#and so is his relationship with machi
larrythefloridaman · 2 years
google :)
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love u goog <3
#to explain the dotted squares: Why Are You A Redhead When You Are Bing's Clone.#and the other is like. lets get one thing straight i love goog to death everything in season 2? wouldnt change a damn thing#but i feel like the susan thing was resolved too quickly. and his relationship with mac has gone. underaddressed.#goog was raised by dr. order and i love that he defects right away when shown a first glimmer of something more meaningful#it works well to demonstrate the point that kindness is what we're. as people. most naturally drawn to when circumstance allows for it#but i think how easy it ultimately comes to him even when that's challenged by his personal hurt later kinda. cheapens it a bit?#kindness is easy but its also very hard sometimes when we are faced with the desire or need to protect ourselves from being hurt#and susan letting goog get his catharsis from attacking her even though it wasnt Her her that hurt him#is something i feel should've left him feeling a bit more. conflicted a bit longer. the resolution was sweet but not fully earned imo?#and then theres mac. your little brother almost kills you in cold blood chasing the same meaningless victory you were raised to achieve#and then just. befriends your platonic partner's little sister and becomes part of the family while changing very little of his outlook#just changing who he answers to because he got his ass kicked. and you're just supposed to feel fucking NORMAL about that???????#idk just think google should get to bite people and be dysfunctional a little more he was raised by doctor order hes not even two years old#he's a shonen protagonist with anxiety but the anxiety doesn't even really interfere meaningfully with anything narratively best i remember#machi has the excuse of being baby to explain why he's so innocent and even he's distinctly self-centered at times#google is a grown man and chooses kindness every day after he got out of there#and that rules. but id like to see him struggle with it just a LIL more#a bit too much of a perfect victim after he gets out for my taste. i had a similar problem with adora in she-ra#lots of not having a frame of reference for a different normal than theirs but always choosing the Right™ thing to do the first time anyway#but thats a mild 'show dont tell'-y writing gripe#its been a good bit since i watched the eps referenced so my feelings might change when i get to them in my rewatch#i simply think meeting a version of your shitty mom that's largely the same but not shitty should make you feel. a lot of different ways#and we didnt really get to see goog wrestle with that after finding out susan wasnt Really her and i think thats kind of a shame#and i dont remember if mac and goog have even shared any screentime after that time Mac Injured Him Terribly with plus ultra
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lightfeltmemories · 6 months
episode one: phantom troupe and romance; headcanons from least toxic, to most toxic
characters include: chrollo, machi, pakunoda, shizuku, uvogin, shalnark, feitan, phinks, bonolenov, kortopi, hisoka, illumi, nobunaga, franklin. (not in order)
tw's: nsfw but nothing explicit, mentions of non-con, spoilers for the deaths of pakunoda, shalnark, kortopi and uvogin, toxic relationships, lovebombing, mentions of torture (not on reader), mentions of cheating, mentions of reader's death,
notes: a completely self indulgent post, you can probably tell who im biased towards by how long certain sections are.
because this contains mentions of nsfw, do not interact if you are under 18, you will be blocked if you do !! also, do not leave negative comments please, they will be deleted :)
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out of everyone, guaranteed, she'll be the best partner out of everyone else, you might even end up shocked that she's apart of the troupe if it ever comes to you finding out.
she's a darling, spoils and cares for you like anyone else, a great listener and partakes in your interests in hobbies, its (almost) like a fairytale by how the relationship is, the troupe knows you but you don't know them! and she wants to keep it that way, of course still she's a murderer, so it would break her if you were to have found out about everything, she vowed to never let you know or even have you close to knowing about what she does, but you just can't help but wonder what she's doing when she's away for long periods of time.
until it comes to her death.
now, you eventually find out that she died from a close friend of hers, but he knows paku doesn't want you to know about the troupe, so, he's a bit vague, and a bit creepy.
personally out of everyone else, i feel like nobunaga would be other most normal when it comes to relationships, but then again, he's an enigma, he doesn't strike me as the type to be the best boyfriend literally ever or very very toxic, i feel like out of everyone else, if you're looking for someone to be in a semi normal relationship with, nobunaga is your best shot, but of course, he's a part of the phantom troupe, and any member apart of it isn't exactly the best partner by default.
he's still a murder and thief, like all members i believe that he would definitely steal things that remind him of you, he'd most definitely kill for you.
unlike someone like feitan or machi, he doesn't exactly have a problem with being vulnerable when you get to know him, he'll tell you about himself, and of course, because he's a criminal he can't exactly tell you what he does for a living, but can't bring himself to lie about it either, he's just hoping that one day, if you know, you won't leave or judge him for it, his childhood isn't exactly all sunshines and lolipops, y'know?
he'll love you from the ends of the earth, but he definitely won't let you walk all over him, quick to put your in your place and won't allow you to manipulate him, he won't lie to you (about trivial things, at least) so why should you? (who knows, maybe you're apart of a criminal organization and is pretty much a wanted criminal yourself :P)
similar to nobunaga i think if you want something that's somewhat normal, bonolenov is also a nice choice! (100% not putting him up so high because we don't really know that much about him it's totally because he would be a decent partner! honest!)
for one, you would definitely be introduced to usual romantic gestures and advances that come from his tribe, he'll tell you all about how things work with him, he'll do dances he learned when they were still here for you to show how much he adores you, and dresses you in garments that resemble such from his tribe, it's pretty cute, honestly!
now, what concerns him a bit is.. how you'll react without his bandages, he's not exactly sexy like chrollo but (to me, TO MEEEEEE) he's not the ugliest thing in the world! he just hopes that eventually if you see him in his true form, you don't scream and run away at the sight of him, its okay if you do! ..... kind of.
and if you don't, oh you'll mean so much to him!
now, here's another one we don't know much about! but i'll try my best either way (i just want to contribute to the lack of attention him and bono get in these spaces.) he's another somewhat normal one, he also doesn't strike me as the type to be the absolute worst, but still is apart of a troupe of murderers and thieves.
similar to everyone else, he'll steal and kill for you (idk if this guy even has a body count but lets pretend he does.) and is a lot more open to being vulnerable than some other members.
now, nine times out of ten you'll be taller than him because this guy is even shorter than feitan, so, he'll definitely be wearing your t-shirts and hoodies, and he ain't complaining about it!
and eventually, he dies, now, honestly, something told you that kortopi seemed... like the odd one out when it came to the troupe, he doesn't seem like the type to be apart of... that! you better hope that hisoka doesn't care about you, or things are gonna turn ugly faster than you can blink.
he's big (as hell), but he's sweeter (you know why they're in bold italics) than the others twice his size.
physically the strongest, you're rather lucky to have him has your partner, if someone won't stop messing with you, they're dead within a millisecond, or at least scared off since you know.. he isn't exactly built like the average guy and having someone that's eight foot fucking two walking up on you not really excited to see you is quite terrifying, depending on his mood they'll sometimes get away.... sometimes.
enough of that, how is it like when it's just the two of you? sitting on the couch or laying in bed watching movies together, his arm around you, it's basically a pillow! a hard ass pillow at that.
not the most vulnerable, he's not some weird incel who see's women as sex toys or anything, he's decently capable of being in a normal relationship, you won't see each other often sadly, but when you do, he'll pay 95% of his attention towards you, he'll even let you know straight up that he won't know when he'll get back, but he will! ... until he doesn't..
ah yes, his death at the hands of kurapika, how will you react? hell, how would kurapika react to your existence? something tells me that kurapika might kill you too, send you right off with him, or, in a rather strange twist of events, he might try to fuck you and take you to the other side, not in the way of barging into your house and straight up non con, nah, more like a get to know you then get in your pants type of way, uvo won't be there to protect you now would he? of course the latter is highly unlikely, but to be honest it's kind of fun to think about.
and now that you think of it... you don't even know what uvo was doing or where he was going, you choose how you want to react to how you found out about his troupe business.
another woman! she's similar to another person right below her! she looks cute, but she's anything but!...... sort of.
she's not the best or worst partner, she's pretty normal, a bit distant but it's not something you can't manage, maybe she just needs some space and you're overwhelming her, but something that really gets to you is her forgetfulness.
at first, she'll forget things such as your birthday or your anniversary, but going further into the relationship, she becomes less and less forgetful (she might even remember things that you don't even remember.)
what exactly do you guys do together? well, she does try to partake in your interests, and does try to get things you like!
he's similar to uvo, he's big, he's actually nicer than he appears.
what makes him so low is.. well to be honest i don't know, i don't feel like he could be high up but not so low, so, this is the perfect spot for him.
for one he does have a bit of an anger problem, not as bad as phinks, but he doesn't mind a slight argument, good thing he wont assault you, and is quick to make up for the argument.
i don't know how to write him, so, please forgive me for how small this passage is. :(
we're starting to get into uh... strange territory, he looks kind, and seems normal, but he's anything but that, he's not the most toxic but he also isn't the most caring and understanding either, similar to nobunaga he's kind of an enigma.
he's a love bomber and very good at manipulating, definitely takes advantage of his rather cute looks, he'll figure out what you're insecure about and compliment those things specifically, i do think he is capable of loving someone genuinely, but he sometimes does things without realizing that they aren't really normal, maybe he's getting his troupe personality mixed up with the one he has with you.
he does come off as sweet at first, brings you flowers and takes you on some rather expensive dates (an uncanny feeling creeps up on you about how the waiters act, but you don't pay much attention to it.) and sometimes he's more distant and a little bit aloof, you take this as him needing his space.
he's not abusive, but he isn't the absolute best partner, there's definitely better out there.
his death doesn't hit you as hard as the others but it was still devastating, you best hope hisoka doesn't come for you, and if he does, you hope he swiftly kills you, because you really don't want this murder clown to take an interest to you.
phinks is another one 'that's kind of odd to me, i don't want to judge a book by its cover and say "yeah he's a piece of shit!!" but again, he's a lot better in comparison to anyone below.
he's similar to shalnark in quite a few ways, one, he does things that kind of makes you think he's a bit of an odd ball, he's intimidating to look at and is the second strongest physically in the troupe, so you're lucky to have someone like him if you're looking for protection.
i don't see him as the type to take you out to fancy restaurants and bring you flowers, stuff like that is a bit too sappy for him, he shows other ways like giving you thinks you like or taking you to like carnivals or other fun events.
his main problem is his anger issues, he won't physically harm you especially if you don't use nen, but he's not above arguing with or yelling at you, he doesn't do it often, but he might call you an idiot or a bitch if you take him to that point.
the relationship is somewhat normal besides that.
chrollo is weird, some say he's loving, caring, blah blah blah while some might say he's the exact opposite.
for one he is charming, he's a relatively good looking man, he's intelligent, and is looking for someone who's also intelligent.
i feel like chrollo definitely has a type, he likes people who are elegant, he wants someone that'll make him look good while he's in public, he doesn't care much for how people view the relationship outside of that, he also looks for someone with a personality he doesn't want someone who looks good yes, but is boring to be around, someone he can have a deep conversation with and talk about his interests with.
for one, you will not know about the troupe's existence, until he is 100% ready to tell you, which will definitely take a while, but he's confident that the troupe and himself will protect you from anyone who tries to avenge.
now, what makes him so low on this list? well, he's quite manipulative, a gaslighter, too, what do you mean you saw me with another woman? it's all for business, i'm just trying to steal her nen ability.
he does want to be a good partner, but this relationship is kind of a "too good to be true" type, something is happening behind closed doors and the thought is too persistent to ignore.
this guy is... strange, for one, his beady ass eyes make him look like a bug (affectionately), and section.. his very warped perception of what love even is.
i agree with the fandom that he has a breeding kink no doubt, his intention on dating is marriage, and you will bear his children, no ifs, ands or buts.
you'll meet his family but you'll never meet the troupe, he doesn't want you getting involved in fighting (he might have someone teach you some basic self protection) because he doesn't want you to die, that'll fuck with him... kind of, you're basically trapped in the mansion.
his overprotection is toxic on its own, you don't have that much freedom, you can't go shopping unless he's with you (or if he can't be there, one of his servants will accompany you), you're never truly alone unless he's away, and when he's here, things are no better, he's distant and cold, there's not much to talk about with him, sure, he loves you, but doesn't know how to express it much.
one out of three toxic ass individuals, one of them consists of machi.
lets start off with the fact that she's cold hearted, as hell, if you cry in front of her she'll look at you like you're crazy, if she's really in that mood she'll tell you that you look stupid and you need to suck it up.
not good with physical touch or romance, who knows how the two of you managed to continue the relationship, she does leave flowers for you but won't tell you that they're from her, won't admit that she's the one who got them for you.
i feel like similar to a certain clown, she won't care much for you if you aren't either powerful or capable of protecting yourself in some way.
but all she's really doing is putting up barriers, she's actually caring in her own weird way, she'll still be there for you, patch up your wounds if you managed to get cut or stabbed and would probably mourn your death.
were getting lower, and a certain sadist who loves torture is worse, but somehow, hisoka is slightly better than him in some way or another.
for one, hisoka probably won't be that interested in you if you aren't powerful, it would be worse if you were a regular civilian, he'll take that as an opportunity to take advantage of you sexually, physically, psychologically and mentally, and the relationship will be literal hell..
but, lets say you are pretty powerful, dare i say a troupe member yourself, he won't be as interested in fighting you as much as he would chrollo, but he would be interested in... other ways.
how you managed to get into a relationship with this freak is unclear, but you two one day just.. hooked up, and it all goes downhill from here.
he has no problem killing you if he gets tired of you, he already killed two and plans on killing the rest of the spiders, why not kill another? especially you? or, in an alternate scenario where he does manage to kill off all the spider, you're the only one who's left, this can go two ways, one, he can fuck you one last time then kill you, or, he takes you with him! if you managed to have a lasting impression on him, that is.
outside of sex, he just isn't a good partner, he's probably the only one on this list that's probably willing to cheat on you (don't you dare get back at him, both you and your lover will die) he's manipulative as hell, he doesn't necessarily care about how you feel and he'll provoke you just to get a reaction out of you.
and last but not least, feitan, oh boy, good luck to you for managing to have this man attracted to you. (im a feitan girlie, so this one might be a big longer than the rest)
for one, he'll hate your rotten guts for making him feel this way, for making him feel so weak, so emotional... he might even contemplate on killing you, but when that time comes he can't bring himself to do it.
i don't want to say yandere is his default since he doesn't really know how to properly love, because i do think he has some potential, but it does make sense for him, because there has to be something about you that makes you interested in him, maybe you're his polar opposite? maybe you're also a sadist?
he's not the most romantic partner, he doesn't want to come off as vulnerable, or sappy, so, what considers as a date to him? he's the type to probably take you to a cemetery at night as a form of a date.
he will not allow the troupe to know you or you to know them, for one he's going to be teased from hell and back for finally managing to pull someone and second while it appears that he doesn't care for you much, him protecting you from them is his way of showing you that he cares.
he can't find himself being vulnerable, he might teach you his language if you're up for it, and he might bring you some things he knows you like, but thats kind of it, also he won't force you to see him torture people.. unless you betray him in a way.
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bwabys-scenarios · 5 months
Dating the Phantom Troupe SFW/NSFW HCs
warnings: group sex, breeding kink, scissoring, toy use, fem reader, creampie
taglist: @desiray562 @lovelyxkazuha @ashdownunderscorebeloved @stygianoir @lightshowerrr @highbats69
‼️If you want to be added to the taglist, please check out the taglist information then comment what you want to be added to! Make sure you have your age in your bio and that your blog can be tagged/mentioned!‼️
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-You’re the sweetheart of the Phantom Troupe, healing others with physical touch/affection. You were picked out by chrollo to be a medic of sorts due to your charitable work in meteor city
-you’re pretty pampered, once you get to know everyone they all fall for you pretty quick. the first was Shalnark. it was a puppy crush at first, but soon he was head over heels.
-it goes like this: first Shalnark falls for you, then it’s Chrollo, Machi, Nobunaga, Uvogin, Phinks, Pakunoda, Shizuku, then finally Feitan.
-Pakunoda and Chrollo are guilty of spoiling you way too much with gifts, while Shalnark and Uvogin pamper you with lots of attention and affection. Machi and Feitan struggle with opening up to you and confessing, while Shizuku and Phinks were pretty open with their feelings once asked. Nobunaga is overly affectionate and clingy 😭
-the relationship between you and the others is far from normal, bordering on yandere. they won’t keep you prisoner or force you into anything you dislike though, they’re just a bit possessive and protective. since they’re all good friends, they’re able to MOSTLY share you without any hiccups…
-though the two most possessive members(Machi and Nobunaga) get into fights with the others at times
-so, the troupe usually allow Chrollo to have you first.
He doesn't demand this, in fact he tries to insist on drawing straws, but the others respect him enough to let him have you first.
-Chrollo is very gentle with you, making love rather than fucking you. He usually prefers to have you away from the others in a separate room, but will fuck you in front of the others if he's feeling naughty
-everyone gets 30 mins a piece to make it a bit easier on your body(there's 8 of them after all) and all of them always end up cumming <3 some a bit quicker than others(cough Phinks and Shizuku cough)
-The rest draw straws/arm wrestle/or decide by little games who gets to go next.
-Uvogin almost always volunteers to go last because of how big he is. You need time to be stretched out and lubed up before you can take him
-Nobunaga is so quick to cum it’s almost pathetic. He feels bad and will keep going, but soon your thighs and tummy are just covered in his seed!
-Shalnark actually loves an audience!! He shows off how good he can make you feel with pride. Though the others get a bit jealous at his talent at making you cum over and over again
-usually, Shizuku, Pakunoda, and Machi prefer to share you amongst themselves. Lots of scissoring and toy use >< Machi is shy and usually won't join unless it's in private with just the four of you. Pakunoda definitely has a custom made strap she uses to fuck into you
-Phinks is super vocal and ends up cumming inside of you over and over. He can't help it, it's hard to pull out when you're giving him those eyes and whining like that…
-Feitan is surprisingly clingy during sex, wanting to be close. He's another one that prefers privacy due to being a bit shy preforming in front of others
-when uvogin finally gets his turn, you're so spent and wet that he nearly slides in without issue... but he can never truly fuck you without a bit of prep of his own. He'll fuck you with his big, thick fingers before thrusting in :3
-orgies with all the members don’t happen, most of them just aren’t attracted to each other/see each other as family
-though… a few of them fucking you at once is common place. you’re just too cute that some of them can’t take the wait and end up slipping into one of your other holes. if your uncomfy with anal, they’ll use your mouth or hands!
-some of the men are in a competition to see who can get you pregnant first(Shalnark, Uvogin, and Phinks) while the others are just happy with whatever happens(Chrollo) and Feitan… he doesn’t want a kid but can’t resist cumming inside very time so… if it happens it happens.
-they’ve all already agreed to let the father and you decide how the baby is raised(whether the two get into a serious relationship or they all raise the baby together)
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mamayan · 10 months
Darling! Hisoka Morow x Yandere! Reader
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cw: NSFW • Obsessive/Possessive Themes • Fem! Reader • Noncon turned Dubcon • Yandere Themes • Murder • Emotional Instability • Yandere! Reader • Drug usage • HC • PIV
This is not “reader” inclusive as I’d assume nearly 99.9% of you do not exhibit true yandere traits. This is written with a female yandere in mind. No other physical descriptors will be used, but “reader” will have psychological descriptors and habits which will likely not match the majority. Please keep this in mind while reading. Thank you!
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To become so obsessed with a psychotic mass murdering clown magician like Hisoka, you’d need to be a special breed. Harley Quinn style if you will, but incorporating an even more massively unhealthy level of adoration and blindness.
Since Hisoka is a whimsical sociopath and amoral character, it’d likely attract someone that is… surprisingly selfless and mildly antisocial. His attitude and way of life likely trigger feelings of envy and jealousy at first within you. Why does he get to be so carefree? Why can’t you just slaughter your entire place of work when they piss you off?
So starts the morbid curiosity. Who is Hisoka Morow?
You’d see him in passing a time or two, maybe you’d even witness him kill or target an individual in battle. You’d stay undetected by Hisoka. This requires great skill in nen-ability and you’d likely be a pro-Hunter or something along those lines. You’d need to be incredibly powerful and a good strategist to have Hisoka as a darling. Specializing in stealth/tracking/spying would all do you well in aiding to observe stalk Hisoka.
He’d take a life so easily it’d stun you. His lack of remorse after even more. How does he feel so little? Why is he so easily aroused in battle? Why can’t you look away? Rationality will need to take a backseat in this budding crush you have. It won’t bloom into what you call “love” until he does something that speaks to you personally.
It’ll be entirely mundane too.
He’ll do one thing that will capture your heart. Maybe it’s when he spares Gon and Killua. He’d claim it’s because they’ll make worthy opponents later. You’ll see it as something else.
Once your feelings for him are established, it’s impossible to find fault with him anymore. Everything he does is perfect, utterly adorable and fascinating, and he’s a silly kitten who can do no wrong in your mind. His clawed finger nails are proof that the most harm he can do is claw up some curtains.
Hisoka is constantly on the move, traveling often and usually very light. He does have a few spaces he uses more like storage than actual living quarters. This where you spend time when you aren’t observing him. Going through his things, envisioning a future with him, imagining him tied to the bed.
You’ll be delusional but no so much you believe you can have him without force. Wild cats are hard to tame after all, and a superiority complex over Hisoka will begin to develop the longer you watch and learn about him. You’ll likely have dug up all the skeletons of his past. You believe you know him best, who else understands him so well but you?
This dig includes any lovers or even potential lovers. They’re in the way and need to be gotten rid of. You can’t let them ruin him now can you?
Finding all of his past lovers isn’t easy, especially without alerting him to anything suspicious at first. Thankfully, despite his track record of murders, his love life is stale at best. A few hookups when he was younger, no long term relationships, but he does have a notable relationship with a female from the Phantom Troupe.
Machi, a beautiful woman which Hisoka blatantly flirts with. More than the usual too, it holds a level of sexual tension which invokes unparalleled rage inside you. It’s ironically not directed at Machi, but she’ll bear the brunt of it anyway.
Hisoka is given both a sick and delightful surprise when Machi’s severed head is delivered to his hotel suite in a box. A love poem hand written by you in it, but it’s a warning for him too.
It’s a grotesque combination, but it’ll most certainly catch his attention. A bouquet might’ve sufficed too, but Hisoka will now know of your existence. He doesn’t think this is a love note though, he thinks this is revenge. He’ll be angry too, because whether Machi was ever a real love rival or not, she was someone he wanted to fight. His designated prey was caught and killed before he even had a true chance of tasting victory over them. That must mean you are an even better treat.
It’ll drive you wild seeing how desperate he becomes to track you down and find you. He comes close a few times too, but always just out of reach. His real niche laying in combat unlike you. It feels romantic in a sense, and it’ll drive the fantasy further that you two are meant to be together. He’s meant to be yours isn’t he? As you begin leaving even more obvious hints of your presence in his life, he’ll realize it’s not revenge you’re seeking.
He’ll figure out he’s got a perverted little stalker when he finds your cute lace panties left for him to find. No need to mention you’d touched yourself on his bed to the thought of him and came in them. It’ll be fairly obvious from the fact that he hasn’t been to this particular hideout in a while and it’s spotless. No dust. Everything perfect, but he didn’t clean before he left this one. Then he’ll see on the unmade bed, a clear sign of a woman having intruded and marked the area. Strands of your hair. Your scent. Your clothes.
Still, he won’t catch you. He’ll bait you too, and sometimes you wonder if you’ve been caught only to realize he just knows he’s always being watched now. He doesn’t know your exact location or if you actually are there. “I liked your gift… hmm, but it would’ve been a nicer surprise to see you in them~” he’s flirtation and goading. It’ll be difficult to resist him, when he’s seemingly speaking straight at you. You know the moment you reveal yourself though, he’s not going to drop to his knees and offer himself to you. It’ll be a battle on sight. Though the thought of him getting aroused because of fighting you… makes you itch to throw caution to the wind.
Instead you clear any and all traces of your presence for several long months, until Hisoka grows avidly annoyed and then slowly disinterested, moving on to other opponents and amusements. Being in your line of work means a very much endless cash flow, the resources available to keep up with your favorite pass time of just watching him in all his glory. He’s perfection, even as his face twists up into a manic monstrous expression as he slaughters his victims, you see nothing but an angel. Never mind the screams and begging for mercy, isn’t he so cute when he plays a magic trick for them? It’s easy to become overwhelmed with jealously occasionally, but you’re good at being patient and reminding yourself that person isn’t special, Hisoka is just entertaining himself.
It’s also hard to remind yourself you aren’t special either. While it takes a certain sense of superiority over a darling to develop yandere tendencies, you’re also affected by an inferiority complex about the world. This means you’re isolated in how you interact with the world, no close friends or relatives, no real hobbies outside of what assists you with your work, hardly any social interactions that aren’t required. This is what makes Hisoka so fascinating, and it’s also what starts your real downward spiral to depravity.
What makes you truly snap and lose control to your yandere tendencies , is nothing other than Hisoka himself.
He’s coming down from a recent high of a fight in Heaven’s Arena, only showing up due to being challenged as a floor master, but the fight had been surprisingly up to his standards. His opponent was both entertaining and thrilling until their end. He was in a good mood, a very good one, so when a spectator approached him batting their lashes and hinting at spending the night in his suite… he said yes.
That was strike one.
Strike two was the audacity of the piece of shit throwing themself at him. You carefully followed, silent and untraceable as sexual tension began to rise in the elevator all three of you shared. Only they thought it was just them.
Strike three. Wasn’t your presence at least somewhat obvious? It’s highly delusional on your end to become enraged at other’s ignorance to your presence despite your mastery of hiding it. It’s what allowed you to watch Hisoka so long after all, but illogical as it is, you were still pissed. Furious at both of them but now mostly at Hisoka. Who was leaning over them, letting his height and teeth aching sugary tone seduce this common stray off the street like they were his personal favorite. They weren’t. He didn’t have any real favorites. Only toys that were disposable and this was no different but it didn’t matter because he was yours. And it seemed he needed to learn this.
Even Hisoka can be taken off guard, especially with his pants feeling too tight and the piece of ass before him being all to eager to please.
He’s unconscious when you finally reveal yourself. The deafening scream echoing throughout the elevator as it finally reached Hisoka’s designated floor and opening. Unfortunately for the poor soul screaming who was just looking to get laid, you weren’t in the mood to grant them anything less than a brutal death.
“Shut up! Shut up shut up shut up shut shut up!” Your fist broke bone with each strike, until your victim lay unrecognizable and very dead. You’d released your nen, and every nen user in this entire Arena now knows you’re here, all because anger got the best of you.
It didn’t matter, because even with the corpse at your feet, you were still furious.
You took both Hisoka and the body out of the elevator and swiftly worked to clean up the damage and fluids. You didn’t need the Arena fining you again. Hisoka was out cold, but he’s quick to recover so you work on getting him into his suite and bed, working his wrists into nen blocking steel cuffs. He’s spread like a star fish, each limb hooked to the fancy bed posts. You muttered anxiously as you dug around your bag, hands shaking as you pulled out a small leather pouch about the size of your palm.
It might seem overkill, but chaining and drugging ensured your personal safety once he woke up.
Never mind the fact that you could just leave after disposing of the body. Your heart fluttering and cheeks flushing as you looked upon his unconscious body on the bed prevented you from acting within reason. No, you wanted him to see you, if for no other reason than to establish where he was.
Beneath you.
Hiding your presence and that of the corpse, you quickly left the building with Hisoka’s key card to properly rid yourself of the responsibility and allow yourself to fully focus on Hisoka.
Returning was quick and painless, this time not revealing your presence until back in Hisoka’s suite.
His face was angelic while he slept, though his head would likely ache from the powerful blow you landed to the back to get him in this state. You contented yourself with just watching him for the next hour or so, until with no warning, he woke up. It was odd how he didn’t even twitch. Just suddenly aware of his situation and surroundings, alertness to his features immediately. You wished it was a sleepier and cuter wake up, but you still found it adorable how on guard he was instantly.
Those lovely gold orbs landed on you and narrowed, despite his sly smile. He might appear relaxed and languid for someone chained up and hardly able to move their body due to relaxants circulating their system, but you knew he was furious. Hisoka, as much as he loves playing with others, hates being played with. You stayed silent, letting him observe and calculate, allowing him time to run through his options and every plausible scenario.
“Well… good morning Ms. Stalker.” His airy words sent visible shivers down your spine, his eyes and focus, for the first time entirely on you. He also seemed to note your reaction, his smile sharp and predatory. “Oh? You like the nickname? Bad girl… don’t you know not to play with magic?” He tested his restraints, with surprisingly more strength than you thought he’d have after injecting him. He’d require another dose then. You were quick to work on that, his eyes tracking your movements and realizing your objective.
“Not even going to let me play?” He didn’t resist as you sterilized his arm before injecting him with a fourth dose. Three should’ve been enough to tranquilize an elephant but Hisoka wasn’t a normal human. He flexed his hands and twisted his wrists, copying the same with his feet and ankles. The cuffs were made specifically for him. You’d kindly taken off his shoes and socks, but his shirt and pants remained on. You felt your throat constrict and thighs clench at the thought of him naked. You’d already seen it a multitude of times but he hadn’t known you did. Watching him shower and change so shamelessly.
“You look ready to eat me. Is that what this is dear? You got jealous when I brought another up here?” His nickname for you threw you off, your eyes widening and meeting his teasing gaze. He looked sinfully beautiful like this, at your mercy yet still so him. You licked your lips, feeling mildly nervous now that you were about to speak to him. This was too good an opportunity to pass up though.
“Yes,” he paused when you finally answered, “I…I was very jealous.” Your hands gripped the bottom of your shirt, the material bunching as the earlier annoyance was brought back to your attention. You grimaced, “This wasn’t really how I intended for you to meet me for the first.”
“Oh? But we’re here nonetheless aren’t we?” His tone was a bit snarky, but he was correct. What did you do now? Make every little fantasy you had come true?
“How about this, yes? You take these off and I give you a painless death. Isn’t that nice of me?” His words have your eyes snapping up to his face, his words not matching his sweet expression. He wanted to kill you? Not even fight? You frowned, a low boiling of rage in the pit of your stomach.
“You think you hold any power here?” You sneered back at him, walking to look down at his sorry figure chained up and at your mercy. He was being a brat. You backhanded him swiftly, his head cracking to the side at the force and momentum. His pale skin already reddening as a small trail of blood tricked down his chin. His gaze was on fire as he turned back to look up at you. Defiant and piercing, but his smile never wavered. “How about this, Hisoka, you stay right where you are, and maybe I’ll be nice and let you finish tonight.” His eyes widened, a small moment of shock taking over his features but he quickly schooled them again.
You began undressing swift, throwing your clothes to the floor until you were only in your underwear. Your chest heaved, nipples tightening under the cool air of the room and Hisoka’s gaze. You couldn’t place his expression exactly, a combination of desire and rage most likely. You climbed atop the bed and thus him, knees on either side of his hips as you made light work of his shirt. Shredding the garment and tossing it to join your clothes. His pants were next, now both of you almost completely naked and staring at one another.
“Is this your idea of a good time Ms. Stalker? Tying up innocent magicians and having your way with them?” You laugh at this sentence, because it was silly to think too much about. He was still being light and teasing but he was exuding a little bit of bloodlust.
“No Hisoka, my idea of a good time is just you in general.” You placed a cold hand on his abdomen, sliding it up gently until it reached his throat. “Watching you, hearing you, smelling you…” your eyes trailed up his naked torso to his lips for a moment, before connecting your gazes. “This is your fault really. I didn’t ask to be haunted by you, I didn’t ask to feel like this, I didn’t ask to want someone so badly I’d gladly watch this word burn if it meant you’d be entirely mine.” It was a deeply disturbing confession. You sat down, right over his erection where you could grind your pussy against him and elicit a beautiful hiss of pleasure and pain from him. “I can’t, oh, I can’t decide if I want to own you or be you really,” you panted, beginning a slow rock of your hips as your arousal soared. The object of all your affection beneath you, looking so much like a cat being bathed it brought a small smile to your lips. This was all turning you on, and he seemed to also be enjoying himself somewhat.
“I very much would love to humor you dear, but I really do recommend you remove these.” He dropped his facade, his expression turning dark as he realized how unlikely you were to release him. You were clearly deranged, maybe more so than himself. He tugged against his chains, the rattling echoing around the room but it only served to make you amused. Despite his words, his hips had begun to lightly buck up into you now. Both of your underwear soaked through, a combination of your slick and his precum. His voice and tone sent your hormones flying to cloud nine, your face starting to look intoxicated as you gazed down at him with obsession.
“You say you want them off but do you really want this to end? I could just… leave you here. All night. Maybe I’ll come back just to make sure you, haah, stay hard?” You were panting and a little sweaty, breasts heaving as you became more intoxicated by the moment and him. You looked spelled bound and he looked downright menacing. Of course, because out of all things, Hisoka likes control. His flirtatious attitude can not be mistaken as submissive, but here you were forcing him into such a role. Threatening him with a punishment if he didn’t behave like a dog.
It made him want to bite you like one.
“Pretty Ms. Stalker could’ve told me she wanted her little pussy filled, no need to go to such lengths-tss!” He flinched when you finally fished his cock free, your soft cool hand a striking contrast to his pulsing hot shaft.
“You’re so pretty Hisoka.” You were lost to your own fantasies, not really registering his words anymore. He realized it quickly as you focused all your attention on his leaking cock, impressed by the size and girth. It would hurt, taking him, but the thought of stretching around him was driving you wild.
But first… you dropped your chest low and opened your mouth. Your tongue had him groaning low, the sound of his teeth grinding together had you even wetter than before. You licked from base to tip, slow and sensual. He tasted sweet. Not salty or bitter like you imagined and it had you quickly and messily taking him into your mouth.
For all you were, you weren’t experienced. This was your first blowjob but you prayed not your last, because as you choked and gagged to take more him, he was losing it himself. What you lacked in experience and skill, you were making up for in enthusiasm and pure need to please. Observing his reactions as you let his tip finally sink into your throat even as tears pricked your eyes and fell down your cheeks. It burned and ached, but you pushed the pain down as you watched him. He finally gave in and kept your gaze as you worked to make him cum, sucking and taking him as deep into your throat as you could. You were making an absolute mess of his cock and balls, slobbering all over him. It was erotic and truly enticing, and the only indication he was close was the twitch of his lip and his hips trying to make you take even more of him.
You tried to get all of him in your throat when he came, but you failed by an inch or so. You stayed still as his hot cum coated your throat and mouth, moaning at his musky sweet flavor and making sure to suck and milk him for any leftover until he was choking on his own moans for you.
You made sure to clean him up nicely, licking and making sure even his balls weren’t missed. When you finally pulled back to look at him, you nearly passed out at the sight.
He was slightly sweaty, breathing a little heavier with half lidded eyes glaring and grinning viciously at you. His cheeks flushed, the left slightly bruised from your earlier hit. His lips red and bitten, a bit of blood still leftover on his chin. He looked gorgeous. You couldn’t be blamed when you were stumbling off the bed to grab your camera from your bag. No need to turn the flash off since he knows of your presence now.
He scowls as you snap his picture, looking beautiful and ruined just for you.
“I- sorry- I just need this okay?” You set the camera down, eager to return and continue touching him and exploring.
He snorted, looking at you in disbelief with mild amusement. “Is that so? You needed to photograph me naked?”
“What? No. I have lots of those already. I wanted one of your face after I made you cum.” He seemed flabbergasted at your answer, but you couldn’t help your eager hands from cupping his cheeks and leaned down over his face. “You’re just so pretty I can’t help it.” You told him honestly, his expression relaxing into something neutral as he observes you. Fine by you, as you begin kissing his face, hair, cheek you hit and then his neck. You lick and suck over his pulse, enjoying the masculine groan as you mark him up and lick his sweat. You’re trembling as you wiggle down to his chest, playing with his nipples. Swirling your tongue elicits the best response, his back arching lightly and proving your theory that his nipples are sensitive.
His hardening cock beneath you all the proof you need, your own nipples pebbled and aching as you drag your chest against his while you work.
When he bucks up again underneath you, you finally release his nipple with a pop. Looking at his tossed and adorably fucked appearance, you shiver. His hair messy from throwing his head into the pillows. You licked your lips, finally clumsily trying to get out of your underwear but failing because of your position. With a huff of annoyance you just tore them off, finally completely naked and slightly embarrassed by his stare.
It hardly mattered if he liked what he saw, you weren’t so far gone that you thought you looked anything like his earlier willing catch which you’d crushed- “Pretty thing aren’t you?” You paused your internal rambling when he spoke. His voice low and husky, not as flirtatious and teasing like his usual tone. You’d never heard him use this voice before, you eyes meeting his with curiosity.
He chuckled, but his bloodlust from earlier was gone like it had never happened, “What’s wrong? You were so eager just a moment ago, don’t tell me you’re shy now? Is Ms. Stalker a virgin?”
His goading voice was back, covering up his earlier tone like it’d been a mistake. Though you were surprised he hit the nail on the head. You were a virgin. Not because you lacked people willing to fuck you, but because you lacked interpersonal skills to have a normal relationship. Intimacy terrified you before you’d fallen for Hisoka, but after it was all you seemed to want. To touch him, feel him, make him feel good. You wanted him desperately.
“I won’t be much longer.” You looked away and solidified your resolve as you moved to hover above him again, your dripping cunt begging to be filled. You balanced using one hand on his hip, the other gripping his once more hard cock and lining him up with your entrance. You let his tip brush through your sensitive folds as you shakily released a breath. You took one small peak at his face, his eyes watching you like how a hawk might watch it’s prey.
You let his tip breach your entrance, no surprise that it stung. You didn’t prep yourself at all, and though you were wet enough, you wished you’d thought to carry a little lube in case this scenario ever occurred. It didn’t matter though because even if it hurt you were being connected to him and it made your chest swell with pride and happiness.
“Fuck, you’re tight- ah” he threw his head back and grit his teeth again, your gummy walls simultaneously sucking him in and pushing him out. It had him close already embarrassingly enough. The pleasure and pain mind numbing.
You’d only taken half of him but it was leaving you breathless, “m’trying” you could only gasp as you struggled to push more of him in, tears pricking your eyes once more as the pure stretch of his cock inside you was turning your brain off. It hurt but it felt good too.
“If you take these off, I’ll happily finish the job you’ve started dear~” Despite his tone, his face looked just as aroused and strained as your own. It was tempting, but deep down you really didn’t trust him. It came from knowing him that you didn’t trust him in the least. You shook your head, denying his prompting. His laugh is dark, even as his hips surge up to force another few inches into you. You cry out, bracing against his chest as you fall forward a bit. He does it again, sinking into you until finally you feel your hips meet and his tip kiss deeply into your cervix. You lay panting against his chest for a moment as his cock pulses inside you, your body pathetically struggling to adjust to his size.
“Take them off while I’m being nice.” He’s not asking, but still you shake your head and push yourself up, moaning as he sinks even deeper. Your hips take on an unsteady rhythm, testing the depth that feels the best but his hips throw you off each time you find the perfect angle. The stretch and friction drive you wild, your mind numbing to the pain and pleasure as you feel the coil inside you close to snapping.
“Feels good~” your moaning loudly, face fucked out and teary eyes locking with Hisoka’s. His eyes are burning, face scrunched up in frustration because your pace isn’t quite fast enough, nor is he hitting as deep as he’d like. His chains clink against the steel posts, you’re too distracted though to pay attention as you desperately work your hips towards your finish, bouncing on his dick. “M’gonna cum Hisoka” your deliriously close, the coil right about to snap-
When his chains do first.
“Huh,” You only get a split second to panic before he’s on you, breaking each steel bedpost and freeing his movement up again. His cuffs are still secured for a second but it’s meaningless a moment later when they shatter. His nen stored up enough to cancel their purpose of restraining him despite how much you’d paid that specialist who guaranteed no one could get out of them. Never mind that he should still be drugged up enough to he struggling to move at all.
You find your positions switched, your back hitting the mattress as you gaze up into his eyes now.
It’s silent for a moment, save your own pounding heart and icy fear now filling your veins. He just… looks at you. His face blank, eyes calculating but just when you decide it’s best to fight than let him slaughter you like this, he laughs.
Not like normal. This is borderline hysterical laughter, his hand wrapping around his torso as he howls with laughter.
Before you can activate your ability, he’s got a hand wrapped around your throat and squeezing just enough to warn you. “Did you think this would all just work out how you wanted dear?” You were scared, that was true, but as he nudged your thighs apart and dragged his still hard cock through your folds teasingly, you realized you were also horrifically aroused too.
All of your fantasies had you on top, because you didn’t trust him not to kill you if he was, if he even wanted to willingly touch you at all.
“Look at you~ poor thing,” he’s mockingly sweet as he leans over you, long tongue coming out to lick your tears off your cheek. As he leaned back, you truly didn’t expect his hand to leave your neck and slap you across the face. The sting follows after his hit lands, but it shocks you silly more than it actually hurts. You don’t have too long to think before he’s shoving himself back in, and your too far gone to stop the orgasm that slams into you. “Wait!” It too late even as you cry out, hands desperately grabbing on to something to anchor you. Him.
He hisses, face vicious as he stares down at you, “Did you really just cum?” His voice somewhat incredulous as he feels you twitch and writhe beneath him. He stayed still, letting you shakily come down from your high before he’s rocking into you.
Then he’s fucking you just how he likes. Hands gripping your hips in a death grip as he slams himself into your overstimulated cunt over and over. He leaves you mewling and fucked stupid beneath him as he mercilessly thrusts into you like a rag doll. You can’t keep up. Can hardly speak besides useless babbling, only making him laugh and sarcastically mock you for it.
“What’s wrong dear? Isn’t this what you wanted? Am I just so deep inside you~?” Cooing as you nod and cry harder.
It’s when he kisses you that you cum again. He tastes like bubblegum and you’re gone, creaming his cock as his tongue tangled with you own messily. It all feels too good, your arms wrapping around his neck, legs around his waist, while you just struggle to take it. His tip pounding away in a spot that has you gasping and sobbing below him, because despite everything, this is the most pleasure you’d ever felt. It was disorienting and left you mildly numb, his sharp claws trailing down your chest softly to settle his thumb over your clit and press until you came again.
This one was slightly painful, your muscles constricting so hard Hisoka finally fell over the edge himself. His moans so pretty, soft and deep as his hips still move despite him emptying himself inside you.
He recovers first, staring down at the pretty thing in his arms struggling to catch her breath.
You’d given quite the headache for a while now, but tonight really took everything up a notch. You certainly weren’t halfhearted, something of which he respected. You weren’t a weak thing either, his thrusts harsh enough to break a normal human’s hips, but you just looked fucked stupid. It was cruel of him to be so rough, but then again you’d really brought it on yourself hadn’t you?
You’d brought all this onto yourself, and whatever happened in the future too.
Because now he was a little hooked as well, and you were just too cute and interesting to leave alone now that he’s tasted you. Had you first.
He easily reached over to snag your camera, switching it on and snapping a picture of you still shaking and twitching with his cock still buried inside you and beginning to grow hard again.
Realization dawned on you, but even as you tried to move and get away from him, he had your wrist locked above your head to stop that nonsense.
“Nu-uh dear, I’m not finished. Not even a little.” His lustful gaze and sadistic smirk had you looking like a frightened animal, but it only served to rile him up further.
It’s after all, your fault for loving someone like him, right?
It’s important to note that once Hisoka becomes interested, he treasures it. But something he treasures one day can become trash the next… until you.
Hisoka is surprisingly a willing darling. Don’t think this reverses any roles, he’s not submissive to you in the slightest. He acts like a total brat but he’s dominant through and through, don’t expect to ride him unless he’s got full control to just fuck up into you.
He’s needier than you’d expect too. Not just with sex, that’s constant, but also in just having your company. He likes when you talk to him, interact with him, don’t expect to go back into observing from the sidelines. He’s all to happy to give you front row seats.
He’s just as jealous as you are, but he’ll purposely play into your jealousy by flirting with other women to rile you up. He just likes how you look enraged, finds it cute. If you do the same, he’ll make that individual sit tied to a chair while he fucks you in front of them until you can’t even apologize anymore. Then he’ll kill them. He welcomes the same treatment. You get a bit shy acting it out.
Bonnie and Clyde duo!
He’s not a yandere, though he gets jealous, he’s just a psychopath in general. He’ll still be Hisoka no matter what. While you can interact normally with others when necessary, your fixation on him will remain an outlier. Hisoka is just trash to everyone, and surprisingly decent to you. By your low standards.
He likes ice-cream and ice-cream dates. He’s an ice-cream date man.
Illumi doesn’t understand your relationship but respects your devotion. Wonders why more women can’t be like you. Hisoka likes that his friend is envious of what he has.
Enjoy your darling, he’s frustrating and difficult but all yours now!
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Dividers by @benkeibear
836 notes · View notes
luffyvace · 4 months
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Disclaimer: Credits to the artists!! I own none of these pictures!
I procrastinated on these for way too long.. still! Enjoy! <3 (these exclude hisoka & Kalluto)
Chrollo is a lover that takes care of whom he loves!
therefore, he takes care of you!
Any hobbies you have, he’ll indulge in them with you
any supplies you need for said hobbies?
art supplies, ski gear, ice skates, computer, hiking equipment!
The list goes on
even if you never actually use the stuff he buys he doesn’t mind :)
cuz hey! He didn’t actually buy it! 🤪
chrollo will truly do anything in his power to keep you happy
and we all know power is something he certainly does have
he can buy you a luxury house and car all the way down to cuddling in the warm rays of the sunset while having a cookout
i guarantee if your upset, he’ll make you happy within the next hour
chrollo probably never learned how to love properly
but with you?? The definition of love doesn’t matter. he’s just grateful he has it.
you make him feel like he knows what he’s doing with himself in life.
he’s less lost, if I may say.
he’s found a home, in you.
nobunaga was never familiar with love and never even thought about the fact that he wasn’t interested!
but here you are simply having a conversation, chatting.
and yet even with such a simple act he feels so nervous?? While excited and happy at the same time??
he wonders why he even feels so fidgety!
your just talking!!
how on the earth are you making him act a fool like this?!
like yeah your pretty and he likes your personality and you two have the same interests plus all of your interactions have gone good…..man he really is in love huh
now I know it only seems like he has a crush
but you two are actually already in the relationship!!
and yes, he still gets nervous. The feeling never goes away
once he tried to ask if you still get butterflies n stuff and if you said no he was so embarrassed!!!!
seriously he brushes it off like it didn’t bother him and never brings it up again
feitan will probably do better with a nonchalant or sadist partner so 1) you can enjoy torturing with him or 2) you won’t care or get grossed out that he does
If your not doesn’t matter he’s still gonna anyway-
he’s not the typa dude to change for love
but that aside
he likes your quiet company
so like reading together (whether it’s two different books or not)
and reviewing to each other
learning new skills from/with each other
actually sometimes feitan teaches you cool human body facts!!
Like how brains are around 60% fat!
or that they weight 3 pounds! ;D
how cool is that?!
yes this is his tastes in topics and humor
and he only laughs if you say stuff like “gross!” Or “ew that’s disgusting!”
he will be satisfied if you find it cool too
Long story short don’t go into his library
you won’t find any books you like there unless you like what he does
She’s an assertive domestic girlfriend
Plus she’s really caring
but caring doesn’t always mean sweet and happy all the time
while she has no problem taking care of you..
you better either get up and do some things yourself or return the favor !
She expects you to at least be able to get daily tasks done
either that or clean the whole house like she was gonna do. you choose.
your place is probably really simple yet well decorated
Not for an aesthetic but because of just general things you have
like a shoe rack, the pretty furniture and rugs, the dart board she owns, any hobby equipment you own (easel, paintings, hockey equipment, hiking equipment, etc)
it all just makes a really cozy look for your house
and yes you two definitely play darts together
she will win unapologetically and won’t hold back
she wants to genuinely see you improve so she doesn’t go easy on you
“You can’t get better by playing against somebody worse than you”
phinks in a relationship is literally the definition of a guy who could pull more if he was less nervous
but he obviously pulled you and that’s what matters most
he gets flustered easily but tries to hide it
(Spoiler: he fails)
phinks will try to be romantic but it’ll either get ruined by his friends crashing the date
*ahem* shal and fei 😒(😂💗)
or he’ll just be so incredibly nervous that it doesn’t go as smoothly as he planned
he thinks up these brilliant romantic scenarios in his head but can never seem to execute them 🤨😕
it’s the thought that counts 🤷‍♀️💝
he would truly be such a romantic if he could just stop freaking out
I mean don’t get me wrong it’s not like it never works
when it does, he’s excited in the moment
but as soon as it’s over he’s worrying like crazy about how he’s gonna upstage that from last time
Especially without screwing up and making a fool of himself
little does he know you love him all the same 😂
is really teasing and playful so I hope your not hot headed
if your aren’t and choose to prank him back instead?
it literally becomes prank wars
at some point the pranks started a real (petty) argument
after it was settled you decided not to terrorize each other anymore
now you target the troupe with your antics! 😆
your main victim is phinks
mostly because his reaction is really funny
Plus he’s the easiest to get mad
but back to the original topic where your hot headed….
yeah the argument probably ended up happening sooner than not
although at first he doesn’t take it seriously because your always getting mad like this
then you say something that makes him realize your serious
he feels really stupid for not noticing sooner
he’ll genuinely apologize (for literally once in his life)
and direct his pranks to someone else
after that you probably end up watching the victims and find it funny too
so you still end up bonding over it 😅💖
Franklin is not necessarily gentle
he’s just more coolheaded than not
like the time he started fighting with uvogin in the 1999 version
like he’s chill until you say the wrong thing
but that’s just how he is in general
he never gets mad at s/o
his patience is infinity+ for you
You may have secretly tried to make him angry or at least annoyed-
but if it one day goes too far he says “stop.” with a very serious tone/look and you probably stop from there 😀
otherwise if you don’t decide to test the waters from jump, Franklin doesn’t have many hobbies so he’ll literally just indulge in what you like
like it doesn’t even matter if he finds it boring
you’d never know because he’d be so supportive of you doing what you love
but it’s more likely than not he’ll enjoy a few
franklin is also decent at like every house chore ever, cooking, sweeping/cleaning for example
like he knows how to do everything, but he’s just average at it
Shizuku is very forgetful
she forgets chores, how to cook certain things, favors you asked her to do
But you don’t have to worry about her forgetting things about you solely because she would never date anyone she doesn’t know enough to remember
She probably wouldn’t remember she likes you so why would she?!
Unless like she forgets how long she’s known you-
That’s a writing prompt
she’d be remembering memories that never happened and everything 🤦‍♀️
But we won’t go into that here…
it’s probably low key annoying that you have to do a lot of things because she keeps forgetting
so I sure hope your patient..
“huh? You never asked me to do that..”
”no! You didn’t, I remember! you never even came in the living room!” (Her saying ‘I remember’ is ironic I know)
With a more motherly and provider mindset reader she’d do just fine
At the very least shizuku will remember your favorite things and gift you them when she can<3
isnt that sweet?!
see?? It’s not like she’s being a jerk!
she genuinely forgot!
pakunoda is wife criteria
she can do everything
she is gentle, caring and strong
she can protect and advice you
she remembers all your favorite things—everything about you!
she always cooks your favorite meals
paku loves to relax on the beach together with some wine~
she loves road trips and mini calm adventures
Take her on some!! She deserves it with all she does for you!
and you definitely do!
you guys create lots of fun and heart warming memories together
out in the grass, in the wild life, in forests, in the dessert!
she’s a great cook and a outstanding baker!! 😍😋😋
her signature dish is raspberry pie
she makes random desserts and pastries for you as a love language
getting up to her breakfast is the best way to start your day possible
you literally can always expect a good meal with her
if you’ve been having a bad day???
at this point a bad day ain’t a bad day no more cuz you already dancing knowing she gon hook you up‼️💃🕺
bonolenov is so grateful that you act normal around him
like you have from the start, you never alienated him
before and after he took off his bandages
he can cook but others wouldn’t think so because his tribe’s traditional food is different than the norm
If you tried it and liked it he’d be overjoyed!!
He’d feel much more confident about cooking and do it for you more often
he’d low key question if your from his tribe and wonder if you’d say no to a blood test
(BRO another writing prompt!! Bonolenov finding a reader from his tribe!!)
if you didn’t like it I’m sure you let him down gently since you love him
and he gets it
maybe it was just that one dish though?
he’d want you to try a few more of different types (breakfasts, lunches, dinners, desserts and snacks) before you completely give up on it
if you truly end up not liking it he won’t be angry or anything
it simply wasn’t for you :)
he’s actually a pretty chill dude
Even more so around you
he likes to lazy around a lot and you two might cuddle often
not intentionally but like you just both end up napping together all the time
if you want he’ll teach you his tribes dances and such
as well as traditions
he’ll be impressed if you master the dances fast
(him wondering if your from his tribe again)
Even If you take a bit longer he’s patient :)
he’s open to taking off his bandages around you if your not uncomfortable
if you are that’s fine they’re pretty comfy !
uvogin is very rough
I mean it’s kinda hard to be gentle at that size-
if he hurts you on accident you’ll get a brief ‘sorry’ but know it’s genuine
don’t worry it doesn’t happen often enough to be concerned
but don’t stand behind him.
you’ve learned your lesson on that….
he squashed your toes once and it was not fun
don’t get me wrong he’s not some monster
he’s just big
so he’s gotta watch out for a bunch of tiny humans you know??
okay put it like this, imagine a grown man/woman is running full speed because they’re late to work and they run into a 3 year old and knock them down
was it intentional?? No. Do they apologize and feel bad?? Yes. Is it a little funny after everything’s okay?? Also Yes.
I will say it is fun to ride on his shoulder and sit in his lap/on his leg
(another prompt could be uvogin with a s/o as big as him..)
it’s fun for him to carry you around
it’s like have a little portable buddy
that idea is kinda wholesome ☹️💗
he loves you 😊
I love the troupe :) the police needs to stop hating on they’re emo band fr 🙄✋
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ssailormoonn · 12 days
❛ Crimson ❜ ── 001
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Phantom Troupe X Fem!Reader
| 000 | 001 | 002 -coming soon |
Chapters ✦ 2/??
a/note:: this chapter is quite short as the next chapter will be really long and getting into juicy stuff, next chapter will be over 2000-3000 words guys dw 😭 i was going to write smut in this chapter but i didn't that that you all wouldve been somfortable with smut straight up.... remember that {y/n} already has a some what established relationship with the love interests
TW/CW; check 'crimson' desc
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The waves had swallowed me whole, casting me ashore on unfamiliar territory. I knew I was far from the Dark Continent, a realization that sank in as I stretched my arms above my head, the salty sea breeze tousling my hair. Those fools on the ship had no idea where they were heading. Now, the Dark Continent was too far to swim back to, leaving me stranded and uncertain about how to return.
I need to eat something, maybe they have better specimen on this land instead.
"{Y/n}," Shizuku's voice called out, snapping me back to reality.
I turned to see Shizuku, Machi, and Phinks approaching.
"Yes?" I responded, curious about their intentions.
"We're heading into the city for some food. Want to join us?" Shizuku offered.
Despite my hunger, I shook my head. "As tempting as that sounds, I'll eat out later. Thanks, love," I said with a reassuring smile.
Shizuku sighed, a note of disappointment in her voice. "Alright. We'll see you later then."
The three of them left the abandoned building, their footsteps echoing in the empty space. Just as they disappeared from view, Chrollo's voice broke the silence.
"When was the last time you ate, dear?" he asked, not lifting his gaze from the book he was engrossed in.
"Last week," I admitted, standing up. "The Hunter Association has made it difficult for me to find a meal. Not only did they seal me, but they're also restricting how much I can consume now."
"That's unacceptable," he murmured, closing his book with a decisive snap. "It's in your nature to consume beings. They can't control that."
"I know," I said quietly, frustration evident in my voice. "If only they hadn't found me in the first place, none of this would be happening."
"It isn't your fault," Chrollo reassured me. "You are a threat to them, yes. But if it comes to that again, you don't have to go out looking for someone. I am here to meet your needs."
His words carried a deeper implication. He was offering himself again, as he had before. Chrollo had always been willing to let me feed on him when necessary. The last time it happened, he had reveled in the experience, too much for my comfort.
It didn't feel that good, right?
I met his gaze, the memory of that encounter fresh in my mind. "I appreciate your offer, Chrollo," I replied, my voice steady. "But we both know it's not ideal."
"I'll do whatever I can to ensure you're comfortable," Chrollo said, moving behind me and placing his hands on my shoulders. I felt his touch melt away some of the tension. His breath was warm against my ear as he lowered his head to my height. "I'm sure you enjoy taking from me," he murmured.
The memory of our last encounter flashed in my mind. Feeding from Chrollo had escalated into something far more intimate, our shared hunger turning into a passionate exchange. It had nearly gone further if Hisoka hadn't abruptly interrupted us.
"But enough about that," Chrollo continued, his voice a soothing hum. His hands remained on my shoulders, and I stayed rigid under his dominating touch. "I have a new task for you."
I stiffened slightly, anticipating his next words. "Look after Hisoka for me again this year."
I exhaled, annoyance creeping into my voice. "I have to go again?" He was referring to the Hunter Exam. Last year, I had to keep Hisoka in check and ensure he got his license. However, Hisoka had killed an examiner and failed.
"He's like a child," I muttered. "So hard to manage."
"I know," Chrollo hummed, his lips brushing against my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. "But you'll do it for me, won't you?"
I hesitated, feeling the weight of his request. Hisoka was unpredictable, dangerous, and a constant challenge. Yet, Chrollo's proximity, his touch, and his unwavering confidence in me made it difficult to refuse.
"For you," I whispered, turning my head slightly to meet his gaze. "I'll do it."
Chrollo's eyes glinted with approval, and he squeezed my shoulders gently, his touch sending a shiver down my spine. "That's my {Y/n}," he said softly, his lips brushing against the sensitive skin below my ear, trailing along the curve of my jawline.
He's making this so hard for me to say no to his requests.
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do not steal, copy or modify and of my work, ONLY REBLOGS!
❛ Crimson ❜
tell me in the comments or dm if you want to be added to the taglist:3
taglist; @nobunagahazamaworlddomination @yashiro2809 @honeypiedoll @bubblebum-b1tch-blog @simpforramenboy @sxyriii
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kiame-sama · 1 year
Donut Rings- (Yandere!Chrollo x Chubby!Reader)
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Warnings; this whole thing is almost entirely self serving, fem reader, short and busty reader, chubby reader, general perversion, cursing, adult themes, adult conversation, jealousy, possessive behavior, yandere, yandere relationship, yandere behavior, mention of aggressive behavior, unwanted flirting, slight objectification,
"Can't fuckin' believe it..."
A long and frustrated sigh left the lips of the blond man standing with his arms crossed. The blue and green jumpsuit he wore seeming over the top given that he was not going jogging, but at an airport. He had an obvious scowl on his lips and certainly seemed less than pleased with the situation he found himself in.
"What has you so displeased, Phinks?"
A man with black hair in a fur lined coat glanced curiously at his compatriot, a single delicate brow raised in question. The two belonged to the larger group that seemed rather disjointed together despite being together. Twelve in total stood together as others ambled past them towards whatever gate would get them to their flight.
"You should have seen it, Boss, Phinks got flat out rejected by some chick."
The largest of the group- both height and muscle mass- snorted out a loud laugh that earned more than a few glances. His wild gray tinted hair made him appear to be almost feral in how he grinned in amusement at the dejection of his comrade. One may compare the large man to that of a bear or a wolf given the wide grin and decidedly feral appearance.
Phinks sighed loudly again as he pouted, clearly unhappy with his rejection and the teasing he received
"Not just some chick, she's the short one with the huge fucking tits at the donut place!"
He cupped his hand beneath his chest to emphasize his point and phantom-mime the size of the breasts in question. Even with the nonexistent chest he 'held' in his hands, he seemed to be yearning to touch the real breasts he was talking about. Hands slowly moving as if stroking the air where the soft globes would be.
"What do her tits have to do with anything?"
One of the smaller members of the group- a woman with bright pink hair and moderately sized breasts- frowned in the general direction of Phinks. She seemed less than pleased with the way the man was talking about the apparent attributes and almost seemed tempted to smack his cupped hands. Out of the group, the pink-haired woman had the smaller sized breasts compared to the other women present.
"You wouldn't get it, Machi," Phinks complained, dismissively waving his hand, "it's a guy thing. If you can get a big tiddy bitch to ride you, it's so fun to watch them bounce. Plus, probably the best thing to fuck other than pussy. So soft, like humping two giant marshmallows."
Phinks moved his hands to mimic holding two breasts at crotch level and thrusting his hips into them to show just what he was talking about. It wasn't as if any of the group were clueless to the intimate actions he spoke of, but he was content to show the action all the same.
The twelve stood near a donut shop inside of the airport, a constant stream of people entering and exiting the line with various baked confections. There was an apparent sweet scent wafting through the air around the bakery as more of the goods were baked and decorated. For every tray of decorated donuts, two trays seemed to be emptied every ten minutes.
Machi glanced up at the window that showed where the employees were decorating the donuts and putting the rich icing onto them. Behind the glass stood the woman in question as she worked to put the sugary icing onto the warm baked rings. She seemed oblivious to the group that stood casually discussing her and watching her work, though a slight glare took over her relaxed visage as Phinks thrust his hips provocatively.
"Is that the one who rejected you?"
Chrollo asked, gesturing to the woman behind the glass as she lifted the tray of donuts and walked away to place them out for sale. Phinks nodded with a solemn look, as if lamenting the fact that the woman was clearly less than pleased with his presence when she wasn't ignoring him.
"Yeah. I was even trying to put on the works for her, you know? Sweet talk her a bit, make a joke or two. But she couldn't even give a fella the time of day!"
This caused a surprised laugh from several in the group as Phinks stared at Chrollo incredulously. If he didn't know any better, he would say Chrollo was intentionally being cruel for the sake of being cruel.
"Damn, Boss, that's cold!"
Chrollo shrugged in response to the amused and surprised remark by the feral man that gleefully teased Phinks. It seemed as if the raven haired man was not at all perturbed by the surprised words, glancing back at the window as the woman returned. She still ignored thr group and began decorating the next set of rings without glancing up at the onlookers.
"Spider or not, I don't feel particularly fond of others flirting with my girlfriend."
This made all of the color drain from Phinks' face as he took in Chrollo's casually stated words. If there was one thing that none of the group wanted to do, it was anger their beloved leader. Flirting with Chrollo's significant other certainly seemed like a surefire way to anger him.
"Wait. Wait, wait, wait, she's your-? Forget everything I said about her nice juicy tits! And what I said about humping them-! I mean- fuck!"
"Phinks, I think you should probably just be quiet."
The other blonde in the group laughed at the flustered reaction and stuttered words Phinks hastily choked out. Shalnark was as amused as ever with the quick way the other blonde attempted to retract his statement now that he knew he was talking about Chrollo's girlfriend. If Chrollo were quick to anger, Phinks would have been struck down for his words about the woman who still had yet to look back at them.
One of the short men with black hair scoffed at the foolish behavior of Phinks, not needing to put effort into a greater response than the slight jab. It was frowned upon for the group members to try and start fights with the others and trying to take a significant other was sure to cause a fight. Luckily for Phinks, Chrollo was not witness to the brazen flirting.
"Didn't know you had a girlfriend, Boss."
The blonde female stated with a relaxed tone, masking the clear curiosity in her voice. Chrollo did not seem like one to keep a consistent partner as he often used sex to extract information from others. Regardless, no one in the group was about to question their beloved leader beyond simple comments and inquiries.
"I do. (Y/n) is not a plaything or a target to be hassled, nor should she know of our exploits. She is far too innocent for that and may try to flee if she realizes the full breadth of our actions. So, until I choose to enlighten her, no one is to mention what we do or where we come from, understood?"
The others were quick to agree to the unofficial order of silence, now more curious than ever to figure out just what about this woman managed to entrance their blood-thirsty leader. For the time being they decided to keep quiet and observe as the woman emerged from the donut shop, seeming rather tired and uncomfortable on her feet. Chrollo was quick to leave the group and approach (y/n) with an affectionate smile, surprising the shorter woman as if she had not expected his presence.
"Chrollo? What are you doing here?"
"Do I need a reason to visit my lover?"
"Only when I'm working. How did you get past security? They're usually pretty strict about letting anyone who isn't traveling or doesn't work here past the entrance."
"I have my ways."
"Right," she let out a short huff of amusement, "next you're going to tell me you have diplomatic immunity."
Chrollo chuckled softly, wondering just how his cute little darling would react to knowing even half of the truth about him and the things he's done. With everything he had done there was no way that he would be allowed into the airport legally. Of course, for those who knew his sordid past, seeing him casually flirt with the short, large-breasted woman was an unusual experience. One that Phinks couldn't help but pout at.
"No fair, why does he always get the hot ones?"
"I'm telling Boss you're talking about his girl again."
"Oh, fuck off!"
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isaut · 6 months
𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒖𝒏𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒚 𝒘𝒂𝒓— f!reader x chrollo lucilfer. 2.5 k, refurbished. original: ao3
synopsis: during a simple heist job two years ago, chrollo offered you a cigarette outside the library. it isn’t his fault he fell in love with you, is it? I finally felt it was time to give this fic a face lift. I’ve changed a lot since I started her, and it only felt right. If this gets a sign off from tumblr.com I’ll change the ao3 version
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The skyline of Sirap is stunning, with the silhouetted buildings twinkling with lights, a hum bubbling from the streets and from the blimps in the sky. It’s a place that Chrollo has found solace in, has even made a home and a routine for himself in the past few years. He’s overstayed his welcome, set by his own nature. It’s been years since he’s fallen back into his mysterious, nomadic ways.  
Sitting in his study, Chrollo’s gaze is not on the skyline. He is not taking in the movements below him, taking up an old pastime of watching as people scurry by and wondering where they are going. Instead, his gaze is fixated on his computer, the blue light of the screen singing his eyes, drying them out. The pen in his hand clicks steadily against the stained oak of his desk. 
The steady click click click of the pen does little to soothe the worries that have begun to stir in his stomach. The unsettling feeling on his soul as he reads the message before him.
It’s an email. From his bank. A simple request for 10 000 000 jenny. With a simple message attached. 
I took care of the man who requested I eliminate your lover. I’ve forwarded his balance to you. You should receive a file from me shortly with details. Congratulations on your relationship. 
In a brief fit of rage that is quite unbecoming of the man he wishes to present himself as, Chrollo slams his hand against his desk before lending back in his chair, stewing over the message. He tears his eyes away from the message, looking instead out the large windows before him. He takes a deep breath of the not fresh air, and it does little to calm his emotions. 
As he watches a blimp float by in the sky, red light blinking against the darkness of the night, Chrollo can’t help but feel silly at how emotional he’s being. He can’t help but remember how he used to feel so indifferent, how everything felt stale. 
Stale like the air around him. 
With little reluctance, Chrollo sends the money over to his somewhat of an ally, Illumi. Their relationship was little more than constant transactions. He stands, stretches his arms above his head. Calling himself a banker had its pros: boring enough no one asked about it. It also had its cons: sometimes sitting in front of a computer for too long, researching his next thrill instead of boring into an excel spreadsheet. 
Chrollo thinks that, at the end of the day, death suits him. Even if he’s falsely climbed into the carriage. Even if his back aches from time to time. He briefly considers doing a few of the stretches his lover had recommended. His lover who had gotten him in the mess. The one where he carefully removes bricks from the walls around him and lays new bricks as he lies to cover up his reality. His lover who was still probably perched in the living room, waiting for him to come out of his office.  
The idea of you patiently waiting on the couch fills Chrollo with an uncomfortable guilt. He scrolls through his phone, looking for a text chain. He can’t find it, and resorts to drafting a new text in a small group message of just himself, Shalnark and Machi. If he took time to be truthful with himself, it felt odd texting the two of them. Even a year later, there’s an uncomfortable void, two of them in fact, of accumulated grief that press against his soul. He can’t shake it, nor can he steep in it. 
We need to have a meeting. In the next few months. 
Not ready to linger in those feelings, Chrollo locks his phone. Perhaps he’d mellow in those thoughts of the all consuming grief tonight, with your head resting on his chest as sleep washes over you. His gaze returns to the skyline. It’s dark out, it must be well past dinnertime. 
Chrollo shuts down his computer with the forceful, long press of a button. Shalnark, who set up the device for him, is berating him for not using softer methods. Chrollo pockets his phone, eager to deposit it somewhere and forget about it until morning. The journey from his office to the living room isn’t a long one, and it’s one he can chart by the way you’ve dappled yourself along the path. 
Gentle music flows from the living room, playing on the speakers that were brought from your apartment when you moved in. There’s a sweatshirt of yours on the ground that he picks up without much thought. He deposits it on the back of the couch, upon arriving to a deserted living room. 
It’s not deserted. There’s a blanket that looks like it used to be wrapped around you, slumped in the corner of the couch. There’s a stack of essays on the middle cushion, and a pen set upon them. Half a glass of wine sits on the coffee table, and beside it is your iPad, unlocked. 
Satisfaction brings the cat back. Chrollo leans over the iPad, investigating what you had been doing. He takes it upon himself to close the online shopping tab after seeing the total in the cart. 
Rounding the corner, you hold a mug of tea in your hands. The brightness of the lemongrass tea fills the air, and you take a deep breath, both of the tea and of the sight of your boyfriend. Both senses wake you up. 
Chrollo picks up the blanket, and sits in its place, throwing it over the armrest. He picks up the essay you had been in the middle of grading and flips it to the cover page. It’s thick, at least ten pages. A Turn About the Room: How Women Have Always Been the Secluded Ones. 
“Done working?” You ask him. 
Chrollo rests his arm along the backside of the couch to take you in. One of his shirts peeks out from below an oversized sweater of yours. Glasses perched atop your nose. He holds his hand out to you, palm up. 
“You should be too.”  
“I see how it is,” You say, coming over to his open hand. Your hand is still warm from holding the mug, and you slide your palm easily against Chrollo’s. 
Only, the man before you isn’t Chrollo, no, there is no mass murderer before you. No grandiose thief. He’s just Kuroro, a man with a penchant for reading and a sadness behind his eyes that’s curtained by charisma and a modern day definition of chivalry. 
A man who’s raising his other hand to take the mug from your own  hands, the heat barely bothering him. His fingers twine with yours, and he brings your hand to his lips to place a kiss upon it. 
“Do you?” 
You nod, leaning over the back of the couch and into his personal space and pressing a kiss against his cheek. He smells warm, of mellow, musky notes that you’ve come to associate when you think of him. Home smells like Kuroro, it smells like the cologne he wears and the aftershave in the morning, curling with a warm drink and incense in the air. 
It’s time to stop working for the day. 
Rounding the couch, you take a seat right beside Kuroro. Truly, you’re more so on top of him with the way your knee hinges over his thigh. Neither of you care. Not when you’re so close, not when the world seems to just be the two of you. 
Kuroro returns your mug to you, his now warmed hand tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. 
“How’s work going?” You ask, blowing on your tea before taking a tentative sip. 
Kuroro hums at your question, resting his hand on your thigh. He rubs his hand over the smooth, plush skin. He ponders over how to answer, how to toe the line between being honest and being deceitful. It’s all for your safety after all. And here he has been, thinking he’d been doing a good job of maintaining your blissful ignorance to the world he hid in. 
“Stressful,” Kuroro admits, taking a deep breath before raising his gaze. 
“Mon pauvre,” You murmur, “Want some tea?” 
Pressing his brows together, Kuroro nods. You watch with infatuated eyes as he does just as you had earlier: blow on the warm drink, letting the steam lick up his face before taking a small sip. 
“Want to go get dinner?” You pose. “I haven’t eaten yet… We could go to the sushi place down the block.” 
The news Kuroro had received minutes earlier rings in his head. Bounces from ear to ear, unable to be ignored. He thinks of the mom and pop restaurant that had infatuated the two of you, of the kind couple who ran it. Of the grandma who greeted you everytime you came in. Who cooed over how cute of a couple you made. 
He thinks of an assassination attempt on either one of you. Of the chaos it would cause, of the rubble and the debris. He can envision your scared expression. The dead bodies of the kind family he’d come to know so well. 
It tugs at his heartstrings in a way he had believed was long since dead. Perhaps you had made him too soft. Too human. He felt the youth coursing through his soul again. 
With reluctance, Kuroro shakes his head. “I’ll make us something. Then you don’t have to get dressed.” 
“You’re so considerate,” You say with a smile. “What are we having?” 
“I have to check the fridge,” Kuroro replies. “Want to join me in the kitchen?” 
Of course you do. You’d altered your 10 year plan to accommodate the man. You’d follow him anywhere. 
Kuroro is, in his nature, secretive. It has always carried a certain charm with it: adds to the allure of his dark hair, his well-read nature and clean dress. However, you’ve picked up on a few tells he carries around with him. For instance, when he’s set on surprising you there’s a boyish glint in his brown eyes. When he’s morose in thoughts of life, both his own and philosophical, he’s oddly talkative. Always eager to find solace with his head on your chest or in your lap. And when he’s had a bad day at work, he’s quiet. 
You don’t like when he’s quiet. It’s not that you feel the need to fill silence with Kuroro. In fact, normally it’s quite the opposite. Silence is comfortable. 
The silence that hangs in the kitchen is not the comforting closeness you’ve grown to love. 
As Kuroro investigates the fridge for something to eat, you take it upon yourself to put on some music in the background. Amy Winehouse’s voice seeps through the silence. 
“Do you want tteokbokki?” Kuroro asks, holding a bag of rice cakes in his hand. His other rests on the refrigerator door. 
You come to stand beside him, peering into the fridge. It’s barren. Only a few condiments and pickled vegetables litter the shelves. You feel an emptiness in your stomach. Did you eat lunch? 
“Sure,” You say, resting your cheek on his shoulder. “Do you want some help?” 
“Just your company,” Kuroro responds smoothly, closing the door and wrapping his arm around your shoulders. The base notes of his cologne still cling to his skin. There’s cedar and vanilla. He presses a soft kiss to your forehead, releasing you slowly. 
The gesture has your heart skipping a beat. You feel your face warm, feel as Kuroro’s hand slides along your shoulders. 
It makes Kuroro smile slightly, watching your reaction come over. He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, then opens the refrigerator open again. 
“Go sit. I’ll get you some more wine.” 
You wet your lips as you take your place on the kitchen island. Kuroro sets the chilled white wine bottle in front of you, then busies himself in the kitchen, combining spices and sauces together and simmering them over low heat. 
To keep his mind off whatever was bothering him, you launch into telling him about the essays you’ve been grading— Final papers for your class on women’s oppression in literature. You teach it every other year in the spring, and this conversation is reminiscent of one you had when you first met Kuroro. 
This one is about Rokeya’s Sultana’s Dream and Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. It’s a fresh take on Austen’s work, and you’re glad to see Rokeya being cited. There are a few inconsistencies in the line of reasoning, but the student is a year too young to technically take the course. She reminds you of yourself, if you’re being completely honest— Ambitious, if not a little scatterbrained. 
Kuroro turns off the stove and sets the pot atop a woven potholder in front of you. He adds side bowls and chopsticks to the spread. 
“I’d love to take a peek,” He says, getting himself a wine glass to join in with your drinking. 
“You can. Want to see it now?” 
Kuroro shakes his head and sits next to you. “You know I’ll get sauce all over it.” 
Shrugging, you pick up your chopsticks. It wouldn’t be the first time you’ve spilt on an essay. “Thanks for cooking tonight.” 
“Careful, it’s hot,” Kuroro says as his you’re welcome. 
Even with his stomach pleasantly full, the overhead fan humming, and you pressed up against his side, sleep evades Chrollo. He tilts his head to the side, his hair fanned out on the too soft pillow. All pillows are too soft to him, anyways. He cushions his head for your comfort. 
Sleep’s tireless evasion from Chrollo is not one that he’s a stranger to. He often finds himself in this same position, surrounded by newfound comforts, his heart thrumming softly, his eyes on the twinkling lights of Sirap. Absentmindedly, he rubs his hand up and down your side, taking solace in the way your stomach moves with every deep breath you take. 
When you don’t drink before bed, you’re quick to rouse at his gentle petting. Sometimes, you wake at even the slightest shift. Groggily blinking away and rubbing your eyes, trying to see what’s wrong in the pitch black room. 
Not tonight. Tonight, you’re full and there’s wine in your brain. And Chrollo is alone with his thoughts. 
He turns his head to look at you. Cranes his neck to place a kiss to the top of your head without jostling you. 
There’s a grief on his soul tonight, and it’s not own he’s used to. Albeit accustomed to loss, Chrollo’s heart can’t fathom experiencing the gravity of loss again. To be responsible for someone’s death who was so innocent, who had nothing to do with the circumstances he put her in. 
So he places another kiss to your forehead, and shifts himself to wrap both of his arms around you. Invites your legs to tangle against his. He closes his eyes, and despite wishing for sleep it continues to evade him. So he takes deep breaths of you: shampoo, bodywash, oils and lotions. He lays in the dark, simply waiting. 
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meyousing · 1 year
ℂ𝕙𝕣𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕠, ℂ𝕒𝕝𝕞 𝕒𝕟𝕕 ℂ𝕒𝕝𝕔𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕
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𝕣𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥: “i’ve tried to be tolerant, but your disobedience has reached a limit i cannot ignore.”
𝕤𝕪𝕟𝕠𝕡𝕤𝕚𝕤: as the love of your life and possibly even your soulmate, you were bewildered and disappointed to find out that chrollo would take the troupe’s word over yours.
𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕖𝕤: yandere chrollo x reader, manipulation and gaslighting, power imbalance, not necessarily a soulmate au just using the word for emphasis :) also uvo makes a dramatic appearance ONCE AGAIN… is this a sign that i should write something for him ??
Chrollo really is the love of your life. There is nothing that he wouldn’t do for you, no task too large, no matter at all what he would have to do to make it happen. It was only natural for him to keep an eye on your every move, an ear on your every word, to ensure you were being good. As dedicated and thieving as he was, he couldn’t just do everything for you while you rebelled and went against his wishes, where is the fairness in that? 
You, blissfully ignorant on the other hand, were enjoying your time with Chrollo and his troupe immensely. He had done so much for you, spoiled you, and treated you like a princess, both before and after telling you the truth about his lifestyle. Not to mention that the troupe treated you like gold personified, and it didn’t even feel like favouritism just because you were the “Boss’ Girl.” 
Machi had brought you stolen gifts before, like jewellery and expensive clothes because she thought you would like them. Of course, her ideas about what to pick had developed by watching and observing what Chrollo would bring you, though she would never admit that, simply replying that she only had a hunch you’d enjoy them. 
The boys of the troupe (usually Phinks and Uvogin, but the others always backed them up with agreement) would ask about people from your time before meeting Chrollo, and if there was anyone who they would need to teach a lesson to. You would only ever laugh, thanking them for the offer of protection but telling them that nobody had ever wronged you enough to warrant that. Insisting that the offer still stands, they would leave the topic but never fail to keep bringing it up as the days went on. 
You were very happy with your new life. Chrollo was a bit neurotic on the day that he decided to let the cat out of the bag, sporting a brand new look you had never seen in your time with him, explaining that you would be living differently now, you would travel with him and be by his side all the time, where you could have anything you ever wanted. Truthfully, the idea of spending the rest of your time beside him was already a lone factor to seal the deal, and he already spoiled you so much that you couldn’t expect anything to feel very different, with this just being a version of your relationship where you wouldn’t stay in one place.
 The spoiling part was not ever what excited you though, it was simply Chrollo’s show of care and attention to detail that had you falling head over heels. Nobody else had ever spent so much time and given so much devotion to ensuring your happiness, finding items catered to your tastes and interests. His choosing to go the material route was in his nature, you personally never cared much for the finer or more expensive things in life, though after discovering Chrollo’s true nature it made much more sense to you now. Who were you to not indulge the interest of your beloved? You may have been happy, but it was a shame that the feeling was not mutual. 
It was very early in the morning, earlier than what your new routine had you used to. You must have been jet-lagged, considering you had only been in your current location for a little over a day. Seated beside Shizuku, you watched and waited as she shuffled a set of cards, readying them to be passed out for you and a few of the others to play some rounds of Go Fish. With it being so early, you had awoken before Chrollo and decided to wander around the halls of your headquarters, to see who, if anyone else, was awake as well. You found yourself in what everyone decided was the main room, spotting Shizuku, Phinks, and Shalnark as they sat closely, cards already in hand. It was Shalnark who instantly spotted you peeking around the corner, asking if you would like to join them, saying that their game had barely started and they wouldn’t mind shuffling one more time. You gladly accepted, figuring a game or two couldn’t hurt as you waited for Chrollo to wake up. 
You shifted your eyes between all three of them, watching over their varying expressions and trying not to giggle at Phinks’ visible show of boredom when picking up his cards. You knew that as much as he enjoyed spending time with everyone, his own interests were certainly directed towards more upbeat scenarios than ones like this, he must have been just as eager as you for Chrollo’s arrival.  
“Is Boss up too?” he asked suddenly, tearing you from the small daydream you’d mustered up with a glance in your direction and verbal, indirect confirmation of your thoughts. You shook your head. 
“We were talking about how jet-lagged we felt last night, he’ll probably be out for a few more hours.” you shrugged then, frowning down at the cards in your hand as you noticed just how fatigued your eyes felt. 
“Guess it had the opposite effect on you then, eh?” he chuckled. You smiled with a chuckle of your own and nodded, not feeling too talkative as your tiredness started setting in now that you had acknowledged it. 
“Are you guys ready?” Shizuku asked, scanning over each of you. Assorted nods were given, with an upbeat “yup!” of agreement coming from Shalnark. One more voice came in a moment later.
“Not quite, I’ll have to borrow Y/N for a moment.”
Everyone looked up, mutual surprise adorning your faces as Chrollo stood in the doorway with hands concealed in his coat pockets. You noted how he looked ready for the day, fully dressed with his hair styled as if it hadn’t taken long at all, as if you hadn’t only been in this room for maybe ten minutes.
“Coming” you murmured, smiling apologetically at the others before getting up to rejoin Chrollo. He began walking when you met his side, a hand finding your waist as he guided you back to your bedroom. You hadn’t looked at his face for too long since his appearance, and despite being a quieter man you felt that he was being uncharacteristically quiet now. Even the way he opened the bedroom door and gestured to you to go in first, face nearly blank once you looked up, despite the chivalrous act. He didn’t even respond to your thanks, the only form of a reply being his gentle slam of the door as you shuffled over to the bed and sat at the end. He joined you shortly, gazing at you with heavy lids that you couldn’t quite discern. Was he feeling…lustful? Or perhaps he was disappointed, maybe you had done something wrong? But what could you have done? 
“Y/N, I’ve tried to be tolerant, but your disobedience has reached a limit I cannot ignore.”
Okay, it was the latter. You blinked in confusion, his words not reaching your brain in what should have been the right way (was there a right way? what did you do?) as you were sure that simply waking up and spending time with his troupe was not disobedient. If anything that should have made him happy! 
“What did I do?” you asked, concern lacing your features as you hugged your knees to your chest, self-soothing since the look in Chrollo’s eyes was starting to unnerve you. He blinked slowly, his breath deepening as he began to sigh and his hands met.
“I heard you laughing back there. What was so funny?” His voice was relaxed.
“Nothing?” you frowned, unsure of what exactly he was talking about. Your tone itself was questioning, dripping with confusion, yet it was misinterpreted by Chrollo, likely as some kind of snark when you saw his expression fall further. He held off on speaking for a moment, instead taking his time as he held your hands and moved to face you completely. You couldn’t help but mirror him by squeezing his hands gently and letting your legs fall back down, his affectionate actions combined with such borderline accusatory words only muddled your mind. 
“I understand that you may feel lonely when I join the troupe for the jobs that I assign them to. Do you think that gives you the right to try flirting with the other men while I’m away? Have you tried to seduce them into this very room?” 
Your brows furrowed deeply. 
“What gave you that idea?” 
“You didn’t think that they wouldn’t tell me, did you?” 
“Who?!” You clutched his hands a little tighter, completely bewildered not only by his claims but also by the idea of someone feeding these lies to him. Why would he take their word over yours anyway? Yes, this troupe has been with him since the beginning, but you had never deceived him before. You had no reason to start now. Perhaps you would have to voice this to him, considering his intensity had not let up yet.
“That doesn’t matter. What matters more is your indiscretions, and the painful thought that you assumed you could get away with them, right under my nose.”
 Yes, this confirmed that you would have to voice your thoughts to him.
“But it’s not true! I’ve never deceived you before, why would I start now?”
“Do you think my own troupe would deceive me, then?” He sat stiff and his eyes widened impossibly so, boring into you with such a suddenly dark aura, it made you feel like you were shrinking beneath him. 
“N-no, of course not” you nearly whispered, heartbeat speeding up when you realized your mistake, an eager urge taking over you to fix whatever mess you could have just gotten yourself into with a single, not so well thought out sentence. Caressing his wrist with your thumb, pressing your thigh to his, daringly reaching your other palm up to his face so you could press it into his cheek. Anything you could do to alleviate the sudden anxiety that you were feeling at the idea of being forced out of Chrollo’s good graces for something you never did. “I just want you to believe me, I would never–”
“Hey boss, I was–oh… you in the middle of something?” The door swung open unceremoniously to reveal Uvogin, whose expression went from casual to awkward. Tears rimmed your eyes at the sight, that feeling becoming mutual at the exposure of your current emotions and situation. 
On any other day, you were certain that Chrollo would be unhappy that a troupe member barged into his room without knocking, let alone permission. 
“We were just finishing up.” Chrollo stood then, exerting minimal effort to tear himself away from you completely and stand just a few feet away. You couldn’t help but keep your hands on him for as long as you could until he was entirely out of arm's reach, your cheeks burning in your own embarrassment when your limbs fell back into your lap with a thump. He faced you, keeping his back to Uvo and giving you the most gut-wrenchingly sweet grin. “Y/N will be staying in this room for a little while until she remembers the rules of our relationship. It’s upsetting that she forgot at all, perhaps this new schedule will clear her mind of such impurity.” Swivelling around on his heel, his back was to you now as he walked to the door.
Y/N will be staying in this room? He couldn’t be serious! You couldn’t find your voice, couldn’t think of any words to say, all you were able to do was shoot up from your spot and stay in place. You knew that trying to walk to the door would prove useless, as your anxiety had reached its peak and your entire body became numb, feeling like you were outside of it. 
“Oh, shame. Hey, it’s for the best though.” Uvo patted Chrollo’s back, squeezing it and beginning to walk away with him, his other hand reaching back for the doorknob. Please, no!
With the rest of your body frozen, you could only move your eyes which were trained intensely on Chrollo, noting how as he walked out his face looked different from the way it was mere moments ago. He looked neutral and much less sarcastic, if not more on the side of smugness as a soft grin began upturning his lips. 
The door slammed shut, made especially loud thanks to Uvo being the one to close it. The sound solidified the fact that Chrollo was leaving you, with an apparent visit inbound, but when? Collapsing back onto the mattress when your legs finally gave out from beneath you, you stared blankly at the ceiling. How could Chrollo have gone from so hopelessly romantic to disbelieving within mere moments? Everything had been just fine… yet a one-sided conversation was enough for him to make such a drastic decision. Your welcoming to Chrollo’s criminal lifestyle was done with ease, you had no problem turning a blind eye to your own morals because you fell in love with him, he was the love of your life. Perhaps what you truly fell in love with was not Chrollo, but a version of himself. One that was limited and crafted perfectly to your likes, wants to make you easier to control. Had you fallen for such a scheme so easily? 
Overthinking proved to be good in only one way, it made you even drowsier than you already had been, so at the very least you could sleep some time away as you waited for your beloved to come back to you. 
“I mean…you knew I wasn’t serious, right?” Uvo scratched at the back of his neck, his forehead wrinkling as he feared the worst, that he accidentally meddled in the Boss’ business, the Boss’ relationship, just for the sake of getting a few laughs. 
“Of course” Chrollo chuckled, patting Uvo’s back reassuringly. “But your timing was rather convenient, she was starting to get a little too comfortable with getting her way. Best to remind her who’s in charge, you were simply the catalyst to allow me to do so.”
© meyousing 2023. do not share/export my work on to any other platforms. do not translate my work. 
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depravitycentral · 9 months
Hi!!! I have this question that's been stuck in my mind. Do you think the phantom troupe would wish to get married (I'm really curious because legally they don't have an identity)? If yes, what do you think would be the theme of the wedding or how they will propose? (I think Uvogin would; I'm not so sure about the others, especially Feitan).
Thank youu!!!
Oooh anon!! A good question!
I think generally, most of the Troupe's yanderes harbor a secret desire to actually marry you. It's sweet, it's domestic, and it ties you to them both emotionally, physically, and legally - the holy trinity, in some eyes.
Let's discuss!!
But of course, the issue of their criminal statuses and lack of an official identity can present challenges in this endeavor, warding some off from actually going through with it. A few yanderes, like Feitan, Franklin, and Machi, decide that it's more trouble than it's worth - even if they secretly wish to see you wearing the pretty ring on your finger that matches with theirs.
Alternatively, these three will each find ways to make it up - Feitan gets you a spider tattoo that matches his own, though instead of the the number in the center, it's simply an F. It's a little cheesy, but it makes him feel better - besides, a tattoo is permanent, a ring is not. This is better.
Machi will always sort of just dream about it, but you'll notice that she starts getting you clothing that's just a bit more formal, maybe something with frills or is white. It's not super obvious, and you'd have to know to look for it, but if she can't marry you, at least she can pretend.
Franklin actually bought you a ring very early into his obsession, right after he came to terms with the fact that his feelings weren't going to go away. He keeps it on his person at all times, and often he'll just idly fiddle with it, rolling it between his fingers and smiling softly at it, letting his mind run wild and pretend that you're wearing it, that you're his.
Some are still a bit more secretive about wanting to officially marry you, but will go through the hoops to get a fake identity and register the marriage. Phinks, for example, does want to marry you, even if it's a little embarrassing to admit. He won't directly bring it up, but after he gets all the legal stuff figured out, he'll present the papers to you with a pen, scratching the back of his neck and struggling to look at you while he asks in an unsure voice if you'd like to - you know, uh, tie the knot?
Pakunoda is also not super pushy about it, but she does want it to happen. She'll drop hints once she thinks you've come around enough, even going so far as to use her nen ability to get information out of you about whether you actually want to marry her, and if so what your dream wedding looks like. She doesn't mind the work if it means getting to see your face light up and give you that magical day you've both dreamed of - particularly because it'll be her bed you come home to that night.
Some didn't have particularly strong feelings about the matter until later on into their infatuation with you. It's a fleeting thought mostly, something that tickles at the back of their mind for a brief moment, but it sticks with them. Would you like to get married? Would you like to wear a pretty dress and kiss them and take their last name like they really, really want you to? The longer they think about it, the more they like it, and so they'll get all the necessarily legal fraud done - it's worth it.
Shalnark both likes the idea, and likes the way it would permanently bind you to him. Even if you tried to run away, once you're married it would be very, very easy for him to track you down. Besides, he likes domesticity and pretending that your relationship is perfectly normal and healthy and consensual - it's fun to tease you this way, but it also makes him giddy and fluttery. Marrying you is this boyish dream that he wants to live out, so when he starts cutting out all these photos of dresses and rings and eagerly shows you, don't be too surprised.
Shizuku just likes the idea. Pakunoda makes some comment about a couple she'd seen the other day shopping for wedding venues, and instantly a light bulb ignited above her head. You'd look cute in a wedding dress, especially if it had lots of frills and pretty lace. She doesn't even ask you - you get excited when she takes you out of the house for once, only for your heart to drop when you see the dress and the flowers and the ring, all of her coworkers looking at you with varying degrees of happiness and interest. At least the wedding is a little cute - lots of delicate laces and finishing touches.
Others are very, very excited to marry you. It's something that's been in the cards for a long while, and it's something that will happen. You don't really get a say; it makes them feel better, as if your relationship is genuine, authentic, and official. Plus, seeing you all dolled up in white for them makes their heart race out of their chests and their suits feeling too tight.
Uvogin, for one, wants everything in your relationship to be as normal as possible. He truly loves you, and while he recognizes that he's a bit of an alternative groom, he wants you to feel special and lovely and pretty. Plus, getting to tease you about being his little wife is an awfully appealing idea - as is the fact that now you actually belong to him, just as he's been telling you all along. (Plus, now you can't even pretend to put up a fight about him not wearing a condom - you're married, so who cares if he knocks you up now?)
Nobunaga, frankly, already was under the impression that you were married in every way except name. You're living together (forcibly, but that's besides the point), you sleep in the same bed (again, forcibly), share finances (he controls everything you get, so 'share' perhaps isn't the best word), and he touches you like a husband would (even if you wish he wouldn't). Marriage is simply the final nail in the coffin of what you should already know is your love story - so slip on the white dress and let him slip you out of it later that night - it'll be fun, he promises.
(I was inspired by the idea of Chrollo and a wedding, so have a little blurb about it!)
Chrollo thinks the idea is cute. He's got enough aliases to register a marriage in whatever country he happens to be in, quickly filing the paperwork with minimal scuff.
It's endearing, honestly - the idea of you being his loving wife, his woman, wearing a pretty ring sparkling on your finger that symbolizes both his love for you and your belonging to him.
He views the idea as both something to quell his romantic and possessive instincts towards you, all the while pleasing you by finally having something normal happen in your relationship. He may have kidnapped you, may be a mass criminal, and he may infuriate you to the point of insanity, but all women dream about getting married, right?
And while you may be volatile towards him, even you can't deny the idea of marrying him - he's seen the way you look at him, how your disgust gets less pronounced with every passing day when he touches you, how resignation is slowly settling into your frowns and the slump of your shoulders.
And so, he'll propose, it'll be a grand affair, but Chrollo has this way of making everything seen so casual and subtle, even if the candlelit dinner he pops the question over is anything but. He takes you out on dates once in a blue moon, with those dark eyes watching your every move and making sure you do nothing even remotely suspicious.
The first thing you'll notice on this night, however, is how there's no one around int he restaurant - with a wonderful view of the city skyline and the full moon making it all glow. It's empty, save for you and Chrollo. There's a white wicker candle burning between the two of you and a collection of blood red flowers sitting in an ornate glass vase, one of your favorite desserts sitting in front of you on the immaculate, perfectly pressed white tablecloth.
(He'd ordered both your meal and your dessert for you, of course, though irritatingly enough, you'd enjoyed the food and were begrudgingly going to enjoy the sweet.)
He's been unusually quiet the entire dinner, those dark eyes seeming to bore into you even harder than usual, making goosebumps rise all along your body.
(Your body that's covered in a stunning, sating emerald dress that he picked, of course. The sizing was perfect, as always, even looking hand tailored despite never going to the sizing appointments yourself.)
It's scared you a bit, truth be told, but as soon as he leans back, pressing the glass of wine to his lips with a twinkle in those soulless eyes that keep looking at your fingers, things will suddenly start to click. There's a pause as he swallows, and all too soon his voice is filling up the previously empty air, his voice almost giddy as he asks if you enjoyed the food.
You'll nervously respond with a yes, and he'll let the smallest of smiles slip onto his lips. But this smile - this smile - it feel real, genuine, unlike any other smile you've seen him give you before. There's something sharp about it, vulnerable and raw and horrible, and it makes it hard to breath as he utters the next sentence.
Will you be eternally mine, love? Would you let me be eternally yours?
It's cheesy and far too dramatic and just too much, but what choice do you have? It's not like you can really say no. And when you nod, that smile will get bigger and wider, a cold hand reaching across the table to clasp over yours while you shrink back.
And that smile stays until the wedding date- very soon after he initially asks, in an older, gothic-style church. It's clearly been abandoned, but there's no dust or grime to be seen anywhere and the large, ornate glass windows make you think the place has actually been recently scrubbed from floor to ceiling.
The pews are a dark mahogany, almost black, with curling designs and animals carved into the wood. The floor is stone and the walls are too, making everything feel gray and glowing from all the candles still present. The Troupe is all present, remarkably all dressed in formal attire - suites and dresses, and if you'd actually wanted to be there, you almost might've laughed at the sight of Phinks wearing a rose pendant at his lapel.
The dress - once again, chosen by Chrollo and perfectly fitted - a creamy ivory color. It's surprisingly simple, something you hadn't been expecting from your self-proclaimed lover - it's satin and smooth, the fabric rippling beautifully as you walk, with a high neckline and long sleeves that only bell out at the wrists.
The back, however, is much more what you associate with Chrollo's style - it's entirely open, showing off the expanse of your back all the way from your shoulders to right above your tailbone. The cold air of the church makes you shiver, as do all the stares of the Troupe members when you walk down the aisle alone.
The flowers are all red roses and Persian lilies. There's nothing green.
The ring is simple; a silver band with his name engraved along the interior, and a jade set into the band that's a deep, rich green standing out against your skin. He slips it onto your finger with hands that you think are slightly shaking, his Adam's Apple bobbing ever so slightly. He seems distracted throughout the whole ceremony, and he keeps a firm grip on your hands throughout it all, his grip tight enough to leave bruises against your knuckles.
The ceremony is officiated by a man that looks far too unphased by the presence of criminals to be a real priest, and quickly it becomes apparent that he'll entertain no sort of rebellion from you. He hardly even lets you finish your vows, sounding impatient to the to the 'I do'.
The clapping is loud as Chrollo's hand settles onto your waist, his pink lips perking into a smile as he leans closer to you, his breath smelling of mint as it fans across your cheeks, his whisper of your name making your breath hitch as he kisses you, your first intimacy as an officially married couple.
The kiss is innocent and tame, but the weight of its meaning makes your shoulders sink and your stomach drop, something inside of you slowly curling up and dying. He pulls back for a moment, before diving in again, this time shoving his tongue into your mouth and wrapping his arm fully around your waist, a sharp inhale sounding as he kisses you harder, deeper, fervently, his fingertips pressing into you and crumpling the fabric of the dress he'd forced you into.
Eventually he pulls away, slightly out of breath and his hair a little out of place across his forehead and god that damn smile is back as he looks at you, this sort of wide-eyed expression settling across his face that looks too boyish and genuine to be real.
My wife... He muses under his breath, licking his lips and not letting his gaze falter from yours.
Many kisses will come later that night, as he strips you out of the lacy white lingerie you're wearing under the dress, as he pushes inside of you with a sort of muffled strangled noise, as he sweats and his hips stutter and he buries his face into your neck and claims you as his.
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welivetodream · 9 months
I feel like Fruits Basket had a missed opportunity to write a great arc for Yuki instead of him ending up with Machi. And I LOVE Machi and their romance is really cute but I didn't feel satisfied with that ending for Yuki.
When I first watched Fruits Basket I was sure that Yuki was supposed to be queer-coded and his arc about self acceptance and love was him coming out of the closet.
The reason for that is because of the way Yuki is constantly presented and the way he reacts to other people.
Yuki always gets mad at Kyo for calling him "girly boy" or "pretty boy".
He tries to put up at tough persona to try to appear more masculine.
He has a fanclub with both girls AND boys crushing on him.
Whenever he "flirts" with Tohru it would come off as awkward (I know it's because he considers her as his mom figure but still!!! And yet he has some unspoken rizz when it comes to flirting with guys tho)
Even his dislike of Ayame and not wanting to be like him was kinda him not wanting to come out of the closet (Ayame also gets a last minute love interest to make him more hetero. I thought he was definitely not straight)
It just made sense to me this was going to be his arc. Especially since Fruits Basket is sooo good at depicting emotions. I thought Yuki's arc was him overcoming his hatred of that part of himself and essentially coming out of the darkness that Akito had made him live in.
When the Student council members were introduced I thought Kakeru was going to be both a foil AND a love interest for Yuki. They just had that dynamic and chemistry that made it seem like Kakeru would change Yuki and help him understand his true self and feelings. I thought Machi was the quiet/ weird side character that would have a similar role as Kimi (comedic).
Then the whole Machi x Yuki happened and I was proven wrong. I didn't hate it but....Kakeru and Yuki just had so much growth in their friendship, I couldn't help but ship them.
I would have been happy with even a Bi-Panic moment for Yuki with Kakeru and Machi (who are both half-siblings)
Yuki just had the perfect personality and backstory for a good coming out arc but it never came to be.
(Ps: I am NOT hating Machi and Yuki's relationship. It's just that Fruits Basket had many opportunities to have gay characters but didn't commit to it)
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cinderella-ish · 2 months
Yuki, Kakeru, and the boyhoods they never had
So, I was talking with my partner the other day about how Kakeru and Yuki are always touching each other (one of many reasons they're the most popular non-canonical furuba pairing on Ao3). Anyway, it got me thinking-- if we don't read all this physical contact as necessarily romantic, what are some other possible explanations? An examination:
When Yuki first meets Kakeru, he immediately gets up in his face talking about his favorite Super Sentai character, then walks him out of the student council office with an arm around his neck, despite Yuki's obvious discomfort.
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When Kakeru puts a hand on his shoulder soon after, he teases Yuki about his feminine features. Yuki bats his hand away and decides he already hates Kakeru.
In Kakeru's next appearance, he puts a hand on Yuki's shoulder, removing it when Yuki gives him a death glare.
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When Kakeru stays behind that day to needle Yuki about Tohru, Yuki is the one to initiate touch this time. This leads to the two of them sharing a moment of vulnerability and the true beginning of their friendship. Kakeru putting his thumbs up on Yuki's shoulder is also a change to the way he's touched Yuki before - it's perhaps a bit more comfortable for Yuki, who's reacted negatively to all touch from Kakeru before this. Kakeru's communicating in his own way that he'll try and consider Yuki's needs from now on.
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Next, we have the Kyoto trip, in which Yuki is still not fully comfortable with Kakeru (shown by his embarrassment when he tells Kakeru they wouldn't be friends anymore), but is starting to consider him a friend and spend time with him intentionally. We also have some sweet moments like this exchange between Haru and Kakeru, which Kakeru takes very seriously.
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After this, Yuki finally learns (some of) Kakeru's backstory when he goes to help Kakeru clean up after Machi destroyed the student council office again. Yuki gets context for why Kakeru is the way that he is, learns about the successorship conflict, and then tries out some Kakeru chaos for himself. We also see Yuki initiate touch for the third time. I think this episode is where the real shift in their relationship happened. Yuki sees that there's a wisdom to Kakeru that he wasn't seeing without that context of Kakeru's oppressive childhood-- something to which Yuki can relate all too well. In a way, Kakeru's impulsiveness and sense of fun is his own way of either reclaiming or living out the childhood he didn't get to have, along with other traits like his love of Super Sentai.
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And now, a brief aside.
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We see pretty clearly that the other three cursed Sohma boys around Yuki's age are all pretty comfortable interacting with each other physically. Kyo will roughhouse with Haru and give Momiji noogies, Momiji will hug or lean on both Kyo and Haru. These sorts of interactions began when they were young boys, and are pretty typical of boys through adolescence. Yuki, being shut in a room with Akito or alone, didn't get to have that experience of boyhood. All his physical interactions with Kyo are negative, and his physical interactions with Momiji are neutral-ish (Momiji jumps on him at the culture festival, Yuki dabs his tears in Kisa's first episode, and Yuki scolds Momiji a handful of times). (Aside within the aside: while Haru sometimes reciprocates the affection from Momiji or rough play from Kyo, he clearly has a special way of physically interacting with Yuki in the T-shape and shirt pinch, or the stroking of his chin, etc..., and he initiates touch with Yuki much more often than with the other two, likely because he noticed that as one more thing Yuki was missing out on and wanted to include him in a way that would be comfortable for him.)
So when Kakeru tells Yuki about his childhood, and Yuki gets stuck in the storage room later that episode and has a flashback to his own terrible childhood, he's already primed to open up to Kakeru about his own childhood and to start looking at the world more like Kakeru does.
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So, after that day, their friendship becomes much more physical. Yuki no longer bats away Kakeru's hand and even initiates touch more often. They roughhouse and Kakeru often puts his arm around Yuki in a gesture of affection. To me, it's a way of reclaiming those experiences they didn't get to have in their childhood-- especially the type of friendships neither of them got to form when they were younger.
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bwabys-scenarios · 8 months
Feitan x Reader Route
Part 1
part 2
warning: brief mention of human trafficking, brief torture scene, Feitan masturbates at the end
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(Name) dropped her suitcase off at Leorio’s before making her way to the location Phinks and Feitan provided in her note. Apparently, Machi would be waiting for her, and would take the console so it would be safe while (Name) ventured into Greed Island.
The pink haired woman looked up just in time to catch the girl crashing into her. “H-hey! Don’t you know what personal space is?”
She pushed (Name) back a bit, huffing. “Haha, sorry. I’m just happy to see you’re safe! Fei told me… what happened with Paku…”
Machi sighed, ruffling the girls hair. “Yeah, yeah I’m fine. Come on, let’s get you into the game. Fei’s probably worried sick.”
‘Ah, she’s dense.’
Machi didn’t answer, leading her towards their hideout. “Fei requested that I stay to make sure you got into the game safely.”
(Name) giggled, holding a hand to her cheek. “Aww, that’s so sweet of him.”
(Name) gasped when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her from behind. “(Nnaaammeee)~ you’re here!”
Shalnark laughed, giving her a good squeeze before Machi sent him a look. “If Fei knew what you were doing right now…”
Shalnark stuck his tongue out at her. “What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. So…”
He seemed different, his hands holding onto her waist as he leaned forward. “Who was that dark haired man you saw when Feitan told you to stay put?”
(Name) tilted her head. “Dark haired man… you mean Illumi? He’s a friend.”
“Do you typically make out with your friends?”
This caused the girl to pause. “First of all, that’s none of your business, secondly, how do you know that?”
Shalnark sat her down, smiling. “Aww, but I asked first! What is your relationship with that man?”
(Name) sighed. “Again, he’s a friend, the assassin that kidnapped me. Feitan is aware of that, but…”
She twiddled her thumbs. “He kind of proposed to me at dinner.”
“Yes… I met with him to discuss why we left off on bad terms, and possibly continue our friendship. However…”
She scratched the back of her head. “He um… proposed to me. I’m still not sure how to feel about it.”
Shalnark hummed. From the camera he placed at her front door and room, he’d seen several… things. Thankfully for (Name), he removed the camera before she and Kurapika enjoyed their night together.
“I see.”
“Now answer my question, Shalnark. How did you know that?”
The blonde only shrugged. “Dunno!”
Knowing she wouldn’t be getting an answer from him, the girl only sighed and pulled out the cookies she’d brought. “There’s at least two for everyone, and…”
She stepped forward, towards the coffin covered in flowers. The lingering troupe members watched as she placed an offering of freshly baked goods on top. “I hope you like these, Paku. They’re cat cookies. I… I really wanted you to meet my kitties one day…”
Shalnark stepped forward to comfort the crying girl. “She would of loved those, (Name). Thank you…”
He held her as she cried, patting her back.
(Name) looked over the cast green field after walking out of the small tower. “So, this is greed island… Killua and Gon are supposed to be here, along with Fei and Phinks. Hmm…”
The girl stepped out, twirling around. “Hmm… they said to wait after I got here… so I guess I’ll just…”
She sat under the tower, pulling her knees to her chest. It had only been a few minutes, but she was already growing bored. “Did he say how long it would take? I can’t remember…”
“Did. Second line of note.”
(Name) jumped at the voice sounding next to her, her eyes lighting up immediately. “Fei!”
Feitan grunted when she jumped into his arms, his hands moving down to her hips immediately. “Took longer than thought.” he said, pinching her hip.
(Name) pouted, half heartedly swatting his hand away. “I… I was busy with a friend.”
He nodded, quickly pulling his hands away when a low whistle resounded next to him. “I see you’ve got your girl back now, Fei.”
Feitan had long since given up on correcting his fellow Troupe members on the relationship he had with (Name). Part of him didn’t want to, he truly did see her as his woman.
But that didn’t mean he didn’t get embarrassed, especially when (Name) was in war shot. “Your girl?” (Name) asked, tilting her head.
Feitan waved his hand dismissively. “Don’t listen to Phinks. Stupid.”
“Stupid and smell like cheap cologne. Stinks.”
“Oh you little bastard!”
She watched as the two glared at each other, giggling into her hand. “Oh, stop it. No need for all of that. SOO…”
She leaned her head against Feitan’s shoulder, causing the man to stiffen, then relax. “What’s our plans?”
The two glanced at each other before looking back to her. “About that, (Name)…” Phinks said softly, scratching the back of his head.
“You go back.”
(Name) blinked, looking at Feitan with a raised eyebrow. “Go back? What do you mean, I just got here.”
Phinks sighed, taking over. “Listen, there’s been a lot of player deaths recently…”
‘Aside from the ones we’ve caused.’ Phinks thoight, keeping it to himself.
“And we think it’s better if you go back home and wait for us to come get you.” he finished, patting her shoulder.
(Name) looked between the two, eyes starting to get a bit watery. “Fei… I can handle myself. You’re underestimating me again…”
The dark haired man began to panic at the sight of tears streaming down her cheeks. “No, no cry. Not underestimating. Just…”
He took a deep breath, leaning against one of the pillars supporting the tower. “Just worried.”
(Name) sniffled a little, wiping at her tears. “Worried? You’re worried… about me?”
He nodded slowly, glad that his coat was covering his slowly turning pink cheeks.
(Name) looked at him before leaning forward to plant a kiss on his cheek. “That’s sweet, Fei. Thank you.”
He could barely control the urge to pin her against the column and take her right there. (Name) was always so sweet, so cute. He felt the tip of his ears turn red, quickly turning away from her.
Phinks noticed this, snickering lightly. “Okay lovebirds, let’s get (Name) back to the hideout.”
Phinks pulled out a Leave card, holding it out to (Name) and instructing her on how to use it. Before she did, she looked to Feitan, here eyes softening.
He stepped toward her, leaning into her touch when she cupped his cheek. He was embarrassingly weak to her touch, unable to keep himself from pulling away. “Yes?”
Her lips hovered over his, before she pulled away with warm cheeks. “I’ll see you l-later?”
And with that she was gone, leaving Feitan red as a tomato, reaching out to the empty spot in front of him.
“She almost…”
“She was about to kiss you. Man, aren’t you lucky?”
Feitan snapped out of his daze her presence had him in, turning on his heels. “Let’s go. Have work to do.”
(Name) fell onto the floor of their hideout, rubbing her ass and cursing. “Shit…”
Shalnark and Machi were in fighting stances in front of her, relaxing when her familiar aura reached them. “Oh, it’s just you.” Machi said, sitting back down.
Shalnark helped (Name) up, brushing off her skirt for her. “You took quite the tumble, huh? Why are you back so early?”
(Name) frowned at that, folding her arms over her chest. “Feitan and Phinks said it was too dangerous and I should go back. Apparently a lot of players have been dying lately.”
Shalnark nodded, tapping a finger against his chin. ‘It must be a real problem if Feitan sent (Name) back. He seemed so eager to her again.’
“Hmm… I see. Well, what are your plans now?”
(Name) sat down, pouting. “I’m not sure… I was hoping to spend more time with Fei, but… I guess I won’t be able to if he’s gonna be busy.”
Shalnark’s eyes softened ever so slightly, the man plopping down next to her. “Hey, no need to pout. I’m sure Fei will call you as soon as he’s able to. He…”
He trailed off, smiling. “He really does care about you, ya know? You’re… kind of his everything.”
This made (Name)’s face heat up. She playfully smacked Shalnark’s arm, giggling. “Oh don’t tease me. I…”
The blonde looked completely serious, putting a hand on her shoulder. “(Name), I don’t say this lightly, but your safety and happiness is Fei’s biggest priority. Your nen is incredibly useful, if he didn’t care about you he would have kept you in greed island despite the danger.”
She couldn’t argue with him, looking down at her lap. “Really..?”
She wasn’t asking because she didn’t believe him, she just needed that confirmation. “Really.”
Machi huffed, pushing herself off of the concrete slap she’d been sitting on. “We should get moving soon, considering those kids knew of our hideout.”
‘She means Gon and Killua.’ (Name) thought, a little sad she wouldn’t get to see them in Greed Island.
“Where did they say to meet them again?” Shalnark asked, pulling out his phone.
Machi listed out a location, making (Name) blink. “Oh, that’s really close to my home!l
Shalnark flicked her forehead. “You shouldn’t blurt things like that out, (Name). We’re criminals, remember?”
The girl poured, rubbing her forehead. “But… but you’re Feitan’s friends. I trust you!”
This caused the two to pause. It wasn’t often that they heard those words from anyone outside of the Troupe.
“It’s stupid to trust people you barely know.” Machi said, giving her a flick to the forehead as well, but it was halfhearted. It felt nice to be treated as a person, not like the cold hearted thieves they were.
But were they really all that cold hearted, when (Name)’s words warmed their chests so?
Shalnark suddenly perked up, grinning. “If where we’re heading is close to your home, we can accompany you there!”
“Shal.” Machi warned, raising an eyebrow. They both knew just how protective Feitan was of (Name), how he hadn’t even planned on most of them meeting her.
Shalnark shook his finger. “Ah, ah, ah! I’m sure Fei would prefer (Name) getting home safe and sound. Traveling alone is dangerous after all, especially after…”
A silence filled the air as Shalnark’s sentence trailed off. “After what?” (Name) asked, tilting her head.
‘After you’ve been associated with us.’ Shalnark thought. They’d been careful to conceal her identity, but a skilled nen user would be able to pick up on faint traces of the phantom troupes aura on her. It put a target on her back, and Feitan’s infrequent visits were probably to protect her.
“Nothing, nothing. The others are in town grabbing supplies right now, and we’ll be leaving after. You said you dropped your suitcase off with a friend, yeah?”
She nodded, and Shalnark smiled. “I’ll take you into town to grab it. And don’t worry, I have my own business to take care of so I won’t snoop.”
“I haven’t even said yes to going with you all.” (Name) said with a laugh.
“Oh? Do you not want us at your home? How cruel!” Shalnark teased, holding an arm over his face. She giggled, removing his arm to look at him.
“I didn’t say that, silly. You’re all welcome.”
He didn’t expect his heart to thump against his chest like it did when she began pulling him away. “Let’s get going then, before my friend mails my suitcase off!”
Leorio handed her suitcase, giving her a hug before she was off again. Shalnark was waiting by a boba shop, holding two cups.
“Here, I got you one.”
She gasped, taking it. “Oh, thank you!”
The two left, but not heading towards the hideout. Instead they showed up at the airport, where the others were waiting. Shizuku, Franklin, and Kortopi.
“Oh, hey (Name).” Franklin said, waving at you with his large hand. She waved back, Shizuku tilting her head at her.
“(Name)? Isn’t that Feitan’s girlfriend?”
Franklin grasped Shizuku’s head. “You’re not supposed to say that part out loud, Shizuku.”
“Oh. Sorry. Hello (Name)!”
Said girl stood there with her face growing hot. “Hello… and hi Kortopi.”
The small… person waved.
Shalnark helped (Name) onto the airship, Franklin carrying her suitcase. “Let’s get seated. It’s going to be a long ride.”
As the day turned into night, (Name) ended up falling asleep on Shalnark’s shoulder. Out of the bunch of them, he was the least intimidating.
“Ooo, if Feitan saw he would be pissed.” Shizuku said, pointing to the two.
“Bleh, what he doesn’t know can’t hurt him.”
Shalnark gently ran his hand over her hair. ‘Fei better treat her right. She’s special, truly.’
It took a few days for the group to reach (Name)’s home, and once they were walking down the path to her house, she started getting excited.
“I can’t wait for you all to meet my cats!”
Shizuku nodded, walking alongside her. It seemed the dark haired girl subconsciously stuck near (Name). Maybe it was her soothing presence, maybe it was because she was the only other girl in the group, but she felt pulled towards her. “Pakunoda liked cats.”
A silence fell over the group, (Name)’s smile fading. “Yeah…”
The awkward silence of was broken when Franklin breathed in, his eyebrows furrowing.
“Is that…”
He pushed between (Name) and Shizuku, walking forward. “Smoke.”
(Name) blinked, tilting her head. “Smoke? Why would there be smoke? Maybe one of my neighbors is burning leaves or something…”
Shalnark and Franklin glanced at each other as they continued walking.
As they drew closer to (Name)’s home, the smell of smoke became more intense. At some point, (Name)’s walk became a jog, before she started straight up sprinting.
“No… no it can’t be!”
Her home, or at least what was left of it came into view. Shalnark was running after her, attempting to grab her arm to pull her away but she moved too quick.
“Tammy! Missy!” she screamed out. Her home was in ashes, the surrounding fruit trees burnt to a crisp. (Name)’s eyes filled with tears, stepping over what once used to be the threshold of her home.
Shalnark pulled her back by the waist, causing the girl to kick and scream. “No, let me go! I have to search for my cats! I c-“
“Use Gyo!”
She paused, focusing her aura into her eyes.
She scanned the rubble of her home, seeing no aura. “See? They aren’t here. Even if they were… killed in the fire, there would still be a faint aura lingering for a few days at least.”
She relaxed, taking in a few breaths before turning on her heels. “Their cat sitter… I told her she could take them to her house if she was too busy. She must have them!”
Shalnark nodded, gesturing for her to call her cat sitter. She walked off to speak to the cat sitter as the others inspected her home.
Shizuku shrugged. “It’s possible something caught fire inside. Maybe the cat sitter left the stove on.”
“No, it reeks of gasoline.” Franklin said with a shake of his head.
“Who would do this? (Name) doesn’t have any enemies, she’s-“
Shalnark paused, taking a better look at the scorched doorframe. There was something etched into the wood, his eyes widening in anger.
It was a star, with an eye in the middle.
“That’s… the symbol of the human traffickers that hurt (Name).” Shalnark said, just loud enough for the others to hear him, but quiet enough that it didn’t reach (Name).
Shalnark took a picture of the mark. “I’m glad we came with her. There’s no telling what could of happened had she been alone.”
Shizuku left the others, again wandering towards (Name). The girl gave Shizuku a smile, causing her to tilt her head.
(Name) came walking back with Shizuku in tow, a smile on her face. “She has my cats, so they’re safe.”
“That’s great news, (Name).” Shalnark said, giving her the best smile he could. His mind was racing, trying to sort everything out. ‘Are they back? Why would they burn her home down? It doesn’t make sense… at least we have a confirmation that the organization is indeed still active.’
(Name) sighed, sitting down on the remnants of her porch. “I guess this means that I’m homeless. Again.” she huffed, Shizuku sitting next to her.
“Hey, (Name)?”
She looked to see Shalnark standing before her. He was smiling, but it was strained. “Yes?”
The blonde took a moment to respond, picking his words carefully. “I… think it’s best if you come with us.”
“… I mean I’m not against it, but why?”
Shalnark bit his lip. He didn’t want to bring up the painful memories of her past. He knew full well that her mood would be soured, and she didn’t have Feitan to clingy to for comfort right now. “We’re going to see Fei.”
This was a detail they’d left out. “You’re… what? Why didn’t you tell me before?”
He looked away, rubbing his neck. “We figured he would prefer if you didn’t come, considering how dangerous it was on Greed Island. But…”
The image of the mark on the doorframe flashed in his head. “Things have changed. We aren’t exactly traveling to meet him anyways, we were just getting ready for when he came back through the console. That and get as close as we can to greed island.”
“But… greed island is a game, is it not?”
As Shalnark explained that, the sun started to go down. “Ah, we should get a hotel for the night.”
The next morning, (Name) woke up the the sound of arguing. Her and Shizuku had shared a room for the night, the girl stirring in the other bed.
“It’s too early in the morning for them to be fighting.” Shizuku groaned, covering her head with a pillow. (Name) patted her back.
“I’ll go talk to them. You rest.”
Shizuku peeked from under her pillow as (Name) left the room, feeling fuzzy. She couldn’t deny that it felt nice to have someone worry about such an insignificant thing as her getting to sleep in. ‘She’s nice…’
(Name) knocked on the boys hotel room. “Hey, why are you arguing s-“
The door swung open, revealing a disgruntled Feitan. “Fei!”
She tackled him in a hug, sending them both sprawling to the floor. The man yelped, and the rest of the men stared wide eyed. They’d never heard him make that sound before.
He stared up at her, cupping her cheek as gently as he could. Feitan was conflicted. He was excited to see her again, but when Shalnark informed him of what happened… he felt his blood pressure rise.
“I missed you…” (Name) said softly, leaning into his touch. It was hard for him not to cave and pull her in, to press kisses into her soft cheeks, but he held back.
He didn’t want the others to think he was weak, after all.
“Just saw me few days ago.” he said in a hushed voice, helping her stand up. She pouted, putting her hands on her hips.
“I always miss you, Fei. Even if it’s only been a few days.”
She always knew how to make his heart race with just a few words. The dark haired man didn’t answer her, instead sitting on one of the beds.
“So, we’re going to be visiting greed island, yeah? When do we leave?” (Name) asked, plopping down onto the bed. Feitan shrugged.
“Want to do soon as possible.”
As they spoke about their plans, (Name) leaned her head against Feitan’s shoulder, still tired. It was only 7 am, and they’d gone to bed late due to Shizukus ramblings.
As she dozed off, Feitan allowed her to lie her head in his lap instead. “Always falling asleep.” he said, running his hand over her hair. “Should be more alert.”
She hummed softly. “When I’m around you, I know I can let my guard down for a bit…”
Feitan’s hand trembled ever so slightly as he continued to run his hand over her hair. Once she was asleep, the conversation shifted. “Said you found mark of human trafficking?” Feitan asked, his hand trembling for an entirely different reason now.
Shalnark nodded, leaning against the wall as he pulled up the picture on his phone. “Yep, clear as day. I assume they had some part in burning down her house.”
Feitan cursed, gritting his teeth. “Bastards. What more they want from her? Haven’t taken enough?”
Franklin grunted. “One of the last orders from the Boss was to get as much information on that organization as possible.”
“Yeah.” Feitan said, looking down at (Name). She looked so peaceful in her sleep, despite all the horror she’d been through, despite the fact her house had been burned to a crisp.
“What are we gonna do about the girl?” Kortopi asked, pointing a finger in (Name)’s direction.
“Well we can’t just leave her alone. They’re obviously after her, for some reason or another.” Shalnark pointed out.
“And she’s the only link we have to the organization that was taking Meteor City kids.” Franklin said, looking down at the girl.
“She stay with me.” Feitan answered, placing a hand on her back and rubbing soothingly. “My woman. Need her to be safe.”
Phinks walked in then, carrying a few takeout bags with Shizuku in tow. “Hey, I got breakfast.”
After breakfast, (Name) left to go change into some new clothes. She was happy she overpacked, considering all the clothes she left behind in her home were now gone.
Feitan accompanied her, not wanting to let the girl out of his sight. “Hurry up.” he grumbled, waiting on her bed.
She walked out of the bathroom wearing a pair of jean overalls and a pink turtleneck underneath. There was a cute bunny stitched into the chest pocket, Feitan finding her adorable.
“I thought this would be warm and cute. What do you think, Fei?”
He stared at her for a moment before answering. “Warm definitely.”
She giggled, slipping into her sneakers. “Fei~”
“… yes?”
She leaned forward, giving him a hug. “I wasn’t joking when I said I missed you. The last few days have been tough, and…”
He could her her choking up, and it broke his heart. He shushed her with a squeeze to her thigh, causing the girl to yelp. “I’m here now. Protect you.”
She nodded, nuzzling into his shoulder. “Thank you, Fei…”
He held her close, the thought of her returning home alone and possibly being hurt by the people who caused her so much pain as a child made his blood boil. Feitan couldn’t let her be alone, now that he knew they were after her.
They left the hotel at 8:30 am, and got on a boat to sail towards green island at around 10 am.
By the time they reach it, it was nearly sunset. (Name) was being carried by Feitan after falling asleep again, and their interaction with Razor after breaking into Greed Island sent them back to the nearest shoreline.
“Fuck, that was just a huge waste of time!” Phinks groaned out, kicking the nearest tree. It toppled over, nearly crushing Franklin.
“Hey, quiet. She sleeps.” Feitan hissed out, holding (Name) close. Phinks huffed, marching away to let some steam off.
“Guess we’ll get back in the “legal” way next.” Shalnark said, keeping his voice low.
Feitan didn’t like this idea. Bringing (Name) back into Greed Island posed more risks to her safety, but there was no way he’d leave her alone without someone he trusted to watch over her.
“Have to make quick. Can’t let her be alone too long. Risky.”
(Name) stirred in his arms, the man patting her back to help her ease back into a more restful sleep.
The group returned to the game, seeing Chrollo’s name had been registered there. Unfortunately it wasn’t Chrollo’s but Hisoka.
The good news was, there was an exorcist that could remove Kurapika’s nen blade in Chrollo’s heart.
As plans were carried and deals were made, (Name) was kept distracted by Shizuku, who had plenty to talk about, even if most of her rambles were idle chat that didn’t mean much. (Name) listened intently though, occasionally butting in to share her opinion.
This seemed to make Shizuku quite happy. Not many people listened to her rants, and she finally had an outlet.
The two turned to see Feitan returning, looking tired. (Name) jumped up from her seat on a stump, walking over.
“We leaving.”
He handed her and Shizuku a leave card each.
(Name) sat on the old sofa of an abandoned house, occasionally sneezing. It was dusty and cold, but not that awful. At least there was a roof over her head.
The group made the abandoned house their temporary hideout as they discussed certain matters.
“It’ll take the exorcist at least a few months to find and help Chrollo. It’s best we go our separate ways and rest until we get word from them.”
(Name) frowned at this. The past few days she’s been so busy moving place to place that she hadn’t even had the time to grieve the loss of her home, or form any plans on what she’d do about it.
‘I could return to my parents house, but it’s already crowded there, and it will just worry mom and dad…’ she thought, sighing into the apple juice box Feitan had stolen for her.
“What’s wrong?” Shalnark asked, noticing (Name)’s sad sighs. “You’ve been sighing for the better part of two hours.”
“What doesn’t she have to be sad about? Her house burnt down.” Shizuku pointed out, causing (Name) to sigh again.
“Do you have somewhere to stay?”
(Name) looked up to see Phinks standing over her. She had always found him to be a bit intimidating, but now his voice was soft and caring.
“No… I mean yes, but… I could stay with my parents but they have a lot to deal with already and I don’t want to worry them.”
Feitan held onto her hand. “… could stay with me.”
(Name) looked up, her cheeks warm. “W-what?”
“Yeah!” Shalnark agreed enthusiastically. “Fei, Phinks, and I are all roommates! There’s a spare bedroom we use for…”
He wanted to say the room they used to keep Feitan’s victims in before being taken down to the basement, but he was quick to clear his throat. “We use for storage. You can stay there while you get your affairs in order!”
She began to tear up, causing all three of the usually cold hearted men to tense up. “Thats so sweet of you to say… I really don’t want to be a burden…”
“No. Not burden.”
Feitan held onto her hand tightly, not caring that the others were looking at him. “Important.”
Nobunaga leaned against the wall, nodding. “Not only did Uvo and Paku adore you, but the boss said treat you as our own, and we don’t leave our comrades out on the street.”
Feitan swiped away her tears with his calloused fingers. “You take care of me, I take care of you.”
This was what sent (Name) over the edge. She began openly sobbing, leaning her head against Feitan’s chest. “Th-thank you Fei! I love you…”
He wrapped his arms around his, feeling his face turn red. “… we leave in morning. Make sure you packed up.”
They reached Feitan’s shared home a few days later. (Name) was exhausted from the constant travel, and just wanted to collapse into the guest bedrooms bed.
However, when she tried to open the door, she was blocked by Shalnark. “Woah, uh, you can’t go in there yet. We still have to… clear things out.”
She raised an eyebrow, but was too tired to question it. Instead, she plopped down onto the couch to nap, before she fell asleep, she noticed how filthy the home was.
There were fruit flies everywhere, dirty dishes in the sink, dirty clothes strewn across the floor. ‘I have my work cut out for me…’ (Name) thought as she drifted off to sleep, pulling the throw blanket over herself.
She woke up a few hours later, feeling refreshed yet exhausted at the same time. The house reeked like rotting food, sweat, and dirty laundry.
“Okay boys.”
She stood before the three, who she’d called into the living room. “We got your room cleared out!” Shalnark said cheerily.
“Good boy. Anyways-“
Shalnark’s jaw dropped as she continued talking, having to cross his legs to hide his boner.
“This house is a wreck. I say this with love, truly, BUT HOW DO YOU LIVE LIKE THIS?? I saw a dirty sock in the fridge!!”
“It’s not dirty, I like to keep my socks cold.” Phinks said, shrugging.
“Okay if you want to keep your socks in the fridge at least put it in a ziplock bag. Our food is in there.”
“We don’t have ziplock bags.”
“And that ties into my next point. There’s like nothing here! If you told me this house was abandoned I would believe you. There’s no rags, no oven mitts, no silverware.”
Feitan shrugged. “None can cook. Eat out.”
She groaned. “Fei, sweetheart, that’s not sustainable.”
“Still alive.” He countered.
(Name) rubbed her temple. “Okay, I see that talking this out is useless. I’m going to town and getting the essentials, then I’ll be cleaning this house so living here will be tolerable.”
‘She ain’t even been here a day and she’s already acting like she owns the place.’ Phinks thought, amused.
She begin to pull out her wallet, but Feitan snatched it out of her hand. “Hey!”
“What you doing??”
She huffed, reaching for her wallet. “I was seeing what my budget would be for shopping.”
He raised an eyebrow. “We give you money for that. Don’t spend your own.”
Feitan placed her wallet in his pocket. “Stolen money, don’t worry.”
She pursed her lips. ‘That doesn’t help anything.’ she thought, pulling her backpack on.
“I’m going into town. I’ll be back in an hour.”
Feitan was about to offer to accompany her, but Shalnark pulled him back. “Hey, we need to talk over some things.”
He glanced at (Name), who was walking out the door before signing. “Wear mask on face. Keeps you from being recognized.” he called out after her.
They waited for her to fade close the before her before speaking.
“When she was sleeping at the hotel, I found a tracking device on her.”
Feitan’s casual grip on the wall next to him turned into a tight grip, small cracks forming in it. “What?”
Shalnark nodded. “It was pretty advanced tech, it took me nearly 30 minutes to remove it. I ended up driving a good ways away from the hotel and leaving it in a trash can in the next town. Hopefully that will get whoever has been tracking her off her trail.”
Feitan could barely hear him, he was panicking. ‘Who would want to track her!?’
Phinks put a hand on his shoulder. “Hey, man, it’s going to be alright. He removed the tracker, so no one will know she’s here.”
Feitan nodded slowly, moving to sit on the couch.
(Name) grunted, struggling to carry the groceries and essential items she bought for the house. It was as much as she could get in one trip, she’d have to go with the others the next day for more.
“I’m home!”
Shalnark was quick to run to the door and help her with the bags she was carrying in. “Woah, you sure got a lot.”
She nodded, gesturing for him to walk towards the kitchen. Shalnark followed behind her, putting things up as she took things out. “I saw there were no cleaning supplies besides a broom, mop, and bleach, so I went ahead and got all the essentials!”
She began unloading cleaning supplies, pulling on a pair of gloves. “Shalnark, please vacate the area. I need to get into the zone.”
He stifled a laugh at how serious she looked, just giving her a nod before leaving the kitchen. Once he was out of earshot, (Name) turned on her phone and started playing pop music as she got to work.
Shalnark glanced back at the kitchen before walking down the basement stairs, the sounds of muscle tearing and blood dripping barely fazing him. “Hey, Fei?”
The dark haired man looked up from his victim, eyes narrowed. “What? Busy.”
“Please… help…”
Shalnark ignored the poor bastard on the table. His rib cage was exposed, Feitan occasionally snapping a rib then chuckling.
“I just wanted to tell you (Name) is home, so try to be more quiet.”
Fei perked up at that, dropping his pliers onto the man’s chest before pulling off his blue rubber gloves. “She home? When she get back?”
“Just a few minutes ago, and she’s on a cleaning spree.”
Feitan snorted, walking over to the deep stainless steel sink to wash his hands and upper arms. “Would do that.”
He followed Shalnark upstairs, stopping when they reached the kitchen door. The sound of some love song was playing behind it, with (Name) singing along.
They looked at each other before entering.
“Holy shit.”
In the fifteen minutes Shalnark had been gone, she’s nearly transformed the place from a pigsty to a functional kitchen.
There was something cooking on the stove, steam rising from a large pot they hadn’t had before. It smelled amazing, causing Shalnark to sigh contentedly.
She placed the last dish they had, which was not many, onto a towel she was using to let them dry. (Name) looked up, giving them a smile. “Hey, boys, I was just finishing up with the kitchen. I’m making some stew for dinner, it should be ready in an hour or so.”
Shalnark fell at her feet, wrapping his arms around her legs and nuzzling against her thighs. “You’re an angel, sent from above!”
Feitan was quick to scoot Shalnark out of the way with his food, growling lowly as he pulled (Name) into his arms. He didn’t like others touching what was his, especially not someone like Shalnark who was good with women.
“Aww, Fei, what’s wrong?”
(Name) cupped his cheek, giving him a concerned look. “He’s just jealous.” Shalnark blurred out before running away from Feitan.
She shook her head at the two, getting back to work.
By the time dinner was ready, she finished throwing away all of the old food and picking up the laundry strewn across the living room. The house was far from clean, but it certainly looked better.
“This is delicious!” Shalnark explained, wolfing down the stew (Name) prepared. She blushed, waving her hand dismissively.
“It’s just a simple stew, nothing special.”
“Still, it’s quite tasty.” Phinks said, taking another bite.
Feitan ate silently, but he too was enjoying his meal. It reminded him of the days he spent living with (Name), and his heart fluttered when he remembered that those days would be able to continue, considering she lived with them now.
“Tomorrow I’m going grocery shopping again. It was hard to carry it all back alone so could one of you come with me?”
Although Feitan wanted to volunteer, his hands were tied. Phinks raised his hand. “I’ll go. I’m not busy tomorrow.”
With that, the group finished dinner and went their separate ways for bed.
(Name) entered what would be her room for the first time, sighing softly. The room was plain, with a queen size bed, ratty gray comforter, and a desk next to it. She huffed when she plopped down onto the bed.
“It’ll keep me warm tonight at least, but I’ll have to add a comforter to the list for tomorrow.”
A knock at the door made her jump. “Come in?”
Feitan opened the door, peeking in. “(Name).”
The dark haired man approached her, sitting on the bed. “Doing alright?”
(Name) sighed, leaning her head against his shoulder. “I guess. It’s all a lot to handle. The last week has been exhausting.”
Feitan nodded slowly, his finger rubbing circles into the back of her hand. “Understandable. Lost home.”
She turned to him suddenly, smiling. “I’m just glad I have you, Fei. Without you, I would have…”
She stopped, her eyes half lidded as she looked at him. They were so close, noses nearly touching. Feitan swallowed, feeling his heart begin to race.
He took a moment to answer, his eyes on her lips. “Yes?”
She leaned forward, inching ever closer. “Would it… would it be okay if I kissed you right now?”
She didn’t receive an audible answer, instead, Feitan’s hand shot out and pulled her in by the front of her shirt, crashing his lips into hers.
His arms wrapped around her, pulling her as close as possible as he kissed her. She relaxed into the kiss, reaching up to run her fingers through his hair, mewling into his mouth when his tongue began to dance with hers.
He pulled away, panting as he stared at her. “Wanted… wanted to do that for long time.”
Her face was hot, the girl nodding slowly. “Me too…”
Although Feitan wanted to pin her down and take her now, he knew she was exhausted. So the man stood, planting a kiss on the top of her head. “Goodnight (Name).”
She pulled him down for another kiss, causing the dark haired man to melt. When she pulled away, he was staring at her with the softest eyes she’d ever seen him make. “Goodnight, Fei.”
Feitan sunk onto his bed, stroking his cock to the feeling of her lips on his that still lingered. He wanted nothing more than to have her pussy sinking onto his cock, to hear her little moans and whimpers, but…
He came, staring up at the ceiling.
Feitan wouldn’t be able to wait for her much longer.
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mamayan · 10 months
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Warnings: Psychotic tendencies, violence, fractured ankle, choking, nsfw, afab reader, penetration, cursing, initial dub-con, overstimulation, implied kidnapping, initial forced relationship, Stockholm syndrome, oral (m! receiving) (reader receiving), overall not safe for the general public and absolutely not for anyone under the age of 18.
Synopsis: Phinks loves the progress you’ve made in your “relationship”. He’s just occasionally plagued with guilt in what it took to get where you are today, so to help relieve it, he’ll spoil you.
He jolted awake like someone had slapped him. His heart racing in his chest, Phinks clutched at the skin and flesh covering the offending organ, willing himself to calm down as he logically assesses the situation.
Like a fucking child, he’d had a nightmare.
Annoyance nibbled at the edges of his consciousness, but the deep sinking feeling in his gut was still prominent. His gaze landed to the left, where you slept, peaceful and ignorant to his plight. Curled up like a kitten for a nap, you were oblivious and so fucking adorable he finally felt himself calm down. He’d dreamed of your face, a familiar sight that used to haunt him in reality when he’d first taken you, drowning in tears. He hated it. Hated seeing you cry, to witness any distress. He was your protector, in his presence you should feel nothing but completely safe.
He also had to acknowledge that this was as flawed as it was fucked.
He was patient for months with you though. Careful and mindful of anything that may set you off, even though everything set you off. You’d cried for weeks on end, driving him nearly insane. Punishment did nothing to change your course of action, neither did reward, nor even threat to your family or friends. You just sobbed and begged to go home.
He didn’t mean to, and even to this day he’s riddled with guilt like now, when he dreams and remembers when you stopped crying. He made you stop, in a horrific and sick manner of straight forward violence.
He frowned, watching you twist in the sheets and mumble, your hand reaching out to his side of the bed where he’d normally be asleep and available for you to grab onto. His eyes traveled down your body, landing on your foot and ankle peeking out from under the comforter. The nen stitches Machi used left many scars littering such a small space. He’d called her in a panic, your silence for the first time making him want to vomit.
When he’d first snapped. Threatened to show you a real reason to cry, and while he’d had no intention of laying a finger on you that would hurt you, your lashing out had startled him. You’d fallen to the floor and backed yourself into a corner like a scared animal. Kicking and hissing at his attempt to grab and calm you, and when your foot finally landed a good hit on his jaw, it’d been instinctual.
He crushed your ankle.
It was the first time you’d been so silent after he’d taken you. The only noise for a while just the quick crushing of bone and snapping of tendon, and then your labored breathing. You’d gone into shock immediately of course, and he had to keep Machi on the line while she explained all the right steps to keep you from possibly dying before she got to the house.
How quiet you were for the months it took to heal, how compliant you where to all his help in just everyday living. He didn’t know how to apologize, not like a normal man would, he wasn’t normal. He felt the guilt weigh on him, because after that, you both never spoke of the incident. As if it never happened. It became just an unspoken rule, when he’d feel the guilt and remorse settle in, that he’d spoil you and give you whatever you wanted.
You seemed to take pity, or maybe you really forgave him. He wasn’t as delusional as he appeared, but hope still lingered in his chest. You’d asked him for a new dress. He’d happily stolen it for you, one just like you’d requested from a top designer.
It started small, and you weren’t generally a greedy a person. You’d request a newly released movie, a game, or a stuffed animal. Those pillows filled with some sort of cloud pudding with cute animal or food designs held you captive currently. It became a collectors game of sorts with you, the bigger and squishier the better by your opinion. He’d had to create netting to hang a hammock up in the corner of the room just to display your little treasures that couldn’t fit in the bed. It squeezed his heart every time he saw you sleeping curled around one.
When you’d finally consented to intimacy, leaned into his touches, lips, and hands, he spoiled you in new ways. His mouth on your sweet cunt one of them. He’d spend all day between your thighs if he could. Though, he was aware the overstimulation could become painful after a certain point for you, so he was cautious in keeping a good middle ground when his tongue lapped at your clit and fingers curled inside your gummy walls. Phinks was not an ignorant man in the bedroom, even before you, but he’d never really given a shit about any random hook up. Their orgasms were merely by products of him searching for his own.
You were different though. You were perfection, his heart personified, as cheesy at it all sounded. He’d never say that sort of sappy shit out loud, but he hoped his actions conveyed how damn precious you were to him… even when they didn’t. Even when all he wanted to do was push you face first into all the little cute pillows you love, and bury his leaking cock inside you. His love was rough sometimes, it was just part of him, so he hoped even when you begged and cried for him to slow down or give you a break, and his hips kept snapping against your ass, you knew he just couldn’t contain his love for you.
A soft groan brought his attention back up to your face. You looked mildly irritated in your sleep, and he wondered if you were having that same dream again. The one where you were working an endless shift as a fast food cashier and whoever was at your drive up window just kept making unintelligible orders that drove you wild. His lip twitched as the amusing memory of you retelling the dream and frustrations experienced. The blanket was entirely twisted around you but simultaneously not covering your body at all.
It wasn’t his fault his cock was now rock hard, looking at the t-shirt you wore to bed having completely ridden up to reveal only you in your underwear. Even the little scrap of fabric couldn’t hide your sweet cunt from his view, your legs parted and spread just the slightest bit for him to peek at. He wouldn’t be able to sleep till he tasted you, and this wouldn’t be the first time he’d woken you between your thighs.
Careful not to make a lot of noise and wake you, Phinks gently slid your panties off. He brought the slightly damp fabric to his face, palming his cock through his boxers as he indulged in the scent you’d saturated the fabric in. A soft and barely audible groan left his lips as he discarded the garment in favor of the scent’s source. With soft kisses placed on your inner thighs, Phinks finally stuck his long tongue out to drag up from your core to your clit.
The first lick made you twitch, but thankfully you remained peacefully asleep. Phinks gave you second, loving the way your legs spread themselves a little wider for him. Your mind might not be fully aware, but your body certainly remembers him and the pleasure he brings it. Grinning, he finally stops his teasing and dives into your cunt with passion. He’s no longer worried about waking you, you’ll be pulled from slumber sooner or later anyway. He focuses on diving inside you, the tip of his tongue rubbing and stretching your tight pussy, his hips driving into the mattress as his cock begs to feel exactly what his tongue is experiencing. Little gasps and moans begin to join the wet squelching, Phinks finally feeling your first orgasm break as he sucks hard on your clit.
He doesn’t stop. Not as you shake and writhe beneath him, instead he focuses on keeping your thighs locked open so he can keep relishing in his favorite dessert.
“Oh fuck, Phinks!” Your hand in his hair and loud moans finally alert him to your conscious state. He was licking and sucking like he was starved. Your poor clit not shown any mercy as he began focusing all his efforts there, two fingers moving to prod and seek entrance inside you. Phinks loved how you wiggled and tugged at his fair for more. More of him, more of what only he could give you, more pleasure. He sunk two fingers in easily, finger pads curling and rubbing the little spongey spot inside that has your toe curling and mouth opening wide to scream his name as you come again.
“Phinks!” He chuckled against your twitching cunt. Your insides trying to grasp onto his digits while you squealed as he went right back at it, languidly drawing circles around your clit even as you shook and spasmed. “S’too much!” He loved how you pretended to be unable to take anymore, your sleepy whines and moans precious. Even as you tried to push his head away, feeling too sensitive for it all after just waking, he just kept at it. Knowing as long as he kept bullying that spot inside you with his fingers and his tongue lavishing your clit, you’d-
“N-no, ngh!” The quick copious amounts of liquid squirting out your cunt was what he lived for. Your shrill cry of pleasure and pain music to his ears.
“Fuck, that’s it baby, come all over my face. So fucking good, look at you.” He’s menacing as he comes up to lean over your limp panting body.
“You want this?” He asks, nodding down at his raging erection, smirking as he sees your eyes widened and tongue dart out to wet your lips.
“Y-yes please.” He groans, loving how sweet and compliant you were when he woke you up like this. Scooting up closer on his knees, Phinks still took the time to spit in his hand and pump his cock a few times before taping it against your soaked entrance. Gritting his teeth, Phinks let’s the fat mushroom tip slip inside, loving how quickly you arch your back for more. “Yeah? My cock that good?” He’s going slow and steady, but your next words have him nearly going feral.
“Nothing better than your cock Phinks! So good- oh!” He’s slamming all the way in before you’re even finished. Smashing his tip right up against your cervix before pulling out and repeating. He’s gripping your hips and fucking you savagely, all thoughts of control gone as he watches you claw at his chest and beg for more.
“So good! S-so good Phinks!” He laughs, amused and amazed all at once how lucky he is. His chest feels heavy inside but the pleasure of your tight wet heat clamping down on him makes it hard to not stay in the moment. He just wants to fuck you forever, never leave your sweet cunt, never leave you. His expression screwed up almost as if he’s in pain as he takes you at a brutal pace despite your sensitivity.
Phinks isn’t fucking you like this for any other reason than love.
He’s watching you every second of it, adoration clearly in your eyes and fueling his own for you. This is what he’d always wanted, for you to love him like this back. One hand moves to cup your cheek, thumb caressing your skin in sharp contrast to his repeated movements to bury his cock as far in as he possibly can. “All mine, aren’t you?” You nearly don’t catch it, too caught up in the pleasure. A soft tap wakes you back up as you focus in on him despite how impossible he makes it. “Who do you belong to?” Phinks kindly asks again, smirking as your soft hands travel up his arms to grip him and ground yourself. His hips never faltering for even a moment as the room echoes the sounds of your cunt being so thoroughly used.
“Y-you!” He moans, feeling his spine tingle and balls draw tight.
“I belong t-to you Phinks!” He wishes it didn’t make him want to fall apart.
You’re being cradled and caged in his arms. His head burying in your neck as his knees scoot up and dip further into the mattress so your hips are raised.
“O-oh fuck Phinks!” He’s got you screaming now as he hits even deeper, his praises indecipherable as licks and sucks deep marks on your skin. He only groans as your cunt gushes again, this time around his cock as he pistons in and out of you. Focused only on your cries of pleasure and not squeezing you too tight and breaking you. His knuckles are white as he keeps them clenched beside your head.
“M’gonna fill you up” he’s close, his twitching cock signal enough but he always tells you when he’s going to come. Sweat dots his brow, a fine layer on your own skin as he heats your body up like a furnace. Your soft chest smashed against his firm muscular one, nipples rubbing just so as he drives himself wild inside you.
“Fuck fuck” he bites down softly by your collar bone as he comes. Hot spurts shooting deep as he stills and allows himself to come down while still wrapped around you.
“So good for me…” he’s sitting up a little to check on you, enamored once again at how lovely you are. So soft and perfect. So breakable.
Your sweet docile smile warming him.
He grins crookedly, kissing you with all the words he won’t say out loud.
Words like I’m sorry.
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hisokakissmeplz · 1 year
What it's Like Dating Them
Sorry I've been gone so long things have been hectic.
Probably the nicest boyfriend out of the three
he's gone a lot bc of his job so he definitely always comes back with a bunch of gifts
Fancy smacy dates at the finest restaurant obviously
Always wants you to wear his jacket
You're also probably a member of the troupe
Doesn't like it when you go on missions with other men (even if they're a member too)
You're not allowed around Hisoka period
He loves when you guys do simple things together too like snuggling and watching TV in fact he prefers it to fancy go out to eat dates
Long walks together
Super protective too and won't let you out of sight
He gets jealous easily but tries to be understanding
Loves holding your hand or hugging you from behind if he sees someone look at you a way he doesn't like
He reads to you sometimes
Would always smile and tell you good morning
A real emotional rollercoaster for starters
He gone a lot too but he tries to make up for it
Carnival dates and your favorite flowers, picnics and long walks, trips out to town
He's up for anything you want to do
Buys you anything you want
Sometimes he's steals just bc he thinks it's fun
First thing he does when he walks through the door is kiss you
He already has keys to your house or he just breaks in
but unlike Chrollo doesn't try to be understanding
worse he'll do is kill them, or purposely flirt with people infront if you to make you jealous
If he sees someone looking at you in a way he doesn't like he will most definitely put on a show for them
Hugging you, kissing you, grabbing you all while looking them straight in the eye
He wants them to know you're off limits
Would kill for you any day
You just mean that much to him
He's awkward with feelings bc you're his first ever real relationship like he's never had a partner before so he's kinda learning but he's still super loving
If you're strong enough to fight him he'll want to fight or at least train with you
Don't get it wrong though if anyone hurts you they're done for
He helps fix up your injuries after if you fight or he'll call Machi
He does try to make you jealous sometimes if he feels you're being distant too
He'll start petty arguments too just to piss you off bc he loves hate sex
He'll apologize the best he can afterwards if you're still mad at him afterwards but usually you're too tired to be mad at him after
He's never actually mad at you when it's petty arguments but he can get pretty angry over big stuff
It's not like usual anger though
He'll be super calm and give you the silent treatment or he'll walk out of the house and won't tell you where he's going or how long he'll be gone like he usually does
He will apologize if he's wrong though, after awhile
The most jealous out of the three
He sets out to kill anyone who might to steal you away
Exes, potential new partners, sometimes even concerned friends
He's not good with emotions or feelings either so he doesn't really know how to talk about them but he will always listen to you and whatever is going on
Oddly comforting
He's the oldest sibling so he's also super protective
This might sound weird but like mom energy yk
In the show one of the butlers comments on how much he acts like his mom or something so I feel like he would be super mom like just as a person
Ofc his mom is an assassin tho so it's not like normal mom energy it's like psycho mom energy
If that makes sense
He likes when you wear his clothes
He wouldn't tell you that tho he'll just sorta smile to himself or whatever he does when he's happy I'm not super sure
Also a fan of hate sex
He wouldn't purposely start arguments with you though, like Hisoka
He likes when you're both super mad at each other and then you fuck more as an apology
Probably bc he doesn't know how to apologize
He doesn't like the idea of you fighting even if you're strong enough or you're an assassin
You're also probably not allowed neared any of his friends (Hisoka and Chrollo)
Hates when you two fight even if he likes hate sex
He knows he's not a good person but he wants to be good to you because he feels for you
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constellyations · 8 months
Hunter x Hunter ships I personally don’t like
These are ships that are NOT supported on my page.
Please note a couple things before reading.
1, I do not hate any ships for being WLW, MLM or NL (hetero) unless it’s the result of representation erasure (An example of this is in the Owl House Community. People ship Lunter and say that it’s ok because Luz is a canon Bisexual but it’s still WLW relationship erasure!!! I do not support Lunter btw…)
2, I’m gonna mention stuff like proshipping and toxic relationships so please be warned if you’re triggered by those types of things do not read under the cut
3, I’m also gonna talk about ships I lovehate due to having extremely mixed opinions.
Alright that’s all!! Enjoy your reading and please remember to respect my opinions and interpretations of the characters. This will also include spoilers for the entire animated series.
Killunary (Killua x Canary)
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There are a couple reasons why I don’t like this ship but it’s mostly because of the power imbalance. Certain employee x employer ships just don’t work due to extreme power imbalance. The main example of this is the Zoldyck family and their abusive nature towards all the butlers, including how Kikyo treats Canary when she got close to Killua.
The other reason is because I see Killua as a heavily MLM coded character. And I’m sorry if you don’t agree but based on both his canon and non-canon interactions with the various women of the story, I don’t think he’s straight. I personally think he might be gay/vincian but it’s up to interpretation!! I cannot see Killua dating a girl. (This includes ships like KilluRetz and Killumane)
Hisomachi (Hisoka x Machi)
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Again, Hisoka is a heavily MLM coded character with Machi being the only woman in the series he’s shown possibly romantic interest in. Hisoka himself is an extremely harmful stereotype of a gay man being overly flamboyant but also predatory towards kids and women. That is a stereotype that is shown and pushed VERY often with Hisoka. (If you do view Machi as WLW, which I do, she’s also a harmful stereotype of the mean, man hating, lesbian./lh)
Also the fact that Machi straight up rejected his dinner offer in the Heaven’s Arena Arc should be enough to push the fact that she doesn’t like him…
Kuroneon (Chrollo/Kuroro x Neon)
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Ok I only have like one reason but I feel like it’s validated tbh!!! He literally attacked her and stole her ability. And I don’t wanna go on a whole rant about Neon and her complexities rn but her nen ability, lovely ghostwriter, was essentially the only reason for her father to love her and care the way he did…
Also their age difference urks me ALOT cuz Neon is about the same age as Kurapika (17-19) and Chrollo is pushin 30… T-T
Kurokura (Chrollo/Kuroro x Kurapika)
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A lot of people ship them because “lol omg enemies to lovers!!” But like. This isn’t that kind of enemies to lovers hun… :// Chrollo and the troupe literally massacred the Kurta Clan with zero mercy and left Kurapika alone and almost defenseless in an unfamiliar world. He destroyed everything Kurapika had. That’s not something Kurapika would or will forgive easily. Kurapika is literally destroying himself inside out because of what the troupe did to the Kurta Clan. This ship is just ugh it’s so toxic I hate >:(
Also again, even if Chrollo didn’t destroy the Kurta Clan, age difference. Kurapika’s the same age as Neon (17-19) and Chrollo is PUSHING 30!!!!! Icky!!!
Tbh this goes for any of the Troupe x Kurapika… gross age difference and disgusting enemies to lovers dynamic.
Pitokai (Neferpitou x Kite/Kaito)
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One of my biggest icks ever is Victim x Killer because like how would YOU feel if you were violently murdered for seemingly no reason and then find out that there are people out there who think you and your killer would be cute if you dated O.O
Yeah it’s like… really toxic. I don’t have the energy to go into all the details of it but Killer x Victim has no reason to be as popular as it is…
Wisky (Wing x Bisky)
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(I couldn’t find any GIFs of them from the movie so you get this still image)
Teacher x Student dynamics really ick me as well… in most but not all cases the teacher is somewhat of a parental figure and the student is very young, in most cases a minor!!! We don’t exactly know if Wing was a kid when Bisky taught him nen since she refers to most people younger then as kids but the idea that she was extremely influential in his earlier years and has that older adult figure role in his life makes the idea of shipping them just.. it makes my skin crawl tbh ^^|||
Also there’s a HUGE age difference with Bisky being 57 and Wing being in his early 20s.
Gingkite (Ging x Kite/Kaito)
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Again w the teacher x student guys… the same reasons as with Wisky expect we know for a fact that Ging met and started training Kite when he was a teenager! Makes this extra icky.
Again with the age difference! Ging is in his 30s I think maybe 40s? And Kite is in his early 20s. Pretty big age gap!!!
Any incestous Zoldyck ships
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The fact that I even have to state this… dude… c’mon…. Incest is NOT cool chat!!
Any ships between the siblings? DISGUSTING!!
Between the kids and the parents? GRODY!!
Between Zeno and his grandkids? OUTRAGEOUS!!
This isn’t even just limited to the Zoldyck family dude… Mito x Ging is a thing apparently…
Any Child x Adult
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Again… why do I need to state this… shipping adults x children is WEIRD!!! And NOT OK!!!
Hisoka x Gon? GROSS!!
Killua x Machi? STILL GROSS!!!!
Please if you ship canon children with adults… please… just get off my page :^
Merupouf (Meruem x Shaiapouf)
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Gonna be so fr w you guys… I used to ship this… i thought they were funny :’) I’VE RECOVERED DW!!! (/lh)
Uh yeah so the power dynamic is really erm!!! /neg I genuinely cannot go into detail about how toxic they are but I’ll try to summarize… Pouf has like a perfected version of Meruem in his head as the king but when Meruem starts to change for the better he rejects it and thinks he knows what’s best for the king and shit!!! Also Meruem treats his Royal guards like shit (at the beginning) their relationship gets only slightly better towards the end but it’s still abusive!!!
Also my friend Eren pointed out that the Royal guards exist solely for Meruem. Like they are Meruem and Meruem only. Everything is for him and that adds like a super fucked up dynamic to this ship…
Ok so that’s all I can think of rn… please try to understand that this is MY interpretation and perception of these characters. It is ok if this is not how you see these characters, but it is how I see them.
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