#valorant ukiyo
melonnmiru · 9 months
day 4 :: spiderverse au
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prompt ::
sunflower by post malone plays in the background.
ukiyo !! ::
everyone point at laugh at the stupid goshikku gyaru turned spidergal
yk how valo ukiyos lore is that she stole someone's body? WELL HE DID THE EXACT SAME THING HERE. ghostie himari was wandering around smth smth OH MY GAWDD SPIDER GAL IS DEAD 😭😭😭😞😞 WAIT. new body 😍..
literally just himari running around figuring out how the whole spiderman thing works while also getting distracted and checking if her hair looks good every .2 seconds
people just questioning why she's acting completely different and how he's still alive but dw she's distracting them by dancing hare hare ‼️‼️‼️
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protocolsecretsanta · 4 months
From @creampill : Hello! This is my gift for the wonderful @melonnmiru for protocol secret Santa!!! Including the wonderful mrs Ukiyo at an arcade with a friend :] hope you enjoy!!
An arcade is a boisterous place. Loud, bright, buzzing, borderline overstimulating, with people running and calling to one another over the endless droning of the games. Joy, mirth, and the wasting of money set to the backdrop of multicoloured carpeting and cacophonous sound effects. Perfect, unruly chaos.
And all of it had to fade away. Ukiyo needed complete focus. No stamping feet, no children screaming. Poise. Calm. Her teeth clenched around the stem of her lollipop (strawberry, of course).
Her eyes follow the claw as it wurrs across its railing, responding to each gentle nudge of the joystick she gives. Precise. No room for error.
Sat neglected in the corner of the claw machine is her prize. The smallest, cutest little plush sheep she had ever seen. It had to be hers. It would be hers. All five dollars she’d already spent on this machine would not be for naught.
She nudges the joystick again. Left. Left. Too much left. Right now. Maybe too much right? She peeks around the side of the machine for another angle.
“Can you just press the stupid button already?” Came an overdramatic whine behind Ukiyo, “this is boring.”
She hissed, squinting. “Shut it, Yoru. I’m concentrating.”
He sighed, taking a bite of a comically large gummy snake. Ukiyo returned to her focus.
Yes. Just enough right. And a little bit more forward. The rail was just too short to get on top of the sheep- her sheep- but she could compensate. She knew what she was doing, she wasn’t some fumbling child, she had the claw perfectly lined up around the loop of fabric attached to the sheep. Snag the tag, get the bag.
“Can’t you just magic it out? Ghosts go through walls.” Yoru mutters.
With her concentration shattered, Ukiyo sighs. “You and I both know what’s not how this works. Also? That’s cheating. And cheating is for people with no skills,” she says, with an especially pointed glare at Yoru.
He rolls his eyes. “It’s strategy. Not cheating.”
“Maybe on a battlefield, but not in arcade basketball- you’re distracting me! Quiet now. I need focus.”
She zeroes in on the claw machine again. She takes a few deep breaths, steadying her hands. A few little nudges. This has to be perfect.
She looks to the side of the cabinet again, then crouches, then steps up to her tippy-toes to analyse the scene from all angles.
By her calculations? A ninety-two percent chance of success.
She breathes out, and presses the button to release the claw.
The machine bursts to life, steadily humming as the claw descends. Like a hawk. She watches. A jaunty little tune plays, slowly getting faster, winding up in anticipation, and her eyes track the claw as it snags against the tag of the sheep-
Yes! Yes! It caught! The claw retracts, the fabric loop wrapped safely around it. She lets herself feel the warmth of victory, but doesn’t let it sink in. This wasn’t it yet. Now it had to survive the trip. She chews on the stem of her lollipop. From the corner of her eye, she sees Yoru yawn.
Along the track the claw goes, slow, methodical. The added weight of the plush makes it swing, more than she expected. This wasn’t in her (obviously extremely scientific and thorough) calculations. She chews her lollipop harder.
Halfway. Every second felt like torture.
Across the arcade, someone yells in frustration. Ukiyo doesn’t flinch.
The claw reaches the end of the track. This is it. She can feel her smugness rising, ready to shove her fluffy little prize in Yoru’s face as soon as she-
The claw halts, jittering to a stop over the collection bay. Too jittery. Ukiyo watches in abject horror as her precious little sheep goes careening off of the claw, fabric loop slipping free, and lands squarely in the opposite corner.
A five note musical trill as the claw reclines along its track. The arcade is loud as ever, but to Ukiyo, it was silence. Shock. A cartoonish smily face pops up on the screen beside the coin slot, almost taunting her. ‘Try again! Insert coin here.’
“Oh, too bad. Guess you just suck at claw machines.” Yoru winces, grinning, “wanna go play pinball?”
Ukiyo holds up a hand, halting him. “힘내. Don’t give up.”
He scrunches his nose, “did you just k-pop reference at me?”
“I’m not leaving until I finish this.” She steels herself, rifling through her pockets for another coin. “I don’t quit.”
Another overdramatic sign from Yoru. Finally, she produces a coin and slides it into the slot. The music trills, the claw jitters into place, the game comes alive.
Ukiyo breathes. The world fades away.
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ghostgirluki · 1 year
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ⓘ ukiyo/himari ! (^^)/ : she/her : esfp + 9w1 : tiny zombie girl
-> "yo, it's everyone's favorite speaking! ☆"
hello hello! welcome to the ukiyo ask blog (ᵔᗜᵔ*) feel free to send an ask or interact! account run by me, miru! :: down below is info + rules in interacting
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— no nsfw!! stuff like that makes me really uncomfy ++ you really just shouldn't be sending that stuff as i'm a minor
— lots of swearing as well as possible mentions of violence
— i talk in pink + brackets in the tags! ukiyo talks in every other format (;; usually all caps and random emojis)
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main account :: @melonnmiru | ukiyo says stan twice ★
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thecreativewolf · 2 years
OC Interaction(s) Featuring: Magpie and @melonnmiru 's Ukiyo!
Because of Ukiyo's ornithophobia, Magpie may have atleast scared her because of her plague doctor mask.
Magpie making Radiant killing weapons for the Protocol and as a personal hobby puts Ukiyo on edge and is cautious around her
Yet despite that Ukiyo is willing to befriend Magpie (even though Magpie scares her). However her spirits are wary around Magpie and will try to mess with her (which Magpie retaliates by warding her room with spirit banishment wards). But seeing that Ukiyo is comfortable around her, they will start to be fine around her.
Ukiyo buys cute things like stuff toys and whatnot for Magpie who once considers throwing them away in some dumpster. She eventually decides to keep them though and has an entire shelf dedicated to said stuff. (Phoenix once saw it by accident and nearly never got to see the light of day ever again).
Magpie is rather interested in Ukiyo's abilities and personality for she is the first person in the protocol wanting to befriend her. She considers using their friendship for her own benefit. However she has some precautions in case Ukiyo turns on her.
Ukiyo is curious about her condition and addiction. She'd ask questions regarding the matter and Magpie would patiently listen to her and answer her questions.
When she learns that an alternative to radianite is Radiant blood, Ukiyo offers her blood for Magpie to consume. Magpie is eager and happy to know that she won't be getting the blood in the battlefield anymore.
The first time Ukiyo sees Magpie in her Gévaudan form was when they were in a mission in Ascent. She watched as blood red radianite sprouted everywhere in Magpie's body; transforming into a fearsome beast— a beast with a bird's head. Seeing Magpie grusomely annhilate the opposing side sends shivers down her spine.
Magpie tries her best not to be attatched to Ukiyo. She notices how she grew to appreciate her company and starts getting protective over her.
Magpie tries to tell herself that their growing friendship is a strategy and a lie to use Ukiyo but she realises she DOES care for her. And it troubles her deeply because for the first time as Magpie she found someone who she genuinely sees as a friend.
Alone in her room, Magpie takes off both her mask and Magpie persona and becomes Elise. She finds herself crying and starts having doubts her vengeance against Chamber. She sees so much of Claudette in Ukiyo and feels bad knowing she will eventually betray her along with the rest of the protocol.
But Elise stops and tells herself over and over again that Chamber needs to suffer for what he did. Elise also knows that in order for her to complete that she has to cut out all her humanity and become a monster (which is why she made Magpie). She puts her mask back on and becomes Magpie again.
However this time... She convinces herself that they're all Fabron and cuts off all emotional ties and bonds that she made with Ukiyo.
The next time Ukiyo sees Magpie, she isn't the same.
Magpie Dialogue to Ukiyo:
"Ah, Ukiyo! Juste ma personne préférée au monde!" (Just my favorite person in the world!)
(Magpie recieves a keychain from Ukiyo.) "Qu'est-ce que c'est ça? Oh, a keychain? Hmmm, thanks." (What is this?)
"Ukiyo mon amie!" (Ukiyo my friend!) (Magpie notices Ukiyo's arm bleeding due to a gunshot wound.) "Got any blood to spare?"
"Ah, Ukiyo! It seems your spirits are being naughty again!" (Magpie clenches her fists into tight balls.) "Don't worry. I'm just going to talk to them."
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radioshiga · 1 month
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educacaoplural · 2 months
O período Edo no Japão e a cultura samurai
O período Edo, também conhecido como período Tokugawa, foi um dos períodos mais longos e estáveis da história japonesa, estendendo-se de 1603 a 1868. Este período é chamado de Edo por causa da cidade de Edo, atual Tóquio, que se tornou a capital do país durante o governo do xogunato Tokugawa. Durante este tempo, o Japão experimentou um período de paz e estabilidade política, mas também viu o florescimento da cultura samurai, que desempenhou um papel central na sociedade e na política japonesa.
O período Edo foi marcado pela ascensão do xogunato Tokugawa ao poder, que estabeleceu um sistema de governo centralizado com o xogum como a autoridade suprema. Este sistema substituiu o período tumultuado dos Estados Combatentes e trouxe um período prolongado de paz e estabilidade para o Japão, conhecido como Pax Tokugawa. Durante este tempo, o xogunato Tokugawa impôs uma política de isolamento do Japão do resto do mundo, conhecida como sakoku, limitando severamente o contato e o comércio com países estrangeiros.
A sociedade japonesa durante o período Edo era estratificada, com uma hierarquia rígida que colocava os samurais no topo. Os samurais eram a classe guerreira privilegiada e serviam como os principais governantes e soldados do país. Eles juravam lealdade a um daimyo, ou senhor feudal, em troca de terras e proteção. Os samurais eram treinados nas artes da guerra, como esgrima, arco e flecha, equitação e estratégia militar, mas também valorizavam a cultura e a filosofia, como o bushido, o código de conduta dos samurais que enfatizava a lealdade, a honra e a coragem.
Além dos samurais, a sociedade Edo era composta por agricultores, artesãos e comerciantes, com os samurais ocupando o topo da hierarquia social e os comerciantes, considerados a classe mais baixa, embora fossem frequentemente mais ricos que os samurais. No entanto, as rígidas restrições sociais e o sakoku limitavam a mobilidade social e impediam os comerciantes de desfrutar plenamente de sua riqueza e status.
A cultura samurai durante o período Edo era rica e diversificada, com os samurais envolvidos em uma variedade de atividades culturais, além das artes da guerra. Isso incluía o estudo da literatura, poesia, música, ikebana (arranjo de flores), cerimônia do chá e caligrafia. Muitos samurais também eram patronos das artes, apoiando artistas, poetas e músicos, e promovendo o desenvolvimento das artes e da cultura japonesas.
As artes marciais também desempenhavam um papel importante na cultura samurai, com escolas de esgrima, arco e flecha, e artes marciais sendo estabelecidas em todo o país. Essas escolas ensinavam não apenas técnicas de combate, mas também valores morais e éticos, como disciplina, autocontrole e respeito pelo oponente.
Além disso, o período Edo viu o desenvolvimento de uma rica tradição artística, incluindo a pintura ukiyo-e, que retratava a vida cotidiana, paisagens e figuras históricas, e a cerâmica, com ceramistas como Osamu Bernard Leach e Hamada Shoji produzindo peças de grande beleza e qualidade.
No entanto, o período Edo também foi marcado por restrições e conflitos internos. A rigidez do sistema de castas e as políticas de isolamento levaram a uma crescente insatisfação entre os camponeses e os comerciantes, culminando em várias rebeliões e revoltas camponesas, como a Rebelião de Shimabara em 1637-1638.
Em 1868, o xogunato Tokugawa chegou ao fim com a Restauração Meiji, que restaurou o poder do imperador e marcou o início de uma era de modernização e ocidentalização no Japão. O período Edo, no entanto, deixou um legado duradouro na cultura e na história japonesas, com muitos dos valores e tradições dos samurais continuando a influenciar a sociedade japonesa até os dias de hoje.
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cutehomeart · 10 months
What happens when an artistic mastermind pays tribute to a historic figure of valor? You get an unforgettable piece of artwork that harmoniously marries Kuniyoshi's ukiyo-e technique with the spirit of Sasaki Saburo Moritsuna.
In his artwork, Kuniyoshi presents Sasaki in a moment of intense concentration and action, showcasing his heroic feats in battle. The use of vivid colors, carefully calculated compositions, and meticulously detailed patterns add depth and dynamism to the scene, transporting the viewer back to the heat of the battle. The depicted tension and grit encapsulate Sasaki's bravery, resonating with the audience's imagination.
Interestingly, Kuniyoshi's depiction of Sasaki isn't just a reflection of historical events. It's a projection of the artist's interpretation of the samurai spirit, a glimpse into the perceived essence of Japanese chivalry and honor.
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Bologna: I Musei Civici d'Arte Antica acquisiscono per donazione un pregevole nucleo collezionistico di oggetti e opere d'arte orientali di Norman Jones
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Bologna: I Musei Civici d'Arte Antica acquisiscono per donazione un pregevole nucleo collezionistico di oggetti e opere d'arte orientali di Norman Jones. Il Settore Musei Civici Bologna Musei ha acquisito un pregevole nucleo collezionistico costituito da 146 oggetti e opere d'arte orientali – giapponesi, cinesi e indiani - appartenuti a Norman Jones (1903-1985), grazie al generoso atto di donazione voluto dalla figlia Ruth Jones, docente inglese residente a Bologna. A seguito dell'accettazione autorizzata con delibera della Giunta del Comune di Bologna, questo consistente patrimonio artistico, stimato in un valore complessivo di euro 64.116, viene incluso nelle raccolte permanenti del Settore Musei Civici Bologna, andando ad arricchire con nuovi pezzi di significativo interesse le analoghe raccolte legate all'arte orientale già presenti presso il Museo Civico Medievale ed il Museo del Tessuto e della Tappezzeria "Vittorio Zironi". In particolare, è il Museo Civico Medievale la sede individuata per la futura conservazione delle opere che, compatibilmente con la programmazione dell'istituzione museale stessa, saranno esposte in modo da consentirne la più ampia fruibilità da parte del pubblico e degli studiosi. L'eclettica raccolta di Norman Jones comprende tessuti, sculture, miniature, stampe, disegni e acquerelli di diversa provenienza. Insieme ad un piccolo nucleo di miniature indiane del XVIII-XIX secolo, spiccano soprattutto la serie di oggetti cinesi risalenti alla dinastia Qing (tessuti ricamati, mandarin squares, sculture, acquerelli) e quella di opere giapponesi (secoli XVIII-XX). Quest'ultima annovera alcuni pezzi di notevole valore artistico come documentano la serie di netsuke in ambra e legno, tra cui una siglata, raffigurante la morte che assale un lupo. La parte più consistente della donazione è costituita da 68 esemplari di stampe giapponesi ukiyo-e dei secoli XVIII e XIX, realizzate da alcuni dei più noti e celebrati artisti del periodo Edo. Sono infatti presenti, tra le altre, opere di Kitagawa Utamaro (1753-1806), Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849), Utagawa Toyokuni (1769-1825), UtagawaToyohiro (1773-1828), Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858), Kikukawa Eizan (1787-1867) e Utagawa Kuiyoshi (1798-1861). Tra gli oggetti giapponesi più singolari si segnala il bel cuscino per geisha con cassetti e oggetti quotidiani risalente alla fine del periodo Edo (seconda metà del XIX secolo). Sottolinea Eva Degl'Innocenti, direttrice Settore Musei Civici Bologna: "La donazione di questa pregevole collezione, dovuta alla sensibile generosità di Ruth Jones, incrementa il patrimonio culturale del Settore Musei Civici Bologna attraverso il Museo Civico Medievale in sono conservati i 146 oggetti e opere d'arte donati che saranno studiati (anche grazie alla collaborazione del Centro Studi d’Arte Estremo-Orientale), catalogati, esposti e valorizzati per consentirne la più ampia fruizione a studiosi e visitatori e la condivisione con tutte le tipologie di pubblico". "Dopo la donazione della ricca e preziosa collezione di vetri antichi da parte di Liana Cappagli Serretti nel 2020 - commenta Massimo Medica, direttore Musei Civici d'Arte Antica | Settore Musei Civici Bologna - i Musei Civici d'Arte Antica, a distanza di pochi anni vedono nuovamente incrementare il proprio patrimonio tramite la nuova e importante donazione di Ruth Jones - un'inglese da anni trapiantata a Bologna - comprendente una raccolta assai significativa di oggetti e opere d'arte orientale, formata dal padre Norman Jones. Un gesto sicuramente di grande rilievo, che mette in evidenza l'apprezzamento e la fiducia dimostrati nei confronti dei musei civici bolognesi, da tempo impegnati a valorizzare, anche attraverso la collaborazione con il Centro Studi d'Arte Estremo-Orientale, le proprie collezioni extra-europee ed in particolari orientali". Norman Jones nacque in Africa da famiglia inglese nel 1903. Trascorse la prima giovinezza a Londra e sull'Isola di Wight, in seguito completò gli studi al St. Catherine's College di Cambridge con la Laurea in Storia. Trascorse quasi tutta la sua vita lavorativa come insegnante di scuola elementare a Harrogate, nella contea dello Yorkshire, dove morì nel 1985. Durante gli anni universitari sviluppò la passione per il collezionismo di esotici oggetti orientali, libri e fotografie, diventando assiduo frequentatore di negozi di antiquariato a Londra, Cambridge, York e Harrogate. La collezione di arte orientale Norman Jones sarà oggetto di studio dettagliato dello stato di conservazione, ricerca storico-artistica e catalogazione, attività preliminari all'organizzazione di un progetto espositivo di presentazione ufficiale previsto nel 2024.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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marialeto · 2 years
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Ascended Master and Tarot Card of the Day
August 24th, 2022
Goddess and Angel
Athena’s essential oil blend consists of 2 essential oils
Myrrh 11
Hyssop 5
Ritual oil x
Athena’s divinely blessed braided intention, prayer, and meditation bracelet is made of 3 strands of yarn.
Teal - Soul Wisdom
Dark Green - Sustainable Life
Black - Goddess Wisdom
Special message: Life is sustainable through truth and only truth.
Greek goddess, mythology, dive, dove, deep.
The gemstone is Epidote
Myrrh coffee
Today, the planet of the day is Neptune, the number is Three, the flavor is Myrrh, color is Orange, ray of light is Myrrh, and flame is Myrrh. The candle is Gold. The Elohim is Heart, God is Copper, Saint is Maria, Goddess is Frost, Being of Light is Hyacinth, Angel of the day is Apple. The spirit animal is Titamou, gemstone is Epidote, place is Fruit, element is Air, star is Tanzania, chakra is Crown, it is the day of the Cosmos, day of Saints, the divinity is masculine feminine, and the theme is Wildlife. The country is Ecuador.
Athena is the Ascended Master
The song of the day is Kept My Soul by The Black Crowes song #6!Album Before The Frost 2009
Today the moon is 6% waning crescent from Cancer changes to Leo 8:10 AM
Moonrise today 3 AM set 6:50 PM
Sunrise 6:07 AM
Sunset 7:40 PM
In Virgo Sun
Ten of Cups
From Ukiyoe tarot deck
by Stuart R. Kaplan
U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
10 of cups stands for joy, peace, and family.
Crane, banks, marsh, pines, growth, distance, life, mates, happy, marriage, loyalty, home, joy, pleasure, peace, love, contentment, good family life, good family, honor, esteem, virtue, valor.
Archangels Gabriel, Bailey, and Jared today.
The photo of the day is of Houghton, Michigan. On the Keweenow Peninsula, it is the largest city in the Copper county region.
It is known for the Quincy Mine, Ruins, and Dry House as well as the Seaman mineral Museum.
The Gemstone Epidote stands for a stamina, cellular memory, support, hydration, core patterns, and creativity.
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rerenah · 2 years
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pls click for a better view !! doodles of a bunch of valo ocs!!!! I love them :)) ocs belong to @solitudexviii, @ninadrawsstuff, @melonnmiru, and @flooficandii
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melonnmiru · 9 months
day one : deepest secret
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prompt ::
there’s one thing your oc keeps hidden from everyone. one thing that made them breath a sigh of relief when it wasn’t on the dossier fade made on them. maybe it’s a desire, a ghost from their past, or something in their future. either way, this is one secret they’ll do the best to make sure dies with them.
ukiyo ::
; ukiyos deepest secret is literally that she does cross stitch 😭 HE GETS SO EMBARASSED ABOUT IT TOO BC SHE THINKS EVERYONE'S GONNA MAKE FUN OF HIM FOR IT
; she sneaks out of protocol to buy more thread, he on that spy shit on gawd!! SHE WILL ALSO PLAY LIKE G IDLE WHILE DOING THIS TO FEEL COOL BUT THATS UNIMPORTANT
; i was originally gonna make her deepest secret be the fact he stole the body she's currently in BUT! ukiyo would tell everyone that bc she thinks hes so cool 4 it..
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flooficandii · 2 years
the oc interaction special™
alrighty folks this is the moment youve been waiting for this is a handy dandy little compilation of nuniq and valotumblr ocs interacting
note:: these will mostly be one-sided since i won't write your oc's dialogue without your permission teehees .
starting off with her more "canon" interactions since me and stars (@starstainedarts) write together a lot 👍
in the storyline where we mush up all our ocs together, lakan is the one that convinces nuniq to join the protocol
nuniq saw the kingdom logo on brim's pauldron and immediately decided these people were not worth listening to
soOOOO naturally youre gonna wanna bring out the radiant professor who spent the past few years being a sore in kingdom's neck
lakan and nuniq have pretty similar experiences. they're part of the "kingdom fucked up my home" club
although nuniq was still wary and standoffish to the rest of the protocol at first, she and lakan got along really quick
she trusts them enough to take her blood even after seeing them on the field lmaO
lakan is sorta like an older brother figure to her. they're like an unhinged version of her old friend amaruq
they steal her dog sometimes. it annoys her but she can't do anything about it because aput loVES lakan
overall they have a very deep trust and they both empathize with eachother. theres so much lore to go over with both of them but i'll shorten it for the sake of this post hHFJDJGK
if lakan is an older sibling to nuniq, tefnut is sorta like a little sister
...a little cousin, more of
their radiants are interconnected (tefnut to water, nuniq to snow) so i like to imagine they help eachother develop their skills
they play this little game where tefnut tries to turn a snowball into liquid, passes it, and nuniq tries to freeze the water blob
its like .. liquid tennis
eventually it gets bigger and bigger , cleo for example would send a wave towards her and nuniq would turn it into a thin sheet of ice
clean, just like that
unfortunately tefnut is a duelist SOOOO theres a bit of babysitting involved /j
especially when it involves yoru
cleo will sneak back into the base from a late night out with him and theres nuniq in the lobby picking tangles out of aput's fur
"you went out with the punk again? mhm. alright, tef. i won't tell your mom."
overall wholesome friendship but they can be very scary when synergized
nuniq respects cairo very much as a leader
cairo on the other hand, treats nuniq the way she wished she was treated
theyre both people who knows what it feels like to look after/worry about a team, except shatter is much more experienced whereas nuniq was forced to take on that role
shatter helps nuniq feel at ease during missions. this is a competent and capable woman who knows when to call the shots
she's the protocol's mOM lmao
"you're deadly, shatter. i think we'll work together just fine."
"you've got glass, i've got ice. what say we cut 'em up?"
side note!! brim's relationship with shatter, tefnut, and kj helps nuniq further trust him. she respects that he fights for a safe future for and alongside his family
(i am once again advertising how much i love sandstone . shatter and brim old married couple fr fr)
--alright!! i just about covered the lorey interactions so valotumblr oc funsies below this line--
tao (@rerenah)
kingdom. (derogatory)
theyre both the intimidating quiet type so seeing them together would be . intimidating squared
but do approach them
i dont think tao wants to let on as scary + nuniq will show trust as soon as her gut decides you're good
she admires his selflessness in that his healing requires the draining of his own life force
her respect towards him is in a way similar to the way she respects sage
except in a more relatable way because it involves sacrifice
i honestly feel like she'd yell at yoru to get off his ass because she thinks tao is trying his absolute hardest
she's 100% willing to stand up for him tbh . but this is something tao and yoru will settle on their own so she lets them be
"tao. no need to break a leg for me, alright? if i get hurt, save your stuff for someone else."
"you do so much to protect us, tao. i'm proud of you."
noura (@lemonssoda)
the whole noura situation would throw her off tbh
*looks around* CYPHERS KID IS ALIVE???
having noura around helps nuniq better understand cypher. whether he likes it or not his dad side WILL be vulnerable to the rest of the team and nuniq just appreciates that
as for noura herself, nuniq is surprised at how.. different noura is from cypher
if cyphers conniving and secretive noura is very bouncy and peppy
its almost funny
but there are a few similarities, like their wits, info-gathering and maybe even their laugh
(yes this is a suggestion to give noura and cypher the same laugh haha wink wink nudge nudge)
from her abilities and personality i take it that noura can be a little . brash in battle lmaO so that means nuniq would have to keep a very close eye on her
it pays off though, sometimes it takes brute strength to reinforce a tight defense
i think these two would get along!! noura might (lovingly) annoy nuniq but she cares for her. on a mission nuniq might try to protect noura specifically because cypher's already lost his family once, and she'll try to stop that from happening again.
"noura, put down the snowballs. only i can use those. okay? okay."
"i gotta hand it to you, noura. that was fantastic. this isn't permission for you to run into the enemy again, but.. good job."
aurora (@a-valorant-effort)
dude i wont lie i feel like nuniq might turn to aurora for mentorship sometimes
nuniq had noone to turn to when she was still figuring out her radiance so most of it is self-taught, but aurora could possibly give her some wisdom that she could never grasp on her own
if ever she hears about how aurora acquired her radiance she'd be so.. surprised
after something so scary and life-altering it's amazing to see how composed she is
she has the experience of a school teacher and the radiant mastery of a goddess
she FEARS this woman. in a good way
i think the closest comparison i could make is with astra?
both astra and aurora have the capacity to fuck up the world as we know it but they're on the good side. thank god
"aurora, nakurmiik. you make my job so much easier."
"i'll try my best to help you protect this place, aurora."
koi (@niagaragrape)
shes an aggressive and mobile pusher but shes polite and follows orders so shes nuniqs type of person fr
i feel like these two would make snowmen together no doubt
then koi would slap some ink and stickers on them
koi is everyones little sister i said what i said
nuniq is not exempted one bit
in that sense i feel she'd be the most protective with her? not so much as to smother her of course, koi is still a grown lady
but she wants to make sure nobody takes advantage of her kindness
glares at yoru
now of course yorus nice to her and everything but nuniq just wants to make sure he doesnt say anything stupid
hes just.. blunt and insensitive sometimes so its hard to trust a person like that with koi yknow
koi? nuniq will let you cry into her dog just putting that out
"koi! i have an extra parka in the back of my closet. just say the word and it's yours. i'm sure you'll spice it up with some cartoony patches, yeah?"
"if you find yourself in a pinch, koi– run to me. i'll provide you some cover."
cub (@fishincherrycola)
ok wait interactions aside could i as the writer just say i love how droopy cub is HFJDKGKDK
she's so sadness from inside out-coded /pos
fish put this interaction in the comments and i loved it so im gonna put it here
"cub— CUB. you're not supposed to put that in your mouth. it'll cut up your tongue and freeze it, cub. goodness."
.. context, cub was Consuming her snow
nuniq WILL question cub's choices for being into chamber but like. oh well theres nothing she can do
(same with lakan i will mention)
(or any chamber-dating oc in general. but her opinions aren't mine i encourage you all to get his french ass)
she will gladly keep him from interacting with astra he gives her the nasties lol
but since cub chooses to associate herself with chamber,,,mmm,,,, maybe she won't try to interact with her that much outside of work
sort of a silent agreement but it's a teeny bit selfish on nuniqs' part because its mostly her own motivation to keep astra safe in case chamber wants to weaponize her
aqua (@aurorasoratumbles)
similarly to tefnut, i can imagine aqua and nuniq practicing their radiants together!
i think this is a given for any water radiant oc lol
hehehe theres the little prompt of aqua and nuniq dishing the dirt on anyone in the protocol.. tfw you love your teammates but sometimes they just irk you and you HAVE to talk about them
okay though
aqua being close to chamber?
and nuniq being on good terms with aqua?
that forms a little bit of a strange triangle
nuniq can't exactly break a tight bond because of her distrust towards chamber, so in this scenario,,,, she might actually learn to *retches* trust chamber a bit
especially with how chamber genuinely seems to be a good friend towards aqua
im not sure how it would come to light exactly, but if nuniq ever found out about what aqua did to her brother? she'd sympathize so hard
she's heard many stories about how the vp's radiance costed them their normal lives and their loved ones. she's been there too, just not on this level
angsty lore aside (aqua may you find some rest gHFJDJGJ please take a nap and eat some gummy worms) nuniq thinks aqua brings a lot of value to the team
ukiyo (@melonnmiru)
any kind of radiance that involves things not immediately visible to the eye (such as astra's cosmic powers, or spiritual/otherworldly interference) catches nuniq's attention
i think nuniq does believe in a few spiritual things herself, mostly from inuit mythology
so for ukiyo to bridge the gap between the dead and the living,,,,a scary power, but an amazing one when used correctly and put in the right hands
that being said i'm not entirely sure nuniq would trust in her abilities yet
she'd rather have ukiyo train her radiance first, or keep watch on her if ever she has to go into the field
so as much as she doesn't want to, she'll be a bit strict around her
its for her safety mostly, its one thing to be given radiance– another thing to be in charge of literal spirits
chameleon (@lianecamoufle)
canonically...there might be a bit of wariness/hostility because of chameleons history as a kingdom scientist
as with all kingdom employees it will take quite a while for nuniq to trust her
especially considering chameleon hasn't shown any clear resistance to kingdom, and was only taken in after her radianite exposure
in fact, nuniq wonders if shes aware of all the atrocities kingdom has done
viper acknowledges her faults as a kingdom chemist, brim wears their symbol almost as an act of rebellion (in my headcanon at least) but chameleon hasn't shown any remorse whatsoever for what kingdom has done. either she's naive to their actions or she directly helped in them, which nuniq fears
her being childhood friends with chamber unfortunately does not help the case ,,,,,
as much as nuniq wants to trust her friendly face her gut instincts make it difficult to do so. she'll respect her as a colleague but she'll try to keep her distance
"all these processing plants. reminds me of the one that they built over my home. maybe you might know something about it, chameleon?"
"gotta say, turning invisible is a really good fallback. running is what kingdom does best, right?"
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thecreativewolf · 2 years
OC Art Featuring @niagaragrape 's Koi, @pray-montana 's Katze and @melonnmiru 's Ukiyo!
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niagaragrape · 2 years
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wip!! :o
ukiyo belongs to @melonnmiru
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one-time-offer · 2 years
Should I have called all of you his partner? Idk simp fits better.
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rebelion20-12films · 2 years
‘Samurai Champloo’ y la nueva picaresca
Nombre original: サムライチャンプルー [Samurai Chanpurū]
Tipo: serie de animación juvenil (historia, comedia, acción)
País de origen e idioma: Japón, japonés
Dirección: Shin’ichirō Watanabe
Primera emisión: mayo, 2004 - marzo, 2005
Temporadas × Episodios totales (duración): 1 × 26 (23 minutos)
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Cartel promocional de la serie.
Katanas, micros y bates
Célebre por la que es considerada su obra cumbre, e incluso uno de los hitos del anime, la icónica Cowboy Bebop de 1998, Shin’ichirō Watanabe da cuenta de la capacidad de imprimir su personalísimo sello en otra obra donde la música es el centro gravitatorio de la acción dentro de un universo animado que retrata, de forma más que peculiar, el período Edo de la historia japonesa: la era de los samuráis.
En esta ocasión, Watanabe deja atrás el ambiente de ciencia ficción con sus naves y viajes espaciales futuristas para adentrarse en el pasado de su país, concretamente en la época de los señores feudales, con la salvedad de que, si en Cowboy Bebop es el jazz la música que articula la acción más que sólo ambientarla, en Samurai Champloo ese rol le corresponde al rap y a la cultura hip hop, la cual insufla de singular vitalidad a una trama que es tan delirantemente cómica como demoledora e intensa. El difunto DJ Nujabes fue el encargado de crear el tema de apertura, la inolvidable “Battlecry” (en colaboración con Shing02), que marca el tono de la serie.
He aquí una combinación extravagante: samuráis y hip hop. ¿Qué podría pasar? Y si añadimos que estos guerreros a lo largo de la serie cambian la katana por bates de béisbol o las técnicas de batalla por el break dance, al menos se despierta la curiosidad por ver a dónde llega todo aquello. De inicio, la sinopsis no parece llamar demasiado la atención: “Dos guerreros samurái rivales cruzan sus caminos con una joven camarera que los contrata como guardias para acompañarla en su búsqueda del misterioso samurái que huele a girasoles”. Pero si aderezas esto con zombis, la yakuza, batallas de rap, mariguana, conspiraciones políticas, persecuciones religiosas, la obra de Vincent van Gogh, diversidad sexual, hedonismo, música lo-fi, ninjas, arte japonés ukiyo-e y muchos, muchos girasoles, además de venganzas, traiciones y romance en las dosis adecuadas, lo que suena en principio a batiburrillo puede convertirse en un manjar.
La palabra champloo proviene de una de las que podrían llamarse lenguas indígenas del Japón, el uchinaaguchi (la otra es el ainu, lengua de una etnia del norte presente en dos episodios). Dicho vocablo puede traducirse al español como ‘algo mixto’ o ‘mezcla’, y designa un platillo original de la isla de Okinawa, una de las sureñas islas Ryūkyū, región donde se habla el idioma del que fue tomada y lugar natal de Mugen, uno de los protagonistas. Dicha especialidad destaca por ser una mezcla de ingredientes variopintos: tofu, pescado, verduras, huevo… Debido a esta cualidad, el término se aplica por extensión a la mezcolanza producto de la capacidad de hibridación y fusión de la cultura okinawense, cosa que en el anime queda manifiesta en los anacronismos que atestan su trama.
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Un plato de chanpurū.
Un taco rice de irreverencia
Los mencionados anacronismos son el rasgo más llamativo y que le imprime un carácter especial a esta serie que desde el principio expone su carácter desenfadado al aseverar que la “precisión histórica” no es algo que le incumba. Este aspecto recuerda mucho la desfachatez que caracteriza a cierta tradición en la narrativa que propone la irreverencia antes que la fidelidad (tener siempre presente el estilo lo-fi) como valor estético supremo y máximo principio ético. Dicha tradición se arraiga tan profundamente en la narrativa hispana que es el germen de su obra fundamental, el Quijote, una magistral ridiculización del ideal heroico de las novelas de caballerías. Esta genealogía no se limita a la primera novela moderna en español, la irreverencia también está presente en la primera novela de la América hispana, El Periquillo Sarniento, obra deudora de un subgénero que medró durante el siglo de Oro con títulos como El Lazarillo de Tormes o El Buscón: la novela picaresca.
Si bien el apelativo “picaresca” ya no se lo adjudica ninguna de las novelas recientes más celebradas, es posible apreciar que tiene cierta vigencia entre varias obras actuales con las que comparte un ánimo crítico de toda idealización. Esto puede resultar notable en la novela “histórica” contemporánea. Por mencionar dos ejemplos, tanto La encantadora de Florencia, de Salman Rushdie, como Música acuática, de T. C. Boyle, a pesar de tener como protagonistas a individuos de cuya existencia hay registro histórico (Akbar el Grande y Mungo Park, respectivamente), son presentados como personajes que pasan por las más abigarradas aventuras y desdichas gracias a Mogor dell’Amore/Niccolò Vespucci en el primer caso, y junto con Ned Rise en el segundo, ambos unos pícaros redomados. Sin duda, textos como esos comparten con Samurai Champloo el desdén por la idealización del pasado y el aprecio por la sátira y hasta cierto grado de insolencia, sin dejar de lado la maestría en el empleo de las técnicas propias de su respectivo arte. Al anime que nos ocupa le quedaría muy bien la etiqueta de “anime picaresco”, no sólo por las peripecias de su trío protagónico, sino porque, al igual que la picaresca clásica, usa el ridículo como medio para criticar los valores imperantes de una época que, aunque concreta, al quedar desdibujada en sus límites por intercesión de los anacronismos, puede ser no sólo el pasado del shogunato Tokugawa, sino el ayer, el hoy y el probable mas nada plausible mañana de la sociedad contemporánea.
Hablemos del contenido de la serie. En cuanto a sus personajes principales, son antológicos. La trama principal no es sino una serie de aventuras en torno al tema de la “damisela en apuros”, papel que hace Fuu, una joven camarera que, al verse liberada de sus compromisos laborales, parte en busca del “samurái que huele a girasoles” con quien parece tener cuentas pendientes. Para terminar su misión a salvo, contrata a dos guardaespaldas, un par de espadachines renegados con una rivalidad jurada cuyas personalidades no podrían ser más estereotípicas: Jin, hombre serio de carácter adusto que usa lentes y lleva el cabello en una sobria coleta, y Mugen, guerrero turbulento de ánimo cáustico e iletrado que lleva el cabello hecho un desparpajo. Una vez embarcados en su aventura, y hasta el final, estos dos apenas tienen desarrollo: resuelven algunos asuntos de su pasado, se aseguran de cumplir su pacto con Fuu y, una vez libres de él, buscan poner fin a su incesante disputa. Es la joven Fuu quien, notablemente en los últimos tres episodios, pasa de ser casi una comparsa a madurar de sopetón gracias a su ansiado encuentro final con el “samurái que huele a girasoles”.
Lo destacable de este trío protagónico es que funciona en la medida en que las relaciones entre ellos dan lugar a situaciones hilarantes, tensas, deprimentes, tiernas e incluso picantes donde siempre sobresale el enorme carisma de cada personake sobre el fondo de la dinámica de su convivencia. El ir y venir de la historia está marcado fuertemente por los encuentros y desencuentros al interior de este grupo cuya química recuerda a la que se aprecia entre Katara, Aang, Sokka y Toph, protagonistas viajeros de otra serie animada casi contemporánea, Avatar: la leyenda de Aang, estrenada en 2005 (por cierto, Fuu también tiene una pequeña mascota voladora llamada Momo). Sin embargo, son los personajes secundarios y su irrupción en el itinerario del trío principal los que le otorgan ampltud y profundidad psicológica a los sucesos que vemos en pantalla, además de propiciar ocasión para el comentario social agudo. Varios miembros de este diverso reparto incidental, donde caben un criminal arrepentido, un “monstruo” incomprendido, una prostituta reacia y depresiva y una osada espía, entre otros, están tan excelsamente construidos que les basta un episodio para que se ponga de relieve todo el potencial de la serie, pues ellos son los engranes últimos de su maquinaria narrativa y su baza más fuerte junto con la música.
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Mugen, Jin y Fuu: el trío de protagonistas.
A lo largo de la serie hay episodios unitarios que en sí mismos constituyen un arco, a veces estos arcos abarcan más de un episodio, e incluso hay uno, el 12, que sirve como recapitulación. Si bien algunos cabos quedan sueltos, la mayoría de arcos cierran de forma tan satisfactoria como el ending “Shiki no Uta” cierra casi cada capítulo. Sin duda los más destacados son el arco que abraca los episodios 13 y 14, donde se explora el pasado de Mugen y que tiene un épico final cuya tensión pavorosa se resuelve en un desolador anticlímax espeluznante; también el arco comprendido en los capítulos 16 y 17, episodio este último donde aparece Okuru, personaje de etnia ainu y que presenta una canción tradicional de la región de Hokkaidō, “Pekanpe Uk”, cantada por la finada Umeko Andō, a cuya memoria está dedicado. Finalmente, el arco de los capítulos 20 y 21 nos presenta a Sara, una mujer ciega, músico itinerante y además asesina a sueldo con habilidades de combate formidables que, tras una impresionante batalla mano a mano con Mugen, asume su fatal destino no sin antes confesarle a su rival el motivo de su tormento, el cual no puede ser más doloroso.
El arco de los tres episodios finales presenta una resolución acertada donde la identidad y el destino del “samurái que huele a girasoles” y los motivos de sus acciones pasadas son revelados y nos permiten entender cómo la dimensión biográfica de Fuu se entrelaza con los sucesos históricos que definieron la era de los samuráis y la relación del Japón feudal con Occidente. Al final del episodio 19 ya está más que claro el por qué de la partida del trío hacia Nagasaki, ciudad conocida por ser blanco de una de las bombas atómicas lanzadas durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (asunto tratado tangencialmente en el episodio 22) y también por ser en su momento el bastión japonés del catolicismo, máxime cuando allí fueron ejecutados por crucifixión los llamados 26 mártires de Nagasaki, y que además fue epicentro de la rebelión de Shimabara, que puede denominarse de forma equívoca pero ilustrativa como “la cristiada nipona”.
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Estampa con escena de la ceremonia fumi-e.
En este episodio dedicado a exponer el estilo de vida de las comunidades cristianas japonesas, los llamados kirishitan, aparece un personaje, misionero jesuita, supuesto nieto de san Francisco Xavier y elegido de Dios que es en verdad un timador depravado que se dedica a traficar armas y falsificar dinero. Pero la aparición más destacada es la del fumi-e, artefacto con la imagen de Cristo o de María que los pobladores debían pisotear bajo coerción como prueba de su lealtad al régimen de los shōgun, pues los creyentes católicos, sospechosos de colaborar con las potencias extranjeras que tenían presencia en suelo japonés, se delataban como tales al mostrar su renuencia a realizar un acto que atentaba contra su fe. Una vez detectados los cristianos, se les sometía a torturas para obligarlos a abandonar su fe, y si permanecían remisos, se les condenaba a muerte. En este clima de intolerancia religiosa es que la figura esquiva del “samurái que huele a girasoles” adquiere sustancia y densidad histórica, pues él también,  como a su modo lo son los protagonistas, es un renegado que fue orillado a decidir entre lo que consideraba baluarte de su dignidad: su paz y su integridad.
Otro punto a considerar es el peso de los artefactos a lo largo de toda la historia. Si Samurai Champloo tiene un rasgo distintivo es que elementos en apariencia accesorios resultan claves para el desarrollo del argumento o para destacar sus nexos con los elementos históricos incrustados en su narrativa, los cuales van desde la moneda que Fuu lanza en el primer episodio hasta la estampa ukiyo-e para la que posó, pasando por el dije con forma de calavera, las gafas de Jin y las espadas. Es de hecho este último el que le ofrece, por medio del prófugo neerlandés quien le señala su importancia sin revelarle su sentido, la pista para ponerse en rumbo a Nagasaki. Queda por comentar un detalle más que lleva el guiño a otro nivel, pues en el montaje se empata el sonido del scratching, tan típico del hip hop, con los cortes y transiciones entre planos que se superponen mimetizando la dinámica visual con la musical.
En conclusión, Samurai Champloo es una deleitable experiencia que se degusta como una mezcla pícara y única de música, animación, narrativa e historia.
Por José Luis Mata. Noche del viernes 12 de noviembre de 2021.
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