#and noah's like NO!
noco7 · 2 years
Favorite TD moments?
Thank you for the question. TBH the moments I remember most tend to be the funny ones BUT I will try to list out one fave character/plot moment from each season. RR: I think I talk about Emma's ending with Kitty before, and I've talked about the air guitar episode. So I won't talk about those. Instead I'll talk about the time MacArthur saved Josee's life by sharing her oxygen thingy majig. I love moments when enemies put aside their grievances in face of a bigger danger. Likewise, I like the scene where Tom&Jen finally get over their lil hissy fit and become friends again. They're not enemies, just besties going through a minor tiff, but still. I love a good reconciliation. Pakhitew: When Shawn saved Jasmine by facing his zombie fear. This whole season he's been battling his zombie-phobia, to the point of hurting Jasmine, and saying it's better to not get attached becaus then you'll prioritize your girl over your own safety.... but then he does it!! And becomes a better person! I rlly like Shawn lol. All Stars: Uhhhh. We'll come back to this one. ROTI: The time where Cameron got Jo eliminated. Jo had been using the guy as an underling, but finally he strikes back and it's great. She finally recognizes him as a real threat, he tells him "i learned it from you," and for at once Jo is at peace. It's a great transition moment too, because he's finally surpassing her. World Tour: It's my favorite season so I should have a bunch of moments to pick from but uhh. I think I like this season more for the dialogue than anything else. Uhh. I like the moment where Lindsay says she'd never laugh at her boyfriend, because Tyler had been the laughingstock of the season, yet she truly does care for him. It's so sweet. They're supposed to be the dumb-dumb couple, and they are, but they defend each other and help each other, and stay with each other, when other people would have given up. It's like allyship within a community. I love them. Action: This is small, but Justin's crush on Courtney is such a good character moment imo. It feels out of nowhere, but the guy has been struggling with the beauty vs brains debate this whole season, "Math is for ugly people," and he feels like it has to be one or the other. But then he sees Courtney and he's like wow she has the best of both worlds. And it's an epiphany. That you CAN do that. Yeah it's kinda silly that anyone would think otherwise, but it's a realization that would have a big impact. I HC that this is why he joined the Total Drama Brothers. Because he wanted to try something new that wasn't just beauty. And he chose music. Sure he's not good at music, but it's still new. Being a celebrity singer is a meld between being pretty and being good at music, so it's a good first step. Island: Uhh, gonna go back to All Stars now. All Stars: I think that the finale having a huge castle is cool. Island: Total Dramarama: Noah catching the ball. He may have objected to working out, and he may have made his teacher’s life hell, but when he caught the ball and realized he Could be Good at Sports, he was very happy. And it was rlly cute. Island: It's not that there's no good moments in Island but there's not a lot that resonated with me? I know Lindsay had a cool moment, that Harold saved his team again and again, that Courtney did something nice because of Duncan, that Courtney did something mean because of Duncan. I just don't care about Island that much lmaoo. Uhh. As a noco shipper I liked it when - *gets shot*.
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demadogs · 7 months
just wanna say that ive lost all respect for noah schnapp weeks ago and i continue to every time he does something more stupid than the last. free palestine.
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mssoapart · 5 months
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uh… apparently I have a type.
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Some fresh stuff.
And this style of coloring is pain.
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weltonboys · 8 months
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gastronomy - jessica poli / garden song - phoebe bridgers / growing sideways - noah kahan / nobody likes a secret - lizzy mcalpine
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Welch Family Portrait – Howard Galleries // Temple Family, Lena Ward, and Fannie Wait in Yard at 811 Madison St., ca 1897 – unknown photographer // Growing Sideways – Noah Kahan
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tending-the-hearth · 12 days
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*stares at jack darby and miko nakadai and raf esquivel and charlie watson and noah diaz and kris diaz*
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metalotaku-da · 6 months
Dick and wally were sitting at the wayne family dinner table with their joint families announcing their engagement. Just before desert their was a knock on the front door. Alfred went to tend to it. Nobody thought anything of it till Alfred came back to dinning room with a large meta with him and two scruffed young kids hanging from his hands.
"I believe you have a guest master dick, master wally." Alfred said looking at the red head with a bit of judgment.
"You." The large meta with a goatee and flaming seemingly flaming hair. Motioned to wally with one of the kids who protested. "Well shit you are all here." He looked around the table. "Good I only need to do this once then hopefully. Quit fucking with the time stream." He ignored the throat clearing of the butler and the half raised from the seat posture of most of the dinners guests. "I'm tired of cleaning up all these timeline collapses you speedsters cause. So here is the deal." He sat the protesting kids down in to wally's lap. By phasing through the table. "I'm going to pull all your kids who would cease to exist from the now failed timelines and drop them all in your laps. And I don't care how many it ends up being. You want to cause me problems. You're getting all of yours 10 fold." As he backed out of the table. He pointed an accusing finger at the speedsters. "Do not try me! Oh and By the way. Congratulations on your engagement." He gave a rough pat to alfreds back. "Thanks old man." And then he vanished from sight.
The bats stared at the speedsters. "Care to explain that?"
"Who was that guy?"
"OH my god I'm a dad!" Wally said in shock looking down at his two kids. Ignoring Barry arguing with half the bat clan.
"What are your names?" Dick said all smiles at the two little kids sitting in wallys lap.
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paradimeshifts7 · 6 days
Happy pride month — somewhere out there steddie are snuggling 🌼☀️🏳️‍🌈
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novafire-is-thinking · 2 months
Mirage, is that you? 👀
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braindos · 10 months
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Like an eel dipped in grease
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chuuowos · 9 months
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flores amarillas :3
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cheezewhis · 7 months
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He really did it folks.
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nothatsmi · 8 months
Good morning. Can I serve you anything? Coffee, tea, whiskey?
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I'm posting that after Kevin's morning routine post cause it makes sense.
The sad thing is that I would have made Muse animatics on them if I didn't have that much work. I swear some of their song fit so well (especially Undisclosed Desires and Newborn, for those who know), I'm probably gonna have to something about it eventually.
I have to notice the domesticity they're soaked in once they move in together, it's just so easy to picture...
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starryluminary · 9 months
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♪ Last Man in the World ♪
◃◃ II ▹▹
Now we’re really getting into canon divergence. The nitty gritty, if you will. This episodes pretty much the same; Noah calls Alejandro an eel and gets called out for it, Courtney and Gwen find Duncan and he joins Team Chris, you know how it goes. What changes is that Team Chris ends up winning the challenge (like they should of in the first place but I digress) and get Duncan as their prize. I’m gonna say Gwen lets it slip that she has feelings for Duncan and Courtney gets incredibly upset, getting Sierra and Heather to vote for Gwen. Cody’s all out of sorts after Noah was at risk of being kicked off, though he wont say that out loud. He doesn’t have to, anyway. Tyler also gains a massive weight on his shoulders but it’s fine he’ll be fine
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a-tiny-sloth · 5 months
the fact that blue was always scared for gansey when it rained bc she knew he'd die with damp shoulders and then it didn't even rain. they'd just been in a cave. augh
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