#and then you have the talent and weapon materials to farm for
madraleen · 2 years
i understand people say albedo is good for every team but not invaluable for any team (mono-geo aside), and i was fully prepared to play with him for the aesthetics because i adore him, but he actually pulls A LOT of weight on my teams and i ACTUALLY hate it when i have to put someone else in his slot. his quick cooldown? his off-field constant damage? his EM boost? his constant shields? i mean. i love him. he has genuinely reduced the damage we take by a huge amount.
plus, him and venti work weirdly well? you suck the mobs, you drop a flower, and you wait. that’s it. that’s what it is with mobs.
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Star Rail mechanics for beginners
Characters have two attributes:
Their Path
Their element
Characters can equip two sorts of items:
Characters can upgrade three things:
Their level
Their upgradeable abilities (basic attack, skill, ult, talent)
Their Traces (extra skills + extra damage multipliers ability tree)
This is all you really need to keep track of.
Q: Can you dodge?
A: No. Shield up and/or use a healer. Shields are really good.
Q: Can you assassinate enemies?
A: No, but attacking them first does damage them when the fight starts.
Q: Is the turn-based combat fun?
A: I found it fun, it’s not so complex that it’s hard to understand, it’s pretty and it’s relatively dynamic. Try it out~
Further details below.
Acts both as a weapon class and an analog for a dnd class style battle role. Preservation characters have Tank like abilities and so on.
The damage type your character does, as off launch thats one of seven:
Each enemy has multiple weaknesses among these. Enemy with a weakness to an element usually resists it less and their Toughness bar gets damaged every time they’re hit by their weakness. (It’s like a second white HP bar.)
Once the Toughness bar is empty, they suffer from an element-specific effect (Frozen if you broke it with ice, Burn with fire, etc), their action is delayed, and they’re stunned for a turn.
A character can equip up to one, and their level can be upgraded. They add extra stats to any character and each have a Path assigned. Only a corresponding Path will activate the extra effect a Lightcone has.
A Hunt character with a Hunt lightcone will activate the extra effect (ex: Basic attack damage 20%), but this will not happen if the Hunt character equips a Preservation lightcone. However, the Hunt character will benefit from the extra stats in both cases. (ex: HP +300, ATK + 200, DEF + 400) .
Lightcones are primarily gained in gacha but there’s a few other ways to obtain them, like level up rewards or shops. They come in 3*, 4*, and 5*.
Identical lightcones can be fused up to four times (for a total of five levels), which increases their extra effect.
They’re equippable items that have stats and set bonuses with extra effects. Set bonuses in CBT3 were at 2 and 4 relics of the same set.
They come in 2*, 3*, 4*, and 5*. The maximum level of a relic changes with its rarity. As off CBT3, none of the Relic set were rarity locked, so you’ll be able to upgrade any of them by swapping out for rarer pieces.
A character can equip up to six relics, split into two subtypes of relics: sets with 4 relics and sets with 2 relics. You don’t need to worry about this. Just know they add stats to your character and give extra bonuses when in a set. Easy.
These are NOT gacha-locked, they’re fully farmable. Farming can be automated and you can borrow a friend’s character for it too, so it’s not too tedious and also an opportunity to experiment~
Characters are leveled up with exp materials and other materials you find or fight for. User level locked due to materials becoming accessible over time.
Upgradeable Abilities
There’s four abilities you can upgrade (and one you can’t, Technique).
Upgrading an ability makes its multipliers go up, but doesn’t change how it works.
It takes material and money for each, all of which, to my knowledge, can be obtained just by playing the game normally (I think one of the rarest ones is in the free battle pass though).
These upgradable abilities are:
Basic attack
Upgrade them to make them better. That’s really all there is to it.
Regarding how they’re used:
During your turn, you may consume a skill point to use a skill, or use a basic attack and gain a skill point.
Skill points are shared by the whole team.
Attacking and getting hit gives your character energy. When energy is full, Ultimates become available. These can be used at any time, even during the enemy’s turn.
Talents activate without your input whenever their conditions are fulfilled but may have use limits.
Traces are skill trees with two sorts of bonuses you can unlock:
Stat bonuses (ex: HP +4%)
New abilities
You can upgrade Traces over time with materials and money. Each unlocked node of the Trace only needs to be bought once, so it’s a good idea to keep an eye on whether you can buy a nice one.
(As a word of personal advice, unlock at least one, preferably two ways to remove debuffs from allies before chapter 2, it’ll make your life easier during a certain boss fight… March 7th and Natasha have cheap Traces that let you do so.)
For character information and cost calculation you can use this website, but beware of spoilers as it’s a database.
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sea-drifter · 1 year
Sagau and what that character would feel when they realize you hate them. Part 1
Characters: Childe ft: Yanfei and various others
I have/had grudges against them after incidents in their banners and so I thought I'd make a short drabble or head canon abt how they'd feel about how I treat/treated them. This is part one and ends with part 2 which is another character.
Warnings: OOC little shits and based on fics I've read, also not proofread, is this considered angst? brief descriptions of violent tendencies and slight body horror? (idk, i searched it up and I'm still confused but im pretty sure i should add it just in case)
ALSO REMINDER BEFORE YOU ATTACK ME: I don't rlly hate them as a character, it's just my luck I hate and I had to blame someone-
Childe: [getting him on his 3rd banner] *I may or may not be showing off a character* [Why did you come home instead of her?] Denial is the first stage of grief. Because you really don't mean it right? I mean, you leveled him up to 60! it mustn't be that bad right? You didn't level him up just for the free fates, right? You gave him artifacts even if they're not his right set and aren't just leftovers- Right? You started wishing on his banner again sighing in frustration, only getting 4-star weapons and occasionally, Chongyun and Ninnguang. You were getting more irritated by every wish but you stopped and went to farm more primogems. But you didn't have enough time. You just had to get him the day before his banner ended. You switched characters and put him on your team for the first time. Your team consisted of Xingqiu, Fischl, Zhongli, and him. He greets everyone excitedly with a smile filled with relief as they introduced themselves. That smile was wiped off of him instantly. "How...I had only just..." You jumped off a cliff using him. You revive him right after, the feeling was shocking to him. His thoughts were erratic. He died- and he was brought back to life just like that- You drop off again. This time he could tell how every bone cracked in his body. You teleported to a statue of the seven, reviving him once more. And just as he was processing what was going on, you jumped off for the 3rd time. Hate. You hate him. You hate him. You hate him. You hate him. You hate him. You hate him. You hate him. You hate him. You hate him. You hate him. You hate him. You hate him. You hate him. You hate him. You hate him. You hate him. You hate him. You hate him. You hate him. Your mom. You hate him. You hate him. You hate him. You hate him. You hate him. You hate him. You hate him. You hate him. You hate him. You hate him. You hate him. You hate him. You hate him- "WHY????"
After the nth fall, you stop and switch him out of the team. He was just so dumbfounded. You fought him as the traveler countless times before and he didn't mind the countless defeats because every time you visit the Golden house, you were able to defeat him faster and stronger, he even felt so proud of you- yet this... this was the first time he felt so afraid of you. It was a mere fall but he couldn't move to even open up his wind glider and fell to his death countless times. And then you just revived him so easily each time. It was a sign that you really are Teyvat's god, and he feared you. Anger. Pink hair, white antlers. Always has a big book with her. He's been staring. He can't help it. You already had her in his banner early on, yet why were you so upset when he came home? "WHAT'S SO GOOD ABOUT YANFEI?!" Was all he could think about. She's just a damn 4-star, how is she better than him? He watched as you spoiled her with level-up materials and talent ascension materials. You even farmed the Crimson Witch domain just for her. Gave her the best weapons, and the best artifact stats. He watched as your team slowly died out for her materials. Watched until she reached level 90. Watched until she could easily obliterate enemies with 4 simple moves, all attacks being 10k or more. You were known for collecting each character's specialty food, even going as far as cooking it over and over again and even buying all the stock of a certain ingredient from the shop. But the only time you have his specialty is from a letter he gave you on his birthday. If he was violent in fights, he's even more violent now. If the enemy is already dead, he'll turn the corpse into bits until it's only blood that remains. He constantly seeks Zhongli for a fight, which Zhongli didn't mind until he started visiting almost every day. He tries to talk it out with Childe but- "THEY GOT YOU ON YOUR BANNER WHEN THEY DIDN'T EVEN WANT YOU LIKE THEY DID WITH ME." "YET THEY TREAT US SO DIFFERENTLY." Zhongli couldn't reply. He was right after all. He was on your team almost every time ever since you had enough materials to get him up to a decent level. Childe just walks away as he processed what he said to the god. The silence was all there was that accompanied him on his walk. Bargaining. You liked him before. He knows that. You were really upset when you didn't get him the first time. He liked the idea of playing hard to get and so he played. But maybe he should've come home to you the first time because he didn't know if you loved him as much as the others. It took months for Venti's banner to go up and have him on your team, yet you persisted and finally got him on his 3rd banner. While in his 2nd banner, you clearly had lost interest already and just pulled to build up pity. "I came home later than expected, and now I'm just a disappointment..."
Depression. If you used to use him as a guinea pig, you even forget you have him in the first place now. You:[So who's going as Childe?] P2:[I want to try out Xiao again after a while so can you be Childe?] You:[Oh right, I have that ginger-] You like to "play co-op" and have other gods join your world. They're always the same ones, and he can hear their voices, unlike the other gods that come by for materials. He would see the "other Childe's" sometimes. He'd see them on a higher level than him, with better artifacts, better weapons, and better treatment. He didn't put much effort into his "fights" anymore, since you'd replace him with a character you like more anyways. The praise he heard you say to the others, the joy in your voice when you finish a commission with them, hearing those things were torture to him. One could say it was worse than being stuck in the abyss for merely half his life. Then you just placed him in your teapot, the emptiness eating away at him. Acceptance. He's been in the teapot for months now. The occasional visits from the others helped him carry on a bit. He was placed in the kitchen so he's been cooking things to pass the time or to serve others. He'd write letters more often to his family in the library, even reading a few books whenever. Yes, you hate him. But maybe, not entirely. Being able to stay in the teapot, do chores, and cook like he usually would for his family towards others, gave him a sense of calm. Maybe this was your way to show him that fighting and becoming strong to conquer the world isn't the only path to life. He still comes to spar with the others, teaching them things he knows even. The time he had away from you made him able to be vulnerable towards others, telling them what he's feeling sometimes, creating a bond with the others who he can confide in. Things he couldn't tell his family, he tells Kaeya, who has a somewhat same situation as him. He decides his good enough. Not for you, but for himself. And he's alright with that. He can finally sleep peacefully at night. ______________________________________________________________ thank you for reading ^^ pls like and reblog click here if you'd like to see more of works^^
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kujousaramybeloved · 7 months
rant about weekly bosses + resin
it’s so unbelievably hilarious to me that hyv is adding “big changes!” to the weekly boss system in 4.2 by……. letting players fight them without having unlocked them via story quest. (and by hilarious i mean nobody’s laughing)
don’t get me wrong, that’s great, and that probably should’ve been a feature already with how long the sumeru arc is, but like, if you’re wl 7 or 8 (aka ar 50+, which really only takes a few weeks of gameplay to reach) you can join just about anyone for co-op and fight the bosses that way (that’s how my friend who’s behind on the story was doing it while he caught up)
but like. no resin changes? whatsoever? bffr. i’d so much rather have it cost less resin but still have to do the story to unlock the boss for my own world.
if you’ve been playing since version 1 like me you probably remember how weekly bosses used to ALWAYS cost 60 resin, and then later they added the 3 times per week that they cost 30 instead. you know when they added that? no, not with inazuma, with AZHDAHA. back in version 1.5! he was the 4th weekly boss in the game, so this actually ended up lowering the weekly boss resin total from 3x60 (160) to 3x30 + 60 (150) total.
they realized 2 ½ whole years ago that having four (4) weekly bosses costing 60 resin each with the resin recharge rate/cap the way it was (and still is! it’s been capped at 160 since 1.1) was a lot, and so they adjusted it. which was great!
you know how many weekly bosses there are now?
*eight*. and it’ll be 9 after 4.2.
that’s 3x30 + 5x60, a total of 390 (soon to be 450) resin PER WEEK to claim rewards from all the weekly bosses. and yeah, i’ve fought the earlier weekly bosses hundreds of times, so technically i can skip those, but what about new players? they still need those weapon billets and talent materials and elemental gemstones for the characters they unlock for every weekly boss
like it just feels so silly to say “big changes!” to weekly bosses and have it be really such an insignificant change in comparison to changes that players actually want/need. with the amount of characters, artifact sets, weapons, weekly bosses, etc, etc, needed to be farmed, ESPECIALLY for newer players, i can’t really appreciate any changes to any game mechanics unless it’s resin related atp
and now i’m just gonna throw around some ideas:
3 -> 6 instances of rewards costing 30 resin per week (450 -> 360 total)
all weekly bosses costing 60 -> 40 resin to claim (also 450 -> 360 total)
resin cap 160 -> 200 at least (that would get you 5 condensed resin, but 240 seems more reasonable to me)
being able to auto a domain/boss fight after you’ve successfully beaten it on that difficulty 10 (or some other arbitrary number) times
artifact domains costing mora rather than resin to farm (since it’s completely random which of the 2 sets you get, what type of piece you get, what main stat you get for the timepiece/goblet/circlet, what substats you get, and what upgrades the substats get when you level them)
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sh1-n0bu · 11 months
i wanna ask you smt asdfsdfs ( genshin combat !! ) not really combat, more of like how you build Wanderer since im farming for primos, his ascend materials and talents and i dont know what is good for his artifacts ( and my builds suck !! ) so if you dont mind , could you share your build?
have meme :D ;
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okay so on scara’s first banner i got super lucky and even got his weapon heheheheh
for artifact’s there’s a domain in sumeru desert named “gold city” or smt along the lines like that. the artifact there is “desert pavilion” and it’s made just for scara but if you have good VV pieces u can use those too!
as for his talent level up material you’ll need the handguards dropped by nobushi which is an absolute PAIN to farm and you’ll need praxis books.
as for his ascension, you’ll beed to farm handguards (again), the rukkhashava mushrooms (AKA collei mushrooms) and the cores dropped by aeonblight drake. y’know the super big machinery in sumeru (just a tip to beat that bitch, bring either a bow and arrow character, a shielder or just a long distance character like maybe a catalyst)
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new Genshin character I just pulled: hi :)
me: omg hiii I love you I'll farm your boss and materials right away
character: cool :)
me: here is my every single drop of sweat and blood, enjoy this huge pile of exp papers
character: nice :)
me: now you're level 90! here is the best weapon I have in your category, and here are the best five artifacts I have that work with you. let's fight!
character: how about my talents?
me: oh I'm F2P with little mora, I'd rather level up five stars DPS characters
character: i'll make you regret that choice
me: no please hit decently
character: i am baby
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ehe-ttenandayo · 5 months
The Navia Arc
A quick story of how hard I simp for characters I like and I’m now a Navia main.
It all began with this
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That smile, that damn smile...
From then on, all my saving plans were set.
There were, however, some obstacles in the way. 4.0 Arrived in an elegant manner and I was primo-less. The version featuring Lyney, Lynette and Freminet as the first playable members of the Fontaine cast, a flashy show and powerful kits backed up by the first Archon Quest and a Story Quest were strong enough to sell the trio and attempt to sway away my primogems. But when I least expected it, I saw her again.
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Source: Fayato.
She swayed me back (obligatory mention to detective paimon, I loved that bit). Not only she helped us defend Lyney, but she also had a big role during the Secon Archon Quest, settling her as one of the characters I wanted the most from this Fontaine roster.
But there was a problem, I had no Idea of where she was going to be released, and there was a certain character I had to get.
Because, you see, I love Hydro 5 stars; ever since Childe’s release, the hydro characters have been winning hard when we talk about visual effects. The water particles are one of the best effects this game has to offer, and every single new 5 star just does it better. I’m grateful to the possibilities that Childe opened for future hydro releases, and up to this point I am set on collecting every single hydro woman.
You see where I am heading, but for now, let’s talk about version 4.1.
It was the hardest obstacle to my savings, to put it simply. We learned a lot about the Fortress of Meropide and Wriothesley, we're okay in that department; but it also put a certain judge under my radar: Neuvillete was a character I wasn’t interested, but the more I met him the more I liked him; his story quest is, up to this point, my favorite of the Fontaine series and it took every ounce of strength to not pull for him. 4.1 ended and my primos were safe, with a bit less than 170 pulls in the savings, it was time for 4.2.
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Aaaand I pulled for Furina on the first day.
I had a couple of reasons to not do it, but I did it. She’s a 5 star hydro woman, I can’t go back on my word; I don’t pull for archons, but she isn’t one; I failed the 50-50 to Keqing, now I have Furina guaranteed; that was a mess, but I don’t regret it, Furina grew on me ever since her appearance in the first archon quest. She’s such a good character that I have nothing bad to say about her.
However, when all was said and done, my savings where in the dumps. The Starglitter and the new region were my only hope. It was time to read leaks and prefarm her materials (despite never doing it before), farm primos… and get a welkin.
It kind of worked out, almost exactly 16k primogems and 30 pity meant I could at least get Navia, but whenever I try to simp I go for the weapon too (and this one is an axe for heaven’s sake, of course I wanted it). There’s something I haven’t told you, and that is I tend to lose my 50-50.
Cue the night of Navia’s arrival, and my first 50-50 win of the year.
All that simping and rituals worked! She was home, and I could try to go for the axe, even if I failed, it meant I would get a Mistplitter, and we know that weapon is really good. There was nothing to lose… Wish x10. Raise pity. Golden flash.
Two Verdicts one after the other.
The public howled, my heart skipped a beat, celebration trumpets on the distance. It was bliss.
And then my brain wanted more, trying to max my sucrose (at the time C2) constellations, that meant to spend 30-ish more wishes using the starglitter, resulting in 5 Candace (Previously C0), no Sucrose, but a second (third) golden flash.
I won a second 50-50, and am now an owner of C1 Navia.
It’s settled, I am now a Navia main. Click, level her up to 90, click, maxing talents as much as I can, click, click, max her weapon, refine it because why not, and it was time to do her Story Quest.
It was amazing. Navia’s character progressed and showed us how she fights despite her recent losses, showing why she’s the leader of Spina di Rosula. Her character shone in the best way possible and her resilience is inspiring.
After doing the story quest, there was just one more thing to do, get her BiS Artifacts and make her a solo beast.
Nevermind, that was the worst domain experience I’ve ever had since farming for Xiao. These three weeks were hell, I tell you. That domain hates everybody, but here and there I could scrap some nice substats and get lucky rolls. I need a break, though, and it’s a good time to focus on leveling up other characters now that her banner is ending.
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Current standing, she still hits hard so I don't complain.
Waiting for her was worth it, and I’ve been having a blast all this time. In the future, I will come back to her domain and get her better stats, and who knows? Maybe I’ll try and get her second constellation too.
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Source: Gaming with Abyss
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years
Hi hi lock, how are you? Hope things got better♥️
Also hope you're saving your primogems for the beloved gremlin ;D
HELLO HELLO !! i'm doing okay at the moment, this week has definitely been a lot better than it's predecessors. i appreciate you checking in with me 🥺💖💖 it's very kind of you.
as for the scaramouche fund... oh you know i've been saving up. i grinded out some good artifacts, saved up tons of materials for him + his support faruzan, now i just need his talent books/boss materials. i farmed those godforsaken mushrooms nonstop too. he better feel special. smh.
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this is the current state of the scara fund. according to my calculations (🤓👆) i'll have enough to get him and his weapon guaranteed when he comes out in a month. i'm debating whether or not my bank account will be taking a hit... we shall see.
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anadorablekiwi · 4 months
So as some of you know, I finally got Diluc after a long 2+ years of simping for him
And as i was chatting with Tellie about it, inspo struck
So here, have a half crack drabble about it 🤣
[while I obviously simp for Diluc, this isn’t intended as Diluc /Traveler ship lol. Moreso just me inserting myself in Lumine’s place 😂]
Drabble under cut~ (and a bonus scene that is somehow longer)
Kaeya smirked. “Took you long enough.”
“Diluc!!! Hang on, let me go get your stuff! I’ll be right back!” The Traveler ran off excitedly, greeting Gaming with caution.
Diluc huffed.
“Oh? Someone is jealous~” Kaeya said in a singsong tone.
“I am not.” Diluc frowned, eyes not leaving the Traveler. She collected various artifacts and materials, placing them in a box and happily chatting with Gaming, who was helping her.
“Here,” Kaeya offered. He held out a plate of mint jelly.
Diluc scowled. “What is this?”
“Mint Jelly of course! It’s your new signature dish~”
Diluc glared daggers at his brother.
Kaeya just laughed. “I cannot believe you. Jealous of a child? I would have thought the head of Dawn Winery to be above that sort of thing.”
“I am Not jealous.”
“Oh? Then why is it that you arrive the day after she gives your prefarmed artifacts and planned weapon to another Pyro user, with whom she is having fun?”
Diluc huffed. “Merely a coincidence.”
The Traveler came running back, box loaded with items.
“Here Diluc!! Your artifacts, and I prefarmed your ascension materials! I had originally prefarmed some talent books, but Mona needed them and you weren’t here yet so I used them, sorry about that. Oh! But today is the right day for the domain! So I’ll do a few runs of that right away! Here!”
She shoved the box into his arms, then retrieved two claymores.
“You have a couple weapons to choose from, both would be really good I think! I’ll be back again!”
Diluc smiled slightly. “Thank you. It is good to see you again, my friend. Don’t work yourself too hard for me.”
Traveler grinned. “It’s good to see you too! Don’t worry, I’m taking care of myself! Be right back!” And with that she ran off again.
Kaeya chuckled. “You know, she only sees Gaming as a little brother at most.”
Diluc’s usual grumpy expression returned instantly. “I’m aware.”
“Couldn’t handle another pyro claymore user in her heart, huh? Even if it’s familial?”
“Kaeya…” he growled.
The Cavalry Captain laughed. “Alright, I’ll stop. But only because someone is all geared up now.”
The two men stood in silence for an awkward moment.
Kaeya coughed, eyes studying the sky and pointedly away from his brother. “You know, Diluc, the Traveler isn’t the only one who missed you.”
Diluc froze, then the slightest curve of a smile graced his lips. “I’ve missed you, too, brother.”
Bonus Scene
“Sorry about that Gaming, I didn’t mean to take what I had only just given you yesterday.”
The boy flashed a bright smile. “Hey, no problem! From what you told me you’d been waiting for him for a while right? And it was intended for him anyways! I don’t mind.”
Traveler smiled. “Thanks for being so understanding. As an apology, i got something for you!”
The Traveler brought out a large box, labeled ‘For Gaming’ on the front in big red letters.
“Whoa, is this all for me?”
“Yup! Its all yours. And not just to borrow. Open it up!”
He opened the box, and his face lit up immediately. “Dang, how much did this put you out? You shouldn’t have! I promise to put it to good use!”
The Traveler smiled. “Turns out I had enough good quality artifacts to give you your own set already! I was planning on farming a set for you at some point anyways, and when I get the chance I’ll definitely see if I can get both of you even better ones.”
She retrieved a glowing blue and gold claymore from thin air, grinning. “This is also for you! Diluc liked the other claymore option better, so he said you can keep the five star!”
Gaming accepted the claymore, smiling from ear to ear. “Oh man, you’re trusting me with a lot of power here. But I promise you, its in good hands! I’m gonna ramp up my kung fu training and hustle hard, watch me!”
The Traveler giggled. “Don’t work yourself too hard now. We all need to make sure we’re taking good care of ourselves, or Kokomi will lecture us about it.”
“Right! You can count on me! Oh, and tell Master Diluc thanks for me! This is Dope!!”
“You can thank him yourself, I think he’s just right over there.” Traveler pointed off to the side, where Diluc was examining his new greatsword and pretending to not be eavesdropping.
He glanced up as they approached. “Hm? Did you need something?”
“Thanks for letting me keep the five star sword Master Diluc, sir! The sword is totally dope!”
“You’re welcome.” He then paused, a look of confusion on his face. “…’dope’?”
“Yeah! It means very good, or cool!”
“Ah, I see. Well, it was no trouble to me. This other sword Traveler offered me is just as good, so I decided to let you keep the one you had been using. Even if it is a little… less cool looking.”
“What do you mean, that sword looks epic! Is it magic or something?? How does it hold up so well?”
“Its a magic sword from the melusines over in Fontaine,” Traveler answered. It was a thank you gift for helping them out so much, and they poured all their love into it!”
She glanced at the sword, then giggled. “As did someone else I know it seems. I see Kayea has been babysitting Klee today?”
Diluc grunted. “Yes he has. She wanted to see this ‘super cool magic sword’ Kaeya told her about, and add some stickers of her own.”
“Aww, how cute! Are you good with kids then Master Diluc?” Gaming asked.
Traveler giggled, avoiding Diluc’s questioning gaze.
“I wouldn’t necessarily say that I am, but Klee seems to have grown fond of me regardless for some reason.”
Traveler grinned. Hanging out with Jean and Kaeya will certainly help with that I’m sure.
“At any rate, now that you two have officially been introduced there doesn’t have to be any jealousy anymore!”
“Huh? Jealousy? What do you mean Traveler?” Gaming tilted his head in confusion.
Diluc glared at Traveler, although there was no heat to it. “No one was ever jealous that I know of.”
Traveler clapped once. “Good! Now come on Gaming, I want to introduce you to some of the others. I think you and Razor would get along great! You and Bennett would definitely need some supervision though. Oh! And Fishl, it takes a bit to get used to her but she’s fantastic!”
Diluc watched the pair go, ignoring the warm feeling welling up inside him.
He has enough children he has grown fond of already, there is no need for another (as if his heart would ever pay his wants any heed).
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dewdrop-writes · 2 years
do talent books and materials get dumped on top of your character? take the itto example you have to raid a dozen worlds or spend weeks collecting onikabuto and saving resin for domains and wolf boss. will he one day wake up to a hundred or so of bugs, forty wolf horn thingies and several hundred silver, gold and some brown scrolls lying on his doorstep with a bunch of wits and a few million mora to the side? and if he didn’t have the claymore and you wished for it, will it be there too? what if we wish for it after him? will it materialize in front of him with a heap of refinement stones and wolf claws? also are they even aware when you first summon them? constellations i get but do they feel the initial pull or something and then boom our aura is around them? if so i think even itto would realize the claymore of myths with a TON of money wasn’t a coincidence but a gift for him and his gang (i always want to give him my mora pouch bc i farm tons of leylines and even if i give him 20 million, ill have like 10 left) @.@
That's another great question! I think talent books, materials to upgrade weapons and such are probably not...quite so physical? Like, yes they might have one memento or so, but when it comes to upgrades, they're more on the player side - the character will simply feel they have been ✨blessed✨ and gained more power, knowledge etc!
When it comes to the first time they're pulled - I picture that previously they senses you around other characters, esp the traveler, and obviously saw you as an omnipotent god - but when they're first brough home, it's like fireworks. They feel your presence wash over them in waves, compared to the crumbs they got before. They know they've been connected to you on a deeper level - something they knew about from the other players, and had waited for on bated breath. They see the stars swirling around when you pull for characters - they've noticed the pattern that comes with it - characters being connected to you on that deeper level.
They also know somehow, when you want to reach out to them, bring them home. They feel that want within them. They beg for your wish to come true.
When it comes to swapping weapons, mora etc, I think, yeah, these are more in the shape of actual tangible items. After combat, or doing a menial task that you distantly guide them to, their wallet grows heavier. They're presented a new weapon after feeling a strong wave of your presence wash over you. They see it physically change either rapidly, or in slower bursts. They know these are divine acts and blessings of their god. Their beloved creator. And they love you all the more for it.
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1wingedtraveler · 2 years
you have asked and i shall deliver😌
time to blow ur mind and inbox my darling mari
okayyyy so first of sumeru archon quest interlude will happen and it seems to be more focused on scaramouche and the fatui plans. the 1st harbinger, pierro seems to have ordered dottore to trick scaramouche into thinking they made him the god he was always supposed to be because dottore said smt along the lines of “jester, i have completed the mission you gave me”.
2nd. it seems like us the traveler, scaramouche and nahida are not done with our quest with the irmunsul tree since smt that looks alike was shown and the lumine va said nahida has asked us to do smt with the irmunsul tree but i forgor💀
3rd. to me it seems like dottore had fucked up with scara’s mind and memories since in the trailer it was shown that scaramouche was having a mental breakdown while saying “dottore” in a very hurt, traumatized and betrayed voice. my poor wifey leave him alone yall😭😭😭
4th. inazuma will have an event, there will be another event that you have to collect balloons, akin to sonic around every part of the map and the windtrace event has returned!!! i’m so excited since this is my first windtrace event ever since i only started playing genshin thru the middle of infinite ayaya banner💀
5th. introducing the characters’ and their gameplay. scara definitely looks fun and guess what!! HE REFUNDS MORA WHEN ASCENDING BOW OR A CATALYST WEAPON!!! YEEESSSS!! (even tho i have 17million mora)
6th. faruzan. she’s def more interesting than she looks since her backstory was briefly introduced by lumine va. faruzan is apparently 200 hundred year old at least. she started by being the best puzzle solving person from the akademiya 100 years ago and the notes she left behind became one of the best materials. sadly she once got trapped in a domain for 100 years which caused her to become immortal and now she has returned and seems to be working as a mentor. also she seems to be a good swirl character. her burst was similiar to yelan and xingqui’s but instead of floating beside her it floats around and it buffs friends in co-op and decreases enemies’ anemo dmg.
7th. just in case you haven’t known 3.3 first half will have scara and itto while second half will have ei and ayato.
8th. also another thing i forgot. it seems like scara’s battlesuit, the large mecha seems to be sentient in some form or maybe it’s controlled by dottore cuz towards the end scara was standing against the mecha as if he was about to fight it. honestly what’s up with the raidens and their sentient puppet mechas🙄🙄
and that abt wraps it up. good luck on ur pulls fellow scaranation person😤😤 and we WILL have him. he has no choice. i won’t even hesitate for a single second to write another smut of him as a summoning ritual🤭
Wow thank you for summerizing whole stream for me. Saves me the time watching lmao(I will spend it on farming primos for my queen scara)
Fuck scara didn't learn shit since those 3 betrayals. Now the 4th is sounds like an REAL betrayal😭 (note to future scara fanfics *EXTREME* trust issues)
Ohhh you know what if windtrace has returned we could play it together sometime. If people from diffrent servers can play together 🥲 i would have to also borrow my friends laptop since my refuses to let me coop and dies
Scara must have learned bow and catalyst making from his friend😔 thats why its his passive talent
Omg I want to see scara in battle out of his mecha suit. I hope he will fight it
I too have around 20 milion mora, im rank 60 so all the exp turns into mora and I still crave more. Im mr. Crabs of genshin
I think I will have over 300 wishes for my wife and queen when he comes out😈 and guaranteed
A summoning ritual for scara when he gets gangbanged by reader's clones or reader and other characters🤤
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mihai-florescu · 1 year
also. i forgot to ask u. did you pull for raiden? how did it go?
YEA i got her on the 3rd 10th pull but then lost so so badly on the weapon banner💀 hard pity just to get amos bow, then i did another pull and got ayato's weapon (rebuilding him rn with crit dmg artifacts so he can use the crit rate sword but it'll take me a while, i had just finished rebuilding ayaka with a 4pc blizzard set, havent tested her out yet. All i know is that her crit rate is not looking good...) and then i did like 6 more 10 pulls for raiden's polearm. But i have her at lvl 80 and her weapon at lvl 90 now so all's goodddd. Except that i need to farm a lot of handguards for all of this. And raiden's artifacts cuz im always out of power up material for them + they rolled badly (how can an artifact with crit dmg, crit rate, atk and hp only roll into hp...). Her talents are also only at 3-6-6 now but iss okkkk one at a time. One at a time...
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henryashtran · 10 months
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“Speedran” Star Rail in a bit less than two weeks because I needed a time sink for a lot of dead time that I had in my hands and here’s my thoughts about it
In brief, it’s a copy paste of the worse stuff Genshin offers.
It starts with a nice introduction letter, when you finish the first world (space station), all you have to care about is leveling your 4 chosen characters and weapons (light cones here because using pics instead of actual weapons is a very profitable move) but after you are done with the second world (which I’m not sure if it’s a weird representation of russia or london lol) you suddenly also have to farm more specific crap for both characters and weapons, there’s talents that demand even more materials too and the stupid artifacts from Genshin are back.
These systems are not a problem on its own imo, it’s fun customizing your stuff even if you are just following a guide, the problem comes with the energy system that, at first, is a joke because you have nothing to spend it on and then it becomes necessary for EVERYTHING which gets worse when the game starts demanding 8 fully built characters for end game content.
Sure you can complete the game without it. My next sanest move should be dumping it in the trash where it belongs but I still need a time sink so I’ll just play less. For the very affordable (starting) prize of free it’s entertaining enough. But when I’ve ran the same energy gated content for the 11th time and I’m still getting nothing out of it I might be gone for good.
Feel free to add me meanwhile, Europe server only though 713654989
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blazehedgehog · 2 years
How do you feel about the Sonic Movies including references to memes like Sanic and "do you know the way"?
Memes, in general, are bad. Real, actually good memes have a shelf-life of maybe a couple days, or a week tops. They are meant to be things shared with your closest friends. In-jokes.
There can, sometimes, maybe, rarely be memes that hit the public and "get better," so to speak. When talented people get involve and put a lot of effort in to something. But usually that's because the subject material is pretty "soft," so to speak. Like when people became obsessed with the Aurora Borealis bit in The Simpsons. But that hardly even feels like a "meme" to me, that just feels like a lot of people appreciating a really great sketch and paying tribute to that.
Actual memes are almost always bad after they escape containment. And that's because I find it hard to view meme culture as anything less than a pied piper scenario that leads people in to some genuinely dark places. A worryingly high percentage of memes often attach to some really hurtful and awful ideas at their core. And a lot of ignorant people defend "meme humor" because it makes them laugh and they refuse to confront what it is they're laughing at.
Kids and teens are particularly susceptible to this, because they lack a broad enough worldview to understand some of the connotations of what's being said. And they're the ones often the deepest in this kind of humor.
It's "just a joke, bro." They don't want to take it seriously because they're here to get away from serious topics, so they willfully allow themselves to be weaponized in someone else's cause. Or, at best, it's just ignorance feeding ignorance feeding ignorance, an everlasting echo chamber where one bad actor reverberates for days, weeks, even years. An infection of hurtful propaganda, spreading like a virus.
And every time I've ventured in to the usual spaces where this stuff forms, I can almost count on one hand the length of time it takes to run in to something offendable. And no matter how gently you say "stop punching down and be kind to others", you get blasted by people who are furious you would even think about raining on their parade. Even if the parade is a message of exclusion and masked hatred.
That's not even touching on the corporate industry of memes. Entire merchandising farms designed to devour internet content and sell you sweat shop t-shirts full of other people's stolen humor because some ghouls still believe that nothing on the internet has ownership. Creators don't deserve to be paid for their good ideas, it's all about whoever gets to the gold rush first, even if it means stepping over a few bodies to get there.
The negatives far out weigh a few chuckles you may get before catching the school bus. As a general rule, I try to avoid memes and meme humor, and I don't like it when corporations try to pretend that they can be "in on the joke."
It's bad news all the way down.
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latinokaeya-moving · 2 years
oooh 7, 8, 13, 20
hiiii bestie :3
7. What character do you main?
this is very situational bc i have so many characters at this point but rn my friendship team is cyno/candace/shinobu/nahida and i try take them into every boss/domain i need to do so. cyno/nahida are my current mains!
8. What is your main team?
accidentally answered w my friendship team already lol but actually another team i used to play with a lot in overworld is xinyan/kaeya/fischl/zhongli :3
13. What's your least favorite part of the gameplay?
artifact farming probably i hateeeee the rng aspect of it it’s so not fair 😭😭😭 but everyone says this so i’m also gonna mention that i think they’re too stingy with the talent book/weapon material/boss drops like the way i’m not guaranteed gold level drops/at Least 3 boss drops at my level is sooo annoying
20. Do you prefer Mondstadt, Liyue, or Inazuma?
🥲🥲🥲 mmmmm i think id have to pick mondstadt… the nostalgia gets to me a lot and i think it’s probably the region with the most amount of actual established character relationships/dynamics which i Love. liyue is an extremely close second though it’s sooo gorgeous
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wri0thesley · 2 years
Nat 😭 I used up all of my saved wishes and all I got was a third constellation for Keqing. I’m deep in cope mode right now - not because Childe is now an unattainable dream but because I’ll have to wait until I get paid next Friday to right this wrong when I want him NOW. I farmed artifacts, ascension materials and talent books in anticipation of this banner, and I even got the bow from the most recent Gnostic Hymn battle pass so he could have that if I couldn’t get his signature weapon … I’m in shambles tbh and it’s taking every ounce of self control I have not to take my bank account down with me cmekxmskxnsndnxnd Patience is NOT my strong suit
Congratulations on the Tighnari constellation tho!! I wish I’d gotten one instead of Keqing 😭 I hardly ever use her but Tighnari is an almost constant presence in my team comps, Mihoyo plays too much I swear 😩 it’s almost like they know exactly which character you want so they dangle them just out of reach, then they throw Mona’s and Qiqi’s and Keqing’s at you like it’s funny. I’m not laughing!!
keqing simply wanted to come home, it seems! i also get overexcited at the beginning of banners and spend money when i know it would be reasonable to wait until the end, but my INSTANT GRATIFICATION. i spent far too many of my saved wishes today. i believe in you! you can hold out!!!
i'm not mad about my tighnari cons but . . . mona, please, i beg of you, could you at least perhaps be a diluc next time!!!
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