#and the crush i have is a very tragic one on someone who helped me get my current job but has now left the organisation
sarahlancashire · 10 months
tagged by @sophiedevreaux, thank you 💖
Rules: bold the ones that are true and tag 15 people to do it.
blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails // i typically wear make-up // i don’t often smile // i am pleased with how i look // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backwards
i play a sport // i can play an instrument // i am artistic // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to tv shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing // i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks // i can do a handstand
i am in a relationship // i have been single for over a year // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sun rise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colours // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least three dogs
i'm too shy to tag people so please feel free just to say i tagged you if you want to do this!!!!
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"Hello." A dull thwack sound reverberated across the rooftop, leaving the boy who snuck up on Red Robin clutching his head. The boy, a meta if the large animal ears and tail were anything to go by, shook off the pain and pouted up at him, "What was that for?!"
The vigilante was unrepentant, holding his bo staff in a ready position, "You snuck up behind a vigilante at night. In Gotham."
"Okay," the meta conceded, still pouting. "You have a point there. Robin threw ninja stars at me when I tried to approach Batman."
That got Tims attention, "You tried to approach Batman? Was there something you needed?"
The kid suddenly got serious, "My mom went missing. I haven't been able to contact her for almost two weeks now."
Red pulled his arm closer to his face before he began typing on his wrist computer, "Can you tell me her name and date of birth?"
"Um." The other teen fidgetted with his tail a bit, "Okay, so...she's kinda Cheetah."
"...come again?"
"She's Cheetah. The...the supervillian."
Red Robin stared at him, and honestly who could blame him? The bats hadn't even known Cheetah had a son. "So why are you in Gotham? Why not ask Wonder Woman for help? Cheetahs one of her rogues not ours."
The teen shook his head, "She went to meet someone in Gotham before she disappeared. She seemed really agitated before she left, almost scared. I've never seen her like that before." He paused, giving the vigilante time to type before continuing, "I didn't go Wonder Woman since I figured I would wind up needing to talk to a bat anyway since its your turf and all." He said, waving a hand as if gesturing to the city around them.
"I wasn't aware Cheetah had a kid."
The meta grimaced, "she didn't until a year ago."
Red gave him a look, as if urging him to go on.
The meta chuffed, sounding a lot like whatever big cat he was supposed to be, "I'll only tell you my tragic backstory if you promise to help me find my mom."
"I'll find your mom." The bird said without an ounce of hesitation. Tim was a little offended. Did this guy think he was going to leave his mom in danger just because she was a criminal? Appearently so, seeing as the teen looked so relieved at his words.
"Okay, so my bio parents were evil mad scientists. Always a bad start, anyway they were obsessed with the occult and one day they suddenly took me and my sister to Brazil to hunt for some artifact of another. That alone was strange but weirder still was the fact my creepy godfather was paying for it all. He usually only does something like that when he's plotting "
"Plotting?" The detective interjected, "you make it sound like he does that often."
"Yeah. Hes a supervillian." The meta said casually, as if he didn't just leave Tim reeling, but the kid wasn't done yet, "He's had a massive crush on my bio mom since collage and never let it go no matter how many times she rejected him. She even married my dad, his best friend, and this dude just kept simping for 20 years." The teen rolled his eyes, "Hes convinced himself that if he murders my bio dad then my bio mom will fall in love with him and me and jazz will be "his"." He said that last part with fingerqoutes and a disgusted expression.
Tim filed that away for later, "Can I have his name, if nothing else?"
The teen seemed reluctant for a moment, "You're the worlds greatest detectives. You'll find out even if i try to hide it. Besides, I'd probably be better off if you and the Justice League know everything anyway."
Tim was...surprised by that. Most people usually weren't this open with them.
"His name is Vlad Masters, he also goes by Plasmius when he's dressed like a wannabe vampire. He's a ghost who's repossessed his corpse. My parents are Jack and Maddie Fenton, who are obsessed with ghosts and have convinced themselves that all ghosts are evil and must be destroyed, regardless of how much evidence points to them being wrong."
"And your name?"
The meta grinned at him, showing off four very sharp fangs, reminiscent of the large cat he takes after, "You can call me Jaguar. We were exploring a bit when I broke off from my family and got jumped by one of them. Suddenly I was struck by a claw and turned into furry bait. Fluffy stopped trying to make me his lunch and just stared at me before walking away, which was wierd. Then my parents found me, accused me of being a ghost, because thats naturally what someone would assume when thier son sprouts cat ears," he said while rolling his eyes.
"Naturally." Red joked, which had the benefit of making Jaguar smile.
"So my parents chased me through the jungle, shooting all the while, then suddenly a portal opened up in front of me. I'm not stupid, I know there was no way this wasn't a trap. I mean, a portal opening up right after that bizarre series of events and its the same shade of glowing green as the wierd death go my parents are obsessed with? There's no way they weren't related somhow, but I was desperate and jumped through anyway."
"I landed in another jungle, or the same one in a different location, I'm not sure. I tried hunting and foraging but wasn't very successful at either." Danny still remembered the throbbed in his head when he had headbutt that tree after missing his pounce on that pig he had been stalking. "Thats when Cheetah found me. She took me in and taught me to hunt and fight."
Possible plot twists:
1. Danny isnt Phantom in this au
2. Danny is Phantom in this au but is trying to leave that life behind
3. My favorite. Danny has the ability to manipulate and control animals into doing his bidding with the effect of jaguars and other big cats being the most prevalent and he just doesn't realize it.
One of Cheetahs friends/allies realizes cheetah has changed and suspected something and convinced her to leave for a while to see if her care for this kid faded after a while away from his presence. It works and Danny loses another parental figure/possibly attacked by them too.
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bellawoso · 17 days
say yes to heaven.
aitana bonmati x fem!reader
desc: gfs documentary made me cry so i had to write some fluff to make me feel better!!
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you and aitana had been friends ever since you joined barcelona just a year ago. although the midfielder befriended and stuck with every newbie on the team until they found their closest friends, you and her instantly clicked and became best friends in no time.
what you werent expecting was for your platonic feelings for the brunette to blossom into a crush, which although you deemed would go away soon, never did and only became stronger.
you never acted on your feelings though, always too scared that she would never feel the same way, i mean you didnt even know if aitana was into girls or not, let alone whether she liked you back as well.
you had more or less successfully managed to suppress your feelings though. the multiple shots that mapi encouraged you to take at the club you and the team were at, seemed to make you temporarily forget about your tragically unrequited love for your best friend.
unfortunately, aitana wasnt the only one known in the team for not dating. and honestly, if anyone knew why you were laying off dating, they would not be able to blame you. however, as aitana wasnt one for teasing and pranking her teammates, they chose to not tease her for her inability to settle with anyone. opposite to aitana, you loved joining prank wars with vicky, jana, bruna, salma, pina and patri. which left you on the receiving end of relentless bullying about your lack of love life.
this night out in london was no exception, except this time, the group had decided to instead try help you find someone, and had now made it a contest of who could find someone for you first.
the rest of the team including aitana, who were much more mature than your group, had decided to come up to your table and sit with you all, making sure you wouldnt get into trouble. they had soon caught onto what your group was trying to do, and seeing the permanent pout on your face made it even funnier.
one person who was not amused though, was aitana herself, with her heart racing with fear every time someone pointed a random person out for you, and a scowl each time you winced when patri elbowed your ribs for saying no.
eventually it became too much for the midfielder to handle, as she told the group to grow up and stop being so immature and childish, before pulling you onto her lap.
your eyes widened in surprise and your cheeks flushed red as aitana then decided to loop her arms around your waist, her fingertips just dipping under the waistband of your skirt to rub small circles into your skin. your spine involuntarily shivered at the prospect of having aitana this close, and you blushed once again as she lent towards your ear to whisper something to you.
was this best friend behaviour in spain? honestly you werent too sure, but judging by the smirk that lucy sent your way, you were guessing that what you and aitana were doing was leaning more to the couple side of things.
most other people on the team who were sat around the table also seemed surprised and also amused at aitanas sudden behaviour. until vicky burst out laughing, interrupting everyones conversations as she said “i think i know someone whos perfect for y/n!” as she sent a very obvious wink at aitana, making you throw a cup coaster from the table at her head.
however it seemed that aitana hadnt found what vicky said amusing, as you felt her tense up behind you and her hands unravelled themselves from around your waist, before lightly shoving you off her lap onto the seat next to you, claiming she needed to use the bathroom.
you didnt see aitana for the rest of the night, she clung very closely to keira and ona much to your dismay. so to distract yourself from your crushes unusual and confusing behaviour, you decided to fully let loose. and what better way to do that than let pina and patri almost control your whole night, the duo were infamously known for their wild partying antics. so this came to a shock to everyone when you teamed up with them for the night, as you were know for your love to have a peaceful night in by yourself.
one of pina and patris dares was for you to somehow you and them free drinks, they waited at the end of the bar for you, incase they noticed you feeling uncomfortable and to also collect their drinks after. aitana and almost all of the rest of the team who had gone out that night were sat back down at the booth, all in their own little conversations.
you however had managed to find a spanish girl who looked to be in her late thirties, who you were almost certain looked easy enough to convince to get you free drinks. although your slightly tipsy state had you misunderstanding the dare, thinking they meant to get drinks for the entire table, which in theory it was almost impossible to get someone to buy that many drinks for a stranger. but you were a woman on a mission, and you didnt want to fail this dare at all, and you were determined to have a better night than aitana, who seemed to be completely ignoring you.
after talking and flirting with the woman for a bit, she offered to buy you a drink, to which you responded you were supposed to be getting your whole table drinks now. but as soon as you saw her pull a sleek black card out of her wallet, you knew you would be winning this dare. you managed to remember most peoples drinks, and glanced over to pina and patri who had looks of shock and disbelief on their faces at the number of drinks being made for you.
it was even better when she offered to take the two trays over to your booth after you claimed your arms were aching, pina and patri quickly trailed behind, curious at how exactly you had pulled that off.
as soon as she placed the trays of drinks down, her phone began to ring, as she spoke some fast, accented words in spanish to you, which your very tipsy brain couldnt comprehend, you quickly said adios to her followed with a drunken wave.
as pina and patri told the table the dare and how you had gotten it wrong, alexia, sandra, marta and irene shook their heads and lectured you for your actions, claiming that it was a stupid idea. whereas lucy clapped her hand on your back shouting “thanks mate” in your ear.
until ona spoke, drawing all the attention over to a very confused you “i cant believe she said that to you y/n”
you honestly had no idea what her words were, only comprehending the word “noche” making you guess she wished you a good night. “what do you mean ona? i didnt really understand it”
this made patri laugh “oh amiga, she said she wished she could have expanded her night with you, and said ‘preferably to get you in his bed’ you must have really been flirting with her”
upon hearing your newfound knowledge of what the woman said, aitana muttered under her breath of how she was tired and was going home, as she threw a glare your way, your stance visibly deflated and a deep frown settled on your face. you hated arguing with aitana, and it was so much worse that you had absolutely no idea what you have done.
you also excused yourself and began to follow aitana out, stumbling a few times as an effect of your ridiculously high heels and the large amount of alcohol youve had. you managed to catch up to her just as she was getting in her car, aitana hadnt had too much to drink tonight, so planned on driving herself home, even though she knew she would not be able to sleep with thoughts of you clouding her mind.
if you were sober, there was no way you would just rag open aitanas car door and fall straight on to the seat, but the drinks you had gave you the confidence and desperation you needed to to ask and find out what you did wrong.
“dios mio y/n! you terrified me, you cant just do that!” aitana shouted, your abrupt entrance had terrified the brunette, but you brushed her temporary shock to the side, a burning question on the tip of your tongue. “aitana have i upset you? why have you been ignoring me?” you asked with a frown on your face, completely averting your eyes from aitana. you were a sad drunk, often getting way too emotional, and the last thing you wanted to do was drunk cry in front of your crush.
“no, no- y/n, you havent! i- i just, im confused, okay? thats all, im not mad at you” aitana reassured, she avoided you tonight solely due to her confusion of her anger towards the people that your teammates had been picking out for you at the bar. if she knew how upset and anxious it had made you, then she would have stayed with you all night if it meant you were okay.
“do- do you want to come back to mine? or you can go to yours! thats fine too- honestly! i-” aitana noticed her rambling and cut herself of as she felt her cheeks heat up. “aita, i want to go back to yours please” you said softly to the midfielder. “vale cari, lets go” she responded.
as aitana navigated the streets of barcelona towards her apartment, you could help but laugh at her soft angered mutters of the irritating barcelona traffic and the dozens of traffic lights she had to stop at that she insisted were “unnecessary and a waste of time and money” as you approached a 24 hour food place on the side of the road, aitana moved her hand over to your thigh making your breath hitch. her question of whether you were hungry or not went unanswered, as you were too busy overthinking the hand on your thigh. as aitana pulled into a parking space she asked again however she was now met with your extremely flustered face.
this told aitana all she needed to know on whether her feelings for you were reciprocated or not, and the newfound knowledge that they were supplied her with enough confidence to lean over the centre console. aitana then grabbed your jawline softly, she noticed you glancing at her lips which gave her the confirmation she needed to press her lips onto yours.
the kiss started off slow, aitana not wanting you to feel uncomfortable and like you were rushing things. until you decided you wanted more and tangled your hands in her hair pulling her impossibly closer which prompted her to slip her tongue into your mouth, the kiss becoming rougher and more desperate. the kiss only ended when you were near to a point of gasping for air, and as you were still trying to catch your breath, aitana decided it would be a good time to ask “go on a date with me”. you couldnt tell if she had meant to demand you to go out with her, or whether she just forgot to form a question when translating what she wanted to say. either way, you didnt hesitate when responding “vale” with a small laugh at her way of asking you, as she turned to you with a smile at hearing the spanish fall from your lips.
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caption: shes not a very good driver 😇😇
liked by: alexiaputellas, lucybronze and 54,324 others.
lucybronze: i think we all know who that is..
-> yourinstagram: i think we all know who you left with last night (your not as subtle as you think you are)
fbcfemeni: is that caption really true?
-> yourinstagram: aitana get off barcelonas account 😭
-> fbcfemeni: its not aitana!!
-> yourinstagram: mentirosa 😬😬
user1: omg its a for aitana!!!
user2: has everyone seen barcas comments 😭
user3: not aita on the teams account 😭
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fr4nk-1e · 2 months
"Let yourself be happy."
teen!nanami kento x gender neutral reader
nanami doesn't want to get married because of his work as jujutsu sorcerer and fear of abandoning his partner... but it's teen kento and his fear of dating you because he doesn't want to lose you just like he lost haibara
words: 2.3k
warnings: angst to fluff, death of a friend, reader has a crush on nanami
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"Kento, please!"
"I promise, it will be fun! Just this one time, please!"
"I told you already, I don't like going to the cinema."
"Maybe you'll change your mind if you come with me?"
"...I doubt that."
Another attempt to ask out one of your classmates, Nanami Kento, ended up as a failure. No matter how hard you tried, no matter what you offered him, the answer was always a cold NO. You couldn’t understand why is he like that. He could just tell you that he’s not interested, but no – you see in his eyes that he craves another person beside him, but for sone reason he keeps pushing you away. Your other classmate, Haibara Yu, doesn’t have that problem and is spending with Kento a lot of time. What does he have what you don’t?
“Honestly, I just think he’s not the type of person who enjoy having many friends.” Haibara told you one day. “Maybe one close friend is enough for him.”
“I know Yu, but… we’re classmates! We’re going on the missions together! Having a good relationship would improve our teamwork, would it not?”
“I see your point, Y/N.” he put a reassuring hand on your shoulder. “I wish I could do something.”
“It’s not your fault, Yu. Don’t trouble yourself with it… I just wish I had your confidence.”
Haibara laughed softly. “Stop it!” he nudged you. “You’re yourself and that’s what’s important. Don’t try to be someone else.”
His comment caused a small smile on your face. “Thank you so much… But I can’t help but overthink a lot, you know? What if Kento suspects that I have a crush on him?”
Haibara giggles again. “Maybe he does. If you ask me, the possibilities of him suspecting something and not suspecting anything are equal… But I think there’s just something else going on his mind. Even if we spend a lot of time together he’s not very open with me either…” his voice dropped into a murmur. “…but, no… could it be…? Nah… maybe I’m just overthinking either…”
The sudden change of his demeanor catches your attention. “What is it, Yu?”
He took a deep breath. “He kinda acts like… doesn’t want to get attached.”
“Doesn’t want to… get attached?”
At first you didn’t understand Haibara’s words until his tragic death on a mission you couldn’t attend him and Kento, because you were still healing your wounds from another mission. Besides, it was just a third class curse, nothing could go wrong… right? You didn’t know what exactly happened, you could’ve just try understanding the situation through Haibara’s body cut in half and Kento sitting in the corner of the room, mumbling something about the curse being first class. Geto, who was also in the room, looked at you with pity as he covers the body and walked closer to you then puts his hand on your shoulder.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. I know how hard it is to lost a companion.”
Kento, who didn’t seem to acknowledge your presence in the room before, suddenly looked into your direction. Your eyes met his, in which you saw pure terror and pain. For a second, he was like a frozen in place. In his eyes you could observe the mess that was going through his head in that moment. What you couldn’t observe is that his brain was running wild with the darkest scenarios of how he could lose you now. In another second, he stood up and ran out of the room. Your heart broke as you see tears forming in his eyes. You wanted to follow him, but Geto’s hand on your shoulder tightens.
“Leave him for now.” he says. “He needs space. And rest. I recommend you to rest too, Y/N. And try not to think much about it. It wasn’t anyone’s fault. It’s the cruel reality of jujutsu world.”
Geto spoke with so much understanding for Kento that you gave in and decided to listen to him. The next two weeks were silent. Completely silent. Kento was barely leaving his room, he wasn’t answering when you were knocking at his door or calling him, and while passing you in the hallway he was completely ignoring you. You wanted to be mad at him for treating you that way but all you felt was worry. You couldn’t ignore the tired and frustrated expression on his face. You couldn’t ignore Haibara’s words echoing in your head. “…he doesn’t want to get attached…”. Suddenly every dots connected and everything starts making sense.
One day you’ve had enough. One day you couldn’t stand his cold attitude anymore. You got assigned on a mission – nothing very serious, just some weak curses in an abandoned hospital. As expected, Kento was very stubborn. He didn’t want to cooperate with you and wanted to handle everything himself. After quiet “I’ll handle it.” he exorcised all curses alone, not giving you chance to do anything. He got hurt but didn’t seem to care about it. After he made sure you’re okay, you returned to Jujutsu High and his wounds got healed, you managed to catch him when he was returning to his room from the ambulatory.
“Kento… can we talk?” you crossed his path and tried to look into his eyes but he was avoiding your gaze.
“We have nothing to talk about.” he tried to walk past you but you grabbed his arm.
“Yes… yes, we have.” your grip on his arm was strong, not letting him go. “Can you stop acting like I don’t exist?”
He’s still avoiding your eyes like fire. “…I’m not acting like you don’t exist.”
“Yes, you are.” your voice crack slightly with emotion. “Listen… I know Yu’s death is hard to handle, but…”
“You know nothing,” he managed to rip his arm out of your grip and walked to his door. “You weren’t there… you don’t understand a single thing!” his voice is filled with frustration and sorrow. He disappears in his room but that wasn’t going to stop you. You held the door before he could close it and walked into the room behind him.
“Then let me understand.” you sit on the bed next to him, reaching for his hand. “Kento… please.” the urgency in your voice caused his eyes to fill with tears, but he still wasn’t looking at you. He was just staring into space, trying to process what is happening and what he should say. When after some time you didn’t get an answer from him, you started speaking again. “Before Yu died… he told me something. He said that… he thought you never want to spend time with me because… you don’t want to get attached. Is that right?”
You scanned his face, trying to read his emotions. Then suddenly something inside him breaks. Tears started streaming down his cheeks and he finally looked you into eyes. Now that you could see his expression better, your heart broke into million pieces. His eyes were showing so many emotions… Pain, worry, fear… But most importantly, he seemed so… lost.
“Yes, he was right…” his voice was cracking. “He was right… I’m a coward. I’m afraid of getting attached… that’s all true…” he seemed like he went crazy with his thoughts. The tone of his voice sounded so hurt, so broken, so tired…
“Hey, shh… calm down…” you tried to soothe him, gently rubbing his arm as he cries. “Everything is fine, Kento.”
“Nothing’s fine!” he was crying harder, releasing all bottled up emotions from past few months. It made your stomach twist in pain, seeing the person you love in such state. “He was my friend… He was my friend and now he… a-and you…”
“Me… what?” you asked, trying to sound soft but there is confusion in your voice. When he realized what he said, his cheeks turn slightly pink and looks away from you so you can’t see his face. You didn’t want to push him but you needed answers. “What’s on your mind, Kento?”
He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. He wiped his tears with his sleeve and sniffled softly, getting ready to reveal you all truth. He knew he couldn’t avoid the topic anymore.
“We’re jujutsu sorcerers.” he stared blankly into space as he spoke. “Yu… Yu was one of us and where is he now? He’s gone. And y-you…” his voice cracked again. “I-It’s hard that we lost him but losing y-you…” he had to take a few deep breaths to calm himself down.
“…What are you talking about, Kento? You didn’t and you’re not losing me. I’m right here.” you put your hand over his. This gesture made him look into your eyes.
“I love you, alright?” he whispered, his hand gripped yours tightly. “I just… love you, Y/N. Since our first mission, I fell for you and…” he pauses to take a deep breath and collect his thoughts. “That’s why I was pushing you away. That’s why I’m scared of getting attached. We’re jujutsu sorcerers, we risk our lives, we’re losing a lot of people… just like Yu…”
There was a moment of dead silence between you as he finished speaking. Suddenly everything made sense. When you finally understood his behavior, you felt your stomach twisting in a knot. The thought of Kento living in the endless fear and a vision if him dying unhappy that appeared in your mind were too much for you to handle. But what was the saddest thing for you is that he looked as if he already gave up. As if he saw no hope for himself to be happy. So you decide to give him better perspective…
“If you asked me…” you squeezed his hand tightly, looking into his eyes. “It’s better to die without any regrets than die unhappy and unsatisfied with how you lived… don’t you think?”
He seemed a bit caught off-guard at your statement. His eyes stared into yours, a mix of uncertainty and desire to break free from his depressive mindset was visible there. You’ve really got him stunned, he seemed like he didn’t know what to say.
“What… What are you trying to say by that?”
“I’m trying to say that…” a soft smile appeared on your lips as you squeezed his hand reassuringly. “I’d rather have you now and cherish every moment I can spend with you than die without my love.”
Kento’s face covered in a soft blush as he heard you saying those two words. “My love”. His gaze softened and his grip on your hand tightened. “Are you trying to say that…”
“I love you too, Kento.” you interrupted him and gently cupped his face in your hand. Your thumb gently caressed his cheekbone, trying to soothe him a bit. “I truly do… And if we get to die young, but happy and without any regrets, then let it be that way. Let us… Let yourself be happy, Kento.”
By his expression you can say that a war was happening in his head. His uncertain eyes were asking: “Is it really worth it?”. Your warm smile was answering: “Trust me, it is.”
“Y/N…” he wasn’t able to hold himself back anymore. He fell into your arms, clinging onto you desperately like a little kid. Of course, you immediately returned the hug an held him tightly, gently rocking his back with one hand, meanwhile the other one travelled to his blonde hair and stroked it soothingly. His face was hidden in the crook of your neck as he kept sobbing silently, letting out all of his bottled up emotions. You patiently waited for him to calm down,  not judging him, only providing him comfort he needed. After some time, you heard him whisper. “I was such an idiot…”
His words made you chuckle softly. “But you’re my idiot.” You pulled away from the hug just enough to look into his eyes, then you asked in affectionate yet serious tone. “Will you give us a chance, Kento? Will you let yourself experience love, get attached and just… be happy? Even if this world wants otherwise…”
After a moment of silence, he smiled. “Yes, Y/N… I want to stop being so afraid and live like a normal teen should. I want to experience everything with you… my first love.”
The last words made your heart skip a beat and your face became all red. You took his hand and interlocked your fingers with his, looking into his eyes. “Let’s make up for the lost time, hm?”
The smile on his face widened. “I want nothing more…”
Then, without any more words, you started slowly leaning in. Kento realized what you meant and his lips parted slightly and so did yours. Both of you held your breaths waiting for the very anticipated moment until finally… your lips gently touched his. You barely could contain your joy and a warm feeling spread inside of your body. It was unfamiliar feeling but… it felt good. Better than you have ever expected. And most importantly, it was going from your heart, which was pounding in your chest incredibly fast. You were kissing your first love and he wasn’t pushing you away, he was even returning the affection, giving all of himself to you… And you’re both finally happy.
As you got lost in the moment, you suddenly remembered Haibara’s words – words you forgot about and didn’t remember until this moment. Words that would make you act sooner if you wasn’t such a fool and didn’t forget them.
“He kinda acts like… doesn’t want to get attached.”
“Doesn’t want to… get attached?”
“Yeah, you know… some people are afraid of their own emotions. He seems like a person who might be just this type.”
“But… to be afraid of them, he first must have some kind of emotions for me.”
“He likes you, Y/N... I see it in his eyes. I’m not sure it it’s love yet, but… I’m sure he does like you. A lot I’d say. But his fear is not letting him realize that.”
rt's appreciated<3 cuz it took me a while to finally post that and it cost me much ✧
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anyydidi · 9 months
N x Uzi works and N x V shippers should accept that.
Even though i’m a Nuzi (N x Uzi) shipper at heart, I like Envy (N x V). I think it’s cute and they have a great history. But…
That’s about it.
We need to realize that they are both different people now. Yes, N kind of kept his personality through it all, but he has gone through so much development, mainly thanks to Uzi. Not to mention he got his memories completely wiped out and the only reason he has/had feelings for V is because he felt the remnants of their past stronger feelings. Yes, he got his memories back, but only from the Cyn incident. We don’t have any proof of him having all of his memories from the mansion back.
We don’t even know if they just had crushes on each other. We’re not sure if they really had an established romantic relationship in the first place. Did they only have mild crushes, or were they madly in love? That’s something we’re not sure about.
And lastly, people move on. How i mentioned, they’re two different people than they were at the mansion, with absolutely different lives. It’s not wrong, or weird of N to start developing feelings for Uzi. After all, even though N’s personality didn’t really change from his past one, V has made a practically 180 turn. She’s seen as shy and reversed in the past, but ignorant, mean and murderous in the present (before her character development of course). She’s a different person from what N has fallen for. Plus, let’s be honest, V hasn’t been treating N nicely.
V has treated N very poorly. Ignoring him, pretending she doesn’t know who he is, generally just being mean to him. She probably did that to protect him, yeah, but N isn’t aware of that and really, is that an excuse to behave that way? On the other hand, Uzi has helped N grow as a person. She helps him believe in himself, she shows him what true love feels like (platonic, and now even a little romantic). She started treating him as his own person, as a person who has feelings and deserves to be treated as such. Not just some killer machine that you can use and throw around. And in turn, N was Uzi’s first friend. Someone who finally loves her for who she is. He supports her and helps her grow emotionally. They support and love each other and it’s HEALTHY.
And last but not least, NO. Nuzi is not rushed and the hand holding scene did not come from nowhere. Uzi has been shown to develop some sort of feelings for him for EPISODES now. We can see her starting to develop them in The Promening. Which is kind of a long time ago. As for N, we don’t exactly see him having romantic feelings for her until recently, we can definitely see him start to lose feelings for V since Cabin Fever. The point where he definitely realizes he feels something for Uzi, is in the scene prior to the hand holding scene, where Uzi asks him if he’s good. Obviously, he probably had some feelings for her even before, but i would say that was the realization point.
So, in conclusion, i would say both Nuzi and Envy works. The only difference is that Nuzi is in the present, and Envy is more in the past. But, let’s be honest here, does it really matter? Yes, I am more of a Nuzi shipper and definitely am rooting for them to become canon, but i wouldn’t be mad if Envy is the one who wins in the end. Both relationships have chemistry. And i think we all know that Envy is absolutely tragic and it makes me sad. So, stop the ship wars you guys. It’s not worth it. Let’s just enjoy our respective ships as they are, it is Liam’s show after all and he can do whatever he wants with it.
(This is a Nuzi defend post, I am in NO WAY hating on Envy, as i hope was stated enough. I am just tired of toxic Envy shippers attacking Nuzi for pointless reasons. Oh and btw i am a strong “V is alive, or at least comes back” believer. And that is not delusion, guys, it was clearly stated by J earlier in the episode that the disassembly drones were cloned. Glitch, I am watching you 👹👹.)
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Sword gays showdown preliminaries
For Kazuma Asogi:
ok so he’s not CANONICALLY queer but it’s ace attorney. so… he does, however, canonically have a katana! a sword so integral to the plot it gives me shivers just thinking about it. the sword also has a name, it’s karuma (translates roughly to karma) and it gets passed onto the main character, ryunosuke naruhodo (who he calls partner), after kazuma (spoiler alert) dies in case 1-2. except (SUPER spoiler alert!) he isn’t dead! he comes back in case 2-3 and would you look at that he has ANOTHER SWORD, a more european sword (cause he ended up in england after his amnesia brain said he REALLY had to go to england). once he gets his memories back, ryunosuke gives karuma back to him and proceeds to use it to destroy the wax figure of his dead presumed serial killer dad (long story), and now he has, you guessed it, TWO SWORDS! for the next two cases he wears both swords at his sides, and also he broke the tip off of karuma attempting to murder someone (he didn’t actually murder anyone but still) and then turns out karuma’s hilt has the REAL serial killer’s will in it. very VERY important sword. in the end, kazuma gives karuma back to ryunosuke which is really symbolic but that’s besides the point, and they cross swords and it’s a whole big thing. 10/10 gay sword guy.
For Raiden:
Man catches knives with his heels and uses a sword to cut through robots 20 times his size
He's such a tragic character! Raised to be a super soldier from birth and is constantly being exploited by the government. As for the lgbt part him and his rival in the latest game he's in have so much tension it's unreal (gay). I headcanon him as trans too because he has a feminine figure, his voice gets more masculine as the series goes on (testosterone) and his entire body gets replaced with cybernetics (trans allegory...)
For Claudine Saijou:
Fights with a longsword! Should be number 1 for this line alone: “For heroes, there are trials. For saints, there are temptations. For me, there is you”, said to def not her girl crush but rival btw (stream Revue of Soul) Vote for my disaster theatre kid its what she deserves!
Her gay levels are off the charts. She has a homoerotic rivalry with another classmate (Maya Tendo/Tendou Maya) that is integral to her character, as she was always first until she met Maya. She’s also half-French, but that’ll be important later. When she’s looking at pictures of Maya stretching (to study her form of course) and another character asks her what she’s looking at, she panics, blushes, and says none of your business. Her and Maya have a heartfelt conversation while stretching with Claudine’s face pressed into Maya’s chest (between her stomach and breasts). Some art from a magazine has Maya pushing Claudine into a deep stretch, but it looks like something a lot different (Claudine blushing doesn’t help. Also I realized that there’s a lot of gay stuff related to stretching with these two).
During a two on two duel (I know it’s not a duel), they fight together. Not only that, but at one point they hold hands and take a pose typical of romantic partners in dancing. For no reason. They just pause and do it to show off. They aren’t even fighting. Anyways, when they lose, Claudine starts crying, not because she lost, but because Maya lost. So, of course, Maya starts speaking to her in French, with one of the things she says being “You’re cute even when you cry, my Claudine.” All of this is stuff that’s happened in the series (except the magazine thing).
Now for the gay stuff in the movie. Their duel with each other is so dense with sapphic undertones they can hardly be called undertones. For starters, the song that accompanies this revue is called “A Beautiful Person, or Perhaps it is.” While this title is incomplete, the director states that he wanted the watcher to fill it in and this removed the end of the original title. That title is “A Beautiful Person, or Perhaps it is a Love Song.” The duel is framed as a fight between a hero (Maya) and a devil (Claudine). Maya is in an outfit reminiscent of Renaissance Italy and Claudine is in a suit. Thus, Maya signs a contract giving her soul over to Claudine, as is the case with marriage. With her own blood, in the shape of Position Zero (an important symbol in the show), which happens to look like a T, for Tendou. After a few minutes of fighting, Maya disappears and monologues, appearing in a white dress. This means that Maya has signed her soul over to Claudine, and they are now both wearing a white dress and suit. Not beating the gay marriage allegations. Maya finished her monologue with “For heroes, there are trials. For saints, there are temptations. For me, there is a devil.” They continue to fight, Maya proclaiming herself emotionless and empty. Maya then cuts the medallion from Claudine’s chest (they wear medallions and you lose the duel if it gets cut off).
Claudine falls. Maya attempts to claim victory by stabbing her sword into Position Zero, which is then covered by steel doors. Claudine sits up and reveals she has another medallion in her mouth, which she does by sticking out her tongue in a uhhhh. Anyways, after a bit of back and forth, Claudine tells Maya that she’s full of arrogance and pride and envy and longing. She then says that “No matter how many times I die, I will revive! Tendou Maya! To beat you, my rival, into submission!” She then makes her stage entrance, taking Maya’s usual entrance speech and mocking it. She also says “I fill myself with exploding passion, now, and bash it into your heart!” After some talking, Maya makes her stage entrance, taking Claudine’s usual entrance speech and mocking it. Up until now, they have been playing characters, but still letting their own emotions shine through. Now, they are entirely themselves.
They begin to fight again, running downs white aisle before clashing swords, with Maya saying “Such an ugly, emotion drenched appearance-“ and is cut off by Claudine, who says “Show me more, Tendou Maya! Right now, you’re the cutest you’ve ever been!” To which Maya responds “I’m always cute!”  The song starts up again (duels are accompanied by songs), with Maya singing “With a grin of deception I’ll tear this piece of cloth.” Deception in Japanese is mayakashi, a reference to Maya’s name. Maya then sings “I want to show you my feelings becoming dyed in black.” Black is Kuro in Japanese. Claudine, in Katakana, is Kurodine, with her nickname being Kuro, so that line could also be interpreted “I want to show you my feelings becoming dyed in you.” Claudine then sings “Only me, always, forever,” before they sing in unison “You only need to look at me,” as they lock blades. Some fighting happens and they’re falling through the sky, holding onto each others clothes and Claudine says “Only I can make you lay everything bare!” To which Maya responds “I’ll expose my everything, on the stage!” Claudine shoots back with “There’s a partner you can expose everything to, on the stage!” At this point, there’s a short time with independent vocals for Maya and Claudine in addition to their talking. Maya has been singing “If I’m on the stage, if I’m in front of you,” for the last two lines of dialogue. Claudine sings “Be it ugly or beautiful,” as Maya sings “I will expose, anything and everything, all of me, all of me.” As this happens, Maya is saying “We love the stage,” which is continued by Claudine saying “And we can’t part from the stage!” Maya calls them both “Pathetic clowns!” To which Claudine corrects “No, rivals!” Maya says “If you’re there, I have to strive higher!” Claudine says “You make me even more beautiful! Maya!” Maya then yells “Claudine!” Claudine yells “For heroes, there are trials!” Maya continues “For saints, there are temptations!” Then, as one, their swords crossed, faces inches from each other, yell “For me, there is you!” Over top of this, their voices sing a line in unison: “Forever and ever, I’d like to cross swords with you.”
Claudine’s sword stabs through the contract, through the Position Zero in blood, which may be Maya’s family name, and Maya says as an aside “Saijou Claudine… You are beautiful.” Claudine cuts the medallion from Maya’s chest, finally beating her rival.
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urpaperboy · 6 days
A YV Fan Au created by me !! Mateo/urpaperboy !! :)
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Hi !! So I made these doodles on the whiteboard that @itsargyle made and got going on here rn and well people were interested in me talking about it so here I am !!
Welcome to Desolation, A Steampunk styled YV Fan AU !!
The Term Desolation means - a state of complete emptiness or destruction or anguished misery or loneliness.
This was fan product I created back in 2021 and have and continued growing along side a couple of my friends in the YV community, and while although I haven’t written anything about it, I know how both the story begins and ends. So let’s talk about that !!
The Plot
Everyone has their beginnings, middles, and ends. Everyone's beginnings either start bright or tragic. In this story, we follow the life of Seth, one whose beginnings started both bright and tragic and ended bright and tragic too. Seth is the so called “proud inventor” of the town, ones who inventions are beloved by many people around him, including Alphonse, which Seth has grown to love and care for and hopes to have a future with. But when tragedy strikes amongst the two, it sends Seth down a path of Desolation. But to keep his beloveds memory alive, he invents what can only be his greatest creation and the possible escape from his grief. But with that, comes a price, that the two of them must face and pay with in Blood and Tears, and possibly Oil too.
The Characters
- Seth in this AU of mine is the main protagonist of the story. He’s an inventor !! Again, the “proud inventor” of the town he lives in. He has made many things for everyone and even owns a small shop in the town where people can view what he is creating just by looking through a window. Although most see him as a bit of a weird person for focusing their life to the inventions, the entire town loves him !! He has made himself quite a popular one in the town. But of course, he faces his own struggles and grievances, especially now that he knows the man he fell in love with, is now gone. But with the creation of his biggest invention ever, he hopes that maybe his broken heart can be healed and made anew, but unfortunately not everyone gets that.
- Alphonse is technically a protagonist too but not in the way you expect. For the first few parts of the story he runs a small business of selling sugars and sweets, which is actually running very well. And (and this is completely obvious) he has a rather close relationship with Seth (hehe crush moment), but unfortunately, his story comes to an end. But when tragedy strikes, something new blooms.
Meet A.I.phonse, A Robot created in Seth’s image in the hopes to keep a small resemblance of Alphonse alive, sounds a bit psycho but I promise it’s not. Throughout the story, he is there to help Seth Process his Grief, and help him attempt to continue with His Life. He learns like a newborn child in the world, he learns about life and other things. But as he grows, the realization of existence begins to become his biggest question.
Finn and Jack are one of the closest friends Seth. They are the one who help him out whenever Alphonse can’t. Finn has his flower shop which Jack works in too. When Alphonse dies, The Two boys make it their goal to at least keep Seth happy, although it is rather difficult considering Alphonse literally dies in Seth’s Arms so it was a rather traumatic experience and definitely difficult to try and keep someone happy after that. But although the challenge is difficult, they keep trying, because who wants to see their friend sad?
These are the other characters that are in the story but can’t really write much about at the moment
- Charlie
- Derek (he’s obviously a the antagonist)
- Jessie
That’s currently what I can share so far !! I’ll post a character line up of all the characters when I fix them up and actually do it soooo yeah !!
If you have any questions for me about this AU, my inbox is open, I’d be happy to answer these questions !!
- Mateo ⭐️
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oceanwithouthermoon · 7 months
i dont know how to articulate this correctly but... sometimes i think about how saiki is so mentally disconnected and isolated from other people, and his powers make it feel impossible to understand them, esp because he hasnt had any faith in humanity since he was a kid (hes also so autistic but shh he probably doesnt know yet)
and so he truly doesnt understand the nuances and complexity of love+friendship+relationships etc... so imagine how confused he could get during times where his relationships get deeper/more complicated
examples ?? (warning for very brief sa+abuse+suicidal thoughts mention in the second one) -
accidentally making one of his friends mad and hearing their thoughts, which are purely from frustration and anger in the moment, about hating and not wanting to be around him.. makes him think they genuinely dont want to be as friend at all anymore, so ONE argument makes him think hes ruined his friendship with them forever and he doesnt think to just apologize, immediately shutting down and just "going away" instead because he thinks thats actually what they want
not understanding why people feel sympathy for him when he talks about tragic things in/about his life, especially when he even dulls it down as to not reveal his powers, (ie: his brother literally trying to murder, humiliate, and borderline sa him OR having one or multiple bullying incidents in elementary school that caused him to lose all his friends and change schools OR saying that the only reason he decidedly hasnt offed himself yet is cuz itd make his mom sad) and mentioning those things a little too casually, then thinking people are trying to pity him and telling the people who are just trying to help to shut the fuck up ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
^a specific but not quite as angsty one, offhandedly mentioning once that he had a big crush on a guy from another class but he helped set them up with someone else even though it upset him, because he just wanted to see him happy and he never had a chance anyway (bro was def straight too) and his friends being like ...hey thats really sad im sorry you felt like that :(( and him being like ?? whats sad about that. hes happy, and its not like im completely devastated or anything. shut the fuck up.
teruhashi getting over her crush on him and no longer seeking him out as often, and he's immediately upset and confused because now he thinks that she ONLY cared about him when she thought she was going to get something more than friendship from it so he doesnt believe she ever saw him as a true friend..
(similar to the first one, slightly different situation) getting into an argument with one of the friends he sees every single day and still expecting them to at least BE there the next day, and when they arent because theyre avoiding him, his first thought isnt "i should seek them out and apologize" its "wow it was so easy for them to just let go of me, i clearly have formed a dependency and feel like i need them more than they need me. especially now that i know they dont feel the same, i should sever that attachment."
SO YEAH anyway, he genuinely does not believe that he has anyone he can trust enough to actually talk through this stuff with+doesn't even think its that bad so he just sits and tries to feel numb at the bottom of the ocean or on the moon haha what a guy...
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silverraes · 5 months
10 BL Boys I Want Carnally
10 BL Boys That Make Me Feel Things™
(not sexual, not romantic but a secret third thing)
okay so I wasn't exactly tagged in this but I saw several people doing this and I'll take just about any excuse to scream about my favorite characters so I'm just going to very sneakily join in on this trend 👀
there is absolutely no ranking to these bc I couldn't rank them if I wanted to
(also I changed the name a little bc my ace ass is literally physically incapable of wanting anyone carnally but I still have lots of thoughts lmao)
1) Tharn (The Sign)
I mean. is literally anyone surprised that this is where we're starting?
he's the nicest person out there. he can kick your ass if he wants to. he lost his parents at a young age and is absolutely convinced that everyone he loves is doomed to die and he keeps seeing visions of people dying and he's told again and again that those he has wronged in a past life - which he doesn't even remember - are still out to get him and yet he has so much kindness left for the world??
also he can be such a little shit and knows exactly how to tease Phaya back I love him so goddamn much.
(also that mole-)
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2) Kim (Kinnporsche)
was he also on my characters I'd hit with my car list? maybe. and what about it.
I love him so much. he's such a badass but he's such a loser. famous singer who falls for a fan he was supposed to be investigating but is too emotionally constipated to admit it. badass son of a mafia family who can kick ass but only if he wants to. who does it like him honestly
(it also helps that he's played by just about the prettiest man alive)
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3) Babe (Pit Babe)
did I start watching this show ironically? yes. is every mention of alphas and mpreg and that mama/papa thing hitting me like a brick and causing me 9000 psychic damage every single time? also yes. did I absolutely fall in love with the show and just about every character in it? you bet your fucking ass I did.
but I especially love Babe. he's just so babygirl. special alpha man who has to act tough and strong but just wants to be babied by his dumbass loser (affectionate) alpha boyfriend. like, he's actually so goddamn soft?? I love him.
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4) Guy (Bake Me Please)
I think we all knew this was coming. I was literally gushing about him for half of the episodes. Guy my beloved. that show did not deserve you.
he spends the entire show supporting his crush's every decision and trying to make sure he's okay literally how could you not love this man
(yes he was a petty bitch for like 5 minutes there but he immediately apologized for it the next episode. properly. unlike certain other people-)
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5) Sprite (Twins)
he's so himbo coded. himbo of all himbos. the himboest. not a brain cell in that head. he's my little dumbass I love him.
he deserves so much better than what he's being put through. someone please just love and support him for who he is. and also take him away from that family
(please talk to your boyfriend tho I am begging)
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6) Wei Wuxian (The Untamed)
MY BELOVED. I could write essays about him. he's such a great character I love him so fucking much. if you ever had to bear witness to me talking about him.. I am so sorry.
sassy emo bitch with a flute and a tragic backstory who's seen as evil by just about everyone but only ever had the best intentions. absolute fucking dumbass. kicks ass. always smiling despite the circumstances. loves his siblings so damn much. doomed by the narrative. what more could you possibly ask for
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7) Zhou Zishu (Word of Honor)
I'm trying so damn hard to keep this list to one character per show and it really took me a while to decide if I wanted to include him or Wen Kexing but ultimately it was Zhou Zishu for me
just.. god. him. assassin sect leader just trying to retire who keeps getting dragged into the biggest bullshit but doesn't really mind bc the bullshit comes with a mysterious pretty man. also that whole god damn nail thing. I have so many thoughts and feelings about that but this post would get too long if I got started on those-
(also actually pulling the "I'm literally dying" card to get out of chores is so fucking valid of him. more characters should do that)
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8) Milk (Choco Milk Shake)
he is quite fucking literally a reincarnated cat, of course I love him. I could list reasons for why I love him but it would be the exact same reasons just about every cat person on earth lists for why they love cats so. but here's a quick summary, just in case:
petty. dramatic. knocks over glasses. silently loves you so fucking much.
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9) Tew (My Dear Gangster Oppa)
I really did not expect to love him this much? greenest of green flags (except for the plot line we shall not talk about). can and will kill people and is fine with it (seriously it is so refreshing to see a mafia character not having a huge moral dilemma about being in the mafia). both a badass mafia man and a gamer guy who doesn't know how to talk to people and is absolutely whipped for his gamer bf.
also scars make a person just about 110x more attractive I don't make the rules. even if the scars are weird and yellow, it's the thought that counts.
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10) Tian (A Tale of Thousand Stars)
I? love him??
I just love how he sets out to do something for someone he didn't even know because he feels like this person deserves that much at least and how he ends up genuinely loving and caring for those kids and the village and this inner conflict he's having the entire time but hiding oh so well and how he actually calls out his parents on their rich people bs and-
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tagging everyone who reads this far and wants to do it. seriously. I mean it. if you want to do this, please go ahead and say I tagged you. I love reading everyone's thoughts.
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whatthefishh · 11 months
bloom for me
Series Masterlist
Regency Santiago Garcia x f!reader
A/N: Reader has a nickname (Wis) because I thought it flowed better with a title considering the regency times. Forgive me for historical inaccuracies it’s all fun and games here 😭🩷
Warnings: this chapter will have mentions of sex, pining, probably cringe writing, idk I just need to put this out there, be gentle pls. This has a real plot I promise lmao.
Words: 3k
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He’s brooding again. It wouldn’t be such a big deal if he wasn’t so outwardly affected by his inner thoughts, whatever they may be. So now, you’re stuck standing next to the most disagreeable man at this week’s ball, patiently awaiting someone amiable to come and rescue you with a dance or two.
“Stand taller, you look like you want to leave.”
“Funny, coming from a man who needs a cane to walk before the sun starts to set.”
Sharply turning his head to cast you a withering look before anyone was the wiser, you started fanning yourself to hide the smirk you were sporting. You knew exactly how to rile him up and he hated you for it. He looked ridiculously handsome even while angrily grumbling to himself about your manners. Unfortunately for you, his outward appearance had more than fooled you into believing he was quite possibly the prettiest man you’d ever seen. His black curls slightly greying, and the tanned skin of his neck defining the muscles you were sure spread far over his whole body, the very same muscles you tried not to eye in his fitted pantaloons. Not even his desirability could make up for how he got under your skin, however, how quickly he could make your blood boil with just a few words. Besides, he was such a disagreeable man that it would be such a misfortune to be liked by him. To think, you have to spend the whole season with him for company.
Santiago Garcia was a well respected, strong willed and overall charming man of the military - well, he was an ex-lieutenant, to your father actually. A shot in the leg worsened into such a state that he could not sustain another call to fight, leaving him walking with a cane on particularly bad days. Injury in the field will bring a soldier home quicker than a woman in waiting. Not that he had one of those either. A charming man, Santiago was highly favoured by the women of the town due to his roguish good looks and silver tongue. The man could easily sway a crowd of people to follow him into the river if he so pleased.
His brave acts during his time in the British Army, although risky, yielded him high praise amongst the upper levels of society upon his return. So much so, that your newly widowed father, the Colonel, had apparently taken quite a liking to him in the times they’ve interacted. Your father had taken this liking one step further than most would, inviting Santiago into your spacious home upon his arrival. Not only does the man standing next to you sleep under the same roof as you, but has also been tasked as your personal chaperone for the marriage season. How they came to this agreement over post-dinner brandy is lost on you but regardless, you couldn’t bring yourself to be honest with your father, bile rising in your throat at the thought of crushing any friendship he found comfort in after the passing of your mother.
Your mother.
Your father spent a lot of time overseas, giving space for the love you had for your mother to grow beyond measure. He was quick to spoil you, however, finding it easier to show his affection with the latest fashion, shoes, jewellery, ribbons for your hair, chocolates from overseas, and chocolates from in town; he would give it all if only you looked at him. Your mother, however, was basically your best friend. The two of you spent hours in the family greenhouse, teaching you all about her love of botany until you were old enough to start growing your favourite flowers without her help. She tragically passed during the winter, the harsh cold taking hold of her lungs until she couldn’t bear it anymore. The nickname she gave you stuck, however, and in the months following her passing, you refused to be acknowledged by another title.
“May I request the lady’s presence to have the honour of the next dance?” a new voice pulled you out of your stupor, looking up to see a decently handsome young man extending his hand towards you.
“No, you may not, I’m afraid her dance card is already full.” Santiago answered for you, not only shutting down your new suitor, but fixing him with a stare so intense he was shaking as he quickly nodded and turned to leave. You could see him return to his support group, the other boys clapping him on the back for trying regardless of the intimidating gargoyle meant to guard you. Ironically, your dance card was not full, unless you counted Santiago’s own name on every line. Not that he ever danced with you.
You sighed heavily. Another wasted night, getting dressed up for a party in which you were just going to be rejecting any poor man who had the gall to approach and ask for a dance. This isn’t the first time he spoke for you, harshly turning someone down before you could get the words out on your own.
You suppose that’s what he thinks is his job, as your chaperone of the season. Your father trusted Santiago’s judgement of character to filter out potential suitors but as of now, it seemed, that he was just saying no for the heck of it.
“Don’t look so put out, Miss Wisteria,” Santiago murmured next to you, the nickname falling off his tongue smoothly. “This way, you leave them all wanting. Besides, I looked into most of these men. That one has debts at the racing club that he has yet to pay out.”
Even though he had a point, you couldn’t help but be envious of the girls whose mothers were at the party with them, encouraging dancing and interaction. You had gotten yourself ready with the help of your best handmaidens, taking their opinions for your outfit with zeal. You grew up without siblings, thus enjoying the friendly conversation you had with the house staff. Not that anyone outside the household knew how close you were with them, the notion of a lonesome girl without a mother, so desperate for human interaction that she reach beneath her status.
Coming downstairs in a soft lilac dress, the tulip sleeves and neckline lined with tiny sparkling beads, matching the delicate crystal necklace you donned to bring the look together. Your maid had also added some shimmering hair pins to your updo, only visible from the back of your head, which was your favourite part of your outfit. You felt rather pretty, and by the way Santiago had stared, slightly slack-jawed at you descending the staircase before collecting himself, you thought maybe he thought so, too. That was before he opened his mouth to complain about being on time and reminded you why you disliked him so.
“I was not aware of his debts. Thank you, I suppose.”
“Yes, well… that is why I am here, is it not? Your father asked me to—”
“My father asked you what exactly? Because I still don’t recall ever being told why he had to go and ask someone with the likes of you for help in this matter!” You whispered back vehemently.
“Do you truly esteem me so little?”
His soft voice betrayed his hurt, causing you to stop and look up at him in shock. This wasn’t so far off from your usual tone towards him, the two of you often bickering under your breath in the presence of others. Trying to gauge his true feelings by gazing into his espresso eyes, you concluded that maybe you were being too harsh on him. Maybe this wasn’t the ideal way he’d rather spend his time at a ball, supervising a girl’s courting experience and vetting the bachelors. No, he would probably be with the other gentlemen his age, swatting away the interested women like fleas in monsoon season.
You took a second to look at him for any tell of a lie, any sign he wasn’t as offended as you initially had thought, but the longer you looked at him the more distracted you got. Taking in the stoic man’s face, the crinkles around his eyes, the darkening shadow across his jaw as his hair was growing in, it all suited him so well that it almost had you even more angry at him for his beauty. Santiago was not that much older than you when you thought about it, probably somewhere under a decade of difference, which was not uncommon in some marriages.
Marriages? You thought with a slight panic, whipping your head to look back at the crowd, fanning yourself a little faster now. The moment had slipped from your glove-covered hands, whatever pull there was keeping your eyes trained on him you had snapped free from. In good timing, it seems, as another pathetic attempt at asking for a turn around the room was making his way towards you both. You could almost hear Santiago’s groan before the gentleman stopped in front of you, offering you a charming smile.
“Mr. Garcia,” the gentleman bowed his head to both of you after addressing you as well. “Might I have this dance?”
“Are you asking Mr. Garcia, or myself?” you ask with a short laugh, seeing as he had posed the question to your companion.
The man gave a genteel smile. “I was trying to be respectful of the present company. I know Mr. Garcia hasn’t danced all evening so this might be a chance to find him a partner.”
Your eyes flit to your companion, silently pleading with him to let at least one attempt slide past his defences.
Santiago looked at you for a moment, clearly seeing the hopefulness in your eyes before turning his eyes back on the gentleman in front of you, seemingly having come to a decision.
“Lord Miller, you make a fair judgement. I do not usually partake in such diversions, although I have been complimented on my light footedness. Miss Wisteria, if you wish to dance with Lord Miller, we shall take our leave soon after.”
The way your mother called you Wisteria oftentimes was much different to the way Santiago has been calling you that, and you tried not to think about it for too long.
Although Santiago’s words were light and jovial, you could tell from the set of his brow that he still was not entirely comfortable with the arrangement. That didn’t stop you from nearly jumping at the opportunity to dance with the handsome Lord, smiling graciously as you accepted his still-extended hand.
Making your way to the dance floor, you noticed more than a few pairs of eyes on you, probably wondering how Lord Miller made it past your sleeping dragon keeping you locked away in your proverbial tower. Keeping your chin up and not letting their eyes make you stumble, you took position for the dance.
“I will admit, Miss Wisteria, I find myself in raptures over your acceptance of this dance.”
“You flatter me, Lord Miller.”
“I cannot help it. You look exceptionally beautiful tonight. Also, if I may be so bold, I have seen how you’ve longed to dance, and thus, I took it upon myself to brave the glower of your guardian and rescue you.”
You laughed heartily at that. The conversation continued with Lord Miller discussing your shared interests in literature and past travels, and how many balls you both attended in the past two weeks alone. Lord Miller was an excellent dancer, making you feel as though you barely had to put in any effort to be gliding around the dance floor.
Santiago tried his best not to stare, he really did, but the way you let your head fall back in a carefree laugh at something the Lord had said to you had captured his attention unwillingly.
The thing was, you see, he was not supposed to be wanting after his ward, temporary or not. He was not supposed to watch longingly after you, walking away from him, whisked away by another more suitable potential partner, or at any other time when you weren’t watching him. He was also not supposed to jerk himself off to the thought of you in his bed, under your father’s roof, imagining how tight and wet you would be for him, how loud you would moan his name. Would you let him worship you with his hands and mouth? Would you still fight with him during the act or would you go pliant under his devoted attention?
You were a constant thorn in his side, reminding him at every chance of the magnitude of your dislike for him, your eyes meeting his angrily during your daily spats. You never gave him a chance to earn your friendship, immediately jumping to hostility once the news of him chaperoning you for the season had reached your ears. How was he to refuse your father, the generous man who offered him access to his estate as if he were a long lost son and not an old colleague? Besides, he didn’t think much of it at the time, assuming it would be an easy feat, the world of courting running its own gears for longer than he has been in the game.
Frankly, he assumed there would be at least one meddling old croon trying to pair everyone up for the season based on her predictions but she had yet to turn up to help him along.
Santiago didn’t see his attraction to you getting in the way of finding you a suitable match, but unfortunately for him, he was wading through a pool of pathetic potentials, finding a reason to reject them at every turn. It was becoming increasingly difficult to give reason for their inadequacy, not wanting to hand you off to a lesser man.
Every ball you attended together, every promenade you walked with him trailing behind you, he was doomed to watch the men flirt with you, make you laugh, share lingering glances with, and every day felt more tortuous than the last. He learned a lot about you this way, but it never felt enough. He was stuck as an observer, watching from the outside.
Was this his destiny? To fall hopelessly for his friend’s daughter and not only watch her dance with other men but be the one to hand her off to them, lying through his teeth about his feelings on the matter?
It especially did not help his case with how ethereal you looked tonight, or any night for that matter. He could not count the number of times he has thought back to that first night he stayed in your home, running into you on your way to the greenhouse at night with your white nightgown. It was basically see through, the candle you were holding sinfully illuminating your figure, nipples pebbled in the cool air. He had been on his way to the kitchen for a glass of water, being unable to sleep properly in his new chambers. You nearly dropped it when you bumped into him around the corner, his hand steadying you before you could, saving you from waking up the whole house. Santi wanted to kiss you silly every day since then.
Bringing his focus back to the present, he heard the quartet queuing up for the next song and soon saw Miller escort you back to him with your hand tucked into his arm. You were positively beaming, shifting your eyes to his with a question posed on your lips.
“Lord Miller was just telling me how he and his brother often go for boat rides on the lake near town. He has invited us to accompany him on an outing tomorrow afternoon if it is agreeable with you?”
You were blinking at him meaningfully, alerting him to the fact that they were waiting for his response on the matter. The longer he took to answer, the more stilted the silence between the three of them and the worse chance it was for you to leave the season with a suitable partner. A throat cleared, snapping Santiago out of his stupor.
“A turn about the lake sounds splendid for tomorrow! We would be delighted.” Santiago tried not to sound like he was bursting from happiness at this turn of events but he also knew that on paper, Lord Miller was of good stock and well in stature, making him a fine potential suitor for you.
“Wonderful, thank you, Mr. Garcia,” Miller bowed his head to him first before turning to you to bid you goodnight. “I am dearly looking forward to tomorrow.” He said the necessary pleasantries before leaving you two to stew in the silent aftermath.
The rest of the night passed rather normally, Santiago fetching you refreshments when your hands emptied, and before you knew it, you were finding yourself in the carriage on your way home. If you didn’t know any better, you would think he was encouraging you to drink more so as to be able to get you to use the ladies’ room more, effectively removing you from wandering eyes.
The two of you didn’t speak much out of obligatory words, you were too excited about the prospect of a turn on the lake, and he was worried with a stone in his stomach about the same idea. Escaping to your respectful chambers, you were so wrapped up in your daydreams you barely said goodnight, leaving Santiago deeply unsettled and barely able to catch a wink of sleep.
Whether he was ready for it or not, tomorrow was arriving sooner than he wanted.
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bookloover35 · 6 months
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Sweeney Todd x fem reader-I fell in love with the Devil.
Yns POV.
The devil when I say that I have fallen for the devil then I mean it.  And the devil's name is Sweeney Todd I fell in love as soon as he set foot in my mom's pie shop.  I do not know why I fell for him and I know I should not fall for him.  Mom and I both discovered that he was the old barber who both in the old apartment where we now live.  Benjamin Barker he told us about what happened and my mother told the tragic event about his wife and that Judge Turpin has his daughter.
He was completely overwhelmed and I did my best to help him feel better, and then I discovered that he was very nice.  He is amazingly the very first who has ever been kind to me.  Yes my mother is kind but not all the time she blames me that it is my fault that my father died.  And my mother knew about my feelings for Mr T, but I have no idea how she found out.  And she did not like that I have feelings for him because she also had feelings for him.  She always told me.  (You should let him be Yn he is mine), or (do you really think he can love someone like you.) What does she mean by her he is not an object he is a human being.  My mother's words did not scare me I just fell for him more and more.  But one thing really scared me and that was what I saw a while ago.
( A While Ago).
Mrs Lovett: Yn go up with this cup of Tea for Mr T. I would do it myself but I have so much to do here in the store.  But remember, just give him tea no more.  He is mine.
I said okay to my mother and took the cup with Tea which was in her hand and walked out the door.  When I was out I started going up the stairs to his barber shop.  When I was halfway up the stairs, I heard something strange from his shop.  I started walking faster up the stairs with the thought that Mr T might have cut himself when he sharpened his razors.  When I was up, I slammed the door and saw something that would scar me for life.
There stood Mr T and had just cut off the throt of his customer.  Why I dropped the cup for fear I could hear them crushed below for my feet.  Then I saw that Mr T was looking at me he had not seen me before he had heard the cup crushed.
Sweeney Todd: YN!!!!!!
Yn: Wh_ What have you done.
Blood blood all over him and on the floor, I looked at the dead man and then at him.  He started walking towards me.
Yn: No stay away from me.
I quickly turned around and started running down the stairs I could hear Mr T shouting my name but I just kept running.  I refused to stop think if I did not have time to be fast enough think if he got hold of me he would kill me too.  I ran into the store completely exhausted and sat down in one of the chairs.  My mother looked at me as if I had seen a ghost.  I wish I had seen a ghost instead of that.
Mrs Lovett:What's with you?  you look like you've seen a ghost.  It went well to give Mr T his tea.
Before I could say anything, Mr T came into the store.  I felt my heart literally settle in my throat he looked at me and smiled then he looked at my mother and stopped smiling but my mother smiled big at him and said.
Mrs Lovett: Ah Mr T Did you get Teat off Yn?
Sweeney Todd:Yes, I got it, thank you so much Yn for coming up with it for me.
He looked at me while his told my mother I smiled back at him so my mother would not suspect anything.Even though what I saw really scared me and that he scared me, I could not help but blush.  I have fallen for the devil, and why did he lie that I had given him the Tea.  I dropped the cup and why had my mother not heard it, she must have been in the basement.
Yn: Your welcome
He smiled back at me again and I smiled back oh he must be so heavenly beautiful.  Stop Yn you just saw him MURDER a man.  Our eyes were interrupted by my mother saying my name.
Mrs Lovett: Yn Sweetheart can you go and buy us a bottle of Tonic?
Yn: What um yes I can do that I thought of actually walking past the library.
Mrs Lovett: Okay how good I'm just going to get my wallet.
She started walking towards her room and left me and Mr T themselves in the store I did not want to be alone with him.  I turned to him and saw that he was already looking at me and started walking towards me.  I quickly got up from the chair and started to back away from him I should have looked behind me because then I might have had time to discover that I have a wall behind me.  I closed my eyes and waited for death to come.  But instead I felt one hand on my waist and the other on my cheek and I opened my eyes.  Mr T looked at me with a loving look and sad, not angry or murderous.
Sweeney Todd: You do not have to be afraid of me my angel.  I could NEVER hurt you.
I was about to answer him but he leaned forward and kissed me then he whispered to me.
Sweeney Todd: We can talk later tonight.
He said to me and kissed me again and I do not know what flew inside me but I kissed him back and I felt how he removed his hand from my cheek and took both his hands and put them on my ass and squeezed and I opened  my mouth in shock and then he took the chance and stuck his tongue in my mouth.  Our tongues started fighting with each other and I felt how he squeezed my ass again, then he did something I was not prepared for I moaned into the kiss.  He smiled into the kiss that devil.
He quickly withdrew when we heard my mother.  What happened right now I really do not hope she saw that, I felt a strange feeling between my legs.  My mother came into the store and gave me the purse and told me not to come home late.  I promised I would not be away for too long and then I said goodbye to them both and when I walked a bit I saw that Mr T looked at me through the window and waved to me I waved back then I continued to walk.  What am I doing?
The end.
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indigostarfire · 1 year
A very long post of me rambling so I could connect the dots and map out the factors that led Jae Won to shift out of his deep depression and isolation from Ji Hyun. The script gives us a trail of breadcrumbs to follow.
Jae Won’s therapist points out that Jae Won is locked into his own perspective which ultimately is guilting and beating him up inside. She also tells him, “You’re really selfish,” and Jae Won is shocked. “Because you’re so focused on your own trauma, you’re ignoring others.” This is a completely different perspective, one that Jae Won has never even considered. It’s a key truth that will ultimately help him move forward.
The therapist tells him to overcome his own trauma first, but that’s easier said than done. So what events catalyze his shift?
Well we first see Jae Won break out of his depressive mood when he witnesses Yoon Won in distress and crying about her life. And for the first time since the accident Jae Won is displaying empathy rather than the “totally shutdown, I’m dead on the inside” expression he normally has.
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So we now know he is capable of feeling another person’s pain and can respond with compassion.
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Next is the kiss scene with Eun Ji which I feel is pivotal in Jae Won being able to break through his depressive, blaming mindset.
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Oh the irony! Eun Ji thinks she flaunting and flexing her relationship with Jae Won in front of Ji Hyun’s crushed face BUT this is ultimately the undoing of their relationship. In reality this was the moment where Jae Won sees Ji Hyun’s absolute pain. Jae Won was indeed so focused on his own trauma that he didn’t realize how much his relationship with Eun Ji was hurting and stabbing Ji Hyun right through the heart.
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Witnessing Ji Hyun’s pain (because we now know he can actually see another’s pain) Jae Won RESPONDS by pushing Eun Ji away.
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In Jae Won’s walk back to Ji Hyun’s workplace, my guess is that Jae Won is thinking about what his therapist said; how he has ignored Ji Hyun’s feelings and only focused on his trauma and trying to “protect” him. And is Jae Won ok with being someone who just dished out pain to Ji Hyun? No, I don’t think so.
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Perhaps Jae Won can even recall that moment when Ji Hyun reaches out and lovingly holds Jae Won’s hands (prior to the meeting about the surfing incident). Jae Won initially recoils but Ji Hyun persists and Jae Won allows himself to let a bit of love in even though he feels he doesn’t deserve it. And is he ok with how he returns Ji Hyun’s love and concern with pain from that kiss with Eun Ji? I don’t think so.
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Next when Ji Hyun calls out to Jae Won, we see Jae Won approaching Ji Hyun. He no longer ignores or avoids Ji Hyun. This is a definite change and a seemingly small but huge step forward.
Ji Hyun is a trooper. He will continue to love and support Jae Won without pressuring him. And he buys his hyung a camera, and tells him “the past is just the past.” “You can’t erase or forget about the past.”
Yes the past holds the tragic death of Jae Won’s brother and the almost-death of Ji Hyun but the past also holds the bright, beautiful, and loving moments with Ji Hyun. Someone who he could be himself with, someone he didn’t have to wear a mask with, someone who was his sanctuary and place to rest. The past holds both the darkness and the light. So what will Jae Won choose to focus on?
We finally see Jae Won break up with Eun Ji, and I think it largely had to do with Jae Won seeing Ji Hyun’s pain due to the kiss.
Next we have sajangnim giving Jae Won the final installment of advice and perspectives. She basically tells him since it’s not a health or money problem, he’s good! People will always be stressed out and worried so don’t be discouraged just live how you want to.
I feel that all of Ji Hyun’s actions and the perspectives from the therapist and sajangnim finally lands so that by the Han river, we see Jae Won able to focus and reminisce about the bright and beautiful moments he’s had with Ji Hyun.
And finally, those song lyrics! Ji Hyun sending that song to Jae Won delivers his feelings through its lyrics. It’s about two best friends who loved each other and wished they could be more but there was too much fear in the way. The song continues: “but I think it could work for you and me…it’s not the end of the story, just wait and see.” Then we see Jae Won moving forward. He’s actually walking to see Ji Hyun. His mood has changed. Jae Won now is allowing himself to want the happy ending too.
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DFF Finale
Not with a bang, not a whimper but somewhere in the middle.
My thoughts are jumbled and all over the place, I came in the finale already spoiled (I couldn't wait and the gray sites are taking too long) and I am not even sure I will still feel 100% like this by the time the week is out.
Ultimatly I agree a lot with what @lurkingshan says in her post here
A lot of the episode was good: The hallucinations were amazing, and I think the character work in all of them (and the series in general, with only some minor hiccups) is very solid. The acting is also very good. I want to see these boys in more roles. The writing from Ep 1 to Ep 9 was AMAZING!! The reveals are all super hard hitting, it felt like there was fire after fire for every episode.
White my baby, a tragic character if there ever was one, HE WASN'T EVEN SUPPOSED TO BE THERE, his boyfriend was basically seeing him as replacement Non since they started dating. We all loved and clowned on this character so hard!! A lot of White's character makes sense in hindsight, at least to me who is like 5 weeks in a couple of layers of theorizing and obessing (I do realize not everyone feels like that a lot of what makes sense for me it's speculation driven by weeks of obsession), even some of the other more baffling moments, like the converstation with Tan and that moment with Phee.
Problems started at EP 10, and while I loved the Tee and TeeWhite scenes of EP 11 thanks to episode 10 they felt way to disconnected and too late. It left the last 3 episodes less focused and the pacing a mess.
And then there is the ending. And while this is by no means the worse ending of a BL I ever seen, and this show is by no means the biggest dissapointment I ever had (that's still Only Friends). I don't think the ending was as strong as it should be.
I think the failure of DFF for me is in two places:
The focus on mystery and reveals primed the audience to expect answears or at least an ending that is more clear then what we got.
The way they did this open ending gave me the impression that they just refused to pick an ending and so they went with "both and none and who knows".
There were ways to make an ending with still some questions left open work: Give me the cops in the house, or show us the bodies as Phee comes out of the hallucination and gives his final breath. Show the bodies in different positions, show the ax in someone's body and no New. Or even have the ending be a journalist talking at the screen keeping up with the layers of voyerism to the story and have them describe only 7 bodies but not say who survive so the audience can pick the option they like best.
Anything that would have given the impression that they actually PICKED an ending.
I am not sure I will be able to re-watch this, I am scared too many things will start to fall apart if I do. While I enjoyed clowing with the fandom and truly loved watching this live (and it has helped me interacting more with people on tumblr) I can't help but feel like maybe if I had binged this, without having time to think over some of the stuff I probably would have enjoyed the finale better.
Maybe I should just be happy that a BL I was hyperfixating on didn't crush and burn like the other two (Shadow and Only Friends).
I am happy BOC experimented and branced out even if they didn't totally sticked the landing, it's a worth while show to watch if you can handle horror. I want BLs to do more stuff like that (experimenting and branching out in different genres) and I want the people in the cast to have a long carrear because I think they mostly all did an amazing job.
In short great job BOC (even if you didn't land all that well at the end there) now give me a poly series: 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
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ratherbefangirling · 2 years
Part 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
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Pairing: Ot7 x reader
Genre : mostly fluff. {Tragic backstory.. the usual and a n g s t .. sorry not sorry } omegaverse, hurt /comfort
Warnings : reader's not confident and maybe anxious ... mentions of incidents but not in detail
Notes: people present at ages 21-24, late and early presentation also occurs.
Imagine you a sweet smelling omega are neighbours with BTS.
With their subgender as follows Namjoon, Hoseok, Jungkook as Alpha, Jin and Yoongi as beta and Taehyung and Jimin as omegas.
So Taehyung and Jimin are go to an omega focused campaign event and you are there and they meet you and your scent smells really nice except it has a bitter after note to it. Still in the large amount of people they overlook it.
You go to cooking classes where you stumble upon Joon who wants to surprise Jin on his birthday with a meal without destroying the kitchen.
You end up talking as you help him with his cooking. Your inner omega preening under praise from an alpha.
As your cooking improves so does your confidence increases now you won't die alone, your alpha would love a mate who could cook.
Also you develop a crush on this handsome, kind alpha and a part of you knows it's wrong to let your feelings out of hand but you still decide to bake him something because you'd do anything to make him smile at you fondly.
So off you go to the supermarket to get ingredients to bake something.
Someone nearly hits you with their cart. Your eyes widen and you freeze on the spot.
The beta, a very tall and handsome beta. You know its a beta because his scent is faint. Beta scents are faint to everyone except their mates.
"I'm sorry are you ok" he ask concerned.
" I am fine."
"Thank goodness." He says and then spots the paper in your hand. "Looks like you're looking for baking supplies and you seem stressed. I'm a good Baker if I say so myself. Please let me help as an apology."
And your first instinct is to say no. Namjoon's face flahes infront of you.... you need all the help you can get.
You find Jin to be pleasant company. He guides you to the best things.
You are so engrossed in Seokjin that you dont see Yoongi approach. Yoongi eyes you and asks Jin if the grocery shopping was done.
Jin tells him how he was helping you find ingredients. Yoongi shakes his head and picks an easy to make mix and hands it to you.
"Here this would be easier and cheaper." He says.
That's how the two leave. Two Betas in a relationship you wonder if they have a pack at home.
You wonder how nice it would be to have a pack .
It was only you and your mom at your house. Your dad an omega. Had passed away, so had your little siblings. Your mom had thrown herself into work and with the insurance money and support manage to buy a big house to compensate the small space which killed your family. But bigger the house emptier it was.
You end up making a cake and take it to the classes. You are getting late though.
So you decide to take a shortcut except you come across some rowdy alpha.
Luckily Hobi who was passing by helps you out.
In the end you decide to give him the cake instead of Joon.. not wanting to ruin your relationship with the burden of your feelings. Today was the last class anyway.
Except Namjoon is both disappointed and concerned when you don't come.
At home every one is excited because of Jin's birthday.
The preparation for a surprise party is underway. Except Jungkook who was tasked with the responsibility of distracting Jin everyone is busy.
Jimin decorates the space with help of Taehyung. Yoongi is cooking a feast and Namjoon is collecting the presents careful to place them properly.
The cake is placed on the table and Hobi comes in with another one he recieved.
Jin despite Jungkook's efforts had guessed what his mates were upto still he went along with it. Jin adored spending time with his baby alpha. Ever since Jungkook presented he is usually scent drugged on the omegas. Their scents calm the inner wolf.
When he comes home Taehyung just rushes over to smother him closely followed by jimin as they both scent him.
Despite eating so much. There are leftovers. Jin decides to give the cake to their neighbours.
That's how Jin and Taehyung learn that you live next to next to next door.
Taehyung ever the social butterfly invites you to hangout with him. 'Omegas Unite'
Suddenly you find yourself surrounded by Bangtan, separate and together.
Accompanying Jin as he cooks even if your only job is to taste test and laugh at his terrible jokes. Tae and Jimin take upon themselves to play dress up with you because their maknae refused to play with them since he presented, it's not that he thinks it's not alpha enough he just doesn't want to be dressed in increasingly alarming fashion choices.
Even Hobi takes to you dropping a forehead kiss as protection so that some of his scent stays on you guarding you from other alpha's. He even gifts you things. It starts small like cartoon bandaid. Then there are cute clips. Stationery with the aesthetic you prefer. Plushies you can hug while you sleep.
Namjoon and you hang out when he wants to visit a place and everyone else is too occupied or just don't enjoy it. They are too far into the relationship for pretences. You though are ready to listen anything that comes out of those luscious lips. Also it's nice to share earphones in the bus. And it's even more nice when casually perhaps without noticing Namjoon holds your hand or puts a hand behind your waist.
Yoongi's affection is quieter. It's letting you into the house when everyone else is busy or out. It's telling you to stay when you don't know if you are intruding or not. Bringing you something to eat or drink when you sit and do work because it's more comforting to stay in the packs house than yours.
And it would be perfect really except for Jungkook's dislike for you. Which the rest of the members fail to understand.
He hated outsiders. He hated it when you took up all the packs attention. He also didn't like female omegas. His mom was one and had left him and his dad for another alpha. He hated when the pack changed their plans and counted you as a member even without realising it.
They had sat down in the living room discussing plans for new year and tae's birthday.
Jungkook sat between the two omegas enjoying their petting. You hadn't dropped by and he felt nice to have time with his pack.
"So where do we go? Everyone give your suggestions"
"What about going to the cabin. Its been a while." Yoongi offered.
"Camping." Tae suggested.
"It's too cold taehyungie." Jimin replied.
"We could go to the new year's eve party my company holds" Hobi suggests.
"That's a nice idea we could all dress up." Jin agrees.
"Yes but the location would require us to stay the night."
And then the discussion continues for a while. Jungkook doesn't care he has his hands on the snacks.
Suddenly Yoongi who had been quite all thus while speaks up.
"Why don't we just stay in?"
"We could do secret santa and decorate the house." Hobi says thrumming with excitement.
"We could even invite y/n ie." Taehyung says.
"That's a good idea. This year let's stay at home."
Except Jungkook's scent soured.
"What happened jk?" Jin asked.
"Can't we spend time as a pack without y/n's interference."
"What are you talking about?" Taehyung asked.
The only one who knew what that was about was Jimin. To whom Jungkook came up to complain about you or just pout and say nothing.
"It's always y/n this y/n that 🙄. It's like bug you can't get rid of!!"
You curse yourself. All their heads turn towards the source of noise.
"Ah I'm sorry I- I didn't mean to interrupt.. its just the door was unlocked and... I-I.. I should... go. I'm going. Sorry." And you scurry out wincing due your knee which you had managed to scrape.
But you had more pain in your heart. You knew Jungkook avoided you but you thought it was because he was shy. It was alright because despite him not actually being their you could still get his scent. Which you thought smelled really nice.
Taehyung growled at Jungkook. Who only scoffed in return.
Taehyung turns to follow you.
"Tae stop you smell angry, it might scare her." Namjoon interrupts.
"I will go check on her." Yoongi offers. Namjoon nods.
"And Jungkook we will talk a out this behavior once things settle." Namjoon says.
Jungkook wants to protest but all of them look distraught and disappointed.
Jungkook feels betrayed.its like you've stolen his pack from him.
If only he knew then how soon the tables would turn when as his rut hit he'd become crazy for your scent because he would realise you were his mate.
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willsimpforanyone · 1 year
hiya ! if you're taking requests i was wondering if you could do leo meeting a child of zeus reader with him developing a crush and ultimately asking them out?
thankyou sm :)
thank you for being patient, i can absolutely do this for you
since your older sister thalia joined the hunters of artemis you were pretty much alone in the zeus cabin at camp halfblood
you were fine with that, you had friends in other cabins and did your best to not seem intimidating just because you were a child of the big three
when jason, piper and leo came to the camp you were so excited to have another sibling
he introduced you to his friends and it didn't escape your notice that piper was clearly smitten with your new brother
it also didn't escape your notice that the son of hephaestus was incredibly cute or that he kept staring at you and pretending very hard that he wasn't
it was tragic that they were sent on a quest so quickly and you couldn't get to know him better
you were back to being by yourself, once again losing a sibling and alone in the cold cabin that was mostly there as a formality
when they returned with news of where percy was and something that was almost half a plan to save the world you assumed you wouldn't be able to get involved, not being a big part of the prophecy
so when jason asked for your help you were thrilled
he needed someone who had more experience being a child of zeus to guide him and provide a certain perspective on things
it was when you were teaching jason how to fly properly and manipulate the wind that leo decided to get involved
'yo, superman, can i steal them from you for a bit?'
the pair of you swooped down to land in front of him
you hopped over
'sure, what's up?'
leo explained he needed help with some mechanical shit regarding flight
making a ship fly was a task and a half and he could use some help from someone that knew the sky
you agreed without hesitation
spending more time with this kid was something you were very interested in
over the next few weeks leo would consistently seek you out and ask for your help in bunker 9, until it was blatantly obvious he was making up excuses for you to come spend time with him
you were sat in bunker 9 at one of the worktables, glancing over blueprints that made little to no sense to you
'hey, leo?'
'you're a genius, right?'
he slid out from under a piece of machinery, a grin on his face
'it has been said, yes. why?'
'why do you need me here, then?'
he huffed out a breath and went bright red
you paused, waiting for him to say something
'...i mean, sure i know about flying but nothing else regarding... this'
you gestured at festus, who's eyes glowed at you
leo swallowed and fiddled with a spanner
'uh, is it too weird if i say i like spending time with you? but didn't want to just... say that?'
it was your turn to go red
you'd developed quite the crush on leo, laughing at his stupid jokes but being amazing by his intelligence
'if you're fucking with me, valdez, i swear to the gods i will call lightning on this bunker right now'
he put his hands up in surrender
'hey now, don't destroy my life's work because you can't deal with the fact that i like you'
'you like me?'
leo rolled his eyes and scooted on over sitting on the skateboard he was using to see under the boat until he was right in front of you
'yeah, i like you, why do you think i keep you around?' he grinned and poked at your knee
'oh shut up' you pushed at his skateboard seat until he was back to the boat
'finish your work then ask me out, okay?'
'it's a deal, gorgeous'
i love this man anyway i hope you enjoyed and thank you for requesting!
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Humans Are Space Orcs and Transformers (some ideas)
Okay, a few posts on the topic "humans are space orcs and transformers" inspired me to expand this topic. Maybe some ideas from one of my reblogs will repeat, but what can I do.
The canon of transformers in all works has extremely belittled humans for an obvious reason — the central theme is cool robots, and people are templates for the viewer's projection (or budget savings, because it will be easier to draw / model people, so you can save on reducing the number of frames with robots).
But if we move away from this and look towards the realistic relationship between humanity and Cybertronians, then we could come up with a bunch of interesting situations that few of the creators have thought of.
For example, transformers consider humans weak and pathetic because we are small and organic. Yes, realistic for a first impression. But why don't people treat them the same when they first meet? We humans are very sensitive to technology, because we know that even an industrial robot can fail, because the more complex the technology, the more variables that can break. Just look at the reaction of the owner of the car, if it was even slightly pushed by something (if there was no person inside, of course). Where are the people who start panicking at every fight, where is the human who is on the verge of a heart attack looking for the number of the nearest car service station after hearing that their Cybertronian friend fell into the lake? Eventually we would have realized that transformers are tougher, but the initial reaction would have been like this.
Although, why wouldn't Earth be a dangerous place? After all, water getting inside the transformer frame, stones and sand getting stuck in the welds of the transformation, cold and frozen water could be a huge constant problem, since this is a non-standard environment for their kind. But this is usually skipped, although it could be a plot reason for friendship with people who could help with this, since they are familiar with similar problems with their equipment. Yes, in some continuities it rains acid on Cybertron and all that, but this does not make the Earth some kind of paradise in comparison.
Why is there not a single moment where a hyperactive person tries to find some softer place on a bet, a wire or an energy line, for example, and bite? People like to mess around like that, especially friends. And how much Cybertronians can be surprised by their friend's phrase about wanting to eat them because of tender feelings (it won't help if they find out about the case of the plane being eaten).
Where is this here: — Energon is delicious, right? — For us, yes, but you can't. — ... — No, this is fatal poisoning for your kind! — I'LL DIE TRYING, JENNY, GEORGIE, WHERE'S THE CAMERA?!
Where is the test drive of all the possibilities of your metal friend? — And then you jump and transform around me! — I'm afraid you'll be crushed. — Okay, let's try with the dummy first.
Why has everyone forgotten Astoria's legacy and is no longer trying to inter-species romance? Where are the strange courtship on the part of humans, such as going to a premium car wash, trying to synthesize delicious energon for a date, incredible rage against someone who somehow offended a love interest? In the end, it's also a great ground for tragic stories, people don't live long, and Cybertronians are constantly putting themselves in danger. And longing after a moment of attachment in time is just as sad as a human's attempt to somehow preserve the memory of a seemingly immortal and invincible friend, which there is no one else to keep, and this, too, will not last long.
Humans are described mostly as useless friends who, for the convenience of the plot, are usually taken hostage or simply useless in this war as a species.
And it's just surprising. Humans. Useless. In the war. Humans who fought before they took a stick and a stone in their hand and from that moment improved weapons, skills and techniques of conflict management. Humans whose military demands move science to the same extent as industrial ones. And we wouldn't have found a way to fight alien robots? The first question that the military would ask scientists is how to break through Cybertronian armor and at what temperature it melts (and don't ask where they will take samples). Having suffered in the early stages, we would have regrouped and thought about what to do next. People are small, so they will fight back much more fiercely if they are cornered by someone big. This is quite common among animals, so it would be a natural thing among humans. To set traps using our specific landscape, to drive the enemy there with the help of energon, which can be poisoned, even if they take it away, they will still get hit. It didn't work out to fight with our weapons — we will improve, it didn't work out too — we will steal their weapons. Open war is not an option? You can fight a guerrilla war.
And it's not worth saying what a real nightmare we can do if the government delays recognizing the extension of humane treatment laws to Decepticons. If this law is often violated in conventional wars, then it's scary to imagine if it will be abolished here in relation to the enemy at all. And if researchers with a scientific interest get involved in this... History has a huge number of examples of what our curiosity is capable of. — And then, later, we realized how to turn off their pain receptors! — Yes, but it wasn't necessary anymore.
Allow a mad scientist to make a mecha suit out of a dead Decepticon and send the most reckless soldier to the battlefield. Not as the most effective combat unit, but as a intimidation and demonstration of what we can do with your dead brothers in arms. I have no doubt that someone would have thought of it (well, I thought of it...). Adaptivity, ingenuity, quick learning, desperation and recklessness — this is the main weapons of humanity.
And who said that transformers will necessarily be effective in war? The fact that they have been fighting for millions of years does not mean that they are doing it successfully, just the opposite (Even your vaunted IDW shows some kind of sucks instead of logical fighting). In the end, they have soldiers and units of military equipment are the same thing, in which case both are lost. In addition, if humans can retrain soldiers and transfer them to other duties, then you will not force those who transform into a tank to replace the seekers when there is a shortage. Moreover, in most continuities, in principle, Cybertronians have difficulties with reproducing numbers, because it's cool to get adult fighters and members of society at once, but when this process depends in most cases on your planet, which is most often a little dead, or some artefacts, then scores with humans begin to be compared. With certain difficulties and with the expenditure of time, but humanity can reproduce itself independently in theory wherever there are suitable conditions for the life of our species. Probably winning option could be a superweapon to blow up the entire planet at once, then yes, it's successful.
Well, just go to any forum ala "Why mechs from anime sucks!" and there will be an essay for a thousand pages about the fact that such a humanoid form is ineffective in war with a whole list of methods for breaking these things (hit the joints and the head — the very first rule).
Oh, you can say, "But in IDW, people were doing something there!". No. The humans there were mostly exposed as idiots, who, as it turned out, acted according to the plans of the Decepticons. Humans weren't even allowed to be evil on their own! They can be shown as good and evil, your favorite gray morality (which never really existed in IDW), but there is no this, just another stick in the Atobot wheel from the Decepticons.
It's just that sometimes I want to tell the authors of works on this franchise to decide not to include humans at all or, since they had to bring in their participation, AT LEAST TRY TO WRITE A STORY LOGICALLY. I understand that many authors are stuck in some kind of teenage "humans are not cool!", especially those who are responsible for the plot of comics, but this does not justify laziness in terms of the plot with people. Even if you were forced, well, at least try to do the job well and efficiently, and do not turn everything into some kind of fan fiction with crushing "stupid and pathetic flesh". It hasn't been entertaining anyone for a long time.
I'm not asking to include humans in every story, but maybe it's possible to try something new for them at least once in more than 30 years of franchise history? Humans are boring just because the authors don't want and don't know how to work with them, that's all.
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