#and that i should mix it up with some Fanta or something
anhedonyan · 1 year
As I've never been someone to go to parties and such I barely know how every alcohol drink tastes. So when I have the opportunity of trying a "new" one I do it, and everyone asks me "what's your veredict on this one?" and I feel like I'm a sommelier or something.
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Gyaru reader where poly vbs are on a talk show or smth, and the host is saying some uncomfy stuff about the reader when she wore something " provocative" during one of their m/v aka music videos. the others would be kinda passive aggressive about their responses, and they lie because they can't outright say anything for fear of bad publicity and being disrespectful. i like the idea of the others sticking up for reader in any way they can, even if they have to be sly about it so reader knows they have their back
♣︎ • Right next to you~! • ♣︎ Vivid BAD SQUAD x fem! reader (platonic)
Dishes: Coffee cookie, Pancake, Rum raisin ice cream, and Peach buns
Cuisine: Oneshot
Drink: Orange fanta (friends)
Ingredients: White chocolate (platonic)
Notifying: @akitosheart rum raisin ice cream, a pancake, a coffee cookie, and a peach bun has been made!
C/N: okay I have a few things to say. First thing, this is my fault for not putting it in the ingredients I don't cook, but I don't write romantic poly. I didnt think of everything immediately when i made the menu so it gets updated often. Like, ill be browsing my dashboard and then see something and think, i wouldnt write that, so i should add it to the dont write before someone orders it. Now if you didnt order romantic you can just ignore this. If you did order romantic, then it should also be mentioned that i dont write romantic for girls. So you should know that if you read how to order. Anyway, i just did it platonic i hope you dont mind. Also fic is from readers pov ALSO i kind of didnt understand like all of the fic it was a bit confusing to me but hopefully i got it right btw I put Ans quotes in purple so she doesnt get mixed up with toya. This mostly contains dialogue. Btw they talk about the second outfit in this pic as a reference. I couldnt rlly find anything better
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“Hello and welcome to your Weekly Shibuya Talk Show! Today we are here with Vivid BAD SQUAD, a group of street artists aspiring to surpass the legend, RAD WEEKEND!”
“Good evening.”
“Are you happy to be here? 'Cause I sure am!”
Toya speaks with his usual calm and polite tone, a small smile plastered on his face.
“Well, I have a few topics to go through and I'll start with this. What was going through your head when you guys filmed the music video for S/N?”
“Ah, that! Well it was actually pretty challenging!—”
“I'm sorry, I was talking to Y/N here.”
All the attention shifts to me as I blink in surprise.
“Oh, well, I uh.. It was a very fun music video to film. Like An said, it was challenging, and it pulled me out of my comfort zone.”
“Interesting. Did that include your outfit too?”
I speak before short silence wanders into the room.
“You're outfit. Did wearing that push you out of your comfort zone is what I asked. I do believe your songs are supposed to be somewhat kid friendly, so it intrigues me on why you decide to wear such a provocative outfit. I mean, it's a very short crop top and are you even wearing shorts under that skirt?”
“I.. What?”
Kohane seems to be completely taken by surprise, while Akito's facial expression instantly turns sour.
The atmosphere suddenly tenses as every seems dumbfounded by that comment.
“Ahem, well, I wouldn't say that was exactly our idea when we picked our outfits, but.. I.. Suppose it may seem that way.”
An tries to make the subject not seem as bad as it is, but there is still a frown evident on her face.
“So are you admitting that the outfit was a bit mature for your audience?”
“Um, yeah, I... Guess.”
“To some people. It depends on how you look at it.”
“Is she even wearing shorts?”
“I do believe she was wearing shorts underneath.”
I'm getting accused of wearing 'provocative' clothing, but the corners of my lips are starting to turn upwards... Why? Is it because of my teammates? Is it because I know they've got my back despite what the public says?
Tap tap tap
The light sounds of our feet hitting the floor keeps me distracted as I try to keep my mind from wandering anywhere but earlier.
That doesn't last long though as my teammate's soft voice awakens me from my trance.
“Are you okay?”
“That guy was a real jerk.... But I guess it's to be expected from the public.”
“But don't sweat it. You looked great and still do.”
“I agree. The public tends to exaggerate such things.”
“O-Oh, uh.. Thanks.”
My head turns away faster than a gunshot, all to avoid the others from even stealing a glance at my flustered expression. The flustered expression that formed by this feeling of warmth resting in my heart. Unfortunately, that method seems to fail as a hearty laugh from An rings through my ears and a familiar hand contacts my head to ruffle my hair.
“Oioioi, don't go getting embarrassed now.”
Kohane extinguishes a chuckle before Toya allows a soft smile to cross his lips, leaving me the last one to sigh but create a smile brighter than the sun.
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as someone who lives in the small town white trash midwest, i feel like a forgotten trope of teenage boys is how often they frequent the spot in town called something along the lines of ‘Freddy’s’ or ‘AJ’s’ that serves hot dogs, gyros, burgers and all that other nonsense.
here’s my HC for what the boys order at least once a week at their local greasy spot.
Bacon cheeseburger with no lettuce, he likes his hands to be greasy afterwards
Large fries, but he only ever finishes half no matter how many times the guys tell him he should just get the small
He usually drinks RC but if he wants to mix things up a little he’ll get a chocolate milkshake
If he knows he’s going home afterwards he’ll make sure to grab a Chicago style hot dog for Wayne
Gareth is the type of guy who usually gets the sides instead of a meal
Onion rings with ranch and he always asks for an extra side of it because one thing of ranch definitely isn’t enough for him
Mozzarella sticks with no marinara, he’s a firm believer that fried cheese doesn’t need anything else to make it better since it’s already delicious
Chicken strips (with ranch of course)
He likes to typically wash it all down with a Dr pepper, but in the springtime he’ll get a vanilla shake and mix it with the orange fanta
He likes to stick with the classics, two hot dogs with ketchup, mustard, and relish
He also will never say no to cheese fries, but on occasion he’ll go a little crazy and get the bacon cheese fries
He’s got a big sweet tooth so he never likes to leave without something like a cookie or some ice cream
And when he dips his cheese fries into his ice cream the guys get pretty grossed out by it but dipping cheese fries into chocolate ice cream is a hill he’s willing to die on
He’s a fan of spicy things so he’ll get a Philly steak sandwich and a few sides of hot giardiniera to go with it
And of course he’s getting the jalapeño poppers to go with it
He used to steal fries from Eddie but eventually he just started getting his own, it’s easier than hearing Eddie complain about him taking ‘all’ the fries when he only took about 10 max
He always gets a Sprite but with no ice, it comes out of the machine cold, if it warms up he just refills it
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How do you feel right now? I feel excited/ nervous. Found out today that I got an interview for a job at my top company in a couple of days. I'm trying to manage my expectations. Even if I don't secure it this time round, I am just pleased they invited me for an interview.
Are you sleepy? Yes, it is almost time to sleep. Hopefully I don't overthink the interview too much and my brain switches off. 
Have you ever cut yourself? Accidentally, yes.
Who do you dream about most? Friends usually. Sometimes happy situations but sometimes sad.
What do you want more than anything right now? To have secured the job at the company today and be telling all my friends and family that I am coming out of unemployment and my first job is at my no.1 company. It would be really great.
Do you have something you want to say, but never could? I feel like I say pretty much everything. I never let my pride or ego get in the way of saying how I feel no matter the consequences.
Where is your favourite place to be? Currently, my room, safe from judgement by potential future employers and colleagues - refer to interview mentioned above haha.
What makes you happy? Catching a pretty sky on my walk.
Who makes you happy? Friends and family!
When are you happiest? Getting a good nights sleep.
What is the funniest thing you have ever done? Too many things to count! I suppose it always felt great to make a group of people laugh.
What is the funniest movie you have ever seen? Honestly, the last movie I remember laughing out loud to was We're the Millers!
What candy/drink makes you most hyper? Maybe Fanta
Do you talk to yourself? YES best convo
Do you have to sing those catchy jingles on TV commercials every time? I hardly watch tv commercials now
Do you have more than 5 celebrity crushes? Hmmm not right now.
Do you find joy in making other people mad? No
Do you answer the phone by saying anything besides ‘Hello’? If it's a close friend or family I might mix it up with a joke etc
Do you get mad easily? I have gotten better. As a teen, I was quick to anger and annoyance and while things do still annoy, my reactions aren't as end of the world types.
Do you get jealous often? Too often, this is the next habit I need to kick.
What makes you mad? Anti-social behaviour in public spaces, especially public spaces where you are trapped, e.g., public transport.
Are there any people that often make you mad? I suppose it is whoever those you are closest to that have the power to make you really mad.
Do your friends comfort you when you’re angry? I keep to myself and try to calm down. Maybe I'll text them my frustrations and they'll send supportive words but I think physically I need to be alone. Really don't know what I would want a partner to do.
Do you like to cause drama? Nope, I am almost 25 and choose peace.
Where did you go today? Dropped my brother off at work, went for a drive and to the big Asda store for some snacks. Really should have gone out for a walk but my mind was too preoccupied by securing an interview and what it could mean - relocating to a new city, not seeing family/ friends as often, settling into a new environment, meeting new people.... both exciting and nerve-wrecking!
How late do you usually sleep in? Unemployed: 9am or 10am but try to have an alarm set for 8:30am more recently to have more of the day.
Do you like traveling? Yes, but I used to idealised travelling a lot more when I was younger. Now I realise it is an energy draining task. It's not all comfort and relaxation, in fact it can be stressful and hard work to get those moments of comfort and relaxation but usually it is worth it!
Are more of your friends girls or guys? GIRLS!
What is your favourite song right now? Bleachers "Tiny Moves" - excited for their album release.
What do you want to do right now? Brush my teeth! :D
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days-of-steam · 10 months
Days Of Steam 006: Silver Tank
(Released May 26, 2023)
Returning from hibernation with uncompromising and enveloping sonics from København's @silvertank / I keep telling myself I should write some sort of essay about the notions of queer ambience / sound sonics (the relationships + significations they have with each other), and then I hear a whirlwind of a mix like this that says more than an essay ever will.
"Inspired by the phrase you hear in the beginning of the mix from the late Vito Russo, a theme of disruption runs through the mix, from the blending, to the changes in sound, vibe, and tempo"
Kara-Lis Coverdale - Fantas Morbida [Editions Mego, 2021] Vito Russo - Disrupt Their Lives [Anthology, 2023] Claire Rousay - Discrete (The Market) [American Dreams, 2021] Dustin Wong - Yves Tanguy [The Jewel Garden, 2021] Burial - Rival Dealer (Jon Hopkins Edit) [Unreleased, 2015] Boards Of Canada - Kid For Today [Warp, 2000] ABADIR - II [Genot Centre, 2021] aya - i know tsundoku (lxc x odeko) [Self-released, 2019] Sekelembele - Simbisa [Nyege Nyege Tapes, 2020] Slikback - Waxfigure [Self-released, 2020] Adolescent Behaviours - Rubberband [A Colourful Storm, 2021] Coil - Something [Chalice, 2000] Frog Of Earth - Salamander Dub [wherethetimegoes, 2021] Jago Nwaternbe - What's My Combo [GORGE.IN, 2022] Michael J Blood & Rat Heart - Woaaah Mumsie!!! [Bodytronixxx, 2022] Zedgar Infiniti x Maya Songbird - Blame Game (Queen Of Hell x Ghost Remix) [New World Dysorder, 2020] Clippng - Black Up (Dave Quam Remix) [Sub Pop, 2021] Boc Scadet - Sel Alterat [Clickclickdrone, 2004] Autechre - Drane [Warp, 1999] Flare - Turbinates [Sublime, 1996] Caterina Barbieri & Lyra Pramuk - Knot Of Spirit [light-years, 2022]
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rootfauna · 1 year
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Todays meal = citrusy spicy peanut noodles with veggies, egg yolk (raw, already mixed in) and beef.
Not hungry making it, not hungry now but I needed catharsis after LOSING it at a friend.
Friend, let’s call her A, is friends with B, who’s really barely an acquaintance to me. A called me to vent after talking to B, who called to confide that she had called a suicide hotline the night before. Like I said, B and I don’t really socialize or know each other but A is much closer to her and knew B had been depressed for some time and it was getting worse. B said she had called the hotline after counting out aspirin, Tylenol, and mixing drain cleaner, vodka, and Fanta.
What does A say to B?
“How could you??? Think of your parents! Did you even think of them??? Do you know how many disabled wish they could be healthy like you? And you’d just throw that away? What about any future babies you could have?! What if it doesn’t work??? Then you’re taking away medical care from people who didn’t do anything to themselves!!!” Etc.
I went OFF. More or less I hammered home the fact that a friend had opened up about something extremely painful and “How is her trust and vulnerability rewarded? YOU DO YOUR BEST TO MAKE HER FEEL LIKE SHIT YOU BRAINDEAD WASTE OF ORGANS!!!! OH, YOU’RE GOING TO CRY NOW??? DO YOU KNOW THERE ARE ABUSED PEOPLE WHO ARE BEATEN FOR CRYING????? WHY ARE YOU TAKING AWAY MY TIME I COULD BE USING TO DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE?! ARE YOU SO SELFISH YOU THINK I SHOULD JUST STAND HERE AND LISTEN BOOOOOHOOOO BOOOOHOOOHOOOHOO?!?! Not very nice, huh? Didn’t like that, did you? Keep crying; you deserve to feel awful for treating B that way.”
Yeah. That’s something that’s always pissed me off. That and ‘you’re not having kids? Who’s going to take care of you when you’re older?’ Can you imagine? “Mom, why did you decide to have me? ☺️” “I brought you into this world so you take care of me when I’m old.” “….you didn’t want a kid to love?….or to raise a Nobel prize winner? 🥺” “no. You exist to care for me.”
But anyhow.
I dub these: Angry Peanut Noodles
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bazwillendinflames · 3 years
Hey guys! I wrote a little Halloween Marlie drabble, based very loosely on the set-up for 'The Creeper' (but it won't spoil it if you haven't listened yet).
I really wanted to post a Halloween fic but I haven't had the time to finish it, hopefully this little fluff piece will do.
Charlie Smith was the last person Matteusz had expected to see at a Halloween party, let alone in full costume, but there he was. He hadn’t mentioned he was coming but April was his friend.
Charlie was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed, looking vaguely self conscious. Matteusz guessed his costume was why: a thin looking black cape tied over his shoulders over a white button up shirt, with a trickle of fake blood down his chin. Even his usually dorky hair was swooped into some kind of quiff.
Matteusz had always found Charlie incredibly cute (he had unironically worn an argyle sweater vest last week) but there was something about the homemade costume that added to it.
Charlie was holding a cup of the punch, which gave Matteusz the perfect excuse to talk to him.
“I would not drink that if I was you.”
Charlie looked up. “Oh. Hi. Why not?”
“Too sweet. April put Ram and Tanya in charge of making it and they just mixed a bunch of Fanta flavours with a red bull.”
Charlie looked down at his cup. “Oh. Now I’m curious.” He took a sip and winced, putting his cup on the side. “Bad idea.”
“I tried to warn you.” Matteusz smiled. “So April roped you into helping too?”
“She’s hard to say no to when it comes to these kinds of things,” Charlie replied. “She takes Halloween very seriously.”
“I have noticed.”
“How did she get you?” Charlie asked.
“I told her I knew ghost stories and now I’m in charge of telling them later.”
“Oh, so you have the nun story.”
“And more,” Matteusz said, “you’ll have to wait and see.”
Even under the green light of the party, Charlies looked a little flustered.
He was new to Coal Hill, joining a month into sixth form and he always seemed a little out of place there. Matteusz found his awkward social skills a little too endearing. Charlie was strangely contradictory: sometimes he seemed like he was about to flee the conversation as soon as Matteusz spoke to him, other times he seemed almost flirtatious. And he had mentioned he was more into boys than girls when Matteusz had asked if he was dating April.
“Nice costume. You are a vampire?”
Charlie scrunched up the cape and frowned. “Not my idea. April insisted I dress up. A bunch of year sevens made fun of me when I came in and I haven’t emotionally recovered.”
Matteusz grinned: it always surprised him when Charlie was funny.
“It’s cool,” he said. “I like your nails.”
He had noticed them when he had put his cup down. He had painted them dark blue with little silver bats that reflected the flashes of sickly green light.
“April’s idea too. She wanted me to do hers so I had to practice.” Charlie looked down at his hands. “I think I’ll keep it.”
“You should,” Matteusz said. “They look great.”
Charlie smiled a little. “Thanks. What are you dressed as?”
“A possessed person,” Matteusz answered. “They could look like anyone.” (Technically April has given him a pair of devil horns to wear, but he had long abandoned them. He had spent too long on his hair to ruin it.)
Charlie still had that cute smile on his face. And Matteusz only had so many chances to hang out with him outside of class.
“I know where Ram put the extra bottles, if you wanted something you could actually drink.”
His smile only got cuter. “Thanks. Lead the way.”
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chudleycanonficfest · 3 years
Dancing Around You
Day 31, Post #2 by @adenei
Title: Dancing Around You
Author: adenei
Pairing: James x Lily
Prompt: First Date
Rating: T 
TW: Some language and mentions of past abuse.
a/n: inspired by the scene in In The Heights when Vanessa and Usnavi go to the club.
I walk into the corner shop in my neighborhood and see James, Remus and Sirius talking by the counter. The scene causes more annoyance to course through me, which probably stems from the shit mood I’m already in. James and Sirius are supposed to be working, since this is their job. And why isn’t Remus at the broadcast station across the street at his own job?
So what if James owned the shop after it was left to him when his parents passed? Work is still work, and he shouldn’t be skiving off while on shift. I’ve busted my arse day in and day out for the last three years so I could save up to rent a flat in Camden to pursue a career as an interior designer. Moving out of Peckham to a more centralized location will help put me on the map as a well sought after designer.
But that was all for nothing. I’ve just returned from my meeting with the realtor, and despite having enough rent saved up for a whole year, plus the security deposit, he waved me off as if I belonged in the slums! The twat said I needed someone to co-sign a lease with me. Tears sting my eyes as I’m reminded once again of how alone I am. Having walked out at seventeen to escape my parents’ emotional abuse for the last seven years, I had no one to turn to despite the close-knit neighborhood I lived in because this was a secret goal that no one knew about.
I’m sure Marlene’s mum would be more than happy to co-sign a lease with me, but I couldn’t ask that of her. Not when she’s done so much for me already. No, I just need to hold my head high and keep moving forward. I put on my business face and strengthen my resolve, so the boys don’t suspect anything out of the ordinary.
Walking over to the fridge, I grab a Fanta and a Coke for Mrs. McKinnon. When I left the office earlier for my appointment, she asked me to bring one back. Now, I have to return to my job as her secretary at her own Real Estate office and try not to resent every client who walks in the door. When I shut the refrigerator door and turn to head to the register, I see James leaning against the glass of another fridge door.
When the hell did he creep up on me?
“Evans, how’s it going?”
“It’s been better.”
“Anything I can do to help?”
For a moment, I think about letting him in. I open my mouth to say something, but change my mind at the last second.
“You wish.”
“Right, well, what are you doing tomorrow?”
Narrowing my eyes, I observe James. We’ve been friends for years, and it’s a friendship I cherish more than anything. He’s always been there to make me laugh, to match my sarcasm and wit, and he’s never been afraid to go toe-to-toe with me. I know him well, almost as well as I know myself, but I’m not expecting his question or the butterflies that flutter in my stomach in response.
I’d be lying if I said he wasn’t attractive. His perpetual bedhead, black hair and piercing yet kind hazel eyes have always stood out to me. It’s no secret that he’s fit from lifting boxes all day and playing on a club football team in his free time. But I’ve never allowed myself to think there could be anything more between us besides friendship.
So, why does it feel like he’s asking me out? Am I misreading the signs? I decide to keep the ball in his court to get a better read on his intentions.
“I’m going dancing with Marlene and Mary,” I reply, keeping my voice cool and collected.
“Oh, sounds like fun.” He glances down at the bottles in my hands. “All set, then?”
I nod, and If I’m not mistaken, his shoulders slump as he turns to head back to the counter. Should I have invited him and the guys to join us? Before I can ponder it further, Sirius cuts me off and pushes me back into the aisle.
“You and the girls are going dancing? That sounds like fun. I’d bet my buddy over there would love to join you.” He raises his eyebrows as if willing me to catch his subtle hint, which I do.
“Wait, was James just trying to ask me out tomorrow?”
Sirius shrugs. “Probably, but you two have been friends forever, and despite his smooth-talking with most females, he seems to get tongue-tied around you.”
A burst of laughter bubbles out of me. “James? Tongue-tied? Around me? What are you smoking?”
“Nothing, Evans. Just pointing out a fact.”
Fine, if Sirius is going to pester me about this, I will prove him wrong. I brush past him toward James so I can pay for the drinks and be on my way. Sliding a couple pounds to James over the counter, I smirk at him.
“You know, Potter, I could use a dancing partner tomorrow night. Pick me up at eight?”
His head snaps up, and he looks shocked before a goofy smile replaces the surprise on his face. “Er, yeah, alright. I mean, if you’re sure—”
Cutting him off, I put him out of his misery. “Great, see you then.”
The following evening, we’re walking into Alohomora, the most popular nightclub in Peckham. My friends and I frequent the club at least once a month. I love its mix of neons glowing amongst the blacklights and the worn leather benches framing the booths around the perimeter of the dance floor. It’s come to feel like a second home to me.
Dancing is an outlet for my frustrations. I love letting the music consume my soul as the loud thumps of the bass vibrate through my body as I spin on the floor. Tonight will be no different, except that James is with me. As my date. At least, I think he’s my date. Neither of us have actually talked about what this is.
“Wow, I haven’t been here in ages. Have they changed the layout recently?” James asks.
“Not that I can recall,” I wave his question off as I hear a number of people shout my name in greeting.
“I didn’t realize how popular you were here, Evans. I’m impressed.”
“Impressed by what? It shouldn’t come as a surprise that I have more friends than you three. I hope that doesn’t make you jealous.” My playful banter is accompanied by a smirk as James laughs.
“Me? Jealous? Of course not. Care for a drink first?”
Usually, I’d prefer to dance a bit first, but I don’t want to drag James onto the dance floor if he doesn’t want to. I’m not even sure if he enjoys dancing since I’ve never seen him here before. He’s flagging down the bartender when someone calls to me.
“Lily! Hey, Lily!” Terry Fawcett is pushing his way through the crowded dance floor. “Wanna dance?”
He holds out his hand when he reaches me, but I shake my head.
“Sorry, Ter, I’m here with someone else tonight.”
James turns as he overhears the interaction and waves me on. He contorts his face in a weird, ‘trying to be chill, but still looks sort of pained’ way.
“It’s alright, Evans, go ahead.”
I’m taken aback. Maybe we really weren’t on a date. “But—are you sure?”
“Yeah, just save one for me later.”
“Oh, well, alright.”
My hand falls into Terry’s even though I’m not certain I want to dance with him. There’s an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach that I’m not used to as I walk away from James. It’s ridiculous, but I think I’m actually disappointed that James passed me off so easily. And I’m just as mad at Sirius for even putting the thought that James might fancy me in my head because it’s all I’ve been able to think about since yesterday afternoon.
Well, there’s only one way to find out once and for all if he cares. Make him jealous.
I dance as I’ve never danced before when the music changes to an upbeat Latin tune. I spin around the floor, dancing with Terry before I’m passed off to other men that I’ve danced with once or twice in the past. It takes everything in my power to not steal glances at James, but I do catch when his baffled look turns dark as he begins to scowl at the men who are practically lined up to dance with me.
By the time he does walk out to the dance floor to cut in, I’m exhausted. He pulls me into his arms, but I’m still annoyed that he’s waited this long.
“Potter, I need a break.”
I pull away from him and walk toward the bar, where Sirius holds two drinks in his hands. I grab one and slam it down, shoving the glass into his chest once it’s empty. Then, I turn and head for the exit to get some air. It’s much quieter on the street, save for the ambient sounds of traffic in the background, a stark contrast to inside the club. I lean against the wall as I catch my breath and watch the cars go by.
The door to the club opens, and the music splits the night air as James steps out.
“Evans, what the hell was that?”
“What was what?” I ask, feigning ignorance.
What? Is he angry? Good. Let him be angry.
“You! You ask me to come with you, spend all night dancing with other blokes, and then when I try to cut in, you ditch me.”
A derisive bark escapes my lips as I push off the wall and step closer to him, matching his stance.
“Don’t you dare try to blame this on me, Potter. You’re the one who pushed me away! I would have been perfectly happy dancing with you all night, but no, you sat back and watched as I danced with everyone else.”
“Well, what was I supposed to do!?”
He can’t be serious right now, playing the victim and passing this onto me. There’s no way I’m letting him get away with this. I step even closer, thankful that my heels bring me closer to eye level with him, so it’s more of an even match.
“I don’t know, put your arm around me and tell the bloke to fuck off? That I’m taken?”
“Are you taken?”
“I don’t know, am I?”
Our breathing is heavy, chests heaving as our noses are a hair’s width apart. All I can focus on is the intensity in his eyes, the gold flecks burning like the flames in a fire. I wait for him to say something, or do something, anything except stare at me. I give him more than enough time, and he doesn’t make a move, so I decide that I’m done.
As much as I don’t want to, I break eye contact and turn away. I’m not in the mood to stay out, so I begin the walk home. James and I are friends, and that’s all we’ll ever be, but that doesn’t stop me from cursing Sirius for putting the thought that we could be more in my head. Because now that I’ve accepted the thought, I’m not sure I want to stay friends. But it’s clear now, this wasn’t meant to be anything special, and I was stupid for thinking it could be.
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ukai-simp-services · 3 years
hq character’s favorite lip smacker flavors
warnings: none, just slight cursing
a/n: wow the way this was one of my best ideas... anyway some of these are kinda repetitive so bare with me 😭
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i feel like hinata would be down for one of the really fruity flavors, like watermelon or mango sunrise. forgets it at home or in your car a lot so you always buy him extra.
kags is def giving me the classic strawberry or cherry vibe, like the one that ALL stores sell. they’re the easiest to find and he likes the flavors.
ok i feel like daichi would use the peppermint flavor a lot, but i can also seeing him use the cinnamon flavor every now and then too, spice things up a little.
i can see suga using some of the sweeter flavors, like strawberry as a daily chapstick and maybe sugar cookie when he wants to switch things up.
mans got the whole berry pack. uses them pretty frequently throughout the day, has a different flavor in different places. like one in his school bag, one in his gym locker, one at home, etc.
ok tanaka probably doesn’t use use them that much, but when he does, he fucks w the soda flavors. like coke and sprite.
i don’t even think he knows what lip smackers are....but let’s give him the benefit of the doubt and say he would use one of the sugary ones. like the skittles one.
vanilla. no pun intended. i just totally see him using the vanilla flavor, probably the coconut one too.
i can see bby using the pink lemonade,,,maybe the cucumber melon too mmmm. applies them a lot.
he uses that lime flavor (i forgot it’s exact name) but that and probably some fruity shit like tropical punch.
PLEASE. he wouldn’t sell lip smackers at his convenience store so he’s like ?? tf is that babe ?? but, once you show him he’d definitely be down for the rootbeer or coke flavor, he’s a soda man what can i say. BUT i imagine he’d keep it simple most of the time w peppermint. (u also make him start selling them so he ends up trying the fruity flavors~)
god, i wanna say the cherry flavor bc of the mf katy perry song (pls tell me if yk what im talking about) BUT i can also see her using the mint one and the coconut one too. queen has multiple flavors, as she should.
100% one of the candy flavors, like bubblegum. definitely the cotton candy one too. yachi’s lips always taste good period.
another cherry chapstick lover, but he spices his shit up with the cherry cobbler flavor. wants to taste good at all times for you~
doesn't use it often, but when he remembers or you remind him, he'll usually use a fun soda flavor like from the fanta pack,, or even just regular grape.
giving me grapefruit delight vibes...idk why but he just is. i can see him whipping it out in the lockerroom before practice starts, quickly applying it before any of the other guys come in.
omg ok so i feel like similar to some of the other guys, he’d shy away from using it in front of anyone. but i can see him using the tropical punch flavor ??
tell me lev wouldn’t use the vanilla icecream one...like i can just see it. i feel like he would lowkey take pride in it too, like he knows that shit taste good.
this mf uses peppermint religiously. but this is oikawa we’re talking about so i think he definitely would have multiple flavors; definitely watermelon, probably chocolate mint, and for sure starburst.
he’s kinda shy about using them so he sticks to the more lowkey flavors, probably like blue raspberry or kiwi. (pls gimmie a blue raspberry kith haji)
i feel like he wouldn’t use it much, but he’d use the lemon drop flavor. loves using it during the winter bc of the weather.
another soda lover. i feel like he sticks to the coca cola flavors, like vanilla and cherry. (i love the cherry one omfg) maybe the root beer one too.
bubblegum. that’s it. that’s the flavor. it’s always on him at ALL times. like that shit doesn’t leave his pocket, he once even accidentally washed his pants with it still in the pocket.
mmmm i think he’s definitely a berry guy, likes mixed berry or wild raspberry.
mad dog
yes i just labeled him by his nickname instead of his real name what about it- anyway. why do i think he’d use orange creamsicle on the LOW. like mf HIDES that shit. can never catch mad dog applying mf orange creamsicle chapstick. nope.
omg ok bby definitely uses strawberry cheesecake or sour apple. ik they’re like two totally different flavors but, he just DOES. and he’d pucker his lips towards you every time he applies it like “BABY GUESS WHAT FLAVOR MY LIPS ARE” like ok bo c’mere then.
he’s a simple man, he enjoys a nice strawberry banana lip smacker on his lips. maybe even pumpkin latte (during the fall of course) bc he’s festive <3
mans is using the dragonfruit flavor (i forgot if it’s just dragonfruit or if there’s another flavor combined in there) but, he literally just uses that flavor. like idk what to tell you. he just does.
ok i love her sm, i just know she would have strawberry kiwi and probably strawberry banana too. mmm yummy.
i feel like kageyama, he would only buy the ones he sees at most stores...so a classic like mango or kiwi.
ohmygod, mans has a whole mf collection. like first of all, he has the fanta soda collection, obviously. then, there’s the candy pack with nerds, fun dip, laffy taffy, jolly ranchers, etc... he also fucks w any sour flavors. basically, everytime you kiss this man you’ll be tasting something different.
another blue raspberry mf, but also i can see him using the dr pepper flavor LOL....i wanna taste>:(
he’s a sucker for the grape flavors, regular of course, grape jelly, grape fanta, etc.
mmm i can see him using pineapple. it’s a subtle flavor, but its the one he likes best. i don't think he'd use it all that often tbh, but when he does his lips taste absolutely ~fresh~
date tech
PLSSS i just know mans wouldn't even know what a lip smacker was, would probably just be using normal burt’s bees like most people - till you introduce him to the wide range of flavors that lip smackers have to offer. he'd be like “hm, banana.” LIKE. either THAT or piña colada, he’s really trying for y’all.
cake donut?? do i have an explanation?? nope. i don’t even know what that would taste like, but i can imagine pretty sweet? just give him a mf kiss.
PLEASE. he’d use the strawberry flavor ALL the time. like ok maybe occasionally the vanilla icecream too. but im so soft rn for ‘tsumu’s strawberry lips T_T
omg he’s such a cheesecake mf i just KNOW, so he’d have the strawberry cheesecake flavor. probably use chocolate moose sometimes too if he’s in the mood.
this is NOT up for debate, he’d 100% use berry pie all the time. kita get ur ass here rn, we’re bouta smooch.
pls bc he’s another one that’d only use it on the low. i’m feeling watermelon,, he’d always apply it before he sees you too.
ooooo i can see him using cinnamon swirl, but also grape on a more common occasion. yummy....
HHH sour apple for sure. he’d try to put on you all the time so you can taste like him too, he’s like “baby c’mere ;)”
bitch omg, why can i see her using the cherry cream soda one.... i literally don’t know where she could buy it but she’d fucking have it, like for SURE.
STOP bc he’d definitely reprimand you for using lip smackers instead of a brand like ChapStick or burt’s bees. like shut up bitch...but also if you’re persistent like me, then you’ll definitely sneak the lemon drop flavor into his jacket pockets whenever you have the chance. you know it’s his secret guilty pleasure <3
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Part one of Projecting onto Genesis because I can
This series is just me projecting onto Genesis and saying he has adhd bc I said so, and thank you to the wonderful Beth and two friends who know nothing about FFVII for reading this over for me <3
And for the sake of my own sanity I'm pretending that the deserion never happened, again bc I said so.
AO3 link:
Story under the cut :]
Behaviour 1
When first meeting Genesis you would assume he was just some kid that registered for Soldier, has a love for the poem Loveless that can't be rivaled by anyone and an uncontrollable rage.
From an outside perspective of Genesis you would most likely have seen what he was always described as by others, though from the quick glances in the halls or overheard conversations you could usually bet on the red head to be ranting to his friend about Loveless, or one thing and another. Though he always appeared fixated on the poem he held with such high regards.
When Sephiroth became something akin to a friend to Angeal and Genesis he heard the poem even more, it was endless ranting and raving with quoting it thrown into the mix. But it gave Genesis a flavor to him that just made him feel distinct from many others. And this friendship would stick around and bloom later into the future.
Behaviour 2
Being in a friendlier position with the two gave Sephiroth an odd bonding experience, Angeal seemed similar to many others, or in the way he did certain things, usually just the finer details. Genesis however was a melting pot of experiences, bonding with him was more sharing things that he enjoyed with such intensity you might as well be intimidated just a little.
Among that he always seemed to be moving in some way, if it was fidgeting with something he had in his hands, drumming his fingers against the table, and readjusting in his seat almost constantly. Though there were times where he was uncharacteristically quiet and spaced out, those were the times where he or Angeal had to nudge him back to reality every now and again. It was a surprise he hadn't been kicked from the program before from what Sephiroth was observing.
Behavior 3
To Sephiroth and anyone not by the name of Angeal Hewley, would have found it concerning how much coffee Genesis drank sometimes, it was in an irregular pattern but it did happen every now and then.
Though he did see a slight difference in behaviour, when the coffee consumption was at a relatively regular level Genesis always seemed more aware and less spacey in a way. As if everything was just less organized than usual.
Behaviour 4
Being at company gatherings had always been quite boring, there was never much going on other than keeping the upper plate important people happy with Shinra.
Though it was always at these kinds of gatherings where Genesis seemed uncomfortable in more ways than one, seemingly sticking to Angeal or Sephiroth for as long as he could. He did appear just as confident as usual, if not a bit more.
At the end of it he seemed to practically dash out the doors and back to his apartment at the Shinra tower and that was practically the last he saw of him for the night.
Behaviour 5
To no one's surprise Genesis had gotten both Angeal and Sephiroth to go to an orchestration of the music used in the Loveless productions. The experience had been quite pleasant, Genesis seemed to be almost vibrating in excitement where he stood.
When they entered the music hall the orchestration was to be in and got to the seats in the Shinra owned box, they waited for the concert to start. When it did Genesis gave the most excited applause for the orchestra when they entered the stage, shuffling in his seat occasionally as per usual.
Sephiroth appreciated the music, it was quite wonderful, though he couldn't help but notice the slight discomfort on Genesis's face in the louder parts of the piece. By the end of it Genesis looked like was about to be as excitable as Angeal's puppy was on a daily basis, he couldn't help but smile at his friend.
When they got out of the box to leave and go back to the Shinra tower Sephiroth took notice of a similar face of discomfort, it felt odd to him, it might just be the change in noise levels and bigger crowd, though it felt like a reach to him.
Angeal patted Genesis's shoulder and whispered something in his ear, which made the latter respond by lightly headbutting the former's shoulder.
The Explanation
It had been a relatively quiet evening of reading when there came a knock on Sephiroth's door, standing up and putting the book away on the coffee table he went and answered the door, seeing Angeal standing there. "Hello there Angeal" he stepped aside, letting his friend step inside.
"Hello to you too Sephiroth, I was wondering, could you possibly do me a favor?" this caught Sephiroth slightly off guard, as it was not often that Angeal asked for favors.
"I should be able to, depending on what it is. Why?" he looked at his friend with a questionng look.
"It's quite simple, I'll be gone for a while on a mission soon and I just need you to send a message to Gen every morning until I get back to remind him of the thing." he said simply.
"What 'thing' am I reminding him of?" he gave Angeal a perplexed look.
Angeal hummed in thought and then said "It's not really my place to go saying what it is, but if you need to know I'd go to Genesis if I were you."
"I might just do that if you won't give me the answer, if it's not something bad then I'll be sure to remind him."
"That's understandable, thank you." Angeal gave him a nod as a moved to leave the doorway to go back to his apartment.
The choice to go see Genesis had been made after some thought, leaving his apartment walking with even strides was spent thinking what this 'thing' that Angeal wouldn't clarify on.
Knocking on Genesis's apartment and hear a fumbling over something as the owner of the apartment opened the door. "Why hello there Sephiroth, didn't expect to see you, what brings you here?" he seemed focused on looking anywhere but Sephiroth's eyes.
"Angeal asked me to do something and he wouldn't explain it to me, so I must ask. When he asks me to remind you of 'the thing' what is it that I'm reminding you of?" He gave Genesis a raised eyebrow as he spoke.
This had caught said person off guard, as he beckoned Sephiroth inside, he curiously followed, wondering what was so important, ot secret, that it needed to be discussed in private. Away from the possibly peering eyes of the halls.
"I- uhm, it's uhh, yknow what, it'll be easier to explain if I just show you, hold on for a moment." Seeing Genesis stutter over his words so much was an odd sight to see as the door was closed and soon he dashed off to the hall of his apartment.
Returning soon he held up a small case of medication labeled after the days of the week, all of them seemingly having the same contents, though the days before the present were empty.
"And these are?" He gave Genesis a questioning look, wanting a slightly more indept explenation.
Even with his enhanced hearing he could only hear Genesis's mumbled response, the few words he heard were "they're --- meds, --- need 'em --- better than --- without ---."
"Could you possibly repeat that? I won't judge you, I just want to know what I'm supposed to be reminding you to do and how important it is." He said in a warmer tone.
"I- uhm, it's perscribed and I-uh, really need them" followed by some uncharacteristic stuttering as all eye contact was avoided.
"That's a good enough explenation for now, if you feel more comfortable with telling me some time later I'll be all ears, have a good evening Genesis." He gave him a small smile.
"Oh, uh alright then, good night Seph." He gave his friend a small wave as he left the apartment.
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pinkcake · 4 years
Hi! Just wanted to thank you for creating and sharing screenshots of you aesthetically perfect Stardew farms and telling about their inhabitants. These are hard times for so many people, these pictures really bring joy into everyday life. If it's not too much to ask, could you please share more about Annie and her farm? And also Marina, it was so nice and heartwarming to see a non-demonized Eastern-European character. I love you, have a great week!
(quick note — i actually saw this ask quite awhile ago!! i loved it so much and was so happy, i wanted to give a long answer, but unfortunately i got busy with some school work so i left it go for a little while! i’m sorry anon that it took me so long, but i hope you understand and i hope you still enjoy hearing about my farmers ~)
this actually makes my day anon omg 😭 i am so glad my little stardew blog could be so uplifting... this game got me through some tough moments too so i’m really really happy i can be part of sharing it with more people and making them smile! 💞
it’s definitely not too much to ask haha, i love talking about my farmers! each of them are so special to me, they are born out of many different parts of my life that are meaningful to me ~! this will be under the cut, i got a bit carried away... 😄🌱🍓🌷🌱
so annie is actually a fairy by birth! she used to be very tiny, have wings, and she lived in a fairy hollow community very deep in the secret woods. she had always felt drawn to the human world, and after doing some work as a “crop fairy” her desire to become human was cemented. on her 18th birthday, she chose to forfeit her wings and most of her magic in order to become human, worked among the city lights for awhile at joja (which she strongly disliked, as she would put it), and eventually took over lavender farm west of pelican town from another aging fairy-turned-man. as a fairy, she had significant magical abilities that made growing plants and flowers a breeze… because of that, she’d always taken the process for granted, but upon more time spent observing the human world, she became more interested in their processes of agriculture and floriculture. she still has some powers left over that make crops grow a little bit faster and a little bit higher quality, but most of it is just hard work on her hands and knees in the beaming sun! her goal is to create a floral sanctuary… she specializes in flowers, teas, and honey + wax! her farm is overgrown and the stardew valley times newspaper may be a bit judgmental of how she keeps her land, but anyone who ducks into the lush sanctuary of lavender farm is immediately soothed and fascinated by its natural beauty. even annie’s farmhouse is bursting with potted plants and insect terrariums!
i created annie because the small, seamlessly-integrated sparks of magic is such a cool part of stardew valley to me. i loved that a game that was based in realism could still have elements like fairies, wizards, witches, mermaids, and monsters..! i wanted to get deeper into that part of the game ~
(bonus: i did not initially have a plan for who annie would marry and i considered even just having her single, but after some cutscenes with elliott, the concept of him being a merman-turned-human hit me! merman elliott just makes sense to be… he lives on the beach, he is a romantic, he’s got that long luscious red hair, he is deeply worried about ocean pollution, he’s a little awkward... once it was in my head i couldn’t get it out! i didn’t even realize it was an infamous theory haha. i just thought, how wonderful would it be for these two individuals who shared a similar journey — leaving behind their homes, changing species, moving to stardew valley and trying to fit in — to form a bond, fall in love, and create a life together in a world that is new to both of them? <3 annie/elliott is easily one of my favorite farmer/bachelor(ette) relationships i have! i could truly talk about them all day~ )
marina was born out of three things — 1.) my desire to play stardew valley expanded, 2.) my interest in sdve’s bachelor victor and how he has a name that is very popular in russia, 3.) my interest and appreciation for eastern european culture…
personally, my family is south-central european and i have grown up in the USA. aside from being trained as a ballet dancer all throughout my teenage years and hearing about vaganova, bolshoi, mariinsky theatres + having two russian kids as classmates and friend in primary school (one was named victor, haha!), i didn’t know much about russia or eastern european culture growing up. we didn’t have many opportunities to learn. anything i learned was more about the government’s problems, not the culture, which i find extremely sad… a government’s actions should not define or generalize a whole country or region of millions of citizens, especially when said citizens don’t have a lot of power. citizens, for the most part, are just people who are living.
in the city i currently live in, there is a “little russia” and “russian hill”, both of which i have visited many many times with my boyfriend who lives near there and who is eastern asian. everyone who lives there and 95% of the people shopping + eating there are eastern european immigrants. every shop there is authentic — most of them have everything written in cyrillic alphabet (usually russian, sometimes ukrainian) or occasional central european languages (polish most common) or balkan languages (croatian is common — my favorite market item is elderflower fanta soda, which is a croatian drink!). one of my favorite stores has music CDs and movies, signs, snacks, children’s books, and even birthday cards all in russian! there are grocery stores that only sell things that would be sold in an eastern european market, none of the labels in english (which can be difficult if you are looking to buy something for the first time without understanding the language), but it is such a neat thing to have. i remember always thinking, i’m so glad that this is here for the people who are moving away to a brand new country, so that they can always have a taste of home. i began realizing when visiting there just how massive eastern europe really is, how many countries and languages are a part of it, and how much culture and rich history there is to be found there. i played SDVE briefly with a different farmer and when i met victor, he immediately stood out to me as someone i might meet in that neighborhood. i head-canoned him as mixed-race: part eastern european and part eastern asian. he reminds me a lot of my boyfriend… a bit unsure and nervous about kickstarting his future but incredibly gifted and intelligent, and olivia reminds me of my boyfriend’s parents, who came from strict communism and poverty in china and now live in the USA taking full advantage of capitalism/consumerism (lol!), but are just a bit oblivious to their son’s mental health as it isn’t something they are familiar with. i saw a lot of parallels to things i’d seen in my life in victor, and i really wanted to create a farmer that could fit into this narrative with him. all these things combined… marina was born! i wanted to be sensitive when envisioning her, and settled on the stories of real people from eastern europe that i’ve met — she was quite poor, overworked, and didn’t have some of the freedoms she desired, and decided to move to stardew valley for a better chance at success. i wanted to portray that living in eastern europe’s economy can be very difficult, but the culture is still beautiful and should never be let go of just because of immigration… immigration doesn’t mean changing your roots or being ashamed. marina is just a sweet girl who was struggling to get by and needed a change of scenery and new opportunities… but she’s not letting go of her past or her culture, because there is no need to!
feel free to ask about any of my farmers... i will try to be more succinct next time 🤪 definitely, definitely got carried away haha! 
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sirjustice946 · 4 years
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Even small loans can be disbursed to people to pay per day after like lapse time from the time given of 2 days to 1 week as such software can be created on both phone and on computers to avoid groups as many join such 4 the above and hiccups as relatives cause u want to benefit like taking ya child to school and the above not feasible. Such procedures can be paid with 1 month b4 another one can be disbursed to you maybe at an interest of 10 % so many do not feel exploited by the govt. So many ways to abolish crime, theft and hooliganism among youths and other people
Such software can be made when paw paw placed in grass then u chop cauliflower or drop hoho or kale dude or in big mad houses which inside poles are plastic and even side partitions b4 mud inserted to last, such can be made when like veggies, berries, leaves, fruits placed each as a time then u drop green grass bar like in a big netted clothes from above to the floor to form such software or break sticks or crush nuts or drop different tree trunk 4 one similar placed as above and save the world big time. No need to gain recognition via podiums as others have done always to no avail dude. Advice to kids when the above in place is not in their career paths as they can still do without such jobs they want but to get on toes and protect themselves from Hiv/Aids if they fear such to live long. Don’t come again disturbing me, or if u know how to talk to the devil form groups do the above and get monies that u could be looking via jobs b4 others send some cash to be placed in their nation budgets by making necessities in shops and placing them on shops alongside the factory made ones as liquor or soda or tissue and house used detergents and more and u can name such dude
Wood pulp in such houses made when few sample in that mad house then u drop chilies or chop hay bar dude and even with anything employing all the boom processes known to ya until it come out, just 1 sample of what u wanna make dude with casket u heap cotton wool on 1 folded photo then inside wall some places fallen off to see the made fall mango or flowers or chop carrot and boom ya many caskets when the inside surrounding having any red thing as bricks or hot brazier as charcoal or heated e-coil or burning gas dude
Make u insane water at bar kalare used to make cooking oil, gas and glasses can be made when in the house above u place paw paw heap on the floor in a container then hurl avocado seed on sweet potato mixed with hay bar and boom ya water or tangerine mixed with hay then u drop lemon beside such container on the top cause covered like with blankets and still boom ya waters and 4 the dust u place avocado inner seed in ripe red guava then drop hay bar or chop paw paw now not in the house as above but in the shallow valley amidst many hills with short vegetation and small streams in the dark. U can hurl all the above as drop from cliff, folk lift or poles and trees dude where with getting plane out u make rail to transport such to nearby roads to fly it to the airport.
With yacht in shallow valley u placed sweet potato then hurl cut semi-tender paw paw tree upside down to met concrete pavements placed and boom ya yacht in dug big holes with waters to house it were the heap placed dude or container inside the mud house then place paw paw inside it or on-top b4 hurling thinner on the floor or fanta soda on battery acid or chopping mango seed or dropping hoho dude in day or dark environment just giving it a try with chilies and rubber as well in the surrounding or cow dung or X-mas lights dude
With murram u place few in sewer water in the valley above then drop alantana camara sticks or hurl paw paw trunks, boxes or chop kale while with mirror you place avocado seed in grass then u hurl cold water on raw paw paw or in the mad house place heap of avocado seed then fall passion fruit or steel wool and boom ya mirror while steel wool made when few sample placed in sewer water then u chop cabbage or hurl/drop maize on lemon dude
With glass in the mad house place few sample cover with grass then drop pumpkin or chop onions, garlic and pixies and while other veggies or fruits giving u another something altogether dude and even with mirrors and anything as welded windows and doors, utensils, shower ware, household goods and even shoes and clothes dude. Even foods u cover with leaves, blankets or bed sheets, Hyde and try all the above to get more and monies as well dude
4 saucer jets is heap of paw paw and pumpkin in the valley as above then u drop avocado seed on kale or drop cabbage to meet paw paw trunk or chop kale dude and inside the house place truck big container even 20 then hurl fanta soda on cemented floor or concrete bars or drop kale on hay
PS4 PAD in the link below using no battery but the light of the screen or bulb around or outside solar rays and even with many e-products as stereos, computers, printers, remotes, copiers or tv and phones, magnifying the current from the panel using step ups
Disco lights on the floor, Mr wright comes and say yeh as that bad robs him his self-hood yet targeting tea and flowers which now can be made artificially via such songs dude, if u know not shut up dude and listen
The BBoxx thing pay per day per program in the link below and should be employed with anything around us as bill we pay
Coke soda 1 bottle in cabbage heap in story house then drop carrots or chop alantana camara leaves and boom ya soda, with Fanta u place in cabbage the u drop mango or chop kale, sprite same u drop pumpkin and ginger u place in ginger heap then u chop kale or drop paw paw while straw berry u place in carrot heap then drop kale or chop coconut hard outer shell in daylight or dim light and with any drinking juice and detergents made in such way by place 1 sample bottle in any veggies, fruits or leaves and dropping or chopping another until it come out and even with any fluid as drinking water or cooking fat dude. Pistol and guns u place in hay then drop like carrots and with any ammunition try dropping other veggies or fruits or leaves dude in hillside in the dark dude
Don’t live all alone as loving ya-self or living in dense cluster as loving people well or much, kinda, u have not matured to eliminate some folks and remain with few friends u wanna live close who helps ya as in the song link below dude
Germans are meru blooded, character of their male lazy and wanting from ya dude and with making military vehicle in the forest with streams or small lagoon, u get to within a flat land there forms a shallow valley and with fab houses in wheat placed inside hay or groundnut with its husks then u drop paw paw or chop carrots or chop rubber and boom ya house in bare lands or made flat land with the hillside or rub ya shoulders 2 people or do photocopying looking the other-side in the dark cold night or warm or slight rainy daylight days.
Withe computer illuminating the heap draw or showcase all sides of the house and even the floor and the roof like in an open box lid manner and same can be printed and placed inside such heaps above as always explained dude
Even when u want to buy grocery let the safcom write check to such grocery or send within their platform the money not to give u money to later u, use as Shylock to get rich above other people where some people Marshall up like 10 - 20 and again buy vans paid in credit daily to make much money and exploit the clients in big cities liaising with like Mr Hindu blooded people to create slight showers to hike the fare to maximize profit without the public noticing to complain as they deem it understandable dude which when e-train surface is like a poison to them or when a city capital wants to be shifted somewhere else dude
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sirjustice945 · 4 years
Tumblr media
Even small loans can be disbursed to people to pay per day after like lapse time from the time given of 2 days to 1 week as such software can be created on both phone and on computers to avoid groups as many join such 4 the above and hiccups as relatives cause u want to benefit like taking ya child to school and the above not feasible. Such procedures can be paid with 1 month b4 another one can be disbursed to you maybe at an interest of 10 % so many do not feel exploited by the govt. So many ways to abolish crime, theft and hooliganism among youths and other people
Such software can be made when paw paw placed in grass then u chop cauliflower or drop hoho or kale dude or in big mad houses which inside poles are plastic and even side partitions b4 mud inserted to last, such can be made when like veggies, berries, leaves, fruits placed each as a time then u drop green grass bar like in a big netted clothes from above to the floor to form such software or break sticks or crush nuts or drop different tree trunk 4 one similar placed as above and save the world big time. No need to gain recognition via podiums as others have done always to no avail dude. Advice to kids when the above in place is not in their career paths as they can still do without such jobs they want but to get on toes and protect themselves from Hiv/Aids if they fear such to live long. Don’t come again disturbing me, or if u know how to talk to the devil form groups do the above and get monies that u could be looking via jobs b4 others send some cash to be placed in their nation budgets by making necessities in shops and placing them on shops alongside the factory made ones as liquor or soda or tissue and house used detergents and more and u can name such dude
Wood pulp in such houses made when few sample in that mad house then u drop chilies or chop hay bar dude and even with anything employing all the boom processes known to ya until it come out, just 1 sample of what u wanna make dude with casket u heap cotton wool on 1 folded photo then inside wall some places fallen off to see the made fall mango or flowers or chop carrot and boom ya many caskets when the inside surrounding having any red thing as bricks or hot brazier as charcoal or heated e-coil or burning gas dude
Make u insane water at bar kalare used to make cooking oil, gas and glasses can be made when in the house above u place paw paw heap on the floor in a container then hurl avocado seed on sweet potato mixed with hay bar and boom ya water or tangerine mixed with hay then u drop lemon beside such container on the top cause covered like with blankets and still boom ya waters and 4 the dust u place avocado inner seed in ripe red guava then drop hay bar or chop paw paw now not in the house as above but in the shallow valley amidst many hills with short vegetation and small streams in the dark. U can hurl all the above as drop from cliff, folk lift or poles and trees dude where with getting plane out u make rail to transport such to nearby roads to fly it to the airport.
With yacht in shallow valley u placed sweet potato then hurl cut semi-tender paw paw tree upside down to met concrete pavements placed and boom ya yacht in dug big holes with waters to house it were the heap placed dude or container inside the mud house then place paw paw inside it or on-top b4 hurling thinner on the floor or fanta soda on battery acid or chopping mango seed or dropping hoho dude in day or dark environment just giving it a try with chilies and rubber as well in the surrounding or cow dung or X-mas lights dude
With murram u place few in sewer water in the valley above then drop alantana camara sticks or hurl paw paw trunks, boxes or chop kale while with mirror you place avocado seed in grass then u hurl cold water on raw paw paw or in the mad house place heap of avocado seed then fall passion fruit or steel wool and boom ya mirror while steel wool made when few sample placed in sewer water then u chop cabbage or hurl/drop maize on lemon dude
With glass in the mad house place few sample cover with grass then drop pumpkin or chop onions, garlic and pixies and while other veggies or fruits giving u another something altogether dude and even with mirrors and anything as welded windows and doors, utensils, shower ware, household goods and even shoes and clothes dude. Even foods u cover with leaves, blankets or bed sheets, Hyde and try all the above to get more and monies as well dude
4 saucer jets is heap of paw paw and pumpkin in the valley as above then u drop avocado seed on kale or drop cabbage to meet paw paw trunk or chop kale dude and inside the house place truck big container even 20 then hurl fanta soda on cemented floor or concrete bars or drop kale on hay
PS4 PAD in the link below using no battery but the light of the screen or bulb around or outside solar rays and even with many e-products as stereos, computers, printers, remotes, copiers or tv and phones, magnifying the current from the panel using step ups
Disco lights on the floor, Mr wright comes and say yeh as that bad robs him his self-hood yet targeting tea and flowers which now can be made artificially via such songs dude, if u know not shut up dude and listen
The BBoxx thing pay per day per program in the link below and should be employed with anything around us as bill we pay
Coke soda 1 bottle in cabbage heap in story house then drop carrots or chop alantana camara leaves and boom ya soda, with Fanta u place in cabbage the u drop mango or chop kales, sprite same u drop pumpkin and ginger u place in ginger heap then u chop kale or drop paw paw while straw berry u place in carrot heap then drop kale or chop coconut hard outer shell in daylight or dim light and with any drinking juice and detergents made in such way by place 1 sample bottle in any veggies, fruits or leaves and dropping or chopping another until it come out and even with any fluid as drinking water or cooking fat dude
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feynavaley · 4 years
50 Questions
I took this from @mandelene, thanks for the open invitation!
1. What is the colour of your hairbrush? Light brown. (It’s a wooden hairbrush.)
2. Name a food you never ever eat. Well... I’m quite a picky eater but I generally try everything if I’m pressed (even though I end up not liking it). I won’t eat very spicy food though, I don’t have a good tolerance for it. Another food I used to enjoy but now I can’t even stand the smell of anymore – and even less I would eat – is almond paste. (Long story short, I came up with something – maybe labyrinthitis – that made me awfully nauseous and dizzy for a few days. I would throw up any time I even just stood up, I couldn’t eat anything. But my roommate had on her desk and almond paste cake, which has a very strong smell. Since I constantly smelled it while feeling so sick, now that’s what I associate that smell and taste with.)
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? Generally, too cold. I handle being cold better than I handle being hot, though.
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? Translating from English to Italian some stuff my dad needs for work. (He doesn’t understand/speak English.)
5. What is your favourite candy bar? Kinder Bueno, Tronky, and Bounty.
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports game? No.
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? “No, I haven’t seen your glasses. Are you sure you didn’t leave them upstairs?” to my mother.
8. What is your favourite ice cream? If it’s good, Pistachio. It’s very hard to get right, though. Not many ice cream parlours can prepare it well, they tend to make it too sweet.
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? Water.
10. Do you like your wallet? Yes. Actually, I have two – one is a big red one where I keep basically everything, the other is blue and small and I just put in there a few banknotes and coins and the cards I need, changing them every time. I like both of them.
11. What was the last thing you ate? Chicken breast and salad for dinner.
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? Nope. I’ve been confined home for almost one month and a half. 😅
13. The last sporting event you watched? I don’t know. I’m not a fan of sports so I don’t watch anything spontaneously. I only watch something if I’m with somebody who wants to watch it, but I don’t remember when the last time was.
14. What is your favourite flavour of popcorn? Uhh... there are different flavours of popcorns? I only know one... 😅 I’m not a great fan, though.
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to? An aunt of mine. (My mother’s youngest sister.)
16. Ever go camping? Yes and no. I’ve never gone with a tent in the wild or anything – however, my grandparents used to own a trailer that they kept in a fancy camping location/trailer park by the seaside. When I was a child, I would spend the entire three months of summer break there. I don’t know if it counts as camping, though. After growing older, my sister and I would sleep in a tent instead of the trailer (because the trailer was too small for everybody), but it was still in that fancy campsite which I don’t know how much can count.
17. Do you take vitamins? No.
18. Do you go to church every Sunday? Yes. I mean, not right now, clearly (all the Churches are closed due to Covid-19 lockdown) but I would go under normal circumstances.
19. Do you have a tan? No. And it’s very hard for me to get one, anyway. I’m as white as a person can possibly be. 😅 (I’m paler than an actual albino person I know at work. I wish I were kidding. 😓)
20. Do you prefer Chinese food over pizza? I prefer pizza. Very stereotypical, I know. 😅 (I’m talking about real Italian pizza, though.)
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw? Generally not.
22. What colour socks do you usually wear? White or black.
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? Depends on where I am and what the speed limit is. I respect the 50 km/h limit inside the cities and towns, but the 30 km/h that can be often found... yeah. 😅 (I’ve never met a driver who respected it, though.) If I’m out of the city and on a straight street across the countryside, I respect the 70 km/h limit but I tend to go faster if there’s a 50 km/h one. (Unless I know there’s an autovelox.) I’ve never gone above the 90 km/h limit, either – actually, I tend to go more around 80–85 km/h on those streets. I should probably also mention that I never drive much above the speed limit, though.
24. What terrifies you? Failure. Hurting or even just disappointing or upsetting other people. On the irrational side, I’m highly arachnophobic and I’m terrified of dogs.(Because I was attacked by a freaking SAINT BERNARD. Luckily, it just got my sweater, but it was completely mauled by the time somebody managed to get it back so... It also turned out I’m mildly allergic though, so me not staying around dogs is probably for the best anyway.)
25. Look to your left, what do you see? I actually don’t know how it’s called in English. I have a sloped wooden roof covering the left side of my bedroom, and I see it along with the skylight.
26. What chore do you hate most? Washing the dishes. Our sink is at a height that forces me to bend in an awkward way and makes my back ache if I have to wash more than a couple of dishes.
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? “OMG what is that person saying?? 😭” I’m not a native English speaker so strong non-standard accents always throw me off a bit, at least at first. 😅 I need a few minutes to get used to them.
28. What’s your favourite soda? Citron soda (I don’t know the brand. It was one my great-grandparents used to have in small glass bottles, it tasted amazing and was so refreshing...), Fanta, or Coke Zero. I don’t drink soda often, though.
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive? I go in. I think there’s only one place with a drive-through in my hometown. 
30. What is your favourite number? For some reason, I’ve always liked the numbers 3 and 11. They aren’t my lucky numbers or anything, I just like them. (Actually, thinking about it, I know why I like the number 11... In German, it’s ‘elf’, and I started taking German around the period I was obsessed with LoTR... 😅)
31. Who’s the last person you talked to? My mother.
32. Favourite cut of beef? I hardly ever eat beef (I eat meat about every other day, but it’s generally chicken or turkey breast), I don’t have a preference.
33. Last song you listened to? This one. (You’re welcome.)
34. Last book you read? Fire and Blood by George R.R. Martin.
35. Favourite day of the week? Saturday.
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards? Yes, but only the Italian one (that is missing J, K, X, Y, W). I tend to mix up some letters in the English one. 😅
37. How do you like your coffee? Plain espresso.
38. Favourite pair of shoes? My ankle-height black converse.
39. The time you normally get up? Since the lockdown started, between 8:30–9. I’ve been having trouble sleeping so I’m always tired in the morning.
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? Sunset, the colours are gorgeous. Sunrise is still beautiful and so it’s the atmosphere, but the colours tend to be fainter.
41. How many blankets on your bed? One, at the moment.
42. Describe your kitchen plates. Kind of square, white with blue and yellow stylized flowers in the corners.
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment? Quite empty. We’re due a grocery run.
44. Do you have a favourite alcoholic drink? No, I don’t like any alcoholic drink. For some reason, I don’t like the taste of alcohol. (And there’s probably something genetic here as it’s also true for my sister, my father, and other relatives from my father’s side.)
45. Do you play cards? Technically, I know a few games but I’m not really good at them and I don’t play often.
46. What colour is your car? I use my mother’s car and it’s dark blue. We also have a dark grey car (belonging to my father) but I’ve never used it because it’s very big (you can go up to 7 seats), I wouldn’t feel comfortable with driving it, let alone parking.
47. Can you change a tire? No.
48. Your favourite state? I’ve never been anywhere in the US so I can’t say.
49. Favourite job you’ve had? The current one. The pay is very low so I’ll have to leave it as soon as I find something better, but I love these children so much. 😭
50. How did you get your biggest scar? I actually don’t have any big scar... I have several small ones. The biggest one is probably on my arm, from when I leaned against the toaster to unplug it and got this long, thin burn. 😅
I tag anybody who feels like doing this! And please tag me back, I’d love to read your answers! 😊
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canvas-the-florist · 5 years
Pairing: DLAMP
Warning: Sympathetic Deceit, Death threat??
Word Count: 2283
Everyone warned Logan that these four were dangerous. All their actions were random and they always knew what to say. It was too risky to go up to them. He was originally going to heed to that advice but it became harder and harder to follow. To say he was being stalked by them was a bit extreme, but Logan started to see them almost everywhere he went. Turns out Virgil likes going to the Starbucks he works at, Patton lives in the same apartment complex, Roman sits next to him in most of his classes, and Dimitri works at the only library in their city. It was driving him mad. He didn’t want to mixed with the wrong sort, but everywhere he went they’d be there.
“Hey, are you okay?”
Logan looked up and saw Roman giving him a concerned look. He nodded. Of course, he was okay, people were just… getting in his head. Oh, of course, Roman was the one to ask how he was doing. Logan looked up, he was in class. But, he never spaced out opportunities to learn. Getting tired of this, he rubbed his eyes, repositioned his glasses, and quickly wrote down the notes on the board. He had been so focused on ignoring them, they were all they could think about. Maybe Roman wasn’t so self-centered as people had said…
After his class, he drove to his job and got ready to deal with customers. Soon enough, he saw Virgil walk into the coffee shop. Of course. Logan wasn’t quite sure that he wanted to deal with this today, but he had to. As Virgil was fumbling over the amount he had to get, Logan hoped there wouldn’t be small talk. But then again, from what he gathered, Virgil was quieter than the others and just liked getting social things over with.
“Have a nice day,” Logan called out after handing Virgil his change.
“Uhh,” Virgil took a second to look at Logan’s name tag, then recognized exactly who it was. “Oh! You too, Logan…” It was obvious that he wanted to say more but was much too anxious. So, he walked away.
Well, that wasn’t so bad… It was becoming clearer that these four weren’t as bad as he’d been told. Logan decided to head to the library and return some books he picked up about space. Well, they had been interesting, he wasn’t sure whether or not Dimitri was working that day. He told himself he didn’t want to see him, Logan was secretly hoping they could intertwine paths. It was a stupid idea to go to the library when he still had a week until the books were overdue but he went anyways.
“Hello lovely, returning some books today?”
Oh, right. There was Dimitri. Logan just handed the books to him and attempted to walk off. But, it seemed that Dimitri was much bolder than Virgil. “You’re the kid Roman mentioned to me, right? He seemed to leave out that you actually go outside from time to time.”
“It would-” Logan pushed up his glasses, catching Dimitri rolling his eyes. “It would be unwise to remain indoors, that is incredibly harrowing for one’s health.”
“The way you talk is totally not ridiculous, bbbut, you have a point I suppose.” Dimitri gave a smirk that attempted to be called a smile. “It would be harrowing if you held up the line any longer. I hope to see you soon, love.”
Logan blinked back in surprise and decided to go home. Why were the four deciding NOW to talk to him? Was it because he had made a conscious decision to avoid them? Apparently so. His drive home was uneventful until he saw the people in the parking lot of the complex. “Oh, this is unfortunate.” He saw Patton greeting Roman, Virgil, and Dimitri out of a car… This wasn’t going to be pleasant.
He quickly turned off his car and rushed to his apartment with his keys already in hand. But, it was frivolous as Logan heard his name being called. This time, from Patton. He had always been kind to Logan, but the rumors surrounding them scared him. Apparently, they’ve threatened to murder a kid, set a bathroom on fire, and scare even the teachers. But, Patton and the others ran up to him.
“Hello, Logan!” Patton called with a smile across his face. “Would you like to hang out at my place with us? We ordered pizza and we’re going to play Apples to Apples!”
“Ughh, I thought we decided on Candyland?” Roman complained. “You have to admit that game is a gift from the gods!”
“But Cards Against Humanity would be so much funnier,” Virgil added.
“Couldn’t we do Trail to Oregon? It is the EASIEST, after all.” Dimitri questioned, with a smirk appearing on his face as the others disagreed with him.
Logan couldn’t hold back a slight smile on his face. Whatever relationship these four had, it seemed wonderful. He almost wished to be a part of it. So, without overthinking for once, he decided to join them. It turned out they were playing all the games suggested. Patton seemed to enjoy all of them equally, while the others play-fought in the background.
Why did this group seem so perfect despite being called the spawn of Satan? Logan really wanted to ask. But, should he? He was sitting on the floor of Patton’s living room, holding the greasiest pizza he’d ever eaten, pondering quietly to himself. Virgil noticed something was off and scooted next to him.
“Are you okay dude? Sorry, Patton pushed you into this. He just likes everyone.” Virgil gave a small laugh and got up. “You wanna soda? We have Dr. Pepper anddddd Fanta, ew.”
“I’m satisfied without one.” Logan declined.
“Sooooo, you’re getting a Dr. Pepper.” Roman grabbed one and threw it at Logan. “There aren’t any acceptions if you do a game night with us.” He caught the drink with his left hand, causing Patton to give mini applause.
Dimitri walked out of the bathroom. “Roman, dear, I prepared the chair so we can do makeup.” Roman gave a happy little squeal and ran up to him. They shared a quick hug. “I know, I’m simply the worst for thinking of this. Would you like to have your makeup done, Logan?”
“You don’t have to.” Virgil inserted with a small smile.
“Virgil’s right kiddo, but you would look so pretty with makeup on. I mean, you’re already pretty, but you would ALSO look good with makeup.” Patton added, slightly stumbling over his words.
Logan felt inclined to say yes almost immediately, regardless of the fact he had never worn makeup before. That would change tonight. So he agreed and they all moved to the bathroom. Even Virgil put on some makeup, which according to Roman, was a rare occasion. It was much more enjoyable to have someone put eyeshadow and eyeliner on you than Logan had originally thought it was going to be. Of course, Dimitri and Roman were the only ones that could actually accomplish the art of makeup.
After it was finished, Logan peered at a mirror in confusion. He looked rather good for once. It was a change he wasn’t sure he was used to. Then he looked at Dimitri trying to stop Patton from fidgeting so he could work and saw Roman trying to calm down Virgil when he accidentally moved and ruined the makeup. It seemed chaotic but perfect. Logan hoped he could be a part of it one day.
“Logan! Please hold down Patton. He insists to be unmanageable.” Dimitri cried, holding back his products from reach.
“I’m sorry, Dee, it’s just been a long time since someone else has wanted to hang out with us!” Patton explained, grabbing hold of Logan’s arms. Logan didn’t pull back but felt incredibly awkward. Has it really been such a worry to Patton that’d he wouldn’t gain any friends? It made him guilty for avoiding them for so long. “Logan, thanks for joining us!”
“Yeah, it’s… okay…” Logan found himself losing words. “However, I have obtained a question?”
“What question would that be?” Roman asked, reapplying Virgil’s eyeliner.
“Why does everyone seem to be fearful of you four? You all seem rather… delightful.” Logan was rather hesitant to ask but went straight to the point. It was counterproductive to sugar coat it, and he never really was good at wording things in a way to seem less offensive. “I apologize if that seems insensitive, I feel inclined to know why people would say such hateful lies.”
“Well…” Patton trails off. “They aren't exactly lying? Some of them are, yes, but not the fire thing and that one death threat.”
“To put it simply, it was Roman’s fault.” Virgil deadpanned, causing a gasp from who he was talking about.
“I didn’t mean to leave the curling iron near the sink, okay?!”
“I also don’t believe it was his fault when he beat up my ex and Patton threatened to kill him if he ever talked to me again,” Dimitri commented. Logan couldn’t believe his ears, but then again, what was he even expecting them to say? Of course, there were logical explanations to the rumors. “Let’s not forget that Virgil was the one to figure out where my ex even was to start this assault thing anyways…”
“I… apologize for making assumptions.” Logan stutters, and Patton gives him a reassuring smile. He seemed way too kind to give someone a death threat, but he knew he shouldn’t underestimate any of these people.
“Oh, that’s fine. At least you asked about it instead of silently holding grudges against us…” Roman smiled like he was remembered something unpleasant and covering it up. He then jumped off the counter and kissed Virgil’s hand. “I finished, you look lovely.”
Virgil gave a laugh. Dimitri spent a few more minutes on Patton’s makeup while Roman did his own. Once Dimitri was finished, Logan helped Patton up. He didn’t even realize how long he spent holding his hands. Usually, he hated physical contact but felt strangely calm here. Dimitri had decided he didn’t want to have his makeup that night. So by request from Roman, they all agreed to sit down and watch The Lion King. All of them ended up entangling together. Logan was being held by Roman, holding Virgil’s hand, Patton was leaning on him, and Dimitri was on top of Logan and Roman.
Patton was the first to fall asleep, then Roman, next Dimitri, and Logan and Virgil talked a little bit before both passing out due to exhaustion.
In the morning, Logan had received more hugs than he could count. And he actually enjoyed getting affection from them. It was sort of plan leaving back to his apartment next door. He left the sleepover with the numbers of the four and promises to hang out more. It seemed boring without Roman or Patton screeching in the background of calm conversations with Dimitri and Virgil. Logan happened to be the last to leave too. He helped Patton pick up the room quietly.
“I send my gratitude to you for inviting me for this… sleepover.”
Patton laughed lightly. “Of course, they all seemed to like you. I hope you’ll come to next week’s?” Logan blinked a bit and pushed up his glasses.
“This sort of thing is a weekly occurrence?” Logan asked. “And you are asking me to partake in this event that seems rather meaningful to you?”
“Yes, kiddo. Roman even told me he’d like to do your makeup again. Dimitri even liked hanging out with you, and that surely must mean something! And Virgil always seems to stay up during these and he actually got some sleep. It would be an honor to have you come over again!”
And with that, Logan started hanging out with the four he was told to avoid. They really were a lovely group of people. And Logan felt grateful to be a part of it. Truly wonderful. After a few weeks of attending the sleepovers, he was approached by all four of them at once. They all seemed to have one specific thing on their minds.
Logan felt himself fill with fear. This was it, they probably didn’t like him anymore. Of course, this didn’t sound logical, but he was still afraid. Would they tell him to stop talking to them? Or go back to being alone all of the time and have to stop asking Dimitri or Roman for makeup tips?
“Hey Logan, we have a question for you!” Roman said like he could hardly contain his excitement.
“Don’t worry, there it isn’t anything bad,” Virgil reassured, causing Logan to breathe a little bit. At least it wouldn’t ruin this group for him.
“So, you may know that we’re a polyamorous relationship and we wanted to ask…” Patton looked at Dimitri to finish the question, causing him to roll his eyes and gain a smirk.
“Would you like to be apart of the relationship? You would be dating all of us if you agree, and since we’re such lovely people.” Dimitri finished. “You can continue going to the sleepovers if you say no too, that’s still allowed.”
“I…” Logan paused to think. He did like all of them quite a bit and he couldn’t think of any reason to say no at the top of his head. “I would love to.” Patton decided this was a good time to scream ‘group hug’ and they all piled on top of each other.
Logan smiled a little as he listened to the laughs of the others. This was perfect.
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girlafraidinacoma · 4 years
In The Lap of the Gods: Chapter Six - Fanta-seas and Denial
Summary: What do you get when you mix a tight-knit art community, young, hot-blooded twenty-something university students and good old-fashioned British Rock & Roll? Probably the next best hope for art and music that generation has to offer. With her friends’ band skyrocketing to fame, what exactly does a girl do when she suddenly finds herself sitting in the lap of the gods? The answer: do the only thing she can do, rise to the occasion of course!
Pairing: Gwilym Lee!Brian May x Original Female Character
Author’s Note: Sorry, not sorry for the incredibly late update dudes. Was super uninspired for months, had a break down, got over it, bon appetit.
( gif credit goes to @queenmercurys.)
Kind of AU, contains both elements from real life and the Bo Rhap universe, so imagine whoever you prefer whether they be the real thing or the Bo Rhap Boys–be free.
[Link to Ao3 fic!]
Chapter Playlist:
Both Sides Now - Joni Mitchell
Astral Weeks - Van Morrison
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Chapter Six - Fanta-seas and Denial
Ealing, December 1969.
“You’re incorrigible. I’ll never finish at this rate!” Wyn cried, throwing her arms up.
“Nobody told you to leave it until the last minute to work on your project.” He grumbled. It seemed like only yesterday that she began her first day at the Ealing Technical College and School of Art, but December had finally crept in, summoning the looming toll of due dates and unfinished critical projects.
“I honestly didn’t mean to forget, I thought I’d still have a week, not three bloody days.” Wyn whimpered a little pathetically, feeling the mounting panic bubble inside at the thought of not submitting her work on time. Currently, they were seated on the floor at the centre of Wyn’s dorm room, the space her easel usually occupied, cutting out various images and words out of several dozen stacks of magazines, newspapers, catalogues and a charitable helping of Woman’s Weekly – courtesy of Jer Bulsara.
Wyn’s dorm was a site Freddie had quickly grown accustomed to during their past few months of friendship. He liked her place. Sure, there were several others that lived on her floor and there’s only the bare modicum of privacy, but it was a decently sized space for a dorm, generous even, were it not cramped with half-finished canvases and art materials at various stages of use. Despite this fact, Wyn had tried her very best to make it up as nice as she could without having to open a Better Homes magazine. It was a place of barely organized but brightly coloured chaos.
The room itself was divided into two halves, one half where she slept and lounged, and the other half reserved for her work. The narrow bed which she slept in had been pushed up flush against the far corner of the room for the spatial economy. There was an olive-green loveseat with faded upholstery situated opposite the bed, and next to it was her bookshelf (definitely someone’s previously discarded woodworking project), keeping her collection of vinyls, novels and art journals. The side of Wyn’s room that served as her work area had a very large window that provided her place with natural light from about six or seven in the morning to four in the afternoon. Beside the window was a small desk, perpetually cluttered with paper, and a heavy wooden trunk packed to the brim with art supplies. One would think she’d been living there forever with all the stuff she’d accumulated in the past four months; the result of which was an assemblage of mismatched furniture that on its own were rather forgettable or borderline hideous, but somehow miraculously worked together, grudgingly made ‘cool’ by the person inhabiting it.
“Now who’s incorrigible?” As much as Freddie teased, it only took about five minutes of begging and a promise to cover one of his shifts at the Kensington stall for Freddie to generously acquiesce his time to help her out with one of her class assessments, to her supreme relief.
“Besides, they only want proof of concept. The whole thing’s not due until the end of Christmas hols.” Wyn said, flipping to the next page.
“Sure, sure.” The man rolled his eyes, waving a large pair of shears around. “What’s the focus for this piece anyway?”
“Oh, you know, just a bit of social commentary about defining identity through materialism and the like.” She told him, picking up a scrap he’d just finished cutting out, “These little bits here, will eventually be put together and build up a face or whatever, then I think I’d slather some paint on it, use some charcoal and call it a day, probably.”
“Is it still Granger and Warton assessing?”
“Warton is on leave, taking the airs in Bournemouth. Connelly is subbing in.”
“Even better, Connelly likes anything that’s remotely opinionated. He’ll be eating this all up with his Sunday roast.” He laughed. It gave her that smidge more comfort to hear his approval and she told him just as much.
She and Freddie were both dutifully attending to their work when out of the blue, Freddie sniffs the air, saying: “Have I told you how much your room smells?”
“Oops,” The girl said sheepishly, “Sorry. Let me just open a window. Afraid I’ve gotten quite used to it.” Briefly, she pattered away from him to do just that, lighting a rosemary and orange-scented candle, a gift from an aunt who had taken up chandlery upon retirement.
“Yes, the smell of varnish does tend to make the uninitiated rather queasy.” He nodded. “Lucky for you, I know the smell intimately. Unlucky for you, it still makes me queasy. Unless… you’ve become a junkie, in which case there are better highs than paint fumes, my dear.” A hand rose to Freddie’s chest, playfully aghast.
Wyn shook her head with a laugh. “I don’t even realise sometimes, too stuck in my work.”
“Still, you should always remember to take care of yourself. What good is your art if you’re not there to appreciate it? I’d rather have you, than a painting.”
Wyn dropped the page she was holding and looked at him. “Always so sweet. Where would I be without you, my dearest Freddie?”
“Probably still glued to a wall in that function room with the horrible punch.” Fred snarked, letting out an inelegant snort in the magazine his face was buried in.
So far, they were amassing a pretty sizeable pile of clippings and Wyn wordlessly congratulated herself and Freddie for making progress, but the good feeling didn’t last long. The two had been quiet for a while, with only the sound of snipping and paper tearing to fill the silence when reluctantly Fred releases the lip he had been gnawing on for a solid two minutes and clears his throat. “I’ve got something to tell you,” He says, putting down the pair of scissors he was using. “Actually, I could use your opinion.”
Still focused on an area she was clipping, Wyn nodded. “Spill, it’s not like we’re going anywhere soon.”
He exhaled deeply and gave what could be likened to a formal announcement. “I’m thinking of seeing Mary. Scratch that, I’ve seen Mary and had a cup of coffee with her, and I’ve been thinking about doing that more.”
There was sudden a hush that came about the room and settled in like a third guest. It took her several moments to process and Wyn gently reminded herself to lower her pair of scissors, lest she accidentally hurt a friend. “Wait, Mary, as in 'the coat's BIBA', Mary? As in Brian’s Mary? That Mary?” She gauged him with a puzzled look.
“As in Brian’s ex-girlfriend, Mary Austin, Yes.” Freddie confirmed, not blinking.
“So, you want to go see Brian’s ex, that is what you’re saying?”
“Ex, being the operative word, but yes.”
“You don’t think that’ll put a wrench into things?” She asked with a furrowed brow. “Smile hasn’t even begun performing again yet with you as the lead. Do you understand where I’m coming from, how precarious your situation is?”
“I don’t know,” It was his turn to shrug, eyes large and expressive. “I think she’s sweet and gorgeous and she doesn’t mind my teeth. Wait, where did you hear about Brian and Mary anyway?”
Wyn shrugged, “Roger told me.”
“That gossiping cow.” Freddie scowled.
“Well, no, we were just talking and the subject came up,” Wyn said levelly, grabbing a new catalogue from the stack.
“Oh, it came up naturally, did it?” He asked, picking up his scissors and cutting the page he was on a tad aggressively. “Not that you were asking after a certain boy with a guitar, needling poor Roger until he revealed whether said boy was single or not?”
“No,” She denies, “Roger and I were just talking about that night at the bar, and he just happened to mention that until recently Brian had been seeing Mary and hinted that maybe Brian was still interested in seeing her.”
Freddie had narrowed his eyes. “And Roger told you that, did he? Are you sure this isn’t about you and Roger?”
Her head quirked. “Why would this be about me and Roger?”
Freddie laughed. “Maybe because Roger thinks you’re fit and he’s trying to eliminate the competition by hinting that one of his friends might be keen to reconnect with an ex so that you won’t consider that friend as a potential romantic partner?”
“Or, you’re spinning this intricate web because you’re in denial that Mary wants to be with Brian and continuing to see her might ruin your chances with the band?” She offered sweetly.
“Or, this is about you and Roger.” Wyn had to roll her eyes at that.
“This is so not about Roger.”
“Brian, then.”
“It’s not like that.” She shakes her head, eyes trailing to the ground.
Freddie was not convinced, “I saw you and Brian looking cozy together. In that booth, on the way home, going for a little shopping trip…”
“We went shopping to feed you!”
“It’s probably what set off Rog in the first place.” He said in sing-song.
“N-no, the man doesn’t even flirt with me--” She was growing exasperated quickly.
“So, you admit that you flirt with Roger all the time.” Freddie was a dog with a bone.
“That’s just the way we talk to each other! He just thinks it’s a bit of fun, and I’m not about to let him think he can get a rise out of me.” Freddie could have sworn her voice rose an octave.
"I think you have a crush on him."
"I do not have a crush on Brian."
"Who said anything about Brian?" Freddie cracked a devilish grin at having caught her out. He batted his eyes at her.
The girl, on the other hand, was at a loss for words, opening her mouth and closing it again a couple of times, before scoffing. “Oh, shut up. You haven’t proven anything. Go see Mary then if you’ve already made up your mind.” She resigned, covering her discomfort with a laugh. Wyn looked down and busied herself by neatening the growing pile of magazine and newspaper trimmings she was collecting, forcing her hair to fall and obscuring her face. She absolutely was not going to let her friend see the burning flush she was newly sporting.
Fred chuckled beside her, examining his manicured hand. "I honestly wonder what fantasy world you're living in, darling. You're so caught up in it."
Instead of answering him directly she chose to switch to diversionary tactics. "You say that like it's a bad thing, or like you're not right there with me. You're just as mad as me." She poked his cheek.
"True, darling." He conceded, "I definitely see the appeal; I mean who wouldn’t want to escape this old tedious business for one in a fantasy book?” Freddie sighed dreamily, “I say, human ingenuity peaked when we learned we could just imagine ourselves far away from here.”
The girl hummed, gladdened to finally be talking about something else again. “Where everything is weird and wonderful, and you finally belong…”
“You can be anyone you want to be.”
“And bugger the rules because there are none.” She supplied without missing a beat.
“Get out of my head, Wyn Clemens.” He chided her. “You know, this reminds me of when Kashmira and I used to spend all our time in the afternoons together lying on a dusty floor, making up crazy stories.”
A fond smile came over Wyn’s face. “Oh? What about?”
“Well, tis a tale of a long and arduous quest to save the magical Kingdom of Rhye,” He said indulgently, “Your usual fight between the forces of good and evil, brave knights, lavish castles, rival queens, and a sprinkling of anthropomorphic animals.”
“Ah, but of course! I wouldn’t expect anything less.” She leaned back and drew her legs under her chin. “Pray tell then, merry minstrel, regale me with the story of Rhye.”
Freddie sat a little more upright in his spot, his teeth showing in a big smile. “Alright, so, it all began when the White Queen was abducted from her castle. Now in hopes to rescue her, her brother, the handsome Prince, scours all the land gathering knights…”
Wyn had already forgotten they had been arguing not two minutes ago. It was like that with her and Freddie, they never could stay cross with one another for long, always managing to read what the other was thinking. It was shocking how close the two had gotten in such a short span of time. Suddenly the prospect of Freddie graduating brought a sinking feeling to Wyn’s chest. She silently hoped he’d still have time for her, or would deign to remain her friend. The future always seemed so unsteady. Standing on its precipice, Wyn supposed that if she’d have to drink some horrible punch at some mediocre party, she’d rather be suffering through it with him than without him.
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