#and that's the beauty behind the while ''anyone can be behind the mask'' motif from the first movie
I also want to make it very clear that the spider-verse franchise has made miles one of the dearest characters ever to me. All of the spidermen in the movie are great. But despite all our differences in bg and identity Miles' story speaks to me like very little else does (w/ some rare exceptions I keep very close to my heart). I'm not really coherent enough to provide sophisticated analysis rn but just know that he is my everything and I adore him so so much
#ramblings of a lunatic#like. the first spider-verse movie spoke to me as a 13 yr old when it came out#he was a kid with high expectations set for him and all these artistic ambitions but he dismissed himself. he doubted himself#he didn't realize that just being himself was valuable bc he is valuable. his journey to becoming spiderman#-hit so goddamn hard. it's about the fuckin. don't do it like me miles. do it like you (cut line spoken by peter b)#bc the way miles does it is good enough. he's good enough#and this second movie is still on that train but even harder as everyone tries to shut him out and make him feel not good enough#Miguel's projecting his bullshit onto miles his friends aren't sticking up for him his parents are disappointed in him. and he's hiding#but the movie affirms even harder that no. miles is something different and that is what makes him so special. he has so much worth#he has cosmic significance bc he is defiantly himself#and like. all of the subtext i mentioned above is clearly based around/related to his afrolatino identity#and I'm not gonna pretend for a minute that i get that part the way i get the more. surface level ig? aspects of his arc#these arcs exist bc of his background and how they thematically tie his identity into the story#but like. that context doesn't make him any less relatable. it just makes him mean different things for different ppl yknow?#and that's the beauty behind the while ''anyone can be behind the mask'' motif from the first movie#anyway. these movies are really good. i love miles#spiderverse spoilers
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lepusrufus · 3 years
To bargain for immortality pt.3
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As it turns out, poison did not kill her. Not by a long shot. Not if the numerous tests with different kinds of poisons were to be believed.
Nicole was currently bent over the sink placed in the corner of Miranda's lab, her assistant hovering behind her with a timer in hand. What was it this time? Hemlock? Belladonna?
She stopped caring when a new wave of blood carrying the replaced tissue from internal damage came rising in her esophagus. With a disgusting gag, it came splashing onto the white porcelain, now stained and coated in crimson multiple times over. She coughed, trying not to let any of the burning mixture remain stagnant in her throat, and focused on the feeling of her body healing itself. It felt, for lack of a better word, like static coursing through her nerves and organs. After that too was gone, and the only thing that remained was the nauseating coppery taste in her mouth, she raised a shaky hand, too tired to speak up.
"Seven minutes, thirty four seconds," Emma announced.
Mother Miranda noted it down, fingers typing quickly over the keyboard.
It was a miracle that Nicole was still able to stand, although leaning a good part of her body weight on the sink thankfully secured to the wall did help. She took a few deep breaths, doing her best to not sound too croaky when she spoke.
"Can I see the results once we're done?"
She could keep track of everything herself of course, but it got difficult when her body was fighting toxins meant to shut it down. And she'd be lying if she said that she wasn't dying of curiosity.
"It's none of your concern," Miranda replied coldly.
That got a scowl to appear on thin blood stained lips, partially hidden by her hunched position. "I stood here quietly while you shoved pill after pill made from every poisonous plant you could get your hands on down my throat. At least grant me the grace of knowing my own body's limitations."
Her reply was little more than a tongue click. She couldn't help a scoff when Miranda simply ignored her request and told her assistant to continue with the next test on their list. Emma picked up one of the numerous pill bottles lined on her employer's desk and came over to Nicole, who unceremoniously grabbed one pill and swallowed it before looking at the label. Cyanide.
Oh for fuck's sake.
Her body's reaction was immediate, heart starting to beat painfully quick while her head started to spin. It was nauseating, the ache seeming to flood her chest and going up her spine in a searing migraine. Not to mention the deep breaths that didn't seem deep enough, as air itself seemed choking, the oxygen not quite reaching where it should. Mild panic started to settle in when black splotches began to cloud her vision and the tingling sensation seemed to battle with the pain for dominance. Before she knew it, her shaky legs gave out under her and the white ceiling of the lab blurred out of focus.
She woke up with a start, the bluish lights a painful glare to her eyes. The sound of ticking stopped and Nicole realized it was Emma's timer. She looked down at herself, haphazardly placed on a bed and then at Miranda, typing down a result the ringing in her ears hadn't allowed her to hear. With a few shakes of her head to try and chase the fog in her brain, Nicole finally croaked out: "What the hell happened?"
"The cyanide was damaging cells and keeping them from taking in any oxygen at a slightly faster rate than those cells were getting replaced. Which caused you to lose consciousness."
Miranda's tone was just as cold and clinical as ever, but a slight smirk tugged at her lips when she continued, the excited scientists buried under the mask of a goddess showing a crumb of itself.
"Although I'm quite certain we solved the mystery behind the accelerated heart rate. All previous tests show that it takes no longer than a few minutes to recover, while this took over twenty five."
Nicole was still fighting some mild dizziness, but she put all the focus on Miranda's words.
"We'll have to rerun the tests under anesthesia, but for now it's safe to assume the healing slows down while unconscious."
She acknowledged the theory with an oh. She wasn't really capable of much conversation at the moment, but she let the thought be metaphorically chewed in her brain. That made sense. If healing was slower after passing out, then her body had a damn good reason to keep her awake, hence the unnaturally high heart rate.
A slow shuddring sigh was let out when Miranda asked her assistant to prepare the anesthetic, laying back down. At least she wouldn't be awake for this one.
It took around double the normal dose to finally get her unconscious. She kept her eyes glued to the needle embedded in her arm until her vision was starting to fail her, the surrounding room becoming nothing more than dark blurs and vague beeping sounds.
People do not dream under anesthesia.
Nicole knew that of course. But as the lab blurred into odd shapes and more or less familiar places, there wasn't really a better word to describe it. Perhaps a result, she would later muse, of her overactive brain, fighting for consciousness at any given moment as it now had an instinctual need to stay awake.
That need manifested itself in the vague image of one of the castle's hallways. It was in an old wing, not frequently used by many other than the cleaning staff. She was walking along the wall, using it to compensate for her wobbly legs, and looked around for something. What exactly, was beyond her comprehension at the moment, but that didn't stop her from stumbling inside each room on her path, looking around the bright and beautifully decorated space, only to exit and continue down the hallway.
Something. Something ugh.
Nicole tried not to lean on the wall too much when she got to the golden frame of a painting, not wanting to risk damaging it. Slowly walking around, she threw a glance at the canvas when she was fully in front of it. She frowned.
It was the familiar portrait of all three sisters, dressed in period appropriate clothing and hair up into small curls. Their eyes, painted in such a way that they seemed to follow any onlookers around, greeted her with soft expressions. Some details seemed different though. They were small, and it took a bit of effort to notice how the brushstrokes seemed to have shifted ever so slightly in places. A familiar rose tattoo was present, albeit quite faint, on each of their foreheads, and their features seemed a little less soft and more akin to how Alcina would paint them. Nicole stopped to look at Cassandra's hand for a little longer, as if something was supposed to have changed there too. But before she had time to dwell on that, the realization that the painting should not be there dawned on her. Why would Alcina move it? And to a near abandoned wing of the castle no less. If she remembered correctly, that portrait had been at the main entrance for decades.
Nevermind that, she could just ask Alcina herself if they crossed paths. She kept walking down the hallway, trying to ignore the nagging feeling at the back of her mind that something was off. Off, like the slightly misplaced furniture, or the lack of certain decorations, or antique objects that she knew for a fact were on display on a completely different wing. No, Nicole kept looking through every room she came across, in search of something her foggy mind couldn't quite grasp the memory of.
She finally reached one of the more populated areas, and although still not fully able to grasp her surroundings and walk around without any support, a shiver still ran down her spine. The off-putting feeling turned to dread with the realization that she was completely alone. No maid or other staff member has crossed paths with her in what felt like an eternity. No sound could be heard aside from her own breathing and a faint beeping coming from outside. At that moment, Nicole longed for the sound of giggling or the shuffling of a broom, hell even the sound of lycans howling outside. Anything.
By that point, shuffling against the wall felt more of a psychological need than a physical one. There was a fear that accompanied anyone when you found yourself in a place that seemed so unlike its normal self, and Nicole tried to make herself smaller than she already was in the eventuality that something would pounce out from the silence and tear her to shreds.
She found herself traversing another corridor littered with numerous doors to guest bedrooms or simply storage rooms. Each was opened one by one, whatever laid behind it inspected, and then shut again. Rinse and repeat. Repeat until Nicole found herself in front of an oddly familiar door. It had nothing special, the crest and color exactly the same as the ones she had left behind, but its position seemed to tug at her memories.
The door was pushed open, a slight creak accompanying the movement, and Nicole found herself in a well lit office. It was obviously a rarely used one, the shelves only holding a small number of oddly organized files and boxes, while the chair was tucked under a large desk. The plush carpet underfoot caught her attention, beautiful black, white and golden motifs waved around each other in an intricate pattern. She walked across it, up to the desk and crouched down to run her fingers on the old worn wood of small drawers. The iron handles used to open them seemed to be gone from all but the topmost one, which she opened slowly.
The drawer was empty save for two familiar objects, a pair of matching rings with minuscule branches in flower engraved on them. She picked them both up but almost dropped them back when a set of hurried footsteps sliced through the dead silence just outside the room.
There was no time to scramble for a hiding spot, especially not with how her head started to spin the moment she stood up again. All she could do was put the hand that wasn't holding the rings on the desk to support herself and watch as the door swung open.
A sigh of relief flew past cracked lips at the sight of confused golden eyes framed by dark locks of hair. Cassandra was standing at the entrance, head cocked slightly to the side.
"Did you lose it again?"
There was a hint of annoyance in her tone, but it was mostly drowned out by an amused chuckle as she walked up to her.
"No, I-..." Did I? "I'm sorry."
Cassandra simply took one of the bands and wordlessly slid it on Nicole's ring finger, gesture that was imitated in turn.
"Why are they here?" Nicole's question was barely a whisper, either due to the dizziness she felt or the cemetery-like silence that almost demanded not to be disturbed. "I know I instructed the staff to bring mine to my room if they find it."
"Oh it wasn't any of the staff members," Cassandra replied matter of factly, even waving a hand to dismiss the apparently absurd idea.
"Then who?"
"I don't know."
Nicole frowned. She pinched the bridge of her nose trying to chase away the eerie feeling that seemed to have made its roots deep inside her mind. Cassandra's voice seemed off, and that beeping from earlier seemed to close in ever so slightly.
"Why here?" She repeated.
Her wife only shrugged and looked around the room, taking her time with the reply.
"Isn't this where we first saw each other?"
Right. That's why the office was so familiar. The memory of Lady Dimitrescu, so beyond intimidating at the time, sitting in the chair and interviewing her for a maid's position came flooding her foggy brain. Then the giggles and the rather dramatic entry and the small bickering.
"Are you waking up?"
If Cassandra wasn't so close to her, she would've thought a third person had spoken. Her wife's voice seemed off before, but now it didn't even sound like her own. Familiar, yes, but the regal icy tone belonged to someone else.
Nicole tried to instinctively put some space between them, only for Cassandra's expression to twist with concern, furrowed brows over soft golden, always so uncharacteristically soft when pointed at her. Cassandra opened her mouth to speak again, but the beeping came in louder, almost as if making its way from her throat with the sole purpose of attempting to bust her eardrums.
The room seemed to rapidly bleed out of focus, details replaced by black dots and blurry lines. Cassandra's shape slowly morphed, her beautiful black dress leaving way to a plain lab coat and golden eyes turning into icy green, ever calculating and scrutinizing. Incessant beeps from the cardiac monitor brought her back to consciousness more rudely than she would've liked.
Nicole shook her head slightly, trying to chase away the last effects of anesthesia. Her body seemed eager to oblige, quickly trying to wake up and be back on her feet. Not that she had any intention of actually getting up, but soon enough, she was looking around the space and all the pristine equipment held within. Emma was busy arranging vials and pill bottles inside a cabinet while Miranda was by the bed typing away, nails annoyingly loud on the keyboard. She shook her head once again, and looked to the opposite wall, where a clock was ticking. It was almost 11 p.m. and Nicole let out a soft groan thinking about how she'd been under anesthesia for about three hours and how her family was probably waiting for her to get back.
She laid her head on the uncomfortable pillow while waiting for the goddess wannabe to be done with her observations on her current lab rat, which meant Nicole, and finally dismiss her.
It took a moment to realize that Miranda had turned towards her and pushed her laptop close to the side of the desk, screen facing Nicole. After receiving a confused look, the woman rolled her eyes as if she were a teacher explaining basic maths for the hundredth time.
"You wanted to see the results."
Nicole's confused expression did not change, though now it was more directed towards the suspicious willingness to give what she asked for. Nonetheless she scooted to the side of the bed, letting her legs dangle over the edge, and she narrowed her eyes at the file on the screen.
Date: 23rd April 2012
Subject: Nicole [REDACTED] Dimitrescu
Mutation experiments - 2 (Regeneration - 2)
Resistance and healing time to various poisonous plants (in the form of highly concentrated pills or injectable) and other toxins. First number refers to the healing time while conscious and the second while unconscious.
Belladonna (Atropa belladonna) - 2'13" // 6'30"
Rosary pea (Abrus precatorius) - 2'20" // 7'02"
Crowbane (Cicuta virosa) - 2'40" // 7'12"
Wolfsbane (Aconitum lycoctonum) - 3'30" // 8'11"
Hemlock (Conium maculatum) - 3'18" // 8'28"
Oleander (Nerium oleander) - 3'55" // 10'17"
Ricin (Ricinus communis) - 5'58" // 16'19"
Arsenic, 100mg - 7'34" // 21'38"
Cyanide, 50mg - / // 26'53"
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Hello Internet! So I wrote a stylized transcript of events from @moonbowphobia and @mcyt-apocalypse-au‘s wedding the other day. I apologize from the deepest place in my heart if I messed up anyone’s pronouns.
I hope you enjoy my little rendition of events.
Moon was sat in their dressing room; deep blue and black ball gown splayed over the loveseat while their sister Chandelier put the last finishing touches to their hair; Vi and Rib playing cards on the floor; Vibes trying to keep the vodka away from Aria; the chaos was comforting, but Moon was nervous. It was their wedding day. They would be marrying the love of their life, Abi.
“Help! I’m scared!”
“Take a deep breath.” Moon did as Vibes instructed, taking a deep breath in, and letting it out slowly. “You love Abi. She loves you. You’re going to be fine.”
“Am I though? Rib help!”
“Am I not help enough?” Vibes joked.
“No, of course you’re helping. I just nee-“
Vi slaps them across the face. “YOU LOVE HER BITCH JUST KISS HER CMON!”
Chandelier whips around to push Vi back to the floor. “Play your card game. That’s not helping, nor how weddings work.”
Moon laughs at their sister’s antics. At least someone is calm. “I got one of Lu’s cupcakes!” Vibes calls, skidding back into the room. When did they leave? “Here.”
“Thank you,” Moon reaches for the treat. Biting into it and eating with vigor.
“Are you feeling better?”
“Yes.” Moon polishes off the cupcake. “Oh go! Two minutes.”
“Bitch calm down!” Aria says, shaking her best friend by the shoulders.
“Ah yes. The drunk friend always calms people down.” Vibes let the sarcasm seep into their voice, trading a look with Chandelier.
Chandelier goes about shooing Aria and Vi out the door; trusting that Vibes will follow and keep them in line. She brushes the crumbs off of her sibling’s jet black skirt and fixes their headpiece one final time. “You will be fine Moon. Everything will go well. You don’t have to worry about a thing. Let me do that.”
“Okay. Thank you Lier.”
“Anytime.” Lier beckons Rib to follow them out to the altar. Rib grabs the pillow and rings and skips after them, careful not to step on Moon’s train.
Vibes is already at the podium. Moon and Rib set themselves off to the left side. Lier fixes their midnight blue embellished train as they take in the crowd.
Fenn is in the corner playing something on her switch and Vi is on the opposite side doing the same. Ozzie is sitting with the rest of their siblings, trying to waggle them into compliance; their every expression screaming ‘this is fine’ in a deadpan tone.
“Please help,” Moon whispers to the ether.
“It’s okay.” Lier squeezes their shoulder before tucking one of Rib’s stray hairs away and going to calm the masses.
“I’m sure Abi is just as worried at you are,” Vibes consoles.
Aria runs from behind the bar with a glass. “Drink this vodka mix and calm down.”
“Thank you,” Moon gushes, taking the glass from their best friend’s hands. Only for it to be swiped away when Lier comes to collect Aria and get her in place, so the wedding can start. Moon is thankful for their sibling, but they really wanted that drink.
They see Vi run out and down the drink in Lier’s hand before she can stop her. Lier sat Aria down and started to whisper lecture to her niece. Or what looked like whisper lecturing.
Lightly slapping Lynn’s hand away from the cupcakes, Lier goes to put the glass away. Moon watches Lynn sprint to the other dressing room. Looks like Abi needed a snack as well.
Lier pokes her head into Abi’s room. She comes out and locks eye with Moon, giving them a little thumbs up. Moon takes a deep breath, looks at Rib and zeir comforting smile. They give Lier a nod. She cues Star to start playing the wedding march.
Des comes out first, throwing roses Lier procured on the floor. She goes to sit next to Aria in the front row. “God fuck, why am I getting nervous,” Aria whispered to the older girl.
Then comes Tabz in all her glory. She nods to Moon and goes to stand on Abi’s side of the altar.
The first section of the song ends. There are a few seconds of silence before the piano resumes and Abi turns the corner. She walks down the aisle gracefully, her white off-the-shoulder cape flapping gently behind her. Moon can’t keep the smile off of their face.
Neither can Abi. She’s smiling wildly; the only thing keeping her from tripping on her face is the sturdy arm of her father right beside her. Sooty lets go of her hand as she takes her place next to Tabz.
Moon slowly nudges the mask off of their face; showing their visage to Abi, but hiding it from the audience. They smile at each other and Vibes starts to speak.
“Today, we are here to unite Moon and Abi together.”
Moon can see Aria trying not to cry out of their peripheral vision. They hear someone cracking open a can, of course, was it Corn?
“Moon,” Vibes asks. “Do you promise to never give Abi up, never let her down, never run around, and desert her?”
“I promise.”
“Abi. Do you promise to never make Moon cry. Never say goodbye, never tell a lie and hurt them?”
“I do.”
“Moon, do you take Abi to be the ‘yee’ to your ‘haw’?”
“I take Abi to be the ‘yee’ to my ‘haw’.”
"Abi, do you take Moon to be the kazoo noise to your Mono?"
“I do take Moon to be the kazoo noise to my Mono.”
“Then with the blessing of this church, I now pronounce you partners for life. May I have the rings?”
Rib scurries to present the golden pillow to Vibes. “Yes,” ze says, tears in the corners of zeir eyes.
Abi grins and reaches of Moon’s hands, slipping the ring of their finger. Moon does the same for Abi.
"May these rings be a sign of love and faithfulness in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Head, shoulders, knees and toes. Turn up your nose, strike that pose. Hey Macarena. Y'all may now kiss."
Moon cups Abi’s face, both have tears in their eyes. Moon brings Abi in for a kiss, thankful that the mask is still there keeping this moment private for the prying eyes of the audience.
Star starts to play Megalovania as the attendants applaud to newlywed couple. The song continues as everyone files out of the ceremony room to the reception hall. Purple light flooded the room, the guest sat in round tables of eight according to the seating chart. String lights hanging from the rafters to look like stars in the night sky.
Unnie was ferrying food from the kitchen to the guests. Aria was handing out drinks to whoever came up for one. She was about to give Rib one, but with one glare from Lier, Rib got an apple juice.
The room was filled with sounds as everyone ate and got drunk. Aria pulled Moon to the dance floor after handing out vodka shots to Vi and Corn. Abi stumbles out onto the dance floor as well, laughing and having a good time.
Vibes comes over to Lier and offers her a glass of champagne. They clink their glasses together. It was a good show they pulled off.
“So how are you doing these last few days, buddy?” Corn gave Rib her shot glass, sticking her tongue out at Lier who was glaring over the rim of her drink.
“Congrats on your wedding! I hope your marriage lasts for three hours!” Vi yells at her parents, leaning heavily on her fiancée’s arm on her way to get more drinks with.
“Fuck off Vi!” Abi screams back, content to keep dancing with Moon.
Lynn backs into a corner, drinking her apple juice and watching the scene in amusement. She is the first to the tower of cupcakes. “Cake!”
“Cake!” Aria screams.            
Star agrees with the drunk one, “Cake time!”
“Cake!” Vi barrels passed everyone, not caring who she knocked over. “Sugar rush Violet activating!”
Corn silently takes half of the cupcakes with her. Batting Vibes’ hands away when they try to stop her. Lier helps Unnie dish out an equal number of cupcakes to everyone else.
Once everyone was satiated, Rib and Lier broke into the pile of pizza boxes. Pizza is a good substitute for cake; what are you talking about?
Then it was time for gifts. Rib gave zer parents a switchblade, embellished with a motif of leaves and wooden paneling, and a beautiful floral metal necklace. Lier gave them a coaster with Moon’s mask design on it, and a handmade Technoblade plush toy. Aria gave them a set of moonstone chokers.
The couple loved them so very much. Hugging each of the gift givers in turn, they thanked each one.
Then the two backed away from the crowd to exchange gift with each other away from the audience. They started screaming I love yous to each other shortly thereafter.
Everything was calming down a little, so Vibes started to play Blitz Parody by Technoblade on the piano while Lier sung and botches along with a chord chart and a ukulele. Then Aria played Highway to Hell on the drum set, Vibes singing this time.
Once they were done, Vi grabbed her guitar and started playing The L’Manburg anthem. It became a drunk sing along, with Rib, Abi, and Vi herself joining in. Both Star and Corn joined in for the “Fuck Eret” line.
“I’m gonna cry,” Moon said, watching the scene in front of her.
“Don’t cry love,” Abi consoled, halting her singing.
“What’s wrong?” Vibes asked.
Lier came over with a tissue. “Happy tears?”
“Happy tears.”
“It all started on a day like any other!” Corn yelled in tune.
And they’re off again. Singing an Ode To L’Manburg.
Abi throws the bouquet at them. Vibes manages to catch it. Vi bites their arm in retaliation. Berl drags Vi away kicking and screaming.
“With a heart that she’d taken from me,” Star continues to sing the song in the background with Rib.
“Moony honey, are you okay?”
“This was beautiful.”
“It is! It’s lovely.” The two smile, just looking at the crowd.
Vi raises her shot over her head, standing on a table. “A toast to Moon and Abi, who I bet will divorce by December.”
“A toast to kicking Vi to the curb,” Lier mutters. Having given up on keeping people from hurting themselves, she again clinks glasses with Vibes again.
“Vi you are on a timeout you fucking little shit.” Abi yells.
“I bet they’ll do it by the month after October.”
“Rib!” Corn whacks zer across the back of zeir head.
Vibes goes to distract. “Let’s all have another round!”
“Moon it’s okay. C’mere.” Abi brings her partner in for a hug, before they murder two of their children.
Moon returns the hug as Aria screams in shock. “Guy this fucking wall is talking to me!”
“Aria that’s it. Time to go home. You are to drunk,” Vi says, slurring her words.
“Aria! Go home,” Abi yells. “I love you Moony,” she says quieter.
“I love you too.”
“No! Me staying her with ma best friend Moon!” Aria screams back; to the wall instead of the people. Huh. Maybe she should go home.
“A toast,” Vibes holds up their glass. “A proper one. For Abi and Moon; may they live happily ever after!”
“May they live ever after!” Star cheers.
“Cheers I guess…” Corn says, not sure what’s going on anymore. Too many drunk people.
“Cheers bitches!” Aria says, getting dragged by her legs while Vi yelled at her.
“Go. Home. You. Are. Drunk.”
“Vi, no.” Lier goes to dislodge the two. “Let Aria stay here with me.”
“Aria you want to come with me?” Vibes asks. “I have some ice.”
“She will be fine in my sight.”
Abi stares into Vi’s soul. “Put her down.”
“Okay mom.”
Aria’s feet drop to the floor and she just lays there. “No, I want to stay with Lier.”
“I love ice!” Rib calls from the other end of the room, where ze is standing really close to a vase.
A drunken Moon then starts giving out food from the kitchen people. Unnie decides that they don’t get paid enough to care.
Aria looks to Lier. “But I want ice.”
“Then get up. You can come with me to the ice machine.” The two of them go to where Rib and Vi are munching quietly with Star.
“Y’all can see the walls moving right?” Aria asks again.
��Uh, yeah, sure Aria. They’re doing jumping jacks and everything.” Abi says, grabbing a handful of ice for herself.
“Aria, I think I’m seeing that walls talk too,” Vi said way too loudly for their proximity.
Rib turned back to the vase. “So, ya come here often?” Ze was slurring zeir words all over the place.
“Aria sit down. Rib are you flirting that was vase?” Lier facepalmed.
“Yes Vi! They are talking!”
Lier stands up, leaving them to it. “I’m getting the hose,” she muttered to Vibes on her way out. “If I remember correctly Abi said arson was allowed after the ceremony.”
“These guys are so weak to alcohol, let’s hope they forget that.”
Vi knocks over Rib’s vase while talking to the walls with Aria. “Ooh! Mango!” She them proceeds to eat some.
“NOOOOO!” Rib cries. “My beloved!”
Vibes rushes over to get Vi to cough it up.
“Vi how could you!” Rib shouts.
“Cronch. Tasty.”
Aria picks that moment to start playing the death metal to get some good head banging. Abi tries to hold in her laugh, but can’t. Rib starts sobbing in an ugly drunken fashion, bopped zeir head as well.
“Well at least no one is hurt yet,” Vibes says when Lier returns with the hose.
Star is still sitting to the side, drinking her apple juice quietly now that their’s no songs within her vocal range to sing.
“Let’s do Coke!” Aria suggests.
“No. Aria. No.” Lier stands right in Aria’s face. “I will literally make a PowerPoint on why that’s a bad idea.”
“Yeah! Coke!” Vi cheers, but Aria is already trying to shush her.
“No. No. Coke.”
“Why?” Vi complains.
“You ate my future wife!” Rib yells.
Lier muttered a question to herself. “Is me holding the threat of an informative PowerPoint really enough to stop Aria?”
“It’s okay. I’m good. Sorry Lier. OMG no. No PowerPoint necessary!”
“Smile on nod,” Lier said to herself.
“PowerPoints are scary,” Aria explained.
“No they aren’t,” Abi piped up.
“Do you want her to do coke?”
Abi paused to take in the question. “PowerPoints are terrifying,” she says deadpan.
“Any song requests?” Star asked when the death metal ended.
“Something sad,” Rib said, “because that’s how I feel. I feel betrayed and backstabbed.”
“Could you do ‘Cost of the Crown’ for me?”
“Wait there’s a crown!” Abi jumped up. “I want a crown!”
Abi was very clearly drunk, so Vibes handed over a paper crown before she hurt herself.
“By a sibling no less!” Rib continued to scream.
“Shuddup out prick!”
“Shut up, murderer!”
As this conversation continues, Star starts to play ‘Let it Go’ on the piano. Abi and Vibes are dueling, not half badly, but defiantly in the wrong key.
“Fuck you! You murdered my beloved!”
“I’ll do it again fucker!”
“She ate my wife!”
“Rib and Violet. Calm. Down.” Vibes went to stand between them.
“It’s only a vase, calm down,” Ai adds.
“Rib calm down, Moon and I will get you another.”
“It wasn’t just a vase! It was the mother of my future children!”
“I’ll fix her if you calm down,” Abi reasoned.
“Okay. I’m calm. Fix her please.”
“I’ll fix her tomorrow, don’t you worry kiddo,” Abi  soothed.
“Don’t worry, she’s not gone yet,” Vibes said. “Just sleep for now Rib, she’ll be okay.”
“She’ll be even shinier than the day you met her kiddo, don’t you worry!”
Lier came over with a glass of ice. “Have some water before you dose off on us.”
“Yay!” ze said sleepily. “Ice.”
Lier starts putting the pieces into a large Ziplock bag.
“Are y’all gonna do some necromancy?! No!” Vi them process to charge at Lier, pushing her over and breaking the pieces into even smaller ones.
“Vi,” Lier falls back into a deathly calm tone. “We just got Rib is calm down.” She gets up and into Vi’s space. “I will slowly dismember you part by part if you do not shut up this moment”
“Ok Vi. You’re right. I’m not going to hurt you. But please stop breaking the vase.”
Rib had started worry again. Abi started shushing her child again. “Don’t worry, Rib vasey is completely fine.”
“And now I will sing N/A my MegaPvP!” Vibes said. For the first time, Lier wondered if Vibes was truly sober.
Rib places an orange peel on Abi’s shoulder. “Here you go mother.”
“Okay! Pack it up family! Time to go home!”
“But my vase!”
“Will get super glued together tomorrow.”
Lier finds where Ozzie has secluded themselves, and forces them to help get everyone into cars and home safely. Thank goodness she had had the foresight to book a couple vans and drivers.
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sunarintavouz · 4 years
Be In Love
Description: It all started when Sakusa agreed to be Atsumu’s date at an old teammate’s wedding. 
And that’s when Sakusa realized that his feelings were fucked. 
Pairings: Sakuatsu (side Sunakita and Osaaka)
Words: 3438 (incomplete)
Sakusa Kiyoomi enters the fast food chain, furrowing his eyebrows as he doesn’t like the ambiance it gives off, he isn’t the type to eat fast food meals but the person he was meeting sent the chain as their meeting place.
Said person is on the corner by the four-person table--eating. Kiyoomi sits in front of him, but wasn’t completely fazed by him. 
“Miya-san” he calls impatiently. 
Atsumu places his burger down. Smiling at the younger who seems to be grumpier than earlier.
“Omi-kun, how many times do I have to say you can call me ‘Tsumu” the blond smiles.
“And I told you not to call me Omi-kun,” Kiyoomi replied. “Why did you even call me? And why even here?”
“I am craving burgers excuse me” Atsumu shrugs, but seconds later he grabs something from the pocket of his coat. Kiyoomi picks it up from the table--it was an invitation, all wrinkled and ripped.
“Kita Shinsuke. Suna Rintarou. Wedding” he reads. The names do ring a bell, but Kiyoomi couldn’t quite put a finger on it. 
“They’re my old teammates” Atsumu stated without him asking. “And Kita’s my ex-boyfriend”
“Oh” Kiyoomi thought, feeling a heavy burden on his shoulders. “I don’t know what it has to do with me” Actually he does, Kiyoomi knows this stuff too much. He has known Atsumu for too long. Maybe two years is enough to know that the older takes too much pride in himself, he always wanted to be in the spotlight or if not, at least be able to blend in. 
Kiyoomi knows wedding stuff, dates, watching two people exchange vows and kiss in front of a crowd, plus the foods and dances. Atsumu wants to atleast have pride in him enough to attend his ex-lover’s wedding. 
And that’s where Kiyoomi enters. 
“Accompany me on their wedding….err, I just want an accompany so that I won’t be lonely” he stated. 
“He’s bringing Akaashi” Atsumu interjects quickly, followed by a deep sigh. 
“You know me for many years Omi-kun. I actually don’t want to attend, but it’ll make me look like a bitter ex-boyfriend--” “Why? Because you haven’t moved on from him?”
Atsumu became quiet. Kiyoomi got his answers. 
“No wonder”
Atsumu smiles bitterly, brushing his blond hair out of frustration. “Let’s not get into it Omi-kun. Look, do you want to accompany me or not?”
“Depends, what do I get for having myself be dragged into this mess” 
“Ugh Omi-kun” 
“I’m just kidding Miya-san,” Kiyoomi laughs, making Atsumu look at him.
“Sure, I’ll accompany you” 
Kiyoomi wonders what spell Atsumu casted on him that made him say yes. 
It was a rainy Saturday morning when Atsumu picked him up from his apartment. The sun is still hiding behind the clouds and drizzle of raindrops are falling on the car. There was a weird tense inside the car that the younger couldn’t quite figure out. Atsumu looks so nervous yet serious while driving. 
Maybe it was because he’s on his way to his ex-boyfriend’s wedding, of course that’ll be the reason. Stupid Kiyoomi, he grunts silently by his thoughts. Looking to the window next to him to see where the destination will be.
“It’s a garden wedding near a cliff below the ocean. Enough to see the sunset exactly the time of the wedding ceremony. It’ll be beautiful and wonderful, just like what Kita-san dreamt of” Atsumu stated, making Kiyoomi glance at him. 
“Are you sure that you weren’t the one who organized the wedding?” Kiyoomi butts out a joke.
“No” the latter bitterly replies. “But he keeps on babbling how our wedding would look like back then” 
There was a moment of silence between them, the drive was still long and Kiyoomi can’t bear the awkward atmosphere both of them made. 
“You nervous?”
“That’s a funny question Omi-kun. Of course, who wouldn’t be nervous about attending their ex-boyfriend’s wedding?”
And the fact that he’s not over Kita, Atsumu’s hands are sweating cold as he drives towards the venue. He was not really planning on attending it but his jerk of a twin brother Osamu beat him out of it. All he had to do was endure it, he was just lucky that he had Kiyoomi to accompany him. It was funny, he thinks. How he managed to convince Kiyoomi to say yes. 
“You know that you can just not attend right?” Kiyoomi convinces. 
But instead of answering him, Atsumu steps on the gas pedal even harder, driving faster than the usual pace. Kiyoomi kept quiet as he didn't want to bother his friend anymore. 
The venue was breathtaking, Kiyoomi thinks. The sun was shining when they arrived at the mentioned venue. There were only a few people there, maybe 50 or a hundred he counts. The color motif was aligned with neutral tones and no exaggerated designs can be found, it seems like the couple decided on a minimal wedding. 
“God Omi-kun, even here ya have to wear a mask?” Atsumu complains as they step out of the car. 
“Yes” he replied shortly, a hundred people is still a crowd after all. 
The two of them walked towards the garden where chairs are aligned, Kiyoomi can recognize some of them, probably people whom he met back in high school during the Nationals. Atsumu seemed to be off from his tenses, greeting his old teammates whom he found in the middle of the crowd. 
Kiyoomi was about to follow him when a hand grabbed his shoulders lightly making him turn around. 
“I knew it was you!” his cousin laughs, they met last week but Kiyoomi wasn’t able to tell him that he’ll attend the wedding and it was surprising of him to bumped into Motoya here.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, noticing the baby blue suit of Motoya plus the lilac brooch on his right chest. 
“It’s Sunarin’s wedding dummy! Of course the whole ejp team is here, but me and Washio are the best man” Motoya said proudly. Kiyoomi only nods, he almost forgot that his cousin is teammates with Rintarou. 
Small world, he thinks.
“How about you? I didn’t know you’re close with them” Motoya interrogates. 
“I am not” he bluntly says. “Atsumu asked me to accompany him” 
Motoya’s expression changes from a teasing one, making Kiyoomi glare at him. 
“Don’t think of it in a wrong way”
“Oh I am certainly not thinking of it in a wrong way” Motoya defends but there’s a smug smile on his face. 
But before their conversation could go longer, their attention was called by the wedding planner---the wedding is about to start in a few minutes.
“Well, I have to find Washio now. Goodluck on your date” Motoya says.
“It’s not a date” he sneers but Motoya only laughed at him and left him there.
“There you are!” Kiyoomi turns around to see Atsumu walking towards him. “I’ve been looking everywhere for ya!”
“I bumped into Komori, he’s also here,” Kiyoomi explains.
Atsumu only hums. “Yeah, heard he is Rin’s best man, but anyways, we should go back to our chairs, ‘Samu saved us some” 
Kiyoomi only followed the older towards the chairs. A few guests were already seated there and the two of them chose the seat on the right, Kiyoomi can recognize a few people around them--and he was right, they’re seated beside the old Inarizaki team.
In front of the altar there stood Suna Rintarou, wearing a white coat suit with his hands held together in a fist, he looked so calm as he was smiling from ear to ear. 
“It’s not obvious but I bet Rin’s nervous as fuck” Osamu taunted making Kiyoomi and Atsumu look at him.
“Who wouldn’t be nervous, he’s marrying the Kita Shinsuke” Hitoshi jokes. 
“But look at ‘Tsumu, he’s not marrying Kita-san but he looks more nervous than Rin” Osamu teases making Atsumu punch him on the shoulders. Osamu fought back but Atsumu didn't want to be the sour loser.
“Goddamnit you two even in Shinsuke’s wedding, the two of you will still make a scene” Aran fumes. 
“Yeah! You two tone it down won’t ya? That’s embarrassing for your boyfriends” Michinari stated.
Osamu stops first, calming down as Keiji holds his hands. Atsumu only grunts, facing back towards the altar as Kiyoomi could only glance at him. 
The music began playing which made everyone stand up to give respect to the groom. Kiyoomi turned around and saw Shinsuke in his white suit, holding a bouquet of lilacs and white roses. He was smiling from ear to ear as he slowly walked onto the aisle. It was breathtaking, the sun is about to set in a few minutes and all Kiyoomi can thinks is how the purple-pink and orange sky made the ambiance more lovely and warm, everyone was smiling as they witnessed Rintarou accept Shinsuke’s hands and as they faced each other, the two of them let out a soft chuckle, embarrassed like two teenage boys who just confessed their first love to each other. 
Everything feels like they’re in euphoria, but when Kiyoomi remembers the reason why he was here in the first place, he had the intuition to look at Atsumu. 
Atsumu with his eyes locked on the gray-haired man who’s brightly looking at somebody else--it must have taken him a lot of courage to go here and witness all of these. Kiyoomi can see, he has a smile plastered on his face. But the latter knows that deep inside he’s not fine. 
Still, Kiyoomi doesn’t want to think about it for a moment.
The ceremony ended quickly. Now Kiyoomi is in a large rounded table with some of the old Inarizaki team at the reception. The dinner ended quickly with the host presenting the newly-wed couple. Doing some traditions like toasting the glass of wine and slicing the cake. Aran and Osamu had the opportunity to share their stories about Rintarou and Shinsuke making the atmosphere more livelier as their bright and funny stories bring ease that the couple were always meant to be. 
Kiyoomi was trying to enjoy it. Trying to socialize with Atsumu’s old team or maybe try to find his cousin to talk with, but his mind was somewhere else. He can’t help but ponder what is running inside Atsumu’s head at the moment. 
“Let us now all welcome the couple’s first dance! Anyone who wants to dance with their significant other can join our newly-wed couple on the dance floor.” the host announces. 
Another bright song starts to play, Rintarou drags a shy Shinsuke in the middle, getting a lot of teasing from the crowd. At first, the older was hesitant but later on, places his arms around Rintarou’s shoulders as they dance slowly to the song. 
“Keiji?” Kiyoomi hears Osamu’s voice. 
“That’s embarrassing of you ‘Samu” the latter chuckles but still accepts Osamu’s offer to dance with him. 
Kiyoomi looked at all the couples’ flooding the dance floor. Everyone was on their own world, as if the spotlight was on them. Kiyoomi can’t help but smile as he saw his cousin dancing with the person he’s been pining on. Finally, Kiyoomi thinks. Motoya now has the confidence to talk to him. 
But the smile faded as he heard Atsumu grunt loudly. He glances at him who wasn’t looking at the dance floor. 
“Do you wanna dance?” Kiyoomi asked out of nowhere. 
“I don’t dance Kiyoomi” Atsumu answers. 
“But do you care if you join me for a walk?” the blond interjects
Kiyoomi nods. Maybe a walk can lighten up Atsumu’s mood. 
The sky looks more prettier in pitch black with glittering stars scattered. Kiyoomi looks up as he follows Atsumu somewhere far from the reception. Not noticing that they’ve reached the end of the place. They’re near the edge of the cliff, the waves crashing on the rocks below can be heard just like how the wind blew more strongly. 
Quietly, the two of them stared at the vast ocean. It was dim there but Kiyoomi can see the bitter smile on Atsumu’s lips. 
“He always wanted a wedding like these.” Atsumu started. Kiyoomi only kept his silence, waiting for another word to slip out of the older’s mouth. 
“An afternoon wedding where the sun is setting then a night reception where the ambiance is much cooler. He doesn’t need extravagant decorations but he was picky on the flowers. Kita-san wants lilacs, it symbolizes innocence and purity, like a high school love. He always knows that he’ll find love in his high school days” the latter laughs sarcastically. “But I guess that wasn’t me” 
“Did the two of you...dated back in high school?” Kiyoomi asked. 
“No. But I confessed to him back in high school. He told me he’ll wait for me and he did, we dated when I was in college, we’ve been together for two years. That’s enough right?” Kiyoomi only nods even though he doesn’t understand what Atsumu was pointing out. “That was enough to be assured by your future with him. It was enough to think that everything was settled and there’s nothing to be worried about” 
“Are you mad at Suna-san?” 
“Not at all. Because if I do, then what the hell am I doing here?” Atsumu pointed out
“I’m confused Miya-san” Kiyoomi lets out a chuckle. 
“Don’t call me that Omi-kun, Osamu’s a Miya too” 
Kiyoomi thinks that Atsumu only too brokenhearted that he’s now babbling random stuff. He wasn’t bitter, that’s what the younger is sure. Atsumu only needed air to breathe in and absorb things, he wasn’t able to answer Kiyoomi’s question but the latter ignored it, what matters is Atsumu right now. The two remained quiet, leaning against the railings of the cliff, Atsumu was looking at the raven-blue ocean underneath him while Kiyoomi looked up at the sky, the clouds fading slowly to show the full moon of spring’s night. It was cold and windy and yet the warm presence of each other gave them ease and tranquility. 
“We should go back now, I need another glass of wine,” Atsumu suggested. 
Kiyoomi forehead’s creased. “I’m driving tonight if you got drunk” 
Atsumu only laughs at him.
As they went back to their table, Kiyoomi noticed two familiar faces with them. Atsumu stops abruptly as Shinsuke turns around to give them a smile.
“There you are! I’ve been looking for ya everywhere” Shinsuke brightly greeted. 
“We went for a walk, have you met Omi-kun?” Atsumu introduces, Shinsuke only gave Kiyoomi a small wave before he quickly turned his attention to Atsumu. “Do you mind if I can borrow you for a moment?” 
Atsumu quickly glances at Kiyoomi who only gave him a reassuring smile. Hesitant at first, the blond only looked at Shinsuke for a minute but later on, accepted the groom’s request. 
“And with that, I am keeping you company,” Rintarou laughs as he sits next to Kiyoomi. A glass of wine was toasted to each other as both of them looked at Shinsuke and Atsumu dancing. 
“You know I never expect Atsumu to attend our wedding” Rintarou started. “And I never expect him to have you as his date, Motoya’s cousin” 
“Why do you think of that?” he asked with much curiosity. 
“Maybe because it was for the fact that I stole Shinsuke from him?” Kiyoomi glances at him with a disgusted look.
“Kidding! They broke up when Shinsuke and I started dating so don’t come at me alright?” Rintarou replies smugly. “But it’s nice to think that you’re here” 
“Were you expecting me”
Rintarou hums. “I kinda know you through Motoya’s stories, he always told me that you’re not that great at socializing with other people this and that, blah blah blah but! You’re here and as Atsumu’s date”
“Miya-san’s not my date” Kiyoomi clarifies. 
“Date or not, you still agreed to accompany him, and as I based it from Motoya’s stories, you don’t like socializing. So if I connect the dots” Rintarou snaps his fingers. “Atsumu must be really something for ya” 
Something? Rintarou must have misunderstood him. Atsumu is just annoying and a jerk in the eyes of Kiyoomi, why would he mean something for him?
Alright so what if even though he’s annoying, Kiyoomi still enjoys the company of Atsumu? Atsumu may be a jerk but he’s a great person inside, it's just that, his annoying attitude comes out more often which irritates Kiyoomi and yet, the black-haired man won’t hesitate to say yes when Atsumu ask for favors, he knows that if he rejects it, the blond would be pestering him till he say yes. 
What does a person have to be something to mean to a certain someone? What does Miya Atsumu have and did to be told that he means something to Sakusa Kiyoomi? Maybe in the two years of being teammates Kiyoomi knows him more than the rest, maybe because Kiyoomi was there when Atsumu gets homesick or if he just wants to practice more, Kiyoomi is willing to spike his sets? Was all of that mean so much that all Kiyoomi thinks during the whole wedding day was thinking if Atsumu was fine? 
“Shit” he muttered. 
Kiyoomi likes Atsumu.
“Oh dear” Rintarou laughs. “Did you just realized that you like Atsumu?” the latter teases. 
“I don’t know” his words fall off quietly. He doesn’t know if what he was feeling right now for Atsumu is a liking. Maybe respect can be the word but no, that’s way too different. “How do you even tell if you like a person?”
Rintarou took a sip on his wine. “I guess you’re one of the people who doesn’t fall in love that often”
“I’m not that coldhearted Suna-san” 
“Maybe I should ask your cousin then,” 
Kiyoomi became quiet by that, letting the groom think whatever he wanted. His eyes wandered at Atsumu and Shinsuke. They were both still dancing but now they were talking. Atsumu looks so frightened, as if he was dancing with a boy made out of thin ice. Shinsuke surely is Atsumu’s first love. 
There’s no way Atsumu can get over him. 
The wedding ended within the midnight followed by a small fireworks display and sparkles which everyone adored and enjoyed. It took a while for Kiyoomi to see the bright smile on Atsumu’s face. After the dance, he was more relaxed than before and Kiyoomi must admit that Shinsuke must be really something. 
On their way back home, Atsumu was smiling from ear-to-ear which bugs the daylights out of Kiyoomi, as if earlier he looks so constipated. 
“Are you drunk?” Kiyoomi asked. 
Atsumu laughed at him. Kiyoomi takes that answer that he is drunk. 
“Omi-kun lighten up! I am fine, I can drive see?”
“You’re overspeeding at a steep road” the younger pointed out
“Let me drive in peace will ya?”
Kiyoomi lets him. Afterall, he wasn't ready to be in a conversation with Atsumu all alone after the conversation he had with Rintarou, he is freaking out deep inside! His forehead creases by the thought, him freaking out because of Miya Atsumu? Doesn't sound like him--which is also the reason why! He was freaking out. 
“Hey. You’ve been quiet, what got into you?” Atsumu asked suddenly
“You told me to let you drive in peace” the latter stated. 
“Yeah but being too quiet is not peaceful” 
“We have music Miya-san”
“Just talk to me Omi-kun!” 
Surprised, Kiyoomi’s eyes widened by Atsumu’s request. Heart starts beating fast that his fear and worries disappeared. He looked at the blond who’s eyes now focused on the road, Atsumu wasn’t that mad but it hinted despair in his tone. What exactly is going with him?
Kiyoomi let’s out a sigh as he leans his head against the headrest. “What happened?” 
Atsumu’s forehead creases. “What do you mean?”
“Back then, when it was just you and Kita-san dancing”
Atsumu hums for a second “He was glad that I went to his wedding,” but then smiles sadly. “And that I wasn’t lonely” 
“Is he thinking that--”
“We’re together? Yeah” the blond chuckles bitterly. “I mean no offense Omi-kun, yer hot but--”
“And bold of you to think that I would date your piss hair” Atsumu clutches onto his heart, acting like he was hurt. “God Omi-kun! That hurts you know?”
Atsumu pouts. “Omi-kun yer always bad at me,” then, he lets out a sigh. “But you know what Omi-kun, I am glad that you accompanied me. Thank you” 
“It’s nothing Miya-san,” Kiyoomi said with a blunt tone but deep inside he was also glad to accompany the latter.
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kewltie · 4 years
the idea that bakugou katsuki, a war hero and the empire's hound, is a man of great stature and even fiercer reputation of a volatile powder keg yet quite frankly so freaked out by izuku, HIS OWN HUSBAND, attempt of playing footsie that he broke a table IS SO HILARIOUS TO ME!! katsuki spend so long giving himself to his country and ppl and that HE literally had NO TIME for romance or like consider any romantic entanglement let alone think of the husband he left behind while he chase after new adventures; so yea he's a goddamn virgin lmao.
even when he's back home now his job as the empire's hound (which basically taking on tasks too dark and secretive that nobody can touch) means he running around the slums of the city to catch baddies so he's constantly hanging around other lowlifes SO HE GOT A BAD REPUTATION. a scoundrel and rake is what the rumors say about him and they all sigh pitifully when they spot izuku bc poor izuku, to have such a terrible no good husband hang around brothel houses :((( WHICH IS FUCKING FUNNY bc katsuki is devout in his marriage vows and also hello VIRGIN!! not that anyone know that, NOT EVEN IZUKU bc believe in katsuki's honor in their marriage but HE HEARD THE RUMORS and katsuki does keep v beautiful friends around (they're his informants lol) so izuku thought katsuki used to play around but now that's married he doesnt and wont.
so izuku GOT INTO HIS HEAD that katsuki is ~experience~ and prob had like a hundred lovers in the past while izuku is virginal and chaste and BORING so he tries v v hard to learn how to a good lover which means taking advice from racy romance books from his book club lmao. look, izuku is a quirk learner and HE'S always open to new experience and he's going to be a good husband and lover ok!!!!! so he's taking lesson to try to seduce katsuki and get his interest but he's so new at this he's afraid katsuki will laugh a him and find him lacking... so when he heard katsuki was hanging around one of the most famous oiran, a super high class prostitute, izuku IS SO JEALOUS bc how can izuku compare to such a beautiful and talented being??? so he thought he ramps up his game and tried for a footsie W KATSUKI BUT ????!!!
katsuki's reaction isn't to laugh and/or tease him about it but BROKE A DAMN TABLE as he reeled back and looked at him in shock and horror and izuku IS SOOO CONFUSED like???? did he do something ??? is that not how you play footsie??? OMG did he embarrassed himself?!! izuku thought he didn't come on strong enough, that his game was just too weak that it drove katsuki away which make izuku even more determine to be better next time! esp when he had the idea to meet up with the oiran and take a personal lesson on seducing his hubby lol. not knowing AT ALL that katsuki was internally SCREAMING ABOUT IT bc izuku, his super traditional and proper husband, just fucking ran his foot up katsuki's THIGH and he's did it all coolly like HE'S NOT FEELING KATSUKI UP UNDER THE TABLE AND AS;DJFAS;DJF. look, they're both dumb virgins who think the other is like some experience lover when in truth neither of them HAVE ANY EXPERIENCE AT ALL and they really aren't equipped to deal with any attempt of seduction/flirtation properly even though THEY'RE MARRIED TO EACH OTHER!!!!
i love the idea of clothes and accessories acting as symbolism and a state of mind. it's a constant theme in a lot of my fics - how and what you dress can set the tone of the entire space you occupied, sending a wordless message out into the world.
izuku normally dressed in traditional kimono all his life but when he left the countryside and moved into the city to be with katsuki where western influence have taken roots and many new western trends are popular right now, izuku starts to adapt and fashion is one of them. the shift from izuku's kimono to a western dress and pantsuits parallels his shift in perspective from the tradition views he hold and to new ideas brought by his new environment. though it doesn't mean everything old and tradition are bad while new things are all good!! izuku loves his kimonos and there's a history that come with them as they are handmade custom and pass down within his family so there's a lot of meanings and legacy to these old kimonos; news thing may offer a better insight but there's still a lot of value in tradition. like how in the first scene izuku decide to change his whole wardrobe to meet katsuki for lunch and how formal and austere he dressed, changing his demeanor as though he's putting on an armor. it's the way they make him feel stronger and confident that he may not feel otherwise. in that moment he fell back into his kimono, something he had known and grown up with all his life so it's the most comfortable for him and hold him up even when his doubts and insecurity weigh him down. this is the armor he chosen to wear when he's about to go to battle. the type and color of the kimono he wore, the way his hair is pinned and a certain hair accessory, and the mortif sewn into the kimono are all signs of his mood and how each is like a plate of armor on top of each other, layer and by layer building up his confident.
izuku lacks confident that much is clear esp when he'd pretty up uproot his whole life to move to the city to be with katsuki and uphold his place as katsuki's husband. he knows he's lacking in this strange new environment so his only defense mechanism is to fall back on old ways. izuku wants to be firm when he see katsuki and by dressing in that austere and cold formality of the kimono with dark colors and phoenix motif his message is that he wont be subdued by w/e katsuki say; and he says it w/o ever having to say a single word :P
izuku is really obsessed w being a good spouse, omega, and fulfilling his duty bc that's all he has ever been taught and that's how he measure his own worth. if he's not being upholding the honor and prestige of the background household,,, what use is he then? he's so desperate to be that 'good spouse' who doesn't complain, who doesnt question, and who doesn't fail at any task given to him that he come off as this unfeeling and obedience doll who only know how to stay faithful at his husband's feet which isn't izuku at all. we know he's endlessly curious, ravenous for knowledge and new ideas, reckless to a fault, and so v v v kind that it can hurt him but those aren't necessary quality for a spouse of a future duke so he squashed it and put up pretense of a more poise, charming, and compose person. which few even see through his mask BUT ofc katsuki eventually does and he hates when izuku puts up a front and hide his true feelings from him and that's where their first argument come from. IZUKU BEING PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE AT HIM and katsuki telling to GET MAD, YELL AT HIM, ETC he rather izuku be real with him then having to face this smiling doll who only know how to carefully chose his words and say things he doesnt really mean when he want izuku to poke and prod and get angry and emotional at him bc he knows underneath that smile is a cat w claws lol. at the end of it izuku only wants to be included in katsuki's world bc his job is v v v important to him and to be on the outside and hearing rumors and stories of what katsuki is doing and not actually a part of it hurts izuku deeply bc they're married and in this together!! katsuki prefers to keep izuku from the ugly side of his job bc well it's dangerous and there's a unsightly things he doesnt want izuku to see and/or exp but izuku, wants to bear katsuki's burden too so he doesn't have to go at this alone!! marriage is partnership after all.
it's an interesting dynamic of where izuku keeps pushing more from katsuki and katsuki being a closed of jerk about it trying to keep a distance bc he has no time to entertain a relationship bc OF HIS V IMPORTANT JOB even tho they're already marry but izuku is persistence lol. they're going to keep this whole push and pull dynamic till one of them give which is going to be long ass time bc they're both stubborn lol but izuku didn't literally MOVED HIS ENTIRE life to be w katsuki to settle just for marriage w him, he's going to win katsuki's heart also!
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suncatchr · 3 years
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some updated designs!! lots to say about these!!
Emilia and Mateo’s “Imaginary” Designs
I have a plot update for them ;w; I thought, since their whole motif is arts and performance, that it would be cute to write in a playground roleplay element to their story! Besically as kids, they make up a fantasy world that they play in together whenever they get a free second! In off-time, Mateo writes stories and makes art of their characters, and Emilia starts learning to play music so that she can compose theme songs for them. Emilia’s character is a fire witch who’s able to comfortably use her powers bc they live in a more magical world. Mateo’s character is a healer who follows Emilia on her quests to save the places she defends. I thought it would be a nice place to kick off their obsessions with creativity, and also that it would be kinda fun to do a plot within a plot and kinda try to make up a story that two kids would.
These outfts are the designs they thought up in their game. Mateo later drew up the designs, this being most obvious from the rose on Emilia’s belt. Her gloves keep her magic in when she doesn’t need it, and the cloak is fireproof. Mateo’s outfit is based on a plague doctor’s, but for ease, the mask is just a piece of thick fabric that can be lifted up over his nose when he needs it. The rest of his body is covered to prevent him from contracting infections from fluids.
Holly and Masei
Nothing too new about these designs, their original designs were just way too simplistic bc i didn’t have much of an idea. Holly is a warrior, so his outfit is very lacking in layers and fabric. On the other hand, Masei is a prince, so his clothes are dumb layered and the little translucent piece is supposed to drive home just how extravagant he is.
Khauai, Haven, and Hakeem
I wanted their outfits to be more like their animal motifs! Cevon didn’t get a redesign because his current outfit is civilian clothes which. suits the fact that he gets his power taken away. Khauai is an owl, so his cloak is meant to reflect his wings and the puffy pants + slim boots mimic the legs of an owl. Haven is a selkie, so I gave him his seal coat to wear over his human form. I left the sweater, though, since it kinda melds both worlds for him as opposed to him only wearing his seal coat and Yearning for the Sea. Hakeem’s outfit is supposed to be lionlike, so I gave him the furry collar to be the mane and the furry boots to be his paws. It’s also a little more form-fitting bc he steals Cevon’s powers and as such becomes an incubus. I think he’d embrace that fully.
The Major Arcana
These characters have 3 things each that are part of their designs: an album, a Tarot card, and their name. I decided that the Tarot card would be more involved witht heir demeanour and how they present themselves, so the outfits are based on their album and their name.
Crow, obviously, is named for a crow. His clothing is layered to represent the feathers of a bird’s wing, and his cloak is ruffled to be shaped like the wings themselves. His album is After Hours. His heavy layers also represent him often blocking people out because he feels like he’ll just let them all down (a la Save Your Tears). At the same time, his outer cloak is open, because what he really wants is to be better, but it’s hard to make that go to the inner layers of himself (a la Faith). His clothes are all black.
Harley’s name means “meadow of hares.” His spikey hair is meant to represent windswept grass, while his inner vest is meant to be a little white bunny tumby and his boots are white at the toes to represent paws. His album is Beauty Behind the Madness. BBTM is a little sluttier than AH, so I had to kinda work around that, since Major Arcana generally wear old-fashioned clothing and lots of layers. Underneath his jacket, Harley’s arms are bare and his jeans are high-waisted so that when he’s free to do so, he can shift into hotboy mode. BBTM’s narration is also more smug and more detached, so I felt like that it made sense to give Harley a more modern outfit than everyone else, because he couldn’t care less about the customs of Major Arcana dress or how anyone feels about it. His clothes are brown and white.
Nakoa’s name means “warrior.” I gave him the harnesses on his back and leg to look like he’d be carrying weapons around, even though he never would. His album is Transmissions. The ablum gives off a very aching, yearning vibe, with the narrator sounding alone throughout the whole thing. His mission seems to be to find and protect someone else, while sticking staunchly to one’s ideals and values throughout the quest. Nakoa dresses like Major Arcana should, with his clothes being the most traditional of anyone’s. The lock necklace represents his loyalty to the Major Arcana (as in, he’s locked in) and the heart necklace (while in canon it represents his card: The Lovers), represents the person that the album’s narrator is talking about. I wanted to make him look very “tied up” in his clothes, so everything runs across him. This represents the loneliness at the album’s core; Nakoa is tied up in himself and effectively has no one but the cause to be loyal to. His clothes are purple and blue.
Sunday’s outfit is supposed to contrast Nakoa’s heavily. They don’t wear all of the ties and layers he does. Their design is meant to be open and welcoming, because their album is Dreamland. The narrator of Dreamland describes a troubled past in an expressive and upbeat way, and I thought I’d reflect that in the fact that Sunday is the eldest and effectively the most responsible for the whole group, yet they remain open and their layers stripped despite all that. Their name obviously reflects the sun, so the main colours of their outfit along w the sun at their collar represent the sunrise. Their outfit is iridescent (another ref to Dreamland’s aes), with bases of pale pink and yellow.
Arwen’s name means “royal maiden.” Her outfit is based on the most practical layer of mediaeval royal clothing, with her hood able to pull up to look like a victorian maiden’s bonnet. Her album is Hozier, but I’m going to be hinest and say most of her outfit was designed before this, so I couldn’t find a place to mix in the album..? So the colours of her clothing are the album cover’s colours: orange, blue, and brown.
Elio means sun. I have enough characters designed after the sun, so I went entirely album-based with him. His album is DIVISIONS, a rebellious, anticapitalist love letter to no one. The album is about adventure, love, and the future, so I wanted to give Elio a v futuristic and punky outfit. His outfit is my favourite out of all of them, but I don’t actually have much to say about it? I think it looks exactly how I envisioned, like Elio’s a punk from the future. His clothes are black, white, and silver.
Dawn’s name meaning is obvious, and again w the sun. I went all-album with him too. His album is Meteora, an album that’s essentially about hating yourself, your past, and everyone around you. I wanted to go more emo with Dawn’s design bc of that, but emo style actually doesn’t... appeal to me, plus it’s not very Major Arcana. I gave him some gay little boots to be his choice piece of emo clothing, and then emo’d up a regular outfit instead. His clothes are layered, again representing him building up walls. He has lots of elements that are tied around him, this time to look like he’s sealed himself in, hence them all being horizontal. He burned the edges of his cloak himself and also sliced into his pants so that he looked imperfect and everyone around him would know that he’s imperfect. His clothes are, in contrast, pink, yellow, and blue.
Dovey’s name obviously means dove. Her cloak, like Crow’s is ruffled at the edge to represent bird wings. Doves are much fluffier than crows, though, so in her outfit, feathers are represented by the ruffles in her dress. Now, uh, her album is Wasteland, Baby! and the outfit very much misses the vibe. Dovey is another character whose outfit I had planned before hand, and it wasn’t desidned with music in mind. The one song I did think of while designing her was As It Was, which reminds me of Red Riding Hood bc of the way it opens?? I feel like even though I can’t pinpoint any one vibe that matches her look, I can see her as the narrator slash star of all the songs in this outfit. So IDK, it vibes w me, fjkdshdsfd. Her outfit is grey and brown, like a mourning dove.
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regeek · 4 years
Essay of the North: Dragons, Masks, Ghosts, and Despair
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Welcome to the next part of my essay about the Four Sister guardians. This one actually focuses on the sister guardians as individual characters. The thing that first drew me to these four characters as a subject matter is how thematically relevant they are to each book. In my opinion, each of the four books in the third Deltora Quest series has a central theme: in Dragon’s Nest it is dragons, in Shadowgate it is masks, in Isle of the Dead it is ghosts, and in Sister of the South it’s despair. Each of the guardians does a lot to tie these themes together, and each can be seen as sort of an embodiment of that theme, at least of the darker aspects of it. Another interesting thing that ties each of the sister guardians together is that each is a reference to another character in mythology or fiction, so I’ll talk about that here. The guardians are all beings of decay and subversion, so each is a subversion of some classical cultural archetype. Each of these characters, by being so thematically significant, help set apart the third series of Deltora books as a more powerful, resonant story than most youth fantasy stories. 
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First let’s start with Rolf the Capricorn. He is the antagonist of Dragon’s Nest, the start of the series. The main theme of Dragon’s Nest is the dragons themselves, and the crux of the story is Lief struggling with understanding these ferocious and powerful creatures. At the start of the story few in Deltora understood the dragons and their role in the ecosystem, so Lief has to learn if he can trust them as he embarks on a quest where they play an integral role. The dragons represent the harsh but important aspects of the natural world. From a distance they seem like dangerous monsters, but are actually vital parts of the environment in Deltora and must be respected. Although people fear them, they are actually keeping Deltora safe and balanced. The first test Lief faces in this series is reconnecting with the dragons and earning their trust.
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Rolf is the embodiment of distrust and fear of dragons. Like the dragons, he is the remnant of a long-gone part of Deltora’s history, but not a part that should be brought back. His people are the biggest victims of the dragon’s rage, an entire society laid to waste by their fury. However, the fate of Capra is not what it seemed. In actuality the Capricorns were driving the dragons to extinction, and their obsession with beauty and artifice led to their destruction. They are a warning to the people of Deltora, an example of what will happen if they do not coexist with nature. But Rolf has nothing but resentment for dragon’s and all they represent. He has no interest in the modern state of Deltora, obsessed with a past that will never come back. He is deeply xenophobic, not just towards dragons but to all non-Capricorns. He would rather see the nation destroyed than integrate with it, helping the Shadow Lord doom Deltora to the same fate as Capra.
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 Fittingly, he takes the form of a false dragon. His appearance is described as hideous, like something our of a fever dream. He represents everything people feared about dragons, with none of their natural beauty. He seeks to exploit people’s reservations about working with dragons, making Lief question whether he can count these mysterious beasts as allies in his quest. His ultimate goal was to make it appear that the Ruby Dragon had joined the Shadow Lord as the guardian of the Sister of the East. Every step of the Shadow Lord’s plan with the Sisters was to convince the King of Deltora to abandon his quest. In this case to stop the quest before it even started, he cast doubt on the ability to work with the dragons at all. Rolf’s role in the plan was to drive Lief to abandon Deltora to the same fate that befell Capra. 
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Rolf is obviously based on a satyr form Greek mythology. He can be seen as a dark mirror to Pan, the greek god of nature. Pan was a being of music and sexuality, an amusing contrast to Rolf’s cowardly, pathetic persona. Over time Pan came to be associated with Pagan and Satanic beliefs, fitting given that Rolf is not what he appears to be. Rolf can also be seen as a parody of Mr. Tumnus from the Chronicles of Narnia. Mr. Tumnus was a faun encountered very early by the protagonists, and was a helpful guide for them. Lief and his companions also encounter Rolf pretty early in their adventure, but he is far from helpful. Although Rolf bears a physical resemblance to various goat-men throughout history, his personality and goals are the opposite of almost all of them.
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The next guardian is Kirsten of Shadowgate, also known as the Masked One. Masks are the central motif of Shadowgate, with various types of masks being used by different characters for different reasons. Masks are used to hide your real identity with a new one of your own creation. The Masked Ones use their masks to turn on their old identities and create a new one for their new society. Laughing Jack can be thought of as wearing a mask in the form of his fake persona. Lief struggles with having masks placed on him against his will, overriding his own identity. Lief is shown for the first time a possible other life, one without the responsibilities and hardship of being the king, but with nor personal freedom. 
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It starts off with his physical resemblance to Bede, which drives Bess to force him to take the place of her son. At first Bess’s projection of Lief begins simple enough, making him learn to sing like her son did. Lief is too kind to turn her down, and finds himself being drawn deeper and deeper into the Masked Ones. This culminates in him having a mask literally forced onto his face, and he has to tear it off to regain his own identity. The result is a horrifying experience for him in which he briefly loses his mind, and ends with him scarring his face. These scars are a reminder of his experience, and also serve as a permanent physical distinction between him and Bede. 
The book is structured to make you think Bede is going to be the antagonist, serving as a dark reflection of Lief. However, Bede is revealed to be a victim of the real villain, Kirsten. A character barely mentioned earlier, who nobody in the story thinks very much about, is the one behind everything. Kirsten is interesting among Deltora antagonists in that she begins affecting the plot very early on. Long before the heroes find her or even know of her existence she is pulling strings to drive the plot. The obstacle Lief must destroy in this story is not a reflection of his own identity, but someone who has removed their own identity completely. There are many masks in Shadowgate, but none as elaborate as Kirsten’s. 
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From what we know of Kirsten’s past, it sounds like she spent a lot of life being overlooked by others. Despite being beautiful, her face was paid attention to, so she created a new one. However, Kirsten is different from the rest of the characters in that both of her identities are “masks” and in her double life both of her personas are artificial. Her phantom is the embodiment of her allegiance to the Shadow Lord, a mask that moves on its own. The Masked One is a projection of her power and rage without having to reveal her true self to anyone. Her victims get no insight into the person killing them. She twists the culture of the man who rejected her, taking the form of a mask with nothing beneath it. But the version of Kirsten Lief and the others meet in the castle is also a “mask.” Its how she sees herself and wishes to be seen by others, but is just as fake as her phantom. Her external beauty disguises her horrific nature, and she forces Bede to live in her pretend reality with her. Her castle is an extension of this illusive reality, a world under her control that disappears upon her death. Appropriately she has reduced the other object of her rage, he sister, to nothing but a face by trapping her in a locket. Mariette no longer has a physical presence in the world, but still has all the things Kirsten will never have. 
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It is hard to look at Shadowgate and not see the influence of the Phantom of the Opera. The Masked One bears a physical resemblance to the Phantom, and murders performers to keep imprisoned a beautiful singer. Kirsten is a twist on character of Erik, wearing the physical appearance of Christine but performing the horrific action of the Phantom. Piecing together her identity is a key part of the plot, though the protagonists do not realize there even is a mystery until the end. The Masked One does not hide the image of a face burned by acid, but that of a beautiful women. Amusingly, Lief’s journey in this novel can be compared to Christine’s. Like her he is tutored in signing by a charismatic but untrustworthy figure in a mask, and he ends up with facial scarring like Erik. Also, while singing is used in Phantom of the Opera to communicate and empathize with the Phantom, in Shadowgate it is used to transmit coded warnings about the villain.
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Isle of the Dead is about ghosts, the various ways in which the dead and action of the past still haunt us in the present. The most literal example of the ghosts of the past is Verity, and actual ghost keeping record of dark deeds past. Laughing Jack is on the run from the ghosts of his past, literally and figuratively. He can even be thought of as the “ghost” of James Gant, an identity left behind by a man who still wanders the world in search of something. Bone Point and the Lady Luck are places forever haunted by the dark memories of what happened there, showing Lief and the others a recording of it they cannot interact with. Lief and Barda free themselves from the Lady Luck by “correcting” the events of the past, and their battle with the Sister of the West requires they put together various other ghosts, like Verity’s memories, Doran the Dragonlover, and the Diamond Dragon. 
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In Isle of the Dead time is portrayed as all-consuming and unforgiving, and the effect of entropy on this story makes the protagonists feel like they are becoming ghosts too. The Sleeping Dunes show how a moment of passivity can lead to you being erased from history and forgotten, like the Amethyst Dragon was for years. Blood Lily Island shows how the passage of time can slowly destroy you. The island looks harmless but it slowly kills you without you even noticing (Rodda thought she could slip a little metaphor for despair past me here too- not on my watch!) Even the mighty dragons are shown to be vulnerable to the power of eternity, with Veritas being trapped by the Sleeping Dunes and the Diamond Dragon being stripped to bones by fleshbanes, which grew to great numbers during her sleep. The Lady Luck shows how you can’t escape the past or the passage of time. Its’ victims were doomed to eventually lose more than they can afford, and its pursuit of Lief and Jack makes them literally unable to run from the past forever. Isle of the Dead is a book concerned with eternity, how the passage of time destroys but also preserves people and ideas.
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Doran is not quite a ghost as he is more undying than undead. He has guided Lief and the others through most of their adventures, and the memory of his actions is a great tool for them. However, each time they encounter someone who remembers Doran, they explain that he is long dead and the world he live din has changed. But Doran has been here the whole time, a final taunt from the Shadow Lord. In order to complete his life’s work, he must be destroyed by those he inspired. Doran’s actions are great allies to the king of Deltora, but the man himself is turned into an obstacle. The purpose of this design was to discourage anyone trying to destroy the Sisters, making them feel like they had to destroy their own history and what they hold dear. 
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But there is another “ghost” which provides Lief the opportunity to triumph over this challenge: the baby Diamond Dragon. Named after her mother, she shows how the legacy of the past is transferred down to new generations. Discovered on her mother’s bones, she is a glimmer of hope in a quest that seemed doomed. She shows that even as the heroes and icons of the past fades away, their legacy lives on in new generations. Just as Forta carries on the legacy of the Diamond Dragons, Lief carries on the work of Doran. The discovery of Forta allows Lief to beat the Shadow Lord’s trap. Doran’s last moments are of hope, not despair. He was meant to create depression about the past, but his death is a moment of hope for the future. 
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The revelation of Doran as the guardian of the Sister of the West is a shocking one, a twist on the usual pattern of these books having a battle with a big creature at the end. But those familiar with Arthurian lore perhaps should have seen it coming. Doran is an example of the Fisher King archetype. Many versions of the Fisher King appear in the tales of King Arthur, and many modern fantasy tales that follow the structure of those stories use a similar character. The Knight of the Grail in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is an example, and Azor performs a similar role in the Ixalan story for Magic: The Gathering. The Fisher King is the final guardian of the Holy Grail, a spiritual and mental challenge after a gauntlet of physical one. The Fisher King is a king who possesses the Holy Grail, but has been cursed by the eternal life it provides. The Fisher King is kept in an immortal but crippled state, forced to watch the land around him with as he lacks the strength to protect it. To retrieve the Grail Percival must let the Fisher King pass away and rest by proving he can protect his kingdom for future generations. Lief does a similar thing by revealing Forta to Doran and letting him finally rest knowing their is hope for the future of Deltora. 
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Sister of the South is a story about despair, a theme that has been running through the previous novels but takes center stage at the end. Lief’s journey in series three has slowly been eroding his faith that he can protect Deltora and be a good king. The final Sister is the ultimate challenge to his confidence, and the final phase of the Shadow Lord’s plan is to make his believe there is no way he can win. The endgame is to create a scenario where the land is condemned to die one way or the other. But to build up to that dilemma is a series of challenges to Lief’s optimism, both in his belief that Deltora can be saved and whether it even should. The Shadow Lord does this by guarding the last Sister with an embodiment of Deltora itself, manifesting the cultural flaws of the land into a plot to destroy the kingdom from within. 
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How fitting it is that after battling all sorts of hideous monsters, the last battle for the fate of Deltora is against a common citizen. The story of Deltora began when the Shadow Lord exploited the societal weaknesses of the city of Del to seize power, and the climax involves history repeating itself, raising the question if Deltora will ever be strong enough to oppose the Shadow Lord. Paff is the ultimate test of Lief’s abilities as king, challenging him not as an adventurer but as a politician. She turns the citizens of Del into her own weapon, presenting them with a threat their king cannot protect him from and drives them to seek shelter in paranoia and ethnic tension. Lief is forced to question his abilities as king when that question is being posed by his own citizens. And of course Paff herself is a citizen of Deltora too, representing all of Lief’s failures in a single person.
Paff is such a tragic figure because, even though her crimes were horrific, it’s easy to understand what drove her to the Shadow Lord. Nobody, absolutely nobody, treats her with kindness or respect. She was alone and unloved. Lief rescued her from the Shadowlands, but never gave her a feeling of freedom. Yet he never suspected anything was amiss with her, unaware that a deadly enemy was hiding in plain sight. Lief was unable to help Paff but also unable to understand her, never imagining that she was capable of such horrors. Of course, Lief never imagined ANY of his citizens were capable of creating the fake plague, and realizing that it must have been done by one of his subjects but not realizing who it could be was agonizing for him. Paff created a wave of despair within him by forcing him to wonder which of his subjects was a traitor, and that any of his allies could be his enemy. Her plan involved destroying the trust of the people of Deltora in each other, in their king, and of the king and his people. 
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The end result of Paff’s machinations is Lief’s lowest point. As he encounters the Sister of the South he realizes he is no different from his enemies. He could have gone down the same path they did, and is tempted to do so at the end. He is as imperfect as the rest of Deltora, and in order to save the country he must destroy one of its citizens. Let Lief’s empathy gives him strength. Even after all Paff has done, Lief still has pity for her. Realizing how similar they were let him understand her pain, and he gave her an opportunity to atone, even after all she did. Yet the Shadow Lord revealed himself unwilling to provide such mercy, taking Paff’s powers and throwing her aside like a used tool. Paff had given too far into despair by this point, and rather than be redeemed she destroyed herself with the greatest symbol of the country she betrayed. 
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Before we talk about the cultural references baked into Paff’s character, I’d like to talk for a moment about the creature she controlled, as it is pretty unique among Deltora monsters. Like the Masked One, it is an extension of Paff’s power, its horrific appearance and strength contrasting the unassuming, harmless appearance of its controller. It is a creature of black oil, its lack of shape representing the hidden, insidious threat to the kingdom. It can attack several people at once in all directions, representing how Paff’s plot endangered every level of Deltoran society. The two heads are an unusual feature, unlike anything else in Deltora’s bestiary. The heads being a dog and a bird lack any biological purpose, suggesting that its appearance is more about symbolism than biology. As strange and varied as Deltora’s monsters are, all of their appearances served some sort of purpose. The creature Paff summons feels more like something from ancient myth or religion, not something that belongs in the natural world. It brings to mind the two-faced Roman god Janus, or the cherubim, and angel with the heads of a man, an ox, and eagle, and a lion. 
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The more mythical appearance of Paff’s creature got me thinking, and I’ve come to the conclusion that the cultural icon Paff references is the last book of the Christian Bible. The Book of Revelations, also known as the Book of Apocalypse, is a complex and confusing part of the Bible, so I’m going to tread lightly here. The book presents a vision of the end of the world, with human society being destroyed and the people of earth being judged by God. Appropriately, the Sister of the South features an apocalyptic scenario with the grey tide, a final judgment for Lief and the people of Deltora. More specifically the Book of Revelation describes two beasts that bring down human civilization, which I think are inspirations for Paff and her creature. The first beast is a huge monster made up of different animal parts, like Paff’s creation. It caused people to follow it, like how the people followed Paff’s propaganda about the plague. The second beast is a false prophet, which “breathed life” into the image of the first beast, and brought death to those who would not worship it. Paff herself is clearly a parallel to the second beast. Yet like all the other guardians, the story that Paff references is subverted by her. The Shadow Lord’s plan is based on an apocalyptic story he participated in, and he seeks to put the people of Deltora in the same position with the Grey Tide. The first beast was described as a seven headed dragon, yet it is seven dragons that save Deltora, rather than destroy it. Fittingly, unlike in Revelations the land of Deltora is not destroyed, and Paff fails to overthrow society. The “prophecy” the Shadow Lord created does not come to pass, and the despair his plan weaponized is defeated by hope. The story ends on an optimistic note detailing a long era of peace and tranquility. 
These four characters are twisted and sad people, sympathetic yet dangerous. They are representatives of the failures of Deltora, tools for the Shadow Lord to destroy the kingdom from within. Lief’s journey to destroy the Four Sisters is about him coming to terms with the weaknesses in himself and his kingdom. Every step of the way he is shown that he cannot save the kingdom without destroying parts of it. Each of these characters are examples of what Lief could become, and he has prove himself different from them in order to succeed. As Lief battles them externally he is forced into an internal battle, one that has been building up over the course of the series. That will lead us to the next essay, about Lief’s psychology and why the Four Sisters quest is such a difficult and personal one for him. 
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jawlawsenpai · 4 years
Foretell Chapter 6: Dying Flower
Pedaling as fast as they can the two rushed to where Connor Price lives. Making good use of the traffic to their advantage assuring that they'll be there first before the man gets home. Going as fast and reckless as they can almost getting into an accident. As if the world knew the perfect scene of what's going to happen it started raining heavily making the two boys' route even more difficult. As they pass by this part of town they noticed that all the neighboring houses seem for more high class people compared to where Simon and some of his other friends lived in, this part of town is uptown, Vicky and the twins are the ones living around this place. Even from where the two boys are cycling in they can clearly see the huge mansion where the twins live in.
Simon didn't have time to think about the beautiful mansion though, his mind is fixated on one thing and one thing only and it's to end this nightmare of his.
As what it feels like to be forever the two of them finally made it to Connor Price's house. The both of them were still a bit surprised of how fancy and modern his house is comparing it to other houses neighboring it, Simon and Sebastian had a quiet agreement that it was the second best house they've seen first being The Vale's house and while certainly big Sebastian's house is in desperate need of repair and new furniture.
"Well we finally made it, now what exactly are you gonna do again?" Simon asked.
"Let me handle it don't just be my look out." Sebastian proclaimed.
"Look out for what?"
"Look out for any nosy neighbors."
While Simon was looking around making sure no on was looking Sebastian kneels down in front of the door and puts his bag down and as he opens it he then takes out two small metal items with one being in an "L" shape while the other is a straight piece of metal. "What are those?" Simon asked. "Well if you were stuck in a house filled with locked doors you tend to be creative and pick up some neat tricks." Said Sebastian with a bit boasting and gloating in his tone. Simon was then surprised as if a piece of a mystery was solve now, even he was wondering about the other multitude of rooms he hasn't entered yet in Sebastian's home and now Simon knew that even Sebastian himself doesn't know what's inside some of those rooms, and that Sebastian wasn't the one who locked them, now a new question arose, who locked them in the first place? Simon knows that Sebastian doesn't share a lot about him but multiple locked rooms that Sebastian doesn't know about that kept bugging Simon's mind, more and more questions popped up one of them being where has Sebastian's father been? Simon only met the man once when they were kids and that was the last of it. Simon stopped this train of thought and told himself that there are more pressing matters to attend to rather than thinking about the living conditions of Sebastian.
While a few minutes passed Simon heard a click sound coming from the door, as Simon turned to look at Sebastian he gave Simon the thumbs up.
As the two enter Sebastian opened and closed the door behind them and immediately scanned the corners of the ceiling and looked around the walls for a good amount of time and with a sigh of relief  Sebastian gladly told Simon that they were lucky and despite Mr. Connor Price being a wealthy man he doesn't seem to have any security measures present. Hearing this good news Simon didn't waste any time and started going all over the place in search of the flower.
The first floor of the house was very impressive giving such a modern vibe from the interior design. From the walls and the chosen furniture the place was sporting a black and white motif. In the living room the first eye catching thing was the huge flat screen T.V. that is directly in front of the coziest  couch Simon has ever seen and beside are two black lamps, behind the couch and the lamps is a white wall with a painting hanging on it, the painting was a black splat on a white canvas, Simon wondered how much it costs and wondered why would anyone buy something that looks so simple. The floor was made up of black tiles and a huge white rug that was on top of it. On the center piece of the living room was a clear glass table. Going over the living room was the kitchen, the kitchen looked pristine and very high end although there were no hints of the kitchen being actually used as if the kitchen was only for display and not used for functional purposes.
Beside the kitchen was the stairs leading up to the second floor where a long hallway with a black floor and white walls instantly greeted Simon. Sebastian was already there and all he found was the bathroom with a bathtub, a room that seems to be a guess room, and the master bedroom.
As Simon enters the master bedroom he was greeted by a ginormous bed and two drawers beside it, while next to the door there was table with items or toys that are meant for promiscuous occasions. Simon tried his best to avoid looking at those cause he doesn't want to know where those have been in. He looks under the bed and inside the closet in a corner of the room but to no avail. He then decided to check the other remaining rooms. the bathroom is so clean that it looks like a model in a doll house and yet again the flower is nowhere in sight. He then went in the guess room, it looks pretty plain compared to the entire home, this room looks the most normal out of every room.
Simon did one last check on the second floor and finally decided to give up and go search on the first floor. As Simon went down he saw Sebastian quietly searching as well which also meant Sebastian's hasn't found the flower either.
They both almost looked everywhere now from under the couch cushions, in the refrigerator, inside an oven, and even behind the T.V, but nothing! They found nothing! They couldn't find that flower. As all seems lost Simon drops down on his knees out of desperation and frustration, he was getting tired, he was losing hope, he slowly thought to himself maybe he was in over his head putting him and his bestfriend in severe trouble, he even thought to himself that he might be going crazy and that there isn't even a flower to begin with. Until... a whisper... Simon heard an incoherent whisper coming from somewhere in the living room.
Simon thought that this was it he was one hundred percent going crazy and he pounded on the floor to try and mute out the whispers with the loud banging he's making, Sebastian then ran towards Simon and forcibly stopped him from banging any further cause he was making too much noise. As Sebastian tackled Simon to the ground to stop, silence fell on the room. "PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!" A silent scream made by Sebastian towards Simon.
"I don't know what to do anymore Sebastian." Simon's tired reply.
"We'll find it don't worry. If anyone is going to find that damn flower it's gonna be you. Now quit it!"
"Well it isn't my fault that the floor makes a loud sound when I hit it!"
"It's a hollow floor!" The two shouted at the same time with glee then they quickly shutted each others mouth to stop the scream midway. They then stood up and removed the white carpet on the floor, they shined both of their flash lights on the black floor only to reveal a small rectangular wooden door with a ring handle on it. The wooden door was way too small to be used as an entrance that leads to a passage leading further down, Sebastian concluded that it must be just a secret compartment that might be holding the flower.
The two boys were overjoyed. As they opened the door Simon's joy was completely replaced with fear. Simon felt his stomach about to burst, he wanted to cry out, all this time struggling to find the flower he completely forgot what the flower was meant for. Flowers are supposed to represent beauty, but not this one, in Simon's eyes this flower is hideous.
The two boys saw a violet flower that almost seemed luminescent. As far as the plant knowledge between Simon and Sebastian are concerned this doesn't appear to be any known flower, as if it almost appears to be alien in nature. The flower was wrapped in what appears to be a transparent air tight bag. Still the two boys didn't want to risk anything to chance so they wore basic medical masks, knowing full well that this wont probably stop the flowers effects fully but it'll still be a safe precaution. The two of them then picked up the flower and decided to put it in Sebastian's bag carefully and trying not to puncture a hole in its containment. As they zip up the bag they closed the door and put the carpet back to its proper position.
The two of them then nodded to each other and went towards the front door. As they made their way the door a pair of lights came rushing to the drive walk. Simon and Sebastian's heart sank! It was him! It was Connor Price! The two boys panicked at first then Sebastian told Simon that they should go upstairs and hide in the master bedroom. As the two boys rushed upstairs Sebastian quickly went first to the kitchen and grabbed a knife.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 4 years
TWD 10x12: Walk With Us - Details
Okay, let’s talk details. There are a lot of them!
***As always, spoilers abound below for episode 10x12. Don’t read until you’ve watched! You’ve been warned.***
I want to go over his mini arc here a bit more because I think it’s important.
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We start with him looking for Judith as Hilltop is falling down around them. That’s a direct parallel to Beth looking for Judith and the kids when the prison fell.
Much like Glenn in S4 (and probably Beth in S5) there was a big disaster and he was left behind. As I said yesterday, I think the metal roofing might have been part of the Hole in the Roof theory, which equates to Beth being shot in the head. Now, understand, I’m not saying I think Zeke will get shot in the head. Just that there’s symbolism to equate these two sequences. With Glenn at the prison, the bridge blew up. So it’s really a matter of something happening at ground zero of the disaster that kept them there when everyone else left. So they got left behind, and the others in the group don’t realize they’re still alive and back where the disaster originally occurred. (Glenn at prison, Zeke at Hilltop, Beth in Atlanta.)
Then, once they realize he is alive, Zeke leads them to the children. While watching the episode, I kept having a head canon about Beth finding the kids and bringing them back. I’d already read spoilers and knew it wouldn’t play out like that, but with all the child/baby symbolism around Beth, it just would have been the perfect time. But there’s also symbolism here that, in my mind, makes Ezekiel a Beth proxy. So the child/baby symbolism is still present.
One more thing of note: last episode, they had a whole scene where Daryl and Ezekiel talked about one of them getting the kids out. But…neither of them actually did. Earl did. So why did they have that entire scene about Daryl and Zeke? Well, I talked in THIS ASK on Sunday about some of the symbolism in that scene, but I think there’s more to it than that. It foreshadows something we haven’t seen yet.
Magna and Connie:
Magna arrives with the walkers, much as the Whisperers might, except sans skin mask. She talks to Yumiko about how she and Connie survived the cave in, and moved back into the cave, looking for a way out. She says they took a sharp turn, which caught my ear. 
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We’ve seen lots of arrows and sharp turns symbols before. I don’t even know if we’ve settled on what it means, but the obvious meaning is that their story or arc or path is heading in a new direction, and it’s usually not a good one. For example, we saw this at the school in S9 where Cyndie and the Oceansiders were killing the Saviors. And that led to the bridge and all the camaraderie between communities falling apart.
Magna also talks about how they made a sharp turn and ran into Alpha’s walker horde. They started walking with the dead, as the Whisperers do, but as the horde pushed forward, she lost Connie’s hand and they became separated. So once again, we have Connie being a missing girl, a type of death fake out, and it has to do with a walker horde.
Also, Magna does have an “I get it now” line during this scene.
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I have to mention this goofy little scene with Negan and this walker. I don’t know if they were going for humorous here, but I couldn’t stop laughing. It was like they were the only two at a club and pretending not to dance with one another, but secretly they were.
Carol and Eugene
I don’t have tons to say about Eugene right now except that I’m really side-eying this arc with him and Stephanie and the hospital. I’m feeling more and more like it will be the one that leads to Beth. I think there were callbacks here to him lying about the cure in S5, and some stuff with Carol that is foreshadowing future things. I won’t have time to get into them this week, and I need to re-watch episodes to check some stuff anyway, so just know that I’ll bring it up again eventually.
His scene with Carol was really sweet and I did notice that they focused on the walker at her feet that came up out of the ground. Only it’s arms and shoulders were really free, and at first, Carol just sort of swatted it away, rather than killing it.
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I wasn’t sure what to make of that, other than that her unwillingness to kill it shows her state of mind. Her guilt. But some of my fellow theorists and I have found some similar instances and are talking about them. I don’t have a concrete theory yet, as I need to do some more research, but it’s obviously something they wanted us to notice.
Carol does tell Eugene to go to Stephanie. And I felt like this is proof that she still loves Ezekiel and knows what she should be doing (making a life with him) as opposed to what she is doing (trying to get revenge on Alpha). She says that his choice is simple. If it’s important, he needs to go to her (Stephanie). Yeah, she really needs to take her own advice where Zeke is concerned. But this might also foreshadow his death fake out and the guilt she’ll have for ignoring him for so long once she thinks he’s dead. Time will tell.
Just the fact that they jumped into a car to escape walkers is important. We’ve always thought Beth was put into a car (specifically the trunk) to keep her safe from walkers. But we’ve seen this other places on the show as well, such as when Daryl and Aaron jumped in the van in 5x16 after they triggered the wolf trap. It’s a common theme, and the people who dive into the car for safety generally survive, so…
We also learn that Gamma’s sister was named Frances. That brought together a number of factors for me. Several people pointed out this painting at Hilltop from last week. We saw it multiple times behind both Lydia and Gamma. One of my group members found some info about it.
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So this woman was known both by the names Mary Sears and Mrs. Frances Shaw. Gamma is Mary and her sister is Frances. So this is a sister theme.
Kelly asked Gamma if her sister was “everything to you.” We’ve heard the “everything” theme many times before. The one that came first to my mind was when Rick said it to Daryl in 4x14. He said that Daryl being back with them was ‘everythang.’ So I think they use this to show what’s most important to the characters, and sometimes, as with Gamma, it can take them a while to realize what that is.
Meanwhile, Gamma leads the walkers away so the others, including her nephew, can survive. A lot like Daryl did so Beth could get out of the funeral home in 4x13. So, Alone parallel. Then they did this thing where Gamma managed to kill all the walkers and had a really sweet moment of triumph. They even did the soft music and the sun coming through the trees. It would have been really beautiful if Beta hadn’t shown up to stab her in the gut.
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After killing her, he puts her against the trunk of a tree and waits for her to reanimate. If you don’t know why that’s significant, read THIS by @frangipanilove. I also notice that in this scene, they show shots of walker bodies and the lake, and the shots kind of fade into one another to show the passage of time. I counted. Gamma reanimates on the third shot. Just saying.
When Daryl and his group get to the rendezvous point, and no one is there, I noticed that there were three buildings. A house, a barn, and a shed of some kind. Couldn’t help but be reminded of the moonshine shack.
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Of course there was a definite cabin theme going on here. There was that one, the one Earl and the kids hid in, the one Negan stashed Lydia in, and the one he took Alpha too. So yeah, I’d call that a motif.
There were diamonds on the window of the cabin Earl and the kids were in. 
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Negan and Alpha
Most of the stuff I saw with these two weren’t exactly TD smoking guns, but still worth noting.
Basically Alpha wants Negan to take Lydia’s place as her protégé. He has a line where he says, “you want me out there preaching your gospel?” That caught my ear for many reasons. The gospel bit is obviously a Christian reference, but we’ve specifically heard it referenced around Beth. We’ve also discussed how Alpha is sort of the anti-Beth. And in a way, this labels her as an anti-Christ.
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Negan also talks about how his wife died, including mentioning cancer and chemo. I think that’s a hint at Ezekiel’s coming hospital arc and may also play into the water poisoning motifs we saw so strongly at the beginning of the season.
I think they were purposely juxtaposing Alpha’s parenting with that of Jerry and Daryl. We had the scene where they found the kids and hugged them and were so relieved to find them alive and well, and then it cuts to Alpha trying to convince Negan that killing Lydia is the right thing to do.
I noticed that Alpha said “thank you” to Negan. She was thanking him for finding Lydia for her. And that just reminded me of Nicholas saying thank you to Glenn right before he died. In both cases, the person saying thank you died almost directly after saying it. In both cases, they were weak characters in some way (mostly emotionally) who were really not going to survive much longer anyway.
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And finally, we have Negan rolling Alpha’s head at Carol’s feet. This makes it plain that Carol is the one who let him out of his cell, and obviously they had some kind of understanding. The thing is, Carol obviously didn’t have tons of confidence that Negan would hold up his end of the deal. If she had, she wouldn’t have been trying so hard to kill Alpha herself. My fellow theorists and I also discussed that maybe, when Negan first left Alexandria and met that woman and her son, he truly wasn’t planning to do what Carol asked. He would rather have gone off with them. But when they were killed, that spurred him to go kill Alpha so he could go back to Alexandria.
And we have no idea what Carol promised. Chances are, she won’t really be able to deliver. This is yet another example of her, much like she did in S4, making a command decision that affects many other people, without actually consulting anyone else. And that never turns out particularly well, no?
So the next episode will be about Michonne, but I’m interested to see where we end up going from here.
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And, on the Michonne topic, I want to address what we see in the trailer for next week. I’ve commented many times about the possibility of this Michonne/Virgil story line leading to Beth. But based on what we see in that trailer, I’m thinking not. I was envisioning her finding a civilization much like Alexandria: mostly thriving but with some problems. Another place they might become allies with. But from the trailer, it looks like Virgil is lying about everything, and things are going to go really badly for Michonne. In short, she’s in big trouble. There’s a part at the end of the promo where a door slams, and it really focuses on that.
So, I’m wondering if, rather than finding out about Rick and choosing to go get him, she’ll actually be taken captive against her will. That would explain what we talked about, about how it doesn’t make sense that Daryl wouldn’t want to go with her. Maybe she just disappears and doesn’t radio them because she really can’t. So, they don’t actually know what’s happening.
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And if Beth isn’t returning through the Michonne/Virgil story line…that leaves Eugene and Stephanie. And we already know they’re headed to the Grady hospital location, so…
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leolamin97 · 5 years
Story Pitch:
The Loud House X Scooby Doo
Scooby Doo and The Loud Curse
     The Loud's for family reasons take a trip to Massachusetts to a town called Quiet Stone. To a family estate that is apparently theirs, though the townspeople seem to have a stigma with them in regards to a curse placed upon their town by a Loud in 1800s. They say that youngest daughter of the Loud Family at the time Lucille was a witch and after her brother was killed in a fire. She fled the town and placed a curse upon its inhabitants for years to come summoning the spirits of past dead Loud family members to haunt the town and cause chaos.
    Around the same the Scooby gang has made a stop here as well taking in the scenery. That night at a town party when the Ghost of Lucille Loud who looks a lot like Lucy appears before everyone in the town in a massive shadowy cloud that overtakes the Fairgrounds. She says that with the return of her family the time has come for her curse to come and terrorize the small town of Quiet Stone.
      Now the Loud's and the Gang must come together to solve this mystery Travelling around town, discovering areas, finding secrets, locating clues, and uncovering the Lost History of the town and their family. But it won’t be just that easy with the curse in effect they will not just fight 1 but 10 ghosts. Get ready for thrills and chills as they get ready for the fright of their lives.
 Main Characters: The Loud House
-Lincoln -Lori -Leni -Luna -Luan -Lynn -Lucy -Lola -Lana -Lisa -Lily -Rita & Lynn Sr. (Are there but don’t play a huge part in the mystery solving)
Scooby Doo
(The Gang are all College age at this point. At least juniors)
-Fred Jones: Based off the live action film and Mystery Incorporated. He is a pretty boy and knows it, has a bit of a ego but knows when to put it away for the sake of his friends. He also constantly surprises people with his knowledge of engineering and architecture. Shows a bit of a geeky side when in large old houses or construction sites. -Daphne Blake: Based of Live Action and What’s New. Always the fashionista and ready to look good. Can be a bit vain but knows when to put it aside. She’s also a bit of a Macgyver able to use either what she has on her person or random objects for a variety of situations. And she is a Black Belt in Martial Arts ready to kick the butt of anyone who thinks she’s just a pretty face/damsel in distress -Velma Dinkley: Live action and Mystery Incorporated. Smart and she knows it, with a bit of Sass when she talks. She’s a bit socially inept cool with the gang but has trouble when talking to others when she isn’t talking about clues or mysteries. The only thing scarier to her than the ghosts and monsters is being forced out of her comfort zone and trying new things, though she is at least willing to try. -Shaggy Rogers: Pretty much every Shaggy Ever. He’s the lovable slacker who is stuck in the 60’s. Would rather not go into such terrifying situations, but loves to help those in need. Will run from danger in a heartbeat and then run back if a friend is in need. Also very knowledgeable about food and is a great chef. -Scooby Doo: It’s Scooby what else do you need to know.  ;P
Original Characters:
The Quiet Family: Respected Members of the town descending from the town settlers -Quinten Quiet: Father and Mayor of the Town -Lila Quiet: Mother and head of the Festival -Quain Quiet: Son 14yrs, Magician in training always trying out new tricks and has a stage show in the festival -Queenie Quiet: Daughter 11yrs, A tech head with a IQ close to Lisa’s and Velma’s. Though she’s more focused on Machines, has a dry and sometimes dark sense of humor
-Old Man Barksdale: The Town crazy fully believes in the legend of the Loud Curse. Spends most of his time telling people to beware as he rides about on his old Bike. -Nick Barksdale: His grandson loves his Grandpa and likes hanging out with him despite his parents telling him to keep his distance. But he believes in the Legend and wants to prove that his grandpa isn’t crazy
-Eveline Dupree: The Goth and assistant Librarian. Another believer of the Legend has extensive knowledge of the Curse and the Loud family tree, even of them weirdly.
Ghosts: The family and the gang are facing off against 10 spirits each with a different theme and motif. But the strangest thing all of them look like a member of the family and the sibling who looks like them is mysteriously gone whenever they show up. Why is that? That’s the mystery. ;)
-Lincoln/Lucas Loud: From the 1800’s the first ghost the run into a mirror image of Lincoln. Only wearing a tattered/burned suit fitting of the times with a pair of gloves. His eyes are starch white, he seems to have fangs, and is able to throw fire as well as engulf himself in flames
-Lori/Lorelei: Coming from the late 1700’s she is a poltergeist appearing in a beautiful haze floating in the air wearing a beautiful dress and a veil over her face. However, if you get closer she’ll reveal her true face having some monstrous visages and fangs. Her power seeming to be to move various stuff at will with her otherworldly power.
-Leni/Lia: From the early 1900’s she is a voodoo Zombie. With green skin, a terrible smell, stitches, and a sewn-up mouth. Her clothes are worn and damp from rising from the swamp waters. Not the brightest but is incredibly strong able to lift the back wheels of the Mystery Machine of the ground. She is a terror to be chased by but she’s only one half of a larger act.
-Luna/Lillith: From the 1600’s she was killed after being called a demon, which now seems to be true. Purple skin, horns, claws, dark markings on her body, and red snake like eyes. She can throw purple fire and has a glass shattering banshee scream. When you hear her lovely voice on those dark moonlit nice run the other way.
-Luan/Lyla: Late 1800’s a spirit who appears to be very theatrical, dressed as a clown with yellow and purple, covering her face with a terrifying mask, and letting out a horrifying cackle as she floats through the air. Incredibly tricky leading people into her own traps and loves to play and scare. She breathes fire from out of her mask and seems to be proficient in knife throwing.
-Lynn/Lucia: From the 1700’s right out of the American Revolution. She wanted to fight for freedom and died for it. Wearing a tattered military uniform, a pot on her head, carrying a old timey musket and sword. She is relentless and is always down to win the battle, take cover when she takes aim
-Lucy/Lucille Loud: The little sister of Lucas and the one who started this curse. Appears in a cloud of darkness wearing a dark cloak, razor fangs and claws and a dark grim voice (so not to different from Lucy). She doesn’t appear much only to make her proclamations and strangely Lucy actually saw her at the start with everyone else.
-Lola/Lillain: A 15th century vampire princess wearing her beautiful regale attire that contradicts her monstrous personality. Armed with razor fangs and claws that you want to keep away from flesh. But like any royal she prefers not to get her hands dirty when possible, which is why she usually has her pet take care of things
-Lana/Liana: Lillain’s twin/pet wolf-girl vicious and ready to obey her master. She will tear through anything to get to her target and complete her masters orders
-Lisa/Lila: The second half of Lia the Zombie, Lila is a Voodoo witch doctor the one who brought Lia to life. Despite her size in incredibly dangerous, able to use variety of potions to create horrible monsters to do her bidding Lia included
Fun Facts/Ideas:
1.     The first chase/encounter with Lucas Loud is based heavily on the intro to Scooby Doo on Zombie Island with it happening in the ruins of the old Loud House. Accompanied by the cover of “Scooby Doo Where are you” by Third Eye Blind.
2.     I would have “It’s Terror Time Again” by Skycycle play for the chase with Lillith. It rocking just like Luna.
3.     While running away Leni ends up behind the wheel of the Mystery Machine and a crazy chase ensues as they try to avoid the ghost and not die.
4.     Lyla is based off of the Luna Ghost from the beginning of the 1st Live Action Scooby Doo film
5.     Lillith was based off of the Demon Luna pics by Mast3r-Rainb0w
6.     Lincoln recognizes the gang because he follows them online, they are his second favorite Ghost hunting team
7.     Despite all the horrible monsters Lily is never afraid. In fact she actively tries to approach them in every encounter only for Scooby or one of her siblings to grab her and run the other way.
8.     When they encounter Lucia the scene is like the encounter with the Black Knight from Monsters Unleashed. With Daphne trying to fight her off and help the others
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kwanrj · 5 years
So Close and Still So Far | SongJ
Who: @kwanrj & @song-yu
When: Saturday, February 16th
Where: The Charming Dance Hall
What: Song and RJ reflect on a year of being so close to each other, yet so far from where they’d like to be.
Song would have never imagined that, a year ago when she was stood up by her Valentine's match, that it would have been one of the best things that had ever happened to her. And yet here she was, at the Valentine's Ball again, with the cutest, most creative, sweet, talented, thoughtful boy in all of Walt. In all of the world, really, at least to the extent that Song had gotten to experience it. RJ had come to her rescue when she'd needed it most, her knight in shining armor, and her fondness for him had only grown in the year since then. It was rare for them to get to be out like this, too, with who their parents were and what a relationship between them would mean, but tonight, with masks on, she didn't have to hide just how happy she was to be by his side for a change. "You know, I almost wish I knew who stood me up last year," Song giggled as they passed the spot where RJ had found her last year, feeling giddy as she swung their intertwined hands between them. "Sometimes I think he deserves a 'thank you' note for leaving me free to end up with the world's best date instead."
RJ tossed his head back with laughter at her giddiness. “I’m gonna go to the SHAW club and demand last year’s results so we can find him,” he chuckled, lifting his hand to spin Song before leaning against the nearest wall, holding her close to him. “One year later and we’re still going strong. I wish it could be this way all the time,” he sighed. Though being in Walt was a nice way to hide their relationship from the rest of China, it wasn’t foolproof. They couldn’t do as much as they wanted here without it maybe getting back to either of their parents. Walt may have been hidden, but it wasn’t that hidden. They hadn’t even been able to kiss yet, out of fear. “I wish we could have a normal Valentine’s Day where we don’t only feel comfortable in disguises.”
Song twirled effortlessly under RJ's arm, sighing contentedly. She wished it could always be like this, not just on Valentine's Day but everyday. RJ made her smile brighter than anyone she'd ever met, and she could only imagine the million watt smile she'd wear if this wasn't something she hide to hide, not just from his family but from her father as well. There was no someday to look forward to where that wasn't hanging over their head; deep down, a tiny part of Song knew that this would always be doomed, but right now he made her entirely too happy to care. And she always found beauty in everything, even something as tragic as knowing that this could probably never last. "I wish we could too," Song said wistfully, not daring to let her imagination run away with her. "Although at least in Walt this is kind of the Valentine's norm. Masked strangers, feeling that spark when your hands touch for the first time on the dance floor, your heart being so full of wonder and excitement... Well, for the people who have a good night," Song admitted, leaning her head against his shoulder, not in a hurry to move. "I can't imagine anything that could make this a bad night as long as I'm with you, though."
RJ placed a hand in hers, twiddling Song's fingers with his own. "Yeah, how many other people out there do you think are taking advantage of the mask thing just to be with someone they can't be with in public tonight? Or are we the only ones?" He smirked. Something about being the only ones made the thought even more dramatic. Like the night was tailored just for them and hey, this was how it all started, too -- a motif. Without thinking, he brought the palm of Song's hand to his lips, placed a kiss, then held it to his cheek with a sigh. "Yeah, me neither. Not even when I think about how it's been a whole year and I haven't worked up the nerve to kiss you. Usually that brings my mood pretty far down, but not tonight." He knew saying it was opening a can of worms, but he didn't want to straight-out ask just yet. He wanted to build it up. Make it special, even though it definitely already was since it was with Song. But he didn't want to rush right into it.
Song thought about his question seriously for a moment -- did she know anyone else that needed to hide what was in their hearts like this? She couldn't think of anybody, and she had to giggle at that. Although this was already special to her, she liked finding new things that made them unobjectionably special and different, too. "Probably just us! That's kind of exciting, right? That we're the only ones?" she asked him brightly. What a special sort of memory, one to hang onto forever and ever! That was certainly something Song would never forget, not in a million years. Neither was her first kiss -- her cheeks flushed at RJ's comment, her heartbeat speeding up until it was pounding against her ribcage, seeming impossibly fast. "That's okay, a year of no kissing just means a year of some kind of wonderful daydreams about the first time it might happen," Song admitted sheepishly, ducking her head and looking back up at him shyly through her eyelashes. Did he want to kiss her? Because she wanted him to oh so much, and suddenly she couldn't think of a night that could ever be better to do it than on the anniversary of their first 'date'.
RJ smirked, letting Song's delight light up his own face. He gave her hand a squeeze. "Yeah, it's like the night is made for just us," he chuckled. "And we get to experience it differently and -- and more intensely than everyone else." He somehow managed to make it sound like a pitch for a movie plot or something and let out a laugh at that realization. Cocking a brow at Song's words, RJ smiled sadly. "Daydreams can be good for a little while," he shrugged, "But the daydreams can get even wonderful-er when you can daydream about something that's happened in real life." RJ tried to make it sound nonchalant, but he was awful at being subtle. "Song, I know I've had so many opportunities to kiss you and I didn't take them because I was....a little bitch, for lack of better term. But I'm really tired of being scared to show you how much I like you. Cause I like you....a lot." He tucked a loose hair behind her ear and let his hand linger, cupping her neck as he felt his heartbeat start to increase. RJ wasn't quire sure where to go from here, as his body wasn't keeping up with his mind.
Song giggled at RJ's word choice. "I probably would have gone more with something along the lines of 'the perfect gentleman' but I won't try to take away that identifier from you if it's really the one you want to use," she teased lightly, her breath catching as RJ reached out to touch her. The anticipation was just like in every movie she'd ever watched, in every book she'd ever read, in every song she'd ever listened to... She'd used those things to help herself imagine what a first kiss might be like, but now that hers seemed imminent for the first time she felt like she truly understood. "Oh," she gasped lightly, her stomach fluttering with what felt like millions of butterflies inside of it. She should have been more nervous, maybe, but this night was too perfect -- being with RJ was too perfect, so long as she ignored their obvious roadblocks. And so, there were no creeping doubts about knocking teeth or bumping noses or too much tongue or mouths open too wide. All there was was a surprising swell of impatience, and Song surprised herself by being unable to bear the wait anymore and being the one to tilt her head up, closing the gap between them and pressing her lips to RJ's for the very first time.
RJ laughed out loud, shrugging. "Okay, or that! That sounds a lot better than 'little bitch'," he nodded. Song always knew how to make anything sound romance-movie approved. He was such a cynic, it certainly didn't come as easily to him. That was one of the things he liked so much about her -- she made his life more flowery, more beautiful and optimistic. How he'd waited this long to kiss her was beyond him. It took him by surprise when Song took the initiative and was the one to kiss him. RJ adjusted for a moment before sinking into it. The kiss was all he could have imagined and more. But moreso, it just solidified just how utterly fucked he and Song were. Because now he knew that his dumb seventeen-year-old brain couldn't live without her.
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barri-zonema · 3 years
somehow influenced by the belief in persecution and philosophy They see the truth of the freedom struggle as their own. Yazidi women are on the way to freedom.  Harriet Martineau was born in Norwich, England. Emma Goldman, was born in Lithuania.
Women met the philosophy of freedom after the edict in Shengal. The philosophy of freedom that descended into their hearts and souls revived the spirit of resistance hidden in their memories. Infused with the spirit of resistance, the Êzidî woman opened the door to reaching her essence. Every woman in this land has found her hidden resistance in a long period of time that multiplies the ages."
Robin Deniz
With its deep philosophy, the dead who carry the edicts in their memories, and the roots of Mesopotamia, which is deeply mourned, Şengal mourns those who left and left the mind of a society with its mountains and plain. The cultures, beliefs and social fabrics that opened up to the world from Mesopotamia were somehow influenced by the belief in persecution and philosophy. Anyone who comes to Shengal to see and find himself in the philosophy of persecution is not only similarity, but the fact that Ezdaism unites all of us and all humanity in the origins of life. Ezdalık, with all its motifs that gather our roots in its bosom, tells this world that the existence of the truth of Ezdalık is identified with the truth of the formation of humanity. It is necessary to read the memory created by immorality with its truth. It is necessary to reveal the whole reality of the edicts against the belief in perpetuity with deep analysis. The women who are exiled to every inch of a geography that is open to edicts is a fact. What do you need to know to understand the sociology of Shengal? How to touch Shengal? Where will the labyrinths you enter while feeling lead you, where will they take you, is there a beginning or an end to the road in Shengal? And many more questions can be asked, but in order to reach Yazidi women in reality, questions are not enough, a journey of truth is required. It is necessary to enter the philosophy of immortality. It is necessary to know about the massacre of Yazidi women, which was made with 74 edicts. The way to every Yazidi woman is to follow the path knitted with the philosophy of Ezdalık. Understanding Yazidi women is like counting the grains of the soil that makes up Mount Shengal. Many women's stories on this path tell us about Êzidî women,
Knowing the truth of Yazidi women is equivalent to understanding the edicts.
If the philosophy of life in Shengal is explained with an example from the edict; A pregnant woman, who clings to the rebellion of the mountains, leaves her baby on a stone and leaves without turning her back. Another woman on the same route coincides with the delivery session of the pregnant woman. After a while, the woman who watches him gets rid of his dullness and comes to himself. In the face of what he went through, he too was wounded internally. He is wounded, the wound he received is the baby he left behind with the edict and standing on a stone in front of him. With an inner feeling, the woman goes and takes the baby and holds it tightly in her heart. The piece of soul that opens its eyes to the world in the lap of a genocide stays silent along the way, knowing that it should not cry. With her silence, she reproaches the cruelty of the world. The fact that all women who do not have a mother but actually accept their arms as their mother's arms is a woman's holding on to life in her bosom. The woman who took the baby in the first step they returned from the border of death and took the baby, approached the woman she followed and gave the baby she left. The two women embrace, weeping as if they had found life again, or perhaps vomited the pain of those they left behind. The baby reunited with its mother has come to its mother with a new life. His mother's life will no longer be the same as before or during the edict. The philosophy of life goes into the heart of every woman in Shengal. It is not easy to begin life in a geography with dead people on every inch of its land. In that sense, Shengal has a deep meaning, and its philosophy is a truth waiting to be understood and to reach its roots, which even life cannot bear. Knowing the truth of Êzidî women is equivalent to understanding this geography with all its edicts. depth of meaning, The reason is that all the edicts made on these lands were made on Yazidi women. It is the heaviest edict that has left its mark on the era in which Yazidi women lived.
They met the philosophy of freedom after the edict
The woman who carries the spirit, emotion and mind of the society hides resistance in a corner of her heart. The resistance, whose place in the hearts is forgotten over time, waits to be sought. It is enough to go down to the hearts for resistance to be found. In Shengal, women met the philosophy of freedom after the edict. The philosophy of freedom that descended into their hearts and souls revived the spirit of resistance hidden in their memories. Infused with the spirit of resistance, the Yazidi woman opened the door to reaching her essence. In these lands, every woman has found her own hidden resistance in a long period of time that multiplies the ages. And after the edict, the resistance became the reality of Yazidi women. When Yazidi women meet their essence, they become another beauty. It is necessary to read the philosophy of beauty through the eyes of Yazidi women.  
They see the truth of the freedom struggle as their own.
Ezdalık is most meaningful with women. In many sacred places, female figures, aesthetics, strong connection with life, the formation of the belief in Ezdalık, the existence of women have developed simultaneously with the formation of women. In the philosophy of Ezdalık, the woman is sacred, the pioneer of the woman society, the guide, the teacher of life, but the fear and pressure created by the Ezdalık edicts that have survived to the present day have pushed women to the very background of the society, piece by piece. Women were left in symbols as they were engraved in the sacred spaces of the society. In this sense, the wars of the times, the attacks aimed at genocide, were made against Ezdalık, but mostly against women. Ezdalık Şengal, who was introduced to the Leadership paradigm after 74 edicts, brought him closer to his essence by providing his autonomy in the democratic modernity system. Democratic modernity stands at a point that identifies with the belief in Ezdalık and the point of philosophy of life, and even has the same roots. In this respect, autonomous Shengal, which was shaped by the philosophy of freedom, inspired women the most. Women see the truth of the freedom struggle as their own truth. It comes to life through the Democratic Autonomous Şengal Co-presidency system. Taking part in the management of the society through equal representation gave women the role of the pioneer of society that they left behind with confidence, courage and edicts. Yazidi women organized themselves in all areas of life as Tevgera Azadiya Jinen Ezidxan (TAJE). Self-organizing Yazidi women have become the pioneers and guides of society today, which is the moment when Ezdaism meets its roots. öncüzidî mothers are the pioneers of the existing system, which does not inspire the society.  
Shengal has a line in self-defense, if a defense force stands in the same spot with the society it defends, if it has created a partnership with its mentality, that power is considered important by everyone. Shengal defense forces, whose defense line is shaped by the color and leadership of women, is both a center of attraction and a great danger for those who are hostile to Shengal. If the formation of the roots of Ezdalık came into existence with the woman, the belief of Ezdalık will preserve its existence with the power of the woman.
Revolutionary road traveled in 7 years
The women's movement and self-organization as a defense force shows that the path taken in 7 years is revolutionary. Yazidi women, who became conscious and empowered in self-defense, also developed with social fabrics. A society is created by its belief, culture, defense and production. They saw the truth of the Ka freedom struggle as their own truth, and after the edict, they took an important step and opened up to the production areas. The Yazidi woman, who could not even go to the door of the house, is now in a position to start her own business in the field of production and economy. Embracing the philosophy of women's freedom, the woman formed in the society cannot do anything, a woman cannot go out of the house. It is an important step in women's organization that the self-confident woman as she produces comes to life in the field of economy by fighting against the judgments of the society.
The date of August 3, 2014 took its place in history as a genocide, a massacre of women, which will not be forgotten for Shengal, the Middle East and even the whole world, and which harms human dignity. The questioning of the edict, which has been written on the history page for 7 years, is wanted to be squeezed into the devious games of the powers that wear the mask of democracy, such as the EU-US, in the diplomatic traffic, on the dirty face of alliances like October 9th. Although Mesopotamia grips his brain tightly, it burns like a fire with the wounds he received from his heart. Most of all, the women of these lands were burned in the lap of the burning fire. Yazidi women, whose wounds are bleeding, are trying to make the whole world hear their cries for the liberation of women held captive by ISIS.
The KDP committed the biggest betrayal to the Yazidi community
The detention of Yazidis who went to Bashur Kurdistan after the edict and the policy implemented by the KDP in these camps cannot be considered in isolation from the collaborative and backward mentality of the KDP. The KDP committed the biggest betrayal against the Yazidi community by leaving Shengal and the Yazidi women to ISIS. As if his betrayal in the edict was not enough, he carries out the white edict with the politics he implemented in the camps. The fact that women are forced into prostitution in the camps, the suicides that develop, and the tent cities they create that dishonor the people from time to time are not different from the edict made by ISIS on Shengal.
In a period of 7 years, dîzidî women have created important developments in the fight against genderism within their own organization. Yazidi women, who deal with social issues such as free relations, the democratic family model, the right understanding of love, aesthetics and beauty in male-female relations, and how the standards of a free married life should be, marriages at an early age, the mentality of men that see women as an object, the Êzidî society that thinks it has decreased with the decree It has taken an important step in its struggle against social sexism by determining that they turn women into childbearing machines, the trauma created in the society by being forced to be a mother at a young age, and the family formations with small despotic minds as the most serious problems that gnaw at the society from the inside. Êzidî women against genderism, betrayal, It has been a source of inspiration for the region with its struggle against every power that does not accept the autonomous Shengal administration. With the self-confidence and courage they gained, dıklarızidî women have also set an example and pioneer for Êzidî men. Yazidi women are tired of slavery, they want to experience freedom concretely and they are breathing for it.
Harriet Martineau was born in Norwich, England
NEWS CENTER - Harriet Martineau, known as the social theorist and the first female sociologist, was among the leading theorists of British feminism with her many books and articles from a sociological, holistic, religious, local and women's perspective.
Harriet Martineau was born in Norwich, England, in 1802, the sixth of eight children in the family. He has to deal with the health problems he experienced in his childhood. Harriet, who started to lose her sense of taste and smell over time, begins to lose her hearing when she is 12 years old. At the age of 11, Harriet was sent to a very good day school, and at the age of 16 a boarding school in Bristol. Here the famous Unitarian Dr. He trains under Carpenter's supervision. Having a difficult childhood, Harriet spends her life in a world of books.
'He broke the male-dominated understanding in sociology'
Harriet, who is considered to be among the leading feminist theorists, is also a good women's rights advocate. Harriet, who received her education in England, has many books and numerous works and articles. By translating some of Auguste Comte's works, he in a sense enabled Auguste's system of ideas to enter England. She managed to become one of the women who broke the male-dominated understanding with her influence in sociology.
Harriet goes to America in the following years. During his trip to America, he tries to look at American society through the eyes of a sociologist and to understand American society in that way. While there, meet the Transcendentalists and abolitionists, and those involved in women's education. He also covered his ideas on American society in his book Society in America. Its first publication was considered based on sociological research. Here she not only criticizes the educational attainment of women, but also argues that in early American society because of immorality and economic inefficiency, tariffs only benefited the wealthy and harmed the working class in both the United States and Britain. He also advocated for Whig Poor Act reforms that shifted aid to the British poor from cash donations to the workhouse model.
'Women and slaves have the same place in society'
Harriet saw that the situation of women was changing. More and more women, whether middle-class or working-class, began to have to go to work. According to Harriet, the idea of ​​“earning one's bread” was quite new for men as well as women.
She said that the place of women in society is the same as that of slaves, and she defended women's rights. He was the first to look sociologically at previously overlooked problems. Harriet's most important contribution to the field of sociology was her claim that when studying society one should focus on all aspects of it. He stressed the importance of studying political, religious and social institutions. By examining society in this way, she identified why inequality exists, particularly the problems faced by girls and women. In her writings, she brought an early feminist perspective on issues such as race relations, religious life, marriage, children, and the home.
'Prepared the poor law guide'
Many of Harriet's articles dealt with the plight of female workers who were forced to earn a living but were unfit because they were uneducated, often left out of the profession because of male jealousy, underpaid, and had to cope with terrible conditions. He had a special study of domestic servants; He has also produced a number of training guides for Poor Law practitioners.
Many of Harriet's feminist writings appeared in magazines and newspapers. As a knowledgeable and outspoken journalist, she focused on corruption and inequalities and especially focused on the difficulties faced by working women. He has written many articles on women in prisons, women and immigration, violent husbands. She made an effort to publish her friend Florence Nightingale's work on nursing and the military.
social reformer of the time
Unlike most respected Victorian figures, Harriet was sympathetic to working-class organizations. But he was utterly opposed to strikes, or rather to social conflicts of any kind. Progress towards “equality of human rights” could only come about through reason and cooperation, when any group realized that its interests were the same as those of society as a whole. He thought he could persuade the rich to "become conscious of their duty", and the poor to be moderate and patient in putting forward their demands, and equip themselves with intelligence and common sense. Later in his career, however, he advocated government action to stop inequality and injustice, and is remembered by some as a social reformer for his belief in the progressive evolution of society.
'Eastern life today and past'
Between 1839 and 1845, Harriet became home-bound due to a uterine tumor. During his illness, he moved from London to a more peaceful place. He organized and counseled his neighbors for their own good, and established a building society. He continued to write extensively during this time, but shifted his focus to medical topics due to recent experiences. He published Life in the Sickroom, challenging the dominance-submissive relationship between doctors and their patients, and was fiercely criticized by the medical establishment for doing so.
Harriet regained her health in 1846 and began touring Egypt, Palestine and Syria. He focused his analytical perspective on religious ideas and traditions and observed that religious doctrine became increasingly obscure as it developed. In his written work based on this trip—Eastern Life, Present, and Past—he concluded that humanity was evolving toward atheism, which he framed as rational, positivist progress. The atheistic nature of his later writings, and his advocacy of witchcraft, which he believed had cured his tumor and other ailments, caused deep divisions between him and some of his friends.  
'Married women's property law'
He always returned to the subject of education in his 1849 book Household Education, as well as in various articles and newspaper articles. Harriet contributed to the Daily News and Westminster Review in her later years. In the 1850s and 1860s she supported the Married Women's Property Act, the licensing of prostitution and the legalization of clients, and women's suffrage.
He died of bronchitis near Amblesi in Westmorland, England, in 1876.
Anarchist revolutionary and feminist Emma Goldman, nicknamed Red Emma, ​​was born in Lithuania. When Emma was 14, she went to St. Petersburg immigrated to America.
An influential and prominent anarchist of her time, Emma was an early advocate of freedom of speech, birth control, women's equality and independence, and union organizing.
He was both a theorist and an activist.
He was sentenced to two years in prison for his criticism of the forced conscription of young men during the First World War, and then deported in 1919.
Seeing this as a chance to witness the Soviet Revolution live, Emma was also disappointed with her testimonies there. He also left the Soviet Union in 1921.
His statement, “The revolution that I cannot dance with is not a revolution” has been carried over to the next generations.
He participated in the Spanish Civil War between 1936 and 1939.
He was critical of marriage and loveless union. He also wrote on sexuality.
He continued to participate in political life through his writings and actions until his death in 1940.
Some other important developments that stand out today in history are as follows:
1833:   Prudence Crandall//PRUDINS KRENDIL, a white woman, was arrested for teaching African American female students at the school she opened.
Prudence Crandall took classes then usually reserved for boys, such as math, science, and Latin. In her late 20s, she opened a private academy for girls at her home in Canterbury//KENTIRBURI, where she passed her knowledge to the daughters of wealthy local families. But that changed when Sarah Harris, a young black woman, accepted SERA HERRIS as a student. The parents of their white students did not want Sarah at school.
Prudence changed her mission: she started running a school for African American girls. For this reason, a group of men plundered his home and school. It was attacked several times and by a law hastily passed by the state legislature, teaching blacks was outlawed. Prudence Crandall was arrested.
1878: Chinese revolutionary, feminist, politician, painter and poet Ho Hsiang-ning was born. He took part in revolutionary movements. She was Honorary President of the All China Women's Federation from 1960-1972.
1917: Members of the National Women's Party who stood guard in front of the White House for the right to vote were given their first prison sentences in court.
During the three-hour hearing, where six women were charged with traffic jams, they were given the option to pay a $25 fine or spend three days in jail.
When all six women refused to pay, they were put in a police van and taken to the prison.
The women, who started the vigil on January 10, 1917, had previously been arrested during the protest. However, they were arrested for the first time by court order.
1979: Neşe Gülersoy, the manager of the CHP Manisa Women's Branch and the Chamber of Pharmacists, was shot dead in her workplace. The massacre took place after the funeral of the MHP Manisa Provincial Chairman. Neşe Gülersoy, who pioneered the establishment of the Pharmacists Production and Consumption Cooperative, was writing articles in the newspaper Demokrat İzmir after 1975.
1995: Bilgesu Erenus was sentenced to 2 months in prison by the Military Court, on the grounds that he “disowned the people from military service”.
2016: Eylem Ataş lost her life while fighting against ISIS barbarism on behalf of the United Freedom Forces (BÖG) in Manbij.
Action Ataş (Cemre Heval), 23, who took part in the SDF-led operation to liberate Manbij from ISIS, was one of the militants of the revolutionary struggle and the women's liberation struggle before going to Rojava.
2018: Syrian women's movements came together at the congress organized by the United Nations (UN) Women's Council in Lebanon.
The congress held in a hotel lasted two days. 200 representatives from civil, political, social and legal women's struggle organizations in Syria attended the congress.
2018: Femke Halsema was elected mayor of Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, becoming the city's first female mayor. Femke Halsema, who started her political life with the Labor Party and continued with the Greens, was a publisher and freelance writer outside of politics.
2018: The 5th Conference of the European Kurdish Women's Movement TJK-E, which lasted two days, was held. Stating that attention was paid to the participation of all components of the confederal system in the conference, TJK-E said, “The basis of our struggle is to stand against isolation and massacres of women. For two days, we will have important discussions about the policies and attacks of the patriarchal system for women, and what the methods of resistance should be.”
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wordsaremymirror · 6 years
when your favorite celebrity commits suicide
My favorite celebrity killed himself. He didn’t overdose on drugs like some others do, or smoke and drink himself to death, or even put a bullet through the back of his head. No, those things would’ve been too predictable for a person who prided himself on being just the opposite — and believe me, there was nothing “predictable” about this. Instead he did it the old-fashioned way, with a rope clenching his neck, gravity slowly sucking out whatever it is inside a person like that, his limp body floating there while his friends wondered why he wasn’t at dinner, or breakfast the next morning. Some poor employee at this obscure hotel in the countryside was the first one forced to cope with what I can only describe as the most shocking inversion of life in recent memory. There appears to have been no note.
This isn’t the first time my favorite celebrity has committed suicide, and frankly I’m confident it won’t be the last.
Some years ago my favorite writer killed himself. With him the suggestion of it was long in the making. When he spoke it was neurotic and his writing never escaped a degree of self-loathing. Not to mention he covered the topic of suicide and depression so extensively that it’s well-described as a primary motif in his work. In fact to this day I feel that most people know my favorite writer for his suicide (also by hanging), which they’ve deemed emblematic of his commitment to expressing the naturalness of suffering and depression for middle-class white people. There is a pop-culture fetishization of that suffering. We like it because it affirms that we’re not wrong to feel the lows that we do, or at the very least not alone in it. None of this is to say that it didn’t hurt when he did it, it hurt a lot, but it felt equally unsurprising - the fulfillment of some sort of prophecy that had exposed itself over decades of writing. In fact many have gone so far as to suggest the suicide was a deliberate attempt to validate his life’s work, to demonstrate that depression wasn’t just an aesthetic. Of course these aren’t the type of people who know what it’s really like to want to end your own life. Nor do any of these people know, nor do I know, what having the pressure of being a celebrity, in whatever capacity, is like.
My favorite rockstar killed himself as well. Much of what can be said about my favorite writer can be applied to my favorite rockstar, right down to the suggestion that he did it to “solidify his legacy.” And just as with my favorite writer, my favorite rockstar gained a reputation for his commitment to expressing the pain he was feeling. He was known around the world for it. And although it may seem crass to say, he made millions of dollars, played sold-out mega arenas, slept with the most beautiful women in the world, and had unlimited freedom to express, seemingly without judgement, granted to him by his millions of devoted fans. But he still chose to end his life (self inflicted gunshot wound). His depression, again, wasn’t an aesthetic. The world mourned his suicide but, again, few were surprised.
My favorite actor and comedian killed himself. It was shocking until the details came out. He had been recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s, he’d had a history of mental health issues (his performances suddenly made more sense), and anyone who looked closely found that he’d had an infatuation with masks. He was, behind the scenes, slowly crushed by the dread of constant performance, of the expectations that were placed on him to be that guy. And as much as he may have come to hate those expectations, he hated even more the thought of disappointing fans, friends, and family. Once he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s there was no way for him to continue to perform, and therefore no way, at least in his mind, to continue being anything other than a disappointment. So he too hanged himself.
Almost none of the things that characterized the lives of these people can be said for my favorite celebrity who killed himself recently. His work was not characterized by depression. He didn’t appear to be haunted by fame. He never seemed uncomfortable with his personality. But ultimately he too ended up pale, alone, hanged. A shocking inversion of life. The qualities that drew me, and many like me, to people like the celebrities I have described, would not have been possible without a degree of mental illness, their chronic depression offered them insights, their earnestness about it made you root for them. But those were not the qualities that drew me, and many like me, to my favorite celebrity who recently committed suicide. Sure, he was a writer, a public personality, and yes even a rock star, but his life, uniquely amongst all other celebrities, seemed to represent purity in just that, life. He did not wallow, or seem to feel sorry for himself. He moved, and then when he was done moving he kept moving. He sought human connection, and he demonstrated human connection. He found it with dinner and a beer night after night, episode after episode, country after country, continent after continent. He inspired people to be fearless and curious, to try things they wouldn’t, to think about things they never had. He showed us that appreciating people and places can make us all a the more happy with our own. I have never travelled without the thought of him accompanying me, and this will always be true.
But it will also always be true that every episode I watch of his show from now on will feature a blip in the back of my head that says, “I know how this story ends.” Because the most alive person I’ve ever seen, or thought I’d ever see, killed himself.
When that happens you try your hardest not to believe it. You read every article on every website, you read the conspiracy theories, you create your own conspiracy theories. (Why wasn’t there a note?) When that happens you lose a little, nay, a lot, of hope. You get angry at him, this deceased man you thought you knew, for the fact that he must have known how this would affect you and those like you and yet he did it anyways. When that happens you wonder if anyone is what they seem to be, including yourself. When that happens you can’t help but think that if he didn’t make it, where does that leave the rest of us.
Eating, drinking, conversating. These are the universals my favorite celebrity who recently killed himself showed us. They weren’t tinged with sadness, or anger, or embarrassment.  They weren’t his aesthetic. But in the end he showed us another universal, one that doesn’t require an album or a tell-all interview. One that is almost impossible to put on a TV show: sadness.
It has been said that there are two types of sufferers in this world, those who suffer from a lack of life, and those who suffer from an excess of it. When your favorite celebrity, a person who you admired because he reminded you to focus on the simple pleasures that makes life worth living, commits suicide, you begin to wonder if there is any in between.
-je h ‘18
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queenevaine · 6 years
A ‘Entity-Never-Happened’ AU of my OC @zeka-dbd​ and @sociophobicsaboteur​ ‘s Jake!  I’m a sucker for these two.  
Zeka listened to the car’s radio as she followed the directions on her GPS.  She knew of the place she was heading to; a typically rich and prestigious family needing specific fixes and being uncaring about time or convenience.  
That was how Zeka found herself driving out with her bag of tools, albeit being well paid for her time.  The metal gates were closed, making her double check the time.  She was still early, set to arrive at 8:30 while being there at 8pm.  She looked out of the window at the gates, noting the engraving on either side stating ‘Park Manor’.  
She took a deep breath, parking her car on the side of the road, getting out and testing the gates.  They were well locked, and she debated climbing over the fence.  With her bag over her shoulder, she looked for any sort of bell or buzzer.  She nearly jumped when the gate was unlocked before her, and a man in a suit opened the gate.  
“Miss.. ‘Zeka’, yes?”
She nodded, adjusting the bag on her shoulders.  
“Yes, Zeka Kline.”  
The man nodded, gesturing her to follow.  She followed without another word, walking up the well kept pathway.  She was impressed by its appearance, nearly bumping into the man when he stopped to open a grand wooden door.  She walked in after him, suddenly extremely conscious about tracking in mud.  
“Please be sure to wipe your shoes well.”
A different man spoke up, and Zeka recognized the owner of the voice as the senior Park, standing in a suit next to his wife.  He seemed almost in disbelief, intently staring her down.  
“Am I to believe you are the one to be fixing the issues we are having with our computers?”
Oh boy.  
“Yes, I am.  Is there anything wrong?”
She couldn’t help the tilt of her head as she challenged him.  No one disrespected her like that.  
“Are you sure you’re qualified to fix this problem?  You hardly look professional.”
Zeka adopted a sickeningly sweet smile.  
“I’m very sure, sir.  I can have this problem fixed before midnight.”  
He still seemed skeptical, but instead walked to the door.  
“Very well.  I’ll be out to dinner, and when I return I expect everything to be perfect.”
Zeka nodded, watching the couple walk out the door.  She sighed, taking plastic coverings from her bag and slipping them over her shoes.  She looked to the man who guided her inside.  
“Where is the main computer and modem?”  
“Right this way.”  
She quietly followed behind, marveling at the extravagance of the home’s interior.  She was lead upstairs to a pristine office, a very expensive computer sitting on a fancy desk.  
“If you need anything, you need only ask.”
“I think I’ll be okay, thank you.”
The man nodded and left the room, leaving Zeka to herself.  She took her laptop out and got to work.  
Jake sat in the bathroom, staring down at the small, bloody edge of the blade he pressed against his skin.  Blood poured from his arms, giving some indication that he was still human.  He took shaky breaths as he sat on the tiled floor, head leaning against the wall.  He closed his eyes, fighting back emotions.  
Jake gripped the blade’s handle tightly, freezing when he heard faint singing.  He knew his parents had gone out, there shouldn’t be anyone home that would bother him.  His parents didn’t get home until past 11, and it was still 10:15.  Whoever this person was, their singing voice was beautiful.  
He realized now they were getting closer.  He stood with a jolt, frantically looking around for bandages.  He hissed when he tightly wrapped the bandages from the medicine cabinet, and the fabric made contact with the open cuts.  The voice got clearer, and he could tell now it was a higher pitch voice, and likely a woman.  
“~I will never understand the power you were holding ohh-ho-ver me~!”  
He heard the door swing open, then a loud yelp.  He turned to see a young woman turned away with her face in her hands.  She eventually lowered her heads to cover her cheeks.  
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t think there was anyone else here.”  
She turned to face him, and he immediately was taken aback by her beauty.  He stood like a deer in headlights, clearly stunned as she started to take several steps backwards.  
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude, I-I can find a different bathroom.”  
“No, it’s fine.  I had no idea there was someone else here.”
She smiled nervously, rubbing the back of her neck.  
“I thought I was pretty obvious singing to myself for the past hour.  And, I kinda thought I was here alone and was just going to use the bathroom before leaving.  But really, it’s okay!  Technically I should be going now since my job here is done.”  
Jake’s attention briefly darted to the blood on the floor, then back to her.  
“Your job?”
She nodded, adjusting a bag he now noticed over her shoulder.  She held onto the bag’s strap tightly.  
“Yeah, I came out here to fix some computer issues.  I just finished up.  But uhm, my name is Zeka.”  
“Jake Park.”  
She smiled, reaching out to shake his hand.  He hesitated, looking around to try and find some gloves to slip on.  
“Sorry, I know handshakes aren’t everyone’s thing.  I should get going now, so uh, see you!”  
She quickly turned to leave, leaving Jake dumbfounded.  He shook his head, moving to clean up the blood off the floor.  
Zeka groaned when she got into her car, pressing her forehead against the steering wheel.  God, I’m so fucking dumb.  She leaned back in the seat, rubbing her eyes.  She took a deep breath before recollecting herself and driving home, doing everything she could to avoid thinking about her embarrassment.  
She was relieved to finally be home when she pulled into the driveway, even with the return to her life as Alicia.  She sighed, letting herself in with her keys.  She knew she would have to practice singing for the masquerade party her mother would not stop talking about.  She herself had her outfit already planned out; a slim, golden dress that reached just past the center of her thighs.  Her shoes were a matching gold, high heeled boots that were comprised more accurately of thin straps.  
She hadn’t tried it on before and would have liked it more if she wasn’t being forced to go and perform.  The mask was glittery and stunning with feathers trailing off one side.  The edges were adorned with obviously fake, but still shiny and new gemstones.  It fit with the songbird motif planned for her performance.  She sighed again, putting her things aside and changing for bed.  Her thoughts spun, before settling down after easing her awkward memory of the day.  
Most of Zeka’s days were uneventful up until the day of the party.  It was online classes and work as normal, then practicing at home with her mother.  She kept her range flexible, knowing the songs she might have to sing could change.  It was hardly anything official, no set program of songs, but Zeka knew she’d be expected to sing.  Her mother was a singer professionally (when she wasn’t taking on the role of housewife) and far too good at it for her daughter to go unnoticed.
She sat still in the chair, quiet as her mother brushed her hair and removing curlers one by one.  She was making sure her hair was properly styled.  
“Excited, Ali sweetheart?”
Zeka gave a small smile, hands in her lap.  
“Nervous, mostly.”  
Her mother ran her hand over the soft, curled hair.  
“You have nothing to be scared of, babygirl.  You’re going to be wonderful.  And you are going to look stunning.”  
Zeka smiled again, letting her thoughts wander as her mother continued to style and brush her hair.  
Jake hated wearing a suit.  It was far too stuffy and uncomfortable, worn for the sake of a family that didn’t care about him.  He adjusted the star-patterned mask on his face.  With a deep breath, he walked out of his bedroom and made sure every part of his suit was pristine.  The clock on the wall read 8:30, just half an hour before the main party was to start.  He walked downstairs, silently getting into the limo he knew his parents owned.  He stared out the window at the night sky during the drive to the party.  He didn’t realize they arrived until he heard the door abruptly open.  He quietly followed his parents into the city building repurposed for the night of masquerade.  He already plotted several ways to get out of this event.  
Even with the mask, the intricate details of his suit made his identity obvious as a son of the Park family.  Defeats the purpose of masquerade.  He took the silver bird pin from his pocket and set it over the embroidery when he got inside.  It was already as he expected, and it was just barely past 9pm.  He gave polite smiles to people who walked up to talk to him, more likely because of the clear marks of a rich background.  
He kept catching glimpses of gold, always unable to see who exactly it was.  Each time, he felt his heart skip a beat.  Who was this person?  
He was thankful for the pause of music and tapping of a microphone, saving him from his thoughts and another identical conversation with a different person in a different outfit.  
“I hate to interrupt the festivities, but we have a very special guest today!  The young Alicia Kline is going to grace us with a performance.  I’m sure many of you have heard of her mother, Liana Kline, and only good marks of her daughter’s skill.  Without further ado, miss Alicia Kline!”  
Jake watched the stunning form of Alicia walk up to the microphone on stage in the same golden outfit he kept seeing.  It didn’t take him long to realize she was incredibly uncomfortable.  He also quickly noticed just how beautiful she was under the spotlights, the outfit reminded him of a canary.  She waved to the man on the piano, who started playing in a slow, gradual crescendo.  When she started singing, Jake swore his heart stopped.  
“~Fear not this night, you will not go, astray~!”
I know her voice.  The same voice he had heard weeks ago, by pure accident.  She had introduced herself as Zeka, and for those weeks he wasn’t able to get her out of his mind.  He watched in a stunned daze, the words of her singing piercing through his heart.  
“~And you, can always be strong!  Lift your voice!  With the first light, of dawn~!”  
It was as if behind that golden mask were the omnipotent eyes of a goddess; one that knew every facet of his life up until tonight, and appeared in the form of a mortal to grace him with her presence.  
He fought back tears in his eyes, grateful for the mask he was able to hide behind.  The only sounds he heard were the piano and Zeka’s voice.
“~And, though the night sky’s, filled with black-ness, Fear not, Rise up!  Call out and take my hand~!”  
She reached her hand out to the crowd, but Jake still felt like she was singing to him in particular.  Did everyone feel that way?
“~Dawn’s, just a heartbeat, away~!  Hope’s, just a sunrise, away~!”  
She took a step back, giving a small smile and bow as the piano and orchestra trailed off.  The uproar of applause drowned everything out.  He watched her be delicately lead off the stage, and near instantly be surrounded by endlessly chattering men in suits.  
Zeka wasn’t averse to the attention she was getting, but their closeness to her was starting to get uncomfortable.  She was too polite to decline offers to dance or to walk away from the crowd.  In dances, she let the other lead, as she was terribly inexperienced.  
Jake had to shoulder past several crowds of people to even get close to Zeka.  A defensive surged filled him when he saw a man tightly holding her hand, even as she tried to pull herself away.  
“My dear, won’t you at least humor me with a date?”  
Absolutely not.  
Jake edged his way between them, giving the other man a clear, venomous glare.  ‘Walk away, now’, it warned.  Zeka let out a quiet sigh of relief when he turned to leave without another moment’s hesitation.  
“Thank you so much for that.”  
Tension seemed to ease from her shoulders.  He couldn’t help but smile at her small grin, and at how relaxed and comfortable she sounded in an instant.  
“You don’t need to thank me, Zeka.”  
She blinked in surprise, gasping when she caught sight of the unique color of his eye and realized who was behind the mask.
“Jake?  Is that really you?”
He nodded once, tilting his head slightly in confusion when she laughed.  
“I had no idea, oh my God.  That’s twice now, isn’t it?  But, my name is actually Alicia, though.  Zeka’s just… a nickname I go by sometimes.”  
The hesitation in her voice felt like a knife being twisted into his heart.  
“But you prefer being called Zeka, right?”
She gave a small nod.
“I do, but-”
“Then you’re Zeka, at least to me.”
She grinned with a quick, sweet chuckle.  Jake smiled widely, suddenly entirely unsure when her comfort and happiness had become so important to him.  Just as suddenly, he had an idea.  
“Can I show you something?”
He held his hand out to her, which she took with barely a second of hesitation.  
“Of course.  What are you showing me?”
“That’s a surprise.  Just follow me.”
He led her through the crowd, taking the silver pin off to fully display the embroidered P on his chest.  Security guards simply nodded once to him when he passed and guided Zeka to the grand balcony that proudly granted a view of the night sky, music from the main hall echoing to them.  
Jake gladly watched her expressions of pure joy,  staring in awe at the rare view. 
“This is so amazing.. I’ve never seen the stars so bright.”  
He couldn’t tear his gaze from her as she stared at the sky with wonder.  
“It’s more beautiful than I can even describe.”  
She laughed, tracing patterns between stars with her eyes.  Jake watched, barely nodding.  If only I had the courage to say that to you.  He slowly turned his attention to the sky.  
“Tonight’s one of the best nights for stargazing.”  
She looked over with a wide grin, one that Jake had the sudden desire to protect and ensure she would always smile like that.  When had he fallen so hard for a woman he barely knew?  
“I’ve never really stargazed much.  I’m pretty much a shut-in if I have the choice.  I’m not a huge party person either, but here I am.”  
She shrugged casally, laughing at her own statement.  
“Neither am I.  I never enjoy wearing suits like this.”
She turned her attention back to him quickly.  
“They’re terrible.  I’ll take my robots any day, but.. I don’t have a choice tonight.”
Jake couldn’t help a laugh.  
“I didn’t have a choice either, but..  It’s not so bad.”
Because you’re here.  
She nodded as she looked around.  
“It’s not, but..God, I didn’t think there’d be so many people wanting to talk to me.  It’s exhausting.  I should head back eventually, though..”
Even the slightest hint of distress from her was too much for him.  
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to.  I’d.. be happy to stay here with you.”  
Zeka looked to the door.  
“Would that be okay?  I mean, I didn’t even think we were allowed up here.”  
She’s still so concerned about intruding.  He shook his head.  
“No one else should come up here, and I promise it’s fine.”  
She nodded, letting out a breath of relief.  
“Okay, good.  I didn’t wanna trespass by accident.”  
He admired the way she held her hands together.  After a moment’s hesitation, he held a pure white, gloved hand to her.  
“Would you like to dance with me?”  
Zeka turned in surprise, heat rising in her cheeks.  
“I’d love to!  But, I’m not actually that great of a dancer.  I don’t know how to at all.”  
“I can teach you, just follow my lead.”  
He delicately held her hands and guided her steps, enjoying the rare peace of the echoing music and slowly dancing under the bright stars of the night, all the while praying tonight never ended.    
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