#and that bums me out majorly
twow · 8 months
not to go into the same spiral i do every few months about the state of comics and how DC basically ruined their entire 80+ year continuity with reboots but like. i really am going to spend the rest of my life mourning preboot tim drake... as lana said, i think i'll miss you forever <3
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man i know im biased because he is my favorite but i just feel like some people are making orym out to be more bloodthirsty than he is. i don't think im 'uwuifying him' or whatever and maybe i need to rewatch thursdays episode but i just dont think him realizing and accepting that he can't keep trying to peace talk his way through a cult anymore is the same as him going Dark Orym, you know. not while they're facing the gods-sized, world-changing problem that they are.
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mistfallengw2 · 8 months
So, when I make new characters in game, I like to challenge myself to go as far as possible in the story/map completion without a single death. Then, when it happens, I take note and try to work it into their backstory as an injury or close call of sorts.
Well, today it happened to be Poffi's turn. I did in fact go nearly 50% of map completion without a single death, but then it finally happened in the silliest way: an accidental dodge as I was gathering cultivated herbs in the asuran home instance sent her down the cliff.
You can bet your ears that I worked that into her backstory as an accidental fall down a ditch next to her family's lab, back when she was still a progeny. She had learned how to cook quite early and wanted to make a nice meal for her uncle (who took her in after her mother died) since it was his birthday, and she finally got an idea when she spotted some rare herbs that were growing in a hard-to-reach place next to the lab. Well, she did manage to harvest them, but her foot slipped and she tumbled down the ditch. She was scratched and sore all over, but she had a mission and the herbs were successfully in her hand, so she climbed out of it, quickly medicated and cleaned herself after sneaking back into the lab, and then went to the kitchen like nothing had happened [because right after the fall I went and unlocked the last ascended recipes with her, since she's my second cook]. Poor Chegg got so scared when he saw his niece all bruised up that he didn't even get to taste the meal, but in the end she was fine and even got a personal herb garden in a corner of the lab out if it.
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theknittinggoblin · 6 months
Going on a trip to visit friends tomorrow and I am so fucking excited to see them and their cats!!
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litres-of-cocaine · 11 months
okay i’m literally 100% certain delainey hayles is going to do an incredible job in s2 but my grief for s1 claudia is heavy rn.
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pochapal · 2 years
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everyone can gaslight gatekeep maria all they want but she knows the divine truth of the Literal Real Golden Witch Beatrice and they will all run to her for guidance when the horrors go from being mystery horrors to supernatural horrors
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numetaljackass · 1 year
anyway. when ghost said ‘i know your soul is not tainted even though you’ve been told so’??
needed that
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were--ralph · 6 months
You have a pretty large following, you should use it to mention the atrocities israel is commiting to palestinians
I'll be honest I've been avoiding it because every time I scroll I see a dead child or something and it bums me out something major but I think most of my followers know what's going on by now
Its also like. I can't do anything at all. Like at all. It's majorly depressing for a person already having suicidal thoughts to talk and show genocide on a daily basis
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writeintrees · 3 months
what is the rest of writeblr doing about the tumblr ai stuff? i’m considering deleting my writing which majorly bums me out. i want to be able to participate in find-the-word tag games and such, but i personally do not want my work used to train ai. tumblr itself admitted that their trial run included things that the ai wasn’t supposed to access, so i don’t fully trust the opt-out
what are you going to do?
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aihoshiino · 6 days
Man onk is getting so messy and out of place. Movie arc really dissapointed me because it was suppose to be about Ai and I am not even sure if they potrayed the real Ai or not. After Nino-Ai thing it feels as if Ruby doesn't understand Ai. I want more chapters like 137 where we are shown about Ai. It is not only about Ai but other characters too. Also can we please have some Aqua in limelight again?
I'm sorry that this took so long for me to reply but the me from the future hopes you enjoyed OnK 150 very much <3 Aqua, we missed you…!!!
I definitely feel the same way vis-a-vis the Movie Arc, though. It's frustrating, because the bits we did get of Ai were absolutely fantastic - anyone who was just, like, in my general vicinity in the weeks surrounding 131, 136 and 137 knows how completely feral I went for those chapters and how great it was to see the way I'd been reading Ai be validated by the text in such explicit and undeniable terms. But since then, it just kind of… flopped. I can understand zooming us past the parts of the story we already saw in the prologue arc but like… hello??? The rest of the HKAI relationship?? The breakup??? Ai telling Saitou she was pregnant???? AI REALIZING SHE WAS PREGNANT???? There's sooooo much potential in showing us these parts of her story but it starts turning into the Kamiki movie so hard and then wasting time on shit that doesn't matter (melt i love you but you did Not need a whole chapter that went nowhere to yourself) that it's hard not to feel like she got majorly shafted.
I think I said this in one of my recent chapter reviews, but it really feels like Ai is being treated as narratively 'resolved', so to speak, since 137 - like her posthumous character arc is done and doesn't need any further elaboration.This also comes in tandem with weird shit like Ai's role in the twins' lives being massively downplayed/retconned in favor of centering the GRSR dynamic and as someone who honestly probably would not still be reading this series if I didn't care about Ai so deeply, it really bums me out.
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"Back to school"- The kissing booth AU Chapter One
part 2 of 4 || series masterlist || previous part || next part
pairing: modern!Aegon II Targaryen x Reader, side modern!Aemond Targaryen x modern!Floris Baratheon
summary: You get yourself in trouble on your first day back in school, go to a party and it´s time for the fundraiser. But nothing could possibly go wrong there, right?
word count: 3k
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warnings: mentions of sexual harrasment, underage partying and drinking
Taglist: @fan-goddess
(If you want to be tagged in this fic or any specif character taglists, send me an ask)
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Now that you sat in front of the principal's office, looking down at the fingers that were playing in your barely covered lap, you questioned your whole existence. You were never one to get into trouble and now you had gotten yourself into exactly that by simply refusing to stay home. 
Aegon´s sigh beside you as he puts an ice pack to his busted lip pulls you from your thoughts.
“What?” your voice is a sharper than you intended to, but you don´t care. He was part of the reason why you were here now anyway. 
“I know you are naïve and all, but I never would have thought you would be naïve enough to come to school dressed like that and think nothing would happen.” He says dismissively. 
“I beg your pardon?” You turn to him, glaring daggers into his form that is still not looking at you. 
“Your skirt. You were practically asking for something to happen.” He turns to point at your exposed thighs. 
You scoff and open your mouth to give a retort, but right in that moment the principal calls you into his office. 
“It wasn´t my fault, I swear.” You start to defend yourself, before you even sit down. “My pants ripped and then my backups weren’t there and so I only had this left.” 
“Alright, just calm down.” The principal tells you in a slow voice that you assume is supposed to sound soothing, but you are close to tears with fury and embarrassment. Pulling down the short uniform skirt non-stop. 
“Calm down? I can´t calm down. A guy just grabbed my lady bum.” You almost whisper the last sentence. 
“Calm down? I can´t calm down. A guy just grabbed my lady bum.” You almost whisper the last sentence. 
“And he will have to face the consequences for that. Unfortunately, you broke a rule as well. The length of this skirt is a violation of the dress code. That means detention. Tomorrow.” 
Detention goes about as well as it could have. With Aegon sulking behind you on one side, rolling his eyes, shaking his head and scoffing ever so often and the guy that had grabbed you on the other side. As it turns out he is kind of cute though. Apologizing to you in earnest, effectively landing him your number and a date. 
Which kind of immediately gets temporarily forgotten that same afternoon, as Aemond drags you shopping. You slump in a chair in front of the changing rooms, waiting for him as the two of you brainstorm ideas for the fundraiser. A task that gradually grows to be more difficult than thought. Every new idea turns out to be taken by another club already, your legs bouncing more out of control with every rejected notion. Ending with you rubbing your eyes for what feels like the hundredth time. 
“Ugh, this is so stupid…” You groan and let your head hang over the back of the chair. 
When the sound of the curtain sounds off and you look at Aemond, it takes you a moment for the world to stop spinning, while he just stands there waiting for your judgement.
“You know I´m not much help with this stuff… Why do you even care that much how you´re gonna look at the party?”
“Because Alys is gonna be there and I really want to kiss her?” He replies in a dry tone. As if it is ridiculous that you even have to ask and honestly, now that you think about it, you probably should´ve known.
“Today was literally the first time the OMGs ever spoke to me. Plus, she is a cheerleader.” It still confused you majorly that they did in the first place.
“So? Baby steps.”
“She probably wouldn´t even make out with you is if you´d pay for it, Aem... Sorry…” When you look into his eye, instead of finding him hurt you see an idea bouncing around in his brain. As if someone out in the universe had silently counted to three you burst out at the same time.
“Kissing booth!” It feels so good to finally not have to worry about that anymore, but with the relief also comes back another sinking feeling. The one you get every time you think about the date.
“What is one even supposed to do on a date?” You ask Aemond as you sit down in a small café.
“I don´t know, like… sit and eat… I guess.” At his answer the two of you look down at the food in front of you. Exploding into laughter momentarily. You ignore the dirty looks the people around you are throwing your way.
“Seven hells, I´m so lost…”
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“Come on, stop fidgeting. You´re gonna be great. And if he doesn´t see what a badass you are that´s his loss. Alright?” Aemond takes your hand to stop it from picking at the seam of your dress.
“I just… Okay, I mean I don´t really believe you, but alright.” You sigh and with your hands still restrained by his, all you can do to soothe your nerves is checking your makeup in the mirror one last time. As Aemond drives off you have half a mind to call him back right that moment. But you know what he would say and so you woman up, calm your trembling legs, wipe your sweaty hands on your dress and wait for your date to show up. Fifteen minutes after your agreed time he isn´t there. You take a deep breath and tell yourself to keep calm. He´s just running a bit late. Thirty minutes later you can´t help the second thoughts sinking in. And when you still wait in front of the restaurant an hour later, with no message or calls you finally called Aemond to pick you up again. You thank him countless times for trying to take your mind off the failure that was supposed to be your first date and he is a real friend, letting you bitch about it the entire time. When suddenly you hear someone clear their throat behind you.
Your head whips around, the expression on your face speaks of more than just hurt feelings.
“Hey…” Your `date´ waves awkwardly, the black eye form the fight still sitting prominently on his face. “I came to… to apologize. I-“
“Yeah. One would think an apology is the least you could do.” You snark back.
“I know, but I had my reasons, okay? You gotta believe me. Targaryen has been going around for years, threatening every guy that planned on asking you out. And I won´t catch another black eye or broken nose or possibly worse for a pair of boobs.”
All the words you wanted to tell him before, get stuck in your throat and only come out in a scoff and a shaken head as he leaves. Lips pressed in a tight line and a curt nod.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You try to keep calm as you call Aegon that night. Which, much like your date, terribly fails. “Who in the seven hells told you that it was okay to go around keeping guys away from me?”
“I´m just trying to protect you. You´re naïve, but I know how guys really are.“ He argues back, but you can still hear the smile on his face.
“Oh, fuck off. You do not control me any longer. End of discussion.”
“Sure, we´ll see about that.” There it is again. That unmistakably smug smile on his face that can´t be hidden by his voice. With a frustrated yell you hang up on him and throwing your phone onto your bed.
Pitching your idea of the kissing booth doesn´t make you feel all too great either. Student council is more than just doubtful of the whole thing and Aemond isn´t any help at all as well. The only way you are able to convince them, is by lying about Aegon participating. Sadly, persuading student council doesn´t mean everyone else was ready to participate. Not on the manning the booth side at least. Upon asking most of your year, your phone blows up with messages of refusal. 
It makes you glad to get a break from all of it in the form of a party. Something you get excited about to early. The problems follow you there as well. Of course they do. First Aemond tries to talk you into talking to his brother and then the OMGs call you over to them. You don´t even finish greeting them, when Talya holds a Jello shot in your face. 
“Here, you need to taste this. Tastes green.” Her voice sounds over the loud music. 
Your heart beats higher as the alcohol burns down your throat, yet the girls don´t give you a break. Johanna and Alys talk at you to get you to go over to Aegon and ask him to do the booth, who is currently busy making out with some older girl. For the sake of everyone's well-being and to not catch anyone's attention, you ignore the pull at your heart and after another shot from Talya, you get pushed into the elder Targaryen´s direction.
You clear your throat once and then twice before they notice you. You have never seen the girl before, but she is arguably tipsy already and immediately gets mad at you. Shoving you as she tells you to get lost. You go to defend yourself, but Aegon beats you to it. Telling the girl that you are like a sister to him, and she needs to get. There is another stab in your heart. No one wants their crush to put them in the sibling zone after all. 
“Sorry, for ruining that for you…” Your voice is barely audible over the music. 
“Nah, it´s okay.” He waves your intrusion off with a small smirk that always seems to rest on his lips. 
“Now, that you are alone though… I wanted to ask, if you would help with our kissing booth for the fundraiser?” You try to smile and look as cute as possible to hopefully get a yes out of him. 
“Never.” He chuckles. Thus, sending you back to your new `friends´. 
When the girls ask you what he said, you put on a mask and just tell them “He basically does whatever I ask, but…” You put a finger to your lips. 
The rest of the party goes by much easier and with a whole lot more alcohol. Though you would not remember any of it the next day. Not the many games of beer pong or the Jello shots or may the gods know what else you drank. And most importantly you don´t remember how you started to dance on a table, pulling off your shirt for everyone to see or being caught and carried to a bed that isn´t yours right as you begin to fall.
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What you think you will remember forever is the all-consuming and mind-numbing hangover the morning after. Looking around once the daylight isn´t so blinding anymore, you recognize it is Aegon’s room you´re in. At that realization you hurriedly check the state of your clothing under the blanket, to find yourself out of the clothes from last night and in Aegon’s football jersey. The gods didn´t mean you well after either. Right as you plan to sneak out of bed and find your clothes before anyone else can see you Aegon enters the room. You try to hide yourself behind the blanket as you bicker with him about the happenings of the previous night and getting to your clothes. So busy, that you don´t even realize your legs had tangled up in the blanket, making you fall on top of him.
Aegon laughs about the whole thing, as always. You on the other hand are utterly humiliated by the time you are dressed and leave the room to join Aemond, who is already up and way too cheery for what happened the night before. On the other hand, he hands you an emergency kit to cure the thundering headache so you can´t be too mad at him overall.
As it seems you have more reason to be mad at yourself anyway. May the seven damn all alcohol for making you tell everyone Aegon, who even now you can´t stop thinking about, would do the booth.
 Building the booth with Aemond is a lot more fun than any of the process before was. You are so stressed out with planning everything, so when his brush hits your skin, turning the skin it touched in a stripe of paint, your first reflex is to give him a taste of his own medicine. Through the laughter and fun, things quickly get out of hand. Ending with you covered in paint all over, as he is a much better shot when it comes to flinging the paint at you without seeing much or being hit with it himself. All the while you can´t even really open your eyes anymore, because there is so much paint on your face.
It leads you right into your next… mishap.
In your almost blinded state, you stumble into the closest changing room, thinking it´s the girls one. Your shirt comes off in a swift motion, the color splashes already starting to dry. Over the sound of the running water in the sink you don´t hear the quiet giggles.
It only erupts into full blown laughter and whistles when you turn around. Still covered in paint, but finally able to see again. They don´t even stop when you feel Aegon´s presence behind you. He lays a hand on your shoulder, trying to shield your half naked body from the spectators and pulling you out of the room simultaneously. However, in his own self-assuredness he forgot your promise that he wouldn´t control you anymore. So, you make sure to run an extra round through the full changing room, leaving with a smug smile on your face and your shirt over your shoulder. Reveling in the disappointed look on his.
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After that incident preparations come along great and in no time, you are ready for the fundraiser to arrive. You eat cotton candy and check out the other attractions with Aemond, giggling at the irony of some clubs' choices. Aemond leaves you to go and prepare as you approach Aegon one last time. Asking him for help one last time. 
“Look who´s come crawling for help…” His tone is so cynical it stings. 
“Ugh, forget it. I just thought it would be nice for you to do something for people that care about you… Guess I was wrong.” You hide the frown by turning around and trudging off. 
And then it is time to open your own booth. You put on a happy mask and slide the name plates of the first two people in, handing them their blindfolds. Meanwhile Aemond greets the small cluster that has built in front of the makeshift cash register. 
“Alright! First off for the ladies: Jason Lannister! And for the guys: Johanna Lannister!” 
“Tickets can be bought right here; all sales and smooches are final.” You add and smile as the crowd cheers. 
You and Aemond basically get bombarded with money and so the kissing booth starts off as what you would call a great success. Well, one shouldn´t count their chickens before they hatch, or so they say.
After a while there is a rising uproar, commanding for Aegon.
“Targaryen! Targaryen! Targaryen!” You hear the crowd chanting.
Giving Aemond a panicked look he does something you would have never expected of him. He snatches a blindfold and gets out on stage to replace Jason. Your explanation that it was in fact `Targaryen´ up there, still turns away 99% of the girls. First and foremost, Alys. Which makes you feel hurt for your already blindfolded friend. Then, to your surprise, Floris Baratheon steps forward and pulls him into a passionate kiss. You step aside with them. They look so happy you feel like throwing up.
“It sure is okay to let you man the booth alone, right? We just wanted to have some more fun at the fair before the night is over.” Aemond looks half worried for you, but you know the happiness of the moment overweighs that.
“Yeah, of course I am sure. Now go, before I change my mind.” You smile brightly. Aemond and Floris look so cute it is easy for you to abide by rule number 18 of your friendship rules. Always be happy for your besties successes.
When you return to the action you are right on time to stand in Johanna´s way as she storms off stage. “I can´t do this!”
Looking past the curtain you see one of the nerds picking his nose as he is waiting next in line.
“Girl, you said Targaryen would be here. He isn´t. So I guess it´s your turn now.” Alys blindfolds you and shoves you out on stage.
You know lying wasn´t fair, yet still you feel betrayal course through your system. Unbeknownst to you they dug their own grave. With gaping mouths, they have to watch as none other than Aegon Targaryen replaces that nerd.
You however, only feel two hands on your shoulders, alerting you to someone standing in front of you.
“Okay, look. We don´t really have to do this. I know you expected Johanna and… And this is my first kiss. I mean I tried to kiss Cregan when I was younger but we kind of butted our heads together and…” You ramble on and on until a pair of lips shuts you up.
Butterflies rise up in your tummy and you move quicker than you ever have to remove the blindfold, to find your crush of so many years in front of you. In a matter of seconds your lips find his again. Pressing against them, your arms slung tightly around his neck. Your mind feels as blank as ever. It´s like in one of those movies, where the camera spins around the kissing couple as fireworks go off in the background. In this moment everything is more than just perfect.
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Did you watch the standoff deleted scene? In it Neytiri didn't actually release Spider after Quaritch released Kiri and Jake had to talk her down and take the knife himself before she released Spider and holy hell I don't know how to describe my feelings for it. They really planned to traumatize Spider huh. And I can't even fault Neytiri here because she's clearly so lost in grief and trauma. It's such an angst fest, I love it but I can see why they deleted it. What do you think?
Side note, I saw that anon ask about a time loop headcanon? I tried scrolling your spider tag myself but I couldn't find it, any chance you can link it reblog it for me please?
I am trying to be a patient adult who does not buy the same movie seventeen times, so no I haven't watched them yet, I will fucking wait for my collectors editions for Christmas. But I watched all those Avatar Theory videos where the scenes are described, and I've done my reddit dives (shivers). I know what they all are.
I just answered another ask that mentioned this particular scene (which I gotta say has really bummed me out for the day), might have to finally get around to answered that ask about my Sully Sims. BUT ANYWAYS.
As I said to this other person, I really don't feel like this is a deleted scene, its more of a rewrite. To me, I think that the choice of changing this scene is more telling. I completely understand why they removed it. There are a lot of people who don't empathize with Neytiri, or understand her trauma anyway. I think they changed this because they must have felt it didn't fit her character enough, or wouldn't work with where they wanted the story to go. Of course, I understand the scene, but I'm very glad they changed it. I think it's important to remember that scene is now not canon, it was changed to what we got for a reason. We can spend the next million posts talking about what we think that reason is, but I still think that means something.
I'm just honestly majorly bummed that there were positive cut recom scenes and then just this super dark Neytiri scene. She was barely in the movie, and I just know people will use this even more to misunderstand her character and villainize her and it makes me really sad. I'm sorry I'm not as pumped about these deleted scenes as all the dm's and asks I've gotten. :(
On a lighter note, I could not find it, no, I’ve had this ask ready to go as I looked for it forever. I will keep looking but I’m hoping that anon will send us the link, or even that I’ll find it later. Sorry, I didn’t want this to sit here longer!!
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ddarker-dreams · 11 months
Hi Lock, I am so sorry to hear what you have been going through. I sincerely hope you are doing better. Your writing brightens any day like the sweetest candy does after eating a most bitter medicine. I hope this message can provide you with at least a fraction of glee and joy that you have brought into my life.
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thank you very much,, i deeply appreciate this encouragement. knowing that my works have spread some joy is one of the best feelings ever, it really touches me <33
i'm feeling better today overall!! what majorly bummed me was my motivation to write getting siphoned away, since that's my favorite way to destress and vibe. the last thing i wanted was to fall into a writing funk. apparently the pit wasn't as deep as i thought because i was able to climb out pretty fast. sometimes in life all you need is ten hours of sleep and homemade pasta. the finest panacea known to man.
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gaybananabread · 5 months
🍌300 Fruit Shop "Drabbles"🍌
♡Thank you to everyone who participated in this! I had a lot of fun with all these, and might do another Fruit Shop thing in the future! Hopefully all these links work lol♡
(Fruit Shop info)
Cheater! - lee!Sokka, lers!Katara, Toph, Aang
Fandom= Avatar: The Last Airbender
Summary: Sokka is being more of a brat than usual. Katara decides to teach him a lesson, the others joining in to help.
Guilty Comforts - switches!Gwen, Hobie
Fandom= Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse
Summary: Gwen is struggling with her self-image, the negative thoughts creeping in as she stresses out. Hobie has the perfect way to help, and while it cheers her up, things don’t exactly go how he expects them to.
Burned Treats - lee!Mikey, lers!Raph, Leo, Donnie
Fandom= Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Summary: Mikey tries making a treat for his bros, but things don't go as planned, bumming him out. The boys quickly notice and, after a quick wrestling match and some questions, manage to get their baby bro back into his high spirits.
Anxious Thoughts - lee!Pomni, ler!Kinger
Fandom= The Amazing Digital Circus
Summary: Pomni is having an anxiety attack due to circus craziness. Kinger invites her into his pillow fort to calm down, showing her she can still have a laugh in their insane circumstances.
Good Book - lee!Satan, ler!Lucifer
Fandom= Obey Me! Shall We Date?
Summary: Satan becomes engrossed in a new novel, locking himself in his room all day. He forgets about everything else as time flies, accidentally ignoring his duties and MC. Lucifer gives him a reminder he won’t soon forget.
So Rude! - lee!Jax, ler!Ragatha
Fandom= The Amazing Digital Circus
Summary: Jax is being a total brat, sassing and picking on all the other characters. Ragatha has enough, giving him a lesson on manners he won’t soon forget.
Impressive? - lee!Gender Neutral Reader, ler!Miguel
Fandom= Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Summary: You’ve been taking unnecessary risks on missions, trying to show off and impress a certain Spider-Man. It has the opposite effect, only worrying the man and making him question you. After you joke around and play off the danger, he uses a special tactic to make sure you learn your lesson.
Full Plate - lee!Miles, ler!Hobie
Fandom= Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Summary: Miles is falling behind due to his duties as Spider-Man and majorly stressing out about it. Hobie helps him calm down, as well as adding a special twist to make sure he's all cheered up.
A Better Fight - lee!Alex, ler!Magnus
Fandom= Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard
Summary: During one of the Hotel’s fights to the death, Alex and Magnus slip away for some calm. Unfortunately for the son of Frey, Alex got geared up for the fight and is feeling antsy. He offers another kind of fight, and while it’s not what Alex had in mind, it was certainly a laugh.
Sassy Bird - lee!Hawks, lers!Dabi, Twice, Toga
Fandom= My Hero Academia
Summary: Hawks is sassing his fellow LoV members, collectively pissing everyone off. While some more violent methods are suggested, the most interested trio finds a way to get back at the birdie without injuring their “asset.” 
Grouchy "Old" Man - lee!Miguel, lers!Peter B., brief Mayday
Fandom= Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Summary: Peter brings Mayday to the base for the twenty-millionth time, letting her wander around Miguel’s office. Turns out the beefcake is her favorite thing to climb on. When the young spider girl reminds him of one of Miguel’s quirks, Peter makes sure the grumpy old man has a laugh. 
Pillow Fort Comfort - switches!Gangle, Kinger
Fandom= The Amazing Digital Circus
Summary: Gangle's comedy mask is broken once again, upsetting her and leading her to seek comfort. Kinger helps her out, and while his silly method does work, he soon learns just how effective it is.
Jax is Bored, Now it's Your Problem - lee!Pomni, ler!Jax
Fandom= The Amazing Digital Circus
Summary: Pomni is still getting used to the circus, anxious and uneasy in the new environment. Jax is bored enough to help out, though he does it in his own annoying way.
Bug Pizza - lee!Jax, ler!Ragatha
Fandom= The Amazing Digital Circus
Summary: Jax leaves Ragatha a “special” present in her room, trying to annoy the rag doll. He succeeds, though it backfires in a way he never could’ve expected. All he has to do is apologize…but where’s the fun in that?
Watch What You Take - lee!Denki, lers!Bakugou, Kirishima
Fandom= My Hero Academia
Summary: Denki swipes one of Kirishima’s favorite hoodies, which just so happens to be Bakugou’s best blanket. To “avenge” the red head and get the jacket back, Baku uses a special method of persuasion on the electric hero. Kiri decides to help, playing a good cop role.
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knickynoo · 11 months
Back to the Future: The Animated Series, s01ep13 “Clara's Folks” Review and Commentary
Previous episodes linked HERE
In this episode: Clara and the boys are at risk of being wiped from existence because Marty doesn't know how to say no to a nine-year-old.
And just like that, here we are at the last episode of season 1.
Doc begins his broadcast by carrying in a box and explaining that Clara has been urging him to do some serious cleaning and get rid of all the junk he's gathered over the years. One particular item catches his eye, and he pulls it out to show us, explaining that it was his entry into the 1932 Hilly Valley Junior Science Fair (which would have put him at 10 years old according to his birth year in the animated series).
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Doc: "A videotape recorder with full 14-day programming capability. It worked perfectly! Too bad there weren't any TV sets around."
So, yeah. That's something Doc did, evidently.
The next thing he finds is one of my favorite parts of these live-action segments. Doc retrieves a videotape from the box and tells us that he was tight on money a few years back and had to resort to selling some of his inventions on the home shopping network. He pops the tape into the VCR, and we get to see a clip of one of his infomercials featuring the new and improved mind-reading helmet he's perfected. It's wonderfully silly.
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Now I want to know about these financial issues Doc was having? What's the story there? Did he not have any ethical qualms about selling a functioning mind-reading device to the general public? How is such powerful technology being sold for only TWENTY DOLLARS?
The Back to the Future universe it truly a strange place.
Doc also shows us a net, which he says belonged to Clara's father, Daniel. Doc speaks very highly of the man and says the two met back in 1850, five years prior to Clara's birth. This little story then brings us into the cartoon to hear the full story.
While Doc is doing some work on a giant robot, Jules and Verne enter, having just arrived home from school. Jules tells his father he "discovered two new elements in chemistry class," to which Doc replies, "Everyone's entitled to a slow day now and then." Verne, however, had a horrible day and is majorly bummed out about something.
Meanwhile, Marty—who is also at the Brown residence—is playing his guitar that always makes me annoyed to look at because it has these two pathetic little strings on the body and then zero strings going up the neck.
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It just. It makes no sense. How is he playing this thing? It makes appearances in multiple episodes, and it never has strings on it. Is this supposed to be some kind of ultra-futuristic guitar that Doc bought him? If so, couldn't they have at least mentioned that in passing so that my mind could be at peace? (It's like they weren't even considering me in this decision at all. Rude.) Is it that terribly difficult to draw a few strings on a cartoon guitar?
Verne storms into the room and tells Marty why his day was so bad. Turns out a classmate, Roland Culver, was bragging about his grandfather's accomplishments, which upset Verne since he never had a chance to know his grandparents or any of the cool things they might have done in life. Marty points out that Verne does know some stories about Clara's parents and directs him to a frame on the wall. It contains a piece of buckboard from Martha and Daniel's wagon, on which their wedding announcement was burned into the wood.
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Verne goes on to recite some of the story he's heard a hundred times, informing us that Martha and Daniel met on the Oregon Trail and married that same day.
Wanting to get solid proof of his grandparents' love story, Verne announces that he's going to travel back in time to meet them. I'm glad to say that Marty, who is typically a major enabler of the boys' shenanigans, does warn Verne about the dangers of going back in time and meeting relatives. Verne doesn't see the big deal.
"Don't get your shorts in a wad," he tells Marty. "I'm just gonna take a stinkin' picture." Verne is such a little smart-mouth, and I love the dynamic he has with Marty.
Unfortunately, even the plethora of bad things Marty experienced as a result of messing with the past isn't enough to motivate him to put a stop to Verne's plan. He ends up tagging along with them to 1850.
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One neat detail in this episode is that we actually get some of the BTTF part III music in the 1850 scenes. In the one pictured above, we hear a few seconds of the music that plays as Marty walks through the town after leaving Seamus' house. And a few seconds later, as the boys are all running from a buffalo stampede, we hear the music that plays when Doc and Marty are attempting to get the horses to pull the DeLorean up to 88mph. It's very cool.
Marty, Jules, and Verne are saved from the stampede by none other than Clara's mother, Martha, who falls in love with Marty the moment she sees him. Marty is not thrilled by this development.
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I mean, I don't know, McFly. Maybe you should simply stop being so ruggedly handsome and irresistible to every woman you come across. Have you considered that?
A whole line of wagons show up then, with Clara's father being the last one to arrive. He causes a collision because he's too busy reading a book to pay attention to where he's going, and we're obviously supposed to get the impression that he's a nerd.
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"That's Grandpa? I hope Roland Culver never hears about this," Verne comments, ashamed of his bowtie-wearing, bookworm of a grandfather.
Poor Daniel Clayton.
The group plus Marty and the boys continue along the trail, and Jules laments that he now has to repair the damage done to the DeLorean during the stampede, along with figuring out how to undo the damage to their family tree. The future isn't looking too good for Clara's side of the family. Martha has tied Marty up and is insisting that they get married.
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She literally tells him that she won't set him free until he agrees to walk down the aisle with her. And you know what? Clara is a lovely person, but her mother? Not liking her so far.
Marty manages to escape and ends up in Daniel's wagon, where Daniel confesses that he's got a crush on Martha, who doesn't even know he exists. Marty tells Daniel he's going to help him win Martha's affection.
Also, Daniel is a bug enthusiast. His wagon is just filled with jars of bugs. I like him a lot.
As part of his plan to make Daniel more appealing to Martha, Marty helps to give him a makeover of sorts—exchanging his formal clothing for cowboy attire.
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Daniel: "Will this really make the lovely Miss O'Brien notice me?"
Verne: "Yeah, and she'll say, 'Who's the stinkin' geek?'"
VERNE. Verne, you are not helping.
That evening at dinner, Marty urges Daniel to go and talk to Martha, but he's interrupted by none other than "Wild Bill" Tannen, who also has eyes for Martha. He ends up kidnapping her after she witnesses him stealing from their gold.
We then take a scene jump to the present day, where something alarming is happening to Clara. She's beginning to become transparent. Which is, um, not a good sign.
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She's oblivious to her current state and very upset that someone has "sanded" the wedding announcement off of the buckboard. Doc assures her that he'll take care of things and instructs her not to look in any mirrors.
After taking the time train to 1850, Doc sets out with Marty, Daniel, and Jules to find Martha (and Verne, who has gone to rescue her on his own). They have trouble trying to track them down, but it's okay because Martha and Verne manage to escape on their own after Wild Bill blinds himself with the flash from Verne's camera. They don't get too much time to relax, though, seeing as a giant bear finds them a moment later.
From over on a nearby cliff, Jules spots his brother and grandmother, who appear seconds away from becoming bear-chow. After taking some time to survey the land, Doc spots a nearby geyser and recognizes that the area they're in will eventually become Yellowstone National Park. Doc yells down for Verne to lay some buffalo hide over the opening of the geyser and sit on it with Martha. When the geyser soon erupts, they're lifted up into the air and out of harm's way. Doc and Daniel then use the covering for a wagon to construct a paraglider and swoop in to catch Marth and Verne once the geyser stops.
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This heroic rescue wins Martha over, and she falls in love with Daniel, setting the timeline right. During their ceremony, Daniel (the bug enthusiast, remember?) catches a butterfly, which he says is a new species. He names it after Martha.
We return to the present day, where Verne is showing the picture of the butterfly to his class as part of his show-and-tell. Roland Culver tells Verne that he has a cool grandfather. End of cartoon.
Back in the garage, we find Doc in a state we don't often see him in: angry.
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Except, surprise. The big goofball was just pretending. In fact, he was doing "geyser talk," which brings us into a little lesson on how geysers work, along with an experiment to create one using boiling water and a funnel.
After the experiment portion with Bill Nye, we go back to Doc, who is wearing glasses. I'm not sure why. But he looks nice in them. They compliment his face well.
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Anyway, that's the end of the episode.
This was a fun one, and I really liked getting to see Clara's parents. You can see where she got the various aspects of her personality from. Strong-headed and tough like her mother, yet sensitive and intelligent like her father. Revisiting season 1 has been nice, and I'm excited to begin season 2, which I've never seen before.
Join me next week for the first episode of season 2, in which Marty lies to Jennifer, then sneaks off with Verne to 1697 so that Verne can get an earring in the Caribbean. ??? Really, Marty??
(I use the Futurepedia summaries to write the "join me next week" parts, btw. Very intrigued by. Whatever is going on in the next episode.)
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Tainted Love
"God, you're so perfect," Steve muttered into Eddie's neck as the metalhead saddled himself on the other young man's lap. The brunette responded by grinning as he wrapped his arms around Steve's shoulders and brought him in for a kiss.
"You like that?"
"Fuuuuck, yes." Steve groaned, unable to focus on anything in the room save his boyfriend as he grabbed either side of Eddie's waist. "You lock the door this time?"
"Double checked. No way Wayne or any of the kids are walking in on us this time. Put a sock on the door for good measure." Eddie confirmed. "Nothing to get between us this time."
"Great." Steve flipped over, launching Eddie onto his unmade bed.
"So forceful Mr. Harrington." Eddie teased as Steve crawled over him and began to kiss his neck.
"I know how to get what I want." Steve said, attempting to go along with Eddie's lead. They both kind of sucked at the foreplay thing but he was trying to learn. "And right now, what I really want?" He moved his hands under Eddie's shirt and began to feel along his chest before grabbing the edge of his Hellfire shirt and pulling it off. "You."
"Mmmmm, that's great big boy but maybe slow down a bit." Eddie spoke as he shifted his hips under Steve.
"Not having fun? I can change that." Steve lowered himself, kissing the thin red lines along Eddie's right side before beginning to try and peel off Eddie's skintight jeans. He was surprised by the hands on his chest as Eddie pushed him off and yelled.
"I said slow down!" Eddie glared at the confused Steve. Pulling his legs from under his boyfriend. "Jesus Christ, what the fuck is wrong with you?"
"I just thought it was foreplay stuff." Steve admitted. Watching Eddie get up and grabbing his shirt. Tugging it back on in a hurry. "Hey. I'm sorry. Are you-?" But Eddie was already storming out of his room, slamming the door shut behind him."...okay?"
"Jesus Harrington, you look like someone just killed your dog. It's bumming me out." Robin said as she continued to scan video returns. Steve stood at the front counter, making the same face he had since the night before. "You feeling okay? You're not sick or anything, right?"
"No. I just think me and Eddie are having a fight."
"Think?" Robin set down the copy of Trick or Treat in her hands to look at her coworker. "What did you do this time dingus?"
"I thought we were just having some fun. He told me to stop, I thought he was joking." This earned a hard thwack to the back of the head, courtesy of the VHS tape case in Robin's hand. "Ow!"
"Are you serious Harrington?"
"I know I fucked up-"
"Majorly." The red head frowned. "No means no."
"I know! Listen, I'm just learning about how to do this kind of stuff."
"What? You and your girlfriends never have talks about this kind of thing before?"
"It's different with boys! With Eddie." Steve threw his arms up in exasperation. "How do I apologize for this?"
"Well I suggest you rent the new Slumber Party Massacre, go over to his house and get down on both knees and promise to not be a dipshit again."
"That's...actually not that bad an idea." Steve grinned as he went over to the horror movie section. "Thanks Rob. You give some pretty good advice for someone who can't get a girlfriend of her own."
"Eat my ass." The redhead flipped Steve off.
"Sorry Rob, but I'm a taken man."
Steve knocked on the Munsons trailer door, clutching the VHS case and a box of Mike and Ikes nervously as he heard the sound of shuffling inside the trailer. A pause before the deadbolt unlocked and Mr. Munson peered out past the chain lock. The older man's eyes narrowing as he looked Steve over.
"Ugh, hi Mr. Munson. Eddie home?"
"He doesn't want to talk to you." He began to shut the door when Steve jammed his foot between the door and the frame.
"Wait!" If looks could kill, Steve was pretty sure Eddie's uncle would've killed him twice over. "Please, I came over to apologize....can I just talk to him?"
"Fine. But I suggest you move your foot before I slam the door on it." Steve obeyed, removing his foot as the door was slammed shut. Steve standing around for a moment as he tried to hear the voices inside talking. Swaying side to side when there was a clicking from the other side before the door opened again. This timeit was completely open, revealing Eddie dressed in an old Metallica shirt and pajama pants.
"I.....ugh....." Steve felt his brain momentarily short circuit before he held his hands out to show up off the peacekeeping gifts. "Movie night?" Eddie stared at him for a moment before rolling his eyes.
"Fine." Eddie gestured for Steve follow him into the house and he did. Glancing over to see Wayne on the couch watching TV. It might've just been Steve's memory but he didn't recall seeing the shotgun by the couch last night. Entering the metalhead's room, Eddie closed the door behind them and Steve's mouth began to run.
"I'm sorry about last night. I really didn't mean to break your boundary and I was a total idiot."
"So you brought candy and a cheesy horror movie as your way of eating shit?"
"Ugh, yes?" Eddie stared at him for a moment before laughing. Steve's eyebrows screwing up in confusion. "Should I leave...?"
"No, fuck Steve, you didn't have to do this." Eddie wiped his eyes as he stood to face his boyfriend.
"But I thought you were angry at me."
"I mean yeah, a little." Eddie admitted as he wandered over to his bed and took a seat on it. Steve hesitated for a moment before taking a seat next to the other boy. "But Slumber Party Massacre Two is a nice bonus to the inevitable apology."
"I know I fucked up. I'm sorry I hurt you." Steve didn't move closer to Eddie when he said that, not knowing if he'd be okay with it. Eddie bit his lips and threw his head back.
"You didn't hurt me Steve. You just...reminded me of someone I used to date." Eddie's breath staggered. "He was so nice at first but then he just kept wanting to do more shit I didn't. And when I tried to tell him no, he didn't take it well." One of the longer haired boy's hands drifted to the right side of his stomach.
"I'm sorry. Fuck. I didn't want to hurt you."
"I know. " Eddie's hand grabbed one of Steve's as he leaned into the only slightly taller boy's shoulder. "You're not him. You're actually a good person."
"You think so?" Steve wouldn't go that far but Eddie seemed to disagree as he placed a kiss on Steve's neck.
"Yeah. Now come on, let's put this thing in. I've been waiting to see this forever."
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