#and i have a ? maybe scene after THAT i haven't decided if i'll be including
oiktoorus · 1 year
next growing pains chapter is going to be a DOOZY it is going to be LONG
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secretagentsociety · 1 year
loves makes people crazy
yandere dragon X madly in love reader
Here's another idea,a yandere dragon like all powerful and scary the villager is scared of him,the king is scared of him,the Wizards and pretty much everyone and their grandmother is scared of him but then there's you,you different breed of a human decides to see him for the first time and say "yes that's my hubby" and the rest is history
• people often called you crazy, dilusional and others not so nice insults for being still not being married despite hitting the big 2 0 that and also rejecting the local lords and basically anyone who tries to court you
• now just because people say it doesn't mean you HAVE to follow it yk?oh but you did you played their little fantasy of you being crazy so perfectly people were honestly scared for your mental well being,why?you may ask
• well it's because when khum first arrived at the village (I say first but it's really his 100th time terrorising the village) you decide to whisper something that some people might have heard "he's perfect" you said eyes filled with hearts watching him scaring the sht out of the locals
• honestly you're staring so much he could feel you boring holes into his head,curious he looked around for whoever it is that dared to stare at him for so long and BAM! He saw you,at first he thought you're staring at him in contempt or anger maybe both but then you sigh lovingly and waved at him a fools smile placed upon your face
• he had to look around and points at himself just to made sure he even mouthed "m-me? you're talking to me?!" But you blowing him a kiss and winking made it pretty clear it was him,well let's say after that he couldn't help but think about you "what an odd human" he thought
• "oh my god haven't you heard?! The dragons visit has been so frequent lately our village can't keep affording the rebuilding cost!" One of the villagers said,you aren't paying attention but just hearing him coming back more and more made your heart flutter "I know it's a blessing" you sighed melting into the seat as you remembered the first time he talks to you
•well it happened,khum stood Infront of you folding his hand,what is his plans anyway?kidnapping a human all of a sudden,a weird one at that,"human,do you have a name?" He said
• "you can call me yours,and I'll call you mine" you said "how about the name....treasure?no too basic maybe clove?nah um.....oh darling?" he said tilting his head,khum never thought one day he'd witness a human visibly explode and faint but here we was
• it was a rocky start to the relationship,well...rocky as in everything was so perfect it's scary, here's the recap,on day five of your kidnappings you've opened up to how the villagers had been treating you(not that it's hard to make you open up,all he had to do was give you food and call you pet names while stroking your head and bam! you're dumping your entire trauma onto him) and oh boy was he not happy
• now despite everything he's still a classy dragon,he ofcourse had hoarse of treasure but he also had a pretty nice castle he may or may not seize from a royal you don't have to know that tho so moving on,and with a huge castle come servants and with those come soldiers who needs to maintain security,not that he needs any but you know he likes to have thing's completed and that including the castles needs
• now when his subordinates first saw you absolutely gushing on how cute he was they were absolutely shocked,because one he literally look like a demon ripping out people's heart and two this isn't some flower field it's a grusome battle scene yet you couldn't help but blush when his shirt got torn off,you even closed your eyes to savor the moment after a while
• khum really can't understand your fixation on him,is it like his love for you?but even then he acknowledges your weird behaviour but you literally looked at him as if he was a god,not that he minds,he gotta admit that day he kinda wore a shirt that's a couple of size down so when he does some movements that needs intents flexibility his shirt would rip off in some cool cinematic style,it worked,it worked too well
• so apparently his stamina had their limits he'd come to know it last Night after the battle,oh but the details won't be necessary,oh but don't be fooled if he were to actually try you'd be the one to pass out
• now is he dilusional?nope he knows full well that it's not healthy but does he care?nope he's a powerful dragon,are you dilusional?maybe?...idk...probably....yes?.... Well he is cute so I'll give you that
• he is possesive, but it's really hard to show possesive when the person he loved won't look at other people,you will talk to people normally but once he entered your line of sight the other people can forget ever having a conversation with you
• now for the big question does this technically make you a yandere? maybe..yes.
•i feel the need to say he is 100% taller than you, I'm sorry but it's just the rules 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ
• yes he has two pp lets move on now
• he had a way of marking you so other beasts knows to back the fuck off it's called biting,the first night you ever discover the chamber of secrets together(wink wink nudge nudge)he bit down on your neck,it leaves a pretty little flower mark that's imbued with his power it's very very very tiny teeny I cannot stress enough how tiny it is so it's safe
• now if you EVER even say someone else is cute then oh boi oh my,now I have established that he is jealous have I?,no?well too bad because he is,and his jealousy doesn't play nice,he will rip out the heart and torture the person over and over and over each time reviving them again and again and put a curse of Resurrection on them only to leave them in a forest of ravaging beasts that has lost their minds to be feasted upon and tortured until he sees them having suffered enough. ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ Moral of the story? don't just don't say anyone is cute (yes not even babies) (he won't like k.o them but he will like curse them or sum sht )
on that note good night people
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sixteen-juniper · 1 month
killing your darlings and all of that
I saw a post on here about what the writing advice 'kill your darlings' means. it made me really think about the book I'm working on currently and how that phrase relates to this project. (the reason my fic/all my fics are on hiatus) And also kind of like how I think about revising a manuscript in general and all the things I've learned since I started writing books. (and yes this is why my fic is on hiatus, gotta grind!)
I've always been a novelist first, I guess, like I came up through traditional publishing and creating my own works/worlds. Which, this all taught me a lot about writing and rejection and how to just keep going. I am still a novelist, obviously, writing fanfic was something I came to much later (with Rose and Rot) and I know even after I'm with fanfic I'll always be a novelist. I don't think I can stop the itch for writing books, making my own worlds and characters from the ground up even if I tried. I love the way a book is like a puzzle and painting at the same time.
Back to the point at hand, which is the idea of kill your darlings, and how sometimes in order for you to make a book be what it's supposed to you have to literally kill so many things. I'm working on this massive overhaul of my current manuscript right now and by massive I mean I have literally rewritten 98% of this book. And it's not only rewriting all of the scenes to adjust language or fix character motivation, it's a full scale pulling everything out and putting it back together, in a way I haven't done since maybe my first queried book. And even that book didn't go far enough, I should have changed more.
I had already thought I'd removed enough from this book. Earlier feedback had the first act feeling overstuffed and the world underbuilt. I killed two characters and two plotlines. And I thought I built out the world, but it was being made in the wrong direction. And even that didn't go far enough.
So here I am at draft 6. And if this is a house, I've removed the walls and plumbing, because just rearranging the furniture hasn't done enough.
With this one draft it's been really fascinating to me because the SHAPE of the book has remained the same. The story I want to tell about my main character remains that story, and her internal journey remains the same, but a lot of how I get there has completely changed. I don't want to get into details, but it's like I've taken my camera and decided to focus its lens on parts of the story that were only mentioned in passing, blow them up, make them bigger parts of the whole, while removing almost everything that had been in earlier drafts.
I didn't do this on my own, to be clear. I sent this book to a trusted person in publishing, believing that it was literally done and ready to go out. Their feedback was 'this feels like a first draft' even though it was literally my fifth draft. And the feedback I got and what resonated with them was really surprising. What I learned about this book was that it is literally impossible to have both a cozy cottagecore fantasy AND a dark and creepy story where your main character eventually learns to accept her necromancy. It doesn't work, and if it does I am the wrong writer to make it work. I was told to play into my strengths, and those strengths are dark and sad.
Which is why I had to remove so much and change so much. I can't even lie some of those changes HURT. I lost a character (her little fox familiar) that I loved because he didn't add to the story at all. And including him just made the pacing lag. The character added nothing and worse detracted from what I was trying to do. A key scene at the end, I swear my favorite scene in this entire project, had to go because it simply didn't fit. The pacing, the world, the events leading up to this scene no longer supported it being included. And yeah, it sucks. I haven't even gotten to the ending which will also need to be streamlined, but the book is stronger for all of these changes. I really believe it. I love this project and everything it's become even more on the 6th draft than I did on the 5th or the 2nd or the 1st.
Gonna wrap this up! Because it's already too long! I was never this wordy until I started writing on here. Moral of the story! Sometimes you really need to be brave and commit to just letting go of what you thought your story was in order to make it what it needs to be. Which for me is legit terrifying, because I'm such a hoarder, but it's the right thing to do!
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bababaka · 8 months
Shipping Wars - Bade x reader
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The prompt:
Person A, B, and C are famous. Their fame is growing and they are hesitant to come out as a poly couple so they just pass it for a really good friendship. Thing is, the internet being the internet started a shipping war. Some ships A and B some B and C some A and C. It’s starting to do some fights online. One day, they get tired of being asked questions about it and decide to come out as who they are.
Warnings: Aged up Characters. My writing and grammar. Some anxiety but nothing too much. Me not knowing how Twich works. I didn't truly revised it so...
Word count: 3.143
An -> I tried writing in portuguese and then throwing it into the google translate. Lotta work, let me tell you. Nah. It was a valid experience, though.Don't know if i'd do that again. Anyawyas. Love Bade and yeah. Here it is.
You liked what you did.
Entertain and chat with people on the internet who have the same interests, while playing some silly game or one that you've waited your life to play. Was funny. Interesting. Laugh and freak out on the internet with others.
In your five years on the channel, you've created a loyal, funny, and comfortable community. But, well, things started to take a bit of a left turn after the channel's first year.
The shipping war.
And the more time passed, and your popularity increased, the bigger the fight became.
Get yourself someone that looks at you like yn looks at Jade.
-> @Thatonetheaterkid
uuuhm i wish! Thats real love right there! 
-> @Yn'slapdog
Yyyyes! They are the reason i believe in love!
-> @Beck'sBack
whaaaat? Why? They are not a couple! Stop being a delulu! Jade is dating Beck!
I mean! C'mon! Look at them people! 
-> @Badeisreal
duuuude! Yes! Their chemistry in that movie was just off the charts! And that scene was improvised by the way! 
-> @Jade'sbottom
-> @Badeisreal 
Right? Same! Also, i heard they are going to play as a couple in a new movie AGAIN! 
-> @Jade'sbottom 
jsjfjrkfkekfjdkdjdk Santa is bringing my gift
-> @Yn'slapdog
...its may…
-> @Jade'sbottom 
….Santa is late…
-> @Astarion'slittlebitch
ok. Guys. Take a breather. It is a crime you guys haven't mentioned Beck and Yn. 
They are so darn cute in yn's streams! 
-> @Imyourfather
-> @Thatonetheaterkid 
...i don't watch their streams… not really my cup of tea. 
-> @Y/n'slapdog 
You should though! There's a lot of damning evidence there! INCLUDING JADE MAKING COMPANY TO THEM! 
-> @Beck'sBack 
we back at this again? 
-> @Thatonetheaterkid 
oh, please! Jade and Beck are actors!!! They are meant to pretend!!! Fake! If they played a couple and didn't seem in love they'd just be out of job.
-> @Badeisreal 
There's somethings you just can't pretend tho!
-> @Imyourfather 
yes. There is. Thats cinema for you.
-> @Theoficialdreamer
What if they are just all good friends though? I mean. They do live in the same house. Maybe just roomates. 
-> @Yn'slapdog  
...get off my thread….
- Boom! That's how it's done! Pay up, guys! I warned you not to doubt me. I am a god.
You got out of your chair, jumping in front of the camera and computer, which showed the end credits of the game.
"I can't believe it! How many people have zeroed in the first time like that?"
"Few. And now they're part of them! What a legend. Mad respect."
"Look at theeem! Dancing with joy! How cute! I can't even be sad about losing the bet."
Yourmom donated $500.
Spideeey donated $500
"Ah! Come on!!! Really?! Noooooo!"
"Just pay, man. Accept that it hurts less"
"Ugh. Next time, I'll win the bet."
Mastermind donated $700
"You guys should just give up at this point. Yn is invincible"
Damn right i am! - you finally finished your extremely petty celebration. You did an event of ten challenges, and in each challenge, if you won, a group would pay you. If you lost, your subscribers would choose a punishment.
But, you were amazing. And didn't lose even once. Inside, you were scared to death of what they might ask. Your fans were cool. But they could cross some lines.
- So, that was the last challenge, right?
You waited and read the comments until you received a definitive answer from one of your moderators.
"Congratulations, Yn. You completed all ten challenges exceptionally."
Yn'srock donated $500.
- Sweet! I'm buying a new mattress after this! Mine broke.
Before the chat could react inappropriately to your speech, Beck appears at the door, out of view of the camera, but unfortunately his voice is audible.
- I heard screaming. What happened? - Normally, you would brush him off and get back to your stream, but, throwing caution to the wind, you turned your attention completely to him.
- What happened? It happened that I'm amazing and you owe me, baby!
- No.
- Ohohoho! Yes! - Beck joins you in front of the computer, the credits rolling on the screen. The actor's delicate, pretty face contorts, eyebrows furrowed, mouth contorted, and a defeated sigh. 
- How? You didn't even like AllSouls.
- Nope. But, a bet is a bet, I did it and now you gotta pay. The chat already did.
And that's when you turn your attention to your computer and notice the chaos in the chat.
Damn it.
This happened whenever Beck or Jade appeared on your streams. Sometimes it could be restrained. Like the times Jade remained by your side, almost sitting on your lap, throughout the stream. Or Beck would join and play with you. Your fans would get used to their presence.
But, well, there were moments, phrases, actions that turned your lives into a complete mess.
This was one of them.
"They are so cute!"
"Ooooh! Bet?? Bet what?"
"BABY??? I'm sorry, WHAT?"
"Bet, hm? The sexy kind?"
"Beck's so hot. Lucky yn"
"Wait??? Beck Oliver?? Wth? Im new someone explain to me"
"They live together. Jade West too."
"And they're also dating"
"Stop spreading fake news!"
"C'monnn! Admit it they'd look amazing as a couple"
"Guys! Stop! We don't know a thing! Respect their privacy please!"
- OK! OK! Let's stop, guys.
Beck laughed awkwardly. He had read the comments.
- Hi, chat. Long time no see.
"Yeah! You should come over yn's streams more often! 
"Oooh! You guys should play one of those games for couples"
"You should do pvp. I'd bet on Beck." 
- Ok! Ok! First. Stop betting against me. Learn your lesson, I'm the best. 
- Cocky. - He murmurs.
You continue, ignoring Beck. - And second, it's no big deal. Just because Beck played a million times and couldn't finish it without dying, he thought I couldn't. Well, you thought wrong, bitch!
-Okay, okay! I lost, you won. Satisfied? - Beck rolled his eyes, but the smile he had tried to suppress gave him away. And you couldn't stop smiling. 
- Not even close! - you had plans for Beck. Your back and neck were extremely sore, and your boyfriend had talented hands.
The internet and the outside world were unaware of your real relationship with Beck and Jade. They speculated, of course, but everything the three of you said was the same thing.
"Chat, we're friends. Stop."
"No, no. Beck and I are just good friends. It helps a lot when we play as a couple"
"We're not a couple."
"Just friendship."
"Are you stupid? Do you need me to draw? Friends!"
"F-R-I-E-N-D-S! We're just friends!"
It was a recurring question. Jade couldn't always stay calm. It was quite common for her to lose her cool actually. She was always like that, short tempered.
You met Jade and Beck in high school. And before you even finished your senior year, you were together. It was complicated. Painful. Difficult, but in the end, everything was resolved. And you have remained together ever since.
9 years later, and here you all were.
You've decided to try streaming. After 5 arduous years, you got your first million subscribers.
Jade and Beck pursued acting careers. And, along the way, they won a few awards here and there. Their goal was the Oscar. And you supported them more than anything.
They also created channels on YT. They weren't active like you, but every now and then they would record vlogs and other stuff.
Jade posts a "things I hate" videos series. And would terrorize unsuspecting civilians.
Beck talked about cars, and his hair for some reason. Both recorded backstage videos, and rarely, about life inside the house.
That was the problem. You appeared with a certain constancy on each other's social midias. Whether it was a video or a photo.
And that caused a stir. Which turned into ship wars.
- Hello, darling. - you threw yourself on the couch, next to Jade, who was smiling at the phone. - what you're doing?
- Ah, hey. - Without hesitation, she snuggled into your arms. - Nothing much. Just seeing how my last video is doing. 
- The cover one?
Yep. - She shows you her phone, a soft smile in her face, and her eyes just at ease. - You look cute playing a guitar. 
- Well, thank you. I agree. I should play more to you and Beck. - you say cocky. Jade huffs at that.
- Sure. 
- Anyways, babe, i was thinking. You, me, Beck, dinner? I'm cooking.
That got Jade's full atention and she stops staring at her phone to look at you.
- That sounds interesting.
- I was hoping to come off as romantic.
- It didn't.
- Not even if I say it'll have candle lights?
Jade cocks her eyebrow at this. 
- Kinda lame. Overused.
- Right. Right. What about me serenading you and Beck?
- Cute, but corny. 
- What about me doing your and Beck's favorite food, serenade you and make a reference to "the scissoring" at the end? 
Jade goes silent at this. And you realize that you had hit the nail on the head. You knew your girlfriend.
- Well, now i have expectations.
- Worry not. They will be met. 
- It better.
Lucky - cover by Jade West ft Yn
2.3 M views
Dude. I was just listening to this song! Definitely adding to my playlist. you guys ar releasing it on Spotify? I MUST LISTEN EVRYDAY
At this point they're just mocking us. WHY CHOOSE THIS SPECIFIC SONG??????
That's love.
Look at how they look at eachother.
I rest my case.
Yn can play the guitar??? And sing??? That's so hot of them ngl
Idk who i want to be. Yn or Jade.
The interviews with Jade and Beck all had something in common. The dreaded question.
- You are a couple in your newest film. Extremely in love. But, what about in real life, is there someone special?
Jade had improved a lot. The patience. Manners. And with Beck by her side, she could control herself.
- No. There's nobody.
- Really? But you are so beautiful and young.
Jade gritted her teeth. Fists opening and closing. Beck rushes in to interfere. He smiles, which many magazines call "the masculine charm".
- Haha. Life is like this. What can we do? We haven't found the right person yet.
The interviewer pauses. Her eyes slightly closed gains a manic shine. They had fallen right into the trap. It was like a predator, salivating at the sight of its defenseless prey.
- But, there are rumors that Yn, a famous streamer, who lives with you, has some involvement with one of the two. Is it true? Jade, on your channel, a cover was recently posted in which you do a very romantic duet. What can you say about it?
But, Jade West was never prey.
- Wow. You don't have intelligent questions to ask so you repeat the same question that a million people have asked? Do you think you will be the person to have a different answer? Do you think you're so special? Well, you're not. And I'm going to speak slowly, so that you can get into your fucking empty head, Yn and I are friends. Beck and I are friends. Nothing more.
The reporter was lost for words. She stuttered awkwardly and didn't know how to redirect the interview, completely embarrassed.
Beck sighs. Jade got better. She hasn't changed completely.
- I think this interview has come to an end. - Beck says. There's nothing he could do now.
The reporter didn't hesitate to jump out of the room. The silence that followed was uncomfortable. Jade crossed her arms. And she stared at the floor. Her leg starts to bounce. Nonstop. Until she can no longer bear the silence, the crushing feeling in her chest. - Are you angry? - she says, hesitantly. Beck sighs.
- No. It's okay. It was not your fault. She wasn't very kind.
Beck lifts Jade's head, his hand gently on her chin.
- It's fine. Come here. - and pulls her into a hug.
- This sucks. - Jade murmurs quietly.
- Yeah. It does...
- Hello losers. Another video. This time we're grocery shopping. - Jade starts talking to a camera.
- Do you really have to record it? It's just grocery shopping. - You asked. Not seeing why she would want to film your outing.
-I want to record so i will.
- Fine. - you shrug.
- Are you guys ready? - Beck comes into the living room.
- Yes. Say hi to the camera Beck.
- …Why are you recording? We are just grocery shopping.
- That's what i said!! - you chime in, excited to see you aren't alone in the matter.
- Oh my god! Because i want to! I don't have to, but i want to…You two are annoying. 
- Why thank you. I try my best. - you smirked. You did enjoy being a little shit.
- Fine. Let's go. Get to the car. 
Grocery shopping wasn't something you did together all the time. Mainly because someone was always busy. But it was faster when the three of you did it together. Beck was the driver, Jade was just picky about what she'd eat, and you were the muscles(though actually, you were the one who has more experience shopping. Jade just likes to try to spite you. Never works.)
- Ugh. I hate lines. 
- We know. - Beck answers it.
- But the public doesn't. 
- No, i think they do. You already made a video talking about it. - at this, Jade turns to the other actor.
- I did? Wait. You watch all my videos? 
- Every single one of them. 
- Uh.
- Why are you surprised? What kind of booy- Beck unmaskedly interrupts himself with a cough, and tries to recover. - what kind of roommate would i be if i didn't?
You thought that save was horrifying. And you tell Beck as much, mouthing it to him. He pushes you lightly, whispering a "shut up", you just chuckle and stay on the line. 
- Hey. Yn. What you are doing? - Beck asks. Interrupting you. Stoping you from beautiful and precious slumber.
- Napping. Or trying to. 
- You sound like an old person. 
- Perhaps because i am old.
- You are only 30 years old. Stop being dramatic.
- Nah. I need my old people nap. Bye. 
Unfortunate for you, Beck called Jade and they decided to take a picture of you. And make fun of you. 
Though Beck insists you look cute napping like an old lady. You didn't know how to take that. And Beck considered it as a victory. 
- Hello, old lady. - Beck greets you in the corridor to the kitchen. You huff, annoyed but also not completely awake. Until a thought comes to you.
- Wait. If i am your lover AND an old lady. Does that mean I am a cougar? 
You can hear Jade's booming laughter from the kitchen. 
Beck just rolls his eyes and gives you a peck on the lips. 
- Yes. It does. Good morning, by the way. 
You smile cheekily. 
- Good morning. 
You and Beck head to the kitchen then, where you see your gorgeous girlfriend still in her pajamas, brewing her black coffee, hair disheveled. Beautiful. 
She comes to greet the two of you, though when she gets to you she adds a little jab. Of course. 
- How is my favorite cougar? Slept well? No pain in your back? 
- Yes. I slept just fine. 
You decide to let it slide. You needed coffee first. 
Your breakfast at first was supposed to be calm. Quiet. Your phone however does not comply to it, beeping and beeping. 
- Hey. I thought we agreed on no phones today.
- Yeah yeah! Sorry. I just. Forgot to… - as you grab your phone and take a look at what it's bothering you and your partners, your humour just sours. 
Hundreds and hundreds of comments on your picture sleeping. On Beck's account. Just tagging you. Again. And again.
All fighting to know who was right about your love life.
Honestly, you were tired of it.
- Babe, are you okay? - Jade asks, noticing your change in mood, the frown, the twisted lip, the distant look. You look up from your phone.
- We should come out. - this quiets the kitchen. Jade with a hand on your arm, Beck still with a piece of toast in the air, on its way to his mouth.
- We should just come out. - you repeat. - I can't take any more of the speculation, the murmurs and buzz.
- Everyone would continue, even if we actually revealed our relationship. They would still gossip and be super invasive. - Beck replies, leaving the toast completely aside, and focusing on you. His face is serious. The lighthearted and fun atmosphere becomes more sober and heavy.
You have already discussed this. More than once, but in the end, you agreed that it wasn't worth the hassle, and you didn't owe other people anything.
And here you were again, debating the subject. This time, however, you found yourself unable to continue hiding.
- But, the media never stops talking and being invasive. It doesn't matter what we do. - Jade speaks up. She sighs, looking away for a moment. - I'm tired of having to lie. Aren't you, Beck?
Beck stares at the table blankly, letting his hands move repetitively along his legs.
- What if this affects our careers? - he asks. You quickly speak up.
- It won't get to that point, and if it does, it would only be temporarily. Our careers would recover. - you say, placing yourself next to Beck, Jade doing the same. And you try to lighten the atmosphere. - and if needed be, I can become your sugardaddy.
This makes them both laugh. And Beck turns to you.
- You'd make a terrible sugardaddy. - he says with a slight lift of his lips. Still stunned. He looks at you and Jade.
- Are you sure about this?
You and Jade share a look. You nod.
- Yes we are.
- With you, I can face anything.
You were in the living room. Your leg wouldn't stop shaking. The camera was in front of you. Jade was adjusting the lights, Beck was in the kitchen, getting water for you. It was now. The moment of truth.
Shit. What if you were making a mistake? What if you got ahead of yourself? What if it actually doesn't turn out okay? What if you are judged and shunned by everything and everyone? What if-
- Hey. - You were interrupted by Beck, beside you, placing a comforting hand on your thigh, and a charming smile on his face. - Everything will be fine. We are doing this together.
You allow yourself to breathe. Jade finally finishes the final adjustments and plops down next to you on the couch, while Beck hands you a glass of water. Your girlfriend snuggles next to you and kisses your cheek.
- I love you. - and all your tensions are gone. You melt into a puddle of love for your partners. You were together. You weren't going to face the public alone.
- I love you too. - you reply, completely smitten. You turn to Beck. - both of you. 
- You know I love you two. 
You shrug. 
- It's always good to hear. 
Jade laughs. 
- You are so sappy. - she says and you smile teasingly.
- And you love it. 
- Do i?
You push her and turn to start the video. 
- Hey, guys! Welcome! And today, we have something to announce. 
Yn, Beck Oliver and Jade West admit their relationship as a throuple and the internet goes crazy!
...i guess this means we'll have to stop fighting…? Love wins…?
...gotta admit this was not on my prediction chart bingo of this year…
Yn is one lucky motherfucker. Good for them. Hope theyre having fun living my dreams T-T
The true bissexual dream lol
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lawbin-archive · 3 months
Lawbin Dressrosa Analysis 2 - Save me save you
When I was coming up a title for this, I thought of the song - "Save me save you" by WJSN, because Robin saved Law in this arc lol So I went to search up the lyrics and actually it fits my delulu so well. If you're curious you can search the whole lyrics, here are a few lines:
"I will protect you so you don't get hurt I can tell even with small gestures All the painful memories deep in your heart is no more I'll wrap you in my arms, now tell me"
highlighted in purple are my delulu~
Again, don't read if you don't like Lawbin. Includes lots of bias.
Chapter 731 ~ 773: Defeat Doflamingo with you
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Robin changed her mind after hearing the story of Dressrosa. Instead of destroying the factory only, they decided to take down Doflamingo together. Everyone changed their mind after seeing the country's situation and at the end, their goal aligned including Law and Robin. Robin actually changed a lot after time skip. After joining straw hats, she's finally showing her empathy side and feelings instead of hiding it.
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Baby 5 & Law and Luffy & Robin gave me so much siblings vibes here!! It's like Baby 5 hitting his older brother, got scared and seek her another brother for protection. And Luffy is like the younger brother trying to complain everything to his older sister and seeking agreement from her haha He also did the same when the beginning of the arc where he argued with Momo that he can fly, but Robin said "he doesn't have wings though". So cute!! It would be such cute scenes if it's not happening during a disaster.
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I actually think Robin is trying to confirm Law's whereabouts here. Because she already knew Zoro and Luffy are there, except them, there are Viola and Riku there. Robin haven't met Viola and her father yet so she probably not asking about them. And she knew Franky is at the toys house, Kinemon was with them before, so in my opinion, I think Robin is asking about Law. And it makes sense because she separated with him at Greenbit and probably worry about his situation after hearing he got beat by Doflamingo.
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Law gave me so much Alabasta or Eneis Lobby Robin vibes here (how many times I have said that lol) To me, It's not like they don't care about other people lives, some of their actions are telling the opposite, it's like they have so much burden on themselves that they don't even have time or strength to care about others. As I mentioned above, Robin starting show her emotions now because she didn't need to pretend tough to avoid getting hurt anymore. I actually hope one day we can see Law showing the real him too. I would say he is much relax after this arc and in Wano but I feel like he is still putting a lot of responsibilities and burden to himself :(
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Look at this!! Robin has Law's den den mushi contact here!!! (they all probably have to connect each other haha) But this proves that it wouldn't be unreasonable if we see Robin and Law contacting each other after Wano because she has the contact *smirk*
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Ooo the Eneis Lobby vibe, Robin trying to help Law unlock his cuff just like the crew trying to do the same when she was in Eneis Lobby *sob* And I think because she couldn't help him much at Green Bit, so she's trying to help more here. I think other straw hats probably won't care as much if they were in her situation, so he's lucky that Robin is the one helping him here haha
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The third time Robin use wings in front of Law!!! So elegant and beautiful!! ><
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She's like I'll protect you guys just go. This women is just so hot. And I think she really treated Law like a friend here because she brought the key to Law even though there were lots of obstacles, she protected him in order for them to defeat Doflamingo, she worried about him 1/3 of the arc. She really treat him differently than the last arc and I think maybe how Law acted during Punk Hazard and Green Bit made her changed her view on him? And if I think about would other straw hat (except Luffy) do the same? I really doubt they would. And would Robin do the same if it's another non-straw hat? She probably would (for example Kinemon) but I doubt if she will be that worried and react the same for Law.
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Every time I read this made me feel sad, Law literally plan his whole life to defeat him and he is finally free after defeating Doflamingo, but the time he's being free is so little. literally only a month? and in this month, he still need to worry about defeating a yonko. And Oda decided to make that worse after....sigh. I also saw a tweet that Law probably has survival guilt after all the things happened in his life. But because of this, I think he might have a character development like Robin soon. (If Oda has mercy)
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Again, Robin mentioned about the key which means delivering the key (releasing Law) is important to her or she always keep that in mind. If you think about it, Robin really talked like she thank you Rebecca for doing a favour for her friend.
Chapter 779 ~ 783: Save you
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Robin is worrying about Law again. But also, if I put all my bias away, it might be also because they are in an alliance so it's natural that she is worrying about him. But if I think it in my delulu, She cares a lot about him!! Even in Wano, I rarely see Robin worrying a non-straw hat (a guy) that much.
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Seriously, after she saw Luffy and Doflamingo jump out, the first thing she saw is how bad Law is. I wouldn't believe if you told me they weren't more than ally because of how worried she is.
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Finally, we have arrived one of the lawbin's famous scenes. Robin saved him and caught him using Spider Net and according to Internet, the only two times she used spider net to save or catch someone are for Zoro and Law. And she treated him so genteelly!! I also have read a fic* that said this probably the moment when Law felt he's treated like a human. During the arc, he has been fighting, calculating, and trying his best to defeat Doflamingo. He acted very rationally through out the arc. But in this moment, he felt warm, he is protected and he can be passed out without worrying about his safety which happens really rare for him :'( *Here is the fic I'm mentioned!! It's one of the favorite lawbin fics. Take my Heart & Please Don’t Break It by CericeBelle
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Robin is willing to risk her body to save Law *sob* Especially when she was already hurt when she was protecting Rebecca *sob* I always wonder if Law knew he was saved by Robin here. He probably knew? Even though he passed out, I think he won't lost all his consciousness and can feel he is saved by another person. And when he was awake later, he probably knew Robin saved him because she was right beside him. And kudos to cabbage-kun, he was so nice to Robin and carried Law T-T I think he might told Law about what happen when he passed out in the next chapter because they were alone on the platform.
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I just noticed this, in the left panel, did robin just hold Law without using her ability? this girl is so strong and she's still protecting him!!
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So Law did tell Robin and Cabbage-kun his real goal (to strike down Doflamingo) In straw hats, only Luffy and Robin knew what his true intention is. (Sanji also guessed) I don't think they both will mind about it though because they already aiming to defeat Doflamingo before. To be honest, if Law know Luffy better in Punk Hazard, he will know Luffy or probably the whole straw hats can help him to defeat Doflamingo even without alliance. But with his personality, he probably won't say a word about what happen between him and Doflamingo. And I feel like only Luffy and Robin can make Law become more vulnerable or more willing to express his true self.
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And here :( Law ready to sacrifice himself to archive his goal just like what Robin did in Eneis Lobby...so I think Robin knew exactly how Law felt here. But Robin's character developed a lot!!! Now she doesn't even think to sacrifice herself and trying to let Law feel more ease. I feel like she's trying to save him out the situation where she was. It's like when Usopp told Robin to trust Luffy q-q but you know they were both stubborn in their own ways...
Chapter 798 ~ 800: Live freely
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These two scenes...don't tell me Oda didn't do it on purpose, I really think he's trying to imply Law is going through what Robin did. And Law after 13 years, he is finally living freely. Robin is a little bit lucky than Law, she found strong friends that can rely on and encountered a group of people (revolutionary army) that provide support to her and she can trusted with. That's why she changed so much 2 years later. And I seriously hope Law can also have the support he needed as well :(
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Ah - the beginning of seeking "The will of D". He wants to know why Corazon saved him when he said he is a D. And Sengoku said Corazon didn't know anything about D, he saved you just because he loved you. *sob* I can understand why some people ship Law & Corazon because it's just pure love, but I see them more like father & son love just like what Sengoku did to Corazon. I think during Dressrosa -> Wano, Law is trying to ask himself what he really want to do after achieving his previous goal and probably what happened in Zou made him more curious about the D.
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Yes this is the end of Dressrosa! It's funny Oda try to slip lawbin similarities even in the same page lol see how Law looked everyone in the banquet and how Robin did the same after (top left panel). Oda what are you planning for both of them!!! >< It's not just them having similar dream, right???
This is the arc that Law & Robin interacted the most. It makes sense because this arc is almost dedicated to Law and mainly focusing on him, so he must interacted with the straw hats a lot. But still I'm surprised how Law and Robin get so much closer in this arc. Because Law isn't really close to any straw hats except Luffy. (maybe he get closer to Sanji and Zoro in Wano, but I still think Robin is the second closet to him by seeing how they interacted) I wish Oda could shown more of their moments because they definitely interacted during Zou -> Wano and when they were preparing the fight in Wano, and all we got is only one scene (although I know it's one of the most important scenes)
Oh yes I was gonna say something about my perspective on other ships *again warning, just my personal opinion and please read this rationally* first of all, I think Cabbage-kun and Robin are so cute T-T I don't really ship them but I just think Cabbage caring about Robin is really nice of him. Especially when he gave his coat to her. second of all, I can also understand why lawlu is so huge because of their polar opposite personality and Law act really cute in front of him haha but I don't ship them because I see them more like best friends. (yes I can see Law is mad behind me saying they are not friends) finally, I noticed there are frobin moments here, like they were wearing couple shirt (actually it said Corrida and Luffy is wearing a tank top with a bull on it too) and one of the SBS was about franky sleeping on Robin's lap something like that. To be honest, when I saw it I also think oo did Oda trying to set them up?? but luffy was sleeping on Rebecca's lap later on too. And I wonder why - if Oda really trying make them as a couple, but he doesn't give them any interactions in the storyline at all? Like most of "romantic moments" was from colorspread (the last one is chapter 987 and after that that they rarely interact), other than that, they mostly interacted as normal crewmates, so I always wonder did Oda changed his mind in Wano... Again, I'm just analyzing the possibility...
I actually finished reading Zou and 1/5 Wano already, I just don't have time to write an analysis T^T I thought Zou might be an arc that I can write a short analysis but while I'm reading it, I actually have lots of thoughts in mind!! So I'll talk about it next post haha Again, thanks for reading it!!! Discussions or comments are always welcome :)
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dallonwrites · 9 months
bestie how the fuck do you start writing again when you haven't written in years bc you're so paralyzed with Fear of Writing Badly mixed with How Do I Get Started and also WHAT do I write about HELP
I WANT to write but every part of it is. so. DAUNTING
Ohhh bestie I have BEEN there. Whenever I take breaks from writing I find myself scared that I'll have just….forgotten to write?? I think the fear of "bad writing" is amplified when you don't write for a while, however long, because you have to like hype yourself up to go back to writing and it's like what if I do all that and then I just can't do it? Returning to writing, especially after a long time, for me has taken a lot of mental work, trying to understand what will make writing fun and healthy for me. A lot of it, honestly, is easier said than done, but also it's mental work you'll keep doing after you start writing again and as you write, and for me it's easier to process my relationship with writing when I am actually writing.
A big part of that mental work for me, and something I think is so valuable, is to reconsider what "bad" writing is and give yourself permission to write it. Sometimes you will think your writing sucks, happens to all of us, but that isn't all it has to be. Like yeah, I'll think something I wrote sucks, but I still wrote it. I can revisit it and work on it and maybe I'll turn it into something I'm happy with. And even if I don't, I still wrote it, I learned from it. Writing does not need to be "good" by whatever standard we're holding it up to for it to have value. And you can delete it! Nobody has to see it! Also you can have fun writing something and still think it's not your best. I've written a lot of "bad" scenes that I had fun with because the scene was entertaining to me! I love when writing turns out how I like it, or I write a banger prose line, but equally I found it helpful to give myself permission to not worry about that all the time and just focus on my interest/enjoyment in what I'm writing, regardless of the "quality". Again, easier said than done, but something I've found easier the more I write, because you'll have bad writing days but you'll also have writing days that are so good
I know a lot of people see writing as a skill that they want to improve, and like I agree it feels really good to see your writing grow, but writing is so much more than the skill and the craft and the theory. There is no objective "perfection" to reach with writing like we are not Sims with levelled skills LOL. Writing is art and creativity and it should be fun and fulfilling. And IMO, the more you focus on what makes writing fun, you will grow and "improve" as a writer a lot quicker and in a way that is a lot more enjoyable than if you treat writing like some icy quest for perfection. You also get to decide what "good" writing is for you/your story. Some of my stories are more prose focused and I'll play more with language, imagery etc. Others are more about the plot and just having fun imagining this scene. Sometimes it's a mix of both. What is "good" writing depends on the writer, story, genre, etc. There is no one way to write.
I'm rambling a lot because I'm just really passionate about this and I cannot express enough how easier writing got, including all the difficult and ugly and frustrating parts, when I gave space to prioritise my enjoyment and fun. People love to romanticise the idea of the "struggling" writer. I see stuff on here and I'm like you guys….writing should be fun. Like yeah sometimes it's hard and we should talk about that but like, you Need to make sure you are having fun. Anyway I'm going to try not to ramble and bullet point some things that helped me:
Make Writing Fun: Lol! Literally whatever makes writing fun. Sometimes I just write super indulgent scenes and the fun of that sets me up to work on my projects. When I work on my projects I try to find what in each scene I'm going to enjoy the most, and focus on that to help me write the rest. I make playlists, moodboards, memes, art etc for my story because it's fun, and it helps me be engaged with my story outside of writing it. Just, have fun.
On productivity: some people will benefit from setting clear goals and running towards them. Some people don't. For me it depends on my headspace. I don't think productivity is a bad thing, it can feel good, but productivity should not be the only reason you write. And the most productive writing process is whichever one makes writing enjoyable for you, because that's how you'll get words on the page
On that note, please be wary of anyone online who who treats the writing advice they share as Fact. I'm not saying every writing teacher out there does...but some of them market it that way! And creators do not have an authority on writing just because they have a platform however big. There are some AMAZING content creators out there who talk about writing, and I have found them motivating, but like just let yourself be picky about who you listen to/engage with. I say this because I consumed some very Strict writing advice when I was younger and it literally contributed to my years long slump so like...I'm picky now LOL
About goals: Personally, gentle goals are what help me get back into writing. Maybe just write for 20 minutes, or write every day for a couple days. When I do word count goals, I base them on how I feel that day, and recently I don't make a word count, I'll transfer it to the next session but smaller. So if I try to write 500 words but can't I'll say okay, lets try 250 next time. Goals can be a great motivator and way to feel achieved, and maybe bigger goals will help you, but you're also allowed to adjust them as you go to make it easier
On finding new ideas, having been there before, you don't need a fully fleshed out idea to start writing. My longest break I came back to writing with...one character and a backstory? If you have stories/characters already you can revisit them, either build on what you have or completely change it. Or if you don't have that, if there's a piece of media you like you can take that concept and play around with it in your own way, or you can even just write fanfic until you have your own idea (if you want your own idea, fanfic is cool too!) You can even just find a cool pic on pinterest and play around with describing it, writing about it, seeing if you can get anything from that. Ideas are everywhere and they can be tiny, and I think if you have that want to write you Will find your story eventually. All writers have had the Idea struggle, but I think the more you engage with writing and think about what concepts and stories interest you already, the more you'll like train yourself to get ideas
That was very long and maybe a lot but like, I am very passionate about this! I've been in writing "slumps" where I didn't know if I would write again, I've started writing again with no ideas, and in those times all I had was the fact I knew I wanted to write. There are a lot of reasons why we end up having long breaks from writing and it is totally normal, sometimes beneficial for us, and we should never give ourselves a hard time for not writing for however long. But also remember that you can always come back. Every one of us has the capacity to create, whatever that looks like, and you can make it as self indulgent and self serving as you want.
#also a bit on the creators and writing advice thing#I dont think every creator out there who does How To Do X.....is treating what they say as fact. and i dont think that's Bad#i think they're just teaching what they think is valuable info#but like...you're allowed to disagree with it#but I've also encountered people with big platforms who will say shit like if you don't do This Thing you WILL fail in some way#just because THEY had that expreience...or will do writing advice marketed like Harsh Truths For Writers!!!#and like yeah you might find something valuable in that but like it's all marketing!!! they want you to click on their post and engage!#again! not always a bad thing it's how the internet works unfortunately! but sometimes it IS kind of shady lol and you can just ignore it#i'm saying this as someone sharing advice right now. you can disagree with any of this lol#some people share writing advice online and that's literally how they make money or they're using that advice to sell their product#again fair i dont think that's inherently bad but i think just. look at this stuff with a critical eye. people have experience that can be#helpful but NOBODY is an authority on writing#cause unfortunately some people Are capitalising on the fact there are vulnerable writers out there looking for help#putting this extension in the tags because its not so much about starting to write again but i think its important#in regards to engaging with writers spaces. that engagement can be so motivating but you have to set barriers LOL
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alicelufenia · 2 months
I have finally finished my first BG3 playthrough
Gonna go into HUGE detail below the cut over all my thoughts, including spoilers of potentially everything I've encountered in the game (and maybe a few I haven't but already know about)
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Might as well just start with the obvious question: what was my playtime?
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A little over 344 hours.
Granted that's total playtime, I spent a lot of time (though not as long as you'd think) in act 1 with several characters that didn't go anywhere, only actually progressing with Alice after like a month of waffling on what/who to play. Or going back to old saves to take screenshots or record for gifs (which reminds me, I can go back and make all sorts of gifs now if I want) or to test my extremely scientific tumblr posts on how to recruit Minthara by giving her a concussion.
Total ACTUAL playtime for my main tav
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A more respectable 189 hours, not counting the epilogue which was like, an hour tops.
While I played a ton in 2023, my opportunity to play has been hampered this year somewhat. Which is why it took me til March to finish when I reached act 3 in DECEMBER. That's three months to get to Act 3, but but 4 months to finish it. And I didn't even do all the sidequests! I gave up on the painter's wife and the necromancy guy, and didn't even start the Umberlee thing (is that even a sidequest? I honestly don't know) Which still amounts to doing a LOT anyway, and not having the tiefling npcs around didn't feel like it impacted much outside of a lack of a vendor.
The Grove and Minthara
Speaking of which, I guess I should talk about my act 1 choices, and why I went with raiding the grove and romancing Minthara for my first playthrough (a thing that seems to be incredibly rare from what I've seen of poll responses here)
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When you don't want to admit you committed mass murder for some pussy, and maybe a chance to save the world I guess
In short, my plan was for my Sorcadin (Oath of Glory Paladin/Shadow Sorcerer) to have a lapse in act 1 and break her oath in an attempt to get close to Minthara and sway her from the Absolute, before fighting to defend the grove and restoring her oath in the process, but that act would leave a stain on her soul (the levels of Shadow Sorcerer thanks to a mod).
But then I fell absolutely head over heels for her. Oops.
This was back before a way to recruit her while saving the tieflings was a part of the game, and for whatever reason I didn't want to use the mod that let you do it. So I thought, I'll split my saves at the grove battle where I betray or side with the tieflings. So betraying them is, well an ordeal for sure, but then Minthara's scene.
Oh boy
So yeah, after completing all that and then going back and fighting for the grove, I thought about it for like a week or two before deciding, screw playing the game twice with this split point, I'll continue from the betray the grove point, see where this goes. And just like that my character goes from a faltering hero to a fallen one. Instead of immediately restoring her oath, she would remain an oathbreaker for the rest of act 1 and nearly all of act 2.
Act 2
By far the biggest impact your choices in act 1 have are on your path through act 2. Technically you can go either way (meeting the harpers and reaching Last Light Inn first, or following Kar'niss' caravan straight to Moonrise Tower) regardless of your actions, but the game nudges you subtly to one or the other, mainly by pointing to where your potential allies will be. So I wound up at Moonrise first, and I had Minthara recruited very early in Act 2.
Essentially I did the act backwards compared to how many people would do it, going from Moonrise, to the surrounding town, to Last Light, then the Monastery, the Gauntlet of Shar, and finally the assault on Moonrise. My party's turning point to "good guys" during all this was basically right when they fight to defend Isobel at Last Light, making that particularly hard fight feel really meaningful to the story (it weirds me out how many people recommend skipping it, like what just save before, it's hard but not impossible)
This resulted in Act 2 having this seemingly intended escalation to it; we are at our lowest on the way to Moonrise. The dream visitor scene you can get on the way is really good here, they ask you how you felt about what happened to the grove. Very funny how they have an encouraging answer whether you say you don't care or you regret it. Especially after we find out who they really are.
Exploring the NPCs at Moonrise feels like a weird dark mirror of the grove, all these seemingly normal people doing their thing but talking about committing the worst atrocities so casually. Then you run into Minthara—your one real ally here—and she's been made a prisoner? By a seemingly immortal general! Seriously seeing Ketheric before hearing Jaheira's summary of him is a trip. And then I went to free Minthara from her prisoners, getting advantage on the wisdom check to break her free of the Absolute's voice cause of my previous relationship with her, and oh wow this is like the second best scene in the game this was the best decision I ever made in a game! Now let's make these bastard cultists bleed!!
Oh I was all in on Minthara's side at that point.
And yet weirdly ready to try and be a hero again. Alice had a purpose again, and allies willing to see it through. Though Wyll and Karlach had abandoned her at the grove, she was now invested in those who remained, and begins striving to lead them better. She strikes her first blow against the cultists by killing Marcus, and at the Gauntlet of Shar, while at first I tried to push Shadowheart toward sparing the Nightsong (which went horribly bad) instead Alice said she doesn't like it, but doesn't want to lose her, so she'll back her up no matter her choice.
And Shadowheart chose to spare the Nightsong. And I was introduced to my OTHER favorite character in the whole game, Dame Aylin!
And now the act hits its highest point. Having Minthara with me for the assault on Moonrise feels SO right, she has dialogue with Z'rell, a reason to be there in every fight to come, the final battle is
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It's so cool.
And then Minthara has one of if not her best scene in the whole game
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Not only this line, but her whole speech on Orin, her continued quest for vengeance, with the ultimate goal of replacing the Chosen Three and becoming the Absolute. And shortly after Minthara confesses to her, and I was so blown away that it happened so early!
This was also when her romance was still a shambling pile of broken flags, and I was so happy it actually worked I immediately restored Alice's oath, as she renews her vow to seek legendary heights of glory (by seizing the elder brain).
Leaving the shadowlands and heading to act 3 also leads to the last (major) change caused by my choices in act 1; the shadow curse remains. I did attempt Art's quest, which ended when we had to confirm that Halsin was dead (or so we thought, but wait until I talk about that much later!), leaving the curse unliftable.
And honestly, probably the biggest let down I've noticed about the 'good' path through act 2 versus the more 'evil' one I took is that, the curse kinda never stops being a problem in the evil path, while the good path trivializes it so early. Once you get a hold of a Moon lantern (which you can do early if you turn on Kar'niss and then on the harpers), you can just release Dolly Dolly Dolly and be safe from basically all of the curse. If you maintain your cover as a cultist, Kar'niss disappears until the end of the arc, at which the moon lantern he drops has a dead Dolly in it, so no permanent buff (not that it would matter at that point). And the moon lantern you can pick up in Balthazar's room doesn't have a pixie to release.
I dunno, you can already lift the curse in the good playthrough, seems like an odd choice to make it more trivial in that one than the other path. Still, having to manage our moon lantern use throughout the whole area, kinda made exploring it feel more significant, and knowing when it was safe or not to put away the lantern made it at least a little more interesting to explore certain areas, whereas players on the good path probably don't even know there are individual buildings with a deeper curse that even the Selunite blessing doesn't protect, necessitating still using the lantern.
So despite not having Halsin's whole quest with Art, Thaniel and Oliver, I still KINDA prefer the way it played out for me. Might change my mind in the future if I actually do that quest line, Thaniel and Oliver are interesting enough characters to make that worthwhile from what I've seen.
Act 3
At this point I've been playing for 3 months and I finally make it to act 3. The mission here being "get Minthara's approval as high as possible without breaking your oath". In short:
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Crushed it. And no oath broken.
But before that, we had to deal with the little problem of Orin's kidnapping victim being Minthara. For SOME reason, Minthara is the only companion who can be abducted even if she's currently being romanced (she just has to not be in the party at the time it happens).
Which is devastating, but also REALLY good story telling, cause you just told her not like an hour ago that you'd keep her safe from Orin.
So my first task upon entering the Lower City was "find Orin and rescue Minthara". I stepped right over that agreement to go after Gortash first, and instead tracked down a few of the Bhaalist murders, which led me to the Tribunal, standing before Sarevok to be accepted as an Unholy Assassin, not REALLY knowing what I was doing at this point, and then I'm asked to kill Valeria (who was a jerk during the investigation, but not nearly that bad) and, feeling myself up against the wall, say FUCK IT WE BALL and refused to kill her.
And Somehow. I managed to beat Sarevok, despite being surrounded by cultists buffing him up. My team was Shadowheart, Lae'zel and Gale, and lemme tell you that's POTENT (this was before I got the Markoheshkir for Gale but, turns out a level 11 Wizard is REALLY STRONG so it doesn't matter)
The way the journal updated made me worried that if I took a long rest, Minthara would be killed, so. I went looking for the Temple of Bhaal, getting lost in the sewers until I finally found it, and went to face Orin WITHOUT LONG RESTING AFTER SAREVOK.
I wasn't even at max level, or had much of the good equipment in act 3. Unstoppable is a Bitch of a mechanic, and silly me didn't prepare Magic Missle on Gale (which would have trivialized it). So I had Alice, Lae'zel, and Minthara chip-chip-chipping away at 7 stacks of Unstoppable, only occasionally getting a hit through, all while Gale provided support by burning just SO MANY high level scrolls (he ran out of slots at some point), and I forget what I was doing with Shadowheart. I still don't think I understood the mechanic, but I did get an achievement for killing Orin while the cultists were still performing their ritual, so I guess I brute-forced it like some have done with Grimm.
So, after Orin the rest of Act 3 was a breeze by comparison. Except the House of Hope, that was ALSO a bitch of a fight, and unlike Orin I had to reload after a party wipe. Just once though, I beat Raphael with just Minthara up, taking out his last 10 hp with a Psionic Backlash just as he was about to roast her with Incinerate again.
Other than those, the actual rest of Act 3 was... well, I mean it was fine. I did just about everything, found and recruited Minsc, was confused that the Emperor tries to talk you OUT of recruiting him for being too unpredictable, yet he never once raises an objection to bringing on Minthara. I dunno it made sense with my playthrough cause she basically never spent time as an enemy, but it's still WEIRD and not really a choice worth doing differently. Which will become a bit of a theme with Act 3.
As I said at the start, Act 3 took me longer than any other, but I did take my sweet time there. The sheer number of npcs that you can talk to is still incredible, I fell into some quests like the Mouth Gazette accidentally, and completing those was involved but didn't take too long.
Once I had taken out Gortash, we were basically ready to go straight to the end game. The path to it being through the Temple of Bhaal driving home the point even more that I was meant to tackle Orin last, but no WAY was my wife going to miss out on the entire Act 3.
My last big exciting moment for the playthrough was when Minthara spoke up out of nowhere while heading into the temple
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That's right, I got the Alurlssrin line here, since Minthara wasn't around for it the first time I went to fight Orin. But, since the game doesn't check to see if Orin was still alive (or it did but it bugged?) I still got it anyway!
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She still says we have to go kill Orin, but who cares! This was literally one of my major goals in the game, my Get Kim to Wear The Jacket of Baldur's Gate 3 (whereas that achievement was basically the best thing I did in Disco Elysium). So happy to get it my first playthrough.
High Hall
As for the end of the game, while I can see how it would be harder on higher difficulties, I still think I'd have a much harder time with earlier fights. I didn't play this optimally at all, not using elixirs nor summoning many of my allies. I kinda was worried about "using them too early" but I think you're meant to use them or they go to waste.
Now I had a lot of allies. Red dragon air support, Harpers, Guild assassins, Elite Fist unit, VOLO, and even Yurgir! I only summoned the Harpers and Yurgir, and they were fine, but I think Volo is actually the strongest ally. His "Volo's Guide to Monsters" condition that gives +2 to attacks, saves and checks, that's insanely good!
Meanwhile I was noticably missing some allies. Where were Isobel and Aylin? Where were the Gondians and the Steel Watch they're supposed to give me? Especially with the abrupt way Isobel and Aylin exited the game after Lorroakan (another choice that wasn't a real choice cause why the FUCK would I betray Aylin at that point), it was a let down. As was siding with the Gondians when Wulbren gave me zero reason to sympathize with me (it felt like a Lorroakan again, you need a reason to hate this character to refuse them, so they try to do something you would absolutely not do given the choices you've already made)
At least I finally know why people hate Wulbren, but MAN does that not feel earned.
My Final Party
Since I was locked into my party from boarding the boat to the credits, I might as well talk about who I took, and what build I used for them.
Alice (6 Paladin / 6 Sorcerer)
Pretty standard Sorcadin for my Tav, I had her wielding the Jorgal's Greatsword, eventually swapping to the Sword of Chaos (never got Balduran Giantslayer. No Wyll so I don't know what an Ansur is lol). I used mods for BOTH subclasses, Oath of Glory and Shadow Sorcerer respectively. I'm gonna be honest, Sorcadin wasn't as impressive as I was hoping it would be. First, Glory Oath has its charms (the mod user tweaked a lot as this oath is meant for grappling builds in tabletop), but the spell list was meh. Guiding Bolt didn't prove to be as useful as I hoped, and Oath of Devotion's tenets for oathbreaking works fine I guess, but doesn't quite match up perfectly.
Like I interpret it as Alice trying to become the kind of legend told in stories about truly heroic figures, hence the oath tenets making me stick with a knight in shining armor type for most choices. Still it means I could make all the best choices for my companions, so they can be the best they can be, and that's perfectly fitting for the Oath of Glory.
What made this REALLY take off was the level 6 abilities for Shadow Sorcerer, at least the version the mod maker made for Baldur's Gate. At level 6 you get Hound of Ill Omen, essentially a familiar that can perform an attack that can knock enemies prone, but you have to designate the target, which you can swap freely once each turn. You ALSO get Shadow Step, which is BONKERS in BG3 for mobility, as there's almost always some minor obscurement. She zipped around everywhere, concentrated on Haste and SMITE SMOTE all into oblivion.
Minthara (9 Paladin / 3 Rogue)
Of course I had to keep Minthara a Vengeance Paladin, it's so much of who she is. I gave her 3 levels of Thief Rogue for the extra bonus action, and the Dual Wielder feat so she could wield the Handmaiden's Mace in the offhand (letting her dump Strength) and the Devotee's Mace in main. The Alert feat basically meant she always went first, and could set up with Soul Brands or an early burst and just delete ANYTHING in one go, all while concentrating on Haste for just infinity attacks.
This build doesn't have TWF but honestly, I didn't miss it. The Handmaiden's main use is the stat boost, and it can poison, so once the target is poisoned I don't necessarily need to make attacks with it and just use all the Soul Branding I want. Or do bonus action dashes to move anywhere. And since in the end I made her partial illithid, she was BY FAR my most mobile party member, even more than Alice. Levitate + Thief Rogue's bonus actions means you can get absolutely ANYWHERE if you want.
And call me a simp but I love it when she growls "I am your death" or "No survivors" and then actually kills every mother fucker she clicks on. With Vow of Enmity up, plus The Dead Shot for lower crit rate, she critted quite a lot, especially when I gave her an elixir of viciousness (appropriate). It takes a lot to out damage a Sorcadin, but she managed.
Lae'zel (12 Fighter)
You know what's almost as good as a Sorcadin or crit-fishing Paladin, damage-wise? A Gith with 12 straight levels of Battlemaster Fighter, and the Silver Sword of the Astral Plane. She managed to out damage Minthara on the Red Dragon in the final battle, Precision Attacking with GWM to get SO MUCH damage in, the dragon was dead in like 3 turns.
Shadowheart (2 Paladin / 10 Cleric)
This was a bit of a weird one, and I would definitely do something different next time. The idea for this was, Paladin for smites and Ancients healing radiance, Light Cleric for spellcaster damage and using Sentinel to act as pseudo-tank. Selûne's Spear and Viconia's Walking Fortress with Reaper's Embrace for the highest AC in the group. Honestly this worked better than it looks on paper, mostly cause with the Amulet of Greater Health she had the most hp, and almost never lost concentration. Enemies still tried to attack her despite being more tanky, and I've had her soak up so much damage.
Next time I'm definitely going to resist the temptation to make Selûne Shadowheart a Light cleric (it's not even one of Selûne's domains) and I have some ideas for that with actual synergy with things like radiating orb, so hopefully next game she'll be more effective.
A New World for Ourselves
So we did it. Orpheus subjugated the crown, the Absolute is at our mercy. All that's left is to make that final decision. Do I destroy the brain, ridding us of the tadpoles and the threat of the Netherbrain forever, or do I betray everyone so that Minthara and I can become the Absolute.
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Nothing could be more glorious! Of course I was going to pick this one!
Or do I? I mean, I could, and I did to find out what happens. But is it an ending? Maybe in the future when they make that update to the 'evil endings' that they mentioned recently, there'll be more to it. For now, it basically results in you deleting every other companion (except I believe if Minthara or Astrarion are your partner) and taking control of the Netherbrain to carry out your will with no one to stop you.
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It ALSO is one of the extremely rare times that Tav/Durge gets a spoken line in a cutscene, and hearing Lynsey Murrell (voice of Tav 8) say "In my name" will sustain me for weeks. Minthara saying "In your name" so much REALLY went to her head huh.
C'mon everyone who follows me saw it coming, why do you think I made my blog name literally "In My Name"? I am cringe but I am free.
But, as of right now, this ending amounts to little more than an alternative game over, until they add an epilogue for it. There isn't even a stinger scene at the end of the credits. Oh well, I'm sure the actors will have a blast performing mind-controlled companions, when that finally comes out.
The Real Epilogue
So we did it. We ordered the brain to destroy all tadpoles (and taking away Minthara's veins and black eyes, which, they were cool, but I like her without them more) and then kill itself. Despite us being on it when it blows up, but after the gang climbs out of the river and onto the dock, we have our final moments before we go our separate ways.
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btw this lady, who goes to town on a Mind Flayer to protect the tiefling kid? She's so badass and I think I love her. God I'm so weak to fearless women kicking the crap out of things, and this game just doesn't stop delivering on that front.
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Minthara is taking the brain's destruction incredibly well, probably due to being rid of the tadpole at last.
I honored Orpheus' wishes and put him down so he can be a martyr for his people. Lae'zel departed to return to the Astral Plane for the war against Vlaakith, and poor Astarion had to run off cause the sun started burning him. As for Gale, I thought I had messed up his quest by not bringing him to the last battle, but he did in fact get a choice to retrieve the crown for himself or Mystra, or to leave it. I told him he should leave it. Still spiteful to Mystra, sorry not sorry, but at least he didn't make another mistake.
As we headed into the Epilogue, Minthara and I have been spending the six months weaving schemes and intrigue to take control of the city from the shadows. Probably the least evil option for Minthara's epilogue, but honestly it fits, Alice has achieved her legend status and Minthara has a genuine happy ending, not having to worry about all out warfare with her family (yet).
The Epilogue Party was as adorable as I had hoped it'd be. It was great to catch up with everyone, and it made me happy I used my oc from ffxiv, cause this is very much in line with the sort of "You fixed everything and everyone is praising you" ending the Warrior of Light gets in basically every expansion.
So after finishing the game, I have my thoughts. First off, I had such a great time, and fully intend to start another run (more on that later). I wouldn't say it's perfect; the epilogue does a good job to pad out the ending, but the base game ending after finishing the last battle is definitely pretty abrupt. But it's alleviated so much by seeing these characters I've spent so much time with, seen them struggle and grow, now finally getting closure. That still makes it worth it.
I am ashamed to admit I had to reload on the final battle after an impromptu party wipe. You'd think as a FFXIV savage raider I would be able to recognize "don't stand in the bad" mechanics and execute them perfectly since this is turn based. And not only did Shadowheart get hit by one of those nautiloid attacks, the final boss took us out because I didn't realize it'd blow up the platforms they were on. Still, as a savage raider maybe it makes perfect sense I'd have trouble not standing in bad.
There's one other thing I wanted to mention, something that a lot of people are concerned about when they play this game and I'm so happy I can say, after completing this run, that the Grove does not matter.
The Grove doesn't matter (just do it)
That's not even hyperbole, the grove literally doesn't matter. Notice I how I didn't have to mention it past act 2? That's because it matters basically only for act 2, while act 3 might as well exist on its own. Now I guess that makes sense if no npcs from the grove actually survive, since there's no one there to talk about them.
But like. Volo is right there. I saved him from cultists in act 3, and he shows up for the final battle and the epilogue, and he makes a big talk about telling my story, conveniently forgetting that whole part where I committed genocide for, as he himself noted at the time, no discernible reason.
Like I know I joke that you can raid the grove and still play the game as a 'good' character, and that's still true and I think it should at least be possible, but like. At least a mention?
I will tell you who I heard from that I was absolutely NOT expecting though:
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I'm sorry, fucking who??
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So what seems to be going on here, is that because I never talked to Halsin after initiating "Raid the grove" in act 1, meaning he never left the goblin camp, the game never registered him as "dead" (even though you can tell Art that), but instead is treating him as "alive, and the shadowlands are still cursed"
Weird. I don't remember if I actually went back to the goblin camp and checked the worg pens to see if his body was there. But since Minthara showed up at Moonrise with his journal in her inventory, I just assumed she killed him before leaving to Moonrise.
It honestly would have been absolutely hilarious if I had gotten a "you may have saved the Sword Coast but I will never forgive you for what you did to the grove. May we never meet again" or something like that. But hey this is a party, we gotta stay upbeat!
Anyway the moral of the story is, if you haven't killed the grove yet, you should definitely kill the grove. Maybe not the one Larian intended, but it works for me.
What's Next?
I'm going to be taking a break from bg3 for a bit. There's a limited time event going on in ffxiv, and I still need to replay and finish Hi-Fi Rush (my other game of the year of 2023). After all of that, I have a few ideas for my next run, in order of preference:
Chosen of Eilistraee - Drow Bard/Rogue/Cleric (Shadowheart Romance)
I really wanna go back in and do another in-depth run as a more traditional 'chaotic good tav' like a lot of people did their first time, but with the luxury of being able to recruit every companion this time. I also really want to play through the game as a Bard, and play a more religion-focused character.
So a Drow Bard with the Cleric of Eilistraee dialogue options, and who will have a whole story involving obtaining Phalar Aluve (Eilistraee's weapon) AND Larethian's Wrath (Corellon's weapon) and dual wield them. Since Alice will no longer be my main tav after this (more below), I'll be giving this character the Guild Artisan (tav's canon background as far as I'm concerned) and she'll be my go-to heroic tav.
DU Minthara - Paladin/Sorcerer (Karlach OR Lae'zel Romance)
There's this brilliant mod that lets you play as any of the companions, Origin and non-Origin, using either Tav's or Dark Urge's dialogue. And listen. The more I think about it, the more it makes sense that Dark Urge is the perfect way to play Minthara AS an origin character.
I could romance either Karlach or Lae'zel (both incredible rarepairs, though Minthara/Karlach is less rare nowadays), but if I go with Karlach I'll HAVE to save the grove, because I don't want to risk her romance breaking if Dammon is dead. Plus fixing her engine means act 2 and 3 Karlach sex scenes with Minthara 😳 oooooh yes! Don't know if I'll be resist or embrace, but would aim for the Avernus ending. And of course with Lae'zel any way is fair game, meaning that grove is getting raided again boys!
And yes it is another Paladin/Sorcerer multiclass, don't judge me I'm going for a different level split this time and not using modded subclasses, and Storm Sorcerer is very Durge-appropriate.
Karlach Origin (Minthara Romance)
Same deal, but reverse. This will be my one concession to romancing Minthara on a 'good' playthrough. Normally I'm personally opposed to that; recruit her sure, but she needs someone willing to kill for her. That all changes with Karlach / Minthara, the tiefling has permission to concuss her and later kiss her, because she absolutely would, plus won't be around long enough to help Minthara with any of her plans anyway, so their future is either going to be brief or in Avernus (aiming for the latter as usual)
Can you tell I REALLY like this ship?
DU Alice - Paladin/Warlock (Minthara Romance)
I intend to replay Alice someday (need to let her story rest for a bit before I come back to it) this time using Dark Urge to fill in those needling holes in her background. Like just adding Durge makes everything about her character better imo. I'd play her as Oathbreaker from the start. Waking up with holes in her brain and a hole in her soul where her oath used to be, replaced by whispers of death. What even was her oath, and if she can restore it, should she? Basically a replay of my first run but with added DU angst, and a connection to Orin and Gortash that accidentally mirror her relation to Zenos and Emet-Selch in ffxiv. Neat.
Shadowheart Origin (Astarion Romance)
This one is wild, considering I don't really like Astarion (he does nothing for me, though his story and Neil Newbon's performance are both excellent). However I saw a certain Shadowstarion fanart and thought, what if they just made each other worse until we have Ascended Astarion reeking havoc for eternity alongside Dark Justiciar Vampire Shadowheart. That's all I got.
So if you read all the way to this end, thank you! I hope you enjoyed my ramblings. If you want, drop your thoughts in comments or ask, I'd love to hear them!
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the-oc-lass · 8 months
Nimona OC - Charlotte Swiftheart/Corova
Alright, so I guess 13 people are interested in this OC, so I'll talk briefly about her (and include more if people are interested).
Reminder of the overview I gave initially: Her name is Charlotte, and she’s the bastard daughter of whatever the hell Ambrosius’s dad’s name is. He essentially had an affair with a commoner woman about a month before Ambrosius was born (I always view it as her not realizing who he was until she saw the news of Ambrosius’s birth and saw the guy in the picture). That means, yes, I’m giving Ambrosius a half sister. After Ballister joined the Institute, little Charlotte realized that maybe she could be a knight too. After a great deal of debating and begging to Ambrosius’s dad, her mother eventually convinced him to vouch for Charlotte as the heir to a dead noble house, and she’s allowed into the Institute. She has no idea she’s related to Ambrosius, but befriends him and Ballister anyway. Until they’re all about sixteen and someone leaks that she’s what the kingdom calls a half blood (half noble, half commoner) and the Director blackmails Charlotte into leaving.
Some of what I write about her will be bulleted lists with facts about her, some will be descriptions of her involvement with movie scenes (I will read the comic so I can accurately transfer her, I just need to buy it and have it shipped to me), and some short(ish, because I can't write short things) scenes with her and various Nimona characters (mostly the main trio). If that sounds interesting, please continue reading.
Next (Short drabble)
Early(ish) Life/Beginning of Knight Training:
Charlotte's mother (her name is Minara) probably wasn't very old when she was roped into this affair with Ambrosius's dad. Very early twenties, twenty five at the oldest
Charlotte is blonde! She and Ambrosius look very similar, actually, and it's a miracle no one realized they were related. Charlotte honestly looks a bit like an Asian comic Ambrosius (long flowing golden hair and such). She also has blue eyes
Charlotte's true last name is Corova, but when she joined the Institute, Ambrosius's/her dad chose the more knightly/noble last name of Swiftheart for her
I at least headcanon Ambrosius, Ballister, and Charlotte to be around 10 when Ballister (and Charlotte) join the Institute. No idea if that's right, though
While Ambrosius does fascinate her, she's far more interested in Ballister. When they first meet, she almost idolizes him. She's meant to be keeping her identity and non-noble blood a secret, but she tells him said secret within days of meeting him. It's a miracle that she keeps her "half bloodedness" a secret for six years.
Eventually, she, Ballister, and Ambrosius become something of a trio. Cannot be separated. Charlotte eventually admits to Ambrosius that she isn't who she says she is, but he doesn't mind (if anything, he thinks more of her for it).
She, like Ambrosius, calls Ballister "Bal." Her nickname for Ambrosius is "Brosi" and the boys call her "Char."
Since she was meant to be pretending that she was of noble descent, Ambrosius would help her with understanding certain nobility things and gave her a crash course on etiquette (because as goofy as he is, you know he was trained from birth on what proper etiquette is)
It's kind of canon how Ambrosius gave Ballister his sword (I mean, the B on that sword is literally made from a G and some carved lines. You know, for Goldenloin. Plus I think Nate/ND said somethign about it in a Nimona interview), but he also eventually gives one to Charlotte. I haven't decided what it looks like yet, but she absolutely cherishes it
Was considered to be on a similar level as Ballister throughout training. Street kid survival instincts and all that, plus feeling like they had something to prove to everyone else (even if no one knew that Charlotte was a half blood yet).
Charlotte is a gigantic lesbian (she comes out to the boys when they're all about 14)
The person who commented yes and the person who reblogged yes, I hope you enjoy:
@ammonitetheseaserpent @perfectkittystranger
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amethystina · 2 months
I'm sorry for the sudden ask but if u don't mind me asking, is the one who says this Yohan ? : "Who I entertain is none of your business."
If it's him then ouch 😭
It's Yo Han saying that, yes. Followed by Ga On replying:
"You're right. It's not."
That said, I still haven't decided if I'll actually write this or not x'D At the moment it's just roughly 600 words of dialogue for a possible ficlet set sometime during the later parts of the drama (but before The Breakup), where Ga On gets jealous enough about Yo Han's previous conquests to (accidentally) push things between them to... develop, I guess we could say? xD
But I think the idea needs to percolate a bit first. Since while I find Ga On's apparent penchant for jealousy quite fascinating, I'm also a little wary of the trope itself. It can easily turn into something quite toxic. And while toxic is par for the course with these two, I also want it to make sense for the characters and maybe have a little more substance?
Like, it almost feels a bit cheap to have that whole "I saw these two people do something vaguely suspicious and now I'm grumpy and jealous" cliché?
Then again, Ga On is both emotional and impulsive enough to fall for it x'D Especially if it's coupled with a bit of mild internalised homophobia and guilt over the fact that he "should" be more interested in pursuing Soo Hyun, not feeling jealous over something Yo Han does.
He'd be so annoyed that Yo Han makes him feel all those confusing things and then has the audacity to flirt with someone else.
And I guess the substance would come quite naturally once Ga On reaches the point where he goes: "What if this unspoken thing between us is just another one of his games? Something he does for fun? Because that's just what he's like? I'm just a joke to him, aren't I?"
And also realises that Yo Han doesn't actually owe him anything, so whatever jealousy and attachment Ga On feels is entirely his own fault.
(For someone who doesn't like angst, I sure find ways to include it in many of my fics).
I am tempted to write it, I can admit, especially since it would also include a scene a bit later (as in, a bit after the two phrases above) where Yo Han goes:
"I'm making it your business. If that's what it takes."
Because I like that thought? Or, rather, I'm impressed by Yo Han's creativity when it comes to expressing that "I want you to be the person to entertain me now" but without sounding quite that desperate. He's perfected the skill of never appearing weak or giving other people the upper hand into an art.
So yeah. We'll see. Either way, it's not the project I should be working on right now. So it's not happening anytime soon even if I do decide to write it xD
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airenyah · 5 months
QL Wrapped 2023
i was tagged by @nongnaos and @ranchthoughts thank youuu <333
i meant to upload this at the latest by december 31st, but the thing is when i saw the tag i was a little overwhelmed at first bc i didn't know how to fill it out and then once i had it all written out i had a super hard time deciding on what to gif and then it all ended up taking soooo much longer than planned. and now it's already 2024. oops. well, better late then never...
so without further ado:
You watched 12 QLs this year that's about 264 hours!
(i'm counting only qls that started airing 2023 bc i didn't keep track of every single show that i watched and it's a lot easier to count all the 2023 dramas on mdl lmao)
You primarily only watched QLs from Thailand
i blame my bachelor thesis for this which i was writing on the translation strategies of thai to eng and also the fact that i'm learning thai, so any time i watch a series i'm like "do i watch something from a country other than thailand tonight??" only for a little voice in my head to go "yeah but you COULD be spending your evening practicing thai listening skills" so yeah...
You spent way too much time thinking about these characters: Pat Napat Jindapat
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listen. LISTEN. i know ok, i know bad buddy is from 2021 not from 2023. however!!!!! bad buddy was part of our skyy 2 and that included my boy pat and so i'm counting it!!!! i'm always thinking about pat napat jindapat ok bye
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no for real tho. i am NOT kidding when i say i have spent hours on end thinking about pat in the year of our lord 2023, two full years after the show dropped:
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maybe in 2024 i'll finally sit down and write that meta that's been in my head for two years now
Your favorite show was Moonlight Chicken
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it's gotta be the chicken show for me. yeah. it just felt so... idk, real in a way. idk how to explain it. i'm not even obsessing over mlc all that much but any time it pops into my head i go all kinds of 😭😭😭 and 🥰🥰🥰
not to mention the firstmix
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the heartliming
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and most importantly earth and fourth as an uncle/nephew duo??
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i am so🥺🥺🥺
special shoutout also to jimbo the cat (left) who looks almost exactly like coco, my family's cat (right):
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Another one of your favorites was Last Twilight
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just. the way p'aof shows relationships on screen okay. yeah.
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i cry
You are still stuck in this hallway:
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yeah i've been thinking about the yank-kiss-yeet scene from hidden agenda and joke breaking down afterwards in that very hallway for 19 weeks straight gay. bye.
The soundtracks you listened to the most were:
(according to my spotify wrapped top 5)
Just Friend? (Bad Buddy)
Our Song (Bad Buddy)
น้ำลาย (My School President Cover)
Secret (Bad Buddy)
yeah. i've given up on the "only 2023 media" thing. if we're talking songs only from series released in 2023 then i've got love love love (our skyy 2) on no. 32 and no more empty nights (our skyy 2) on no. 46 on my spotify wrapped
also if you're wondering what the 5th song (on no.3 in reality) from my top 5 was that's missing above where i only mentioned four songs, well, it's none other than tilly birds' same page? which yeah. is also bad buddy related. surprise surprise 🤭
Your overall bl mood was P'Aof
You created 15 gifsets (of which "only" 1/3 were about making other shows about bad buddy)
you can find them here
You shazammed 295 royalty free background music pieces/songs from thai dramas
fun fact: i haven't mentioned this publically yet but since thai dramas keep using the same music over and over again in various series i've actually started collecting the different songs/pieces and i'm planning on making a side blog about it. i just want to go through some more dramas first before i publish anything. so this is something you can look forward to in 2024 dkjfkfdj
currently shazamming my way through bad buddy (you may have seen my blorbo breakdown about pran in the ep4 sleepover scene the other week that was triggered by me shazamming all of ep4). next on the list: theory of love and the eclipse. it takes ages tho, so don't expect it any time soon
Your favorite acting pair was JoongDunk
(is anyone even surprised by this lol)
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no but for real whatever these two have going on, i'm intrigued:
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i just. i love their energy ok. they're fun. and they're clearly having fun
i couldn't decide on what to gif so here's a little compilation bc fuck it, this is my post and i get to do whatever the fuck i want
(actually there's more that i could have put in there but i didn't wanna waste any more time with posting this tag game and also i was trying to keep the compilation somewhat short lmao)
they are such silly little idiot boys ("little" says the 155cm tall short person about the 180+cm giants 🤭) and i adore them &lt;3
their energy is essentially this meme and i'm so here for it:
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and they just communicate so well when they're performing and you never feel like either of them is "alone" on stage (doing his own thing in his own little bubble), it's SUCH a joy to watch!!!! once again plugging two of my all time fave performances that i've been rewatching over and over again for the last 3 months:
also dunk is just SO little brother-shaped to me idek!! looking at his face just makes me go into big sister mode. it doesn't help that he's only like a month or so older than my actual little brother. AND he reminds me a lot of one of my fave kids from my youth group that i used to go to for years. dunk natachai has klein-andi energy and you all don't know what that means but i know what that means as does my mom and she agrees. so.
i feel so ashamed for not making it in time before 2023 ended so i'm not gonna tag anyone but if you see this and you really wanna do it bc you haven't done it yet then please do so and tag me because i say so!!
and mutuals, send me yours bc i'm not sure i saw everyone else's!!!! (@celestial-sapphicss @moonkhao @visualtaehyun @telomeke @waitmyturtles @dribs-and-drabbles did you guys do this already and if yes, send me yours? i must have missed it 🥺🥺🥺)
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vicky82gargoylesfan · 2 months
My Thoughts on the First Three Episodes of X-Men 97
I was hoping to do the 3 episodes separately but i've been really busy, so I'll do all 3 episodes altogether. Sorry if i've missed anything.
X-Men 97 is awesome, I love the animation and the mature tone, it already has some blood and swearing in it already.
I love that they gave the intro a update, they included Morth and Bishop, got rid of Warpath and the purple headed guy, with Lady Deathstrike and Emma Frost.
Originally the old line up was Cyclops, Wolverine, Rogue, Storm, Beast, Gambit, Jubilee, Jean Grey and Professor X.
It is now changed to Cyclops, Jean got bumped up to 2nd, Storm is now 3rd, Wolverine 4th, Morph is 5th, Rogue 6th, Beast 6th, Gambit 7th, Jubilee 8th, Bishop 9th and kept Professor X at the end
Love the voicing acting, some of of the changes to some voice actors haven't bothered me. I took to the changes very quickly.
The fight scenes have been brilliant, very well choregraphed.
The first episode, To Me, My X-Men, was great.
Gambit in a crop top was hilarious.
Love the big picture of the original X-Men with Professor X. I hope we see Iceman and Archangel again soon
Love Morph. At one point, when I saw Archangel, I didn't realise Morph changed into him, lol. it also happened again, in the next episode when he was Lady Deathstrike.
I thought Jean was going to faint after going into Henry Gyrich mind lol but should she be doing that while pregnant.
Cyclops using his optic blasts to land was awesome.
The fight scene's between the X-Men and the Sentinels was great.
The 2nd episode, Mutant Liberation Begins was also great, bit of a mixture of emotion and funny moments.
I'm glad they kept the 'Previously on X-Men'
I love that give the intro an update and Magneto is now part of the line up is now 1st.
Wolverine reacting to Jean going into Labour and driving like a lunatic was hilarious.
Baby Nathan is cute, I laughed when Jean said to Scott that the baby has his eyes..
Love the sisterhood moments between Jean and Storm.
Love the fight scene's between the X-men and X-Cutioner. I could tell he's voiced by Cable's old voice actor.
Storm losing her powers was pretty emotional
I'm not that familiar with Rogue and Magneto's relationship in the comics, I know she had a fling with Joseph, Magneto's clone. I did used to get the X-Men comics but it was under Essential X-Men in the UK ( it was 3 comic books in one book) I started during the Onslaught Saga (I can't remember when I stop but it was before Jean died for 100th time and Cyclops got with Emma Frost) but anyway It does seem a little creepy as Rogue is her 20s maybe and Magneto possibly is in his 70s, but I'm intrigued to see what happens but do I feel sorry for Gambit though.
Fire Made Flesh was a great episode, very intense and emotional, but it felt hard to watch because of baby Nathan being put in a containment tube and being infected by the techno virus.
I did wonder why Bishop was here at first. I thought maybe he got fed up going back to the future and finding out nothing has changed so he decided to stay in the past lol, but it was because his time traveling device was broken.
I didn't notice Storm was taken out in the intro, the first time round.
The episode had some pretty creepy moments, Morph in the shower scene. Gambit seeing Magneto and Rogue sort of melted together ect.
I didn't realise who Morph changed into at first as I don't know much about Illyana Rasputin, all I know she's Colossus's sister and she died of a virus in the comics. I should read more about her.
Jennifer Hale voice acting performance, voicing both Jeans was brilliant.
The psychic moment between the the 2 Jeans was great.
I do wonder when Sinister swapped the 2 Jeans, I think maybe during the episodes Beyond Good and Evil.
So clone Jean has renamed herself Madelyne Pryor and has decided to leave. I wonder if she comes back.
Storm appears at the end and is approached by Forge , hopefully he can bring her powers back.
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shiningwonderland · 3 months
Syo Kurusu (Repeat)
Translator: Raz (twitter: agnadance)
Editor: Snail (twitter: herbert_snail)
March - Turbulent Syncopation
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Syo Kurusu: Well, I guess this is it.
Haruka Nanami: Syo-kun, you've improved so much!
Syo Kurusu: Of course! Human beings are meant to advance every single day!
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1) 身長も?Their height, too? (+5 Love +0 Music)
Syo Kurusu: Shut up about height!
Haruka Nanami: You're not getting taller?
Syo-kun flinches, his words getting stuck in his throat.
Haruka Nanami: Syo-kun, you've become so much stronger over the past few months that I thought you've grown taller….
Syo Kurusu: Is that what you think? Huh, yeah! Maybe you're onto something!
Haruka Nanami: Yes….
Syo Kurusu: Th-then, I'll go measure myself!
Haruka Nanami: Ah…. He left….
If he's going to measure his height, then maybe he went to the nurse's office? There should be a machine that measures height there.
Syo Kurusu: … I'm back.
Haruka Nanami: How was it…?
Syo Kurusu: One millimeter….
Haruka Nanami: You grew taller?
Syo Kurusu: … No, I shrunk…. What the hell was that?! Is it broken?!
Haruka Nanami: There, there….
Syo comes in fuming, but he immediately puts himself together and begins practice again.
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2) 成績も?Their grades, too? (+10 Love +5 Music)
Syo Kurusu: Ugh…. Well, I'm not getting failing grades anymore…. I think that's thanks to you, actually. Your notes are well organized, after all.
Also, you're also really good at teaching. If you aren't able to become a professional composer, how about becoming a teacher?
Haruka Nanami: A teacher… at school? That sounds nice….
Syo Kurusu: Hey, hey, don't take that comment too seriously. It's a joke. You're gonna be my composer for life!
Haruka Nanami: Hehehe. Understood! I'll do my best! Let's win the graduation audition!
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3) 体重も?Their weight, too? (+0 Love +0 Music)
Syo Kurusu: Yeah, yeah, hot pot really hits the spot this time of year–HEY!
Don't make fun of me! I'm an idol! I can watch my weight, y'know!
Haruka Nanami: I would expect nothing less of you!
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Syo Kurusu: Lately, I haven't been having any symptoms either! Thanks to that, I think the surgery will go well. Our final problem is the lyrics….
Haruka Nanami: Huh? Didn't you finish writing them a while back?
Syo Kurusu: … Well, those lyrics do match the rhythm of the song so I can sing them if I have to, but I feel like they're not quite right yet.
What I want to say is that they don't feel complete. I want to put my soul into our song.
The power words have is huge. I feel like the lyrics don't hold a candle to your composition. There's something missing.
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1)テーマを決めてみたら?How about deciding on some themes? (+5 Love +10 Music)
Haruka Nanami: Hyuga-sensei advised us to decide on some themes.
Syo Kurusu: Themes, huh? Hmm, how about "life", "living", "strength", "dreams", "courage", "persistence".... Oh, and something like  "Follow me!" 
Haruka Nanami: Hahaha, I think that's good, too. I think the best part about you is how strong you are and how you never give up.
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2)言葉を書き連ねてみたら?How about make a list of words? (+5 Love +5 Music)
Haruka Nanami: I heard if you get lost, try to write as many words as possible that pop up into your head into a notebook. It may be good to even try allegories.
You might get something interesting if you try different combinations.
Also, Hyuga-sensei said that it's okay to write words and not full sentences. He said to give musical phrases the utmost consideration.
The words will be put into song, so it's fine if the nuance shows even with one word. I think he also said that the chorus should be really catchy….
Syo Kurusu: I see. That's really helpful. Thanks, Haruka!
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3)情景と心情を・・・Scenes and emotions…. (+5 Love +5 Music)
Haruka Nanami: Hyuga-sensei said not only to include emotions, but scenes too.
He said describing something that instantly puts a scene in your head is easy to understand.
If you put emotions into that, it's easy to immerse yourself into the song.
If I remember correctly, something like beginning with a character's actions, or describing the place they're in, then describing the feelings of that character….
That's just one of the methods that I was taught.
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Syo Kurusu: Yeah! Just you wait. I'll write lyrics so good that it'll rock your heart.
Haruka Nanami: I'm looking forward to it.
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It's the end of school.
Syo-kun and I walk towards the dorms together.
Haruka Nanami: Isn't that….
We see Kaoru-kun peek at us from outside the school gates.
Syo Kurusu: And then Ren said… huh? What's the matter?
Haruka Nanami: … It's nothing. I forgot something back at school, so can we split up here?
Syo Kurusu: That's fine, but why not just go together?
Haruka Nanami: Thanks, but it's okay. I'll see you tomorrow.
Once I confirm Syo-kun has walked out of sight, I run towards Kaoru-kun.
Haruka Nanami: Kaoru-kun!
Kaoru Kurusu: Ah, Nanami-san…. Why…? You've got sharp eyes to notice me….
Haruka Nanami: Did you come to see how Syo-kun's doing?
If that's so, then he must've come see him occasionally this entire time in secret.
Kaoru Kurusu: It's because I'm worried about him… but Syo-chan hates how much I worry about him.
Kaoru-kun purses his lips.
Kaoru Kurusu: I want to be by his side to support him always, but he's the one trying to protect me…. He's working too hard….
You're Syo-chan's girlfriend, right? Are you supporting him properly? Aren't you the one being protected by him instead of the other way around?
He raises his head and looks me in the eye. Ahh, Kaoru-kun truly cares about Syo-kun.
Kaoru Kurusu: I'm sorry for saying this, but you don't seem to be that reliable. You're not being a burden to him, are you?
Haruka Nanami: I'm… doing my best to not hold him back. Nonetheless, Syo-kun sometimes does work himself too hard.
I want to do even better to support him.
Kaoru Kurusu: Are you really supporting him?
He stares at me with a doubtful look in his eyes. I understand, I need to earn his trust.
Haruka Nanami: I'll do my best.
That's all I can say. Compared to Kaoru, who has been with Syo-kun since birth, I am just a stranger to him.
I need to work even harder so he can trust me.
Haruka Nanami: By the way, you two are twins, right? Is your health okay, Kaoru-kun? Your heart doesn't start hurting or anything?
Kaoru Kurusu: I'm fine. I'm completely healthy….
I took all of Syo-chan's energy when we were in the womb together. That's why he's so weak….
Haruka Nanami: That's not true….
Kaoru Kurusu: I know that's a completely irrational way of thinking, but that thought has always been stuck in my mind.
He must've felt so guilty for being healthy when Syo-kun has been suffering so much.
That must be why he began thinking like that.
But no matter how hard Kaoru-kun is on himself, that won't make Syo-kun happy….
Kaoru Kurusu: When my friends and I would play in preschool and kindergarten, Syo-chan would be bedridden in the hospital.
Syo-chan is energetic now, but he became ill very often when we were kids, and he was almost always in the hospital.
I wish he spoke up more, like say he wanted to go to preschool too, but he would say….
Kaoru-kun bites down on his lip in an attempt to hold back his tears.
Kaoru Kurusu: He would never complain even once. He would sacrifice himself by telling me that I should go out and have fun.
He would laugh and say he was fine, putting up a cheerful act.
Haruka Nanami: Yes… Syo-kun always says that, doesn't he? Even when he's in pain….
Kaoru Kurusu: But the truth is, Syo-chan is actually vulnerable.
I saw him cry to himself in his hospital bed when I wasn't with him.
Haruka Nanami: …
Kaoru Kurusu: "I want to live." "I want to get better." "I want to play outside with everyone else." He was crying, his voice shaking. 
The moment he noticed I was standing there, he wiped his tears and acted like nothing happened. He laughed and said he's fine.
Syo-kun has been fighting all by himself this entire time, even when he was a child.
Kaoru Kurusu: I want to protect him, but all he does is protect me instead. I get so sad and frustrated….
That's when I thought I'll become a doctor and cure Syo-chan's illness….
Haruka Nanami: Is that so….
Kaoru Kurusu: But I couldn't become one immediately… so every time I saw Syo-chan like that, it was so unbearable that I would cry.
All I could do was say sorry to him. Syo-chan is in so much pain, but he would never complain to me.
He didn't say anything when he quit playing violin…. Instead, he began learning karate….
Haruka Nanami: That's because… Syo-kun wanted to become stronger in his own way….
Kaoru Kurusu: I understand, but…. At that time, I thought that he became so desperate that he was just hurting himself.
In fact, I still think he's doing that. He's trying to hurry through his life.
He's panicking because he thinks he has no time left to live, but… if one were to care for him, he can live even longer.
I want him to wait for me… until I become a doctor and become able to cure his sickness….
I just want him to wait patiently.
Haruka Nanami: The reason why you're aiming to become a doctor is for Syo-kun, right?
Kaoru Kurusu: Yes…. That was the reason at first, but now I want to cure not just Syo-chan but anyone who is suffering from illness.
I want to make them happy….
Haruka Nanami: Syo-kun must feel the same way.
Kaoru Kurusu: Huh…?
Haruka Nanami: Syo-kun is aiming to become an idol because he wants everyone to be happy and spread his joy to others.
Kaoru Kurusu: His joy…? Is that why he wants to become an idol?
Haruka Nanami: Yes, Syo-kun and Kaoru-kun's methods are different, but you're both aiming for the same goal.
Kaoru Kurusu: Is that so…? Is that true?
Haruka Nanami: Just like Kaoru-kun wants Syo-kun to be happy and put a smile on his face….
Syo-kun wants Kaoru-kun to be happy, so he's doing his best making his song.
A song that would lift the spirits of anyone who listens to it… that's why I want you to support Syo-kun's goal to be an idol….
Kaoru Kurusu: I….
He whispers to himself then looks down to think.
Kaoru Kurusu: … I'll go back for today. Tell Syo-chan to not overwork himself….
He leaves while clenching his fist.
Haruka Nanami: Yes.
Syo-kun and Kaoru-kun…. They care about each other this much, but why are they always at conflict?
Is it because they're too stubborn? I wish they would see eye to eye soon….
Syo Kurusu: So he went back home?
Haruka Nanami: Ah, Syo-kun! Since when….
Syo Kurusu: I came back a while ago because you were acting strange. That guy's a handful.
Haruka Nanami: He's just worried about you, Syo-kun….
Syo Kurusu: I get that, but he needs to think about himself more. He's only ever cared about me even when we were little.
When we were kids, he would cry so much every time I fell ill.
He would say that the reason why I'm not healthy is because he took all my energy when we were in the womb. 
Even though that makes no sense, he always apologized to me and beat himself up for it.
I kept telling him there's no relation at all and he's at no fault, but he would never listen.
I just… don't feel comfortable seeing him cry. I decided I'll become better so I would never make him cry.
I made a vow not to ever show that I'm in pain in front of him.
Haruka Nanami: Syo-kun….
But Syo-kun's consideration is the entire reason why Kaoru-kun is hurting inside….
It hurts me to see them care about each other this much and yet not truly understand each other.
Syo Kurusu: When we entered elementary school, I was able to go to school normally and Kaoru and I both began to study violin on our parents' suggestion.
At that time, we were aiming to become pro violinists together.
Syo-kun grins with a nostalgic look on his face.
Syo Kurusu: Even so, I still fell ill sometimes and had to take a day off from school. Every time I did, Kaoru would also take a break and stay by my side.
Although it's not possible to be together all the time, he would do his best to never leave me because he thought that I felt inferior to him.
That's when I met Natsuki and quit violin.
Kaoru incessantly asked me why I quit, but I never gave him an answer. He felt guilty because he was convinced that it was his fault that I quit.
After that, I began practicing karate. I lied to Kaoru that I quit violin because karate looked more interesting.
Kaoru was completely against me doing karate, saying that I should stop because it's dangerous for me…. 
But I never quit. I trained and trained, and when I got better at karate, my body became more and more resilient. 
The doctor was surprised too, saying it was a miracle….
Haruka Nanami: I… always thought that you were powerful even since you were born.
But now I know that's not true. You became strong because you worked hard for it….
Syo Kurusu: Well, the ability to keep trying is a strength on its own. In that sense, you're strong too.
But Kaoru…. maybe because he was healthy from the start, or that I was like this, but….
He's fragile…. Or maybe sensitive is the better way to word it. Anyway, he would start crying over the smallest things.
I don't want to make him cry… If I told him that I'm planning to undergo surgery, he'll cry for sure….
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1) 内緒にしておく?Will you keep it secret? (+0 Love +0 Music)
Syo Kurusu: There's no way I'll do that. I'll tell him soon enough…. Will you come with me when that time comes?
Haruka Nanami: … Yes.
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2) 言わないの?You won't tell him? (+20 Love +0 Music)
Syo Kurusu: No… I'll tell him with my own words. However….
Syo-kun clasps my hand.
Syo Kurusu: I want you to be by my side when that time comes.
Haruka Nanami: Okay.
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3) 言わなきゃダメだよ。You have to tell him. (+10 Love +0 Music)
Syo Kurusu: … I know. Will you encourage me to do it?
Haruka Nanami: …?
Syo Kurusu: If you're by my side, I feel like I can tell him properly.
Haruka Nanami: … I'll stay with you. I'll stay with you as long as you're fine with that.
Syo Kurusu: Thanks.
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Next day, Syo-kun calls Kaoru-kun to his room and tells him everything.
The fact that he'll never give up pursuing being an idol, and that he'll undergo surgery to do so.
Kaoru Kurusu: I understand that you're ready for this, but what about me and your girlfriend?
Syo-chan, you're always like this. Even that time when you quit playing violin suddenly…. All I can do is worry about you.
Why do you always decide this by yourself? I want you to talk it out with me…. Am I really that unreliable?
Syo Kurusu: That's not it….
Kaoru Kurusu: Then don't go. Don't go to a far off place by yourself.
Syo Kurusu: Sorry, but I've already decided.
Kaoru Kurusu: You're going no matter what?
Syo Kurusu: Yeah. When the graduation audition is over, I'm going to the States.
Kaoru Kurusu: What about her? She's your girlfriend. Are you just going to leave her behind?
Syo Kurusu: Yeah, that's how it'll be.
Kaoru Kurusu: That's how it'll be…? That's cruel! Are you serious? You're satisfied with that?
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1) 寂しいけど・・・I'll feel lonely, but…. (+15 Love +0 Music)
Haruka Nanami: But… Syo-kun will return no matter what, so….
Syo Kurusu: Haruka…. Yeah, I'll come back for sure.
Syo-kun puts his arm around my shoulders and pulls me in.
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2) 翔くんが決めたことだから。Syo-kun has decided. (+15 Love +10 Music)
Haruka Nanami: I'll do as he says.
Syo Kurusu: Thanks. I knew that you would say that.
Syo-kun and I look at each other and hold each other's hands.
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3) 信じてるから。I believe in him. (+25 Love +0 Music)
Haruka Nanami: Syo-kun will come back better than ever.
Kaoru Kurusu: But… there's only a 50% chance of success. If this surgery fails…. Anyway, I think it's best for him to stay put.
Syo Kurusu: I can increase my chances with a fighting spirit! Isn't that right?
Haruka Nanami: Yes!
He's passionate and nothing will change if he runs away. I think that's what he's trying to say. 
Kaoru Kurusu: I can't believe that. No, if Syo-chan's gone, what should I do with myself?
Haruka Nanami: Believe in him. Your emotions will become strength, and even though they're not visible, your wishes will come true if you gather enough of them. 
Syo Kurusu: Yes! That's a great way to put it! It's not impossible!
There's a whole 50% chance! I believe in that 50%! I'll survive for everyone's sake. …No, I want to live for myself….
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Kaoru Kurusu: You really believe in each other. I thought I was the one who understood you the most….
I always thought that I was the most important person in your life….
Syo Kurusu: …You're my little brother. You're one of my precious family members. 
We're twins. We've been together ever since we were born and were raised under the same roof, but we have to walk different paths from now on.
She's my partner… and my girlfriend….
We'll be walking the same path together from now on…. She's special.
You're not alone. I believe that you can get your own partner….
Haruka Nanami: … Syo-kun….
Kaoru Kurusu: I… might take your girlfriend while you're gone. Are you okay with that?
Haruka Nanami: Huh? U-Uh….
Syo Kurusu: Try if you can.
Kaoru Kurusu: … You don't get it at all!
He storms out of the room.
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1) 行っちゃったね・・・He left…. (+0 Love +0 Music)
Syo-kun silently gazes at the door.
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2)わかってもらえるといいね。I hope he'll understand. (+20 Love +0 Music)
Syo Kurusu: Yeah….
Syo-kun…. He wants Kaoru-kun to understand him more than anyone else.
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3)あの・・・追いかけた方が・・・Um… will you follow him? (+10 Love +0 Music)
Syo Kurusu: No, it's pointless to do that…. I wanted him to understand me though.
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I wonder if Kaoru-kun will come to the graduation audition?
I want him to hear Syo-kun's song…. I want him to know his resolve.
I have to practice as hard as I can until the very end….
Ryuya Hyuga: Whether you cry or laugh, you only get one audition for graduation. There are no redos. 
The only way to perform the best song on stage is to do steady, constant practice in the shadows. You repeat listening to the same song, perform it, and raise the quality.
Now, try performing your song as if you're on stage. Try to find any faults, crush them, and prepare for the real deal. Got it?!
This is the final lesson. Get your head in the game!
Syo Kurusu: You came this far. Hm? What's wrong, don't cry! It's too soon to get emotional. If you're gonna cry, cry when you listen to my singing.
Haruka Nanami: Emotions started welling up inside of me…. I'll do my best to hold in the tears….
When I squeeze my eyes shut, Syo-kun pecks me on the forehead.
Haruka Nanami: Syo…kun.
He sees me stop crying from surprise and then makes a satisfied grin.
It's unfair that he's this cool. He's going to leave the country soon, but now I don't want him to leave….
But now that my tears have stopped, I must not cry again.
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Syo-kun hasn't talked with Kaoru-kun after that. Now he's preparing to go on stage for the graduation audition.
Once this ends, he'll leave the country to undergo surgery.
I don't want to think of a situation where the surgery fails, but….
This may be the last time I see Syo-kun sing.
I know I shouldn't be thinking that, but I couldn't shake my worry.
Syo Kurusu: It's time for my performance.
Haruka Nanami: Yeah….
Syo Kurusu: Why do you look so gloomy, idiot? You aren't thinking of something ominous, are you?
He pokes me on the forehead.
Haruka Nanami: I'm sorry.
Syo Kurusu: Sheesh….
Syo-kun gently embraces me.
Syo Kurusu: … I was told this a long time ago, but… I was like a light bulb that's about to go out.
Haruka Nanami: Huh…?
Syo Kurusu: That I was shining brightly right before burning out… and I thought that was fine.
I thought that I needed to shine as brightly as possible because I didn't know when I was going to go out, but I wasn't satisfied with just that….
After I met you, I began wanting more.
I want to keep shining by your side…. That's why I won't give up on myself or my destiny….
This isn't the end. This is the beginning of my heroic saga!
Haruka Nanami: Syo-kun….
Syo-kun grabs both of my shoulders and looks into my eyes.
Syo Kurusu: Take a good look at how heroic I am!
He kisses me on the forehead.
With a grin, he runs to the stage.
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Chapter End
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omgkalyppso · 2 months
For the 30 questions ask meme:
5, 9, 11 for étoile!!!
And 4, 5 for whoever is your most recently played bg3 character 👀
Thank you for the ask!! (:
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5. Describe their idle animations!
Elbows to knee crunches. Meditating cross-legged (+ Mourning Frost laid across their lap after it's reforged). Reading cross-legged. Playing their flute (aaaabcbd. aaaabcbg).
9. What’s the significance behind your Tav’s name?
Étoile is the child of my skyrim dragonborn oc Wylla and the skyrim stolen-npc-now-oc-adjacent Aranea Ienith, who worshipped the Daedric Prince Azura and had a quest to cleanse Azura's Star. It is for this star that Étoile was named in that setting and in my thought process. In Faerûn, Étoile was named for the stars that Aranea would have come to love after having spent her youth in Menzoberranzan in the Underdark.
11. What is your Tav’s go-to comfort food?
You may be interested in the answer to their Favorite Foods from last night.
But I'll say something new.
I think when Étoile is tempted to seek out comfort food that they want something rich in different textures — so it can't be a homogeneous soup or pie. Still, this might be just an excuse for me to say some kind of tacos / taco-like dish, with crisp vegetables and soft fruit, protein and sauce, and something to hold it together.
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My most recently played Tav is for an ongoing evil multiplayer campaign with some of my usual dnd friends. They can't know about my full concept for him because they haven't even reached Act 2 in their personal playthroughs, but I like to think that Inithray is some manner of undead — and an experiment of Vlaakith's, to see how long such a creation of hers can "live" after an initial interaction of her magic, or how far her influence extends in the Great Wheel cosmology as he's sent to different planes.
He is magically and culturally, her creature. Nothing she could do would shock or shake him.
Inithray has resulted in the deaths of Damays and Nymessa so far. I asked the party if they wanted to save Arabella because if so they didn't want me / Inithray leading the conversation; and they decided that the way their characters want to be evil might extend no further than stealing the idol of Silvanus and killing the druids but not aligning with the Goblins. We'll see.
4. What would your Tav’s romance scenes look like? How many would they have?
A lot of the githyanki specific dialogue options demonstrate their isolation, which will be more appropriate for my solo (probably not evil aligned) Tav, Yar'sul, but don't exactly suit Inithray. I think Inithray would need githyanki player characters to demonstrate their aptitude / knowledge of their own culture at the very least, if not an understanding of the world. He's attracted to power, but he's interested in someone who can carry a conversation with interest or experience, rather than simply charm.
Regardless of player race, Inithray will doubtlessly also come on (too) strong like the other resident githyanki once his interest's been captured. His bluntness will be more about visions / fantasies about what the player character might look like in ecstasy rather than scent.
His Act 1 romance scene would include an observation about how cool / clammy he is, with a question as to whether that's because he's a gith from non-githyanki or if it's because he's from the astral plane from a githyanki. He'll say yes either way, with an Insight check to see that he's lying. If you press into his mind then you do not fully find your answer, but from Inithray's perspective you remember hands burning with the fire-ice of divine energy reaching into your heart. The player character can decide if this kills the mood.
If it doesn't, then I think the player character is given two opportunities to use force in their intimacy; maybe a default choice of pulling his hair / shoving him against the ground and some class specifics. With visible confusion (/disappointment?) if the player character is gentle with him.
His Act 1 romance scene can no longer trigger once the player character has confronted Vlaakith in the crèche.
Inithray's Act 2 romance scene does not trigger if the player character was gentle with him in Act 1 but it opens him up to being willing to reject Vlaakith in Act 3. You cannot use power (or logic) to alter his allegiance / worship while his romance is active.
His Act 2 romance scene includes a(n optional) challenge. I won't step too far on Lae'zel's battle's toes; it can be a race. Either from one landmark and back to the starting point, or up a mountain. If it's to a landmark and back then when you get to the landmark he gets to use his githyanki psionics to jump like a grasshopper back to the starting point, and if you're racing up a mountain then he does the same from the beginning. A Perception check to see that he's about to jump lets you use a spell or a rock on his ankle to set him off balance, or as a githyanki, to do the same.
Making it through the race gets him out of breath and half laughing, reaching out to run his hands up the back of the player character's head (falling to his knees to do so for shorter body types) to share adrenaline high kisses.
One of the options to reject his challenge includes an accusation about how he just wants to show off, and Inithray declares that if he wanted to show off then he would do something altogether darker, and call upon his warlock magic to coalesce in blue-black shapes and smoke around his hand and his temple, and the player character can respond "Show me." to still pursue the night rather than reject him outright.
His Act 3 romance scene would require me thinking up a personal quest / how to account for whatever the player decides to do about Vlaakith, but either it can be tentative and sweet where he confesses that he's confident that Vlaakith need only look at him for him to fall to pieces; or full of dark promises where he will see the player character's power secured and the city razed for its transgressions against them if they wish it.
5. Describe their idle animations!
Reading a book. Reading a slate. Juggling a ball in one hand while counting his fingers up and down on his opposite hand, "It's good for coordination." Dicing ingredients at a little alchemy table at his tent.
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 4 months
Updates and Announcements
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Wow I haven't done one of these in a while so I think it might be best to do one, right?
First and foremost, welcome to the new followers! I haven't had a chance to welcome you guys in some time. But I appreciate you being here! I hope that whatever it was that helped you to decide that I was worth following continues to happen!
Lets talk about a few things. Remember when I said I was going to move all of my 18+ work over to an after dark page? Well that happened forever ago and I NEVER posted on it again. I made pretty banners and everything for my masterlist and nothing came from it. SO after thinking long and hard about it, I will be deleting that blog altogether and moving everything back over here.
But Dom, what about the Minors that follow you? You see, I thought about it. I thought about just deleting the few fics I have and just moving on, but that feels like a lot like book burning and I'd rather not. So while I can put up several warnings and tag the living crap out of that fic, I can't stop them from ignoring all that.
But to ease my conscious a bit, here are some tags that I'll be using for all things of age. #babies not included #18+ #Dom's trash If you are currently under age, I'd greatly appreciate you adding these to your filters! Thanks!
With that being said, fics like Business or Pleasure and What the Future Holds will be added to the Masterlist here. BoP was simply linked to the afterdark page and thankfully I don't have to repost that. Cause I would absolutely hate to lose all those notes. What the Future Holds will need to be reposted since I'll be deleting the blog it's currently attached to.
I'll be adding a legend to my masterlists. That way it's a little easier to figure out what's what before clicking on them. I used to do this in the very beginning but somehow managed to stop. So that will be starting back up again.
Let's talk fics, next! In case you haven't noticed, some fics have a '-discontinued-' notice right next to it. For the time being, I will NOT be completing those fics. Its not that I don't want to finish them-especially with some close to the end-its just i have no motivation to finish them. Maybe one day I will come back to them. ALSO! SEQUELS! Many requests and comments have been about sequels. Second parts don't always get the same attention as the first. I've been so grateful that Phantom has been getting as much interaction as it has been. But that's because of all of the interactions it had been getting. So what I'm getting at is that I won't be continuing a fic if the interaction is low on it. I'm always happy to make a second part of something, so long as its getting notes. So be sure to interact with your favorites if you want to see it get a second part to it.
Interest Posts will be happening at some point again. I of course want you guys to be enjoying the things I post. I know there has been some notice that I've fully been focusing on Phantom a lot more than anything else. It honestly goes back to the interaction it is getting that is fueling my writing muse for it. So again, be sure to interact with the fics you like.
Remember These Violent Delights? As much as I loved Adriana, she didn't seem to be accepted here on tumblr like I hoped she would and I had eventually taken down that series. So now I wanna give that series another shot as a reader insert. I've been working on it a bit behind the scenes and I hope that this fic will have a better comeback as a reader insert than an OC. Posting dates for that will come soon!
Requests are OPEN! So send in those requests! Incase you need a reminder on who and what I write for, here is a quick list!
Fandoms: The Vampire Diaries Universe Marvel Cinematic Universe
Characters I write for: Elijah Mikaelson * Klaus Mikaelson Kol Mikaelson Damon Salvatore Jackson Kenner Tony Stark Loki Steve Rogers Bucky Barnes* I can write for others if the inspiration is there as well! *Indicates most read/requested fics, along with a larger quantity of fics available to read
I believe that is all I have for now. If you stuck around this long, Thank you so much for doing so and I look forward to interacting more with you guys!
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thebarontheabyss · 7 months
I am ashamed to say my taste hasn't changed since I was a teenager. I would have loved this if it was a paperback. But what I love about Interactive fiction is that I can control the narrative after sobbing for hours over stupid MCs in books who pissed me off so I actually really like this.
I simply wanted to say I hope you take care of yourself during the writing process. I noticed you are quite fast with updates and fixing errors and that's great but please don't overwork yourself. Such great books get canceled because talented people take on too much. Remember you are only human (which made me giggle writing because of the premise of this game)
I have questions:
1. Will you in future be making mood boards or maybe just more detailed descriptions of the ROs such as likes/dislikes or personality traits/esthetics?
2. You mentioned there will be sexual and romantic/poly options aswell. Is MCs sexual orientation gonna be an issue or talk point in any of the routes? I'm following a IF where if you are a same gender MC the topic comes up if it's new to a certain RO. which I think is cool if it's done well without all the hate and pitchforks from simple minded people.
3. As for asks is there anything you are uncomfortable answering? I know alot of pages do NSFW asks or prohibit them or do certain scenario asks (the what if/ reactions from RO asks)
I hope none of my questions are too much if it is just feel free to skip them please I don't want you to spoil too much if you would rather not.
My perspective on the romance options are that you are spoiling us. In the end it comes down to romancing:
1. Death which is like wtf I doubt it's in his usual routine to date.
2. Doing a devilish fboy route who you will try to fix and teach emotions. God knows we've all tried that in high school.
My personal hell 3. A forbidden angsty make you want to tell your MC to get it tf together route aka try not to fall for someone with a pulse when you lack one.
I'm very invested in this. Seriously I adore fantasy games usually ones with a darker take but I love slice of life anime so this is the best of both worlds for me.
Thank you for sharing it with us.
First of all - THANK YOU for taking the time with this detailed response. I can't say how much i appreciate it! Before diving into your points I'll note on my quick progress with the story so far, I really get it! This story came to me after 6 years of being in writer's block, so it kind of feels like a dam has broken and this is the result lol. But I'm definitely taking care of myself - just that instead of playing Baldur's Gate 3 all day this is what I'm doing lol. Now to some answers! 1. I'll definitely will come up with a RO board in the near future, i was also wondering if I should use AI art for it but I am kind of new to this scene and really don't want the pitchforks my way so I haven't decided yet 2. As of now, instead of picking an actual orientation the player can just pick the genders of the romance options and then decide to themselves how they feel about them (with 3 romance options and 1 for friendship) i think that's the best way to include everyone. Also, want to add that each romance option will have 2-3 endings so romance or friendship paths can go in different ways. 3. Fine with answering everything! This story is currently not going to have explicit sexual content (but also not fade-to-black. I guess when I cross the bridge I'll decide) I will say that I'm going to update here often BUT don't want the tumblering to take over the actual writing process (as I see some of the creators here do lol) Happy to hear you are excited about the romances like i do! I also have thought of adding more, maybe even with the staff (although that's a minefield to navigate when you consider the power imbalances) I guess it will depend on the feedback. Again, thank you for this response. It made me smile like an idiot!
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recurring-polynya · 1 year
Writing/Art Update 3/14/2023
So. The fanfic.
Man, when I started writing fanfic, I would just think up a story and write it, no plan, only write. It was fun. I think most people write fanfic this way. Anyway, I don't know if my brain broke, or if I just used up all my good material, or what, but the more fanfic I wrote, the more work it takes. I am now a regular outliner, even though I hate it. Anyway, I have reached a new level of Using Things I Learned in English class, in the sense that I think I'm going to actually make a second (third?) draft.
I hate this for me.
Anyway, the upshot is that I've got, like, 90% of the scenes written. There are still 4 that need endings (including the final one), and I think I might need a few more scenes, but I'm not sure exactly what they should be. I have some notes for what they might be. I realized while writing this that the penultimate scene/chapter of a fanfic is often the most important one, and I'm not happy with the one I have, so I gotta figure that out.
In any case, though, the problem I have at the moment is that, partially as a consequence of writing this thing one sentence at a time, is that it's not necessarily coherent. The first thing I need to do is actually read it, top to bottom. Some of the scenes need to get moved around chronologically (I knew this when I wrote them). I need to figure out if this thing has any sort of trajectory or arc to it. If I can do that, I think it will help me figure out what scenes I still need, and how to end the ones I need to end. I am mildly embarrassed, but I think I am going to start yet another doc for this, but maybe if I call it a "draft", it won't be so bad.
I feel like once I get to the other side of this process, I'll have the end in sight and I'll feel a lot better about this thing, but it's very intimidating at the moment. Among the worst writing feelings I have is "there is something wrong with this story and I don't know how to fix it" and I know I have to pass through that valley.
Weekly numbers: Current word count is 15,457 (which includes a few hundred trash words). I guess I didn't write down my exact word count last week, but that somewhere on the order of +2000-2400. I guess that also includes some that were pasted over from the original doc. It doesn't really matter, a lot of those words were hard fought, and I feel okay about the amount of effort I put in this week, especially considering I had other stuff going on. I also wrote 500 words on the spicy fanfic.
I said I was going to draw this week and I didn't do a lot, but I did do a couple of Mike Mignola skull studies. Little P said these were "some cool skulls, Mom", which was nice, since she hated my Menos ("I don't like the hands. I don't like the witch nose. I don't like them.") Anyway, a lot of improvement between sketch 1 and sketch 2 and I finally found an excuse to use my "photocopy error" brushes. Gonna try to do a few more of these, maybe even see if I can manage to do an actual drawing in this style.
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Hrrrnnnngggh, did I promise you a preview this week? This would be easier if I had already read the fanfic, the thing I have been dreading.
UGH, brb.
Okay, I'm back, I found one that'll do. If you missed it last week, this story is about the time Rukia and Renji spent at the District 70 Consolidated Shinigami Recruitment Station, trying to get pre-approval to travel north and take the Shin'ou Entrance Exams. The title is either going to be Go Places or Stay with Me, Go Places, I haven't decided yet. Either way, it's after the New Pornographers song that I listened to incessantly while writing this.
They have each been given a set of practice clothing-- sturdy cotton kimonos and hakama. Even though she’s wearing the smallest set Mr. Mochida had, Rukia’s hakama are pulled up under her armpits and still drag on the ground. This is somewhat humiliating.
Renji, on the other hand, looks perfect in his, like whoever invented hakama did so with him in mind. Furthermore, he’s holding an actual wooden practice sword like he died with one in his hands. Renji has been habitually picking up sticks and swinging them around the entire time she’s known him. It is obvious to Rukia that he belongs here, that he was meant for this. His face looks like all his dreams have finally come true.
Mr. Mochida holds his own sword expertly and calmly. “Go ahead,” he says, patiently. 
Renji runs at him swinging.
Mr. Mochida blocks the blow, pushing Renji off to one side. He shakes out his sword arm. “Good. Again.”
Renji has no skill at swords, but he has a lot of enthusiasm, and he has a lot of strength. Mr. Mochida doesn’t seem to have even broken a sweat by the time Renji is panting and exhausted, but he claps her friend on the shoulder and tells him he has a lot of talent.
Don’t tell him that! Rukia wants to scream. He’ll be unbearable!
“You’re next, Miss Rukia.”
Renji comes to take her place on the sidelines as Rukia takes up her own sword. It’s puny compared to the one Renji carries, and it’s still too long for her.
“You can do it,” he tells her. “You just have to push part of yourself into the sword, make it stronger.”
She nods, as if that makes any damn sense.
Rukia tries to imitate Mr. Mochida’s stance, knees slightly bent. She contemplates the weapon in her hands. It’s not a rock or a shard of glass or even a shiv. It’s just for practice, but it’s the size and shape of a weapon and you can certainly hurt someone with it. You and me, Rukia thinks at the sword. We can do some damage, you and me.
Push part of yourself into the sword. Maybe that’s not such nonsense after all.
She charges.
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