#and multiple other children
star-folder · 1 month
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Absolutely wild Magia Record gave us a Magical girl whose also a single mother and a college student and a model
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tavina-writes · 7 months
I started writing yet another tag essay in the notes of a different post where OP posited that the reason established relationships that are rock solid or functional are hard to write and find in fiction because there's missing tension due to the lack of will they won't they, and how one way to solve this in a story is to make the characters insane about each other. (The post is here.)
And don't get me wrong! I like when characters are a little or a lot unhinged about each other! and I also like relationships that self destruct, tragedies that end badly, and all that jazz I enjoy these things a lot! They're good things!
But I'm thinking about relationship tension again and how like, okay yes sometimes we want our characters confess they're in love with each other and get together and sail off into a soft epilogue, etc. This too is love!
But I think fundamentally to deny the fact that two (or more) people can love each other deeply, be totally committed to each other, and yet still have difficulties and life problems to tackle together is an underexplored facet of romance. The mundane of this is where the real romance lies on our day to day as people, and I find this so...rarely? tackled in fiction?
Maybe this is because I'm ace, but I feel that there's a distinct? vibe to these sorts of mature and enduring romances where like, the love is there, the commitment is there, but we still have moments we need to work for it because that's life and we work for it because we find each other worth it.
What is more romantic than compromise with someone you care for deeply? What is more romantic than tackling problems together and trying to come to an agreement and sometimes not being able to but still having done your best and accepted the outcome anyway?
What is a long lasting relationship that isn't about give and take and growing together or coming apart? Aren't those stories interesting? How could any long lasting relationship where people are deeply in love with each other be boring when like, to BE in a relationship with someone for ten, twenty, thirty, sixty years and come out the other side of that saying 'you're the one, you're still the one, you've always been the one' is one of the most wild and rare type of relationships to have?
What sort of sacrifice and compromise and work it takes to build that sort of relationship, isn't that interesting? To persist despite moments of doubt and periods of despair and all the work it takes in mundanity? all the trials a relationship like that has to survive and has survived, isn't that still tension? isn't that still interesting?
Maybe it's just me that I find this more interesting than "will they? won't they?" Either they will or they won't but when I'm reading a romance they mostly will! But do they have what it takes to stay there? And if they do isn't that one of the most interesting things in the world to look at?
Isn't that also love?
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hijinxinprogress · 22 days
The JL keeps trying to stop Captain Marvel from talking to the media (and it’s not working)
The jl held a meeting about marvel’s conduct with cops bc he got a little too excited and suplexed a cop completely fucking forgetting he’s a 7ft buff ass man (the video goes viral for months) and the press is having a fucking field day with this bc ‘Captain Marvel Hates The Government!’ ‘Justice League Member, Captain Marvel, Shows His True Colors…?’ ‘Fawcett Superhero Attacks Civilian!’ ‘Captain Marvel Sends Police Officer to ICU!’ ‘Philadelphia Hero Puts Public Servant In Coma’ and shit like that is on the front page of every newspaper, magazine, and tabloid for the next eight months at least
so they’re like ‘hey you gotta say something! The people think you hate the us government esp the police!’ and he’s just sitting there confused before he says very slowly and clearly ‘But I do…I fucking despise them’
Barry and Hal are fucking losing it bc this is the guy that says ‘darn!’ in the heat of battle and has said on multiple occasions ‘Well, that’s not very nice, now is it?’ to opponents that destroy worlds for fun
like this guy still tries very hard not to make faces at the broccoli on his plate in front of the jl (and fails)
this guy hears a yj member or even the very adult titans cussing and going on the longest rant bc ‘I’ve not heard such foul language in all my years-!’ and what’s this ‘‘I’m an adult’ nonsense?? I’m older than Ravens grandfather 🤨 When you get to be my age-’
they’re all so pissed when they hear him cussing like a sailor playing video games on cyborgs phone the next day and he’s playing fucking temple run at that
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kucho04 · 3 months
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My gift for @takao-in-sekai <3 Kuroko and Takao spending time together, featuring some fun wings ✨
I love both characters dearly and the prompts were very interesting! I hope you like it as much as I enjoyed working on it. Thank you @knbexchange for hosting this event :)
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hold-out-my-sweet · 6 months
okay folks, it’s Katie Rose Clarke appreciation time.
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she is an absolute icon. i’m telling you, she was born to play Glinda. she is one of few actors i’ve seen who highlight the stark difference in Glinda’s life in Act One and Two so well. i mean the difference between her Popular and Thank Goodness is CRAZY.
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not only that, but she’s played alongside SO MANY elphaba’s, yet brings something different and refreshing to the role every time she’s alongside someone new. and that’s not easy, considering that she’s literally the longest running Glinda (on Broadway? in total? not completely sure but she’s played this role a lot).
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she’s utterly hilarious but she’s also completely heartbreaking, soul twisting, gut wrenching, whatever other words you wanna use i ran out. the emotions are so raw, you can tell she loves this role and she loves her job. if you haven’t seen her perform anything (not even just wicked. her light in the piazza performance is astounding.) RUN your little legs over to youtube and search her name because she’s SO GOOD.
anyway long story short i love KRC and you should too.
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makenna-made-this · 8 months
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Interrupting your regularly scheduled broadcast to show you this super fun halloween commission i had the absolute pleasure of working on. This guy was a blast to draw~
*Info and links for my commissions in pinned post*
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shittywriterbrain · 2 months
when you realise that both odysseus and medea are manipulating, deceiving characters who are way too smart for their own good but are overcome by anger, pride and jealousy which leads them to commit horrendous acts of violence. and then odysseus is the hero and medea is the bitch
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lady-corrine · 3 months
The way grrm combined so many themes of queenship, motherhood, tragedy, reputation, controversy and ambition from so many historical queens in creating Rhaenyra is honestly iconic 💅
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fatehbaz · 1 month
#thinking of dinosaurs and troodontids were my favorite dinosaurs as a child#when younger i had a real full troodontid tooth fossil that meant a lot to me#for a time we lived within a few kilometers of hadrosaur sites and troodontid sites#while wider general area had many sites of recovery for the big celebrities like tyrannosaur and multiple dromaeosaurs#at that time troodontids were kinda infamous for i think the depiction in some childrens field guides and dino books#which depicted like a fantasy speculative humanoid troodontid based on 1980s model at Canadian Museum of Nature in ottawa#anyway would visit a small local paleo center a lot and woman in her 70s or 80s ran the counter of their center and rock shop#one day she asked me what my fave dino was and i said troodon so she pulled out the tooth and just gifted it to me#in little black case size of ring box with padding and transparent plastic viewing cover kinda like laminate for displaying a trading card#tooth got stolen from out my vehicle while giving some people a ride while at university before i got too poor for tuition#later during first year of pandemic owner of my storage unit died and new property owners threw away everything i ever owned#i was homeless anyway lost job due to early pandemic closures and had to allocate any money to insulin and other prescrip meds#but wouldve found a way to save my things if the new owners had contacted me#they threw out photoalbums y backpacking gear y books y musical instruments y clothes y artwork y camera y all family keepsakes#and all childhood treasures like souvenirs and gifts and school awards and writing portfolios and all the little memories#which i was always sentimental about as child#from earliest age my room looked like a natural history museum with plants and maps and library of field guides#and rocks and field trip keepsakes and all kinds of little animal figurines and mother had painted room in forest greens and browns#to feel like a forest and among the succulent plants and a globe sat the troodon tooth#parents passed when i was a child#never near any family and were always moving never got to settle into proper stable place then father passed after long sad illness#and mother put in so much effort but she passed few years later and i could not take care of myself or my remaining material possessions#and so im still quite hurt having nothing whatsoever remaining of my childhood or school friends or mother or life generally#and when trying to process grief my thoughts often come back to the troodontid tooth as a focal point a distillation of what was lost#even when young i knew it was advised not to become too connected to material physical possessions#but still there are some small little trinkets in our lives that seem to hold so much meaning and i tortured myself for losing that tooth#thinking about troodon reminds me of childhood
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the-meme-monarch · 1 year
Chara being the knight in dr would be a fun parallel to them being the first fallen human in ut i think. the effect it left in the dark worlds/their leaders paralleling the lingering impact it left on the underground/their family despite not being able to stick around to see it itself. idk. knight chara theory forever ok
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exausta-verytired · 19 days
this is far from the worse one it's the example I give for not being explicit but like I fully internalized the word "nymphet" when I was young I thought that was a real thing and a normal way of refering to myself because I could tell there was something different between me and the normal happy kids but I didn't know how to say "adultification, religious racism and anticomunism made men objectify me and the fact I was already 'broken' made them comfortable enough with just being another rapist instead of the first one" so I just used that instead
#which was the LEAST offensive narrative about me the sex demon brought as divine punishment for my family was hmmm a choice from neighbours#just... can we think a little about what the word grooming implies#I had it good it wasn't incest#'had it good' might be dramatic I just mean breaking narratives that justify abuse it's even harder when it comes from the household#I've worked with many girls who explained me what they thought of as 'father-daughter caress'#but don't worry I don't rank trauma me and my ex has that weird competitions of 'you had the more fucked up childhood' it did wonders for m#so whenever I say 'at least it wasn't incest' i can hear his delulu voice right next to me saying 'oh yeah? having only one rapist is#objectively better than multiple. I'm a man you're a woman. checkmate!' okay babyboy that works so well about your bio father you live with#weird insane teenage rage would never allow anyone else to talk about me like he does but it was good for us#because the real joke is you can invalidate any victim about how it was 'not that bad' if you talk long enough which people do#but I'm going on too many tangents today#but if there's too things I've learnt is that you can be traumatised by sex you technically 'consented' to#but also every rape victim feels guilty about 'participating' too much especially when it's a repeated abuser#and we blame ourselves for stuff we recognise as manipulation/threats/coercion easily when it's someone else#my will to delete this one versus the fact every time I mention our worse fight me going 'oh yeah cuz an 8 year old would win an argument#against his only parent that is threatening the other kids' versus him 'oh but you should win at 10 against the man who threatened to arrest#your father' and me screaming 'DIFFERENT' but having my brain rewritten... has had people telling me 'thats helpful' more than once ugh#also i fucking hate the way rapists talk to children I cant count on a single hand how many cases of 'entertain me or I cant promise I wont#do anything to the younger ones' I have PERSONALLY witnessed.#.txt
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milimeters-morales · 1 year
it’d be real hilarious/heartbreaking if Gabriel was like. alive and existing in Miguel’s universe and was just in Mexico for a bit again to cope with his brother just disappearing off the face of the Earth again so when he comes back to Nueva York he’s like what the fuck??? And Lyla threatens him into eating a weird pastry or something
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highendphasrs · 20 days
thinking about the third andersen sibling......
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bunisher · 27 days
i need all future comics writers of frank (and anyone on DDBA) to stop trying to write him as a guy who had a normal childhood and was always just kinda Like That. or that he was simply destined to become the punisher, but that’s kind of a separate topic.
people who go into the military at 18 rarely have normal childhoods, they are often raised in abusive environments that are normalized. the urge to go into the military typically does not come from people who aren’t used to some form of abuse, because why would you willingly want to go into that? unless you are susceptible to indoctrination toward having faith in a system from a young age and aren’t able to discern the red flags? the military system preys on poor young men in particular by scouting them and offering all these bells and whistles (free college, healthcare, community) and feelings of importance, but then just forgets about them afterward.
side note: it’s actually such a disservice to many veterans to forget about how the military is an abusive system. it literally strips you of everything with no help in reintegrating back into society (other than by members of the same community). i get TPS1 tried to do something with this but dropped the ball. it feels like many writers just use his marine background as some sort of fun fact that only comes into play with certain things, but it very much shapes who you are and changes your identity. it’s a very cult-like system.
many people who want to serve are related to others who have prior. many people (especially men) who want to serve at that age have an underlying need that they think can be met. many people are brainwashed by military propaganda and believe it is the right thing to do. especially when it comes to religion, there’s this idea of men using their bodies to protect the innocent that goes back hundreds of years, and this idea of serving god, which we see young francis try to do in two ways. (side note: why do they keep removing his religious background? i liked the nod to it in the nmcu but it seems modern comics writers (looking at you jason aaron) just forget this?) besides, the functions of religion for people are very similar to the functions of the military as far as members go, namely community and a sense of greater purpose.
to me, as a reader/watcher, threads of probable abuse history are present in frank’s character, and i wish we had a writer brave enough to write about it. why else would he care so much about innocents and victims? why else would he become suicidal and guilt stricken when he hurts an innocent? it makes you think: was there no one who protected him or someone else he knew?
and this may not mean anything but idk i think he’s so much more tragic and juicy if you look at him like someone who is not the perfect victim (and maybe doesn’t even recognize their abuse) but someone who instead of healing and becoming soft, becomes angry and violent afterward. trauma, especially repeated trauma, does not effect people all the same way and i really wish they would just be bold enough to work with that. i get trying to piss off the alt right but completely changing the character to fit the same stereotype of a ‘psychopath’ (which is an outdated term) as they do in horror movies about killer children is just poor writing. again, talking about punisher 2022, but this was kinda in nmcu too. and sure yeah they’ve retired his character (but not the punisher….? ok) in the comics, but for when he inevitably does come back, yeah.
#and i’m not a huge fan of ennis but i think tyger was fairly well written but that’s MAX so it’s separate#especially since it’s saying he was a child in the 1960s which would be different than growing up in the 80s as in NMCU#and same thing for comics like they could do a miniseries on his real childhood in order to retcon what happened in 2022#but i think him witnessing a traumatic event or having multiple traumas in childhood fits his character#especially when it comes to the whole ‘no authority figures did anything so he took matters into his own hands’#the types of people who go into cults have prior indicators in childhood#mfer went it seminary and still sometimes seeks out his rosary… something something fathers and masters#something something guiding force#also ​the military is a very culty system and so is catholicism so it's interesting nobody has done anything with that#but the idea that he was searching for community and brotherhood to some degree is not that far fetched#which is why he latched so hard onto his family and became utterly unable to attach himself to others out of fear#a person with good attachment wouldn’t react like this and yeah he’s unhealthy but that rarely comes from just being Like That#so i am begging once again for people to stop retconning his past#i also think reading him as an autistic child helps bc autistic children are often taught to ignore their needs and wants#which is something we see with his character later on that’s so prevalent#anyway this is just a blurb that i’ve been thinking about#frank castle#the punisher#comics inspired#ddba#nmcu the punisher#character analysis#bun.txt
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pocketramblr · 1 year
5 gc game: au where Izuku is Iida's cousin
1- Hiromi Midoriya, Inko's older sister, marries Tenari Iida, and has a son Tensei, who's the pride of the family. When Tensei is six, and Inko is sixteen, her and Hiromi's parents die, leading her to move in with her older sister's family while she finishes high school and gets started in college. That's when Inko decides she wants to have a kid one day too.
2- Inko marries Hisashi and has Izuku, and is delighted when her sister has another kid around the same time too. Little Izuku and Tenya are practically raised together for the first few years with how often they visit each other. But the Iidas... Don't quite love that, not exactly approving of Hisashi, and the gets worse after Izuku is found too be quirkless. They pressure Tenari to pull his family away, and he is convinced and Hiromi unsure if she can stop it- but Tensei, now the star debut hero Ingenium and the future of the family, puts his foot down in defense of his aunt and cousin.
3- Tenya and Izuku do end up around each other less anyway as they end up attending different primary schools- Tenya is sent to an expensive private one that Inko and Hisashi can't afford (and won't let Tensei pay for). But still, they are close, and see each other weekly at least. Tenya was honestly unsure and nervous about Izuku being a hero at first, but Tensei smiled and said that he knows Izuku can do it because he's kind, cool, and smart, and he's seen plenty of different types of heroes at Idaten. Tenya knows Tensei can never be wrong, so obviously Izuku and he can be heroes together!
(and if Tensei was just saying that to make a five year old kid not cry, well. That's his business)
4- Izuku doesn't tell Tenya about the bullying. Tenya doesn't tell Izuku that he wants to be an Idaten hero even if that means they don't work together. That puts some stress on them, but that's mostly what they worry about when on their own, forgetting their troubles when they train together.
Uh. Izuku also does not tell Tenya about OfA, which means the exam goes from excitement that they were in the same zone together to panicked as Tenya's cousin apparently explodes himself
5- the two of them don't hide that they're cousins in class, though neither bring up Tensei or Idaten except with each other. That changes very suddenly after the SF, both flooded with condolences. Izuku's grieving a lot himself, and he's furious at Stain, but he's spent too many years being told he's weak to have the misguided belief that he's strong enough to take him down himself. He knows what Tenya is thinking though, and as soon as he sees him put down "Manual", he panics.
Izuku doesn't even have an offer from Idaten with Tensei in the hospital, but he knows he has to stop Tenya. So he contacts Manual, apologizes, and asks if he could have an internship with his cousin. Manual, somewhere between pushover and people pleaser that he is, agrees.
All Might then shows up with the letter from Gran, and Izuku knows he should focus on OFA but... His cousin needs him. And he already agreed to go to Manual. All Might isn't sure if he feels relief or more stress, and passes that on to Torino.
This has the effect of:
Tenya very upset at his cousin not leaving him alone
Manual relieved that Izuku is not also there for vengeance, which lasts about half an hour until an old hero, Gran Torino, walks into his agency and announces he's here to help train both boys
Manual drags Gran out after the first hour of training to ask him what the hell he's doing, and Gran explains two things: one, he is the single most qualified person to teach Izuku to not blow up his bones, and two, he might also be the single most qualified person to keep Tenya from running out on a suicide vengeance quest, since he had to do that before with an even stronger, pissed off and broken hearted hero student. Manual throws his hands up and decides to roll with it, especially as they can hear Izuku in the other room trying to physically stop Tenya from escaping.
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andersdotters · 7 months
One thing I really dislike when reading posts is when people state something as fact when it's hearsay at best. "Furina was the first person to receive a vision from Neuvillette." "Arlecchino gets rid of orphans that aren't good enough to become child soldiers."
If something is implied, say it's an implication. If something is assumed, say it is an assumption. Even if someone is guilty by association doesn't necessarily mean they do it themselves. Don't pass things as fact unless it's explicitly stated, no matter how much it sounds like it could be true.
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