#and listen like I KNOW I am not this shows target audience I get that
christianborle · 1 year
15 notes · View notes
starillusion13 · 11 months
Winning Dessert
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Pairing: boxer! San x f! reader x manager! Wooyoung
Genre: Strangers to lovers, Mature, SMUT
W.C: 6.3k +
Warnings: sexual themes,explicit SMUT, nipple play, oral (f receiving) , m x f x m, threesome, double penetration,unprotected sex(please don’t do irl),aftercare (please idk if anything more needed to add or not.)
Request from: @kitten4sannie
Network: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
Thanks for helping me out to come up with an idea with woosan fic @mymoodwriting
Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @vvshere @yeoobin @anyamaris (I thought you may like it) @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames
Note: Thanks for joining the event and loving my works. I love interaction so please do tell me how you all like my works.
*under the cut*
Boxing Clubs? Are you really interested in them? No, not really. Your opinions don’t matter to your friend who is really jumping around like a fool in your bedroom for finally getting the tickets for herself and you to watch the tomorrow’s event of the Django Boxing Club. You have heard about the boxers in your town but never got the interest to dive deeper into the information about them. Your friend has mentioned her favourite’s name a lot in your conversations but you only pretended listening her.
“When are we going there?” You asked her in a bored tone contrast to her over-excited self. She stopped jumping and sits beside you, resting her palms on your shoulder and turning you to face her with excitement overflowing her eyes.
“Finally, I am going to their special show and even with you. I would probably faint there when seeing them that close but you will catch me okay! We will hang out to nearby café before and then we will go the event’s place. It will start at 9 o’clock.”
“No way! We will be out there late at night.” You didn’t expect to be a night event, you never been to any place at late night so you are a bit conscious right now.
“It’s okay Y/N. Many audiences will be there and it would be pretty much crowded to become somebody’s target for bad intentions.”
“I don’t know how to not worry but please we have to come back as soon as possible after the show ends.”
“Deal. Anyways I’m heading out for my home because I need to get a proper sleep today’s night even though I know I can’t sleep knowing I will be meeting Sa-“
Suddenly a ring interrupts her statement. The call was from her boyfriend asking her when will she get back home. She hurriedly makes her way out of your apartment waving you a quick farewell for the end of the day and you smiled in return to see her so excited for every little thing in her life. Maybe, you should also date someone then it would make yourself a little bit more interested in life.
Preparing yourself to the bed, you are still lost in thoughts about tomorrow’s event as to what can happen there. Not that you are expecting something worse but as you never been to such places and also late at night, you are a bit confused and overthinking.
Next day, early in the morning, your sleep got disturbed by a call from your friend to remind you about the events for the later in the day. You spent your Saturday morning as usual with treating yourself a nice healthy breakfast and cleaning stuffs all around your apartment.
Afternoon comes with the arrival of the exciting-self of your friend. Looking at her, you realized how she always dolls her up for every little occasion and being excited for her favorite stuffs. Where on the other end, you are always so bored with your usual plain life and dress up in casuals with no make up and all. Shaking your head to let this thought out of your mind, you picked up an outfit of a baggy pants and an oversized t-shirt.
“Are you wearing that?” your friend made a disgusted expression on your choice.
“Yes. Why? Is there something wrong with this?”
“Of course. Everything.” She moved you aside and starts to rummage through your closet and chose a light pink shirt with a white sketchy skirt. The skirt has a descent height to cover your thighs properly but to you the outfit is a bit too scandalous for the event.
“I’m not wearing that to a place where there will be lot of boys and men.”
“Its not like I’m asking you to wear revealing clothes to attract boys but atleast wear something girly please and perhaps this will look good on you maybe you will get a boyfriend for yourself there.”
Trying out the outfit, it reveals not that bad to wear to such events and eventually you agreed on it with her. You leave your wavy mid-length hair open and put some lip tint to go with the casual look.
Feeling of refreshment hits your body while walking along the side of the streets with your bestfriend. Maybe you should go out often to such exciting events or you will die of boredom in your room someday.
You spent your evening quite nicely with your friend in the café and later hanging out in the nearby mall. It was a thirty minutes way to the club from the mall so you left at 8:00 pm. Due to traffic, you both reached the place at 8:45 and on arriving, you could see how these events actually look like. The place is not bright enough to read the posters in the alley to know the information written on them. The club is situated at the end of the alley and while making your way towards it, you can feel people spread in the alley are eyeing you both up and down which making you a bit uncomfortable but your friend reassures you repeatedly not to mind them because they always look at others in that way. Reaching near the club, you could feel a lot more girls are there which made your anxious self a bit calm. The girls were either in groups of two or many but all were immersed in some exciting topics and with posters in their hands.
“Take this. This is a cheering board. I have only two hands so I can’t hold this and I will be holding these two photo sticks.” She shows her two sticks with one having a picture of an attractive male and other one with a name written on it, ‘Choi San’.
“Is this your favorite boxer?” Taking the cheering board from her hand on which is written,
‘I am cheering for you so do your best Choi San.’
You chuckled on her hardworks on making all these for the event. To your question, she nods her head aggressively with a big smile on her face. You both look towards the entrance finding out that the people have start entering the club because it’s already the time for the start of the event. Not realizing what to do, your friend dragged you hastily inside to get a better place for the best view to the show. Fortunate enough, you both got the front row from where you can see the ring of the wrestling show from an eight feet distance and the bright lights above it is making the surrounding view of the ring clear as well.
“Y/N! I swear if you don’t fall in love with the wrestling shows today. Just have a look on San’s match.”
Nodding your head reluctantly, your gaze focused on the various displayed posters around the ring of San. In every picture, his intimidating sharp eyes with a slick jaw is making you attracted towards him. His black hair complimenting his look even more and now you are hoping to see this individual in person soon. You look to your side to find your friend busy texting her boyfriend and so you start to look around to get in the surroundings more.
The place is only brightly lit in the center where the stage ring is situated so that every audience can have the clear view of the show. To the end of the ring on your right, a table where two judges were sitting and discussing something between them. Behind them, a man was standing who caught you staring there and then he smirked at you while checking you out all over. You shifted in your place and he shook his head and turned back to enter a door. Creep!
To your back, some were either sitting or standing but everyone has an excitement in them with energetic self for the show. You were looking at each person to recognize whether you know anyone or not when suddenly an announcement brought back your attention towards the center.
“Hello, everyone. Welcome to Django Club’s Night Show. This is the most anticipated show for you all and us as we know our boxer Choi San of our district will be competing against the State’s most renowned boxer Johnny. Let’s begin the show and cheer for them.” Everyone cheered on the end of the announcement and not to think otherwise but suddenly you were also excited for the show.
The cheering went wild when San entered the ring, one hand holds the middle ring rope tightly to make a swift entry from beneath it. His other hand is adjusting his white sando on his sweaty body. His muscles are well reflected for the sweats under the bright lights, looking like a fresh exotic meal served in a 5-star restaurant. Oh gosh! What the hell are you imagining now.
The stage is made of wood plank so his sudden steps made a thud sound and your friend is grinning for the excitement to see him so near. There are four steal beams in the corners of the ring stage covered with foam padding and a canvas mat is covering the wooden plank with a fabric skirt on the elevated sides to cover and prevent the spectators from seeing underneath. He made his way towards the bean on your left to lean his back on it when his opponent entered the ring from the other side in a similar way and the cheering from his end was also quite loud. The man whom you saw before behind the judges appeared again but he is having some deep conversation with San. He is whispering into San’s ears and you were squinting your eyes to know what is going on.
Oh girl! The moment that mysterious man turned around and all he found out is you being interested in his private life. He smiled at you and you got startled on this sudden interaction. He tapped on San’s shoulder and again whispered something but now they both looked at your direction and both of them having dirty smirks on their face, while San is smirking with a dark expression and the other one with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Your wide eyes quickly look over your friend, who turned towards you the same moment.
“Have you seen them looking in our way?”
“Yeah, I have but who is that man standing behind him?”
“That’s his manager, Jung Wooyoung like I have heard they are best friends more like brothers but whatever decision one has to make, they always consult with each other before hand. The manager is quite popular among girls because of his flirty nature but as far as I have heard that they both are single so you can have a chance.”
“Shut up! What the hell are you even talking about? Me and them? Never is this happening in this lifetime.” You hit her arm and both focused on the match which has started with San punching Johnny directly to the jaw and making the man stumbled to the floor. Everyone cheered on the act and your friend literally stood up and started jumping. She made you hold up the board a bit higher and then she is waving her sticks to cheer. The match was going quite well for San’s end because he was on the winning edge and now it’s the time for the last round. San is leaning to the beam same as before and Wooyoung came up to him with a bottle to give him some drink. They were talking between themselves when suddenly they abruptly turned their heads towards you. You thought at first that they were looking at someone else but you could see his lips were moving as if he is reading out something.
“Y/N he is reading the cheering board you are holding and see everyone is staring at us.”
Okay! So, all this time, you thought they were having those little interactions with you but it was only them looking at the audience cheering boards and posters. Maybe you are really overthinking. But why are you feeling a bit disappointed on knowing this!
The last round started with a loud whistle followed by the cheering sounds from the dimly lit place from every corner of the club. At this point, the atmosphere is little bit a mixture of smoke and alcohols and even you can hear people betting money on the contestants in a small corner of the club. Suddenly, San made an eye contact with you and you were doing your best to not think it that way and can see his opponent approaching him when he suddenly got a hit on his face and falls to the ground. He closed his eyes on the impact and resting his body on the knees and on two palms to take deep breathes. Panic starts rising your mind as if you are feeling guilty of the cause. You were looking all around to see whether any eyes are accusing you or not but all you could find is eyes focused on the stage and a wave of disappointment washed over the audience.
“What the hell! Where was he looking at?” You look over your shocked face.
“Maybe something distracted him.”
“But what?”
Me? Oh no! it can’t be even possible. This is your first time coming to this sort of shows and probably they have seen lot more beautiful girls in their life. Your eyes travelled back to the stage where san is now wiping the drop of blood from the corner of his mouth and also you can see a cut on his forehead which might be causing pain to him. You failed to notice all this time after the hit, Wooyoung’s gaze was all focused on you and following your every action. San glance at your direction and punched his opponent in such a way that the man couldn’t hit back and didn’t have anymore energy left. San’s white sando is fully drenched with sweat and his squinted sharp eyes are focused on the man before him when he pressed his elbows one on the neck and the other on the lower back to restrain him from getting up and with the time up, San is declared to be the champion of the show.
The digital board above the ring displays
‘ Choi San The Winner 🏆’
You smiled on the result and as expected your friend is shouting his name on top of her lungs. You calmed her down and looked to your phone to see it’s almost 11 at night and urged your friend to head home. San is staring at you while receiving the prize and you hesitated to look that way. You friend is still not willing to go back home but people emptying the place indicates you should head back soon before any worst thing happens.
When you both were about to walk out of the exist, a voice made you stop.
“Hey you girls!” a high-pitched voice calling out in your direction so on turning your head, you found out the manager is on the stairs beside the front row and looking in your way. Your friend smiled towards the man and he winked at her. He comes near to your presence.
“Hello girls! Myself Wooyoung, you can call me Woo in short. I have something to ask and that’s why I made out some time to speak with you.” All this time he is speaking, his gaze was focused on you.
Your friend happily introduced herself and you as well in which he extends his hand for a shake and before you can give in your hand, your friend shakes his hand aggressively. You and him chuckled on her excitement but he suddenly spoke up.
“Well! Can you stay a bit longer? I have something to ask.” You and your friend looked at each other in confusion as to what this man has to talk about.
“No. Only you.” He is directly staring in your eyes.
“We can’t stay here further because its too late for us to stay outside and even in this place.”
“Hey Wooyoung!” A familiar voice calls out from behind you all and you all turned towards it to find out your friend’s boyfriend Yeosang is standing at the doorway. Your friend run towards him and hugged him tightly and then they both quickly exchanged greeting kisses. They walked to where you and Wooyoung is standing.
“Yeosang? Do you know them and is she your girlfriend?”
“Ah yes! I never introduced her to you because I knew how crazy fan she is of San. She would probably leave me for him.”  They both laughed and your friend hit him and yeosang turns towards you to give you a smile. “And she is her bestfriend. Her name is Y/N.”
“Oh cool! I was going to ask her to come help me with something and now when we all know each other then it would be much easy.”
“Help?” You watched how Yeosang and Wooyoung exchanged glances as if they were silently communicating between them. Wooyoung’s expression become dark and Yeosang laughed lightly, “Well we are leaving as am taking her to my house for tonight and I suppose you can help him. Trust me you are safe with him because he is my bestfriend and also knows how to fight well.”
“Y/N I trust yeosang so if he is assuring you on this matter then please trust him for me.”
Your thoughts are debating on whether to trust them or not but deep down you want to escape the boredom of your life and experience something thrilling so you accepted the offer. Your friend and her boyfriend took a leave and you know well what is their plan for the night so you just chuckled and turn towards Wooyoung with raised eyebrows to know why you are here exactly.
His gaze is on your legs and you just brushed your skirt to show your uneasiness for his act. He quickly looked up and grinned, “You are really pretty but you should not have worn this dress which is apparently looking too good on you and getting the attention it needs.”
“Thanks but I don’t usually go out and that’s why I thought to wear this maybe don’t know when again I would get the chance to wear it again.”
“Never.” Wooyoung whispered but when he saw your confused look, he quickly spills out the reasons to keep you here.
“Well Y/N, you did notice how San got the punch there and do you know why did that happen?”
You shook your head when suddenly he came forward and slide his hand around your neck to pull you closer, “Umm Wooyoung….”
“Why did it happen?”
“Because of you. Your pretty face was distracting my boy and it leads to him getting a punch.”
“Me? But I-“
“You are not sorry for that?” you shyly look down but his other hand grips your chin to face him.
“Are you not sorry for that?” You nodded and he smiled when his gaze moves down from your eyes to your pink lips.
“You need to repay for that you know so come with me to our van and clean up his wound. I hope you won’t deny this.”
“I am sorry but I need to go home.”
“I will take you back home only when you help my boy to clean his wound and pain.”
Your eyes taking in his look, he has a sharp facial feature with veiny neck which is revealed due to his black and white Versace-Greca printed shirt which has three buttons open from the top revealing his chest teasingly with a black baggy pant. You quietly agreed with him and he took you to the backside of the club to a darker alley where on one side a van was parked. Every step nearing the van is making your heart beat faster and also being so close with wooyoung is not helping the situation.
Coming to the side of the van, he moved away from you and entered the front passenger seat. You are following his movements to contemplate the situation accordingly. You can only see him turning back inside and removing a curtain separating the back portion of the van which is almost like a travelling mini room with a quite enough space for two persons to sleep and also rest of the space to hang clothes and keeping all necessary place. These were not visible properly so out of curiosity you were leaning a bit forward to see what was inside and suddenly you meet San’s eyes, he smirks.
Wooyoung came out and holds your hand to take you to the back of the van. He opened the door and signalled by his head to you to enter it. The yellow hue light coming from inside the van is the only bright light in that alley right now and then when you looked inside, you can see everything clearly what you were imagining from outside and out of all things, the most eye catchy to you now is that San is sitting leaning his back to the driver’s seat staring at you.
“Hi sweetheart.” The way he said the nickname to you is so seductive and the deep voice is making the nickname a sweet venom from his mouth.
“Ummm Hi….” You entered the van and quickly sit on the seat which is taking the half side of the van to whose other San is sitting. The seat is in a somewhat shape of a sofa which can fit almost two people to sleep. Next in the way, Wooyoung entered the van and shut the door.
“Help me.” He is not asking you, this way he is totally commanding you so you quickly asked them for the necessary medicines and cotton and water and lastly the bandages. His black loose leathery pants are matching with the way his sweaty muscles and neck are shining under the yellow light seems like a smooth buttery material is wrapped around his skin.
Wooyoung provide you with all the things you asked for and you scooted near san to start clean his wounds but his hands pull you close and made you sit on his lap while his one leg is folded to make you sit on it and the other one is spread in front and near the feet, Wooyoung is sitting eyes bored in his phone.
“You need to come closer to take a proper look at the wound.” You want to scream for this close proximity but keeping your mouth and mind shut, you just nodded on his words.
You are so immersed in cleaning his wound, you didn’t notice a small smile on his lips and the way his hands moving upward to caress your back. The sudden touch made you shift in your place and when you look at his eyes, they are still closed. You brushed off the feeling and continue doing your work when his one hand grabs your neck tightly but not much to make you uncomfortable and the other hand holds your hand which was resting on his shoulder. You stopped what you were doing.
“Did I tell you to stop?”
“I a-am  do-doing it.” You know he is up with something but a tingling sensation inside you is making you excited and let him to do whatever he wants.
“What happened? Is there something making you uncomfortable?”
“Then continue.” You resume your actions but this time his hand holding your other wrist leaves it and put it on your knees and sliding them upward in the way folding your skirt slowly revealing your thighs and the grip on your neck tightens. This cause you to scratch the wound a bit.
“Ah!” your and wooyoung’s worried eyes looked his way. Wooyoung asked him when taking his and yours position precisely, “What hurt you again?”
“Nothing Woo, just someone is being a bad girl here.”
“I’m sorry but……” But? What will you say? That your damn hand is distracting me and now you have to repay me for distracting me from my one-night healer job? You remained quiet.
“But?” Woo asked you from behind so you turned your head to see him smirking.
“I think she is not willing to help me with this so maybe she can help me with something else.”
“Huh?” You didn’t get what San is referring to when he suddenly make you sit facing Woo and leaning your back to his chest. You tried to sit up but he grabs your throat lightly and pressed your torso down.
“Woo why don’t we celebrate the night in our own way?”
“I’m liking the celebration already.”
San whispered in your ears, “You are going to help me in this celebration or you are not getting home tonight. I know your body is also aching with the excitement for this.”
Wooyoung scoots near to your figure and he unbuttons your shirt revealing you in a white bra underneath it. His hungry eyes scans all over the exposed part and in action your hands moved to hide them but got held back by San.
“No need to hide this prettiness from us.” Your eyes following how wooyoung shifted your skirt a bit upward to reveal the dark wet patch on your panty.
“San she is already so wet for us.”
“Mhm….She is equally excited for us to devour her as she is our main dessert for the celebration for my win.” His hands slide down your shirt from the shoulders to prepper your neck and shoulder with wet kisses and biting on some places. You whimpered when he bit you near the ear and then he got to know that is your sweet spot so he repeatedly bit you in that region. Meanwhile, Wooyoung slide down your panties slowly and removing your shoes in the way. He placed himself between your legs and him sitting on his knees holding your knees apart to view your folds.
“San I want to taste her first. I want to taste whether the dessert is as delicious I have expected or more than that.” San chuckled on Woo’s dedication and paused on his way of devouring you. He grabs your chin and made you look at him, “Woo please eat her out and I want to see how long she can keep her little mouth shut from us.” Then San kissed you, a dominating kiss and when he said you are their dessert, he really meant it because the way he is sucking your lips and then he bit you to open your mouth and obediently your mouth opened to which his tongue exploring the inner mouth all over. Wooyoung’s tight grip on your inner thigh and his hot breath fanning over your folds made you alert of his presence between your legs and your exposed parts.
“Mhmmmm” this is what you could manage to say between the kiss when your aching heat comes in contact with wooyoung’s hot breathe.
Suddenly, Woo takes a long strip from the lower regio to the upper fold and this made your body arche but held back in place by San. San detach his lips from you to look at Woo and you also followed his gaze to see him looking upward with lust in eyes and your leaking arousal on his lips.
“She really tastes like the most delicious dessert than I ever had.”
“She tasted exactly the same up here as well.” San replied to agree with Woo.
San pushed your head on his shoulder when his one hand grabs your throat and the other one on your thigh. His mouth attached with the side of your throat to suck on them. Woo is sucking your folds as if that is his favorite dessert he got after years and this is the last time he has his hands onto. The overwhelming sensation is causing to building up a knot in your stomach and you close your eyes tightly to keep yourself enough with the feel of taking you to the edge.
“San….Woo….”You breathily moaned and then San spoke up. You gripped Woo’s hair tightly making him grunt in pain and pushing his face more inward while the other hand is gripping SAN’s thigh, almost your nails digging in.
“You are not going to cum unless we are satisfied enough to let it loose.”
You shook your head as it was already too much for you to control and now his commanding voice is making it impossible to hold it in. To your disapproval san’s hand travelled down to your clit and starts rubbing circle adding to the already stimulated region.
“SAN!......please no….please….I want to….”
“Should we stop?” Your ears are taking in the wet sounds of woo sucking your folds and San’s wet kisses on your throat but his words warned you.
“Then take what we are giving or else we are leaving you here.” You are totally whimpering under the touches and sucking of two males. Woo’s grip on your thigh is making a read handprint and while san’s other hand is messaging your covered tits and one is rubbing circles. Woo’s tongue entered your wet folds and San inserted one finger into the hole making a sloppy sound. Thrusting of tongue and finger is too much for you and keeping you on edge for so long is making you overstimulated with the sensation.
“Cum.” San’s whisper sends an electric wave to your body and you let it loose.
“Woo!…..I- I-…. San.” You are heavily breathing and you didn’t notice that San has removed your cloth covering your tits and woo removed the skirt from your waist. Woo tiredly comes up to take one of your breasts into his mouth and messaging the other one.
San again welcomed you to a more rough and needy kiss this time. During the kiss, San removed his sando and woo got up to free himself from every clothing from his body. You look towards Woo and then you see how well built his body is. Probably he also goes to practices with San. Woo smirked when he caught you staring at him.
“Do you have a boyfriend?”
“Do you need one?” Why is this man suddenly interested in my private life? I mean I know I am having nothing to hide here at this point but still.
“ I don’t know.”
“ But we know.” San suddenly interjects between you and Wooyoung.
“You don’t need boyfriend anymore when you got us.”
“Oh Y/N, our sweet dessert. The moment we saw you in that cute pink outfit, we were determined to make you our only dessert.” Woo made his way near both of you.
“Moreover you are my fan.” San spoke from behind when Woo took you from him to hold in his embrace and facing you both towards San. Your eyes following him how he throws away his pants and quickly get off his boxers revealing his hard length to you.
“I’m not your fan. I just came here to accompany my friend and that’s how you saw me holding that sign board.”
“That’s pity that you are not a fan of my boy but you are still my girl.”
“I’m not your girl.” San quickly made his way in front of you holding you tightly to enter your entrance. His length teasing you and Woo’s hard length poking in your lower back from behind making you anxious to feel them inside you.
“Look at me.” Your eyes quickly look up to meet San’s eyes.
“Have you done this before?”
“We will keep that in mind but we won’t go easy on you .”
“We both will enter you the same time and maybe then we will take turns if you can keep up.”
“ I don’t think-“ San entered you and his big length makes your eyes teary and san kissed away your tears and cooed you.
“Its okay sweetheart. I know you can take us. Trust us and everything will be fine."
You nodded your head on his words and he entered your entrance with ease again and his length widens your holes which cause your eyes to water even more. Your hands move upward to touch his abs and to feel him more close than already he is.
His thrusts are sloppy and he is caressing your back and cooing in your ears to make you calm. He kissed away your teary eyes to make you feel the little comfort in that state. Woo entered you from behind and the pain for taking another length makes you to cry out.
“It’s okay sweetheart. Take it. You can do it well.”
Woo added, “ I know you can do take me too.”
You made your concentration focused on the two lengths inside of you to make you at ease. You didn’t have sex with anyone before but you have taken off this sexual frustration off from you on your own. Relationship is a big deal for you as you overthink about every little thing in your life but tonight you let all of your thoughts to be aside and just go with the flow.
Their thrusts are sloppy and in sync with each other. They are praising you with their nicknames of their own, San is calling you his sweetheart and woo as his girl but the common name they have given you is ‘Dessert’. Why not because tonight you are their desert for the celebration for his win.
You can feel a familiar knot is building up inside of you and their thrusts are increasing in pace. SAN’s thrusts are more aggressive and faster in pace while Woo’s thrusts are rhythmical and a bit gentle.
“You are so tight…agh…” woo growled and sucked on your neck.
“You feel so good wrapped around me. You are doing so well for us.” San praised you and pulled your hairs backward to rest your head on woo’s shoulder and then he leans forward to kiss your chest and gliding his mouth to one of your breast and sucking them hard and messaging the other in process. Woo’s one hand gripping your hip similarly like San to maintain his pace and the other one playing with the nipple of the one San is messaging. They repeated the same action with the other one in the same way.
You are a whimpering mess now and under all these touches with two males thrusting inside of you making you talk rubbish. Your are choking on your words because of the pain and also the pleasure you are feeling making your vision go white. Their pace increase and you are about to let it burst and you can feel by their words that they are also at their edge.
“SAN I’m about to cum. Woo please let me cum. Please San”
“Yes sweetheart. I know , just wait a bit more.”
“My girl. I will cum soon.” Woo thrusted deeply and after three thrusts he came. He rested his head on your shoulders and breathing heavily. SAN’s thrusts increase again and the sloppy sound in your entrance making you to let it go by any instant. Woo hold one of the breast and the other hand rubbing circle on your clit when he suddenly puts his lips on you.
“Woo….please…this is too much.”
You both cum together but he didn’t take it out of you rather sloppily thrusting inside you. The exhausted self of yours is very sensitive to this overstimulation but they didn’t stop their action until you all ride out your high.
“ my girl is the best and did so well.” Woo leaned to his back and let you rest against his body. San pulled himself out of you and pulls a cloth from nearby hanger and wiped your face. He threw that cloth away and take you on his lap and embraced your body as if protecting you from the whole universe.
“Sweetheart you did so well for me and for us. Thank you.”
“Hmmm…” San is rocking you on his lap. Woo sit beside him and caress his hand all over your body to make you feel at ease.
“My girl is so sleepy.” Woo caress your head lightly.
“SAN I need to go home.”
Woo asked you, “ Do you think you can walk?”
“It’s okay sweetheart. You sleep and we will drive you home later.”
“You don’t know my address.” Your eyes are hooded and can’t think of anything as your brain is still foggy brain.
“It’s okay I don’t need it when we can take you to our house as it’s also yours from today.”
Woo added, “ if we need your address then we can ask it from Yeosang.”
You nodded and clinged to San and your other hand hold woo closer to your body. San kissed you on your forehead and woo kissed you on the shoulder and pulls a cover over to cover three of you.
“Sleep my girl. We have so much to talk about tomorrow.”
“Sweetheart don’t worry about anything as you are now with us. We have to take care of you, our dessert who has melted with all the exhaustion and we are not letting you go now. Sleep.”
Maybe this is something you really needed in life. A life with these two about whom you didn’t know anything few hours ago but now they are the ones comforting you in their embrace and protecting you from the whole universe. Your life possibly can be better with them and maybe something more interesting the future holds for three of you.
You fell into slumber and them holding you close tightly in their embrace away from the whole world.
In the silence of the night, there is a sweet dessert kept warm. The happiness can only be ended on a good note with a dessert.
This is my first time writing SMUT so please do tell me whether I should write further any smut fics or not.🥹
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So given the writer’s strike, some people are concerned about their shows and movies being postponed or canceled, and aside from the fact networks have already BEEN canceling shows for no reason for years (I still maintain a healthy anger about what Netflix did to Sense8), I thought I would suggest some books on disasters you might want to read if you’re into that sort of history. Which you are if you’re here, I imagine.
Note: I’m suggesting these books because most books on disasters don’t get a huge audience, and so I recommend them because this sort of writing can be hard on the writer and requires a bunch of research. We throw so much money at true crime, we can spare a few bucks for the stories of people who died in disasters.
Also, please check with these with your local small bookstore or library. Amazon can be great, but let’s lend a hand to those who need us more.
Recommended books:
“The Circus Fire,” by Stewart O’Nan - This is one my favorite books on a disaster, because the whole thing creates a very vivid image of the circus prior to the fire in Hartford in July of 1944. There’s one specific line in the book which always makes me pause because it’s so affecting, about how everyone who escaped being able to hear the sounds of the animals screaming as they died - except all of the animals were out of the tent by then.
“The Only Plane in the Sky,” by Garrett Graff - This, I highly recommend you get on audiobook. It’s an oral history of the events of 9/11 with a full cast, and it’s incredibly affecting to listen to.
“Ada Blackjack: A True Story of Survival in the Arctic,” by Jennifer Niven - Ada Blackjack was a badass: flawed and weak at times, but hardy and steady when necessary. Half of her story is how she survived, but half is how she was exploited following her rescue. Both stories need to be known.
“Alive,” by Piers Paul Read - If you’re watching “Yellowjackets,” this should be required reading. If you’ve seen the movie adaptation from the 90s, there is WAY more you don’t know. The story of Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 is a tough read, but a worthy one.
“A Night to Remember,” by Walter Lord - This is to disaster nonfiction what “In Cold Blood” is to true crime. It’s not a long read, but it’s a great one. Lord had the advantage of writing the book while many of the Titanic survivors were still alive and could give a very good description of what they went through.
“Dying to Cross,” by Jorge Ramos - I recommend this not just because it is good, but because it is timely. Nineteen people died in an un-air-conditioned truck as they were attempting to make their way into the states from over the Mexican border. It’s a horrific story, and one that humanizes an issue for whom some people need to be faced with the humans involved and what they go through.
“Bath Massacre: America’s First School Bombing,” by Arnie Bernstein - Harold Schecter also wrote a very good book on the Bath school massacre called “Maniac,” but I have a preference for this version. It’s a good reminder that schools in the U.S. didn’t just become targets in the last twenty years or so.
“Into Thin Air,” by Jon Krakauer - I feel like this is a gimme, but it’s a fantastic book from someone who was actually on Mount Everest during the 1996 disaster and knew those involved very well. I happen to like Krakauer’s work anyway - I even like “Into the Wild” despite my feelings about McCandless and his legacy - but it’s understandably my favorite.
“And the Band Played On,” by Randy Shilts - The one thing I will say is that Shilts’ treatment of Gaetan Dugas is *rough* to say the least and outright wrong on some points, God knows. But it’s still an amazing book, and if you come out of it not wanting to dig up Reagan and punch him a bunch I’m impressed at your restraint.
“Triangle: The Fire That Changed America,” by David von Drehle - The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire is one of the disasters I am most interested in, and I would argue this is the definitive book on the subject. Also, if this book introduces you to both Clara Lemlich and Frances Perkins … I mean, talk about badass women.
“The Radium Girls,” by Kate Moore - Look, I’ll say this. If you know of the Radium Girls, this is a great book on their story. If you don’t know, go in blind and prepared to be horrified.
“Red Famine: Stalin’s War on Ukraine,” by Anne Applebaum - Ukraine has always been a target. During the Holodomor, they were victims of one of the worst genocides in history.
“Midnight in Chernobyl,” by Adam Higginbotham - Like the miniseries? This is a great source for more information for what happened at Chernobyl and all of the ass-covering involved.
"Boston Strong: A City's Triumph Over Tragedy," by Casey Sherman and Dave Wedge - If you’re interested in the Boston marathon bombing, I really thought this book did a good job of connecting the stories of the victims, the authorities searching for the killers, and the killers themselves.
“Show Me the Bodies: How We Let Grenfell Tower,” by Peter Apps - As I understand it, Apps did a lot of covering the Grenfell Tower fire for the British press, and it shows. He provides a mountain of information, and you will come out of reading this book absolutely LIVID about what authorities allowed to happen in Grenfell and so many other council estates in the UK.
“Dark Tide: The Great Molasses Flood of 1919,” by Stephen Puleo - I feel as though the molasses flood gets treated like a joke a lot of the time, but y’all, twenty people died. That area of Boston was *wrecked*. The photos of the devastation are terrifying. Puleo treats all of this with the proper respect it deserves.
“In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex,” by Nathaniel Philbrick - Forget the movie. Read the book.
“The Great Influenza,” by John M. Barry - Want to read about the 1918 flu epidemic? Want to be mad that a hundred years later we didn’t learn a damn thing?
Now, that’s just a start. If anyone wants, I can always post photos of my disaster book collection on Kindle and next to my recording desk. Or if there’s a specific disaster you’re interested in, I may know of a good book about it you can read.
But just remember if SAG and the directors’ guild joins the strike too - there is so much out there to occupy your time until they come back. Entertainment work is work, and it deserves to be supported financially and fairly as such. Rock on, WGA. ✊
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maleyanderecafe · 4 months
Your favorite yandere visual novels? PS:can you reccomend some for me?
Hmmm, good question. I think most of the yandere visual novels I like tend to be ones that are less well known since I've played so many (as a person who has to feed my blog), I tend to like more unique yandere games instead of those which are more popular. And also anything that has a sub yandere (personality or otherwise) tends to have my heart as well. That being said, there are some more popular yanderes on here too just because I do like some of those ones as well.
Cemetery Mary - I'm procrastinating on doing a recommendation on this one because I want to also play Blackout Hospital since it goes a bit more into the yandere, but I really like how this story is and how is shows the reveal of the yandere. Mary is also very cute and a very interesting and fun main character.
The Snake's Taken a Spouse - this one is r18 and plays more like Degrees of Lewdity, and the artwork isn't that good, but Shimil is... charming. I like him and I feel bad for everything that he has to go through. It's cool seeing how he tries his best for you.
Sweetest Valentine/Where Two Flowers Meet - I'm lumping these two together mostly because I just like the way that Syllphan writes stories. They both are very different from each other but have pretty interesting takes on yanderes. I need to double check if For Amerta has one, but even if it doesn't I'll probably still love the game.
Karamu - Karamu... is just really well done. I really like stylized games and Karamu does it wonderfully with it's blue color scheme and comic book like aesthetic. Plus we get to slowly unveil the mystery the main character has gotten herself into.
Stuck in a Yandere Visual Novel.... Help!! - from what I played in the first demo, I really like the comedy in this one. It knows the yandere trope pretty well so I like how they play around with it. Everything is kind of in a cutesy pink aesthetic, which is also a fun thing. I really need to get around to finishing the game.
ITYH: Horror Otome/Saccharine - Saccharine is less of a visual novel, but like with Syllhan, I really like Amiralo's writing style. Most of their stories are bittersweet with not so happy endings in a lot of them, and very interesting yanderes overall.
Mushroom Oasis - I'm pretty guilty of trying to get a bunch of people to play the game but listen, Mycheal is very cute and I really like his design. The creator is still working on it and it has become one of the most popular yandere games under the yandere tag on itch.io, so that's probably a good sign right?
Froot Basket Valentine / Froot Basket Dark Chocolate - Dark Chocolate is a prequel to Valentine, but they are both fun to play through. Valentine is a bit more goofy since you see everyone's heads as fruits for the most part while Dark Chocolate is far darker. But it is cool seeing how the yandere progresses in each of these stories.
Heart Fragment - very well made game, though Kay is kind of a light but clingy yandere. And boy do I love my clingy yanderes. Still this is probably one of those games that we play more for the story rather than the yandere. Still would totally recommend it because it is very, VERY well made.
The Science of Staying Awake - big fan of the concept of someone- Something that so desperately wants to hold you but also drives you insane if you do? That's very cool and the horror on that is really creepy if you think about it and also a bit sad.
Kimbark Street - I like seeing the point of view of yanderes, or just any character that is on the more evil side. You can really see how their obsession drives them and what they will do to get what they want, whether the person they love knows it or not.
You can probably see I don't have as many dark yandere games on this list, which is mostly because while I do enjoy darker yandere content (in terms of murder sims and whatnot) I also am not the target audience for them since I love to torture my yanderes, not be tortured by them. Still, I can admit that they are fun to play through. I have a lot more that I like, but here is hopefully a good list of games that you too might enjoy.
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Hello! I know you're one of the people who ship Moon and Solar (TSAMS) And y'all have gotten me into the ship as well! XD I'm not caught up on the lore of the show(s) So i haven't even seen Solar IN SHOW before (i am very behind to before Lunar was Sun and Moons brother :' D) But I have some ideas I'm debating writing for the ship buttt....I have no clue how Canon Solar acts??? Do you know if theres somewhere I could find a Summary on his personality? (and I suppose...new Moon?) I'll probably unintentionally make them OOC...never written for anything TSAMS related, but i'll try!
And is there a ship names thats...like used for them instead of Solar X Moon or is it just called that?
Anywho, I hope you have a good day/night!!! You make awesome stuff! (And I know theres been some people making drama over the ship, I hope you don't let them get to you too much tho!! <3 /P)
Heheheh. Thank you. I've been shipping these two since June 2023 so I'm glad I can share the brainrot and some people are more welcoming and cool then I expect. (mostly the ones who can't think critically are the youtube audience but that's expected. Since a lot of the youtube target audience are... like.. minors or really young adults who can't conceive the concept.)
I rewatch that Episode where Solar changes his name and rebuilds the Daycare in a week just for Moon constantly cause it's just... so much admiration and appreciation Moon has for Solar in that episode. I swear I don't know if it was a flub on the actor's part... but I swear Moon calls him 'sexy' as he's dragging him to charge. the stock sound effect of "OOOOH" doesn't help my APD and I've listened so many times and I have no possible idea what Moon could be saying to Solar other then 'come here you stupid, sexy-...." (trails off) sooo... idk. I might have misheard that severely but that's just what I'm hearing.
Like, in terms of New Lore of the show, it gets pretty complicated.
So complicated in fact, TSAMS themselves released a new video on the subject.... But it's NOT a very good guide, as it misses a lot of things. (and no I don't mean the stupid guest cameo stuff) this is more or less an abridged take on what happens with no emotional impact:
Like, this is a good starting point if you want the barest of bones, but it misses so much stuff. I think they don't even mention how Solar gets introduced into this family. lol. Just like "yeah Im here and I helped kill Eclipse" fheahehf. It's a super well made video though, and I don't mind the editing mistakes (clearly when the actors change the avatar on screen.... whoops. Happens a few times)
There is also the Fan Wiki, but as of now, it is incomplete, (@twinanimatronics is working tirelessly on updating the wiki and I wish they got more reconignition from the tsams community as a whole ) but it does give a decent look into Solar
There is also the huge TSAMS Lore Document, which Ceph(twinanimatronics) also worked on which contains a further detailed explanation of the story so far, for those who don't have time to watch 2 years worth of youtube content that aren't in a concrete playlist. (TSAMS. PLAYLIST YOUR STUFF PROPERLY. YOU HAVE TWO YEARS OF LORE HERE)
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Liike.... yeah... this is okay but like..
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This is VRchat. Aka the lore. Which also includes when they play videogames in VRchat, which don't impact the story... Like Uno, Amongus and SCP stuff.....
And it doesn't divide the arcs. Something that TSAMS severely needs more then any other SB Show channel.
Also, in the early days, the gameplay videos USED to be part of the lore. As the concept of Eclipse itself, being a rouge evil ai that lived in Sun's head (as it was presented initially but we know the truth it was the killcode moon planted in Sun when they separated.)
These days, they kinda dropped the gameplay videos being directly connected to the over arching plot. Other then just saying that their vids are pre-recorded or "we're back" after an annual halloween takeover.
Not to mention... When Earth and Lunar got a show, they became intertwined with the Sun and Moon show. LAES is very much it's own thing, but it's the ONLY Security Breach Show that consists of two Original Characters spawned from the Sun and Moon show. A rarity. So their lore continues off from the Sun and moon show, giving more info on Lunar these days and Earth (their sister)
Then you have the Monty and Foxy show (which is my least favorite of the shows... Personal Preference. I try not to complain cus I know some people like it. But I do not like the plot points in that show, or the character writing and weird directions they take while being connected to the same universe.)
And Monty is a character voiced by Davis, who also voices Sun. So Monty started out as a prominent character on the Sun and Moon Show, and then got his OWN show... at a point in TSAMS history after Eclipse got the star and killed Lunar.
So yeah. I wish the playlists were better organized here. So we knew when each era starts.
(people say Matpat should get on this show lore... And noooooooo no thanks. Keep him away. We got you covered. Ceph honestly has enough info to make a video guide at this point.)
But long story short, Solar is a "Good Eclipse" from another dimension that the Old Moon introduced to Lunar, when Lunar was struggling with his trauma of leaving Eclipse. Good Eclipse and Lunar become friends.
Anyway, here are some key episodes that outline NewMoon and Solar's relationship, as Solar had never met the Old Moon.
Old Moon had never met Solar. It was New Moon who introduced himself to Solar to help defeating Eclipse once and for all. (and by this point lunar had died)
He was actually surprised that this Moon was a chill Moon and could be reasoned with and talked to, considering he was living a rather oppressive life from his own Moon.
There's also a whole episode saga of just these two bantering and talking while they work on the satellite together. I can't remember which specific episodes those are.
You can also see the difference between the Evil Eclipse and Good Eclipse here in one of my all time favorite episodes:
Moon saving Solar's life: (also the death of the bad Eclipse)
Everything is good and happy after Eclipse dies for awhile. (aside of Ruin and Bloodmoon wrecking shit) He goes back to his own dimension... and you get to see what his sad life is like:
From his Moon calling him "byproduct" and failure very often.
But... Something happens and Solar is forced to come to Moon's dimension
here's Solar at his poor little meow meow "I have nowhere to go" stage and just... thought to go to Moon immediately due to their history.
Moon's only question about Solar moving in, is that if he wanted him to blacklist his dimension once he heard what was going on with his Moon.
And immediately, Solar jumps in to help Moon with his problems.
Also during the halloween takeover part 2 electric boogaloo, Solar was the one to help get Sun and Moon back after being teleported to a different dimension with no hopes of returning
Also, after Ruin was cured and Bloodmon ran off, Solar rebuilt the ruined Daycare in a week. And Moon is so grateful for it. (i rewatch this episode a lot. It cemented the ship in my mind and built the commodity that they've been building up for months)
We also get what Solar's daily life is like so far... How out of place he feels, being someone from a different dimension, despite the Brothers (and sister's) insistence, he still doesn't really feel like he's part of the family. He feels like an outsider. (He also has less opportunities to hang out with Lunar. As he expressed interest in playing games with him like the good old days, and as of recently, they have not yet)
also a good example of the Celestial family changing minds on family dynamics because they are robots. Lunar flat out rejected Vegeta-Animatronic is his brother even if he technically is. Like, they're robots. They can change their relationships to each other based on their word. I like to see it more flexible then it is in reality with actual people/humans.
Moon also trying to make Solar feel comfortable and feel like he's adjusting well here. Expressing his concern for him doing so much for him and his family. And hoping to not pressure him into so much work.
As of recently, his Sun died, and he killed his Moon. And in his therapy session (on the Lunar and Earth Show) he expressed regret over "Leaving" them...
But he has not properly told anyone about this.
My reasoning is that he probably thinks that the family will jump on the chance to call him "Evil" .....They don't have good luck with Eclipses.... and every Eclipse they met other than him has been Evil. (that must weigh on you. Every version of yourself is deemed as evil across every dimension. You are the only good one. Maybe there is something wrong with you)
I'm already at the video limit, but on Lunar and Earth show, there is an interesting episode where Lunar goes into Solar's head, and his mindscape looks like the Willy Wonka TV room, because it was a movie he watched with his Sun before they separated and Sun died. Showing that he did care about his Sun a whole lot... Which is probably why he doesn't interact with our Sun that much alone.
He also compartmentalizes everything before he can feel emotions, playing his own memories in third person as if he's not experiencing them.
Not to mention, he organizes and separates his thoughts on NewMoon and HIS Moon, just so he won't associate the two.
I also missed what episode it was, but Solar is always the first to call Moon out when he's being angry, or irrational, and Sun admits in his therapy session, that Solar is the only person who can calm Moon down. (mainly cus he's used to it, but unlike his old moon, this moon listens)
I love Solar a lot, can you tell?
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vintagegeekculture · 2 years
How would you go about rebooting/modernizing "Flash Gordon" in a way that minimizes and/or mitigates the yellow peril in its DNA (e.g., Ming) but still keeps it recognizable and palatable to the fans? I always thought it'd be interesting to race-flip it, especially if one were to base Flash on someone like indigenous athlete and Olympian Jim Thorpe.
You know, when I heard about the Sex Archie show, at first, I thought it was a joke trailer from College Humor or something. But now, thinking it over, I realize it was absolutely genius.
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The Riverdale approach (grounding something in sexuality) may not necessarily work for everything, but it would absolutely work for Flash Gordon specifically, because Flash Gordon always very much had in its DNA a kind of European sexuality mingled with experimental art direction, something like Barbarella or Heavy Metal comics. The comics always had whipping scenes, dungeons, seraglios, seductions, hypnotic compulsions into service, and arch enemies who pin their foe by pressing their wrists against a wall. It's very interesting to compare it to the far more non-sexual Star Wars movies that it supposedly inspired. If you do an adult version - emphasis on the adult - something like Game of Thrones but pushes it even further, it would absolutely work. Flash Gordon is not an antihero (he's more an audience identification POV character like Ned Stark who is a stand in for the moral values of the audience), but the planet Mongo is surrounded by antiheroes. Are you telling me that Prince Barin, if push came to shove, couldn't kill in cold blood?
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The best possible person to helm a reboot of Flash Gordon would be a cokehead lunatic Italian who threatens his actors by pulling out a knife on set while yelling gibberish. You know, the kind of guy who directs all my favorite movies. I'm reminded of the very fascinating costumes and designs that Heavy Metal artist (and lunatic Italian, what a plus!) Milo Manara did for an aborted remake of Barbarella starring Drew Barrymore in the mid-2000s.
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A project that absolutely captures the spirit of what I am talking about is Taika Waikiki's Thor: Ragnarok, which merely flirted with 80s Heavy Metal themes and suggested debauchery within the constraints of its' rating.
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Or better yet, Steven Sommers, director of the Mummy (you know, the good one from 1999) would do something amazing with this material. The target audience for a Flash Gordon revival would be the people who share memes that say "my sexual orientation is the cast of the Mummy"). God, Tumblr would crack in half and get a new favorite show, which is why it amazes me that they haven't added Tigra to the Marvel movies yet. Incidentally, I think the Masters of the Universe who create our culture are absolutely sleeping on how absolutely essential that movie is to the generation that grew up around the turn of the 20th century (much like how Gen Z views Polar Express as a classic for some reason).
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Hey...Lady Gaga loves to act, doesn't she? You know, I bet she would understand this material immediately, and I'm not just saying that because I'm a huge fan. I mean, she already dresses like she came from Ming's Throne Room. She loves art direction and burlesque. She's also of Italian origin (hey, it doesn't hurt). I'm not sure if she's ever read Heavy Metal (I doubt it, as she's not a pot dealer older brother who listens to Primus) but I think she'd get it, because she doesn't think pop "low" culture is a dirty word. Regular people who would sleep on yet another Flash Gordon revival would watch if she was in it somehow, or involved in production.
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leemillion · 9 months
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Introduction to the Snow - Miracle Musical (gives me the ✨vibes✨)
Look Who’s Inside Again - Bo Burnham (Think it would describe his childhood. At least a part of it)
Am I Supposed To Apologize? - Maria Mena (It’s %90 percent here because of a few short lyrics that would imply him discovering his love of theater. The other %10 is because I have a headcanon he’s a child of divorce parents.)
My Play - AJR (C’mon man it seems pretty self explanatory if you’ve listened to it. Plus it adds onto the divorced parents theory)
The Main Character - Will Wood (It’s literally him. C’mon man. The vibes. Also you cannot tell me he wouldn’t be a huge Will Wood fan.)
Hard to Be the Bard - Something Rotten! (He’s a writer✨ An artist✨ It can’t possibly be easy 😔)
Soldier, Poet, King - The Oh Hellos (Now this one is more the Performance Trio as a whole but still. Preston is the poet, obviously 😌 while Nerris is the soldier and Harrison is the ruler.)
I/Me/Myself - Will Wood (Because he's just so ✨gender✨ Plus if you headcanon him as gender-fluid it makes this even better.)
Oh No! - Marina & The Diamonds (A desire to succeed. To make it big in this world. He knows what he wants and he won’t stop at nothing to get it. He definitely has a fear of failure. And who’s to say he doesn’t feel like he’s the worst? He already acts like he’s the best. Who’s to say that’s not a cover up?)
Everybody Loves Me - OneRepublic (Consider this the beginning of Preston Goodplay’s Good Play. He finally has a performance piece that people seem to like. He’s finally getting the love and attention he so deserves 😌 But at what cost?)
Non-Stop - Hamilton (Turns out his new performance is the only thing people seem to want. So why not just keep writing up new ideas for it? Sure he’ll eventually run out. But right now’s not eventually! He’ll just have to keep coming up with new ideas for it! Thing is it’s getting a lot more stressful than he intended.)
Left Brain, Right Brain - Bo Burnham (Oh Y’know just that one scene where he’s arguing with his own fucking reflection. Unsure whether he should sell out and give the people what they want, or follow what he wants with the risk that no one would like it.)
Show & Tell - Melanie Martínez (Ok this is getting ridiculous. They’ve started showing up to his practices and commenting on HIS writing process. It’s overwhelming. But what can he do about it? They’re his target audience. Well his only audience but still-)
Everyone is Dumb - Mazie x Everybody Likes You - Lemon Demon (Seems self explanatory. Everyone actually pays attention to him now. They’re excited for his performances. Everyone likes him. But they’re also stupid. It’s a stupidly simple performance that’s virtually the same every time. Yet they never get tired of it. Yes they like him, but is it worth it if this is the reason they like him.)
Shine A Light (Reprise) - Heathers (Oh y’know just the silly little nightmare he has :,D And then the hallucinations of his own reflection laughing at him. Plus him pulling out that prop knife uh- was he just being dramatic or??? Like he did have a bit of a psychotic break, man’s was hallucinating. How do we know he didn’t think the knife was real? Like was he actually trying to- y’know? Seriously is he ok-??)
Are You Satisfied - Marina & The Diamonds (He talks to David for a bit. And something’s called to question. Is he satisfied with this? He’s worried about his future yes, but then again what’s the point of making art if he doesn’t actually like it himself. It’s pointless. And he realizes no one else should get a say in what he wants to create. It’s his problem. No one else’s.)
Drama Club - Melanie Martinez (Honestly just doesn’t give a shit about anyone’s opinions anymore and that’s kind of a good thing. Even if they hate it. “Any reaction, positive or negative, is still a reaction :D” As tomatoes are pelted towards him. Honestly a healthier mentality than he had before. And I think that’s the end of the Preston Goodplay’s Good Play section of the playlist!)
Recess - Melanie Martinez (I’m here for Preston’s grandmother raising him and teaching him everything she knows 🗣️🗣️🗣️ Stg every lyric fucking fits. Also I think this could apply to his new mentality of “Fuck you it’s my art not yours I do what I want.” A nice little summary to the fiasco that is Preston Goodplay’s Good play.)
Mirror Man - Jack Stauber’s Opal (Mostly just gives me Preston vibes. His desire to become famous and what not.)
Art Is Dead - Bo Burnham (Vibesss man. “I am an artist, please god forgive me. I am an artist, please don't revere me. I am an artist, please don't respect me I am an artist, you're free to correct me. A self-centered artist. Self-obsessed artist. I am an artist. I am an artist. But I'm just a kid. I'm just a kid. I'm just a kid, kid. And maybe I'II grow out of it”)
Finale (Can’t Wait To See What You Do Next) - AJR (Honestly just thought it’d be cool to have the last song in the playlist be called Finale 💀 But I think it’s a nice little summary of his character. A final bow if you will 😌)
Anyways that’s about it. If anyone else has suggestions or input on the songs already here feel free to! Hell if you happen to disagree with anything feel free to. I love discussions about things I like :D Also feel free to suggest songs that you think I should add 😌 Gonna go pass out now baiiii
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jujumin-translates · 5 months
Event | 5th Anniversary: The Way Back Home | Chapter 5 - Autumn Planet Story
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*Contains spoilers for Act 12 - eternal moment*
Izumi: Is everyone ready?
Juza: Yea.
Azami: Everyone’s hair and makeup is perfect too.
Omi: Wearing these costumes is always exciting, isn’t it?
Taichi: Ah! Mi-chan and Ma-kun are here!
Sakuya: We’ll have to show them how cool we are!
Sakyo: It’s not just those two, we need to show the entire audience the best play possible.
Banri: Damn right.
Banri: …Aight, let’s do this thing!
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Autumn Troupe & Sakuya: Yeah!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: (A few years before Saku leaves the ANIMS ship… This takes place before Dee received his code name “Doug”.)
Izumi: (Out of these crew members, only Dee and the oddball Saku don’t have code names.)
Izumi: (Ted, a childhood friend of Dee’s, was one of the first to receive his name, “Tig”, out of the crew members. This makes Dee even more impatient.)
Izumi: (Dee, frustrated with this, has an outburst at Tig’s father, the captain of the ship, Bear.)
Dee: “Why the hell do Rat and Bat get names, but not me!?”
Rat: “Sorry, Dee. We’re just ahead of you~.”
Bear: “Until you figure out the reason, you’ll always be half a man.”
Bat: “I mean, what’s the point of the code names anyway?”
Rat: “As part of ANIMS, getting your animal code name is a sign that you’re independent. I think you broke the record for being the youngest, Bat.”
Bat: “Huh.”
Rat: “That was the weakest reaction ever! Well, you are a certified communicator. No wonder you’re so sought after.”
Bat: “I mean, you got your code name almost as soon as you boarded the ship, didn’t you, Rat?”
Rat: “‘Cause I’m just that good~.”
Dee: “I could get certified if I wanted…”
Bear: “We already have enough communicators. If you want to be one, look elsewhere for work.”
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Dee: “Tch.”
Tig: “Dee, you haven’t cleaned the decks yet. Don’t make Saku do it all by himself.”
Dee: “Fuck off, I know!”
Dan: “Dee, I think you’re just snappin’ at Bear again.”
Dee: “Shut up. And if I am?”
Woll: “Bull’s-eye.”
Dan: “Guess I won that bet.”
Woll: “No helpin’ it. That’s a big win for you.”
Dee: “I ain’t a horse for you to bet on.”
Dee: “All of you treat me like I’m stupid. Pretty sure Saku and I are the only ones on the ship who don’t have code names.”
Saku: “What’s that about me?”
Dee: “Doesn’t it make you feel pathetic that we’re always just treated like we’re not really pirates?”
Saku: “I’ve never really thought about it… I guess I’m not necessarily unhappy with my current position or anything…”
Dee: “Tch, stop fucking joking about me bein’ on the same level as someone unreliable like that.”
Dee: “If none of you are gonna admit it, then I’ll make you admit it. I’ll make you admit that I’m a man worthy of ANIMS.”
Tig: “Dee, clean the decks.”
Dee: “Just fuck off, I’m doin’ it now!”
Tig: “Haah, what the hell?”
Bear: “He’s been like that ever since his father died. You’d better keep an eye on him.”
Tig: “Why me?”
Bear: “You already know why.”
Izumi: (Dee is getting increasingly frustrated with Woll and Dan teasing him. He’s much more childish and brazen than in the original.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Dan: “That’s our target this time, Ralph’s ship.”
Bear: “Way to go, Dan. You’ve got us in a good position.”
Dee: “But I’ve got no clue what kinda things rich people like. Are we really goin’ to war with that ship?”
Tig: “It just for appearances. They don’t even have any weapons.”
Bear: “Alright, for our scouts--.”
Dee: “I’ll go.”
Bear: “Tig.”
Tig: “Roger that.”
Bear: “Dee, you’ll be with me.”
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Dee: “The fuck!? Why!?”
Tig: “Shut up. Obey the captain’s orders.”
Bear: “Rat, provide logistical support. Bat, stay with the ship and jam any rescue signals.”
Rat: “Aye aye, Sir.”
Bat: “Understood.”
Bear: “Everyone else, rush in as soon as Tig attacks.”
Woll: “Aye aye, Captain.”
Tig: “Don’t do anythin’ uncalled for, Dee.”
Dee: “Shut the fuck up.”
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: (Dee, impatient to be successful, is the first to board the ship without listening to what the others are saying…)
Tig: “I’ll be goin’ soon.”
Rat: “Unit One is ready to-- wait, huh?”
Woll: “It’s already gone?”
Dan: “Huh, who’s on board?”
Tig: “That bastard-- Can I take Unit Two?”
Rat: “Uhm, yeah, probably.”
Dan: “Unit Three will be on standby, just in case.”
Tig: “Thanks.”
Tig: “Unit Two, launchin’ in three, two, one--.”
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Tig: “Dee! Stop actin’ so selfishly!”
Dee: “Just shut up! I’m way better at handlin’ these guys than you are! Stay outta my way!”
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Tig: “That ain’t the point! This is why you’ll always be half a man!”
Dee: “Who you callin’ half a man!? Just shut up and watch me!”
*Lazers firing*
Ralph: “!? W-What was that!?”
Subordinate: “Pirates!”
Ralph: “H-Hurry up and do something quickly!”
Dee: “Hah! Perfect. Nowhere to run. Now all I’ve gotta do is get in and--.”
Tig: “Dee! Three planes incomin’ at two o’clock!”
Dee: “The hell? I thought they didn’t have any weapons. I never heard anythin’ about there bein’ an escort.”
Dee: “Whatever, I’ll deal with the three planes myself.”
*Lazers firing*
Tig: “Dee, don’t go alone!”
Dee: “I’ve got it under control.”
Dee: “Aight, one down. Now for the rest--.”
Tig: “Dee!”
Dee: “--Gh.”
Dan: “Coming in on Unit Three for backup.”
Dee: “Dan!? What are you doin’--?”
Rat: “Likewise, I’ll cover you, please rescue Dee, Tig!”
Tig: “Roger that.”
Dee: “--Shit, now everyone’s involved, this is bad.”
Izumi: (And as a result, ANIMS is forced to withdraw…)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Bear: “Let’s regroup and take off at once.”
Bat: “Aye aye, Sir.”
Woll: “Glad you’re safe, Dee.”
Tig: “How’s the condition of Unit One?”
Rat: “Dee did a good job of doging, so I don’t think it’s in too bad condition.”
Bear: “Dee, your selfish actions put the whole crew in danger. Are you aware of that?”
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Dee: “--Yes.”
Bear: “Your father, Bull, was honestly one of the worst leaders I’ve ever seen.”
Bear: “He was the first to jump into danger, and his first priority was always protecting his comrades by bringing up the rear.”
Bear: “‘After I’m gone, you’ll still be here, Bear. Dee will have you, so I don’t have to worry.’ That’s what he used to say.”
Bear: “Every day I stood next to him as his second-in-command made my anxious as all hell, but I was proud to be there.”
Bear: “Dee, think it over again as to why you’re not recognized as a full man.”
Bear: “You have to be aware and responsible if you ever want to lead ANIMS as captain one day.”
Dee: “Me…?”
Tig: “Why are you surprised? Hasn’t this always been your plan? You’ve been sayin’ that you wanted to be captain ever since we were kids.”
Rat: “Well, but you’re still just half a man right now!”
Dan: “At this rate, you won’t get your code name and become captain until you’re an old man.”
Bat: “And no one wants a captain like that.”
Woll: “Haha. You’re gonna have to really work at it.”
Dee: “Guys… I’m really sorry.”
Dan: “He apologized. Seems like I’ve lost.”
Woll: “And I guess that means I’ve won this time.”
Dee: “You place bets on shit like that too!?”
Izumi: (Dee’s comrades follow after him. Their tone is joking, but you can feel their belief in Dee and their encouragement.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Rat: “Huh? What about Saku?”
Bat: “He said he had stuff to carry. They brought him along to the captains’ drinking party or something.”
Rat: “I’m so jealous. I wish I could’ve gone too.”
Dan: “Well, there’s no helpin’ it. We can’t celebrate the spoils of war right at this moment.”
Rat: “That’s dumb.”
Dee: “He said he was sorry.”
Rat: “He wasn’t trying to be disagreeable or anything.”
Dan: “Stop pouting.”
Dee: “I ain’t poutin’.”
Bat: “Huh? Isn’t that Ralph’s ship over there?”
Dan: “I didn’t see anythin’ about them comin’ into port around here, though.”
Woll: “Maybe it’s because of the incident the other day.”
Dee: “‘Bout damn time.”
Tig: “Oi, you’re not plannin’ on boardin’ again, are you?”
Dee: “They came from way far away. Can’t pass up that kinda opportunity. If they come into port, we’ve got ourselves an openin’. We’ll be able to pull it off no problem.”
Tig: “You haven’t learned your lesson at all.”
Rat: “That’s our Dee!”
Dan: “It’s true, we’ve got a chance. I’m in.”
Woll: “Same here. Not like I’ve got anything better to do.”
Bat: “Ralph and his crew are gonna be comin’ in soon. If you want your chance, go as soon as they do.”
Dee: “Ya already intercepted ‘em? That was fast work.”
Rat: “I’m gettin’ hella hyped!”
Dee: “We go at 22:00. I’ll board first.”
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Tig: “I’ll go too. We learned out lesson last time.”
Dee: “Permitted. When we give the signal, the rest of y’all board too. Rat will be in charge of logistical support and diversion.”
Rat: “Aye aye, Sir!”
Izumi: (The members of ANIMS are filled with excitement. Their tone of voice and facial expressions really show off their nature as pirates, as if they’re enjoying the roughness of the plan.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Dee: “Looks like they’re short of hands. Perfect.”
Tig: “You haven’t reflected at all, have you, Dee?”
Dee: “I have. That’s why I brought you along.”
Tig: “Haah. How the hell am I supposed to support somethin’ like this…”
Dee: “It’s time. Let’s go.”
Tig: “Understood.”
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Dee: “Pardon us!”
Guard: “Who the hell are you!?”
Dee: “We had to leave early the other day, so we’d thought we’d pop in to say hello again.”
Guard: “Oi, someone, come here! There’s pirates!”
Dee: “Tig, the signal.”
Rat: “Oh, it’s time, it’s time.”
Woll: “We’re gonna have to kick it up a notch from last time.”
Dan: “We’ll have this over with before the captain can even find out.”
*Lazers firing*
Izumi: (ANIMS acts as violently as they want. It really shows off the true spirit of Autumn Troupe.)
Izumi: (Banri-kun’s leadership skills are put to good use for Dee’s performance, plus the action scenes with everyone are also very impressive.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Bear: “So, what’s the meaning of this?”
Dee: “As future captain, I’ve gotta make sure I finish the job I messed up on.”
Dee: “Just so you know, this was my decision, so the other guys ain’t responsible.”
Bear: “God… Dee, from this day on, you’ll be known as Doug.”
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Doug: “Huh?”
Bear: “And you’re not a future captain. From today on, you’re the captain. So pull yourself together.”
Doug: “Are you for real?”
Bear: “Tig, you’ll support Doug as second in command.”
Tig: “No avoidin’ it, I guess.”
Bear: “That’s a weight off my shoulders.”
Bat: “Oi, the Space Police are headed this way.”
Dan: “If we don’t hurry, the port will be put into lockdown.”
Doug: “Aight, y’all, get ready now. We’re gettin’ the hell outta here!”
Rat: “Aye aye, Sir!”
Izumi: (Now given his code name, his determination to live as Captain Doug of ANIMS is reaffirmed…)
Izumi: (The universe of the space performance was further expanded by seeing the past stories of ANIMS.)
Izumi: (The audience seems to be thrilled to get to know the activities and the growth of Doug and the others, which differs from the main story.)
Izumi: (Autumn Troupe’s spin off performance was a huge success!)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: Thank you very much!
Omi: Thank you.
Juza: Thanks.
Azami: Thanks so much.
Sakyo: Thank you very much.
Taichi: Thank you!
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Banri: Thank you so much!
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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pyxilatezero · 2 months
An Honest Review of Mean Girls (2024)
I have seen so many negative reviews of this movie, and I have to say one thing to you guys: you obviously weren’t the target audience if you hated this movie.
First, let me break down some of their complaints, and then I’ll give you the rundown of my personal opinion.
Common Complaint Number One: Renée Rapp’s acting was bad.
Do I need to explain to you why you’re stupid, or are you going to see yourself out the door? If her acting was bad, I’m the next Queen of England. Not only did she bring life to a different version of Regina George, she clearly put some effort into portraying that character. She was probably the second best actor in this movie.
Common Complaint Number Two: Angourie Rice was miscast as Cady Heron; Her singing is bad, her acting is flat, ect.
If I was someone who had just moved to America from another country, I would be reserved too. I would show my emotions less, and I would probably try and do things to fit in with other people I wouldn’t normally do. While I admit her performance can’t match up to Lindsay’s, I also say: can YOU act that well? No. These are professionals. If you think that you can act better, then I’d better see you when they make a musical version of Mean Girls 2. And your complaints with the singing are unfair. She’s Australian- do you know how hard it is to sing with an accent? Oh, well she could just keep the accent when singing- DO YOU KNOW HOW DIFFERENT AN AUSTRALIAN ACCENT IS FROM A KENYAN ONE? The door is to your right.
Common Complaint Number Three: The Fashion is bad. (WARNING: Long segment)
This is… wow. I’m disappointed. Honestly, I am. While some of the choices are questionable, do you know how much effort was put into these outfit designs? The first time we see Regina, for example, we see her in all black. Black can represent power, but it can also represent hatred, as another thing; a reference to Cady being told she should hate Regina by her friends. Later on, at the end of the movie, she wears black, all the way up until she gets hit by a bus (which, contrary to what some people say, was not left out of the movie). To show her hatred for Cady. While the outfits may not be perfect, they are quite fitting. To introduce Cady in school, she wears blue- colors associated with sadness, but also nerves. Throughout the movie, Cady is nervous- first to be at school, then to lose her friends, and then to topple Regina, take her place, and be in power. Just because the fashion isn’t perfect and doesn’t make the characters look like models doesn’t mean the acting is bad. (Also, Regina would never use ELF? I am friends with someone who is essentially Regina George but less mean and not as rich, but still pretty up there, and I assure you, she uses ELF)
Complaint Number Four: ALL OF THE SINGING IS AWFUL
Are you deaf? Actually, no. That’s insulting to the deaf people. If you seriously think that all of the songs are awful, you need to never listen to music ever again because you are a disgrace to this society. I will admit, not all of the songs were bangers, but I still have What-Ifs stuck in my head (I agree with one thing, Stupid With Love, both the movie and musical versions, can go with Regina by that bus through)
Complaint Number Five: It’s too much like the original movie but not close enough to the original movie
This is the most common thing I see. People stating that it’s ’trying too hard to be the original movie’ but that it ‘left out key details in the movie that would make it more like the original movie’. Seriously, SHUT UP. Nobody wants to hear you being all ambivalent about your fake reason for hating the movie because someone else told you it’s bad.
Common Complaint Number Six: The acting is bad.
Look me in the eyes and tell me the actors did not pour their heart and soul into this film. You can’t. There’s the door. Go outside. Touch grass.
Common Complaint Number Seven: It wasn’t marketed as a musical!!!
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Do you… not see the music note? Okay, you’re blind. Got it 👍 But if you’re so blind, then almost none of the previous complaints are valid because you couldn’t see the movie.
But in all honesty, this one just legitimately pisses me off, because it just means that people can’t be bothered to pay attention to something that is made obvious to them. Sure, the first trailer didn’t include singing, but it was to get you hooked on the idea, not to advertise the movie. Wake up sheeple.
I have my own flurry of complaints. Well, no I don’t. Just two or three. 1. Cady’s entire personality was liking Aaron. I’m sorry, I can’t like a main character who is, in effect, like half the people who dislike this movie, a sheep. And I will admit, there were a FEW times the emotion shown by Cady wasn’t as perfect as it could have been. But it’s not a movie killer. 2. I don’t think the movie addresses very well that Janis was also mean. The ‘At least me and Regina KNOW we’re mean’ gave Janis’s treatment of Cady more effect; made Cady come off less as a villain and more as a victim, whereas the new one completely glosses over it and makes it seem like Janis was the one in the right all along. And three, Cady should have kissed Regina at the beginning and none of this would have happened. If you’re going to give us gay Janis, GIVE US OUR CADINA DAMMNIT.
Otherwise, this movie was amazing! I am a lesbian tho so maybe that’s not objective :P
LESBIAN O’ METER: 6/10 (Kinda Gay, NGL)
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woodsfae · 7 months
B5 s03e07 Exogenesis table of contents • previous episode
I try to pay attention to ships' names because they can give hints to the nature of a character or a thematic element, but today's is pretty oblique. The shuttle Dyson. Is it for Dyson physics? The interactions of quantum elements with physical matter from a quick wikipedia romp. Or is it another dyson that I don't know the reference for? Fun theorizing.
This newly minted Lieutenant seems plot-relevant!
Marcus the Ranger is hanging out on B5, it seems. I wonder if it's one of those times they talk about someone to remind the audience they exist, but they don't show up in the episode.
Yikes! The Dyson people are doing weird alien bugs melding into humans shit. Dr Franklin's probably gonna do more coke-fueled medical work.
Corwin the new Lieutenant is going to get Susan Ivanova's best subtle grilling as to his allegiances. Can't wait. But till then, some Marcus harassing a sleeping vendor by quoting the Scottish play to him.
And then a meeting with another Ranger who gives him the funniest information report imaginable. Not so much sharing information as making sly allusions to what may be. Funny and dramatic. It is interesting seeing Marcus work. He's like a local liaison, coordinator, recruiter, and information gathered all at once. I guess you have to wear a lot of different hats when you're in a small start-up with limited staff and a ever-widening scope.
I love the sheer medical garb and ppe, and also like the new mesh arm and shoulder layer Dr Franklin is modeling. Also like the 3d imager! The alien bug is now wrapped around the dead guy's spinal column and is imaged like criss-crossing threads. I enjoy this medical mystery for Dr Franklin. He could use some enrichment, and if there aren't mass causalities it might be almost relaxing for him.
Looks like Marcus's absent colleague/contact has fallen in with a new crowd. A crowd of people all infected with this new-to-Stephen parasite? What would a parasite's agenda even be? And the vendor who wasn't feeling well is missing as well.
Listen new Lieutenant. Listen to me closely. Susan Ivanova is not hitting on you right now. She is the second in command of Babylon 5. Obviously she wants to informally assess a new Lieutenant under her command!
Funny that Garibaldi was enthused about the idea of hanging with Marcus and inviting him to things, but now that Marcus himself is asking him to do something, he doesn't wanna hang. And I actually laughed at Marcus's clever wordplay. He didn't lie at all, but strongly suggested that Garibaldi cares a lot about the issue and is asking Dr Franklin to help Marcus. He must have studied at the same Aes Sedai school as Delenn!
Shenanigans are afoot at the old vendor's quarters! His shirt is all jacked up and his back is pulsing! I don't like that! Or all the parasite-distributers with guns.
Stephen and Marcus are asking the same questions I am. What are the parasites' motives? What are their aims? What are their actual effects on the humans?
Dr Franklin thinks the parasite takes control of their neural system. I wonder if they are trying to transport themselves somewhere, or survive somehow. Garibaldi's point about why they would be targeting people from Down Below is a good one.
Marcus is sassy! I like him. He's very roguish. He and Dr Franklin will be fine. I hope they enjoy their field trip together!
I hope Susan is fucking with this guy right now. Just tormenting him over the roses because he panicked and lied and said he found them lying on her doorstep.
An unsettling conversation with the person who says he "was once Duncan, but is now Vindrizi." And he says they are just trying to survive. dun dun! This still has the potential to be a mostly enriching field trip for Dr Franklin. And it's a great further introduction to Marcus. I like him tremendously.
Susan's testing the insubordinate waters is kinda sorta subtle. But she does get the necessary information. He would report another officer whom he say speaking or acting against Earthdome. They will have to work around him!
Oooooh, gossiping about Susan Ivanova! Franklin likes her. Marcus is concerned that she seems more distant now than when he first came on board.
Marcus: "I sense in her a key as yet unturned." Dr Franklin: "What does that mean?" Marcus: "I don't know, but I think it will be fascinating to find out."
dude is just saying allegorical things and then admitting he doesn't even know why he thinks that. Lol. But somehow it's charming?? What a little smartass (affectionate). Dr Franklin thinks so, too. And I love that they're failing the reverse bechdel test (I jest, I jest).
Stephen is right that Marcus is not Ivanova's type. We all her know her type is blond and telepathic with a tortured backstory.
This has been a very fun plot. Stephen has two patients in one, and Marcus just took out two guards in one plot! And got Stephen's Link and triggered a security protocol! Finally, some backup is on the way. There's just enough time for Marcus and Stephen to discover the aliens' tragic backstory and suddenly be required to negotiate for their safe passage to the recently-arrived security team. But they do have wrap up their little prison break first!
Aha! Information sharing! The person who was once Duncan says that all the humans there volunteered, and that they will all have a better life this way.
Aww, and they have a hell of a backstory! Less tragic, and more epic. Living histories. Less parasites, and more a holy order of record-keepers.
This is a wonderful little story. Very epic. Another of those cool details of worldbuilding. Also it's fucking hilarious how Stephen Franklin is like "I will only allow this if I get to medically oversee it every step of the way."
Oh, and here does come the tragedy. Duncan's…symbiote? left him so Duncan could convince Marcus and Stephen they were telling the truth, but the separation caused damage and he wouldn't be able to rejoin without permanent damage. But at least he feels inspired to go really live and see some amazing things with the rest of his life. And I think he's wise to say that we should all wake up and decide to be special.
Lol, Susan wasn't fucking with the Lieutenant Corwin about the roses. Inadvertently, that guy has played a hell of a prank on both her and Marcus! Hah!
Ivanova, throwing the roses on the bar: "Keep em!" Marcus, beaming and picking them up: "Thanks! I will!"
Really laughed hard at that one.
Alright, I'm starting to see where some of you acquired your crushes on Marcus! He's cute and charming! And very nonthreatening. I wouldn't mind being buds with him. He seems genuinely really an entertaining person to hang out with.
This was overall an interesting and fun episode. I enjoyed theorizing about it. I can't discern a connection between the name of the shuttle the symbiote record keepers arrived in and any plot. If you have thoughts on that let me know! It also isn't often you see symbiotic relationships with bug-like critters. I know now that DS9 was accused of lifting a lot of details from the original B5 pitch, but I wonder if this isn't a nod back the other way, especially since Trill symbiotes were introduced in TNG, which predated the B5 pitch if I'm not mistaken.
next episode
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historyofshipping · 9 months
More Teen Wolf thoughts
So I knew next to nothing about Teen Wolf when I started watching it last week. I basically just didn't interact with any fandoms when it was live and so I'm coming in without any kind of preconceived notions of who/what the good character/ships/storylines etc other than the movie sucks and I shouldn't watch it. I was also vaguely aware that Ste/rek and Stydia were fandom things.
After watching it, I scrolled through an obscene amount of tumblr stuff related to TW and I truly have to wonder if we watched the same show.
Again, it's a very different viewing experience for me because I didn't have gaps between seasons where I could theorize, over-analyze, etc. I'm also older than the target audience so like that could probably affect how I view things too.
I'll also add that my own relationship had a similar trajectory to Stydia. My partner had a crush on me while I was literally engaged to someone else and we barely knew each other, but then we had a deep friendship form over time. By the time my last relationship ended, his crush had changed to genuine love and my friendship evolved to something romantic. We've been together now over a decade.
So with all that said, here's Stydia thought: I am truly BAFFLED by the fact that people think Stydia getting together was fan service. (More under cut)
Note: I have zero interest in debating or arguing, which is why I'm hoping this won't come up in other ship tags. If you feel the need to argue, just move along because I'll either ignore you or block you. These are just my thoughts - it's not that deep.
I admit I absolutely fell in love with Stydia. I am an absolute sucker for good friends to lovers, detective duos, etc so they were *Chef's kiss* to me.
That said, I'm more than capable of separating my feelings about a ship from a story. So when people say that Stydia was forced together, I'm just kind of dumbfounded since I thought it was literally the only well-written ship in the entire show.
When we start, obviously we have Stiles obsessing over an image of Lydia in his head. But even still, he was never into her popularity or anything like that - he was into the person she was at the core, even when she kept it hidden.
Then they became friends over the course of the next few seasons and Stiles fell in love with her in a different way. He got to know her better and his feelings only deepened. However, she was with other people so he tried to force himself to move on. This is very normal in high school especially.
I did not like the Sta/lia relationship, mostly because I thought Malia deserved a lot better than someone who was clearly still into someone else, but I'm not going to get into that here.
We have canon proof that Stiles was STILL INTO Lydia during season 4&5. So much so that Kira, new to the group and mostly only around post-Malia getting involved, picked up on it: "He still likes her, doesn't he?" "Yeah, but it’s different now." "Stiles was the only one who knew." "He paid attention. He listened to her. He remembered."
Stiles is constantly the one whose main priority is getting her out of Eichen House. He storms in and doesn't give a shit about self-preservation as long as he gets to Lydia and gets her out.
He breaks through his bonds when she's about to be injected.
The camera constantly focuses on their hand touches with each other - whether it's in the hospital, the care with which they constantly stroke each other's face, etc. When Melissa was about to inject Lydia in the neck, she told Stiles specifically to hold her hand - even though he has a fear of needles.
Both of them essentially brought the other back from the dead through their connection.
When he sees her hurt or about to be hurt, it goes back to "I would go out of my freaking mind" - and he does.
Stiles was in love with her for nearly a decade. That doesn't just go away in a few months.
Now, for Lydia, we have her focused on Stiles above all else. He's the one she calls when she's in trouble or upset. She goes to him for comfort. "Stiles saved me."
Whenever there's a Stalia moment and Lydia is around, the camera goes to her for reactions. What comes to mind immediately is in the Mexico car scene where Malia says she'd come back for Stiles.
Now, any of these things individually you could say are just friendship things - and you'd be correct. Above everything, they are friends. Probably best friends. But their bond goes so much deeper than that. Both of them needed that basis of friendship before they could fall into a truly deep love for each other - and that's what we see in season 6.
So yeah, I'm not sure where people are getting the idea that it was out of the blue. It's clearly been built up over seasons and while it *could* have stayed as just very good friends, that wasn't the story they were telling. I'll concede that s6 was kind screwed up because of DOB's filming and injuries but it still wasn't out of the blue.
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authoralexharvey · 17 days
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Who You Are:
El || They/them
I'm a creative writing graduate from Poland. A slavic witch, a solarpunk & an overall creative & crafty goblin. I write fantasy, mystery and lately I've been dabbling in horror. Nowadays also an avid audio drama enthusiast!
What You Write:
What genres do you write in? What age ranges do you write for?
Fanfic, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Poetry, Sci-Fi. New Adult and Adult
What genre would you write in for the rest of your life, if you could? What about that genre appeals to you?
It's a split between fantasy and mystery. I feel like I like writing a story that is both. Can't live without dragons, but would also like to shroud the dragons in some mist, make them not so obvious in their dragon ways. Fantasy appeals to me so much because we can mold the aesthetics that acompany a setting we create and make them mean something, be a message, a metaphore, an echo of something from our world. I find that very cool. Mystery however sticks out to me, because secrets are enticing and I feel like many of us can relate to that feeling of "just wanting to KNOW". It's a good itch to adventure, following a lead of a mystery, it draws you right in and allows to explore puzzles of life.
What genre/s will you not write unless you HAVE to? What about that genre turns you off?
Romance. Simply because I am greyromantic and I honestly could not write a convincing plot that only revolves around a romantic relationship. I do write romance in my stories, don't get me wrong, but they are usually a subplot amongst the rest of the story.
Who is your target audience? Do you think anyone outside of that would get anything out of your works?
My fellow queer people, my fellow anarchist and socialist people, my fellow neurodivergent people, my fellow nerds. I don't think a straight white capitalist man who hates science and D&D would like my writing very much 😂
What kind of themes do you tend to focus on? What kinds of tropes? What about them appeals to you?
Recently I've been focusing on the theme of change. I can't say I have a library of themes I reach for, but I'm pretty sure that one has always been quite universal in my stories. When it comes to tropes I like a lot of the popular ones - grumpy/sunshine in relationships, magic as extension of the self and tool for self-discovery. I write a lot of ensambles, I recently notices. So I like the trope of a community fighting, learning and growing together. Kind if should have see that coming.
What themes or tropes can you not stand? What about them turn you off?
The Born Sexy Yesterday trope. Its the misogyny, your honour.
What are you currently working on? How long have you been working on it?
I'm currently writing an audio drama! Been working on it for maybe 2 months now? I just finished writing episode 1, I am quite proud of that :D
Why do you write? What keeps you writing?
It almost seems like I was born a storyteller and I have to write, because I have too many stories in my head. It might be the adhd tho, I don't know xD.
How long have you been writing? What do you think first drew you to it?
I've been writing since I was 12, but I was a storyteller well before that. My mom used to say I was making up characters as soon as I could talk. I know she wasn’t literal, but I'd like to think my first sentance was a story about a duck.
Where do you get your inspiration from? Is that how you got your inspiration for your current project? If not, where did the inspiration come from?
Inspiration is everywhere, but my main destillery of scene & story ideas is music. I'm sure many writers can relate to envisioning scenes or scenarios in their head while listening to a particularly brain-sceatching song. My current peoject is a combination of that and my discovery of a different medium through which i can tell stories - podcast. Blame Rusty Quill shows and many others for what I'm about to put out into the world. It's all their fault.
What work of yours are you most proud of? Why?
Ask me in a year, maybe my answer will be "this audio drama I wrote and produced!". For now, I am only proud of having many, many fun & cool ideas I haven't finished yet 😅
Have you published anything? Do you want to?
I haven't publish anything finished, not really. I hope to do it this time. 🤞
What part of the publishing process most appeals to you? What part least appeals to you?
The thrill of a finished project seems appealing, but I wouldn't know. The closest I got was publishing a fanfic on ao3. Getting kudos, getting positive feedback tho… that's quite a nice feeling. Least appealing would probably be marketing. I hate it, I don't know how to promote my stuff and that is probably why a lot of my projects end up unfinished - the lack of interest doesn't help the dopamine flow. And talking to people and promoting yourself is hard.
What part of the writing process most appeals to you? What part is least appealing?
Coming up with ideas, worldbuilding and shaping up the characters. That's the best. Worst would be the process of actually wrangling your ideas into a cohesive plot and putting them down on a page. A nightmare, truly a nightmare.
Do you have a writing process? Do you have an ideal setup? Do you write in pure chaos? Talk about your process a bit.
I work in spurts of energy, driven by dopamine, seratonin or spite. I'm a chaos incarnate and I am constantly ashamed of it, but I also love it and stand by my brain's ways. The vibes just gott be right. The music might help, or might not. Sometimes I just have to sit down and hype my story up to myself to write it - moodboards, playlists, all that jazz. And sometimes I simply sit down and hyperfixate on writing and voila - one chapter in a day.
Your Thoughts on Writeblr:
How long have you been a writeblr? What inspired you to join the community?
6 years it seems. I joined looking for likeminded folks, in search of stories and community. I did find a lot of good here, but I also learned how my brain can get really oversaturated with long posts and long conversations, so. I've been less active for the last 2 years for sure.
Shout out some of your favorite writeblrs. How did you find them and what made you want to follow them?
@drabbleitout is one of my favourite writers on here, I love their style & the way they write their androids. The wonderful @zonnemaagd (please verify that @, I am not sure if I spelled this right.) who enchants me with her words in her stories. @henrikedoeswritingsometimes had me at hello with their timeloop story. I freaking love time loop stories. More please.
What is your favorite part about writeblr?
Community? I only see positivity on here tbh. Though I have not wondered across the corners of the writeblr universe. So maybe its just that my little bubble is very cozy.
What do you think writeblr could improve on? How do you think we can go about doing so?
I tried to answer this question many times before - and I honestly don't know.
How do you contribute to the writeblr community? Do you think you could be doing more?
I don't contribute much these days. I wish I could do more. But life wants orherwise.
What kinds of posts do you most like to interact with?
silly posts, event posts, posts with writing references & snippets
What kind of posts do you most like to make?
I used to like sharing my writing snippets and wip intro posts, but soon there was too much pressure to publish more and more. and I just don't write things consistently enough to do that.
Finally, anywhere else online we may be able to find you?
@waysofink on all other socials (that mostly Twitter & tiktok these days)
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booksandabeer · 4 months
TV Round-Up | Jan-Feb 2024
One of my "goals" this year is to keep better track of things I read/watch/listen to (well, other than fanfic) because I'm getting old and forgetful and there's just so much stuff. And isn't this what ✨blogs✨ are for? Due to The Worst Flu in the History of the World, I've been watching a lot of TV recently, so let's start with that:
Barry | Started watching this on a whim about a week ago, am now already on season four and completely losing my mind over it. Why the fuck did no one tell me how good this show is? I mean, I know a lot of people love it and it has received a fair amount of critical praise and awards attention, but that in no way prepared me for just *how* good it is. It's unlike anything else I've ever watched; I wouldn't even know what to compare it to. Maybe Breaking Bad /Better Call Saul, but not because it's thematically or even tonally similar, but because, just like with the Gilligan shows, you never know what the fuck is going to happen next. It takes some WILD swings but until now every single one has landed for me. Season one was very entertaining, season two really hooked me, and season three was mind-blowingly good: It's the showrunners—and the show itself—slowly turning towards the audience until they're looking them right in the eye, and going 'See? This is what we’ve been doing all along. You felt safe in the assumption that this is a comedy, but really, none of this was ever truly funny to begin with; you simply chose to laugh about it. And what does that say about you?' MASTERFUL.
Masters of the Air | Given that I'm a Band of Brothers superfan, I'm the primary target audience for this...and yet, 4 episodes in, I cannot muster up more of a reaction than 'eh, it's fine?' The first warning that this would be a bit of a disappointment came in the form of the overlong opening credits sequence, which is dripping with patriotic kitsch (and yeah, if you already thought that was one of BoB's flaws, believe me, you are not prepared for this). Everything is too clean, too glossy, there's an artificial sheen and a flatness to it that prevents any real immersion into the story. It doesn't help that I do not for a single second buy baby-faced Austin Butler (still doing the Elvis voice!) as a tough USAF major, leading his men into aerial battle. Callum Turner and Barry Keoghan are slightly more convincing in their roles, but it's all giving 'Boyband Goes to War.'
The Curse | I've watched four (?) episodes of this now and I'm not sure if I'm going to stick with it. It's not a bad show at all, but essentially, it's the Succession problem for me all over again. Just like Succession, The Curse is very well acted, produced and directed; it's sharp and funny in that relentless 'secondhand embarrassment' way that you either love or hate (and I don't love it), but in the end, it's a show about terrible people doing terrible things to themselves, each other, and—because they have so much money and power—to the world at large. And I just don't know that I have the energy or the desire to watch them do it for 10 hours—especially when it's often presented in such an irritatingly smug way.
True Detective: Night Country | This is a bit of a weird one. There are a lot of things that I like about this season. The two female leads radiate with impressive presence individually and have great chemistry together; the set design feels both authentic and telegenic; there are brilliantly staged atmospheric and/or body horror sequences (I love The Corpsicle!). And yet there are also a lot of things that don't really come together for me; subplots or characters where I'm left to wonder why they were included at all? Like, Christopher Eccleston, good to see you sir, but why are you even on this show? Everything hinges on the final episode which will (hopefully) reveal that a lot of the elements that are not quite working for me now were in fact not evidence of bad writing, but instead either clever misdirections or hints towards an explanation that is both surprising and satisfying. I sure hope for the latter.
The Fall of the House of Usher | Look, there's no nice way to say this, so I'll just say it: I hated this. It's silly, trashy tv masquerading as a prestige drama. It certainly looks expensive and it has some good or at least beloved actors in it, and...yeah, no that's all I got on the positive side. Not to bring up Succession again, but it really felt like the brief here was 'Succession but dumber and with more gore and sex and mystery!' I made it through 2.5 episodes before admitting to myself that I didn't care about any of the characters and was almost spectacularly uninterested in the central mystery. This was the second TV show that I've started watching based solely on one (1) tumblr gif-set. Unfortunately, it was not nearly the delightful surprise that IWTV turned out to be.
Back in early January, I also finished the fifth season of Fargo (excellent performances by Juno Temple and Jon Hamm; overall very good season even if some of the narrative threads felt unresolved; the puppet theater sequence remains an absolute highlight) as well as the third season of Slow Horses (just highly entertaining spy tv; Unlike its protagonists, everything about this show exudes competence and yet no one seems to take themselves too seriously. Kristin Scott Thomas as "Darth Tavener" is magnificent—as is her character's wardrobe. I love this show and I hope they'll renew it forever.)
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The Ring Fiasco
Book : Open Heart (post series)
Pairing : Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Meera Bose)
Summary : When Ethan misplaces his engagement ring, Meera and her girls come up with a plan to teach him a lesson.
Category : Fluff
Warnings : None
Rating : General
Word Count : 2041
Trope : Friends Intervene, Jealous
A/N : This fic was originally written in August of last year, but I was waiting for CFWC's you go girls event to post it and then accidentally deleted it while making space for notes during finals week. 🤡 So I wrote this very quickly and on very less amount of sleep, so please be kind. Participating in @choicesficwriterscreations You Go Girls Event, @choicesflashfics Week #31 prompt, which will appear in bold and @choiceschallenge-may2023 : Engagement. Happy Reading. ❤️
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Meera stood near the nurse's station, not so secretly watching her fiancé talk to an overly friendly woman. She forcefully tore her eyes away or she might just blow up from jealousy.
“Damn Bose, if you wanna stalk someone atleast don’t make it that obvious,” Jackie handed over her tablet and stood beside her.
“Ooh! Stalking? Sounds fun! Who is the target though?” Sienna followed shortly, smiling at the nurse at the station and picking up a patient report.
“It's nothing guys,” Meera sneakily looked up at Ethan and the mystery woman, but it was enough to draw the attention of the two other doctors.
“Yikes!” Sienna remarked, as the woman in question laughed at something Ethan had said, playfully hitting his arm.
“Jeez, go easy on the PDA, the man has a ring on him,” Jackie followed.
“I know!” Meera sighed.
"But who is she?" Sienna asked, quickly stealing a glance.
"That question has been burning in my mind since morning!" Meera replied. "Who is she and why the hell is she flirting with my fiancé?"
"Should I reverse image search her?" Jackie suggested, "because it looks like the identity of this mystery woman is eating your soul."
"Who, she?" a third voice made Meera look up, she was greeted with Tobias' smug face. "That's Dr. Emily Chester," he informed.
"Who?" the girls said, collectively.
"Professionally or personally?" Tobias asked, but Meera's glare didn't make him wait for an answer.
"Both. Got it. Professionally, she is one of the biggest names in endocrinology. Personally?" Tobias deliberately stopped enjoying Meera's agony a little too much. "She was at Hopkins, a couple years junior to us, and she had a huge thing for Ethan."
“And?” Meera pressed for more information. “What about Ethan?”
“In true Ethan manner, he didn’t reciprocate her feelings, too heartbroken over she-who-shall-not-be-named and walls too high and thick to let anyone else in.”
“But what is she doing here?”
“I hit up Kyra, apparently, she will be joining as an attending, as Dr. Stanley is stepping back to go into research after receiving a grant from NIH,” Sienna informed. “She was supposed to join from Monday but decided to come in today to settle in before starting work, Ethan is showing her around.”
“Nice! She hasn’t changed at all,” Tobias smirked and was immediately met with three angry glares, “I… I think I’m being paged… be right back,” Tobias exited.
“The settling in excuse is utter bullshit!” Meera said.
“Agreed! She just wants to get into his pants,” Jackie stated.
“Jackie! Don’t say stuff like that!” Sienna reprimanded.
“What? It’s the truth!”
“Don’t listen to her! Kyra texted she can cut their tour short and get Ethan back in the office under the ruse of a meeting,” Sienna showed Meera her phone. “What do you say?”
“I don’t know Si, it seems a little far fetched, and besides I trust Ethan,” Meera looks at him once again, enthusiastically speaking about the latest testing technology, completely oblivious to the flirtatious looks he receives from his audience.
“You are a better person than I am,” Sienna squeezed her hand.
The familiar sound of a pager made Meera look down, “I gotta go, my intern’s paging 911.”
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The remaining two doctors get to work, and shortly after Ethan walks up to them, Emily Chester following him like a puppy.
“Good morning Dr. Varma, Dr. Trinh,” he greeted.
As Jackie fixed him with a stone cold glare Sienna put on a fake smile and greeted him back.
“I was meaning to introduce you to Dr. Emily Chester, the newest addition to our Edenbrook family. Dr. Chester, this is Dr. Varma one of our finest young attendings and Dr. Trinh who is already board certified in internal medicine and is now pursuing a fellowship in pediatrics,” as Ethan made introductions, pointing to each of them, both Sienna and Jackie noticed something unusual. They looked at each other making sure that they weren't imagining things.
“I thought I saw Meera here?” Ethan asked.
“She is busy, you know saving lives, managing a team being freaking awesome,” Sienna blurted out.
“What she means to say is Meera has a consult,” Jackie tries to avert, “and so do we. So if you’ll excuse us.”
With a small smile and a curt nod the two of them disappear around the corner. Ethan stares at their retreating figures, confused about what just happened and amused at the very weird conversation he had.
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“Did you see it? Please tell me I’m wrong,” Sienna said.
“Nope. You are correct, it's missing,” Jackie replied.
“We need to find Meera ASAP.”
The two of them didn’t have to wander the halls of Edenbrook much longer as Meera’s angry Ramsey-like voice blared through the hospital floor.
“The incompetence is unacceptable! You work with literal life and death, so you can’t afford to make mistakes,” Meera shouted at an intern who seemed like she was about to cry.
“I’m… I am… sorry Dr. Bose,” she mumbled timidly.
“Sorry? What am I supposed to do with your sorry? Apologize to that man’s wife and kids…” “Okay, that's enough,” Sienna stopped Meera before she could continue with her rage fest.
“I think Dr. …,” Jackie glanced at the intern’s ID badge, “Baker has learned her lesson, and we can continue with our day.” With that she dispels the crowd that had formed.
“That was very unlike you,” Sienna said, worried.
“And very like Ramsey,” Jackie added.
“I don’t know guys, Emily Chester just doesn't feel right to me, and I might be taking it out on the wrong people,” Meera sighed.
“Yeah about that…” Jackie shared a look with Sienna, “we found out something.”
“Ethan doesn't have his engagement ring on him.”
“Wait a second. Pause and rewind … what did you just say?”
Jackie and Sienna quickly update Meera about all the incidents and their findings.
“But why?” Meera asks, hopeless.
“Told you men are no good,” Jackie says and quickly receives a nudge from Sienna.
“Look we don’t know, but I believe there is an explanation,” Sienna consoles her fellow dolphin.
“I… I can help,” the intern from before said shyly.
“Not now Baker!”
“I mean I… might know why Dr. Ramsey didn’t have his ring on.”
The three older doctors stare at her.
“Sorry, I couldn’t help but overhear.”
“Spill. Now,” Meera said.
“Okay,” the intern takes a deep breath before steading herself, “I had to call a code blue on the third floor today, and I panicked. There weren’t any attendings or senior residents nearby, so Dr. Ramsey came in. I saw him removing his ring before slipping on gloves and taking over CPR.”
Meera visibly relaxed, as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders.
“See! I told you there was an explanation,” Sienna chimed joyfully.
“But why hasn’t he put it back on?” Jackie retorted.
“He might have just forgotten. He is the chief, cut him some slack, Jackie.”
“It might be a mistake,” Meera said thoughtfully, “but he needs to learn a lesson. Baker, did you see where he put the ring after removing it?”
“In his pocket!” Dr. Baker replies without wasting a second.
“Good! Get me your intern friends, I have a plan,” Meera smiled mischievously, the wheels of her brain already turning.
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Later that day Meera crossed the atrium, she looked at her watch, according to the intel she had collected from Kyra Ethan was supposed to be here any minute. Five minutes later she spotted him descending the stairs, undoubtedly followed by none other than Dr. Emily Chester. They make eye contact and Ethan smiles at her, taking long strides to reach her. Meera looks over to Baker from the corner of her eye, who was hiding in plain sight. It was time to set her plan in motion.
“Hey! I have been trying to catch you all day, where have you been?” Ethan said, holding Meera’s hand.
“Hi, I know, it’s just been one of those days,” Meera replied, smiling.
“Anyways, I wanted to introduce you to Dr. Emily Chester, world renowned endocrinologist and a fantastic diagnostician as well.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you!”
“Likewise, Dr.?” Emily looked at Ethan to complete introductions.
“Dr. Bose. Our best diagnostician, head of the DT, my favorite mentee, and my fia…”
Right on Meera’s signal, a horde of interns led by Baker swarm Dr. Chester.
“OH MY GOD! Aren’t you Emily Chester?!” one said.
“You are literally my medical hero,” another one added.
“I am so fascinated by your latest paper,” a third joined.
As the crowd separated Dr. Chester from the couple Meera takes advantage of the chaos and stealthily picks up the ring from Ethan’s pocket.
“What is wrong with them?” As Ethan is about to reprimand the interns, Meera brings his attention back to her.
“Babe don’t you think you are missing something?”
Ethan’s brows furrow, he thinks about all the important birthdays and anniversaries, date nights and meetings, when unable to come to a conclusion he follows Meera’s gaze to his fingers and notices the missing ring.
“Christ!” he curses under his breath. “Listen rookie, trust me this was an honest mistake…” he searches for the ring in all his pockets.
“Looking for this?” Meera holds up the ring in front of him.
“Look, Meera I am deeply sorry, I meant to put it back on after running a code and one thing happened after another and it slipped my mind. I am extremely sorry, it won’t happen again.”
“I know babe,” Meera smiled. “But I’m not about to hand it over to you that easily.”
“Don’t do something stupid rookie,” Ethan pinched the bridge of his nose very familiar with the mischievous gleam in his fiancée’s eyes.
Meera went down on one knee, holding the ring in hand. The entire hospital had been gushing about Meera’s reverse proposal to Ethan by the dreamy Lake Louise a couple months back, so when given the chance to witness it in person and with the power of the Edenbrook rumor mill, quite a crowd had gathered around, clicking pictures, cheering and hooting.
Ethan shaked his head, a smile lining the corner of his mouth.
Meera looked at Emily, enjoying the look of pure disbelief and surprise on her face.
“Dr. Ethan Jonah Ramsey, will you let me be a colossal pain in your ass for this lifetime?”
Ethan joined Meera on the ground, “a hundred times over.”
They kiss with the Edenbrook crowd going feral. Everyone comes up to them to congratulate the happy couple.
As the crowd thins out Dr. Chester speaks, “well I guess congratulations are in order, “ she smiles politely. “But I’ll have to say, I had never imagined Dr. Ethan Ramsey would tie the knot.”
“I agree with you Chester, I had never imagined myself as well, but what can I say she brings out the best in me,” Ethan replied grinning ear to ear at Meera.
“So when's the wedding?”
“In a month,” Meera informs.
“In a month!” Emily shouts, surprised, “don’t you think it’s too soon?” She looks at Ethan, convinced that he has been wrongfully roped into a marriage.
The couple chuckle, a knowing look between the two, “we have been engaged a long time now,” Ethan said.
“This is the third proposal between the two of us. I just meant to include our Edenbrook family and that also means you, now that you are supposed to join us as well,” Meera fixes Emily with the most innocent smile and earnest look.
Dr. Chester matches her smile, “well, then I won’t keep you two from your celebrations. I’ll sign the papers on Monday, Eth…,” she stops, quickly rectifying herself, “I mean Dr. Ramsey.”
As Dr. Emily Chester moves away, their friends surround them.
“That was one hell of a way to prove a point,” Sienna declared.
“Yes you might have just peed all over him to mark your territory,” Jackie joked.
“Great idea!” Meera exclaimed. “Let’s save that for when he misplaces the wedding ring!”
As the entire group breaks into laughter, Tobias says, “you are in for a rollercoaster ride, my man!”
“I know, but she is so worth it,” Ethan says, kissing Meera, deeply.
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Thank you so much if you have read till here, it means the world to me. Hope to see you go on other different adventures with me, Ethan and Meera, till then sending love and hugs your way! ❤️
Perma : @starrystarrytrouble @quixoticdreamer16 @coffeeheartaddict2 @liaromancewriter @tessa-liam @gryffindordaughterofathena @crazy-loca-blog @zahrachoices @bex-la-get @potionsprefect @schnitzelbutterfingers @a-crepusculo @custaroonie @aishwarya2 @jamespotterthefirst
Ethan x Meera : @jerzwriter @wanderingamongthewildflowers @takemyopenheart @mvalentine
+ @openheartfanfics , @choicesficwriterscreations , @choiceschallenge-may2023 , @choicesflashfics
Please let me know if you want to be added or removed. 💜
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yesyourstalker · 2 months
Neta: training is officially over! It's your first day on the job! How are you guys feeling? Are you excited Antho? Antho are you excited?
Neta: look at him. He's so excited he can't even contain himself
Neta: what about you Naomi? Are you excited?
Naomi: yeah....um..... I'm more nervous than anything...... I'm not sure if I'm going to be good with the customers or not.... I don't want to mess anything up or have them yell at me or
Neta: awwww Don't worry, you're going to be great. if something happens you can come to me ok as you have your shift buddy Antho.
Antho:.............. Can I go home early
Neta: You can but you won't be paid for the full day
Antho: hmm
Naomi: so uhhh....... what... what do we do
Neta: well Right now this time it's not a busy time of the year. You guys are hired right after the brunt of spring break. Thankfully y'all didn't have to get involved with that. Right now you're just going to get regulars coming in coming out. Just greet them. Say hi. Answer questions.... you can be on your phone. Just you know..... if someone approaches you assist them.
Antho: how long is our break?
Neta: well this is a 5-hour shift so your break is going to be 30 minutes during an 8-hour shift. You know when you finally get the acclimated to everything it will be an hour. Any more questions?
Antho: I have one
Neta: any questions that pertain to the job and not my physical appearance?
Antho: no
Neta: All right then. So I'm going to be in the back to-
Antho: why are you dressed like that?
Neta:............ I have to go to a graduation after this
Antho: aren't you supposed to look nice during those occasions?
Neta:............................ I'm going to be in my office doing paperwork. Call me if you need me. Also Seth is here if you need it
Naomi: .. ...... How have you been?
Antho: ehhhh..... Could be better.... Could be worse so yeah...................*sigh*.........
Customer: excuse me
Antho: yeah what is it?
Customer: oh uhhhh do you have the "easy drift" album?
Antho: uhhh... hey Seth!
Antho:... Seth!
Naomi: I don't think he can hear you. But I heard the easy drift album comes out next week
Antho: oh ....no we don't have it yet
Customer: am I able to per order it and hold it till then?
Antho: yeah sure........*sigh*.... just type in your name and info and we'll hold it for you.
Customer: ok ..... alright all set
Antho: uh huh hears your receipt and here's the pickup date
Customer: thank you have a nice day
Antho: yep.......jack ass....... Who even listens to easy drift?
Naomi: .. ..dads
Antho:.............HA. that's their target audience men past the age of 30.......*sigh*.... hey neta!... .....NETA
Neta: what? What is it? What's wrong?
Antho: do you like easy drift?
Neta: yeah I like easy draft why?.
Antho: hehehehehe.... No reason. Just wondering
Naomi: hehehehehe
Neta: hm....ok.....
Antho: Where'd you get your bag?
Naomi: oh I ordered it online. Kawaiicore.com they had a sale on ita bags and I found this one. I thought it was cute it shaped like a cloud and everything. I put some cute pins in it. I have a seahorse pin. I have this one came with the bag actually
Antho: what about that one ?
Naomi: This one's just a pride flag my dad bought me
Antho: No not that one. This one like who's who's that?
Naomi: oh that one's from a show called tentacle tale Odyssey It's about this girl Lost her memory and she has magical powers and she-
Naomi: I am so sorry it was not my intention to ignore you. I didn't see you there. That was my mistake
Antho: what do you want vivy?
Vivy: hiiiiii I just wanted to see where you worked? It's nice. Very dark, very moody. Kind of like you heheh
Antho: ........well now you've seen it and you can go now
Vivy: Don't try to kick me out. You could have least introduced me to your friend.
Antho: uhhh..... Naomi, this is vivy. Vivy This is Naomi.
Naomi:ummm ....uh.....hi............hm
Vivy: hiiiii ohh I love your bow
Naomi: thank you
Neta: someone yelling? I heard yelling from my door. Something happened?
Vivy: Hi, sorry that was me hehe. I just came to visit my friend
Neta: Naomi?
Vivy: No! Antho! but I wouldn't mind visiting you too. Naomi
Naomi: oh hmm hmm
Neta: what? Antho has a friend??? How much did he pay you to say that?
Vivy: 8.50 an hour I charge him extra if he wants to call me his best friend
Antho: hey!
Neta: hahahahahahaha
Vivy: I'm kidding. I'm kidding calm down. You're so grumpy.
Neta: ok ok well it's nice to meet you young lady. I got to get back to work.
Vivy: bye!............. Why didn't you tell me he was the bass player for squid squad? Oh my god I thought you said he was a loser
Antho: he is a loser and he never played for squid squad
Vivy: he was the replacement bass player before like they officially broke up dummy do you know anything about music?
Antho: oh my Cod shut up. I know stuff about music! I just don't pay attention to celebrities and their drama and shit get off my case
Vivy: uh umm hehehe I'm just getting under your skin
Dead Tide : excuse me..... Hello, excuse me I've been standing here for 15 minutes and I still haven't gotten any help?
Antho: ..........um I'm talking to someone right now soooo feel free to wait
Dead Tide: I'm sorry, you must be new here You probably don't know who I am-
Antho: You know I can actually get a discount and most of these instruments. So like you need-
Dead Tide: excuse me!!
Naomi: I...................hu.......I can help you ma'am
Dead tied:....... At least someone's useful I guess............ I need you to bring up these clothes. I need to do an exchange on these tops. A return on these boots and can you put these boots in a separate bag from everything else....... And the rest of this stuff
Naomi:.....ok.......................... Do you have your receipt?
Dead tired:*huff* if I had it I would have given it to you. I already put my card in.............
Naomi: Right....... My....Mistake, I'm sorry ...........ok...........*sigh*. .. ... The we're not able to do a return on the shirts. The return policy is two weeks a year over those two weeks
Dead tide: *sigh*....... I was able to return something past the two week date last time............... Okay, first off those piercings are on the sales rack. They're not supposed to be $ 10 they're supposed to be $ 5.
Naomi: oh ......umm.......let .....me ....uhhh.......
Dead Tide: You ring up the boots twice and those are the ones that I'm supposed to return.........
Dead Tide: he just hires anyone.... Do you even know what you're doing??
Antho: hey can you stop being such a bitch?
Dead Tide: excuse me?!?
Antho: I said can you stop being such a bitch? She's trying to do her best in your stressing her out
Dead Tide: well it's not my fault. You guys don't know how to do your job! I mean how can you all be so incompetent?
Naomi: ....*huff*......uh....*huff*......uhhh........*crying*........
Antho: ..................
Vivy: Naomi
Background customers (pulling out phones)
Dead Tide: oh cod here we gooooooooo. Can I get the manger! Please!
Seth: what's going on over here?
Dead Tide: are you the new manager or something ?
Seth: nope ...
Dead Tide: then I guess you're useless to me
Seth: Guess I am (removes hearing aids)
Neta: All right all right. What's going on?................. Naomi...... Sweetie you okay?
Naomi: ..........*huff*.......*huff*.......*sobbing*.........
Neta: ok...... Naomi go to the bathroom okay I'll deal with this and I'll be in there to help you ok.
Neta: *sigh*......ok................ What's the problem tied?
Dead Tide: I need to return these, exchange these and these were supposed to be on sale and they're not ringing up on sale.
Neta: That's because they're not on sale
Dead Tide: well then why did I find them on the sales rack?
Neta: I don't know but it seems to be a pattern with you. Picking up things that aren't on sale and you claiming it to be on sale
Dead Tide: what are you trying to imply?
Neta: I'm just pointing out a similar pattern from you... Also, I don't appreciate you treating m employees that way.
Dead tired: well maybe if you hired employees that knew how to do their job I wouldn't have to treat them like that
Neta: or you could just be a decent fucking person and be patient with people! You know that she's new! You obviously know that a lot of these folks here are new! Be! A decent! Person! I'm so tired of my employees coming to me and telling me that you're antagonizing them!
Dead Tide:........................... I'm fucking done. Return everything. I don't want this shit anymore...... You just lost yourself one of your greatest customers. The amount of money I spent here and this is how you fucking treat me!
Neta: I treat you how you treat my customers like shit....... Here's your money back. You're lucky I still allow you in here
Dead Tied: You're lucky they allowed you on the surface.......uh......oh
Customers: * gasping*........ Holy shit!..... She did not just see that..........yooooo........ What did she say?
Antho: oh that's that's ssssssssssssssss
Vivy: oh my cod
Neta: That's it. Get out. Your banned I should have banned you years ago. I thought we could tolerate you but I guess not get out of my store now.
Dead tide: ok wait I did not mean to say that
Neta: OUT!
Naomi:........*crying* .........*huff*.........*crying*. ....*huff*.......*sobbing*
Neta: hey...... Naomi....... You good ?
Naomi: *crying*.......no!...........*crying*...........
Neta: alright alright come here
Naomi: ......um........I...........I.........I.......think I might quit....... I thought I could do this but I can't.......*crying*........... I'm sorry
Neta: ................................if that's what you want I understand Naomi............ I'm sorry that happened...............
Neta: You shift ends in 30 minutes. Why don't we wipe off your face. Let's not ruin your makeup. It's very nice makeup by the way
Naomi: (blush).........thank you............*sniff*........*sniff*..........
Neta: if it makes you feel any better I've cried in this bathroom plenty of times.
Naomi: *heh*....heheh.......... I'm sorry........ I didn't mean to laugh
Neta: heheheha....... It's okay.................. Your next shift is tomorrow. If you don't show up I completely understand. I won't hold it against you and if you do come back............ We'll welcome you with open arms.
Naomi:.........*sniff*...........*sigh*.......... Okay........ Maybe it was just a bad day...............
Neta: yeah it was just a bad day. We all have them.
Naomi: hmmmm
Neta: she's banned by the way. You're never going to see her again.
Naomi:ok .... I like your suit by the way. It looks nice.
Neta: thank you......I knew antho was just being a little asshole
Naomi: eheheheheh
Neta: *uuuuughhhhh*..............*sigh*..........
Antho:...................... So can I go now?
Neta: is the store cleaned up and the money deposited?
Antho: yes
Neta:........ alright......go home.
Antho: is Naomi going to be ok?
Neta: *sigh*......uhhhhhhh....... We'll see. We'll see what happens.... Same time tomorrow
Antho: ok......see ya
Neta: ohhh...... ikkannnnn give us a smile.
Koi-koi: hold the plaque up a little more
Noji: Am I allowed to post this?
Ikkan: no......how many pictures are you guys going to take?
Neta: as much as we want
Koi-koi: ohhh my baby graduated!! I'm so proud
Ikkan: ok... We're finished with the pictures. Can we go home now?
Koi-koi: Don't you want to go to dinner or something
Ikkan: can't we do that tomorrow? I'm tried
Koi-koi: ikkan come on
Merv: Let the boy rest dear. We'll celebrate tomorrow
Koi-koi: uh alright.... Tomorrow will celebrate...... My little graduate...ohhh [kiss kiss kiss]
Ikkan: yay.... School is finally over.......are you ok?
Neta: I couldn't be happier! I'm so proud! [Kiss]
Ikkan: I know I know.........I meant what happened earlier..... At your store
Neta:.........oh..... that..... How do you know about that?.....
Ikkan: ......................
(spat Tok video): neta: You're lucky I still allow you in here!
Dead Tied: You're lucky we allow you on the surface!
Recorder: *gasp* oh my cod! She did not just say that!
(video): y'all need to check out this video. Dead Tide is never going to recover from this!!!! Heheheheh
(video): okay we need to address what happened today at Rock Shock today......... I went in there to pick up the new makeup pallet collab with Cora and Rieff and "ink line beauty"....... they sell makeup now which is really cool .......anyway........ So I went there to get the makeup and I was standing in line behind Dead Tide......*sigh*....She's always there girl. You know she's always been a bitch but...
(Video): I've been seeing this video circle around all day on SplatTalk and the amount of inklings who are making this like hahaha funny thing. It's not cute, It's not funny, It's not entertainment. This is a reality for a lot of us on the surface
TV news anchor: let's just Hope grizzco can recover from that lawsuit..... In other news........a shocking and viral video going around on the internet of a famous splat toker "Dead Tide" going on what appears to be a racially motivated rant in popular music store "Rock Shock". The video may be shocking and disturbing to some audiences
(Neta: You're lucky I still allow you in here!
Dead Tide: You're lucky we allowed you on the surface!)
TV anchor: splat talk has since been removed her content and her account from the website. Making a statement that they are "shocked and upset by the video. They do not hold or promote the views of that splat toker has displayed in the video"
but the video is sparking a lot of conversation about the relations between people who were once below the surface and those who lived on the surface
(random jellyfish): I think the relationship between those who lived in the sewe- underground and those who lived on the surface it seems pretty good. I haven't seen any conflict. I haven't seen any....... Ill will from any group or party.
(Random sea urchin): I feel like we want to pretend that everything is okay and it's not. I will acknowledge that we have made a lot of progress but there is still tension that and still needs to be addressed.
Tv anchor: .......... We did ask the store owner to comment on the situation but was politely denied but he did put out a statement on Inkstagram addressing the situation
Hello everyone, this is Neta. Before I start I went to apologize to those who were affected or hurt by what happened in My store earlier today. As an octarian business owner I always thrive to make a safe and welcoming environment for everyone who walks in and today was not that day. The shocking and upsetting comments that were said by a customer was unacceptable and heartbreaking and just not the energy that I thrive to have. She will no longer be allowed in any of my locations starting today.
Neta: * inhale* * exhale*.............................
Ikkan: ................... It will pass... The internet is like that they'll jump on another scandal next week
Neta: yeah, I guess you're right........ At least she's getting what she deserves......
Ikkan:............ are you sure you're alright?
Neta: ........ yeah.... I've been told worse things
Ikkan: ok [kiss].....
Vivy and antho belong to @fish-at-fish-fish-resort
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history of panic! at the disco except I’m only a moderate fan, so it’s not 100% accurate and I had to fill in some gaps with my imagination, so you definitely shouldn’t quote me on any of this
it is currently 1 am and this is the only thing in my head, so let’s go.
have I listened to every p!atd song? yes. do I know the history? absolutely not.
so, Las Vegas, right? there’s a bunch of high school guys who are in a band and everything is going great, but uh oh, they need some back up vocals. local loser teen Brendon Urie comes to the rescue with his mediocre singing skills (he can’t sing) (at least not yet) so the band reluctantly takes him on. they play a few shows, so pretty good for a high school band, then they release an album. did they get signed to a record label first? uhhhh, I’m gonna say yes. its Vegas, they might as well have been.
so they write their first album, “a fever you can’t sweat out”, and it does well! “I write sins not tragedies” does absolutely fantastic in particular. it’s emo, it’s young, and their target audience approves.
riding off that high, they do what any other self respecting cool, hip, emo band would do and they write a psychedelic folk album. because duh. and using my knowledge that the first track states “we’re so sorry we’ve been gone”, the album took a minute to make and produce. Two years to be exact. And that’s exact exact. A whole 24 months. Released it on fever’s anniversary and everything. Also; at this point, one of the band members dropped out. probably a drummer. their name? uhh, idk, probably frank, david, or pete,,
so they write another album. it’s called “vices and virtues” and it uses a bit more tech and it’s a good sound and it goes a bit more back into their rock and roll roots. they continue with their thing of going super heavy into eccentric album themes and where all these cool steampunk outfits in the mvs and on the album cover. then ryan ross leaves. and this makes lots of people sad because he’s ryan ross. but the album’s good, so there’s some consolation. also some of the other members leave with him. the bass player dipped and their drummer flaked again. he didn’t want to go on without ryan ross’s ryan ross-ness and honestly who can blame him? also fun fact! the bass player left for completely non-ryan ross related reasons. his parrot brother passed away and it really took a toll on the family. and no I’m actually not joking because another fun fact! parrots live really long and a lot of the times in families they’re raised along with the children and they become so bonded to the family that oftentimes they’re considered an actual part of it. I found that out from a podcast when one of the hosts said her ex had a parrot for a brother which made me break down laughing, but that’s honestly really neat. anyways.
after that they, you guessed it, write another album. this one’s called “too weird to live, too rare to die”. the album cover is very cool™️ and so is the music. and they have a new bass player! his name is dallon james weekes and he is actually The coolest person ever. lots of fans are upset with the new album because it’s missing ryan ross, but dallon makes up for it. Then he leaves immediately after they finish touring for the album. boohoo.
it’s the summer of 2016. death of a bachelor has just been released. I’m at an outlet mall with my family and am standing under a giant tree trying to catch some shade from the texas heat that burns on my black hair and my brother pokes me in the arm. he’s got apple music opened up to the album Death of a Bachelor by Panic! At the Disco. he asks me if I’ve ever heard of them. I say no. he offers me an earbud and I happily take it . he presses play on a certain track; LA devotee. I’m instantly transported to another world. the sound is like nothing I’ve ever heard before. it’s not like the Spanish music my grandma always plays or christian music or 80s songs my mom sings in the car or the show tunes I sing with my friends or the classic rock my dad always blasts. it’s different. and it sounds so distinctively like me.
suddenly I’m emo. a few weeks later, I’m at a sleepover and we’re singing death of a bachelor and I mess up one (1) lyric and one of the other kids calls me a fake fan. at that exact moment in time I make the decision to religiously listen to and memorize every single lyric off the death of a bachelor album. and I did. so take that, julia. (we’re still friends)(she absolutely does not listen to panic anymore)
oh hey, would you look at that. pray for the wicked just came out. for the first time ever, I count down the days, then the minutes to an album release. it’s really fun.
and uhhh, that’s it. it’s just one guy at this point.
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