#and i stumbled across this again it was an old favorite of mine...
skyburger · 2 months
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i wish i had op of this post's username or like a link to the tweet or ANYTHING because i cant find this tweet anymore and it makes me sooooo sad </3 this screenshot is from like june of last year. twitter user "i hate chris redfield" what did he do to you... what happened
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lady-of-endless · 3 months
Amor Fati (Sir Crocodile x Reader)
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(lovely gif is not mine, please show appreciation to the OP)
Author's Notes: Italics=Flashback!!! Surprisingly, this has to be one of my favorite fics I ever written.
If you want to go for the full experience, you can listen to this song I used to write it on repeat: https://youtu.be/4cfeGqMGIa0?si=ABbfS4SqOqYj7qgb
Warnings: descriptions of physical injuries and pain (Croco is suffering a bit).
Tags/tropes: old flame, new old flame, reunion, distressed Croco - as I mentioned in the warnings.
It is believed that across an infinite span of time, everything repeats endlessly in your life. Some events are like relentless echoes, whispers that can accompany the present.
Sir Crocodile did not believe in such philosophy, not when for him the past stayed dead.
His inner brows were raised in boredom as he watched some thief being brought into his office by two of his men. This thief stole supplies from his syndicate's stock and it seemed just a minor headache he needed to get rid of. He puffed on his cigar, blowing out a dense cloud of smoke as he looked at the person in silence. The one that was interfering with his work was unfortunately tied up, sitting on a chair in front of Crocodile's desk, with a hood on their head. He made a sign to his men to leave him alone with the culprit.
Crocodile sighed and walked to the person, his words coming out naturally because of how many times he used them.
"You should have known better." He started in a low tone, grabbing the dark cloth and getting rid of the hood to see the face of the victim.
There weren't many times a man like him got speechless in front of someone. His eyes widened and his pulse quickened as he recognized your face.
"Oh dear..." The man heard you say in a shocked voice from a triggered flashback.
Crocodile was too vulnerable to dismiss you, too exhausted and broken from his battle with Whitebeard. He was stumbling through narrow streets at night when you found him like that. There was blood in one of his eyes making it hard to see clearly and some on his face and he couldn't understand why. The pain in his arm was dominating any other pain from other wounds he had. He didn't even want to look down at his body, not wanting to realize the damage.
A stranger rushed to help him. You offered him help, stitches, a bath, a place to stay for a while and sort his thoughts.
Days went by and you stayed by his side until he was healed enough and until you finally knew his name and he knew yours. Possibilities of silent bonding moments were always neglected by him as he faked sleeping whenever you would check his bandages and temperature. It seemed like healing took such a long time for him but he was not alone. You were the one he was shouting at when the pain from his phantom limb was unbearable, shouting and clinging to you tightly. You were the one to patch the scar from his face over and over again when he took off his bandages too early in an ardent wish to get rid of them.  Every day, you were trying to come up with ideas for a prosthetic for his left arm and every day you tried to be there for him.
So many times, you witnessed his wrath, not because of his scars but because of his failure.
There was denial, then anger - lots of it, understanding of his situation followed by despair. You never got to see him go through acceptance, he passed that as he started planning his next steps with a furious determination. He was blessed with ambition but poisoned with rage. You listened to his grand plans until it was late at night because he wasn't the one to open up so when it happened, you always listened closely. He denied it but he wanted to change for you, he wanted to show you and everyone that he can get powerful and wealthy.
All until one morning, when he was gone.
Not a goodbye note, not a thank you, not a clue of where he might go. Only his used bandages were left behind like damaged skin that had been shed by a reptile. And old skin of the man he was before those scars.
His eyes were now analyzing your face, trying to assess what changed about you and what stayed the same but you did the same. Crocodile scowled as your eyes woke up useless nostalgia and caution in him. He saw you looking at the scar from his face like you haven't seen it before so many times.
"Don't worry about it." You said once as you fixed the last strap of bandage from his face. "It will look good on you." You added with a reassuring smile.
Now a ghost of that old smile he remembered played on your lips.
"It does look good on you." You finally talked, tilting your head and studying him more.
Immediately after that, your eyes followed his left arm, down to where his hand was destroyed in the past. Your breath hitched as you noticed a golden hook. The sharp replacement looked heavy, you wondered if it caused him pain.
"Do not look at me with the pitiness from years ago." He said in a voice that was intentionally cold, knowing how his eyes probably softened at the sight of you after so many years.
He was standing tall before you like he tried to prove himself and his growth to you, something out of his character, something he never did nowadays.
"I'm not." You tried to lie and change the expression on your face. "Just worried."
Crocodile sighed at your care. He wished that this trait would disappear from you in time, but it did not. He lit up another thick cigar and his eyes lowered on the bindings from around you.
"I cannot say that I am glad to see you again. Not like this." He started, regarding you messing up by stealing from his allies without even knowing. "But I am pleased to see that you are still alive so I can finally pay my debt. With this being said, I will let this minor incident pass without consequences." He explained in a monotone voice as he moved closer to untie you even if he knew he should keep his distance to maintain his composure.
You waited patiently, not being able to take your eyes off him. Crocodile was taller, broader, and sophisticated, with a deep voice and a few fine expression lines on his forehead that made you curious. His slicked-back hair made you want to run a hand through it only to remember how it looked messy. He tried not to look at you as he bent down slightly but his eyes met your lips and the curve of your neck, his favorite spots he used to look at in the past to calm himself down.
"You started smoking." You blurted out as he leaned closer to untie the knot from your back and smoke from his cigar invaded your nostrils. His moves stopped for a moment in which he looked at her eyes from up close.
"You started stealing." He muttered narrowing his eyes. "From whom you should not, even." He said with a calm intensity.
"I had to." You responded firmly. "You never know when you stumble across an injured man that you need to share your supplies with." You retorted with mirth, never breaking eye contact.
You could have sworn that you caught a glimpse of a smirk on his face at your ironic answer.
After he freed you, Crocodile walked straight to a cabinet where he kept his liquor and prepared two glasses for them. He felt like he needed it after the reunion with a face from his past, a face he could not get back to, and maybe try to thank for everything.
"So...Who did I steal from more precisely?" You finally asked calmly breaking the silence. You wondered what he had become in all this time he went missing.
The image of you standing in front of him now slowly made Crocodile allow himself to bring back old memories he tried so hard not to recall.
Little by little, Crocodile started to list every plan from those he told you in the past, the difference being that now those were already successful. For a few moments, it felt the same as it was years ago as you listened to him. As much as he changed, there still was a certain dangerous gleam in his eyes when he talked about his goals with you that remained the same. While he was narrating most of the horrible things he did to get where he was there, the sun was slowly setting in the desert, seen from the window behind him. Crocodile even went further and subtly conjured fine grains of sand around himself to show you the ability he has. You thought about how he truly looked like a Desert King.
The two of you, who seemed like you had never met before because of how much you have changed but yet somehow recognized each other at your very core, looked into each other's eyes and felt a sense of eternal recurrence.
You listened to everything he said, sipping his fancy alcohol and clinging to the nostalgia while he clung to the possibilities of this reunion. 
Perhaps it was a chance to start over and do things right this time, but it also meant a chance to repeat his mistakes all over again.
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ohbo-ohno · 6 months
Ghoap au where lumberjack Simon lives a reclusive life deep in the woods, becoming the local cryptid. Johnny, a traveller, gets lost in the midst of a storm.
Simon finds the man shivering and cold on his doorstep, begging for some kind of help. Please, sir, I promise I'll leave when the weather warms again! I'll help you with whatever you need, anything!
And Simon takes one look at this beautiful in such a pitiful state and thinks Oh Yes. This one will do nicely.
Because Simon isn't human, and he's been looking to turn someone into his familiar for quite a while. And he thinks he just found the right one, though it'll take some training, good things this storm isn't stopping anytime soon, is Simon wills it so.
And what's this about leaving? Nonsense. He can chain the man down to his bed if it comes to that.🗑️
oh my god i love this tysm
i read this fic foreverrrr ago that i will never ever be able to find again with a young man who gets in a crash and stumbles, lost and bleeding, through a forest until he comes across a cabin. inside that cabin is a nice middle-aged man who offers to let him stay the night, to help him
of course it turns out that the old man is a vampire and he compels the younger man into some cockwarming and mirror sex, and it's all very delicious. i mourn that goddamn fic
i also read a (platonic) fic with a witch who had like necromancy related magic that depleted/killed pretty much every familiar he ever found, until he stumbled across a very very vulnerable familiar and went (like you said) "oh this will do nicely" except, plot twist, the familiar is completely and totally unwilling to work with him. kidnapping ensues
anyways! ghoap! (also hannigram but we're not here for that)
i will alwayssss love ghost who sets eyes on soap for the first time and thinks "Mine". doesn't need to hear his voice, doesn't need to even talk to him really, there's just a bone deep knowing that that man is meant to be his. and of course the more he sees of Johnny's personality, the more he wants to claim the man as totally and completely his. by my favorite brand of ghoap has that insta-love trope baked in <3
and i love love love the idea of simon seeing vulnerable johnny and being like "oh i can take advantage of this"
and this idea you've presented is ripe for some serious abuse and manipulation
maybe johnny gets a little sick in the morning :( it's no shock, wandering around in the cold and pouring rain, of course he's caught a cold! and simon offers medicine (medicine that johnny is just oh so thankful for) and it turns out that it doesn't actually help that much, and while soap isn't really sick anymore he is exhausted all the fucking time, can hardly get out of bed (and oh he begs so prettily for ghost's forgiveness, poor thing doesn't even realize ghost has been sapping his energy to fuel his magic)
the thing that finally clues johnny in is the way simon constantly seems ready for him to be aggressive. im talking never leaving anything even verging on sharp within his reach (including forks), always staying a little stiff around johnny. eventually it occurs to him that maybe he's waiting for johnny to become aggressive, and there's only a few reasons that would happen after weeks of docility
anyways i love you for sending this in
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teriwrites · 5 months
about me: a writeblr re-re-re-introduction
Hello! My old pinned post is officially over a year old and makes me cringe whenever I'm on my blog, so it's time to freshen things up again!
I'm Teri, I'm smack dab in the middle of my 20s and figuring out life. My writing is pretty exclusively original stuff, a lot of novels and a lot of fantasy, but I play around with various genres in short stories. Sort of a jack-of-all-trades in regards to hobbies - aside from writing, there's anything from baking to drawing with my ancient art tablet to cross-stitch to playing music to rambling around the patch of woods near my house to watching long-form D&D let's plays.
my goals
I recognize that every time I post something like this, it's with the intention of finally becoming as active on writeblr as I was during the pandemic. I also recognize I've never quite managed that.
So here are some more general goals to get me through 2024:
Finish my 2nd draft of Beyond Alder Creek
Write as cringey and brutally honest as I never allowed myself to as a teenager.
Speaking of, a large reading/writing goal of mine is to go back through every NaNo draft I've ever written (I've participated since 2011). So aside from just reading that and likely turning it into a whole spectacle on here for people's amusement, generally just survive reading through the writing from 8th grade. Stay tuned for more on that in the coming weeks lol
Finally, I have a general goal every year of reaching 100K words, between writing and editing and the like, but I'd happily be a little looser with that goal if it meant getting through others.
And now, without further ado:
my writing
Before I get specifically into WIPs, a general overview of the kind of writing you can expect from me:
As I said, I'm a fantasy nerd. I love worldbuilding, both on a large scale (nations and cultures and political relationships) and a small scale (a magic shop in an otherwise contemporary setting).
There's not a lot of romance in my writing, but there Are a lot of transformational relationships and codependency. Friendships, siblings, guardians, general ride-or-dies.
Thought experiments. I've been trying to catch and indulge more in my 'wait, what if?' ideas. Sometimes, that's fun little snippets of silly ideas, sometimes it's a majorly emotionally heavy scene for a story I'll never write. Sometimes, it's coming up with ideas to 'combine genres'. It's all about expanding the range.
Beyond Alder Creek /// draft 2 /// tag: bac
Winnie Pewitt has never believed in the fae. That is, until her little brother disappears, and she stumbles upon a faerie ring on the edge of town. Inside, a man seemingly carved from gold suggests that he knows who took the boy. With everyone else around their hometown accepting her brother's fate as certainty, Winnie takes it upon herself to craft the perfect deal and enter the realm of the fae with her new companion in tow.
The Lies in the Legend /// draft 1 /// tag: litl
The fictional autobiography of an elven noblewoman who rose rapidly in station and influence from an unremarkable youth to a diplomatic powerhouse. Spanning centuries during the prime of her life, Lady Ghislaine Agassi charts the course of her career and reputation, and highlights the dangers of making myths out of our idols.
*Though these are my primary WIPs, I have a page that covers various other WIPs and projects that I've brought up over the past few years.
I think that about covers everything! As always, I can't make any promises about how the year will wind up and where it takes us. But I will say, I've actually been writing recently, and yk I'm just gonna ride that high.
And for fun, here's some random facts about me:
fun facts
I have degrees in psychology and music!
I've lived across three continents, but currently live in upstate New York for whatever reason lol
The animals I've ridden on the back of include: horse, pony, elephant, and ostrich. The horse was my least favorite. By far.
I got diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes a couple months after Covid landed stateside (in May 2020) and am Always ready to talk someone's ear off about it.
The first story I ever wrote was on PowerPoint and was about war breaking out between humans and aliens that had taken refuge on Earth after their planet was destroyed. I was 8. There was a Lot of Clipart involved.
I've never been published, but I once secretly planned out, wrote, edited, and self-printed a couple copies of a novel about my best friends and our college apartment. They received it for Christmas last year and loved it (or at least were kind enough to tell me they did)!
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starsheild · 5 months
Notes: So this is actually an old fic of mine that I had posted on another site years ago that I happened to stumble across. It's one of my favorites, so uploading it here now.
It cut deep, even though there was no actual physical pain involved. There was nothing wrong with his spark. At least nothing wrong that First Aid would be able to detect with a scanner. He and Jazz had never bonded, had never allowed themselves that indulgence, no matter how much they had both craved the idea of that closeness.
Most of the crew had no idea how close the two of them had been. Had no idea of the small twinges that had run through Prowl every time he had seen members of the crew moving forward with their lives, at least as well as anyone could in the middle of a war, and being denied that same chance himself.
It was no external source that had stayed their actions and leashed their emotions and desires. It was internal, an agreement and understanding between the two of them. A precaution against a circumstance such as this.
Even though neither of them ever imagined this sort of scenario. One of them passing on during the course of the war they expected. Both of them dying before the end of the war was certainly not beyond the realm of probability. But neither of them had expected to survive their Prime.
And now Prowl found himself virtually alone. There was a new Prime. There was a new command staff. And he was alone. There were others left from his generation, this was true, but all of them had somehow blended seamlessly into the new command structure.
There was nothing for him to do, and what was even worse was the fact that no one was interested in trying to find something for him to do. All of his requests for some sort of work, for some sort of direction and purpose, had been denied. For medical reasons, they kept insisting. For his own good, the responses always read.
When Prowl had confronted First Aid about this the young medic had looked thoroughly appalled and, much to Prowl's sorrow and pity, apologetic. In fact, the young mech had been unable to meet his optics, looking at the floor, the wall, the empty berth, anywhere but a direction where he would meet the optics of the mech he was speaking to.
"I've tried Prowl. But I'm still young, and my word doesn't carry a lot of weight around here yet. And I'm, I'm no-" First Aid had choked there, and Prowl had been able to finish the sentence that the young medic could not. I'm no Ratchet. I'm no force of nature to bend all to my will, from the lowest recruit to the Prime himself.
"I keep telling them that you don't need the time. Don't want the time. To give you something to do. And they keep refusing me. I don't know why…"
Prowl had thanked him quietly and went on his way. He knew why, even if Frist Aid did not. He was not worth the effort. He was old, out of date and obviously damaged. There was no place for him in the new command staff, and there was no place for him among the common soldiers, for he had been an officer far to long for them to accept him among their ranks again. And there was no one with the time to spare to find something for him to do.
His fears confirmed, Prowl made his way back to his old office and set down at his terminal. Even when his position as Second in Command had been revoked no one had taken over his space. No one had needed or wanted the place where he had done so much work.
Prowl almost wished they had. Even if it was a place where he had spent countless joors stressed, overworked, under-fueled and on the verge of offlining from lack of recharge, the room had some good memories too.
There, on the far wall, was the dent he had never bothered to have fixed from one of the twins pranks backfiring. He never had been quite able to figure out what Sideswipe thought he was doing with those magnets, but it had been rather entertaining to come in that morning and find the mech suspended from the wall by his aft.
Feeling thoroughly vindictive and not at all responsible for getting the red mech out of the position he managed to find his way into, Prowl had left him there for the entire day. Sideswipe had not gotten down until his twin had shown up to rescue him later that evening. And even then the yellow Lamborghini had threatened to leave Sideswipe there to suffer from his own stupidity.
Jazz had laughed when Prowl had told him the story. The saboteur had been away on a mission when the red twin had made the attempt, and the light-sparked tale, related in Prowl dry brand of humor, had been what the mech had needed to relieve some stress.
It had not hurt that Jazz had fallen from his chair when Prowl had added in a little detail. Prowl had left Sideswipe hanging on the office wall all day on the mechs only day off that week.
"Cold mech! Cold! Guess' that's jus' incentive fer me ta make sure mah pranks gonna roll when I pull it."
A prank that would never happen now.
Venting softly, Prowl began to write what was probably the last official document he would ever submit as an Autobot.
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annbott · 3 days
Fell’s Backstory (See “I’m Writing My Story Anyway” for who she is please-)
Part One
Memories. They’re slippery if you don’t know how to properly hold on to them. Some memories stay regardless of whether you were holding them or not. Regardless of whether you wanted them or not. You can try to forget, and perhaps even succeed for a blissful while, but they’re like the rash that keeps coming back, each time more painful than the last. At least that’s how it was for me. That’s how it’s always been and how it will forever be.
It’s the same dream from when I was four years old. This was the dream I had the day I lost my mother. I was standing in a field of camellias, her favorite kind of flower. I took a deep, shuddering breath, and began carefully navigating through the field of camellias, each step a whispered promise not to disturb the delicate blooms my mother once cherished. I look up, and my gaze is instinctively drawn to a figure atop a small hill nearby. She is draped in a mesmerizing green dress, its loose fabric swaying with the rhythm of the gentle summer breeze. Her presence adds an ethereal charm to the already enchanting scene, as if she were a natural extension of the blossoming landscape surrounding us. She was exactly as I remembered her. The epitome of elegance and beauty.
My careful treading shifted to one of careless urgency, causing a storm of emotions to swirl within me, each one a bittersweet echo of the mother I lost yet hold in memory. There is pain, a lingering ache that never ceases, a reminder of the love that still binds us across the chasm of time. Longing pulls at my soul, drawing me towards the figure atop the hill, my feet seeming to know exactly where to step. Grief, heavy and profound, felt like ruthless and relentless waves. And anger, a flickering flame in the recesses of my soul, flares at the injustice of a fate that stole her from me before I could fully understand the depth of her presence. Anger is dangerous. And powerful. Don’t ever let it consume you. I thought desperately, fighting to extinguish the flame just beginning to burn from my left eye, when I heard her speak.
I froze, staring at my mother, completely dumbfounded. Had she ever called me anything other than Regan? And her voice didn’t sound right. It sounded more like-
This time she raised her voice, sounding annoyed, an uncharacteristic tone for her to have. I squinted at her, wondering if I looked as confused as I felt. Her grey eyes flicked over to mine, and I was horrified at the lack of emotion in them. It wasn’t until she yelled that I woke up.
“Fell! Wake up!” _________________________________________
My head shot up from my pillow and I, still confused and panicked from my dream, turned toward the source of the yell, my hand curled into a fist and thrusted into the stomach of the girl before I could stop myself. She stumbled back in surprise, eyes wide, letting out a howl of pain, and I felt an immediate stab of shame. “Ann! I’m sorry! I didn’t know it was you!” I cried, throwing the covers off of myself and crouching down to be level with Ann, her arms crossed tightly over her abdomen, her unkempt hair covering half of her face. What almost made this worse was that rather than looking like she was in pain, which she clearly was, she wore an expression of pure outrage. “I would have appreciated it if Blueberry mentioned that the first thing you do when you wake up is punch the shit out of someone.” She mumbled through gritted teeth. I only shook my head at that, gently separating her arms from her stomach and straightening her. I allowed my flame to heal whatever damage I might have caused, hoping it would at least ease Ann’s annoyance. It appeared to work. She relaxed as the gentle flame worked its magic. Ann sounded like she was saying something, but it was hard to tell. I was thinking about my dream. Why did it pop up again after twenty two years? Perhaps my mother wanted to tell me something? I tried to dig through my memories, looking for an event that could have triggered the dream to come up again. “Uh, Fell? Are you listening to me?” I was abruptly brought back to reality when Ann tugged at the sleeve of my worn T-shirt. “I apologize, what happened?” I asked, offering her a soft smile to show I was listening. Ann arched her brow. She knew something was up. Which meant she wasn’t going to drop it. Lovely. “What was it you wanted to say?” I prompted. “I was just saying that Blueberry has food ready, and you know that she doesn’t let anyone eat until everyone is there,” Ann added, “Which is problematic for two people in particular.” Well, then that means she won’t have time to interrogate, I thought, feeling slightly relieved. I flicked my hand slightly, and the flame went out. Ann, understanding the silent signal, left the room to make her way downstairs. But I didn’t follow her immediately. Instead, I opened one of the drawers from a small storage chest and plucked one of the photos of my mother and I, just months before she died. I brought my hand up to the orange and red checkered scarf around my neck, a habit that I couldn’t seem to break whenever I looked at these photos. I stared at the photo for a few moments more before making my way downstairs, the bickering already beginning. And I was unsure of whether today would be easy or not..
To be continued!
Wow! That was a bit different for me! But I think it was a fun experience, as I’m used to writing through Ann’s perspective (I probably wouldn’t say writing though. It was always roleplaying. (;ω;) ] I hope you liked it, I’ve been really interested for a long time as to what Fell’s backstory is, and now that I know, I hope you’ll be just as interested! Thanks for sticking though with me! I’ll have part 2 soon, I promise-
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modern-day-bard · 4 months
Worth The Feeling
Content Warning: 18+ This series contains explicit smut, intimidation, and an age gap relationship. Minors, do not interact.
Chapter 31
I mute the phone quickly, without thinking. There is sun outside my window now, though it looks low in the sky. As the confusion of sleep quiets down, I check my phone again. It's eight o'clock. I slept for practically twelve hours. This situation must be doing a bigger number on my body than I realize.
I blink again, opening up my phone. One text from my mom, wishing me a good morning and that she'd gone off to work. And one missed call. From Javi.
I smack myself in the forehead. It wasn't my alarm, it was a phone call! Made less than a minute ago.
I straighten up, taking a sip of water as I call him back. Hopefully the sleep wearing off will help to dull my nerves. Regardless, my heart is still hammering against my chest.
"Hello," I hear his smooth voice across the line, and after a butterfly escapes my chest, my heart slows to a small thump.
"Hi," I breathe.
"I got your message," I can hear him smiling on the other end. "I miss you too."
Now I'm grinning ear to ear, alone in my old room like an idiot. "You do?"
"Yeah...I was sad I missed your call though. I was on a flight, actually."
My smile drops. "Oh, um, where?" In the split second before he answers, my mind pushes the worst to me: he'll be on location for the next few months and I won't be able to reach him, or he is also escaping the media but doesn't want me to be a part of it.
"Yeah, something really important came up." A beat passes, and he doesn't elaborate.
I sucked in a breath. "Is everything okay?"
"Well, I had to go to see this production assistant of mine. She left during an important time. Understandable of course, but I have some questions I need to ask her."
Pounding. My heart is now pounding. He can't mean...
"Javi...are you in Connecticut?"
"See for yourself."
My brow scrunches together. I glance to the window on my right, facing the street. I can't imagine that he would be out there right now. The blinds are drawn, and I can't picture it. His beautiful aura lighting up my hometown street? I had to do as I was told.
I leap up, stumbling a little before drawing the shade, squinting as my eyes adjust to the sunshine. Even as they do, there is no mistaking the figure that is standing on the curb of my parents' front lawn. I giggle like a madwoman, and the fact that he is standing on the other end of the house, patiently waiting for those curtains to be pulled back makes me laugh harder.
"On your left, Romeo." I say through my hysterics.
His head whips to the side, making eye contact with me through the windowpane. His mouth splits into a jaw-dropping grin that makes my cheeks heat immediately.
"When you have a moment," He says cheekily, "I have some things I would like to discuss with you."
"I'll be right down," I hang up, barely resisting the urge to snap a picture of him as he is now. Brown eyes sparkling, so eager that he can't decide whether or not to keep his hands in his pockets. I peel myself away from the window, charging down the stairs two at a time as if it's Christmas morning. On the last step, it occurs to me that I should have at least brushed my teeth or combed my hair, but I don't care. He's seen me in a worse state than this, right?
As soon as I open the door, I run to him.
I don't bother inviting him in, or waiting to see how he'll react, I just fall into his arms. It is instinctual. He wraps his arms around me immediately, kissing the top of my head at least three times. I squeeze my arms around his waist tighter, taking a deep breath of my favorite scent. I nuzzle my cheek against his chest, trying to absorb as much of him as possible. I know I still have my fears, hell, I'll probably always have them. But he's here. And both Lana and my mom have been telling me that he cares, and most importantly, he's told me how much he cares. If he's here, he must not want out of this situation. He must want me, and I'm tired of not grabbing hold of that opportunity. Because lord knows I want him too.
After several minutes, I pull my head back to look at him properly, even though I don't dare let go of his waist. And his arms don't budge around me. He looks back at me before glancing away quickly, and I realize, as my heart strings are pulled ridiculously tight, that his eyes are misty. I move my hands to rest on either side of his face, gently nudging him to look at me again.
When he does, it doesn't take long for a tear to fall and for me to quickly swipe it away with my thumb.
"Javi..." I'm breathless from the sight of him, and at a loss for words from this emotion. I feel like I should say more, but I don't get the chance before he kisses me. Deeply. Passionately. Pulling me impossibly close to him, letting a contented sigh out against me. I step up on my tippy toes, wrapping my arms around his neck to hold him as tightly as possible.
He kisses me until I'm delirious, and when we finally pull away from each other I can't remember what I should say. So instead of saying something I should say, as he leans his forehead against mine, I say, "How did you find my house? You stalker."
Javi lets out a hearty laugh that makes my heart sing. "Lana. That call sheet has come in handy a tremendous amount of times."
I laugh, too, before my face grows serious again. "I'm sorry, Javi. I didn't mean to run off, but I kept thinking of what they would say about you if I came to your house. I was so overwhelmed by them showing up to my house I just thought...I don't know."
He's shaking his head. "When I knew you were getting on a plane to avoid them, I knew it was bad."
I smile a little. "I don't want you to think I don't care. I panicked."
"You've never been in a situation like this before, Ava. You should do whatever helps you."
"It's also a perk that I can hold you out here without anyone caring. This town is a lot sleepier than L.A."
He kisses my forehead, "That is a perk." We stay there for another moment before he asks, "You talked to Dwayne?"
I nod. "Dwayne and a lawyer, Devon."
"A lawyer, huh?"
"Yes. They were asking if I was going to press charges against Blake. I'm assuming you know he's the one who leaked them now."
His body tenses. "I know. Jonah and I were talking and he's agreed to help with anything you need. If you want to action, he's found some evidence against Blake already from another project–"
I lightly press my fingers over his lips. "I don't want to talk about Blake." I say quietly.
He nods, kissing my fingers.
"I appreciate you talking to Jonah though. But I wanted to ask, when I talked to Dwayne he said that Tom gave you additional steps...what was he talking about?"
Javi hesitates, pulling back sightly to run a hand through his curls.
"Tom and the PR team want me to cut ties with you altogether. To make a statement that we aren't involved with each other."
My heart drops down to my stomach, and I feel like I'm in free fall, mere seconds from the concrete.
"Oh...What did you say?"
Javi smiles faintly. "I told them I would make a statement."
I nod, confused by his expression. Part of me wants to cry, but he wouldn't come all this way for that, surely. Would he? Maybe he wants to keep this a secret. I hadn't considered that yet, at least not out loud. Not to him. My gaze falls to my bare feet on the stone path to the front door.
"Will you go to the premiere with me, Ava?"
My eyes snap up to his, my heart hammering in my chest. "What?"
He shrugs. "They said they wanted a statement. I'd like to make one with you."
"I-I..." I have no choice but to let tears fall freely now, "I don't have a dress." Not the first thing I should have said at this moment. But he laughs softly, taking one of my hands in both of his.
"We can figure that out."
"Won't you get in trouble?" I croak.
Javi's smile is reassuring as he's the one wiping my tears now. "No. Jonah and I have gone over my contract top to bottom, numerous times. It may be Tom's preference that I go with Emma, but it's not required. Dwayne says your job is safe, right?"
I nod.
"Good. As it should be," he plays with my fingers, avoiding my gaze, "I know that public opinion is serious, and it's a lot, it's overwhelming, and if you don't want to take this on I won't hold it against you. But if you'll have me, I think we can do this... None of that noise matters when I'm with you."
"Was your goal today just to make me cry?" I ask, sniffling.
He chuckles, continuing to wipe my tears away. "I'm serious, Ava. I won't hold it against you if you want to keep things private."
He waits, letting me consider it, and I do. But really, there isn't any part of me that feels as though I won't be saying yes. So I just take a moment to think of how I want to phrase it.
"I don't know how to do it – be in the public eye," I start, gaining back my composure so he can truly let my words soak in. "But I don't want to hide with you. I want to go out to dinner with you, go to the movies with you, go home with you. Dwayne has been really understanding, and as for the public," I pull him impossibly closer to me, "I think they're just jealous."
He laughs, and relief coats his eyes and his smile. He gives me a swift peck before whispering against my lips, "I really did miss you."
After another moment, he whispers again, "So, just to clarify, you would like to go to the premiere with me?"
I giggle, "Of course I would." I pull back, giving him a mischievous smile, "Under one condition."
"Anything," he breathes.
"You'll have to meet my parents first, before you decide if you still like me."
Javi lets out a hearty chuckle. "As if it would be possible not to."
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rosalindwrites · 5 months
Hello! I stumbled across your blog and I love your Yugioh writings! (I haven't thought about Yugioh in years and then suddenly it dug its claws into me this year~)
If you take requests, can I request Aster or Zane in a meet-cute situation please~?
Hi!!! I'm so glad you like my stories! I, too, had not thought of Yugioh in a very long time but recently got back into it while nostalgia-watching old shows. Thanks for your request, had fun picking a lil meet-cute scenario - I decided to choose Aster since I hadn't written for him yet and he's always been a fave of mine. Hope you enjoy <3 :)
Coaster of Coincidence
Pairing- Aster Phoenix x Reader
Word count- like 700
Summary- Fate leads to you and Aster being stuck on the top of a rollercoaster together, cuteness ensues
The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm golden glow over the sprawling Kaiba Land amusement park. You, a devoted duelist, had decided to take a break from the intense dueling scene and immerse yourself in the lighthearted atmosphere of the theme park. As you walked around, your eyes widened with excitement at the sight of the towering rollercoasters and vibrant arcade games. You had always been drawn to adrenaline-pumping rides, like a moth to a flame. Kaiba Land was known for its crazy dueling-themed rides, and you couldn’t resist the temptation to experience them all.
Aster Phoenix, the world-renowned professional duelist (that you, admittedly, were a big fan of), had also chosen that particular day to take a break from the competitive scene. As fate would have it, both of you found yourselves standing in the same line for the most formidable rollercoaster in the park— The Blue Eyes Jet Coaster.
The rollercoaster was notorious for its twists, turns, and exhilarating 350-foot drop that made it a must-try for duelists and amusement park enthusiasts alike. The line snaked its way through a maze of barriers, and you couldn't help but feel the anticipation building as you approached the ride's entrance.
Unbeknownst to both of you, fate had a plan in store. As you both approached the entrance of the rollercoaster, the attendants ushered you into the same line. The atmosphere buzzed with excitement as riders chatted nervously about the twists and turns awaiting them.
The line moved steadily, and before you knew it, you found yourself seated in the cart next to Aster. The restraints clicked into place, and the ride began its ascent, slowly climbing higher and higher. The view from the top was breathtaking, with the entire amusement park spread out below like a miniature world.
As the roller coaster crested the peak, ready to plummet into a series of exhilarating loops and turns, the unexpected happened. A mechanical glitch caused the ride to come to a sudden halt, leaving you and Aster suspended at the highest point of the coaster. Nervous murmurs and uneasy laughter filled the air as the riders realized they were stuck.
You turned to Aster, who met your gaze with a calm expression. "Looks like we're in for an unexpected duel of patience," he remarked, a hint of amusement in his voice.
You chuckled nervously, "I hope it doesn't take too long to fix. I had my eye on that Marshmallon-themed ice cream stand."
Aster raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “Marshmallon-themed ice cream, huh? Sounds like my kind of treat. What’s your favorite flavor?”
And so, amidst the suspended animation of the roller coaster, a conversation sparked. You found yourselves sharing stories of your most memorable duels and favorite decks. The initial awkwardness melted away, replaced by a growing sense of camaraderie.
Time seemed to stretch as the maintenance crew worked on resolving the issue. But rather than growing frustrated, you and Aster discovered the joy of each other's company. Laughter echoed in the air as you swapped dueling strategies and debated the merits of different card combos.
Eventually, the roller coaster started moving again, and the ride resumed its course. As the adrenaline-fueled twists and turns played out, you couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration that went beyond the ride itself. The unexpected roller coaster malfunction had become the catalyst for a connection neither of you had anticipated.
As the ride came to a smooth stop, you and Aster exited with smiles on your faces. The sun had begun to set, casting the amusement park in hues of pink and orange. Aster turned to you, his expression warm and genuine.
“So,” he said, his eyes reflecting the colors of the sunset, “Ice cream?”
You smiled and nodded, realizing that this chance encounter had transformed a regular day at the amusement park into a memorable experience. As you and Aster continued to explore the park together, the roller coaster incident became the first chapter in a story that promised more thrilling twists and turns ahead.
Unexpected adventures really do make for the best stories.
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mppmaraudergirl · 11 months
3, 17 and 18 for the ask game!
hey thanks 🥰 to the surprise of no one, this got massive
3. What's your favorite fic that you've written?
I feel this is something that can be swayed be recency bias. I just reread Chasing Life and really enjoyed it, felt it was some of my best writing, but I think in retrograde is still my favorite. It was a very satisfying story to write, despite how sad it was.
17. What's something you've learned about while doing research for a fic?
I haven't done a lot of research lately for fic, although I did learn a bit about amnesia when I was writing in retrograde. Probably the fic I spent the most time doing research for was The Road Back to You and that was to remember what the hell was going on/popular in the late 00s-early 10s. And yes, this made me feel old 😂
18. What's one of your favorite lines you've written in a fic?
Oh man... I saw this right before I went on a walk and my mind went crazy. I'm going to ramble about lots of my favorite lines because it's so hard to narrow down. Apologies in advance, but I'll put it under a read more so y'all can just ignore me.
My mind immediately went to these lines in in retrograde:
Then he gazes across Mary's living room, mutters, "Evans," from chapped lips, and sees the immediacy in which Lily acknowledges a name that hasn't been hers in half a decade, and he feels seventeen again.
He wonders if this is how he can expect his birthdays to be: happiness, intimacy, and both tangled in a jagged, uneven love story. Because even if by some miracle Lily starts loving him again now, if she stumbles into love with him, he will have to live alone in their memories. He will be the sole vessel that carries the way their life was built; his heart a time capsule of their love, a fragile box in which everything he cherishes will be kept without the promise of backup.  He will have no one to turn to when his own memory fractures as it will undoubtedly do with age. And then, he knows, they will truly be lost.
I also love James' "Make it pen." line in TWR and I'm fairly proud of his proposal. In both TRN and Chasing After You/Caught James has some great (hot) dialogue. The beginning and ending of the final We Can Still Be Friends chapter where Lily laments on what she wants her and James' love story to be will always be a favorite of mine.
I love the speed dating banter in The Road Back to You, their (second) first kiss, and also this bit:
“You enjoy them? These inscriptions?” “Aren’t they cool?” she asks, rhetorically. “Each of these books holds pieces of a story—not the story penned by the book’s author, but something altogether different. It’s like having glimpses into the lives of people I’ll never meet. I’ll never know if Thomas and Ilene’s love lasts. But that doesn’t matter, because what they had when he gave her that book was immortalized in words. Perhaps I get to see a snapshot of them in one of their best moments—and maybe Helen in one of her worst. There’s something beautiful about that to me.”
The beginning of The Best Kept Secrets has some of my favorite pining, and I particularly like this bit:
He balanced her in that way, the gentle touch, the demeanor that set people at ease, qualities she envied enough to sew into the fabric of herself—if she were a quilt made up of pieces, stitched together by people and the lessons they’ve taught her, a good portion of her would be a reflection of him.
For two of my favorite heartbreaking stories, I'm particularly proud of these.
The flowers she had left at James’ grave were still fresh, but stiff and cold when she reached down to tidy them. As she knelt, her fingers traced the words embossed in marble, as if she could somehow reach through the cold stone and find his warmth. (to keep a promise)
Two hundred and twelve times. Two hundred and twelve unanswered dadas. Two hundred and twelve reminders of the piece of her that is missing—that will always be missing. It is almost too much for her to bear— Then the thought of two hundred and thirteen hits her— Will it hurt if it comes? Will it hurt more if it doesn’t? (Remarkable)
To end on a happier note, the love declaration scenes in And Then The Symphony Starts and Chasing Life are some of my favorite, too. The scenes play so vividly in my mind, and in the case of Chasing Life it was written so early on and it was so rewarding to build the pieces to get them to that point. (I also jokingly call it "Dennis Quaiding" because it was inspired by the scene at the end of The Parent Trap and if you watch that scene and then reread the story, you'll see that fairly clearly, IMO.)
Anyway, I'm sure I could add more if I sit here longer but this is already excessive and more than anyone cares about so lol. Thank you for indulging me.
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DR info !!!
Name: Ophelia Ivy Adler
Birthdate: 26/5/1980
House: Slytherin
Blood Status: Muggle-Born
In-Universe Date: 26/5/1991 (my birthday!!!)
Patronus: Red Fox (can cast it by the end of third year)
Animagus: Black Cat (Third year)
Age: 11 (My CR self has childhood traumas, I want to be a child again in the same way some people age regress!!)
Safeword: Snivellus
Nicknames: Ophie, Ives, Lia, Felia (phelia)
Some random facts about me/my world:
-I have a “familiar,” an old sort of magic in which an animal attaches to a witch or wizard. It is a black cat I’ve yet to give a name. It brings me good luck and spiritual protection (impervious to hexes/curses in its presence).
-I want to be the Minister when I grow up! I want to be involved in politics and help make the world a better place!
-After the first year, I spend my summers with the Weasleys, or helping out with the Order in later years. I grow a garden out at the burrow and it thrives! Molly loves cooking with fresh herbs and veggies!
-My best friend is Neville, and we meet Luna third year and become an inseparable trio! A Gryffindor, a Slytherin, and a Ravenclaw! Who would’ve thought?
-I learn to become an animagus upon accidentally stumbling across the process for it while looking through the restricted section. (I was trying to find out more about Lycanthropy because I suspected Professor Lupin was up to something.)
-I have a map of the castle and everyone inside, always up to date. It is not the Marauder’s Map, it is a very good replica that Snape developed his fifth year because he was insistent that James and Sirius were sneaking around the castle. (He was right,) but McGonagall quickly caught him and confiscated it that same year because he did not have an invisibility cloak to hide himself under. He did not try again to make another. It ends up accidentally stuck into one of my school books, somehow. Luckily, I am both an animagus, and have the other half of the Potters’ invisibility cloak.
-Neville and I go to the Yule Ball together because we’re too scared to ask/be asked by anyone else.
-Amortentia isn’t a “love potion,” it’s a “Soulmate Scent.” Soulmates exist in our world. It smells like what your soulmate will. Mine smells of peppermint, dark chocolate, and expensive cologne.
-I am basically a human time-turner. In case anything awful happens accidentally, I can reverse time. Or if I’m sitting in a class I really don’t want to be in, I can fast forward time. In my universe, there are no time duplicates.
-Wizard Religion! We loosely believe in Greek Mythos, with Hecate being the Wizarding World’s patroness. I pray to her often and she rewards me with tokens of her gratitude. (Luck, skills/abilities, little objects of affection.) I like to think I’m one of her favorites, but we are all loved by her.
-Only first and second years have to wear uniforms, as a way to introduce us to formal wizarding customs and to keep us from wearing anything cringey or generally distracting to class, as kids sometimes do. After that we only have to wear robes to formal occasions. (First and last days of school, Halloween, Christmas if we’re at the castle for it, OWLs and NEWTs, etc.)
-My wardrobe is much bigger on the inside than it appears to be on the outside.
-School parties are definitely a thing and NEVER get interrupted. Snape is sometimes jealous because he was never welcomed at them when he was in school, but McGonagall and Professor Sprout often run interference on him so he doesn’t come and bust us. There’s a Quidditch before party, no one drinks and it’s generally just a friendly get-together. And then there’s Quidditch after-parties, invite-only at discreet locations you can only enter if invited by a player (from any team, even ones who didn’t play). There’s secret parties for every holiday, certain birthday parties that friends throw for one another, there’s a welcoming one and a going away one at the start of school and end of school respectively. Only fifth years and above are invited, and no one lets you drink or smoke if you’re under 16 to keep everyone safe.
-There’s a school trip with your year, every year. First years always go to one of the other wizarding schools to see how everyone else conducts their classes. We go to the American school my first year. Every trip is a week-long event, and we go to magical places across the world. Neville and I are “buddies” the whole time and have the absolute most fun every time. A few of the places we go are the Scottish Highlands for a wizarding Sun festival (A sect of wizards who worship Apollo), Venice, and a week-long Cherry Blossom festival in Japan. There are also class-specific trips that we take. Herbology has at least one every year because professor sprout loves getting the students out into real nature. We go to the Everglades, the Rainforest, etc. to see magic herbs that are protected in nature! Astronomy takes a trip to Northern Canada to go and see the Northern Lights! Stuff like that, pretty much at least once a quarter/twice a semester (if you take the right classes, that is). Hogwarts definitely believes in field experience and hands-on learning.
-The earth is MUCH healthier in my reality! Pollution is limited and mega corporations have to have clean energy to be approved by NATO. There are wizarding non-profits who go out and magically do beach/ocean cleanups, and who magically restore fracking areas and logging operations. There is so little air pollution that you can pretty much see thousands of stars wherever you are in the world, except on cloudy nights. There’s no littering or trash on highways or in waterways. People there just care about the world more.
-Healthcare is free, globally. Relief aid is given to the muggle world by the wizarding community, though they have to operate in secret. People care about each other more and the world is not falling apart!
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sitp-recs · 2 years
Hi! This is super random, but this is Amalin from the good old HP days. I just stumbled across your rec post and was so touched and moved by it, and honestly, it really made my week. Just wanted to stop by and say thank you! I don’t have a tumblr but am now on twitter @amalinwrites (sadly currently in a different fandom, not HP, though I’m still churning away at an H/D fic I started in 2011). Anyway just thank you for being you and bringing this unexpected joy to my week!
Hi Amalin!! I’m so thrilled (and mindblown) that you somehow found that rec post, your works have a very special spot in my heart so this truly made my night. Reparo is one of my all-time favorite 8th year fics and now I wish I had left a comment when I last read it but I had no idea if you were still around to see it. I’m so grateful you reached out as sometimes I refrain from reccing something older but now I realize how powerful words (even mine!) are and it’s always worth taking a shot because what if they make their way to that one right person? I’m smiling at the universe right now! Unfortunately I don’t have a Twitter account but I’m very excited to hear you’re still around and might even publish more Drarry (absolutely no pressure, though!).
This was the best way to end my day, thanks again! 💜
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rustbeltjessie · 10 months
When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy! then, send to your last ten people in your notifs -- you never know who might benefit from spreading positivity 😊
Zines. Reading zines and making zines. And everything that goes into making them—the writing, the editing, the art, the cutting and pasting and Xeroxing and even the collating and binding (sometimes). I recently stumbled across an old LiveJournal entry of mine, from when I was 19. It was a questionnaire I’d filled out; one of the questions was “what do you want to do when you grow up?” I answered: honestly, making zines is the only long-term plan I have. I’ve been making zines since I was 12—next year will be my 30 year zine-aversary, and I don’t plan on stopping. Here’s to another 30 years of zines, eh?
Coffee. Truly. Zines and coffee, my most enduring obsessions. (Well, and music, so I guess music is a bonus number six for this list!) Sometimes, when going to sleep, I can’t wait until it’s morning again so I can have coffee.
My local library. I check out books and magazines, music and movies, even board games sometimes. Plus they have a free seed library every year, where I get a lot of the stuff for my food garden. Plus there are so many events and programs there, and it gives me somewhere to go (alone, or with my family) when we’re broke and can’t afford to go anywhere that costs money.
My kids. I mean they drive me crazy a lot, sure, and parenting is the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but every day they amaze me in some way, and I’m so happy to be their parent.
Cooking good food. Whether it’s making a favorite comfort dish, or trying something new, I love cooking. It makes me happiest when I get to cook for my family or friends, and get to see other people appreciating something I made.
(Thanks for passing this along to me, @neoretrobibliomartini-x!)
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thevioletjones · 1 year
Thank you for the tag again, @mzshko
your name: Jen
your age: just turned 40 😭
your first fandom(s): Queer as Folk
your current fandom(s): Shameless
how did you first get into fandom? Stumbled upon the Television Without Pity QAF boards when that show first started, which led to a fic archive called Across the Pond. I'd never known about fanfiction before that.
how long have you been engaging with fandom spaces? Since I was 17.
how often do you read fanfics? Not that much anymore, tbh. It's hard to find new stuff I really connect with and don't lose interest in partway through. Sometimes I reread old faves. A few times a month, tops.
top 3 characters from your current fandom(s): Ian, Mickey, and Mandy.
have you ever written a fic for a fandom? if so, shout it out! Both fandoms I already mentioned.
have you ever drawn fanart for a fandom? No.
share a personal headcanon that you feel very strongly about: I don't think Ian and Mickey are traditional people. I don't think they would've gotten married, at least so young. And I don't think they would've done a lot of stuff they did in canon post-S5. One of my biggest peeves is Mickey now forever being pegged for a fucking Bon Jovi fan. 🤮 Not in my house, dipshit boomer writing motherfuckers!!!
you’re trying to convince a friend to get into your current fandom(s) with you. what episode, clip, or scene are you showing them? The sequence where Mickey comes out at the Alibi, which spills chaos into the streets, and screaming about loving Ian's dick. Trés classique.
and finally, what does fandom mean to you? I mean, in terms of fanfic level fandom, I've only gotten into it for shows where I didn't enjoy the writing very much. I needed people, including myself, to do better things with great characters and pairings. Neither of these 2 fandoms are favorite shows of mine for one reason: subpar writing. So I felt like it needed to be fixed. I was hugely into Lost message boards when that show was airing, but I loved the writing, so it was all about theorizing and guessing what was going on week to week and season to season. I also used to be on a lot of pop culture sites where I could just talk about media and music, mainly the AV Club, but that all got blown up by a corporate sellout and it coincided with me finding Ian/Mickey. When I've dabbled in looking for fic for shows I enjoy more, it just doesn't cut it. Super weird that way. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Tagging the one and only @andthatisnotfake!
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smokeybrandreviews · 3 months
Viy Viy Viy
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It'd been a clean minute since i updated on my FGO account growth and for good reason: I got locked out again! Fortunately, your boy learns lessons and i made sure to keep track of all the sh*t they said i didn't, last time. I've come far enough, and spent enough of my actual dollars, for this sh*t to hurt if i lost my account again, so i stay prepared with that recovery info. Servant Name, Birth date, what device you play on (this is the bit they got frothy about), User ID, Gender, Current Level, Favorite Servant, Current Party, and the last Transfer Code you used. It was super weird, though, because, even after i filled out that retrieval form, cats over yonder at Recovery were trying to say i still f*cked up for playing on an emulator. Like, bro, what? You telling me that i can lose my account permanently, for playing on my big ass laptop screen instead of my big-ass-for-a-phone screen? That sh*t is dumb. Just let us tie our accounts to something like every other competing mobile game, goddamn! Like, seriously, how have you, as a mobile game, been around for nearly a decade, and still don't have that option? Quality of life frustrations aside, I've come pretty goddamn far on part deux, even farther than the first account.
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Right now, as we speak, my Master level ticked up to 124. I can't remember what i was on the first account, but I'm pretty sure i was around there when i lost it so, in terms of grind, I'm back to where i was, in roughly a third of the time. I am okay with that. I've powered through the story, cracking Avalon Le Fae literally the other day. The Lostbelts have turned out to be pretty f*cking solid, considering how hit-and-miss the Singularity stories were. Like, I'm not mad, those were fun, especially the last three, but you can tell me you wouldn't want to see an Olympus (and, yes, i am including Atlantis in that) adaption over a Babylon one, any day of the week. I could be bias in that regard, though. Ancient Greek mythology is my sh*t and A LOT of those Greek gods were dope as f*ck. I had a particularly good time with that Zeus fight. Sh*t was mad fun and i loved that interpretation so much. I, for sure, thought these things were going to suck because Anastasia was kind of bunk, but color me surprised as those plots got better as the Lostbelts progressed. I still have a few narratives to go to catch up, The straight up epic of Avalon and that Epilogue, Plus all the Free Quests i haven't done, but that grind has been good for my Roster. And let me tell you, i am okay with the Servants i have summoned.
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Yo, i finally popped Anastasia! Netting the last Romanov is what made this account so hard to part with. I've been chasing her icy ghost for years, man. She's been my favorite Caster and top ten all-time Servant, since she was introduced all those years ago. Now, finally, FINALLY, she's mine! Obviously, i immediately maxed her out in terms of level. That is one of the perks of all this story grind, actually. I'm lousy with Hellfire of Wisdoms. Chucking a few dozen at my favorite Caster is nothing. Kind of in the same way i Grail'd up and maxed out Gray. Well, level ninety max, anyway. I was able to unlock everything i needed to perfectly level El-Melloi's assistant during her Rerun event and that effort has paid off considerably. She is a solid f*cking Assassin. Don't misunderstand, it's King Hassan, all day over here, but I'd be lying if i said Gray has left my Party since i solved that last case. Along the way, I've thrown a few Saint Quarts at a couple of Banners and popped me an Archer Ishtar, Lakshmibai, Parvati, Assassin Okita, and both versions of Ibaraki. I even stumbled across a Saber Arturia, which is hilarious because that sh*t eluded me for years on my first account. Sh*t was, like, the fifth, naturally rolled, Five star i got. Unfortunately, Saber Arturia is trash. I'm also missing my Gorgon and Demon Nobunaga really hard lately. They were two of my favorite Servants on the old account. It's a frustration but, overall, a mild one, I don't hit the Banners as hard as i used to so i have a pretty solid war chest of quarts. To be honest, i actually rolled a ton more Four Stars a long the way, but i burned them all for Rare Prisms. My first account was kind of a "Collect them all" situation but i learned that sh*t is unnecessary. "Collect what you want" is the name of the game now and i wanted to be a beast. I am WELL on my way to making that happen.
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I can officially say, i am half a Bond level away from leveling Mordred to that perfect ten. Once that happens, I'll have all but matched where she was on my first account. I say "all but" because I'm still two Noble Phantasm levels short of where she was, and three from being maxed out. That sh*t is a bummer because I'm pretty much at the mercy of the Gacha gods for that one but everything else? Yeah, I'm pouring resources into favourite regicide artist. I was able to grail her and level her up to one hundred a while back but, since we are substantially past where i was cut to ff the last time i played, we can keep that level grind going all the way to one hundred and twenty! Guess who is working on one hundred and one right now? I actually looked into what it's going to take to get Mo to the next level cap and it' f*cking egregious. I got a ways to go, my guy. Fortunately, i as able to max out all of her skills, unlock an append and max that out out, as well as program Command Codes to all of her Command Cards, most of which were Five stars. Again, Mordred needs to be a powerhouse. I'm satisfied with my progress o far but I'd be lying if i said i didn't miss my old account. This new one is coming along nicely but, looking back at what was, i still have a long way to go. Oh! Almost forgot, i also unlocked Mordred's Memories of Trifas costume. Because of course I did. Who the f*ck do you think i am?
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smokeybrand · 3 months
Viy Viy Viy
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It'd been a clean minute since i updated on my FGO account growth and for good reason: I got locked out again! Fortunately, your boy learns lessons and i made sure to keep track of all the sh*t they said i didn't, last time. I've come far enough, and spent enough of my actual dollars, for this sh*t to hurt if i lost my account again, so i stay prepared with that recovery info. Servant Name, Birth date, what device you play on (this is the bit they got frothy about), User ID, Gender, Current Level, Favorite Servant, Current Party, and the last Transfer Code you used. It was super weird, though, because, even after i filled out that retrieval form, cats over yonder at Recovery were trying to say i still f*cked up for playing on an emulator. Like, bro, what? You telling me that i can lose my account permanently, for playing on my big ass laptop screen instead of my big-ass-for-a-phone screen? That sh*t is dumb. Just let us tie our accounts to something like every other competing mobile game, goddamn! Like, seriously, how have you, as a mobile game, been around for nearly a decade, and still don't have that option? Quality of life frustrations aside, I've come pretty goddamn far on part deux, even farther than the first account.
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Right now, as we speak, my Master level ticked up to 124. I can't remember what i was on the first account, but I'm pretty sure i was around there when i lost it so, in terms of grind, I'm back to where i was, in roughly a third of the time. I am okay with that. I've powered through the story, cracking Avalon Le Fae literally the other day. The Lostbelts have turned out to be pretty f*cking solid, considering how hit-and-miss the Singularity stories were. Like, I'm not mad, those were fun, especially the last three, but you can tell me you wouldn't want to see an Olympus (and, yes, i am including Atlantis in that) adaption over a Babylon one, any day of the week. I could be bias in that regard, though. Ancient Greek mythology is my sh*t and A LOT of those Greek gods were dope as f*ck. I had a particularly good time with that Zeus fight. Sh*t was mad fun and i loved that interpretation so much. I, for sure, thought these things were going to suck because Anastasia was kind of bunk, but color me surprised as those plots got better as the Lostbelts progressed. I still have a few narratives to go to catch up, The straight up epic of Avalon and that Epilogue, Plus all the Free Quests i haven't done, but that grind has been good for my Roster. And let me tell you, i am okay with the Servants i have summoned.
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Yo, i finally popped Anastasia! Netting the last Romanov is what made this account so hard to part with. I've been chasing her icy ghost for years, man. She's been my favorite Caster and top ten all-time Servant, since she was introduced all those years ago. Now, finally, FINALLY, she's mine! Obviously, i immediately maxed her out in terms of level. That is one of the perks of all this story grind, actually. I'm lousy with Hellfire of Wisdoms. Chucking a few dozen at my favorite Caster is nothing. Kind of in the same way i Grail'd up and maxed out Gray. Well, level ninety max, anyway. I was able to unlock everything i needed to perfectly level El-Melloi's assistant during her Rerun event and that effort has paid off considerably. She is a solid f*cking Assassin. Don't misunderstand, it's King Hassan, all day over here, but I'd be lying if i said Gray has left my Party since i solved that last case. Along the way, I've thrown a few Saint Quarts at a couple of Banners and popped me an Archer Ishtar, Lakshmibai, Parvati, Assassin Okita, and both versions of Ibaraki. I even stumbled across a Saber Arturia, which is hilarious because that sh*t eluded me for years on my first account. Sh*t was, like, the fifth, naturally rolled, Five star i got. Unfortunately, Saber Arturia is trash. I'm also missing my Gorgon and Demon Nobunaga really hard lately. They were two of my favorite Servants on the old account. It's a frustration but, overall, a mild one, I don't hit the Banners as hard as i used to so i have a pretty solid war chest of quarts. To be honest, i actually rolled a ton more Four Stars a long the way, but i burned them all for Rare Prisms. My first account was kind of a "Collect them all" situation but i learned that sh*t is unnecessary. "Collect what you want" is the name of the game now and i wanted to be a beast. I am WELL on my way to making that happen.
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I can officially say, i am half a Bond level away from leveling Mordred to that perfect ten. Once that happens, I'll have all but matched where she was on my first account. I say "all but" because I'm still two Noble Phantasm levels short of where she was, and three from being maxed out. That sh*t is a bummer because I'm pretty much at the mercy of the Gacha gods for that one but everything else? Yeah, I'm pouring resources into favourite regicide artist. I was able to grail her and level her up to one hundred a while back but, since we are substantially past where i was cut to ff the last time i played, we can keep that level grind going all the way to one hundred and twenty! Guess who is working on one hundred and one right now? I actually looked into what it's going to take to get Mo to the next level cap and it' f*cking egregious. I got a ways to go, my guy. Fortunately, i as able to max out all of her skills, unlock an append and max that out out, as well as program Command Codes to all of her Command Cards, most of which were Five stars. Again, Mordred needs to be a powerhouse. I'm satisfied with my progress o far but I'd be lying if i said i didn't miss my old account. This new one is coming along nicely but, looking back at what was, i still have a long way to go. Oh! Almost forgot, i also unlocked Mordred's Memories of Trifas costume. Because of course I did. Who the f*ck do you think i am?
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tommyboykaulitz · 4 months
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Bam Margera x Reader Smut
fem reader, or@! fem/rec, the goods(ifykyk)
“D! S! S! EFFFFFFFFFF!” I yell, walking into the living room. Bam shoots up and cheers with me, leaving the guys on the couch still. Steve-O and Dunn get up, not knowing what their cheering about but following us to the car. It’s 11pm and we’re just now leaving the house. 
“Hey man I hate to burst your bubble but,” he turns the music down “what the hell is DSSF?”
“It’s kinda just a fun way we can blow off steam every night. Buttttt, we ain’t spillin’. Y’all gots to find out yourselves.” I pull into the parking lot of our favorite little bar. Just a nice bar with some country music, no house music and sweaty bodys flopping around the floor.
“Ahh man this place blows man, why don’t we go down to Karma real quick.” Dunn begs Bam, slamming his last can of beer. 
“Nah man I’m not messing up DSSF, we don’t get F every night I’m not risking it.” Bam says slapping my ass as he runs by. 
“FUCK YOU BAM!” I say laughing as I punch him. We walk in and I send them all to get us a table while I get some beers and shots. 
“Damn little lady!” Bam shouts pulling me into his lap biting down on my shoulder as I bring the beers. I hand out there beers, using my belt buckle to open them all. 
We pound back 4,6,8 beers each before paying,”Ok whose buying?” I ask almost slumped over Bams arm. 
“Wait you weren’t buying?” Steve-O asks, dropping a bottle off the table. 
“Nah man, fuck.” I whip off Bams hat and put my card in there,” Alright everyone put your cards in.” I shuffle the hat around reach in and pull out a card,”Dave…Dave?”
“Oh yeah man we traided cards the other day, forgot to get mine back.” Dunn says, reaching for Daves card. 
I pull the card back, standing back from the table, “Alright thank you Dave…I guess?”
We all fall back in line, loading back up into my van before continuing to D’S’SF. “Okaaay, RIGHT! LEFT! LEFT! STOP!” Bam was shouting random directions to get to the place. “This…this is it man.”
“Fuck baby,” I say, getting out of the van with him, standing on the side of this big ass hill. Overlooking the city, we had only been visiting so we never saw New York from this angle. “It’s gorgeous.” 
“Does the S stand for suicide? What the hell are we doing here?” Dunn askes stumbling over Steve-O. 
“Calm down man, we gotta set it up.” I pull open the side door on the van and started pulling the couch away from the wall.”BAM! HELP ME!” I yell, ready to sit down again. We get the couch out and we all get comfy. I jump up and run to my glove compartment. “Y’all readyy???”
I sit back down beside Bam before he pulls me up onto his lap. I put the bong between Bams legs as I load a bowl, making sure I don’t drop anything.”Ladies and gent,” I say, noddin my head to Bam “May I present to you, the first S of the night.” I snatch the lughter out of Bams pocket, seductively. Taking the biggest rip I ever had. 
Passing it around the circle. I grab the speaker from the passanger seat and start playing HIM. 30 minutes go by and we end up getting cold so we get a little bit more high.(…6 more bowls) We loaded up the couch back into the van. 
We had been driving around for maybe an hour before we found the place. “Y’all ready for the last letter of the night?” 
“Fuck this man can’t we go out to eat? I got the muchies bad.” Dunn begs. 
“No man, I’ll drop you off at home after this. Grab your boards.” As we get out we walk up to this abandoned hotel I had checked out earlier. “Be quiet, listen to me. Lay low, don’t break anything, single file.”
“What the he-“ Bam stops midsentence watching me run across the yard into the gates. I wave someone over and Bam sends Steve-O, Ry, and then himself. 
“What are we doing yk?” Steve-O askes. 
“Just follow me, we should be good now.” I run inside the building. An old familiar hotel I would stay in as a child, on the rare occasions we’d come here. “It’s the same way I remember it,” no decay, no damage, everything the exact same. I drop my board down and start skating around the halls, until I found it. The pool. 
I sneak in flip on some flashlights and drop in. Thank god it was empty, I had never seen it full. The guys follow in and drop in with me. “Fuck man, where’d you find this place.”
“My mom used to live here, I’d get to visit her every now and then.” I scream, continuing around the bowl. About 2 hours pass and everyones getting tired. “Everyone get in the car.” I demand to the fallen boys. 
“Are you ready?” Bam asks, the guys sleeping on the couch mumbling. 
“Yesss, lemme get these kids home.” I say making the turn as sharp as possible ontk their street.
“What the fuck man?!” 
“Shut up and go inside Dunn.” I drive off and we get home around 5am. Bam runs around the car grabbing me out of my seat and wrapping my legs around him. He tightens his grip around my thighs as he carries me into the house. He sets me down and we makeout as we rush to the bedroom, thrusting each others on the walls on our way. 
Bam pushes me back onto the bed as he pulls my pants down, revealing my black lacy thong he loved. I grab him on both sides of his face, leading him up to my lips, pulling his shirt off him and kissing his neck as he does the same. Kissing all down my neck, chest, stomach, ending on the inside of my thighs. Wrapping his fingers around my underwear as he pulls them off me. 
He kisses me, before wrapping his tongue around my clit. Sucking as he inserts two fingers inside me. I gasp as I get comfortable around his fingers. He curls them as he licks all around my clit, squeezing my boobs with his other hand. “Ffu-uck” I moan pushing his head down more, wanting him more than I had him. He speeds up his pace as I moan and groan. Twitch and shake from the pleassure. Then he stops, causing this lingering feeling of emptiness. 
He crawls up the bed as he plants kisses all over my body. Kissing my lips before sucking all over my neck. I slowly reach down and palm his boner before unbuckling his pants, exposing his red hot dick. He didn’t have the biggest dick but he knew how to use it. “Spit.” Holding his hand out under my mouth, I do. He reaches his hand down before running it up and down his dick before lining himself up with me. 
He slowly pushes the tip inside of me before he starts to pick up the pace. Thrusting harder each time. He leans down to my neck again as I run my hands up and down his back, loving the amount of pleassure I feel with him. I had never felt it with anyone else. I moan load in his ear and he thrust harder, going faster each time. Everytime I forget how good he is. He how everytime I see him naked my lust for him grows…and it never dies. “Fuuuuck,” I moan. We both know whats coming He picks up the pace even more and plays with my clit with his thumb until we both reach our high. 
The thrusts slow down and he rolls over, “Damn baby, that was definitely your best,” I chuckle shoving him away “stay here. Let me get you cleaned up.” I see his back as he walks to the bathroom. 
I crawl off the bed following him to the bathroom. “Fuck baby, I fucked you up.” 
He turns in the mirror to see his newly scar painted back. Laughing as he pulls me in for a kiss.
I’m going to be real. DSS(F) was inspired by GTL(Gym Tan Laundry) from Jersey Shore
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