baby.”
You both kept standing in your embrace like time had stopped ticking by, just enjoying the presence of the other. The hat was an amazing present from Frankie, matching perfectly with him. But, you weren’t going to lie, you'd miss stealing his hat so he would chase you around the house. You brought your head out from where it was tucked in his shoulder to ask, “Can I still steal yours sometimes?”
“Of course, but only if you let me steal yours.” You nodded your head, with a smile of course because there was almost never a time when you didn’t smile when you were around Frankie. Now you and Frankie would always match, like two peas in a pod.
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All works: @shotarosleftpinky @oreogutz @90spumkin @kyra-morningstar @s1utformgg @boxofsparklingmuses @multixfandomwriter @takeyourleap-of-faith
All Pedro Pascal Characters: (no ones on this one yet 😊 & I’ll create a tag list only for Frankie if anybody wants it)
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heresathreebee · 3 years
Old Stomping Ground
[Ava Starr X Female Reader]
Summary: One of the good things to come out of constant alien invasions are the abandoned ruins of New York, and you’re fixing to show Ava your favorite place. Previous Masterlist Next
Tag(s): 13+ | can be reader gender and race neutral reader but is written with woc readers in mind, no-snap au, post-Ant Man and the Wasp, Ava and reader on an adventure in post Avenger's New York, homelessness, alien trees and the power of community.
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AN: no-snap au, post-Ant Man and the Wasp. No beta, we die like men. Just you and Ava having a short adventure.
You took three days off of work for this one. Packed two backpacks with food, water, clothes, and other supplies. Bedrolls and bug spray and hiking poles. Ava laughed at your enthusiasm but she seemed to vibrate with excitement right along with you. 
"Can you at least tell me where we're going," she pleaded. 
You ran through the end of the checklist for the third time, trying to be extra careful now that you wouldn't be hoofing it solo. You dodged the question expertly with a "it's not far and it's not dangerous so hush! Learn to enjoy the mystery, babe." 
Ava rolled her eyes playfully but stopped asking and let you finish. After that you ate a hearty breakfast and began your journey north by northwest. In the taxi, your girlfriend's eyes darted from building to building as you turned on every street and you mentally gave up on scolding her. She was too pragmatic to allow for that level of trust yet. 
You were surprised that it took her until you passed the ruins of the daycare you once attended that she whipped her head around to whisper, "is this… Leviathan alley?" 
You shush her but can't keep the excited grin from your face. "It's a bit more than just an alley." 
Once SHIELD was finished stripping for parts and gutting the cybernetically enhanced alien creature left behind in the Battle of New York, the rest was abandoned. The city's been planning to clean up and rebuild but there are scores in the earth where the leviathan crashed and crumbling, precarious buildings that need to be brought down first in the safest way possible. While the city’s been debating how to deal with the destruction, the poor and destitute had moved in and discovered the blood of the chitauri has some very interesting properties. 
"It's like it changes the property of concrete," you explained, climbing over rubble and reaching back to pull her up, "uhg– breaks it down into some kind of hyper fertilizer. There's this copse of trees growing where we think the stomach was and I think in its natural habitat, the creature was probably an omnivore of sorts and may have swallowed thousands of seeds–" 
"That's all very fascinating dear, could you please take this?" Ava shoves a canteen into your hands and cups your hands to bring it closer to your mouth. You've climbed for what feels like miles and hey, you are pretty parched. "Think we'd better rest and eat, maybe look for a safe place to set up camp and… oh, look over there!" 
Ava's sudden whisper makes you turn. It's green in that direction, though this 'alley' is shrouded in darkness due to the dome made from the spine and ribs of the leviathan, the sprigs seem to grow just fine, becoming taller as they moved farther away from you until they began to develop woody stalks and trunks. 
"That's the forest you were talking about," Ava whispered in awe. “I wanna get a closer look.” 
You gently caught her arm. “Camp first, eat. It’ll still be here tomorrow.” 
Ava didn’t expect you to take her into an encampment. There were two dozen people in tents, an open grill going and laughter. They seemed to recognize you. It was mostly older adults, a few elderly people wrapped in thick blankets and teens walking around asking anyone needed drinks. You grabbed the blanket from your pack and wrapped Ava in it as soon as she found a seat on a slab of concrete. 
Ava smiled up at you, taking the proffered fruit slice from you. "Very." 
She examined the strange fruit. It had a thin violet skin with a spongy white inner layer and pink juice with black seeds  dripping from it. She leabed over your shoulder get a look at the fruit as a whole, and it seemed the pink goop was loose inside the fruit similar to a coconut. 
"Are these from the trees," she asked. 
"Yeah, they're edible don't worry. No side effects we've seen," you assure. 
Ava nods but as she's licking the tangy pink juice you continue, "well except for Nadia but she's a mutant." 
Ava flicks worried green eyes at you and slowly takes the fruit from her mouth. She's already swallowed on reflex so there's no turning back now, only managing whatever weird things would come next. 
"Uh… what do you mean by that?" 
You blink at Ava. "Oh it's not, like, bad or anything. Right, Nadia?" 
A dark skinned girl in an orange beanie looked up from her phone. "What?" 
"Tauri makes you, what, gassy?" 
The man on the grill threw his head back in a laugh and Nadia kicked a rock at you. "Ha hah, you're everybody's favorite clown in the circus. It doesn't make me gassy, you jerk, it makes me smell like roses actually." 
"Oh," Ava said, "that's all?" 
You and Nadia shared a knowing look. "It's strong. Not overpowering but strong like you've got your nose buried in a whole bouquet of them." 
"And your fingers tingle and you make sparkles– " 
"Nadia I think that's just you, baby!" 
People laughed and the conversation died down. Ava let the slip of tauri fruit linger in her grasp until you gently pried it out and ate it yourself. You were side eyeing her but kept your question to yourself and eventually Ava was able to relax. She fell asleep during Nadia's uncle Rodney's story with her head on your shoulder and dreamed of violet things. Violet dresses, violet paint, violet fires, and violet sprigs. 
All you could dream of was the smell of roses so close and so thick you could touch it. 
The walk through the natural path as the trees got thicker finally prompted Ava to ask the question that's been plaguing her. "How do you know them? Are they family?" 
You cast a quick glance over your shoulder and slowed your pace to match hers as your fingers tapped the straps of your backpack nervously. "Sort of. They were family when I had no home to go to. Then I got a job with enough money and a stupid good deal on my apartment because I had no priors. 
"Rodney and Jules and some of the others prefer it out here with the forest. Some of them have nowhere else to go or no way to take care of themselves. Nadia's been kicked out of every home she's ever been to, but she won't go to that gifted school for mutants in Westchester county. Can't say I blame her either." 
"School for mutants, eh," Ava said as she trudged on, "interesting." 
You walked along in silence, drinking in the inviting quiet of the forest and the tiny chirps and peeps of its new inhabitants. You'd almost say it would be a shame to tear this place down knowing it's a new natural habitat, but you know New York had a hundred bigger and more pressing issues to deal with right now. As long as any capitalist moguls kept their eyes elsewhere, the new jungle should be fine. 
As the forest becomes denser, you have to pull a rechargeable flashlight out to see the ground beneath you. Black bugs crawl under and over the brush and fallen twigs, and something no bigger than a cat scuttles away out of the path of the light. Ava puts a hand on your arm and you open your mouth to assure her you'd protect her, but as you look at her you realize she's ready to protect you. Arm poised out and eyes darting around for signs of sudden movement from the brush. 
You walk in silence for what feels like an fantastic eternity but when you look at the canopy you stop yourself. Ava looks up to, gently taking a hold of your hand to keep you close and it sends tingles up your arm. She rarely reaches for you but she seems to be growing more and more confident of it. 
Light dances beyond the thicket of the leaves. Green and gold flashes as a soft breeze creates gaps beyond the chitauri rib ceiling and every time a light flashes you feel warmth on your skin like soft little kisses. 
Something wooden creaks, and that creaking quickly turns to snapping. You unconsciously squeeze Ava's fingers as you spot a black tree trunk beginning to fall towards you. Suddenly, Ava's arms are around you and she pulls you down into a duck. 
Everything happens so fast it blinds you. You can't see, can only feel as shivers of warmth and cold jitter through your entire being, drowning you into sensations you've never felt before. It makes you feel fear more than anything. Is this how you die? Cowering? 
When the sounds of falling trees stop, there is only the wind and the rush of Ava's windbreaker against yours. You test your fingers to see if they still work and dig them into her back. Nothing broken, you're still standing if gravity is correct. 
She finally lets you lift your head from her embrace and survey the scene. That tree opened a spot in the canopy for more natural light to pour in which is good because your flashlight was lost among the thick bramble bushes. 
Ava brushes your forehead. "Are you OK?" 
It must be a trick of the light but she looks like she's shimmering. Perhaps you hit your head or something but it seems like you never fell. Your standing just beside the fallen tree but you could have sworn you'd almost felt it go through you. And then…
And then there was the smell of roses. 
"I'm fine," you say at last. "Let's get back, probably shouldn't have come here by ourselves anyways…" 
Ava gives you a look, it almost looks like trepidation. You steel your resolve and press on to retrace your steps, knowing you had a lot of walking to do before you would exit the treeline. 
Ava has powers and you're ok with that. You'll just let her tell you in her own time. 
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sukiglycerin · 3 years
I wud like to request it that ok, may you write a Kirishima x loner! Reader?
a carp on the cutting board || eijirou kirishima.
* pairing: eijirou kirishima x loner!reader (gender neutral!)
* genre: fluff with melancholic tones
* words: 778
* warnings: reader being introverted/reserved/not good at making friends, slight themes of loneliness, kirishima is best boy AS ALWAYS, there’s a picnic scene and they feed fish, so many water metaphors pls 
* a/n: wanna thank my bestie @toishi for beta-ing this!! i’ve been obsessed with koi lately. the title comes from the japanese idiom “俎板の上の鯉” which means “a carp on the cutting board.” basically, it’s saying that one has no say over their fate, like a carp waiting to be sliced on a cutting board. i think it ties into the underlying sad theme in this and!! koi are just selectively bred carp for their colors. so, in a way, reader kinda sees themselves as a carp compared to the colorful koi- but i’m looking too deep into this. make of this what you you will. i hope you enjoy!
“come, love, look at the koi with me,” kirishima beckons kindly. he sits on flat rocks bordering a small pond, legs wading calf deep into the water. his pants are rolled up to the knee, and he graces you with a kind smile. he outstretches a bento to you, wrapped neatly in pretty red fabric. you approach him, discarding your shoes and sitting next to him. your legs dangle in the water, a cool sensation embracing them, and you accept the lunch.
lunch with kirishima is always interesting. every day is never the same; he’s always guiding you to new places or texting you locations that are within a walking distance. today he told you to forgo your usual meal of curry and rice from the cafeteria and instead meet him here, a garden nearby you hadn’t known had a koi pond. the sun glints off the crests of miniscule ripples from the pond, obscuring the stones and vegetation through the translucent troughs of the water. there is not a moment of stillness in the water; it is as if it is alive and full of vivid colour. the colour moves around and reveals itself to be the koi fish populating the pond, maneuvering through invisible twists and turns in the water. you’re mesmerized by the sight, bento forgotten on your lap. 
it almost makes you feel less alone.
both you and kirishima know why lunch is always different and why the cafeteria is such a dreaded setting. you can’t bear to talk to him about it. yet there’s a mutual understanding between you two, though one would typically assume kirishima’s vibrant, extroverted personality would separate him from your quiet, reserved one. looking at the koi then back at him brings a certain indescribable sadness to your eyes and for whatever reason, the words “i love you,” linger on the tip of your tongue. you hold them in, drown them down your throat, and smile gratefully at him.
“thank you,” is what emerges from the waves of your mind, the water that flows in the form of words from your mouth. he grins wide and it outshines the pouring sunlight on the two of you. 
at first you felt guilty for bringing him away from his usual lunch with his friends - why should you pull him away from his friends because of your lack of them? - but he brushed those worries away with a shake of his head. he told you that one day, he’d introduce you to them when you’re more comfortable. he said that he enjoyed the adventure of lunch in a different place every day. and knowing kirishima, all of his words were genuine.
a red fish bristles against your ankle and it awakens you from your daze. you unwrap your bento and pull apart your chopsticks, murmuring a quiet “thank you for the food,” to kirishima and maybe the koi, then eat. he’s packed you a rice dish and an assortment of pickled vegetables, as vibrant as the pond before you. 
this lunch is atypically quiet, thrumming with the water’s movements and sound of cicadas hidden in nearby shrubbery. the sun comfortably drapes itself over the two of you, nesting on your limbs and filling you with a not unwelcome warmth. 
“hey,” kirishima says finally after you’ve finished your lunch. he nudges you a small pack of something. “i’ve gotten permission to feed the koi.” 
you open the bag to see that it’s filled with pellets for the fish. following kirishima’s example, you lean towards the pond and extend your hand to the water’s surface, where a spotted fish has already approached. you let go of the food and it’s eagerly gulped up by the awaiting fish. time passes and you’re not sure if it’s fast or slow; like a stream, it constantly flows until one realizes it’s dried and gone. well, you could argue that time was measured by the fish pellets that slowly ran out unbeknownst to you until there were only five left. it’s less poetic that way, though.
the sun has dimmed its glow in the slightest by the time you pull your legs out of the water and kirishima mutters something about forgetting a towel. you pat him and say it’s okay, taking his hand in yours. you make your way out of the garden barefoot, rivulets of water on your legs and feet drying in the sunlight. you leave the lunch full in more ways than one; the sunlight has seemed to have filled you to the brim with an indescribable feeling. you thumb kirishima’s knuckles gently. if it’s love, you know you’ll never be in it alone.
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reluctant-mandalore · 3 years
A Loving Embrace (Fennec Shand x gn!Reader)
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After awakening from a nightmare, your significant other—Fennec Shand—does her best to comfort you away from your worries. 
Warnings: fluff, hurt/comfort (emotional), Super soft Fennec (like soft and fluffy af), panic attacks, mentions of nightmares, cuddles, kisses, established relationship, not beta read
Word Count: 1293
Pairing: Fennec Shand x gn!Reader (gender neutral) 
a/n: I wrote this for a friend who I thought could use some Fennec love! Hope you enjoy darling <3 Also the ending is terrible because I wasn’t sure how to end it. Anyway, have some soft fennec comforting the reader after a terrible nightmare. 
An unprevailing darkness and blossom of fear had consumed your thoughts that night. Your sleeping mind consumed with a nightmare unlike any other you had ever experienced. Striking you and awaking you from your slumber all too quickly. A gasp living your lips as your eyes snapped open to be met with the darkness of your and Fennec’s shared room. Your breath heavy and ragged, as you found yourself struggling not to cry out in panic from the unsavory dream that had taken you away from your slumber.  
Fennec’s own eyes had snapped open at the sudden movements she had felt at her side. Her tired mind not quite processing what was going on until her eyes had panned onto your panicked and uneasy form. A frown had crossed her features at the sight, making her confused for a brief moment, until the realization of you waking from a nightmare had dawned on her. Even sooner she had gently placed a hand onto your shoulder, giving it a firm but gentle squeeze, in an attempt to ground you and take you farther away from the nightmare which had entrapped your thoughts during the night.
“Are you ok?” She had spoken in a hushed voice, doing her best not to startle you any more than you already were, “Did you have a nightmare?”
Hearing her speak had managed to pull you away from your trance. Your eyes looking through the darkness to find her own and feeling them brim with tears when you found her worried gaze looking over you. The sight of the concern held in their depth causing for you to bite your lip to stop its trembling while also trying to cut off the sobs that threatened to spill out.
“Fennec I…” You had trailed off before finally nodding. The tears that had formed at the corner of your eyes now beginning to fall as you felt yourself crumble before her. “It was terrible.”
Seeing your tears she had pulled you in close, allowing for her arms to wrap around you in a tight embrace. Her one hand soon moving to run soothing circles along your spine, as she squeezed you into her hold tightly. She had even kissed your forehead a few times, mumbling soft reassurances as she did, while doing her best to soothe you gently.
“It’s ok love. I’m here now… I got you.” She had hummed softly as she held you, hoping to bring you that calmness and relief she knew you desperately needed in that moment. “Let it all out.”
For a long while, she had let you cry into her arms, rocking and rubbing your back, as words of comfort left her lips in quiet whispers. The loving embrace she had around you only tightening the more you shook within her grasp. Her hold never leaving you, as she did whatever she could to help bring you away from the nightmare that had caused you such pain and fear.
“Did you want to talk about it?” She had asked after some more time had passed. Allowing herself to brush away some of your tears with her thumb, and soon pressing another kiss to your forehead as she spoke. The feeling of her lips leaving a tingling sensation across your skin and managing to bring another air of calmness to fall over you both.  
A nod was your only reply at first, as you shifted yourself to be more comfortable within her arms before speaking. Telling her everything and anything you could remember from the nightmare which had taunted you that night. From the most vivid of terrors to the cloudiest of fright, you allowed the words to spill from you in what felt like a never ending wave of despair.
Fennec had remained silent as she listened, continuing her gentle caresses along your form and littering your exposed skin with kisses in between your sniffles. She had let out a hum every now and then to let you know that she was still paying attention. Her focus completely on you while more of your nightmarish tale was revealed to her bit by bit.
Eventually you had finished telling her everything you felt like you were able to. Letting your face bury itself into the crook of her neck as another small whimper had escaped you while speaking, “Thank you Fennec.”
“No need to thank me love.” Fennec had said, her fingers catching your chin and bringing it towards her so she could capture your lips in a sweet kiss. Only pulling back to flash you a tender smile, “I’ll always be here for you no matter what.”
“I love you.” The confession had slipped from your lips on reflex at hearing her words, a flush of heat warming you, as a feeling of shyness had begun to flood you.
“I love you too.” She had said just as fondly, smiling at you again in a way that made your heart flutter and caused your stomach to tie in knots, “Do you think you’ll be able to fall back to sleep?”
Fennec’s question had made you ponder for a moment, unsure of if you would be able to lull yourself back to sleep after what you had just experienced. Soon allowing your eyes to briefly close, only to have them snap open once more at the dread which had pooled inside your mind from having done so. The unease of your previous nightmare still being held over you even now while held safely in her arms.
“No.” You had said simply at first, “Well... I don’t think so at least. Maybe after a little while? I’m not sure. I just… anytime I close my eyes I think of it again. I’m sorry Fen.”
“Don’t apologize. It’s fine and completely understandable.” She had said in reassurance, giving a comforting rub along your back again, “I’ll stay awake with you until you’re able to.”
“What if I end up not being able to sleep again tonight?”
“Then we don’t sleep and we just cuddle the night away.” Fennec had smirked, a teasing tone finding itself embedded into each of her words. The flirty undertones which they held not lost on you as she nuzzled herself closer, “Does that sound good to you love?”
You had nodded in reply, a pleased smile finding itself onto your own cheeks among the now drying tears, “Add you telling me a story and it sounds perfect.”
“A story, hm? I think I can do that.” She had said with another hum, shifting herself to lean back onto the pillows with you tucked comfortably into her chest. The new position allowing for you to rest overtop of her while still remaining cuddled in her arms. “There was this job I had some years ago…”
Settled into Fennec’s embrace, you had listened intently to her, as she had begun to tell you about a story from her past. Her words washing over you in a gentle chime of affection and tenderness, as her one hand drew delicate designs along your back once more. The story she told and the warmth she possessed helping to put a rest to the dark thoughts which had once tugged at your mind. Now replacing them with a much needed comfort with the desire to sleep in their wake.
It didn’t take much longer from there for you to drift off to sleep again. Although this time a nightmare would not dare to wake you, as the loving embrace and solace your partner had brought to your resting self refused to allow them the chance to grow. Letting you rest peacefully and untroubled once more while held in the arms of the person you loved most in the world.
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agerefandom · 3 years
Sweet Pea and Papyrus
Fandom: Undertale
Characters: cg!Papyrus & gender-neutral/enby regressor!reader
Words: 1,300
Summary: You’ve had a bad day, but Papyrus can make it all better. 
Warnings: Possible claustrophobia (wrapped in a blanket, high chair restraints). Papyrus talks in all-caps because it makes it easy for me to tell if I’ve got him in character! (feel free to reach out if you’d like me to post a version without Papyrus’s all-caps, it’s easy to do). Nicknames for reader: Sweet Pea, Little One, Little Star. 
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It’s hard to miss it when Papyrus gets back. He calls out to you as soon as he opens the door, his enthusiasm echoing up the stairs. You can hear him walking into the house, his boots thudding on the wood floors.
You know that you should go and greet him, but instead you curl a little tighter under your blanket. One of your stuffies is tucked into your arms, and you hadn’t bothered to turn the light on when you got home. Just crawled straight into bed and pulled the covers over your head. Blocking out the world.
Papyrus calls your name a few times, worry starting to make its way into his tone. You hold your stuffie closer.
“Sorry,” you whisper to it, unable to make your voice any louder. “Sorry, Papyrus.” You don’t like to worry him, but you can’t bring yourself to emerge from your hiding place.
Finally, you hear Papyrus climbing the stairs, and the door to your room opens. You flinch at the light spilling into the room, evident even through the covers over your head.
“LITTLE ONE!” Papyrus says, seeing your form under the lump of blankets. You hear him cross the room towards you, and hesitate. “MAY I SIT WITH YOU?”
You nod, hoping that the gesture will be visible through the blanket. Evidently, it is, because you feel Papyrus settle beside you on the bed.
You curl into yourself. “Sorry,” you whisper. “Sorry.” You don’t know if he’ll hear the quiet words, but he does.
“THERE’S NO NEED TO BE SORRY! IF YOU WANT TO BE WRAPPED IN BLANKETS, I BELIEVE IN YOU!” That gets a light huff from you, as close to a laugh as you can manage at the moment. Papyrus is so patient with you. “MAY I HOLD YOU, BLANKET HUMAN?”
“Yes please,” you manage. All you want is one of Papyrus’s hugs right now.
He gathers you up, scooping all the blankets off the bed in the process, and deposits you on his lap. You’re absolutely entangled in blankets, and he takes a moment to make sure you can breathe before he wraps his arms around you and just holds you against him.
The blankets are soft and warm, and Papyrus is humming as he rocks you gently from side to side. With your stuffie pressed in your arms, all the loud thoughts in your head begin to subside. You let yourself relax, the bones of Papyrus’s arms supporting your head as you lean back. His humming continues, as you drift into a more peaceful headspace.
You don’t know how long the two of you sit there, gently rocking back and forth, but eventually Papyrus shifts you as though to put you back into bed. His arms withdraw from the embrace, and you panic a little, wanting him to stay.
“No!” You wriggle against him, trying to get out of the blankets. One of your hands makes its way into the air, and you grab towards Papyrus. You feel fabric and twist your fingers into his scarf, pulling him back towards you. “No!! Stay!”
“LITTLE ONE, I’M NOT LEAVING YOU.” Papyrus reassures you, placing a gloved hand over yours and disentangling it from his scarf. “I THOUGHT YOU WANTED A NAP.”
“No!” You grab his hand, unwilling to let him go. “Papy, stay!”
“I WON’T LEAVE.” You can feel him unfolding the blankets from around you, eventually revealing your face. You squint against the faint light from the hallway, making a slight whine of complaint. “THERE, LITTLE STAR, I CAN SEE YOUR FACE.” Papyrus brushes a knuckle across your cheek, and you realize that you’d been crying as he brushes away a tear. “WILL YOU TELL ME WHAT’S WRONG?”
You shake your head: you don’t think you could explain it all, and your mouth is too clumsy for words. Papyrus is here, and that’s enough.
“HAVE YOU EATEN?” Papyrus asks.
You hesitate, thinking about the day. Too many things to keep track of. You shake your head again: you don’t remember any food recently.
“WELL, FOOD ALWAYS MAKES ME FEEL BETTER!” Papyrus scoops you into his arms again, this time standing up, and you squeak a little as the ground falls away, replaced by Papyrus’s support. “WE’LL GET YOU SOME PASTA AND A NICE BOTTLE AND WE CAN WATCH BLUE’S CLUES TOGETHER, HOW DOES THAT SOUND?”
It sounds like Papy knows exactly what you need. Relaxing against his chest, you chew absent-mindedly on the ear of your stuffie.
“NO BITING YOUR FRIENDS!” Papyrus reminds you, tugging the stuffie out of your mouth and replacing it with a paci you hadn’t noticed him picking up.
Happily switching to sucking on your pacifier, you listen to Papyrus tell you about his day as he carries you downstairs. He sits you on the table, leaving you in your cocoon of blankets as he starts preparing some leftovers.
When the pasta is ready, Papyrus has to take you out of your blankets. You whine and squirm as he unwraps the layers, but when you’re free, he sits you in the high chair and nuzzles his nasal bone against your nose in his own form of a kiss. Your stuffie set safely beside you, Papyrus removes your pacifier and sits beside you to feed you some pasta, making encouraging plane noises when needed. It’s yummy and cheesy and perfect, like all of Papyrus’s pasta. Sans says that Papy wasn’t always good at cooking pasta, but that’s hard to believe. Papyrus is good at everything.
Papyrus brings a wet cloth and wipes off your face when the pasta is all done. You feel full and happy, but you still get excited when you notice Papyrus heating up milk for a bottle.
“Blues Clues, Papy?” you ask, wiggling against the high chair restraints.
“ONCE YOUR BOTTLE IS READY, LITTLE ONE!” Papyrus tells you, swooping in to hand you your stuffie now that your hands and face are clean. The bottle still takes forever, but at least you have a friend to keep you company.
When Papyrus lets you out of your high chair, you immediately scramble over to the couch. That’s where you get bottles, and that’s where you and Papy watch TV. When the two things go together, that’s the best thing ever! Papyrus follows behind you, laughing his usual NYEH-HEH-HEH at your eagerness.
Soon enough, Papyrus has you lying half on his lap, your head cradled in the crook of his elbow. A pillow protects your spine from the harsh bones of his thighs, and lets him hold you at a more comfortable angle.
Papyrus gives you another boney nuzzle as you settle in. You pull him down so you can plant a kiss on one of his cheekbones, then relax into the cradle of his arms. You can tell he’s smiling, just from the glow in his eye sockets.
He’s already set up the cartoons, and with a flick of his wrist, the TV starts playing the opening to the new Blue’s Clues episode. Before you can get too engrossed in the colourful figures, Papyrus brushes the nipple of the bottle across your lip, drawing your attention to the offered milk. Obediently latching onto the bottle, a deep contentment fills you as milk flows into your mouth.
You really did mean to watch the Blue’s Clues, but the warm milk makes your stomach feel so heavy, and you’re so comfy in Papyrus’s lap… by the time the bottle is halfway empty, you’re already starting to drift off. You feel Papyrus take the bottle away, but you’re too tired to complain. He puts his other arm around you, holding you close, and it’s easy to succumb to sleep with him keeping you safe.
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lovecinnatwist · 3 years
So I know you wrote a star sapphire Dick au, but I raise you a star sapphire Jason au—he always seems to love everyone around him a lot more than they seem to love him and he just wants to be loved so badly poor baby
Hello Anon! I loveeee this idea! You didnt specify a pairing so I've made it gen. Let me know if you have a pairing in mind. I've left it open for ideas.
All are welcome to slide into my DMs with ideas for star sapphire!Jason.
Lanterns Lead Home
The first moment of consciousness Jason Todd has after being beaten to- not death apparently- is warmth. 
The fuzzy feeling of being held by what must be twenty different pairs of hands pulls him back as he wakes. Every broken sob and desperate scream that wants to rattle free of his chest melts away into nothing. The air itself seems to vibrate with something sweet that he can’t put a name too. Every draw of breath fills him with kindness until he can recall the feeling-
Tender touches chase away the bruises and scars until he can’t remember if they were ever there. Soft and caring caresses cup his cheeks and soft lips kiss away his tears. It’s too much and something that he’s been without for so long. For a moment he thinks of Catherine. Who she had been before the drugs. The thought of her breaks something in his chest. He cries and what seems like dozens of voices echo out validations. They sing back welcoming calls to release and let go.
So Jason does but he’s still floating. Still in the warm embrace of what he realizes must be his sisters. They must be because they call him that over and over and over again. A cup of something sugary comes to his lips and he gulps it down greedily. It coats his insides sweeping through him like a scolding saccharine syrup.
Consciousness starts to slip again but insistent slaps to the face jolt him awake. 
‘ Not yet. ‘
He knows what the words are but his ears don’t actually hear them. The woman over him has blue skin and gorgeous eyes that see into everything he is. He wants to turn away from it but she holds him steady. There is another cup. She makes him drink and this time Jason feels like he’s suffocating. 
He swallows more cups until he feels like he's at his limit. Then the hands are moving him and the rocking motion makes him feel sick. He passes from one hand to another until someone is bringing him to his knees in front of a huge glittering basin. 
“ Purge Ja’s Purge and be reborn. “
He feels dizzy and sick. Like he’s still rocking. He clenches onto the cool surface ahead of him. He tries to collect himself but memories start surfacing like bile in his throat. He remembers everything in startling detail. It all flashes before him until he flies forward and purges. 
He shakes and shudders through it. The loud cheers after every heave grounds him in support. Many hands hold him to stop him from falling in but no one stops him from emptying everything that he is into the quickling filling basin. 
He trembles and they replace that one for another. He can’t believe there’s more to give but everytime he feels peace a vile memory twists up and sends him face first into the bucket. By the time he’s thoroughly wrung out and empty- gentle hands pull him up. He doesn’t fight as he’s taken by many hands to a cool pool that bubbles against his skin. It fizzes and sizzles but doesn’t burn as his body is submerged. His eye lashes flutter. 
He gets a vague glimpse of blue skin and pinks and then someone tells him to hold his breath. 
He does and goes under. Everything goes black. 
Most Pink Lanterns don’t need to go through the rebirth. At least that is what Ja’s has heard from the others. The ring finds them before anything bad can happen. Usually during high emotions of love or joy something Ja’s has felt little of. Or well maybe that isn’t quite right. 
He does love, he loves everything. He loves hard, fast, passionate and ferociously but sometimes it feels like there isn’t any left for him. Sure he’s had people care for him, but to choose him first? To love him first…. Wilis loved money, then Catherine loved the drugs, then there's Bruce who loved the Crusade and Alfred… well Alfred could never love him more than Bruce. 
It had been that that drove him to Ethiopia in the first place.
He remembers everything in startling clarity now. His birth, his life, his death and of course both rebirths. It’s hard to forget the feeling of splitters digging into your fingertips and the taste of mud as you dig yourself out of your own grave. Who knows how long he had been wandering Gotham in a fuzzy haze? No one found him, no one had been looking for him. At least that's what he thought until he saw a pink glow.
The star sapphire. His star sapphire to be precise. 
Lost in the memory he gently touches the gem. It’s a wonderment, meeting the sisters of the lanterns corps and of course… getting permission to be- well who he's always known himself to be, Ja’s as they call him.
It had been freeing to be allowed to be nurturing. To be allowed to be tender and to care. Despite the changes that he’s gone through he feels more like himself than ever before. Like his body suddenly fits and he is grateful for the Zamarons for allowing him the ceremony. They honor his pronouns, as they all honor and celebrate femininity as its essence and not as sex or gender. Ja's has learned nothing if not the suffering of smothering his divine feminine in his last life. 
Now he is free.
( He tells himself that's why he hasn’t gone home to Gotham. Not because the existence of the third Robin Bruce has replaced him with. )
He does a good job at ignoring his old life and memories for the most part too. The few indulges he allows are watching digital transmissions of different versions of pride and prejudice with his sisters. Even in space nothing seems to beat human literature, something that Ja's gets to share with the others. He learns how to love deeper. Not only himself but more importantly everyone and everything. Mostly in the emotional sense… while the others- well Ja's isn’t quite ready for the sexual sense yet. 
Like many of the Pink Lantern Corps he has yet to meet his soul mate. 
The thought flutters low in his stomach. While he could easily show someone their love in his ring, the power didn’t work for star sapphires themselves. They simply had to wait for the pull and circumstance when they would feel the electricity in the air. Other members in the corps said that the feeling is indescribable. Like swallowing lightning or crashing into a planet with nothing to cushion the fall.
Though unfortunately, most of his sisters felt that with every good looking creature they came across. 
Ja's takes a drink, lounging about in the Green Lanterns station. They’re taking a short interlude before heading back home. One that the others are taking full advantage of.  It’s kind of embarrassing how the revealing costume and reputation of his corps makes others stare. He hears the whispers and feels the eyes on him just as clearly. 
It’s stupid because he isn’t even the best looking of them all. In a universe full of aliens most lanterns find humans rather dull. He hears the giggles as the others flirt. That’s all it is sometimes, flirting. While other times- Ja's turns the blind eye to Nadia’s wink as she disappears with a lantern down the corridor. He doesn’t flush long familiar with their games. Still a little part of him feels empty.
If only he could give as freely as they did. 
The chair next to him creeks making him sigh. Great, another lantern trying their luck. Couldn’t they tell he just wants to finish his drink in peace? He turns around to give the person a piece of his mind, anger already hot on his tongue. 
That is until playful green eyes fall on his. Ja's immediately tries to escape but Ryner grabs his wrist.
“ Well if it isn’t my favourite Star Sapphire. “
Ja's knows there’s no way he’s going to be able to pull the other off without causing a scene. He gives one more futile tug while Kyle just raises an unimpressed eyebrow. He groans just as the lantern orders himself his own drink. 
“ What do you want Ryner? “
The green lantern only lets go when he’s sure Ja's won’t run. Which is funny considering the fact that he's always running. Whether it be from bad guys, suitors or most times his sisters. It’s something that comes from growing up on the streets. The only place he’s ever felt safe had been… warm memories of the manor and Bruce's smile tug at his heart.
“ What makes you think I want something Ja’s? “
The very clear inflection of his voice Ja's wants to say. The other human has always made himself a pest whenever their corps comes to visit. It’s probably because they are both humans and around the same age. Not that they’ve really spoken about how they both ended up here. 
He doesn’t answer Ryner and takes a sip of his drink instead. The playful smile on the green lantern holds no matter how long Ja's ignores him. 
“ So I'm going down to Terra thought maybe you’d like to come? Apparently Batman could use some extra hands. “
At the mention of Batman Ja's interest piques. It’s rare to hear about anyone from his former life. Of course he does look through mission logs from time to time. It’s public access in the lantern corps library after all- but otherwise it's uncommon for Bruce to ask for help. The last thingJas's saw was Batman, Nightwing and Robin rescuing Hal from a villain he didn’t recognize. 
Ryner is either ignorant to his inner conflict or ignores it. 
“ It’ll be fun. You know Bats never lets us in his city. Could be nice? We could get a burger afterwards. Maybe catch a movie. “
It sounds like a date. Ja's would think it’s one too if he hadn’t told Ryner exactly how he feels about those things. He’s a nice guy, not bad looking from what he can see… but still he needs- well he wants the spark. 
He meets the boyish smile with a frown but it does nothing to make it go away. He shouldn’t. He’s done pretty well ignoring both earth and the bats. Still the big huge heart in him wants. He wants to see Bruce again and help him. 
A tiny part of him wants to go home and pretend like his dad still loves him even though he’s gone and gotten a new kid. One who’s probably in Ja’s room with all new clothes that are fitting of a good son. A loved son. 
Ryner bumps shoulders with him pulling him out of his head. His ring had begun to flicker a bit from the emotional distress. The other human places a hand over it to block the light and Jason let’s him. It’s a distraction. 
“ C’mon Ja’s Earth isn’t like you remember it. Let me show you a good time? “
That stupid hopeful smile and the shy way Ryner really looks at him hurts. He’s weak to things like this. People actually caring about him. He’s practically starving for it. He swallows down his protest. After all it would probably be nice to see his family again. They probably wouldn’t even recognize him. He could go and help and then maybe take up Ryner on his offer for a burger. 
Something light. Something Casual. 
“ Fine.. That sounds ok- I’ll go. “
Ja's wishes he could ignore the stupid happiness radiating off of the other lantern. 
“ Swear to God Ja’s this is going to be so much fun- You aren’t gonna regret it. There’s this one place that serves burgers like the size of your head and the art on the wall is just so hilarious- “
Ja's rolls his eyes as he finishes the last of his drink. 
“ Shut up Ryner and don’t make me regret this. “
The green lantern mims zipping his mouth shut and Ja's laughs.
Turns out he’s actually right as well. 
Jas's hasn’t been to Earth in years and it really shows. The place looks different. Even Gotham in all its dirt and grime feels foriegn to him. He joins the other lanterns in their job of catching and sending the aliens back to a prison at the corps. It’s fun with the little quips the Green Lanterns seem to toss back and forth between one another. Jason isn’t used to it but it’s a vibrant kind of energy that leaves a smile on his face even while he’s fighting. 
With the group supers the battle is over quickly. Quick enough and Ja's finds himself disappointed. He doesn’t know why but ever since they’ve been back in Gotham he has been positively vibrating. It’s new and exciting and maybe it’s because he caught a few glimpses of familiar capes and blue. 
When they all land on the roof for briefing Ja's feels like he’s about to burst from the excitement. 
This time when Ryner bumps into his shoulder it isn’t quite as annoying and he bumps back. It’s playful and light which seems to be the mood with them all. That is until Batman comes down with his dark dramatics.Jas's goes stone still at the sight of him. A blue and Black shadow follows behind before the bright colors of Robin pop up the edge of the building. 
It’s- strange to him. Like being on the wrong side of a mirror. He takes in what he can see of Bruce’s face from under the mask. The worn lines seem just too deep to be on the man he thought of as his father. Even Dick’s posture feels different and the new Robin… Well Ja's wishes he could say he feels anger but if anything he just feels- strange. There’s also something else. It’s slow and thrumming in his mind like he’s running on outdated software. His entire body itches all over and all he wants is to get closer. He needs to be closer. Close enough to touch, feel and just make sure they're real. That they are who he remembers and not just a figment of his imagination-  
Ryner nudges him and Ja's hisses under his breath. 
“ We gotta go. Didn’t you hear the man? “
Ja's had not heard him. The soothing quality of Bruce’s voice always made it hard to focus. The dark timber of it has always been more relaxing than menacing in his opinion. Just- being so close to them but not with them feels so strange. He knows he has to go over there. It’s been years and he probably doesn’t even fit in space left. There's anxiety at the thought, to go home he'd be willing to cut away any parts of him that he needed to. He swallows. It’s a sad and small mindset, something that he’s supposed to be better than by now. 
“ Heard him say what? “
Someone clears their throat and now there’s all eyes on them. Apparently they weren’t being as quiet as they thought.
“ That your help has been appreciated but you are not welcome in my city. “
Hearing it and knowing it are two different things. While Ja's always knew how Bruce felt about metas and supers, actually being told to leave is equal parts hilarious and frustrating. The itch that has been nagging him turns into an entire rash. He takes two steps forward but Ryners hand stops him from closing the distance. He shrugs off the touch, it doesn’t feel right. 
“ Yea? And who decides who comes into Gotham. Last I checked I have a birth certificate sayin i’m Gothamite and that means I can come to this cesspool whenever I want. “
He spits the words in the accent to prove a point. He’s giving away too much- too much information. He knows how Bruce obsesses over identities. It's not like the corps where everyone knew everything. A few people look around and Jas's suddenly feels even smaller. Ryner pulls him back and he can’t get himself to move. He just stares at Bruce hoping- wishing that the man will know it’s him. That he’ll close the distance and hug him and hold him. That he’ll smell like home like he always did when Jason could fit on his lap. 
Because as many sisters as he has now he only has one living father, brother and grandfather. He only has them and Jason wants so badly to be told that he could have them again. Space has never felt like much of a home. As much as the others made efforts they’re versions of love and his are different. He clung to the idea of meeting a soul mate and being full but now that he’s actually in front of Bruce he just wants to be here. With his dad. 
The shush on the roof is eerie. Ryner pulls harder and this time Ja's stumbles back. 
“ Ja’s lets go. “
The hardness of his voice spurs him into action. Bruce doesn’t move. He doesn’t move an inch and it hurts so badly he thinks he might die. When the lanterns take off he hesitates for just a moment. His eyes find Dick’s hoping for…. He doesn’t know what. When their eyes meet his heart pounds and his blood rushes in his ears. The blankness he gets back makes him flinch.
His eyes flicker to the Robins and the innocent wide eye stare is just- too much. He feels like a spectacle. His eyes flutter around and soon he realizes just how out of place he is. Not like he ever fit to begin with. 
Shame rolls over him. He staggered back a few steps. No one moves and his throat goes dry. He turns and flies after Ryner in mortification.
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sinsforjeon · 4 years
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(!!! tw this contains themes similar to emotional abuse and a dysfunctional relationship so if you’re triggered by that then please don’t read this!!! stay safe💕)
Pregnant? No. You couldn’t be, there was no way.
Jungkook was laying next to you, his hand mindlessly skimming against the soft skin of your stomach.
“I can’t be pregnant.”
It was dead silent after that but not for long, maybe a few seconds. He laughed loudly before leaning down to press a loving kiss against your tummy.
“Did you hear that, little one? Your mommy is being silly!”
“She thinks you don’t exist!”
You were rendered speechless from his actions. You knew you couldn’t be pregnant because you were taking birth control pills.
“But kookie, I take birth control pills, remember?”
He simply chuckled before he looked up at you. You couldn’t tell what was going on through his mind but then again he was never one to show any emotions.
“Birth control pills? You mean the ones that I’ve swapped out for sugar pills for the last two months?”
It felt like the breath had been knocked out of you. As if someone had poured an ice cold bucket of water over your head.
“You heard me. We are having a baby.”
You let out a broken sob as reality finally began to set in. You were having a baby. You were having Jungkook’s baby.
“Oh baby, no don’t cry! Is my princess really that happy?”
Jungkook cooed as he brought you into his embrace, your face nuzzling his neck as he ran a hand through your hair and left soft kisses against your forehead.
To any outsiders you probably looked like a loving couple, one that was about to have the perfect little family they always dreamed of, but you were far from it.
You sobbed, shaking your head as an endless string of ‘nos’ fell from your lips. Jungkook rocked the both of you back and forth in hopes that it would calm you down but it seemed to make it worse.
“No? What’s wrong baby, hm? Tell kookie so he can fix it, angel.”
“I can’t- I don’t want a baby, Jungkook! I don’t want your b-baby!”
Jungkook took in a sharp breath at your words before he pulled back, his hands on your shoulders as he held you at an arm length distance. He looked at you as if you had stabbed him in his heart.
“You- You don’t want my baby?”
“T-That’s not what I meant!”
“Well what the fuck did you mean then?!”
This was falling apart very quickly and you had no idea how to take control of the situation. Jungkook was already seething and he wouldn’t give up until he had the final word.
You gulped as you got up from the bed, hiccups slowly crawled up your throat but you forced them down as you hastily wiped your tears.
You took a deep breath before you turned back to him. The panic you had felt earlier was slowly simmering down but it was the opposite for the man across you.
“Kookie- I didn’t mean like that! You know I love you, right?”
“You don’t want my baby? You-“
He let out a humorless laugh as he ran a hand through his hair before harshly tugging on the roots of his hair out of frustration.
“You don’t want my baby- you’ve got to be fucking kidding me!”
“No! You listen to me! I’ve had enough of your fucking outbursts, do I have to make every decision for you? Cause you clearly can’t make up your fucking mind!”
God you had messed up, he was mad but even that was an understatement. Jungkook was fuming. His breathing had started to get erratic so you slowly made your way to him in hopes to help him calm down.
“Don’t fucking touch me, Y/N-“
“Jungkook, baby? Please calm d-down for me, yeah?”
“Y/N, so help me god if you lay your hand on me I’ll do something I’ll regret.”
You gulped, hesitating but still walked towards him. You placed your hands above where his heart was, his heartbeat was fast and so you did the one thing you knew would calm him down. You cried.
Jungkook liked it when you cried, it showed him that he was in control, that you were dependent on him. It worked, your quiet whimpers brought him out of his reverie. He sighed, frustration still clear in his eyes but he brought you into his arms regardless.
“I-I do want your babies, Kookie, was just scared-“
“Shh, baby, don’t cry, hm? It’s ok my love, no more tears.”
You hiccuped, more tears making their way down your face but you were crying for a completely different reason. You had shown weakness again, you had submitted to Jeon Jungkook once again.
You felt the first sign of your pregnancy a week later when you woke up with a strong urge to throw up. You bolted up from the bed as you quickly ran to the bathroom, waking Jungkook up in your frenzy before you fell on your knees in front of the toilet and emptied your stomach contents into the ceramic bowl.
Jungkook hurried after you as he kneeled down beside you in concern. He cooed quietly when he realized what was going on, he held your hair back with one hand as the other rubbed soothing circles on your back.
You whined quietly from the ache that now sat in your throat, the bitter taste in your mouth didn’t help either. Your peace didn’t last long before you lurched forward once again, gagging into the bowl.
Jungkook stayed by your side through it all, he then helped you to brush your teeth before he led you back to bed again. He held you close in his arms, one hand protectively around your stomach and the other in your hair.
“Do you think it will be a boy or a girl?”
“Why are y-“
“If it’s a girl, then I hope she turns out to be exactly like you.”
You let out a forced chuckle as you looked down at the hand around your stomach. You weren’t ready, you weren’t emotionally ready to be a mother and Jungkook was definitely not ready to be a father.
How could you tell him that though? How could you tell him that you didn’t want a baby, not now at least. He would flip, but you had to take a chance.
“I don’t want a baby.”
He let out a snort before he placed a kiss on your forehead. You didn’t know what it meant but you didn’t question it. He was quiet as if he was contemplating his next words.
“It’s ok.”
“It is?”
“Mhm, I heard first time mothers always get cold feet but I know you don’t really mean it and don’t worry baby, Kookie will take care of everything, yes?”
This was not going anywhere, you were going in circles and it was endless. You fight, you cry, you ‘make up’ and it begins again. You knew that you were going to have his baby whether you liked it or not.
“Just make sure you take care of yourself so that our little peanut is healthy.”
“Yeah... I’ll do that.”
You were tied down from here on out, trapped with a baby. Jungkook’s baby. You could only hope that the new responsibility would change him for the better, for your sake but most importantly for the sake of your child.
You laid there until he fell asleep, silent tears trailed down your face. This wasn’t how you had envisioned life to be like. You always thought you’d be happy like all the princesses in those Disney movies, you’d be the princess and you’d always find your Prince charming and you did in a way but he was not what you had expected.
He was controlling, short tempered but then again he was loving so why did you feel so weighed down? Why did you feel unhappy?
You were a good person, weren’t you? So why had life been so cruel to you? Why didn’t you get the happy life that you deserved, the one all your friends had.
These questions ran through your head until you found yourself getting sleepy and so you slept, you slept in the arms of the love of your life and the father of your child but one thought stayed in your mind even throughout your dreams.
What did you ever do to deserve this life?
For the next few months Jungkook was nothing but pleasant. You no longer fought and you barely found yourself crying. It actually felt like you were a normal couple.
You were nearly due to give birth and the nerves had started to set in. You knew your water could break any day now and you found yourself always on edge even though Jungkook reassured you time and time again.l that everything would go as planned.
The new demeanor from your boyfriend didn’t go unnoticed, you were confused at first but eventually you found yourself getting used to his gentle words and touches.
It began the day when you both found out the gender of your baby. You were having a baby boy, Jungkook had been so happy that he began crying. You had never seen him cry before and you had no idea what to do but to bring him into your arms.
From then on he would tend to your every want and need, always rubbing your feet, getting you whatever food you craved for the day or night and would stay by your side 24/7, occasionally conversing with his unborn son. The sight was wholesome, seeing him smile wide was rare but when your boy kicked at the sound of his voice his whole face lit up.
It was perfect. He was perfect but of course good things don’t last forever, not for you at least. Jungkook worked from home, always had but on this particular day he had to attend business somewhere else.
The news didn’t sit well with you. You were so used to having him around you that him leaving for over an hour was enough to send you into a panicky state, especially now, you needed him more than ever because the baby was almost here.
“D-Do you have to go?”
“Y/N... yes! Yes I have to go, how many times do I need to tell you this?”
You whimpered quietly at the tone of his voice, it had been so long since he got angry at you and you didn’t want it to begin anytime soon.
“Kookie, don’t leave please! I need you here with me.”
“Fucks sake, Y/N, do you even hear yourself? You’re making it sound like I’m going to war! It’s just a couple of hours, angel, I’ll be back.”
His words somehow set you off, he was talking down to you and it made you feel stupid but more than anything it made you angry. Maybe you were being unreasonable but rightfully so. He was going to leave you in a house that was basically in the middle of nowhere when you could pop out a baby at any given moment.
“But-But what if the baby comes and you aren’t here?! Then what am I-“
“God! You are pissing me off, Y/N, I’m already stressed enough as it is don’t add anymore fucking baggage to my problems.”
This was the Jungkook you knew, one that had been locked far away for a very long time, maybe too long and maybe that’s why he was being so harsh. You let out a shocked chuckle at his words.
“Really? I’m adding on to your problems? I told you! I fucking told you that we weren’t ready for this but no! Kookie always knows best right? I should’ve known you weren’t ready to be a father-“
Your words seem to set him off even further, you were adding fuel to a burning fire and it was bound to end in flames. He slowly walked towards you, a frown etched on his face as he ran a hand through his hair.
“You’re making me angry, Y/N. Do not-“ He gulped before taking a deep breath to center himself. “Do not make me angry, not today.”
“Oh fuck you, Jeon Jungkook! I’m the one who is carrying a human that YOU put in me so I’ll make you angry all I want. I swear to god if you walk out of that door, you will come back to an empty house.”
Jungkook growled at your words, his hand quickly going around your neck, it was loose but it scared you half to death. Maybe you had pushed him too far this time, so far that he had forgotten that you were carrying his baby.
“Now you better listen to me, little girl because I’m only going to say this once and I won’t repeat myself, am I clear?”
“Good. First of all, don’t you ever, ever raise your fucking voice at me again, secondly do not even think about setting foot out of this house, not with my son because I will haunt you and when I do find you, you’ll wish you were never born and finally don’t threaten me, angel, don’t ever make that mistake again because you never threaten Jeon Jungkook and get away with it.”
You gulped, nodding quickly before he pulled his hand away from you just as quickly as he had wrapped it around your neck. Jungkook took another deep breath before cradling your face in his hands.
He wiped the tears that had leaked down your face, you had been crying? You were so scared that you didn’t realize and even now the feeling of his hands on your face made your heart beat fast with fear.
“I’m going to go now, ok? And you will lock the door after me, don’t try anything stupid because it won’t end well. Don’t make me make you cry again, angel.”
He left but not without a soft kiss on your forehead. He grabbed his car keys and phone before he made his way out of the house. And just like that you were left alone.
You let out a breath of relief as you finally locked the door. It was silent, something that you weren’t used to because Jungkook would always find something to talk about for hours on end.
It was silent, until it wasn’t anymore. You felt it first but you refused to believe it but then you heard it. Had it been a different scenario you would assume that you had peed on yourself but it wasn’t, this was reality.
Your water broke.
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countessmorgasson · 4 years
Your Wish is My Command
Spicy Nadia x MC! It’s been a long day, but Nadia still has some bossing around to do ;)
Gender Neutral MC
(Disclaimer: 🍋 warning)
When Nadia summoned you down to her chambers for her nightly bath, you were ecstatic. You hadn’t seen her all day- she was particularly swamped with meetings and preparations this week.
It was almost time for the annual masquerade.  Even with Count Lucio out of the way, the town of Vesuvia had grown accustomed to the yearly parties- and frankly, you had to admit they were fun when Nadia was in charge. 
Unfortunately for the two of you, preparations took over the entire day and most of the night, leaving Nadia too exhausted to even sit for dinner with you. Tonight seemed to be an exception.
You rush to fix your hair in the mirror- you want to look your best, even if you’ll be under the water when you’re with her.
You throw on your bathrobe and head down the hall...
Nadia’s already relaxing in the water by the time you’re there. She’s got a weary look on her face which soon brightens at the sight of you. Even so, she’s nearly radiating with tension. No wonder she’s already gotten in the water.
“Oh, good. Join me, darling. The water’s so warm.”
She beckons for you with her manicured hands. Her bathrobe’s long gone now, set aside and folded neatly. 
You don’t hesitate anymore. You used to blush at the thought of undressing yourself in front of her. As time passed, you’ve come to realize that she actually enjoys the sight of you, believe it or not. 
“I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long,” you start. Nadia waves it away.
“For you? I’d wait as long as it takes.”   
When your robe falls to the floor, you notice that playful spark ignite in Nadia’s expression; she looks you over with a raised eyebrow.
You know that look.
Wading into the water, the contrast between the warm bath and cold air draw goosebumps along your skin. You muscles react instinctively to the hot water and relax, letting you fall nearly limp in Nadia’s embrace.  The sun begins to set outside, and the golden skies pour in though the window that overlooks all of Vesuvia. Of course the nicest bathing chamber in the palace would belong to the Countess, but you? You still look around this room in awe.  You can’t believe you’re here sometimes- with Nadia. The Countess herself.
Soon, you’re running your hands over her bronze skin, marveling over how soft she feels. Was it even humanly possible for someone to be so... perfect?  That’s the only word you can think of, it’s perfect. She’s perfect.
She sighs when you work your hands into a soft massage, starting with her shoulders.
“I must admit, I’ve been looking forward to this moment since I woke this morning,” Nadia purrs.
“You planned out this far?” Why are you surprised? She thinks of everything.
Digging deeper, you press your fingers into her shoulders, down her back, along her arms until the tension begins to leave her body. Occasionally you’ll press a kiss to her shoulders, just because you love to hear the way she giggles when you do it.
The water’s cooled, and to your surprise, Nadia’s risen from the pool immediately. The light from the sunset continues to seep in from the window, setting a golden glow over her wet skin. 
“Going so soon?” You ask.
“Not exactly.”
Nadia approaches you, and in her hands is a box. You lean forward to get a good look. It’s a luxurious dream; massage oils and lotions galore. Flower petals, bath salts, all the works. 
“What do you say we find... a different way to keep ourselves warmed up?”
Yes. Yes! A million times yes, you think. Instead of responding aloud, your eyes just linger on the box while you make your plans. There are so many things you could get up to with those tonight... 
Finally, you manage to look up- Nadia’s patient gaze is fixed on you. 
“Absolutely,” you finally sputter, and you come to realize that you’ve got that dopey smile on your face. You can feel it, how the corners of your lips lift up into a curve- you must look so silly. 
You soon stop worrying about the expression on your face when Nadia starts guiding your hands over her skin- starting with her neck. You rub lavender-scented oils into her skin- slowly. 
She’s even scattered some petals across the bath- but you’re much too focused on what’s in front of you to admire them.
“You’re still so tense,” you mutter to yourself. 
“I suppose I am...” Your eyes meet, and your hands glide down onto her chest, her stomach...
Part of you waits for her to whine, or moan- something. But she’s still got her eyes locked on you and a haughty smile on her lips. 
“Don’t tell me you’re feeling shy all of a sudden, m/c.” She reaches forward and slides her fingers down your chest. “Perhaps asking nicely doesn’t do the trick.”
The words send a warm flush through you- and you’re all-too aware of how hard your heart’s pumping, but you don’t catch the smile in your voice when you respond. 
“You are the Countess. Maybe you should order me around a bit.”
“I see.”
For a moment you wonder if it’s magic, the way that her eyes send a thrill through you. Goosebumps break around your skin again, even in lukewarm water. Nadia holds her tongue and maneuvers the two of you around until you’re leaning against the wall of the pool, and she’s directly up against you. 
So close... you can hear her heartbeat... 
And she parts her lips to speak.
“Kiss me.”
You cup her cheek and lean in, but she catches your hand in mid-air and pulls away. 
“Not here.” She raises an eyebrow, and by now you’re too flustered to speak.
So you follow her orders, starting by kissing along her jawline. You shut your eyes, admiring the softness of her skin and the smell of her perfume. Taking your time, you leave kisses along her ear and down to her neck, half-expecting her to stop you again.  She doesn’t- she looks down on you with the most peculiar smile on her face- like she’s... smug. 
By now, you’re leaving sloppy kisses on her chest and breasts- leaving marks where no one else will see. You’re secretly so desperate to hear her moan; the only sound you want to hear is your name through her voice. But she remains quiet- knowing that it’s exactly what you’re craving. 
“M/c.” She’s icy enough to send more shivers down your spine. You break free, and she hoists herself up along the edge of the pool- leaving you at eye level with her hips- you have to look up to her to see her expression.
Almost as if you were on your knees for her.
“Please, Nadia...” your words somehow feel warm against your tongue. “Let me worship you.”
Just the idea of it gets you off- and Nadia’s amused smile proves that she’s taken notice.  
“Well then. What are you waiting for?” She tilts her head to the side expectantly, eyeing you up and down like she’s waiting to see what your next move is... or maybe she’s watching your body language- noticing the way your hands tremble as you fuss over her, or how you bit your lip before kissing along her thighs.
You almost forget about the massage oils. You scramble to rub more into her skin- starting with her legs. You’re going to take your time with her. After all, she’s looked forward to this all day- who are you to deny her what she wants?
When you’re satisfied with the massage you’ve given her, you lean forward and run your lips along her legs, showering her with compliments that you’re not sure she even hears.
“Go on, magician.” she eggs on. “Please me.”
“...As you wish.”
Every inch of her skin smells sweet- tastes sweet. From her legs to her inner thighs to her hip bones, you kiss and lick like you’re hungry for her. You’ve melted into her hold, gently gripping her by the thighs before pushing your face in between her legs.
She twitches at the first touch, but strains to hold back any moans.  I suppose I’ll have to earn that, you smirk to yourself. 
You eat her out like your life depends on it. The moment your tongue reaches her you can feel her entire body settle into relaxation.
The water around you is going cold, but you hardly notice it. Your own heart pounds against your chest and you moan like you’re the one on the receiving end. You can’t help it- it’s just too good. She’s too good; the way her fingers brush against your hair when she pets you, and when a whimper escapes her lips... the pool could turn into ice water and you wouldn’t dare break away.
It feels so good to pleasure her- it’s an honor.
“That’s right, m/c... good...” Even her sultry voice begins to waver as she nears the edge, but you’re losing yourself in her. 
You almost don’t hear it when she comes.
A shudder, sigh, and then...
Her grip on your hair loosens, and you rear your head back, admiring the blush lighting up her face. 
Before she can catch her breath, she lowers herself back into the water and embraces you again- pulling in for a deep kiss, tasting herself on your lips.
“Did you think I wouldn’t make sure you’re taken care of?” Even breathless, she sounds so seductive- so domineering. 
You must have really set her off- she returns the favor tenfold, kissing every inch of your neck and chest, just like you had to her. 
The two of you rock against the water, oblivious to the soggy flowers sticking to your skin. You’re lost in her again- the position you’re in has one of her legs rubbing against your sweet spot, sending you into ecstasy. You didn’t realize how close you were until you were on the receiving end. 
“Relax for me, dear.” Nadia purrs in your ear, locking you into place.
You grind against her a little harder- unashamed to let yourself moan for her.  It just feels... she makes you feel incredible. You can only hope you did the same for her.
The oil on her skin makes your movements so smooth, so easy to...
“Ahhh...”  You rear your head back and dig your fingers into Nadia’s skin, careful not to leave any more marks. 
You ride out your climax in a daze, only aware of Nadia’s hold on you and the smell of lavender. 
For a moment it feels like you’ve lost all your other senses.  Nadia has to kiss your forehead to bring you back to reality, and only then are you aware of just how cold the water’s gotten. How long were you two in here?
“What do you say we head to bed a little early tonight? I’ll have a bottle of Golden Goose sent up for us.” Nadia traces her fingers along your goosebumps, her own arms breaking out in chills as well.
When you look at her, it’s like you’re seeing a different version of the Countess. She’s actually relaxed for once- and it’s such a lovely sight to see.  If you could, you’d give her the entire world. You’d take on all her meetings, her responsibilities, just to keep that look in her eyes.
But for the rest of the night, it seems like a glass of wine and a cuddle will do.
“Anything you say, my dear.”
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