#and the best defense is “killing your enemies before they can hit you” which they have become VERY GOOD AT!
perce-jpg · 5 months
i always be pondering bg3 builds
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beatthegame · 5 months
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Elden Ring just beat me...and it's a bummer because I REALLY wanted to like this game. It has all the ingredients to make up a killer game. An open world with crazy art direction. Plenty of challenging options to keep you playing. But what went wrong? Why do I hate this game so much? I'm getting angry just trying to think about it, so let's try to make this quick...
In a nutshell: The setting seems to involve a fantasy setting where you are a fallen soldier. Getting involved in a brief skirmish with a giant spider demon. Then waking up in some sort of medeval hellish landscape with giant gold trees? There seems to be a detailed backstory written by George RR Martin (Game of Thrones). Although I wouldn't know because I'm too busy getting gangraped by skeleton warriors every step of the way to take notice. It's a "souls" game. So these games are annoying by design. But the broken game mechanics and tedious grinding make this game unplayable. Let me break it down like this...
The Good: The graphics are visually stunning, let's be honest. The environments and character designs are insane! Every enemy you encounter is menacing and emit pure nightmare fuel. Which is exciting to say the least. Elden Ring offers one of the best character creators in modern gaming. You can get really detailed adjusting the most minor facial features. Multiple character disciplines that greatly affect your gameplay experience. Diverse skin and body types. You can be really creative, which I adore! And then you put on some in-game armor that covers up the details you spent hours building. Cool! But let's appreciate the good elements because there's a whole lot of bad. Where do I begin...
The Bad: My first attempt playing this, I noticed these glowing rocks scattered around the floor. Apparently they were messages from other players across the Playstation network. Messages like "hidden treasure behind boulder" was pretty neat and helpful. But then you see more and more of these glowing messages. With a lot of not-so-useful messages like "is this dog?" and "finger in ur but". But what crossed the line was "boss up ahead" and you know what? There was a fucking boss ahead! What kind of troll shit allows spoilers mid-game? Can you imagine playing Resident Evil. Right before opening the door of that iconic dog chase scene, you read a community message saying "bow wow ahead lol" Like, way to ruin the immersion asshole! At that moment, I hated the game and pretty much gave up. But after discovering you can disable online messages, I tried it again. Which made a huge difference. I was starting to enjoy the game at first. But once you leave that cave, it was a pure shitshow from there. But let's start with the name "Elden Ring". This would imply upon a grandiose adventure involving a magical ring of some sort. But I would have appreciated it more if they were honest and called the game "YOU DIED" Because that's pretty much what you experience throughout the entire game. Every enemy you encounter was a pain in the ass with little relief in between. Please don't misunderstand, I'm not complaining about the challenge level. I appreciate a good challenging game. I hate to compare, but you have hard ass games like Cuphead, Doom Eternal and Battle Toads that are fantastic, despite their difficulty. There's a balance to their difficulty. Plus their controls are tight and responsive. But when you have to try and maneuver through shitty mechanics, you're not playing a fair game. I recall one instance where I was running around a stone wall to avoid an enemy. But I can't explain why the enemy's spear could clip through this stone wall for a one-shot kill? And what good is perfecting the timing of a defensive parry if a giant boss can just one-hit stomp you like a cockroach? And you get paid in turds so the risk/reward balance is off. I'd rather work a sweatshop, hand-sewing Lulu Lemon leggings than to grind hours for one stamina point. At least you'll get paid at the sweatshop. But if you play Elden Ring long enough, and memorize the patterns and "git gud" you'll eventually beat one of the bosses and get a weapon you can't use, because your charisma stats or whatever is too low. LOL! This game blows.
Overall: Video Games are supposed to be fun. But Elden Ring was a burden to get through. It felt like work after a while. Like an abusive unpaid intership in hell. You can hire a dominatrix if you enjoy the abuse. It won't take up as much of your time and it's better support for your local economy. LOL! Fuck Elden Ring.
(Edited: Just remembered more things I hated about this game, but adjusted the score to something more reasonable. This game is obviously not shit and had me hooked for a while. It just wasn't fun for me. Plus it's not cool to shit on a particular fanbase. Play whatever you want. Don't let my opinion take a shit on your cereal. This is just a place to vent since it would be super weird to scream about Elden Ring out in the real world, with real life problems. But the game still sucks in my point of view so whatever. LOL!)
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spinningbuster98 · 7 months
Kraid's Lair can be a bit of a twisted joke
It's by far the easier to access between the 2 boss lairs but while it's technically the smallest it's insanely cramped and twisty by design making it really fucking easy to get lost and get killed by the atrocious enemy placement
You can actually find a Fake, blue Kraid here. I guess he's supposed to trick the player? But there's no way you'd find him without a guide honestly, finding the real Kraid is way easier by comparison
Kraid's fight is a mess, he constantly throws shit at you that you have no hope of dodging and those spikes of his often protect him from missiles and projectiles. The most surefire way of handling him is to just spam bombs on him, but that requires that you have the Varia Suit for extra defense and lots of Energy Tanks so that you can hope to kill him before he kills you
One thing I think Metroid 1 does actually really well despite its age is its general atmosphere: of course tha game doesn't have any explicitly scary moments like Fusion, and its character designs can be pretty fucking goofy (Ridley looks like Barney the Dinosaur, Kraid is like a fat, hairy mole and Samus looks like some dude in spandex wearing an oversized astronaut helmet), but the overall aesthetic of the game gives it a genuinely eerie feeling through the use of dark, "acid" colors, mostly mechanical and cold architecture and pitch black backgrounds which were most definitely to save memory space but genuinely sell the idea that the game takes place inside of a giant cave system
Then you add to this the music: yeah Brinstar's theme is catchy and heroic, but the themes of Norfair and Ridley's Lair sound genuinely dissonant and a bit disturbing. Kraid's Lair has my favorite track, being simultanously harmonic and unsettling.
I believe this game's composer, Hirokazu Tanaka, once stated that he purposefully made this soundtrack to be as unorthodox and "weird" as possible in order to drive home the game's unsettling feeling and well...mission accomplished! I still think that this game has some of the best ambience of the series, actually way better than its remake Zero Mission. In fact I think the original trilogy has geberally a much eerier atmosphere than all of the other games, Fusion included, but that's a topic for another day
So! Tourian!
Pro tip: don't bother killing the Metroids, just freeze them and let them go, 'cause you're gonna need all the missiles you have. Yeah it's a bit dumb that Samus' mission is to kill all the Metroids to prevent the Space Pirates from using them for galactic conquest....and yet it's better to leave them alone for ammo preservation. Well this place is gonna blow either way...
And then there's Mother Brain, who might as well have the power of Chaos Control because my God LOOK AT HOW MUCH SLOWDOWN THERE IS! Because of all the shit that those turrets fling at you every second the game just slows down to an absolute crawl and when you mix this with the cramped as fuck design of the room preventing you from dodging reliably and the fact that those zebetite pillars will start to regenerate almost immediately after you hit them, this fight sucks absolute ass and it's incredibly easy to just die over and over again!
I hope for your sake that you found the Varia Suit and the Screw Attack to deal with those Rinkas from Hell, and also that you don't screw up the final escape sequence with those tiny ass platforms!
I've always found it interesting how the game very nonchalantly told us that "space could be invaded by the other Metroid". Were they really so sure there was gonna be a sequel? This is one of my favorite aspects of the series: even though when you get down to it these games are basically written pretty episodically,much like other classic game series such as Zelda or Sonic, they almost always leave some general loose plot point that future games can exploit to make the series look like it has an overarching plot...evn though that's not really the case
Also yeah, Samus is a woman, what a surprise!
And before anyone says something: no. She wasn't made a woman in order to "challenge gender norms" or "for trans rep" or whatever. Those are very modern, 2010s/2020s views being applied to a videogame from the 1980s when games weren't exactly interested in politics or activism, let alone Nintendo games, and stuff like wanting to challenge gender norms were most likely not on most people's mind in the gaming business, or most contexts unfortunately.
I can't find the Interviews, but I believe this game's devs once stated that they can't even remember whose idea it was to make Samus a woman (most likely due to how chaotic the game's development was) but the general thought process seems to be that they wanted to give players a nice surprise for beating the game quickly enough and they also wanted to have an Ellen Ripley reference because Metroid borrows a lot from Alien.
I'm not saying that Samus holds no importance in the context of female heroines in gaming or feminism or whatever. I'm just saying that there's an important difference between saying that she BECAME an icon for female representation in games and saying that she was always MEANT to be one.
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crossxroads · 1 year
im sorry for asking this cuz you're probably busy with other asks but can I get the main 3 x reader who practices taekwondo?
Sorry that this took so long! School and life hit me pretty hard. This topic was really fun though!
Main 3 and Taekwondo!Reader
For those who don’t know: Taekwondo is a martial art that prioritizes kicking and punching as its main source of techniques. It can be used in conjunction with melee weapons, however, It is primarily a defensive art that doesn’t focus on pure violence as a method of ending fights. As such, our dear Reader fights defensively and will often do their best to leave their opponents alive (though, admittedly, very unconscious).
He honestly finds your flexibility rather impressive, not to mention your balance and ability to stay on your feet despite executing several moves that involve jumps and near flips. He also admires the sheer force behind your blows.
Like, yeah, he can lug Hank around pretty well, but Dei’s always been more of a distance fighter. He can mano-y-mano in a pinch and well, Nevada pinches back a lot.
So he finds you,,, really cool. How you’re just willing to go in the fray sometimes and kick some major ass with only disables and blocks.
You could probably throw him over your shoulder too and he’d thank you for it.
He also wouldn’t mind the occasional spar between just the two of you, if just so he can spend some time seeing how you execute all these neat moves.
He also finds you pretty calming, likely because you don’t seem to emanate the murder urge that most folks have.
They find you pretty confusing, Hank's always been a person of violence and bloodshed so it's baffling sometimes to encounter someone who fights so cleanly but rarely draws blood or kills.
They may think of you weak for this, that you're too soft to land the killing blow.
But at the same time, you're a survivor. You've lasted so long even with these pacifistic ways of ending fights and knocking out people yet you still live.
There's strength in how you move and how you act. The sheer restraint in your hits and blows.
If they see you, truly and utterly enraged. The brutal beating you give—but still leaving your attackers sprawled and unconscious, skin darkening with broken blood vessels. It's entrancing.
He finds himself wanting to see more. What will happen if you encounter an enemy too strong for your methods to work? Would you then use tooth and nail to tear them apart? Or would you finally pick up a firearm and unleash true carnage?
He kind of wants to study you.
Like Hank, he’s a little bewildered by you not killing people. Sanford’s always been more of the brawler to Deimos’ support so he’s more hands-on and willing to do permanent and major harm—especially given how his bounty has torture listed to get important information. He does admire strength and speed, which you’ve got plenty in spades.
Unlike Hank, he more or less finds your unwillingness to kill cute. 
Maybe a little pathetic, but he won’t deny that he enjoys seeing people go up against you and fail miserably before they get knocked out. 
He’d also like to spar with you, seeing as a lot of the moves you use, while defensive, can be used efficiently as brutal attacks. Simply because you get someone right where you want them and defenseless. 
He’s kind of a cheerleader sometimes if you go into a fight with semi-overwhelming odds. The rest of the squad has your back, but golly it’s so cool to see all the acrobatics and rolls you can do to get out of a tight squeeze.
Can you get a “HELL YEAH?”, cause he definitely will give you one.
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One personal critique of totk of mine is the Sage abilities
All of them - except Tulin, his is A+++++ I'm so proud of him - they all... kind of suck. They work for their respective dungeons yeah but once you finish them? 😬 The second best I'd have to say is Yunobo's his roll ability is really useful when it comes to cave exploration and depths voyages for rock breaking but then you have Mineru's who is handing for traversal in gloom and lava situations but not at all in combat, Riju's which I only use for when I need emergency extra damage in critical situations and Sidon's the actual fucking worse with his discount Wish dot com Daruks protection and the water slash ability that doesn't hit the opponent 80% of the time.
And then things get even worse when you're running around and the following you and either constantly in your way or constantly spawning and despawning and respawning every five fucking seconds it gets annoying where I only now have Tulin and one other sage to handle whatever situation I'm in and if there is none I'm only traveling with Tulin because he's the best and most reliable, important, all around useful to have and the only time I turn him off is rare situations where I specifically don't want him to kill certain enemies like the rock octarocks that can fully refurbish your weapons because he's THAT GOOD. He's like a little feathery death machine.
Honestly the Sages (except Tulin I CAN'T stress that enough) are such a downgrade game play wise in comparison to the champions in breath of the wild. The champions were all balanced, reliable, and each one important and tailored to each aspect of the overall the the entire time you played:
Revail - focused on vertical traversal, got you places quicker and convenient. Also could be such a life saver to be escape from dire combat situations like you don't know how many times this bird helped me survive guardian encounters. Tulin's ability is a lot like his in a way and serves the same purpose, only sending you horizontal instead of vertical and while I do miss the vertical wind I do get why they made it that way since we have asend now which sort of does the same thing but on a slower, situational scale but I do very much appreciate the horizontal wind and it's also just as helpful.
Daruk - focused on defense, gives you three free hits before enemies can damage you and can absolutely save you life in dire encounters there's not much left to say, it's a fairly simple ability but it's one of the most helpful that will you will use and probably never take off for the entire game the moment you get it. Sidon's is the equivalent of this. It sucks. A lot. Only has one use and you have to walk your way over to his tall lank ass to activate it instead of just pressing a button (we will come back to this point later)
Urbosa - focuses on offense, my God. This is the most overpowered combat focused ability like. Ever. No wonder its the second largest to take to charge. There's so much versatility when it comes to this move, it activates as you charge up an attack you you get that charge move you'd get anyway without it AND an enemy deleting area of effect in such a large radius???? Insane. Riju's is sort of the equivalent but you have to do it with arrows (again and the bullshit walking up to her to physical activating it which I've personally accidentally triggered her ability at least A THOUSAND times when I'm just mashing A to collect stuff) and it's a lot less powerful, which hey I get this one I'm not too mad at being less stronger than the original with just how insane stupid overpowered Urbosa's fury was.
Mipha - health/life, this is the one ability that statistically probably doesn't get used as much as the other three (depending on what kind of player you are 💀) but I'd argue it's literally the most helpful out of the four. It's quite literally you're free fairy in a bottle, your free escape death because your stubborn horse Romeo kicked you off the bridge of Hylia twelve separate times card (true story) If you're stupid plan fails and you get practically one shotted by a lynel it's Mipha whose saving your ass AND SHE EVEN GIVES YOU EXTRA YELLOW HEARTS!!! Mipha is amazing and it sucks totk didn't give an equivalent ability because it would've personally helped me during SO MANY frustrating moments in my first initial playthrough it's such a same.
My point here is the champions abilities were all as equally useful and balanced, as you unlock them you use them all playthrough and never really stop using them and they naturally become a part of the game play loop and it's nice. The Sages aren't like that besides Tulin and a occasionally Yunobo and Mineru they're just... meh. Forgettable. AND THE WAY YOU ACTIVATE THEM??? THE ACTUAL FUCKING WORST. In breath of the wild the champions abilities were so easy and each of them had a dedicated button to hold down (except Mipha's whose activates automatically the second you reach zero hearts) and it was all so convenient. There's no reason the Sages powers should work the way they do, having to run over to them mostly during battle to press a for the ability to come up only for them to run away from the the mere second you need them and just keep doing so again usually in battle when you NEED them (I'm looking directly at you Sidon) AND GOD FORBID YOU TRY AND PICK UP A GROUP OF ITEMS LYING ON THE GOUND. It's all so miserable. There's no reason Nintendo thought it'd be better than convenient dedicated button presses like the last game there was no reason!! But at least and not shockingly Tulin proves again to be the best sage and his ability has it easy to use and the prompt automatically pops up when you pull out the paraglider, when you're the most likely to use it anyway.
I hope but highly doubt in enviable story DLC that we get enhanced versions of the sage abilities like botw did and maybe, just maybe the option to toggle button use for them. I feel like that would help even just a little bit.
I don't know how to end this post but look at him. I'm proud of him:
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Best Sage :)
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shuttershocky · 1 year
Hey, have you made a guide on Lucien the Blood Diamond? I'm still stuck
Given the more freeform nature of Integrated Strategies, it's better to write an overall plan of attack than it is to put out a map and start putting down placements for operators you might not get during your run, depending on your Hope and vouchers.
The general strategy for bullying a theater kid takes about 6 steps:
Control the Center - This step is fairly obvious. It's the path all enemies must take to reach your gates while the roadblocks still stand, so this is where you must establish map control first. Place your vanguards here, to be later replaced with Guards or Defenders.
Kill the Scarlet Singers from range - This is where most inexperienced players get stuck vs the Blood Diamond, not in the boss itself, but in dealing with the swarm of scarlet singers the level throws at you. Creating a defensive line and trying to hold out is suicide with their nervous impairment and their ability to massively buff enemy ASPD when they hit low health. You MUST be proactive. As soon as you've got your center set up, immediately use the ranged tiles in the middle of the stage to take down the Scarlet Singers from outside of their attack range. You want to kill them all BEFORE they leave that area (they will circle it a few times), as the stage becomes very hard once they're allowed to attack.
Set up Arts damage in the upper left - After the Scarlet Singers, the second major threat enemy-wise is the Heavy Defenders coming from the top left gate. These dudes are /tough/, and will soak up a lot of fire that should be going towards defending your center from enemy waves. If you don't deal with them quickly, they'll still be tanking fire by the time Phantom shows up, and you'll miss your best chance at taking down the boss.
Prepare for Phantom's arrival - Lucian the Blood Diamond won't come out of any gate. Rather, he'll appear in the right side of the stage where the Scarlet Singers are and take you by surprise. Before that happens, you want your operators with big DPS skills deployed and with their SP charged. You don't want to go into a long brawl with Phantom, you want to assassinate him as quickly as possible. You also want to prepare a tank. You'll see why in the next step.
Cage the Blood Diamond - Once Phantom starts moving, you can try peppering him with ranged attacks from the operators that killed the Scarlet Singers, but you'll notice you'll be missing a whole lot of damage. That's because while unblocked, he has evasion against Arts and Phys damage. However, if you try to block him, he will generate a clone and do Crownslayer's dash. This ability has a cooldown and can be abused to cage Phantom. Simply wait til he's about 2-3 tiles away from your tank, then drop an operator on top of him to trigger his dash. He will smack right into your tank and get blocked, disabling his evasion.
Delete the Blood Diamond - Once you have him blocked, throw everything you have into deleting him as fast as possible. Phantom deals a lot of damage, and both him and his clone deal AOE nervous impairment which will stun your operators and free him from being blocked. If you don't have Wandering Medics like Honeyberry, the Nervous Impairment alone can crush your entire defensive line and the stage will fall apart. If Phantom manages to reach and destroy the roadblocks and you have less than 4 lives left, you can kiss that victory goodbye with how little of a defense you can muster now that the enemy has two lanes of approach, if Phantom himself didnt already kill all your operators.
Depending on how strong you are, certain steps can be skipped, (for example, a Goldenglow with S3 equipped and very fast ASPD can take out both the Heavy Defenders and Scarlet Singers at once while also heavily denting Phantom through his evasion), but this is the general plan for killing Phantom as long as you don't have run-specific cheese ready.
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raxistaicho · 1 year
How is Edelgard the best unit gameplay-wise ? She's my favorite character but I don't know much about unit tier-listing and all that
I made a post on this ages back, here you go:
Reddit also went into it here.
Here's some fun quotes from that:
S Tier - incredibly she somehow has an even better early game than the S-tier Byleths thanks to higher strength, easy access to Weight-3, brainless Armor Knight certification, and good base Authority for early Blaze. Transitions to flight at lv 10 and never needs to look back. Galeforces her way through any problematic Part 2 maps thanks to the frankly ludicrous Raging Storm. Pound for pound might be the best unit in the game thanks to how much better and more centralizing she is than Dimitri in the early game.
Girlboss indeed.
Edelgard is also very good before she gets her hands on Aymr as well, her bases are among the best in the game, 13 base Str + 55% growth means she puts a massive dent to anything she attacks from the get go and can reliably ORKO with Brave Weapons later on. She has decent bulk, the best in her house along with Ferdinand though Petra is better at baiting speedier enemies since she won't get doubled, that being said Black Eagles don't have a dedicated tank and you'd be better off recruiting Balthus who can do the job better. Her Charm is among the best in the game which means her Gambits have high Accuracy and hits hard and she can dodge enemies Gambits more reliably than most units in your team.
Edelgard is hands down the best unit in this game. I’d be inclined to put her in a tier by herself in S+, but going by the rubric laid out by OP she is S tier.
Edelgard thoroughly dominates the early portion of the game with the best base strength among students and outstanding bases in other stats. Her middling base speed is easily fixed by her easy access to Wt-3 and later Darting Blow. She can also certify in Armor Knight for a cheeky defense boost. She is tanky as heck, never gets doubled, deals out huge damage, and her personal allows her to snowball quite dramatically. She can be argued as the best early game unit, although Dedue, Leonie, Dimitri, and the Byleths are competitive.
Mid game she still dominates although she has some competition. She will basically be the best of the female flying units. Death and Darting Blow, along with Weight -3 and Hit +20 make her a fearsome combat unit. She will double quite frequently and has good survivability on enemy phase.
But once Chapter 13 rolls around, it’s all over for every other unit. Raging Storm is either the #1 or #2 most busted thing in the entire game depending on how you feel about Warp. Edelgard can legitimately beat maps by herself once she gets this ability. It’s so good that I have to force myself not to use it sometimes because I don’t want to just solo the game with her. The fact that all part 2 maps are boss kill just makes her complete overkill in this game.
She is better than her stepbrother. Not his fault, just the way the game is designed favors a broken PP unit more than a broken EP unit. I will say that Edelgard needs more investment to be amazing than Dimitri does, but at the end of the day she is just flat better than him, to a degree where the higher investment doesn’t sway me.
Best unit in the game imo. At worst she's FByleth but with better boons/tutoring, meaning easier access to armor skills/classes and wyverns. She's one your best early game units, to the point that I still rate her highly in Silver Snow. And of course there's Raging Storm. Awakening Galeforce was way too broken; restricting it so only 1 unit can use it 5 times in a row clearly solves the problem right? The one weakness she may have is that she wants to rely on crit in order to kill with Raging Storm, especially against bosses, but Crest of Flames prevents her from using defiant crit more consistently.
Yes, she is better than Dimitri. Dimitri heavily relies on bwrath/vantage and is much weaker without it, and it's painfully apparent in HBD and even some of the later chapters. Even without Amyr, Edelgard is still FByleth with better boons. While her strength/speed growths may be lower, she's actually going to outdamage/outspeed Dimitri for a very long time thanks to her bases and easier access to strong skills/classes. May be a different story if more route objectives were present, but in reality many maps just require defeating the commander(s), which Edelgard excels very well at.
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furryprovocateur · 5 months
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okay. i now have the time to talk about this monster of a chapter. hopefully i don't need to pastebin it.
if you have never played battle before dawn on hhm, forget EVERYTHING you think you know about it as a chapter.
jaffar is unkillable? Wrong, he gets 3HKO'd by swordreaver fighters and usually if he gets hit by two of them, a mage or hero can finish him off. you can reach him somewhat quickly if you're lucky, but you have no say over when he uses his elixirs (already kind of a funds mald), nor do you control his aggression, so he can potentially suicide-rush a handful of units and you likely won't be able to stop it. it's not that he takes damage, because you can reach him with a physic by probably turn 4 or 5. it's that he aggros such a large amount of units that it's a diceroll on whether he'll live to that point. it's very funny that he's an in-universe killing machine but can die to unpromoted units fairly easily, but also aggravating at times. one of my biggest issues with my attempts is that i'd get stuck on a seed where jaffar would just kill himself over and over again and i couldn't do a thing about it. and the funny thing is: i don't recall ever having this issue on past HHM attempts of this chapter. it's really down to how much the RNG likes you, unfortunately, and RNG advancing will unfortunately be your only recourse if it doesn't.
zephiel is easy to save? Wrong, his AI is stupid and will run off of the pillar tiles that give +1 defense and +20 avoid if he takes too much damage, which will essentially doom him. even with WTA, iron axe fighters are coinflip hitting him on regular terrain, mages are hitting him for 5-6 damage, and archers (if they get to him, god help you) will rarely miss. it's a give-and-take situation for him and jaffar because if one gets less aggro, the other one gets more. despite what you may think, i found zephiel getting more of it to be slightly more manageable due to the enemy taking slightly longer to reach him + having established momentum in the chapter helps compared to hoping jaffar plays smart. if zephiel stays on the pillar, then the fighters are much less scary (no one with a swordreaver/slayer should reach him unless you entirely neglect defending him.). it's another situation of "healing him isn't the issue, him survving an entire enemy phase at full HP is". in my successful attempt, i actually had him crit one of the fighters, to my amusement. didn't save any time/damage because a noncrit would've killed anyway, but it was surprising.
ursula is usually a nonthreat due to not moving? Wrong, she starts moving on turn 13 and, if she still has bolting, will almost assuredly kill zephiel if not dealt with (this is actually one of the hhm changes i prefer, tbh). it's kind of gag-worthy that this also means that her AI will definitively not move even if you rush her, which makes her relatively easy to kill if you send a unit with good to even moderate resistance. for most players, this'll likely be a falcoknight, which works out well because all the mercenaries around her can be annoying without WTA and they don't have lancereavers. if you're feeling really cautious, you can send two units after her and secure the kill before she can counter, but it's not strictly necessary if your pegasus of choice is good enough. you could also do something insane like using eclipse with canas but a. eclipse is expensive, why would you use it in a ranked run and b. look i love canas, i really do, but rolling on the floor laughing @ the idea of using him at this point.
you only need one thief for this chapter? Wr- well okay you CAN make it work with one thief, but it is highly in your best interest to have two. there's good steals on the left side, and even base legault can likely steal from the thieves (both can have up to 18 speed, but base legault's is 16~18 whereas the thieves in this chapter are 14~18, so odds are more in your favor there). and this is assuming that somehow matthew didn't end up at 19 speed already, which he hits, on average, by level 14. no, you WANT to steal from the thieves because they have lockpicks and stealing their lockpicks turns them into limp-dick losers who leave the map, which is usually a good thing (shame we can't kill them, but this map is very tight on objectives, so it'd only be feasible to kill them if you really went out of your way to do so, rather than have it be incidental.). really, the absolute biggest reason by far to use two thieves is that it's less for your mounted units to do, who already need to be dealing with the swarm of enemies coming after either jaffar or zephiel. sure, i COULD use only matthew and send him to the right side then use a mounted unit to quickly send him over to the left side and then hope i get him to that luna druid in time to steal his earth seal. or i could just make life easier and drop a unit like raven, who is good but not going to do that much for me in this chapter, and field legault as well. it's peace of mind if nothing else. i'm sure you could route out a way to use only one thief and get the 4 chests + earth seal (hell, maybe even a lockpick if you're daring), and i've even probably done it, but it's just easier to do two.
at least nino's still easy to save right? Wr- okay this one is another halvsies thing because she's the least difficult spinning plate to manage and i never personally had her die, but the monk who goes after her does have a crit chance of like 1 or 2 and can crit for 15 damage. granted her full HP is 19 and she does heal herself with elixirs, so it's not that big of a deal, but i've heard people complain about the dreaded Nino Gets Crit situation play out for them, so i figured it's worth mentioning. but, other than that, nino really is the easiest part of this chapter since the monk and ursula are the only units who would go after her, and you have no reason to not be resolving nino's situation before turn like. idk. 9. no less 13.
okay well there's nothing else to worry about in this chapter right? Wrong, everyone forgets about maxime. but maxime will fuck you up. word is bond, he will FUCK you up. usually he ends up being an afterthought due to being relatively unthreatening on lower difficulties, but HHM stat increases make him skyrocket in threat level. hell, just compare his HP on HNM, which is 40, to HHM, which can be as high as 63. keep in mind his strength/skill/speed can all go as high as 24/23/21 respectively, and he's arguably one of the scarier bosses in all of HHM. the only positive about his situation is that you're dealing with him fairly early, so if he's going to troll you, he'll do it near the beginning of your attempts.
yeah tumblr's getting mad at me so i have to put the rest of this in a pastebin. ENJOY https://pastebin.com/TZT9Dxuc
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Loose lips sink ships continuation pleaseeee
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
Loose Lips Sink Ships, Part 8
Artemis was in the hospital room, gun in hand, enemies before them.
They looked into Bryn’s wide eyes. Looked down at the syringe in their side. None of this made sense.
And then they were in a van.
They cast their gaze around wildly. Where was the hospital? Where were the Vekalese? They had to kill the Vekalese. Where was –
They caught Bryn’s eyes, just as their partner turned to look at them. Those eyes were just as wide as before. Just as scared.
Artemis lost their shit.
“What the hell!” they shouted. “Traitor! God, fuck. How could – ”
The van halted. Someone – Macy – held them down. What the hell was Macy doing here? The voice in their head was nothing but a guttural scream. Artemis yelled and thrashed. How could they do anything else?
They only stopped when, arms flailing, they accidentally struck Macy in the chin. She cried out, her head knocked back.
“Oh my god, Mace, I’m so – ”
And then Macy was pushed aside, and Connie was there.
“What is your name?” she asked, taking Artemis’s wrist.
“I – what?”
“Answer the question. What is your name?”
She finished taking their pulse, and shined a light in their eye. “Good. And what year is it?”
“Connie, I’m fine.”
“Of course. Which is why you attacked my partner while attempting to attack your own.”
Artemis paused for a moment, truly taking in their surroundings. The back seat’s leather was soft, the sky outside the windows was a gloomy overcast. They weren’t restrained. There were no enemy soldiers in sight. No one in the van looked happy, but there were also no signs on their faces of imminent danger. 
It was starting to dawn on Artemis that they might actually be safe.
“Okay, my outburst was uncalled for.” They spoke slowly, and softly, trying their best to sound fully rational and in control of their senses. “I’m sorry I hit you, Mace. Really, I am. Now may I please sit up?”
Connie nodded her assent, but continued to check their breathing and blood pressure.
“With all this fussing, you’d never guess that I’m the indestructible one,” they muttered.
“You should be grateful,” Macy said. “If Connie weren’t here, I’d have throttled you by now.”
Artemis winced. “Again, sorry. For just now, and for the stunt I pulled back at the safe-room. That was out of line.”
“Damn straight it was. If our base hadn’t fallen to the enemy, I’d be reporting you right now.”
Artemis belatedly came to the realization that the standoff in the hospital room must have been hours ago. Or even days. “So it’s true, then? Our base is down?”
“Unfortunately, yeah.” Connie finished her examination, and leaned back, crossing her arms. “Most of my team was captured.”
Artemis looked between each of their friends. “And how did we get out?”
Macy ran a hand through her hair. “When things went to shit, Connie came looking for me. She let me out of the safe-room, and I told her what you were doing. We grabbed a couple tranqs and saved your sorry ass.”
Artemis blinked. They glanced at Connie. “So you’re telling me that you broke protocol in a dangerous situation to go rescue your girlfriend.”
Connie flushed. “It’s not the same as what you did.”
“Oh, but I think it is.”
“Is that what you were trying to do?” Bryn said, still in the front seat. “When you showed up in my hospital room, bleeding and half delirious?”
Artemis turned their gaze to their partner. That’s right. There was still that matter to attend to.
“Speaking of. Bryn, dearest, can you kindly tell me why the fuck you drugged me back there?”
Both Connie and Macy glanced over to Bryn. “What are they talking about?”
Bryn shot their eyes back and forth. Was Artemis wrong to say they looked frantic? “You were about to get yourself killed, moonshine. Those soldiers had guns, and you weren’t listening to them. And I just panicked.”
Connie turned back to Artemis. “You what?”
Artemis held up a hand in defense. “Hey, listen, I was doing my best in a stressful situation. It was fine. But what I want to know is – ”
“No, we’re not just brushing past this again. What the hell Artemis? You should know better.”
“You’re right, I was reckless. But what about – ”
“Are you relying on your healing factor to save you? Is that it? We have no idea what its limitations are. You’re probably still able to die.”
“Yes, I’m aware, I – ”
Despite Artemis’s best efforts, Connie continued to chew them out.
When evening came, they parked along the side of the road, near where an expansive field turned to forest. Macy and Connie went on a walk to survey the area. Bryn, whose broken foot was still in an orthopedic boot, was left behind to start the fire.
They arranged the sticks and leaves perfectly, and then turned to grab the lighter.
When they did, they halted, frozen like a deer. “You’re supposed to be resting in the van.”
Artemis shrugged, and walked over. They settled onto a rock next to their partner. “I wanted to enjoy a moment of outdoor time without Connie around.”
“She means well.” Bryn smiled slightly, and lit the fire. “Her job is dealing with battle wounds and casualties all day. She just wants us to be safe.”
Artemis nodded, their face devoid of any humour. “I also wanted to ask why you lied to me.”
Bryn said nothing.
Artemis stared into the small growing flames. “Hospitals don’t just leave syringes of anesthesia lying around. How did you get it, and why did you use it on me?”
“Listen, you were pretty out of it back there. I think you might’ve – ”
“Don’t try to gaslight me, angel.”
Bryn paused for a moment, and let out a breath. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”
Surprising both of them, Artemis took Bryn’s hand. “Just, what’s going on? Please. You said you’d explain everything. Whatever it is, we can deal with it together.”
Bryn looked from their held hands to Artemis’s eyes. Their expression began to open. It returned to that sincere, honest look that Artemis had first started to love, so long ago.
“I – ”
And of course, that was the moment in which a grenade decided to land at their feet.
This would’ve been so much easier if you’d just tortured them, the voice said, as Artemis ran forward to grab it.
They threw the grenade towards the trees.
And then they watched as their throwing arm exploded.
Taglist: @iamtheshriekingguineapig , @bouncyartist
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purplekoop · 1 year
(finally thinking about the thing again)
Among the several "compensation prizes" that were announced alongside... the un-announcement, one that sticks out to me right now is Hero Challenges.
From what we know so far, these are hero-specific single-player challenges set on basic custom maps. I think a good comparison would be Kirby and the Forgotten Land's side challenge sections, short missions designed around utilizing mechanics from the main game, which you can try and retry quickly for a faster completion time.
This sounds like a minor novelty at best (especially in comparison to. some other thing), but I feel like this mode has some serious potential.
I think almost every PvP game lacks any really good "teaching systems" that give new players a way to gain practical proficiency with the mechanics. In most games, the best you get is a basic run through of what buttons you need to press. Overwatch itself as of now pretty much just has the very basic tutorial that explains one single character. Even if the tutorials were expanded to cover multiple characters, there's still not a great safe space to practice and refine the mechanics required to actually make use of those characters. There's some fantastic community-made tools like Workshop aim trainers, but these can only do so much, both in terms of quality and scope. An aim trainer can't teach you game sense or cooldown management or positioning or any other of the countless little micro-skills required to really do well in a game like Overwatch.
So if not that, then... how do you fix that?
Hero Challenges, that's how
I think this new mode has the potential to be that better tutorial the game (and many others) could really use. Using these short little replayable single player challenges, the game can offer a safe place for players of any skill level to refine any number of mechanics, from simple aim and movement proficiency to more complex skills like resource/cooldown management or overall game sense.
Like, just as some examples (disclaimer, I'm probably more creative than whatever poor two schmucks they saddled with creating this entire game mode):
Moira challenge where you have to prevent a dummy bot who's constantly losing health from dying, recharging your healing resource efficiently using nearby enemy bots and using biotic orb to fill in the gaps
Genji challenge where you have to use Dragonblade against a group of moving bots, getting as many kills as possible before the timer runs out
Sigma or Orisa challenge where you have to efficiently cycle your abilities to survive as long as possible from an increasingly massive mob of attackers
Junker Queen challenge where you're constantly losing health, and need to constantly be wounding nearby dummy bots to survive as long as possible
Doomfist parkour challenge where the fastest way to get through some sections quickly is to Power Block against a stationary damage source like a turret in order to instantly recharge Rocket Punch instead of waiting on the cooldown
Junkrat/Sigma/Hanzo challenge where you need to bounce shots around barriers or terrain to hit the enemy targets
I could probably go on if I really wanted to, but these are all just ideas that aren't just the obvious aim or movement-based challenges, which mind you, are still cool things that I really want to see implemented in official fashion. These are just trying to come up with things that aren't so direct but still very much impact player performance. Note how a lot of those examples are for heroes who don't necessarily need good aim to play well, but instead require other skills that are a bit more abstract, but still totally possible to teach and reinforce how to do well at with little challenges like these.
And these are all just assuming the characters' mechanics are untouched, imagine all the goofy microgames they could squeeze into this, like a Torbjorn tower defense challenge where you have to beat a gradual horde of enemies exclusively by positioning and repairing your turret. Stuff that doesn't have to equate to real-game scenarios, just fun little challenges that would be fun to play and practice just for the fun of it.
Again, I get why it's hard to be excited about something as seemingly insignificant as this, but I'm gonna play the fool and hope they see out the potential of this side mode.
Overwatch really just needs more stuff to do. It feels like a misdiagnosis to call it an "incomplete" experience when technically doesn't "need" anything outside of the basic PvP modes to function, but it could definitely use some more filling out to feel like a comprehensive experience. Just more stuff to mess around in within the game that isn't that main mode, but still uses those mechanics in a fun way that can then be used to enhance the main game experience using those privately developed skills, or just serve as a fun distraction to play for its own sake. (Yeah no duh a mega comprehensive infinitely replayable skill tree 1,000 mission PvE mode would be "better" for having a side activity, or even being the main activity for a lot of players, but that's not happening so I'm looking at what we're actually getting)
Summarizing, I think this is a potentially really cool side mode that I wanted to shine a bit of light on and speculate about what they could do with it, because this could potentially be a really cool space to add essentially a whole new "thing" to the game as a whole.
Again, hoping for the best with this one. Probably foolish but that's never stopped me before.
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simonhbishop · 9 months
Titan's War
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I. He'd once been a Beta. One not only in charge of the younglings' training, but also his pack's defenses from enemies. It's not something many people knew other than the Dominion—Bishop Carpentry was builtto become a safe house if needed. There's even a food reserve and a large basement to welcome people. So while it's a shock to hear of the attack on the Medical Center, Simon is quick to react. After making sure his staff will be safe, and that they need to protect people coming in for protection, he leaves. It's a visceral need to help people.
II. Beyond sex, he's never lost control, never like that. Not only that, the hallucinations inflicting him are driving him even madder. There's no way for him to know how many people he's killed, but he's left none alive, cause none deserved to. He needs to stop him... his best friend, from selling any more pups. This isn't about survival, but control and that's not a man he can follow anymore. He meets a wolf named Vincent, and together, they find camaraderie in their shared insanity as they look for a lost wife and a sister. They get separated eventually.
III. He's luckily on his way back to his business when the third bomb hit, and too far away to be affected. So he goes to the park to see how he can help out. He stumbles upon a father and his two children. Both kids cannot talk nor hear, and the father is blind. Simon manages to calm them all, before he guides them and another half dozen people to Bishop Carpentry, making sure to remain unseen by the enemy. He hopes this won't last too long, because it pains him to see so many suffering this way. Children shouldn't suffer...
IV. He's close to the Dominion, when he hears of the fall of Crimson Library, and while he's aware of the danger, Simon cannot stop himself from trying all he can to help. Bishop Carpentry is almost full now, but if he needs to put people in his house, or hidden on his patch of land, he will. It breaks his heart to see the panic settling, but also mages losing themselves to their growing powers which they have no control over. Even more so, the depowered supernaturals. He hears of what the Alpha did, sees what remains...
V. When the fire happens, nothing prepares him for the sight awaiting him. It's abnormal. What would push people to such cruelty, especially against their own kind? Simon tries to help, also give comfort to those alone in their last moments. At this point, he's sobbing. There's so many small bodies around him, burned to the bones. He'd come to Covaire city to find some kind of peace,  but this feels more and more like penance. And while he knows he deserves it, he cannot bear to see so many children dying in such terrible ways. This is not fair...
VI. He shouldn't have gone out again. Should've stay there, help around, and calming people, but the battle hadn't been over. So there he is, moments before losing consciousness, wondering if the few he'd grown close to would survive. Always thinking about others before his own well-being. It's probably why he'll die here, buried underneath a large wall of bricks, that crushes his body. He'd been too exhausted to get out on time. But at least, they all got out alive. And maybe, just maybe, you where spared that day by your best friend, so you could die here today.
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melonnmiru · 2 years
finally finished ukiyo's rework!
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Agent Name: Ukiyo
Codename: Specter
Age: 22
Real Name: Kazashi Sakakibara
Species: Radiant
Spoken Languages: Japanese, English
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Ukiyo is a very loud and eccentric person who enjoys annoying both her allies and enemies. Is notorious for pranking people, things like summoning ghosts behind mirrors to scare whoever passes by them. She won't stop unless you sit her down and tell her to, which even then, would take a lot of persuasion on your end.
She tends to act overconfident with things like her radiance and gets defensive if someone tries to criticize her on it. She is fully aware of the fact she still barely understands her own powers but would prefer if other's wouldn't see her that way too. Along with comments on her radiance, she gets noticeably upset when her clothes get damaged during battles or when people comment about her choice of clothing.
Ukiyo is seen to be generous on occasion, buying agents stuffed animals that reminded her of them or giving her own albeit strange, words of advice to whoever asks. Though rather odd with her acts of kindness, Ukiyo really just wants the best for those she's closest to.
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Reiko Suzuki, Ukiyo's original body used to work as a shrine maiden in Tokyo. During this time she met Chiyo, after a while the two began dating. A few months go by and while Reiko was cleaning in the shrine, the first light occured. Reiko was the only one within the shrine affected by it and since it came so suddenly, she quickly lost control and her ghosts went rampant across the shrine. Almost if not all the shrine maidens, including herself and Chiyo were killed.
In the afterlife, Reiko chose to pass on in the form of Chiyo in her next life as a way to make her continue on with her life as if she had never died. However this made it so that Ukiyo was born into this world the same age Chiyo died. Current Ukiyo/Kazashi doesn't know her body is Chiyo and her memories match that of Reiko's with a few altercations. (Not knowing she died and such) She acts like how Chiyo did and is near the splitting image for her, except for the beauty mark on her right cheek. Oddly, (and for plot convenience) Ukiyo still has the same radiance she had from her past life and until now, has no clue how she got it.
Currently, Ukiyo lives in the abandoned shrine, taking care of it as well as scaring random people who pass by. Ever since she saw what she now knows was her past self in the mirror, she's been trying to figure out just what happened in her past life.
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Q —Latern Spook  ; One charge. 300 creds.
Summon a lantern spirit behind the wall of an entrance. When an enemy is detected, it will immediately pop up in front of the enemy and blind them. The lantern can be shot before being detected or blinded.
C — Condensed Spirit ; Two charges. 150 creds
Ukiyo places a sigil on the ground. Once activated, a ghost is released and pulls anyone within its radius to the center for 5 seconds. Afterwards, whoever was pulled into the spirit will be slowed for a few seconds.
Signature — Omamori ; One charge. Free.
Equip an omamori to give to another player. Once an omamori is given, the player receives an extra 35 shield. The omamori cannot be given to herself.
Ultimate — After Dark ; 7 Ult points.
Ukiyo summons the ghost equivalent of her shrine in a set area. Enemies who enter/are already in the shrine are immediately hit with paranoia. Effect lingers after leaving Ukiyo's ult for 3 seconds. Ult lasts for 45 seconds and cancels if Ukiyo dies.
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- Ukiyo is very fond of k-pop, especially groups like Twice and Red Velvet. A few of her voicelines mention her buying albums. (if i ever get around to finishing them lmao)
- Ukiyo has an irrational fear of birds simply because "they're always staring at me, ready to poke my eyes out!".
- When Ukiyo isn't trying to scare the agents, she can be seen playing random horror games or cooking.
- Ukiyo is an ESFP and 8w7. She is also a Scorpio and her birthday is on November 20 (aka day i created her #slay)
- Very careful about her appearance, takes hours to get ready in the morning even if she isn't really going anywhere.
- thats all i have rn check again later *shoos you away
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(Old) Masterlist
Revamped Voicelines
Relationships with other Agents
Splash Art
Agent Contract
Valorant Backstory (How she was recruited etc)
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How to Acquire Sequence Break in 7th Dragon for Fun and Profit
Needed: Some way of preventing random encounters, some way of restoring LIFE and MANA, a Princess, 3000 Gold, the boat,.
Follow the plot as intended until shortly after you receive the boat. Make port at the usual place.
Purchase the South Sea field skill with your 3000 Gold.
From the port, sail southwest until you hit Marlleaire.
A number of quests can be done without progressing along the intended path. Do them if you want better equipment. If you have enough money, equipment may also be purchased.
You may also accept the game’s ninth mission. This is four missions early, but still completely doable. The healing spring is at the entrance to that dungeon where there are no encounters, so as long as you can beat the Dragons, it should be fine.
Whatever your method of encounter mitigation- Medic, Samurai, the Lover’s Band if you have it- turn it on. The encounters here are much more dangerous than the Dragons when you’re lower levelled than the enemies, because random encounter formations tend to get multiple actions, and they will outspeed. Do not let that happen.
The Dragons on the first floor are all Wyrms. They are dangerous, with the ability to inflict Skill Seal, but large- you will only ever fight one at a time. A reasonably sturdy party with ongoing Mana regen should be able to outlast one. Kill them all, travelling between towers as needed, and reap the experience.
If you have a Fighter, invest the resulting SP in whatever debuff your weapon type has access to if it hasn’t been maxed out already- you are still underleveled and need all the help you can get. If you have a Knight, invest in the best defensive skills you have access to- you are still underleveled and need all the help you can get. Save your Princess’ SP for later- she will need it for later, when you are still underleveled and need all the help you can get.
If you don’t want to keep the results after Dreadnought’s defeat, Marlleaire sells Oblivion Pearls, and that will at worst put you back to where you were before you entered the tower.
Go back to town and sell the Wyrm drops. If there is equipment in Marlleare you couldn’t afford then, you may be able to afford it now.
The second floor introduces Little Dragons. These are much more dangerous- they can gang up on you. Kill them as well, preferably with an ambush so you can start debuffing them before they bite your faces off.
If you ever aren’t ready for the upcoming Dragons, you can camp out the first floor of a tower with encounters turned on- they are probably not any worse than the Little Dragons, but should still give decent experience given your level.
Complete the dungeon puzzle. Do not fight Dreadnought yet.
Once the puzzle is completed, some of the Princess’ EX skills- specifically, the two of which allow you to choose the element susceptability of everyone on the field- will be hidden in the tower. Claim them as your prize. If that’s all you wanted, you may return to the intended path, selling your collected drops for possibly enough money to last until you were intended to come here.
...But you could also fight Dreadnought. Winning will net you 10000 Gold, its drop, and lots of exp. It’ll also save you the hassle of climbing the tower again, possibly with respawned Dragons since the Bloom is tied to Dreadnought on first visit. It’s level 48, though, so think very carefully about it.
Whatever your choice regarding the Imperial Dragon, you may now steamroll the part of the game you were meant to be playing. Have fun!
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dravidious · 6 months
You're more amazing than knees
Had to stop adventuring because of an arrow to the knee? You should've hired a
It's well-known among adventurers and dungeon-delvers that very few who choose the adventuring life want to be in the support role. Somewhat less well-known is just how much adventuring parties are willing to pay for a skilled support. Whether driven by money, altruism, or simple love for the craft, you want to become a support. But there are many ways to play the role. What spells will you learn, what skills will you train? What kind of support will you become? The time, effort, and resources you spend to train yourself are represented by 5 experience points (XP), which you spend to gain skills, spells, and other advantages, collectively called Perks. All Perks cost 1 XP. Some Perks require prerequisite Perks that must be learned as well, which are noted in parentheses.
Healing: The signature skill of a support. You've learned to treat wounds both in the heat of combat and in the safety of a camp. If you don't learn this, you'll only be able to perform basic first aid, and bandages just aren't quite enough in the middle of a brawl.
Healing Master (requires Healing): Let's be honest, practically every support knows how to heal. If you want to stand out, you need MORE; heal off deadly wounds in a flash, restore the whole party to full after a dragon's breath, pump out heal after heal no matter how long the fight goes on, REVIVE THE DEAD!! You're not just a healer, you're THE healer.
Aggressive Buffs: Amp up the party's fighting ability to wipe out enemies faster. Pump up muscles, enchant weapons with elements, hasten movement and/or attacks, there's lots of ways to make your allies better at killing things.
Defensive Buffs: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of care. Create shields to deflect blows, make wards that dampen elemental attacks, apply vaccines against status ailments, you've got all kinds of spells to stay one step ahead of the enemies' tricks.
Buff Mastery (requires Aggressive Buffs and/or Defensive Buffs): You're an expert at empowering your allies! You can give your warrior the strength of an ogre, make a dragon's fire feel like a warm breeze, and make your whole party as quick as the wind.
Persuasion: The best way to avoid injury is to stop the fight before it can start. Whether by intimidation, charm, or a polite attitude, you know how to talk your way out of dangerous situations and get what you want without lifting a finger.
Ranged Attacks: Hanging out in the back lines can get dull, why not help the enemies die faster? It's not your top priority, but with a bow or some spells, you can get in some decent attacks when there's no need to heal or buff.
Melee Attacks: As a support, enemies will tend to rush toward you first. But where some see adversity, you see opportunity. With a blade or staff, you can surprise any enemies that get close with some powerful hits.
Combat Medic (requires Ranged Attacks and/or Melee Attacks): The enemies need to die, so why not help with that directly? In addition to improved attacks, you know how to mix your supportive skills into your fighting; steal life from enemies to give to the party, weaken them with your strikes, and boost your own strength along with your allies'. You do still need to learn actual supportive skills in order to use them.
Debuffs: Weakened enemies are much less dangerous and much easier for you party to kill. Sap enemies' strength, slow their movements, silence them to prevent spellcasting, and any other affliction you can think of.
Divination: Information is as valuable a resource as any potion or weapon. Scry through dungeon walls, communicate across vast distances, see the future, or even read minds! No secrets can hide from you.
Crafting: With all the junk adventurers pick up, you'd think more of them would know what to do with it. You know how to brew potions, make arrows, and put together all sorts of useful items. You can also imbue your supportive abilities into items, such as to make buff potions, imbue arrows with debuffs, or enchant a ring with temporary regeneration.
Summoning: Sometimes your party needs backup, or sometimes you find yourself without a party at all. In any case, you have some way (spirits, monster taming, constructs, necromancy, etc.) of calling up extra party members for help. Alternatively, you have a little familiar, around housecat sized with some combat skill, that's always by your side and can be revived easily if it dies. A familiar might be a bit weak, but at least you don't have to waste energy summoning it!
Summon Master (requires Summoning): Your summoning is more than just another spell in your arsenal. You can call upon a mighty dragon or storm elemental, or a small army of animals or skeletons. If you chose to have a familiar instead, it can be as large as a bear, and it's about as powerful as one regardless of size.
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claire-starsword · 7 months
The Guardiana Magic School Run - Part 8.5
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Look, a proper screenshot of Narsha's stat screen! I have never failed to take one, ever!
Unlike last battle we have little room to prepare at the beginning, I'm hoping her 20 attack will do something without a boost, cause i'd like to not waste a turn spellcasting.
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It is EXACTLY enough. I love this woman.
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Yeah. She's just Max no. 2. There's only one worry left before I declare this battle a cakewalk.
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First it is more of an actual walk cause we can grab these chests without a single enemy around.
Now, the problem. Everyone say hi to Shining Force's most recurring creature!
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The Kraken here isn't as cool as it is anywhere else, but still has some chonky stats as you can see by its HP here. It can get up the bridge and block your path, in which case I'm usually toast, but I've never leveled up Narsha this much before, so maybe we can take it today? We'll see, I'm not sure what triggers it to climb the bridge or not and I don't wanna risk too much upon being able to do these interludes deathless.
But it would be so cool. In preparation, I finally cast Attack. This takes out half her MP and cuts her away from using a second Aura this battle, but she's full of healing items so I'm hoping it won't matter.
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Worth mentioning, besides the Kraken there's like, two more Outlaws waiting to ambush us, so yeah, there's myriads of ways we can get blocked on the bridge. It never happened to me, but I'm wondering if they and the Kraken can work together to surround you on both sides. Sounds bad! I don't know what to do besides advancing though, and I'd rather have the Outlaws in front than the Kraken.
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We're dead.
I can't even try using the Defense Potion she found because it went to the Item Box, it would do wonders for our survivability here. As it is we're just toast, unless I can bait the Outlaws one by one back to the start where the Kraken can't reach.
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They took the bait, there's hope. I'm not touching that Kraken ever.
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Oh that +2 defense is so appreciated.
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I finally heal and attempt to hit this beast. This could be a mistake as I don't know if it can counter, but that's exactly it, I really wanna see its stats.
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That's a valiant effort from our queen, if I could use Zuika I could see us defeating this thing. It's not worth the risk though.
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Apparently it does have a chance to drop a better mace for her, which is peculiar. And I guess it can't counterattack after all. Valuable information.
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More importantly the Outlaws continue to be suckers so let's keep up with the plan.
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Aaaaaaaaah I should have dragged the Outlaw further back, shouldn't I???
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Shoo. Go away. There's nothing in bridge. Out.
…It is not leaving.
Okay. Panic over. We have three healing items so I think we can do this, it's just a massive waste, and will give me a heart attack if this thing gets a critical hit.
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She's trying she's trying so hard go Narsha go!
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Oh this would have been so useful to cross the bridge. Step is another Narsha exclusive spell which raises a character's movement by 2. Will be beyond useful in forest/mountain battles.
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WE'RE SO CLOSE I'm gonna be careful though and heal before finishing it off.
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I WAS TOO HYPED TO SCREENSHOT IT BUT THIS THING GIVES 2000 GOLD. Also dropped the Heavy Mace, I don't know if that's guaranteed.
God this is so incredibly satisfying I always wanted to kill this thing.
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I also thankfully did not have to waste a Healing Seed in this foolishness, and am now much more prepared for murder.
It's a joke to deal with the remaining Outlaws after that. All that's left is Gobgovitch, but I'll heal first with Aura just for paranoia. I doubt he's stronger than a whole Kraken.
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Tumblr is bullying me with the image limit but, he had 20 HP.
Well, Aura gave her some extra exp, that was definitely the best move. I love being good at games intentionally.
We finish the battle only to be again disappointed by naval services, as they're too dangerous here. Next time we, well, we get back to the Shining Force for all of Chapter 3, but then we get to Narsha's greatest challenge yet, and I am very hyped.
With that said, updates to this will slow down if not halt completely in the next months, because Shininginktober is coming! It's, tomorrow actually, I totally thought I had more time, but I expected to be late for most entries so whatever. That's why I'm saying months plural. As you can see I did get some warmup though :) So see you soon for that!
Losses: 0 Deaths: 2 The expected deaths on Narsha interludes: 0/3!!!!!!!!!
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breithenua · 8 months
So I was just watching an NCHammer23 video and when he was talking about Guy noticing TenTen has some skills in storing and summoning jutsus but was largely useless compared to other ninjas in her age group, I had a lightbulb go off in my head about 2 different ways in which TenTen could have been made stronger. Starting with Flying Raijin.
I know, I know, it's an incredibly chakra-taxing technique, and I don't think she'd be able to do it nearly to the extent that it's inventor and Minato could. Maybe 10 times per fight to make it believable. But think of how well it would complement her kenjutsu-only fighting style. Allow me to explain.
Minato used it largely for killing enemies up-close faster than they can react. Yeah, maybe TenTen could use it that way, but I think it would make more sense for her to use it in tandem with long-range throwing weapons. Think of her as essentially a ninja sniper that could teleport to another place on the battlefield as soon as enemies get close to her. In a 1vs1 fight this might not work out all that well in her favor, and especially not if it's just her fighting multiple enemies since she'd probably use up her chakra teleporting awayfrom enemies in no time. But keep in kind that she was usually teamed up with *3* close-range fighters, basically all 3 of them being monsters (yes even Neji, he was just a more defensively-oriented taijutsu specialist as opposed to Guy and Lee). All 3 of them would be amazing distractions on the battlefield to draw attention away from TenTen so she can concentrate on her throwing-weapon sniping capabilities. And Neji with his nearly 360° of vision and 800 or so meters in range in any direction, he could also be able to keep an eye on her situation and make sure enemies don't get too close to her. At least he could've done that for her until he died in the 4th Great Ninja War (rip).
Now for the other improvement: Medical Ninjutsu. Reminder, thanks to Tsunade, every team is supposed to have 1 medical ninjutsu specialist. Guy and Lee definitely wouldn't fit that role, and maybe Neji could but he's *not the best* for that role on that team, as he's still a close-combat type. Another reminder, Tsunade laid out the rule that medical ninja are not supposed to get up close and personal (unless you have that seal on her forehead thing but I digress). This suits TenTen perfectly, since she's a long-range fighter type. She stays out of sight and attacks from blind spots while the rest are drawing attention away from her, until her medical ninjutsu is needed. Someone on her team gets hurt and needs to be healed? She heads in and heals them, and the other 2 can defend her and the injured during that time.
But I'm not stopping by keeping the 2 improvements separate from each other. If she has both of the added skills I mentioned at once, she'd be able to use Flying Raijin *and* medical ninjutsu in tandem. Imagine not having to rush in and fight through waves of enemies to heal your allies, because you're able to just teleport to your injured teammate's side with a seal you personally placed on them before, saving precious seconds or minutes for treating them that could otherwise possibly cost them their lives.
And just like that, you make TenTen a really useful ninja. Not a powerhouse, and not someone that is made for 1v1 combat like a lot of the others, but she becomes one of the best support ninjas around, combining long-range attacks (and not the flashy kind that might be detected before they hit, btw), unpredictability and maneuverability, and basically being the team's white mage. And she *still* has her main area of skill and expertise in throwing weapons, she just has other skills to complement that.
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