#and kevin has no family of his own in sight
sometownie · 7 months
ok so i got paid sick leave from work and since i can't attend the movie thing i'm hoping i'll feel ok enough to do some simming later :( i WAS playing on tuesday but the build i was doing got a little out of hand, blame it on the rising fever or something. i need to take a look at it and see if there's anything to it or if i should just bulldoze it and start again.
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katebishopsbow · 6 months
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pairing: max verstappen x driver!reader (platonic)
summary: watching kevin and his daughter, laura, playing together at the paddock makes you emotional as you remember the love that you never get to receive growing up. max is here to remind you that your past doesn't define you, and one day you will be okay.
tags: angst, hurt/comfort, daddy issues, mentions of absent parent
word count: 3.1k
author's notes: based on the real-life event of me tearing up when i saw that video of kmag's daughter playing with his visor. healing my own daddy issues one fic at a time :)
(image is not mine)
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
Kevin Magnussen is a great dad.
People can say whatever they want about his driving – aggressive and maybe a little dangerous sometimes – but there is no denying that he is an amazing father who puts his daughters above all else. The Dane is always joking about how his two little troublemakers have been giving him a constant headache, but the rest of the grid knows that he would do just about anything for his girls.
Occasionally, Louise likes bringing Laura and Agnes to the track to see their dad at work. Being a Formula 1 driver with all the hectic schedules and non-stop traveling means that family time together can often be difficult to come by, so Kevin cherishes all the time he gets to be as present in their lives as possible. 
The drivers all love it when the Magnussens visit the track, not only because Laura and Agnes are the sweetest little angels ever, but also because they get to witness the rare sight of Kevin “tough guy” Magnussen shedding his hard exterior and tease him about the heartwarmingly softer side he displays to his family. 
And while you would never admit this out loud, somewhere residing deep within you is envious – envious of this kind of love that you never got to receive. Sometimes when you look at Kevin interacting with his daughters – just sometimes – you find yourself wondering what it would be like to have a father who is present, who genuinely cares, who loves you with everything they have so much that you never have to doubt your worthiness.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
You were standing with a few other drivers at the track, idly chatting about the upcoming race and your holiday plans now that the winter break is right around the corner when Kevin suddenly saunters nearby, holding the hand of the most adorable little girl. “Laura, come say hi!” he kneels down and says to her, sporting the biggest and most loving smile on his face as his daughter gives a shy little wave to the crowd of drivers before her.
“Hey there, Laura,” you wave at her, settling on a simple greeting since you have never been particularly great with children. “Hello, little one!” Lando greets with a wide grin as he offers Laura a fist bump, and the girl explodes into giggles when he pretends to yelp in pain at how hard Laura fist-bumped him. Classic Lando – always so good with kids.
“She’s got quite the punch, doesn’t she?” Kevin jokes while he chuckles at the sight, admiring the joyous smile on Laura’s face with the tenderest gaze he only reserves for his daughter. Becoming a father is the best thing that has happened to him, and he thanks the stars every day for being blessed with such precious gifts of life. Laura and Agnes – his biggest pride and joy.
“Here to be dad’s little assistant, Laura?” Max asks, his nose scrunching up in an adoring smile like the way it always does when he speaks to Penelope. The little girl nods bashfully before running to hide behind her dad, holding onto his hands as if he is her safe place, her rock.
Kevin laughs at his daughter’s endearing shyness, picks her up and envelops her in his embrace before placing a kiss on her rosy, chubby cheeks. “You’re the best assistant in the entire world,” he whispers softly, adoration swimming in his eyes while Laura lets out a giggle at her father’s words. The drivers around them cannot help but smile along with them – how can they not at such a heartwarming sight? 
Yet watching Kevin’s doting smiles and the way he looks at his daughter as if she is his entire universe, the initial warm fuzziness within you silently morphs into a dull ache that squeezes at your heart – an odd yet familiar feeling you know all too well. Despite your best efforts to push them away, your mind becomes clouded with hazy memories of the past – the painful past that has broken you and haunted you for years.
In the fogged-up memories of your childhood days, you were never at the receiving end of such an affectionate gaze. The only way your father has ever looked at you was indifference, annoyance, and a sense of uncaringness that tore your little heart up into pieces and left you wondering what you did wrong to be so undeserving of the fatherly love you yearned for. 
He never picked you up and hugged you as if you were a fragile treasure that he cherished. He never held your hand in a way that made you feel safe and certain that nothing could ever harm you because he would be your shield, protecting you from the world and its merciless cruelty. He never once made you feel loved and cared for, ignoring your attempts to gain his validation and approval because he loved himself and his ego more than he would ever love you. 
When you received good grades at school and showed him your report card with the rows of A’s, hoping that it would help you get his approval, he didn’t praise you. In fact, he didn’t bother saying anything. He simply gave you a half-hearted nod before shifting his attention back to the damned television screen in front of him, some uninteresting TV show that never should have mattered more than his daughter. So you stuffed the tear-stained report card back into your school bag, uncaring that it got crushed and crumpled, because in the end your hard work and effort didn’t matter. It never did.
When you had a rough day at school and came home with tears running down your cheeks, your father looked at you for a second, rolled his eyes and walked away. So that night you cried yourself to sleep as you soaked through your pillows with your wallowing tears, wishing that your dad could wrap you in his arms and tell you that everything would be okay. You knew that he could hear your sobs across the hallway, but chose to ignore you anyway. You wondered if he hated you that much, or was it simply because he never even cared to begin with?
And when he finally gathered all his belongings and disappeared from your life once and for all, you surprised yourself when you didn’t cry at the sight of the now-empty house. You had just felt empty and lonely – so painstakingly lonely. The kind of loneliness that seeped into your bones and slithered along your veins and consumed your soul. 
As you grew older, you became familiarized with that emptiness – comfortable with it even. You begin to find yourself pushing people away when they get too close, keeping most at arm's length because that seems like the safest option, breaking your own heart before others can do it because you never want to experience the same heartbreak your father has put you through.
Despite how painful it is, you hold onto that loneliness like a lifeline because how could you not when that’s the only thing you know? How could you love when you don’t even know what it feels like?
Even though it had been years since your dad had left, the emptiness he had left behind never seemed to fade away. They say time heals all wounds, but you call that bullshit, because then why does it still hurt like a fresh stab into the heart? 
Too deep in your storm of thoughts, you don’t realize the tears brimming in your glossy eyes and the way your lips quiver ever so slightly. “Hey… you okay there?” Charles, who is standing beside you, gives you an affectionate pat on the shoulders and whispers hushedly in your ear, worried at your sudden change in demeanor. Quickly nodding your head, you answer him with the best smile you can manage, “Yeah, just remembering some things.”
While most of the drivers still have their focus on Kevin and Laura, a few have also noticed your red-rimmed eyes and quietness. “What’s wrong?” Lando mouths the question silently toward you, eyes wide in concern as he tries not to shift everybody’s attention toward you. You shake your head and mouth “nothing” in reply to him as discreetly as possible, not wanting to ruin the group’s mood with your sudden sentiments. 
As much as you want to stay, you simply need to get away for a moment to recollect your thoughts. “Uh – There’s something I need from my driver’s room, so I’m gonna head off,” you hurriedly blink away the tears and put on the best smile – a skill you learned to master after years of being in the public’s eye. You hope that the excuse you just blurted out is somewhat believable, and you quickly disappear into the distance after your fellow drivers bid you goodbye. 
While making a beeline for your driver's room, you cannot help but feel so embarrassed, so guilty for the sudden burst of emotions that erupted in your chest moments ago. “What is wrong with me?” you mumble hushedly to yourself as you make your way to the garage – irritated and beyond annoyed at yourself that the mere sight of Kevin with his daughter is enough to bring you to tears. 
This isn’t something new to you. It isn’t the first time a good father-daughter relationship has made you tear up. Movies, TV shows, song lyrics – you always get so emotional when you allow yourself to get lost in your thoughts, thinking too deeply about the painful reminders of the love that you never have. 
It makes you feel stupid, because how broken do you have to be that trivial things like these are enough to make you cry? And it makes you feel scared, so utterly scared, because what if you were too broken to ever be capable of loving someone this much, too damaged to ever receive love despite yearning for it, and end up pushing away everyone who cares about you for the rest of your life.
When you arrive at your driver's room, you take a seat in the corner, breathing in and out while the self-blaming thoughts inside your head spiral in full force. This is so stupid, you are being stupid, and you hate yourself for being a fool and letting your past trauma affect you like this. Why were you even crying? There is nothing to be crying for. Stop. You need to stop.
Then you hear someone calling your name, voice faint and soft behind the door – Max. “You feeling okay?” he asks, and your delayed response and trembling voice as you answer him, “I’m fine.” are a clear enough indicator that you are far from okay. “Alright, I’m gonna come in now.” A sigh of mixed emotions falls from your lips – annoyance that you never seem to be able to lie to the man, and gratefulness that he always understands what you really need, and right now it is the company of your best friend.
“Hey, kiddo,” he says to you, eyebrows ceasing in sadness when he notices the expression on your face. Max hates seeing you like this, especially knowing the reason behind your tears is your absent father – someone who will never be worthy of having you cry over him. 
You wipe your eyes with the sleeve of your race suit, guilt weighing heavily on your chest as you apologize, “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to ruin the mood back there. Did the other drivers notice?” Max shakes his head with a frown, refusing to let you blame yourself for something you should never feel guilty for. “You don’t have to be sorry, you did nothing wrong.”
“I don’t even know why I am crying, honestly. Why am I still so angry and sad after all these years? It’s like… am I always going to be like this, broken? Will the hurt ever go away?” you explain truthfully to him while trying to piece your muddle-up thoughts together, yet you struggle to put them into words. How can you begin to explain the years of trauma your dad has left behind? How can you describe the mess of emotions you have for him – the hatred, the resentment, and the fact that you still love and miss him so much even after everything he has done to you?
You don’t need to, because Max understands, he always does. One of the reasons why you two became close quickly is because you share a similar, troubled past – something that is rather unfortunate to bond over, you would argue, but it brings you a great friend nonetheless. Max’s father isn’t exactly absent like yours – Jos Verstappen is still quite prominent in his life, along with his abusive and manipulative ways of raising his kids which he would vehemently deny and claims to be “tough love” instead.
Even though he is there, it doesn’t change the painful truth that the presence of his father has ruined Max. For years, he thought being violent was the way to solve problems because his dad always seemed to be able to solve his with his fist. He used to believe that you had to be perfect to be deserving of good things in life because he grew up with the punishment of “no dinner” if he had performed poorly in a race. He didn’t know if he would ever be capable of loving someone, and then he met Kelly and Penelope.
“You know… when I first met Penelope, I was terrified. I was scared that I could never be a good enough father figure for her, that I was too ruined to show her the love she deserved to have. But then I saw her, and then I realized I love her more than anything,” he confesses as he places himself to sit beside you, a reminiscent smile dancing on his lips while he remembers his first time meeting Penelope, the little girl who has become his family.
He remembers the suffocating fear of ending up like his father when he first held the hands of little Penelope, mind plagued with all the horrible what-ifs. What if he was a terrible dad? What if he couldn’t ever love Penelope? What if he was just like Jos Verstappen and ended up destroying her childhood with his anger and temper the way his dad had with his?
Then Penelope gave him a sweet smile, her tiny hand holding onto his pinky as she looked into his eyes with such trust and comfort, as if she knew that Max would love her more than anything in the world. Max genuinely thought he was going to cry, his heart surging with an overwhelming amount of love and determination to protect the little girl in front of her and give her the home she and Kelly deserve to have, and that’s when he knew that he had nothing to be afraid of – that he was going to do better than his father.
“Listen, kiddo. Time doesn’t heal all wounds, it just makes the pain bearable. But there will be a day when your wound will still be there – it always will be there – but the pain and the hatred will no longer consume you. And you will realize that you can be better and stronger than your past, that you can break the cycle, that you are deserving of such unconditional love too.” You listen quietly to your best friend’s answer, exhaling a relieved sigh at the words you so desperately need to hear, giving you hope that despite all your trauma, one day you will be able to love with such certainty as well.
You are never too broken to love or be loved. You are not damaged goods that need repairing. You are not a monster for being intimidated by love and affection, for pushing people away even though you want more than anything for them to stay. You just need to allow yourself to heal from the hurtful past, to understand that your past trauma does not define you. You need to allow yourself to feel, to accept the depths of your emotions, to understand that your sadness and anger are always valid. You need to believe that you will be better than your father, that you will not follow in his footsteps, and that you deserve to be loved just as much as anyone else. 
Feeling sentimental over this doesn’t make you stupid or a fool, it just makes you human. It is okay to cry over it, to be sad over it, as long as you remember that one day – while things will never be perfect –  it will certainly get better. 
“You’re gonna be okay,” Max tells you with a smile, reaching for your hand to give it a comforting squeeze, and you believe him. For once in a very long time, you genuinely believe that everything is going to be okay. The impact your father has on you will always be there. You can never wipe away the hurt and awful things he has done to you, nor can you simply erase the simultaneous love and hatred you hold for him, but one day you will learn to move on and find closure, and you are going to be okay, just like Max said.
There is a knock on the door, and you can hear your name being called again, this time in the soft and squeaky voice of a little girl. “I’m here,” you answer, and peeking behind the gap in the door is Laura with a cheeky grin on her face. Kevin leads her inside your driver's room with an apologetic smile, “Hey, sorry… Laura says she wants to play with you and insists that I bring her here.” 
You watch as Laura crawls up into the seat next to you and Max, looking at you with the brightest toothy little grin ever, and your lips begin pulling up into a huge smile as well. “Is it okay if she plays here for a while? I’ve got a team meeting in 5 and she never likes coming to those…” Kevin asks apologetically before relief floods his expression when you answer him, “It would be lovely to have a little playdate with Laura.”
“Alrighty, see you later little one,” Kevin leans down to place a kiss on his daughter’s head, reminding her to be a good kid when he is away for the meeting, and you smile at the sight. Not an envious one, or a reminiscent one, but one of contentment because you know that one day you will be able to receive and give such unconditional love to someone too.
Someday, it will be okay. You will be okay.
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faeriekit · 1 year
PRIDE stuff I recommend incorporating into a library/school storytime if your community is mildly uncomfy confronting that sometimes two men kiss, go!
Find a book that has a tangible story to it! For this storytime, I used Subway Baby, which is explicitly about two men who have a child together, but is more about the discovery of the child at a subway station in NYC and the process it takes to becomes a family. Heartwarming, a real story that happened to real people, and takes place in a familiar setting (for a bunch of NJ kids.) Another book I might use in place of this would be a book like Julián and the Wedding, which is about attending a wedding with two brides, but is centered instead in a story about what to wear to a wedding (and all the silliness fancy clothes cause.)
You can also pick books that aren't explicitly queer, even when the topics are: Except When They Don't, Fred Gets Dressed, and Princess Kevin are all titles that toy around with gender presentation and clothing without explicitly making the story about gender, making it obvious that 1) clothing is silly and 2) you should do what makes you happy. A boy is a princess. A girl is a football star. Your friends are astronauts dinosaur cowboys who live on Mars! All is well, be happy being you.
USE THE FLAGS! Every stripe has a meaning! Teaching the kids what every stripe in a flag stands for, and how to relate it to their own life makes the sight less intimidating and something more familiar. Since I read for real real real little ones, it's also a great chance to practice color recognition with them lol. "What color is this? Wow, you're so smart! This color stands for THIS big word, which means (longer explanation.)" I use this in Pride-Specific storytimes so there's a break between books.
Make the storytime about pride! ...No, like the emotion. Unless the kids have out people active in their life from a young age, they're probably not going to immediately understand what Queer and Pride and Gay and Trans and LGBT+ are or how they relate to them or each other or the fact that they could discover stuff about themselves later on in life...dumb it down. At most storytime ages, they're still in the process of building their self image and sense of well-being. Being proud is about being happy with yourself and what you do. You're a cool kid, and you should get to celebrate all the things about your life that you love! I ended my Pride storytime with teaching kids a new big word: ✨affirmations✨. Say one nice thing about yourself! This is something nice I say about you! Parents, affirmations are a great way to build self confidence and practice big vocab words. Try them out at home, reciting them in the mirror or putting them on stickey notes around the house.
Decorate your reading space. Hehehehehe rainbows 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 No, seriously. The more fun the room is, the friendlier the topic feels.
And, of course, I end all storytimes with a hi five and good word to the kids' adults. Kid was energetic? They were so fun and excited today! Kid was zoned out? They were so well behaved! Two things can simultaneously be true.
Tips for non-librarians: for the coolest lgbt kids books, they're hiding in the nonfiction section. Seriously. Books about Gilbert Baker sewing the first flag and Marsha P Johnson and Stonewall and lgbt history around the world... In Nonfic. LAME. BOO. MOVE THEM TO MY COLLECTION INSTEAD HELLO. I WANT THEM. *grabby hands*
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
tell us about the royals au!!! (im on my knees. please.)
Ohhhhh my friend you have started me on a RANT I hope you’re ready!!!
I don’t know that I’ll ever actually write it so I’m not too worried about spoilers, and the wonderful people in my dms (which are still open btw) bouncing ideas with me are always going to come up with great ideas so I’m putting WIP in big red letters, things are subject to change! But for now, some ideas. Most of what I have will be under the cut, but if you want to know more about a specific part/have any questions please I’d love to chat :D will link to the art/posts I have so far!
(In this au I’ve been referring to Neil as Nathaniel at first and then Abram (hello names as a plot device), and everyone else right now is some version of their name)
Kevin and Nathaniel were raised at Evermore castle, Kevin to be in direct competition to Riko/see which of them might claim the throne (not thought out yet), and Nathaniel as the Moriyama’s attack dog, born and raised to take his father’s place as such. The two never met in person, but Nathaniel knows and recognizes Day because of course he does, and Day knows the name Wesninski means a very, very dangerous person. Essentially the top assassin on the continent.
But as we do, Day decides he can’t/won’t handle the treatment anymore, whatever the last straw may be, and runs off to Palmetto in a kind of desperate chase of the stories his mother used to tell him when he was little. He knew she loved that kingdom. Somehow he finds Wymack - the twin’s royal advisor - or Wymack finds him, and once Wymack realizes who this kid is and has reason to believe he’s not here on Evermore business, he puts Day’s incredible talent and training as a tactician/commander to work as his pupil.
Meanwhile Nathaniel is still at Evermore, mistreated and learning from his own failures and mistakes until he’s nearly as good as his father at the family business.
I don’t know how long Nathaniel plans it, but he either plays the part for long enough or his skill is so undeniable that when the Moriyamas have plans for the Palmetto Kingdom, they send him and one other accomplished fighter to kill the king. Nathaniel goes quietly and decides he’s not coming back if he can help it.
So instead of killing the young king, Nathaniel’s panic has him turn on his partner at the very last second, stopping them just before they can get to the king. He takes them somewhere far away and does what he does best, leaving no one to report back to the Moriyamas. From then on it’s a waiting game to see how long the family will wait before they send someone after him.
Day’s followed them, and Nathaniel turns around from the body and sees this man he hasn’t seen in years, alive and safe away from Evermore. It’s as elating as it is crushing - because Day heard his partner call him by name, and there is no way Day will ever let a Wesninski walk away alive. Not if he knows what’s good for all of them.
Except Day doesn’t kill him, even when Nathaniel asks him to. (Better Day than Riko, Nathaniel knew that even when they were all stuck at Evermore). Instead, he takes Nathaniel back to the twins/Wymack, gives him a little bread, and they sit until he can pry out an explanation. (See the comic of this first meeting here.)
Day and Nathaniel spend most of their time together because Day refuses to let Nathaniel out of his or Wymack’s sight until he proves not a threat to the royal family, which proves an issue because between Andrew’s rotation of personal guards (he never gets along with them well enough that they stay/aren’t fired) Day is Andrew’s guard, which sometimes means Nathaniel is stuck a lot closer than Day would like. But after a long, long time, Day and Wymack decide Nathaniel was serious about the whole “runaway” thing and isn’t playing spy (maybe there’s some dramatic event/Nathaniel protecting a twin that convinces them or maybe it’s just a lot of little things over time). Andrew, after a rough spat with the latest guard, is again in need of a new one. Finally Day just asks “is there ANYONE you could possibly pretend to get along with that can do the job” and Andrew knows Nathaniel is dangerous he just doesn’t know exactly how or why (but oh he is curious) so maybe he just straight up says. “Wesninski.” And Day has to go “…. Fine.”
So boom. They knew each other superficially before, but now Andrew and Nathaniel are spending most of their time together and miraculously - no arguments. No spats. Day thanks the gods there’s no physical altercations (that’s probably what got the last guard fired so quick). Nathaniel is just a mystery with shady ability to tell the truth and Andrew can’t help his curiosity. Good old fashioned andreil :D
From here the timeline becomes essentially nonexistent, I have no idea when these things happen in relation to each other but so far they’re all things I like and want to include!
1) there’s plenty of games and competitions at Palmetto, we love a good tussle, and Nathaniel usually does quite well - he’s not good at playing fair, but his underhanded methods are not technically illegal and usually he can use his preferred weapon - dagger rather than sword. He does well except for the one time an opponent accidentally says/does something that was constantly said or done to Nathaniel while “training” at Evermore, and he comes back to Andrew and the tent he watched from in the beginning of a panic attack. Andrew doesn’t know anything about Nathaniel’s past at this point, but he knows a panic attack when he sees one. In trying to talk him through it, Andrew realizes that yes Nathaniel is scared of being hurt, but he’s more afraid of hurting others. Nathaniel won’t let Andrew call him by name, he flinches every time Andrew says it. After, Andrew asks what he should call him instead, and Nathaniel finally asks to be called Abram.
2) Balls! Masquerades! Abram doesn’t have many outfits, he wears the regular issued uniform to every event. Andrew will not stand for this. Abram always wears clothes that cover him fully, which is fine, Andrew can work with that. He’s still seen Abram in a tight shirt or two. So he commissions one of the most knowledgeable people in the court (we’re thinking it might be Allison, she’s a noble but she’s great with textiles/embroidery/etc) and gets Abram a new outfit. It still covers him, its still protective material, but it looks better. (Find Abram in a corset here). Andrew handles it totally normal and rational in his head when he sees Abram actually wearing it of course.
3) Day probably assumes for a little while that Andrew and Abram have got a more or less normal guard/charge relationship, even thinking it’s slightly antagonistic considering this is Andrew we’re talking about. (This doesn’t fit the timeline, but here’s a mini comic of one of Day’s misunderstandings hehe)
4) king Aaron! He became king at 18/20/whatever age we decide this universe deems old enough because he is in fact the elder twin here. I imagine their parents have both been dead and gone for at least a few years at this point. Dan is Aaron’s guard and she and Abram hit it off great as coworkers and friends. More on the uncertainty of the twins backstory later. (Drawings of Aaron and his queen Katelyn here!)
5) the angst. The Moriyamas should have heard from the Wesninski boy months ago - something somewhere went wrong. So, naturally, they go to collect their property. If they get away with it, we can imagine how it goes. What I don’t know is if the twins, Day, and Wymack know for sure he was kidnapped or if they have a little nagging in the back of their head that wonders if he’s only run away from the castle or if he’s run back to Evermore with everything he’s learned.
When he’s recovered, Day doesn’t let Andrew too close too often for a while. If Abram forgets where is for even a second too long - waking up from a nightmare, having a flashback - it’s long enough for it to be fatal to whoever might get too close to Abram. It’s already almost proved fatal for Andrew, after Abram played normal so well that Andrew let it slip - he forgot Abram was taken back to Evermore for them to finish making him into a thoughtless weapon, and they’d nearly succeed. He wakes Abram too quickly and ends up extremely lucky Abram recognizes both his voice and the way Andrew didn’t call him ‘Nathaniel’ or ‘Wesninski’. There’s really a huge amount to possibly be covered about this point so I won’t go into detail here - but if you like hurt/comfort you know where to find me 👀
6) the biggest thing we haven’t figured out is Andrew. Either he was kidnapped at a young age and only recovered in his teens, or the elder King Minyard didn’t much care for his second son. Though I’ve always liked the idea of Mr. Minyard being a good man who died shortly before the twins’ birth and their mother just couldn’t handle the grief or knowing that the twins look like him. Anyway a lot of the twins’ issues after both of their parents are dead are the advisors or other people around them that try to take advantage of their youth and inexperience for their own gain, without realizing that both Aaron and Andrew have had to grow up much too fast, each for their own reasons. They can usually see right past the tricks. It’s why they both trust Wymack so much - he’s one of the few adults that are truly there to help them, and not make decisions for them.
Im sure there’s more I missed, but this is long enough as it is lol. People have asked about the Trojans/Jean in this au, and I’d love to include them! My brain’s instinctive response is that Jeremy is some sort of high end noble/royal of a faraway kingdom, and Jean (always last to leave the nest, im so sorry baby) somehow gets over there, but I don’t have an idea of his or anyone else’s roles yet. Renee could even still have a hand in him getting there if we really want.
So I’m still writing snippets and drawing over here lol but i promise I don’t bite if you want to talk :D
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growingexjocks · 1 year
A Musical Break - Nick Jonas: Ch 1
Short WG Story #1
Nick's most recent concert tour has ended, and he has learned the joys of taking a break and learning to indulge in life's greatest pleasure, food.
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Nick Jonas, with his smoldering good looks and irresistibly chiseled physique, can make hearts race at the mere sight of him. Standing at a sleek 5 feet 7 inches (170 cm), he emanates a magnetic energy that is impossible to ignore. His dark brown locks, styled to perfection, frame his sultry brown eyes that can make anyone swoon.
Nick's dedication to fitness is evident in his toned, sculpted body, with each muscle rippling under his sun-kissed skin. When he's not serenading the world with his golden voice, he can be found pushing his limits in the gym, sweat glistening on his forehead as he conquers the weights. His sense of style is impeccable, his outfits always showcasing his enviable figure. From casual streetwear to sharp suits, Nick Jonas never fails to turn heads and leave a lasting impression.
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As Nick Jonas' tour comes to an end, a newfound sense of relaxation washes over him. The once-disciplined and hardworking performer finds himself succumbing to the comfort of his plush couch, as the enticing glow of Netflix takes over his daily routine. With the remote in hand, he dives into a world of binge-watching, leaving behind the grueling workouts that once defined his sculpted physique.
As the days turn to weeks, Nick's once-toned muscles begin to soften, transforming into a more relaxed and rounded appearance. The tautness of his abdomen fades away, replaced by a gentle curve that hints at his growing appetite for indulgent snacks and late-night takeout. His once prominent jawline starts to blur, giving way to a fuller face that bespeaks his more sedentary lifestyle.
The clothes that once fit him like a glove now strain to contain his expanding frame. Buttons on his stylish shirts begin to protest, their threads stretching to the limit as they fight to hold back the newfound softness of his chest and stomach. His once perfectly tailored trousers now dig into his hips, leaving a mark, reminding him of the days when they draped effortlessly over his toned legs. His butt has become an eccentuated peach shape that presses against his board shorts whenever he goes to the beach.
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Despite these changes, Nick still exudes a warmth and charm that is uniquely his own. His appearance may have shifted, but his magnetic charisma and talent remain unshaken – a testament to the essence of the man behind the music.
Nick looks in the mirror, noticing the tightness of his clothing, but swiftly dismisses the thought, attributing it to a mere laundry mishap. He convinces himself that it's nothing more than a minor issue, refusing to acknowledge the signs of his changing body.
His brothers, Kevin and Joe, grow increasingly concerned as they observe Nick's transformation. The time comes for a family dinner at their favorite restaurant, and they can't help but notice how the fabric of his shirt strains to contain his newfound curves, the buttons appearing to be on the verge of popping off. They exchange worried glances but refrain from passing any comments, hoping that Nick will recognize the situation himself.
As the waiter arrives to take their orders, Kevin and Joe opt for their usual, well-balanced meals. Nick, however, seems to be in a world of his own, perusing the menu with a ravenous glint in his eyes. His voice drips with anticipation as he orders dish after dish, his appetite a seemingly bottomless pit.
The waiter, assuming Nick has finished ordering, starts to turn away to submit their orders to the kitchen. But Nick, with a hint of indignation, clears his throat and interjects, "Excuse me, I'm not done ordering yet, actually." The waiter's eyes widen with surprise as Nick continues, adding even more plates to his already abundant selection. He finishes off his order with a rich, creamy milkshake, its frothy thickness promising a delectable indulgence.
Nick then raises a finger, signaling the waiter to wait, and adds, "And when we're done with our meals, please come back for dessert orders." His brothers exchange another concerned glance, but they hold their tongues, not wanting to dampen the mood of their reunion.
As the night progresses, Nick dives into his culinary extravaganza with gusto. His brothers watch, their worry growing, as they hope that their beloved sibling will soon realize the need for a change and find his way back to a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.
Nick's insatiable hunger takes center stage as he devours his meal with an intensity that leaves his brothers in awe. He wolfs down the juicy burger in just three enormous bites, the flavors exploding in his mouth with each satisfying chomp. His appetite seemingly knows no bounds; he proceeds to fold half of his pizza into a taco-like creation, biting into it with gusto.
As he continues to shovel food into his mouth, the strain on his black button-up shirt intensifies. The fabric stretches to its limit, revealing glimpses of his once-hidden pale white skin. The buttons appear to be mere moments away from surrendering to the pressure of his burgeoning belly.
With each bite, Nick's appearance evolves – his cheeks grow rosier, his jawline less defined, and his once-prominent collarbones are now concealed beneath a layer of softness. His eyes, however, still gleam with the same magnetic charm that has always defined him.
Nick pauses for a moment to sip deeply from his thick, creamy milkshake, the cool sweetness a welcome contrast to the mountain of savory dishes he's consumed. He finishes half the shake before leaning back in his chair, letting out a satisfied burp. He rubs his now-distended gut, seemingly oblivious to the fact that it is nearly touching the table's edge.
The sight of Nick's changing appearance, his once-fit form giving way to a softer, more indulgent version of himself, is undeniably captivating. His brothers watch with a mix of concern and fascination, wondering if this newfound appetite will be a passing phase or a more permanent shift in their beloved sibling's life.
The brothers glance down at their own stomachs, their taut and trim physiques a stark contrast to the sight before them. They exchange glances, and Joe finally musters up the courage to address the elephant in the room.
"Hey, Nick," Joe asks, his voice laced with concern, "are you full yet?"
Nick, in between bites of his pizza, shakes his head, "No way, man, I'm starving!" He finishes the last slice and moves on to the mountain of fries before him. His increasing hunger seemingly knows no bounds, and he begins to shovel fistfuls of fries into his mouth with fervor.
As he struggles to keep up with his ravenous appetite, his brothers watch in disbelief. They can see how his throat contracts with each bite, making room for the avalanche of food descending into his now-bulging gut. The salt from the fries intensifies Nick's thirst, prompting him to guzzle down the remainder of his milkshake.
Throughout this indulgent feast, Nick's clothing continues to tighten around his expanding frame. His black shirt strains to contain his swelling belly, which now protrudes further over his belt than before. The once-loose fabric clings to his body, offering a tantalizing glimpse of his transformation.
The brothers find it hard to reconcile the sight before them with their memories of Nick's rigorous workout routines and disciplined diet. They recall the days when he would opt for salads at dinner and resist the lure of sweet treats, his focus on fitness unwavering. Nick's metamorphosis leaves them both fascinated and concerned.
As Nick finishes the last of his milkshake, he slurps eagerly at the straw, attempting to extract every last drop of the decadent concoction. Unsatisfied, he lifts the cup to his lips, tilting it to capture the remnants of the fattening cream. Some of it drips onto his mouth and stains his black shirt, but he seems unfazed by the mess.
In this moment of unbridled indulgence, Nick feels a surge of excitement course through him. The act of satisfying his hunger in such an unrestrained manner ignites a primal thrill within him, and he embraces the unfamiliar sensation with guilty pleasure. His transformation, though alarming to his brothers, has awakened a newfound passion within him – a passion for the unapologetic pursuit of satisfaction.
As Nick recognizes the feeling of gluttony within him, he becomes increasingly aware of the thrill it brings. As he indulges in his seemingly endless desire for more food, he finds himself strangely aroused by the experience. Leaning back in his chair and distancing himself from the table, he places his hands on his gut and begins to rub his belly in slow, deliberate circles.
Despite feeling full, Nick knows he hasn't had dessert yet – the cheesecake at this restaurant has always been his favorite, and he can't bear to pass it up when they're in town. As he continues to rub his belly in an attempt to make room for dessert, his brothers can't help but stare at the sight before them.
Their gazes are drawn to the bottom of Nick's black shirt, where some buttons have popped off due to the strain of his expanding gut. His belly button now peeks through the opening, and his shirt rests on the crest of his bloated stomach, the bottom pieces of cloth parted open from the missing buttons.
The brothers find themselves both intrigued and repulsed by the sight of Nick shamelessly rubbing his gut in public. As he releases a massive burp, the sensation of relief it brings turns him on even more. His arousal intensifies, becoming rock hard and pulsing with each rub of his belly.
In this moment, Nick is completely lost in the sensual pleasure of his own gluttony, oblivious to the concerned and bewildered stares of his brothers. 
As the waiter approaches their table, responding to Nick's loud burp, he asks if they're ready for the check. Nick, however, is far from finished. With determination in his eyes, he informs the waiter that he still hasn't had his dessert and proceeds to order an entire cheesecake for himself. The waiter's eyes widen in disbelief, but he dutifully brings the dessert to the table.
Nick's brothers watch in awe and concern as he proceeds to grab thick slices of the cheesecake and shovel them into his mouth with reckless abandon. The rich, creamy dessert disappears at an alarming rate, and Joe can no longer contain his frustration.
"Nick, this is ridiculous! You're acting like a pig," Joe exclaims, trying to appeal to Nick's sense of dignity. In response, Nick simply leans over and burps loudly in Joe's face, unapologetic and defiant.
Appalled by their brother's behavior, Joe and Kevin leave the restaurant, their eyes lingering on Nick's transformed appearance. His belly is now taut and round, straining the shirt's remaining buttons to the point where red marks are etched into his flesh. Unfazed by their departure, Nick mutters "good riddance" under his breath as he pays the bill and requests the leftover cheesecake to go.
He struggles to pull himself out of the chair, his bloated stomach making it difficult to find his balance. With labored breaths, he stumbles out of the restaurant, the sensation of his overfull gut sending waves of excitement through his body. His arousal grows stronger, fueled by the undeniable thrill of his gluttonous indulgence.
Once home, Nick collapses onto his bed, the weight of his food coma pressing down on him like a heavy blanket. As he lies there, his mind replays the events of the evening, savoring the memory of each delectable bite and the increasingly tight embrace of his clothing. The sight of his expanded abdomen, straining against the fabric of his shirt, fills him with a forbidden pleasure, feeding his desire to push the limits of his gluttony even further.
As the night wears on, Nick remains lost in his fantasies, the intensity of his arousal growing alongside the memory of his uninhibited feast. The transformation of his body, a testament to his newfound desire for excess, leaves him yearning for more – a hunger that cannot be easily quenched.
Nick wakes up the next morning, feeling the weight of his indulgence from the night before. He groggily rolls out of bed, his body feeling heavier than usual. Despite the lingering remnants of his food coma, he makes his way to the full-length mirror in his bedroom to assess the damage.
As he stands before the mirror, he is struck by the sight of his transformed appearance. His once-toned and sculpted physique has given way to a softer, rounder version of himself. Nick's face is noticeably fuller, with his once-prominent jawline now softened. His once-chiseled chest and arms have become smoother and more relaxed, a testament to his recent overindulgence.
His eyes are drawn to his midsection, where the most significant change has occurred. His once-flat stomach now protrudes outward, a gentle curve that hints at the countless meals he has consumed in recent days. The waistband of his pants digs into his hips, leaving a visible mark on his skin, a stark reminder of the weight he has gained.
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Nick estimates that he must have gained a significant amount of weight since he first started indulging in his newfound appetite. The exact number is uncertain, but the change in his appearance is undeniable. He can't help but feel a mix of apprehension and excitement at this transformation, with a lingering thrill from the previous night's gluttony still coursing through his veins.
As he continues to examine himself in the mirror, he wonders if his weight gain is obvious.
Despite the uncertainty, Nick can't deny the strange satisfaction he feels as he takes in his new appearance. The sensation of his clothes straining against his expanded frame, the memory of each decadent bite, and the thrill of pushing his body's limits all contribute to a growing desire within him – a desire to explore the boundaries of his appetite and the limits of his own self-control.
Nick's newfound appetite continues to consume him, as he embarks on a journey of gluttonous indulgence. Each day, he finds himself craving more and more food, the excitement of pushing his limits growing stronger with each passing meal.
As the weeks go by, Nick's body continues to evolve in response to his voracious appetite. His face, once defined by sharp angles and prominent cheekbones, now takes on a rounder, more cherubic appearance. His neck, once lean and muscular, has softened, giving way to a gentle fullness that hints at his growing desire for excess.
His shoulders and arms, which once showcased his dedication to fitness, have also succumbed to the effects of his overeating. The once-prominent muscles are now concealed beneath layers of softness, as his once-taut biceps and triceps adopt a more relaxed and pliable form.
Nick's chest, too, has transformed. His once-firm pectorals have softened, losing some of their definition as they yield to the consequences of his indulgence. The once-prominent lines that separated his abdominal muscles have all but disappeared, as his stomach continues to expand outward, forming a round and prominent curve.
His lower body has not been spared from the effects of his overeating. His hips have widened, stretching the waistband of his pants to the point where they are now visibly strained. His thighs, once lean and powerful, have also succumbed to the softening effects of his indulgence, their former definition now hidden beneath a layer of comforting fullness.
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Despite the undeniable changes to his body, Nick finds himself increasingly drawn to the thrill of his gluttony. The sensation of his clothes tightening around his growing frame, the challenge of pushing his body's limits, and the pure satisfaction of giving in to his desires all serve to fuel his hunger for more.
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natrogersfics · 3 days
The Anthology - Chapter 5: imgonnagetyouback
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Artwork by @faith2nyc Read on AO3
“Think you’ll make it up to Ontario anytime soon?”
“Hopefully,” Steve says, catching the way his words cause a glimmer of hope to flash across Sharon’s face. “I know who my first call will be if I do.”
“I’ll hold you to that,” Sharon says, rising from the bar stool and leaning in to give him a kiss on the cheek. “Take care, Steve.”
“You too, Sharon.”
As Sharon disappears into the crowd, his eyes scan the room where the wrap party is still in full swing. Today marked the last of their double-digit hour workdays, and if the lively scene unfolding before him is any indication, it’s evident that he’s not alone in his relief to have those behind him. Over on the corner, the Russos and the stunt crew are huddled over a table playing what he can only guess is their nth round of Uno. Not too far away, Kevin stands in conversation with the wardrobe team, no doubt thanking and praising them for a job well done. And at the center of the dance floor, commandeering most of the attention in the room, Sam and Bucky trade dance moves to the delight of the crowd that’s gathered around them.
He shakes his head in amusement, feeling the warmth of gratitude permeate through him as he brings his beer bottle up to his lips to take a swig. He had spent more time with these people than he had with his own family over the last few months, witnessed them pour their blood, sweat, and tears to ensure their movie could be as successful as it could be. To now see everyone euphoric with joy and deservedly celebrating the fruits of their labor feels like nothing short of a gift.
Well, everyone except one, he realizes.
His gaze goes from one end of the room to the other in search of that ever familiar figure, and despite how trying their situation has been, he finds himself disappointed when he doesn’t find her. Maybe she didn’t come. In the last few weeks, she’s never spent a minute longer on set than she’s absolutely had to. It only made sense that she’d take the first opportunity to get away from all of this.
From you.
It’s with a sigh that he pushes off the bar, batting away the intrusive thought and making his way towards the door in search of some quiet. The air is humid against his skin as he walks out into the late summer’s night, the studio lot that’s never not buzzing with activity during the day proving to be a somber sight as it sits empty and lit only by the moon and the sparsely spaced streetlights.
He’s barely taken a breath when he sees it – the silhouette of someone perched on the steps leading to the sound stage, smoke billowing from the cigarette between their fingers. And whether it’s intuition or simply unbridled curiosity that has him walking towards it, he’s unsure.
“You said you’d quit that,” he says when he approaches to find Natasha seated by the bottom of the stairs, staring at nothing in particular.
“I said a lot of things,” Natasha says, the end of her cigarette glowing a bright orange as she brings it up to her lips.
“You did,” he says, watching the smoke waft into the air as she exhales. She finally looks up at him, and for the first time, he sees the way her cheeks are flushed with red and the glazed, faraway look in her eyes. He nods towards her feet. “How many of those have you had?”
Natasha looks down between her boots, to the empty crystal tumbler resting on the concrete, before lifting one shoulder in a shrug. “How’s Sharon?” she asks instead. Surprise must have flashed in his expression, prompting her to chuckle. “No need to be embarrassed.”
“She’s the better choice anyway.”
She’s in no condition to hash this out. Logically, he knows this. Nevertheless, something about the tone in her voice, particularly the bitterness that seeps into it, causes all the hurt and resentment he’s been trying desperately to hold in all these weeks to come rushing to the surface.
“You know what? No, you don’t get to do this! You can’t just cast me aside out of nowhere, and then throw yourself a pity party!” He stares at her, imploring her to show him something, anything to explain why she felt the need to plunge them both into this mutual hell they can’t seem to escape. Only she doesn’t respond, and defeatedly, he finds himself plopping down next to her on the stairs and taking the cigarette from between her fingers. “Goddamn it, Nat.”
The silence lingers between them, and it’s only when he takes a drag from the cigarette that he hears her giggle. He turns to her, raising a brow up in disbelief.
“Steve Rogers smoking,” she says, trying – and failing miserably – to contain her laughter. “What will the moral police say?”
He wants to shoot her a withering look, to chastise her because there’s nothing, absolutely nothing funny about this predicament they find themselves in. But as he takes in the amusement thick in her expression, for reasons beyond his comprehension, he feels his lips begin to twitch in a little smile, too. And before he knows it, they’re both breaking out in laughter.
None of it made sense. Her actions have brought him nothing but torment these last few weeks, and yet, as their laughter tapers later on, all he wants in this moment is to take her in his arms. He sighs. “Why’d you walk away?”
For a moment, she only holds his gaze, and for the first time since he woke up to an empty bed that fateful morning, it’s as though her mask comes off and he sees her – his Natasha – not the stranger he’s been watching from a distance all these weeks. And if he easily recognizes the internal battle raging in her eyes, it’s only because he, too, has been contending with it.
“Because it doesn’t matter if I’m your costar, friend, or the one you want to come home to,” she whispers eventually. “You’re you, and I’m me. And so long as I’m in the equation…” She shakes her head, her lips curling into a smile that’s painfully rueful. “Pick your poison, babe, I’m poison either way.”
Chapter 4 | Chapter 6 (Coming Soon)
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charliedawn · 2 years
Lol I love the idea of two people liking each other but both being completaly oblivious to the fact other person likes them and everyone around them see it and are getting annoyed/irritated by the fact those two aren't together yet! It's hillarious 🤣! (Not necessaraly saying this is a request or anything, but my fav characters are slashers and Hannibal family, just in case you wanna write something)
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Morgan found you annoying at first, because he didn't understand his own feelings and it turned into constant bickering.
Morgan : "STOP. Just stop."
You *clueless* : "STOP what ?"
Morgan : "You. In my head. Constantly. It's unnerving."
You *giggle and tease him* : "Well..If I didn't know any better, I would say that you've got a little crush on me."
Morgan shook his head at the absurd notion alone and walked away—ignoring you when you decided to follow him.
Morgan doesn't like when things don't go according to plan and he had a plan on finding the perfect soulmate based on very specific criteria.
And there you came, making a mess of his plans..
It started becoming a sort of competition of who would break first.
He would think you're doing it on purpose and get annoyed at the sight of you—or avoid you.
Unbeknownst to the both of you that if you were to dig deeper you would find the true reason behind your playful banter..
His brothers watching the both of you from the sidelines :
Kevin : "...I'm gonna tell them."
Peter : "Don't you dare !"
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You met Kevin in art school and lucky for you, he always arrives late to everything. And, you kept unconsciously saving a seat for him next to you..
You *pretend to be annoyed as he sits next to you* : "Why do you always seat here ?"
Kevin *pretends to be thinking about it* : "Hum...Because it is the only empty seat ?"
You *bluntly* : "You are annoying."
Him *smiles and winks you* : "Sure. So, do we start working or...?"
He would tease you and follow you around—making it very difficult for people not to notice..
Soon enough, his hand would find yours and you would start walking hand-in-hand around school.
Morgan *noticing the dreamy expression on Kevin's face and arks a quizzical eyebrow* : "...Are you thinking of Y/N again ?"
Kevin : "WHA—?! NO ! EWW ! WE'RE JUST FRIENDS !"
Peter : "...Friends don't usually hold hands and go on dates.."
Kevin *process in motion* : "...OH MY GOSH ! I'VE GOT A CRUSH ON Y/N !"
Morgan *rolls his eyes with an amused smile* : "Took you long enough.."
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Peter met you at school and as crushes go with him, it started normal—until it wasn't..
Peter started by being normal around you. He acted nice, sympathetic, funny..
He was perfect.
But, once you were out of sight or he would return home ? That's when things would change and slight developments could be noticed in his behavior.
He would shut himself off from the rest of the family, do extensive research on everything and everyone even remotely related to you and spend hours in deep concentration..
Now, it would be very difficult for Peter not to understand right away.
It usually doesn't take him long to fall in love and he is the first aware of that.
He usually passes through multiple stages : happiness overload, intense paranoïa, brief episode of depression, stalking and finally, unhealthy obsession..
The Hannibal Family all know how intense it can be for Peter when he has a crush, it is the very reason they don't like it when he has one.
Kevin *opens the door ajar* : "Erm..You're alright baby bro ?"
Peter *doesn't answer and keeps staring at the wall*
Kevin *closes the door* : "...Okay. Good to know."
Morgan *waiting outside* : "So ?"
Kevin : "...Yup. It's definitely a crush. Better warn Hannibal Sr."
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Freddy didn't know you had a crush of him and he refused to acknowledge his, no matter what the other slashers or anyone else had to say..
Even Michael tried to knock some sense in the stubborn slasher, but Freddy didn't want to se it.
Freddy : "Me ? Y/N ? Nah. You got it all wrong, buddy.."
Michael *stays silent before grabbing his notebook and writing down* : "So..Does that mean I can try to ask her out ?"
Freddy *immediately punches him and hurts his wrist in the process* : "LIKE HELL YOU CAN ! BACK OFF ! THAT B*TCH IS MINE !"
Michael *chuckles*
Freddy *realizes* : "...Sh*t."
Freddy proceeded to avoid you for days after that, as he thought you didn't feel the same and whenever you would try to approach him, he would find a reason to leave or some other thing to take care of.
You : "Freddy ! We need to talk !"
Freddy : "Can't. I've got a doctor's appointment."
Freddy *runs away*
It would take time for Freddy to accept his feelings and do the first step.
He is usually the confident one of the group, but when it comes to feelings ?
He becomes a mess.
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Norman was the last one to notice his crush on you—even his mother persona caught your mutual attraction from the start and made sure you understand your place in that relationship..
Mother Bates : "I've got my eye on you, missy/mister. Don't think for a moment that I don't know what you are doing.."
You *oblivious* : "Hum...Okay ? And what am I supposed to not be doing exactly ?"
Mother Bates : "Stay away from my Norman. He doesn't need you."
She then left and you were surprised by her words, but didn't let them faze you. You had already faced her many times before and weren't afraid of her—even though she did creep you sometimes.
But, her warning did linger in your mind, a well as the very threatening tone she had used.
What could have made her feel so threatened that she would go as far as tell you to stay away ?
It did raise certain questions and when you finally had the opportunity to ask her, she seemed dumbfounded.
Mother Bates *leans forward to stare intently at you and finally smiles* : "You really are clueless, aren't you ?"
Mother Bates wouldn't dignify you with an answer, but she would find it amusing all the same.
She was used to Norman ignoring his own feelings, but would internally be very pleased of the fact that you don't know them yourself...until she wouldn't find it amusing any longer.
You : "...A very angry mother ?"
Mother Bates : "..Kids I swear...NORMAN IS IN LOVE WITH YOU !"
You : "..."
Her : "..."
You and Norman : "...WHAT ?!"
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Pennywise would try to be oblivious at first—pretending your racing heart was fear or excitement. He would refuse seeing the truth and dismiss everything or everyone that would try to convince him.
Even if you were to tell him yourself, he would laugh it off or pretend not feeling anything for you.
Pennywise : "Sorry. Not happening."
Pennywise would be cash with you from the beginning. He would be able to tell that you like him, but would try to convince you otherwise.
He wouldn't want to hurt you by letting you believe he can feel the same.
Pennywise and Penny were told from the moment they became monsters that they wouldn't be able to fall in love. Ever.
He wouldn't acknowledge his feelings for you, because it would mean to go against everything he believes to be true.
Pennywise *sighs* : "...I really wish I could tell you that I can reciprocate your feelings but.." *retrieves his own heart and crumbles it to sand in his hand* "...I can't. I'm sorry."
It would take some time for him to acknowledge his own feelings for you and he would probably avoid you at the start—but would eventually come around.
Pennywise *scratches his throat nervously* : "I'm..sorry. I made a mistake. I..I like you too. I think."
Pennywise was never in love before, he never even had a crush..So, it might take time for him to get used to it—but the result would be worth the wait.
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Penny feeds on fear and pain. It would confuse him to be affected by this irresistible pull some humans suffer from.
He would try to process it and put a name on it.
When he would finally be able to tell, he would end up even more confused..How could it be that you would both feel this need to be together ? How could love blossom between a human and a...a monster ?
He would remain the same around you at first—smiling and joking and laughing..
But inside, he would feel this pull tear his heart open and ask for Pennywise to help.
Pennywise : "...Tell them."
Penny *surprised* : "What ?! NO !"
Pennywise *sighs* : "Look, kid. We all know how you feel. It's obvious you like each other, so you just need to tell them."
Penny reluctantly agreed and after a long moment of consideration, he decided to tell you.
Penny : "...You feel warm. Safe. It's...It's not right."
You seemed to realize he was truly struggling with what he was feeling and decided to help him by declaring your feelings for him too.
When you did, his face lit up and all of his worries seemed to pop out of existence. He was just so happy you felt the same.
Nearby :
Pennywise felt a pang in his chest at the thought that he would probably never feel the same towards anyone, but still smiled proudly at his brother from the shadows.
"Heh. Good job, kid."
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Brahms was acting really nervous around you, jolting every time he would see you and you couldn't help but tease him about it.
You *laugh* : "What ? Do I perhaps make you nervous, Brahms ?"
He would blush furiously and shake his head vividly before either running away or standing there with his face lowered in shame.
You would always laugh it off and it would only make Brahms more and more confused.
You *smile mischievously* : "Does your little heart beat faster whenever I'm around ?"
Another teasing. But, this time. He had an answer to give you.
Brahms : "What if it is ?"
When he looked up at you, you found hesitation and determination there.
Brahms : "What if I really like you ?"
Your smile immediately vanished once you realized he was being serious.
You : "Wait..What ?"
Brahms grunted in frustration before grabbing your hand and pressing it against his chest.
Brahms : "Here."
You could feel his heart beating wildly in his ribcage and for the first time, you didn't know what to say.
You glanced up at Brahms with widened eyes and lips slightly parted in shock before they returned to the fingers spread on his chest—above his heart.
You didn't think..It was your time to blush and when Brahms released your hand, you let it linger there for a few seconds before retrieving it.
You looked up at Brahms who didn't say a word and you smiled.
Brahms smiled as well and nuzzled your face with his masked nose before the slashers all came in.
There was a long silence before Freddy finally shouted:
Michael *shakes his head disapprovingly before hitting the back of Freddy's head*
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Myers felt it first. He had already felt this emotion before. He knew what it meant and the thought alone made him itch for a knife.
Myers' purpose was to prevent all affective relationships of Michael with anyone.
But, he didn't think he would meet any resistance this time around..
He was wrong.
In Michael's head :
Michael *grabs Myers' arm* : "Don't you dare. Not them. Not again."
Myers : "They will hurt you. They always do.."
Michael : "Not them. Please."
Myers *grabs him by the throat and seethes* : "I wasn't asking, Michael. You can't control me. You never had a choice."
Michael *grits his teeth and shoves Myers off him* : "I DON'T NEED YOU ! GET OUT OF MY LIFE !"
Michael woke up in sweats and found you by his side—worry painted all over your face.
You : "Michael. Are you alright ?"
Michael felt this pang in his chest and he knew Myers wouldn't be far, lurking in the shadows and ready to cut you in half at any moment. So, he would deny.
He would write down he is alright.
He would tell you a lie.
He would break your heart or make sure you can't see him anymore—it would be better than to wake up one day with your blood on his hands.
Michael *smiles and nods*
You : "That's good. I was pretty worried for a sec'."
And you should be.
But, not about him.
Myers : "Soon. Soon. You will be all mine."
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any chance for more what if emma doesn't die thoughts from you? I am filled with sorrow for her and Dean once more
ooh....you know for someone who has an obscenely long ghost emma wip I've never really considered if she just survived from the beginning hmm...
well obviously when sam barges in the room dean either manages to put himself in front of emma and talk him down, or, the sexier option, he shoots the gun out of sam's hand. sam still argues but dean is invoking oldest rule here lmao. I don't know if 'poughkeepsie' would apply here but I want him to drop a code word to guilt sam into letting emma come along
between his attitude and the whole 'pulling a gun on her' thing emma reasonably does not like sam right off the bat, so she's practically glued to dean like a shadow for the first couple weeks
(personally I think emma truly wanted to escape and didn't want to hurt anyone, I think she only pulled the knife bc she couldn't read dean and thought he wasn't gonna help her. so obviously that's. less of an issue here)
idk I just really like the idea of emma knowing How to fight but having more of a pacifistic nature, not really blending well with either sides of her family. like she didn't ask dean to protect her from the amazons so she could be a hunter. dean may not be able to give her a normal life while they're busy hiding from leviathans, amazons, and the us government, but he'll be damned if he's gonna force her into a fight or give her a gun. sam tries to convince emma to work as bait for the pennywhistle case and dean goes Nuclear
so once dean's comfortable letting her out of his sight for longer than half an hour she's usually on research or like, the get away driver lol
dean's 'never had enough money to get nice things for sammy' childhood guilt is manifesting aggressively he's buying stuff for emma every time he goes anywhere. whole back seat of the car is decked out with fluffy blankets and pillows, she's got her own collection of music, clothes, stuff like that. she definitely has more stuff than she should have considering they're living on the run but that's not gonna stop dean
sorry I just love the idea of sam constantly picking fights with her and dean being like. Why Do You Have Beef With My Newborn.
like I definitely think sam would warm up to her before the end of the season, especially after cas fixes his mind, but between the amy situation and his personal trauma about feeling like a monster his family should have hunted, I think he'd just. have a rough time with her at first. plus in no world does sam know how to communicate with teenage girls lmao
HOWEVER I don't think she'd stay with him while dean is trapped in purgatory. I think lowkey sam doesn't even really. Consider being her guardian or whatever bc he sees her as grown and capable, but also he's immediately trying to find a place to settle down and emma is like. what the fuck are you talking about none of this is finished???
so she takes off. she wants to find kevin to 1) make sure he's okay and 2) see if his prophet powers can help her figure out what happened to dean and cas. I think she should meet up with charlie!!! she figures if anyone can track down a missing person it'd be her, and we all know charlie's not gonna turn away kid wanting to save her parent.
they do find kevin (and linda!) and get them situated and do what they can to hide them from crowley. dean and cas eventually get out of purgatory the same way as in canon bc they couldn't really figure that out, but at least kevin wasn't abandoned all year and had a decent head start on figuring out the tablet. the four of them have a little clubhouse set up and charlie makes buffy the vampire slayer references or room of requirement jokes literally every day
this is pretty much all I've got right now, but I'm always filled with sorrow on emma's (and deans) behalf omg. someone please save her already
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jtl-fics · 11 months
For wip Wednesday, Andrew first pleeeeeeeaaaaaase
Maybe something with Andrew acting like a love sick goofball
WIP Wednesday (7/12/23) - Closed | Andrew First AU
Andrew and Neil spent the rest of the night dancing on the outskirts of the dance floor.
It was only about an hour and the DJ had obviously been given instruction to play some slow songs to bring down the energy. The banquet had lost it's formal touches but none of the ERC seemed too upset since it was obviously good publicity to have all the teams intermingling in such a friendly way.
Neil had finally only left Andrew's arms to let Jeremy know his plans. Andrew saw him catch sight of Riko heading towards Kevin and watched him divert his path.
It was then that Jeremy came over to Andrew, his expression something far less warm and friendly as he stopped next to Andrew. Andrew only looked away from Neil long enough to register it before his gaze fell back on his Junkie sliding between Riko and Kevin.
Even from a distance he can see Neil saying something that has the Raven's captain tense and angry.
"I don't know what happened between you two," Jeremy says and Andrew startles. almost forgotten about the Trojan captain standing at his side.
"It's not for you to know." he says keeping his eyes on Neil as he takes Kevin back onto the dance floor and Riko follows. Still, he can feel the Trojan captain's eyes on him.
He wonders if he's going to get the shovel talk from Jeremy Knox, "What I do know is that Neil loves you." Andrew's eyes snapped to Jeremy now, "He watches every fox game and goes crazy whenever you shut out the other team and even crazier when you get hurt." Jeremy's own gaze is still on Neil, "I also know that you really hurt him with whatever you did. So I want you to promise me that you'll never do whatever it was ever again. Neil deserves better than where he was when I met him." he says.
Andrew can't help but wonder where Neil had been when Jeremy had taken him in but it might be something he'd find out about tonight.
"You don't trust me." Andrew says.
"I trust that you didn't mean to hurt Neil and I trust what Neil has told me about how seriously you take promises." Jeremy returns. "I think of Neil like a brother. My mom's even tried getting him to become a Knox a couple times." He laughs.
Andrew thinks about spending Holidays with the Knox family and it is far from the worst fate.
"Neil Knox doesn't sound right." Andrew says shaking his head.
"I'm sure you'd prefer Neil Minyard." Jeremy says with a laugh.
"We'll get it hyphenated. Josten-Minyard." Andrew returns watching as Neil's hands slide into Kevin's back pockets. The Future Queen of Exy's face was red over Neil's shoulders as his runaway undoubtedly said something that had the Raven captain's face go purple with frustration and watched as Kevin laughed over Neil's shoulder his own hands going to Neil's ass before he said something to Riko that had the Raven captain storming away.
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c-atm · 5 months
Dollar dogs chapter 2: reunited pt1
10 weeks ago
A red hover convertible floated down in front of the subtle-looking bar known as 'Three-eyed Love'. From inside, the driver looked out of the window and towards the top floor window to see what looked like paper cranes and planes being tossed out of them one after another, a usual sight. One that caused the driver to sigh in annoyance.
"Why am I his handler again?" The driver questioned himself, knowing the answer and regretting their history a bit.
Climbing out of his car and making his way to the bar entrance, he felt another sigh come as he pressed his finger on the wooden and steel door before entering.
"Afternoon Detective McKluth." The owner greeted," Here for pleasure, or is this another professional call."
The detective gave the owner a somewhat tired grin and pointed upward," Business, but I'll take a drink before beginning, Garnet."
Garnet pursed her full lips in a small smile," the usual, Kevin?" Her voice was cool silk to the ears, a welcoming sound to go with her curvaceous and alluring physique. She didn't wait for an answer as she began her work.
"So, how long has he been up?" Kevin inquired, looking at Garnet and her figure in her black and red bodysuit, which accentuated every curve of the African-British woman. Her afro was soft and steady as she made his drink, something called a twist martini.
"How many are out there?"
Kevin knew what she was referring to, the mess of cranes and planes that didn't quite get the same hangtime as the others.
"Didn't count," Kevin shrugged as his drink slid to him, "too busy wondering how I got this position."
"My," Garnet leaned over the bar, moving a bit closer, the cut of her collar surprisingly inviting, showing a fair amount of cleavage, "it's almost like you dread coming to my bar."
"Well, it's not your fault." Kevin smirked, taking a drink, "Your hospitality is always a joy."
"I'm aware, your eye-fucking assured that."
"I'm a detective, just trying to detect how you got all that sexy in that tight bodysuit."
"Though very salacious movements and very enticing hip rolls, from what I am told." She didn't smile, but her tone held joviality and tease.
"Lucky person, waking up next to you."
"No one gets to wake up next to me." Garnet spoke with a bit of steel and dark pleasure, "Unlike you Kevin, our dogs don't usually hold relationships and start a family."
"You're not a dog anymore. You served your assignments."
"Not an active one, but I do house one, Handler," Garnet stated with a bit of distaste.
"Another way those on top keep others under their thumb."
"You volunteered to be a dog," Kevin sipped his glass, savoring the taste, "I always wondered why, someone with no criminal record choosing to be a government dog, especially when the bounty hunter registration was right there."
"Government assistance, they still need to treat their little enforcers with some kind of respect, Detective," Garnet stated as she adjusted her three lens shades before taking a drink of her own. "Rather they like it or not, they need to keep us pleased, even those that are paying a debt to society, after all.."
Kevin watched as Garnet placed the now empty glass face down and flipped up her shades, revealing her three eyes; left a ruby red, right a sapphire blue, and on her forehead an eye the color of a purplish Garnet.
The same gem that embeds the palms of her hands since birth.
"The city's peaceful days rely on its dogs' fangs... isn't that right, Handler?"
Kevin was about to respond when heavy footsteps could be heard from the staircase behind the bar; its furthest northwest corner.
"Hey Garnet, can I get a broom? I..." The voice of Steven resounded before he showed himself.
Opening the red and blue swirl-painted door, the gem hybrid revealed himself, dressed in a black tank top and slacks; he gave them both a look over before turning his attention to Kevin, his handler.
"You're earlier than expected, McKluth," Steven spoke nonchalantly as he made his way to Kevin. "How's Holly and Helen?"
Placing a hand on his shoulder, Steven gave a smile through half-lidded eyes.
Kevin threw himself away from Steven's grasp, nearly falling on his ass as he moved, only for Steven to catch his wrist.
"Now, it's not a good look for a handler to be afraid of his dog, is it?" Steven pulled him up to his feet, "the dog just might bite if they feel they can't trust their handler." Steven grinned before wiping his shoulders, "Lucky, I know I can trust you, Kevin. Giving our history."
"But, that was a lifetime ago, " Steven interrupted, a smirk on his face that was gentle but sent a shiver down Kevin's spine, though the detective didn't let it show as he cleared his throat.
"Right...A lifetime ago." Kevin mumbled referring to the ex-criminal. 'Still doesn't wash away your past extortion methods,' Kevin thought to himself before pulling out a metal circular disk with a bluish-green platform in the middle and placing it on the bar.
"Can I get a drink, Garnet?" Steven asked the bartender as he sat down eyes on the dusk as its center began to light up, displaying a hardlight folder.
Garnet glanced at Kevin, her expression unreadable, before turning her attention to Steven. She nodded and prepared a drink for him, the corners of her lips curving slightly. "Here you go, Steven," she said, sliding the glass over to him. "Enjoy."
Steven took a sip of his drink and turned his attention back to Kevin, his eyes flickering with an intensity that made Kevin uneasy. "So, what's the assignment this time?" he asked, his voice laced with a mix of curiosity and mischief.
Kevin sighed, reaching into his jacket pocket and pulling out a small holographic device. He activated it, projecting an image of a man onto the bar counter. "This is Gregory Kane," he explained, pointing at the figure. "He's a renowned tech genius who recently went missing under mysterious circumstances."
Steven leaned forward, studying the image intently. His eyes glimmered with excitement as he processed the information. "Interesting," he murmured.
"He's also a serial killer or so we believe," Kevin added quickly as he took a sip of his drink.
"You believe?"
"Every officer who tried to find him never returned. so far five are still missing."
Steven hummed looking at the holographic image of Gregory; he looked between 35-40, and his sharp features held a kind and tired expression with his grayish-blue eyes and slightly combed-back hairstyles. His skin was flushed red and his lips were clammy, chipped, and thin. "Doesn't look much of a murderer to me."
"Looks can be deceiving, you should know that more than anyone, Mr. Pink."
Steven kissed his teeth at his handler's comment, his eyes taking on a dangerous pink glow, "I'm not that person anymore." Steven gave a small grin that didn't reach his eyes, "despite what you think."
"No, you might be more dangerous now."
"Only for criminals." Steven chuckled, "Besides, I'm more of a lover now; like I said not that person anymore and paying my dues to this fair city."
"Sure, you're a hero." Kevin blew an annoyed sigh" A bastion of goodness and light."
"Ha! Far from it!" Steven laughed, "But I'm much better than I used to be. Trying to be better. "
"Trying huh?" Kevin questioned, a sense of unease settling in his gut as he watched Steven's playful demeanor.
"Is that why you litter the front with paper planes? Trying to reach someone, Maybe?"
Steven hummed taking a sip, "Not something for you to know, McKluth." His voice held a slight warning, "Personal matters."
"Which makes you hard to trust, Pink."
"I handle the work given to me, don't I? Two years in, I haven't acted outside of my contract."
"Sure, but the whole change came a bit too quickly, and after disappearing for a time before... there's a whole blank period in your past."
"It's in the past why worry about it?"
"Because I've been extorted by you and your family in the past."
"You were just an informant."
"And you used my then-girlfriend as a pawn to keep me in line, didn't you, Pink."
Steven kissed his teeth gulping his drink, his demeanor hardening as a bit of guilt gripped his heart, "Well that's why I requested you as my handler, now you get to boss me around, retribution or whatever. leave it in the past."
Kevin clenched his fists, trying to suppress the anger that burned within him. Memories of that time flooded his mind—the fear, the desperation, the feeling of being trapped. He had thought he would never escape Steven's clutches. "Sure, says the one who still trapped in his own past. broken heart maybe?"
Steven said nothing but gave a low humorless chuckle as he took the last of his drink.
"Oh, now that's surprising if a little funny" Kevin pushed seeing Steven's hand tighten," Didn't think you have a special someone...or Had, I should say."
Steven's eyes flickered with a mix of anger and pain, his pink glow intensifying. "Drop it, McKluth," he warned through gritted teeth.
But Kevin was relentless. "Who was it? Someone you couldn't save? Or someone who couldn't handle the truth about you?"
Garnet watched the exchange silently, her three eyes observing everything with an unreadable expression. She could sense the tension in the air, the weight of their shared history hanging over them like a dark cloud.
Suddenly, a violent surge of energy erupted from Steven, crackling with pink electricity. The bar patrons around them started to back away, sensing the danger in the air. Kevin braced himself for an attack, but before Steven could unleash his powers, Garnet stepped in between them.
"Gentlemen..."Garnet's voice cut through the tense air like a blade. Both Kevin and Steven turned to look at her, surprised by the sternness in her tone. She placed her hands on the bar, her gemstones glowing with a fiery intensity. "Enough," she said firmly. "There's no room for grudges and personal vendettas here. You have a job to do, and going to do it professionally."
steven sighed before nodding and turning to the folder.
"Right," Kevin muttered, his gaze fixed on the holographic image of Gregory Kane. "We need to track him down before he strikes again."
Steven nodded curtly, his pink eyes flickering with curiosity before reverting to his normal brown.
"So do you have any idea about where he might be?" Steven inquired, "I doubt he would still be in the city by now?"
"That's the thing." Kevin started, "He usually stays on the city outskirts, and has a whole mansion-like lab up there."
"Government funded, I'm sure," Garnet commented.
"State government funded." Kevin injected, "His research is greatly respected, but can't fund a possible murderer."
"And paying the families of these maybe deceased cops is hurting the government's pockets." Steven sneered with a huff,
"enough to send one of their very expendable dogs."
"Believe it or not, I'm not a fan of it, but it is what it is." Kevin clenched his jaw, his eyes narrowing at Steven's tone. He had always known that Steven had a rebellious streak, but sometimes it rubbed him the wrong way. Still, he couldn't deny Steven's effectiveness when it came to getting the job done.
"Such a bleeding heart."
"Compensation, government-paid board, freedom, and a chance to get your record clean." Kevin listed off several perks of Steven's situation." You have more than the regular nine-to-five, or local officer." His nostrils flared in annoyance, "Not that the government cares about the lives of a few cops when compared to their precious funding."
"But you do," Garnet stated looking at Kevin's disappointed and sardonic demeanor.
"They're my fellow officers, good men, women, and others. Like me, they care about justice and protecting innocent lives," Kevin took a gulp of his drink finishing it off before placing it down.
"Going to their families to announce their disappearance... yeah, it weighs heavy on me...add that to the higher-ups who only care about their interests, and make those on the front lines expendable. Sometimes the government feels as criminal as the gangs and mobs we try to take down."
"every institution has its corruption." Steven stated as he got up from his seat, "That's why justice is singular as it is varied." he stretched his arms, "But that is a conversation for another time. so where are we going?"
"Woods in the county of Reekskill," Kevin stated as the hologram shifted to a map highlighting a dense forest area with a path heading to the center of the area. " The mansion itself is near the center."
"Not on the map I see, an unregistered address?"
"No address, government wanted to keep it under wraps," Kevin stated as he pressed on the hologram showing the Co-ordinates of the mansion,' "Need to keep protecting their assets after all."
Steven smirked at the sarcasm," So we're just bringing him in, right?"
"You're just bringing him in." Kevin corrected.
"There's some other business I have to attend to." Kevin told Steven as he gave him the holodisk, " But yes, the goal is to bring him in alive."
"I'll make sure he's unharmed." Steven agreed
"Never said unharmed." Kevin said pointedly, " I said alive. Just use your best judgment... Depending on any of the officers you might find."
"and if they all are dead?" Steven arched his brow as his handler finished his drink.
"my statement still stands," Kevin informed " Alive, don't care how alive..."
Steven whistled, a dark smirk coming to his face, "Aye aye, sir."
Garnet shook her head with a smirk, "I'll clean up the mess you made outside, go get ready for work Steven."
"Work." Steven chuckled as he headed towards the stairs, " Thanks for cleaning up Garnet, I'll make it up to you."
"You always say that." Garnet grinned as the hybrid made his way upstairs. door closing behind him. She turned to Kevin who was getting ready to leave himself, "So, they coming today, huh?"
Kevin smirked, " They should be in the city in a few hours, I'll be there to pick them up...Thanks for giving them a place to stay."
"Hey, I'm just looking after a fellow dog, besides I've known them since they were sixteen years old, it would be nice to see them again..." She went to get a garbage bag and broom, "It's not a problem, you want to come with to pick them up?"
"Naw, you have your business to run and everything. I'll be back later to drop them off." Kevin smirked, " Later G."
"Say hi to the missus and little one for me." Garnet waved as the detective closed the door behind him.
Meanwhile, on a hover train, A mother is watching her child read an AR newspaper with a smile on her face, the child's pink gem belly button slightly peeking from under their t-shirt.
Unaware that she and her child are being watched. if one was detailed enough they would see an indigo tattoo peeking from the watcher's wrist, as they reached for a hidden weapon.
a tattoo that symbolizes one belonging to a branch of an assassin clan.
a less detailed offshoot of the same tattoo bored by mother and child alike. the runaway princess and her child.
They bear the mark of the main family of the Maheswaran, the world's deadliest assassin clan.
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In honor of Walker returning to set and my Walker muse returning with the prospect of new episodes in the future-
Descriptions of these fics under the cut
Cordell/Jessica Whitly
Cordell Walker meets Jessica Whitly while in New York for a court case. After he saves her from getting run over, she takes him to dinner as a reward. Dinner turns into him staying the night. When he has to leave a few days later, Jessica notices he's left behind a scarf and decides to deliver it personally.
Undercover 101
Crime Family Walker- FBI agent Michelle Ramirez is undercover with Trey Barnett to investigate the Walker family crime ring and find a way to dismantle it. After a few months of playing Walker's partner, she believes she's found an opening, only to learn a horrifying truth about how her own past is tangled with the Walkers. Between this new information and disillusionment with how the FBI handles their cases, Micki decides to leave one method of law enforcement for another.
Chopped at the Roots
After Cassie is sexually assaulted at work, a blackmail threat from her attacker keeps her mouth shut as she tries to navigate life both in and out of the office. When an internal investigation forces the truth to light, Cassie has to face it head on in front of the whole office. Luckily, she's got Cordell and Ben supporting her.
One Slice, Two Forks
Cassie meets a very nice (and handsome) man named Sam Winchester while on a run in the park. Despite her best efforts, she falls for him. Unfortunately, monsters are real and they have a problem with her boyfriend (and her, by extension). Not that she's going to let that get in the way of things.
Henry Winchester verse but Cordell is Dead
After Cordell Walker dies on the job, Emily calls his estranged brothers to invite them to the funeral. After they arrive, Emily asks them to stick around and connect with the children and hopefully pass on the hunting knowledge Cordell never got around to sharing with them. Stella doesn't take well to this development. August takes it very, very differently and considers himself the next protector of the family.
Cassie/Kevin non-Ranger AU
An alternate version of 3x14-15 in which Cassie isn't a Texas Ranger and gets pulled into the investigation as Kevin's girlfriend.
We Go Down Together
In which Cassie was kidnapped by Grey Flag too.
The Long Road Home
A version of Cordell's homecoming in which he is extremely traumatized and has a long road to recovery with the help of his family and his new therapist.
Hiding in Plain Sight
FTM Cordell. 15 years after Cordell ran away from home, he returns to Austin with his wife and new life. He just wants to live his life without worrying about what he left behind. Unfortunately, he moved in right next door to his little brother.
Play Dangerous Games
When Cordell gets too close to the truth, he's run off the road and his murder is covered up. When Emily gets an email from her dead husband, she and James start working on a way to bring his killers to justice.
What are the odds?
A strange coincidence leads to a mix up that our heroes may never recover from.... Assuming anyone realizes the mistake.
Or: in which Cordell dies and Sam gets mistaken as a Texas Ranger
Stella Pregnancy
An au in which Stella got pregnant from her time at the cabin with Trevor and how that alters the timeline.
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nepobabyeurydice · 8 months
Rosas Blancas
Rosa Valdez is dying and Leo goes to see her one last time with Calypso there to mediate. It goes better and worse than expected.
Read on Ao3
“Do you know what you’re going to do?” Calypso asks as they approach the ranch. Her cinnamon hair is pulled into two of those bubble braids that the Aphrodite swore by as fashionable and comfortable, and her mouth is set in grim determination as she gazes at the door like she’s about to fight off her own father. Leo is grateful she came with him, Piper and Jason would’ve been too overprotective and jumpy, Calypso at least could keep herself serene and blank unlike his friends.
“Not a fucking clue,” he admits as he climbs the steps, his boots make noise on the porch, and suddenly he feels nostalgic remembering the dances they used to have on this porch when the night grew dark and the only light was that of the porch. His hand hovered over the door, already in a fist to knock it, but Leo couldn’t quite bring himself to do it.
His hand shook, and he put it down slowly, taking one breath, and then another. Calypso lays a supporting hand on his shoulder and knocks on the door for him. He shoots her a grateful look and tries not to tremble as the door opens.
“Esperanzita’s boy,” Tio Concho grunts, reaching out a hand to ruffle Leo’s hair as Leo blinks back tears and Calypso places a hand between them.
“Hello,” Calypso greets serenely, “I’m Leo’s foster sister, Calypso Atlasides, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Tio Concho eyes her, his huge mustache quivers in thought, and even that’s nostalgic to Leo. “You’re whiter than you sounded over the phone.”
Leo doesn’t even twitch, he had heard worse from other kids at school and from his own family after the funeral. He still intervenes before Calypso can get outraged. “Tio, it’s nice to see you. Where’s Elena and Carlos?”
Tio Concho sobers. “Out back with your abuela. Come, I’ll take you.”
He gestures for them to enter, and they follow, Leo doesn’t dare pull out any pipe cleaners or rubber bands to fiddle with. The ranch house was meant for twelve children to each have their own room and play. Out of all of them, Leo’s Abuela Ximena had inherited the ranch in lieu of her brother Kevin and thus, Tia Rosa and his Mama as her only children were meant to inherit the ranch. Now it’d probably fall onto either Elena or Carlos to take care of Visabuelo’s Sammy’s ranch. Leo stops, feeling a smile tug at his lips, at least he finally knows now why Abuela Ximena’s middle name was Hazel. He wonders how she’d react if she met her namesake and decides it’s not best to test it, she’d have a stroke.
Leo and Calypso walk into the backyard deck and his breath hitches at the sight of his family. Elena as is always perfectly put together the same way she had always been since she was ten and lorded her two years over Leo. Her glossy black hair had been cut short sometime between then and now, but she still looked the same. Carlos had a beard now which made Leo feel frozen in time, he was a year and five younger than Carlos, yet Carlos clearly had his life even more put together than Leo had ever even in Camp Half-Blood.
He tries for a winning smile, shoving the little Molotov cocktail of anger into the pit of his stomach. “Primos! Como les va? 
Elena smiles and embraces him, she’s as scrawny as he is. “Leonidas,” she says, and cups his face in her hands, she frowns seeing the cut he has on his cheeks from the shrapnel coming off the Argo II. “It’s so good to see you. And who is this?”
“This,” he says, motioning towards Calypso, “is my foster sister, Calypso Atlasides. She came with me since Nyssa wouldn’t let me come alone.”
Nyssa had tried to convince him to stay at the camp until she could tell Jason and Piper who were in Rome and Oklahoma respectively for June, but Leo had argued that Calypso was more than fit to take him and that they'd go to California after for her to speak with Atlas. She had given in although not before sending a message to one of their siblings in Camp Jupiter to be on stand-by to pick Leo up.
He loves Nyssa, he really does, but she feels like his mom sometimes instead of his slightly older sister.
“A pleasure,” Elena says, offering her hand to Calypso, who daintily shakes it. “Where have you been, Leo?”
Leo shrugs, trying to seem affable despite wearing the nicest clothes he had in his closet at Camp which had been a gift for Piper last Christmas. “Texas mostly, last year though they found me a place in New York that’s more my style and that’s my permanent home, apparently. Our foster dad, Chiron, runs this summer camp, so we get to socialize with a ton of people.”
“Summer camp?” Elena asks, curiously. She looks over Leo’s shoulder and gives a small shake of her head, probably to Carlos. “Is it like the movies with canoeing and zip-lining?”
“Yes and no,” Calypso intervened smoothly. “We do canoe races, but we also do metalwork, architecture and have historical projects like building replicas of Greek triremes. A lot of rich people like sending their children away during prime tour season, and they make their way to us.”
Elena’s eyes widen, her smile becomes more real, and Leo feels grateful that he can still read her easily. He glances back to Carlos, who’s speaking with Abuela. Abuela isn’t looking at Leo but instead out into the plains, and Leo’s heart sinks. She still blamed him for his mother’s death then.
Elena follows Leo’s gaze and her excitement dies down. She motions for them to follow and Leo tries not to throw up as they approach his grandmother, somehow he didn’t think that she’d appreciate that.
Leo stops, just in front of Carlos, who shakes his hand but says nothing else. Abuela doesn’t speak, she never makes the first move.
“Abuela Ximena,” Leo says, trying to sound dutiful and respectful instead of sad and resentful. “It’s nice to see you.”
Abuela Ximena sighs, turning to look at Leo, and he’s struck by how much she and he look like Sammy Valdez. The same impish face, eyes and sardonic twist to their lips. Leo’s face was a bit uglier due to his father’s nose and his too big ears, but beyond that he and Abuela shared an uncanny resemblance.
“Leonidas, they said you ran away twenty times, I’m surprised you're still alive.”
“Tia Callida made me tenacious.” Leo replies without missing a beat and to his surprise everyone in the room flinches. Abuela Ximena guiltily adverts her eyes, and Carlos and Elena share a look.
“Callida is dead.” Abuela says she sounds sad.
“I know,” Leo lies, “she had a letter sent to me after her death.” If he never had to see Hera again, it’d be too soon.
Abuela nods, straightens up and Leo unconsciously straightens up with her, ready to steady her like he did when he was a child. He hates himself for it. They had abandoned him, told him he killed his mother and left a nine-year-old to duke it out with the foster care system, and he still wants their approval.
“Calypso, was it? Come here, child.” Abuela says, and Calypso stands in front of his grandmother, probably using her magic to peer into her soul or something. “Tell me, do you know what Leonidas did?”
No, Leo thinks, dread trickling down his spine. No, no, no, it’s been nine years.
“Of course,” Calypso says unflinchingly. “He survived when your daughter did not, I’d think you should be more grateful a piece of your supposedly beloved daughter lived instead of despising it, but then again we’re all entitled to our own opinions.”
The deck goes silent. One beat, then two. Abuela turns red in embarrassment and fury, and Calypso is unmoved. Leo remembers with some amusement that Apollo and Hephaestus had been one of her few regular visitors to her island, and she’d likely thrown even more acidic quips in her direction.
“What do you know about that?” Abuela demands.
“My father tried to kill me, and my siblings locked me in a manor for ten years until Leo finally broke into said manor and helped me escape.” Calypso replies, going with the official ‘rich family with dark secrets’ story she and Chiron had concocted while creating her identity. The sad part was if you replaced the manor with an island and ten years for two millennia she had changed basically nothing, and it was perfectly believable. “In that time I’ve learned one of my sisters is dead, the other two are in jail and my brothers are missing. It has not been an easy adjustment.”
Everyone is silent for a moment. Then, Elena speaks. “Is this why you're a foster kid?”
Calypso nods. More silence.
Leo sighs and decides to be the peacekeeper for once in his life. “What do the doctors say? About Tia Rosa?”
The mood plummets even further.
Tia Rosa looks old as Leo waits for her to wake up. Calypso sits on the other side of the room towards the windows and stares out of them. But Leo can’t pull his eyes from her pale face.
She looks so much like his mother it hurts.
Leo drums his knees with his fingers and tries to think of what he should say to the woman who ruined his life.
Hey guess what, I didn’t kill Mom and I hunted down her murderer and burned her alive and killed myself in the process? They’d send the cops after him, again. Leo licks his lips and tries not to bolt from the room, instead finally pulling out his pipe cleaners and twisting and twisting and twisting, until they resembled the knot in Leo’s stomach that consumed him whole.
“Esperanza,” Tia Rosa breathes out, and Leo freezes. “Your boy is here, Esperanza, will you forgive me now?”
Leo can’t speak. Tears prickle in his eyes, and he isn’t strong enough to do this. He moves to stand up and feels a weight on his left leg. He stares down and finds that a wind spirit is gripping his leg tightly to the chair. He meets Calypso’s gaze from across the room and begs her with his eyes to let him go. She shakes her head and another wind spirit forces him back down into the chair.
“Tia Rosa,” Leo says, and his heart feels numb. “I’m here.”
“You are. See Esperanza, I brought him back, after all he did I brought him back. Can’t you forgive me now?”
“Tia,” Leo hesitates and takes her hand. He’s overwhelmed for a moment with the urge to burn it, but the moment passes and all he feels is sick. “Tia, do you need something from me?”
Tia Rosa’s eyes focus on Leo, hazel like his mother’s and Leo nearly vomits at the sight of them. She always looked too much like his mother for his memories to be comfortable being blameless.
“The ranch,” she slurs out, she pushes herself up and Leo helps her. Leo always helps her. “It’s yours.”
“Tia, that doesn’t make any sense—”
“It was supposed to be Esperanza’s, now it’s yours. Elena is too in love with the stars to take care of the horses, Carlos is too young to think of such things. You are a practical little boy, Leo, like Esperanza, like Papa, the ranch will be yours like she wanted.” Tia Rosa says. Her eyes are like flint and stern, the same way they were when she described him as his mother’s killer.
Her eyes wander the room and land on Calypso. “You're from my dream.” she mumbles. “Leo on that dragon and you behind him as you wandered lost.”
Leo looks at Calypso hopelessly, and tries to process everything. The ranch, Sammy’s ranch, was going to him? No, Abuela would not have it, Tio Concho would not have it. Leo couldn’t take care of it, not even if—
Esperanza’s Repair Shop and Ranch, a little voice in his head whispers. Hazel could come and pick up horses for Camp Jupiter, Jason could drink out on the porch, Piper could sing the new Cherokee lullabies she was learning from her cousins in Oklahoma. Nyssa and Harley could come help out with the rest of his siblings. Calypso could pop in for special offers of food and drink for the regulars. Festus could live in the four acres of land that they owned instead of the monster infested woods of CHB. 
That dream is poison, he reminds himself. That dream is poison, that dream is poison, that dream is poison.
Then why is it so sweet?
Leo swallows the hope rising in his chest and instead lets go of Tia Rosa’s hand. “I hope you get better,” he lies. “Bye, Tia.”
“Hasta el final y hacia delante, Leo.” Tia Rosa says, her gaze focusing on Leo. “May Esperanza forgive both of us.”
Leo swallows the lump in his throat and nods. Calypso lets the wind spirits off him and they both stand. Calypso exits first and Leo bows his head in some semblance of respect to the dying.
“Que Dios te bendiga, Rosa.” Leo says. He takes Calypso’s hand and they exit the room.
They wait outside the door. Leo looks at her, she looks at Leo.
“California?” Leo asks, already pulling out a drachma.
“California.” Calypso agrees, a rainbow forming in front of them.
Leo smiles, giddy and maybe a little freely. He left Elena and Carlos his number for Camp, Abuela Ximena had refused to speak to him and Tio Concho was probably helping on the farm. Leo had finally had the chance to clear the fucking air and nothing, not even the gods themselves would keep him from achieving his dreams now that he had.
They walk out of the hospital, already planning their trip back to New York.
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jknerd · 1 year
FOP AU: Alden Bitterroot
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Full Name: Alden Bitterroot
Gender: Male
Occupation(s): Servant (former), Witch/Warlock
Residence: Salem, Massachusetts (escaped), Turner’s Manor, Dimmsdale California (former)
Interests: Practicing witchcraft/wizardry/dark magic, magical pranks with Timothea, Hunting “witches” (fairies, actually)
Family: Foulmouth Bitterroot (father; deceased), Vendetta Bitterroot (mother; deceased), Crocker family (possible descendants)

Other Relationships: Ebenezer Turner (employer), Dale Dimm (enemy), Timothea Turner (friend->enemy)
Alden Bitterroot is a witch/warlock and the supposed ancestor of Crocker family. He was interpreted as well-known witch hunter in 21st century, but in reality, he himself is of pureblooded witch/warlock family with ancestry of Hecate, the Greek Goddess of crossroads, magic, necromancy and ghosts. His main goal is much more vindictive and crueler than Crocker’s; eradicate all fairies out of their existence and bring out golden age of witches and wizards once again. Similar to Kevin Crocker, he and Timothea shared close friendship for a while, but the difference is that their friendship ended horribly. There has been a debate whether he, too, was Timothea’s suitor. But to describe their relationship, it was “more than friends, less than romantic”.
Since childhood, Alden and his family were persecuted for the witchcraft, forced them to escape Salem, Massachusetts, and move to California. Taken pity of their state, Ebenezer Turner allowed them to work in his farm. He catches a sight of young Timothea who was about his age, but was roughly reminded by his parents he must accept his place; as a servant in social hierarchy and must never freely gaze upon the “superiors”, which insights Alden’s ambition tp rise above the humans as he secretly practices magic. When this was spotted by Timothea, both become close friends as she kept his magic secret. Both become a mischievous duo, pulling pranks on children from higher classes occasionally. However, Timothea developed concern when he expressed immense hatred towards fairies as his kinds were ostracized and persecuted to death, fairies were worshipped as guardian spirits even though both kinds share similar ability; magic.
When Timothea found a wand, he immediately recognized it as fairy’s. He suggested to destroy it or use its magic to hunt down fairies, but Timothea decided to use it for good. Soon, as she used the magic often, she and Alden finds out many children having fairy godparents. When he learned his parents were burned alive because some of the godchildren wished to locate wizards and witches, Alden decided to take matters in his own hands; spreading rumor among adults that fairies are evil spirits manipulating children to kidnap and take their souls, accusing them as true witches as he successfully killed several fairies, taken their power and strengthen his power. Unable to let his vindictive scheme continue, Timothea and Dale Dimm confronted him. With him exposed as warlock, she sealed him away instead of burning him alive. It was March 15 when he was sealed away, led to his downfall and also the same day he made a curse; his distant descendant of future generation shall carry his legacy in killing fairies.
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afterdarkprincess · 10 months
Aftershocks Part 6
One last update before we get to the goods!!! This section is a little short but we're just catching up with Jey's thoughts on our recent developments,
Thank you to everyone who's been keeping up with this story so far!
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Tags for @feelschicken and @southerngirl41
Lets GO
Jey can’t say that he was in a hurry to get his bags from the locker room and head out, other than his obvious exhaustion, but his body seemed to be in a rush all the same.
The few guys still hanging around knew better than to try and chat with him, and before he knew it, he was putting the address Sami had sent him into his rental’s GPS.
He probably should have blocked Sami’s number ages ago, in fact Roman had demanded the whole family do so, but ultimately he’s glad he ignored the order.
Jey took a steadying breath. There was literally nothing to be nervous about. In fact he should be grateful and relieved that Sami had offered. He certainly wouldn’t have gotten much sleep on his own, especially if he hadn’t talked to Sami at all.
He still didn’t feel great about what happened tonight. Jimmy’s betrayal still stung deeply in ways he hadn’t even fully explored yet. But he doesn’t feel the crushing weight of loneliness that he felt immediately after the match.
It had been him against the world. And he’d lost. But there had been someone in his corner after all. And that meant more than he could put into words.
And that someone was, presumably, waiting for him in a hotel room.
Nothing would happen, obviously. Jey proved himself to be chicken after not taking the shot back in the med room. He’d been close, but it just wasn’t the right time. He wasn’t ready.
And Sami had gotten the hotel room initially for him and his tag partner. It’d be two beds, some easy conversation and then they’d both go to sleep. Like old times.
The drive passes quickly, he gets a text from Sami with the room number, and before long he’s standing in front of the door.
It should be easy, nothing new for him to just knock on the door. But despite what he keeps telling himself, this feels like an important choice.
He could walk away, he has his credit card in his pocket, he could get a separate room, or drive to the hotel his reservation for tonight had been for, though admittedly the rest of his family would be there and that was something he’d rather avoid.
But he’s wanted this for far too long. Time alone with Sami. More time than just a few stolen moments. Kept that desire close to his heart like a secret.
He knocks on the door.
It takes only a few moments, and the door swings open. And Jey smiles at the welcome sight of Sami’s disheveled hair.
“Hey Uce,” He latches on to the first thought that wouldn’t cause him to cringe if he said it out loud. “You sure you got rid of KO?”
Well that was still pretty cringey, but its better than telling Sami he wants to swim in his eyes.
God he needs to get ahold of himself.
Sami laughs him off, reassures him that its just them in the room and points him off towards the beds.
Jey spots Sami’s bag a few feet in the door. Some things never change, he chuckles to himself as he picks the bag up to take it into the bedroom.
The suite is large, similar to ones that Sami and Paul usually booked for him and his brothers, with a large living room and kitchen area and the beds hidden in a partitioned off room.
Or the bed. Singular.
There’s a rush of thoughts to his head. Sami had booked this room for himself and KO, so why was there just one bed? It could have been a fluke, sure, or maybe. Maybe Sami and KO had something planned, something that Jey had intruded on, and Sami was just too nice to say no.
His traitorous mind started to imagine all the ways that Sami and Kevin could have used this spacious king sized bed and he felt sick.
“Uce?” He hears himself call to Sami, stock still in front of the bed.
He hears footsteps from behind him, tries desperately to play it off cool, “Somethin’ you forget to mention about you and KO?”
Sami’s face looks dumbfounded. It would almost be funny if he didn’t feel a pit in his stomach.
“Jey, I hadn’t even looked- wait, no!” Sami’s face turns bright red. “Kev and I aren’t- I mean we’re friends but I wouldn’t, I don’t-“
Jey feels all the muscles that had been tensed relax. Sami may have lied to him before about some things, but he certainly wasn’t lying about this.
“Alright, Uce. Chill, okay? I believe you.” Instead of dissipating, the blush on Sami’s face deepened and spread to his neck.
Jey wonders idly how far that blush might spread.
Sami starts muttering about going downstairs for a new room, and the enormity of that hits him.
Jey had been so worried about Sami and Owens sharing a bed. He hadn’t considered the possibility of sharing this bed with Sami himself.
Maybe this was a sign from the universe, a blessing.
He reaches out for Sami’s shoulder as the redhead turns away, calling his name.
“It’s okay. We’ll make it work.”
Sami stares at him, his bottom lip hanging open to reveal the pink of his tongue.
Oh this was definitely a blessing. The doubts and fears that plagued Jey earlier in the arena seem so far away now.
Jey drops Sami’s bag on the far side side of the bed near the window, and moves to put his own on the other side, and tries not to feel giddy about the entire situation.
Sami stalks back to the bathroom, face still beet red.
Jey thinks it looks quite lovely, and if given the chance he’ll do what he can to recreate it later.
For the first time all day, Jey’s feeling lucky.
NEXT TIME- Jey’s gonna do his best to be a tease ;)
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curiousb · 1 year
The Knightley Family Album: Volume XII
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Veteran scientist Mary has recently become a bit of a mentor to the new junior researcher in her department, Georgiana.
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Meanwhile, Bertram and fiancée Beth have struck out on their own...
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renting a spacious apartment in nearby Sanditon.
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There are far more interesting things to do than make make lunch!
Beth’s stats:
~ Capricorn 8 / 4 / 9 / 7 / 8
~ Kind / Virtuoso / Supernatural Fan / Born Performer / Natural Cook
~ OTH: Music & Dance
~ Favourite Colour(s): Pink / Blue
~ Aspiration: Popularity / Fortune
~ Turn-ons / -off: +Cultured / +Well-liked / -Infamous
~ Major: Drama (3.8)
~ LTW: Become Rock God
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Sadly, there’s another goodbye to be said too, to everyone’s favourite kitty, Kevin.
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It’s OK, Kevin, I have it on very good authority that Grim likes cats!
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As she’s got older, Mary has become intrigued by the afterlife, and takes it upon herself to install Kevin in his final resting place, hoping to catch sight of a ghost. (Do I have to do something special to get ghosts in my cemeteries? They never show up.)
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Sadly for Mary, the dead were not feeling restless tonight, but there was a bonus witch, so her nocturnal vigil wasn’t a complete disappointment.
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And then it’s back home, for some quality time with George.
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While recently-graduated daughter Eliza takes a well-earned soak in the bath, after a hard day wrangling algae in her new job.
~ Gemini 9 / 5 / 9 / 1 / 4
~ Brave / Genius / Bookworm / No Sense of Humour / Perfectionist
~ OTH: Science
~ Favourite Colour(s): Blue
~ Aspiration: Knowledge / Fortune
~ Turn-ons / -off: +Intellectual / +Serious / -Charismatic
~ Major: Mathematics (3.7)
~ LTW: Become Mad Scientist (her mum Mary is absolutely her role model!)
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zorkaya-moved · 8 months
Dan Heng finally makes it back to the Express, physically alright, but mentally he's perhaps far from being okay. He was quick to give greetings towards the others, but gives pause when he locked eyes with Zarina. It all made sense now. The moment they met.. there was something about her that made him more hesitate. Wary. As if there were aspects about her that felt too familiar and dangerous for comfort. And now...
His gaze empties at the sight of her. He spares her no word, only turning to retreat back to the Archives and collect himself. He catches it, her motherly comfort has been unable to reach him, and all it does is pains his heart further. He would love nothing more than to sit beside her and be fueled by familiarity, but that seems difficult now. He shouldn't, he of all people shouldn't, but he sees a different face on her head.
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The return of the Luofu Xianzhou's legend seems to have shaken up the lives of too many people she has met. March's concerned about Dan Heng were echoing in the cart in addition to Trailablazer's hums and murmurs of admissions. Himeko said he'll be alright, but Sokolova noticed the tension in the woman's body as much as worry in Welt Yang's eyes. They are all concerned: Dan Heng is a part of Nameless, a part of this family. Zarina cannot call herself a part of this family, but she does wish to somehow... be similar to that for Dan Heng, but it seems that Elio's script continues to reign supreme and the connection she makes will strain, hurt by presence and she cannot control.
When Dan Heng looks at her, Sokolova sees it all on his face right then and there. The wall, the denial, the shock, the recognition of something in her he never recognized before. And it stings, it does sting and Zarina remembers how certain people looked at her, her own children from the orphanage upon learning of her nature. Another fate, another path, another similarity she cannot abandon. Somehow, Dan Heng's reaction causes her reached out hand to fall at her side, limp from being struck with such obvious rejection.
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Silence hangs on the Astral Express when Dan Heng returns, or maybe it's just in Sokolova's head as she thinks to herself, ignoring all external noise. The legendary Sword Champion Jingliu... Yes, she's seen her, the striking similarity between them is too obvious through how they carry themselves to their abilities to their laid-back yet strained way of speaking. Does Dan Heng no longer see [her] but see [a ghost from the past]? How... saddening.
"M-Miss Zarina? Are you alright?" March asks, looking at the woman who seemingly got frozen to one space. Himeko's worried glance is now on her but Zarina waves it off right away, offering a subtle and soft smile.
"Don't worry, I'm alright. Dan Heng needs to rest, but make sure you visit him if he stays there for longer than a day. Assist him and let him know he's a part of this family, alright, March, Trailblazer?" The woman speaks calmly, but it's obvious she cares. It's not hard to be honest about genuine care. Despite saying what she does, she can see Welt's and Himeko's face in the corner of her eyes, but her attention is on the younger party members. Their determined nods and looks reassure her that Dan Heng won't be left alone. He's such a stubborn young man, after all. But... The empty look, that slightly widened gaze, that stop, that hesitation, that silence. All of stings but she won't show.
It's not the first time she faced rejection or has been seen as someone else. But it still hurts because it's Dan Heng, someone who she treats as her own son, it hurts. The silverette also knows that she cannot approach him, it'll hurt him more. This frigid touch, it always did. Is that how Kevin suffered, unable to be close to those he cared about so deeply?
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