#and some need an immediate answer and won't be able to get in touch with the teacher until after the long weekend
podddcasttt · 8 months
being a children's librarian is fun because you get to look forward to not having to answer questions about the printer or the mysteries of google drive like adult services does, but then you get asked questions about phonics and AR reading levels and you realize that there are mysteries the depths of which you can never fathom but you have to try because there is a very stressed parent right in front of you
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holybibly · 1 month
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Bunnies, lately my brain has been going crazy with the number of ideas in my head and the number of drafts is already over 50 🙈 And it seems like my inspiration just won't stop.
Everyone has seen today's teaser, right? And I just can't stay away. So here I am, sharing with you the idea that came to me today.
Bunny lucky charm hockey players Ateez x reader
Have you heard about Ateez? Yes, the hockey team that has failed every game this season despite their pretty faces and endless hours of practice. And they are in desperate need of a win so that they can keep their scholarship and not get kicked out of the university. And when I say desperate, it's literally true—if they have to lick the floor with their tongues for a win, they'll do it without a second thought.
So when they hear a rumour that there is a certain girl with a touch of "pure luck" in the painting department, they immediately find themselves on their knees before her. They'll do whatever it takes to get her "luck" for themselves, and maybe, just maybe, they'll fuck her in the process.
Loud, noisy, bulky, and sweating like bloody dogs after a rainstorm—the hockey team at your university was not your cup of tea. So it was a resounding "no" when they trooped into your small studio in the university's art department and asked you to be their lucky "bunny." You were from a completely different world, and you didn't want to be associated with someone like them; the whole university knew about their parties and their fucking. It seemed impossible to find a girl who hadn't slept with one or more of them, and there were even some who would manage to fuck the whole team at once. So you threw them out of the studio, even though they were on their knees, begging you not to.
But what you don't know about Ateez is that they never give up. They just change their tactics.
And if you were the golden ticket to their victory, they would stop at nothing until they had their hands on you.
"What are we going to do about it now? She answered quite emphatically." Yunho asked as he lay on the floor in the middle of their living room. There was no trace of his usual positive and sunny energy left; the threat of getting expelled was hanging over them all like a damned thundercloud.
"It's all Wooyoung's fault. He was the one who scared her." San noticed and pressed his face against Seonghwa's shoulder like a cat. The long-haired boy himself was deeply absorbed in thinking about a certain girl with her paint-covered hands.
"That's not true at all! Mingi was the one who kneeled first; I just followed." Woo shouted in indignation and slapped San's thigh with his hand.
"You followed on a reflex?" Jongho remarked, causing the room to burst into a fit of laughter.
"What if we seduce her?" Yeosang asked quietly. His voice was soft and almost drowned out by the cacophony of laughter from the rest of the team, but Hongjoong and Seonghwa were able to hear him clearly.
The two older boys looked at each other and engaged in a silent dialogue before a dark, lecherous grin appeared on both their faces.
"That sounds like a great idea, Sangie." Hongjoong said, running his tongue tip over his lips. "Let's go fuck the bunny for good luck, boys."
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audreyscribes · 5 months
🍇DIONYSUS; God of Wine making, fertility, theater, festivity, and insanity. 🎭
author's note: I had a sudden idea about writing some headcanons Camp Halfblood demigods being claimed and what it's like for each respective god and cabin, followed by a small blurb afterwards. Thank you for reading and please like and reblog! The order is not in order of the cabin numbers. [PJO DEMIGOD HEADCANONS MASTERLIST]
You get claimed in an untypical manner. You heard of demigods waiting for a sign of their godly parent claiming them, with a glowing symbol above their head. Instead, when you get introduced to the camp members, Mr. D appears carrying a can of diet coke and casually states “No need to put them in the Hermes’ cabin. They're one of mine's”
Cue the record scratch. This immediately brings a lot of confusion and gossip. Many eyes look between you and Mr. D who doesn't seem bothered at all. You saw Chiron sigh and place his hand to his face, giving your godly father a disappointed headshake. Then you hear Castor and Pollux yell that they have a new sibling that they didn't even know about?!
You get a lot of looks of sympathy and jealousy. You don't figure out why until a little bit later on. Chiron fills you in with a reassuring voice but also speaks with an exasperated tone to Dionysus 
Although you guys can't make wine or touch anything alcohol related, you did inherit Dioynsus' wine making skills. This includes also being good at making infused drinks or mixing drinks that range from mixing soda flavours together to making your tea blend. Even if the flavours shouldn't work together or whatever the drink type you're making, you just can. You are your own personal barista.
Putting this first and out of the way, you're both in a blessed and awkward situation where you are able to see and interact with your godly parent. Mr. D tries to treat you like every other demigod in Camp Halfblood, and that makes it awkward when you don't know if you should call him “Dad” or “Mr. D”, but at the same time, you know you have it better then others. 
It doesn't mean Mr. D doesn't keep an eye out. When you dedicate your offerings to the gods and look at him when you do it, you can just see Dionysus’ face soften and his eyes have a hint of affection. 
Don't ask how you or your other half-siblings came to be if Mr. D was sentenced to Camp Halfblood. You won't get an answer from but at least you know you're not alone and the twins are glad to have a baby sibling. Get ready for the youngest sibling treatment. 
Dionysus is the God of Theatre so you have a theatrical flare. Even if you're introverted, you're not exempt; this can be applied in how you do certain things or be rather convincing at times. If you're extroverted, well, you're automatically the Theatre kid. 
This turns out to be rather useful in events like Capture the Flag in a state of mania. When the heat of the battle starts to get to you, you feel your godly parent's power begin to rise in you and you can use that theaters flair to rouse your teammate's spirits up. You can also get a bit maniac and effect your teammates and enemies alike and become rather terrifying. 
You have a bit of a green thumb so you can find some solace with the Demeter kids. However, unlike the Demeter kids who can just make plants grow and flourish, your green thumb only really applies to plants you have an interest in like Dionysus with his grapes…or now strawberries. Regardless, you can keep a houseplant alive at least. 
Aside from a few very selected people within Camp, you're one of the few people who has seen Mr.D's true form. Not his godly form or the Mr. D you've seen, but the form he usually shows in front of mortals. Then it becomes very obvious how your other parent became so enamoured. You thank him silently for taking up his current form because you’re not going to be ready to hear about Mr. D being a DILF.
“Welcome to Cabin 12!” greeted Castor and Pollux as they opened the door to the cabin. You looked inside and saw how lived in the cabin was. It was clear the twins didn't expect to have another sibling and judging by the absolute shock that your shared father was supposed to be stuck in Camp, they really didn't expect him to have another mortal child.   
You also noticed on one of their nightstands there were stacks of Coke and Pepsi, each belonging to one of the beds. There were copious amounts of it, and you wonder if being a child of Dionysus was a prerequisite of having a drink as your go-to drink. Like wine fo Dionysus…though you heard he had to switch to Diet Coke due to his punishment. 
“Yeah, sorry for the whole…mess,” said Castor as he looked sheepish. “Pollux and I weren't expecting anyone else to be here, especially since it's been so long since we've first arrived. And you know, our dad, being, well-”
Pollux cleared his throat, “What Castor means, despite everything, we're thrilled to have a baby sibling. We've always been together so we're not that alone, but every now and again, we kind of get envious of the other cabins and having other siblings.”
You smiled when the door is knocked and a new bunk bed is being brought in, Castor and Pollux grinned at you. “Come on, let's get your stuff and space ready, and let's go see our dad.”
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weasleyreidstyles · 6 months
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chapter four
summary: it was only meant to be a purely transactional relationship. he would help her strengthen her abilities in return for her getting his friends out of his father's nasty path. he didn't mean to fall for her, but loving her was the easiest thing in his dark world.
no use of y/n, but your general nickname is Meadow. All characters are aged up to be over 18.
pairings: mattheo riddle x fem!ravenclaw reader; platonic!slytherins x fem!reader; platonic!golden trio x fem!reader
warning(s): fainting, hospitals, talk of dark magic and curses
series masterlist; previous part; next part
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Mattheo guided you to an empty carriage with his palm gently grazing the small of your back. If you were in your right state of mind, you'd shove his hand away. Probably.
But at that moment, he was the only person holding you upright. You had no idea what was wrong with you, what this overwhelming feeling was.
It's just the adrenaline, tesoro. It'll pass. Theo had barely spoken to you since school started, not including the few nights you'd been on patrol with him late at night or in Ancient Runes and Transfiguration. Everytime you interacted with Mattheo he seemed to become agitated, as though it wasn't his idea to have his best friend teach you control.
You sat in the far corner of the carriage silently as they deliberated what to do about the necklace that was floating between you all, and for some reason you felt an odd tingling, cold sensation wash over you as it came closer to you.
"Should we take it to Snape? Or straight to Dumbledore?" Zabini asked as he used his wand to rotate the antique, looking at it with distaste. Theo and Mattheo seemed to debate this as Enzo nodded in agreement immediately.
"No we take it to Madame Pomfrey." Pansy injects. "She's going to need to see what cursed Katie. So she knows how to heal her."
"She could've died." you say quietly into the warmth of your scarf. They all turn to stare at you. "The necklace is famously doused with a death curse. Over a few dozen muggles supposedly died instantly when they touched it with their bare hands. Had she not had her gloves on, she would have died."
They look stricken, as if this had not occurred to them at all. The air in the carriage went frigid, suddenly. And not because of the chill.
"All the more reason to get it to Dumbledore." Zabini insists, but you vehemently disagreed.
"No, Pans is right. Madame Pomfrey needs to see the necklace. I doubt she'll be able to treat Katie here, Hogwarts won't have the necessary resources for this sort of thing."
Zabini seemed to think on this and in the end you all agreed; when you reached the Hospital Wing where Katie Bell was writhing helplessly in a bed, you all but collapsed into Mattheo's awaiting arms.
You've discovered that fainting is an odd sensation. One moment you felt fine, fine enough to function normally at least, then the next minute everything is a hazy void of nothing.
You wake up in a bed in the hospital wing, Hermione next to you, reading a muggle novel with a furrowed brow. She jolts up when she sees that you're conscious.
"You're awake. I'll get Madame Pomfrey, hold on." And she's off down the aisle of warded beds, back seconds later with the matron in tow.
Madame Pomfrey fusses over you for a moment, asking you all the generic questions, that you answer only with half-truths, before leaving you alone with Hermione once again when you answered sufficiently enough.
"How do you really feel?" your best friend asked, her face full of worry. "Harry and Ron wanted to be here, Ginny too, but they have Quidditch practice."
"I feel like I got hit over the head with a hammer." you say, your voice rough and hoarse. "What even happened? The last thing I remember is walking into the Hospital Wing."
"Nott said you passed out when you came to hand the necklace in. Riddle got you settled into bed and let Madame Pomfrey do her work. But she hasn't said what is implicitly wrong with you." she explained and you stared up at her incredulously.
"But I only fainted? It's not that serious, is it?" your anxiety spikes and, not intentionally, you blocked out Hermione's voice in order to get some answers.
I hear helped me into bed? I could've sworn you don't have a nice bone in your body, guess I was wrong.
You're awake. He sounds surprised...relieved.
Obviously or I wouldn't be communicating with you right now, would I?
Funny. His voice is filled with mirth at your sarcastic response. How do you feel, sweetheart?
Do you want the lie I told so that I could leave the Hospital Wing quicker, or the real answer?
I'd hope that all the time we've spent in each other's presence would warrant the truth, Meadow.
I feel like shit, Mattheo. I don't even know what caused it, I felt fine when we were in the carriage.
Did you? He doesn't believe you.
I mean– I think so, I– My arm doesn't hurt as much. Do you think that has something to do with it?
Maybe. Is Granger still with you?
Yes, why?
No reason.
He doesn't give you a response.
Hermione is snapping her fingers in your face and calling your name as if she'd been doing it for a hot minute.
"Are you sure you're alright?" she asks, concern written all over your face.
"You know, I feel a little fatigued, I might try and sleep it off." you feel like the worst person in the world for lying to your best friend, but you want answers, and Mattheo seemed like the only person who would be brutally honest with you.
"Alright. I'll come back tomorrow with the others if you're still here after lessons are over." she smiles at you and guilt eats away at your chest.
"Thank you for staying with me, Mione." She squeezes your hand affectionately before she stands up and leaves you alone.
Half an hour later it's not Mattheo who comes to visit like you secretly hoped for (but you were denying this to yourself vehemently). Instead Professor Dumbledore walks into the Wing with his usual grace and grandure.
"Good evening, Miss Meadows." he says cheerily as he stands before you bed. "May I sit?"
Bewildered, you nod your head silently.
"There's no need for the confusion," he says, clearly using Occlimency on you. "I see you have a good grasp on your mind. When did you learn to do this?"
"I like to learn new things." you say, brows furrowing at him as he gets comfortable in the plush seat beside your bed. He hums at your answer, rubbing his chin with the fingers of his good hand.
"I believe you experienced something rather....odd this afternoon." he began, his usually twinkling eyes holding an emotion that you could not place. "Can you describe it to me?"
"Um...I guess it started when we got closer to Katie and Leanne-" you start before cutting yourself off. "Actually, how is she? Katie? What happened to her?"
Dumbledore sighs as he answers.
"She was taken to St. Mungo's for treatment. They have far better equipped staff for dealing with dark curses. Poppy does not do that sort of healing."
"But she'll be okay?" you ask.
"She'll live, miraculously." he says before he focuses on you again. "Now back to you, Miss Meadow."
"Right. We were walking down the lanes, behind them and then I think they had stopped walking while they were arguing and it felt like an eery shift in the air. I don't know how else to describe it but then Katie touched the necklace and went up into the air. When she started screaming that's when Matt– Riddle– that's when Riddle and his friends turned up behind us. Enzo and Blaise went to find Hagrid and Ron, Theo and Riddle helped pull her down. I tried to help but when I touched her, my arm started to burn." you can fell the sting like a phantom now that you think about the pain.
"Interesting." he says as he pulls an old signet ring from his deep robe pocket, holding it out for you to take. "Can you tell me what you feel when you touch this, please?"
You do as he says and take the ring into your hands. Twisting it around your fingers, allowing your magic begins to swirl around it before it burns your fingers. You drop it in an instant. That same cold, tingling feeling you felt when Blaise rotated the necklace washed over you right afterward.
"It's cursed?" you asked, looking up at the Headmaster for confirmation, who is staring at you with knowing, inquisitive eyes.
"Something like that, yes." he says, his decaying hand twitches in response.
"Is that why your hand is like...that?" you ask, motioning to the appendage.
"Yes, rather nasty isn't it?" he says, tucking his hand away from your prying eyes. "I'm not sure what it is cursed by, but that is why I have asked Harry to befriend Professor Slughorn. I believe it has something to do with Lord Voldemort and Horis is the key to everything.
He ignores the way you instinctively flinch at the name. But thats when you notice that the ring that is still on your bed, holds the Riddle insignia. Mattheo's family crest.
"Sir, what's wrong with me?" you croak, as you turn the ring in your hands once again, letting your magic wash over it and dropping it into your lap when it zaps you with another stinging burn.
Professor Dumbledore removes the ring from your possession as he answers carefully.
"You're an incredibly smart witch, Miss Meadows." he states. "Professor Snape tells me of your incredible non-verbal abilities, and am I correct in assuming that you are also talented with wandless magic?"
You flush at this. "Yes sir."
"It is no surpise to me that your magic picks up on things that other witches and wizards may not." he says, tilting his head at you. "I believe you would make a good Unspeakable in the future, my dear. Or perhaps a curse breaker."
"What?" you ask, completely muddled by how cryptic he seemed to become. "Why do you say that? Shouldn't I be worried that I can somehow detect dark magic?"
"On the contrary...I believe it will be the most important skill you learn in this life."
With that note, he stands and with a simple goodbye leaves you lying alone in the bed with a thousand thoughts running through your head.
None of them bringing you any closer to a solid answer to the biggest questions you have:
Why the hell can you sense dark magic? Why did it cause your skin to burn? Why did it cause you to lose your grasp on consciousness?
aaand the plot thickens...🤭🤭🤭
this was quite short but there will be more mattheo and meadow moments to come in the next one i promise xxx
comment to be added to the taglist!
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(striked out users are ones that i couldn't tag)
@camille-1019 @lovelyygirl8 @xluansstuff @babeylover @thejadeazalea @undercover-smutlover @adhxmoony @dreamingofonceuponatime @thepassionatereader @urmomsgayforme5 @aphroditeisamilf @devotedlycrookeddonut @purplegirls-posts @nofacenonamelikekira
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peachyscenes · 10 days
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batter up! | j.wy x gn!reader x j.yh
SMUT!! mdni!!!
they needed their good luck charm, they said.
you're the only reason why they do so well in their games, they think.
you can't even begin to explain how you got so lucky. you're the one who can't think.
jung wooyoung, pitcher for your university, was an enigma. he's not very talkative outside of his four friends and as wild as he looks, he's pretty tame. not once have you seen him at the few parties you get invited to and in your few shared classes, he's not even there sometimes. how did you manage to get him between your legs, even you can't tell.
then there's jeong yunho. he's from the rivaling university and funny enough, from the rivaling baseball team as well as the same position as wooyoung. he's like wooyoung in a way, two sides of the same coin. you met him at the few parties you attended and he was immediately hooked. right now, his cock was down your throat.
"we have a game tomorrow baby, wanna do so good for you- oh fuck!"
yunho throws his head back at as you somehow manage to fit even more of his length down your throat. you're on your back and yunho takes the liberty to play with your nipples, causing you to moan around his cock.
wooyoung's fingers are prodding at your puckered hole as he works his mouth on you. Your thighs are pinned down by his body weight as he puts your body to work. You can feel his saliva dripping down, working as a lubricant for him to be able to insert one finger. he takes his mouth off of you to speak.
"ease up f' me baby~ want you nice and relaxed when you take my cock-"
"i thought you said last game's winner would go first," yunho interrupted followed by a hiss when you fondle with his balls.
"well i don't see you helping baby to take you," wooyoung replies. he's able to insert another finger into your hole, making scissoring motions to open you up more. with his other hand, he touches your heat, building up your orgasm. had you not been distracted, you would have told them to quit arguing.
yunho let's out an annoyed sigh before he strokes your cheek lovingly.
"so good baby~ you take my cock so well. you gonna make me cum?"
you nod your head as best as you could, causing the man above you to chuckle. yunho grabs at your throat before he starts thrusting at his own pace. you make sure to keep your jaw slacked as best as you can. you can feel your spit and drool running down the sides of your face as yunho has his way with you.
at the same time, wooyoung's fingers build up speed and he inserts 3 of them before thrusting them in and out of you at a brutal pace. his other hand won't let up on your heat either and you feel your own orgasm reaching.
"gonna make you cum so good baby. you want that? want youngie to make you cum?"
you don't have time to answer wooyoung as yunho's thursts a couple more times before he comes down your throat. at the same time, you feel yourself cumming on wooyoung's face.
carefully, yunho pulls his cock out, leaving your throat feeling raw. wooyoung removes his fingers at the same time, admiring your gaping hole.
both men give you some time to breathe before you're being pushed down onto yunho's chest. yunho rubs at your thighs before holding them open, making room for wooyoung to get between them and line his cock up with your hole. you can feel yunho's own cock twitching behind you, getting hard again.
"we're gonna give it to you so good baby, one of us will have to win tomorrow, thanks to you."
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mrsshabana · 8 months
“𝐈 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐈’𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝…”
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𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟏𝟎: 𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤
꒦꒷‧₊ Summary Your boyfriend needs some praising after a long fight with a demon slayer. Your praises turn into teasing, and Gyutaro will do anything to be inside of you. But you won't let him, not until he believes he deserves it. ꒦꒷‧₊ Content Gyutaro x female!reader, 18+ MDNI, praise kink, body worship, soft!dom reader, vaginal sex, creampie, pussy drunk Gyutaro. ꒦꒷‧₊ Note 1.3k words
✧:・゚→ Kinktober Masterlist
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“Good boy, Gyutaro,” you coo. Gently running your fingers through your demon boyfriend’s hair as he lays his head on your lap. 
He melts under your touch as you give him sweet praises. It’s become a habit for you to comfort him like this, especially after he’s had a tiring fight with a demon slayer. Seeing these humans with perfect bodies and smooth skin always gets him feeling down about himself. The only person that’s able to clear his mind of these dark thoughts is you - his sweet little human. 
He sighs in content as you trail your fingers down his neck and shoulders. Softly coercing him to lay on his back.
“Hm?” he hums and looks up at you, laying down with his back to the bed. 
“My handsome boy,” you whisper in his ear.
Shivers are sent down his spine as you kiss his jawline, trailing down to his neck and shoulders. You lovingly massaging his shoulders and biceps, “So sweet… so strong.”
His face heats up from all of the attention you're giving him. After being a ruthless demon all day, it feels good to finally relax and be able to enjoy the moment without having to be intimidating or aggressive. 
Gyutaro whimpers under your touch when you get to his chest, kissing all of his birthmarks and whispering sweet praises as you make your way down his abdomen. Placing a hand on his hip, sliding your fingers under his pants to caress the top of his thigh. 
“So sexy…”
“N-no… m’not,” he mumbles.
When you look up at him, he looks back at you almost with a look of guilt in his eyes. Like he knew he said something that would upset you. But you respond with love instead, “No honey, you are sexy. The sexiest man I’ve ever seen.” You take your hands off of him.
He furrows his brows and whines, immediately missing your touch. “Why’d you stop?”
“Say you’re sexy, and I’ll keep touching you.”
It takes him far too long to answer. You watch his adam's apple bob as if he’s trying to force the words out of his lips. “I’m… I’m s-sexy,” he rasps. Barely choking out those two words.
“See, that wasn’t so hard,” you smile and go back to kissing the birthmark on his hip and leaning further onto him so your breasts lay on his crotch. Doing it purposefully so you can gauge how hard he is. Surprisingly, he’s already rock hard. You had assumed he’d be too tired from the fight he had today, but maybe he has some pent up energy he needs to get out. It sure seems to be the case as you can already feel him throbbing beneath you.
“B-babe… I want you,” he pants, looking down at you with pleading eyes. He looks so cute like this. Pleading and desperate as you touch him, giving him attention and teasing him. It’s just as much of a turn on for you as it is for him. Having this big, strong, terrifying demon be at your mercy. Being so sweet and obedient as he lets you touch him. 
“You want me?” You say, feigning innocence as you tilt your head and look up at him. Subtly placing a hand on his bulge, “How badly?”
“S-so bad,” his voice cracks, “wanna be inside you.”
With a smirk you use your other hand to reach down into your panties to start touching yourself. Sliding your fingers between your already wet folds, collecting your slick then rubbing slow circles into your clit. 
“Oh Gyu, I want you too honey. But you haven’t been a good boy.”
His eyes widen. “Wh-what? Yes I have! I’m-I’m not bad!” He whines, “I promise I’ll be good…”
“Ok, then say you’re handsome and I’ll let you inside my pussy.”
He hesitates too long for your liking before finally muttering out, “I-I’m ha-nd-some.”
When you don’t seem impressed he starts to panic a bit, “I’m-I’m handsome!”
“I’m so handsome!” he becomes more desperate, “I’m the most handsome!” He pleads, tears threatening to spill from his eyes at this point.
“Good boy,” finally you smile, “You are the most handsome.”
You move to straddle him, leaning forward and kissing his lips softly. “You’re such a good boy. You deserve good things don’t you?”
He nods eagerly as you reach down into his pants and touch his cock. “Y-yes! I deserve good things!”
“That’s right. You do,” you kiss him one last time before sitting up - your thighs on either side of his hips. 
Your boyfriend holds onto your thighs as he watches you pull his cock out of his pants. Giving him a few good strokes before moving your panties to the side and lowering yourself down onto him. His tip slides into you with ease from the mixture of your slick and his precum. 
Gyutaro clenches his teeth and moans, “Ah! I d-deserve this pussy.”
“That’s it honey,” you lower onto him fully, “now you’re finally understanding.”
You sit there and enjoy the sensation of him being seated deep inside of you. Feeling him twitch and squirm beneath you as he tries to control himself. Fully having the ability to grab you and fuck you as he pleases, but he holds himself back because he wants to be good for you. So of course you’re going to reward him.
You begin moving your hips, riding him and slowly picking up the pace. The sound of skin slapping quickly fills the room.
“Ah Gyutaro~ You’re so big,” you moan, “fill me up so perfectly.”
He blushes and can’t stop the shy smile spreading across his cheeks. He likes it when you compliment him in this way, he likes knowing that he can bring you pleasure and make you feel good. It’s harder for him to believe you when you tell him he’s handsome. But if it has to do with sex, he’s more likely to accept your compliments. How could he deny it when you moan so loudly and cum all over him multiple times a week?
“Y/N,” he whimpers, “Feels so good. C-can I cum inside? … please?”
You smile and pick up the pace, “Of course you can baby. How could I deny you when you asked so nicely?”
As soon as he’s given permission he tightly holds onto your hips and starts thrusting into you. The force of his thrusts cause you to fall forward onto him. He can’t help but lose control when your pussy squeezes him so tightly and you make him feel so good. He recklessly chases the sensation, wanting to cum in you oh so badly. 
“G-Gyu!” You gasp as you're forced to hold onto his shoulders, “Slow down honey!”
“Mm! S-sorry,” he whines, “feels too good. I-I wanna cum so bad.”
It’s endearing how he’s so sweet yet fucks you so ruthlessly. He was such a good boy for you today so you decide to just let him continue. 
“It’s ok honey. I want you to cum too,” you giggle. 
He keeps a tight grip on you, desperately bucking his hips up into you. Continually ramming into your sweet spot. You’re so affectionate and loving towards him, he really wants to make you feel good too. 
You’ve done a pretty good job at keeping your composure so far, but you quickly begin to crumble. Having to hold onto him as your legs begin to shake. “Ah Gyutaro! R-right there baby! You’re fucking me so good.”
“Ngh- fuck,” he growls, feeling you clench around him. 
Your orgasm hits you harder than you were anticipating. Moaning Gyutaro’s name, shaking as he holds you close to him. After a few more thrusts he’s spilling inside of you. His dick twitches as he fills you up and paints your insides white. 
His arms are wrapped tightly around you as he trembles beneath you.
“You did so good, Gyu,” you kiss his cheek and move a strand of hair out of his face, “Such a good boyfriend. Always making me cum around him.”
He blushes and nuzzles into your neck, suddenly feeling shy and vulnerable. 
“Do you deserve to cum again?” you whisper while tenderly running your fingers through his hair.
“Mm hm,” he nods, “I deserve it.”
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m2m-author · 2 months
The Right Groom
I've been helping my best friend plan his wedding for the last few months. The theme was 'Anyone But You', and at first glance it seemed to be an easy theme, with our powers and all, but the wedding is a month away and we still can't decide the body.
He accepts my call, and a stranger answers.
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"Hey, man, what's up?" he says, the voice uncharacteristically chipper for a voice that deep. I immediately recognized that as Nathan, my best friend. 
He spins and fixes his bowtie, the man grinning. "What do you think?" He gives the man's bulge a stroke.
"I don't know," I say. "He's cute, but I'm not sure he's groom material, you know what I mean?"
He sighs, "Yeah, I guess. I really don't know what to do! Steven already chose a body—before you ask, he won't tell me—and he smirked real hard, so I knew he chose someone good."
"Hey, hey, don't worry." Nathan, still in the stranger's body, was looking at me with brows furrowed and eyes shining. "You spot any more possible choices?"
He perks up a bit. "I actually do." He moves out of frame for a second. Even as his best friend, he still won't let me know the way he transforms. Geeze.
The phone moves rapidly for a moment until we reach his bathroom. Nathan has transformed into another stranger. He tries to smile, but only sighs in frustration. "What do you think?"
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He flexes his arms and twirls the man's mustache. "I can see it. He's handsome. It's still up to you," I say.
"Come on," he whines, and it's amusing seeing this mature body acting like that. "My mind's been blank for months. I need help."
"Okay. Don't Steven like hairy guys? Maybe you can find someone like that?"
"Wait! Check this out." He starts taking off the suit, revealing the body's furry chest and belly. The body's cock is long, and Steven doesn't shy away from stroking it.
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With one hand on the phone, he strokes his chest, closing his eyes and enjoying the warmth of the body. He moans, the body's voice smooth. I grin at him, my hand reaching down to massage my bulge.
"Oh god," he moans, pinching his nipples. "I think I want to fuck him in this body. Or maybe he fucks me."
He lets his mouth hang open, staring at his reflection in appreciation. "Jesus Christ. I wonder who he is in real life."
"I can call you back," I say with a grin.
He smiles sheepishly, the body's pearly white teeth on full display. "Right. Sorry. So this one's definitely in the runner up, right?"
I nod. "Looks pretty good to me. His voice is hot too. You got another body?"
"Yes! Glad you reminded me. I saw this man in the mall a few days ago. I couldn't resist."
He sends me a photo of a bearded man taking a photograph in what seemed to be a bathroom.
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"I didn't get to stay for too long," he continues, but the man's hairy, and he got a pretty thick dick. I'd love to ram that dick down Steven's throat." Nathan, still in the hairy man's body, sticks out his tongue and bobs his head up and down.
I laugh. "Maybe that could be your honeymoon body?"
He grins. "Just look at this thing! Even just looking at it makes me want to fuck somebody with it. There were too many people in the mall, but I did pee using that thing. Could barely hold it with his hands."
He sends me a dick pick, and sure enough, it's a monstrous 10-incher, as thick as a beer can.
"Goddamn," I say, breathless. I had a pretty modest cock, but even though I've spent my time in countless dudes with giant cocks, it always made me wonder how they're able to keep to keep that monster hidden.
He stared at the phone for a few more seconds, uncaring, as the hairy man's mouth started drooling. A faint thought of wanting to catch that saliva passes through my mind. He shakes out of his reverie and says, "Wait a minute. Have you found your body? The best man needs to have the best body too!"
"I'm glad you asked."
I have it easier than most people, and I can transform into anyone using only a photograph. Some people need body touch, possession, vials, spells or some other tactic, but I only need a photograph and I can transform into that person instantly. Or at least the person they were when the image was taken.
I move off-screen (mostly because I'm mildly annoyed at Nathan still keeping his tactic a secret) and glance at the photo on my table. The change is instantaneous, and I immediately feel lighter. My head rang for a moment, a drawback for a transformation as quick as that, but years of practice left me fully able to lessen that migraine.
I smile at him in this new body and say, "I saw him online, and I just couldn't resist."
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Nathan rolls his eyes with a smile. "Lucky."
I take the time to explore the body once again, enjoying the strange sensations all over my body. One thing people don't mention enough when changing bodies is how literally every single thing changes: your senses, your visions, even the way you perceive things. This body, for example, has excellent health, but slightly blurry eyesight.
I open my shirt, reaching for his pec. His warm skin sends a ripple down my body, and I'm acutely aware of the growing bulge in this body. My other hand has reached his pants, massaging them, through the fabric making me moan harder.
Nathan doesn't say anything, continuing to change bodies as I explore every single inch of this body.
"Hmmm…" I whisper. Even his voice sends tingles down my spine. I massage his big thighs, the fabric of the pants feeling oddly satisfying against his skin. The thought of the real body seeing himself doing this sends a thrill. Sometimes I daydream about pretending to run into him with his own body, trying to seduce him using his own voice. I imagine using his hands to slowly massage his body, kissing the original man's lips using his own. I've already released his cock, stroking it in all its glory. It's veiny, pre-cum making it all shiny. I stroke the guy's cock faster, blood rushing in and making his dick even harder. It pulsates, my knees losing strength as I think of sucking the man's cock using his own mouth. I grip the side of the table as I gasp, closing my eyes as cum shoots up and onto my clothes and on my face.
"Finally got that out of your system?"
I'm still closing my eyes, breathing up and down, relishing the feeling of hot cum on my face. When I open my eyes, I gasp at Nathan.
"I think I found the one."
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yankpop · 10 months
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Summary: Your sunbaenim is not as innocent as you thought he was.
DISCLAIMER: This is a FICTION work only made for entertainment purposes that includes yandere/dark. I do not support or encourage any type of abusive behaviour. 
Check more: Masterlist.
Female reader
WARNINGS: Manipulation; Power Imbalance; Toxic Industry (and JK). 
AN: Tommorrow I'm going on a one-week vacations so I won't be able to post anything. Hopefully when I get back I might write some more. Let me know what you guys thought of this!
Jungkook repeats after you, pierced brow slightly raising as he looks at you. His leg bounces up and down, shaking the couch he’s sitting on. 
“Sweetheart, I don’t think you understand this…” he starts and you catch his eyes tracing your body up and down.
His stare makes you uncomfortable and you sneakily cross your arms, hoping to protect a bit of the exposed cleavage. 
“I can help you, okay? Actually, we can help each other mutually.”
His words grab your attention and Jungkook smiles at that, rising from the couch and walking up to you. 
“I’ve seen you practice. The way you dance, how you sing… you’ve got a gift. You’re more than ready to debut, trust me.” he inches closer to you, so close that you need to fight off the impulse to take a step back. 
There’s a gut sinking feeling and you press your lips together. 
“You could help me with… something and in return, I’ll pull some strings." Jungkook places his hands on your arms, rubbing the soft skin up and down. "Talk with the managers and the board. Make you debut faster. Wouldn’t you like that?”
He smiles at you and you gulp down, unsure of what to reply. 
You want to cry. 
Is this really happening to you? There had always been lingering rumors about seniors idols taking advantage of the younger ones but you simply never assumed it could happen to you. The spotlight is never your place, so why should it happen to you. You’re not the best dancer nor the most talented singer.
You’d always rank in second or third place in all the competitions and tests, no matter how hard you tried. Someone else always got the first place, all the compliments and the rewards while you remained with the usual “try harder next time” talk.
Not to mention that you’re not the prettiest trainee. Maybe that’s why you still haven’t debuted. 
But this…
“What do you say, baby? It’s mutual benefit for both of us, I swear.” 
Jungkook looks at you expectantly, his perfect face staring at you as your mind runs wild. 
You want to say no. 
“Hum, okay, I guess.” you whisper the words out and Jungkook immediately wraps his arms around your body, pulling you into a tight hug.
“Good girl.” 
When he pulls away, a half-smile is on his face as he glances at your lips. 
“I’m gonna kiss you, okay? It’s no big deal.” 
He doesn’t wait for your answer and quickly closes the gap between you, lips pressing against yours. His metal piercing feels cold and weird as he makes you open your mouth wider, his tongue digging into you. 
A gag gets caught up in your throat when you feel his hand bunching up your ass.
You squeal, pushing him away with tears pricking your eyes. He stumbles back with a stunned face. 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. Think about debuting, okay?.” he reaches for your face with his hands and despite the need of slapping his hands away, you remain still. 
“Think about how proud your parents will be when they find out their beautiful daughter is finally getting the success she deserves.” his voice gets lower, one of his hands sneaking towards your crop top and a shiver runs down your body when he touches your skin.
You just want to go home.
“Be a good girl for me and I’ll make all of your dreams come true.”
There’s something concealed in his face as he slowly kisses you back, something that gives you the chills.
Suddenly you’re not sure about him being the nice sweet guy that you always assumed your sunbaenim to be. 
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akxmee · 23 days
★ 03. 𝗡𝗢𝗧 𝗬𝗘𝗧.
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You looked at the man in front of you, processing his offer. Yeah, a little bit of help wouldn't hurt since you had no idea of what to pick for Satoru and Suguru. Since he was a man too, he would know about it right? Besides, it won't take more than five minutes.
"I mean, why not?"
He gave you a nod, crossing his arms over his chest and tilting his head to the side as he looked at you up and down.
"So..for who might it be? Don't think you're looking for male clothes just for ya', are you?"
"No, they're for my friends."
"Right." He looked at you, then at the clothes you were looking at just before he appeared. "And how are they?"
"Nice, i guess?"
A short pause was made, the black haired man raised an eyebrow as if he didn't understand what you just said.
"..I was refering to the size. Tall, medium, short?"
You reacted immediately, embarrassed of what you had just said. He on the other hand, snickered because of that.
"Oh. Uhm, yeah. They're tall"
"How tall?"
"Really tall."
He hummed, looking through different clothes around. If they were tall, then their clothes would probably be some large size ones. He asked for you to follow him, and you did. This man who you didn't even know his name was actually pretty nice; he was between casual and polite, asking you about your friends and their style even if he mentioned he wasn't really an expert at shopping. Turns out he even had the best wallet-friendly tips and recommendations too, that's a bonus.
When you reached a specific section, his hands moved to grab a pair of hoodies, both of the same brand and in different colours.
"Then this is for you, doll." He motioned to give the clothes to you. "Won't disappoint, trust my word. I use them every now and then."
"Thanks, mr.."
"Call me Fushiguro, no need for formalities. I'm not that much older than you anyways."
He answered, folding the hoodies and helping you to get them into your cart. You thanked him, thanks to Fushiguro you were able to find lots of clothes for the boys to wear for an economic price. He didn't know a lot about combining clothes, but with a little description of satoru and suguru he had been able of making a few outfits each.
The two of you walked through every corner of the store, talking about trivial things while you collected what you thought it was best. Sometimes he corrected you and told you to pick a bigger size since that one wouldn't fit someone tall, and some other times you were the one that corrected him because your friends wouldn't wear something like that even if you paid them to. Of course, jokes were also exchanged between the two of you while the clothes were being chosen. Bad ones enough to make another clients glare at you two, but jokes nonetheless.
This time you spent with him, approximately 20 minutes, was not as awkward as you expected it to be at first. He wasn't really as intimidating as you expected him to be and his sarcasm was kinda funny, so time flew faster than anticipated.
So now you were chatting with him now about some brand he told you about while grabbing the last pair of shoes of the day to put them inside your car when, out of nowhere, a voice calls your name.
"Y/N, where were you?"
You looked behind you, finding Suguru.
Fushiguro smiled.
"So Y/N it is? Cute name."
You looked at him, realizing now that you never even told him your name. How unpolite! He told you his and you forgot something as important as that.
"Ah, yeah it is! Sorry, i didn't even introduce myself properly."
Suguru looked at you, then at the man next to you. He just looked at Suguru with that shit-eating grin still present on his face, placing his hand on your shoulder. Suguru's jaw clenched at this, but smiled nonetheless.
"No worries, doll. Is this one of the 'friends' you were talking about?"
You look at Fushiguro somehow confused because of what he just did, not knowing if it was okay for him to touch you when you met him twenty minutes ago. However, seeing how he is, he doesn't look like the type of man to care about things such as boundaries with strangers so you didn't think too much about it.
"Yeah, that's Suguru. Suguru, meet Fushiguro." The long haired male listened to you as if he was looking for an explanation, so you gave it to him. "He helped me pick some clothes for you both."
"That's right, I was just about to leave anyways." The man shrugged, taking his hand off you. "But I'm glad I made a friend. I'll see you around, yea?"
"Right! Thank you, really. I hope to see you soon!"
Oh, he was sure he would.
And Suguru was too.
And that was bad. Oh, so bad.
But he couldn't tell you, not yet.
So he simply positioned himself next to you peeking at your mini cart where you carried all of the items, pretending like nothing happened.
"Well Y/N, what did you two find for us? Don't be so shy now, tell me.."
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"I can't believe you really like those cheap glasses over everything i just bought you."
Satoru just smiled, putting the glasses on and looking at his reflection in the window of the car as he posed and looked at himself from different angles.
"Watch your mouth! They're actually cool. Isn't that right, Suguru?"
The white haired man grinned, his gaze now focused on his friend. He recieved no response for a few seconds, the man was looking intensely through his window. A price tag he just ripped off the glasses was thrown at Suguru, trying to get him off his mind. He scoffed, but replied anyways.
"Sure, they suit you."
His tone wasn't teasing as he expected it to be. It held no emotion, as if his mind was somewhere else. And Satoru knew his best friend too well, so he scooped closer to him even if you protested about the fact that he didn't put his belt on. Then he talked, whispering in order for you not to hear them.
"You good, man?"
Suguru blinked, as if he didn't notice when he got suddenly closer and changed seats. However, he was soon looking at his bestfriend's eyes debating whether to tell him or not.
"I saw him today."
He finally managed to breathe out. There was no need to specify who, since he knew satoru would easily catch up on who he was refering to.
"You mean him, as in him?"
Just as expected.
Suguru expected some shock from him, but Satoru sighed in relief getting confortable in his seat as his body relaxed now that he knew what this was all about.
"Phew, you had me worried over there for a sec. We taught him a lesson last time, what got you all worried now—"
Suguru didn't even let him finish before adding an important factor.
"He was with Y/N."
Oh, that made more sense.
Satoru's breath hitched and he swore his seat never felt more uncomfortable than right now.
This couldn't be happening.
Not so soon at least.
Silence filled the room, a tense atmosphere filling the car's air.
"All good behind boys? You're awfully quiet."
You asked noticing the silence, you weren't dumb enough to ignore it. It was very unlikely to happen, and it always did happen when the two of them were up to something not good. You knew them too well, after all.
"Not at all! How long is it until we get home?"
Satoru asked. You smiled when you heard his voice again, excited as ever. Yeah, they were planning some kind of prank for sure. It had to be, so you better be prepared for when you get home!
It was okay, you knew every hiding spot they had at home in case they decided to call this a prank day. You knew everything about your pets after all.
But maybe you just didn't really know them as much as you claimed to do.
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—𝗔𝗨𝗧𝗛𝗢𝗥'𝗦 𝗡𝗢𝗧𝗘: kind of short chapter, idk?? Next one we'll have our boy choso <33 btw, thanks for all the support lately! Love ya 💕
@kingshitonly @snake-lover-artist-blog @ashers-playpen @pizza-market @channies-bbg-room @pdacex @spindyl @foliea @queen-luna-007 @labelt-san @shiggys-chapstick
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tallerthantale · 7 months
My spicy ineffable husbands take
You've heard consent isn't just for sex. Now get ready for the corollary you didn't know you needed, consensual non - consent isn't just for sex. It's going to take some foundation to get to the point, but trust me, it's worth it.
Disclaimer: this is all my personal interpretation, you are always welcome to see things differently.
I think Crowley and Aziraphale have both known that they are on a path to become each other's world since Job, but in a way that to them feels more profound than can ever be human analogued.
I think Aziraphale has known for some time that he wants their relationship to progress in a human, (physical, courtship, ect...) way, but is approach avoidant. The approach avoidance takes the form of trying to bait Crowley into making a move, like the faces he makes to get Crowley to make Hamlet a success, or the pouting he does to get Crowley to remove the paintball paint, but then bailing when Crowley makes an offer that gets serious. "You go to fast for me", not letting Crowley come over for the lockdown. But the "you go too fast for me" isn't a no, it's a 'convince me.'
Crowley's goal with pulling Aziraphale into shades of grey depends on letting Aziraphale make his own choices at every incremental step. All he is ever able to do is make an offer, and then Aziraphale decides if he is ready for it. It worked for the food, it probably eventually worked for the wine sometime off screen. It eventually turns into their agreement, which continues to exist in the form of: Crowley makes a proposition, Aziraphale makes a decision. We see Crowley be VERY hands off about the offers and answers. He almost never initiates physical contact with Aziraphale, and barely responds when Aziraphale does touch him, despite the actions clearly grabbing his attention. This lets Aziraphale have full control over how far he is willing to stray from heaven at any particular moment. In the church scene, Crowley notices the holy water, but doesn't push about it. Aziraphale was a no on that, and Crowley respects the no, and comes to his rescue and goes on the full date night magic show adventure accepting that no without complaint. And Crowley LOVES complaining.
If this dynamic is adhered to, Aziraphale won't make an actual first move physically, because he wants Crowley to do it, in the same way he might insist that Crowley do 'the dirty work.' He wants Crowley to be the proximate cause, because that is how Aziraphale assigns responsibilities to actions. S1E1 modern Aziraphale is still doing the whole "I've never actually killed anything before... I don't think I could... : (" bit after sending the French executioner to his death without qualms, and S1E6 Aziraphale is still fussing over trying to make sure it's Crowley that gets them into the airbase, because 'I'm the nice one, you can't expect me to do the dirty work.' He really does put far too much weight on who is doing the immediate action in that moment in isolation, and not nearly enough ethical weight on who contrived the scenario that caused the chain of events.
Crowley equally will not make a first move physically by their old rules, because of the priority he places on letting Aziraphale have full control of every millimeter of his indulgences. The proposition / decision framework that Crowley is adhering to is a system of platonic structured consent, and I don't think there is any reason to believe he would treat non platonic consent differently. I imagine that in an alternate universe where Azriaphale owns his desires and makes a physical first move, but there is a similar lack of communication, Crowley would starfish in the absence of an explicit instruction to do otherwise for fear of going somewhere Aziraphale doesn't want to go. In my view, Crowley's default really is to be that absolutist when it comes to Aziraphale's consent.
The irony of it is that he really doesn't need to be. Aziraphale's skittishness is an act. Aside from the kiss, the one other instance of Crowley initiating a substantial physical thing is the wall slam. As others have observed, Aziraphale is not even slightly fazed by it. If anything, he is fazed by Crowley letting him go. Right after he objects to Crowley hypnotizing the nun, "you didn't have to do that, you could have just asked her." But slamming him into a wall? No objection. (Do that again, right now.)
Personally I think Aziraphale's continuous bailing and 'you go too fast for me' had left Crowley with the impression that Aziraphale was not physically interested, at least not seriously, not yet. I think the Nina revelation was a 'oh shit, he actually wants that now.' That gave him the motivation to first attempt an offer, and then when that got derailed, for the first time, he didn't let Aziraphale have full control. From how I read Crowley's behaviour up to that point, the confession kiss was a very dramatic reversal that speaks to an almost unhinged emotional state.
That said, outside of the part where they were in the middle of a fight, being swept off his feet like that really is what Aziraphale wanted Crowley to do, and crucially, he didn't want to have to tell Crowley to do it. I think by season 2 Aziraphale is owning his desire for the trappings of a human romance, but when it comes to the more physical things, I could imagine Aziraphale most of the way through season 2's modern era still 100% endorsing the idea that he isn't being lustful if he's just letting Crowley have his way.
Problem is, Crowley's version of 'having his way' is transparently doing whatever Aziraphale wants him to do, specifically because Aziraphale wants him to do it and for no other reason.
And now for the spicy bit.
The impasse Aziraphale and Crowley have here is very similar to an impasse that's known to show up in CNC kink space. (That stands for Consensual Non - Consent.) This comparison is useful for understanding what's happening with them even if you headcannon them as sexless ace, or vanilla (or, you know... vanilla for now...) because so much of their interactions revolve around platonic consent games. So the argument I am presenting here is not that they would strike up sexual CNC roleplays, but rather to say that the way they have been interacting this whole time functionally is a platonic version of a poorly negotiated CNC dynamic already.
The source of the dynamic goes back to Aziraphale's fixation on proximate cause. He can set up whole elaborate escapades and have no shame response for the consequences as long as the very last action in the chain of events wasn't performed by him, and he has the thinnest veil of plausible deniability about what he was trying to accomplish. He wants the romantic gestures, but he doesn't want to be responsible for either wanting it, or it happening. This is a real life thing that often happens with people who have repressed desires. CNC world has a fair number of people who grew into it from letting themselves have fantasies that initially purported to be fears that someone will force themselves on them. It's a buffer that lets them believe they aren't having sex fantasies. Separately, a lot of trans women, while eggs, get really into forced feminization, because it creates a fantasy reality where they can explore gender with a pretense that it is being forced on them, which takes some of the shame out. (Which is not to suggest that they ought to feel shame, just that there is an unfortunate reality that many do.)
In the same way, Aziraphale wants the human romantic things, but wants to construct a fantasy where they are being forced on him by the wiley demon adversary. Aziraphale wants Crowley to tempt him. In Rome he almost instructs Crowley tempt him. He will construct elaborate damsel in distress rescues to avoid having to ask Crowley out to dinner. He will nonsensically complain about how he'll always know the stain had been there if he miracles away the paintball paint [himself], rather than ask Crowley to do it. Over and over again, Aziraphale wants Crowley to do romantic things, but his moral outlook forbids him from communicating textually that he wants them. If Crowley spontaneously does the things because Crowley intrinsically wants to do them, Aziraphale won't hold himself morally accountable for them happening, no matter how much he is hinting and insinuating. There are still hints of this in S2E5, with how Aziraphale describes Crowley, “rescuing me makes him so happy.” It’s true, but not in a vacuum the way Aziraphale implies. Crowley likes rescuing Aziraphale because Aziraphale likes to be rescued, and Aziraphale likes to pretend his desires aren’t part of that equation. Aziraphale wants to be romanced 'against his will.' Even in a fully non-sexual asexual interpretation of their relationship, this is still a CNC kink dynamic.
So, back to the real world CNC impasse, that usually is about sex, but can also be an analogy. In CNC community, there is a phenomenon where a certain kind of CNC bottom, often from a very repressed and / or religious background, is only willing to express their interest in the form of wanting a CNC top to 'do whatever they like,' with instructions along the lines of 'use me however you want.' But for a CNC top, this is a very unclear instruction. Taking pleasure from someone's body however feels good doesn't automatically entail a lot of the surrounding kink genre activities people often imagine as part of a CNC fantasy, so literally following those instructions leads to a disappointed and bored bottom.
The fantasy from the bottoms perspective is often that the top is so overcome with lust that they do all the kinky things to force their way to the conventional things. But those things aren't actually necessary though? Chucking people around, roughing them up, various implements, ect... it's a lot of work, and it's fun for how people react to it, but people usually aren't literally getting off on the labour intensive extras. It's fun, but it's honestly a more ordinary fun than people outside of that world might expect.
I had a conversation with a friend of mine one once where she said, and I quote, "I'm not a sadist, I just find it fun to hurt people." (And she found it more fun when they were attractive people.) The mental gymnastics of me trying to explain to her "that's literally what sadism is" were wild, and I have refused to let her live it down. It's also worth pointing out that amongst the top tier of serious professional kink riggers, it's pretty common for them to operate on implements / tools / toys only, and a few of the most accomplished have been widely speculated to be ace. House of Gord is the most obvious example, but I honestly get a similar vibe from The Pope. (Obviously not the one at the Vatican) (Google them at your own risk)
But back to the point, CNC bottom fantasies tend to be a universe where they get to imagine the CNC top's kinky behaviours are more driven by the direct pursuit of pleasure than they actually are, and that the top's actions are the organic result of the top's lust, that exist independently of the bottoms proclivities (which don't exist). CNC tops meanwhile (at least the ethical ones) have a particularly strong need for the rules and boundaries and wants to be really clearly and explicitly laid out, and while they might have some specific things they find intrinsically fun, they are most driven by doing what's going to work for the bottom they are working with at the time. The scenes run on the pretense that the top is a raging lust monster, masking the reality that they are delivering a tailor made performance scripted to the bottoms needs and are enjoying it more for the reactions the actions produce than the actions themselves.
To put the pressures and pretenses of the situation concisely, it is pretty common for CNC scenes to be a hypersexual bottom maintaining a performance of not having physical desires and a comparatively if not entirely ace top maintaining a pretense of being overcome by physical desires.
There are a lot of CNC bottoms who do an excellent job navigating communicating what they want, and can drop the role to present a fully thought out list of things that are ok, things that are not ok, this is how you know if somethings going wrong, here are the things that are ok specifically in this context but not in this other context, ect…, there are whole spreadsheets you can set up. It gets talked through and worked out ahead of time, and then later the act goes up.
On the other hand, there are many CNC bottoms who don't handle this well at all, because going through that process breaks the immersion of the fantasy. And if they are coming at things from the repressive background / religious trauma angle, it breaks their ability to deflect their shame about having sinful thoughts if they have to explicitly state what they want. For them, the selling point of CNC is that they get to actually believe they don't want what they want and they aren't responsible for it happening. It's not just about temporarily being that overpowered character for that time, the veil is, at least in part, permanent.
This creates kink negotiations that can end up looking like:
"What do you want me to do to you?"
"I want you to do whatever you want to me."
"Ok, but what do you want me to want to do to you?"
It can be like pulling teeth.
Even if we imagine a Good Omens universe where they don't get up to any actual kinky things, or even sexual things, Aziraphale's behaviour looks a lot like a shy CNC bottom to me. They want the top to "do whatever they want" but even if they don't admit it to themselves, they have some strong ideas about what that would entail, it's going to include some amount of a performance / custom ordered service, and they are going to need to communicate what they want that to be. And Crowley is all about delivering a performance and custom ordered acts of service, but he needs ironclad permission and clear instructions.
Crowley looks to me like a shy CNC top, who wants to be absolutely certain they aren't colouring outside the lines, (as you should be) but is presented with a prospective partner who won't drop the game long enough to communicate what he wants. Crowley will do the favors he knows for sure Aziraphale wants, and live for Aziraphale's reactions. He enjoys coming to the rescue and performing acts of service because it is a service Aziraphale wants, not because there is an intrinsic pleasure to showing up in the Bastille or walking over consecrated ground. A universe where Aziraphale doesn't want Crowley to miracle the paint off his coat is a universe in which Crowley doesn't want to do that either, he isn't going to proactively perform miracles on Aziraphale's clothes on a whim.
I similarly expect that Crowley is 100% enthusiastically down to perform any romantic or sexual act of service Aziraphale desires, specifically because Aziraphale desires it, and probably has little to no intrinsic motivation towards the physical sides of things. I think he's down to put on the character of an intrinsically motivated person, but he needs clear instructions. Consider Crowley in the audience of the 40's magic show, Aziraphale asks if anyone in the audience has experience with firearms, and everyone BUT Crowley raises their hand. He didn't have experience with firearms, so he didn't raise his hand.
Crowley can break out of literalism in a familiar situation, and we do see him take a lot of Aziraphale's hints. A big part of why I keep going back to the paintball scene is because we can observe Crowley shift from 'instructions unclear, hands off' to 'oh, he wants me to do a thing' to [dramatic romantic gesture] to [absolutely loving Aziraphale's reaction]. Just as there is no practical reason for Crowley to do the miracle rather than Aziraphale, there is no practical reason for Crowley to have to blow the paint away with a breath, he could have just finger snapped it like he usually does. But once it's clear to him that Aziraphale wants it to be a thing, Crowley goes full ham into it.
For some things they have enough established short hand to communicate through what they infer they are implying to each other. For physically romantic things though, Crowley hadn't been reading the subtext, and he had been defaulting to hands off mode. So they were stuck at an impasse, until Nina makes the subtext textual and Crowley YOLOs into the kiss. And now they are probably back to the impasse again until they can have an actual explicit, face value conversation, because even though I don't think Aziraphale meant it that way, or experienced the kiss that way, his last "I forgive you" can read to Crowley as an indication that there was a consent violation.
There is a lot of potential compatibility that is squandered by their lack of communication. They really need to sit down for a proper kink negotiation, even if it doesn't involve actual kink yet I think the format would do wonders for them.
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Your Optimus' Older sister, and he's always looked up to you even as a Prime headcannons
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When Optimus was "born" you were still young, you could remember holding him
Basically you guys were inseparable since you were young
You helped him get through his schooling and a job at the archives actually
You were kinda like that embarssing mom, especially infront of Femmes you caught him glancing often
"Ooo is that your little-" "no! No! No!"
In an honest respect you both have each others back, you've been there for every big ceremony he's been apart of.
He told you about becoming a prime first
You were more than proud of him.
And even as a Prime he really still found you a roll model
Always looking up to you like he did when you were both younger, either it be in battle or in simply speaking.
Its unfortunate but you both broke apart with the wars final days
He to earth and you, well he didnt know exactly what had happened to you
He hadnt forgot about you, but pushed you to the back of his mind.
Maybe he hoped you'd find your way to him like all those times you did when he got lost as a youngling, telling him it'd be okay as he cried scared he had lost you forever
"I always come back. Don't I Orion?"
What a way to run back into each other, back on earth that is
Everyones shocked to be honest.
They had never known Optimus had a sister, none the less one so different from him.
Also. He showing a happy emotion? Its a good day
"Still light as ever I see!"
Not you picking him up in a hug, basically embarssing him.
The bots were glad to have another well rounded fighter
And Miko was just glad to meet another kick ass bot
"Optimus has a sister? And that sister is you?"
"Bam! Right on the dot! Me and ol Blue and Red here! Together again! Huh?"
Despite your outgoingness you do keep silent, they've realized Optimus started doing your little finger on the chin thing as you think
"I didn't think Femmes could be so tall."
"You're just mad because she's taller than you, Jackie."
Tall femme supremacy
"So! What did you do on Cybertron?" Miko asked happily.
"Do?" Y/n questioned hands on her hips, "what do you mean do?"
"I bet you were a Wrecker like Bulkhead and Wheeljack! Are you a prime?"
"Oh my occupation!" Y/n smiled as she thought, finger holding her chin in thought, "well i did a number of things, anything to get some energon on the table."
"I thought you and Orion lived in Iacon." Raffle spoke.
Y/n nodded, "We did. Didn't mean it was easy. I did do a number of things Im not proud of Anything for my little brother." Y/n answered with a smile.
"I was more than happy to ruin my own reputation and life to get him where he needed to be." Y/n spoke.
"Wow." Jack responded, "I'd wish I had siblings like you."
Y/n smiled with a nod, "never break up a set. I use to tell him that all the time."
Megatron? Terrified of you
Mostly because you've been able to kick his aft more than once in his life time
Picking up your injured brother
Protecting your injured brother
Taking the shot for your injured brother
Ratchet came out of base to even get Optimus immediate medical attention, but you snapped back and wouldn't let anyone touch him as you held him close
Ratchet knew you before hand so it was a bit helpful that he knew all the things you been through.
Arcee argues with you for it
"You could of gotten Optimus Killed!' She shouted at Y/n, pointing a demanding digit at Arcee.
"I know what Im doing. Back off!" Y/n demanded, "and don't point at me."
She slapped Arcee's servo away.
"You shouldn't even be here! You're a liability! You don't help in anyway and disrespectful Optimus!"
"Disrespect? I'd kill myself before I ever disrespected my little brother-"
"Thats just it! He's a leader not your little brother! Not no more! He thinks your embarrassing!"
"Oh please." Y/n spoke
"You're just dead weight-"
"Thats enough!" Ratchet demanded pulling the two apart.
"If Orion thinks Im such of a dead weight. He can tell me. And I'll leave." Y/n spoke, "and I won't come back."
"His name is Optimus." Arcee argued.
"And thats where you miss." Y/n defended, "This isnt just a discussion about war. This'll be a discuss about family."
You ended up leaving after dicussing it with Optimus
"But Y/n I don't understand why you are leaving"
You didnt tell him what had happen.
"It's just best for the team. If you need me, Im a comn link away."
It's almost like a big sister going off to college, but instead of coming back after 4 years, you won't come back at all
Kinda just fell off the face of the earth again :(
He never did comn you, and you never did come back.
He felt as if he's disappointed you in some way
That could be the only reason you left in such a way
Sure though, he'd find you again on the feild.
In a cave specifically, slumped against a wall, sword at your side, dead cons around you.
Sure, you did defeat all the cons, evident by the slashed chasis, decapitications, and sliced off body parts.
Turns out just one too many injuries got you this time around.
How his spark ached seeing you in such a stature
Never to see you alive again, never able to repay such a debt he had as you being his big sister
It's even more unfortunate that he never learns of why you truly left
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moonydustx · 2 months
Hi!! Your writing is so good. I love it so much!!! Can i request a Five x female reader? Where the reader is smug and direct about her feelings? Thank you!! 🫶🫶🫶
Hi Hi! First, thank you for appreciating my work ❤️❤️
I tried my best to deliver and I apologize in advance if anything deviated from the proposal. I used Five from last season because his personality in these last few episodes is my favorite. Again, thanks for the request and i hope u like!
requests | the umbrella academy masterlist
What do you feel?
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x F!Reader
Warnings: fluffff, some things are a little out of canon, F!Reader is also someone with powers. She can feel others' feelings and make others feel hers through touch.
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You still remembered the first time Five crossed your eyes at Temps Comisson. The neat jacket, the formal shorts and the almost arrogant posture for just a kid. At first, you hated him.
"A new friend for you." the manager introduced you to him and the two of you barely bothered to shake hands.
"Great, a newbie." Five replied, without much patience.
"I already have my suitcase, I don't need this new one." the cynicism in your tone was clear to both of them. When you saw the manager looking at you impatiently, you turned to him. "Let's follow the rules: don't get in my way, don't meddle in my choices and please don't expect me to save you if you're standing in the grave."
"I could say the same." Five replied, extending his hand to you. "Deal."
And a few years later, here you were. Cooped up in the family of what you could call your best friend, attending a wedding taking place under the lights of the end of the world.
"What do you think, huh? Apocalyptic weddings." Five whispered as the bride and groom entered.
"First I need to find someone who can handle it." your answer came out almost automatically and you just watched Five deny it, with a smile on his lips.
The ceremony was quick, totally the opposite of dinner. The two of you chose to sit at a table alone, taking in your surroundings. The happy couples, Ali and Viktor fighting, Ben being disturbed by Klaus.
"Can you feel what they think from here?" Five asked, filling his glass.
"Sex, sex." you pointed to Luther and Diego with their respective spouses. "Guilt and grudge." you pointed at Viktor and then Allison. "And suicide." Finally, you pointed at Ben. "Look, I don't even need to go there and touch them."
"Sometimes I forget." He pointed to your hands covered in gloves. "And you, how do you feel about the world ending?"
"Relief, I guess." You lied, seeing him nod.
You both watched Klaus approach, in silence. Brother Hargreeves tried to convince them to listen to Sir Reginald, but it was in vain. You understood his hope, in trying to somehow rescue his father's good image and no matter how much he denied it, you could feel that Five wanted to be able to have that kind of hope too.
"I still don't believe him." Five said in a low tone, despite having alcohol in his blood, he still needed to remain alert.
"Me either." you imitated him, moving closer to him. The two of your heads were practically glued together as the two of you talked. "It's a shame to see Klaus so… wait a minute."
Sir Reginald's presence was present there, frightening everyone. It wasn't the spiteful version that you heard Five talk about over the years, but there was something that didn't fit there, you could feel it.
The man gave a brief speech, with a huge poem and it was clear from the looks of those around that the situation was stranger than you could imagine. Perhaps with the intention of breaking the ice hovering in the air, as soon as Hargreeves left the microphone, the dance floor was filled with music and colored lights.
"The old man is actually good at it." Five pondered, taking your attention.
"I don't know, something is wrong. He's always alert, he won't let me touch him." you responded immediately, watching him think for a few seconds.
"Any ideas what we can do?"
"I don't know if you got the memo, but we're about to die. " you turned away from Five to grab your glass. In a cynical gesture, you took your glass towards his glass, improvising a toast. "Here's to the old man's minutes of sanity."
"How can you be so frank?" He seemed indignant, drawing a laugh from your lips. "You're worse than me."
"Ah, dear Five. Try to feel what everyone else feels for a day. All the anger, all the fear. Your own feelings become a burden to you." your words silenced him, leaving space for him to just nod and for you to return to contemplating the speeches.
"I'm glad the world is ending." he stood up, extending his hand to you while his other hand held the bottle of champagne you shared. "Screw other people's feelings."
"Yeah, screw it." You accepted and stood up.
Five led you to the dance floor and even though the music was more upbeat and the dance floor was full of his brothers, he still spun you around a few times, in a kind of disconcerted waltz.
Five soon let go of you and climbed up to where the DJ table was, taking the microphone from the strange man. Without speech or prior notice, Five began to sing. The lyrics weren't the happiest of all, much less the melody, but they were familiar to you. You remembered singing it a few times in Five's presence and saying how much it reminded you of your father, who had been away from you for years.
"Would you accompany me?" your eyes moved away from Five's to Klaus, who proposed a dance. You could notice his suspicious look as he led you away.
"You like him, don't you?" Klaus asked and you just nodded, there was no point in hiding it anymore. "Well, you still have some time until the world ends."
"And if it doesn't end, what do I do next?"
"What do you mean it doesn't end?" Klaus asked, stopping turning you around. "Will you accept Dad's plan?"
"No, no, that's not it. I've seen Five end apocalypses before, I think something inside me hopes he can fix this one too. Maybe it's just the grief speaking inside me."
"Yeah, maybe."
Klaus turned you around once again and let you go, leaving you alone for just a few seconds.
"Let's get out of here?" Five's voice materialized behind you. "I need fresh air."
Before you could respond, he held your hand and led you away. It only took a few minutes for the two of you to be alone, watching the orange sky from the building's terrace.
"Can I ask you something?" You sat next to him, keeping little distance. Before you could ask, he held out the bottle of champagne he hadn't put down yet.
"Technically you already asked."
"Stop being an idiot." your shoulders collided with his. "That's it, right? I think we finally don't have the solution."
"I can almost believe you're scared." this time, you didn't deny it, you just looked away. "You know you don't need to talk, right?"
"I know, but it's frustrating. Running after saving the world all this time and not being able to. I'd rather die, I don't know, run over by a car, with an anvil falling on my head. But an apocalypse?" you laughed and watched Five do what you had done many times when you couldn't use your voice to talk. He took one of your hands and took off the glove, allowing himself to touch your skin.
"I can feel you." he replied, in a low tone. "You are afraid."
Five preferred to omit everything else he felt when he touched your skin. Fear, anguish, anxiety, love. The last one weighed on his mind, but he knew you and knew you would come out as soon as he felt comfortable. In a way, he knew that when he touched you, you would also be aware of his feelings.
"The only people who aren't scared are those who aren't paying attention."
"I think we need to drink more, to forget about this." even after just a few minutes of sitting, Five pulled you to your feet. "And this dress suits you, it's a waste to stay here while the party is going on downstairs."
Again, he dragged you downstairs, where the celebration was taking place. Whiskey, vodka, beer, everything that still contains a quantity of alcohol became part of your menu and at the end of the party, you found yourself sitting at the counter, Five standing a few meters away, tasting two different drinks. Maybe that would be the last time the two of you would party.
"Five?" you interrupted him, making him place the two bottles on the floor. "I don't want to die with regrets."
"Elucidate me on that."
"Even though The Handler always made it clear that I was too much for you, I like you." A sob caused by alcohol interrupted your train of thought. "I like it and I know that maybe I'm a little too much for your arrogance. You're also a little too much for me." You laughed, seeing him approach. "I think after these years, it's only fair for me to say that I love you."
"You think?" he laughed, fitting himself between your legs dangling from the metal counter. "You drank too much."
"You too." you responded immediately, starting to take off your gloves. "And alcohol doesn't affect my opinion. Feelings don't lie, do you want to feel?" Before the first glove could leave your hand, Five stopped you.
"I believe in you and I feel the same." he replied and in an unexpected gesture, he hugged you, putting his face in your mouth. "I've loved you for a while, it's a shame it took us so many years to realize."
"We can live that at least now." You gave space for his face to be in front of yours. "Damn, now I wish I could end this apocalypse."
His lips took yours and instead of his hands attaching themselves to your body, Five disheveledly took off your gloves and pulled your hands until they tangled around the back of his neck.
"I love you so much." he murmured between your lips, feeling almost overwhelmed by all the feeling that emanated from your hands. "Tonight, I'm yours and you're mine, fuck this apocalypse."
"Until the world ends?" you asked breathlessly.
"Until the world ends."
Your mouth tasted like alcohol, sweets and fear for the small future, but Five didn't see the problem, after all you could love each other until the world ended.
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faffnirr · 6 months
How oplaLUFFY reacts when you are about to die
During a battle with the navy, you were seriously injured. The other noticed the attack that was supposed to kill you, but didn't manage to avoid the severe damage you took. Helplessly, he had to watch you hit the ground.
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As you faint the desparete sound of him calling your name follows you into the darkness.
Luffy will immediately run towards you and defend your lifeless body like the son of the devil he is. Zoro and Sanji have to defeat all the marines on their one (not if that would bother them) because Luffy would let you alone by no chance.
Back at the Thousand Sunny Chopper treats your wounds. The doctor knows he won't win the fight which would break out if he tried to get Luffy from your side.
Still unconcious, Luffy will watch over you all day and the following night. He doesn't sleep, won't eat since he is to afraid of the worst-case-scenario.
When you wake up, Luffy's face is the first you see. Then the big broad cheerful grin that spreads across his lips.
"y/n!" he shouts and then before you are able to say anything he'll ask you if you want to drink or eat something and how you are doing.
Of course, you are not able to answer any of them. Right after questioning he jumps up in order to get you all things he thinks you need. (The amount of food he wants to share with you vanishes fast inside his mouth. Even though his intention was nothing but caring.)
The next night he curls himself together at one side of the bed, traning to leave you some space and careful not to touch your injuries.
Don't you dare to scare me again like this, yeah? Captain's Orders!
You laugh at his words and flinch when it hurts. "Of course, Captain." You say to comfort him. He seemed so lost to you when you woke up. "I'm sorry."
Shishishi He laughs and nuzzles his head into your side.
Long after midnight you wake up. Luffy clenching to your side, his arms tightly aroung you. It does hurt. But you don't care.
You never felt warmer and more loved than ever before.
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abiatackerman · 1 month
First Date
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Levi stands near the mess hall, waiting for you. He watches you intently, noticing you as you approach. You are beautiful; your hair is tied up in a bun, but some loose locks frame your face.... Your skirt, a pretty shade of pink and your lips look like they are still slightly chapped from the cold weather.... You are completely adorable..
Levi has invited you on a date.... Well not an invitation, everyone  knows he'll never directly say that. He just told you he's going to the market and if you need to go or not... And of course, you jumped at the opportunity and said yes immediately.
Doesn't matter if it's just a market, or a shop.... He invited you to spend some time with him, alone.... That's a huge deal for him. And you're on cloud 9 because you're finally going on a date with him.
He speaks, his voice is calm but cold, his expression stoic as he waits for you to approach him.
"Come on, we're going."
"Yes, let's go. Lead the way, cap."
You say playfully. As soon as you say his title, Levi suddenly has emotions again, and his face hardens. He turns away, but not without grunting.
It’s late in the afternoon, the sun is already setting. You notice that he leads you in the opposite direction of the market, to the countryside.
“We aren’t going to the central market?” You ask, confused.
“No.” He says curtly.
"Then where are we going?" You ask with confusion.
"Somewhere a little quieter." He answers.
As you keep walking, you notice that he doesn’t talk much. He doesn’t look like he wants to talk at all. It’s just the two of you in complete silence, the wind blowing your hair behind your shoulder. You can’t help but admire the view…
The sun is getting lower, casting a golden ray on the trees and the grass beneath your shoes. The sky is covered in pink clouds, and it couldn’t be more romantic...
You smile and decid to break the silence with a joke.
'You know? If I rape you here you won't be able to call for any help."
You say it as a joke but a chill runs down his spine. His eyebrow twitches but he says nothing. He just stares at you for a long beat, seeming to study you, and then he slowly reaches across the space between you two. He takes your hand, and when you feel his cold and steely fingers wrap around yours, the tension in your chest explodes with a burst of warmth. He pulls you closer and you can feel his warmth radiate between your bodies. This is the closest you've been to him ever...
His expression is neutral as he stares down at you, as if debating whether to kiss you. Then, without warning, he leans forward, his mouth slowly descending and colliding with yours. It's a deep, passionate kiss that makes your heart thunder in your chest and drives you wild with desire. You don't think, you don't hesitate, you just let yourself get lost in his kisses... And it feels like you're drowning in his love...
As his tongue meets yours, you gasp, your body trembling from the pleasure. Your hands slide up to his jawline, caressing his strong bones as you melt into the kiss. His arms encircle your waist, pulling you closer to his firm chest, holding you securely against his body.
He holds you there for what seems like hours, caressing your hips, kissing you deeply. Your body is buzzing with ecstasy, and everything else seems to stop. All you can focus on is his lips and his touch. He finally breaks the kiss, and stares at you as if looking into your soul. His eyes are intense and unreadable as he searches you.
"You know? I brushed my teeth and drank a cup of tea with 4 spoons of sugar, because I thought this might happen."
You breathe heavily as you speak and smile. Then you hug his waist, pressing your face into his neck.
The embrace sends shivers through Levi's body, but he holds you tighter. He buries his face into your neck and inhales deeply, enjoying your smell. He breathes you in as if inhaling an addictive drug, his eyes closing tight as he enjoys the scent of your hair.
You two remain in the position for a while, enjoying each other's embrace. Then Levi slowly pulls away, slapping your ass playfully.
"You're a grown ass woman, but you talk like a damn brat!"
"And you like it.'
Your sass makes his lips twitch. It's as if he can't be completely serious with you. He's trying his hardest to remain calm but you can tell he's enjoying your game with him.
You look at the view again, the sun has set and the stars are starting to shine, creating a splendid view. Levi stares into the sky too for a while. The stars twinkling bright. He then turns to you, his expression stern.
"We need to get back to the hq."
You sigh and nod as you respond playfully.
"Yeah... If we spend the whole night here... Hange won't stop teasing any of us.... She'll definitely tease us horribly."
He rolls his eyes, annoyed that you're thinking of Hange in a moment like this.
"As if we care about what Hange would say. Do you have some sort of kink about having our relationship outed to the whole world?"
He scolds you for mentioning Hange as he leads you back to the HQ by holding your hand. You smile widely and intertwine your fingers with him.
"Obviously.... I want to let the whole world to know that I'm yours."
He grunts and turns his face away from you for a second before muttering in a soft tone.
"You're such a brat...."
"And you're a 34 year old man. Don't you feel any shame in dating a brat?"
You say, laughing.
He makes a disgruntled sound and stops walking. He then turns to glare at you.
"Don't try to play me here, miss. You're a grown ass woman. I'm not dating a brat."
He puts his hands on his hip, looking at you with that stern look of his As he starts to act playfully, you smile contently.
At least you're entertaining him, right? Making him wanting to laugh and happy? That's what matters to you the most.
"Then don't call me a brat, Mr! Otherwise I'll call you old man."
At your words, he rolls his eyes, knowing damn well that he's fallen for you like there is no tomorrow. That doesn’t mean he won’t admit it; especially when you’re playing and bantering with him. He crosses his arm across his chest before he lets a smirk slip on his face.
"Old man, my ass."
"Your ass is flat."
Your playful comment and sticking your tongue out at him gives you a playful elbow to the ribs from him. You’re too funny to be mad at, and he can’t help but grin at your cheeky attitude.
"You little brat…"
You chucked and elbow him back.
"Tch... You're the sexiest person I've ever seen.... Happy? Now let's go back because I'm afraid of insects. And if one of them is gonna land on my body I'll scream so loudly that you'll go deaf."
He chuckles at the thought of you freaking out over a tiny insect. And your little threats make him tease you even more.
"Don’t worry brat, I’ll protect you."
Then he pulls you over to his other arm and tucks you snugly in the crook of his arm as he continues down the quiet woodland path to the HQ.
A/N: Hello there, everyone. Well I just wanted to make a romantic-comedy oneshot because I know damn well the bad boy manga has made all of us depressed. Hope you all will be able to like it.
Also I'm currently sick, so I probably won't be able to update oneshots or AOT clips for a while. Sorry for that.
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rogueddie · 1 year
was originally on ao3, trying to organize a little :)
Steve wakes up and immediately hates himself.
He's so comfortable, warm. He didn't have any nightmares either. Can't remember what happened last night either. He tries to remember, but the last thing that he can remember clearly is Robin's worried face, warning him that he's already drank too much, "if you don't slow down you're gonna get alcohol poisoning! I won't hold your hair back, Harrington!"
He doesn't have a headache though. He doesn't feel sick or hungover at all, despite the blackout. He's only half-awake but knows he won't be able to go back to sleep now. He keeps his eyes closed anyway, hoping that maybe if he just pretends that he's fallen back to sleep then he will.
He's able to doze off for long while, vaguely aware of his leg warming up where it's sticking out the covers, assumable by the sun shinning through the gap in his curtains.
There's a soft hum behind him, someone shifting. It's then that he realizes that someone is spooning him, tucked tight against him. But it's so comfortable, makes something in his chest ease to have someone holding him, that he doesn't really care. Especially when they tighten their arms around him, just a little. Their nose presses into the back of his neck, the persons voice deep when they (he?) grumbles something unintelligible, sounding annoyed.
"Hangover?" Steve eventually asks. His voice is a little slurred, muffled a little because of how his face is still nuzzled into his pillow.
"Comfy," Eddie mumbles back. Tries to shift closer, wrapping his arms a little more secure around his torso.
Steve doesn't know if he's humming in agreement or because of how content he feels. He's not sure it matters anyway. He wonders if he drank so much last night that he might still be a little buzzed.
They lay in silence for another long moment. Eddie seems happy to just lay there too, so Steve isn't going to be the one to break the moment.
"How did we end up here?" Eddie eventually asks. He doesn't move away though.
"Fuck if I know. Don't really care, 's nice."
Eddie makes a curious noise, his arm staying curled around his chest as he lifts it to brush some of his hair off his neck. "You've got a hickey."
Steve finally opens his eyes. He's careful not to tense up, not wanting to freak Eddie out. Tries harder now to remember last night. "A hickey?"
"Yeah, right here." His finger gently rests on his neck. "You and Wheeler finally get your shit together?"
"Eddie, she-" Steve hesitates. He doesn't want to move but he needs to, shifts carefully so he can look Eddie in the eye. He thankfully stays curled around Steve. "Robin said she... told you. About, uh... stuff."
"That she's a lesbian."
"Yeah... did she not tell you, um... anything else? About her relationship, maybe?"
Eddie frowns for a moment, but then he finally catches up. "She's with Wheeler."
"And they were the only other ones here last night."
Eddie looks back to his neck and blushes. "Um. Ok... I'm, uh, sorry? For, like, taking advantage or whatever."
He's pulling away, taking all the warmth with him. Steve grabs his arm before he can get far, giving a sharp tug so he falls forward. He barely catches himself before faceplanting into Steves chest, but the rest of his front is pressed back against Steves side. He looks beautiful, hovering over him like this.
"I thought you were done with running away?"
Eddie blinks at him, looking dazed. "Yeah... I mean, if that's w-what you want?"
He looks so hopeful. Steve feels like an idiot. He's been complaining to Robin for so long, practically begging her to try and help him get a solid answer on whether or not Eddie could be interested in him too. He should have taken her advice to just go for it long before now.
Eddies breath hitches when Steve brings his hand up to cup his cheek, gently bringing his hand down along his jaw so he can touch his bottom lip with his thumb.
"You didn't take advantage," Steve does his best to sound disappointed, almost whining. "And here I thought birthday parties are supposed to be fun."
Eddie laughs, more of a huff. Grabs Steves wrist so he can turn his head and kiss the palm of his hand. Gently pulls his hand down onto the pillow, pulling his other wrist up too.
"Did you not have fun, big boy?" Eddie smirks, letting his eyes roam. Steve shakes his head, Eddie tutting. "Can't have that, can we?"
He finally leans down to kiss him. It's so soft, more like slow pecks. Just pressing their lips together, one of his thumbs gently rubbing against his wrist. It's not enough, yet too much, all at once. Barely there, no where near satisfying with how worked up Steve already is, yet...
It's so loving. Gentle, like Eddie thinks he's something precious. Something to be treasured. And when he pulls back, his cheeks are still red and he's looking at Steve like he hung the very stars.
"You're beautiful," Steve breathes.
Eddie sighs, like one of those love-sick girls in rom-coms he would be forced to go to on dates. It sounds better from him. "Is it too soon to say I love you? I mean, fuck. You're perfect."
"Perfect for you," Steve teases. Tries to lift a hand up, wanting to desperately to touch him, but Eddie keeps his wrists pinned. His breath hitches, which finally makes Eddies eyes darken. "I think I might love you too."
Eddie smiles soft, despite the maybe. "Well, now I have to wine and dine you."
"Those are the rules. Now, are you just gonna lay there and look at me? I was promised fun here, Munson, and you're doing a piss poor job."
He raises his eyebrows, but he's still grinning. "That's how it's gonna be, huh?"
"Yeah, punk, whatchu gonna do about it?"
And if he's walking a little funny when he finally goes downstairs for breakfast, that's nobody elses business.
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derangedanomaly · 2 months
Can I please request headcanons for the bad sanses with an s/o that has wings?
Thank you, and have a nice day!
Nightmare finds your wings annoying, or fascinating. (Depending on what your wings look like)
If your wings are big, then they probably often get in the way of things, and Nightmare more than likely gets accidentally smacked with them...
But if your wings are small, Nightmare won't mind them at all. They're just...there. No complaints here.
Your wings sometimes have to stretch... Because they get too stiff if you won't move them much. Don't expect much help from Nightmare though. He has "other business to attend to" and he's "busy".
Though there are times where he'll give in to your pleads, And just- wrap your wings in his tentacles. It's actually kinda comfortable, since it feels like you don't have any weight on you.
He'd sometimes gaze at your wings, with no thoughts whatsoever. He's just observing them, in complete calmness...
If you show him some new tricks you learned, all happy and everything, Nightmare would listen to you. (Shockingly) but he'd act like he doesn't want to hear about your accomplishments.
Killer would gasp when he sees your wings. He immediately touches them (with your consent of course. Consent is hot)
He'd immediately work on some puns involving birds or wings. He's a silly dude lmao.
PLEASE let him brush your wings. He'd get so into it. Gently brushing your wings.
He'd probably ask you if you'll lift him up and fly with him around the castle. He's actually light as a feather, so it's not a hard task.
Imagine being Nightmare, just seeing Killer and you flying around, oh he'd so scold you.
No flying in the castle!! (Says the new rule.)
He'd brag to Dust and Horror that he has a personal traveller. (You)
He'd watch with awe when you happily show him some new tricks, he'd so request another ride.
Winces when he sees you stretch your wings, hearing a silent "pop".
Flirts with you that you look like an angel. (It works though, lmao)
He's so mesmerized and interested. He'd ask MILLIONS of questions. And you better answer all of them.
Let him touch your wings, a literal stars will appear in his eyes.
He'll probably ask you to stretch your wings so he can sketch them in his book. (He has a whole book dedicated to you)
He's a literal pro at brushing your wings. Will not make a mistake. Not even once.
If you truly want some help, or just need an advice, go to Dust. He's the most reliable. (A/N: how come Dust's always the one that's the most reliable 💀)
He's the type of person to make comments of his own, whenever you show him new tricks.
He's all like; "I think you'd be able to do it better, if you-" they might get a little annoying- but hey, they're helpful somehow 🤷‍♀️
He even bought a book about wings, just so he can know more about it.
He's just a nerd tbh.
Horror will gawk at your wings with sparkles in his eye. He's mesmerized, and thinks they're pretty..
He gives you a smile when you stretch your wings, or cover your wings around him.
He likes how fluffy they are.
He'll want to touch them, but won't do it, because he's afraid of accidentally hurting you. :(
He thinks they're probably fragile, and he won't want to be the reason you'd be wingless.
Will need a lot of reassurance that it really is ok to touch your wings. And that they're not really fragile at all.
Overall a total sweetheart, he will be really gentle when it comes to touching your wings. He doesn't want to accidentally yoink them.
The others would probably tease him a little that he's much more gentle than he normally is.
Only you get this special treatment from him by the way ^^
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