survivorkomnata Ā· 5 years
Episode #15:Ā ā€œ If there's even the slightest ray of hope that I can get taken to the end I'll do whatever it takes to make it happen.ā€ - Stephen Z
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Pretty much all that matters at this point is the challenge. Last night, I practiced a little bit (at least with all of the ones I could practice), and came up with a strategy. I separated 4 of the components of this challenge into 2 categories, Mindful, and Mindless.
The 2 Mindful challenges are the Counting and Endurance. You need to be so focused on an individual task that any slip-up could spell the end for an otherwise perfect run. Trying to do these 2 challenges at the same time is a recipe for disaster. At least in my opinion. I'd rather do the Counting challenge first so that I'm not too tired to do it once Endurance is over.
The 2 Mindless ones are the Flash Game and, ironically, the Slide Puzzle. I can practice these as much as I want. These are the 2 challenges I will focus on while doing Endurance, as I'm going to need SOMETHING to do during the 10 minute gaps. Hopefully I'll still be able to do okay in these while running on no sleep.
Fallen Comrades is a sort of one-and-done kind of deal. You get one chance and it's really difficult to "assign" quotes to people, especially when I never met a portion of them. I'm not going to rely on the results from this one since I had the worst performance in Touchy Subjects. Instead, I have hope that my strategy with the other 4 challenges will be enough to net me the win.
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1. I really freaking hate this counting game. Like a lot 2. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to win like any of these. 3. I hope these two don't talk to each other. I'm not sure who I'd rather go with. I'm just really tired right now. 4. Seriously. Screw that counting game.
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So, I applied my strategy like I intended. Pretty much everything went the way I expected, except for Endurance.
I got carried away practicing the Flash Game and missed an extremely early round in the Endurance comp. I'm certain that I got last in that portion seeing as how Jake and Karth both stayed up well into the night (in their timezones), something they obviously wouldn't do unless they were completing their Endurance runs.
But, I think I won the Counting/Flash Game/Puzzle segments. I worked on the counting over a 24 hour period and got what I consider to be a really high score with very few slip ups relative to the amount I was shooting for. I practiced the Flash Game and Puzzle for hours and I'm satisfied with the scores I've submitted there.
I still consider Fallen Comrades to be a bit of a crapshoot, but as long as I got 2nd in that I don't think it's mathematically possible for me to lose. (Of course, this assumes I won those other 3 comps which isn't a given at all). All and all, I'm satisfied with my performance, and even if I lose, I have arguments to make for why both Jake and Karth should keep me.
If Jake wins, I can emphasize how Karth has avoided being a target the entire game while also being the deciding factor in numerous blindsides. He positioned himself so well that he never needed to rely on immunities to stay safe. I'll probably have to spill all the schemes me and Karth got into on OG Takagi regarding the idol to show that he really has been "playing the game" and isn't a goat like Jake's been lead to believe.
If Karth wins, I can talk about how Jake was also involved in a ton of blindsides, has many close allies on the jury, specifically OG Kato. I'll emphasize that Jake has a stronger underdog story than me, considering how many times he's been targeted since the jury phase started, and has survived every single attempt to get him eliminated. I might also throw in that Jake promised to take me to F2 over him, which should hopefully have an impact.
If I win.... I'll listen to what the others have to say. No reason not to, right?
Honestly, I think I'll be voted out by both of them if I lose here, but that's not a reason not to try. If there's even the slightest ray of hope that I can get taken to the end I'll do whatever it takes to make it happen.
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I am glad to have won the FIC and to have a spot at the FTC. I am so scared and nervous about how I am going to face the FTC as I have never been in a group call with strangers and English isn't my first language. I guess it will be an experience worth having regardless of how it ends up for me.
Stephen Z is voted out and becomes the final member of our jury.
Karthik wins in a 6-3 vote against Jake.
0 notes
survivorkomnata Ā· 5 years
Episode #14:Ā ā€œAND I got sent to the basement.ā€ - Tim
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Completing ROP was really fun. Getting a chance to look back on the season and see how far I've come isn't something I normally feel so good about doing, but this season, I did alright. The reason I bring this up is that it's essentially a foregone conclusion that if I lose the upcoming immunity challenge, I'll be heading to the jury. I've been told to my face by all the remaining players that they consider me a threat to win, and two of them (Tim/Karth) have outright said they think I'm the biggest threat to win.
The ambiguity of this challenge is something I'm trying to use to my advantage. We aren't sure whether or not this is the last challenge or not, the host announcement implied that it wasn't, but it's Day 37 out of 39 days. And usually challenges are held on one day with Tribal Council on the next. This would be a weird exception this close to the end.
Anyway, I came up with a plan to try and salvage myself strategically. I went to Jake and acted 100% totally convinced that this game is ending in an F2, meaning that Karth and Tim will take him out at F3 if they're given the chance. I swore to him I would take him to F2 if he would promise me the same right here and now. It's a crude strategy, but at least I managed to get him to agree to it. Now he has to worry about whether or not betraying me would impact my jury vote and how I speak to others if I'm voted out here.
Of course, if I end up winning the challenge, all of this would be pointless. Tim and Jake are both reasonable targets for me if I win immunity, so I'll probably vote Tim if that's an option and try to rely on my deal with Jake. It beats going to F3 with 2 people who have said they think I'm the biggest threat to win straight to my face, whether it's the end of the game or not.
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Last place again!! King of last place. Jk. Not really. I don't know how I feel about this vote. I feel it goes to Tim, but that depends on Karthik. Stephen and I made an alliance earlier to get to F2 which is...I still think he's a HUGE jury threat but if that's the way to make it to the end, that's the way to make it to the end. It depends on getting Karthik to vote Tim, and that's pretty much the only way I get to stay, I feel. I'll just have to see what comes out of discussions with the others. I'm not entirely sure I trust Stephen, but with Zach and Alyssa gone, my allies are gone as well, so there's not much else to be done at this point.
Well...I think I have adapted and maybe have a game plan. I think if I can get into F3, and Stephen and karth both keep their word, then I can get to F2 because they both say they want to bring me. Of course that means Iā€™ve pledged alliances with them both, so this is where he risk comes in. If I can get hem to vote Tim off and I just happen to...lose next challenge (which shouldnā€™t be a surprise to anyone at this point TBH), then hopefully the winner picks me to go with them. Itā€™s not a perfect plan, and I risk getting voted out this round if they all figure out what Iā€™m doing, buuuuuuuuuut I donā€™t see any other Better options at he moment. So weā€™ll see!
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I am NOT happy about a final 2 scenario. I just wanted to make f3 without Stephen and be happy about it but NOOO. Now the three of us just have to beat Stephen in the immunity challenge.
OK SO WE LOST. AND I got sent to the basement. Before I left Karthik told me that he would vote with me against Jake so I guess its going to firemaking. Ugh I'm gonna be flying for the first time tomorrow and traveling and stuff so that sucks that I may have to do a showdown while exploring the world.
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Soooo Stephen secures safety yet again but it might actually not be such a bad thing for me as I have been considering the option of voting Tim out in F4 because he is playing a similar style of game as me but he has done it FAR better than me. My chances at the end are probably very low but against Tim, I literally have no shot. Hence, I hope he leaves here so that I could flop in another challenge if there exists one.
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The day did not switch over like I expected! Meaning this game likely will end in a Final 2. As for my deal with Jake, I plan on honoring it for now, meaning that as long as Karth is on board, Tim is very likely to be the next person voted out. He's played pretty well, but he also kinda told me to my face he'd vote me out if I lost the challenge so I don't feel too bad about this. Intentionally going to the Final 3 with Karth and Tim would be like dragging a bag of poisonous snakes while they're trying to bite you. It's better to let them go here.
Hopefully I can win the final immunity challenge. I don't believe Jake is so into our deal that he'd keep me in over Karth at the Final 3 if he won, and I'm not sure Karth is even capable of winning a competition at this point. Honestly, I'll probably vote Jake out if I win this upcoming challenge even though I F2'd him. I don't think he'll be so surprised that he'd never vote me to win and I do consider him a much bigger threat to win than Karth at this point.
Tim is voted out in a 3-1 vote. He becomes the eighth member of our jury.
0 notes
survivorkomnata Ā· 5 years
Episode #13:Ā ā€œI'm about to make a million dollar mistake..ā€ - Tim
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So....pretty sure my game just suffered a MAJOR setback. Alyssa was my ride or die to the end, and Karth just proved himself to be an unreliable ally. He felt threatened by Alyssa, and maybe rightfully so, since she would definitely have probably beaten him. So at this point, it looks like the sides are lining up to be Me/Zach vs /Tim/Karth/Stephen at this point. I don't think I can convince either Tim or Karth to go against the other, but Stephen might be a possibility. I promised him my loyalty if he'd be my ally, and I argued that tim and karth definitely could NOT and have shown that they will break those promises, so Stephen is pretty much my hope at this point. That being said, I am one clue for spelling the word 'ESCAPE' in the idol hunt, although I don't know what to do with the word once I get it. If I can pull out an immunity this time and get the idol, it's a possibility I could still make it to the end. Here's hoping.
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So I survived the last tribal!!!! I can't believe it!! I'm very very satisfied with the way last round unraveled. I pushed for Alyssa to go because she was the main person after me and I was happy with targeting her this round. I pushed for her name because I figured Zach wouldn't want to go to rocks over Alyssa and if he didn't then she'd go home. I didn't want to vote Jake out because I'm trying to bring him to the end of the game with me and karthik. It all worked out in my favor when Stephen won immunity and Zach,Alyssa, and Jake voted for me. Karthik wouldn't flip on me and Stephen had nothing to lose in the event of a rock draw.
So this round's challenge is mastermind! I absolutely love this challenge it is my favorite!!!! Ok so the worst case scenario that can happen tonight is Zach winning immunity and Jake playing an idol on himself!!! That would leave me completely vulnerable. The only way I would survive in that scenario is if Zach and Jake vote Stephen and not me, which I doubt. But the numbers are dwindling quickly. Does jake really think he stands a chance against Zach or Stephen at the end???? He can't be that delusional right??
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i promised alyssa i would have me or jake in ftc.
i lied.
the idol is gone.
i'm flopping at this challenge.
it's over.
i'm going :airplane emoji: fifth place.
i think there's a decent chance the vote is 3-2 and i'm in the 3, but get idolled out.
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So basically at this point, my path to the end involves Karth not being an idiot, but for whatever reason, he doesnā€™t want to recognize Stephen as the legit jury threat he is. Ughhhh
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Zach claims Stephen is the biggest challenge threat between the two since he has won 2 immunities. I disagree. Have yall SEEN Zach premerge??? He literally carried every tribe he was on. He def has challenge capabilities that I or Stephen don't possess. If I vote out Stephen then it leaves two duos at final 4. Its a 2v2 and if Zach wins that immunity then the game is over for me. If Jake wins it will go to firemaking and I will get my ass handed to me by Zach. On the FLIP SIDE If I vote out Zach then the game becomes a 3v1 with Stephen being a solo player. If he wins that immunity then I can kiss my chances of winning goodbye. If he loses then his game is up and I get to go to f3 and possibly win?? So that is why I'm leaning towards voting for Zach over Stephen.
I'm about to make a million dollar mistake.
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I am a mess..idk what to do. I am unsure if I should be glad or sad for being the only person not getting votes so far. I have been doing the best I can but it still seems that I would be seen as the goat at the end. Its so unclear for me on how the jury perceives any of the remaining people and who their favorite. All I know is its definitely not me. At least winning this immunity could have given me some confidence but I wasnt lucky in that either.
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I've been pretty calm all day today knowing that I'm going to survive the Tribal Council thanks to my idol. Maybe to a strange degree, but honestly, it's all okay. Jake winning immunity is unfortunate only because it limits my options of who to vote out, but I was leaning towards voting Zach anyway, so this isn't the worst case scenario at all.
Since Alyssa has been voted out, Tim and Jake have both told me that I'd win if I make Final Tribal Council. Tim even got a little vindictive with me when I tried to argue I wasn't the biggest threat to win. I appreciate the compliment, but not all of the implications that come with it. Needless to say, if I didn't have an idol, I'd be packing my bags tonight. But luckily, thanks to Tim, Karth, Alyssa, Jess, and Ally, and all the information they gave me, I won't have to worry about that. My eyes are on F4.
Winning the next immunity challenge would be amazing. It might get me into Final Tribal, but it may also just get me into F3 immunity. I have no clue what it could be. I hope I don't NEED to rely on immunity to stay, but, I mean, give me a break here. With so many people saying I'm THE threat to win, how could I not feel that way?
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i believe this vote will be 3 votes stephen, 2 votes me. i also believe, in some way, stephen is going to get idolled.
my initial plan was to get [tim + karthik] = stephen [zach + jake] = tim [stephen] = zach
so when one of them idolled, i was safe. however, tim not being on board derails that plan entirely. this game is so frustrating. his logic to a degree makes sense. i support it. but like, stephen will sweep this FTC and i honestly probs wouldn't so. also, through our conversation, i realize how smart tim is. good for him!! king of analyzing.
firstly, thank yawls for hosting. i'm sorry 2 alyssa. it's just sucky cuz the "three biggest players" at merge (this is on paper, not legit) were ally/alyssa/myself, and all three of us are probably leaving back 2 back LOL
i also want to apologize to jake. this is for post-season ig NNNNNN jake - i want 2 apologize for being distrusting of you in the past. you are a great person + i am so appreciative to have worked with you & met you in this game.
i am leaving this game content (if i do, that is). i played hard. despite a huge target on my back, i managed to get fifth (when i almost got 10th/7th). i had a pretty elevated social game, physical game too, and i think strategically i was fine. my main blunder was the idol misplay but zzz i wouldve used it at f6/7 anyway probs, just bc ppl knew i had it. i dont want to stroke my ego or anything but im fully accepting of how i played. i only wish i had more agency, but i dont really fault myself for that i guess (but when i get to jury/post season ill def see that it's probs more something i did but... for now, i'm angel :$)
me rn: Alexa, play The Climb
goingāœˆļøfifth and goingāœˆļøjury tonight! cheers
šŸšØšŸšØšŸšØgays dont win lolšŸšØšŸšØšŸšØ
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Sooooo...this vote basically hinges entirely on Karthik. If we three vote Stephen (is and Zach), then Stephen is out UNLESS he plays the idol which is a distinct possibility. Either way, the possibility that Stephen gets three votes and doesnā€™t have an idol is the only way Zach can get thru this vote, and I really hope he does.
Zach is voted out in a 3-2 vote. He becomes the seventh member of our jury.
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survivorkomnata Ā· 5 years
Episode #12:Ā ā€œSO WHO'S WINNING, BITCH!ā€ - Alyssa
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aslkdfkjlsdjklflaksdf TIM why did you flip?? I mean
This sort of ruins my game plan I had going in. I was counting on the Kato 2.0 to stick together at least past this vote and NAH Tim goes and votes Zach? I mean, it makes it easier for us in regards to voting out Tim b/c he's done something legitimate now so it won't be straight betrayal. I still feel bad because we were talking F3, but it is what it is. Plan now is to go Alyssa-Karth-Me, but if it's F2, I'd definitely have to make a choice. That's if I make it that far. I think the next move is approaching Stephen, but I don't know how much he'll trust me after all this.
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SO my 3-2-2 idea didn't but out but a bitch K N E W Tim was shady and MY TWO F2S ARE STILL HERE AND SO AM I SO WHO'S WINNING, BITCH!
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So uhh its clear that I am being perceived as the goat of the season and I am not sure if I could do anything now that could change it so I shall just continue enjoying the game and do what I feel is right. Seriously, this is a wonderful cast with a lot of really good players. Even though, at the end of the day it comes down to how the jury sees you, I do not really regret the way I have played and I am pretty sure I will learn a lot from this game.
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This messy binch is now idol searching with the remaining members of Kato 2.0 minus Tim. 1) Itā€™s fucking F6 and we only have two more times we can use it 2) If Tim gets it Iā€™m going to fucking YELL
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Ok so Karthik woke up last vote and decided to royally screw me the fuck over. He had a talk with Ally before the vote and allegedly she was rude to him which caused him to be emotional and switch his vote to her instead of Zach. I get out of theatre practice to find my entire game set ablaze and on fire. So much for being on the right side of every vote at every tribal right??? Ā And now I'm in the "minority" with Stephen and Im gonna get 6th rip.
OK so I fessed up to voting for Zach to him and everyone except Alyssa lol. And Karthik is explaining how he Ā flipped and why to the entire tribe as well as his initial intentions on getting Zach out. I FLOPPED hard in the challenge and now I have accepted my 6th place title lmaoo. Stephen won which is GREAT because that means we are probably gonna go to rocks unless Karthik betrays me.
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Winning this immunity was HUGE. It's firmly placed Zach/Alyssa/Jake against Tim and Karth (hopefully) which should be something I can exploit for the rest of the game. If Karth is willing to stick with me here, we may actually be able to take back control despite his flip at the last vote. I just hope he actually sticks with it since.... you know... he did flip again at the last tribal council for seemingly no logical reason. The reason I sent him to the basement was to limit his communication with the other 3 so hopefully that works out as intended. If Tim does get voted out 4-2 I'm not even sure I'd still be surprised at this point though. Ā I know that everyone is playing for themselves, but they're doing a really good job of hiding it imo.
After I won the immunity challenge I had some kind of weird convos with Zach and Alyssa. Alyssa told me she'd never vote Zach out as long as there were people she didn't trust in the game and she then proceeded to tell me she's been honest and loyal to me for awhile now. But it's hard to rationalize all of this since I KNOW I was a possible target at F8 and F7 according to Karth's info which I do believe at this point. It's almost like she expects me to be grateful my allies were voted out instead of me? I don't wanna get petty or anything but how can she expect me not to see 2 distinct sides when she has literally never seriously considered voting Jake or Zach out, meanwhile I know I was an option for her on many occasions and she's also voted out most of my allies.
The convo with Zach was a little less heated, mostly because we didn't pretend to be allies with each other anymore. But he still gave me the same "I've only lied a little bit" line like... no one wants to hear that. But I've lied to so meh. And I'm about to lie again. Voting Zach at this tribal would probably be my move if not for 2 facts: 1) He appears to be the most likely person on that side to have an idol used on him here, and 2) He seems like the only would who would consider flipping in order to avoid a rock draw.
If tonight works out as intended, it can be a major shift in the game that pushes things in my favor for the last leg of the race. If not, someone else who has backstabbed me (Tim/Karth) is going home. And I can't be too sad about that. Guess I'll just have to win another few immunity challenges then.
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I SURVIVED ! 4-3 ! i almost went home but karthik had a change of heart :sparkles:
this conf finna be short. i love everyone left. i hate that they want me out. my name, once again, is trying to be thrown out as the TARGET. so rude. i have trust in alyssa + jake i think for this round. karthik? i'm unsure, especially since ally called him a goat. she also thinks im gonna win so SLDKGLDSKGSD wow. thank u! but nope!
my plan for tonight is tim. him leaving secures a 4v1 majority. well, let me rephrase. "majority". then stephen will target me AGAIN, but maybe thats when i get stephen to vote w me and karthik against like alyssa. idk. i want alyssa out in the sense of... i think she's playing the best. but i love her so much n shes done so much for me that im gonna be heartbroken.
this game suckz. not actually, just sucky situation 4 me. theres a pretty decent chance im leaving tn as well tho, so we can only hope x.
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I found the idol. Me. After ALL the BS I've been faced with these past few days I am the only player guaranteed a shot to be in F4. I'm keeping it a secret because I don't owe anything to anyone out here. Final Tribal Council is in sight.
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i am voting alyssa and i'm heartbroken.
she is a great person. i love her with my whole heart, and i think she's genuinely a sweetheart.
she has all right to drag my fatass on concrete.
when u see this alyssa, i just want to say once again i am sorry. from the bottom of my (little) heart, i meant every word i said to you
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Alyssa is voted out after a 3-1 vote after a tie. She becomes the sixth member of our jury.
0 notes
survivorkomnata Ā· 5 years
Episode #11:Ā ā€œi feel kinda nervous but also just kinda like i donā€™t give a fuck ya knowā€ - Ally
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The F8 vote seemed to have worked out well for me. I believe I shifted the plan from voting Stephen to Jess as Jess has been socially great but I havent been able to develop a great personal relationship with her and our interests in the game seem to differ. I am kinda glad with my position rn tho I am pretty sure the jury hates me rn but my aim is to find a way to maneuver to the end. Stephen and Ally must be really upset with me for lying over and over again and I might be targeted soon.
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i am on a train and so i decided i'll write a confessional.
after having time to think last night (misplaying my idol), here are my thoughts: yeah, it sucks. it definitely hurt my game more than it helped. i am now 10x more vulnerable in the game. but, i'm not regretful? i'm now in a less-stressed state, where if i'm going to leave, so be it. no one was really shocked (though some may be more angered at me), and it kinda helps clear a target on my back because i'm like... easy to beat.
now, let me talk about something. after thorough analysis, i believe i have the least likelihood of winning this game. that's fine. i'm not really mad about it. below i'll just provide why i think i can't win this game, and my personal view.
CHANCES OF MAKING IT TO FTC: to begin, my chances of making it to ftc is very limited. i'm in a state where i have no idol, and i must rely on competitions (at some point, not necessarily now). i honestly think i'm safe at F7, but i know in order to get into F2 (or F3), i'll probably need to win a few immunities (or hope people see me as the goat i am and.. dragggg me BAAAAA). other people in the category of 'limited' when it comes to making ftc are stephen/ally/alyssa. now, let's pretend i do win like 3 immunities and achieve that position at FTC. this has two outcomes. first being that i don't think the jury will majorly respect it. and secondly, well, i'll describe it in the points below.
CHANCES TO WIN (IF I REACH FTC): i think i have horrible chances at this rate. ever since jury started, my management of said people hasn't been the greatest. i don't entirely blame myself (though maybe i should), but i don't see stephen w./miguel/luke/jess being keen on voting me. i think the most grossest(word choice?) of those are miguel. he's going to be emotional/bitter, and kind of rightfully so - i did vote him out. but i also got targeted in the first place for trying to save him. i put my blood, sweat, tears into trying to let him live and... well... i couldn't do it. and, in my personal opinion, that should outweigh me voting him. so as of now, i think i have 0/4 locks. i could see current players voting for me depending on how the game goes (i.e ally, alyssa, karthik) but that's so iffy to really count on. now a quick analysis of other players: alyssa - i think she's by far the strongest middle player/has been the swing vote in various instances. though bitterness may be an outcome, she's played a dominating game. ally/stephen - minority. they are going to have stephen w./luke/jess practically on lock, and even miguel to some extent. they are the underdogs that even i would be rooting for if i were on jury. tim/karthik - both are better middle players than i am. they are always the go-tos to make a move. maybe this is a bad thing for them (and by default, good for me) because they are seen as 'goats' or something. i doubt that though. they have more agency, and though i once again don't think that's at MY fault, it ultimately detriments my game. jake - jake has continually been targeted due to being a flexible, snakey threat. though he may not be doing the absolute most strategically/etc., he has that perception of ''winner'' and ''big player'', which alone can carry a lot of brownie points when it comes to voting.
CONCLUSION: So i think my chances to win are the lowest odds because of my inability to guarantee FTC for myself, and even if i do, i ain't going to be a strong contender to win unless the jury comes around to my busted ass game.
- okay, i want to talk about my personal thoughts on this.
i don't think i played the best. but, i don't blame myself for being in this shitty situation. wait. to specify, i don't blame myself for being hated by jury/players. i DO blame myself for being in the shitty position and limited chances of making FTC, which has factors including my prejury comp strength (there was strategy w/ that but i'll talk abt that another time.
my chances have sucked ever since jury started. stephen w. and i were never on a tribe together, and though i was a 'threat', i didn't flip. i did consider it however, but that isn't enough credit for him. it wasn't smart to work with him considering he was targeting me, but that's valid to not vote me in the end. miguel is a loyal and emotional person, 100% valid. i did not meet those terms at the end of the day, and that's only on me i guess. luke showed no loyalty to me and so i reciprocated the fakeness. we never worked together. jess, i DID try to work with, but she rejected that just to kinda blame it on me and so i voted her out. i have no friends on jury, and the earlier jurors are the most critical to some degree (because they can become an unit or something and start rallying campaigns for people).
my lack of agency, which is my biggest in-game flaw, isn't my fault directly. i tried to be extra social and show willingness to flip. of the 5 Kato2.0 members, i think i was easily the most willing to change up the game. karthik/tim have lied numerous times about flipping, and jake has done so prior. i haven't. maybe i should have, and i would be in a position, but i wanted to maintain this veil of honesty that like i was opened 2 working w them, even if NOW wasn't the time. the voted me and then only talked to me abt my vote when they needed me. i have to be missing something. this isn't a bad thing on MY game when others dont want to work with me, but i cant figure out the missing piece. maybe someones lying about what i'm doing and pitting people against me (good on them). maybe i did something really bad. but, it's a struggle. i thought i was playing so well but now i'm in a position of... hopelessness. i don't have any strong friends in the game. tim's probably the closest to me. i'm just... i'm unsure.
i want to talk about the future of this game real quick. this round, i anticipate ally/stephen will target one of me/alyssa/jake. tim wants to target alyssa (according to him) so i can see her being targeted. i'm unsure if that's how i'll vote, but i'm thinking. i think, if i am lucky + smart enough, that i'll make f5 easily. if alyssa goes, theres no way ppl would keep ally/stephen both til f5 considering they are minority n have that sway over the jury. put in that position, im the strongest physically. if ally goes F7 (or stephen), then jake/alyssa are a duo i can spearhead to break up. but, if alyssa has two idols, shes final 4 and well . it's over . but maybe she'd idol out like karthik or smthing n then me/tim/stephen vote out alyssa/jake and... yea. there's some hope for me but it's VERY circumstantial.
my brain hurts lol sorry
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So last night I was BRUTALLY blindsided. And it's kinda late in the game for that to still be happening! This is way worse than Miguel or Luke leaving. Karth, Tim, Zach and Alyssa all overtly lied to me about their plans and votes. Granted, I also lied to Alyssa so there's that.
Karth, Tim, and Zach all hit me with the "but we're allies now that you proved you're honest" and I'm rolling with it because I don't have much of a choice. Ally wants to try something with Alyssa/Jake but I'm not exactly holding my breath. I won't buy anything until people start coming to me with real plans. At least Zach's idol is gone so others might be more tempted to make a move on him now.
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Being voted most honest was something I ABSOLUTELY capitalized off of. I used it to try and get Alyssa on my side by telling her Stephen said she's next if Zach wins (even though she went and mentioned my name) I used it to blatantly lie to Jess and Stephen and Im using it now to do damage control with Stephen
Honestly the reason I voted Jess was very strategic. If Stephen was gone then Jess could weave her way into an alliance with Alyssa and Jake whereas Stephen would not. Stephen is still a big threat to win and with him here it means that he'll possibly take priority over me. Because honestly who wants Stephen at f3??? Who wants Zach at f3??? Who wants Ally at f3?? They MAY want Alyssa at f3 which is why she's my next target Stephen: Its not smart for me to go against you guys either way
Me: I already know this lmaoo you want me in your f3 duh
Im gonna go ahead and be overzealous when i say this may be the first game where I make f3.
I feel like I've played my cards correctly and If it works out how I want.. i could win/ get 2nd. I can literally destroy and discredit Karthik's game in a matter of seconds so I'm not concerned and Jake's game thusfar has been straightforward. If I can survive this round then I can make it to the end of the game. Omg if its a f2 instead of a f3 i will scream. I'm being too hopeful rn lol.
AHHHHH BITCHESSS I WON IMMUNITYYYY. Poverty was on my side. (I'm not poor lmao). I feel great and I definetely needed to win it considering the fact that my name was mentioned last round. Oh I also sent Karthik to the basement in hopes of finding something buy I also sent him there so that I wont make a target out of Alyssa and break any potential bonds there.
Now originally I made an ellaborate plan to vote out Alyssa but I've done quite a bit of talking to Stephen regarding my position as well as everyone's position in the game. Ā I'm torn between trying to get the vote on Alyssa or going with Ally, Karthik, and Stephen and voting oyt Zach. We will see.
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I have a plan for this vote tonight and I think itā€™ll work. Weā€™re gonna split the votes and if Stephen or ally goes, I think Iā€™ve set myself up for s really good game. Of course anything can happen, but as long as I donā€™t get blindsided, I feel good about the rest of the game. Of course, that being said, anything can happen and this is Survivor
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Thinking about how this could be my last day in the game is crazy. I'm relying on Tim and Karth to hold up their end of the deal to vote Zach out tonight. If it works, everything will change. I'll suddenly be in a real alliance for the first time in awhile. I don't plan on letting go of the numbers once I have them, but I really don't know if I even have them. Karth was my closest ally since Day 1 and he lied to me and sent out my next closest ally. I believe Tim has been leaking information I was posting in the 4-elements chat for awhile now. And I am definitely the target of at least 3/7 people heading into this tribal according to Tim.
Basically, everything should be seen as a negative right about now. But that's not how I see it. Playing from the bottom could be an amazing opportunity for me. I believe with Zach finally leaving, the 2 duos on the other side will finally have to point fingers at each other rather than doing everything behind the scenes. Then I'm just a little bit farther away from the end. Maybe I can still win this thing.
Of course, I could also go home 5-2 if Karth and Tim are just lying. But I think I've convinced them that keeping me is best for their game. Or maybe it's just that Alyssa and Zach come across as too threatening We even discussed possible endgame scenarios where I go to F3 with them. I wouldn't quite go that far with both of them after all the scheming and plotting on their end but hey, one of them can come along for the ride ;). Assuming I don't go home which is still totally possible LADSHSJKDHDKJHKSDJ
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itā€™s rly quiet lol
i feel kinda nervous but also just kinda like i donā€™t give a fuck ya know
like... iā€™ve already been lied to and blindsided so many times that itā€™s hard to care or have high expectations at this point
iā€™m voting zach, afaik everyone else is down but again that could be a lie or he could have another idol idfk
iā€™m only loyal to stephen now idc abt any of these ppl
Ally is voted out in a 4-3 vote. She becomes the fifth member of our jury.
0 notes
survivorkomnata Ā· 5 years
Episode #10:Ā ā€œ I'm a fucking Virgo. If you burn me I will never forget it.ā€ - Jess
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Dear Alyssa,
For someone who claims to have a HUGE interest in Astrology.... you seem to have forgotten the fact that I'm a fucking Virgo. If you burn me I will never forget it. You declared war and that's on YOU.
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i hate this ā€œwe only start talking an hour before tribalā€ nonsense that this merge tribe has going on. like pls get your lives together sooner. i donā€™t even message ppl anymore bc we just do the ā€œyaaa i havenā€™t heard anythingā€ ā€œme eitherā€ back and forth
i feel pretty hopeless in the game iā€™m ngl, fully think we should just wrap it up now and give zach the win
alyssa is an emotional and illogical player who came into the merge with the goal of miguel and luke being voted out for voting against her premerge. she didnā€™t think of the long term, only revenge. itā€™s embarrassing.
i donā€™t rly have an endgame path. or anything anymore. i miss luke and stephen.
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So, yesterday was a bit of blindside for me. Not even really because Luke left, I woke up that morning willing to vote him out myself, but because I was unable to get Karth, Tim, or Alyssa on my side. I don't think any of them are truly "against me" at this point but it's a little worrying that Luke left over Jake, who I still don't really have a strategic relationship with.
Alyssa confronted me last night saying that other people had gone to her and said that I was planning to target her once Jake was gone. This isn't exactly true, but it has enough basis in reality since I have talked in the "4-elements" alliance about how we should target Jake before going after Alyssa. I'm not sure who went to her with this idea, nor do I know if she was even approached with it in the first place. Alyssa has deceived me for 2 votes now. First, she outright lied to me about voting Zach out at F10 (I still don't technically have confirmation of this, but it makes sense that she'd take out Luke/Miguel as soon as possible). More evidence supporting that she lied is that the former Kato2.0 side decided to vote Luke out next, which would be odd if he was the one to flip to their side at the first merge vote.
The second thing she lied about was being on the fence at this last tribal council. Ā After Luke was gone she told Jess that we "should've known she didn't want Jake out" despite her never saying that to us. It's clear that Alyssa had planned to vote Luke out as soon as she knew this would be a 5-4 vote. But she lied to me about that and wasted my time up until the very last minute.
Basically, what I'm saying is... it's getting exhausting to try and work with her strategically. It's not like Ally/Jess/Karth, who I feel I can talk frankly and honestly with. I want her and Jake gone. Jake hasn't really "wronged" me in anyway, but I can tell him and Alyssa have to at least be a little close so the jury can have both of them. Honestly, I kinda want them both gone more than Zach at this point. I'm doing my best to win this upcoming immunity challenge so people stop going behind my back, but if Zach were to win.. well... I certainly have a few alternatives in mind.
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I am feeling a bit stuck in this game. With Zach in the game I feel my game is pretty restricted and I would feel too bad to backstab him. I already felt bad for voting Luke. I just dont know what to do here.
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i have no idea whatā€™s happening
zach and karth have reached out to me about potentially trying to reconcile and ofc iā€™m open to that
iā€™m kinda worried theyā€™re voting jess out and i hope not bc i love her
i wish i had any kind of idea what i was doing
i wish luke didnā€™t get voted out
i wish this idol search made sense
i wish i was a little bit taller i wish i was a baller
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So apparently Zach and Jake are throwing around Stephen's name with my name as an alternative. I'm not surprised at all at this rate. I figured this would happen as soon as I took my strike at both Zach and Jake.
The only possible saving grace from this all is that both Alyssa and Tim let me know about it. This kind of gives me a glimmer of hope that both of them aren't willing to at least vote me out at this stage in the game. If they'd did.. they'll look like idiots because I'm playing such a horrible game. I have yet to make a big move or win an immunity, I don't have any solid alliances aside from "The Last Hope" which honestly just a circumstantial alliance and most likely we die soon. Taking me at this point is ridiculous because I'm literally the perfect person to sit final 3 with right now.
My game plan at least now is.. I want either Zach or Jake to go. If I can work the angle of Jake or Zach trying to get me out as a way to sway people who think I'm their best friend in this game... yeet. If not I am dead and I will write my own eulogy....
If I get voted out because I lost immunity by 1 point.. I WILL FUCKING RIOT.
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Ok so sorry for the lack of confessionals going on I have a lot (of good things) happening in my life atm. Anyways, I got sent to the basement which sux and now the vote is super stressful!!! I'm pretty much pulling a lot of strings within the tribe atm and trying to balance it all! I have Zach and Jake in my pocket completely!! Jake and Alyssa are like on my coat tail and Jess/Stephen/and Ally are in their grave ready to be destroyed lmaoo. Fingers crossed I don't go home.
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im vulnerable, and it's an hour til tribal. i'm unsure of what's going to happen. here's a quick recap:
A - i go to ally/stephen to encourage reconciling. i think this is genuinely smart as we are all 'big threats' and it's stupid to let middle players slide by while helping pin bigger threats against one another. they basically end up agreeing (more so stephen). B - alyssa and tim come to me (separately) saying that they are throwing my name around, and tim goes even further to say that they want to split between me / jake. this sounds really believable based on track record. C - ally pms me saying that she heard X told Jess who told her that i'm targeting stephen. i say it's true, but under the circumstances that people are saying they are going after me. D - we talk in the "alliance" chat and come to a conclusion that jake should be the vote as he best fits the "middle player" role, thus being dangerous. though i disagree, i'm in no position to bury karthik/tim in a hole. E - with karthik spearheading, i help flip the vote from stephen to jess. this is because jess will weaken that side, and i don't trust her. at all. on top of that, it helps me not worry as much abt alyssa being sketchy & it keeps my promise 2 stephen/ally in the sense of not voting stephen (and i can argue saying that with them lying at merge, i had to be reaaaalllllyyyy cautious). F - i'm unsure about my idol. it could still happen. right now i'm leaning towards playing my idol because i want it GONE. by using this idol, here are the outcomes: F.1 - the vote is 4-4 or even more slanted, and i idol successfully, meaning jess will leave this game. F.2 - i receive 0 votes and completely waste it. this makes me more vulnerable, but also, could help if i utilize it correctly/effectively. F.3 - I receive 3 votes (give or take) and it's ineffective but shows that i can't trust ally/stephen and by attachment, jess (who should be gone). i guess my preferred order would be F1 -> F3 -> F2 just because if i use it, i want it to be as effective as possible since wasting an idol isn't going to help my case at FTC (which is already weak LSDGKDSLGDSH).
my gut is really sick (as always bar f9.. so just f10). i don't THINK i'm getting any votes, but u can never be too sure. to elaborate on the entire point of 'F', i want to go over pros n cons of idolling (and wasting it). PROS: - no more paranoia for me (GOD BLESS) - i'm much more vulnerable, meaning they may not target me (double-sided) - im 100% safe regardless, and in f7. CONS: - im more vulnerable; easier to target. - ppl are shook bc i dont trust them/ didnt tell them - its wasted and doesnt help my FTC case.
and lastly, who has the idols? [based on tribe idols] CONFIRMED: me . (OG Takagi idol) LIKELY: alyssa (the only person who could have two) COULD POSSIBLY HAVE ONE: stephen (someone probs has attila, i think itd be him or alyssa). karthik (basement king, but def not tribal idol probs .) jake (og kato, could have the kato idol). NOT LIKELY: tim (og takagi/nu-kato. both idols were gone, so i doubt it. but, maybe basement??) jess (unless she worked w alissa n found attalia, it's no) DEFINITELY NOT: ally (was on OG Takagi (my idol) and takagi post-swap, so unless swap idol, N/A).
Jess is voted out 5-3. She becomes the fourth member of our jury.
0 notes
survivorkomnata Ā· 5 years
Episode #9:Ā "Anyone wanna speak up?" - Zach
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ok so miguel was voted off 5-4-1 miguel/ME??/luke. the four people who voted me were stephen / ally / jess / luke. thankfully, i could count on the Kato 2.0 people on having my back. we also just made an alliance!!! because FUCK my og alliance with stephen/ally/(and karthik). and I STILL HAVE AN IDOL.
ok i'm just shook. i lowkey thought maybe alyssa was playing me but.. she wasnt. she saved me and i owe her for that. i hope it doesnt really hurt her position in the game but she's by far playing the best i think.
i'm just shook. i'm not mad at anyone. i apologize for how i acted post-tribal but oMGGGfgGgG these BITCHES|!!! it's the game tho, and i hope i can keep on kicking and swinging cuz im gonna fight tooth and nail in this game.
also it's so funny idk why but me saying the last line was ALGKDLSGK i still laugh:
anyone wanna speak up?
(ill give more later im just.. frazzled)
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Ummm so about that fucking vote. WTF IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?! WE HAD THE CHANCE OF TAKING OUT A FORMER WINNER AND A PROVEN CHALLENGE BEAST! I'm convinced the IQ of this person who flipped is a -20 because.. that was the stupidest move in the existence of Tumblr Survivor..... and I'm the QUEEN of the House of Stupid Moves. I can declare it.
I'm not 1000% sure right now who it is but I have two guesses.
My first guess is: It was Ally.
Reasons: 1. Ally has admittedly worked with Zach in another Survivor game. 2. She also arguably had the MOST contact out of everyone with Zach all day. 3. She possibly wants to pin this vote on Alyssa to break up any possible alliance between myself/Stephen/ Alyssa. 4. She wants to break up me and Alyssa 5. The group of Karth/Zach/Ally is a thing?
My second guess is: Alyssa Reasons: 1. If Zach left she is the next biggest threat here. 2. She wanted a shield. 3. She's trying to build as many relationships with people as possible to cover her social fucking ass. 4. She hates me and wants to off me and will use Zach to kill me in this game.
I honestly don't even know if my predictions are correct here but... I sort of hope they are and I don't look dumb in the future.
My plan going forward is: to not create a bigger mess that was already created.
XOXOXO Jessip Girl.
I'd also like to add another reason why I think it's Alyssa is because Miguel was one of the people who tried to vote her off.
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Wow!! An attempted blindside gone wrong. This was really exciting and fun. These are the reasons I play this game for, finally happy to see these happening. A lot of lies and betrayal all of which is understandable but these things has got me pumped up. I am going to play with my emotions and they have triggered me. Time to start playing the game and play it hard. An attack on Zach is an attack on me, so they better be prepared to handle my rage.I feel this was a very good tribal in terms of the game as it makes its future bright and exciting. Luke....what are you doing??? Everything that has come to out of his mouth so far has been a lie. I just cant believe the way he is playing, no where close to what I was expecting from him.
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After last night's chaos... my word. I have a feeling Touchy Subjects is going to destroy some people here.
Plot twist: I've heard some recent developments about the flipped vote.
According to Tim it was Luke? Oh? Buddy.... has officially been put on my "Shit List" in this game. You can't sit around and play both "sides" of this game. THAT'S MY JOB.
I'm not too sure how I'm going to break this to Ally. She might not believe me but I KNOW I NEED TO TELL HER.
Also: I still don't get why sooo many people trust Tim. I know Tim doesn't trust me anymore or maybe... not as much as he used to. BUT why did he tell Zach right away about the Miguel vote yesterday? IT ALL SEEMS SO SKETCHY.
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Being thrown in the basement has given me an opportunity to reflect on some things in the game. I was kinda flattered to be the winner of both "running the game" categories in Touchy Subjects. Unfortunately, that perception might cause the other players to plan more behind my back. I know from last vote that being in the basement before Tribal Council shouldn't impact things tooooo much for me. Still, I'd rather have the opportunity to talk with people whenever I want.
Speaking of last vote, I tried to blindside Zach! And it didn't happen. The original plan was Miguel, but things got switched up when no one seemed to bite into wanting him out. Ally wanted to get Tim instead, which signaled to me that she obviously didn't have a strong relationship with him. So I had to swoop in and say Zach should go instead because Tim is in one of my many alliances. Honestly I'm beginning to prefer the 4 Elements alliance over AJ's Angels because it's possible Alyssa was the one who flipped, and she's not telling me it was her. But after Touchy Subjects, I think I have a better chance against Karth in the end than I previously thought. He's viewed as inactive, which I personally disagree with, but that perception is very good for me.
Another alliance I'm in is the "Samurais" which I would have liked to call "The Resistance" but Luke had other plans. I honestly just view this alliance as a means to an end. That end being.... getting Zach out, SOON! Hopefully Ally has a case of tunnel-vision with getting Zach out as soon as possible and her/Luke don't suspect a thing when I flip right afterwards.
All of this is contingent on Jess feeling the same way, since flipping on my own wouldn't get me the numbers, which I think she will now that she sees the other players view Karth as being dragged to the end.
I'm still in the basement, so I don't know who the 2 sides are voting for. I doubt Zach sent me down here because he wants me to find an advantage... so I could be a target. I hope Karth and Tim would keep that from happening, and push the vote onto Luke instead. I might prefer to get Jake out just because I don't have a strategic relationship with him, but beggars can't be choosers. It's not like I'm particularly close with Luke anyway.
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Ok so sorry for not making confessionals as often as I did before!! Ā The game has literally been warped based off of the fist merge vote. Zach was targeted by Stephen, Ally, Luke, and JESS. Freaking Jess flipped on me when I thought we were really tight and cool. I played off my frustration with the others in the alliance of the 4 elements as understanding but I made moves. I first formed that allaince but now I formed an allaince of Kato 2.0 minus Miguel ofc. Tonights vote I want to do Luke but lets see. I will talk about challenge results soon as well!!
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i won IMMUNITY!!! i'm so blessed because i've been told by two sources (namely tim & alyssa) that i was going to be targeted had i not. so? bless!
regarding what ''subjects'' i won: - would dump rice in the fire [true] - biggest physical player [true] - most likely to have an idol [true] - trust the most [false??] - want to see win at the end [false lol]
so that's interesting. i did a tentative game ranking and originally i put: alyssa > zach > ally > karthik > stephen > jake > jess > tim > luke
but now i'd put: alyssa > ally > karthik > zach=stephen > jake > jess > tim > luke but it's still super tricky to accurately rate because of the multiple factors you could include (threat size, potential to win, potential to go to FTC, allies, etc.). i honestly think my jury management is 0/2 so far, and that i will lose at FTC due to ''not working with people'' even tho i entirely blame others for that :D
now let's talk about the reasonings for voting me (hopefully i haven't spoken about this already): stephen - were worried about a potential idol play/new vote so they voted the "safer option", named zach. --> this kinda throws me off. i think it's realistically the most truthful of the 4 excuses, but it's kinda sad that my name was a ''safe'' vote opposed to someone having my back (because i have tried to work with them and especially like. jess.) ally - felt betrayed by the stephen w. vote and like i ignored her. --> i think this is dumb. firstly, girl, we kno u are STRATEGIC. secondly, i didn't ignore her whatsoever?? i was the closest to flipping imo but i didn't because stephen w. targeted ME? like if she genuinely voted me bc i didnt flip after my name was stephens main target (bar jake) then... sister idk what u want. luke - last minute scramble, didn't think i was getting many votes. --> well this is just false. point, blank and period. jess - that when she offered miguel's name, i was hesitant and freaking out (and that she wanted to be my number one opposed to number two). --> dumb. i told her miguel's name. i said it'd be sad but i'd be down and not willing to stick my neck out for miguel. maybe i came off poorly, sure, but if you truly wanted 2 be my ''number one'' u shouldnt make the vote me but rather someone else.
i'm just peeved.
on top of that, karthik is sooo rude??? like he didn't tell me shit about the basement until i confronted him. LIKE. I SENT AN ENEMY (OF MINE) TO THE BASEMENT AND YOU FAILED TO LET ME KNOW THAT YOU GUESS EVERY 6 HRS OPPOSED TO 24?? LIKE ?? I COULDVE SENT IN A DUCKING FRIEND!! so rude. i honestly am questioning my trust with him more and more through each round.
i also want to talk about someone that's great. JAKE! i love you so much. last confessional i may have doubted you (and, maybe the round before) but i'm extremely appreciative for you in this game and i can't stress enough that i'm just paranoid as duck and worry way more than i should. thank u LOL i trust u a lot now.
but, that's all in the past. let's talk about tonights vote. allegedly, stephen told tim that the target was going to be me, but due to immunity, jake is now the target. this makes a little sense given allys been wanting jake out the absolute MOST, but i feel like it'd be a decoy. don't matter tho xx i'm safe. alyssa is also apparently flipping (or, staying i guess) with our side and voting out luke - who is our sides target. i see logic in voting luke. he'll be the easiest of that side to get out, but on the other hand, he's the least threatening and if i'm going to flip someone, it'll be easier to flip people against ally (best liar, etc.) or stephen (running the game, etc.) opposed to luke (voted out next, don't want 2 see win, etc.). but have it be known that i'd CRAVE idolling out stephen or ally, and i may just do that.
it's still early in the day, and a lot can happen. i'll try* to keep yawls posted. i genuinely trust no one and i'm like at the stage of being sad ): because i don't think i can win and i don't think anyone wants to work with me even though i feel like i've been super social. i am always opened when i play games, and that may be 'snakey' or something but i'm willing to work with ANYONE. but they are not seeing that, and i don't know what to do abt it. maybe they're targeting me for being a threat (as a main reason), and that'd make me content but it feels like i'm one of those "one sided" people and... yeah. i guess only time will tell, but my fatass is in final 8 with an idol and all these birches know that, and i'll just have 2 play around that. good luck to me LOL ALSGKDLSKG
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After a shocking touchy feelings, Iā€™m feeling nervous about this tribal. No one is saying anything and Iā€™m honestly feeling like Iā€™m going home tonight. People are telling me I shouldnā€™t be and I want to believe them but I just donā€™t know.
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ugh I want to save Luke but I cant afford to lose Tim/Jake/Zach's trust so I may have to just follow the groups preferences and vote Luke. I would rather have preferred the target to be Jess/Alyssa as they seem to be playing good games and aren't close to me. I had talked it out with Luke and now I feel like he would be help to my game down the line but dont feel like going over the board to save him.
Luke is voted out 5-4. He becomes the third member of our jury.
0 notes
survivorkomnata Ā· 5 years
Episode #8:Ā "stick to ONE STORY, not nineteen." - Zach
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I think missing the Joint-Tribal Council has been a net positive for my game. Both Takagi2.0 and Kato2.0 were unable to put their differences aside to settle the vote, which means Attila is free to come in and play kingmaker. The choice here is obvious. Kato2.0 could use some shrinkage. Hopefully starting with one of the two original Kato members.
I've re-connected with all of my allies. A lot of them were scared for me during my little tie incident. But now that we're back together again, we have nothing to worry about. ;)
Ally told me everything about the Joint-Tribal vote, and how Kato2.0 seemed unwilling to flip on itself. She even went so far as to tell me Zach seems more loyal to Kato2.0 than she originally expected. Maybe she'll be down to vote him out sooner than I expected. Karth also told me about the vote, and the dynamics of the Kato2.0 tribe. Jake seems to be the odd one out in all of this. It sounds like he's starting to isolate himself socially by being too sketchy with both the StephenW/Federico votes. I wonder where Miguel/Zach/Tim fit into all of this.... I guess if Karth flips, it won't really matter anyway.
It's weird to feel this safe with my alliances right now. It's honestly a new feeling for me in ORG's. I'm finding myself questioning whether I'm being arrogant or if my position is really as good as it appears to be. I put a lot of work into my relationships in the pre-merge and I feel like my social/strategic bonds couldn't be stronger than they are right now. I just hope it all starts to bare fruit here and I can be a serious winner contender.
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Luke is a crackhead confirmed.
He literally is as messy as a Sloppy Joe. His stories literally don't add up in any way, shape, or form. He first began by letting me know that: Karth, Aly, and, Zach are in alliance. (He's basically trying to get me spooked about those three potentially working together in this game. K cool. FINE. Spooked? barely?).
BUT THEN he goes on to say the votes for Stephen Z were 5 to 3 and that Aly voted in the minority... but? if she had this alliance? wouldn't she have known where to fucking vote? Weird, right? Why would she flip on her "alliance" of Zach, Karth, and herself. THEN he proceeds to tell me that Aly flipped between voting out Zach and Stephen all day?
In conclusion, Luke is too messy for my taste and needs to go.
the end.
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OMG I feel so happy we finally merged! I feel like I have options to work with in this merge as I think Zach, Karthik, Jake and Tim could stick together. I also have the option to work with Luke and Jake later on the game as og Kato (I have 0 interest in playing with Alyssa). If I had to choose someone to leave next it would be either Jess, Stephen (Bc I don't know em) or Alyssa who I never trusted. Also the joint tribal was a mess but it ended up going the way I wanted with an og Kato gone. (why do I want an og Kato gone?) well most of them are liars and players, but I don't wanna close the option to play with em, so like the least og Kato members there r the best bc no one would expect that probability. I also reaaally like Ally but I'm not exactly sure if I can trust her.
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Well the joint tribal was intense as expected. Glad to have come through it and made the merge without facing much trouble. I learnt a lesson not to trust someone just based on past relationships. I had been looking forward to meet Luke as I have played with him on EM and he is lovely. But the first day we meet on this game he has been going around saying Zach,Ally and me are an alliance that would run this game. Not cool Luke! But I can't blame him for this as he is playing his game. I trusted Ally a lot too but off-late things seem odd with her. She told me she was voting Stephen W but then she tells me that she changed her mind at the last moment as Stephen W told her that he had an idol. I am not sure if I could believe her on this. I cannot feel comfortable anymore in this game and have to start reconsidering my options. I have been on good terms with Tim and I am planning to try and improve on it and be his best buddy. Feel things are gonna get real intense now with the merge and I am hoping I could lay low and somehow survive the next couple of votes and plan from there.
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I actually made merge? shook.
I'm not too sure how exactly I am going to navigate this merge at this current moment. If you would have asked me 10 days ago who I would want to work with in the merge I probably would have had a different answer as I currently do. Honestly I found myself working with... Alyssa somehow again. However, I feel like we both know we want to end each other's game but none of us can do it just yet. So that's going to be a problem down the line and It'll be fun to see what happens. However, I'm more worried about ending Stephen's game than I am at ending Alyssa's. This dude has COME TO PLAY. I can see him making it far in this game. You can already tell he's socially connected, strategic, and I'm sure he can bring the physical when needed.
... but... I can't start killing my alliances games just yet. Right now I need to build relationships with everyone and I'm STRUGGLING to do so. I don't know if it's just these people in this game or if it's me? I've been attempting to talk to every single person in this game but.. I'm not getting much. I know this is going to sound horrible but.. trying to socialize with some of these people feels having to go to the dentist. It's unpleasant.. but I have to do it.
To build some sort of trust with certain people... I used what Luke told me about the "alliance" of Zach, Aly, and Karth and let them all know in order to build some trust. However, Alyssa randomly already knew about it (I didn't tell her) and so did Tim? So? Big Mood Energy.
There are rumours of a Kato 2.0 alliance going around currently. I want to end that "alliance" BAD if it really is a thing. However, I really don't want to step on Tim's toes and blindside him. Once I lose Tim's trust in this game I think my game is going to become significantly harder to play. I'm just not too sure what the fuck to do. I'm already flopping hard here.
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Well, to the basement once again and it sucks. I never find any luck in stuff like these which makes it terrible. A lot might happen during the merge vote as its an important vote and being left out of it is not so good for me. I can feel that Ally and Stephen have lost some trust in me which makes me sad and worried as I have been considering them as my core allies. I dont feel so good atm and I get a negative vibe which tells me I could go home tonight :(
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AHHHH so merge!!! Im so happy I made merge!! Stephen won immunity as well as Alyssa!! Ā I hope I can survive!!
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I find myself in a fast forming majority with Ally, Jess, Stephen, and Alyssa. Ok the flip side Iā€™ve been speaking with Karth, Jake, Miguel a lot and with Tim and Zach a bit. Iā€™m feeling okay right now as no one seems to want me out and itā€™s looking like I have possible moves to make, the vote is set on Miguel at the moment but by tonight who knows what could happen. Idols are a big risk as well at this point so while Iā€™m feeling safe im also highly nervous. Iā€™ve been to the most tribals of anyone left in the game I believe so I have learned to expect some sort of drama in the last hour or so before tribal that could change the vote entirely so Iā€™m not totally locked into a vote but I have my ideas, we will have to see what happens
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i'm NOT FUCKING SURE what's going on. anyway, here's a recap of the past few days. -- STEPHEN VOTE -- stephen's a king, i love him. however, he handled this round very poorly and that got himself booted 100%. i'm happy he's on jury though i don't think i stand much chance at his vote. let me go off about something: i wanted jake out. i was so close to voting jake because i don't trust that kid really and i knew the perception would be "kato 2.0 5 are STRONG" - which it is currently. i'm WOKE! ally even told me this and it's common sense. HOWEVER, stephen threw my name out and basically threatened me (briefly, vaguely) about voting me out and i don't like that. you do not try to get me to flip by threatening to vote me out. that is not how i operate. so to the people who think we're strong - know that's not the case. i dont want to get cocky, but i think i was a swing in this vote (i could've gotten any combo of karthik, tim, and miguel to vote jake with me, or even tied it alone) but i didn't because stephen decided to throw me UTB and luke decided to be messy. stick to ONE STORY, not nineteen.
-- MERGE -- we Ā made merge. it was really exciting to reach this stage of the game, as well as jury. at least if i get brutally blindsided ever... i'm getting to vote for a winner!!! that's really all i could ask for at this rate. but now that i've accomplished two of my goals, it's time for the next step: winning. i find this cast to be dry. by that, i mean... not super active until the time is appropriate. now, before i get dragged, i understand - why be super active when you don't have to be. but it's just been boring for the most part and no one's really utilizing the 24 hours of freedom to secure bonds (but neither was i so i can't fully complain). i got to reconnect with people & meet others. jess is great, and i missed her so much. stephen is still the same for me - sketchy but fun. alyssa is one of my favs and within minutes of speaking to her i understand why she is a force to be reckoned with. was there someone else... no. so everyone's great. anyway, alyssa and i made a pact to not target each other due to being known as 'big players' or whatever. she might've been stroking my fatass ego but... it worked.
-- IMMUNITY -- when immunity comes around, people are still staggering when it comes to socializing. some people, however, made deals with me. jess/alyssa/karthik/miguel are all legends. if i forgot someone, rip. anyway, i stayed mostly true to my deals, maybe giving it off 1 point value from where i promised. i know that i can easily win this immunity but i kind of don't care and give alissa the +3 (i thought about giving her -3, which means i win - and that would've been the case). Ā now, before i get voted out tonight and flamed, ill say that i didnt want to win this immunity and it wouldve made me a bigger threat regardless. immunity results happen, and alyssa/stephen win. that's fine. i wasn't planning on voting one of them out this round.
-- TRIBAL -- i have talked about most of this in my conf chat so i'll just regurgitate it: ally told karthik the vote was miguel (or his name was going around). he told me. stephen told tim same news, tim told me. i think this is a decoy vote. why? because why would you tell everyone the vote, especially given that there is fear from multiple people about the Kato 2.0 alliance staying strong (it's not even alliance. BTW, POST -SEASON -- YOU WILL SEE THAT THERE WASN'T AN ALLIANCE.). am i close to them? yea, most of them, but that's the same with any combo of people who are on the same tribe for a few days/rounds. i tell jess about hearing miguels name, she asks who, i leak tims name. this was a mistake because i dont really trust jess 100% but... anyway. coincidentally, after i do this, stephen comes into my pms. he explains that miguels name has been floating around alongside the rumour of kato 2.0 being strong. this would be smart if i was dumb but it's clearly to save face. i'll credit stephen/co. tho. it's smart. i should want to vote out one of the five to secure myself and make the target fade. but have it be known that i don't see the benefit of tim/miguel/karthik leaving this tribal, especially given my target size. it's just odd. i also realize jess told karthik what she told me - about how the rumour of me/ally/karthik are a tight trio - is going around. she told me she was informing me of this info to 'have my back' but girl told other people too so i aint important LOL. alyssa tells me my name is going out now by stephen, and he allegedly has numbers. these numbers would consist of ally/stephen/luke/alyssa/jess + maybe some kato 2.0. i'm worried now. i don't anticipate jess/alyssa would vote me this soon. ally shouldn't. it'd be dumb bc i can leave at any tribal if you dont let me get to like f5/6. but i can't expect these people to always play to their win-con bc they may think their win-con is something different.
so at the moment, i struggle as im full of confusion and stress once again. maybe i should've won immunity (but also i felt like alyssa couldve beaten me easily so i didn't bother). i think the vote could be me, it makes more sense than the vote being someone like miguel (and everyone knowing said information). ill have to reassess the situation soon, but i may idol tonight. i want to trust that the following people wont vote me: alyssa/jess/karthik/tim/miguel - but can i? idk. if i could have my way, one of jake/luke would leave tonight . or stephen but sisters immune so.
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this tribal has been so quiet i hate it
miguelā€™s name has been kinda drifting around the whole time
lukeā€™s name is coming up a bit now
we officially formed ~the samurais~, which is me stephen luke jess and alyssa
and the 5 of us are gonna try to blindside zach
idk how well this is gonna go but i have my fingers crossed !!!!
i will NOT let these kato 2.0 bitches keep dictating votes on my ALLIES!!!! LEAVE LUKE ALONE!!!!!
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Miguel is voted out 5-4-1. He becomes the second member of our jury.
0 notes
survivorkomnata Ā· 5 years
Episode #7:Ā "keep me because im so cute :3" - Zach
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omg i forgot to confess bc i was so busy.... so this last round was honestly p straightforward. the ~international~ alliance stuck together. i feel bad cos liam is the loml but ): a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.
lowkey pissed the other tribe didnā€™t send me to the basement. they can choke !
iā€™m nervous about the joint tribal bc letā€™s be real iā€™ll be going. iā€™m nervous for whatever tribe goes with us cos if itā€™s atilla iā€™m worried someone iā€™m close with will leave. tho honestly i would flip on stephen z. so weā€™ll see!
iā€™m feeling rly close to luke and iā€™m excited to potentially make merge w him (:
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Winning this immunity challenge is a double-edged sword. I'm immune at what will probably be a chaotic joint tribal, and LIKELY going to be making it to the merge soon. At least I hope so. But there's two major drawbacks, and I want to talk about why I'm worried about each of them.
Number one is obvious, I can't socialize with the 4 Kato members that will be at this vote. They'll be meeting 4 more original Takagi members and potentially bonding with them while I'm sitting here in what is basically exile. I need to pay even more attention to my first impressions because these players are definitely going to have some kind of deal going before I show up.
The second is just as important. i won't be at this tribal council, meaning I can potentially lose an ally here without having any ability to change plans for the better. If Karth or Ally get voted out here, my game takes a huge hit. A hit that I might have been able to prevent if I was there with Jess and Alyssa.
But, I'm gonna enjoy this safety while it lasts. I want my last few moments away from the merge to be stress free, since I know things are really going to pick up once every piece is on the board.
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i'm going to tribal for the second time this game, and it's a joint tribal. rip. i am riddled with fear and stress.
i don't think i should be targeted. i believe i've maintained a solid social game and appear as a benefit to most people. i trust karthik/tim enough to not vote me, and i think i've developed somewhat of a grounding with jake/miguel. though ally/stephen/luke may identify me as a physical threat, i think ally knows keeping me is best purely for a shield purpose.
however, there is that little voice in the back of your head. the one that says "you're a physical/social threat!" and "it's the (probable) last vote for premerge, why wouldn't they take out a threat???" - though i disagree with this logic in terms of how i feel/play orgs, you can never know until it's too late. personally, i'd be taking out a goat or someone who is playing a similar game as you. if you're a shield, take out a shield. if you're UTR social, take out another person who is UTR and social. you want to be the BEST at your role, and i don't think anyone is as big of a shield as me (atm, of course). maybe i'm overhyping my game (and p.s., in no way am i saying i'm playing a good game, i just mean physically im pretty dominant).
jake mentioned stephen being an endgame threat due to his social game and likeability. he (stephen) is someone i wouldn't mind taking out. i have no connection with him, and he has had a tendency to flip on alliances (confirmed by jake/miguel/ally; the TJ vote). it just seems too obvious.
as for my idol, i'm not sure. if the person i vote (stephen, whoever.) is idolled in any regard, i'm likely idolling. i am NOT leaving premerge with an idol - that's ugly. but it's a tribal with no advantage i fear most. i don't want to overthink it. i've wasted so many idols because i critiqued every little word + action. i want this game to be different. i'm totally using it tomorrow bc im a paranoid mess btw. but i truly would love to save this idol (if i'm safe, of course) for future use.
in the wise words (or title) of that one type of game at the killing floor in Murder Trivia on Jackbox Games:
decisions, decisionsā€¦
idk. my fear is that it's final 11 right now. merge is in the horizon. if this joint tribal (for me) was any earlier, i'd be more secured i think. they don't need me for tribal immunities anymore. so, what will they decide?? keep me because im so cute :3 or throw me in a ditch and call it a day.
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OK SO FIRST SORRY FOR THE LACK OF CONFESSIONALS I'VE BEEN SO BUSY WITH MY 1st ever THEATRE PRODUCTION. And I haven't been able to talk to anyone at all which bites. I am lucky that my team sat me out for this challenge because I woulf have flopped but we flopped anyway lol.
NOW WE'RE AT A JOINT TRIBAL NNNNNNNNN and i do not approve. Ā  Jake talked to me and pushed the idea of staying with the 5 on kato 2.0. I totally agree with this but we just need to come up with a nameā€¦
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By some miracle.... Attila came together this round and... actually..beat.... the... other... two... tribes. LIKE YASSSSS QUEEN YASSSS! I'm almost certain we will be merging next so it's always nice to know that you didn't suck enough to NOT make merge?
Speaking of merge, that's all up in the air for me right now. I still have no idea what my merge plan is.... I'd love to link up with Tim, Karthik, and Stephen but something tells me nothing is ever that simple. I can see a world where Tim, Karth, and Zach got extremely close. I can also see Tim's paranoia about me and Alyssa grow out of control and that's just something I'm going to have to deal with in this game. It's a fact.
I really want to end Zach's game FAST. I'm really afraid he's going to just keep winning immunities and that's going to suck.
Going forward I DO hope the trio of myself, Alyssa, and Stephen stick together but lord... I don't see that lasting very long either..
Let's just say... I'm prepared to get messy. Messica is here y'all!
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Something fishy is going on here. So Zach is, without a doubt, the biggest physical threat in this game. Ally tells me the best way to move the votes is to vote out a threat. I say Zach. Ally says no, Karthik and Tim would never vote out Zach. But you just said we should target a threat... Oh, i see, you meant an OG Kato threat. Right, ok. Its worrying that Jake is being shady and lying to me when he really needs to open his eues and see that if he doesnt work with us then OG takagi is gonna vote us out 1 by 1
Iā€™m going home but ive told ally i have an idol cause i might leave but ill be damned if i dont make an impact before i go
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a timeline of my thoughts throughout this tribal that iā€™ll probably end up dying in for being messy: ā€” 12pm: iā€™m worried about getting votes bc for jake and miguel iā€™m the only person they donā€™t know well miguel knows me obviously but not in game ā€” 4pm: THESE PPL ARE ALL MESSY kato 2.0 is gonna control the vote and at this point iā€™m just gonna seal stephenā€™s fate byeeee i tried to get a majority but stephen is an idiot and only wants to vote zach so iā€™m going to go shove him under a bus to zach now and hopefully theyā€™ll kill him ! ā€” 5pm: jk i hate all of og takagi they can all choke stephen is gonna try and get all of og kato to vote together and i'm voting with them bc fuck zach fuck karth ! tim is ok we don't rly talk i'm gonna try to flip miguel i have low hopes but we'll see ā€” 5:30pm: iā€™m being so messy but i don't even care bc i'm sick of being ignored by ppl who are allegedly!!! my allies!!! ā€” 6pm: WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENINGGGGH I AM LOSING MY MIND I HATE ALL THESE PPL ā€” 6:30pm: so stephen has an idol zach might have an idol letā€™s pray my messy ass isnā€™t getting votes for being a messy ass and maybe everything will be ok ā€” 6:47pm: something feels weird. idk what. fuck survivor!
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SO I JUST SAW THE MOVIE US. Oh and I will recap on that crazy joint tribal in a second but now I'm at CHILI'S. And I feel a merge in this Chili's tonight.
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Oh my GOD. Oh my G O D!!!!!!! We WON????? HOW????? Iā€™m actually dead cuz weā€™ve been strategizing literally since yesterday about what we would do in a joint tribal situation. Like I was looking at the results just PRAYING Takagi lost and Anna Jane announced they did and I just felt a huge sigh of relief. But then she announced who was safe????? And it was Attila?? I??????? WOW. Iā€™m just really happy. I mean it sucks I guess cuz now itā€™s one less round to meet new people and maybe itā€™ll put me at a disadvantage for the merge that may be coming but like???? My head not being on the chopping block is pretty. Um. YEAH! Iā€™m hoping that they vote out Luke tbh... but I guess weā€™ll seeeeeeee. For now Iā€™ll enjoy being safe!!!
Stephen W is voted out in a 5-3 vote. He becomes the first member of our jury.
0 notes
survivorkomnata Ā· 5 years
Episode #6:Ā "in the wise words of The Rolling Stones, you can't always get what you want." - Stephen Z
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With Isaac eliminated, there really isn't anywhere for any of us to hide. I talked with Jess and Alyssa and all 3 of us really wanted there to be a merge here. Unfortunately, in the wise words of The Rolling Stones, you can't always get what you want.
I trust Jess. She said she'd go to rocks for me at this past vote if she had to and I think she was telling the truth. We have allies from old Takagi we're just waiting to re-connect with and possibly take over this joint! I've worked with her in successful plans and in failures. We've been allies at our most uncertain points in the game and we came out the other end of it in the numbers.
But I trust Alyssa too. Really. When Jess was sent to the basement, we came up with the plan to make Isaac vote Jess instead of me, which he was originally planning to do. In a way, I betrayed Jess there in order to make sure I wasn't a target at Tribal Council. Alyssa is a good player, and I could really use an ally like her.
It's at the point where losing this Immunity Challenge is bad for me no matter what happens afterwards. There's no possible elimination from this tribe that is good for my game. If we lose, I'm going to either lose one of my closest allies, or my own game could very well end.
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I canā€™t believe itā€™s day 15 already. Isaac left so thatā€™s another orinigal Kato gone, my only concern is that every Tagaki member will stick together but there has to be cracks, especially since Karthik has told me with who he did not talk so I could use that if I need it in a future merge, me and Zach have continued to get along so maaaybe I would be fine if we ever went to tribal.
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i just did immunity and prepared ~15 lists.
none of them were used.
i flopped.
and before i started, jones said two haunting words that will forever trigger me . . .
"spelling counts" i shudder when i write this and i responded, "well it'so ver"
furthering my triggeredness (sp?)
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WE JUST WON and I maaaay have just made merge witg being in Final 11 and whewww, hopefully we merge but even if we don't I feel like I will be safe, me and Zach talked about what could happen if we lose and we both said that we were NOT gonna vote each other and I'm happy to be playing with him rn, especially since he has become my new #1 since Fede's elimination.
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Ugh Zach beast moded again, talk about challenge threat heā€™ll definitely go soon after merge. As soon as possible if I get any say. So Iā€™m in the basement, and the teddy bear betrayed me and apparently I got a finger boo-boo and thats knocked me out for my entire time down there :/ Also Stephen the Lesser didnā€™t go home last round rip. Iā€™m worried about Luke. At least if he goes I know Ally isnā€™t on my side and I didnā€™t have to find that out when she votes me out.
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Zach wins immunity once again for the tribe all by himself....my wig. This guy isn't letting me go to the tribal council :| Gosh, this is getting so boring for me now. I am just locked up here and this doesnt feel like playing Survivor at all. I am ready for the merge and hoping for some crazy fun stuff to follow it. I have consciously underplayed my social game with Miguel and a bit with Jake so that I dont appear as a threat when we merge. Uhhhhh thats it, bye!
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Iā€™m finding myself at tribal once again, at this point I have been to almost every tribal this season, but if Iā€™m remembering correctly, have avoided getting a single vote at any tribal so far. Iā€™m feeling okay as Ally and I seem to be on the same page for this vote and therefore have control of the vote. Iā€™d rather an og Takagi go home so we can keep the og kato numbers at a good point for merge. Iā€™m a tad nervous that I could be blindsided tonight at tribal but Iā€™m hoping my loyal allies donā€™t decide to go down that route, we have been working well together and I donā€™t want this to end for me, I feel that Iā€™m playing this game really well as Iā€™m showing a new side of myself each week. Iā€™m so close to the merge and Iā€™m really hoping to make it to the merge this time around. The game continues and Iā€™m ready for whatever comes next.
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Ok so I'm not sure if I confessed or not but rip Isaac!! I saw it coming. I completed the challenge and Um!!!! I FLOPPED SO HARD. I HOPE my tribe can pull through and win this. Me and Karthik are already taking precautions by discussing the vote in case we lose and one of us is sent to the basement. I suggested Miguel and he was down for that vote!
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The fact that I've made it to Day 16 is really astounding given the fact that I've been playing worse than I thought. The bright point is me and Ally are hopefully gonna live through this tribal! If all goes to plan, we've hopefully flipped Luke and Stephen will be going home. Would be nice to have a takagi idol but oh well :)))))
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Not having to worry about a challenge to Tribal Council has been really refreshing. I feel really comfortable predicting that the merge is coming up soon. F11 is a great time to merge since it makes since whether Final Tribal has 2 or 3 finalists. My plan then will be re-connecting with my old Takagi allies plus Alyssa so we can take down that original Kato alliance she told me and Jess about. That will only get me so far though.
Once the merge happens, I'll be a lot less worried for my own safety. I honestly don't think I'm seen as a huge threat right now in any of my alliances. I need to pay attention to how the people I'm planning to send to jury perceive me and my allies though. Most of them have never talked to me before so I'm worried in that regard. However, I've been pretty good at forging new alliances in this game. The merge is my last chance to make some positive first impressions and I plan to do just that.
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Pretty sure the pressure of this challenge aged me a good 10 years. It was a do or die kind of a competition for my tribe. If we would have lost I would have most likely had to take out Alyssa. If I kept her over an original tribe member it'd be basically death for me in this game.
BUT we didn't lose so.......ha. However, the more I think about it.. the more I KIND of want to keep her around since she's a target? But I've also done that before and she won the game. I'm a M-E-S-S.
I'm pretty sure merge is this upcoming round and I don't think I have a gameplay for it. I think I will most likely have to reconnect with Tim somehow and constantly reassure him that I'M NOT WITH ALYSSA. Then I gotta kill Zach in this game somehow. I can see him winning all of the competitions going forward unless it's a luck based competition... I'm going to have to adapt and that's that.
I don't know if the basement would even be considered a thing come merge but I can see Stephen W pulling off the unthinkable and found something...
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Ok so I'm not sure if I confessed or not but rip Isaac!! I saw it coming. I completed the challenge and Um!!!! I FLOPPED SO HARD. I HOPE my tribe can pull through and win this. Me and Karthik are already taking precautions by discussing the vote in case we lose and one of us is sent to the basement. I suggested Miguel and he was down for that vote!
So I also talked to Zach about a potential tribal and I mentioned Miguel but he was hesitant and asked why him. I simply stated that I like Jake more lol. But we ended up WINNING!!!!!!!! And omg Zach got a fucking 100 and carried the hell out of my flop score of 26.
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i'm going to answer your questions: 1 - i'm not sure who'll leave. i wouldn't be surprised to see stephen or luke have the idol. i honestly... couldn't predict it. 2 - merge is either gonna be after tonights tribal or final 10. BAM! 3 - i have one. i think one of alyssa/stephen/luke have kato idol. if alyssa, the bitch has two idols. 4 - fuck the basement. i wanna go there one day. 5 - this game is v well hosted i'm sorry yawls aint gettin confs ?? 6 - sister only got 2 more rounds at most so.
-- tim told karthik & i that if we went to tribal, he'd wanna vote miguel. it's interesting, but it's not surprising (in the regard that jake is better socially than miguel) but i wasn't going to let that happen, no ma'am.
i don't have much to say butttt ill make more content or whatever WHEN merge hits (or post tribal i guess, if it's just another round).
karthiks so fucking funny omg i love him btw. i post my fav memories w/ him in the conf but ya.
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FUCKING FINALLY. If we legit went to tribal with 3 people I have no doubt I wouldā€™ve been fucked. I KNOW Jess has cutting me on her mind because she must be thinking she wonā€™t be able to win the game otherwise. Iā€™m really pulling for Stephen to survive in this Takagi tribal council. I need him once we get to merge to face the people who tried to get me out at the beginning of this game.
Liam is voted out in a 3-1 vote.
0 notes
survivorkomnata Ā· 5 years
Episode #5:Ā "my wig is scalped. i am ascending, friends." - Jake
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Just realised I forgot to confess about my winner pick yet. I have predicted correctly both the the times I have done this. Looks like this is the only thing I am good at in ORG's so why not keep the trend going. With that said, my winner pick for this season is Zac...wait nooo. I said I am done with playing nice. Gotta give myself a chance , so my winner pick is Karthik. GG
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Okay so the swap continues to be great! Basically my relationship with Zach has improved a lot so hopefully he is down to work with me! And it would depend on what he wants if they wanna eliminate Jake or not, I personally donā€™t care lmao but I think that maybe keeping Jake might help me to have options with the original Kato aswell (who Idc about but as I said I canā€™t close that door) but anyways I really donā€™t wanna have to decide yet so I wanna win this challenge more than anything right now.
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We going full crackhead
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not much has changed. we are immune again, and so i'm final 12 (which is the common # for merge, but i anticipate otherwise this game). it's exciting because my main goal right now, bar winning/jury, is just single digits, and i think that's achievable.
on my current tribe, i think i trust karthik the most. i speak to him daily & we have fun conversations, and he likes to mock me which is really fun for me. tim i trust but we have been lacking conversation (though i believe that's due to inactivity opposed to us being weird). i already went through miguel & jake in my last confessional so i'm not going to regurgitate that. i love all 4 of these men so much.
i can't help but think i'm majorly fucking up with my physical side. i really carried in the puzzle immunity, which was a public immunity. this means that other tribes are going to notice me. on top of that, i was in a majority like i deadass could've lost and have been fine (afaik). i sent ally/liam to tribal in the minority (luckily they thrived) & i sent another og-takagi majority to tribal and i lost one. odd, but whatever. i'm just paranoid i think because my biggest thing is skewering others perceptions of me and i think i'm making it much harder by performing exceptional in most challenges.
i'm thriving tho. i lost my trail of thought but... king. love u all. i am talking to a friend about driving n life but there was something i wanted to fucking talk about im STRESESDDDDDD. idk. yeehaw.
oh i remembered - the exile decision. though this wasn't for the complete round, it was so stupid for tim to suggest 'jess' and 'stephen' or something. like???? sister???? either send alyssa so she lacks connection & they boot her or send someone else. idk. it made no sense to weaken the social game of one of our own, but maybe he's playing it odd. regardless, miguel and i spoke in pms about it and we were on the same page (and i made a mistake of saying ''hope they vote alyssa out'' or something similar, which isn't ever my game (to elaborate: i never directly say anything but rather insinuate because im ditzy n dmubb :p)). it was just annoying like maybe i'm overthinking it but ... bye.
im getting like 7th-10th i know it.
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Iā€™m ecstatic right now, my tribe won immunity and I have officially broken my Survivor ORG record. Itā€™s also looking like an og Takagi is goi g home tonight which helps as going into merge I want as many og kato as possible. Iā€™m a little wary of Stephen at this point but thatā€™s the game of Survivor. Stephen is a strong player and while I like working with him, I think he needs to be voted out down the road because he is definitely a strong strategic player like me, maybe a stronger one. Right now I need to focus on getting back into the game as I definitely was limited for the past few challenges. It showed in this challenge as I helped my tribe win the challenge. The merge is coming soon and Iā€™m hoping to make the merge and continue showing a new side of myself, like David did in Milennials vs Gen X. Doing this helped David excel in his game and itā€™s helping me excel in my season of Survivor. Iā€™m pushing myself to see just how far I can go and see if maybe I can win this competition.
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So glad we won, tribals are dumb. Wouldā€™ve liked to vote out Liam though. Still, canā€™t wait to be the only Stephen left in the game, Stephen Prime, Stephen Supreme.
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It just feels like a repeat of my previous ORG where I make the merge without ever going to tribal council and get voted out soon after. I am not so sure if this is a good thing for me. Its getting a bit boring. I want to play the game, be part of strategy talks, organize a blindside. get blindsided etc etc. These are the fun parts of the game imo and I feel these are about to happen as I am expecting the merge soon. Ā Hope I do not flop like my last game and last for a longer while this time around. Zach seems to like Miguel and Miguel has been feeding a lot of info to Zach. Probably they know each other from the past or something but either way they appear to be close. Zach had been planting seeds in my mind, saying more than once that Miguel seems to be cool and loyal whereas Jake is sketchy. I personally seem to connect better with Jake and feel like he is a better person to work with for me personally. He is a strong competitor and even if he doesnt happen to be the loyal kind of player, he is more of a threat and its likely that he would be targeted later in the game which are the kind of players I need around whereas I find Miguel to be a less threatening player who could slip under the radar and steal your spot at the end. I believe there would have been a push for Jake to go if we had lost but glad that didn't happen coz I do not wish to create any waves yet and cannot afford to go against King Zach's words. Fun fact - Zach has added me in 4 alliances within the past 2 days but none of those are with people in the game :)
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Daniel leaving at the last vote has been a big blow to my game, but it wasn't the worst-case scenario. With me and Jess still in I still have my most trusted ally on the tribe. I questioned Alyssa about having the idol since apparently I do that to all of my allies now, but she said she didn't have it. She brought up the possibility that there was only one Hallway idol available for everyone, and while I'm not sure I totally believe that explanation she did admit that she has reached 100.
We came up with a plan last night, where she convinces Isaac that the plan is to flip me and vote Jess out. Assuming Alyssa is loyal to the plan and Isaac buys it, I shouldn't be getting any votes tonight. I'll tell Jess everything when she gets back and hopefully this vote will be 3-1. But even if Alyssa is lying to me, there's a chance Jess might find something in the basement. And if she does, well.... I'll be trying to use it to "both" of our benefits ;)
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So woahhhh that double tribal huh!! I did not see either vote out happening. TJ went out on a unanimous vote and Ratboi played an idol into a split vote!!! I wonder what TJ did or failed to do in order to get voted out. Did his enemies end up on the tribe with him? And what about Ratboi. When did he get an idol? Was this from Kato or the basement?? Who split the vote in the first place? I have many questions and not too many answers as of now.
Ok so here is what I concluded so far. TJ, Jake, Alyssa, and Stephen W (The Australian) are one side of the old Kato and the other side was Miguel, Fredrico, Isaac, and Luke.
TJ ended up with Luke in the swap but Stephen W on his side so I am confusion??? Ally and Liam were there as well so idk.
So we win the challenge and I am PUMPED. Our tribe managed to work together and draft some potential questions as well as help one another out during the challenge. I managed to get a score of 7 which is dope!! Oh and our tribe also finished in first place meaning we got to send someone from the losing tribe into the basement.
The losing tribe was Atila 2.0 which consisted of Jess, Alyssa, Isaac, and Stephen Z. Now I initially thought the person going into the basement was immune so I suggested Alyssa because I know that she is aligned with Jake and I wanted to try and work with them at merge potentially. However, once I discovered that the basementee would return I switched up and supported Jake in wanting to send Jess. This was great for me because Jess is my ally and I didnt immediately suggest her so that sheds some weight off my shoulders. But umm I was also kinda rude and I stiff armed Miguel from trying to send Isaac back there. I know that they are aligned so I could not allow that to happen. I made the decision for the tribe and @'d Anna to let her know that the tribe (Aka me....) had decided on Jess. Now this could hurt my game because this could make me seem like I am hard to work with or not willing to compromise but only Miguel would think so and he's one of my targets so lol.
Hopefully at Attila's tribal Isaac goes home and the merge happens so I can slay it.
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What isn't going on? That is the real question...
Let's take it back to BEFORE Daniel's departure.
Prior to the vote ( literally 20 minutes before) I went on call with Alyssa and I can't tell if I'm just sipping Paranoid Bitch Juiceā„¢ or not.... BUT the first thing she asks me is if I have the idol. I was thrown off because.. 1) Why are you asking me this BEFORE A VOTE...AM I BEING VOTED OFF?. 2) Why do you have a SMILE on your face while asking me this. Anyways.. I've come to the conclusion that she may have an idol and isn't telling me because I want to kill her in this game. The purpose of this call was to warn her that I was actually voting out Isaac so she wouldn't be blindsided. I was trying to sugar coat it. Telling her I was conflicted and that Isaac may or may not have an idol but then the Google Hangouts link was sent and I didn't have enough time to tell her. After this Chaos and Daniel going I was hella shook. Alyssa seemed pissed at me and at that point I had no regrets. An idol was flushed and someone who would potentially come after me was gone. It was a major win/win situation for me personally. Then TJ going on the other tribe.. someone who potentially would have came for me... also: another freaking win.
THEN my night gets turned upside down and I'm summoned to the basement. I can't tell if the other tribe sent me there so I could find something and they LOVE ME or because they wanted to MURDER me in this game. It's still up in the air tbh. Being away from my tribe for a long period of time was scary. I'm kind of just hoping my relationship with both Stephen and Alyssa are solid and we can bo$$ this game up. However, am I afraid of Isaac possibly finding two idols in the basement? yes? do I want to be a paranoid bitch once again in a game? no? am I dying on the inside and thinking it could be me tonight? yes? am I going to drink wine before tribal? basically.
My game plan is simple. I'm going to be straight up with Alyssa and say I'm NOT doing Stephen. She either will vote out Stephen and we tie and we can go to rocks. 50/50 odds. Or she can keep Stephen. That's it. If an idol is played and I'm who they vote out.. I'll probably cry.
I refuse to even look ahead to after this tribal because I'm sort of extremely uncertain.
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Fuck this week, man. I'm so glad that Ally and I went from a minority to a tie at the best, but I'm just not super confident in much right now. Hopefully we just keep winning.
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hi i literally donā€™t have anything to say because nothing has changed since last round
iā€™m rly glad tj left i liked him but i liked everyone else more... and he VOTED me iā€™m glad daniel left in the tie on the other tribe cos we never spoke and iā€™m close to stephen z itā€™ll be interesting to see how their tribal goes this time with 2-2 tribal lines. iā€™m excited. i love jess and stephen so iā€™m rly hoping nothing happens to them thatā€™s p much it. i got nothin. sry.
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Sisters this might be the end of the road for me. I hope itā€™s not because Iā€™m having a blast but this 2-2 fuckshit is annoying. If I go I have a successful idol play to my name and a few iconic one liners, see yā€™all in All-Stars. Rotten Luck.
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Isaac is voted out in a 3-1 vote.
0 notes
survivorkomnata Ā· 5 years
Episode #4:Ā  "and that's what you missed on glee" - Ally
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Woo tribe swap! we made the right call booting fed, and now Kato has majority on my new tribe! Ideally i think Alyssa would ve here instead of luke maybe but i dont mind, i think Im good with both him and TJ
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With Federico gone I have to change my strategy, itā€™s a new game for me, I have two options rn, 1. Stixk with Jake and try to get one person from original Tagaki to flip or 2. Flip on Jake and work with them basically destroying my connections with the original Kato alliance. My position in the game rn is not one to envy tbh lmao so I NEED the immunity. Zach and I connected easily so I think I have the option to work with him there.
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After an interesting tribal, it was tribe swap time. I was so nervous until I realized I had a og kato majority on Ā my new tribe. Me, Stephen, and TJ are sticking together which is perfect since I will still have a safety net at tribal if we happen to go, which is a possibility rn since Zach is killing it in the challenge. Hopefully things change as the challenge continues and hopefully I will stop making stupid mistakes in this challenge.
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Tribe Swap!!!! So I ended up on New Kato with Zach, Karthik, Miguel, and um Jake. MY CROPS ARE WATERED, MY SKIN IS CLEAR, MY DEPRESSION IS GONE, MY CRUSH CALLED ME BACK. Everything is great bc of the swap results. If we lose then we have a pretty simple majority and vote out in Miguel or Jack although I am getting along with them so far.
The challenge is basically tasks but with puzzles. I REALLUY SUCK AT PUZZLES SO IM SORRY IN ADVANCE. Zach however is freaking killing the game right now. He is carrying our team on his back just like he did on the old tribe and this means 2 things.
1. Zach is someone that is valuable during the premerge portion of this game. Tribes are NOT going to vote him out because he is just too valuable.
2. Zach is someone that I would not like to permanently align with. If Zach makes the merge and keeps this challenge energy going he will win immunity multiple times and only those that are close to him will be able to be targeted.
3. (I KNOW I SAID TWO) He is someone that I SHOULD align with. He makes for a pretty easy meat shield in the event that I become vulnerable. If he does lose an immunity and becomes a target, he makes for an easy idol play. Just place one of those badboys on him and poof you basically get to choose who you want to go home.
I hope we win this challenge and the deamon that is TJ does not come through for his tribe. He's really fucking cute though like did you see that live tribal? ugh my heart gingers are so cute.
I forgot the fucking Australian is good at puzzles and is Australian. Ā Fucking time zone advantage!!! (Plus I suck at puzzles). Its fucking 2 am for me and Im gonna stay up and fight against the Aussie Its gonna be a LONG night.
I'm getting ready to turn Stephen into a "prawn" bc thats what they call shrimp for some reason
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I canā€™t wait till after merge or swap or whenever so i can vote out Zach and send him a voting confessional he has to solve as a jigsaw puzzle
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Alright, so I like my new tribe at the moment. Not only do we have a majority of old Kato members, but I know Ally from a previous game (which I didnā€™t know earlier). She seems really nice, but I know I need to stop making everyone to be the nicest person on the planet and remember that this is a game. Iā€™m playing to win. I need to immediately figure out if Stephen and Luke are going to vote with me (specifically Luke after last vote) or if I need to start charming Liam so that Iā€™m in with Liam and Ally.
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So uh. Fuck Me i guess. My tribe is 100% going to tribal. It could be worse. I could be stuck with Luke and Miguel after the Fed blindside. But still I guess? At least I have Jess. I adore her. Iā€™m just really nervous for this tribal??? I just almost went home so??? How much can I really grind like this is crazy. I feel like I might be able to solidify a majority with me, Jess, and Isaac but then do we vote out Stephen or Daniel? Actually no I already know who weā€™ll vote out. Jess says she doesnā€™t like Daniel so if the feeling is mutual sheā€™ll come after her and Iā€™ll be like um hey who was more active in the challenge chat? Daniel or Jess? Yeah, it was Jess. No way.
ANYWAY YEAH. Getting ready for the impending tribal because our tribe literally has -1 points smh
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I AM SO IRRITATED UGHHHHH. Ally and I are currently swapfuck victims, and the Takagi idol is GONE. Would've been nice for someone to leave it for us....oh well guess I'm getting 15th/14th bye friends
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My tribe was creamed by Kato 2.0 ironically. Once again Iā€™m at tribal council while within a majority alliance. Og Katos have decided to stick together which Iā€™m glad for, it makes the most sense and it keeps me safe and most likely moving forward to f13 and one step closer to merge/jury. Iā€™m getting very close to the farthest point Iā€™ve ever made it in a Survivor ORG, f13, and I want so badly to make it farther and beat my record. Iā€™m taking it step by step and day by day in order to reach this goal and every step of the way Iā€™m showing more of a new side of myself, one that I hope will get me far in the game.
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So this tribe is basically under mine and lukes control rn. We are just about to go into an alliance chat with Ally, we already have an alliance, our real alliance, with TJ, the only threat is an idol, but with these connections we should know whats going on. Simple
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Tribal discussions have started, and i find myself having control over my tribe along with Stephen. We have alliances with TJ and Ally and Iā€™m feeling great especially since Iā€™m the first tribal I was in I was at the bottom of my tribe and now I have risen to the top, Iā€™m excited to see what happens next as the game continues.
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So umm.... Zach found the idol at Takagi so thats amazing. Interesting swap and it doesnt seem to be a bad draw for me since I am in a Takagi majority with zach and Tim both of whom I trust. Its all nice to have some new ppl in Jake and Miguel both seem to be good to talk to. But in terms of the game, it still requires some time to figure out if we would actually be to work together meaningfully due to tribal lines and all. Looks like there is a divide in the original Kato tribe which was apparent from the vote which is good for us. Zach proved to be the hero once again and won the immunity for the tribe all by himself.
So things do seem pretty neat and smooth on my side so far. Its going to be F13 now and I havent still been to tribal council even once which has given me safety but its just getting a bit boring now. It just seems like its the time and opportunity given to me to get my troops ready and be prepared for the war thats Ā about to begin.
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So TJ has decided to flip on our alliance and vote Luke out, sigh. Itā€™s annoying how as soon as you think youā€™re on top someone tries to kick you back down. I still think voting out Liam is the best move though, I can bring TJ back with some choice words. Besides, i heard all this from Ally, who may be laying to save Liam by getting us to vote TJ, though its unlikely based on how she said it.
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So when I first saw my new tribe, I was pretty content. I'm glad I wasn't stuck on a tribe with TJ....and from first glance I thought our tribe was pretty strong. Well we totally sucked at the challenge. Now I'm hoping we just vote out RatBoy because he literally doesn't do shit, but people are worried about his potential advantages. I also just vote Jess out of another game, and she made some petty comments I wouldn't be surprised if I go home this tribal just because of that : ) Anyway, I'm gonna try to ensure the others the safest option is RatBoy if we want our team to have any shot of winning a challenge next round.
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ONCE AGAIN! It is quiet as shit around camp and I am REALLY fucking anxious. I'm making an official alliance with Jess and Isaac which should keep them both loyal. I really believe Jess wouldn't do that to me. We're sharing idol clues and shit so she has my back at least for now. I don't know how it's going for Isaac in building relationships but supposedly his social game sucks so fingers crossed. The three of us will make majority leading into this vote and we will most likely vote Daniel. Fingers crossed this works out because if my head is on the chopping block again..... I don't know. Obviously I was a top contender to go out on my last tribe so it's like... Would it really be that costly to vote me out here on the half of my tribe? Probably not. But also Jess and I worked our asses off in this challenge even though our puzzle ability is questionable. So I guess we'll see what happens. Hopefully I don't get so hopeless that I make another "Going home" confessional.
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Holy shit. This swap has be shooketh to the CORE. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. It was expected but I still did not prepare for it...
I have Stephen who is literally the biggest wild card for me in this game from my old tribe. I hope I can somehow work with him and build a layer of trust with him so his crazy ass doesn't come after me.
Then there's Daniel. I honestly have some MAJOR TRUST ISSUES with him right now. We are in another game together and I refuse to let that leak into this game but it's totally in the back of my mind. I just don't ever see the two of us working deep into this game but the only reason I have to keep him around is to appeal to Stephen right now. If I take him out in this vote.. I'm going to lose Stephen's trust 1000%. The plan is to keep him around ONE MORE ROUND and then take my shot.
UGH Alyssa. I hate that even in a god damn random draw... I got put with her. BECAUSEEEEE..... this is where my heart tells me one thing and my head tells me another. Our past game has left such a bad taste in my mouth (she beat me at Final 2) and I don't want a repeat of that. HOWEVER, it's way tooo early to take her out even though this TECHNICALLY would be the perfect opportunity to do so. All I have to say to Stephen/Daniel let's do Alyssa and Alyssa would go this round.
Reasons for not voting out Alyssa right now: 1. Strong competitor in comps (so we don't keep losing). Losing = Tribal. Tribal=BAD. 2. She's someone who I KNOW on this tribe. There's a bit of trust there. 3. She's Alyssa.
Then there's Isaac aka: Ratboy. Aka: Ghost. Aka: WHY ARE YOU HERE?! jk. I just can't get a read on him. His strategy seems to be to run into a bomb shelter and hope he doesn't get voted out. He might have an advantage from the basement and to me that's super scary at this point. I want us all on an even playing field and with him possibly having an advantage.. that's SUPER dangerous on a 4 person tribe after this round.
I somehow got put in the middle of two alliances for this vote. On one side there's the original Takagi tribe alliance consisting of: Stephen, Daniel, and myself. Then there's The Tree Amigos consisting of: Isaac, Alyssa, and myself. I think the only way to get out of this vote somehow decently is to vote off Ratboy and say that it was either him or Alyssa and I swayed off of Alyssa to keep her safe. I'm going to have to tell her this about an hour before the vote to calm her tits and to not totally blindside her. If I blindside her she's just going to be more insecure than she apparently is in our relationship here. She's already asked me if I lied about my idol search... so there's that.
HOPEFULLY this goes well for me. This tribe swap wasn't the ideal outcome for me (I was kind of hoping to get swapped with Tim) but I THINK I can make out of this alive somewhat okay?!
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omg i love getting swapfucked... such an aesthetic the tribe layout im on rn is 3 from kato (tj luke stephen) and 2 from takagi (me n liam) i feel like i've done a p good job @ bein social with the other tribe,, and stephen suggested an alliance btwn him luke and i so we have that now (called 'international') i rlly wanna try to save liam tho and i think tj might've given me the chance to do thathe messaged me last night and was basically like "i want to flip to takagi and vote out luke" and i was like ok sis! and immediately ratted him out to stephen (and im gonna rat him out to luke too) and i'm hoping that'll be enough to vote tj out. a lil part of me was like "what if this is a SETUP?" and he was gonna immediately run to stephen/luke and tell them im not trustworthy but idk it doesn't seem realistic. but im hoping that we can vote out tj now cuz i want him here the least out of everyone on the tribe hehe. im PISSED about the challenge. zach having a majority on his tribe and still going out of his way to carry his whole ass tribe on his back and drag them to a win and leave me and liam to DIE? NOTED, ZACHARY. if i survive this fkn swap im COMING for you!!!!!!!!!!! JUST WAIT!!!!!!!!!! also some bitch on og takagi got the idol before me so fuck everyone on that tribe.... and that's what you missed on glee
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I am in so much freaking fear right now. I know this feeling all too well about tribals with five people. I've been in a 3-2 majority before and been idoled out in exactly the same fashion as I could see happening today. So, right now, I'm playing TJ the Villainous Ginger and trying to plant seeds here and there to hopefully avoid being the person voted out tonight. I'm trying to guarantee the minority votes Luke and the majority sticks together, and then I'm trying to build my relationship with Luke by talking to him about all of the potential situations with this vote and how we could maybe prevent an idol screwing us up. We need original Kato and original Takagi to go back to around the same number of people so that the options at merge become a little more... fun :)
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So we won the challenge!!!! I could not be more relieved that we pulled it off and are safe. Zach really is the MVP this time. With the Kato Tribe immune, all 5 of us stay for next round which is great because the individuals on my tribe are all people that I would'nt mind working with. Miguel and Jake especially because they are my window to working with people I have yet to work with when a merge comes. For now I am going to lay low until mid merge (really late early merge) and then strike.
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ok so as i predicted, a swap occurred. here are my thoughts: - i'm in a majority (with karthik & tim) - i talk to jake & miguel a lot. i like them both a lot, they're rlly funny. - if i had to send one home (given we go to tribal), i think i lean to jake. he's closer to alyssa/stephen and unless miguel is rlly playing me (which, props to him), he's (jake) more likely to do damage down the road and be against me and all that jazz. but i love them both as people and theyre both enjoyable beings. and for some tea that i gathered (which may very well be wrong/distorted): miguel/luke/stephen/federico/jake had an alliance. stephen & jake flipped. miguel doesn't know jake flipped but he did. this could be baiting me but afaik they're not on the greatest terms (or, well, aren't that close i guess). this shows that alyssa has great sway (not shocking!) and that she's gonna be someone i want out sooner rather than later, and that's kinda why i'd vote jake out over miguel, just to weaken her. alternatively, i could take the route of using her as a shield but ppl are sexist n will just assume im a bigger threat bc im a MAN ... when women > men in gameplay for the most part but ANYWAY! i said it.
also, with the idol system being identical, someone (only options being ratboi & alyssa, which the former will likely leave tonight) may have two which is very scary.
right now i feel comfy. i know in merge i'm finna get fucked up with.... being such a physical (and social) threat early on but bitch i'mma fuckin try my best. i regret telling karthik about my idol. i've contemplated voting him out because then no one will know but i love him too much and he's by far who i'm closest with, i think.
i anticipate the two people leaving will be ratboi (isaac) and liam. the former i'm fine with, but the latter imma be really sad with. liam is great and i love him so much and i feel like he's someone that would be more loyal to me than the average person in this game. but, however the cards fall, so be it.
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Stephen just said he's sorry that he left me out of the first vote... this is awesome that he doesn't know that me and Alyssa are the reason that first vote was Shea. I really like Stephen, so this is awesome that he thinks that, it makes it a lot easier for us to work together in the future. Now I really need to make sure I survive this tribal so that I can keep this up. Please Luke, don't flip on me... Also, why did Jess and Alyssa have to be swapped onto the same tribe. I don't want to lose Alyssa to her for a second straight game, lol.
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So, scenarios: Me and TJ vote for Ally, Ally and Luke vote for Liam, Liam votes for Luke. We tie, and either Ally or Liam go, but now I have broken Allyā€™s trust; Me Ally and Luke vote for TJ, Tj and Liam vote for Luke. TJ goes home, which is fine cause he betrayed us, but that may cause problems with other Katos and now Kato doesnā€™t have majority on our tribe; Me and Luke vote for Liam, TJ votes for Ally, Ally votes for TJ, Liam votes for Luke. A mess, Liam goes home, TJ and Ally both feel betrayed.....this is too much iā€™m going nuts. At the end of the day i dont want to lose TJ or Lukes trust over Allys trust, so I think voting Ally is the best move??????? God I hate this, remember when Luke convinced me we were on top? That was nice, lets go back to that.
So i realised that by getting tj on board to vote luke, then spilling to me and luke and getting us to vote Tj, ally and liam would have their pick. however, we are communicating pretty well so i think that cancels out her manipulation. However Luke is offline so rip. So now it comes down to if Luke is voting Ally, Liam, or TJ, and is Ally and Liam are voting TJ or Luke. I trust that TJ is voting Ally. Hmmmmm.... If i vote ally and fail I have made a powerful enemy, however if I dont vote Ally and make a mistake Iā€™ve lost TJs trust. I donā€™t think I have a choice, I could throw my vote away and vote for Liam.... no thats stupid. Its either Tj, and throw my lot in with Ally, or stick with Kato and vote Ally out. Choices, choices.
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Iā€™m playing my idol because these people are on crack and I donā€™t believe a word thatā€™s coming out of any of their mouths.
Daniel is voted out in a 3-1-1 vote, tie ending in a 3-0.
TJ is voted out in a 4-1 vote.
0 notes
survivorkomnata Ā· 5 years
Episode #3:Ā "Iā€™m probably the biggest threat rn because Iā€™m gay" - Isaac
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My tribe seems to hate me so thatā€™s amazing. I understand the sentiment behind it or lack thereof. Whatever though it just seems counterproductive to blast me like that when I, and the other tribe who chooses who goes to exile, can see it.
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Welp, we lost again, but last night I ended up getting rid of Shea who could have been a threat to my game and proved to be very strategic so good riddance. Right now Imm in an alliance with Fede, Stephen, Luke and Jake. And we will have to either decided to eliminate TJ or Alyssa and tbh iā€™m leaning more towards Alyssa but idrc tbh.
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We won the challenge!!!!! Woot woot. Me and Jess have made it to 61 on the idol search! We're gettin close kids! We also strategically chose to send ratboy back to the basement!! He may find some advantage there but at least that makes tribal more difficult for everyone else!
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we won immunity āœØ im so excited because tribals are stressful and now im not sure what would happen if we did attend. i feel pretty safe with the connections ive made as of this point buttttt as always, you never know.
i think there may be a swap tomorrow. it said a live challenge and all but im not rlly sure... maybe both??? swap at 14 seems reasonable too but i feel like itd be too long. but yawls could do that and then merge at 11 or smthing. either or, if we do, i hope im not swapfucked LOL.
also fuck the idol system. its so hard 4 me likeeee i always only last two steps before BZZTā€™ing. šŸ˜”
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And so starts another round of "how the hell do I keep my name out of people's mouths?" Right now, I think the obvious vote would be to do Miguel, but there's still a lot of question in that. So do I want to make that move and be the driving force behind it, or should I play more conservative to guarantee what just happened to Shea doesn't happen to me.
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Dear Confessional, I am writing to you today to confess my sins.
I really want Daniel GONE. I thought he would be someone on my side since he's the only person aside from Tim I knew prior to this game. However, he's super underwhelming. He's busy so I understand but the effort just ISN'T there. I've been trying to build some sort of connection based on our prior relationship and it's just stale. Tim expressed that he had some interests in targeting him to if we lose so I hope that time comes because HOMEBOY HAS GOTS TO GO. Him and TJ WILL work together and that won't be good for me. TJ ain't no bitch. He's gonna target me as soon as he can because of Guyana.
Speaking of Guyana.. Tim! I love Tim. I'm really enjoying getting to know Tim but he's acting so paranoid lately. Today he asked me ONCE AGAIN not to share our idol search.. Why would I do that? 1. It decreases MY CHANCES at an idol. 2. I don't have anyone on this tribe I like enough to help find an idol with BUT TIM. I know he has his doubts about me and that's ONLY normal but I hope those doubts sink like the Titanic SOON.
Tim and I are getting CLOSE in that idol search. We are half-way there. I know he's going to try and make sure I go before him in these searches to see how far I've gotten. It's going to be a mess whenever one of us gets close to the idol. I'm kind of regretting agreeing to idol search with him because that idol isn't going to JUST BE my idol and I'm a greedy bitch.
Do I think a swap will happen? Probably. I can see it happening if our tribe wins one again. Am I prepared for it? NOT AT ALL. I kind my new tribe. My new tribe makes me feel safe. I am safe when I am away from TJ and Alyssa.
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So I just found the hidden immunity idol and Iā€™m like ????? SHOOK???? Like in the game right now Iā€™m probably the biggest threat rn because Iā€™m gay but ALSO because Iā€™ve been to the basement the most. Tbh Blame my fucking idiot tribe. They legitimately blasted my ass in a public place where the other tribe could see? Like OF COURSE theyā€™re going to send me back after that. I canā€™t let anyone know that I have the idol. Some secrets just have to be taken to the grave. I can feel my game slowly starting to turn around, hopefully I can persevere and give the underdog story Iā€™m meant to give šŸ˜”āœŒšŸ» Iā€™m literally sobbing because my tribe just HATED me and now I have another form of safety besides Takagi.
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I am sooo confused rn about what being loyal actually is. I am not the kind of player who pits people against each other but rather the one who tries to keep his allies together to make progress in the game. I am only as strong as my allies so I do require solid,smart allies to enhance my game. I do believe I have found such allies in Zach, Stephen and Ally but the only problem is even though we have an alliance together there seems to be some mistrust and we are not working as a group. Ally wasnt interested on working with Zach for the idol and now Stephen and I exchanged notes to figure out that Ally has been working with both of us for the idol hunt. Stephen also came up with a plan which makes us stay one step ahead of Ally in the hunt and I am going with it so that I could build some trust with Stephen. I would have rather preferred us to be open and just worked together on the hunt as a group.
I am torn on how to handle things coz there is no other option but to lie / hide things from one person so that I could be loyal to another. I would like to be loyal all the 3 equally as of now but unfortunately thats not even an option. I do consider Zach as my #1 now but it sucks that I have to keep things away from him. I just hope I could somehow come out of this unscathed.
This seems to perfectly fit the Escape room theme of this game as you have lot of choices to decide from but you will never know which is the right path until you reach the destiny.
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Itā€™s a tough round for me, being limited during a challenge and potentially another isnā€™t good for me but Iā€™m pushing through. I still have my alliance to fall back on and Iā€™m hoping no scheming is going on behind my back but idk Iā€™m getting some sketchy feelings from my tribe, this tribal should be interesting and show some true colors. Hopefully I can make it through to the next round and show my tribe that I will be there when they need me.
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This is such a hard week for me after the drama of last round. Goddd I said I wanted to lay low and be drawback, but when people are so laid back it's really hard!! This might be my last confessional. I've decided against creating more chaos. I'm laying low and hoping that the alliance doesn't betray me. Some people are being quiet, some others are being VERY quiet. It's scary. If I leave, am I leaving this game with the head high, satisfied with my game? No. I should have played differently, I should have sticked with the plan. I shouldn't have bitten the bait so easily. Am I doing the right thing by lying low after last tribal? Probably not. We'll see. There are still many hours leftā€¦
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My mental state is finally more stable and I'm less worried about school taking up my time, yay!
I think going forward I want an All-Canadian alliance, cause I love those people the most. That being said, I'm not gonna be the one to divide lines...at least not until whoever else voted me goes home!
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So FUCK playing a quiet game. Usually my MO beginning games is to stay as quiet as possible but uhhhhhhhh it's not looking like the social plane of this game is going to allow that. With Shea popping the FUCK off last round, everyone on my tribe has been suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper fucking quiet about this vote. Like.... absolutely silent. Which is like???? Cute and all????? But it's literally 6 hours before tribal and we have 0 names out there for elimination. UNLESS of course mine is somehow being thrown around??? But I doubt it because me + TJ = Duo and I have heard TJ is a VERY loyal ally. We've done nothing around camp to indicate that we're close so I wouldn't be surprised if they went to him with a plan to get me out. And I also have faith that if TJ knew of a potential plan to get me out, he would tell me. We just need a jump on a name at this point. So insert MYSELF. We have 5 people on this tribe and TJ is 100% on my side. I feel safe with Stephen and Jake, and that's majority for me. So I'm literally gonna be like that pots and pans lady like "I AIN'T GET NO SLEEP CUZ OF Y'ALL, Y'ALL AIN'T GONNA GET NO SLEEP CUZ OF ME" and be loud as F U C K about who I want out and where I want this game going. Like tbh.... I'm not even 100% on the name I'm throwing around? We just need SOMETHING that isn't me or TJ. And the bottom of the list on our tribe for me is Miguel sooooooooo ya know here I go. TJ is 100% on board, Jake seems like he is, and Fed is giving some push back. I think ultimately Stephen will do whatever TJ and I ask and if jake is on board, we don't need fed anyway. Let's just hope no one's lying to me and I don't get turned on for TALKING....
also can we talk about how i'm the only woman on this tribe? And also the only one DOING ANYTHING. Girl power, amirite?
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These past few days I've tried to lay the ground work to get this idol somewhere in my grasps. I figured out that Karth and Ally were searching for the idol together while I was also searching with both of them, and came up with a plan with Karth to tell a itty-bitty lie to Ally in order to make sure one of us gets the idol. I'd really like to find the idol myself since a swap could separate me from Karth, Ally and Zach which I do NOTTTTTT want right now. Ever since I started searching for the idol with Ally, I've become a little less worried about her/Zach/Jess potentially being a tight group, since she doesn't seem to be cooperating with them to find the idol.
Strategically, I don't really know where Tim/Liam/Daniel stand. I wanted to make an alliance with them a few days ago, but I don't feel like I really need to anymore, and they don't seem all that interested in getting super in-depth strategically in the way I want from my allies. I think if we lose, Liam or Daniel will be voted out for being inactive similarly to how Timmy was. Tim and Jess have at least been active socially and I think down the line I could work with them more closely. Liam and Daniel either feel really comfortable not getting strategic with me right now, or they don't care. Either way kinda makes them look sketchy to me. Daniel especially since he was in the minority at the first vote.
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OK HMMMMM ignore my previous confessional... Either this people are amazing liars, I'm incredibly blind, or they really believe I'm not snaky.... what door would it be? Cause now they started throwing names, and they seem interested in having me voting with them........ Okayyy I can work with this. Now the question is... Do I lie like last week and continue with my pizza hut character (ty Shea for the inspiration) or do I become a good boy? Hmmm
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Once again Alyssas the target, it sucks because sheā€™s awesome but i get a ā€œgood playerā€ vibe from her and that worries me. Alternatively I can pull Alyssa, TJ and someone from the Abscondants and vote out someone else.... or maybe I should just play it safe.
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We won another challenge woooo. I feel bad I wasnā€™t able to help, but I have just been unexpectedly busy lately. Iā€™m still trying to keep in touch and connections with most of my tribe so when we do lose Iā€™ll be safe. But really there isnā€™t much to say when we win and all get along!
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So today I decided to LIE to Tim about how far I got into the idol search. I just need to keep at LEAST one search ahead of him to secure this idol. HOWEVER, pretty sure there's going to be a swap either this round or next round and alll my beautiful progress will be LOST. I feel bad about lying but I can't SHARE the idol. This is a risky move because it could possibly ruin shit with TIM so I'm scared shitless..
Also? I have an alliance now? Of: Me/ Tim/ Stephen/ Karthik? oh? I'm down with that but I don't trust Stephen not to spill to others. But when offered an alliance you CAN'T say no? right? it's NOT POLITE.
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Ok so first here is my video confessional. I said 13 people left when I meant 15 but meh it will be ok.
Ok so MAJOR TEA INCOMING. I just pulled a powermove by approaching Stephen about forming an alliance. He suggested it be a group and I suggested Karthik and Jess, my two closest allies as of now. ITS LIT. We're just waiting on Karthik to wake up before we make the group. We love a powerplay making King called Tim. I just hope this doesn't backfire.
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thank FUCK shea got voted out... now i can go back to forgetting his unfortunate existence on the same planet as me. i wish i knew the tea from last tribal tho. obviously heā€™s a messy POS and based off tribal answers he came for my fave argentinian fede so... glad he went
hereā€™s some thoughts about my Quest To Find the Idol sorry itā€™s a screenshot i canā€™t copy paste on mobile https://imgur.com/a/T9UccpS
as for my relationships with the tribe,,, i rlly love karth. heā€™s an angel. i like stephen but i donā€™t trust him. zach and jess r skinny legends. i had a nice chat with tim yesterday and heā€™s super funny!! the only person i donā€™t rlly talk to is daniel, so if we go to tribal before swap heā€™s who iā€™d want out for sure.
iā€™m kinda nervous about a swap but also hopeful. i feel like i have good relationships on my tribe and i also feel like iā€™d be open to making some w the other tribe too.
iā€™m gonna be high as hell for this 24h challenge so pray 4 me
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20 minutes till tribal? Definitely enough time to flip on my alliance and change the vote. Yeah, its fine. its fine. definitely. So alyssa and tj had a dnm with me each, and now i feel like out of the tribe its better to vote out Fed, and jake may be the 4th vote we need.
Federico is voted out 4-3.
0 notes
survivorkomnata Ā· 5 years
Episode #2:Ā "Shea is being Sheady" - Stephen W
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Hello world! I am quite lucky to be still alive after not being able to socialize adequately with my tribemates and doing the worst in the challenge. I gotta thank the other tribe for sending me to exile.
However I had to stay away from things and missed out on an opportunity to get into a solid early alliance. All the games I have played so far, I have started in comfortable position whereas in this one, I am already finding myself at the bottom and I have to work my way from here. I feel it's going to be a good challenge and I like it. I have to give my best in this challenge and prove my worth and I also really hope my tribe wins this one so that I will have some time to build some relationship and get into a better position.
As far as my tribemates are concerned, I know Ally and Stephen from EM. I have a good relationship with Ally and a pretty decent one with Stephen too. Zach and me have connected really well and he is lovely and great to talk to. These are the 3 that have shown interest in working with me so far. The rest are cool too but I need to have more conversations with them pretty soon.
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With the creation of the 'alliance' alliance, I've taken my first major step towards solidifying my bonds. I'm trying to keep things good with everyone on my tribe, because a swap can take me away from all my current allies, but I'm gonna prioritize my current group. My only worry is that I know Ally/Zach are at least somewhat close with Jess because they mentioned talking to her about the Timmy vote yesterday. Jess has given me information though, so I'm starting to feel like I can trust her. I'm just not sure I'm a high priority ally for her. The other guys on the tribe are great, but there seems to be a lack of willingness to talk game. I don't mind talking real life with anyone, but there needs to be a game relationship too, and it feels like I'm the one starting all the conversations regarding game with them.
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Day 4!! Yay! I survived the first tribal where Timmy was eliminated. I also got around to talking to Jess and sharing our idol searches in order to reach the idol as fast as possible. Upon his return, I talked to Karthik about everything. He was concerned about what would have happened if he stayed at camp (He probably would have left). I told him that I would have rallied for him and said other tings to win him over. Honestly him going to the basement was the best thing to happen to his game as well as my own because it kept him safe and I got to keep him in the game without rallying for him. Because of me winning him over, he told me about the basement and his basement search!! He didn't find anything though. I'm still working my social game on the tribe. I really want to pull in Liam and keep him close.
I must say that I'm enjoying my time playing my first Discord org. The platform really makes the game easy to format and such. This challenge is a flash game showdown which is neat and I fought to get 2048. I think that I'm doing great but honestly I could be flopping lol. I got 36k so far but I'm gonna keep on pushing for more!
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Just a few updates...
So I've been REALLY working HARD on establishing trust with Tim. I do think he's a ride or die kind of dude. I've been trying to give him every piece of info I have in order to build that trust. HOWEVER, I may or may not have lied and said Zach followed our season closely to make Tim paranoid about Zach (although Zach could have.. who knows?).
I think Tim trusts me because we created an idol-search list? He also gave me the tea he had from Kartik about the basement. I know I have zero chance of being sent there because of TJ/Alyssa (unless they think it's a punishment) so I'm sad I don't get to look for an advantage.
So I've decided to start keeping tabs on my game in the form of notes so I don't fuck up along the way or forget important events...
So I decided to look more into Zach and I basically found out that he's basically the male version of Alyssa but BETTER. His placements in MAIN SEASONS have been 1st, 2nd, and 4th. He NEEDS TO GO SOON. I need to make this happen before merge. I'm going to put my ass into SUPER SOCIAL HOE MODE and whore myself out to these people so that when the time comes.. we could possibly take him out.
Also I'm struggling talking to Aly. The first night we seemed to have a lot in common but now.. she just barely talks. I need to fix that ASAP.
I'm talking to Liam more (found out he created a FB series I'm currently playing). I'm going to work on that relationship hard tonight and in the next couple of days (assuming I stay).
I need to rebuild trust with Daniel about the Timmy vote. I've played with Daniel in the past and he also knows how I play so that's border-line concerning. He's also close to TJ on the other tribe so I'm shaking in my boots. I'm just in a shits storm and it's only day 4.
So I guess the Agenda for the next day is: 1. Keep working on Tim. 2. Build a relationship with Liam. 3. Don't fuck up in any way possible.
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Okay so we just lost the immunity challenge and Isaac (The person I wanted gone) went to the basement, Cool! Currently everyone is scared of saying a name which ofc makes sense, right now I want either Jake (Who I reaaaally believe is a threat) or Alyssa (Who tbh have not talked much with) gone, I have alliances with almost everyone not like alliances but like deals as I said b4, I'm very interested in being in an alliance with Fede, Luke, Shea and Stephen tbh but Jake also targeted (kinda) Stephen which also does not make me happy so I'll see.
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We lost, which sucks. We got demolished, which sucks. Isaac got sent to the basement, which Really Sucks because now no one knows who to vote for. So its ā€œsolidify relationshipsā€ time. Iā€™ve got Fred, Jake, Luke, and Miguel in the good books, Shea and Alyssa in the wings if I need them but tbh.... Iā€™m willing to cut Alyssa, sheā€™s the only one I know from skype, and a fresh start would he nice.... Idk as long as its not me right?
Well poop, apparently my name and Lukeā€™s are being thrown about. But definitely not by anyone in particular, no no, these names where brought up by the Phantom Tribe Member -_- Iā€™m trying to throw out a thirf name: Alyssa, just because I get the feeling I can throw her under the bus. Sorry Alyssa <3
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WHY DO I DO THIS?? I always try to please everyone and I overplay too hard! Ugghhhh Ok, time to slow down, follow the easy path of voting with this pseudo alliance, even if it means someone cool is out, and not try to build up shit. This is the hand I was dealt with, and that's it, I'm gonna work with it.
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Alright, so I think I just made the first move in this game without getting blood on my hands. When comparing some stuff with Alyssa, I realized that Shea was playing hella messy, and knowing that I would prefer to keep Luke and Stephen, it seemed like a necessary move to vote Shea. After Alyssa agreed that that would be a good move, we've worked on getting Luke and Stephen on board, both seemingly in with the plan. Now we would just need one more. Hopefully it didn't seem like Alyssa and I orchestrated this together and paints a "duo" target on our backs, but I'm glad that I have someone I feel like I could trust in this game (cross my fingers those words don't come back to haunt me).
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So. Drama. Tea. All those lovely things. So I managed to make an alliance between me Luke Federico (Who I have been calling Fred, oops) and Jake. Then Shea tells me Jake was the one who threw my name out. But then Luke spills that Shea is being Sheady and forcing names outta people and then spreading the info to cause #Drama. Interesting. Long story short Iā€™ve forgive Jake (for now) and weā€™re switching our votes to Shea. Bye bye.
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It has been a crazy, crazy day to say the least, Iā€™m chilling and baking a batch of strawberry lemonade cupcakes, thinking my tribe has this challenge in the bag. Then the big moment comes and we are swept by the other tribe 7-0, and Iā€™m flabbergasted. As soon as ratboy is sent to basement, I knew our first tribal wasnā€™t going to be so simple. I mentioned how I wanted to show a different side of me in this game and I am being way more social and helpful to the tribe than I ever have been in an ORG. From organizing the tribe while games were being picked to going on camera in the first challenge. Iā€™m feeling great and I am thinking that Iā€™ll survive this tribal and then my name is thrown out. I get so nervous and start thinking that my time is up in the game. Many of my tribe mates that I have socialized with kept saying they thought Iā€™d be safe and that they didnā€™t want me voted out. Iā€™m still feeling nervous until StephenW asks me if I want to start a majority alliance with him, which no one had asked me before. We pick the three best possible members: Miguel, Federico and Jake. In the few hours since the alliance formed we have been in sync with every decision and even figured out the source of all the confusion within our tribe, someone we all thought we could trust was playing us and we now have a plan to vote that person out. I feel like I am in a solid position in my tribe and as long as thereā€™s isnā€™t a repeat of my alliance tribeā€™s incident from EMBB8 I think I can make it far in this game and maybe even win.
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Yay we slayed the Kato's in the challenge and gave them what they deserved for sending me to the basement. I have made some good progress with regard to my position in the tribe. Stephen initiated the talk of forming an alliance and we ended up making an alliance of Stephen, Ally, Zach and myself. This is perfect for me and was exactly what I wanted.
I have also been working with these 3 ppl individually for the idol hunt so far and made steady progress. I have never done well with an idol so I would absolutely not mind any of these 3 getting it. At least I would be able to have the info of who is having the idol which would provide some clarity. Only problem is none of these 3 seem to be keen on letting the other 2 in on the idol hunt. It appears as if these 3 are just working with me alone for the idol. Maybe Ally is working with Jess too on this. But the thing is it makes me think that they feel closest to me out of everyone. I could be entirely wrong but if thats true, it makes me worry that they might be pissed of at me when they guess that I have been sharing the idol hunt with others and force them to lose trust in me. I hope I can somehow manage this with caution and come out of it clean. I definitely dont want to be seen as a snake so early in the game. Speaking of snakes, I dont get why whichever game I play, talks about Elmo pops up. Stop giving him attention, he doesnt deserve it!
Other than that, Tim has shown interest in working with me and he said he would rallied for me even if I hadnt been sent to the basement. I do believe and trust him. He is chill and does seem like a good person to work with so I am feeling a lot more comfortable now than I was 24 hrs ago :)
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we won immunity, and i won two (2) comps. FUCK multitask though, and even pomme pomme. both are fun at times but i was so stressed out. the one day that i'm actually doing something (i.e getting glasses fixed, dentist, being out all day), i volunteer for two flashgames opposed to just one. it don't matter tho considering we clean sweeped them and i'm soooo happy!!
so right now i talk to everyone, obvious at different amounts. stephen/ally (who are super close) approached both me and karthik separately asking for an alliance. now, i'm fine with them, and i talk to them a lot - they're great and fun. i'm just worried cuz those three are a lot closer together than they are to me, i think, because they're pregame friends (not saying they're premade or whatever, but they know each other from before). stephen mentioned (once again, jack/matt DONT READ) that we're kinda team meta because we're all from EM. well, he ain't fully wrong but ASKGLADSGKDh.
karthik is my fav tho. he gives me idol guesses and is such a king. i love him so so so so much.
it'd be hard to rank who i trust the most to least. i genuinely enjoy everyone's presence. i think daniel would be someone who's on the 'outside' and would be good to pull in, but i very much see him being the next boot if we lose. not necessarily because i'd want that, but just because he seems like an outlier given his vote against liam + not being as socially active as others. liam's from FB but i like him a lot. jess is soooo funny but is super close to alyssa. however, she's a loyal queen and i adore her sm. tim has been less... charismatic but he's so fun overall and i really enjoy him. ideally, i guess daniel leaves if we go to tribal again (given there's no swap), which would suck, and then i just hope we swap or something.
i'm also very scared of a swap. i think i'm one of the top three physical threats (on top of my Kuang Si record, which was asked by jess and is known by potentially a few, including ally). i'm just worried i'll be taken out late premerge as a physical/social threat but it's kind of hard to tone it down. i enjoy talking to people, not even just for game but that's my personality, and then i always am good at competitions. it's soooo nervous and i think i'm playing too hard too soon (not strategic or aggressive, just being a more power player ig. that's not being cocky i'm just worried, i hope its paranoia lol).
anyway, i'm final 16, living life. i called woman wonder marvel to karthik (it's DC but wbk i'm a dumbass).
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With the way things have been going with my health this week, I am so glad we're not going to tribal. I dunno, it's just been hard to get my head in the game but I'll keep venturing on!
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Ok so we won the challenge in a landslide LMAO. I think I proved to my tribe that I actually can be good at challenges, despite having a relatively low score last round. However, I am a bit afraid at this point that I isolated myself from everyone when I voted Liam, but hey at least I'm not a afraid to go for what I want against majority : ) I think to keep myself safe I'm going to have to continue performing well in immunity challenges, and hope we win the majority of them. I'm going to continue trying to build bonds with people like Zach, Stephen, and Karthik, but we'll have to see when the time comes!
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WHEW! This has been a round and a half folks. Some crazy shit happened. So okay opening the results? Crushing. I tried hella hard and so did everyone else on our tribe and we seemed to have been beaten in all these games by a slim margin so that was ASS. The other team took our ā€œabstainingā€ player away but thatā€™s fine tbh cuz I know Anna Jane wouldnā€™t give that to just anyone and Iā€™m sure he had a good excuse. Iā€™m kind of glad Isaac got sent to the basement because I always like to stand up for people who have good reasons why they didnā€™t do well in a challenge? ANYWAY. SO. Shea is talking to me and Iā€™m talking to legit only her and TJ trying to figure out what the best move is. Shea is P U L L I N G for a name from me and I said I guess Luke because I havenā€™t talked to him (although tbh I havenā€™t been AS on top of my social game here as I usually am). So SHEA is freaking saying Iā€™m a target because Iā€™m coming for Luke???? Which is FUNNY cuz I literally only said his name to TJ and Shea????? Anyway I talk to Luke and Iā€™m like yo imma be tea with you I got duped, Iā€™m not coming after you at all. Fishy shit. Turns out Shea did the same thing to Fed, Luke, and Stephen. WHAT. So Iā€™m out here strategizing with TJ (I LOVE F2ING WITH A SMART STRATEGIC PLAYER. Iā€™M SO FUCKING EXCITED. I FEEL SO OPEN WITH HIM IN DOING SHIT LIKE????? I trust him 100% Iā€™m ngl. Iā€™m living for the dynamic rn. I usually f2 with people and hide EVERYTHING but I legit feel like I donā€™t have to with TJ? I donā€™t KNOW. Iā€™m HYPE). So yeah TJ and I R A N this vote but I donā€™t think anyone knows it and that weā€™re working together? I donā€™t know man Iā€™m fucking EXCITED for this.
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ok so i'm currently in an alliance w karth stephen zach, those are also my 3 closest allies at the moment, + i rlly like jess. karth is atm my Ride Or Die i trust him the Most, w stephen in 2nd and zach in 3rd.
i'm sharin idol hunt stuff with both karth + stephen atm, separately.
here's some of my Thots over the last couple days:
AllyYesterday at 13:38 ok so stephen wants an alliance and wants to include karth so now iā€™m like hmm m i have to make sure that stephen doesnā€™t figure out that i fed my idol search to him and also i told stephen what happened in the basement so i need to make sure karth doesnā€™t know i told stephen that sis if theyā€™re closer than i am to both of them i am in so much trouble
AllyYesterday at 22:21 karth thinks iā€™m doing these long ass streaks cuz iā€™m combining me and stephens in our doc me: haha iā€™m so lucky x i WILL get this idol iā€™m DETERMINED blakkskskksksks tangling myself in lies and itā€™s only round 2 i rlly hope those two donā€™t talk too much but based on some interactions i had with both of them i donā€™t think they do otherwise stephen is gonna come for my wig he doesnā€™t like lies
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So we literally destroyed the other tribe in the challenge lol. I have had time to reflect upon the last tribal and the last round collectively. Timmy's final words were "Play the game for yourself and not for the majority" bro..... its is literally the first ever tribal council on the very first round of the game... like....... cmon. Its funny that Daniel was doing exactly that. Playing individually within a tribal focused game. Merge isnt until wayyy later so maybe try and fit in??Idk thats just my take. It showed that Daniel is gonna do what he wants to do regardless of the situation. On the flip side it shows that Daniel is loyal to a fault with people. Had we lost the last challenge I would have pushed for Daniel and if the next time we lose.... if we lose... I'm gonna try and get folks to vote for Daniel.
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Things have gotten super quiet. Itā€™s mildly concerning. I donā€™t think Iā€™m going home but with how confusing this tribal has been you can never tell. Pretty much every name in the book has been thrown out. Fed is really trying to create a Luke vs Alyssa narrative which would be great if that worked but it really isnā€™t. They arenā€™t gunning for each other like he wants and that does suck as Iā€™d be fine voting Luke. In other news, Jake is having a mild mental break. If youā€™re already freaking out now just go home because god the stress of ORGs gets SO MUCH WORSE. I donā€™t know whatā€™s gonna happen but whatever happens I know in my heart had Isaac been here heā€™d be gone. Sucks to suck, maybe we shouldnā€™t have done that to them last tribal.
I definitely think I could be leaving tonight. It's allegedly between Stephen and Luke but I just don't think that's true.
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My god. Im glad I already cast my vote for Shea. Makes all this nonsense drama a bit easier for me.
Shea is voted out 7-1.
0 notes
survivorkomnata Ā· 5 years
Episode #1:Ā "I'm ready to punch a bitch." - Timmy
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I swear to god... If y'all cast any of my enemies I'm gonna DIE. I need a chance to STRIVE AND NOT DIE.
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Omg getting in the game feels soo amazing, like I have said I have not played in sooo long so i feel this will be the ultimate test for my capabilities, the good thig is that not many people know each other so thatā€™s good. My idea for the first day is just to talk to everyone see where they are if they know anyone etc etc. This is just veery exciting!
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Feeling good about my tribe, most people have actually talked which is a big plus. Getting good vibes from Shea, and Miguel, and Federico a bit. If Alyssa is the Alyssa I know sheā€™ll be fun to work with too. Still though, early days on the Kato beach. First challenge is kind of annoying though as some of the items are ??? But Iā€™ve done some videos and Iā€™ll try and do more.
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WOOO the game has started!! I'm excited for the most part except.... THERES TOO MANY TUMBLR FACES HERE. I wanted an entirely new slate and a whole new cast for me but I guess that's a rip! I know Alyssa, StephenW, Zach, Timmy, Jess, and TJ!
I think that the idol system is definitely cute!! And I want to get an idol so yeah!
I think I'm hitting it off pretty well with Zach (He's probably good with peeps tbh), and Liam (Even though I confused his intro with Daniel's)
The challenge is a scavenger hunt aka my least favorite challenge so thanks, I hate it!!
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I can already tell that this is going to be an interesting season just based on the people that I already know coming into the game. I'm happy that on my tribe I already know Tim, Jess, and Zach so that should be good for me for at least the first few rounds. I don't really want to stick with the people I already know though because that's boring. I'm happy Alyssa is on the other tribe and not my tribe right now because I have no intention on working with her because people love doing whatever she says in orgs and I'm not here for it. If we get onto a tribe together or both make it to merge, she is my target and I won't be quiet about it. Might as well focus on my own tribe for now though. Besides the 3 mentioned before, I have only spoken to Karthik who seems alright so that's good. Only issue is that he's like 10.5 hours ahead timewise so that's going to be interesting. I still need to talk to the others but all in good time.
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hie girlies this is my first confessional of the SEASON! as always, i'll just give a typical analysis of each person on my tribe, how i vibe with them, etc. i'll also throw in some random pieces of info i guess woo. this is finna be long btw.
jess - she's a likeable queen but she has a big tendency to leave me on read. i think this is either her thinking i'm boring but i'm not sure. ik in TS guyana she was criticized at FTC for being lacklustre in responding so i'm hoping it's just that opposed to something on my behalf. she's really cool tho!! karthik - karthik is short in response sometimes but never leaves our convo on read, which i respect. he seems to know that i won embb9 + am 'really liked' in the community.. he rlly is delusional huh? jk ASKGDS he's great tho. i know my friends like him and he can be a great player so i'm anticipating working with him hopefully. stephen - stephen is a king too. he's someone that probably would know some of my game ig but... who knows. he's relevant in EM. our conversations have been fun and i'm really hoping to get close to him because he seems chill. timmy - i know timmy from tumblr. currently he's not that great socially but i do like him and we have a long ass snapchat streak. there are a few tumblrs in this game but afaik i don't have any bad blood with him so i'm def planning on roping him in. the most recent thing is he backdoored my mom's duo in his last org AKSGLDSG so... stan list. daniel - daniel knows me from a past org that i put no effort into, which i think is fine because i really only made it far since my duo/partner dragged me. i'mma play up a perception with him, but he is really cool as of now. i am SOOO worried that i did something bad or mean in that game and he's going 2 haunt me LOL. tim - tim is the person i've connected with most. he's really chill, actively messages me back, and is just fun and flirty. we've already talked about him and his potential boy, our favourite cereals and overall eating. i know him from tumblr too, but vaguely, but i was apart of the 'evil friendgroup' whereas he was on the other, 'nice friendgroup', but i'm hoping that has minimal impact if any. liam - liam is fine. i know him from FB but we've never interacted. he knows i played egypt so... if that's his perception of me.. i'm FLYING. he's really nice though + is a fellow canadian, so i'm hoping to get close to him. woo!! ally - saving the best for last. ally is really nice and i do like her a lot. she is sweet and like... we're great pals ?? ASGKDSG jk idk. we played a game together where i immunity ran final 6 onwards and voted her out twice (f4/3) and it left a bitterish taste in her mouth (but rightfully so for how i handled it). we are friends but i'm scared that she aint finna let me far. idk. i want her out soon bc she could do damage but i'd also be 10000% down to work with her again this game. WOOO idk. love u ally.
so that's the cast assessment. as for other stuff... well... the games fun. i hope some peoples lack of activity is just my paranoia rather than them hating me, because i don't want to come off as aggressive or anything, and in fact, i want to tone it down slightly this game AKSGDSGL. some dynamics/(matt please forgive me)meta this game include: alyssa / jess - a loyal duo in TS guyana. tim / stephen /// timmy - all tumblr girlies. not sure how close they are. i think stephen/tim were part of the 'nice friendgroup' on tumblr iirc. ally / fede - obvious friends, they literally FLIRT in the public VL (jokingly i imagine). they're both nice tho so maybe i make it a trio?? daniel / tj - rlly good friends i think. they're both zwooper kiddos and i think i played with both in that one zwooper game i played, not sure tho. will do research. miguel / liam / shea - idk how close they are but they are all FB-ish people so... i imagine they may have some thing. ally / karthik - i think
there's prob more but that's it for now. i'm not going to focus my game on that meta ^ whatsoever. i just need 2 keep in mind who's with who and who has some friends from before. idk. just a good mental note type thing. every game is a new slate tho so i'm not holding any preconceived notions abt them.
i really love everyone on my tribe thus far. can't wait till i become a bitch tho... i hope dat dont happen AKGLDSG
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So, I'm really happy to be here. This is my 3rd or 4th time applying so I feel ready and excited to play! I was super happy to see Alyssa on my tribe as we get along super duper well. I like my tribe overall.
This first challenge has me a bit nervous. I started my new job today and they didn't give me a very long break for the hours I worked and my ankle and knee are really acting up (I broke my ankle in like 2014 and my knee in 2016 and they still hurt a lot sometimes). I'm worried because I'm not sure if I'm going to be physically able to like dance around and do crazy stuff like that. It sucks that the first challenge is something I can't physically.
I'm just hoping even if I don't do the best in the challenge that I can kind of make some strong social ties so I'm not the first one out if we lose. I feel really good about Alyssa, Luke, and Jake right now. My strategy is always just to be in everyones good graces. If nobody wants me out, I won't leave, that's the goal.
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I was finally able to get part of my submissions from my challenge submitted and I plan on doing more tomorrow. I have been speaking with most of my tribe mates and I'm liking them a lot. I did get a bit of a late start so I'm worried some alliances might have formed but, it's all part of the game. I have good relations with Shea and Jake and I hope to further relations with Miguel and Federico so I have some solid foundations to work with and so I can hopefully have some numbers in case we go to tribal. I'm also proud of myself for going on camera multiple times for the video portion of the challenge as it was something I would have never considered doing in past orgs I have played.
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I'm not the best with confessionals, but I'll try my best! I'm quite enjoying these people so far, and I've really connected well with Zach, Jess, Ally, Karthik and Tim. That being said, I don't wanna really worry about allies just yet, winning is the first priority.
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So me and the tribe are getting along pretty well! The challenge is going ok so far but I still want to try and win! It seems as if we lose its Karthik.. but who knows!! Its time for fun pals and gals.
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Talking with Luke about not wanting to go to tribal first but Iā€™m low key channeling Aubrey and would love to solidify an alliance as early as possible, which tribals help with.
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I'm sad that we lost although I expected to lose and I'm actually quite glad that Karthik got sent to the basement. This means they are safe without me having to campaign for them. The person with the 2nd lowest score, Timmy, should be on the chopping block to my knowledge. I'm lowkey ok with this bc he doesnt contribute much to convosā€¦
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Ahh this game has been amazing for me so far! We won the immunity challenge so I wonā€™t have to vote anyone out! I have made genuine connections with many people in the tribe and I got kind of separate deals with, Stephen, Federico, Shea and Luke so I think they have my back. I have also talked a lot with TJ and Jake but no deal or alliance have been made with them. But as a group I donā€™t have like a group of allies yet just 1 on 1 alliances. In case we lose I would try to vote out either Isaac or Alyssa.
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First day is over, and I can't be more relieved. I love the fact that I cannot be the first voted out, and even more, I love that I feel as if I've made some good connections so far. I really think Alyssa and I will be able to work well together. Yes, we have some stuff to work out from before, but I want it to work out such that we can work together throughout this game. I really like Federico and LH, and I'm hoping things stay this way for the time being. I'd like to keep winning, but when that time comes that we lose, I need to be ready.
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Okay. Buckle up bitches. It's story time
Just kidding..
So far I'm trying to connect with every single person individually.
Being put on a tribe with the guy who I literally got out in another game less than a month ago is a mood.... I'm working EXTRA HARD on making sure Tim likes me and trusts me. I'm going to use the fact that I'm a loyal a$$ bitch here and hope he thinks I would ride to him to the end (Honestly I probably would. I LOVE TIM).
Other than Tim the other people I'm vibing with so far are my two Canadian QUEENS: Zach and Aly. Aly seems like she can pop-off at any second but so far she seems like someone I can work with going forward. Zach on the other hand needs to STOP BRINGING UP GUYANA. For some reason he's praising me which NORMALLY I'D LOVE because I don't think the words: Jess, Praise, and Guyana have ever been said....but he's putting a target on my back.
Other than my Canucks... I really like Stephen but he's intro SCARES ME. He seems like he's going to cause some chaos down the line...
Everyone else has spoken maybe about 30 words total to me? so yikes.
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Well we just lost the challenge ;( Iā€™m hinestlg not feeling too safe at the moment. I was one of the lower scoring players on the tribe, and the lowest was sent to the basement. Right now I feel like a sitting duck. But on the bright side, I think I made a decent connection with Zach and Timmy. So Iā€™m just gonna talk around find out a vote. If itā€™s not me yay! If it is, then Iā€™ll just have to somehow fight my way through it :p
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Woooo first confessional!! I'm liking the start of this game, and I've decided to take it a bit lighter than past games. I'm here to have fun. This doesn't mean I'm not ready to strategize, but maybe the lighter tone will help me not fall under the same mistakes I always make.
I'm getting closer to Miguel and Shea, which is bad if you consider they were the lowest scores in the challenge... They better start getting more involved in this!!!
The fireplace is on. The tea is warm. I'm getting cozy, and I'm not gonna move any time soonā€¦
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So I've gotten a chance to talk with most of the people on my tribe. Right now, my closest ally is probably Karth. We have an established history of working well together, and right now, were searching for the idol together. I'm also pretty close with Ally and Zach, and trying to get closer with Jess, though I can't tell if she thinks I'm too gamebotty or not. Ally, Zach, and Jess also seem to have some kind of relationship with each other. Idk if it's an alliance but it's something. In light of this, I'm going to be trying to get closer with Tim, Dan and Liam. I think Tim and Liam know Jess though so that might be a hurdle I need to deal with. Someone I've left out of this discussion is Timmy. I've talked with every voter so far except Dan, and they all seem okay with letting him go. There's always paranoia that they're all just playing me, but I really doubt it is gonna be the case here. My biggest worry now is what position I'll end up in if we keep losing challenges.
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HELLO. Okay so we won the Selfie Scavenger Hunt which is GOOD. Someone I donā€™t know got sent to isolation for the other tribe but thatā€™s fine. TJ and I were kind of on the same page of sending Jess to keep her safe which is good that we are!! Sheā€™ll be fine though because she did the best in the selfie scavenger hunt, unsurprisingly. Havenā€™t really talked game with anyone besides TJ because thereā€™s hasnā€™t yet been a need to, but Iā€™ve been having personal conversations with most of my tribe! Isaac just messaged me today which I think is the last one. But yeah! Things are going okay! Woo!
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So me and Jess are officially aligned! I shared my idol grid with her and we talked about our tribemates. I really haven't connected with everyone but I have at least talked to them. It appears as if the vote will be Timmy unless someone magically pulls out the idol and plays it on him or the vote somehow flips on to someone else. The scary part is that Timmy is being quiet asf.... and I have no idea what is up his sleeve. The basement twist is gonna be really scary next round if we lose and someone can be sent back to the basement twice in a rowā€¦
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omg hii.. i love my tribe so far tbh!!! i feel close to zach, karth, stephen, jess, and liam. i feel like iā€™m in an okay spot. i feel a lil weird about playing with a couple of these ppl again - zach and i played in ts and he killed me in 3rd and won the game, and i played with stephen in embb4 and as, i got him out in embb4 and he got me out in all stars lol.... iā€™m hoping no past game beef comes into play but weā€™ll see! iā€™m voting timmy out this tribal, he hasnā€™t said a word to me so... Shrug Emoji. hopefully everything goes according 2 plan ! iā€™m glad karth was ā€œexiledā€ cuz i think he wouldā€™ve been a target and i donā€™t want that. iā€™ll do a more in depth and full cast analysis l8r~
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Oh Timmy.. I want to keep you safe but I also want to take out any possible people Alyssa can work with in the future... you made the mistake of telling me you brought her into the ORG world jkjk. Sorry <3
ON THE REAL THOUGH.... I can't stick my neck out for someone on DAY 3. If the tribe wants Timmy's neck I gotta help deliver it. I just wish he was more SOCIAL because he would def be someone I would like to work with <3
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I came into this game, saw Shea, and had an absolute fucking breakdown djdhdjdj. Like who am I? I need to get it together and push in the challenges because I didnā€™t help with the first one at all because seeing Shea just did something to me? Like? Iā€™m going to try to put more effort in moving forward but right now I feel like Aubry in Kaoh Rong when she had that attack, hopefully I can recover as well as she did.
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Why is Daniel trying so hard to save Timmy akdjsjs. Just... let him go in peace plz... also I'm Timmy starting to talk to people for the 1st time since the day of the vote..
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I'm ready to punch a bitch. I have no idea what is happening with this tribal and I just hope it's not me. I keep hearing about the "majority" and people want to vote with the "majority" but nobody is saying who it is and what it is just that they don't want to be the one to say a name. So I'm being forced to say Liam because that's easier than Stephen even though Stephen was the one saying my name, but honestly it is what it is, I haven't spoken to Liam so I don't care that much. I just don't get why people play if they're just going to hide behind someone else because that's so stupid, like just play for you. I'm not just saying that because they're going against me, but like where has Liam been and also Stephen is the most vocal right now and he is going to be a problem later on, I can already tell.
Timmy is voted out 6-2.
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survivorkomnata Ā· 5 years
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Jury Roundtable
Click HERE
Idol System
Click HERE to see the merge idol system
Click HERE to see the basement idol system. (This changed after Isaac found it, the spots where the pieces of paper are moved.)
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survivorkomnata Ā· 5 years
Season Awards!
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Now for everyoneā€™s favorite part! Letā€™s start with..
Fan Favorite
This should come as very little surprise, our fan favorite this season won by a pretty large amount of votes and they deserve it! They were entertaining and kept the VL and the hosts laughing this entire game! Congratulations to....
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And our runner up for fan favorite is Jess!
Runner Up Player of the Season
This season we could not decide on just one runner up so we have two!! Congratulations to....
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Alyssa is someone who went on a quite the journey this season. Ā Starting off on Kato, Ā she found herself in a sticky situation early. Ā At the second tribal council, Ā her head was on the chopping block but managed to quickly erase it with ease. Ā After Kato lost the 3rd challenge, it seemed for certain that she would be the one to go home. Ā But Alyssa did not give up that easily. Ā With the help of TJ she was able to convince members of the majority alliance to turn on one of their own and saved herself in a narrow 4-3 vote. Ā During the swap portion of the tribes, Ā she connected with Stephen Z and Jess and secured her safety in the small 5 person tribes, which led her into the merge. Ā Once the merge hit Alyssa kicked it into gear. Ā She had her sights set on those who had wronged her and was dead-set on taking them out. Ā  Alyssa found herself in the middle of 2 alliances and had the mobility to choose which direction the game went. Ā She was able to take out her two biggest targets back to back in the first votes of the merge and once that happened, it seemed that she was destined to make it deep into the game. Ā Although she betrayed the other side, Ā she managed to keep a good enough social game so they wouldn't target her immediately. Ā Eventually, Alyssa's strong and bold gameplay caught up to her as the tribe tied the vote 3-3 at the F6. Ā Unfortunately, Ā she could not pull the numbers in her favor to go to rocks and led to her elimination. Ā Alyssa had a solid gameplay throughout the game and was a contender to win until her downfall.
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Zach was a huge contender in this game from start to finish. Ā His pre-merge challenge dominance put a huge target on his back, but it never seemed to affect his standing in the game. Ā His social skills were off the charts and nobody wanted to target him because of his likability. Ā One thing that stands out about Zach's game is his control and dominance over Kato 2.0 tribe. Ā He had his loyal soldiers in the game who were ready to go to battle for him. Ā And even though he had such a huge target, he remained a crucial piece to everyone else's games and helped him maneuver throughout the game Zach also managed to find the Pre-Merge Hidden Immunity Idol before the swap and held onto it until the F8 where he played it to guarantee his safety after almost everyone knew about his idol. Ā Zach's strong social game helped guide him into the F5 where he was Idoled out in a 2-0 vote. Ā Zach was a force to be reckon with the entire season and had a great shot at winning the game had he made it to the end.
Player of the Season
Congratulations to...
Stephen Z!
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Stephen Z played this game from start to finish nonstop. Ā Once the game started Stephen went full steam ahead to make sure he would always be in a good spot and never in danger. Ā Early in the game he made genuine connections that lasted throughout the entire game. Ā His challenge strength and social helped keep him in the game and saved him at the first tribal post swap. Ā Entering the merge, Ā Stephen found himself down in numbers, but he never counted himself out. Ā He won the first merge immunity challenge and used that as a platform give himself the leverage and mobility he needed to survive in the game. Ā He continued to build bonds with his closest allies as well as reaching out to the other side. Ā By doing this he never became the main target and continued to be safe and off of the chopping block. Ā One of the most promising points of Stephen's game was his ability to get others to give him all the info. Ā He managed to convince at least 6 tribemates to share idol guesses and what everyone else was doing. Ā His strategic gameplay was a masterpiece and was a spectacle to watch, even when he was playing from the bottom. Ā AT F6 he won immunity when he needed it the most and Ā led a charge to get Alyssa out and succeeded without even needing to go rocks. Ā He found the merge idol and successfully played it at F5 and voted out Zach, his biggest competition. Ā After winning F4 Immunity it seemed as if he could win his way to FTC and successfully pull out the win. Ā Once he lost the final Immunity Challenge, Karthik swiftly chopped Stephen down, ending his reign in the game. Ā Stephen was one of the best strategic players Celestial Survivor has ever seen. Congrats Stephen.
Congratulations to everyone!!
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