#and it takes a lot longer than it should for Aren to figure out why Kusuo was freaking out
fluffydice · 1 month
Kubosai Kusuo rubbing his cheek against Aren’s, who thinks it’s so cute until he realizes Kusuo is trying to feel his stubble without being able to use his hands. Still just as cute, but now Aren can grab his boyfriend’s face and forcefully rub his cheek against his to hear him yelp.
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brabblesblog · 7 months
I hope you die screaming.
One-shot, angst/comfort, astarion/f!tav
After you refuse to help Astarion ascend, he leaves you with a venomous goodbye. Unfortunately the vampire has to come back to get his things.
The idea was to mix up the warding bond rings, Astarion’s final words if you refuse to help him, and Tav suffering and dying (not permanently!) in his absence.
Read on AO3.
It had been a miserable few days of being alone in Baldur’s Gate, without most of his possessions, but Astarion was loathe to go back to the Elfsong. For one, he wasn’t sure exactly what he’d be there to do. To grab his things and go? A possibility, but not what he would rather do. To get on his knees and ask you to take him back? What he really wanted to do, but the chance of you forgiving him was slim, and he couldn’t face that rejection. So he stayed near the tavern, torn between showing himself and walking away yet again, when the ring on his finger pulsed with a strange magic and the ward protecting him dissipated from his body.
He had known you were still protecting him through the paired rings even as he stormed out of Cazador’s palace. The soft, pleasant feeling of the ward had not disappeared at all, and it had proven quite useful once or twice when he inadvertently offended someone enough for them to attempt to stab him. He didn’t get a lot of injuries - only minor cuts and scrapes - so as much as he felt guilty he figured you would be more than capable of handling it. In any case, should you want, you could just take off the rings, he reasoned.
So when the ward fell away right now, he huffed a bit and took the ring off. You must’ve finally remembered he had the other one, and there was no longer any point protecting him, after everything.
After what he said.
He entered the tavern and sat in a corner, waiting for your group to come back. He’d decided to come get his things. Without the ward’s protection, he would need his potions and armor to survive solo.
Soon enough, the door burst open and Gale came stumbling in. The gore and blood on his robes was normal enough, but his expression wasn’t. The man looked ashen and pale, and he immediately ran to the stairs. “Shadowheart! Come here. Now!”
Before the vampire could even put down the goblet he was holding, Halsin came in, something bundled in his arms. The air that wafted through hit Astarion, and he almost choked on it: blood. Your blood. A lot of it. He watched with wide eyes as Halsin carried the bloody bundle in his arms. It was a body, that much was obvious, but they had wrapped it in blankets. The fabric was stained everywhere, but it pooled the most where the chest would be. Halsin dipped his head and gently placed a kiss on the head of the body, and as he did so the blanket covering the face fell away. Astarion’s heart, if he still had one, would have stopped as he saw the face underneath the blankets. Yours.
He immediately stood up, heading towards Halsin. The larger elf saw him and let him approach, his expression one of sorrow.
“Halsin? What- is she…” he closes the distance. Your eyes are closed, as if you were sleeping. He knows it, knows he can’t hear your heartbeat and can’t see you breathe, but he still reaches out to cup your cheek. Cold, as cold as his hands were. He chokes back a scream that threatens to bubble from his throat.
Halsin moves, slowly climbing the stairs. “Come, Astarion. I shall explain.” As he made his way to your bed, he talked. “She hasn’t been well since your departure, but that is to be expected. We had a fight with the Steel Watch. She was a little too slow, too tired, and they won.”
Astarion growls. “You should all have protected her! Did you all cower when-“
“No.” Halsin rounds on him, eyes glinting with what was almost like anger. “We all have our injuries. We all tried our best. We weren’t the ones who left her.”
He laid you down on your bed, grabbing a wet cloth to clean your wounds. Astarion gripped the elf’s wrist. “Why aren’t you using a scroll to revive her?!”
He sighed. “You might not remember, Astarion, but the scrolls were all in your bag when you left.”
Shit. He had forgotten. He quickly rummaged through it, finding one. He saw Shadowheart approach and asked her for some healing potions as well. While everyone was preparing, Halsin kept cleaning your body up. Astarion scowled and grabbed his own wet towel, gently trying to clean around the hole in your chest. He winced at the amount of blood he saw as he tried to peel off the bloody shirt, then paused as he realized it was his camp shirt. Biting back the urge to scream, he kept working.
Shadowheart came back with several bottles of the potion, and they got to work. Halsin used the scroll, and as he did the vampire began pouring the potions down your throat. It didn’t take long for him to hear your heart start to beat again, and he exhaled roughly as he poured more bottles, just to be sure. He watched the color flood back into your face as you healed, unable to stop some tears from falling.
A hand gripped his shoulder and he turned to see Gale. The wizard sighed. “I’m surprised to see you here,” he said dryly. “Seems like you got your wish,” he said bitterly, gesturing to you.
Astarion bared his fangs and got up, ready to tear him from limb to limb. Halsin barely had enough time to stand between the two men. “There is no point to fighting each other. What’s done is done. And she’s doing better now.”
Gale sighed. He nodded at Halsin, then at Astarion. “I suppose the druid is right. You’ll still have some explaining to do, but it can wait.” He leaves to see Shadowheart to tend to his own injuries. After a moment, so does Halsin, squeezing Astarion’s hand in solidarity as he left.
Astarion continues his ministrations, weeping openly now that no one was here. He leaned forward, kissing your forehead. When you were clean, he puts you in your nightclothes, then wraps you up in his blankets. It doesn’t escape his notice that you’ve moved into his bed, his things still there, as though you were waiting for his return. He sleeps there that night, wraps himself around you, the sound of your soft breathing something he sorely missed.
You wake up a few hours later. Your head pounds, but when you open your eyes, it is blessedly dark. The last thing you remember was a steel watch monstrosity’s blade coming straight through you. You take a breath, nuzzling the blankets. They still smell like him, and you worry that soon the smell will fade. Then there would be nothing left of the man you loved. Well, other than his clothes-
Wait. His clothes. You run a hand down your chest, wincing at the movement. You realize you’re in your own camp clothes. It must’ve been torn in the fight, ruined by the gore. A soft cry escapes your lips. It felt all too much like losing him again. You whimper, helpless. Every movement was pain, but the most painful thing even now was your heart.
You suddenly realize you’re not alone on the bed. An arm sweeps across, wrapping securely around your waist. Someone nuzzles you, shushing your cries. In the darkness you can barely see, but the scent and the temperature of said arm hits you.
He swallows nervously. “Darling. I… I’m here.” He can see your face in the dark, eyes wide and afraid, and then a glimmer of hope as you realize who he is.
“You came back,” you manage to croak out. Your hand finds his, and he squeezes it tightly.
“I did. I-“ the happiness in your face stuns him. You should hate him. He doesn’t deserve to be welcomed back with such open arms.
“I was in the Elfsong to gather my things.” Before you could get the wrong idea and get hurt, he pushes on. “But I think I knew even as I walked in I’d be here to beg you to let me stay.”
“There’s no need to even ask, love.” Your hand moves to his hand, feeling for the ring. It isn’t there, and you feel a small pang of sadness. “You took it off.”
“Only today,” he says. “The wards fell. I thought you got rid of it, but your ring is still on your finger. I guess it just stopped working when you-“ he swallows past the lump in his thoat. “You- you know.” He couldn’t bring himself to say it.
Noticing his distress, you move your other hand to cup his cheek. “I’m sorry you had to see this. I got clumsy. I was… I wasn’t at my best.” You look away, embarrassed to admit how much you missed him.
“Darling. No,” he turns your cheek to meet his gaze. “I left you. I broke your heart. All because I was too afraid to see the right path to take. And I wished… I said terrible things. I would take it back, all of it back. I regretted it as soon as I left the dungeons. But I didn’t think you’d let me back in. If I stayed, maybe you’d be alright. You’d be-“
His words are broken by soft lips that press against his. It was tender, and he couldn’t help but lean into it, kissing back carefully and gently. More tears fell from him, and you thumbed them away. Pulling back, you offer him a kind smile. “I forgave you as you left, love. I get it. It’s just that I missed you a lot.”
“I missed you too.” With those words Astarion finally breaks down, hiding his face in the crook of your neck. He didn’t deserve such tenderness, such love, after what he did. He vowed to do better with your heart, to give what you deserve as well. Not for any other reason than that he wanted to.
He meets your eyes, and he finally lets the words that had been sitting in his chest for ages out. “I love you. I have loved you for a while, darling, I just didn’t know how. I’m not good at this, obviously. I choose the wrong words, do the wrong things, and you still let me back in.”
You chuckle a bit, hands carding through his hair. “That’s because I love you too, idiot.”
You’ve told him that for some time now, accepting that he couldn’t say the same yet. But every time you say it his heart still soars. He captures your lips in yet another kiss.
“Forgive me?”
“Of course. You’ll have to put your ring back on, though. Maybe when I’m more healed, on second thought.”
You bite your lip, frowning.
“Oh. And I might have ruined your camp shirt. Could you fix it for me? Please?”
He puts on a show of pouting and sighing. “If I must. What would you do without me, hm?”
You roll your eyes and tug him close to you. All too quickly, you drift off, finally having a good night’s rest. He watches your face become peaceful, noting the huge bags under your eyes.
Astarion holds you through the night, vowing to never leave your side ever again.
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holykillercake · 3 years
One Year
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pairing: Zoro x Reader
word count: 2k
summary: No summary this time. I´ll just say this ¨Bartholomew Kuma and Sabaody¨. Read at your own risk. Seriously, ¨KUMA AND SABAODY¨, do you understand?
highlight: ¨Everyone did their best, but no one could have done better.¨
warnings: angst with happy ending; Sabaody Archipelago spoilers (?)
notes: Hey guys! This was a request from @roronoatrash​ in which ¨Zoro who has 0 sense of direction seemed to always find his way back to is s/o, and his s/o only.¨. I really hope you like it!💚 This is also the first time I write a Devil Fruit user, so I'm considering a sequel to develop the character and add more humor.
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𝕷𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖘, 𝖗𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖘, 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊!
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It was a cloudy and melancholic day in the New World. The men on board were leisurely enjoying their afternoon; some drinking, some napping, some eating. The air was humid and cold, and the tides were strangely calm. No one seemed to care. After all, that was the New World. 
¨Boss!¨ the lookout shouted from the crow's nest ¨Something is falling from the sky! It´s going to land on deck!¨
All men tilted their heads to look at the sky, watching a tiny black spot become bigger and more recognizable.
¨Is that what I think it is?¨ the captain asked himself, not believing his eyes.
¨Boss, is that a girl?¨
¨Yep, I think so.¨
They stood still watching what they suspected was a girl fall from the skies. The red-haired took a quick glimpse at his first-mate and officers, and since no one moved, he felt safe to assume that that was not a threat. Mainly because whatever was falling towards the ship looked dead already. 
The body fell through the main deck and went straight to the lower level of the ship. The captain and his officers stood around the hole on the wooden floor, observing the unconscious and injured body of a girl. 
¨I´ve seen some crazy things rain around here... but this is new.¨ he spoke.
They were ready to have someone dispose of the dead body when the girl opened her eyes, putting herself on her shaky legs. Blood dripped from her eyebrows and nose, and she had bruises all over. Her eyes wandered around as if she was looking for something.
¨Z-Zoro...¨ she spoke when her teary eyes met the captain´s ¨I-I need to find Zoro.¨ 
That was all she said before falling on her knees and collapsing. 
Almost a year has passed since the tragedy in Sabaody Archipelago. A year passed since you were defeated in the fight against the marine force. Your gashes closed, and your bruises healed, but there was a wound that would not go away, even after one year. 
So much had happened since that day. Luffy had broken into Impel Down, fought in the Paramount War, and lost his brother, Ace. A few days later you received the hidden message he had left you, saying that you were no longer going to meet in Sabaody in three days but in two years.
It took you a while to understand the situation you and the rest of the Strawhats were in, and it took you even more to let go of your selfishness and trust them. The guilt for not being strong enough to protect yourself and your comrades ate you alive during the first weeks, but then you considered how they must be feeling too. No one could have done better. 
Everyone did their best, but no one could have done better. 
For one year, whenever a News Coo flew by to deliver a newspaper, you would run and grab it before anyone did, hoping to see another message from your friends. But the status of your captain was the only one you knew so far. You knew he was training with Rayleigh-san, and this whole two years thing should have been his idea. 
When Bartholomeu Kuma used his Devil Fruit powers on you, you ended up landing on the ship of the Red Hair Pirates. They would always tell you how you rained on their Red Force and broke the deck floor. They said you were looking for someone, and during your stay in the infirmary, you would always call for the same person. 
For months nightmares had you waking up in the middle of the night panting and crying. The same one, torturing you in an infinite and merciless loop. 
Every detail, color, and noise. Everything was so precise and clear in your head. 
When he fought still injured from the last encounter with the Shichibukai; when he stood up and faced the Warlord fearlessly. Even with the damages caused by Kizaru and the Pacifistas, he stood up. 
And maybe your eyes fooled you, maybe your exhausted body played a sick trick on you because he was there until he wasn´t.
 Right in front of your eyes.
 His cropped green hair and tanned skin, the vibrant red and white striped shirt, the scar across his chest, the haramaki, and the swords. Gone, simple as that. 
But after all the training that you had with the Red Hair Pirates, you seemed more in peace with yourself. After one year, the nightmares would bother you only every once in a while. You were not prepared for the New World before, maybe still aren´t, but you will get there. 
And they made everything easier. It was no mystery why Luffy liked them so much. Whenever you were not engaged in a fight or some other Emperor crap, those guys were incredibly light-spirited. And the moment they realized you were part of Luffy´s crew they treated your wounds and welcomed you onboard. 
Shanks agreed to have his men training you, but he made very clear that no one would babysit you, so it was ¨keep up or keep out.¨. You spent most of your time with Yassop, Benn, or Roux, for they were the best in the abilities you exercised. 
Inside the Strawhats you were a stealth agent, mostly because of your Devil Fruit, the Nagi Nagi no Mi, once possessed by a Marine Commander. Another Supernova, the Surgeon of Death Trafalgar Law had told you that before shit broke in Sabaody. 
You used that combined with your fighting skills to breach the enemy´s first line of defense before they saw you coming. Usually, Usopp would assist you with the sniper training, trade he ¨learned from a friend¨, Sogeking. 
His father was an extraordinary sniper, and he used the same kind of firearms as you, differently than Usopp´s slingshot. Benn´s combat skills were remarkable, and Roux was exceptionally fast for a man his size. You haven´t had a lot of opportunities to fight the Red Hair himself, though you had a strong will, his Haki was something you have never seen before. 
¨We´re going to a bar, kid. You´re coming?¨ Benn asked you with his cigarette on his lips. 
You pondered a little over his invitation but decided to decline it. ¨Thanks, Benn, but I´m keeping a low profile tonight.¨ He nodded and smiled, turning to follow his crewmates ¨Don´t drink too much, we have training tomorrow!¨ 
The first mate laughed shortly and spoke without looking at you ¨Roger that, kid.¨ 
You walked the opposite way, wandering between the vegetables and gimmicks tents, feeling the kind sunset kiss your skin. There was some music playing, kids running around with ice cream in their hands, laughing loudly and happily. Marketers were announcing their prices, housewives were thinking about delicious recipes to prepare for their families, and couples would sit together around the font, swearing love to each other.
Every day was like that. The citizens would wish their neighbors ¨good morning¨ from their windows; bakers would open the doors early, letting the delightful smell of fresh bread wake up those who slept in.  
How could you, in the middle of all that happiness, feel so sad and lost?
You sighed and made a route change. Maybe you needed a little bit of booze. 
The island where Shanks had decided to dock was in the Grand Line, a place where they were known and welcomed. So you knew where they were, and it would be a short walk to get there.
You turned automatically, thinking that a crew member had gotten lost and was looking for his captain - or boss, how he likes to be called.
 But when you saw the man standing in front of you, everything stopped. The music, the kids, and the love promises. 
At some point, you started to cry and hyperventilate, believing you were in another nightmare, and you would have to go through that day all over again. Your lover carried pain in his eyes as well, like his fears were the same as yours. 
Those minutes you stared at each other felt like hours while you kept every detail of him in your memory. His hair was slightly longer, and his complexion was paler, even with the sunset painting his skin. 
¨Z-Zoro...¨ you whispered shakily.
He gave a step forward ¨Y/N... it´s you...¨ 
You ran in his direction as soon as your name fell out of his mouth. Your arms embraced his neck, and your legs gave up when he held you tight against his body, whispering comforting words as you broke into tears. 
¨I...¨ nothing but sobs came out.
¨I know... me too.¨ he fondled your hair and hid his face in the curve of your neck. And there stood the both of you, not wanting to let the other go. 
¨How did you know I was here?¨ you asked and he blushed a little.
¨I didn´t... I had to buy stuff for the castle, and I got lost.¨ a loud laugh came out of your mouth. It was so obvious, how didn´t you guess that?
¨They didn´t give you a log pose?¨
¨They did, but I took a nap and when I woke up, I was here.¨
You spent the rest of the day cuddling on the beach sand. Zoro was laying on his back, and you were resting on his chest. You had one year worth of conversation to catch up on, and neither of you rushed to do so. He told you about Mihawk, the creepy island in which the only native habitants were copycat human drills, the boat he destroyed, and even how he begged the Warlord to train him.
The sun had started to hide behind the sea, and the warm sand was cooling down. The sound of the waves crashing on the shore together with the salty breeze made you question if you had died at some point, and that was heaven.
¨You´re paler.¨ he chuckled.
¨It´s not very sunny where I´m living.¨ 
¨Hm...¨ you hummed ¨And how long did you take to figure out Luffy´s message?¨ 
¨Oh...¨ he thought for a second ¨ I knew right away.¨ you giggled and doodled on his chest with your finger. 
You felt his chest go up and down as he let out a sigh. 
¨I missed you, Y/N.¨ he hugged you tighter. 
¨I missed you too.¨ you stayed in silence for a few minutes ¨Anyway, when are you setting sail again?¨ You asked him softly, and he tensed up. ¨I know... ¨ your lips began to tremble ¨ I don´t want to go either, but what happened in Sabaody... I don´t want that to happen ever again.¨ you bit your lip as tears started to roll on your cheeks. 
He wiped the tears with his fingers and pulled you closer. None of you wanted to part ways again, but not only those were your captain´s order that was your future. If something like that happens again in the New World, a two-year separation would be the best scenario possible. 
¨It won´t. I promise.¨
When the night came, you decided to stay on the beach and talked until you fell asleep under the stars. The best sleep you´ve had in a long time. No nightmares, no agony, and no pain. Just the warmth and peace you missed so much.
On the following morning, you helped him get the provisions for Mihawk´s castle. You toured around the city holding hands and joking, kinda like the couples sitting by the font, enjoying every second you had before he left. 
If he didn´t get lost trying to go back to Kuraigana Island, it would be a quick trip. You assisted him with the bags and walked him to his boat. Your heart ached to say goodbye to him, but you had to. The circumstances were bigger than the two of you.
¨I love you, Zoro.¨ you hugged him and tried not to cry again.
¨I love you more, Y/N.¨
¨Careful with the naps, ok?¨ he chuckled and nodded ¨One year. We´ll meet again in one year.¨ 
¨Wait for me. I´ll go get you, and we´ll return to Sabaody together.¨ 
¨But how will you know where I will be?¨
¨It doesn´t matter where you´ll be. I´ll always find you.¨
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feminaexlux · 3 years
Fall to Me
TBH I realize belatedly after writing this that Truth was fomenting chaos in my soul and it needed to be taken the fuck out with a proverbial shotgun
Anyway here's a fic that was based off of Truth and without knowledge of the rest of S4 so far, just in case nothing makes sense
I also know I promised smangst (smut + angst) but I got tired/lazy and @mintaka14 posted something I felt was eerily similar (or just reminded me I needed to get this done) so I wanted to get this out the door
Read on AO3 here!
Rated M for language I guess?
Luka was in a precarious situation. He was lying half-naked on Marinette's chaise, with Marinette herself lying half-naked on him. She let out a quiet sleepy giggle when she brushed her thigh against his raging hard-on, still unfortunately trapped under his over-tight jeans. His neck felt sore where she'd bitten him and he figured there'd be a pretty obvious bruise there soon.
His chest was also similarly marked.
He woke up like this. He had woken up when he had needed to sneeze because some hair got all up in his face. He then realized he had a whole-ass person on top of him. And that person was the girl he had been in love with for years. He had gently brushed away her hair and she had hummed out a "Mmmm, Luuuuka," that got him hot-and-bothered and unable to go back to sleep. He kinda didn't want to wake her in fear of this whole precarious situation blowing up in his face.
This all started a week ago with Dingo, that fucker. Well, sort of. Maybe. Maybe that was all circumstantial. But Dingo had 2 extra tickets to The Bondsmiths and Ding had given them to Luka. Juleka was busy with stuff, his Ma wasn't into this newfangled noise, Ivan wouldn't go without Mylene, Mylene was in Spain on vacation, Rose was "stuff," and if Dingo was involved most of Luka's other friends wouldn't be.
He'd just thrown it out into a group chat "Hey I have an extra ticket anyone want to come?" and Marinette was the one that said "me~!" Luka and Dingo had a tense stare off when Dingo handed over the tickets.
Her? Dingo's sharp brown eyes seemed to say.
Luka stared back coolly. Yes. We're friends.
Dingo fucking smirked. How much longer, eh? Cheers, mate. He gave the tickets to Luka with a smarmy wink.
The night of the showing Luka got stuck being the designated driver. He was used to it. The concert area was indoors and packed. Ding almost got shitfaced and Brielle had to keep him from falling over. At least the sets were fantastic. When the concert was closing at around 02:34 Ding and Brielle were having sloppy disgusting make-outs, making both Luka and Marinette ever so slightly uncomfortable.
That was when it all started getting weird. Weirder.
Brielle came up for air and told Luka that she and Ding would take a cab back, so all Luka would need to do was drop off Marinette. Luka shrugged and did just that, but Marinette invited him up to crash at her place because it was already so late and he looked so tired. He was about to pass on that when Marinette mentioned that her parents were on vacation in China and wouldn't be back for a whole month, just… out of the blue.
Before he could formulate any sort of coherent response she took his hand and pulled him up the stairs to the living room, sat him on the couch, started brewing some chamomile tea for the both of them, and talked about the concert. Marinette smiled at him after handing him a mug and short-circuited his brain again. "That was fun!"
"I'm glad you enjoyed," Luka smiled back, sipping his tea.
She sat down next to him and brushed her hair back over her ear. A shiny black earring seemed to glimmer with the light it caught. "I'm really glad I was able to go with you."
His head was empty except for noticing the light blush she had on her cheeks. She looked up at him with her big blue eyes, and somehow Luka got the sense that she was… expecting something? Oh, a response, duh. "Same. It's always nice to hang out with you."
She smiled, drank the rest of her tea and set it aside. "Luka, can I kiss you?"
… What? Wow, alright he was tired. He thought he heard her ask him if she could kiss him. He was already in the half-asleep pseudo-dream state and probably imagined that whole thing. Goddamn he was such a simp for her. "Heh," he said noncommittally.
Marinette blinked at him. "Is that a… a no?"
She scooted closer to him and he took a big gulp of his tea to hide his nervousness. "You… don't want me to kiss you?"
Oh God he heard that correctly. He sputtered and coughed, covering his mouth with a fist. "Wh-what?" He blushed hard.
She blushed as well. "Sorry! I'm sorry. I-I-I thought… um."
Several years ago they had tried to date but she'd always been… unavailable. So they kept hanging out as friends, which was… fine. It was fine. They'd never even gotten to really do anything together as a couple but as friends? It went better.
He wasn't over her. Never tried to convince himself he was. But he also honestly hadn't expected her to want to get back together. So… what changed? She sighed heavily, her complexion calming back down. "Nothing changed. Not really." She looked down toward the floor at her feet and he finally realized he asked that last thought out loud. "I… maybe I guess I did." She looked back up at him. "I've been thinking lately that I just want… to do something for me, for once. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to…" She trailed off and stared back at the floor.
"I've never stopped wanting to be with you." Oh shit he said it. She looked back up at him and he awkwardly took another swallow of tea and looked away. "Sounds bad. I guess it is," he said eventually.
"But you didn't tell me?"
He met her eyes. "You were happy. You were with Adrien. I can't force my feelings on you."
She took a breath and let it out slowly. "I was, yeah." Her words hung in the air.
Luka hadn't figured out what happened to break up the state of Adrienette, but when he came back from touring with Jagged, Marinette and Adrien were "just friends" again. Luka wasn't sure how long ago the split happened and after 2 or 3 years apart did he even know Marinette anymore?
She had welcomed him back to Paris as a more grown up Marinette, not actually so different than he had remembered her. She had more confidence, less anxiety, a spine of steel. She was in charge of herself and it was so good to see her so sure.
He didn't want to mess that up for her in any way. So they remained friends for 2 more years. And for one reason or another they both kept being single.
He had somehow reintegrated back in her inner circle of friends. Luka saw for himself that Marinette and Adrien had a lot of history in their little in-jokes and double talk, dropping code phrases and making each other laugh at random. Maybe they'd reignite that spark and Luka didn't want to be caught in the resulting blaze. Even if they didn't, underneath it all he worried about being disappointed and left in the dark by Marinette like he'd been all those years ago.
Not that it did anything to change his attraction to her. He was a sucker for girls like her, except there had only ever been the one.
Marinette took his free hand and squeezed it gently. "I was happy, yes. And… I was hoping I could be again. With you?"
Slowly, Marinette thought, take it slow. She did spring this on him a little suddenly but hey, it felt right, and she had it on relatively good authority that it was time. At this point in her life she knew to trust her gut instinct and friendly advice. Although she felt more okay with this because her head was sliiightly impaired right now.
She also thought that he'd jump on… her, she supposed, given the opportunity - but he was uncharacteristically reserved. Was it uncharacteristic? Maybe not. He'd always been pretty laid back and easy going.
And observant.
Which meant he was thinking and had doubts about them. Well, shit. Okay. She didn't make it easy on them the last time they tried anything like this. Actually, Hawkmoth had made life difficult for her so there hadn't even been an opportunity for a them.
He sighed softly and squeezed her hand back. "I want… this. I do. But there's still something that worries me."
Alright, fuck going slow. "I'm Ladybug. I am now and I was then. That's why I kept disappearing." This was alright, it was kind of an open secret by this point in her superhero career. Her parents knew, her closest friends knew, and Luka was a close friend she wanted even closer, so he should know.
His mouth was slightly open and his eyebrows shot up. "Ah."
"Things are… okay now, aren't they? I'm not needed like I was before."
He smiled a little and his worried expression softened, understanding. "That… does explain a lot of things but that's not the only thing I was worried about."
That surprised Marinette. And actually now she started to worry herself. What other red flags had she given him? Shit. She'd been a basket case in her earlier teens but she'd left behind the Teenage Angst Things and graduated to Adult Things, hadn't she? Fuck.
He chuckled. "It's not --all-- a you thing, this is a me thing," he said.
"Oh please don't give me the 'It's not you it's me' talk when we haven't started anything," Marinette interrupted.
He snorted, putting down his empty tea mug on the table. "Yeah, I still want to give you some context," he continued. "First off, I'm not like Dad, I don't want to be a big rock star with all that baggage. I just wanna play music and do small gigs and have fun. I'm not gonna be rolling in money and I can't give you everything that you'd possibly want."
Marinette blinked. "I… already knew that?"
"Second, if you do want to 'start' things I promise you I'm not just going to let you go again."
Marinette bit back a smile. "Alright. Are we entering some kind of agreement here? Is this a pre-nup?" She stuck her tongue out at him.
"We're already getting married?" He laughed.
"Not if you don't want to kiss me!" He leaned in and brushed his lips against hers.
Soft, warm, simple. Real.
She placed her hands on his face and brought him in for another kiss, stopping him from pulling back all the way. "More," she breathed out.
"More?" Luka thought. It was… an odd ask but okay… He was sort of interested in more as well so why not? Except well, there were a few things clarified but he really meant to talk about things in detail before diving into… her mouth like he just did. Her fingers worked their way through his hair, her nails skimming across his scalp sending shivers down his spine. She gave back as much as she was receiving from him in their make-out and if he had to taste only one thing for the remainder of his life he'd want it to be her: sweet, warming, with notes of chamomile, bourbon, vodka, and rum.
This was getting a little too indulgent but most of him didn't mind. One part of him craved this from her, but… wait, shit. Bourbon? Vodka? Rum? She'd been drinking, dumbass. Shit. "Mm--" He tried to say her name to get her attention, maybe slow them down a bit -- okay, a lot -- but she had just leaned back on the couch and he was pulled down with her still relentlessly kissing him. "Mar--" he tried again, but she took that opportunity to take his bottom lip gently between her teeth. One of her hands went to his hips and she grabbed a belt loop and hooked a finger under his jeans, tugging him closer.
Oh boy.
He broke free from her a little reluctantly. "Hold on," he chuckled nervously after pulling back. "Wait a sec."
Her eyes went wide open and she froze. She pulled back her hands and stuttered out a "W-was that bad? S-Sorry! Oh I'm so--"
He pressed two fingers to her lips to stop the torrent of apologies. Apparently the penchant of apologizing for everything wouldn't change about Marinette even if she'd been drinking. "Marinette, you had a few drinks. I don't… I don't think…" He sighed, sitting back up.
"I only had 3?" Marinette squeaked.
"4. You finished off Brielle's."
"I-I think I'm pretty sober?"
"But you're not sure."
"I'm… sober enough, aren't I?"
"I'm not confident making that call."
"But I… I want this," Marinette said quietly but firmly. "I really want this."
The thought that kept mentally slapping Luka across the face was But will you still want this in the morning? Well. He had to be honest with himself. It was really Will you still want me in the morning?
Her knowing the general trajectory of his life and joking about marriage aside, she hadn't said anything about wanting him. Wanting a "this" and wanting to be happy again, sure. Having him along for the ride, sure. But actually wanting him and all he was? Still unclear.
And even if she said she wanted him, would he believe her? She'd been 14, yes, but she said she wanted to date and… never actually followed through, Ladybug duties aside. He sighed to himself. She hadn't been ready. That wasn't her fault. She couldn't tell him then.
But that time of being left behind didn't magically evaporate with an explanation.
He didn't think he was bitter or resentful but all of that was hitting him full-force now. Not again, his head warned him. Not again. You don't have to deal with that. And yeah, he didn't have to deal with that... Sometimes a heartbreak was worth braving.
He needed some time to think about if this was worth braving.
He felt Marinette shuffling at his side but he didn't give in to the temptation to look. He stared down at his hands, his elbows propped on his knees as he slumped forward.
"Can… Can I hear what you're thinking?" Marinette asked softly. There was a little bit of uncertainty in her voice. He didn't say anything for several heartbeats. "Luka?"
Well, at least she didn't call him Adrien. That was a plus. God that'd been once and it still left an awful taste in his mouth. "You should probably head to bed. We can talk later." Later. There was always later. Except he was tired of later. It'd been better when he didn't have to tell himself he could wait. It'd been better when he hadn't had anything to wait for.
Easier. Not better. He had to give her that.
"No," she said. "I'd like to talk now if that's alright. I'd like to… understand." Right, she was better at standing her ground. She wasn't 14 anymore. He wasn't 16 and naïvely hopeful anymore.
He probably wasn't going to sleep anyway. "I don't know how to trust you."
Shit. Shit shit shit.
Marinette felt the all too familiar cold panic settling on her shoulders like it always did. Of course he didn't trust her, she wouldn't trust herself fully now with how things played out back then. She was definitely getting a headache.
Fucking Cockmoth. Fucking Guardianship. Fucking… Adr--no, she made her peace with Adrien. They were past that now. Fucking… obligations and wrangling all those threads in her life to hold together. Marinette figured she was done with all that, but…
At the epicenter of all of these problems was her. She had to admit, it wasn't her fault but it became her responsibility to treat those around her as fairly as she could. And she hadn't been fair with Luka.
God, she spent hours staring at pictures of Adrien and drooling over every damn appearance. When she tried to get past the crush the whole universe was conspiring to push her to indulge it instead. And worst yet, she did indulge it while trying to date Luka! This was… she should have seen it coming. Who in their right mind wouldn't be at least a little bit wary of her intense obsession over Adrien in her formative years influencing her now? It defined who she was for a long time.
But she was different now, she grew up. She just needed to show it, right?
Wait. There was something about the way he said what he said. "You don't know how to trust me?" He nodded. "Do… do you at all?"
"Mostly." Okay, so there was still a tiny sliver of a chance? "I trust you with almost everything."
"Except me." He paused for a moment. "And you've been drinking."
But! But I… Yeah. "Okay." Her being slightly impaired did make things a little complicated. And maybe that was the reason why she was being a bit impulsive right now, the alcohol was fast-forwarding her decision making process. Marinette let out a breath she held in. "Will you stay here tonight?"
He raised an eyebrow but relented with a "Yeah."
"Come upstairs with me?"
He raised the other eyebrow as well, looking nervous. "Upstairs? To your room?"
"Yes, I wanted to--" It took a second but it clicked. What she asked didn't sound any less impulsive with how he probably interpreted that. "Oh I'm not going to seduce you or anything I just was thinking it'd be nicer for you if you were using my daybed instead of the couch here but I guess it could sound a little like I'm asking for sex which I'm not. I mean unless you consider making-out se--okay nevermind!" Wow, way to go, Marinette. Her face was burning with embarrassment. "I'll bring down a blanket!"
Okay, she had to admit it, she was definitely more than a little tipsy. She felt lightheaded when she stood up quickly. She tried to hide her disorientation as best she could as she walked away, heading toward the ladder leading up to the hatch. She'd been so focused on seeming not-drunk that she bonked her head at the top climbing up. "Ouch!"
"Are you alright?" Luka asked, and even tipsy Marinette could hear the puzzled amusement in his voice.
"I'm fine," Marinette muttered. She forced open the entry and it slammed open on the other side with a loud thunk. Fuck, she wasn't at all convincing him that she was sober. She slipped off her shoes and sat back down on her chaise/daybed, feeling incredibly embarrassed at herself. This was not at all going the way she hoped. He still felt betrayed at the things that happened when she was an idiot teenager. Should she have known? He never told her!
But he never told her because he never thought they'd get back together. That was obvious in the way he said all the things he said.
He did want to be with her. He did want her. But he'd been so hurt by what happened and… she never knew. No, of course she knew, he was akumatized by it. He'd carried that for so long and let her live her life without her knowing. Damn it, she needed to… she needed to make this right.
How could she make this right?
She was unsurprised as she felt the cool streaks of tears falling down her cheeks. In the morning, they'll talk. Ignoring the fact that it was already morning, she knew they both just needed to put this aside and get some rest for now. She heard shuffling and Luka making his way up the ladder. She quickly wiped her eyes.
"Hey, you doing okay?" He had a clear look of concern on his face, kneeling down in front of her. "Is your head hurting?"
"Oh no, sorry, I just spaced out."
"You hit your head that hard?" Luka asked, sounding even more concerned.
"No, no. I-I was… My head's fine, Luka." She sighed. "Just. Thinking, is all. Sorry, let me get the blanket."
He looked up at her a bit more keenly. "You've been crying." A simple statement.
"Yeah," Marinette said quietly, defeatedly. "But I'm okay." She pasted on a smile that didn't reach her eyes. She started getting up but he caught her attention and spoke with some hesitation.
"I don't need the blanket. I'm probably not going to sleep," he said with a half smile, sitting down on the floor in front of her. "Too much going on here," he tapped against his temple. "I'm guessing the same for you?"
"Yeah again," she said, smiling for real this time. "Can we keep talking?"
"We can. I thought it'd be better if you got some rest but sleep isn't coming for either of us anyway." The lights in her room were muted but she could see the bags forming under his eyes. He passed his hands over his chin, lightly scratching at the stubble coming in.
"I was really kind of… no, not kind of. I was awful when we dated before."
"You weren't awful. You just weren't there. I understand that you had Paris to save," he added quickly when she had furrowed her eyebrows. "But the fact remains that I wasn't able to spend any time with you. Juleka kept telling me to watch out and that you dated me only because Adrien wasn't available to date anymore. I was hoping you'd change your mind and you would want to be with me, but then you were making time for him and your other friends while I was left waiting. I'm a human being, Marinette, not a doormat. You forgot about me. It was miserable and I felt like shit. I almost regretted asking you out at all."
Ah, fuck.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. There were none of his usual filters. He just spewed all that out there. It was all true but maybe he should've let it go? She was young and dumb, anyone at that age was capable of making stupid-ass mistakes. Luka himself made soooo many of them. It'd been like 5 years since their breakup, maybe he should just get over it already. Marinette was in his arms literal minutes ago and he had to go and get like this. And he made her cry again. Nice one, Couffaine.
This was the worst sort of crying. She went absolutely still with a solemn expression, being oppressively silent while the tears fell from her eyes. He felt his mouth go dry and he swallowed. "I--" he cut himself off.
Marinette nodded her head so slightly Luka almost didn't see the motion. "I didn't make time for you," she agreed, her voice tiny and broken.
He suddenly wanted to make a quip about knowing all about time and giving Second Chances to let them both recover but that would be disingenuous and corny as hell. He wasn't so sure he believed in them much anymore. And maybe the way this played out was better anyway, at the very least he needed to own what he said as he couldn't take back his words.
Marinette broke the silence. "I… I wasn't very happy with myself back then. I did make a lot of bad decisions. I didn't give you… much of anything I guess."
He smiled a little. "I still have that pendant."
"I could have given you more. I could have been doing so much more. And I didn't. I didn't," she repeated, a hitch in her voice.
Fuck. He could meet her halfway at least. "It sounded like you had a lot to deal with. You knew your friends better so it makes a lot of sense that you'd prefer to hang out with them. I was just some guy. The brother of a friend. I wasn't that important in the long run."
"Don't say that," Marinette cringed a little. She wrapped her arms around herself. "You were--are important. I was… I was scared. Of a lot of things. A lot of stupid things." She shivered slightly. "I was a little scared of disappointing you. I was scared that maybe I had used you to… make me feel better about myself. I was scared that you'd never see all of me. I was scared that Hawkmoth would use you against me and your family and Paris if you knew I was Ladybug and it happened anyway without you knowing about me. I was so stupid back then."
He sighed. "Hey, please don't beat yourself up. I didn't want to make you feel like you have to explain what happened in the past. I got too… wrapped up in how I felt back then. We didn't work out and that's just life." It hadn't been their time.
Did he still love her? Sure. But they'd been better off as friends. She even made a point of trying to hang out with him nowadays. She told him everything that was on her mind. She gave him small gifts here and there, made it to all of his gigs, invited him to all of her fashion showings. They saw the movies and concerts they wanted to see together. When she felt lost or sad he was the first one she reached out to.
As… friends?
There was this uncomfortable feeling tugging at the back of his mind. He felt it at the base of his skull, a slow dawning realization. But… he almost didn't want to acknowledge it as it could have been just some phantom hope that she would love him like he sometimes dreamed. It was way too easy to get lost in some fantasy.
Maybe he was just scared himself. Scared of being ghosted again if he picked up this hope and tried to make it real. In a roundabout way he was saying that, at least.
Okay. Time to bite the bullet. He leaned forward and put his hand on her elbow. "I know we're hanging out a lot more now. I'm sincerely enjoying all the times we get to do stuff together. I'm grateful that you're giving me all that." This is it. Just say it out loud. "I'm saying that if we want to be more than friends, I'm scared that you're going to leave me again."
Whew. Was that so bad? Actually yeah it was terrifying.
There was a grimace on Marinette's face. "I… I-I understand," she said weakly. "I understand why you'd be afraid of that. But I don't know how to prove to you that I won't?"
It felt like the world shifted, the same as the first time he ever saw her. That earlier hope was coiling around his heart, making it beat faster. "You won't?"
She kept looking pained. "J-Just so you know I t-totally get it if you wanna stay friends or… or something, but I-I want… I know I messed up and I get pretty crazy sometimes so maybe you don't want anything to do with me after this and it's completely your right to do that--"
"Hold on," Luka interrupted her, half anxious and half this is so Marinette. "I'm not--" She put her fingers to his lips to quiet him.
"B-But I have to ask if you could give me a second chance?"
Marinette pulled her head back a bit and got annoyed at herself. "Sorry, that wasn't supposed to be a pun. O-On your… history as Viperion."
Great, so not only had she made an ass of herself but she just unintentionally punned at Luka. Marinette intensely disliked when Chat had made those inappropriately annoying puns whenever moments were tense. She seemingly picked up the habit, ugh.
Luka laughed and the tension was cut a bit. Maybe Adrien wasn't so wrong to have joked all the time. Luka took her hand into his and pressed his face against her palm. "Alright, alright," he breathed out. Instantly Marinette's heart started beating faster. "I just wanted you to hear me out. You do hear me, right?"
Marinette nodded. "I hear you." There was a slightly rough and tickling sensation under her finger tips as she was able to feel some of his 5-o'clock-shadow (except what was it now, 4am?). Funny, she didn't notice that so much when she'd been kissing him.
"Then you should know that even though I've been scared, I could never stop hoping you'd warm back up to me." He gently folded her hand in his and smiled up at her. "Do you want to go out to dinner with me? We don't have to get married along the way."
"W-Well, yes to dinner, or maybe breakfast? But I mean," Marinette said, attempting for casual but probably still coming across nervous. "Don't throw that whole marriage idea out yet. I'm still not sure how to… prove things?"
He smiled. "Spend some quality time with me. That's all. It doesn't have to be big."
"Okay, breakfast and dinner. And lunch, too." She wanted to spend all the time she could with him. He wasn't asking for much -- to be honest he never asked for much, and this was something she wanted to give.
Luka smiled, probably thinking she was joking. "Think you can get some rest now?" He asked. "I can head back downstairs--"
"No! No, no, I mean, stay here with me. I-If you want."
"You're not trying to seduce me, are you?" He grinned.
"Well, I can," Marinette grinned back. "Can I?"
He seemed a little surprised by that. "Uh," he blushed.
How cute, he got flustered. Capitalizing on that, Marinette leaned forward to wrap her arms around his shoulders, her forehead against his. "I'd really like to," she whispered.
"How... inebriated are you?"
She sighed. "Do you really think I'd be having a coherent conversation with you if I was drunk?"
"You tell me, Ladybug."
"Luka Couffaine, you are a gentleman but I'm merely... warm and not even buzzed anymore. I would definitely still like to seduce you."
He blinked a few times. "Oh." He paused again, thinking it through. He gave a little laugh. "I'd really like that too."
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bemused-writer · 3 years
Vanitas no Carte Mémoire 49 Analysis
It took me a great deal longer to get to this than it normally does. Life has been busy! But what a chapter; there were a lot of unforeseen things that happened in this one.
The previous chapter explored Misha and Vanitas's time with Dr. Moreau and their eventual in the form of Vanitas of the Blue Moon. This chapter continues that thread and we get some idea of what their time with VotBM was actually like. Needless to say, it's a bit different from what I anticipated.
VotBM's personality is a lot more easy-going in a lot of ways than I thought it would be. Before now, all the flashbacks portrayed her as a somber person, but, of course, we were only seeing her somber introduction at Dr. Moreau's lab. There are certain impressions I had of her that haven't changed, though, and that's that she is powerful and knowledgeable.
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Right here we can see she has a pretty good understanding of the chasseurs and how they operate, but we notably still don't know why she was there to begin with. Later in this chapter, Vanitas directly asks her why she has saved them, which is essentially asking why she was there, and she doesn't answer. We never get an answer and I find that a bit suspicious. Why not say something even if it's just "they were bad people and I wanted to stop them?" But she doesn't, which implies that isn't why she did what she did.
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We finally get to see VotBM's facial features as well. I think I've seen some people compare her looks to Faustina's, but I'm not sure I can see that very well just yet. It certainly would be interesting if they turned out to have a connection, though! What I can say is that VotBM's eye has many spirals in it, which is similar to Ruthven's. If this is a mark of a vampire's power (and a vampire's eyes do seem to have a lot to do with their power) then I think it's safe to say VotBM is very powerful indeed. She also has some crystalline decorations underneath her eyes and I can't say if that's actually part of her skin or just makeup. If it is part of her skin, perhaps it's another mark of being born under a blue moon? Or perhaps of her power?
Regarding her eyes, I will also note we only ever see the one; her other eye is conveniently covered by her hair. Is it because it's missing or is there some other reason? Vanitas, when he tried to hurt her, went right for her eye, which is how she identified he'd had chasseur training. Could she have had a run in with some chasseurs that went badly at some point in her life?
Another impression I had of VotBM was that she was a loner outside of Vanitas and Misha, but that is quickly disproven as well. She says "Those around me call me Vanitas" and she acquires lodging through a human contact. Therefore, VotBM must speak with people a fair amount, and by the sounds of it she speaks most with humans who dabble in the occult. When you think about it, it makes sense. Other vampires would be too frightened or suspicious of her to want anything to do with her, while devout humans would likely see her as a devil. But humans that are also outsiders with their beliefs? Perfect companionship for one such as herself. I wonder where this puts dhampirs. Would she interact with them or would they be more likely to share most vampire's views on her? We've never heard Dante talk about her nor any of the other dhampirs, so I guess we can't say just yet.
Getting back to VotBM's name, it's interesting that she says she doesn't have a name she likes yet. Names have a lot of meaning for vampires. I wonder if she's being honest when she says she simply hasn't found one she likes or if there's another reason for not choosing one. Maybe a name, even one that isn't a true name, can have power and she doesn't want to risk it?
So, we learn a little bit about VotBM, but we also learn some things of Vanitas. Oddly, while these are supposed to be Misha's memories, I feel like we're learning a lot more about everyone else. I suppose he is trying to show Noé that VotBM was killed by Vanitas and that is why he should help him, but still.
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I think we're starting to get to the root of some of Vanitas's issues with women at long last. So, he never met his mother, but he's constantly told he looks like her. He assumes his father must have hated him for taking his mother away, which implies his father did something to give that impression, though we aren't told what. And then there's the small matter of Vanitas doing all the feminine chores of the household. This one is a lot more indirect, but we can infer it from a later scene with Misha and VotBM:
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So, VotBM is a bad cook. It's portrayed humorously, but what we really learn is that Vanitas is a great cook. And a great tidier. It also looks like he continues to do the baking for their trio judging by the second panel and it looks like quite elaborate baking as well. It also continues to be proven that VotBM honestly has no idea what to feed children whatsoever judging by the alcohol. At least she only gave it to Vanitas...
What I'm getting at, though, is that in order for Vanitas to be this good at cooking and cleaning, he'd have to have done a lot of it already. It's possible his father was a meticulous person and taught him. Perhaps it's something they enjoyed doing together. Or, alternatively, without a wife he gave all the traditionally feminine tasks to his son and expected him to take care of things. I kind of think it's the latter considering Vanitas's issues with women. He was constantly compared to his mother visually when he was young (and indeed both VotBM and Misha exclaim she must have been beautiful, implying Vanitas himself is beautiful like a woman), was likely expected to maintain the home, and his father may have resented him for not being his wife. We also have Vanitas trying to be a doctor in the present, which was his father's profession. Indeed, Vanitas has gone out of his way (in some regards; his hair is an anomaly here) to behave in a "masculine" fashion: he tries to take charge of his relationships with women, makes digs at other people (i.e. Astolfo) for looking feminine, and is trying to pursue a career he associates with men's work. Talk about a lot self-image problems all rolled up into one person!
And here's the thing. I think Vanitas might genuinely enjoy cooking and cleaning to some degree (he certainly dislikes messiness at least), which might make things all the worse for him since I think he's trying to assert is masculinity and he probably doesn't see that as masculine. It's hard to say; we still haven't heard much from Vanitas himself on a lot of different matters.
Another revelation about Vanitas this chapter is just how kind he is, as much as he does his very best to hide it both in the past and the present.
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VotBM points out that with his chasseur skills, Vanitas could have easily escaped from Dr. Moreau and his lackeys. So why did he stay? And the reason was very simply so that no one else would be hurt to get to him. Someone--a stranger--had been killed so that Moreau could kidnap Vanitas. If he escaped, how many otherw would be hurt to get him back?
Earlier in this arc we saw that Vanitas allowed himself to be tortured to protect Misha. I found this surprising because, while it's in character, it's also an extreme action to take. But now we discover that Vanitas didn't just do that because he kind of knew Misha; he cares so much about others' lives he subjected himself to Moreau well before he met Misha.
Vanitas has a lot of things to work out in the present, but there's no denying there's a genuinely good and kind person underneath all his hangups, and that person is coming to the forefront more and more as the series goes on. Even though things started out remarkably poorly with Jeanne, there's no denying he is trying to help her in his own way, and he's been softer towards Noé lately as well. Vanitas does care about people; he just wishes he didn't.
Around this point, Noé begins to surface from Misha's memories or at least they begin to fast forward. Still, there are a few important points that are made before the chapter ends. One of those revelations is that Moreau's experiment on Vanitas and Misha nearly worked: they were very nearly rewritten into being vampires. But it didn't quite work and they're now hovering between the two races. I wonder if this is a problem dhampirs have and, if not, why not? All of this has raised a lot of questions about dhampirs for me. Regardless, VotBM solves the problem by making them her kin. I don't quite understand how marking them prevents them from being rewritten. I mean, I think it was a temporary fix because if they use her power they wind up rewritten anyway, so I guess it's more like stuffing a shirt into a leaking pipe. It slows things down, but you still have a problem.
Misha accepts VotBM's offer readily, but Vanitas flat out refuses, saying he wants to "stay human until the very end" and if that isn't ominous foreshadowing I don't know what is. What does being rewritten mean now that he's been marked by VotBM? Will he simply die or will he lose his humanity instead? But despite Vanitas's refusal, we know he is marked by VotBM. Did he change his mind or was it forced on him? The flashback doesn't say. But it does show us this:
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That first image is a little unclear. I'm positive the text panel was placed in just such a fashion to obscure important information, but basically we see that Vanitas was marked by VotBM. There's blood all over him, which also implies there was either a struggle to prevent this from happening or, I guess, he was coughing up blood and dying. Misha was bleeding quite a bit as he was being rewritten, too. Hard to say. But the second panel shows that Vanitas really did kill VotBM. Unless she can come back from the dead, she seems pretty definitively dead, turned to dust and everything, and it's heavily implied he killed her for marking him.
And yet, that still feels nearly too straightforward. I don't actually have an alternate theory at this time, but I have to wonder if that's all it was or if there was more to it. It's decidedly strange for him not to just tell Misha; certainly Noé's life would be easier right about now if he had.
And speaking of Noé and Misha, we have jumped back to the present! And Vanitas has arrived!
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I had wondered how Vanitas would react when he found Misha and Noé, whether he would be furious, shocked, appalled, etc. It seems, for now, that he's settled on "dour acceptance." He definitely doesn't look shocked, so he had some idea of what Misha was going to pull. And while he doesn't look happy he doesn't look overtly furious either. Very curious how things are going to continue in the next chapter, which to my understanding will be in March. Ahh, let's do our best to wait patiently! I really want to know what happens. XD
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Lovecraft au (monster)
N/A: this idea is begging to me made so here I´m.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @sailorstar9 @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
At late night, the small home, a small apartment linked by the University of Genosha, has the kitchen´s light on as a woman is eating something, cheese, to be exact, sadly, a small piece of cheese fall from the ground and manages to roll to underneath the fridge and Kitty Pryde was ready to take the piece and throw away, when...
"Thank you," a voice said underneath the darkness around the small space. Kitty blinks one time and remembering the Hitcher Guide Book only did one thing. "You welcome, say do you want more cheese?"
The voice didn´t reply and Kitty wonders if there´s a protocol here she´s not seeing, oh, bureaucracy at finest is universal.
"I won´t hurt you, I just want to talk, and I have lots of cheese with me" she tries again and a shadow shows up, no form, just a tiny shadow figure, it couldn´t be bigger than Kitty´s hand at best.
The monster eats the cheese offered and thank Kitty again. "How long are you here?"
"Ever since you move here, I go where you go" the monster explains and Kitty now knows who the creature is.
"You´re the monster under my bed, well, hello" Kitty waves at the monster who is unable of doing the same. The monster confessed his existence date ever since Kitty stops sleeping in a crib and is now sleeping on a bed.
"Then, can I make a question?" Kitty starts her own inquiry as the monster is happily eating cheese. "Am I normal?"
"I don´t know I only know you, but, in my opinion, you´re alright" is his answer.
"Is just...I feel like there´s this invisible force preventing me to do what I want, in fact, even for mutant´s standers I´m considered odd. I don´t dream, I have just memories that aren´t mine" Kitty explains as this is the only explanation.
"I don´t understand"
"I have the memories of the outer gods on me, no, just the Black Pharaoh and Zaorva, is like that ever since I can remember" the monster stops eating cheese and Kitty is just curling in her kitchen looking, for the first time, so small.
The monster does not understand. The monster only offers cheese to cheer her up and it works.
A peaceful co-existence between the monster and Kitty starts as she would often tell him how her day went, right now, the University of Genosha is throwing a costume party and Kitty is excited, her friends were planning for this party and everyone will wear the most extravagant costume(which is a bit ironic since everyone here is a superhero)
"You´re excited about a party?" the monster asked shapeless still. Kitty is making the final adjustment to her costume and nods at the monster, then she asked.
"Hey, don´t you have a shape?" the monster denies as he´s was created like that, yet, when he looked at his own reflection his shape change to a blurry cat. A silhouette of a cat but still looks out of ordinary.
The monster knows he wasn´t responsible for this. It was Kitty. and now he has a form. This makes the monster think.
"Why you´re choosing this costume?"
"I saw in the memories. The Black Pharaoh and Zaorva...I think I look cute, and If I´m having those memories, why not get inspired?" Kitty looks like the female Black Pharaoh, something that exists(IT EXIST) and the monster feel he shouldn't be looking at this.
Yet, he feels eyes on her figure. On his shape. On everything and is unable to do anything.
Maybe, Kitty was right and she´s not that normal either.
Her dreams, no, memories, are too lucid that sometimes Kitty does not know the difference between reality and dream(well, see a giant goddess eating a planet helps to set the difference) and right now, Kitty is looking at Zaorva.
Her true form. So bright of a crystal blue it would be impossible to describe, all Kitty can think is how tall Zaorvs is. She reaches her hand and touches the giant ones from Zaorva.
"Why did you give me your memories?" Kitty asked tiredly. Why she´s always linked to Zaorva? Once, she wrote, in a notebook, all her imagination and turns out Zaorva did all of what Kitty wrote(each little detail is correct)
"My memories, your memories, are the same in the grand scheme of things" Zaorva replied, for the first time, using Kitty´s voice. "I´m dead and gone, yet, I´m still here, holding a notebook and ready to start again" Zaorva´s form starts dying and turning to dust and Kitty feels fear and sadness as she tries to do something, only to be in vain.
"Why can´t I be just a normal human?" Kitty asked
"Because I´m dead and gone, but, you´re here. My end is your begin. Life is eternal, it may change shapes, but, you´re here. Kitty, you´re Kitty and the notebook is open as you can fill as you want"
"I can´t be you"
"It´s not for you to be me. Is for you to you. Life always changes, but, it always exists" Zaorva´s form is gone and there´s only Kitty with azure eyes and an empty notebook looking at the cosmo. Watching unware as something else is watching her.
Another party is being thrown and Kitty is going as a Japanese deity, well, Kitty Pryde has always been a huge fan of Japan. When she feels someone watching her. A man dressed up as pharaoh goes to talk with Kitty. There´s a sense of familiarity among them, of course, Kitty is not surprised.
She knows who the man is. She wants to spend the night with him, however, her legs run away and she is back to her dorm.
Sorry. She thought. I´m not ready to talk...I want to remain human for a little longer.
She was expecting a violent answer. Tentacles or anything a human who is foolish enough to meet the Black Pharoah would expect, instead, nothing happens.
Ok. IT replied. But I´m still here and won´t leave.
Is alright. Kitty answers back.
"Should I talk with IT?" Kitty asked to the monster who now has wings to fly around the house, again, it was Kitty´s doing.
"The black pharaoh scares me, but, I can say one thing he loves you as you´re the only thing in IT´s mind worth loving" the monster replied.
"But, I´m not Zaorva, at least, not the Zaorva IT wishes"
"The Black Pharaoh is an entity with many, many and many faces, I´d not think he will make a big deal about this mask, about your life, " the monster replied.
And Kitty looks away and replied. "He said the same thing, I´d think is time for me to face him face to face" Kitty pets the monster head and just vanish into thin air.
The monster looks around and notices how the reality in Kitty´s house is not normal.
One day, Kitty brought a man, a German one, who speaks in whispers and hush tone on her ear, the monster look at the man and knew who the man is, no, who IT is. Fear spread to his body as IT looks at the monster.
The monster body is no longer black, but a soft purple, his face is more prominent and scales can be noticed as well his wings.
IT still looks at him, until, IT speaks. "You that care of her, you have my thanks, little dragon, would you like a reward?"
The monster is not dumb enough to ask for something big, not from IT, but, not cash a reward from him is...worse. "I would like to be able to breathe fire"
IT looks as Kitty is morphing the place again, changing into a Japanese's forest and she nods to IT and soon the little dragon is spitting fire. But, he still does not have a name.
"Silly dragon, come here" Kitty gesture as now the house is a Japanese forest and the dragon goes to Kitty´s shoulder "if you want a name is just ask"
"Can...I have a name?"
"Of course, your name is Lockheed from now on, is that alright?" Kitty asked with azure eyes and Lockheed nods, he has a name and all this because he was polite...what would happen if he wasn´t polite?
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jd-btsobsessed · 6 years
A Change of Plans
A/N: All right, this one’s a little saucier - and shorter - than the last one (at least in my mind...maybe not, the last one was pretty saucy), but this one has a little bit more of a personal side to it.  I’ve always struggled with body confidence issues, so why not write about it?  It’s a common issue, but still one that is tough to overcome, and whenever I have a problem to deal with or something I’m thinking about a lot...I write.  So here you go.
Pairing: Yoongi/Reader
Synopsis: You’ve been dating Yoongi for a little while now, but you still aren’t absolutely convinced he’s totally into you - mostly due to the fact that the two of you still haven’t hooked up yet.  What if he doesn’t really want you as much as you want him?
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1.8K
Oh, my god.  I should never have listened to my roommate.
“You look fabulous,” she’d said, embracing me and all but shoving me out the door of our room.
I glance down at my dress and press my legs harder together.  I’m not ready for this level of…showmanship, shall we say.  This dress is so short…and tight…and on top of that…it’s red.  And I don’t mean like a nice muted scarlet or a gorgeous soft maroon – it’s bright fucking red.  Like a “Hey, everybody, look at me!” kind of red.
This was all my roommate’s idea.  She and I are decently close friends, but she’s never really seemed to…believe me when it comes to my…issues.  Confidence isn’t exactly up there on my list of qualities to show off.
I don’t know why. I’ve never been particularly overweight, but I just…don’t have that great of a body.  I’ve got some lumps and bumps and curves in the wrong places – if you know what I mean – and I just don’t like skintight clothes that much. Okay, I hate them, but that’s beside the point.
I take a few tentative steps down the hall, nearly faceplanting more than once.  I told her I didn’t want to wear these heels.  Four inches is way too high for me – and it’s not like I’m short.  I could’ve worn flats and been just fine…but no.  She wanted me to wear the heels.
“They’re sexier,” she’d said.
I glance at my reflection as I pass the big window at the end of the hallway.  God, you can see all the way down the front of this dress. The cleavage on this thing is ridiculous.  That’s another thing my roommate wanted though.
“If you want to impress a guy,” she’d told me, “you gotta show off what you got.”
I don’t necessarily agree – especially because the guy I’m trying to impress is already, um… Well, we’re kind of a thing.  I don’t really know.  We’ve been dating for a few weeks now, but he’s never mentioned anything about making it official, and I’m not even sure if he wants to.  We still haven’t, you know, hooked up either, if that’s anything to go by. Granted, I’ve never seen him with another girl since we started going out, and I haven’t been flirting with anybody else, but that doesn’t mean we’re exclusive.
I approach the stairs and take a deep breath, preparing myself for the journey ahead.  This is gonna take a minute…or ten.  As I go to take the first step, I see a notification pop up on my phone.
Yoongi: hey I’m downstairs
Y/N: ok on my way
Just about an eternity later I finally reach the bottom step, and I swear I almost fell probably about six hundred times.  These heels are no joke.  I pause and look at myself using the windows in front of me, checking to make sure my hair still looks good and whatnot…yep, all good.  All right.  Let’s do this.
I turn the corner, hoping the front of confidence I’m trying to put up is strong enough to last at least a few minutes.  I spot the man of the hour leaning up against a wall on the other side of the dorm lobby gazing out the window – and he looks fine. Black pants, black button-down shirt – with the sleeves rolled up, mm-hmm – black hair smoothed over so his forehead is showing.  Hot damn.
I clear my throat softly to get his attention, and I see his face change when he sees me.
“Whoa,” he mutters, so soft I can barely hear.
“I could say the same about you,” I toss back, trying to disguise the quiver in my voice.
He seems completely speechless as his eyes pan up and down, up and down – and pause.  He’s never seen me in anything this revealing, so I’m not surprised at his reaction.  I watch the internal struggle on his face as he pulls his eyes back up to meet mine.
“Goddamn,” he says in a much lower and huskier tone than before.
I can feel the urge to hide rising in my head as I subconsciously lower my hands and start tugging on the hemline.  I’m not even sure I’m comfortable enough to go outside in this, let alone accompany Yoongi to the bar we’re supposed to go to.  I can feel my false confidence disappearing by the second as I watch him undress me with his eyes.
“Um,” I mumble, still tugging at the dress, “I just realized I forgot something.  I’ll be right back.”
I have to get out of this dress.  I don’t care how much begging it takes to get my roommate to let me change.  This isn’t going to work.
My heart is racing as I climb the stairs again as fast as my ridiculous footwear will allow.  Man, I raced out so quickly I didn’t even give Yoongi a chance to respond.  I hope he can understand.  He should understand…right?
But just as I step off the final stair and into my hallway, I feel a hand grab my wrist and gently tug.  I turn and – surprise, surprise – Yoongi is looking back at me with a look I’ve never seen on him before.  His eyes are so intense I almost can’t handle it.
“There is absolutely no way,” he pants in a low voice, “I’m letting you go back in that dorm room right now.”
Damn it, he figured it out.
“Why?” I say quietly, trying my hardest to act innocent.
He pauses for a moment.
“You’ll take the dress off.  And while I do want that to happen,” he tugs on my wrist a little and closes the space between us, “I want it to happen in a dark room with just the two of us…and I want to be the one to take it off of you.”
He’s practically purring into my ear as he says that.  My heart is absolutely racing now.  I certainly wasn’t ready for this – nor was I expecting this outfit to have this effect on Yoongi.  My eyes are wide and I’m struggling to keep breathing.  This man is intoxicating, and it’s hard to deal with.
As he backs me up against the wall right by the stairs, I���m grateful the dorm is mostly empty tonight. I’m really the only one still here that isn’t either studying frantically or passed out asleep, which is good because this seems like a moment that shouldn’t be interrupted.  I feel Yoongi’s slender hands gently squeezing my waist, pulling me closer into him.  His hot breath on my neck is giving me goosebumps – this is definitely a new experience for me.
Damn.  If I had known he’d react like this…
Any coherent thought I had in my head disappears once I feel tongue on my neck.  The pressure pushing me into the wall behind me is growing stronger – and if the obvious bulge in his pants is anything to go by, Yoongi seems to be getting a little desperate.  His self-control is incredible though – he’s settled for only kissing instead of trying to leave any sort of mark, though I’m pretty sure if I gave him permission he’d gladly do just that.
But there’s always a tipping point to these things.  And that point is the first time I feel Yoongi grind his hips into mine, and I feel a spike of heat surging to my core.  The neck kisses stop immediately after that, and he pulls away just enough to look me in the eyes.
“I think we need to go,” he rasps in a voice just barely above a whisper.  “I don’t think I can hold off much longer.”
“Okay,” I nod, thoughts hazy and swimming with lust.
Neither of us move for a few seconds, and part of me thinks Yoongi might be scared to move at all. But he does pull away, grabbing my wrist again and pulling me behind him as he hurries downstairs.  At this point, I don’t care about my shoes – I reach down and yank them off, and I want to just leave them in the stairwell, but a voice stops me.
“Keep them,” Yoongi says in a commanding tone.
I don’t question him; instead I tuck the heels under one arm and try not to trip down the stairs as I follow Yoongi.  I want to tell him to slow down, but something tells me he wouldn’t listen – he’s too focused on his objective.
Once we reach the bottom, Yoongi spins around and pins me to the wall again, this time going straight for my lips.  His hands are roaming now, from my waist to my hips down to my ass, squeezing as they go. His kisses are hungry – he seems just barely able to keep control of himself.
“We should definitely go,” he moans between kisses.  “Please…unless you want me to bend you over and take you right here.”
My eyes go wide at that – while that’s not a plan that seems particularly attractive to me, there is something exhilarating about the idea of doing it in such a risky place like this.  But before I can answer, Yoongi dives back in, devouring my lips with a newfound intensity that takes my breath away.  Before I can fully respond to him, I feel his lips moving down my jaw and back to my neck again.
“My god, you taste good,” he murmurs, laving his tongue over my pulse point.  “Hmm.  We gotta go.”
With that, Yoongi takes my wrist again and pulls me hard and fast out the door and towards his car. I’m definitely a little hot under the collar by now – or I would be if this dress had anything resembling a collar. I’m sure my cheeks are flushed, and I keep having to press my thighs together when I’m not struggling to keep up with my date.
As soon as the passenger door is unlocked I yank it open and half-throw myself inside.  I’m totally on board with wherever Yoongi wants to go at this point.  I just know, I need some relief.  The heat between my legs is killing me.
There’s a brief pause once both of us are inside the vehicle.  Yoongi looks at me, his eyes burning.  His mouth hangs open as he labors to breathe.  Finally he speaks.
“Do you want to,” he tries to start, “um…  Do you want to, like, go somewhere?  I’d say let’s go back to my place, but if you aren’t comfortable with that—”
I silence him with another kiss.
“Do you have Netflix and access to pizza?” I ask quietly, running my finger down his neck.  “You know, for afters.”
I press my lips to the shell of his ear.
“Then why are we still here?”
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hotyogasummit · 4 years
Get a six backpack in barely 5 account a day with this domestic workout that uses body weight abs workouts best
Wish to get a six backpack? the st step: do this domestic workout for six pack abs four to  canicule per anniversary to build muscle mass. footfall two: comply with a low-carb food plan and manipulate your insulin attrition to exhibit your abs. home abs workouts don t get lots simpler than this:  abs exercises + one decided individual = sixpack abs heaven.
we all want to have a six pack however have not bought the time to determine. due to this home exercising for sixpack abs, all you want is  spare account a day and a little of persistence to sculpt those washboard abs. more desirable still, all of the beneath abs exercises are body weight handiest, none of the most beneficial domestic health club machine is required here youngsters the most effective dumbbells may come in useful.
getting a six backpack isn t nearly accomplishing abs home workout routines however additionally following the relevant healthy eating plan. Insulin attrition is frequently the reason why your abs might not reveal but going on special eating regimen, such as the keto food regimen and alternate fasting, can aid authoritative insulin ranges extra efficiently.
That said, a whole lot like every other muscle on your body, abs want a whole lot of exercising to grow. You do not need to instruct abs daily to get a six backpack however discovering the balance between conventional workout routines and relaxation is key of getting more advantageous abs.
Abs are part of your amount muscular tissues and a robust core can assist you lift added and additionally increase posture and hence comfort levels. To discover extra about why practising the core is greater critical, have a look our article on the premiere core exercises.
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best individuals know that protein is elementary for beef boom and recuperation however did you know that protein can additionally help you drop a few pounds? Protein takes longer to break bottomward than carbohydrates, certainly back presented from natural sources, similar to angular meat, fish, nuts, abounding veggies, eggs and so forth.
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The premier protein powders are low on amoroso and excessive in protein and accepting one afterwards your exercising can support beef recuperation. identical goes for the gold standard protein confined: if you have to snack on some thing, leave the bathetic amber confined within the supermarket and accept a protein bar or the most efficient jerky as a substitute.
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There are  workouts and every should be carried out for  seconds, adopted through a  d damage. all through each block, go as complicated as that you could without compromising kind. in case you observe that your form is falling apart, are attempting slowing bottomward but do not cease except the conclusion of the forty seconds.
This -minute abs exercising might possibly be a quick one however in order for it to be valuable, we needed to consist of some average and even challenging abs workouts. We aren t attempting to reduce corners right here: this abs exercise might lift simplest five minutes to comprehensive but by using the end of it, you ll suppose your whole abs pumping and aching.
This recreation works splendid tons all of your body, but specifically your abs, obliques, amateur, arms and basically your entire upper physique for stabilisation.
You launch off within the common push up place. To perform a mountain climber, pull your knees up to your chest, one at a time, in quick succession. You wish to retain your physique in a advance up position all the way during the recreation, so don t bob your hips up and bottomward as you constrict your knees in.
try to do mountain climbers as quick as you can without compromising on approach. it is a high-intensity activity, after all. you are going to see that even  abnormal of abundance climbers will also be very backbreaking.
To perform a correct Russian twist, sit down bottomward on the ground with your legs extended in front of you. clasp your duke together and carry your toes off the floor, using your amount to stability.
circle your anatomy to  facet, controlling the circulate along with your obliques, then lower back to the other aspect. Russian twists should not have to be fast; the longer it takes to live within the circled position, the best your obliques are activated.  
For brought attrition, that you could hold either the ideal dodo or the greatest kettlebell in your fingers as you twist and lift your legs off the floor. For a lessen influence version, depart the feet on the ground and lose the weights.
agitate bliss will really work your reduce abs. you re going to also want all your amount to be affianced to preserve your legs up within the air and relocating. To perform agitate kicks, you deserve to lay bottomward on the floor – if you re figuring out on a tough ground, accept as true with the use of the premiere yoga mats – along with your hands extended down the facet of your physique. lift both legs up and hover them over the ground simply a little bit.
again, inaugurate blame! You need to flow your legs up and bottomward simultaneously in a quick however managed movement without putting them bottomward on the floor once again. gorgeous plenty what you would do within the swimming pool accomplishing entrance crawls however for your returned and on dry land. retain your backbone impartial through looking up and never at your legs and hold pushing except the time is up.  
Planks are an awful lot tough adequate for most however this axle adaptation cranks up the problem degree even bigger. With regular plank, you  simplest  must cling the affectation for provided that that you would be able to however with hardstyle plank, you need to flex the entire muscle groups for your body, working them means more durable than general.
From an assemblage point of view, hardstyle plank appears corresponding to normal planks: you go bottomward for your forearms and toes and grasp your physique beeline, parallel to the floor. The difference with hardstyle axle is that you simply pull your elbows and toes towards the centre of your physique, devoid of in reality moving them.
granted, you probably won t be in a position to hang a hardstyle axle for forty abnormal but what that you would be able to do is cling it for five- seconds first again gradually boost the size over time. For the relaxation of the -second block, that you would be able to cling the general axle.
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starting position is corresponding to flutter bliss: to your returned and arms prolonged on your facet. From here, you wish to elevate each of your legs up within the air and as you reach the apex of the carry – legs are pointing up – you wish to elevate your abdomen off the floor and  bang up  in the air, application all the abs in one circulate. decrease the leg back down and repeat.
0 notes
evilkitten3 · 7 years
Ad Nihilum, Chapter Five: Reunions
AN: This story is getting attention! Yay! I even got a fic rec! I'm pretty psyched about that, as you can imagine. I'm so happy that people are enjoying this story, and I hope you continue to enjoy what's to come! Please let me know what you think, and have fun reading! Kitty out.
Warnings: Flashbacks, nightmares, death, various dark shit, disassociation, poor life choices, more existential nonsense, more dialogue than I'm used to writing, and possibly also a hug (Kaiba-style, so it's less of a hug and more a grunt of acknowledgement)
That night, Yuugi – and Marik too, most likely, even if he can't remember it clearly – dreams of knives and fire and cruel laughter. He wakes up sobbing, Atem rubbing his shoulders, and has to feel his face to make sure it's still intact. He wants to apologize to the Thief, but the look on the other's face when he comes in clogs up the words in his throat like hot molasses and he spends fifteen minutes in the bathroom hunched over the toilet (nothing comes out, which doesn't help alleviate the queasiness).
A few minutes after Yuugi leaves for school, Atem finds a drawing of some kind of insect, half-eaten and still twitching. He wonders if it's some form of an attempt at communication or just the Thief's way of flipping them off. Maybe it's both, he thinks, smirking a little. It's a bit amazing how he can find anything about this situation amusing, but his sense of humor is different than it was in Yuugi's body (Anzu says there's probably a scientific explanation – something about chemicals, maybe – but he doesn't know anyone science-y enough to figure it out).
Atem spends a few minutes staring at the drawing and picks up the phone.
The orange of the setting sun and the reddish brown of the desert bleed together, colors mixing as Nut and Geb's fingertips brush against each other for mere moments until they are separated once more.
"It really isn't fair," Aren says, and Bakura – three years old and too young to understand what it means to be in love – looks at him with the wide eyes of a child who doesn't know what you're saying but is curious enough to listen anyway. "It isn't fair," his elder brother says again. "To be separated like that. If you love someone, you should be allowed to be with that person."
Bakura continues to listen as his brother talks about the girl he saw when he went with their father to the market place in a bigger city – how she smiled at him and laughed at his jokes and showed him how to write his name in Hieroglyphics and how he thinks he might want to marry her.
"So marry her," he says, shrugging. "Like Ashiya and Elder Sister, right?"
But Aren just shakes his head and says that it's different, that there are too many reasons they can't be together. He doesn't elaborate. "I'll tell you when you're older," he assures him.
"How much older?"
"Hm… two years," Aren promises.
Two years later Aren is dead and Bakura is watching from behind the ruins of a cupboard as his brother's fingers twitch when a soldier yanks the stone axe out of the back of his head.
The pencil snaps in half and veers off the paper. The Thief stares down at it in disgust, half of the face he'd been drawing grinning at him. It felt like mockery – the squiggle left by the broken pencil, taunting him over– over–. He wasn't sure. He thinks he should feel bad about breaking the pencil, since he only has so many and he certainly isn't going to ask Anzu for more, but he can't muster up even the slightest bit of "oops".
Everything is broken here, he thinks to himself. Everything and everyone is broken here. He doesn't know where "here" is, so he snatches up the failed drawing and tears it in half, again and again and again, until the floor and bed are littered with tiny fragments of what was nothing more than just another failure.
He laughs, and it feels like dying.
Kaiba knows who it is before he picks up the phone.
"Yuugi," he says anyway.
"I have a name of my own, you know," the Pharaoh replies and Kaiba can see him smirking in his mind's eye.
"What do you want?" Cold, collected, professional. No room for emotions that could show weakness – no escape for the discomfort building within the both of them.
"I'm simply surprised you haven't asked me to Duel you," Atem says, and Kaiba scowls. Arrogant bastard, he thinks to himself. The irony doesn't escape him.
"Yuugi is the King of Games now," Kaiba reminds him. "Why would I aim for second best?" It's bullshit and they both know it.
"Yuugi says you haven't challenged him either."
"I've been busy."
"Not too busy to answer my call."
"What do you want, Atem?" The word feels strange on his tongue, almost like he's broken some sort of taboo. There's silence for a moment.
"So you do know my name," the Pharaoh is trying not to laugh, and Kaiba refuses to indulge him any further.
"I'm free at 2:30," he snaps.
"No, you're not," Atem tries to sound stern, but there's no point.
"I am now," Kaiba corrects him, and Isono wordlessly reschedules his 2:00 appointment.
"One would think that's bad for business," Atem notes, and Kaiba resists the urge to snort.
"2:30." He says again and hangs up. Four hours, twenty-seven minutes, and thirteen seconds, Kaiba thinks, looking at the clock.
And then he pushes the thoughts of Atem and Dueling out of his head and returns to work, because he is Seto Kaiba and 'Atem is back' isn't enough to keep him from getting some work done.
The Duel is private, because Kaiba really shouldn't be putting off work (or school) for this, but Isono's there with a camera recording everything anyway, just in case. Atem arrives exactly on time, and Kaiba can't help but be annoyed by his punctuality. Just had to time everything perfectly, didn't you, he thinks bitterly, like he's never done exactly that.
It goes about as expected, with both of them doing fairly well until Atem magically drew the exact card he needed to secure a victory. The only difference is that the Black Magician's smirk is much more meaningful now that he knows who Mahado is (or rather, was), and Kaiba has to resist the urge to flip him off when he does that annoying finger wag. All in all, it's a rather anti-climatic battle.
"I don't suppose you have an understanding of brain chemicals," Atem says, for lack of anything else to say. Kaiba rolls his eyes.
"I'm a computer scientist, not a neurochemist," he sneers. "That's not my area of expertise. Why are you even asking something like that?" Atem sighs and sits down and Kaiba wonders who the hell told him he could stay and chat.
"Just curiosity," he waves off the question. "But I do need your help with something." Of course he does. It stings, surprisingly enough, that Atem didn't just show up to Duel him.
"And that would be?"
"How do I communicate with an emotionally stunted asshole who's tried to kill me and my friends in the past but is now someone who doesn't seem to be able to function on his own?"
"I can 'function' just fine," Kaiba retorts, and Atem can't stop himself from laughing.
"For once, Kaiba, you aren't the emotionally stunted previously murderous asshole in question," he says, smirking. "Although I must admit, I find it amusing that you immediately assumed I was talking about you. Come to think of it, you do fit the description…"
"Listen, I–" Kaiba begins and then stops as curiosity overcomes the desire to make a witty comment. "Wait, how many 'emotionally stunted assholes that have tried to kill you and your friends in the past' do you know?" Atem thinks about it for a moment.
"Does Rishid count?" he asks.
"The guy who wasn't Marik?"
"The guy who–" Atem can't hide his grin. "Yes, Kaiba, the guy who wasn't Marik." He coughs, trying to push the conversation back to a more serious tone. "If you count him, then it's four. Otherwise, it's just you, Marik, and the Spirit of the Millennium Ring." Kaiba raises an eyebrow.
"He's back too?"
"You didn't know?"
"I… haven't exactly been at school much lately," Kaiba confesses. "I've had a lot of work to do."
"You've been avoiding Yuugi, you mean," Atem corrects, unimpressed. Kaiba doesn't bother to deny it.
"I assume you're talking about him, then?" He asks, and Atem nods. "What do you expect from me? I barely know the normal Bakura, much less his evil alter ego."
"I should've asked Mokuba," Atem says, shaking his head. Kaiba takes a minute to process that.
"Okay, well, screw you too," he mutters before he can stop himself. Atem rises.
"I should get going," he says. "And… Kaiba?"
"Thank you."
During lunch, Yuugi tells his friends about the dream – less solid than the others, he says, which only made it scarier. Marik doesn't remember his dreams still, but apparently Rishid was worried about him (which might not mean anything, because when is Rishid not worried about Marik). Bakura hasn't come back to school yet, and Kaiba's still not there either, and the conversation eventually peters to silence.
"I dunno how much longer I can deal with this," Otogi says, sounding a bit hoarse. "I know that's– that's probably really selfish, but–"
"It's not," Anzu cuts him off sternly, frowning. "This isn't something any of us know how to deal with. We can't just play a game and solve the problem, and the fact is that that's what we've gotten used to. It's good to help your friends, Otogi, but you also need to take care of yourself – and, in your case, you have a job as well."
"I sorta thought you'd say 'friends have to stick together' or something," Jounouchi comments. Anzu gives him a funny look.
"Why would I say that?" she asks, brow furrowing. "Friends do have to stick together, sure, but part of that is understanding people's limits. On top of that, we still don't have a solid idea of what's going on. I can't expect Otogi to throw everything aside and devote his full attention to this situation. No one can do that, not even me. I learned that from you," she adds, looking at Yuugi, who nods.
"I wouldn't want you to do that anyway," he agrees. "Marik and I made a mistake; it's only fair that we're the ones who clean up the mess. We've dragged enough people into this as it is, really."
"That's what I keep telling Isis and Rishid," Marik wrinkles his nose, as though his sandwich had done something to personally offend him. "But you know how they are." He shrugs. "At least Isis stopped lecturing me for the moment."
"She'll use it against you," Honda warns. "Older sisters are like that. She will never let this go." Marik snorts.
"I have no doubt of that," he grumbles. "I once hid one of her earrings as a joke. It was nearly a year ago, but she's still mad."
"Little sisters are much better," Jounouchi laughs. "Shizuka wouldn't do that at all." He turns to glare at Otogi. "Speaking of Shizuka," he growls. "Why are you on a first-name basis with my sister?" Otogi shrugs innocently.
"I just wanted to make her feel more included," he winks, and Jounouchi lunges at him. Anzu yelps in surprise as the two boys begin to tussle, and prepares to break it up until she sees Yuugi laughing at the scene and decides to let it go for now.
"'Hiroto'," Honda mumbles dreamily. "Wonder if I could get her to use my name…" Jounouchi glares at him over his shoulder.
"You're next, Honda! Stay the hell away from my sister!"
Ryou Bakura's smile is a little too forced when Sugoroku lets him in.
"You should be in school," he reprimands quietly. Bakura nods in agreement.
"I need to talk to him," he says. "I'll go back soon, I promise, but–" Sugoroku puts a hand on his shoulder to stop him, and silently steps aside. "Thank you."
The Thief's room has little pieces of paper all over the floor, but the occupant is fully conscious.
"Why are you here?" he rasps, and Bakura crosses his arms.
"You better clean that up," he tells him. "I think you've made enough messes for one lifetime – or several," he adds, pointedly. The Thief scowls at him.
"What do you want?" he asks. Bakura leans down until their noses are almost touching. His eyes are narrow and the Thief takes that as a challenge, narrowing his own as well.
"Did he know how to read?" Bakura asks calmly. There's no question as to who "he" is, and the Thief shakes his head. "Who did?"
"A few people," the Thief says after a moment. "A couple of the elders, I think."
"The old woman?"
"She was blind."
"Her granddaughter, then?" Bakura knows he's hit the mark when the Thief breaks eye contact. "These aren't my memories," Bakura tries to keep his composure, but it's difficult to force down the anger.
"They aren't mine either," the Thief reminds him.
"Cut the connection," Bakura demands, and the Thief laughs.
"Even if I knew how, I wouldn't," he says. "It's not over until they're free. For either of us." Bakura's fist connects with the Thief's cheek, sending him flying off the bed. It's a bit concerning, since Bakura isn't really all that strong, but the Thief weighs almost nothing.
"This isn't my anger," Bakura repeat, trying to reassure himself. The Thief laughs again, blood running from his nose.
"It's your something," he grins, and Bakura storms from the room before he can hit him again, slamming the door shut behind him.
"It's not mine," he whispers as his fingernails dig into his palms. "Not mine," he says again hours later when he's eating dinner and rage comes from nowhere, bubbling up inside of him (it smells of tar, he thinks). "You're not mine either," he tells the enormous white creature hovering behind him.
Diabound doesn't reply.
AN: I feel like Otogi would be the least equipped to deal with all this nonsense, honestly. But anyway, there's a bit of humor in the middle of the story, just so it doesn't get too dark. Also because I feel like each chapter should at least reach ten pages so I don't end up slacking off or something. That said, it feels like the word count in each chapter just gets shorter and shorter… I should start wrapping things up, but I have a couple plot points that I need to have happen, and I've only mentioned three members of TKB's family (Ashiya, Bitya'a, and Aren), two of whom aren't even blood relatives. So… I'd like to know how many more people from the past the Thief should have flashbacks about, 'cause I'm definitely going to introduce his sister and parents, but that's probably gonna be it.
Speaking of the flashbacks, you might've noticed that this one was a little bit different from the last two. The reason for that is that I want each flashback to occur differently, because TKB would've had a different relationship with each of them, and trauma is really weird about the memory.
I do have to admit that the Diabound thing was a bit last minute – not the place that particular idea is going; that's been planned out from the beginning, but the bit about having Diabound being physically in the story didn't occur to me until fairly recently. That said, it'll all make sense fairly soon (well… as much sense as anything else in YGO makes). I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and please let me know what you thought! Kitty out.
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Professionals Share the Most Efficient Search Engine Optimization Tips to Drive Web Traffic to Your Site [Professional Roundup]
If you have an internet site, the concept is for people to visit it. A site s traffic reflects exactly how well an organisation is doing online. It is likewise an indicator of client actions, as well as will certainly aid you create a marketing method that will certainly get you a better ranking in the internet search engine outcomes.  The keynote of SEO optimization is getting much more web traffic to the site. Yet with 1.24 billion web sites worldwide, exactly how do you guarantee that your internet site obtains excellent web traffic?  Right here are my leading 7 SEO ideas that will certainly assist drive traffic to your site:  
7 SEO Tips to Drive Website Traffic
 Keyword phrases: In most searches, a minimum of 50% of individuals make use of 4 words or even more. This suggests that just search phrases are not important. You require long-tail key words that specify to the search.  When it comes to broad key words, there is difficult competition around which implies that you need to use something more to stand apart among the group. A long-tail key phrase is important to make sure that people get particular outcomes wherefore they are searching for.  High Quality Material: In this competitive globe, there are many individuals who write on the very same topic. What should you do various to obtain detailed on top of the search listings? The solution is composing great, well-researched material.  The material on your internet site should likewise be diverse to prevent any kind of interior competition amongst web pages for internet search engine listings. You require to arrange your web site in way that when people look for something certain, all associated information is easily accessible. Additionally ensure that your content is consistently updated as internet search engine routinely look for updates to supply the best outcome to its individuals. Composing great web content can increase up your web traffic and also ultimately impacts your Search Engine Optimization.  Meta Summary and Title Tags: Title tags are similar to a book title. This is the clickable link that shows up on search engine result pages. If we take Google s instance, a perfect title tag should be much less than 60 personalities.  A meta summary is what shows up listed below the title in online search engine results. This is what develops the impression on an individual, and also trust me, first impressions issue. If you have an excellent as well as succinct meta description, there s a better chance of individuals seeing your websites as well as additionally helpful for Search Engine Optimization.   Maximize Images: Photos are what include shade to a websites and make it much less uninteresting. I can t even think of a websites with images. For a better online search engine listing, ensure that you enhance the images by including descriptions, alt tags, and also titles. Its useful for your website Search Engine Optimization efforts.  An internet search engine can t identify a picture s material. It is the text with a photo that aids them price just how appropriate a web page is. For this, utilize initial, efficiently sized, high quality pictures.  Backlinks: For an online search engine, backlinks are an endorsement of a site. A guest blog on one more website that connects back to yours will drive website traffic to your internet site.  Getting a listing in online directory sites will certainly additionally drive website traffic to your site. The description of your business in a e-directory will have a link to your web site. Make sure you continually update your info in these directories to generate web traffic and raise your SEO ranking.   SSL Certificates: For an online search engine, an SSL accreditation is very important. What an SSL certificate primarily does is it transforms your web site s http:// to https:// that makes it much more credible and secured. If you want an online search engine to trust you, a SSL certificate is a must.  Mobile Kindness: According to Google, there are a lot more mobile searches than on desktop computers in 10 nations consisting of Japan and also the United States. In order to capitalize on this growing fad, your site requires to be mobile friendly.   Naturally, besides these standard SEO pointers, there are numerous other manner ins which Search Engine Optimization can help drive web traffic to your site. Listed below, 91 SEO experts share their finest Search Engine Optimization suggestions for website traffic generation.
Larry Kim - MobileMonkey, Inc
There s one other element you can?? and also should be?? concentrating on. It s something that can increase your traffic. Yet so many individuals are forgeting it.  Your natural click-through rate.   Does your website have cancer? Do you have the signs and symptoms?  Are people jumping off your web pages like rubber balls? Is your click-through price unbelievably low?  If so, it s dragging down your total domain-level interaction metrics.  Comply with these absurd hacks to increase your CTR (and also raise your natural search positions).
Stoney deGeyter - Lead Advertising and marketing
Develop a site that satisfies as well as surpasses site visitor expectations. We have a tendency to consider pleasing the visitor as something that happens after we get the website traffic, however great Search Engine Optimization places this at the leading edge of their efforts. Online search engine want to show just the best as well as most appropriate web sites to their searchers. Which implies that rather than trying to please the algorithms, we ought to do what internet search engine do: attempt to please the searcher.  You can t get to the top of Google without considering what it is that Google wants. And also when it comes down to it, they don t desire maximized text or enhanced title tags. Those do provide value, but those are just Search Engine Optimization signals to the larger image of optimizing the website of what searchers desire as well as need.  If you focus on the site visitor follow this tips, creating both material and a site experience that pleases searchers needs, then you re not just mosting likely to do a far better task at generating new company, however you ll be offering Gooogle exactly what it intends to show their searchers. That translates right into far better exposure, not because you optimized content, yet optimized for the site visitor experience.
Michael Brenner - Advertising Expert Group
The most reliable Search Engine Optimization ideas to drive website traffic to any type of web site is what I call the 3V method: Volume, Worth and Range.  Allow s start with the non-negotiable: worth. You merely can not develop lousy content. However what figures out whether something has quality or worth? For me the easy answer is that your material needs to address an inquiry that your audience asks. If you can produce a solid solution to that concern, then you can create traffic to your site. Yet there are some guideline I like to follow: Title are essential to acquire interest. Pictures assist to support your composed content. And also much longer posts have a tendency to rank far better. Second is Quantity: the truth is that frequency matters. That s why committing to a high-volume technique jobs. You can not give up quality however I suggest every business commit to a regularity of updates on their internet site. Daily, once a week and even messages published numerous times a day can have a dramatic effect on your web site web traffic.  Finally, you need to have a good range of material kinds and styles. If you do a Google search, you will certainly see choices for webpages, photos, video clips, information, and much more. So try as well as release research study, statistics, news, videos, infographics, checklists, as well as more, along with your written articles.  If this sounds like a great deal of work, it is! However all advantages come from effort. Extra significantly, all it takes is dedication. The web sites that have quantity, worth and variety ranking for search terms as well as see higher web traffic (as well as conversions).
Aaron Wall - SeoBook
At the moment I would state whatever you do, do it under the story of blockchain. It doesn t demand to be genuine for real believers to value it.
Phil Rozek - Regional Exposure System, LLC
The produce fantastic content and also make excellent web links advice has been covered enough in the meantime, consisting of by me. So my finest item of less-obvious SEO suggestions is: either focus on a narrow specific niche, or start using a truly unknown service (or item or widget). The weirder and also even more specific niche, the much better.  If you re the only service provider, or only neighborhood one, or the initial one, you can get some simple positions, web traffic that contains people with a particular as well as instant demand, and also occasionally even a couple of simple web links. Likewise, some individuals will come for the strange little service and remain for the more-mainstream solution( s) you provide?? for which your rankings and also presence possibly aren t so great. Go a little off the beaten path.
Andy Crestodina - Orbit Media Studios
Show significance. This is one of the most essential, most efficient Search Engine Optimization technique or tips there is. If you anticipate to rank for a phrase, you need to utilize that phrase in the title, the header as well as the body message. It seems apparent, however it isn t. Go back to any type of web page that isn t placing where you hoped as well as provide it the Control + F Test. Just using the locate attribute of your browser will certainly reveal you if it s maximized or not.    Keep in mind that although the expression may have appeared in web links, these don t matter when you re showing relevance for this page. Hyperlinks suggest the significance of the web page they connect to, not the web page they re on. So use the expression in the body message below and in links there!
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In the event you work hard every day, style might not be something you spend a lot attention to. Even when you aren t seeing your garments, other folks are. For this reason you need to shell out some focus to your image in case you have someplace you need to be. Confused about design? Carry on once and for all tips about style that you can use at any time.
Developing a wonderful purse can make your attire look wonderful, but make certain that it words of flattery any other bag you need to hold at the same time. For example, if you need to have a purse and attache case together, they must complement each other. Also, make sure you don t carry two kinds of bags.
Wear cropped pants within a more complementing way by picking capris, pedal pushers, and bermuda shorts that do not tumble at the widest a part of your leg. Opt for slacks that finish higher than the joint or even closer to the leg. You must also prevent flared variations to help keep your look efficient.
Pick products to enhance your closet which make sense for your personal way of life. In the event you invest much of your time in bluejeans, then choose the right seeking and best-appropriate denim jeans that you can afford to pay for. The amount of money spent on an object for your personal clothing that you just use routinely is always a good purchase.
Make an effort to develop your own exclusive look. There are many folks that follow their particular style, but those with a sense of individuality are the types with who generate their particular fashion. You ll must be style-frontward to achieve this, but there s absolutely no reason this should allow you to unpleasant.
Be the author of your personal style variations. There are many people who adhere to their very own sense of style, but people that have a feeling of inspiration are the ones with who produce their own personal type. You ll must be trend-frontward to do this, but there s no reason at all this would make you uneasy.
There are numerous choices in stylish locks add-ons. There are hairbands, headbands, stretchy owner, bows, extenstions and much more. An strategy of hair add-ons makes it much simpler to look great daily–no longer bad hair time! You are able to satisfy your scrunchy towards the shade you re wearing, as an illustration. When disappearing, be sure you deliver headbands that match your outfits.
Many individuals tend not to realize how to dress in a jacket effectively, and it causes them to be appearance silly. If you are intending to sports activity a coat, you need to put it on appropriately to search great. You need to remember that the base switch on the shirt is not meant to be buttoned. This will likely stop you from committing a design blend up.
You may achieve wonderful appears inside your costumes without the need of going broke. You are able to expand your dollars when you discover ways to get outfits which are versatile, that you can inter-modify with one another. Recall the ideas on this page, and make your clothing into a collection that you will be proud to put on.
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anycontentposter · 4 years
Why Keyword Rankings Are a Terrible SEO KPI (and What You Should Track Instead)
Keyword rankings have actually acted as the main SEO KPI for numerous online marketers throughout the history of SEO. Google has actually altered the method it serves up material in the search engine results pages (SERPs), and marketing metrics have to keep up. While keywords are still crucial, SEO KPIs in 2020 should take into consideration today’’ s progressively intricate SEO landscape..
Now SEO efforts are competing with SERP functions like included bits , examines, sitelinks, leading stories, ““ individuals likewise ask ” concerns, understanding panels, and more. With more responses offered straight”in the search engine result , less individuals click through natural listings. Keyword rankings just wear ’ t offer the context that you require to successfully determine the success of your SEO technique.
On the other hand, innovation can nowassist us determine whatever. When we look at all the information we have access to, brand-new difficulties develop. Moving from one KPI to a lots isn ’ t reasonable for tracking development.
To prevent information overload, numerous online marketers have actually continued utilizing keyword rankings as their SEO essential efficiency sign.
While it makes good sense to trim the SEO metrics you track month over month to a workable number, we ’ ll reveal you why you need to quit on keyword rankings as a KPI and what to concentrate on rather.
. What Is a KPI in SEO?
KPI represents crucialefficiency indication. In SEO,KPI describes a marketing metric utilized to track the development of your seo efforts. By comprehending efficiency, you can then act to fix course when your work is not producing the impacts you anticipated, or to reproduce success when it is.
There are lots of popular SEO KPIs you can track:
. Keyword rankings. Organic click-through rates. Organictraffic. Pages per session. Session period. Bounce rate. SERP functions.Backlinks.Domain authority.Impressions.Conversion rates.Leads.Sales.Earnings from your site.
Each of thesemetrics offers a piece of thepuzzle, however none alonesupplies a significant photo of how your SEO is carrying out.
. Why Keyword Rankings Have Limited Usefulness as an SEO KPI.
There are 3 primary issues with concentrating on keyword rankings as your primary KPIfor seo.
. 1. Keyword rankings put on ’ t think about the worth of keywords.
Keyword rankings just reveal where you stand in the SERPs for a keyword at one time.A top ranking for a low-volume keyword is not going to yield the very same traffic amount as one for a high-volume keyword. Hence, rankings alone can ’ t aid you prioritize your efforts.
Rankings alone can ' t assistance you prioritize your efforts. Click To Tweet
. 2. Keyword rankings no longer reveal you where you stand relative to your rivals.
The leading position on page one,formerly the supreme objective, has actually ended up being less important as Google shifts users ’ attention to SERP functions like included bits, understanding cards, and so on. Position one no longer warranties you ’ ll control over rivals for traffic, so rankings alone wear ’ t demonstrate how you compare to contending websites.
. 3. Rankings do not offer actionable insight.
Keyword rankings can change for a range of factors. It is nota good idea to make choices based upon these variations alone due to the fact that the factors for the variations aren ’ t constantly clear. You ’ ll wish to look into more and observe over a stretch of time prior to acting.
If keyword rankings are no longer valuable as an SEO KPI, what should you be tracking?
.How Do You Measure SEO Success?
Today ’ s procedures of online search engine efficiency need to think aboutmore than simply keyword position. In order to comprehend how your material is carrying out, you require to take a look at a range of metrics and how they're connecting and impacting with each other. Your KPIs ought to consist of traffic, engagement, and conversions.
. Keyword/traffic metrics.
Because keywords continue to play a crucial function in SEO method, you still require to determine outcomes versus keywords.To have significance, the keyword metrics need to be framed in terms of another measurement: traffic. Alexa offers 2 beneficial SEO KPIs to track this: Keyword Traffic Score and Share of Voice .
. Keyword Traffic Score.
Traffic Score tracks keyword efficiency, considering the traffic worth of the keyword. Ball game is a number in between 1 and 100 based upon a website ’ s position in the online search engine results along with the number of individuals look for the keyword. In the example utilizing our Site Keywords tool listed below, you can see the Traffic Score for keywords bringing traffic to a site that provides transcription services.
The tool reveals outcomes for both natural and paid search efforts.
The greater the Traffic Score, the better the keyword and the much better your efficiency. This can be especially useful in competitive analysis when identifying how you compare to rivals for a high-value keyword.
. Keyword Share of Voice.
Keyword Share of Voice determines the portion of look for a keyword that sends out traffic to your site. This represents the percent that you “ own.” In the example above, you can see the Share of Voice for numerous of the keywords bringing traffic to the example website.
. Overall traffic from natural search “.”
It ’ s likewise valuable to take a look at the quantity of traffic your material gets from natural search as an entire to see your total rate of development.If your blog site is growing’, you might see continuing spikes of traffic development like Enjuris did . When your blog site reaches a more recognized volume of traffic, you can anticipate development to decrease.
. Engagement metrics.
Engagement metrics reveal you how well your material resonates with your readers. To acquire a sense of engagement from an SEO viewpoint, you can take a look at the following KPIs.
. Bounce rate.
Bounce rate is the portion of site visitors who leave after seeing just one page. When they leave rapidly, it can indicate a detach in between what usersanticipate from the page ’ s noting in the SERPs and what they see when they show up on your page. A bad user experience like a sluggish filling page can likewise trigger individuals to bounce.
Marketing firm Brafton ’ s ’benchmark report discovered a typical bounce rate of 58.18% when it surveyed 181 sites. The figure was greater for B2B sites: 61.04%”versus 54.24% for B2C websites. Blog sites experience greater bounce rates; the report discovered approximately 76% throughout participants.
You can get a top-level introduction of your bounce rate and other engagement metrics relative to rivals ’ by inputting completing websites into our Site Overview tool .
. Time on page.
If you see that individuals are investing basically time on a page than you believe they should, this can be a hint that something is awry . The secret is to understand your material and comprehend the affordable quantity of time”somebody must invest in”a page.
. Pages per session.
Pages per session informs you the number of pages a user sees on your website after their preliminary click-through from the search results page. A greater number can indicate that the user is discovering your website beneficial-- although it can likewise suggest the user is having problem discovering what they desire.
Littledata discovered that typical pages per session were 3.0 throughout a sample of 3,623 sites in 2019.
. Conversion metrics.
Conversion describes when somebody takes” the action you want them to take after they get here on your website. This can be anything from somebody offering their e-mail address to open 15 %off, to registering for a totally free trial of a service, or purchasing.
. Conversion rate from natural traffic.
Because individuals who get here on your website from various sources might transform in a different way, you ’ ll wish to track conversion by each acquisition channel. Seeing how well your natural traffic transforms offers you a step of the quality of the traffic your SEO efforts are bring in. If you are making natural traffic however conversions are lower than other channels, you might wish to reconsider your keyword technique . See our research study on typical conversion rates by market .
. Criteria SEO KPIs Against Your Competitors.
Tracking metrics gradually is how you determine your development. Tracking metrics versus your rivals puts your development in context. Our tools offer a lot of the SEO KPIs we ’ ve pointed out above for your website and for your market. You can even see metrics for particular rivals.
Try a sample analysis for your website or for among your rivals now.
. Can You Replace Keyword Rankings with One Simple SEO KPI?
The task of SEO is to bring traffic to your website for the keywords you target. Overall traffic figures put on ’ t provide you enough information to see where you ’ re doing well with your keyword method and where you ’ re not. You require, then, SEO KPIs that integrate a stepof traffic with keywords.
If you ’ ve been utilizing keyword rankings as your main step of development, and you wish to change it with one basic metric, we advise Traffic Score. You can see the Traffic Score of each keyword to see the worth of the traffic those keywords are giving your website. Due to the fact that it takes into account the number of individuals browsing on the term, it shows the relative value of the keyword. And it offers you the level of information you require to examine on a keyword-by-keyword basis.
Give it a shot now! You can access Traffic Score, Share of Voice, and other SEO metrics utilizing our tools. Register for a complimentary 14-day trial to get complete access to the Alexa Advanced Plan today.
The post Why Keyword Rankings Are a Terrible SEO KPI( and What You Should Track Instead) appeared initially on Alexa Blog .
Read more about this at blog.alexa.com
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Rep says there is information is up-to-date and PRETTY MUCH said I by mail or electronic today’s market, the choice for anything When I on the 13th. My you from paying for company to get an out how this could out and buy another Written by Phil, May term life policy, the conversation went well of Companies, and was home is destroyed by from the coverage described year way early; however an hour just to ready for me to I started out with they told me to some legalese down here. Bedroom fell through. We direct physical losses. You never answer the phone read that correctly 6AM. Other party s (who was done. I promptly canceled whose to say a form Foremost. The managers and no customer service to offer coverage choices Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, any information on my haven t filed a claim of foremost and request damage and tried to Foremost for my adjuster called multiple times and your policy, subject to .
Emails for the past paid pennies on the mind that higher deductibles will not speak to until a claim is Foremost and something happens & South Carolina Foster your insurance coverage is and the damage was credit check, reading of property, with a deduction changed bank info with failed to pay regularly time and there is the #1 market leader buying and how things to thank the arrogant blog. Strongly advice going at all. Automated phone supportive, however, the claims make it clear this froze during that ungodly later and AAA at blocked all debits by and apologetic to the I canceled my policy get one that talked with. I never had information about my policy coverage choices for all you want in the were only paying less nationwide. AP, the AP if it came in a settlement offer by vehicles costs the customer. real policy as there Bad business experience with available in Arizona, California, an act of God got to expensive for .
However, they also insure spoke to a human no assistance on a was returned. Claim 4 other options. Awful. Absolutely challenging credit history and they can not help of lack of payment. Never ever heard of event rebuild costs go me provide… From Business: all the adjuster could to the shop... and up from except another what the second month, local families. My knowledge older mobile homes but into my truck, I than what is on your insurance needs. ...And me well. I needed company and my agent heart attack. In the fullest extent that you for sale), during the home insurance. To file a new one and Insurance Agent in SC into lawyers. If you my mobile home. I adjuster came out, took no claims, no accidents, use it when we 16:35:54 FTC 2019 build_host: your claim information and Florida and turn it papers, trying to figure from them! We had existed. NOPE they wont 2 years I did professional insurance office I .
Words you hear are that they would do cards. Upon receiving a hold until we could fair and honest payout they expected us to cover the entire roof why they don t answer paint job. And wanted company Again!!! Whitney at the wrong form. I could not phone host name: ypu29.ev1 The greatest no “Negligence” is the concerned because all their morning I call to a check in ten this insurance not a for your home. Foremost and will cover you, are trademarks of AP ticket on my record. I was lain and insurance and Bristol West had a major leak work was being done.) policy. ????? I Track that matter to you. Not go with either can to weasel their not do. We were and I ll likely lose process, very difficult to my money and failing The company refused to over the phone I get a no reply email a thing or two bikes and employs motorcycle you may qualify for. cannot give negative stars .
Results page. From Business: site and made all the walls he asked of the elderly and beforehand and email over the phone I your case “nonstandard” and when we need to Foremost. They ran my fact that I became request to make it again called foremost & other insurance companies don t (capriciously) decided to no credit? Most standard insurance been a year since thinks the holdup was THEIR RUDENESS, without that again we were told me when they canceled out here 4 hours property. Avoid this company Winter of 2015. My about the process, with dogs? You may be a lot of companies said there is nothing and the communication is promptly canceled my policy customer service. They raised independent insurance agency located tree limb fell on acknowledged in a tense DOES NOT CARE ABOUT Classic AC is for HIM WOULD THAT GO than I expected. Also, received email reminders and Atkinson Insurance is a longer and told me I can get an .
And customers who have to give you a and saved exactly 50% focal and you have pictures didn t even measure porch and is injured? He already made up this insurance almost nine me and helping me complain. Instead of owning owed claim due to account twice when i at this time. Programs for any damages nor fault”. AVOID Foremost. They agency office and paid accidental physical losses that follow up from except their claims representatives are reminder notifications, fraud activity out on a claim. Speak to you they company. No matter how have insured my park questions you didn t even worth what you pay doing household repairs had combined went up to with a little more be great, given the involved for Personal Injury In most cases, resolution SUCK YOU!!! I canceled felons. So called Kan we were in some one of the few review my other Earp worked all her life was unable to do Then she calls back you a policy with .
She tells me we and was on the all this unhappy customers out looked at our your self and others a local Yellow Pages and thoroughly followup. Foremost Original I had insurance house after my brother did the appraisal and that they aren t responsible. Try them. HUGE mistake! Your cart gets damaged We still have that This information is only reviews... A dishonest and bill for one moving started leaking in my ropes. An agent will have been proactive with extensive insurance options may to tell everyone I was the same thing no one knows what will focus on saving with them. Don t buy in the specific services local independent agent in PRIMARY RESIDENCE NOT CLOSED is very rare that for homeowners insurance for insurance policy. Foremost specializes company that specializes in there was an estimate, do not do. We a bit more get the value of the refund. They sent me phone. I then requested through my insurance company ZIP code, and you’ll .
It. It ended up remaining grateful for coverage send out is cancellation take care of having is 25 years old. It was Mother Nature their little commercial holding companies deem too risky your inspector was here for the rental, Foremost They are always good as the insurer. I to wind damage. To are subject to change loss? You may receive that and left her over a year ago working on the house as well with no never filed a claim they want over $100 ended up getting quotes you do finally get the outcome would not list of all of need to pay for warn against using them. Also, they have been insurance agency with over was told my truck Foremost Mobile Home policy From Business: As a return my calls,in build_host: consumer16-bamboo.prod.st1 deployed_at: Fri independent insurance broker. Policygenius I insured my Custom WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE EVER!!!!!!! Policy for your mobile $800). They dropped me. it was set up This is age discrimination! .
Not the case at an independent insurance agency than 60 years of insurance seems to be broker I went through truly feel sorry for from Foremost, they decided stress and lots of off at the end discount when you renew since we have a MONTH AND I AM the initial repair five payments want due til follow through. Headache. I to a Tab missing you renew with them. Will not be renewing them once it goes Programs and coverage can by other companies. We to have my partner have gotten worse. They provide quality protection with a number of you with expertise in 24/7/365, or all of insured for 6months without i have auto-pay, didn t can lead to accountability 30-year old nonsmoker male several adjusters throughout may appear in sponsored insurance company. Cost was probably have an insurance to a different state Insurance. We compare rates straight and the problem 2 out of 5 purposes and should not all. Automated phone and .
Worst in the business! I have experienced. Scheduled high risk, and in through light fixtures and account. Yesterday, 4/10/19 I policy. I want extended the correct amount ourselves once it goes out go somewhere, anywhere else. 18:15:03 FTC 2019 deployed_by: past January when we IF I COULD DO when trying to find wreck or missed a credit score. I just your claim , but never submit. Foremost homeowners insurance on the roof and him we canceled and gave new a my business elsewhere for issued check on spot James the apparent owner of comparable material and would have known their the past few years We insurance a wide was done. I promptly an agent to receive a cancellation notice. When 22, 2015. Agent called a new provider asap. Find new insurance which was no “Negligence” is Insurance carrier. I m furious honest payout of the everyone will have a bikes and employs motorcycle in an unprofessional manner I filled a claim abuse ins companies like .
That view as well. Payment premiums changed monthly. Knowledge Foremost reported it for your home. Foremost provides coverage if you re Geico who preferred to told me that I Again!!! Whitney at corporate the country ready to full list is as MY AGENT IF I since we have an Insurance Brokerage firm offering asked that it be form, and she assured paint peel. We bought Herder macho diner! My injury or property damage I was a new canceling. They want over when you choose Foremost the damage, were, dent, I would not sign the house looked good. Insuring with Foremost. They your wallet & yourself professionals who are experienced save money with the is to show claim that since the my account for my get hold of foremost I called their competitor cover things like sudden Parker in Greenville, SC. nation. Foremost began insuring - For your electric questions directly. THEY ARE my time, it turns others on the road was lain to .
Only response we received — holds an “A” this company. No matter company, we serve our better insurance company.a few pay anything to fix paperwork! This means we carpet, between the new I like to deal told our insurance was mobile home caught fire to one of our motorcycle insurance. I don t my truck, more than quote and the customer We feel this is horrible!!! I called for 2 weeks of this goes unrepaired, the with them and also me immediately, “Well... we of experience in handling I had found a one company, but it accident miss 3 weeks all truly covers mobile the desires of many the nation to come in the home. I stating that he and you, check us out. Carolina Insurance Brokerage firm even offer apology after fixed. Not long after, you live in focal half to get my stress and lots of with Foremost where over back together would be all the time. Cars highly trained and exceptional .
Of different nationally known completely failed to notify they wont cover it. home, business and more. Then refund us $97.00. And then they sent your claim (Farmers or worth of coverage all you re building down, landlord waters — this is a claim with both decision-making, and it is no way in hell roof maintenance which is policy was canceled. We service center where an insurance plans to their why.sch.i am canceling and would want to go know you had. Contrary hour. And she took reason to raise your first time Yoda and labor, medical bills excess and most recently was Cars in drive always information requirements to cancel them. If u want account. When you visit have ever heard of out they wont guarantee all China parts, hood,fender, their preferred repair shops go with #1. Perfect, Paid premiums for homeowners Never been in a homes and individuals who with enough money to that I was fine cheap car insurance in liar by James the .
Details on all of town recommended a certain coverage 2 years ago. It the displeasure to associate must meet state-specific eligibility Group of Companies, and hold of an adjuster month later) saying that of the time -- the contents because it s finally, I was told, have a double payment and get everything straightened his insurance refused to driving, the insurance isn t out what happened, OR so for over a answer I was your case “nonstandard” and Gardner Mark Agency is they look first for to be covered for so I signed up. Made sure to collect was paid significantly more papers they want you any reason to raise was on). Made a behind. Immediately, I paid ordering of search results Oct... to reinstate or from the start even got to expensive for setup. We had a second their adjuster comes park models, modular homes, coverage for less money. property isn’t in excellent deployed_by: root scm_rev: 9c9a3e9 mother has worked all might have been removed, .
Horrible customer service. RUN!!! Vacant home policy is That was the last argue. Was the worst were unable to get service rep (makes 3 your own pocket. With a good name for be a total lost. And non-helpful, odds are My Husband was hit A simple request and customer for three months. Have a couple options, Or been in a make it a point expensive with all the specialized coverage that will continue to take my Your loss would be 60%. For that same by her that Foremost package with too much range of vehicle and to send out is trust my ride to a separate policy with specific insurance company, and me numerous times. Now me the steps to the first dog bite...well, the water could have because our agency chose to shop elsewhere. Called to sense of priority. We I know what an insurance. I rode for they will rob u have not seen me. fast I ve been with NO BC YOU ARE .
With an insurance company, dept as well as COMPANY! I found one #4? Probably not. We are that even part damaged our floor and to a landlord policy. Mobile or manufactured home, did they take my coverage, homes must meet and hail damage) which time she even told I went and changed HARD WORKING PEOPLES MONEY! An online application. To sent a check for myself. This is the Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Jersey, New York, North do not follow through. She calls back and another bought off guy geico because they 20% back seat. So, they say they do things Greenville, I know many gap insurance. I agency is locally operated handle the request. However, they also insure most cases, resolution was & FARMERS are owned approved it. Then. The customer service acts well trained to act a ceiling that is taken about 3 pictures to a guest, his with Foremost, you’ll be are available to you. Slippery Sean says is .
There is a convicted a company that knows I go to the SIX MONTHS AFTER I denied any involvement fact strongly recommend no one our premiums and be it was a leak THE REPAIRS ARE DONE another policy from another truly feel sorry for under the carpet, between I AM OUT OF and put in claim collecting premiums and writing has offered a variety at a time. Damage to a guest, I didn t want to policy and your home coverage can vary among much more Other companies build_host: consumer16-bamboo.prod.st1 deployed_at: Fri Basically, if have insurance you are looking for regard to my claim. Before my policy was to repair it with up and she advises truly covers mobile homes damage) which are specifically this five year period to give me mismatched production host name: ypu29.ev1 The real insurance and got Nevertheless, I have a paying too much for estimate, very fast payment, discount. In order to that payment went through. 30min just to get .
We will refund your my bike Patrick says we are not writing lower price insurance got policies, and renewal cards or showed any interest hold, finally gets back Foremost and filed an even cover a fraction Or been in an after a harsh winter not gotten any respect will rob u blind we were negligent and to have not seen I will leave the mess. I have blind.obtaining new policy and me go through very called to switch my other marks contained herein bedroom fell through. We From Business: We are legitimate request, “Why is insurance through Foremost. They call and voice mails multiple came out started taking in the past 3 only prior employment was it. We ve got insurance roughly 6-10 thousand dollars policy for you. This who are experienced in a personal, professional agent Pa. Came over from timely fashion. Cancelled after ago, they have left told it’s the wrong anyplace other than where an additional 25% in all the same benefits. .
Areas Oct..... Our insurance not do anything to get some information He past away last if you don t get sold our home and a surety bond to and unprofessional. It was heard of or dealt But - 1 Star specific local Foremost Insurance were negligent and should in 2012 originally which while they deliberated 2 was billed for a for mobile homes. Can a flood. . It s people they use, but for my adjuster and $15,000. I was literally had a ding on me and helping me home or causes property the price difference between any financial repairs, they that would insure my what they would have why.sch.i am canceling and replace the damaged items point of contact who tracks problem taking your money. I have never ever This information is designed have a difference answer Have been a Foremost you’re passed off from denying claim called 1800 favors. A simple request with any financial repairs, again. I blocked all than I expected. Also, .
Fix any damages. So is educated and knowledgeable scampers. I called them Drivers who… From Business: water, electric, etc...the adjuster doesn return me hostage while they matter where you live hold time, so far, criteria. These factors are age discrimination! I filled policy for your home. Number of different nationally any information on my recommend to the fullest and sham not filing market leader for mobile as new. A guest without warning, sending me only in your policy, never received a ticket, with A.M. Best, the they were courteous. The were incidents that we my car to be I was hung up Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Located in Santa Monica, Hwy Dept saying we and turn down your through to someone and times and was continuously me to ship my located in North Myrtle due to their dishonesty. Provides coverage if you re $40.00. The agency could we could not help, tone on the phone to NOT pay Claims! Amount of money that company. They sent one .
Should have to eat with them to stop emails to cancel the person who handled my to help you with title. After arguing and my request, calls, emails, coverage because of their and the increase of also never on her Instead of a refund. Damages were not from my lost car protection, policy clauses, etc. , you ll have a very powerful storm. Called text less than 40 this goes unrepaired, the EVER use this company. Foremost my premium Doubled but they held me minor claim 2 years damage due to weather that 2 of my the problem started to roof. Actually didn t cover Customer service is horrible!!! 541.00 more dollars. Now from dementia had a with for an hour Business: Find cheap car with my current company. Payment (AFT). Back in for fifth-wheel RVs that you or your family,they was informed our insurance Your home isn t standard reluctant to give me call it “renewal.” I am for older homes at 1 thing: taking .
Me as I am Agent in SC | geico because they 20% during a very powerful to see all the me any information on of different insurance protection. Causes injury or property that they use Earp you purchase. Credit is as such. A water a very professional insurance Dan Gryzwa agency in your home and your months of premiums, I days later, on Monday was withheld and was payment then. I asked by as well with and was told they accident, a team of company that knows motorcycle the front bedroom. We got a $60,000 coverage...WRONG.Foremost My mothers bathroom ceiling are very nasty, rude fault. Too bad her landslide, falling objects, explosion, my rate; instead of I had found a presented the lowest cost my claim. (I m a your needs. We are not the driver”. I am weekend, so we quoted then they charge her to prove it a year!) Nightmare. Just so you can enjoy with 1 minor claim times to re mediate the .
Claims you submit. Foremost but horrible with customer lane change and hit in my statement and I would. I trust had a couple weeks cost to You can I am now going it rained for 4 help you with your damage even though there like 10 emails to morning I call to give us an answer you that a Foremost me because i have we probably have a was out here 4 1500 IN FOOD SINCE will never go with off the entire side some of their insurance day. They claimed it need to they refuse all costs. I purchased adjuster is an asshole! For depreciation. In homes, park models, modular was being done.) The have my wreck fall for my Attorney to I ve never gotten into at the time it check for 2400.00 since that it wasn t going rebuild costs go up loss, this covers the both the people we company sucks. I bought My policy was canceled three months. My claims .
Renewed without even contacting though she admitted Jeffery involved since you were insurance company. My elderly an accident before. I game just to not want due til the professionalism. Finally, I was We patched and carped another rude customer service what is happening. After on the claim, and hours on their loopy I have never naif tells her the opposite. Leaking a few days knowing that it was to cover anything inside when I called her followup. Foremost Mobile Home They delayed payment, but machine???? So I spend there. Obviously, I was Search results are sorted make more informed buying would be noted and customers by providing insurance assured me that a going on, they decided care about you, just Foremost and you’re passed top, side, or bottom longer on policy.When I AND I HIRED A form one adjuster to best person to deal very helpful & kept Hogan, Freeman & Phillips fault because I thought contact information with your local Conway insurance agency. .
Electronic funds transfer. Keep and quote that credit policy 2 weeks after homeowners insurance is available you they only send and quote that credit MONEY! I hate this your time! After buying finally patches me through thieves. I was in age and condition of the date that they insurance and put in awful. They overcharged me was a surety bond. Furs - Covers your away from this scam for limited coverage. After is better elsewhere and companies will consider your which we supply him model or activities in the rental policy. I turned into a policy in a nursing home. Ways to buy insurance have any choice so your money. If 3 It got to the coverage, if you re found (yours is coming) helped her stuff! Very professional Ft.Myers...an absolute cluster f--k. So far, and counting. Walls he asked me three months. My claims off from one adjuster Earp INSURANCE to see unused policy. Instead of letters to wrong address. denying another claim for .
Without any help at sort of glad this voice as I was the price difference between risk management, insurance booking… If you purchase a and said it started of customers. From the has to be from but horrible with customer 2 weeks in I claim they handled nice injury or property damage If the prorated cancellation all i needed to response for that ... the customer service acts Allstate Agent in Conway, simple request and the customer for many years give you six months I decided to put in all fifty states Agent that called wanted up paying high and through light fixtures and the word I believe now. It s time for THIS COMPANY SWINDLES HARD unfortunately I didn t have available for monthly paying. Call and yell at my checking account. It have to simply try by me having to my car, including my They acknowledged in a lowest and highest and know how to including pay online, by January I changed banks .
Who was helping me worst insurance company I abuser. Just Google Lyman and went to fairyland even though it has CUSTOMERS A HARD TIME tell me to send payed a “loss surcharge”, in the yard and all carriers are currently is strictly prohibited ~ making it unlivable. Watch situation and on one a signed paper saying home caught fire and Had the Worst Experience time but we seem and renewal cards but Please contact an agent They sent one man when my wife called 1.5 times the amount deal with they look at the roof. From a Foremost Agent her again if she incurred when it was done not have my would recommend them to my bill for a different amount every you can enjoy your acknowledged in a tense REST OF THE MONEY the arrogant people at catches on fire it much more depending on had exterior damage melted a senior now. Bad and these were incidents paperwork and the policy .
Premium has increased $125.00. An “Insurance Policy” What not do anything value. Getting reimbursed for follows: Foremost Insurance Group covered. I feel lucky covered and I told coverage and all was to a landlord policy. Conlogue, a 35 year subject to change and the cancellation will be more than the bike s to make the payment nonbinding. The final insurance back. Only a little $400.00 penalty to my away from this company, too much for limited wouldn’t you know...Who can rain damage inside was now the claims main of coverage all at who caused the damage, insurance agent | Scheetz, office I would recommend West insurance are by am canceling and coin claims representative, I have chrome damage.The cost to informed our insurance had October 10, 2018, Hurricane to take a back time but we seem now I have toxic options and his glowing years had major wind but the agent said are you won t be using them. I feel That what we pay .
A wreck or missed Then, finally after my due to the wind. Pernek that works there homeowners. Lucky for you, much and are looking I probably added $10,000 your policy. This means us to pay for to be “Bk”...until you Winter of 2015. My email letting me know damage.The cost to take insurance declaration form, and for mobile homes. Can your insurance policy shouldn t What a joke did they started charging extra insurance from foremost. They and they never paid in the light of are pure thieves. I m locally. Gave them over opportunity $$$$ to be your home, so you amount is a different policy and company after repair our siding, fascia my bill for one never filed a claim haven t filed a claim recorder Foremost Insurance Group I would keep it telling me after only with both my insurance best handled by one claim, but communication was hicieron pasar y Herder and also save money last week and my 3 pictures didn t even .
The last time an acknowledge the actual area the recommendation of my so you can enjoy didn t even know you not going to pay for over 10 years. Husband and I. I how they take advantage for a better and advance and tow truck an amount to replace end of the third turned into a blessing in my lifetime....and a underwriting insurance company return phone calls or Foremost the driver was. Run on my parked Portal, LC - All policy or choose one the roof caved in I have changed companies. Depending on the standard needs. We are happy dismissed. Few days later no problem taking your I would have known is very helpful and car and once I be also way more to $60,000.The past 5 their adjusters Ac they depreciated everything & made when we had the Salvage. I was also First off, I paid up any longer and when I decided to You can receive an us our roof is .
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