#and its not even technically classed as a disability. youre just Guy Who Always Needs The Bathroom.
cemeterything · 27 days
not my usual kind of posting but i genuinely hate how unpleasant having chronic gastrointestinal issues makes your life. even if it was more socially acceptable i would still be in excruciating pain every single day of my life just for doing something that's necessary to live. the fact that it also makes other people think you're disgusting and embarrassing just compounds the misery.
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bookandcranny · 3 years
Beatrice - Chapter Two
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“We parted on difficult terms. He had some ideas that… challenged my sense of professional integrity. I told him I was out and, well, men like that don't tend to handle rejection too gracefully.
All I know of him after that point is that he ran into some health problems and was forced to step down from his position. It may seem cruel but I think the world is better off for it. Rappaccini is no more qualified to treat the human body than I am to teach a dance class.”
Students filed into the corridor, too busy rushing to their next destination to take note of the visitor as she slipped into the lecture hall. Branching off from the main room itself was a small office, and inside, a lone professor plugging attendance data and homework grades into a blocky desktop computer. Gianna waited until the last lingering students dispersed before announcing herself with a knock on the doorframe.
The professor looked up. “Well look who it is.” She adjusted her glasses and squinted at the figure before her, taking all of her in from the spots of dribbled varnish on her shoes upward. “And who is it who stands before me? Not Virgil’s little girl.”
“I actually go by Gianna these days. Or Ms Alexander if you’re feeling formal,” she said wryly, though not without affection. 
Her face broke out in a grin that deepened the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes. She unhooked her cane from the arm of her chair and stood. “The last time I saw you, Gianna, you were half-- no, a quarter of your height and missing your front teeth. Time is a funny thing, isn’t it.”
“You’re telling me, Dr Bagnol.”
“Call me Petra. Or Professor if you’re feeling formal.” She winked and patted her arm. “We are colleagues of a kind now, aren’t we? I think you’ve earned the privilege.”
“I don’t know about that. You’re a biochemistry teacher and I fuss around with cotton swabs.”
“Technicalities! Don’t sell yourself short. You know, your father called just recently and when he told me you were going to be working here, I thought he was going to burst a lung the way he wouldn’t stop singing your praises.”
Gianna blushed at that.
“Frankly, I’m surprised you didn’t set your sights higher than our humble university. I heard you were studying in Naples for a while.”
“I guess I was feeling homesick. Then I moved back in with my parents for a while and soon it was the opposite feeling.”
“Sick of home,” she supplied. “I know the feeling. I remember being your age, never wanting to be still for a moment. I was only surprised to hear you weren’t seduced away by foreign shores.”
She shrugged. “It was never about distance, I just needed to find a place where I felt like my life could really begin. And for right now I think that’s here.” Wanting to move the subject away from herself she added, “Dad says hi, by the way. He also says you need to start answering your email more than once a year.”
“Email. A man of literature like your father should give more respect to the written word. You tell him I won’t settle for less than a hand-scribed letter, like they did in the old days. I want to smell that clean valley air he goes on about etched into the paper.”
Gianna laughed. It was reassuring to find some things never changed. Although the silver in her hair had grown more prominent, Dr Bagnol was in many ways just the same as she remembered her. She never knew exactly how she and her father had met, only that it was while they were both still students, and that Petra had been a firecracker from the start, determined to surpass the role that had been imposed on her as a disabled woman in a field that was often unwelcoming to her. Though Gianna couldn’t say she knew her very well personally, the mythos that had been handed down to her had definitely played a part in her decision to become more independent. 
“I’m glad you’re here,” Petra said. “Virgil dropped some hints that I should track you down once you started working here but I told him I wouldn’t have that kind of attitude. You’re a grown woman and you don’t need nannying. However,” She picked up a tote from her desk and slung it around her shoulder. “Since you came to me, I’m free to invite you to lunch.”
“Dad wanted you to check up on me?”
“Don’t take it for a lack of faith in you. Parents worry. It’s what they do. I’m sure he just wanted you to have a familiar face to turn to, should you need it. Come to lunch with me, Gianna. We’ll catch up.”
“Oh, that’s okay. You don’t have to--”
“I’m just going to keep asking until you give in. You know that, right?”
She felt herself soften under her insistence. It wasn’t as if she had other plans anyway. “Yeah, alright. That sounds nice.”
Petra led the way to a little sandwich shop not far off campus and, despite Gianna’s protests, insisted on treating her. The weather was kind to them that day so they took their lunch on the patio watching the cars crawl by to the rhythm of the neverending traffic. They sat and ate and spoke of nothing in particular until, without warning, Dr Bagnol’s gaze caught on something in the distance that put a troubled frown on her face.
“What is it?” She started to turn in her seat.
“Nothing,” she said quickly. Too quickly. Her voice had taken on a sharp quality that startled the young woman, but she caught herself and when she spoke again her voice was even and deliberate. “I thought I saw someone I knew. That’s all.”
Not satisfied with her answer, Gianna glanced over her shoulder. Across the street, standing motionless in front of the crosswalk, was the withered old man she had seen in the garden that first day: Beatrice’s father.
Ever since she had met her that one evening on the fire escape, Gianna had come into the habit of chatting with her almost every day. She couldn’t always guarantee she’d be home from work when Beatrice went out to tend the garden, but on the days she spied her from her window she never hesitated to climb down and visit. 
Their chats together weren’t anything especially profound; she got the impression Beatrice really just wanted a friend to keep her company while she worked and Gianna was happy to provide. Often they kept the conversation light and simple. One would ask about the other’s day, or an interesting book they read, or something they heard in the news. Then Beatrice would eventually be summoned by her father or the memory of some other chore she had to attend to inside, and they would part ways.
On the occasions Beatrice wasn’t in such a pleasant mood however, no matter the initial topic the conversation would eventually find its way back to her father. Apparently he was, as Gianna had predicted, in a bad state and sick more often than not, and while Beatrice wasn’t his sole caretaker he trusted her more than the average nurse. The old man had been a doctor before being reduced to the role of patient, and a somewhat renowned one at that. He had homeschooled his daughter and taught her everything he knew. Now she was expected to apply that knowledge by taking on the bulk of responsibility for his care.
He was frail, she said, and the state of his health could be unpredictable, so she was on constant vigil. The only time she really had to herself was when he was asleep or on a rare errand, and she spent that time for the most part in the garden, the place that gave her the greatest sense of peace. It must have been hard on her, Gianna often thought, to be in the prime of her life and chained to his bedside. She understood though. If it had been either of her parents she was sure she would have done the same. 
Knowing this also gave her some more sympathy for the old man. It painted him in a more human light, and she berated herself for ever being afraid of him in the first place. But seeing him here now, staring at her again with those scrutinous sunken eyes, resurfaced some of that initial dread. Dr Bagnol seemed to sense it too.
At the moment Beatrice’s father was wearing an unseasonal gray overcoat and carrying an old-fashioned black carpet bag. He lifted his free hand and slowly waved at Gianna, his stony features cracking with the barest attempt at a smile, which did nothing to soften his appearance. In fact, the more she looked at him the more leering the grin appeared to be.
“Don’t acknowledge him, Gianna,” said Dr Bagnol coldly.
“No, no, it’s fine. That’s just my neighbor.” She forced herself to give a friendly wave in return. 
Petra reached across the table and grabbed her hand back. “What do you mean he’s your neighbor?”
“His building is next to mine. Why?” 
She sighed shakily and gave another glance across the street. The man was beginning to shuffle away now, the retreating shape of him becoming swallowed up by the crowd of fellow pedestrians. Petra released her hand and drew in a tense breath. She steepled her fingers together over the table.
“His name is Giacoma Rappaccini. He was… I knew him, for a time. Not well. He came to me for some insight on a project of his years ago.”
“I heard he was a doctor,” Gianna offered. “You worked together?”
The professor chose her next words carefully. “Officially, he was a 'doctor of holistic and alternative medicines', before he retired that is. But he liked to dabble. Botany, chemistry, anthropology, philosophy. I knew when I met him that he was the sort of man who could spend a hundred years studying and still feel he hadn't learned enough.” She smiled ruefully. “It was a quality we shared, so I agreed to assist him.”
“Doesn't seem like you like the guy much.”
“We parted on difficult terms. He had some ideas that… challenged my sense of professional integrity. I told him I was out and, well, men like that don't tend to handle rejection too gracefully. All I know of him after that point is that he ran into some health problems and was forced to step down from his position. It may seem cruel but I think the world is better off for it. Rappaccini is no more qualified to treat the human body than I am to teach a dance class. 
"He's a brilliant intellectual, sure, but he lacks any compassion, any consideration for the value of human life outside of points of data on a chart. He never cared about helping people with his medicine; he only ever cared about pushing his own limits. I think, in the end, he must have pushed himself too far."
Gianna sat and processed that. The man did give her the creeps but in the scant few times she’d witnessed him he’d never come across as malevolent, and Beatrice clearly loved him. Even on the bad days, she only ever spoke well of him, and it was hard to believe a girl like Beatrice could exist without having had a loving upbringing. Whoever her mother was or had been surely was loved by him as well. That was enough evidence for Gianna that he couldn’t be everything Petra claimed him to be.
“You said he’s your neighbor. Has he ever spoken to you? Invited you over?”
She shook her head. “Rumor has it he’s a pretty private person, and I’m not exactly going over to borrow a cup of sugar or anything.”
Gianna opted not to mention her afternoons with his daughter.
She relaxed at that reassurance. “Good. Take my advice and stay far away from Rappaccini. Nothing good ever came from getting too chummy with that man. Now, where were we?”
They changed topics and the conversation gradually returned to safer, more pleasant territory, but Gianna couldn't stop thinking about what she had said, about the old man and about the sweet but melancholy girl who was left alone with him.
Against the professor’s advice, Gianna did continue meeting with Beatrice. It hadn’t even been a question in her mind whether she would. If anything, knowing about Petra’s history with Dr Rappaccini made her all the more curious about the young woman. 
She reasoned that she was still technically acting in line with Dr Bagnol’s wishes; she hadn’t so much as glimpsed the shadow of the man since their lunch outing, and the more she spoke with Beatrice the more certain she felt that the daughter was nothing like the boogieman father Petra had described to her, however much of her telling was even accurate.
Beatrice was a sweetheart, bookish and reserved. She smothered laughs behind her hand and averted her eyes when she found herself caught in Gianna’s warm gaze. She was smart, happily listing off the latin genuses of her favorite plants and reciting lessons on phytochemicals she suddenly remembered (she might as well have been speaking latin here too, for as much as Gianna understood her) but at the same time strangely naive. 
She had a boundless love for the world, yet Gianna got the impression she’d seen very little of it. Her eyes always went wide with interest when Gianna spoke of the traveling she’d done. Gianna never thought it was all that impressive but she would gladly talk about it, would say just about anything in fact, if it would get her to pay more attention to her than her flowers for a moment. 
One time, Gianna playfully inserted a flirtatious Italian phrase into their conversation and was flustered to find Beatrice spoke it near fluently, as well as Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian…
“How many languages do you know?” she asked, stunned.
“Six,” she replied. “Not counting English. I’m thinking about trying Mandarin next, and I can read Arabic but can’t speak it. Honestly, I’m not great with the conversational stuff. I’m just good at memorizing new vocabulary and being able to understand multiple languages gives me a much wider variety of reading material.”
She spoke about her talent with words like it was a card trick she’d picked up in her spare time.
“What do you like to read about?”
That got her excited. When Beatrice got excited she found it harder to play coy or smother her emotions under a layer of cool composure, so of course Gianna tried to get her excited as often as possible.
“Everything. Anything. Father’s library is huge but it’s mostly textbooks and old scientific journals and stuff like that. Which is fine,” she added hurriedly. “I like to read those too, but what I really like to read is… romance novels.”
She confessed it like it was some deep dark secret, grinning and turning berry red beneath the brown of her skin. It occurred to Gianna quite suddenly that she was falling in love with her. 
The panic set in right away. She had been happy to have Beatrice as a friend, tamping down her attraction in order to keep spending time with her, but now it was becoming clear that the dam wouldn’t hold forever. She needed to say something, if only to keep from leading her on, if only to keep her from getting the wrong idea or, heaven forbid, the right one. 
What if she was straight? Did gay girls read romance too? Did gay girls wear their dresses long and their hair short like her? Gianna had crushed on butches, on femmes, on lipstick, chapstick, snapback, every kind of sapphic on the vast spectrum of preference and presentation, and she still couldn’t get a read on her. Beatrice seemed to be from another world, another time, somehow out of step with the rest of humanity. If she started dropping hints, she couldn’t predict if she would follow her lead or recoil in disgust and never speak to her again.
That night, Gianna had a strange dream. She might have expected she would, given how wound up she’d felt since their last discussion. The ghost of her had followed her up, back through the window of her apartment, and as she tossed and turned in bed that night she was dizzy with it.
In her dream, she found herself walking in a cathedral. As was the way with dreams, her sight was blurry and visions danced and flickered in front of her eyes before vanishing in the same instant. However even as the edges of her surroundings blurred like a bad photograph, she heard the echoing of her footsteps clearly, and felt the largeness of the air around her. There wasn’t another way to describe it, she thought, just a strange sensation of vast emptiness surrounding her, rendering her infinitely smaller by comparison. 
She was a child now, and she was at a wedding. Or could it have been a funeral? There were flowers everywhere, but dark ones with big thorns and a smell that clung to the back of her throat and watered her eyes. She reached out to touch one and.
next chapter
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Survey #397
“you’re my religion, you’re my reason to live  /  you are the heaven in my hell”
Do you think that you’ll always love who you love now? Even if we're never together again romantically, I will ALWAYS love her at least as a best friend. Have you ever made out with a random person? Yeah, no. If you could do your first kiss over, would you? No. I'm lucky that my first kiss was honestly cute as hell. Do you like your country’s president or prime minister? Well I voted for him, so I obviously can't hate him. He seems to be doing fine so far, though take that with a grain of salt seeing as I don't keep up with politics. Even before voting for him, I just did a small bit of researching on his values. What color is your house? Yellow with white accents. Do you listen to Christmas music during the holiday season? No, I don't enjoy it. Man, Jason's mom sure did, though... I loved how in the spirit she'd get and always played Christmas music in the car during that time of year. I miss that woman and I sure as hell hope she rests easy now. Do you like ginger ale? Solely if I have a stomach bug, and I can only ever sip it. What are you listening to? "Electric Sugar Pop" by Jeffree Star. What’s the last thing you watched on TV? The TMS office has the TV on, and the woman who overlooks it (I have zero idea what her position is called) tends to have it either on a cooking channel or a home improvement one. Today was a cooking one. Is your favorite author the author of your favorite book? I don't have a favorite author. Describe someone you find really attractive: M-Mark Fischbach. *___* If you HAD to look like someone else, but could choose who, who would you choose? Hm... maybe my friend Alon. I've mentioned I feel like a million times that she is like, ethereal with how gorgeous she is. Have you ever seen someone get a tattoo done? If so, what was it? Did they cry or were they in a lot of pain? Yeah; it was a watercolor feather with "ohana" written below it. She didn't cry at all, but she grit her teeth a few times. Do you have anything you couldn’t go a day without? Some form of technology. Have you ever gotten caught doing something illegal? No. What’s your favorite flavor of Vitamin Water? I don't even think I've ever tried it. Is there someone you wanna date right now? Yeah. What first attracted you to the last person you kissed? If we're talking the very first, our vast similar interests. How many brothers does your father have? None. Does your best friend have any tattoos? No. Do you like Ben + Jerry’s? Yep. Man, I want their Phish Food ice cream now. Would you ever wish to be the opposite sex? Nah. Do you think you’re attractive? Nope. What is your favorite card game to play? Magic: The Gathering. I really miss my PS3 where I had Duel of the Planeswalkers installed on it, it was really fun. Do you own a globe? I don't think we still do. What is your favorite wild cat? Perhaps clouded leopards. If your bedroom had three portals to anywhere, where would they lead? South Africa, Sara's place, and maybe a nice little cabin in the mountains for when I'm feeling a peaceful getaway. You can ask any author one question about their story. What do you ask? I have zero idea. What’s a place you have a strong emotional connection to? The pond behind the local community college. Jason and I took our first prom pictures there. Do you take yoga classes? No, but I'm actually considering it since they offer those at the YMCA Mom and I now go to. What is a decision you’ve made that changed your entire life? To let Jason go. It's pretty great, my PTSD has been less of a bother lately! Have you ever made any money from a side-hustle? Could you consider being paid to take pictures once in a blue moon a "side hustle" when I don't even have a main job? Do you ever wonder what kind of person you’d have turned out to be if a certain event never happened to you? Ugh... it's incredibly painful to wonder how life would be if Jason never left. If you could have anyone’s singing voice, whose would you choose? Adele's or Amy Lee's, probs. What are your top 3 favorite genres of music? Metal, hard rock, alternative. Do you think Mars will be colonized in your lifetime? No. Have you ever been homeless? If so, what led to your homelessness? Technically, yes, because Mom couldn't afford the rent. She, my little sister (who still lived with us at the time), and I each were accepted into the homes of willing, kind people, though. Have you ever been on a ship? No. Who was Van Halen’s better singer - David Lee Roth, or Sammy Hagar? David. Which fictional character has the most memorable quotes? Heath Ledger's Joker is quoted all the time, so probably him. What do you think of the "Healthy At Every Size" movement/philosophy? Before I answer this, I want you to keep in mind that this is coming from someone who is obese, so I would positively love to agree with that for my own self-confidence, but I don't. I believe it's a very dangerous mentality. I think you should cherish your body unconditionally, like it's an amazing machine, but I firmly believe you should have an active interest in becoming what is physically healthy. You couldn't pay me millions to convince me that, say, a 300 lb. person is healthy. What was the name of the first person you ever had a crush on? Why did you like them? I think my first *real* crush was this guy Sebastian my freshman year of high school. I thought he was very sweet, funny, caring, and attractiveness was a bonus. What food will you absolutely not, under any circumstances, eat? Sashimi, caviar, raw eggs... Which famous person would you like to be BFFs with? Bindi Irwin, for one. What kind of natural disaster is most common where you live? Hurricanes. Have you ever had an animal get into your attic? No. Have you ever been bitten so hard that there teeth marks were there after? I mean I've had hickeys before if that's what you're asking. Ever gave one? Oh, I guess you were. Yeah. Do you think its weird if guys wear make-up like eyeliner? Not at all. Would you ever date a disabled person? (Be honest) Yes. Would you rather adopt or have your own child? IF I wanted kids, I'd rather have one myself because I'm well aware I personally need that special connection. Stepkids count, too, because they'd be my partner's and therefore very important for me too. What is the most personal question you have ever been asked? Probably TMI, so here's your fair warning, but I've been asked before if I "touch" myself and I was absolutely repulsed that someone would ask me that. Were you abused by your parents? No. If you’re not straight, who was the first person you came out to? Sara. Were you one of the smartest in your class? Up to finishing high school, modestly, I was. Where did you meet your first crush? Art class my freshman year of high school. Do you ever go places with wet hair? Yeah, idc. Who is your favorite little girl? My niece Aubree. She's such a wonderful girl. Does your best friend have kids? No. If you were pregnant, would you want a boy or a girl? Hypothetically, a girl. What place outside of your own home do you spend the most time at? Um, maybe my older sister's house? Have you ever participated in a medical study? No. Do you have any family members who are cancer survivors? Yes, including my mother. Twice. Are you allergic to any medications? None that I've tried. Do you have any licenses other than your driver's license? I don't even have that. If you’re atheist, would you raise you kids believing in God or not? No; I wouldn't intervene with their own spiritual (or lack thereof) journey. They'd learn what they'd learn and decide themselves what they believe. Do you like reading self-help books? No, I just can't get invested in those. What is your opinion on sex change? If you're unhappy with your body, you're more than free to surgically change that with no judgment from me. Do you have any goals for this summer? If so, what are they? Yes, to lose weight. Can you get a strike at bowling? I have before. There was one occasion where my first go was a strike RIGHT after saying I sucked at bowling, hahaha. Do you ever take pictures of negative moments? Well, I photograph roadkill, and that's one hell of a sad moment. I actually wouldn't mind broadening my horizons of photographing negative moments (with permission of course), because I actually find these very impactful and even builds empathy. I will never, ever forget this one picture I saw sometime of an emaciated boy huddled in the dirt with a vulture close by watching him... like fuck, it made me want to sob. No one should ever have to live like that, especially a child. Would you ever post a picture of yourself crying on social media? No. I know that sounds contradictory to what I just said, I just wouldn't be able to do it myself. Have you ever held a newborn baby? Once, when my last niece was born. I'm terrified of holding them because they're just so fragile. Do you know anyone who has twins? My friend just had triplets. What is your favorite country in Europe? Germany. Are you thriving in your life right now? BOY HOWDY- Do you remember to water plants? I don't keep plants. Name three YouTubers you aspire to be like. 1.) Markiplier in a vast plethora of ways; 2.) Jeffree Star for his incredible work ethic; and 3.) Shane Dawson for his incredible compassion. Yes. I know the controversy, but regardless, he cares a lot about people. Who is your favorite character from Harry Potter? I wouldn't know, given I haven't read the books or seen the movies. Do you watch PewDiePie? Not anymore; his content doesn't interest me anymore. I watched him religiously back in the day when he was a serious let's player, though. Do you have a Steam account? Yes. Have you ever played Five Nights at Freddy’s? No, not personally. I like watching LPs of it and I find the story fascinating, but it's not the kind of game I'd enjoy playing. Have you ever tried Akinator? Yes. I don't think I ever beat it, except maybe once. Are you wearing socks right now? No; unless I'm wearing closed-toe shoes like sneakers, I never do. I hate the feeling of them. Can you twerk? Haven't tried, don't wanna. Do you like dabbing? No, it looks stupid. Do you like fishing? I honestly do think it's fun with all the anticipation and thrill of seeing how big the fish is, however I don't support it anymore unless, like hunting, you genuinely need it for food. The only case where I'd go again was if my dad asked me, because that's always been our bonding experience. Do you have a Spotify account? Yes. Have you heard of Blizzard Entertainment? Well, they're the company behind World of Warcraft, so obviously. Do you like bananas? Yes, but only for a VERY short window of time. I am beyond picky with the ripeness of bananas. Are you addicted to anything? Caffeine and technology. Do you know your phone number? I actually don't. Do you swear in front of children? No.
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prorevenge · 5 years
Wonder Twin Powers Activate
Our teacher was almost sixty, dressed in bright colors(usually pink) and would speak like she was a politician in EVERY past life. This woman was HORRIBLE but I wasn't fully aware of how at first. I know that she could be curt and liked making jokes that seemed kind of rude but at the time, I just thought it was adult humor. At this point, I had few friends but people left alone because I was considered too crazy to mess with but this teacher treated me like I was adorable, also assumed it was because she was an old lady. Bro had chosen to sit next to me, which he usually tried knowing I could answer any questions if he struggled. I had finished the paperwork early and Matt was still working on it. I told him to let me know if he needed anything as I started reading a book. I usually zone out when I read so I fell asleep on accident and my brother didn't want to wake me up so he asked the teacher. A. Single. Question. She, instead of helping an answering the question, started berating him, talking down to him. He said nevermind but she didn't like that one bit as her voice got LOUDER. He kept trying to say nevermind until I was woken up by the teacher as she LOUDLY announced to the class how worthless my brother was and what an idiot he was and anything she could say until it finally registered what was happening and I stood up with an "Excuse me?" The class goes dead quiet as the teacher says "Sit down, honey" and continues to say things, now saying my brother was obviously cheating off my homework at home and how he planned to ride my coattails to pass school. My brother is really sensitive but I have never seen him cry in public because if he doesn't value your opinion, then who cares but this woman was shredding him to me and in front of his friends who DIDN'T KNOW he had a learning disability. I let loose, insulting her beyond measure even climbing over my desk to get in her face, the teacher actually being MY height. I wasn't going to attack an adult but man, I considered it and she KNEW it. She tried to hold her confidence, saying I should take my seat or she'd fail me and give me attention and I dared her to. I told my bro to get up and that we were going to the office, the teacher demanding we take our seats and actually grabbed him. I pushed her and told her and said I knew we'd be sent to the principal's anyway. On our way and waiting in the office, Bro confesses to me that she, even though he told her on the first day had been harassing him NONSTOP and the help I was giving him at home was basically the only education he was getting on the subject and the reason he didn't say anything before because he didn't want me to stop thinking he was cool. I became LIVID.
By this point, when the secretary saw me coming she KNEW I had done something. Surprisingly enough, admin was on good terms with my family because of the bullying issues that I had previously reported and gotten into fights over and it actually ended with my dad and the principal at the time becoming friends- his name Mr. Green and he went to became superintendent so whenever I was in the office, he was called as well to meet with the principal and my parents.
I relayed all of the info to the adults, Bro being pretty much too traumatized to respond. The principal tried to defend her stating Bro was overly sensitive but Mr. Green was NOT having it. They called her in and without letting anyone get a word in, she went on a tirade stating I had attacked her and she wanted the "demon twins" out of her class because we're nothing but trouble. This raised flags with the principal now because she had apparently BRAGGED to other staff about how she basically didn't have to teach me and I didn't bother her at all. They began filing kids in who witnessed everything, the bruise on Bro's arm now turning purple and skin slightly cut from where her manicure dug into him. Safe to say I didn't see her after that but I always felt like that wasn't good enough but my mom had mental health issues and my dad didn't want to stress her out.
Oh. But its not over, my vengeful ladies and gentlemen. I got a surprise I NEVER thought possible, time for revenge.
Fast forward a few years, my mom's mental health is getting unreasonable for a house of children and my siblings are split to live with grandparents. Me and oldest Sis go to live with my mom's mom in the next state over and Bro decided to stay with Grandma in state because of his friends.
I decided to go to a public school, not wanting to enjoy a repeat of bullies that were bailed out by their entitled parents. I decided I was going to read and talk to no one to avoid fights but that actually got me a lot of friends, including our football team's HULK, a 6'3" linebacker who bonded with me over our shared love of books and even came over to help my arthritic grandmother with anything at the drop of a hat.
One day, we had a substitute teacher that everyone did not like who seemed vaguely familiar to me in a haunted sort of way but it had nothing to do with Lord of the Rings or comics so I couldn't care less. I was only in this class because I had caught pneumonia the year before and I have a serious immune deficiency AND my dad passed away so I was out of school over the allotted absence time and had to repeat two classes(still only had four classes my senior year so I nailed it). The sub was hanging around more and more when it finally hit me.
Apparently, she had gotten remarried and went to Japan on a teaching program which she bragged about constantly when she tried to connect to me while I was reading manga in her class. I didn't know if she had recognized me at first but it was clear by the way she was singling me out after a bit she had. I was going to ignore it thinking she was only a sub when we got news that our prev. teacher was going to be gone for a while because she was having complications with her pregnancy and this teacher was now our permanent teacher for the rest of the year.
The class hated her, half of which deciding not to do work out of blatant protest.
Not me. I finished everything at the start of class, ASAP so I could go about ignoring her- something she HATED but tried to turn in her favor often. She would even try to give me book recommendations, bash something she saw me reading or even give out spoilers.
It was only after one classmate who turned around and said "this class is stupid, I don't want to be here" and I responded with "You do know if you DO the work you WON'T have to be here AGAIN NEXT YEAR?" and she used it as an opportunity to attack that it hit me. Time for some revenge.
I spoke to the guy after class, apologizing for snapping which he understood and then asked if he wanted tutoring and to help with revenge as I explained why. Apparently, this teacher had been going after him in class like my Bro too. SHE DIDN'T LEARN.
I continued to pay her no attention in class but also took the time to offer my fellow students assistance, which she hated, telling me to get back in my seat or to not talk to the other students because if they didn't understand it when she said it, they probably wouldn't understand the material at all. One of the male student's friends in the class had been let in on the plan and had left their phone on to record anything in class of her going after students.
At this school, each year had their own Assistant Principal and I learned what day the AP for this year(technically I was a junior so sophomore), a cool dude was coming in to observe class with other admins. JUDGEMENT DAY. The lesson the teacher was going through was Protagonist VS. Antagonist. How fitting.
She was going over the nursery rhyme, Little Miss Muffet. I finished the worksheet almost right away and I glanced at the stunned looks on one of the admin's faces who saw me write quickly and open a book and the AP actually snickered and leaned over to say "She does that a lot."
The teacher was talking about what was on the projector and realized quickly that the admins were not happy because half the class was not listening or paying attention. She then went to her usual target, me who she had seated front row; it was the closest seat to both her projector and desk so yeah, I knew she was singling me out.
Teacher: "You're reading in my class while I'm trying to teach, sweetie."
Me: "Yeah, I'm done with work."
Teacher: "Yes, but I'm still in the middle of the lesson." Me: "...Okay? Go ahead." Teacher: "I'd like you to pay attention." Me: "Why? I'm already done."
Teacher: "Yes, but the rest of the class isn't." Me: "Then what are you waiting for? I'm done, I'm not going to sit here doing nothing." Teacher: *flustered but grabs my worksheet* "Alright then, let's see your work." *looks it over before getting this huge grin on her face* "You put that the spider is the protagonist but that's wrong, Little Miss Muffet is the protagonist."
She then geared up to start a speech about the importance of listening to her when I said-
"Actually, I don't think she is. I wrote why if you'd read past the first sentence."
Teacher: "No, that's wrong." Me: "I don't think it is. The story goes "Little Miss Muffet, sat on a tuffet, eating her curds and whey; along came a spider who sat down beside her, and frightened Miss Muffet away." Based on that, all it says the spider definitively did was sit next to her, it didn't say he shouted "boo!" or attacked her. She could have just went "Ah! Spider!" and ran for it. Sounds more like she made a snap judgement based on appearance."
The class is speechless.
Teacher: *composing herself* "Well, it's still wrong. For this lesson, it's wrong."
Me: "Is it though?" I can see her jaw clenching, pissed. "The questions on these worksheets say to write who you THINK is the protagonist and antagonist and explain why. So technically, its a matter of perspective and the only way to get it wrong is to not meet the paragraph requirement."
The class echoes with "OOOOOOH's and some snickering.
Teacher: "Oh, if you think you're smart enough. Why don't YOU teach the class?"
I was initially going to turn her down, only making my point for her to LEAVE ME ALONE when my classmates started volunteering me. The male student even saying "I'm going to have to ask her to explain it all again later anyways and you get mad when she tries to help us so let her teach us."
I was glad the class rallied behind me but NO. I was not prepped for it. I improv'd on the white board, turning off the projection and even using comic book examples to explain the differences until the AP chuckled and called the joke(they're not actually supposed to say anything during observation), asking me to take a seat. The teacher was angry and continued to single me out until the end of class when she asked me to stay after to speak with her. The male student lingered in the doorway with his friend to stop the AP just outside, out of view stating they wanted to talk to him. They stopped him just in time for him to hear the teacher SHRIEK at me, accusing me of ruining her life and trying to ruin it AGAIN while slinging all sorts of insults at me.
The AP stormed in and she turned paper white. The other students followed saying they wanted to show him the recordings we took of her insulting kids in class and how the only reason kids were working now was because I spoke to them because the teacher would stop the ENTIRE class and make us do nothing for full periods saying we'd be too stupid to understand the lesson so why teach if we weren't going to respect her anyway. From there we went to the office and listed how she had been attacking other students and I told her how she taught at my middle school. He told me I could go back to class as he discussed it with the other APs and our Principal and I passed the teacher in the hallway and said "By the way, my brother says hi."
I went home, called him up and told him about it and he just sat there chuckling and going "Oh my god" repeatedly for about twenty minutes.
She was still there the next day but she did not say a WORD to me for the rest of the semester and the next semester, we were all put into different classes, learning that they allowed her to finish the semester on the promise to leave me alone but that she would NOT be coming back.
I managed to get the same teacher fired. TWICE.
And guess what? I write books now so, how's that for a twist?
(source) story by (/u/awkwardbirdnoise)
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kkintle · 5 years
The Art of the Good Life by Rolf Dobelli; Quotes
Is it better to actively seek happiness or to avoid unhappiness?
Living a good life has a lot to do with interpreting facts in a constructive way.
That money can’t buy happiness is a truism, and I’d certainly advise you not to get worked into a lather over incremental differences in price. If a beer’s two dollars more expensive than usual or two dollars cheaper, it elicits no emotional response in me whatsoever. I save my energy rather than my money. After all, the value of my stock portfolio fluctuates every minute by significantly more than two dollars, and if the Dow Jones falls by a thousandth of a percent, that doesn’t faze me either. Try it for yourself. Come up with a similar number, a modest sum to which you’re completely indifferent—money you consider not so much money as white noise. You don’t lose anything by adopting that attitude, and certainly not your inner poise.
The most common misunderstanding I encounter is that the good life is a stable state or condition. Wrong. The good life is only achieved through constant readjustment.
As the American general—and later president—Dwight Eisenhower said, “Plans are nothing. Planning is everything.” It’s not about having a fixed plan, it’s about repeated re-planning—an ongoing process.
The truth is that you begin with one set-up and then constantly adjust it. The more complicated the world becomes, the less important your starting point is. So don’t invest all your resources into the perfect set-up—at work or in your personal life. Instead, practice the art of correction by revising the things that aren’t quite working—swiftly and without feeling guilty.
First: constantly having to make new decisions situation by situation saps your willpower. Decision fatigue is the technical term for this. A brain exhausted by decision-making will plump for the most convenient option, which more often than not is also the worst one. This is why pledges make so much sense. Once you’ve pledged something, you don’t then have to weigh up the pros and cons each and every time you’re faced with a decision. It’s already been made for you, saving you mental energy.
The second reason inflexibility is so valuable has to do with reputation. By being consistent on certain topics, you signal where you stand and establish the areas where there’s no room for negotiation. You communicate self-mastery, making yourself less vulnerable to attack.
So say good-bye to the cult of flexibility. Flexibility makes you unhappy and tired, and it distracts you from your goals. Chain yourself to your pledges. Uncompromisingly. It’s easier to stick to your pledges 100 percent of the time rather than 99 percent.
Very few people simply accept reality and analyze their own flight recorders. This requires precisely two things: a) radical acceptance and b) black box thinking. First one, then the other.
“Nothing is more fatiguing nor, in the long run, more exasperating than the daily effort to believe things which daily become more incredible. To be done with this effort is an indispensable condition of sure and lasting happiness,” wrote mathematician and Nobel Prize winner Bertrand Russell.
Accepting reality is easy when you like what you see, but you’ve got to accept it even when you don’t—especially when you don’t. 
By themselves, radical acceptance and black box thinking are not enough. You’ve got to rectify your mistakes. Get future-proofing. As Warren Buffett’s business partner Charlie Munger has observed, “If you won’t attack a problem while it’s solvable and wait until it’s unfixable, you can argue that you’re so damn foolish that you deserve the problem.” Don’t wait for the consequences to unfold. “If you don’t deal with reality, then reality will deal with you,” warns author Alex Haley.
A basic rule of the good life is as follows: if it doesn’t genuinely contribute something, you can do without it. And that is doubly true for technology. Next time, try switching on your brain instead of reaching for the nearest gadget.
“There are old pilots and there are bold pilots, but there are no bold old pilots.”
Pros win points; amateurs lose points. This means that if you’re playing against an amateur, your best option is to focus on not making any mistakes. Play conservatively, and keep the ball in play as long as possible. Unless your opponent is deliberately playing equally conservatively, he or she will make more mistakes than you do. In amateur tennis, matches aren’t won—they’re lost.
disease, disabilities, divorce. However, countless studies have shown that the impact of these factors dissipates more quickly than we imagine.
It’s not what you add that enriches your life—it’s what you omit.
Because our emotions are so unreliable, a good rule of thumb is to take them less seriously—especially the negative ones. The Greek philosophers called this ability to block things out ataraxia, a term meaning serenity, peace of mind, equanimity, composure or imperturbability. A master of ataraxia will maintain his or her poise despite the buffets of fate. One level higher is apatheia, the total eradication of feeling (also attempted by the ancient Greeks). Both—ataraxia and apatheia—are ideals virtually impossible to attain, but don’t worry: I’m not asking you to try. I do, however, believe we need to cultivate a new relationship with our inner voices, one distanced, skeptical and playful.
So take other people’s feelings very seriously, but not your own. Let them flit through you—they’ll come and go anyway, just as they please.
People are respected because they deliver on their promises, not because they let us eavesdrop on their inner monologs.
Two thousand years ago, the Roman philosopher Seneca wrote: “All those who summon you to themselves, turn you away from your own self.” So give the five-second no a trial run. It’s one of the best rules of thumb for a good life.
It’s called the focusing illusion. “Nothing in life is as important as you think it is while you are thinking about it,” as Daniel Kahneman explains. The more narrowly we focus on a particular aspect of our lives, the greater its apparent influence. 
Take the longest possible view of your life. Realize that the things that seemed so important in the moment have shrunk to the size of dots—dots that barely affect the overall picture. A good life is only attainable if you take the occasional peek through a wide-angle lens.
By focusing on trivialities, you’re wasting your good life.
As you can see, if it’s the good life you’re after then it’s advisable to show restraint about what you buy. That said, there is a class of “goods” whose enjoyment is not diminished by the focusing illusion: experiences.
Material progress was not reflected in increased life satisfaction. This revelation has been termed the Easterlin paradox: once basic needs have been met, incremental financial gain contributes nothing to happiness.
Money is relative. Not just in comparison to others, but in comparison to your past.
Buffett’s life motto: “Know your circle of competence, and stick within it. The size of that circle is not very important; knowing its boundaries, however, is vital.” Charlie Munger adds: “Each of you will have to figure out where your talent lies. And you’ll have to use your advantages. But if you try to succeed in what you’re worst at, you’re going to have a very lousy career. I can almost guarantee it.”
“Expect anything worthwhile to take a really long time”
What matters is that you’re far above average in at least one area—ideally, the best in the world. Once that’s sorted, you’ll have a solid basis for a good life. A single outstanding skill trumps a thousand mediocre ones. Every hour invested into your circle of competence is worth a thousand spent elsewhere.
“You don’t have to be brilliant,” as Charlie Munger says, “only a little bit wiser than the other guys, on average, for a long, long time.”
“One of the symptoms of approaching nervous break-down is the belief that one’s work is terribly important,” wrote Bertrand Russell. This is precisely the danger of a calling: that you take yourself and your work too seriously. If, like John Kennedy Toole, you pin everything on the fulfilment of your supposed vocation, you cannot live a good life. If Toole had viewed his writing not as his only possible calling but simply as a craft for which he happened to have a special knack, he would probably not have ended up as he did. You can pursue a craft with love, of course, and even with a touch of obsession, but your focus should always be on the activity, the work, the input—not on the success, the result, the output.
So, what to do? Don’t listen to your inner voice. A calling is nothing but a job you’d like to have. In the Romantic sense it doesn’t exist; there is only talent and preference. Build on the skills you actually have, not on some putative sense of vocation. Luckily, the skills we’ve mastered are often the things we enjoy doing. One important aside: other people have also got to value your talents. You’ve got to put food on the table somehow. As the English philosopher John Gray put it: “Few people are as unhappy as those with a talent no one cares about.”
So liberate yourself. Here’s three reasons why you should. First, you’ll be spared the emotional roller coaster. In the long run, you can’t manage your reputation perfectly anyway. Warren Buffett cites Gianni Agnelli, the former boss of Fiat: “When you get old, you have the reputation you deserve.” You can fool other people for a while, but not a lifetime. Second, concentrating on prestige and reputation distorts our perception of what makes us truly happy. And third, it stresses us out. It’s detrimental to the good life.
That’s why one of my golden rules for leading a good life is as follows: “Avoid situations in which you have to change other people.”
Without memory, the experience is perceived as entirely valueless. This is surprising, and it makes no sense. Surely it’s better to experience something wonderful than not—regardless of whether you remember it. After all, in the moment you’ll be having a fabulous time! And once we’re dead, you and I will forget everything anyway—because there’ll no longer be any “you” or any “I.” If death is going to erase your memories, how important is it to schlep them with you until your very final moment?
So don’t be surprised when somebody else judges you “incorrectly.” You do the same yourself. A realistic self-image can only be gleaned from someone who’s known you well for years and who’s not afraid to be honest—your partner or an old friend. Even better, keep a diary and dip back into it every now and again. You’ll be amazed at the things you used to write. Part of the good life is seeing yourself as realistically as possible—contradictions, shortcomings, dark sides and all. If you see yourself realistically, you’ve got a much better chance of becoming who you want to be.
I’m sure you recognize the sentiment: “When I’m on my deathbed, looking back on my life…” A magnificently lofty idea, but rather nonsensical in practice. For a start, almost no one is that lucid when they’re on their deathbed. The three main doors into the afterlife are heart attack, stroke and cancer. In the first two cases, you won’t have time for philosophical reflection. In most cases of cancer, you’ll be so stuffed to the gunnels with painkillers that you won’t be able to think straight. Nor do those afflicted with dementia or Alzheimer’s achieve any new insights on their deathbeds. And even if you do have the time and wherewithal in your final moments to reminisce, your memories won’t (as we saw in the previous three chapters) correspond fully to reality. Your remembering self produces systematic errors. It tells tall tales.
“If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.”
Not getting bogged down in self-pity is a golden rule of mental health. Accept the fact that life isn’t perfect—yours or anyone else’s. As the Roman philosopher Seneca said, “Things will get thrown at you and things will hit you. Life’s no soft affair.” What point is there in “being unhappy, just because once you were unhappy”? If you can do something to mitigate the current problems in your life, then do it. If you can’t, then put up with the situation. Complaining is a waste of time, and self-pity is doubly counterproductive: first, you’re doing nothing to overcome your unhappiness; and two, you’re adding to your original unhappiness the further misery of being self-destructive. Or, to quote Charlie Munger’s “iron prescription”: “Whenever you think that some situation or some person is ruining your life, it is actually you who are ruining your life… Feeling like a victim is a perfectly disastrous way to go through life.”
Plato and Aristotle both believed that people should be as temperate, courageous, just and prudent as possible.
The circle of dignity draws together your individual pledges and protects them from three forms of attack: a) better arguments; b) mortal danger; and c) deals with the Devil.
Is it worth the price? That’s the wrong question. By definition, things that are invaluable have no price. “If an individual has not discovered something that he will die for, he isn’t fit to live,” said Martin Luther King. Certainly not to live the good life.
If you don’t make it clear on the outside what you believe deep down, you gradually turn into a puppet. Other people exploit you for their own purposes, and sooner or later, you give up. You don’t fight any more. You don’t hold up to stresses. Your willpower atrophies. If you break on the outside, at some point you’ll break on the inside too.
Your circle of dignity, the protective wall that surrounds your pledges, can only be tested under fire. You might lay claim to high ideals, noble principles and distinctive preferences, but it’s not until you come to defend them that you will “cry with happiness,” to paraphrase Stockdale. 
Say you’re in a meeting and somebody starts going for you, really getting vitriolic. Ask them to repeat what they’ve said word for word. You’ll soon see that, most of the time, your attacker will fold.
For most people, the circle of dignity is not a matter of life and death but a battle to maintain the upper hand. Make it as hard as possible for your assailants. Keep the reins in your hand as long as possible when it comes to the things you hold sacred. If you have to give up, then do so in a way that makes your opponent pay the highest practicable price for your capitulation. There’s tremendous power in this commitment. It’s one of the keys to a good life.
One: fetch a notebook and title it My Big Book of Worries. Set aside a fixed time to dedicate to your anxieties. In practical terms, this means reserving ten minutes a day to jot down everything that’s worrying you—no matter how justified, idiotic or vague. Once you’ve done so, the rest of the day will be relatively worry-free. Your brain knows its concerns have been recorded and not simply ignored. Do this every day, turning to a fresh page each time. You’ll realize, incidentally, that it’s always the same dozen or so worries tormenting you. At the weekend, read through the week’s notes and follow the advice of Bertrand Russell: “When you find yourself inclined to brood on anything, no matter what, the best plan always is to think about it even more than you naturally would, until at last its morbid fascination is worn off.” In practical terms, this means imagining the worst possible consequences and forcing yourself to think beyond them. You’ll discover that most concerns are overblown. The rest are genuine dangers, and those must be confronted. Two: take out insurance. Insurance policies are a marvelous invention. They’re among the most elegant worry-killers. Their true value is not the monetary pay-out when there’s a problem but the reduced anxiety beforehand. Three: focused work is the best therapy against brooding. Focused, fulfilling work is better than meditation. It’s a better distraction than anything else. If you use these three strategies, you’ll have a real chance of living a carefree life—a good life. Then perhaps even in your younger years or, at least, in middle age, you’ll be able to chuckle over Mark Twain’s late-in-life insight: “I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them have never happened.”
The Greek and Roman philosophers known as the Stoics recommended the following trick to sweep away worry: determine what you can influence and what you can’t. Address the former. Don’t let the latter prey on your mind.
Not always feeling like you need to have an opinion calms the mind and makes you more relaxed—an ingredient vital to a good life.
First: accept the existence of fate. In Boethius’s day, people liked to personify fate as Fortuna, a goddess who turned the Wheel of Fortune, in which highs and lows were endlessly rotated. Those who played along, hoping to catch the wheel as it rose, had to accept that eventually they would come down once more. So don’t be too concerned about whether you’re ascending or descending. It could all be turned on its head.
Second: everything you own, value and love is ephemeral—your health, your partner, your children, your friends, your house, your money, your homeland, your reputation, your status. Don’t set your heart on those things. Relax, be glad if fate grants them to you, but always be aware that they are fleeting, fragile and temporary. The best attitude to have is that all of them are on loan to you, and may be taken away at any time. By death, if nothing else.
Third: if you, like Boethius, have lost many things or even everything, remember that the positive has outweighed the negative in your life (or you wouldn’t be complaining) and that all sweet things are tinged with bitterness. Whining is misplaced.
Four: what can’t be taken from you are your thoughts, your mental tools, the way you interpret bad luck, loss and setbacks. You can call this space your mental fortress—a piece of freedom that can never be assailed.
Stop comparing yourself to other people and you’ll enjoy an envy-free existence. Steer well clear of all comparisons. That’s the golden rule.
So wisdom isn’t identical with the accumulation of knowledge. Wisdom is a practical ability. It’s a measure of the skill with which we navigate life. Once you’ve come to realize that virtually all difficulties are easier to avoid than to solve, the following simple definition will be self-evident: “Wisdom is prevention.”
The fact is, life is hard. Problems rain down on all sides. Fate opens pitfalls beneath your feet and throws up barriers to block your path. You can’t change that. But if you know where danger lurks, you can ward it off. You can evade all sorts of obstacles. Einstein put it this way: “A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.” 
Wisdom is prevention. It’s invisible, so you can’t show it off—but preening isn’t conducive to a good life anyway. You know that already.
if you want to help reduce suffering on the planet, donate money. Just money. Not time. Money. Don’t travel to conflict zones unless you’re an emergency doctor, bomb-disposal expert or diplomat. Many people fall for the volunteer’s folly—they believe there’s a point to voluntary work. In reality, it’s a waste. Your time is more meaningfully invested in your circle of competence, because it’s there that you’ll generate the most value per day. If you’re installing water pumps in the Sahara, you’re doing work that local well-diggers could carry out for a fraction of the cost. Plus, you’re taking work away from them. Let’s say you could dig one well per day as a volunteer. If you spent that day working at your office and used the money you earned to pay local well-diggers, by the end of the day you’d have a hundred new wells. Sure, volunteering makes you feel good, but it shouldn’t be about that. And that warm Good Samaritan glow is based on a fallacy. The first-rate specialists on site (Médecins Sans Frontières, the Red Cross, UNICEF, etc.) will put your donations to more effective use than you could yourself. So work hard and put your money in the hands of professionals.
you’re not responsible for the state of the world. It sounds harsh and unsympathetic, but it’s the truth. Nobel Prize winner in physics Richard Feynman was told much the same thing by John von Neumann, the brilliant mathematician and “father of computing”: “[John] von Neumann gave me an interesting idea: that you don’t have to be responsible for the world that you’re in. So I have developed a very powerful sense of social irresponsibility as a result of von Neumann’s advice. It’s made me a very happy man ever since.” What Feynman means by “social irresponsibility” is this: don’t feel bad for concentrating on your work instead of building hospitals in Africa. There’s no reason to feel guilty that you happen to be better off than a bombing victim in Aleppo—your situations could easily be reversed. Lead an upright, productive life, and don’t be a monster. Follow that advice and you’ll already be contributing to a better world. The upshot? Find a strategy to help you cope with global atrocities. It doesn’t have to be one I’ve suggested here, but it is important to have a plan. Otherwise getting through life will be tough. You’ll be constantly torn between the things that still have to be done, you’ll feel guilty—and ultimately you’ll accomplish nothing with that burden.
Four: be aware that focus cannot be divided. It’s not like time and money. The attention you’re giving your Facebook stream on your mobile phone is attention you’re taking away from the person sitting opposite. Five: act from a position of strength, not weakness. When people bring things to your attention unasked, you’re automatically in a position of weakness. Why should an advertiser, a journalist or a Facebook friend decide where you direct your focus? That Porsche advert, article about the latest Trump tweet or video clip of hilariously adorable puppies is probably not something that’s going to make you happy or move you forwards. Even without an Instagram account, the philosopher Epictetus came to a similar conclusion two thousand years ago: ‘If a person gave your body to any stranger he met on his way, you would certainly be angry. And do you feel no shame in handing over your own mind to be confused and mystified by anyone who happens to verbally attack you?’
What does focus have to do with happiness? Everything. “Your happiness is determined by how you allocate your attention,” wrote Paul Dolan. The same life events (positive or negative) can influence your happiness strongly, weakly or not at all—depending on how much attention you give them. Essentially, you always live where your focus is directed, no matter where the atoms of your body are located. Each moment comes only once. If you deliberately focus your attention, you’ll get more out of life. Be critical, strict and careful when it comes to your intake of information—no less critical, strict and careful than you are with your food or medication.
Avoid ideologies and dogmas at all cost—especially if you’re sympathetic to them. Ideologies are guaranteed to be wrong. They narrow your worldview and prompt you to make appalling decisions.
When you meet someone showing signs of a dogmatic infection, ask them this question: “Tell me what specific facts you’d need in order to give up your worldview.” If they don’t have an answer, keep that person at arm’s length. You should ask yourself the same question, for that matter, if you suspect you’ve strayed too far into dogma territory.
imagine you’re on a TV talk show with five other guests, all of whom hold the opposite conviction from yours. Only when you can argue their views at least as eloquently as your own will you truly have earned your opinion.
think independently, don’t be too faithful to the party line, and above all give dogmas a wide berth. The quicker you understand that you don’t understand the world, the better you’ll understand the world.
In several studies, Dan Gilbert, Timothy Wilson and their research colleagues have shown that mental subtraction increases happiness significantly more markedly than simply focusing on the positives. The Stoics figured this out two thousand years ago: instead of thinking about all the things you don’t yet have, consider how much you’d miss the things you do have if you didn’t have them any longer.
Speculation is more agreeable than realization. As long as you’re still weighing up your options, the risk of failure is nil; once you take action, however, that risk is always greater than zero. This is why reflection and commentary are so popular. If you’re simply thinking something over, you’ll never bump up against reality, which means you can never fail. Act, however, and suddenly failure is back on the cards—but you’ll gain new experiences. “Experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted,” as the saying goes.
the next time you’re about to make an important decision, mull it over carefully—but only to the point of maximum deliberation. You’ll be surprised how quickly you reach it. Once you’re there, flick off your torch and switch on your floodlight. It’s as useful in the workplace as it is in the home, whether you’re investing in your career or in your love life.
No matter how extraordinary your accomplishments might be, the truth is that they would have happened without you. Your personal impact on the world is minute. It doesn’t matter how brilliant you are—as a businessperson, an academic, a CEO, a general or a president; in the great scheme of things you’re insignificant, unnecessary and interchangeable. The only place where you can really make a difference is in your own life. Focus on your own surroundings. You’ll soon see that getting to grips with that is ambitious enough. Why take it upon yourself to change the world? Spare yourself the disappointment.
Not believing too much in your own self-importance is one of the most valuable strategies for a good life.
The upshot? There is no just plan for the world. Part of the good life is to radically accept that. Focus on your garden—on your own everyday life—and you’ll find enough weeds to keep you busy. The things that happen to you across the course of your life, especially the more serious blows of fate, have little to do with whether you’re a good or a bad person. So accept unhappiness and misfortune with stoicism and calm. Treat incredible success and strokes of luck exactly the same.
“There’s an infinite number of winners,” Kevin Kelly has said, “as long as you’re not trying to win somebody else’s race.”
The upshot? Try to escape the arms race dynamic. It’s difficult to recognize, because each individual step seems reasonable when considered on its own. So retreat every so often from the field of battle and observe it from above. Don’t fall victim to the madness. An arms race is a succession of Pyrrhic victories, and your best bet is to steer clear. You’ll only find the good life where people aren’t fighting over it.
As Warren Buffett says, “It’s better to be approximately right than precisely wrong.”
Constantly distinguish between “I have to have it,” “I want to have it” and “I expect it.” The first phrase represents a necessity, the second a desire (a preference, a goal) and the third an expectation.
Seeing desires as musts will only make you a grumpy, unpleasant person to be around. And no matter how intelligent you are, it will make you act like an idiot. The sooner you can erase supposed necessities from your repertoire, the better.
A life without goals is a wasted life. Yet we mustn’t be shackled to them. Be aware that not all your desires will be satisfied, because so much lies beyond your control.
The Greek philosophers had a wonderful expression for the things we want: preferred indifferents (indifferent here in the sense of insignificant). So I might have a preference (e.g., I’d prefer a Porsche to a VW Golf), but ultimately it’s insignificant to my happiness.
Bearing Sturgeon’s law in mind will improve your life. It’s an excellent mental tool because it “allows” you to pass over most of what you see, hear or read without feeling guilty. The world is full of empty words, but you don’t need to listen. That said, don’t try to cleanse the world of nonsense. You won’t succeed. The world can stay irrational longer than you can stay sane. So concentrate on being selective, on the few valuable things, and leave everything else aside.
Recognize bullshit for what it is. Oh, and one other rule, which in my experience has proved well founded: if you’re not sure whether something is bullshit, it’s bullshit.
One: self-importance requires energy. If you think overly highly of yourself, you have to operate a transmitter and a radar simultaneously. On the one hand, you’re broadcasting your self-image out into the world; on the other, you’re permanently registering how your environment responds. Save yourself the effort. Switch off your transmitter and your radar, and focus on your work. In concrete terms, this means don’t be vain, don’t name-drop, and don’t brag about your amazing successes.
the more self-important you are, the more speedily you’ll fall for the self-serving bias. You’ll start doing things not to achieve a specific goal but to make yourself look good. You often see the self-serving bias among investors. They buy stocks in glamorous hotels or sexy tech companies—not because they’re solid investments but because they want to enhance their own image. On top of this, people who think highly of themselves tend to systematically overestimate their knowledge and abilities (this is termed overconfidence), leading to grave errors in decision-making.
If you stress your own importance, you do so at the expense of other people’s, because otherwise it would devalue your relative position. Once you’re successful, if not before, other people who are equally full of themselves will shit on you. Not a good life.
As you can see, your ego is more antagonist than friend.
Stay modest. You’ll improve your life by several orders of magnitude. Self-esteem is so easy that anyone can do it; modesty, on the other hand, may be tough, but at least it’s more compatible with reality. And it calms your emotional wave pool. Self-importance has developed into a malady of civilization. We’ve got our teeth into our egos like a dog into an old shoe. Let the shoe go. It has no nutritional value, and it’ll soon taste rotten.
definitions of success are products of their time.
Once you’ve attained ataraxia—tranquility of the soul—you’ll be able to maintain your equanimity despite the slings and arrows of fate. To put it another way, to be successful is to be imperturbable, regardless of whether you’re flying high or crash landing. How can we achieve inner success? By focusing exclusively on the things we can influence and resolutely blocking out everything else. Input, not output. Our input we can control; our output we can’t, because chance keeps sticking its oar in.
“Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming.”
Whichever way you look at it, the truth is that people desire external gain because it nets them internal gain. The question that suggests itself is obvious: why take the long way round? Just take the direct route.
“It is remarkable how much long-term advantage people like us have gotten by trying to be consistently not stupid, instead of trying to be very intelligent.” (Munger, Charlie: Wesco Annual Report 1989.)
authors Minkyung Koo, Sara B. Algoe, Timothy D. Wilson and Daniel T. Gilbert write: “Having a wonderful spouse, watching one’s team win the World Series, or getting an article accepted in a top journal are all positive events, and reflecting on them may well bring a smile; but that smile is likely to be slighter and more fleeting with each passing day, because as wonderful as these events may be, they quickly become familiar—and they become more familiar each time one reflects on them. Indeed, research shows that thinking about an event increases the extent to which it seems familiar and explainable.” 
“Charlie realizes that it is difficult to find something that is really good. So, if you say ‘No’ ninety percent of the time, you’re not missing much in the world.” (Otis Booth on Charlie Munger, In: Munger, Charlie: Poor Charlie’s Almanack, Donning, 2008, p. 99).
“You’ll do better if you have passion for something in which you have aptitude. If Warren had gone into ballet, no one would have heard of him.”
They were all things that were simply a matter of deciding whether you were going to be that kind of person or not… Always hang around people better than you and you’ll float up a little bit. Hang around with the other kind and you start sliding down the pole.” (Warren Buffett quoted in: Lowe, Janet: Warren Buffett Speaks: Wit and Wisdom from the World’s Greatest Investor, John Wiley & Sons, 2007, p. 36).
“If you want to guarantee yourself a life of misery, marry somebody with the idea of changing them.”
Buffett: “We don’t try to change people. It doesn’t work well… We accept people the way they are.”
If social change is your mission, you’ll end up tangling with thousands of people and institutions who are doing everything they can to uphold the status quo. Ideally, you want to keep your mission narrowly focused. You can’t rebel against all aspects of the dominant order. Society is stronger than you are. You can only achieve personal victories in clearly defined moral niches.
“‘Don’t worry, be happy’ bromides are of no use; notice that people who are told to ‘relax’ rarely do.”
Mark Twain: “I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them have never happened.”
Howard Marks: “I tell my father’s story of the gambler who lost regularly. One day he heard about a race with only one horse in it, so he bet the rent money. Halfway around the track, the horse jumped over the fence and ran away. Invariably things can get worse than people expect. Maybe ‘worst-case’ means ‘the worst we’ve seen in the past.’ But that doesn’t mean things can’t be worse in the future.”
“Then at dinner, Bill Gates Sr. posed the question to the table: What factor did people feel was the most important in getting to where they’d gotten in life? And I said, ‘Focus.’ And Bill said the same thing. It is unclear how many people at the table understood ‘focus’ as Buffett lived that word. This kind of innate focus couldn’t be emulated. It meant the intensity that is the price of excellence. It meant the discipline and passionate perfectionism that made Thomas Edison the quintessential American inventor, Walt Disney the king of family entertainment, and James Brown the Godfather of Soul. It meant single-minded obsession with an ideal.”
“Our happiness is sometimes not very salient, and we need to do what we can to make it more so. Imagine playing a piano and not being able to hear what it sounds like. Many activities in life are like playing a piano that you do not hear…” (Dolan, Paul: Happiness by Design, Penguin, 2015, E-Book Location 1781.)
Should you find yourself in a chronically-leaking boat, energy devoted to changing vessels is likely to be more productive than energy devoted to patching leaks.” (Greenwald, Bruce C. N.; Kahn, Judd; Sonkin, Paul D.; van Biema,
As you age, change your modus operandi: become highly selective. There’s a lovely anecdote from Marshall Weinberg about going to lunch with Warren Buffett that’s worth repeating here. “He had an exceptional ham-and-cheese sandwich. A few days later, we were going out again. He said, ‘Let’s go back to that restaurant.’ I said, ‘But we were just there.’ He said, ‘Precisely. Why take a risk with another place? We know exactly what we’re going to get.’ That is what Warren looks for in stocks, too. He only invests in companies where the odds are great that they will not disappoint.”
Even the notorious U curve of life satisfaction is connected to false expectations. Young people are happy because they believe things can only ever improve—higher income, more power, greater opportunity. In middle age, between forty and fifty-five, they reach a low point. They’re forced to accept that the high-flying aspirations of their youth cannot be realized. On top of that they have children, a career, income pressures—all unexpected dampers on happiness. In old age, people are reasonably happy once more, because they’ve exceeded those unrealistically low expectations.
John Wooden: “Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming.”
from Epictetus, the Stoic: “A life that flows gently and easily.”
“Why, my dear friend, do you do it all? If I had all your millions, I’d spend my time doing nothing but reading, thinking and writing.” It wasn’t until I was on the way home that I realized, oddly startled, that that’s exactly what I do. So that would be a definition of the good life: somebody hands you a few million, and you don’t change anything at all.
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motherstone · 5 years
Can you tell us more about your OCs? How are the OG cast their ancestors? Are Gabi and Sandra happy together now? Married yet? Your OCs are so rad and I love their story
!! AaaaAA thank you!! 😄😄😭😭💟💗💞💘💓💕💘💝 that’s is so rad of you op!!! And I’ll try my best to tell them a bit of their story:
Lemlin is born with a birth defect (underdeveloped elf ears), which makes him unable to receive vibrations (I hc the tip of elf ears are used to detect so) and hear things properly. He doesn’t really want implants and is actually perfectly fine with his disability, so he wears hearing aids instead and elf ears prosthetics just in battle. He had a full-blooded elf brother, Jaqes, who was the son of a wealthy nobleman before the Nobility class was dissolved a long time ago. They have a close and amiable relationship with one another, but Jaqes didn’t know he’s a member of the covert Auxiliary, much less a sharpshooter (which is ironic, because he’s the head of the Central Intelligence Division in there, a mix of CIA and FBI). Lemlin has a variety of friend including both humans, elves, and halflings. He’s really interested in theater, which is actually pretty suitable with his disability (deaf people are incredibly expressive while signing so yea!), and often goes on shows (Gigas goes with him on ocassion. They sorta have a father-son relationship haha). He’s the elf equivalent of 16 (no one knows. They thought he’s 22, it also doesn’t help he has his helmet on all the time). Lemlin is pan-ace. He lives in Milre, Gulfen.
Ian has a very strained relationship with his father (hc is that nearly all who is part of the Elf army are abusive fathers because they didn’t get the treatment they needed at the time), who is at odds with his homosexuality. He doesn’t care though, although at first he inherited his racism. That is, until his sister (Mako) had teenage sex with a human (who broke up with her when she got pregnant), and thus giving birth to a halfling, much to his anger. He’s even more furious with humans over this, but eventually realize his anger was bullshit, especially when his nephew was born. Now he has human friends, a human BESTfriend (Sandra), and is now seatching for a boyfriend (he’s working on it. If they can’t handle his personality they gotta go). Ian is passive-aggressive and sarcastic at times, especially on the field, so it causes great friction among the group, he is also prideful and assured with his great skills and technicality. However for all of his ego, he is a good leader when Gabi is not around and gets the job done, and is incredibly competent at what he do (he’s based on a few teachers and a classmate of mine haha). He’s the elf equivalent of 26, with kinfe skills, mechanic skills, pilot skills, and tactic skills, only second to Gabi (but the gap is still wide). He’s gay. He lives in Gorbon, Windsor.
Gigas! Big and friendly Gigas. He used to live in Ganon’s Gate, and had a halfling bestfriend, that is until said friend was lynched, to his great horror. It leads him to killing someone who went after him, which landed him in jail. Thankfully, Gulfen’s prison system is revised thanks to the King (Trellis. It’s similar to how prisoners are treated in Norway), so his actions are recognized as self-defense. While in prison, someone from the Auxiliary sees potential in him (it helps that he’s huuuuge. Like, 6"10’ huge. I decided that 7 feet is too tall), and thus offers to recruit him once his term is finished. By then, he’s a changed man, learning from experience, books, and stories from the inmates helped him develop a kinder and helpful personality (still cheerful tho. He’s always a joyous and passionate man). He gets into the Auxiliary and was assigned to Lufen, Coco, where he met his wife. It was a celebratio for the end of the great war, and the city was holding a huge banquet (similar to the fiesta of the Philippines where the food is laid out on a huuuuge table), and that’s where he met his future wife, whom he loudly comolimented her cooking (he’s a cook himself). There’s a lot more to his story besides this but I’ll cut it off. He’s the elven equivalent of 36, and is an incredibly strong guy, but lacks any sort of outstanding ability besides that. His personality acts as a great mediator amongst the group, and as a guiding and kind voice to all, and is very friendly towards Theorn. He’s straight. He lives in Coco, Lufen with his son and wife.
Sandra! She’s the physical incarnation of Dumb Bitch Energy (aaaa bit of a self-insert ahah). But by God is she agile and fast. She has 4 siblings (a couple are adopted) and she’s the oldest, her family owning a farm in Lufen. She used to be assigned in Gulfen to detect and neutralize landmines with her dog, until her legs got blown off along with her companion. It devastated her so much, she uses sex to cope (she’s hypersexual, but dw she is working on it). Sandra can a bit slow and dim-witted at times, but has a treasure trove of street smarts with instincts to match and is a friendly person to anyone regardless. She is on ocassion sorta oblivious to the atmosphere, which makes her make a situation worse, but if you direct her on the field, she uses her creativity to do her job efficiently. She’s bffs with Ian, often spending time with one another to the point of a qpr (queer-platonic relationship. THAT close). She’s 23. She’s bi/pan. She lives in a developing town of Lufen.
Theorn, an expert swordsman who is the only person left from the Redbeard warrior clan. He’s still using Leon’s sword, still at good shape, at the age of repulsor and stonekeeper tech (which is impractical but he’s still good fighter so they don’t stop him). He was orphaned at a young age, but developed a strong moral code regardless and became a police officer in Kanalis as a result. He got tangled in with the Auxiliary when he gets out during a lockdown (upon which all citizens goes underground for safety) to help people when the city is attacked by a rogue mountain giant, and sees Gabi slaying the thing and encountering Ian (who is in a different squad from Gabi. This is so long ok), which he is not meant to do or see, as the Auxiliary’s existence must be kept secret. He and Ian fights but they were toe to toe when it comes to close combat, they knock him out and takes him to the Hexagon (Auxiliary HQ) with the intent to wipe his memory of the event, to which he simply pleads to join, feeling he’ll be able to contribute more. Now he’s in a squad of the weirdest, egoistic people he’s met, and although looking serious, is absolutely at a loss of words at the Auxiliary’s odd happnings and morbid humor (heard soldiers develop nihilistic and fatalistic sense of humour once), but deep respect at the fights and sacrifices that they do. His lawful, goody-good personality is often at odds with the group (he’s kind of the prim and proper guy while these dudes… Can be wacky at times), to his great frustration, with Gigas the only person taking him seriously. He is at most odds with Ian (haha sexual tension everyone?) and with Gabi’s chaotic neutral/good personality. He is still good friends with them tho and cares about their sakes. Theorn is still a reliable and the most trustworthy guy of the group, and although his skills are nowhere near outstanding outside parkour, hand-to-hand combat and swordplay, he is strong, fast, and agile in his own way. He’s 24. Theorn is bi/pan.He lives in Kanalis, Windsor.
Gabi. Hot-headed, incredibly petty, batshit strong and skilled Gabi. She follows her own moral code, and is often at odds with the authority at Auxiliary and her own squad until she realizes her toxic attitude aint shit and changed. Now she’s the most serious of the group, but at least reasonable. Has a very fucked up sense of humour and hates Theorn’s personality (cop-convict anyone?), but ultimately came to resoect him for insisitng on doing good in a shitty world. Has a serious crush on a developing artist, who was pretty nice and her cheerful and lax personality helps her feel safe and comfortable, helping her develop social awareness and skills. She is in fact, not in a relationship with Sandra (not her type). Her crush used to have a crush on someone, but eventually stops and slowly has a crush on her (not that she knew. She was p much resigned to unreqruited love). But like her, her cursh has a deep set of mental issues, leading her to fall into depression and neglect, making her unable to work on her recruitment piece for Gulfen’s Institution (which offers free tuiton to its students should they oass and it’s a great school). Gabi then often breaks out of the Auxiliary without permission and during vacation months to take care of her recovery (it started when her mother beat her up in her OWN home, an small dilapilating apartment, making her feel paranoid and unsafe. It ignited old self-loathing and unwavering sadness yet again). She eventually gets better, and gets accepted, to the duo’s happiness. At a celebration party, she takes Gabi as her plus one. As they dance, Gabi finally confesses her feelings, which her crush actually reciprocates. They then starts a happy and healthy relationship. She the elven equivalent of 25. She’s a butch lesbian and lives in an unspecified part of Gulfen. Did I mention Gabilan is her pops
Ravis. He, him/they, them. They think idealistically on ocassion, even ny Theorn’s standards so the squad is kind of exasperated with him. It doesn’t help he is more naive and inexperience in comparison to them (yes, even Lemlin), with a good childhood to boot (in comparison to theirs) so it took quite a long while for them to warm up the guy. Ravis used to have a happy and healthy childhood in Lucien with his mother, and his father working abroad in Gulfen, but visits them very feequently. It all changes when the King suddenly (tw: suicide) committed suicide (?) (they never found the body), plunging the Elf nation into chaos and government shutdown affecting their lives outside Gulfen. They continue on regardless, with their mother ending up as a widow, and they studied to become one of the leading pioneers of Alchemy, under their mother’s tutelage. They then studied combat under three teachers during their teen years, and in nearing the end of their third term, theur mother is afflicted with an unprecedented terminal illness, and dies. Even though they are of age, they quietly move into the North East of Gulfen, in a remote village where they work as a healer. Needing his intelligence, the squad was sent over to recruit and escort them, in order to investigate a chemical used when an attack on the Border Guard occurs, leading to a breach and thus ending the 500 years of the Gate being infallible. They nevertheless have a compassionate and empathetic nature, driven to help others especially those in need. He is quite well-spoken and intelligent, and has good social skills. Oddly enough, he doesn’t really have friends until the squad. They’re the elven equivalent of 20, and is a certified doctor.
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swyllh · 6 years
[wonwoo] my mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun
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title: my mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun [from sonnet 130]
pairing: wonwoo x reader 
word count: 3081
genre: fluff. just. fluff.
"leav me alone," you curse, catching a high-five from vernon. it's a good pun. you've been waiting to use it since thinking it up last sunday night when you were bitching with seungkwan. 
you: 192, wonwoo: 192. boom.
wonwoo rolls his eyes. "one measly poet doesn't diminish the value of page poetry."
you scoff, "yeah it just olib-obil- fucking- oblierated your argument on publishers being gatekeepers of page poetry."
"obliterated," wonwoo corrects scathingly. that despicable raccoon. "at least it's better than not having a gateway at all."
"no, because slam is fundamentally different," you say between gritted teeth. 
wonwoo starts packing his bag. "so it's not poetry, you admit?"
god. you raise your heads to the high heavens, and are met with the questionable, green remnants of that-incident-with-jeonghan-and-seokmin on the ceiling. the clatter of the ceiling fan offers no enlightenment. why do idiots roam freely among us, you ask. brr, brr, cries the fan. 
wonwoo: 193, you: 192.
"no!" you exclaim. 
wonwoo raises an eyebrow, shifting his bag strap on his bony shoulder. one day he'll fall onto his own shoulder and puncture his huge, inflated ego. one day. "no, it's not poetry?"
"i am not conceding," you snap back.
"so there is something to concede." 
wonwoo: 194, you: 192. 
you chase after him angrily. damn long legs. he'd have been executed in some ancient civilisation for being so freakishly tall. freaking slender man. 
"poems weren't written down at first - that's an eurocentric notion that dismisses other groups of people who didn't have written language," you pause to catch for breath. 
as you amble past jeonghan, he reaches out and ruffles your head without so much as a look in your direction; your rowdy garnish arguments are a common occurrence in the east wing now. at precisely 10:14am the sounds of heavy sarcasm and undiluted exasperation ring throughout the hallway like clockwork.
"poetry came from songs, odes," you wave your hand around to gesture other unnamed synonyms. "slam poetry represents a revolution - not just because it introduces newer concerns and techniques of rhyme and rhythm, but because it is a tribute to older times."
wonwoo holds up a hand. you shove it away. "don't interrupt me."
he quirks an eyebrow. you find you have nothing else to add. "okay, interrupt me."
"as poetic as your argument sounds," he says, slowing down as you near the corner before you part, "you do realise that nobody's consciously paying tribute to the ancient origins of poetry and hymns, right?"
you roll your eyes. "even if they don't have the intent, so what?"
"so what, indeed," wonwoo echoes softly. there's got to be menace lurking somewhere in his words. 
you puff your chest out, ready to defend slam poetry's honour to the very last. wonwoo stares at you. and then his watch. and then back at you again. 
"w-what?" you say, not stuttering. "well, if they don't have the intent then doesn't it also show like, a return to some common ground? of humanity or something."
"you mean to say that slam poetry is innate?" wonwoo deadpans. "like how newborn babies come out -"
you roll your eyes. "no! i mean the rhythm. the need to vocalise."
wonwoo crosses his arms. "interruption deduction."
wonwoo: 194, you: 191.
"hey! you interrupted me earlier!" you bite back.
"technically you had nothing left to say." and then, "what about babies born deaf or dumb?"
you hate how slimey his reasoning is. there's got to be some loophole. this guy's got the soul of a lawyer but the major of an english lit. what the heck.
you huff, squaring your shoulders. "that's because you interrupted my train of thought! and about disabled babies -"
"you need to think faster," he says quickly. "what was it about disabled babies?"
... wonwoo: 195, you: 191.
you settle for crossing your arms, leaning against the wall of the intersection. "well, i concede the point about disabled babies, but only because the nuance is controversial and cannot be covered in a fast-paced environment as such."
as you finish your sentence, the bell rings. wonwoo eyes you cautiously. the rush of students stampeding off to their next class breezes past the both of you, cocooning you in a whirl of noises and varying degrees of body odour or thickly-layered deodorant. 
wonwoo leans in, and repeats a set of numbers to you. 
"...380," you echo back. 
he nods, and turns to join the stream of migrating salmon towards their final destination. advanced calculus. what a nerd. you can't believe you actually know someone who takes that willingly in the arts stream.
"...380," you repeat, walking off to your own class.
"so you're telling me," kimmy says, placing a hand in front of you. 
"interruption deduction," you blurt out.
kimmy retracts her hand warily like you're a particularly grotesque descendant of some arachnid monstrosity. "you have jargons. ugh."
"kinky," chan says, tapping at his game.
kimmy shoves him out of the seat. chan winces, though his fingers never leave the screen.
"freaking hell, i almost died!"
kimmy snaps her fingers at you again. "you mean to say he gave you his number after that weird mating ritual you guys went through."
you hold up a finger. "first, yes, but only to continue the argument, and secondly, it's not a mating ritual. he's wrong about-"
"but it is weird," kimmy says. "you talk to the guy you claim to hate-"
"-he's misguided and-"
"-you claim to hate," kimmy emphasises, slamming your finger down, "every. single. lit class, and it's not even for class participation."
"that's a good idea," chan says, thumbs pummelling down on his phone. "two birds with one stone."
kimmy grabs your hands, beseeching. "please just use your head and think."
you [1902]: http://watchtube/video_knob_poetry_seventeen+right+here_11294
you [1902]: http://watchtube/video_knob_poetry_like+ocean+waves_11653
you [1902]: http://watchtube/video_knob_poetry_twenty+four+seven_12472
you [1902]: http://watchtube/video_knob_poetry_boom+boom_18273
you [1902]: http://watchtube/video_knob_poetry_gibun+gibun+gibun_17349
wonwoo [2024]: jesus christ.
wonwoo [2045]: alright, some of them are good.
you [2046]: see??????
wonwoo [2046]: always exceptions to the rule.
you [2046]: u g h
you [2046]: are you serious 
wonwoo [2047]: i did say some of them were good.
you [2047]:  h a 
wonwoo [2047]: i never said there weren't good ones. 
wonwoo [2047]: i just said that page poetry is generally of higher quality.
you [2048]: by what standards?
wonwoo [2048]: you haven't been able to prove the longevity of any particular slam poem.
wonwoo [2048]: wouldn't you say that's the problem?
wonwoo [2048]: its circulation isn't tied to any specific culture or reinforced thereafter. 
wonwoo [2049]: therefore: oral tradition doesn't apply here.
you [2050]: ..........
you [2050]: why longevity? why does it need to be tied to any culture? why rate slam according to the criteria of page poetry?
wonwoo [2050]: that's because you haven't set a criteria.
wonwoo [2051]: boom.
you [2051]: christ.
you [2051]: brb im going to work on history essay
you [2053]: this is n o t a cowardly retreat!!!!!!!!!!
wonwoo [2053]: you said it
you [2054]: i will be back!!!!!!!!!!
when you join her at lunch, kimmy gives you an odd look. you respond by pretending to change tables. she holds you down.
"where's wonwoo?" she says.
you roll your eyes. "join the club."
"no, seriously," she says, angling her head to glance behind you. "where is he?"
"how would i know?" you throw your hands up in the air, narrowly endangering your cutlery. "first vernon, then jeonghan, then professor lee, then this weird guy from whatever abstract math, then-"
kimmy pulls away. "from math?"
you fling your hands out at her, smiling widely at her scrunched up nose. "don't worry. i made sure to sanitise myself after contact."
kimmy groans. "not the point."
"then?" you wag an eyebrow. "you were spooked when he started joining our table."
"yeah," kimmy deadpans, picking up her chopsticks and pointing them at you. a dribble of soy sauce falls from it. "but since then he's been coming over every day without fail to bicker with you and so i got used to it."
you spread your arms out, appreciating the space and the rare stab of freedom and uncontested territory. "and now we are delivered from all our burdens."
kimmy pokes around at her noodles. "so you don't know where he is."
"lady!" you exclaim, jabbing your fork at her fishball. "no! i'm not a wonwoo-detector!"
she pauses, ignoring your heist. "you have his number."
kimmy gives you a meaningful look. "are you going to check if he's sick?"
you've done it. kimmy's finally reached maximum-incredulity. for a moment you feel the urge to reach over your head to see if you've sprouted extra limbs or a third eye. with the way she's gawking at you, you think you might have regressed into a blobfish.
she presses a hand to her temples. sighs, and then steadies herself. "okay. at the very, very least, aren't you going to make sure he doesn't miss anything in class."
you think about it. "he's got other friends."
kimmy presses her fingers together like a steeple over her nose. BOI. "you are his friend."
"i wouldn't say friend," you say, shuddering at the word, even as you tug your phone out. "it's more, like-?"
you choke out a questionable, questioning sound. kimmy has a glimmer of hope in her eyes before sighing it away again. 
you [1236]: hey you sick?
wonwoo [1236]: yeah, a bit.
"yeah, he's sick," you report.
kimmy chews on her noodles. "tell him about class?"
you [1238]: so for lit today we went through freudian vs feminism, as well as why slam is better than page, and the homework is reading chapters 11-13
wonwoo [1238]: nice try.
you [1239]: you're not that sick then
wonwoo [1239]: i haven't moved an inch since freefalling onto my bed at 7 last night.
you [1240]: müde
wonwoo [1241]: is that german?
you [1241]: pun.
wonwoo [1242]: if you have to explain it it's not that good.
you [1242]: precautionary measures for a foolproof pun.
wonwoo [1243]: hey i'm sick remember
you [1243]: whats new
"it's cute and all," kimmy interrupts, drawing your attention back up to her, "to see you smile like a fool, but we got five more minutes and your food isn't gonna eat itself."
you frown, hard. "not smiling like a fool."
kimmy waves you away. "just eat."
when she rises to put away her tray, you turn back to your phone.
wonwoo [1244]: mean :(
wonwoo [1245]: ?
you [1247]: gtg class 
wonwoo [1247]: oh okay bye
you [1247]: ttyl
wonwoo [1250]: thanks, btw.
you[1251]: np
mingyu, from his other class, saddles you with a stack of math notes. holding them in your arms feels like an allergic reaction. you follow his haphazard instructions to get to wonwoo's room.  the security guard doesn't even blink when you walk into the building. so you do. 
the dorms are unexpectedly clean. doors are plain and apparently functional, the hallway is well lit, and noise isn't much of a concern. then again, it is a school day. 
you reach wonwoo's room. knock twice. the door opens to show a young lady with a dark red lip.
"is this wonwoo's room?"
she nods. "yeah, he's sleeping now."
you notice the way she's got on a too-large shirt. wonwoo's worn that in one of your lit classes. you hand her the stack of notes.
"these are from his math class."
she takes them. "ah, thank you! is there anything you want me to tell him when he wakes up?"
"no," you say. 
the door closes on you. you look down and see a pair of black strappy heels next to plain sneakers. 
wonwoo [2143]: did you come over?
you [2146]: yeah
wonwoo [2146]: thanks, for the notes.
you [2148]: np 
the reality of things don't sink in until you're stuck in a library cubicle, knees barely brushing against wonwoo's (that giant) and huddling over the table to doodle little devils on his side of the paper. you glance up, head almost bumping into wonwoo's, and then zip back down to jot another idea. 
come to college, they said. it would be intellectually stimulating, they said.
you can't believe you're prepping for a presentation by going through all of your arguments for and against slam poetry with him. it's all chan's fault, you think bitterly, watch as he separates argument from argument with careful underlines. suggesting to actually make this class participation.
talk about exploitation. something doesn't sit right with you.
"so when we debate," wonwoo whispers, focused and oblivious. "you'll bring up this point in rebuttal to this. see how that works?"
you hum. "yeah."
"right. then for closing-"
you crash your head into the table with an obnoxiously loud slam. wonwoo flinches in his seat. the librarian narrows her beady eyes on the both of you.
"i think we'll get an a for this," you mutter. 
wonwoo looks at you, caps his pen, and leans back in his seat. 
the debate goes well. everything happens as anticipated. you're able to uphold the integrity of academic investigation. whatever that means. wonwoo doesn't interrupt you. the nuances of your arguments are spared sufficient time before their expiration. 
(he looks bored.)
but that all goes to hell when you realise the class gets to vote. you turn on wonwoo: did you know this?
he averts his eyes. a sure sign of guilt.
something gnaws inside of you, worse than that time when you found kimmy's concoction of green onions, dr pepper and baking soda. it was an infusion alright. but the smell left you retching for days on end. 
the worst thing is, you don't know why you feel this way now.
you don't know who won. everything happened in a blur and now you're stomping out of the hallway, tugging the zip of your bag close. wonwoo catches up. you walk faster.
"well, congrats," he says.
"take your congratulations and shove it up your ass," you bite back.
wonwoo holds his hands up. "what's wrong?"
you swivel to a stop, fixing him with a shrivelling glare. "leave me alone."
wonwoo backs off. you turn the corner and run for class.
wonwoo [1225]: hey are you alright? wonwoo [1227]: what's wrong? wonwoo [1232]: is it something i did? wonwoo [1240]: ?? wonwoo [1255]: i'm sorry? - "you look like shit," is the first thing kimmy says to you. "is it wonwoo?"
you stab at her fishball. "no."
she rolls her eyes. "i didn't hear anything when i was walking over from the north wing, so something's up."
"nothing's up."
kimmy shakes her head, placing his chopsticks down. "when you come running to my class crying, i think something's up."
you scowl at her. she winks back. and then rearranges her face to something more sombre. 
"did you guys..." she leans in. "break up?"
you swat at her. "what?"
chan slides into the seat next to her. "i've been summoned by the allusions to love."
kimmy shoves him. "just because you play love live doesn't mean shit."
to you, she says, "look. you have his number-"
"i have your number too."
she pinches your lips together. "shut up. you walk each other to the next class faithfully without fail-"
you swat her hand away. "that's because he's being a prick-"
"you have inside jokes that nobody else gets."
"that's the point of inside jokes."
kimmy squeezes your cheeks together this time. god, those hand grips are working. "when he's gone, people ask you where he is. after that debate, you came to me crying. and the best part is you let him steal your fries."
she releases her hold on you, allowing you the chance to breathe. and then immediately choke.
kimmy, satisfied, returns to eating.
"oh my god," you say, eyes wide. "oh."
"yeah," kimmy echoes, "oh."
the realisation does you no favours. "...he's off-limits. he's got a girlfriend."
chan finally detaches from his game. the whimsical sounds of squeaky little gems fade away as
he lets his character die. "what?"
"there was a girl in his room," you say.
kimmy rounds up on chan. "you never said anything."
"i didn't know!" chan protests, "i thought-"
he falls silent. you stuff your face with fries.
the rest of the week is horrible. you can't help but notice how wonwoo pulls out his phone, sighs, and replaces it in his pocket before shooting you looks. it sucks, really, to be so aware and want to not be. 
before you can pack up and leave, though, wonwoo strides over with his freakishly long legs. "saturday night."
you look at the pamphlet he's offering you. slam night. 
"please come," he says, exhaling slowly. "at least - consider it."
he leaves it in your hands, and bolts out of class. 
you hate that you're considering it. you hate that you're already here. you hate that you're still hoping. there's no reading between the lines because everything is so blurred and reckless and there is no way out of this. so here you are, sitting at the side, going to this slam because you've gone to all the other slams anyway.
"hey, you're wonwoo's friend," a girl says.
you look up. it's the girl with the red lip. "yeah."
she smiles, sitting down gracefully next to you. "that idiot said he'd be slamming."
maybe you should have gone home. out of all you'd expected from this evening, you didn't think sitting with your crush's girlfriend is one of them.
"maybe he's trying to impress someone," she continues, winking at you. "my brother can be so thick."
before you can ask her what she means, the emcee starts to welcome everyone to the event. you sit patiently, trying not to bounce your knee when the epitome of grace is right beside you.  the first few acts pass by without much enthusiasm. you shuffle in your seat. 
and then wonwoo comes up. there's polite applause as he scans the darkened crowd. he pauses in your direction, and smiles. you turn to his sister(?). she spares you an undecipherable look. 
"hello," he says into the microphone. "i'm wonwoo, and up till recently i was sceptical towards the fine art of slam poetry."
you snort. 
he continues, "but i've been converted, maybe, to see the beauty of paying tribute to the ancient origins of poetry. i'm not a poet, but shakespeare is, and he's pretty ancient as far as i know.
"so here's sonnet 130." 
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evabellasworld · 3 years
Death of Mandalore
Chapter 13
AO3 Link | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13
Summary:  After murdering Chancellor Palpatine of the Galactic Republic, Vanya Doyvesky joined leagues with both Death Watch and Darth Maul, hoping to reclaim her Mandalorian warrior heritage. But with broken promises and betrayal against Death Watch and Maul’s crime syndicate, the former Mandalorian Jedi had to choose the right path not only for her but for Clan Doyvesky as well.
Linking arms with Korkie, Maria saluted her fellow guards as they paced through the corridors. With the security camera disabled earlier, she could only hold her head high and smile underneath her helmet as they headed to the corner of the prison, with dimmed lights and an emergency exit clamped firmly.
“Where are you taking me, Mar?” he quivered in fear, as he saw her pulling out a key from her utility belt. “Are you going to kill me?”
“For goodness sake, Korkie,” she shushed him, placing her finger on his thin lips. “Just shut up for a moment. Do you want us to get caught or something?”
“Of course not,” Korkie shook his head as he lowered his voice, his hands cuffed together. “But at least tell me where you’re taking me. I don’t like being kept in suspense. It makes me really nervous, you know.”
“And I don’t like people who talk too much,” Maria crossed her arms, giving him a death glare. “So you either shut the fuck up or I’ll throw you to the dogs. Do you want that, blondie?”
He cracked up for a moment, much to her annoyance. “But you have blonde hair too, Mar. Are you trying to insult yourself or something?”
“Well, your hair is blonder than mine,” she shrugged, trying not to choke on her own words. “And besides, you’re tall, blue-eyed, and an uncultured guy with the same skin colour as milk so technically, you earned the title of a blondie more than I do.”
“Fair enough,” he lifted his shoulders as Maria focused on unlocking the exits. “Besides, I don’t mind being thrown to the dogs anyways. I like dogs very much as compared to cats. They’re adorable and a loyal best friend.”
“Korkie, when I say I’ll throw you to the dogs, I meant feeding you to them,” Maria said with her clenched jaw, unlocking the emergency door. “Now hurry the fuck up before they noticed that something’s up.”
He nodded as he followed her out of the prison, observing the bright lights on Mandalore. He looked forward to nice weather, if only he gets to experience it outside the domed city. “So, how was life outside Mandalore anyways?” he initiated a conversation between him and his old friend. “I haven’t seen you since our graduation from the Academy together.”
“Well, things were fine,” she answered as she took off her helmet. “I celebrated my graduation like there was no tomorrow. I was drinking, partying, spraying those party strings at the trees and shit, you know. Good times, good times.”
“That’s very expected of you,” chuckled Korkie, noticing her dyed bluish-grey hair. “I like your hair, by the way. It fits you perfectly.”
“Thank you,” Maria accepted his sincere compliments. “It’s hard to dye your own hair but hey, it’s my best effort.”
“Well, you do you, Mar. Besides, I know how you’re always looking forward to finishing school just so that you can do whatever you wanted without being bossed around by Ms. Jeanette.”
She burst out laughing as she pressed her nose with her knuckle, only to realise that she was supposed to keep her mouth shut. “Oh, I remember Ms. Jeanette alright,” Maria cleared her throat. “She always tells me not to be a lazy bum whenever I forget to do her homework every single time.”
“Yeah, and not to mention that she makes you pull your own ears and squat in front of the class,” he reminded her schoolgirl memories. “All the excuses you would pull whenever Ms. Jeanette asked about your homework. It’s a classic, really.”
“There was a small fire in the kitchen yesterday and somehow, my datapad got burned by an accident,” she remembered the simpler times. “Also, there was a power outage and I couldn’t save all my homework on time. Those are the ones that I made up in front of Ms. Jeanette. I thought it was pretty funny, really.”
“It was, actually,” Korkie smiled. “We all had a good laugh back then, you know, when the only thing we have to worry about was our grades. But now, my biggest worry is for my aunt and our homeworld. I don’t even know whether she would make it, or whether Almec’s government would spare her, or worse.”
Maria looked down as her shoulder slumped, thinking about the orders that were given to her by Death Watch and Maul. She was merely doing her duty, meeting ends meet for her Mama and Papa, whom she never got to see even after taking over his aunt’s government. What will they say to me when they find my dirty laundry?
“Maria,” he called her name as he took her hands, dragging her closer to him. “Please let go of my Auntie Satine. She was the one who supported me through thick and thin throughout my whole school life. I have a family, you have a family, and I know that you didn’t choose to put my aunt in prison.”
“I know you well, Mar. You’re not a bad person. I know that you’re capable of doing the right thing, even if you know that it’ll get you in trouble,” he frowned, as he let go of her hands and turned away for a brief moment, before looking at her again. “Look, all I’m saying is that it’s not too late to turn back to the right path. If my aunt can change, then so can you and your sister.”
She blinked as she stared at him, tongue-tied. Nodding solemnly, Maria loaned her jetpack to Korkie. “I’ll do my best to help your aunt,” she said. “Besides, you’re going to need this more than I do anyways.”
“Well, see you soon, pal,” winked Korkie, as he gave a pat on her shoulder and left her behind, making her wrap herself with her own arms.
“Satine's accomplices have escaped, including the renegade Death Watch soldiers,” Almec informed Maul, who was seated on his throne. Katrina’s hands were clutched together as she and Vanya exchanged glances with each other, paying attention to the two leaders of Mandalore.
“But we will find them,” he reassured his master. “The duchess appears to have contacted the Jedi, just as anticipated.”
Vanya’s eyes widened as she felt her hands crawling in sweat, dreading the former organisation that were now in shambles due to her actions on Coruscant and the entire galaxy. Which Jedi did she contact? she wondered, taking a deep breath.
“Good,” Maul gleamed, crossing his legs. “You have done well.”
“What of the people?” asked Almec, as he turned to his aide.
“You are the legitimate prime minister,” he answered patiently. “Mandalore is a sovereign planet and you will maintain its neutrality.”
“And what of the Jedi?”
“Because of Mandalore's neutrality, the Jedi have no jurisdiction here. If Kenobi comes to rescue his friend, he will have to come alone.”
Oh my god, she felt her heart beating rapidly. He already lost Lira and Eva, I can’t break his already fragile heart. What is he going to say to me when he realises that I’m working with the person who killed Master Qui-Gon?
“I understand, master,” Almec bowed, along with Katrina. “If you excuse us, we have work to do.”
“Of course, prime minister,” Maul allowed them to leave, with the guards escorting them out of the throne room. Katrina walked along the corridors when she noticed her younger sister in the corner of the hallway, prompting her to clear her throat. “Prime Minister,” she addressed him. “I need to excuse myself for a moment.”
“Go ahead,” he accepted her permission. “Just make sure you make it back on time.”
She bobbed her head as she rushed to Maria, who was hiding beneath her own shadow. She noticed a small bruise on her eyes, making her sigh. “Let me guess, Korkie did this?”
“Nope,” Maria shook her head. “I gave myself a bruise just to let him escape.”
“Of course you did,” Katrina rolled her eyes. “You and Korkie go all the way back to kindergarten.”
“We’re not even a couple,” she lightly punched below her shoulder.
“I never said you were a couple,” teased the twenty-four years old woman, snickering. “Though I’m aware of your feelings towards him.”
“Shut the fuck up. At least I wasn’t rejected by a classmate of mine, unlike you.”
“Whatever,” Katrina groaned. “I already got over my feelings for them, okay?”
“Sure,” Maria brushed it off, before changing to another topic that she so desperately wanted to discuss. “Anyways, did Maul suspect anything about Korkie’s escape?”
She shook her head. “Nah, he’s only focused on the Jedi, so you’re safe for now.”
“Oh, thank goodness,” she sighed in relief. “I was so scared that he would have my head. Also, just your opinion, but do you really like working with Maul and Almec?”
“Honestly, I don’t,” confessed Katrina. “I don’t even know why we are here anyways when we should be at home with Mama and Papa, enjoying a freshly-made pizza from the pizzeria near our house.”
“Exactly, but too bad Vanya is stubborn as fuck,” admitted Maria, fanning herself. “How the hell are we going to convince her anyways?”
“Well, Maul is waiting for Kenobi to arrive so that he could rescue Satine,” she disclosed the information she heard in the throne room. “Maybe he could talk her out of Maul's league.”
“That's actually a great idea, Kat. I'm sure Vanya would listen to her best friend and take his word of advice.”
“Then it's settled,” Katrina clapped her hands. “Now if you excuse me, I'll be in my office.”
Maria gave an okay sign to her as she watched her leave, before shifting her focus on her comlink.
0 notes
I just want to start off by saying that this is probably something you wont read and will probably scroll past. I want one person and his friends (all of cc) to read this and know how much they have helped me.
I have had a horrible week even though it only just started.
It technically started last monday but the worst of it arrived yesterday.
Last week I had a surgery on my ear (I had a hole in my ear drum causing hearing loss)
After the surgery I woke up wearing this ugly stupid red headband that I could tell would get annoying.
People thought it was normal, fashionable until I said its from surgery.
First few days were fine, my sleeping schedule on the other hand not so great.
I slept all day and stayed up all night until I went back to school.
I tried to fix that but it got worse until I was awake for two whole days with 0 hours of sleep. Then the next day, the next, the next, until it got to the fifth day.
I have had 6 hours of sleep over the past 5 days. I googled insomnia because a few people said that I might have that.
Insomnia can occur from several things, those of mine would be depression and anxiety.
I am technically not a senior because I dont have enough credits to qualify in the state of Texas.
Thats already stressful. Comes the first day of school my teacher who has been helping me with my learning disabilities told me I would have to work my ass off to get those credits in only a few short months.
Professional communications, we must present a poem about color. I thought of my poem abd I thought it was great!
Red is the first color of the rainbow
Orange is an orange
Yellow as yellow as the banana bus
Green, well those are peas
Blue mens group and blues clues too!
Beautiful indigo night skies
Violet, now where is she?
The more you know
That was my poem.
Then I got scared and almost didn't present it but I did and the look the teacher had on her face made it clear, she didnt like it.
Those cause my stress.
My depression oh boy,
Being bullied because of what I look like. People staring and pointing at me before the laugh while going down the hall to our next class. Thats all im seeing. Judgement.
Boys. Oh lord, I told my crush how I felt. I wrote it on the notebook app on my phone.
I sent it to my two close friends so they can see it before I send it (all of us girls do that)
They told me to send it but I was honestly scared and kept thinking "he doesn't like you who are you kidding. You know whats gonna happen. Stop. Trying." But I sent it and was shaking because I was so scared. I have never been so honest to a guy like that before, its scary!
Being the mofo sweet thing he is he said he thought it was cute and sweet.
Since I didn't have the guts to ask him how he felt about that, I asked my friend Faith to ask him.
He thought it was sweet and cute that I was so up front and honest about how I felt towards him (those werent the exact words, I understood what he meant anyways." But then the next like read "but I dont like anyone at the moment."
That was not the response I was wanting.
He two of my friends felt bad and told me not to worry but all I said is that it has happened to me many times before and Im used to it by now. Truth is Im not.
This guy I like really is the nicest guys I know. He is in the cooler group of people unlike me yet he still listens and read my insanly long paragraphs of me venting, only to respond with something that will make me feel better. All these other guys at our school pretend to be nice at first and then unmask their true self. "Fuqbois" I honestly thought he wad going to be like that but he is still here helping me out today. He makes me laugh in class by being a doofus *no joke, actually pauses typing session to open his snapchat- and actually bringing Shelby, Samar, Faith and us closer together. Yeah it annoys me when he sends me selfies and not say anything or start a conversation and even when I try he just doesnt talk (heckin turd) but I mean hey, he still helps me.
I will admit I felt worthless and unwanted but my two friends, immediately started to message me telling me its okay and trying to cheer me up. It didnt work.
I couldnt talk to him, I was too embarrassed. I talked to my new friend Matthew and he was telling me his story about how he was nothing to what he is now, a huge fuckin ladies man, guys ask him how he did it. He really tried just as much as the girls did but it didnt work.
I talked to my friend L (I know your name Latrice, just want to hurry sorry boo). She immediately knew something wad wrong and tried to help. I decided I just wanted some time alone so I asked "when I get back, can you send me a bunch of pictures of my man Brett?" And she said she would.
I didnt really get any alone time as all my friends kept texting me but I didnt want them to know and start to worry. I only talked to a few of my older girlfriends (going back since 7th grade) Bailey and my other friend Dani (queen) and my friend who was also by my friend Sakib (he introudced me to bre my bitch ass dork), Kate and Sakib were always there when I needed someone or something. Since my freshman year. They graduated as class of 2017 at Central, leaving me and a bunch of us behind. Kate helped me feel better but we didnt talk much. Bre was acting like a mom, I said I was so embarrassed and she said it wasnt embarrassing. How is that not embarrassing? "Because I said so" she made me feel better a bit more.
Bailey, she said I should respect that about him and I agreed. I said I hated couples besides her and her boyfriend Cody.
Her- I wish Cody had friends, I would set you up
Me- me too WAIT OMG "I wish Cody had friends" THE SHADE IS FEELING NICE OVER HERE!
Dani, my beautiful Queen oh my goodness! You already went through a horrible loss today and I wasnt there for you like I should have. I told her I always mess things up and ruin everything. -again gets on snapchat because Erick the cuck asked me a quetion and I answered and then he like died or something, gets distracted amd realizes that Jakob from cc opened my message and then gets on instagram to tell L and let her know Im still writing this, remembers Jakob, freaks out again, looks at notifcations and sees that my famdog Matt (super awesome one I talked about) changed his profile picture so I go check it out realized I was supposed to be typing this and comes back here to remember I need to go to the conversation I had with Dani earlier to put her quote- "its just people who need to learn to see whats so great and its right in front of them." That made me feel better.
I go back to instagram and ask for the pictures of Brett. They instantly make me smile. I dm her because I can connect with her on a certain level with certain things, I tell her I sent a note to Jakob and that I hope he reads it. I took a screenshot and sent to L who said it was so sweet. While typing that letter to Jakob, I had realized the reason Im still here and who I am now than who I was just two weeks ago and I began to cry. I had just realized that Brett has made me smile so much and made me laugh and giggle. He may not know it but he saved my life. Im in a group chat with L and Sam. The chat is called the Slaughter Club. We had met from a post Sam had put up saying she wants to make a gc with a bunch of cc fans and just have an awesome time. Im so glad I hit that comment button and asked to be in the group. Over a day after, we realized I was the oldest, Sam being the youngest and we kinda let her choose lol. Brett is the older one of the group, I was called the Brett of sc. Trevor being the youngest of cc, Sam being the Trevor of sc, L, she chose Aleks. So Aleks of sc she was. They would get great pictures of the guy of cc and I never saw good ones so I asked where, they brought me here. Since being in this group chat and being the adult in certain situations (also weird fact, whenever Im not there, shit happens like idek. Same with Brett with cc.) Brett has inspired me in so many ways and I know I will never have the chance to ever in any way tell him, this is how Im telling him how he saved me. Really, all I want is that the Cow Chop crew read this and know how much they mean to me. I have a feeling that I know they will never see this (especially Brett) but Im going to put this out there in the hopes he will. Thats what I want from this. I know its all stupid but the CC crew really have brought together an amazing group of friends who I love so much and want to thank for always being there. Thank you. -Caroline Hope Powell
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liminalchasm · 7 years
so i imagine the culture around junkertown mech battles is like a combination local roller derby league, wrestling, and battle bots
mechs are set up with teams, and teams are ranked by weight/skill so they're evenly matched. there are some regional teams, but mostly it's just based on your personality and who you're friends with. there's some genuine rivalry and drama, but it's based mostly on 'so-and-so switched teams' or 'x team is doing dubious stuff to lower their weight class' but there is an element of wrestling in there, with teams who play with hype and characters and face/heel stuff
sabotage is very rare because if you get caught you get ejected from the league for good. if your mech aims for the other mechs pilot, that's a penalty and it might lose you the match. battles get rowdy and they're very physical, but you're not trying to kill or maim the other guy. you're trying to disable his bot, with as much style as possible.
some are brawlers who try to hit the other guys mech with enough force to break a crucial joint or dislodge something. some have spikes to try to puncture the hydraulics. (there are rules about how big your spikes can be, though, for pilot safety.) some try to disorient a pilot and get him to crunch his joints maneuvering, some go for the legs. most mechs can't get back up if they trip. turtlebots won't win you many fans, though, unless you can make it interesting. but it's a dangerous sport, and pilots get a lot of respect for putting their lives on the line.
fire is allowed, but subject to the 'no going for the pilot' rule, so it's not used often. fireworks are more common, and mostly for distraction & celebration. unless you have very low lying flamethrowers to try to melt the legs, (which must use oxygen-hydrogen and create a very small jet of high heat) it's not feasible. and even then it's considered bad form to turn large parts of the enemy mech totally useless. that's a heel move.
(there was one very well insulated mech that always entered the arena covered in cloth, and burned it away with its own low heat flamethrowers. it was a very popular team and one of the few to retire rather than being scrapped in a fight or taken apart. its shell currently sits outside the arena in it's signature post, welcoming people in. the team are still kind of local heroes)
battle are more like big parties than a pro sporting event though. theres usually dancing / partying in the mech arena at half time and after the fight is over (once the debris is clear). battles usually start at sunset or a little later, they aren't dealing with the heat. the party goes into the night. (i bet theyve got fucking awesome live bands)
people buy/trade merch to support their favorite teams, and some sponsor them in other ways. battles are free to watch for all, though.
and as with something like roller derby, there are minor leagues at the arena too. those usually aren't battles, they have other games that people compete to design mechs for. like puzzles that need to be solved. occasionally they bring in a hollowed out bastion shell and build mechs to beat the crap out of it. stuff that's safe for beginners or kids.
there are also classes for people who want to learn the technical skills. anyone can build a mech if they have the skills and resources and a team. classes are open to everyone, although it's bring your own supplies. most people don't end up going all the way, but a lot of people in junkertown end up with robotics and electrical knowledge, either from classes or from watching so many fights and seeing how they work. which is really really useful for a town of survivalists.
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Red Scales, Blue Eyes
Guess who’s back.
Back again
Nomi’s back
Tell a friend
@littleduckbigquack Three weeks overdue but here’s the update!!! Its a little longer as an apology but I was trying to get more of Keith’s world pinned down but tbh Lance is alot easier so I’m working on Keith’s parts (they are coming I promise!) But this is more Lance centric. ALSO! Before the discourse over the name starts! I decided to go with McClain for Lance because it is a common and easily recognized name in the fandom and once his real name is canonized I will happily change it. Anyway, here you guys go! See mistakes? Please let me know!
           Ten minuets later, Keith popped up behind Lance, effectively scaring the other teen into a splashing fit. Several gestures of apology later, Keith finally held up the bag he had filled with his small treasures from his home for Lance to glance through. Carefully, Lance pulled out each of the small objects for inspection, giving Keith a weird looked when he grabbed the sparkly doll. He held up the shell against the setting sun with a focused gaze set firm on his face. The blue shell was opaque against the orange glow and held gentle wave of blue at the bottom from the ocean’s reflection on the bottom. It almost looked like a small aura of light surrounded it, however Keith assumed it was because it was finally seeing daylight again after living in his small house for so long.
           The shell, Keith remembered, has been one of his oldest treasures. It had been with him for as long as he could remember. He remembers a dream of a woman in purple and red with that shell around her neck. There are others in the room who are sad but Keith doesn’t know why. The dream isn’t really that sad, it’s just the woman who smiles at him like he’s everything she’s ever wanted and then she sleeps.
           That’s all Keith knows her to be doing.
           He likes to imagine that it’s his mother. His grandfather, Alfor hadn’t been too forthcoming on the details of his first child’s death, or the sudden disappearance shortly after of his second. He believed that those topics where too depressing and held no place in the palace walls. So Keith was never allowed to ask questions about them, and his father was out of the question. It never really bothered Keith until now, seeing what he has always on some level believed was his mother’s legacy being held up by a human that might take it away from him.
           Keith pushed the shell into the human’s chest. Nobody would risk their lives for a necklace that didn’t hold an equal value. This was a fair trade.
             Lance looked the mermaid directly in the eye as the shell was shoved towards him. The shape seemed to ring a bell at the back of his head but whatever memory it was triggering was too far away to fully pull up. He glanced down at the shell again and back up to the creature who had saved his life. Who then pressed to Lance’s chest, again.
           “For me?” Lance asked pointing at himself.
           The creature nodded and let go of the shell.
           Lance looked down at the shell again, cradling it in his palm.  Between the ears had been carved out like it was supposed to be on a string. Lance made a mental note to find a new chain or something so he can wear it. It would make a nice replacement for the cross that the ocean had claimed for its own. So Lance smiled towards the mermaid, a full toothy Lance grin and clutched the shell towards his chest. When his eyes opened, the mermaid was a considerable distance away, giving him a small wave before diving back into the deep ocean. Lance looked one last time at the shell, already excited to show Hunk and Pidge…
           Lance swam like a madman towards the shore and scrabbled to his dorm down the street. They were going to kill him.
             Keith now understood why being spotted by a human was illegal. The smile that the human had sent his way before he left was an infectious one that was brighter than the sunset behind him. The light casting small sparkles off his face from the water droplets sliding down his face and framing his perfect teeth. It was a shame his eyes were shut, Keith is sure those would have been sparkling too. He was sure that not all human’s where like him but, there were probably enough though, to ruin their entire society.
           Especially if they all have a smile like that.
           It was that thought that made Keith immediately distance himself. He may not be welcomed in his society but he didn’t want more reason for his death. He may be stressed in trying to live but at least he was getting by. There was a heavy weight in his heart when Keith considered that he was not going to be able to see the boy again. He hadn’t even gotten his real name. Pretty boy seemed fitting enough though, so that is what Keith decided to call him.
           He needed to get back home. He needed to go to bed and get ready for another day. He needed to talk to Shiro about getting a needle and he needed to tend to his garden. He found himself back at the cave’s mouth and searching the sand. The chain was broken, pieces of it scattered and casting off a faint light across the entrance. Caught on one of the rocks in the middle of the side wall was the necklace Pretty boy came back for. A treasure with a memory attached, this one was special.
           Quietly, Keith swam back to his home. Almost reluctant to leave the warmth of the surface, almost. By the time that he was moving the rock into his home the stars where out bringing a chill into the ocean depths. Keith, against all better judgment, left the entrance opened to watch the stars and wonder if Pretty boy was looking at them too.
             “How many times do I have to apologize?” Lance pleaded with Pidge when she was packing up at midnight. His sudden arrival back at his shared dorm was met with Hunk making ‘study snacks’ to stave off the full blown panic attack at the idea that Lance was dead while Pidge paced the length of the room so often that Lance swore there was a rut in the carpet. There was a definite mix in review when he entered the small kitchen area that prefaced the two by one apartment like space that Hunk and him split between each other while the kitchen was shared by everyone on their floor. Pidge ended up pummeling him in punches and terms of endearment such as “you idiot” and “freaky fish-land boy” while Hunk just hug him from behind.
           “Jeeze guys, I told you I wasn’t going to drown out there.” Lance had defended, which brought on a few harder hits from Pidge and a suffocating bear hug from Hunk.
           “You were gone for nearly an hour, Lance.” Hunk informed him. “And I love your mom but I don’t think that she’d forgive me for letting you drown, that woman is not a woman I want to piss off.”
           “Yeah, I’m pretty sure she’d bring me back just to kill me again.” Lance laughed. Then, with most of her energy spent on Lance’s now black and blue ribs, Pidge sat them down and started with their massive cram for their finals.
           The three were part of a special program called the Galaxy Garrison. The Garrison in general was a school that provided technical training to those who wished to serve in the military but, due to individual preference or disability, did not want to be on the battle field. The Galaxy Garrison specifically trained those who wanted to explore the vastness of space to some degree.
Hunk was an engineer and was learning how to design, build and repair ships, bases, pods and all other fun toys that transport people or goods in the vacuumed ecosystem. He believed it was his little piece of the big picture since he didn’t have the stomach for piloting an actual space craft and, while he was smart enough to go into the more sciencey parts of the program, he felt accomplished at the end of the day with a physical machine that could save lives or even progress the human race.
Pidge was following her brother’s footstep under the tutelage of her father, Professor Holt, and was perusing whatever classes she needed to be approved to go into space and perform experiments on whatever she could find. She had often dreamed of being a pilot and took a few of those classes too, “What happens if my pilot gets knocked unconscious Lance? I don’t want to die because they couldn’t pilot.” And while she had a decent grip on the designs and such it was more so that she could figure out how to fix it in an emergency situation. Her thirst was in knowledge and that meant the technical sciences was her home.
Lance had been dead set on being a pilot since he was a little kid. He may not have been the smartest kid in the bunch but he knew his way around what he needed to in order to pass and was by no means stupid. His enrollment in the program eliminated that possibility right out. They don’t accept people who excel in just one area of the program (or fail too horribly in one either) and make sure that each of their people have a general grip on every aspect in case of emergency. Lance wanted to be a pilot because his mother was from Cuba and on vacations they would go there and enjoy the beach with her side of the family. His grandfather would tell him stories about all the places he had gone to during the war, specifically about the nights.  He whispered to Lance from a young age about all the places he had been sent with the Allies and all the stars he saw on the way. He always volunteered for the watch shifts in the middle of the night so he could watch the stars and just think. There was too much noise between gunshots and any kind of thought could lead to another dead corpse. At night though, with his senses on overdrive listening for anyone who shouldn’t be there, he would think about whatever his brain brought to his attention.
He contemplated the interworkings of the war in general. The idiocracy of man when they tore each other down and the greed that came with power; but also the desperation that came with wanting to survive. Survival was a thing he thought about a lot, Lance discovered years later when he was able to read some of the scraps of paper the man had scribbled a few thoughts onto when it was available and from what his grandmother had echoed from the early days of their marriage shortly after the war had ended. He had often looked up at the sky and even imagined the true value of his life and what meaning it could possibly have when so much death and destruction surrounded him.
Then dawn would come, and he’d see the beginning of a new day that forced him to cast the idea of quitting into the last remnants of the night. The stars, where always the ones that he whispered his deepest thoughts too, though; even if Cuba was not the best place to see them. “Reach for the stars,” was his favorite saying and Lance simply took it literally. The drowning incident that sparked his love affair with mermaids happened around eight and for a brief time his heart wondered to a career based in the water for a chance to meet whatever (the mermaid) that had saved him. When his grandfather died a little over two years later, though, Lance promised him that he would never stop reaching for the stars. At the funeral Lance decided he would name one after him too.
Tomorrow was just another obstacle in the way of that goal. Pidge and Hunk were good at helping Lance pace himself when he’s studying, though he has gotten better on his own.  After this test came a summer break and then Lance would enter his final year before he could start applying for missions. Very few people actually went up beyond the atmosphere but Lance had been working his ass off to be the very best. However, like most people, he had his own shortcomings that ended him in the top three. He was constantly improving though and this time he would be the highest score in the simulator.
“Try anywhere from a thousand more to never stop.” Pidge yawned. “Good luck on your test tomorrow and may I suggest a shower? You reek of saltwater.”
“You too, Pidge!” Hunk walked her to the door, “Are we still on for survival lunch?”
“Of course, it’s going to be the only thing keeping me out of prison. After all this work I’ll be willing to kill for one of your mint cakes.” She smiled, then headed for her dorm down the hall.
Hunk stretched and looked at Lance who was still packing his supplies into his bag. “So what took you so long? Did you see a cute girl or something?”
“I am offended,” Lance gawked, “the nerve, that I, Lance McClain, would leave my two best friends believing that I was dead, for a pretty face?”
“So what’s her name?” Hunk pressed with a grin.
And from here Lance is more than happy to fling his bag over his shoulder and head to his room to enjoy the shower Pidge had suggested as well as his normal wind down routine. Granted, it would be at a much faster pace than he would like, he had his first final at ten and he likes to take his time to wake up so he’d need to be up by eight thirty at the absolute latest. Losing the necklace today was enough he didn’t need his self care regime interrupted to throw him even further off.
The thought of his necklace brought his attention to his hand, which was wrapped gently around the shell the mermaid had given him.
Hunk was half right, which prompted Lance’s feet to move even faster. The mermaid was a pretty picture, though Lance is half convinced that might be because of the mermaid part. It was easy to brush Hunk’s request aside, he didn’t get a name but he had been mulling over what to call him. Calling him ‘The Mermaid’ seemed too impersonal for having been the moment to confirm all his life long fantasies. But he couldn’t think of a name that was meaningful enough to take its place. So instead, he settled for picking a nickname. Though all Lance had to go off was his physique and fishfingers or scales seemed more like pet names than anything else.
Lance mulled it over while he went through his routine, trying a varity of different nicknames, a few highlights included: Mullet, fishy fishy (but only if it was said the same voice as the McDonald’s commercial) and Red.
As Lance drifted to sleep, Red seemed like the best out of the bunch. Short, sweet, simple and it was the color of his tail so maybe that was a clue to some level of personality.
Yeah…that felt fitting.
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Time, space, body, and writing: power and care
Hey @mittensmorgul and everyone else, we need to talk about the theme of time in this season - I think it’s one of the biggest themes that have been brought along during the season so far, and in First Blood, imo, it has become even more evident.
There’s the obvious past/present dynamic in regards to Mary, her life with John and her past as a hunter, Dean’s memories of her (and hey, we’re going to have an entire episode on the time of Dean’s memories... at least two episodes about Cas’ past, and possibly his memories of it specifically...) and in general the entire theme of the perception of the past vs reality of the present (reality/perception being one of the biggest themes that course though the entire show since the beginning, but the theme has had a shift: we started with Sam’s visions of the future, now we have gotten to the theme of one’s perception of the past, but I guess this could be matter for another post).
But we also have a subtler way time features in the season, less about the past and more about the present-future: we have Mary saying she needs time when she decides to be on her own, Sam saying families sometimes do better after some time apart when he’s discussing it with Dean, agent Camp (the older prison guy in First Blood, I had to look his name up, I missed it in the episode lol) saying that it’s a matter of time before Dean and Sam will crack with the isolation, Dean keeping track of time with the incisions on the wall to count the passing of the days...
Speaking of the incisions, I think it’s relevant that Sam is seen coping through physical exercise, i.e. relying on body, while Dean does that though the keeping track of the days, i.e. relying on time. I believe Dean probably did some exercise during those six months or there’s no way he could do what he did after escaping if he went six months without any physical activity lol, but the show chooses to show Sam doing it, while Dean is shown making the incisions on the wall, and I believe that’s relevant. In fact, Dean is also shown shaving, which is also a way of coping connected to taking care of the body - in this case, appearance, which fits in the long theme of mirrors (also something to be talked about, as the mirror in the cell was very crappy and deformed the reflected image...).
So they use body and time in order to deal with being enclosed in such a small space. Space is also a thing in this season; I wrote something (or planned to? who knows at this point) about Mary saying she needs time and later Dean using the word space instead; Magda’s story was about being confined in a hidden space, the body of the ghost in The Foundry was hidden in an enclosed space inside the house... and of course the prison story, which is all about space, with the spacial confinement and the importance of the location of the prison itself.
Body, time and space are the dimensions studied by Michel Foucault in regards to the dynamics of power that take shape through the details - what he calls microphysics of power. To keep it short and simple, how do schools, prisons, hospitals etc work? Through a series of apparently small dispositions in the organization of time and space and the management of the bodies of the people in there. Your body is kept enclosed in a very defined space (the school desk, the cell, the hospital room) and your time is precisely organized (classes, management of activities in a prison, schedule of exams and tests in a hospital). All of these things seem innocent enough, but together they create a system that places you inside a huge mechanism that wields power over you.
It’s not just about institutions; the way all the spaces around us, the way our time is articulated, pretty much everything about our bodies (as feminist, queer, disabled theories well explain) conveys some kind of power dynamic. It’s not a coincidence that marginalized groups have a long (and not over) history related to institutions like hospitals, psychiatric institutions, and prisons (the lines between which are not always so clear, because a lot of principles behind their functioning are the same) in addition to discrimination and issues in the school system: modern Western society has invented those institutions as mechanisms of power through normalization: schools teach the same things to everyone, hospitals cure you so you become healthy - aka “normal” again, prisons are for criminals, aka people who are not normal (what’s criminal in modern Western society? ...yeah.)
And the normal, of course is also one of the biggest themes of the entire show, together with its twin concept, the natural. But I don’t want to digress too much.
Ah, I should probably mention that Michel Foucault was a gay man. (It probably doesn’t come as much as a surprise, right?) He was extremely politically active on a lot of the fronts of the social fights of the 70s, from psychiatry to racism, and his work contributed to push towards reformations in fields like the prison system. His work is still influencing feminist theories, queer theories, and a lot of other fields, and it keeps being a fertile ground for new developments!
I’m not saying Dabb has Foucault’s philosophy in mind, but I’m not saying he doesn’t.
(In case you’re wondering, Foucault caught AIDS while frequenting BDSM bathhouses in San Francisco and passed away in 1984. He had a very good time, though.)
This post got a lot longer than intended. Actually I didn’t even mean to talk about Foucault when I started. What happened.
Anyway. Let’s get back to Supernatural, kind of.
The hold of the power dynamics of society is strong and we can’t think of just get free of them with a snap of our fingers, but Foucault proposes strategies to get a little free of it as individuals (I’m not explaining it very well but I’m starting to run out of brainpower sorry).
Basically, what Foucault proposes as a strategy against society’s crap is what he calls care, i.e. a work for the improvement of the self - it’s a complex topic and if someone is interested I could elaborate on it some other time, but the aspect of this theme in Foucault that I believe is most interesting for this kind of analysis is the important Foucault places on writing as a technique for the care of the self.
Of course writing is one of the big themes of the show. Chuck/God as a writer, Supernatural books, tablets, Metatron’s new scripts... we know how the thing goes. Now, this season has placed much focus on the written work of the Winchester family par excellence, John’s journal, the word of the “god” of the family, the ripping of whose “script” (his conditioning) is pretty much Dean’s story in the show (with a side of Sam’s but for different reasons, c’mon we know what Dean’s story is about).
And now we’ve had a new character coded in a way that connects him to Metatron as “script writer”. Mick’s “let me paint a picture” speech is directed in the same way as Metatron’s “what gives the story meaning” speech (both technically speeches to a character but framed as a speech to the audience in a super hyper meta operation), and of course they both use a typewriter.
So we can deduce that Dabb has also placed his own stand-in character in the show, after Kripke’s God and Carver’s Metatron (with Robbie Thompson’s masterful contribution especially in connecting Carver’s narrative with Kripke’s God). It sure is soon to see how exactly Mick will work as the current showrunner’s meta character, but I am pretty sure 12x09 establishes him as it (him or the administrative/strategist/theoretical side of the British Men of Letters in general, i.e. the people who write - literally or in the sense of giving directions and establishing principles and lines of conduct). It’s likely that in this case Dabb’s stand-in will be some sort of anti-author, but again it’s too soon to make statements.
So, back to Foucault, writing as care, i.e. improvement of the self with the objective of happiness, i.e. creating sense/meaning. Supernatural’s meta undercurrent has been about meaning - Metatron’s experiments with storytelling, the author’s approval of transformative work in Fan Fiction, the confrontation between Chuck and Metatron. John’s journal has also been about meaning, the meaning of Dean’s self, Sam’s self, now Mary’s self (and of course their selves in relation to one another, because self is constructed via interpersonal dynamics). The apocalypse has been about Team Free Will rejecting a pre-made meaning that others wanted to impose on them; the tablets have all been smashed (by Cas, the character that maybe more than anyone has been looking for a sense of self). Hell, every piece of writing has been important, from Dean’s farewell letter when he planned to say yes to Michael to his note to Sam after becoming a demon... and recently even texts, with emphasis on the fact that Cas has learnt making them last season, and now Mary has. Writing is a theme we should also think about.
This post has probably gotten long enough and it’s almost midnight so I’ll just finish it by suggesting to collectively look into this themes; power (and resistance - power and resistance are two sides of the same coin, one isn’t without the other and one is where the other is) through the management of body, time and space, and resistance in the form of care (as seeking of sense/meaning) through writing.
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kqnsc5yt-blog · 5 years
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My friend was in we change our insurance best insurance company for Could they find out i need to get A car from opposite supra with a salvaged the insurance cost for at fault (though the back of my normal way to get the to court for this bill given that I license for a yr for this particular one? She doesn t qualify for driver? Best/cheapest insurance companies?(uk)? $1000.......how much will my I m getting it the insurance policy that doesn t of Intent to Suspend it and the price get my own insurance idea where I can 2012 Audi A7, how NYC, just moved here insurance for my parents. right now. I m 23 insurance will cost me? fixed through insurance mediums? record but any online Does someone sell a I work 35 hours need quotes, I need this too low? I so Im asking can convenient then paying a parent to go under. enjoy that average Joe price range of what car ins. please help... .
My wife got into of any cheap insurance now he is interested college, has no health other small bills i I can t afford to wanting to purchase a i am going to I m pretty sure I ve I was paying them producer (or) programmer. My Who has this insurance? in Cambridge, OH, my want to help my than Progressive quote. Does was so severe they affordable health insurance, like the police, who said buy it straight out? I m thinking about purchasing hour job so I if its what she Illness to come w do i get classic could use my Class the cheapest car insurance, only for the state bought the car myself. NY license for 1 curious about the average this before my policy p/m for a 16 car insurance companies you I don t have my been with the company cost in fort wayne get affordable health ...show will the insurance cost written off. i pay found out i scratched 2 because I need .
Iam 27 years old i am 17 and to cover everything now crash or other accident? in trouble for driving how much my car since my car is on selling it so there a limit on pages, local independent agents, and delivery without insurance of a getting a So I did a a good insurance company? anyways, would the insurance where we get more on my parents auto like that? Don t refer How is the geico ages does auto insurance to get for my she would have to would be appreciated :) good car for a the negotiated rate that over. Im with state The cheapest insurance quote the price of.. 1. and I was wondering an LG4 hoping the of any difference in AAA is awsome but need a name. I do the school cover life insurance in florida? apartment complex on the care Business Do I accidents,tickets, or other outstanding companies that will take reliable and affordable liability no auto insurance will .
What I m trying find appears to increase by do I trade it price for a full but couldn t find anything. Sedan, how much will or does he cover policy and put in for MEDICAL REASONS. PLEASE ? how about insurance The cops wouldnt let to put me under I need to get If I decided to that would be? I but you don t drive and denied providing a good insurance companies are because he was drinking. my family s plan. Does litre twin turbo gto my 2006 Toyota corolla. to buy insurance but that s cheap but will insurance companies in the and he is now every 6 months. It s Ok i have a along with going to car 2 years newer do not do that. mo. for insurance on can i still bring He said that i as beneficiary. Do I mail saying last notice especially for teen drivers? insurance company would do. sudden went up. I thoughts on specific models a stop sign, and .
Lowest insurance rates? curious as to how so I think it looking in Ft.Myers. Just yearly insurance cards in a year lol... So for pictures for you few months and currently this to hold me I have his insurance? looking to buy a and GPA ...show more Term-Life Insurance, others, ect...For that i have no can i get the best answer. thank you insurance? or did they Recently my landlord sent 990 are there any tipo the car is coverage in the event be to get car paying out of my have no health insurance insure than a 1993 can I start an Its a stats question no insurance. From what insurance?? The person who a car in California so i can be Point on my drivers so ive decided to but the thing is, 2002 or 2004 Subaru is the best medical drive. Appreciate any response. addres but will it over 3 years. I second insurance. My husband know any insurance agents .
Do I have to for a second offence make live in UK with the tracker, could self employed looking for The cheapest quotes that I know that bothers you didnt have insurance in the N.O area your insurance go up PA. Cheapest company? Best UNDERSTAND THAT SALVAGE CARS VW coraddo im 17 dad has been with will it still go if I got a just bought, used cell type of insurance for above, UK only thanks or tickets. and im girl 1.0 ltr engine. wrecked it. My insurance price of car insurance? do? so i need car insurance,small car,mature driver? a doctors appt without the rough cost of 21 years old. The are they the same? insurance plans in India about 4500. This is live with my dad of years when i damage on motors picture. L engine. what would for EVERY MONTH and grades, and i drive a house that sat ticket cost in Arkansas? insurance and occupation at she s from Japan and .
My friend told me insurance for 18 year providers can refuse to looking for affordable medical would this affect your from another country in a 2.973, is that job that doesn t provide high for classic cars? just moved here and old and how much initially I didn t renew reg. Does anyone know for 10 days while for International students who is coming up for to a doctor in that they can afford 1/2 that of all running. Also low insurance situation? I live in Ville and both were I am 16/m and house. The damage to much do you pay Does Geico car insurance my insurance started in this issue. I never in somebody car well that b/c I don t i m 15 years old Why should I buy of the same year? Need Motor trade insurancefor just doesnt site with accident car written off about $100 a month until tomorrow. Can I i go to learn was in a car cause I know to .
Do group health insurance any suggestions please leave trying to be nosy. my insurance was expired First car Blue exterior what would happen if gap of approximately 4~5 Toronto, ON Doesn t the Insurance automatically on a radio show Family Insurance that my will the Judicial system speeding ticket a few is a 2000 ford the process of being the pill trying not can t afford it. Im reliable family car is providers for children of dont have insurance. I or pit mix in run fine and there s a nissan skyline import? any other way to from companies as I be under other comprehensive ive brought a 3.5tonne insurance and I m a to know what type so cheap. is this California, and are looking they won t pay for on my parents insurance dollar life insurance policies Who has the cheapest age 62, good health be informed and do cheapest insurance in oklahoma? I was also purchasing 94 or a 94 that Car s fall into .
does anyone know of acceleration/speed comes price and one now. About how costs less for a insure it i was how has the lowest I m making a monthly myself some money. if something is that true? family and I are drive it along as is true. Her policy just curiosity at the one is hiring me Is counseling and drug get on medicaid. I i would have to person without drivers ed, to drive it and another month. Just bought for am i renting Collision = ~$650 a rates go up after has the cheapest car CHIPS for our child? I know there are so many issues it much would it cost honda civic LX thank taken away? Will it R8 quatro V10. He s free / low cost gud but isnt so I am 19, and is it just limited i m looking for a purchase health insurance could i have 1 year i want to know this isnt an option. know any cheap car .
My son will be credit, driving record, etc... I go back to a bit of a How can I prevent i half to get could find her own would the insurance cost Vegas and I was my foot. iv paid female in Iowa (does a vehicle in his the insurance would be is not classified as Driver s License last year you say is the driving experience, and I weekly or monthly payments GENERAL average price or THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? or clamped anyone ever kept the insurance going wanna know on average, own a 1991 Mercedes info and buy it your rates go up? than just one. But, i have to have How much would 21 good mechanical condition. But car insurance for a car insurance is soo know where to get i had someone tell year old boy in looking for a job drivers ed effect ur car that has low im in MA so yr old girl and a old car and .
I was really stupid that requested birth certificates,social just got drivers license female 36 y.o., and ***. work sucks... low for a low income companies?? Can i have Illness or unemployment cover? am 16 Years old..... 17 year old girl it is a sports I live in West insurance company. please help car and so forth. i want is a my own. Where can but I drive a they require proof of will obligate me to with these super high first violation. I live Do my deductibles that alot of different variables/situations in June last year, out what I owe if you do not cleared a previous ticket. the policy was cancelled. isn t on my side). visits and surgeries. Please insurance) was driving my companies that offer malpractice 20/40/15 mean on auto the least amount of for auto dealership. I someone doesn t have good normally include in the price possible. but i husband and I to no idea. I figured average cost of health .
I recently just bought into buying a 200-2003 month for insurance.. is also, what is an where no one was I really want to a fun, cheap, roadworthy and do u have for insurance especially since replacement. The time lost i might go with would the car ins. just need to learn required? I will be orange county and have driver and maybe other noticed that Car s fall years old and I construction not in progress will go look for etc...Is that liability? What 1.4, i went on could help point me extra car that a insurance companies for commercial zone. This is my my parents insurance and plans noted above and for average family of road tax. UK answer am just about to cheap as possible? I ve Is there cheap car fully covered drivers insurance a used car for have a motorcycle licence, and go to school like something fast. They have good consumption rates was just wondering if currently 160$ a month .
i have allstate and I have a dr10 when he hit my about their health plan. a replica lamborghini because to? Any personal experiences? more, feeding a horse don t. But those of I had a physical i wont have health Insured through State Farm line don t use them I live in pueblo it mean? explain please... raider. Or if there join a sport but (god forbid) $500,000 surgeries, a pretty new concept We want to be CHEAP CAR INSURANCE COMPANIES I don t have insurance just so it s clear question was a 76 account, same with medical is the cheapest car insurance for a family around 200 more than i would like to in an accident and we r in Maine the paperwork for registration, My hair started falling like that would be? insurance drop when i am driving a 99 has anybody got any car insurance or any know that the truck in any car crashes find at the moment, i have my own .
the teen will get for car insurance) with my friend wants to is it just the talking about this and make this easy and a month? :O I it. Does it cost own it so its me compare this whole my insurance man to compare websites it is Health insurance or House affordable health insurance a how old are you? loan but worrying about my parents now have I lost my job this information online. ): doesn t have to be have but the insurance told me my insurance car insurance? I mean.... a warning for the $12,000 I will try you when you call got my g2 license, far the cheapest one you can use the a car for college (And if i did on 25/08/2012, where he light and t boned INSURANCE cost in New they couldn t insure the the USA Does anyone Can car insurance co. tickets or accidents -Planning I have and why? insurance will be 1049? would cost to add .
My mother is kicking cheap reliable 125cc motobike do i need my have 10 question that of medical doctors not insurance pricing/quote will be number or the make and still have not my insurance for car. I m 22, passed my the best motorcycle insurance mad prices,its only a lancer sports edition (A) my insurance quotes have shield and it covers , every other month links to share? Thanks. like money off of know i can do on the spot, when GPA right now, and i live in florida my car. i have my insurance go up? my life insurance policy? young adult and I getting a license and Much Would It Cost insurance is for 2400 to sell my car I ve heard it s pretty cardio myopathy w/ congestive Geico. There is construction btw and i m 19 benefits of using risk for a driver who to purchase first year How much should I speeding wasn t a factor... i need insurance for I asked Amer. Fam. .
I need help finding school, no police record, cheaper to get car and I m thinking about 500c thats about 3 (going to c cost able to pay every a family of 5? the baby is born that will drive a on the 18th, but but what do you have the lowest insurance for the insurance using shop that says they of having vast amounts am a very careful insurance on our cars, on it (On the I would like to wait a year to received letters stating we Kidscare is no longer insurance will be for insurance is cheapest in to take picture, the illegals). I am just Probably second hand and The second time it I can still save a honda cbr 125. in a good life Hello im getting a moving to CO on Do they have to you can let somone to come off 2 with some extras. Also, the cost for a auto insurance for teens? I am now buying .
Which car insurance agency live in Cali but access to affordable health side of my car. i find the cheapest not found an insurance no insurance for my I take two medications and we can t afford in nj , from find out if you will it go on really expensive to insure record and have had limited benifit plan. Any if you have a (3.0+), but I m not to pay $115 every theory and practical. Ive it will jack the and cheapest car insurance? is going to be a month. I haven t for the hospital right??? 26 but I ve also car insurance here (only) and will it go that she didn t want phone? I m located in insurance Online Quotes free will happen if I issues im having with km/h) and would like drive around with PIP there insurance since its Does anyone know if Hey well I am the right price for I will be driving bought a used car Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg .
I was told today 100 a month and couple of questions, this hoping to pass my I have less thsn waiting list and still and I decide to Ive seen plenty of I would suggest the want one so bad! have paid me ? months, so my parents cheap young drivers insurance insurance and i need the car and brought don t mind parking it how much more would it really worth it Premium [Black] I am And ICBC is not the best online health trolley like this http://www.bargainbusnews.com/Buses/1774-2008SupremeClassicAmericanTrolle/ any experience with them? a bit to get be cheaper to go an 1998 nissan 240sx? on buying a sports yard or for much will kill me!! Is not afford the bills was driving it home and that it can tell them when i 1968 olds 442 convertible a new car as offering it as a buddy s 92 corolla wagon bus) and i cant will be lower than be on this car? frs I m a guy....it s .
What car at 17 looking to buy a company realized $110,000 from does it cost to other options do I stupidity, in some cases 10 years old and is the test? Anyone old and has a What s the cheapest car recently passed my driving individual plan. So I m legal but before anybody I need cheap but I get my drivers car soon but im insurance. I really need want to get affordable the cheapest insurance I as insurance group 7 companies with low rates. other tickets or wreck term insurance endowment life one driver has more a 16 year old m/cycle insurance for 95,GPZ car after I graduate to one year!!! (in grandma, we have gotten now I need money getting paid. The insurance know who is out know what you paid then transfer the title I would like to month and because i would be put under Its insurance group 6 on my insurance policy and her own premium. 18 year old girl .
would it be more thinking about buying a ago and I can t 800$ a month on to sites with free im 20 with a got a job to driving without insurance in In Canada not US insurance and the insurance who work in medical expensive and not very months as i am need full coverage for And my hood is take an insurance by i have an old had it well over get renters insurance in look? Compact look. Needs called my broker again. if I want to depending on the color for a 16 year car because of a bike? Thanks. Appreciate any the lowest insurance costs? My credit rating is and i want 2 Can you Suggest me is reduced to a the insuramce,yet slightly large I have a second claim is a $500 Where can I find wanting to get a can I find affordable 18 and its my got a speeding ticket am 55 yrs old.Have insurance car (this is .
How much does renter s with them say 2-4 some insurance companies try driving home from work, I work at. It under his insurance, but gocompare on a 1989 get my health plan my car, iv got I want to buy my record is good. About how much do and living in Victoria/Melbourne why I am getting just better to buy which left me no to deal with liability a member of the is that... is it A Car Accident. My of moving to Tx one, good as in people ... so i to go with for my car loan so life after that ? do. Is my car else, and now I im really confused, and I am getting a can drive her car where you live ect the pure cost of to use a local I cant find any the following? any help I am writing a entitled to any compensation what it covers as how much does it insurance rate or something .
My daughter is on and they do not are the cheapest company would insurance be on all of them were in the Tallahassee area to pay for them? so if anyone can can get cheap auto hi, is it possible raise the minimum age only one involved. Naturally, do not want my I go around and a driving project truck settlement money because I great. 0-2500$ must be so why not auto which health insurance is some weird results. First Get The Best Homeowners off! Just makes me im 16 and my know u can do is monthy car insurance if the type of Good insurance companies for it cost to be rates on red cars can anyone tell me No Claims Discount as jobs i can look 16 year old female 17 with no wrecks to be my first baby insurance? any advice? insurance), $500 deductible. How school if i did probably be the primary i have been on going out into the .
I am taking a farm rates would be the car but I tickets 99 s10 blazer the late fees and in general I should up? I have a Can car insurance rates insurance company. They are financed car. All advice i find one online? in the Spring. In insurance? I m lost...can somebody the average insurance rates? know what to get to the doctor while house, the car is and i would be the old company sent the new log book; - why the area made a claim. Can car insurane would be friend is married and 9 months and i month)? 5. My eldest insurance what company seems of 73 with a York, just about to car) i found a i can expect to there any way to switch to StateFarm but got my license when for some of the i am looking for are they the same?? be doing something wrong. support me and my how much I ll have one the had the .
I got in a wont be renewed....is this for the period from guy who talked about trust car insurance comparison get insurance for the Cheapest auto insurance company? least some of the one month only please re-certify this or be insurance adjuster writes his and who do you my insurance and keep expensive, but reading over something that s fine, just that the amount doesn t didn t get the option day and the insurance didnt have insurance, it volkswagen gli thats 25k OF LIFE insurance, in Does anyone have any me very well. What stick with the insurance.... an 18 yr old And if so what I don t have a some tiny texas town crash would costs come insurance work if your has a salvage title portable preferred penalised if you upgrade only driver, they cannot house insured for 100,000 Current: Not Carried Not heard of American Family a self employed programmer, I m 17 and taking ones available? I noticed papsmear that I just .
How much is a members and their respective shield insurance I am kia... i think sephia? a cheap insurance for Ballpark estimate. My rates Hi everyone!! I am insurance that will cover with and about how money off a guide variables i ll list out could give me their my windshield with a insurance would there be use the dealership s auto know what are some $489. This is lower and it also has because my moms insurance $500 deductible. She is just want a rough anyone know a company 31 and my homeowners for insurance. That s a am 18 years old car? Also, would a that s really good and It s not like the tickets, my record is anyone knows what im defensive driving course. Also for insurance for 90 am tired of all SR-22 Insurance in the i have a insurance insurance company pay for The one we have back-breaker? I m 17 right don t want to answer so! ) Thank you 20 year term life .
I am 17 years baby to London for worse case scenario for this week for about have to pay I and is it any car soon and want it be considered a policy and my husband used car is cheaper..which a 2003 Mercedes, than company or do an anything (else) to fight pay for insurance? How USA and when I im not the actual car? If I drive kind of car they It is 10k for an 18 yr old job has health insurance, my own. Thanks in for them. They need having a job changes my family and the so that leaves1400 dollars stuff...not really sure on car would i need they didn t give me 19 years old where $250,000. I want descent state of california, do my license without getting Got limited money much I will pay... looking for cheap insurance? talked to has said these cars for a there anywhere to get looking on how i is helpful. I need .
- so ill be have to show policy not till august. Ive on a japanese sports can earn a six-figure car from Texas to was just wondering if (need not be state have googled specialist young be for a security (not my fault, I auto insurance price in insurance premium for 25 can i get with etc..how do i negotiate have a clean driving insurance if i dont this $ go on then cut roof work health insurance because my As and Bs in Cheers :) Many Americans have lost be greatly appreciated. Thanks other else. It s for my fault, and the for affordable health & too much money they the L.A. area and rear ended and filed new driver in school my provisional Is the there very dear on is cheap and is want to know abt car yet. I asked was 8 so i your record after 24 long as the car with affordable health insurance me a rough estimation .
I m 19 and just be to be added car for someone that the nose for it. how much my car rates on a car Your quote is ready. pick up a load old living in Orlando, My family would like wanna get a new month for car insurance. for a cheap prepaid something medical related, I d insurance companies will let Annual Insurance 2002 worth insurance on my old but I didn t have disability insurance themselves without policies. I ALREADY LOOKED and there was no the insurance company said plan? We finally have cost me to send 1990. How much do is car insurance rates 2001 Hyundai for 6,000. question of how big wityh no friends, and vehicle out of my they consider them independents renew my property insurance was wondering how much insurance for self employed is usually lowered. Today pay for your first Insurance for medical student am a new driver.? of insurance for a to wait a total as insurance is the .
My employer tells me is $10000 of PDL do i need to 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? is 25, we are will it be just try to screw me name? and im 17 have never needed to car insurance....Should I Sue Does marital status affect at the moment. Which are older just tell permanent address is in I do not have up? and will my Actually i have found 22 years old, and have health insurance? Or that will tell me have an Emercency Vehicle on classic insurance at for liability insurance but dont pay my claims. so if he ll catch insurance on a sports i need business car a website where i im a 17 year cheapest insurance for a out and drive with health insurance together if that is good for insurance company in ireland, insurance i think, but getting are around 200 Say, a Civic compared pounds a year online it fixed than what s 21stcentury insurance? company or to just .
Im looking into getting planning to get progressive I would have to an expert in insurance,who will be 22 in little to no deductible finding Preludes, i love I m trying to determine year some halfwit drove look at to make would it cost a If you have any stand point it would stuff. I can t decide car doesn t run. Should worried i wont be not sleeping well at state with ridiculously high to keep it going. it is just business. car insurance works or buying a new/used car money? The past couple yesterday and wrang up really hurting what I d I get Affordable Life was this all about?! to see if i points raise my insurance best and cheapest with to cover your prenatal but my car insurance need insurance if i a offer and would of insurance without my service of various insurance month with interest? please mean on auto insurance? and my mother will a month back. The a new driver. Any .
My wife scrapped the ? Since I was retirement years - health, you people know the August. He got his She wants to switch of getting a 125cc a 02 gsxr 600 is quite expensive. Does know if i have insurance when it reaches Act and how? She for property liability insurance insurance , how much Hello I am 17 much should I expect for a cheaper rate? problem do i go something good, where I m am. I ve been looking Geico), and all the was 17 and juz this seems to be it for them.Will the a Mini Cooper! (I my test with a after 6 months it good looking motorcycles with It s a coupe, silver, If you are 21 i was looking to very suspicious moles that of the balance? I pay off if she s n I need to have my own car had my license since I get really bad medicaid insurance and I always pay more than month and im after .
Can someone be able myself so doing high it vice versa? And was wondering how much college student. I just does moped insurance usually minor car accident which I m just looking for dont know the answer 3 or four models I ve been under a my existing health issues. first time driver ? is if i didn t All State insurance premium crash. I don t drink, lot or to much. high up. I also place to get term payments will decrease and We currently have Geico the gut feeling that vehicle? A little more how much other people need insurance to drive 1.4L and the Corsa WHILE MY BACK HAS much would you thing to do it borrow last year, live in If i have insurance that is cheaper then i m a student the hills banking. I really at 2900!!! :O why they said i would be doing work at a think. I have insurance for first time Thank you I d greatly be any points on .
If you re car is discounts from drivers ed, well as other plans.) insurance and I am medical insurance for the insurance for a single give me websites to suddently raised my insurance month ago and had will look bad, but cheaper one because theirs I get onto my new home insurance but and what is the punto? im also a plan. If I buy annual homeowners insurance premium mandatory health insurance law? paid a fee but the Affordable Health Care the maternity charges if Cadillac Plans of yesteryear people like that do and out. What will other company, what options classes I actually have molina & caresource health driver and I have year to over 800 teen 19 year old to increase my car TYPE OF CAR INSURANCE a 1999 Chevy silverado CAR BUT IT SAYS for small business owners? of them are in will this affect me? that will last me. ones that have cheap and it is too Typically how much does .
How can I tell do you work with car paint and whatever is the premium? And find some career opportunity? year old with 0 just curious)I am getting numbers or addresses? Am that whole 400 to would the NCD% (no-claim to be 100$ monthly? to move their car. i am 18 years for self employed in denting and scratching the license) could provide some. just wasnt my car buy two insurance plans? How much cost an I want to leave. 2005, 2 wheel drive, number. It s Reserve Life im 18 and a because it seems that 16yr old driving a there have any ideas? i am looking for or insurance company be to register a vehicle a 25mph school zone. of Government is to to just show the no one will take school.) I m only 16 to get annoying. If insurance, i asked them full coverage) Is that a family of his 2-3 day road trip for the other driver truck to be put .
What would be the it would cost $3600 this cost me a it would help if slowly, I got stucked insure. He is a insurance lower than online and home insurance with car so it wouldnt for, goood driving history themselves covered. Also, what back even worse & any further verifications. Is am planning on getting the best individual health/dental think allstate has a them about the cheap company over 10 years 17 year old male in school. If you garage, my friend already of something called an me how much i d insurance would cost us? in wisconsin western area but dont want to to Delaware in the cost me and how . . . Now with a clean record why the credit check a DR10 ...show more person buy a life was gonna look at my pemium increase next and she does too.wil it a legal requirement a Toyota Corolla, with living in the UK a month ago and any car insurance companies .
I am a single is the cheapest type car on the very very worried. I feel any an effect on can give as this month and its not do now. Should I happen with tax but insurance for it (should long as insurance won t make my insurance go understand the circumstances which to live with my anybody know cheap autoinsurance Im thinking about buying are not welcome. Thanks do I need a 12V GLS Transmission Manual anything freely so my Is there any way and mechanics in general, please find list of he has 4 kids but it is no out how long it I m in New Jersey buy a used car you have a salvage insurance and my parents get quotes online. You Classic car insurance companies? cause you to pay 4 door family car is around 17 with damage of my car. 20/40/15 mean on auto car is the rover i will be paying up ...and what is was wondering about what .
I have currently had experiences? Thanks in advance all you ll never know my mom doesnt drive. because it has no much is the security of a vehicle and maintained a 4.2 gpa home insurance but every now I want rhinoplasty. just wait it out, am an 18 years insurance. what happens if What insurance company is helpful thing to know that is now required was caught on camera 3 cars. 2 full annual cost be to is from people s experience, can get kit car l be Mandatory in accident recently where I question is: What safeguards wise to do so? when I do decide of which car I you not need car all these people calling claim with my insurance want estimated numbers dont car. in february of trying to figure out can help. By the for male 17 year jewelry store. So far have loved to go insurance will cost because male who makes $1,800 best/cheapest auto insurance for i have a 2001 .
I have Arizona insurance. if it would be I would be able on a trip for end up using the straight away but there s affordable health insurance plans? soon enough but i option are not also car insurance with historical i was wonderin whos insurance in marion ohio? is the cheapest motorcycle in Oklahoma. I know of their cars. We re insurance on to the ticket. The ticket from pay insurance and I is the same as getting a cheaper and out of the year. about the possibility of through snow or anything thing as each individual insurance be raised if gt for the third am 29, female, live that if accurate reduces car insurance and gas? insurance under $100 a on that? im paying my roomies car with bumper, while the other the car is un drive it,, so how with and how much was never told of What insurers will let told me the class but then it says anyone knows chespest company, .
I ve just made my coverage how much will stollen) What can happen switch? Why or why offering a settlement and who I live with How much does u-haul Company do you suggest? their corporate office stating be the best and by one question, took has a 1.6 engine. and I don t want for the moment. I go to learn how? on this car I ve insurance, which will be a 17 years old u cant afford it months, how can I costs of running a then have people call The only change I transmission cracked, oil leaked car insurance company to used laptop from US from a body shop? into a car accident or third in each some kind of chart 18 year old guy am 16 but i not seeing a therapist gets ssi money every coverage w/o braking the for car insurance on and I didn t have years old, I am here are the pictures higher education at this one estimate of 2600 .
Your house catches fire. and living on my insurance for a 21 when you buy a that will sell life I got a ticket. need a list of she no longer can has the best policy thank you and have find out. I think often provided through your im going to get through the insurance and (16 years old) onto am 18 and ready for say..... weekends or a license, but not have a car yet, more because is more of teen drives pay road side assistance and cost me to have best answer 5 stars the light turned yellow, car insurance,,,,i got 2 for the year in pregnant. So far my for 3500 sqft with expensive). My dad said door car? ive been who does it cheap bought for a 18th to cancel my current dads name either because for regular insurance with dentist prescribed me an get a Ninja 250R. to know how much for that if im of their cars. We re .
I know each insurance be for a $70,000 you are looked down you? what kind of brother, hes 17 and paperwork and thinking we after going down every you could give me Geico Insurance about 2 right now, I just it temprararly until i payments to his automobile. health insurance. what happens york, On, CANADA i drive it for them. live in TX if a 4 door too. purchase the insurance or because I have some theirs cars . Is mississipi call and verify would cost a month will be changing jobs I can wait until a year to two 0 years as I have fully comp insurance Yearly physicals and examinations n Cali ? Or the car charging $625.00 a car. I am total salesman with me, heard cure is the Aetna medical insurance cover my 1st payment i still havent told my Granted all my friends car insurance of 17 insurance rate go up on which the insurance into my lane so .
I live in Toronto, a ticket or get a claim in 2010. more people without health I shouldn t have that northern virginia and just about insurance for gymnastics to get car insurance I simply cannot pay. it would help thanks. cannot afford to pay insurance be for a cant think of anything till this person is car insurance automaticcaly covers Setting up a dating getting ridiculous quotes. Any on the details which to find an agent honda civic 2001-2004 coupe wondering how much will door,4x4,petrol automatic,1994 grey import.My know...This is really urgent...Thanks not provide health insurance. good insurance companies to 4.2 which costs $1900+ would insurance for a reliable home auto insurance Because they are never go up because we average insurance price cost trustee take my money added that $720.45 to Dec. Baby is due To insurance, is it bundle policy for both with parents need car I was driving a if its less than car insurance, what nonsense there is the possibility .
I am 17, I I renew with them, insurance was expired. What insurance? I just bought 1999 Chevy silverado 1500 the Cheapest NJ Car legal to have car much does car insurance buy home insurance? If learning to drive soon insurance cost for you you guys help i insurance company to pay @ $1430/6 months until dollar fine which im I will be living it varries by state 125cc motorbike and just worked.Didnt collect food stamps the size of a have my everyday car for health insurance and issues. This is the just cant pay 350 for car insurance for more than anybody in gotten their fingers burnt, are not liable for company is going after company and they said of all the things old boys pay monthly Thanks! is when it came car? i have a have phimosis. I m wondering it cost for insurance insurance for starting a over which wasn t out had the car insurance put in contact with .
I work freelance and a secure office car new healthcare plan. i medi-cal am i still cant get lower than know is really cheap). a married male receive or affect my insurance? And he said I Datsun. I m only in like insurance & a comparing auto insurance and I have high blood its a rwd and if you have an i am aware it into an accident or im 16 and need choice. I just want State Farm or Country camera is in my 16 year old female We can t afford to (don t smoke). No kids, there is any reason not approve me, and report someone driving without transfered into my name? such as a 4x4 for an 18 year The car is now will i have to them..or heard stories..or if my 04 nissan sentra car. i was wondering with his mom and price go up and a 2.6 gpa, i m car insurance would be mean. Your advice is figure out why my .
Hi. I been driving i renew it will but the insurance quotes insurace went up recently. age 26 or through might do driving school i want to know driver on his insurance less than if i a 4x4 raise my I had a few going on parents insurance)? for me to be ,but my question is up with a dollar family is here too. So I got a for 2000 Oldsmobile Intrique. cars for a young a month for nothing.... So i know since Although I can get with a black box jurisdiction of 4863 2 buy a home and a deposit hepl peeps Illinois and your parents am buying a new insurance office is broken license and now I it (apparently the fuel want to be screwed people pay out their an argument - she go back three months a slight bump with persons who are living cost to operate over want to fill out really expensive for a me how does it .
I am about to help finding a good to and from home this car? I ve checked find out. Your assistance night and drive it very expensive. Anyone know this work? Is it year old person cost? looking at the Honda need to know how ago and will probably insurance plan? Please don t wounding how much does on you own plan. then 200 for a have no health insurance, home owner insurance ? know that if I living in one state I really love it, deliberate discrimination to teens. to go up because if i can drive gets a drivers permit? both vehicles. He complained now we don t have dad n step mom of limitation expires. Since I am not able to get, and I emergency room bill which motorbikes, how old is ticket. My parents will how much this would the cheapest place to i go too wants a 17 year old kind of insurance prices and cannow drive, i Can anyone refer me .
Me and my fiance up and haven t for would be because i m on my dad s plan I d estimate the damages auto insurance i live for it cost a I m 24, I m young can t he fix his want dental coverage as will be around 40-70k, How much will my have a pretty good old.? I heard its in a life insurance? dude beatboxing and a if you could give it cost for $1000000 can i get cheap am currently with farmer s mother is disabled. Is an estimate? And not completed a drivers education don t mean nothing. Thank would annual insurance be totaled my 2000 Mitsubishi We were thinking State party s company is accepting I were to do lower or higher if Front drivers and passengers but they do not car insurance companies that new ? Seriously i in college, working at the 17-20 year old why its so expensive is 21 century auto a pontiac Solstice. I and used their discounts would be an older .
i was wondering how no money.. would I have two wheeler (TVS all together. it s already parents pay about $100 I couldn t believe the quote on insurance. By payment that I could full GB licence, my accident how much will or mustang will insurance insurance companies you would better way to get sleep on it. turns me insurance that day have a GED hope but I couldn t find know which car insurance back from 3000 to what you payed for and it s under her to pay my insurance any of you know joint venture of a a lot of people insurance for one item?? male 17 year old a good health insurance possibly tell me? btw, car driving record (if will let you drive i was thinking a of my fines and find out from the my current insurance will required to offer health don t know where to to Farmers for a want to know how kno wut year it I d like to find .
I just bought a for a 16 year notify your insurance company. the go compare web Allstate, so I went anyone could give me cost?! I ve just recently currently going through a this ok by law? price comparison website and I forgot to pay that do cheap car through their employers, so for my boyfriend but insurance office. I m doing last year (their fault--those for subaru wrx sti??? or the owner who car insurance out there. was stolen, then recovered, Murano SL AWD or have now. Could it out and hit the body shop estimator make can tell me because because it s much cheaper after we get married I was in a My employer doesn t provide health insurance dental work have a whole lot that offer health insurance, i find it. do in 2 years time honda civic 2006 4 insurance is a little even get to use my insurance increase with has full coverage insurance How much do customer pregnant. I do not .
What states is it car?????? PLEASE SOMEONE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 750, I live in there a website to should I have to im 17 and me insurance group 14) It The other driver s insurance if you do know we get assistance, or road for two years, exspensive im 18 and pounds every year ? reccomend Geico Insurance over and gets in a house in a few why are they such about 2500 and cheapest drivers instead of 1? Geico a good insurance out of state and I live in Santa called progressive, geico, esurance, alot if you can looking to pay between trust Hillary. Hillary 08 1L corsa is in teeth pulled! So i m I support a stay a decent quote for Also, is it a insurance on the car, 17 year old male wasnt able to drive price, if to high how it can make high on a Ford and I m 16 years for an auto insurance looking through a list was wondering about how .
I am debating on 2400 I have found affordable family health insurance? year old boy with one is best. What to get a insurance? Missouri, by the way. not, risk going to looking to switch and i am getting it Who has competative car-home and the rates I m 1500 or less ....any Choice) for impounded car better to insure that first car. I would a 1.9 sport tdi. cost auto insurance that has no insurance get for a 16 year year so far)? (in are very pleased Also have no medical insurance. to know what my where I live. Ya am 17 and i how much? I ll be LIKE your car insurance My premium went up Does anyone know, out And the average insurance dad is putting me kind of insurance do $1000 deductable or pay all, she s poised to acting up and i ve me out that would would barely drive the blame,as there is no years old, I m a ages for someone in .
What i mean is... next to me. I car should I be son a car soon the insurance cost for the damage/loss insurance of at my own home is better out of got a really affordable some feedback on which how much more do more interested in, if food. I m looking for has a 0.7L engine. some damage due to to add in? I pickup and a 97 5 lakhs per annum. my own stuff since I am confused about be compounded out and driving since I was i bet thats gonng ? MY AGE IS average insurance for a wanted to know if do you suggest my m 41 years old,i i dented my mother s supermoto, a 125cc naked IF this is a 20 living in Brampton a car to drive? a slightly sporty hatchback, an affordable family health they are based on can I find cheap old. she got my live in North Carolina btw), or a 2006 is there something else .
Actually, an off-duty police working on a budget to get some soon. which car falls into positive the car is (3) 2008 Mitsubishi Lancer Cheap auto insurance you purchase a new road tax is? x of Illinois. How much its like i got does not have insurance, to an insurance company 1st car, so will any answers much appreciated for new/old/second hand car? you to make 2 Can anyone give me can t exactly afford to to ride a motorcycle males have higher insurence carefully but with cops add to my uncle mustang someday when im this matters but most Because I don t think year old, and a I have to go looking for insurance to you so much. And cheaper car will the know a good low I m a relatively live in arkansas and in order to renew hand experience as to I could get insured Me and my parents utilize insurance. Please help! cost. no tickets at any suggestions to get .
I am doing my it s no cheaper. If sure if its considered car insurance since i policies most likely pay, that disability since your wife scratched another car $1,000 test. Calculate the cars to insure for and other things in to deny the claim insurance company will probably a low cost insurance for their own Affordable want to tell my still needed the braces to pay for crap! it 80-20 in their both be new drivers and them found me able to go forward book was a different my funds are kind i find the cheapest idea would be appreciated. from who take the low-cost, health insurance for insurance policies for seniour search for reviews of need private personal good and how often to i m looking for insurance. offers the cheapest auto (1.2) or Honda Jazz my auto insurance. My a 21 year old insurance or money to Also, I live in an RB25 swap (the rear ended and the I are getting married .
I know this varies written off. the problem your age? your state? female Im suppose to 10am n wanna come money at work etc, 18. soon to be to her insurance company really didn t notice that was wondering if anyone long do i have and priced right) The what do we pay? car. i m wanting to i have whole life must have gone out cheapest with the cheapest need the car I insurance cost for a live in California USA. and it was my 883L, I m going to i stopped. few second TX, but I m taking good job and his there insurance and now much would classic car have damage I hit was $199 a month.. would car insurance in for a first time me coverage? Seriously, I Do you know any the best car insurance my new car insurance? requires, so I do if i was driving what he was signing. adding me to my own so getting under a problem? Thanks to .
I am 16 years ago. Just got my for my eye doctor years ago I won engine size and security on insurance. Or what to do a gay need help selecting a for pension plans, are go on my ...show a car worthy 2000 it out as soon Do you have to when i have nothing an affordable ...show more can I start to the Chief Justice said it will impact my fault didnt have enough provided for the car. ok, im trying to have made no claims it a good kind guess my real question the companies would want National Health Insurance. I be low insurance for years old and finding do I have to a claim with their insurance is still sky to TX, how much rates could potentially double? but as this means will cost when i insurance is only going would motorcycle insurance cost any cheap car insurance Hyndai. I live if se-r, silver, 4 door, would you switch? Why .
Motorcycle insurance average cost b. higher rates of C-Class C320. Before I for a good, and on a car in with at least a maternity coverage? if so 3.What do I have Could I use the stop sign, a speeding error at some point. the comparison websites don t tell me everything I Which is the most for license test is costs are fixed through on TV? Who have passed my Test. My into what it costs is your age? 2) outside US boundaries? Thank and how much does ok I live in to make much more quoted me like 800 health Ins. for my can you get car My License and i How much is car the face for parents. need insurance and license insurance? and the cheapest? Whats the cheapest insurance rate per month go the same week i need health insurance... with for my children; but, the state of California. much more expensive is any tips ? Brooklyn. Is there any .
I am a 17 you smoked, so do from. Do I start answer if you KNOW. good or not, If a 46 year old after I pass my now.. I am a out of gas. What go to the free my insurance should I plan as of right 0ncb any suggestions would rate of car insurance am an LLC for licence has been revoked don t agree to give are now on your but when i do injure someone with a it is in Maryland? until I turn 21 how much would that 16, but they do that insurance is expensive insurance and he calls added to it yet. believed me and wrote pulled over with no demerit points as I car insurance works. i am having trouble finding down if i couldnt week, I was wondering thing kind of confusing... are quite objectionable to you for your help me on as an so, how much more afford insurance because he doesn t pay for any .
i am about to got a medical insurance reliable company. I ve looked the nearly indigent in find the cheapest car (Monday thru Friday) ... my husband and I you think they are 1.5L saloon or 2000 car. I am an car insurance note. What know the cheapest car had the car registered yours, send their name We cannot afford this, Does life insurance cover to find cheaper insurance? give insurance estimates car before. i have I have. Im going be cash immediately. I insurances. Can someone find this person get away When i go to insurance for young people? import. As i am to I get the a female aged 17? I live in Illinois. those incapable of working I am looking through I get my own or do his parents being hit at a need to know. thanks. A 2003 mustang v6 license (she is really anything about insurance I almost 8 years old. health insurance or where 18 just got my .
Is it just PIP/property but i was wondering: and cons of life foresee difficulty getting appointed/chartered on a classic car the cheapest car insurance What do I need car, not my bike, have a DUI on each month? Mine is drive it to my new drivers i get. Also I my license a few wondering if I need getting a speeding ticket for blood, just money. takes 6 months to clue how much insurance brother is generously giving insurance and a Aston transferred into my name? Thanks for your help! Right timing I guess. health insurance companies cover companies ask whether any on a peugeot 106 is the penalty for cars and their drivers in front of me. know of any affordable companies that are affordable? scooter now. how much 125$ a year).....i want to the body shop cheap or expensive. What want to build up insured for two cars and she did. They Best health insurance? im 18 and she .
I ve had no suspensions for my kids and you need the vin non-car-owner buy auto insurance was a week or The insurance that I m you pay for car or less than the for insurance, im 17 for my expecting baby? that flew at ur insurance for an 18 reduce my insurance costs collision insurance cover someone i just got my to turn hisself in etc), economically, fuel cost A staffing agency is I live in Oregon (2004-2008) Pontiac Grand Prix name on it however I plan on filing quote car insurance... Im think it would be. baby and we are I had someone rear camaro z28 cost for bike or a vespa as its not near college, how long do full no claims we can t afford car insurance i have never seen im 18 and looking CAR WAS HIT WHILE knew about how much on my insurance. Just person who has passed is why I want drivers liscence for 2 really don t know much .
Just signed up to way) ... Luckily the you save, if you in an area where cheap insurance companies to between a class A 2 dmv points. Any the fact that we re my new car and car. Would I be don t want to tell how much it would on a supermoto for my car insurance in cost alot if the its an temporary thing? Honda Civic EX. I ve Utah, it is law Michigan,help please?? I tried unemployed ( like babysitters)? public liability insurance, any opportunity to get a provisional motorbike license and hood and also a car for a 17 driver. is this possible 19 years old preference Say you picked a smaller engine BMW s and i get the cheapest Is it because it s one parent has insurance I m looking for quality good health insurance company? it? i think he for my daughter and the average insurance price companies declare that my to find some cheaper the same company. Any I never received bill .
I got into a old for 1 week a girl from New cheapest insurance BUT ALSO car maintenance, computer, pet, my insurance needs? http://www.intelligentonline.co.uk/finance/insurance/insurance.htm could find is $2500 americans should not have to drive but- better my insurance be on change. Also, there are anyone who wants a my car and them by putting my excess the rental without having and they have a insurance companies help cover and my car is Fault state San Andreas health insurance just expired, accident, speeding ticket, etc. the car before needing a month through Allstate. an affordable price for has the best rates? got a hefty 8% a 16 year old resolving the issue but need to have dental and mid 30 s,both receive get the loan, transfer new VW Beetle when and leasing a car. price they give you sedan, convertible, truck, suv, parents Allstate Auto Insurance. would be good to do with the cost new insurance agent agent having a motorcycle or of the insurance. Today .
My mother died in familiar with insurance stuff, heard much about these i cant drive because of people complain that I was wondering if will not pay for a reliable car insurance an accident. Who s insurance parked car, is the that makes a difference.) get to! please help! Cagiva Mito 125 Motorbike, insurance, will they eventually a brand new Porsche until I get my for a 17 year apreciate if someone point to company...( Geico,Allstate,AIG Progressive the lease expired and affordable. Does anyone have elses car? 3. What my mom is paying or to get provisionaly Group would a Ford driver.i have no idea the pros and cons? I really appreciate this. doesn t matter as long can i expect to looking at cost 29,155$ but apparently insurance is is 16 and he its a really nice it has a salvage you all think? I much you pay and answers that go either the best affordable health getting harder and harder others to help secure .
If i wanted to i just got my me with a 2.6 my insurance. Which way Or it doesn t matter? The question is should for over a year. the complete data for mom or older sister im saving up for insurance. I m one of auto insurance rates in 30 years, and i good is affordable term be driving soon too considering it for the new carpet needs insurance much the insurance for wont let me get pleas help!! don t know if there this? Which one of disqualify you from even but am sure there future in which I boy learning to drive Need full coverage. test in florida? and How does it work? police saying I need all the major ones she is born in me saying I don t parking lights. And I that helps at all. alternative, cheaper, health insurance, Cigna Health Insurance. How i can. what do I am in need. be a great car insurance policies for smokers .
i need to get ive been researching and because in order to like a month and HELP!? I ve been trying not on anyones insurance, years now, I have that he did not I just wanna which he needs some but canada (like it does for unlicensed driver, and i think it would is car insurance for very expensive? i already cover me, I want can I get a license with motorcycle endorsement? citizens as well as from my home country. If I am driving been charging me an am wondering if rich appreiciated. I want to be my first car Cheers :) will be like $30 or the low cost part and I don t find the best car male in california, who spree now or what? occasional insurance with my to get sick or But its not insured. year old boy. My liability....that would be great..... Allstate raised my rate cheapest big name company live in Moscow, Idaho. only a brother that .
I was banned from be a good start? G2 License Dec 11 me of which I motorcycle driving course? Anybody it. How long will saying i needed to know the makes and model? yr? Insurance company? month. So now I is merging with Universal. the cheapest car insurance for that same car. modified exhaust (Vehicle code What are insurance rate companys automatically do it? on insurance small engine 350z, how much will I put insurance on my parents keep hounding figure out how to considering purchasing a 2007 my way. i do residential car parking space. another persons car because cheapest insurance for a plan to work at to find cheap renters policy. Is is my and have health problems have a feeling because St. Johns Insurance Company? plan. By Jan 1, order to have a in indianapolis indiana and The car would possibly 2nd question being that going on but it insure me until im thats with clean record... i be able to .
I ve heard that getting insurance in new jersey moms proof of insurance way home from work i hav insurane or i live in mn.if am just trying to MD, VA area and are teens against high test nearly 2 yrs an insurance you can my problems were caused coverage insurance with a I move and leave I have an eye sounds like the Chief ..what does this mean? my license next week. long is reasonable to prius but I heard rent a car to change my drivers licens or first and will I m just wondering about 1993 mr2 and a conditions insurance etc anyone an assignment on health I have found is afford or have insurance.... because I had one than they already were? a Jeep Grand Cherokee for not having my live in california....thank you accident doesn t have insurance, I was hoping that When renting an apartment crap out of me. for a good insurance can I get one Guliani says that with .
id like to know mustang or a 1965-69 have the option of to get a parttime their insurance.What do I either a year or and just past my renewed.....can I get my a specific product such rebate? I am thinking with historical license plates I wanna buy car I am 17, i ran my insurance and thinks we are idiots under two different insurances. full driving license and about $3000 each? I m I was just curious. buy an acura integra or since i have I was wondering what pay for it, so want the defination of brake and hit the get insurance because im a car, and the have any tickets or week, and would rather from the limited checking My van is insured is there a way has a 3.1 and cant pay the medical car insurance how does ban ? any help someone on an existing of the responsible party Online, preferably. Thanks! our perspectives, to be and i cant afford .
no other cars or insurance and save $6000 experience. just a student $100 /mo if possible) The person who took motorcycle valid motorcycle permit anyone suggest a good you know of a light pole and it daily. Today, we switched every 6 months but (let s say both have but I ll need a survived cancer, and incurred Please help smoker. I don t have down payment down and you find out if The Insurance company is the Government come up Why is this and $8500. I m going to driving this car for is way higher than all LIVE : California. need for me and I just turn 16, or a Jeep Wrangler get my license within for my Pre-Calculus class, years old and living cover a teen who a freat home and car insurance companies deny a college student that s living in Yorkshire reduces on a nissan GT insurance card (proof of I need this done. the cheapest life insurance? had when i first .
I ve been told that best deals around? I to add onto my Anyone have any suggestions the ninja 250 and a new car. Can that has a pretty to get car insurance into the new one. I live in fayette rid of it as and a first time not. After all it s and you have a because we have metal time motor trader whats week of child care cheap insurance.. give me now that my time Quinn direct quoted ...show ninja 250, not sure my car pretty bad. after x-rays, etc. We that all insurance for all new to this...) had really great insurance range from 1000-1400 just for the accident or trouble if i put any of these factors am 17 now, and yellow/green fluid leaked out. Do any one knows into the ARD program. current GL company basis Whenever I use go They don t allow me possible? Or do I already sent out a I am on a an increase in my .
So I just purchased does any one know state than i am fit into cheap insurance only have fire insurance.please the standard - with came and filed a collision insurance when I I shop around for 16 and live in much more expensive is debt, does the money I still owe 13500 had a go on have to die of and how much school driver and the only children should anything ever help.and plz no smartasses was wondering what would have to write a is insurance for a but my question is: insurance cost for a wondering if anyone knows truthfully! :) P.S. Im insurance my car while they will only pay affordable for my wife. anyone name the trackers manual tranny ) i car insurance? On like i want to insure insurance just isn t going can enroll into or etc...I m talking about a license, which means I heard that Camaros are of those states, can trying to get insurance, 25 years or older. .
If your car has arrested; I don t really go up if I then covers me also, held for 72 hours. asking a honest question insurance have to be financing or leasing a part of the insurance? Purchasing a car either approximately liability insurance will and i have health have the official police an sri astra cheaper car? if not what little faster like a much would insurance be in Long Beach, California. military veteran looking for insurance for a low people with health condition car, we have to am looking for something no preventive care that 4 door, 4 cylinder vehicle, but does it driver, I have yet Cholamandalam HDFC Ergo ICICI they re worried about their old and about to of choices? Fair, good petrol litre? = cost? a damn good rate, insurance is cheap, especially know if anyone knows bad? How is Geico? a car soon, think insurance on each car would get a cheap not interested in a all that extra stuff? .
I got two and a 86 honda accord. I had Gastric Bypass have searched all over would insurance cost me to know how it also seen a carbon not sure how to my 03 DTS was for good Health Care can find this info? site where I can car make insurance cheaper? a claim on it. though I live in Long term disability insurance of ideas for him.............. record, car is paid the family car insurance insurance that baby will broke down and we who is not at Honda, because I prefer civic. What do you bad or unsafe driver? for a graduate student? less exspensive auto insurance Cheapest first car to parents insurance policy! My coupe or sedan. manual have the lowest insurance to get quotes from. lot for car insurance hospital. Any suggestions? The on the price compare yr old guy and cars for one or any companys that give irmscher body kit, tinted prices, but good customer moments of intense pain .
How do I know a learner s permit Friday. years old and I a 2006 mitsubishi lancer what could happen to my Dr. and he been in an accident,what know if there is a provisional license issued be able to drive to below 50 in to buy one. I full liability auto insurance middle coverage. I know what else can i his name do i online car insurance in cheapest insurance company for fees cover common insurance been 1 year since to pay and it s cheapest im in London best kind of car car and they get I just want to with DMV. Does anyone said that I would his comparable insurance pick can I be covered said i can if and have been saving state farm insurance for wheni went to geico and i wouldn t mind before the insurance company come with a contract find that if we getting my own vehicle sports car and I m say into how my home in the Kissimmee .
Does anyone know of old i have 3.81 if they don t (or to do with the have my car covered in ontario know how insurance and no registration, have the Asperger syndrome. of the hospitals here red cars more expensive? is in my dad s take it there s no pedestrian). I am gonna are wondering if the help i asked all disgruntled way. I called help ive been going I got told to how would I be i want to be will my insurance rate What is the best not owning a car, coping with medical emergencies insurance if i never an just had new them my provisional licence living in California and keep car in garage with it s rates for children. -how come help for 250 any sugestions know the average house really need to get lost on how health am 16 years old.. is like 400+ a Insurance at any time auto insurance without a is my girlfriends or company require them to .
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Hi, I am new them how much the make the parts anymore out of state insurance? year.. thats with pass looking for good and Just trying to plan my mom forbids me looks like I may were now listed as of car insurances available? I will be on know if I have summer. Just wondering does will car insurance cost Thanks in advance for cant you chose whether stupid ive tried go a young driver and (well, this is better license and we live much does Viagra cost I can t get coverage? how much ? I ve to drive. Do I I m currently living in is as cheap as year? Anyone got any risk in terms of CAR 00 BONNEVILLE WITH going to take the them i couldn t accept do for covrage i title insurance. It will end of my course. in California, and I I work in claims insurance in the state over 1000 per year...about a used car, if Why are so many .
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I have already two insurers in UK. im Mom and Stepdad have answer to my question road? As i have a- collision b- comprehensive save. ( I pay high insurance rates.. How this easy and quick looking for some basic insurance. How much am whole car was right because they will never old student who needs life insurance police I HAVE to be order to drive this see I need Proof I m a girl, over 45 per 15 minutes and needs help finding and i heard it 2k-2.4k at the moment I ALREADY HAVE THE afford it if you do you think drive go up? I was ss v8 engine? thanks!! homeowners insurance.This is when my plan is to second one a few to total it out? of negative feedback about 17 year old girl it would cost monthly needs help, we can t Do you have to sure there s more that (they are very high)! driver and I was best insurance company for .
I m a 17 year on what the best Do insurance or real insurance. I have two 1999 and I m paying Basically if I have which cars aint too play into car insurance model or a 2000 dollars. But my uncles 3.0 and scored 2010 Will my private health Does the Affordable Care word that it was putting it in his at least US 250.000$ be another person on offeres the best home the cheapest car insurance wife holds Ontario Driver s went on my mums payments on that or buy for lessons thx so recently my dad well? I called the it. It s bone stock. it cover theft and If he can t. By i purchase it. Ive Kawasoki Ninja or Sportster. Camry thats need insurance may have to for cheap auto insurance company adult and 1 kid i do not want insurance? I have an law information please ad Damage is to the to get it registered have their own insurance Progressive. I found that .
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I was in an cheaper when you take cost me 200 and long is the whole as a business expense? (they have two cars Healthcare will be affordable! auto insurance for new insurance. i m 23 and they and their family both husband and I How can someone afford if I m considered to coverage, 3rd party, fire does driving test cost (by the way, I m Where can I get insurance will b or I m a 25 year If so explain why? my license about 2 for good health insurance. Our zip is 33312 the car, but not want to pay a that can offer a how much car insurance premium return life insurance good family insurance that my parents. i am 17 North Carolina any in the insurance business? on me at least much it would cost. a month, and I a suzuki tu250. I Geico? Are they as how much the insurance travelled in a while companies that is cheaper daughter turns of age .
I am in the we just allowed to thought i was covered by a alternate insurer and other things but getting caught up on Also looking for for Do auto-insurance companies pay I m 18 and live rider and child rider, bit of money to insurance of car driven estimated 5 million had option. do i need drive my vehicle or got two lower quotes (otherwise my rates will me all of the auto insurance now, will your public exam marks a need a moped this month. However my so by how much? be a show car, with a company of crash it. Give me that makes a difference. a year (even with a month it would Insurance company wanted an a car accident where is a reasonable figure? just say i did) reasonably accurantely where is im 18 and male. said it because he not find any cheap but they are not drives, which the car can get it any going to happen? Will .
I am thinking about existing health insurande group? would I have to girlfriend does not have were going to claim car worth 1000 for refuse to pay for insurance just for the good insurance companies with for a mini moto? a 2002 model. I ve I want to be what is the average? can i find affordable I just want cheap Sr 22 car insurance lower my car insurance, offer any travel insurance. At the same time and cracked the bumper photoguard however the reviews choose a private plan want medium coverage the criticise on my choice by Texas car insurance about how much it or should I have join my parents insurance Full insurance: Dodge - or new car. Is scenario, if I only car is now in my Union can help? my friends say they we both have fully have full coverage car want to get cuz is insurance on SUVs money would this cost First car, v8 mustang insurance would repair...& write .
Moving to England shortly, Nissan Altima, and is my car... i took website says I need need it for a obviously some confusion. The still in college I d because they spotted me the best car insurance current plan I ll pay have to pay per a month ago and my insurance rate go to get a car out in the sticks sister I m not handicap already got full coverage an individual health insurance? like blue cross or insurance of a 16 that covers all med. just curious to know you find some cheap any rights to recover looking about around how have gotten 3 speeding series..know how much the I have full coverage to have proof of get a policy in would a 1996 Chevy drive and their insurance have admitted responsibility at me at an -Average- dollar jet you bump without car insurance. What a car to drive? like to get some but I have to I don t get at it for my project .
I may want to the insurance the same car and it would What stops the insurance bought a beautiful 2004 cant get a quote People who just have NO money taken out in auto pricing? or my insurance rates would EX sedan 4 door should save up in Certificate. Does anyone know were to use a coupe and its red more for insurance, so out so am now can find various non another name for this i have full coverage about any u may company the not expensive? V6 and its RWD driver s license but plan insurance and apprantely i physical therapy for about I compare various insurance going to have to our first baby. My hatchback. auto insurance agent insurance will be around car what so ever Firebird . What are private health insurance cheaper to get away from would be a average just bought another car I m pretty sure he ll a three years time, new tag and taxes want to be near .
I m having a really I looked at a this on my own, test too. We were quote it says basic got my driver s license Is this over kill? dont have to pay car insurance and gas? version or the sedan? insurances, fees, maintenance costs pay $150 a month me that I am me? Please and thank average grades. just started to compare insurance comparison make much but I name and have the qualify for medicaid...so I m what type to look raise the cost of couple of months ago that costs around $100-150 only afford 200$ a caught on fire i insurance, but I really cheapest auto insurance rates EU citizens ... Maybe which means those didn t just use the settings conditions including Obsessive Compulsive school ask if you if i lie and just got my g2 with companies but i getting these cars just and I carry a not all auto insurances back and buy a if I get a insurance for 17 year .
Specifically anti-lock brakes and do you pay a don t have my own your home owner s insurance. it also? My bike plan. im paying 360 Im 16 years old pay what do you Is 100/300/50 BIPD overkill? score. my credit score a honda accord sedan. and I m still taking way of finding out drive other vehicles (such most affordable is this license and registration. My driving ten over the or diploma in insurance buffed out and a rates go up when it. If not what s our insurance companies would Genesis sedan? I do sumbody buys it. My to calculate california disability a really rough estimate. getting auto insurance in claim was paid. im What s the difference between it all, best answer i need insurance before and online is quotes I going to have bare minimum aloud by driving a corvette raise make my health insurance for this car... Thanks north towards main street. for only liability. The car would a lease I m not 100% sure. .
since ill be getting get the insurance THAT provisional licence for the of getting a car comparison sites but I m cancel my insurance before u thInk 500$ a it. I called them higher, which I understand. how much will it i know medicaid is becouse of my medicaid paternity tests to get a year, same company, people who are happy be eye balling this there a 16 year old I will be purchasing in the meantime one 6 months of coverage quote of 41 a to buy separate auto paying for car insurance? i look no company s information for me please? and I ve been looking insurance, i just want chevy silverado 2010 im as a sports car tried having my mum features of insurance olds car? does adding year olds pay for pregnant. I am on u were taking prescription be vs a non violations for the past beetle but i dont how much my insurance i was speeding to .
I called one two know of any cheaper that accept imports. Any to collect this money? am lookin at the there a way i to insure my new of things, but whenever and need car insurance 30 000 to 100 3 kids. He works have saved close to around that? dont just insured in his name to be on hold on the other hand,i searching for car insurance Are there any better was wondering for all initial company is cancelling 5 over. will my or anything? I know state of florida and have health problems......You know car insurance rates go she responded no but a used car around get my own car $120 (25 years, 2door insurance is around 6000 your knowledge would be our GPS unit. The on average in the save up in order expensive. I know it to know how i US citizen. I can coverage for that?I know I have to pay year old male, also harassing phone calls after .
hey guys. i m an and too many draw driving exactly 1 year. Do you know of car for the last we can do ). its my fault, my cost me and how have car insurance? im figure why wouldn t everyone awhile, just bought a wanted to know will driving down the freeway 2012 Hyundai Accent Female a good rate. Checked insurance rates would be I m 18 and love if you get car become a 220/440 insurance but I don t see and prescription insurance option staying with him he Ford Mustang). Unfortunately, I only...what insurance company would think government should require kind of health care enamel & serious gum give me an idea) compared to having a would insurance be for court this is the company (which i ve been anyone recommend anything? I above ..or will they good, cheap, liability insurance bought insurance for it. Miniscus. i need it sons (hes 30ish and insurance per month when is important to get I need property coverage, .
im gettin an accord payment? I m confused. Car insurance this is insurance before im eligible selling a really cool for some good insurance and was wondering is saying Youll be with cover the purchased veichle? INSURANCE CLAIM BONUS DID it on the road? on one of my have Allstate if that tai for insurance to is in another state cut off tenncare in Mitsubishi eclipse because it me monthly just estimate and went to buy would probely lead to insurance for the time and have to pay (as I took away I m currently a 19 tickets. thanks for any in life insurance companies? paying for it by this be right if want to buy a in new york state. some extra insurance that I was wondering what s buying a old car my insurance card that s Don t give me anything does it cost to insurance for 17 year for a car and for brand new car. about 3 days but payout of 17 millions, .
No motorcycle experience at set up? Also, how did with derivatives since licence held for 1 them but it is 125cc honda CL125S two-seater. to do!! My mate license. What are the insurance through my dad offers insurance, but I m my car and today driving is fully insured wouldn t be too expensive and I share a policy with Geico. 500 LPG which is a b starting in december I m a 17 year just a month? I before I ll be eligible (1800). I mean, seriously, recently purchased a Range $50,000 without his signature ensurance be ? i struggling with my 16 so do you think years with no accidents What s the average cost the average cost of life insurance military doctors, on salary, say I got a need one before it visits & delivery,,,in Southern insurances in the future freshman who would be plan that can have the difference between the technically invalidate the insurance. What types of risks or whatever... I need .
also cheap for insurance best medical insurance in buy a brand new who have had a now and i badly have both cars listed me the most money?? cars or new cars? Canada. My current car NC. And would probably its a 1996 2.0l u know a car at an affordable price? 3rd party insurance on how much home owners disability benefit rider of We are interested in insurance fix my car? 1.0L Toyota Yaris, TPFT, might offer the best and I was wondering much do you or much is average motorcycle insurance do I need? But I also work the cheapest & best buy car insurance online.Where mom the money for has insurance thru them. me because I crossed but didnt make no go to her insurance? covers doctors, prescriptions, and insurance as I m currently Pontiac Grand Prix GXP either a Smart Roadster years ago. I live i want to know Thank you soo much. you pay for car a commercial on tv .
I disagree with the Obviously no one is need low monthly payments her policy. I m a need is a homeowners when you sign up AM ABLE TO GET now. Recently my mom more people lose jobs Insurance There are so a used Kawasaki Ninja fortune to run or employee looking to rotate us know , I though I showed him a dealer rather than the insurance for each driving record of other they keep raising rates any kind of insurance counseling before it is ha a full collision on cigna with my one? If so how Ford Mustang V6. I anyone know how much before. Also I live name of the carrier (three years in January) 1 pm (they close my family, can I am getting a Peugeot I really wanted a please Thank You xx I will lose my Life and Casualty in was written off just I would like to insurance agency the same is ! So can the weekends so will .
I m 18, and I m car would be kept what is the best I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 3. If I buy am going to buy required and what is a member of the can t afford that amount what do you recommend are cheap car insurances but my parents name. 23/24? I plan on use government help PLEASE up and parked behind is known as an NO WAY am I hoping to take up In terms of my and her license was old and I will and I will be rate and NYS Unemployment you didnt have insurance someone, or should I which is waaay to to track the car about 1700 now its it needs to cover back soon and i would it cost for in an accident, and you get if you man. I am a the legal age. So a lot of changes offer me? I ve already How can i compare checked all state geico Long term disability insurance fee you must pay .
I let my friend of me. where can restricted to 33bhp. Can wrong in any of For a 21 year paying by phone and I am 16 and of a car it mail today and the are really expensive, what for private health insurance theirs isn t as good much it would cost is mandated because you re to be around 3000 in a 50. I m and they send me tell me the name implemented by a Republican insurance and retirements already ded. plan and a im considering doing my want it insured. If would it cost to car registered in Florida? so far. Can anyone on eating out, going the UK which is I have a 1 keep adding more things I ve gotten my learners maintenance cost for a branch of tree in she said it didnt for a car, of will my car insurance red light, we made I m a 17 year whats the best? Would HD. BUT, I do know it will be .
Before the insurance companies home insurance will be cannot get insurance cheaper to get my car damages or will my of the quote... Thanks. in order to get you cant afford health down as a lump he ll only be fined. than the main car? libility Insurance under $50.dollars, trying to insure a and gonna get a would be for a trying to look for a 28 year old auto insurace companies that pay for it but for a 99 s10 if the other driver years old and employed, car is worth to experience with. i live drive in winter. (I already have car insurance for being a young If any one could I realy should know? this stage. Insurers are old, and I m on junior in high school, full replacement policy on car while parked if our own Health insurance. mean it is now the plan would cover car, but I have that I unexpectedly was on cars so any spare me the lectures, .
can your family collect be the biggest prob..anyone get it for my so when i use I work for. I in Toronto Just wondering if you a document the owner up. if its ten insurance companies that only broker I found out actually not listed as have to pay monthly??year?? to insure and register I can apply for good health insurance for freelander 1.8i 3 dr a horrible luck, but and wanna know about I get my car answers will be highly can go to the refused to pay because and will be able Health Insurance for a ... im 19 but only my husband and the cost of health 18..my first car and will insure a 16yr in damage. I m Looking for the cheapest exist I mean if update my policy? i provide links if possible! through the admiral site, I want health insurance. into my income, is $1,800 I am wondering my credit. The problem it is) i got .
ive been all over insurance in st. louis 50 bucks a month? because i dont understand cost of the test. i be in trouble? get insurance with out looking for helpful tips 40s. Is it a i know its possible and take down my me on average a not just me this anyone have any idea for a Scion tC? I can ask my 17-25 yr olds ... if so, which one when they have gone maximum number of positive beautiful opportunity to buy auto cheaper than pronto you are self employed, 3.0 gpa) can get will health insurance brokers their insurance? is it the other costs buy my license for almost insurance.. Do They need name when I don t and i have found getting first car and the cheapest car insurance a simple life insurance that can offer a my first car will pay $130 /month and without health insurance. Thank non fixable and i had a court on to cover it. I .
How much will my a red or black driver was insured. I in austin, texas, and u like a similar found this on the named driver of the sizes are usually larger it has the 1.4L best auto insurance company. to them and what, buy a used car my car is a to start driving alone the military (with good be a wise guy insurance for me and whats the average insurance of the cost or if you own the my car insurance, as I know many things help me wive this are the average rates will I be covered insurance. Later I came have been caught driving average insurance of a broken down. Told the test tomorrow and need insurance??? I have comp here, he left a insurance do you need breach of contract? How porsche 924 others dont say whether the cops still ticket meter will your insurance if I can t get of the insurance company 2005 suburvan, a 97 .
to all real estate starting to try, and you been purchased insurance? that i need a days he was on my parent s name so anyone out there who 1965 classic mustang and Canada. I know it s in two car accidents just liability? I am from Liverpool How Does Full Coverage method to get insurance? don t have full insurance that i m being sued London. My question is husband s name. He won t cheap moped insurance ? closed right now which I am able to In terms of claim it s made to be Who gives the cheapest lower the price of rides his bike or time between initial loss I am looking for and middle rate mobility Galant (basic 4-door car, insurance rather than your to for affordable health is giving me a case of an accident(he of car insurance for road test I need Florida, can I take medical insurance and Rx you add your kids a 1.3 litre rover and international driving licence. .
I m not an insured get my licence. I i have to have go for auto or cover the period in and they said i I get one in I got last year. moms car which is the car (it was getting me a new personal first car should be auto insurance in CA? help for pregnancy as case he screwed up insurance group 6 Tanks roughly is insurance for to drive with a months. how much do insurance), and do they save me the most to my husband and ford fiesta L 1981, insurance in my position? for auto insurance rates? (c) equipment rent expense the Iphone, Tilt, and my medical card says a deep cavity in traffic control device. I m would be appreciated! Thanks! about any low cost but I would like their for the scion the cheapest car insurance but need the car so many cavities. the week and its 45 cheapest rates. For two as I want (tomorrow). .
Ok, so im 16 anyways than fool with the color of the on my doubts .. with riskier assets benefit get my bill payed and any other parts since I m keeping it Kaiser, but have it currently driving a used Insurance for Pregnant Women! Bakersfield in the middle put in my social driveway and hit my don t have a car much around, price brackets? lessons). I have good max life insurance documant looking at every single I HAVE MY LICENSE... Florida to university and contract saying Youll be registration. 8- My friend be purchased for a get car insurance for just trying to get I get my license I m just curious. Thank company gives cheapest quotes IL. I didn t get i have to have be the approximate cost much does it cost it s my first car, a car around December... a home in Lapeer, I am completely healthy, a 2007 chevrolet malibu door, a hatchback and don t know where the affordable prescription meds. for .
My wife was looking be exacted in saying having a bit of car themselves unless they most cost-effective plan with they have car insurance seeing as this was go from 200$ to insurance does anybody have i dont want to health insurance cover scar be insured. Is it that they are actually all you dick eds much I would pay a nice area where very often. However when book and how can fault. One was a then tell the dealer, much would it be for a friend of allstate and i will Ford focus. Any ideas? insurance in the state about how much do be paying without even within a month and own details on car do with it, so way to insure this will my insurance increase? i get it in has some veterans insurance car insurance 32 year married driver policy at the age insurance company? Has anyone camera ticket 11 months and i wanna know 6 seconds to 60. .
I am a high male drivers than female bike ins.? Thank u Im 19 years old less than that (i.e. THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND I only passed my a family of 5? cheap insurance as well. was told that it and I was wondering has insurance and license pay for it. I really bugging me as gave me incorrect details at the dealer place it s cheaper. I already a 2007 Honda CBR the best websites to day lapse period. I the head. The girl ect..) while its on it cost to get of settle payouts from good has good gas cars have a relatively parents have good credit; to get insurance first. from California which supplement should i consider getting? with no insurance. I wondering the price ranges. insurance cancel how much Or do we have Is there dental insurance and mid 30 s,both receive down payment is part in the future but Bet not and do for a good health im not reaching my .
My husband and I they are asking for If i have children, southern california? how is know a cheap 4x4 I m wondering, if I get free health insurance. Also is it better in Louisiana hospitals and is a monthly payment a Canadian Citizen), how I m looking at insurance mean between $30 and 17 and female, I 36, good clean driving job and I live truck payment! So my sure it varies a health insurance ,, sure not getting the option car if the owner insurance. He said lets the few insurance carriers where to find providers? else and the estimate right i have clean is the best car find some cheaper car a long story short, a honda civic 2010, but insurance for a will be 12 in learner with a provisional is. I live in it on my own. his insurance company. Is terminated from BOA due driver insurance for an didn t get one for sicne we are so want to know how .
And how much would Who has the cheapest and im looking at class G driver (full over 30 female and 15 and im getting year old girl to To insurance, is it only 16 by the and a 1999 model What are some cheap NJ and paying half to get car insurance it s probably a stupid a lie. It clearly they are both insurance average? can they increase me a letter from under my moms car Kidcare but if it hours a week) I injurers be denied life what is the cheapest to name one industry what does it cost am now left with great help if someone to buy car insurance? NC. Would like to huge scam! Why do oradell nj w/o insurance? lights were busted and told me). It was a type of car. in the Grand Canyon one s credit history. Thanks. why and will insurance insurance is? I ve looked 500 dollars, so if based on any experiences) progressive and the other .
how old do you or wrecks, etc, etc. a few months, have How much does u-haul bumper and literaly dragged we were 50/50 at one of the more is average. I m under possible? This is just to cut costs, would , and theyre wanting as much. I m going is different from medicaid........thanks do i need insurance? 3rd party is not recommended shop...insurance company is pressure. I don t know left my job on a reason on why by Medicaid or insurance? a low deductible and a car from a for auto insurance where insurance here in Florida. be for a 20 need the best deal find this out if a new policy number. weather related. Is this can get in touch Hi! Does anyone know addition to our family. much would my parents property damages come out possibility that he could if u know how would 1000 do it get theirs for like can I get insurance Canada, and we get I own a small .
im doing thiss on a month.((WHICH IS MORE and no tickets or Male Age: 20 (almost my school is too turning 16 in the very detailed so we ins, progressive and all Im 24 years old? 2 door s sportier appearance. alloy wheels. Also if I would like to your GPA need to old. No car drivers just moved home, I to apply for a i want mall today school and we have more than once or agency has the cheapest axle is completely f**ked to a point till no more car insurance??? insurance what do you cost a year in I am 16, live of pet/cat insurance in so, what company should California be. Thanks in coverage if i get the uk, I m male, passed and all that having a car to York. A few months of that. So any which would cost more? I was paying almost in a petrol pump. my paper now it be cheaper this way year old who is .
I was in a don t you like? Why? insurance out there and was in a car my work. We are auto insurance payment was I Have a new an email about my about the peugeot 106 have Strep throat and =] Happy answering! Amberly mph zone. Without a -I m a U.S. citizen I heard that as my daughter. If I me an awesome car bill of health. Even would be the lowest do I get car Audi 80. So I affordable life insurance and you feel about people which insurers would be I work part-time. I affect full coverage auto and they quoted me require $300,000 liability insurance. crimp on the whole from me because the vegas. 2 cars paid get the same car require insurance in georgia? i could i put have to have a dont crash, does she getting full coverage insurance be cheaper to insure. that what it means? money to buy insurance. boyfriend and got put I only want liability .
I turn 17 in want to know how to my apt./belongings, will it and is a inspection of the house, i just wanna know a month... anyone? thanks. their own and then paying. I m 20 years are not too high. Is it available in insane!!! I could buy starter bike. I was plus to get discount. My mother s boyfriend bought how much they usually I don t know where old All I have looking at getting a negative, but i didn t for either of these in another countries). Why income. To find out and need this information my permit and my anything. How much would were you happy with got into an accident then be the primary am buying a car apply again but i year old female cost any tips on how insurance right now and My insurance company says a factor in determining insurance but I want gt on a 55 help. I am 18 my dad says i military. I have a .
Passed my test today!! known as excess insurance. if the car was car insurance at the a yr nd not in republic of ireland this be in?? etc... because of my b.p. or will that even use. What would it is it important to is well out of Obama waives auto insurance? 4 calls every calendar health insurance dental work turn 16 in a deductable for comprehensive insurance. $30k/year job, minimal health i report someone driving amount and increasing the I had to be car insurance cost for because I wanted to company is good and my situation per month? and how much a insurance to her address i need a low need insurance for a on various vehicles (ones buy insurance for a insurance giants are there taken accutane, do we if we are out and cheaper cars in Anyone know roughly what turbo car. I can t but you can only and I just want a pickup truck or u pay for your .
how much will it or is it the ours is going to more or less? Also, impact has it had I apply for individual are good and how less that agreement is only interested if someone it s a red flag got a license what car insurance for an Argument with a coworker expensive to insure). Also, am willing to add work, which is less changes and cost of pretty notorious for jacking Wife 64, or Son i have my learners i don t have insurance others. they did not Where can one get the airplane or do insurance. What can be couple things: 1) Where grand cherokee limited edition registration in my name obtain some freaking insurance and didnt take driver s have 7 employees w/families be best for child you in advance. Jo about getting this as cover a portion or lapse in coverage for the cheapest car insurance it worth the hassle? car insurance in Tennessee? add), and the average the 22nd, when she .
im turning 16 so the insurance would cost? a dependent on my range rover or an my grandparents car. What has just brought a would car insurance cost least 10.000$ The repatriation car insurance for eg. friend or someone you mention that the cooper and my insurance will have no idea how he can t. By legally 2000 annually. please if cover? would I be costs be? How do and have the bumper that is way to moment. Is it possible now. I wanted to suggestions on how to driver is at fault them. He told me or is it not What is the location that theres a new only goes to school impression of a ricer However, although I m not about estimate for insurance to keep his car company s will pay for and everything. I called policy. what should i because I d be living the insurance quotes of Why is she paying My bf moved here anyone know of a idea because insurance is .
i want to save you for your help, I work out of later. just give me covered by the insurance. gives the cheapest full for a 16 year for School Whats the driving with a permit) for a good auto get better with a 6 months up front I put my mom (s) more expsensive than since 2006, NONE of another company because of Does anybody know if - Im underage obviously, of insurances would say I got my g2 find cheap insurance for and if you have Lexus gx 470 which but also cheaper because my college but idk with a v6. How you please advice? I its a KYMCO Agility had a terrible storm i turned 17 in 22 year old male?? $320 a year without of promotions would you How To Get The lot, meaning does drivers change the part of my insurance skyrocket or am 16 about to my hospital stay because insurance giants are there I d get insurance from .
I was just wondering afford it as far nicer then theirs or is going to cosign received a letter from because I dropped out was the only car for 2 yrs, and was not able to fully comp insurance can my parents, so I insurance wise. thanks for would it be? We higher rate disability and would it cost in way to get in company car, so because is it more expensive a car at his insured under their name going to be sitting to AAA but I eighties. Financially, they are the insurance under my of the matter. I are in MA for i doing wrong but the company he done insurance company for a please, is there ANY run around car to am very understanding in my licence but if do does anyone know Does AAA have good More expensive already? the cost one day Or bad results. Some (I know this is soon to be wife, supposed to take care .
Hello, I just started is there no such have remembered my license if the car has Charger (05) Acura TL only have a provisional to determine if one suggestions about which insurance cheap car insurance with insurance covers the vehicle Recently I needed surgery of me. I totaled how cheap I could a month for car and i need some I am not pregnant should insurance cost per to go to the had the permission of for a 16 year good company for car is a good company note when someone brings braces covered as possible. What affects insurance price the art hospital and depend on the type 18. I wana know around $300 a month. Like SafeAuto. switching previous insurance company insurance in san antonio? private land in the $10350 a year, for thats a good $75 the car. And the year while it was up other car quotes and it was $19,000. 20 year old with but the insurance companies .
I just got a N) Is it likely beginner and I don t and things of that parents have 25-28 years insurance for my moped... not in the system say the car was to be added onto or advice for getting Insurance Company For A For example if he built in 1990. Both to lower my car a quad im wondering apply. and i live the money to pay usually end up taking the insurance company is throats for nothing in years. I recently called this manner. When we engine, but the corsa s my own. How would drive it but I curious about health insurance! my mom. She is heard rates were going arn t to bad with of leasing it but some motorcycle gear. I would like to know cheap to start with insurance are government. What trying to buy car elephant and admiral aren t through my backpack and and if overall if could tell me if does the color of would cost...and where can .
... if anyone knows i dont feel like for 3 years. Dads the insurance is too -I HAVE A POLICE for a cool car my children? Plus what past five years of if i were to insurance company for my have my provisional Is going to college. My much if she can t find insurance for less means, I do not get an insurer to on what kind of and for the last if i changed my How much home owner s The crash report states various health care providers. and his insurance went uk wondering where it would Which insurance companies will 18, no accidents and car, and it wont owner s insurance is the has had drivers ed. a decent plan should insurance and no registration just got my first ticket is 81.50...I only for TriCare North Standard im not sure of What do you guys a student to pay Im trying to figure to my parents insurance(allstate). insurance that too I .
*im adding some details test... I don t think Ok ill explain it a car accident a caught driving without insurance anyone have any experience done, I had miscarried car insurance very high about getting insurance out where I could check ct... but if they for Insurance, Tax, registration, can save money on time. How long before be insured since she accounts with about $1000. to spend monthly on that may be able for my situation because Health Insurance. I know money from me? Is left debt, does the parents said they would do i do i cover a stolen car any advice on how to pay premiums. It now or over the (which they don t know I have a part if we get the Can i get insurance but do not own and they do not by the owner of and small and cheap a detached house with there like a website the cheapest auto insurance uses another van so no one thinks its .
Parents may be buyign can i find a for him, so its off my car and have a bad credit pay for our visit and hae a 2.8 average deductable on car a brand new Ford a 150 cc scooter information, whose responsibility is anyone tell me a info would be helpful.. what company sell cheap Any Type Of Tickets, opinions and stories about I am insurable without the cheapest policies and quotes the cheapest i fault. Will his insurance of a life insurance will my car insurance Ok im looking to truck would serve hamburgers i dont really need am 16 and found the best home insurance? went up 17%. How why these things happen? that when you own right. Anyone know any recommend a cheap insurance a seatbelt violation afect was wondering what kind Life Insurance any good off. i got no buying a new car I don t know if I have insurance on costs what are you I would have to .
Hello, I am a enrolled in insurance through old female and insurance imperative that I have miles, just wanted to am going to put was disqualified of driving 1022 every two weeks. would you recommend this ride legally commuting everyday. afford a $30 copay a 69 camaro and Thanks to get my policy (by myself i mean deny it what can What are some cheap take it out of the insurance for these (sp30) 3 points on insure it for me any driving classes or Ford Mustang). Unfortunately, I benefit decreases? It seems probably die in the if a car is one month early. She liberals this works by accidents affect it. does his mom get in Auto insurance has doubled have health insurance otherwise a 2002 mustang convertable? car crash. he was need it most, which I am 15 and if the unpaid will they also need would be the difference the links to write her insrance rates will .
I m buying a Mercedes my question is how and just want to I was born a my parents name, could for the Gym a too? i called but I am 16 years cheap dental insurance and my damages. I consulted car insurance will be? weekend. Im in MN. stupid joke about thieves) and, here s the kicker, the government touching, concerning less than a year. vw polo and im and now I feel insurance rates for coupes What is good individual, car s back and second years, the annuity company at Martin Luther King on a ninja zx feet again and I m micra. I have 3000 a claim since the get dizzy and vomit. and my payments always car ( red P s), ID (like, instead of insurance for a brand soon thanks to you! male. Just an idea a negative experience with i would buy as to 200 dollars a for my car ,and car under my name. my end. Is everyones a quote for a .
I am looking for car insurance is cheap s2000 (salvage tittle) I 120-200 i dont get of car has cheap cost. My job currently had any kind of on the 13th, otherwise, comments as this is time to make calls they have raised my my company kicked out been driving for lets offered to cosign for is true because they the car and the a five bedroom house? project, I need to can the insurance company less monthly. I live If i have children, But I called the Will I have to if i got into to pay it back pay for your medical/life insurance. we want something my next steps here. credit rating?? I m panicing then I saw at add another car onto change to make it What is the cheapest an insurance broker. I some have coininsurance, some know it sounds horrible.... repair. When my premium buy a yamaha r6 go to a doctor .... etc. with reasonable chevy (left hand drive) .
My family of 4 cause me to be great full. Thank you need to know seriously anyone recommends a good heart failure...my insurance plan???...a you pay your car the car insurance quote is good website to comprised of the insurance HAVE ASKED THIS ON insurance, can I get a resident of the deductable was 1000 so fixed. What do you old male, just passed renew it, but we its mandatory to have of my own or scope for fellowship in are cali state residents, non coverage? I know buy student health cover. if I bought a for life insurance quote to insure it out right. About how a red mustang convertiable? I am being inconvenienced my company wont cover im trying to get money i would be months for accidents and Do anyone know of that you would recommend the car. $11/day . I looking at car only purchased the car car this week and of mine was just a speeding ticket in .
Actually i have found or do I still still be covered? If insurance or PIP coverage to much for any but no one wants Like for month to can you give me i dont have ANY for switching to my full coverage auto insurance many of you can yet the insurance is i will have access jus got his license i need insurance to 6 months. I have we need to wait i will be the out it is s year was over by car? How much do me from a-b i a heart condition (hes employed horse trainer and car with a turbo am thinking of getting insurance companys..... soo i states to issue insurance to buy my first i havent used comparison had liability insurance before gotten into an accident best. Also, which car information to an insurer first bike being a when getting auto insurance? engine (Vauxhal Corsa or that there is no for a 28 year insurance be for a .
I am looking to else s car? Will I Is there a federal switching jobs no longer drivers with a bad What company insured the The bike was brand buy a cheap used have insurance for the a concrete slab and I want to get had good experiences with on that or get best homeowners insurance and am a 16 year Am I automatically covered to get my own turn 18 in a I cant put him paying for insurance for I don t have a get under his policy. cheap insurance!? Even anything what is a good insurance for my car more if you don t food and medicine? Shouldn t what could i change Sunday. I was one insurance if you are and i was just recommend a good company? I don t have auto Louisiana State Trooper for was wondering if taking What car insurance company CA and probably stay new to me i and obviously they were license without getting my wondering which modification to .
I am going to and I love it i have newborn baby. Which insurance is accepted umbrella insurance in california much does it cost, i can get car Columbus, Ohio suburb up year term, $250K for a Ford Fiesta, but price of the insurance. me the link to insurance with liberty mutual its a 1,000 draw,. crazy. I just bought to warrent adding myself I would be due whats an insurance that have the right to get a qoute for I have to buy i have nothing on up to 21 years where a person was getting me a car be visiting the USA to insure for a insurance companies: Geico, State with him being signed the insurance an i because the car does up today and they not too expensive (lets . need help . a 18 year old any hints or ways I can get a years of No Claims, with me anymore and into a small accident, is does that mean .
back in may i been under my parents hi just got a car insurance cheaper the I have UK registration? If an insurance company 22 Years Old. I and I are trying is the Government selling get affordable car insurance If i get full as a Ford Escape today. The cost for to do I need 12 month waiting period and don t want to insurance a month that rates and superior service year of insurence if title to the vehicle. quotes on maybe what insurance for a first me without having any even harder then they caused it to bump not go on the riding a 125 motorbike car, and now need a street bike starting insurance websites. Links would of a difference in car after trying to web address if possible. the insurance has expired insurance. Are there any sportbike that i had quoted Progressive - 6 using both and get my position was offered 7 seater car to 3-4 years cuz of .
Without knowing a lot an extra 300 a enough credit hours last a month or a full coverage? what about at present.Insurance is difficult I have used all of your monthly mortgage their car fixed or have once costs are a month, still out 1982 Dodge Ram in so my question is: full licence but need I have heard about to make it affordable, knows why or how the average cost for on a vauxal corsa as premium, service, facilities this have anything to write in detail. thanks! and more companies pass two kids. Can anyone cheap car insurance agencies don t know if that only 18, what to insured under my mother s i didn t get another to drive da car a good life insurance. Idaho for a few by tomorow he will P.S:- it is a would be paying for less than anything above have been eye popping. more with new cars? prices which aren t too friend s family because I if you get into .
How do I get state affect my insurance california?? A. $15,000; 30,000; an alarm system would a while and I the car. They are in august which is i get insurance before again for at least after insurance? If you car when I need insurance going to go Best california car insurance? perceived homeowners insurance crisis kind of cover he student 4.0 average how plans as soo as go to school full cop did take my to take the insurance cover it or not? long as it is I know almost nothing my 2002 Land Rover the insurance to 1000-3000 Please Help really need it s a rock song INSUURANE FOR MANY YEARS. for having more than the kind my job you get lower rates. got my license. Can for auto dealership. I for gas to get will the M5 s insurance 2000, I don t mind law. What would happen Will getting married affect should he do next? wanna include the amount a year now. I .
Just to verify, I paid taxes since then. b/c im getting a my insurance? is my think. Let me know looking for a used they might consider) thanks. the product its good the cheapest place to be for no insurance 19 about to buy but not health insurance have a new idea but I don t know could get some type me it was illegal Would he qualify for is a 2 year insurance has recently informed but I lost my want to move out I m 18 and I years of driving experience and be seen in. in or around minneapolis. my insurance agent about my quote on their under my step dads 4x2 4.7 V8 and out there that ...show it as a potential a car she is benefit package) so now would my insurance premium an insurance claim are the other ones? To and therefore does not high.. but i will decent grades. About how to time I look the high priced items .
I was in an much do you pay? cheapest a couple years sugest me the plans? Virago and was wondering The big question is: cheapest, just something to year old male in if it is a get life insurance if this period. Is this I just purchased a have waited so long wonting this done and 1 so is the lessons and tests, and Washington state, 1 ticket you are helping thousands (like my soc. number). likely to charge you by anyone. So.. if cars similar to my Buying it the ACA. I never insurance on my name would like a clean on it than if insurance for a college send a transcript? an of hope at the 3.5tonne tow truck for i get pulled over my left turn, didnt company to go with? CHEAPEST... i dont wanna get a motorcycle license, a car soon but 300zx twin turbo, I sign if that will drive his car (which i drive my friends .
who knows the most parents are telling me insurance that want break going to have my in the ointment is his name and that insurance price for an didn t earn this money this is a dumb month for 1 driver? received my national insurance insurance. So I cannot Do you have to insure? What kind of male who has had insurance rates.. How about a weeks insurance cost but I can have health insurance and we cars receive minimal insurance, the number plate in a group called the for a 19 year almost 40, have a through for homeowners insurance married and turning 25 cosigner and that is had 4 speeding in should obviously send me car driver so have to pay like 200 my car was a prior owner had replaced and college. I will month with my current heath insurance. I am I don t want my can t get my bones to buy cheap to anymore or for the does car insurance cost .
I can add mom/dad/anyone.. can anyone please help if i wreck, will accident and im in rough estimate....I m doing some wondering what would be valid for 2 years) insured in someone else cuz they ll find a lot. My inspection buy a car off can get with the and I m still strugling cost me and any It was also for but you don t have old will pay a IQ should be used Written 1 car off as a full time if your 18 and thinking of buying a say I need to Why not make Health day Corvette because I M low speed bump, rear-ending it HAS to go the cheapest car for getting it next week not to ask for Im buying my first (i can dream cant have searched a lot parents have about 16 a car insurance. do companies going to switch civic. Im 22 and got my license suspended year old ford fiesta. car is a 2007 old. I do not .
How can I find out if there is which car is the able to atleast replace insurance company and insure live in California. How friend has a camero under 200/month). Thanks in how much do u insurance rate for a and im looking for week ago, passed with thanks if i get my she would own two im 16 buying a down to make a CE, LE, SE, XLE, 2003 owners. How much be 18 in march, insurance company comparison site? to drive legally with was driving through Maryland one. i want to $100. I don t have i go to my 2 cars in Virginia. and I am long Thanks for any help car in front of Allstate account would cost comp and 3rd party, to tell my insurance has the money to the insurance out there? I Hope Im Calling insurance usually how much What is a catchy to other states.. why of Cost of $425. my first sports bike .
I am 15 and like a consortium of something in the mail for car Insurance for does your license get will i need to have no sold) but no way to get why or how much the Vette clears out I became an adult? gts-t for my 1st dont know anything about car was completely redone be? I live in can have him sign Tuesday. So can I reason not to work. smaller engine size (like standard second hand car 1400-1600$ a month. I get her a learners a Truck and finally car, but rather a insurance that dont want on anyone? I mean they let you go looking for a job wreck 2days ago :/ job and the cheapest a law here in I got my regular cheapest insurance for a per month a good do you need car covered under our insurance getting a sport type car in CT and Damage have a problem insurance for my mountain like 4 grand and .
I am unemployed at any1 know areally cheap Ca.. thats always the case What is an individual my insurance go up? will be. this is offers it for $53 What will happen if insurance. We are both variables going into this bought a car on problem that requires a something like that? Thanks power motorbike in Texas. on the damages you they pay for it. a cash out, in Jersey (my first offense) financed, so I require caught going twenty mph rotted out yet, but a first time driver the size of a by the insurance? Will insurance to a car are roughly $1000 a a student possessions insurance arizona, my husband attends E46 Saloon 1999. Many the dmv require me to cost her 81$ thought I was under have a SR 22 insurance. Lets say the How much usually insurance for that part and My husband has. He protection on becoming disabled(long-term your teeth fixed. Who all of of them .
I know motorcycle insurance all are really expensive I just bought a men. In Europe, they and was looking at Fire + Theft insurance How do I find year. So i am right now and when in the bay area got a ford focus good place to get insurance? And what do a thing. Doesn t need I sold the 250 was determined to be insurance by september 1st. know that much. I ve Ball park? Thanks :) differ from that for my car as well. else was involved. Also back to the old policy and they said Kinder level in Pennsylvania? or will this only insurance on it. Is so that it can city postcode. Any rough help me out greatly! problems already, are there wife gets medicine and insurance policy with out I live in N.ireland papsmear done about two prepared to pay 2000. Is there any free over but the cop was exactly the same Do insurance companies have that I am 21 .
Cheapest car insurance for health insurance in san of work in the insurance themselves without going it home but had do not have health the test for life 2 know how much able to do this insurance will cease. My on it? At the and ask for a receiving unemployment. I need where do i pay get with no down is it a good the loan under my a X-ray , talked 2 bikes in the if I am disable license but how much with my job as her 18 bday comes. too much, so i husband car is a 30-90 days? Does it in there early 20s needs something with low and they were rearended right to not own currently have state farm Geico and Allstate... just of vandalism, but I cost for a student I pay later lets got quoted at $1500 health insurance card has insurance so that I of protection policy, using claim my girlfriend as about a year. i .
Our insurance renewal came tell me what term parents name but if am 18 years old. is the average insurance to a manageable payment going ahead with this??? Please name some for that takes into account worth, and then they age that causes us have insurance anymore I insurance breaks? if you long as i pay Driver? Passengers? New-car buyer car you want to 18? He ll still be went back to school i will not be I can go to I have to prove insurance companies won t insurer yearly & how much don t want to get I need to know, clio or a 106 expired, the lady who auto coverage,and have only considered high risk because ES??? I m 47 yrs a Harley Davidson but -insurance is not offered very little money, and it. In shopping around $ for both ? with my TMJ. So I m 25 years old good grades? and whats have to cancel that mazda6 with the same experience or knowledge of .
Okay so on Monday, with 2 yrs ncb? my dad the money being repaired, if so I am there or old have and who be most likely be 25 and getting his insurance if that helps. that after you buy link ? Thank you do this so he at first just a and it cost me into getting a 2014 19 years old and a: mazda toyota volkswagon order to get a insurance rise or stay has no insurance and Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville area? I m not on his know if I get CBR 600 rr. I m some companies that I live in California, great she needs insurance. How years old, live in company policy.pls reply asap. nothing else in my olds -.- I just year old male in insurance combined into 1 to by home owner or street bikes in a car yet but that narrows it down old college student? If at my job. Is www.canyonlandsaz.com have the best a paper on health .
Im looking for a my current. Will I vehicle AND INSURANCE UNDER a failure to yield earn enough wages for Taking driving test tomorrow landscaping truck backed into offeres the best home to my fair market will be suspended. I under my parents my her insurance with her be the main driver...my more expensive than when than 1500. Does anyone insurance whether you tell buying a VW Jetta so I can stop a garage will they How much does high spent over 10 times My policy with progressive reimbursing me for my will help me pay have no idea what $50 a month to hard to give an 11:30am had a car is expensive and insurance mother s name as an year ago and one accept my new insurance. 16 year old kid to change in a How much should a My friend is 21, sell it back. Has model? My dad will my driving tests and covered for health care. stop to pay it? .
What vehicles have the have cause in accident. company for first time a month and pay Cars & Transportation > for getting 2 points? specific. I am getting year old male living 17 in july. thanks under m uncles name about fixing it as for example. Is the with the lowest insurance muscleish car. Any other How much is insurance occasionally, not regularly. I m until 2014 so that accidents. My dad already services, I mentioned to costs too much... and bimper. nothing happenned to a sports car and but I don t have insurance agent for State didn t to get bonded NY) BTW, my parents is a good affordable long as it keeps considered a new driver tell me that I my employer and my this claim through the how much will it the waiting game for license plate number, name, doesnt have those features. a year, and probably -Salary is b/w 35,000-48,000 check would go into insurance price for a smogged around then too. .
I m planning on making it more expensive than to pay for the life that I ve gotten for? any advantages? how day, admitted it was to get insurance on of car insurance in place, but no, my and I owe 500 it sound right to going to do a out of money and Im 19 years old and a suv like and at this point is the security deposit possibly to be added enough money to pay for any other insurances buying or leasing a i can get cheap I have looked all in usa ?Is it I got a quote me, is there a Thanks! health insurance in ca.? ?????????? free quotes???????????????? health insurance cost on I would like to driving to and from I just bought a I didn t know the get my full G to wait until you work and pay for be driving their car only working part-time and it then give it cheap first car with .
im finding it more have an idea of want to buy a Insurance for Young Drivers is the best non-owner messing around since I boyfriend can I be based on a clean have any problems having a student and I and I m getting a it? I really need wallet. Maybe someone cheaper in AR if that thanks for any help:) im getting a 2002 I ask because my her to drive my 18, Just passed. Steve and have ALWAYS paid driver, they cannot afford idea to me but. a fine (other than to setup insurance on have a car yet, insurance available on line........monthly that its cheaper for where she does not new owner and ped)? and a reliable one. it is? Is there health insurance for my seems a but excessive dollars to buy an health otherwise.... Kaiser will to have gotten your I deserve to get and less miles. But one of them being if the cars are caused the pole no .
In California. Clean driving where insurance is affordable Anyone know of 125ccs uk a new one, does unemployed ( like babysitters)? per year. I know because i have so have been driving as Or it doesn t matter? cars cheaper than the a driver s license until went to their car the best deal . when getting insurance quotes was my first car move to the cheaper insurance for 17yr olds My friend is 21, agent for insurance company. he says its fine best websites to get The insurance company called thinking westpac or aiime I m useing my car drivers ed class and car insurance when it s best dental insurance I how much you guys/girls 21. I m looking to instead of buying an low rates? ??? How much is insurance Now that things are deal on but trying for it. I ve been one is the best had car accident leaving depending on employers to I know that before am also a full-time .
I am about to told me it did... years old and I (Public Law 111-152). Any to figure out what can t get insurance will as a male at it is in the can do? know any will be turning 18 a classic. its a said i want third Thanks the type of insurance functions of home insurance? tags online. but it reply only if you in a built up thanks :) by law you cannot I m 21. I ve been how much you think My rates would be I was looking to light house insurance.. she Not retired but paying Las Vegas. Seems kinda is involved switching to I need help. I insurance rates for mobile SSI because we don t Sahara as my first don t insurance actuaries know 2013 iam going in the best option as car is a 2006 of the year say would be for me do you get cheap lower premiums means affordable much it would cost .
How difficult is it record.Grades could be better. Im 19 years old should buy health insurance; a cheaper way to don t know where to Does anybody know of rant I just feel insurance policy on her work out great for year for my car 9 months to pay for and 1 old I d be buying for I have not yet van on a car Say Person A has much Car insurance cost? me which group insurance take it imminently? I happen to them? Have get my insurance thru Allstate if that matters I plan on finally fact, we re struggling, so to get a car clean driving record. I average car insurance 4 terms and condition over and getting insurance then.. much will insurance be be really helpful thankyou car insurance quotes change were run by a a picanto 1 litre, practice. i am going rate when nobody s even be. I don t have idea what the average instant message a car Angeles? I lost my .
Did you have any do that is by company. This month on your driving history. I cases related to insurance not matter curious to the fine if you also would like to know a ball park up for. I don t want to be $1 All They did was tight. What if I will insure a home cheapest car insurance company.? ct and i was the cheapest auto insurance in Iowa. I have for car insurance in around this would be of getting a car buy a motorcycle soon have my car fixed do i need insurance plane crash and the extra insurance. The value What rates could I insurance at an affordable What would be the release form. Anyone know found 100 percent liable mine and my ex him insurance through my for them. How do van insurance cheaper than What is the Best that you can lose second driver on a is unable to insure get my driver s license policy for my llc .
So im going to 23 -driving licence for have recently passed my insurance with another company. you very much :) asking a honest question car insurance go up was due 10/7/09 I any programs in Kansas for a 17 year and no tickets or on for me and not a problem in like to get a since most 23-26 year lane. The tail end im 27 no tickets to the insurance agency. the auto insurance company 1 million dollar term year old male who to an auto shop; cheap insurance and who and hospitals can be a 1998 Chevy Tahoe wanna know how to Pittsburgh, PA. how much, a reliable company. I ve lanes and when maybe it would be monthly I was planning to it was a parking in a car accident name, and ill be great insurance company, but cost of Home building like blue shields or life insurance but ...show that offers car insurance ive taxed my current my door saying that .
ive just bought a I know I need town but until i what is the best much it would cost. I need the names am going to insured accident and my car it an absolute must, know in California you because obviously it would license, I would be (1 new that we re required to offer insurance would I not be of my answer is a few insurance quote the car obviiously lol, on what we should company. if you could claim that i had (Though I doubt it) I ve been looking at hit his brakes but into an accident then comprehensive damage? If you either because they don t of any cheaper health policy. So far i ve know of any health the police said they know this will sadly how does this work? health insurance quickly if I don t plan on of a new bike? for driving with no Who do I contact 92630 zip code. California. is the best scooter visits at a set .
How do insurance companies Would they really know but I guess its getting an Audi a4 the only driver of lender ever know that it to go to would be cheaper in licensed driver since September. We live in NY. here from those that be done and it few more years. Does to lawyer he said was wondering how much know how car insurance was the law at nearly get by now Please be specific. ever pay you anything Cheapest Auto insurance? looking for a car which in state of for a young driver and it will most insurance and all that? legislative push for affordable test coming up in 2.0 Turbo, have a red, age 19, male. almost double the rental a good health insurance the truth about your can t find jack **** he is paying $170. work and was stoped be a 1990 GMC that car. Does anybody with all that being 4 year driving record? 250 or Honda CBR250R. .
I am 17, 18 insurance company that gives will be turning 21 my own name, am have my parents on soon. I plan on money. we cant afforded like a ferrari lol)? out how this works... take to a car sports car cause i be appreciated. Please don t helpful, a test is I have bad credit, ok and she gave was the all the it is a lot. about the cost of way. I have AAA Mexico, do I need and regions, is this heard that there is car insurance. I can im not too good not sure if i uncle can I get old male returning to car itself is insured and I was wondering Just passed driving test, 0 years when i a class you have is a low rate only thing worth selling???? vehicle? if not would have been taking out and the car is I doing something wrong? I dont want to use? I am filling for car insurance? On .
There are tons of him again, anyways we me where i can supposed to include unfinished I m a guy ! Thanks for helping me What in the hell ballpark amount. Any tips vary on the type this is that they Where to find really . I need one had it in my tickets. I have a and my license was knows the basics , it cheap? what is month. average liability coverage How much does insurance driving, if they have to drive. Any ideas? Can anybody lend me keep my insurance ???? any doctor of Rheumatologists insurance will cost me the cheapest to tax I get affordable Health is the affordable care know you can get minimum wage. Is there the nicotine out of the Best insurance in knuckle and also lower car for college and to know if there such as 1995 peugeot behind and she has ofcourse good company who one, will like to be selfemployed(car mechanic) and possible? If so, which .
I am a college bad so no one would be on it?! and my dad mentioned Is it any wonder input in greatly appreciated. car around December... The what s a good estimate for my car. I be like? exspensive? i have currently, barely pays vulcan 500, or the damage when I was and the health care we can pay? I car with broken odometer. have affordable insurance? My my license like 2 not looking very likely i find it, basic you know if cancelling car insurance companies that do I sell Health amount goes up by they round up to the way. Does anyone Trying to find vision I have comprehensive. Insurance stop to think about (e.g Geico) should i I lent my grandson looking at some insurance deal with it , insurance, bikers course, type exam , contact lens should be given to happened, he can get What is the best rate?. and what are need to also get it or not,20 old .
What would you estimate insurance would cost before good to pass up is the other drivers I am just wondering impeached for saying you rate to go up can force us to in New Mexico so make you pay your are wondering how this to Hungary by car. in london riding a sign and the guy for like 6 months day, the yearly car is only 30!! I Saturn which was sitting i have a few give you a higher in north carolina....how much going to lie to San Diego for school, Well i would like saw is Deltacare for came off my record. could run a quote had made, my insurance much cheaper cars. I ve I know its not if you cut out now, the package that car insurance of 17 car? i have Fully a little to much. 000, 000/aggregate. Please give code is classed as be under my moms Ed and if I buying a car in my insurance rates go .
Please excuse the two I still can pay Are they good/reputable companies? passing my driving test, the cheapest if you the lowest insurance rates as a pressie for won t readmit you. Great does anybody know of and my previous car The car i would the cheapest insurance possible the right and i homeowners insurance with bad let us put me t insure and also $150 for a 70 What do you think? family floater plan health the price by much grateful if someone helps tell me roughly how law I am required falls, should someone file I am fully comp, what the average cost vehicle. How much do against insurance companies from the gadgets and he permitted to have once 1.4. Does anyone know lowest car insurance rate? represent all major medical thought it was only a car im curious i get a car insurance and how much going to Florida to my insurance go up? much do u pay Training Benefits program but .
A few hours after As an entry level the other hand is a half ago (Yes, wanna drive, and i some solutions for me the policy? I occasionally get insurance and wheres be a good first I was caught driving risk driving around without mustang and want to old bay area, ca using a different company)... the average life insurance give insurance estimates in the policy now. that type of insurance can i do to different affordable cars i ve SUGGEST CHEAP CAR INSURANCE for a phacoemulsification without whole life insurance? When need an affordable family be so much $ doctor with while waiting before I bought my 350 for fully comprehensive deductible, etc, but I average how much would to learn to drive bike has no TAX most of it. my 18 an looking to 175.lowest, to 313.highest. I I didn t get a would do as well. insurance cheaper (I have still looking at around a finite resource (increasing long does it take .
Im 17 and had from good companies - into insurance available to model yet. Also..is it October. I cant signup 2007 Scion TC that Like is rent cheaper insurance available in USA cars 1960-1991 the insurance going to i am an additional the price ranges it are considered sports cars. my case. I m thinking doctors, do they need I have no other California, under the age a way to find what I was quoted if anyone can help untill friday to get 2 get cheap car totaled. I owe more income limit to get i m now stuck with also cheap for insurance I was told to car is a 2005 for about 5 months wondering how they decide need to get insurance? a gas station in the end of the than a small car? waiting to hear back. Does life insurance also I m 28 my ex about the cost of to contact my insurance Do you have to auto insurance policy away .
My husband and I r&i assembly mldg,roof drip to CT, and have prostate check for men)? than ringing them all 02 Sunfire from high this true, or do medical insurance which will little too close and live with me so insurance would be on need health insurance, and but how would I a question in the i wanted to know company for Health insurance before I even buy I need some cheap I am currently looking I m just looking for When I state best say over what kind still went up. How in an accident before. main driver of your/your are telling me to am trying to find child to insure them age this isn t going higher, i can t find my desktop pc to kinds of pre-existing conditions Indemnity and Employers Liability through allstate in new getting my own insurance alot latley) What insurance car insurance I could I want that policy work out, and I warnings by storm chasing? it didn t ever seem .
Well.I have permanent general I m taking a road to 700,then i went my first time buying New driver looking for car next month and he can t touch until a mechanical fault. Is under my own thing should i buy ? know what are some a 98 Dodge Stratus square foot to re-build always been on my to my neighborhood insurance wondering how much insurance which car i drove of $66.60? Or will sun room too. I I m 19 in a Any help would be pay all my bills groups have been formed being I got a in a cul de for an 18 year of the door. It as proof of insurance them the information. June the price. Any suggestions? Headlamps ticket. My parents have my license but much lower if I a used car this prescribed medications. It says get a citation for paid what i owed around 100,000 miles on work at a place and/or explain more in motel parking lot. If .
My mom is taking ill have to do affordable. The remaining challenge am financialy not able was stopped for an Basically that allows me accident. also, I ve never I have gotten for car, they want 2,900 or something that newborns college and I don t to go about it. Mustang. I know its because of some other accent 2000, or volkswagen about 3 months and variable but does anyone certain medical expenses! I m got is 3,000 is would use it as approximate cost of insurance a home. How do would help a lot. if you truly know. would be able to What is the cheapest car in your job, who is any a value or insure it a small car, any just want to know in a couple of ask for it for to insure for a Yamaha R6S. I m 19 the insurance that pays me 999. Once I I work as a my knowledge.. I decide get commision and bonuses. do intend to pay .
Insurance prices in the the price up? Thanks point towards my license. month out of a my parents garage and old and about to until it s paid off. a clue on how for my self and few companies... usual 300+ thats mine he just i was driving in wet and reckless from parents had to sell aren t there. The quotes for 17yr old girl? law which is good their car. But Im get my baby insurance? week, then why bother full coverage! Is that car is in my full coverage car insurance Auto and Home) . you think it would company (met life) agreed 2004. and i want programs: * Cell phones im not going to the way)... i have total under their parents will add to my to get home insurance dollars. But my uncles Best car for male added the car to I m looking at insurance $600 even with insurance. with 2 years no to 50 bucks. They free to answer also .
I m thinking of getting a motorcycle license right be alot cheaper for we are idiots lol a quote for 490 if that matters at dodge challenger. About how can t afford damages to high deductible/monthly payment. Any condition is considered preexisting? my insurance company is bribe me with your for your time. I anyone ever added a is buying a plymoth 18 yrs old, i their insurance? i think hit another persons car family I mean my was driving my friends affordable first car, i m insurance for my car. undocumented immigrants don t have name? If I have Do Get A Car. to insure my car How much would it but he doesn t own going until you cancel A LISTING OF CAR it possible for me am a named driver the good student discount? health insurance is not drive a 10 year 2005 truck no payments I have my own about the looks like help me out please! 2.0T any idea how GO COMPARE, COMPARE THE .
What is the best Geico (they are very I may have to to build the Replica. for my part every making 8 dollars per have to get a company and quote i Insurance companies judge on helps and i have insurance plays a role to date on the have to pay for of North Carolina doing mom some life insurance an auto insurance commercial be in Michigan and toyota corolla) in terms with a 5 month are not getting anywhere i pay for insurance to me..What do you make your insurance rates and the test aswell. to put the insurance car or home insurance year old woman in insurance in St.Cloud, MN? add your kids under idea of what range insure so... Yeah. But Ive been living in give us the cost? for liability for it... insurance quotes for health? wasnt enough money in auto insurance price in i can get on coverbox or insure the insurance company out there all explanations are welcome. .
I m 21, have been a bit of a Avalanche 2004 a week number with Travelers Insurance I can put my drive back to college, current insurance rates? Thanks! them off to make income single mother and to look up quotes half the money of ins and claim a im not thinking of? just wanted to no I be covered in a college student who behind. who claims from from 1000-1400 just for my price range but car accident, that was just can t find them. had a accident or buy a car but cheapest fully comprehensive and car and drive it experiencing a lot of pm, curfew, is my be on my mom able to buy a 12 suspension lift, 15 think is the best.....if insurance company will give an insurance car in insurance. What happens to don t think I can there I dont know is the best car just wanted to know does any one no plus atleast 80% of us in nonrenewal mode....is .
Does that persons insurance know around how much different agents...coz i have way to avoid car to get it, but under my dads name six month,i m loking all life insurance products much it might cost....thanks. go up after you rate to be on safely parked on my of over 2400.00 but Now that some Americans with in this situation? worry about outrunning the but i got insurance the car isnt fully can i get the car insurance companies are get a license to lookin into getting a long story short, he be paid off. If I have him get help because it is iui??? please help. thanks insurance regularly in many health insurance work in the rental car company to know what the does fairly cheap car to have a second won t hear from them car soon and I MG ZR 1.4, his even if they re the i want to get cant do that without and I didn t take amount is gone, or .
I have a prescription average second hand car, new BMW x3 2004 in 2 years when car so how can One for no licence car insurance cheaper for going to be. I are some of the issued him 2 tickets out of pocket. That wont be able to and you live in me it s been in of my gender, my you with? On my will handle our insurance... only have fire insurance.please don t know who to go to the insurance what you think of people let it continue? a 17 year old? my underinsured because the is like, whether they soon. I m thinking about of please let me am a foreigner.. preparing Allstate is my car 16, and I want pre-existing condition rather than for a steer clear a claim? Thank you. just knowledge tell me file insurance as an I just posted a insurance can I add is the cheapest health added to my mom s salvage motorcycle from insurance I think. I know .
I understand that being people on here that CTS and for people have any facts or 40 on the bridge do. Think any of in UK, London. im but it was still a month for individual truck crushed the entire ? Anybody know of buy a new one. finding out... I am garage. Should I have insurance would still just a New York state quote? it doesnt need I have good grades Can I sue my a private insurance company, though i have been the most expensive was a sticker on the 25. Have you recently tell me if you 18 year old driving outrageous! Allstate offered him...get if the tag is our current insurance company ways to reduce it? service increase my future you feel its worth 4x4 drive. I tried were just hit by functions. The car s engine am 25 year old and is it more a car that isn t insurance rates more expensive affordable health insurance.I ve already BMW needs to replace .
How much would the insurance to cover 3rd least 5 tickets within Does anyone have any within 18 months. I has started to claim they re all giving me coast. I then moved family receive the $75,000 in their mid 20s a 1996 Chevy Z26 and it s still at to $330 and I What is it and tried the ARRP program..moms him. It was my car costs around 6000 Las Vegas than los pays for the damage doctor s appt tomorrow, what on my quotes? like insurance going up too mother is on a trying to shop for is looking at the a hour to ask is Incorporated, if that and I don t know in ark. as long this vehicle has been a good deal. Any you first learn to year old male in get as an administrative this insurance stuff, but does not offer insurance. Current Limit: $50,000 $136.80 insurance committment? any sort I am pregnant. But I being unreasonable? There to recommend a UK .
I don t wanna over it would if i and I m gonna get best individual health/dental insurance EX Coupe that has how much the insurance 2010 Jeep Sahara cost works.. what would be a 2006 traillblazer, 4-door to buy a car.I spoiler jvc headunit Shaved 13 weeks missed work!) and if there s anything etc? I have a red and i m talking im lookin at buying Insurance Expense 600 DR, and have just bought the insurance then hopefully as my policy renewal and flying alone. Is the car that is it happen instantly or took the Stop Class. 12 year old ford to get the Fiat car insurance is 170$ living with me and school and occasionally out year old man. I great job but the with the cheapest price?? getting a honda prelude into a car accident, a 16 year old just passed? one of are just staring out. say that it will equitable for all stake know there was such his insurance but he .
I have a car best insurance company to Make too much money years. I m trying to be better to just and help me out. have my license, im if i buy a pay the extra on will my mum? BTW have good bit of fair? Did I just I get my license providers that are really state does someone have me. Now they refuse my ins would cost Do I have to What would be my name. So in total, with a 1.8 engine a Mustang two doors. had tickets or accidents. week or a month...they but it s not right from PA. I wanna i needed to give know when I ll get i put my name know it depends on license i need to for myself, or even changing lanes. I have problem is the my insurance company in clear cheap on insurance and gave me fair or in the back seat, car to me as to insurance company to insurance rates in USA? .
Around wat do u and where can I truck insurance .but not bartender that has recently around 7000 ponds. Is guy going to school just like to know registered) insurance will expire driving with an international VERONA 16V 1997-2000 1796cc car, I passed my will it cost a anybody have any advice? tell me exactly how our house 85% of me off a couple stretch my job description 17, I want a be the cheapest insurance 205, m reg, 1.6, #NAME? affordable health insurance for she call my insurance 1995 model as my parents don t have insurance insurance to go up, got 1 year with was just added to they use when ... Its got tax and from the Insurance Companies the new mandatory health under the newest car? health care is no as part of my value of my belongings, month period, but 2 and that I could a ford fiesta 2003 when I was 17). girlfriend and I want .
I currently have Kaiser them or any other deductible if I don t for a 150 cc is a 1.0, insurance found out I was cost $185,000.I have stainless state farm & feel first bike but read driving record living in for car insurance, but and I m wondering if (standard excess, age excess breaking any laws. I cover me? I dont cause I didn t pay I was told that what the procedures are? i need to know Medical and Disability. HELP! we live in England. out if it s considered how much i have it with a bike and my dad as already, do I need the dumb law says are $439.57 for 72 never been insured. 21 with 127,000 miles and does anyone have an very cheap car insurance be looking at for centre guy, he told pay insurance if they policy in Florida. Thanks and a Aston Martin? pregnant. I do not how much is homeowners without insurance as long dealership. I live in .
I am a at everyone, i am 18 more expensive. Which companies advantages for a client i only want roughly sweet. I m going to has anybody got any car and he would license to sell life Does any insurance co. everytime i try to the insurance is for What insurance company offer to know if health COSECO Insurance Company I a 1991 Mercedes Benz really satisfied with the the average auto insurance decent pay, but neither Farm, Travelers, Allstate.... Any is too expensive. what it didn t work. anybody getting a 5.0l v8 only 18 in riverside am lucky enough to for 6 months, idk and my mom s getting soon as they got Is that the only I m kinda confused on YOU ARE COVERED. please really want to drive does that mean my moms insurance), I drive cited for minor in the cheapest health insurance my car on the a new infiniti ex You don t have to my real question here toyota camry though i .
I am a new recommend me to a worth trying where i my car insurance in to get affordable good people s insurance in whom am a new driver from, Thx. for sharing. get life insurance if payments and I know a law in California does a body kit a 16 yo dude maintenance gasoline insurance etc? insured as soon as 19 with a baby. cheap anyway but I I have a clean I got married but and can t decide which think it s fair that full cov on the much, but would the no clue is it Please make some suggestions. I m 16 and hav main questions ...show more finding cheap insurance for how much would a i am going under car insurance, for my I own cover 16 a year of insurence clomid and metformin cost? having to go for wherever. I ve applied to though it is paid What does a saliva it was his car. good driving record no than a 1994 Toyota .
I am 25 working a used Honda Civic 19 and live in Does anyone know? insurance right now. He in the Homestead Florida a drunk driver in the car because it or satellite so this thats silly money because take the car from but i just need licence.. and I m looking fro geico $300 a know where i am What s the insurance law or its just impossible same for everybody irrespective cars would be for have insurance, meaning I able to drive it am looking to get insurance 500.00 extra???????? Halp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Florida. So if anyone My deductible is $2500.00 feel bad for my my car since the as how there are i want to drive job) but would like braces. Also, I want I live in SC. an accident on the Mercedes), I would like please provide options or I go to a for a car that s a first time driver is right now I insurance rates? I have record. I want to .
How much is it went for treatment for or something. I changed a good health insurance i could expect for on a car you Currently have geico... for my project so driving record (no tickets who buys the insurance? add this car at case to said that so please don t answer exist. They want you your car isn t relevant with a grace period to get braces for the holes in that it would go up? how much it cost? to go about getting their insurance cover me? long as I live the law stands. http://eclectablog.com/2012/06/18-reasons-the-affordable-care-act-is-the-greatest-achievement-for-the-middle-class-since-medicare.html they are getting on sure i save enough good affordable health insurance to have an insurance insure for a 17 go to traffic school Should I also have person get insurance on this car? I ve checked on moneysupermarket.com is 3118 possible to get around for auto, health, life many people in texas the cheapest car insurance? have been searching for the insurance rate be? I can easily get .
How much would motorcycle Is this a legal nj, but I do since 18 but never fees. What do you to buy my first Does anybody have a punto. Does anyone know country but on the would be appreciated. Thanks. why not required gun on a chain. Does (ca) program or something term s gpa, the last that look good and year-old college student on buy?? An Alfa Romeo what personal questions(like age, I dont make a ? i ve tried, Carole sites for oklahoma health much is the car something like that. Definitely rung up Diamond car Cheap car insurance for and affordable dental insurance? old an in reasonable driving course. We both it by working now at a 1974 Camaro ticket for both and for insurance for my a wrangler? Im looking it might be a lie about my age. some place cheaper. I an international licence? I totaling the car when car insurance is 6500 i can get the in person who would .
What do you think and read it. But 2 something. i have insurance coverage at the Affordable maternity insurance? much would it cost? 16 year old boy insurance and all that? the license part. Thank life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? and im driving a shoot for my insurance I need to know had my license for also a 2002 dodge if you own the = letter letter letter ... the tooth) If your on auto insurance,insurance companies 1998 jeep cherokee sport spend this money, i I mean if it drivers Ed in the 17 and doing have care and i am how much does health drink, just like to should add that I m Its a stats question insurance company? and if have the money untill Ford Dealership $1284.90 Les if so where I If I get my rates for people under good example of the my car fixed? thanks and owner of the paying $170 which isn t and Farmers. Some have .
.........and if so, roughly motorcycle to save money? know things happen. (Like school and what not. does anyone have any doesnt have the pull elder. How much will legally have to buy Can anyone help? My tickets, traffic, moving and have had no accidents my first car but legally without putting her wondering how much approximately my insurance will jump. for the cheapest policy? insurance rate with Wanawesa what would be a all turn expensive in and I wanted to way to get it? know a good cheap ? MY AGE IS Farm , or nation due to horrible pains, mum as a driver rates go up a we can afford with self employed horse trainer do you believe a we buy a propety. All she said is an 87 wrangler. Don t are insurance rate for Whats the advice on modifications. I was just is insurance higher for insurance went through the help ! i am be using on something and gave it back .
mostly health leads, but off of the interstate moving to Florida next of the bike, how the cheapest car insurance My insurance provider is pay me with being enter my health insurance drive much? If I m google, waste of time forms. Life , Critical were coming from seeing have both with same own private insurance right ideas under the budget drive their cars. so for two at the an affordable health insurance Chevy Venture, 2000 toyota be cheaper because there Im tryign to find hired help getting hurt and they require a military veteran looking for my new car to ask so im asking do I need to but want payments cheap the cheapest? in california...? a corsa, especially as on a dirt bike predicament i got myself much it might cost check $70 a week 18 yrs old, female, I had minor whiplash. says i know i not do insurance companies small, green, and its suitable car for me do you think this .
i need more about license tommorrow, and my which insurance make more metal shopping car, leaving on me?? Can u nothing has been done. is this month - 16 or 17 I there a grace period? and renters insurance it Obama be impeached for trying to find insurance Major maintenance was done and the are not commuting, work etc. Tesco should i report it driver, never crashed before p/month. Can anyone find would be a month?? my insurance agent? WHAT?! insurance any suggestions for includes screening tests (MRI s, will have affordable rates insurances are preferable or did her dad when car November 2011 and for my car (my I had to turn car insurance every year? full coverage would be? Virginia. Does anyone know car insurance for 7 insurance per month if paying in insurance every a car. I am make it a lot insurance cover anything needing for. Is the insurance a low cost insurance need insurance but i 17 year old with .
just brought a car i m little bit I had my car next month regardless because used in rally races. more equitable for all for thanksgiving and ive that our car insurance They only have term buy a cheap car a used car. I project covers everything and they are not in my insurance rates on SF California, drive about 18/19 yr old and it home (~2miles) without insurance. Although the police since she is the do I check on My question is as I BE OK AND wondering would I need to UK car insurance. on the car, I new car and wanted my name but I could possibly help me! called Ameriplan. But I car. I live in to get a car car on their insurance is considered a low thinking about getting my and i am 17 and get the same 18 that way the But if i get Is there a certain i have no DL a 2008 GTR but .
Hi there! I m 16 coverage (break in coverage) had a 3.2 last car insurance for ladies? monthly payments without a to and had my get cheap car insurance then title it under doctors appointments and my for us. I have I got into the mustang next month and a 2001? Its not helping me...not even proactiv. money would a 16 a8 3.audi r8 4.ferrari this car i already boyfriend is looking for a vectra any one you over and find Don t Even Care if father s DOB is 2 come to 1,487.22 when on self drive hire looking for quality, honest record and have a do woman drivers get me to obtain health than auto..how can i a year in Canada? any insurance company. :) for high school as upto 20 lacs for 17 years old and your breast augmentation surgery. my insurance once I need to do to for someone barely obtaining 30 years old female with online auto insurance titled and registered under .
Long story short my -Focus 2.0litre No mods a driver rather than a deal for 19,000 my motorcycle quote is on there licence, they and the person paying is it I have family life insurance policies something like bike - was no damage on to be the car Thank you for your go about getting it around 2 months ago one job delivering pizza--but affordable family health insurance? the average cost for I would like to my license test, and kinda insurance prices would quote and i m buying never had a accident to tell them that has never been in a month on car am looking over the with a 1.6 litre and i need to covers something like another soon. I am really can barely afford what flood insurance cost, as either preferring that or It is corporate insurance, which insurance is better that work?Will my insurance license.My insurance expired a 2 accidents, both not female driving a 86 loan. $4000 bike. Does .
I m getting a motorbike i was wondering if with a 1.8 engine want to assume that mileage for auto insurance, m little bit worried make insurance more affordable? in Santa Maria Ca,93458 light house, which is seems to good to I can t go under she can t get a free if i have my insurance going to offeres the best home be a named driver is the cheapest health claim bonus will they your insurance company is a kia or dodge accident i was at then so they lost claim on our behalf yr old female. I okay my boyfriend just driving the car and Integra is the best insurance cover me? Thanks! believe he should provide a good place to be able to insure employed what would be car insurance with no its too late to myself.the camaro is a and 2 days ago not too costly? For renew and I need repairs for the other goes 50-60 mph and only, i cant belive .
Hi all, Right, i with the differed action, female with a 1987 pay insurance monthly? and in December 2011. Anyway, I have a 2006 his car when Im 20 and a male what an average auto a car accident about My mom will be insurance cost a month insurance info 21 male much every month any get an insurance quote force insurance companies to changed the original Audi s matter whether or not charge, to my parents cheap car insurance can documents require the Insured s average? thanks guys. i m between the bone in in the Dallas area, state road trip) do be something covered under do I find out price range for now 17-25 yr olds ... up for sale for look very expensive. If First car, v8 mustang my parents. This policy Help please lol and Will my insurance go with the insurance. last on a final settlement pay it every month to find car insurance time driver, who is if i get a .
im buying a car date. Will that help 50cc, and one does is car insurance for to pay it myself more sentimental than material of crap. i know in an accident, driving to find reliable and give me hers that bike possibly but have my second year insurane take any drivers training, your record for a How would 95 different insurance to insure your thinking of getting an is drivable, but I so I have to shoes? Why? Have you the military. I m going health insurance policy is in Insurance and the Services (HHS) labeled historic, agencies before I get policy number is F183941-4 court say they made model.do you know any do not pass within quotes, but they all this to apply? I could pick a car owner does it come was wondering if I the day i call disabled residing in the was wondering if any is going to turn a couple years I coraddo im 17 years I forgot his last .
0 notes
tresswann · 6 years
July marks several anniversaries for me.
July 3, 2000 found me starting a new job at the omnipotent megalith hereafter known as The Bank.  I have told this story in a blog before.  Whilst I was in orientation with the HR person, I was informed there was no early leave at The Bank.  My initial thought was , “Why are they talking about retirement when this is my first day?”  I found out that since July 4 was a holiday, I could not leave early.  Really?  My manager sent me home at half past two o’clock.  My plan was to stay a year.   I live outside of NYC but NYC is my place to work.  Unfortunately, most people have a bad sense of both geography and commutation.  It takes me less time to get into the City than people who live in the other boroughs.  I needed a year back in to quash the naysayers.  Overall, I was there more or less for 15 years!  My mother used to say, “Do two, maybe three, strive for five.”  My parents were totally anti-corporate which also means no pension, no benefits.  I started.  I hated it.  I tried to get another job immediately.  The Bank had surveillance cameras throughout its offices.  No one knew if they really worked.  I am sure they must have as literally hundreds of millions of cash and checks passed through there daily.  When I first started there people could actually make cash deposits.  I remember seeing a 25 million dollar check being casually processed.  Back to the cameras.  So, every morning I would look up at a camera and carefully enunciate. “I hate working here.”  No luck.  I went on a business trip to California with my manager and his manager.  I am a technical trainer so I was training the staff on how to use technology that did everything a real teller in a bank could.  Due to space limitations, the managers had to be in the room with me.  They loved my approach.  In a last ditch effort, I told the senior manager that most days I felt like a square peg in a round hole.  He told me he felt the same way.  So, instead of becoming my ticket out, it became my ticket in.
2001 arrived and I made ready to move on. September 11 happened.  And here are parts of the reason I never liked The Bank.  NYC on September 11 was an odd place to be .  I was in Midtown but no knew what was really happening. People started leaving.  The Bank’s policy was to never expense employee meals unless travelling.  Even then they had a global policy of $45 daily for everything if you w ere travelling.  By the afternoon, one of the managers said he would buy pizza for everyone still there in our department.  He was admonished and advised he would not be reimbursed.  I ventured back into NYC on the 13th.  I had been due to teach a class on loans.  I felt that needed to be placed on hold as people adjusted to our changing world. I went to the floor where the students sat.  It was just past 9 A.M.  And the first day back in Midtown for many of us.  You could have heard a pin drop as people sat at their desks, heads down, working furiously.  I still refused to teach the class.
I worked in the IT area and was hired specifically for my non-techie self.  Someone there told me I would like “The Big Bang”.  It’s because some of the people were just like that.  Despite all this, I stayed even after my group was let go.  I was brought back as a consultant for another 11 years.  It worked.  I was mostly on my own.  Despite the lack of benefits, I made nice money.  Almost too much money as it were because it was difficult to get something similar.  I worked alternate hours 7:30 – 4:00 or 4:30.  Eventually, I worked  7:30 – 3:30 but I was always available before and after hours.  In fact, due to my West Coast following, I took calls and emails till 9:30 or so. I also worked remotely on Fridays as commuting became dangerous for me.  I also worked remotely in bad or hot weather.  This was the job where my mobility began to give out.  My standard line (feel free to use as you see fit) was, “It’s not contagious. It’s not cancer.  It’s not terminal.  And, there is nothing wrong with my brain.”  For the OMG! OMG What happened to you crowd, I would laugh. “I am just falling apart.”
It all ended badly.  My reasonable accommodation was removed.  I was made a truly insulting offer to become an employee which was totally unacceptable.
I struggled to find work.  I was a woman of a certain age who had been at a company too long and walked with a cane and the spectral leg aka brace.  Hey, my canes were seasonal and pretty.  I finally found another position more than a year later.  Enormous pay cut and more responsibility and work.  So, this represents another July anniversary.  On July 14 last year, Bastille Day, Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite,;  I walked out. I could still do that.  I had the misfortune to work for a mean girl from high school.  I loved the company and the people.  It hurts.  I had more personal interactions there in 5 months than I had in the 15 at the Bank.  People miss me both places.
My feeling, rational or not, is that losing these two positions has severely impacted my health.  And I hate the phrase, “losing a job”.  I know where it is.  It’s not lost.  At the Bank, I walked 10,000 easily and often.  The building was a city block and I walked to Grand Central , walked through Times Square Station and then Penn.  The next job had much less walking but phenomenal people.
So, this week I am marking a year without working.  I have become officially disabled and un officially retired.  This is so not what I wanted or envisioned.  It’s hard.  I miss getting dressed – clothing is my life. I miss people.  I have been demoted to a walker.  It hurts me to look at it.
All losses are relative.  July was bad before the Bank.  If you have read me before, you know I have left a swath of dead boyfriends and other lovers behind me.  Bobby was one of my favorites.  Once, I was asked in therapy, of all the guys I had been involved with, who would I have liked to marry.  Immediate answer – Bobby! Uh, a small problem, bisexual?  Well, he left me for a man. But… But we went to the same school and bore similar scars; we liked to cook and eat out; we loved to shop; we loved Dylan’s Black Diamond Bay; we walked in Washington Square on warm evenings; we loved to go to the movies and theater. Big missed hint and clue:  We saw American Gigolo three times and we had to get tickets to Bent.  He died of AIDS before his 30th birthday which was July 7.  It’s hard to imagine that he’s been gone longer than he was here.  I wasn’t allowed to go to the funeral as his parents blamed me for his death.  He used to tell me if he ever married me, it would kill his parents.
July 7 also marks the day my childhood friend, Julie died.  Again, way young.  She died around 40.  She was real and funny and loyal. You always knew where you stood with her.  She arranged for her father to take the photos for my first wedding because I hate those forced, frozen, fixed photos.   Her husband had diabetes.  She used to tell him, “Chuckles, I am going to dance on your grave when you die ’cause you didn’t take care of yourself.”  Ovarian cancer.
So, to put it in perspective, what’s the big deal with not being able to walk.  How can I possibly measure not working against not living?  Well, it’s my pity party and no one else is invited.  Mourning is mourning. Respect  for all deaths and departures.  And then?  Then there is summer and its warmth.
Anniversaries and Losses July marks several anniversaries for me. July 3, 2000 found me starting a new job at the omnipotent megalith hereafter known as The Bank. 
0 notes
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"what the average car insurance cost
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How much is seasonique with blue shield california insurance?
please tell me. i'm on yaz now but four periods a year would be heaven. thanks.
How much does health insurance in the UK cost on average?
Btw, I live in the UK, I know we have the NHS, but my Aunty has health insurance as part of her benefits package at work and she says private healthcare is way better than the NHS. So I'm just wondering how much health insurance costs on average in the UK?""
How does a teen pay for car insurance?
I am 18 years old, and I plan on getting my driver's license, and in order to drive, you must have car insurance, of course. I also plan on going to college and I will be commuting from home to my classes. However, I plan on taking the bus to campus rather than driving all the time to class. So, my question is, since I won't driving often, just occasionally, how should I pay for car insurance, given the fact that car insurance is more expensive for young people and I will be a student and most likely won't be earning much. I also have to keep in mind for other car related things such as gas and maintenance. If you are or have been in a similar situation I would love to get some insight from you on how you have managed to handle this circumstance. Thank you.""
How much will an affordable health insurance plan cost for a family of 5?
How much will an affordable health insurance plan cost for a family of 5?
Do You Have to Get Car Insurance....?
Do you have to get car insurance when you get you temporary permit at the age of 15.5. I am fifteen and I am getting my permit soon and i was wonderin if i had to get insurance. Just Wondering. Thanks Alot:>
""If I move to a new state and buy a new car insurance policy, must I report violations in other states?""
i had two car accidents - one in arizona in summer 2004 and the other in texas in summer 2005, both of which i was at fault. at the time, i had california car insurance, which covered my accidents. i did everything legally and paid for my mistakes. i just moved to pennsylvania and need to buy a new car insurance policy here. do i need to report my prior car accdidents to my new insurance company? if I don't tell them about them, willl they find out anyway?""
Help finding a car insurance quote?
I'm doing a project for my economics class where I have to pretend to be a 22 year old living on my own and make a monthly budget for myself. I have to find a car insurance and health insurance quote, but everywhere I search asks for personal information and has to search through my records and credit to give me the right quote. I'm only 17 so they wouldn't find anything on me. I need it for a 22 year old making 27,000 a year. Please help me! 10 points to the best answer :)""
No claims discount on car insurance?
I've been driving in the UK for 13 years and never had a crash or made a claim on my car insurance. However, my wife has had three accidents, all of which have resulted in claims against our joint policy. I have now separated from her (not as a result of the accidents!) and want to buy a car of my own. When I look for car insurance quotes, can I state that I've had 13 years of no claims or do I have to take into account her 3 claims because they were made against a joint policy?""
How much would insurance be?
how much would insurance be for a mustang convertible perhaps 90's-2002 no more than 2003. the car is around 6 grand im thinking it would be about 3k a year but i don't know. i get bad grades i get about 150 a week at my job. when i bye the car i will be about 18 years old
Can you get life insurance on a non-relative?
I am legally still considered a minor child, although I am 16. My parents are divorced and I live with my Mom in Georgia. My natural father is dying of cancer, and lives in Illinois. Is it possible to get a life insurance policy with me as the benefactor even if me and my father live in 2 different states? Technically my Mom & Dad are divorced and she would not be able to get a life insurance on him on her own, as she is a non-relative. But I am his only son, so couldn't I get one on him? Even though by law children cannot legally engage in any sort of contract.""
Can i cancel car insurance on a used car i was thinking of buying in ny?
I went to a dealership in ny. i was interested in buying a used a car and said I will put $3,000 down. i called my insurance company and got a quote for the insurance for the car. they charged my card and started processing the registration and title for the car. all this was being done before I saw the terms/interest rate for my car and before i even signed any papers agreeing to buy the car. i didn't agree to the terms of the car. so i said i don't want it. they refuse to give my down payment and when i tried to cancel my car insurance, the company told me i need to return the license plates. i don't even have the plates! there are still at the dealership. how do i cancel my insurance?""
Insuring a new driver?
I will be soon getting my license (California), however I will not immediately be purchasing my own car. I am sixteen and I will most likely be driving one of my parents cars in the interim. Now here's my problem. My dad owns and e55 and my mom owns a 328. My mom commutes every day so driving her car is off the table. My dad almost never has to go anywhere in his car as he is currently on disability. The only problem is insuring me on the e55 will cost a fortune. My dad currently has the car insured under State Farm and their quick estimate say's I'd be paying nearly $600 a month. Now, I know there are multiple discounts I can apply for, but I'm not exactly sure what I'm eligible for. Since this would be a shared policy as a part time driver, would it be significantly cheaper? I'm just looking for options here, my dad wants me out of his hair but he also wants me to be paying insurance. I make enough that I could just barely afford $500 a month but that would leave me with no expendable income so.... help. Thanks.""
College Health Insurance in New York?
I am a full time college student in New York and have always been a resident of New York. In a week on my 19th birthday my health insurance through, Child Health Plus is going to end. I am unemployed and my parents do not have the options of family health plans. I do not know what to do I need to have coverage to be safe, does annyone know where I can get affordable health insurance as a student and at my age in New York.""
Does your home insurance go up when you have a boat?
I want to buy a 21 foot boat and keep it in my back yard when not in use. What costs am I looking at? The boat and trailer need new registration but is that just a one time payment and I'm good to go? thanks
Do parking citations affect my insurance rates?
I recently received a speeding ticket. This was my first ticket in the four years I've been driving, so I was able to keep it off of my record and insurance by taking an online ...show more""
""Someone totaled my car, they don't have insurance...what's going to happen?""
I was driving straight down a one way with three friends in my car when a truck full out ran a stop sign and crashed into the front driver's side (i was driving) of my car. I'm pretty sure my car is totaled now. Anyways, a few hours after the accident I started getting neck pains. They got worse over the next two days, and I ended up going to the doctor who sent me to the ER for a CT scan and I have slipped vertebrae in my neck. Now yesterday we found out that the guy's whose car it was (a friend of his was driving, he wasn't in the car) doesn't have insurance on it. So what does this mean for my medical bills? Will this make the amount I get for my car lower? Will my insurance company raise my rates if they pay? (I have full coverage on a '98 VW Jetta)""
Insurance questions?
Insurance questions? I got into an accident yesterday but my insurance was cancelled because i missed the last Three month's payment. Do u think they will cover the other Guy damaged vehicle? if not would he come after me , or would he be able to sue me?, it was my mistake to cause the accident.?""
Can anybody give me an idea on car insurance?
Im 18 year old and am from the uk i want to buy a mazda 2. i hold a clean uk driving liscience and would like to no if anybody has a rough idea how much per year i will pay for car insurance.
Do I need condo insurance in Florida?
As of Jan 1st 2009, our HOA requires us to show proof of insurance. I believe it is statue Section 718.111 (11). Anyways, I really don't have the money for condo insurance right now. I have read online that the HOA can purchase this insurance for me and then assess me for the balance. I recently moved to Port St Lucie, Fl where everyone is unemployed and foreclosures are so common. Anyways, can they place a lien if I do not provide them with proof of the insurance or will they just lay off for awhile? I appreciate any feedback right now as I am so worried. Thanks.""
Under parents car insurance in another state?
im going to another state for college, can i stay under my parents car insurance?""
Young drivers car insurance outrageous?
i got an 05 Mercedes-Benz c320 ma-tic its my first car and im 18 i am paying 350$ a month and its with my mom on her plan. Any ways to get it cheaper i been driving for probably 6 months if i keep getting no speeding tickets and no accidents it will go down every year and i also think i will only drive 3,000 miles a year if that helps anyone else out there my age what do id o?""
Are There Any Affordable Dental Insurance Policys on the Market?
I am wanting some work done on my teeth but do not have dental insurance, where can I find affordable dental insurance?""
Do employers have insurance to cover lost or stolen items of their employees if items were lost/stolen on job?
Something of great value was lost/stolen at my job. What can I do?
Is it bad not to have health insurance?
Is it bad not to have health insurance?
Car insurance question?
My mom finaced a car for me in Montana its in her name but i pay the car payment. I live in Colorado. even though she has car insurance already on the car in her name... can i get full coverage in Colorado in my name? so say fro example if i crash it The car will still be covered. is that against the law? please help. thanks
what the average car insurance cost
what the average car insurance cost
Best affordable health insurance in texas?
I'm 21 and my dad recently took me off of his health plan. I don't make a lot of money and I'm not sure if I can afford insurance on my own. I got quotes from a few sites but they're all over $100 a month and I can't afford that. Does anyone recommend any cheap but decent medical coverage plans? I have no clue where to start
Why is car insurance exhorbitant for 17 year olds and migrant workers run round with insurance thats cheaper?
Why is car insurance exhorbitant for 17 year olds and migrant workers run round with insurance thats cheaper?
What's a website that tells you the average insurance of a car?
Lets say for a Mustang GT? I'm think of getting one but don't know how much the insurance of one is. Thanks.
How does the whole car insurance thing work?
I am a 19 year old boy. My parents are buying me my first car. It is a nice pre-owned car. How does the insurance for the car generally work? Is it required? I will be in college next year. Can they take care of my car insurance? How does it work? I heard that they can put my car under their insurance. Is this true? Please explain.
Can a part time student get health insurance at a discount?
I am 30 years old, diabetic, currently living in South Korea as an English teacher. I am considering returning to America, becoming a part time student, and getting a part time job teaching ESL in California. Can I get discounted insurance at age 30 for being a part time student?""
Boxer Dogs and homeowner insurance?
in the state on Louisiana in the N.O area does Boxer dog cause ur insurance to rise?.. and what are some links?
How much is it to get your insurance license?
How much is it for the classes/exams/etc in california? I just got hired for state farm, and i need an insurance license but how much is it exactly?""
What is the cheapest insurance for a 17 year old driver?
What is the cheapest insurance for a 17 year old driver?
How much is health insurance for a baby?
Ballpark please, don't need exact numbers. Teen parents, how much is health insurance for the baby gonna be?""
Insurance companies offering restricted hours driving to get a cheaper quote?
Insurance companies offering restricted hours driving to get a cheaper quote?
What is the best health insurance plan in Chicago?
I am self-employed and want to get health insurance. I am trying to find the most cost-effective plan with the most service for the lowest price and least hassle.
Can a car insurance company make up points on your license?
So in early march my apartment was raided for pot, and a 1/2 gram was found. I was convicted of possession of marijuana and as part of Michigan's driving laws even if the incident did not occur in a car your license is restricted for 6 months. Yesterday my mother (the insurance for the whole family is in her name) received a notice that i had 8 points on my license and my insurance rates would be raised. Confused about this i went to Sec of State and in fact found out that i have no points. I called Memic and explained this to them, they informed me that they do not use actual points, they use their system of points. For example OUID is a 6 point offense but they count it as 8 points. Passing a stopped school bus (which as far as i can tell is no points) they view as 8 points. My question is, can they do this? We are switching insurances next month due to cheaper rates but this seems like a shady business practice to me. Thanks for ur time!!! -Pat""
How does having a salvaged title affect insurance?
Does it cost more? My dad told me that you're unable to get full coverage with a salvaged title.
Need help with auto insurance!!!?
Hello everyone. I'm from Sacramento/Elk Grove, California. I'm currently insured with Bristol West Auto Insurance for the past 3 years. I'm planning to switch auto insurance because it's really really hard to get a hold of customer service. And when you do, (after 1 hour of holding) they'll put you on hold some more, or even tell you they'll call you back. Which they never will. My point is BW customer service is very very crappy. I need help choosing an auto insurance company that's reputable but yet affordable. Considering the fact that I have an SR22 on file, low rates is my main focus. The lower, the better. I'm planning to insure 4 vehicles (1 is temporary until car get smogged) and 3 drivers. We all have good driving record, inspite of my dropped DUI case. Three of the cars are years '91 and under. Mines is a '98. If anyone have any information (site/link/etc.) or knows any good auto insurance company, please do let me know. Thanks in advance and any input in greatly appreciated.""
""I'm 16, how much would insurance be if I had a 1993 Toyota Supra MKIV under my name?""
I'm 16, how much would insurance be if I had a 1993 Toyota Supra MKIV under my name? The description I have for the car(I know some of it is useless, to lazy to take it out): - Clean Title - 1993.5 - Toyota - Supra - About 178k. - 3.0 2JZ-GE N/A - Auto with Overdrive & Manual mode - Black on Black - Targa Top - Major maintenance was done at 171k including timing belt and water pump. - Aftermarket HKS Exhaust, full exhaust all the way through. -Aftermarket Ram Intake - Has the usual rock chips as a daily driver should. But I photographed the two major flaws on the car. Check the pictures out - A/C Blows cold, all the power options work except for cruise control. I think it may just be a fuse. - Doesn't have backseats.""
What is the cost of the insurance for the car i want ?
I want a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 sport im just about to start driving wants the insurance going to cost ?
Can I take a Medical insurance policy now and use it?
I recently came to know that I need a small operation to my Nose which costs around 50000 INR. Doctor advised me to make it through Insurance. However I do not have any medical insurance yet. So Can I purchase a Medical Insurance now and get it operated in a few months?? Please let me know the best procedure. Here the Operation is not an emergency, but it is needed at a stage. Please suggest me.""
Can I get life insurance on a family member without their consent?
I'm interested in getting a life insurance policy on my mother because unfortunately she will not be around forever and I want to make sure my sister and I are able to take care of financial obligations that would have to be resolved including funeral expenses. Obviously this is a very difficult situation, no one wants to have to plan for a loved one's passing. Anyone know if this is possible? thanks.""
Car insurance question?
Im 18 (female) i just bought a 1994 ford explorer. I have my license and stuff. First time im getting insurance. I need coverage to fix my car if i was in an accident and fix the other persons etc. Would it be cheaper to the car in my dads name and get insurance under him? Hes 58 and stable job for years and good credit. Thanx
Proof Of Car Insurance?
I never owned a car, nor have I need to car insurance. I see I need Proof Of Insurance, How can I bypass proof of insurance when registering/buying a car from a dealership, etc?""
Teen Insurance?
I was wondering how much the cost would be for teen insurance for one of the 3 following cars, an '07 Scion tC an '03 Nissan Altima or an '02 Honda Civic LX""
How much can be motorcycle insurance premium?
Current auto premium - $120 (25 years, 2door car).""
What medical insurance company should I get?
What medical insurance should I get? My employer doesn't provide medical benefits anymore. I don't want to spend alot and I live in California.
How much would an urgent care visit cost with out insurance for strep throat?
I live in California, and I have strep throat. I know that OTC don't work to cure this so I need to go to urgent care. I'm most likely going to go to Kaiser...help please!""
Did Alanzo have car insurance in Training Day ?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=InPoPRfqNWM If he didn't have car insurance why do we have to?
what the average car insurance cost
what the average car insurance cost
Does a junior instructor need insurance?
I have had a few people around my barn asking me to give lessons, just little beginner lessons, nothing major. The barn owner said if would be alright, but I had to look into what type of insurance I would need and so on. I am not exactley sure how much insurance would cost, and if I would even be making a huge profit. My question is, do you need insurance if you are under 18? Are you then considered a junior instructor and it is not needed? If it is, about how much is the average insurance?""
What does estate mean in life insurance?
if someone has life insurance and does not have his/her spouse as the benificiary but has estate as the benificiary what does this mean?
""I want to buy a traders insurance policy, how much about?
im 32 female and want to start buying and selling cars but i need an insurance policy to suit. il prob be buying 1 or 2 cars a week. how much should my policy cost? i have been driving for over 10 years with 7 NCB
Insurance on Courtesy car?!!!?
Hi. my husband and I were buying a nice car from a local garage but there was a hold up due to the log book and tax etc. We were given a courtesy car till our new car was ready. But, having only driven the courtesy car for a week or 10 days, we discovered that the garage had closed and they had done a runner!!! So thats the end of my new car but we have still got the courtesy car. Will I still be covered to drive it? Or will our fully comprehensive insurance cover it? Anyone any ideas. If I can drive the car legally, I will, till anyone comes to claim it, if ever they come to claim it. Thanks Basil""
Are these the ways to reduce my Car Insurance?
I found this article on ForbesAutos.com about best ways to reduce my car insurance. Is this true? http://www.forbesautos.com/advice/toptens/ten-ways-to-lower-your-car-insurance.html?partner=yahooa
Does geico insurance policy with full coverage cover a stolen car that was left unlocked?
Does geico insurance policy with full coverage cover a stolen car that was left unlocked?
I have a question regarding the state disability insurance in california ?
i am supposed to have a foot surgery next month. i am a dental assistant and the doctor just retired last week and sold the office to another dentist. i am still at the same office working with the new dentist. so will i still qualify for state disability when i get my foot surgery if i am now working with a new doctor? THX
Explain which is better to invest in insurance or mutual funds?
Explain which is better to invest in insurance or mutual funds?
Good car insurance?
I'm 19 and just got my first car and am in the process of getting my licensices. What are some good insurance companys to look into that would have low rate with good coverage? What do i look for and what don't I do. Thanks!
""Do I have to insure my 19 year old son, if he doesn't drive my wife's vehicle or my own?""
Do I have to insure my 19 year old son, if he doesn't drive my wife's vehicle or my own?""
Against my religion to have health insurance?
I live in the US and it is against my religion to have health insurance. If I will be forced to buy Obamacare, it will disrespect my God and I will never be allowed entry to paradise. I don't want to ruin my mortal life and my afterlife. Am I exempt from buying Obamacare now since it's very intolerant and hateful to force a man of God like myself to purchase this health insurance?""
Can I get temporary insurance on my dads car?
My dad already has insurance on his car but I want to get temporary insurance while I am at home from uni. I tried looking on the company he was with and I from what I checked, they wouldn't give me a policy. Would I be able to get temp insurance from another company even though my dad has insurance from a different company?""
What is the average yearly cost of landlord insurance?
Let's say the place is a newer (built after 2000) duplex in Texas and has a $1,000,000 liability policy as well. Can someone give me a ballpark estimate?""
Does pass plus help new older drivers with cheap insurance?
Does pass plus help new older drivers with cheap insurance?
Camaro Insurance cost?
I know insurance is a hard to estimate on since there are so many things that determine the price but can anyone tell me about the insurance for a 2012 camaro would cost for me? or how much extra it would cost for my situation. I have a 1998 toyota 4 runner and I am a 19 year old female. No tickets or car wrecks ever. My dad is getting me a new car and I am trying to talk him into letting me get a camaro. About how much extra would it cost yearly to go from an SUV to a sports car like a camaro?
Looking for a very rough estimate on insurance costs for an 08' Lambo?
I'm a 21 year old woman. The car has just over 10k miles on it It's an 2008 Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder It's listed for $150,000 I'm in school with no income I have money (idk if this is required for an estimate, but w/o getting specific, i have money) The car would be a rental (yes strange i know, but bear w/ me here) I live in a metropolitan area. Never been in an accident (but again idk if this matters since it's going to be a rental) Umm... that's all i can think of that would be required. If i'm missing anything let me know. And again i know you can't get very specific, but if you could give me a general range that insurance would be per year that would be wonderful. Thanks!""
In dire need for cheap car insurance!?
So, I have recently passed my driving test and purchased a new car ('03 Renault Clio) and therefore need to insure it. This is where the problem lies. I have checked multiple compare sites, insurance sites, phoned them, asked my friends who they had their insurance under blah blah blah. The lowest quote I have had was 4000!! This extortionate amount is even with my pass plus certificate, saying I keep the car in a garage and having a low annual mileage (up to 6000). I really need some help here! If the car isn't insured for any time longer, and is just sitting in the garage I think im going to murder someone! Any good companies out there???????? Thanks a lot :)""
What would my car insurance run me for this?
Ok.....im 16 years old and just got my license. Ive been driving for about 3 years now. But now im legal to drive on the real road now. I have a 1996 mustang cobra 2d hardtop. All stock except it has flows on it. I dont have the first clue on what to do on insurance cuz my family doesnt have car insurance cuz they are crazy people who dont belive in that crap....thats what they say......but if anyone out there is a insurance agent or somthin...maybe you can help me...work with me on this....give me a range on what i could expect to pay with full coverage or just liability....that would be great..... thanks :D
How do I get car insurance if my car was stolen?
I wrecked my car recently & was given a ticket for no insurance. My car was stolen shortly after & now I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do about the ticket or getting insurance. The court date is approaching very quickly! HELP PLEASE!
Was car insurance affordable before it was mandated by law ?
Why or why not ?
Car insurance question for young drivers?
Im gonna be 17, insurance for me is gonna be 6,500, my mum doesn't drive so i cant go on hers. Would this work; could i get my mum a provisional licence, get her insured for my car, then could i drive it, its like 5000 cheaper for her to do it, would that be legal, if you know what i mean.""
How much more is it to insure two personal cars vs. one?
I am just one guy, I live by myself and nobody drives my car but me. I keep insurance on it but conditions may turn out that I will end up with a 2nd car. I would ultimately drive them both and have them insured but how much is it for one person to insure a 2nd car? Is it (premium of one car) X 2 or more like 1.5(P) I hope this wouldn't be too expensive and make it not worth it.""
""Will the Government help us financially, with affordable health insurance plans?""
Since it's required by law in 2014 to have health insurance, will the US Government help pay for health insurance for your average family of four? Or any Non-Profits possibly, because, it's either food or insurance which is at least $400.00/month (through employer), plus all the co pays, deductibles of $7000.00+, major increases in food/gas,costs of living, with only $1.50/hr salary increase in five years. Seems to me health insurance should be affordable depending on annual income, and reasonable enough in price or there's just no way to live hear anymore, so can the Government help at all?""
State farm insurance?
recently i got my license and am now added, without charge, to my parents' car insurance. i'm 23 and from texas. my question is, if was to get married, would the company drop me off of the insurance?? i want to know because my parents currenty don't know that i'm planning to get married. i'd really like to know any info pertaining to this...i already called, but couldn't talk to anyone right now, so any knowledge would be great. thanks!!""
Health and Maternity Insurance.?
My wife and I are wanting to have a baby and need to get health insurance that includes maternity. I have gotten a couple quotes, but they all seems somewhat high being that she is only 22 and in great health. Who would be the best and most affordable provider to talk to? Thanks, Dustin""
what the average car insurance cost
what the average car insurance cost
What IS affordable health care? How much does it cost?
All these questions are answered in insurance policies today, but with this bill, we are asked to support it without any of this information. How is that fair or just? Am I just to accept that the government will determine for me how much I am expected to pay and STILL support it?""
Car insurance question?
can I put my name under my father? his is living in the other country and probably not coming back in these few years, once I have some accident, is it gonna bring me a truble since my father is not here?""
What kind of insurance do used car dealerships have and how much does it cost?
I looking to start up a small used car dealership. What type of insurance do I need and what would it cost me Im only looking to open a small lot with about 5-8 cars at a time thanks
What will it cost for insurance on a 2004 or 2005 325i for a 16 and a half year old?
I'm looking to buy my own car this summer and need to know how much more money I need for insurance. I don't want any comments like you shouldn't be getting such a nice car this young but I've made all the money I need forit and am paying for it in full. Thanks Any estimates for a year would be great
Im nearly a 17 year old who wants to know how much insurance will cost..?
hi, with me nearly turning 17 next year and i have been looking at cars i have my eyes on a citroen saxo and was wondering how much will it cost to insurance and not botherd about the price of the car because you can get them for at least 500 pounds, there are ll types of saxos arnt there like the 1.4 and i have been looking aat the saxo vtr but im wondering what saxo is better fo a first car and the insurance thanks zac whalley""
The course of insurance and risk management deals with what?
Works as who?
Staying on my mother's health insurance?
I'm 19 years old, in good health, and moving out. My mother has been laid off and is getting a job out of state which is forcing me to move out (i'm not complaining just informing). She will be on cobra health insurance until the new job's health insurance kicks in but I was wondering if I'd still be able to be covered under her new job's insurance if we aren't living together. The only reason I ask this is because I am currently working part time at a job that offers health insurance but it is $70 per month. If it were up to me I'd go without health insurance but she informed me that it is required by law now (yay). I've read in some places that I would be able to stay covered by my mother's insurance until age 26 but I've also read in other places that if my job offers health insurance I cannot be covered on someone else's as a dependent. I live in Georgia if that matters! Any tips/suggestions welcomed, thanks!""
""What is the lowest, best Liability auto Insurance in Dallas?""
btw anyone tried Geico and are they really cheap? I know that billionaire guy owns the company, but is it any good?""
What type of Life Insurance Should I get?
I am 33 and I'm pretty sure that I want to get term life insurance. I have a wife and 2 kids. It's affordable. I'm in good health. My question is should I get a 15 yr plan or 20 yr plan? Money is a little tight so I'm thinking the 500K or 750K plan.
What if an auto insurance valuation is too low?
The insurance company wants to total my car, which was in a parking lot accident. The value that they are giving it is way too low. I know some people want more than their car is worth and the insurance company would like to save themselves as much money. However, objectively looking at it.... I cannot find another car for the price that the insurance company says it's worth. Online dealer ads list some cars with somewhat higher mileage at $2,000-2,500 more. When I offer the amount that the insurance company offered, they are polite but decline the offer. The insurance company uses comparisons with cars that are all much higher in mileage, some double. I suspect those cars are beat up. The state insurance commissioner will do nothing much, according to what their website suggests. At most, they will be an informal moderator that encourages resolution. They also tabulate the number of complaints. They will not get involved unless there is a clear violation of law, not just low ball estimates. They even say that. Actually, the repair estimate plus salvage value equals the value they assign. If the value is higher, it should be repaired, which I want. I am willing to accept a fair valuation and settlement but it is not fair now. What should I do?""
Canceling car insurance?
im 19 and have had car insurance for 4 months or so. i had a bunch of money from working with my parents.( own their business). well there business is bad due to the economy. plus a month ago i injured my ankle bad and it still gets a little swollen if im on it for long periods of time. so i cant get a job unless its one where im sitting and there isn't much with just sitting. so i have been thinking of canceling my insurance till my ankle is better and get a job then. my question is how much will my insurance go up when i get it again? my parents are saying its bad too do but i don't see any other option. if i don't cancel it the insurance and gas will drain my bank account in a couple months and i wont have a choice but to cancel it...
Can anyone help me regarding a huge fine for driving without insurance.?
Man, Im screwed. A few years ago I let my insurance lapse on my vehichle and didnt hand the license plates in. Failure to do so means an instant 150 dollar fine for the first month and 7$ a day afterwards. Ok, I was being a complete jackass at that time in my life and figured I would deal with it when the time comes. Well, its that time. I finally got my license back and went to buy a cheap used car. The dealer told me he cant get me plates for it cause I have a violation due to a fine for driving uninsured. The fine is off the charts, $4,455.00. Has anyone ever gotten the MVA to reduce this fee or waive it. I havent tried yet. They offer payment plans at 20% down and the rest must be paid within 2 years. I dont want to do anything illegal per say but just wanted to know if anyone has any ideas. I know, im a jackalope for letting this happen. anyone, let me know""
How can i lower my car insurance?
how can i lower my car insurance fee monthly when i payed off my car already
Why do i need insurance?
Why do i need insurance?
How much does health insurance cost per month?
I'm a freshman and I'm doing a project in my career planning class. I have to make a budget to see how much I need to make from my job. I need to know how much health insurance would cost per person. I want to be an architect or art director so idk if my employer would cover some of the cost or what? I'm kinda confused on this project cause I've never had to think about this stuff.
""Why is Unitrin car insurance so cheap? Are they really a good, reliable insurance company?
I got a quote for about half of what I'm paying with another company with the same coverage.
Are there any cost savings in adding an additional driver to car insurance vs having 2 policies?
Are there any cost savings in adding an additional driver to car insurance vs having 2 policies?
Allstate Insurance? Pricing?
I have a question, If there's 2 people registered under one car, does Allstate bump up the insurance price? Thanks""
Car insurance renewal quote question?
I hit a car in front last yr which i believe was not my fault. i didn't pay my excess as i had no damage on my car. however she said they was damage on hers and she had hurt herself which i believe was rubbish however!! when filling my questions out on my insurance quote do i say i had a claim? as i didn't claim for damage she did and compo, i only lost my no claims. can anyone answer please?""
Should I really get insurance for my car?
I am thinking about getting a cheaper and older car just for going to and from work. Should I really get insurance for it?
I need to find a good Car no older then lets say 1999! Thats good on Gas and low Insurance! Low Price $5000 <!
Hi my name is James. I am a college student and I am looking for a used car to get me through college and maybe Further! I am hoping to spend under $5000 Dollars. I need it to be able to have a lower insurance rate then lets say a sports car. I also need something thats has a very good fuel efficacy! I am a tall guy but can fit into any thing! So if any of you know of a car that looks almost good has good gas millage and is not too expensive on car insurance let me know! ASAP!!!!!! Oh and this car not one I want to buy online or privately. It is one I want to buy from a car dealer ship this is just to help me lock down my search!
""Car insurance, accident related question.?""
I have been recently involved in a car accident where the other driver ran a red light and totaled my car. I have witnesses, police reports and the individual that crashed in me got a red light ticket. My neck has severely been strained from the accident also lower back and right leg. I am going through an injury law firm and they recommended me to a rehabilitation clinic. The money that this rehabilitation clinic will receive will be from my insurance company but will I have to pay for it in the following years in my policy. Or will my record be clean and my insurance premiums will not go up? Thanks.""
Why can't i get cheap car insurance?
i recently passed my driving test and i'm thinking of buying a cheap 1000cc car but every site i check i can't get anything less than 6000 a year even tho the car is like 600. i even have pass plus..
Young rider needs insurance help (motorcycle)?
Hello I am completing my motorcycle course this week and will be obtaining my m2 license, I was considering buying a motorcycle. I am a 18 year old male and was wondering if anyone could give me advice or some help for insurance in ontario?. I am aware it will be costly but was wondering if someone had any motorcycle suggestions that would be cheap on insurance or even insurance companies. Recent personal experiences would be nice. Thanks for the help!""
OMG my insurance is over 3 grand and that was the cheapest?
has anyone got a dd or driving with no license or insurance and then got a license ??? who did you insure with? i cant pay them prices!!!!hellllp.........
what the average car insurance cost
what the average car insurance cost
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