#and this country is fatphobic as hell
release-your-sweets · 5 months
kind of insane that when I set my dating app location to my country, I barely got any matches but when I set it to a different country, suddenly I'm miss popular. I guess I'm not attractive in my country???
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poisonheiress · 12 days
Vivziepop and Queer Rep
As we all know, many fans and media reps alike have commented on the apparent "queer rep" seen in both Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel with many sighting their MLM relationships and use of Sallie May as proof of Vivzie's dedication to queer rep. Yet for how much this idea is spouted across social media, I cannot say that Viv truly cares about Queer Representation in her shows. The apex of this disagreement comes from phrase that man people seem to not remember when it comes down to queer rep: Representation for one is not Representation for all.
In her hyperfocus on thin, cis mlm relationships, Vivzie creates rep for only those relationships, leaving behind countless other queer identities and relationships that also heavily need queer rep. The largest dismissal of queer individuals/relationships in HH or HB appears in characters that fall into one of three categories, The Fat, Sapphic, and The Nonbinary.
The Fat
When some of you look at this, you may be confused as to what fatness has to do with queer rep, I would tell you that it has a lot to do with it. Fat people are not inherently removed from queerness and have been there since the beginning, the creation of the term Bear is proof of that. This is the first strike on HH and HB's records.
As many other creators have thoroughly pointed out, fat representation is abysmal in both HH and HB with either shows either lacking fat rep completely or having fat characters made using more fatphobic stereotypes than I could count. With this poor managing of fat representation, its no surprise that Vivzie pop ignores all possible avenues of queer rep with fat people involved. This also impacts her presentation of mlm ships with all those in these ships only appear as thin cis men, not a single bear or trans man in sight.
The Sapphic
The second largest and arguably most obvious strike against Viv comes in her disturbing lack of sapphic relationships in both shows. While HH has at least one sapphic ship (Charlie and Vaggie), HH has none to speak of. As a result, Viv's ratio of Sapphic to Achillean relationships is heavily one-sided.
It shouldn't take me having to say this for many of you to realize that you cannot claim to have true or complete queer representation when you ignore a whole side of the queer community. While this issue in sapphic relationships likely tied to Vivzie's smaller amount of women in her stories, this does not excuse it. Having one or two of these secondary characters be in a sapphic relationship (especially Sallie May) be shown or even mentioned in passing (not random background shoots) has having a girlfriend would fix this issue, but we cannot even get that.
The Nonbinary
The final strike against Vivzie's queer rep comes in both shows ignoring the existence of nonbinary characters as a whole. While we get some presentation for the binary trans community (even though most are background characters never seen again besides Sallie May), we have yet to see a single nonbinary character in either show's canon.
This is honestly fucking ridiculous. To ignore an entire gender identity because its easier or you simply don't want to is ridiculous and should strip any claimed queer rep media from their title. Nonbinary people have always existed throughout time in different countries and cultures. To think that they're wouldn't be a single nonbinary sinner or demon in hell after all this time does not make sense.
Trans people on the binary and nonbinary side have the right to representation equally, and even if we were to ignore the concerns about Viv's current trans rep, trans people deserve more rep than random background characters and a one dimensional trans woman.
The Finale
As I end this essay, I do want to say that I wanted to discuss HH and HB's treatment and ignorance of asexuality and aromanticism as they are both highly relevant to the discussion. However, I need to do more digging on Alastor and his ace situation first before I do so in order to prevent spreading misinformation.
But even without this section, I still stand on my belief that neither of Viv's shows should be paraded around as good queer media or as truly supporting queer rep. While HH has a little more leeway with Viv's only sapphic ship, HH and HB still ignore large sections of the queer community. It feels more like Viv is picking at the parts of the community she likes more, grabbing at the more marketable identities and appearances until she has enough to call her show queer.
I hope one day Viv will listen to her fans and critiques about this lack of other queer identities but I will not hold my breath. All that is left to say is that queer people deserve better especially in adult shows and in animation. Picking and choose what queer people you include in your media simply because you like one more is the farthest thing from queer rep.
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alatismeni-theitsa · 6 months
I'm not sure how much you keep up with Percy Jackson and its spin-offs, personally I like the series, but my G-d it is NOT an accurate portrayal of Greek mythology whatsoever, as I'm sure you're aware! Did you know that Rick Riordan set it in the USA because of how great western civilization is and how Western countries are more relevant to modern society? I'm not even joking or exaggerating.
Honestly, I do think that putting the gods in US America can be justified for the right reasons. I don't think there's anything inherently offensive about the Underworld being under LA or Olympus being above NYC. Especially with the demigod camp being on Long Island, like, okay, you wanna keep the gods close by. It's a story about an American middle-school boy, so yeah, it'll be very American. That's fair.
But the reason the author gives for it is so offensive! If this was a story about, say, the Egyptian gods, more people would understand why "west is best" is an offensive thing to say, but I guess it doesn't matter when the gods/culture being adapted is white passing enough or whatever the fuck.
(Tbfh even if he'd said that about, say, the Norse gods, or something else that is undeniably white, it'd still be disrespectful as hell. America-centricism is so fucking exhausting!)
It's actually disappointing bc, even though the books aren't true to Greek myth (don't even get me started on how badly they portray Hades and literally blame him for WWII and imply Hitler is his son), they've gotten so many kids interested in greek mythology. Oh sure, there's some weirdos who read the books and claim to worship whoever their "godly parent" would be, but there's even more people who truly got so much knowledge and respect for actual mythology from the books! And as terrible as the Greek representation is, the other representation is done really well, especially in neurodivergency/disability. I obviously wish he'd handled race/ethnicity (and religion) better, but for all the 'offensive' stuff that exists in the books there's also so many great things. So many different portrayals of love and friendship and bravery.
It's honestly no wonder the books are still a comfort series even for those who have outgrown them, and it makes the offensive stuff even worse, almost like a betrayal in some way. It's not like Rick Riordan is going out of his way to be a fatphobic antisemitic TERF like some other YA fantasy authors out there. He's someone who seems to actually care about representation in his work, which makes it all the times more hurtful when he *doesn't* care or when he writes stuff like that.
ooooh yeaah I unfortunately know all this and have posted about this 4-5 times already 😂 An extremely imperialistic view, this author has. But in this USAmericanized world, people need to do some deconstruction to see the fucked up aspects of these books. I wouldn't be opposed to seeing the Greek gods in other countries in general but the reason they went to the US is very problematic - and I don't throw this word around easily.
As you said the series has good stuff too and it has brought joy to many kids worldwide (me included), so anyone who likes PJO don't think that I'm shitting on it too much 😄 But there are definitely some things to be addressed there and that we should discuss. Like how the attitude of the writer only continued the sense of entitlement and ownership the West has over Greek figures. And because Riordan usually cares, it's sad that he let his cultural biases define his most popular series.
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fatliberation · 1 year
Had terrible anxiety yesterday when I heard about a lawmaker in my country (the Philippines) propose a bill against o******. Being stuck with fatphobic relatives is bad enough, but god imagining it in a nation-wide scale is so fucking scary, I'm still not revovering well from it. There aren't any developments yet that could tell me it's getting approved but man the anti-fat sentiment in this country is so bad, (too many health professionals here still use BMI) I just don't have a lot of hope and I'm just so stressed about it.
Hoping to raise some awareness about it, too. Here's a link: https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1774482/cynthia-villar-pushes-for-immediate-passage-of-anti-obesity-bill
That is extremely scary, I'm sending you the best of wishes anon, I hope you've been able to stay safe and take care of yourself amidst all of this anti-fat violence. Reach out to friends who support you, do whatever you need to do to protect your light during this stressful time. ❤️ You have an international network of fat liberationists who care deeply, right here. Let us know if there are any action steps to be taken, I will boost the hell out of it.
(Here's the same link for clickable convenience.)
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gerrysherry · 4 months
Moon Knight Comics and Orientalism
Thesis: the early moon knight comics were happier using the various cultures featured there as sets and props for Marc Spector's troubled past as globe trotting mercenary than to actually explore those cultures
This deals mostly with Volume One as I try to ignore everything else besides McKay and Lemire but I do mention Marc Spector: Moon Knight and Max Bemis
Example 1: Raul Bushman
First of all, his name is a literal slur, it's implied it's a nickname by moench and Lemire. But the handbook says that's his surname. ugh
also like I wish comics fleshed out Bushman besides "oh he's evil african warlord and drug dealer who is misogynistic as hell". And like his origin has him like to watch women dance whether it's the widows of the men he's killed or strippers in grimier part of New York (implicitly tying the two in what's both kinda a hot take and also kinda off the mark at once - yeah maybe don't call out misogynists by comparing them to animalistic brown men).
He's apparently from the fictional Domi tribe a fictional country of burunda displaced from indigenous land by Portuguese colonialism and then burunda was overrun by gangs and mercenaries and young Raul decided to join those he couldn't beat.
BUT that's only there in Marvel Handbook.
Like? that would actually make him a foil to Marc on another level. We see Marc's backstory in volume 1 issues 37 and 38 where he sees his family as weak and choosing violence as well. but no Raul's so evil we can't make him sympathetic or even give him an actual real skintone. Gena is in the same comic and looks like an African-American woman with brown skin but he's fucking GREY?!
And then Bemis gave him an eating disorder and was fatphobic about it. Like let him die already and god please give him a backstory backup story. Just for the love of whatever deity you pray to actually research this shit.
Example 2: Yussaf
Yussaf is a guy who pretends to be tour guide so he can kidnap Marlene (Steven's girlfriend) and break into the tomb where Marc died/had a near-death experience.
He's actually with some sort of fringe terrorist group and Marlene dead ass couldn't tell the difference. Marlene is supposed to be an archeologist. It really reeks of "of course he's evil he dresses traditionally arab and has crooked teeth". He also dies from a fall due to his own greed
But I love this issue acknowledges the dance of flowers and why someone named Spector might be unwelcome in this part of Egypt in the late 1980s.
Example 3: Nimrod Strange
Unlike Bushman, Nimrod's blackness is just an aspect of his character but his slayers elite (who are all cultural stereotypes) and his bodyguards who are always skinny girls in bikinis and always in a ratio of one black, one white and one asian woman is..... I get it's supposed to be THIS man's fetish but...like hmmm.
Like there was another comic where white businessmen hired a group of five assassins to kill Moon Knight and one was black and one was asian and it didn't feel too racist (to me at least) but this black guy hires these three guys and they're all brown (one's a caricature of an asian man in a triangular hat another is a caricature of a middle eastern man and the third is a black guy in like a bandana and an earing). Like hmm.
I do like the arc where Marc goes back to Jerusalem and is mourning his friend who is a mossad spy and it's implied so was Marc and by how vehemently he dislikes his friend's handler that did not end well.
As you can see the writers clearly wanted to comment on race and disenfranchisement but often the critiques felt oblique or couched in stereotypes which was most 80s Marvel comics
The show, much as I have my issues with it, is a breath of fresh because it centers around a Latino Jew and his Egyptian almost ex-wife fighting a guy who is the embodiment of color blind cultism and tokenism. Once Steven isn't useful to Harrow anymore and actively threatens his power, Harrow just kills him. Then of course Jake repays him in kind and says the pre-mortem one liner in Spanish as a extra fuck you to Harrow claiming to be multilingual and multicultural
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prussiasqueen · 3 months
Hallo! Shalom! Howdy howdy!
The name is Brii or admin Brii~
And I’m a self shipper~
This is a NSFW 🔞 zone! Not SFW.
I go by pronouns she/her/they. I’m 30 years old. MBTI is a INTP/INFP, Ennegram is (4w3 or 2w1 it can‘t decide lül). My zodiac is Gemini sun ♊️ , rising is Leo ♌️ and moon is Taurus ♉️ with mercury being Cancer ♋️ . Mars is ♌️ and Midheaven is ♉️. Chinese zodiac is 🐓 .
I am Biromantic, Demisexual.
I have a deep emotional connection with my f/os and my rl bf who kins to my f/os.
And my f/os are Gilbert (Prussia) from Hetalia, Elizabeta (Hungary) from Hetalia and Ludwig (Germany) from Hetalia~
I am anti antis, so antis do NOT INTERACT. If you cant differentiate between fictional and reality and base your moral compass on fiction, this account ain’t it for you.
There is tons of kink and sex-relate topics that will be brought up in this.
I mostly will be posting my drawings and random gushies about my f/os.
I block if I feel like I don’t vibe with you and don’t like how you are. I also will block immediately over my baby, Prussia~ Gilbert is mine and I don’t like to share with him. I also hate most ships with him, if you come at with weird ships of him or about him, you’re blocked, I’m evil and dominant and won’t take shit from anyone.
I don’t have many rules on here except for a few:
Do not argue with me about Germany and Prussia’s headcanons with me, if you don’t agree with me. Then just don’t even talk about it this includes that if I place historical significance to them or not, ships and etc.
I don’t really like to share them, but I’m more open to seeing other self shippers paired with them if it’s female/femme other shippers.
Do NOT AND FOREMOST SHOW ME GERITA, AUSPRUSS OR ANY OF THAT. But especially Germany and Italy pairing. If you do, instant block! I’m not even joking. I ask you to respect me and this safe space for me. And if anyone else doesn’t like these pairings, eeeeyyy hit me up and let’s chat homies.
I kindly ask not to interact with minors or those who are under 18. This will be a blog for sex-related themes.
There is kink related and BDSM topics that will be brought up here and also some rather, rough headcanons. If it triggers you and you can’t deal with it. Feel free to block.
If you have a Hetalia f/o that’s someone other than Prussia and Germany, My arms are open for you my dear! Let’s chats and connect!~ I support self shipping in the community!
If you are antisemitic and I find out you are racists against Jews, I will personally cuss you the fuck out and block you. Take that bs somewhere else. I am Ashkenazi Jewish and all Jews lives matter!!!
This is a gay friendly zone, I love all gays of every kind, and my ace/aro dears, I see you~
This has some crossover and multiverse lore and stuff in it , I’m currently working on my own art universe with correlating to Hetalia! If you don’t like crossover/multifandom/multiverse stuff, then kindly block~
DDNE (you’ve been warned… there’s some things here that may or may not upset)
If you’re fatphobic, get the hell off of my blog. I don’t want that garbage here. I’m pro body positivity.
I AM PROUD PRO-ISRAEL and PRO-PALESTINE! Both have a right to EXIST! This is not a red vs. blue game. It’s not a fandom! It is WAR IN REAL LIFE AND I TAKE IT VERY SERIOUS BECAUSE I HAVE FRIENDS IN ISRAEL! If you think Israel should cease to exist or the people there should die, BLOCK AND DO NOT INTERACT WITH ME AT ALL! I will also not support pro-Palestine that encourage h@mas. If you do, you’re off my damn blog and stay the fuck away from it! No damn neonazis! 🪬🧿 Am Yisrael Chai!
(Thank you countries that support us! And everyone who is fighting against global antisemitism and the destruction of the country of Israel! We still stand strong! Fuck H@MAS!)
And of course at anytime if I feel you did something wrong to invade my happiness and my little safe corner over here, you’re getting immediately blocked from here.
Icons for to show my current relationship to said characters:
Love/romantic relationship: 💘
Biggest crush: 😻
Protective/ doesn’t like to share: 🐆
Enemies: ⚔️
Besties, bitches: 💅
Friends: 🫰
One sided crush on their side: ❤️‍🩹
One sided crush on my side: 💜
Would prefer not this character to be shipped with anyone: 🙅🏻‍♀️
Undecided/curious: 🤔
Prussia - 💘😻🐆🙅🏻‍♀️
Germany - 💘😻🐆🙅🏻‍♀️
Hungary: 💜🫰💘😻🐆🙅🏻‍♀️
Austria: ❤️‍🩹🫰
Czechia: 💜💅🫰
Poland: 🫰💅
Belarus: 💜🤔
Ukraine: 🫰
Lithuania: 🫰🪻🤔
Estonia: 🤔
Sweden: 🫰
Denmark: 🫰
Netherlands: 🫰😻💜🐆 (sshh…look he’s hot ok?)
Norway: 🤔🪻
Iceland: 🫰🤔
Belgium: 💅🫰🐆 (I’ll protect her with my life)
Spain: 🤔❤️‍🩹
France: 💢🔪⚔️❤️‍🩹 (god this man I fucking hate him…)
Monaco: 🪻🤔
N. Italy (Feliciano): 💢❤️‍🩹🤔
S. Italy (Romano): 💢🔪❤️‍🩹🤔
Turkey: 💢🔪⚔️
Israel: 💅🫰🐆
England: 🫰🪻
America: 💅🫰
Canada: 🤔🪻
Japan: 💜❤️‍🩹🫰💅🐆
China: 🪻🫰🤔
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respirationalactress · 11 months
Tuesday night/ someone stole our water meter
I must have been in America. I was visiting S, and even though he was happy to see me he had forgotten my name. I was going to stay in their room, they had a bunk bed, one of those ones which was a double on the bottom bunk and a single on the top. I felt the presence of her easy sexuality in the room, it was kind of messy, it was small, I could probably smell some old sweat. S had to go out with their housemates to a party, so gave me a quick hug goodbye and left. I felt a bit shunted, but also hopeful that maybe later that night we’d hookup. But first I had to get ready for a soccer game. I felt a bit shy getting dressed into my old soccer clothes, worried that people would see the wrong parts of my body being accentuated, that I wouldn’t look like a girl. I tied my hair back into a long ponytail, but felt unsure about it. I asked one of the housemates who’d stayed home if they thought my hair looked silly like this. My hair was now short, and in the mirror I looked exactly like the boy I once was with short-back-and-sides, but with a long ponytail as well. The housemate said she thought I looked cool.
So, I have detransition urges probably about once a fortnight. I was talking about them with a friend, and during the conversation I realised that my desires to become a boy again is actually a misdirected desire to be skinny again, a desire to remain desirable to the people from whom I've habituated receiving self worth: the gay guys I used to fuck. The internalised fatphobia of it all is difficult to grapple with, I know how damaging it is to people, to me. But, I grew up with health-nut parents, with a dad who I once saw go up to a fat woman's trolley in Woolies and say "oh good, you've got some healthy food in there!" (he did know her, and tried to pass it off as a joke... but that doesn't really make it any better). That stuff doesn't leave your brain straight away.
I think about 2 out of the 5 or so pills I take every day claim weight gain as a side-effect. And while we could have a little Preciado inspired TED Talk on what it means to claim that weight gain is a side-effect of HRT drugs... Actually fuck it, I will have that TED Talk. How the hell is weight gain considered a side-effect of "feminising" your body? Is breast growth not weight gain? Are a woman's curves not just a sexualised portion of her body fat? The medical community is sooooo scared of fat!
So, maybe I want to become a boy again because I'm also sooo scared of fat. Or, to walk it a step back, I could say I'm scared of the new potentiality of my flesh. When I started presenting as a girl, I lost the ability to dance in public. New body, new muscle-memory. I used to love dancing with people, at the club, parties, wherever. I'm slowly re-learning to let go around people, but for a few years I've just had to stand at the corner of a dance floor and hope nobody can tell how scared I feel. I'd skip on the party but still hope that someone would want to hook up with me, hoping that my historical proximity to gay-man-ness would get me that same attraction I'm used to getting. Feminising myself has unlocked, or tapped into, an overwhelming amount of ancient superstitions about the female body and its sexuality. Even though I can recognise a lot of these cultural norms as sexist and fatphobic, they still exist, and I still have to learn how to navigate them. I still need to learn a new way of being sexy, in this new unknown country of my woman's body. I need to learn a sexuality that isn't dependent on the male gays (sorry), but looks at my body honestly and kindly, that looks at flesh not as something to minimise but instead as something to feel, to run your hands over and squeeze, to bite and grip and slap and cuddle.
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fairycosmos · 2 years
i was wondering if you notice that the uk in general is more fatphobic than the us? i’m in the us and I have no idea how it is where you are, but just from the tv and movies i’ve seen from the uk, there seems to be either more fat jokes or just a lower threshold for what is considered fat. maybe it’s both? i’m a us size 16-18 myself but the actors in these movies that the characters are calling fat literally look to be a size 8-10. and i also remember seeing you say that sometimes people make weight jokes about you but you seem probably smaller than me and i’ve never had someone joke about my weight (in adulthood at least lol.) so anyway sorry i hope this is an ok thing to ask! i just really appreciate your insight ☺️
hii i've never been to the us so idk what the general attitude towards this is like across the country, i'm sure it varies, but in the uk there's definitely a consistent and noticeable disdain for fat/chubby ppl. you'll see it in everything from tv to fashion trends to our approach to medical care. tbh if you even start a conversation about fatphobia most crowds aren't going to take it that seriously, theyre just going to tell you to stop being a greedy bastard and lose weight. bc weight is seen as something that’s controllable, no one cares about being crude about it. the humour here, while it is dry and ironic a lot of the time, can also be really juvenile so bigger people esp bigger women are often the butt of the joke and there's a lot of casual cruelty involved. esp from lads. for example, you might get a nickname to do with your weight. or if there's a fat character on tv, their weight will likely be used as a gimmick. we also had a lot of reality TV shows dedicated to weight loss in the 2000s that would outright dehumanise and disparage fat people and a lot of us were raised on that mentality, which was hell for overweight kids like me back in the day lmfao. so it's pretty deeply ingrained here. i do wish people would be more mature about this conversation, considering most people in the country aren't exactly a size 0 anyway and we all carry weight differently and there’s a worthwhile discussion to be had about disordered eating and diet culture. it's exhausting for sure ! ty for wanting to hear my thoughts btw love <3 hope you have a good day today. x
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My brain would often come up with something like 'why would you want to go to another country? So ppl can be fatphobic to you in another language?" Which...fair
But also dear brain...are you telling I have to stand third worl fatphobia just bcs anxiety?
Hell no, If I'm insulted I AT LEAST want to be next to a pikachu parade thank you very much
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widevibratobitch · 2 years
Polish Witcher fans are just evil fucking people and i hate them so much <3
#this is very random but#yeah. brought to you by: i am stupid and i looked at the comments in a polish wither group under the new cast announcement post#despite knowing full well that im gonna see horrible disgusting far-right cishet boys being absolutely cruel racist fatphobic etc#whether you do or dont like the netflix series is absolutely irrelevant. this is just like. basic human decency.#they're not even shitting on the show anymore. they're insulting and degrading an actress because she's black and fat#because sapkowski described the character (yes there is blatant sexualisation of women in the og witcher books)#as having a figure more beautiful than Yennefer's#and that the statues of nymphs and goddesses would be eaten by jealousy if they saw her naked#(again. sapkowski's words not mine. old creep)#and guess what. the actress they hired is fat. note how sapkowski never once used a word 'thin' or 'skinny'. just 'beautiful'.#there is pure hell in the comments under that post.#pictures of pigs. 'disgusting fat hog' 'those statues would either laugh or throw up if they saw her naked' etc.#people arent even mad about her being black because they're so preoccupied with her not being skinny#i just dont get it. i genuinely dont understand why would anyone be so cruel. what do they get out of this?#like i dont usually wish bad things on people. but this is the exception. i genuinely fucking hope something horrible happens#to every single one of these people <333 not only them. from the bottom of my heart i wish bad things on people who are so disgustingly#racist fatphobic homophobic mysoginistic who are just cruel and take pleasure in other people's pain#having said that. the witcher community here on tumblr is amazing. generally people here are great. not only in this fandom.#and then i come out into the real word and i am forcefully reminded that poeple in general (especially here in this fucking country.#piles upon piles of young edgy boys obssesed with their beloved fascist political party. treating women as objects. insulting everyone#who is different. i am so sick of this. hate upon hate upon hate. like i really genuinely dont understand it. i just dont.#maybe im fucking stupid and naive but i dont want to believe that the majority of people. of men. is bad.#but then i see comments like these and i am just. speechless. i am honestly stunned with how horrible these people are.#anyway. its 3 am and im having a little breakdown over people on the internet being mean lol but i am an oversensitive little bitch so#whatever
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dear-indies · 2 years
Good morning! If possible could you please suggest some black female fcs who have sort of a rugged western vibe? Where the black cowgirls at 😭😭😭
Some aren't western roles but could work:
Regina King (Where They Fall, Watchmen) African-American - Z*zie is also in Where They Fall but her casting based off an actual person was incredibly colourist and fatphobic, the director also excused this so please be cautious!
DeWanda Wise (The Harder They Fall) African-American.
Tamara Tunie (Cowboy Bebop) African-American, Lenape, possibly European.
Erykah Badu (They Die by Dawn) African-American and Cameroonian.
Monica Calhoun (Gang of Roses) African-American.
Lil' Kim (Gang of Roses) African-American.
LisaRaye McCoy (Gang of Roses) African-American.
Jaqueline Fleming (Hell on the Border) Afro Danish.
Dana Gourrier (The Hateful Eight) Louisiana Creole [African, French].
Maisie Richardson-Sellers (Legends of Tomorrow) Afro-Guyanese / English - queer.
Kylie Bunbury (Big Sky) Afro-Guyanese / Swedish, as well as Polish, English, and German.
Danielle Moné Truitt (Deputy) African-American.
Lauren Ridloff (The Walking Dead) African-American / Mexican - is deaf.
Danai Gurira (The Walking Dead) Shona Zimbabwean.
Sonequa Martin-Green (The Walking Dead) African-American. 
Kellita Smith (Z Nation) African-American. 
Madeleine Mantock (Into the Badlands) English, Afro-Jamaican.
Vaneza Oliveira (3%) Afro Brazilian.
Zoë Robins (The Wheel of Time) Nigerian.
Habiba Ummi Mohammed (Amina) Nigerian.
Jessica Parker Kennedy (Black Sails) Afro Canadian, Italian, Russian.
Chelsea Harris (Snowpiercer) African-American. 
More women who could rock that aesthetic:
Angela Bassett (1958) African-American. 
Rutina Wesley (1978) African-American.
Lisa Berry (1979) Black Canadian.
Lesley-Ann Brandt (1981) Black South African [English, East Indian, German, Spanish, Dutch, Khoisan, Ashkenazi Jewish].
Lupita Nyong'o (1983) Luo Kenyan.
Issa Rae (1985) Senegalese / African-American, Creole [African, French, distant Spanish], distant French-Haitian.
Nicole Beharie (1985) Afro-Jamaican, African-American.
Nafessa Williams (1985) African-American.
Janelle Monáe (1985) African-American - pansexual and bisexual.
Jurnee Smollett (1986) African-American, possibly other / Ashkenazi Jewish - Lovecraft Country.
Lashana Lynch (1987) Afro-Jamaican.
Michaela Coel (1987) Ghanaian - aromantic.
Danielle Brooks (1989) African-American.
Hannah John-Kamen (1989) Nigerian / Norwegian.
Damaris Lewis (1990) Afro-Kittian.
Jordan Alexander (1993) African-American, German, Irish.
Moonbear (1994) African-American.
Aurora Perrineau (1994) African-American, Afro-Haitian / English, Irish, French, German.
Kehlani (1995) Filipino, African-American, Blackfoot, Cherokee, Choctaw, Mexican, French, Spanish, Scottish, English, German, Irish, Welsh, Cornish - non-binary womxn - she/they - lesbian.
Credit to @nicolemaiines for some of these suggestions! 
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Lil Nas X's success and controversy
In the last few years, the American rapper Lil Nas X has seen his popularity skyrocket. First with a single "Old town road" (2019) featuring a well-known country singer, Billy Ray Cyrus, and more recently with his hit songs Montero (Call me by your name) (2021) and Industry Baby (2021). Obviously, those songs are very catchy and well constructed/written, they thus have gained popularity easily. Some of them were even used a lot on the social media Tiktok to make jokes (for example using the part of the "Montero" clip where he slides down to Hell while pole-dancing), which also has helped develop his popularity. The relatability of some of his songs and music videos (to the african-american and lgbt communities) may also have helped his influence. A lot of people love and support Lil Nas X for different reasons.
But on the other side of success, there is what we can call "cancel culture" (movements on social medias such as Twitter to make known problematic behaviors of celebrities). Lil Nas X has apparently been twitting incensitive (fatphobic slurs, harrasment...) and islamophobic things on an old account before becoming famous, which made some people (rightfully) hate him for it.
This is far from the first time an artist has been "outed" as "problematic" (which is a broad concept which can mean anything from being a murderer to being rude to a fan once).
But where can we draw the line between an artist's personnality, behavior and identity and their art ? Is it really that bad to like a song which is the production of a collective effort involving a whole team of people just because the person who will represent them to the public said horrible things online ? Does these songs, as objects of art, even reflect his problematic behavior ? At which level of problematic behavior should we stop supporting artists and ask for apologies or repercutions ?
I personally do like his songs, but I still care about who I am supporting. But I struggle to see when "cancel culture" is legitimate and when it's going to far.
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jaehyunskitten22 · 4 years
Just found out that Lucas is fatphobic 🙃🙃🙃
I want to start this off with this: i’m not trying to sound bitchy, i just don’t know how to sound happier rn lol its my seasonal depression. I’m very sorry if it comes off that way bc its not my intention 💖
Hi long time no post but if this is referring to what lucas said about kun, i dont think thats fatphobia. fatphobia is saying you hate fat people, just like homophobia is saying you hate gay people. What lucas said was most definitely uncalled for yes, but it wasn’t fatphobia. Lucas very well could be fatphobic, i have no idea, but calling someone fat is not an act of fatphobia.
Fatphobia is a dr refusing to run tests on an individual bc the individual is fat and the dr believes that that is the only possible explanation to symptoms. Fatphobia is refusing to be around someone solely bc they are fat. Calling someone fat or saying they are on the heavier side is not fatphobia.
I would constitute what lucas said as bullying, for sure. And lucas very well could be fatphobic, but what he said to kun alone is not enough (in my mind) to be considered fatphobic.
Also, cultural context is extremely important here. Whether we like it or not, it is entirely possible that a lot of idols have biases and prejudices against fat people because that is how korea, china, and japan are. Hell, thats how the world is.
This is extremely important, and its something i’ve had on my mind for a while. Do not base your worth on whether or not your bias finds your body type attractive. Do not base your worth in being your bias’s ideal type. Do not get hung up on these people’s exact feelings towards fat people. At the end of the day, it does not matter. It sucks, yes. But it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you respect yourself independent of what other people’s attitudes towards you or your body are.
I didn’t see the video, just screenshots, and its completely possible that you are referring to something else. If thats the case, please let me know. I’m also not trying to be bitchy (lately i’ve been sounding bitchy a lot and its bc of seasonal depression i dont know how to sound happy rn lol) i just dont like the term fatphobic to be thrown around, bc meanings get twisted and misconstrued. Also i think i had such a strong reaction to this message because i’m afraid that people are going to get really depressed about this and feel really bad about themselves over what, at the end of the day, is what a stranger in another country said about his bandmate’s body.
I love you all, every single one of you is great, no matter what people think about your body 💖
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just-antithings · 4 years
I'm so mad at antis who say SU is "irredeemable media"... what the hell is wrong with them? SU makes me feel like I can be accepted in the real world one day because queerness is so normalized in their universe (pun not intended). I also love that it centers femme NB gems and women a lot, and the masculinity of Steven is soft and compassionate, I really like it, he is a good role model for boys. I mean, I guess you could argue that Connie's parents started out as "stereotypical" (1/2)
(2/2, SU anon) like "controlling Asian parents" although tbh it is relatable to my Asian ass - there is nothing bad about SU, representation-wise. Call me pathetic but in my country we'd be lucky if a series has minimum sexist stereotypes or ableist and fatphobic or queerphobic jokes. SU has none. Call me biased, but SU means a lot to me and is my comfort show, esp. as an NB person, and I know many queer ppl can find deep narratives. Fat ppl can have body positivity & self love. Damn SU-ants.
SU critical blogs are so incredibly annoying.
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thessalian · 4 years
Thess vs Dietary Gentrification
One of the things I’m trying to figure out, and probably won’t ever be able to truly answer, is why rich people don’t want poor people to have nice things. Or, in fact, any things. Hell, it’s not even rich people; people who are moderately well-off are still far too close to poverty for comfort rather than being ‘temporarily embarrassed millionaires’ but they still seem to insist that people who live below the poverty line shouldn’t have anything but the absolute fucking basics.
Mostly, here? I’m talking about food.
Just recently - and something that’s been buried by the American election kerfuffle, just like everything else has been (for fuck’s sake, I know it’s important, but it’s not even our country) - there was the whole ‘school lunch’ debacle. COVID has made things untenable for a lot of people in this country. I’m one of the lucky ones - I got a job in an ‘essential worker’ sector just before the second lockdown hit. I won’t have to be furloughed. I’ll get paid. I’ll have more money than I’ve had in the last eight months - which has barely been getting me by. And that’s me, who doesn’t have rent to worry about. Who lives on her own, and who has a lot of tricks and tips to make a grocery budget stretch while still eating healthy and tasty food. For others? With rent and kids and bigger bills because kids and trying to figure out how to make that tiny budget stretch for foods that won’t have their kids getting sick through malnutrition but that they’ll still eat? It must be damn near impossible.
So the fact that the UK government, which has thrown away billions on the contracts for this test-track-and-trace thing (which doesn’t even fucking work, by the way, and has failed time and time again since its inception despite the 12-odd billion price tag, meaning consultants making upwards of 7k per day), won’t chuck a couple of million at feeding kids through a school lunch programme over the Christmas break is disgusting. But even more disgusting is the people who are with the government on that one. The ones who say, “Well, feeding yourself isn’t that hard. I was having a hard time financially for awhile; you can survive on cheaper foods for awhile”.
First of all? We’re talking about growing kids. I mean, you can theoretically give kids cheap processed crap just to keep their bellies full, but it’s not a viable long-term strategy for the long-term health of the population. People say that crap and then bitch about how junk food is evil because diabetes and how obese people are an undue strain on the NHS because of “obesity-related health problems”. And, yeah, obesity-related health problems do exist, but a) let’s not get all fatphobic about it, okay, because not all fat people are unhealthy ... and, more importantly, b) you bitch about fat people while dooming kids to a lifetime of being used to empty calories just to fill their bellies when you could be supporting helping them get healthy food which is less likely to cause those issues you’re bitching about. You don’t want them eating healthy on the taxpayers’ collective dime, but you don’t want them eating crap because it might make them cost you more money on the NHS. Basically, you just don’t want them eating at all, do you?
And it gets worse when you consider what I can only call ‘dietary gentrification’. Look, meat’s expensive. I know this. Believe me, I do, because I have low-grade chronic anaemia and get weird when I don’t get red meat on a reasonably regular basis because there’s not a lot else I can eat that provides what I need (you don’t want to know what too much spinach does to the digestive system from an eliminatory basis, okay?) So I’ve found workarounds. I’ve done what people have been doing since this whole haves vs have-nots thing started and learned to make what little I could get taste nice. I mean, look at chitterlings. Ox tail. Pig’s feet. Hell, fucking chicken wings. Dumplings are basically flour and water with whatever else you can use to tart it up to give a stew some body. Things like gumbo and jambalaya, which are basically based on “Whatever we can throw into a pot and make tasty”. Sardines, damnit; sardines were fertiliser for the Japanese but damn, can they cook them if there’s nothing else available.
But the best example is lobster. Lobster was poor man’s food in the places where lobsters are common; something you scooped out of the bay when you couldn’t afford anything better. Rich people got a taste for it when importing them became more viable and voila! The dish that was once a go-to for poor folk is now something the poor folk can’t afford anymore because they can’t afford not to sell them.
Of course, the other part of it is that those things we can afford to buy take time to prepare, and those of us who can only afford the cheap stuff probably work a job that leaves us little time or energy to prepare it properly. Slow-cookers and crock pots have helped with that a bit, but for those of us who don’t have the money or space in our dinky-ass apartments for a crock pot (or the roommates we can’t afford a place without broke it again), it’s a struggle. It’s a real struggle.
(Incidentally, this is why I recommend brining. Those tougher cuts of meat that tend to sell for lower prices? You can tenderise them a lot easier if you soak them in salt water with whatever other water-soluble flavourful things you have on hand for an hour or two. Or even overnight if you want; you won’t hurt it with brining. Like, currently I have a flat iron steak brining in a combination of garlic granules, garlic pepper, bit of tabasco sauce, bit of lemon juice, and the habanero salt @true0neutral sent me. It’ll soak in the fridge for a few hours and my ‘sliced off the tougher shoulder area’ bit of meat will be tender and flavourful and glorious. Also works on stuff like neck fillets for lamb or pork.)
Look, I don’t want there to be a culture of haves vs have-nots about fucking food. Food is food. I get that some food is more expensive to produce than others, but there’s a limit to how far that should go, and there’s also a limit to how much grabbing those who are better off should do when it comes to pricing people who can’t afford much else out of the glorious things they can do with the bits that well-off people didn’t want until they found out those things could be made tasty.
(This rant partly brought to you by my flat iron steak but mostly brought to you by the fact that I had a bit of a discussion at work about Monopoly and its history and how it’s not supposed to be a fun enjoyable game but rather a cautionary lesson in how awful capitalism is. No one listened to me. I’m citing sources next time.)
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daz4i · 5 years
yknow i’m gonna keep rantin abt this bc i have juice in me
i don’t think skinny people realize how much it sucks to be fat
i spoke abt fashion earlier and well. the fashion industry is rigged against us. because we’re not meant to be seen! people don’t want to remember we exist!
buying clothes is a pain! there’s literally only one chain store in my entire country that sells clothes in my size, and they’re all really fucking ugly and meant for old ladies, mostly 
that’s one of the reasons i can only wear graphic tees tbh. they’re the only thing i can find (usually in special stores for that or ordered online) that can fit me, will be comfortable, and also not look too bad 
hoodies and other outwear and stuff? i have to buy online, usually about a few sizes more than might fit “just in case” because here they’re just not sold in my size at all! clothes that can look good in general just don’t ever get to my size tbh, even online
yknow, even if nice clothes were sold in my size, i’d probably not wear them bc like i said - we’re not meant to be seen. i’m not meant to draw looks. dressing nicely isn’t a thing i’m supposed to to. and if i did do that, i’d get mean comment, yknow? if i went in public with an outfit that draws attention, i guarantee you i’d get nasty comments about my weight.
not that i don’t get them already even when wearing bland shit, but that’s another topic lmao.
plus sized models are almost never truly fat. they’re curvy. plus sized men models are usually a bit chubby but even then, relatively flat stomaches (in comparison to their chests for example), nothing too extreme. fat girls who upload pics of them in nice outfits and get lots of love on social media? they’re all aesthetically pleasing girls, perfect fat girls. they still have the curvy body type that people like seeing, just a bit bigger. most fat people aren’t like that. you can barely see pictures of our bodies, because no one wants to see us, and that’s why we never show it.
and as i started saying earlier - going outside in general! that’s fucking terrifying to me as a fat person! i can vividly remember more than a few times people just told me gross shit over my weight - people i didn’t know, who just decided to tell me i’m fat/i should go on a diet when they saw me in public (or at school, and no, it wasn’t another student). i can’t go outside without thinking “someone is going to laugh at me because i’m fat. someone will call me out for that. someone is going to say a nasty comment”. i can’t afford to wear eye grabbing clothes, not money wise, but emotionall - because if i get people’s attention, i’ll also get bad people’s attention. but really, i don’t even need to wear unique stuff for that - it’s enough that i just exist and fatphobes will be sure to mention how gross my body is to them, whether i asked or not (spoiler alert, i never ask).
you may say “just lose weight” but it’s not easy!!!! i’ve always been fat! and i probably always will be! it’s genes, i’m guessing. really, even when i went on diets before, even when i was watching what i eat and did sports, nothing’s changed - it’s just my body. you know, when i did lose weight - about 20kg/44 lbs - nothing changed either? i went down one pants size. i still looked p much still very fat. so even if i go to a healthy weight, there’s a very good chance i’ll still look fat. also, just to be clear, i lost that weight because i couldn’t eat for about 2 months. not a very healthy way to diet, if you ask me, and yes i already gained them all back, p quickly actually, bc i wasn’t supposed to lose that weight in the first place, bc that’s my body! that’s how it looks and that’s how it is!
honestly the whole matter of losing weight is kinda fucked up too. you hear abt celebrities mention it recently, how they managed to get thin quickly by going on extreme diets that were super unhealthy and they also had personal trainers and were actually almost always hungry. and they usually don’t even start that fat either. imagine if the average fat person could even get access and afford the whole thing these celebrities have, it’d still take us months of this hell to actually be thin, which i imagine is.... not very healthy. honestly, usually when you see people lose a lot of weight in a few months, they usually only became fat in the first place p quickly too and didn’t start out as fat. if a person who has always been fat tried it, i don’t even think it’ll work. like i said about my own weight loss: my body gained this weight back super quickly, because that’s its natural form and what it’s supposed to be. maybe with an intense and strict diet for a few years i could manage to lose this much weight again. but why would i want to? especially since i have a good feeling that if i break this diet i’ll just gain it back too. and yeah, i probably would only go down by a size or two at best. 
and!!! i’m not even THAT fat!!!! when i go to that chain store i mentioned earlier, i’m actually along the lower sizes they sell! if i wear the right clothes and hold myself properly and don’t try to do things like jump or w/e, i’m still fat but it’s not a thing people really notice unless they look for it, really. i can go up in sizes when shopping in online plus size shops if i want things to fit loosely. i have it easy. THAT’S easy. i can’t even imagine what it’s like to be fatter than i am, or have less ~aesthetically pleasing~ (in the eyes of skinny people) fat destribution than i do, but i’m guessing it’s even rougher tbh.
it sucks man! it fucking sucks ass! we’re not allowed to exist! we’re not allowed to be physically seen! we’re here to be a laughing stock or to be used as a bad example or to be a villain in a kids movie, and that’s it! skinny people don’t wanna see us unless it’s in a bad context! they hate us for existing! fat = bad is such a normalized idea that even when someone points out to anyone that they gained weight, not even in a malicious way, my blood literally runs cold. scenes in movies where to show how a character is doing bad they get fat (peter b parker in spiderverse, thor in endgame are just 2 examples i have in mind rn)? that’s another way to normalize this idea. skinny people can say they don’t mind fat, that they love ~girls with a little meat on the bone~, they can go years without saying anything directly fatshaming, but they still see stuff like that - heck, even create stuff like that - and don’t realize how damaging it is and how much it makes me and probably other fat people too not want to go outside even more. fatphobia is poison you don’t even notice is in you unless you’re fat too. 
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