#and there was a k*ribaku meme video using that audio
noco7 · 2 years
Favorite TD moments?
Thank you for the question. TBH the moments I remember most tend to be the funny ones BUT I will try to list out one fave character/plot moment from each season. RR: I think I talk about Emma's ending with Kitty before, and I've talked about the air guitar episode. So I won't talk about those. Instead I'll talk about the time MacArthur saved Josee's life by sharing her oxygen thingy majig. I love moments when enemies put aside their grievances in face of a bigger danger. Likewise, I like the scene where Tom&Jen finally get over their lil hissy fit and become friends again. They're not enemies, just besties going through a minor tiff, but still. I love a good reconciliation. Pakhitew: When Shawn saved Jasmine by facing his zombie fear. This whole season he's been battling his zombie-phobia, to the point of hurting Jasmine, and saying it's better to not get attached becaus then you'll prioritize your girl over your own safety.... but then he does it!! And becomes a better person! I rlly like Shawn lol. All Stars: Uhhhh. We'll come back to this one. ROTI: The time where Cameron got Jo eliminated. Jo had been using the guy as an underling, but finally he strikes back and it's great. She finally recognizes him as a real threat, he tells him "i learned it from you," and for at once Jo is at peace. It's a great transition moment too, because he's finally surpassing her. World Tour: It's my favorite season so I should have a bunch of moments to pick from but uhh. I think I like this season more for the dialogue than anything else. Uhh. I like the moment where Lindsay says she'd never laugh at her boyfriend, because Tyler had been the laughingstock of the season, yet she truly does care for him. It's so sweet. They're supposed to be the dumb-dumb couple, and they are, but they defend each other and help each other, and stay with each other, when other people would have given up. It's like allyship within a community. I love them. Action: This is small, but Justin's crush on Courtney is such a good character moment imo. It feels out of nowhere, but the guy has been struggling with the beauty vs brains debate this whole season, "Math is for ugly people," and he feels like it has to be one or the other. But then he sees Courtney and he's like wow she has the best of both worlds. And it's an epiphany. That you CAN do that. Yeah it's kinda silly that anyone would think otherwise, but it's a realization that would have a big impact. I HC that this is why he joined the Total Drama Brothers. Because he wanted to try something new that wasn't just beauty. And he chose music. Sure he's not good at music, but it's still new. Being a celebrity singer is a meld between being pretty and being good at music, so it's a good first step. Island: Uhh, gonna go back to All Stars now. All Stars: I think that the finale having a huge castle is cool. Island: Total Dramarama: Noah catching the ball. He may have objected to working out, and he may have made his teacher’s life hell, but when he caught the ball and realized he Could be Good at Sports, he was very happy. And it was rlly cute. Island: It's not that there's no good moments in Island but there's not a lot that resonated with me? I know Lindsay had a cool moment, that Harold saved his team again and again, that Courtney did something nice because of Duncan, that Courtney did something mean because of Duncan. I just don't care about Island that much lmaoo. Uhh. As a noco shipper I liked it when - *gets shot*.
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