lawbin-archive · 3 days
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The new one piece color spread:
Below are my delulus
First of all, Purple and yellow chopper pawn together?!
And second of all, the purple one even have 0606 on it?! (if you’re lawbin fan probably know what that day means)
Oda what are you hinting?! (I know it’s probably just coincidence ⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄)
btw I’m too busy to finish re-reading wano 🥲 also I wanna do more research on those scene before writing my analysis because- you know *wink*
Hopefully we can see Law soon too!!!! Urghhhhh
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lawbin-archive · 18 days
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New picture of lawbin towel, it is so pretty 🥹❤️
I asked my friend who’s going to Japan the end of this month to get one for me. But idk if I’m lucky enough 😭
Wish me luck 🥹
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lawbin-archive · 24 days
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Lawbin for Valentine’s Day ❤️
Reference from IU & V “Love Wins All”
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lawbin-archive · 24 days
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Robin copying Law 🤭
Reference from Chapter 996
Haven’t post it here, so I’ll archive my lawbin art here too ><
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lawbin-archive · 28 days
Lawbin Zou Analysis: where the dream starts
Zou is an interesting arc. It's one of the arcs that really blows my mind (egghead is another one) I personally like these kind of informative arcs a lot because Oda can always surprise me with his infinity ideas.
highlighted in purple are my delulu~
Again, don't read if you don't like Lawbin. Includes lots of bias.
Before start analyzing the arc, I just want to say I feel like Lawbin are friends at this moment. Even though Law will deny it and say they are allies only haha, I feel like they are at least friends. Robin wouldn't worry someone for an entire arc and use her whole body to save him if she doesn't see him as a friend in my opinion. Well - in law's perspective, they might just be alliance all the way. But I think deep down, he see Robin as friends since Dressrosa from how they talk with each other.
Chapter 801 ~ 806: Always beside you
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Law and Robin sitting across again! Funny that's how they started and ended Dressrosa. And their physique and vibes are so similar. I guess it's really nice to look at Robin all the time hehe
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This scene is so funny. Did Law just called Usopp "God-ya" just to make fun of him Lmaoo Law did pick up Robin's habit to tease Usopp just to see him scared Lol Robin even asked Usopp "Need some gum?" Girlll you know exactly why he's looking pale hahaha I love how Law and Robin basically team up here just to tease Usopp. (Maybe Robin is genuinely asking Usopp but it's still so funny to me)
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The seating plan here is just sus to me!! Because Law can definitely sit anywhere else and not sit behind Robin! Like he can sit with Zoro and Luffy, it wouldn't affect the plot that much. But no, he needs to sit between Robin and Franky and separating the straw hats lol To be fair, Franky need to sit in front of Kin'emon for plot purpose. (So the monkey can make them fall, because Franky block most of their sight) But it can also be Law - Robin - Franky (there's one panel is, but I think it's just a mistake) Maybe Oda just draw their sitting order randomly but I still feel kind of sus about it because usually he will draw Luffy and Law together, and Robin Franky (or Usopp) together.
For me, it's really normal if Oda always draw Franky Robin (or any straw hats) together. Because they are in the same crew and of course you will stand or sit with a person that you're close with. It's not normal if he always draw Robin with a non-straw hat a.k.a Law together! People always forget that and said they barely interact (which I don't even bother- oh well), but Law isn't a straw hat, it's normal that he doesn't interact a lot with people who isn't close with. That's why it's significant when Oda purposely make him interact with a certain straw hat a.k.a Robin more than others.
So back to the seating plan, that's why I think it's interesting that Oda is trying to put Law and Robin more together!! Maybe they did get closer during their trip :p
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I think zolaw is cute sometimes haha. Zoro and Law are so logical here. I searched up their MBTI (which is voted by people). Law is INTJ and Robin is INTP (Zoro is ISTP if you're curious) The three of them personalities are so similar. They all have "T" in their MBTI which stands for thinking logically before feelings. And of course they are all introverts lol Robin cares here because she thinks the dragon is cute, imagine it's some kind of robot ninja, she will probably say something mean here too haha and Zoro & Law will be those getting emotional (like law reacting to Stealth Black)
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Logically, I would say Robin ask Law to get in touch with his crew so that they know how Minks act and if they will hurt the straw hats. But in my delulu, I would say it's sus Robin think about Law's crew first and she always keep his situation in mind. Even Usopp needs to think for a minute to realize there's a mink in Law's crew. But seems like Robin know so well about it! (Ok rationally I know Robin is smart so she think of reaching Law's crew is the best way to learn about mink)
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It's these kind of small moments make them so compatible. Law & Robin are analyzing a lot during their way on Zou. Robin is more proactive on investigating but I found Law can always quickly analyze of what Robin found. Just imagine they both go on discovering a ruin after everything, Law is behind protecting Robin and help her analyze the ruins it's just seems so perfect to me. (well it's just like the wano scene hehe)
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This shows exactly what I meant - Robin said the town is built for this water level and Law can just quickly figured out the shower always happen. Oda I see what you're trying to do here!!! They are just so similar so intelligent together!! And they seems like always talking with each other because they sync a lot.
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When Law shambles the whole group, he shambles Robin the last and also the closet to him. Seems like he's protecting her >< In the anime, Law Zoro and Robin landed perfectly but in the manga is only Law and Robin. I knew Law has bias towards to Robin! But rationally, I think Law will do the same for other girls too but because for girls, he mainly only interact with Robin lol so we didn't know how he treat other girls haha But so far, I can see he did seems treat Robin nicer than others. Law seems like very distance to other girls in general.
Chapter 814 ~ 820: Road Poneglyph
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Since Vinsmoke is from north blue, so maybe she heard from Law?! jk it's probably from the revolutionary army but I can delulu right?! :p
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Law starting to change tears me up T-T In Dressrosa, he really hides his empathy but I know deep down he cares a lot. And now he's showing the soft side of him. That's why I said he is probably going through the character development of what Robin went through during pre-time skip.
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Law didn't say a lot here, but I think this part is probably one of the reasons what makes him want to find the will of D later. Inuarashi revealed that Robin is from Ohara and can decipher ruins. And since Law told Robin his real name later on and ask about the Will of D, he probably knew what Robin and Ohara went through. I think Robin and Law did get a lot closer during Zou -> Wano, but I will save my analysis later!
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Law said "show me your shadow clone technique" here and it's literally what Robin had shown him back in Dressrosa haha
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Seeing this scene, I personally think if everything goes well, Law will probably go to Laugh Tale with the straw hats. I don't think he will join the straw hats but as like an accompany or alliance. Also he already told Robin he want to learn about the will of D too so if Oda is mercy enough, we can probably see Law & Robin learn history together.
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Usually, Law will have an annoyed expression when straw hats compliment each other or saying they will protect each other. But when's it's Robin, he didn't react to it hehe But I also think it's because he respect Robin a lot. And I personally think he will definitely protect her when someone is after her.
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Robin and Luffy's dynamic is just so cute! >< And the passion of Robin has on road poneglyph is a lot and she always search it when she has a chance. So I really think Law and Robin did collaborate on finding road poneglyph, otherwise, she would definitely search in Onigashima too (which she didn't and Law did)
That's the end of Zou. They didn't interact a lot but I can feel like Law and Robin is getting closer. I'm also saving some of my thoughts for Wano. Wano is definitely a big change for these two, even though there are not a lot of scenes of them together :( Anyways, thank you for reading again!!! Let me know if you have any thoughts!!
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lawbin-archive · 1 month
OPLA Showrunner Matt Owens talking about Lawbin
He said "The only appropriate ship is Robin & Law, two of the best most intelligent pair and Oda always putting them together"
Not only he's supporting lawbin - his favorite character is Law and favorite straw hats is Robin.
Also the interview before confirming that there won't be romantic relationship between straw hats*
So can we expect Lawbin canon in OPLA?????
Please make it happen, I will wait.
*source: https://www.tvgroove.com/?p=121825
Start at 11:48
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lawbin-archive · 1 month
The mysterious Gorosei powers made me think of Demonio Fleur and Papa Nico's identity, so what if he was not a member of a D clan, but a celestial dragon instead? A former Holy Knight, to be specific 👀, bc I think all of them have the same powers. I think his dream was to learn the meaning of Will of D to find out why they're called natural enemies of the gods, so he sailed to Ohara, then fell in love with Olvia, they got married (he took her surname to protect his indentify) and had Robin. I mentioned Demonio, bc it looks more like a zoan power rather than paramecia one (yes, I know she doesn't have cloud around her neck) and it could be a hint towards Papa Nico's indentity, not to mention her ephitet "Devil Child" would gain an interesting meaning 👀.
Now onto the Lawbin part💛💜 Robin being a celestial dragon would add another parallel in their lives: On one hand there is Cora, a former celestial dragon, saving Law's life, a member of a D clan and on the other is Saul, a D, saving Robin's life, a child of a hight rank celestial dragon. Their romance would be like Romeo&Juliet 😄 What do you think?
Omg that's such an interesting theory! And...it makes sense!! First of all, Robin had eaten DF in such a young age at or before 8 years old and we didn't know how she ate it. By reading her flashback, it seems like she's well known with her DF power so she must had it for a while. And I did some googling about how Robin's awakening DF works and not a lot of people can explained properly and you're right that might be a hint that she's a descendant of celestial dragon like Shanks. And it would be extra meaningful that a half celestial dragon would be the one who reveal the void century that they spent so much effort to try to hide it.
The only thing I concern is other half celestial dragons like Bonney or even full celestial dragon like Shanks (it's almost confirmed that he's descendant of the Holy Knight), Doflamingo or Corazon haven't shown this ability (turning into devil like). And it's almost impossible that Robin is one of the descendant of Gorosei. But I'm also guessing Oda is hiding something about Robin's power and her background. Because She's fainting a lot recently (both in Wano and Egghead, which rarely happens before) and her real last name. It might be something special about her devil fruit like Luffy's devil fruit.
Thank you so much for sharing your theory! I think it's really interesting and I wouldn't be too surprised if it's true!
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lawbin-archive · 1 month
What I expect from the author is that Law will be the one to find the mysterious man with the burnt scar.
After finding it maybe he will warn Robin since she is the only one who can read them.
That's actually perfect to reconnect them! As I mentioned before, I believe Robin and Law might share information with each other about Road Poneglyph. In my mind, I think Law might be the one who found the last poneglyph too.
The last poneglyph is quite interesting because we saw the poneglyph was in Fisherman Island back in Oden's back story. But if I remember correctly, Neptune didn't say anything about a poneglyph being stolen so it's probably hidden in purpose. So it might he entrusted the poneglyph to someone he's close with. And I think it is someone we knew. (A lot of guesses online is either Dragon or Saul)
I think we are still quite far away from finding the last poneglyph. But it won't be too far away once we reached Elbaf. Thank you for your opinion!!! I think we all can't wait to see Law again q-q
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lawbin-archive · 1 month
What do you think about the fact that now Vivi Has the D. in her name too? Since Luffy isn't interested in D. and LAW was defeated, maybe she will accompany Robin in discovering the mystery....
Hi, thank you for your question! Sorry if I answered a bit late because I’m busy :( Vivi having a D in her name definitely proves that she is going to be somewhat important in the future. My previous assumption is she is going to team up with Law but seeing Law isn’t with Vivi’a group I’m not sure if this will happen. But Vivi is going to meet Sabo for sure because he needs to be the one sending her the message from Cobra. And after that, she might team up with straw hats / Revolutionary army / Law? to find & achieve the will of D. (It’s hard to say with this situation now, but my guess is will be RA)
As collaboration with Robin, to me, it’s possible if she meets with the straw hats. But even though Robin joined the straw hats, in Vivi’s perspective, Robin still didn’t clear her past with her, so she might still mind what she did in Alabasta. However, I’m sure they will be friends once they communicate with each other. I think when Vegapunk’s announcement is made and straw hats escaped from egghead, we will have a better understanding of what’s the will of D and what will happen in the future.
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lawbin-archive · 1 month
Lawbin Dressrosa Analysis 2 - Save me save you
When I was coming up a title for this, I thought of the song - "Save me save you" by WJSN, because Robin saved Law in this arc lol So I went to search up the lyrics and actually it fits my delulu so well. If you're curious you can search the whole lyrics, here are a few lines:
"I will protect you so you don't get hurt I can tell even with small gestures All the painful memories deep in your heart is no more I'll wrap you in my arms, now tell me"
highlighted in purple are my delulu~
Again, don't read if you don't like Lawbin. Includes lots of bias.
Chapter 731 ~ 773: Defeat Doflamingo with you
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Robin changed her mind after hearing the story of Dressrosa. Instead of destroying the factory only, they decided to take down Doflamingo together. Everyone changed their mind after seeing the country's situation and at the end, their goal aligned including Law and Robin. Robin actually changed a lot after time skip. After joining straw hats, she's finally showing her empathy side and feelings instead of hiding it.
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Baby 5 & Law and Luffy & Robin gave me so much siblings vibes here!! It's like Baby 5 hitting his older brother, got scared and seek her another brother for protection. And Luffy is like the younger brother trying to complain everything to his older sister and seeking agreement from her haha He also did the same when the beginning of the arc where he argued with Momo that he can fly, but Robin said "he doesn't have wings though". So cute!! It would be such cute scenes if it's not happening during a disaster.
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I actually think Robin is trying to confirm Law's whereabouts here. Because she already knew Zoro and Luffy are there, except them, there are Viola and Riku there. Robin haven't met Viola and her father yet so she probably not asking about them. And she knew Franky is at the toys house, Kinemon was with them before, so in my opinion, I think Robin is asking about Law. And it makes sense because she separated with him at Greenbit and probably worry about his situation after hearing he got beat by Doflamingo.
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Law gave me so much Alabasta or Eneis Lobby Robin vibes here (how many times I have said that lol) To me, It's not like they don't care about other people lives, some of their actions are telling the opposite, it's like they have so much burden on themselves that they don't even have time or strength to care about others. As I mentioned above, Robin starting show her emotions now because she didn't need to pretend tough to avoid getting hurt anymore. I actually hope one day we can see Law showing the real him too. I would say he is much relax after this arc and in Wano but I feel like he is still putting a lot of responsibilities and burden to himself :(
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Look at this!! Robin has Law's den den mushi contact here!!! (they all probably have to connect each other haha) But this proves that it wouldn't be unreasonable if we see Robin and Law contacting each other after Wano because she has the contact *smirk*
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Ooo the Eneis Lobby vibe, Robin trying to help Law unlock his cuff just like the crew trying to do the same when she was in Eneis Lobby *sob* And I think because she couldn't help him much at Green Bit, so she's trying to help more here. I think other straw hats probably won't care as much if they were in her situation, so he's lucky that Robin is the one helping him here haha
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The third time Robin use wings in front of Law!!! So elegant and beautiful!! ><
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She's like I'll protect you guys just go. This women is just so hot. And I think she really treated Law like a friend here because she brought the key to Law even though there were lots of obstacles, she protected him in order for them to defeat Doflamingo, she worried about him 1/3 of the arc. She really treat him differently than the last arc and I think maybe how Law acted during Punk Hazard and Green Bit made her changed her view on him? And if I think about would other straw hat (except Luffy) do the same? I really doubt they would. And would Robin do the same if it's another non-straw hat? She probably would (for example Kinemon) but I doubt if she will be that worried and react the same for Law.
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Every time I read this made me feel sad, Law literally plan his whole life to defeat him and he is finally free after defeating Doflamingo, but the time he's being free is so little. literally only a month? and in this month, he still need to worry about defeating a yonko. And Oda decided to make that worse after....sigh. I also saw a tweet that Law probably has survival guilt after all the things happened in his life. But because of this, I think he might have a character development like Robin soon. (If Oda has mercy)
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Again, Robin mentioned about the key which means delivering the key (releasing Law) is important to her or she always keep that in mind. If you think about it, Robin really talked like she thank you Rebecca for doing a favour for her friend.
Chapter 779 ~ 783: Save you
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Robin is worrying about Law again. But also, if I put all my bias away, it might be also because they are in an alliance so it's natural that she is worrying about him. But if I think it in my delulu, She cares a lot about him!! Even in Wano, I rarely see Robin worrying a non-straw hat (a guy) that much.
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Seriously, after she saw Luffy and Doflamingo jump out, the first thing she saw is how bad Law is. I wouldn't believe if you told me they weren't more than ally because of how worried she is.
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Finally, we have arrived one of the lawbin's famous scenes. Robin saved him and caught him using Spider Net and according to Internet, the only two times she used spider net to save or catch someone are for Zoro and Law. And she treated him so genteelly!! I also have read a fic* that said this probably the moment when Law felt he's treated like a human. During the arc, he has been fighting, calculating, and trying his best to defeat Doflamingo. He acted very rationally through out the arc. But in this moment, he felt warm, he is protected and he can be passed out without worrying about his safety which happens really rare for him :'( *Here is the fic I'm mentioned!! It's one of the favorite lawbin fics. Take my Heart & Please Don’t Break It by CericeBelle
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Robin is willing to risk her body to save Law *sob* Especially when she was already hurt when she was protecting Rebecca *sob* I always wonder if Law knew he was saved by Robin here. He probably knew? Even though he passed out, I think he won't lost all his consciousness and can feel he is saved by another person. And when he was awake later, he probably knew Robin saved him because she was right beside him. And kudos to cabbage-kun, he was so nice to Robin and carried Law T-T I think he might told Law about what happen when he passed out in the next chapter because they were alone on the platform.
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I just noticed this, in the left panel, did robin just hold Law without using her ability? this girl is so strong and she's still protecting him!!
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So Law did tell Robin and Cabbage-kun his real goal (to strike down Doflamingo) In straw hats, only Luffy and Robin knew what his true intention is. (Sanji also guessed) I don't think they both will mind about it though because they already aiming to defeat Doflamingo before. To be honest, if Law know Luffy better in Punk Hazard, he will know Luffy or probably the whole straw hats can help him to defeat Doflamingo even without alliance. But with his personality, he probably won't say a word about what happen between him and Doflamingo. And I feel like only Luffy and Robin can make Law become more vulnerable or more willing to express his true self.
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And here :( Law ready to sacrifice himself to archive his goal just like what Robin did in Eneis Lobby...so I think Robin knew exactly how Law felt here. But Robin's character developed a lot!!! Now she doesn't even think to sacrifice herself and trying to let Law feel more ease. I feel like she's trying to save him out the situation where she was. It's like when Usopp told Robin to trust Luffy q-q but you know they were both stubborn in their own ways...
Chapter 798 ~ 800: Live freely
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These two scenes...don't tell me Oda didn't do it on purpose, I really think he's trying to imply Law is going through what Robin did. And Law after 13 years, he is finally living freely. Robin is a little bit lucky than Law, she found strong friends that can rely on and encountered a group of people (revolutionary army) that provide support to her and she can trusted with. That's why she changed so much 2 years later. And I seriously hope Law can also have the support he needed as well :(
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Ah - the beginning of seeking "The will of D". He wants to know why Corazon saved him when he said he is a D. And Sengoku said Corazon didn't know anything about D, he saved you just because he loved you. *sob* I can understand why some people ship Law & Corazon because it's just pure love, but I see them more like father & son love just like what Sengoku did to Corazon. I think during Dressrosa -> Wano, Law is trying to ask himself what he really want to do after achieving his previous goal and probably what happened in Zou made him more curious about the D.
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Yes this is the end of Dressrosa! It's funny Oda try to slip lawbin similarities even in the same page lol see how Law looked everyone in the banquet and how Robin did the same after (top left panel). Oda what are you planning for both of them!!! >< It's not just them having similar dream, right???
This is the arc that Law & Robin interacted the most. It makes sense because this arc is almost dedicated to Law and mainly focusing on him, so he must interacted with the straw hats a lot. But still I'm surprised how Law and Robin get so much closer in this arc. Because Law isn't really close to any straw hats except Luffy. (maybe he get closer to Sanji and Zoro in Wano, but I still think Robin is the second closet to him by seeing how they interacted) I wish Oda could shown more of their moments because they definitely interacted during Zou -> Wano and when they were preparing the fight in Wano, and all we got is only one scene (although I know it's one of the most important scenes)
Oh yes I was gonna say something about my perspective on other ships *again warning, just my personal opinion and please read this rationally* first of all, I think Cabbage-kun and Robin are so cute T-T I don't really ship them but I just think Cabbage caring about Robin is really nice of him. Especially when he gave his coat to her. second of all, I can also understand why lawlu is so huge because of their polar opposite personality and Law act really cute in front of him haha but I don't ship them because I see them more like best friends. (yes I can see Law is mad behind me saying they are not friends) finally, I noticed there are frobin moments here, like they were wearing couple shirt (actually it said Corrida and Luffy is wearing a tank top with a bull on it too) and one of the SBS was about franky sleeping on Robin's lap something like that. To be honest, when I saw it I also think oo did Oda trying to set them up?? but luffy was sleeping on Rebecca's lap later on too. And I wonder why - if Oda really trying make them as a couple, but he doesn't give them any interactions in the storyline at all? Like most of "romantic moments" was from colorspread (the last one is chapter 987 and after that that they rarely interact), other than that, they mostly interacted as normal crewmates, so I always wonder did Oda changed his mind in Wano... Again, I'm just analyzing the possibility...
I actually finished reading Zou and 1/5 Wano already, I just don't have time to write an analysis T^T I thought Zou might be an arc that I can write a short analysis but while I'm reading it, I actually have lots of thoughts in mind!! So I'll talk about it next post haha Again, thanks for reading it!!! Discussions or comments are always welcome :)
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lawbin-archive · 1 month
The lawbin hate...
Just want to share my thoughts on the hate...
First of all, I think posting Lawbin it's just my kind of fun and relax. Especially, you're dealing with your real life in the day, you just want to do something you're interested at night. So I like to write different analysis of Lawbin, even though not a lot of people care, I still want to share what I'm interested and hope more people will find their charms. I do encountered a few people that say something on the qrt when I post about lawbin, and saw a lot of rude comments on the twt tag.
Even until now, I still don't understand the hate...people just keep saying the same thing - "they are boring" "just standing together" "no chemistry" "they barely interact" so?? do you need to hate them just for these reasons?? if you show evidence they interact, they will just say "they just talk..." umm like huh so talking isn't interact? of course it's a subjective opinion. It's ok to share yours too. But I saw one tweet was like "need to abolish all the ships except frobin" like seriously? I never can imagine a one piece fan reading a manga about freedom and still saying "I need to cancel all the opinion that's against mine" did those people really read one piece? and I can say there's quite a lot of people agree with these kind of "celestial dragon" opinion.
As a lawbin shipper, of course seeing these kind of comments will make me upset or some people will even avoid talking lawbin and follow along with the "popular" opinion. Just remember that not all the one piece fans are like that, I can say at least 50% of them are not on twitter lol If I browse around the internet, of course lawbin aren't the most popular but there are quite amount of people support them. They have enough fans in japan to have their princess hug moment in stampede. and lawbin won the polls, I remember twice too!! so ignore the hate! like what you like! you're not alone!! >< And I wouldn't argue with those people, coz what's the point arguing with "celestial dragon".
And I don't hate frobin, I hate people using frobin to bully other ships. It's just that alone made me lost of all interests. And I think some of them use frobin as a shield to distance Robin with Law or vice versa because they ship Law/Robin with others. Childish af. Just my opinion though.
And if they react that aggressively, it means Lawbin is a threat to them. if they really think Lawbin is not possible, they won't even complain at the first place lol To me, all the hate is just a proof that Lawbin is possible ;)
At the end, I really hope people can respect each other opinion and not ruin our fun. Although it's not really gonna happen, try to enjoy and have fun!! I am glad more people posting about lawbin too! >< I wish we could see them interact again soon!!
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lawbin-archive · 2 months
Lawbin Dressrosa Analysis 1: Dating while handing over Caesar team
Finally, I finished re-reading dressrosa! It's probably one of my favorite arcs. Maybe top 3 haha The other two are probably Wano and Enies Lobby. The pacing in manga is definitely way better, so I actually enjoyed this arc more. I might missed something because I was too immersed into the story and sometimes I forgot to jot down notes lol But anyways, let's start!
As usual, things highlighted in purple are my delulus.
Warning: It's my personal blog so don't read it if you don't like lawbin, include lots of delulu :D
~LAWBIN ALLIANCE PHASE~ why can't I choose yellow on tumblr anymore?! :(
Chapter 700: Law hates bread
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Robin weird thoughts always live in my head rent free. I also like how most of the crew are complaining or interrupting Law but Robin (and Zoro) just listen to his plan. Of course it's also because their personality is similar (they mostly won't say anything unless something it's wrong), and I think they just trust Luffy hence they trust Law.
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I love the fact that Robin's favorite food is sandwich but Law hates bread!! It's gonna be a funny debate between them about bread!! >< I also find Robin and Zoro just follow their captain and ignore Law's plan are so funny. (Remember this, it's changing in the upcoming plot *wink*)
Chapter 701: Adventure in the land of love, passion and toys [This is the actual title of this chapter] That's kinda obvious is it? That's where all the love starts *smirk*
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Every time they are together is such a beautiful panel, (maybe I shouldn't said that people will say I ship them just for their aesthetic haha it's like that's a problem) The *aggressive* *calm* *calm* *aggressive* combo is also really interesting and entertaining, I can understand why Oda will choose Robin and Usopp to be Law's companion. Or maybe Law chose Robin himself to spend more time with her?! It didn't say how they assign the team but in any way, I'm sure Robin and Law realize they have similar personality. Robin even found Law's plan fun haha. Their mind just sync a lot and I think Law will appreciate to have Robin here because she's the only one that follow his plan without a complain lol. And from this point, Law & Robin started become a "I want to scare Usopp just for fun" team. (and also Caeser but I don't think they give a fk about him lol)
Chapter 705 ~ 711: Let's go to Greenbit
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Again, the aesthetic is just ~amazing~. I'm gonna compliment it regardless, they look good together and that's a part of why they have good chemistry to me. I'm not gonna deny it! And I like it so much that Robin and Law are sitting across each other, they can see each other clearly!
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They really look like they are on a secret date together! >< (minus Usopp and Caesar I'm sorry) I saw a newspaper poster (made by a one piece theme park in Japan, but it's closed now) and this "news" was saying they found out Law and Robin secretly meeting? (I'm just guessing) Literally create my vision of them getting caught dating haha And I like how they share a lot of common knowledge - they know how dangerous CP0 is and recognize them is right away. At least I think most of the straw hats won't recognize and realize who they are.
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The small bickering they have are so cute, Robin isn't scared and she's super calm but she has her little complain that she expected fish to look like a fish (maybe that's the only complaint she has haha) and Law was like "Looks like a fish to me". It’s like she hates gum because she expects food can be swallowed.
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I'm always wondering who's Law talking to here haha because Robin & Usopp are the ones who fight the fish after but from where he's pointing, isn't look like he's talking to Caesar either. So maybe he's telling Robin don't need to worry? If that’s true, that means Law cared about her haha I feel like the whole time, he just want to talk to her and teasing Usopp only
From this point, I think Law and Robin started to trust each other more and treated each other as friends. At least you can see their interactions are more friendlier. I will explain a little bit more later.
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They even sit together on the Caesar hot air balloon!! In my mind, it's probably Usopp scared to sit in the middle because he might fall and Law being a gentleman so he volunteered to sit in the center (less safe). If you think about it, this could be their date lol Going to a cafe, fight some fishes and sitting on a hot air balloon. Law planned the whole thing and Robin was like *I have fun with this* the whole time haha. Robin likes to explore and Law's hobby is wandering around. They just seem to get along so well together!
I think I already explained a few times that how they both get so investigative once they arrived at Greenbit they are so similary in lots of ways!! They both will analyze the situation and environment they are in.
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Robin can see through him so easily. She probably can figure out how he did it anyways And see how Robin changed her attitude so much?! From distrusting him and observing him a lot in Punk Hazard, and now she's teasing him. If she didn't get close with someone, she probably won't say anything and just observe. That's definitely a sign that she got closer with him and a friendly behavior.
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I like how Law already knew what each Straw Hat specialized with and ask them for help. And again, only Robin listened to Law. She looks like she enjoyed the adventure so much and I'm actually surprised Robin just followed Law here. I guess after Punk Hazard, she found he isn't a bad person so she just followed his plan. But also mainly because Luffy trust Law.
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The first thing Robin woke up is to think about how to contact with Law (and also care about Usopp of course) When I was reading the Greenbit part, I actually thought Robin is gonna tell Law where she is and he can use his ability to transfer him and Caesar to underground, so Doflamingo couldn't find them there haha. But my delulu didn't come true ;'(
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I also saw a person said the reason why they ship lawbin it's because Law treat Robin differently than others. And here is one of the evidences, when he was talking to other straw hats, he usually just order them around lol and for Robin, he's like *help me using your intelligence skills* *ok I understand* it's just seems he is so much calmer in front of her, like they can actually communicate without arguing. I wouldn't say he cared about her but at least he is nice enough to say good luck to her too. Robin actually treat him differently than others too. She said "Good luck" to him, something I rarely seen Robin did to other people outside of straw hats and Robin worried about him a lot in this arc (again I'll elaborate later on, there is so much to talk in this arc omg ><!)
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When the whole Greenbit shaking, Robin worried about Law's fighting. Their relationship really change drastically here. Robin seems to care about Law a lot more. To be fair, I think the whole crew started to care about Law's safety in this arc a lot and of course it's natural to care someone that's an ally of you. But also if I really compare, Robin seems like she cared the most about Law maybe after Luffy.
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I actually think Law is so similar to Robin here. He really gave me the Enies Lobby Robin vibe here. In my perspective, I don't think he really meant to use straw hats at this point (definitely yes before tho), I think he told Doflamingo he is using them to try to protect them. So Doflamingo will think it's useless even he threaten Law he is going to kidnap the rest of the straw hats because Law said he won't care about them. (the mind games). Law and pre-time skip Robin are so alike, they always try to take all the responsibility to themselves or sacrifice themselves in order to protect others. Law didn't even bring heart pirates to here is just like when Robin pretend to be betray the straw hats in Enies Lobby sigh :(
If Law is really using the straw hats, he is gonna betray them once Doflamingo is defeated, but he kept his promise to defeat Kaido. That's one of the reasons why Law is one of my favorite characters, even he looks so unbothered and sometimes mean on the outside, his actions always tell the opposite >///<
And it’s cute that during Dressrosa, Robin is the one who cares about Law a lot and once they get into Wano the situation switched haha the feelings are mutual!!!!
That's it for today! Thank you for reading! <3 I think I have talked too much again lol I will probably start writing about the rest of the arc soon! Hopefully I can finish writing the whole arc under 2 parts! (probably not) I actually have something to write about my thoughts on other ships during dressrosa, uhm maybe I will briefly talk about it next one.
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lawbin-archive · 2 months
I think a lot of people didn’t realize it, but it’s a big deal for Robin to trust Law enough to let him go investigate with her.
It's natural for Robin to trust her crew without any doubt, but Law is technically an outsider
She didn’t tell her crew about the ancient weapon until Wano
None of her crew have gone explore poneglyph with her, she usually just went by herself (zou is an exception, because they were lead by someone)
She doesn’t trust people easily
She knew Wano has an ancient weapon and she probably knew Sukiyaki is showing her the road poneglyph
And she let Law to join them!! Just them!!
If she didn’t trust Law enough, she can easily ask someone in straw hats to join them.
She knows he will learn about Pluton and road poneglyph.
And pluton is something she never told the crew but she trusted him enough to let him know too.
And they were by themselves too!! They were both in that tiny square tunnel together!!
That's how much trust she had on him.
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lawbin-archive · 2 months
About Chapter 1109
About Law, it seems like he is not with the Revolution army or Vivi (if Oda didn't hide it on purpose), because after the fight, a day has been passed, I think he will be in somewhere already. so I'm guessing it would be left with Elbaf, Wano or Zou. Also might saved by Shanks because he's around that area. But I'm thinking Shanks might not be able to help him much with his goal but Oda might surprise us who knows.
About Vegapunk's message, I'm actually a little bit worried. Although I think he only knows what Ohara has been researched - the ancient kingdom, the ancient weapon and the void century. But I saw some predictions that he might talk about the Will of D which it can highly affect the chances of Law & Robin meeting again.
My prediction is: they will talk about the name of ancient kingdom and maybe briefly about why it get destroyed, I think they will also mention the D clan are from that kingdom but not exactly say what its will. So I actually have a feeling Law will appear soon.
I also have a feeling the will of D might reveal soon because they need to know what's the will in order to follow the will and accomplish it. But I think it won't be too bad because at the end, they still need the last road poneglyph to learn everything. Anyways hopefully they will meet again. Please Oda please T-T The next few chapters are gonna be very important for Robin and Law for sure ><
It's been in my mind for a while, but I think Robin is a D. It's kinda strange that she's using her mother's last name and not her father's last name. We don't know who is her father but I think her parents purposely hide her D clan because they know how dangerous it is. They probably know the most about the D too since they are both scholars. Vivi and Law's family hide their name of D too. So just my two cents that Robin might be a D and it might reveal when she get to Elbaf.
Just random thought about today's chapter. So sad there's break next week T-T
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lawbin-archive · 2 months
Why do I ship Lawbin?
Hi It's not analysis today, more like sharing my thoughts haha I actually love to read comments that why do people ship them, so today I'll share about why and when do I ship them. Please share yours in the comment too >< It's gonna be long because I just talk a lot lol I will try to highlight the important parts :D
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When I first watch one piece (btw I'm a new op fan :/), Ms. Nico Robin became my favorite from Eneis Lobby. And growing up, I really like to see pairings, so as I'm curious, I went to search who people ship in One Piece. So I got the standard answers: zosan, luhan, lunami, zoyori, sanpu...etc. and I saw people ship franky x robin a lot. So I WAS ACTUALLY EXPECTING A LOT FROM THEM!!! I saw a lot of people say Oda said they are cannon and they are married something like that (that's why you don't believe what people said on the internet) And I think that's one of the reasons that franky x robin aren't my favorite, because I was expecting too much (I don't hate them btw I hate the people who use frobin to against or bully other ships...) at the end, I knew their cutest interactions are in colorspread which when I was an anime watcher, I wouldn't know...
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Anyways, at that time, I only follow one Robin page on Twitter and the page was having a shipping poll, fun fact: I actually vote zorobin at that time lol because I was watching punk hazard and when they get to go on the island with luffy, it's so cute!! A few days later, I went on twitter again and I found lawbin won the poll :O I was surprised because it has spoilers (jk) I haven't seen them interact yet (I was watching PH that time). And some people probably know which poll is it? because after that, the entire optwt started bashing on lawbin... at that time, I really knew nothing, so I do read most of the qrt and comments. I was curious why people hate this ship so much so I started paying more attention on them
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So once I watch and continue to pay more attention to them, I actually...started to like them. (irony right?) Their interactions in Dressrosa are so compatible. I think it's a soulmate thing when you know what did the person do just by a look on his face. And when they were in a cafe?! that's just a date to me. At that time, I was still debating between lawbin vs zorobin vs frobin. Even when Robin saving Law, I'm not like super into it because I just want to finish the arc haha.
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But the turning point is - when they left Dressrosa, Robin asked Law, what do he want to do after Dressrosa? It's such a lawbin thing!! Robin just seem like she's someone in straw hats who knows his real goal and want to know what will he do after. And the little smirk Law has when he's leaving, telling Robin to not bother him (in my mind he probably say it to protect himself from trusting others) and Robin didn't care what he said is just such a soulmate thing to me because she know she's similar to him. When I found out this scene isn't in the manga, you don't know how sad I'm :'(
And this anime scene is actually important! because Law's goal after is to find his checkered fate which is the meaning of Will of D and it's similar to Robin's. And around the same time - the wano scene came out and my twitter were overflowed with lawbin haha it's just amazingly cute when they are watching underwater wano together. And then yea the rest is history, Lawbin is my ultimate favorite.
just some side notes, when I was young maybe during my teenager phrase, I also think extrovert x introvert combo would be good match. But as I grow older, I found having someone with the similar values, thoughts and personality with you is so much more precious. Being able to communicate is the key in any relationship. And as an introvert, I would be so much more comfortable hanging out with an introvert too because the energy just matched. So I think my personal experience, also make me leaning more towards to shipping lawbin.
Of course, watching one piece, shipping isn't really my priority. I love the storyline, the characters, the meaning behind. The reasons why I talk a lot about lawbin is because I want more people to know them. They're super underrated especially with the hate on twitter. (I actually don't see as much hate in other platforms) so I started to post about them more and it's been so fun! The more I'm into it, the more I found they are super compatible.
I remember a tweet saying:
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Exactly what I have been thinking the whole time.
Anyways, thank you for reading again! I'll try to write my Dressrosa analysis soon :/ Don't forget to share you lawbin experience too!! ><
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lawbin-archive · 2 months
IMO Law won't be back in the story, Robin doesn't need help. If he comes back it will only be to use the immortality operation.
Hi thank you for your opinion! Sometimes I think it’s nice to go outside my bubble to see different views on lawbin but I think I have answered similar opinions and questions before.
For Law won’t be back in the story, please refer to this ->
For the immortal and why Robin and Law have the same dream, please refer to this ->
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lawbin-archive · 2 months
Law & Robin Similarities Part 3
Paramecia Devil Fruit
Use hand gesture for their power
Use an ability that related to their saviour (Gigante Fleur & Silence)
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Note: For Robin, it's not really obvious but I think it's related to Saul somehow because Black Maria just showed the memories of them and she used this ability after.
Have signature hat (Alabasta Robin)
Law’s female version look like Robin Note: Personally, I think they look really alike
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Logical, analytical, investigative, calm 
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Distrusting, difficult for them to trust people
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Caught up with news
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Enjoy dark humour (or enjoy scaring Usopp)
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Love animals (Chopper & Bepo)
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Created a nose related nickname for Usopp
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Another fun fact is - their name in Japanese are also similar ロビン (Robin) & ロー(Law) that's why both of their birthdays are on the 6th because they both have ロ (Ro) sound which is similar to 6 (ろく roku) in japanese. That's why Lawbin's day is on June 6th (6/6) hehe :D
I hope you found their similarities interesting. To me, it's amazing that they are so similar! And one of the reasons I like Lawbin it's because feel like they can easily understand each other. Thank you for reading! And let me know if you have any opinion!
PART 1 ->
PART 2 ->
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