#and if you don't have that beauty then what is your intrinsic worth? that is the poison.
uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Actually it's pretty fucked up that other people's only concerns about skin conditions like acne is "be glad you don't ACTUALLY look like that" or "it's so hard to look at [you]"
This applies doubly so for people who have disabilities, such as mobility aids or prosthetics. Beauty culture is a fucking poison.
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fizzingwizard · 1 year
Randomly visited reddit and saw this:
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My first thought: it's an incel pretending to be a woman, because what modern woman thinks she's spoiled milk a 30??? (Aside from also trashing her girl friends - girl, get better friends!) But their profile doesn't seem weird in any way, so, I guess there are some people out there who really somehow believe youth ends at 29. Even some who have aged past it.
It's not even true that all 30 year olds are less beautiful than they were at 20. People age in different ways at at different rates: yeah, your likelihood of getting wrinkles and gray hairs is only ever going to go up. But some people don't have their style figured out in their twenties - some people turn thirty and freaking bloom. And you can't call that a late bloomer. 40 isn't a late bloomer either! 20 is nice but it's not the heaven on earth it's cracked up to be, and 30 is just getting started.
Idk about the rest of you but you know those posts about how embarrassing it is to look back on 14? Yeah, related to those when I was 20. Now I've passed the big 3-0, and guess what - I think 20 year old me was so silly lol. So insecure, so afraid to make mistakes, so resistant to change. I enjoyed my twenties, but my early thirties have so far been way better: I'm more confident, less self-involved, and I find happiness so much more easily than I did back when I thought everything I did had to matter So Damn Much. And if you think that doesn't relate to being attractive: confidence is 90% of it. Just walk up and smile. A confident, happy person always attracts others even if they're just average-looking.
Also for people who like men, don't forget: men in their 30s usually aren't quite the energizer bunnies they were in their 20s when it comes to ~sexy times~ The 20-year-old stud who insisted he could go for a roll multiple times a day, every day, is probably much less gung ho at 30. And also more forward-thinking, and less amaaaaazed by omg boobies!!! When you're young, half the excitement is just how new everything is. It gets less intense, thank goodness. (But it's still hot!)
This post just totally rubbed me the wrong way. It read as a still young woman anxiously wringing her hands in apology for having the audacity to be single at... 30?? And apparently not trusting women to have good advice about dating at 30 (so no point in me responding to her, lol), but perfectly comfortable kissing up to incel mindsets such as "women past 25 should accept that they're sloppy seconds" etc. "Value as a partner" do you have intrinsic worth as a human being?? Yes??? Then your value does NOT degrade. Yeah, you might have gray hair, the horror, so unsexy (I've had very visible grays since I was 23 and been dyeing since 26 lmao). Doesn't mean you're less hot than some 20 year old who doesn't know what she's doing. Doesn't mean it'll be at all hard to find a partner who will love you warts and all. Do you have this same expectation of men? Are you gonna start dating a 30 year old dude and then complain that he gets tired more quickly than a 20 year old would?? Is he less sexy just because he doesn't party all night and drink twice his weight without effect? Overrated overrated overrated!
My parents divorced in their 60s. My mom's got a new boyfriend who takes her dancing under the full moon. They're living their best lives way past their so-called "prime" and no, that is not rare - it's just a choice. If you view yourself as having some expiration date, you're not gonna do anything to improve your happiness once you're past it. Don't let incels or misogyny or whatever convince you your perfectly wholesome milk has gone bad, because that is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
ETA: Well, while I was working this got 150 notes, and although that's barely a drop in the bucket, it's still a lot more than my rants usually get (about 2 lol). So I just want to clarify a couple things so I stop getting comments about them.
This post was from the askmen subreddit. I left that out, feeling "reddit" was context enough, but I guess the implications may not have been obvious, especially to tumblr users who don't also use reddit. Askmen isn't a horrible place (a number of the responders pointed out why they prefer older women to younger ones), but many of its members have a pretty incel-adjacent vibe. Plus there are a number of women (real or not) who post there, many of whom have a similar brown-nosey "unlike those radical feminists, I'm a woman who knows her place" attitude.
It's fine to suggest the OP may have internalized misogyny from being abused - but it's not a given, as nothing in the post is a definite indication of abuse by itself. Big kudos for the compassion - just keep in mind that my response was about general attitudes towards dating post-twenties and not about abuse victims.
To the person who thinks a relationship of six years makes a difference somehow?: You seem to have interpreted my post as an attack on people who feel insecure about returning to dating after a breakup. But I think it's clearly nothing to do with that. Of course it is natural to have anxieties about being single after so long, but nowhere in this post was that denied or mocked. Whether you've been together one year or six, this post would always be weird - those natural anxieties don't make misogynistic mindsets about decrepit 30-year-old women any less gross. If you had decided to write a reaction to the OP's post, perhaps you would have chosen to center it on the effects of coming off a long term relationship, and I'm sure it'd be insightful. However, I am not you, and I chose to react to the attitudes around aging in relationships reflected in the post.
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brineffxiv · 1 year
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Note to self: put something here when your head stops spinning
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Ah, now that makes sense. I had wondered how you planned to ensure that the restored populace had your old culture, but it seems that you're simply going to replace the populace entirely. Humor me for a second though; once all the worlds are rejoined, won't the people of the Source essentially be your people again? Lacking the memories, albeit, but if I understand correctly, we have the same souls as the ancients of your time.
Listen, Emet-Selch, I have seen your city; I have met your people. I have met your people as you remember them. Do you truly believe that they would want to be brought back that way?
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What does one say in the face of the judgement of the eternal? I do not doubt that Emet-Selch lived, experienced, and evaluated as he claims. And I do not doubt that we fell short of his expectations.
The problem is that Emet-Selch is not an impartial judge, despite what he claims. He's overwhelmingly biased and clearly still grieving everything and everyone he's lost, and has carried that with him for millennia.
I imagine he tried, genuinely, to find worth in us, but was so caught up in his grief that he was unable to see it.
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You're not wrong. Most wouldn't. And the few that would would be the best of us, the least worthy of death.
The thing is, Emet-Selch is not wrong about any of this. People can be flawed, horrible, and brutal. All these things are true. But whether from trauma, or grief, or whatever reason, he's dismissed all the good in us, and conveniently overlooks any of the negatives of the ancients.
I do not believe that the ancients were as perfect as Emet-Selch describes them, remembers them: he himself proves that. And he's not an anomaly. All of the Ascians became monsters: Emet is arguably the kindest one we've met, and he's personally responsible for more atrocities than I can reasonably list. If the unsundered Ascians became what they are, then that potential lay in all of the ancients, just as it does in the modern peoples. They were not intrinsically perfect.
But all that is irrelevant, because this isn't about logic. As Emet-Selch puts it, yes, we "refuse to see reason." It doesn't matter whether the world used to be perfect or not, we are here now, regardless of how broken we are in his eyes.
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We're fighting for the same thing in the end, for ourselves and those we love to live.
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Uh-oh, I think we've made him mad.
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I just want to appreciate how cool that looked. When the doors swung open unto a wall of flames.
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No wave as he's walking away. No more performance. Nothing to be performative about. This is serious, deadly serious. And Emet-Selch is very tired.
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Oh goodness this dungeon was horrifying. And awesome. The fire, the monsters, the falling buildings! It hurt my heart after seeing Emet-Selch's memory of Amaurot, talking to it's people. To know that this is what befell them.
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Stop moving the goalposts, Emet! Great line though. Got to remember to use this cap as a reaction every time I'm mildly displeased by something.
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Alisaie is so goddamn badass. All my friends are badass, but Alisaie jumping up and throwing herself into battle against the strongest opponent any of us have ever faced is just... beautiful.
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And then Ardbert became part of me and stopped me from becoming a lightwarden. Which begs the question, how the hell did Hydaelyn know he was going to be needed to do that... can she see the future?
But that's a question for another post...
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It's me! The ancient me!
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I don't know how the Exarch got here, but boy am I glad he did. Now I've got all the backup I need to take on Emet-Selch properly.
Speaking of...
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Now that is a hell of a thematic name. Hades, lord of the underworld. FF is pretty loose with its naming conventions, but I can't imagine they chose that one for Emet-Selch without at least a few good reasons. I will enjoy considering the implications.
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Ah, I should have guessed he'd have a super-powered form.
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And isn't that a somber title for a Trial. Is this the dying gasp of a man who's all but dead already? Or does it belong to the hope that the Ascians had for their plans for rejoining? Perhaps both...
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I think that's the first time we've seen his mask. At least, I'm assuming that's his mask.
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That was a very excellent fight. And sad. And disconcerting. When Emet-Selch stabbed himself in the chest to kill off his body and take his second form... wow. Metal as fuck.
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Yeah, that's what I thought. The phantom Amaurot, the shades of people, even this fight... you're drowning in your own emotions and grief.
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My friends are here to help me!
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To my eternal regret I was unable to capture a good photo of Ardbert's axe, and this cutscene is too emotionally fraught for me to re-watch just yet.
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*sobbing uncontrollably*
He did everything for his people. Gave all of himself for their cause. And in death he thinks only of them, and their remembrance. He was their hero; their final hope, and this is the bitterest victory.
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Goodbye Hades, I will miss you.
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G'raha, I wish the game would let me give you a hug.
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And everyone is gathered to welcome us home.
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zylphiacrowley · 2 months
5 10 Songs I'm Into rn
I was tagged by both @hythlodaes and @midnightmagicks so... I'm gonna list 10 songs instead because I have so many I always want to list for these. Not tagging anyone else because my memory is bad and I don't remember who all has done it anymore, but if you haven't and you want to do it, tag me in it and tell 'em I sent you! Under a cut to save your scroll wheel.
Orion by IVEEN
I had to go back and make sure I didn't list this one the last time I was tagged in this. Good news I didn't! So now I get to link it! Beautiful harp music and IVEEN has ethereal mermaid fairy vibes.
2. Glass Piano by Kathleen
Just a vibe tbh. Also like the stuttered lyrics.
3. I Don't Wanna Talk (I Just Wanna Dance) by Glass Animals
Sometimes it be that way, don't it? Anything by Glass Animals is good tho (as long as it isn't Heatwaves... Heatwaves is a fine song I guess but it's been overplayed on the radio so that kind of ruined it for me).
4. Dh’èirich mi moch, b' fheàrr nach do dh’èirich by Julie Fowlis
I do not speak the language, but I feel like you don't have to. It's a very pretty almost bittersweet sounding song. Like reminiscing on a once happy memory that was somehow made sad but still brings you peace.
5. Technicolor Beat by O Wonder
I guess it's appropriate that a song called "Technicolor Beat" would have a really nice beat and vibe to it.
6. Heart Worth Breaking by The Midnight
Did I maybe use a line from this song for one of my Wolship things? Perhaps... I've been obsessed with The Midnight since the first time I heard them. Very much "driving through the city in the 80s, the rain hitting your windows and the neon lights illuminating the night" vibes. Also highly recommend both Shadows and Vampires (for the sexy sax solos).
7. We Keep On Running by What So Not & TOTO
I... I'm pretty sure this is What So Not and The TOTO... like Africa TOTO. I've been obsessed with it lately tho.
8. Home by Katie Turner
I found this while looking for sweet sappy love songs that evoke a sense of yearning lol. It didn't exactly work for what I was looking for at the time but it def delivers on all fronts (and I am putting a pin in it as a "maybe" for later).
9. By and Down the River by A Perfect Circle
I've been vibing with my old high school era tastes in music again lately so that includes plenty of A Perfect Circle.
10. Soil by Cosmo Sheldrake
This one is a super new release! I'm always down for some Cosmo Sheldrake. The whole album project that this song comes from is pretty good from what I've listened to so far. Also Cosmo Sheldrake is now intrinsically linked to Erenville in my brain because nature and wildlife and the fact that I had his music on repeat for hours when I was drawing him one day so there's that. :)
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photos-the-wereplant · 10 months
The best (and worst) thing about being schizoid (neurodivergent) is how little I innately understand about "normal life."
Neurotypical people have a lot of things that are important to them that even they don't realize how important those things are. They treat those things like they're common and could take them or leave them.
I, as a neurodivergent schizoid, have always tried to understand what makes me different. I gather information and ask questions, but the puzzle is incomplete. There's huge parts of it that make no sense. What I eventually realized is that the most core aspects of "being human" are things that people cannot actually describe.
So I learned to ask questions about other things. Dumb questions. Is a hotdog a sandwich? Stay with me a moment before answering that.
I've almost had fights break out over that question. The thing is, it's tapping into a part of their human experience that sees that question as a threat to their very being. It throws up walls that will not be crossed. Almost like zealotry.
What I'm doing is feeling around in the dark. You feel for the walls so you can get through the maze.
There's one question that perpetually amazes me though, and it's a very simple kind of monkey's paw thing: if you accept, you'll never have to eat ever again, but you also cannot eat ever again. Most people I've asked irl said no instantly.
So I changed the question. I added a lot of bonuses. Perfect health. Perfect weight. I even included oral medication for being sick as something your body automatically does. Hell, I included mental health as well, the perfect dosages of whatever you needed. The only negative is that you can't eat.
People still said no. It took years for me to add all those bonuses, but after a point I realized that there's literally no bonus I could add that would convince some people to say yes.
I came to the realization that I literally cannot comprehend how valuable being able to eat food is to a lot of people.
Eating food (to me) is essentially without value. What I realized is that I can get a taste of that normalcy by cooking food for others. I can see how it feeds the very core of their being, the thing that makes them human. They don't realize how precious and intrinsic it is to them, but I do.
That's what makes me being what I am worth it. I get to see the most beautiful things that people will never understand.
It always seems like a bit of a cop out, to say things like "everyone's beautiful."
Truly though, you are beautiful. You are a strange, ephemeral creature with such silly little facets. I wish I could really share what I see.
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cntrl15 · 10 months
On AI, and the new genre of “AI BAD”
A year ago the AI BAD posts said: "they’re so silly, it’ll never be anything like what a real human can do."
6 months ago the AI BAD posts said: "it's still easy to tell what's fake, just look at the fingers."
Today the AI BAD posts say: "tech bros don't value effort or originality, they only care about the end product and not the process."
NEWSFLASH: One day a computer will make something both beautiful and original.
That day might be tomorrow. And one day some time later (not very much later at all), a computer will dream and strive and yearn and suffer for its art too.
We all (and I say this as a writer, as a writer that feels a deep discomfort with the idea of AI being trained on my work) owe it to ourselves to face this development more honestly. My creative labor (and yours too) is no more or less worth preserving than the human experiences of the coal miners obsoleted by the combustion engine, the cotton pickers obsoleted by the combine. Look very carefully at history before you declare that the labor *you* do is more intrinsically valuable than the blue-collar labor which has been subjected to this same type of upheaval so many times before.
There are real problems with AI, and they are legion, so please don't waste any of your time on misdirected shouting. Rights have been violated in specific, concrete ways, and those violations can be punished. The feudal capital system funnels the benefit of this new technology to the wrong people, and that can be changed. Access and attribution need to be regulated, and there are specific individuals failing to do those jobs.
If your complaint is limited to "I don't like this new thing I'm not familiar with because it threatens my personal way of life," you might just be more conservative than you think. If you have been waiting for a revolution, this is it. It's happening right now. Are you going to get involved and make sure it heads the right direction, or are you going to just wait around and hope that the next one comes from a more comfortable direction? I can promise you it won't.
This genie isn't going back inside the bottle. Maybe we should think about making the right wishes.
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neuxue · 1 year
A few days ago I finished my buddy read of the Riddle-master Trilogy, and I’m left unsure what to say. I finally got around to reading it, after your numerous recommendations in your wot liveblog and I guess I want to thank you(?). It felt like discovering a new favourite and I have the deepest gratitude towards your for making me know her words. Do you have any recommendations which book to follow up with?
Anon, you have made my day. Maybe my week. Possibly my month. I love being rewarded for pushing this trilogy on everyone at every opportunity because I think the people I know who have read it remain in the single digits and yet lines from it have haunted my waking hours since I read it well over a decade ago, so. I am delighted that you not only read it but loved it - you're very welcome for the rec, and also please talk to me about Riddlemaster any time.
As far as recommendations! My next favourite of McKillip's works is Alphabet of Thorn, which is a beautiful story about a girl, a library, an ancient powerful sorceror/king loyalty situation, and the concept of translation given vague sentience and less vague power. If you enjoyed her writing in Riddlemaster, give this one a try! I also have a particular soft spot for The Book of Atrix Wolfe for the way it plays with identity, agency, desperation and its consequences, and the particular grief of living with yourself. Or you could try any of her other works; you'll find she revisits certain themes that are found in Riddlemaster, and her prose is always lovely.
Outside of McKillip... I sort of struggle to recommend something as an 'if you liked Riddlemaster, try this next' because while I can think of stories that are similar to specific aspects of it, I don't think I've ever come across something that hits in precisely the same way.
Two that you've probably seen me talk about recently: if you liked music-as-power, watching a character become immensely powerful at the cost of something that was once an intrinsic part of their identity, and a love story that focuses on seeing and being seen for who you are, you could try 《魔道祖师》 / Mo Dao Zu Shi, usually referred to MDZS or The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation in its English translation (or its TV series adaptation 《陈情令》 / The Untamed). It's not the same vibe, but there are elements. Or, by the same author, 《天官赐福》 / TGCF / Heaven Official's Blessing, which has arguably fewer parallels but a slightly more similar vibe. Maybe. Still quite different but... hey, I liked both, and I feel like dissimilar as they are they sometimes hit some of the same things I want out of a reading experience.
Or, if part of what really did it for you with Riddlemaster was the exquisite agony of it all, and the infinitely fine line between love and betrayal, and the feeling of being held gently even as you were being stabbed in the heart, and you just want more of that no matter the genre or story it's in, you could take my hand and trust me and give something like Machineries of Empire, The Traitor Baru Cormorant (bonus points for lovely prose), possibly one of Robin Hobb's books, or maaaaybe even Doctrine of Labyrinths a try. Fair warning, all of those do feel darker (and Machineries of Empire in particular is weirder, though does have a fairly close Erlenstar parallel if you look for it), but for me they do hit some of those same deep-seated buttons in the id. Also for what it's worth, I know that Yoon Ha Lee (author of Machineries of Empire) has read and claimed to enjoy Riddlemaster; I think Seth Dickinson (author of The Traitor Baru Cormorant) might have as well, but I could be misremembering.
And if anyone else reading this has 'if you liked Riddlemaster, try ___' recs, please toss them anon's (and my!) way.
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hizerain · 1 year
video essay recs?
PatricianTV: Skyrim Analysis | A quick retrospective part 1, part 2
So, this is a small 20 hours, I like my videos long. I enjoy how comprehensive this essay is, but above all I enjoy the conclusion as they articulate the exact feeling I have had about skyrim since I first bought it but was never able to explain to myself or others.
hbomberguy: Pathologic is genius, and here's why
Pathologic is an unknown but interesting pain simulator, I wouldn't have known about it without this video. I have absolutely no intention of ever playing it or its sequel, don't like playing these games as much, but the idea of perspective is very important to the game and its experience and it regularly makes me reevaluate my own perspective.
ContraPoints: Cringe
In terms of aesthetics and story, I prefer opulence but I feel as though cringe has a more generally relevant story to tell, especially the concept of ingroup cringe. With the internet cringe and irony are concepts constantly at the front of our attention, it's worth the time to dissect it and try to understand it in a general way, but also in a way specific to the internet age
Folding Ideas: Line goes up - the problem with NFTs
Perfect engaging explanation of both the housing crisis of 2008, the hype about crypto, the dangers of NFT and the fact that NFTs started to nosedive after this video is bloody amazing.
Joseph Anderson: Fallout 4 - One year later
Dissection of Fallout 4 specifically, but more generally the shift Bethesda has made in the way they produce their RPGs and what the widening audience has done for the core gameplay loop and the effects it has on the game.
Leadhead: The beauty of dishonored, the forgotten chapter of dishonored, the darkest corner of dishonored
Dishonored is arguably one of my favourite game franchises, currently 100% DH2 and DOTO, and whilst I enjoy the second game more mechanically, the original has some of the most engaging world building and beautiful textures I have ever seen in gaming. The story might not make you change your life, but the immersive sim nature and subtle worldbuilding is something I remain amazed by.
Lindsay Ellis: Tracing the roots of pop culture transphobia
Interesting history that I was completely unaware of. With an increase in transphobia I feel as though it's increasingly important to understand it. There are undoubtedly those who cannot be changed, intrinsically transphobic you might say, but I think a lot of people have been influenced by this history and can be made to consider a different perspective if you can gently expose the truth to them.
Philosophy Tube: Queer
I think this may be the one video that actually propelled me into my acceptance of being queer. It is not necessarily something I ever actively denied, but it also felt like something that wasn't mine and could never be. Every once in a while I still return to this, to think about the different perspectives and the way I view both myself and my life.
Lots of games, I apologize if that isn't exactly your thing.
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jennakittykats-blog · 2 months
I parent differently from the norm, and I have been judged repeatedly because of it.
I parent differently from the norm, and I have been judged repeatedly because of it. My Parenting style has been talked about since I became a parent, it is very interesting that my girls are amazing, while the majority of my shit talkers messed their kids up! I feel for their children.
Needless to say, I parent my children in a way that many people don't understand. Throughout my life, I've often been labeled a bad mother. Let me set the record straight: I am an exceptional mother. I am blessed with amazing children whom I choose to parent differently from the norm. I haven't broken my children, (like how horses are broken) as is often the conventional approach, simply because it's easier. I'm referring to fear-based parenting—where commands are issued without explanation, where a child's beliefs are overshadowed by our own, where discussions are absent because a child's understanding is dismissed. If you didn't raise your children in this manner, then my words shouldn't sting. However, I believe many of you are familiar with individuals who subscribe to such parenting practices.
Girls are often conditioned to conform to societal expectations, while boys are pressured to adhere to a predetermined notion of masculinity. Neither are encouraged to embrace their true selves. I've raised my children to think independently and to comprehend that every action carries consequences. For instance, I've explained that while they technically could take that cookie, there are repercussions—such as a timeout or being deprived of further treats. They understand that their decisions have outcomes, rather than facing admonishment or physical punishment. Though I have resorted to spanking in extreme cases, it's never been my default approach. Instead, I've transformed every situation into a learning opportunity, engaging them in conversations as equals. I've validated their emotions and viewpoints, even when they weren't ideal, and provided alternative perspectives. I've fostered an environment of open communication and honesty, discouraging self-deprecation and uplifting them through praise.
As a result, I've raised daughters who possess a strong sense of self-worth, unafraid to voice their opinions. They won't succumb to the first boy who compliments them because they already know their intrinsic beauty. My daughters are resilient because I refused to break their spirits; they're assertive because I've continually nurtured their personal development, recognizing that self-growth is an ongoing journey. While I may still worry about them when it comes to dating—because what mother wouldn't—I take solace in knowing they're equipped to navigate relationships with strength and conviction. I can't help but feel sorry for any young man who underestimates their resolve.
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the-firebird69 · 5 months
John Frankenheimer's 1965 Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud III - Jay Leno's Garage
So the ornaments are silver and this one is solid silver you say it's not cuz he's clever doesn't want it ripped off and this one is a special okay this is probably for someone of the rank of Todd langel with his people it's a region and it is an extremely valuable car and Jay Leno has it and he is that range a little bit above it and he does have the right car and he knows which one he knows who the lady is said these races begin and your elegant and beautiful and I want you in the race and Hera challenges you okay I might be saying that and she got on the line and said I'm in there and I'm going to race after a while so they said no way and it's going on already but it's not started 100%. He wants to bring these cars back and it kind of a clever way he wants to go to Mexico and they don't do it here and revive them and bring them across the border into the West Coast and some he wants to get over here to a certain people this is the right level for the people he's talking about at this time and they'll know what he's saying but it's still a very powerful status symbol to get a renovated one and we are getting requests and it will cost money and we're in business now. And we can find some probably maybe a few thousand and it says he had someone to look at that and they have a bunch and they want to make it cars really replicas at a metal and really he said we you can't make the panel at a metal on my hand but you said we can cast the panels I don't know if you can stamp that kind of metal and we have metal that you can stamp and it's fairly decent and they said we can make replicas and some of the seats are better everything else looks perfect it's up to be upgraded and up to date and he wants to be v12 in it and they said we're going to go ahead and do this. But that's the process for him to do for a few reasons and I like it and we can gather up others and they got me involved and I know which one and it's the ghost and it's called that and you guys are gathering The phantom and we're going to actually sell them and not drive them around but we know what we're doing we can't drive all of them we're just going to drive a few and it is a status symbol and we have to be lowered down so he says I'm going to have a new newer one and yeah that's stupid but okay the newer ones are a status symbol but these are massive sassables to have an old one they're with millions and millions if not more that's all I go for 80 million dollars and I thought it was nuts it'll secretly but it went for two billion. Now that's a lot of money okay nobody spends that in the weekend and here we go people want these and they want the replicas and he said to make the old ones just like they are and I know why it's a good idea now the chassis will be a little different not a ton the body will be pretty much the same the engine is completely different and it will be trimmed down and with a DOT package and the suspension and the tires and rims will look old but their performance and this car is going to move I mean three 400 miles an hour and it's more it's going to be intrinsically armored what you can put armor on it and people do it they put it inside and they do spend the time and it's going to be worth it we'll solve the remodeled ones and those are worth a lot of money for millions and millions of dollars okay up to billions the replicas will be probably 20 million to start and we're going to do this model for the most part to start and we have a lot of them and we're going to put it out there and we want to meet with Mike too and he's the guy to talk to it's a business and he's not in business because BJ closed it off and it's not going just to them and a sunset that we can't take the empire on directly and a bunch of people are like that and mac daddy and Ben don't want the empire to win but they don't think that you taking them on is that great it's not a good stasis but now you're getting rid of each other and they don't want that so you've got kind of the idea
Thor Freya
So you guys are trying not to do anything and he's using us as some sort of intermediary and kind of getting rid of ourselves
These are expensive things to talk about but I want those cars and I'm going to try and find them on my own and we hear they've been disappearing a lot of them probably 75% to 90%, so we know where they are and he's just going to sell them so we'll probably just buy them and it's going to be a lot of these guys different ones and the old ones it's going to be a good time I look forward to this and the replicas too we're not really building them either Michael too says and Bentley has an interest too and she was called and said what's the idea and he said oh that's great and she said that too and it's going on really soon and that was Duke nukem Blockbuster and they they commented this is a great idea it's one of his best and it's going to happen and it will get the automobile industry going
Thor Freya
Wow this is getting some notice there's a lot of people who don't want it but a ton who do and there's a whole bunch of people who want to buy them and say that they're higher ups we know the process so we're going to go ahead and watch
I want to be involved so I'm going to have a meeting we're in meetings about some of these companies so I hope they expect to have that happen
Mike tew
We're going to bring a package and talk to you about it it's for the good of a lot of people we have other products too and we have stores that you guys have we have them in mind and it's perfect
Thor Freya
There are cars now that are selling and they make them by scratch no but they're aftermarket types cars and we do know which ones they're not really normal but they're not that abnormal they're smaller and they usually are convertibles or have an open top and they're selling a lot of them it's only several trillion in the area but we are going to point out what they are
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swordcoasted · 7 months
she balls her hands into fists, here, angry. tired. how this journey has toiled at them both, broken them until they were nothing but echoes of the people they were when she pulled him out of that portal. look, look and see how it sits on once maidenlike features-- the circles around hazy pink eyes have grown dark and tired, deep and puffy (as if in a constant state of tears; suffering is holy, in a way). her cheeks are gaunt, the weight she's lost on this journey indicative of a lack of love, a lack of joy. he has tried to combat that, with his cooking, but the excess use of her magics has beaten him ten to one.
she looks at him, and she's not sure when she started crying so very long ago, but here she was - here she had been. sometimes, gale dekarios looks at her like she has not changed, like she is still the woman she was before mystra broke her. before mystra punished her for taking her champion away. the pink rose was once kept in a glass case, beautiful and pretty, for anyone who wanted to look at her, and now she is trapped behind a wall of thorns, twisting and deadly and violent. DON'T TOUCH ME, they say, as if protecting what is left of her maidenhood, as if fighting now to discern what was and what was not acceptable.
@inkyembers says , ❛  don't give up on me now.  ❜
and she breaks. 
he looks at her as though she is the maiden she once was, because he liked her then, and he loves her now. she falls forward, into his arms, and he catches her without complaint. he always will catch her, even when she is far too heavy for him to hold up. her arms wrap around him, blunt nails digging into the white of his shirt, into the depth of the orb. if she digs a little deeper, she can rip that wretched thing out of him and save him, save them, save herself. her worth is intrinsically tied to him, and his view of her, and she knows that is a horrible thing to do to him, and she is trying to fix it. she is trying to be a good girl.
" i'm so tired, " she says, and of course she is - she has been appointed to be the leader of this group of weirdos without her permission, without her consent, and she is not a leader. she is a healer, a damn good one, one whose study can concoct potions and poisons and elixirs and tinctures and grenades and everything in-between. with her own weave weakened, the spells that come from her hands are weaker, and she has needed protection outside of her combinations, her brow furrowed, her face screwed up into frustration as karlach and lae'zel close ranks around her. " i'm so bloody tired, gale. "
his hand is warm on her back, his cheek gentle against the top of her head. she can't give up. no, cerys aldurain is not a quitter -- she has never stopped at anything before, and she cannot stop now, not while the threat of the elder brain looms over the horizon. she will destroy that damned thing, with alchemist's fire and poison and keeping the others alive. and when the time comes, she will do what it takes to rip it out of the sky and plummet it into the ground, just as she did the illithid ship. the mindflayers will pay for what they have done to her. what they have turned her into.
the silence is deafening, so she fills it. like a chest cavity with no heart. " when all of this is over, " she sniffles, " i want to go to waterdeep. and i want to hide in your tower like you showed me the first night we laid together. and i want, so desperately, for a big, long, nap. with you, a-and with tara. "
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paphosboat · 1 year
Cyprus Boat Trips For Another View Of Cyprus
Why are Cyprus boat trips so popular? An intrinsic part of the Cyprus life style is the sea and Cyprus is fortunate to be surrounded by the beautiful Mediterranean ocean. The waters are warm and stay that way right through from the end of May until the end of October whilst never dropping much below 16c even in the short Cyprus winter. Most Cyprus families possess a boat of some kind or at least has a relative who owns one and during the summer months they will make the maximum use of them. The small marinas and harbors that have sprung up all over the Island are an indication of the increasing popularity of this fun filled pastime involving Cyprus boat trips.
It is no surprise therefore that the there is a huge selection of Cyprus boat trips on offer to holiday makers which will sail out of all the major resorts. There is no doubt that a boat is a great way to see parts of Cyprus that would otherwise be inaccessible by land including some of the Islands prettiest bays and beaches. A relaxing Cyprus boat trip is also a great way to chill out and take in the beautiful coastal scenery or maybe you would enjoy snorkeling in the crystal clear Mediterranean waters. If you want to see the fish firsthand take some crumbled bread in a waterproof (plastic) bag and release it under the water. You will soon be swimming in a cloud of some of the most beautiful fish.
If you are feeling a little more adventurous you could hire a power boat by the hour with your friends or family. They are easy to sail and will take up to eight people which spreads the cost making the trip pretty cost effective too. Then you get to go where you like (within reason) when it suits you. Your own Cyprus boat trip with you as the captain! There is a great choice of craft available for hire and the prices do vary so it's worth shopping around first for the best deal. You might even want to make a day of it and pack a cool box picnic then stop off in a secluded bay for some private sun bathing or snorkeling without the hassle of the resort beaches.
For most folks the slow relaxing cruise is their preferred kind of Cyprus boat trip maybe even including a meal and some long cool drinks on board. If that sounds like you then you are in for a real treat because there are some fabulous cruises that sail out of the bigger resorts. You can choose from a moonlight dinner cruise or even a floating disco if that's what "floats your boat" (forgive the pun). You can even go the whole hog should you so desire with a mini cruise to Egypt or the Holy land sailing out of Limassol for 2 or 4 days of luxury travel. These modern ships have everything you will need including several restaurants and a casino! Once in port a fleet of luxury air conditioned coaches will transport you to all the places of interest including a little shopping and then return you in the evening for dinner on board. That's what you call a real Cyprus boat trip.
O.K. so you don't want to chug around on a cruise ship or or dine with the oldies, you want action! Well if it's action you want there is plenty of that to had on a Cyprus boat trip too. The latest craze for you adrenaline junkies out there is the new breed of "rib" type boats. These sea going monsters have so much horse power hanging over the back of them it's a wonder they don't fly over the waves. In fact if you want a bumpy fun filled ride combined with a stop off for some swimming or snorkeling this is your baby. With a name like "Raptor" these brightly colored sea dragsters look like they're doing 100 MPH even when standing still. If you love boats and power, at around cyp25.00 a seat for a 3-4 hour trip this is the ultimate of Cyprus boat trips paphos boat trips.
Then again maybe your idea of sailing is just that, sailing. You know, boats with those big white sheets tied onto those sticky up things called masts. The wind does the work (along with the crew) whilst you relax and experience the thrill of a real yacht under sail. There are several modern catamarans and even a traditional schooner offering organized trips for those who prefer sailing to power boating. They offer dinner on board and cater for parties or weddings too if you should want to make your big day extra special. Whatever you decide you can be sure that your Cyprus holiday will be all the more memorable if you do something out of the ordinary and what could be more memorable than Cyprus boat trips.
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saturninefilms · 1 year
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A PHOTO A DAY FOR A YEAR March, 12th, 2023 Day 71/365
I have always had a love / hate relationship with existence.
On one end, I can see the forest for the trees and I am able to admire the beauty of just the sheer absurdity of it all. The fact that I get to exist is an anomaly that, even scientifically or mathematically speaking, makes little to no sense on paper or in practice. Every breath that I am blessed to experience is a proverbial middle finger to probability in, essentially, every aspect. I am the product of a seemingly endless series of circumstances that would have never happened unless they happened exactly as they did. You take away even a single instance of oversleeping or missing an appointment and I am not here to speak of it. I don't get to exist. And that's the case for all of us, too, which is equally absurd and unlikely. There is, in fact, nothing more unlikely than any of us existing and, yet, here I am typing and there you are reading this.
I don't think any of us are capable of understanding just how special and insane that is.
The other end of that feeling is not being appreciative of the fact and, at least historically speaking, I have found my own life to be very difficult and mundane to trudge through. Minor inconveniences totally uproot my being and major ones have resulted in extended manic episodes that I'm both ashamed of and reluctant to talk about. I've hurt myself more than any other person could possibly hurt me and I've oftentimes done it on purpose. Sometimes because I think I deserve it and other times simply because nothing else made any sense to me. Fact is, I've intentionally raised my own proverbial middle finger toward existence and I have found myself angry for the luck to exist and find misery at all.
I have asked myself in perpetuity with no finality in any of it. Is it better to exist with no quality of life? Is there quality in the lack thereof? Am I actually lucky to experience? Would I be luckier in the absence of it?
I can't say for certain.
I know that, in my life, there have been sunsets on either coast as thunderstorms rolled in that I wouldn't trade for anything. I know that I have held actual love in my hands in the purest, more raw form of it, and that has to be wholly worthwhile, too. I know how the best barbeque in America tastes. I know what the air smells like at the summit of Pike's Peak. I know what it feels like to read a great book and finish it, the strange melancholy of it all, and I know how oddly satisfying it is to watch a really bad movie on purpose. I know how it feels to think of my grandmother taking me to The Salvation Army and letting me pick out any book I want. I know how Christmas looks from the glee in my mother's eyes while we open gifts. I have been insanely blessed with a beautiful ride.
Conversely, I also know how it feels to be angry at cognizance itself. I am well-versed in depression and don't actually know if there's ever been a period of my life that I wasn't infected by it in one capacity or another. I know how it feels when the walls close in and my anxiety is so high that I can feel my heart beating through my teeth. I know how it feels to be anxious about death and then, paradoxically, still upset to open my eyes the next day. I know what a rope feels like against the grain of my neck and I know what it feels like to watch somebody you love leave the bar with somebody else. I know what it feels like to have your character assassinated and I know how it feels when you're unsure of yourself due to it. I know what it feels like when a police officer intentionally cuffs you too hard. I know what it feels like to lose everything that matters to you at all. Being lost in blessing is a very tough road to navigate. I often fail at it. I fail at it more often than not.
My intrinsic theory is this: it is worth it. If for no other reason than this:
We all have an eternity to be dead. I don't see the need to rush it. And there will surely be more beautiful sunsets, more mountains, more great books, good food, and bad movies. There will also be more love lost. There will be more anxiety. There will be, unfortunately, more cops than ever.
I'd rather ride the storm than lay down and let it define me. Stick around. Even if it's not worth it, the views are sometimes incredible.
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princeofgod-2021 · 1 year
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John 1:4
Like it or not, Motivational speakers are setting up factions in the Church. How?
Whenever you teach principles which have no Christ’s life in it, they will breed divisions.
When you say: “separate yourself from those who are not adding to you”; “delete numbers”; “keep company with those who inspire you”; “relate with those that can help you” etc.
One strong reason why the Bible mentioned “isolation” is Sin, not Business.
1Co 5:9-11 I wrote you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people. In no way did I mean the immoral people of this world, or the greedy and swindlers and idolaters, since you would then have to go out of the world. BUT NOW I AM WRITING TO YOU NOT TO ASSOCIATE WITH ANYONE WHO CALLS HIMSELF A CHRISTIAN WHO IS SEXUALLY IMMORAL, OR GREEDY, OR AN IDOLATER, OR VERBALLY ABUSIVE, OR A DRUNKARD, OR A SWINDLER. DO NOT EVEN EAT WITH SUCH A PERSON. NET
Even with such brothers (obvious sinners), we must yet maintain a connection in hope of their salvation.
2Th 3:14-15 And if any man does not give attention to what we have said in this letter, take note of that man, AND KEEP AWAY FROM HIM, so that he may be shamed. HAVE NO FEELING OF HATE FOR HIM, BUT TAKE HIM IN HAND SERIOUSLY AS A BROTHER. BBE
We must constantly pray for their restoration back into the fold and safety of God’ house.
This implies that intrinsically, nobody is ostracized or left behind.
Our hope and drive for Union and completeness must never die.
Jas 5:19-20 Finally, as members of God’s beloved family, WE MUST GO AFTER THE ONE WHO WANDERS FROM THE TRUTH AND BRING HIM BACK. For the one who restores the sinning believer back to God from the error of his way, GIVES BACK TO HIS SOUL LIFE FROM THE DEAD, and covers over countless sins BY THEIR DEMONSTRATION OF LOVE! TPT
When it comes to business, those “that can’t help you”, not adding to your life”, are simply classified as the “weak”.
Even if they are annoying or irritable sometimes, they need our help and prayers always.
1Co 12:22-24 ON THE CONTRARY, WE CANNOT DO WITHOUT THE PARTS OF THE BODY THAT SEEM TO BE WEAKER; AND THOSE PARTS THAT WE THINK AREN'T WORTH VERY MUCH ARE THE ONES WHICH WE TREAT WITH GREATER CARE; while the parts of the body which don't look very nice are treated with special modesty, which the more beautiful parts do not need. God himself has put the body together in such A WAY AS TO GIVE GREATER HONOR TO THOSE PARTS THAT NEED IT. GNB
Motivationals don’t [emphatically] teach separation from the “world” or worldliness; it’s a topic they avoid, just to emphasize their ultimate goal (Making Money).
But in “pushing” the perceived values that enhance productivity, they deliberately create cliques and isolated groups in the name of focus and dedication.
Jas 2:1 My dear brothers and sisters, fellow believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ—HOW COULD WE SAY THAT WE HAVE FAITH IN HIM AND YET WE FAVOR ONE GROUP OF PEOPLE ABOVE ANOTHER? TPT
Yes, they do make money with some of these principles, but at a great cost to the unity of the body.
Soon, [acknowledged] groups are formed and because many like money, isolated recognition begins and hence bitterness is sown.
The treatments received soon become obvious and contrary to divine teachings.
Jas 2:2-4 For example, two men come to your worship service. One man is wearing gold rings and fine clothes; the other man, who is poor, is wearing shabby clothes. SUPPOSE YOU GIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE MAN WEARING FINE CLOTHES and say to him, "Please have a seat." BUT YOU SAY TO THE POOR MAN, "STAND OVER THERE," OR "SIT ON THE FLOOR AT MY FEET." Aren't you discriminating against people and using a corrupt standard to make judgments? GW
That analogy seems too graphic to be true, right?
I mean, could you believe that in Church, someone would actually tell a poor person to sit on the floor?
Well, it might just be an emphasis of value. It must mean total relegation of persons because they are limited in finances and appearance. Pitiable indeed!
1Jn 3:16-17 This is how we know what real love is: JESUS GAVE HIS LIFE FOR US. SO WE SHOULD GIVE OUR LIVES FOR EACH OTHER AS BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Suppose a believer who is rich enough to have all the necessities of life sees a fellow believer who is poor and does not have even basic needs. WHAT IF THE RICH BELIEVER DOES NOT HELP THE POOR ONE? THEN IT IS CLEAR THAT GOD'S LOVE IS NOT IN THAT PERSON'S HEART. ERV
To make things worse, I heard one of the Motivationals say: “stop giving out of your hard-earned money or savings anyhow to people; you are not father Christmas”.
So, when the poor start looking with hatred at the rich and wish them dead, some say they are jealous.
Do they say “the rich are wicked”?
Racism started in the very early Church. It always starts very subtly; you rarely see it coming.
The moment you start forming or identifying with certain groups in Church, such as by wealth, Tribe, car owners, classy dress, good diction, common goals, entrepreneurs, CEO etc., you are preparing a war zone.
You can identify with common grounds but never isolate from the body or refer to your group as “special”.
1Co 11:20-22 When you meet together, you don't really celebrate the Lord's Supper. YOU EVEN START EATING BEFORE EVERYONE GETS TO THE MEETING, AND SOME OF YOU GO HUNGRY, WHILE OTHERS GET DRUNK. Don't you have homes where you can eat and drink? Do you hate God's church? Do you want to embarrass people who don't have anything? What can I say to you? I certainly cannot praise you. CEV
I know a Church that started celebrating “Cultural Sunday”.
They dressed in their traditional wears and sang joyfully. Very nice, right?
Then wahala started: time to share food came but sharers were mostly giving food to their own tribes, before considering anyone else.
You know Mr. Flesh na, when food is seen.
May God erase every dividing line within His Church walls, in Jesus name.
Join us on Wednesday for we bring this enlightening subtopic to a close.
Keep Shinning!
Brother Prince
Monday, February 20, 2023
08055125517; 08023904307
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
okay, before I forget here are all the 14 possible results you can get from my kotlc uquiz! I can't include all 14 photos that accompany the results in one post so I'm omitting them for now, but if you'd like to see them all just let me know!
also included the percentage of people who got each result for fun
(under a cut because. long)
sophie elizabeth foster: 15.9% (most common)
love, belonging, acceptance, understanding, those are the most intrinsic longings composing your character. You are not solitary and never have been, but something has always separated you from everyone else. Despite this, you would do anything for the people who have found their way into your open heart. The world is meant to be saved and cared for, and it is a heavy burden. You are resolute, however, and doing anything means anything; you won't let outside pressure or expectations stifle what you know to be true. Fighting is what you do, because fighting back and standing up is how you show your love, and you refuse to let the world suffer
fitzroy avery vacker: 5.4%
you don't know how to stop loving, how to let go, how to endure the pain of feeling too much and it's burning you from the inside out. everything has a set path and you've deviated from yours and don't know what to do with the realization that there was never a path in the first place. you are in the world and you are alive and you are love and you are supposed to chose what happens next, not the world. you don't know anything except that you will always choose those closest to you, that loving them is the decision you got right. the rest? well, you'll find out with time
keefe [I'M-NOT-YOUR-LEGACY-BOY] sencen: 10.5%
you're falling apart at the seams, the pieces of who you used to be nothing more than a memory as you long for what you've never had. a breath of relief, an appreciation for yourself, understanding. you keep pushing people away and you don't know why because nothing else has worked, but you can't stop yourself. self-destruction is all you've ever known, yet there's a strange beauty in falling apart and you can't stop watching, stop destroying. if you were better, if you were good, if you were worth something you'd be okay, that's what you tell yourself. that you are the cause of your despair and it is your failure that nurtures it. you can't seem to realize that you're wrong, that you are lovable and valued. jokes can only hide so much and you don't know what to do when you have to face yourself. will you like what you see?
biana amberly vacker: 5.9%
you do not know your place in the world, so you are going to make one. there is very little you wouldn't do to prove yourself, to win. you exist loudly and you enjoy it, the space you have taken for yourself. you want to be trusted, to be valued. risks are nothing but a challenge to overcome, and you have no intentions to let anything curb your determination, to dull your confidence. everything you do is done on your own terms, and you refuse to let anyone take control of who you are, because the one thing you will not do is let others hurt you. you know you have worth, and you're going to prove it to everyone else. maybe someone needs to tell you that what other people think doesn't matter
marella adene redek: 9.6%
you are loud and colorful, enough so that no one ever realizes that the you they know isn't you at all, but a mask. that you deflect attention away from the most true parts of yourself, that you are a storm falling apart from the inside out. you live alone and don't know how to let people in. people underestimate who you are and once you realize your potential you'll find something inspiring to love about yourself. for now, you're surviving, and the person you'll become will appreciate what you've done to make it this far, but one day you'll be known and you'll be okay
stina destry heks: 7.8%
you've never been understood and that's a choice. no one is allowed to know you, but you want to know everything. determination and spite drive you, a fierce anger scorching every word from your mouth. you don't listen to what you're told and you don't tell anyone anything. you stand out but alone, hollow. secrets are your best friend and ferocity your defense. you can't seem to realize that the world isn't made of hatred. it's okay to be loved, you know.
wylie zoran endal: 5.9%
you've been alone as long as you can remember with an aloofness you've never known a life without. always in-between two states of being with a profound anger within you you've let fester. it'll explode one day and you'll have to face it, but for now it is your fuel. you have faded from the rest of the world, prioritizing those close to you above all. you want life to be calm, to be soft, to have a moment of reprieve. you want the time to love those you cherish and fear that you'll never stop loosing them. you'll be okay if you let yourself, but do you know how?
linh hai song: 5%
you are strong because you are soft, because you have seen cruelty and decided not to participate. you know more than you should and you are open, open to others and to experiences and to love. you are your greatest fear, the people you could hurt, the mistakes you could inflict. but there is a balance within you you have fought to maintain, and you won't let others take your victory from you. you are fierce and you are kind, and you are warm and healing and loving. you may have been hurt, but you are worth more than the pain they gave you, and you will live for yourself. you want to be okay
tam dai song: 7.5%
your anger at the world is quiet and eternal, a part of you you've never known a life without. you are alone, and that's by choice. at least, that's what you tell people. but truly your mind is a prison and you've trapped yourself in it, and it holds you hostage, away from everyone else. trust doesn't come easy, but when you care about someone it is intense and all consuming. the pain you carry is the part of yourself you don't know how to face, the part you do not know how to get rid of, only how to weather. you see everything, know more than others are aware of, yet don't know how to find peace--with yourself or with others.
dexter alvin dizznee: 4.6%
your mind is an enigma, constantly rearranging itself differently than everyone you've ever met. translating your thoughts into something others can understand is a skill you're still learning to perfect, but you're still trying. you're always trying. you're something new, something unexpected, something people don't know what to do with, always approaching problems with a surprise. and you fear that surprise will be more devastating than the people you love can withstand, that you will be their downfall. you'd never know how unusual you are if there wasn't someone to tell you--but you don't listen to them either way. you will find your place, find the people to love, and you will be known
maruca chebota: 4.2%
you are an unpredictable, fierce force to be reckoned with. there is very little you wouldn't do, and you are going to do it how you want to. when it comes to those you care about, the rules no longer apply to you. but you cannot shake the need to show your worth, and perhaps your drive is you attempting to get away from the parts of yourself you don't like. you put all of yourself into what you do, but it can be misplaced. few know you truly, and you tell yourself it's okay, that it doesn't bother you, but only you know whether that's true or not
fintan pyren: 3.8% (tied for rarest)
the world is broken and you are going to be the one to fix it, no matter what people think or what you have to do. there is nothing you wouldn't sacrifice when you believe in what you're doing, no piece of yourself that is not worth shredding for your victory. the ends justify the means. no one understands the inner workings of your mind, the allure of your conviction, but they don't need to. they'll understand one day when you make them see, when you show it all off and gloat. you are a force to be feared, but time and hindsight are your greatest enemy. will you still agree with your choices once they come to fruition?
(you doing alright there bud?)
councillor bronte: 3.8% (tied for rarest)
you are timeless, witness to the world, to its pain, and you hold a piece of it within you. your mistakes haunt you, have made a home in your mind that you carry and cannot escape. you may be abrasive at first, resistant to change, but even your resolute conviction can be softened when it's for what you believe. you are observant, always there, seeing everything happen and knowing how small we all are in the universe. a regal mission it is, to be as alone as you are, but you've forgotten how to see the world without feeling its pain. take a breath, and remember to enjoy the life you are enduring
elwin heslege: 10%
you are home and you are love. the world is harsh and that has made you kind, because that is your fight. serenity follows you, and your peace is a comfort to others. the world is full of beauty and you want to help others see it, no matter how long it takes. you worry that you won't be enough, that your impact will be forgotten, that the pieces of yourself you've offered to others will be met with indifference. but you will persevere, and you will be known, and you will not stop. hope is your weapon and caring your muse, and you are steady. you will care for the world until you cannot, and then you will care a little more, and you would give all of yourself if you could. but please don't forget you must care for yourself too
and that's all of them!! maybe I overdid it with 14 possible results but also it was very fun so <33
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
For your Consideration ™ 6... I LOVE song analysis UwU
HELL YEAH thank u..... okay so I rolled for it and we'll be discussing a song from the Alekto playlist! Which is fair, because that's the one I made yesterday and Alekto is living in my head rent free the most right now.
So, we'll be analyzing and discussing Kesha's song Rainbow, which is a song that works really well for CUDAAS in general because it's like. A hopeful song about things getting better and seeing your own worth.
When applied to Alekto, I think this song represents their change in mindset after the dissolution of their first flock, and how over the course of the story they become a lot more optimistic about things changing for the better, both in themself and the world as a whole.
I'll put my specific lyrics analysis under the cut, since I know this is gonna get long. I won't go over the whole song, but I'll share the lyrics that I think are most impactful and relate the most to Alekto as a character.
"I used to live in the darkness Dress in black, act so heartless But now I see that colors are everything"
So Alekto was never a cruel person and never went out of their way to harm others, even in their original flock, but they were definitely very cynical and pessimistic. They saw the pain and suffering inflicted by their flock leader and those around them, and they were often hurt too, but they were conditioned to accept it as just the way things were. It was only much later that they got the wake-up call that, oh, things are Not okay and can and should be much better actually.
This culminates in when Alekto and Hekate actually meet for the first time. They meet when Alekto is, for the first time in their long life, admiring the world around them and seeing that there is beauty in life, both in a literal and metaphorical sense. They haven't quite gotten to the point of wanting to actively make things better, but they recognize that things don't have to be all Bad.
"Yeah, maybe my head's fucked up But I'm falling right back in love with being alive Dreaming in light, light, lights This kitty cat lost her mind Been lookin' for a star-sent sign that I'll be alright Look to the skies"
Kinda similar vibes here, with Alekto finally realizing the beauty and joy in being alive and sharing that life with those they care about. They're finding joy in being themself, their own person, rather than the person they were always told they had to be.
"And deep down, I'm still a child Playful eyes, wide and wild I can't lose hope, what's left of my heart's still made of gold"
Alekto isn't a child by any means and I don't want to infantilize them, but in a way their wonder at the world when they first start to see truly see it really is childlike. Because it's all just so new and exciting, and it's beautiful in a way that they never knew things could be beautiful. Sure, it's not all perfect, and they know all too well how terrible things can be, but they're just so delighted to see it.
"And I know that I'm still fucked up But aren't we all, my love? Darling, our scars make us who we are, are"
These lines make me think of Alekto and their relationship with Hekate, because it's that bond that really helps Alekto to understand the intrinsic value in being oneself, but also in having a community of people who support you. Alekto and Hekate are both incredibly scarred people who have been hurt by those around them, especially those with power over them, and they find solace in each other as they ultimately come to understand that those scars are part of them. Even before these two's relationship becomes romantic, they care very deeply for each other and help each other a lot when it comes to understanding themselves and the world.
"You gotta learn to let go, put the past behind you Trust me, I know the ghosts will try to find you"
Alekto is very haunted by their past, and as the story goes on this spurs them into trying to do something about it and put a stop to the systems in place that traumatized and hurt them as well as so many others. It's the pain they experienced that shapes their determination to make things better.
Anyway yeah thanks for coming to my Why I Love Alekto TED Talk <3
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