#and the guy is lovely but oof
goodlorddreamer · 7 months
I want this commission to be DONE
but I started it with a lot of collaborative feedback and it’s taking forever and I’m so fucking tired
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turtleblogatlast · 3 months
Leo getting hit with a truth curse but instead of forcing him to admit to super sad or worrying things it’s things like “it was me who broke the remote” “I saw Mikey prank Donnie and helped hide it because it’s way funnier if he didn’t know who it was” “I rip my clothes to look more like Raph’s because he’s really cool” “my stripes aren’t even red they’re pink!”
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt leo#rise leo#plot twist he COULD be admitting angsty stuff but he’s pushing the less oof truths forward instead on purpose#raph: hey leo what do you want for dinner#leo: *about to bare his soul on all his internal torment but pivots* I’m afraid of snakes#(no but fr Leo’s stripes being technically more pink instead of red is cute ngl)#(a very reddish pink to the point that in certain lighting it looks red but at the base they’re p pink)#(i also am very fond of the idea that Leo doesn’t just have questionable taste in fashion he also just loves Raph a lot and looks up to him)#but yeah I think that something like this would be 99% Leo admitting to unimportant things or admitting to how much he values everyone#like they all KNOW Leo loves them and he’s talked them up enough for them to know but it’s different when he’s like#‘I just wanna read my comics with you guys around - it’s my favorite place to be’#or again just random bs that doesn’t REALLY have a lot of weight like#‘I like using my portals to prank random people around the world’#‘I’m worried about being a bad influence on hueso jr’#‘sometimes I kinda wanna see hypno’s plans succeed’#‘it’s been way too long since I found this out and honestly it’s embarrassing but I actually don’t have a di-‘#SORRY COULDNT HELP MYSELF#(<-but did u know that that pink rather than red observation actually ties into this headcanon as well if u know about red eared sliders)
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When discussing or analyzing Dazai, one thing I hope you will keep in mind when reading anything I write about him is that from my perspective, he is always, always both.
What do I mean by this? Well, I find there tends to be a general split among people who hold the opinion that "he's a manipulator and will always be manipulative" and "he's doing his best to be good and helpful and live up to Oda's last wishes for him", of which, neither is completely right - because he is both. But even among the people who hold to this dual-nature interpretation, I find that his individual actions and motivations still tend to be thought of in a dichotomous manner - is it manipulative, or genuine?
Again, I think it's always both.
Dazai has a very pragmatic view on a lot of things - he is always looking for the usefulness of things and people so that the situation turns out in his favour. He's incredibly adept at this, and his prediction and placement and careful reveals are all manipulation tactics to get his allies and enemies doing exactly what he needs them to. I don't think anyone can contest this since we see it over and over in the series.
But that's not all there is to it. He's not solely manipulative and he does, to some extent, sympathize with others - I think there are several instances of this in the series, but I want to stress that this has been apparent since Chapter 1!
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For context, Dazai is recalling what Atsushi said to him a few minutes earlier, but it's very interesting that it should be this specific part of the conversation. He could've flashed back to the part where Atsushi said he had nowhere to go; no money, no food - he is about to trick him into joining, after all, and this is the key piece he uses to basically force Atsushi into the Agency. But instead it's Atsushi's self-deprecation that catches his attention, and it really does, because even during the conversation, he turns to look at him after he says this with an odd expression.
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You could say that this makes Atsushi easier to manipulate, if that's your angle, but that can't be solely it, because in the later conversation with Hirotsu, we know Dazai was planning to bring Atsushi into the Agency and set him up as one half of the new Double Black the moment he met him. The panel shown there is the riverbank, set much earlier in the day than this scene. He was already planning to pair him with Akutagawa since he figured out he was the tiger, so what's with this reaction?
Well. Sometimes the simplest explanation is the best.
He manipulated Atsushi into joining with the intention of utilizing him in his future plans. He also helped him and gave him a place to belong, and importantly, he likes this kid! It's both.
I think much of it might be that his brain just kinda works way too fast - he's such a natural at crafting these elaborate plots and seeing how things connect and gathering useful people like resources that it's practically automatic - though this is not a great means when you're trying to be a kinder person. There's an omake, I believe, that has him saying "I like using my head for justice", i.e. using these underhanded means to act for the better. Not great, but those are the kind of gifts he has. He's way more suited to exploitation, but is choosing to use these tactics to save people now, which is quite reminiscent of what he tells Kyouka. Kyouka's talents lie in killing people - when what you're good at isn't who you want to be, what do you do? Well, I expect you use what you have, even if it's not ideal.
Now, about the current situation with Sigma - I think he definitely likes him, and is intrigued by him and his situation. We did get a little thought bubble where the guy amusedly compares him to Atsushi, and you can't tell me he doesn't care about Atsushi (listen to the onsen drama cd, or read 55 Minutes if you somehow don't believe me). But also, it's undeniable that Sigma is in a very vulnerable position of being homeless and having had no one be genuinely kind to him before. His trust is very easy to earn, and with the latest chapter, Dazai has now saved his life multiple times. There is, as always, a practical purpose he needs him for. And I have to be somewhat amused because Dazai is quite literally telling Sigma everything he ever wanted and needed to hear. It's a brilliant means of quickly endearing himself to Sigma - but I don't think that's all it is.
Look. The most honest moments we get in this series from Dazai are, interestingly for an expert manipulator, when people are at their most vulnerable. In spite of every pointlessly cruel act he inflicted on Akutagawa, his first meeting with him was open and transparent; much like the orphanage director, it seems he thought this treatment would make him strong and adaptable (he's wrong but that's not the point of this). He cuts Kyouka off in irritation and says "don't give me that" when she implies that she would fail the entrance exam. He tells Atsushi it's normal to cry after losing a father figure and to feel however you feel, even if that person caused you nothing but incredible pain and cannot be forgiven. He refuses to entertain Sigma's assumptions that Dazai sees himself as a superior being to him.
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Selective honesty can also be utilized to great effect; Mori does this, and undoubtedly it serves this purpose for Dazai too. But I want to stress that I do sincerely believe this is all still honesty from him. Manipulation, or genuine?
Both. It's both.
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setaflow · 2 years
Me reading every piece of info I can get my grubby little hands on about the Try Guys cheating scandal
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kyo-hiki · 1 month
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thinking about him... <3
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doktorventure · 8 months
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It’s them
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crescentfool · 2 months
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happy mochizuki monday, have a little doodle i made based on a convention i went to this past weekend :)
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crazymecjc · 5 months
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child of misfortune.
hi @gemini-in-tauro!! I’m your belated secret santa!!! all of your prompts were so good, I almost couldn’t choose, but then oz possessed me lmao. hope you enjoy!!
thank you again to @i-prefer-the-term-antihero for hosting this event!
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mugwot · 5 months
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small happinesses
thanks to @wonder-of-the-stars for the designs <3
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transboysokka · 5 months
Okay but Mako having a really embarrassing triad tattoo that he jumps through hoops to keep anyone from ever seeing
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wrathofrats · 4 months
Would we mayhapse get another round of the Dew fights with someone and they have to very roughly make up like that SwissDew one I'm sure we all love deeply (I know I do)
Ofc dear anon, also I’m so so very happy you enjoyed my Swissdew series, I regard that one so very deeply in my heart. I hope you enjoy this one!
Mist finally confronts dew after his transition.
Warnings for hurt no comfort, implied but not described character death/tragic event, implied but not described torture/traumatic events, mist blames aether and omega for dew and deltas botched transitions
“So you really went through with it”
Dew barely registers the sound of her walking outside. The light from the kitchen brightens the space behind him as mist slides open the door. He can’t help but wince seeing her shadow darken his space on the porch.
The cold air whips around them, bringing goosebumps to mists skin while dew sits in his chair unphased, a pile of ashes and old newspapers lay beside him. The air smells like dead leaves tinged with the smoke coming from dew burning pieces of paper at his fingertips. Something that would be comforting on any other night makes her stomach turn. His usual smell of aloe and chamomile long since singed into a sickly petrol that invaded her senses. Mist hadn’t seen him since his transition until now, dew purposely avoiding her to avoid this very interaction.
“I’m sure aethers real pleased with his work this time” mist bites. An attempt to antagonize him, force him to finally talk to her. She doesn’t bother to sit down, only chooses to stand behind dew and wonders if he will even spare her a glance. The wind scatters his pile of ashes, sending them into the yard as dew puts out the flame on his finger.
“Don’t bring aether into this”
“Why shouldn’t I? You know what happened to delta-“
“Delta wasn’t aethers fault mist”
Her throat closes hearing her own name come from his lips. Something she hadn’t heard in weeks and she honestly didn’t know if she would ever hear it again. Because of a botched transition or dew practically disowning her she didn’t know. But a searing ice cold chill ran down her spine. A small part of her brain begged him to just look at her.
“It wasn’t but it was the same situation. If omega of all ghouls can fuck up did you really expect me to trust aether?”
Dew grabs another newspaper and turns it into ash as his flame only grows hotter.
“I told you to stop fucking mentioning him”
“And why should I? What if something happened” it’s all mist can do to not raise her voice. She tries to focus on the sky, count the stars instead of wondering what dew even looks like under his hood. She wonders if it’s even her dewdrop under there. She’s scared of the answer.
“Aether loves me. He wouldn’t do anything to hurt me” more ash dances around the deck, a line of minuscule destruction in favor of lighting the entire deck up while dew attempts to control his new magic.
“Do you think we didn't love delta? He wasn’t some failed experiment like you seem to think he was” mist rubs her face with her sleeve, catching a stray tear that was forming as the cold air invaded her skin
“I never said that”
“Besides, did it not hurt? Did aether not hurt you when he fucking scarred over your gills? Did it not hurt when he forced the fire magic through your veins? Did it not burn? Do you honestly think-“
“What the fuck is your point mist?” Dew stands up to face her.
She can’t help her reaction. A gasp covered by her hands as she stares at what used to be her water ghoul. The gills along his neck had scarred over hastily, red and wrinkled irritated skin stretched over them irregularly. The veins in his hands had turned an ashy grey color, no doubt a side effect of the searing fire ghoul powers that now coursed through them. Dew quickly covers his hands with the sleeves of his sweatshirt, looking away from mists gaze.
“My point is I could hear you screaming in the infirmary dew.” A tear falls down her face as she fixates on the irregular skin around his neck
“I was fine”
“I stayed there every night until omega told me you were ok. Don’t tell me you were fine when I had to listen to you go through that” her fists clench at her side. Dew still won’t look her in the eye.
“You didn’t have to stay. That’s your fault”
Dew makes the mistake of finally looking at mist. A tear runs down her cheek as he takes in her own state. Dark bags under her eyes as she wraps one of dews discarded jackets around herself. The glance doesn’t last for more than a second or two before dew sits back down again. It’s not a sight he wants to bare, he doesn’t want to believe that mist has torn herself to shreds because of him.
There’s no response that makes sense for her to say. A sick feeling in her stomach after weeks of fighting with him to be told it’s her fault for caring. And maybe it was her fault for spending multiple sleepless nights in the infirmary, for standing at dews door multiple times a day hoping he would answer when she knocked, hell even for not being able to take off the jacket she stole from him months ago.
“I thought you were going to die dew”
The words burn in her throat. A reality she hasn’t yet faced but hits her like a bag of concrete.
He stands up once again, gaze fixed to the ground as he pushes past her to open the door and walk inside.
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frogchiro · 2 years
Pierro x Khaen'rhian Princess is such a delicious concept sheesh! 😮‍💨 Really makes my corruption kink go brrrrr if I’m being honest here.
Pierro having you sit upon his lap and in front of a mirror as he teaches you how to pleasure yourself. His deft fingers are quick to work you up and over the edge. Showers your exposed skin with kisses and praise as you come down from your high, body still trembling from your release. He’s bound and determined to get you addicted to his touches and cock. All you need is him so behave and let him breed you.
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nonnie...nonnie this is what i needed in my life, THIS is my basic needs pyramid
also the potential this has?? the corruption, the power imbalance, pierro's sheer dominance...and his need to serve you, his princess, wait on hand and foot while the fire of the need to have you submit yourself to give burns bright in his chest,,
f!reader, smut, age difference, power imbalance, obsessive behavior, pierro calls reader nicknames like princess, pet; a bit of breeding kink, a/b/o-esque, virgin!reader, khaen'rhian princess!reader au, hints at pierro being yandere, reader and pierro are a feral happy mess
it all started one winter evening, while you just came back from your usual walk around the palace gardens. pierro never understood what exactly you saw in them, after all it's winter almost all year long here in snezhnaya, so it's not like the gardens are bustling with much plant life anyway and all what's left there are snow covered dead trees and whimsical ice sculptures, but he guesses that after hundreds of years of non-stop running with no place to call a real home he can somehow understand this little pleasure of yours.
he observed you from his place on the comfy couch he lounged on, a glass of golden whiskey lazily held in his hand as he watched you with hooded eyes while you chattered about the new ice sculptures that apparently somehow appeared in the gardens and the cute tiny birds you fed while you were there.
after quickly shedding the snow-soaked cloak and clothes and completing your nightly routine, you walked out of the bathroom clothed only in your silky nightgown and a fur-lined see through robe and shamefully pierro had to admit to himself that his cock jumped in his soft trousers as he watched your figure walk closer to him, a bright smile and the ever present twinkle in your eyes, the picture of innocence you painted made the blood in his veins burn.
the man let out a appreciative rumble when you sat in his lap and made yourself comfortable, nuzzling against his neck and beard, your own chirp being answered quickly with a lazy growl as his free hand wrapped itself around your waist, possessively squeezing the soft chubby flesh there, his other hand placing the empty glass back onto the low table so it could grab the skin of your thigh.
the hand squeezing your waist moved higher to the low, lacy neckline of your gown before pushing the strap from your shoulder. pierro hungrily observed the elegant lines of your chest being reveled, the delicious little 'sir pierro' you moaned out when his clawed fingers traced the lines of your cleavage down to your naked breast, tracing your nipple and lightly nipping your neck and collarbone.
as he kept ravaging your with the softest touches, your primal noises of growls, chirrups and purrs intertwining and making the most exquisite symphony pierro ever heard, the white haired man suddenly thought of something.
it never really occurred to him that since the beginning of your relationship-your journey hundreds of years ago, fleeing from the burning cursed debris that was your former country, your kingdom, you two never really got to officially get intimate with each other.
sure, since pierro finally gathered the courage to court you ever since you settled down in snezhnaya and he became a harbinger you had your fair share of warm, intimate encounters with each other like right now, but you never went all the way.
don't get him wrong, pierro loves you with all his heart, he loved you since the first day he saw you back in khaen'rhia when the king, your father, oh so graciously introduced you to him, a day he will never forget and cherish right up till death comes knocking at your door.
the way you smiled like an angel, the soft curve of your full lips like a dream, the way your lashes fluttered and a bright blush appeared on your cheeks was all pierro needed to swear to himself to never ever let anything ruin your innocence; and he did a good fucking job, even after so many years you still remained a perfect pure little virgin, the sharp watchful eyes of 'sir pierro' as you called him followed you everywhere, but could you really blame him?
even after all the trauma, all the bloodshed and losses you still were the same young woman he met all those years ago, always trying to see the best in everyone and every situation, your naiveness and kindness was cute to him but also dangerous in a flawed and full of sinners world like this so he swore to himself that he'll be your provider, your teacher, your protector. he'll protect you like he couldn't protect your kingdom. he loves you so so much it sometimes physically hurts him.
and now you're here, naked but warm as the big fireplace roared and shone brightly, beautiful golden and amber light dancing across your soft skin as one of your hands remained hooked back on pierro's neck, the other tightly grasping his hand which was busy gripping your waist and belly as he held you closely against his clothed chest, warm and soft against your naked back.
the man's other hand was busy between your legs, gently running his fingers along your slit, circling your clit, teasingly dipping his fingers inside your hole just to feel you clench before taking them out and repeating the process.
you never felt pleasure like this, this is after all the first time you and pierro went this far; maybe not all the way like you oh so desperately wanted, no, needed, but on the other hand you were secretly relieved. you were still a virgin after all and judging by the sheer size difference between you and your protector, the size of his...parts wasn't anything close to small either.
as he said it, he was 'only teaching you about your body and how to please yourself' but your thoughts were muddled by pierro's constant attentive touches. that, paired with his quiet rumbles of 'you're doing so good my princess' or 'keep your eyes open lovely little pet, just look at how wet you got when i stroked this spot, feels good doesn't it?' only managed to sent you right up to the heights of pleasure, brain pleasantly clouded with a mist of love, affection and the need to please your man, the same one who spend years protecting you and caring for you, loving you.
while you were getting lost in the pleasure, pierro's own selfish thoughts and instincts were roaring inside him. the need to corrupt you and your innocence, the need to own you, to make you his and his alone made him let out a feral growl and he sunk his sharp teeth in your shoulder, the surprised squeal mixed with a chirp you let out music to his ears and he didn't even care if he left a mark, in fact he hoped he did.
'will show them that this one belongs to me. she's already spoken for, little one needs no man beside me'
if he was a lesser man, he'd have mounted and fucked you the second your presented yourself so deliciously in your tiny see-through night gown, bred you so well that by the end of the night you'd be left a panting spend mess, cuddling him and surely pregnant with his pup, but alas, pierro is not a lesser man.
after all he's pierro, the jester, the man who commands the fatui with an iron fist and wears the mocking mask as a way to laugh in the face of gods, and that pierro has endless plains of patience and he refuses to rush things with you and possibly hurt you in the process, he thinks he'd tear his own heart out if he hurt you in any way, especially this way, when you should associate pleasure and warm intimacy with him in the best ways possible.
well, at least almost endless, since he can't wait for the day you'll be officially wed to him, the ultimate mark of ownership over you, you will be finally his and his alone until the end of days.
but these thoughts can wait, now he has to focus on you and your pleasure in the moment. he feels you clench around his fingers, wrapped around them like a vice as he keeps delicately rubbing over and over your sweetest spot, the little bundle of nerves send sparks of seemingly infinite pleasure through your body.
suddenly he feels you tense, a full body shiver running over you. a gasp of his name leaving your red-bitten lips as your orgasm washes over you, white clouding your vision as you feel almost as if you're floating.
pierro smiles lightly, another rumble leaving his lips, his instincts sated for the moment, pleased with knowing he satisfied his little mate. he slowly thrusted his fingers in and out of your pussy, not wanting to painfully overstimulate you and to slowly bring you down from you orgasm.
when your body finally relaxes enough for him to pull his fingers out and not hurt you, you slump against his strong chest and a multitude of deep, sated purrs makes its way from your chest as you close your eyes and nuzzle your partner, trying to get as close to him as possible, your feral instincts telling you that a strong male is present and will be able to protect you.
pierro picked you up as gently as he could and carried you over to your shared nest, the bed filled with all sorts of warm furs, pillows and fuzzy blankets you both carefully arranged to make your small safe space.
he laid you down before quickly climbing inside, ridding himself of his clothes in the process to allow himself to be as close to you as possible before snuggling against you as he felt your body slowly going lax, a small smile on your lips as you let sleep take you.
he watched you until he knew you were asleep before placing a soft kiss on your cheek and lips, your purrs mingling with each other indicating a happy couple.
yeah, he couldn't wait to finally tie the knot and make his princess officially his
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completeoveranalysis · 6 months
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Also I’m just. Reeling over the fact that Lava Lamp didn’t know Watanuki at all before this moment. And yet later pre-paid something to Yuuko to keep him alive when he fell out that window. 
Just like how Lava Lamp saw Clone Syaoran being born and shoved half his soul in him, hoping that he’d eventually grow enough of his own that he’d become his own person. 
Lava Lamp ending up with two sort-of kind-of brothers, and caring about them instantly and wanting them to survive and be their own person, even when he’s so intently focussed on saving Sakura. 
Lava Lamp really ripping himself apart to save everyone close to him he possibly can. 
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derit-s · 1 year
Dear God is there a piece of media where Milo Manheim gets the girl and does not have spray painted green hair......... Is that too much to ask
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personally think the madney wedding should've been in the finale.
i think they should've been like 'we can wait' and then have the show bait everyone into thinking we had to wait until s8 to have Maddie Han, and then BAM, everyone's in the hospital with Bobby, and he's like 'yall might be able to wait, but clearly, i cannot, can we get this over with so i can see you guys get married, preferably before i die?'
and they have a hospital wedding still, but their officiant (if that the term) is the one in the hospital bed. And the people that matter are all there, and i just think it would be really sweet, idk. I think it would be a cute play on the hospital wedding trope, and would give us a nice season finale.
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tyudeongi · 16 days
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+ binnie, vinnie & woongie ending fairies 🧚🏻✨
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