#and the other dragons died because they were bad at communication which led to a lot of territory disputes
ofdinosanddais1 · 1 year
Me, writing my current writing fixation: "What if the dragons had a democracy?"
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misguidedasgardian · 6 months
Hour of the Wolf (7)
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VII. Pestilence
Summary: Unbeatable, dangerous enemies make their way through the Red Keep
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Targaryen!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, war, death, mentions of killings, genocide and war, threats, arranged marriage, SPOILERS for ASOIAF, and Fire & Blood, also, might spoil House of the Dragon, SPOILERS IN WARNINGS, sickness, epidemic, people dying, angst
Wordcount: 5 k
Notes: Alright, so there had been a few times skips through the chapters, since they got married it’s been like 2 months, and in here trough outs like another two. Sorry for any mistakes I wrote this in notes and barely choked it
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“Anything else?”, you asked your council, “maybe something that you had been keeping from me?”, you were still punishing them with your tough words, even though it's been two weeks since the Iron Fleet situation
Tyland decided to chuckle, as to relieve the tension
“No your grace”
“There is something that had been brought to my attention, your grace”, muttered the Grand Maester, “concerning reports from the White Harbour”, Cregan raised his eyes, “just got the raven this morning… A strange disease has been spreading… people are getting shivers, fever, and then… perishing”
“How bad is it?”, you asked, then you looked at your husband
“The disease appeared first on the three sisters”, he said, “many are dead, half the population…”
“How come we haven’t heard of this before?”, you asked
“I do not know your grace, it appears the Vale wanted to keep it guarded, as they blame it on people from Ibbe, slaughtering the bunch, they did not want to raise alarms”
“For the gods”, you cursed, truly concerned, “I want you to keep communications open with theirs maesters, send them everything we might have on how to deal with this diseases, on the library, I will bet there is information”, you commanded, “also keep the line open with The Citadel, they must have even much information”
“Yes your grace”, said the maester, knowing that you did not said that lightly
“We will help as we can, but we cannot send help physically”, you observed
“Agreed, we need to discourage the spreading of the disease”, muttered Lord Celtigar, “In my travels, I witnesses many diseases, I shall help the maester on the gathering of information”
“That will be much appreciated”, you said, nodding your head at your maester of laws
“We must be careful of the ships and envoys that come from the Vale and from White Harbour, but at the same time, we must aid one of the most important trading points in the North”, determined Cregan
“I agree, with winter fast approaching, we cannot impair the North of their most important harbor”, you said, looking at the naked table in front of you, “how I wish we had the painted table in front of us”, you whispered
“I’ll arrange a well drawn map to be able to us here in the small council chamber”, muttered the Maester
“Thank you”, you said, relieved
“Lord Celtigar, I wish to know about Harrenhal”, you said, looking at your master of Laws
“I’m not gonna lie, events happened in that cursed place from which I have no explanation”, he muttered, “a man died in front of me, because the so-called Queen Witch of Harrenhal command it”, you frowned, thinking he was joking, but he was dead serious
“Some say it was a well time bolt that made that man’s head explode your grace, but, I did not see any arrows”
“What of her?”, you asked
“She presented me with a boy, with blonde hair, she claimed it is Aemond Targaryen’s son, and the rightful heir to the Iron Throne”
You chuckled darkly, the audacity of your uncle, of openly calling your brothers and you bastards, developing a hate that led him to kill your baby brother, only to bed none other than a Strong bastard, and siring a bastard himself, if he had lived, you would have killed him again.
Specially after what he did to you
“We surrounded the castle, took it by storm, killing all the traitors, but, when we storm what would be the royal apartments… she was gone, her and the child, we do not know were she is, or how she could have escaped”, he said, looking at your face for any indications of what you were thinking
“Be honest, should I be concerned?”, you asked then
“I do not think so, your grace, nobody would believe her, and even if they did… I don’t think so, you are well settled in your throne, and… even so… other than the Hightowers, nobody has real reason to raise against you”, you barely nodded, “nobody has the strength, the kingdoms are still healing, and will be so for at least the next five years”
“Raise alarms, in case she is spotted”, you said only, you wanted to eliminate all traces of your uncles, treachery, and war, “what else?”
“The Blackwoods request audience”, muttered Cregan, “Lord Blackwood’s eldest daughter Alyssane is seeking for a husband, let it be reminded the Blackwoods were great supporters of your mother during the war, thanks to them we defeated the Baratheon Army, eliminating Lord Borros, and… The Riverlands turned black because of them”
“And they are welcomed in my court, I shall receive them with open arms, and a banquet in their honor”, you commanded
“I’ll make the arrangements”, muttered Lord Redwyne
“The Iron Fleet, or what remains, the flagship has been spotted sailing here, to King’s landing”
“Have they made their intentions clear?”, you asked
“They wave white flags, request an audience”, you only scoffed, “they claim that, they want to gaze upon the Dragon Queen”
“Of course”, you muttered, “let’s welcome them then, we are home, they are but a few, we shouldn’t be concerned”
Nobody opposed the idea, so they barely nodded
“Of course prepare escorts, I would not let them be for a second while they are here, eyes on them at all times”
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Gazing upon the face of the Red Kraken himself gave you a sensation of… disappointment
You were disappointed of him, from the tales, stories of men that had faced him in open sea and also in lands, were the tales of a man that didn’t belong to the land of the living, rather, he had come from the darkest parts of the ocean ready to reclaim land back to the depths
A ruthless men, bloodthirsty, with no remorse or fear of death
“Your grace”, he greeted, bowing theatrically 
“Lord Dalton”, you greeted seriously
“The songs do not do justice to your beauty”
“Is that so?”, you did not like his tone, not the mock in his voice and features of his face 
“You are more than they say”, he continued
“And what else do they say about me, Lord?”, you asked mockingly, Cregan, by your side, glanced at you, clearly asking you to not engage
“They say men rule in your stead”, he said, you only smiled
“As I have proven, that is not entering true”, you smirked, he chuckled darkly
“That is true”
“So you raided one of my seven kingdoms… to prove me, test me”, you said, now more serious
“I wanted to see who sat the Iron Throne”, he said, “a dragon, or wolves and lions”
You grew bored of this character quickly looking for help in your small council and other lords gathered there
“now it’s clear to me, so I’ve come to offer… other services”, your eyes went back to him
“Services?”, you asked, you did not like the smirk of his face, “such as?”
“Well I’d offer my hand in marriage but… I see I’m too late for that…”, Cregan took a step forwards, anger taking a hold on him, “but I don’t mind being the second”
“You are overstepping”, your husband grunted.
He was not going to allow some guy just coming here and shamelessly think he could just… have you
“All Kings and Queens have lovers”, he said dismissively, “you don’t have to be the exception”
“right…”, you mumbled looking for the eyes of your Queensguard, to ask him to remove him, “I thought you seek audience to reintegrate yourself and your people to the rest of the realms, for the common fool, but you had just come here to make a mockery out of diplomacy”
“your grace you misunderstood, it is costumers for us ironborns to have salt wives… and rock wives”, he said, entertained, by you, you were getting angry, “together, we could have children not only with fire in their veins, but in their head as well”, people laughed, but Cregan was not amused, “worthy of the throne”
“That is enough”, you demanded, “I only need but one husband”, you said, and the court chuckled, “if you are here to mend bonds with the realm you might stay, Lord Dalton, otherwise and although I thank yo Igor your offering, I kindly reject it”, people laughed again and that did not pleased the Kraken, soon, he left and if he had his armada on its entirety, you would be weary, but he didn’t, so you weren’t.
The mood swiftly changed when another introduction was made
“The Lady Alyssane of house Blackwood” presented a guard, you’d think she would have come with the rest of her family, but she presented herself alone in front of you
She was one of the most beautiful women you had ever seen, also, her reputation precedes her. She fought in the war, she led armies, she killed hundreds with bow and arrow.
She was someone to admire
She was the head of her house until her little brother came of age
“Your grace, it’s an honor, thank you for receiving me”, of course she ceased the first word
“Lady Alyssane you are most welcome, I hope you find what you are looking for, you are welcome to stay at court as much as you need to”, she only smiled, bowing perfectly, she also looked at your husband and hand, but… you didn’t like I one bit.
Having the Ironborns at court was one thing, having the Blackwoods was another, it changed the dynamic in the entire court
The former were constantly and daily have dinner with you, and lady Alyssane would sit beside Cregan, and they would chat all night…
You didn’t like it, not at all
But it would be childish of you to chide Cregan for something he didn’t have power over, right?
“But I find that hunting with a spear… is it too slow” the woman giggled, and you could see the conversation had sparked something in Cregan, he was entertained, he was speaking of something he enjoys, a rare thing to find with him
Is not like you did not trusted Cregan, but it was still painful to watch, so you retired early, as many of the other women at court, and left Cregan, the men, and the lady Alyssane, drinking and laughing like old mates.
You were not worried or concerned, only tired by the events of the day.
Cregan though, as soon as you left, was left himself with a sense of emptiness, he found the situation uncomfortable, and soon, followed you
Cregan was on his way to your now shared chambers when he encountered little Jahaera walking in the same direction, a small red blanket in her arm, rubbing her tired face with the other 
“Little one, where are you going?”, as soon as she saw him she whined, hugging onto the hand of the nanny that was taking her
“I’m very sorry my lord, she woke up, and wanted to see the Queen”
“Leave us, I’ll take her”, he said, and she, with reluctance, let go of her tiny hand and walked away
He kneeled on the floor just in front of her, with a soft expression on his face
“Why can’t you sleep, little dragonling?”
“I don’t want anyone else to go away”, she whined, her teary eyes make him sad, “If I sleep, she’ll go away”, she explained
“What do you mean?”, he asked softly
“At night… my brother went away… then I went to sleep, and my mommy went away, and then my papa, he went away, when he went to sleep…”, she whined, bitter tears falling from her beautiful eyes
Cregan’s heart broke
“I don’t want my aunty mommy to go away too”, she said
“She won’t, I promise you”, he said
“How do you know?”, she asked, rubbing her eyes
“Because I will protect her with my life, us Starks, we always keep our word, did you know?”, he asked softly
“You will take care of my new mama?”
“I promise you little one”, he said, “and you know, I’m married to your mama, so..”, she only smiled, and hugged him. He hugged her back, stading up and carrying her to the chambers. “one more night you can sleep with your new mommy alright?”, he asked
Jahaera barely nodded again his neck.
She was already sleeping by the time he entered the chambers to find you looking at him with the softest eyes, and the most beautiful smile he had seen.
That little girl and your brother where your family, and he had married you so, they became his family, he needed to step up, and help you with those children
He was determined, he thought the very next day, as he finished his short prayers in the Godswood, he wanted to go back to the Keep, to speak to Ser Arryk about prince Aegon’s training, or the start of.
That boy was too very sad… he needed to look forwards, you needed to fill his mind with something more… history, philosophy, training, to keep him mind fed and occupied with something else.
He walked trough the beautiful garden, thinking about inviting you to eat something outside, that would make you happy
“I must say I’m dissapointed”, Cregan raised his gaze to meet the beautiful Alyssane Blackwood
“The Capital is not to your liking?”, he asked
“Well, no if the betrothal I was hoping to get is… already married”, now that surprised him, looking at her
“My Lady”
“You are a price I was hoping to catch”, she continued, smirking
“Well, you are too late”, he said, trying to make it lighter, with a smile on his face, but she was not releasing her predatory stance 
“A pity”, she muttered, looking mindesly at the flowers of the garden, “we could have been great you know”
“Probably”, he muttered
“Are you really happy here in the capital?”, she asked, “wouldn’t you have prefered a wife? A lady of Winterfell?”
“I would prefer no one but the one I gave my word to”, he said, now all serious, he was not going to be polite anymore, “and you are out of line, my lady”
“Just playing with what could have been”, she said, not altered at all by his serious words
“I thought the idea was to look for a match”, they both turned to see you approaching them, “not get into one”, you said bitterly
“Your grace”, she said, now alarmed, as she saw you approaching
“I think you overstayed your welcome, Lady Blackwood, since you found no prospects on this week, you best try somewhere else”, you said simply, standing by Cregan’s side.
She barely nodded, and bowed lightly
“Thank you for your hospitality your grace, but you are right I must take my leave, and hunt in other woods”, she muttered and then she left quite quickly.
You watched her lean and tall figure leave, she was beautiful, her eyes as green as forests, and her hair long, black and lustrous
“It is a pity, if she had been here sooner… maybe she would have managed to hunt you”, you whispered, and then walked on the other direction.
Cregan called your name, but you didn’t turn back, you just kept walking
Cregan haden’t entertained her, but her words still lingered in your ears. You had make him marry you, perhaps he would have preferred a real wife, a lady, a partner for him to take North and be a mother to his child and give him more, that supports him in leading his people, not all the way around
But it was too late now. 
What was done was done, is not like you threatened with your dragon for him to marry you, but still, the inavility of managing a match for yourself is what chained him to a life he didn’t even want.
You had commissioned a pathway from the gardens to exit the castle by a stone hallway, that led to the cliffs sorrounding King’s Landing, were your dragon rested, you wanted to see her, maybe even take a little flight. 
This stone hallway was tall, windy, and open, much like the one leading to the castle in Dragonstone, Cregan followed you closely
“I didn’t entertain her…”, he explained
“I’m aware”, you answered, but not stopping your movements 
“Cregan”, you stopped turning to look back at him, “I’m aware you didn’t entertain her, but she is right, I can’t help but think in the “what if”, you explained, “what if I didn’t make you marry me? you could have been back in Winterfell, with your child and your people”
“Yes maybe”, he growled, “but I married you”
“Because of a pact you made when my borthers were still alive”, you said simply, turning to keep walking, but he grabbed you
“Not only because of that”, he growled, looking into your eyes, “I wanted to marry you”, he said
“Why? because of power?”, you asked
“Not only that”, he said, looking intently into your eyes
“Because I’m broken?”, you asked then, “because I’m a danger to the country?”
“No…”, he said, you both into eachtoher’s eyes, he moved slowly, like you were some wild animal, and he palced his hand on the side of your face. “Because to me you are the most beautiful woman in the seven Kingdoms, because I desired you, you are what I have been promised”, you didn’t know what to say, “I will have half a life with you, and half a life away, but… at least I have something of you”, he said
You kept quiet, the world seemed to stop for a second, and all around you, only the two of you existed.
“I have never been much of a poet”, he said, chuckling darkly, “and I only must say, nobody would have make me marry you if I didn’t want you”, he said this time more darkly, you leaned in kissing him, he kissed you back, trapping your lips on his greedily
“I wanted you too”, you said, “because you and I… were ment to be together”, you said certainly 
“Fire and Ice”, he said, “nobody make us marry, we chose it, because we knew, together we could have everything”, he said with a husky voice, “power, love, a family”
“Together”, you confirmed, sealing your words with another longing kiss, “We need to settle in our roles as husband and wife”, you whispered with an entertained voice
“I’ll settle you in our bed as of right now”, he growled, “But I will settle for having you here…”
“No!”, you giggled as he grabbed you pulling you towards the grass on the other side of the passage.
He layed you down in the open, where anybody could see
“The nerve of that woman”, he growled over you, “of ever thinking I could have chosen her, instead of you”
“the audacity”, you chuckled 
“Perhaps we should have her watch as I ravage you”, he said opening the top of your riding gear, his mouth on the skin of your neck and collarbones
“Cregan Stark!”, you shrieked, “I didn’t know this side of you”, you moaned, as you spread your legs to fit his form between them. 
“We have the power, and our love… let’s make our family”, he whispered against your neck, “dark haired children worthy of the throne…” he mocked the words of Dalton
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Cregan and you shared looks over the table, little smirks, you two were like two giggly lovers from the stories
“Concerns about the desease are increasing, despise out best efforts, it’s coming trough the port…”, muttered the Grand Maester, bringing the attention back to the situation at hand, “there is no control…”, he was interrupted when Tyland coughed, trying to hide it in a hankerchief, now you noticed that… he looked sickly
“Are you well, Tyland?”, you asked with concern, as the man looked possibly ghostly, pale, heavy sweat on his forehead
“Forgive me your grace”, he coughed, “I do not feel well”
Cregan stood from the table like a spring, and grabbed you, pushing you gently backwards towards the window
“Get away, hold your breath”, he commanded, all the men stood from the table, taking steps back from Tyland
“I’m well”, he tried to argue, but Arryk grabbed your other side, using his cape to cover your face, making you blind, but both men led you out of the room.
“Is this necessary?”, you asked, concerned
“Very”, growled Cregan, “the Winter fever has reached the Red Keep, take the necessary measures, nobody meets anyone, people should stay in their apartments”
“Yes M’Lord”, muttered Arryk
They finally released you in your rooms
“Wait!”, you called as they left you alone and were about to close the door, “what about Aegon and Jahaera?”
“We need to keep you separated”, he said firmly, “in case…”, your eyes filled with tears
“Yes I understand”, you murmured 
“We will keep them together”, he assured you, “nobody will see them…”
“Wait!”, you called as he was about to close the door, “stay here with me”
“Someone needs to organize this”, he said seriously
“Not you!”, you called
“I have to”, he said seriously, and he closed the doors, trapping you inside 
You were loosing your mind….
You had books, they brought you food and Cregan would come at the door and give you updates twice a day…
You had done all you could, you had commanded medicine to be send, as well as the knowledge to help the cities fight this, but they wouldn’t let you out, you hadn’t seen anyone in weeks. At least half the Kingdoms had fallen into madness and sickness
“Tyland… didn’t make it” Cregan whispered against the door, “10 servants didn’t either”, you shed bitter tears at the other side of the door
“Gods… Tyland”, you whined
“Alicent has fallen to the sickness as well”, he murmured, but you heard him alright
“What about Aegon and Jahaera?”
“They ask about you constantly, yet… they are in good spirits, with their Nannies who had also scaped this”
“Good”, you whispered, “please send word to Casterly Rock”
“Already did, those lucky bastards weren’t hit by the desease, neither has the Reach nor Dorne, it seemed it is stuck in the Crownlands, the Vale and the North"
"at least some of us are spared"
"its been a moon since Tyland was sick, we will get trough this", he said, "the worst is…", he got quiet, and you whined when you heard a cough
"Cregan?", you asked
"I'm fine, some dust sneaked his way to my throat", he said lightly
“Are you sure?”, you asked, grabbing the knob of the door
“Yes” he said, “A message has arrived from the Citadel from the maesters, I should tend to it” he said
“Please come back”, you begged
“Always”, he said, and left you
The next day… he didn’t came back
“His grace has taken abed your grace”, said Ser Arryk, “the maester is tending to him”. You opened the door, to his surprise
“Your grace”
“If the maester falls sick we are all dead, I’ll tend to him”
“No!” He said trying to grab you, but only one look and he desisted
You ran down the hallways and entered his rooms…
Cregan laid in his bed, pale, you could see the sweat on his forehead, and the shivers running up and down his arms and his whole body. You were by his side in a minute, grabbing his hand
“Cregan”, you called, but to no answer, his eyelids fluttered, he seemed like he was going to open his eyes, but he didn’t, instead he just mumbled something, sounded more like a grunt.
The Grand Maester didn’t lie to you…
Most… almost all of those who catched the fever perished…
You needed to prepare for the worst… and yet, your eyes filled with tears and a desperation consumed you, as you started crying silently
“Please don’t leave me”, you cried, “please”, you begged, grabbing onto his hand tightly, “I don’t know what I’m going to do without you”, you admitted, he squeezed your hand a little
“Rickon”, he whispered, in his feverish dreams, “my son”, you frowned, concerned, at the worry on his features even in his sleep
He was calling for his son, the son you had kept him from, the only son he had.
You placed your hand on your lower belly, then you placed his hand there
“You need to get better”, you begged, “your son needs you, the North needs you… our baby needs you… I need you”, you prayed, his naked chest was pearled with sweat he was burning up. You stood up removed your clothes and laid by his side grabbing into him, making sure your body stuck to his as much as you could, so you’ll lower his body temperature with yours, after giving him the medicine indicated by the doctor.
It all depends on him, and the gods.
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duhragonball · 3 months
Akira Toriyama (1955-2024)
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I wouldn't say I'm feeling better today, but I'm feeling less bad than yesterday. So let's see if I can put some words together.
In case anyone still hasn't heard, Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama passed away on March 1, 2024. This news was made public on March 7 or 8. I woke up early on Friday morning and found out while I was checking Twitter. I had a long, busy day at work, and I kept getting on my phone to scroll through fan reactions and tributes.
I think that, more than anything, is what's gotten me so worked up about his death. My Twitter timeline and my tumblr dashboard were just chock full of touching message and images about how Akira Toriyama's work has changed their lives. I wanted to write my own tribute, but I'm not sure what else I can say that hasn't already been expressed by Archie Comics, professional wrestling trio The New Day, and the Republic of El Salvador.
There's this immense, global community of fans, and it's easy to lose sight of just how big it is. It's easy to get bogged down in the infighting and petty squabbles. I saw one tweet responding to the criticism of Dragon Ball not being like this "entry level" franchise compared to other, more high brow anime and manga. It's popular with so many people, that critics will assume it's designed to appeal to the lowest-common-denominator. But the opposite is true! Dragon Ball is accessible, which is how so many people from so many different places and walks of life can get into it. The guy telling the story was such a master storyteller that he could grab an audience's attention and make it look easy. So easy that the haters would start to think that it was a trick, and he must be overrated.
Let me talk about this panel for a minute.
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Last night I started going through the original manga, looking for panels to screencap. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, but I thought maybe a selection of panels that really stood out for me might be worth posting. I'll probably still do that one of these days, but I got to this one, where Gohan tells Chi-Chi about Goku's death, and it hit me like a ton of bricks.
This was a powerful scene in the anime, of course, but in the comic it's even more profound. It's just one panel, no dialogue, because the reader already knows what's happening here. We know Gohan is telling his mother that Goku died in the Cell Games, and that he refuses to be wished back, because he thinks his presence on Earth will attract new enemies. It was hard enough to hear when Goku said it to Gohan and the others, and now Gohan has to relay that message to Goku's wife. All she can do is lie prostate on the floor and weep.
And look at the composition. She's surrounded by all that negative space. Gohan's there for her, but she still feels so alone, surrounded by her husband's absence. Pots of flour for food he'll never eat. An empty chair he might have sat in. Their son, who will have to grow up without him.
I saw this, as though for the first time, and it was so gut-wrenching that I had to post it by itself. I felt like it summed up my feelings better than any words could. We're all Chi-Chi in this panel, reacting to Akira Toriyama's death. And we're all Gohan too, each of us consoling one another with our own thoughts and tributes.
So what did Akira Toriyama mean to us all? Lots of people have answered this in a lot of different ways. Obviously his art, storytelling and cultural impact speak for themselves. I've seen people compare him to other luminaries like Jack Kirby and Osamu Tezuka. I'll try to add my own two cents with this:
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I wrote a post about "Dragon Ball Daima" back when it was first announced, and I led off with this image of a note from Akira Toriyama. I guess this was from some big fancy presentation about Daima at a convention. I forget which one. In particular, I was skeptical that the Daima rumors were even true, and if they were, the whole idea seemed half-baked to me. Turning Goku into a kid had been done before, and it wasn't exactly successful the first time.
But this note from Toriyama was very reassuring to me. More than the trailer clips and character designs, this was what got me interested in the show. That's because he took the time to not only hype up the show, but also to explain what's going on behind the premise. He took the time to tell everyone that he's working on this show, and what "Daima" means, and why all the characters get turned into kids. It's "due to a conspiracy", and the good guys will have to "fix things". In short, he established a plot, conflict, and resolution to the story. He didn't just slap this together to sell new merch. I'm sure that was part of the motivation to make Daima, but there's more to it than that.
I think that's the loss I feel with Toriyama's passing. It's not that there won't be new Dragon Ball stories in the future. I'm sure others will continue telling their own versions long after I'm gone. I'm not that worried about the fate of Daima. I'm sure they'll figure something out, whether it's delayed, rewritten, or canceled. But we'll never see another message from Toriyama to promote a new project, and that's what I'll miss. From here on, his credit will just be an acknowledgement of his past contributions.
There's this great credibility with Akira Toriyama's name. Fans will argue about how involved he was in a project as a way of establishing how good or bad it was. Dragon Ball GT has his name on the credits, and he provided some designs and artwork early on, and for some fans that proves the series has his endorsement. For others, the sole problem with the show is that he wasn't directly writing the script. There's similar debates over Dragon Ball Super, where he was involved, but only writing those mysterious "notes". So if a fan doesn't like something in DBS, who do they blame? Did Toriyama lose his touch, or did his co-creators fumble the ball? Dragon Ball Evolution basically ignored all of Toriyama's advice and bombed, while Battle of Gods, Resurrection F, Broly, and Super Hero all put Toriyama's writing credits up at the very beginning, and each film made plenty of money. I read his comments on the Daima confirmation, and immediately thought "Okay, this should be pretty good. Akira Toriyama knows what's up."
That's gone now. I mean, there's still a lot of talent out there, but we'll never again have the little gas mask-wearing robot telling us that this story will be good because he worked on making it good. I don't think I really appreciated how much I trusted that guy until now. I still can't believe he's really gone.
I'll probably have more to say about this in the coming days, but I'll stop here for now. Thanks for letting me ramble a bit on this.
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Cassandra Cain
1.) essentially her character premise is that shes more or less an unbeatable martial artist due to the way she was raised. in the comics, she's the second batgirl and had a very popular solo series from 2000-2006. However, essentially DC editorial really didn't like that a teenage chinese girl was a better hand-to-hand fighter than batman, and so mandated that she be turned into a extremely random (also remarkably racist, as she was more or less turned in a 'dragon lady' stereotype) villain, which completely derailed and destabilized her character enough for her to almost entirely disappear from comics for the next decade. this is a far more detailed write up if wanted: https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/pdue0e/american_comicsdc_comics_the_saga_of_cassandra/
2.) Following the events of One Year Later, Cass was turned into a homicidal villain who led her own league of assassins and wanted to force Tim Drake into murdering people. This was later retconned as her being drugged, brainwashed, and manipulated by deathstroke.
3.) Literally canonically a better fighter than Batman and probably most of the DC universe. Killed one person once and because of the way she grew up (never taught to speak, learned to communicate by reading body language, in order to make her the ultimate weapon), saw what he experienced as he died and then refused to ever kill again. Had an awesome initial run… And then got hit with "evil mind control" that made her go completely OOC, depopularizing her character so much that a lot of people don't even know she exists.
Barbara Gordon
1.) Was shot as angst value for Bruce and her dad, implied to be sexually assaulted in The Killing Joke with absolutely no respect for her long career as Batgirl. When Alan Moore asked if he could, the editor said "cripple the bitch." She became paralyzed from the waist down. THankfully, an actually good writer picked her up from there and then wrote one of the best stories ever written (Oracle Year One: Born from Hope). Was one of the most iconic disabled characters in comic book history, hell, as Oracle, she was definitely up there as one of the most iconic disabled characters ever as well as a fantastic character, period. There were a few moments where people kept trying to make things out of her disability and had her be shitty to other women for no reason but for the most part, she was awesome. During her time In 2011, Dan Didio and some other misogynistic/ableist comic book writers were responsible for "curing" her disability and forcing her back into Batgirl, despite her having shown absolutely no desire to do so, as part of the New 52. They also made it an editorial mandate that she couldn't have glasses, a cool secret base, and her time as Oracle couldn't be referenced. This was because those writers were nostalgic for the 60s Batman show where Babs was played by an actress they all had the hots for and couldn't accept she'd grown up and moved on. That was bad enough, but over time, she's been increasingly deaged and reduced even further to just Dick Grayson's on and off again girlfriend and a generic girlboss. Batgirl of Burnsides burn in hell.
2.) Famously fridged in 1988, which was so popular with misogynists it became canon. After almost 2 decades of being one of the only disabled characters, was rebooted to a younger, more fun version of herself whose only history is that she was fridged but not disabled by it.
3.) The Killing Joke is one of the biggest comic examples of a female character getting hurt to motivate male characters. Also tbe way different cannons will trade off who her romantic intrest is out of Batfamily is pretty disturbing ranging from Bruce Wayne in Batman the Animated series universe (ew) to Tim Drake in the Arkham games (ew). Not to mention DC now is not letting her grow out of being Batgirl taking away her legacy of other young female heroes taking up her mantle and her getting to mentor them instead forcing her into a Batgirl cycle of purgatory when she was always better as Oracle (Its a little more complicated in the new Batgirl book but its still not solving the issues in a way that feels meaningful enough to make up the damage).
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reggae-vibes-com · 4 months
Ras Kronik continues to push ‘The Energy’
With a new year usually comes fresh resolutions. For singer Ras Kronik, it is no different, although his plans include continuing to push a project he released in 2023. That project is ‘The Energy’, his third album, which came out in August on Pandemic Records, an Atlanta-based company owned by Sheldon Edwards, Ras Kronik’s brother. “People can expect continued positiveness, love an’ consciousness. Dat’s di way it has always been with Ras Kronik,” said the Las Vegas-based artiste. “Wi neva compromise our standards which a lotta people don’t like but in di end dat’s what’s going to carry us through.” ‘The Energy’ contains hard-hitting songs such as ‘Fyah Burn’, a collaboration with Turbulence; ‘Agree to Disagree’ and ‘Working For The Boss’. They hear Ras Kronik railing against the system, but he mellows out on ‘Your Love’ and gives praises on ‘Jah Jah Light’. ‘Consider Me’ and ‘Herbs I Smoke’ are other strong tracks from the 12-song set. “Wi getting good response for ‘The Energy’ but wi wouldn’t mind getting some more shows. But things are in di works an’ wi expect to be busy this year,” said Ras Kronik. Since moving to Las Vegas nearly 20 years ago, he has established himself in that city’s small reggae community. He has performed at leading venues where the music is popular as well as on major shows such as Reggae In The Desert. Hungry for the big breakthrough, the Jamaican has stepped out of his comfort zone and cut songs for EDM and pop producers such as Steve “Mr. Mig” Migliore, whose credits include tracks with Beyonce and Taylor Swift. ‘Get High’ is one of the songs he recorded for Mr. Mig. “I neva believe in limiting myself. Mi love roots-reggae and dancehall, everything, once it’s positive,” he noted. “Once yuh are an artiste, yuh should never limit yourself.” Ras Kronik recharged his creative juices in Jamaica late last year. He returned to Las Vegas in late December and performed at radio station KCEP Power 88.1’s New Year’s party. The dreadlocked artiste is from Clarendon parish in central Jamaica, which has produced numerous reggae stars such as Toots Hibbert, Millie Small, Freddie McGregor and Barrington Levy. Since launching his music career in the 1990s, Ras Kronik has trod the reggae boards in South Florida and New York, recording songs for different producers. He settled in Sin City 15 years ago and has mainly worked with the Bonafide Band, a Jamaican aggregation which also lives in Las Vegas. ‘The Real Thing’ and ‘Wild N Free’ are Ras Kronik’s previous albums. (Photo contributed)During the early 1970s, he remembers going to church regularly with his grandmother and relatives of Brotha George, who began recording secular music as George White late that decade. “I’m a gospel artiste from birth because I was born in a home of prayer, ‘cause my mother was a prayer warrior an’ I grow up on prayer. I always have a love for di Almighty,” said Flourgon. Born Michael May, Flourgon emerged as a major dancehall force during the late 1980s. He led a crew of artistes from Whitehall Avenue who broke through in that period; they included his younger brother, Red Dragon, Sanchez and Daddy Lizard. Most of their initial songs were done for producer Winston Riley’s Techniques label. Riley produced ‘One Foot Skank’, one of his biggest hits, with other chart-riders being ‘Big Batty Gal’, ‘We Run Things’ and ‘Mi Love mi Girl Bad’ (with Sanchez). In 2018, Flourgon sued American pop star Miley Cyrus for using a line from ‘We Run Things’ for her 2013 hit, ‘We Can’t Stop’. The case was settled two years later for an undisclosed sum. (Photo contributed)Read more about:Playlist AlbumWeh Dem Fah Ads Where to get it
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sodone-withlife · 3 years
i know who i am
summary: really, he never saw himself ever willingly letting anyone in on his broken past, but here he was, sitting in across from Waipo in the tiny cramped office at the back of the shop and nervously sweating about what he was about to tell her
read it on ao3: chapter 1 is the original version with Mandarin, chapter 2 has everything translated into English
the movie really hit me hard as an ABC, and I really wanted to write something for it. even though she barely had any screentime, I loved Waipo—she reminds me of so many of my relatives—so I decided to make her be one of the most important people in Shangqi’s life, and it turned into this wonderful mess (i had to stop writing this for a bit because I literally made myself cry). there is mandarin in this, it's kind of intended to be a physical manifestation of how my bilingual brain works (i did put the English-only version first, the original version with Mandarin is under that one but the formatting for it one is better on ao3, so i suggest reading it from there). apologies for my shitty mandarin; I have mediocre language skills, but I'm still so excited to be able to incorporate it in my writing. in regards to the character's names: I only know for certain the Chinese characters used for Shangqi and Wenwu, but for Xialing, I'm going to go with what it apparently was in the hong kong release (夏灵, with 灵灵 as the nickname)
English Translation:
“Waipo, do you have a bit of time?” Shangqi stood in front of Katy’s grandma, fidgeting nervously as fluent Mandarin rolled off of his tongue with an ease he's never felt in any other part of his life. “I want to talk to you about something."
She pinned him with a knowing stare. “Does it have anything to do with the trip you and Katy went on this past week?" she asked, Not waiting for his answer, she got up from the shop register and beckoned him into the back office. Feeling oddly like the first time he came into the store years ago as a teen—when he first met Katy’s family who had since taken him under their wing—he followed her into the familiar, cramped space.
He wasn’t exactly sure what within him prompted this interaction. He had come to San Francisco for a normal life, to get as far away from his father’s reaches as he could and to outrun the blood that stained his footsteps.
Never did Shangqi imagine that he would end up claiming the ancient rings that now sat in a heavy-duty (thanks to Xialing, with whom he now keeps in regular contact because of the promise they made to each other before he left the compound because he already left her behind once, and he’s never doing it again damn, my baby sister is running the Ten Rings now, and she’s trying to turn it into something better) and a very well-disguised (thanks to the sorcerers in the New York Sanctum and holy shit he’s in contact with famous superheroes now) back in his mess of a studio apartment.
Never did he imagine letting anyone in on his broken past, and even though his hand had been forced when it came to telling Katy, here he was going to the second person who truly saw something in him when he first started his new life and planning to tell them everything.
(Okay, fine, Shangqi wasn’t actually planning on letting anyone else in on it after telling Waipo, not even the rest of Katy’s family, but he really didn’t want them to be so involved yet—he still had no idea what he himself was doing and he wants to preserve what normalcy he can.)
(Also, he’s been reliably informed that anyone close to a public figure is bound to be targeted for attacks—which he figured out when the mercenaries attacked on the bus because yes, Lingling, he does have brain cells thank you very much.)
“Little Dragon, what’s on your mind?”
Little Dragon.
He started at the nickname, the one originally given to him by his mother. Somehow, it had completely slipped his mind that Waipo also called him that, starting a few weeks after he first met the Chen family. He barely kept it together, the long-unused nickname dredging up memories he had thought left him forever.
You have the heart of a dragon, she had declared firmly when he asked her why she decided on that particular nickname.
(That was exactly what his mother had told him right before she died, and yet he stood by, hidden behind a door, and did nothing while the men beat and killed her, the heart of the family.)
(He would carry the guilt with him for a lifetime.)
It was a while before he could bring himself to visit the family again—there were a lot of awkward excuses before Katy reluctantly backed off—and it took even longer for him to get somewhat used to the name again, but he eventually started seeing it as a gift with each faint impression of happier days that he got every time Waipo called him that.
Old, weathered hands gently covered his own, which were shaking and clammy with nervousness. Shangqi wondered how Waipo would react to the darker side of the lost boy she had basically adopted all those years ago, wondered if the legends of Ta-Lo and the Great Protector were known outside of the rather insular communities that continued to tell the stories, wondered if she had heard about his father through the stories that were passed down for thousands of years, from generation to generation…
(It can’t be wrong to miss him, can it? Even with the years of hell Wenwu had put him through, he was still his father. Shangqi still faintly remembered the man his father had been when his mother was still alive, the happy times they shared as a normal family…)
(But those times were long gone, ripped from their grasp by the past Wenwu wanted so badly to leave behind. Grief had shattered the whole family, and it ultimately led to the children fighting the father who had been driven to near madness in his denial, in his quest to put his broken family back together again.)
Mom, I miss you so much.
(And now Wenwu is dead, just like his beloved wife.)
(But just as she died to protect her children, he did the same. Now, his children are reunited and in contact again, getting ever closer despite living as far apart as they did, and he was reunited with his love in the afterlife.)
Finally, he straightened his posture and took a deep breath, looking directly at Waipo, who he’d come to view as the grandmother he never had.
“Waipo, have you heard of the legend of the Ten Rings?”
And Shangqi told her everything.
He told her everything and more,
She listened.
She listened as he described the legends behind the Ten Rings, Ta-Lo, and the Great Protector; his father’s history; his own history, from witnessing his mother’s death to ripping open the throat of the man who killed her when he was barely a teen, from leaving Lingling behind to seeing her again in the fight club she built from the ground up, from returning to the compound after a decade away in San Francisco to the battle in Ta-Lo…
Finally, he fell silent and stared at his hands but it wasn’t long before Waipo moved, slowly standing up with one hand on her cane. He made to help stabilize her but was quickly waved off with a stern look. He sank back into the chair and felt her move behind him. The shaky weight of her hands on his shoulders as she gently pressed down and straightened his posture was familiar, even after years of not having his posture deliberately—so gently—fixed like that every time he saw Waipo.
“You are the legacy of all who came before you, but you are your own person.” she finally said gently, and the tension in his shoulders slowly loosened under her familiar touch. “You decide your own fate.”
That night, Shangqi knelt before the altar he had in his apartment, the only part that was carefully maintained in all the years he had lived there. But now, two smiling faces stared back at him, a joy reflected in their eyes that he knew would disappear in less than ten years after the photo was taken.
Am I still your pride and joy? Lingling grew up, but I didn’t even take care of her like I should have.
I swear to you, I will never abandon her again
Even as his life got even more unbelievable as the years went by, the altar and his copy of his parent’s wedding photo would remain a constant. He and Lingling dove deeper into their family history—of the Ten Rings, of Ta-Lo, of both the good and bad—and both worked to carry on their parents’ legacy.
(With all of the proper discretion agreements and threats when needed, of course.)
Lingling is dating my best friend now, and they’re so happy together. Mom, I know you would have loved Katy. Dad, I know you didn’t like her much, but she really is a wonderful person.
Life went on.
There were the good days, when he went out with others and could almost feel normal, and there were the bad days, when phantoms pains plagued him and he woke up from a restless sleep expecting to see bruises mottling his body like they did so often when he was younger.
(Also, he was considered a superhero now and holy shit that’s still insane, even years after he first got in contact with the Avengers and the sorcerers in New York. Now he was going all over the West Coast, to help the locals take care of whichever crazy supervillain decided to wreak havoc that day.)
Dad, I hope you find this story as funny as I did: I helped a group of American superheroes yesterday. They’ve never been to San Francisco before and were extremely unfamiliar with the roads, especially Lombard Street. They spent half an hour trying to drive down the street, but I ended up driving them down myself.
(San Francisco was still home, and he had found a life there with all his friends and Xialing whenever she visited. He had a job now, too, at the local youth center teaching martial arts and self-defense, teaching and guiding the youth in a way he wishes his father had with him.)
People came into his life; some stayed, some left, and some even got together.
Mom, Dad, Lingling and Katy are getting married today and everyone is so excited for them. I’m taking over the Ten Ring within a month so Lingling can take a break. She’s led the organization for so long, it’s my responsibility now. I hope I can live up to her standards, she’s done really well. She’ll be back in a few years, but even after, I’m going to be much more involved to lessen Lingling’s workload.
Shangqi walked the path knowing who came before him and who was still with him.
Most importantly, he walked the path knowing who he was—demons, flaws, strengths, and all.
Mom, Dad, don’t worry. I’ll take care of them.
I hope you’re happy together in the afterlife.
Don’t be afraid, Shang-Chi, for you have heart of a dragon and the power of the Ten Rings.
We will always be with you and Xialing.
Original Version w/Mandarin
“外婆,您有没有一点儿时间?” 尚气 stood in front of Katy’s grandma, fidgeting nervously. “我想告诉您一些事情。”
She pinned him with a knowing stare. “是不是跟你和瑞雯这前个星期去的旅行有关?” Not waiting for his answer, she got up from the shop register and beckoned him into the back office. Feeling oddly like the first time he came into the store years ago as a teen—when he first met Katy’s family who had since taken him under their wing—he followed her into the familiar, cramped space.
He wasn’t exactly sure what within him prompted this interaction. He had come to San Francisco for a normal life, to get as far away from his father’s reaches as he could and to outrun the blood that stained his footsteps.
Never did 尚气 imagine that he would end up claiming the ancient rings that now sat in a heavy-duty (thanks to 夏灵, with whom he now keeps in regular contact because of the promise they made to each other before he left the compound because he already left her behind once, and he’s never doing it again and damn, my baby sister is running the Ten Rings now, and she’s trying to turn it into something better) and a very well-disguised (thanks to the sorcerers in the New York Sanctum and holy shit he’s in contact with famous superheroes now) back in his mess of a studio apartment.
Never did he imagine letting anyone in on his broken past, and even though his hand had been forced when it came to telling Katy, here he was going to the second person who truly saw something in him when he first started his new life and planning to tell them everything.
(Okay, fine, 尚气 wasn’t actually planning on letting anyone else in on it after telling 外婆, not even the rest of Katy’s family, but he really didn’t want them to be so involved yet—he still had no idea what he himself was doing and he wants to preserve what normalcy he can.)
(Also, he’s been reliably informed that anyone close to a public figure is bound to be targeted for attacks—which he figured out when the mercenaries attacked on the bus because yes, 灵灵, he does have brain cells thank you very much.)
Little Dragon.
He started at the nickname, the one originally given to him by his mother. Somehow, it had completely slipped his mind that 外婆 also called him that, starting a few weeks after he first met the Chen family. He barely kept it together, the long-unused nickname dredging up memories he had thought left him forever.
你有神龙之心 ,she had declared firmly when he asked her why she decided on that particular nickname. You have the heart of a dragon.
(That was exactly what his mother had told him right before she died, and yet he stood by, hidden behind a door, and did nothing while the men beat and killed her, the heart of the family.)
(He would carry the guilt with him for a lifetime.)
It was a while before he could bring himself to visit the family again—there were a lot of awkward excuses before Katy reluctantly backed off—and it took even longer for him to get somewhat used to the name again, but he eventually started seeing it as a gift with each faint impression of happier days that he got every time 外婆 called him that.
Old, weathered hands gently covered his own, which were shaking and clammy with nervousness. 尚气 wondered how 外婆 would react to the darker side of the lost boy she had basically adopted all those years ago, wondered if the legends of Ta-Lo and the Great Protector were known outside of the rather insular communities that continued to tell the stories, wondered if she had heard about his father through the stories that were passed down for thousands of years, from generation to generation…
(It can’t be wrong to miss him, can it? Even with the years of hell 文武 had put him through, he was still his father. 尚气 still faintly remembered the man his father had been when his mother was still alive, the happy times they shared as a normal family…)
(But those times were long gone, ripped from their grasp by the past 文武 wanted so badly to leave behind. Grief had shattered whole family, and it ultimately led to the children fighting the father who had been driven to near madness in his denial, in his quest to put his broken family back together again.)
(And now 文武 is dead, just like his beloved wife.)
(But just as she died to protect her children, he did the same. Now, his children are reunited and in contact again, getting ever closer despite living as far apart as they did, and he was reunited with his love in the afterlife.)
Finally, he straightened his posture and took a deep breath, looking directly at 外婆, who he’d come to view as the grandmother he never had.
“外婆,您听说过 ‘十环’ 的传说吗?”
And 尚气 told her everything.
He told her everything and more,
She listened.
She listened as he described the legends behind the Ten Rings, Ta-Lo, and the Great Protector; his father’s history; his own history, from witnessing his mother’s death to ripping open the throat of the man who killed her when he was barely a teen, from leaving 灵灵 behind to seeing her again in the fight club she built from the ground up, from returning to the compound after a decade away in San Francisco to the battle in Ta-Lo…
Finally, he fell silent and stared at his hands but it wasn’t long before 外婆 moved, slowly standing up with one hand on her cane. He made to help stabilize her but was quickly waved off with a stern look. He sank back into the chair and felt her move behind him. The shaky weight of her hands on his shoulders as she gently pressed down and straightened his posture was familiar, even after years of not having his posture deliberately—so gently—fixed like that every time he saw 外婆.
“你是所有在你之前的人的遗产,但你是你自己的人,” she finally said,“你决定你自己的命运。”
You are the legacy of all who came before you, but you are your own person. You decide your own fate.
That night, 尚气 knelt before the altar he had in his apartment, the only part that was carefully maintained in all the years he had lived there. But now, two smiling faces stared back at him, a joy reflected in their eyes that he knew would disappear in less than ten years after the photo was taken.
Even as his life got even more unbelievable as the years went by, the altar and his copy of his parent’s wedding photo would remain a constant. He and 灵灵 dove deeper into their family history—of the Ten Rings, of Ta-Lo, of both the good and bad—and both worked to carry on their family’s legacy.
(With all of the proper discretion agreements and threats when needed, of course.)
Life went on.
There were the good days, when he went out with others and could almost feel normal, and there were the bad days, when phantoms pains plagued him and he woke up from a restless sleep expecting to see bruises mottling his body like they did so often when he was younger.
(Also, he was considered a superhero now and holy shit that’s still insane, even years after he first got in contact with the Avengers and the sorcerers in New York. Now he was going all over the West Coast, to help the locals take care of whichever crazy supervillain decided to wreak havoc that day.)
爸爸,我希望你跟我一样觉得这个故事很好笑:我昨天帮了一组美国超级英雄开车。那是他们第一次来旧京山,对道路非常陌生—尤其是 Lombard Street。他们开也开不好,花了半个小时慢慢的开下去。最终,我把他们的车开下去的。
(San Francisco was still home, and he had found a life there with all his friends and 夏灵 whenever she visited. He had a job now, too, at the local youth center teaching martial arts and self-defense, teaching and guiding the youth in a way he wishes his father had with him.)
People came into his life; some stayed, some left, and some even got together.
He walked the path knowing who came before him and who was still with him.
Most importantly, he walked the path knowing who he was—demons, flaws, strengths, and all.
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secret-engima · 3 years
This. Has been a perfectly terrible day. Can I beg you for a ficbit or a snippet from one of your works, like Team Gremlin or Noctscar or something ? I just - they’re beautiful, and I just really, really need something beautiful right now.
SURE. I don’t have much in the way of snippets, but lemme see what I can find. I might have to throw in something from BNHA cause that’s the fandom the muses are chewing on this exact second.
Team Gremlin:
     It had been … a very bad few weeks for Qrow all told. And that was saying something. Everything had seemed fine one day, business as usual. Tai was back from his requisite number of missions to keep his license and teaching at Signal again —which he genuinely seemed to enjoy for some reason—, his nieces were as adorable as ever, and Summer was sometimes talking his ear off about maybe taking a teaching position somewhere herself after running a few missions to keep her own license active —she’d been busier lately with the girls than running around kicking butt, but it wasn’t like Qrow blamed her for that—.
     Then Leo was found dead in his office. Knifed in the neck, one round discharged from his weapon in the direction of the guest couch, blood pooling all over the chair and low table where the investigators said he’d been dragged from and laid on the floor in some kind of pose. No one unusual had been seen going in or out, there had been nothing on the office cameras —covered by a Semblance of some kind, it was decided, because of the fading, glass-like Aura shards on the floor—. The only warning had been the sound of Leo’s single shot before he died. Qrow had arrived as soon as he could to help investigate, since the primary suspect would … not be one the police even knew to look for. He had helped Dyna —poor woman had been wire tense with rage rather than her usual calm self, and it was no wonder—, search for clues the police would miss, then searched the secret tunnels for good measure.
     They had found a Grimm inside one of the deeper antechambers, far too deep to have gotten there by accident, a strange, jellyfish like beast that had been surprisingly hard to kill for something that small. They’d never seen it’s like before, and the thought of it being under the school, where kids were, where Oz and his inner circle were supposed to hold sway-. He’d never seen the otter Faunus more furious as they stood amid the fading Dark dust, her lips twisted, brow wrinkled in a way that had made the black line and red dots of her old bandit tattoos look more pronounced.
     They’d found no other signs that Salem knew how to get into the school tunnels, but they rechecked them all and trapped several of the ones leading outward as temporary security measures. With Dyna in place as the new —temporary on paper but soon to be permanent— Headmaster, Qrow had gathered up what evidence they could pry loose from their police contacts and gone back to Oz so they could try to sort this out.
     Of course, Qrow’s first impulse was to blame Salem, but Oz had listened to the report of a jellyfish Grimm under the school and his expression had folded into something pained. Knowing. He must have known what kind of Grimm it was, but hadn’t elaborated yet, just told Dyna to investigate all of Leo’s documents, Scroll calls, and communications over the past year, and insisted he would not explain until there was either evidence or not for his theory, for fear of making them biased.
     So, with Salem seemingly not the automatic culprit, they had started hunting for info. Summer had offered to come back and help, but Oz had told her to stay on her chosen mission instead.
     The pen had been an unexpected complication.
Always I Dreamed verse
     Summer ducked past her into the shower as Raven left it, pausing to stare at Raven’s tattoos for only a moment before chirping a quiet good morning and asking if she was okay after yesterday. Raven just grunted, because she was combat functional and frankly that was all that mattered. She had already pulled on her clothes from yesterday —all their possessions were in her inventory and she didn’t want questions on where it came from, she’d have to stuff it all in a duffel bag and hide it in the den to explain that away later— by the time Taiyang got up and Raven remembered the uniforms. Raven nudged open the bag while Qrow ducked out of their den and peered over her shoulder, “Everybody has to wear that stuff?” Qrow sneered as Raven pulled out the first button down shirt, “Hardly looks sturdy.”
     “It’s just for the school grounds I think, we have our combat gear for training missions and stuff anyway.” Taiyang said as he pulled out a shirt of his own from a different bag. Raven took a moment to glance at his bare torso. He slept in pants but not a shirt apparently, which was stupid, but better than being entirely naked at night. He had a decent build, which she knew from watching him fight yesterday, and a truly appalling lack of scars. Her life had been saved by somebody who had probably never had a truly decent fight in his life before that day. Wonderful.
     He also had tattoos, and Raven squinted at them for a moment because despite the differing size and placement, they all looked very much like the ones Raven and Qrow had gotten during a rare moment of total drunkenness at fifteen. He was missing the large asian dragon outline that wound up Raven’s own torso, but he had the blue crow perched as if about to take flight that Raven had, the running blue wolf who’s lower half dissolved into petals, and she thought she glimpsed a blue clockwork rabbit under his right arm. When he turned around briefly to put his back to them, she saw that most of his back had been taken up with the stylized outline of a raven in flight.
     She shook her head and looked away. Whatever. Summer possessed a tattoo on her arm similar to the asian dragon winding up Qrow’s arm from elbow to shoulder. Some tattoos were just popular, and blue ink was easier to come by for fill-in tattoos than the black used for outlines.
     Qrow must have remembered Taiyang’s words last night about Raven’s uniform being at the top, because he was already rooting down to the outfit right beneath hers —there was more fabric in the bag than that, but Raven wasn’t going to worry about why just yet—. He yanked out a shirt and jacket that looked his size, then blinked when something short and plaid tumbled out with it. Snatching it up, he unfolded it and made a face, “Is this a skirt? With my uniform?”
     Summer poked her head out of the bathroom, a wash of steam following her —oh right, hot water showers were a thing, darn— while Taiyang looked from Qrow to the skirt and back. Qrow was busy staring at the skirt, so he missed the expression of pure glee that flickered over the other teen’s face before he casually said, “What, that? It’s a kilt, man. Old Vale tradition.” Raven blinked very slowly, because that was a surprisingly good lie even though she knew it was nonsense —her memory on early canon was fuzzy, but she would have remembered the male characters running around in skirts—. She debated calling him on it for a moment, but she was from outside the kingdoms like Qrow, so technically she had no way to know that Taiyang was lying.
     Besides, if Taiyang wanted to poke the bear that was her brother’s temper, better he do it now and get it over with than later when they were training.
     Qrow was still making annoyed noises under his breath as he examined the “kilt”, and a glance at Summer slipping out of the shower in a towel showed she was fighting down laughter. Silver eyes met Raven’s with hopeful amusement and Raven looked away. She was still angry that the Story had forced itself into place in her life. With a shake of her head, Raven finished yanking out her uniform —one of? There was so much fabric in there, did the school really waste money making multiple outfits for each student?— and started pulling off her old clothes to put it on. Taiyang made a noise like someone had knifed him just as she dropped her shirt to the floor and she looked up in alarm. Taiyang had whipped around to put his back to her, and she could see the flush of color crawling up his neck and the backs of his ears. He didn’t look hurt or anything, but when Summer wandered in and dropped her towel onto her bed to put on her uniform —huh, she had the same tattoos as Raven, Qrow, and Taiyang, just with the perched crow as a large outline that went down to her mid back and a large blue raven in flight over her abdomen that looked like the smaller one on Qrow’s back—, Taiyang made the dying noise again, snatched up his bag of clothes, and rushed for the bathroom.
     Raven had the feeling she should understand what that was about, but she didn’t get it, and when she risked a glance at Summer, the other girl actually looked just as baffled. So maybe it wasn’t some social thing she’d forgotten. Maybe it was just a thing with him specifically.
Feather-Light and Fire-Bright verse (BNHA)
     Which was why, the next time she spotted a little red feather slinking over to place a trio of shiny buttons on the park bench she liked best, she hastily caught it with one hand. It was very soft, wiggling slightly in her grip, twitching and fluttering almost like a frightened living thing, so much so she shushed it gently on instinct, “It’s okay, I won’t damage you.” Taking out the note she’d spent days agonizing over, she skewered it to the quill of the feather, “I need you to take a message to whoever controls you.” She let it go and the feather wiggled erratically in the air, like a cat trying to wiggle free of an unfamiliar collar before flitting away. Fuyumi resisted the urge to chase it and see where it led. She’d sent her note, now she would wait for a reaction.
     She absently took the three coat buttons and put them in her pocket before going home. It would be stupid to leave them as litter in the park, but it also felt like a bad idea to throw them away and possibly anger whoever was watching her. Besides, she had a collection going now, she almost had enough matching buttons to make a full set for a long coat.
     A week went by with no sign of her shadow before she finally spotted a red feather again. It lurked on the edges of the park, flitting out into view as she walked by before slipping off in the direction of a more sequestered part of the park. Fuyumi hesitated, saw the feather come back and swirl around her a few times like an excited puppy before rushing off again and decided she was either about to meet someone shy or about to be kidnapped and potentially murdered. Slipping her hand into her handbag to grip the small pro-grade taser inside just in case, Fuyumi followed the feather into the copse of trees that shielded that part of the park from the street and the rest of the grassy area.
     The feather slipped away to rejoin … a lot of other feathers, and Fuyumi paused on the edges of the little forested nook to get a good look at her mysterious shadow for the first time. Golden eyes, piercing and almost predatory in intensity, flitted up to meet her gaze as he stood up. He was about her age she would guess, maybe a year older, so lean that if she hadn’t been able to see the muscles of his bare arms she would have called him scrawny. He was wearing a sleeveless hoodie that looked like it had lost a few too many rounds with a washing machine, clean but all faded and stretched and worn looking. His hair was all tousled and pale gold, and the red feathers were clustered on his back in huge wings that looked like they belonged on someone about twice his size and weight. He smiled a little, a practiced thing that was too nervous to be real, but if Fuyumi hadn’t lived her entire life around Pro Heroes and the children of other such elites, she would never had known.
     He held up her note between too fingers, not commenting on the wary distance still between them nor making any moves to close it, “Um, I’m not a stalker, just wanna get that out of the way. Sorry if I … came off that way? I’m, uh, not good at introducing myself and I didn’t … really know what else to do.”
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winx-reimagined · 4 years
Ships & Relationships in Winx Club| Romantic
Okay, it's obvious that a lot of the relationships in Winx Club suck. In this specfic post, I'm mainly going over romantic relationships but I'll make another for friendships & family and I'll either squeeze enemies and more gray relationships on that post or they'll have their own post.
The two biggest issue couples, Musa & Riven and Bloom & Sky. At least with Musa and Riven they both tried to better themselves. They were both toxic too, it wasn't only Riven -although it was mostly him.
Riven & Musa.
Riven's selfish, beyond rude, and of course there was that time he bretrayed them. Musa doesn't even try to understand him and she only want to argue back, she just fuels the flame. From what I've seen, neither of them have any mutual hobbies or interests, they can't communicate like friends meaning they sure as hell can't communicate as lovers. As bad as this is, if Winx was more realistic and much more mature, I feel like their relationship would be purely sexual. Which is fine in general, but not so great in a supposedly committted relationship. Just sucks that they're trying to play off a toxic and abusive relationship as "fixing the bad boy."
Speaking about committment... Bloom & Sky.
I hate this couple the most. To be fair, most of us do. At least with Riven and Musa they somewhat learned from their mistakes and were held accountable. But Sky, barely was. I can't remember a time Bloom did anything serious (although I'm pretty sure in one of the dubs for season 4, it was made obvious that she wanted to cheat on Sky), the worst she does is just get really angry -usually for no reason- and refuses to listen. But Sky literally led on two girls.
Despite how close Bloom and him were getting, he never tried to tell her the truth. I don't care if he lies about being a prince because he doesn't want the attention -which is actually pretty stupid because Eraklyon is one of the biggest kingdoms it's strange that no one recognized him like, hmm I don't know, Stella- but that isn't a good enough reason to lie to your bestfriend and girlfriend.
Now him being in an unwanted arrange marriage and cheating, sure. It's like a forbidden love trope and in my books doesn't count as cheating. And I could maybe understand him not saying anything to her since it'd most likely get her in trouble. But I still question why he has that framed picture of Diaspro on his desk 🤔, it's almost as if they're close. Hmm. Sure she could've given it to him but there's no reason he couldn't just throw it out or lay it flat.
Before I move on, I need to talk about their relationship as a whole. They're so similar. Of course, you need similarities to make any relationship work but they're like really similar. They're both peacekeepers -which is ironic to say the least-, they're both agreeable -again, ironic- and this just kind of makes their relationship really boring. Boring doesn't mean there's no drama, there's just no interest. You don't watch the relationship grow like with Stella & Brandon or Aisha & Nabu. They never have any actual conflict nor any actual arc, I can't even call it a linear relationship. How do they relate on anything? Their lives are so different, the most the could talk about is what literally happened three episodes ago. Even if they didn't have these petty issues, it's still be a bad relationship.
More about boring couples... Flora & Helia and Timmy & Tecna
I have more to say about Timmy and Tecna for a different manner but like these two couples are so boring. That's probably because they're mainly in the background. But I do think Flora and Helia are kinda cute, but their kept in the background so much, I literally don't know enough about their relationship to make an actual conclusion about them.
But Timmy & Tecna... 👀, they're okay. My most vibrant memories of their relationship is Tecna constantly calling Timmy weak, pathetic, or a coward. I don't give a fuck how angry you are at someone, that is NOT a reason to constantly abuse them like this. And it is abusive, it doesn't help that Timmy sees Tecna as amazing. He lowkey praises her.
I do like the idea of them being very "emotionless" or not being able to recipicate said emotions very well then learning to open up. This is mostly for Tecna, but there are times Timmy falls under this like when Tecna was stuck in the Phantom zo- I mean Omega dimension. He abandoned any sense of reasoning and only went off his emotions, believeing she was still alive -to be fair, he was right. I actually have very big plans for this dynamic, that mostly has to do with Tecna. I'll be making a post about Tecna's Issue soon 😉, but to say the least, he unlocks more than just her emotions. (I swear if that post comes out before this.. A/N it did)
Aisha & Nabu
Out of all of them, these two are the best relationship. Although it is EXTREMELY weird how they set them up, with Nabu stalking Aisha. The way their relationship grew was beautiful and they were about to get married but then Nabu died. Which I would've enjoyed the tragedy of it, if 1. it meant something afterwards and 2. if it wasn't the only man of color this happened to (not to mention the only black woman is the one to ignore all sense of reason and go apeshit).
Nabu is most likely going to stay alive in my version.
I almost forgot about this one... Brandon & Stella
They're cute. They're one of the best couples in the series. Really the only issue I had with them was their petty arguements which, like any Winx romantic drama, had to do with "cheating." It's stupid that they'd accuse each other of cheating if they're literally comfortable with dozens of people flirting and complienting their partner. They even compete over it. It goes to show how much they trust each other yet they still get in a tizzy when their SO stood near the opposite gender.
I've just noticed something about all the relationships. They characters are matched up with someone who is almost basically the genderbent version of themselves. Bloom & Sky; peaceloving leaders, Stella & Brandon; vain, comical characters; Musa & Riven; damaged goods, punks, and so on. It's not the worst thing you could do, but when it's for all of your characters, yes.
Just to address it, I don't have anything to say about Icy's relationship with Tritannus.
I just realized the best way to describe the Winx relationships, and it's just teenage couples. Their relationships never seem to mature except for Aisha & Nabu's relationship.
Now for the SHIPS! There's many I won't include, just because I don't want this post to be very long and I don't know too much about too many, but maybe I'll come back to them or I can just answer asks.
Were gonna start with the ones I hate :) which isn't many
p.s if you ship any of these more power to you, I just don't like these ships in particular, I'm not attacking you as people.
Bloom X Valtor...
I cannot even begin to dig into this one... alright then, let's begin. To get the moral/ethical issues out of the way. Valtor is much older than Bloom. Sure she's 18 by season 3, she's an adult in most places but it's still really gross. Besides what does a thousand year old (wait, how old is he?) have in common with an 18-year-old teenager? He helped kill, if not killed her parents. Look, forgiveness is a beautiful thing... but that's too much. It's fucking unforgivable. His very existence is to destroy the dragon flame. His like, literal reason of existence is to destroy her magic, her family, her world, HER. Ignoring the whole age thing real quick, they just wouldn't work. There's no chemistry between them that won't lead to an explosion.
Now about the intrigue in the dynamic; you know hero x villain, I get it, but the conflict in their relationship isn't romantic.
I also cannot believe one of the official winx club channels made a video for this ship. It's just...
Bloom X Darkar...
I'm pretty sure this is somewhat unpopular but it still exists, which is just like... I have no words. To be fair, I do like them, but as a platonic ship, I'll explain in the continuation of this post. Darkar is a fucking entity he's even older than Valtor. His goal, I feel, is a little less defined other than "he's doing evil things because he's evil", he's a god of darkness not fucking evil.
- I need to rant real quick, I have such an intense love-hate relationship with darkness being evil and light being good. I love it because it's easy to make out and the whole forces of good and evil really gets me going, but like I hate it cause it's always light is good and dark is bad. To be fair, I do appreciate it when it's mudded in which some light creatures turn/are evil and dark creatures turn/are good. Like if there's a lot of gray, I'm happy. Not everything is in black and white.
Anyways, they also only interacted for a short period of time and that wasn't enough for any sort of real relationship (of any sort) to bloom. Although, Darkar is like one of the nicest characters to Bloom which is strange. I get he was just using her but I'll explain later why it doesn't make sense.
These are the two romantic ships that I hate. It's mostly because of age, like if Bloom were older and Valtor was younger I could see them being an interesting enemy to lover ship, but it'd still be a stretch to me. But Bloom and Darkar I can't see romantically, but that's probably because I see them differently.
For the ones I could somewhat see or somewhat like, bruh by this point I'll have to come back and make a continuation post just called THE POTENTIAL...
SunFire, Bloom X Stella...
They're bestfriends which is already a good start, although in the series I don't think they actually act that close, it tends to be more of a rare sight. They're always supportive of eachother (that is until all attention went to Bloom) and Stella was the one to help Bloom's "gain" powers and showed her the magic dimension. Stella immense confidence would be a nice boast for Bloom, since I personally see Bloom as not being very confident in herself and having low self-esteem. They're very cute too.
Tecna X Riven...
Honestly, I think they'd work. They both have common interests for machinery (and presumably sports), they both have emotional issues that would be interesting to see them work out together. I also think they're relationship would be more interesting than their canons ones.
There's always the issue of... y'know, Riven being a piece of shit. But Tecna strikes me as a "takes no shit" type and I feel like that would be their dynamic. I also feel like Riven would like that sort of confidence.
Riven X Darcy...
I also think they'd work. I know in some dubs Darcy used her powers to control Riven, which really just feels like an excuse for his actons. But in the Rai dub, the one I grew up on (is it the original English Dub?), Darcy just had a way with words and was easily able to calm Riven down.
They seem to be able to relate to eachother, and I would like to think that, despite the finale, she still cares about him. (Also I could see them as being a trans couple, I can see both of them being trans so there's something for them to relate to)
Soundwave, Aisha X Musa...
I love this ship. They have a lot of relatability, a lot in common, and have a lot of screentime together. Musa is the one that made Aisha feel accepted in the Winx Club and they found solidarity in each other. In comparison to everyone else, they just seem so much closer and honestly I don't remember a time they fought. Except for maybe the time Nabu died, but Aisha was fighting with everyone.
Speaking of which, I would write them together if I didn't find Aisha and Nabu so cute. Of course, if he dies, yeah, she can move on and be with Musa but I don't know if I'm going to kill him. So this is honestly a huge maybe for my rewrite.
Icy X Bloom...
Honestly, they're most likely going to be canon in my rewrite.
Their similar backstories are incredibly interesting especially since they basically took two different paths. Same cause, different outcomes. Which makes their relationship and dynamic pretty thrilling since to be together they have to be on the same side, so will they be good or evil together. It's almost like a game of tug of war, if you will.
It's hard to find any common interests between them in the series and I haven't read the comics, so I'll talk more about headcanon stuff. Neither of them get what they want in life, they always seem to be unlucky. Both of them are very lonely, usually it's their own fault; and (after the first encounter with Lord Darkar, where Bloom turns evil) Icy tends to find peace in Bloom when they're not fighting. I'd imagine them both to be very artistic, Bloom loves to draw (which is something they dropped in like the first episode) and I could imagine Icy liking sculpting.
Plus, it's the rivals to lover trope, that'd could actually be a healty rivals to lover trope. Which I love, literally one of my favorite dynamics.
Diaspro X Bloom...
Damn, a lot of these have to do with Bloom.
If Diaspro were to see how bad Sky was she'd probably want to be around the one that originally called him out, Bloom. Diaspro can actually be really fucking sweet, but only to people she likes which in this case, is Bloom. Although, she'd probably be very clingy. We don't get any information about Diaspro's interests or her actual personality because she's eViL. So it's difficult to see how they'd work out.
But it'd be cute to see Diaspro teach Bloom how to be a princess and to act like a "proper lady."And to see Bloom teach Diaspro to be more free-spirited and less uptight (I'm thinking about the second Mulan movie now). I'm really tempted to have them be somewhat hinted at in the story; like Diaspro likes Bloom but Bloom doesn't like Diaspro. We'll see...
Brandon X Sky...
Similar to Bloom and Stella, they're best friends which is a good start. They seem to have known eachother for a long time. Really if anything, they're just the male version of Bloom X Stella, but like a little calmer.
Diaspro x Icy...
I've seen this ship here and there, but to be honesst I really know what I think about it. From what I remember, they don't ever interact. And I guess they can just be a villaness power couple. Or hard and soft relationship, where like Icy's a hardass and Diaspro's her surprisingly sweet significant other. Well, sweet only to her.
Stormy X Musa...
They're both punks. They'd either always butt heads or they'd always vibing together. I think they'd be kinda cute tho, just two gals being wild.
Stormy X Flora...
A hardass and a softass, since Flora's gonna be like 5'10-6'0ft in my redesign and Stormy is absolutely shorter than her; they'd be the small, angry and big, soft dynamic. And I think that's kinda cute. Plus, they're both forces of nature. I could see Stormy allowing Flora to be more chaotic and open up about her more negative emotions, especially if these emotions have to do with the rest of the Winx. And Flora could allow Stormy to chill out and be calmer, I could see Stormy picking up a gardening habit because of Flora.
This is kind out of left field, Professor Palladium X Professor Avalon
I half-jokingly, and half-actually shipped them when I rewatched season 2, then I was surprised to find that people actually ship them. And that it was kinda popular. There's really not much to go off of, but they're really cute and I just really want them to be together. Palladium seems very anxious and is really sweet and Avalon seems like he has a lot of self-esteem, I don't know where I'm going with this so make due with these observations as you please.
There's like a million more ships and maybe I'll talk more about them if some catch my eye, but I'm stopping for now. I still have to work on platonic and enmity ships.
Honestly, writing about my thoughts on these ships and canon relationships kind of opened my eyes to possible pairings. Once I'm done with all of these, I'll definitely have a lot to think about when writing these character's relationships. Oh, and sorry about the long ass post. If it's an issue, I'll just separate it into parts.
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jwillowwolf · 3 years
Magic and Miracles - Chapter 4
Sanders Sides Big Bang fic, Chapter 4!
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Summary: “Are you mocking me?”
“Are you that dense?”
Warning/s: food mention.
Characters: Logan, Remy, OCs, Virgil, Roman, Remus, Patton, Janus, Emile.
Tag List: @theimprobabledreamersworld @remy-please-come-back
Read on AO3
4 | Teamwork Troubles
It was the day after the quest-incident, and Remy had decided they would not be going on any more expeditions for a while. Especially since it was raining like crazy outside. Almost storming but not quite there yet.
Logan liked these kinds of days best because they gave him the perfect excuse to curl up somewhere and read a book. Except, today he couldn’t do that, since they still had lessons, and just like the day before Remy had led them somewhere that wasn’t their classroom.
“Why are we in the kitchens?” Janus asked.
“Because I’ve decided to teach you some more unique magic. Household spells, to be exact.”
Remus cocked his head to the side. “Household spells? Are we learning how to make a home?”
“How to make one tidy, yes. I’m going to teach you everyday spells you can use for cleaning and whatnot.”
“What? But that’s the servant’s job!” Roman complained.
“Not today. I gave the staff the day off, so you’ll all be doing what they usually do.”
The teens all groaned but went to work without much complaining. From most of them anyway. Remy taught them a few easy spells for using water to clean surfaces, air to dust hard to reach places, etc. Logan found that it was a lot easier than normal cleaning but just as boring. His classmates seemed to think so too if their agonised expressions were anything to go by.
“Are we almost done?” Roman asked.
“There’s still a whole third of the house to go,” Virgil informed him.
“This is so lame!” Remus complained. “We’re just casting mopping spells, and dusting spells, and sweeping spells, and shining spells, and nothing interesting!”
“It’s not so bad. We’re getting to see more of the house.” Patton said.
Remus perked up. “Do you think we’ll get to see what’s in the tower?”
“Remy told us on day one we weren’t allowed there,” Willow said.
“Yeah, but he also said we’d be doing what the servants usually do. They must do some kind of maintenance there.”
Logan shrugged. “I highly doubt Remy will allow us to do anything there, even if we’re taking over for the servants.”
“We shouldn’t be doing the servants’ work anyway. It’s for servants!” Roman complained.
Janus groaned. “Can you just shut up? We’re all in the same boat here, so there’s no use complaining the entire time.”
“Well, obviously you’re not standing up for anyone, Mx Dragon.”
“There’s no one to stand up for.”
“We can stand up for ourselves. This is inhumane!”
“Have you never had any repercussions in your life? For anything?”
“What would I need repercussions for? I haven’t done anything wrong.”
“Oh, of course. Sorry, I forgot you’re Mr Perfect.”
“Are you mocking me?”
“Are you that dense?”
“You b-”
Before Roman could finish, he and Janus were splashed with water. Everyone turned to find that it was Willow who’d cast the water spell.
“You’re both getting on my nerves now. The only reason you even oppose each other is because of some stupid race-rivalry from a thousand years ago. It’s getting old!”
“He started it!”
“Me? It was you who started it!”
They were both doused with water again. “See, this is what I was talking about! It doesn’t matter who started it, because I say it’s finished.”
“That’s not fair,” Janus complained.
“Well, boo hoo to you- eek!” Willow was suddenly soaked. “Remus!”
“What? I wanted to try out the spell,” she said with an innocent smile that was then wiped of by a thin stream of water squirting into his face.
“Sorry Re, I guess I don’t know my own strength,” Patton said, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
Remus just laughed. “No worries Pat, I’ll get you back for that!”
“Eek!” Patton jumped out of the way as Remus sent a stream at him.
Which caused poor Virgil to get drenched from the attack. He glared at both of them and sent water at everyone else, which finally caused things to fall into chaos as all of the students were now wet and trying to shoot each other. It had started out as them all trying to get revenge but quickly turned into a game as the teens dissolved into laughter and just began shooting each other for the fun of it.
The laughter didn’t last long-- or maybe it did? But no one had thought to keep track of the time- but getting back to my point, Remy was not happy when he walked in on his students having a water fight in the library. Especially not when he was shot by all seven of them upon entering the room.
“Okay, since you caused an absolute catastrophe with your first punishment, I have no choice but to make the second one harder.”
“Are you going to make us do more manual labour?” Roman asked.
“No, I don’t think anything of that kind won’t end up the same as-- well this!” He gestured to the soaked library. “What to do, what to do… ah-ha!”
“Oh, I don’t like that look on his face,” Remus whispered.
Indeed, none of them liked the dark grin that was plastered on their teacher’s face. They all shivered with dread from the anticipation of what kind of punishment they were going to face.
“You will all be writing your own independent papers on a historic magical event.”
And then everyone died.
Not really, no one actually died. I’m sorry if I misled you there. I meant that they all died inside, just a little, as one does when told they have to write a school paper. Especially when you realise you’ve just destroyed the library and have no sources to help you write said paper.
Dinner was unbelievably quiet as everyone was wallowing in agony over what to do about their assignment. Logan found himself distracted from such thoughts however as he noticed the minute change in the atmosphere.
Normally, there was tension during mealtimes, especially between Roman and Janus. Tonight however the dragon and elf seemed to be accepting or perhaps ignoring each other’s presence. For once there was complete peace among the teens and Logan came to a realisation.
In the past two days, they’d worked together, somewhat, and managed to do a lot more than they’d done alone. Okay, so technically the things they’d done was collect a bunch of forest ingredients, save Patton from a well, and destroy a library, but with proper coordination and teamwork, they could find ways to put their skills to use. And perhaps that would help them in the long run when it came time for the secondary license test.
Long story short, they needed to work together properly if they wanted to accomplish anything worthwhile. Which meant they needed to get along like this, preferably without wallowing in despair.
That brought Logan back to the problem at hand. The papers. With the library absolutely soaked where were they going to get-
“That’s it!”
Everyone jumped in their seats a little at Logan’s exclamation.
“Uh, did you figure something out?” Willow asked.
“Yes, I’ve come up with a solution to our paper problem to be exact.”
“Don’t keep us in suspense,” Virgil urged.
“We can use the library.”
Roman frowned. “It’s waterlogged, Genius. Remember?”
“Not that library. The one in town. They have an entire section on magical history and I happen to know someone who could help us find whatever we need.”
“If we’re going into town, can we also do some sightseeing?” Patton asked.
Remus grinned. “Yeah, we haven’t gotten to see anything apart from the manor and forest since we got here.”
Logan blinked in surprise. “Wait, what do you guys usually do on weekends when I visit the town?”
“You visit the town? I thought you just stayed in your room.” Janus said.
“Jan and I normally spend the day in the garden,” Willow answered. “I think we all just laze around the manor really.”
Everyone nodded affirmatively.
“Alright then, I suppose we can get some sightseeing done as soon as we find what we need at the library.”
“What are you gonna show them? The town well?” Everleigh remarked.
Logan shrugged. “I don’t know. They are the ones who want to do the sightseeing.”
Saturday had come and the entire class had taken a carriage into town. With any tension between them having been absolved since the water incident, they had openly spoken of their excitement at getting to go into town, despite having to do research for their papers at the library.
It was such a strange thing to think that his classmates who grew up in more interesting faraway places, would be so interested in his little hometown. He wondered if they would be disappointed when they realised how simple life here really was.
Roman and Remus had grown up on Lyrecrest Ilse, a well-known destination that many called an island paradise. Patton came from Sweetwater Cove, where the waters were said to be clear as glass. Willow and Janus were from the Evergreen Valley where many other demi-creatures and magical folk lived together in their own private communities. And Virgil… now that Logan thought about it, he didn’t know where Virgil was from, but it had to be somewhere just as exotic, if not more so.
Yet here they all were, eager to see his quiet hometown.
Everleigh had been waiting at the bakery, as always, to greet Logan when he came and was quite shocked to see the others he’d brought along with him. He took her aside and explained what had happened as briefly as possible without losing too much detail, while Emile was handing out breakfast pastries to his classmates.
“Hmm, this is absolutely delicious. Thank you, Mr Picani,” Patton said, and the others echoed their appreciation after him.
“It’s no problem kids. I’m glad you like these. They’re a new recipe I’m perfecting.”
“It tastes pretty perfect to me,” Remus complimented as he licked his fingers.
“Hey, the carriage is leaving,” Roman said, pointing outside.
“Yeah, the driver is taking the horses to be watered. He’ll come back this evening to take us home.” Remy explained.
“But how are we getting to the library?”
Janus snorted. “Ever heard of walking?”
Roman’s face morphed into an expression of mild dread and disbelief.
“The library is only twenty minutes from here,” Everleigh stated. “It’s not a long trek or anything.”
“We could probably get there even faster if we raced,” Remus suggested.
Willow’s ears perked up. “Race?”
Janus smirked. “Hey roman, I bet you couldn’t beat Willow there.”
Roman huffed. “I could beat all of you there.”
“You all don’t even know the way there,” Virgil pointed out.
“Uh, Everleigh and Logan could give us some directions,” Patton suggested.
“I’d be happy to provide directions if I can race too,” Everleigh said.
Willow grinned. “The more the merrier.”
After giving out directions and everyone lining up in what they determined was a fair starting line, the eight teenagers ran through the streets and arrived in front of the grand library in record time. They stood outside arguing for a few minutes, or rather Roman and Janus argued for a few minutes about Janus getting there via a piggy-back ride from Willow.
They came to the resolution that it didn’t matter since Willow had gotten there first, while carrying Janus, making her the winner. Everleigh had complimented Willow’s strength, causing them to blush furiously, and suggest they all went into the library.
“Okay, so you guys need magical history stuff, uh, that will be in the archives under magical research and/or supernatural events. Do you guys have anything specific in mind?” Everleigh asked as they stepped inside of the massive building.
“Woah, how many books are there here?” Janus asked as they looked around in awe.
“I have no idea, but we’ve got something for everyone, from fictional works and poetry to adventurer biographies and cookbooks.”
“What kinds of biographies do you have?” Willow inquired.
“Pretty much anything that’s printed for public distribution, plus a couple of private journals that have been donated from noble families. Do you have something in mind?”
“Um, well, there’s a book I read back home that I was thinking of using. The Quest of Nigel Hawk. there are a bunch of events in there that Nigel witnessed first hand that we could write about.”
“A primary source? That would be the best way to get whatever information we needed.” Logan said.
“What kind of events did Nigel see on this quest?” Patton asked.
“I don’t remember everything, but ze saw stars dancing on the ocean, met the grand phoenix and witnessed the birth of the first pegasus,” Willow recounted.
“Stars dancing on the ocean? Are you sure ze wasn’t just dreaming?” Remus asked.
“If I remember right, they were two spirits. The soul of the north star and her bride, a sailor from days long past. Nigel met them both on the night of their anniversary when they came down to celebrate with a dance, and they told him the story of how they got together.”
“That sounds so romantic! I’ll go see if I can find that book,” Everleigh said before disappearing between the tall bookshelves.
“Uh, do we just wait here for her or...?” Roman asked.
“She does this when she’s excited. We can just wait for her in the reading area,” Logan explained, motioning for everyone to follow him.
He led them to an area where there were several long tables with semi-comfortable chairs where they could sit. Once the group had sat down at one, Everleigh came from gods-know-where and plopped down a pile of thick tomes.
“This guy either lived a long life or an eventful one, but there are like eight different parts of his adventures in chronological order.”
“Why do I feel like this is going to be worse than I’d hoped,” Remus groaned.
Virgil raised an eyebrow. “You expected studying to be easy?”
“You make a good point, but there’s no need to stab me with it.”
“Well, we should probably get started, right?” Roman sighed and they all nodded. “Which is the first volume?”
“Uh, this one. I could read it aloud for you all,” Everleigh offered.
Patton clapped his hands together. “Oh, it’s like a storytime.”
“Yeah, but shh, we don’t want to get kicked out for making too much noise,” Logan warned.
“Oh, sorry.”
“It’s okay. The librarians are pretty lenient, but let’s keep the noise at a minimum.” Everleigh suggested. “And I’ll read this as softly as I can…”
The group listened to Everleigh read the first book of Nigel’s adventures for a while, then she passed the book to Logan who continued from where she left off. Basically, they all became enthralled with knowing what happened next and passed the story around to be read aloud as each reader got tired of reading. They all took turns and before they knew it they’d come to the end of the book.
“Holy Knights, that was a real twist,” Remus exclaimed.
Virgil nodded. “Right? Was anyone else feeling anxious there when Killian got hit by that arrow?”
“I thought he’d have died, honestly. It’s amazing that Gwen was able to heal him,” Patton said.
“I would have never guessed that was where healing magic came from. But it makes me curious about where other magics originated from,” Logan stated.
“Well, I don’t know about the rest of you, but I call dibs on Duncan’s coronation for my paper. That was one heck of a rebellion,” Roman declared.
“I think I’ll do my report on Odessa’s garden. That was a true masterpiece of romantic tragedy,” Janus remarked.
Willow snorted and Patton gave her a questioning look. “What’s so funny?”
“It just seems kind of ironic that Roman is doing a report on the first Dragon King and Janus is doing one about an elf heroine.”
Everyone exchanged glances and began laughing, except for Janus and Roman who just looked at their companions in complete confusion. While they were laughing, a librarian walked over to their table.
“Pardon, but I must request you all be quiet or take your merriment elsewhere.”
“Oh, sorry Jana, we’ll just- oh man, is that the time?” Everleigh asked when she noticed the clock in the corner was now at eleven-forty-eight.
“Yes, that’s the right time.” Jana answered.
Everleigh looked at the group. “I think we better get some lunch.”
The group exchanged some agreeing nods and got up from the table.
“Sorry for the trouble, Jana. we’ll head out now, uh, could you check out these books for me and i’ll swing by for them later?”
Jana looked at the books and sighed. “I suppose, but only if you leave now.”
“Sure thing. See ya!” Everleigh said before running off towards the exit with the others following her.
“What are we doing for lunch?” Remus asked the group. “Because I for one am starving.”
“We could check what there is in the market,” Logan suggested. “Remy and my dad won’t be expecting us until dinner time, so we can check out what’s there until then.”
“Oh yeah, we wanted to get some sightseeing in,” Roman remembered.
“Well, there’s no place to start like market street.” Everleigh declared. “Let’s go!”
A/N: thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed this. I'll be posting two chapters a day until the full fic is up, so if you want to be tagged, you can just ask.
I'd love to hear what you thought about the chapter if you wouldn't mind commenting. Thanks again for reading! Here's hoping you have a magical day 💜
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friendly-peep · 4 years
Which Homestuck characters would read Homestuck and their opinion
idk i’m bored. What’s Homestuck^2? What’s epilogues? We’re strictly Homestuck in this house. Also only doing main characters, I’m not going to dive into the Felt or caparacians, I want this to be done today.
Beta kids:
June: Avid reader. Got in early and read the whole thing. Got shirts, unironically liked it.
Rose: Got in late, but got into it. Loved the tarot deck, uses it to pretend she’s reading while she just tells people their truths. Noticed some narrative issues but overall liked it.
Dave: Got in shortly after June did, read for a while, but his irony poisoning led to him sassing the HECK out of it. Made a diss blog. Kept reading it “ironically” and cannot tell if he actually likes it or not. Got a god tier hoodie he wears at home. Sampled some of the soundtracks for his raps.
Jade: Loved it. LOVED IT. Got the full soundtrack. Made remixes. Got all the shirts. One of the blogs that posted “UPD8!” whenever an update happened. Big fanartist during the Gigapauses.
Beta Guardians:
June’s Dad: Tried to get into it to connect to his daughter’s interest, but the memes were too much, so he became the “Are ya winning, daughter?” dad. Very supportive but would need fifty slow paced “Homestuck explained” videos.
Mom Lalonde: Read it, but was too intoxicated to remember most. She holds obscure knowledge and will remember minute trivia, but don’t ask her about any of the large plot points.
Bro Strider: Too busy being A Mess Of A Human Being to sit down and read.
Poppop Harley: Too busy being A Dang Explorer to sit down and read.
Alpha kids:
Jane: Takes time to read it slowly. Has a blog of theories she constantly updates. Was upset about how some plot points got dropped and underdeveloped.
Roxy: Much like Jade, loved it. While Jade made remixes, Roxy cosplays. She has killer cosplays of most characters. Screamed about updates on twitter. No filter, accidentally drops spoilers left right and center.
Dirk: Deep, DEEP character examinations. Draws diagrams, writes essays. Unironically liked the potential of Paradox Space, may have even submit his own stories to be a guest artist.
Jake: Read the whole thing, liked it, missed many connections and plot points, was satisfied with the ending. Got some merch, can say “I read Homestuck” in public and be blissfully unaware of any positive and negative baggage that comes with saying so.
Alpha Guardians:
Jane’s Dad: Much like June’s Dad, tried to get into it. Unlike June’s Dad, watched and read his daughter’s theories (and Dirk’s explanations when Jane linked them to him) and became A Walking Homestuck Encyclopedia. Jane is unsure how to feel about this. He, however, does not reference it.
Roxy’s Rosemom: Too busy fighting the good fight to read. It’s in her radar but didn’t get the time to read it.
Dirk’s Davedad: Read it as a novelty. Sent Hussie a gold-plated Bad Dragon dildo. Put offhand references to it on his movies, but they were so oblique that even readers didn’t get it.
Jade English: Too busy running her own baking good company to read Homestuck. Not even in her radar.
Alternia Trolls:
Aradia: Much like Dirk, got REAL DEEP into it. Makes youtube vids explaining classpects and narrative points. Actually wrote a dissertation on Homestuck.
Tavros: Tried to get into it, but the first few acts were not to his taste so he never got to the trolls ironically enough. Likes the character designs though.
Sollux: Next level Dave. Critiques the FUQUE out of it on every platform he can. If Hatedom is a thing, he made it. He’s the founder. It’s him. But he read it to the end.
Karkat: Read it, loves it, does some interesting character relationship examinations. Predicted who would end up with who with 100% accuracy. Wasn’t a vocal fan, didn’t get merch, but still liked it.
Nepeta: The shipper who launched a thousand ships. She writes crackfic but with deep care, making sure it makes sense that characters would end up together. Got one of every homestuck shirt. Very into it.
Kanaya: Got into it only because her friends got into it. If Karkat hadn’t talked about it she would not have gotten into it but she did because she wants to be able to carry a conversation with her friends. Not a huge fan.
Terezi: She can and WILL correct you if you get trivia wrong. She did not sit through hours of text-to-speech pesterlogs for some scrub to get it wrong. Defiant Homestuck defender. She’ll cut you if you say you don’t like Homestuck (she won’t, but she’s judging you from the other side of the room)
Vriska: Skipped the first acts and jumped right into Alternia. Little context, little care. Pretends she didn’t, gets facts hilariously wrong which Terezi takes as an invitation to tease her. Fanartist.
Equius: Another fanartist. He made physical media as opposed to drawings. Slow reader, got into it late and didn’t finish until way after the comic had ended. Did not get to experience the comic without Random Paradox Arms all over the place. Loved by the community for his short reaction posts about what happened at the point he’s at.
Gamzee: Either first person to post “Update” when comic updated, or doesn’t read for months and then catches up in two days. Skips many chat logs, but still gets most of the plot no problem. Remembers exact phrasing of the posts he does read though.
Eridan: Another Character Analysis blogger. He dives into (pun unintended) why some characters are The Absolute Worst and writes fanfic of how they would be if they had a chance to be in a different circumstances. The Problematique fan, but only because people assume the worst of him. He’s actually pretty chill.
Feferi: Superfan, and Super Content Creator. Started making plushies and charms and eventually started selling them. Her stuff became a badge of honor and people posted themselves hugging their plushies during the gigapause.
Too busy caught up in their personal turmoils to read any of it. Except the Condesce. She sent Hussie a diamond-studded Bad Dragon dildo.
Beforus trolls:
Damara: Big fan, but doesn’t express it because of the crowd she’s with. But she has a blog where she tries to get in touch with new readers and is always open to answer questions others might have. Not a Big Name fan, but she’s much more vocal online than in person, and even then it’s through an alt account.
Rufioh: Got people into it, but he himself didn’t finish reading after the Scratch. Said he would but he just never got to doing so.
Mituna: Prone to ranting when updates happened. Very emotionally invested, nearly died when Game Over happened.
Kankri: The nitpicker to end all nitpicks. He critiqued everything, and hated that there were hero mode, simplified and silly drawings. Genuinely disliked all characters for faults that he himself has, yet never self-examined. Got a following that  consisted three-quarters of people who made fun of his rants and one-quarter of people who were as intense as he is.
Meulin: Big, BIG fan. Prolific fanfic writer, if a character pairing exists, rarepair or not, she wrote a fic about them. Likes all characters and as such thinks she must devote roughly the same wordcount for everyone she can. Disappears for months then reemerges with twenty new fics.
Porrim: Moderate fan, great cosplayer. The more complex the outfit, the more she wanted to make it. Routinely goes out in Jade’s Dead Shuffle and Three in the Morning dresses because she is incredibly proud of them.
Latula: Not a big fan. Knows most of what she knows through cultural osmosis because her friends got into it, but she’s not likely to ever read it herself. Likes how into it her friends are though.
Aranea: Much like Jane’s Dad, she’s the walking encyclopedia, except she memorized the content of almost every page, and if she doubts her knowledge, will immediately go to her computer and look up what she is unsure of. Tries not to talk people’s ears off and will only talk about Homestuck when asked about it.
Horuss: Super into it. To a maybe creepy degree. Doesn’t show in public but if you get access to his secret blogs it’s more like character shrines. Don’t dig too deep into it.
Kurloz: Read it, kinda into it, but not that big of a fan. He will talk about it but he’s pretty lukewarm about the whole thing.
Cronus: Read it to impress a crush, got genuinely into it, but isn’t a vocal fan.
Meenah: Didn’t read it, much like Latula learned about it because everyone around her talked about it. Unlike Latula, she mocks everyone for liking something she says is “for nerds”. Still kinda wants to read it to be part of the conversation but her pride of Not Knowing About Homestuck is too great to overcome that hurdle.
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rhalgrs · 4 years
4, 19, 32, 40, 45! (Gryphon, Ao, and Schach!)
So this is probably going to be long lol - I’ll go through each question at a time, and skip whatever characters I have nothing for, or nothing applies to. It’s all under a ‘read more’
4. Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know?
Four grew up in the city-state of Ala Mhigo. The only thing they remember about Ala Mhigo from their childhood is imperial rule, and their parent’s stories of how it was before. Every day, they saw Garlean soldiers marching the streets, they saw the image of a strong empire that supposedly protected its people, they saw the dwindling supplies of food at home, the shrinking pile of savings, their parents hiding their tears from their child as they tried to figure out how to continue providing safety for their child. The constant incidents shaped their view of the world - a fierce pride and protectiveness of Ala Mhigo, and a blinding hate for anything Garlean. 
The last straw that convinced them to leave for the Ala Mhigan Resistance at merely 17 was being caught stealing a sack of flour, consequently having their pinky cut off on the spot to make an example to everyone, and at that moment their decision to join the Resistance shaped the rest of their life. They’re not shy in telling people about how they used to live and why they joined.
Ao used to be quite the bright and sunny personality, excitable and willing to take on any job as a fresh adventurer, pleased to help anyone and everyone. At one point, he took on a job that brought him to the cold reaches of Coerthas. The job was to slay a creature that had been spotted near an abandoned outpost, as it was causing trouble and potentially nesting there, and the knights and dragoons were busy in areas that were actually strategically important. Ao was confident he could take on it himself - plus, the reward for slaying it was rather appealing. Unused to the cold and snow, however, he was soon caught up in a whiteout of a blizzard, cold biting deep into him, mistakenly assuming the snow would soon cease. So, there he sat, hunched over in the cold, trying to not let the snow settle and bury him, when a wyrm very much bigger than anticipated found him. 
The resulting fight looked like a massacre. Fresh blood splattered across the trampled snow, a broken and bloodied dragon dying with torn wings and maimed tail. Ao lay beside it, clutching its severed talon to his chest as proof of his victory - but wounded. A blow every here and there leaving him with bruises and a general sense of pain, perhaps a broken limb… and crimson staining the ground, flowing from a deep wound in his throat - a misstep leading to him nearly dying. He only survived thanks to a trader and his pack chocobo finding him after passing through and examining the struggle they’d seen from a distance. 
Ultimately, his throat was damaged to the point he could no longer speak without pain, leaving him essentially mute and with scars across his face and down his neck. It was a hell of a reality check to show him he wasn’t invincible. His time recovering led him to be depressed for a while, and once he did get better, he stayed quieter, less flashy, and his instincts caused him to grow more cautious. He tries not to bring it up, and if he’s asked about it, all he’ll be able to manage is telling some half-truths. 
As a young adult just trying to figure out what to do with his life, Schach had no idea what he wanted, jumping around from engineering to music making. One evening, a walk in the nearby forests led Schach to get lost for hours, not realizing he didn’t know where he was until he stumbled across a ranger taking samples by coring trees. After a bit of chatter, he learned what this person was doing, eventually talking about what they’d studied and learning that the ranger had studied forestry. He never realized his passion for the environment and flora could grow into a career, but at that moment he decided that what this park ranger had explained was exactly what he wanted to do, and ultimately went into studying the field of forestry with no doubts.
19. What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before?
They’re too willing to give up literally anything for their job, including relationships - they’ve taught themselves how to not get too attached. A handful of times they’d actually gotten into a relationship, hiding their occupation from their partner, only to abruptly break things off or vanish with no explanation. Mostly, it was simply because they had to move for work, and they claim they don’t really care and that relationships are just a cover for a normal life. Their previous partners really don’t like them because of this. 
He really just doesn’t know what he’s looking for, and he’s a little eccentric in how often he might actually see them, considering how often he travels. He’s a little unstable at this point, too, and would be far too worried about if he’s being a good partner or if his partner even cares for him - at any rate, he just hasn’t found anyone he wants to date yet.
Really, the biggest flaw would be how he might get too engrossed in his research and not quite notice if his s/o is in a bad mood or doesn’t want to hear more of it. Their attention is not always quite there, and while he is incredibly caring and gentle, he just is oblivious to how little he might pay attention at times. 
32. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable.
If he’s put into a situation where he can’t solve problems by either fighting or running away, he’ll grow incredibly uncomfortable. Pretty much, he hates being confronted or being insulted without the ability to retaliate in any way. 
He definitely likes having groups of people to discuss work with around him, and never minds participating in a bustling academic fair! As soon as he’s in social gatherings around, let’s say, groups of drunk people or others who are only there to mess around with friends and not have conversations with, he gets self-conscious. He really doesn’t know what to talk about to others if they’re not interested in his work, and realizes not everyone cares enough to talk about academic work or field research.
40. How does your character treat people in service jobs?
They’ll be courteous enough - maybe a bit paranoid with food workers, watching like a hawk what they do with food they’re preparing to make sure it’s not poisoned or anything. 
He tries to be nice, and if he could he’d strike up a conversation, but usually his interactions with them are either pointing and gestures, or writing out stuff on paper if need be - the bare minimum of communicating what he needs. 
He’ll definitely just try to chat with them for a minute or two if they’re genuinely nice to him, and has ended up befriending a few vendors he frequents. Aside from that, he also works to help supply lumber to a few merchants, so he knows his way around some rather specific markets quite well. 
45. What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
They would like to believe that when they die, their soul is carried into the Halls of the Twelve. They fear that they’ve done too many bad things to ever go there. Thinking about how they might really simply disappear in a burst of aether scares them. 
He doesn’t think about it a lot. His attitude is ‘what happens, happens’. His brushes with death made him think how the only thing he cares about is staying alive. 
If you ask him what happens, he’ll launch into an incredibly detailed discussion of how your soul will explode into a burst of aether and then re-enter the lifestream, and how your body will decompose and find its way back to the earth. This doesn’t really scare him. Instead, he’ll rather cheerily tell you that he’d like to have a tree planted on his resting place after he dies so he can give back to the environment. 
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Amrod was on the ships, but when he saw Feanor approaching with a torch, he jumped.
He swam to shore. He figured is his family was going to kill him, he might as well leave - the plan had been to go back to his mother, but that was no longer possible.
He ran into a group of Nandor, and joined their community.
His old names didn't fit – he’s no longer the smallest Finwe, having rejected his house. He keeps half his name, and instead of Doomed or Upwards-Exalted, he becomes Exalted-by-Fire; the burning of the ships was what gave him the strength to turn from an evil path.
It takes him a bit to decide on this, dramatic Finwean he is, and in the meantime the Nandor called him Bright Eyes, for the Treelight reflected in his gaze. He says this is a more appropriate name for a horse than a person, and they compromise on calling him Star Bright
So Amrod hangs out is southwest Beleriand, avoiding Sindar and Orcs and Noldor and Men alike for over four hundred years.
The Bragollach, the Nirnaeth; Beleriand isn't safe.
The Nandor decide to go east across the mountains. Amrod decides to see how the Noldor are doing - despite himself, he hopes his brothers are okay. He finds Nargothrond.
He says he is Rodnor Gil-Galad, called in his youth after his hair.  
Orodreth doesn't recognize him - Orodreth is young, born after the division between their families was already stark. Orodreth rarely saw Amrod in Tirion, and everyone saying he looks just like Amras means the brown hair throws him.
Celebrimbor does recognize him.
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"What are you doing here?" "I'm trying to avoid our family!" "I thought you were dead!" "Don't you dare tell anyone you met me!" - excerpts from the whispered confrontation in Celebrimbor's workroom
Eventually they agree that yes, Feanorians are terrible and blindly loyal, and they're both glad to be out of it.
They spend time together, a bit, more as escapees from the same cult than out of a desire to reminisce about Tirion.
Celebrimbor accidentally mentions Fingon as if they both know him in public. People ask how Gil-Galad knew him. He fumbles and says they're related. Later he slips and says Celegorm “turned out to be the family disappointment after all.” That makes him pretty obviously Finwean, though he still doesn’t admit who.
Someone tries to draw him out, and spends a whole conversation deliberately referring to Maglor Feanorian, Fingon Fingolfinion, and Finrod Finarfinion.
Rodnor eventually says, “By that manner I suppose I’m Gil-Galad Erenion.” This shuts up the first guy for a moment, but people start speculating how he can be the descendant of multiple kings – did Thingol have any other kids?
 Turin arrives; Rodnor has no opinion of him or of men in general, and no official seat on Orodreth’s council. When the dragon kills Orodreth and kidnaps Findulias, Rodnor leads the survivors away to the south. He feels bad about abandoning them, but the number of soldiers they ‘d lose rescuing her is too high, and just because a life is royal (or family) doesn’t mean it’s more valuable. (Feanor burned a prince, his son, as easily as he killed fishermen.)
His opinion on royalty isn’t widely held though. The people of Nargothrond have decided he is Orodreth’s heir and started calling him Lord Erenion. He declares that Cirdan is lord of the Falas, which gets people to at least decide bring some of their issues elsewhere, and tries not to stress about the details.
So Rodnor is in charge of the Noldor in Sirion. Galadriel is in Doriath. They do meet when it falls, but only for a few hours as the Iathrim refugees settle in, and she speaks more with Cirdan than with him. He tells her of the Nandor tribe he was with and their plans for the journey, and off she goes to the East.
After the council is over and every newcomer has a bed, Rodnor goes to Celebrimbor. They mourn privately those who neither of them dare speak of publically. Rodnor is back in his own rooms long before morning. He spends the next few weeks solemn, but everyone is gloomy after news of another kinslaying.
Gondolin falls. There are suddenly a lot more Noldor in Sirion. Pretty soon they're calling him King. He considers telling them it's not true, that the succession hasn't come to him yet.
On the other hand, having a leader be whoever happens to be the son of the previous leader is kind of silly. The Sindar tribe he was with acknowledged Elwe, but not Dior. Your leader was whoever you trusted to do right by the community. When Denethor died, his son took interim authority, and then they all met and discussed it and decided that actually Enellas knew how to manage people better, and so Denethor’s son stepped down.
If Rodnor squints, this is the same. At the very least, if the Nargothrondrim hated him one of them would have proposed crowning the ten-year-old Eärendil instead. So King Gil-Galad takes up the throne.
 He was on Balar when the attack came. He told himself later he couldn't have stopped it, couldn't have helped. He could guess by how much more enchantingly beautiful the Silmaril around Elwing's neck seemed, that his brothers would attack soon, but not the month or day. And she was a queen, he could not order her to hand over the jewel. So all he did was warn her, not tell her his birth name, or leap across the council table and pull it off her throat. He could not have known there was no time to wait for Eärendil’s return. He had not set a watch on the island towards the city, but he had no reason to.
He did not want to kill his brothers, but he was a king and he could not let that make his decisions.
He can't stop himself from crying when he sees Amras's body. The Feanorians had tried to make a pyre, but must have left with it still burning and the wet sea wind had extinguished it, and the wood had barely caught.
"Relight the pyres."
"Your Majesty?"
"For the dead Feanorians, relight them."
"But they're murderers! They showed no such respect to us." Indeed, the city is still littered with the corpses of Noldor, Men, and Sindar alike.
"And we are better than they are. We will bury our dead, with a week of singing and lamenting, and tales of their deeds told by friends and kin. We will mark our people’s graves, and the Men will leave grave goods on theirs. And we will not leave the enemy dead to rot where they lie or be eaten by beasts, though they showed us not that respect." He sighed. "We have not fallen as they have, and we must hold onto that."
"Yes, your majesty"
"Have someone take a census of those who are left. And lists of the dead – ours and theirs." He needs to know how strong the rogue army was. If it is now leaderless, he would... he isn't sure. He wouldn’t have to declare a feast for victory over the Kinslayers, they'd lost enough of their own. But some kind of amnesty, with reparations, if any Feanorian soldiers wanted to rejoin... He thinks of the abstract plans now, while he is unsure, because he knows he'll barely be able to keep together if Maedhros and Maglor are dead and he is alone. (Three died last time.)
His eldest brothers are not among the dead invaders.
Lady Elwing and her sons are not found, either dead or living. Gil-Galad knows that his brothers would have no interest in taking her prisoner, for if she was under their power they could rip their glorious, wonderful jewel from her neck and cast her aside like so much wrapping. So he assumes that instead Elwing got away somehow, taking her sons with her. Whether the Feanorians have the jewel or she does is unimportant, he reminds himself, at least unless she returns. He decides then that Balar will never house the Silmaril – he'll bury it beneath the mountains with his own two hands if that's what it takes. His people deserve one place, just one, that isn't destroyed around them. Please Valar, grant them this, for Cirdan's sake if for none of the Noldor.
Ships come one day out of the West. King Finarfin leads them, and Eärendil is with them. Eärendil says that his wife Elwing escaped, but not the boys. (Eärendil is politely told he must either take off the necklace, stay on his ship, or go to the mainland.)
Gil-Galad realizes where they must be. It's hardly fair, but he knows at least they're being treated as well as can be. Maedhros and Maglor did alright by the five of them, and have never been cruel to children.
No one else seems so optimistic, though they are willing to believe that the boys are alive, even after seven years, simply to avoid believing the alternative. Gil-Galad and Finarfin cooperate to get a letter and a messenger (a newly arrived Noldo) that will be demanding but – hopefully – not provoke violence.
It takes two years more, with messengers from both parties expressing grave concern for the boys’ safety on a journey and reluctant to meet the other too close, but Elros and Elrond are returned. They meet Eärendil again, but he is on the front lines and so they spend most of their time in the camp. Gil-Galad has them sit in on strategy meetings to keep them occupied.
 The war is over, Morgoth is defeated, and the Noldor are allowed to return.
Gil-Galad finds he doesn’t want to.
Returning had been as much about getting out of Feanor’s shadow as finding safety, and he realizes he has done the first and the second is near at hand. If he goes back to Tirion, he will be again Pityafinwe, one of Feanor’s youngest sons, half of the twins with a missing twin. The child so redundant his own mother had known so, and asked Feanor to leave her one of the youngest without care for which. Pityafinwe had led no armies, fought no battles, earned no praise. Pityafinwe killed Teleri and was murdered by his father, and did nothing else.
Sure, he could try to be both, admit he was Pityafinwe to start with, but no one will understand. The will see him as the usurper of the crown that should have gone to – Eärendil perhaps?  and then Elros? or Galadriel? Maybe they’ll weigh his victories in battle against his theft of the crown, and say they make up for it, but maybe they’ll say anyone could have done them, or he should have done them as a general in the real King’s army. So he’d be Pityafinwe, who pretended to be a king for a bit but understands now that it’s not his place, and that his place is to be the sixth-born son of the (dead, disgraced) Crown Prince.
Besides, they’re making the ‘leaders’ apologize for leaving, and Gil-Galad spent enough years wandering Beleriand safe behind Noldorin fortresses he can’t really be sorry they came.
Gil-Galad does write a letter though, to the Lady Nerdanel, his mother. He tells people that it’s commendations for her grandson’s valor, and assurance that Celebrimbor will be regarded on his own merits in the Age to come. The letter does contain those, but it also contains “You were half right about my mother-name; I was fated to die but leapt out of Fate’s way.” It’s rather blasphemous, but Gil-Galad isn’t going to be setting foot near the Valar again.
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writingonjorvik · 5 years
Can We Discuss Feminism? pt. 2
As you may have seen, @centeris2 made a post about the implications of the MC being female exclusive. And I’ve made some comments myself about SSO’s relationship with feminism. So let’s revisit that topic real quick.
But first! I fucking am releasing a book at the end of May. It’s called Word Walkers: Stolen Secret. It’s got two lady leads, it’s LGBTQIA+ friendly, there’s a lot of ass-kicking, and the price just dropped! So go pre-order a copy and enter the pre-sale giveaway because only 2 people have entered and I have 7 prizes to give away, so like, you’ll probably win. Here’s a link to the trailer, it’s got all the info you need.
Now to the topic at hand.
First, I want to talk about Cen’s points which I agree with (surprise!). I’ve said this for a while but SSO is not a very good MMO as specifically an MMO, and while I’ve made a lot of suggestions on how to change that, point remains that it’s not a very MMO friendly narrative. Which isn’t bad, but they should either embrace that or change it. Now on the point of being a Set Character narrative, to use Cen’s terms, I agree, though I do also believe that having an avatar for a set character is fair too. Both Mass Effect and Dragon Age are Set Character narratives, but they still allow for character customization. But they also let you choose your gender.
So to repeat the point Cen already made, the problem isn’t the concept of Set Character narrative, it’s the gender-locking one without in narrative reason. And that point comes back to the idea that SSO made that decision to make more opportunities for women in the gaming sphere of female-led stories. Great. But they missed the point of what feminism is, and this isn’t the only example.
I want to summarize and touch on some of the points I made in my part one of this topic, which was mainly focused on exclusion. Where devs can make as many comments as they want about having more neutral options, there’s still the risk of being exclusionary when you locked out every other gender and give no options to choose gender or pronouns in character creation. But what I want to expand on today was prompted by this photo.
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See, I get the point of this picture. It’s suggesting a very positive idea, that we should celebrate women every day. Which is true, it shouldn’t be limited to a single day. But I think this photo doesn’t line up with recent narrative choices SSO has been making, and it’s starting to feel more and more like pictures like these are closer to “woke-conomics” that genuine feminism.
Granted, this is a hard line because it’s hard for most businesses to feel genuine. But for those unfamiliar with the term, “woke-conomics” means when a company sees a movement promoting “woke” culture (read humanitarian, egalitarian, feminism, LGBTQIA+ friendly, not racist, etc.) and decides to use that movement in their advertising because it will speak more to the younger generation. And there are positive connotations to that. It means representation, even if it’s not perfect. And it also means that “woke” individuals make up more of a market than non-”woke” individuals. Which for human rights is kinda of a good thing.
However, just because a company does something “woke” doesn’t mean they or their product reflect that. Saying one thing and actually doing things to promote “wokeness” are totally separate things. It’s the difference between putting out a post like this photo and committing to donate to charities that help women in need every day as a company. One is easier with really good PR, and one is a commitment to making actual change in the world for a concept.
And the issue for SSO’s narrative is that it’s been leaning into this “woke-conomics” too hard lately. As for evidence, let me submit Ms. Drake.
Ah, cat-hating, black coffee drinking, pant-suit monster Ms. Drake. First, she stole Mr. Kembell’s job, and then she...had a heart? What? From the moment we met Ms. Drake, she’s been written as a heartless bitch, no two ways about it. But then according to the conversations you can have with Ms. Drake at the Midsummer Festival, we’re supposed to believe that kitten-hater Ms. Drake is not actually evil because she has “plans” to make G.E.D. (as in Global Energy Domination G.E.D., don’t a high school diploma) a better company. As if that were possible for a company, again, called Global Energy Domination. And other characters at the Midsummer Festival find Ms. Drake reprehensible, but also respectable. Say what you will about what respect means, it has some connotations that should not apply to Ms. Drake.
Further, let’s talk about Loretta. Say what you will about LorettaxJustin (I will, it sucks, CarriexJustin all the way), Loretta was rewritten to be a mean girl. She’s not supposed to be likable. But who gets a redemption story when it comes to rescuing Justin. Ah, yes, Loretta. Oh, and what about Elizabeth? Spoilers ahead, but the community starts to have questions about Elizabeth’s leadership and BAM! she dies a hero. You can’t hate her now.
SSO has recently set this path to try and redeem all human female characters, that we cannot dislike female characters. Dark Riders excluded because they’re actual demons (and pretty shallow characters in SSO itself so far), there are no female villains in SSO. No woman can do wrong in this story. And that’s...dangerous? Wrong? Wildly incorrect? All of those.
See, ladies can be right bitches. Ladies can make amazing villains just as well as they can make heroes. Women are not infallible. And for the narrative to argue that “Women can do no wrong” is a dangerous example to be setting for minors. Further, it makes female character incredibly simple because they have on complexity of having flaws, and if they do have flaws, they are promptly given more redeeming qualities that flaws. Narrative implications aside, it says that to write powerful women, you just have to write Mary Sues and not actually write about women being human and complicated.
Going back to my first post and exclusionary content, saying that women can do not wrong is exactly that. Telling young girls in their favorite game they can do no wrong only perpetuates this “Girls v. Boys” mentality and not actual feminism. And this is the danger of “woke-cominics.” Because if you don’t actually apply those “woke” principles, like actual feminism, you get something more like misandry.
If SSO wants to tell real feminist stories and support real women, then just tell stories with women in them. They should be natural and inclusive because that’s what the world is like. Putting women in power and on equal terms with other genders is feminism, not putting women in power on a pedestal. Make them messy, make them evil, make them heroes, but most importantly, make them people.
And as an amendment to my original comments, let SSO be filled with pastels and hearts and cute and colorful and “femininity,” but don’t label it as a “girl game.” Because there’s nothing wrong with filling a game with those things and we should take those kinds of games more seriously. But that doesn’t mean that only girls can enjoy those kinds of games.
If you want an example of this done really well, please look up Calico (I did it for you). Calico is a life sim game that is, as the lead dev puts it, “apologetically soft.” It’s a game that undoubtedly focuses on “femininity” and embracing it. And no where in the advertising do they market is as a “girl game.” It is a soft, sweet, pastel filled game, but it is not a girl game. And this is a line SSO does not seem to understand. Obviously I don’t want to assume anything on the devs of Calico, but this is actual feminism at play in design from what I’ve seen. And I think SSO could stand to take a page from them on that.
The point is if SSO wants to say they’re for feminism, then they need to do two things. First, like I said before, they can’t be exclusionary. It’s one thing to have a Set Character story, and another to exclude boys and other genders in your marketing because the Set Character narrative is focused on being female. Second, they need to be careful with their “woke-conomics” because leaning too far into a corporate idea of a concept can circle back on the point of that concept. It is fine to be apologetically leaning into “femininity” as it’s currently labeled, but don’t go so far into it that you put that concept on a pedestal above others.
So that’s it, that’s my little ramble. I hope you found either a book or a game or a general understanding of a concept that you can take away from this. This is a difficult concept, but I agree with the concept SSO set out with in that mission statement of spaces for girls. I just hope they keep the actual spirit of it alive.
And go buy my book.
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contre-qui-rose · 5 years
chromatic fic plan
Abe are at the king’s palace to be introduced as new scourgers of the king - decked out in full uniform, hoods over their faces, weapons and all. They are standing guard outside while ikithon discusses a matter with the king (ikithon is stalling for time) Ikithon summons them in, and they kneel before the king - and this is when the roaring starts, and then the screams, and then that fades into the crackle of flames as the roof starts to be torn apart by massive claws that rip through the stone work like butter Thordak reaches in, devours the king in one bite, and sets fire to the court room. Chaos in sues, and abe see ikithon consumed in a gout of flame as they leave, fleeing as fast as they can from the fire, gone invisible and hasted + misty step as the three of them try to throw each other away from the dragon as fast as possible. They retreat to a safehouse on the outer edges of the city, one they had been told about but never had to utilize, and quickly realize in the magically enhanced voice of thordak booming through the city, that the city has been overrun by the chroma conclave, and all who remain are nothing more than playthings of a less than idle ruler. Abe, furious about the city, about their master’s death, plot to kill the dragon - but they aren’t strong enough. They won’t survive here, so close to him, but if they can - if they can kill other things, escape from here, get theyre parents away from here and get them safe and get stronger, they can help this city, help these people that they are duty bound to protect from traitors
There is no greater treason than this one. (Well - there is. And they will realize that, one day.)
In the space of a night, the city is near razed to the ground.
The western gate is closed, as is the southern gate. There is no use trying to find the northern gate, not when that sits on the back of the palace grounds, torn asunder by a dragon’s breath.
The eastern gate is the worst option, but it is there only one.
There is still just enough space for them to worm through the wall, three days after the dragon arrived. Just enough time for them to escape, and to watch the dragon and the wyrms he brought in his wake raze the feilds surrounding the city. The people will starve, and there is little they can do to stop it.
They steal horses - well. It’s not stealing if their owners are dead, succumbed to the poison that spread with the ash after the destruction of the academy. It hurt them, too, but they are young enough to push through it, and keep going.
With the horses, they make it to Nogvurot in four days, only to find the city nearly as bad off as Rexxentrum, a city already razed by ice before Rexxentrum had burned. They pick through the empty city, freezing, and find clothes and supplies, enough to get them through the five day journey to hupperdook. What they find in hupperdook is a city safe, protected by the flying machines built by the mechanics of the city flung into the air on a prayer, patrolling for anything that gets too close. Hupperdook is where they find jester, and fjord - both of whom had known each other for a year now, and who had both been sent by marion to study at a boarding school in rexxentrum after jester had been forced out of the city. But the traveler had sensed something coming, after the destruction of emon, before thordak had moved on to a bigger horizon, and jester had led their escape. ((since this is pre-vox machina bringing artagan from the feywild and into the material plane, the traveler has less of a material prescene (lol), and jester is a warlock alongside fjord))
Abe are doubtful, but jester is light incarnate and she and fjord join up with them on their dragon killing plans. A few miles outside of hupperdook - bren had been asleep, when they set out, and the accidently move north before anyone realizes - they run into two other teenagers, trying to move towards town. Yasha, recently escaped from her tribe after they tried to kill her for falling in love with zuala - zuala, injured and still with them, supported by yasha everystep of the way - and mollymauk, recently having clawed his way out of an ash covered grave by tomb takers who had seen thordak coming months ago and tried a ritual to stop it that instead took lucien away, who is still shaky on his feet and mute but zuala’s been teaching him sign language. Abe know sign, already, so it’s simple enough for them to join the troupe after they realize how good the three of them are at fighting, injuries aside. They meet calianna, who’s trying desperately to figure out what’s going on, the draconic side of her burning with rage. She doesn’t join them for long, but long enough to help them in the fight against the mechs that have been corrupted in hupperdook.
They are stopped for a few weeks, to let bren heal after a fight against a mecha in hupperdook, to let zuala get a little steadier on her feet, mollymauk more comfortable for the group. Then they press on, still heading towards blumenthal, around the mountains. Bren turns seventeen with a cake made clumsily in a firepit, and it is still the best thing he’s tasted in months.
On their way through the felderwin tillage, they encounter what seems to be an empty cart, piled high with supplies - in their investigation of it, a smaller person dressed in all black attacks them, until she realizes they’re all kids. That’s when they join up with nott and yeza - both of them having just turned 20, making them the oldest in the group now. Nott is VERY PROTECTIVE
The push on towards kamorhad - monster encounters, encouraged by the destruction of the city. They skirt around zadash, not wanting to risk it, and end up bumping into beau, newly turned 18, who had been training with the cobalt soul and was sent out by them to try and get information on the dragons to aid in their takedown. She, with her sending stone, then serves as the groups liason between the rebel forces gathering in zadash, hidden from the dragons through the pumat’s endless attempt to sheild the city in a modified version of leomunds hut. It didn’t save all of it, but it saved the heart of the city, and that is where the people have gathered, living in the streets.
So beau joins them, then.
Caduceus is the last to join them, arriving to their growing entourage as they stray too close to the mountains. Caduceus had been sent away from the grove by his parents, in a last ditch effort to get the kids out before the dragons arrive, who were burning and icing a path through the savaleir wood on their way to rexxentrum. They sent him through teleport to - they were aiming for vasselheim, but they had failed spectaculalry, and he had no real way to contact them. But they find him, and easily welcome into their grasp once they realize that he’s a healer. Caduceus is hurting and malnourished and shaky, but he’s powerful in a way that comes from survival, and he fits into their group like a knife in it’s slot.
Finally, finally, they make their way to the zemni feilds. But - blumenthal isn’t there.
There’s nothing there.
The forest is there, the feilds are there, but the town is gone. Their parents houses are gone.
Not burned. Unless it’s been longer than they thought, years of overgrowth the grow over ashes, but -
It’s like there was nothing there at all.
It’s at that point that they realize they can’t keep going like this. Blumenthal was - is - it’s gone. That goal is gone, now.
Which means theyre new goal is to kill a dragon.
Simple, right?
At least they’re together.
At least - they have some chance of fighting this.
They build a base for themselves, in woods where blumenthal used to be. They know all the caves there, all the tunnels of their youth that they widen now, make their own. They build their own home, there.
And we skip a few months - to when they’ve met twiggy, calianna joins them, shakaste (their token adult), and reani, essek - far flung from his home, who had been aiming for something and stopped by the magic protecting xhorhas from invaders. To them, more powerful now, who had fought off smaller dragons and worms, and who are now planning on infiltrating rexxentrum to get more information on the situation.
Bren has teleportation magic now, his focus switched away from fire and towards transmutation, to the power to keep his friend family safe. Eodwulf has his sword, his half elven heritage manfiesting in faster movements, better attacks, a rapier that he trusts his life with. And astrid has sending, she communicates, and can brew poison strong enough for anything. And they leave the others behind, because this should only be a week - teleport in, look forinformation, teleport out. But - they get close enough to see the dragon. To see his court. And ikithon is there.
Helping, him.
Ruling alongside him, almost.
And they kill their master, because - too many things make sense now. They were never meant to survive that attack.
Ikithon dies in the longest battle theyve ever faced, and then - They are magic, too. Not as trusted as their master, but thordak is looking for magic, looking for help, and he sees oppurtunity in them.
And he takes them, and makes them his.
They warn the others. Astrid does - bren is kept under thordaks claw, kept for his affinity for fire and knowledge, but eodwulf and astrid are less watched.
And they stay there for months.
It takes weeks to make a plan, but they make one. Astrid brews medicine, bren feeds it to thordak, and slowly - under the guise of his curse getting worse - they poison the dragon, until he’s a bloating mess and bren is pratically ruling the city in his stead. And eodwulf - he spends his days lurking around the city, passing messages, sticking to the shadows, building an army and building a plan.
It is six months later, and thordak - still a dragon. Still ancient. But bloated, poisoned, ill enough that he can’t fly, can barely move. And eodwulf starts a revolution.
The dragon dies beneath eodwulf, astrid, and bren, while their friends and the city fight an army outside of the lair. Bren and astrid almost don’t make it, and their friends, the city - everyone barely survives.
But they survive.
It’s at that point, when eodwulf is hauling his friends out of the collapsing lair, the only one still standing, all three of them barely arrive, that vox machina arrive - vox machina, who’s spent months and months fighting the rest of the conclave, preparing for a war in rexxentrum, and who arrive to find the war already run. But they help pick up the peices, and help astrid and bren and wulf recover after months of having to serve thordak, and essentially vox machina adopt all of the mighty nein, everyone recovers and lives happily ever after , the end!!!!
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violetlunette · 5 years
Tropes/Cliches I Hate
So there are a lot of lists stating cliches people hate and this is another one. If you like these, that’s fine, I just get irked when I see them myself and want to rant a little. This isn’t a top ten list, just a list of things I dislike. There won’t be any romance tropes here as they deserve and have their own list. Also, most of these are story telling tropes, so just a heads up. Anyway, let me know what you personally think and tropes you hate and why. Oh, and SPOILERS! Before warned.
Tropes/Cliches I Hate
Too Much Drama/Unearned Drama: My most HATED trope. Don’t get me wrong; I like drama okay, but if it’s over loaded or feels like it was just thrown in for by the writers I get frustrated. Yes I know that writers do that to keep people interested, but can’t they make it feel natural or earned?
I liked “Finding Carter’s” drama; This is a story about a girl who discovers she was kidnapped as a toddler by the woman she called mother all her life and being reunited with her birth family. The drama makes sense and is earned by the whole family; (SPOILERS)
Carter’s whole world is turned upside down so her attitude, while mean at times is understandable.
Taylor has spent her whole life terrified of disappearing like her sister and has had her fear fed by her parents, so has lived a sheltered life.
Their mom lost a kid which has affected her marriage so she started to sleep with her partner and was even planning to leave, however when she found Carter she didn’t want to break her family again. Hell, even the drama with the villain is understandable as Carter and Taylor came from her eggs/she was a surrogate mom who was sleeping with the father at the time. You can see why she might think the twins were hers and that she had a right to take one. This is great drama and I would have loved it, but then they had to give the side characters the angstiest backstories they could which distracts from the family at times and felt unneeded.
And I know; that what drama are about. Angst central, I know, but that’s why I don’t watch a lot of drama. At the very least I want it to be earned an in character or story.
The fifth book of Harry Potter did this fairly well as all the drama came from the characters and their actions. Sirius died due to Harry’s impulsive actions and Dumbledore want to keep Harry in the dark to “protect him.” And the drama hits all the harder because it’s something that could happen in real life (minus the magic stuff.).
A bad example is Gilmore Girls where they force the character April in with a bunch of random drama just to keep Luke and Lorelei apart. There was a legitimate way to put off the wedding; have Luke be afraid of rushing things and feeling like he’s the one who has to make all the compromises and give up things and he runs away for awhile. Hell, they could have kept the plot line of her jumping into bed with Christopher because as terrible as that was it was still a very Lorelei thing to do. But the plot with April and everything after? UNNEEDED AND UNWANTED.
We’re not together, but I’m Pregnant/The Baby Plot: Okay, I love babies—when I don’t have to change them or be woken up at 3:00 in the morning. They’re soft, cute, adorable, and squishy! However in TV the baby is usually born to a “will they won’t they” couple as a way to force them together when the writers made the audience believe they were separating them or for drama. News flash writers; if the only way you can keep a couple together is to throw a baby in the mix, then just give up on the pair!
Babies are used for like one arc to cause drama, then are tossed to the side with maybe a passing mention so it’s like what’s the point?
It’s a cheap way to keep a couple together. A child should NOT be a plot deceive to keep a couple together or create drama. Ross and Rachel were the worse along with Belle and Rumple; Ross and Rachel had fallen into a slump and the audience were starting to move on and look at other options for them so the writers thought they could yank us back by revealing they had sex and Rachel was pregnant. All this led to was the same slapstick they went through when they were together before and they never worked through the issues they had before, mainly that they were jealous, possessive, and vindictive except now they had a BABY.
With the Rumbelle the writers couldn’t decide what the hell they wanted with Rumple (did they want him to be evil or a hero), but knew his actions were pushing Belle (and the fans) away. So what did they do? Threw a baby into the mix with a whole contrived plot that was just—what? I mean, it COULD have worked, but not the way the writers did it.
Writers, people; IT IS NEVER A CHILD’S JOB TO FIX A COUPLE. A baby is not a plot device they are people and deserve more respect than they get. If a couple can’t stay together by themselves, then a baby is not going to help. All it does is trap two people and why would want a couple that’s forced together that way?
“We’re trying to protect ya so we ain’t telling ya shit” and Bad communication skills: How many problems in stories could be solved if two people just sat down and talked instead of keeping secrets. Like “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.” If Dumbledore had told Harry that Voldemort could get into his head and could hurt people Sirius might be alive. And in a couple? I don’t need to list an example. You’re already thinking of a moment where a couple got into a fight because they didn’t just sit down and talk.
That being said I do like this trope as a potential reason for a hero being ignorant of their past at the beginning of a series as I like the hero from a muggle world. At the very least I want the person keeping the secrets to be called out on it.
Insane maniac pixie girl: This a low one as there are some I like, however I feel this character is over done lately and honestly I can only take so much of the personality. They’re always so loud, screaming all the time, squeaky, and have no sense of personal space. I mean, I like Webby and Mabel, but even then I can only take so much squealing. (I dunno, maybe I have sensitive ears.)
I’m not dead!: Disney gets away with this because the brought backs happen towards the end of the film and isn’t done time and again in the same movie. Compare to the Dragon Ball series were death is like a mosquito bite. Why should I care if they get hurt or the world dies? Just wish them back and everything is fine! Seriously, is anyone who watches DBZ concerned when a character gets hurt or dies still? It’s a cheap trick that feels like a “ha! Fooled you!” moment.
High school drama / Skewd Priorities: Okay when I say high school drama I mean focusing on a school dance when the world is at stake or worrying about whether or not a boy likes you when a murder is on the loose, or focusing on school junk when we as the readers want tto focus on the fantasy elements. This is mostly in YA dealing with kids, so some of this is understandable, but even so it’s not fun to read and even teenagers hate being portrayed like this (at least the one or two I know). When I  was teenager I liked the prom and stuff for quiet moments in stories, but NOT when there was a villain loose or danger was coming. Whenever that popped up I was like, ‘bitch wtf is wrong with you! Who cares about a zit when you have super magical powers.’ When I read a fantasy I want to focus on the fantasy elements, not school! School is boring.
Too Easily Forgiven: Forgiveness is wonderful thing, however it should be earned and you know some things can’t and shouldn’t be forgiven. For me it’s murder. Now if it’s between two warriors in a fight that’s one thing, but hurting or killing innocent civilians? No. No, no. Or hey, what if a person has been horribly bullying you or making your life miserable? Do you have to forgive, fuck no. Now I’m not saying you should seek revenge, but I’d rather they just choose that they don’t want to be angry and anymore and decide to move on.
Forgiveness should be earned when they’ve truly hurt someone and even if they feel remorseful, characters still have the right to be angry when they’ve been hurt or had someone they love taken from them.
All humans /muggles are bastards / idiots: Yeah, humans are assholes. We get it. No one knows how bad humans are than other humans, but you know what? Humans have done amazing things to conquer natural selection and the fact that other humans is humanity’s greatest enemy shows just how powerful the human race is. And not everyone wants to blow up shit, some of us work VERY hard to help and save everything we can and the rest are just trying to live our lives without hurting anyone. We may not be top dog, but we’re not bottom of the barrel either. And why should other races get put on pedestal as the woobie race or holier than thou? That doesn’t make them more interesting it just makes them annoying. I see this trope in almost every fantasy, can’t we switch it up a little?
magical speciesism / the blood must remain pure: Ignoring the real life implications this trope’s just been over done. Can’t we turn this around and have it that cross breeding between a magical and a human is considered the norm or a good thing? Switch it up a bit?
Ron the death Eater and Draco in Leather pants: This annoying enough in the fandom where we like to exaggerate and things we like and dislike, but in the actual show it’s insulting to the character AND the fans. If there’s something wrong with the character then the writers should make an arc to improve them, not drag the character through the mud.
On the other end if a character is an asshole you can’t just make them a hero suddenly and expect the audience to buy it. The characters have to earn their redemption.
And those are ten tropes I hate. How about you guys? What’s your thoughts? Do you hate them or am I alone? And what do guys hate to see in stories?
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fireeaglespirit · 5 years
@beyond-far-horizons​ as promised, a short summary on my Orion, he takes a lot after the mythology of the constellation but not completely as you’ll see... I’ve done some homework ^^
I’m writing a larger post for one reply to Vivi concerning this all and it involves much more characters so I summed it up here for yah:
There’s probably some new things here so I’ll try to be slow.
Basically, Orion is a legendary guy who originated an entire dynasty under his name, the Orionis. In the story we have two main characters with this surname: Lyra and Procyon the sibling dragon-slayers and their dad, the King Sirius. There’s also another character with this surname in prequel timeline, called Adhara, so you can see he is quite important as ancestral figure for all these people...
Basically my Orion is the archetypal heroic figure and a legendary human warrior. He was the first king and one of the founders of the kingdom of Novencia. He’s quite the dude!! 
So, this is my dude Orion (made on Azalea dolls):
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I meant for him to look a bit like an older rugged version of Procyon, he’s more buffed and I kinda imagine him like early 2000′s long haired Hugh Jackman with gray eyes, lmao. The creator is limited but just imagine that.
This is his tale, more or less: 
“The legend tells that Orion was a common man born in Vraen’dur, yet he managed to led humanity to their uprise against their dragon lords.
Orion grew up as a Zunak (some sort of dragon servant) and witnessed the heart of Balauria from inside and vowed to protect humanity from the dragon’s cruelty, even if at the cost of his life. It is said that the goddess Astraea heard his prayers and saw his bravery, and she wept… observing from the skies she judged him worth and sent one of her own stars to aid him in his quest…  from the fallen star’s material several weapons were forged, powerful like no other and said to even surpass the avian mythical swords according to the lore of Novencia.
Orion managed to fulfill his dream and free his kin, even so, with all that power, he paid a great price to his deed. The legendary warrior died a few days after taking down Antares and namely founding the new city of Lindefal upon the ruins left from their battle. The great dragon managed to rip the hunter’s abdomen with the tip of his enormous tail before going down, like the iconic scorpion of the greek legends… despite the dragon’s size, the wound was minor, but it somehow festered as if he was poisoned and not the best healers of the time could intervene. Fate seeming claimed the hunter, ending the cycle..”
From an old post to Vivi. 
Note that the story completely erases any interference from other historical figures on Antares’ downfall, so its certainly not reliable… but Orion is nowadays seen as a savior among Novencia and his descent is widely respected and loved, not without a reason… but its not the complete story.
And this is Antares, the big bad red dragon. His arch-enemy:
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First of all, I choose Antares name because he is a huge red dragon. 
Just to place you what exactly Novencia means, it was the first human kingdom founded after an uproar against evil dragons (the old empire called Balauria whose ruler was Antares, the eldest, most powerful dragon and asshole in charge). This uproar was historically attributed to Orion as he was a central figure in the war and he died tragically little after that so everyone remembers him as the savior of mankind, but actually tons of people fought in this including some avians and early draconians, such as Galatea (Eltanin’s younger sister) and even dragons such as Antares’ own siblings Polaris and Ishanur were fundamental to the red dragon’s downfall... anyway.
Orion is the spirit of mankind and their pride, no less, this is why people are so proud of him and they love his descent. Antares is the heart of the Scorpio constellation, which was faced by the hunter, Orion, this isn't very different in my story, because my Orion kills Antares but he dies afterwards from a wound in his chest caused by the dragon’s tail striking him slightly as he fell to his death... kinda ironic and scorpion-like, I did as a homage to the ancient tale.. so they kinda destroy each other.
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The Scorpio kinda represents the monster defeated by mankind, also which is very interesting, as Antares wasn't originally a monster.
Its impossible to talk about Orion without talking of his arch enemy. I don’t know how much you know about this all, so just for refreshment: my dragon Antares is the elder brother of both Ishanur and Polaris, the black and white dragons respectively. 
To sum it up, Antares was magnificent and the most powerful dragon that probably ever existed, he challenged his predecessors with the intent of freeing himself and his siblings, however he eventually got addicted to POWAR and control and he left it corrupt it badly, he was overly proud and unbearable. He basically became which he swore to destroy, a tyrant, and the ancient kingdom they founded became hellish, so someone needed to take him down.
Anyway, random facts about Orion: 
Orion was born and raised in Vraen’dur (the old dragon city), I don’t have details but I imagine he was born among the Zunak (dragon servant family) and his father was serving directly under Antares himself so Orion must have had a closer look at the injustice of this system and he certainly had personal beef with the dragon Antares. The zunak are early ‘dragon priests’ but they didn't commune with the dragons power as Antares would never share it so they had just political advantage..
Orion’s lineage is called the Faelany, they could trace back to Astraea herself (the human turned goddess). Eltanin and Galatea belong to this too, they’re likely his cousins. All Faelany have black hair and gray eyes and ability to withstand colder climate easily, they also have the dreamblood (innate ability to access magic and use astral weapons (’weapons forged from stars’)), however this is not very important for now.. just linking this together to the draconian ancestors so you get an idea of the timeline, nowadays this name is mostly forgotten and everyone calls them the ‘Orionis’;
Orion’s legendary astral weapon was named Rigel. It even has the blue color of the real life star but I haven’t decided if it is really an arrow-like weapon as the mythology suggests (you can help me on that);
The astral weapons are thus human weapons unlike the solar/lunar weapons who are always meant for avians and draconians.. I always name them with names of stars belonging to constellations I align with my human people, such as Orion itself;
Rigel and most of his weapons were lost forever and they’re holy grails to the dragon slayers as it was told they have been forged from the heart of a fallen star, and so they’re regarded as one of the few things in existence able to kill or seal a true dragon… even if temporarily (they can be revived but it corrupts them). Dragons are known as creatures of the stars and only similar power can harm them properly;
Orion had a friend called Regulus, the founder of house Leonis and he was king after him. The meritocratic ruling system and laws of Novencia were established by Regulus, actually. One way or another, Orion was a cool guy and he wanted to free humanity from the shackles of slavery, there’s was never an intention to rule or anything but he still ended up as the most famous king ever even if technically he barely ruled at all, Regulus honored his memory afterwards; 
He was the one to give the final, decisive blow to Antares. I choose this for several lore reasons but he wasn't alone in that feat;
The Orionis dynastic name was not created by him or Regulus either, it was Adhara, his young kin who crowned herself after his name as Adhara Orionis, giving birth to the tradition of human houses naming themselves after the founders... p.s.: she is something else as she caused a lot of problems for early Novencia which would make Orion cringe, but that’s for another story.
I think this is it! This is all I know about him right now.. I’m writing a complex post on early Novencia so this will cover some of Orion’s story and how he rebelled against Antares and his friendship with Regulus, etc.. I love that guy, he is great!
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