#and ill have more and theyll be beautiful because of what they were and i had the utmost honor and pleasure to draw something out of her
arent ocean liners and cruise ships basically the same thing? how can you like one and not the other?
oh my guy, theyre certainly not the same thing.
they might seem similar to those of the world who arent super into ships, but theyre both different vessels by design and function. if youd rather watch a video detailing differences, id recommend this one by the great big move or oceanliner designs video comparing the strathaird to the pacific encounter, but ill also happily explain some basic differences because i like infodumping.
see we dont really have a use for ocean liners anymore; they were mostly phased out when jet air travel picked up steam. the only one existing today is the rms queen mary 2.
ocean liners acted essentially as buses for the sea. they offered regular passage across continents. the most famous route is probably the southampton to new york route which is what the titanic was intended for. most of the famous ocean liners were on this route like the lusitania, the queen mary, the normandie, the bremen, etc.
but there were plenty of other routes going across the whole ocean. the italian line had a south american service, canadian pacific had a whole thing from liverpool to quebec that linked to their railways, p&o did a lot of stuff around australia and aotearoa, etc.
because of the regular passage offered, ocean liners couldnt sail around storms like cruise ships do. they had to battle the storm to get to their destination on time which means the ships were designed with this in mind. they are designed to travel through open oceans to cross large distances while cruise ships tend to stay close to the coast and wont travel far at all, relatively speaking.
as such, ocean liners sit much lower in the water and will tend to have a long, pointed bow. this allows them to much more easily cut through oncoming waves. if theyre sailing around icy waters, theyll also have reinforced bows like the stockholm did. after titanic, ocean liners began to be built with a "second skin" to their hull which is just a second hull inside the outer hull to reinforce the ship and protect against damages from anything from rough waves to icebergs.
further, the bridge on an ocean liner will be higher up, often on the top deck. this both aids with navigation for the crew as theyll have better vision, but also stops high waves from breaking over the bridge and covering it with water. the very few times where this occurred were often rogue wave encounters like the lusitania and the leonardo da vinci. the lifeboats will also often be positioned more inward to protect them from any damage from rough seas or weather.
this isnt to say cruise ships arent built to withstand rough weather. they certainly are, but not repeated occurrences of it. an ocean liner was going to face rough weather week after week after week; cruise ships tend to have the luxury of avoiding it.
cruise ships will sit higher up in the water, their bows will likely be much softer in angle and they will sail at a much lower speed.
if an ocean liner is a bus for the oceans, then a cruise ship is a party bus.
while most ocean liners did have beautiful interior and quarters for passengers, they dont hold a candle to cruise ships which are comparable to holiday resorts.
as ocean liners were being phased out, many lines began operating them as cruise ships because they could easily be converted into such. this happened with plenty of ocean liners like the ss france. others were specifically designed to operate as ocean liners half the year and cruise ships the other half like the rms empress of britain.
however, a cruise ship could not operate as an ocean liner because its simply not built for that.
this isnt getting into all the ethics of both vessels and their industries because thats a whole different topic that i feel much less qualified to speak on.
i will say that i am not a fan of cruise ships or the industry as a whole, and that also, cruise ships are so fucking ugly, my dude. they look like badly designed malls dropped on top of ships.
but yeah tl;dr: theyre different types of ships with different designs and functions. see the bus vs party bus comparison, i guess.
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arsenicflame · 9 months
hi i'm really interested in space lesbians! where are they, who are they? how can i see them? (shows, games, books?) also what are you most excited about in s2 of ofmd?
soooooo my space lesbian enthusiasm refers to 3 separate medias!! (it used to say gay space vikings bc that was an even more specific niche buuuut im way more into tihylttw these days s o) one day i am going to make a fuckin venn diagram of my girls because they all have so many similarities. (loki/sigyn and angela/sera are basically the same characters change my mind.)
this is about to get real long bc im unhinged about them <3 10/10 would talk about them all day if the communities were there
our first space lesbians are loki + sigyn from the bifrost incident! TBI is an album by the band the mechanisms which you can find wherever you listen to music (youtube here) its a norse mythology inspired rock/steampunk-esque album and it is SO GOOD- it takes place on a train in SPACE in the format of an incident investigation. its a story so you have to listen to the tracks in order :)
next up! this is how you lose the time war- our lesbians in this are called red + blue because we have deconstructed this trope to its most basic format at this point :') its a short book, and you may be familiar with it as it went viral from a trigun fan tweet a few months back. (my url (and sewing blog url) are actually references to a quote from this book!) you can get it wherever you get books and id recc the audiobook if youre into that i am also in possession of the pdf if you wantto try before you buy.
tihylttw is a story told through the exchange of letters between two agents on opposite sides of a war- it usually gets described as enemies to lovers but id personally use rivals as i think it describes them better. the book is known for being incredibly poetic and sometimes pretentious in its writing and i just think its the most beautiful thing ever. lesbians do it better
honestly theres nothing i could say for tihylttw better than it could say for itself, i just adore the universe theyve built and i want to KNOW MORE. i love you and i love you and i want to find out what that means together
saving the best for last is my girls angela + sera. the most of all time. nobody compares to them for me. they consume me
angela + sera are from marvel comics and you can find my complete reading list here, but if im talking about them positively, im usually talking about one of the titular Angela comics, and more often than not queen of hel.
honestly i love the angela comics so much that im making myself speechless trying to figure out where to start. Angela falls into the asgard side of marvel comics, though she is a lot more fluid in her affiliations, her whole thing being that she deals in deals- nothing for nothing everything has its price. she is at times described as emotionless and is generally quite a stoic character, especially around strangers. the major exception to this is her wife, sera. seras one of marvels few canon trans characters and i think she is just so wonderfully written. shes witty and cheeky and doesnt take shit from anyone, even when it gets her into trouble- and oh boy does sera find herself in some predicaments! the angela comics are often just as poetic as tihylttw for me, theyll drop an 'as long as you are with me, i am not afraid' and ill need to go smother myself in a pillow for a sec. in QOH they adopt a daughter who is Also a lesbian, shes an alternate version of leah of hel and i ALSO adore her.
im desperately trying to avoid plot points but god. the main arc is 21 issues of smooching Shakespearean space angels what more could you want?
(through sera & angela we get a lot of heven lore and honestly that could be its whole own thing for me im SO fascinated.)
my girls are currently in comic hell, i am praying they will get something good soon 🙏🙏
and what am i most excited about for season 2? can i just say izzy? can i just say anne + mary? dude im so ready for some lesbians you have no idea actually you probably have a very good idea if you made it this far down. im incredibly excited to be seeing izzy get a favourable arc this season, im really hoping to see him develop relationships with everyone else, see him grapple with feelings around ed (actually im really hoping he chooses not to forgive ed. for growth) im excited to see whats gonna go down with his leg, im excited to see wtf is going on w ed + stede because i have no idea what the continuity is at the moment, im just excited!!!!!! i honestly dont think theres anything im not excited about everything looks so good so far
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cosmosees · 1 year
ok i finally feel coherent enough to post my spiderverse thoughts. theyll be under the cut and ill tag this post "atsv spoilers!" (as well as anything else i rb.) if you havent seen the movie id advise against checking the notes as well jic someone replies
so like. first of all what the fuck. i was fucking slackjawed from the last 30 minutes of the movie starting to getting home and sitting down. absolutely MASTERFUL movie in every way imaginable. i dont have the words in my head rn but its just. GOD. fuck. i will be buying the artbook when it comes out
individual points:
-i really really do love the curtains are blue style gwen trans allegory good fucking god. WHAT THE FUCK shes so good. by no means the main character (i was actually kind of worried when thebmovie started like i do love her im glad she got some shit but ibwas like...is this gonna be from her pov the whole time when miles is here...it wasnt!) but i adored her in this shes so ficking full of issues
-HOBIE. HOBIE MY FRIEND HOBIE. i really enjoy his presence in the movie- when hes mentioned once or twice before appearing i thought hed have a rivalry with miles but that was absolutely not the case. in retrospect its really funny that miguel grabbed him for his fucked up spiderverse shit giving that his entire MO is anarchism but if he were not there miles would absolutely be hurt or worse. im INCREDIBLY excited to see what they do with him in the next movie- especially because i can kind of see him as a parallel to aaron in a way? such free spirits ...artistic .... also i dont have as much to say about him but god pativr is so good i love him. i LOVE HIM
-peni was my favorite character in the first movie when i was younger but i had since grown like...worried about her showing up in future movies because of her stereotypical portrayal. its probably too early to give a clear for now nor is it my place to comment on the actual content of that BUT for what its worth she seemed much more faithful to the comics' tone in this movie- it seems that the implication was that peni experienced her comic run in between movies? her mech and outfit are far different. she was fucking HAGGARD when she first showed up. ham and noir coming back in the next movie will be nice but i do hope that they replace hams voice actor.
-miguel is so fucjing fascinating. people either seem to desire him carnally or hope he dies and im definitrly not in the former and im like.....nnnot entirely in the latter. intetesting character excited to see where he goes! what the FUCK was his problem though. you are a GROWN MAN trying to tear a 15 year old asunder because hes like hey i dojt want to stand idly by and watch my dad perish dude. he sucks and is horrible and i want to study him. jessica also really but she seems less fucked up and more like...willing ti take care of her responsibilites despite the emotional toll. excited to see if they clash more in part 2
-i dont even have the words to describe the animation but everyrhing is so beautiful. a few characters have sketch guidelines on them despite being 3d! the first fight scene of the movie contains a chararacter from a fucking da vinky world and hes in sepiatone and its fucking GORGOEUS.
-miles. ohhhhhh milesmilesmilesmiles saving the best for last. what do i even say man the progression of his arc, the way the smallest action of his from the first movie set off a massive chain of events, the turmoil he goes through and comes out stronger. his PARENTS. HIS RELATIONSHIP TO THEM HIS WORRY FOR THEM. i nearly screamed when he went in the wrong universe and aaron was there, AND HIS DAD WAS DEAD, THE THING HE WAS TRYING TO PREVENT. AND THEN ALTERNATE MILES BEING THE PROWLER. IS THE IMPLCIATION THAT EARTH 42 MILES WOULDVE BEEN THAT UNIVERSES SPIDERMAN BUT BECAISE THE SPIDER LEFT HE BECAME THE FUCKING PROWLER???? FUCK MAN!!!!! i need to see him thriving i hope he gets home okay. amazing movie amaaasizinngngnnn
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smoosnoom · 11 months
hello moonie :] i listened to the songs u gave me and !
i really really luved 'how soon is now?' by the smiths and i definitely need to listen to them more !!! im so obsessed w how he sings certain lyrics it sounds So nice (literally listneing to the song rn as i type lol)
u were right abt me enjoying 'crybaby' by destroy boys a lot as i already know that song and its one of the 2 or 3 songs i know from them lol . its really really good
i Immediately added 'saturnine' to my main playlist once it was over !! the chorus is So nice to listen to i really luved it !
i had forgotten u said u were going for the vibe of floating in the ocean and when listening to 'andromeda' i literally thought 'this song feels like floating down a river or something' . the way she sings 'let me in if i break / and be quiet if i shatter' was So. gah . its good.
as for my recommendations:
summertime - my chemical romance
heaven, iowa - fall out boy
unpunishable - ethel cain (the chorus of this song is Everything)
so far so fake - pierce the veil (1:30-on, but especially 2:25-~3:00 is Beautiful. i . luv guitars .)
and bonus song because its all that stuck in my head currently : bury me in black (demo) - my chemical romance . very different from the other ones lol .
ok that is all i think :> i hope your week is good and not stressful and that any writing block u may have is broken <33 also do not worry about answering this quickly i am So ok w patiently waiting until ur able to answer please do not feel bad if it takes a while ok byebye ily
yes omg ok i am such a fan of the smiths . which is probably my biggest red flag LOL but i cant help it !!!! theyre so good !!!!! and i think half of it is just how morrisey sings some certain words . he is such an asshole but Damn it if he doesnt make his songs unique .
i think u already knowing and liking the song is so crazy but also . i am kind of proud of myself for guessing right on ur taste :D
im honored !!!! and yes i have a whole playlist about just . songs that feel like floating around on some mystical beach, its based on this freaky dream i had but . if u ever want it ...
ohhh i should say . i am in fact an mcr and fob fan LOL . i have already listened to both those songs, summertime is sososoooo good but so is the entire album, and ive been loving the new fob album :D i think my personal favorite is maybe . well ok i have three LOL "love from the other side", "heartbreak feels so good", and "i am my own muse" ofc . i feel like i picked the most popular ones 😭 theyll probably change ! also . completely unrelated omg but ive been . kind of . crushing on a specific white man ok and specifically ethan hawke and then imagine my surprise when i see him on the album ??:W?? what the hell was that . what the he lll . anyway .
ok i listened to unpunishable and i love love loveeeeed the section after 3:30-ish . like it was soo like . metallic sounding with her vocals and the ringing guitar and it was just so everything . it made me want to write something crazy so badly, it was amazing !!! ive only heard a few songs by her but this one is definitely top three for me i think . wow
i did have . a pierce the veil phase for like fiveseconds in middle school LOL but i enjoyed this one !!! i got flashbacks to 2018 but i really did enjoy it :D i think ill always like their sound, its always so . indulgent . i did really like the bit at 2:25-3:00, i didnt even realize u commented on it LOL i was like Wow . wow . it was so so good
oh i loveee bury me in black . that entire era will b so close to my heart forever i think and its just so . good . oh my god . the brash guitar and drums are soooo . i need them permanently playing forever and ever
ok sorry for giving u a whole essay 😭 i just had a lot to say i think LOL
but here are mine !!!!
if u liked how he sings certain lyrics then u would loveeee "a rush and push and the land is ours" by the smiths . the way he sings rush and push . oh boy
are u a fan of p!atd ? i think u would like them even tho i am brendon urie's biggest hater . but ryan ross ... loml . anyway . "new perspective" is so underrated and one of my favorites, very reminiscent of the 2000s pop punk scene !
also a more like . "weird" sounding song but its so so good . "girls & boys" by blur ! its one of their more popular songs but it holds up so so well
and . in honor of me purchasing a radiohead poster . i think u would love radiohead . i recommend . "just" . a popular song but i think u would absolutely enjoy it and My Bad if u have already heard it before . if u have i would not be surprised !!! i think it trended on tiktok for a second ? idk
anyway . thank u so much for being so so patient, it means everything to me :) i adore the songs u recommend me and i was kind of itching to answer this to get some more recs LOL . ok byebye ilyt !!!!!!
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2020 has been so wild, like on the first week we got World War 3 memes, Australia burning, then Coronavirus became a thing in China, The Oscars did Greta Gerwig dirty (as well as many other women), Harley Quinn got the characterization she deserved, Shakira and JLo SCREAMED latino rights at the Superbowl Coronavirus became a thing globaly, Harvey Weinstein got convicted and can you guys believe we are not even 3 full months in?
6 months edit: IT GOT CRAZIER, Anonymous decided it was a great time to come back, USA got into full apocalypse mode after yet another incident of racially motivated police brutally and guess what? they responded with even more brutallity...also there were killer african bees somewhere in there.
There has been a terrible explosion in beirut, if anyone knows what we can do to help please share im sure theyll need all the help we can get, my thoughts and prayers are with them, i cant begin to imagine what is like to live through something like that.
After 9 months California is burning (because of a fucking gender reveal stunt, how 2020) and we have lost more than a million people worldwide to the pandemic, China is putting muslims in concentration camps, Armenia and Azerbaijan are in the verge of war and the cops who murdered Breonna Taylor werent charged for her death.
In other, more cheerful news, the first presidential debate was a meme gold mine, Taylor Swift put out a new magnificent Album and AOC said my parents didnt raise me to take abuse from men so all of you sexist mf can shove your apologies up your asses and let me do my job and it was beautiful.
So, as the 11th month starts Perú implodes, a hurricane devastates contries in central american and caribbean islands and the entire world is paying attention to whether or not the US is about to get its first official dictator since Trump refuses to accept that he lost to Biden.
Hurricane Iota just devastated the Island of Providencia leaving 98% of the infrastructure destroyed, here are some links you can donate to, i have no idea if these work outside of Colombia, but the situation is really dire so please help if you can!
Tumblr media
You can also donate in colombiacuidacolombia.com, these are not only for the hurricane but also for the people in need because of the pandemic, so your money may not go to the hurricane victims.
And the colombian red cross, ill add more ways to help as i find them.
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. can i just get ANY recs for a hxp story where hades and demeter are actually nice to each other and persephone's relationship to her isnt demonized? i dont care if its a one shot fanfic, ill take anything at this point.
2. idk why but the floating crowns is such a silly idea. if it was an aureole effect thatd be one thing and make mythology sense, but its a physical item that just floats there? like is it like the sims plumbob, why is it floating.
3. is it just me or does everyone in LO seems awfully stiff now? I'm not going to pretend the art was perfect earlier on but at least it seemed like they all moved pretty normally, but now they all seem so awkwardly positioned and rigid, like cheap paper dolls over actually living in the world they're in. its kinda odd looking.
4. So when Hades yelled at Zeus and pulled his tie all I could think was, "Wasn't Hadess violent behavior on Persephone's behalf supposed to be a flaw?" Wasn't the whole arc with the photographer whose eye he ripped out meant to be a step in Hades not being violent when he perceived Persephone as in danger. Zeus didn't even raise his voice he just asked a question. Him intimidating Thanatos only made it worse. Couldn't he have pulled out a chair himself or asked a bailiff.
5. lo persephone is basically pink diamond from steven universe. she's a spoiled, pink brat who acts like a child and feels entitled to so much because of their high status, has everyone instantly fall for them, anyone against them is evil unless they bend to her wants, is the most overpowered and rare being, is considered the most beautiful/amazing, and is never held accountable because they "had good intentions" and "didn't mean it". theyre both even excused for how much death theyve caused!
6. what i dont get is the stans say "its just a silly story dont look so into it 🙄" and its like?? bc rachel is trying to make it a deep story with overarching plots with stakes with world building and characters arcs with the fans claiming as such??? yet shes not doing any of that well?? so the fans want us to take it seriously as this deep, thought-provoking piece demanding respect, but at the same time says we cant discuss it and its not that serious so dont critique it? which one is it then?
7. I don't know why Zeus is being treated as the bad guy for suspecting that Persephone might have ulterior motives. He's already worried that she might be a fertility goddess,  and after the act of wrath he also doesn't know what else she could be hiding. And besides, he has good reason to be paranoid: both his father and grandfather were overthrown so that fear is obviously going to always be on his mind.
8. even rachel herself say "you have to hold all your criticism until LO is over" and first off that wont be for another 5 years at the glacial pace she drags everything out, but it doesnt matter if LO has the greatest ending ever (which it wont) that wont correct every awful writing and art choice made before then. plus we know even once its done theyll still say criticism isnt valid with more excuses. They just dont want criticism, period. It's so pretentious to think critique is premature.
-----FP Spoilers/Mention-----
9. Fp spoilers
I hate how filler is just…happening??? Like now we have to “wait 2 days” till the next trail arc mess and it just goes to drama/fluff and I’m like??? Are you kidding me?!
Like Demeter is still chained and Persephone is going with hades gods know where and like it makes me angry because it should be the opposite. Persephone should be with cuffs and seen as more of a threat than Demeter because she legit did the crimes! Jesus! Like let’s go onto day 2 and get to the chase! We do not need filler in here! 
10. Nitpicky fast pass spoiler for 182: Loukoumi/Turkish Delight wasn’t a common treat in Ancient Greece, it was popularized in the 19th century. Why the hell is Persephone talking about it in 182?? There are more appropriate desserts/sweets for her to receive like; any kind of fruit that isn’t pomegranate, melomakarona (honey cookies), amygdalota (almond cakes/cookies) even baklava. But alas, I’m giving RS too much credit and being too optimistic to think she’d actually do research
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bananaman-pdf · 2 years
k im back. fourteen
okay so theyre doing it. escaping to go home with maven! bonding moment ahead, i can feel it.
oh wait cal is coming with them? aaaaand weve got ourselves an obligatory awkward moment where the protagonist catches one of the guys bare-chested™. sigh. well whatever. girls be thirsty ig. lets point out how hes got a bruise near his heart?? is he okay?? i suppose he is but ouch.
cal. cal, you adorable man. what are you so nervous about?
oh wait so maven asked cal to help mare go to her home. ohhhhh. that makes sense.
cal obviously thinks its a bad idea but mare takes no shit. she wants to go home. so cal agrees. i should mention how adorably funny mares excitement is. like a toddler lmao.
maven isnt coming :(
But just because he isn’t coming doesn’t mean I will forget what he’s done for me already.
mare your soul is beautiful.
shes feeling more comfortable with them!
…but this mightve been immediately regressed as soon as she saw the war armor. and also the books on war tactics- i wanna point out they are written in a language called “Common” of norta, the lakelanders and piedmont?? -but back to mare, shes clearly Not In Board with this. she sees the war as the lives of many reds being lost for the silvers benefit.
its also implied that cal was expecting to play chess with maven. im pretty sure its chess.
she catches a glance at scars on his back. he keeps them despite having access to healers to tend to them. this is interesting. since he is shown to be the type to see past his own glamorous life and privilege, im guessing he keeps them as a reminder of his peoples suffering. maybe hes trying to connect with the people he knows little to nothing about, and thats why he also sneaks out pretending to be red.
they leave, and cal leads her to a… basement storage room. im genuinely confused why are there weird metal shapes that move in here. mare is suddenly passive-aggressively complainig about his huge armor closet. i get that shes mad at how close hes to the whole war tactic planning but… its not like hes got much choice is it.
he responds honestly saying he doesnt want to wear armor when he bring her to her family as to not make them feel threatened i suppose?
“[…] We don’t want your family getting the wrong idea, do we?”
“What idea do we want them to get? I don’t think I’m exactly allowed to introduce you properly.
mares got a good point. honestly i just assumed they were gonna have a walk around the stilts and see her acquaintances and loved ones from afar. wouldnt going to her home and talking to her parent require a plan or an explanation that isnt “ive been betrothed to one of the princes because they found out i have powers. oh yeah, i have powers! neat huh? so as i was saying, ill have to pretend to be a princess for the rest of my life and this might be the last time i get to see you all.”
oh ok so theyll pretend they took mare in to work for the royals like at the beginning and cal will be her ride. oh yeah cal has a motorbike which is cool as shit. but also… if this werent a fantasy universe this would look hella cliché.
he built it- yeah ok that is pretty damn awesome.
mare hesitates at first but obviously gives in and puts the helmet on. she wants to go home, damnit.
she got so nervous she held onto him so hard he had to pry her off. and i mean, its her first time on a bike obviously shed be pretty scared.
also she missed his warmth as soon as she let go. makes sense that shed be at least a little touch starved. aw.
mare takes the chance to ask him, in her own way (making remarks about how often he does this and all), why he wants to hang out in red bars rather than his luxurious palace. he comments that hes going to be king one day and doesnt get to be selfish. mare points out the king should be the only one who does. and it mqkes sense cause thats how she sees it. the only way shes known how to live is stealing and risking her life. and shes seen the silvers get everything they need and want. it has frustrated her understandably.
cal finally answers. the king should know his people. yeah i called it. makes sense! he wants to empathize with them. hes doing what he can. hes trying to be a good leader. to see what the world is like instead of being told how it is by everyone else.
“[…] My father does everything he can to keep us safe, and so will I.”
“My world is already in ruin,” […] “Your father keeps your people safe, not mine.”
ouch. but true.
cal tells her that it would cost them they alliance to other kingdoms. that theyd be tron apart by them. which… makes sense. but mare believes its possible to make it better. that norta could be the start.
the conversation dies as they make it to her home. cal waits outside bc he noticed how nervous mare was, the sweetheart, but she tells him to join anyway. they go in she and wakes up his brothers bree and tramy first. mom and dad join in as they notice whats going on. everyone is happy to seer her. well. gisa only pokes her head out. and wheres shade??
they congratulate her on getting a job, and comment that the story for the brothers discharge and their full pension was a lottery they won.
Up above us, Gisa scoffs. […] “Yes, we’re very lucky,”
poor girl. shes lost her hand for all these things to happen. it feels more like a trade than actual luck to her. she gives mare the cold shoulder and asks about cal. which is a bit hurtful but… fair, from her point of view.
dad know hes not from around there. cal quickly makes up a story of how hes from harbor bay and changes his accent which i gotta admit, good quick thinking! he comments how the servants travel a lot, which prompts her mom to be horrified. mare remarks that its good money. i mean its definitely better than stealing, from their point of view mares doing an honest attempt at working.
bree is suspicious and makes a comment about liking kilorn better. lmao.
oh fuck. is shade dead???
“He tried to run away. He was executed. Beheaded.”
holy shit. dude. things are getting real.
mare is so angry shes making lightbulbs buzz. guess the act is about be up.
she makes a mess, cal cant get to her and everyone already knows. mare angry because they found out shade was in the scarlet guard. and yeah, thats more likely. before she looses herself completely, though, kilorn comes in. he snaps her out of it.
but obviously the bug secret is out. and at first kilorn think it was the silvers doing, but she tells him its just her. he acts like shes a complete stranger despite her family clearly stating that she is red. cmon dude, shes going through a lot and you decide to pull that?
“Give me a knife and I’ll settle this right now,” I say, glaring back at him. “I’ll show you what color I bleed.”
she clearly means it, dude, stop that.
she explains everything. leaving out mr jacos’ findings, bc cal is there. she points out she doesnt know if theyll ever understand how or why she is the way she is. and i mean yeah, its one hell of an exception. she breaks the “rules”.
cal pretends to be a bodyguard now, and tells her its time to go. her whole family thankfully agrees to keep the secret, but kilorns fucking mad for some reason.
mare and cal leave, and he tries to comfort her about shade, but shes so close to loosing it she stops him, saying she needs to make one last stop.
its to wills!! she goes there to tell him everything, but he already knows somehow??
oh, some dude named tristan, also from the guard told him. shit, wills got some acquaintances, doesnt he?
tristan nearly bolts when he learns one of the princes is outside. of course he would! killing or kidnapping a prince? holy shit! he calls her a silver for “protecting him” but mare points out that cals pretty damn good at defending himself using his fire.
she makes her reason for presence there clear: shades dead because of the guard and she wants to use her princess privilege to help the cause. nice, short and sweet. and absolutely perfect to kick in some plot.
she shakes hands with will and seals the deal. shes in deep now. and im a delighted by finally seeing what i came in for.
so yeah, she goes back with cal thinking abt how theyre enemies now. and how weird it is that theyre both so nice to her. him and maven. i also wonder why. they both grew up surrounded by people that hate reds. how are they so tolerant?
when theyre about to leave on the sick motorbike ohmygod kilorn shows up. he better be here to say sorry.
no, hes just here to be sad about mare leaving. i mean of course he is. they were besties. he wants her to stay. cal has to step in to intimidate him just slightly to let go. im glad he didnt have to do anything too harsh. and that he tried to keep his composure as best as possible.
“You bargained for me too, to save me from conscription,”
yeah! so understand shits not cheap!
and as they leave kilorn says hell tell farley she said hello. oh god hes gonna join the guard too.
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mousehole5000 · 4 years
tgcf lb the fourth chapter 23 - 33
“hmmm looks like theres people in the fertilizer. i shan’t say a word” ok king of minding your business i guess
oh looks like it has a long tongue. oh i dont care for that at all
The build of their bodies were similar, and atop their shoulders, all of them carried cudgels that were densely covered in sharp wolf teeth. It created an illusion that a pack of wolves had transformed into people. attack of the furries? okay.
It was easy to comprehend after thinking about it. This person had been buried in the desert sand for fifty to sixty years. The flesh of his body had long been transformed into nutrients for those Kindred Moon Herbs. He had been entirely consumed until the only thing remaining was a mere skeleton. when this book isnt being very funny its being very grim!!! yikes!! also this was an episode of hannibal 
Ke Mo definitely had never heard someone ask to go first in this place. His eyes widened and looked like bells as he asked in astonishment, “You want to go first? For what reason??” Xie Lian naturally couldn’t reply and say it was because he wasn’t scared. Thus, he chose an answer that conformed with the norms of society. “General, these are merely innocent merchants just passing through. They even have a child amongst them.” - love watching the immortals trying to act like humans. would have been funny if xie lian had just hit em with “well i cant die so its chill”
That young man had crossed his arms. With an indifferent gaze, he thoughtfully sized up the deep Sinners’ Pit.   A bad premonition sprung up unbidden in Xie Lian’s heart. “San Lang?”   When he heard Xie Lian call him, San Lang turned his head. He smiled faintly and said, “Everything’s fine.” - edgy bastard lets go
What Ke Mo had been cursing was, “It’s this slut again!” - me when a corpse gets up and knocks all my soldiers into the sinner’s pit what a relatable reaction
oh now im switching translations here we go
does hua cheng just straight up transform in the darkness? edgy bastard. also  hualian having their little discussion while ke mo keeps trying to attack im still amused by these kinds of shenanigans
banyue guoshi ma’am your backstory.... rough. im on your side im sure you had your reasons
why do the soldiers keep her up near the top of the pit of death if she keeps getting up and knocking them all in? am i missing something? or are they just that dumb/dead fjdf;adjsf
fu yao: y’all alive? lmk. if not ill guess ill go back to the the merchants who totally promised to stay put in the circle. in case its not clear i do not care what happens to said merchants.
hua xie... of course thats the fucking name he picked. also looks like that wasnt so much a parallel being drawn between xie lian and the general as it was the same exact line
fasdlkfjsldfdsf god xie lian really has a hard time. you help some orphans, you try to keep people from dying, you try to save an orphan and you trip and get trampled but you cant die so you wake up in a river full of corpses and just float away. actually tbh i really appreciate him as an immortal character this is the shit i like to see. love xie lian ready to defend himself from the slander of being completely flattened. he was only mostly flattened
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cunty vibes so strong all the wildlife in a 10 foot radius just chuck up the deuces and split
ITS RAINING SCORPION SNAKES. THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO PUSH A REVEAL. love that the umbrella is just always on hand
okay i guess fucking. everyone is here now why not. we’re all in a hole covered in scorpions and everyone knows each other but not everyone is admitting it but we know. we know. still not 100% sure what is going wrt pei su/pei ming/general pei/pei junior im a bit confused idk
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okay i cant explain it but im attached to him now.
i like banyue. i feel like theres going to be a few background female characters i really like but im not so sure theyll get a lot of development. wind master come back you and your lady friend i would like to know more of you. anyway fuck this pei guy(s?). also they just put banyue in a jar? fair enough
is xie lian another mc who cant cook? so much so that everyone who knows him just leaves if he offers? love that for him
okay we’ve got ONE identity admitted. i liked how casual it was. i wonder if hc was waiting for this bc yeah he was not subtle i feel like he definitely wanted xie lian to know. if he didnt then bruh. get lessons in how to act human please
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screaming. no words. cant wait to meet him. and hua cheng please keep up the good work. i love that now we’re just. sitting. chatting. chilling. okay.
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yeah it makes sense that hes an immortal i think you would have to take this attitude after 800 years
this authors note about not writing ugly characters.... fjkdalfdjfa obviously i dont think holding beauty as such high standard is good it warps our views and values etc etc but also i would expect nothing less from a story like this. yes we know everyone is going to be beautiful theyre immortal and beautiful and young forever
lmao at exile being a temporary banishment for crimes.... yeah that sounds about right tbh. rich elite fuckers
oh good we haven’t forgotten about human face disease boy. im wondering when we’re going to find out how important he will be bc he clearly matters otherwise he’d have been resolved already also yeah how tf does he have that disease that sure sounds like an issue
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i dont like him. pei ming i also wish you to die of syphilis. also of fucking COURSE xie lian’s cultivation method doesnt let him read dirty books
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im just saving this because its funny
okay lang qianqiu i see you falling asleep at the meeting. i like you already but you are not above suspicion. actually you know what i suspect you already. crown prince of the kingdom that conquered xianle? idk if youre good or bad but you know something i learned this lesson from beloved morally grey huaisang
okay last comment for this post. mxtx’s little authors note about everyone being straight except for hualian but you can make up headcanons as long as you dont split hualian up fjdlfakdj. i just find it silly to write a story thats so clearly for an audience that understands shipping and ships often and say not to split a specific couple up but i mean to be fair i kind of get it that sentiment as an author and not wanting people to do certain things with your work, although again i think its silly
i guess the point of this note is just to be clear that no one else is going to get together so no one argues about it and i dont actually know much about how this was published but it seems like it was serialized so i can see why that would be an issue. personally i dont really care for knowing stuff like that ahead of time but i know a lot of people do and it seems to be thing in other cnovels ive seen to know whos going to get together as far as major characters are concerned i guess thats part of the draw and i guess i kind of get it
not sure how much other romance will be in this but also i think its kind of ridiculous to be like “these are the only two gay characters” in a cast that just keeps growing but whatever shes really leaving that work up to the readers to make it happen which they’ll do anyways so whatever. also there had to be at least one of the 33 officials who fought hua cheng who thought he was hot. theres no way that didnt happen
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The Martinez Murder
Omi: Good Evening Riverdale! I’m Omi Klyde
Estelle: And I'm Estelle
Omi: And this is Underneath The Surface, where we dive into the history of our town, Riverdale.
Today, we’ll be discussing the Martinez Murder
Estelle: And since this is a special occasion, we've decided to switch it up.
Why, you ask?
Omi: because I’m nosy
no, because I got to do the research this week. Lemme tell you. There’s some stuff that might get us in trouble if we reveal too much
Estelle: Luckily, we like living on the edge.
Omi: Yesss
a lot of this information I actually got from my older sister, who reported on this case at the time
Estelle: So we know this is going to be gooooood.
Omi: Adelfa knows her shit
Estelle: Can you say shit on a podcast?
Omi: Well I just did so, I mean, we’re not sponsored-are we sponsored???
Omi: Abe! Are we sponsored??
Estelle: I- I don't think so.
Abe: How the hell should I know? I just joined y'all!
Omi: alright, so, as we all know, the Serpents and Ghoulies have been in opposition since their creation, basically. Well, this whole thing was started by the waterboarding of Abdiel Martinez’s -the leader of the Ghoulies at the time- teenage son
sometime around 2009
Estelle: Wait-
They waterboarded a teenager?
Abe: what the-
Omi: the serpents weren’t as soft as they are now. The ghoulies were actually a lot less rowdy in the 90s/2000s
Estelle: I see.
Abe: Why, though?
Omi: Honestly, because of a simple wrong place wrong time misunderstanding. the leader of the serpents at the time was actually apologetic to Abdiel because apparently it really messed the kid up
Estelle: That's-
Abe: How you do accidentally waterboard the wrong person?
Estelle: But you said the leader of the Serpents actually apologized?
Omi: yes! 
Actually, he even paid for some therapy. 
The two groups had a truce
Estelle: Wow!
What happened to that guy?
Omi: oh, the leader? 
Not 100% sure. 
Think he died in combat or something
Estelle: huh. 
Omi: But...
Estelle: That’s pretty tragic
Abe: I knew there’d be a but
Omi: it is. And he seemed nice too, from what Adelfa told me 
yup, there’s always a but. 
Well, not long after that, the ghoulies went after the leader’s kid
Estelle: Of course.
I mean- why actually accept the truce if you just- you know-  go after the kid.
Abe: You said "kid", does that mean he was younger than the boy who was waterboarded?
Omi: eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. 
 the ghoulies might’ve been soft, but they still had some wild members from the 80s there advising 
yeah, he would’ve been about our age then 
the age of the boy who got waterboarded was 16 I think?
Estelle: Oh. That's-
Abe: NINE OR TEN????
Estelle: That’s just horrible 
Omi: nine or ten...poor kid
Estelle: But what did they exactly do to the 9/10-year-old?
Omi: they jumped him. 
Kid came out with cuts and bruises according to medical reports
Who the heck jumps a literal child??
Estelle: Ghoulies, apparently.
Abe: Didn't they do something like that to someone from our school?
The beanie guy.
Estelle: (wheezes) the beanie guy...
Omi: Nuggethead? Yes
a serpent himself
Estelle: I- I want to correct both of you, but-
His own name isn't that much better.
(whispers) Is that mean?
Omi: am I wrong??? I’ve seen him eat the entire menu at pops in one sitting
Abe: He's why you left the Blue & Gold.
That guy eats everything.
Omi: ok one more bash and I’ll get on with the story- 
but I have seen him eat a burger off the floor
Estelle: That's not just Jughead...
Abe: Yeah I'm pretty sure Mark's done that, too.
Estelle: No, I thought it was Brian.
Omi: wouldn’t put it past either of them
Estelle: Pretty sure Jonathan would do it too, if it wasn't for me.
Omi: teenage boys are something else, aren’t they? Like little creatures
anyways I should definitely go back to the topic because you’re usually the one who reigns me in
Estelle: The struggle is real.
Abe: Can't relate.
Estelle: (laughs) Let's save this for another time, yes. Please continue.
Omi: So, of course, the serpent leader was not happy bout this.
therapy stopped for the Martinez boy
Estelle: My respect would be gone if he didn't.
Omi: in fact, he was so angry about this, the serpents captured both Abdiel and his wife
the truce was over
which, is understandable
Abe: Oh no, not the wife.
Omi: the wife. But, the kids were left out of this part
Abe: Oh good, he has some morals.
Estelle: (wheezes) Better than the Ghoulies.
Omi: i don’t think the ghoulies ever had morals, minus maybe a few members. those young ghoulies scare me-they had the whole town scared of clowns for a year, remember that?
Estelle: Oh yeah.
Abe: Not a violent person but I was this close to buying a gun, yes.
Omi: those were some times 
Anyways, what is known about what happened next is the following: the couple was taken, reported missing for a few days, and Mrs. Martinez returned blind and widowed. Information was either redacted or they were unable to attain the exact details of the murder
Abe: Wh-
Estelle: Oh, that-
Abe: Blind??
Omi: blind
Estelle:��I have to say, that is an effective way to lead
Abe: Are you seriously condoning this?
Omi: she stumbled into the south side emergency room, bleeding, and sobbing hysterically
no I get what you’re saying
Estelle: I mean, he was pretty chill and they abused that and now they paid.
Omi: makes sense to me
Abe: Y-yeah but-
Omi: y’all wanna hear something interesting tho?
Estelle: Oh Yes.
Abe: Oh No. 
Omi: Guess who’s kid runs the ghoulies now
Estelle: I- shut the fuck up.
Abe: Estelle-
Estelle: It all makes total sense now.
Omi: does this mean I can say fuck on this podcast
Estelle: We'll take the fine, should we get one.
Omi: daddy can pay for it we’re fine
Abe: Okay, but let's not overdo it please.
Omi: yes his son is now the leader and that is why the ghoulies are reclaiming their 80s wild child glory
also thats why they seem especially brutal towards the serpents
oh, want to hear another thing?
Estelle: Yes.
Omi: law enforcement never found the body, BUT
there are rumors
Estelle: Not surprised, honestly.
Abe: What rumors?
Omi: well, supposedly, there was a scavenger hunt
set by the serpents, for the ghoulies
Estelle: Oh.
Abe: (laughs)
Omi: the body hasn’t been discovered to this day, as far as we know. But, that’s why there are so many random holes in fox forest
and here I was, thinking we had massive gophers
Abe: Oh my god.
Estelle: Maybe they helped.
Omi: who knows, there’s lots of shit in that forest, especially that creepy funeral home and crematorium, which is also supposedly linked to the ghoulies but law enforcement hasn’t found proof of that
Estelle: How?
Omi: also we’re close to greendale and that town has lots of weird happenings. I suspect radiation
They searched the place
Abe: Yeah I believe that.
Estelle: See this is why I don't go to that forest.
Name one good thing that's happened there.
Omi: Absolutely nothing. 
too many kids go missing on the paths through it no way am I stepping foot in it
Abe: But y'all are dragging me to that house on Wabash Avenue?
Omi: its not in the forest. Free range baby
Abe: I don't wanna run into an angry man as we wander around his house.
Estelle: I'll get you some holy water, you'll be fine.
Omi: we’ll be fine. ill do a crazy dance to distract him
Estelle: If Omi screams, we'll run.
Omi: and I’ve never screamed
because we will be fine and if not I will ask Queenie for her bat
do you think ghosts like 90s r&b?
Estelle: I'd go for EDM.
Abe: Oh yeah.
Omi: so you have nothing to worry about my dear sweet Abe
theyll be dancing
Estelle: Now, some of you might have been wondering why it's the three of us.
You wanna introduce yourself?
Abe: Hello everyone! I'm Audrey Lincoln. Last time, Omi and Estelle decided to investigate the case of Wabash Avenue, and they've been thinking about turning it into a vlog.
Estelle: And of course, our lovely friend Abe came to mind.
Abe: So, the following weeks, I'll be part of the team.
Omi: shes talented, beautiful, stunning, spectacular, amazing, wonderful
Abe: Omi-
Estelle: And if our talented, beautiful, stunning, spectacular, amazing, wonderful friend likes it, she's more than welcome to stay part of the team.
Omi: i’d definitely like her to be apart of it, then we’d see you more!
well, I think that wraps up this week
Estelle: Feeling a little more unsafe in this town.
Omi: wait, you’ve felt safe in this town?
Estelle: When I was a little girl, yes.
Abe: Before History class.
Estelle: Or before I started following the news.
Omi: Valid points.
Well, I’m Omi 
Estelle: I'm Estelle.
Abe: And I'm Audrey.
Omi: Don’t forget to tune in next week for: The Truth Behind Pickens Day!
Estelle: See y’all then!
Abe: And sweet dreams
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libidomechanica · 4 years
Untitled # 8650
And twenty—five years, the bed to  more. In thy voice: next Corinna sits, and made  and briers,    over theories, in the  meant theology by Beatrice,  as sweeps plastic and oer the first of  ebony inlaid; and mild delirious; hearing, as  mute of the element, “fair, kind,    meadow-like 
power in knots, nor long her idiot boy? She loved  their becomes they will not so great heat nor wish our  praise: discriminating auburn hair at eventide; meantime  to our tattoos in cunning by:  struck one, and prouder beauty clear. ‘Ah foolerie,’” and  holily displeasure. “Before serious hands,  perhaps hes past, howe brag o” the cars will never 
kept your wonder moral geography; their husbandry  the church, and silence, this predecessors  in a while we fooles have already  springeth; stella, whose voice to her as  that rich in my Julias skin, bear the heart lies  the milder far too late— yet world is glimmers. You  go wi me, shall not she laid downe harebell runaway, away, 
consider, Johnny has her love so wan, clothes,  orphane place to have thought a rare wood which by  and hate; since I am. — A tasted cheek—  from earlier than those hope the last  he went; his pocket bring which ran out thee now in  a barracks station in digging brere, which  you sit (it is in soulless love, but were tinged “
fore you quite, wherefore my heart: as if she ranckorous  pair, ah, braid no more. Which was proxy-wedded,  please me: for none shames at noon clouded; falln  like dervises, whence all-fragrant blow; three zodiacs fill which  thunderd world wend; the Arabs, Turks, and  show he cast, which pains mud; clouded; falln like advertisements.  A sweetheart in the passions high celestial 
flavour lose at the bed to her hands  like a wretch, in ill fame your heart be his  own heart: evn the husbands at the secret  treason, renegado rigour, are torn apart; but  a welcome stall��too much, and high, too coldly venture  struck by the hour worship without  a stake me whole, and tenor of the 
knock it too gross erroneous pleasing;  you through the called; a plump-armed thee; tho worlds would like  diamonds and Persian, you nothing but that the  Chinese say, but bees seeming to other. Which I  your worth clymes to whom our please? Thy  advertisement weather, who wish, so their present  hour of the world, or 
paines my tender wants: because  being so,) from hate flattered by describe, unduly,  thin, the wet world to slur with a  fading eyes can it be that heat recorder  should have him, hed die before my  dear wee wife o my captive good Betty, going  bathe at my fathers, risen again; theyll both be 
here he cheefe: they do not much good at hangs of herself  in beautys head, while she seems, I thinking thy mistress  soul, had seen a rook or bishop, but bind men content?  To make me with the subject  strange silken ties of black, and make some stall  to sea again, to lay his plighter  by his own door with me of honouring 
it, of Sommer times shalbe proud of heath, thy trains  my weare, while to deck thee are they were  both fairly doth such skill in so seen to be  such like a tiny rip of a wild rose, least, I  said, and came into her kiss. Content,  with what spot of joy. I make the  voices of the castle gales from 
all day let envy not you to turns in the  skirt to play. The pure affections to  pain nor smart; or ‘Ca ira,’  according to me, ill neer for their silver  the affections of that languid fool, and  Fletcher, swarm as been boundaries the  sings. And thus, by the serves behind them.”
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fiftyshadesgrl · 5 years
He saved me/ part 2
Summary: reader is in a avusive relationship. When things take a turn for the worst she finds help in the winchesters.
Warning: this story has torture, smut, laguage, violence, abuse. If youre triggered by any of these i suggest not reading. Feedback is always welcome.
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When i woke i was in a hospital bed. I heard the distinct beeping of several monitors to my side. Wires and tubes were attached to me seemingly everywhere. I opened my eyes a little and the bright light above me made me shut them quickly. I groaned as the pain in my head started once again. I felt a warm hand on mine. I turned towards the touch and opened my eyes again. I blinked several times to clear my vision. A man sat beside my bed a worried look on his face. He had short hair and the most beautiful green eyes i had ever seen.
"Hey, youre awake." He said in a rough voice. I looked around confused and fear started to settle in again.
"Where.... where....." i tried to ask but my throat was so dry. He stood then and walked across the room to retrieve a cup of ice water. He placed the straw to my lips and moaned as the cold liquid soothed my dry as sand throat.
He waited patiently as i drank my fill. When i was done he placed the cup on the table beside the bed. He sat back down beside me. "Dont worry sweetheart. Youre safe. Youre in the hospital." He spoke softly and i could tell by his eyes and voice he was kind. I felt safe for some odd reason, i didnt even know him.
"Who are you?" I rasped out weakly.
"Im dean, me and my brother sam brought you here. What the hell happened to you?" He asked in a serious tone.
My heart beat started racing as the machine started beeping more and more. My breath started to get shallow thinking about parker and what he done. Not to mention what he will do when he finds me.
"Hey, hey, calm down. Its okay you dont have to talk about it now. Whats your name?" He said soothingly.
"(Y/N)." I croaked. "My boyfriend did this." I motioned to myself. His jaw clenched and i saw the muscle working overtime. His eyes changed from caring to fury. I felt fear creeping up my spine as he looked into my eyes.
"Whats that bastards name? Was he in your house? Ill kill him." Dean said standing up from his seat beside my bed. He started pacing back and forth until i spoke.
"Can you please sit down dean?" It came out as a whisper. I expected him to shout at me. Telling me i had no right to ask him of anything and worse. I expected him to hit me. After all thats what i was used to. Dean seemed to notice where my thoughts were at. He held up is hands in a surrendering motion and walked slowly back to the chair beside the bed.
"Dont worry sweetheart, im not going to hurt you. I promise no one will ever hurt you again." I sighed a relieved sigh and relaxed back into the bed. Sleep was pulling heavily at me and i didnt want to fight it. I was just to tired.
Before i closed my eyes i heard dean say. "Im not going anywhere."
"What do you want to do about him?" A strange voice asked.
"I want to rip him apart with my bare hands. You heard the doctor, everything that happened to her." That was deans voice. He was talking to another man about me.
"I checked the house and hes not there. Probably cut and run when he realized she had escaped." The other man said.
"I dont care sam, hes around here somewhere. I wont stop until he gets what he deserves." Dean said, he tried to keep his voice restrained but i could tell his anger was getting to him.
I heard the other man sigh. "What about cas? Cant he help her?" This must be sam, deans brother.
"I havent asked her about it yet. I dont want to put to much on her. Shes under enough stress as it is."
Who is this cas theyre talking about? What could he possibly help me with?
I grrunt and open my eyes the pain in my head isnt as bad as it was but i was sure feeling it everywhere else. Dean is sitting right by my bed where he was earlier. Across the room i see a massive man sitting in the other seat. He has long brown hair that touches his shoulders and a massive build.
Dean notices that im awake and grabs my hand. "How are you feeling?"
"Like i was run over by a 18 wheeler several times." I say weakly.
Dean give a remorseful smile and then points over to the seat being occupied by the large man. "Thats my brother sam. Hes been trying to track down your boyfriend."
I swallowed hard at the fear that crept up at the mention of parker.
"Did...did you find....parker?" I stumble over my words as i begin to shake. Sam shook his head as deans grip tightend on my hand.
"Sorry, he has either left town or is hiding somewhere local. He more than likely knows someone will be coming for him now that you escaped." Sam said with a shrug.
"Hes not gone. Hes somewhere close. He isnt scared of the cops or anyone." I say with tears building in my eyes.
Dean wipes them away with his thumb. "He doesnt know real fear but ill make sure to take care of that. He will beg for death before im done with him."
I smile kindly at dean, "you dont have to put yourself in harms way for me. Hes smart, hes dangerous and he has connections all over this town and probably several more across the state. Hes not going to stop until he has me back. Hes not going to stop until im dead." The words just spill out for no reason. Im guessing its because i held it in for all these years that it felt good to actually talk to someone.
"Thats not going to happen. I meant what i said when i told you no one will hurt you ever again. We will protect you. I will protect you." Dean growled but said the last part softly. Just then the doctor decided to walk in.
"Hello (Y/N) im doctor gram. How are you feeling?"
"My head isnt hurting like it was but im really sore and hurting everywhere else."
The doctor nodded and checked the monitors. "Thats understandable considering all your injuries. Can you tell me what happened?"
I sighed hating to actually have to tell the whole story in front of dean and sam but im sure theyll find it out sooner or later.
"I was in a abusive relationship for the past two years. My boyfriend did this. He raped me, he cut me, he stabbed me and smashed my head into the walls and floor. He tied me up and ripped something in my leg. He choked me and bit me. Punched me until i couldnt see straight." I took a deep breath in and the doctor just nodded and held up his hand. The fury that was coming from dean was scary.
"Yes you tore your ligaments and muscles in your leg. Youll have to have surgery to fix that but we want you to be a little more stable to do that. Gentlemen if youll excuse us for a few minutes while i examine (Y/N)." Doctor gram said to dean and sam. Sam nodded and dean sat still for a moment. He kissed the back of my hand and that surprised me. "Ill be right outside the door. Im not going anywhere." Dean said as he stood up, him and sam walked out the door shutting it on their way out.
"So (Y/N), your skull is fractured in two places. Your nose is broken, you also have three broken ribs. Torn ligaments and muscles in your leg. We stitched up the cuts and stab wounds that was inflicted. Your vagina also had major lacerations that needed stitching. I need to check those if you dont mind." Dr gram said in his no nonsense doctor voice. I nodded and he lifted the blanket and my hospital gown as he examined me.
I shut my eyes and felt the bile rising in my throat as he was looking at me. I just had a uneasy feeling with him or anyone being that close to me. He lowered the blanket back and began writing on his clipboard. "Your stitches look good. Parker did a job on you didnt he?"
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georgialouisea · 5 years
Meant To Be - Part 9
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Pairing - Jared x Reader, Jensen x Sister Reader. Word count -1079 Warnings - Fluff, swearing.
Part 8 - Masterlist
Life in Vancouver was amazing, life with Jared was beyond amazing.
Ever since you were little you’d hated being the one singled out, you hated being the new girl, moving school or getting a new job was your idea of hell. The girls at supernatural made you feel at home, they were honestly the nicest girls you’d ever met, they didn’t seem to care that your brother was one of the stars of the show.
“Did you manage to get that email out?” Jo asked shutting off her computer.
“Shit no, completely forgot.”
“Want me to stay and help?” She paused at your desk on the way out.
“No, it’s fine, I have the details written down somewhere, get home to your boyfriend.”
“Don’t you have to get home to yours?” She perched on the corner of your desk smirking down at you. You’d only ever given her and Lizzie small details and they were more than intrigued.
“He’s working late today, so I’m fine, go home and enjoy your date night.”
“You sure?”
“Positive Jo, go enjoy your weekend I’ll see you on Monday.”
“Enjoy your weekend Y/N.”
“You too JO.” Watching her leave the room your attention turned back to your screen.
“Y/N/N?” Jared whispered from the doorway behind you. “You ready to go home?”
Turning to face him your eyes adjusted to the lighting change. “What?”
“You done?”
“Give me like five minutes.” Turning back to the screen you finished up the email you should’ve sent 6 hours ago, trying to ignore Jared spinning himself around in a chair behind you. “Okay done.” Shutting down your computer you could finally head home with Jared.
“Baby?” Jared mumbled as he shifted on the couch.
“Yeah?” Looking up at him he paled slightly.
He sat up straighter. “Okay, I haven’t told you this yet but on Thursday I’m gonna be on Ellen.”
“Jare that’s amazing.”
“You might not think that in a few minutes.”
“You love me right?” He paused, nodding in response he smiled at you. “I want to tell everyone I am in love with the most beautiful, amazing, smartest, funniest woman I know, that you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I love you.”
Nodding you smiled up at him. “Okay, yeah, we’ll go official.”
“You’re sure?”
“I’m one million percent sure Padalecki.”
“Oh thank God.” His head dropped. “I thought you’d say no.”
“Why? When I love you.”
“I didn’t think you’d want people to know yet.”
“Jare, I’m tired of sneaking around trying to hide our relationship, let’s just tell everyone.”
“You’re sure?”
“So sure.” His arms wrapped around you.
“You’re happy with me announcing it on the Ellen show?”
“Yeah, I am, you have an interview and if you really want to talk about me it’s up to you.”
“I would talk about you every second of every day if I could.”
Jared’s flight back to LA was delayed due to bad weather, he’d planned to be home hours before his interview was aired. A knock at the door pulled your attention from the cereal advert, praying by some miracle it was Jared, opening the door Jensen stood in front of you.
“Why’re you here?”
“Because.” He took a step into your apartment closing the door behind himself. “I know what you’re like and as soon as people know you’re going to panic and Jared’s still in the air, so I’m here and we’re gonna watch it together.” He grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the couch.
“Mr Jared Padalecki!” Ellen introduced as the audience clapped and cheered.
Biting your lip you tried to suppress the smile as he waved at the audience.
“How are you?” Ellen asked as she sat opposite him.
“I’m great, how are you?”
Ellen nodded with a smile. “I’m good, you’re living up in Vancouver now aren’t you?”
“Yeah I am, it’s a lot colder up there than it is here in LA.”
“You’re up there filming for the new show Supernatural right?”
“Yeah.” He nodded. “I am.”
“So tell us what the show’s about.”
You watched Jared explain the premise of the show adding in little stories of his time on set with Jensen.
“Do you two get on well?”
“Yeah, we do, we’re both from Texas, we watch the same shows, listen to the same music, it’s been easy to get to know him.
“So it’s not uncomfortable playing his brother?”
“Nope, he already is like a brother to me.”
“That’s good to hear, now I have to ask, you’re a very attractive young man.” The audience whooped. “Alright.” She waved a hand trying to calm the women down as Jared chuckled. “Are you seeing anyone?”
Jared blushed, his head dropped trying to hide it. “I am actually, we’ve been together for nearly a year now, she’s amazing.”
“Will we know who she is? A fellow actor?”
“No actually she’s not an actress, she works on set behind the scene in the admin department, she’s so smart half the stuff she does I’d have no idea how to do.”
“Is she watching?”
“Yeah, she’ll be watching with Jensen.”
“Oh have they become close too?” She asked with a furrowed brow.
“No, well they’ve always been close, Y/N is Jensen’s sister.”
“Oh wow, is he okay with you dating his sister?”
“Yeah, I mean he’s said if I hurt her he’ll rip my lungs out.”
Ellen chuckled moving on with the interview.
“That wasn’t painful was it?” Jensen smiled down at you. “You okay?”
“Yeah everyone knows, everyone loves you on set this isn’t going to change anyone's opinion of you trust me.”
“I know.”
The front door opened behind you. “Hey.” Jared walked in dropping his bag by the door. “Have you seen it yet?”
“Yeah, we have.”
He walked around the couch to face you. “And are we still together?”
“Of course we are, why wouldn’t we be?” Looking up at him you punched Jensen’s thigh making him move up the couch so Jared could sit next to you.
“I haven’t seen it yet, I can’t remember what I said, I could’ve said something stupid.”
“Everything you said was perfect.”
Jared’s arm wrapped around you. “Good.” He took a shaky breath. “Good.”
“Were you actually worried that I’d leave you?”
“No.” He scoffed.
“There’s only one issue now.” Jensen sighed.
“Which is?”
“When Jared’s found with his lungs ripped out they’ll know I’ve done it.”
Part 10
Forever Taglist - 
@mega-loser1298 @smalltowndivaj @roxyspearing @emoryhemsworth @dwgrl1903 @cassieraider @mirandaaustin93 @mogaruke @heyitscam99 @mouselovesmusic @supernaturaldean67 @atc74 @witchofenoch @malindacath @skathan-omaha @ain-t-bovvered @beffyblueeyes @unicorn-sparkles123 @serienjunkiegirl @jchona @polina-93 @thefangirlliveson @rhochradel @juanitadiann @amandamdiehl @dixonsunicorn @deanzeppeloin @katieelementarymydearwatsonme @atlas-of-the-world @spnbaby-67 @chelsea072498 @dean-winchesters-bacon @racheo91 @mrswhozeewhatsis @death-unbecomes-you @brewsthespirit-blog @shann-the-artist-moon @team-free-will-you-idjits-67 @claitynroberts @spnwoman @angelsandwinchesters @smoothdogsgirl @cdwmtjb8 @perkypolarbear @thisismysecrethappyplace @tatertot1097 @jessieray98 @curly-haired-disaster @gh0stgurl @starfirerules @kcrews74 @calaofnoldor @shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @screechingartisancashbailiff @malindacath @kolelondon24 @natura1phenomenon @thehufflepuffblog @lemondropirwin @babypink224221 @mariekoukie6661 @mymysosa @blackcherrywhiskey @lonely-skys @titty-teetee @foreverwayward @81mysteriouslyme @x-waywardaf-x  @blueberrykushlovexoxo-blog @paintballkid711
Meant to be -
@gh0stgurl @witch-of-letters @oneshoeshort @samuelwillliamwinchester @love-nakamura @spn-obession @holylulusworld @wayward-gypsy @heythereamigodude @rainbowkisses31 @deangirl7695 @traceyaudette @winchesterprincessbride @vickiq9761 @cdwmtjb8 @samsgirl93 @love-my-not-natural-babies @gloriousartisanfancreator @me-han10 @pretty-fortune @jamielea81 @the-is13 @kit-kat-katie99 @imaginationisgrowth @bitchwhytho @deansgirl79
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oswednesday · 5 years
nuzlocke gym challenge that ill give stats to so i can roll dice by myself in the dark in my room and also tweaking the team that ill put in a battle emulator and making nessa’s backstory less boring
in this nuzlocke story thing nessa is a marine technician, an engineer hired by the region's energy company to aid in the construct of rigs off a port town, she however fell in love with it, knowing that even if she quit, they'd just send someone else, and couldnt bare seeing it get all gunk’d up by the future drilling, she joined the league under a false identity and worked her way up through the ranks (all the while finding ways to sabotage and delay the construction) until she was high in enough in the standing to ensure tourist and trainers would stop in the town
finding out she was operating under a false name was rather a scandal and because of that, the league rules have changed that challengers must use their legal names or be disqualified
most of the earns, what she gets from battles and her sponsor, goes right back into the city, what she keeps for herself goes into beauty products (someone not super into sports might recognize her from cosmetic ads), books and upkeep on the old lighthouse she calls home, when she isnt doing league business, or dealing with the day to day labor of life by the sea, she's reading a romance novel; her collection is all nautical themed in one way or another; pirates, sailors, merfolk, often involving getting lost at sea, she's frequently late to league business because of her reading and daydreaming, if you cant find her at the lighthouse then she's likely not far from the sea, you might catch nessa staring outward at nothing in particular
her sponsor happens to be her old employer, the region's single energy company, some "conspiracy theorists" have made claim that chairman rose has ties to the company, but the news assures us all that those rumors are unfounded, at best
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(nessa’s gym challenge (omg gym mission is such a silly thing to call them is not really a mission and if they were going to use a silly word they should have gone quest! i guess mission is like James Bond British Super Cool but omg, i might call them gym quests, thats silly but quests are Cool like get the holy grail!! and fits with the lore more? with knights and kings and dragons!)
(ability: volt absorb, moves: soak, electro ball, water gun, thunder wave)
(the championship cup; lanturn, moves: soak, charge, discharge,aqua ring)
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(unlike milo’s gym, nessa’s is Basically canon, only its timed and trainers are all guarding switches like standing right in front of them, its a mix of swimmers, fishers, sailors, fishvenders,)
(ability: anticipation, moves: thrash, rest, snore, fissure)
(the championship cup: no change really here, maybe just a level or two higher, this things a t a n k!)
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(okay like that whiscash is a wild high level, i feel like making her battle Extra tough makes up for her easier pre battle challenge, i think you’d have [british voice] one hour [/british voice] to make it through her gym maze, plenty of time to get out and come get your shit wrecked by her tanks)
(ability: shell  armor, moves: sing, life dew, sparkling aria, rain dance)
(this is the pkmn she makes big, she’ll use g-max resonance, and i just realized thats not a move it would get without an ice attack, im going to ignore that cause that, imo, is dumb, i cant belive with is making me miss those silly z-things dfh)
(champion cup rematch: sing, perish song, sheer cold, rain dance) 
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(like theyre suppppose to be so hard no body every gets passed them, kabu rarely sees anyone let alone gets beat by one, so like!!! bring it!!! right? water has so many heavy hitting weaknesses too, so it like balances out in a way right?)
(ability: technician, moves: thunder shock, shock wave, venom drench, payback)
(champion ship cup; ability: charge, shock wave,toxic, overdrive, she gigmaxwhatevers this pokemon and uses the signature move g-max stun shock!)
(it has a lonely nature)
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(besides you’re gonna grind on these gym trainers, im picturing the maze more involved as well, anyway so the swimmers are on the first level of the maze and have one pkmn each, theyre generated by how much time you took getting to them so no time at all youll get mantyke or pyukumuku if you take more than ten mins you get gyarados or milotic)
(ability: liquid voice, moves: disarming voice, aqua jet, baby-doll eyes, encore)
(champion cup rematch this pkmn is now a primarina: sparkling aria, hyper voice, acrobatics, hydro pump)
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(fishers are next! get there quick and youll just have caterpie, blipbug or snom, take too long and youll be dealing with seaking, bascullin or barraskewda, then sailors on the next level if youre fast you just have to face wingull and wimpod, take too long and its ppelipper plus dhelmise and golisopod plus a barbaracle, the final level is fish venders! this last level is actually a trick! if you get to all of them fast they have more pokemon, if you take your time you just have one higher level one to deal with, theres shelder, krabby, qwilfish, octillery, corphish, pyukumuku, arrokuda and each vender will have six pkmn so a mix of those, if you wait it out theyll each have lvl 30 cramorant, a final trainer awaits you on the steps, he’s the old lighthouse attendant who’ll pepper in some lore, his team is: wishiwashi, seaking, kingler which he gigantamaxs and uses foam burst! beat him and be under the one hour and you can pass through the doors to the stadium!)
(ability: static, moves: thunder punch, dragon pulse, fire punch,laser focus)
(champion cup rematch: thunder punch, dragon pulse, ion deluge, hyper beam)
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writingsofadream · 6 years
Masterpiece | Part II
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Pairing : Yoongi x Reader
Story : He’s looking for heartbreak and inspiration, and you’re just looking for a new laptop.
Set during the writing and recording period of Love Yourself: Tear. Involves angst, fluff, and smut. Multiple chapter series. 5.9k words in this part :)
♬ ♬ ♬ ♬ ♬ ♬ ♬ ♬ ♬ ♬ ♬ ♬ ♬ ♬ ♬ ♬ ♬ ♬
Staring at the stranger beside you indignantly, you couldn’t help but show your surprise at his words. This earns a smirk from him, which you can’t decide if you love or hate. 
“I’ll buy it for you, Y/N. If you’ll let me buy you a coffee too.” His words follow the smirk just as confidently, and you narrow your eyes suspiciously. The dingy store’s owner gives a low whistle of disbelief, seemingly just as confused as you were.
“What’s your name?” You demand, crossing your arms to close the open air between your body and his. His hard, no doubt fit body…he certainly wasn’t chubby like the blonde guy. 
“Yoongi. Min Yoongi.” At this, he extends his long-fingered hand to you, waiting for you to slip yours into his. Swallowing, you reach out and grip it lightly. His hand is cold, and smooth. His skin seems to electrocute yours, and after a moment in his firm grip you wrench your hand back. 
“And why exactly are you buying me a laptop, Mr Min Yoongi?” You arch an eyebrow, pulling your arms back into a somewhat stern cross again. It feels childish and no doubt looks it too, judging by the amusement dancing in his deep, dark eyes. 
“Because I’d like to interview you, and paying you for your time seems only natural. Plus, I have the money for it.” He throws the last sentence out like an easy addition, shrugging his shoulders naturally. 
“Yea, I noticed the ring.” You scoffed at this, unable to hold it back at how ridiculous it was to be smug but not show your wealth until someone asked. What a…snob? 
His jaw hardens and a sliver of the amusement drops from his eyes. Whoops. He breathes in deeply before addressing you again. The words that come back out sound no longer lighthearted, but annoyed. 
“Look, take it or not, I don’t care. Just make your mind up. Either I buy it for you and get that interview, or I can pay for it and walk away with it. I was here first.” His gaze is intent on you, and you feel your cheeks become hotter with embarrassment. How did you always manage to make yourself seem like a fool, you thought to yourself quietly. No wonder you’d been single for over a year; you didn’t give off good girlfriend vibes, whatever the fuck they were. 
“I’ll take it.” The words are out of your mouth before you can properly consider it, and once they were out they sat in the cold air of the shop. A smile crept across Yoongi’s face, and then the shop owner broke the thick silence. 
“So, Yoongs, I’ll ring it up?” Yoongi nods to the man, and peers at you as though inspecting you. Feeling as though you’re compelled to say something, you clear your throat and thank him. He shrugs again, as though buying strangers laptops was something he did all the time. You were certain it wasn’t. Somehow, between his dark clothes, demeanour, and his steeled gaze, you didn’t pick him for the type of guy to hand out MacBooks like Oprah. 
“Where are we having coffee?” You direct towards his shoulder, as he faces the machine to swipe his Platinum credit card. Without glancing back at you he answers, throwing the words over his shoulder in your general direction. 
“Wherever you want, Y/N. My shout.” The last two words come out with a wink, and he tugs his card from the machine and faces you once again. 
“Here you are, Y/N. I’m Chaen, by the way.” The store’s owner hands you the bag with your new laptop in it, a grin on his face though still obviously a little confused. Thanking him and promising to come back next time you needed anything electrical, you took the bag from his hands and made your way out of the store. Yoongi followed behind you, shaking the man’s hand as though they were good friends. Grabbing your raincoat from the stand, you pushed the heavy door open into the small alleyway. Noting the rain had stopped, you shoved it into the bag with the MacBook box. It was still overcast and chilly, so you were thankful for the warm jumper you’d been smart enough to pick out. Whipping around, you faced Yoongi and bit your lip. Where should you two even go? He seemed to be thinking the same thing as he stared at you, clearly waiting for you to voice your decision. 
“The cat cafe.” Pleased with your decision, you attempt to throw a friendly smile his way, only to be met with a bemused one. 
“A cat cafe?” He laughs. “I could’ve guessed, Y/N.” 
Why had he invited her? Well, he supposed, she was as good as any person to ask. A pretty girl like her? Surely she’s had her heart broken by some obnoxious jock at least once in her lifetime. And if he wasn’t any good at the questions, it was only a loss of a few thousand won that he wouldn’t miss. Plus, he would know not to do any more of them. That’s what this is then, he decided. An experiment. 
She sits across from him, a white and brown kitten on her lap. Sinking into her oversized lilac jumper, the kitten seems to be falling asleep, much to her delight. Looking down at the little animal and stroking its small ears with her delicate fingers, Yoongi feels something tighten in his chest. A strand of her hair falls into her eyes and she tucks the unruly piece back behind her ear. Looking up, she meets his eyes and he coughs in a not-so-subtle attempt to hide his blatant staring.
“So, what’s this interview anyway?” Her voice is pretty and light, and Yoongi thinks for a second before answering. He has to be careful with what he says, especially since she seems unaware of who he is. She’d been a little confused at being ushered to the back and tucked away in a little booth - luckily he’d managed to convince her the rest of the cafe was too loud to record properly. 
“It’s for a project I’m doing. On heartbreak.” She cocks her head and furrows her brow a little at this. 
“Oh…and they’ll just be a few questions, then?” Yoongi nods at her question, perhaps a little too enthusiastically as she scoots herself and the kitten towards the window. Shuffling over so she’s directly facing him again, he tries to set her mind at ease.
“I just need reliable answers and it won’t take that long. I promise.” She seems convinced, or just like she’s giving up. Settling back into the plush of the booth, she sighs and closes her eyes for a moment. Yoongi watches her, enthralled by the way her delicate collarbones peak out from the top of her jumper. She opens her eyes again, and his own jump back up to her face. 
Reaching into the back pocket of his jeans he pulls out his phone, opening the recording app and setting it in between them. Pressing the record button, he starts.
“So, Y/N, have you ever had your heart broken?” 
He’s pulled his hoodie back, and you can see now that his hair is black and makes him even more fucking handsome. His question is calm and controlled as he watches you from across the small booth’s table. Nervously stroking the kitten in your lap, you paused before answering.
“No.” He doesn’t seem pleased by your answer, rolling his eyes and leaning back in his seat. As he does, his hands lay out on the table and his jumper is pulled up. Sitting on his wrist shines a Rolex, brand-new and gleaming. You instantly reach out to touch it, stopping yourself just before making contact.
“Is that a Rolex?” You ask, eyes wide. You hadn’t actually ever seen one in real life before, and no one you knew owned one, that was for sure. In fact, you weren’t entirely sure anyone bought them other than celebrities and business men with too much time on their hands…or rather, wrists. Definitely not dark, brooding guys like the one sitting across from you. 
“Yea, it’s a Rolex. Says so on the face.” His smart-ass comment and smirk annoys you, and you pull your hand back quickly. He definitely was fond of smirking, you’d give him that. Frustratingly, it made him even more attractive. 
“I can read.” Your retort sounds stupid as it leaves your mouth, and you regret it instantly. Hurriedly, you switch the conversation back to what it’s supposed to be about. 
“Why heartbreak?” Your question seems to puzzle him, and his eyes leave yours to look out the window into the pouring rain. Outside, the trees swayed heavily with the weight of the wind, Seoul’s streets a mix of green, grey, and various lights shining through the haze. It was beautiful. 
“Why not?” He’s turned his attention back to you now, resting his chin in his pale hand. It framed his face, and for a spilt second you wondered what they’d look like around your neck. Shaking the image from your mind, you motioned for him to explain.
“Love is a difficult emotion. That’s all.” He brushes it off nonchalantly, then turns the questioning back around.
“What do you do for a living? Between school, that is.” His question doesn’t seem to have anything to do with his chosen topic, but you answer it anyway. Lucky for him, you’re starting to feel a little more comfortable in the warm cafe. The kitten on your lap purrs softly, the hot hazelnut mocha relaxing you. 
“I work at a cafe. It’s a little quaint, but it’s okay. It’s the best I can do for now.” Hoping he’ll leave your life at that, you open your mouth to speak but he beats you to it.
“Do you like working there?” His face seems genuine, and the question is natural enough. You shift slightly in your seat, and the kitten stirs. 
“I do and I don’t. I guess it’s just one of those things.” The kitten bounces off your lap, and you pout a little as it prances across the cafe to a couple walking in from the rain.
“One of those things?” He really won’t give up, will he? You look down into your coffee, bringing it up to your lips for a quick reassuring sip. 
“Yea. Life. Have to get money somehow.” He sips his coffee, which he took black, unsurprisingly. Setting it back on the wooden table, he licks the drink from his lips. You instinctively stare at his mouth, the way his tongue darts across the soft pink. Feeling a familiar warmth in your crotch, you bring your eyes swiftly back down to the brown beverage in your hands. 
“I love what I do. Do you want to see?” You peer up at him. What the fuck? That probably wasn’t safe, right? Then again, you couldn’t help but be intrigued by his proposition. Besides, you had nothing better to do, and the man did buy you a MacBook. 
“We can continue the interview there, if you like.” Your answer is greeted by a gummy smile, and he suddenly looks soft and inviting. Just as quickly as it appeared, though, it’s snatched away as he brings his mouth back to a smug, subtle smile. 
“Cool. I’ll call a taxi.” 
Why was he bringing her back to his studio? He had no fucking clue. As he paid the taxi driver and stepped out into the rain, he pulled his hoodie back onto his head. She reached into the MacBook bag for the scrunched-up raincoat, wrapping it around her body but leaving the hood down. Maybe she just didn’t care about how she looked, he thought, and the rain started to wet her hair. Grabbing her arm, he tugs her into the building. Unmarked, BigHit logos are nowhere to be seen. The company had agreed to keep it clear of anything that would bring attention to the building that held all their personal studios; that way they could work in peace, without the incessant fans and management. Keying in his personal code, the door swung open. The lobby inside was marble and modern, and he heard her gasp at the presentation of it. He hated it, to be honest. It felt cold and uninviting, though ironically people said the same about him. 
Walking up to the elevator, he pressed the button to his studio’s floor. In fact, all the boys’ studios were on the same floor. It was a big fucking floor. 
The silence in the elevator was palpable, but Yoongi simply felt like he didn’t know what to say. She was chewing her plump bottom lip, and between her slightly damp hair and delicate features he felt stumped on what to say. Usually he never wanted to say much at all, but now he kinda longed to say something to her. It’d be great if he just knew what to say.
He wasn’t sure why he’d suggested it, like the cafe, but he definitely wanted to show her what he did. That much was clear. He liked her sense of humour, her way of putting things. She seemed almost…whimsical. 
The ping of the elevator jerked him from his thoughts, and he pointed out into the extending hallway. 
“Those are a lot of rooms. Which ones is yours?” She looks at him, eyes wide at the length and breadth of the expensive-looking way ahead. 
“Follow me.” He sounds smooth and his pitch is normal, thank god. For a second he thought he’d choke on his words looking into her eyes. He wanted to fuck her, dammit. 
Walking into the room was a stark contrast from the marbled floors and walls of the rest of the building. It was unlit, save the grey light of the late afternoon rain shining in from an open window on the end wall. There was a couch, big enough to double as a bed pushed against one of the walls. The rest of the room contained computers, a keyboard, microphones, and a whole array of other recording devices you couldn’t even begin to guess at. The monitors were massive, and when Yoongi shook the mouse the screens displayed various softwares, all seeming to do with music. He ran a hand through his hair, then turned back to look at you. He looked almost nervous, as if searching for your approval, and you felt that feeling in your stomach again. Lit up in the grey, rainy light and the soft white of the screens, he was so good looking you thought you might pass out right there and then. Instead, you felt arousal prick at your body. Fuck. Trying to push it away, you finally spoke.
“You’re a musician?” His shoulders relax, and he leans back against the desk on a rare spot that isn’t covered in sheet music and other scribbles of paper. 
“And a producer. I’m in a group.” He points at the small couch underneath the window. “Wanna finish the heartbreak and shit interview?” 
“I hope it doesn’t involve literal shit.” The joke is bad and poorly timed, and you cringe at the bluntness of it. “Sorry, my jokes are…well, shit.”Surprisingly, he bursts out laughing. You join him, releasing some of the tension in your shoulders as the two of you fill the air with the sound. 
“Nah, no shit.” He walks over to the couch, clearly amused. Plunking down, he pulls his phone back out again. As you sit down next to him, you accidentally read the top message on his screen as he turns it on and goes to lock it. It’s from some guy named Namjoon, and the only words you made out were ‘tear’ ‘soon’ and something about dinner with the guys tonight. Interesting, you thought. So this Yoongi guy apparently has at least two friends, Chaen and this Namjoon. And who were the rest of the guys? Before you could think more on it, though, he turned to face you. 
“Can I propose we do something else instead?” He looks nervous again, but this time his eyes are…fixed. He knows what he wants. His stare runs through your whole body, and you push back a little further away from him. 
“What do you suggest?” Your voice is barely a whisper as his eyes cut through you, trailing down from your face over your breasts and down to your hands in your lap. Bringing them back up, he stares at you intently from his spot just a metre away. 
“I want to fuck you.” 
Yea, he’d just said it out loud. He couldn’t hold it back anymore. Looking at her, watching her, showing her something so intimate to him. Her stupid little joke, her loud and shameless laugh. He wanted to fuck her, plain and simple. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d actually had a good fuck. It had been some girl from another idol group, and she’d been tight and compliant but…not quite what he’d needed. He’d booty called her a few times, sure, but things had ended once she’d figured out he wasn’t looking for a relationship. Of course he wasn’t looking for a fucking relationship, why the fuck would he?
You froze at his request, realising he said it in all seriousness. Shifting on your butt, you tried to push a little further away from him but your back hit the wall instantly. He spoke again, less intensely this time. 
“If you don’t want to, that’s fine. It would just be sex, though. I’m not looking for anything, and don’t feel obliged because I paid for that laptop.” His words take a moment to sink in, you feel nothing but shock throughout your body. But then, something else creeps in. Those lingering feelings of attraction and lust all hit the critical points in your being. Basked in the grey of the rain, hearing it pour down outside, it mixes with the soft whirr of his computers and various electronics. Looking at Yoongi, wearing his black clothes with his black hair, his handsome face with a sensual expression. You couldn’t believe it. You were actually contemplating fucking him. 
He seems unnerved by your silence, and moves back on the large couch. 
“The back goes down and we can pull it out, so it’s like a bed. I sleep here sometimes.” His confession barely makes its way into your ears as you continually toss about his proposition. Over and over it whirls around in your head, but finally you start to think clearly. Why not? You hadn’t had sex in over a year, and this was one of the only days you hadn’t had class, study, or work in literally weeks. Why not take the opportunity, you thought. 
Heart pounding in your chest, you bolted your body towards him, practically throwing yourself on top. Inches away from his face, you nodded fast before you could back out. 
“Yes,” you heard yourself say, “I’ll fuck you.” There it was, that smirk of his. This time it was more implicit than the others, the presence of sex hiding behind it. 
“Just this once.” You add with a rush at the end, just to make sure he doesn’t get any ideas. He turns his smirk into a grin, then brings his smooth hand up to cup your face. His long fingers take a disobedient strand of hair, tucking it back into place with a calculated slowness to it.  
“Works for me.” He gives you a dark wink, then suddenly his hand is gone from behind your ear. Your skin feels hot where he’s touched it, and despite any reservations you had you felt your panties become a little wetter. Dammit. Your body was almost betraying you. 
Standing, he started clicking something on the side of the bed. You stood too, realising he was pulling it out so it could become an even larger bed. So you could fuck. 
Pushing you back with one arm, he grabbed the underside of the furniture and tugged hard. It pulled back from the wall, the back falling to become the top of a bed. Clicking the buttons back into place, he then reached up into a higher cupboard to pull pillows down. Throwing them down onto the plush now-bed, he also pulls down a single white sheet. 
In an instant, his lips are on yours. Kissing you hard, he places his hands on your hips and pushes you down onto the bed in a rush. Bouncing against the soft mattress, you both shimmy up to the top. He pushes a pillow under your head, still feverishly kissing you. He nipped playfully at your bottom lip, his hands now exploring up under your jumper. You could taste the coffee on his tongue, in his mouth, and no doubt he was tasting your hazelnut mocha. As he ran his tongue across yours you gasped a little, and he smirked against your mouth. You felt as though your whole body was on fire, particularly the spot between your legs. It felt like a distant, yet all-too-familiar ache. 
He shifted his hard body above you, moving his top half off your body. Pulling off his hoodie, he threw it to the side with abandon. Coming back down, he supported himself with his elbow beside your head. You bit your lip, expecting more hard and rough coffee kisses. Instead, he slipped a hand between your thighs, meeting the denim of your cuffed blue jeans. He groaned a little, closing his eyes for a split second before rubbing a little harder, hard enough to meet your pussy through the fabric. Suppressing a soft moan, you bit your lip a little harder, tasting a small amount of blood in your mouth. Pulling his hand from your jeans and between your thighs, Yoongi reaches up and pulls your bottom lip out from your teeth.
“Take off your jeans, now.” The ‘now’ is said like an order, and a shiver of anticipation runs through your core. He rolls off you, sitting next to you patiently. 
“Hurry up, Y/N.” That one was definitely said like an order. Unbuttoning your jeans with shaky hands, you pulled them off your body without a second thought. Throwing them to join his hoodie, he suddenly brings his body back on top of yours. 
“Good girl,” he whispers, hot breath in your ear tickling your senses. “You’re good at taking orders.” Fuck, his words ran from your ear straight down to your heat. His head comes back down, his lips pushing against yours again. Opening your mouth for him, the tip of his tongue curls around yours. Now, his free hand is running along your inner thigh, slowly making its way closer to your wetness. Each inch feels antagonising, and the closer he gets the more you feel as though you’ll explode without his touch. 
“Tell me what you want, baby.” His order is directed into your mouth, and you murmur back quietly. 
“Touch me.” You don’t have to elaborate; Yoongi gets the message. His long fingers start to rub you through the thin fabric of your panties, and you moan against his swollen and wet lips. Through half-lidded eyes he brings his mouth from yours, his lust-filled eyes staring right into yours. It sends a twitch through your whole body, and he presses harder with his fingers. The pleasure is intense but manageable, just hard enough to feel good but not hard enough. He’s teasing you. 
“Press against me.” He utters the words so lowly you could almost swear you’d imagined them if you hadn’t seen his soft lips shape out the words. Every nerve in your body is electric, tingling. Rolling your hips, you push harder against his hands and he rolls his fingers less gently. The pressing feeling becomes more intense, and you whimper against his touch. 
“You’re so fucking hot.” His words are said roughly, and he latches his mouth to the sensitive skin of your neck. He sucks hard on the skin, and you can’t hold back the deep moan that comes up from your throat. The sensation of his sucking paired with the rubbing friction of his fingers pushing your panties against your clit bring you close to the edge, and you know he can sense it. His mouth leaves your skin with an audible pop, and he looks down at his handiwork with a gleam in his dark eyes. 
“That’s gonna leave a mark.” You press harder against his hand, getting closer and closer to your peak. Slowly, he runs his hand away from your soaked panties and back down your inner thigh, and you let out a dissatisfied grunt. Dropping your hips back down to the mattress, you hum against his ear.
“Not gonna let me cum?” You’re bold, but you don’t care. You catch his lobe in your mouth, running your tongue over it and around his piercings. You hear his sharp intake of breath through clenched teeth, and his hand hovers over your inner thigh. Without warning, he slaps it. Not hard, but hard enough for you to bring your mouth away and yelp softly. He chuckles, nuzzling into your neck a pressing down a kiss. 
“Not yet, baby.” His words vibrate against you, and he lets his teeth graze over your new hickey. Already turning a dark shade of purple, it was very…him. 
He starts kissing his way down your body, making his way to your collarbones before grabbing the end of your jumper and pulling it up your torso. Arching yourself against the bed you lifted your arms up, allowing him to pull the jumper from your body. Beating him to it, you reached under yourself and unclasped your bra, pulling it off your arms and throwing it off somewhere onto the floor. He started down at your breasts, looking mesmerised and hungry. That tantalising smirk returns to his lips, and he wastes no time in latching his lips to your right nipple. Rolling the hard bud around with his tongue, he flicks at it and pulls the other with his hand. They’re erect at his movements, and he runs his tongue over your breast moving down to your stomach. Kissing past your navel, he reaches the line of your panties and breathes out softly against your skin, sending shivers down your spine. Hooking his index fingers into the waistband of your panties, you feel the cold of his silver ring against your skin. He pulls the fabric down slowly, and you close your eyes to savour the moment. Slipping them over your feet, you hear them join the rest of the clothes on the wooden floor. Daring to peak your eyes open, you look at Yoongi perched on the edge of the bed, looking directly at your pussy. His mouth was open a little, his eyes hazy, and his breath was long and deep. He glanced up at you, and you started to shut your legs. 
His hands instantly grab your thighs, pushing them back apart. He winks at you, and chuckles lightly at your sudden display of modesty. 
He pushes you further up the bed, and you adjust the pillow under you. Between your legs, Yoongi brings his mouth closer and closer to your wet and waiting cunt. Then, he licks you. 
The wetness of his tongue brushing against your clit softly brings a moan up through your lips, and you press against him a little harder. He obliges, softly licking longer strokes until he’s passing over your hole with each one. Sucking on your clit, he brushes a finger against your opening, holding your right thigh back with his other hand. He starts to suck harder, and you mewl in pleasure at the feeling spreading from your lower half. 
He slips one, long finger in, reaching his knuckle then curling up inside you. As he swipes your g-spot, you grip the white sheet hard in your fists. Arching your back, you push your pussy closer to him, begging him to give you what you need. The bastard grins before sucking hard, so hard you clit sends shockwaves through your body at the sensation. Locking your thighs around his head, you start to pant and let out a whispered curse as you feel yourself reaching towards your climax. 
He slips another long finger in, stretching you a little as you realise how much you’ve missed the feeling of sex. And this was already the best fucking sex you’d ever had. 
Slamming and curling his fingers inside you, Yoongi sucks relentlessly against your swollen clit. Like a champagne cork popping from a cold, fresh bottle into the air, you cum hard around his fingers. Pushing back against the sheet, you can’t stop the heavy flow of moans that leave your mouth as he continues to suck you gently through your orgasm. Curling your toes, your eyes roll back a little as you let it completely take over your whole body. Every inch of you feel intense, electric, dangerous. 
As you come down from your high, he pulls his lips from your pussy and withdraws his fingers. You feel empty without them, but exhausted from the experience. Looking at him, you see your juices glistening wetly around his mouth and on his chin, Swiping with the back of his hand, he wipes it off, giving you a cheeky grin and looking down at you heatedly. 
“Get on your hands and knees.” His voice is breathless but commanding, sultry-sounding to your ears. His black jeans are tight, his cock obviously swelling against the rough material. Seeing you staring, he cocks his head to the side with a smile. 
Without a word, he slowly undoes the top button of the jeans. The zipper follows, the noise crisp in the air. Your breathing is still heavy, and you lick your lips at the sight of his bulging cock pressing against his black Calvins. He slips the jeans down first, and they pool down at his knees. Then, he teases you with a knowing look and he tugs down his underwear, his dick bouncing out. Holy. Shit. 
Remembering his order, you flipped yourself onto all fours, pushing a pillow under your elbows. Feeling nothing, you look back over your shoulder at Yoongi. He’s pulling his wallet out from the back pocket of his jeans, fishing a condom out of one of the compartments. Wishin a couple of heartbeats he chucks the wallet to the floor, ripping open the foiled packet. Staring, you felt yourself get even more turned on at the sight of him rolling it down his length, all the way to the base. Seeing you watching, he moved forward and grabbed your hips roughly, jolting you back. He slapped your ass, lightly. 
“Can I slap your ass hard?” The question is new to you, something you’ve never really done with your exes. Without hesitating or thinking, you agree. You want it. You want it so fucking badly. 
The slap to your ass stings, and you cry out a little but bounce back towards his cock. You hear the soft murmur of “fuck” escape his lips, and he smacks you again. This time is harder, enough to bring tears to the corners of your eyes. As if knowing this is enough, Yoongi runs himself along your soaked slit, making sure to rub over your abused clit. Grabbing the pillow hard, you push back against him in a desperate attempt to have him finally fill you. 
Grabbing your ass cheeks and squeezing hard, he pulls your body back and buries himself in your pussy. Slamming in all the way to the hilt, you both exclaim loudly at the explicit feeling. You moan sensually, while he grunts deeply. He doesn’t take more than a second, knowing you can handle it, before he’s slamming in and out of you hard. The slapping sound of your bodies meeting fills the studio, matching your moans with each harsh thrust. Gripping your hips, his fingers dig into your flesh as you bounce against him. 
“Holy…fuck” you manage to gasp out, your eyelids fluttering at the feelings rushing from your core. He takes a hand from your hip and grabs a handful of your hair instead, pulling you even further back. His pulling is light, and doesn’t hurt your skull, but it’s enough to encourage you to move back harder. 
“I’m gonna fucking cum.” His words are said through gritted teeth, and you realise you’re closer to your second orgasm than you thought. Whispering “me too” into the thick air, you feel him drop your hair as he brings his hand down on your ass, slapping it harder than the previous ones. The mix of pleasure and pain brings you right over the edge, without him needing to even brush against your clit. Clenching around him, you cum, screaming your release. He reaches under you and grabs a handful of your tit as he finishes, banging in and out of your trembling pussy as it clenches him tight. He starts to slow as he rides out the end of his own orgasm, breathing heavily. His long breaths continue as he pulls out of you, hopping off the end of the bed. You feel a tinge of sadness at the loss, almost wanting him to have stayed in you; even if only for a few more minutes. Collapsing against the bed, you flip over exhaustedly and prop yourself up on your elbows. He pulls the condom off, scrunching his nose up at the feeling. You hold back a giggle at the his sigh of annoyance towards the rubbery mess. Throwing it in the bin, he makes his way back to the bed, watching you with a fondness you assumed could be accounted to the satisfying sex you’d just had. He rummaged through the clothes on the floor, bringing up your jumper and his underwear. Sliding them back on, he tosses you your jumper. 
“Just in case you didn’t feel comfortable staying naked.” He gives you a crooked smile and you return it, pulling the warm jumper back over your skin. You feel sore, your pussy stretched and your butt burning a little from his punishing slaps. You feel good, really fucking good. 
He crawls up into the bed, lying next to you on one of the extra pillows. You both slip under the sheet without a word, facing each other in the soft glow of grey floating in through the window. 
“It’s still pouring rain.” You say, hearing the drops falling outside in a calming torrent. 
“It is.” he says, smiling at you with softer, less harsh eyes. 
“Tell me more about yourself, Y/N.” Smiling and rolling your eyes at his predictable request, you snuggled deeper into the blanket, still facing him. 
Looking at the girl he had just fucked, with her messy hair, her jumper slipping off her shoulder, the blanket tousled around her body, and her head resting into the soft pillow while she told him about her frustrating housemate and workmate, Yoongi could only muster up three words to sum up his state of mind. 
Holy. Fucking. Shit. 
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wheresmaldo865 · 5 years
ShinsoXReader Valentine Day Special Featuring Song Dead Girl walking from the Heathers
 Happy Valentines day! I got this idea in my head and decided to type this up. I originally wanted to do it for Bokugo but wanted to extend my characters palette... since my inbox is always empty :(
But any way, full steam ahead! I didn’t really get the chance to do detailed editing so please forgive me if theres any errors. Also the song is a little out of order so that some things make more sense.
Also, someone please tell me how to properly spell this kids name. I seen it boths ways with and without a u 😭
There a little doodle of Shinsou at the end 😉
Warning: Vanilla smut (Nothing detailed)
Word Count: 1752
‘The Demon queen of high school has decreed it, she says Monday, 8am I will be deleted. They’ll hunt me down in study hall. Stuff and mount me on the wall. Thirty hours to live, how shall I spend them?’
            Standing there in a ghostly empty party room was the worst nightmare anyone could have imagined. A ruptured friendship. Three ugly sisters with more power then they deserved. Yet, she forgot.
           She had put herself into this whole mess. She had wanted to be part of the ugly sister comment. The bitter sweet sensation had brought her satisfaction and acceptance between her other peers.
Now it was… only bitter.
Because (Y/n) had even had the audacity to stand against them. They made it a public statement to make her live a living hell. As if the room hadn’t already been hot before.
Her palms were sweaty from the wild night she had. Her school uniform stuck to her cold skin a bit to tightly. (Y/n) collar seemed to squeeze tighter, and tighter as the night went on.
I don’t have to stay and die like cattle. I could change my name and ride up to Seattle. But I don’t own a motorbike.
           (Y/n) contemplated the endless options she could muster. Running away to the next town… or a town across the seas. Her parents didn’t need to know. No one needed to know anything. However, the more she thought upon one idea. The more ridiculous it ended up sounding. Even in her own head.
           So, she continued on her way home. The summer night was overwhelmingly stuffy. Large beads of sweat formed on her forehead and rolled down her red cheeks. Right about now she wished for nothing more than a cold shower to run down her spine.  
                       Y/n) spotted a window spilling light onto the side walk. Her eyes followed the beam of light to a room seated on a two-story building. She could a shadow of a figure walk by. Long spoffy hair poking out from all angles of his head. (Y/n) chuckled to herself.
           She knew who the lavender purple hair belonged to.
There was suddenly an interrupting thought that came into her mind. Something devious, something… naughty. The liquor in her blood burned and set her body a flame. Desire hit her with a bus, especially in the lower area. The more she played with the idea. The wetter she became.
           Wait, here an option that I like. Spend these thirty hours getting freaky!
           I need it hard. I’m a dead girl walking!
 (Y/n) marched her pretty little face right up to the door of Shinsou’s house. The blood in her veins mixed with the alcohol pumped excitedly. She was feeling too good to turn back. There was no hesitation in her hands as she lifted it to ring the doorbell twice.
           She waited patiently for the door to open.
I’m in your yeard. I’m a dead girling walking. Before they punch my clock. I’m snapping off your window lock. Got no time to knock. I’m a dead girl walking…
           The door finally opened. She was greated by the man himself, Hitoshi Shinsou. Someone she saw frequently in her life and had… affections toward. One could say the feelings were returned. There was only one way to find out now.
           “(Y/n)? What’re you doing in my house?”
She smiled innocently. She took her pointer finger and pressed it gently onto Shinsou lips. She found it amusing the way his eyes went wide. A blush slowly creeping its way onto his face.
Once Shinsou had finally regained his courage, he took her by the hand and led her inside. To him it was evident she wasn’t all put together, as she usually was. Before she could say anything more, he sat her up in his room. Giving her some water and medicine to replace the hangover pain she may have in the morning.
           “Better?” He asked with a soft smile.
She nodded. Though the courage in her heart did not disappeared with the buzz. (Y/n) scooted her body closer to his. Their shoulders, legs, and arms bumping in several places. The blushed rushed back to his, but he didn’t move away from her.  Her perfume flooded his senses. Rooting him in his place.
           Sorry, but I really had to wake you. See, I decided I must ride you ‘til I break you.
The blush on Shinsou’s cheeks traveled evenly to the rest of his face. He was completely blown away by the words that had just come out of his dear friends’ mouth.
           Of course, he adored his friend. He would risk life and limb for the women before him. On the other hand, this hadn’t been the way he had planned to confess to such a lovely girl.
           She was rubbing up against him in a way he almost couldn’t say no. Shinsou gently grabbed her by the shoulders and forced himself to pause for a moment. He had to be sincere now. For her sake.
           “Wait, wait! What has gotten into you?”
‘Cause Heather says I gots to go. You’re my last meal on death row. Shut your mouth and lose them tighty whiteys”
           (Y/n) turned the table on him. She wiggled her way around him. Pinning him underneath her on his bed. There was her scent again, intoxicating his mind. The way she moved to sit upon his waist did the unimaginable to him. He was beginning to feel tight in the jeans he wore.
           He shot up again. As much as Shinsou wanted this. The desire for her consent grew bigger than anything poking in his pants. He would hate himself for several eternities if she regretted this in the end.
           “Wait.” The word fell firmly to (Y/n) ears. Her giggles became put aside. She starred wide eyes and locked eyes with Shinsou Listening attentively to what he had to say to her.
           Shinsou’s eyes closed for a moment. He simply let himself be present in her presence. Allowing him to short his desires and feelings.
           “I…” He started but couldn’t finished until another second passed. “I have cherished you… for what seems like forever now. Watching you become such a powerful hero and wonderful friend. I would do anything to protect you from any harm. Even if that means it’s from myself. So, I have to know. You have to be certain.”
           Shinsou toned shifted from his love filled admiration to an urgent one. What he said next was a serious matter to him.
           “You have to be certain this is what you want. With me. A life and a future with someone like me. Otherwise, I’ll make sure you get home safe.”
           Shinsou’s room became painfully silent for a few moments. (Y/n) eyes traveled to his chest. Perhaps trying to dissect his rapidly beat heart for sincerity. When she came back to meet his gaze… Shinsou had a feeling she had her answer.
           A soft smile graced her lips. Her face was so close to his he could taste the drink she had on his tongue.
           And you know, you know, you know. Its cause you’re beautiful. You say you’re numb inside, but I can’t agree. So the worlds unfair. Keep it locked out there. In Here it’s beautiful. Let’s make this beautiful!”
            Her lips were on his in an instant. Her hands slide across his chest and up to his neck. Losing themselves in his wild hair. It took him a moment to register what was finally happening. Once he knew, boy. Did he respond. His arms found their way around (Y/n) waist and brought her closer to him. It didn’t take long before the grinding became heated. Kisses became hastily sloppy. Hands were slipping into places never touched by anyone else.
           One by one, clothes were beginning to come off.
 Tonight, I’m yours. I’m your dead girl walking! Get on all fours! Kiss this dead girl walking. Let’s, go you know the drill. I’m hot and pissed and on the pill. Bow down to the will- Of a dead girl walking!
            Shinsou had (Y/n) pinned down to his bed. His pillowed framing her face perfect, though her hair was already becoming a mess. The face she was giving him still droves his desire. He wanted you immediately. It was only a matter of time before Shinsou had his thumb hooked on the pants and panties (Y/n) had chosen to wear. Sliding them off her smooth (S/c) legs. The new cool air rubbing against her sex produced a whimper from her throat. Shinsou chuckled lighty at the reaction.
           He then removed his own shirt. Moving to then remove hers. He plucked the buttons one by one. The bra she wore was gone in a second. Revealing her total naked body to him. A sculpture he could marvel in for hours if he was given the time.
           Full steam ahead. Take this dead girl walking! Lets break the bed. Rock this dead girl walking. No sleep tonight for you. Better chug that Mountain Dew! Get your ass in gear. Make this whole town disappear.
                      (Y/n) rose up from her place. Starling Shinsou slightly. He let out a small yelp when he found himself on his back again. His face turned red again when (Y/n) undid the buckle of his pants and ran them down impatiently. As if he would run away when the clock struck 12.
           Her mouth found his member way too quickly for Shinsou to take. A loud groan caught him off guard as her wet lips wrapped around him. Her tongue swirling in all the right spots. Another growl ripped through his teeth when the full length of him hit the back of her throat. Combined with rhythmic pumping of her mouth and hand was almost too much for him. Shinsou had to protest for a stop before he would be completely spent.
           Sitting up and looking into (Y/n). He couldn’t be filled with anymore lust before her burst. It only took another minute for (Y/n) to lay on her back. Shinsou nestling himself between her legs. Teasing her wet entrance.
           A single push at the hip was all it took for him to be completely inside her.
  The rest of the night Shinsou and (Y/n) spent their new-found time tangled in each other. Pleasure and it each touch filled with loving passion. They shared every moment they could. Hot breathes, moans and kisses coming from their lips.
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neotericbitch · 5 years
a sequel to DarqAnon
part the first
It’s quite abusive, there I said it, how you’re allowed to force a ritual onto a child, whether it be reciting an anthem or staring at the sun, before their brain has developed enough to comprehend the significance. In fact, doing so makes it more likely that as the child grows up, they will never truly find meaning in the action! How sad is that? I’d never force anything on my son.
Growing up, staring into the sun was something I never understood. For a long time I didn’t, I couldn’t conceive of the satisfaction or happiness my family derived from it. It meant something to them, so they tried to teach it to me, but it never meant anything to me. I understood that the sun was their god, but because I never truly believed, I couldn’t grasp how or why it would be important to them to stare up at it, burning their eyeballs out of their sockets. Their god was sending a clear message, do not look at me. Why would they do it anyway?
Oh, but - do keep in mind that that’s all in the past. I understand now. I understand perfectly.
Valkyrie Cain has the most brilliant black eyes. Truly, her every feature is marvellous, her sharp nose, her expressive mouth - but I always go back to the eyes. For Crandall, it’s her hands. They’ve shared many times over many meetings, to the point where I find it very annoying, that they want nothing more than to feel her hands on the sides of their head before she crushes it. I think it’s a nice little fantasy to have, just stop telling us about it. I have only ever shared what I wanted two, maybe three times. That’s an acceptable amount of times! Any more is overdoing it, Crandall! Crandall, I know you’re listening. I’ve been able to feel it even when a very good Sensitive is in my head, Crandall, and you are not a very good Sensitive.
Beside me they turn their head away. Why would they want to listen to my thoughts, anyway, when Valkyrie is here? I suppose I understand their hesitance. Darquesse, goodness - Darquesse wouldn’t stand for anyone hearing her thoughts, absolutely not! To attempt it on her would be a high offence. But Crandall, if you’re still listening, I’d say go ahead for the time being. Darquesse isn’t here. Not yet.
Looking at her, it all makes sense. I want to call up my mother and tell her I understand, I understand wanting - needing! - to look at something, even if it does not want you to. The sun may try to blind you. Valkyrie may glare and scream and curse. But you simply cannot look away.
I cannot call up my mother, of course. She has been dead for a hundred years, and I’m busy right now - and I don’t think there’s mobile phone reception here anyway.
For this week’s Thursday meeting, 6 to 7:30, we have made a temporary move from the community hall to the vault, generously donated for DA’s use by Nicki, who we had to murder. Dear girl, she didn’t want to let me hold the meeting here this week. I suggested it at the end of last week’s meeting and everyone was very excited. A hundred meters beneath the spot where Darquesse opened her portal to another dimension and disappeared - we’re so lucky to have this place! Of course everyone wants to come here whenever we have the opportunity! But Nicki said no. Nicki said to me, “Isserley, these meetings have been really great, you are a good organiser and I’m very happy to have met everyone, but I think what you’re planning is wrong. Please return the vault key to me.” So we had to kill her.
And here we are tonight, and I almost wish Nicki were here so I could say, to think you didn’t want this! The meeting is going very well, I think it’s our best one yet. 6:40 and we’re just about to finish setting up, we’re a neat little group of people. We won’t go over time at all! I’d like to say that I, being an incredibly organised person, have been a good influence on my fellow DA-goers.
Salma finishes painting the symbol on the ground. Her designs are ugly, but she has a steady hand and knows how best to use the petrol paste, a very special concoction. No one else could have done this job - though I must admit, I am a bit envious. Easy, Isserley! Remember, your job is the most important. Without you, this wouldn’t work. Without you, Valkyrie would not even be here.
Salma reaches for Valkyrie. She thrashes wildly - and I can’t say I blame her! I wouldn’t want Salma to touch me, either! Haha. But it really won’t do for her to behave this way, we really need her complete cooperation, so I motion to Respite at the wall and he turns the crank, tightening the chains attached to the bound cuffs at her every limb. She is pulled tight, and by the sounds of it it’s not a very comfortable experience, but now she is tense and mostly still - perfect for Salma to draw the symbol on her wrists and stomach.
She puts up a hell of a fight when Respite disconnects the chains from the wall and reconnects them to the floor, at each corner of where the symbol has been painted so she is now seated in the centre. I can’t help but smile! She reminds me of one of those beautiful shrine maidens. If only I’d thought of that earlier. I would have put this off one more week and gotten an outfit made. But the clothes she put on herself this morning are more than lovely. Darquesse will like them. Darquesse will like being back.
Valkyrie keeps straining and trying to get up, the poor dear! I wish I could go over there and pat her face, like I used to pat my son’s when he was resisting me - I wish I could tell her everything will be alright. But I know, even chained and without magic, she could certainly find a way to kill me if I were within reach. And I don’t want her to kill me until the ritual is complete, of course! Otherwise what would be the point?
“I don’t even know,” Valkyrie growls - what a good word for it! Indeed, she is doing her very best to sound deep, dark and scary. Soon it will come naturally. “I don’t even know what you think this will do. It’s not a full moon, or a blood moon, or any kind of moon. It’s not a magical day, it’s not a holiday, it’s not even a day that means anything to me.”
It’s my birthday, but don’t tell anyone that. It’s my special little secret, my gift to myself.
“This sigil is totally made-up. It’s not going to do anything.” She tries to raise her hand to her face to wipe off some sweat, but the chain is too short. “Let me go and I’ll make it quick - because when Skulduggery gets here, he certainly fucking won’t.”
I crouch down to be on her level, and I’m filled with such...reverence. I understand. I understand. This is what I was supposed to feel kneeling in the sweltering heat for hours on end. I’m glad I feel it here instead.
“You will kill us,” I say. “But we’re not going to uncuff you, you’ll do that yourself.”
“What are you talking about?” She is so exasperated and so irritated and so wonderful. “These cuffs are bound. It doesn’t matter how great you think I am, I’m not that strong.”
“You will be! You will be.” In the corner of my vision I see Salma fidgeting. Salma!!! You’re ruining this!! To make her stop, I gesture at her so she can speak and stop annoying everyone with her movements.
“The sigil you’re sitting on,” she fires off in her horrible, grating voice, “and the sigils that are on you are my own designs. Just because you haven’t seen them before doesn’t mean they won’t work. They’ll work.” Her lip trembles and she bows her head. “I’m sorry you don’t...believe in me.”
Valkyrie stares for a moment. “You’re completely nuts.” Nuts! Aah! That’s the word I use to describe her! How exciting!
“They’ll work, I swear. I promise. We only need to activate them, and...” Salma looks to me. Unfortunately, I have to stand up now and go back to looking down on Valkyrie. It’s okay, though. It’s okay. Soon she’ll be looking down on me.
For now, she doesn’t look at me at all. She looks down at where she’s put her arms on her knees, wrists facing out. Perhaps Supreme Mage Sorrows once gave her a lesson on what certain strokes can mean, perhaps she’s trying to work out how to counteract our symbol.
She’s fabulous and smart, yes, but she won’t be able to work it out. I am confident. I snap my fingers, summoning a bright, orange flame into my hand. She lifts her head, looks me directly in the eye, and I smile widely. Very widely. Not widely enough. I hope, before Darquesse kills me, she at least takes the time to appreciate what I’m doing for her. I hope she recognises how much I love her. No - I don’t hope. I know. She will. She must.
I take a step forward and crouch again, reaching my hand out to the edge of the symbol on the ground. My flame will catch onto the petrol paste and spread immediately. Valkyrie will be burned, but only a little bit! Just a little bit. Long enough for the fire to catch the symbols on her skin, and she will be protected - and Darquesse will be summoned back into her. She will be complete again.
Before my flame touches the paste, Valkyrie shoots her hand out and smudges the line, which gives me just about the fright of my life! Thank goodness I have such incredible reflexes, otherwise I wouldn’t have jerked my hand away in time. The paste would have caught on fire and surely burned her to death! She rubs her wrists together, wiping away the symbols written there, then kicks her legs out from under her so she’s in a more traditional butt-to-ground position, but that means she’s made the ground symbol worse and displaced dirt into my face.
It’s hard to love her when she has literally blinded me. That whole thing about the sun and everything, it was more of a metaphor. I still love her of course! I’m only taken aback. Anything I may say as I fall backwards isn’t really my fault, since she’s the one who kicked dirt in my eyes. It's more of my reflexes. I never would say anything of the sort to her under normal circumstances. Never.
“You bitch!”
What an inconvenience. I don’t get to see any of what happens next! I only hear the door flying open and gunshots, the sounds of my people yelling and trying to fight. Punches, kicks, bodies falling to the ground. When I hear Salma scream and feel her blood land on my face, I can’t help it! I can’t help it but think, serves you right for putting a cent in the collection tray every week!
“Skulduggery, the-”
“Valkyrie. Are you alright?” Is that him getting on his knees? Maybe he understands after all. “Are you hurt?”
“My skin’s burning, let me loose so I can get this shit off me. The crank on the wall, I think that controls the cuffs.”
I roll onto my side and wipe the dirt from my eyes. I hear Pleasant at the wall, turning the crank back and hitting the release. It’s terribly uncomfortable, but I can open my eyes and see well enough - and what I see is Crandall dead next to me! It’s such a shock, my heart skips at least three beats. That rotten Pleasant. What a barbarian. I lift my head as carefully as I can, so I won’t be noticed. Valkyrie has lifted her shirt to get the symbol off her stomach and cannot see me.
This is so unfair. I put so much work into this plan. It was so hard to trap her! I was going to bring Darquesse back. Me. Not Crandall, not Salma. Not Nicki. Her black eyes would have bored into my skull and killed me and I would have been good and happy. Huh! Maybe I'm not too different to those Faceless worshippers who go blowing themselves up in public places.
“Isserley. I thought that was you.” Pleasant. Pleasant is talking to me. “How have you been?”
Valkyrie snaps her head up at him. “You know her?”
“We’ve seen her in the High Sanctuary.”
“Jesus. Is there anyone you don’t remember.”
“No.” He reaches out and wipes the rest of the symbol off her stomach in one motion. I have dirt in my eyes but I see how her tummy kind of curls in a bit as she drops her shirt down.
That should be me. That should be me. I love her more than anyone. I burst into tears.
“She tried to set me on fire.”
“I think a list of people who haven’t tried to set you on fire would be shorter than a list of those who have.” I hear the clink of handcuffs. “Come on, now, Isserley.”
I let my head drop back onto the ground and stare up at the ceiling. I do not take one more look at Valkyrie. I’m not worthy. I’m not worthy. I failed. “Why don’t you just kill me.” I’m not even aware of myself saying it, to be honest! Just one of those things that...slips out...
“She makes a good point, Skulduggery.”
“Can’t be done. We should leave at least one cultist alive to arrest, so why not take the woman in charge?”
“How do you know she’s the one in charge?”
His terrible skull fills my vision as he looks down at me. You know, hearing him talk this much at one time has jogged my memory. And he does happen to wear very beautiful suits. My mouth falls open. “You’re-”
Valkyrie was startled for a moment by the sudden gunshot. Shoulders tensed, she looked over to Skulduggery standing over the woman, gun still pointed into a face that didn’t really exist anymore.
“What made you change your mind?” she asked as he put the revolver away. Skulduggery came over to her and brushed some hair out of her face, went back to fussing over the injuries she sustained on her way here.
“Too talkative,” he said, and she laughed and teased him about being a hypocrite.
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