#and i just keep rewatching this scene
jonny-b-meowborn · 2 months
i screen recorded this clip because I'm so so so abnormal about it. wuhhghhhhhbbhrhrggrgrgr
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insanesonofabitch · 9 months
Thinking about how the plot of season 6 wouldn’t make sense if you do not acknowledge the fact that Cas and Crowley working together was an affair, or at least it felt like so to Dean.
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Majority of the people that I heard saying that they disliked that conflict, say that it doesn’t make sense because Dean should’ve understood Cas’ point of view. And that Dean has also worked with demons before, more than once, out of desperation. Which is why he doesn’t have the right to be mad. And I understand that. But it wasn’t about working with demons. No. Not really. The thing that hurt Dean the most about Cas’ choice was how he chose to ask for help from Crowley, instead of him. Cas chose Crowley over him.
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“Look me in the eye, and tell me you’re not working with Crowley…”
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“You’re in it with him? You and Crowley?? You’re going after purgatory together??? You have, huh? This whole time!”
“No, you had a choice. You just made the wrong one.”
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“I was there. Where were you?”
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The plot literally doesn’t make sense if you do not acknowledge destiel or crowstiel or deancascrowley. And I think that’s insane, especially for a show from 2005.
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10kiaoi · 11 months
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Fucking Death Island man
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dailyayao · 5 months
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iwasbored777 · 11 months
You know what effs me up it's that when Gwen thought she's not welcome in her home before talking to her dad she takes the picture of her and Miles and leaves, as the only thing from her home that she wants to keep, and when she reunites with her dad and they're happy together the first thing she does is going to find Miles cuz she just doesn't feel complete if she doesn't have Miles no matter homeless or not or whether she has a device to travel through dimensions or not or happy or not she will keep any part of Miles that she has with her and that's what matters most to her.
It just makes the fact that she was cornered by her father who didn't let her move on after Peter and Miguel and Jessica who were forcing her to stay away from Miles even worse. And the fact that her dad knew she found happiness based on that photo had so much impact on his character development. She's a child who wanted nothing more than to be with her friend and that was the one thing that she wasn't allowed or wasn't able to do, some failed to see that, and those who saw that took advantage of not just her feelings but also her personal problems and demonized her for having any feelings and problems.
And it's so great that she has all her friends now, the real friends, who actually care about her.
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spoopup · 1 year
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deja vu. or something. haha. (starts sobbing furiously)
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drbtinglecannon · 1 year
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Look at how proud Hunter is of his shirt & improved sewing skills, and how utterly fond Darius looks listening to him show off & ramble about wolves 😭😭😭
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Shocked by the affection vs fondly exasperated by it 😭😭😭😭
I'm never gonna shut up about these two and how despite the minimal time we got to see them together on screen the payoff of their relationship was huge (to me)
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leafsfromthevine · 7 months
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Chit Sang gets it.
Hand-on-shoulder is the Zukka equivalent of cuddling. Hand-on-shoulder is our Roman Empire.
Hand-on-shoulder will never just be hand-on-shoulder.
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waitmyturtles · 8 months
I was liveblogging episode 10 of Bad Buddy last night in desperate fury, and one of my posts honed in on Dissaya talking about "saving face".
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As what ALWAYS HAPPENS whenever I'm watching and/or thinking about Bad Buddy, I had a further realization (this time while showering).
That hiding and saving face that Dissaya is talking about here....
"Saving face" is an automatic given, a structural social component of Asian life. I don't know an Asian culture that isn't at least partly centered on its citizens "saving face" at any given moment of time. "Saving face" is how Asian families stay together through the absolute worst of familial trauma (the news and the shame, say, of having a child run away from home would likely be hidden from friends and extended family so that a nuclear family could "save face"). Saving face is why Japanese and South Korean business workers show little to no emotion in the workplace -- it would be an embarrassment for them, AND for the company, if outbursts were to happen. Saving face is a modicum by which collectivist societies can maintain control over behavioral outbursts that may disrupt a general flow of life. (Filial piety is another example of an automatic social given.)
When Ming and Dissaya were in high school and dating, and Ming stole Dissaya's scholarship -- Dissaya had to figure out how to save face from the embarrassment of losing the scholarship, and her opportunity to go to university.
Ming stole the scholarship, because he had to save face for himself, AND for his father (AND, ostensibly, for his entire nuclear family), as it would have been a honor unto his family for Ming to go to university.
So those are the layers of saving face for Pat's and Pran's parental generation.
How does intergenerational trauma work? Those demands for saving face aren't just passed ONTO the children -- onto Pat and Pran.
Pat and Pran are expected to embody those same responsibilities. That's why Ming continually gets angry with Pat throughout the series about lying, about the secrets, about the architecture play and about rugby practice. And Dissaya says as much to Pran before her confrontation with Ming -- how could Pran date Pat? How could Pran forget "to save [Dissaya's] reputation?"
But most importantly to me, what Dissaya says above -- what really guts me as both an Asian child, and as an Asian parent...
... is that the hiding and saving face that Dissaya is referring to above?
She's also talking about the information that Ming and Dissaya have hidden from Pat and Pran themselves.
PAT AND PRAN'S OWN PARENTS were saving THEIR faces TO THEIR SONS. So that their OWN CHILDREN would respect them.
Ming and Dissaya needed to lie and to save face to Pat and Pran, so that Pat and Pran wouldn't stray from their loyalties to their families. Pat and Pran's OWN BEHAVIOR needed to be CONTROLLED by their families, so that Pat and Pran wouldn't bring embarrassment or disrespect to Ming and Dissaya -- so that THEN, Ming and Dissaya could keep up the façade of their family battle to save themselves from the individual embarrassment they had brought upon themselves and each other in high school. We don't even know if Ming's father had known that Ming stole the scholarship. What if Grandfather Jindapat knew that Ming had stolen the scholarship? Would that have brought shame to the family? Likely.
Episode 10 is SO heart-wrenching and painful for so many reasons. But especially to see the guys continue to hear, in conversation after conversation, from Uncle Chai to their high school teacher, the TRUTH of the hatred between Ming and Dissaya, and how Pat's and Pran's childhood understanding of the battle was based on lie after lie -- you could see the confusion, trauma, and anger building. The anger that bubbled out as Pat stormed out of his house. And the trauma that flowed out from Pran on the rooftop before the boys ran away.
The boys were used as pawns in a family fight that never needed to go as far as it did. The boys realized that.
"I had to hate Pran... because of you?"
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It was because Ming and Dissaya were far more concerned about saving face than about the happiness of their sons.
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xisanamii · 2 months
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"i want to give my blood and follow in your shadow."
i felt the need to doodle this scene from sannan-san hakumyu because like... it's just so endearing? shion's chizuru really captures the wholehearted dedicated pining she has for him in his route (i mean, you really gotta CHASE this man). honestly she's in top three of my favorite chizurus. and of course, teruma's sannan-san really did grow on me. i was used to mikata's sannan-san (since i'm a hakumyu boomer), but i adore both their portrayals and voices.
haven't drawn hakuouki in a hot minute, but it'll always have a special place in my heart.
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soni-dragon · 11 months
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still not over the “you may experience side effects, like a compulsion to come back”
[ID: A drawing of Troy and Abed from Community. Abed stands on the left, facing downward while his right hand holds Troy’s hand by the pinky finger. Troy stands to the right, facing Abed and looking surprised. Troy wears a sailor hat, a grey hoodie, and blue jeans. Abed wears an orange flannel and blue jeans. The background is a light purple. There is a grey pigeon standing on the ground behind Troy. /End ID]
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juxtp0se · 1 year
i cant believe mr b said “wesley will go to heaven, but you and i dont need to, because we’re already there” and they didnt kiss
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palaceoftears · 7 months
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Minor Ladies Month - Beyhan Sultan × Quote
My mourning is over, sure, time has swept it away. But the heart can't forget some things, the heart can't forget even if you want to. I still do not have a husband, my children still don't have a father. Sometimes, they ask me "Why did our father die? Who killed him?". I become speechless, your majesty, I can not say a word. I can not say that my brother killed him.
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goldensmilingbird · 3 days
I'm not a sentiChloe truther but I kinda want to see a rewrite of Emotion where Chloe is a senti instead of Kagami. I just think it would've been funny
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kayevelyn · 18 days
I can’t decide if I should kinkshame Kim or consider her one of the greatest therapists of all time….
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arty-cakes · 6 months
i finally got around to centaurworld's finale and holy fucking shit??? they can go that hard??
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