#and theres still a bit of thunder so im still a bit worried
unamused-kookaburra · 2 years
It's past the vague time the plumber was supposed to be here and the anxious anticipation of his arrival is ruining my day off >:(
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hand-writxen · 1 year
TW// Mentions of abuse and bullying.
The beeping of your phone jolts you out of your sleep, you struggle for a moment as the phone vanishes into your sheets. After a few moments of getting tangled in the sheets, you are able to snag your phone and pick it up.
“Hello?” you ask, your voice raspy with sleep. Theres soft sniffles and a hiccup on the other line that causes you to pull the phone away and check the contact name which read ‘Bunny’. “Leo? Are you there?” The hiccups freeze a moment before shuffling sounds and the line gets clearer.
“Oh gosh- Y/N, im so sorry I thought I hung up. Please dont worry about it.” His voice was raspy and cracked with tears, the sound of wind and rain splattlatering in the background could clearly be heard. Your head rises as you glace out the window taking in the sight of rain and thunder.
“Leopold Stotch, Are you outside right now?” You quickly get up and start to pull on a hoodie and some sweats overtop your sleep wear and pick your way across your room to your boots, silence on the other end of the phone being the response to your question. Knowing the blonde wont answer you quickly struggle your boots on and race out of your room and out the door, your brain running a mile a minute as you slip through puddles and ice. “Leo you gotta tell me please?” The sniffling finally settles a bit as he takes a breath.
“M..My Lair.” His voice is soft but still full of pain and tears. You utter a soft farewell and push yourself to run faster as you put your phone in your pocket. Turning the corner past Kyle’s house the U-Store it facility looms ahead as you quickly prepare yourself to scale the fence like you had as a kid, Quickly throwing yourself at the fence you scrabble for a hold on the wet metal as you struggle abit to hull yourself over. Once you get over the top you let yourself jump and roll before quickly jogging off into the maze of buildings. 
The pace of your jog lead you quickly to the storage locker you knew as ‘Professor Chaos’ base’. You knock softly before pulling open the side door of the storage locker. 
“You know Leo, I still find it funny you’ve had this storage locker for 9 years and they havnt once questioned the fact you all but moved in here.” You say as you scan the cozy set up of the locker, Leo had hung string lights and set it up like a studio apartment minus the bathroom. The tall blonde laughed a little, looking over at you, the smile wiped off your face quickly upon seeing the bruise shining on his cheek. Without another moment you quickly rush over and take his face into your hands and softly rub your thumb across the black and blue skin causing him to flinch and whimper. 
“Y/N, that hurts..” his voice is a croaky whine as you withdraw your hands away from his face with a muffled apology, taking the spot next to him on the bed. 
“Leo, hon.. You need to tell someone, you cant just keep hiding the fact that Steven hurts you. I can only hold back so long.” your voice is hard but soothing as you take in his face, scanning for other injuries on his soft pale skin, the scar over his left eye standing out against the dark color of the bruises causes anger to flare up in the pit of your stomach. “Im willing to add another assult to my record to protect you, you know this.” This sentence caused a small giggle and grin to brake out on his lips as you lean back against his arm. 
“I dont know why, what even am I to you? A friend? A sibling? You’ve been following me around since elementary school yet you’ve never once stated what we are, You just get into fights on my account.” He says, his face pulled into a frown. You look up at him before shifting into his line of sight and settling on your knees. 
“You really want me to put into words and actions what you mean to me?” Your eyes are serious but your voice soft. At the nod of his head you lean in quickly and kiss him, The poor soft hearted boy went rigid never having been kissed before. You pull back from him as a small smile graces your lips. “I-I know you might not feel the same but i just had to-.” your words are stolen from you as Leo takes the initiative to kiss you this time, his hands grabbing your hips to drag you into his lap. Your hands quickly find place against his neck, gently cradling his head before you two separate, softly panting with grins. 
“I love you Y/N, Ever since we where kids. I just didnt think you’d want a scrawny screw up as a partner.” His words where as shy as the look on his face, melting your heart in an instant. 
“Leopold, I fell for you the moment you smiled at me on the playground. Thats why I’ve been by your side this whole time.” you could hardly get the words out before Leo was squeezing the air out of your lungs in a tight hug. The two of you laughed and lays next to one another on the bed, looking at the glow in the dark stars you both put on the ceiling. 
“I think I could stand up to my dad if you where there with me.” His whispers as if to not brake the spell over the moment. You grin and slide your hand into his as you laugh softly. 
“I’ve always got your back Leo, and I’ll back you up no matter what.” Your voice was just as soft as your laugh as the two of you share another gentle kiss.
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redheartwriting · 2 years
Cowritten with @itsfundy​ - spacyboi [Addict]
Origins - Chapter VI 
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz watches Rose leave, and hears their front door close. They look to Addict, giving a look* And what are you still doing here? I'm not going to say "you're welcome" because you shouldn't thank me for doing my damned- *at the crack of thunder, Quartz jumps up, a hand flying to where their sword would be* IS THAT A WITHER?! *they immediately grab Ginger, pulling her close. And, without realizing it, they grab Addict too* YOU GUYS HAVE WITHERS HERE TOO!? I THOUGHT IT WAS A MYTH. *Quartz' tail poofs up with their fear* Don't worry- I'll still- I can fight it.
<spacyboi> Quartz its fine, its just a thunderstorm-
<ProcellaCor> A what- I don't care what you call it! That /thing/ is a beacon of death. Just- *they hold Ginger out to Addict* Take her, and stay here. I can take it. *They force a smile, but there's fear in their eyes. But there's an earnest sense of bravery, too. Quartz genuinely believes they're both in danger, and that they alone should go and fight a wither* I'll be fine.
<spacyboi> *They take ginger anyway, holding onto Quartz arm* Its rain. theres no wither- thats just the thunder and lightning that comes with it sometimes
ProcellaCor> The- the water that falls from the- *Before Quartz can finish their question, another clap of thunder practically shakes their house, they look around frantically, looking terrified* Damnit, wheres my sword- *they're borderline hyperventilating, both from being startled and from the idea that they might fight the wither*
<spacyboi> the water that falls from the sky. the "blue lava". its just passing over us it'll be fine *they move up and grab quartz hand*
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz' hand is shaking, their eyes wide, their ears back, and their tail as fluffed up as it will go* But the- the noise- that sounds like some sort of bomb- *they don't realize they're crying with fear, either* It sounds so-
<spacyboi> Quartz it can't hurt you, If it could I promise I wouldnt let it
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz takes a couple of shaking but deep breaths, more tears streaming down their face. They realize they're crying* Oh, dragonsake... *they wipe away the tears* that isn't your job. It's- it's fine. I- *they jump again at another flash of lightning and thunder, jumping forward a bit to grab Addict and Ginger just a bit too protectively. They're shaking* It sounds like war out there…
<spacyboi> it'll be over soon, im stuck here until it does though since rain kinda burns me- sorry about that
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz shuts their eyes tight, trying to stop the tears. This is awful, now both of them have seen them cry. They can't be this weak, this childish. But they can't stop it, either* ...mane. *they whisper it, barely letting themself have anything, and hoping Addict won't know what it means anyways*
<spacyboi> *Addict pulls Quartz into a hug*
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz tenses up, but then leans into it. They're still crying, but they're not saying anything anymore, they just can't. It sounds like the world is ending, like the war they were a child in, like the destruction that took their people from them. They shift to look at Ginger, in between them* ...erit bene... *they whisper to her, putting a hand on her head*
<spacyboi> I promise..
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz laughs softly* They say my world is hell, but this world is fucking terrifying…
<spacyboi> trust me, I know that well, but there's so much beauty here too..
<ProcellaCor> Like- like the flowers... *Quartz is trying to distract themself* I really had never seen that shade of blue before... I've never seen a lot of colors before…
<spacyboi> mhm, the rain can leave behind beauty to, sometimes if you look closely you can see a rainbow
<ProcellaCor> What's a rainbow?
<spacyboi> colors, a arch of colors in the sky, Like auroras or the sunset.
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz blinks* Uh, in my language, Aurora means like... the beginning of something. That's why my sword is named that way. A sunset is... when that bright thing goes away?
<spacyboi> Yeah, when the bright thing- the sun- rises and sets, a day has passed. both the beginning and the end of it are stunning, and in the night the auroras will show, so even in the darkness theres still grace until the sun returns, everything here has so much meaning
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz listens to it, the rain passing on and leaving the two in a sense of quiet, they think for a moment.* When I was little, my mother told me about the sky... it was hard to imagine. Having lived in a cavern my whole life. I never thought... *they trail off* The sky is- always changing here.
<spacyboi> everything is.
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz gently takes Ginger from Addict, stepping back. The fur on their tail flattening again. They're silent, but they notice now that the rain has moved on* ...so... this rainbow?
<spacyboi> you wanna go check for one?
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz pauses, then they cough a bit* Ah- uh- well- I would rather survey the damage, that's more important-
<spacyboi> sure if thats what you say, cmon then *they smile a bit, rolling their eyes*
<ProcellaCor> It's important to survey the- you wouldn't know, living here so peacefully! *Quartz' tone sounds almost offended, but they're just embarrassed a bit that they really, really want to see the rainbow. It's unfitting of a warrior* Let's just go *they grumble*
<spacyboi> *Once they had gotten outside, addict held out a hand for Quartz to take* Here, ive got a idea on how to "see the damage" better
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz raises an eyebrow, but they take Addict's hand* Is this a trap? This feels like a trap.
<spacyboi> if it works, then no! *before Quartz could question about what "if it works" means, Addict threw a pearl up, bracing themselves as they landed onto the top of the roof together*
<ProcellaCor> DRAGON- *Quartz stumbles a bit on the other side of the teleportation, keeping a careful hold on Ginger. Ginger jumps from their arms, but climbs up to their shoulders and starts chirping angrily. Quartz looks disoriented, to say the least* NEVER do that again…
<spacyboi> alright alright, but look at the sky!
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz sighs, but they look up, and they pause. And then they smile brightly, brighter than Addict would have ever seen them.* It's beautiful! *Their entire jaded persona drops entirely, this is much more of the /real/ Quartz* I've never seen anything like it! *they reach up towards the sky, with a childlike curiosity about being able to touch it* That's amazing!
<spacyboi> *they smile with* they aren't comm⍜n, but when there is one, everything feels just a bit more worth it
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz smiles brighter, and then they look at Addict, still smiling. It's like they're a whole different person. Hardly the Brute, but more just... a person. Who has a fox on their shoulders and a smile on their scarred face.*
<spacyboi> Hey Quartz?
<ProcellaCor> Yeah? What is it?
<spacyboi> You can let go of my hand now
<ProcellaCor> Wh- AH *Quartz lets go of the hand, practically throwing it* I was- I was still disoriented from whatever you- I just- I was- *their face heats up as they stammer through excuses, in truth they hadn't even noticed, too wrapped up in the rainbow* /Never/ tell Rose about this. *they seethe, knowing he'd be all over them about their emotions or whatever*
<spacyboi> I promise, on the dragons name *they laugh a bit*
<ProcellaCor> I'm serious! I'll murder the both of you! I swear on the dragon- *they clearly don't mean it, and more than anything they're just embarrassed. But then they think fast to distract Addict* So when ARE you going to confess your love to Rose, anyways?
<spacyboi> when are you gonna stop pretending you're tougher then you say
<ProcellaCor> Hey, I once took on a whole enemy encampment on my own. I'm plenty fucking tough, thank you. *Quartz scowls at them, but then they smirk* You didn't even deny it this time
<spacyboi> ..so what if i have a /little/ crush on them? they clearly dont reciprocate it *they turn their head away to hide the embarrassment of it*
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz blinks* You're... joking. Right?
<spacyboi> about what?
<ProcellaCor> Dragon's wings, you're not kidding. *Quartz drops their scowl* Addict, he likes you too. Even /I/ could see that, from the moment I met you.
<spacyboi> you swear alot on the dragon, we've made it clear we're both just friends to each other before
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz shrugs* Common saying. But, come on, you're not this dense. *They giggle a little, clearly amused with it all* Friends can become more, yknow.
<spacyboi> Well its clear he has no plan on it then
<ProcellaCor> Then make the first move *Quartz jokingly elbows Addict a bit* Get him some flowers or something
<spacyboi> you- you said gold was a way to show someone a gesture of love right?
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz nods* Mhm. If you like someone, giving them something shiny never goes bad.
<spacyboi> I wont tell him about the rainbow thing if you dont tell him about this, got it?
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz smiles* Of course, that's for you two to figure out. I'm just another villager, simply making an observation
<spacyboi> give yourself a bit more credit, you're more then a villager- you're our friend
<ProcellaCor> I'm just your Brute, don't oversell me. *Quartz automatically responds, but then they pause* ...and... also your friend... *they mumble it, their face heating up again*
<spacyboi> *They smiled a bit again* Thanks
<ProcellaCor> Look, sorry about the... the thunder.. I uh... *they don't really know how to explain it. That war ruled their world when they were a child, that they can't be around loud noises like that* I-In the nether, sounds like that meant certain death. Or, worse, the beacon of death itself.
<spacyboi> Its alright, if the wither ever shows up one day then we'll fight it together
ProcellaCor> ...Together. Yeah, we can do together. *Quartz smiles* Um, I gotta feed Ginger, and you gotta find something shiny for your booyyyfriend *they draw out the word, smirking*
<spacyboi> hey! thats it im not teleporting you down *the threat is empty*
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz gives Addict a long look, and then they wave their tail up, reminding Addict that they can just... jump down and not be hurt* He's got you bad huh?
<spacyboi> bye Quartz. try not to get yourself hurt worse. *they pearl down, ignoring the comment*
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clementineesotsm · 3 years
THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH EP 13, My Appreciation and How It Made Me Feel
We started this episode with Lady Noh story on how she came to Corea. Lady Noh’s face when she knows that the war end ugly was so sad. The scroring they insert here is suitable to the situation 💯.
She has the old edition of kim sowol poems thats kind of explained, at least to me, why they use her voice everytime the poems shows up.
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I admit it, PM Koo fooled me with her sad face. I thought she was in love. But no, it was all greed and ambition. But i have to admit it, this words of hers was satisfying and one of the best lines the series has
PM Koo “I liked being next to you. That was where i could see you the best. But you say that it is not my place. What should i do now? Will i be able to see you better if i stood in opposition to you?”
Gon “Stop, PM Koo, if you crossed the line any further-“
PM Koo “i started at the bottom and climbed up all the way here toward the king. But since you’ve had it all from birth, love is all it takes to move you. What will my heart beat for now, pyeha? I dont think it’ll be for honesty and loyalty.”
WOW! Very honest and raw. I loved it.
Also i loved how they made the thunder came just after see ended her words, good timing. Added to the tension. Showing to Pyeha that she already did crossed the line that far.
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JTE met PM Koo on the way, and exposed her. PM scars also shown in front of JTE. JTE running to inform Gon, so now Gon is knowing the fact PM is crossing to Korea
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Gon is going to NFS to investigate why is this scars keep showing. Actually at this point im guessing that the scars shown up only to people which their counterparts are dead, murdered or else. Because JTE dont have it, KSJ, JY also dont have. LR loyal minion from Corea dont have before, lately he has it after his counterpart is dead.
Moving on to my fav part now. Im actually really worried that someone try to kill JES 😭 my heart beating so fast, until ....
Another satisfying scene was when we see PM met LR. Both interesting villain and could make a beautiful couple. Their mind was connected to each other no need to explain thing to each other 😅 i also loved how they play with so many different camera angle just for this short scene. Made it more satisfying.
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And move on to the scene where we saw the shoes then move to PM Koo while she said
“You’re the one who chose where i should go in these heels, pyeha”
I love the camera movements, the words, the music!
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Another revelation we got is about KSJ mom. She was asking Lady Noh to meet Gon and speak to him directly. This words of her was well made (kudos to the writer):
“I saw you with my son, KSJ. It was the last photo that LR gave to me. And with it, i received the poison. So i gambled. I drank the poison instead of poisoning you. If i died, i’d be paying for my sins, and if i lived, i’d talk to you in person like this. Its shameless of me, but im asking you to decide the fate of my son. He didn’t do anything wrong, please protect my son, Pyeha”
Its also heartbreaking to see Gon actually thinking to do the request if you saw his face gesture changed, the beginning he is a bit angry, at the end he sigh-ing. He is the one who almost been killed but the killer ask him to do a favor. What a cruel world
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Then we moved to Luna in Korea met JTE father. I really cannot hate this woman, why? Is it because of her face resemblance to JTE who i loved a lot, or is it because she lives unfortunately or because her being soft around this dad figures 🥺🥺 i guess if im in a parallel world i’ll will be kind to people that are counterparts of my family or friends no matter their personality 😅 no matter if they try to kill me.
Also can we give standing applause for KGE acting ? This girl deserve a daesang!
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Then we got a glimpse of JY actually already located Gons mom doppelgänger while tailing KSJ mom. Killing 2 birds with 1 stone
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JTE made it to locate LR gate to Corea but Gon said its dangerous because when they crossed the gate times stops for hours. But this information still important for Gon later on episode 16 😎 you know i love this couple because they communicate to each other. They way the comfort each other making me soft. Also i love how JTE role in this whole series is really important, she is the symbol of hope. The kind of strong woman with a satisfying personality. Why i said she is the symbol of hope, because she is a believer with the analogy of her tirelessly seeding the magic plant in room between 1 and 0. It seems impossible, but if you believe and try, who knows? This is i think a symbol of hope and hope is an important thing to have during dark times. Thats what keeps you going.
Also we got a bit of an insight from Gon which still pretty much assumptions that “if theres a time axis in there as a space axis, then it’ll be possible” he just didn’t know what the rules yet. And that is really in line with probability theory, one of the variable to measure it is random experiment, which is a physical situation whose outcome cannot be predicted until it is observed. So please dont complain on why the rules is not clear yet.
I loved the writers because she seems to be consistent connected this all with mathematical aspect, eventhough its subtle. You just need to read between the lines. And thats what i love a lot 💕
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Everyone is back now and JTE already knew Luna is also here and take her place.
I will ended this first page with JY and KSJ speaking. I loved KSJ words here omg! And JY being petty, i don’t understand. I know he just being overprotective but come on. Even KSJ understand Gon and JTE situation
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To be continue..
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
Late night cuddle calls
Cw:mentions of f*od and ab*sive m*ther.
Ok to rb
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The moon was hid by the dark stormy clouds, the savage wind ran amok the city Howling like a wolf, hitting the window of every appartment it went around,thunder strikes the Sky with a roar, smaller,lightins follow suit Briefly illumating the heavens now darkened.
Its late already.
Jerico turns and tosses around her sheets unable to fall asleep,resting on her back, hands behind her neck, she sighs hesitantly looking at her phone charging right besides her on her bed.
Would he still be awake?
She grabs it,turning it on,unlocking it and going to her most recent chat.
The contact reads "my sunflower🌻🖤" she smiles looking at the profile picture.
"Hey, you up?" She types.
Miles' phone rings as he drinks from his tea, hed be pulling an all nighter to finish some homework.
Checking his phone his expression turns into worry, its already so late, why was she up?
"Yeah I am, whats up?"
"I cant sleep,ive been trying for two hours....can you come?"
He hesitated looking that he was half way through his assigment, he sighed "yeah, be there in ten, ill go get us some snacks, not like I nees them cause youre the only snack I need" he then thinks it again deleting the last part.
"Ill be waiting, ill leave the Window Open"
He grabbed his backpack, putting his phone charger, some money and an extra pair of clothes just in case the rain caught him outside.
So he jumped out his Window,jumping around buildings to get some tea, snacks and maybe even a small plushie if he got lucky.
Exhausted, jeri sighed closing her eyes for a bit.
Her cat, Canela,sat on her chest purring. She chuckles slightly opening her eyes to pet her.
The rain had started to fall, in small harmless droplets, to then transform into a full blown storm.
Miles had just finished getting the last thing he needed, a small plushie of a dragon with intentional patches of different shades of red.
He knew shed like it.
A soft tap on the Window let jerico know miles had arrived, he enters taking off his jacket, he was drenched.
--hey babe-- he says leaving his backpack--hand me a towel?
--Heh sure--jeri gets out of bed walking sluggishly to a chair with folded towels.
--hey is that my hoodie?--he asked.
--it was your hoodie nows mine!
--you little thief!--He said playfully-- ill catch you!--He runs up to her lifting her up.
--oh noo Spiderman has caught me ohhh--both start to laugh--ill tell you what,If you have another set of clothes you go take a bath,I dont want you to get sick
--aw youre always takin care of me!--miles said kissing her--okay, ill go take a bath, mom--jeri rolls her eyes--oh I got you tea and your favourite snack, and a little gift okay babe?
Jers eyes are sparkling with joy running to his backpack.
He then proceeds to go to the bathroom in jericos room.
The girl opens the backpack to find the little plushie dragon.
She coos hugging It.
Miles just finished taking his drenched shirt off when his girlfriend Came to hug him from behind, she was warm-- thanks babe!!
--Ah its nothing...a bit of privacy tho?-- she nodds kissing his cheek and leaving closing the door behind her.
As she sits on the bed drinking her still somehow warm tea something catches her attention.
--needless to say I Keep her in check--miles sang followed by mutters of the parts he didnt quite know-- she was all bad bad never the less...
And so she sat there absolutely enamored, listening to her boyfriend sing.
Ten minutes later she handed him his fresh set of clothes and miles came out the bathroom in an oversized shirt, sweatpants and with red fluffy Slippers.
Jeri giggles making grabby hands.
--Im coming im coming--he said playfully grabbing his own tea and cookies sitting behind jerico,who then presses her body against his as he hugs her--whats been worrying you baby? Youve seem...off
Jer shrugged looking away-- nothing that I havent told you before..
He sighed hiding his face on her hair--theres not much i can do about it...but ill be here as long as you need me, and even then ill stick around...te amo jerico
--yo también miles
Both kiss, and spend the night drinking their warm drinks and listening to music.
Suddenly someone knocks on the door.
Miles climbs up the walls to a dark corner.
Jeris auntcle,vica enters the room--jerico?you okay?-They say in their british accent--heard noise from downstairs--vica looked up-- oh,hello miles
Miles sigh unsticking from the ceiling, falling on his feet hands on the pockets of his jackey-- oh hey vica, thought you were jericos mother
The brit scowls--after what she did the last time that...--they made a pause stopping themself from cursing-- shes no longer allowed around here, but anyway ill let ya ankle biters alone...
They closed the door and miles went back where he was hugging jerico tighter.
--What did your mom do last time she was here?
Jeri hid her face on his chest--awful stuff..she made this huge deal about some of my clothes, she even tried to forbid me from using those thigh hig boots
--the shiny black ones?
--yeah those!
--But those look so good in you!-miles said--what else?
Jer took a long sip from her tea-- her usual...awfull stuff, and also, do you remember how I said I was going to visit you after mom went back home, I couldnt go cause she got mad at me, just because I defended myself from her...,vica kicked her out and I didnt have the energy to go,im so sorry miles...
He hugged her tighter--you dont need to apologize, right now its you and me amor,no one else...
He lifted her face up by the chin and kissed her, she kissed back pressing her forehead against his.
After finishing their food they went to sleep.
Calming music playing in the background, contrasting And complimenting the chaotic stormy enviroment of the outside, as miles hugged jerico from behind protecting her from any danger.
Hed always be there to make her feel better, an smile appeared on his face as he heard the soft calming breaths that lured Him also in a peacefull sleep.
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Southern Sweetheart
Here's 2.5k words of Southern S/O X Bakugou, enjoy the feast my darlins.
The smell of freshly tilled dirt just made you even more eager to see your family. The way the wheat fields moved like waves in the ocean eased your nerves and just proved you were finally back home. You finally convinced your boyfriend to tag along with you for the weekend, but he might've underestimated the extent of what was to come. This here land was your Homeland and he was in a strange alien world.
"Tch, I still don't know why we gotta come all the way out in the middle of nowhere to meet your fuckin family." Katsuki grumbled as he sank deeper into the passenger seat of your Wrangler.
"Cuz Hot Stuff, you've only met em once and it were only for bout 20 minutes. Besides they love ya as far as they can throw ya." You shifted gears to accommodate the transition from road to backroads, causing him to grip his seat a bit tighter.
"You good babe? I'm only goin' 50. Do you want me to slow down ya city slicker?"
"Fuck you, I'm just not used to these fuckin pothOLES" he reached for every handle your car had to offer and braced himself as he felt the wheels slam inside a crater.
You purposely hit a monster pothole head on to shut him up. Evoking a glare from your normally badass lover.
"Oh yer fine Katsu, if Ole Bessie here can handle a ragin' cow in heat she can handle a little pothole. Just try to relax and think of it like a rollercoaster." You slapped the side of your car door and gave him a wicked smirk.
"Only thing ya gotta worry bout is the rogue buck, so keep an eye out. It is deer o' clock after all."
"Tch I thought 'Ole Bessie' could handle a 'ragin' cow', you're telling me she can't handle a deer?"
"Not at 67 miles per hour, Katsu."
"It's an unspoken rule to fly down these roads." You shifted gears and smirked as he sunk deeper into the seat due to the force of Ole Bessie claiming the road.
"Goddammit Y/n stop trying to fuckin scare me."
"Ah so it's workin then? Admit it Katsu!" You shifted again causing the speedometer to jump to 86.
"GODDAMIT YES OK IM FUCKIN SCARED OF YOU GOING THIS DAMN FAST ON A DIRT FUCKIN ROAD OK??" His were hands uncontrollably creating small Sparks out of sheer panic at this point.
"Fine, I'll slow it down a smidge. Jussa smidge though. How's 76?"
You smirk knowing what was coming up ahead. You knew Katsuki has probably never smelled farmland or even seen a real actual cow in flesh n blood and you couldn't help but giggle.
"THE HELL IS THAT?" He covered his nose and fanned the air staring at you accusingly.
"Well, roll up the windahs darlin', you're bout to smell some good ole dairy cows."
"What the fuck do you mean."
You point to his window and he looks out it to see a whole herd of dairys just grazing and swatting flies. You couldn't help but love his expression. You were right, he's never personally seen cattle before.
"Why are there so fuckin many."
"How do you think we fill up entire tankers full o' milk Katsu. We gotta have a bunch of em. You're lookin at this year's yearlin's. They ain't even fully grown yet and they're already built like tanks."
He pretended not to be interested but you could see him sneaking looks out of the corner of your eye.
Oh if only he knew what you had in store for him.
The sunset peaked over the crest of a corn field, you both were in the car for about 4 hours now and you still had a small bit to go still. You glanced over at him and he was sound asleep. His right hand propped his face against the doors' armrest and he was manspreading. His face was relaxed and showing you a softer side of him only you knew about. His gentle breaths putting you at ease. You couldn't help but keep stealing glances at him wondering how you could snag this piece of man.
You turned down the radio for him and you reached out to his left hand and rubbed the back of it gently. You were so blessed to have him by your side, especially since his family loved him to death even if they knew him so little. You truly were-
"FUCKIN CHRIST-" you slammed on the brakes causing you both to nearly fly into the dashboard.
Katsuki instinctively went into fight or flight and almost blew your windshield up before-
"MOVE OUT THE FUCKIN ROAD YOU GOTDAMN FUTURE VENISON BURGER" You slammed on your horn and the deer bounded back into the woods.
"It's just a goddamn deer, fucker came outta nowhere I swear to Christ. Sorry to wake you up darlin'."
"Get out, I'm driving."
"The fUCk you are?! We're almost there anyway Katsu. Fucker probably came from out gotdamn land anyways." You pressed on the gas and continued your journey.
He huffed as you kept going, pretty much just blowing off his offer. At least he could collect his heart from the floor and relax a bit before finally getting to your place.
"Katsu, fair warnin, my family is well, out there."
"Really? I couldn't tell based off of you 'Darlin'"
"Heh, you gonna learn today then."
You whipped into the driveway causing Katsuki to glare at you for throwing him around. He looked to see what was your house, a seemingly picture perfect two storied ranch house fitted with an extended porch and a white picket fence. He would've made a comment about it being cliche before you rolled down the windows and nearly put your whole torso out of the window before-
Katuski flinched at your loud outburst seemingly at random before realizing what that meant.
Out came your parents who replied with their own pig call and rushed down the steps. Your brother stood at the porch and just waved at you two.
"What in the fuck is going on."
After introductions and a night's rest Katsuki woke up to a rooster.
His eyes shot open and he flinched before he realized where he was. You were in the same bed and were snuggling into his bicep, he brushed some hair behind your ear and smirked before holding you closer to him. He was about to kiss your forehead before that damned rooster crowed again. You shifted in your half awake daze.
"Babe, there's an uncooked chicken nugget that's about to be deep fried, get up."
You mumbled incoherently.
He shook you awake gently, "babe I'm gonna roast that fuckin bird if you don't get up."
"mmm -Jerry alone…"
"What was that my lasso?"
"Leave Jerry alone.. he's a jackass but hnn…" you groaned reluctantly. "Wait… YOUR LASSO?? IS THAT A NEW NICKNAME KATSU??"
"Fuckin hell that's what got you up?"
After you two got dressed and made your way downstairs for a deliciously cooked southern breakfast of ham, bacon, eggs, and some buttermilk toast, you got your boots on.
"Where are we going now babe, I thought we were going to spend time with your family."
"We are. But if we're gonna stay here, we're gonna help round the farm. Besides I gotta force ya to meet some other family members."
He huffed and started putting on his sneakers before you stopped him.
"Uh uh, darlin' you need workin boots, not those. Good thing I already bought ya a pair." You shove him some cowboy boots and he nearly laughs.
"You're fuckin joking me right?"
You stare at him with a dead serious glare, "We both need em if we're gonna be doin the work that needs ta get done babe."
"What the fuck are we doing that needs these fuckin things?" He shakes the boots in the air
"Oh you'll see, sugar. Now c'mon, Curly's waitin."
You lead your frustrated boyfriend out to the pasture and honestly you could barely keep your eyes off of him. The steel toe boots you got him, some blue jeans, and Lord have mercy on that plaid shirt he had on. He was the spittin image of a country boy, but-
"Where the fuck are we going. Who the hell is Curly?"
His question was soon answered when he was toppled over by a horned goat.
"THERES MAH BOY" you patted the goat and it bleated happily to finally see you.
Curly took this as a challenge and attempted to ram into Katsuki again only to have a palm stop his head.
"Yeah Katsu, Curly's a boer goat. He was supposed ta be a meat goat but we all kinda got attached. He's got a fiery attitude just like ya too." You shove Katsuki teasingly and Curly saw an opening, he rammed at the back of Katsuki's knees causing him to fall over.
"You really gonna let a lil goat push you round like that?" Your boyfriend growled in response.
You pull him back on his feet as you coddle him "Now c'mon, you're gonna learn how to ride a horse Katsu."
"I take it you've never ridden a horse before?" You leaned against the fence watching him scan the pasture
"Show me the nearest horse in the city and I'll be more than happy to ride the fucker." He glared at your stupid question before going back to panning the meadow.
"Don't be like that Katsu, our horses are two sweethearts, I think you'll like em."
"Well I don't see them so I guess we're not riding today babe"
You grab him by his hand as you lead him to the barn to pick up a square of alfalfa.
"Now when they come barrelin down to get this don't be scared of em. They can sense fear and your fear will make them scared. Horses are very emotion sensitive animals, so that means no yellin neither." You break the square in half and give him one before walking back over to the metal gates.
He climbs up on the first rung of the fence and just looks at you smugly, "I don't think they, want to see us today Y/n, can't we just-"
You bang your heel on the gate causing the lock chains to jingle loudly.
You've rang the dinner bell.
You smirk at Katsuki's face when he hears the thundering of hooves. Sure he thought he knew you had horses but not monsters.
Two horses came sprinting to the gate, one Belgian Draft and one Clydesdale.
Bakugou was so entranced by their sheer power of them just running that he didn't even realize they were coming in hot.
The Belgian nearly charged at Katsuki causing him to flinch and nearly fly off the fence.
"HO, Waffle that's 'nough now you damn dummy, you both best be kind to poor Katuski here. Ya damn near scared 'im to death with yer eagerness. Katuski, mere."
Katuski dusted himself off and picked up his dropped alfalfa, "damn fuckin overgrown donkey."
"Katsu I need you to stick your hand out and let ole Waffle smell ya first, don't face directly at em neither, they're a pretty animal so ya gotta not act like a predator." You patted the Clydesdale's neck as it ate the alfalfa out of your hand.
"Tch, you're practically attacking that one's neck and you're telling me not to act like a predator?" He huffed.
Waffle huffed and took a step towards him as an attempt to scare off your boyfriend.
"Waffle Ho, stop bein spunky. Katuski don't let him walk over you like that, side step to him and extend your arm out, but keep it at a downward angle."
He groans and does what you tell him. The horse smells him and he can't help but feel a rush of excitement when he feels the horses powerful exhale on his skin.
"Heh, you big bastard." Katsuki slowly holds out the alfalfa half and offers it to the horse.
Waffle takes the bit gently from his hand and trots off with it to eat it in the grass.
Katuski has a smile on his face and an idea crosses your mind.
"Wanna ride him Katsu?"
You saddle up both horses on your own despite Katsuki offering to carry the saddles for you. He could really appreciate their size when the seemingly tiny saddle complimented their sheer amount of muscle.
"So, you'll ride Waffle, and I'll ride Hades. Do you need help gettin on em?" You tug a bit on Hades' saddle girth.
"Are you sure you aren't the one who needs help?" He smirks and starts to make his way over before you fling your foot in one of the stirrups with seemingly unknown flexibility.
You fling yourself over on top of the saddle seat with ease and gently plop down, shifting a bit before flashing him a grin.
You watch him struggle for a bit before pointing out the mounting block and he cusses at you a bit before finally getting on.
"Now, these boys are work horses so they listen to direction pretty well. If you need any help just let me know darlin." You click your tongue and Hades starts walking, his hoof fall echoing in the barn before stepping outside.
You turn him around to face the barn to look at a very confused yet impressed Katsuki.
"M-move." He gently nudges Waffle with his stirrups to no avail.
"Katsuki these are workin horses, they got iron sides. Just click your tongue twice and he'll move."
He clicks his tongue and nearly falls out of the saddle when Waffle takes his first step. Then his second. And third.
You can see the excitement on your city slicker boyfriend's face as he realizes the meaning behind the best seat in the world is in a saddle.
He takes some getting used to the commands like Ho and Woa, but he's a surprisingly quick learner.
You start your car to head back home. Katsuki fully enjoyed himself and you couldn't have asked for a more supportive boyfriend.
Before your car lurches forward your brother runs to the passenger side and slaps a cowboy hat on Bakugou. He acts like he hates it but he doesn't take it off.
You two take off to head back home before you see him roll up his sleeves up to his elbows and fix his hat.
"You embracin the cowboy life now Katsu?"
"Never, but I can see the charm in it." He smiles genuinely at you for a split second before, "you do act a lot like Curly, are you sure you ain't related to him?"
"Oh ha ha Kat- DIDJA JUST SAY 'AINT'"
"No I fuckin didn't."
This was going to be long trip back home for him.
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getallemeralds · 4 years
explorers of arvus: port draavos / 3.23.20
and now for something different: the misadventures of the hope’s guard
so for the past 3 years ive been in an ongoing dnd5e campaign run by michael called Explorers of Arvus, which is super cool and super fun and i love it a whole lot! and back when i used twitter, i’d liveblog our sessions and that ended up being my way of note taking bc im otherwise quite terrible at it
after i stopped using twitter, that had the side effect of me not keeping notes anymore, so i kind of didnt remember any of the past couple sessions? especially because its hard for all 6 of us to have like, schedules that make sense, so there’s a lot of distance between each session.
and then i realized i can just take notes shitpost-liveblog style and then just… like, put it on tumblr or whatever. i’ll probably make like, ill probably port over my old liveblog threads onto here sometime but until then: we played d&d today! Time For Shenanigans
some quick context: we’re called the Hope’s Guard, but our unofficial silly name is Chunch Bunch the Dungeon Master is Michael aka Skalter aka @openlyeight​ Taure M’ea is a half-elf paladin played by Penn aka @penn-name​ and she is doing her best. Sieron Astora is a human (secretly half-orc) wizard played by Jorb aka @jorbs-palace​ and he’s basically the protagonist, and also starting to be gay for Charlie Charlie Wickfield is a halfling wild magic sorcerer played by Leos aka us and she’s known for being very chaotic, lighting things on fire, and having a high charisma score but no idea how to articulate anything Thorne is a half-orc warlock played by Solar aka @craftlands​ and he grew up in nonsense land aka the feywild and i love him, and also he’s fine-tuned to be able to snipe the shit out of anything within a 600 ft radius of him w/ eldritch blast Silje Cottonwood is a tabaxi blood hunter played by Nyx aka @patheticnyas​ and he is very edgy but also a cat and is VERY gay for Thorne our general goal is to stop some motherfucker called Halvkar / the God-King from… i dunno, being a huge bitch? he dumped zombies all over Arvus and that’s a problem. its late at night and i just played d&d for several hours
last time:
chunch bunch beat up the cult and now we’re FINALLY GOING TO ARVUS, YALL (also we picked up a cat) (his name is silly. its silje but literally pronounced like “silly”) sieron hatched a child! so like, we have a lil coatl friend now OH RIGHT SIERON HAS A MOM. sierons mom is here charlie and sieron attempted to have a gay scene but charlie went off script by being “[internal dial up noises]” when sieron said something really heartwarming we’re in fort draavos! and now we’re picking up sidequests and just kinda wanderin around. woo!
thorne and charlie discuss the morals of necromancy, and also the concept of “[charlie voice] necromancy racism”
EVERYONE IS BONDING WITH CHARLIE TODAY taure gave charlie the rune of wound closure and told her to stay safe and im :keralisweep:
accidentally started a cutscene bc charlie is very loud in a temple, oop. some priests(?) glared at us and walked off and im sure they wont stab us later! ingrid the adorkable friend has been having reoccuring nightmares about a dark figure w/ black robes standing above a bleeding platform high in the air over a swamp and summoning undead, so we’re gonna go hit that up! it MIGHT be like, a vision of the past, but even if so thats still pretty relevant also there’s a cool half orc lady named undril silvertusk who we’re gonna escort to camp vengeance! she’s awesome
thorne: i was in a dungeon once charlie: you got better! thorne: [points] i DID get better!
summer: can i roll to steal the laser gun? michael: if you find the dragon, you can try to steal the laser gun.
solar: guys, we have to protect the lesbians at all costs. and if one of them turns out to be an ancient gold dragon and curses my dick, then so be it
taure: dont worry, i wont let you die. ingrid: …okay :D!
THE HOT SPRINGS EPISODE IS FINALLY HAPPEN sorry thorne. charlie dabbed at a buff tiefling charlie is too fucking short for the hot springs. also she’s like 50% hair so she is Dying
time for food! we ran into an adventuring party that is apparently based off one michael was part of in another campaign, and i think the buff tiefling is his? also taure ordered samples of everything and then got Super plastered
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thorne rolled really good to infodump hardcore about arvus artifacts and it is cute and id die for him oop michael asked for all our passive perception
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omg theres an introduction of a ~mysterious character~ and originally theyre supposed to just sneak off but then michael realized they’d be genuinely interested in thorne’s infodumping so now theyre just Lurking
the opposite of a slow burn is a fast explosion
[everyone gets distracted quoting realtime fandub]
oops taure is depressed! ALSO SHE BROKE UP WITH SIGRA??? charlie is VERY bad at emotional support so she’s just “uhhhhhhhhh”, but thankfully thorne catches her before she faceplants into her potatoes CAN ANY OF US CARRY TAURE??? SHE’S IN FULL ARMOUR AND ALSO PASSED OUT
michael: what do you do with the bottle? summer: eat it
charlie get haircut! WITH SWORDS. her hair is now like midway down her back so its like, a bit shorter than when she first met everybody silje: do you want this [the hair he cut off]? charlie: UH WHAT WOULD I .. DO WITH IT… silje: …make a rope? charlie: yknow what i might as fucking well, who knows if id need spare hair
penn: i dont think taure is horny tho! summer: ITS OK, SILJE IS HORNY ENOUGH FOR ALL OF US
michael: Sieron, Str of 10- action hero Thorne, str of 14- twink nyx: silly, str of 13- cat solar: i guess thorne is a hunk. michael: thorne is a twunk summer: the t in thorne stands for twunk
taure, extremely drunk and sad: CHARLIE IM SORRY I MADE YOU BURN DOWN THAT LIBRARY (sieron and thorne carried her to bed and she ended up apologising a whole lot about literally everything)
jorb/sieron wants to know if charlie’s hair has any lingering wild magic nonsense!
thorne’s staring out the window! and also discord kept censoring solar when they were trying to say that THIS ENTIRE AREA IS WITHIN THORNE’S RANGE. solar: i could shoot someone at the thundering boar tavern [from our tavern] jorb: [as thorne] WRONG TAVERN, IDIOT!
solar called soldier:76 a cornfucker and it blindsided me so hard
michael: silje cottonwood, dark edgy blood hunter. [flops over on camera] NOTICE MEEEEEEEE
WE’RE NOW MAKING NONSTOP FORT DRAAVOS PUNS. i had to go clean pepper’s litter and when i came back they were STILL GOING
thorne pets silje on accident bc silje ws doing an anime squat on the balcony’s railing and is now having a crisis of “is it appropriate to pet the furry?” AND ALSO SILLY IS VERY SOFT
jorb & michael: [say something cursed] summer: [looking around frantically] I DONT HAVE AN IMPROVISED WEAPON solar: Allow Me. [brandishes baseball bat on camera]
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orions-belt18 · 5 years
~Anko Family headcannons~
(Non cannon, im just jokin around)
• There was a point in time when Iceland was younger when Norway and Denmark had to live normadically in the wilderness for a bit. (Like norweigen wilderness,) and Norway would wrap Iceland in furs and take turn carrying him with Denmark.
• They’d be walking across ridges and through forests in the snow, and Iceland would follow behind holding Norways hand, or reaching for the northern lights on Denmarks shoulders.
• Or climbing trees like a little bear while Norway worries his head off on the floor. Denmark was probably somewhere up the tree as well, but they’ve all had their fair share of faling out of trees.
•And on long cold nights Ice always slept between them while the fire gently lit up everyone’s faces. In the morning of course if theres no rush, Norway and Denmark sleep in forever, so Iceland just kinda ended up wandering around the campsite for awhile before playing in the ashes and getting entirely covered in them.
•And threat is shut down in 2.5 seconds. Since fat + muscle is the best sheild against literally anything but heat, Norway and Denmark are pretty formidable. Denmark goes more for brute force, and Norway comes around with swifter attacks. Ice was usually the one being protected, but there were a few times where he just happened to get in strong hits like: Climbing a tree and dumping snow on the enemy, Being too quiet to notice and then starteling the shit out of evryone.
• Norway is afraid of lightning. The thunder is earsplitting, sudden bright light startles him, and sometimes things get lit on fire. Norway hates it. Because of this, Denmark and Iceland always stop and comfort him through the storm. Norway curls around Iceland like a cat, and Denmark holds them both in a biiiiig old bear hug. (They still do stuff like this to this day, shhh.)
•Iceland definitely saw Norway as on older brother, but every once in awhile he’d call Denmark Faðir or Far. Usually when he’s sleepy. It makes Denmark heart melt.
• Since this little time period happened, Norway, Denmark and Iceland like to go camping together for weeks on end. Iceland can put up all the attitude he wants, but he still secretly really likes it when Norway gives him all the fluffy fur blankets and carries him to the next camp spot.
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avengerscompound · 5 years
The Unicorn - Chapter 14
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The Unicorn:  A Pepperony Fanfic PREVIOUS
Series Masterlist
Buy me a coffee with Ko-fi Word Count:    2075
Pairing:  Tony Stark x F!Reader x Pepper Potts
Warnings:  Sex talk.  Pregnancy
Synopsis:  The three of you go house shopping in New York to see if you can find something you’re all happy with.
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Chapter 14
Over the next few weeks, things ramped up a lot.  There was another ultrasound to be had at 8 weeks and Tony and Pepper were determined to figure out where you should all live that gave the best options for school and work.
You seemed completely nonplussed on the issue.  You still went to Avengers training in the early morning and you continued going to your lab in the afternoon.  Just now before you left you seemed to struggle with the thought that you might throw up first.
By the time of the eight-week ultrasound, you weren't just thinking about it.  You had to factor in an extra ten minutes for throwing up before you made your way down for the dawn run.  It never stopped you though.  If you could go to training hungover a little bit of morning sickness wasn't going to stop you.
The strange thing was that Pepper seemed to be suffering with it too.  Initially, the three of you had put it on her just not handling vomit very well.  It wasn’t a totally uncommon thing that when someone threw up it might set someone else off.  Pepper had never been the weak stomached type but it was possible worries about the pregnancy was already making her slightly nauseated.
By the time of the ultrasound both Tony and you were teasing her about it being sympathy vomit.
The ultrasound went fine everyone was excited to see the twins again.  They still kind of just looked like a weird blurry picture of packaging peanuts.   Tony did still feel both relieved and excited when he heard the fast squish-squish sound of their heartbeats.
After the ultrasound, the three of you went to the first of the choices for the new home.  New York City.
When Tony had made the move to the compound he’d dissolved all his property.  Avengers Tower had become the Baxter Building.  It was probably the least practical course for them because it would mean reopening a branch of Stark Industry so that Pepper had an office and you had a lab, buying a home, and possibly opening a branch of the Avengers if you were set on remaining on the team after your maternity leave was up.
Tony had booked them the penthouse suite at the Gramercy Park while they looked at options.
“Dalton.  That’s the reason.”  Pepper said.  Her heels clicked loudly on the garish marble floors of the Upper East Side mansion they were inspecting.
The house was hideous.  The ‘American Renaissance’ period of architecture was a travesty.  The whole place, with its marble floors, chandeliers, ceiling murals featuring cherubs and gold scrollwork, looked more like a museum than a home.  It was dated, to say the least.  And dated to a period of opulence with no taste or subtlety.  All Tony could think was apart from the library which he’d keep for Pepper (the murals would have to go), the pool and the cinema, he’d gut the whole thing and start over.
“I don’t know, Pep.  It could have 100 Dalton’s but there’s no yard…”
“There’s a roof garden.”
“You want the twins playing on the roof?”  He said raising an eyebrow.
“Right, of course.”  She said heading into the kitchen.  “This is nice.”
“Yeah.  Very light and spacious.  I still think… I’d have to invest at least a cool billion to have us set up and even then it wouldn’t be right and it doesn’t feel like a home.”  He said running his hand over the floating kitchen island.
“What do you think?”  Pepper asked turning to you.
“I don’t love it.”  You said.  “I mean, doesn’t it scream masked orgy to you?  I bet naked asses have been all over everything.”
“Oh yeah.  I thought it looked familiar.”  Tony teased.
“God, you’re disgusting,”  Pepper said, whacking him.  Tony laughed and rubbed his arm.  “Well, we don’t have to get this one.  There were more options.”
“Yeah, but they’ll all be either Townhouses or Penthouses.  They won’t be where we can teach them to ride their bikes or run around with their dog.  We’ll have to take them to the park every time we want to do something like that.”  Tony said.  “Plus there’s the other investments involved.  S.I. is upstate now.  I’d have to reopen here.”
“The Avengers.”  You added.
“Yeah, I moved that because it was unsafe to have it just - in the middle of the city.”  Tony agreed.
Pepper pursed her lips.  She didn’t like that you wanted to stay with the Avengers the same way she didn’t like that Tony wouldn’t give up being Iron Man back in the day.  “We can consider it though right?  That’s what we’re doing here?  Looking at each option and picking the best?”
“Yeah, you're right.  Being here is better than in the compound.”  Tony conceded.  “I don't know how big the pull to Dalton is compared to just buying land near the compound and building exactly what we want though.”
“There aren't any schools around the compound though.”  Pepper complained.
“Start your own one, Elon Musk style.”  You said.
“We are not starting our own one like Elon.”  Pepper said sternly.
“I don't know… Maybe we should.  Give another incentive for people to stay on if it was more family friendly.”  Tony said with a shrug.
“Tony…”  Pepper sighed.  He knew that tone so he dropped it.
You went out to the balcony and looked out over the park.  Tony came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist.  “It is a cool city though.”  You said.
“I won't argue that.”  He agreed, kissing your neck.
“Can we get out of this house?  I feel like I'm in a museum and the temptation to just touch everything for no good reason is making my fingers itchy.”  You said.
Tony chuckled and his hands ran over your stomach.  It was still far too early to show.  Even so, he loved that he could touch you and know that his children were in there and it wouldn’t be too long until he got to hold them.  It helped put that nervous impatience he felt in check.  “I’d gut it if we bought it.”
“Oh, yeah?”  You said turning in his arms.  “Not the library.”
“No, but that mural for sure.  I’d make it more shelves.”
“Oh, tell me more.”
“All the ugly ass marble and gold would go.  I’d change the light fittings to something sleeker but still a feature.  I’d keep timber as a feature, but make it less ornate.  Sleek lines but the timber would make it feel more home than office like.  The art would be modern but not surreal.  Maybe some Warhol and Pollack.  Maybe include some impressionists to break it up.  I’d install FRIDAY obviously.  The kitchen would be a similar layout but modern.  White and black.  Granite tops not marble.  I'd make the first floor about entertaining and the top two for us.  Bedrooms.  Living room.  That would be our family space.  It would be warmer colors.  Colors that take mess more.  I'd put a lab for us in the basement.  Probably a garage too but I might keep my of my collection out here.  There would be an office for Pep.  A gym.  I'd keep the cinema and the pool.”
You grinned and pecked his lips.  “Your mind has been racing even though you don't want this place.”
“Well, I mostly just want my girls to be happy.  If buying this eyesore makes you happy, then I’m happy.”  He said.
“That’s sweet.  But it won’t.  I don’t even think Pepper is sold on it.”  You said pulling him back inside.  “God, that bathroom is going to be in my nightmares.  The green marble toilet.”
Tony laughed.  “Yeah, that would be first to go.”
They made their back inside and found Pepper coming down the stairs followed by the real estate agent.  “Okay.  Let's go.  I think I’ve seen enough.”
“Good.  Let’s get something to eat.”  Tony said.  “I’m feeling Gray’s Papaya.”
Pepper scrunched her nose.  “I think the smell would make me throw up.”   She said.  “If you want local let’s go to Katz’s.”
You looked her up and down.  “You’re gonna need to dial in this sympathy sickness thing or see a doctor because I feel like you’re stealing my thunder.”
She scowled.  “I’m not doing it on purpose.”
“So, go see a doctor.”  You pushed.
Tony followed you outside where Happy was waiting with the car.  The three of you slid into the back seat and Pepper huffed.  “I just… it’s only in the mornings or certain smells.  It’s got to just be some weird sympathy thing.”
“Maybe you’re actually pregnant,”  Tony said.  He’d meant it as a joke but as soon as the words were out of his mouth it was like something clicked into place.  Maybe she was pregnant.  He couldn’t remember when she last had her period, and they’d been tracking it regularly right up until they did the first IVF run with you.
“Ha-ha, very funny, Tony.”  Pepper snarked.
“But maybe you are pregnant, Pepper.”  You said.
“You do kind of look like you’re glowing.”  Happy added looking in the rearview mirror.
“No.  How could I be?  We did all that IVF.”  She stopped talking and seemed to try and count something off on her fingers.  “How could I be?”
“Hap, stop at a pharmacy and get some pregnancy tests would you?”  Tony said.
“You got it, boss.”  Happy replied and swerved the car around, double parking it outside a CVS on Lexington.  He jumped out and ran inside as horns sounded behind him and someone cursed them as they went around.
“But… we couldn’t.  It wasn’t working.”  Pepper said.
“I can’t explain it Pepper, but it’s possible, right?  It would explain this.”  Tony said.
“How come you get glowing and I get a breakout on my jaw?”  You snarked.
“The glow is oily skin.”  Pepper said absentmindedly.  “It depends on how dry your skin was to begin with.”
“God damn it.”  You cursed.
“What will we do?”  Pepper said looking at him.  “We already have twins.”
“Triplets?”  Tony said making an exaggerated shrug.  He was pretty far from actually being worried about this.  He was actually pretty excited at the thought of the possibility of a large instant family.
“Does it count as triplets if two different people are carrying them?”  You asked.
“I don’t know.  I mean, they’re genetically me and Pepper and they’ll be due roughly the same time.” He mused.  “What counts?”
“I’m pretty sure it’s housed in the same uterus.”  You said.
“Can we please argue about that when I’m not freaking out”  Pepper groaned.
Happy ran back out and jumped into the car passing the paper bag back to Tony.  “Hotel?”  He asked.
“Yes, please,”  Pepper said.
“And can you swing past Katz’s after.  Get us some Matzo Ball Soup, a garden salad, and a Reuben.”  Tony added.
“And Knish.”  You added.  “Potato ones.”
“Sure thing.”  Happy said pulling back into traffic.
He drove the three of you back to the Gramercy and Tony lead you and Pepper back up to the Penthouse.  Pepper was in full panic mode by the time they got upstairs and rushed straight into the main bathroom and locked the door.
“Are you okay in there, Pepper?”  You called, leaning on the door.
“Yes, leave me alone to pee in peace.”  She called back.
You snorted and moved to Tony.  “Well then,”  You said.  “I bet she is.”
“I’m not taking that bet.”  He said.
“Oh go on.  A billion dollars.  I’ll bet you a billion dollars.”
“What do you need a billion dollars for?”
You shrugged and flopped down on the couch.   The door opened and Pepper slumped out.  “Positive.  There wasn’t even a wait for lines to show.  It was right away.”
Tony rushed to her side and pulled her into a hug.  A second later you had slammed into their sides and hugged them both tightly.
“Oh my god, this is amazing,”  Tony said.
“We’re going to be pregnant at the same time.  How awesome is that?”  You added.
“I don’t - how - how do we do this?”  She said.  “How did this happen?”
Tony really didn’t know the answer to that.  All he knew for sure was he had the resources and he was excited.  He was going to be part of a big family and he’d make sure they didn’t have to worry about anything.
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carisi-dreams · 5 years
first & again | Sonny Carisi x Reader
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this is the 2,000 word fic prize commission in celebration of my one year blogiversary. ended up being about 2200 words :)
@barbabangme requested: OK I LOVE A CLASSIC BED/COUCH SHARING SMUTTY FIC so maybe im bffs with sonny and we are at his parent’s house for sunday dinner and theres a really bad thunder/rain storm so we have to wait it out and stay the night-the gentleman he is he lets me stay in his bedroom and he stays in the basement on the couch right and i get scared so i run downstairs to be with him and then feelings get confessed or ~things~ just happen naturally and we gotta be kinda quiet so its even hotter WHATEVER U WANT i love it dirty and smutty u know me!!! 
“Did you hear the weather report for this evening?”
Sonny’s mom looked over at the two of you expectantly as she pushed back from the table. She started to stack her silverware on top of her plate, but when she went to reach for Sonny’s he stopped her with a gentle shake of his head as he got to his feet.
“Stop, ma. We’ll get these. You cooked. Sit back down and I’ll make you a coffee,” he urged her.
She made a face, but sat back down and let Sonny take her plate from her. You jumped to your feet to help Sonny, but turned back to the conversation she had started.
“Weather? Are we supposed to get rain or something?”
Sonny had already headed into the kitchen, but you followed him at a more sedate pace as you waited for his mother’s response. She nodded and gave you a worried look.
“Really bad, apparently. I had the news on earlier while I was cooking. You didn’t get anything on your phone?” You shook your head and she shrugged. “Well, maybe the report changed. But earlier they were warning about flash flooding and high winds.”
“Hmm.” You flashed her what you hoped was a reassuring smile. “I’m sure it’ll be fine. Now, you go sit in the living room while we clean up.”
She smiled and nodded and you turned to follow in Sonny’s footsteps into the kitchen. He had his sleeves rolled up his forearms and the water in the sink was running as he was methodically working his way through the pile in the sink. When he heard you behind him he turned and shot you a wry smile before resuming his task at hand. You set your plate on the counter next to the sink and leaned against it for a moment.
“Your mom says there’s a flash flood warning with high winds predicted for this evening.”
Sonny had rolled up the sleeves of his flannel and his forearms flexed as he rinsed off another plate. The water had sprayed up over his arms and the droplets caught the light from overhead as he deftly handled the plate under the stream of running water. You had to catch yourself and tear your eyes away. Spotting the pans still on the stove you crossed the room in an attempt to be more productive. If it also enabled you to distract yourself, well…then no one had to be the wiser.
“Yeah?” Sonny aimed over his shoulder. You nodded and he made another face and reached for the plate you had just set down. “Well, I’m sure we’ll be back in the city by then. I wouldn’t worry about it, doll. She’s probably just trying to get us to spend the—”
Before Sonny could finish his sentence he was cut off by a sudden hammering on the roof. Rain immediately began to lash against the side of the house and the lights flickered for a moment before stabilizing. It was as if someone had turned a high powered hose on and aimed it at the house. The wind was picking up from the light blowing from earlier and you squinted to try to see outside through the window over the sink. Rain was obscuring the view and you soon gave up. You set the pans down on the counter where your plate had just been and raised your eyebrows in expectation at him as he groaned.
“You were saying?” you asked lightly.
“How do you feel about spending the night?” A corner of his mouth was tugged up into a smile and bit back your own and pushed off the counter.
“I’ll go make sure it’s okay with your mom,” you told him before starting towards the door.
“She’ll be thrilled!” Sonny called to you over his shoulder.
You laughed in response before crossing the threshold in search of Mrs. Carisi. Chances were Sonny was right and she already had clean sheets and towels out ready for you both.
The rest of the evening had passed peacefully, despite the ruckus being raised outside. The three of you had settled in with coffee and dessert, homemade tiramisu, and watched television until Mrs. Carisi went off to bed. With just you and Sonny left you switched over from the food channel in favor of watching the latest true crime special released on Hulu. Sonny had insisted you take his room and that he would take the basement, but the two of you had cuddled up on his bed while you watched Hulu on your phone. Neither of you had even considered bringing a laptop with you since it was supposed to be just a quick trip for dinner.
It had taken you a Herculean effort to not lean into Sonny more than necessary. In between switching from the living room up to the bedroom he’d had to pull in the trashcans from the edge of the curb into the garage. Even though he had since changed his clothes, his hair was still damp. The scent of his shampoo wafted off of him and it didn’t help that he had given you his flannel to wrap yourself in before he’d darted into the storm. You had worn it with the sleeves pulled down over your hands and you prayed that Sonny hadn’t noticing how you had your nose buried in its collar. It was warm and smelled like him and you had to resist the want coursing through you. When he finally begged off to sleep, waving away another one of your offers to take the basement, you were relieved.
The house was now dark and quiet aside from the drumming of rain drops on the rooftop. You didn’t mind storms, but the house was big enough to be a bit unsettling as another gust of wind made the house creak. You knew it was just the usual creaks of an old house, but you couldn’t help but tense under the sheets. One of your hands was fisted in Sonny’s flannel that you had shoved under the pillow and the other had a white knuckled grip on the sheet as you lay and stared up at the ceiling. Some of the thoughts from earlier tried to push in as your mind relaxed, but you bat them aside. No way were you going to fantasize about Sonny in his childhood home, and certainly not in his childhood bed in his childhood bedroom.
Another violent gust of wind sent rain lashing against the window and the screen flapping against the glass. Before you could overthink it, or even really think about it to begin with, you tossed the covers aside and jumped out of the bed. You had the presence of mind to shove the flannel back under the pillow before you tiptoed across the floor and out of the door. The door to Mrs. Carisi’s room was closed so you took special care to be quiet as you passed by her door on the way down the stairs. Dodging furniture in the near darkness was difficult and you bumped your knee against an end table before finally fumbling over to the basement door.
“Sonny?” you hissed as you pushed the door open and concentrated carefully on not falling down the stairs.
Not exactly the entrance you were looking for. Sonny didn’t immediately respond and as you picked your way across the floor you could barely make out where he was a lump under the covers on the pull out sofa.
“Sonny?” you repeated. This time you were a little louder and lot closer, but you knew better than almost anyone how Sonny could be a deep sleeper.
It wasn’t until you perched on the edge of the bed and it dipped under you and made the old springs squeak that Sonny finally began to stir. You reached out cautiously to nudge his shoulder.
“It’s me,” you added in hopes that he wouldn’t startle. He groaned in the back of his throat and turned over in the bed. You settled in closer and offered him a sheepish smile. “Can I stay with you?”
“What times’it?” Sonny groaned even as he pulled back an edge of the sheets.
“Late.” You scooted under the covers and sighed in relief when he tossed them back over you.
You could tell that he was still half asleep as he moved back to give you space. Even in the low lighting you could make out that his hair was sticking up all over his head. The sheets smelled like him and they were warm. In the basement you could barely hear the storm and it felt like your own world.
“Shouldn’t have watched those shows before we went to bed,” he mumbled as he unstacked his pillows and shoved one over to your side.
“It wasn’t that,” you clarified. You shivered even though you weren’t really cold. “It was just the storm and being up there all alone felt kind of—”
You pulled back and just barely missed colliding foreheads when he leaned down to pull up the spread from where it was folded on the bottom of the bed. He arranged it high on your side and leaned over you to tuck it behind you. The energy was staticky and thick. When he slowly pulled back to his side of the bed you couldn’t resist leaning into his space.
“Kind of what?” he whispered.
You leaned forward even more, eyes darting between his eyes and his mouth. It seemed like he was holding his breath and you could feel your heart hammering in your chest. Sonny reached out to tuck some of your hair behind your ear, but he let his hand linger on the side of your face. You turned to nuzzle into his palm before grazing your lips against his warm skin.
“Scary,” you finished in a soft voice. “It felt scary to be up there alone.”
“And now?” Sonny’s words were barely audible and it was only your proximity to him that allowed you make them out.
“Scary still, but…different.”
“Different,” he echoed before closing the space between the two of you and catching you in a soft kiss.
You nodded and resisted the urge to surge up into the kiss, instead letting him set the pace. He kept it soft and slow, taking his time as his hand cupped the side of your face.
“This okay?” He pulled back to eye you carefully.
You nodded as you struggled to find your words. “Perfect,” you finally squeezed out. “Different. Better.”
“I don’t want you to feel like—”
“I want this, Sonny.” You found a reserve of bravery that you didn’t know was stored deep in your belly. “If you…I want this. I’ve wanted this for a long time.”
“Me too, doll,” Sonny sighed as he leaned back in. “Me too. You have no idea.”
He folded you under him as he bore you down in the bed and started kissing you again. This time the intensity was higher and he encouraged your mouth open with his tongue so that he could kiss you fully. Your arms came up to wrap around him and you clutched his back as he cupped your face with one hand and held himself half propped up over you with his other. There would be half moon shapes on his shoulder blades the next morning from how hard you were holding onto him. You spread your legs to give him more space to slot over you. When his knee nudged your inner thigh you gasped into the kiss. He swallowed up the noise and groaned low in his throat.
The hand that was cupping your face began dragging down your neck. On the other side he was sucking open mouthed kisses against your skin. Every so often his tongue would flicker out to trace along your skin and you squeezed your eyes shut against the competing sensations. His hand continued its journey down your neck and the side of your body. It grazed your breast and when you whimpered he took it as encouragement and slipped his hand under the hem of your t-shirt. He touch was searing against the side of your stomach and his hand easily spanned across your hip.
“I don’t, uh…I don’t have anything to—”
“That’s okay,” you cut him off breathlessly.
His hand slid from your hip down and he hooked his thumb in the side of your panties. The sound of your ragged breathing was filling the space, but you couldn’t bring yourself to feel self conscious. With the way Sonny was gazing down at you combined with the way his thumb was delicately sweeping across your skin, the only thing you felt was desire.
“I can make you feel good.” A pause and then a single word uttered reverently. “Doll.”
He breathed your name into your mouth and dipped in for another kiss before managing to pull himself back. His erection was a warm presence against the inside of you thigh and you pressed into it. The deepest and loudest groan yet escaped from between his lips and you reveled at being the one to draw such a reaction from him.
“I can make you feel good, too, Sonny.”
Your lips curved up into a smile and when he kissed you again he was smiling too. The two of you laughed a little into the kiss before he pulled back to begin stripping you out of your clothes.
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bunchamunchafaunus · 6 years
The Rise of a Ventian Queen [2]: The Next Step
“So, Peri.”
Hearing her name got the worried woman’s attention drawn from her bedridden friend to the man behind her. A raised brow curious what he wanted, such only getting stronger seeing him pat at the floor beside him.
“Come tell me some stories of Team Empress while we wait for her to recover.”
Such a simple request actually got the Komodo laughing. She wasn’t sure why she had expected anything else, but for some reason it caught her off guard. It only took another glance back to the slumbering Qilin to realize they were going to have to wait for a fair while before she’d wake. They definitely had time to relax, especially given she was sure the NeverCondor would take to the skies to get away from the canyon once it could.
So she did just that. Stepping back till she felt her back eased to the wall by her tail keeping her from just outright falling against it, she found herself on the metal ground beside her friend’s father figure. Taking in a breath to relax herself as she let her shoulders drop at last. Tail curling round to fit it’s thinner end under her legs.
“Well to start, I think I gotta mention she was the most awkward person out of everyone in the room the night before our entrance exam. No lie, she just kept looking over everyone in some awestruck state for about an hour at least while people came in and out of the room.”
The two laughed some, Peri recalling the silly look that had been on Emma’s face back then, Umbir imagining it.
Knowing they were in for some fun chatter, they made themselves comfortable and began. Not too long after would they feel the engines of the NeverCondor roaring to life and the large metal vessel leaving the ground and beginning to soar.
                                                   - One Day Later -
P - P a p a...
S h i t! E m m a!
L a y  h e r  h e r e!
Was she?
No, no, she was still hearing noises here and there. So very faint and muffled, but they were there. Familiar voices, laughter, beeping... snoring? She was still so warm too. She had to be alive, right? Yeah, yeah, she had to be. From everything she knew, she’d be cold if she wasn’t.
For some time it was just this empty void. The odd sound so faint and muffled here and there, but nothing all too loud or obvious. Just the constant wonder of what might have happened to her and what would come to pass. It got to the point she was actually starting to worry, trying her best to have something, anything change. Yet nothing did, no matter what she tried.
Though something eventually changed, a small, tiny little dark orange light breaking the darkness. One that would change to fit a form, a humanoid figure. Instantly she knew what it was, and felt herself calm with it’s presence quickly. But that calm would suddenly be shaken up, hearing a voice. One that was clear, one she never heard before. A woman’s voice, low, echoing, comforting. One single sentence being spoken by it.
“I am proud of you”
The source of this voice disappearing soon after, leaving her alone in the quiet darkness once more. But this would not last long before the Qilin felt herself falling. Such a sudden sensation causing fear and panic to fill her, making her body jerk and flail for a single second as she sat up and found herself awake, staring at a wall judging by what she could now see her aura flowing up. Her breathing being long, deep breaths as she took in the situation.
Aching and sluggish body, left leg felt better but right knee still stings, a slight pinch in left arm, the sudden moving form of a person with a blue aura running past her view. The left side of which showed nothing defined when they saw the other living being, just a messy uncontrolled pattern of blue spread across a whole half her vision. Blinking a few times, she could tell her aura was switching from it’s default navigational assistance to the protective layer and back each time. Eventually stopping, closing her eyes, and focusing it to it’s defensive capabilities before letting it ease back to it’s usual sight-providing action. Finally staying as such whenever she blinked afterward.
The Princess’ head turned immediately upon having the ever so familiar voice register to her, seeing the umber form of her father figure standing in what seemed to be a doorway. Plus some slight peek of a friendly red aura just around the door-frame beside him though it would duck back to be hidden as she saw the man draw closer. Soon after feeling his arms wrap ‘round her upper body and his cheek against the top of her head.
She wanted to return the embrace, but her body felt slow, heavy even, much more than she was used to. It even hurt some to try and move anything beyond how her body was now after having awoken so suddenly. Though she was sure she could manage speaking at the very least, so she cleared her throat before attempting to.
“Papa?” Her voice a little rough, but she still spoke. Not getting an answer right away, she could feel his arms move and saw his form begin lowering some. Soon seeing the shape of the man’s head as he had dropped to one knee in front of her so she wouldn’t have to turn her own head up so high.
“Yes, Lil’ Filly?”
That nickname again, she wasn’t sure whether to feel comfort hearing it again or to be annoyed by it and say she wished she hadn’t woken up as a joke. Quickly deciding against the later.
“What-... What happened? After what I did?”
“Well, assuming you remember up to the point I signaled the NeverCondor to fire, they got the two shots off. The destroyed rocks and trees from the blast on the cliff and the mountain began falling down into the canyon, but I’m pretty sure you somehow managed to stretch out your Semblance’s range because it all stopped mid-air and began spreading out across the width of the canyon itself. Once the Goliaths were getting right under the debris, it began dropping. Some hit the first two, the rest began falling on the next two, but all the stuff that you had circling the three of us quickly sped up and began being loosed in the direction of the front two Goliaths. The barrage forced them to start moving backward, thus suffering the rest of the falling debris like the two behind them. Four Goliaths were pinned beneath all sorts of rocks and trees, likely dead, and the Grimm on the far side were blocked off.”
Hearing it back from Umbir, Emma was sure she had been awake for the events he recalled. Her own mind replaying the sounds she had heard at the time. The thunderous gunfire from the Airship, the trumpeting sounds of the Goliaths, stone hitting stone, she was sure of it. “What about after that?”
“After the wall of debris settled, you collapsed. You had exhausted the vast majority of your aura to the point that you couldn’t stay awake. The Dust crystal you had used fell from your hands, depleted, and the winds around us started to die down. With the remains of the Grimm horde that were on our side starting to move again, I had Peri take you and get you into the NeverCondor.  I ran back on my own, the turrets were manned, cannons recharged or reloaded, and the majority of what we still had to worry about of the horde was destroyed. Once enough was gone, we took to the skies. We’re settled above the ocean right now.
“How long was I out, Papa?”
“I wasn’t exactly paying attention to the time, but judging by the position of the sun compared to how it was when you lost consciousness, it’s almost been a full twenty-four hours.”
Twenty-four hours, it felt like she had been in that dark space for so much longer than a single day. One shaky inhale later, the name he had mentioned snapped back to her mind, making Emma move in sudden worry, despite the pain she felt by doing so and the wince it earned from her. A noise which got her father figure immediately rising to stop her from moving too much and carefully lay her back down.
“What about Peri, where is she?”
“She’s fine, Emma. Your teammate’s a wonderful young woman who cares a lot about her friends. Peri was actually by your side for the first few hours, it took telling her about how strong you were during your recovery after Samuel grabbed your neck that one time to get her to calm down, eat, and get some rest. She’s still asleep since she used up quite a bit of her own aura against that horde as well.”
To hear the Komodo was safe and resting eased the Qilin’s worry for the other. Sighing with relief as she let her head press back against the pillow.
“I’m gonna have to face them now that I’m here aren’t I? Make sure all those people aren’t scared about him finding them and ruling them like Manus did so they don’t attract Grimm like that again.”
Umbir chuckled a little. “It’s actually kind of funny that you mention it. There’s some soldiers who were loyal to Cres, now loyal to me, out side this room right now. They insisted on standing guard outside the Medical bay to make sure you’d be safe while you were out.”
This revelation was... odd... to say the least. Emma was so sure she would never be able to successfully fill any Royal role for so long in her life. Then she announced herself to dozens of Nobles as the Princess she was by blood, making word spread of her living state after having been thought dead for a good while. Now, she had people looking to her to be their Queen. People from her own place of birth. Ventian civilians and soldiers both. She didn’t feel ready to accept the role they needed her to play, but if she didn’t, she knew the events of the previous day would eventually happen again.
Maybe even to a much, much worse degree.
“Either way we look at it, I can’t really move right now can I?” She remarked with a little chuckle behind her words. A sound which Umbir repeated on his end at the inquiry.
“No, not really. Not without it hurting a lot since you’re body’s still recovering from such a heavy dip in aura. Maybe tomorrow you’ll be able to move around better again. Plus your legs could use just a bit more rest. The cut on your left was shallow, but it was long, and the scrape to your knee was a lot worse, so even with another day of your Qilin genetics healing that up it’s going to be sore when you try to walk on it again.”
“Okay ‘DAD’. I’ll stay in bed...!” A joke reply, but one that both parties laughed at.
“It’s nice to know you’ve still got that childish side to you after all this time and all the hardships you’ve faced, Emma. I’ll go get you some water.”
The Qilin simply nodded in thanks for the man’s concern and care, letting herself relax and her eyes close for a moment while she listened to his footsteps leaving the room. A shuffle of a couple other metal clad feet outside the room moving to clang together before stepping to what she assumed was a basic defensive stance for the Soldiers she had been informed of.
Over the next few hours, Umbir would come and go from the room. The two speaking over various different topics and points of her experiences ever since she had left Ventus so long ago. At one point even getting Peri up and visiting Emma to see how everything was going. The three of them conversing and interacting for a fair while longer before one-by-one people left the Medical bay for the night leaving Emma to rest on her own.
It was about noon the next day when the Qilin’s friend and teammate would enter the Medical bay with a set of new, clean clothes in a bag for her.
“Big day today for ya, Em’.” The woman remarked making her way toward the Qilin’s bedside. As she did, she watched the young woman atop the bed adjusting to an up-right seated position with a smile across her face. “Roy and I made sure to get something that looks real fancy.”
“Roy’s with you?”
“Well not right now, no, he went to talk with Umbir about something, but I did drag him along for the clothes.”
“You didn’t get something that’s all show without any comfort did you...?”
“Oh hell no, I know well enough that we tailed Faunus need clothes that are comfortable over everything else. Stuff’s real soft on the skin and still looks nice. I’m not gonna say you’re going to be comfortable mentally or emotionally while you’re up in front of your people, but at the very least you will be physically.”
Lifting the bag in her hand, Peri placed it down into Emma’s lap. “A nice white button-up top with a black knee-length skirt that has purple floral patterns, some white thigh-high socks, and a purple ribbon that can be tied into a bow under your collar or you can tie back your hair with it. I’ve got you~ Now go ahead and get dressed, I’ll be waiting outside.”
“Thank you, Peri.” Emma spoke with a soft thankful tone  while the Komodo was close enough to still hear. Watching on afterward while the woman’s red form would leave the room, leaving her alone in it again. Taking a second, she made sure to pull the curtain by the foot of her bed ‘round to hide her from view of the door to the room.Once with more privacy provided, she shifted to get off the bed on the far side to begin changing her clothes. Taking a second of pause noticing her necklace was absent from around her neck.
About five minutes would come to pass before Peri and the four soldiers standing ‘round the door as protective guard for the Royal within the Medical Bay would hear the door open. A second later seeing the Qilin step out from the room within the newly provided clothing. The bag in hand containing the clothes she had changed out of, and the purple ribbon in her hand. Tail behind her finding itself dropping low and pressing against her leg with uncertain worry about the situation.
The four Soldiers, upon seeing her come to a stop, would turn to face her directly. A single stomp being done as they would, unknown to Emma, salute to her. Peri on the other hand could see that the three men and one woman had their right hands raised and placed diagonally across their chest while their left was tucked behind the small of their backs.
Taking a second, the Royal looked around to the four unfamiliar aura forms that surrounded her. A rather nervous smile present upon her face that all present could see clearly. After a couple seconds of silence, one of them would clear their throat before speaking. The sound drawing Emma’s foggy eyes to the unknown person immediately to her left before their pale yellow form in her eyes would lower to a knee.
“Your Highness, Melo Grove, I used to serve the late Queen Cres rather closely.” A soft woman’s voice quickly introduced herself. “I’m unsure of whether Sir Dew has mentioned it directly to you yet, but Cres truly did regret forcing you out of Ventus. For the past few years especially she searched for any sort of sign that you were alive in hopes of eventually meeting you in person and apologizing for her actions. When word spread among nobles across Remnant that you were present at the Duke of Coste’s charity event, she was ecstatic to know you were alive and well.”
What the Soldier said, while not entirely new to the Qilin as she had, indeed, heard some of it from Umbir, was appreciated. If not for the fact it contained some new information, then because it came from a voice which sounded so genuine and confirmed what her father figure had told her. Still, even with how she felt, there was the whole fact that being treated the way she was by these four was entirely new territory. A short glance to Peri for some sort of assistance just earning a shrug to the red shoulders of her friend’s figure.
“I-...” Focusing her attention back to Melo, she swallowed a nervous lump that had formed in her throat. Stepping closer to the kneeling woman, she shifted the lone ribbon to the same hand holding the bag as to clear one up for freedom of use. Then bringing that same hand up to gently rest on the woman’s shoulder, which caused their head to rise and she could feel their eyes on her once more. She noticed now a soft vibration of anxiety in the pale yellow form. One she attempted to ease by giving a soft, more confident smile.
“Th-Thank you, Melo. It-uh... it comforts me knowing Queen Cres wished no ill will towards me during the last years of her life. I-... I’m not sure how well I’ll be able to fill her shoes since I honestly never really expected to be doing... well.. any of this honestly, but I hope that we may work together as well.”
It was obvious to the four that the Royal they were currently looking to wasn’t exactly used to any of this. That despite how unsure of herself she sounded, the Qilin was trying her best. They could all respect that, immediately feeling much more comfortable with her as the one they would soon follow. Melo herself now giving a wide smile as she looked up at Emma.
“I would be honored to work alongside you, Your Highne-”
“Emma, please...”
“Emma... I look forward to serving you.”
Seeing the woman’s head bow again, the Royal watched her soon rise to her feet again.
“Is there anything we may do for you... Emma...?” The tone of Melo’s voice made it obvious she was going to have to get used to using a proper name instead of a title while addressing her superior.
For a short bit, things were quiet on the Qilin’s end, looking between the four soldiers again, this time in thought. “C-Could I maybe get some more privacy with Peri? We’re in a safe place, I really don’t think I need four guards here...”
She didn’t see it, having been looking away from the one Guard who’s name she knew so far at the time. Melo’s attention moved between the other three, the group coming to an unspoken agreement before the trio of still unknown Soldiers would take their leave. Relaxing their forms and beginning down the hall of the Airship they were currently in.
Sighing once there was less attention on herself, Emma turned to the woman once more. This time bowing her own head as she voiced her appreciation. She received a bow in return. After which her attention moved to Peri as she fetched the ribbon from the hand the bag was in.
“Could you tie my hair back? Just want it all to be nice and neat behind me for when I do this.”
The Komodo, befitting her personality, chuckled  some at the request, but nodded none the less. Stepping to her friend, she took the ribbon in hand before physically encouraging a turn with a gentle push to the shoulder. Once such movement finished, she brought the ribbon between her lips to hold it while working on collecting the mass of near white hair that belonged to Emma. Every now and then working a hand down the length of it to try and funnel it all together better the farther down it went.
“You possibly know where my necklace went?”
“Yeah, Umbir has it. Said he’d be giving it back later while you’re addressing everyone.”
Her answer made some sense to the Qilin, nodding a little in understanding as she fell silent for her friend to finish her work.
Once she felt she had a good enough control of her friend’s hair, Peri shifted hold to one hand as the other retrieved the purple fabric and worked it around the hair to replace her other hand. Finally being able to begin working on tying the ribbon tight to give a clean and proper finish to Emma’s appearance with a small bow holding her knee-length hair together at the bottom of the back of her neck. Looking to Melo, she earned an approving nod from the woman before looking back to it herself and nodding her own head.
“There ya go, ‘Your Highness’.”
The joking use of the title earned an elbow moving to impact with her arm. Laughter following from both the Faunus as Emma turned to face her teammate again. All this right before the shorter of the two would move to hug the taller, which was quickly reciprocated.
“Thank you, Peri, for everything you’ve done the past few days.”
“You’re welcome, Emma.”
The two letting their embrace last a couple seconds longer. Breathing in the comfort they shared knowing they were both alive and well after what they had gone through the other day. Once comfortable, both let go, Peri patting at Emma’s shoulder as one last gesture of fondness before she’d speak again.
“Now, you’ve got a crowd to address.”
A deep breath in and a sigh out would be taken by the Qilin. “That I do...” She glanced the two ways down the hall available to the three of them, brow furrowing some. “Um... Melo?”
“D-Do you know what way we need to go?”
“That I do, just follow me.” Without missing a beat, the pale yellow figure Emma had turned her eyes to stepped side-ways. An outstretched hand gesturing the opposite direction than the other three had gone earlier. Quickly following up the gesture by turning herself in full and beginning down the hall.
The two Huntresses followed behind the woman for a minute or so, passing through the hallways and by some crew members here and there. Multiple different rooms they may have been able to turn into as well, yet Melo kept going. Eventually turning into a much wider hallway than the ones that they had walked through so far. One with a multitude of people seated along the walls, some standing, others walking between each other. The moment they did, Emma froze.
Looking down the hallway, the Qilin’s sight was filled with such a vast array of colors filling it. The initial viewing of so many people was too much for her with half being as messy as it was. It hurt her head to see all of them. She turned her head to clear her view and hopefully ease the strain it put on her. Peri’s red soon stepping into view as she felt her hand at her shoulder.
“Your eye bugging you?” Her question only received a nod from the shorter woman as her left eye closed and a hand rose over it.
“Her eye?” Melo stepping around to the Royal’s side with her question. “What happened?”
“A while ago Emma had an incident where she saw some odd aura that she said looked like a person. She called out to them, they didn’t respond, she tried to get closer but it just kept moving at the same distance away from her. She said it seemed to just slide around, never taking a step or turning or anything. Eventually it stopped, she got right next to it, then the next thing she knew she woke up back in her room at the Inn our team owns. Umbir said that he had been watching over her for a while, and when he saw what was happening he followed her, but when he caught up an Ursa had hit Emma into a tree, and she was unconscious on the ground. He killed the Ursa, brought her back and ever since she woke up, her left eye hasn’t been working the way it should.”
While Peri retold the events to Melo, Emma found herself shivering some remembering it all. Her mind calling back to the months where she felt unlike herself afterwards. It got her right eye closing as well as the discomfort of the memories from that time began setting in.
“Wh-What do you mean it’s not working the way it should? Can she not see with it?”
“She was born blind, Melo. Sometime during her childhood her aura adapted to allow her eyes to register visual sources of aura and give some semblance of sight. She sees everyone as generic humanoid forms of solid color based on what their aura’s color is, which ever since the old Great War tends to match with their name. Mine’s Peri, my aura is a dark red, I’m a red figure to her. You’re Melo, I’m assuming mellow yellow, so she sees you as a pale yellow form. Ever since what happened, she’s explained sight in her left eye as a repeating pattern mess of color whenever looking at someone. After being told what a Kaleidoscope is, she said that’s pretty much what it’s like.”
Hearing this, the somewhat absent gaze she had seen the young white haired woman had given to her and the other Guards earlier began to make more sense. “Ah...” This was new information that she knew she’d need at a later point. It was going to be a bit of a learning curve for how to handle things with Emma. “Maybe it’d be a good idea to get her some type of cover for her left eye then. Eye patch or something...”
Turning to look over the people filling the hallway, she could see some of them looking to the trio with curious eyes. A few even worried, one or two doubtful gazes from some older individuals. Gently grabbing onto Emma’s shoulders, she guided her back around the corner, gesturing for Peri to follow. “Just keep her here, I’ll be right back.”
The Komodo nodded before watching as Melo went into a light jog down the hallway to return where they had just come from. Carefully she helped Emma to lean against the wall after the form of the Guard disappeared ‘round the corner down the thinner hall. Afterward stepping close to the corner again and peeking around it to look over the civilians filling the area.
“E-Excuse me, miss?”
A young voice would register in the Komodo’s ears, guiding her attention down to see a boy standing next to her. A pair of small antlers growing atop his upturned head among dark brown hair and his bright blue eyes looking up at her. His arms were tucked ‘round behind his back. She stepped from the wall before lowering herself to her knees to be at a more equal level to him.
“Hey little man, what’s up?”
He seemed to be a little nervous with how he lowered his head a tad further than it already had to simply keep looking at her.
“Is that... Is she our new Queen?”
His question got Peri’s head turning to look to Emma. She could see the her gaze turned to focus to the boy beyond Peri’s form, hand now away from her left eye but the eye itself still closed. She turned her red eyes forward to the child again just after.
“Well. technically she’s not just yet, but she’s going to be soon. She’s just feeling a little under the weather right now, bit of a headache. You know what that’s like, right?” A soft smile came to her face seeing the boy nod in understanding.
“I- uh... M-My mommy helped me make a necklace... I wanted to make it for our new Queen after she told me about how she was ex-exhi-”
“Yeah, that word!” His hands finally came out from behind his back. In the one was a collection of a dozen small, smooth black stones that had been drilled through to fit them onto a braided silver and gold cord. None were exactly the same size as another, nor shape, but it seemed they were all sanded down to be smooth and rounded. Smaller stones being farther out and larger being closer to the center. “I collected these, whenever I found a black rock I picked it up. There isn’t a lot of them, but they always look so nice...”
Peri felt a familiar hand at her shoulder, looking up and back it was Emma. Shifting aside atop her knees, she gave enough space for her friend to get down beside her. Even offering a hand to support her as she took to her knees, a slight wince escaping putting as much weight as she did on her right. Still a little sore she guessed.
Now at eye level with the bright blue form of the boy, Emma could see an ever so subtle vibration to his form. She put on a gentle smile in hopes of calming his nerves
“What’s your name?”
“Cele, very nice name. I would love to wear the necklace you’ve made for me, is there a clasp on it or is it a full loop?”
“My mommy tied the ends of the cords we used when we were done braiding it.”
“A loop, then, would you mind putting it on for me?” As she asked this of the young boy, she shifted closer to him and bowed her head forward. Closing her eyes she simply waited. It took a few seconds, but she soon felt his little hands brush against her hair some. A second more passing before the weight of the stones on the cord was fully present on the back of her neck. After a second more, she lifted her head, a hand moving to pull her tied hair out from beneath the braided cord then to fix it beneath her collar. With it fit proper into her outfit, she turned her attention to Cele again. The anxious vibrations from earlier now gone.
“Thank you, Cele. I’m glad to know there are such kind children like yourself from Ventus even after everything it’s people have been through.”
He was quiet a moment after before she could feel his arms suddenly around her neck. It was unexpected, but Emma returned the hug with a hand gently pressing to his upper back. The hug ending almost as quickly as it started, the boy ran back down the hallway to return to his mother who stood a ways down the hall. Taking her hand, he looked up to her and they began talking about something. Peri noticing a smile across the woman’s face as she crouched down to her son.
“Damn you handled that nicely.” Peri spoke up as she rose to her feet again.
“You did most of that though being the one to talk to him first.”
“The kid probably thought I was a body guard or something, so it was actually a pretty smart idea for him to come to me first. Gotta give the lil’ dude props for that.”
“Plus for working on this with his mother.” Em’s hand moving to let her fingers move over the stones now settled across her chest.
“So? How’re you feeling after doing your first Queenly act?”
“Queenly act?”
“Yeah! You just interacted with one of your Kingdom’s next generation, accepted a gift from them, praised them, and helped them feel better before sending them back to their guardian! You can’t see it, but that kid’s really happy and he’s even bouncing a little while telling his mother all about you and how it was to meet you.”
What her friend was saying... actually made a lot of sense to her. No matter what way she thought about it, what she just did was something a leader or hero would tend to do in stories. Stories both fake and very real. The fact she actually did something like that without realizing it, there was some confidence that filled her.
“I’m feeling like I can actually do this...”
“Hell yeah you can!”
Another pat of Peri’s hand to her arm like before occurred and the two of them laughed a little.
The oh so familiar voice got the Qilin turning her head to look down the hallway behind her. Both the earthy aura of her father figure, the source of the call to her, and that of the pale yellow belonging to Melo were making their way to her and Peri. Poking at the Komodo’s leg got her attention, a hand lowering to help Emma return to her feet with her uncomfortable knee. Managing to get back up just as the two reached them.
“Hey, Umbir, where’d Roy go off to?” Peri called out to the man as he kept drawing closer to the two of them.
“Your brother’s talking with Captain Maho. I told him to show Roy where to go once they’re done so he can be present for whatever Emma’s got in mind.” He took a moment of pause to his speaking as he glanced over Emma’s new clothing. “Speaking of, It’s nice to see you on your feet again, Em’.” Her father figure spoke up, a gentle smile across his features.
“It’s nice to be on my feet.”
“Sir Dew bumped into me while I was on my way out of the Medical Bay.” Melo spoke up explaining his added presence. “I grabbed a cotton pad and some medical tape that we can use to cover your eye, Emma.”
“Emma?” Umbir’s tone a little confused turning to look to his underling. Such earning a shrug from the woman.
“She requested that I call her by her name and not using a title.”
Em’ could feel the man’s eyes fix on her, clearly looking for some confirmation. Nodding her head, the man did the same understanding the situation.
“Okay” Melo spoke up getting the Royal’s attention as she extended a hand with a small square between her fingers “hold this over your eye.”
The process took about a half minute. Emma taking the cotton pad and carefully holding it over her left eye, Melo unwrapped strips from the tape, tore them off, and secured it in place. One down the side of the square on the outer side of the Qilin’s face, one smaller piece across the corner by the top of her nose, and one last strip along the bottom above her cheek.
“There we go.” The woman turned her attention to Umbir again. “Could you return this to the Med-bay? I’ve been around the civilians more often than you have, I think it’ll be good for me to be with Emma while she’s around them.” Her hand holding the medical tape aside for him.
“Sure. If you three get to the catwalk before I catch up, I’ll meet you there.” Taking the roll from his underling, he turned and began back to the medical room of the Airship.
“What’s he talking about with a catwalk?” A confused Emma speaking up in question.
“There’s a catwalk in the room we’re heading to. High up, gets people in a noticeable spot, can let a voice carry through the room well. Best place to speak to your people and say whatever you need to.”
Emma nodded in understanding after it was explained to her what was meant.
Just before the Knight went to begin guiding the two again, she noticed something that got her to step closer and gently lift the necklace with a finger. “Did a little boy with antlers and blue eyes give this to you?”
Her question got a nodding confirmation from Emma.
“That’s actually really nice, Cele did good.”
“I know, right? Lil’ guy’s got a good eye and creative mind!”
“That he does. Gotta give him a high five while we pass by.” A smooth transition from the trained woman as she gestured for the two to follow her again. Stepping ‘round both to round the corner once more and begin down the crowded hallway. Looking ahead she could see little Cele being picked from the floor by his mother. Their eyes meeting and the trio sharing a smile as the distance between them was beginning to close.
Emma on the other hand, as she followed behind Melo, kept her had turning to look over the people around them. Seeing so many people, thankfully now only through her right eye, she was able to look over them more properly. Seeing so many whom appeared to be adults, others small and childish, a couple clearly elderly. So many auras of varying colors, but so many of them in different moods.
Some dimmed, others shivering, a few vibrating, a couple having shrunk even. Sadness, despair, anxiety, fear, so much negative emotions. Even if some of them seemed to be easing as they saw her. But a few brightened and glowing aura’s stood out to Emma’s sight. Most which she didn’t know, a lot being children whom she heard quietly asking various things about her to their guardians. Though one was a bright blue that she had met just a minute earlier.
As the three came up to Cele and his mother, Melo stretched out a hand and the boy quickly reacted. Reaching his own hand out, the two connected for a ‘high’ five. Afterward his attention quickly shifted to Emma, the Qilin could feel his gaze on her, and even if she couldn’t see it they shared a smile. Once it came Peri’s turn to pass by, he gave the kid a thumbs up and a wink. Waving with her tail as they passed and continued on.
It only took another minute of walking, passing by multiple more groups of people till they would fine themselves stepping into a much, much larger room. Within was the bulk of the Ventian civilians, dozens of them if not a hundred or so at bare minimum filling this room alone. There was still some space to move around and for some breathing room, but so many more people than what was within the halls leading here.
“Up this way.” Melo spoke up, stepping off to the side where, after a second, Emma’s aura would reveal a stair case as it began flowing through the room.
Turning her attention up the stairs, she quickly noticed a familiar aura, ever changing between seven colors and never staying as one of them for more than a few seconds at a time. Roy. His form bent forward, she supposed he was resting against the railing of what she guessed was the catwalk. Off to his side, however, stood two auras more. One she remembered from when she and Peri arrived in the canyon the other day, and one of a beige color. The red aura of the man from the canyon with his arm ‘round the smaller beige being.
“Hey there, Princess.” Roy spoke up as the trio got up onto the catwalk proper.
“Roy.” Emma greeted in return, making her way to hug him, feeling his arms return the embrace quickly.
“Hey, leave some room for me!” The sister of the Gaia duo stepping over to the two opening a space to welcome her into their hugging. As the three shared this moment, a breath of relaxation was taken by each. After which they broke apart, though Peri kept her arm round Roy’s shoulders as they set into a comfortable stance together.
The Qilin, however, would feel a tap at her shoulder. Looking to the source, it was Melo gesturing to step past her friends. Following her, the two stepped over closer to the two auras whom were unknown to the younger of the two. Seeing both of them move to turn to face her. Only now noticing that the beige shorter being had a pair of animalistic ears atop their head. Really, really tall ears.
“Emma, these are the NeverCondor’s Captains. Captain Maho Agna and his wife Captain Begi Vix.” The Guard introduced the two to the people to Emma. Gesturing first to the taller red form, then the shorter beige.
Before she could do much, she would see the man’s hand reach forward urging for a handshake, one which she took with a bow to her head. After which she saw that of the shorter of the pair bow her own head before hearing her speak up.
“It’s a pleasure to meat you, your Highness. Umbir’s been working pretty closely with us and he’s told us a lot about you. Actually kind of been looking forward to meeting the ‘Aura-Sighted Huntress’ for a bit now.”
“Please, just call me Emma. No need for titles between us. I’ve never really felt like I’d be able to fulfill the role, so this is all going to be new for me.”
“Well, if it’s going to be any bit similar to being a Captain, you can come to us if you need some advice at any time.” A masculine voice, she assumed Maho’s as she turned her attention to his aura form.
“Thank you, Captain. I’ll keep that in mind for the future.”
“Here.” Maho again, his arm moving, seemingly to retrieve something. “Whenever you’re ready, there’s a switch on the side of this headset that you can use to turn it on. Once you do, a microphone will fold out and you can speak into that. It will broadcast your voice through the entirety of the ship. Since the Ventian refugees we have on board are spread about the central area of the ship, this will let all of them hear you from where they are.”
The object held out to her, according to what Emma would see with her aura flowing over it, appeared to be a wireless thin headset. One side ending with a thinner stop she assumed would fit over or behind her left ear. The other with a wider and thicker section with a somewhat similar shaping as the other, just with an extra bit that she assumed would go inside her ear. Reaching to take it, she brought it to hold in both her hands across her front.
“Thank you, again Captain. For taking care of... my people... in their time of need. For bringing them to a safer place. I’m not absolutely sure about it, but I think I have an idea of a location where they can be housed for some time until we’re able to get some more proper housing set up. Just might take some time to get it ready for them.” A fairly obvious bit of nerves present as she said that second sentence.
“If you need any help with that, just let us know, alright? We’ve got some people who’re great with repairs and building, and there are actually quite a few of your people who’ve offered to help us with keeping the NeverCondor in good shape while they’ve been on board.”
“I’m glad they’ve been able to help with your travels since you’ve taken them in.
“Y’know” Begi again “for someone who’s unsure how well they’re going to do as a Queen, you’re already handling yourself pretty well just talking with us.”
“R-Really?” A somewhat disbelieving tone to Emma’s voice.
“Hey, that’s the kind of talk I’ve used to make some deals as Captain while Maho’s not been available before. There’s definitely going to be some hardships and some things to get used to, sure, but I think you’re going to do fine in the long run, Emma.”
A gentle smile came present to the Royal’s face hearing Begi’s words. “Thank you, Begi. It helps knowing so many people have been showing faith in me.”
Feeling a hand come to clasp onto her shoulder, Emma’s head turned to look for the source behind her. Seeing Umbir’s aura, she moved her own hand to hold over his. Now with her smile even brighter.
“We’ll have your back, Emma. You’re not going to be alone at any point in this stage of your life, I can promise you that.”
His words were a huge source of comfort to her in this moment on top of just him being present overall.  Though after hearing him, her head turned and she looked down over the crowd beneath them. Slowly feeling her smile weaken some, her nerves getting to her as she saw many of them moving closer, to look up at them.
“Despite all the support, I don’t even know what to say to them. I’ve not been in Ventus for years, some of these people are children who were born after my exile so they don’t even know who I am beyond a false Princess. They’ve lost who was likely their best leader since Manus, and now they either turn to Samuel and hope for mercy, or they look to an uncertain young girl who was raised to be a maid for her own half-brother. The only other time I’ve spoken to even a fraction of this amount of people was at the Duke’s charity event when I announced I was still alive, but I had Octavius Tyrian with me at that time. My closest supporter and friend on the Noble front, and he’s not here right now...”
“Hey” her father figure called to her to earn her attention “you’re going to do wonderfully. Breathe in,” he himself inhaling, Emma mimicking him “breathe out,” both of them exhaling “You’ve got this.”
The short moment the two shared was something they tended to do when they were younger. Any time young little Emma had been panicking or upset for reasons related to her disabilities, Umbir would come to her aid. Getting to his knees in front of her, a gentle hand cupping her cheek, another holding her arm or hand. Speaking to her, calling out the nickname she had given her, and getting her attention before working through the process with her.
Both remembered this in the moment, taking one more to hug each other with a single arm.
“Thank you, Papa.”
“You’re welcome, Lil’ Filly. Take some time to think over your words, and when you’re ready, you’ve got the microphone.” His hand patted at her shoulder, leaving it a second after to step over by the Captains to chat with them a bit.
Now on her own among the group, Emma stepped over to the railing of the walkway. Both hands coming to rest atop it, headset in hand. She could feel so many people looking up to her in the moment. It actually surprised her a fair bit just how many people filled the lower section of the room. Combining the number she could guess was present to those in the one hallway she had her eye act up in, she was sure it was a minimum hundred people. The fact there was even more though, that actually got her nerves acting up some.
Still, even with the nerves present within her, she set her mind to attempt to piece together some collection of words. Something she thought would be fitting for a new leader to say to those she’d watch other. She couldn’t really come up with anything all that fast, it was definitely going to take a minute or so at least. Stepping back from the railing, she backed herself to the wall behind her to rest against that instead. Hoping that clearing her sight of the multitude of people below would help her think.
The Gaia siblings glanced over to the thinking Qilin for a second after seeing her form move as it did to the wall behind. Peri, out of the corner of her eye, noticing Melo looking to the Royal as well with some worry present in her gaze. A flick of her tail off to the side getting her attention, after which the Komodo mouthed “Just give her some time”, receiving a nod in understanding. Watching the Guard then turn to join Umbir and the two Captains for the time being. The two of them, however, moved to the corner at the top of the staircase that lead up to the catwalk which they stood on. Further from the rest of the group and a tad more private for them to talk without interrupting their friend.
Remembering back to her time at the Duke’s charity event and the speech she gave there, some ideas did come to mind. Though really thinking them over, the ideas she had back then were meant for high-society people that could’ve provided support for her. This time it was a bunch of people who were scared and unsure of what their future held for them. People who looked to her for some sense of comfort or safety. Two very different things, very different wordings needed.
Working her mind to think of some sort of answer, her eyes lowered to look to the headset her aura covered with each pulse of it. Taking in a lip to nibble at it as she thought, and her tail beginning to swat gently against the wall behind her.
A few minutes actually ended up passing as Emma had her mind hard at work. Not noticing the people having moved around her, her mind having tuned out their voices to focus her own inner vocals. Having switched which side of her lip was being nibbled on every couple seconds, at one point bringing both in and just pressing them together. By now, she felt like she had a couple points she wanted to get across, but there was a lack of proper wording to use to get them out. It was actually a little stressful being unable to piece together words like she was needing to.
Suddenly feeling a hand to her shoulder, the Qilin nearly jumped as her attention was forced back to the world beyond her mind. Blinking a couple times over, uncovered eye glanced about. Noting Roy absent from Peri’s side to her left, Melo standing in front of her and just a little toward the right, then Umbir leaning against the wall beside her with the aura forms of the two Captains and the Gaia Brother standing some distance away.
“Emma?” The woman before her calling her name, getting her eyes turning to her pale yellow aura again. “You alright?”
“Yeah... Yeah, I’m fine, I just... I know what I want to tell them, but I’ve not been able to think of words I should use to get those messages across...”
“Why not wing it then?” The extremely familiar of Umbir’s voice spoke up, earning her attention immediately. “Some of the better speeches that Manus or Cres ever gave were mostly just them going out and talking.”
“I don’t know if I should be inspired hearing that my biological father, who was apparently a Tyrant most of his reign, had good speeches because he just ‘winged them’...” A doubtful response from Emma’s end at his idea.
“I’m not saying you should be, Emma. I’m never going to tell you to be inspired by anything Manus ever did with how horrible a man he was. What I am saying is that you don’t necessarily need to plan out every last word that you say. Just take what you’ve got, figure out how to word it all as you do.” His shoulders rising a little during the end of his sentence. Relaxing just a second later.
Emma had her head nodding for a short bit as she thought over the idea. It would work, she had the somewhat vague idea of what she wanted to say in mind and she knew what exact points she wanted to make known. Winging it would likely be her best option over all wouldn’t it?
Some bit of her was feeling a little more sure of herself when thinking of taking the plunge that would begin her role as Queen. Of making her voice present for the Ventian people to hear. 
She was still a little nervous, yes, but that was her worry that she’d be treated the way she was while leaving Ventus all those years ago. Plenty of the refugees were undoubtedly old enough to remember that day, some possibly having even been among the people whom had spit disgust her direction. as well.
Yet. really taking a second to think of it, there wasn’t exactly a reason for her to think of that... To think such a thing would be unavoidable. Especially not with how everything had been just days ago. At least she hoped that after what had happened it wouldn’t be that way...
“Y-Yeah... I think I can do this. Just give me another minute.” She could see the pale yellow head nodding in understanding. The woman then stepping away to lean over the railing of the catwalk and look to the people below. Something becoming clear to the Royal in this moment, Melo had a tail. A long tail with a rounded end that unfurled from ‘round the Guard’s waist to curl beside her leg.
Emma was a little surprised she hadn’t been able to notice the extra appendage on Melo before, but thinking over it for a second, she figured that she had kept it wrapped ‘round her waist till now. She’d have to ask what sub-species of Faunus the Knight is later. Too many things were much more important right now.
Thankfully it didn’t take much longer till she felt she was more ready to be able to do what she needed. Taking a deep breath, she moved herself away from the wall and stepped closer to the railing. Once more, she could feel the eyes of the people below fixing to her. Swallowing down the nerves that rose from the sense that most all of them were turning their eyes to her, she lifted the headset in her hands, fixing it atop her head and fitting the two sides so they felt right on her. One more breath, and with her hand rising to feel for the switch, she pushed it across it’s spot, and with a gentle click beside her ear, the microphone was now available.
A chime suddenly rang out in the room, three notes in a rising tone. The echo from beyond the room making it clear to her that this was, in fact, going across the ship. Bringing her hands to hold at the railing, she took one more breath.
“P-People of Ventus.” She could hear her own voice repeating, a somewhat electrical tone to it. “I am Emma Smoke Khromatos, Daughter of Manus Aescae Khromatos and Aligar Kaj. Due to my birth mother, Aligar, dying shortly after I was born, I was raised as a maid to the royal family under the name Smoke Kaj by the maid named Harley Nara. A woman who I assume a good sum of you know as she was a kind, wonderful woman that would frequently venture to the market along the main road for supplies. I would often be present with her, a young, scared little girl who rarely spoke when around people I didn’t know.”
She had to pause a second to breathe and calm herself, recalling her past having brought up various emotions which she hadn’t exactly expected. The breath she took to calm herself being just barely heard across the speaker system of the ship.
“Eventually... as I grew older, my Faunus trait began showing more and more. Thankfully with the maid outfit being as long as it was, it hid my tail for a long while. Though after a particular fall that I took, Queen Cress saw it. This ended up giving away my true identity. That I was a child of her King born out of wedlock. Angered by this, she ordered that I be exiled. That night I stole a weapon that was to be given to my half-brother Samuel the next week. Having been his training partner for a while under the watchful eye of Sir Umbir Dew, I had experience with the kind of weapon it was. I disguised it as a walking stick, and the next day I had it with me when I was escorted out of the Kingdom to the Solitas mainland to wander on my own.
One thing lead to another, I found myself on a boat to Sanus, and I traveled to Vale. Meeting with a teacher from the Hunter Academy of Vale, I expressed a wish I had developed during my travels to be able to keep other people safe during their own travels, as I had been helped by Hunters and Huntreses myself at various points on my own journey. Thankfully after displaying my capabilities with the Scythe and what little I could control of my Semblance, he was able to help me enroll in Beacon. I had to tell the headmaster my true name and my story, but he felt I had potential, so he let me in.
By the time I was one of the students and placed into a team fittingly called Team Empress, word had spread that a Princess had been exiled, and eventually killed by a Grimm. With the assistance of the son of a Noble family that supported me even back when word first got out of my situation, I was able to get in touch with some other members of Noble blood, eventually even being invited to a charity event held by the Duke of Coste. At this event, I spoke to settle the rumors of my death, and set word to be spread around that I still lived.
As Lady Melo Grove has revealed to me, Queen Cress had been trying to discover if I was still alive for a while before the Charity event. Wanting to contact me and try to welcome me back to Ventus with open arms to try and repair our relationship. I’m unsure, but she may have even been wanting to accept me as a proper member of the Royal family and an heir to the throne should Samuel have not been fit for it. 
However, at it was soon after I attended the Charity event that the attack on Vale happened. Beacon Academy was swarmed by Grimm, some of Atlas’ technology went haywire and starting attacking students and civilians, and the Cross Continental Transmit System tower of Vale was destroyed. Communications were hindered across all Remnant because of this, and Cres was unable to contact me in any easy way like she might have been with the CCT system up. Instead, she decided to get in touch with some of the Noble families based in Sanus who supported me. One such pair of Noble families was the Baron and Baroness of Montai, and the Duke of Coste.
A couple months back, after you arrived in Sanus aboard the NeverCondor, Umbir dew came to find me, and alongside a close friend of mine, Octavius of the Tyrian family, he showed us video footage of the meeting that Cress had with the three Nobles. I could only hear it, but what I heard made it clear that the Queen wanted the best for me. Asking the Montais and the Duke to take care of and support me in her place should she die before she’s able to meet with me and fix things between us....
Sadly... neither her request or her wishes could possibly be fulfilled... Just as their meeting was ending, a cloaked woman was let into the Quartz Stage by guards loyal to Samuel. This woman rendered the fully armored Umbir Dew incapacitated, killed the Duke of Coste and the Montais, and after my Half Brother took the crown and left the building, she killed Queen Cres as well. 
The sounds of gunfire and screams could be heard as background noise as Umbir began to recover control of his suit, and his body in turn. After retrieving the Necklace from around Cres’ neck and pocketing it, Umbir rushed outside, and the sound of raging flames and explosions became clear... The rest of this story you all know already.” 
Once more she’d pause, feeling a lump in her throat remembering how she handled everything when it was revealed to her that such tragedy had happened to her home.
“Now... when he came to me, Umbir left the Queen’s necklace with me and for some time I avoided wearing it. He told me that I needed to come talk to all of you... To give you some sort of hope by becoming the next Queen and leading you through this difficult time.... But I was unable to bring myself to do so, I was scared, doubtful, and felt I couldn’t possibly fill in the space left by the late Queen Cres... So I never came.
I left all of you scared, unsure of what the future held for you, and those emotions grew more and more each day. Growing to the point it drew the attention of Grimm. Too much Grimm for the NeverCondor to have been able to handle without help. At the time, Umbir called for me, for my team and any others I could get to help.
Initially, me and my teammate and friend Peri Gaia intended to call more people to help us confront the Grimm Horde which was assaulting the Airship. But something happened. 
I’m unsure how many of you know, but I was born blind. I am blind. Though at a point in my life, my aura began changing and adapting, interacting with my eyes in a way that removed it’s protective nature as a sort of default, and instead let me perceive auras. Right now, as I look at everyone in this room, I see you as a vast array of wonderful colors. Reds, blues, greens, yellows, even a couple more uncommon ones like grays and metallic shades. 
Back when I arrived, what happened to me was something that happened once before, but I saw what I can only explain to be a ghost. An aura figure that didn’t belong to any living physical body. One of a ghastly white color. Last time I had encountered it, I entered into it’s embrace and I felt at peace. Like everything was right in the world. Though it also distracted me enough for an Ursa to find me, which proceeded to hit me into a tree, injuring my head and damaging my left eye further than it already was.
Seeing the ghostly aura again, I knew something would happen if I went to it. I was unsure whether it would be something good or if it would be bad, but I had to know. , With some help from a crew member that I’m told goes by the name of Sprig, I was able to get to the figure and once again feel it’s touch. The odd aura was calming, pleasant, and for a short time it felt there wasn’t any horde surrounding me. Yet in it’s embrace, something happened this time that didn’t before. 
The being spoke to me. It’s words... I couldn’t understand them at all. Yet even still, there was some sense of understanding that came as I listened to it. I came to know what I had to do to help with the Horde, to have some confidence that I could lead you, and to know it’s identity. As crazy as it sounds... I’m not entirely sure of it myself, but I’m sure the name that it put into my mind was that of our first Queen. Of Giulia Khromatos. I’m unsure why Giulia came to me or how it’s even possible, but she was there, and even though she’s absent right now, I know she’s here watching over us.
Using the knowledge Giulia gave me, what seemed to be based on an experience she herself had with the Ventian People of her time, I was able to come up with an idea that would hopefully work to fend off enough of the horde. With a Dust Crystal in hand and Giulia’s help, I was able to use the Dust to stagger the Grimm horde, and my Semblance at a much stronger state than I have ever been able to in my time as a Huntress. The combination allowed me to successfully fend off what Grimm were more of a threat, block a large sum of the horde from being able to get to the NeverCondor should those closer to the ship be destroyed. 
Though I do have to give thanks for my friend and teammate Peri Gaia and the man who’s been my Father Figure for my entire life, Umbir Dew. Without the two of them, there were multiple points during the encounter where I very well could’ve died. A couple where they almost did themselves”
Turning to look back to the Komodo and the Armored man one after the other, the two both shrugged after glancing to one another and stepping forward to her sides. Emma herself looking between the two before focusing to the crowd again. A smile now present.
“Without Peri and Umbir, my effort in settling the rumors of my death would’ve turned out to be for nothing.” She could hear Peri chuckling, thus making her laugh a little alongside her. Not really even caring it would be broadcast through the entire ship. Though she did calm herself a couple seconds later.
“After what happened two days ago, I ended up losing consciousness due to severe lack of aura. According to Umbir, I was out for a full twenty-four hours. Over this time, the NeverCondor’s crew was able to clear out as much Grimm as they needed to have the time necessary for them to launch and take to the skies safely. To get all of you to safety. But this is only temporary... 
If I were to have left the instant I could instead of coming here to talk to all of you, it would’ve set the cycle in motion all over again. You would feel that same fear, despair, anxiety, and uncertainty still, possibly even worse, and eventually Grimm would’ve come again. The next time would’ve likely been worse, so much so than what this time was. 
But it’s because I know that and because of the faith that I’ve received from the people beside me right now, and because of the kindness of a little boy among you who welcomed the idea of me as your Queen so easily that I stayed. That I am right here, right now, speaking as I am, and addressing every single refugee. What I am about to say, I may sound unsure of myself, but that’s not because of how I’m feeling right now or because of you. It’s because of doubts I had harbored all my life and the fact that, just like all of you, I am scared to step into this unknown territory.”
Pausing, Emma took a deep, audible breath to ready herself physically, mentally and emotionally for what she was about to say. A part of her unable to believe she was taking this step, that with all the negativity that had filled her whenever she thought of herself as a ruler, she was about to set herself to such a role. There was actually a want to hesitate, to stop right now and just run, but she knew she couldn’t. She had to do this.
“I, Emma Smoke Khromatos, twelfth generation of the Khromatos lineage, will not hide any longer. Starting today, I will take upon myself the role of Queen of Ventus. As shaky as the road ahead may be with having to learn and adapt, to the best of my ability I will lead you all to a future where we can return to Ventus and free it of the legacy of tyranny which Samuel continues in his fathers stead. It may take some time to get there, but I promise you, I will get us there. I just need your faith and your trust.”
The intercom system would fall silent for a short bit. Emma quieting herself hoping for some kind of reaction from the crowd. She could feel eyes leaving  her and hear voices down below. For a few seconds she was feeling unsure of whether or not what she said was right. If the words she used didn’t work and the Ventian people wouldn’t support her. She could feel her tail curling ‘round her leg as worry began to settle in.
But then she heard something, cheering and clapping, all so faint from the hallway she and the others entered the room from. The quiet applaud soon growing louder while still muffled. Louder again, the opposite side now, just another second passing before the very room she was currently in began cheering up to her. Some merely clapping, others shouting words of support and positivity.
It actually took Emma by surprise a little bit to know they were accepting her. That after all of her self-doubting, people were able to believe the would be able to lead them. Finding herself choking up some just from the realization that so many people believed she could do what she was so sure she couldn’t for so long. The impact of the moment hitting her hard enough she could’ve sworn she couldn’t breathe.
Before she was able to say or do any more, she could feel a pressure against the side of the headset. Soon discovering it was Umbir shutting the headset off. Turning her head to him, she could see his hands raising with the aura-filled pendant necklace hanging between them. Moving it closer to her to set it ‘round her neck as his aura glowed bright with happiness. 
Moving to hug him, Emma felt his arms quickly return the embrace and his voice speaking one simple line that sent tears rolling down her cheeks..
“I’m proud of you.”
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rawring-rainbows · 6 years
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The Queen’s pajamas
She was woken up by her potential girlfriendand her story is still being worked on if you wanna read the notes and rough draft so far here you are
Our Queen found a living island fixed it up and discovered it travelled different  dimensions and worlds
Queen Eclipse her two orbs floating above her shoulders holds back her true  (as corny as it sounds).. form
Her body and soul is directly connected to the living island when those little marbles fall she forms into this huge beast lays
behind her castle/Huge body of water (I cant decide) She goes to sleep and also so does the island No one knows for sure
what happends during this time besides her royal higher ups During this time its dark and most of the creatures plants etc seem to be put at rest things are dim dark and calm and
normally people can leave the island but no one can it looks almost as if theres a barrier around it During this time the entire kingdom starts this gigantic festival they play games they eat food they meditate they do
mminor rituals but this most import thing is laying your dominant hand on the royal beast and the other on your heart and
telling her that you believe in her and thank her for all that she's done as well as a what you hope for when the sun comes
up again Her form gets smaller and smaller as time goes on but when she wakes up shes happy and rejuvinated like her people who
canot help be filled with an explosive amount of happieness but so does the entire continent harvests are plentiful and
delicious flowers bloom trees are full of fruit the hopeless have hope the sick are healed all sorts of miracles happen
except one the dead cannot be raised and the wicked use this strange phenomenon for one thing.. To Kill without regret
You finally earned your way to the top of the royal hierarchy to get some sort of answer is to what the Queen does while
she sleeps a tall wise looking creature looks down at you with his hands behind his back an expression and peircing eyes
that gave you this feeling he could read u like a book."What would you do if you were a God?" He gives you no time to
answer "One God of many who takes over a world and play with those puppet strings as you please and make your ideal
world..Would you abandon it? Would you get bored? With endless time and power what do you do with this immortal life?" He
finally answers a question "You become atleast a quarter mortal..Taking on the life among your people but! Is it enough?
NO!!" The sudden outburst startles you but he keeps a calm expression "Do you take a small part of an enormous world and
make it your own? What kind of God would make one's self slightly vulnurable  while taking the lives from countless God
Ruling worlds of your very own kind? Is this God planning to make a Utopia for many?......Or To grow strong enough to wage
war and flip that coin calling heads to who will be the ruler of ALL worlds?...And will you be strong enough to live
through to thank the one who ripped off a peice of herself to show you how lucky you are to stand on the grounds of someone
who could erase u from existance with the flick of her wrist..Will you be thankful to the one who allowed you to be a part
of the game that no matter what you do you cannot stop..or will you realize All you can do is attempt to give her the heart
to try her damnest to allow you to survive in an existence where others like herself wont have a smidgen of pity for you?..
"You ever hear the term a captain goes down with their ship?" The Queen asks looking up at the stars. You Nod. "You see
those stars up there?.....They're sunken ships... God's are not made of flesh of blood..They're pure energy and each one of
them swimming around up there looks for...hmm...how do i put this...They look for shelter and they feed on energy and when
a God First manifests they're very fragile..and easily consumed its a battle to live on untill they find theyre set
home..Some are stronger then others and build their hearts in several worlds some have dozens some settle with one" her
eyes darted up with a look of pain on her face. "Some dont make it..Their people they work so hard to grow and have their
planet thrive..either destory eachother or destroy their God..If a God dies in their shell its people could thrive for some
time but then..." she pointed to one of the brightest stars in the sky that was soon shut off like a light. "Theyre used to
fuel the next world" You asked which one is she like. She grinned eared to ear. "Im a special kind...the kind that doesnt
like to be tied down..The kind that's deeply afraid not only to lose my own life but the ones who grew with me and
Thrived!" She took a deep excited breath then sighed.  "Though I took a big risk being different from the others..I have no
idea what's in our future..but!..I will work hard enough so that we have a big chance for it to work out in the end..Most
God's abandon their children..Most God's just watch them grow thrive and destroy eachother while sitting back without a
care because they only think about themselves...Me...I want to work together.." She lifted her glass of wine. "If the plan
works smoothly we'll be unstoppable if not well.." She clinked her glass against yours and lifted hers up again. "To an
unexpected future!!"
"When do you feel the most mortal?" You asked the queen who was scratching her chin in thought. "I...How do I put
this...Any sort of pain...emotional,physical,etc I do not feel immidiatly..I feel just enough to settle the situation at
that moment..whether its comfrontation..or a fight i feel about 5 to 25 percent of any sort of negative feeling...untill
later..when theres no one around..when theres no danger my people cant handle..I break down..I cry..my chest hurts..my
heart breaks..I throwup and so on and so fourth...for centuries i would wonder why this happend...then i realized..I use my
immortality as a shield and dont give my mortality a chance to breath..its something ive been trying to work on for a long
time..others who ive told this secret to said they've felt something similiar to that..that its because we hurt for others
and put everything holding us back aside for those including ourselves.. Who are we if we do not protect others while
they're weak as our parents who have provided us with shelter while we were young?.. We're all still young you know...Young
and afraid Unsure of our futures no matter how hard we work for them..Life is tough and brutal as Hell and its nice to have
someone to protect you when you need it most..I dont mind having these moments..Pain isnt so bad when it reminds you that
you're alive.."
God's are very territorial shes nervous Oh my Stars!..Look she's sweating!" You say as you watched her talked to the group
of Gods. "She's fine she's smart but very cautious these are her friends-"  You interupt him. "Ticking time bombs you mean!
any one of them can turn around and attempt to kill her or kill someone else-" "She wouldnt allow that! She would rather
lay down her life then allow them to put us in danger..." You look to the side with uncertainty "What is one life to a God
thats rules over many?" You sighed and clutched your chest trying to still your racing heart.
When two Gods fight it's...Ugh! I'm a journalist! Im risking my life on the surface and i dont even know how to explain this!"  Adrenaline pumped through your veins you were panicking there was two  gargantuan God's standing thousands of feet from you ready to Rip into eachother. "What to do What to do" You say quickly pacing back and fourth Suddenly CRACK BOOM! Heat rushes over you as you fall and eat dirt you look up over the stone you stood behind leaning over and watching it slowly start to disintegrate, but that didnt matter just yet you're writers block was destroyed at this very moment and you had to write this down "Through Mortal eyes this fight looked as if two Colossal flames were trying to engulf eachother-" You start to say but just like that it was almost over the enemy was tossed in your direction as you watched in shock it skid across the ground and stopped 10 feet from you The Goddess who ruled over the ground you stood on seemed to appear on top it then immidiatly looked right into your eyes. "She stared at me..Its like looking into one thousand suns though it doesnt burn.." You say out loud attempting to write it down without looking The monumental beings expression started to change. "Her expression went from pure fury that melted into absolute worry..You look tired.." You said softly it was like talking to an intelligent beast who said nothing but you could tell how it was feeling. The deity suddenly started using her last bit of strength on her enemy pressing her enormous forearm on its throat struggling against her grip. "Stop! Don't worry about me! Fight this guy with a better strategy! You could die!" You braced for impact There was a loud crack and a deafening sound of thunder you soon after looked up. "The Enemy was destroyed in an explosion of pure white..It's snowing diamonds..She's ok..She won....Risking her life for one weak being who stood on her grounds which she ruled....and im in love with her"
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June 9th Promises (Part 3)
“i only had 2 bottles of soju with my boyfriend and i already drunk! im so weak”
“okay, i’ll order it”
the second bottle had me dizzy. 
we had cigarretes together, he told me how to pop the minty balls. and saw me smoking. 
“ah i dont care, you can see the ugly side of me now”
“yeah, and you see the ugly side of me too” 
“i dont care, we wont be together anyway, so thats okay”
“we wont?”
“why would you drunk with me?”
“theres something called moments, and this is it”
“oh... yeah... last day with Matthew”
my cigarretes fall from my hand as the ashes burned my foot. i flinched, and he picked it. 
i still remember the smell of his hair when it touched my face. and how desperately i want to kiss his head, but i didnt.
“why are we sitting so close right now...?”
“because the ashtray is next to you?”
“you must be disgusted by me, you must be thinking that im a hoe”
“no, Mel, ive told you i think a girl is a hoe when they drunk in a nightclub, not in a private place like this. so its okay”
“ah youre lying! you said you dont like girls doing that”
“i have 2 close friends and one of them is a girl. we used to drink on his apartment and im fine with it”
“apartment??? what did you do??? that thing???”
“are you a virgin or not???”
“no, im not a virgin...”
“are you?”
“of course i am!”
“lets go to my car... so we can hear the music loudly”
“why? i dont wanna go home”
i was drunk i dont remember it all too well, but as i getting closer to him and leaning my head towards him, i remember, he asked
“lets book a hotel room (ngamar)”
“huh? drink wine? (ngamer) ?”
“no, hotel room (ngamar)...”
is this somekind of a miracle??? or dream??? 
you know how i desperately want to answer “OF COURSE?!”
but i cant, i should go home by now... ah its sucks.
we decided to go to his car so he can listened to his music as we both drunk. 
i remember he walked in front of me on our way to downstairs so i wont fall. 
i didnt remember who came up with the idea of buying the third bottle, buy we came back to buy that and drink it.
i told him to stop because i was worried if we got hit by a car.
when the real reason is to... hehe..
i was so drunk and i talked so carelessly.
“hahaha you asked me to book a hotel??? why???”
“did you say that you were not a virgin??? 
“yeah i did”
“why??? i saved it for the best... or... with you hahahaha”
“hey, dont be like that, i feel bad for your boyfriend”
“AH! i regret saying that to you, i shouldnt have told you i had a boyfriend”
i remember how i slowly put my head on his shoulder and suddenly feel so comfortable being there like it was the only place i need to be.
i kissed his cheek twice in a row with my eyes closed.
“you first, not me.”
*thunders* *screams* *storms*
i cover my face as i turned around facing the window so i wont have to see his face. im a dumb bitch.
i called my cousin because she’s worried about me after i told her that he asked me to go to a hotel room. 
we called and i told her im a bit drunk and i cant remember what happened next, i just remember...
i put my hands around his neck as im sitting next to him, and i can feel my face touching his, slowly, but sure.
then our nose
our lips.
[ June 25th 2019 ]
0 notes
THE 25/10/16 UPDATE
WOW, third update in one day? I must be extremely bored or something. Anyways, I think we’re just gonna start this up without the big fucking intro part. Lets just. do this.
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Come on you gay fucks, make up and KISS.
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G U Y S. Also Jake, look at Dirks face not his ass.
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OH man Jake looks sad and awkward.
DIRK: (Son of a fuck.) DIRK: (That was you trying to get me to leave you alone, wasn’t it?) JAKE: (I... well.) DIRK: (It’s fine. I get it, finally.) DIRK: (You don’t want anything to do with me, or this awkward dance we’ve been doing around each other.)
No damMIT, don’t leave him alone. you need to MAKE UP. not avoid eachother.
DIRK: (And I was convinced I'd actually try giving you some space so you wouldn’t have to deal with my overbearing bullshit anymore. Yet here I am.) DIRK: (Honestly, I’m not even sure why.) DIRK: (I just had this impulse to try and smooth things over with you by offering some sort of half-assed congratulations.)
You’re on the right track DIRK! You’re almost there, but instead of giving him a shitty congratulations, you need to work out whatever the your problem is dammit.
DIRK: (Sorry for making you uncomfortable for a solid 10 minutes by stringing that conversation along.) DIRK: (I’ll go bother someone else.) JAKE: (Dirk, wait!) DIRK: (What?) DIRK: (You don’t need to humor me. Or worry about hurting my feelings, or whatever.) DIRK: (You’re not obligated to care about any of that anymore.) DIRK: (That ship has sailed.)
A A . AH GH DF  Dirk you BUTT, just listen to the fuckin hope child.
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pft thanks jake.
JAKE: (Thats not... oh pussyfeathers!) JAKE: (This is exactly the problem!) DIRK: (Uh.) DIRK: (It is?) JAKE: (Im so lousy at saying what i mean and then you put all of these words in my mouth and i have no idea how to make you understand!)
JAKE: (Maybe because i hardly understand myself...) DIRK: (...) JAKE: (This is all so difficult to parse. I am utterly fucking bamboozled by everything thats happened today.) JAKE: (Ive tried to politely get everything to hold its damn horses for perhaps ten friggin minutes but no!) JAKE: (Those stallions shot right out of the gate with forceful gusto and ive been trying to keep from being trampled underneath their thundering hooves this entire time!) JAKE: (There are SO MANY PEOPLE here.) JAKE: (And while im sure theyre all perfectly upstanding folk i have no clue how im supposed to TALK to any of them.) JAKE: (Especially when i cant even bring myself to engage with those whom i actually KNOW.) JAKE: (Because im certain there are a plethora of things i need to apologize for but im still puzzling out what exactly they are.)
Damn, I know the feeling Jake. When you know you’ve done something wrong, and you have no fucking clue what it is, yet somehow that makes you feel even GUILTIER because you think you SHOULD know what you did wrong.
DIRK: (Jake...) JAKE: (Honestly ive been resigning myself to the possibility of never speaking to anyone ever again!) JAKE: (Considering im such a dunce theres no way ill ever be able to figure out how to make things right with you or jane.) JAKE: (And if i badger roxy ill no doubt botch things up with her too somehow.)
Dont be ridiculous Jake, I honestly doubt there’s any way for Roxy to ever hate you.
JAKE: (So whats the point?) JAKE: (Im never going to be a good friend let alone a good anything... more than that.) JAKE: (So ive already accepted that im really just a waste of space and i ought to spend the rest of my life keeping out of everyones way.) DIRK: (Holy shit, Jake. What?) JAKE: (Its just the simplest solution for everyone involved. Im fine with it!)
Jake you BUMFUzZLING BAFOON. COme on, get a goddamn grip on yourself.
JAKE: (I was perfectly willing to mind my own beeswax and allow the rest of you to mind yours and make myself scarce when the opportunity arose.) JAKE: (But then you ambled up to me and put that plan on ice.) DIRK: (Jake.) JAKE: (Which has had me reeling for the past little while let me tell you!) JAKE: (I dont know what to do because im getting the vibe that perhaps you still want to be friends? Though I cant even begin to guess why!) JAKE: (And im so conflicted because theres a part of me that does want to give the whole friendship thing another go even though i know its bound to end in disaster.) DIRK: (Jake-) JAKE: (But if im really going to commit to that mad gamble, it feels like this might be my only real chance to try and patch things up between us!) JAKE: (Except im so blasted TIRED! And even thinking about fumbling through that conversation with all of these people around makes me want to curl up into ball and...) JAKE: (And embarrass myself.) JAKE: (Though attempting to salvage my pride at this point seems a fools errand. Nobody can possibly take me seriously while im NOT WEARING ANY FUCKING PANTS.)
DIRK: (...) DIRK: (Ok.) JAKE: (Im sorry dirk i just cant right now. I cant. Its too much!) JAKE: (I know its so typical of me to chicken out and disappoint you.) DIRK: (Dude-) JAKE: (Sakes alive i cant believe i just went on and on like that what am i doing???)
You’re VENTING, Jake. It’s perfectly natural and everybody should be able to do it.
DIRK: (Ok!) DIRK: (Jake, I hear you!) DIRK: (You can stop, now.) DIRK: (The fact that you managed to whisper all that was pretty impressive.)
Yeah no shit. Like, how in the fuck was that a whisper?
DIRK: (But let’s take it down a notch. Like, to breathe.) JAKE: (...) DIRK: (Are you ok? Maybe we should sit down or something.) JAKE: (No i... everyone else is standing.) DIRK: (I don’t really care, and nobody else should either. Your legs look like they’re about to give out.) JAKE: (Im really fine and can we please not talk about my legs.)
... dammit jake
DIRK: (Shit, sorry. Sure thing.) JAKE: (But. Maybe sitting isnt such a terrible idea.)
It isnt. its the best idea. sit down and TALK.
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There you go, much better. Now dont fall.
DIRK: (Feeling any better?) JAKE: (A smidgen...) JAKE: (Are people looking at us?) DIRK: (Not sure. Probably not. But even so, you aren’t the only one who could use a breather. I’m sure they understand.) JAKE: (Ok...) DIRK: (So.) DIRK: (Sorry for putting words in your mouth. Looks like you already had plenty of your own in there.) JAKE: (...) DIRK: (I mean, like. There’s nothing wrong with that. I’m actually kind of glad you told me.) DIRK: (I’m going to be real with you here and say I’m more than a little concerned about some of what you just said.)
Yes, this is GOOD.  Dirk’s realizing that MAYBE Jake has problems of his own.
DIRK: (But I get you’re not in a position to talk about it right now. And, hell, there are probably better people to hash that shit out with than me.) DIRK: (You don’t have to say anything else. Especially not about... well, us, I guess.) DIRK: (I don’t know about a lot of the other stuff, but I’m perfectly willing to save opening up that particular can of worms for later.) DIRK: (I’m... probably not ready for that conversation either. So it’s most likely for the best.) DIRK: (Being perfectly frank, I’m also not exactly enthusiastic about this crowd. I’m not really used to having this volume of people around.) DIRK: (And I guess we’re both kind of at a loss when it comes to approaching them all. I demonstrated my lacking conversational chops earlier I think.) DIRK: (I knew it was a bad idea. But I came over here anyway.) DIRK: (Mostly because... I think I just really wanted to talk to you.) DIRK: (I guess old habits die hard.) DIRK: (Or in this case, ridiculously young ones.) JAKE: (Um...) DIRK: (Right. Getting to the point.) DIRK: (Whatever you may be thinking about yourself, I can pretty much guarantee you I don’t agree.) DIRK: (But I’m going to put that aside for now and just say that yeah, I really do still want to be friends.) DIRK: (If there’s some part of you that’s willing to give it a shot, I want you to promise me something.) JAKE: (Ok. What is it?) DIRK: (That you’ll put all that bullshit about cutting ties with everyone aside, at least for long enough to talk about this stuff properly later.)
Good, GOOD, they’re both not being idiots anymore. this is good. because holy shit that was awkward. they’re just gonna work out all their problems, and not be dumb shits over it.
DIRK: (It doesn’t even need to be with me. But just... somebody. I mean, don’t you want to talk to your grandma, dude? You’ve been pen pals for ages. And now she’s right there.) JAKE: (That, um... Yes actually. That does sound nice.) DIRK: (Good.) DIRK: (Maybe we ought to wrap this up, then.) DIRK: (Or am I wrong in thinking you still want some space?) JAKE: (So long as were all on this platform i doubt ill be getting very far with that either way.) DIRK: (True.) JAKE: (What i could really use is a NAP!) DIRK: (I feel that.) DIRK: (But it might have to wait a bit longer.) DIRK: (Think you can manage until then?) JAKE: (Probably?) DIRK: (And just to make things crystal clear...) DIRK: (Until we get our shit together enough to actually talk about, well...) DIRK: (You know what.) DIRK: (Are we cool?) JAKE: (I think so.) DIRK: (Thank fuck.)
Thank fuck indeed. I realize I didn’t say a whole lot during all this, mainly because I’m indifferent to this whole conversation. I’m not realizing anything new about them other than that they were really annoying when they tried avoiding the subjects. in a weird adorable awkward kinda way.
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Yes, there we go, fucking SMILE. 
DIRK: (C’mon.) DIRK: (Let’s go claim our reward.)
GO get’em tiger.
Alright, that was the end of their interaction! It was a little boring to read over, so that kinda made it tedious. not because the act omega team wrote it bad! i just never really cared much for either of these characters. BUT that’s fine. just personal preference and shit. BUT NOW WE GET A CHARACTER INTERACTMENT IVE BEEN LOOKING FORWARD TO.
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Here we are aN HOLY SHIT JADES EYES. I dont know what it is about them, they just look off.... HMMmm..
JADE: (hey rose?) ROSE: (Oh, hello Jade.)
ROSE: (I see you’ve finally woken from your nap.) JADE: (yeah!!! thank goodness!) JADE: (now i can finally give you a proper nice to see you hug!)
ROSE: (Is that so?) ROSE: (Well, It would be remiss of me to refu-)
thats the end of this update. I suppose I can ship them next time So yeah, expect a fourth update today.
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thegeminisage · 7 years
zelda blogging which is so deeply super spoilery, possible the most spoilery it’s ever been, so if you haven’t THOROUGHLY explored the central-north part of the map DON’T read it
aww some of these gerudo wear glasses! love it
i like the music here too but i kinda wish it had been the same melody from oot ; ;
omg riju is tiny!!! is she still young?!
aww her relationship with buliara is sweet they obviously care about each other a lot
AAAAAH THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT MY SWORD lmao maybe i should have gone to get it after all
oh my god a sand seal that gives you words of wisdom for food
ooh i get a free accessory for giving this lady some flint...hmMmMMmMMmmm
topaz i guess bc i'll probs need lightning protection soon? but no, i'm getting a helm...
haha sapphire to go with link's eyes?
ruby bc the flame armor is the ugliest and i wanna wear something else? LOL
went with sapphire iin the end MAY I NOT REGRET IT...
ooooh i shoulda been saving my gems....Dang
i mean, at least i have the 10k i need for the great fairy, but there's so much cool stuff here and i can't bUY ANY...
ah no i did get some opal and amber earrings :3
swim speed up and the ithers are just extra defense
"apparently the accessory maker and the teacher of the relationship class were both in a tragic love triangle, and now they are both single" nintendo this is an all women society please give me lesbians i BEG of you
ok, i need 1 ruby and 5 topaz to finish buying one of everything here. i'll remember
hahahahaha "you've gotta take your time when selecting gems and voe" wise words, lady
omg i found a bar but im too young to drink. nice, nintendo
lmao you can tell one of the ladies you're over 100 and she doesn't believe you dxkfjhg
ok so the hideout of the yiga clan is apparently to the northwest of here so i get to RIDE A SAND SEAL or surf behind one i guess. tbh im a little worried i'll break all my shields :/
i got a gerudo one that i really like!! goes with my scimitar and golden bow!
aww can i not wear accessories along with normal armor...? that sucks
LOL SEAL PUNS the options when talking to the sand seal lady are full of em im dying
wow i can't get this shrine unless i wind sand seal races which i can't do with the divine beast out LOL
jesus those sandstorms look so huge and terrifying...especially since i know they'll disable my map
i wanna explore but tbh i better just stick to the plot and away from those bad boys
oh JESUS i went to an outpost where they're monitoring the beast and it's. so big. and so loud and big and. so scary. oh my god, it's huge
oh FUCK i got too close and it started targeting me so i ran away and thankfully it stopped...definitely gonna take it easy on the exploration if i can help it
oooh no no no why is the air turning green out here...dnw dnw leave me and my map alone!!
uh, and where is my fucking seal...? i left it right HERE
ugh i had trouble mounting the one from before when i stayed in the monitoring outpost do they like leave if you stay gone a long time...? fml
awww this old gerudo never found the lovers pond ):
ugh i see so much stuff i wanna check out but im too scared to get off the seal for long :/ ESPECIALLY if i get stuck in a storm i'll want a way out
oh wow the air is so hot here even my gerudo outfit is useless
tbh, maybe that's a good thing, if i'm eating food i can wear armor with actual defense...much as i love these clothes they're great for getting your ass kicked
ok no seriously WHY does everyone from the yiga clan drop bananas..............
i know that everyone talks about how cool it is that this game just plops you down in the world and lets you figure it out for yourself without hitting you over the head with the instructions
but i just found a bow and some torches in a circle of lit torches with some obviously flammable banners nearby, so
i found the missing gerudo soldier!
"all i've ever seen them do is patrol and eat[in red text] bananas" LMAO WHATS THE DEAL MY DUDES
theres some bananas here on a table wtf do i do throw them at them?? lmao
dude pranced right over to it and pocketed it lmao
nooo i missed a chest...maybe i can get it on the way back out ;_;
this is so funny dkjfgh fck
urgh i wish i could just...snipe them from here. it'd be so EASY
im actually not even totally sure which direction to go, im all turned around
ok, one stationary guy at the door maybe i have to move him?
i couldn't even fight they one-shotted me and mipha's grace didn't kick in! that isn't fair at all
at least i can get the chest i missed
lol and i cant save in here. perfect.
ok yeah im gonna have to look it up bc as far as i can tell this room has no exit all the hallways just circle back around into it
apparently i CAN fight them...? they're just really hard?
this walkthru is so unclear lol there's a hidden door i can find with magnesis on the right-hand wall WHICH RIGHT...
WAIT fuck i finally see the exit
ah ok. wrong room for the hidden door.
master kohga!! he just...knocked himself out with his own attack. lmao ok
fuck this is SO FUNNY he is so funny
i love it even his bones cracked
isn't what he used to be, apparently
wow this is a boring fight he has a lot of hp and he's so far away the only way i can attack is arrows
and now arrows aren't working anymore...? obviously i'm doing something wrong
maybe i can reflect the rocks back at him
ok google says to drop his things on his head
this undertale naruto motherfucker im crying i love him
"pretty soon you'll be gone! and not just from my line of sight!" i'm CRYING
fuck the ball rolled on top of him and made him fall
what a fucking legend i'll never forget you master kohga i promise
aaaand thunder helm retrieved
but i gotta rescue that missing gerudo!
ah good her cell is empty!
lol im skipping sooo many shrines rn...i'll come back to them later i swear
oh NOOOO i got a memory!!!
urbosa the prankster!!! witht he power of lightning at her disposal!! protective of princess zelda!! i'm dying!!!
also im sad so zelda's sealing power mjst be what she used to seal ganon away but apparently in the past she couldn't make it show up for her whole life...?
aw no poor riju the helmet is too big on her
(give it to meeeee)
ok it's time for the divine beast bit but before i do jack or shit im going to upgrade my armor as much as possible rn
ugh you can't enhance the gerudo clothes...geez
aaah riju is talking!!! i always get so surprised!!!
i did it!! tbh i had a really hard time keeping up with her...a dash was too fast but regular speed was too slow
ohhh wow it's really walking around while on it
oh man. it's so big. it's so big
oooh you rotate the insides of this one!!
i get the feeling now i should've done more shrines in this area afterall, they have the same sort of electricity theme and they would've been good practice 
okay that was...easily the hardest beast so far
i had to use a guide TWICE and i could barely understand the instructions, PLUS i got two terminals by sheer dumb luck
oooh boy okay a lightning boss im assuming here we gooooo
LMFAO i suck so much at this urbosa was like "there is valor in dodging"
thanks zelda i missed your captain obvious statements
geeeeez i just barely got it
oh EW that never gets any less gross
ohhh my god
oh my gOD?
she mentioned nabooru from oot BY NAME holy SHIT this continutity between games!!!
and "calamity ganon once took on the form of a gerudo that makes this all the more personal" jesus fUCKING christ
i feel so bad for ganondorf the man like
he didn't ask for this shit anymore than link or zelda
and at least they get to win most of the time he always loses and even when he does win he's hated, his win brings ruin
where's the fic where the only way to end the cycle is to become friends with him huh
or like, frankly: the true enemy isn't ganondorf but the evil that takes hold of him
when does he get to be the hero and fight it and smash it to little bitty bits!
oh lord and the blood moon as soon as i get back
do people like, see these towers popping up and beasts moving around? does it scare the shit out of them or make them hopeful?
anyway i hope now i can explore with less sandstorms
oh boy time to ride into a sandstorm gee i sure hope i dont get lost
LOL and first thing i run right into a camp of enemies just bc i was trying to stay in a straight line!!!! jesus
lovely! i am now hopelessly turned around in a sandstorm. i literally don't even know which way i came from
my sand seal is also STUCK lol
ah i passed through it! i'm right where i need to go!
i'm. i'm 500 short. oh my god
nothing i can't earn with 10 minutes of cooking, tho
huh...? she only asked for 1k...?
i could've SWORN i read someone asks for 10k at one point!
god what if i've been MISINFORMED all this TIME
ooh this one is orange and green
FUCK "i know what you're thinking...can't we just skip to the part where she enhances my clothes?" FUCKING PLAYED
holy FUCK just found my first molduga...i have to KILL one of these for a quest? jesus christ!
ohhh that actually wasn't too bad at all once i figured out the strategy...i've had more trouble with lynels and hinoxes
i'll be honest, the interactive map take a bit of both fun and "work" out of exploring...i look at empty areas and don't wonder "ooh whats over there" but think "ah i can just glance at that bit"
which should make me feel like my Pure Enjoyment of the game is being compromised, and i guess it does a little, but
i wasn't kidding when i said the need to explore was a bit compulsive so it's mostly a relief
ah from up here i see the sandstorm...i think it rotates around the desert? so, it's very possible to avoid and survive even if you do get stuck
anyway i missed several shrines but the quests for them are so complex and i am so Sick
of the desert. even worse than rain tbh
now the question is what to do next: master sword or rito beast
lowkey wanna wait until i get all four beasts before the sword, but
i know you do all four beasts and then ganon and that's it, so if i got the sword then it wouldn't help me for long
plus i'm a little tired of fighting the temperature and changing gear/eating food all the time, so......i guess i'll go check out the forest
maybe i'll see dinaal! i've only seen him once from veeeery very far away
im getting aaaaawfully close to hyrule castle i Dont Like This
lmao every time i catch sight of the divine beasts in the distance, the fact that i can SEE them from THIS far away, blows my fucking mine
they are SO BIG
im getting a much closer look at that flying thing and i'm almost CERTAIN it's a divine beast
just. jesus christ. so BIG
ohhh my gosh i can see the giant pink tree from here *_*
or maybe it's brown, maybe the deku tree is dead lmao
lol straight up skipped the bottomless bog and the enemies at the bottom bc i glided in from death mountain
whoa this tower has rock all over the top??
ah maybe it's so i can't glide to the big tree in the middle lol
not the lost woods if i don't get lost!
lol jk i got on top of it and there was a super cool sword here
aww rauru hillside...im sad
BRO im in the lost woods but its just playing the maze shrine music, i was so hopeful for saria's song
zora's domain having the same music set me up with false expectations t b h
omg if i go too high i die!! i can't follow my higher-ground instict here!!!!!
which is pretty cool but if all i have to do is wander around these woods with my map ON to find the master sword i am gonna be disappointed
even gerudo desert turned it off sometimes
ohhh okay if i wander off the path i also die i can't just go wherever i gotta follow torches i guess
mkay i googled it bc i got stuck and couldn't see anymore torches and it's wind direction! neat
see i feel a little bad about not figuring that out for myself but like...it's not Fun to die over and over bc you can't solve a puzzle. so #realgamers can shut the hell up lol games are for fun
the ember thing is SUPER clever tho and like i know this game is so like, praised bc it stops holding your hand, but i would have appreciated a TINY obscure hint
i did get as far as carrying a torch but i thought maybe i was burning off the fog or smth
omg i found korok forest!!!
there's my sword
said "oh" out loud
kinda wish the quest had been more, idk
mmm not yet. not yet. i'll talk to some koroks first
haha and the very first one tells me to go get the sword all right all right
man. i always remember now that fi's been in there since the ages of skyward sword, sleeping
tbh i kinda miss her 
even though she's way more annoying than navi could ever DREAM of being
for all we complain about compaions, they're a zelda staple and it feels lonely without them
i know not having one makes for a stronger game, i do, but...
really though. the master sword quest was SHOCKINGLY easy. i know i looked up the ember thing but geez it's the first truly disappointing this about this game
and my brother told me they made you work for it lmao but that was. not even close to Work. i've had more trouble at bokoblin camps
like. fucking weak. tbh. i'm so sad like i can't believe this game let me down
and like at first i was like "ok if link gets his memories back with the sword i'll give them that, that's pretty sick"
and i straight up burst into tears
"i have watched over hyrule since time immemorial" i know i know i was there i know i missed him so much one of the very first major zelda characters i ever knew i know technically he hasn't been there since the very beginning but he was my beginning
and i didn't even think i cared about him that much emotionally but i also welled up the first time he spoke old hylian in wind waker
oh god link's not WORTHY of the sword yet yes okay i'm here for this i knew this game wouldn't let me down
idk why i never considered the big pink tree might be the deku tree like i joked about it just a few minutes ago but i didn't seriously consider it so i was so surprised
and all the koroks running around and i know i KNOW they used to be kokiri it's almost like i came home, Really Home, the forest was where link began for me, not hyrule proper, he was always a child of these woods
ohhh my god i gotta mop up my face stream is soon!! jesus fuck
oh god now he wants me to pull it again
what if i'm not worthy? what if i am?
i don't have long left to play but i CANNOT leave it here, jesus christ
okay. i'm gonna try. i gotta try. courage!
oh my god it takes your LIFE?
and he said enough when i was down to my last quarter of a heart!! i'm gonna cry i was so close link tried so hard but he wasn't ready yet
i could eat food to max out my hearts but where's the fun in that........
ok. ok. i need to. step back a moment. fuck.
there's hestu! oh my god buddy you finally made it home!! me too pal me too
im gonna save and quit here before i talk to him tho bc like. i gotta stream. but Wow. god Damn
LMAO I LIED JK im playing a bit more after stream
i talked to the trial korok and "do all the shrines here, it's based on the trials the legendary hero himself did" im crying!!! thats some History!!!
oh my god the koroks are so CUTE??
oh no this is so precious they've been waiting for him
sdfgsfdg "nooo vegetarians everywhere nooo that's my face" i wish i had thought to taka e a snap of that but i cant get him to say it again
aw omg they set up little stores and they only have one of many items please please i'm so proud of them
they set up a little bed for me!! they don't even want my money to sleep there!! i'm sleeping in a tree again, just like i was in oot ;____;
tbh it's so fitting that i did the scary mysterious thing of trying to pull the sword at night and i'm meeting the koroks in the brightness of day
i saw a shield resting on this rock and i had a tiny heart attack like OMG THE HYLIAN SHIELD?!?
ok. ok. i did the trials. i'm gonna see if i can get the sword now??
lol i have the same amt of hearts im not leaving to find a goddess statue and i was trying to boost my stamina anyway but maybe the food boost will help? unless they dont let me use it, we'll see
aaah no it DOESN'T omg
well, maybe one more heart container will do it...?
ugh i don't wanna go back and do the desert ones
me: already fast-traveling
Great, A Sand Storm, Just What I Wanted
fuck i stopped by town and there's a secret club that sells gerudo clothes for men
LOL why.........do they think dudes will feel weird looking pretty? come on
they said there's a high demand so i choose to believe there are lots of gerudo transmen. anyway back to the forest i got two more heart containers i pray it's enough i was SO CLOSE before
she's been fighting 100 years and she has so much faith in link
more importantly she heard the sword speak to her im crying fi is in there fi and zelda/hylia meet again
her smile is like the sun, i would do much to feel its warmth upon me again ME TOO PAL im weeping my poor brave daughter i promise i'll save her i promise i promise
it's almost 7am but that was worth it. that was W O R T H I T
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