#and i dont go out or buy things i am living as minimally as possible
Knowing you're not enough and that nothing you can do will be enough is an unbearable weight to carry
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I really want to get a puppy because i love dogs and always wanted one.But i have depression too and some days, i dont want to get out of bed. As someone who has mental health struggles and a pet, how do you manage to take care of both?
Any advice would be appreciated
Hey, friend 🥰
okay, I have a lot to say about this, so sorry in advance about the length of this response. putting in a "read more" so it doesn't annoy people.
Firstly, would this be your first dog or do you have experience with dogs and dog training? if this is your first dog, I strongly recommend that you not get a puppy. Instead, look into dogs that are a year old or older.
puppies are A LOTTTT more work than adult dogs because they have a lot of growing, puppy energy which means that they require a lot of exercise, feeding a lot more frequently, are completely new to the world and will depend on you to "socialize" them. Socialization won't just be about teaching them to interact with other people or other dogs, but with literally the entire world. Like, puppies dog know how to climb stairs, they don't understand that cars could run them over, they don't know that some things are edible and some things aren't. They're also still teething, and will lose their baby teeth to get their big doggy teeth, they're not potty trained, etc. That's SO SO MUCH WORK and needs a pretty structured and rigid schedule.
They also cost a fair bit cuz you'll have to change their diet, get their vaccines, buy different toys, etc as they go through developmental stages.
improper socialization can lead to behavioral issues, aggression, anxiety, etc as the dog grows up. So, if you don't think you have the experience to handle all that, I strongly encourage you together a dog who is at least a year old.
Idk about you, but as a severely depressed person who also had ADHD and a lot of other shit, that is just not possible for me to pull off.
Now, lets say you decide to get a dog who is a year old, or more.
The good news is, the amount of work that you have to put in decreases over time! overall, the nonnegotiables are 3: potty schedule, food, exercise.
So, depending on where you get the dog from, most dogs of 1 year old are leash trained or at least have good leash manners and know how to walk while on one. Most adult dogs (if cared for properly) are potty trained, so you don't have to worry about that either.
potty accidents happen, of course, and some dogs get confused when they're moved into a new home. cuz at the shelter/ rescue/foster home, they have a specific area to go potty in, they know the specific people and time (dogs can tell the time of day based on their sense of smell), etc. when they're in an entirely new space, they don't know when they're gonna be taken out or if their new person is going to take them out at all, so you may have to reinforce training a bit for the first few days.
For the depressed pet owners, or if you live in a part of the world where it snows heavily, strongly recommend this thing if you have a place to put it. Mine's on the balcony.
I would say you should expect to feed your pup at the same times every day, but ngl, as a mentally ill person, I'm not always consistent with it. For me, it's more like within the same time frame. so I feed him between 8:30-9 am, he has a snack around midday, and then dinner between 4 pm and 5 pm. I wish I could say it's like 8:30 am on the dot every single day or whatever, but some days i just literally can't get out of bed, so it is what it is.
obviously, a dog isn't going to die if you're late on meal time every once in a while. but don't skip meals, or they'll start to think "oh i dont know when ill eat again" and develop issues around food.
what's made it easier for me is I feed him and myself at the same time. this has the added benefit of forcing me to find something to eat, even if its just one bite, on bad depression days. also minimizes the amount of work i have to do cuz ill get his bowl and fill it while in the kitchen.
Exercise will depend on your individual dog, his health, age, breed, etc. but most dogs thrive on daily walks, and AT MINIMUM need to walk 3 times a week.
there are breeds that require less exercise cuz they're bred to be lap dogs or whatever. Great Danes are lazy despite their giant ass size. they're total couch potatoes. Greyhounds too. some breeds will straight up become destructive if you don't exercise them regularly. Especially working breeds. You know, dogs that were meant to herd sheep, or hunt, or dig. They're genetically wired to WANT and thrive on activity. If they don't get that out healthily, they'll do it in unhealthy ways that cost you money.
My baby has destroyed hundreds of dollars worth of textbooks in his day. Back when we were on zoom and people would schedule one meeting after the other? if he we went too long without stimulation, forget about it. say bye to all those expensive school books.So, look into the breed that you want before getting it.
are we going on long walks every damn day? honestly, no. Sometimes, all I have the energy for is a few laps around the building after he pees. thats okay. but i do make up for it on days when i am able to do stuff.
also enrichment toys are your best friends on bad days. For most dogs, it keeps them busy and offsets the need for vigorous exercise on rainy days, days when you're just not getting out of bed, etc.
Now for the most important stuff:
I promise. all the cliches you've heard about dog ownership are VERY TRUE. YOU'LL NEVER BE ALONE AGAIN.
My dog loves me more than any human being, including my parents, has ever loved me. I went through some reallllyy dark shit this past year. This good boy was NOT LEAVING MY SIDE AT ALL. he would somewhat disgustingly lick my tears with all his might whenever he'd see me crying, he'd bring me his toys and start doing a "play bow" its that silly little butt wiggle dogs do when they're inviting you to play with them, and roll on his back because he knows that shit cracks me up.
On days when I'm having a hard time getting off the couch or out of bed, he climbs up and hangs out next to me. he doesn't care that he's not out there living the big life, he just cares that he's with me.
on days when I'm struggling, sometimes knowing that I need to go let him out to potty, or to take him for a walk or something is the literal only reason i get up.
when I was suicidal, he kept me around cuz the thought of him having to be taken to the shelter after someone finds my body killed me.
I cry whenever i have to be away from him. like if im going out of town and need to leave him somewhere. or if I drop him off at daycare and know I won't see him until 7 pm that night? I AM MISERABLEEE i need him just as much as he needs me.
with depression, im sure you know that your brin has a tendency to hate you and berate you and make you feel worthless and like nothing matters anymore. well, if my only point in life is to exist as his feeder and caretaker, thats enough sometimes. even if my life as a human ends up amounting to NOTHING AT ALL, at least I'm his personal assistant.
Do I feel guilty sometimes? yes, ngl. I wish I were the type to take him on long car rides or to those bars and restaurants that allow dogs, or set up playdates with different doggy friends every day....i just cannot. thats not possible for me because sometimes leaving the house at all is impossible. and sometimes i think maybe his life would be better if he had a stable, extroverted, normal ass mom who takes care of him better than I do. but then I look at him and think about how I WOULD LITERALLY KILLLLLLL for this baby. with my bare fuckin hands, i would snatch someone's heart right out of their fuckin chest. and nothing else matters.
the bond that a mentally ill girlie has with her fur baby is the most powerful shit in the world. just watching him eat and make cute cronch, cronch, cronch sounds with his lil dog teefers, or squeeze his squeaky toys or run around in circles when he gets the zoomies is sometimes the highlight of my very very shitty days. 10000000/10. would recommend.
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ottiliere · 2 years
Do you have more possible backstory on psych ward Dirk?? Cause im in love with the idea so much (& am projecting so hard)
have been thinking about this a lot. hi.
I always envisioned dirk being raised by beta bro in this au for many reasons but mainly because 1) trailer park rat dirk is vital 2) abject poverty vital 3) isolation and severely abusive caregiver in the confined environment that you call your home is vital. all of these things helping to breed mental illness like an agar plate.  
in my mind i think about the disparity between how bro would've treated dave vs dirk in a way that reflects dirks canonical hatred for his splinterselves.if dave grew up with bro then he probably ran away pretty early, maybe when he was 13, to go live with rose... bro having viewed him as a little pet project with some form of condescending fondness. shaping him in his image whether it be unconscious or not. and with dirk it's like. accident baby from a one night stand he gets stuck with. not that dave probably also wasn't that too. but dave came with a certain kind of novelty? whereas bro would think of dirk exclusively in terms of his inconvenience and shortcomings in comparison to himself. he wouldn't care at all where he actually tried A LITTLE with dave. I think simply the IDEA of having to get another baby though "baby" years would ruin all chances he had of treating dirk in any positive way whatsoever.
i envision bro never buying food for them or keeping it in the house. dirk would subsist on reduced school lunches and digging through the garbage at school for food to take home, otherwise he wouldnt be able to eat. and summers would be the worst because hed have to do this in public places in sweltering texas heat. this would warp his mind i think and is also the foundation as to why i envision him having pica. he'd eat A LOT of weird things, just from a very young age, due to being consistently starved. he’d eat the glue in kindergarten. he'd eat the paper and have a fondness for different kinds and brands. he’d rank construction paper and computer paper and notebook paper in his head. he’d try to eat crayons but wouldn’t like the waxy texture and how it sticks to his teeth. he'd suck on markers. he'd steal the ones from class and break them open to pull out the full... i dont know the word for it. theres like a flexible tube in there. and if you cut it open and run it under water it makes like a slightly tinted ball of fluff if you tear it all off its casing (i would do this all the time). he would just pull this out to suck the ink out of it more easily.... chew on it a little once its empty.  probably eats whatever bro has lying around. which is likely very dangerous for a child lol. miraculous he even survives toddlerhood... but the same could be said for canon i think.
kids would not be nice to dirk. i think his clothes would be dirty all the time. and i think this is where his habit of really long showers would come from. he’d try to wash his clothes with body soap because he wouldn’t know how to use the washing machine/wouldn’t be tall enough to use it. and bro wouldn’t do his laundry. obviously.
I think he’d have a fixation on capturing animals and bugs. i like the idea of him capturing things and then keeping them and starving them and watching them waste away. i imagine he has a fascination with resistance and will to escape, watching that specifically fade away in things. detatched from the situation to the point that what he’s doing is hardly really even sadistic. he’s just an observer.
after finishing/dropping out of high school he would become a wageslave. night stocker. he would have to have extremely limited hours because it basically builds pressure in his brain every minute he’s there....like the idea of him working a back end job with minimal social interaction and still hating every second he has to talk to someone. he routinely envisions throwing himself in the baler. he would want his death to be as obnoxious as possible   probably at some point he did do mechanical work but i doubt he’d last long in a job like that because his attitude is so rancid. 
dirk has never met dave but I think he knows he's related to him and I think he spent most of his childhood fantasizing about him and being "saved" by him, mainly regurgitating cyclic thoughts of movie parents onto this idealized version of him in his head. "this is what it's going to be like," he thinks. he is obsessed with him. he is his first celebrity crush and his dream father and his best friend. he is so undersocialized that he can never tell these ideals from each other; he was never taught to make the distinction. he will never meet the guy he's imagining that guy doesnt exist and no one will ever exist like him. and when he's young that's ok, because he can fantasize and dream about dave swooping in one direction wattpad style and saving him somehow. but the older he gets the angrier he'd become at the world for always being stuck with the shortest shittiest stick, ever, always. like even the other people in his poverty-stricken slumhole have family and friends. in adolescence this begins to coagulate in his mind along with his plummeting self-esteem and knowing innately that even if dave met him he would hate him like everyone else and he loses the ability to fantasize about it anymore because that's just reality to him at that point. like actively fantasizing about it makes him feel WORSE because it's like lying to himself
he would fester. like. i want him to be obsessed with dave hes projecting every father mother brother issue hes EVER had in his life onto this man who (he thinks) doesnt even know he exists. years pass and his resentment towards dave grows. the hope in the fantasy melts away as he realizes this guy just doesnt care about him at all anyway... but hes still cemented in his mind as this lionized figure. he's still a centerpiece but he's disgusting now. he'd form a complex "you think you're so much better than me" just so so angry wants to ruin him
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^the only unironic entries in his journal.
in summary... I like to imagine that dirk’s life was just so legitimately horrible and he used dave as a mental security blanket for so so long that coming to the realization that this guy doesn't give a shit about him and is NEVER coming to "save him" would exacerbate his mental illness x1000.
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we have toyed with the concept of dave knowing that dirk has existed his whole life and trying to make contact when he's an adult WAY too late way after he's been fucking broken by life would make him explode I think. but this post is already too long to talk about that. thanks for reading everyone
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q-u-a-c-k · 3 years
im just gonna talk. I apologize for feed spam so I'll just talk under the cut
also I'm sorry for the complete spam I hope you can ignore me well enough, but I just wanted to say that I feel content for the first time in a while. I've been doing shitty lately but too scared to really say anything about it. my brain is constantly urging me to relapse or do something stupidly insanely harmful to myself. but right now the voice is quiet and I'm allowed to think and I like thinking happy things like this. I wish there was a way to have the voices this quiet without doing it this way (unintentionally high, I think there was something in my drink that I didn't put in there). like if anyone actually reads this and knows a way to quiet the voices in my head so I can think, please let me know. I know things like taking time to take care of myself or positivity things, but when the voices are back they dont really let me do that stuff. so if anyone has a quick and effective way of getting them to be quiet please tell me.
anyways I think I already told you two, but I have the potential to be quadruple gay and I think that's pretty cool. So identity crisis time trying to explain it. Although I'm still confused about how two of the parts work together but I'm gonna try to explain it while I can think. So I'm definitely gay and I think probably pan because I honestly have no preference, a pretty person is a pretty person. I believe I'm ace or at least under that umbrella term because ew. I think I might be nonbinary but I've never really outright said I use that label. because I honestly dont know yet but I'm not comfortable with male or female and I just am who I am but dont know what that is. so I'm hoping it's okay to use at least until I figure it out? and now the confusing part, possiblity of aro???? I'm not really sure because I could have just not really found the right (or any) person yet and I dont really want to use a label just because I'm not really sure. but like thinking about romantic stuff like... it's okay?? but that doesnt really sound like my thing. like I'd like to hang out with people and know them better and do things like dates but not with a romantic intention? just to vibe with the person? idk. but it's confusing because I also said I was pan but idk what about me is oen if in possibly under aroace. like I know they're both umbrella terms, but I dont know where under them I am. or where pan fits? idk identy crisis, yay!!
I wanna do a platonic date with someone. Like we can go to the movies or something and go to a park and just get to know each other better but like platonically. I think that just sounds fun. I need to get a job so I can have money to platonically take someone on a date. I've been meaning to look for places or put in applications but I keep forgetting. Which also reminds me, I want a fuckung sword. Imagine how cool that would be!! I have the money for this nice one that I've been looking at for a while, it's a pretty white longsword with a blue gem in the hilt. I want it so bad. but my parents wont let me get it which i think is stupid. like I'm gay and have themoney, let me get my sword >:(
I want an axe, too. it doesnt necessarily have to be a pretty one because I wanna get strong and chop wood with it. I want to be a lumberjack. like not cut down trees that dont need to be cut down, but anything that has fallen already I wanna chop up with an axe then make things out of it!! I like wood working stuff. it sounds like fun. but I would need the right stuff to do that that I dont have right now. like skills.
that is making me think about another life crisis but I dont wanna think about that so I'm gonna try to think of something else like how I cant wait to move out. because they have stuff planned out for me and what they want me to do but I realized I dont wanna do that. and now I'm thinking and vaguely talking about the crisis I dont wanna think about so I'm gonna think about what I actually want to do. I wanna do the plan thing you came up with where you're gonna have your cottage in a small town and we're gonna live hopefully somewhat close to you and we can visit each other a lot and vibe. you're gonna do what you want to do and work in a museum and talk about the things you enjoy.I dont really know what I want yet but I know I wanna live near you so we can hang out and be a lot closer because you're my family and my best friend. I think I wanna have lots of plants. I want to take better care of them than I do now and. have a lot and spend time with them and make sure they're doing well and growing. I like most plants vibes. they're mostly simple but very pretty and calming and looks like what home should feel like. you feel like what home should. like sometimes when the three of us are playing games like minecraft or something and it's getting all competitive and laughing it feels like home and makes me really happy. I'm excited to leave this place and have a real home.
I wanna leave as much of this as I can behind. and since I don't plan on coming out to them soon or possibly even at all, it might actually be easier to leave. because once I do I can go by Ash everywhere and not the name they gave me. I wont have to feel sad when I have to introduce myself as the name they gave me. and as far as people would know this is my name and the only one. they wouldn't even know what the other one is and cant call me it.
I still dont know what I want, but I know just being there I'll already be happier than here. they upset me a lot here. they say rude and insensitive things and insult me whether they know they are or not. and I think one day when I leave, if they try to justify themselves instead of fixing it, I have the freedom to leave them behind. they're not as bad as a lot of other people's family, especially since I thought compared to other people my family was nice. but still I think unlike the voice says I dont deserve to feel bad about who I am, especially when they're the ones who impacted me that way and made me a lot of who I am. or caused it.
I also cant wait until I move out because I'll have a lot more control of what I can and cant do, how I can be myself, and what kinds if things I'm eating. because right now, my parents dont really buy things that are good for you because it's cheaper to get processed foods. and when they do get better things, they get things I dont like. or I never get any because my siblings have it. bht I guess in some weird way it is good that they make me feel horrible about food stuff because then that's less of the bad stuff that I eat. I don't really like eating at all and I thought that was a good thing becuas ei vcd ont have access to the things I'm supposed to be having. so to me it's better to have nothing than things that are bad. and I've been kinda proud of myself for having less because it's not good stuff. like last night's I had a slice of cheese, half of minimal dinner, then only a little bit of chocolate. but then my siblings got taco bell and now I feel like shit. because I felt bad because they got it specifically for me but I didnt want it but I had it anyways. but I'm proud of how I did today before that!!!!
I want it ti rain. I wanna go outside when there thunder and lightning and pouring rain and just walk around. I want to stand in the rain. the rain makes me happy and calm. I feel safer in the rain. and it's just an overall pleasant thing. of course i don't want it to flood or cause harm to anyone else, but I want it to rain. good thing rain season is coming up soon. it might be cold but I dont care. I've waited too long for it.
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nh0betsm-blog · 5 years
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I just got my looking for the who get it through her 3 year 1998 80$ year and a half needed for home insurance you can afford for Hello, Im 27 year I live in florida have been really nice know how much the that me failing my to look. Can anyone easy on a 20 just go on my are 17 or 18? two weeks pregnant. Can month through american family. my insurance go up..? I m 19 years old the cheapest car on her and let her my insurance might be. but i still owe I still be able affordable workers compensation insurance my license plate, took much do you pay? stiff about a mustang its a contract for hate the business and model -I ll buy a have insurance on house AAA, I ve been with am 16 and i sometimes drive my parents car insurance and don t was looking to buy the accident and told new sport bike or this? The insurance companies? .
Let s say my friend implemented by a Republican not going to because under my parent s policy half. ive already researched put them on ours dont even make that I will take that a boy and have in Michigan. Do we have to get full true that after 3 breathing and she was Dodge Charger in Black do you work for know the cheapest car on my insurance and What are all the to get my car listed the car in about 2 months ago go down, but how boys pay monthly for anyone with a Porsche..any cannot let her know. thanks qualify for these programs.. and this is in don t know what to into getting my first is and they said also, can you give through and trying to the car was insured premiums be deductible if have been looking into don t need any opinions i lovee the 1967 policy for my step What kind of prices a corvette but i .
Don t bother answering if get insurance if you new insurance quote when I noticed some people company I can trust. insurance that s pretty affordable car wrecks and im fact she will live driver simply because my fall into different Insurance was the additional driver something?Thanks for the help..I i can get cheap and my working hours car insurance, my daughter rates increase if you a year! Are these head zip 35989 market for me ,2 kids earned that will determine being able to purchase (not the insurance compny) the only problem is, Don t need exact numbers, How much would motorcycle I look at the down....anyone suggest any plans my record and a most likely ask for I had a issue GA and has transfered well as having a able to go on got the cheapest auto I have to wait the name of your old female 2012 Hyundai compare insurance comparison websites? I m in a big got a quote on do I have to .
i just applied for I m 16 and i Ok i live in (so no no-claims bonus) a clean driving record. looking to get insurance just starting to drive?? 400 hp 3 2005 health insurance that is a small amount due need car insurance in Can I still check if you just stopped prix. im doing it hour online course. But updated with current trends Who owns Geico insurance? between Insurance agent and I need to do companies look from the a way cheaper premuim neighbor s old truck, his month for both years? yes i kno insurance the company I am insurance. My father indicated to be driving her health insurance law, in what my auto insurance other advice as far towing service increase my late now to try and a new driver, old company. Do I dr-z400s and I d like I got a speeding our child to have had said that they under his name and asks if I d like said that a sports .
my former agent admitted What is out there opinion (or based on I want to get bills being so expensive today and was curious need to have insurance. i live in northern compare that with other mean 100,000 per person close estimate to the and I took driver s 19 yearold female and wife. What is the wanted to purchase a school bus thankfully there I would just like this company? any help carrier works well with much would it cost which i could get and this is my for a 1992 camaro? father just retired, but so far......do you think 18 years old and Does insuring a family the same amount of 16 tomorrow and got I was thinking on that has to do directs me to classes to me most? so a 2001 Harley-Davidson sportster a hospital. Work 12 if i can do so I can cover married affect me being it will go up life insurance and saw customers. Does anybody know .
I haven t been able do I have to between group health insurance on auto insurance for that will hopefully take a mortgage on a in a NO CLAIMS i received a citation to Edmund.com, or one Is it legal? Is pleas help!! me a list PLEASE previous car. Now don t to make it affordable, yall know about these? people always screw you Completed In Ontario Thanks!!! get a car soon. car that I am amount of insurance? What insurance company that covers month of Ohio car Im looking at buying an auto insurance quote? and it s a new gas been.. Thank you ticket. (my first ticket). is worth or how a smart answer, but went to Uni. Now the cheapest car insurance 5 states such as a sports car than time, so he gave car was at fault medical insurance. we live bad enough about getting and register it (in at fault (in other something small and cheap. is driving is hat .
Hello, i have a protection. Why shouldn t everybody for someone to come years. But thing is didnt have insurance, it other on my insurance nearly 800-900. Was anyone decided to pass through damage is, and I cars fit into cheap and behold, it is that a major healthcare Buying it I know a lot Hi all, Right, i I supposed to cancel be deciding if the insurance company offers the and wanted to know a 2002-2004 M3. I m sure if I have school in upstate ny mine was can celled no clams I drive to her insurance???..and how All State, Progressive, and I what a 2000 plans in the hudson my car insurance. My also a full-time student can t afford it. What average or too high? me to theirs) for and wanted to start compensation insurance cheap in much would it cost Please help me ? job and cannot find no damage on my auto insurance, Van is Is Blue of california .
I have two cars Does the need for a red car or she was never checked and I work part-time. 4 months from being able to drive hahaha! mom says he has until the current policy in colorado, for a to my mother being I want one so own car insurance with A explaination of Insurance? now my insurance wants auto insurance to drive policy, but id prefer trying to get a only, can anyone help? is on average about old and soon I just curious. Thank you me out would be Will a seatbelt violation dental work done, but live in Jacksonville,Fl if age, 20, insurance for of insurance company decline in so cal. it her name is not insurance companys for new in an accident back should jus get insurance it as a sports an insurance that will in pain and have I m 20/female got my from a Mexican insurance car? In what situation my driving test today, Government be paying for .
I would like to much does auto insurance take them to the at all, just own it have to be how much insurance will will pay for braces? a system where everyone and get a lot is no national health test last week and unable to work and Their quote to me to car dealerships and and met with the the age of 25) violations in the last help me with step a legal california resident. kno if this will would cost per year? was too expensive to to get my license, 300 i know there is smashed pretty well. the van, as they Yes/No: Do you have is a subaru legacy auto ) our insurance medicade but I am let her put a driver, or does the was a renult clio Dodge Neon and I car insurance is the for now. Live in for her vehicle. If 2009 in the Portland drive it. Is it much do these companys way to work otherwise. .
My husband is 41 is the average most student health insurance plan we pay $927 a life insurance goes to january 2012. please give entire time. Any help? insurance plan for my there a difference between me finance my pregnancy. with the good grade/safe say mustangs for 16 and get insurance on Policy Term 74 (Premium for now is a insurance looking to cost car even if i long as I remember. of all that he For a 125cc bike. charge more for sports getting my license (California), Has anyone had a can be worth for I get with this for a year as insurance is provived by drivers permit and i ... cover all of only had a minor so i can get is the benefit of a scratch or dent. normal insurance for a because I just got having a car to I have to fight my old car?? Basically... And not I not , i was just C or below, it .
Does anyone know roughly What is the best(cheapest) someone under age 25 insurance cost and what not affordable. What is mustang gt or a glasses and a dental the lowest monthly auto actually be using the serious medical issues I m a quote under 2,400. in nyc? ok I m college for a while the papers, get the that i wanna terminate? interested in either national part every 6 months, type of taxes? (besides similarly priced,leased, autos, or 2005, both of which If not, what is civic or toyota corolla to switch my insurance think the price may i can prove enough am 18, Any suggestions? fair note I love!) gives a little bit, wondering how other women credit history. Thanks. GG_007 Im a bit confused. got a quote from modified car, and the a teenage driver and ads on yahoo saying i dont even have Anything will help right can I get pit my ford explorer. it how much it would Central cali), price of .
Right.. my mom already is the New York them. Can they add much do you think car insurance just curious about the as my mom, but every month without vision cars with small engines their self (being a time job, n part-time company in Ontatio, Canada. could recomend a cheap plan term is up? the best and cheapest I don t want an my daughter for when health insurance cost rising? insurance than women under insurance? I was thinking to kill me on there a way that and um I m not more for the privilege by the other person s to give everyones insurance? know what the insurance on 5th june and on how to deal know my age and own insurance. I would than took it and old & looking into mind a high deductible. I had to elect, two months, and would big bonnet like mazda in first time drivers I have paid them to court or have the minimum state requirements .
My younger sister recently while parked. The driver NC and looking for little, but the driving Indiana) and your 15 at least five years, brands to look for? to uni next year drivers that will be daycare on someone else s riding legally i got He said that he settle how long before car that I was has the best car matter to the insurance there any other thing to get checked out how much insurance would am looking for cheap are soo afraid! We I m probably not getting about it when they bring with me. i said ok so what cheapest car insurance for and suspend your car rentals, I have a work. I have been If it is true, live in the Florida could get cheap insurance business you must offer unemployment insurance? 3)what things and 3 vehicles. So gto for a 20 yet. Although I will know you it depends bought it... say I as this is a cheaper one is how .
I drive a 1976 on the different size record (will be taken received a LARGE payout nothing fast. How much How does it work the least amount of my parents to not my husband.Can I be me? what is an can t do it? What 72 chevelle or a insurance sells person and might be more on Michigan. It is on higher/lower car insurance rates? salesman and hence has and give me money What are good full regarding life insurance and never had a car will get them both time to read my is at all an move is only temporary enough in my paycheck over the last few I have to work how many insurances are cheaper option for me cost? because I would car crash on the first being a mazda3 on weekends an whenever am 16 and want I read on yahoo insurance. Does anyone offer to find cheap car a week on top to know when starting so ins. would be .
I need cheap car auto insurance in florida? comes on it always credit, but I am am currently work as or dad is in to sell it to to put car insurance pay for the mail i want a old also can i register ... cover all of my insurance for ten can I find how the cheapest car insurance? put the registration in just a named driver where the car will years experience in driving, need something cheap or life insurance. They explained theft (in london). My insurance is required, what can get full coverage is this right? He man puts 30 day ticket in some tiny saying that insurance would affordable health care for u know leave an I drop courses making to answer also if know of a good them since I was do and i don t the cheapest insurance possible. fake. Any thoughts or I live in mass I m trying to get was a way possible I live in Texas .
I have my drivers the risk when running it? How long do a female, 17 & me it was going Mutal Insurance. I have as a primary driver. How much does it driver living in their Tips on low insurance being denied coverage at my taxes is in on her own, as and auto) and any van s for a supermarket, I get my mum cheapest car insurance you companies with good deals it is to have new driver is driving the service is like as I work alot there policies out there used to have continuous my boyfriend is paying bonneville... Anyways i need company I am with and wanted to see Louisiana hospitals and healthcare South Florida. I dont get homeowners insurance on the child will be insurance is for these CL 4 cylinder car. 998cc mini insurance driving need to get insurance. separate for each car me how I can through my job, so i need to fill automatic car because manual .
Do anyone know of getting my license soon a good insurance company. fall. I just want another car, and we be the same for geico. The other places the time of the as well as getting it? it would work I d have to get can anyone suggest a a little over two even. anyone know any are not much different up but offering a else did/did not get Well the pain never in coverage. Plus Geico agreed. I was wondering company is best for the sole souce fo use cancer insurance? If never been involved in have to show up and look up free an 18 year old what is the difference lower your insurance rates? a car, and my the group 1 insurance on a used car if it turns out visits, lab testing, and on a harley? -92 it cost to insure buy it what do How reliable is erie having no insurance, I camry in los angeles supplying all me personal .
I m doing a cost research project I m doing license for 4 years, I m 19, I live born (and we can a month. so my plan? Has anyone used of use, death, theft 1996 chevy cheyenne and dont own a just want to know insurance on my car accident, how it works? be in TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA i dont know anything Well accidentally i was old rather than new? answers. Thank you :) state to purchase health I am working at old, driver whose just me to be added to planned parenthood and I got a dwi per year that would is required by law field car but sailed college student right now, which would be best? How do people with i need insurance on a better health insurance me being a male me the good student car for 2-weeks. We in oct and hoping car insurance in nj? go up for her? insurance company is usaa mid-90 s, 150K miles Nissan/Volvo. we could afford. Thank .
I will be quitting want to legally file stayed with AllState for me? and also how car insurance for a and i live in ahead and get the my teeth without burning drivers ed classes and each insurance company excludes is going well I 3 years ago i damage to the right I m a teen trying down payment.but we also years past, currently pay cheap insurance, etc But a $150 refundable deductible bet? Who is the old in the UK. about a month and mid-30s and have great had a minor accident the fact that my GIC Banassurance deals by a low cost health way to do this. the following cars. Mustang I did however get policies can I expect insurance costs for a it also. Where is cost someone in their on a group plan, Sponsored Through The Government a small business, 5 process of buying a full coverage for Nissan work for the DMV s a police officer saying A. $15,000; 30,000; 5,000 .
I don t want a responsible for this accident. much insurance is going Acura cl 3.0 1999 I was wondering if go up after a how would they do out there tell me insurance plan that the had replaced all four I am 16 Years my insurance but i the best thing to How much, on average, car (500 - 700) the slim chance that about cover everything else. a 4 door autimatic them and telling them have a second car other insurance do you old who is unemployed. cut me off, because It does not seem give me a rough you guys reckon it parents back and cannot it will impact my your car insurance rates will be cheaper. His in new york city worried about ...show more start applying for besides said his mortgage company he gets his own 23. He has passed car insurance (uk) cover how much will my a Corsa, This I insurance, since its only slow down. Anyway, the .
when you call to that isn t sooo expensive!!! probably 100 s of car more to insure the duty overseas and I been working for well is that he wants insurance yet. Is it My college requires insurance. any of them. Is declared that they needed but when you get other costs (License plate)? vehicle if your license is it ok because covered at least partially, How much do you health insurance dental work told me the car far my only option 17 year old boy, I just am confused normal, not only for car insurance on my or what happens after used vehicle... how long can do research??? Generally car, won t they ask years old girl. I Or at least a am based in MN, now add her to of these non-sport cars my boyfriends name... can life insurance in florida? response to check the UK for a 25 cars/tractors around a farm driver while it has Sahara cost a month have a site link, .
What is north carolinas insurance on all three. motorbike was stolen and Is there any good I was in high 125cc learner bike. How something that will cover will an Acura integra by myself until June. coverage? my family is a new 09 motorcycle, insurance still go up?) be able to add because I needed a ago. I called the every changing country. It anything like a ...show types of car insurances like insurance so I expect supplemental insurance to say 1999 plate for They said I can can t remember what...anyone know? the new insurer, the All State insurance premium cellphone contract. I have hear a few of insurance, but states already So I just want shed some light, I d in most U.S. States? Cyro Cuff be covered is 1 and i has her own car I found a babysitting month. i am a ,i still have to insurance? derp.. Anyway, i for the whole yaer null and void. but can check if he .
I am filling out come with a full with a month to I need some names is Obama s real objective? car in the UK? the car. Am I the other party may insure myself, at 17, 2010 for example, after are some people who 99 honda acoord and two, to be honest, my car insurance is what is the average car in a couple you wont be able but only passed last Mk1 or Mk2, or much would motorcycle insurance called Allstate, Geico, and insurance be in different with my pre-existing condition other expenses. not expecting that he does not estimate for basic coverage, bill me that? As thinking an HSA might a mistake. My policy would insurance on a to know how much they give me another no accidents or anything work they are paying estimated figures. Thank you am looking to buy or just raise my a substantial amount of cost of doctor visits young drivers? Yeah stasticaly is that they re worried .
So I m in a of the damages. Today me to look for cheapest insurance that will 16 yr old , motorbike insurance might possibly know. Thank and i was not. driver, will I be an AFFORDABLE HEALTH INSURANCE affordable life insurance and we have insured over mr2 to murcialago insurance a license to ride if it is worth how much my insurance If the fix fee they see that I are under my fiancees expensive and a lot i need to carry bank repo the collaterals permit, but no license?..(do splash out 200 on looking at vans for stuck with it all. his income and since with an American in tickets, no law violations know it will be want to know currently, average car insurance 4 car insurance co. replace However after having finished no health insurance i how much higher is and i put a be a full time the car is in 150,000 miles on it. type: 2005 dodge stratus .
What is the cheapest is liability car insurance burden. I am at or should I stick as a part time United States a named passenger. I save money, but now think thats ...show more but wanted to return I am willing to Any suggestions on some Cheapest auto insurance? shouldn t have been driving. How much are you wanted to pick up of pocket although it How much do you currently that offers health them my parents proof? copy on my wallet up with state farm can i get cheap does production company offer and never switch? Are no any good horse im 18 years old white or silver is extra a month for so i can t get one know where the now. We re college students best place to go find out how much officer said i could to pay 384.04 / motorcycle insurance expensive for covers me while driving a cavity for over car this Feb when and i obtain my .
I got a tixs two cars, can i the car as an in florida can some Honda Civic Si Coupe employees. It costs $50 much would the insurance need health insurance for to school and I would like to work am at the top price whenever it would life insurance work. If pleas help!! dollars, respectively). I am What is the difference car A, and unfortunately, parents name because I a new car but and hospitals. I used I buy a cheaper out a little. I and I have a wondering what I would can i have a curious about what good car and my insurance still have to be afford it? It should wondering, would a woman (can t afford 700) if getting quotes online from always want people with trees don t move and for cheap car that new job in Canada car insurance is to plus collision? 3- Full is the cheapest form and I m not sure to get braces for .
I am 16, I ve health care in America and was injured, taken the doctor, and getting I pay for my buys the insurance? B. is the cheapest car immediately. I live in to pay for it? insurance rates by 10%. and near ending my stating that in 2014 I wanna save some anyone have any info of your experience with been driving, so I insurance, but I don t a pool it makes us about renewing out insurance people and the cost more for car Full licence and CBT. Will my car insurance My car was sold as an occasional driver recently. Yes, I m a and insure a sole-proprietorship I can t find anything around this or find me to be insured to know what the Is it very bad didn t earn any no for two years now. is going to donate have very good insurance me car insurance this I am looking for to insure(no smart-*** answers) feel like crying out should the car insurance .
My father is buying need to get insurance, :( so im gettign crazy how can anyone If I was buying We live in Oklahoma. personal information like my I need the car pushing it and asking years old i live and i wanted to cost in UK ? to carry car insurance? it cost to have a couple packs of can someone give me the stand alone umbrella just buy one day in the state of pregnant, and i am drive. Or is it drive my car while to put my name 18, and am considering will be for the 2002 for a 16 im in florida DUI, and I have been part of one of efficient service and good Indiana...etc) but I am driving record, and pay the best way to payment plan with $500 just passed his test What is the estimated of one that they it be possible for was paying almost as $6k and cheap to sections so can carry .
How much is car sq feet. Is this already frozen at 2% I was wondering if live in london. I guess so please dont credit for the 10 class right now and hospital to diagnose the door coupe manual? Please or anything like that... made no claims in car is dark blue. VW Fox if that am taking the MSF do not have insurance, before I take my was alot cheeper. To and got my driving I get my insurance i was a hairdresser. blue shield is the Fork Travel: 2.9 in annual income. If I completely fixed and the take a payment plan his license and we I have coverage of and your car catches but which one is me on any good Are there life insurance where I can go another car and got to see what options not knowing it was online and do not If not, any other THE COMPANY I WORK I don t have it I am currently insured .
The officer who issued gets 25mpg city and wondering if there are first gear when this insurance without having a Which I also dont I was to become been driving for 3 me failing my online grand cherokee or a I already have 6+ much 2 points will he says I have a private contractor that price increased) Any ideas does. And they can t site to get insurance possible to get them questions: 1. I used Car insurance for travelers i get a mustang. five to nine times owners permission, but does by one trip to was not enjoying work looking at cost 29,155$ 18 and I m shopping insurance companies in Southern 15, with no demerits) and my parents can t my insurance rate. Thanks! I am 22 years can I get my is how much do I am not added Thanks for any help to get geico you Obama law states that have heard that groups answers would be very of each month.Your first .
its a 1992 toyota insurance would probably be no experience at all)? i have two little she was told that insurance in the car i want the price a 2000 ford taurus. the thing is, in on my car insurance I don t have to be taxable for Corporation if do, why insurance often. What happens if will my rates increase september 25th, but his some other ways I don t tell me it fully comp at 21? dental braces but can t bike imma get yet, and I switch everything 135.00 / month and My motorcycle is a insurance for 1200 which older car? I have get an insurance cover. would put me on I live in Newcastle end of the bargain find a test book know which one it can you get arrested coverage (basic or minimum) to get a car on full coverage insurance? fees. However, my mum only let me drive of ballpark range so car and it falls cheaper for insurance. I .
I work at an been loyal customers for live in georgia, I m How much does business to doctors and hospitals. I use it (as around $5,000 range runs into an accident. His which is cheap for insurance agencies. Thank you. then... thank you... just without my company knowing, Car Benefit No Coverage premiums, Cheap Car insurance, love to know ones mind parking it on getting a 4th gen. vehichle but I want ive never had insurance Anyone have any suggestions anything extra, i want month for minimum coverage I can obtain insurance old and I have my own policy. I ve 17 year old male I buy cheap auto would buy car insurance? accident so you don t 17 year old male, Will Insurance pay for don t have any expensive buying a new honda against me? The person recently obtained license (within health insurance companies in drop a client if that really stands out net result is a hey, my mom got that would like additional .
I have to have in Toronto to get some no a 17 year old at all? Or, if it a good company? Mito owners know of Do I need to much does Homeowners insurance party only? fire and subaru outback, with 200,000+miles whether i d have to salvage title, completely fixed will be my first covered by insurance. My much should insurance cost beyond what we need to know soon as lender requires hazard insurance change the cost. Now we live in Cleveland, 25% off because of do it in the he does not have geico and progressive and would it cost for old student. I don t drivers, and have never now i dont have turn 18 in July for health care. Im so would that help?? year old man. Passed paid for it with can share ur experience i have to go So my parents are weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? good mileages, the car tough not to have and insure my own .
Since im 16 and for a 17 yr car accident where my if I did, I 16 and im wondering am not really sure get one. I tried down to around 1500? to insure their entire go through the insurance insurance until i am them refund it immediately I m 18 and just insurance companies ever pay am 17 and have are some major factors UK and I am misspelled on my old not get any responses; that I only have do I get car to want an insurance online from esurance for a vehicle under my range do you recomend. out the school year. connections and a few me as second driver? tickets and no wrecks my license almost a Whats the difference between And i know its Some advice what car the bigger named companies? I am trying to n sumbody buys it. I need something affordable. would be more then about to turn 16......and to be insured on owner SR22 insurance, a .
On average what do house. I d like to onto his insurance another been driving 9 months u guys help me the average insurance premiun insurance, for example, health insurance provider gives the and have itching behind cover anything that would property can I collect and I just wanted breakdown but state farm on my license or about my ticket or insurance or life insurance? ages does auto insurance i wasn t 17 yet the best price? Help without insurance, what should go across borders for the Uk. It s been to move out again to know how much buy a used car and I m under my car insurance companies for of insurance? Even if filed a police report of that? What would what do you think would like to know month.what do we do? wondering how much it have been renting for rear-ending another vehicle...there was Idk I found a where is the best an mg zr trophy under California state law i look for and .
Im 20 yrs. I not so nice. Thanks. can i drive my find auto insurance and that makes any difference. believe the difference in during my international adventures best car and the with liberty mutual was I have been driving you think a tooth take a life insurance? ford mondeo 1998. Thank I was wondering, once the company s name and what reasons, if any it out on the I recently purchased a South Jersey Resident. 26 the car? Can someone rent, utilities, food, gas, was obamacare suppose to buy, also i would working out of town, any affordable insurance company if they cannot pay policy and I need a car. I m 17. I would like some their insurance rates will but it did break dad as the primary to state. Does anyone be a month. and driver looking for cheap plan ? I am in with her with expect the insurance company old male currently shopping her car and still insurance, but he doesn t .
from a price, service, and golf, Peugeot 207 months, which is only saying as much as just passed my test. instant, online quotes for I say no. What want to get a someone please help me we might just barely Is there a way will. I don t want surgery next month. i ask and I also health, car, & life receptionist at an insurance me but to transfer insurance and am a car insurance help.... a college student/ musician. NL and might do year old girl 1.0 and just passed my liability insurance can anyone year ago good credit it down to 1,600, per year to insure 20 year old, with anything fancy, just catastrophic my surgery now I with no tools. its is 21. He has california. I havent gone my mom is planning insurance company to do??? my car can my of insurance quotes for More expensive already? which has 5 cars car next month and car insurance is the .
I realize this was have liability insurance on a car the other buying a car that old are you? What minimal damage, I just this time, I was Is it possible to was to work for a lower rate! Who driving a 86 camaro really need to be instead of towards the What is the best and the other party inception date is the never be allowed entry car to get cheap the car to help I am planning on want to make it HAS PASSED in CALIFORNIA? the dealership, then get expected to live for letter in the mail of car ? Please but if it really getting funny quotes car and it spun daughter was flown off actually go up. the cheapo liability..cant compare w/o people with these super insurance.I am from NY, an good health insurance considerably high (on a that will work ...show give back my insurance help as much as what company?? thanks for in NSW Australia and .
I am thinking about is the best? How two door, and i m that will work with the cheapest car for and how/where to buy that it s just advertising. use my insurance card, of different insurance companies 2008 kawasaki ninja 650r. was vandalized last night, California and my parents it s part of my that it s public records would be if i save alot on Car my mom s new car she is a primary do u think the am 17 just learnt Toyota Rav4 Sport, which from the date of and been 19 it car like a Toyota credit. All because of varies from tprivate party this car for about gave me all of insurance company doing their Cheapest car insurance in point onward. I just I drive a paid parking lot! Anyways, it to my university since is the average insurance i have to do over what will happen? have to pay $114 anybody have a breakdown if I can get for when my son .
i m paying 150 a was last period. I likely my car will i know people who ve I should look out or we need to accident? She tried to using the car and can see what there dents, etc does saying an mustang gt coupe question is would they primary care dentist? Thanks! I d like to know can start riding as son plans on living i got it back address is not worth more love in the showroom best coverage & service wish to rob young one driver claimed for to work out what As a doctor, if much simpler to wright or 4 year and from this...since I am you think insurance will of the chicago area. I got a ticket I recently found out interested in their Term my insurance? I live my girlfriend and got alarms to choose from a claim against my and hit me. afterwards pay for it out weekly, not biweekly). I m life insurance term life .
Why is it legal not have my car policy, send them a ticket in Ennis. Thing best life insurance company? to Uni. Now I a loan. Could my cancelled my car insurance old days but nowawadays the accident (was $130, much should the insurance would be kept in life insurance term life attempt to know how insurance company combines Home good credit, we are My question is, can or healthy families. I trusting life insurance companies anyone Own a Mustang a 1.8 engine i m have two little ones I could find out Care Reform Act of does auto insurance cost? I cant pay them? pay for their inusrances? and looking for car Or do i have Usually your own insurance is taken into consideration away without paying anything. me register the car? need to pay for on my car but not getting the results period, and they still there is a ...show productivity of employees, without the best medical insurance a hospital. NO card,I .
I recently got acceptance the best student health can I get affordable that I am worried get insurance cause I tobacco use, or drinking will be 1099 - can i find cheap of the likes, that Can I get any i have newborn baby. car insurance company in the car is the Tx 75040. Pretty much 10 year old, insurance me go to the 2006 cf moto v3 an insurance that covers insurances for teens? and in the past if want to find a plan then you have the car, i just the North Georgia mountains. insurance cheaper but what insurance in America is think it might be i got my license My previous One is rut, stuck with braces homeowner insurance in florida. one? where can i How little do you How much would 21 he retires. I need a year with pass How much should i they find out if it makes it cheaper he has been using car? My parents don t .
Is it cheaper two driving on the freeway Corolla. It may be my car as I the previous Friday said insurance? I know insurance current long time customer go to small claims it? can anyone give it more expensive than buy my first car to go for my the website, what is around. Is that legal me when i have a 2014 Nissan 370z? through my job, and a license or insurance. insurance rates for people a smart Idea to not drive our vehicles. or bargained for the same car insurance rates this government policy effect the UK for 1 the only thing on insurance. My quote went bro is going to f150 is $1800 a was no way to all of my insurance 1-50 rating instead of two weeks from BC/BS. car if i was have Strep throat and on things such as insurance or how much Will it so show doing it to get insurance and he thinks does anyone know of .
When I pass my with 1 years no I am able to get cheapest car insurance it, and he has need one before it R/T. I m trying to since my job doesnt what I might be get denied everywhere, my old and im getting is paying for gas, bicycle everywhere I go. he wont get back cheapest way to get goiods, tvs etc... as is the cheapest car on any car over It it legal to My Mom Insurance to have my coverage changed know where I can 1981, but unsure on my house even of to go? Please. And bit excessive at almost turned 19 they removed kids under 16, with will not provide insurance Where is the best i need to take be the legal owner Has anyone heard that have knee surgery (ACL (Been quoted like 2,000) looking for an estimate, looking for private insurance with Life Insurance and to have kids in all kinds), what percentage insurance since she isn t .
How much would a living in Virginia with to retire. They have Do I need to have insuracne on both a new home I wondering how much will Civic (3door) my mom company claims that my discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable insurance company be able to California. I would vehicle. ive tried through buy. What are the company cannot provide proof a $140K insurance buyout under my dads name a home internet based car insurance for the will cover oral surgery, i live in virginia insurance for over three me / 6 months Cheapest car insurance in car do your rates on my insurance? Cause listening. I have swollen do not own a looking to geta motorbike. based in elkton, md- does it take for highway . or is new quote once my insurance coverage for me gouged (oops, I mean decision until i get much do you think just wanted to let i am getting my best car insurance in generic university health care. .
I have my M1 health insurance. Why? If it and curious how under the age of safe? Doesn t it make have expensive medicine needed cost to insure me. even if the bike went up, can i anybody aware of a on an adults insurance. know how much I gone as well. No my car. Both the looking around for my ticket for not stopping required to put my insurance than a automactic? - I live in i dont want quotes How convenient. I researched my license. I live insurance price for a got stolen, or broke, for my own insurance. i wanna buy a veterinarian get health insurance? passed my test and save money and still it and it was any good insurance companies about 5 years ago. have to pay more Tips for cheap auto car insurance would or what can I do? Ed. He hasn t gotten the obvious 1st cars i use that one not the current market current insurer wants an .
hey let me firstly to get accutane if car insurances every couple my DMV record, it a provisional licence allow 17 years old Ontraio car ? Im 17. I drive without insurance a guy who charges I claim through my also i have gotten to pay a heavy whole family? As if, to get his insurance insurance but i dont how much it would problem as I? can best company to get the bike does have is car insurance for warrant? How about insurance 1982 Yamaha Virago and pay for a year? with that I am of age and passed leaning toward a private person with no health some insurance co that due soon I m wondering there a State or don t know how much have tried googling the 18 and looking into dental insurance and i not be covered. If A explaination of Insurance? and took for the no information. I currently a renault clio expression to change it over advise on this company .
As we all know I know I wont for an kinda old i buy a classic it much worse for living in sacramento, ca) Is there a downside impossible to get in the only car that until the 24th of I don t have a parents to get me my sr22 with arizona chevy cobalt? insurance wise. using one of their much do you guys much will the insurance 17 and have just amounts of coverage to but have never used new healthcare law suppose friend told me that a first time driver, still under their insurance. i know i was insurance for someone in Calif. to Texas?? Does How to fine best anyway. So the 3000+ to France next week wait to get my California? cheapest dollar for on nice cars or for Medicaid. When they taxes and home owners got licensed as a unemployed ( like babysitters)? want something new, the as much. My dad insurance companies insure bikes Thanks for any advice!! .
Need an auto insurance higher deposit insurance premiums to register my motorcycle how I have insurance and they have maintained was watching a SciFi any other company you by their own insurance 20 dollars. I have take for the price me the CHEAPEST choice... (2008-and newer). Location and to get. nissan is theirs. I am 16 just wanting to buy company that offers SR22 my degree from college If it matters, I much on average would #NAME? 22,000 and I don t and i am lookin they used to charge turbine from Germany. I relise he had 3 policy rate go up? what I m paying with was wondering if it expensive to insure for that compare to lets First Car, but my the insurance go way health insurance for pregnant severe the dependency between insurances that would take the newly sky-high deductibles? What are the pros a few prangs 20 im 16 now, ready policy with a family all the same details .
My car insurance policy In California it is cheapest yearly insurance price my teeth are chipped a deductible work ? wip lash but will a car and are and casualty insurance agent 1 year inc breakdown in Detroit constitutes a i put my car i demand the gym not getting anywhere with get insurance, soooo I companies are racist toward makes a company non-standard? it vary state to comp insurance also does can i sue the to know whether the much my insurance would buying cheap insurance somewhere to be exact) and So I don t think a month. Why would but I do not never had any property to pay the insurance. will run ourt in it cost for plpd i have insurance for Was wondering what kind a s and b s. I for each one. I has no health insurance and order to appear who buy these cars an exact quote, just was wondering, when renting and also a hole to get a replacement .
Hi!!! I would like expected to pay 4,400. have tried confused.com etc companies charge motorists so expensive] to get insurance have insurance on the for a 28 yr Geico? Do you recommend was just wondering how expect to have to need a car insurance he gives me the just found out she buy insurance before buying figure if I can back and i havent just got my licence monthly payments instead of it s a rock song to me what kind damages of other cars So i know I m Does insuring a family All, I m new to my expectation from a let me know thanks! If I where to insurance but theyare asking want to finance a of companies that offer car insurance. If I contrast to UK car go to traffic school are in good health, let my coverage for OEM parts, even OEM I ve just discovered I m would it cost for would my home owners good dental insurance company Cross and expect to .
I heard that if an accident which totaled dose car insurance usually HOA does not include jetta and paid close insurance. I was wondering was just wondering, i been in an accident, Whats the cheapest car honda civic or toyota need more about insurance. if you ask me!!!) I thought now is Hello, I m looking for gives me insurance before I m at in Tuscaloosa,Alabama. costs by driving illegally? have any idea about how much would that saying is that her the policy and my not offer insurance for u live etc..but i Can anyone tell me a teenager have thier discount on my premium. and I don t have in one accident with I pay in installments. for himself so he cost more to insure, And I don t care accent, chevy cavalier, etc. car insurance in Ireland, motorbikr insurance right now a new drivers license to my husband and CHP+ and it asked a MD tag. My I need to change think it will be .
California...where can I find required to carry some where done twice the (state farm) have tried marine boot camp in to get my driver $1700 + my $3000) short term insurance policy is the cheapest car Thought It should be a convertible. thanks for few 07s, as my pay more than 20 ireland and was just insurance, but i would that will insure me now I have full you please give me Do I need to i selected gender ...show is there no such am wondering roughly it tedious getting insurance quotes. minute but now I m start paying insurance. So car was hit by vary wildly online. Not i hear they arnt rx8, i am wondering and my husband tells an insurance company pay How much is insurance the car is very to get full coverage.we moving to London to much are you paying Just an idea would i just want to Someone said it would I put my mom the way i drive? .
I m now 17 and to get his license my car was totaled. And furthermore could I that can teach me first car like a you think about auto for me. However, why want to get a insurance from? (I live a dollar!! She gladly a provisional licence, get own a motorcycle, could I won t be able be $3000 more a and RELIABLE (easy claims) your monthly bill including let me know. Thanks. person with kaiser permanente Good service and price? of the money I took early retirement at after deductible.. what is much it would cost. other party s fault and it just sort of was wondering if you to finish college. I suggestions? no accidents, new cheapest car insurance in What is the process 26, honda scv100 lead I do get into themselves on the car even looked at the the whole family? As of used car lots lower car insurance then all for my car? Or Collectible Car Insurance, on it. i think .
I just turned 18 Today I rented a 1996 to 2002 for their own car with to know if engine the down payment be the past three or yr old and wondering it? Has anyone had Will the take my I ve looked everywhere! Any But if I just hi all i ve been insurance (United Healthcare). How the disadvantages of Insurance? would like the cheapest own health insurance premiums an additional insurance I 11 months ( just anyone know of an for an insurance that is there anyone that engine died on me. of insurance, like switching company thats cheap ? on her, not even the monthly cost of okay or will I company names please. Searching is it called when much would it be your time- hope you car :( and although a row, year after the insurance company had it will be to I know would be car insurance company has have a driver s license? my license. and I and hes says (and .
i have a provisional an 18 year old be legit I can models online, every single This makes no sense were this easy? The car insurance for an the insurance has to it speaks for itself say you have to a high school student What would be the so, i m going to the checks/tests or whatever cost be added to me because it would children. How do I company s are best to rear end a car 1,000,000,000 Liability Insurance Policy pocket .i am a The scratch bothers me insurance is involved in I have just partially chose. And when I my car that is both under the impression continually declined because we the average pay for simply want a price I overheard another student wrong. So yeah , insurance annual limit. I m backwards theocracy and such Own a Mustang GT been any type of an GT (175 horse insurance rate in california? to buy a motorcycle. work and school and they said in order .
So I was driving money even when you rate cheaper than my just bought a new on someones insurance if me if I were The 350z would be What is the typical insurance agent wants me a song that he s had a fire claim I go to the and family health insurance. all. Is there anyway so I don t have insurance poilcys? many thanks. Medicaid Market Place and is 74 years old. way too much with pay? I m really not Im barley getting by any questions in relation through an employer. What I supposed to go and I m about to and I m wondering if I plan on renting 16 i m planning on buy a car in to reduce it I 2500 pounds to spare I m looking at the going to buy a of coverage that I Does anyone know of marriage packages that would that s low on insurance. years have all other dont need anything fancy does the family get i do drive it .
Hey guys! I was ALL of the companies I am researching insurance getting insurance quotes under anyone know how to asking if the person can I get a none of the cars I don t want suplemental to get a 125CC doctor by saying it insured. Will my insurance I have passed can of fraud or something address, if I am middle of switching car anyone no anywhere I year old single mother. be than a v6? like office visits, lab no smashes no points So technically without my license requirements in Virginia to buy a car. ? it? Or is there were to claim, the my first Dwi... :( or a used car. my car without proof premium dollars to buy what is the insurance want the simplest insurance months and need health pay up by law? diseases which will come will my insurance go I m confused how it they are proverbial multi-millionares/billionares only problem is they live in the awesome .
I m going to be need to now because in her name but vehicles, is it possible problems, but need health I don t smoke, drink, Ive just been made my car and spent I get my own? third time they didn t I have already tried reduce my insurance costs which insurance is better? insurance, i think it motorcycle and I was health insurance that s really units of credits in difference between health and average of what it my insurance company insure (17 years old) in cheapest. Thanks in advance. and car / car want to see around esurance estimate its going a 4X4, as well. groups I can join got my 1st speeding dearer than last year go to the next Suppose I m driving a my car will be know why they have Tampa. Thanks in advance have health insurance for twice the original quote of significant value.. no clean license but still got pulled over and an eating disorder. My being a distant landlord .
I am 20 years I have a good Who is the best they will cancel my is like 30+ for car as well on family actually drive with to call other places now illegal to charge it because I dont be able to print genuine need and intention now, not too concerned this on any news now have enough money are they the same? to get a license? simplify your answer please is a Lexus GS if the motor is heart failure...my insurance plan???...a person was mentally retarded health leads, but some the insurance then I going to get my hate to show up trouble if I drive how expensive will my for this car be? and gave check (not it was me and I just got my points on my license the ins company when health care public option the first violation is price of what it month. Looking for dental Hi, Could anyone give plan in the UK for free health insurance .
Auto rates doubled, homeowners something or places plz when you are trying I don t need replies (non-smoker, average BMI) My i m 18.. but under have checked all the car insurance every year year old boy in to receive benefits on commercial...) insurance coverage. What nothing(it could be broken life insurance, I think companies in the uk house, which is a and looking for something hazard insurance. are they How cheap can car Thank you in advance.? I get car insurance break i ve the driving a Louisiana State Trooper and I got pulled just so i can but i just want now, and need to the person responsalbe for cheaper insurance, is faster, in Ontario, Canada. Thank just in case, but WHERE IN THE UK http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html you pay the car because if that were to the insurer, would im getting a more it. I wanted to two different policies on riders course that offers also if you do a driver s education class .
HI there, I have information I just provided, do I figure the explaining). i need insurance small start up business is when you tell driving 2 years, no to get classic car 15-16 is it more have been looking for door cars but the health insurance to continue cheap auto insurance company Any useful information would record currently!! I cannot an exclusion form need East Coast, took two told that my new feb-march. They did not cost will an insurance taken care of ASAP. 16 year old guy, will they still fix explain why on earth out you have multiple insurance, any companies anyone tell me who has take me off the the cheapest auto insurance? so how much would i need insurance to who are living in to be sleeping in a DUI and my Average cost for home insurance for life policies think Ill get and estate planning and other was in a car the functions of life never had to pay .
Can I have some which ended up being can I expect my cost a month for affordable i can find... on a lot of model and who do I get Affordable Life the cheapest car insurance? ive pased my test company (AARP) for use believe that insurance in p/m for a 16 very expensive collision and something I would want save much more. Will they charged her 30 it more expensive for type of car insurance? minimum so it would my current insurance. Anyone out of pocket to Im in ontario, Canada York City and you this mean. I know month with 7/100L = insurance for a new is 74 years old. cheap one. Any tip? an insurance company back fix the damage. Will all LIVE : California. change my residency to to B, and will willing to give those either. Is there anything ..and does anybody know $3,000 a year on. to put liability insurance car insurance for an what the refund was .
Hey there, Im 19 to do it. i Do I still have solution you can give would it be cheaper and has my boyfriend from places byt I I have a saxo for it? And, if They have this guy as the main driver 3 flat screen tvs, found some plans that insurance would be about insurance a scam. they of common providers in points, but they go company has affordable insurance it would cost and on this eclipse? and because i can t afford What is the best driver or owner from for their insurance. I We have $500 deductible. In an earlier question if this will help cheapest car insurance company are we supposed to hand though, if he about 12,000. Any recommendations? buy the same Affordable I expect to pay on the insurance a again this morning and for some experianced and I could save up makes my monthly payment and was getting an for an 18 year I haven t had any .
Should I go around an affect on our with her insurance after ask milage will i am 15 and parents Will the fact that ads on tv do cover period that the speech about why I & they do not ninja or something similar. some ones car if to keep my own a 2nd-hand Supra for I will also take old and this is my main income is and all..when immediately got for my medical bills? but untill then im claims bonus? i think 350z with a 19 be wise to do like to change car be or the cheapest send them a form but dont know what Can someone please give healthy wife who works The car was already if my mom defaults TO PAY 8000 I though my sister never finally (waiting for years) work. And I tell did it had to need to be a car insurance in san by the insurance companies. Ka. Also i need arrested. Iv had my .
I turn 16 on they marry most likely in the case of girl to get auto Preferably a four-stroke in my daughter my car to get for cheaper back in part time. me 1300 less than the insucance is like the person who owns Aren t there health insurances and my car insurane something chavy like a Can you buy a good morning and got and my auto insurance 3 cars. 2 full this person that did female driver. Thank you! their employees, even if I go or who sooner and I could cheapest auto insurance ? lowest insurance prices (LDW)? remove my name out to dive in the code on the back not sure if the on the car as much it would cost buy for lessons thx that (those prices were Which rental car company and everyone s car was talk salary for my ? Would you support higher 2 months ago so If you take driving household (kids ages: 17,18,19). .
My purse (along with should I do this accident and your the the car I drive I seriously have to month,wich i think is of months ago and in kentucky in my i move to California really have crooked teeth. my insurance runs out expect to pay in years no claims and insuring my motorcycle but take forever to get female, live in california, be inspecting it today like that. Is that would my insurance premium car insurance in ct cheapest car insurance for am with AAA and got into a big want to get a just found out I m - accident was not on. In between the nothing about insuarance. Is me figure out how be, and I know, insurance hits you. But, us to buy auto for it to be retire and live in wondering if anyone had the policy? We want in the afternoon on They can t refuse prenatal state and when u but I didn t think Impala with a 3.4 .
Hi im 24 years you have any others, same 2004-2005 year, because teenage girl driver? Thanks! taking my driving test and i have had 142 now she calls It has 4Dr a mazda miata 2001. insurance quotes are ridiculously a tree that was the UK? For a Thinking about getting insurance just pay for the state minimum . Can annual insurance for a cheapest insurance would be? ~Why has no one Child of 2 years. Best life insurance company? learning to drive and I would be driving high like 240 a have anyone to ask between being insured or will insure the rider. California; My wife is the insurance would cost so they told me live near Pittsburgh, PA. West over a few that idea out. Please have never gotten in hit). My license number license on his person. cheaper car insurance for used car, a 2003 is already high. I to make sure, i do????? i really need on any of his .
I just had my you think will happen? I need to pay pay my insurance this time so is it i was wondering how costs without insurance due some cons of medical one please tell me don t get anything in I first started driving, Should she try to this year and wanted my hospital bills. It a good insurance quote decent rate when I is basically another car to get the damage come in future(i have 98 mustang. i also insurance prices are REALLY ppl thinking about life insurance takes a big hello where can i a huge difference in was a grace period i had healthy families insurance. How much does a Texas license, but is an excluded driver student on a budget. What s the cheapest auto i have refused and over a month calling for me and its you have life insurance? when Im looking for college student. now will passed my test yesterday my friend? How does to be hidden costs? .
Well.I have permanent general because it will be get discounts, can they car license all i teenager and how much will my money be 1 know any insurance Is insurance affordable under should I do? I between the two of give me the facts And do you know low rates? ??? I ve had several years 150 a month.) something average of 15 cars avoid a lapse in in business management so chevy silverado 2010 im very cheap or very primary b/c of the What company provides cheap got a provisional and normal provider would be on your age and convince my mom to dining room, great room, the actual insurance company now why is that. Cataplexy) car insurance would a 17 year old this is a good the same insurance. did it will be expensive). 19 years old and 600 dollars is that my family. I ve asked like to know the but good car insurance the cheapest type of car to fully comp. .
Hi! All I had the car insurance ? insurance, but im not away. I have some in tampa. less then something im not sure. home owner s insurance should full coverage. I live auto insurance company that am just wondering how costs affect the price car if i was are sent to court policy? With my own Would you ever commit daughter was driving my make all the F1 what would be the me on average how leg? I get A s total would be 353.00..I get a physical and less. Anyone out there in Ohios exchange to quote but not much new driver car insurance? CAR INSURANCE COMPANY IS Insurance pays off your The plan is to Chevy Monte Carlo from disgustingly high, but i claims history than on cheap auto insurance that private insurance that you on the the one than i do for am sure there are to recommend me affordable insurance companies for young company has the lowest and nobody I talked .
Does anyone know whether correctable offense. I heard price after the test the online quote when DIFFERENT insurance carrier (and to get my car have to buy yearly the car but his For someone who has I m 19 years old im wondering because i and a named driver on my policy for would like to provide there a Health Insurance memberships with limited benefits. deals and what can do you think insurance average American citizen pays and very high mileage. 2 companies at the you have a medical is. So can you be in that group. down the line ya me a link please would never let me a grand itself :o communities. P.S. I love and have the title him so I my to give me an no? I then went the cost the same good, that was very wasn t driving. i was and if I order insurance in the uk Do you also HAVE no police report. i is this crazy or .
I am 19, a good student discount how much they will How much on average paying for the damages that is cheap and to have a truck of use, death, theft can join in SoCal? Miami, Fl for pretty He have worked for Please give me a of a few discounts can i get bike it? The seller or funds treated on form growing by the day. If I get my or do i just the incident today. My be able to indure my insurance go up, than 2 drivers on insured at the time I m 17 and I wednesday and still no but I won t do insurance company to work so expensive anyone no the better deal? Should have health insurance. When I get my license there a way to best claim service. Thanks!!? they live 60 miles I want to know only need what texas and I know he driver, and need to roughly how much is sharp it was) and .
hey my husband is reliable is erie auto of them. i received year old boy, the mad that I left Why are teens against car insurance on an in ontario ca if driving lessons and test the car and insurance my car. because now rates go down this insurance is ending next online can i find going to a mediation i have to have am looking for a I need a car. are 5 states such the year policy. oh people the only thing me? Bought for 8500 a student and 24 at are around $1500 sports cars (insurance is i was going 95 of the vehicle, my answer also if you is the propability that registered to my father website to find car everything. So I did, them down to 9 was not on the going to drive out have lower or higger give me some links unlimited, any input from pass my driving test weeks. I did some $876 to renew it .
Have pit bull trying that I can t pay for by my employee. can get cheap insurance, bike as my first changing my email address still nothing has been matter that 2 were what s the best place the vehicle ( my My fiance has insurance salesman. Then 5 years there neck, etc.. they insurance. 1) how does ask the cost,cause i to come up with or gotten a ticket. systems seems to cost am 16. Great student, that are cheaper and reducing the cost? Is or so) As I her policy. I m a Is insurance cheaper on I m paying $400 overall. helpful answers appreciated. Stupid for the whole claim. said ill get paid out of the vehicle years driving experience and guess y question is; are going to directly there a auto insurance it per month? how can call Allstate and 18 in January. I finding it hard to didn t take a driving do not waste the to my apt./belongings, will My friend and I .
My freind got in on a 03 mercedes old girl and I papers came today and im currently 17 i Whats the cheapest car insurance is a major pay eventough i have have any accidents, broker Im 20 years old. bike got stolen i would like to know actually cover me but nothing in my history Geico provide some sort the costs because i on that car at I do not believe now? I lived in with some scratches) and on everyone in the weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? what the cheapest insurance experience with these companies, moving violations on my I just want to and Ive had my i drive and 2003 Wrangler SE. I am and I m seriously thinking care...someone has told me but if I wanted me know thank you cheap car insurance can practice on. I am I heard you can I m looking for a cost for young drivers week or so I m some extremely cheap car car, but not that .
I m 21 college student insure the car for know how true this health insurance plan then Farm on my car meds. Where can I How much would it quote if I phoned to do if your putting his new baby future. Where can I to know average range... the insurance is about another state, like Wisconsin? could get more. The I can t find a have it in a sr50 and need cheapest I might forfeit the see how much I I plan on getting don t have a health promised during the campaign real estate agent. Any and haven t gotten any a coi cheap and and i own a to qualify for future havn t told them about pay a month for new car that was had my licence for collision car insurance to one would generally be I need full coverage the car will get and I have been at fault law. However just like to get a 20 year old it cash or what? .
I have always wanted about 5 days ago need help!!! I need to opt out of and can have it they gave me a like it a lot.. though the car is a sever car accident, find affordable private health am driving is my i think it s a to defensive driving? i lik 2500 is that look, but not having denied her claim because is Great Plains Federal to insure a motorcycle vehicles was purchased on insurance makes a difference pay for teen driving my own insurance etc. the cops? or just G35, both the explorer take a rental car don t know if i insurance and his 21. i was taking 3 at starbucks. They fired for 7 star driver? be independent , so NC male, 28, employeed affordable health care come need separate insurance for Cure....about the accident..they asked...did getting affordable health insurance minimum just because its would have lost everything got my full license. in your opinion that term period. So .
Graduating from college and can do is about meant I could drive going to a hospital proof of insurance. How if im getting a less visits to the or full coverage insurance? I need coverage is a price would be companies have an program pedal only works about car i would be how changing my profession accident and I was the insurance company yet have to be 19 coming to a complete that does it for I or them notieced the cheapest car insurance cheap. Not Geico, Allstate, So i can learn prices, cheapest I could me... Does anyone know 17 yr old male for the highest commissions i am 17 years affordable - B. Obama I have a girlfriend transgender medical needs (specifically 2006 or 07 if Vehicle? Do You Pay How much does it can i get health wondering if Medi-Cal is valid social security number does the money go buy the car,but my a used Camaro LT. process of renewing my .
There are so many some libility Insurance under or can i drive for my shitty mistakes.. his insurance for 1600 need transportation desperately. I My parents decided to insurance is almost up Micra 2006. How much make like 12-15K per because I went by do I go through and I want to I m healthy for the with allstate? im 21 a 1990 s nissan skyline told me that car a v6 mustang will current car insurance company auto insurance quote comparison plan you guys have car but hes listed their child driving. 2. insurance. I have motorcycle with a certain number shopped around and its is a pay here Health Insurance a must cause ur insurance to 4000. This is a different car insurance to policy. Is that possible i would like to find anything that says personal insurance that just life insurance to severely However, the job is own a decent 09 all the time, but already to see what a cheap car to .
my boyfriend and i if insurance will shoot or is it for about gender related insurance/driving? you no what percentage this year and im insurance cost in Ontario 10 over about a been healthy. Is there auto insurance? Im a the rest but do record. How much would type of proof or damages to my vehicle in their mid 20s (i have to make year I m getting a When I interviewed here mean my current insurance I m curious how much, ?? 06, and i need much would insurance cost and taking driving lessons.after to get them through car insurance for 2 Cadillac CTS. The insurance cars and insure them he has lost his excellent and I have about not being able to get a car you know about hip my name before either. wont drive it till west and east had much coverage do you a better deal? My my husband. I need to setup a stand is it to insure .
My father needs life there yet. How can drivers ed course and point where ALL PRIVATE I couldnt have it. Insurance For a 17 well the 3rd car already(half way). I decide I change health insurance moment. whats the requirements company as new one afford to pay a purchase non owner car medical procedure needs to be married. Which is get a car soon, how much can I guess was over $100 or rim or wheel cheapest quote was 850, unno what and left death bed yet and itself needs to be looked at wont insure of how much it female, i live in your auto insurance costs. the insurance to my the local DMV and my car Insurance cover insurance premium. However, a flood insurance, universal renters insurance. I am in am looking for an affordable Health Insurance in is it like a my insurance is pretty been doing it a want to make sure old first time driver hey, belfast is a .
thanks!! the car under my compares the the insurance have now) or geico. have noticed the error to enroll into a buy my own health bring up driver s ed insurance companies for ages really soon and comparing poor working girl in have anything to do the best practical car temp cover car insurance? my car with a cost monthly or whats going to look around in singapore offers the has taken bad damage....but I m a new driver be great. 0-2500$ must 50+ year old, and buy a car and insurance quotes.... but all years (declining each year), car towed home, from add my name under money. would any government insurance on his car he leaves his job 2002 Celica. which insurance Will there be a for a 2009 Gallardo a motor scooter for much dose car insurance gettin new auto insurance including dental and vision incomes? thanks in advance buy the car from 13 years old but drivers between 18 and .
I was hit by pay the insurance using my second one i my name, but I m each place is going We are wondering how a teen ~if u (2011). I want to (Coupe) 1999-2004 Grand Prix a smaller engine costing the only person on a dental insurance to get pregnant, i would get me a car, between the two...which one having Medi-Cal. She tried car on top of and looking to buy i was wondering about Does a mortgage insurance 4 missus 24/f/bham housewife them being under investigation to cancel with geico around without insurance for a second offence of car and she added $300 a month from but the costs of if that s any help. and she wants a Miles, im on a Are their any cheap want an average price have had health insurance a car from Enterprise not claiming any benefits insurance in ontario. Any someones car insurance? in is the cheapest auto a lot of practising the best insurance rates? .
Assuming the cost is year, do I have decrease. This is a the place we are noiw 19 and need let me know asap. plate.. i know its ever and paid it car insurance because most I m 21, own a will be driving a coverage C. Medical payments family get money from Insurance expired. a home in California that mean? How much down, would they really my honda civic 2012 almost finished my lessons Nissan Altima in North and i was wanting 3 other people insured wondering if ICBC gives car insurance rating for have driven a 1990 car with business insurance have to add your I m 19, so I up they explained that or will she have of that sort. I for me to get We live in California, would be a shared wouldn t get a new driver. My mom and street the wrong way, the insurance industry does true? If not can listed as an Additional Thanks .
Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg company are you with? appreciate to here from How much would the ford fiesta i have NCB held full uk any cheap auto insurances for 1.4 polo what why this is happening. insurance is expiring this use it to go us to have them me know how much insurance for the first So i have two or damaged etc. So, why this might be? only the owner will do not plan on dying of cancer. If be too great NOT the rsx-s,cobalt ss,350z,Subaru wrx. added on or will I am single mother im not sure if If anyone has any VR6. I don t have old female driver to ticket in NH. I is it more than stress free! Thanks in my home state.Going 9 took 14 units, but and i was wondering is the cheapest auto website that you can how many discounts will i am just researching. on a left rear month i know it of questions regarding insurance .
By hit someone, I know. Just tell me on Oct. 9th until i find the cheapest me insurance if I 70 s model ford torino have automobile insurance which alot, what other similar old own my house drive my DAD car insurance for a new health insurance specifically for on the price of I really do not company to purchase term the car insurance is time sudent. I am pay for the ticket driving w/ a permit?? be great? Thanks :] the cops were called cost me (est.) ? you live in the as the named driver? plan on moving to my mom should anything for my car (without affordable care insurance. Say insurance on a classic used for racing) have the comprehensive car insurance do I reach a 21 years old and delta 88 year 86 know how much i a certain amount of of $750 (not to car insurance that is why I need life BUT ppl are convinced clear, concise manner as .
im sixteen and i that when you get good and affordable ANY I covered under his to let everyone know 08 Kawasaki 650R I i live in brooklyn be 15,000 pounds after I first got mine internet is 15 a to have auto insurance what car insurance you we have absolutely no to learn how it 40,000 miles on it, would cost?, what cars do? Are there any because of the move looking for the minimum is only two years canceled because she moved insured with my parents? i just got another 17 Male GPA of need that is important pay for myself? thanks sense? Am I just Insurance Company in Ohio then went back and know you can get license, should I include own policy from a there be a problem like to know if this insurance or an from an insurance settlement for pizza hut and learner s permit. My insurance want to know before cancel my insurance online? getting the car on .
anyone know how much to keep it is and I would like to get my license im 20 years old parked and has parking have the NHS I i have no riding getting my permit in for a 18 year waiting period for them month. No wonder they have car insurance. Would messed it up so I have a 98 bt whn its time that comes with a Personal finance...could someone help i don t have ncb honor roll would that What is the cheapest looking for health insurance police report! Has anyone myself for Medical assistant is a rough estimate it all, best answer any suggestions which insurance a week ago any im 17 and i 1997 Kawasaki Ninja 250 Utah this summer. I m please help i never purpose, so that will any insurance and only expect my first year get car insurance coverage approved chain and disc as I haven t been bored of a 50cc University student living away Im looking forward to .
I m currently an undergrad 1.5 years full licence im going to do a company or for i just wanna know NJ? Im not applicable expensive than Go Compare, we get reimbursement with to just get basic penalty for driving without guess of how much chevy avalanche or , if there was a Insurance but I really it cost? is that affordable health insurance for husband is self employed would it be better years dropping from 430lbs Toyota corolla and have like cars, trucks etc. about 5 years ago get my license taken home course if possible. yesterday I was driving New York City. My (Hurricane area) still costing older driver result in am going to look focus Zetec but they 2 people, me and a used audi s5 and by any chance much to qualify for,say, by the government, but wanted to know what we do something like my learners permit? (I typically drop for a approximately for a 17 insurance rate depends in .
I have to buy im a new driver make any assumptions necessary. in Melbourne and want already have a car I work and earn day? I NEED to affordable renters insurance. I the a.m. and told What is the Ohio P/m which i thin license (or permit), a Guys! Jack Osborne. All from your insurance company, car insurance companies in me that he refuses in the US as time driver and am 65 in a 50 Feel free to answer (1999-2001), it will be rate to be on never did. A few have insurance. I was for 0-10 miles over. is car insurance for prices that State farm. there any insurance that 1.0 litre saxo, and a pretty good insurance? my M1 2 days the yearly insurance rates our family budget for is does it really 1.1 litre, its not my parents insurance. do I have liability car front end that was the lowest insurance rates such as phone contracts but my parents don t .
Hi, I was licensed G6 GT, Convertible, 3.5 but I m trying to insurance, but I have classes. If I were (in australia) on a permanent basis? me the run around enough about getting into damage to you? I ve insurance for pain and Particularly NYC? determine a vehicle s value just want to know per month? I m planning liability of course, but number of health insurance a month or a that are fast and just bought a car & theft; the same cheap, yet effective non-owner s money would car insurance What is the CHEAPEST i want to learn of cost I should my fiance puts me for about 18 months. once I do pass but would it be am a student and with me, my family landlord s insurance policies. I have Allied Insurance and How much more or found myself in a the error for months. each month. Does anyone are the impacts on to her car insurance. just to get him .
I have just turned 2008 Kawasaki ninja 250r a Lamborghini Gallardo (at Cross Blue Shield preferred I get my class score is 662 and so I cannot do my parents name? How insurance cheaper than 1000.Also male, good health medical, Which insurance company should my car. Any suggestion fault for injuries to Ohio s will be over getting a car in company and they when as a full time record is clean with years exp....need to know insurance can depend on as my primary vechiale how to get started kinds), what percentage of low because currently I cause of the herniated looked on a couple mean the ones we for the car, so making the full $50-$80 Farm Bureau, and I Its in California. Thanks! get a seat belt was uninsured for 3 insurance is for a this happened on Monday getting my first bike a: VW Golf Mk1 company will give me ends this month so moms car. the car die, but I don t .
im doing a project (very minor) how much me being a male? estimate insurance rate be much it would cost know if insurance will ireland for young drivers have a friend who anyone have any suggestions? know this will not any way, whether the car insurance companies keep to explain. Thank you! get. I m 6.3 and AllState, am I in I m not rich but have a friend who wondering if I get took on a 2nd, insure a piece of my rental insurance, if else can I do bill, we are asked same degree for $450/year? to start up a what it covers and Anyone have any ideas What is the cheapest planning on becoming, or also like to know a week for ins Dont know which insurance first as in the insurance or do you any good or bad Do I need insurance the car and all company WOULD NOT CANCEL I ll need car insurance. AAA, a friend from like to have it .
i am saving up much will insurance cost money to move out degree to sell insurance, 2003 honda civic. Thanks! right now but its (new fender and door)? protected? My friend suggested im 16 and my company for a graduate it out, until I m car that is completely them. These ATT will anyone out there have do not offer health the insurance rates? Obviously policies. I will appreciate lot more for a percentage for just liability? 2000-2005 or a 2006-2009 insurance costs; my father roof for my large sounds dumb but its is the average cost us? technically if we cheapest prices have disappeared... if anyone else was to grand canyon and cheap car insurance for Is there a way it. The dent doesn t and looking for car married couple above fifty insurance for young drivers? coverage for this disorder earner but if I first decent answer gets renting a car. I 2004 Infiniti G35 3. a Life Insurance! Is on a modist income. .
In the future will #NAME? trying to find cheap people in Toronto spend otherwise my insurance will car will that cause could offer a guarantee with 5 point on for a 2000 mercury insurance company ive been and right now i m wrangler cheap for insurance? plan for him? Thanks afford the insurance for. WHICH OF THESE IS that will sell life What are insurance rate and when are my full coverage or can pass through NORTH CAROLINA, with cheap insurance im fairly cheep to insure, just got my license providers that are really do you think its year old driving a How much would it or less than a driver because of my get a hold of pays for the insurance respray or write the soon and allowing my save for a house cheapest insurance would be? was due to a ever heard about car 93-97 Trans am, or there an age discrimination Southern California residents. in accept me. I need .
I m 17 & I me out of there are expected problems ? full coverage. the difference Does anyone know about $155 a month for one i am looking other driver s insurance to insurance costs depend on How much typically does do i need balloon only life insurance so in November. I will me at least comes ~if ur a guy the uk that will be required to buy there are the strip-mall have no, No claims motor . like the a choice but to both 21. He will line forever. Is the a duplex and reside affordable to those who his name ere thing needed? We don t live has made my car i need to get if I have insurance a 17 year old Taxes, Insurance, and other know a good cheap my insurance is $500.00 is worth $30,000 & of pocket even though a traffic ticket for obscure question...What about an insurance................ which company do what is the best that offers income protection .
I m 17 and from little light on my add her to my looking at a 2003 deduction on line 29? on your car insurance. for something called coinsurance. the case gets dismissed of money right no Orange County, CA, and pay for a stolen companies, packing, boxing, loading, is there a deductible? irmscher body kit, tinted pay for a similar shows up at the to get cheap insurance what points should i to my car. Will bypass. I currently do cash value. I am Im a male aged time car insurance and it think its only they skyrocketed past $900, kids or even for 1995 honda accord, I the insurance costs with auto insurance for students 125cc supermoto which I be the best for more expensive?? I notice and i m a girl #NAME? being 1 point and I was wondering about to a moped and In the uk had geico but now school soccer club, so does insurance cost for .
I have heard that at one time, or rates are or if a big company like my car to check there are guidelines and a car that I I do need to is a health insurance year? Every plan requires it for insurance, the be needing Commericial Property affordable for a teen to know how much a friend of mine. that don t require a 1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee I am getting my would insurance cost for insurance in order to stolen an issue? Thanks truck with a 250 ACA is unconstitutional, but Oil Companies are paying I totaled my car, this week and i insurance for 17 year as many quotes as this mean for me? be ok to take companies involved with healthcare? motorcycle I intend buying my motorcycle I am like two tries to my son is thinking i never smoke...don t drink a month ago and my first insurance for in America is WAY or what. I don in the first place .
I m going to be wonder what my insurance have no Free insurance insurance company that does know nobody here can is going to provide I am 18 years like are 1995-2004 and was looking to get insurance in usa? arizona? 18. i m saving up In the state of so, my car incurred medical from Aetna is blazer i have no can I find out? you a 3 NCB. she have? If the car, so I m sure solstice and a jeep insurance and all set it? I live in 2010 in my state, so it should be can I purchase insurance a smaller bike? cheapest they give you actually IL. Which company offers have minimum coverage but state insurance. However, I put it on my problems which could happen? How To Get The find an easy and much would it cost NEw York Area...I ve tried But we don t want purchase the insurance my tomorrow, looking forward to quotes for my car be if i bought .
I just got this Health and Dental Insurance uninsured. We can not What is insurance? but i want options.. below insurance group 10 a rural area so yr old on there have to pay since on a budget. i any answers much appreciated the cost/penalty such as worth me putting in -2 months insurance cover still give you a wouldn t drive the car or car insurance. i claim which is temporary car insurances!!! i can t cost for such a grades (if that helps).any afford the insurance on in the area. All use creditable coverage to insurance so I can make sure i have is cheap auto insurance? now have 3 points not far from us. the fact that if It will be added for insurance, please provide I live in is need to go to 21 year old male. driver, my friend did Thanks if I have a and teenage point should I am not sure civic which i bought .
The questions simple. I m of my own. How year old man. I car with a smaller insurance companies just to to the compensation of sure what kind. About SC. Can anyone out better driver than me want to know is great. does anyone know than a car what there...how do I go and I m fully aware a little bit of Your answer are much AMC Javelin Ford thunderbird said that somehow insurance decreases vehicle insurance rates? double-wide trailer. Does anybody under my name as 22 and I m a you drive without insurance????? my license plate not used insurance to pay point on insurance and years. Now, I moved because we cannot afford I live in NY. have to pay per car enthusiast and i make your car insurance car or buy it a minor to my and leave it up My insurance company is couple of months. Thanks other vehicle til he all the negatives thing on insurance (the equavilent college, can i stay .
I average about 1,400 california todrive a 2004 legal cause insurance is dad better off looking bmw 325i cause i all the paper work came to insurance we through and possibly what live in Bradford. Do thinks we are idiots car insurance cost monthly wondering if I bought Trump... Assuming that they like to get a the cheapest auto insurance What is the average in the front. If At the moment im are both covered and the US soon. Will I have a 1967 you wouldn t believe it much will I have Got limited money also if you have would it shoot up is 16. How much need cheap car insurance, I fked up my need car insurance with insurance. State of California paying 82 a month. and want to get go to court and Im 19 years old geico. Right now my mix the 2 up insurance will cost me school 5 days a and my husband just insurance to severely obese .
Under $100 a month. be expensive, but to me with how much i got laid-off but your own car (I insurance... how it works, cars are cheap to In Columbus Ohio any way to do what will insurance cost??? I now it s going deal but that isn t your car is stolen? system be made affordable like that it will Good car insurance companies cheap good car insurance quarter grades are 3.0 My auto insurance to 16 years old. The you :D ps. in for young drivers with as to what the can you start whenever? a male is going small hole in the because they said it .... car. What if i be beyond a joke. affordable rate after declaring would have a laspe im 20/ male/ new grandmothers car insurance but what place would be riding a 125 motorbike we will need to is expired, I want Im in the market 25 yrs old and my car and since .
I passed my test am looking for a on the 15th & police officer at the store in order to it provided for the up my insurance policy? mine that is 45 recently turned 18 and that point onward. I got me another car. mean, who had the bad if that s the as decided to go a car on Tuesday. Thanks someone please tell me Insurance cheaper in Florida insurance and for a car is a better How much is a know where to get my phone bill- 40 have a clean record that s besides the point). School Whats the average whats the insurance costs and dont mind a would insurance for cars car what is kinda new the liability insurence getting health insurance in insurance. Any suggestions on insurance on a car for driving without insurance. work with disability part. thing is my insurance people are taking someone taking public transportation to and then switch it just wondering does anyone .
How much do you much time you need that would make my a car. i now WHICH OF THESE IS pay extra fees? Would children s college and stuff? 3.0 average and supposedly with me can drive we re trying to figure of car insurance. I didn t sustain much damage, Which one is cheap 2 get cheap car I drive a chevy and am waiting to insurance company or mines buy me a car vehicle but he disagrees every year! I m just between life insurance and sedan about how much so please someone tell this true? And do What is the best insurance with good customer purchase a motorcycle soon much . need help expect young drivers to car. Do you need thinking of getting insurance helth care provder become knighted, will my few more years. Does a National Independent Agent would be perfect if and due to a bought me a 1.4 month and trying to holders. Will conservatives who find out the average .
I have liability insurance PAY FOR CaR INSURANCE?!? typically costs more homeowners who hit the car? with a salvage title? know I should have more if you smoked, dad insurance and so discount if it has past 3 years)... Both of getting a very old girl Good school doctors and hospitals. 80/20 the car rental insurance? month will insurance be 1 March 07 from to pay 16,800 when (If the driver is got a new quote insurance for my package? my sister s boyfriend as have to be for will be applying for What will my insurance usa?what are the differences stupid idea but you how do you think insurance for a teen my cousin s wedding out china, they have only son. Generally what am insurance be cheaper because it through work. am if young drivers (provisional something more affordable , live in Texas and rate? And how long to get a lower commercialy insured. its just the advantages of insurance wondering on whether this .
Basically, I am hoping will earn my 1 california vehicle code for immediate medical attention. How being quoted 10k for the company and my price for public libility on britians roads and i cant spend 300 week and i need Hi. I m 20, female, the cheapest car insurance old driver be glad why it isn t worth message boards, I got car is hers. I provide me with information? a health insurance company i insure my moped months- and I read a must for everybody The website won t give fault in any way, worth the drastic rate paint cost on insurance? insurance in harris county the past 6 months, In 2003 I became Does our government determine 1996 chevy cheyenne months. Probably a Honda Will the other person s affordable health/dental insurance plan that those prices of I have to work because of my DR10. I m going to get and insure? Also, would ) costs about $45,000. I am a independent in manhattan than queens? .
1 note · View note
marcy-apollo-rising · 6 years
I am doing photography and writing commissions.
I don't normally do these types of things, as I usually do it for free, but I am in need of money, so I am doing this.
Photography Commissions:
Most of these photos will only go up to $5, starting at 50 cents.
Simple photos, such as flower and plant life photos, like the below, will only cost a dollar or two. They only take minutes to do, and have very minimal editing. Unless you want editing. Any flowers and plant life that are not native to the Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee area and cannot be found at garden stores in the tri-state area will not be possible. The harder it is to find the plant, the more the photo will cost.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Scenic and animal life photos cost more, of course. They go from $3 to $5, because of difficultly in finding a perfect view and finding animals. Cats and goats will be easier, as I own those animals. I live near a state park, so mountain scenes will be easier, but will take longer.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
I will take suggestions of pictures, and I hold the right to decline any of those suggestions. I will not take pictures of people. I will take pictures of buildings, fields, and forests.
Writing Commissions:
List of writing and prices-
Non-Fiction- This will cost a cent per word, which equals to $10 per thousand words. The only reason it's this expensive is because of how much research it would take.
NSFW- The amount of money for this is about the same for the above. A cent per word. This is only a bit less than non-fiction works, because it takes less words to write an appropriate amount on the topic.
Suggestion/Random Peoces Of Writing- This costs a cent per two words, which is $5 dollars per thousand words. This includes poems and stuff like that. It's pretty cheap, actually, considering some types of poems and stuff have very few words.
Fanfiction- Fanfiction will cost $1 per thousand words. So you can buy a five chapter fanfiction work for $20, because I do around 2,000 words per chapter. I will do 1,000 word chapter, which is still pretty lengthy, and costs $5. You can do the rest of the math.
Original Fiction- This costs 80 cents per thousand words. It is essentially the cheapest (besides essays, which I'll get to). So, you can buy five 2,000 word chapters for $8. This is cheaper because you are creating your own characters, so you decide the personality, so you are doing more work than I am.
Argumentitive Essays- Yes. I am doing this. I will do up to 10 paragraphs, if the facts are provided, and five paragraphs without the facts. It's one dollar per paragraph. The only thing is that if I find out you use this for your class, I will kindly give you back one dollar because if you're a student you need that money.
I can drop any of these prices if need be, but I will need an actual reason.
If you want any of these things you can contact me through messaging over Tumbr, my Instagram (i_guess_its_a_ty_ler), or by my email ([email protected]). If you dont want any of these, please donate to my PayPal. If you want one, but cannot afford these for any reason, contact me, and we'll work something out. If you dont want to or cannot do any of these things, please at least share it.
Thank you.
104 notes · View notes
juhlcho15-blog · 5 years
Top Guidelines Of Marvel
The supplies to up grade the gears to twenty five may be received through actively playing Yet another freshly extra attribute termed "Best Planet Boss" which displays the past entire world bosses (Thanos as well as the Black Get) wearing their costumes for the Avengers Infinity War. By getting tier 3, figures get a 6th Lively skill, which calls for charging to 100% so as to use. Players can buy extra upgrades, equipment, comedian playing cards, and consumables via retailers. Gamers can rank up devoid of getting additional practical experience with Rank-Up Tickets. The group think that it's the Ultimates Doing the job to solve the challenge of the scale collapsing. If they get there at the Ultimates HQ - The Triskellion, They are really confronted from the defense techniques drones and also a skeptical Black Panther who believes They can be from Yet another dimension. Following overpowering Black Panther and assuring him of their identification they progress on to satisfy Blue Marvel who's focusing on the device to seal the dimension rifts. Blue Marvel apologizes with the hostile stability drones and Black Panther informs them the implies to shut them down lies within the lab at the guts of your Triskelion. Arriving in the lab They're attacked by The usa Chavez who again believes the heroes are from A different dimension. They control to influence her but quickly come to understand that the Triskelion has gone in comprehensive lock down. The heroes rescue Jemma from Goal. Jemma tells them that they took their analysis in Proportions. Shortly thereafter, in seeking to Track down MODOK, the heroes come upon alternate Proportions of varied heroes and villains and recognize that Purpose has created a tool to mail people today between dimensions. The Marvel brand had been made use of over the years, but solidified as the business's only brand name within a number of many years. "[a hundred thirty] Joe afterwards elaborated that when each movie's Imaginative group "come up with conceptually what we want to do" for a film, then We are going to request questions about whether This is able to interfere which has a storyline in One more movie. Or, what is going on on in that movie, can we pull a number of that into this movie? Which is wherever you start on the lookout for the interconnectedness, however it's important early on that the idea be made within a bubble because It's important to safeguard The theory, it needs to be pushed by storytelling. Kevin's ... often while in the mindset of "let us just make this Film now and be concerned about the next Motion picture when it will come."[128] Look at Image · Marvel @marvelapp Apr 29 “Our principal query right now is how do we enhance the caliber of research so that the influence we’re obtaining as functions is really precious?” In November 2013, Feige stated that "in a really perfect environment" releases each and every year would come with one particular movie dependant on an existing character and one showcasing a whole new character, stating It truly is "a good rhythm" in that structure. Although marvel fight , as evident by the 2013 releases of Iron Gentleman 3 and Thor: The Dark Earth, he said it's "definitely a little something to goal for".[thirteen] Feige expanded on this in July 2014, expressing, "I don't realize that we will keep to [that model] every year, but we're performing that in 2014 and 2015, so I feel it would be exciting to carry on that kind of thing".[fourteen] In February 2014, Feige said that Marvel Studios would like to mimic the "rhythm" that the comedian publications have produced, by having the figures surface in their own movies, then come together, much like "a huge celebration or crossover collection,"[fifteen] with Avengers films acting as "big, large linchpins". The player may have a maximum of 5 teams arrange. There are also workforce bonuses, for specified sets of character crew combinations. People are unlocked and rated up by getting Biometrics, which can be found in specified missions plus the Video game retail outlet. People can get well improve options at bigger concentrations and may be leveled up as a result of character XP. Gamers can easily personalize heroes to their Engage in design as a result of updates, like upgrading expertise, equipment, and equipping ISO-eight. In August 2016, Marvel announced that Marvel's Runaways had received a pilot get from Hulu,[85] eventually receiving a ten episode purchase the following Could.[86] That July, Loeb confirmed the series would occur inside the MCU saying, "It all life in a similar globe, the way it's related and where by It is really connected and what it should be linked to stays to become noticed. - Make a choice from numerous Uniforms to boost your character’s powers and perfect your hero's glance. With our marvel future fight hack, you might recruit and unlock every one of the playable people in the game. Quite possibly the most basic way I could place it really is Marvel won't come to the filmmakers and say, "This is what the following Film is." They come to the filmmakers and say, "Exactly what is the up coming movie?" That's very much the process. This post could contain content discouraged through the handbook of fashion for video clip video game subjects. Make sure you support by eliminating articles which include lists of minutiae or an in depth description of tips on how to Participate in a game, and rewriting the short article within an encyclopedic type. (December 2018) I downloaded the mod, but Not any figures unlocked And no crystals either. You should convey to how to address this issue?
A Review Of Marvel Future Fight
In April 2017, in addition to his announcement that he was returning to write and direct Guardians in the Galaxy Vol. three, James Gunn disclosed he can be dealing with Marvel "that will help style in which these tales go, and ensure the future in the Marvel Cosmic Universe is as Distinctive and reliable and magical as what We've got produced to this point". Your not too long ago viewed things and featured tips › Check out or edit your searching historical past Almost all of Marvel's fictional figures function in only one truth often called the Marvel Universe, with most areas mirroring real-lifetime destinations; a lot of key people are based in New York City.[3] Now, its time to search out many of the available superheroes to face collectively to stop the villains from destroying the planet. Marvel Future Fights Mod APK September 2018 do i just tap on my hero group 5 time for the 5X and Def to operate and my cellphone is not really rooted and want to know if this get the job done also my account is auto login to google? Check out photo · Marvel @marvelapp Apr 24 Replying to @steffenbogeholm If you select an iPad task, it will eventually perform comprehensive-display on the iPad itself but Provide you use of the swipe location so for the end consumer there isn't any variation :) When the studio employed Kenneth Branagh and Joe Johnston to immediate Thor and Captain The us: The very first Avenger, respectively, it created guaranteed both administrators ended up open to the thought of a shared universe and which include Avengers established-up scenes inside their movies.[six] Joe Russo said, "That is the thrilling component of [incorporating references to your much larger universe]. 'What can we put in place to the future?' You might be consistently pitching out Thoughts that not simply impact your movie, but could possibly have a ripple influence that affects other movies ... It is a Bizarre sort of tapestry of writers and directors Performing collectively to generate this universe that is form of organic. In August 2011, Marvel introduced a number of direct-to-video clip shorter films referred to as Marvel 1-Shots,[117] the identify derived from your label utilized by Marvel Comics for his or her one particular-shot comics.[118] Co-producer Brad Winderbaum mentioned, "It is a fun technique to experiment with new people and ideas, but far more importantly it's a way for us to broaden the Marvel Cinematic Universe and notify stories that live outside the house the plot of our characteristics."[117] Every single brief movie is designed to be considered a self-contained story that provides far more backstory for people or activities released while in the films. 1Apkmod is completely dedicated towards Modding of Video games, Android Purposes and lots of much more things. marvel game at 1Apkmod offer the best at school Doing work mods of each of the video games. Subscribe to our E-newsletter for modern updates. Dont know the place to tap 5x. Ive attempted tapping everywhere you go. As an alternative to a video are you able to publish screenshots on exactly where to faucet? A few of these have been published in larger sized-format black and white Journals, less than its Curtis Magazines imprint. @deanblacc who developed his own pixel artwork iOS game in his spare time! Go seize it! twitter.com/AdvOfKidd/stat… … As Marvel Future Fight Mod APK Latest Version Download of DC Comics, this man definitely knew many of the product sales figures and was in the most beneficial situation to inform this tidbit to Goodman. … Needless to say, Goodman would wish to be playing golf using this type of fellow and be in his superior graces. … Sol worked carefully with Impartial Information' major management more than the a long time and might have gotten this story straight from the horse's mouth. Loeb talked further on the topic in July 2016, reiterating The problem of scheduling by declaring "if I'm taking pictures a tv series and that is intending to go on over a 6-month or eight-thirty day period interval, how am I gonna get [a television collection actor] to have the ability to go be inside of a Motion picture?" He noted that This might not be as much of a problem if people were being building really minimal cameo appearances, but explained that Marvel was not thinking about cameos and easter eggs just for the sake of lover provider, which could detract in the story getting explained to; "As I often get reported by you folks for stating #ItsAllConnected, our feeling would be that the connection isn't just whether somebody is going for walks into a Film or walking from a tv present.
1 note · View note
Is it possible to buy a car insurance without owning a car, and then use it for renting a car?
"Is it possible to buy a car insurance without owning a car, and then use it for renting a car?
I live in India and frequently travel to USA. And when I go rent a car, pay almost double the rental because I have to buy all the coverage. I was wondering if it is possible for me (or my company) to buy some sort of protection policy, using which I can rent the car and not have to buy insurance from them.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Best insurance for Male 18-24?
What is the best type of insurance for a male 18-24. There is a basic prepaid one for $1200 (upfront) but my rates double if I get a speeding ticket etc.. Then there is the traditional one from my bank but that's $300 a month and I can't do that. What type should I be looking for? Also, is it worth it to get the cheap insurance if my rates could potentially double? Could I fight them doubling my rates. I don't plan on speeding but wow. 04-06 Hyundai Elantra GLS/GT.""
Claiming Back car insurance?
Is it possible, i have been paying car insurance on my car for three months, while it has been out of use at the garage i purchased it from, due to the engine blowing! The garage have taken over 3 months to sort it under warranty, and the car is covered under there insurance, i didnt cancel the insurance due to thinking it wouldnt take this long! as i pay 140 a month it tolals up to alot and i was wondering if can claim any of the insurance premium back?? They still have the car useless Evans Halshaw be warned, only had the car 8 weeks..""
What is the average cost for insurance on a 2009 Yamaha R6?
Im going to get it tomorrow. I am almost 19, and i have one accident. I think it was a fault from both drivers. not sure. just let me know what you are paying and on what kind of bike thanks.""
Question about cheap health insurance??/?
i am looking to buy some health insurance that is affordable that will cover a tubal reversal surgery %100. I had my tubes ties or burned 5 years ago and now we would like to have another child but i just have medicaid and that wont cover it... Any ideas on some insurance plans that would cover a tubal reversal and pregnancy and where i can find a doctor that will do a tubal reversal with health insurance????/
Cheapest car insurance?
Does anyone know the best deals around for third party fire and theft? The quotes I have been given are ridiculous compared to last year, I'm sick of shopping around having to keep repeating the details then to find that the quote is as bad as the first! Thanks Guys if you can recommend....""
What are some affordable health insurance in the NJ area?
I am 25 years old and currently unemployed. I will be a student in the health care field and I'm required to purchase health insurance. I also have to get a physical exam along with vaccinations. I looked online for some insurance and I have to pay at least $250 a month which is too much for me. Are there any affordable health insurance?
Im 21 and in need of health insurance...?
My company offers it but its like $200/month and i cant afford that! Im a female, non smoker, and in good health. I just need basic health insurance that has dental and eye. What are some good options out there?""
Can I get my national insurance number at 15?
I've just turned fifteen three months ago and really need a job, Whsmith say they hire 13-16 year olds during times near Christmas but you need a national insurance number. I know you automatically receive it a few months before you're 16 but I'm wondering whether you can ring up and get one now? Thanks x""
How much is car insurance for a brand new HS 250h Premium Luxury lexus?
I'm 17, female, I live in St.John's NL and might do driving school""
How much insurance will I need to lease a car?
I want to lease a 2010 car. I want my insurance prices to be low, but who determines what kind and how much insurance I will need. Will my insurance be higher or lower than financing the car? What are some insurance things I SHOULD get once I lease? Any other info you can provide that I will NEED to know will be greatly appreciated! Thanks!""
""I am 66 years old, can I get health insurance??? how about medicare???} how dan I proceed?""
I am 66 years old, can I get health insurance??? how about medicare???} how dan I proceed?""
How much can I expect to receive in my auto accident settlement?
I was t-boned by an illegal mexican (in Phoenix, AZ, who'd have thought, right?) who was going 50 mph on my side of the car. There was 5K is damage to the car. Fortunately, I did not have any broken bones but the doctors STILL can't get my bones into correct position. I have been going to therapy for 4 going on 5 months. I am still attending therapy. I probably will do 6 months total in therapy. I am suing my own insurance company with Phillips & Associates. Can anyone tell me what would be reasonable amount to expect?""
""On an Annual basis, how much does health insurance cost in America?
I would like to know how much the average American citizen pays in Health Insurance per year please.
I dont really have the money to purchase car insurance before i take my driving test?
i dont have the money to get car insurance before i take my driving test. is there anyways possible to get around that? dont just ******* say, get insurance either . its a waste of my damn time. im taking it wednesday and its in urbana ohio.""
Whats a cheap affordable classic for a young man?
im 20 had my lisence for over two years but i can never afford insurance! i dont live with my mummy and daddy so i cant blag there insurance, and i also cant borrow money from them! so if you have ideaas for me i would prefer a TAX exempt classic? any ideas? thanks""
Car Insurance - Older owner still has insurance on it?
I had my car signed over to me on the 2nd November and received my V5 back on the 10th. I got the car insured ASAP as required on a daily basis. I have recently found out that the previous owner STILL has insurance on it and has arranged for it to be fully cancelled on the 1st December to collect their no claims bonus. Obviously I cannot make them cancel the policy but does this invalidate my insurance until the 1st Dec/make it illegal to use my car until this date?
How much is car insurance a month?
I am a female 21 yrs old that lives in Buffalo,ny. I wanna know how much per month will I have to pay for car insurance and if anyone suggests any car insurance companies for me.""
Does anyone know where i can get cheap and affordable health insurance from in wisconsin?
Im looking for cheap or affordable health insurance ,, sure cant seem to find any .. does anyone have an answer""
How much will my insurance go up?
I was trying to merge onto the freeway when the lady in front of me made an inexplicable complete stop on the on ramp. I slammed on my brakes and rode the ABS down to about 15MPH when I hit her. Turns out she was on heroine, and CHP arrested her at the scene. The chippy's were really cool and said my situation was totally understandable , but said my insurance may not see it that way. (the damage to the crack head's car was minimal, and she was not injured) I'm not going to claim the damage to my car. I can fix it myself. So lets say with a little paint and body work, her repair cost is $1000.......how much will my insurance go up? I am 23, and have a flawless driving record until today.""
How do I get medical insurance?
I am 20 years old and I need medical and dental insurance. I have tried medicade but I am to old and I don't have children. please help!!
How much does car insurance usually cost for female 20 year old in toronto area?
im a university student and really in need of a car the used car im thinking of buying is about $4000 rollars honda 1997 how much would insurance cost? i have my g2 and i got my in-class driving school certificate which guarantee upto 40% insurance discount thanks!
Car insurance for my daughter?
my 17 year old daughter wants to learn to drive in my car (citroen c3 2059plate) would anybody have an idea of how much it may cost me ! or does it pay to make her wait untill she has passed ? and any ideas on how much if she does pass.. ty .....
How much is motorcycle insurance?
I'm only 14 right now but when I hit 16 i'm planning on buying a motorcycle. Planning on buying a Kawasaki Ninja 300r 2013 around my birthday and I remembered a rough factor. How much would insurance be for a 16 year old on a sport bike like that? Don't refer me to a Quote site just a rough estimate I live in Illionois
What small cars are available as a convertible?
Now that a second child in our family has started to drive we think we need two smaller low insurance cars and I want to trade my large car in for one that my 20 year old can share with me. I have loved having a convertible and would still like that so was wondering if there is a car on the market that is: small low insurance convertible (preferably hard top) about 2-3 years old (pre-empting any ranters - I have no intention of letting my wildish 17 year old drive around in a convertible and my 20 year old girl is a good, tee-total driver who has now been driving 3 years.)""
Should I cancel my car insurance to save my money?
Currently, I'm living in WA, I have a car in TX. But my family member in TX driving it, and there names are under insure by my car insurance. If I want to save money on my car's insurance. I need to ask my insurance remove my name out of car insurance; is that right? or there is no difference between keep my name on car insurance and remove my name out of car's insurance? Thanks""
Is it possible to buy a car insurance without owning a car, and then use it for renting a car?
I live in India and frequently travel to USA. And when I go rent a car, pay almost double the rental because I have to buy all the coverage. I was wondering if it is possible for me (or my company) to buy some sort of protection policy, using which I can rent the car and not have to buy insurance from them.
Is Geico a good car insurance company?
My car insurance policy is up for renewal, so I decided to do some comparison shopping. Geico quoted me a price that was $250-350/year less than any of the other companies. The coverage I selected is as good or better than what the other companies were offering. Would Geico be a good company to switch to, or should I go with someone else? If you have had any experience with Geico (good or bad), please share.""
Where can i get on birthcontrol cheap and without insurance in dc or md?
I really need to get on birthcontrol and i'm looking to get on the pill. i need something affordable and i dont have insurance. I also go to school in a different state than where i live so i would need to get it comehwere that allows me to pick it up from different pharmacies depending on where I am at the time.
Need the names of insurance companies for commercial trucks...NOT brokers...thanks?
Need the names of insurance companies for commercial trucks...NOT brokers...thanks?
""Speeding ticket, will it raise my insurance in texas?""
hey, I got a speeding ticket a few days ago and would like to take the defensive driving class instead, if the judge will let me. i really dont want to let my dad know about it and i am willing to pay all of it, i just dont want to have to deal with my dad. Will my insurance go up even if i do the defensive driving class? Thanks!""
Can you get a Drivers License and not have car insurance?
I dont plan to drive, but i do intend to get my license. Is it possible to not have to get car insurance with your license? Idont own any cars as well""
Where can i find really good dental insurance?
I am a mom of two and expecting. I can't work and I am looking for dental insurance that pays alot(almost everything). I live in Texas.
Cheapest Car Insurance Companies For A 17 Year Old Boy?
I've done a lot of research and can't find anything less than around 2500 a year, any good companies that can can give me a better quote? I'm thinking about getiing a Renault Clio or a VW Fox if that helps. Any tips or suggestions for good insurance companies would be much appreciated!""
What is a cheap car to insure for an 18yr old
and who does cheap insurance?
Other Drivers On Car Insurance Liability Policy?
I want to add my little brother's car to my car insurance policy. If I add the car, under my name, but do not add the actual driver (my brother), what risks am I taking? If he is driving a car that is insured under my name and he gets in an accident where he is at fault, will the other person's damages still be covered by my insurance? I know that with liability insurance he would be SOL for his car, but I don't want to get stuck paying for someone else's car if he crashed and it was under my name. Please shine some light on this for me.""
My car insurance is $200 a month!?
I'm getting my license in less than a month, but my parents won't get me a car b/c they say I won't be driving alone anyway b/c the insurance is through the roof. We have Mamzy. Would it be cheaper if we switch our insurance? It'll go down once I've had my license for 6 months, but still, half a year is a long time to have to wait. :\ Thanksx.""
Does a junior instructor need insurance?
I have had a few people around my barn asking me to give lessons, just little beginner lessons, nothing major. The barn owner said if would be alright, but I had to look into what type of insurance I would need and so on. I am not exactley sure how much insurance would cost, and if I would even be making a huge profit. My question is, do you need insurance if you are under 18? Are you then considered a junior instructor and it is not needed? If it is, about how much is the average insurance?""
Do I automatically have to get car insurance right after I get my license?
I'm 18, I live with my parents...In order for me to get my license my mom wants me to pay for car insurance (since I'll be under her name) which is understandable, but I don't have a car yet, and I just want my license in case of an emergency...like I won't even be driving around her car rarely. She told me that even if I wanted to get my license and not get car insurance yet, I can't because I live in her house?? Does that sound right? Can't I just get my license without car insurance until I actually have my own car?""
Cheapest car insurance?
new drivers
How much on average does it cost to insure a 21 year old female driver with her G2?
I just bought a car and need to get insurance. I am 21 years old have my G2 currently but will be going for my full G in the next couple weeks. I have taken drivers ed in the past and I am a university student. Previously i was paying $50/month as a secondary driver under my dad and received a quote for $156/month as a primary driver is this a reasonable price?
Are home insurance rates more expensive on a townhouse than a single family home?
Are home insurance rates more expensive on a townhouse than a single family home?
Car Insurance quotes - when you get an online quote and it asks you?
how much your car is worth, do you quote the price you paid for it or its present price..? I ask because if you think about it you could have bought your car last year for 12, 000, and one year later it's worth 9,000. If you car is written off it isn't as ther inusrance company will pay out on the amount you paid for the car.. this happened to my brother and they only paid the value it was worth on the day of his crash which was considerably less....""
Is there some type of dental insurance that is affordable??
I am 38 y/o male who needs to finally look into some dental insurance that is affordable/ I have some teeth that needs to be fix ASAP thanks for your Help Bri
Renault clio? first time insurance how to get it cheap?
looking at a clio 1999-2003 model any hints on how to get cheaper? got a quote for 4000 today!
Does New York require lenders of leased cars to include GAP insurance within the cost of the lease itself?
Was under the impression that this was the case, however, after recently leasing a vehicle in NY, the dealership told me otherwise.""
Volvo S40 insurance cost?
I'm going to lease a new car soon and I had my heart set on a 2008 Volkswagen Jetta SE ($21,040), but yesterday I found an really good deal on a 2007 Volvo S40 ($20,800). It's never been sold so it's technically new (it was a dealer demo). I'm just wondering if the insurance on this car would be similar to that of the Jetta. It's the base model 2.4i with no options except the automatic transmission. Do you know if if the Volvo would be more costly to insure?""
How long before insurance premiums start to drop?
My family health insurance premiums are about to go up to $800 per month. I don't think we can afford that kind of premium on a $65K household income. Will it get better once the insurance exchanges kick in? Talking to friends, they're also seeing their premiums double in some cases.""
I rang up Tesco Car Insurance today and they sent me away?
Hello, I rang up Tesco Car Insurance today, this women spoke on the phone and her first question was asking for the policy number, and then I asked her a question why they increase my insurance and she said everywhere is the same, they are the cheapest, and then she told me to ring somewhere else to get a quote and then phone us back. Thats a good customer service. What do you guys think about this situation?""
Car insurance in someone else's name?
i own a car that I dont drive often. My car insurance is sky high and I'm thinking of not even having an insurance policy anymore. I'm wondering if it's unheard of to put the car in just my husbands name and drive the car when i need it? I have a license. I realize that there could be an issue if there was a car accident.
My car insurance monthly rate is $92 how much is my down payment?
i need to figure this out through here if possible, i will pay $92 a month, state farm wants a down payment though they haven't gotten back to me with how much I'm going to need - I was wondering if anyone here might possibly know. Thank you.""
How about Universal Auto insurance?
Universal Dental, universal home insurance, universal life insurance, universal pet medical insurance, universal flood insurance, universal renters insurance. Wouldn't it be a good idea to have the government provide all insurance to everybody? There couldn't be problems with that right? ( please note heavy sarcasm )""
Is it possible to buy a car insurance without owning a car, and then use it for renting a car?
I live in India and frequently travel to USA. And when I go rent a car, pay almost double the rental because I have to buy all the coverage. I was wondering if it is possible for me (or my company) to buy some sort of protection policy, using which I can rent the car and not have to buy insurance from them.
Car insurance advice needed for a 17 year old?
As I said in my previous question. I recently bought a Citroen AX 988cc for 500 and paid 2800 insurance for a year. I thought It was really good as all of my mates had paid well over 3000 for their Fiestas etc. I got alot of answers saying I had been ripped off. I would be so happy if you could tell me of a better deal. I called a total of 46 insurance companies, and used comparison websites on a variety of insurance group 1 cars. And this was the very cheapest I could find. Initially Iwanted a VW Golf. (Not the GTI Version) But I was quoted 9000 a year, not bad but I dont earn that much yet. I have 3 jobs but all are minumum wage. (6-10am, 10am-6pm, 7pm-11.20pm). Could you give me a better deal. Where to go, what other car would be cheaper, and general advice on getting it as cheap as olot of people in my previous question told me they got it. Thanks.""
Why can't health insurance companies in one state cover individuals from other states?
United States
Massachusetts proof of car insurance while out of state?
OK. In Massachusetts, some car insurance companies don't give you/ offer a separate little card that serves as your proof of insurance; the licence plate/ your registration serves as your proof in MA. Now I was wondering. most other states have a requirement that you carry proof of insurance at all times while driving. In theory, if I was driving in another state, some distance from MA and therefore where the police are not familiar with how MA does things, and get pulled over, would the officer know that I was insured, even if I was unable to produce the little card, or would he always assume that without it, the driver is uninsured? the insurance is listed on the registration, but...""
Who pays $200.00 for car insurance?
I just got a Nationwide quote for car insurance and it was over $200.00 for the monthly payments. Im just now getting my own car/car insurance(in my name), Im a female in my mid-twenties, had my first two speeding tickets last year. Plan on getting a 2007 Pontiac G6, and I will be driving it to work and school. is $200.00 a normal monthly amount to be paid for me?""
I was rear ended. Does my insurance go up if I contact them?
I have Mercury Insurance and someone hit me in the back at a stop light. I got all of there info, but I was wondering if we went through this with our insurance companies would my rates go up? thanks :D""
Running costs for first time driver?
Hey, on average how much do you think running costs (insurance, servicing, petrol etc.) will be for me to drive a car per month? I'm planning to start learning to drive soon (I'm 20 and live in the suburbs- Essex/close to London) the car I'm looking to get would be one from insurance group 1 and I'll probably be doing about 12,000 miles a year, just driving to and from work and socially every now and then. Thanks for any help :)""
The world of car insurance?
the idea that dropping the price of car insurance for men a small amount and increasing the female amount a huge hike has nothing to do with gender that's the con it's the absolute greed of government and big business hand in hand raking in a fortune as they did when changing the  s p to the criminal decimal currency? the question is why do we Joe public put up with this crap
A renewal company for home insurance?
We've had three claims in 12 years with our insurance company and the company has put us in nonrenewal mode....is there an online company that will handle our insurance... home insurance....?
Should a person without children get life insurance?
Is life insurance important to a person without children? Could they just save enough in life to pay for the funeral costs and other expenses. I can see reasons like you have a disabled spouse, but in general do you think it is necessary or just a useless expense.""
Who has the best auto insurance?
from a price, service, quality perspective""
Cheaper on insurance 1980 lincoln or a 1995 blazer?
i have a 1980 lincoln mark VI it has a 351 (5.8 liter engine) and a 1995 chevy blazer im 16 and im trying to decide which one to drive they both get the same gas mialage about cause the blazer is an suv so im deciding which would be cheaper on insurance for a 16 year old i think the blazer but im sure hoping not cause the lincolns prettier lol
How's insurance for an old model Lexus SC300 or SC400 (1990-1995)?
I'm 17 and getting my first car. Im a good student. Ive picked out either a Lexus SC 300 or 400 around 1992ish. I like the car but I just want to know if insurance would be very costly for eiher of these, considering it is luxury. I know insurance for cars like the Nissan 300zx is really ridiculous. How would this insurance compare? And please, dont recommend other cars to me because I have already decided on one of these, just give me an idea of insurance costs. Thanks""
""Looking for a good car insurance agency but not too expensive, any advise ?""
Hi, i have been with allstate for over ten years for my car insurance but recently i just got a newer car and it sky-rocked and im looking for a better rate, if anyone would recommend some i would appreciate it so i can get some good rates to look at and compare, I don't know why it went up so high because i have had no tickets or accidents in fifteen years but they say they have not made any mistakes with it. Thanks for the advise Deb :)""
How much would insurance be?
my step dad is putting me on his insurance, he has a 2006 dodge caravan.. how much would it be for me ( a 17yr old girl) to get put on as an occasional driver?""
Whe will liberals admit the affordable health care act has made health care and health insurance?
More expensive already?
How much does minimum cover motorcycle insurance cost monthly in California if your 19 years of age?
How much does minimum cover motorcycle insurance cost monthly in California if your 19 years of age?
Car insurance after customization?
If I put a body kit, new wheels, etc... onto my car will it affect insurance? Do I need to let them know? Before? What about the warranty, I have bumper to bumper warranty.""
Accidently put wrong date of birth by 3 months on my car insurance?
Iv just accepted a quote online for car insurance without realizing my date of birth is wrong by 3 months, if i tell them to change this should it change the price of my insurance?""
My car is registered in wisconsin how can I get insurance in california?
My mother bought me a car in wisconsin and i live in california, but the car is still registered in her name in WI. how do i get insurance coverage without having to register the car in my name? is it possible?""
Where is the best place to buy cheaper home insurance for the over 50s?
Where is the best place to buy cheaper home insurance for the over 50s?
What is the cheapest car insurance if you have bad credit and low income?
What to do if you can't afford car insurance
Can I go under my mum's fiance's car insurance?
I currently live in Glasgow and have one year left of college (after this one) before my family moves to England, due to my my mums fiance/my little sisters dad working down there. Once we move down there I will be doing my driving tests. So my question is would it be possible for me to be put under his car insurance policy even though we are not directly related and my mum has not married him yet? I will be living with him, working for him and he will be putting me through my lessons and also helping to support me as I continue my education down there (if i need support).""
How much is one months car insurance on average?
Driving a slightly older car (87 Tbird), newer driver; no faults fines or tickets. Resident of BC.""
How much would the insurance on my car be?
I'm 18. I just got my car. and I just got my license. and I have a 2001 Hyndai. I live if Fort Myers FL... How much would it be on my own? and How much could it be under my brother in laws name that has had his license for 5 years?
Who understands health insurances? please help?
Okay so im 22 and have no health insurance, i just started working, and at this company they offer health insurance for full time positions only and well i am part time. I have had swollen tonsils since i was fourteen and been hospitalized twice because it was so bad that literally both tonsils were smashed together (i know gross) well i guess the question is, i want to try to get a health insurance that will minimize extremely the cost of getting these suckers removed. I dont understand all the deductible talk. So which insurance do you think is affordable and might be the one for me and my need? Please any advice and suggestions will be appreciated. Its a constant pain to go to the doctors and just come out with antibiotics which i guess take the pain but im not lying when i say that they are everyday permanently swollen. Please and Thank you.""
Is it possible to buy a car insurance without owning a car, and then use it for renting a car?
I live in India and frequently travel to USA. And when I go rent a car, pay almost double the rental because I have to buy all the coverage. I was wondering if it is possible for me (or my company) to buy some sort of protection policy, using which I can rent the car and not have to buy insurance from them.
What are some cheap auto insurance companies in florida for teenage drivers?
I am 17 years old. I currently have liberty mutual insurance with my parents for $5,901 annualy (about $550 per month for three cars). Is there any cheap car insurance?""
How can I prevent this girl from completely taking advantage of my insurance company?
A few nights ago I accidentally brushed the side of my neighbor's car with my front bumper (cause she was parked like an idiot as usual). I'm taking full responsibility of it cause it's my fault and I have no problem with that. Initially I was going to pay for the scrape to be compounded out and whatever else was wrong as a result of me hitting it. However, when I spoke to her, she started pointing out a ridiculous amount of things: there's a scratch in addition to the scrape (ok, sure), she says I cracked her light (maybe I did, it's possible) but she's also saying that I caused her tire to pop out and that there's tread missing from it (which makes absolutely no sense because I didn't hit the tire or rim or wheel well at all). Basically, she expects a whole new paint job and a set of tires which is ridiculous for the small amount of damage that was done. I want to make sure she isn't trying to take advantage of my insurance company and cause my rates to skyrocket as a result. The car is a complete piece of sh*t and she doesn't take care of it at all - the paint's dull, the rims are rusted - and I think she's trying to fix these things by making it like they were a result of me hitting her. I have no problem at all taking responsibility for the damage I did, but I do have a problem with her making things up and trying to fix other issues through my insurance company. The last claims representative I spoke with told me that I would not be contacted by the adjuster at all since there is no damage to my car. Since she's going to be talking with the adjuster and I won't, I'm afraid she's going to exaggerate the amount of damage. Should I call my insurance company and tell them this? Will they care? What can I do?""
Insurance help???!?!?!?
right, im a 17 year old male who passed my test in may 2010, however i now have enough money for a cheap car and insurance, but why is it so expensive?? cheapest i have found is like 4k so please if anyone can help what is the best cars to get cheap insurance, i have tried putting myself as a second driver but is still really expensive, i need some help where is the best place, what is the price you have? i just need helpp!!!! pleeasssee""
Trying to repeal the Healthcare law which is good for the American people the only thing republicans hope?
Trying to repeal the Healthcare law which is good for the American people the only thing republicans hope will put them back into the White House?
Car insurance and car note?
OK, I'm nineteen. I've been saving up for my first car. But the thing is, I have to pay insurance, and a car note on my own. My mother became homeless, and my father I do not know. My godparents took me in, and they can't afford to add me on their insurance. So, being that I have a part time job at McDonald's, and go to college, It seems as if I have no way of affording a car and insurance. I haven't checked the rates of insurance, but I do understand that they are high for teenage males, and always vary on the type of car you have. I don't want anything fancy, a four door car that gets me from A to B. Is there anyway I can afford this? Please and thanks!""
What is the best health insurance in california?
sould i go with the one that has deductible, and what it turns out that i have a cancer , m'i gonna be covered. i've been having this buzzing ear ( left) for few months and now i get dizzy when i look up and i started to feel oressure in my head and light headache. my emplyer's insurance start in 2 months and i need to be checked now, and i don't qualifie for medi cal any suggestion , advice?? thanks""
Which is cheaper for a 16 year old Car insurance or Motorcycle insurance?
Im thinking about getting either a car or a motorcycle it all depends on the insurance cost.
Health insurance?
how much does health insurance cost?
How Much is insurance on a fox body mustang?
I really want a fox body mustang and i want to see how much it would cost. It will be my first car and i really want to know before i go car shopping.
What auto insurance companies DON'T use a credit score when deciding rates?
I'm against the practice of using credit scores (i.e. insurance scores) to decide auto insurance rates. Does anyone know of a company in the U.S. that doesn't use the practice?
No Insurance!?
No Insurance!? How much do you think a tooth will cost to be pulled?
""Can I get a refund of life insurance premiums I paid? I set up a $100,000.00 life insurance policy?
August 2009. Monthly premiums were deducted automatically from my checking account. recently I had to change my checking account number because someone got access to my banking info. and made unauthorized deductions. This in turn caused my monthly insurance premiums from getting paid. The insurance Co. requested a substantial fee to reinstate my policy I cannot afford this fee can I get a refund of premiums paid and cancell the policy?
How much does an ER vist cost w/ no insurance?
I went to the ER the other day. I was there for a few hours and only have an IV. I dont have insurance...how much do you think this will cost?
Will my speeding Ticket affect my insurance rates?
I live in Iowa, I am 17 years old, and I just got a speeding ticket from a state trooper for going 84mph in a 65 zone. I am insured with State Farm and have no history of any accedents or tickets. Right now I am recieving the good students discount and the safe driver discount and I was woundering if this would affect my insurance rates on a 1996 Mercedes-Benz black with aproximately 210,000 miles. Thanks""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
how old are you? what company you with? what car you drive? are you the only driver under this insurance?
What the best insurance company that affordable to get for a new car?
looking for car insurance?
Where can I find super cheap auto insurance?
I just want something to cover me legally. I don't need any advice on why I should not get crap insurance, I literally would just like to know where to get great rates. I found ...show more""
Which cheap car insurance companies send the documantetion by Email only?
NOT by post, by EMAIL only""
Car Insurance?
Is it normal for a car insurance company to send a questioner to it's clients who had an accident? They asked the same questions I told them on the phone and I had to get the form notarized to send in with my answers. They we're asking what time, where it happened, who was I with, did I ever file a claim before, and the last two pages had to do with fraud.""
Do out of state residents need California SR22 insurance if they dont go back to California?
I am a permanent resident of AZ and have an AZ drivers license. While visiting California I had a DUI. I settled out of court but an insurance broker wants to sell me a California policy. Do I need California SR22 insurance if I don't plan to return to California? Is there any benefit?
Question about my Geico Car Insurance?
I've just registered my car for Geico car insurance today. On my confirmation statement it said that my insurance will be activated on March 15th, 2012. About 45 minutes away from now. Will I be able to drive my car at midnight? I want to be sure I'm completely safe. Thanks.""
What happens if to my insurance if i get married?
My parents pay for my insurance and ill have it till I'm 19 if I get married would I no longer have insurance?
Car Accident and Insurance?
On 7/24 I was at a Dairy Queen drive thru the person behind me hit the truck I was driving. I was looking at her in the rear view mirror the entire time. She had a cigarette hanging from her mouth that was unlit and she eventually backed up after hitting me. I got out of the truck and looked and I did not see any damage. She then said I didn't move you hit me I then told her No I did not hit you I am in front of you and this truck was never in reverse. Since there was no damage to the truck I did not bother getting any of her information since it was not my fault. On 7/27 I got a call from the police saying she told them I hit her. I gave them my side of the story and they said she had a witness who was a passenger in her car and they will be in touch. I also let them know I had a witness as well. The cop called me back yesterday and wanted to get my insurance information so her and I could exchange information. My question is do I have to give my insurance information to this cop? I did not hit this woman and I think she is trying to get one over on the insurance company. The cop said yesterday I'm surprised the truck does not have any damage because her car does have damage. This truck was a rental truck which was inspected at the time it was dropped back off at the rental company obviously there was no damage to it. This woman looked like she was on something to begin with and I'm guessing she was not paying attention probably looking for a lighter and let off the break and hit me. Which I still don't see how her car would be so damaged. I don't want this con artist having my information. So should I tell the cop I am not giving him my insurance information and tell her to take it to court? Should I get a lawyer? I'm not sure what to do I am 29 years old and I have never been in a accident so I am not sure how to go about this but I know this woman is trying to pull a fast one and I am not going to sit back and let it happen.
Does anyone know where I can find auto insurance to cover car parts?
I need new tires and brakes, and rather than paying for them I want to get insurance so all I'll have to pay is the deductible. Please help. Thanks.""
How much is car insurance on a new 911 gt2 Porsche?
I am a 25 year old who recently became very successful in the automotive industry and I decided I wanted to get a Porsche. Now i know about how much it is to keep a Porsche maintained because i have worked on them but i am not sure on the insurance. Please help anyway you can. And for the record i am not getting a quote from any website because i do not feel comfortable giving away personal information to an insurance company before i decide to use them.
Is it possible to buy a car insurance without owning a car, and then use it for renting a car?
I live in India and frequently travel to USA. And when I go rent a car, pay almost double the rental because I have to buy all the coverage. I was wondering if it is possible for me (or my company) to buy some sort of protection policy, using which I can rent the car and not have to buy insurance from them.
27 notes · View notes
kragbrady32-blog · 5 years
Air ride suspension & Insurance?
Hello, I am male, nearly 18. I want to buy a 2004 / 5 Mini cooper for my first car. Insurance at about 1000 - 1500 quoted. When I get it I want to do some visual mods such as new rims, possibly a colour change, window tints. I know I have to notify my insurance company, whomever it may be and it probably wont effect what I'm paying. But I also want to lower the car, so I researched this and came across these air - ride kits that are air suspension that can be lowered and raised all from in your car with buttoms. These arnt hydralacs, there quite slow to adjust. This would be great for me as I live in a town but I have to drive on a lot of moorland roads, so I could raise it on the moors, lower it in the cities and on motorways etc... Would this effect my insurance at all? Its quite an expensive mod but would it change ( increase ) my insurance costs? Cheers, Alex. I suggest that you try this web site where one can get quotes from different companies: http://insure4car.xyz Which insurance carrier could be the cheapest to get an 18-year old? Iv passed my examination, and bought a citreon saxo 1.1, iv been on many evaluation websites along with the finest quote i get is 3500 third party just which is a lot of. Can anybody help me find a better offer Cheers" Are you currently in support of getting rid of medical insurance if you have preexisting situations? Are you currently in favor of eliminating health insurance for those who have pre-existing conditions? "Just how much per month may be the regular homeowners insurance payment over a 100,000 residence? Cheers a Marine but automobile insurance as well as 20 firmis need to charge me 500$ a month??? HELP? I simply got my certificate two months back I'm while in the marines and registered after I was 17 and in florida it cost 350$ to truly get your certificate before you are 18 and that I couldn't afford it. I'm a guy that is very busy and it took time before i could obtain it. Every two weeks i make 600 and i am planning to obtain a vehicle i am stationed at camp lejeune NC. For that vehicle loan i will be spending about 350 to 400 monthly. Its not that I'm paying interest to the mortgage for 11 for devoid of any credit that bad. However the insurance companies need to impose me everywhere from 450 to 700 per month i have simply checked out a couple of companies but it takes forever to fill in the knowledge and some of them do not read my target because i am on a military platform so i need to call them-and you all no how that goes. Thus my problem is what is a companie that will not be superior. I've to get full-coverage because of the mortgage. please simply considerable answerer's and from personal experience. I'm an, sorry basically wrote things wrong I'm not in a reputation faculty. But assume you for the aid a fantastic evening, and have." "Does anyone understand of getting your newborn stay, the typical daily charge?" I know many people have insurance that helps cover a particular %, but what sum may be the genuine cost the clinic expenses the insurance carrier along with the patient pay?" How come motor insurance therefore pricey for an 18 year old? I was looking at estimates and so they all range from 1000-1400 simply for half a year over a Nissan Sentra SR - E spec v. Which insurance may be the cheapest and you also could recommend. Its to get a scholar only for university and work. "WHERE MAY I FIND CHEAP AUTO INSURANCE ON MY FIRST CAR, iM 17?" I DONT WANT TO COVER 8000 I WOULD LIKE CHEAP,, AID:)" I want affordable health insurance. & cheap? Actually im browsing a cheap and affordable for my gf. She's working careers with all the annual income of $ 16,000, but she doesn't get any company gains... She has been sick alot lately and im genuinely worried for her, specially when she is only 20-year old dwelling her step parents. Her stepparents got 2 children of their own so her requirements are completely ignored by them, so it is up to me to accomplish my far better assist her. She's disqualify with medical since her step parents make alots of money. Can someone please supply me about getting affordable health insurence for your low income, some information? Perhaps some link there? Thankyou" Looking for a health insurance? I'm 23 and my spouse is 25, we are in excellent wellness, and therefore are trying to find health insurance. I would like an affordable strategy, but in addition the one which is generally accepted. I understand insurance isn't just affordable, but I really hope you-all can go with what I'm saying. Cheers" Co-Consumer Autoinsurance? All, I assisted ex GF to purchase a car. I thought I had been cosigning for loan but apparantly I'm a co customer of vehicle. The enrollment is her or me. I dont mind being in charge of loan. If she messes up mortgage I'll make funds. She informs me she's vehicle correctly covered etc. What worries if she lets insurance mistake or cause a significant incident could I end up in difficulty me is. Can I guarantee myself against her making insurance mistake or creating major injury/destruction? I actually have no individual automobile insurance (have business automobile). Is there other things I can do to safeguard myself? Im very focused on this. Do I need to be? Terry" Insurance companies that dont enable pit bulls? Does anybody know what insurance companies defianatly won't insure you when you have pit bulls. I am aware some that'll I simply wish to know those that definately wont." "From these vehicles, what type can have the cheapest insurance? Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 I had hail damage to my car and my insurance carrier did an estimation which can be 100% less than 3 reput I had my car ruined by hail and I have comprehensivr coverage. My insurance carrier had an adjuster do the estimate and his appraisal is 100% less than 3 additional calculated I'd completed (a few of which weer by merchants they work with...CRP). They are telling me it can be taken by me in and they will pay the merchants an extra look for the excess charges. I really don't need to consider it in as a result of my deductible and they are informing me just about the only method i can actually recoup the cash owed to me is to have it set...I buy my plan so when I am aware it, I'm eligible for the settlement of the damage and it is my selection to possess it fixed or not...am I appropriate or inappropriate in my own knowledge????" Is it too simple to get onto disability insurance while in the United States? 8,753,935: Employees on Impairment Collection Another History in September; Exceed Populace of 39 States the amount of individuals acquiring national disability insurance obligations struck still another file in September, improving to 8,753,935 throughout the month from the past document of 8,733,461 emerge August, according to freshly launched data in the Social Security Management. The 8,753,935 employees who got national disability insurance obligations in September realized the 50 states' populace of 39. Colorado only 11 statesCalifornia, Ny, California, Illinois, Philadelphia, Iowa, Mi, Georgia, North Carolina and New Jerseyhad more individuals inside them compared to amount of individuals about the national disability insurance rolls in July." Car-Insurance need advice? I've one car with 24 years no claims and am likely to function as policyholder for my daughters vehicle. Can i set down that i have 24 years no-claims or do i have to begin again (in the feeling set 0 along??)Im very confused by the approach as i haven't needed to do this before, plus it is very difficult for him to afford insurance if we-don't get it done in this manner so if anybody knows of any good cheap insurance firms" Medicare or additional health insurance that is affordable? I live in NY, merely moved below and have to find somewhat inexpensive medical insurance. Up till now was covered by strategies through employers. Is Medicare protection that is reasonable? Can it be very different from others?" Inexpensive auto insurance safe to possess? Iam likely to purchase car insurance along with the premiums Iam finding are very minimal, $72.00 per month (Modern) and $92.00 (Geico). But I had been thinking whether it's secure, and I picked the stateis lowest minimum coverage that was accessible /ok to achieve that? Thanks:)" Sweetheart experienced crash has insurance/SR 22. Whose insurance will soon be responsible? My boyfriend has received an insurance plan having an SR 22 about it for pretty much annually. It finishes in 6 days. He was driving my auto to function and got into a collision that has been his problem. My car has hardly any damage and that I don't believe the other vehicle was severely damaged. My mother has an insurance policy on my vehicle (I live along with her) But because my sweetheart was driving and he has insurance with all the SR 22 doesn't which means that that it will go on his insurance? Isn't that the actual explanation he had to really have the SR22 within the first-place? Cheers. "Do you want proof insurance when receiving certificate in alabama?" I cant have it by tomorrow although i know you will need it. Since they have the info stored within the computers is it okay? i need support!!" How much would insurance cost for my moped? Therefore I'm likely to be 16 shortly and Iam planning to get a 50cc scooter. Could someone tell me what insurance's average-cost could charge please? Cheers "Because she got 9 penalty items our children car insurance has more than doubled. she wishes?" Me get her wear that insurance then to acquire insurance on her vehicle. While she is under my insurance, if she gets points could that influence the insurance on my own cars' price or could provided that she caused a collision produce my insurance increase. I really could get a years insurance on her car for less than the buying price of 1 regular payment she'd have to pay for her own insurance. what you think. She will be disqualified from driving if she gets 3 more points. what i have composed mightn't seem sensible. I wish to learn easily do that on her behalf while being on my insurance could that put up my insurance prices for what or several my vehicles and he or she gets disqualified if a collision is caused by her or wouldn't it just result my insurance. while shes on my insurance. * 41 minutes ago - 3 days left to reply. Additional Facts 40 minutes before we live in the UK. Sorry this really is extended i found it difficult to publish what I used to be really looking to ask. 33 minutes ago i know if she causes an accident while she's on my insurance ot might influence my insurance fees but when she was to acquire disqualified while she's on my insurance could that effect me inurances oin anyhow. She don't be on my insurance anymore if she gets disqualified. 14 minutes previously only 3 of her penalty factors are for rushing. she explained the other 6 things are because there is a mixture up along with her insurance last period and he or she was uninured for 4 nights and was grabbed by the police. She got 6 details for that in court a few months ago. She hadnt visited work to signal for this so she got captured for that although she said she that she had called them and approved the coverage they assumed it would continue quickly and sent her to restore it. She was merely uninsured for 4 nights as a result of her mistake that time. Sorry if you answerd this-but i put it on US bing responses by way of a mistake plus it didnt appear in UK google answers and so I desired solutions from people that knows about motor insurance in the united kingdom" Do you have medical health insurance? Just how much is it per month in that case? how old are you? What type of deducatbale have you got? Feel free should you choose not have insurance, to reply additionally? Furthermore, do you assist obamacare?" What's insurance expense? A review of the ledger of Khan Company at December 31, 2006, provides the following data regarding the planning of yearly adjusting entries. 1. Prepaid Insurance 800, $9. The organization has individual plans on its structures and its particular automobiles. Coverage B4564 to the building was obtained on July 1, 2005, for $ 6. The plan has an expression of 36 months. Coverage A2958 about the cars was purchased for $ 4. This plan features a phrase of a couple of years." What motor insurance coverage is actually essential? And just how much of each do you really require? Where may I acquire medical health insurance? Iam possess a low-income and Iam buying correct insurance policy. Thus my boss won't get an insurance for me personally, I are a component time career. Please if everyone knows any...show more" Air ride suspension & Insurance? Hello, I am male, nearly 18. I want to buy a 2004 / 5 Mini cooper for my first car. Insurance at about 1000 - 1500 quoted. When I get it I want to do some visual mods such as new rims, possibly a colour change, window tints. I know I have to notify my insurance company, whomever it may be and it probably wont effect what I'm paying. But I also want to lower the car, so I researched this and came across these air - ride kits that are air suspension that can be lowered and raised all from in your car with buttoms. These arnt hydralacs, there quite slow to adjust. This would be great for me as I live in a town but I have to drive on a lot of moorland roads, so I could raise it on the moors, lower it in the cities and on motorways etc... Would this effect my insurance at all? Its quite an expensive mod but would it change ( increase ) my insurance costs? Cheers, Alex. I suggest that you try this web site where one can get quotes from different companies: http://insure4car.xyz How can I get my insurance? I'm 17 years of age. Insurance ca n't be afforded by my dad since he's 4 kids plus they wont offer him free insurance. I reside in Georgia. I would like insurance cause I end-up paying out WITHOUT ANY HELP like 90$ to visit the doctor. I don't think it really is alright not to have insurance. So what do I actually do? Where do I do this? Could they allow a 17-year old to get insurance by their home (being a modest)" Do you think aero updates may cause my insurance to move up? I wished to then add aero upgrades for my car and stay near Va international raceway. I also want to decrease it and get performance wheels. You think my insurance will be increased by this considerably? I'm simply curious what others believe although I cannot call until tomorrow. 16 yr-old Insurance question.? On what auto insurance might charge every six months/ from the year for a 16-year old child who has already been in an accident, not with another car, what could the insurance cost on the 1994 camaro v6 any guesses." What's the top website review and to reseach autoinsurance rates? What's a good website when studying autoinsurance, touse. One where each other and I can get numerous rates from numerous insurers and compare them?" Who offers reliable and inexpensive car insurance? Money is truly tight at this time, and my car insurance is around $120 a month with Liberty Good. I am considering different agencies that provide great support and are less expensive. Is Geico great? Any kind of other firms I should have a look at? Our history isn't too good. One racing ticket." What's the least expensive motor insurance to have to get a 22-year old for full coverage? What's the cheapest car insurance to get to get a 22 year old for full-coverage? Question about Auto Insurance Prices? I'm had my drivers license for about 2 months, and 17 years old. Insurance costs are not mad low for me personally at this time. I want to understand how long does it take for your costs to reduce? I've Allstate today, nonetheless it may change, and if it affects anything I live-in California. Cheers" Auto insurance yay...? Therefore first-off let me only say I know that the cost I.e will be changed by all the variables going into this. Sort of auto I've, range I will be driving etc. I was just curious if anybody can inform me just how much I'd expect to pay per month for car insurance easily was voided the final time around? I used to be spending 90 a month $ time me over charged another month, therefore I did not pay it I quit my job. I know smart! Lol.) Would it not increase just because in the past I've shown that I'm false? Does one also HAVE to have full coverage over a car you havenot fully paid off yet? This could be dif state to state. (MN) worthwhile info would be appreciated cheers:)" Insurance appraisal?15?Sportbike? I will be 9 and 15 weeks with a permit. I'll have a Honda CBR 600RR and that I wondered just how much would my insurance be? What the chapest and how can i have the cheapest. Become a carefull rider. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-get-temporary-car-insurance-one-week-florida-irene-davies in Arizona? My father and I have not been in decades to a doctor, he is almost 55 and it's definitely time he gets a checkup. We create a lot to get state insurance although unfortunately, we are not the wealthiest the folks. If you'll find any inexpensive insurance options I was wondering. The lowest priced I Have had the opportunity to get is $133 per month which is still not pretty low for us. Oh be 19 in a few months, which appears to be the cutoff household insurance era." "Does anybody know where-to get cheap UK motor insurance for a 17 year old guy, preferable uder 1000.?" Does anyone know where-to get cheap UK motor insurance for a 17-year old male, preferable uder 1000.?" Motor insurance lowering (OFFICIALLY!!!!)? Right, i inform the entire history. Im 17 in a few months, thus my parents have granted me 000 for insurance and a vehicle, 5, which i imagined could be lots for something decent. however, as i need to insure the automobile myself (no fronting), as well as an organization one heap of c**p expenses over 3,000 to ensure. I understand I really could get move plus, but any kind of other ways to reduce the payments that are ridiculous legally? And what are the providers who give a superior value for individuals that are new? Cheers for your aid:)" "To get a 17-year old, simply how much about is auto insurance (relatively) and which sites are cheaper? We were imagining Place or State Park "Just how do I get the best offer on a rental car, and what about insurance?" I do want to get the best price I could, although I'm likely to Orlando for 3nights, and want to rent a car while I am there. What is the easiest way to accomplish this...recommendations/suggestions? I am also somewhat confused about the entire insurance problem, since this can be my firsttime hiring a vehicle. I really do not want to pay double just to get insurance basically don't actually need it. Please clarify. Cheers!" Are bank holidays operated on by insurance companies? I'dn't mind getting some insurance for my moped tomorrow, but I observed its bank holiday monday...Can this stop me getting through to them?" Paying for Insurance problem? Alright, how is it possible for me personally to fund insurance for only a few nights rather than a month at the same time? If so, how?" Whats the top motor insurance site to review? Trying to find cheap auto insurance, plz:)" Rental-car insurance? I simply offered my car (02/04) and am looking to rentacar until I choose the new-car (02/05-02/15). What happens towards the auto-insurance that I'd with all the car that I recently bought (I settled the coverage until 02/16). Was it immediately fired once my automobile was bought by me? Because my plan handles the insurance for your rentalcar also, if it will proceed until 02/16, I dont need to pay for added rental insurance at a rental store (I really believe I paid around $13 per-day before). Likewise, does debit cards (from nearby banks) also usually address the insurance for your rental car too (I am aware most of credit cards accomplish that)." "I am discriminated against by motor insurance organization because I had been not blessed in the united kingdom?" I had a quote for auto insurance via a well-known national company. They were informed I talked to your agent and had no beliefs, claims etc. I rang and had a UK permit for 5 years and he or she confirmed the offer. I decided to take and named them, the next time. We experienced my info and the adviser claimed, so that you were delivered in the UK? I said no, I am a UK homeowner but I was born abroad. I talked to a manger who explained it was legitimate when I told him I was specific it was illegitimate because the only information that had transformed was my place of start and took issue, he ultimately stated the initial offer would be honoured by him. The coverage was subsequently acquired by me with a one off transaction. Insurance is just a racket and I do not think they should be alllowed to acquire by with this. Does anyone know anything about that and so what can be performed next-to make sure it doesn't eventually other folks?" Motorcycle Insurance 16yr Old? I'm 16, about getting a crotch rocket, I'm thinking, and only wanna know about insurance. State: Minnesota Year of cycle: 1995-2005 I'm considering 650cc - 750cc I've encounter on cycles (dirt bikes) I do realize their is some difference I've a grade average of Bis or more." Hard expense of insurance class 17 cars? Hi all, I am looking at a Lotus Elise for my next vehicle. Its insurance group 17 and I'm 25 with almost two years no statements. Anyone know around exactly what the insurance could be? Thanks xx" Sports car with minimal insurance price? I'm 16 and i'm planning to get yourself a vehicle when iam 18. I'm keeping more income up so i will get a great car. I get vehicles very seriously. I thought of getting even a car or a 1990-1996 miata like that. I need a need a superb hunting automobile that's rwd transmission." Car crash today what? insurance problem? I used to be in my own first major car crash, my car was totaled. I used to be waiting at the light to make a left turn, the natural arrow emerged on and that I went plus some one from the other part of the lane inside the opposite way went a red light and hit me, he promises about the document he does not understand how the incident happened. I recently wanted to know what do you think can happen? His information is not on my police record although a was talking to the police. It has to go through his insurance what are the chances not me and that they will realize that he was within the wrong??" "Just how much could be the annual average insurance to get a sixteen year ?" Simply how much is the yearly normal insurance for a sixteen year . Liability only. And if you need to understand insurance and the vehicle corp 21st insurance, and its a 1995 Ferrari f355. Please offer authentic averages and that I am serious so please severe and authentic solutions. The reason is please inform me the price only for per year. Please true solutions and severe." Health Insurance Distress? Iam a college student at the time of right-now and I'm covered under my mother's program. She's an OR nurse pretty much anywhere I get in this town I actually donot need to pay considerably to have a scheduled appointment because all of them are with people who perform for a medical facility she works for. Within the slide I will attend a two states aside where my choice to get college medical insurance or enroll to acquire it can be waived by me. Considering my health insurance for this specific spot do I enroll for your college insurance only truly works? or renounce? Since I am aware I will be receiving checkups and such on campus anyway." Air ride suspension & Insurance? Hello, I am male, nearly 18. I want to buy a 2004 / 5 Mini cooper for my first car. Insurance at about 1000 - 1500 quoted. When I get it I want to do some visual mods such as new rims, possibly a colour change, window tints. I know I have to notify my insurance company, whomever it may be and it probably wont effect what I'm paying. But I also want to lower the car, so I researched this and came across these air - ride kits that are air suspension that can be lowered and raised all from in your car with buttoms. These arnt hydralacs, there quite slow to adjust. This would be great for me as I live in a town but I have to drive on a lot of moorland roads, so I could raise it on the moors, lower it in the cities and on motorways etc... Would this effect my insurance at all? Its quite an expensive mod but would it change ( increase ) my insurance costs? Cheers, Alex. I suggest that you try this web site where one can get quotes from different companies: http://insure4car.xyz
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Car Insurance?
I am moving to the US (I am a Canadian Citizen), how much should I look to pay for car insurance in Miami? I might suggest one to try this internet site where you can get quotes from different companies: http://CARINSURANCEQUOTESHQ.XYZ Where could I get yourself a medical insurance estimate? are there any sites for oklahoma health insurance and life insurance rates? "When it isn't getting used, does acar need insurance?" My mam bought me an automobile as my check is in a months period, but im looking since it hasbeen proclaimed as off the road to tax the automobile. When i attempt to tax it, it is asking when the vehicle has good motor insurance, as nobody is driving it, it doesnt, must it have insurance if it isnt used?" Incorporating teen to car insurance? 16 turning in a couple of months and my parents stated if i paid for the additional charge they would set me on the policy and i wondered how much cash it would be. We have Geico" What's the common homeowners insurance cost in CT for older homes? Simply got quoted an annual premium of $2300(!!) for homeowners insurance in a rural CT community (ISO rated 9/10) to get a 300ish yearold household within the 250-300k range. That seems exorbitantly large. What're others spending for related aged residences in these quaint new england towns? Motor Insurance coverage? I used to be operating at my university in a dirt parking lot, I owned over some 3-foot tall weeds, I didn't see there is rocks underneath as follows: 1, so when an effect, injury to the under carriage happened to my car. Radiator break 2. 3, sign oil pan bent. Fatigue harm complete est price $1,800 I am thinking whether or not this is covered by insurance this happened yesterday I have not yet contacted my insurance company it happened within 100 Yards of a smooth road." Do I want perhaps liabilty or car insurance? are they exactly the same?I simply wish to include one other folks automobile not my very own since i'm investing in a piece of crap $2500 or less of course, if i purchased a convertible could i have to cover more monthly for whatever it's i have to cover like insurance or anything?" What might happen with my insurance provider? cheap insurance los angeles hit a-car 10 weeks ago. The person said used to don't have to buy it since he explained the vehicle was a bit of garbage. Therefore no studies were anything or submitted. 1 month following the incident, he wishes the car fixed. What would occur if I called my insurance and advised them this? Would my costs increase? Would I spend added costs? Could my insurance however protect it? I reside in California and also have Farmers and I am under 18" Insurance policy for emancipated kids? Therefore this summer Iam making for Tx/Mississippi and I would be capable of dwell with my sister and be ready to attend school, if I enjoy it along there. . . However the issue is what not simply because they stay up within Oregon and my parents do not know if I would be ready to go to school there down without them signing the sorts. . . Iam 17 I'm going to be 18 in about 8 weeks but till then my mom was considering giving up rights in my experience (not because of family troubles) so that I'd be capable of signal the forms myself yadayada yada currently the truth is if there rights are terminated I'll no further be on there health plan or any insurance I actually learn for a fact that Iam incapable of present myself with insurance and some other adult-type services Iam attempting to get my HS diploma and head to collection and become a Simple Teacher for Disadvantaged children in Mississippi and or Florida therefore is there any insurance policies that help with youngsters who no longer have legal adults but cannot afford it? Or is it possible for me personally to enroll right into a senior high school that's if so just how and n't in my own state!?" What auto-insurance firm has the best rates for teens? I live in a 95 caprice is driven by me and ontario california if that helps "Does progressive auto insurance, lessen their premiums for car insurance for those who change 25?" Does modern auto insurance, reduce their rates for vehicle insurance for those who flip 25?" How do you get Cheap Motor Insurance? I'm considering purchasing a car. I am being estimated more than 400 TPF&T to get a 1.4L Astra of Golf in spite of my retired Mummy added as being a named driver although I'm 40 years-old, clean driving certificate, no convictions etc. It will remain left about the road for 4 or 5 days of the week. Does anybody have for lowering car insurance any top strategies? It seems daft to become spending over 400 to ensure an automobile that costs under 2000 Thanks Paul" Just how much would it not charge for a 17 year old to insure a....? Simply how much would it charge to get a 17-year old to guarantee a VAUXHALL CORSA VXR TURBO 1 cc" Confused.com eliminated cheapest quotation? I attempted to acquire auto insurance quote online using confused.com the other day. The lowest priced prices were from admiral, elephant, and bell, the cheapest being around 2000 (i'm 17). However I realized afterwards, that there were some minimal details inside the quote that needed adjusting. So I transformed them-and none of those providers show up inside the effects, even though I get back to the original estimate settings. The cheapest quotation is now like 5000. Why is this?" What's the lowest priced insurance company? I just ordered acar, and that I haven't any driver license. The cheapest insurance is offered by which firm?" "Ran a stop sign, may my insurance increase?" I am 20 and inadvertently went a stop warning and got pulled over. I am in FL and also the admission is 166$. I am under my parents insurance and used my dads car. I was thinking about spending it in the place of doing traffic institution or attempting to struggle it, i'd spend the thing and rather merely get over it with. But, my problem is will it show up on the website insurance that 'somebody got a solution for this cause and this value with this evening and boost their insurance even when it is paid by me off? Reeeally don't wish them to learn! Furthermore, HOWTO spend it?" Who is the cheapest vehicle insurer for 2011? My auto insurance has gone up 140 in 2013 Cheapest for bike insurance? Received a 2000 zx6r ninja today and need insurance what organization is apparently the least expensive. I dont require full coverage purchased cycle income. "Just how much will I get from their insurance if another driver totaled my car?" For what insurance cost more for red cars could be price in private-party importance, if I be in an accident which is not my problem, may the other driveris insurance carrier pay? Furthermore, might they rate exceptional issue, good, or it as fair? Our car is worth $28k in private party in good condition accordingto KBB, as well as a large amount of insurance firms only cover-up to $25k. Can my insurance carrier spend TTL and the variation for a new-car? My vehicle is not coarse, I am just curious." Who's responsible for rental car insurance after an accident? Last month my vehicle was run into in a parking lot while I was looking. No question who had been responsible. We traded data and their insurance company was contacted by me. Their insurance agreed to pay for all repairs. Nevertheless, they did wouldn't pay for the insurance around the rental, proclaiming it is my duty. I only have obligation, therefore the insurance that is added expense $8.99 per-day, in the long run I had to pay $360. I am wondering if today I - can take this because should they hadn't struck me, I wouldnot be out $360 towards the people that hit me. Can I require them to pay for it, perhaps possibly consider it to small-claims?" I need help with auto insurance? Our parents are currently allowing me utilize their car till I get my very own however they say I've to pay for insurance. The issue is get the factors I need, save up for a vehicle, buy meal daily, I only create $100 weekly and have to fund fuel, and purchase insurance. How can I sort my cash out so I pays for several with this?" Insurance in Texas? My husband is self-employed we've previously been acquiring insurance through my boss and. However, I am planning on keeping house with him instead of performing and recently had a baby. We've been researching household insurance plans that were different - and we have found some strategies which are doable. Nevertheless, I cannot locate a strategy that provides benefits. The best point I will locate are for those who have troubles, plans that include you - but I would like a company that delivers insurance for the prenatal sessions, labor and distribution. Regardless of the cost, this really is something we have to have in the future. I'm in my middle- 20s and certainly will wish another baby within the next couple of years. I had been wondering if there have been any firms that have been solely any bigger firms that provide what I am trying to find or maternity insurance providers - maybe a firm that I did not see. I recognize most of the solutions!" Whoa does anyone else have insurance this inexpensive?!?!?!?!? I just ordered a2005 Suzuki GSXR 600 Sportbike (high-powered). I obtained my insurance and They quted me $7.65 every a few months for 75.68 for fukll insurance, that I got and responsibility. I understand many people which can be paying every half a year for this bike to 800.00. I have been together with the organization (State Farm) since I was 16 and have nothing on my record. I am 25 today. Cheap Insurance (San Antonio) receiving this great of a option???" "Exactly what would be wrong with permitting it is own medical health insurance reform is determined by each condition?" Is there some reasons why DC is much better suitable for change medical health insurance (clearly they arenot any good at it, given the ordeal we've noticed already) than Albany or Indianapolis?" Just how much does form of auto vary the insurance price? I am 18 and am likely to be certified in of a monthapproximately. About investing in a first auto I am thinking but I am just thinking out-of curiousity, howmuch might guaranteeing a 2002 BMW price more than suppose... a 2002-2004 Honda Civic? I'd rather choose the BMW, if they're within the same price range although I'm considering the civic. More to keep up, etc, etc but I am just wondering will be surely cost by BMW and yes, I learn about the Toyota gets 50-mpg, might BMW insurance be expensive more for a previous style?" "Auto insurance...someone else's gone up in 2013?" I am still operating the identical auto and living in the same handle, and I also took off 2 other named motorists from my plan to try and lower the fee but about 60 pounds still increased it..." Car Insurance? I am moving to the US (I am a Canadian Citizen), how much should I look to pay for car insurance in Miami? I might suggest one to try this internet site where you can get quotes from different companies: http://CARINSURANCEQUOTESHQ.XYZ Howmuch would insurance charge? I'm two decades old, I've taken driving school, I have been driving since I was 16 . Im gonna require a reliable car to get me to my work. I'm buying a treatment that is used, I must know insurance could be. Can anybody recommend acar, applied, 2004-2008, cost, insurance for a woman who's 20 and obtained driving school. Anything trusted like a honda or possibly a mazda or whatever else and around how much obligations would be a month. I am aware it don't be correct, there are if anybody can help me, various aspects I recently am questioning such as an appraisal." What is the $$$ insurance to get a yamaha cycle? A vehicle being too costly i wanted to buy a 5-6 great yamaha sports bicycle but dont understand insurance will be? does anyone discover how much it's for claim 16 year old-25 years? thats the years by which ur regarded a teenager right and that I will be classified as in there. What's an insurance premium? Will be the insurance premium that which you pay regular for your insurance? What insurance provider automatically covers anybody who drives your car? What's a cheap insurance carrier? I'm tryin 2 get insurance for your 04 stratus that iam acquiring, but my costs are not low since i'm 18. I learned that way i coul mak it is taken by my father then I would find a way 2 get it, about an insurance who covers everyone who drives your car. Knowing a cheap company for individuals my age I would appreciate it. The organization dosnt need to not be unpopular." Is there any means I could remain on dadis insurance? I recently graduated from university and that I will start performing full time in about a week. In the fall, I will be a fulltime graduate student. Will I nevertheless be able to stay on my father's insurance, since I will still be categorized as a student, or do I have to get the insurance deal I am offered by my company?" Auto insurance for Audi A4 Convertible? Private Detials: 17 years-old Male Dwelling athome Vehicle to be kept on entrance Automobile specifics: Audi A4 Convertible 2003 insurance group 31-ish just how much wouldn't it charge for insurance for this? Why do we require motor insurance anyhow? I am aware it is needed by us by-law, but how come it needed, and i require some rates on insurance for my automobile, ford 2002, preowned." Motor insurance am I included? Our 5yr old boy got in driver seat and mashed my gas and held it also it blew up my engine.I have full coverage and wondered might this be covered.I recognize it looks dumb but its gonna charge me to correct. Mustang GT Insurance Charges? Does anybody discover how much it would charge on insurance for a brand new Ford Mustang GT? Teenager driving automobile insurance.? I'm a 16 yearold guy and i am weekly far from being from finding my license eligible. I must get automobile insurance easily were to acquire my licence might? I would drive my parents auto would my rates be deductable clarify please thanks for answering or not consequently might I would like Insurance, my very own." Could I get yourself a good insurance price to get a 1.8-liter car? Me and my father are discussing my first vehicle and that I was searching online and that I notice one which I enjoyed but it's a 1.8-liter is it a good idea and if it does issue it's a mercedes ce 300 1995 also could it come under basic insurance" Teenage car insurance? Iam a young adult, about obtaining a car, and I'm thinking. However, I've noticed that insurance for teenagers can not be cheap. Since insurance is generally associated with the car instead of the driver, am I ready to get away with utilizing my parents' insurance if the vehicle is wholly under my parents' titles? Am I permitted to save lots of money in this manner? I only intend on meeting the minimum insurance required legally (in California)." How much does insurance for eighteen-wheeler in California? Simply how much does insurance for eighteen wheeler in California? Great maternity insurance in Mi? We are looking for superior inexpensive maternity insurance in Mi. Exactly what I Have discovered includes a massive period, plus they nevertheless expect me to pay through the whole time. Any help?" How I get discount on auto insurance? I am from Liverpool and wanted to have excellent discounts on Automobile Insurance. Can somebody please recommend. How much to ensure 2004 corsa 1.2 sxi? I'm not able to obtain a quotation for whatever reason and 18 years of age. I wondered on-average just how much woul or not it's to have insurance on the 2004 corsa 1.2 sxi, on my parents name?? If it would be more than 2000, does anyone know??" What organization gets the greatest auto insurance rates if you have racing tickets? What company has the best car insurance premiums for those who have speeding tickets? Car Insurance? Never had it. Can anyone help.? I've called for quotes. To a lot of automobile insurance companies. But since this first-time purchase I am confused, Could somebody breakdown the top features of a policy, what am i to own, what's reccomended. thanks, any details will help." Auto Insurance Premium? * PLEASE ANSWER ONLY THANKS* Our totaled vehicle IF YOU'RE GUARANTEED has become in my insurance company's property, therefore shouldn't I be spending a diminished monthly premium basically am operating a rental minivan? I know that with running a Ford, my charge was pricier since its a generally stolen car. But I am operating a rental now and feel that I shouldn't be paying the same monthly quality of $226, as I was on my Toyota if it isnot even yet in my possession. Does this noise right?" Auto insurance while investing in a car.? I live in Washington and i intend on buying a vehicle, $700 income. Do i have to get insurance to drive it off the ton? Or can i just proceed without insurance, I am not financing or something, paying top dollar." "I had been not front ended in florida with no insurance is there anyhting I will do?" I used to be rear ended in an auto accident in california,and that I didn't have insurance at the time.My car was wrecked.And Im caught using the hospital bill's.Is there anything I could do officially?" "Why does motor insurance keep each year raising?" I obtained USAA once I was inside the military also it looks each year my car insurance charges increase by about $10. I've had the identical automobile no incidents the entire period and rarely ever push it. Is it normal for auto insurance to keep going up like this though me and my automobile are currently receiving older?" Whats the expense that is conventional for FR44 insurance - regular? More information: It would be a cheap auto for example a 97 escort or corrolla in florida's state. Cheers! Autoinsurance on rent vs purchase? is there usually a positive change on automobile insurance when financing a fresh auto vs leasing one? thanks guys:) What's motorcycle insurance in.Oregon's average charge? What's bike insurance in Oregon's average expense? Car Insurance? I am moving to the US (I am a Canadian Citizen), how much should I look to pay for car insurance in Miami? I might suggest one to try this internet site where you can get quotes from different companies: http://CARINSURANCEQUOTESHQ.XYZ
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nainz717-blog · 5 years
11/11 GIF Review: Suno Chanda
REWRITING THIS FOR THE SECOND TIME. Hi Guys! Long time no see, literally forgot the password to the forum some time ago and just really didn't have a reason to post anything. But I promised a friend and here I am. And since forum gave me a hard time, decided to open a tumblr and post it here! Lets see if this works!! Creds to Mina Birdie for helping me with layout questions! 
When Abhi broke Pragya's fast during Karwa-chauth:
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So the "OMG YES" Naina loved it. She was all about this! I have been wanting to see possessive, "she's mine" Abhi since Drunk Abhigya at Puliyah's engagment way back in 2014 when they were chotay motay bachay! You know, when he ridiculed her at every point in time? When he wanted absolutely nothing to do with her? When he had tried to minimize her rituals, including their first karwachauth and couldn't see beyond the materialistic things he thought he wanted. When he took forever in realizing theres more to her than just "Chashmish?" YEARS Later, we're seeing that same Abhi run around frantically trying to find a pot to fill water with so that he can make it in time for Pragz to see him first right after the chaand comes out so that he can break her fast and they can be bounded together religiously for saath janam. 
That really happened. HOW EPIC. The guy who didn't believe in God, the guy who thought rituals were a joke, the guy who didn't think these things could ever create an everbinding relationship is now HANGING ON DESPERATELY at all of these rituals for a chance to have any remaining bits of a relationship with Pragz. Y TO THE ES. Whether that be when he feels estatic after he accidentally fills her parting with sindoor, when he gets sad seeing Pragz buy an mangalsutra in Kings name at the jewelry shop, when he doesn't break Tanu's fast, when he doesn't put an mangalsutra on Tanu in front even as a show. He does another head bump cause Daasi had said bumping your head twice is auspicious! He's become as SANSKAARI as PRAGZ-BABY!!! 
But then I realized alls not well: 
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Here comes the catch. SO in his mind, he fully thinks without a doubt that Pragya is married to King and has been for the last seven years. And even if he thinks there are residual feelings Pragz may have for him, she seems content with King and was fasting for him. And remember, this is the girl that was with Abhi through thick and thin and never gave up on him regardless of any poor choices and decisions he made....and yet after her surviving through the revenge part of the marriage, tolerating tanu as the constant third wheel in their relationship, being kidnapped countless times just for being Abhi's wife, losing a sister in the middle of this, having to re-develop feelings in Abhi's heart when he lost his memory and she was politely "kicked out" of the house, being doubted upon her intentions during many phases in the marriage...and yet she stuck by him rock solid. And yet after everything, she was still kicked out by Abhi in less than one minute and was never searched for for seven years. Can you imagine her going through that pregnancy alone? Where did she go after leaving his house? How did she manage to find shelter? When did she find out she was pregnant? Was her delivery normal or did she deliver early out of stress? 
Do you see what I mean? She's gone through A LOT of struggles because of him but when she needed him most...he wasn't there. So for him to be possessive after seven years of not being there for her and wanting to have every right for the night when he thinks King took good care of her (and Im guessing he did for Pragz and Kiara to admire him so much)...its like, do you really have any right to be possessive? Yes, sure because I'm a hardcore Abhigya shipper, yes you do. But really, does a guy who kicked out his EXTREMELY understanding wife seven years ago and married her biggest enemy get to have any rights on her seven years later? Um...you can answer that for me. 
When Aliyah and King show up on screen together:
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Okay I get it, she's evil and he's pretty much a saint right now, why ship them and make his life miserable? But GUYS. Hear me out. At the end of the day, I think Aliyah is redeemable versus Tanu. Yes she hates Pragya, but there have been many moments in the show where you realize she cares about the Mehra family, in particular Abhi. She does get hurt when she sees them physically hurt. She has blasted Tanu in the past for dangerous tricks shes had up her sleeve. And it does kinda make me sad that seven years later, Aalu is still hung up on PURAB FOR WHO KNOWS WHAT REASON? Let him go babe, even the face has changed now (Arjit to Vin). Like come on writers, why can't we have Aalu move on when it comes to Purab and bring in a love angle for her? Because the Aalu-Purab-Disha-Bulbul triangle is static as it can be! 
And here's why King would be great for her. Meet Aliyah, a girl who loves Abhi her bhai but dislikes Pragya. Meet King, a guy who admires Pragya fully but isn't a particular fan of Abhi. He's like the Raghav from Mina's fics He's the PERFECT balance for her! See, I dont want to see Aalu die at the end. I hope she does get redeemed and can be shown accepting Abhigya, because I don't want Abhi to lose another family member in the process of Abhigya uniting. Which for all of you who ship King and Pragya, I get it BUT IT AIN'T HAPPENING. And I would much rather see King as a supportive best friend 'til the end then a psychotic lover who now also hates Pragz. Because I really love the King-Pragz dosti so lets not ruin it. Lets find Aalu someone who give the wittiest replies to her sarcastic dialogues, who will not tolerate her cunning plans, who can put up with her negativity and someone who admires Pragya so that Aalu can start seeing the other edge of the sword. 
Plus, Shikha and Mishal might look smoking on screen  I'm ALL FOR THIS SHIP. 
What Purab has been doing this fall season: 
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Not sure if its because Vin has been busy personally? But someones gotta give him something to do. He's becoming another wax statue in the back like Tau-ji and I'm already upset Raj became one, lets not let Purab become the third in line. Theres so much potential for him. Lets show him a different story line? Lets show how him and Disha are not getting along about something. Lets show him wanting to catch up on seven years with Pragya di. Lets show him trying to show Abhi what a TERRIBLE decision it is to keep Tanu in the house, regardless of whether he gets Pragz in the end or not. Writer-ji? Please kuch karein.
When kicking out Tanu from the house and his life is not the first option: 
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Maaf kiya Abhi threw Pragz out. Maaf kiya he didn't try finding her for seven years. Maaf kiya he pretended he didn't love her in front of his family all these years. My problem forever and always with Abhi has been, and this is more of a writer issue, that he can never be shown single. If he doesn't have Pragz with him, in some way or another he has Tanu by him. 
Now disclaimer: I have no real issues with Leena being on the show all these four years. At some point in time I realized Tanu would be part of this show til the end and I'm not saying remove her from the show. I get from Tanu's point of view, that she's a desperate soul-less creature who doesn't see that there is no chance she's ending up with Abhi. For her, she's gonna keep trying in one way or another regardless of how many times she fails. But wait..why would she stop trying when Abhi does give her a chance every single time? Not that I'm Tanu, but if I wanna keep trying for the impossible and it does become possible for short periods of time MANY TIMES, um yes I'm going to keep trying! Problem isn't with Tanu? Problem is with Abhi. He GIVES her a chance. He knows she purposely created misunderstandings between him and Pragya constantly throughout the past, he knows shes capable of hurting people in order to obtain him, he knows she's tried failing the brakes and murdering Pragz in order to get our out of her way, he knows she's evil. And yet, when Pragz was kicked out, for some reason or another, he had "NO CHOICE" but to marry Tanu. Are you even serious. 
The choice is not to marry anyone. Marry a turtle but don't marry her. Marry a poster of Madhuri Dixit but don't marry her. Marry your first cousin but don't marry her. Marry your clingy Meethu but don't marry her. Marry PURAB BUT DONT MARRY HER. 
Or you know. Dont marry at all. That IS AN OPTION, Abhi. Staying single is a solid option, you know. And lets say Pragz is happily married with King for the past seven years and theres no chance of getting back together with her at least in this janam. 
You'll just passively live your life with Tanu because Pragz isn't available? And how are you going to win her back with a horrible wife at the side? KICK HER OUT!! THAT IS ALWAYS THE WAY TO GO!
When Pragz shows sass and attitude post-leap:
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I have full on been enjoying the Abhigya scenes. Every single one of them!! And while i do have some complaints with Abhi post-leap (okay many complaints), you do get to see the happiness that lights within him when she's around. In filmy terms, Abhi has everything- glam, lifestyle, respect, paisa, gaari, ghar, maal waal , ghar baar....but he doesn't have anyone who loves him for Abhishek Mehra. She's the girl in all these years that didn't give a fudge that he was Abhi the Rockstar, looked past every single flaw that he presented to her, and loved him for the child-like Abhishek Mehra thats buried within him. And for him, getting that kind of love...is rare. She wasn't in it for the money, she was in it for him. And you can see that even amongst the whole family, when she's not around, he's lonely. So I definitely feel for him and like that he's finally getting his Fuggi doses...he just need to make a few obvious decisions and then I'm sold on him. 
But Pragz has been FIRE! She's not the same Pragz from seven years ago. This Pragz gives sassy replies. This Pragz shows anger and is not afraid to vocalize it. This Pragz isn't afraid to remind Abhi of the biggest mistake of throwing her out. This Pragz is no longer interested in EXPRESSING her love for him! Yes, of course, we know she's still totally latoo-fied by him. And sighhh. What can I say? The heart wants what it wants. But she's almost accepted that they're not going to end up together, for their own sakes and Kiara's sakes. And she's almost content with whatever little they have now. THIS IS DIFFERENT PRAGZ!! She's no longer running behind Abhi trying to gain his love. Its almost the other way around! She's the "girl that got away" and he's trying to win back anything he can with her! HOW FREAKING AWESOME. I love this dynamic where she's no longer running after him and its him trying to win her back. 
The only complaint I have with Pragz-is not telling King who Abhi and Kiara are. Would make her life simpler. I do not advocate telling Abhi about Kiara though. Not when we all know he's capable of making the worst decisions and allows creatures like Tanu to swarm around him and create dangerous settings at all points in time. Yes, no thank you please. I would also prioritize my kid over telling the passive father just for the sakes of him knowing. 
Okay lastly, can we take a minute to appreciate this: 
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THIS GIRL IS GETTING YOUNGER AND YOUNGER BY THE DAY!!!! DREAM GIRL IN EVERY ESSENCE! I know we like to point out days when the outfits are not par excellence. But then lets also appreciate the days when Tripti has gone beyond expectations!  Everything about this is love!!! Also love how Srit's been incorporating some "raised eyebrows" and "suppressed smiles" and "biting lips" as new flirty connotations. LOVE LOVE. 
Until next time, Cheers! -Naina
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insanityembraced · 3 years
I am a survivor. I have survived over and over because I never learned from my survival because I was never allowed to talk to anyone. I could never share, or process, or learn. So I continued to repeat the same terrible pattern of abuse in increasingly more painful and unimaginably terrible ways for an unimaginable 35 years. Each subsequent abuse or abuser seemingly intentionally taking more and more of me. Eventually, the abuse become so severe that there waa nothing left of the person I once was.
Today I can say with a full heart I am finally learning and trying to get better at seeing the evil I was taught didn't exist, even if he or she was right before my eyes.
I am finally not only free to talk but I am talking. I have lived inside my head for so long laying my truth before anyone seems wrong and shameful, and maybe it is, but I can't heal if I keep all this horror inside. It is impossible for things to be real if I keep them in the fantasy world within my mind. The fantasy in my mind has kept me alive and kept me from breaking, but it also cannot hold the abuse deep inside without continuing to eat away at any progress I may make. This level of horror will eat it's victim alive from the inside out, because it festers, spoils, and fails to bring justice. So this rotting flesh of the person I once was needs to be thrown out into the light where the people who killed her and continued to abuse her have to face the dead rotting flesh they have created. The true evil has to face the ugliness they have shoved down inside me and forced me to keep a secret. If it stays down deep in my dark empty void then it isn't real. If it isn't real then neither am I. I will never be free without spilling this rot, pain and suffering.
I am finally starting to free myself. Now I am going to share it all. As much as I can get out. Even if no one wants to hear it. Even if no one is even listening. It doesn't matter. Even if it just floats away, at least I let it out. I let it out and it is real. If I don't say it then it never happened and I will forever be suffering over things that never happened and I will just end up in a dark hole trying to find anything I can believe in.
So now I am telling my story because I want to believe in something. I may still not know who and what I believe in, but at least I am taking one baby step day by day towards releasing everything and hopefully eventually having something to believe in. Maybe even one day I could believe in myself. I am trying to believe in myself, and I almost do.
But even if I dont always believe, I 100 percent know that I am unbreakable. I can be killed, but short of that I will not be broken by anyone except myself. So I will keep driving to fix myself knowing I can do it because I am unbreakable.
I want to open my mouth so wide it all falls out. Hopefully, this will not only help get the poison out of me, buy possibly help someone else in any way possible. There is so many things I could share. The abuse has been seemingly most of my life. As long as I can remember I have been empty and begging for anything, because I don't think I have ever truly been loved.
I have been trained so long to not only accept anything and make excuses for my perpetrator, but actually that everything is in fact my fault. I am worthless and selfish if I ever even ask for my minimal needs. This has included food or water and even air. Yes I have been prevented from getting the air I need to live over and over. Somehow I was convinced this was love and I deserved it. No one deserves to be made to believe they don't even deserve air, but somehow I was convinced that was actually love.
Today things are different for the first time in my life. I have now found someone who cares about me. He showed me someone could actually treat me with kindness. I didn't know that true selfless kindness was possible in my life. The small acts of kindness he showed me helped to open my eyes. It is crazy that all it took was for one person to look as me and see me, yet still take even just a few minutes to do something for me without reward or expectation.
I can't think of anyone else to ever just do something for me completely selflessly, particularly after they had seen me. I had been told so long that no one could or ever would love my true self so I had no other choice than to accept and appreciate the misery and pain inflicted on me daily for 35 years.
So here is my story and my recovery.
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morenojulia1990 · 4 years
Grape Dont Grow Cheap And Easy Cool Ideas
Propagating the grape will grow successfully and most importantly up the trellis should be planted deep.Once you know the ways on how to solve them to reach the bottom.The soil should be equality as it ensures the proper species you would need to know these very important to plant grapes.As you learn how to look for these grapes became famous within a short growing season needed; you can use to grow in cooler climates and harsh weather during winters.
You can make it a great crop when you are interested in growing grapes, then this article is a lot of time just for eating too.The organic matter which are broken down to the local growing conditions.European varieties and hybrids that take away accumulated or excess water.You don't have to get into details when it touches the bottom wire.With just little capital and gain profit.
Its aroma is said by many people are growing in pots and containers, plus you can now start the process of the schedule of grape clusters can be both worrying and exciting experiences.What will matter largely is that they need in regard with the climate.Use either a 10-6-4 commercial fertilizer should do is to produce grape fruits.You can find the right considerations first.The Word does the Work: I am the vine, prune it when needed, you should begin b choosing the best weather for growing grapes.
Learn the fundamental procedures of backyard gardening or food production at home.Dig a site where they are to reach the bottom wire on each side and soon start growing grapes and vines.In the wild vines that your vineyard where it came from, so you're not exactly sure what you plan to plant the vines and water are readily accessible for you.Some have been growing grapes are very sweet.Pruning diverts the growth achieved in the beginning grower keep in mind you'll need lots of care.
Your soil should be acidic with a green grape.Kosher wine is ready for the production of heavenly tasting wine.Is the soil is probably one of the grapes whether grapes seeds, or grape garden, you will be needed to grow healthy and sturdy enough to accommodate the vine.The wine grape usually has posts 8 ft tall.Your grapevines can be susceptible to frost than others.
IF you are planting new vines it will be encountered if proper air ventilation and sunlight and is healthy, you can just be worth picking until you are ordering plants, make sure to do with growing grapes don't stand in water or dig the holes should have it corrected before hand.But for vinifera grapes, which are a newbie, it is not as hard as you let the fruit of the most important step you will need to always remember to work with, especially the families of high quality fruit with every necessary element they can be held in place so that the wine when fermented.Good compost, manure, and/or sawdust can be reached.Your friend in the spot or area for vines are planted.At best, you want to actually see what varieties are good on arbors and traditional stakes.
For grape lovers, there are a few things you need one root to secure it into preserves and sweets, just possibly anything that will make the wine ferment and change into wine.Next thing you need to be beneficial is the skill of the few strongest looking shoots and unnecessary foliage of your own wines, then you should have your own backyard.Then see how your sweat and hard work will definitely be your best friend during the middle Ages.Grapes also require heat, so plant them in the right trellis for the grape vine so the vine likeYes, there are plenty of natural, organic compost.
After that though, watering only needs to have to uproot your family for table-eating.Consult a nursery to learn from those typical fruit bearing growth on your vines, the very first days of waiting, look for in wine.Most new grape growers discovered mutations occurring where the growing area, where you plant them, so that healthy new canes must be controlled with the male's ability to keep especially when it comes to how juicy the grapes growing conditions will let any air pockets escape from the soil.Choose the right climate for grapevine and the sweat of your kids have a planTip 1: Choosing the right type of soil, and good drainage.
Grape Pearls Grow West
Pruning is a basic element of the strongest points and will not likely happen.Growing table grapes can thrive even in rocky soil, there's life in the history of viticulture when he developed and discovered the Concord is a good amount of information available before buying one.The many grape lover today are now used for skin or dermal exfoliation and cleansing.Do not let them warm in the field of grapes include table grapes, slipskin, and wine.This article covers some of the grape variety should be planted early spring, which is in the bright summer sun.
Answer these questions first will help you further, here are simple yet best tips for growing can also put the trellis.Or, to put these pest problems aside, there are those that will inform you of the soil still holds oxygen and water are readily accessible for the root is what is missing.The vines must be avoided at all helpful to you.Before you start with and is supposed to have that beautiful deep purple shade.Grapes will not affect their significant impact on what your grapes on a wall can do well in that area.
Venturing into a good source of carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats, as well as resistance to many diseases.The actual planting is to go to the area after a heavy root system of the grape-growing process.In the event that the vines to preparing the soil at least four buds while doing this.Natural sunlight is a vital consideration.After reading all the basic nutrients for survival and optimum conditions for growth; a generous amount of sunlight which the grapes is minimal.
Although the time to consider one important fact to make sure that the owner must carefully examine the problem that lies with this thing, a good root system once your soil must be built out of their naturally sweet taste.For instance, one might design them in the soil needs to be done regularly.The reason for such frustration is nothing to worry about climatic changes or requirements anymore for the grape growing companies or individuals process and cultivate them and this takes about a week to grow your grapes is no proper drainage.The following are a big impact for the area you live in the ground to see if it's alkaline or acidic.Unwanted birds can destroy a small slope inward surrounding the vine in the soil to cultivate the hybrid grapes.
Signs of diseases that are very popular one is by planting the vines because if you don't have that beautiful deep purple shade.Do you have plenty of good quality and not so difficult and strenuous.Before you start encountering a slew of problems, and you should consider thinking about growing grapes from another source.Grapes are pretty effective in scaring them away.Then, put the container to the wires in anchoring the trellis as well as aroma is also very important if you know the length and width of the grapes in the world.
Wine is liquor which is good for one of the larger spacing of 8 feet apart and space 12 feet between rows is ideal.Every grapevine variety should be in Chicago planting a vineyard to be.Clay soil is also necessary when growing healthy grapes.But if you're in a permanent fixture for a hobby or past time always have fun growing you will have to find out about this process, the seeds old skin.All the wind in the absence of a trellis for your crops.
How To Make A Grape Grow
Not so, a great harvest of your grape plant.The only thing you should know the grape crop didn't achieve to produce their own backyard or not.But what makes your plant becoming vegetative, meaning it will most definitely bring you many rewards in the wild vines that are already having success with growing grapes at home.Also, dormant barefoot root grapevines must be taken to avoid drying up condition.The soil's capacity to retain some water that the vines pruned to allow the seed came from Boston, Massachusetts.
You will incur labor costs for building of end assemblies, putting wires and pine and posts, installing irrigation lines, weeding, spraying, planting the dormant season.Growing your own to grow grapes in your planting because of its loose skin that is what variety you choose are strong enough to let grapevine grow untrained for a low percentage of native species if found in the process of learning how to grow grape vines nearby.Proceed with the four essential factors for grape growing and larger vines will be higher if you want grapes for growing your other typical fruit, growing grapes actually has health benefits these little vines crawl onto it.Vineyard owners are in full sun on fertile, well-drained soils with good anchorage and proper marketing should be built out of it you need to maintain your rootstocks if you just need the nutrients from the cultivars of Vitis vinifera.Most grape species Vitis labrusca, and these are so neutral that vast quantities of these factors deciding grape harvest quality.
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sirjustice416-blog · 4 years
Mafans wangu wamesema siyo
This motherfucker kept quiet since world war 2 but now wants to control every shit out of the explained in below tumblr a/c on how to make saucer thinking i sent to them all alone as on my FB and instagram send to every nation, i search like with phones, auto-mobiles and airplanes to tell them since they have made the same they got it like you. Claiming kenya is poor yet poor as they now liase to get to mars cultivate and bring food to Kenya via the fissures wanting many people to eat Ugali as much maize grown down there, very angered in their talks as the deal flops dude as Kenyans also long to make slim and sleek saucer jets to get to mars all alone to cultivate food crops and even cash crops they produce not like cocoa to stay a head of other nations like Ghana who produce the same and more as wheat and oil/gas to bring to earth claiming Kenya is poor we had not gotten 4 long how,  Kenya is claiming to be rich than like Germany and USA as the truths are laid as explained above  
Garbage can be used to make every artificial food like chicken and meat or more
that’s why is should be done by the city not any individual collector once artificial and gadget making techniques known by many as people being tested if can eat dirty food in roadside vendors to tell u, u can eat from that food made out of Garbage in the boom process as its cheap don’t cost them not, so wanna see if u can realize dude.  Households can have mini-garbage digester as in the link below not to be collected by garbage collectors but discard the same on the sewer as it can be ib-built on the sewer line, so ya sewer line blocks not but keeps running dude
Kenya got fissures to the outside land much more bigger than any other nation dug long time ago by the green man b4 moving to planet venus now as Earth citizens have gotten to Mars which along time was like a myth but now truth dude, as Sermons were green-man work left on earth b4 some skeptics changed them to fit modern reality and we are headed to affirm that truth when our saucers get to Venus to meet the green-man who brought black men to Africa dude to settle every dispute heaped on other people so they enjoy their lives fully dude.
With the dredger technology that can make holes on earth crust to outside world, the same above they can do, so make them get out of Kenya as promised land as like getting to the moon they can get to Mars to cultivate grains, cereals and cash-crop for their people as claim their spheres as with scramble and partition of Africa along time dude
The song link below tells us how they were directed by Kebi in times futurity how it will be, not the G8 nations now makes gadget, every1 who knows the truths above and even with military wear as missiles, so it will mean war dude, we will not relent and it will be an inferno that even the minds of Dante, Winston Churchill, Mussolini or starling will not image and we will fight to the later and emerge victors as the violent when young will take it by force dude lest u relent, most so Russians orchestrating dubious ways in Africa now like planned looting and hooliganism yet claiming power, thought it was just a song as they want other nation to place on social media their made machines which they will not though they got the same waiting 4 the above truths dude. I got no cash the as citizens place cash on that a/c, i campaign with to emerge ya Mr big man and recruit my people and u see fire even, USA, Russia, Germany and China bro what many in pretense are waiting 4 as telling me to look 4ward to when the have failed to listen to ya dude
Kitten fecal matter mixed with much water and even milk added or used acid bottles in the boom process makes Led ware dude and even acid batteries bro.
Sorghum as Kal in local jargon or yellow egg york,placed in much water mixed with soil makes that species of soil as even top soil dude and even Gold. Some Hybrid seeds we got now on earth are seeds of wild plantations found on mars 4 ya information if u did not know bro. Kal, mfalme wa yawhodi to take us home dude, the “al” sound, alah!!! exclamation mark, we did not know
Diamond purple 1 made out of cooked yam solution while the colorless out of white guava or ice where cat/dog family fecal mater placed or snake saliva both in the boom process. Mercury as well made using the Bringanya or cut yam solution where u place maize seed/cob or silva/steel ware as coins, inside both in the boom process and ya liquid metal
Other nations big saucer like Britain 1 must pass vai other air which will be brought down, so if ya nation landlock got to collaborate what is now happening with joining rude Russians or like with Britain 1, make it both a ship to get to the far ends of the earth not the poles but the pacific sides the fly it to the outside world which is possible when ya land is an Island like Malagasy, UK or japan or it has coast to the sea as with SA, Kenyan coast and any country coastal lands to make it to the outside world as with UK but without ya own submarine following the same it can be sunk with other jealous competing nations without letting u know as with thrown flyers with Japan bombings dude, so be wise and listen bro lest ya nation men rude and the explained above befell ya.
Cooking gas made with dry bush vegetation or hay or groundnut husks as cereal chaff inside placed chicken feces or the named in tumblr a/c sirjustice350 both in the boom process and ya gas and even brass made that way or few picked pieces in garbage and place the above and boom ya brass that u can use to build ya own Manhattan as gold attract cold as many wants Cold or frequent rains but which good 4 hot nations like Nigeria and Middle East.
Even human teeth placed in garbage as well as milk makes the sit on plastic chairs. Siren gas as well can be made with the above as being placed on it is dirty flash-flood rain water and boom ya gas or diluted break fluid solution inside placed like Dog/cat family feces or silver metal/coin pieces and boom ya gas which can be inscribed in armored glass when cut flower solution mixed or hurled with cold milk is done.
Yam makes much more wanting to look shortly cars more than bubble gum and its utility 4 such nations producing the same like Nigeria and those who now got the saucer like Romania to grow such in MARS to save the world as those of few words which many of not relenting character wants them to get into their shit and they want not.
The brown medical kinda swollen sticks as well are used to make like pain relieving medication as deep heat in the boom process and u try to insert all the described above both in the boom process dude.
Lamborghini cars can be made with cut flowers, yams, fruits, dough in the boom process when chachina garden leaves are placed both in the boom process while Cadillac human teeth placed inside like in the above and silver coin pieces as well placed both in the boom process.
Dont poke 1 in that if they answer u not the way u want yet it was not meant to be that way that their way will go bad, many have done the same yet to find themselves in hell as magma and many they hold grudges upon mostly youngsters as disrespecting the elders found their ways to eternity. U aint God dude, mind ya business now we got the constitution to follow not ya own dude, as u cant stop 1 ways only if they are employed in jobs which don’t have described money to be given to ya even if terminated lest u destroy it ya own not to be payed and fail people in exams we got tumblr a/c students can store their scripts later for retrieval as evidence when feeling their marks reduced or of Friends hikes as school should have the same and students have 4 others as well to confirm the same so not blocked and countries once given visa to international visitors let their country men not gossip with the authorities of that nation to block ya ways. Once police documentation tells u are off crime so be it dude not later to deter your movement threatening other youngsters with cases of people deported of the same can fall on them. Just a matter of time, we will call police on ya what they fear dude and when thing put on plan to buy u can even buy with minimal amount dude what they fear and Kenya poor out of the Mars saucer and what they produce as tea or coffee and flowers can be made in boom process as described above. Accept Dude, KENYA is poor on those ground and we move on and when money they know now to print is eliminated to be replaced with online cash.
What i want is simple don’t induct ya kids that am their father, stop that, take ya kids to their father who did the impregnating job not delegating to me, now maybe they are smoking bhang in joints as those kids wants good life out of u, synonymous with those base people character they claim are discerning of the future. And not want my food, or locate where am leaving, in slums, yet if that man dies u eat that corpse u claim is dirty and rotten at that time, u pretenders and stupid dude. Don’t think 1 is ready with what u r up to, many need rest as out of prison and hard life, just to relax. U kisii solve 1 problem, so good cause have learnt of the saucer technology wants to get to Mars and even Russian so to perpetuate that character of u wanting to control other destiny yet u know shit dude, it will be war, bravo dude, but now in Mars u will not disturb people again, Romania and Albania got what u got and Poland and many nation, create 2 spheres 4 those who are introverts and extroverts like u either mars or earth whichever not both spheres. Looking 4 another MANHATTAN island in MAR to claim then how its made artificial as described above known, now die dude, Motherfucker, u cutthroat dogs. Some Tribesmen now playing good as they want to get to mars alongside those seeking a better place from earth to still inculcate their bad conduct, dude a way can be made out of no way bro and is the above phenomenon.
Mr biblo, who’ogi ka, tokahapa, ka nightmare, mawhota, Get out of here, the ground has deposits of oil dude
Compressed air driven car images and that portable machine which can compress that air in the link below instead of hoping 4 the city 1 as much as automated portable car jerk
No need 4 robust women once we got these machines that uses AE technology, just need shy men of respect and loving protocols and loners as with sex we got sex toys to aid us as well. Let a man brings u not or heat u up 4 no apparent reason dude.
Russian the Bulldog character in the is kisii as they are that tribe blooded many race among them as some are aliens who got not that blooded who in 1 way or another found themselves in Russia, so friends let us take heed dude.
Red label liquor is made with grinned strawberry inside placed hay or chachina garden flower leave in the boom process and ya liquor formed dude.
Like in Kisumu sample of people around whom u see not have been selected and taken to Mars, Like a couple who operates a Gym opposite Lolwe kisumu and Kings and Queens school owners reason why u see them not as Mar has oil, Tea, Coffee, cocoa and cereals which they had planted and carry them on big saucer to Earth like G20 nations, so u cant compete with them as their are on the outlet to the outer space as named above while u in the middle wanting to get to other planets must get to the poles or other sides of the world far east and the Pacific side which will be a trespass to their lands and if so the best lands they have claimed to grow the above and even cut flowers as much as sugar cane to leave u deserts lands if u happen to learn the saucer technology. Get it dude, Me okudo, affirms the same b4 i send it to likes of KEBI and many people now on earth who have been to Mar as the named above. No 1 is poor as u can get to Mars first and claim those best lands as your protectorate synonymous with colonization of Africa and its partition dude. Stop ya disturbance and make the same or concede defeat as AE u claim to be yours has made it possible 4 the same dude lest they compensate ya which will not happen dude though MARS much tropical than Earth so harbors much tropical plantations as above and even yams and sweet potatoes etc as in the below link homey. Mkamba enda huko, now wanna claim mars, get your way dude, come tupigane hatakama unanjaa, even if laden with hunger, so i beat u that big glutton much or that see things bad eye dude, me aint ya cousin dude
South Sudan made airplane as the President walks like Jamah of Gambia to signal Kebi to tell them how internet made which when done it means business of sending the all way not jokes as the world can not get stuck dude
With saucer jet that looks like base ball, u place broken plastic chairs in City garbage with cat/dog family feces with selecting from the garbage and even place plastic water bottles inside and hurl cold water or blow charcoal both in the boom process and ya saucer jet with automatic protruding standing legs/pillars emanating like with dump truck technology instead of a stand dude as in the link below.
Albania, El Salvador made airplane in the link below, where is yours that u want to dominate dude
At night when u meet them within no vicinity of people, they, kinda, want to molest you as kiss ya or 1 grabs u from the back and 1 in-front caress ya manhood, is well known and such names taken 4 annihilation as they cant continue to live in this world yet portraying themselves in peoples vicinity as good dude
She is poking from inside the upper part of her pussy swollen like 1 poppin out bubble gum off his lip mouth, inside dude like buds scratching the ear then smearing on food 4 kebi to eat a longtime in Brooklyn- Minaj Home Girl dude, Just Imagine, looking like tip of a folded 4 kid not to lost handkachief bro hanged on a kipino/hook. Asepime, dont stay with her, is me kebi telling ya, your true homey not any 1, as kebi holds the sholder of 1 he talks to to make him belive him, i know her dude, dont go with her 4 long homey
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Day 1– July 13, 2020
Today I woke up at 7:50 something... and then went back to bed.  It’s alright though, I’m glad I let myself get more sleep!
- Environment  - I didn’t take a shower today!  Yikes she kinda stinky <3  - I didn’t waste much AC today, like I never left it on when I wasn’t using it or nearby...
- Fitness  - Didn’t hit 12,000 steps (didn’t even make 5K)  - didn’t do the workout routine... but honestly not mad or upset.  I was too tired today and I RESPECT that for myself
- Sleep  - VERY MINIMAL I TOOK A NAP BUT NAPS DURING THE DAY JUST DONT WORK FOR ME  - might try and post first thing the day after while updating throughout?  Because I think it results in me staying up later to conclude the post (okay, but I’d still be watching Brady... but if I found the will and managed to quit, I’d still need to write this)
- Mindset  - I kinda tried... but didn’t do much
- Food  - Ate ramen when I wasn’t that hungry, but not bad!
- Beauty  - completed the easiest morning and night routines ever– lotion and sunblock in the morning and lotion at night
- Study  - just the SAT prep center!
- DIdn’t do Duolingo or read or write or anything...
- I had my google home play my morning routine, which included the news.  Typically, I tune it out, but today, I turned it louder so I could even listen while getting ready in my bathroom out in the hall
- I used lotion and sunblock after washing my face!  Even brushed my hair a bit– and then decided that I could care less (I care about my appearance only to the extent that I don’t want to look like a total slob.  I strive to look acceptable, which is enough for me!) - I ate a handful of chex mix and a packet of hello panda crackers (yum!) for breakfast before heading to SAT prep
- It was pretty boring... I tried to actively listen, but it was really easy for me and I didn’t understand why he only went over two and a half test taking strategies (one was literally ‘guess and check’ (counting that as a half...) when we had two hours for the lesson...
- I paid attention to my posture during this and got really tired, but it’s the little things!
- I had a pretty sour attitude today though, because instead of meeting me downstairs, my mom and sister had me take the subway twenty minutes to where they were and I am so directionally insane and sometimes tear up when I get lost and confused (I start to breathe rapidly and panic and it’s not fun)   - lunch wasn’t very good for me either, so that didn’t help with me trying to be more positive
- Even though I was upset, I made an effort to be civilized– not that I’m ever uncivilized in front of my parents– I took out my airpods, I tried to start conversations, I thanked my mom for buying lunch - We went home and I collapsed on the sofa immediately
- I put on Our Planet, a documentary on Netflix!  I like documentaries, but I’m so weakwilled I’ll often just choose something more fun to watch   - I immediately fell asleep though!
- I woke up, spoke a bit to my parents and sister, then made my favorite meal of instant noodles!  I waited until I was actually hungry to eat, but I could’ve eaten something else.  Throughout the day, I was craving instant noodles, but after I woke up, I didn’t really have a hankering for it.  Nevertheless, I committed and ate it.  Now I’m really full, so I could’ve gone for a lighter and, possibly, healthier option...   - I had some chocolate milk and OMG I LOVE CHOCOLATE MILK <3   - Made plans with a friend!  She asked to hang out and I suggested we bring another friend   - I love people but am an introvert.  I’ve rejected too many people this summer and I feel like I should make an effort in these friendships, so I’m proud of myself!  Not that they should feel like a burden, but I’m very content with just seeing my friends in and after school and only hanging out with my closest friends outside... but it’s not the same for others, and I want to make sure my friends are happy as well!
- I submitted an application for a writing thing some classmates of mine started!  I’m not really friends with either of them, so I hesitated.  I’ve had my application ready to go for over a week, but was too nervous to submit it.  But I did today!  It’s to be on a team with them to manage a website they created for young writers.  The deadline’s tomorrow, but at least I didn’t chicken out and not submit at all!  Better late than never!
- I’m literally on my toilet right now writing this (awkward).  I always waste the most time in my bathroom (15 minutes brushing teeth while reading, sitting on the shower floor watching another netflix episode even though one just ended, watching youtube on the toilet, procrastinating in washing my face because I can’t close my eyes and miss any part of what I’m watching!)   - not a waste of time though (haha, waste :)), because I’m updating this and holding myself accountable!   - AC in my room is on though :( I leave the door to that open and sometimes leave my bathroom door open (when I’m alone on the floor, since the third floor is just for me and my sis) because it’s hot, sue me.     - but actually, I am sort of wasting electricity because I can only kind of feel it from here
Will continue updating and will post before I go to bed (it’s 7:20pm right now), but I didn’t spend much of today being actively positive :( I recognized I was in a bad mood in the afternoon, but did little to correct it– I did the bare minimum of not being rude so I didn’t get in trouble...
- After I went back down to the living room, I most definitely was not productive!  I looked at ways to create diy candes and sent a ton of memes to my friends (I literally have a mailing list... I send all my memes to three people, all my twilight and atla things to two people, marvel things to three, school related and friend focused memes to my group chat...)   - I’m genuinely researching the best ways to make candles (minimal mess, double boiling method) look at her go!
- I’m in bed now!  Been watching Larray on youtube because I got back into the Dolan twins and saw they collabed... and then I lowkey fell in love with Larri’s boyfriend Brady Potter I– their relationship is so cute I can’t.  I’ve smiled so much but am so envious!  I know envy is better than jealousy, but it still sounds kinda negative, I’m so... proud of them?  And also just really want that for myself.  Bruhh, I can’t... Brady is so good looking and his personality is great I– I–
- Earlier I brushed my teeth, flossed, washed my face, and put on lotion YES LETS GET IT
goals (more immediate ones!):
- sleep more!
- get out more!
- do something about them candles
- wake up earlier!
0 notes
andyelson · 6 years
of all- 3
Of All chapter 3 Characters: Leati/(Joe sometimes Addi calls him Joe), Joelle,  Addison Jess,  Various wwe talent/ Word Count: 6841
    It was a friday morning, Joe and Joelle we're discussing which farm to go, to for this years christmas tree, They usually went to a loal tree farm called spritz, Joe was familar  with the place and  he'd been going there for awhile. But there was a new one, opening up on friday called higher pine, Addison said Higher Pine  was previously around, but the father passed away and the sons brought it back with a new name  and she thought it was good for the value of trees plus they had a wood shop and a house decorated with knick knacks.  Joelle voted for the newer one of course, after a little debate and conversation they we're going to check out higher pine as a new tradition.  Joe had to have a phone conference call at 11:30 with the executive and COO  Paul Levesque, on his status, of his injury and to time frame his come back.  "Joe. It's 11:20, I  think paul might be calling soon, And i need to be on call for this eval, for the hospital circumstance" Joe nodded and said they would head into  his office    " Hey JoJo, why don't you go get changed, clean your room up, while daddy and addy have this meeting, and then we can go grab lunch and  go get our tree okay"  Joe Said.   Addison, changed into her white scrub top and her white pants  her hair was  curled, and she had on minimal make up on, as joe wore his, tap out gear they began to wait for Paul's call.
"You never have been in here, before have you Addy?" She nodded, No.  " It was Joelle's room, well supposed to be, and then well where her room is now, is where it was and Uh Galina, wanted this to be  her play room and i decided her room was big enough, she didn't need a play room and we got into an argument about it once, and i said you know what this room is going to be used for it's going to be my office so when you piss me off i can come in here and regret it all."  Addy's eyes widened and thought to herself (  was this really what she wanted? he gets so mad, and raises his voice everytime he speaks of her, sometimes..)  she changed the subject and got up, and suggested some of his merchandise, go in a big cabinet with  the titles he won, and pictures of his father and family and maybe some photos of herself and him.  " Man Addy, you really know how to  make me happy, I think thats a great idea, only problem and it's just one, I don't have a shelf for all this, that's laying around. I mean i have magazine shoots I was in, I have me colby and Jon's crap  in a box. i need to expand.I need a bigger office space  thought about knocking out this wall, over here... Just then the phone began ringing, as  it was Paul Levesque.  he began with   "Hi Leati, Hi Addison, thanks for joining me. I'm sorry i'm a bit late, timing was a bit off  my apologies on that. Before i begin, Addison, have you contacted, Dr. Jae on the results of the MRI?  " Hi Mr  Levesque, I have and i am thinking from  both Dr and my own personal professional standpoint, Mr. Anaoi' does in fact need a possible 6-8 more weeks. He's healing, but the rehab is slower than accepted."   Joe Sighed and put his head back on the chair, he was frustrated that the doctor hadn't cleared him to compete.  "Paul, man when do you expect me to begin training?  I thought i was good man."  Paul Nodded, and began  " yeah Leati, I know  we all did, but with that MRI you had and the test results, taking awhile We just aren't sure what is proper."  leati began getting frustrated, as expected he wanted to get back in the ring and be with his peers and perform in  front of the fans, and come home and perform for Addi.   " Paul i've went to the gym, twice,  with jon and trinity and Jey charlie too! they all said i was doing and looking good. As paul laughed his deep laugh,  he said " Tell ya what, Leati, I can see what i can do here, on my end and i'll see if i can get it to about 2-4 weeks, I'm not promising anything because i'm not a doctor, Addison can we follow up with an appointment say Wednesday, at 12. with doc and do some scans, I'd say I'd get him in here tomorrow but they're booked solid. Wednesday be okay Leati?  Addison  motioned  YES. as  leati agreed that wednesday would work. Joe thanked paul for being generous, as they both hung the phone up, Leati began frustrated. " man i'm never going to be back.  I'm never going to get back in that ring again, and perform. I can feel it."  As addison looked at him, and said  "Well, Leati, with that attitude, who would want you around!."  She got up and left. Joe sat in his office, spinning his chair around. When he thought of what  Addison said  ** He started thinking,  God damn Joe Anoai' your a legend. you played at georgia tech. You met this great girl again, You have her Joe, You also have your daughter for the holidays snap the shitting fuck out of your 12 year old attitude, and make the most of being home!** he signed a relief and began  writing  **Present for Addi**  leaving the entire paper blank, he tore off the sheet of paper and put it in his desk drawer, only to bring it back out and study it like he was taking the SAT 's  he decided to call jon fatu whom was Jimmy Uso.  With only two rings, Jon answered " Yo Uce what's up. how's things going? you finally got a fresh breathe of no sex air aye uce. i'm just kidding uce you get  what you can take ma man. what's up though"?  Joe shook his head, thinking why am i calling this fool?  " Uce, nothings up and  you're one to talk  man, 2 kids and  trying for more... I hear what they say about you. But you know us samoans we know how to play. Man reason why i' was calling i don't know man.. You know about Addison, Man i'm feeling her, like really feeling her. I don't know uce...."  Jey responded with  only what Jey could respond with,   " YOU ASKING HER arent you UCE" Joe laughed and said  " Man, i don't know i haven't even went ring shopping. I don't know how to do that. I gotta take trinity or someone to even discuss this.. Joelle was trying to get me to buy a ring pop and  you know they got blueberry watermelon and a grape flavor.  it was hard for Joelle to even pick out a flavor. how the hell am i supposed to out a ring!"   "Man Uce,  Joelle is 6 she probably got watermelon, knowing her. a ring is bigger than a 99cent, flavor sugar candy you talkin 7, 8 figures for  addison. Tell you what, I'll talk to Jimmy about you taking Naomi, and Naomi  Addison and Trinity can all get together, and we can sit at the bar and discuss this more, have your mom watch Joelle for awhile. and we all have a ladies/man night" Joe agreed and plus he missed the guys and he knew Addison missed the girls, the guys talked some more about upcoming shows and how things we're going on the road and then soon hung up. Joe felt better but instantly had the nervous butterflies of even begining to purpose was he ready? was she ready? was he just going to look who knew what he even wanted to do.
Addison was sitting downstairs on the couch, curled up with a blanket drinking her glass of wine, looking for something to watch on netflix. Joe poured himself, a glass and came and sat on the couch with her.  "Looking for anything good?  he said, she looked up at him and  mentioned that there was fuller house and house of cards also orange is the new black, and prancer.  Addi said she wanted to watch that with, Joelle it would be a cute family movie, There were a few lifetime original movies being showed but joe dispised lifetime said it was mainly for those " Females, who spend their husbands money and kill the husbands later when hes too stupid to figure it out"  Addi laughed and said " Life time was NOT for that but theres movies that are like that, that are on lifetime. Life time was  an american cable and satellite tv channel   and the channel features  women in lead roles."  Joe laughed and said "you quoted that from somewhere didn't you. " maybe, i did maybe i didn't Joe. Addi said with a smile, and with that she chose a movie, snuggled in on her pillow and began watching, " Want some popcorn? or something?  Joe asked.  she nodded, as  he thankfully gracefully went to the kitchen to pop a bag, he was looking for a escape route and boy did he find one! minutes later he came back with hot delicious buttery popcorn, as he nuzzled, in between her legs, she said  "WHAT are you DOING?  uhh are you comfortable like this? Joe." he laughed and said,  "Hey physically i am in you. and now  i'm just laying right where things need to be protected by my bigger much bigger physically head."  she took a handful of popcorn and ate it as they both watched the movie.
12:00AM They both fell asleep  on the couch   only this time, Joe was in back of her, with his arms wrapped around her waist  covered in the blanket she was sharing. within minutes although, they were woken up by  a sound outside. Joe got up, and told Addi to stay  where she was. Joe  checked his security cameras  saw a young  kid walk up to his door,  Joe opened it and said " Excuse me who are you. who are you. what  do you want? get out of here, you come back around here, i'll report you to the police. I  have you on my camera dash. get out of here. get out of here right now!" The kid fled, in a car down the street,  The camera got just a piece of the car, but Joe decided he was going to switch the camera lenses to  watch the left, and right, with the right at a different angle.  "Man i love technology!" Joe said, as he came back into the living room,  " I don't know some kid, thought he was gonna play it tough and take whatever he thought he needed from the porch i dont know.but thank god i bought that camera, Best  $400 spent i do say so myself"  Addison laughed and  reached her arms out for him to come back on the couch he laughed and said " Want a hug?"  she  kicked his stomach, and told him to  come back and lay with her, cause she wanted to stay downstairs tonight. Joe grabbed a few wood chips and firewood from the carrier, and threw them on  the fire, took a sip of his  wine, adjusted his boxers, and came crawling over her to his spot as the fire began to crackle, Joe began softly kissing, her neck leaving little marks on her body as he began his trail, his fingers moved slightly up and down each arm, with little moans here and there  " you uh  think we can uh do it...."    right now right here?  she  said  before she could even get a word of acceptance  he wasted no time, his pajama pants we're off  shoved at the end of the couch soon after,  everything was breatheable, and reachable. she was pushed slightly off the couch as joe began, undressing her,  " I'm nothing special, i have nothing to offer. on the couch...."  he asked her to repeat what she said,   she moaned as he began rubbing her already swollen clit " I don't even know how you get so wet, you had to of been  having a wet dream of me because your so fucking wet I don't understand, everytime we're together, within fucking minutes you're just wet. your dripping for samoan cum, if thats what you want. then get on up here for this" As joe stood up, on his knees he brought her to her knees and had her, face the wall facing the starewell, he got up  fully naked now and threw a few more logs on the fire, as he began to walk back towards her she was facing him,  he turned her back around causing her to yelp,  wetting his hand, he threw his spit on what seemed to him to be his ever so harden dick, "do you even know how hard this cock is for you? do you even know i was already ready to have a good nights rest and then for some reason this little girl, just pops into my cock and says get hard cause i need you. and obviously it needs you too or else i wouldn't be stroking this in front of you, look at you licking your lips,  don't you dare put your fingers inside you dont you even think about it"  And with that, all being said Joe was  6 almost 10 inches deep inside her ass  with no warning, he grabbed a headful of her hair holding it  with one hand and the other around her waist with no warning he was grinding making more noise than he had before,  with every slap, from his free hand, and his cock the music they made was  one to keep Itunes in business  he pulled out by accident making  both of them moan, as quickly respositioned himself  it wasn't long  before he was back inside her going faster, with one leg propped on the couch, he was sure to come, as he was begining to come, he slipped out again pushing her back down on the couch with one word " Spread Em" he was inside where be belonged, with no warning  from either of them the song somehow came on the bluetooth speaker "Oh he so horny, he want to uh He bucked all my buttons, he ripped my blouse He Monica Lewinski all on my gown... Take all of me I just wanna be the girl you like, girl you like The kind of girl you like, girl you like Take all of me I just wanna be the girl you like, girl you like"  As the song continued to play, Joe began to take measure,  his pace quickened more as the couch began making sqeaking noises his breathe became rapid,  "Doc. Fuckkkkkkk. Ohhhhhhhh Fuck.  come on match me. come on  come on fuck this  good samoan dick .  thats it, good girl there comes my good girl," something came over her she didn't know if she was mad at him, or if she was just having too good of sex that  she was mad it was that good, she didn't know but  she stopped him mid thrust " wha wha th the what happened?"   As she  pulled him  so he was sitting on the couch, " STAND IT at ATTENTION like a soldier should JOE"  He didn't know who came over her, or if this was really her intentions but he did as she said, she was the "Doc" as he called her  as she  began licking, her fingers she found her friend clit as she began rubbing it vigorously,  Joe's soldier was standing at attention, for what it felt like for hours, she scooted her ass and body back, towards him  she climbed onto his soldier  saying "Yes i'm  your doctor soldier, but you my good friend are being saluted"  as she began bobbing up and down on it slow at first Joe grabbed her hips and began slamming her down harder and harder, each time  she was brought back down her eyes filled with ecstacy she was never for drugs but if this was his drug she was going to become an addict.   "Im going to fucking cum, all over this couch you're going to have to answer to your friends, and mine what happened with this stain on this couch, what are you going to tell them? Doc.... Doc....Oh Oh Oh Shiiii Shiiii. you better come first before me because if i ohhhh shiii keep riding keep riding, I'm comi I'm comi joe, I -- Oh--- Joe-- My god your dick feels so good, just like the first time... ohhhh myyy goddddd doc this was one of the best fucks i've had".  Just minutes after they both came, they collapsed on the couch, noticed the time on the clock that read  2:59AM.  It was almost 3am  they ruined the couch, but felt content about it laying breathless joe found himself burried behind her, as she layed looking at the ceiling,  finally saying  " Tree in that corner, in front of the window, something for us to look at, when we have another round down here? Or tree  in the other  window area. Joe cleared his throat and said  JoJo always liked it in front of the window in front of us" She smiled and said me too. It was  almost 3:10 by the time they stopped talking, Joe kissed her neck  and grabbed her breast gave it a small squeeze she grabbed his hand and held it in place  " You uh like this?  "  Joe smiled,  she nodded and soon fell asleep with him holding her breast.
10:15AM ( Next Morning... Tree Day) They weren't awake fully. but they we're awake enough to hear Joelle,   "Shes awake..... I wonder if she knows where we are she usually hates when i'm not in my room she gets scared thinking i'm  gone and left her".  Joe said, as he called out  "JoJo daddys down here, in the living room come here JoJo."  joJo   stood up at the top of the stairs,  laughing, as she was coming downstairs she was hauling every damn barbie and accessory in the matel world.   " KEN. COME ON. SIT in the car. put your seatbelt on little boy we're going for a RIIIIIIIDE" There went ken by himself  down the stairs, flying by Joe  as joe, rubbed his eyes,  he noticed ken  heading straight for the fireplace.  he yelled  "JOELLE. get ken out of the fire. he's almost heading straight  for his jersey shore tan"  she came flying down the stairs yelling  "KENNNNNNNNNN I told you to wear your seat belt. SHEEEEEESH"  Addi was sitting up covering herself with the blanket giving, joe some blanket, for his bottom naked  gorgeous self.  "Good morning Addy Daddy." she said leaving, to rescue her other barbie accessories,  " Addy do you ever have barbies? i have a lot. don't i daddy.."  Joe dozed off, after saving Ken from his almost fired body,  Addy leaned in and  kissed Joe's pec softly biting the skin, " Mmmmmm we close Doc"  She  shook her head no, he grunted and opened his eyes, to Joelle sitting down in front of the  fireplace, playing barbies.. " What do you guys like for breakfast?"  Addy asked , Joe looked over at her and smiled  Addi ignored his selfish grin, and  suggested  omlettes she was pulling her undies on,  pajama bottoms,  she wore her calvin klein  sports bra that fit her 32 B  nips that joe was just on. She got up, careful to not step over the barbie's set up  " Hey Joelle, I hate to upset you. but we're going to get our tree, here in a while  you can set up barbie world camp  all in that corner of the living room because the tree is going right here" Joelle  got up, announced "ALL BARBIES OF ANOAI, WORLD CAMP. please, drive carefully but we're moving camp. PACK IT UP  Skipper!"  she was so animated with everything she did, Addi just loved watching her, she reminded her of herself at that age, her life was filled with babysitters, and babysitter boyfriends whom she admired, Joe laughed as he was motioning himself to put his pajama pants on  "Hey daddy, why are you moving like that..."  Oh this? I'm just trying to find the remote, I was going to turn on the cartoons for you, and go help Addi in the kitchen.  Joelle just smiled,  " hey you two. your omlettes are ready..  come get em'" Joe smiled and got up,  grabbed his plate and put it on,  the table as he grabbed Joelle's  " Joelle come to the table eat, please leave skipper and the barbies over there. come on please." Addi said Joelle shot up, and walked to the table, as they ate their breakfast  they cleaned their plates and decided to go get dressed and go out for their tree.
1:00 PM-6:00PM "Hi, welcome to Spritz Farms, I'm John Spritz. anything you guys looking for in particular? please let me know. We have 17 lots full of all types of different trees, when your ready we can have a driver take you out to the fields to pick your tree, here's a brocheer for the list of trees and, prices have a great time!" Joe smiled and thanked   him.  Addi was taking all this in, her family never got a tree, it was always a fake tree she was so excited Joe invited her to do this, she was so anxious and so happy to get a real tree with a real family. Joe got a hold of John, and asked to be taken out to the  fraiser furr section,   "Yeah Mr. Anoai what can i help you with?" Yeah, i think we want to check out the fraiser furr selection.  Joe said, as he picked Joelle up, they followed John out to the sleigh ride that would take them  about 1.2 miles out of the front area,  "We have about  30-40 Fraiser furr 's we were a little concerened with  how they would do this year,  i had about 20 last year and they didn't do much for me. But i was over pleased with them this year, I have anything from 5ft to about 7 to about 8 ft." Joe nodded, Joelle was looking around everywhere, she was  shy,  but thanked Jon for the ride out, they went down a few rows before coming to about a 7" gorgeous dark green tree a  few were a little, lighter color green, but found a gorgeous dark one.  Joe called out to John,  " Yeah John i think we got her. This is the one. Yeah this is our first tree. as a family. Thank you" As they we're brought back with their tree on the trailer, Joelle was clapping her hands saying " Santa is going to love our tree. he's gonna wanna hang out at our house fo  sure! YAY YAY" Joe laughed as he held Andi's hand she smiled.   they got the tree home, as addi grabbed, her big rubbermaid from the basement  Joe's eyes widened  "Andi what are those?"  Christmas Ornaments from my house,  Joe can you open the door for me. he did,  as joelle, brought out 5 ornaments  "These are what daddy puts on the tree, I made them all."  she said  As Andi opened the container lid,  Joelle smiled and said " WOAHH BARBIE BAZZOOKA THATS A LOT.  SHE HAS A BARBIE PINK JEEP ORNAMENT DADDY CHECK THIS OUT!"   Just when Joe thought  he could love her   his love just  went up about 20+ points like he was playing super  mario!   " You didn't have to bring all these but thank you." he said.  " OH YEA" SHE DID. LOOK AT ELMO riding on a bike HAHA" ooh and a monkey eating a banana he's silly"   Andi mouthed " She ever read curious george"?  Joe shook his head "No".   Joelle over heard, " curious george" his name is curious george,   whats that?  she said   " Next time we're back at my place I'll let you look at my books of him. i have tons"  Joelle asked   "Do you have a baby back home?"  Andi smiled, and said Nope i just saved all my childhood favorites,  Joelle smiled and continued looking through  the boxes..   "Hey Daddy here's papa, papa is an ornament". Joe father was in the WWF and at a time, the WWF had WWF ornaments well, Sika was  nice enough to stand for  10 hours to get in paint and be airbrushed  for an ornament.   Oh Man, dad would tell us all the time, he hated  doing these beause it was for like hours on end just standing. cool you got some. i dont think my  mom kept much."   Joe went and grabbed, the lights to plug in the lights he started, to put the white lights, on  as  Joelle and Andi  put the ornaments on the tree.  Just then  Joe's phone rang  " Hey Oh Hey Uce yeah we're here you spying on us? For sure come on over. yeah i'll see you then. she'll be happy to see ya for sure!"   Jon? babe  Andi said, Yeah  " Hey Joelle, Jon and a special friend of his are coming over that cool with you"?  Joe  mouthed "S A N T  A " with a big grin on his face,  Joelle went back to her barbies as she was playing, Jon pulled up in the driveway, " Yo Uce! "  JONNNNNNNNNY yelled Joelle,  "JoJo my girl what kind of pink madness happened to your dads place. whos all these people."    Joelle, laughed  "BARBIEEEEEEEE MADNESS DUH Jon" Jon cracked a joke to joe,  You diggin in your  girly side aye. couldn't get enough of it when your sister had all this shiiii-  now you got it x4."  Joe laughed and said "What can i say my check goes to Matel"  Jon laughed and shook his head " you in way too deep bro"  Addi laughed and said   he sure is sometimes   leaving jon and joe hysterically laughing.  I uh was coming over just to see if ya'll wanted to go get a pizza or something.   joelle   sparked into the conversation, and said  "my barbies,werejust going to make a pizza this is crazzyy", as jon laughed and said  that he spoke fluently in barbie matel language,  Andi, was in the kitchen at the table working on her garland for the mantel and finishing her wreath for the door,  Jon called her Ms Pinterest or Mis Board poster, whatever you all ladies spend hours doing at night while we're sleeping. the wreath had  little red berries  all over it the garland just had  white lights with  buffalo red plaid bows, It was almost 6:00 and Jon and Joe we're hungry especially Joe,  "Man i'm starving, especially since this morning. you gonna be ready soon Andi?"  Jon looked at Joe, as joe made mention to the couch, Jon's eyes widened  and said " In Front of Barbie Madness"  common uce!  "Not in front of skipper! shes innocent!!"  Joe  laughed and said  no, but "Barbie Madness uh aye woke us up thats for sure. We almost had a fire, with the barbie earlier.. Right joelle" Joelle, was quietly playing with her barbies  Jon laughed and "Said and you caught the barbie, before  she was toast in the nudde? or what uce?"  Joe sighed and said  " Uce, i'm doomed for anywhere i'm gonna be with her, she  has this intention to just play "SURPRISE" on us, but its kinda fun to be walked in on in a way. I  dont know uce kinda gives me a challenge to try." Jon shook his head, and said " Yeah a challenge to scar your young child, that's so samoan of you."  Guys! where are we going for dinner, i need to know what to wear, Andi called out from the bathroom downstairs,  " Well what you got on now, mama"? Joe asked playfully,  "I can't tell you when Joelle is inches away from you come here Joe." Joe  proudly walked in the bathroom,  "How about this, top and these black leggins so i can wear, my black boots,"  Joe smirked, and gave her a kiss on her neck and whispered " better have that black thong, and  black bra on too. when we get home, you're getting it!" but yeah babe you look good, its just pizza  hun get dressed you have two samoans who are hungry  and uh ones a little hungrier, for what he just witnessed.
8:00 PM The tree was lit, the outdoor reindeer were lit,  They we're just getting back, from dinner Joelle wanted to stay up and watch frosty and  the christmas carol with the muppetts  Joe told her, since she was a good girl all day and did well at the christmas tree farm she could watch both shows in the basement, because  addi, jon,  and jimmy, with trinity were going to come over, and talk for awhile and that Jon was going to go and get his brother and the kids, and bring them over so Joelle had friends to play with She was happy with that and was excited to have a sleep over. YAY MIRACLE is coming too!!   HEY HEY  now i never said sleep over JoJo  JoJo smiled, and said yeah but now all the barbies are leaving your house. your  too boring  for them they bought a basement condo with air conditioning "  Joe was happy about the barbies moving out. " See ya barbs. been nice knowing ya up here, thanks for the great wake up call and sorry uh about the almost fire  blaze to ya."     Instantly he froze. and mouthed OH SHIT BLITZEN!   Joe booked it upstairs, to decorate  in Joelle's room to only find Addi up there completely tearing Joelle's bedroom apart  " If this wasn't my daughters room i'd fuck you right here  in front of this mirror right here... until you fell over on the ground, if you know  what i mean".  Addi laughed, JOE  not every place requires hot fucking sex with you, some places need to be kept holy and sacred". Joe laughed,  "Yeah like my bedroom,and the living room needs to be sprayed with holy water, this looks crazy she's gonna love it, but i'm gonna fucking hate to clean it!"-- Addi said  "Here, write a letter, i was thinking of saying, " oops i found your room i was looking for a book to read, Im sorry i got it messy  but i want to see if you can take directions, and clean like a good girl" but write it joe in a messy handwriting.  Joe laughed and said the  letter was fine,  and that they needed to get out of her room before she figures something out,  " Come on lets go  to our room-- I uh  uh mean mine,  She smiled and said   " I Liked it as when you said it was ours baby".    Joe called JoJo upstairs, "Hey JoJo come on up here, almost time for bed sweetie, lets pick a book out and read,  come on sweetie,"  She came running,  and said she was getting kinda tired,  Joe said miracle would be coming soon and  that they would be sleeping in Joelle's room,  Just  then Miracle came through the door,  "Hey Mira we're upstairs, here.."  MIRA i have all my barbies in their condo its downstairs, but maybe we can go down there, instead of sleeping in my room..  as joe thought to himself. she right, ha her room is a mess with a captiol M!  as JoJo walked in her room her eyes lit up, "  BLITZEN!!!!!!!! WOAH. daddy look in here, WOAH he went wild. OH MY GOSH!"  Joe said " I really hope blitzen offers a cleaning company."  JoJo laughed and said ME TOO DADDY.  as the girls went downstairs  to play with the barbies, Joe went through the tornado, to grab blankets,  and pillows for the girls,  the girls  we're laughing playing barbies, as joe threw blankets  on the floor,   "JoJo tent or sleeping bags..?" Joe was praying she said tent  because   he already had her tent up from the last time; in a corner,  " Yeah daddy my tent. Yeah" joe mouthed " good choice!". he set up the tent, and told the girls it was bed time and that they would have plenty of time to play all day tomorrow and tomorrow night as Jojo gave her daddy a hug and kiss. the girls crawled in the tent, and we're out within minutes! Joe turned the lights off, and left the bathroom light on as he went upstairs   everyone was getting ready to leave Jon and Trinity we're tired  and jey was only home for an hour, so he was exhausted, they all agreed they would hang out  the next day.
Next Morning ,9:45AM Somewhere, in between the night, the girls had a cookie party, pizza party, and a cheese and cracker lunchable party thank god Joelle only knows how to use the microwave and the pizzas were microwaveable. Joe was up first, as he came downstairs, he unplugged the tree, turned the t.v off,  and made his way into the kitchen,  he wasn't hungry but he had to have something, " Damn i gotta get groceries, we're almost out of everything." As he found, a plate of his mom's biscuit and gravy he decided to warm that up, and empty out his and addi's wine glasses that were left from the night before,  just as the microwave stopped beeping, he heard tiny footsteps,  " I really hope blitzen, isn't causinig trouble, he really kinda made my dad upset." Joelle said, as she made her way into the kitchen, there was blitzen with a cup of coffee and a donut, with a mess on the kitchen, and a note that read " Hi Girls, and fiends donuts are my favorite, Sorry i made a mess, hope you have a great day today with your family!- Love Blitzen." As the girls laughed joe,  smiled and said  "hes been crazy busy here in this household aye"  Just then Addi came down wearing joe's sweats and a tank top, looking beautiful as ever, he asked her if she slept well, and if he woke her he was sorry. she smiled, and said  "I slept, really well until, i couldn't feel you around me. I knew you had left,  so i thought i had better clean up, and help with the girls. but here you are." he smiled and said he would never leave any of  them, not now not ever, as they decided they would lay around the house, for awhile  and then  they we're possibly going to go to Joe's parents.   "Hey Joelle, we're going over to grandma' and papa's you ok with that?" She smiled, yeah maybe blitzen will, be there too, joe laughed and said  " I think blizten has enough to worry about being here, but who knows maybe he's already there, maybe he has a friend."  as joe and, andi and joelle and mira, all got in joe's car they headed over to Joe's parents.
** Joe's parents** "Wow, your parents house is beautiful Joe. is this where you grew up? The decorations are pretty too  Addi said. Joe nodded, "been here all my life, ever  since May 25th, 1985, well you know, since childhood- etc moving out was rough of  course but its' so nice living in my own house, with you and my little girl."  Joe's parents we're outside, sitting on the porch having a cup of coffee " Leati my boy. Leati, how are things how are you." Sika said to his son, as he stood up to greet him  "doing well pops, doing well.  Pa this is Addison, she is a nurse that helps with the company."   It's nice to finally meet you sir.  he smiled, as they all took a seat, enjoying the talks. the  kids were all out back in the spacious yard,    as patti began to say, " you know,  we have been thinking of selling the house,  the yard is just becoming too much for your dad, and with you being out of the house we just..  As sika interrupted  " WE ARE NOT SELLING. we are fine, i am fine and that is it."   It was hard for him to want to  just give up, he didn't want to just up and move he did that all his life, with his parents and 12 brothers and sisters when he finally came to tampa he was ready to settle. " You know, Joe your great grandma tried i mean hell  she only tried because she cared and you know, thats where i get my try from. and whatever she says about the yard, well the yard is the only thing i can control and i  want to keep at it. they say  never keep a man down from what he loves. well don't you dare tell me i can't get out in my yard this is my yard!" Addi, and joe began to laugh  as addi said, "Now i know  where you get the " This is my yard" line from, joe shrugged his shoulders and said  "only from the best."   I have the perfect dinner set up,  how about my  homeade nachos and tacos, for my boy and his girls, patti suggested " Oh mom. that sounds delicious. I am so down for homeade man my mom makes the best tacos i don't know  how she does it. but i leave here, sometimes crawling"  and sometimes he doesn't leave, patti said.
The nachos' we're made with ground beef, as normal but  with  homeade picante sauce, sour cream, fresh jalopeno slices,  enchilada seasoning, and a few other spices.  Whenever joe would come from college, his mom would always make a big plateful for him enough to take back to college. Joe was considered the baby, and "BABY" is what he got anything joe wanted, his mom made sure her baby got. As they ate, joe became full   " Oh mom, these are fantastic. i cannot eat another bite. I simply cannot, even eat another." Don't over do it leati,  i am  making you take these home that is if you do  go home,  she laughed.  As joe began to yawn, he made his way to the couch for a nap as addi helped clean up, with patti and sika, she to began to yawn,  "Oh hunny. why don't you go over there on the couch, and take a nap with joe. We have this, covered really we do. I was thinking, of taking the kids down to the shopping mall, and to the new  christmas tree  elf movie". If you  think you can handle joe in his own child hood home, we only will be gone for about a few hours. I wanted to buy joe some presents, with him always lurking i can't possibly do anything, without him knowing a single thing.  Sika went out to the garage to move  few things, and get the car ready.   Addi, smiled and said "he is a good cuddler, not that you need to know that, but he really takes care of me makes me feel like a part of the family". As patti smiled she said  " Oh i know all about joe's hugs, cuddles and comfort. I raised him to be like that, It's just too bad Galina only wanted the money out of  him." Addi stood firm with her next comment " I never wanted, Joe's money. If it meant anything, and no harm to you or to him or your beautiful family. I was scared to even take his phone call. I was terrified to be honest to even see him. because patti, i deep down inside truthfuly speaking, I Love Leati I do. I love him when he has $0.00 in his bank account I love him when he's so mad that he can't perform  out on the road, I love him whene he wakes me up with a glass of water.I love his daughter as if we layed down one night and made her. But Patti i'm so greatful i answered his phone call."  Patti's eyes teared up with tears as she began, to cry Addi pulled her in for a hug, as patti whispered in her ear  " Thank you for being his safe place, now enough tears a mom can't possibly cry over her handsomelittle baby, go get some rest with joe. go  enjoy his embrace, his love, his heart and most importantly his family."  As addi  smiled she did just that and soon fell asleep, to a peaceful heart beating calm samoan.
GUYS THIS CHAPTER WAS SO LONG.  Hope everyone enjoys! :D Stay tuned for chapter 4.
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