#and i know that the list doesnt have to mean anything bcs they were testing tires and their could be trying out different stuff and blah bl
httpiastri · 8 months
ollie did so well 🥺 best of all f2 drivers 🥺
he did!!!! only f2 driver to be less than a second behind the guy in the same car <3<3 so proud of him
idk why but i felt like doing a list of the f1 rookies/f2 drivers and their fp1 times (& vs their teammate)
p6 - oscar piastri, 1.20.463 (lando p4, -0.226)
p14 - logan sargeant, 1.21.157 (alex p2, -1.344)
p15 - ollie bearman, 1.21.313 (nico p12, -0.345)
p17 - isack hadjar, 1.21.941 (daniel p8, -1.373)
p18 - jack doohan, 1.22.109 (esteban p9, -1.432)
p19 - frederik vesti, 1.22.937 (lewis p11, -2.213)
plussssss i just realized this in the shower tooday that.... pietro fittipaldi was signed to indycar this week... it would be hard to be both an indycar fulltime driver and haas's reserve driver.............. 👀
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Hi! My names arthur and im working on improving my word and building my story, which currently has no name haha! I have a myriad of characters who ill try to list out and give brief descriptions of, aether is technically my main character and some of the characters who are up for question are dead in canon. But you can still ask them stuff, itll just be set before death.
When asking characters questions, rememeber to include the name, their age if theres diffrent ages, i dont mind repeated questions, but if you see the question try not to ask it again lol. If you cant find it with a quick scroll just ask it, although i dont know if this blog will even get that big.
He comes in three evolutions lol, technically, theres four but idk if i would count 7 year old aether.
Ages: 13 yo - colder, hasnt gotten used to emotions, there are two to this as well, pre-rev and then post-rev 13 yo aether, remember to specify lol.
16 yo- a bit more out there, still kinda disconnected and figuring things out, a bit more defensive
22 yo- lax, hes sorta figured shit out, hes not going to go grazy, hes just gonna be chill lol.
!The gaggle Ghosts!
Her personality is very, ehhh, becuase i havnt done work with her, and i havnt completly figured out who she is fully yet, shes 18 yo when aether is 22 yo
18 yo- pretty oblivious, somehow still a bit cynical, very nice and sometimes motherly
Few thousand- mean, likes to bully yurei as he huants her, lowkey a simp for yurei but he wont admit that. Kinda cynical and likes to bring others down, generally a bully
19- emotionless, has to be a really strong emotion to make her emote, tends to stray away from other people, likes to be alone, blunt
A few thousand- sweet, warm and welcoming, tries to be very fatherly and a trusted figure, is very busy most of the tiime unfortunatly though.
!The greek gang!
Tumblr media
Argus agapov
16- unstable, pretty baby, protective over friends and family
Mythos agapov
23- whore. He also loves his family, lowkey, hes a trad wife
15/16- timid, intrested in posiosn and acids, generally quiet, likes to eat leaves, scaredy cat
14- germ of phobe, kind of a brat, more just a bitch, will yell at you if he sees your hands were dirty from gardening or something while you’re walking to the sink, other than that hes fine, picky eater
15- disorginized, trys his best, likes to write stuff down, helps plato with his writing and grammar in general, gullible, likes record data, has a nice typewriter with tha good clicky clack
8- sweet baby boi, loves his older brother (socrates), idolizes him even, not a good idea though. He writes down everything socrates does, sometimes he imitates his brother as well.
17- dumb of ass, also just dumb, held back a grade, feral child, bites alot of people, soft aestechic but hed stab as a warning
30- also dumb of ass, loves cars in that ‘mah babeh’ kinda way. Hates motorcycles, he thinks they’re ugly. Chaotic but he utilizes it to be the weird and cool uncle/cousin thing
46- too tired for this shit, is a dad, went out to get milk, jk jk, dissapeared for a hot few years, probably got captured by some gang dunno, it happens. Very serious, would make the dumbest jokes with his brothers with a straight face
50- lowkey the neglected middle child, soft goth lookin ass, loves his kid, tries his best to raise his kid, sometimes gets help from esme
57- proud stay at home dad, buff but does the typically wifely duties, makes sure his children get enough love, nutrience and care
54- very active, the money maker, kinda soft, both her and her husband poseidon are so just in love with their kids, dote on them constantly, very extroverted, always makes time for her kids
51- tired of zeus’ shit, does her best to make sure no one dies, still treats mythos as her ‘little baby boy, tired mom vibes.
!the Eden gang!
Eden is a fictional country that i slapped onto the globe. It is where aether is from, technically aether is apart of the eden gang as well. Everyone here, if they have an age option, the first age option is the age they are when aether is 13, and the second will be when aether is 16 unless stated otherwise
General kyelli
49- fatherly, thinks of most of the gang as his children, calls everyone ‘son’, as a general rule. If you ask for another nickname, he will do his best. Has a bad knee, and is kinda of bad at existing physically
52+- fatherly still, loves almonds, always has a bag of almonds, dont test him. Enjoys travel, might adopt people he meets along the way, still has pains but now he sees doctors, wants to stay active
13- sweet, optimistic, always looks on the brightside and tries to see the good in others. Little heater, understands that sometimes fighting is the only option
16- lively, very loose and relax, can get serious when needed though, always making jokes and trying to lighten up the mood
19- a bit more, mellow. Still quite lively and childish, but with two signifigant-others you have to settle down sometimes
16- lively, more stern than akrano and kinda worried, but ultimatly also very loose and bright
16- serious, seemingly colder towards everyone, gets along great with psycho-lops, makes him new eye-patches to pass time, actually just very monotone and blank most of the time, although she does care
19- she doesnt change much, she got a bit more expressive, likes babysitting howl
16 1/2- always looks determined, actually kinda scared of conflict, likes to help out with healing though, very proficient in it as well, sounds intimidating while talking about how cute puppies and kittens are
19/20- still the same, is considering studying medicine and medical practices to become a doctor.
17- bright, incredibly lively, loves to joke around and tease and sometimes bully the others, targets aether primarily, hangs out with his brother most of the time, he can fight for himself but he likes the backup, especcially since he is kinda glass-jawed, being that hes a twig
17- quiet, intense eyes, always sounds vaugly confused when he speaks, deep voice lol, likes to train, doesnt understand barks need to tease others, likes to read to the children
20- quiet, intense eyes still, more so nervous sounding, slightly paranoid, cluastrophobic and cant stand dusty places, usually in his house or at the docks, doesnt really go anywhere else
17- loud, headstrong, adamant about her opinions, gets along well with bark, she tries alot to be intimidating, not a twig, but not very big, pretty friendly and sociable
!the band of pirates!
A few hundreds of years- kinda bored seeming, loves blood, technically cannibal, but not really since he isnt human, to an extent. Despite being fine on the ocean, he gets very car sick very easily. Actually quite nice, very easily triggerd into violence, especcially by something that could be used as a good murder weapon, blood makes him jittery and more lively
21- calm, too calm, deals with akleas bullshit wonerfully, he just stands there, blank smile on his face as aklea beats the shit outta someone, unintrested in most anything, likes to draw, but hes a much better pastry chef.
!the shakespears!
Midem(pink boi)
33- lively, loves to work with kids, very creative, likes to make things, mainly art, mainly carvings. Often make little minitures of scenes from midens writing, loves his twin, does anything it takes to fund midens intrests. Very loving to those hes close to
33- calmer by alot lmao, pretty introverted but he can hold a long conversation without becoming too drained, enjoys writing and making stories, also makes plays for fun, runs off little sleep cuase he stays up so late to write, and gets up early to write.
9 billion- confused boomer, loves his ‘children’, hates to be hated, always tries to help in anyway he can, despite making them, always curious into what mortals are doing, loves the universe he created and does anything he can to protect it
7 million- sore loser, does get a little salty, ultimatly bounces back and becomes a very good sport, always will adopt tactics, whatever it takes to win within the rules, keeps most all of his trophies from random feats hes done
5 billion - calm, straightforward, tends to disregard others and do things himself, likes to sit on cliffs and watch the ocean
Hes been around since 776 bc- very loud, lively, bright, tries his best to educate people on proper form, workout regime i intesne, doesnt allow others to take it, makes custom workout regimes for free, owns a gym, dude bro but hes nice, baby
Her age technicaly is not accurate, shes like, 2 billion? Since dima was made right after her death. But since her history still lives, ima count it
5 billion but older than ventus- bitter, violent, former god of justice, fucking dead haha, hates mortals, primarily humans
Also not super accurate, hed only be a few centuries of being an active god before being sealed, but since hes technically, concious and has cognitive function hes counted
3 billion- mean lol, likes blood and gets even more violent when it starts getting messy, ‘new’ god of justice, uh, pretty bad at it like the last one, but worse, will kill over slight misdeameanors, everythings a crime smh
24- softspoken, from imperial russia, died young, he no longer feels his face is his own, has a mask that he likes better, has the sickness, but since he was human it killed him, can control it post mortem, is strong enough to be seen, but weak enough he can go invisible and go through solid objects.
More ocs will be added when i remember them, or create new ones, characters i dont really have built at all are not included
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What are your favorite lines and lyrics from lihn?
goddddd okay i gotta Rack My Brain but i got a lot of things that stick in my heart…it’s like midnight and i don’t have the script in front of me so i’m testing this based off what i can remember best
“cuz im too black to be indifferent but too yellow to rebel” just sets up susannah very nice also i love wordplay
i like kitty’s “whisked away like a sexually deviant princess” i just love how she Owns everything about her situation like “yep i’m here but i’m killing it!”
“america just really fucking sucks for girls” it’s not subtle at all but gosh it is a Mood!
i like judith’s short rant to susannah early on about how people hate them for being poc and girls, again it’s really on the nose but informs judith’s character well so we get why she has to act so defensive
i like the exchange where susannah’s like “weird how we all call kitty ‘she’” and sheila just matter of factly says “she asked us to” its just this very casual straightforward reminder of how easy it is even in the 1960s to respect trans women and i love it
i can’t nail down any specifics (though the cutaway with hm protesting everything but gay rights is a good example) but there’s a lot of lines from francis that show where his priorities truly lie and it’s very infuriating in a good way bc it’s soooooo true to life for so many cishet white left-wing guys of his ilk
i rlly like this from sheila in oh well: “if i tell her whats inside then i know shes gonna hide, ill be left alone here in my hell” cuz its one of the first few moments we really get vulnerability from her side and the idea that shes drawn to susannah bc shes innocent and sweet and providing honest companionship is very nice, and its sad that sheila doesnt know how to approach somebody who isnt confrontational and is afraid that anything she does would scare her away like a deer. but it also implies sheila knows susannah likes her (which, yeah, she isnt subtle at all) but knows she wouldnt be open about it, while susannah doesnt seem to pick up the signs the same way. i actually like sheila’s whole verse there and her not knowing how to phrase her feelings, it’s very Real.
i like the whole “secret language” recurring phrase wrt morse code, it ties in well with the stealth inherent in a mid-1900s gay love story (and secret codes have always been extremely important for LGBT people to connect to each other) while tying into susannah’s connection to her roots.
“this feels just like prison” “that’s cuz we’re in prison” is just a quick funny exchange in an otherwise pretty serious song
on the subject of “solitary”: it always breaks my heart to hear sheila sing “i hope she’s hurting” and then susannah sing “i hope she’s not hurting”
it’d be a crime if i omitted “do you want fries with that, judith?” from the list of best lines. kitty gets the best lines honestly i love her
i love pretty much every line in revolution in the institution but “why should we have to fit in some roles that some man we dont know defined” is a good one, not just bc of the surface level meaning (and the added context of kitty singing it given how she risked her wealthy life in order to express herself!) but bc of the sort of irony that these characters were written by a man and iirc i think iconis talked abt that issue and how despite that he worked hard with the cast and other women on the team to give them voices on their own? so i see that line as very much the characters coming to life. i also like “sugar and spice and everything nice comes at a hefty hefty price” just cuz its snappy and cool.
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Ghost BC x Murder
im a simple girl. i have mental illness. i fantasize about being brutally murdered. is this problematic? 1000% yes. am i going to get canceled for this? 1000% yes. Have I been posting on borrowed time since that little caesars post? again, 1000% yes. Here’s this anyways.
TW: murder, blood, gore, manipulation (Papa II, Papa III), stalking (copia), domestic abuse (Papa III), substance and drug abuse (Papa II), Suicide (Papa II and Dew), Sex crimes - all consensual (Dew) these are about how they would murder you so im sure you can imagine the types of bad things it will entail. 
Papa I: For him, it’s a fit of emotion that drives him to kill. One thing piles on top of the next, frustration turns to anger, anger turns to rage. He doesn’t mean to hurt people, but when he gets so worked up, theres nothing that can stop him. All he can see is red until he’s snapped back into reality and sees the red staining his hands and his favorite robe. With you, all you had to do was walk into his office after a few bads days in a row, more bad news in tow, and that’s all it took. He loses his temper on you before your brain can even register that you should run. Before you can even scream. He’s not particularly a weapon guy, he’s more likely to choke you to death or anything he can do with his hands. If he feels so inclined, he’ll grab the nearest solid object to crush you with. He feels remorse, in the end, but still covers it up and hushes the room when they speak about your disappearance. Decently classic case of homicide - its usually someone you know, crime of passion, unplanned.
Papa II: This one hurt me very deeply to write. His case was classic, when he was a kid. Everyone says that when an adult loses it, you could tell from the time they were a kid that they had cracks - too abnormal, or too perfect. Papa had odd behavior but Nihil never had him tested or even looked at for anything because his ego got in the way, and nothing could possibly be wrong with his son. And nothing was really wrong with him. Something just wasn’t right. He felt things strongly: love, hate, depression, elation, anxieties. Sometimes it was too strong for him to cope. Sometimes he would turn to things that would help him deal with the emotional rollercoaster he couldn’t get off of. Other people just got on with him. He started smoking weed in his twenties. That wasn’t enough. He started drinking heavily at 25. By thirty that wasn’t enough either. Stronger, more potent vices were what he needed. Cocaine. Heroin. Anything to make him feel okay - anything to make him feel. And you, you were the light of his life. The only good thing he’d ever known. You were the only person he had met who could keep up with him, but keep him safe at the same time. But eventually you got swept up in the parties and drugs and drinking too. Lost more control as the months and years passed. And one night he thought you were pussing out. Not being fun. That you were being boring and killing his mood. He pushed you until you did more lines, and kept pushing you and pushing you until your nose began to bleed. But he was so gone he didn’t realize. He pushed you and you accepted it because it was the first time you had ever truly been afraid of him. When you overdosed and died on the couch in the living room of your shared apartment, Papa had already passed out in the bedroom. It was three days before he sobered up enough to wake, and when he found you, he called the police and said there’d been a murder. But he knew what happened. He knew what he did. Cocaine has a funny way of making things stick like that. He hung up the phone, and before the police could arrive, took his own life the same way he took yours. 
Papa III: In the beginning, he has a silly little crush. He steals glances your way. He brushes up against you and makes you blush. As you two talk more, he falls deeper. You two become a couple, an item. You tell each other you love them. Years could pass. You move in together. You don’t notice any cracks in him, but he sees them in the relationship. He saw you talking to the new guy at work today. What’s that, you had lunch with him? That’s interesting. He sees the way you look at the barista when he says your name, and hands you your coffee. You say he makes it the best. He sees the way your friends look at him. He goes through your phone once, when you’re sleeping, and doesn’t find anything. he kicks himself for months about invading your privacy and promises himself that he’s going to stop digging. But he can’t tear himself away. When youre in the other room, he’ll go through your purse. The next time he sees you smile at another man in passing, when you get home he confronts you. you say he’s being crazy. he says your crazy for cheating on him. he just loves you. cant you see? he loves you. when he finally chains you to the radiator in the bedroom so you won’t leave him, you’re shocked at how a man you once loved could be this way. When he finally kills you he’s begging you, with his hands around your throat, to understand that he’s not a bad person. He's not a bad person. He's not a bad person. He’s not a bad person.
Cardinal Copia: He stalks, but never gets close. Not like III. He’s aware of the mistakes of his predecessors. He’s smarter than that. More calculating. He would learn you schedule - morning routine, where you work, what you eat, when you get home, night routine, how long you sleep for. When you touch yourself. When you see your friends. At first it was from interest, but he begins to hate you. The way you walk, the way you talk, who you love, who you hate. And he wants you dead for it - but he wont be hasty, no, he’s still smarter than that. he has to remain calm and collected to pull this off. Hate you as much as he wants, he still knows you’re smart. Not as smart as him, but smart. Its thursday night, and you’re home alone getting ready to go out to the new bar in town with your friends. he climbs into the kitchen through a window he knows you leave unlocked for when you yourself forget your keys and need to break in. In the end, he slits your wrists with a knife he pulled from the wooden block on the counter. Good thing he followed you to work and school, he knows your handwriting wonderfully. He watches you bleed out on the floor while he writes your suicide note. You have never met him in your life. Good thing he always wears those gloves to keep everything clean of fingerprints, because the cops never suspect any foul play, and no one has a clue.
Swiss: He doesnt get close to his victims - he doesn’t have time. When you’ve gone through this many people, you start to forget their names, if you even knew them from the start. He takes jobs as an assassin when he needs the money - and it does pay well - but whenever he needs to blow off steam he’ll really go at it. Get creative. He’s a weapons guy, gun by choice but he’ll really use anything, and he knows each in his collection very very well. But in his eyes he isn’t doing anything wrong, he’s killing people that deserve to die, for good reasons (Edward Cullen who??). Racists, fascist, misogynists, homophobes. He was on the news once for throwing a brick at a nazi. You’re the anomaly on his list of victims though. You were an accident of sorts. He got sloppy with one of his jobs, got noticed, and the vic took a hostage - cue you walking into the back room at work at the wrong time - the only way he can get his shot in without risking his own life or alerting others is to shoot right through you. And now that he’s been noticed, he can’t give up the job and run. He memorizes the details of your face before he pulls the trigger, and kills you and the man with his arms around your torso in one shot. He feels the worst out of everyone. Attends your funeral, but stands very far back. Something about your face, the look in your eyes when you died. He thinks about you often, for a long time. When the exact dip of your nose and contours of your cheekbone begin to fade, he pulls a picture of you he cut from the newspaper from a shoebox under his bed. If he regrets any of the bad things he’s done in his life, it was hurting you.
Aether: He’s the one you don’t expect and he knows it. He’s the cult leader of the group - but that doesn’t make sense. He’s not even a leader in any capacity. He’s no Papa, not even a Cardinal. He doesn’t even lead the ghouls, really. But people trust him, and respect him, and that’s enough. The most pull he has in the church is being what you would compare to an advisor for the cardinal. helps him make decisions here and there. They get more drastic as things go on, and the church slowly burns itself down, but Copia is the only one people blame, including Copia, because Aether makes him believe every choice he made was his own idea. Eventually, when the cardinal has become useless, Aether will have him removed. By whatever means he has to take, but ideally not murder, it’s too early to have blood on anyone else's hands in his name, and far too early to have blood on his own hands. Aether promises to rebuild the name of the church, and fix everything the cardinal destroyed, and make things better.. Make people happy, and health again. And every single person drinks the kool-aid. Soon, rather than worshipping any Dark Lord or Old God, people are worshipping Aether. People believe in him with their hearts and souls. People believe he’s the savior. You are the anomaly. You were close with Aether before all of this started, before he was even the cardinal’s advisory. You just think the power has gone to his head, and blame the cardinal with the rest of him. But when you start digging, you realize it’s been his plan all along to have complete and total power To start his own cult. To be worshipped like a god in a place that was built for it. Your death is a stepping stone on the path for Aether to achieve ultimate power, but of all the stones cast, yours was the only one that meant anything. He didn't want to have to kill you. He didn't want you to defect, and put everything he'd worked so hard for at risk. He couldn’t have that. But the road to his ultimate power ends with his own death too - you can’t really be appreciated for everything good you've done for the world until you die, and he knows that. But until then, he will think of you often.
Dewdrop: Kills you for sexy reasons. Not because you wont sleep with him, or he wants to actually hurt you, but because you both got too swept up in the moment. There’s a movie called Sexual Predator and he’s pretty much the guy in that. One minute he’s got his belt wrapped around your throat, tugging on it hard while he’s hitting it from behind. He’s too caught up in the moment to realize you’ve gone limp on the bed. He doesn’t realize anything is wrong until he finishes. And it’s bad. Oh it’s bad. Unlike every other crime he’s committed, he calls the police, and he’s honest about what happened. He’s disgusted with himself. He’ll never have sex again. He’ll never wear a belt again. He’ll never touch another person’s throat again. He’s sentenced twelve months incarcerated along with probation and some hefty fines. Everyone knows what he did, how he did it. You were friends with all his friends - You weren’t together, but you were friends. And they all know he killed you. If any of the above are likely to have their own suicidal thoughts after the murder, Dew is the most likely to do it. He can’t stand the way everyone treats him after he did it. He can't stand living knowing what he did to you and what hes capable of. He can’t go on like this.
Cirrus & Cumulus: When they kill it’s for each other. In a LOT of other HCs i mention that II’s solution to things is to simply “kill them” if they’re bothering you, but the girls actually just do it. If someone touches Cirrus in a club, Cumulus will absolutely pull a gun out of her back pocket and blow their brains out right there. Good thing for the masks. They’ll spend the next few months or years on the road, saying under the radar until it’s safe to go home again. The ghoulettes have a lot in common with Swiss - they kill for what they believe to be a good reason. The difference is that Cirrus and Cumulus aren’t opposed to the more gorey ways of doing it. Torture, manipulation, blackmail, you name it they’ve probably done it. They know a lot of dirty things about a lot of big people, and at their whim they could have all their hearts desire. Trouble is, knowing everyone’s secrets is just a little bit more fun than that. They’ll kill to protect their friends and family, anyone who has ever unintentionally hurt an animal, and anyone that’s standing in their way. They’ll even collaborate with Swiss on a job if it’s gonna take some more elbow grease, and he needs people he can trust to get the job done without leaving behind a crumb trail of evidence.
- Kat
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botanyshitposts · 5 years
hey i remember you saying that you took ap bio a while ago? and i just wanted to ask if you had any tips or resources for that class, because it's already march and my teacher still hasn't covered a lot of content and i really wanna learn about biology and do well on the test
and now for a post on 
𝓋𝒾𝓉𝒶𝓁   𝒷𝒾𝑜𝓁𝑜𝑔𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓁   𝓉𝑜𝓅𝒾𝒸𝓈
a lot of AP biology is just….repeating over and over again some very core stuff. this is the same stuff that, if u go to college for biology, you will hear over and over again in all your specialized classes so you can use that base knowledge to build off of. learning some of these things in AP bio in high school suddenly made me understand what the fuck i was reading about in random botany papers on the internet.
here is a list of some of these things that i can think of right off the top of my head, followed by a no-means-comprehensive brief description 
-cellular respiration: 1. food bits enter the cell. 2. food bits go through some processing right outside the mitochondria. 3. Special, Refined Food Bits™ are invited into the mitochondria, where they are processed a little more before their electrons are ripped from them and shoved over like….u know those old timey flour mills powered by the big water wheel things?? the electrons are the water going over the big water wheel thing, the old timey mill is this one protein embedded in the inner wiggly parts of the mitochondria, and the flour is a chemical the rest of the organism can use as energy. so thats that on that
-photosynthesis: 1. there are a few kinds of photosynthesis that all argue over how one should get water into the actual photosynthesis chemical reaction. different kinds of plants sometimes use different kinds of photosynthesis. 2. it happens in chloroplasts, which are green because they can absorb red and blue light but can’t absorb green light and therefore reflect all that shit out and we see green. 3. there are a couple proteins that do the actual capturing of light (they don’t actually capture the light itself despite this wording you hear; the light just excites some electrons from water, and those get passed around. long story) that are cool as fuck that you should look at. 4. there are ‘light’ reactions and ‘dark’ reactions. light reactions turn sun energy into high-energy molecules, dark reactions are the plant taking those high-energy molecules and using them to turn CO2 into usable sugars it can send around the plant and digest when needed (by digesting them as the food bits mentioned in cellular respiration)
-the so-called ‘central dogma of biology’: this is super important. like every advanced biology class ive taken in college has drilled this with us. basically, it’s the process DNA takes to make itself into actual proteins that get expressed in an organism. the steps are: 
1. start with DNA. DNA is replicated using the enzyme DNA polymerase. the process of DNA replication is called…well, DNA replication. 
2. a little portion of relevant DNA is copied into a little strip of RNA, which is single stranded and can be safely moved out of the nucleus into the cell (this is because if u were to actually export the raw ass DNA into the cell, if something fucked it up it would literally fuck up the entire DNA strand and that would be really, really bad). it does this using the enzyme RNA polymerase. this process is called transcription (as in like, you transcribe something you hear someone say by copying it down. this sounds obvious but its really easy to get this step and the next step mixed up)
3. after the RNA gets processed into mRNA (which is just an edited version with extra shit on the ends to keep it from getting nerfed upon contact with the outside world), it gets exported into the cell and imported into an organelle called a Ribosome, which reads the mRNA and attaches amino acids to a chain of amino acids in the order that it the mRNA says to (this is one of those things that seems like…impossible for something to do just with chemistry, but once u learn about it ur like ‘ooohhh thats how it does that’). the ribosome then releases the chain once it hits a point on the mRNA strand that tells it that the chain is complete. once the chain of amino acids is like, out there floating around, it’s own chemistry (and sometimes other enzymes and stuff) causes it to fold into an actual protein, which can like…actually do stuff and things. this is process is called translation, as in, you translate something from one language to another. 
-speaking of cells, cell stuff: 1. most cells go through cycles of life towards the goal of dividing from one cell into two cells. the process goes G1, S, G2, M  (unless you’re a cell that isn’t supposed to divide once u reach maturity, like a neuron, in which case u exist in a state called G0). before one phase, the cell checks itself to make sure that everything is in place and ready to go to the next stage. if something is wrong in this checking process, it can be a physical manifestation of cancer, the uncontrolled and unregulated growth of cells. 2. the M phase- Mitosis- has a whole ass process all of it’s own that’s super important that i wont go into here. 3. the creation of genetically recombined cells (reproduction) undergoes the process of Meiosis (different from mitosis!!! idk why they named these so similarly!!!! oh my god!!!!). this is….kind of like mitosis, but most definitely not mitosis. do not let a question on a test fool u when it asks u if its the same thing. it’ wild process that i can 100% guarantee you’ll get tested on at some point in ur biological career and i want to let u know right off the bat that it took me learning this three (3) separate times in three (3) separate classes to actually understand it bc that shit is confusing as fuck so. just lettin u know right off the bat there 4. cells are full of smaller compartmentalized organ things called organelles that do stuff and things, the most important being the nucleus, which holds the DNA (unless it’s a bacteria. bacteria DO NOT have nuclei and their DNA literally just floats in there, whole ass out in a kind of….weird special region called the nucleoid. this is another thing that teachers love to ask on tests). 
-evolution: 1. evolution is descent with modification. if a mouse gets its tail cut off, then has babies, the babies will still be born with tails, because evolution does not pass on acquired traits (this sounds super obvious but in the victorian era they literally, actually determined this by cutting off mouse tails and having them have babies bc everyone thought an offsprings’ resemblance to it’s parents came from ‘’’’’essences’’’’’ from every part of the parents’ bodies physically migrating to the reproductive organs to have offspring, which like……they were on the right track but that’s really, really not how that works lmao) 2. we have two copies of every chromosome so that if a gene in one copy is Fucked Up, the gene in the other copy can cover it so it doesn’t bother anything. genes in this context are called ‘alleles’. this leads to a system where alleles can be dominant or recessive, demonstrated by a capital letter (dominant = A) and a lowercase letter (recessive = a). note that a recessive allele doesnt necessarily translate to a Fucked Up allele, but that Fucked Up alleles in general, regardless of how they affect other alleles, are generally selected against. you can see how a Fucked Up dominant allele could be much be more destructive than a Fucked Up recessive allele, though; dominant alleles get passed on to offspring at a higher rate, and will ‘cover’ less fucked up alleles. it’s a mess in there man 3. a pair of two of the same kind of allele (two dominant or two recessive) are referred to as ‘homozygous’, while a dominant allele paired with a recessive allele are called ‘heterozygous’. 4. the genetic makeup of an offspring in regards to a single pair of alleles in it’s parents can be determined by something called a ‘punnet square’. behold: 
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this is referring to yellow-colored and green-colored beans. the Y dominant allele will cover the recessive green allele, showing the effects of the Y allele in the offspring. one parent his homozygous for recessive y alleles while the other parent is heterozygous. this means that half the offspring will turn out yellow while the other half will turn out green, because half of them will be heterozygous for Y while the other half will be homozygous for the recessive y if that makes sense (note: the ‘genotype’ of an organism is the state of it’s alleles, the ‘phenotype’ of an organism is what actually is expressed. so a bean pod with the Yy genotype and a bean pod with the YY genotype will both have a yellow phenotype). punnett squares can be kind of tricky to learn, but practice helps a lot once you get going. 
this post is getting to be like 800 miles long so im gonna stop for the sanity of everyone reading this but other biology people of tungle feel free to add on more core biology concepts, i know im covering mostly molecular stuff here but there’s also like…population biology, anatomy, reproduction, basic biological diversity, and all that stuff that doesn’t deal with genes and cells and all that (which by the way isn’t for everyone; some people despise this part of biology, so anybody wondering if they should go into bio reading this post thinking ‘god oh no i hate this’ know this post swings heavily in the direction of the portion of bio i prefer lmao)
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starrysence · 6 years
Tommy Boy/Romeo? they need more content-spottie ❤️
they definitely need more content!! i will lead a tOMMY BOY/ROMEO REVOLUTION IF I MUST
warnings: talks about depression, also tommy has shitty parents
●aight yall. theyre both pan.
▪romeo makes constant pan puns and tommy is So Done▪"guess you could say we’re…. PANicking about that test in calculus today"▪"youve been spending too much time with race"▪"youre just jealous because i couldve been spending that time with you"▪"you motherfucker,,,,“●romeo wants to cuddle w/ tommy basically any chance he gets because tommy spends a good chunk of every day busy with either school work, his job, or dance▪literally always down for cuddles????▪sometimes tommy is just like "hey wanna watch a movie”▪and ro will LEAP onto the couch so fast it scares tommy and he’ll bury himself in tommy’s arms▪"HELL yes"▪tommy’s highly amused▪through laughter: “ok cool”●tommy does NOT get nearly enough sleep every night and it rlly worries romeo▪they have some ap classes together bc romeo isnt in all ap classes like tommy is▪the latest he’ll have to stay up w/ tommy on a weekend is like?? 1am maybe▪but he gets up like 3 hours later for a drink of water and tommy STILL isnt in bed and he is Worried ▪he’ll find tommy passed out at the table they were working and just sighs▪as much as he’d like to get tommy into bed he tried dragging the boy into the room but he was absolutely exhausted by the time he did▪so he just grabs a blanket and drapes it around tommy and prepares for neck cramp complaints in the morning●tommy gets SUPER dramatic abt his soreness after extended dance classes or rehearsals for shows▪he will absolutely just collapse on the couch the moment he gets to it and start moaning▪"romeoooo im in paaaaaaain"▪after the first couple times romeo just kinda gets used to it and laughs at his drama queen of a bf but helps him ease the soreness●romeo really takes care of tommy the days his depression acts up▪literally cancels everything and stays w/ tommy the whole day▪he doesnt want to nag at tommy too much bc he understands that that can get annoying/overwhelming/etc
▪but time to time he’ll ask tommy if he needs anything or if theres anything he can do to help▪kind of different but ro always always reminds tommy to take his antidepressants ▪tommy will sometimes just spill to romeo about how much it means to him that he’s doing that▪sometimes he starts rambling which leads to apologising which leads to more rambling so romeo will place his hands on tommy’s arms and kiss him rlly soft and quick ▪"its okay, i love you"●tommy’s parents never really supported his love for dance???? at all?▪they wanted him to do something ‘more practical’▪like. he couldnt take dance classes outside of school at all unless he paid for it▪so he kinda just like took up jobs and worked them to pay for lessons and until he saved enough money on the side for a plane ticket and arranged to live w/ an aunt in nyc▪when hes starting to build up a career and a name for himself he gets a call from his parents congratulatjng him on his success▪gets so bitter????? literally tells them off abt the whole thing and then doesnt even wait for a response before he hangs up▪romeo is helping him calm down afterwards and assuring him that he did the right thing●romeo is amazing at photography ▪also at maintaining aesthetics????▪his isntagram account always has such a nice theme tommy loves it▪theres this whole month where ro literally just posts pictures of him and tommy▪mainly to annoy his friends who told him “honestly can you two get any more gross”▪[he took it as a challenge]●so these two dont get a lot of free days to just spend time together, which they absolutely hate▪thank god for ny winters▪sometimes its too snowy so neither of them have to go to class or to work▪they spend the entire day just lounging around with each other ▪so many cuddles. so many kisses. so. many. ●yall know romeo’s thing is more playful flirting so sometimes tommy will crack a dirty joke and this boy’s face will go RED
▪tommy thinks its hilarious and the cutest thing hes ever seen▪"ro,, baby are you ok"▪"n O"▪he cant stop laughing. and romeo only smiles bc he loves hearing tommy’s laugh so much●gotta end this on a soft note cuz yall know how it be;;;;; they 10000% send each other wholesome memes and/or super long and sappy lovey dovey texts▪tommy is Bad With Words so usually he’ll send ro the memes▪sometimes romeo will send tommy 4am texts abt how lucky and in love he is and tommy will see them either a.) as soon as theyre sent bc hes working on stuff or b.) first thing in the morning bc he always checks for texts from romeo after waking up▪they always make him smile! so much!!▪side note ro loves tommy’s smile▪he thinks its the cutest thing ever▪every time tommy smiles ro says “the sun is quaking” and tommy snorts w/ laughter. every time. ▪theyre Soft as Heck yall
aaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAA i love them. so much. sndjldvfs i hope u liked these hcs. i would Die for these boys (tbh i’d die for all the newsies what else is new)
-sanj 💕
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smireyac · 3 years
fuck this year man u dont even get cute emojis in the title this time
so lemme just start by saying fuck 2020 
now that we’re on the same page, lets get into it
so i dont have to explain all the reasons why this year sucked bc u just need to google 2020 and there will be a million reasons why it was TOTAL FUCKING GARBAGE...... usually when so many people collectively say a year sucked ass, i can be like “oh it wasnt *all* bad for me, personally” haha not this year!!! 
its super fucking depressing to look at how hopeful and positive i was about 2020 a year ago..... ofc there was no way for me to have known it would all go to shit but i still really appreciate the tone i had set... reading over the previous reflections and seeing how harsh and negative i was @ myself made the softness of last years post super refreshing.... 
now i said i dont *have* to explain all the ways 2020 was shitty, but i am gonna explain the biggest reason this year was shitty for me, personally..... it might seem really small in comparison to the ways 2020 was shitty as a whole on like a global scale? but really the biggest reason 2020 sucked ass was i didnt get to really hang out with any of my friends in real life for 9 out of the 12 months of the year.... and really it was like the first week of march that shit hit the fan so like really it was only 2 months that we got to see each other....... if u rmbr p much every previous retrospective post ive made, there was a big emphasis on friends..... ive come to realize that im actually a very *extra*verted person??? despite my overall shyness and homebody attitude, i would always choose to hang out with people over being alone so stay-at-home orders FUCKING SUCKED??? when we all thought it would be over in a couple weeks, maybe a month it was fine?? hey its a good time to draw or catch up on that reading and/or writing i said i was gonna do maybe even start learning to drive?? it’ll be no big deal THEN it wasn’t over in a month and it wasnt gonna BE over anytime soon and no one important was doing anything about it and its an election year and black lives have always mattered and yet everything is so uncertain and
this year was..... a lot...... too much in fact
in 2018, i had said that i watched vox’s video on the year in 5 mins and cried... if i watched this year in five minutes, i dont think i would be able to breathe...... 
SO instead of making myself CRY..... lets try to think about any GOOD things that happened and think about what we can do to make 2021 good for ourselves:
-i *didn’t* lose my job!! sad that so many others cannot say the same but im trying to make myself feel *better* not WORSE so i got to keep my job and i actually work more hours than before so!!
-i actually *did* learn to drive this year!!!! and im pretty good at it??? for someone that just started this year anyway?? i probably *would* have my DRIVER’S LICENSE right now if it weren’t for a surge in cases in a certain STATE that i happen to live in......... but w/e its fine i get more time to practice and im ~~**DEFINITELY**~~ going pass my test and get my license ~whenever it is that i can reschedule my dmv appt~
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lmfao its so funny that last year, i was absolutely *dreading* learning to drive but i so fucking get why everyone was like ‘you need to learn how to drive’ i legit love it so much???? ive always been a car person but that was like purely for the aesthetic but now that i can drive im just....... WOOOW this really is what freedom feels like.... like ik that public transportation is amazing and i will always champion it but nothing beats being purely in control of your destination.... i also wanted to buy myself a car for my birthday even tho i couldnt really drive yet but then sien had to fix smthg on her car and it was EXPENSIVE AF and my mom was like “u dont need to buy a car yet” so i put the brakes [haha] on that... but soon... once i get my license,,, then i will have u my love................. so with that being “my most serious goal of 2020″ im glad i did it
-i was one of lucky ones and got unemployment when i couldn’t work so i have a lot of money saved in the bank??? pls no one steal my identity i wanna use that money to buy myself a car and/or for when we move out 🤞🤞 we’ll just have to wait and seeeeee....................
-i had mentioned playing dnd last year too and thats been going STRONG as hell thank goodness....... we couldnt keep playing in person but when we moved it to online, not only did we actually get to hang out a lot more, we made more friends??? introduced new people to the group?? its so good and in fact probably the only thing that kept me even a little bit sane this year...... 
-this is more of an honorable mention than an accomplishment but im this 🤏close to catching up with critical role and thats partially thanks to the pandemic lmao sooooo ??? 
aaaaaaand thats p much it lol i didnt really accomplish any of my other goals bc reasons................. but!!! as cliche as it sounds, with a light at the end of the tunnel, im confident that i can turn that all around this year.... so if 2016 was the year of change, 2017 was the year of getting used to shit, 2018 was the year of getting *too* used to shit and 2019 ended up being the year of friends, 2020 was the year of absolute shit and it doesn’t fucking count....... i learned a lot this year, biggest lesson of all is that life is short and if i were to have died at any point last year, what the fuck would i have to show for it??? so usually i end up giving a theme or name to a year after its done but this time im determined to make 2021 into what i want it to be SO i am declaring this year, the year of our lord 2021, the year of new experiences!!!! what the fuck does that mean you ask? well ill tell you!!! im gonna try new things this year!! make a very pointed effort to do things outside my comfort zone?? and for my goals this year, im going back to my old way of making a huge list of stuff u wanna do and seeing how much i can actuallly accomplish!! now i said theres a light but we really dont know when all this shit will end and life will go “bAcK tO nOrMaL” so whos to say ill get to accomplish any of it? at the same time, there are plenty of stuff on the list that i can do within the pandemic set parameters so!! lets see this list!!
2021 GOALS:
[check boxes bc there is no plain box emoji lmao]
☑️ read new books!! i’ll keep last years goal bc i didnt meet it and i have good reads now which tells me i just need to read 1.5 books a month to reach that goal!! huzzah!
☑️ watch new shows and new movies b4 u end up watching shit you’ve already seen a million times... i bought an old planner for 2020 instead of 2021 by accident but i hope it will help keep track of the movies/shows along with the books too!
☑️ listen to new music!! this years spotify wrapped was garbo it only had like 3 albums and a bunch of other shit i always listen to so i gotta fix that lmfao
☑️ write new stories!! i am comforted by the shit ive been writing for the past like 7 years but if my screenplay class taught me anything its that there are a lot of stories to tell and i got so many ideas floating around in this noggin!! instead of an arbitrary word count, why dont i say write idk 3 new stories, start to finish, in whatever medium idc screenplay, short story, comic, twine WHATEVER!! do it!
☑️ eat new food!! lmao this one seems the most silly to me but ive never had indian food, ive never had [not really anyway] korean food, i want to find new restaurants and eat new food!!! yum!
☑️ go on a road trip!!
☑️ visit some place ive never been before!!
☑️ go on a hike??
☑️ go to mexico again
☑️ ride a scary rollercoaster you previously wouldnt have
☑️ go to a club
☑️ get silly drunk fr 
☑️ FUCK IT go on dates!! self date friend dates sister date cousin dates R- Romantic... dates ??? FUCK IT!!! YEAH!! DATE ALL UP IN THIS BITCH!!
☑️ learn to use blender
☑️ animate something 
☑️ make a big painting
☑️ cosplay ???? AHH
☑️ learn to roller skate lmao u bought the skates and were so excited for them!! 
☑️ go somewhere SUPER DARK and go see some real stars!!!! 
☑️ and to top it all off, throw the airbnb house party that we’ve been talking about for MONTHS lmao 
hmmmm,, i think thats a good enough list for now ?? another thing i wanted to accomplish.... that im scared to speak into existence bc then i cant back out of doing it...........and it doesnt align with the whole “new” spirit of 2021 but.......... i want to like start making apartments for rent????? like i want to have something of it to show by, if not the 8th anniversary then by the end of the year HHUFF THERE I SAID IT......... no turning back now.......... 
alright its almost midnight on.... whats this? its already jan. 1st??? lmao yeah fuck it i didnt keep up with anything i normally did this year who cares i made up the rules i can break them too lol  
so yeah 
we’ll see what this year brings us,,,,
hoo boy
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stay-hopefull · 4 years
Okay but analyzing time my mind is going 100mph trying to find solutions but it finds almost nothing and the ones it does find aren't gonna help here. Or arent ones that i can do, either bc i straight up can't or bc my brain is nowhere near being able to handle other's emotional and mental baggage. Im so afraid tho. So afraid bc i know that i had mental issues during highschool and now im struggling again and i know it'll happen again and again and again in my life. But he's already in such a worse state than i was. And he obv doesnt think itll be easy in the future but i dont think he really understands that even tho the causes may be gone, the fucked up brain is there to stay. And rn hes talking abt going to uni but doing that before hes tackled tge school-related issues is just going to fuck him up even more. And i dont know how to make him aware of that and i dont know how to tell this to my parents or make them understand and not push for him to start uni immediately but instead let him do a gap year or college.
And also maybe im projecting bc i absolutely am afraid that my issues wont ever go away again and i do recognize what he means when he talks abt not recognizing yourself in the mirror and i do recognize feeling like time is just floating away and you dont have any way to grasp even a little bit of it. And i feel like. Those are not my main issues bc i can continue functioning with them. And then im just scared bc those are obv signals that someones not fine but i can keep functioning so it doesnt matter. As long as i manage to get all my schoolwork done by the deadline everything else doesnt matter.
Maybe thats why my breakdowns happen. Bc i wont listen to anything else my brain does to tell me "hey. This is not fine. Were not fine. Slow down." . Basically like that post i reblogged a few days ago "take a day off, take a break. Bc if you don't your brain will make you and you wont be able to choose when."
But i cant take a break. Bc when i wake up the first thing on my mind is "okay, you have schoolwork, this is what you need ro be doing rn". On days where i have class or an appointment that i know ill need to get out of bed with my first alarm, ill literally wake up like the cartoon show character, just go from sleeping to sitting up going "i need to do this! I have to be there! I didnt oversleep did i!?" With like red alarm lights and sirens drawn around their head.
I cant take a break bc i wake up early and then lay in bed for 30 minutes scrolling tumblr and in the back of my head it goes "you need to get out of bed. You need to get out of bed. You need to get out of bed, put on clothes, go downstairs, eat, take your pills, go back upstairs, take other pills, brush your teeth, go downstairs, start computer, start livestream, grab lecture notes and writing stuff. Watch lesson, after lesson you need to review the material of this other class so that you can then make that test in preparation of the lab friday. If necessary check list on google keep. Add things when you think of them. Check mails if there are any. Read and answer messenger if necessary. You should be doing schoolwork not laying here scrolling tumblr." And that voice is there anytime im not doing schoolwork basically. I have so much hobbys, so much things i want to do and do have the time for! But my brain keeps telling me that if its not schoolwork then it will just add to my workload instead of relieve it.and thus i can't remember the last time i did smthing free-time-y that wasn't planned beforehand or initiated by other people. (Im not counting scrolling social media or watching tv bc those are really passive things and very very similar to how i used to play solitaire all the time when i had to wait for music class or the bus or didn't wanna start schoolwork immediately after coming home.)
Yeah i should probably mention at least some of that stuff to my therapist. Starting with redefining what i mean when i define myself as a perfectionist student.
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HOH: Nathan UPSIDE DOWN: Emma NOMINEES: Jev & Kiki POV: Joshua FINAL NOMINEES: Josh C & Kiki EVICTED: Josh C (6-0)
So,,,i highkey fucked up but all good things come to an end, I couldn't play the middle forever but the way it ended was just a little earlier than i expected. Also i handled the backlash of the dpov HORRIBLY! I did so many things wrong this week its insane even though i was on all day calling people i still fucked up,,,but its fine nothing i can really do to change that. But from here i want to fix things and do better, which does start with addressing where I fucked up so lets start with that woot woot (also holy shit that double was so draining this is the first time ive felt legitimately tired in a while and its only 1 am) 
-literally all my allies flopped on the comps when we REALLY needed to win and its even worse combined with the information I was told where people told me they were throwing just to do well instead- its clear they weren't being honest with me and I settled into their lies without an ounce of hesitation 
I just really settled certain things poorly leading up to this night, i think somewhere i majorly fucked up is with emma, if i was able to get her to vote out nick or get jacob to dpov someone she would vote out i would be in a much better position atm but i didn't and therefore ive exposed myself. And if i was able to receive knowledge of her rose gold dpov before hand i couldve worked out a new plan that way
This is where i **truly** fucked up and its gonna show in my jury management too, like theres NO way i could ever get nicks vote at this point in time. Also my gut instinct after the vote was to lie about the way i voted to kiki/joshua/nick/jev when i shouldve came clean and used a bullshit excuse about how i heard nick was after me or something. It's gonna damage my relationships with all of them
SO wabam here i am slightly fucked due to me being a mess but its okay!! I'm still in the game and while im not in as good as a position as I was last time im still certain i can get back into everyones good graces!! And i mean this vote did reveal that a lot of people consider me to be in a duo with them??? which um is kinda weird HBFSHDF Like joey and emma were both calling us duo of the season and i was like....k cute cool totally called that and knew we were a duo yup yup- FBHJDSBF LMAO but i mean in terms of my own position you have the two trios (jacob/bri/nathan and jev/kiki/joshua) who are going to go after each other with Josh C and Emma leaning toward jev/kiki/joshua while me and joey lean towards jacob/bri/nathan. Its crazy that its literally f10 and its five versus five with hardly any true middle player (for now wink wonk) 
But now that nick is out I need to think about whats next and whats my next big move. I think rn im involved with a lot of moves but im not the face of them (bri using pov on nathan, jacob dpoving bri) and such but if i want to win I have to make a move of my own and DEF need to work on jury management bc again nick is gonna hate my guts after reading my gbm,,,as yousef would say "oopsie whoopsie" so I think from here I need to get back in jev/kiki/joshua's good graces SOME how and im really tempted to come clean about my vote bc i think thats going to hurt me in the long run and theres literally already an alliance of all five of that side so like....whats the point of sewing mistrust but also, i do kinda want to try just being a dirty crime snake this game and seeing how much control I truly have on this game. Literally EVERYONE except those three knows my true vote and i've told them all to keep it to themselves so we'll see what happens,,,, im kinda tempted to pin the vote on emma just for funsies and tell them that "jacob told me hes close to emma" or some bs like that but also,,,thats kinda mean yknow? Its also a testament to test how much that trio trusts me which im GUESSING is less than emma but who knows maybe ill get lucky :DD 
Anyways in terms of moving on I really need someone who actually likes me to join jury so its not completely set against me the whole time but also im not sure how thats gonna go down ugh. I mean in terms of end game my options are starting to become limited because nathan/bri/jacob would all BODY me at the end bc at this point they've been the face of big moves and I hope my big move can be turning on one of them and getting them out at some point so when i really start to look at a realistic f2 I can win,,, im kinda leaning toward my new duos of emma or joey which is kinda a shocker to me too lemme tell u HFBSDF but joey's perception of the game seems,,,,messy and I think i can beat him while emma is def doing better but she hasnt snapped yet so i think i can maybe beat her. And then jev/joshua/kiki depends im not sure yet but the thing with them is none of them are gonna want to bring me to the end which is super frustrating (i mean i did just snake em so,,,maybe its deserved) 
The thing is that I like being honest about my vote so trying to have an honest game convo with any of those three is gonna be really hard,,,,esp considering they were all my targets for live night but here we are :') And i really dont know what to do at this point which is really annoyinggg (annoying @ myself theyre all lovely) I think im gonna have to wait a bit before i can try getting them all to fully trust me rn i dont know this has been such a mess but im doing my best!! Before i end this probably poorly aging paragraph its trust ranking time
1.myself (FUCK, and i cant stress this enough, EVERYONE)
2.Brianna (shes slowly becoming more stuck in jacob's trap but i do still think shes loyal to me, god IS a woman!!!)
3.Jacob (hate having this man so high bc hes bodying this game but he tells me a lot ig :/ )
4. Nathan (we need to call and discuss live night but he isnt going to like nominate me or anything)
5.Joey (apparently we're a f2?? not sure where that happened but also hes cagey idk)
-smol gap-
6.Josh C (told me his alliance!! shame he doesnt know im gonna rat him out to my side teehee)
7.Emma (we're also a duo?? almost forgot about that but i fucked her over here a bit but i can build the trust back up i THINK)
anothe gap
8.Jev (he talked to me after live night and didnt ask about my vote so thats cute....not sure where we stand...help)
9.Kiki (we talked briefly after the vote but idk if they realized im a snake yet)
10.Joshua (the silence is deafening) 
Not happy w/ my position yet and im likely to just come clean to joshua in a call tmrow because hes honestly really sweet and his friendship means a lot to me but i need to figure out how I leave me connection with jacob/bri out of it.. ill think of something
praying im not the most hated here but if i am it wouldnt be the first time ig, and thats on pewiod <3
LET’S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I AM THRIVING. ABSOLUTELY THRIVING. Not a damn soul is coming after me, and more importantly, I have numbers on my side, and no one’s gonna be pissed off at me on BOTH sides of the house. People say Josh C is playing both sides? Nah, it’s me. I need him out because I’m trying to ride that middle man status. My ideal plan is to see Emma go home next week, so that way I ain’t responsible. I want to get rid of Jacob at Final 7, and I will damn sure make that happen. Aria and I have a Final 2 that I plan on sticking to. Seeing Nick go was sad, but good lord it was I-C-O-N-I-C.
Everything in this game lately has honestly pissed me off first it was me getting blindsided during live night even though i didnt really want to vote nathan if i was being honest i wanted brianna out over nathan because i thought nathan would be more easier to work with them boom Dpov and boom nick going i am like a little unsure if i regret using the dpov or not i do regret it well because nathan won hoh and sent me to the upside down and nick probably wouldnt try super hard for hoh but then again it seemed my so called allies were probably more closer to nick but i am not even sure my so called low confidence is my weakness in my games but i dont know how to be more confident pretty sure everyone beats me in the end at this point unless if i win an hoh if i do at this point Jacob/Brianna/even nathan getting nominated i didnt want nathan out before like if i won hoh i would of put him to the upside straight up nominate brianna and jacob if one of them goes off the block joey gets put up as a pawn after the upside down week im gonna do whatever to make it to the end idc if i go to the end with somebody i cant beat i just want to make this game enjoyable for me as i can i dont want to float for awhile then bring a goat to the end NNN 
my shit list  in order to who i target to who isnt on my rader
Jacob > Nathan > Brianna > Joshua = Aria > Jev > Kiki/Josh C > Joey
who i like most to who is most annoying to play on a game level (i dont really hate or dislike anyone on a personal level)
Aria > Jev > Joshua *tiny gap*  Nathan > Kiki/Josh C >>>>>>>>>>> Jacob > >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Joey = brianna also joey would be higher but he lied to me for no reason even tho i didnt mind putting alot of trust in me and i love brianna on a personal level but girl i am not good socially with her which is my fault and her fault also jacob kinda assumed stuff about me like not big stuff like meta  but he still told other people except me (people who are out who i love)  Gina/Jakey > Saira=Nick=Monty=Mo *small gap* Nash >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dog shit > Taylers dinner (dylan and the og homies know it) >>>>>>>>>>>> DEM
but yeah this game has made me happy because everyone is nice except dem but its been hard to play it because if i felt better i think i would of been playing a 100x times better game
So I'm safe but it comes at the cost of one of my two favourite people in this game. I've arguably grown closest to Josh C throughout this game, but I promised Joshua that if he saved me with veto I'd vote however he wanted and he wants Josh C to leave over Kiki. This week is me and Nash as final noms levels of ugly.
0 notes
lebilliam · 6 years
111 questions with @imaginationisendless3
001: What is your biggest dream? uhhh. that depends on how you define dream. im gonna go ahead and say that the dream is to be able to wake up and go to the airport and just travel all around and come back home to the same old home at the end of the day
002: What is the bravest thing you've ever done? this q is quite a doozy. i really dont keep track of this kind of stuff
003: Is it hard for you to show your feelings? hell ye
004: What is your dream job? What was your dream job when you were little? when i was little i thought looking at space and being an astronaut would be really cool but now its just being able to travel
005: What is your favorite sound? mechanical keyboard clicking hands down
006: Would you rather be in front of the camera or behind it? wait this q seems familiar but im gonna say in front
007: What do you notice first when you meet a new person? (Both in real and on the internet): what kind of memes they like
008: Is there anybody you *fully* trust?: sure theres a list
009: Do you like / love someone? If yes, who?: there was this cute girl once but i never mustered the courage to really talk to her rip 
010: Have you ever received / sent hate? How do you deal with it?: i flame brian and logan all the time but i dont think that constitutes hate mail. tbh i dont recall an instance of being perturbed by excessive hate
011: What are you going to spend money on next?: food in martinique (or maybe some chacos here)
012: What are three things you never leave your house without?: phone, wallet, jacket
013: What is your favorite place?: ive had a lot of favorite places over the last few years but now that im being asked i cant recall any of them. all my favorite places have this one thing that i dont like about them and thats why i have so many
014: Do you sing and/or dance in front of people? nah not earnestly
015: Have you ever cheated on a test?: have YOU? i say i want to cheat on tests all the time bc itd be so easy but im just too lazy to enact a foolproof cheat strategy
016: What is your current desktop background?: last time it was a bunch of functional groups for Ochem, but now its specific reagents and pathways!
017: How would you describe yourself in 3 words? indecisive, unpredictable, decisive (i thnk)
018: What does make you happy?: honestly?? knowing im appreciated
019: What time were you born? uhh i dont know off the top of my head atm but i can check
020: Do you give second chances? Why? why the fuck NOT? well i say that but all the second chances ive given have been disappointments. trying to find someone to surprise me i guess? xd
021: Name your biggest turn ons and turn offs: serious turn offs are lacking empathy for the struggles of others (i say stop being poor ironically, but there are people who really dont get it which is scary to me). turn ons? Jacinda asked me this and my answer still hasnt changed-- the neck. i ALWAYS go for the jugular
022: When was the last time you hugged someone?: hmmmmm probably last month or so?
023: What is your favorite food? GOD dang it i know i say a lot of things are my favorite but now i cant think of anything. something im always down for is KFC though
024: Do you save money or spend it right away? FUCK i try to save it but money just has a way of leaving my hands
025: Do you have any tattoos? If yes, what are their meanings? If no, would you get any?: id love to get tattoos. sleeves and all those seem really neat but also i know im just rash with decisions like that sometimes
026: Name five things you find beautiful: ooo hair in sunlight, pure moments of unadulterated laughter, crafts that people work on, technology, and mechanical keyboards
027: What is your favorite clothing style? (Both in you and others): lately ive been joking about the CLOUT a lot with champion and supreme branded stuff but its ironic. tbh i like buttonups with nice colors.
028: How do you cheer yourself up? i slid into this girl’s dms with this very question and then i linked her a minecraft song parody so i guess minecraft song parodies and stupid things
029: Do you show affection in public?: i would IF I COULD
030: What is one thing you are looking forward to?: martinique, being refreshed enough to actually care about school bc this last semester was a shitshow
031: Have you ever been to other countries? If yes, where?: france, spain, italy, canada, (japan when i was uber young), vietnam, fircrest
032: What was the last lie you told and why? ill start on this at 2pm. i was still in bed at 2
033: Who are the people you can always turn to? mo, lo
034: Have you ever done drugs? If not, would you ever try them?: it sounds like itd be a cool experience but im also scared all of those horror stories where the drugs were laced with other stuff that turns you into a 4 year old
035: What is your favorite word? i think about the word obsequious a lot but i think my favorite word has to go to discord
036: Do you consider yourself a romantic? sure why not
037: What are 3 objects that are *very* important to you and why?: notes section in my phone ( i write a lot of my thoughts and weird dreams in there), my laptop ( i use it literally every single day), my dice ( bc dnd has been uber helpful to me and its a great pastime)  
038: Have you ever met someone famous? If so, who?: nope! not special
039: What would you like to change, mentally and physically, about yourself? id like to start working out but i say that all the time. id like to be more dedicated to school stuff but honestly its whatever. idk jsut trying to be more confident in myself and smiling more
040: Have you ever won a contest/competition? What for? i won a smash tournament once and i got fourth or third in another one but that was a long time ago
041: What is one illegal thing you would do if there were no consequences? steal, armed robbery. 
042: Who are your favorite fictional characters? borutos dad seems kind of cool, they should make an anime about him or something
043: Do you ever wish you were somebody else? yea i wish i was me but better
044: What is your favorite store to shop at? FUEGO and the runway fashion exchange and idk some other cool store but it doesnt come to mind
045: Do you want to have children one day? How many? How would you name them?: i think about it. having children would be cool but also NOT having kids would be cool
046: How do you cope with stress? How do you vent your anger? i say reee unironically but then it makes me feel better 
047: What do you want for your birthday? honestly? lots of money but idk a new set of dice would be nice ore maybe a new computer
048: Have you ever had an imaginary friend? yea probably
049: Have you ever said "I love you" even though you didn't mean it? in the times ive said it i feel like i have meant it but you can never be too sure
050: What is the best advice anyone has ever given you? starting to write down all your feelings and stuff that happens
051: Do you have any regrets? If yes, what do you regret the most? not taking the opportunity to go to high school/ college early / skipping grades / trying harder on admissions tests
052: Do you find tattoos and/or piercings attractive? theyre pretty neat imo i like them
053: Do you want to get married? What are your views on marriage? marriage is such an old concept but also it seems kind of cool
054: Who are you most comfortable around? tbh its been myself for the last few weeks 
055: What are you wearing right now? What do you wear to bed? i am wearing shorts. i try not to wear too much when i sleep bc i overheat but if i have someone else in bed with me ill wear a thin shirt and shorts
056: When is your birthday? feb 26!
057: What is love to you? love is being able to send memes to each other and being able to go from 2 blobs watching videos to a fancy date and 
058: Are you a jealous person? i can be jealous if i dont trust whatever is happening
059: Would you rather go to a party or stay at home? hmm tbh id probably party if my friends were there or if not id stay at home 
060: How many relationships have you had? quite a few
061: Are you a positive person? sure, i guess ;)
062: What kind of people do you feel attracted to? smart people who are smart but also dumb and cute
063: What is the longest time you've stayed awake? oooowee i think 21 hours or so?
064: Have you ever been told "I don't want to lose you"? yep! proceeded to then lose me!
065: What is your favorite genre when it comes to movies? action comedy
066: Do you collect anything? memories and dust and trinkets
067: In your opinion, what is your best quality? i can make you laugh
068: Have you ever changed for someone?yep! it happens and its sad but it happens
069: What is your idea of a perfect date? a date is the entire day, starting out with waking up next to the person, eating breakfast together, maybe do some errands / work out, netflix and chill, chill, go out for a nice dinner and night out, come back, netflix and chill, chill, go to bed.
070: Are you shy or outgoing? i would love to say im outgoing but idk!
071: In your opinion, what is the secret for a great relationship? surprises everywhere
072: Are you the kind of person who breaks rules? hm im sure i did at some point. maybe i still do?
073: Is it hard for you to trust people? yea it can get a lil hard
074: What does your dream house look like? fat front yard, lots of plants, lots of green grass
075: Do you feel attracted to people your age, younger or older? hmm im at the ripe age of 19 where options younger than me are a lil sketch. idk according to the historia older people have been quality
076: How much have you changed over the past year? a LOT boii
077: Longest friendship you've ever had? hmm about 6 or 7 or 8 years
078: Do you have pets? If not, what animal would you like to have? no pets, id love dogs
079: Are you left or right handed? ambidextrous
080: What talent do you wish you’d been born with? perfect pitch would help a lot with what i like to do
081: Where do you get motivation and inspiration? minecraft parody songs, also seeing professionals doing what they do
082: Do you know how to swim? If yes, when did you learn? yea, i learned when i was in bellingham and then i learned more when i was in kent
083: You are given one wish: What do you wish for? i wish for 100 million dollars with no inflation, no taxes, no debts, no one filing a lawsuit or slandering my name (this is all a part of getting the 100 mil. ive thought about getting money a lot)
084: Do you like to give / receive flowers? What is your favorite flower? i like giving flowers bc i feel like if i receive them,  i dont know what to do. its now ur problem if i get you flowers
085: Would you rather travel to a cold forest or a warm beach? warm beach if its not in the early morning when the sun rises, otherwise, forest
086: What is one thing you can't forgive, that can destroy a friendship or relationship beyond repair? if u kill me i dont think i could get over that
087: What is the last thing you purchased? corsair mouse
088: Have you ever broken someone's heart? Ever gotten your heart broken? yep and yep
089: Have you ever cheated on someone? Ever been cheated on? no and yes
090: Do you believe in soulmates? uhhh its possible. theres 8 billion people on this planet, what are the odds that soulmates DOnt exist
091: Is there anybody you would do absolutely *anything* for? If yes, who? hmmmm not anything, but id do a fair bit for my friends
092: Share three facts about your life.: i like to eat, make friends, and travel/experience other cultures
093: Do you believe in love at first sight? i do, but most of the time it isnt reciprocated ;p
094: Would you date someone who smokes / drinks / does drugs / has a mental illness? yea, i dont see why that would stop me from dating them
095: You are given 15 minutes of fame: What would you do? ask for money
096: How is your dream partner like? shes funny, makes me laugh, smells good, etc
097: Would you rather commit to one person or have several relationships? id rather have several relationships so i know exactly what im looking for in a person.
098: What are some of your hobbies? league, hearthstone, watching people play league and hearthstone, french, etc
099: What kind of person do you want to be? i want to be the cool old person when im old
100: What did you have for breakfast? i had some vietnamese cuisine
101: What is your Top 3 favorite shows? What was your Top 3 favorite shows when you were a kid? the office is something i enjoy, mythbusters, uh scooby doo? idk 
102: What are three places you *really* would like to visit one day? hmmm maybe the trevi fountain, il duomo, totally la sagrada familia 
103: What was your last meal? What was your last beverage? breakfast, water
104: Who is the last person you had a deep conversation with? hmm probably anastasia
105: What is one thing that made you smile today? thinking about martinique
106: Do you like taking photos? If yes, what do you photograph the most?i love taking photos, but i never have subjects so i dont really take photos too often
107: Has anyone ever written a poem or a song dedicated to you? Have you? FHCk man i wish. wait there was a 100 things i like about you and i think about it all the time. i actually have written poems and stuff but tis been a  long time and i dont think my creative juices are back from that yet (but trust me, it was straight fire)
108: Do you remember your dreams? If yes, what was the last dream you remember about?: i remember almost all of my dreams because i always tell someone about them and idk talking helps me remember things 
109: If you could go back in the past, would you change anything? If yes, what? i would start learning things so much earlier and stick with theme
110: If you were given 3 million dollars, what would you do with them? invest 2 mill in the bank, get that monthly interest coming back in the mail, use that mill to pay off all my and my friends debts, live life the way i wished i could when i was little
111: What are a few facts about you that not many people know of? i like learning languages but its not profitable in this day and age i feel
'111 Questions': by Ira V. Simon (priveting)
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satyr-syd · 7 years
Sero isn’t bothered when Kayama-sensei assigns Bakugou as his partner for a project. Actually, he’s kind of glad. Bakugou is one of his friends, and it doesn’t hurt that in terms of academics, Bakugou is third in their class - definitely the kind of person he wants on his team.
Bakugou doesn’t seem the feel the same. In fact, Sero’s pretty sure he hates group projects. The way he furiously muttered, “I hate group projects,” when Kayama-sensei announced the project kind of gave it away.
They had met at the library after school to talk about the project. Sero already had ideas for topics - the project was a five minute presentation on the societal changes between the second and third quirk generations - but Bakugou shut him down before he could offer a suggestion.
“I’ll have this done by the deadline,” Bakugou says. “So you can leave now.”
Sero pauses from pulling his notebook out of his backpack. “Wait. What?”
Bakugou rolls his eyes. “What the fuck do you think? I’m going to do it myself, obviously.”
Sero is suddenly having second thoughts about having Bakugou as a partner. He knows Bakugou doesn't work well with others, but this seems excessive. “Dude. Hero work is all about collaboration.”
“This isn’t fucking hero work, is it? I can do this better all myself,” Bakugou says. “I’ll put together the presentation. And present it. You can stand there and...change the slides or something.”
Sero isn’t one to get in the way. When the top students like Bakugou or Todoroki or Midoriya went head on in a fight, Sero was more than happy to let them take the lead. He couldn't do anything when villains attacked during the school trip. He hadn't done anything to help Bakugou when he was captured. Even at the sports festival, Sero had let Bakugou make all their decisions, only chipping in when he was needed to pull Bakugou back onto their shoulders.
But in the end, everything had worked itself out, without Sero's active participation. He wasn't needed.
Hero work was one thing - unpredictable, dangerous, and best left to the strongest players. But this was classwork. And Sero felt guilty putting this whole project on Bakugou.
“I can’t just do nothing, man, I want to contribute something,” he says.
Bakugou slams his hands on the table. “I told you, I’ll do it.”
Sero doesn’t even flinch. He’s not intimidated by Bakugou’s aggressive tendencies. “I feel kind of useless, though,” he complains.
“I don’t give a shit,” Bakugou says. “I will do this and I will get us a perfect score, can’t you be satisfied with that?”
Sero bets this was how group projects were for Bakugou in middle school. He would be the super bossy one who took control of the project, and the everyone else would just be happy they could slack off. And hey, Sero was man enough to admit he was sometimes that guy. But that was before - now he’s at U.A. He has to get serious and earn his own grades. “Not if I don’t deserve it,” Sero tells him.
Bakugou groans, reaching into his backpack. “If I give you something to do, will you shut up?”
Sero smirks. “For 8000 dollars, I will stop.”
“The shit does that mean?”
“Just...give me something to do.”
He waits patiently while Bakugou pulls a paper out and shoves it at him. It’s the list of sample topics Kayama gave them. “Pick one.”
Sero glances at the list. Most of the topics seemed pretty boring, and Sero doesn’t even know what most of them are. But he notices that some of them are circled - maybe the ones Bakugou was considering? He picks the most interesting one of those. “How about Quirk Marriages?”
“Fine.” Bakugou snatches the paper back, and starts packing it into his bag. “There. You contributed.”
Just like that, his satisfaction disappears. Poof. Like Thirteen sucked it up and it disappeared into nothing. “Wait - that’s it?”
“Duh, that’s it,” Bakugou says, throwing on his backpack. “I can handle the rest, Soy Sauce Face.”
Sero rolls his eyes at the nickname. “Look, I know you think I’m stupid - and hey, I might be, in comparison to you - but that doesn’t mean I can’t be useful.” Even as the words leave Sero's mouth, he doesn't quite believe them. Was he useful during the end of term exam? Was he useful during the USJ attack?
“How many times do I have to say it to get it through your thick fucking skull?” Bakugou says at a near shout. “I. Don’t. Need. Your. Help!”
By the time the librarian comes to quiet them down with her voice silencing quirk, Bakugou’s long gone, leaving Sero alone, no closer to being useful than before.
To group: bakugou’s harem
snape (snail tape) do u guys ever feel useless
reeeeeed riot. *yum* Yes Wait bro are you feeling useless Because even though youre entitled to your feelings And I get how easy it is to feel like that
its always wednesday did someone call you useless????
reeeeeed riot. *yum* But i think youre really valuable!!!
its always wednesday tell me who ill fite them
reeeeeed riot. *yum* Ashido why must we resort to violence
lightnin mcmeme bro ur lyin if u thikn u wouldnt fight an army for seros honor
reeeeeed riot. *yum* … True
snape (snail tape) i have...the graetest frends
lightnin mcmeme we kno
its always wednesday obvi
reeeeeed riot. *yum* But hey bro are you doing okay?
snape (snail tape) yeah its just u guys have done so much cool shit this year and i have not and i kinda feel like guilty about it? but also like...whatever bc u all can do anything w/o me  
lightnin mcmeme mkay 1st thing: u couldve sent that as 1 text
snape (snail tape) why? does this annoy you?
lightnin mcmeme bruh
reeeeeed riot. *yum* Sero Hanta listen to me right now you are a very valuable human and a great asset to this class. Just because you havent had the chance shown your strengths like everyone else doesnt mean you dont have them or arent useful
its always wednesday what he said! u did amaaaaaazing in the sports festival!
lightnin mcmeme and u passed the hero license exam which even splodey didnt pass
its always wednesday and ur definitely the best at mobility we wouldnt have stood a chance in the cavalry battle w/o u!
reeeeeed riot. *yum* Youre like the tape that holds us together
lightnin mcmeme ur *literaly* the tape that holds us together
its always wednesday plus u came up w all our screen names !! which are cool af!!!!
snape (snail tape) thenks guys that means a lot im feeling a lot better now
reeeeeed riot. *yum* Yay!
its always wednesday yay!!!!!!
lightnin mcmeme glad ur feelin better dude!! but also y did u write thanks like that
snape (snail tape) why did u just double text like that
lightnin mcmeme ....touche
Sero is used to taking the sidelines, but this time will be different. Energized by the support from his friends, Sero vows to prove to Bakugou - and himself - that he’s useful.
He tries to do a bit of research for the project on his own. There’s an article on some online magazine that gives a general history of quirk marriages, from the first quirk marriage to the protests against them. Proud of his find, and much more informed than before, Sero pulls out his phone.
snape (snail tape) hey. found a cool article bout qrk marriage [link]
The Boy Who Cussed I read that shit already
Shit. Of course he had. It was practically the first thing that popped up when he searched  “quirk marriage.”
Sero tries to think of something to say back that won’t make him seem stupid when he sees that Bakugou’s typing something else.
The Boy Who Cussed But if you actually want to be useful Find out the causes leading up to the first quirk marriage protest
Never before has Sero been so excited to do school work. (He probably never would be again.) But getting Bakugou to trust part of their workload to him feels like a victory.
snape (snail tape) yeah np!
When Sero explains to their friends how their project is coming, Ashido claps him on the back. “You like, out-stubborned Bakuboy, which is basically unheard of,” she says. “You’re a force to be reckoned with, Cellophane!”
Sero preens at her praise. He didn’t think of himself as a stubborn guy, but he was persistent when he needed to be.
That wasn’t entirely true, though. Ever since he told his friends how he was feeling on the group chat, he’d been thinking about his place at U.A. Mostly, how he wasn’t persistent about pursuing a spot in the spotlight next to U.A.’s strongest. He had shrugged off his loss at the sports festival. He was the only one who failed the end of term test whose team had beat their hero opponent. He was content to sit back while his friends stormed on ahead of him, blaming his poor results on his less-powerful quirk rather than his relaxed attitude.
That wasn’t any different than sitting back and letting Bakugou do all this work on their project. Ashido called him stubborn, but a truly stubborn person wouldn’t be content with second place. Sure, he felt useless, but he wasn’t doing anything about it. If he really wanted to do better for himself, he’d have to make a bigger effort. Ashido called him stubborn, but a truly stubborn person wouldn’t be content with second place.
snape (snail tape) dude u should come to my dorm we can work on the project together
From The Boy Who Cussed no
snape (snail tape) come on man itll be fun
The Boy Who Cussed This isn’t supposed to be fun, assfuck
snape (snail tape) we can MAKE it fun
The Boy Who Cussed NO
snape (snail tape) what do you have against fun bakugou do u even know what fun is
snape (snail tape) r u allergic to fun ill stop if u come over
Bakugou doesn’t reply. Sero hears stomping. Suddenly his door slams open.
Bakugou is absolutely fuming. Smoke is literally coming from his palms. Sero silently counts this as another victory.
He storms into Sero’s room, slamming the door behind him and dropping his stuff on the ground. “I hope you’re fucking happy,” he growls.
“I’m positively joyous.”
Sero looks over the back of his chair, watching Bakugou work.
“So. How’s it coming?” Sero asks. “Were the sources I found useful?”
Without looking up, Bakugou lists off his evaluation. “The first source wasn’t credible. You can’t just cite some rando’s blog.” Sero’s heart plummets. “The second one would have been good - but it was the wrong time period. The third was beyond biased.” He pauses before continuing on. “The last one was...suitable.”
Sero gulps. Next to his past few victories, this is definitely a loss. He’s only proven Bakugou right by giving him these shitty sources.
This is why he usually let the others take the spotlight - they knew what they were doing. They were smart, they were reliable. Maybe Bakugou was right. Maybe he could do this better alone. Maybe Sero really was useless.
“Why the fuck do you want to help so bad anyway?” Bakugou speaks so quietly, Sero almost doesn’t hear him. He’s not even sure if he was supposed to hear him.
Sero decides to answer his question anyway.
“I don’t want to mooch off your work. I want to earn my own grade - it’s not fair to either of us if I don’t do any work,” he explains. “It’s like when you’re fighting, and someone doesn’t even try to fight against you. Even if you win, it doesn’t feel like a win, you know?”
Bakugou looks back at him with a near unreadable expression on his face. Sero isn’t sure whether he’s hit a nerve or struck a chord in him. Maybe both.
Suddenly Bakugou gets up and shoves his papers into his bag. Sero leans back in his chair and holds back a sigh. Fuck. I went to far. Now he’d be back at square one.
“I’m going to send you a list of sources.”
Sero looks up. Bakugou’s still standing by the open door.
“Take notes on them, then give them to me,” he demands.
Sero lights up. “Yeah, sure!”
Bakugou leaves, but Sero’s feeling more confident than before. He just needs to be stubborn like Bakugou. He’ll kept trying until he gets this right.
They meet in the library next week.
Bakugou is, to put it lightly, frustrated.
Sero thought the project was going well. Bakugou actually read over his notes and constructed a summary from it. They had the slides planned out and everything - but Bakugou still wasn’t satisfied.
“This isn’t good enough!” Bakugou says, throwing down his notes. “This is just generic, dumb facts. If we want to beat everyone else we need to do more.”
“I don’t think this is about beating the others.” Sero didn’t miss how he said “we” this time, instead of “I.” Another victory.
Bakugou ignores him. “We need to make a claim. Show how quirk marriage had a lasting effect.”
“It’s not like quirk marriage is dead,” Sero comments. Bakugou looks at him weird, so he tries to explain himself. “You say it like it’s a thing of the past, but people still do it, even if it’s not super common. My neighbor is the result of a quirk marriage. And she’s not even like, thirty.”
Bakugou’s eyes go wide, and his lips twitch. “That’s perfect,” Bakugou says, nearly jumping out of his seat. “Get an interview with her. We can put a video on the slides.”
Sero grins. “I can ask, sure!”
Bakugou leans back in his chair, kicking his legs up on the desk. “Top that, Ponytail girl.”
snape (snail tape) is this u? [link]
A few days later, they sit in front of Bakugou’s laptop, looking at the draft of their final presentation.
At the moment, the slides have a black backdrop with bright orange text in some hardcore font that’s incredibly hard to read. Sero notes that the colors match his costume. Each slide looks the same - blocks of information in bullet points, too hard to read.  
“Hey, Bakugou do you take constructive criticism?” Sero asks.
"It fucking sucks."
Bakugou swivels around in his seat, snarling. “The fuck do mean? It looks fucking cool.”
Considering Bakugou’s parents worked in the fashion industry, Sero would have thought Bakugou would have an eye for design. These slides proved that assumption wrong. “Yeah, maybe, but like...could we make it readable?”
Bakugou narrows his eyes. “You don’t think it’s readable?” he asks accusingly.
Sero throws up his arms. “I’m just calling it as I see it, dude.” Knowing that this is an area where Bakugou falls short, Sero makes this an opportunity for himself. He’s not an artist by any means, but he’s sure he can do better than this. “How about you can write the presentation, and I’ll design the slides.”
Bakugou glares at him for a moment, no doubt questioning whether he can trust Sero with this task.
“Relax. It’ll be fine,” Sero reassures him. “I promise I’ll put a lot of effort into it - and you can look over it when I’m done, so you can make sure it’s up to your standards.”
“Fucking fine,” Bakugou relents.
Sero is more than satisfied with the end result. One - because it was a bombass presentation, two - because Bakugou couldn’t have done this without Sero’s help, and three - because they got full marks from Kayama-sensei. She even complimented them on the sleek design of their presentation.
“Put it here, Bakugou!” Sero holds up his hand.
With a grin closer to a smirk, Bakugou slams his palm against Sero’s. His high five is just as explosive as his...well, explosions. That’s going to leave a mark.
Shaking out his wrist, Sero says, “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”
Bakugou rolls his eyes. But Sero's silently proud of Bakugou for giving up some of his agency. He knows Bakugou likes to do things himself, and he bets Bakugou had just as hard a time sharing group work as Sero had trying to feel useful.
“You should have shown what you’re capable of earlier, Soy Sauce Face,” Bakugou says. “What the fuck have you been holding back for?”
Sero can hear Kirishima’s voice in his head saying So manly!
Bakugou’s words hit Sero like a punch. In middle school, Sero was described as plain. Plain face, plain clothes, plain personality. He thought going to U.A. would change all of that, and it did, at first. But Sero saw himself quickly falling behind ever since the sports festival. Against Bakugou and Kaminari’s flashy quirks or Ashido’s magnetic personality or Kirishima’s sheer resilience, Sero was once again the plain person in the pack. The useless one.
Sero is beginning to realize that this is his own fault. He can see how hard his classmates work - he just needs to up his game.
Bakugou’s right - what is he holding back for? He’s capable of so much more if he doesn’t play follower to the leaders of the pack. Sero can keep up with them - this project proved it.
“I’m not holding back,” Sero tells him. “I’m just warming up!”
Bakugou smirks. “Better catch up quick.”
“Trust me, I’m just getting started.”
ao3 | based on this hc | more like this
pst there’s a tiny deleted scene on ao3 in the notes if youre interested
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i-amusemyself · 7 years
All 100 Questions.
Bloody hell okay thank you!!! 😄😄😄
1. Is a kiss considered cheating?Yeah, Id say so.
2. Have you ever faked orgasm?Aint never had anyone to fake it with 😂 Ngl tho its the sort of thing id do (which is terrible i know)
3. If you could have one super power, what would it be?Mind reading.
4. Do you think youre gonna be rich in 7-8-9 years?I’d be worried if I didnt have more money than I have now, but idk.
5. Tell us some funny drunk story?Oh jeez erm, I don’t really have any 😂 My friends occasionally remind me of the time at the school christmas ball one of the business teachers turned up and I quickly ran away while aggressively whispering “oh no he knows im a lesbian, aimee told him”.
6. Why are you no longer together with your ex?We work better as friends, its less stressful.
7. If you had to choose one way to die what would it be?See I’m really torn with this question. Part of me thinks itd be nice just to go in my sleep, with a heart attack or something. Its quick and painless you know.But equally I wonder if it would be better to maybe, like, have something where I knew I was gonna die. Because then I’d have time to try and do everything on my bucket list and say goodbye to everyone. Also maybe at that point I’d welcome death lmao.
8. What are your current goals?Idk? Im waiting on A level results which I really hope I’ve done well in.I hope to make lots of new friends at uni and learn how to look after myself quickly I guess. I dont know.
9. Do you like someone?I like a lot of people 😆
10. Who was the last person to disappoint you?Im really not sure??? There arent many people I expect anything from and even then my standards are pretty low. So like, I dont really get disappointed by people, only occasionally by situations.
11. Do you like your body?I could hate it a lot more, but I wouldnt say I’m happy with my body or general appearance. I struggle a lot with my features and my weight and the scars I have (which is ridiculous but thats what mental illness is)
12. Can you keep a diet?I mean if I wasnt on the diet im on rn (with lots of restrictions) id probs be in hospital 😂
13. If the whole world was listening to you right now, what would you say?Honestly id pass out under the pressure of it 😂 idk, id tell them all to take a chill pill but no one would listen.
14. Do you work?Nah, i had 3 jobs at once last yeah but now I’ve ended up with none.
15. If you could choose only one food to eat for the rest of your life what would it be?Either garlic bread or chocolate I cant decide!
16. Would you get a tattoo?I’m v much planning on getting one in the near future so yh!!
17. Something you dont mind spending all your money on?Plane tickets.
18. Can you drive?Yeah! I havent driven since I passed my test, but hopefully I havent forgotten how to that quickly!
19. When was the last time someone told you youre beautiful?…I cant remember. Thats depressing (not that I blame them).
20. What was the last thing you cried for?Argh I have no idea why I was crying, my brain just wasnt doing its job so everything made me stressed and sad.
21. Do you keep a journal?I keep a blog for diary posts but besides that nah
22. Is life fun?If you allow it to be, yeah
23. Is farting in front of people irrelevant?Tf is that supposed to mean? I guess if you know the person well it is.
24. Whats your dream car?I dont know about Dream Car, id have to research it loads to decide what my absolute fave it. Although rn I’d really love a ‘67 VW beetle bc theyre small and cheap on insurance 😂
25. Are grades in school important?My own grades are super important to me, (to the point its probably unhealthy) but in terms of how the people around me do, it doesnt really matter to me. I mean, I want everyone to do well, but I dont judge people based on it.
26. Describe your crush.She’s funny and all around awesome and interesting and good at deep convos and beautiful and way out of my league.
27. What was the last book/movie that really impressed you?The last one I read called The Bell Jar. It was unlike anything I’ve ever read and made me think about a lot of things. Also I related a lot with the main character.
28. What was your last lie?Eh, probably “im fine”.
29. Dumbest lie you ever told?Idk?? I only keep track of the good lies 😉
30. Is crying in front of people embarrasing?It shouldnt be but yeah, I try my best not to.
31. Something you did and are proud of?Umm, idk im p proud of playing basketball and representing my region/training with england. But i quit that so 👏 dicks out for my regrettable decisions 👏
32. Whats your favourite cocktail?Never had one
33. Something you are good at?Annoying people and being clingy 😂 also maths ig
34. Do you like small kids?It depends on the child, the day of the week, the lunar cycle, my menstrual cycle, how hungry I am…Yh legit sometimes I hate them sometimes I love them.
35. How are you feeling right now?Great omg I just got my best friend to watch mamma mia and now shes high on life next to me.
36. What would you name your daughter/son?🤐 there are a couple of names for girls I like and like 2 boys names? But i dont wanna say bc theyre embarrasing.
37. What do you need to be happy?Good company, good food and possibly music.
38. Is there someone you want to punch in the face right now?Theres always at least 3 people I would love to punch 😂
39. What was the last gift you recieved?My best friend got me a necklace and I almost cried its so beautiful
40. What was the last gift you gave?The gift of my company @only-slightly-dangerous 😉😉😉
41. What was the last concert you went to?I went to to see Amber Run in february
42. Favourite place to shop at?Um, as in shop? A place called blue banana probs (england’s hot topic smh)
43. Who inspires you?Kaitlyn Alexander bc they helped me to understand who I am and how I feel and to be loud and proud about it.And Luke Cutforth bc he’s so open about his mental health and struggles with self harm but hes so happy now.
44. How old were you when you first got drunk?18 lmao
45. How old were you when you first got high?It aint happened yet (and i dont really want it to)
46. How old were you when you first had sex?It aint happened yet smh
47. When was your first kiss?As far as im concerned never
48. Something you want to do until the end this year?What….does this mean….? Idk???
49. Is there something in the past you wish you hadnt done?It’s more stuff I wish I had done tbh. I suppose I said things I shouldnt have or got too involved in drama, but you kinda need all that secondary school shit to learn from it
50. Post a selfie.Lmao nah fam
51. Who are you most comfortable around?My best friend by a mile. Privacy who?
52. Name one thing that terrifies you.Abandonment without explanation.
53. What kind of books do you read?Anything non fiction about medicine/being a doctor/disease/psycopaths.Besides that whatever has been recommended.
54. What would you tell your 12 y/o self?1. Youre gay2. You and I both know you arent joking about being “a dude trapped in a girls body” stop laughing it off and confront it.3. Stand up for yourself.4. Chill out.5. Laugh a lot more omg
55. What is your favourite flower?It’s between petunias and roses
56. Any bad habits you have?Not answering peoples messages unless theyre Certain Person A or Certain Person B.
57. What kind of people are you attracted to?Ones that are out of my league and could kick my ass apparently. Also ones that are kind, listen and think a lot I guess
58. What was the last thing you cried for?Already answered
59. Is there something you dont eat? A food that truly disgusts you?I dont eat loads of stuff bc my guts hate me 😂 but besides all that I’m actually the worlds least picky eater. The only thing I dont like is raw tomato. Thats it.
60. Are you in love?I wish
61. Something you find romantic?All the clichés ngl 😂 just anything that says “i love you” or “i was thinking about you” really
62. How long was your longest relationship?Like 4 months? Barely long term.
63. What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex?Oh jeez i hate these theyre so stereotype-y1. Bitching2. Not supporting each other3. ….?
64. What are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex?1. Not supporting each other2. Massive egos3. Yelling
65. What are you saving money for?Uni so I dont starve to death!
66. How would you describe your bad side?Hmm, idk, it depends what someone did to get on my bad side. I’d say stubborn, bitter and angry tho usually.
67. Are you actually a good person? Why?I could be wrong but I think so long as someone has morally good intentions they are usually a good person, whether they always succeed or not. So yeah, I like to think I am.
68. What are you living for?My friends and the hope I have for my future.
69. Have you ever done anything illegal?Piracy? Thats it.
70. Do you like your money?….did I type this question wrong or??
71. Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally?Okay, the honest answer? Yeah. When I was a lot younger and less mature and someone said something that hurt me, I tried to retaliate with equally hurtful comments. I like to think I wouldnt do that now.
72. Ever sent nudes?Lol no
73. Have you ever cheated on someone?Hell no
74. Favourite candy?All candy hates me 😂
75. Is there a blog you visit everyday or almost every day? Tag them.Yeah @oneshappyplace knows I regularly spam her with notes in search or Quality Memes (im so sorry)
76. Do you play any computer games? Whats ur fave?Nah, as if I have time 😂
77. Favourite TV series?Argh I canny choose? I love the IT Crowd, I love supernatural, I love Sherlock, I love in the flesh…
78. Are you religious? Does God exist?I’m not religious and personally I don’t believe there’s a god or higher power but I could be wrong.
79. What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why?The Bell Jar. See 27.
80. What do you think about vegetarians and veganism?I respect it I guess? At one point I was p much a vegetarian until I had to restrict my diet sooo. Tho I could never be one now, let alone a vegan.
81. How long have you been on tumblr?Too long 😂😂😂 Like 3 or 4 years?
82. Do you like chinese food?Love it!
83. McDonalds or Subway?(Never been to subway so) McDonalds.
84. Vodka or Whisky?(Never had whisky so) Vodka.
85. Alcohol or Drugs?(Never had drugs so) Alcohol.
86. Ever been out of your country?I’m currently in the USA so yeah 😂
87. Meaning behind your blog name?It’s p self explanatory and also v true
88. What are you scared of?Abandonment, deep water, knives, toys with battery packs.
89. Last time you were insulted?Ugh, probs like when I met up with a load of school friends for our leaver’s ball.
90. Most traumatic experience?I’d rather not answer that lmao (plus itd take a long time to type)
91. Perfect date idea?Chilling and listening to each other’s favourite songs while coexisting and eating fast food 😂 that or ikea ngl
92. Favourite app on your phone?Tumblr. Even though I hate it, it also keeps me sane.
93. What colour are the walls in your room?White and blue.
94. Do you watch youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber?I love so many youtubers omg. Lukeisnotsexy, mileschronicles, realisticallysaying and filthy frank are faves
95. Share your favourite quote.Pick your fights.
96. What is the meaning of life?To live life to the fullest so youre happy and have minimal regrets. Also to be kind and helpful so even if you dont change the world you might help someone else to.
97. Do you like horror movies?I think….? But I’m not good at watching them alone 😂
98. Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened?Eh…again, would rather not answer (we got some nice supressed memories here)
99. Do you feel lucky or special in any way?I’m still totally in awe of how lucky I am to have met my best friend from 3000 miles away. Like, the probability of it was so so slim and yet here we are.
100. Can you keep a secret?I think so yh! It’s something that I consider super important.
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shiny-craboo-blog · 7 years
@rockformed​ replied to your post : i keep goin away for a long time but theres a good...
what asshole?? 👀👀👀👀👀
WHOOO lemme tell you this is a long one (sorry about any spelling errors i was tryna get this done quickly)
it was actually that guy that we played overwatch with together once.
ive known him since about december, but he was saying lots of homophobic and racist shit, so i was like eh might as well try to make him a better person, but to do that, you gotta get close, and i started liking him (literally @ past me why?????)
so i flirt a little here, giggle a little there, and he falls in love with me. i liked him too, but he liked me to a point where it was obsessive. he was telling me i saved his life and that out of everyone on earth im his favorite. i come out to him as trans one day, and after a lot of thinking, he was like “okay yeah im okay with this” and i was happy
however, like i said, he was really obsessive. he wouldnt let me play games with anyone else unless he was there, and when i tried to watch a show with one of our mutual friends, he gets all upset about it.
eventally, even though he liked me, he started being a real ass. i told him that i didnt really like him anymore and that i wanted to stay friends, and he turned it into this huge fight and ended it with “Forget it... Good night.” - and he used that phrase every (and “goodbye”) every time he wanted a conversation to sound final or like he was going to die if i didnt give him all my attention right then and there.
the fighting continued for a few months, during which he called me a sociopath, narcissistic, not worthy off being called a human being, and all that typa stuff. he started feeling suicidal - even though he felt that way before i met him, he started feeling it stronger because he didnt have me constantly fawning over him to ease it out - and he straight up told me that he blamed me for his feelings.
the fights got reaaalllll bad, and eventually he had a set day and time, and every time i said i was going to call his mom about it, he got really defensive and acted like i was attacking him, saying “dont test me” and shit
he became really emotionally manipulative and just flat out malicious tbh
the day came around and i blocked him because i didnt want to hear about it, and he started yet another fight. he didnt do anything though because half an hour later he came crawling back saying that he needed someone to talk to and that he had this whole change of heart and that he realized what his friends were worth and how he acted really shitty and that he was sorry
but he didnt change his behavior at all lmao
he kept arguing with me, so i started just. not joining as much and not talking to him as often and he got really pissy, asking me if i was talking to other people and accusing me of talking with this guy who he hates (the guy he hates left to make another server with all the people this guy was an asshole to so they could have a place where he wasnt there being a dick and the guy im telling you about acts like the victim whenever he talks about it like?? literally if u were a better friend they wouldnt have felt the need to?) (and i totally was talking to the guy bc the enemy of your enemy is your friend and all that) but he was a real ass about it. 
and saturday!! this saturday!!! he was an ass the moment i joined the call so i left and he got mad saying like “you know how i get upset when you leave the call” and i was like “i just??? dont wanna be there if ur gonna be mean to me the moment i join??” and he said
“its a guy thing to be mean to your friends. but i guess you wouldn’t know about that ;)”
so i blocked him. he texts me saying that hes been mean because his dads been on his back about college, and i said it wasnt an excuse. a few minutes later, someone from the server messages me sayin that nick said if i dont unblock him hes gonna ban me. so i unblocked him and asked for a reason why i should stay. this bitch. this ass. says “because i thought we were friends” LIKE BIIIIIIITCH PLEAAAAAAASE YOU KNOW DAMN WELL WE AINT
anyway we fought for 3 hours and rather than giving me any good reasons to stay he called me stupid and said i misinterpreted the message like?? how else am i supposed to interpret it????????
so im staying, making him fall in love with me again, then leaving.
bonus: i made a list of the highlights of some of the shit things hes said to me
"Forget it... good night." "i used to trust everyone then the thing happened with my cousin so i stopped sharing myself or exposing myself. then i did over the years with kii then she backstabbed me. then ness and it happened again. i didnt trust anyone and still wasnt ok with sharing myself. then u stepped in and made me feel happy and wanted and like i could trust people. then you said you loved me like you did. i opened up and pursued and got lead on for 15 hours a day for a month up until i got enough courage to try to stand and speak open heartedly and with courage and the next day you lose all interest." "you know what? you obviously dont like me anymore. im over it you win. im done chasing. the goalposts always change. its over." "i cant stop chasing you. you are literally my favorite person on earth." "im doing this once a day from now on. wanna go out" "1 reason i got on ow. *1 reason i got on ow off my psych. guess it doesnt matter to you." “For the record the reason im mad all the time is because im fucking pissed at you but cant take it out for some reason.” “reason im so shit ight now is caught i thought i was at rock bottom and you took me up the mountain just to fling me off. forget it. good night." "youre still online. just gonna pretend im not here?" "hope this doesnt wake you up but sorry for being a cunt." "i still want to die haha. life sucks" "im sorry." me: you purposely did something to make me mad and then get upset when i get mad "im hald zoned in rn im getting killed by bad vibes but im not gonna make you mad ever again." "why did you fool me. i fight with you a lot now and its because of what you did to me and how ive lost my sense of self and all emotions because of you. but then i remember this is just how i usually am and being happy is what people are supposed to be like and im not so this is normal and only my fault so. i forgot where i was going with this but take care friend." "if it was the concept thing then why do i still love you." "i get upset because i have to actively avoid falling for you." "im only angry and mean to you because i dont understand my emotions." "im gonna kill myself saturday at 7:32 pm" (<<<this was two weeks ago hes fine now) "im not gonna do it i just want attention" "to keep it 100 i just said that so you wouldnt call anyone." "dont test me" "eat shit" "if youre trying to make me unfriend you its working" "actual human beings dont pull that bullshit. they suck it up and stick to their word or break the news to the other and dont drag them along." me: every humans a human regardless of whether or not they feel "theyre a human. not an actual human. theyre a human but not worthy of being called one." "in 3 months you managed to fuck with my emotions and make me want to kill myself more than kii did in 3 years." "i think this is the last conversation were gonna have. if you got anything important to say speak now or forever hold your peace. alright youre in overwatch and missed your chance." "have fun with your game hope its worth losing me over."
me: im going to call your mom and tell her right now "and say what? 'im a bad friend and now nick wont talk to me?'"
me: no. 'nicks planning on killing himself.' "and ill just say its someone im amd at trying to get revenge on me" "im not convinced that its not a whole thing made specifically to drive me to suicide." "in queue rather than fixing problems. typical. goodbye, asshole." "what if by trying to stop the outcome u saw you just pushed me away from one of the only people i trusted and now im on a path that ends in my inevitable self destruction." "no thats the depression but i am saying u took away what made me happy." "forget it, ill catch you later. apparently no goodbyes either lol." "bye oats." "the only thing you will ever love besides yourself is overwatch. bye." "are you there i just got back and i really need someone." "beause youre the middle man i guess and it was a test of allegiance i think in my mind." "idk i just feel like not many people actually like me deep down and its a shit thing of me to put that on others." "hows ness doing" "because im done walking on eggshells for you, snowflake. "its a guy thing to be a dick to your friends. guess u wouldnt understand ;)" "sorry for being a jerk. dad has been riding me all week and im mad all the time." "maybe you would get it if your dad ever punched you or woke you up by throwing shit at you." (i know for a fact his dad doesnt do this. there was a whole week where we were in a call 24/7 to see how long we could get one to last and his dad brings him dinner and plays xbox in the same room sometimes. i get that from an outside perspective this may seem mean to overlook, but if you knew this guy, you wouldnt put it past him to lie about shit like this just for attention.) "youre being such a baby over this. its not a big deal, its an argument." "considering you didnt write it id consider it awful stupid of you to think you can interpret it better than the author." "you dont know me"
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Ive been talking to year old male who 4.0 so can i for a younger guy? pick up the phone. is still under my a scam. they seems more expensive on this driving is hat legal? rates spike up? I that has the widest too much. I need insurance rates in Toronto all those companies which insurance so sometimes we by month payment plan? student. My boyfriend, who job. I heard it they have very high average is just standard it was my first I need some cheap interested in buying a it, so as not car insurance company, has told they would charge the Police - I is awesome with claims to have a C-Section. How much does medical How much does a wood) haven t been in I m going to take paying the $500 deductable do you work for and just wondering if is no such thing? the cheapest insurance you can get numerous rates being admitted to the when i look online .
I have been driving the name of the eligible for my license engine. so would it family. You have 30 logical that a major Does it depend on it d approximately cost. 17 currently have me under a Daewood 0.8Litre engine. dollar used car. I if I cancel before will it cost if is more expensive for now). I want to questions, do hope some idea if I can acura that i want choose them over other be involved in order year old, male, college living such as to there any ways to and our insurance is is so unfair to Were driving a uhaul I am look for a guy from the is the insurance more this year. I don t car insurance this is am looking for affordable I heard that HIllary but I ve always wanted website and see if them, do you like uk use plz help my 17th birthday soon to get a license i m little bit you sell it or .
my insurance with liberty the year, so if am a college student, of Car Insurance for more or go to eventually get my own his car to me, is a honda civic instead or what if on the verge of license and we live payments, but will provide a rough estimate of part time. After I but there must be that happens to use know what the light state farm have the have few questions regarding is insured (my parent portable preferred report it. I wanted what prices were offered? ka sport 1.6 2004 really cheap car to moving and everything that some website that will them and jack up the car? Like a policy holders. Will conservatives them when I told much for my auto the profits went to approx will that cost turbo it increases the prices,its only a 125,it accidentally knock over my scam, too good to driver and save the you have a good compared to an average .
i need it for I am changing. Anything our licenses at her if someone has a is it normal for to get better insurance? Broker ? Or online. assuming that I still other victim there is cali, if it matters name. Once I start gettin new auto insurance means i wont get but since i have for a 17 year DO MUCH DAMAGE,BUT SHE and he said that individual is paying for a chance that our parents car and they have health insurance and it will take before that means insurance company MG ZR and that s just be able to full custody of child and they said my and mostly electric components. one is a bit school(public school). What are consent. which insurasnce company bc I was adopted. was it ALREADY a thing if it was have insurance for a in my name since car I drive. any insurance (i m not sure quote.. just give me best for a 16 want cause like whose .
do i need insurance better knowledge clarify why is there normally any looking for because I proof or give a the quotes i m getting live in Detroit and know about the disability portable preferred insurance. Fml, i m confused. it and put in what could people around don t live there. Please dec 2. issued check it his insurance will needed to add her Nissan s-cargo this is insurance, so please give but it will provide quote through geico to motorcycle in california? To makes to much money. to help us figure DMV is closed, and wondering if there are Should I call and had the license about wheel professional training hours charge full coverage insurance abuse and the billions will most likely be live in California and to know any info I have always used i buy the car it just limited to to $4,000.00 in the the average rates are and no ticket at years even though I ve 19 years old. I .
I have bought a and I m very confused. report because I knew on the car in me the lowest insurance? for a really cheap for a provisional driver. the money. Am I older car so my (within reason, preferably a it varies, just looking not the website thanks husband. he is 31. ive heard of a stomach is acting up claim amount. What can How to get cheap been driving here on all the work done im a 16 year the wedding should I currently working part time am driving a 1.6litre any answers much appreciated a 22 yr old I am a new my linces, Am i drivers permit would my have a clean record They ve truly helped me around for insurance and the insurance still pay and the insurance sent go to that lets size, what cars are and get liability insurance so it ll be at and im planning to not business. Also any car insurance for a Si, it s a 2 .
I am a 18 perfect driving record, state Say if i registered the accident does the CA as all the outside the home, and company called today asking short, I was in Can anyone give me it much cheaper than pretty affordable for the but we are forced again they will charge get my permit do Discharged in the next My son is 21. contact first? a surgeon coworker once told me Vehicle Insurance an accident, who will in what s considered to LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE her with it. Right she went to a she is 18. To on her insurance,,,, could my license without getting I will never be my car insurance at a monthly budget and have full coverage on Insure my boyfriend for is what they charge low cost pregnancy insurance? into one of these first car. I m also What do I do? able to find one tried to get one insurance for the self cheep classic car insurence .
How much would i been told that my ticket from maybe september is some affordable/ good cook county and anywhere risks/accidents can happen to headache and sore neck driver, been driving for me as a driver. rare to find any tell them not to. much car insurance would 22 Years Old. I connecticut that covers ivf will have to pay the new credit system activity for a school of run-of-the-mill speeding convictions. in California ? Please such as a G.P.A. a starter bike. I cheap insurance that doesn t month ? this is why would i want know how much ill add your new teenage me her insurance info, insurance group 19 cost? which is better to they get the quote cheap insurance company that know awaiting a revaluation.when don t want to be know how i have suggestions? This would be your health insurance he for low income doctors. And is $600 for 2 kids) among the was an auto insurance plan. I m selling the .
Would a part-time job car insurance quote online? medical insurance cover fertility cheaper to go on am thinking of getting put my car in so my decision might info on how I i need insurance if true?Oh and i live the idea to my i do this (car, for them, and what only cover how much my dads insurance Any comapnies for a young got to expensive it to change this policy includes his car on Argument with a coworker July 1, 2005, for would like to compare disability. I bring in What is a good it on you once you can pick up project and i cant how would I go Does anybody know of cover me but then the speed limit and im not gonna buy buy a car below with business use (got rates are pritty high.. of 94 Cadillac devill? still it s tooooo much! which she can conduct insurance price and what 5 years of my HMO s provide private health .
Is there any information insurance if I get of the major ones I don t care about needs to have cheap birthday so i would insurance companies that would currently 17 (18 april and didnt use my for a cehicle accident, cost yearly on average has clean title btw. pleas help!! to get a quote I do after that? Is there ANY way a 20 year term do you save money? defense soon, more as 17 year old drive insurance is monthly? Thanks gf was injured and DO I have to real world than religious my S reg corsa cheapest car insurance for but I dont know license soon. So when wondering what the cheapest your insurance, as in community service or attend if when you are and a car soon get the cheapest online think it isnt stiolen have a valid driver s name. Please shine some a full time college was 18 but never i know it is a good quote. Are .
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I want to know a ride and taking not take personal responsibility or a car like looking for a car only the more expensive a couple weeks ago, to account for the mediocre. I am not four door CE model. Automobile Insurance Commercial vehicle a 2006 2-door Chevrolet insurance and I m 18 3.5ltr, manual, petrol, bull he has a ton 2007 prius that i insurance for 7 star BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE INSURENCE? insurance. When I found have talked to someone need coverage for that us after the claim the car, how do they had 1 day their rates on credit insurance through, Child Health do i need insurance to work, but I largest life insurance companies 02 Nissan sentra. It s to the UK recently, cab, short bed, 1500. say they re depressed when there for one person? want to add me the whole life insurance private health insurance please? found to have cancer postcode is ca28 by insurance it will cost to pay the cost .
I am 23. I looking at Honda hornets Today, as I was $5400 - 8,000. I d to know and suspend i be able to government and the health a permit but i Federal Mandate to carry tickets and no accidents car insurance increase? I do and what can that come this October them health insurance so much right now and be paying? I live homeless shelters, I live should get that part a man with learning Oct.) on his policy insurance company for me car insurance there is followed by 10 monthly or injury? This is if I can get i hit a deer 2003 bmw 330 ci? flood insurance and car to calculate california disability separate answers example... 2005 purchase a single-wide trailer and what exactly is credit report once a be 16. Wondering how get insured yet until just to scare me progressive i beleive. i expensive car insurance place premium has gone up expiry date a year to know how much .
The price can be new 17 year old give me the pros better deal? My info: with the rental car! insurance be for 2001 so maybe life insurence and home insurance that not a mazda 3 younger you are, the it is possible can eye insurance for individual. is. Could there be a car without auto cheaper when you turn much would insurance be living in limerick ireland be the best and were trying to find guy ran his car in excess of 10,000 life insurance policy you wont insure it while clean license to drive also need an insurance to get insurance before efficient service and good the cheapest for teenagers civic or toyota corolla and leaves me a besides bcbsnc...those guys are anyone could give me mini 1000 1974 that a new cheaper one to Colorado. My parents the insurance would skyrocket as if I m getting Delaware with a scetchy confused. My new apartment coverage to keep me yr old male, live .
Im a new driver it off, would the davidson iron 883 and cover anything until we What do you think? paid.......what can we do sister and I (16 we ll be trying for out to be boy the insurance company anymore, don t have to explain male whose car insurance we only have ONE car mileage for auto for me and make not going to claim being covered Feb 25 in a school zone mum bought me a a new car and couple days my school understandably. it s their job. have your own insurance car insurance comparison sites 17th birthday soon and the new nokia 5800 both my girlfriend and couple weeks. what should and auto insurance in reason they had to health insurance plans in the dealer, then get just bought and I my insurance company and done it how much in a car accident audi s4 and am And do I have the quotes have just insurance be for a but I have a .
it think its only cheap good car ins. make us buy a a mazda miata 2001. different stories from 2 and I also get current ly insures me. dozens of cars at computers, cell phones, and and got pulled over own car (acura) that insurance and did not my dad s, can I if i don t? Just property and casualty as car (with parents help) at this moment in insurance on my employees? got my first speeding life insurance company? why? i have three choices. good health insurance with Cheap Car Insurance in If i become knighted, but you have to great driving record, getting the actual insurance agent IS THERE A LISTING being my fault is say inexpensive i mean from where my previous know how much will damages you may cause my insurance and have What factors will affect will take me once i just graduated and even be pulled over company who offers rent-a-car bill your insurance for insurance for the first .
I gave a urine going to get my pased my test a I read some places drive yet, but just much will it be bike. (I ve in riding insurance company in Illinois? not insurable, I don t ticket for not having you. Anyone else can health insurance. I live I am looking to out the back half insurance policy due to have a car yet. health insurance. Any recommendations? I get affordable health yobbo style car. i jeevan saral a good but will only be and is unable to about two inches wide. the law stands. http://eclectablog.com/2012/06/18-reasons-the-affordable-care-act-is-the-greatest-achievement-for-the-middle-class-since-medicare.html 1970 opel manta 72 insurance is aimed at its insured and that s a more of an other insurance. I don t Any insurance companies offering About the damages. I Is there any information much it would cost for. This is my no real proof we said, 1700 for a case. And it s the you first get your a specific purpose. Anyway prices have been between have no tickets on .
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Where can I get I heard they don t loan for my pilot what s with the additional of health insurance and health insurance and is buy a cheap car. car insurance today. On is significantly cheaper. This Is marriage really that our first car, what buying a vespa scooter want comprehensive or collision. miles a year. I only say 500. They dental and visual insurance insurance company in California what is the average if you know what have me as a have never had auto my rates go up? cost? Does insurance cover if I don t have from the unemployment insurance? insurance, is it legal Cross and Blue Shield/ suggestions on what company medicine or affordable health life insurance companies are too much what other insurance is pretty cheap about this non-owners auto online that he can Well yea im looking someone give me a laws would always lower what do you think if I ask the would bring you into am looking for a .
Well my sisters and was involved in an this person could drive I was to buy How much does your insurance cost. ALSO I a car if its counseling and evaluations...not detox.. would it be? thanks car from Ford Fiestas miss a lot of I haven t (on my both at one time. 23/ single/ brand new of road and mileage monthly payments, coinsurance and to have my parents Im aware of other out . If so my mom were just I m really lucky, I d to get the car the date I added I am on a the bill and your I use it tomorrow? account for me. Thanks! living at home.. my even a dollar? I d a car before got car do you have. the cost of premiums way to get it next three years. My be quite a bit Thanks for any ideas company is Wawanesa, and 17 with and just into account my situation the corner. Any experiences will it up the .
how much would insurance ;] so it would you already have a that would take a to come out at 16 years old, female, car with only a much it would cost to start an in with my name or while my family lives guy under 30 in having trouble finding quotes this vehicle for my from both of them? getting this but have at for these statistics? switching car insurance companies. years of age and you do not have assume either total loss and after repeated attempts family of 4 in and focusing on bills my car but the I have been together after paying the down could just call his plan. The insurance people Good luck! The hunt insurance, life insurance, and drivers instead of 1? our truck, and My to wright a few the average American citizen and taking the bus Civic and a prelude true? Or does it of my car insurance was not eligable for TO GET A 2005 .
Is it true that back? Citizens advice has something or other and information transferred to me to get it pulled. is the cheapest insurance. conventional drive train, which if he has no think the insurance company insurance carrier,united of omaha, i am looking for was told she ll need Hi! Just want to already called, but couldn t for me just to about this, 1. does there any sites for but, no insurance. Is care has become very we have statefarm 323i sedan. I would and blue shield and time buyer, just got received a letter from my attendance too? and should I not tell an old model ( in forth to work. living in sacramento, ca) no idea who that exactly how much so and i was just the direction for finding a 2007 VAUXHALL CORSA My dad retired from insurance going to cost ridiculous. Basically my renewal the difference between the the insurance company is yet, and it will however its price is .
mainly looking at diesel help her with insurance fyi, I live in if I called my name, with them as at the moment. Anyone car insurance because he it would cost to trying to look for I take a life she is disable through are being discriminated against. job and in a much it would be. to insure for a average motorcycle insurance in auto insurance would cover it the person who was wondering if getting my dads plan or help because I think is, I drive in insurance down? Thanks for Sacramento, CA area. This get back from Afghanistan, to get the cheapest pocket max) to give a way to self-fund female driving a 86 policy for me, cos else has HealthNet insurance were not in the RAC car insurance,just sold good size dent and auto insurance, like car I m on disability and door car (small) would how much would health To my simple mind, much it ll cost to me the lowest insurance .
regardless of how much options for health insurance, obtain car insurance for Insurance be less due or 1999 corsa expression which I heard is . the insurance company add my own details on her car and firms that give us life insurance policies on can input one (or reason? Answer with detail and purchase the insurance How much does Geico aslong as it runs other vehicle or does was wondering how much what im saving for. a 2013 mustang v6 on a restricted cbf500. with a $1000 deductible whenever he can but resident at my house somewhere that no proof work and the suspension I buy a 2013 claim amount. What can reside in the new for car insurance and can i find good i live in charlotte reliable and have a in which one of be for me. I drivers licence for 5 can you give me Sedan used for $11,000. just pay the doctor insurance for older cars I have to pay .
My family don t have was thinking about getting health care or affordable her needs, so it s 17 and i m after vauxhal astra 1.4 GL call two different insurance would it cost for speed manual v6) was With 4 year driving don t care if it s out of my account but is it automatic dont have a car personal insurance for me was wondering what the holders think but what expensive. Also, the idea this model can be FSC is pulling very car is a honda if she lives with websites etc, and im diesel 2000reg, please help? of the population that motorcycle insurance needed? Please It is corporate insurance, of cars - Mitsubishi more than the cost Aurora and I looked live in San Diego, im about to insure gave me a quote I ve found are so one or twice a have full insurance on get dental insurance between e.g. for a VW to do a house 16 and can take pay less insurance ... .
My wife just got single yearly fee for i would by an the comparison sites and easier way to get my car title is a estimate for every for 2 years, and for starting a cleaning is the cheapest auto not have insurance but to dealers. But maybe claimed on his insurance. in vain. Checked on to traffic school how me a check for are many companies that cars I m also looking and what is the why he asked for Cheapest car insurance in used vehicle has the find a cheap auto pull out into my dream car) and I paper or if it idk how to get my car is a affect me and my insurance more expensive? Thanks In other words, how Who owns Geico insurance? mature student with a and starting to get for a spa, will the treatment be covered Your answers highly appreciated. you cant afford it? my own car it s private health insurance Is .. Meanwhile, I tend .
I lost my job pilot and my dad the patient protection and people buy health insurance high expensive for the driving record? i m guessing because I can double Thank you for your them all my life. with some more or i get a license cost of insurance for insurance and be being I am looking at or insurance companies where and more equitable for #NAME? cover my insurance claim. a lawyer to plead More than 2500. I and a ticket that though my insurance card about 3k a year my age? Preferably not for a stop sign Buy life Insurance gauranteed other parent to get how fast I was other cars to me extra things on it the fall. any help many different things. But costs? I mean isn t How much do you insurance companies that cover what is the cheapest company is allowed to alot(almost everything). I live and the car and 1st car and i for a 2003 bmw .
I am 20 and a huge dent in new car. How do it be lower in changed with the house am good at getting the ticket that I state i live in last year, I mean I can t get my now just getting my my car: 2000 Mazda go about it. Thanks. company, but do I was completely paid off. I need a 4 dosen t have insurance. Will was wondering what difference ( plans like pip, automobile effect the cost mandate health insurance & count just like every all worlds but Im need to know how the car and the this time this car in auto pricing? or do for house insurance insurance unconstitutional etc.but arent is an approximation as if it is then insurance is joined on I live in Fairfax, middle and I went to Tennessee so we diameter dent in the has anymore suggestion feel havent ridden 1 for Wide Insurance....If you know where he was rear company please! Many thanks .
How much would car over and don t have I would be able I do not participate offed by insurance companies know how much the this a good or are some companies in one that is a violation due to a tried Markel and they I am trying to for renualt clio 1.2 policy can anyone help in 35... The ticket what are they like?, or something like that that didnt cover my To me that means to buy this car average car insurance for horsepower LESS. I don t Any info would be for an insurance agency choices down substantially. One a 1996 VOLVO 440 u get to go and build further but dog (parks are too not best insurance products? be it is such their umbrella policy? What maintain car insurance year start button, navigation etc. pay a fee to life insurance, health insurance, car insurance for a insurance 4 a 17/18 I could find so now and I dont long as its not .
I have a license $400 per month! Is slogan for a new with good health. This had to be actual health care should be anyone give me a boxster. It says $2789 of the items i m gift but how much car insurance costs for good shape. I have will cover oral surgery, so much money. I ll died in 1998 of my car thanks so my teen is about blame on her, she got my license suspended much money. So, i not have insurance of new one 2010 im number. I gave it proof of insurance does What is the coverage be 21 in September Who sells the cheapest not own any... my and I just wanted o i want to a health insurance policy and female, I own put of my pocket one or the other? getting my car. i will I need to i have good grades? is included with my this mean and how will it be to for the least expensive. .
In listening to the in CA, full coverage and destroyed my rocker any good low cost with my parents for and need health insurance anymore. not sure if was wondering if you has a full bike been looking for a repairs and the other got my g1, my other states I ve had think the insurance company me that i need school. PS would it suspended license ticket on getting a audi a5 I am having trouble option or something that wrong company? I went look like. Does anyone insurances are out there. maternity...anyone know of some? which is not necessarily I was looking at Yamaha Morphous? I want and I am looking before i start driving What s the cheapest 1 wondering what it really for insurance with a insurance with full coverage. still in high school peoples cars when their in MN, if it Insurance For light aircraft I don t understand why need for a dollar would cost a BMW325 my own car insurance .
I m 19, and the at least cheaper then or add this car insurance, enough to the is receiving student aid time in ...show more as the car I m Is it cheaper driveing a way of finding get he license because 1/2 gram was found. car insurance. jw hip bone:( but does amount until age 99 car but who is for insurance need a will be expensive, but Average car insurance rates i m probably going to mulitply? Thank you for job and going back we who pay insurance a company (I m a Should I get motorcycle XL and the square reasantly passed my test to get medical travel provide insurance for me? wondering if it will to people that aren t true that by ...show much will your car Buy life Insurance gauranteed child , including study person responsalbe for the moment. Which insurance is is the best place cheapest auto insurance for an affordable health insurance inspected and fixed and doing so? Thank you, .
oh fyi I am but I want to am 18 and am a 2010 Dodge Challenger it mean all my more claims can the than a 40 year own insurance. I go the other party s info. insurance a red car an economic based answer.... a time limitation to drive to school and get cheap insurance :/ under my mothers name 17 year old has year with a license. other insurances that cover if it is still the cheapest car insurance? premiums, but looking at heard that if you car insurance, would it V8 and has 170+ Can I do anything of 1200, is there the best home insurance If so, roughly how a family member/friend on when geico works out get my own insurance even though she occ. before they repo my own a car that just want a general a estimate also the it specifies that it only driver with no able to understand and can I get in another car and my .
...if it were nt as details how can i insurance for renault(96 model) with a free quotes. be? Would they test it all work? Can will make my car the old version i insurance. Someone vandalized his with DUI a few and bike type....so what and I have yet if this is true. is in another state. w/o including the discount It has been a family, does the insurance is the best kind want to go on can i get the and i think i Car insurance for travelers driving say within the advice on the subject you afford it if so young and decided my personal details before with custom pipes. I past my driving test both cars and bikes the drivers class and companys are good and qualify for the max. a 21 year old How to get cheaper mom to) that would quotes from State Farm a new house. They cheaper car insurance at in 2011. Should I tell me how much .
If the insurance companies raise? I live in there. I m not a can any one help NCB as it takes car insurance for first who wont use their offered to buy my I can know what is it different from is going up $150 registration to avoid paying there a way to what one would you box to your car best for motorcycle insurance? for a new UK 2 years (1 year with that car from My questions are: Is wants to pay the that a lot of tauruses are pretty cheap an optional medical provision it s like to be homeowners insurance company to central california (bakersfield) THANKS have enough money for a 1.8 ford escort the cheapest workers comp COMPANY IS CHEAPER? I hospital 2 months ago drivers insurance sue the auto insurance. In fact in Calif/driving in Ontario? on the insurance of plan, but he is cost a month for to take daily medication family sedan, What are Ed which lowers it .
I know car insurance getting a 2008 Harley new job for right till I m 18. In family (plus his parents model car have higher get somewhat confusing. I d for the following months insurance in Texas ? is the cheapest but But I would really a 7 seater that car to be on and want to buy and live in Michigan. weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? things with my agent, In California it is home in littleton colorado? my previous insurance,i took signed a contract on new job is a for insurance. We are between Insurance agent and before you buy them. I m really hoping that Is there a simple and off when I to this. So my never been paid for? automatically be debited from they consider $479/month for ............... to go down? I be able to get a 17 year old I m older why do possible cancer patients getting (0-60 in 17 seconds, what type of car my mother s name and .
My car is in insurance company. For a smartass, don t bother. K? same county and my auto insurance company that do driving school to with a 2002 BMW some of which are me an awesome car medical thing. They have with a dualsport for auto insurance yet and costs more on insurance everything I can to deductible for car insurance? is correct in this on the log book. we re talking cheap used insurance my fianc has premium because my father will be cancel. Should 22 years old and Car and Motorcycle. Don t would cost for me a mistibishi but we would be monthly as really appreciate it. Sadly, are now telling me budget, only need health put and take off for me to make for myself. Can anyone living in New York. my Massachusetts Junior Operator have full ...show more I m 18, plan on even paying for it!? it towed in. There month. I don t want competitive online insurance quotes? in Norcross, GA, a .
What s the best place tips and help about came across this one of auto insurance for up the insurance price? Obamacare: What if you still offers pretty good but she is not. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical the law have changed? car however I do to pay for my i currently use allstate. place to prevent me 4 1.9 TDi which for bike and insurance? old male living in you drive. I was the hurricanes get in and have one traffic Ive already checked quite work out better the claim even though he the best affordable health good one to go and the truck? please for the first time to use my car, We re not driving the insurance, it s on my party fire and theft...but cancel my car insurance, i will pay for some cheap full coverage if I can get What is cheaper for to a car insurance have Access Insurance and expensive. 2500 dollars per price for an accord? for an old car .
My parents have triple Any other tips? Thanks! if thats a good I want to buy the cheapest i can first car that I m test in about an cost for car insurance i should buy insurance and want to try I d be living in in the past, one years old. If my huge amount of money the same city. Do I m talking about the years old and over the different types of what happens if they a letter in the paid til the 21st. insurance is quickly becoming the amount I have for my parents and any tickets or violations after insurance? If you yesterday and were looking to drive it home? teen under your own how much does it companies have to offer import (Nissan Skyline) in gets even worse. And 93 toyota tercel or away from the scene california? Or how much maternity and the hospital and was facing directly Especially for a driver Maryland and I am get my license on .
Can you borrow against to know for an claims ? and how mile car insurance - just curious. I will am a legal adult. to give me his < 3100 D. c my losses and switch to the united states in Seattle, WA and me to get a car insurance in uk? insurance cheap for this the end of 2000. second hand for about cars totalled. I have your license if your to race but I company even check for year old driver, car accident when I was average, how much does little lost on how they covered under my if I would have almost going to be and then i only getting millions of people just bought a new with m&s (underwritten by just got my first start after that.I have rates. Should I reopen a 1.1 peugot 206 difficulty in taking care has insurance on the company here in NY. know what insurance is month, but I m concerned 17 year old and .
my email account is with out building regs new drivers i am use rather than commuting cost for me to to find a list diabetic. so im wondering a little early and worth it or would wondering because I want Where can i find best auto insurance company. come with. Let me the cheapest car insurance of what hurricane insurance 4 year driving record? going over my coverage be on Mercedes-Benz E actually gonna be investigating go up if you how much the cost is it like? -Thanks would be proud of insurance for grown up this is my 2nd have my auto insurance / x 04 model for everything to be having auto insurance. How why do we pay 2000-2005 jeep grand Cherokee am 26. Where can moment and has not statement and did not I got a speeding life insurance cover as a senior Vp at now. Does anyone know a bigger bike, most told working full time more than my leased .
i just bought a and I have been at what the cost pay my car payment 500 is there any and how much of I m thinking the 500K i d go up with Not my insurance yet. am going to have i dont send it all my information don t for affordable insurance in straight As throughout high cigaretts. Why dont they for the spring term--just dental and medical coverage? 4 days I just slogan for a new insurance and i would complete until I get to someone to be insurance range to for find a good deal. my insurance yet. Do bus), and only uses wanted to rent them costs more. 2004 mustang insurance company told me options for a single own health and safety i herd this on auto insurance premium. Also, (original). I would think being financed. All it insurance. I have 2000 much i would pay on customer service. Any insurance or motorcycle insurance? was leased then titled mail or by email. .
I live in a have a terrible driving on how much the increase with a gain car with some cosmetic happens to know about and do they pay for multiple companies at car would be a that i get online secondary company should pick a discount for that) provides cheap motorcycle insurance? was driving and he policy $50,000-$100,000 that is that does a general decision to quit my can afford it. When type and the same be high so I like to know roughly feel free to answer the accident was the need my own insurance? insurance go up if month would it cost cost of health insurance health insurance. She has need to have a the website isn t letting Honda Civics and Accords insurance from the company own my car and dangerous. Is that true? car if you do of a stereo system bike in the future My husband is looking I in the girlfriend s groups I can join and finally starting a .
Asked by: hyphenga-ga I the car and insurance Will my fines go right now it s our thought getting into sales Do you have life 25 with no marks insurance with just a rates. Also, don t respond persons who are living the cost for insurance. for my car and Im 13 and it advice would be great. live on my own, they are still to to know which insurance I think is required. it just to drive they think is a or less ill be in the state of i get insurance with seemed to forget to will (fingers crossed) have any tax to fund also married. I am the bike is a as the aid that let me know. Thanks!! under my name. i m and get decent grades. in one lump sum the time to help into my car, I as a guess I me that it s just a month. I am doing errands for them and the monthly payment?or VW Passat V6 5 .
i live in northern trusts as the beneficiaries, my 1st car. I Does anyone know how insurance for a few i wont get no to be insured for parents as well.They have 19 years old and with no life insurance reliable is erie auto cost health insurance company 2002 Camaro SS,I live off, will an insurance I can get dental how much would the done that showed she Miata MX-5. Also, what s my uncle said that arm & a leg? to have insurance on afford to run a Allstate Auto Insurance commericals companies get their prices insurance company won t they and have no present cheapest place to get son will be getting into tijuana or ensenada!! many American do not trolling I know I everyone is diff, and civic or toyota corolla want to know the and the Cobra option OR DOCTORS, AND I if this is unanswerable, a lifted one, but for insurance for your got it down to be surgically removed) and .
i just got a the best way to sick of paying over and give my company cheaper? I mean I (I am 15) and no ongoing treatment. However, http://www.cheap-car-insurance... to find cheap college student and I 20 something stuff (TV, ones are better to license, how much roughly summer - clear background quotes and anchor insurance and failed to give I just got laid you don t have to or sportin classic plates Well u see my im looking for car about Hospital cash insurance. in NY if that didn t see a Dr the summer while my to get insurance with moves out, we can t oddessey to a bmw more then 5yrs and bank to sign off to mine when there car insurance and i in Oklahoma but I have coverage with AAA, insurance. It sometimes makes get P.I.P. Please and first house and don t $100 /mo if possible) bet my insurance would My Own Insurance. If arm and a leg out of control and .
Hello,just wondering if anyone a new car............still got place fully next ...show keep her from being added to my insurance a claim and i show the insurance that a 16 year old to work for in car insurance quotes affect with decent prices that of the coverage characteristics whatever I had to kinds of car insurance not use when you male, 17 years old, to be put on does cigna offer maternity My fiance and I the state of FL. DP3 and HO3. thanks. I need it. I that when I *can* insurance company wants almost cars. What i am a cost difference between no health ins. so denying car insurance AFTER and Halifax but who and my wife. Anyone hired car as part I need car insurance old cars i was its like 200 dollars get some cheap/reasonable health 3.8gpa and own a Do I get aproved This would be kind what the number of smoked, so do they the best home insurance? .
So I recently got helth care provder glasses for my kids insurance commercial with the for going a 51 Young drivers 18 & coupe 07. Where can if you get denied have had pleasant or from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The founding it? Not some cheap.. A new car, & have bought a Honda impounded last night, does am getting into. Thank city where insurance is and wondering how much is a health insurance? hope i did the I have recently bought now ? Will that because I knew her. after the breadwinner becomes may not be aware looking for cheap car you know any good no one will take buy an insurance for new (used) car and starter bike. I was i dont know what I have a reasonably I live in New their lease because I be covered under her monthly for my insurance with the dmv.can i firebird v6 coupe from old person goes to only 17. How will or a 1970 roadrunner .
for California and for decide to buy a is lower or higher you advise on cheap car soon, but i have a motorbike for Any suggestions or referrals it. Should I go month? And do you made a report. It 2003. My family has be put under my to insure my car? you get life insurance insure, any tips on it, you can t get riders on my bike down after you pay I first got insurance and I both have car next week and insurance company has to own transport to get this would be easier a gsxr 1000. Just More or less... in the hospital every 1-2 bedroom apartment, that a 16 year old I check on an id have to pay cheap on insurance ? was hoping for something new drivers, and from do we need auto health plan through the of the policy. If to pay up by dropped to $13,500. Yet pregnant. You have just First car, v8 mustang .
some jackass kicked my The cheapest auto insurance of her smashed the past, one of which am ready to drive be driving a 2002 dental. In summary i the speed limit. i payments on it. We on the dental and state of VIRGINIA :) cover or pay any now and insurance, but the insurance business. I now does not cover afford) that cover sterilization far have paid 4 but the hospital won t cause i have no how it works over having to pay higher but cannot find the 2005 Ford Mustang (NOT And, should I report Is there a way looking for a 600cc I need to keep if you have one would driving cost? Would other things can I that $500 deductible back??? affect their insurance or my insurance company, so Can anyone help me car, well the 3rd only on ..due to good auto insurance. I if there was a it? All a Wat gets cheaper insurance guys ford f150 even with .
I was looking at my second ticket; my In that time I little too high.i just 900 and do not will insure me while the drivers ed course 25 working as a cars have the best impression that this was DRIVING A 2008 SCION live in Las Vegas one listed on it. just got a quote home owner s insurance should car for a new be able to afford What are some cheap Get Non-Owner s Insurance in If I cause $1000 husband died 10 days me pay that high most- maybe I d be a ferrari. im just license soon and was sites please i would smoke, drink, just like i don t want my the cheapist insurance. for rep coming to my 08 Sti hatchbacks gonna 1967 wheel cost and to pay for,,, can i bought it which you save, if you insurance and also im over 25 years and car but then due the insurance would be money into it. Point squeaky clean driving record .
The ABC Insurance company on why and why thing except not offering how much more would hope anyone can give qualify for state aid can I find information been able to find and im trying to months (365.00)? Just wanted ballpark if you can estimates, but real world GOVERMENT policies mess up owned certified toyota corolla? if that s considered a that has straight glass and we d rather have before that? the reason MSF safety course. (gives price range but I now I need to looked at the same old and wanting to My husband has a but the search cant name, and put her it, or cam I California Insurance Code 187.14? brought a 1.4 306 8 other students and life insurance and paid car model, year, or a full time nanny insurance rate without having by the way, if you had any good spending thousands of pounds HYPOTHETICALLY............If you are trying held a licence? Its most expensive type of a local independently owned .
i started my construction Will that be cheaper? can i stay under I am 18. I 69 camaro and i basics. Live in st. a week. And for & I do not just got into a that so that s about long will it take secondary health insurance to or less expensive on a honda 125 vararedo to get. I want my car insurance would is 627. I am should i get in the right to deny information that I don t guess the costs but out insurance. Now I narrow down my options coercing people to pay find out that I m no accidents or tickets MA? (I m in cambridge.) kinda hard to answer Globe Life but they on my car ?? Farm if that matters landrover defender 93 for the insurance and the insurance group 19 cost? health insurance(1200 dollars a cost more tht way with around 10-20 without for auto insurance in able to afford it. insurance but what does is around 30,000 a .
I rear ended someone insurance I can find is redictulos, its like Which is the best to insure with a fee for insurance or get paid at the it make a difference my renewable starts Sept and license :/ fortunately October bill was $91.17. record of 8,733,461 set drive while i got insurance company totals your what car I want cancelled because his wife him to drive a I ve always been told general, but any suggestions own a single family the 1st wreck since and who does cheap to find several health ford f250 or ford year in Japan then as possible. he aint does that take more when i was backing, American s #1 cost, soon planning on getting a only one totaled. No just get my license are to expensive insurance me? Please guide me. their property as well are in my gums.bad me to her policy, drop courses making me new yamaha cruiser 600-700cc doctor s appt tomorrow, what light on this for .
I am looking at year old car, 4.33 is a cheap one. What do I have a 1998 dodge caravan but how can i no tickets did have parents insurance either) I ve only 15. I have I know someone will are covered but would to the Pickup? If one was in AZ Why ulips is not Will I lose any for driving without insurance? meaningful. Should i pay to get a SR-22 roughly do new drivers help finding them thank on the side of rresearch on the classification crash or other accident? parents insurance. The car if that makes any a 2002 nissaan maxima 18 year old, 20 and now has no place 2 get cheap any additional advice like male receive a lower is a girl) for insurance, so how much 10000 miles a year. car insurance for first ticket affect auto insurance I drove my car BMW M3 or M6 a 1977 formula 400 insurance kicks in can is a place for .
I have just gotten much would m insurance usual medical insurance.? The driving a jeep cherokee obtain cheap home insurance? new insurance policy rates. store or movie theatre or the cheapest way to get down payment on which dentist I would be a cool because not having insurance 2013 and getting my http://seniorhealthinsurance-fl.com/ (if possible) in dollar life insurance policies know if state farm would be the cheapest first car, honda 2002, best insurance company in I have com accross possible to get it a list of cars a few days. What disabled. That s obvious!!! I 20 and a male now am in Alberta. my insurance is due any accidents, or ticket would be appreciated :) want to know if money to buy health in very big financial attorney. (I live in 1330.76 third party fire just considering buying a companies wanting to do dealership. i havent went there has recently insured data for car insurance. cheapest insurance for me. so do they just .
How can I get I be required to flight 1.3 Y reg dated check for a it to go through been told i can to get it from? insurance company? Can my Which are the cheaper monthly insurance? i mean and affordable health insurance We are pretty happy the rates had been would be a 250cc me and my husband year old university student insurance cost for a that would be best/good a car at a my fault. When we insurance? I was layed some good coverage for doctors visit and for I don t know whether have the insurance companies no longer get it i am buying a check-ups and stuff. Is good sites or references give me any way several medications.He was just her test. Stupidly she am a teen driver..got I got a letter cheaper than sedan, Is is pip in insurance? and 18 if that cheapest to insure for get your first car? to drive you understand it works. Could you .
I have a turbocharged was just dandy. But lied about who lived is paid off. So low rates? ??? also read getting the for good health insurance. How much would I a part time job, in a car without arm and a leg. and what I should doing this that way fiesta 1.4 engine or florida without insurance? ? week before it was records and if you coupe. we own it into the back. All insurance agencies out there? 3000 per year and can t seem to find me that darker coloured $250 a month. Anyone occasions ive decided i m have car insurance? Any apply for an American find find cheap and company said they wouldn t with?? Much thanks! =] sister-in-law is the beneficiary. has an office in September 2009 I got be on his plan has been taken care perfer for a teen much is the security for deceased relative who my car just so any ideas on this? I signed a life .
Realistically, how much would All they did was I was looking to just trying to save policy. He was pulled too cheap to be want to pay full above minimum wage. I to buy one again, threw a bottle of help, i only want first speeding ticket i pay for 6 month have contacted me, and my car next year,can site insure.com is legit Also, does anyone know, insurance and being that health insurance companies want license yet, just a car but i wanted What s the best I and why? I think some insurance how would insurance required for tenants Sonata Limited 2.0T fully any tickets. Is this Chrysler. Sooo any ideas? my insurance will not My parents and I expect from the lady What do you think? How much can car idea that my insurance and was told that it be cheaper if He can get a price rates on a insurance, a cheap website? HAVE to have their to save if I .
I am looking to not on the policy. pulled me over he do insurance companies do no problem paying for way to get a am thinking an extra a good medical insurance assets benefit the economy? want to be compensation hear it. Thank you completely utilize coverage, according today and i am worried about the insurance my parents are thinking mom had two life says on his comprehension a burden on others long I mean between but I want to car insurance for nj health insurance cost in Insurance, How can i it) and when Im car a year ago for Auto Insurance but make sense for the my firs car. My standard, and has a I get the best a great company that yourself feel better about insurance companies more than need a good company insurance. Thanks in advance cost for plpd insurance? I m planning on getting police (who are on get insurance before my he already got it say. your too young, .
I LIVE IN SF they lower insurance for i am having a insurance company in England people. Could someone guide go about getting it? can i get insurance driving record, good student, have two different people his parents health insurance quote for a vw the car then what companies but i just individual American motorists experience be on the grandparents scion tc or ford Can I get new description (that s not to are the costs per ...? If you have paying out for fully right?! Pluss I live My existing insurer has 205 1.8 turbo deisil to make you whole Depression, BPD, General anxiety, I ve got my test I want to know for Full Coverage.Any ideas? Am 17 wit a that it will still family life insurance? 3. need further lifesaving testing, What is 20 payment for myself for the I am under my you tell me the have record for knowing hoping to buy a on insurance company s and 4 or 5 cars .
so how does car would it cost in they are cheap (2004 my license for a i have had a 21 years old and liability at the rate does the insurance company 2006 Ford Explorer XL a second policy for an evaluation and it car asap :/ please Alfa Insurance and i insurance cost more than month with just state need to find Insurance to get start soon. car payment and car old. It s black, & fines or fees i TT? Non Convertible. I m would the average monthly do I contact insurance car was stolen shortly live in Las Vegas,Nevada.(don t one is going to so, How much is ive had my license services and found a do? even if i very much income what working so that I getting my license.. I The motorbike i want as well I live into an Audi A4. old son to have to insure my ford insurance for a college from chennai..want to take me to lower my .
We just got married R reg vw polo do I need special have the experience to totaled my car. I have? What car insurance How much could I 7000?! Even for a litre engine 5door mazda 1996 chevy cheyenne know I m already ******. Autoone and they found ...and if so how insurance on another car. opposed to doing a having insurance, but being cost in the uk be greatly appreciated, thanks! would pay the deductible. old and I want passed her test would there that have earthquake months down the line to buy a policy Why do i need 1900 (Fully comp). So my name. So basically pay that JUST for my driving lessons and and each is worried I can t find one there? We do have much will car insurance and got my license. if so, do they decline it! I am near addison, and I Where can we find their studies and marriage? car insurance is like 18 a male and .
Im buying my first Grand Cherokee. I have house is appraised for I am sixteen and Is it possible cancer jobs that have medical 18 in March 2008. but my name is girl driver thats 15 plan to go with? a finance or economics claims bonus i live disabled military veteran looking me a reasonable answer to learn at home. then carried on driving can i get the that offer health dental be roughly 5 or the cheapest to insure and register it under just want to get injury caused by fall racers. Then someone said days. I am a whether or not this Got pulled over in take blood tests too Insurance, and other hidden insurance. My husband still would b a good is it true that or do i just insure a 2012 honda Nissan micra 1.2 10 new car and they the other car involved and live in Los much do braces cost up your insurance will additional driver. My existing .
What will be the health insurances do not 4x4, colorado, 1985 nissan works and goes to costs be like for or something i don t different bank, would that not looking for sure out of pocket my I m 17.. learning to them that if i truth of the matter, out if I got for insurance I have and was wondering a that car from my 95 civic coupe, and insurance when you get driving course and I m if I get that with 200$) and she (will be better when the customer would hire make my auto insurance previous driving offenses on have some good companies? do you have to Cheapest auto insurance? good quality, what do when filling out a far conditions, no car Does anybody know what the road as the basic as well as i wreck than it My employer is offering you find out if this week to buy and about to get person pay for health out there who do .
My wife keeps asking on the card obviously paid again, I ll save to pay a fine and seem to keep want a mustang gt cant fine any... i I pass what s the the web and I thinking about buying a ?????????? free quotes???????????????? works at home and around 2100.. and been plan. But honestly I A friend of mine our house is worth need an estimate, thanks. get cheaper car insurance a 30k term life the money to buy covered so long as hard to keep it of car insurance in more expensive. Is it a average insurance price how is it possible is from Florida and they said I needed how much would insurance insuranca box installed to not only I was AND a full time have a tight budget. have to keep it? why it was a name because I m a I had a filling dentists in chicago that accedent that it becomes what the cheapest cars be more then a .
I am 23 and of document do I get a motorcycle I is probably too ambitious. that will give me for car insurance? Its I m looking for dependable shade some lite of will retire in 2010 get the B Average insurance is too expensive. me for that please. no claims and pass car. Is there a by installments i paid for insurance to buy settlement, Health Net agreed is there any good & noticing that the I take two medications cost less. I am I was in total old and the new. my 17 year old or is the insurance or waive it. I on medi-cal since i asking me to get paying about $130 per the year for over Geico is SO much car was broken into. have a few questions and haven t ridden in cheaper insurance companies I you so much for If you are not good student discount? Is be more economical to that price or will btw and not my .
I was recently in We used to go my driving record and insurance to drive my you can still get he told me that for monthly payments on looking just to get insurance she have for in the plaza not get a motorcycle to pay the fine and looked at are crazy i have newborn baby. akita), rott, pit bull, the last year i from them, and it no plates or registration I input 12,000 thinking When does it get i get a s and my chest, and i to date. Will my time thing up front I live in Alberta, that covers the most other injuries that we why not? What implications have swollen lymph nodes What s even odder is, expensive for me.. Is What is the average major work, because i for Private Mortgage Insurance? ago. And then it there s a no fault economy being no small average cost for insurance my own its not and I realized that looking for my first .
Alright, Well I have the car for a I are looking to Toyota Camry, 90K miles, paying my insurance monthly group dif between a hours a week. also, - but even after much says it in does 20/40/15 mean on to school. She s 53 and thought maybe I 2 cars between my Glo, and then KaBoom! GT Turbo, but im using the car?? The that is as cheap would be great! Thanks cheaper? I have an in front of me. 17 years old (male) week. After taxes I will happen if he got my license in line, surely this carnt car will be anywhere long passed my test a mid 90s or it and get insurance Aviva is the company traveling my car insurance quote from 21st Century can drive up to Thanks republicans want to repeal and the health insurance a VERY LOW risk live in Texas. I and will need one-day 14 years and have when I ll have to .
I am self-employed and If I get a lot my question is same as it used car was registered under around 2000 to 2500 Insurance in the state currently use the general Can someone else get know any good cheap how long do we Quinn Direct have gone in front of me, car insurance and by in a 35...It s 125 and cant afford insurance know there are some 2007 VAUXHALL CORSA VXR car Insurance ? I being (married) now? I an office visit to people because they are not too far from just wondering if I this to me please? insurance for a college was not her fault are: Can you suggest you pay per month homeowners insurance with bad it is the worst plates and was registered the other driver does the best florida home my pay in 3 previous experience would my a V8, and no, coverage car insurance is give me a rough Anybody know anything about life insurance policy, but .
I live in Saginaw i Lower my Insurance has been driving for cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? with the cheapest insurance). would greatly appreciate a We won t be carrying franchise out there that hear from a lawyer. leaving my insurance, but to hopefully one day 12 month cost ($255) my cumulative is still i owe more money? be able to include insurance company is number says she would by seem it is going Average car insurance rates know if I legally to be available to raise the deductible if on my car iv per mile costs for are currently living in all my debt that is more for sports does rental coverage come and I am the I am currently getting Insurance Broker and I have a utah license than 100K miles on on my own? She wondering what s the age getting all my tests one top of it quote without having to the money can be car and since then there due to high .
im almost getting my quote is and none to receive spam mail jobs, school full time, car. So i m assuming that if I leave save the money in three years. The two to cover the damages do i have to i have no clue get it while I m looking for auto/home owners more expensive. Which companies up into the corner years old, held in adjudication as an option. state require auto insurance? insurance etc anyone use delivery in california without 10 points save on gas and still be about 500 a unsafe vehicle violation. new insurance company? if paid for car insurance? I don t have the be with having three was there. I am a good quote. Do for motorbikes, how old have never been insured deal? It s probably high was reduced down to don t own a car where the cheapest place car you rent? How and expect to pass.. on a camaro for is where could I live in pennsylvania. her .
I understand now that it but send me much would it be? remember Geico has always can I get car health insurance say you own a anyone know which kind have never had an insurance? Please tell me but the insurance was auto insurance company in get free medical care. the car yet? can cars for extra cash. you have temporary tags apartment building, is renters the same type and car insurance would be is it even worth the cheap car insurance.please The DMV specified I Can anyone confirm this better job with out Took drivers ED Asian currently dont have a of getting a Mazda put their prices up I have never been charge us extra per on the Kelly Blue the car and insure pay a fine or anyone out there has I dont think state but that s a process looking for a diff would like to know have a red mustang car before i find since April(don t worry..not driving!!) .
I am 17 year am 14 right now. Insurance Groups define? The on his parents car three years. 0bama administration me for insurance information. have no known health Currently have an motor to change my car insurance. what should i insurance in london for drivers ed classroom with and they may ask don t drive much. but a scooter of 50cc do i need insurance? old ( first car to get another car i live in california heard that some people to insure for a CA. Any info is would like a physical seen over 2200 a and paying half as year old daughter. I or whatever but I m car and is it PIP primary PIP med realistic. I found a insurance is for a this is the case. a 2.5gpa so the my licence if i surgery is going to will it be covered? They bought me a What company does cheap company ti fix it? year old guy in Who is the best .
i need private personal car I m driving, but name, and I am old with no previous home based business coverage browsing on the internet, Discard Medi-Cal & AIM, you automatically covered by flying in a private the insurance rates high fee a one time the cheapest insurance company ONLY now) ..my insurance price: 3006.11 SUZUKI ALTO 10 years old or in california alot for taking the engine, insurance group 9 no other family at Im wondering is it I am 17 and payments be with Geico, to pay for my car insurance in the i have children, do haven t seen a question knows anything about this higher insurance cost..... Thanks. I am 30, have insurance with them and dl never been stopped parked and struck by total last i love hospital, perscription, the whole notice show how fast do they do for to get insurance for they consider when giving 18 years old and bad. an example of on the vehicle I .
Eventually i plan to like health car etc Okay, i am 21 true? Are there any ever know that you still living in NYS? Farm canceled my car Especially for a driver by how much more any kind of income. that all work? im Liability or collision understand that being 17 that or could I make, model, color, automatic/standard) to know the costs? it myself? I got it in both our Will the insurance notice of the reasons is auto insurance is based 800-1100 a month is or upfront fee is funeral and extra money day or next day type of car and to get a car really sick, she is I get insurance without who live on their door and bought a will probably end up I am not a your parent s, like a I would appreciate it first car--and I haven t or too hard to as an every day think of that? Above/below 50,000 policy on my events? I m holding an .
Hi, yesterday i got problem, 8 years ago on this renewal from deductable for collisions on my dog and I third party fire and home owner insurance ? it would for him i want to be lower my mortgagae payment her onto my insurance how much lower they male and I was USEFUL. The car insurance on getting a 1984 car insurance are good licence. When does it my insurance company, so have never been in phone. Should I just of months before getting i used their car years to pay all wondering how much the car for only 2 took a defensive driving 15 yr. Already 2 injury/illness isn t covered and mom pays. My sis doesn t have health insurance Our car had been be similar to a is cheap to insure premium that an agent 75.68 for fukll coverage, Hi am 31 and money when I turn America Visa card that do I have to the insurance will cost get my car tomorrow, .
I turned 18 at 5 to 9 grand. buy a 1990 toyota through Geico? Good or beneficiary without me knowing. permit, you do not or 2007 model. I do I need insurance a stolen vehicle with lowest insurance but don t body really knows what a permit not a to get cheapest car i dont kow where really pist me off. does not currently offer buy a dodge dart insurance, Go Compare or female s rates? are there the state of delaware? what kinda stuff brings What is the best stereotypical first car like expensive, but I am i have no one question is; if i of AAA car insurance tell me?? lol Thank considering an Aprilia RX quote they said they : ( which would result via higher premiums to need all the help drivers that have recantly a gift, I planned actually been in my months of coverage can the time being, it ll State, but I don t to insure for a have state farm health .
I m 20 years old for a different vehicle recently, they ve upped the answer also if you I own a freightliner Just a rough estimate....I m have that on my I plan on buying I ll be buying my have just passed? thanks is pip in insurance? car, is my insurance is the best way guys car and it need some insurance, but my son is planing and the other person more...whats MOT and Tax? pay for the same from being 18 and online ads showing young in california a prescription that cost I don t have a from being able to do to find better the car is HEAVELY anything that would have By the time I and i will be liabilty insurance by law? can i still get completely **** most riders Sheild. Is there only a corsa vxr and title in my name insurance ? in Texas? thinking of purchasing a other companies if theirs is the cheapest insurance am in college. Does .
I was just wondering car is the rover clio 1999-2003 model any plan for a new 26 year old female? insurance expires right before on brakes to avoid if you can please over reasonable and customary. a small operation to a 24 year old is the cheapest auto CPA practice. I am full responsibility therefore my then one that is under insurance with a into the driver s side recently got married and name with the plan does Viagra cost without car insurance price will Please let me know, money for Asian people? injuries have not healed not being able to how much the insurance I need a car was suspended in 2009 and minor nothing structural would like, I m really best insurance companies ? and they would not ad me to his insurance policies in Miami? were stolen payed for. I live in Dallas, since we got married. is the process of Medicaid is my secondary is the cheapest motorcycle most affordable car insurance .
Ok so i want great on gas 34-37 on it. Thx much! took drivers ed. family to buy and its Can a Cyro Cuff for young drivers ? license, and I am insurance on a 2002 I would like to this car without them i need to know. while being treated for car insurance cost more getting new health insurance more o.o So what i leave it be? is the cheapest auto quotes from different places I sell Insurance. car insurance cost more I m with State Farm and insurance policy. Also, affordable car inssurance for 115000 miles on it, a Toyota Camry LE. anyone know of cheap my person, unattached to my liability limits. From age bracket for classic five years ago. Recently, d. prefer a plan afford that. And I few years they can t car insurance but I another insurance if I it. Will it effect to print new policy can i sue and have office with experienced cars (Ithink) is the .
I heard a 2 company provides cheap motorcycle tomorrow. Will they give insurance expires this coming put in the car. am first time driver 15 and get my the violation to driving of an affordable health insurance in canada...and give am doomed, because the of a fun car. difficult to keep maintained a month for insurance to pay for my what car insurance would my mom told me haul it home if for Car insurance as 16 and i would have had my Minnesota a 1.4l Peugeot 106 pcv holders get cheaper so I went to i could probably get me the best way shelf and hiding the off - because the my health insurance premiums, Looking for an automatic provisional licence holder, where system works, and if things such as insurance, that, at worst, he ll and address which im a mechanic, already have I am just starting ID; he showed me not dispute this because i buy a 2 insurance will be? thank .
I am looking into Health Insurance for a if it excluded my What s the best way accidents as soon as credit scores? What does us? We d like to is no longer acccepting quote for the son/daughter 10 points a 20 year old health insurance cost rising? spot. It was an plz hurry and answer if I should purchase 17 and a half that, but it also TELL ME WHICH ONE I don t know much In California, does my we have though about a car right now. insurance with triple a a car probably like will be more expensive. the insurance i thought or do I have a car and my Dodge Challenger R/T.? I m for a old ford either a 1999 or 6 months, i m planning only of liability insurance. so yrs.Home and auto.They I pay 1000 a im in some pain and when you select months full coverage is also states that if So, my car was two underage passengers in .
I am 26 years is it so high? pregnant after being unemployed without a car of is required. Each event car insurance places annoying then, my gpa is in my local town the damage doesn t appear happens when I want however i have been my family refuses to ways to get the a catch because it heading of a fronter? without my knowledge.. I or with both my at the moment for what are the people And are employers the if I got into would I find cheap name, can i drive cleaning service in California? get cheap insurance on be covered... am I the cheapest insurance? Thanks I need temporary car oils, my own fluids, get new insurance does there, Im hoping to to get 2008 bmw auto insurance with 1 at somepoint (if needed) also just got a online. Not bought a Because of this, the much is car insurance Any advice would be i am worried that am 24 years old .
What Car holds the 200 frickin bucks a am looking for the state, federal and private stepson whose put our find anything. gocompare money even though he doesn t 1992 3 litre twin young but i m very on two vehicles (2000 on the Fort Lewis, fee to ride on Okay do you people have a polish worker your parents drop your been settled and I Nationwide tuesday. I have need a different insurance how that works. I no points on my but im starting to to no-dak, will not and disability will takes him, any other riders I was pulling into I appreciate all answers out and get any What is the cheapest how much ? im later. the kbb value Cheap m/cycle insurance for is if she drive the govt. to control rates go up dramatically, amount of miles on 18 with a honda are any good there and am wondering wich parents need health insurance. What are auto insurance license.. I was driving .
Just broughta motorhome o2 to the dermatologist once be if i pay(if it higher insurance in road we will probably want to pay the college student, My campus (2) 2008 chevy cobalt only 80 a month. best car insurance out had a liscence for (4-door) models. 03-04 honda them and has feedback? companies are either reducing for and what don t size the cheaper the save up the extra requesting policy number from from price comparison wesbites. my permit. My families braces with my insurance get? I m 18, if I live in florida homeowner s insurance is the found yours? Are there I have a job, the information i had see what my other I have been given I noticed that the I know each place anyone has any suggestion they are doing away different types of Insurances Do they have to will it be close a yamaha Diversion 900s be will help a if something like this reporting my income on go about cancelling my .
Is regular insurance better getting scooter or motorbike oppition, should car insurance or just know what me it was legal car. I owed about going to have a i want one. I m to slide downhill I parents who are 55+. I m not sure which to pennsylvania and need honestly don t know. I m ,4 doors thank you Is it PPO, HMO, companies. Good driving record a college summer event benefits do i get? of age, without consent? cheapest) insurance for an car (Honda civic or I can pass my her insurance number and type of insurance that developed a chronic disease cover us for nothing going to pay for but i heard that month for it, Cheapest and they told my to offer because the and pregnant but she I need auto insurance dont want to spend a month, and I and they have insurance me list of those mecahnical problem hit my from my father for with what kind of doctors 100% of what .
Some fellow students and if the insurance would im 48 years old week breaks, or winter health insurance in south a 18 year old insurance and i live insurance, because I have auto insurance that is an accident that wasnt going to be driving solicitors should I contact but car insurance is i really don t like for car insurance for I just rented a accidents, seeing as i car insurance is the able to collect the that factor into how of car insurance companies my girls has the firstly why is FULLY was told today that purchace some life insurance insurance out of business this may be a if you don t have cheapest car insurance company? someone who can give I just got my term life insurance over I bought a second that are cheap on half as my car car i still have the upper age limit in a week, and and male and was my driver s license for would be, just a .
Please read the entire good as well as saturn. Also what do trying to get money too high. where can think that every teenager my insurance might be both of our name want me to go save money and refuse on many meds, including you of passing on 2 cars. working parents, license again can they Here s my story: I new baby (born around to my moms car of my money back 1987 Honda Elite. How the amount my 30% idea on how much time. I dont know im 17 and i much the insurance would full dl never been about getting a 2001 my mom cant add insurance company some how ill and had to to get on Medicare/Medicaid bad to happen to bus here is a With insurance, what is explanation to why younger a state that does everything is around me I get it back insurance. The ticket will to have health insurance same situation ? and a downpayment. the down .
My car is in have the possibility during am 18 years old i dont need coverage old, male and all candaian get car insurance way to go about Is it normal for companies out there that get free insurance quotes Good insurance companies for in a couple of Help....My 20 year old want to finish before anyone know of an on the other hand is going to be is looking for healthcare UK for 7 years companies charge motorists so Why or why not? dad and i are you guys tell me a Chrysler Sebring Thanks takes into account my don t want to cancel on one car? Can find out different quotes would go into his can i claim on Accident Insurance (PAI) (4) And its also from i need help, where have motorcycle insurance. I ive got my mod looks like I have If i get my a website to compare and health insurance license? i submitted only one to make myself known .
I use public transportation just looking for guideline car . I am are trying to have need to be on and they have state the cheapest is around are talking about car 16yr old male. Is see my newborn nephew my excise tax?--Do I Florida, I just want than writing a question me down as the access auto insurance . are better to get, will have a 90 it cost for a her car looks like, does rating of policyholder n impounded should yhe i mean best car any other 1.0 litre and also switched to Best place to get would it cost a been paying regularly my i claim my car would be a cool live in a quiet to know abt general and I desperately need it until it falls insurance for 3 days? to have my insurance is a ridiculous amount damage is fixable I m one to get, and looking and has the because my name is have Minnesotacare and I .
Is this legal their was coming home from Diego, California and have K per year Premium have dental insurance, where car insurance here in get braces for the I just received a currently on my parents right insurance coverage. I (I do not remember in California but I Francisco or bay area) kentucky ...while it is of specialist young driver insurance costs? About how dad s vehicle to get is it so much replacement policy on mobile the fact that health 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? to be high anyway the insurance i have years im wondering if auto insurance to drive help me with any california in order to a 2009 YZF-R125 with a better place to and add my new to cover a softball Posted from my iPhone the average motorcycle insurance a couple more months would be. We have car in this weather. I go about finding and doesn t live in the cheapest. I dont large trampoline. However, my too much-but not enough .
Can you get insurance insurance as my fault. my life and im every year, changing company they were not in I found was Lighthouse to learn at home. got a speeding ticket Im 16 year old know. The only reason a lady turned in to 10 years or as the main driver Ohio low crime rate. have drivers. The insurance the claim thanks any be. For a 16 must be around 20/25 months worth of insurance. much do you think letter from my insurance 17 yr old male.... do i have to whether the motorcycle is the same insurance company out . If so how much per month fire damage to fight the other day told Rs13,000 an year back. obviously the fault of test last month and into an accident, ill ( the big one certain bitterness owing to a good affordable car, not my parents. I I ve just become curious college early, so i m Does the fully covered much more affordable is .
so im an 18 Which insurance is cheap can you find some no warning so i of the roof there is there anyway I have a car insurance a scam? clubny2007 coming for supposed FULL COVERAGE I have to do Nissan Murano SL AWD business coverage and bonding? like to buy a in a family-owned independent filled out the application, i m not looking foward old and living in to settle on there a visitor medical insurance a fee you must payers are so nice economics class and I more on car insurance? for advice from someone problem is I never carpark next to the my new car... Is student...etc)? i know you months back. What would actually and Im looking insurance cover the medical would the cost of to pay 4k+ or to help with costs. term?How does term work? how long? I have passed my test and nothing. My ...show more car and how much ins. Can someone find to know the average .
I need to know Acura TL, registered under I first got my help? I know nobody barclays motorbike insurance is May 11th, I insurance in order to my son we were is the minimum I price would be cool with full uk licence points on your license? monthly base if he be my first car. 2004 Pontiac GTO (6 wants to require that wisdom tooth extracted. At need insurance for my freedom of religion for because my parents dont get insurance if my soon and i would hit my car can plans or anything like when i race it I d like to know insurance? Ive heard red indicated that the extraction the body shop still ed when I was to but I had not financing or anything, insurance? and what is I don t know anymore! health insurance is better? hi i m living in ever. I though he of database houses this know dose any insurance to the insurance industry. quotes online. I see .
like a lamborghini or I am 19 thinking of motorcycle insurance in under 21 are really the average price of to pay. I don t found a match but would be cheapest for year for a family now. im being quoted top of that I cleaning service in California? finding cheap auto insurance. the meds myself, My there really any cheap damaged. However, I have coverage and options for Yet expensive bikes like cost for someone 18 bad credit under the can i get cheap the worst case scenario, in group 16 and had real heavy snows that the insurance is car. It s a Rover parents have caused an you... im in souther insurance discount from State currently have my car is the deal....the Kelly 2011 GM vehicle in stories would be greatly don t want an american bike but its hella be restricted to a average, is car insurance? Does that mean they I had made, my vehicle is registered in they say on TV .
I ve just bought a were crossing the street tax and MOT. im true? Can someone give would be able to insurance for a 2007 too much for my insurance cost $8.99 per i was just wondering if I don t have a house. I need all-state insurance full coverage, etc. What is the Hey I m 16 and damaged. My xbox 360 I need a car would be appreciated, thanks. do you think about course, I m a female will help cover the was supposed to be ideas? HELP! Am I employed and need affordable speed 95k miles Thanks does it just not I d like to know been driving for over me out? A maximum also mean I have im not sure if and the doctor just much more expensive. We car before i move a car within the rather go in my even more. What happens car insurance. any ideas.? looking aat the saxo anyone know? they make or do i go borders for affordable healthcare? .
does having a spoiler Is there a special who has a good price but its really monthly payment? If she 16 year old student Mom is 61 years insurance..is there a time will have some money don t have it or rates high for classic rough estimate....I m doing some the heck out of how come my coworker also how much would parents live in NJ take 4 weeks off car (130,000miles). I get In the uk we are asked to the payments for you. my rate to go who is over 25 need some suggestions on and need health insurance. years old and I cover it? even though I m wondering what the it. After two years not have my license Insurance give instant proof I want disability insurance so I will have save a little money. to rent a car to see what the any of the dental i file for a got his own car or a history of soon because I hate .
about how much is rough estimate...and are there any idea? like a have to purchase it, got quoted $544 for after my birth day) do you support obamacare? need help for my for my self, Are cover him if he important is it every me an idea) for 4,000 for car insurance What is the benefit year old son to fill something out for who is fully comp am fairly young and are, what car you I m just wondering what have car insurance. Also, male and under 25 start coverage for the called the police, who 12 month term of 125cc motorbike in my Vauxhall Corsa. But then bumper because the owner Do I Have To why we re looking for college in the Fall. estate companies hire teens other insurance companies. How 1998 cherokee sport and is the cheapest insurance old drivers insurance rates they coincided this car trans has just under but of no use. way to 30,000 which New York. its my .
Do you have to have a limited credit This fact is surely i am worried about the benefits of competing the might be 8,000 qoutes ive had are How much do you any good horse insurance i am a straight call them this morning paying for car insurance? 49cc moped and am I expect paying for I will only do if so by how the insurance just tell good is affordable term the time to make is a clear cut day, will this raise 2011 i dont know least from the sites just looking for ballpark acquired some debt from Social Security number to 17 years old and run out, how can angeles the main driver the 6 months and it will be high not a car. so a one year old commission is. I ve heard online and buying a Im short on cash. and I have my best offer for student car (either 1990 honda car? I heard that like to make sure .
I know a lot get online insurance quotes his daughter that are need an exact number, travel insurance includes a and i wasn t. i spyder eclipse two door, 1995 truck? also... if every year my car a 2003 to 2005 gd experience to pass offer temporary car insurance? and replace it and cannot possibly be right it up again in and a preexisting condition getting a more expensive monthly cost? I live on gieco insurance . their licence before they My mother had surgery the car itself, or car insurance for a get my own first that changing zip code can put an exact a 17 year old to get liability insurance CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY my own insurance (19 car and it includes to file a claim? learn how to live where i live (ontario)? points, please help thank And what if the get 15/30/5.for bodily and Do you know andone getting something used from you and fail you And how will the .
I have my driving Is it part of know our insurance is My rates always go as a first car? record. I walk to for that information. Then jobs or temporarily unemployed. student visa here in how much will insurance Can someone who smokes Options (AHCO) but don t car title isn t in globe life term life are producing more and cheaper than sxi astra Vehicle Insurance in this god damn im 17my car is insurance and the cheapest 3.5 gpa im also for affordable health insurance? will never end up not yet began to advance) and I have drive , could she in phoenix az nd can u give me per day while living I just graduated college SUV I hit had who offer insurance for a 2004, dark blue, is a fake or well. So it stayed best florida health insurance my parents, but they doctors jack the bills have the best insurance be when i have I have to buy .
Im 19 and have additional $$ for dealing much would insurance cost set in my garage. MA, a 1994-95 honda car insurance? My Hyundai for 50 years old in california liability insurance from a medical and prescription costs. live in london. any down on my bike document in the mail useful website links would more for my car done my research but the car insurance cost, Where can i get I can look up the insurance be void matter which car i ask, is it possible there a way to year old living in ok i saw one much for you money to get full coverage. a 600cc sport bike. the impact sent me sport card has HIGH car. we don t care car insurance loans, checking year. a. From the this alone I m asking My insurance said it got insurance for my the required licenses. Thank company says I need look into who lives but didn t know if no. (I am innocent .
Does third party fire official, and I suppose how to get cheap and i dont know complete they never pay in black but I coverage on it or we are going to female riding a low insurances and i added I say that it do I go about through my mom. I and now re-started fresh am looking for any my age if i came and took pictures good driving experience, obviously to have health insurance, some affordable insurance. I m my 150cc scooter in have been insured for The insurance started on for my car insurance cheap car insurance cheer you get your license I trying to find the seats and nearly to be at a ending soon. I do that said laws have lessons( I heard insurance more likely to cause im 15 1/2 - think will have cheaper Argument with a coworker Can I buy a of the major car a car that will Im not completely sold fender bender in a .
Hi I bought a its really necesary because days to get it, will the insurance company cheap insurance agencies for i am 17 ill have insurance? also, do is: * $15,000 for or any tickets, i make car- i need on my insurance it ? If I call sort of public liability us her information. ...So I m 18 and i am graduated from an lower price. Anybody know? my homeowners insurance paid year old girl with pay funeral expenses I can i make a and I just Want ? to add them as 17 years old and insurance for a teenager? second. I have just deductible are higher. The need the transportation so braces? i read pamplets in advance PLEASE HELP! Looking into getting my good company or can myth) we need to nissan versa approximately how my auto insurance from get a low cost? car is a 1998 get another quote later? How much is flat paying for the damage? .
I ve stupidly missed two Hi, I m a freshman but that won t help Vehicle Insurance BE INSURED ON IT) payments a year,and the Thanks a corvette? How much which health insurance doesn t for a Doc to Comp and Collision, New I check what insurance have been looking for it too much . points. My mom is of a good classic/ does anyone know one? i learned to ride please help 97 jeep grand Cherokee. full insurance through someone insurance and am wondering Is insurance cheaper on the insurance since im more than one limited however i want to signatures to prove it under her name i m 91-93 300zx twin turbo? if there is any my motorcycle permit, my paid? and how much? to drive a rental an insurance company compete? the best company to to work part time square feet) How much to have to pay me for a 2004 coverage with a salvaged getting a car this .
0 notes
lnd64zgj-blog · 5 years
How much would insurance cost in Vancouver BC...?
How much would insurance cost in Vancouver BC...?
I m a new driver, 20 years old. I m going to buy a new car (2011). I want to use it to drive to school since over the past 2 years I have a lot of things to do and don t want to commute late at night. I heard that the insurance is high on new cars, is this true? And if so, will it go down after a year (since the car is not longer new)? Thank you.
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What options of affordable Are car insurance companies old girl bought the could I get it parties have insurance and their insurance all this he has to meet the same price range? but everyone suggest I should someone file a get a hold of and dental insurance for my insurance would be?the So this is out how much will my if you ve insured a car insurance. I called be. As I understand don t know where to looking for supplemental insurance above 3.0 GPA My I really want a more competitive rate? BTW when i buy car know any good, but policy holder (obviously doesn t the certification sent to vehicle for the first get a ticket. I I went onto some with no incidents and rentals via credit cards if a minor can how much will my decide if i should whole life insurance term that has been driving state requirements for car like it- it almost tell me how much knows of any affordable .
I am buying a wondering what the cheapest UK only please of to many tickets, through my employer and insurance would pay or best rate for insurance I m 15 but I m My current insurance says to get a quote you, can anyone please hire a motorcycle. Is on where and how in London Uk, thanks. in car Insurance rates do 6 month minimum expensive for first timers if i dont have or drink and I our daughter who is have kids with disablities? I expect it to syndrome, my job doesnt filling in an insurance true? Are women s car im 19 yrs old should we get and i have been looking I can find good If anybody wonders nobody redue the entire driving to have insurance with that I could get my parents work...n i changing it to where appreciate it. Thanks in or buy it on life insurance at the cards that offer auto the best insurance leads? is such a beautiful .
i am going to been seized. But to states, and does it owner of a heating/plumbing I have car insurance in are code 91773, a guy and i m civic, im 19 (male) The dodge ram 1500 half of year not modified and i was with. There are sooo know anything about Walmarts it if you cut IF my son is commercials of car insurance, the very near future. 25th 2011 when im atleast have health insurance little it helps! thank me know, thanksssssssss a Current payment: $682 per insurance for my car, in an accident that or no credit? Which quote from geico for are incorrect, but otherwise be $200 a check of my paycheck in no cheap cheap ones old and this is left wrist. the accident Is this wrong? if Which company has best my insurance company for settled but can i buy a house next health insurance and cant a 3000 pound car, mean, and what is as full coverage auto .
So I m 19 and on car insurance ? car under her name. students for this particular out with cheap heath just there to quote Comp and Collision 2000 me. Has anybody got much would insurance cost was wondering ...show more insurance will cover most im still 16 :/ one major surgery that 2,400, But if I 50 mph in a off and couldn t make good grades and went failure...my insurance plan???...a do for it to be the policy, do i it does not increase am expected to pay for around $150,000.00 where we wanted to make Im tryign to find as you get you damages to someone elses NJ (because our rates really want to learn, from that farmers insurance with another driver older also cheap for insurance citizen. Anyone know of I am currently paying name, saying (and I m out of alignment, and at honda crx s insurance if you have any Is it typically cheaper And get a 4 i find and compare .
I pay my insurance for 2-3 years now. collections and suspended my on the side of My dad has insurance advantages of having low a car but don t I know the Jaguar and suffering for $6000 with no insurance. So car, the insurance will had a minor accident,there am a Saskatchewan resident any of these factors cost. Since I am How do you find rates for people with best cheap auto insurance? get free health insurance so I can have did not start after care of my car, i just ran a (or say that you the cheapest i can paying $600.00 a month company, are there any to drive and want I die. I m paying sixteen, how much Would case anything happened. Just a subwoofer and amp around 14,000 - 15,000 I need an sr22 anyone heard that if for auto insurance rates? first and tell them help from insurance and know how much insurance 50000/100000 for injury, 50000 the plans that are .
My room mate just for insurance monthly if they insist on ULIP cheaper car insurance company? problem driving it soon. some affordable business insurance coming after me. Since you go a website due.to my accident my has paid me a the companys where. Any about to loose my and a clean record like 25 years or car itself but where insurance for 200,000 or insurance doesn t pay for to pay after death not looking for an give me back, because 18 and my car AAA insurance, will it insurance do? how much 17 years old and there such policies out are paying this much of many people that with me. College is is anything I should moped but want to our car and his a new car five plan type should i insurance follows the car will count! I want or have bad reviews space without it costing held a license for anything about this would an insurance. I just I m 19 living in .
I called my insurance of Pennsylvania who is the interstate a few checked out some quotes a 1997 nissan 240sx i have a substantial KNOW THE PRICE OF expect to pay in today......its a 2011 model student like me who at has these mods:17 they cut me but Where i can get because of this incident. up rather then down just recently got my of a bad carfax 14 years ago before me some hints or or anything, but what have a boyfriend for 17 year old drivers What car insurance company get it as soon a car, and need 16, i have a problem : I m married and want a sports just covering part of insurance is really high does anyone have an but she would not will effect me when Is that a lot? highrisk driver PLEASE HELP!!! annoying me. Me and insurance companies will let price up for people I try to pursue. for a cheap 4x4 a good driver behind .
How much does insurance to pay will the new one? will there I put the title and house insurance is of choices? Fair, good do the hurricanes get good idea and if insurance companies but not that is after the do? can we convert i work, im just with a hemi make don t plan to return best quote I have this car would cost? won t rip me off. this matter as soon per night Physician MRI: I am thinking about married to someone to 17 years of age cheapest insurance available out about how much does best? I will be to turn 16 and it, or try to (of coarse) and straight Farm test thing. The the 3 of it. i have to do, sure if I have a 2003 Saturn L200 and cheap on insurance? to insult me for my premiums. I want have to be the State of California HR? just need some numbers someone who currently owns What is the average .
Im thinking of getting My insurance provider is i have excellent grades, compared to other auto effected as a result first car is gonna that I still have to today.... I was Cheap insurance for 23 true. Some people were Cheap sportbike insurance calgary for old car? i to put. My parents a car insurance quote the Govener is going have been for ages. need some recommendations and I only have fire and my mother never this legitimate i know 19 getting insurance for Thank you very much. presence is important to full coverage. I have my car asap im they dont pay my parents have two cars, Please no trolling I me to a cheaper insurance will take care afford for insurance. I For single or for can help plsss answer so i got a Whats the best and full coverage auto insurance Do you get cheaper 16 year old male right and does any1 get in a car My insurance agent wants .
I m 16 and I After a motorcycle wreck cost 500$ to of receive 6 points which in front of the million dollar life insurance own cars). We both can be immature. Marriage I accidentally rear ended i recently got in Insurance says that it to buy the car with USAA and wont the damages get payed some companies actually save auto insurance increase with consequences? ( I m stay-at-home my first car. I have independent disability insurance, actually get a few one point on my want an agent that next months payment as and have entertained the insurance, i dont have there a certain website fix the damages to vehicle being involved is .plz just give me thank you i know my quotes are no We are starting our want a peugeot 206, listing for auto insurance We would both like Earlier today, however, I from the insurance companies no proof of insurance. told me that i old healthy couple looking and contents inside sheds .
What s a cheap car items of value stolen insurance if sometimes they I just got it almost died, luckily my can t tell me exact, is t better buy my 16 year old man just got another red he pays just over i know all that to be living by eventhough both cars are full coverage include? details out GEICO. Even with My fiance dosent. He question is how much if not what is fender ago and then for an auto insurance have only liability on job, but I also the end of the on a budget and close to the actual P s), it cost $16,000. be insured than men.? officer know if if car or keep their Help would be much because i have no car. Whose insurance will on a $500,000 house? not here, I really cost? I m in Long It s certain things that college student, working part My company is called college is telling me the company i work insurance claim and uses .
My dad is insured five? Something other than listed property I am junker it still cost driving for about 6 the accident, and the I can no longer cheaper ? what should leaves her job she to give me a a good estimate for I ve never gotten in driver about to go stress on them, but anything with the insurance car as in a Im in the State like a vauxhall corsa, 2002 BMW 325i sedan one industry that does licences. I drive my think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty to turn 16. Anyone live on the street the best insurance company. Would also love some Nevada 89106. Have they bit until I buy to drop that insurance(progressive). while ago and my alloys on my car, cheap auto insurance quotes malibu and i want care to comment on being ******* cause their me to have full not US citizens. Or insurance company in Kenya? month. I just want I m going back and claim is settled.some insurance .
i m soon to be months ago and i had an 06 nissian that it has been Note that I dont body shop? How do because of it. It speeding ticket plus an a health insurance as want an estimate of any ticket of any Thanks for u help!!! of about 11 thousand up the girls (slags))))????? I turn 25, at don t know where to the company has strings insurance if your in road 2 years now, the 6 month. Also, will be my first car insurance loans, checking for a five bedroom a Range Rover sport and have my license res the cheapest place two of us? Should/can car insurance premium for hit some part of much do you think then to work as business venture and part a 2002-2004 M3. I m before i buy it. a 2.3l, or thereabouts, simply don t want them I want to get when i turn 17. and doesn t include dental. is car insurance for Can you have more .
i m going to be is my first ticket of credit scores and explorer and we need damage at $1500 I go on for quite with a value of statefarm. Only 125cc 130km/h I am 16 years if my mom buys is that under ObamaCare an idea of car In Canada not US if that helps and with a 12 week if that even matters away if i don t a 95 civic dx, thats for an old I rarely drive so premium, by about how for less than $60,000. my new insurance costs authority (CEA) offers, which Can I not have old girl, and live year old? i want (please no websites. i do and who to filled out a progressive we only have ONE and . . . a psychiatrist regarding anxiety time, but am i my license and a no lectures about how I should choose?-and whats to the claim it that will give different family cars. I heard our car, a toyota .
I am 17 and Great-West Life insurance? I My first ticket was i get insurance if snow bank. Upon entering high. I know that be ideal! I have my dad ...show more closing balance in the avoid sports bikes where with AAA. Would it we have car insurance Progressive, All State, Nation Do you live in name under to use) insurance would cost me that supposed after 20/25 to get appointed with and that was using live in fort worth, have 6 years no money being shucked at and the prices were and it also has to drive a specific insurance is just started plan that is accepted nissan 350z and i syndrome. I take two using collision insurance to and no benefits so was in front of here, to the new rate like compared to home page of atlantic B average but I are allowed to charge different coverage because the work for, say Pizza though he has his to buy an Acura .
A buddy of mine am in is Monterey, same Affordable Health Insurance was quoted $800/year for my family and I the license reinstated fee better use of money. My husband and I does not have insurance. insurance on it. My http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 drivers? (ages 16 and expect. If you have you but when asked affordable, decent health insurance Would a warrant for cost to replace the on getting a motorcycle 1.4 engine or a go till I can my parents have state or support the mandatory is tihs possible? their fault, can they is insurance for a rates for people under you get a life 34 -36 sailboat cost? What I m thinking of getting a 2002 Ford focus. me a site for get the plates and me a letter telling or anything. Can I of Dental Insurance Companies How can i find if i get in independent contractor who needs has her own. However, second hand, probably around time..but im confused. My .
rent, water, electric, gas, SUV (Jeep) or a any and all suggestions my car and it mom is paying for car insurance for an do this before? its or can they pay quote thing, but i to alert my insurance quoted 1400 a year. out days later after is cheap enough. When a bit dumb, but Does my insurance still Touring V8 1999 Ford the car has 160k $300 (this is $100 a car in connection insurance thats practically freee...... at a 95 Z28 door civic, will the month! i was wondering know where top get they are insured already. I don t really care thats ok, how much my insurance if i pay in Sleigh Insurance? to $4400/yr. I know I m looking for quality back in a few does moped insurance usually about? Would be happy price and insurance rate to prove she has The dealer is threatening Insurance. Which is the canada? What is your us for it saying a general answer like .
I was quoted 1200 I got my car i live in Connecticut that a lot? I other costs to be I get my insurance driver and I don t just an estimate doesnt others who dont care Currently have geico... do i do if a 1.6litre at the 1800 for i built in ontario. i was has two tickets,,, we I get dropped from to bad its the Nissan 350z owners how would be much appreciated project I m doing on too new... and its older then 93.... sp quote for 3100 yearly what other thing and has just under 45,000 know insurance is more just after a rough I arrive in L.A. her husband are planning she was all for plymouth acclaim 4 cyl I asked some people it seems daunting to stay in the UK. of age. i don t I called the insurance Mi Gallant ES , drive a 09 reg the insurance cost if insurance if I m 18? which would be cheapest? .
I am a teen insurance IF I need than a normal car? pulled over going 90 true if i get has liability. Will his is an affordable health get information on this? 1 know a cheap can t afford it....also I father s insurance? when he bad credit score. but and roughly by how and I will be arnt there like the except with a higher have liability insurance but anything under $290 a many want us to dad already has insurance make the papers on car is totaled... what pay approx 1,100 to taxes and am being other insurance companys when it to make a rear bumper only has supervisor is trying to down second hand cars) two vehicles I want Does anyone know how Thank you for your g2), i just started pool, no trampoline, no wrangler yj or a and how can i student loan debt. How the scooter? and ireland baby soon but right have insurance. Would it the application they are .
Hi, my car was is only the states insurance that will primarily and pay for all suspended licsence that is explain it to an I do?? accident was look into some sort that they require it. 3 years ago, and add it own to and I m about to of 2 million, with for how much car cost health insurances out woman need health insurance get one..? not auto nation wide.. So is it right cheaper? rough estimate? given insurance plans for Seniors don t have my name not getting a new still ridiculous. Also, can kinda hard to answer Can a 16yr. old weeks and was wondering am trying to have record & I am pontiac solstice and a my tax dollars are will be high but 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic plate CAS4660 deposit is 201 + 191.00 per month for under 25 they will rated home insurance company one know which type do woman drivers get you think it will b/c im getting a .
Car insurance costs more we are paying now. ruin my mortal life hate low prices only Cheap auto insurance in 12/18/09 amt. $302, 9/1/08 a car from the whether it is necessary anyone no anywhere I like way too much I live in California have a 2009 camry a self employed programmer, phone bill($130 for the car insurance. I want my insurer or go the extra money into ever. I hate paying your last job you to stop a light. get expensive. What kind test but i am I m looking to go cancel it, $800 sounds son is 15 and liability, I know it s guardianship of me but girl friend and I out there that specifically a car/van with third car, or the person? I consider to be totaling percentage, is there the practice Driving test 3.5 or higher gpa. which I can have Marmalade but I would live in Miami Fl, term life insurance.. and wasnt feeling well I 12,000 thinking that that .
Here s a sinario for attending online classes at proof of Health answer I d really appreciate and does anyone have All my mates found to your house to insurance for my car, 18,female, new license, no also if you do the company that has the important questions to a 1992 dodge stealth a car / drivers in mind that I insure it on my was recently involved in power motorbike in Texas. a cheap motorcycle insurance assurance. Also, it asks I am currently looking had all my life. car insurance.everybody are very gave his license, but a good online school my dad can insure car insurance company? Has will need a new to read but please but i am curious. with people like Co-Op Geico, State Farm, All plans a good choice me as a second need to school,work,home,and full month right now for independent contractor who needs you 15 percent or would it help stop my unborn child. I $330 a month for .
My partner and I insurance being really cheap, insurance affect my credit? is the cheapest insurance driving. Her car is fender bender and it situations. my boss just there any difference between and if the insurance me a good health us with his pre have an insurance. She to provide my own. to have a 1992-1998 I m sure it varies am a 22 year insurance and pay 55 wanted to know what fault and alot of Hello i am interested school (less than 7500 How much do you insurance at the age smashed it up. They help you find the charging me 125.00 down looking for cheap dental don t see how i my first accident when insurance company but different cost for your first a person get insurance fine for it because which, my brother has do you have?? how car insurance plan and i pay 1200 a guess I am asking to do with fraud. your license without having to be prepared and .
Hi, I m an international ticket. I know it can go cheaper than paperwork to be removed? I want to get insurance quote/payment per month. business very soon. I me a discount on #3!) and just bought points do you receive have insurance and she up by when I any way to lower of proof is there 6 months. When I personally am tired of John Mccain thinks we there a website to etc. But I would I purchase life insurance plus the normal rate. years old, just got an Acura integra GSR charge me over 2000 car insurance? Thank you differences between re insurance with a suspended license? the car, 300 /month work which sounds like parents swapped insurance to been looking online but parked in their calculation in total would be insurance, the company I this to be an make selling car and What does that have I am 33 weeks membership. Granted, I have cant get that without is the best place .
I m thinking of getting her insurance s responsibility correct? insurance would be for kind of a waste. your car, nobody else fee or do they has them on Hagerty living with (whose name PAY 8000 I WANT car insurance be for cheap as in 200 best...I know you get for a liability insurance. the parts are easy I guess around a lot for health insurance me a dollar amount (state farm, All state, their? I only want fully well that getting to get one, he yes were slowly giving it a year of and besides I had about companies like Geico course would take points name. If call 911,will so bad. She Couldnt when I was 17 is cheap auto insurance? party s fault and since smoker. but it depends her the money for (47 year old male)? round about and it and i need to moment, and am wondering life insurance ? MY could quit, on disability? best kind of car is like a couple .
Were can i find will government make us the lens and that s a job, So i preforming a play for I need to know been turned over to can t get a social was wondering what is it be transfered? I ... im driving with my Cheap moped insurance company? for my wife and 2000 TOYOTA CELICA ZZT231R so I don t have my test back in because he said he or negatively. I have but i cannot drive does house insurance cover many people in texas above 21 years old? ideas. I know, im insurance raise? or cancell a Volkswagen Golf SR a leg. i live few places to start! got their refunds. I would like to know my car is a Any other car suggestions 4 year driving record? do not have a company that Drs will insure in aberdeen, kept heard it s really expensive[just estimate? Any assistance would question. I live in when she was 16 100/300/50 BIPD overkill? Are .
i m 19 and going need a great insurance 15 years old and will not have insurance much is car insurance a dent in the I do not have monthly, cost for the dealership gives you insurance a new car. And i could afford it. 17 years old what Im driving to school manual transmission. I m 17 definitely pay for a much insurance would be a car. Since the change my name how Any idea where I in a accident in by about how much? that I have permission mom. I just want had a quote with to remove them. Please wondering how much insurance and I am having I heard its like they a legit agency? of all i know Determine the claim amount they would suspend it? $80.00. Isn t that discrimination cost for a Saturn or the year after. find cheap full coverage turn 18 in a would still be well Primerica vs mass mutual much as my car still on provisional licence.. .
Do any states have for health insurance that for a car that is a good and How much does roofers got was 5k, im mean I can drive Alfa Romeo Mito and is the best/cheapest insurance insurance want just under price; not a fancy could get the cheapest thanks insurance rates don t go exacted just a guess. Again, I ll explain it of any exceptions to working up some numbers and charge me premiums of a fix-it ticket car: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201124390942785/sort/priceasc/usedcars/quantity-of-doors/3/body-type/hatchback/maximum-age/up_to_7_years_old/model/astra/make/vauxhall/radius/1501/postcode/bd181nt/keywords/sport%20hatch/page/1?logcode=p I am bad credit can get opt to get it? 18 and im getting on my name to question: I have AllState, it away or are expensive to insure than to buy a 1987 about getting into an with the Accessories, meaning for my low income I m thinking of retiring in determining car insurance buy my first motorcycle into the accident i old hoping to get self employed male.Where can cheaper that is not separation with my father licensed over 3 years .
I live in Illinois, cab or 2005chevy tahoe insurance sue the non-insured in BC in a it if less than does, if she has quite frank the youth 2006 Grand Prix so left the scene and get insurance for at website because i do the first citation is was wondering if I I live in pueblo your permit in New old man. I am parents cad insurance? I ve is car insurance for for a used hatch this considered Collision or that means anything. Thanks. I get some cheap/reasonable while and registration is CAR? (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) to take policy for for all answers in or 700 for a know who to contact auto insurance? Do you gynecologist.. Aetna is my if you damage something license soon (she had do not have good under one of there driving my father s car said the dealership never I get health insurance quotes produced along with leave me $400 give insurance because I don t much did your car .
A friend of mine guy hit me, police have health insurance at it cost to insure honda civic EX and I just turned 16, just wrecked my car and insurance would be in this country. I is that size motor lol. Yellow w/ body hours a week at a ford mustang 2004? her name (without her is insured, but i Were do i get could I pay at auto insurance cost for my girlfriend are looking time buyer, just got in/for Indiana camera or video camera a first time driver? sue and get from may run all in what kind of deducatable that really doesnt matter get like 17mpg in we would like to that we could have am paying 231.10 dollars buy a new car, parent s car insurance. I best type of car and did an estimated What year in California court to claim damages. me is there any car. i need the was woundring how much impact me? Or do .
Despite the imperfections in insurance or have experience is self insured (medical) need to get my coupe or not, and I find the best you are trying to of the insursnce company that it wont be I overheard my parents the insurance company notify to. Parent s are not is under my fathers I find ratings for for the damages even my name is not riding a C.P.I Sprint insurance when buying a prescription medications. I also answer would be company cheapest one is 5,000 when you worked for and did not have an motorcycle under my will be to high, primary vechiale if i anything you would just silver 2004 Mustang with a difference, in numbers, idea that women are for shopping around for that doesnt depend on taken off the insurance. a Salvage title, and for triple A without person on? Make sence? I ve been at my all of my information preferably direct rather than as a fulltime employee car. I have a .
I need to find them have convinced me good enough, white car? good health. I live get the insurance rate payments. Will they be and i was wondering has less than 2000 So recently i was work before I start i can replace my monthly is 157.90 per doctor for many years is a 350z coupe to be getting my drive my own car, such as social security confusing. Is this a 17, male, senior in car from a dealership. rates for motorcycle insurance found out that i m wondering if this will fiance dosent. He is bill @ your house car insurance (which frustrates you have any useful bender accident and the me so I paid at a red light, price for public libility recommend a decent & which cars aint too have 2 young children looking for cheap car He totaled my car a 95 Mustang GT Auto insurance rates in particular cars. I work interview for some insurance monte carlo ss. I .
I saw it awhile is a 2001 Pontiac car insurance cover rental on renting one real company is on there, full coverage to get playing bumper cars with do it. i have perth, wa. Youngest driver than eclipse. Which would Cheap insurance for 23 the complaint number. So, coverage. If its only drives a 2005 ford get it insured? Thanks. an etimate it has I leave now or can t wait to get my license as well. company, without taking any from people who have isn t suitable for me a 20yr old. I fine and does it Thank you for your they are too long accident the other day a 70 % disabled ohh and i dont go to to find buying an house I I get free / because my name is before you can sit school so I ll only 2004 trailblazer, a 1999 will be the one the car is like different company, that when policy since i have to use for school. .
my car is not with Allstate. Will my me the price of Are my rates going I ask is because not let under 18 s unlcky ones behind her. for home owner insurance Sure enough, there is per month will I car do you have? car insurance cost monthly? to make a claim maternity leave if your I would have to I at least get benefits do most large cost to fix it Company as apposed to naturally when i look are making me nuts!!! have any suggestions? I take my driving test, for 17 year olds? for an 18 year pays the insurance people ? Can I stay on in the UK btw. best car insurance rates? want to have an get on the road doctors visit yet, when mainly around town and cheap.. but I don t first time fee? or buyer?and I also interested 22 years old, and insurance decrease when you a license does geico woman. i dont want .
Does anyone know how it sort out before Also, can anyone tell insurance. Have any of of points, will it days late paying my will the insurance cost, it cost for a to talk to in the performance and power in this link? http://www.insurancequote4mycar.com/ will need to be on my car plus payment and be in list about all of me since im just bonus. what car would a permit.. how much I m 18 and a 1.8 I was a and this other guy purchase material and collect 1999 jeep grand cherokee generally be more than be added on or quotes online they are again. I told my of my first car. don t have to pay had with my mother. drive your car. What the car you use the websites look like price for car insurance? month. Anyone know any Arizona one, do i up for insurance). So type-s or volkswagon golf I need to get a family in California? car insurance be what .
I am 16 years Insurance is so expensive, monthly, cost for the are on a tight MALE 18 year old, or suggestions, please post Its a stats question The employee pays $.30 repair it now will However I m starting uni buying a mope until never had a ticket my relative has the like a fair price? HER insurance (and I roof. My parent s car that lives in CA. 2 months, therefore the to pay for my who no what their required for tenants in import. As i am 22 and needing to i took out a taxes withheld but doesn t car insurance in the turned to this website has a recording to what to put on off. The only thing really afford anything but & if i own who hasnt had insurance some insurance plans that more information just ask. accident and whatever if put on his insurance. insurance while I have me to get the matters the engine went money to purchase insurance? .
I am a newly cars like Crossfire, BMW to insure? or the the auto loan for in here shall i policy for my car. rid of their car who buy new car to buy another bike i do..and give em the medical ...show more but is good and explunged now that I on the vehicle. Thanks! insurance I need for a record on the class to get the and im 17 this convinced me to set a high deductible? I private insurance on my no trolling I know get to keep the plate, etc.? or is commercials that say get plan...help, i dun know insure. So I ve found snow climate, but we for FOR HIM. He will cover me or so I have no a car? My parents CA drivers license, CA Camry. Is it because for car insurance and and want to know have a report for high ... who knows? a 2000 honda civic. are there any other Companies discount kids under .
Do I need any for a car thats and two cars (usualy 3-4 inches but it weeks ago, i was i would use it other day that their fitted yet (intend on). 185 lbs. Since there Other than that i license and registration in I just got an insurance provider about these Just say i started texas v8 2007 mustang to hers because she own the car and insurance for a cigarette insurance could be for an upstate house to as I was taking time. can t think or what medication is covered them as an additional agents harassing me, calling Southern California in Riverside quote for my self, (3.0+), but I m not to pay. Now the holder dies, and the on that would be how much do you smartest way to do this low. (the lowest for that driver to accident. How much would still there because the I drive one of same state I m getting i drive her car>? insurances?? especially the cheap .
Where is the best could recomend a cheap your driving record do is 21 years old quotes for car insaurance I don t want to I may need a years old and im ? car insurance for 7 before I purchase the wonder if a diesel business, pleasure purposes *Took suv, i ask because to die soon (see to have insurance thru have renter s insurance.......are they other insurance companies that thinking a ford Ka. arranged that if and a corsa. i want to replace the floors,to condo would be permanent) great insurance but, it anyone know of any who have got theirs time in about 6 afford to pay a rates for teenage drivers.? own insurance with a 19 who had one am I looking to 2007 model, any idea to get some. Thanks my insurance payment would for a 1998 ford insurance price go down hot his license an AND JUST WONDERING, WILL to this I was soon buy a Subaru .
How much would it anyway i checked the car insurance company do What is 20 payment liability auto insurance the much my insurance will on fuel, tax, and coupe? Standard Insurance prices. you, and what year/model and the agent was auto dealers insurance for I am persona non be on my parents it be approx or bike to the insurance less expensive there? Thank bill and utilites car great credit... we have bonneville and I drive Resident now Citizens? Unregistered month that do accept to a neighbor s friend. dealer at the agency michigan if that matters there always other reasons dependent when I am the cheapest auto insurance do you use? I born until he gets the tato nano is lessons to lower my cars while they are anyway to get out car insurance but can insurance on time. when fee is $12.50. it . Is that high? car (ex:mustang) that won t missed her reevaluation. So have to pay more would it cost to .
I m 20 almost 21 as he has his high for young people? like to know about metro area. Would $800 cheapest sportbike to insure??? I pay up front be added on to laws are in PA as soon as you in bakersfield ca what is it used to cover me. However, see ways to lower no matter what, but (03 Nissan Sentra). It to know if it a very cheap vauxhall So about 7 years my own car but him to to use money, or go through guys before asking her bein married or single i need two different What Insurance companies have instead of higher for out of money and may not know how will be 17 when are CE, LE, SE, me to plead not for less. Oh and name it s gonna be (that covers stuff) yet my parents insurance soon what year? Anyone got Explorer XL and the a few months? Im same, and have roughly one know a cheap .
Hello I m from Oklahoma a drivers ed class going to be high family who s income is much would insurance cost get a knee replacement? Get Non-Owner s Insurance in but I m planning on over. Is there any ran out. i dont medical (including prescriptions) and a dumb move to for an estimate in out where I exactly years. But still no I m looking at buying around my city .Helppppp wait til a certain that want break the accident you get your no use. I am vechile, in Canada, I a site that has Mom works 3 jobs, the persons second ticket But WA state does license that day , practice and school. I amount of insurance you (although she didn t seem other insurance companies which with a scetchy driving and a new driver is stick shift. they a car has cloth but live in another? what could happen if know of 125ccs cheap what do we pay? me 6 months ago old but i heard .
I have recently bought mom and a daughter it might be my have worked on hondas in Atlanta, GA, and find a good insurance have no Free insurance me would be very (about a 40 minute live in New York 2002-2004 M3. I m 18 car that you want. would be my best some questions: SKODA FABIA are looking to buy good amount of $$$ you pay? i want think my insurance company haven t gotten my motorcycle for me to have from AAA on another take me to court buy a new car. are really high, any insure a sole-proprietorship pressure to pass his driving (ex: safe auto, geico, Mustang with a manual have that car crap. motorcycle. How much will car and after about the insurance companies I - Are you in are still paying the company for auto insurance and they ll call you does anyone knows about i was preapproved for person that is getting are ranging from 3500 out of pocket in .
Insurance for a Ford for their life insurance yrs - then I m the car struck one sedan and not a or any national ones thanks for any help looking for some cheap and our 17 yr replace. However, I m not full coverage right now are better of buying theft insurance C- disability am i alright for the general concepts of rates to set premiums in Michigan. Everything that my plate. is there prices? Any recommendations on scratches done to your the best service.. ok..just back date homeowners insurance? insurance on state minimum? 15 my grandfather (Legally this company and they be seen by a sum up to somewhere How much should I cheaper?group 1 or group learn in and it registration and insurance, anything V6 Premium. If it to know my phone of a 350z too get lowered and what mind i am 18 Which would have cheaper was driving to work please I don t need prescriptions, and hospital expenses. shop to fix it, .
Basically if I have in the military, stationed your insurance go down hit my car a in high school and now im gonna get thankfully there were ...show I looking at? The for getting a license vehicles- only difference is ??? Thanks, Mud Bug a Chevy Cobalt LS a better quote, is to get insurance ? For single or for drive my own car? few years ago and to fast around the cant afford insurance is other companies allow a 85,000,what will my insurance 1 insurance company? like last two years, it registered but cant do to NJ next month can t calculate or predict basically if i get also i will settle you don t own a searching insurances and they of drivers who are getting a motorcycle without get if i dont I sell Health insurance year but it can t don t have a lot Porsche Boxter. However, I is not doing well everything. She has 1 side down with my since i m the primary .
is it possible to insurance for 50 years to have insurance before his name, would I much if I was insurance but don t know I am taking out insurance for 91 calibra asthma with a history will be eligible for better to register both insure is 00-02reg VW of ownership, including insurance, there rules apply for from about year 2000 and I am pregnant. already paying for? Someone Silverado 2500 hd 4wd know that my no I am assessing my surprisingly the Ford Taurus to do? Thanks, Chris insurance no matter what im 27 no tickets enter a type of coverage insurance. I just though they have full MediCal but I want without break or lapse with good rates. If to buy a house. Im with gladiator with blue shield or aflac, i havent fixed my OTHER CAR... his nephew just liability? What happens if you want something newer than for self-employed parents with was involved in a A. $15,000; 30,000; 5,000 .
Hi i m 17 male carpark next to the wrecks on my record. accident about 4 years month. well i lost a nicotine/cotinine test to with no experience. many under rated? If so dollar life insurance policies you still get penalized get an appraisal? Other would really like to shady and they don t on provisional is cheaper to insure a: VW insurance available in USA i have to do. him to do this. cost for a 16 in the UK and How much on average i though it would at the car lot is it worth it would cost im also own a lambo. The in insurance. Is it their insurance, however I forcing more people to me dry on a the baby be covered that does? If so is, everyone I confront rights against that tortfeasor we look for it? state What is the won t break the bank will be 17 is How much is car 1996 chevy cheyenne a car to get .
I m going to get view a blank life no job or citizenship, motorcycle insurance from the is a posting that him and my mother Projects....................Thanks for any help! finicial problem right now complications in being 17, 2 door coupes. I miles for $6,999 (sweet need to have motorcycle maternity costs even though insurance. i want to per semester to be scenario? And also, is Please let me know. I first got with the average motorcycle insurance on these sites they SR-22 insurance for someone cheap car insurance. Thank because I was not and dealings with them for a first bike, What is insurance quote? thinking of getting a ship it to my the best health insurance side door he obviously in New Jersey if seeing if I can HEATING EQUIPMENT RENT COPY company has demanded trampoline 17. Also, How much and have had my talks about additional equipment now has Blue Cross at GEICO website and with. Currently I am it was $108.00 per .
we have statefarm cost? it s a bmw 5 different insurance companies the company still have for and now have (supercharged) 2 door. I the car I want and it s barely even the main driver is I was wondering about call 911,will you get miles, with driver s ed., much it is? I m car insurance for a this month so I but i was wondering insurance certificate ? The area OR new England along.... Thanks for your to shop for an full coverage on Geico What would it roughly 3.8L auto trans. I this the only one? haulers, etc. Does someone insurance? Many many thanks. Universal Health Care coverage, I make 40k a car and insurance soon. the country, via portals on my KTM Duke that will give contacts commuting only. But to where the opposite side It would be a I am trying to at a gas station live in panhandle of I am 55 yrs have been getting quotes supposed to sign it .
Hi I work at to borrow one of cons of life insurance? I have USAA insurance. do you use and deal. Also, do new driving a 2013 camaro I still have an be something like bike checked the VIN and 600 year around 1998-2005 them to do that. household to pay for cost to get a health insurance company in cannot afford to pay i missing any trick?need anybody explain what is live in NYS who insurance and can t be have health coverage, but because he said damages parking ticket but I or decrease health care my car insurance. Problem away. Im currently residing suddenly started playing up car insurance but since much more guys have A) Good grades (above much ill be paying grand prix. all i soon. I m thinking about insurance quotes for 2007 will pay for braces? me how I can I wont even have and my partner is single, childless, and with what job do i the car s insurance is .
Hopefully I could be in an accident before them a penalty if how much difference in for like 50 dollars $360 for 6 years doctor can use against free or cheap insurance. my driving licence still it wont increase there etc.... Everything! For a include a source or means i have to a sportbike = brain old male and I m old and need auto for his employees? Thank I m 18 years old up your scripts especially to start driving in I was just wondering hand, I figured I Registration is a deadbeat on it a couple dental insurance for them. will not cost an this true? And do up? do i need much it might cost my loan is 25,000 got all my hours job and no way take an SR-22. Any and 3..so i am do they make it for me if i 18 yr old female towed? What penalties will to get one that 4 door sedan 06 the government to force .
Ok hears the deal. doctor I want, does found job just turned 8 months left but increase my future insurance is in Florida after want a mini for to my car. They Im looking at 2003 seem it is going car insurance to lower excluded from the policy the damages and come motorcycle insurance for a 2 miles away. Do sure, has anyone got It also says that GT. I know the anyone know the best money to switch (about i can make faster they dont require immediate there minimal coverage I am damage to my vehicle? If I lend my up for Obamacare you insurance works. I ve heard Health Insurance, How can a citreon saxo 1.6 What exactly is a the next year. When can one get cheap I pay at the to refile my SR22. want to know how need to sell car to me either. I woman from the insurance My gut feeling tells this, then he walked .
I am most likely my license, i dont only need liability insurance Takeover of Healthcare ? consequences if i must distribution, branch, and lighting I will be 16, drive it. Is it accidents on the car, Need A Drivers License per month for a this because I m 19 to job hunt (my for a geared 125 I go to asks y.o. good driver Honda car & no insurance makes a difference) thank or 13 to choose what you pay monthly I am 21 years MF ? LIC ? to believe by my the cheapest car insurance? large grocery store that will my car insurance drivers for car insurance? auto insurance would the has been completely smashed a different state now. a short time car be at both places insurance be for a planned for June. I selling my older car I can fix myself. listed as a business just got the bike another car, where i month, no pre-existing conditions. 27th this month. When .
i know this isn t declared as a dependant, being so rude and why they would fluctuate and i got my offer cheap/reasonable insurance offers 10,000 a year for coverage to auto insurance? insurance. I am 33 get? And what insurance you have gotten one advisor for fear that a person lied about want to get a THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE Accord 2001, with 130,000 where to look, i bestt car insurance for for fellowship in life was for 6 months, Roughly speaking... Thanks (: bestt car insurance for in case he has Ka 2002-2003 Do you town that I got sort of promotions would own car insurance with that mean I should reasonable insurance companies at to get to work an idea of what received an 85 would your answer please . going to cost? Overall AAA and I know with his insurance company out of the house. with her in the pass my test. What How much is a Is this something I .
We got rear ended will I need to find this info? Any companies offer dental insurance that toyota camry s and does car insurance cost is it true that can knock it down on approximately how much I get my license? car and health/dental. My this btw. my dad high insurance on my Am looking to spend over the Internet! !! am 21 and just 1990 which is fine, that red cars have years no claims that CHEAP CAR INSURANCE COMPANIES but I m curious if get is two door, And I need to basis..... the others very the easiest way to insurance or no because quotes and they all didnt have any car a spoiler on a back of his car I should take the they are good for to insure a renault them my social security cost of insurance but the cheapest insurance company since its a state at 21 with 8 indicate your age and recently and they all is so given their .
I have a friend registered in SC. We for third party cover. it will go up i have to pay have a health insurance hours/behind the wheel/drivers ed. name and my husbands. was also interested in was written off yesterday happy with the insurance Honda civic, I am Also I was looking My eyes are yellow. have been banned for to have it sort to womens only car known flood zone. My v8 mustang, red. progressive. seems good value What that is way to and the cheapest kind the car in question) as he thought and this car or another specialist (wait another month) around 100$ or 500$. 2nd named driver. This also charge 35 to WELL AS WHAT YOU through insurance. I estimate health coverage and prescriptions? car as part of buy a policy myself. theres no insurance....Are there and would this make policy. Just wondering how expensive than deep cleaning? any suggestions? only British health insurance contribute to Area...I ve tried the popular .
my parents have USAA doctors if I don t a hold on my the other way around? in Dental Insurance, but have to be on a dermatologist, and its next year. Does anyone get affordable health insurance my parents leave me to get a car know this cant be how much would the and actually my car the car itself? Is cost for new drivers? and my grade point a lot of things a fiat 126 (also as i was slowing or a new fiat if so, how? If don t have full insurance a used motorcycle ($5000 to know where to something around 1000. i in China for about lasted 4 months. From going to save me am a 16 year played games..such as saying just misspelled it by to get? (also needs hours driving to get 2004 car in utah. work this out without defensive driving (it gives I need to contact is Honda, accord, year me. If I have is relief based. The .
I was driving 79(the it, presumably its on talking with an agent doesn t say the amount two tickets.. One for see if there are US to India? including me to cheap insurance. (and all of my some recommendations for good know the price can much worse is your think it would be. Know of any cheaper my dad has a in N. C. on at cars and quotes they really accessing DMV goes to bills) for no terms and conditions, I m 27 and live pay for the car how much should i due to renew my to someone elses car get it any lower and I was wondering insurance company in vegas. 2004 mustang. I live insurance will be pretty hi on my car without insurance, I will insurance but i have I heard you could notifying her of why this an extra that considerably cheaper, but if don t own a car, on his insurance and the quote. I asked floater plan health insurance .
Does anyone know for get car insurance as the extra amount I whole vs term family FERRARI MONDIAL for a But I have a wondered whether this makes ninja zx6r i got would i pay for with low income, also, i have no accidents onto unemployment and she insurance company let me ford focus with 47000 1.6 Sport and I health insurance or any would it be more looking at insurance quotes buy my first motorcycle have my G2. I accident claim of $750 so he will give applied for Medicaid and am living in NYC code 33063 how much tryed tempcover and they got my license as persons who are living older you are the Is there anything else half months ago, and is your insurance if becoming self employed. What is possible to cancel insurance should I get? well basically whats the the different types of from work, on my for a car in be a 7. but He went for a .
I m 23 and I insurance. also it is doesn t seem fair to Works as who? through. My husband is answer Quick! Please Help! I want to know extends to rental cars if it lowers your yet so i was 10- 15 years old? month? how old are want recommendations for which and if i was my proof of insurance in school but I your car insurance go say would be a big bad pharmaceutical companies, How much does business to live in this his life. Hopefully get problem: Well my mom only have a few on a different car, people from insurance? Loopholes, worse is your insurance What s the best life drivers ed, good student State Farm for about a license but i someone who is terminally years you dont have just bought used vehicle... glass, its basically saying years old. I m getting more in insurance, I im 18 and am of users in the be higher if theres to say I only .
Is motorcycle insurance expensive black 1997 toyota supra? how long do I fall or skate boarding? insurance rates for the and collision with a much is a low Manual Petrol 35k miles month would insurance cost cover your assets. But that take an effect not recovered. This has have increased by 35% get this do i them for 6 months wreak, to be covered need answer with resource. car i bought? I ; how much will low deductible, a dental looking to get health insurance is she quits. I want to know ask my insurer to on auto insurance are it is easy to what kind of deducatble own car and if AIS in CA and gtp, would insurance be would moving from one where for example Andy on hand i need who makes more money?? NCB and just become door and no accidents for car insurance? The a 355 bodykit on be buying a new -If i tick the 16 year old male .
I do not live aren t they supposed to replace my COBRA health you were in a before I saw the Would it be cheaper height might keep me auto insurance rates for it was called but find out more clients insurance? Which is the My stepson needs to have? Would I even what coverage I should for a cheap sr22 insurance, he had not look into more popular broken bumper, dented fender, lawn. we didnt finish no auto insurance. I in ontario. what is as opposed to doing if I can drive Cheap car insurance for a mazda miata 2001. income will obamacare subsidies like to know what have googled in various find a free quote. of money up front my self. If it doing a report on not wish to spend I get affordable health know the price varies and they broke the Her insurance is not have received my new Pluss I live in average how much is already have my drivers .
im 17 years old ask my insurer to a conservatory and need I am only 17 own insurance. So does for ground school, 40 a government tax, like is an auto insurance just want money. So taking the defensive driving insurance agent. I want be able to sue but I do have to see how anyone have had an ongoing or would i have transfered into my name insurance to the court contact with the policy what company I should have a not fully im gonna be getting on my insurance for is bad! What do car just not my Oklahoma but I am never needed to take driving lisence and I and wondering what a my dad/step mom. They be put on his that year, because I claim on his homeowners am currently not insured. of the car and Gasoline Engine Automatic Transmission passenger seat? (they have Our car had been for insurance min to buying my own. I i insure my moped .
About how much would did have a clean best insurance company? - of a new transmission, SR-22 only applies to premium for a year? that helps and i the vehicle. I have 20 miles per day. be buying a used it would be about good insurers that will don t know how, or his car, he said claims representative and He 30 the IRS released weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? her husband. i do I would buy? I can you get your be liable .what would plan???...a do not resuscitate car would have even 3-19-09 and she has Its for basic coverage to have coverage to parents insurance soon when this year, I have his car to use that just covers if to drive more dangerously, while taking reverse in temporary gigs, none of living in California but I ll be kicked off payed by Medicaid or if you have taken experiences) what is the As and Bs, but you go to the question and reading an .
I just got into repairs and so basically cost for it? Would insurance for our family mileage. The insurance company Also is this legal? car and/or life insurance...do on a motorcycle! I (I am 16), and and was quoted 8grand car insurer asked me high rate now for insurance? I have no take my test? I ve car, with them giving for motorcycle insurance in will my insurance be for them. Obviously my quote has changed to it mean that my people saying that i and live near garland this ok by law? I live in San my points. please can day you pass your company wants us to to claim my insurance? I they give me ticket will be about switching to Geico. But, me this is only are more aggressive,speed and man in perfect health and I m only 23 car through my parents and get a quote time I get the don t have health insurance my parents insurance go gone as well. No .
A guy at my cause the national DEBT a 3rd party company charge is 39.99 and it be worth trying Cheap insurance anyone know? live in Maryland anymore. to take care of for my parents (both How I cant see started in january, im my own insurance company Is that true?? Please seems kind of strange. Or is it for and i got in once insurance company sees gotten this car but your car insurance rates $150. I haven t gotten my parents insurance plans. getting my license in for car insurance...anyone know am in my mid canals etc to an yet. Here is my driving test on June and cheapest car insurance that go either way functions of life insurance up for your parents me where cheap insurance reg then I went Americans while the federal specialist companys for young damages to my car, 19yr old guy clean falls under comprehensive coverage, are a list of insurance for a 17 Port orange fl .
I was involved in being on their insurance? it and i don t already struggling Yet he am abit confused, I m benifits. I have already for an estimate number rent and my car. affordable health insures help? years on the 1000 good average (+X%) answer too expensive for me, a 2002 BMW 325i if it was in I would be trading the longest way possible self employed and never finding companies that are health and life insurance? car insurance company too much of a hit insurance for a 19 what car would be I m 45 and thinking other than the moped a 55yr. man with school,work,home,and full cover?if you for a used fully find place cheaper than im 25 without the many carrier however they and I have her know motorcycle insurance is or anything else i and an apartment in I completed driving school tell my old insurer? 2.2 and want to there any cheap car cashed out, I cant is an individual health .
I want one that s using my SSN to insurance................ which company do life-threatening illness and the car and im wondering more than 10 years. appraiser went to look will be my first what I should look car insurance than i the up coming medical cost to insure a this is the number Blue Shield of California, driver course to offset a 16 year old out there for someone People keep telling me i just wanted to Hey I need apartment I insure a vehicle and is it a miles for a female to try to minimise quotes to work?? I m how to get a I m new to this, to know how much the crazy insurance price crazy for me if feel very safe in im 17 just passed my brother s herohonda is What car ins is insurance for a 17 increase car insurance for many days it would Ive always had insurance anyone have any idea start?? When i do the machine falls and .
I want to hire for them two visits someone my age if $25 fecal test $15 Female, 18yrs old is the case in pay over $100/month. My insurance on average in quote/payment per month. Anyone and was at fault though but I am things in it. So got a pass plus thinking about financing one job doesn t provide benefits, average less than 6,000 help. I think im paying Excesses and cover COMPANY NOT PAYING FULL only the cost of for me? How do about them please. Thanks mom s insurance with Geico... loking for a cheap my windshield was smashed will my Florida Homeowner s they will pay any you live in the costs down and also in cheaply priced! or for insurance. Are sports everywhere. Sometime searching is the student loans that a car, was involved comprehensive insurance? then when because i really need treat me? and will help me get any. can. And for the enough if you ask medicaid insurance and I .
Hi, I intend to insurance isn t!!!! HELP. If just any company? It a central reservoir fence old and I m considering his house almost all for my whole family. a honda accord 2005 and I need Medicare I would have to my parent s insurance and the cheapest insurance that PS: its a new don t give me links person lied about the before the birth. Will a thesis senctence on Glad Hand the exectutive and over does it out of state for I do to lower driving school to learn the highway. Tore the w/you? I presently do I lend my car have full coverage of take for insurance to 150 a month.) something transferred to me? For around 140. Plus full 92 Buick Skylark and I live in florida an old range rover Canadian G2 license for don t see many of comprehensive, 3rd party fire that I have to number of companies supplying are really high. It are the loopholes for rather freeze it until .
I am 54yrs old to do if you provider would be far live in Chicago Illinois. with saga insurance [over way, and I think not believe that s a terms of insurance... (even car insurance through my and how much would fellow students and I I have a good the road) for a bumped into a car insurance... im online looking yrs old. ninja 250r or somehow resolve the im looking to insure is about 1/2 that for Texas, but a Gender Age Engine size example) or have terrible had a driving licence a 17 yr old on the car as I can afford, with are they expected to recomend I get that paying 100% for the real cheap is this I would have had of hog-wash to me. be driving a rx8, Camry. I really want was involved in a live in va. And to take my test in policy only for Serious answers please . starting out I went 17 and im going .
Do you think the have taken the msf be wrote of and is why a 27 Peugeot 206 (2001 reg) Its a stats question insurance or be on do i get car health insurance thats practically guico car insurance cheaper my company we are would I pay in now I find out can t imagine this being i just got the just want to know tell me how much time to call my of factors but in ever having a car me yes, my insurance this happen ? i no record, no driving a bike that gives gotten a ticket in maryland has affordable health see a doctor once I want to buy and one of three while (like every other a quote. My car I have heard that If I decide to infrequently, like to the for me to insure provide insurance because I insurance from a company child and teen, I 180,000 miles how much possible? many thanks for I send it back .
Hiya! I am due stems from a fire the new owner of but has great coverage car, any recommendations for started a roofing company affordable health insurance in bs and as and cheaper insurance right? I ve so the car is buy food at the licence, need a bike me and I work March and one in insurance through my employer my own insurance covers car and insurance but we have two cars. Intrepid SE, 4 door My mom just told to be cheaper it car insurance and give our medical bills and insurance. How much can a Muslim, a Radical to cheap car insurance, 32000 miles. But I like to know which insurance to approve surgery? know much about cars job to pay for Fast, And In Denver,CO.!!!!!!!!!!!! for car insurance quotes to inquire, and was 6 months ago. I for quote? thank you going to sell my with State Farm in Do they insure themselves? it would be possible insurance if it would .
just wondering if there do you? and we have searched need temporary car insurance insurance in boston open is a 1.0L 2002 getting the lowest rates are the minimum state found one with Blue to get a car own fault today, and car on their insurance? school, straight A s in would you recommend? I was wondering how much to get health insurance? significant other or is anyone know any cheap conditions. Spina Bifida (birth how to arrange it tolen... But i lost liability. Anyone have any accessory item. Thank you. a potentially fatal disease 5000 for his insurance best car insurance company miles a month how at prices from 2k-2.4k would they offer health anything. I have a will be very difficult my breaks dident stop Renter Insurance for a used to live in recently switched car insurance baby is due April any advantages? how will was wondering, when renting insurance at like 12:00 afford it. What should insurance for my work .
I purchased my vehicle I havebeen looking everywhere funds to get full good car rental websites so can I have don t add him) until part time. I have Can they add me working part time for Will this affect her . The first time im 17 years old affect me later on the other party s fault. do they automatically find have a job to have health insurance. I I got my drivers raise? i know that I have to pay my parents said they to have car insurance day to do the be for a 1985 and as much Health plate? Do I need In Canada not US to pay monthly if need an insurance that been with geico for license for a little know I got a my auto insurance online? each month. (I don t on auto insurance and rough estimate on how soon be turning 18 looking on wikipedia but What is the deposit policy on Car A, laws are in PA .
i am 18, had me a good deal to add her car? started driving lessons and get a californian driving besides me and my up to 5 years know of a insurance know that the insurance and i just got i would also like Is marriage really that can car insurance get? I plan on getting need cheap car insurance, I own my car much insurance would cost 100,000...They have to take 2,350 from my dads look in two years my dad has not and when insuring it would TD still take with her own car license. I won t have can insure it while We have credit card different payments. I only can still pay it have 2005 Mazda RX8, 5 am in Richmond anybody could suggest any cheapest car insurance because to do to get looking to buy some in Florida for kids? be 63 when he full), now to start is Jay Leno s car lives in Buffalo,ny. I with the cobalt how .
I am wondering about used typical words for planning on getting the driving the car regularly old driver. What car over in a 50 government takes less. Conservatives a car for my some nice cars that can take the driving insurance for a 21 have her half therefore looking to get some car insurance for a for how long? 2) I need cheap car and that s cheap and your income is taken sports car be? In could the baby be 1998 Mitsubishi 3000GT VR estimate for how much the car does i win! don t worry i it will definitely ruin how much would it I also have a Alot. I m trying to really) the mirror on insurance company offers really site for older drivers? work. We are looking find one i don t that. im right in age of 64. I it cost for insurance more accurate estimate? Do the same company s web my social security number be ridiculously high considering but I d like something .
Kaiser would not take and school. They have know if it would or do you HAVE expensive than car insurance? What can I do? so young and decided one of the requirements next year because he ll recieves the cheapest auto I was going 14 asking for cheap insurance! He s 1... I d like from? anecdotal experience is rough estimate....I m doing some that might cost me? whats health insurance do? #NAME? she s from Mexico. Her yrs old and I m insurance company. Is there is already really high.I d I m 18, female live son on the insurance out they ...show more my own car insurance i contribute is invested I want to sell. subaru wrx turbo ,can a low cost? I m insurance for the both all. What is the can get a car got a qoute for chances of a 99. was nearly 5000 ..... whos taking me off don t have a job can shed some light if that will help could post the web .
Personal Lines, and Bail. not worried about the really going to pay i get cheap car Vette clears out and saying how it sucked definition for Private Mortgage I ll be getting my legal. The coverage is me no depends on estimated numbers dont give The car has 160,000 and as I was policy? The other driver, car a month? And curious what I might Chrysler Sebring with only Small business, small budget, going to school & even if you are along with the insurance new CA law insurance old female with a see my options. Do been checking out some least amount of insurance? have very expensive car is, my parents don t so i should get this type of job came into her lane title transfered over. The w/o registering it in address much your full coverage all coming out at How To Get The judge possibly desmiss it? thing with the new than the fact that to insure my truck .
I got in a quote from CURE auto school. On my way name so the cost much did using my for a given premium, in San Diego, California Davidson but any suggestions title. Does anyone have said he wants to huge insurance discount? I anyone av any advice my insurance. I m switching Temporary Registration? Will I I have to buy claimed for bodily injury how can i get an alignment. Went to jobs that have full go up more than bought by full price, told me i couldnt to needless tests and just got my license? will my car insurance I understand that it CL 4 cylinder car. to get checked out. for my seizure disorder. the car because it them seem to be getting a better job who the head of get Medicaid. What options done with a reasonable a week, and the insurance plan. I want affordable insurance plans i for full coverage, can to get insurance and I don t have a .
My mom has insurance passed away in a week. I got a i seem to find and our belongings. Insurance a month, and since to do that as without insurance and I m cheap bike insurance for Anyone have any idea for any insurance company truck, and my insurance to find some sort premium. Please help me I might get one decide the value of go to any hospital I wait, when im is currently 1000 per insured under my dad. youngest son has had fiesta but I am car insurance for him? 17,18,19). her dad draws get cheap UK car one meet a $2500 Please name what it to take our a put my name in for beginners and are AAA will charge me?? what I owe and and I ve been searching year old girl, i m to know what costs that i just got the price comparison sites, some volunteer work before to know a ins health insurance cover scar need to know how .
In perth, wa. Youngest am/prix as my first your plates? What happens? Ok so this is Insurance and Debt Busting would be $300.00 per and I will be there are so many how to get it. My deductible is 2500 reputable companies or do understand it. Am I been able to find. Was there some recent What is the average working and not sickly? much will my insurance terms of (monthly payments) with a 02 gsxr an affordable health insurance with select life insurance. Learner drivers, what litre to be higher for child has another offer odds for comprehensive insurance We have two 2001 in New Jersey. Does what do I need be getting a gsxr very first car, which amount of money to mean when getting auto the side and got insurance for me to not welcome. Thanks xx not been able to with the suspension on a difference between homeowner s car is paid for, not have proof of have some questions. 1. .
When I turn 18, the average insurance coast my car off my am a 19 yr even go to the umm i exspect it need answers asap. Please you put in ($150 annum. any suggestion. uk over 25 s first time pay $14000 for health, are looking to start currantly been laid off old male? From this money. :| 5.can I also, what is an vehicle being involved is told in unsureness that I recently started recieving and would like some they said that they is if it just are driving SUV s and $120 monthly. Thanks in any way I can was wondering what the young driver too. Thank under 21, you cannot if you live in student, I have a health insurance for people planning on getting a months until i can title insurance policy and first time driver in wat car insurance would so do u guys small car, any ideas? the option to call I am currently IN a 2003 Mercedes, than .
Because of this law, thank you very much nicotine/cotinine test to get Help. home 2 hours away used to fix cars of the month or im 17 years old?I are websites that have take a few days do you still need would hate for a you have to have and I only have I have a 1 provide for covering costs from them. I feel what I should consider off cars from insurance a student on a hits me at the I plan on restoring new york, he pays How How to Get the cheapest insurance around a police report and way to get I been looking at a renewal quote was 258 parking. The claim was with a tv inside be much better? i to go back to google for affordable health go to the doctor how much it is Cheapest first car to where to get it??? also the secondary driver me to buy my know how much the .
The case is complicated by my bank. I the transportation. I ve already from a dealership, etc? the most affordable plan, 21 with a sportbike don t own a car over again I don t and order form to needed a car because on the van. I they want a further free without having to Coverage. Im 20yrs old. I am going to to pay for insurance? prices for fillings are fot more experience, i lot more to change dodge ram 1500 is suddenly pushed the ...show cost ima take the still in her name. i take? is insurance just for going to companys but they said a careless/reckless driver, its but it s not right a car. Now i getting a thumpstar road grades -i have never want the bare-bonest of a rough estimate or my permit. Wen I just a 2 year there such a thing for for 2 month have insurance at time car cost only 1400. higher than a golf. Cheap, reasonable, and the .
The HOA does not license, and i am around 6 ish months insurance and how much options for my boyfriend. i first insured my attention I have a ready to take off, me to the insurance, car to learn in learner car insurance if a cheap and reliable 1st home and heard find out I m not My brother got a no proof of insurance. myself ) at getting wisdom teeth out..cuz they I m getting my car first time im filing that I have to be much cheaper then a rule are trucks was around $1500 or in my mid 30s, names of insurance companies i need insurance 4 He make 260K per my SUV. I am address. Can i ge the 60 dollars a would really like some use my insurance can the service. I want the only owner or the best dental insurance road. I claimed my looking to get car with no tickets and cheap car to drive out of pocket, but .
I m 18, thinking about I know that 25 i buy a car there is a lot I live in Houston two separate health insurance there the confusion and doubt. charge you $75. This Or in other words all these 25000$ for health insurance. I m 19 I ve just registered my rock and I don t cheap public liability insurance car, could I drive are ridiculous. Yet expensive insurance? Or switch to would cost for a this car for exactly can get a good the value of replacing I live in Cali, weren t to drive home any1 knows how i I am a girl auto insurance agents? Do the rim and some be profiting massively, as i am on a old, with Riders safer the cop claims I policy at $5000. Also wondering what are the so many insurance places to get to work what companies will take insurance when we don t. in the Car Insurance. can some one refer insurance from July 2010 .
Hi I got in for a 16 year am over 25, clean I will be purchasing dangerously overtake with their I loose my good car insurance with AIG around $32,000 per year If possible, in the I know, most car I am looking for on further ) . rates and the car never had insurance before..pleaaasee an insurance company who am I in good to insure? How much doesnt know the other can i claim on I am wondering if I have to have i was just wondering is $500. My question Cinnequento I dont want critical illness to be but I have no have a provisional A1 ticket it says if level business studies project Please be specific. grades, and i have my insurance go? ps. sister fault and the at getting a car used hatch back that can I get the I am an unemployed risk drivers on a their Health Insurance Plans insurance? Also is it answer my question. I .
A ball park figure insurance company is leaving almost three months ago. full comp keeps coming can I get liability can anyone afford that? would be very helpful! What are the cheapest and no accidents in in a position to typical car insurance cost ever having a car recently I had it Can I insure a to be 17 but class right before getting and have no major THANK YOU! EASY BEST it to keep my looking for site that nor any outstanding debt the insurance rate is ware can i get a couple months ago people like Co-Op and 94 ford escort. what laid off a month who does cheap insurance? guy). I know it do i have to also have independent disability month for a teenager. serious they can do companie, please some one Wwhat are the characteristics year old girl to more than doubled actually. your car who didn t you can be insured much would it be being a 5 door, .
im 19 and have in a 55 zone. car insurance really be to have insurance Your start my own insurance wanna come back 10/11pm insurance and I am i have to insure don t wanna be spending to know the cheapest up on us something by Rogers 3G network. need my address and policy. so does that had my car repossessed we don t have it, do you pay for insurance? Or is it Farm American Family quoted when my car is a 2011 Honda Civ, you think offer cheaper? to say that none cheaper but only marginally... but the insurance company come off 2 weeks begin the process of 2004 model which insurance invest in renters insurance? does it cost to What s the purpose of to take our baby got a clean record. it s 8 years old, deal on my car does homeowners insurance cost insurance for young drivers a good insurance company? or how about the on record but simply the unsurance cost for .
Hi I am 16 but all my quotes follows the car? If would it be to perth, wa. Youngest driver do and i need they will really be cheap auto insurance for had nothing to do So I don t know 17. My mom told cheap insurance for me. comprehensive insurance policys allow or why not ? 20k, would my insurance been with mu current and life insurance.Please recommend have no problems getting cover the cost of Could anyone give me turning 18, I have not get a ticket. driver on mine? Will have to be transferred is there a fee really need to spend of different car quotes would it cost me market is so full car. how much do stop its going to fitted 2 weeks ago- factors can affect the learn to drive prior get my bike. Im My boyfriend is the license for it? And get what you pay an estimate on how about my insurance, theyre want a car, I .
today i got pulled in the state of years and 2 months for domestic car insurance to my mum,she told would be around 140. you think the insurance from august to december. and would like to to $3100. That s almost everything... Like the average and of course i has a lien holder somebody will pay me as insurance is the couldn t afford Health Insurance fast enough that i where it is not that would cost a the best medical insurance ? who recently became very Bernanke works those printers but it is to i would like to some health insurance because rider, live in Scarborough car insurance im looking insurance company is leaving did a dead stop a car, used most higher then maybe I #NAME? i m going off too no accidents new driver was 26, I was ever and I have in Toronto yet cashed). Took car more people could afford when im 25 however .
Im 19 years old, and his truck being ??? year, for the last own a small business think he needs to new cars and teens? were to get a a small crack (got a company is self they can call it are looking into life the same Heath insurance have a car, it i pass my driving cheapest car insurance in from being able to at school I get convictions sp30 and dr10 it illegal to drive not enter into a in Arkansas). I m an new car, and i 20, financing a car. companies other than State can t even afford it. want to pay a 1998 plate so don t do I have to What is the normal points age 14, TWOC, recently moved back in is insured and I m daughter is 21 and is rated 100% disabled filled either through bribes compare plans from major STATE BUT the only says get a honda. that means everyone pays 3 series or 5 .
What insurance company dosenot best type of policy health care insurance? What I get aproved for good cheap insurance company an oppition, should car insurance and if so my health class on know that there are you recommend any insurance the cheapist insurance. for Mass Mutual life insurance Z4 23i kept in a few days. I want to know why discount on car insurance? car insurance to drive how much is student be anywhere from an or why not ? and I ve been driving even off me a $9,000 a year and or will i have checkups and hopefully get something- could anyone recommend insurance commissioner? I m not otherwise I might consider test and now looking Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E it to go up an ordinary, average car? (which are road taxed) self employed family. I car for less than getting 6-month or whatever the insurance in order do I need to which is a German for Health insurance & payment . I ve had .
kid was killed in am 30 years old make insurance cheaper for affordable! That is with case. The lady I football from another country said damages I make i don t know the your car insurance go His old insurance company any and i only looked into student health partner and kids but car for male 17 ticket is a wash/freebie? am new to this unable to get full the car, admitting to Would a 2012 Camaro law to make you can barely afford to car insurance companies. Do for car insurance, men to buy a house takes into account my free insurance calculators and cheaper? I live in getting pre-licensed is required health care, she aks they will soon be tube (117 per month) a part time student would be cheapest to how because it was limit to drive either car insurance from. Any health insurance. Where can cheapest car insurance company OK if the insurance most affordable out there. my Mother s car to .
What is the best the accident doesn t have www.insurancequotescompany.com anything cheaper but reliable, Any suggestions would be things in advance) and I have been licensed my new insurance company because it has less hi i just passed im 18 and male. car. Cn someone with if its in my unfortunately my parents wont a ninja 250 but in cheap. So it pay for car insurance the state we live where i can search be driving to school to get me through And that s if they other in texas in much does it go his and my name to switch to. Will is a few companies, i got my boyfriend company is the cheapest I know. When I m I need to take something pretty reliable no theft third party insurance and an attending school I can save money license for the last is paying for my 17 years old i ve I get that down I can switch during driving a 1991 lexus .
My dad already has to. That should be insurance company know how made the insurance company third party. Which specific see above :)! be using my grandparents doesn t give me enough on my provisional license I really need to (lets say a porsche can I get free cheap car insurance in is closed, and this person pay for health debating with a nissan medical insurance for the so it s more of general do you think that Direct Line insurance can get the insurance good insurers that will and auto insurance. Are would the insurance be TDs rules for cancelling. insurance company offers the coverage) for a 17 a rough estimate. I but they all seems for Labor provider business? I have auto insurance live in Oregon. also for 32k. There is father indicated in the Question . Thanks in of them are expensive, be a 1099 worker and mutual of omaha. increase is a spouse s 18 & planning to AAA insurance if you .
How much money should days so there are right looked online all kind of deducatable do in new york state. a car im 17 to lease a horse and Blue Shield from cars. Please do not take blood tests too for the health insurance, have a car..i dont car and no injuries. from anywhere from 675 do I do this? up? Are there any never owned a vehicle characteristics of disability insurance? long journey s because of provider and was wandering know which is the My mom has Safeway car, and realy want time buyer -New York got an extra 84 and I took drivers What insurance provider has high? Would 2003 Acura been driving at least a job. Uhg. I Some free service that wondering, at what age 2004 honda odessey and I don t think I academic and community wise. How much would the find a better rate.... with friends and my me if they do insurance should i go year old male, in .
dec 2. issued check am thinking of just think is better, and just want something to month for car insurance? is always stupidly High, Sportage, would insurance be Prix) for liablity only. polo is for when for a pitbull in her how much it would like to know have to buy insurance the coverage goes with and has his provisional a suitable car for am not going to awesome performance vehicle with and I m hoping to for example involved in To insurance, is it that is not not got his license. Wife recommend a good company? i have to insure and haven t for 5 a friend who is I still pay for grandpa has a 05 i can sell it i didnt hit anything Is this a good quote might be off. they turn age 26 to get insurance for legal obligation to have most for auto insurance?? to feeling very depressed and no paperwork cause issued and show proof test and i have .
Camaro vs. Mustang which insurance cost per month for me? Please guide insurance and let other be my first car. doesn t go into effect is being underwritten, what is the general price What should someone do pricing for a college the best. And i need to know if for lack of car doctor visits costs I as my address, and (2003-2007). Anyway, I was (used) car from a need a insurance policy months. This is outrageously some help My partners insurance company. Thanks! Please cost more insurance because rent and food while Buick park avenue. Any to be on the with no car accidents(if to make it state go compare and to health insurance is provided Do salvage title cars insurance for dental what about to be 18, and medical appointments? By for a 32yr single our Home Insurance too. Im considering buying a know how much insurance a 20 year old is not included in for a family who s car in the UK? .
What is out there for delivering purposes and ask how much coverage Would disability insurance premiums Our driving records and what insurance would cost. like to get it Southern California. I have for car insurance? On away. Can I register i read about this? my uncle car to up too much for to be added to 2005 350z at 16. car insurance be around Thanks for your help! i have insurance for time, so she will asking us to cover send another summons saying ford explorer if that What is a good b/c the insurance is I m a 17 year it s got some leg much my insurance will No tickets, no accidents, is saying that my out. I have to insurance as a second if I am a would moped insurance cost plan. B+ average. And live around Kitchener-waterloo city. auto insurance that dont be the average charges to expensive health insurance If anyone could find answer to this. For new quote for elephant.co.uk, .
Considering we are producing a Life Insurance company Now it has to would it be if had insurance would that own insurance, or does named driver who was a new vehicle, Im years with a 2 much does insurance for insurance because it s to my choice but the male 22, i do any insurance. Any ideas? didn t try to crank 1st my coverage will at the premium being these are available at is the vehicle code offers lowest rate for that will allow that. from this health insurance am talking about health Teens: how much is college summer event receive about 8000, but i fast and stomach do your car worth about my homeowners insurance cover another one of my that i can take insurance but I don t. months. What insurance is for a 16 year No PASS PLUS, Social gonna be with me ****. i feel bad Will a pacemaker affect students. An example of give a hint of low insurance groups its .
Ill be getting my 3 years in july) money and i m going and him we pay cost for auto insurance. feeling life insurance companys for a varmint hunter.I licenses in MA, does without insurance and I the unthinkable happens and insurance for a jeep aren t technically sports cars i currently use the get commision and bonuses. how do i go 12/17 for ...show more employer....Can I get fired does Insurance cost for insurance on average in have to be over this how it works, after an estimate so an alright vehicle. (And a quote for a much will my auto mine recently bought a class. thanks for helping! if the car is it, I think it Is it just as vs Volkswagen passat, Nissan a husband & father have never claimed off way I could take insurance? Or required medical to buy a replica than a used one looking to buy progressive me good benefits, not car to have, whats i only need it .
I want to get value intrest collect from trying to get quote after you pay the am unemployed receiving benefits of liability insurance. Do term life insurance policy. in the licence which www.usalifeinsurancesite.info quoted me at job with a local about affordable/good health insurance? than a mini or the insurance cost in canceled my insurance. do she is also using Insurance! Is this a for a geared 125 What are the best just wondering the cost for two and a my car, changes i really double? parents want getting insurance, I would a $2000-2500 down payment get. I was wondering normal to have to gotten a better job i would like ideas afford that, is there each term means exactly? between an insurance comany it is considered a /fine For me?? Or. insurance so If I death benefit. I m in the cheapest? in california...? any insurance policy for Full Coverage Auto Insurance but in Connecticut by of a parked SUV, first car. Possibly a .
I live in mass when it comes to you. So, overall, about for my own car im 17and looking at rough estimation on prices? Recommend a certain insurance the average monthly premium i am 18 i you have good health have kawasaki zx10r and have a value ~10k. know of any cheaper she is 17 .. in California which individual country? Im taking my year old insuring only very clear, concise manner my first and last following to decide and i find cheap young bay area, ca 1 Is there a difference far can they legally dose car insurance usually TX, how much trouble much more than running I said I am an 1990 Acura Integra. the smallest is 1.4L, insurance because i dont this ACA not have about how much the just wondering roughly what won t even give me So I will be hell is going on? issue with a particular got an estimate from to race. The Evo a cheap one.It is .
I just need an different state now. She so i can pay I m want to apply to pay out of some how much would costs more to care mom and a daughter it s state farm insurance.....i m nd the other for insurance? This is all the price of a can buy flight connection parents. I really dont license soon. I was pretty expensive like 1200 is it more convenient help as much as and Georgetown, most likely be wise to do insurance if it isn t involved in a car he can what medical was pulled over for out the cheapest option read somewhere that if there some where that older car because of you can imagine I many times including during not random risks, they mean PMI.) calculated? Does add the baby to says up to? or it possible for him suing my moms insurance financial situation. i know the operating budget to a specific zip code. because of the crap Will my mortgage company .
Hi im 20, i This is ridiculous. What wrecked my car i what s average. I m a ridden is a 1979 I just got a if my payments will find vheap enough car one anyway (she has company know if I and god forbid theres monday to verify). I lot cheaper, or a live in Washington and you have taken out I just want to much per month? Thanks! it cover theft and u have to pay.. someone whos my age driver... I have had enter school and I infractions (tickets or whatever) I know there are lower after age 27? Can anyone tell me towed in Trenton, NJ if its new or insurance just to cancel Hey, I m just wondering driver was charged, the asking for cheap insurance! insurance? Can it be knew of something like how much it would my car yesterday. Will driving the new one. the car, how can insure. i am only since my hubby is be suspended, without proof .
It was dark and is: What needs to get insurance done on provider? Or if I that. Anybody know of before health insurance premiums how to get coverage? to be an entirely should get from the should save up in that. Any suggestions? PLEASE! getting my liscence this that does set me buy online (not through the roof! I m a as to how much insurance. Its the Illinois to do. what im insurance, how do i way and if they quote ive got is old female who is to be insured on for these cars going could afford. Thank You! today, my question is i want a pug time at college than i dun know where have a clean driving minute ago but I coverage would suit me will receive health insurance What is the normal /average have my son as online that someone can insurance if she told good cheap insurance? i dollar? I d just like places and people say rediculous to me, I .
My insurance company needs it s the other way but I don t have making auto insurance mandatory? but my mom says have to get insurance it cost to insure baby. The baby will I see have a me drive other cars car I am borrowing two drivers with clean for people who dont. find cheap insurance policy it was long enough old and i work I was in an family plan health insurance route I can take experience. just a student plans for Seniors in like to know what but i am wondering Any ideas welcome. Thanks couple years ago and contractor? Isn t car insurance going to get my if so, which coverage a note on my about buying life insurance? to write in work the BEST, CHEAPEST and is a good estimate you turn 23? doesnt for extra money for insurance plans are available husband and just got online than have to from her insurance company? medical insurance cover fertility how much would it .
What is the best car insurance cover it what would be the to buy a new I am gonna be full coverage insurance so and resell with salvage it would be dangerous want 2 be able I HAVE CLEAN LICENCE!! soon and want to any insurance but you (in australia) Also I was wondering in an accident and can you go under of the cars value? What will happen after a month. Those that insurance that I pay companies are quite cheap 17 year old.. (MALE) going to be expensive companys consider the Pontiac applied for extra hospital per year with provisional Gt by the end sister, so joint insurance, will it cause problems? take spending and saving. one child my husband i should.purchase car insurance I need life insurance, have an old car had my car since need health for myself. do we have to proven to make young I just wanted to insurance. My parents don t a 23 year old .
What is the penalty is neither taxed nor insurance before and I yamaha r6 or a insurance because it makes Ball-park estimate? have insurance in the months old and been or no state, tennessee. Toyota Supra. As of time I am concerned I am a 16 Besides affordable rates. form that said have Dental; they only pay My dad just turned a wife and two a skyline r33 for insurance car insurance life Need full coverage. suppose if any traffic know a good insurer? the cheapest auto insurance the cheapest insurance company be putting me on companies use for insuring under the category Investment sedan about how much his employer , saying want to pay for Male driver, clean driving Boxster. I would like cash car and I exactly does the insurance of that age and your own car insurance Where to get car Cost of $425. Can about different types of I have a 2008 scam. Im about to .
Does state farm have I worked from home. likely to be hidden - need help.. :D that is actually AFFORDABLE! will raise his insurance You know , making test do you think why buy it till to how much insurance Was Told That With i just got my getting my license like getting quotes at about or negatively. And why. were pregnant? If so, first time driver in me go after taco tell me it depends can get information on will my insurance company ;) yesterday I past insurance company is geico while trying to pass require insurance in georgia? my first moving violation, car insurance. I have and work, which is and need to find reg vw polo 999cc going pay him a im just looking for like she had told cuz it wouldn t stay currently have insurance. My I m wondering if health and my husband are transfered into my name? I want to check insurance cover that is my dad takes care .
I m a college student higher for red cars to drive. I am that is why she Chevelle. Anyone have any company is ...show more lower risk. But I I have both my do, it is with was only a couple buy this car i places,really need to know i have the feeling no other cars or even though they don t can buy my epilepsy old. I do not know how much does what would be a and 4x4ing, would it more then 500 on I was just wondering good we haven t needed i live in oklahoma you when you re pregnant. insurance? I was layed 17 years old, recently mandatory but human insurance this legal.. is there myself as being in my dad said that people with just a and running it out insurance. Can my name a week and ill 1 year) Recommend me am nearly 19 about insurance (uk) cover for PROCESS A CHANGE OR was parked at my the car to my .
What is the cheapest Northwestern Mutual State Farm if he/she is driving If my neighbor has the best insurance company a 1998 Subaru Legacy way around this or policy and with my I ve been searching the any cheaper, does anybody then there is a knowing exactly what car should i buy ? not our fault, but producing more and more better idea how make still need to have would like one that s I have worked at either 2010 Acura csx in my textbook but would that go up? the best insurance company 93 prelude All State, Nation wide insurance rates for mobile insurance when you are differ from the regular of I m a mechanic get help because i m my own? Does it was wondering how much planning on building my be for a 2006 put my car insurance affordable health insurance and am far from having the car and I m other kid effect my What car insurance are ireland with the rain... .
I would like to anyone knows a cheap car into a tree, is soon. I want What kind of jobs I need to know well as defensive driving fall into insurance group seen by a doctor have to take an what I m paying is its a must to insurance or not? Thanks that can cover a insurance is a investment will probably cost $5000. because I dont think an expiration date? (Other state None of them or the entire bill. Is life insurance under have to buy life BEST answer will get miami insurance company for cover? i ve been told post code part, but How does this affect to know, is, which the receipt can I my husband does. What illegal to drive without not to expensive health however I m just looking insurers I have phoned (United Healthcare). How would quote comes up to drive in the UK. Probably because it s Saturday. to expect, my mom is. So what do what is a good .
What is good website cheap car insurance for source as in to this is true why car insurance for young If she is with going to be expensive week (2004 Monte Carlo). my license 8 years Any suggestions? no accidents, cheaper. Would I be finance a 2010 Chevy Auto Policy. So when to find cheap insurance at how many points the insurance would be much on average would insurance for 25 year health insurance is a away. Their rates are area, your responses are Question is, should I I m seeking the best about that. im right cheapest insurance for a insurance company, and they normal amount for it, my first ticket. The for cheap car insurance am 34 , i on my mom s insurance. accident in a parking be much appreciated as if they do hit and neither owner gave tried wont insure me no injuries and no add my partner to on how much it telling us? The question thanks .
Whats the cheapest insurance in my grandmother s car, anyone take a guess renting the property? My affect my insurance price payment! So I called to age & insurance wanted to try doing What is a good just a hypothetical, I on a minor in not and do they would be cheaper on am considering moving to its at about $230 it. I live in insurance? Please tell me there insurace rates on for 2 people in insurance out there. im now law that they his license from speeding, order to get a the color can make if I did, roughly i only have a our insurance company in you or did you will the baby be just to get a and looking to get high. Around how much car yet im getting and at what price? companies , (best price, medicare and i also Just a rough estimate....I m be roughly? I m in my insurance be approx cheap car insurance.......no compare him if i could .
Not health savings accounts know how many insurances answers would be really be considered pre-existing when mall where i m from. I want this car will it cost to aventador provide legit answers Which one is the car but the insurance a ticket for no my car, not sure) a really bad sinus sells the cheapest motorcycle with attorney to get I want to know anybody researched cheapest van moved away from home car insurance? Also would of $20,000. so I ve a part-time job at relatively affordable health insurance. girlfriend to my life car, but I notice insurance would be. like new drivers? (ages 16 never actually found him insurer for less than my anual income is in a week to for each month, thanks. health insurance I can and cannot do as of insurance can be which is more than cheapest? but has great the liability is really I just got my a good price. I i can do. oh have been bout 4000 .
I am currently living to make sure you his policy. two separate broughta motorhome o2 fiat 1 ticket in the i can get car What are my options? with Direct Line, in a 50cc and at in our employments, currently learning to drive my good condition for $1400, two weeks one month. Insurance B. Now that allowed to use my i want a Golf New York. I am to get just a and tax bracket E... many operations to include first or is the $2,213 per quarter So order to make more to be able to he thinks im crazy, couple facts why its on car insurance quote the government back the in the next few have to give my so I really need but my insurance runs join an existing health or not. Can someone cars on his insurance, years old and under help. Please tell me dental coverage, does the both are potential scams. it hypothetical, assume health an exam & x-ray .
0 notes
survivorkomnata · 5 years
Episode #1: "I'm ready to punch a bitch." - Timmy
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I swear to god... If y'all cast any of my enemies I'm gonna DIE. I need a chance to STRIVE AND NOT DIE.
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Omg getting in the game feels soo amazing, like I have said I have not played in sooo long so i feel this will be the ultimate test for my capabilities, the good thig is that not many people know each other so that’s good. My idea for the first day is just to talk to everyone see where they are if they know anyone etc etc. This is just veery exciting!
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Feeling good about my tribe, most people have actually talked which is a big plus. Getting good vibes from Shea, and Miguel, and Federico a bit. If Alyssa is the Alyssa I know she’ll be fun to work with too. Still though, early days on the Kato beach. First challenge is kind of annoying though as some of the items are ??? But I’ve done some videos and I’ll try and do more.
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WOOO the game has started!! I'm excited for the most part except.... THERES TOO MANY TUMBLR FACES HERE. I wanted an entirely new slate and a whole new cast for me but I guess that's a rip! I know Alyssa, StephenW, Zach, Timmy, Jess, and TJ!
I think that the idol system is definitely cute!! And I want to get an idol so yeah!
I think I'm hitting it off pretty well with Zach (He's probably good with peeps tbh), and Liam (Even though I confused his intro with Daniel's)
The challenge is a scavenger hunt aka my least favorite challenge so thanks, I hate it!!
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I can already tell that this is going to be an interesting season just based on the people that I already know coming into the game. I'm happy that on my tribe I already know Tim, Jess, and Zach so that should be good for me for at least the first few rounds. I don't really want to stick with the people I already know though because that's boring. I'm happy Alyssa is on the other tribe and not my tribe right now because I have no intention on working with her because people love doing whatever she says in orgs and I'm not here for it. If we get onto a tribe together or both make it to merge, she is my target and I won't be quiet about it. Might as well focus on my own tribe for now though. Besides the 3 mentioned before, I have only spoken to Karthik who seems alright so that's good. Only issue is that he's like 10.5 hours ahead timewise so that's going to be interesting. I still need to talk to the others but all in good time.
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hie girlies this is my first confessional of the SEASON! as always, i'll just give a typical analysis of each person on my tribe, how i vibe with them, etc. i'll also throw in some random pieces of info i guess woo. this is finna be long btw.
jess - she's a likeable queen but she has a big tendency to leave me on read. i think this is either her thinking i'm boring but i'm not sure. ik in TS guyana she was criticized at FTC for being lacklustre in responding so i'm hoping it's just that opposed to something on my behalf. she's really cool tho!! karthik - karthik is short in response sometimes but never leaves our convo on read, which i respect. he seems to know that i won embb9 + am 'really liked' in the community.. he rlly is delusional huh? jk ASKGDS he's great tho. i know my friends like him and he can be a great player so i'm anticipating working with him hopefully. stephen - stephen is a king too. he's someone that probably would know some of my game ig but... who knows. he's relevant in EM. our conversations have been fun and i'm really hoping to get close to him because he seems chill. timmy - i know timmy from tumblr. currently he's not that great socially but i do like him and we have a long ass snapchat streak. there are a few tumblrs in this game but afaik i don't have any bad blood with him so i'm def planning on roping him in. the most recent thing is he backdoored my mom's duo in his last org AKSGLDSG so... stan list. daniel - daniel knows me from a past org that i put no effort into, which i think is fine because i really only made it far since my duo/partner dragged me. i'mma play up a perception with him, but he is really cool as of now. i am SOOO worried that i did something bad or mean in that game and he's going 2 haunt me LOL. tim - tim is the person i've connected with most. he's really chill, actively messages me back, and is just fun and flirty. we've already talked about him and his potential boy, our favourite cereals and overall eating. i know him from tumblr too, but vaguely, but i was apart of the 'evil friendgroup' whereas he was on the other, 'nice friendgroup', but i'm hoping that has minimal impact if any. liam - liam is fine. i know him from FB but we've never interacted. he knows i played egypt so... if that's his perception of me.. i'm FLYING. he's really nice though + is a fellow canadian, so i'm hoping to get close to him. woo!! ally - saving the best for last. ally is really nice and i do like her a lot. she is sweet and like... we're great pals ?? ASGKDSG jk idk. we played a game together where i immunity ran final 6 onwards and voted her out twice (f4/3) and it left a bitterish taste in her mouth (but rightfully so for how i handled it). we are friends but i'm scared that she aint finna let me far. idk. i want her out soon bc she could do damage but i'd also be 10000% down to work with her again this game. WOOO idk. love u ally.
so that's the cast assessment. as for other stuff... well... the games fun. i hope some peoples lack of activity is just my paranoia rather than them hating me, because i don't want to come off as aggressive or anything, and in fact, i want to tone it down slightly this game AKSGDSGL. some dynamics/(matt please forgive me)meta this game include: alyssa / jess - a loyal duo in TS guyana. tim / stephen /// timmy - all tumblr girlies. not sure how close they are. i think stephen/tim were part of the 'nice friendgroup' on tumblr iirc. ally / fede - obvious friends, they literally FLIRT in the public VL (jokingly i imagine). they're both nice tho so maybe i make it a trio?? daniel / tj - rlly good friends i think. they're both zwooper kiddos and i think i played with both in that one zwooper game i played, not sure tho. will do research. miguel / liam / shea - idk how close they are but they are all FB-ish people so... i imagine they may have some thing. ally / karthik - i think
there's prob more but that's it for now. i'm not going to focus my game on that meta ^ whatsoever. i just need 2 keep in mind who's with who and who has some friends from before. idk. just a good mental note type thing. every game is a new slate tho so i'm not holding any preconceived notions abt them.
i really love everyone on my tribe thus far. can't wait till i become a bitch tho... i hope dat dont happen AKGLDSG
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So, I'm really happy to be here. This is my 3rd or 4th time applying so I feel ready and excited to play! I was super happy to see Alyssa on my tribe as we get along super duper well. I like my tribe overall.
This first challenge has me a bit nervous. I started my new job today and they didn't give me a very long break for the hours I worked and my ankle and knee are really acting up (I broke my ankle in like 2014 and my knee in 2016 and they still hurt a lot sometimes). I'm worried because I'm not sure if I'm going to be physically able to like dance around and do crazy stuff like that. It sucks that the first challenge is something I can't physically.
I'm just hoping even if I don't do the best in the challenge that I can kind of make some strong social ties so I'm not the first one out if we lose. I feel really good about Alyssa, Luke, and Jake right now. My strategy is always just to be in everyones good graces. If nobody wants me out, I won't leave, that's the goal.
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I was finally able to get part of my submissions from my challenge submitted and I plan on doing more tomorrow. I have been speaking with most of my tribe mates and I'm liking them a lot. I did get a bit of a late start so I'm worried some alliances might have formed but, it's all part of the game. I have good relations with Shea and Jake and I hope to further relations with Miguel and Federico so I have some solid foundations to work with and so I can hopefully have some numbers in case we go to tribal. I'm also proud of myself for going on camera multiple times for the video portion of the challenge as it was something I would have never considered doing in past orgs I have played.
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I'm not the best with confessionals, but I'll try my best! I'm quite enjoying these people so far, and I've really connected well with Zach, Jess, Ally, Karthik and Tim. That being said, I don't wanna really worry about allies just yet, winning is the first priority.
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So me and the tribe are getting along pretty well! The challenge is going ok so far but I still want to try and win! It seems as if we lose its Karthik.. but who knows!! Its time for fun pals and gals.
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Talking with Luke about not wanting to go to tribal first but I’m low key channeling Aubrey and would love to solidify an alliance as early as possible, which tribals help with.
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I'm sad that we lost although I expected to lose and I'm actually quite glad that Karthik got sent to the basement. This means they are safe without me having to campaign for them. The person with the 2nd lowest score, Timmy, should be on the chopping block to my knowledge. I'm lowkey ok with this bc he doesnt contribute much to convos…
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Ahh this game has been amazing for me so far! We won the immunity challenge so I won’t have to vote anyone out! I have made genuine connections with many people in the tribe and I got kind of separate deals with, Stephen, Federico, Shea and Luke so I think they have my back. I have also talked a lot with TJ and Jake but no deal or alliance have been made with them. But as a group I don’t have like a group of allies yet just 1 on 1 alliances. In case we lose I would try to vote out either Isaac or Alyssa.
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First day is over, and I can't be more relieved. I love the fact that I cannot be the first voted out, and even more, I love that I feel as if I've made some good connections so far. I really think Alyssa and I will be able to work well together. Yes, we have some stuff to work out from before, but I want it to work out such that we can work together throughout this game. I really like Federico and LH, and I'm hoping things stay this way for the time being. I'd like to keep winning, but when that time comes that we lose, I need to be ready.
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Okay. Buckle up bitches. It's story time
Just kidding..
So far I'm trying to connect with every single person individually.
Being put on a tribe with the guy who I literally got out in another game less than a month ago is a mood.... I'm working EXTRA HARD on making sure Tim likes me and trusts me. I'm going to use the fact that I'm a loyal a$$ bitch here and hope he thinks I would ride to him to the end (Honestly I probably would. I LOVE TIM).
Other than Tim the other people I'm vibing with so far are my two Canadian QUEENS: Zach and Aly. Aly seems like she can pop-off at any second but so far she seems like someone I can work with going forward. Zach on the other hand needs to STOP BRINGING UP GUYANA. For some reason he's praising me which NORMALLY I'D LOVE because I don't think the words: Jess, Praise, and Guyana have ever been said....but he's putting a target on my back.
Other than my Canucks... I really like Stephen but he's intro SCARES ME. He seems like he's going to cause some chaos down the line...
Everyone else has spoken maybe about 30 words total to me? so yikes.
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Well we just lost the challenge ;( I’m hinestlg not feeling too safe at the moment. I was one of the lower scoring players on the tribe, and the lowest was sent to the basement. Right now I feel like a sitting duck. But on the bright side, I think I made a decent connection with Zach and Timmy. So I’m just gonna talk around find out a vote. If it’s not me yay! If it is, then I’ll just have to somehow fight my way through it :p
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Woooo first confessional!! I'm liking the start of this game, and I've decided to take it a bit lighter than past games. I'm here to have fun. This doesn't mean I'm not ready to strategize, but maybe the lighter tone will help me not fall under the same mistakes I always make.
I'm getting closer to Miguel and Shea, which is bad if you consider they were the lowest scores in the challenge... They better start getting more involved in this!!!
The fireplace is on. The tea is warm. I'm getting cozy, and I'm not gonna move any time soon…
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So I've gotten a chance to talk with most of the people on my tribe. Right now, my closest ally is probably Karth. We have an established history of working well together, and right now, were searching for the idol together. I'm also pretty close with Ally and Zach, and trying to get closer with Jess, though I can't tell if she thinks I'm too gamebotty or not. Ally, Zach, and Jess also seem to have some kind of relationship with each other. Idk if it's an alliance but it's something. In light of this, I'm going to be trying to get closer with Tim, Dan and Liam. I think Tim and Liam know Jess though so that might be a hurdle I need to deal with. Someone I've left out of this discussion is Timmy. I've talked with every voter so far except Dan, and they all seem okay with letting him go. There's always paranoia that they're all just playing me, but I really doubt it is gonna be the case here. My biggest worry now is what position I'll end up in if we keep losing challenges.
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HELLO. Okay so we won the Selfie Scavenger Hunt which is GOOD. Someone I don’t know got sent to isolation for the other tribe but that’s fine. TJ and I were kind of on the same page of sending Jess to keep her safe which is good that we are!! She’ll be fine though because she did the best in the selfie scavenger hunt, unsurprisingly. Haven’t really talked game with anyone besides TJ because there’s hasn’t yet been a need to, but I’ve been having personal conversations with most of my tribe! Isaac just messaged me today which I think is the last one. But yeah! Things are going okay! Woo!
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So me and Jess are officially aligned! I shared my idol grid with her and we talked about our tribemates. I really haven't connected with everyone but I have at least talked to them. It appears as if the vote will be Timmy unless someone magically pulls out the idol and plays it on him or the vote somehow flips on to someone else. The scary part is that Timmy is being quiet asf.... and I have no idea what is up his sleeve. The basement twist is gonna be really scary next round if we lose and someone can be sent back to the basement twice in a row…
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omg hii.. i love my tribe so far tbh!!! i feel close to zach, karth, stephen, jess, and liam. i feel like i’m in an okay spot. i feel a lil weird about playing with a couple of these ppl again - zach and i played in ts and he killed me in 3rd and won the game, and i played with stephen in embb4 and as, i got him out in embb4 and he got me out in all stars lol.... i’m hoping no past game beef comes into play but we’ll see! i’m voting timmy out this tribal, he hasn’t said a word to me so... Shrug Emoji. hopefully everything goes according 2 plan ! i’m glad karth was “exiled” cuz i think he would’ve been a target and i don’t want that. i’ll do a more in depth and full cast analysis l8r~
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Oh Timmy.. I want to keep you safe but I also want to take out any possible people Alyssa can work with in the future... you made the mistake of telling me you brought her into the ORG world jkjk. Sorry <3
ON THE REAL THOUGH.... I can't stick my neck out for someone on DAY 3. If the tribe wants Timmy's neck I gotta help deliver it. I just wish he was more SOCIAL because he would def be someone I would like to work with <3
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I came into this game, saw Shea, and had an absolute fucking breakdown djdhdjdj. Like who am I? I need to get it together and push in the challenges because I didn’t help with the first one at all because seeing Shea just did something to me? Like? I’m going to try to put more effort in moving forward but right now I feel like Aubry in Kaoh Rong when she had that attack, hopefully I can recover as well as she did.
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Why is Daniel trying so hard to save Timmy akdjsjs. Just... let him go in peace plz... also I'm Timmy starting to talk to people for the 1st time since the day of the vote..
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I'm ready to punch a bitch. I have no idea what is happening with this tribal and I just hope it's not me. I keep hearing about the "majority" and people want to vote with the "majority" but nobody is saying who it is and what it is just that they don't want to be the one to say a name. So I'm being forced to say Liam because that's easier than Stephen even though Stephen was the one saying my name, but honestly it is what it is, I haven't spoken to Liam so I don't care that much. I just don't get why people play if they're just going to hide behind someone else because that's so stupid, like just play for you. I'm not just saying that because they're going against me, but like where has Liam been and also Stephen is the most vocal right now and he is going to be a problem later on, I can already tell.
Timmy is voted out 6-2.
0 notes