#and had me in a chokehold for days
foxtrotsicrra · 2 years
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has this uhhh has this been done??
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leawesomesloth · 6 months
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🌱: guess you're gonna need more time with me- I mean my car
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pierrotlu · 7 days
Did anyone else notice Ewan wearing his silver necklace again for his interview with Good Morning America today ?😳
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sluttyseacadet · 25 days
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Adventures of a certain problem child in Middle Earth
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roranart · 1 month
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Luffy Week Day 2 - fav outfit/movie luffy
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starmocha · 1 month
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Others: So what kind of games do you play?
Me: 🧍‍♀️
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linusbenjamin · 9 months
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Person of Interest | 3.21 'Beta'
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oscarisaacsspit · 1 year
he’s just like me fr
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smittyw · 2 months
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music made me lose control againnnn wtf
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I have this Lawlu fic idea called "The City of Light" in my drafts. I'm most excited about writing Law here. He's a pirate who disappeared a century ago and no one knows where he is. That is...
In the present day, Luffy stumbles upon an island that's seemingly abandoned. Usopp refuses to go, claiming he has 'fear of new islands diseases'. At their campsite, Usopp suddenly disappears. Whatever, Usopp probably got cowardly—nothing new. He and Zoro push on!
They end up on a city made of white gold. It's shiny, it's brilliant and sparkling. They're greeted by a handsome man who's older than them both but speaks kindly and warmly. He shows them around, feeds them whatever they want and gives them nice clothes. He promises to keep a look out for Usopp, but there's a weird look in his eye Zoro could not ignore. It gets worse when Luffy looks positively smitten.
One night, Zoro turns to Luffy and says, "Hey, this is nice but I think we should go back. I don't like the way he looks at you." Luffy just blinks, "Why?" Zoro explains, "Usopp's gone and I think he did it." Luffy never saw Zoro this nervous before but he agrees to be careful. The next day, Zoro's gone too. Whatever, maybe Zoro got lost. Zoro will come back. He always does!
(TW: Cannibalism.)
The next morning, Luffy sees his host under a waterfall while exploring the forest. That's when Luffy really sees him as a man, a gorgeous, sexy, irresistible one. He turns to Luffy and smiles. He invites Luffy to come bathe with him, which is an excuse for him to feel up Luffy approvingly while stripping him. He touches Luffy everywhere. His chest, his abs, his hips. He is just about to come closer until...
A plant nearly bites off the man's head. Then some sleeping gas.
Amidst the confusion, Usopp grabs Luffy and runs away into the forest, runs as far as he can back to their ship. Usopp tells Luffy that this guy's really fucking dangerous. He 'disappeared' because he got chased by this huge white bear demon (Bepo's sulong form) with shining blue eyes while collecting firewood. With enough effort, Usopp finally defeated the bear. That's not all. Usopp saw him try to lure Zoro into a cave by conjuring phantoms of Kuina demanding a rematch. The guy eats people in said cave. For a brief moment, Usopp swore he looked ancient, all wrinkly like a raisin as he devours them and only when he's had enough does he revert back to his youthful appearance. Just before Luffy can process this information, the man catches up to them and he is FURIOUS. He drew his sword to kill Usopp but Luffy pushes him off and punches him back. Luffy tells Usopp to run away and take care of Zoro and the others.
Luffy's unsure of what to make of this, but he decides to stick around just in case. By this point, Luffy's half in love. He did not want to think his first love could do anything bad...
The next day, Luffy stumbles upon a cave. When he looks inside, that's when he finally understood Usopp's urgency. The man was eating someone and was half-way through eating his arm that he looked up and saw Luffy. Luffy just walks up to him, finds the locket that accidentally dropped on the floor. He opens it and recognises the people inside. Luffy said he would leave the island to return the locket to the proper owner no matter what. The man's livid now.
They get into a heated argument about the world being dangerous or whatever but that doesn't matter. Right after Luffy says that he has his crew to protect him, the man knocked him out unconscious...
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palskippah · 6 months
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When the girls see either Mario or Peach they get very excited. If Nettarina was awake, she'd be excited too and urging Peach to hurry up. Also, imagine that 'babies!' like the one Mario says in the Mario and Luigi game with their babies selves sjsj
Also, Mario's that kind of parent that says they'll get the baby to sleep but falls asleep himself first. Peach always comes back to check on them and sees him and Nettarina (who can fall asleep anywhere) deeply asleep while Mariella's somewhere in the bed playing with his cap or babbling to herself (then she gets overtired from not sleeping and cries a lot, so Mario and Peach have to apply all the tricks to get her to fall asleep).
Also also, the socks they're using were crocheted by Peach [and she handed them as a gift to Mario on their baby shower- and she learned to crotchet just to make them clothes :'''v Anyways, I have a post for that too askjdasjd during that same baby shower, the babies get so much stuff from Peach that is unwrapped by Mario. He finds it kinda funny bc not only Peach's the expecting mom too, but she had been showing him all the stuff she has been doing for the baby shower (like showing how the little socks are turning out, or the toys she bought), and yet she wrapped everything for him to open]
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miumiins · 4 months
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"And when he kisses her, he devotes the entire ocean to his beloved."
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venuslore · 7 months
pls would y’all judge me if i wrote for young coriolanus???? mans will not get out of my head and i need to get the tension out
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xlunart · 5 months
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tfw the sunday is desolate or whatever
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the-holy-ghosted · 4 months
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(mockingly) youre gay AND irish
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raineandsky · 11 months
A Date in Exchange
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7)
It’s been several days of not seeing the villain—they’re not even in the streets anymore. It’s getting close to the point in the week where they show up on the hero’s doorstep with that stupid flurry of flowers and that even stupider scowl that keeps getting darker with each week, but their silence is making the hero think they might skip out on their little date night for the first time.
They know their parents would worry if they suddenly went radio silent on their supposed partner. That’s what this feeling is. They’re not concerned for the villain. They just have a lot riding on them showing up. That’s all.
Their concern for the villain’s absence manifests into a short text message, one of many sent over the past few days.
I was hoping we could talk about things. It’s our usual night - I’ll get some wine and we can keep it casual?
The sound of their phone pinging 15 minutes later almost stops their heart, and they practically vault over their table to snatch their phone up.
I wanted to talk anyway. I’ll be there at my usual time
It’s the most grammatically correct message the villain’s ever sent, and it makes the hero’s insides twist nervously. They've never used capitalisation in their life. Or punctuation. They want to talk.
That’s not what matters though, the hero tells themself. They’re coming. I can fix things.
Things could be shit with the villain for all they care. This is only because of their parents. Nothing else.
The hero doesn’t set up some random activity like they usually do. They don’t want their nemesis to think that they’re trying to pretend everything is fine. They set an empty vase on the table, throw a lasagne in the oven just in case, and simply opt to wait.
The sound of their own doorbell ringing is as relieving as it is nauseating. The villain is on their doorstep, of course, and they don’t even try to offer the hero a smile. They somehow get more bothered when the door opens, if anything.
“Hey,” the hero opens softly. They step back to let the villain in, but they stay rooted to their spot outside.
“I’m not staying long,” the villain tells them flatly, and the hero can feel that twist again. “I’m just here to say something.”
“Surely you can say it out of the cold.”
The villain heaves a deep breath, their sigh puffing in a cloud in front of their face. “I’m calling it off.”
The hero can’t define what feeling is gnawing at them at the news. Betrayal? Annoyance? Heartbreak? “Is… is this because of my parents?”
The villain shrugs half-heartedly. “I think what your mother said put some stuff into perspective about what we’re doing. I can’t marry you because she said so, jesus.”
“You can ignore her,” the hero says instantly. “She doesn’t understand.”
“Exactly. How long are you expecting me to lie about this, [Hero]?” The villain’s expression turns pissed. “Do we have a beautiful wedding, have kids, die together? Where’s the line?”
They’ve clearly been thinking about this a lot. No wonder they disappeared for so long. “She can’t make us get married, [Villain]. That doesn’t have to happen.”
“Good, because there’s no way in hell I would marry you like this.”
Something in that hurts, and the hero can’t quite tell why. “Can you just come in? I put a lasagne on and I don’t want to waste it.”
They’re not sure why they’re so set on saving this, but the villain looks past them and into the comfortable warmth, and the slightly defeated nod they give the hero makes their heart sing with hope.
The villain makes an attempt to settle into the sofa as the hero goes about taking the lasagne out of the oven. It’s a little burnt—they timed it a bit too well with the villain’s arrival. The edges are crisp but it’s still edible, and they carefully dollop it onto a pair of plates.
“I get that you don’t want to marry me, and I’m not asking you to.” The hero slides a plate in front of the villain, who doesn’t seem to have much of an appetite. “Don’t let my mother put you off.”
“Why are you so set on me doing this?” The question would be cold if it wasn’t for the slight knit in the villain’s eyebrows. “Why couldn’t you have asked anyone else?”
They wish they knew—they’re sure their parents would like any other so-called partner they could bring home. It would feel wrong doing it with anyone else, though. It’s easier to shrug it off when it’s with someone you hate, right?
They let their gaze rest on the villain, though, their eyes searching the hero’s for a semblance of an answer, their lips pulled into a slightly concerned frown, and for god’s sake they’re still stunning. It’s unfair. Things are starting to make sense alarmingly fast, sitting there staring at their fake lover, and they decide that they need to stop thinking right now.
“I don’t know.” They get to their feet so they can find an excuse to look elsewhere, beelining for the alcohol cupboard. “Look, it’s my father’s birthday this weekend, and I don’t want to ruin it with bad news. Can you hold off until then?”
“Please don’t make me actually pretend to be in a relationship with you in front of other people again.”
The hero grimaces, and the villain goes through the five stages of grief based on their expression alone. “He invited you.”
“I hate you and your parents,” the villain tells them with a scowl.
“So you’ll come?” the hero asks hopefully. A wine bottle pops open in their hand, and the villain doesn’t complain.
They scowl again, and it’s infuriating that they look so good doing it. “Last time ever. After that we stop lying and it’s over.”
The idea of this being a cold memory in less than a week hurts more than it should. The hero misses five minutes ago when they couldn’t figure out why. “Promise.”
(Final part!)
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