#and that’s before we get into the control and safety aspect of it
nalyra-dreaming · 16 hours
There's something about how we are collectively digesting the supposedly Armand messing with Louis and Daniel's memories reveal/confirmation that rubs me the wrong way. It's not that I'm not convinced that he was responsible for (at least) part of the tinkering (although I have the feeling that there was *someone else* who did it). It is that most of the discourse I see makes it sound as something kind of forced from Armand when imo the key to all of it it is precisely the fact that it is all a barter between Louis and Armand.
From Armand's traumatic past as a sex slave and his life with Marius to Armand letting Daniel live in exchange for Louis's companionship. Armand says to Daniel "Bartering with desire. Is that what makes you fascinating?" And that's exactly what his relationship with Louis is about cause this is the only way Armand understands love, as a transaction. And Louis happens to be an art dealer who's very good at running things.
Among all the relationships in the show, I think Loumand is probably the least wholesome (sorry Naomi but you were so wrong). And that's what makes it the most fascinating imo. Loumand is the most messed up relationship in the show not because of power imbalance like Armand Marius or Devil's Minion but because there is an agreement between them. I think that robbing Louis of his agency in the deal would be missing the point of both the novel and the show
Mhhhh. I know what you're getting at. I mean, you probably know I am of the opinion that Louis did invite Armand to secure Claudia's and his own safety (at first at least), and he certainly behaves as if this relationship protects him from the pressures of the rules (and coven).
So there is a certain level of... assumed control. But... There was this post a few days back, comparing Armand to a willingly leashed tiger, and I think that fits very well.
Because even though you know that I still think that there might be more to it all (especially wrt Daniel's memories if the 12 years DM truly happened), and though I do think that Louis might even have asked Armand for a reprieve... I do not think Louis would consent to an intrusion like this. Armand is still very much in control, and Assad put it very precisely I think, when he said that he just cannot relax with the truth... Armand is the only one who knows the truth, and who... has Louis under "maintenance". He "protects Louis from himself".
In fact I think this, and the missing pages, and a lot of other little things will come to a head now in Dubai. Probably will facilitate that "cataclysmic event" that I've been talking about...
I... do think there was a lot more to the relationship before San Francisco than there is after SF. Because Armand literally controls Louis after. He says that the name "Lestat" had not been uttered in their relationship for 23 years, but it's still a trigger for them both, leading to catastrophic results in a single session. Oh, the other "tri-annual" events and kills were bad enough, but this... this was new. And Armand went and made sure it wouldn't happen again.
You are right that Loumand is among the least healthy relationships... I would argue even canonically so, though of course the show has dialed it up to 99. (And god, I wished Naomi/her guest had never said that, the drama this statement caused, seriously). But I... I mean, it is more interesting in Paris and up to San Francisco, definitely. Or, at least in Paris. Because I think... I think whatever happens after the trial will already shift their relationship. Because why would Louis, this Louis stay with Armand? Why does he? What exactly makes him stay with Armand. (I think that will be a really interesting aspect in the show!)
For ME((!!!!))... that is why Loumand is not fascinating (Though I get it if it is for you^^💕). Because Louis is not well... and Armand... Armand tags along, they foreshadowed that on the walk along the Seine - and then Louis tags along, later. Or exists.
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(*by a companion.)
Armand tries to salvage what he can while groveling for what he did in Paris. And that is precisely where their "agreement" stops, for me. Because if your mind is tinkered with... you cannot consent.
It's like being under drugs - you cannot consent.
And Armand has never been much about consent... unfortunately.
So yeah, that's ... my two cents on this^^.
It definitely is one of the most difficult relationships at this point.
We'll see in the next episodes where Louis' "agreement" with Armand stops, I think. Because if I'm right and Louis did not see this as part of the "agreement"? Then this will hit the fan in Dubai - and personally I expect it to (and I think, going by Jacob's statement - it will).
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bigbadvoxbox · 4 months
Okay but hear me out: what if reader consents to letting Vox hypnotize them during sex? I’m talking like absolutely humiliating them the whole time too because they can’t do anything about it. Only if you’re comfy writing it ofc, fem or gn reader
good lORD
once again, weird format, just easier this way otherwise it would never get done and would collect dust in my requests and we don't want that, do we?
warnings: hypnosis sex (100% consensual). unprotected sex (wrap it before u tap it, babes). vox is a control freak. degradation. consensual recording.
- Vox is THRILLED by this idea. To find out that you'd like him to hypnotise you, he can't help but almost short circuit from the excitement. He loves using his power to brainwash promote his tech, so having permission to use it on you during SEX?! Goddamn. He's hard.
- He loves being in control, he finds the thrill of being able to tell people what to do, and have them obey absolutely thrilling. He repeats that same trigger word as he holds your face in his hands. "Trust me..." 'with your body, with your mind, with you.' is his intention, rather than the usual "safety" or "entertainment" like in his ads. He wants you to relax, just let him take control. You'll feel so good, he promises you. Just trust him.
- Having you obey every word he says has him on a power trip, and he can't help but start to degrade you. (Of course this is agreed upon beforehand that it's okay.)
- "Awh, can't even think for yourself? Like a stupid whore? Gotta have me to tell you what to do, 'n boss you around? You like it when I boss you around, don't you?"
- And he's so right.
- Something about being completely at Vox's mercy is so thrilling. It also ironically feels... liberating. Free from all the worries about making decisions and junk like that. He can do all that for you. You get to just look pretty and feel good. And he's gonna take such good care of you.
- He records it all (again agreed upon beforehand) so that he can show you alllll the raw footage when you're out of your hypnosis. The way he has you put yourself in so many dirty positions, makes you say such nasty shit, it really gets him off to have that control.
- You're just like an obedient doll, and he can't help but absolutely love that. He is an absolute control freak in all aspects so sex is no different.
- You end up cumming so hard it snaps you out of it, which he realises when you wrap your legs around his waist, holding him close to cum inside of you.
- You're COVERED in bites and hickeys, and your legs feel like hell, but you're also practically glowing from the euphoric shocks of your orgasm that continue to zap at your nerves. You should let him handle you like this more often, jesus.
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princesscait26 · 8 days
A Unlikely Friendship: 2
Summary: The two rivals wives are caught (I’m really bad at summaries)
Alastor x reader, Vox x unnamed wife, Vox’s wife x reader Platonic!
Part 1
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At the Hazbin Hotel, Y/n sat at her vanity, meticulously getting ready for the day. The room was dimly lit, the only light coming from the soft glow of the vanity bulbs. She was applying her lipstick when she noticed a familiar shadow in the mirror's reflection. Without turning, she spoke with a slight smile curving her now red lips, “I know you’re here.”
The shadow shifted, and in its place stood the Radio Demon himself. Alastor’s crimson eyes and broad smile fixed on his wife with a blend of curiosity and suspicion. “Where are you going today, my darling? It’s still only the morning,” he inquired, his tone deceptively casual.
Alastor was known throughout Hell for his malevolence, but in the presence of his wife, he was softened, almost vulnerable. Her absence left him feeling incomplete, a sensation he loathed.
Y/n turned, meeting his intense gaze with practiced ease. Avoiding his question, she picked up her purse and leaned in to plant a light kiss on his cheek. “I’m going out. I’ll be back before you know it. Don’t forget you have a meeting with Charlie today, dear!”
Before Alastor could react, she slipped past him, the reminder of his meeting momentarily distracting him. She made her way to the door, her heart pounding as she sensed his gaze burning into her back.
The moment the door clicked shut, Alastor’s smile twitched, replaced by a look of steely determination. His possessiveness gnawed at him. Where was his wife off to, and what was she doing? His mind raced with possibilities, none of which he liked.
He could not simply let it go. Summoning his shadow, he issued a silent command. "Follow her. Report back to me."
As Y/n exited the hotel and stepped into the bustling streets of Hell, she felt a chill, a whisper of unease that she couldn't quite shake. She knew Alastor's nature all too well, knew he wouldn’t take her abrupt departure lightly. Yet, she couldn’t let him control every aspect of her life.
Back at the hotel, Alastor paced his room, the meeting with Charlie all but forgotten. His thoughts were consumed by his wife’s mysterious outings. Though he trusted her, his darker instincts drove him to ensure her safety and loyalty.
Y/n was blissfully unaware of Alastor's shadow trailing her as she made her way to the café. Believing she had successfully slipped away, she pushed open the door and was immediately enveloped by the comforting aroma of coffee and pastries. The gentle hum of conversation filled the air.
“Y/n!” a familiar voice called out. She turned to see Vox's wife, waving enthusiastically from a corner table. Y/n smiled and waved back, weaving her way through the tables to join her friend.
"I ordered your usual," she said with a warm smile as Y/n sat down. "Late again, I see. Did Alastor give you a hard time leaving?" She laughed, the sound bright and infectious.
Y/n giggled, sharing in the inside joke that both women held—how their husbands never made it easy for them to leave. "You know him too well," she replied with a chuckle. "It’s like trying to escape a shadow."
Vox’s wife’s eyes twinkled. "Well, we manage. It’s nice having these moments to ourselves."
Y/n sighed contentedly, her expression softening. "I enjoy your company so much. It’s rare to find someone who truly understands. You’re a great friend."
"You're too sweet," Vox’s wife replied, her smile widening. "If only our husbands knew how much they actually had in common."
The two women laughed, their voices mingling with the ambient sounds of the café. They reveled in their shared moments, finding solace and camaraderie in each other's presence.
Unbeknownst to them, Alastor's shadow had witnessed the entire encounter. It slipped away, returning swiftly to its master. Alastor listened intently to the shadow's report, his expression shifting from curiosity to shock, then to anger. How dare his wife meet with Vox’s wife, of all people!
On the other side of the city, Vox had grown suspicious as well and decided to follow his wife. When he arrived at the café, he was surprised and annoyed to see Alastor approaching from the opposite direction. Their eyes locked, and both men bristled at the sight of the other.
"What are you doing here?" Vox demanded, his voice low and dangerous.
Alastor sneered. "I might ask you the same thing. I have every right to be here."
"As do I," Vox retorted, stepping closer. "However, it seems we have a more pressing matter at hand."
Their attention turned toward the café’s interior, where Y/n and Vox’s wife were laughing and chatting, oblivious to the storm brewing outside.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Alastor's tone is dripping with amusement, but his eyes betray a flicker of something darker. He stands at the entrance, his silhouette casting an imposing shadow over their table. Next to him, Vox's eyes blaze with barely contained rage, his screen flickering.
The café falls silent, the patrons' eyes darting between the two imposing figures and the women. Y/n's heart skips a beat as she locks eyes with Alastor, his usually warm gaze to her now cold and penetrating.
"Alastor," Y/n starts, attempting to keep her voice steady, "This isn't what it looks like."
Vox's wife stands up, her chair scraping loudly against the floor. "Vox, I—"
But Vox cuts her off, his voice low and seething. "You think I wouldn't find out? That you could hide this from me?" His words hang heavily in the air, his fists clenching at his sides.
Alastor steps closer, his smile never wavering but his eyes darkening. "My dear, I am not so easily deceived. And to think, you two have been meeting behind our backs. It seems our rivalry has taken a rather... unexpected turn."
Y/n can see the hurt beneath Alastor's facade. Despite his charm and confidence, there is a sting of betrayal in his eyes. She takes a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "Alastor, we just wanted a break from the constant fighting. It was never meant to hurt you two. To be with someone who understands."
Vox's wife nods in agreement, her eyes pleading with her husband. "Vox, please understand. We needed to escape the endless cycle of your battles. We needed each other."
But Vox, his pride wounded, steps forward towards the two women, his voice cold. "You think I care about your excuses? This betrayal is unacceptable. You think sneaking behind our backs was a good solution" He glares at Alastor, as if blaming him for this newfound alliance between their wives.
Alastor, ever the performer, turns his attention back to Y/n, putting a hand up stopping Vox from getting closer to Y/n. His smile returning but now tinged with bitterness. "It seems we have more in common than we thought, Vox. Betrayed by those closest to us."
Vox scoffs, his gaze never leaving his wife. "Don't lump me in with you, Alastor. This changes nothing between us. If anything, it intensifies our rivalry."
Y/n steps forward, her voice firm. "Enough. Both of you. This isn't about your rivalry. It's about us, your wives, who have had enough of your childish antics. We wanted peace, but it seems that's too much to ask for."
Vox's wife joins her, her voice soft but determined. "We love you both, but we can't keep living like this. It’s exhausting. All of your time goes to your fight with him, Vox. Something has to change."
The tension in the café is palpable, the silence deafening as Alastor and Vox process their wives' words. Finally, Alastor speaks, his voice softer but still edged with frustration. "Perhaps we do need to reassess our priorities."
Vox, his anger simmering down to a low boil, nods in agreement. "For once, I agree with Alastor. This isn't over, but maybe it's a wake-up call."
Alastor's eyes flicked to Vox, surprise flickering across his face. "You're suggesting we... call a truce?"
"Temporary," Vox clarified, his tone grudging. "For the sake of our marriages."
Alastor considered this, then nodded slowly. "Agreed. Temporary."
Relief washed over Y/n and Vox’s wife as the tension in the air finally began to ease. The initial shock and anger on Alastor and Vox's faces had subsided into something more manageable, though still simmering beneath the surface.
Alastor, ever the gentleman, extended a hand to Y/n. “Come, my dear,” he said softly, though his eyes still held a hint of possessiveness. “Let’s return home. We have much to discuss.”
Y/n took his hand, squeezing it gently. “Of course, darling,” she replied, casting a reassuring smile over her shoulder at Vox’s wife.
Vox, meanwhile, wrapped a protective arm around his wife’s shoulders. “We’re leaving,” he said, his tone brooking no argument. “We need to talk as well.”
She nodded, leaning into him slightly. “Alright, Vox,” she murmured, her eyes meeting Y/n’s with a mixture of amusement and solidarity.
As the two couples moved in opposite directions, the two women turned back to each other, sharing a silent understanding. Their eyes met, and both broke into large, conspiratorial smiles. They waved goodbye, their hands lingering in the air as long as they could see each other.
“Until next time,” Y/n mouthed, her smile warm and genuine.
“Definitely,” she mouthed back, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
The café doors closed behind them, separating the two women physically but not in spirit. As Alastor and Vox led their wives away, the men’s grips firm yet gentle, the women’s thoughts lingered on their cherished friendship, silently vowing that this unexpected encounter wouldn’t be their last.
In the bustling streets of Hell, amidst the chaos and constant noise, two friendships stood resilient, bound by shared experiences and a mutual understanding of the complicated men they loved. For now, at least, the truce was a step toward peace—a fragile, tentative step, but a step nonetheless.
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rekaning · 10 months
Desiderium | Elijah Mikaelson x Wife!reader
CW: None. Lots of feelings? Elijah just needs a hug honestly. Summary: Esther's machinations against Elijah has him confronting the deepest truths of himself that he has kept buried deep inside his heart. Truths he has never told you about.
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You could say with certainty that you knew your husband better than most. With nearly two decades of being married and a few years of getting to know each other before then, you were pretty sure you had insight into his thoughts that not even his siblings had.
His time as a prisoner of his mother had changed him. He was no longer in control of the beast he had so meticulously kept under lock and key for over a millennia. You could see that he no longer seemed comfortable in his own skin. He rarely bothered to put on the tailored suits that had become so ingrained into your image of him.
The most agonizing aspect of this change was that he distanced himself from you. Physically, he was still with you, sleeping at your bedside, reading in the library with you, partaking in breakfast, lunch, and dinner with you. Emotionally, however, there was a notable lack in your routine talks.
Where you two would talk of both everything and nothing before, now, there was stilted conversation, non-emotive hums of acknowledgment, and strained smiles.
It was painful to see him this way.
But at this point, you'd had enough. Your stubborn husband was clearly not dealing with the trauma his mother had subjected him to, and it seemed he had no plan to do so.
Thus, your current situation.
You had lured Elijah into the library, making sure to warn the household of your plan to confront him and have him heal, or at least start to.
As a powerful witch, you placed a barrier, barring Elijah from escape, in addition to a silencing charm, preventing any outsider from listening into your conversation.
A frustrated sigh escaped your husband's lips, his finger tapping at the armrest of the cushioned chair he was currently seated at. His normally warm brown eyes were tinged with agitation, "Dearest, is this truly necessary?"
You smiled back, unbothered by his obvious discomfort, knitting your hands together and placing them neatly on your lap, "Darling, we both know that you've been avoiding me for quite some time. I've had enough of it. We are going to talk about this, so, whatever nonsense you've been telling yourself to keep you from opening up to me is to end now."
You saw his jaw tick, could practically hear him grinding his teeth. Several emotions flitted across his eyes; fear, relief, shame, and sadness. You longed to ease him of his woes, but you had to understand what was going on with him.
You walked over to him, holding your hand out, wiggling your fingers in a clear sign for him to grab on. He did so with slight hesitation, his large calloused hands slipping perfectly into yours, his hold gentle. You pulled lightly, coaxing him to join you as you walked backwards toward the loveseat beside the armchair he'd been on.
You and he sat down, your hands still intertwined, and you began to stroke the back of his hand with your thumb, tracing random patterns and shapes into his skin.
You both sat quietly. You were preparing to question him while he was preparing excuses and formulating ideas to get out of this situation.
You could see the gears turning in his head so you reached out with your other hand and tenderly cupped his cheek.
His eyes shot downward to the floor in shame.
Your heart ached, seeing that expression on his handsome face.
"Darling. Please look at me." You whispered softly.
Slowly, he trailed his eyes up to your own. To your surprise, his sclera turned red and black veins became visible.
You had only witnessed Elijah's true vampiric form a handful of times, the majority of them against a threat against your or his safety. And the other small portion had been during more intimate moments, but they were never unprompted. You normally had to ask him to drink from you, and even then, he'd take the most minuscule sips.
To witness him now, unprovoked and unprompted, and see the barely concealed hunger in his eyes; you had no words.
Your surprised silence must have been enough for him, for a moment later, he looked away, inhaling deeply through his mouth, pushing down the raging hunger and tampering it to a simmer.
"My Dearest, please forgive me, I—"
You forced his head in your direction, eyes no longer wide in surprise but instead in eager determination, "Do not apologize, Elijah. No more apologies. Explain, please, just...whatever it is that is plaguing your mind, just let it out."
A long silence permeated the library. The hesitation caused you to stroke at his cheek, your eyes softening to stare up at him in complete adoration, "My darling Elijah. There is nothing you could say that would make me love you less."
Another beat of silence before he nodded, "I am...unsure of how to start. Will you...allow me to show you?"
You nodded without a single hint of doubt, "Of course."
This time, your husband was the one to reach out as he placed the tips of his fingers against your temple.
And you saw everything Esther had done. She'd broken down every wall he'd placed in his mind. The Red Door that he'd had buried deep inside. Memories that she had locked away—whether she had meant it as a form of protection for him at the time, didn't matter—it had broken him. He never gave himself the time confront what he was. Instead, he locked away his own confusion at being transformed into a vampire, couldn't deal with the fact that he had killed his first love, never acknowledged the fact that he could no longer have children despite how family-oriented he was. All this he had ignored and locked away for the sake of his family, to keep them safe and away from Mikael, to fulfill the promise he'd made to Niklaus, for his baby brother's redemption.
As the images of his torture faded from your mind, you realized that tears had formed and fallen throughout the mind-meld.
Elijah tenderly wiped away at the tear tracks, bringing your head close and placing a feather light kiss to your temple, "Forgive me, my love." He whispered hoarsely.
You placed your own hand over his, wanting him to continue touching you, "There is nothing to forgive Elijah."
He shook his head, "I am a monster, the atrocities I've committed are too numerous and you—"
You gripped his face firmly, eyes still maintaining that warm, gentle look, "I," you emphasized, "know exactly who I gave my heart to." Your hand trailed up and combed through his hair. He closed his eyes momentarily to savor the gesture. He opened them again and stared into your loving gaze.
"I know that I didn't marry a saint. And I'm okay with that."
His eyes were so vulnerable, he looked like a kicked puppy, eyes shining with barely concealed hope, "The lives I have taken, the method in which I have wrought destruction is..."
"Not so different from me."
You could see him about to deny your statement, but you placed a finger on his pouting lips, "Darling, I have lived a very long time. You know quite well the lives I've taken. I am no angel."
A smile bordering on a smirk made it way on his lips, "No," he muttered, "you are a goddess."
A bubbling laugh erupted from your lips. You could feel warmth envelope your chest at the sight of mirth dancing behind Elijah's gaze.
"My sweet Elijah." cupping his face again, you continued, "There's more to this isn't there? Please." You brought your forehead to touch his.
"Let me in," you whispered.
He could never get anything past you. The woman he married was observant, piecing the most minute of details together to create an understanding of a problem. She had only gotten better at reading him over the years. At knowing him when he was still trying to understand himself.
"I could never fool you, could I?"
You chuckled softly, "It certainly is entertaining when you try."
He sighed again.
He had been thinking about this non-stop since Niklaus and she had rescued him. An ache he had buried so deep that he'd forgotten it was there. Meeting you had inched it to the surface but he had stamped it down the more and more serious you two got.
He clasped his larger, rough hands around yours, moving them onto his lap. He stared at your more delicate fingers. So much more slender than his, smoother, softer.
"Since I was a boy," he started, "I had been raised and taught that a man was to provide and protect those of his family." He raised his eyes and stared off into the distance, "And with how my father treated Niklaus...how I had failed my brother when we were still human, I made a vow to myself that I would always keep him safe, keep our siblings safe.
"You know of my...unfortunate luck with past lovers."
You simply nodded, smiling encouragingly for him to continue.
"Killing Tatia was...it was almost as if I had killed the human part of me. Her death was my birth as a vampire."
His eyes then strayed back to you, "Over the centuries I fell in love and I lost them all. Some I lost to Niklaus' actions and others...I chose my family over them. And then? I met you."
He caressed your cheek at that. You nuzzled into his warm touch.
"Having had so many lovers die, I buried the desire for companionship. You met me at a time where I was afraid of getting close to others. I thought, that if my brother got wind of another woman in my life, he would do everything to take her from me. And yet, you stayed.
"You fought at my side, struck down enemies in my name, broke down every barrier I had placed around my heart, and you uncovered that buried desire for love I had been so afraid to feel again. For I knew, that if I lost you, that would be the end of me."
His words were poetry, touching the deepest parts of your soul and you couldn't help the tears that welled in your eyes as he spoke with such raw emotion.
He closed in on you, his lips pressing into yours with a heavy passion.
When he pulled away, his eyes were alight with wonder, "And then you became my wife." His smile was so radiant as he thought back to that moment where he'd gone down on one knee and asked you the question that had been plaguing him for a few years at that point.
"I had what I had most wanted. The companionship I had longed for, for so long. Since the day my father pierced my heart with his blade. The love of a woman who loved me just as profoundly as I did her."
His breathe hitched, "And yet..."
He went quiet. You could tell he was biting the inside of his cheek. You merely stroked his hands, allowing him time to structure his next words.
You knew what he was getting at. Ever since coming to New Orleans. You could see how the situation here was affecting your husband. How he had looked at his brother.
"And yet," Elijah said, finally, "the desire for something else began to brew deep within. A desire I had not given a thought to since becoming what I am. I couldn't think about it, because what could I do but let it fester and infect my mind? And then mother happened. She said the one thing that caused that desire to spread its way into my every waking thought."
You could see the turmoil and anguish rolling off his very being. You lifted a hand and placed a gentle kiss, encouraging him to go on.
"It is selfish of me to want more, when you, my dearest, were a dream come true in a millennia of loneliness. But I..."
You lifted his chin, eyes so full of understanding, it was nearly blinding for Elijah to look directly at you. But you held his gaze and whispered so tenderly to him, "It's okay. You can say it."
He closed his eyes. Of course, you already knew.
"The longing I have felt...the wish I buried with my human self...I have always longed to be a father."
Tears fell from Elijah's eyes as he finally uttered his wish. Your own tears poured from your eyes as you hugged him close.
You had seen the looks of envy your husband had shot at his brother since learning that he had impregnated Hayley. You'd noticed the way his eyes would sometimes fall to your own stomach, imagining what you would look like with his child. And after nights of love-making, when he thought you had fallen asleep, he would caress your belly, hoping against hope that your body would accept your coupling and consummate a child.
You and he had never spoken about the inability to have children. He was a vampire after all. But it wasn't hard to imagine. You had done so many times before. Your husband, rocking your son or daughter to sleep, reading books to them, talking tenderly to them.
He was so dedicated to his family already. You could only imagine how he would be for his own children.
And with that thought, you eased away from your embrace. Your eyes burning with determination.
"I promise you, Elijah. I will do everything within my power to give you a child."
His eyes widened, eyebrows shooting up at his mouth gaped open with surprise.
You were a powerful witch. With grimoires dating back centuries with spells and rituals lost to time. Your husband never asked for much, but if it was a baby he wanted, then a baby he'd get. You would make damn sure of it.
*** Author's note: I really wanted to write this type of perspective of a man truly wanting to be a father, and Elijah, I feel, is that kind of man. He's so family-oriented and caring and loving and I can only imagine the type of amazing father he'd be.
I've read a lot of stories where the want of a child was more along the aspect of breeding kinks and the baby-making process, and those are all well and good (I like reading those too, honestly) but for this, I feel Elijah's desire to be pure; he truly wants to be a family man, a good husband, and a loving father.
Also wife!reader is essentially my OC from an Elijah/OC fanfic I have in the works. I will not be posting anything from that story anytime soon as it's still in the works (7 chapters so far and nearly 35K words) but this particular situation was in my head for a while now.
Anywho, thank you all for reading, and for those of you who have liked and reblogged my previous two mute!reader entries, a huge thank you to you! I hope you all enjoyed reading this!
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cowboyjen68 · 6 months
i am 24, from chicago and i have a crush on youuuu
You are very sweet to tell me and this is my opportunity to talk about how healthy internet personalities or "celebrity" crushes are to young lesbians finding thier own sexuality in a world that mostly assumes people straight (becuase statisically that is objectively true).
I still, to this day, remember, as a teen and young woman having a crush on Christy McNichol, Nancy McKeon (or more particularly her character Jo), and Tatum O Neal. There were older women like Markie Post and Erin Gray who I crushed on. "Ooo older women, they are so steady and have their shit together .. and HOT". I actually knew very little about them off screen. My Teen magazines were featuring TEEN stars, for good reason.
But I still crushed on them and watching thier sitcoms. Most of these women were straight but that was not really important. What was important was they were not really real. I could build them to be how I want to be in my mind using the superficial things I could see about them or learn from little interviews etc.
The internet has changed that dynamic slightly. I am accessible. Reachable. A real person. I wonder if someday media experts will refer to"CowboyJen" as a character I created. They would be wrong but I would understand the thought process. There are aspects of my life I don't share. No one wants to see me ass dragging at 10 pm after a 15 hour shift sitting on my bed trying to untie my shoes before I fall asleep or cleaning my bathroom . My life is entwined with others and I protect their privacy unless they agree to participate.
I do answer DM's. I do respond to comments. I am not simply a character on a small screen that does not interact with the audience. That is a shift in the "celebrity" paradigm. And it can make crushes seem much more real.
What I want to address is that crushes and fantasizing about other women IS NORMAL and healthy and a tool to help us figure what we like, learn to enjoy our sexuality. I remember feeling shame for thinking about these women because it was "dirty" and "creepy". In reality it was no such thing. It is just a normal part of being human, to seek out a safe outlet for fantasy, day dreaming and forming our dislikes and likes in our own head and heart so we can translate that to our real dating/love life.
Crushes don't stop at the teens or 20's. I would argue most adults experience crushes as well and it is just another tool in our humanity that we use to navigate the world we live in.
The largest difference is my generation's crushes were relatively unreachable. Fan mail was mostly answered by an employee or a hired service. Any contact in real life with back stage passes or "meet and greets" were heavily controlled and monitored for safety and to protect the image of the celebrity. And also to often to prevent the musician or actor from over stepping his/her bounds too.
Now many smaller scale recognizable people are accessible in real life. We live and work in our communities. I didn't create a character I just share my life and my reality because I think it can truly give other lesbians and women hope that we are not destined to life of stereotypes because we are butch, or lesbian, or bi or female or not rich or any number of things that get false expectations attached to it.
I guess what I am saying is your crush is healthy and normal and I would never shame anyone for having such feelings towards me. It is also my duty as a role model to not breech appropriate boundaries and I take that job very seriously. The fact is I travel to Chicago on occasion and I am out and about in the real world so the chances of me meeting followers like you and and others is highly likely at some point. I love meeting people and often to respond to and meet followers, who become my friends, in person. We are all people and I am dead serious about forming intergenerational lesbian connections in real life.
Your crush is your safe place to explore emotions and attractions so enjoy.
Side note: I don't not consider myself a "celebrity" LOL I am using that word in the broad sense as meaning a recognizable person outside of my in-person friends and community.
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impuls1veworm · 10 months
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Toxic boyfriend!Getou doesn’t trust you, but expects you to trust him. He noticed you liked the picture of an old guy friend, and he immediately called you. You’re out with friends when he calls, accusing you of not being with who you said. He started an argument after the old man told you to have a good night, and you gave a friendly smile telling him the same. There’s been snide comments asking if your male coworker who told you hello was your side-piece. But do not bring up the conversation he keeps deleting between him and an old female friend from school because it’s nothing. She was just asking how we liked our new apartment, babe.
Toxic boyfriend!Gojo is terrible at communication. You’re not sure if it’s intentional or not, but it’s so infuriating. Serious conversations feel so one-sided when you talk to him. You know he hears you, that he’s listening, but as soon as he opens his mouth, it’s like everything you said was for nothing. He misses the point of the whole talk and will focus on only the irrelevant aspects of the whole conversation. You don’t understand why you can never get to the bottom of the topic at hand, why the two of you can’t just be on the same page for once. You’d have to threaten to leave him before anything will ever change.
Toxic boyfriend!Toji will always break your trust. Not in a cheating way, but in a way where he will always let you down. You ask him to please have a date night with you, and he agrees. He lets you get dressed up and ready to go out, only to never respond to your text asking when he’s going to pick you up. Toji hints at getting you an expensive necklace for your birthday, but as your birthday comes and goes you realize there never was a necklace. You learn to never take his promises of flowers or date nights seriously, as there’s never any follow through. With no expectations, you’re no longer disappointed when he does nothing for you on your birthday or for the holidays.
Toxic boyfriend!Sukuna doesn’t actually care about you…or does he? You genuinely don’t even know if the two of you are together. This man will be laid up with you, cuddling you in bed, you on his chest as his fingers mess with yours. Watching your favorite movies with you on the couch as you rest your legs on top of his, his fingers gently rubbing your calves. He whispers in your ear how you’re his and only his, and how he thinks he’s in love with you. But, as soon as the two of you leave the safety of your apartment, it’s like he forgets who you are. He will walk right past you, not even bothering to look at you. Mutual friends will tease you in front of him saying you two look good together, and he’ll just shake his head no. Ignoring the lovesick look you give him. You try to ignore the painful tug at your heart, but it’s hard to not think about how he might just be stringing you along.
Toxic boyfriend!Nanami is controlling. It’s difficult to explain to anyone in your life because it’s not just as simple as telling you not to do something. It’s more manipulative than that. If you want to go out with friends, he’ll express that he doesn’t want you to do that, and when you push back on it, that’s when it gets taken up a notch. It turns into an argument where he’s accusing you of not caring about his feelings, telling you that you care more about your friends than him. You could be telling him reassurance after reassurance that that’s not the case, but he isn’t hearing it. It’s not till you’ve broken down, yelling that you’re just not going, that he’s satisfied. But, he’s not telling you to stay home anymore. He’s gotten what he’s wanted, now he’s telling you to just go, that’s it’s okay. Because while he wants that control, he also doesn’t want anyone else to know this side of him.
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carlyraejepsans · 11 months
What's your interpretaion of Chara? I mean the one that we see at the end of the genocide run. Because I've seen some people now say that the one we see at the end of that route might be an entirely different species (as an actual demon) and I kind of want to hear your opinion on that
oh they're just human, but most importantly I'm of the very strong opinion that, fandom aside, you can't fully separate yourself from chara. they're the watsonian quantification of our role and influence within the game. undertale as a metanarrative lives in this precarious balance between worldbuilding that stands on its own, and its nature as a videogame, thus it being created to Be Played By Us. it makes some aspects of its world kinda wobbly. take the LOVE/EXP mechanic, for example. there's not really a reason why LV 20 should be the maximum LV you can reach, after all, there's still plenty more people we haven't killed. that is to say, no reason other than establishing when the genocide run is fully locked in. and the moment you try to apply that mechanic objectively to the rest of its world and its characters, it begins to flake apart. but i think chara is the most effective use of this kind of metanarrative in undertale.
there's this really weird moment at the end of the mother games where the game breaks the 4th wall and calls to the player directly. the games gather OUR name (and i mean our ours, the person playing the game at the moment) in... well, very silly ways. like a friend of one of the main characters calling for help on his school research about player names. it's not so much integrated into the plot, as a way to create a touching moment of connection directly between player and player characters (we pray for the safety of ness and his friends. lucas thanks us and says he's so happy to meet us in the endgame) that is not extended anywhere else in the game.
i didn't have the vocabulary for it before playing these games myself, but now i'm pretty much convinced that the fallen human/"chara" in UNDERTALE was a direct response to those moments in earthbound and mother 3. I don't need to recount those moments in the game where it becomes obvious that the intended way to name the fallen human is giving them your own name or nickname, but even if you don't do that, by the end of the game, you're meant to think of frisk as "chara" and "chara" as "your character". that's where the main plot twist of the story jumps off from.
and well... that IS what they are. "your character". the true character, in fact. so instead of the game breaking the 4th wall and calling to YOU, player, across the screen in a way that is alien and separate from the story, the game calls to YOU, THROUGH chara. through your character. remaining within the confines of its story and characters.
chara isn't us, WE are chara, and chara is the spirit of the first fallen human who died and was reawakened when frisk fell in the underground. when we play the game, we play AS "chara" controlling/guiding frisk through the underground (not gonna get into the chara/frisk dynamic here, that's a WHOLE 'nother can of worms).
however, there is an exception. because you see, although chara is meant to represent our actions ingame, we... aren't chara after all. we are real people playing a videogame. and because undertale is such a heavily meta game, it does, indeed, go there. acknowledging us as a separate entity, outside of this world, and more powerful than anything it has ever seen, and the way the game does that is through the genocide run.
it's not a coincidence that LOVEing up as a mechanic results in you "distancing yourself", as per sans' speech pre-judgement. if chara represents us in-game, then genocide is nothing but us pushing that link connecting us to its breaking point. because chara is who we are in the game, killing people is making THEM stronger (we can't get stronger ourselves, we're not fictional characters), but because EXP and LV make you distance from yourself, we are also making them independent. severing them from us and our will. it's kind of a negative parallel to our journey in pacifist, where chara is established as "not frisk" once and for all and THEY get to go on living their own life. hopefully. sorta.
so... yeah! chara is our true character in undertale and, aside from the genocide run, which tears the two of us apart, we have almost no reason to treat them as separate. and yes, that includes the violent acts. i am a narrachara/non-evil plotting mastermind chara believer through and true, but posing them as some hapless victim in our hands is... I'm sorry I can't take it seriously. it was a necessary overcorrection with the way they used to be treated by fanon back in the day, but it is an overcorrection nonetheless. YES, they might kill people. yes they might do that to their former family/friends, for very much the same reason asriel, as flowey, did. they were not the most adjusted person to begin with, but more importantly than that, the SOUL we see in undertale isn't theirs, it's FRISK'S. flowey says as much. when we defeat his omega form, the 6 SOULs disappear. when asriel died, the monsters started at 0 human SOULs, not 1 (ie: chara). chara is as soulless as asriel was when he was rein-cornaceaeted (lol) as flowey, with their ability to feel love and compassion stunted.
and with the added context of the SAVE powers removing consequences to their actions, and the repetitive nature of the game becoming tiring, well... we know what THAT did to flowey, right?
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hologramhitgrrrl · 1 year
“The vast majority of serious violence in our society is committed by men: 94% of murders and 98% of serious sexual assaults. So while the left and right variously emphasise the rehabilitation and punishment aspects of prison, its most critical function is public safety: keeping dangerous men out of society. Prison abolitionism is the ultimate luxury belief from those who don’t have to confront these risks.
However, prison can only achieve so much on this count. Not just because only some violent men are ever dealt justice; a tiny fraction of the number of rapes reported to police ever result in a conviction. Not just because the male prison estate itself is dilapidated and dangerous, impeding any theoretically rehabilitative effects it might have. But because many of these violent men pose a risk to society that extends long beyond their time in prison. Those convicted of the worst crimes have to go before the Parole Board before being released on licence – and its dreadful (now overturned) decision to release the prolific rapist John Worboys after serving just nine years shows it can get its assessments very wrong – but many are released automatically after serving half their sentence.
This is the first double injustice of the criminal justice system for women. Male violence against women and children is not accorded equal priority to other forms of violence. And although sex-based differences in patterns of violence mean it is vanishingly rare that a woman will genuinely be a danger to society, female offenders are treated as though they are violent men. Women’s prisons are crammed full of domestic abuse victims separated from their children, who have been convicted of petty crimes such as shoplifting, fraud and minor drug offences. Women who kill their abusive partners in self-defence or as a result of being under prolonged coercive control tend to get lengthy custodial sentences – and these have become longer over time, ironically as a result of policymakers wanting dangerous men to serve longer.
We know that experience of childhood trauma for boys is associated with a higher propensity to violence in adulthood, so any effort to reduce male violence must include more investment in children’s services. But there will always be some very violent men in society and it is naive to think they can all be rehabilitated with programmes such as anger management courses. They need to be monitored, managed and prevented from committing crimes against women and children. That’s why the failing probation service is one of the most important frontiers in the feminist fight to keep women safe from male violence.”
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disco-girl · 1 year
An unnecessary and in-depth analysis of magic colors used in TOH (Part 2):
Part 1 here
Purple is associated with luxury, ambition, independence, mystery, arrogance, and inferiority
Darius is pretty much the embodiment of the color purple based on symbolism. He’s independent, he’s mysterious, he’s arrogant, he likes to live in luxury. He doesn’t act super ambitious but he is a Coven Head so we can assume he is somewhat. And the fact that he’s so competitive with Alador suggests that he may experience feelings of inferiority.
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Amity, Alador, Tibbles, Gavin (possibly Kikimora and Malphas)
Magenta is associated with kindness, character, change, harmony, cooperation, and self respect but also impatience, arrogance and volatility.
Note: Kikimora and Malphas are listed as having purple magic on the wiki page, but it looks more magenta to me and I think that magenta makes more sense for them as well.
Impatience, arrogance and volatility are traits that are shared among these characters for the most part, though with Amity they’re mostly presented early in the show. The positive traits, consequently, have a lot of significance for Amity, who has gone through tremendous development and change over the course of the show. She’s become kinder and has learned to respect herself in a way that her parents couldn’t. She’s invited harmony into her life. If the show wasn’t cut short, I think we would have had a similar (smaller-scale) development for Alador and maybe even the other antagonists; at the very least Alador has taken initiative to change and better himself.
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Emperors Coven Scouts, Adegast, Detention Monitor, Oracle Teacher
White is associated with purity, innocence, perfection, safety, simplicity, illumination, emptiness, and unfriendliness
This one is interesting. For the Emperor’s Coven, since they are working for Belos, I can see their magic being sort of “sanitized”, void of their own creativity or free will. Similarly, for the teachers, maybe their magic is somewhat restricted when they’re on school grounds. They have to stick to the rules and regulations. For Adegast, maybe the white represents how his true nature/form was “illuminated” in WBW. Note: Jerbo is also listed using white on the wiki page but it actually looks like more of a white green to me, which makes more sense for him.
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Eda, Mattholomule, Luz, Raine, Hunter (flapjack)
Yellow is associated with sunlight, positivity, intellect, creativity, and confidence. Some shades of yellow are also linked to magic and diversity. On the other hand, yellow can be a symbol of deceit, depression, or cowardice.
This one is fascinating to me. Yellow being associated with Luz makes perfect sense, her name literally means light and there’s so much symbolism in the show associating her with light. It also fits well for Eda, who is sort of the personification of magic and diversity, as well as sharing other traits with Luz. Eda and Raine are the only couple to share the same magic color and I think that was very much intentional, they are each other’s light. Hunter switching from red magic to yellow with flapjack must have significance as well. He goes from having every aspect of his life controlled by Belos, to finding a sense of autonomy and confidence in himself. Deceit, depression and cowardice are also all themes that recur for these characters throughout the show.
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Now for the odd one out: Mattholomule. This is one of the things that got me interested in the colors in the first place. Matt having the same magic color as Luz, Eda and Hunter? Maybe he will have plot relevance in the next episode? Okay, most likely not. But a girl can dream. He’s definitely shown cowardice and deceit before. And he has a loud (overly-confident) personality. Maybe we will get some other hints of how the color fits him in WAD. Also curiously, Matt is one of the characters shown to use a different magic color at some point (more on that below)
Gus, Lilith, Edric, Emira, Adrian Graye, Titan Trappers, Keeper, Reviewnicorn
Cyan is associated with compassion, clarity, calmness, concentration, and communication. It can also signify narcissism, stress, secrecy, boastfulness. It’s also the opposite of red.
Many of the characters using this color are illusionists. At face value, concentration, clarity and communication are all important traits for illusionists to have. But I think for the twins, the color might also represent their connection and ability to see and understand each other. Likewise, Lilith’s color may be a symbol of her bond with Eda; her character development and how she grew to accept and understand her sister.
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Adrian is a talented illusionist but his narcissism blinds him when it comes to really seeing and understanding others. The Reviewnicorn I could also see being somewhat boastful or narcissistic. And the Keeper, in addition to being compassionate and a skilled illusionist is definitely keeping some secrets. What about the Titan Trappers though? Is the blue a symbol of their secrecy? What do you guys think?
Finally, Gus. He really is the embodiment of this color as much as Darius is purple. He’s compassionate and understanding. He’s intuitive and able to see a lot of things that others might miss, even without magic. He’s able to get through to people and to see the good in them when others can’t. At the same time he can also be somewhat boastful and narcissistic himself at times. And we see how much he struggles with pressure and secrecy in particular.
Back to Matt for a minute, he’s seen in this image from the FTF credits using what looks to be cyan magic. Maybe it’s an accident or supposed to represent the use of illusion magic, but I like to think that perhaps it represents a connection to Gus. If you guys know of any other examples of characters switching colors, let me know!
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council-of-beetroot · 8 months
pls make a longer post omg
Tolys and his struggles with body Image and Appearance
Alright anon you and a few others wanted me to elaborate so I will!
So in a previous post I said this
"I genuinely think Tolys has issues body / appearance wise and it's probably because of Ivan"
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So you know how in quite a few strips Tolys is weirdly overly embarrassed by things Feliks does like how he dresses or when he suggests Tolys try a certain hairstyle?
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It's odd to me because Tolys has been friends with Feliks for a very long time, he should hypothetically be used to Feliks' interests and unusual hobbies. Tolys is seemingly used to everything else weird that Feliks does so why does this bother him so much?
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Now let's take a look at this panel from 2007 where we have the stripping panel
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To which Tolys responds with this before it moves on to the next person.
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Now we're circling back to Ivan. This leads me to believe Ivan used appearance as a quite effective humiliation tactic. Additionally it gives Ivan a ton of control.
Now why is this a good tactic? Well for one it gets to Liet, not only is he easily embarrassed it makes him overthink. To him, it's one thing to get beaten to the point of unconsciousness and it's another to be forced into a maid dress. It's over the top and deliberate, it ends up with Tolys "thinking how did I get myself into this situation it's ridiculous, I am a warrior, why is this getting to me?"
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And Ivan knows this
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He knows that he can make it so Tolys is so in his own head questioning things that his mindset quickly becomes just Tolys and Ivan.
Now here's where it comes back to Tolys having residual issues with his appearance/ or femininity.
It's simple Ivan knows this: Refer to him as your ex, your wife, call him your toy, call him cute and pretty and compliment his long hair. Eliminate the space between you and him, rub his shoulders, come up to him from behind. Show him off to others and tell him how adorable it is to see him blushing from the attention. Strip him of his privacy, his self autonomy, and safety. Control him so it's only you he can turn to whether you give him comfort or pain.
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Now if you've ever experienced that you know in particular how much it can mess with your head when things like compliments are used to hurt you or when someone is cruel one moment and nice the next. And it's even more of a mindfuck when they confide in you let, their guard down, and perhaps you do too.
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Hence why I am lead to believe Tolys still is struggling with this. Any comment of his appearance makes the alarms in his head go off. A compliment on a date makes start searching for the nearest escape route. Feliks' comfortability with his feminine aspects and wanting Tolys to join in reminds him of Ivan dressing him up in bows and dresses and telling him he's pretty. Feminine things were used to humiliate him. Appearance was used to humiliate him. It's genuinely triggering for him even though with Feliks, he's just being him and wants to include Liet. For Tolys, it reminds him of being dolled up and paraded as Ivan's cute secretary. Even a genuine compliment brings him back to a time where he couldn't say no and he felt powerless, because it was weaponized against him.
Hopefully I worded this right and let me know if i should add any warnings in the tags
Totally unrelated but in searching for images I found a bunch of HWS lithuania tiktoks and if I didn't refuse to ever download tiktok I'd go watch them.
(I do want to say people often use this especially back in the day wondering why he's portrayed as so weak especially when he's shown to have defeated Prussia. Here's the thing that's important to know, enduring abuse doesn't make anyone weak, anyone can get trapped in abusive relationships even if they think they can't.
Tolys has been under Ivan for a long time this gives Ivan the advantage here to create the perfect atmosphere to isolate, control, and facilitate abuse.)
Also if you wonder why doesn't liet do anything or fight back in panels like this let me explain, you can't survive if you are constantly choosing every battle. Tolys has a lot to lose and he can't afford to lose it all by not being careful.
Yeah it bugs me when people complain that lithuania is protrayed as "weak" he's not.
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soullessjack · 3 months
so im on s5 of miraculous and i keep thinking about cat noirs whole “kept at a distance” arc bc it’s genuinely really interesting but gets so wasted by always winding up with him basically validating ladybugs nonsensical decisions and treatment—the same treatment that we were already shown upset him enough to destroy public properly about it. the most consistent reason LB ever gives cat about why he can’t be fully trusted or relied on is that he’s too much of a liability for their partnership to work—either because he’s too reckless, too in love with her, or his cataclysm would be too dangerous to use.
whatever it is, the baseline is that she thinks he’s a liability, and obviously that’s like salt in the wound for cat since he genuinely loves her and enjoys being partners with her, but it’s also just sad to see him continue to respect her decision and act like it isn’t a problem for him when he’s literally upset enough to physically lash out and use his powers to do so. and I know a lot of it can probably be explained by ladybug’s experience in the cat blanc timeline, but 1) she starts holding him at a distance way before that even happens, 2) she’s actively making it worse by not telling cat noir about cat blanc and why she thinks she has to exclude him for his own safety, and 3) SHE SHOULD HAVE TOLD HIM ABOUT CAT BLANC TO BEGIN WITH BECAUSE IT’S LITERALLY A WORLD ENDING SITUATION INVOLVING HIM DIRECTLY‼️‼️‼️‼️
instead she just allows him think he’s unwanted and unnecessary, calls the shots on how he should feel about “having more free time” and ironically makes him even more susceptible to being Akumatized because of it. ladybug might not be aware that cat is adrien and has a terrible home life he actively uses his miraculous to escape from, but she’s playing right into all the key aspects that adrien resents from his father; she decides what he wants without considering or asking him, she trusts him conditionally and still distances herself enough for him to just not know certain things. it’s done with good intentions, but it still clearly affects adrien very poorly, and it’s just such a frustrating glass-chewing miscommunication that only needlessly complicates the situation
don’t even get me started on Kuro Neko where ladybug falls head over heels for the changed version of her partner and narrowly avoiding her having to actually screw up and learn a lesson about accepting cat for who he actually is because catwalker is just “too perfect” for her to function—instead of being an obedient idealized version of her best friend who lets her be in control of everything (WHEN ADRIEN LITERALLY USES HIS DOUBLE LIFE TO HAVE THE CONTROL HE DOESN’T GET AT HOME).
theres so much potential for the base concept of the miraculous of destruction and its Kwami/holder being distrusted outliers among the rest of the Kwami/holders, but the magic system sucks and it kind of loses any chance when the other Kwamis are established to be catastrophic if they use their powers without a holder. and it gets even more confusing if you consider that Fu specifically chose adrien to hold that miraculous, but then encourages Marinette to keep her distance from him and barely acknowledges him as a hero in general. Like why did you even bother testing adrien for his worthiness or whatever if you obviously don’t think he’s worthy of knowing anything about you or the rest of the miraculous OR his best friend’s identity??? but you’re totally okay with her just giving them out to anyone in Paris who’s conveniently around and having her know their identity???? master fu when I catch you master fu
auugghhhfgg I don’t know the magic system thing could be its own separate post but likeeeeee I just think the miraculous of destruction whos constantly mistrusted for no reason and goes Kamehameha Krazy in another timeline is very special and could be treated so much better if the writers were good at their job and didn’t make every character’s sole purpose be validating ladybug/marinette even when she’s in the wrong
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Hello! Do you have any recommendations for rpgs about wizards, particularly solo rpgs?
THEME: Solo Wizards
Hello, I think I've found some interesting games that deal with magic in some shape or form, from witches, to necromancers, to evil wizards!
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Everyday Enchanter, by Beth and Angel Make Games.
We all face all sorts of struggles in our lives, but what if we could lean on a little bit of hidden magic to help us through it?
Everyday Enchanter is here to help! Enchant your glasses with VIBRANCY to allow you to feel wide awake when you put them on, give your favorite shirt RESILIENCE to make physical and mental pain feel more manageable, and when things really get bad, snuggle up to your favorite GROUNDED-enchanted stuffed animal to regain a feeling of safety and control.
To make the enchantments stronger, simply focus on them in times of need! Reminding yourself that you've got help, even if it's just your favorite pen in your pocket, can help make the tough times a bit more bearable or give you that extra boost of confidence to try something new! And if you really want to strengthen the enchantments, journal about your experiences. When you write about how you really wanted to buy that candy bar at the grocery store checkout but clutched your STAND FIRM-enchanted keychain and resisted temptation, you'll embed that power deeper into your mind. One day you won't even need the enchantments anymore...but until then, they're here for you!
If you bought the TTRPGs for Trans Rights in Florida (or the similarly-titled bundle for Texas), then you already own this game!
The Magus, by momatoes.
The Magus is a solo journaling tabletop RPG that takes you on a sweeping journey for power, ambition, and arcane mastery, at great personal and interpersonal cost.
As a journaling game, you will roll dice, track stats, create spells, and write  imaginary experiences from the perspective of your character: a wizard, newly embarking on their quest for power, their head filled with grand visions of mastery.
This RPG is crunchy. You will use several polyhedral dice to manage four traits: Focus, Power, Control, and Scars, which shape how the protagonist overcomes  challenges and meets their denouement after seven, fateful events. 
This game is also beautiful. It has a number of stunning images used as backdrop against the text of the game, illuminating each part of your character sheet before diving into the meat of the game. The game itself pits your character between two choices: increasing the bonds between them and their loved ones, or sacrificing those opportunities to gain in power. You’ll roll a number of dice equal to your power in order to learn more spells, which are created using a combination of prompts and your own imagination.
Miscast, by Paradox Press Games.
You are undergoing training to become the successor of a Master Conjurer, but the only problem is that the Master Conjurer has a major Dragon's Dust addiction and spends most of their days higher than the mountains of Mar' Hollok. This leaves you solely responsible for your own training while also having to conjure up the creatures that eager customers come to your Master’s shop seeking. Long story short, you miscast spells a lot and end up conjuring a wide assortment of weird and fantastical monsters.
This game can be played solo, or it can be played in a group. You are using a deck of cards and a d6 to conjure different kinds of creatures; unfortunately, you’re only an apprentice, so the creatures don’t always come out right. You’ll use the cards from the different suits to determine the physical aspects of the monster, while you’ll use the d6 to determine how big the monster is, the monster’s nature, and what further Abnormalities it might be suffering. A game for funny random creatures, great for getting your creative juices going!
Sigils in the Dark, by Kurt Potts.
You have a need, a deep burning needthat drives you. Is it love, regret, desire?
The darkness whispers, “I can help you…”Minutes turn to hours as you try to focuson the voice. Symbols, shapes, swirl in thedarkness at the edge of your perception.If only you could grasp them, your needs would be met and more.
Sigils in the Dark is a journaling game and GM supplement. The goal of the game is to create an evil mage’s spellbook. You’ll take up the role of this wizard with a desperate need, in search of arcane power to get what they want. They will try to understand dark sigils just outside their perception by randomly generating spells and adding liner notes to their grimoire. In the end, you’ll have an in-game artifact that you can pass on to players and hopefully know a little more about what your evil mage has sacrificed to get where they are.
Using random roll tables, you’ll slowly create an artifact and a number of spells invented by a dark wizard. Each spell will also have a cost, and the wizard may choose to write notes that betray their own personality as they edit the spell the way an expert baker edits a recipe book.
 This is great for slow character creation, as you try to figure out the motives and goals of a wizard character, and can also put together pieces of their life before they meet anyone else.
The Final Undertaking, by kay w.
Tonight you will prepare the body. You will hang the heavy black curtain, and you will put out the call in the town paper.  Tomorrow night, when the sun sets, the chosen mourner will arrive, with their matter to discuss. You will sit with the body on one side, coaxing the soul back to the body, and the mourner will sit on the other.  The final undertaking will begin.
THE FINAL UNDERTAKING is a one player journaling game about grief, resolution, necromancy, and a town. It uses a d4, a tarot deck, and pen and paper to tell a story about an undertaker, who works in a town to prepare bodies for burial, briefly brings the spirit back to the body, and then facilitates a conversation between a single mourner and the deceased about their unresolved business.
In this game, you will use the tarot cards to form a spread that tells the bones of a story -- the deceased, the object they are being buried with, the mourner here to visit them, and the unresolved business between them. From your spread, you will be able to construct small narratives and write them down as journal entries. 
This is a lovingly written and designed game about putting the dead to rest. You will write journal entries from the point of view of an Undertaker, someone who is responsible for facilitating one last conversation between the spirit of the deceased and their mourner. You will play through 3 phases, which involve determining how well you knew the deceased, the situation at death, and what needs to be resolved before they can pass on to their final rest.The book comes with an oracle of Solemnities, which give you prompts to help you interpret each spread. You can play through the three phases as many times as you like, journaling for each one.
Grimoire, by Anna Landin.
Sparks of magic dance on your palms, flow like rivers through the world around you, and you can weave them into something powerful. You are a witch - and just as a tailor draws their patterns out, and cooks will write their well-kept secret recipes down, so you, too, will bind your spells in ink and paper and make for yourself a grimoire - a spellbook in which to keep your knowledge.
Grimoire is a roleplaying game for one person, played with a deck of regular playing cards with the jokers taken out, a six-sided die, and something to write your spells down with. The latter can be a blank notebook or a sketchbook, or one of the templates provided with these rules. Over the course of the game, you will make a spellbook of your own, a collection of spells you craft out of magic power and components available to you.
If you desire a character that’s a bit less evil wizard and a bit more homebrew witch, Grimoire is another great way to put together a spell book using randomly generated prompts and whatever components your witch has available. 
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kimkhimhant · 7 months
I love the instinctual gravitation towards warmth it's one of my favourite pieces of fiction,, I'm curious what inspired you to write it/how did you come up with the premise
(no pressure to answer <3)
ahhhh hi thank you so much for the question and for reading TIGTW! i'm so glad you enjoyed it!!
honestly, there were a few things that inspired the particular plot, and all of it had to do with my own analysis of Kim as a character. if you hadn't noticed, i kind of obsess over him.
gonna start with two canon moments that influenced the direction of the story a lot:
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this first one: kim staring at his empty hand after chay gets up, after kim himself was unable to say i love you. i think its a beautiful moment for kim's character – the emptiness and visceral loss. he didn't commit any physical harm, but it still manages to mirror the common trope of a character staring at the blood on their hands after killing someone. and the second one: we only see this scene on reflection and not when it happens chronologically, and it's so briefly shown we don't know what happens before or after, but in this moment, Kim looks wrecked. he's sitting there listening to Chay sing his love song in the studio, and he can't handle it. he looks like he's about to have a panic attack, and he gets up and leaves, and we don't know what happens next.
So TIGTW starts with that scene. the "what happens next."
So that kinda sets the stage for what aspects of canon most inspired me lol. I guess the main inspiration for the premise beyond that is personal experience and projection. We see very little of Kim as a character beyond what he shows to other characters in the show. (maybe that's intentional to the story-telling. we know as little about him as the other characters. we get only a couple brief scenes of him alone, either investigating, or playing the guitar/writing while daydreaming about Chay and smiling). but what we do see is someone who's very isolated and who flounders in the face of affection, but seems desperate for those little moments of warmth he gets with Chay. so in comes projection: here's an isolated and lonely boy with a fucked up family and a childhood that likely lacked a lot of emotional warmth – let's give him all the problems that hit closest to home for me.
An opioid high feels like a jacked up version of love and joy and warmth. Kim can't get those feelings anywhere else, but... he could get them here. He's scared of emotional attachment, he's scared of being Known, but a feeling of love and safety that he's in control of, that he can enjoy in private? he'd cling to it.
Im gonna be honest, I didn't have a full plot when i started writing it. I'd only planned up to chapter 11: Kim spiralling after fucking things up with Chay, and then getting shot saving Chay because he was under the influence, and this being the turning point for him getting clean. Everything after that was just the natural progression that seemed to make the most sense for his continued recovery. because i really really wanted to portray a real recovery process, that wasn't just: oh, he has love now, he has Chay and his brothers and he decided to get clean now and that's that. he's sober and recovered and happy and the story is over. because that's not how it works. by the time i finished the main story, i had about a dozen different updated outlines, because it developed more and more with every chapter i wrote lol.
i guess the short version of this answer would be: i saw myself in him, and i wanted to give him healing and a happy ending, no matter how long it takes for him to get there.
sorry for the huge tangent, and thank you again for reading and your continued interest in the story! it means a lot to me, especially because the story itself is so important to me.
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ladytauria · 2 months
👀👀 I am curious about the rr vampire au!
!!! i read a BUNCH of genfic and stumbled across a lovely vampire au <3 which stuck in my head… and before i knew it i was daydreaming about a potential reverse robins version, lmao
vampire jason is caught by vampire hunters, and rescued by hood!tim. while feeding on him, jason instigates a psychic/empathy bond—something he’s been lacking since his parents died. tim can’t break it without causing him harm <3
i wrote around 3k for it in… an afternoon? two? and i’ve only touched it for edits/rewrites since lol
i may remove the empathy bond aspect? but also i love empathy bonds… hm. maybe i’ll make it telepathic instead, i haven’t done one of those… 🤔
warning for blood drinking below the cut
“Kid.” Hood gets his attention again. “The sun’s gonna be up soon. There’s no way we can get you anywhere safe before it rises. You need to get some blood in you.” Jason’s mouth twists. He knows. Hood doesn’t need to remind him. But... “I don’t want to take too much,” he admits quietly. It’s been so long… the risk of him losing control is too big. “I won’t let you,” Hood promises. “I promise, kid. Everything is going to be okay.” Jason searches his face. He looks for any hint, any trace of a lie. He doesn’t find one. Hood... He just saved Jason’s life. He’s still trying to save Jason’s life, and— Jason doesn’t want to die. Especially not as slowly and painfully as sun exposure would be. He swallows. Nods. Hood... he looks relieved. He holds his arm out again, and this time, Jason scoots closer, and takes it. One hand wraps around Hood’s wrist. The other, just above his elbow. This close, he can hear Hood’s heartbeat. It’s slow. Steady. Jason’s mouth waters. Venom flows onto his tongue, and he drags it over Hood’s skin. He waits a full, agonizing minute to make sure the area is well and truly numbed and then, finally— He sinks his teeth in. Blood gushes into his mouth—warm and hot and thick and just. Perfect. Jason sighs. His eyes fall shut as the tension just... melts off of his body. For the first time in years, his fangs slide back into his gums as he transitions to sucking at the wound, restraining himself just enough not to bruise. Hood’s presence beside him is solid. Warm. Jason can hardly help the way he lists towards him. Hood’s other arm wraps around him, pulling him against his chest. Jason can—feel him. Protective. Caring. He feels like the promise of safety. Jason can’t help but bury himself in it. Something clicks into place. He sighs again. He feels Hood’s arm tighten around him. Hears his breath hitch. He doesn’t pull Jason off, though, so—Jason ignores it. He’s forgotten what it’s lie to drink directly from the source. Blood bags pale in comparison, now. He’s not sure how he ever survived on them. It’s been so long... Jason grows full quickly, the blood settling into his stomach and warming him from the inside out. He lets go, eventually; licking the wound lazily until it closes, and catching the remainder of the blood as he does. Then, finally, he pulls back, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. His eyelids are heavy. He’s so warm. Hood pulls his sleeve back down. He doesn’t put his jacket on, though. Instead, he wraps it around Jason’s shoulders. It’s pleasantly heavy. The leather-gunpowder-gun oil scent isn’t as pleasant, but. Who cares. It cuts off the autumn chill, bringing the same warmth outside that Jason feels inside. He yawns, sinking into it. “Hey, kid. Stay awke a little bit longer, okay?” Jason hums noncommittally. Hood laughs. He jostles Jason slightly, making his nose wrinkle. He glares at him through slitted eyes. “You got anywhere to go?” Jason ducks his head into the jacket’s collar. He considers. It’s been three days. “Prob’ly not.” “Probably?” “Mm. Had a squat. Prob’ly got stolen.” Jason’s eyes fall shut again. It’s too much work to keep them open now. Hood sighs. Jason feels a tangle of things. Worry. Fondness. Sadness. It’s not his, though. There’s another presence in his chest, now. He pets it, a little clumsily. It’s a nice presence. Jason would like to keep it.
[ wip ask game ]
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prideprejudce · 1 year
what I find interesting & frustrating is that every time some rich fuck(s) with all the available resources at their fingertips completely & entirely ignore every aspect of safety, regulation, protocol, etc. in literal pursuit of money (source: the article about the CEO's goals of working with oil/gas companies), there's always going to be a group of people being like "we have to be the bigger person, thoughts and prayers" when none of these people give a shit about any one of us. in a time when the wealth gap feels bigger than ever, homelessness & poverty is on the rise, during massive inflation & a recession after a global pandemic that told us no one in power gives a fuck about you, who is this compassion for? yes they're human, yes everything about this is horrifying, but these people willingly walked into a death trap & paid 250k to do so! I have to wonder why is it always on us to "be kinder, have sympathy for another human being" but I never hear this directed at a billionaire from the same crowd scolding us "jealous broke haters" & when does it end? if/when we reach irreversible climate change, when ppl lose their jobs/homes/wages, when ppl die in a warehouse during a tornado so some guy can make more money than they can spend in a lifetime, is that crowd still going to be like, "well those billionaires are human beings, have some respect"? anway I don't personally blame anyone who finds the jokes distasteful but the "thoughts and prayers" crowd isn't any more morally superior imo, we're all doing the same thing, which is posting our opinions online which doesn't do anything to help (or not help) find the carbon fibre can piloted by a $40 video game controller
exactly ^^^
Also this is not something that is going to go away. As technology evolves and we are able to travel to these places that we couldn’t have before (like the bottom of the ocean or space) you better believe that the ultra wealthy are gonna be right there with the first ticket to explore new places and cease opportunities that will not be given to the vast majority of the rest of us
like the CEO of oceangate Stockton Rush had absolutely no intention to offer his technology to regular people like us. In a previous interview he said that his ultimate goal was to start creating ways for humans to explore and live in the ocean where you can live in safety from the above world environment and climate changes inevitable damage. but this dream (if it somehow ever happened decades in the future) was meant for the wealthy only. people who could pay millions and millions of dollars to “live underwater” and away from harm.
It’s the same thing as Elon Musk’s dream of building some space colony by the moon or whatever. You think that’s going to open to everyone? Of course not- only the super wealthy will get to cease these opportunities. Only the wealthy will get to be saved from the environment that they destroyed. and therefore the wealthy will continue to die in the most bizarre situations imaginable like maybe on a spaceship to see the moon years from now (I’m calling it right now) or in a tin can at the bottom of the ocean to see the titanic
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starry-blue-echoes · 9 months
What if in Beastars, after Emporio beats Pucci, Pucci only manages to scratch him before he dies, thus Emporio gets turned into a Werebeast himself, makes angst potential, i imagine a lion eagle hybrid, more lion like but with wings but also some ram horns as a reminder of Weather, he’s basically a bird kitten. Maybe he becomes protective of Irene and the others.
Made better if Irene and Jotaro are still Werebeasts in the new world, maybe some werebeast cuddles.
(also as like..... a way to explain this occuring without having to explain why no other enemies of the Joestars have been turned, maybe there are a couple requirments that have to be met, such as it being during a full moon among other things, and maybe even then the chances are relatively slim)
Now, I will say I do want to change some aspects of the animals you've assigned Emporio, if only to stop too much over lap. The ram works fine because of the implications of it, but I believe Jonathan is already part lion and Josuke is already a griffin of sorts
maybe we could try tying Emporio to the three werebeasts he interacts with? So a ram for Weather and Pucci, either a wolf or gator from Jotaro (I'm not sure which since one would give him SUPER fluffs but the other would let him swim better), and butterfly wings from Jolyne
and just. Imagine the day they find Emporio at the bus stop eith a somewhat brutal looking and very fresh slash on his arm. It's only natural that they'd all be concerned, especially when Emporio only explains it as far as "I was attacked by an animal" without any more context
and just. Who knows how it goes for him. Maybe it starts as little things while still a human that he always writes off as because of his newfound freedom. He enjoys meat more than he did before? Well, of course he does, meat had been a luxury he rarely got and now he gets to pick what to eat. He likes climbing trees and being in the open air? It's a good vantage point and he's never been able to climb trees before. He feels more comfortable with his blankets and pillows piled up in a nest? Probably for safety and as a trauma response, he remembered reading some books about it
but of course, everything comes to head that first full moon he spends with the Joestars
The plan had been for Jotaro and Jolyne to leave the house while Marina stayed with Emporio. They wanted to slowly ease him into it, and full moon nights would be akin to throwing him straight into the deep end. Of course, Emporio already knows what they are, but he doesn't say anything and plays dumb for their benefit
and Marina was ready for a calm, quiet night. It had been some time since her husband and daughter had spent the entire night away, but she understood why and was happy to help
what she was not ready for was for Emporio to start screaming the second the sun set
can you imagine how terrifying this would be for both parties? Emporio because what's happening what's going on why does everything hurt why is his body change like this it hurts it hurts it hurts- and Marina is freaking out because Yeah An Eleven Year Old Screaming In Your Living Room Is Going To Make You Panic
what's even more....... Marina's never seen this kind of reaction before. Jotaro and Jolyne always shifted with confidence, with certainty, with control. They always knew exactly what they were doing and what was going to happen
but this? This could not be further from that
it also doesn't help that Emporio's panic doesn't really leave even after the shift is done. Now it's just less coherent and more erratic which is fun for Marina to deal with
her one saving grace is that Emporio is still relatively small and thus doesn't actually try to hurt her. He more or less runs around for about an hour before hiding himself under a piece of furniture, at which Marina starts slowly making it clear she isn't a threat. Near the end of the night he actually falls asleep in his hiding spot and Marina has to fish him out so he won't hurt himself when he changes back
but yeah, Jotaro and Jolyne are in for the realization of a lifetime by the time they get back
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