#and that’s an objective fact
morganprentiss · 2 years
DOB: June 6, 1973
From Chicago, Illinois
- Mother: Fran Morgan
- Father: Hank Morgan
- Siblings: Sarah Morgan (oldest), Desiree Morgan (youngest)
- Aunt: Yvonne Burns (née Morgan)
- Uncle: Paul Burns
- Cousin: Cindi Burns
- Spouse: Savannah Hayes (me forever sad)
- Child: Hank “the tank” Spencer Morgan
Derek always makes an effort to be in Chicago for his mothers birthday (which is December 13) 🫶
Education: Northwestern University (bachelors) + JD (smart boi)
- had a football scholarship from Northwestern (this is what we call well rounded) (quarterback)
Occupations: Chicago PD officer / BAU SSA / BAU unit chief
Specialties: obsessional crimes & explosives (if only he could see my neurodiverse brain)
Hobbies: house renovations (4 properties in the early seasons, 8 towards the end)
Pets: Clooney 🥹 (the cutest doggo we never did see 😢)
Favorites: Kurt Vonnegut (specifically Mother Night), Scottie Pippen, Michael Jordan, Walter Payton, Nas (specifically “Illimatic”), Emily Prentiss, mojitos, beach vacations, hockey
He DOES NOT like prisons, basketball, or Halloween
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adjit · 6 months
I think we need to get more comfortable with the idea that sometimes shitty, racist, homophobic, bigoted people are still incredibly talented.
I feel like every time I see a post addressing someone’s shitty behavior the post also takes the time to mention that they’re not even good at [x] anyway. And that’s just not always true? Equating being good at a skill as being morally good is just not necessary. Someone can be a fantastic writer, can have a beautiful singing voice, can create breathtaking artwork, and still be a horrible person.
I know part of this is probably just the instinct to dislike everything about a person when you dislike them, but I also think this mindset leads to people defending creatives way past where they should, because if bad people create bad art, then if this person creates art that I like and resonates with me, then they can’t be a bad person!
And you know. That’s just not true. Those two things are simply completely unconnected and I think it’d be healthier if we all started disconnecting them in our heads.
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thedreadvampy · 1 year
people seriously pretending EEAAO is overrated suddenly bc it swept awards? it swept awards largely because it is very very very good. I cried like someone who's just had a religious revelation BOTH times I watched it bc it touched something raw and real and beautiful but it was also just very, very funny. everyone's performance kills and the concept is creative and interesting and doesn't distract from the emotional core. you guys are just contrarian.
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justplaggin · 3 months
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impeccable thought process
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fecto-forgo · 8 months
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digital circus cast.to beat my autism down
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ratchet · 9 months
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I object.
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kheta · 12 days
Set in a time period where the Justice League are just kinda starting and all the human members are a bit on the younger side (mid to late twenties) The Watchtower is usually abuzz with trashy celebrity talks or talks about politics in the world and of course Brucie Wayne comes up. And Green Arrow (naively assuming that Secret Identities were in fact secret to Batman) decides to add his two cents to the convo. "You know, Brucie's obviously hot... But his butler, mans can get it." It's the most Oliver Queen he's ever sounded on the Watchtower. But also, it's the first time he's ever felt confident enough to say it without worrying about his image. After all, it's not like anyone on the Watchtower knows him or Alfred Pennyworth. Now the League, in virtue of not being Billionaire playboys, have no clue what this butler looks like. Some (Green Lantern and Superman) are curious about what this man looks like. Green Arrow goes on an hour long deep dive of videos, newspaper articles and full on research journal mentions of the virtues of Alfred Pennyworth. Wonder Woman is very intrigued, Superman makes a mental note to try and talk to the butler next time he's at a Gotham event, after all the whole SAS, Business Owner turn caretaker, surely there's a story there... and Batman? Batman gleefully adds several more graphic, if not a little convoluted take down measures to his Green Arrow contingencies. (Brucie Wayne manages to step on Oliver Queens foot, spill wine all over his suit and fails to wrangle his cartwheeling and oddly hostile ward off of him after a failed flip somehow ends with Oliver face-down in the middle of the dance floor during the next Wayne Enterprise gala. Whoops. Oliver glares at Brucie as he surreptituously slips $50 to Dick with a vapid smile.)
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hotcinnamonsunset · 8 months
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a knitting pattern you don’t want to chicken out on😉🐓
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coffeenonsense · 1 month
shocked and appalled to learn there are people seriously insisting the fallout ghoul isn't attractive as if "sarcastic gunslinging cowboy with a southern drawl and tragic backstory" is not a tried and true heartthrob format
"He's radioactive and missing a nose" okay! He's the fastest draw in the irradiated west stacy! He'll tie you up and call you sweetheart what more do you want out of a man!!!
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realbeefman · 9 months
robert chase one of the characters of all time. hes blonde. he went to seminary school. he purposefully murdered a patient. he’s a vapid slut. allergic to strawberries. was caption of his college bowling team. desperately needs to be on antidepressants. he’s divorced. his ex-wife was/is in love with his dadboss. it’s heavily implied that this is part of why he married her to begin with. he’s been fired multiple times but he keeps coming back like a fucked-up obedient boomerang. he’s the best surgeon in the hospital. all this while having the personality of a sopping wet cardboard box of corn flakes that somebody poured milk into and let mildew.
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comradekatara · 2 months
it’s pretty funny to me that when katara positions herself as the more mature sibling in the pilot, a lot of people just take her claim at face value?? as if every single person in the world doesn’t think that they are infinitely smarter and more mature than their sibling(s). sokka also considers himself smarter and more mature than katara, he just doesn’t vocalize that belief as explicitly. but in truth, they’re both mature and immature. neither katara nor sokka has a monopoly on maturity and competence, or lack thereof. sokka is cynical, condescending, and neurotic, but he’s also selfless, responsible, and loyal. katara is impulsive, naive, and recalcitrant, but she is also brave, resilient, and caring. and they’re both strong, courageous leaders who are brilliant, innovative, and skilled in their respective domains. it’s not a competition.
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clownsuu · 1 year
Wally talks to his dad about his love life
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Home I feel is a really good listener (maybe a little too good since he eavesdrops a lot on accident- very observant of his surroundings)
cw minor obsessive/possessive behavior on first photo under cut
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I remember I freaked out years ago when I found out some bugs, specially some spiders, have lil beaned peets
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dingledraw · 8 months
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So take a look at my hair (cool)
I use my hair to express myself
(That sounds really boring)
I use my hair to express myself
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handsomelyerin · 2 years
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claudia & lestat + on mothers and daughters
"my infant death. it was never you." bailey bass & sam reid in interview with the vampire (2022) cr. by rolin jones // 1. this post // 2. this post // 3. piss river - kevin morby // 4. a mother's hate - sam gordon // 5. elektra - sophocles // 6. on earth we're briefly gorgeous - ocean vuong // 7. unknown // 8. nayyirah waheed // 9. susan smith - wych elm // 10. unknown // 11. elektra - sophocles // 12. the ghost is dead, long live the ghost - mara avoth // 13. this post // 14. this post // 15. love drought - beyonce // 16. confessions - ijeoma umebinyuo // 17. unknown // 18. mother - john lennon
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gmaybe666 · 8 months
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will making ....a comic for mike
I propose that will draws all the time because losing himself in drawing is when he feels the happiest and most free, I also propose that he's obsessed with collecting images of knights and soldiers and medieval fairytales and sticking them on his wall because he is Very Gay And A Nerd
link to read will's comic
message me to buy will's comic !
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uncanny-tranny · 4 months
Medical racism isn't important to address just because it's mean to be racist to patients (I mean, it is mean), but because medical racism kills people. It contributes to systemic suffering of those deemed non-white, and the disinformation that spreads about non-white people.
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