#and everytime i am reminded and saddened
go-ninja-go · 1 month
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saffron0v0 · 8 days
thoughts on tachihara
The bbg of all time ‼️
In all seriousness though, if we're talking about my in depth thoughts of him, then here we go:
My thoughts on his background:
His life was hell from day one.
He was five when Shūnzen left for war. Five. His family was comparing a five year old to a whole grown ass man.
Just imagine how incapable they are of raising children. No wonder Michizō turned to a life of crime. The only thing they properly taught him was who Shūnzen was, and how much better he was than Michizō. The only reason he probably remembers how Shūnzen looks to this day is because of the sheer amount of pictures his family has on the wall. If I were in his position, I'd become sick to my stomach everytime I see a hint of any resemblance. Anything to remind me of his face that haunts me. The silhouette of his will always loom over me, to remind me of how much of a failure I am.
The fact that Tachihara probably didn't have his ability manifested back then must've made their judgements on him worse; they believed Shūnzen was a golden child, what is an 'ability-less' snot faced five year old against him? I don't think he ever got the chance to tell his parents about his ability, they don't seem like they'd give him the time of day to listen. Even if he did get the chance to tell them, you actually believe they'd praise him for it? They'd go straight to comparing how dull his ability is compared to Shūnzen, or some baseless comparison like that.
He somehow found out about what happened, and how Yōsano was seemingly 'responsible' for his brother's untimely death. She was the 'reason' he's suffering like this. He was probably either too young to understand the concept of suicide, or no one told him the truth, and with the fact that Yōsano blew up the ship, it's solid enough proof for anybody.
He lived in that deprecating excuse of a home for years, and years; forced to become a second version of his brother. He'd dye his hair out of spite, and would go in the exact opposite direction, because he wants to be his own person. He always planned to run away at one point, but then he overheard his parents planning to send him to a boarding school or something— Nope. Fuck this, he's done. He's leaving. He packed a few belongings, stole a wad of cash from his dad's wallet, and ran out the door to meet up with some gangster friends he might have. He lived in constant instability, probably exploited by his gangmates for highstake heists, and giving him this false sense of freedom he craved. That is, until the hunting dogs showed up.
This is where it gets the most fucked imo.
His time with the hunting dogs:
The hunting dogs were no rescue. They weren't there to give him a home. They were there to stop a small time gang from robbing a bank, eliminate them, and then leave. It's a cake walk for them. They just happened to come across an ability user with too much wasted potential. What makes it sadder is that he was aware of it. He was fourteen, and to him, this was his golden chance to proof that he could be so much better than anything his parents imagined, all while being his own person. Them considering him nothing more than a comrade was something he was fine with. They probably told him of the surgeries beforehand, through a little deliberation, and no other options, he agreed to be a lab rat. It's saddening how much he went through for him to just end up being a military soldier like his brother.
He probably developed his reason to live because of some offhand comment made by either Fukuchi or Teruko. I'm unsure of when Jōnō, and Tecchō joined, but I could just imagine Tecchō feeling like his sense of justice is being tested when he allowed a young boy barely in his teens to join their ranks. Tecchō isn't much older than 20, but at least he was old enough to think for himself, Michizō's self preservation is quite questionable on the other hand. Jōnō would–in his own way–reassured(?) Tecchō's guilty conscience, and convinced Tecchō that Michizō had complete control over his decision, and that they didn't force him into anything; they merely gave him options. Tecchō isn't convinced, but he let go of the topic for a while.
Teruko might not be outright about it, but she's come to care for the hunting dogs, having a soft-ish spot for their youngest. She obviously adores Fukuchi, but that doesn't make her care less for Michizō. At first, I think she was indifferent, maybe even mocking, and when they trained together, she never held back; she had to wip this twig into shape. Her overall feelings for him were purely work related for a good while, but she eventually started to care for him. Hc: Whenever they had their monthly surgeries, she'd volunteer to share a room with him, (he doesn't know she's doing this, he just thinks they don't have enough rooms) and would keep him distracted from the post surgery fatigue, and pain by ranting about everything, and anything that comes to mind. After having him train under her for a year or three; she fully recognized his talents, and officially views him as capable enough to be a hunting dogs; she'll never tell him that though. (Their sibling relationship is my biggest comfort tbh.)
I don't think he had any particular hard feelings against the commander, but he could be unsettling under that goofy demeanor; Michizō always watched his step around this man. He'd never imagine himself, never in a million, years going against him, not in the same way he would years later.
Michizō was seventeen, with three years of experience as a soldier under his belt, having already been trained, and turned into an ideal superhuman soldier through medical malpractice, when it was finally time for him to be assigned on his biggest mission yet: infiltrate the Port Mafia ranks.
The Port Mafia mission
My heart self destructs at this one. The thought of him going in with a hardened-by-years-of-training heart, and leaving every month or two feeling softer, and his resolve weakening.
He's building meaningful relationships with so many people; the same people that happen to go against everything he stands for as a hunting dog. Hell, he started calling one of them big sis subconsciously. He has a complicated sort of rivalry with the Mafia's top assassin, but he couldn't say he genuinely hates him. (HE THINKS GIN IS A BOY TO THIS DAY IT'S TOO FUNNY NOT TO INCLUDE) The strongest Mafia executive smiles at him, and treats him with undue respect, which genuinely terrified Michizō at times; just imagining that smile turned into a betrayed scowl haunts him at night.
His periodical surgeries served as a wake up call, he never thought he'd feel so grateful for them before. He leaves remembering he has a mission to complete, ignoring the gnawing guilt in the back of his mind.
That's what kept him together for the two years he's been undercover.
Hirotsu knows there's something behind Michizō, but he has full faith in one thing, and that is when the time comes, Michizō would side with the Mafia, because that's where he truly belongs. He never expresses it, but his worry for the consequences that would face Michizō once he's exposed grows by the day.
More on Michizō:
We've seen Michizō's Mafia 'sona he puts up for the mission, and despite everything, it feels so genuine. He's that good of an actor. However, sometimes, I feel like that facade slips from time to time, and he's either genuinely happy, sad, worried, and angry. It scares him how he's starting to become genuine, and how true his Mafia 'sona is becoming. He's kind after everything, and he'll always care. He might be a 'traitor', but he'll do his darnest for people he cares for. The look on his face when Hirotsu, and Gin were in the hospital just reflected how guilty he was for hurting them. It was what sparked his confliction.
He may be a hunting dog in name, but he's a Mafioso in truth, and will forever have a place in his heart, and memories for both.
He's my blorbo, and I love him. 💕🌹
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loveregrown · 3 months
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SHU FS2 CAME OUT. He looks balder than ever. I am not surprised nor entirely disappointed at his outfit being nothing to me, though it is a little saddening he’s following the same exact clothing trend he’s had in all his last cards. I like the unbloomed when it’s moving more but I like his little finger on head and his croissants naturally. Ugh, everytime I look at it, I strangely like it more. Why does this happen to me with cards! But also, why do the unbloomeds often eat up the bloomeds…?
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The rose concept was already used on Hiyori you silly goose. Alas, they can share. But neither will be happy about it; he considered burning his shirt simply because Wataru said theirs matched.
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I definitely like the fit more in 3DMV than in live2d, but it seems to often be the case with me so it’s only natural. But it doesn’t Always happen. Perhaps I was simply hating before. Or I am simply conditioning myself to it. The blue accents is very cute I love that shade so much. I like the coloured button-up a loooottttt & the red in the scr is so nice & I just I really like this outfit I do! & I like light colours so despite it being the same as his wedding tour 3⭐️ and his 4⭐️ in the wet Sena scout, it is pleasant nonetheless! It really is not awful, despite thinking he could have something far more unique, it was to be expected from how this round of feature scouts was going, where there seemed to be at most two categories of fashion, if not 3.
One thing I've been hating is the STUPID RANDOM STRIP OF FABRIC THEY KEEP GIVING THE 3DMV OUTFITS WHICH LIKE I GET BECAUSE IT'S PROBABLY BECAUSE THEY WANT TO DRAW THE EYES TO THE MOVEMENT OF IT A LOT OF THE OUTFITS SEEM DESIGNED WITH THIS PURPOSE BUT IT JUST LOOKS FUCKING STUPID SOMETIMES. LIKE. TOILET PAPER ROLL TUCKED INTO THEIR CLOTHES OR LIKE A STRANGE CURTAIN FOR THEIR ASS. OR SOMETHING. IT'S NOT RIGHT. But... well I suppose it works here. Especially since the cut of his suit is not at all a novelty but it's okay. But I was reminded of it seeing it in action in his spp... it is just nothing to me. The stupid piece of fabric I mean. it could be removed and I would not miss it. But I Understand It's Purpose therefore I do not despise it I just get find it silly.
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What was the meaning of this. What’s wrong with you? Was there a need for roses on your flat arse. Embroidery on your behind. Though this sort of thing is awesome and cunty when done on like, jeans. And such.
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He has a nice SCR… I like it a lot actually. SCRS aren’t always good & I never Purposefully get SCRS but it’s such a win to me when they are good because then I look at them & I smile. ☺️
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Bwuh… I’m pretty sure Nito’s hair ribbon changes colour in scr to red too… maybe they both do… not okay. They look so, so good next to each other I should just die. I should just die.
It will never have the brilliance his FS1 holds, with it’s interesting silhouette which almost looks like a dress, and really fun boots, and the classic, stupid, gay, yet ever so fun Itsuki Shuu trademark hat on his head! But I am growing fonder of it the more I look at it. At least, everything ASIDE FROM THE BLOOMED. Which I don’t like. On the lower end of FS2s for me regarding bloomed illustration but points for everything else. You win this time despite objectively not being that good. I like the side of Shu it shows too. Even if his face looks stupid.
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I don’t like his FS1 bloomed much specifically when it comes to his silly face & pose, but the outfit makes up for it. Do you notice how this is a pattern. But, either way, many parts of it are so dope, such as the spiral staircase, the dramatic element of the back of his outfit flaring up like that, the paintings on the wall and the chandelier. It’s all very grand. & if anyone deserves and should be expected to be grand, it is him. There’s a lot one can say about it really.
However, I like the lightness of his FS2. The romantic elements such as the shades used, the red roses, his ring. There’s a lot to be enjoyed here.
I haven’t looked at the full illustration for his FS2 yet but I am excited to witness it since often they coax me into liking the card more than when it is cropped/in actual card form. But his face in the bloomed, is stupid and gay. That is all. Otherwise, it’s Perce approved, all things considered. :-) but to be honest. It really does look like something you’d find at a mall. The outfit, I mean.
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suethesocks · 1 year
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This is a drawing expressing my experience being trans. For a while the fact that i very much look like a cishet man who you should be uncomfortable around + living in Egypt where trans healthcare is essentially a myth was pretty saddening to say the least. Everytime i get out of the shower and try to do my hair, looking at my face in the mirror for extended amounts of time, would just make me feel bad as a harsh reminder
But recently ive been able to come to terms with it. My body may not be beautiful and i may not look like a woman, but thats okay because i know for sure i am a woman and all the people i truly care about know this truth too, and thats all that really matters to me on a personal level
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illbesafesomeday · 8 months
Beginning of an End
I used to write on Instagram for everything that I feel, especially whenever I feel low, unloved, ignored, or neglected. I have been diagnosed with Severe Major Depressive Disorder, and whether you believe it or not, I am scared of a lot of things, except dying.
I was told to take one day at a time, and that's what exactly do. Everyday.
There are days that can be managed, and there are days harder than the others. And that is not okay. And not all the best sounding quotes over the Internet could sweeten the feeling whenever that happens.
My husband has taken good care of me since we got married - until his depression recurred. Since then, I feel like everyday I have to be very careful, or else I'll end up with the cold, stoic treatment. It saddens me that I thought when I finally find my person, I won't be alone anymore. But that's what happening since we came back from the states. And there are really days I just want to jump out of this apparently cursed apartment I have been so stressed of hearing about and worked hard to find for him, only ending up that my stresses and efforts are to be not appreciated because of 'bad timing'.
I don't think I could ever be appreciated again. I feel that I'll never get the man that I married back again. I feel bad for my dogs who have to cower everytime we start to talk, and he is the only one managing the conversation. There was a time that he broke the fan so both of my dogs swarmed to me, then he hit the window, thank god it didn't break as we were just beside it. I love this man so much, that I don't want him to further spiral down the road he had been before. He has so much on his plate right now: work, death of a family member, sick family members needing help. The most that I can do is to do sidelines, but I have to be careful of which I could only take, because I cannot spend too much time away from him. But when I am there, he doesn't 'spend' time with me. He watches, he plays, he is on his phone, but when I am on my phone, it's because I became 'a slave of the social media.' No. I am just trying to find through the distance, in another make believe environment, that maybe there are people who find me valuable enough to be noticed and talked to.
I am an artist. I used to paint, I used to draw, I used to sing. I came from a family of musicians, performers, and artists. I want to do those things continuously, and right now, we live 2 hrs away from Seoul, where the happenings for these kind of things happen. I tried modeling, something I did before back home for quite some time, and to my surprise, I got callbacks and shoots from people. It was fun. Finally, something that treats me equal, regardless of gender, race, or age. I hate it in this town that because it is a military town, mysogynist jokes are just jokes and no one can be offended by it. Same goes with racist jokes. I am a hispanic-asian woman from a third world country in Southeast Asia. They say I am just too sensitive. I think they're just undereducated or ignorant.
The only worries that I have right now are my doggies. I wanted to bring them here because I never though it will turn out into this. I wanted them to experience snow. I took out a loan just to get them here, that's how much they are worth it. Now I am worried what will happen to them if I die. And I need to make advanced savings so I can make arrangements while we are still just here in Korea. I know my husband will give them up, because he told me before he would likely do, everything that will remind him of me.
I just wish I have my old man back. The man that I married. The man who prepared my hot bath because I am hurting everywhere on my first winter. The one who went out of his way to get me here. The one who keeps on saying "I love you more." The one that tells me he'll do everything for me.
He's not coming back.
He is gone. I got him into this mess. He is not coming back. And he has a better chance of being his old happy self again is when I'm gone.
That's the truth of it. He even told me about it one night and I couldn't contain my tears and I cried. To hear that I am the reason why he is now having these issues breaks my heart, because my goal of marrying the person I love is to serve him, love him, be proud of him, hype him, encourage him, care for him, and all the other positive things that is connected with the concept of loving someone.
Unfortunately, people fucked up. And usually, when I got fucked up, nobody is capable of taking responsibility for it. They wash their hands clean just like what Pontius Pilate did, then look down on me, and tell me I brought it all to myself. That standing up for myself is narcissism. Efforts that I make are either unseen or not as important as what is still to be done. I will never do enough. I will never be enough. There is always something to be done. I always need to upgrade. Especially after what I have experienced in the past months, doing so much hardwork with minimal to zero efforts, living and trying is no longer worth and rewarding as it used to be... and it is my fault...
I am tired of being what seems to be the curse or pestilence into someone's life... I just wanted to be loved, respected, and cared for, something I am so much capable of giving... I needed to move to this space because my husband goes through my phone whenever I am sleeping in the evening and reads through my messages, my private Instagram account that nobody follows, and even through my archives. He is paranoid of my online activities. If only he knows he doesn't need to be as paranoid if only he can be the loving and caring husband he promised on our wedding day to be, not the person who completely let up on me when his family was here...
He let me up... He let the scale totally tip, with almost no effort to recognize me as a wife, thank me as someone who helps, and in the evening doesn't tell me a single word of recognition or affirmation, but only blame me on what I did to make the scale tip...
Why did you let me up..? </3 Why..? I may not be perfect, but... why did you have to let me up..? And unfortunately, with how things are going, there is no way you are gonna acknowledge how much that hurt... how much it made me lonely... how much I almost killed myself...
I don't think it matters to you anymore anyway... I understand you got your plate full, and anything related to me is a nuisance addition to what you shouldn't be thinking of anymore...
I am sorry... I love you, more than anything else in this world... But clearly your love for me is no longer the same, and I understand, because my depression has now taken you too... I am really sorry...
On this page, I will continue to express my thoughts and plans, until the day I die... Until the day I get myself killed... Because I failed... I failed big time... I failed too many major characters in this story, and none of them care about me anymore...
And it's okay... I'd rather have it that way, so I know my death won't be a selfish act, because how can it be selfish if it doesn't seem to affect anyone anyway..? When nobody seems to care right now for me anyway... Jeez, I bet more people care for my dogs than me, hehe, and that's better... I want my dogs to be loved and have a good life... I deserve to disappear and die alone... And it's gonna happen... It's got to happen... May the heavens help me...
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charmingbrute · 1 year
initiate, afar, love. ares or meteor to selene, take your pick :-)!!
[ AFAR ]:     a letter delivered by the writer from another country/city/planet/etc in order to reassure the recipient and let them know they’re okay. [ INITIATE ]:     a letter written to the recipient in order to maintain communication between the two while the writer is far away from them. [ LOVE ]:     the writer begins the first of a series of love letters to the recipient.
Selene, dearest.
I hope that you've remained in good health and spirits. I've received your letter for me. I am writing to you from a land beyond, where I have embarked on a journey that has taken me away from you and our people for the first time. The past few days have been a mixture of excitement and sorrow for me. On one hand, I am excited to have obtained the privilege of exploring new places, as you and my mentor have, and meeting new people and experiencing cultures far different from our own. On another, I am feeling a deep sense of longing for you and the comfort of home.
Each time my gaze wandered, I am reminded of you. The sights, sounds, and smells of this new place are a cosntant reminder of the love we have come to share and the memories we have created not as two people, but one. Your smile and your laughter, how I miss them the most. I've thought about you every single day since I've left and have been counting down the days until I am allowed to rest in your arms. I promise to bring back a special gift for you, to convey just how you are important to me and that I've not forgotten you, not even once.
This love of mine that I hold for none but you, grows stronger with each passing day, and I am like a child eagerly looking forward to our reunion. Until then, I will be holding you close in my heart and think of you tirelessly as a form of comfort.
Know that I adore you. Ares
Selene of mine, 
How long has it been? I've missed you greatly since I've left on my journey, but here I am, constantly reminded of your love and the happiness you've brought me. Even so, I shan't give you aught to be saddened about.
I've finished another creation. It is a bird familiar that will carry my letters to you, so that we may maintain communication and stay connected no matter where I am. I'm afraid that my duty have brought me farther home. Howsoever, this bird is unlike any other, with a well-crafted homing instinct that will guide it straight to you, no matter where we are. Will you name it for me?
This bird I've trained to recognize your scent and the sound of your voice will find you, always. Everytime you receive a letter from me, you will know that it has been delivered with utmost admiration and care by this little messenger. I'm well aware that this distance has been hard, but with this familiar of mine, we will be able to stay close even when we are malms apart. May it bring a smile to your ever alluring face everytime it gives you a letter from me, and that it will be a symbol of our bond and commitment to one another.
Take care, love. The days are counted by me still. Ares
Selene, darling.
I must admit that I am not so certain as to where I am. I've been stranded due to the sickness which permeates this area and I cannot very well leave until I've found a solution for these people. I long to be with you, and I miss you more than words can hope to express. The past few moons have been difficult for me, as I struggle with the grief and loneliness that come from being away from you.
Our time apart feels like eons. I am constantly surrounded by sights so unfamiliar and sounds. Still, I am most reminded of the comfort and love that I have left behind with you. I haven't stopped thinking of how you are, if you're still causing trouble for our peers over there or committing tomfooleries with my dear mentor. I am filled with so much longing for your touch and the sound of your voice and I cannot breathe.
I dream of the day when I can return home to you, to hold you close and never let you go. I yearn for the way your eyes light up at the sight of me, and the way your joyous laughter fills our shared home. I miss the warmth of your hold and the calm of your embrace. Despite the challenges, I am holding onto hope. I am doing my utmost to help the people here, and to make a positive impact upon their lives, as my station demands of me. I find solace in the knowledge that I am making a difference, even though I am far from home.
The distance between us leaves me thinking of the intimate moments we have shared together. Every night, as I lay in bed, I am filled with memories of your touch, the warmth of your embrace, and the feel of your heated moans against my neck. I am reminded of the way we used to spend hours lost in each other's arms, exploring each other's bodies and souls. These memories bring a smile to my face and comfort to my heart. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to share such intimate moments with you, and I will cherish them always.
I will not rest until I am by your side once again. Ares
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
Summary: Y/N's feeling icky about her body, but Harry loves her to bits and pieces, through thick and thin, in health and sick — and he always waits for her to come back to him.
TW: Body dysmorphia.
Y/N's healthy.
All she sucks in is having a sane sleeping schedule due to her UNI otherwise she eats natural goodies, cook and bake home because it comforts her more that way and she works out every evening to stay fit.
Sometimes though, she’s lazy and lacks behind which’s proper humane but deep down it effects her and her mental health more than she admits and she isn’t able to start over again – it mostly happens after her periods.
Harry loves her the way she’s.
Even if she’s clumsy, bumbling, procrastinating, overly enthusiastic to mend her life at 3 am, snotty and sloth-y in her periods, confident and positive around people, kind and loving whenever she comes to meet him, whiny and cuddly when she’s sick, jealous and grumpy with his attention not on her —- he loves her in every way possible, to rivers and to sea his love could never stutter for her ever.
He loves how she’s not overly toned, having soft squishy spots which Harry undeniably wants to admire and kiss shamelessly amount of times -- like -- her plummy pretty thighs that Harry likes to nestle his head in-between making her wriggle and squirm under his grasp, her overly cute tummy that Harry dies to pepper sweet adoring kisses and petal his lips round her belly button, everytime they’re cuddled up his bicep’s always looped her around her tummy to feel it rising up and down in calm rhythm, and oh! her tender titties, they’re actually his favourite babies and he loves to fondle them in his big calloused palms brushing his thumb over the sensitive perky nub and basks in the glittery whimpery mewls of hers.
He loves that she’s curvy and gives zero fucks if she’s skinny or not.
He thinks his baby’s perfect.
So perfect he actually feels the bubbling of devotion and affection filling to the brim of his heart’s chambers and leaking out and upon his ribs tickling him.
Y/N's his person and he worships her with his whole heart.
From some days though, she’s feeling devastatingly insecure about all her things Harry’s in love with and she has no-control over it how much she tries.
Harry’s observing that all with optimism (one of his great quality's that like a lion sly about his prey, he keeps an eye on everything but pretends otherwise). He has his intense gaze fixed on her when she’s taking a look of herself in the mirror for rather too long, running her hands down her body and practically shuddering.
He glances from over his laptop and drops everything he's doing watching her go monkies, sweating buckets and over exercising than her usual time.
He brings her closer and infront of him, pressing her to his chest and coiling his forearm around her shoulders whining a, “Baby..!” when they were brushing their teeth and despite of standing beside him and teasing him occasionally like she usually does she stuffs her face into the crest of his back and hides herself there to have minimal contact with her reflection in the mirror.
Her body dysmorphia spiking dangerously high.
“Deprived me of your cuddles. woke me up so early, granny.” She huffs lying through her teeth and how much his embrace was strong enough to keep her in place she still managed to wiggle out taking her previous cosy position, but he could feel her muscles tensing and an awkward silence falling over them.
He didn’t pry much. He wants to give her as much space as she requires to come back to him hale and hearty, as she always does and whatever happens he never forgets to remind her how much he loves her every night.
They were watching rom-coms on Netflix back to back with her curled up into his side with a spongy white wool knitted blanket thrown over them and his cheek was smashed atop her head popping in peanuts every now and then when out of certain she spoke pointing at the actress, “You know she got her ribs removed to get that shrinky waist.” Harry frowned at that. His face itching into disbelief and concern under the bouncing glow of telly.
He affixes his gaze down at her trying to read what’s cooking up in that genius brain of her's which isn’t being very rational and genius right now, they immediately turns soft and caring when she blinks up at him purely.
She squeaks, nose crashing against his collarbones when he scooches her up in his lap grabbing onto her knees to make her straddle his torso and he grumbles cutely when she tries not put all of her weight on him and doesn’t melts into him as his sweet lovie would used to do receiving a smack on her bum on his end.
He’s afraid that an evil version of her chomped onto his dear baby alive.
“Nothing else matters if all ye’ organs are packed safely and healthily inside you,” He tells her brushing loose frays of her hair behind her earlobe and rubs his thumb in gentle strokes over her treacly pulsing point, “Was just telling you ...” She mumbles, dotting touches on his knuckles and playing with his bare cold fingers.
It’s true, she was rambling out facts about the movie and cast out of habit because no-way she’d ever go through any surgeries to change herself to become someone she isn’t.
“Swear!” She yawps out in convincing high pitch when Harry squints down at her with his lips scrunched, one eye twitching in doing so.
“Alrighty. I believe you.” He cradles her cheeks in his palms and brings her mighty close to him to peck her cupid bow, then her bottom lip and the corners of her smiling mouth to suckle generous amount of whines from her and then kisses her lovingly – hands streaming down her spine and then resting atop her dip.
He thought she was ready to come back to him, to share her problem with him and Harry really wanted to bug in, to not let her fight her battle alone and take half of her hardships from her fretting self but guess not.
They were about to have sex when panic seeped in Y/N's eyes and her cheeks blazed up in that of embarrassment as she rushed to switch off the lamps that were the only source of light in their room.
“Moppet.” Harry sighed, knowing exactly what’s happening and she isn’t as foxy in covering it up as she’s thinking herself to be.
“Why wouldn’t y'want me t'see gorgeous self of yours?” His tone punctured and hurt, feeling useless for not knowing how to cheer her up and break her worries down. He smoothens his hands behind her to lock his arm around her waist, fingertips making grape sized indents into the flesh of her hip-bone as she streaks the tip of her nose up and down the crook of his neck, murmuring meekly against his salty skin while he hugs her warmly.
“’M just feelin’ shy.” He giggles at her response puckering his lips against her hairline to pet tiny, tiny kisses there as she fists her hands against his taught chest.
“Not somethin’ I haven’t seen before, love bug.” He blows raspberries against the underside of her jaw and their mouths meet into a messy, giggling, teeth clanking kiss when she sinks into pillows allowing him to cocoon her in his heat.
“I love you, Y/N. No matter what.”
The last dam breaker for them was this little get together at Sarah and Mitch's baby shower.
She matched her outfit with Harry. Cute lavender coloured little sweater blouse that was familiar to the baggy baby yarn cardigan Harry was wearing, it accentuated her curves and her bosom so prettily -- her midriff peeking from where the buttons weren’t closed and their jeans were painted (they did it themselves one Sunday when it was extra boring and inactive).
Y/N felt uncomfortable in her own clothes. A bitterness spreading inside her for herself and all she wanted was to escape away from her own skin.
She knows she’s loved and welcomed and cherished by her friends and family and the love of her life, most importantly. Then why was she feeling so icky about herself? Why everything's draining her and exhausting her?
Harry obviously could see through the gloomy tenebrous energy overshadowing her as he stood in the corner of the room grabbing the sorbet he poured in two glasses for them.
A sour guzzle of tears choking his throat and his limbs weakening letting the painful heartbreak seep into him when he watches her being fidgety and fiddling with the loops of her jeans, tugging her blouse every passing second and he’s sniffling a hiccup deep in his lungs when she shrinks into herself in dejection staring out of the window without any purpose.
Harry feels awful to startle her when he plops down beside her, coodling her closer to himself and tucks her head beneath his chin subtly and cups his palm under her jaw to make her look in eyes his eyes.
“Hi beautiful,” His tone had a saddening waver in it and his irises mossed bleak when Y/N remains unresponsive, zoning in and out of her own head feeling herself prisoned into her own invasive thoughts.
“You w'na go home darling?” He gives her a wet smile clearing his throat and blinking the stubborn moisture in his eyes away when Y/N nodded without any vivid expression.
All the way back home he denounced himself of not making her feel loved enough, to not to pest her soon about what she’s feeling and letting her slide deeper into the dark hole.
He thinks he’s a piece of shit.
Y/N wanted to dig the earth with her own nails and hide into it and never show her face again, she was overly ashamed of herself.
His hand was holding onto hers tightly, never letting it go as he led them through the hallway and his head perked up in confusion when she stopped them abruptly and lunged to wrap herself around him like he’s the last silver of her hope and the reason to live.
“I’m so sorry, so sorry.” There comes the first sob after ages of suffering and bottling it all in, not shocked at all he was expecting it to happen. Gently he picks her up and wraps her legs around him, keeping his support firm under her bum as she cried into his soft white t-shirt.
Carefully he sits them on the edge of the bed and tries to pry her soaky flushed face in his cradle but she refuses to show him, clutching onto his cardigan and whimpering brokenly.
“I just feel so disgusting,” Her sob scratches out of her throat and for a second he thought he heard her wrong, that her feeble crying’s playing some kind of a sick game with his heart.
“Harry do something I don’t want to feel disgusting.” But, when she pleaded helplessly a cold shiver settled in his bone marrow spreading an agonising burn in his stomach.
Gently he stirs her away from his chest to look at her, meeting their foreheads together while his thumb wiped her tears away and smoothed over her wabbly lips in profound tenderness.
“My beloved,” He whispers fondling his nose against hers and her eyes flutters into realm of calms, shaky breath falling over his lips as he brings her trembling fingertips towards them and pecks them feverishly.
“The love of me life, me heart.” He continues, “Shhh. Shh baby ‘s okay to cry but don’t tire y'self.” He hushes her when she whimpers loudly at his coy affirmation.
“I’m here with you, waiting f'you, watching y’goin’ through a stony path so I could be there to hold you whenever you trip –-,” He pets her hair, cupping the back of her neck to plant his lips bitten red from worry to her puffy damp eyelids and Y/N becomes a gooey lax of candle that’s been burning for tiring amount and finally her lover came to blew the agonising flame away putting her to peace as he coos snuggling her in his cordial embrace, “You’ve been so strong to yourself and ‘m so proud of me baby.”
“I’m always here. Never away from you, always right by y'side.” His palms bending around her ribs to smush her as intimately close as possible.
“How d'ya want your huggies babylove?” He simpers down at her darlingly, huffing out in relief seeing her relaxing -- her shoulders sinking from him massaging the knots in them.
“Tight.” She mumbles timidly. The gleam in her glossy eyes returning when Harry hugs her as she wished, squishing her in right places and not suffocating her at all – their breaths in sync chests flushed against eachother.
“I love you cuddly, and care f’you.” He kisses her on lips then goes to hug her right back.
“I love you too, Har. Thank you.” She sniffs in his woodsy scent grazing her touch up and down his back, smooching a soft kiss at his cheek.
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seiyasabi · 3 years
The Scientist
(Hange (Hanji) can rearrange by guts tbh :P Lol, anyways, this is a Yandere Hanji x Female Reader story! It takes place in current time tho (same universe as Yelena). Also, idgaf how tall the creator says Hanji is. In this fic, even the tall girlies get to be shorter than Hanji. 
TW: kidnapping!, !drugging!, unwanted advances, stalking!, etc! 
Please proceed with caution! Also, I’m sorry if you can tell that this was in my drafts for a hot min. I started to write this when I first started this blog, and I just finished/revised it lol. ) 
“Hey, (Nickname!” Hearing the loud shout of a certain brunet, you jump about a foot in the air. As usual, Hanji decides to surprise you whilst you’re in the middle of something. 
Pulling away from the microscope you’re currently looking at, you put on a strained smile, “Yes?” 
Their one eye sparkles in a hopeful fashion from behind their glasses, one of her their fiddling with their eyepatch, “Sooo,” They draw out the o, seemingly trying to disarm you, “Are you free this weekend? There’s this suuuuper cool bar that’s just opening, and me and the others are thinking about going! It’s totally not a date or anything,” They pause to let out a loud laugh, “I think it’ll be fun! What D'ya say?” 
Forcing out a chuckle, you shake your head, “Ah, I’m sorry, Hanji, but I’m busy this weekend. I have a lot of samples I need to process for that upcoming court case,” You chew your bottom lip nervously, “I’m sorry. I hope you and the others have a good time, though!” 
A new voice is heard, butting into your conversation, “I can do those! I’ve been needing more hours, anyways,” Whipping your head in the direction of the voice, you silently curse. Fuck Armin for being so helpful! 
Hanji beams even brighter than before, clapping their hands together happily, “See! Armin can do that for you!” They lean in closer to you, their lab coat brushing against yours, “Come on, (Nickname), I’d be reaaaaally happy if you go!” 
An uneasy feeling pools in your gut, as an anxious sweat begins to bead at your brow, “I-uhm-I suppose I can go for an hour or two.”
“Great!” They grab your hands in theirs, squeezing them in a friendly manner, “The bar is called ‘Titan’s Wrath,’ and we’re meeting at eight on Saturday!” Releasing you, they pat you on the back, “See you later!” They run off, most likely back to the dry lab. 
After a moment of silence, you slowly turn towards the short haired blond man, “Armin, I’m going to kill you.”
He blanches at your blunt tone, flushing a bright red, “Wha-what?” 
You grit your teeth, tears starting to bead your eyes in frustration, “They’re the person I was telling you about! Hanji constantly harasses me, and you practically just tossed me into their arms! Why would you do that?” 
A look of pure terror and remorse appears of his face, “Oh my God, I’m so sorry. I-I didn’t realise that they were the person-oh my God, I’m so stupid. I-I really didn’t know! I’m so, so sorry!” You let out a quivering breath, hands clenched into fists to calm you down. 
“It-it’s alright. I never really told you who they were. Just never do that again, okay? If you need more hours, just tell me, and I’ll see what I can do,” The younger man sighs in relief, shoulders deflating. 
“I promise to never do that again!” You nod, blinking away your unshed tears, and smile at him. 
“Okay, then we don’t have any problems,” You laugh lightly, shaking your head, “Who would’ve thought our newest intern was the dry lab’s wing man?” He panics again, making you cackle good-naturedly, “Now, can you please grab the dilluter? I forgot to grab it from the fridge.”
Hanji, being the ever cheerful person that they are, set their sights on you the moment you were hired. 
But, if they came out with their feelings immediately, you’d just assume that they wanted to take advantage of you. 
So, they watched you. Writing down your likes and dislikes, your quirks, everything. Through their ‘research,’ they came to realise that you’re very good at your job. The wet-lab should be lucky that they have you… but they never give you the recognition you deserve! 
They bombard you with assignments, become upset when you don’t finish them in seconds (which is so unreasonable!), and hardly give you any time off! 
You don’t seem to mind, being the good girl you are, but Hanji sure does! 
So, they’d seek out the top graduates from the college nearby, and help them become employed at the lab. The newbies really helped get the load off of your shoulders, and once done, they decided to swoop in now that you had a decent amount of free time. 
It started at the vending machine- they’d asked you if you wanted to get coffee with them sometime. You said no, probably because you felt it wasn’t professional. After all, rumours would spread like wildfire if you went out with the lead lab tech of the dry lab! 
So, everytime they knew you had a weekend off, they’d approach you with new places to try. 
Be it a movie, a store, a concert- it didn’t matter. They just desperately wanted to have some time with you! 
But, you reacted the complete opposite of how you were supposed to. 
You’d pick up as many shifts as possible, most times going into over time, just to avoid the flamboyant lead. Whenever you saw them in the hall or by the break room, you’d turn in the complete opposite direction. If wet-lab needed to correspond with the dry-lab, you’d send your most qualified coworker to do so. 
It was saddening, to be honest. They love you so much, yet you refuse to even face them. 
But, thanks to that Armin kid, their plans can finally bloom into fruition. For once, you can’t escape the brunet’s advances! 
Because of that, Hanji made a note to the owner of the lab that Armin would make a good contribution to the lab after he gets all of his qualifications. 
Saturday night comes far too soon. 
Dressed in black skinny jeans and a cropped, white long sleeve, you stand in front of ‘Titans Wrath.’ Scoffing at how the bar sounds like a metal band, you make your way inside. 
Grabbing the door handle, you yank it open, immediately hearing loud rock music. Mentally patting yourself on the back for your observation, you step inside of the cool building. 
Looking inside, you see a large, double sided bar in the middle of the room, a stage and standing area just behind it. There are a few pool tables in the front area where you’re standing, along with double doors leading to a hidden kitchen. 
There’s also a lot of people inside. You can’t see Hanji or their friends, but seeing a band setting up on the stage tells you that they’re probably on the other side of the bar. 
Walking over to the steps leading down into the stage area, you try to ignore the leers of a few men around you. Maybe you shouldn’t have worn clothes that accentuate your beautiful figure. Peering around the corner, you see the scientist and their friends, an empty seat in between them and a large blond man, that you vaguely recall being the police chief of your city. 
Strolling towards them halfheartedly, you give yourself a small peptalk inside of your mind. Sure, Hanji has always been touchy-feely with you, sure, they’ve asked you out about one hundred times, sure, you run into them every time you leave the house, sure- 
“(Nickname)! You actually came!” The brunet’s voice is loud, loud enough to cut through the loud music and equally loud chatter. Forcing a smile onto your face, you give a small wave, suddenly uncomfortable with the line of strangers at the bar suddenly looking at you. 
“Yes, hello, Hanji,” When you’re close enough, you’re thrown into a tight embrace, their body practically molding into your own. They’re about a head taller than you, making it so your head is practically forced against their protruding collarbones. Hesitating slightly, you give them a soft pat on the back, trying to escape their suffocating embrace. 
“I’m so glad you came!” They release you just as suddenly as they grabbed you, putting a hand on the small of your back, and practically forcing you in between the blond man and themself, “(Nickname), this is Erwin. Erwin, this is (First Name).”
His blue eyes rake over your appearance, recognition appearing on his face, “It’s nice to see you again, Ms. (Last Name), especially under better circumstances.” 
You nod, thinking back on some high profile cases you met with him for, “Yes, it’s nice to see you again, Mr. Smith.” 
A loud scoff is heard from beside Erwin, the head of a short, dark haired man peeks around the broad chested man, “It’s about time you brought a respectful brat,” You have to stop yourself from flinching at his harsh tone, “I am Levi,” Opening your mouth to introduce yourself, he holds up a hand, halting you, “There’s no need for introductions, Shitty-glasses has gushed about the ‘pretty wet-lab scientist’ for months now.” 
“Oh, alright. It’s nice to meet you,” His lifts his whiskey on rocks in acknowledgement, before downing it with one swig. 
“Likewise,” After that, he turns towards a light brown haired woman, her high pitched voice is heard from where you’re sitting. 
“I’m sorry about that. The detective is very… unsociable.” 
“It’s alright, Mr. Smith. He kind of reminds me of one of my interns, Annie,” You say with a small smile, before your swiveling bar stool is forced around so you’re facing Hanji. 
“Sooo, you like the bar so far?” Their smile is somewhat pleading, and you can’t help but just go along with them. 
“Yes, this place is, um, cool. Very interesting choice,” They clasp their hands together with a pleased expression, as they somehow move closer to you than they already are. At this point, you’re worried that they’ll fall off their stool. 
“Right? Our residential emo boy found it, and we’ve been hooked ever since,” A loud ‘Shut up, Shitty-glasses,’ is heard from behind you, making the brunet laugh, “Let me order you a drink! I think there’s something that you’ll really like!” 
Opening your mouth to reject, it was seemingly too late, because the brunet has already waved over a punk-ed out bartender. You didn’t really hear what the drink is called, but the man sets to work immediately. 
It barely takes a minute for it to be finished, and the purple drink is suddenly in front of your motionless form. Looking up, the purple haired man winks at you, before turning his attention back to a speaking Hanji. 
“Anything she orders, put it on my tab,” He nods, before walking off to service another customer. 
Turning your attention back to Hanji, you try to persuade them to let you pay, “Thanks, Hanji, but it’s alright. I can pay for my own drinks-”
“Don’t worry about it; I asked you out, remember? And it’s the least I can do for harassing you for the past few months,” Startled by their uncharacteristically somber words, you nod in understanding. 
“Alright. Thank you,” They nod, before motioning towards your drink. 
“Try it! I’m sure you’ll like it!” Grabbing the cool glass cup, you bring it up to your lips, and take a small sip. It’s amazing. It tastes like (favourite flavour), and it goes down smooth. 
“You’re right, this is delicious!” They grin brightly, clapping their hands together in glee. 
“Great!” They motion towards the stage with their head, “The show’s about to start! Are you ready for a kickass night?” You laugh at their vigour, and nod. 
“You bet!” 
Maybe tonight won’t be so bad after all. 
You spoke too soon. 
It seems like you’ve drank too much, because you’re now feeling dizzy. Throughout the set, you’d ordered about five more drinks, and they seemingly hit you all at once. 
Hanji, who’s been watching you since your fourth drink, feigns shock at your unstable form. That Rohypnol they grabbed from work works quite well! Now they can see why it’s the choice drug for those awful, awful people. 
“Whoa there, (Nickname), it seems you’ve had too much to drink!” Hanji jokes, hands holding you steady on your bar stool. The only person from your group still at the bar is Erwin, but he knows they have it under control. As chief of police, he feels a bit of remorse, but he knows it's for the best. Hanji will take care of you, because, after all, you’re their only true obsession. 
“Wha-huh? Was’ happenin?” Hanji can all but coo at how cute you are. 
“Don’t worry, cutie. I’ll get you home safe,” Helping you to your boot clad feet, they send a knowing look to Erwin, who smiles in return. Wrapping an arm around your waist, they help you stumble out of the bar, and walk towards their car. Once at the passenger side, the brunet unlocks the door, and assists you inside. You flop onto their leather interior, eyes unfocused, and body movements random. Chuckling to themself, they buckle you in, not before pulling on gloves, and taking your phone, keys, and wallet off of you. 
Taking these items, they empty your wallet of its cash, and chuck everything into a nearby bush. Knowing that the cameras outside the building and the buildings surrounding the place are off, they feel at ease. If anything, they feel like your knight in shining armour. If they hadn’t taken you, someone else would’ve-you’re just too cute. 
Closing your door, and rounding the car, they slide into the driver’s side, before starting the car. Buckling themself in, they look at your out-of-it form, and smile. 
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yourstruly-caycay · 3 years
My first and throughout the story impression with Record of Ragnarok's character.
Shiva: he's giving me a playboy vibe, at first I thought that he might have a lot of girlfriend, and I ALMOST guess it right.
Aphrodite: My gosh, she's damn hot and so pretty.
Brunhilde: badass, I absolutely like her immediately at first chapter.
Goll: at first she's kinda annoying to me, but I'm used to it and come to like her as I'm slowly symphatize for her just because her relationship with other valkyries and Heracles.
Adam: he's so cute, I thought that his backstory will accurately follow the Bible, but I guess it's not 100 percent accurate. manga Adam and Eve is a best couple. 😏✋
Poseidon: *in love in first sight, blushing so hard, have a nosebleed, and die of nosebleed* repeat the cycle everytime I see him.
Lu bu: Scary but badass person, I don't really have any word for him, but he's an underrated character and I like him so much especially his comrade.
Heracles: what a kind-heart person, I love him imediately too and out of all the characters in ror, he's probably someone that I can get along very well. (I want to be his friend)
Thor: Erza Scarlet but buffer and more badass, at first I see him as a scary person; but during tournament, it's actually hard for me to choose which one that I should root for. Then I simp for him as time pass by.
Zeus: "Netero, is that you?" His younger self is also hot too.
Jack the ripper: I already have a feeling that he'll be my favorite character, my first impression toward him is...  nothing at all, but soon enough I enjoy his figure and in the end I like him, I even cry at the end of tournament. yea yea, I’m a crybaby okay
Raiden: he's fun character and didn't really expect him to be giving more playboy vibe than Shiva. I also have a hard time choosing which one should I root for, it also sadden me when I look at his parent’s reaction at the very last tournament.
Sasaki Kojiro: he has become my favorite character in a few minute; after Adam vs Zeus fight, I feel quite down at the first beginning of Poseidon vs Kojiro. But at the half of tournament, I have a hope once again for Kojiro to survive.
Buddha: I like his design and he is so chill, he is one of the character who I probably can have a chill with. And throughout the battle, it make me love him more. 
Zerofuku: his past-self is a definition of cinnamon bun, Until now, I am still irritate with how ungrateful the human is. and funny enough, his present-self sure still remind me of cinnamon bun, but it gives dark aura and hotter.
Hermes: I almost mistaken him for Sebastian from Black Butler, but he sure is giving me a Black Butler vibe. He’s a fine character and also a chill guy.
Ares: I don’t know why, but his design is pretty funny to me, I don’t even know why he drink in a small cup which I also find it funny too, for now I guess he’s pretty much just watching the tournament so I don’t know what to say for him.
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myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 3 years
it just saddens me how "hating-uno-shoma" has become a gateway to fs stan twt,,,, like you can't be accepted to fs stan twt if you don't actively trashtalk shooms every single living minute,,, i've been wanting to make an account now that i'm actively watching fs again but tbh i gotta preserve my sanity first
I know this may be the feeling when you just look into fs twt and some big popular accounts with many followers - hence many likes - hence the tweets who get presented as popular. But don't be sad this is not representative for the whole FS fandom on twt or any other SNS.
I can't tell you FS Twitter is a good place, it's not, but don't believe there are no Shoma fans there. There is a big part of FS Twitter who still loves and supports Shoma very much. I can name you accounts to block and to follow to live a peaceful Shoma fan life if you wish. I do it myself and have fun on FS Twitter, you just have to do self care and not look into the hater accounts.
I didn't see much negative stuff because I know which accounts to block and I also got blocked in return.
And tbh most of those haters, hated him long time ago when he was close to beating Yuzu at 2017 Worlds. Some of them hold a grudge for very long. There are also those ppl - fired up originally by Ambesi - who trashtalk his technique - that admittedly is far from ideal - and started to call him cheater. But this was all on the judging site, so they couldn't lull other ppl into believing he is a bad guy. In 2019 things changed with the one thing he said - I have talked about it many times already and am not going to repeat it time and time again, imo it was blown a lot out of proportion and also not looked at with context - sadly some ppl don't want to have the full story - so they canceled him so here we are.
Imo there are a few big accounts who remind ppl time and time again of the evil Shoma Uno everytime he competes or gets any kind of positive attention like ppl cooing over his dogs etc. Imo these must be miserable and masochistic ppl to watch and follow someone they hate so much. I mean in the end even if I believe someone is a bad person, it doesn’t make him/her a bad skater undeserving of medaling. Wild concept I know.
I think this one sentence speaks volumes about the state of FS Twitter "we need to uncancel Shoma" this was said by supposedly haters at SkAm. They don't hate him, they are just afraid they get blocked and lose some of their "precious" hater friends, because they know some of them make their twt experience a hell of a living. I am very sure many of the FS fans in general don't have a problem with Shoma at all, but if you wanna get "popular" on FS twt and get followers you need to "cancel" ppl (not only Shoma, but Vincent, Nathan, Mariah Bell etc.) or just not talk about them at all.
I also even know accounts who said "I wouldn't say a word about Shoma because I don't want to get in trouble, but I love him and his skating." So much for "everyone hates him". Well...NO we don't.
I also saw that turn of "trying to be popular" on twt with a Tumblr acc here, who talked positively to me in messages about Shoma and on Twt she is one of the ppl who gets involved into trash talks about Shoma. I dunno if she is serious or just trying to fit in, just that this is very different from the way she talked to me before and she knew the Shoma issue since 2019, but only in 2021 decided to be a "hater".
One thing I see with Shoma haters is that these are mostly young women or teenagers who don't have much life experience and feel personally insulted or try to fit in just like in real life or believe everything they are told. So maybe one day they realize that the world isn't black and white and skaters are ppl with faults and backgrounds and that cancel culture is not allowing growth for anyone - the hated and the hater.
I believe if you're grown up and have work and a life and FS is only your hobby - a precious one but a hobby - , there is no time or need to fit into a virtual world full of toxic remarks on who to hate and who to like. And we all know being grown-up isn't always about age.
I probably could have answered this shortly, but anyway I mean what I write...😅 (this is my biggest problem on twt, the size limit of tweets)
These are my personal observations in the FS fandom, so others experience might differ. But one thing is sure in social media you have to find your safe heaven.
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b-lessings · 3 years
Hope you’re doing great Insha’Allah tala!
I’m struggling w/ something since long. I got into university in February. I take hijab as well as niqab alhamdulillah. But ever since my university started, I’m facing issues in making friends. Every other girls group has guys in them and it’s very hard for me to hang out w/ guys in the group (which isn’t even permissible). My friends from high school who are in university with me now have changed so much. Their thoughts and opinions have changed. I literally have no sincere friend ever since the university started and it’s actually getting hard for me now cuz I can’t even discuss things related to studies.
I get upset, anxious, stressed out. My heart feels so heavy. I just don’t know why. At times, I think of sitting with the girls in a group despite of the guys being there. But I just don’t know I just can’t do that. I’d want you to please remember me in your khaas dua’as and any advice you’d want give me.
Honestly, this dunya is such a jail for momin. It’s becoming so hard to live with all the fitnas around. My heart cries everytime and I just don’t know I feel like my will to live is ending.
Jazaakillah khair♥️
Wa Alaikum assalamu wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuhu sister,
First of all, I just want to say congratulations on getting into university, that's a great accomplishment. And also, congratulations on wearing Hijab and Niqab Ma Sha Allah, Allahuma barik laki 🤍🤍 May Allah swt ease your path and keep you steadfast on his straight path, ameen.
Reading your ask, I remembered a post I saw recently that basically says that it is not easy to choose the path of Allah swt in our modern day world which is full of fitnah and sins tbh. So your feelings are very valid, the situation you are living is really difficult and you have all the right to feel saddened, upset and confused. And especially if you live in an environment where Muslims are not the majority, it gets even harder. (but even if you live in a Muslim majority country, it is still challenging, sübhanallah). I know and understand your need especially at this stage of your life and this age to belong, to relate to someone or a group of people, to be socially active, to be accepted and not marginalized, to enjoy yourself and your youth, to have a 'community' and it is incredibly hard when you don't find people with common principles and shared beliefs. But you CHOSE the path of Allah swt. In the eyes of Allah swt you are in a much higher ranking. And this could be your test. Allah swt could be testing your sincerity and your honesty in the lifestyle you have chosen, He could be testing how much you love Him and want to obey Him. So He is putting these temptations at your display to see which way you will go, are you still going to hold on to Allah's rope or give in to the worldly temptations. And it is well known that Allah swt saves his hardest tests to the best of his people. When you look at these friends of yours hanging out with guys and leading a fun life so simply with no complications, I want you to remind yourself that this life and that pleasure is only temporary, and that at the end of the day, when we stand before Allah swt on judgment day, what YOU ARE DOING right now by staying away from free mixing and respecting your islamic dress code and your faith, that's what matters, that's what is going to save you in shaa Allah. I promise you, these worldly pleasures have shaytan's scam drawn all over them. May Allah swt keep you steadfast on the straight path and protect you from Shaytan. Ameen. And I know free-mixing is one the biggest fitnahs but worst case scenario, if you really had to interact with them, you should still remain respectful and within the limits that Allah swt allows. Kheir in shaa Allah sister.
As for the loneliness, I feel for you, but do not despair my dear. Allah swt says in surat Ta Ha (20:46) Do not fear, indeed, I am with you, all hearing and all seeing. As a matter of fact, you have Allah swt by your side, you CHOSE Allah swt as your companion. Allah's words (the Quran) could be your best friend. Here's a tip, I don't know if you can carry a small book of the Quran in your purse or bag wherever you go but you can download your favorite recitations on your phone, and whenever you are community, going in or back from uni, you can just put your earphones on and listen to them, for it will bring your heart peace and contentment in shaa Allah. And I know as humans we always feel the need for socializing and exchanging stories, you can use Tumblr for that, you can post alllllll the stories you need/ want, talk about your day, interact with sisters who not only will in shaa Allah understand you but also might be going thru the same thing and struggles as you, and thus, could help out bi ithnLlah. You can also read books, listen to podcasts etc. It is definitely beneficial for your knowledge and personel development but also, it will distract you from all the fitnah going on around you, my dear sister.
Finally, I don't want to make this too long for you, but I have one quick tip, when it gets too hard, remind yourself that you are doing this for the sake of Allah swt, the almighty, the wadud (ever loving), the gracious, the most kind, the most gentle, the one who is waiting for us to run to Him,talk to Him, confine in Him, so that He will in shaa Allah please us and comfort us. Please think of this my dear sister. I pray that Allah swt fill your heart with strength and sabr, I pray He enable you to see the truth and the fakeness of the worldly pleasures, and keep you steadfast on his straight path. You are living your own Jihad journey my dear, and you will be in shaa Allah rewarded with the biggest blessings. Ameen 🤍.
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kayzume · 3 years
Tumblr media
Pairing: Osamu x Reader
Genre: late as usual, fluff, bit of angst
wc: <1k
Note: late again of course, like it's news😉..yeah enjoy!! I think, also part of Anilysium SFW collab => HERE!! please check everyone's work!!
P.S Don't be like me, Be productive :>
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“That’s the last one!” you almost jumped in joy as you taped up the last box full of your kitchen utensils.
This is it, you’re finally moving out of your parent’s house, soon enough out of this town too, Oh how you’ll miss all your precious memories here, for someone who is moving out you should be feeling ecstatic at the fact that you’ll no longer be under the same roof with your parents, you’ll finally stop being a burden, you’ll be independent, but then looking back you didn’t want to leave your mother and father behind. You’re all they have, but you want to give them a much better life than the one you're living in now, you want to be like your friends who grew up matured and went on their ways being a provider, you don’t want to be the only one left behind groveling in your own self pity party. You unusual silence must’ve alerted your mother as she went rushing to your side,
“Honey, is everything okay? Feeling a bit nostalgic on your last day hmm?” she asked whilst caressing your cheeks
“Yeah, I just...can’t believe it. Mom I’ll be- just don’t miss me too much” being around her made you feel even more gloomy, you’ll be the one missing them too much, you’ll probably buy a plane ticket as soon as you arrive and fly back home.
“I need some air mommy, can I go out for a while?”
“Sure baby, just be back before dinner, you need to get ready, your flight is only a few hours away” she reminded you as you waved back goodbye.
Your neighborhood walk brings back memories of you running off the streets holding bug nets during the summer, a big wonky snowball from that one memorable winter. You used to walk these streets all the time attending school with your friends, then walking back again from late after school club practices. Oh those truly were the days, you hoped that you could stay carefree like that forever, but time moves and so should you just like everyone already has.
All that remembering through memory lane made you clueless to your surroundings that you bumped yourself on a post.
“Careful there, y/n. I see you haven’t grown out of your clumsy phase yet” a deep chuckle made you swing your head behind you that you almost snapped your neck
“Osamu! God how you’ve been? We live in the same town yet I’ve never seen you much after high school” the man before you was none other than one of the twin boys you used to played around with as a kid
“Good, I’ve been out most of that time after high school, ya know visiting other places trying new flavors. I just got back from Tokyo. I branched out my business there. Everything is going smooth so far so I returned here” his bored face doesn’t match well with his cheery voice while he was talking about his business, wait..
“You have a business?!” and now you’re pointing fingers
“Is that such a surprise I thought you knew, we do live in the same town just like you said. It’s a restaurant business, an onigiri shop” he said looking so proud, as he should
“Ha you’re still obsessed with onigiri? I mean that’s all you eat even before” he eat those rice balls everyday, middle school until high school, who would’ve thought he still haven’t gotten sick of eating white rice with bunch of fillings
“Of course I am” shameless as ever, he hasn’t changed at all after all these years
“Say, why don’t you come by have dinner at my place one last time before I leave town” you nudged at him
“You’re...leaving? To where? When?” questions come pouring out of him like a faucet out of control
“One at a time please, I’ll tell you while we walk”
Story after story on how you finally decided to move out and work elsewhere was told the two of you missed to notice that you walked further than where your house is supposed to be standing. You two are now in the family park you used to play in.
“This place, it’s been forever since I- I meant we’ve been here” that large acacia tree still stood out in the middle of the park giving such a nice shade under the lowering sun.
“Do you still remember, what we kept here y/n” you looked at him with curiosity filled eyes,
“That shoebox we stole from Atsumu”
You both sniggered at the memory. Atsumu was so upset he almost cried, as evil as that childish prank was, it was satisfying.
“Should we dig it up?” you asked suggestively.
“We could, I for one am prepared, you see I’m carrying a spoon” Osamu looked so cute presenting his spoon like a proud kid who won the game.
“Yeah, a spoon will take as a year”
“It’s around this spot, come” he gestured you to come close as he shoved the metal spoon on the dirt below you.
After digging for quite some time it seems that the mighty spoon has finally hit rock bottom or in this case a red molding box. Osamu carefully lifts it out and to your surprise it’s mostly intact. Keyword: mostly. The sides were molding and there were small tears that started to be noticeable on one of the corners.
“Open it” the boss in you commanded with excitement.
The first thing that caught your eye was a blue velvet box standing out from the rest of the childhood junk you two used to collect. Passing through Osamu you pulled out the box dusting off the dirt on it
“What’s this, I don’t remember us putting something so fancy in here” your curiosity got the best of you as you looked at Samu for answers
“That box, actually I put that there...haha did you forget I used to propose to you everytime I win candy rings at the arcade?” Osamu shied his gaze away from you whilst rubbing the back of his neck
You do remember, your hands are starting to sweat from the embarrassment, he doesn’t just do that when you were alone then. He used to do it everywhere, it was sweet and cute.
“I remember the rings, but this box- too fancy for two middle school kids playing house”
“I dug up the box the night you went home, this velvet box was owned by my mom I asked her for it, I told her I want to make my proposal more realistic, maybe then you’ll actually say yes” he cut you off before you could even ask
“You know Samu, I would’ve said yes any other way but we were like ten, eleven years old., I like you then and.. To be honest I still like you now” before he can even get his hopes up you wanted to break it to him,
“But it’s more complicated now, I’m leaving in a few hours and- it- it just feels impossible now” you were saddened by your own words but this is the reality of things and the both of you should just accept it as early as possible, it gets less complicated that way.
The sigh that escaped his lips, means something and it’s starting to break you, what a great timing this is.
“I’ll wait for you, until you’re really ready, until you come back..to me, I’ll wait, that I assure you is not impossible, I’ve waited our whole childhood I’m not giving up now” his determination came from nowhere and it eased you, he’s right it’s complicated right now but it won’t always be like this, like him you too will wait, your time will come, you’ll be back.
“I hope you keep that promise too Samu”
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depressedacadamia · 3 years
How do you passive aggressively say ‘Fuck you’ in flower? Part III
Summary:  New owners, new friendships and new beginnings... but maybe there's a linger of old history there aswell.
A/N:  Helloooo!! It's writers month starting August so I've posted all the prompts and there are also the fandoms you can request. Please send a request, its always fun to interact with the readers and hear what content you want to see!! That said, here is chap 3!! I hope you enjoy and make sure you comment and enjoy!! <3 from phi phi!!
Read on A03              Read part I on Tumblr               Read part II on Tumblr
Will couldn't believe his luck. Of all the things he could have been told, it had to be this.
He held the printed note in between his thumb and forefinger as he grumpily read aloud the note hidden inside the fortune cookie. Calypso looked excited as her hands gripped the side of the table with passion.
“So? What does it say? Are you going to marry skull boy and live happily ever after with a cat?”
Wills scowled. “ No, that’s ridiculous. I hate cats. Maybe a dog. Or a goldfish.”
“Yeah, but goldfish don't live for as long as a cat could,” Calypso pointed out, her pinky finger pointing towards Will. “Now read. I want to hear your fortune.”
“Ugh. You aren’t hesitant to take what you want but sometimes you lack intuition; try and be more intuitive."
Calypso looked at him, with disappointment ranging across her face before shrugging and returning to her food. Will, who was expecting a much larger reaction, was offended.
“Excuse me? You begged to hear my fortune and now you just ignore it? You’re a terrible friend. I bet you wouldn’t run into a fire to save me.”
“You’re right. I wouldn’t.”
Will gasped. Calypso continued her sentence, with an overall sense of coolness. “ I’d send the fucking fire patrol, police, moutaion resucuers, heck, I’d send the grandma next door to me if she had even a slim chance of getting you out of there.”
“Awwww, You do love me!”
Calypso grunted. “It’s only because I refuse to let anything other than myself kill you. Now stop hugging me and scram; you’re ruining my course of digestion with how hard your arms are wrapped around my stomach.”
But Will refused to oblige as he wrapped his arms around his best friend's stomach, listening to her complaints and completely ignoring them.
“What do you think it means?” Calypso spoke over a mouthful of food.
“The fortune cookie thingy. What do you think it means?”
“It means I should be more intuitive, that's what it said.”
Calypso facepalmed, now understanding why the fortune cookie told her best friend what it told them. Even to the most oblivious person, it was obvoius that what the fortune cookie had told Will was not to simply be more intuitive but instead to -as the author would say- Open your fucking eyes and see what’s in front of you . But, as the author, I can tell you that William Andrew Solace is such an oblivious character that if I were to shout that at him, he would simply stare at whatever was sitting in front of him.
The next Saturday
“Are they coming?” Meg tugged on Will’s sleeve. “ Will, are they going to come today?”
It had seemed that, surprisingly enough, Meg had taken a great liking to Will’s so-called new ‘friends’ and in particular- Nico, which just so happened to be perfect for Will. It was already terrible that Will had to deal with them showing up only once in his beloved shop, let alone the idea that they may come again the next weekend and ruin it entirely for him, like the previous.
“I don’t know Meg, why do you care?” Will asked, his tone slightly agitated, out of all the people who had visited him at the shop, Meg just had to take a liking to these.
“Because that Nico guy is super cool. But don’t tell him I said that- and you guys can’t make out in my shop, no matter how cool he is.”
“This isn’t your shop and it isn't Calypso’s either, Dya know that, right?” Will reminded Meg as she went on about the new customers.
A sharp jab, that Will could now confidently identify to be Calypso’s elbow, hit his side. “Oi, What do you mean it ain't my shop- it basically is. It’s not like the previous owner ever cared about it.”
Will’s ears perked up at the words ‘previous owner’. “What do you mean Previous owner? Do they not own it anymore?”
“Did you not hear?” Calypso stopped braiding the rose into Will’s hair after seeing his surprised expression. “ We have a new owner. They offered the old one loads, and I mean loads of money for this shop. Apparently it’s this young sophisticated woman who just throws money whenever she wants.”
“Why do you sound so happy?”
Calypso’s finger’s in Will’s hair stopped braiding for a second. “What do you mean why do I sound so happy? We have a new rich owner. That means we will get better conditions. Imagine all the better quality wrapping we can get for the bouquets!”
“But if they're the kind of person to just throw money about, will they really take care of what's theirs? Or will they just send their own cronies to keep everything tidy, while paying them the minimum possible? And in this case, those cronies are us!”
“You’re imagining the worst of the new owner.”
“No, I’m not! Why am I the only one who hates the idea of a new owner!” Will yelled, grabbing the rose in his hair and ripping it out, throwing it at the entrance of the door. Will wasn't one to raise his voice but he couldn’t help but feel frustrated- why was everything changing so much!
Maybe it was fate, maybe it was destiny, or maybe Will was just that unlucky, but in that very moment, Nico and his friends all walked in.
It seemed they had all been causally conversing as they walked in.They were quickly silenced by whatever was occurring within the florist; Percy was halfway through grinning and dropping his jaw at Will's sudden outburst. Afterall, the last time he had seen Will this agitated was in middle school when he stole Will’s plastic stethoscope that his father had supposedly gotten him.
“Are we interrupting?'' Frank asked. He may have been on Nico’s side but he figured that perhaps barging in on an argument wasn’t the most respectful thing one could do.
“Trouble in paradise?” Nico smirked as he picked up the ruined rose that Will had thrown to the floor in a rage. He twirled in between his fingers and looked at the shade of pink; he glanced back at Will and decided it greatly complimented his skin tone and the cute blush he’d get whenever he was angry.
He frowned at the ruined rose and placed it on the counter before walking back to Will.
“The trouble only started when you set foot into this shop,” Will retorted, very much unappreciative of his presence at this moment. He still couldn't believe that the shop was getting a new owner! Sure, the old one had barely shown up and basically left Calypso entirely in charge but how could Calypso be so casual about it?
Nico ignored his attempt at a snide comment and walked past him, gesturing with his finger to follow behind him. “I want a flower. The one you threw. What was it, a Rosa Ausrumba?”
Will, slightly surprised that Nico had managed to identify the binomial name for the rose, raised his eyebrow. “Yeah.. how did you know?”
Nico shrugged, not offering an explanation as Will went ahead and fetched him a packaged gentle hermione rose. As he handed it over, he couldn’t help but let his mind wonder who the rose was for. It was a soft pink, the same type of rose that Calypso insisted he wear everytime he worked at the shop. Will knew that pink roses symbolised a lot of things but the question was, what exactly?
Was there anyone Nico knew who he’d give that rose to? It wouldn’t make sense for it to go to Leo, afterall, it wouldn't compliment his hair or skin tones: rather, it could work with someone like Hazel- since she was his sister, it would make sense for Nico to give it to her.
Calypso had always forced Will to wear that species of pink rose because she said that he had the hair for it and his blush and the colour of the rose were indistinguishable but most of all, it was the friendly gesture she had made when he first started working there.
He felt Nico’s fingertips brush against his as he handed the rose and a jolt of electricity sparking between them.
Shit, static shock.
“Ow!” Will jerked back, dropping the rose and rubbing his hand. He was about to ask Nico what the hell before he realised that the rose was on the floor. It wasn’t like the rose was going to be ruined or destroyed now it was on the floor or that it particularly angered Will to see the rose there. It simply saddened Will so much that he felt compelled to pick it up; maybe it was because he was so used to being forced into wearing it everyday or maybe because it was meant to be Nico’s, either way, he bent down to retrieve the flower.
It seemed that Nico had the same idea because their heads collided and Will was sent stumbling backwards onto his butt.
“Ow!” He cried again, rubbing his head. Nico felt his eyes widen at Will’s words and quickly he grabbed the rose and kneeled in the space between Will's legs, with his hand scanning Will’s face of any injury.
“Are you okay?”
Will frowned at the considerate question, wondering if Nico was mocking him or not. “Why do you care?”
That question threw Nico off guard. Why do you care? Why did he care? That was a good question he had yet to ask himself. Why did he care so much about Will? Why did he decide to come back? Every week nonetheless.
“No reason.” Nico shrugged. ” I just wanted to make sure your clumsy ass didn’t break anything.”
“Your head hit mine!”
“Yeah but it was you who decided to go after my flower,” Nico argued, clutching the rose in his hand. He started peeling off the wrapping until he had the rose alone in his hand.
“What the hell are you doing? You haven’t paid for it yet!”
Nico ignored him as he handed Will the rose. Obviously, Will took the rose from Nico’s hand and held it. Why did Nico want him to hold his flower for him?
“What?” Will was confused. “Why am I holding your flower?”
“Because I gave it to you.”
“To do what with?” Will inquired, his eyes oblivious. For someone who slept around, Will was not one who knew much about romantic rituals.
Murmuring something under his breath, Nico tilted his face away and let the loose strands of his black hair fall over his eyes elegantly. Will didn’t know if he had hit his head too hard but he could have sworn that Nico was slightly blushing.
“What? I didn’t catch that.”
“I said,” Nico took a dep breath, “The flower is for you and your stupid hair.”
Will must have looked relatively confused because Nico kept on talking. “Because you wear one whenever you work here? And when you threw a fit, you also threw your rose and it got ruined.”
Will, dumbfounded, simply stared at Nico. It wasn’t like he could braid his hair right here; Was this where Will was meant to thank him?
“Uh… thank you? I mean I could have easily gotten Callie to do my hair again but thanks anyway.”
Will realised that he was still sitting on the floor and immediately got up, still clutching the rose firmly in his hand, like he was afraid that the wind may just carry it off and he may never see it again.
In silence, him and Nico walked back to the counter, where surprisingly enough, everyone was getting on quite well. Percy and Frank were challenging Piper and Hazel about some vague petty thing,while Leo and Annabeth spoke to Calypso and Jason told Meg about Nico.
Annabeth had noticed quite quickly that Calypso had a crush on Leo and it seemed that Leo was aware as well. However, despite that, he didn’t let it get in the way of the conversation or the potential for a very beautiful friendship. He didn't like Calypso in that way. It was true that he had many previous lovers both men and women but Calypso was his friend, nothing more.
Nico noticed that Will was simply holding the rose and not wearing it like he intended him to.
“Why aren't you wearing the rose?”
Will stuttered, his face burning up slightly from embarrassment. “I..uh,well...I can’t really, um, braid my hair.”
Will was waiting for the insult. For a laugh, maybe a jeer. Instead he was surprised by the reaction that met him.
“I do. Give me the rose and sit in that chair.” Nico pointed to the chair behind the counter. Will, oblivious as ever, took a seat. He didn’t expect to feel familiar hands working on his hair. It felt like deja vu, feeling Nico’s fingers weave themselves into his hair, it felt like they were in that storage room all over again, making out on the small couch.
Wondering if Nico was also reminiscing that moment, he turned his head ever so slightly and caught Nico’s eye.
Nico turned Will’s head. “Stay still, I can’t do your hair if you keep on moving.”
Do my hair? He’s going to do my hair?
Will anxiously sat in the chair, fiddling his hands as Nico sectioned his hair into 3 parts and slipped the stem of the rose into one of the sections. He began braiding Will’s hair, slowly softly, dare I even say- Lovingly.
Will almost shivered when he felt Nico’s fingertip graze his scalp. His fingers braided like magic and within a matter of seconds, it felt like he had finished. Nico walked in front of Will to have a look at his handiwork from the front and reached forward. His finger brushed the side of Will’s ear and for a second, Will thought that Nico was going to gently cup his cheek and kiss him.
Instead, he reached and pulled free a small lock of hair from the front of his face so it dangled elegantly and complemented the rose that lay in his hair.
Will gulped. “ How did you learn to do hair?” His voice was extremely hoarse.
Nico’s voice seemed lower when he spoke. “My sister. I used to do her hair sometimes when we were at camp.”
Will nodded absent mindedly and focused on why his heart was beating so fast. The only reasons he knew why his heart would ever beat fast near a person would be if they scared him, forced him to exercise or if he had just slept with them.
Since Nico hadn't made him run, and they weren't sleeping together and Nico didn't make him fear for his life (yet), he was purely confused as to why his heart felt like it was a butterfly fluttering and any second, his ribcage may burst open and let it fly away and with it, his heart.,
He stared at the back of Nico’s head as he walked back to his friends who were now arguing about the difference between a white and an ivory rose.
Will did not not see Nico on Sunday at the flower shop. Nor did he see any of his friends.
Friday, Next week.
“Will, put that beer bottle down!” Calypso yelled, her entire state chaotic. There was flour everywhere and Will couldn’t tell where the kitchen started and where the mess ended.
This is what happened when he offered to babysit.
It was one thing to babysit a teenager or perhaps a 10 years old but a 7 years old? A seven year old and a 5 year old? A combination from hell itself. Overly energetic, disrespectful and disobedient, seven years olds were the worst kind of children to babysit.
It had started a while ago when his mother’s friend who’s name actually was Karen had to leave in a rush for some emergency (although Will had highly doubted it) and left her kids with Will's Mother. Being the wonderful woman she was, Will’s mother held onto them for as long as she could but she had a job, as most people did and unfortunately it was a job that required her to not enjoy her Friday nights.
This had led to her leaving the children with Will. Afterall, he was a responsible adult.
Okay fine, scratch the responsible part. She had left the children with Will because Calypso had promised to be there and in all blatant honesty, it was obvious that without Calypso, Will would be the biggest mess out there.
It seemed, however, that babysitting children was harder than both of them had anticipated.
“Callie, I give up. These kids are the devil's spawn. If they die, then tough luck for them.”
Calypso groaned and slammed her head onto the table before perking up with excitement. She grabbed her phone and dialed a number. Will overheard a vague conversation and simply watched, very confused.
Calypso set her phone down. “Okay so I have figured out how to fix this.” She pointed to the massive mess in their apartment.
“You’ll see.”
Will didn’t trust the mischievous smile that came across Calypso’s face.
Nico was chilling on his bed with his phone in his hand, hovering above his face. He did not really have much to do so here he was, scrolling through social media. He was meant to be doing something with Percy or Jason or maybe Hazel- he really couldn’t remember and he couldn’t care less.
That was until he overheard a conversation from Jason that he could only describe as interesting. Only a few minutes later, Percy showed up very begrudgingly muttering I’m only coming because I wanna see where the little fucker lives.
As far as Nico was concerned, there was only one person who Percy called ‘the little fucker’ and why were Jason and Percy paying him a visit?
“Wait-” Nico threw his legs over the side of the bed, sitting up.”-Where are you guys going?”
“Calypso’s place. She needs some help babysitting? Or something like that. Annabeth’s call was kinda vague.”
“You’re going to Calypso’s place because Annabeth told you to?” Nico tilted his head, confusion evident in his voice. Jason took a deep breath before explaining.
“Calypso called Piper who gave the phone to Annabeth who called me to tell us and Hazel to go to Calypso’s place and help her and Will with whatever they needed help with.”
“Why is Will at Calypso’s place?”
Percy quickly interjected. “ They live together.”
That statement alone was enough to make Nico choke on the air he was trying to peacefully breathe.
“They what?” He managed to wheeze from in between the heavy coughs that racked from his chest.
“They live together,” Jason repeated innocently. “ Why?”
“Yeah,” Percy smirked, figuring out the reason behind Nico’s coughing fit. “ Why do you care, Nico?”
“No reason. It’s just a bit out of the blue.”
“So you don’t deny that you care!” Percy yelled excitedly pointing his finger at Nico. Nico grabbed it and twisted it with such ferocity, there was a crack and Percy let out a cry and pulled his finger back pouting, blowing on it like it was a hot dish.
“I twisted your finger, stop blowing on it like it’s a hot potato and let's hurry up and go please,” Nico groaned, rolling his eyes at Percy’s dramatic overreaction.
Percy, under his breath, murmured,” Somebody’s desperate.”
Nico slapped his shoulder.
When Will opened the door to his apartment, he didn't really know what he was expecting. Maybe someone like Thalia Grace or Reyna- a close friend of Calypso.
He certainly was not expecting his arch nemesis and his cronies to show up. He wasn’t in the best state of mind and he felt like any moment now, his feet may fail and he’d be out cold on the floor.
What was worse was the fact that Hazel had already arrived- without Frank as he said he ‘wasn’t the kind who liked children’. So now Will was here having to behave himself as if he were some host and they were his guest
His brain told him that this was exactly what this was.
But another part of Will didn’t agree. It was more, there was some more sinister motive behind why they were here. Sure, Annabeth had told them to come and god forbid someone disobey Annabeth but they clearly came here with their own reasons. Whether all their reasons were the same or not, Will did not know.
“What do you want?” Will deadpanned as he held the door halfway open- just like his eyelids. He was already considering shutting it in their faces. However, it seemed that Nico wasn’t having any of it as he simply pushed his way past Will, into the half cleaned up apartment.
“Oh, Nico! You’re here!” Hazel whisper-called out from the living room . She had the 5 year old’s head resting on her lap as it dozed off and the seven year old lay next to her, their eyes drifting off to sleep.
“Yeah, I’m here. What about it?”
“I thought you might want to cook something? I’m really hungry and I’m pretty sure Calypso’s been running around on an empty stomach trying to keep 2 children and a drunk person under control.”
Nico paused before wrinkling his nose. He walked forward to Will and moved his blonde hair out of his face to get a better view of his eyes.
“You’re drunk?” Nico looked around the kitchen and spotted the beer bottles. “Jesus, are you a lightweight or something? This shit ain’t even strong,” Nico grunted as he grabbed a very much incoordinate Will to the kitchen and sat him down at the counter. He got him a glass of water and rolled his sleeves up before quickly sifting through the fridge and cupboards.
“What happened to him?” Percy asked, walking slightly at the blushing Will sitting at the counter sipping water out of a straw.
“Hehee, Nico has very warm arms.” Some water dribbled out from the side of Will’s mouth as he giggled.
“He’s… wasted?” Jason squinted his eyes. “ I thought people with blue eyes were meant to have the highest tolerance to alcohol.”
“Nooooo,” Will whined. “ That’s not it. Blue eyed people are moree likeleyyy to have a dependency on alcohol. We did this in class-”
He was cut off by his own hiccup.
“Fucking hell,” Nico muttered as he pulled out ingrediants. Hungrily, Jason and Percy eyed the food.
“Whatcha making?” Percy asked, slinging his arm over Nico’s shoulder. Immediately, Will got out of his seat, objecting to this. However, before he could do this, he tripped and fell on his butt and in turn knocked his head into the floor. He was out cold within seconds.
“Did he just pass out?” Percy asked, poking at Will’s body with his foot only for Nico to be outraged and push Percy with such vigour, he ended up splayed onto the floor. He quickly kneeled beside Will and shook him gently, trying to wake him up.
“Flower boy? Hey, wake up. Will? Get up. Get up right now Will.” Nico began shaking him, his voice starting out in small quiet whispers. The alarm in Nico’s voice called over Calypso who batted her hand and laughed.
“Oh you have nothing to worry about. He does this everytime he gets too drunk. He’s a real lightweight, trust me.”
After much chaos and argument, everyone calmed down and Nico got cooking. As someone who was majoring in food tech, Jason and Percy would always make him cook meals for them. While Nico always pretended to be bothered and annoyed by this, he secretly loved it, meaning that he could make his friends smile with something he also loved- food.
Sure, he sometimes skipped meals or didn’t have time to actually eat, but he was constantly surrounded by food and making it was so chaotic but he enjoyed it and he enjoyed the rush of serotonin he’d get when he tasted the final dish.
“Food’s ready!” Nico called from the kitchen. Will had been moved to the sofa because Calypso had been told that under no circumstance was anybody to ever go into Will’s bedroom. Jason came in to the table and started laying it, as their usual routine went. Percy brought cups and Hazel, who normally did not dine with them, was talking to Calypso. They took their seat at the table and waited for the boys to finish laying it and serving food.
Nico glanced at Will who was dozing off on the couch peacefully. “ Is he not going to join us?”
Calypso shook her head. She knew when Will was feeling the way he was today, the only thing he could do was sleep it off. Nico had to admit, he was disappointed; he was hoping to see Will’s reaction when tasting the food. In fact, he had put extra effort into making it perfect just based on the possibility that Will may have been joining them for dinner.
They ate silently, with only the sound of the occasional collision of the fork against the plate echoing into the apartment.
“This is a nice place…” Percy started, trying to ease some of the tense silence away. Calypso gave him a short nod.
“Yes. It’s mine- Will and I share it.”
“Why?” Nico asked, his jealousy overtaking his actions. Was he really at liberty to ask such a question? No. Was he going to anyway? Absolutely.
Calypso raised an eyebrow at the question, while she slowly raised the fork to her mouth. “Does it matter why?”
Nico, staring at his food, paused. “No,” He sighed. “ I guess it doesn’t.”
Hazel, who wasn't allowing this, quickly intercepted. “It doesn't matter but that doesn't mean we wouldn’t like to know? Right guys?”
“Yeah!” Percy agreed a bit too passionately. “Tell us Calypso. How is it that you- someone of your high standards is living with somebody like… Will.”
Percy's abrash statement was rewarded with a hard smack to the back from the Italian boy sitting next time, glaring at him enough daggers for Percy to become Pinhead. Percy, midway swallowing, began coughing frantically which despite the urgency of the situation earned no sympathy from Nico who sat there as Percy choked and Jason gave violent slaps on his back.
“Ugh, well. We’ve known each other…” Calypso stopped. “ Are you sure you’re okay?”
Percy, almost red in the face, nodded frantically and mimed with his hands to keep talking. Jason reached over and poured Percy another glass of water.
“Uh, well… We work together but we’ve known each other for a long time.”
“How long? I don't remember Solace ever mentioning you.”
Calypso smiled slightly. “ If I’m correct, you two weren't and still aren't really on the kinds of terms where you discuss your personal life.”
“Still… I would have thought that… forget it.”
The awkwardly silent dinner continued with the clanking of cutlery against plates. Secret glares were passed along with uncomfortable shivers but all in all, the dinner managed to run smoothly. The guests helped clean up and finally, late into the night, they stood at the door awkwardly, as Calypso dismissed them.
“Are the children… staying?” Hazel innocently inquired, her eyes falling on the small children who lay asleep on the sofa behind Calypso.
Calypso scratched her head- slightly unsure herself. “Uh, I guess. Until they get picked up at least.”
“Oh… I guess I should stay to help out then?”
“No! Please, I don't want you to ruin a good night's sleep over this. I’m sure I can handle this. It wouldn’t be the first time.” Calypso reached for the door. “Get home safely.”
Jason and Percy, who realised that they were no longer welcome, did not hesitate to leave- the same couldn’t be said for Nico.
He didn’t know why he was hesitating- it wasn't as if Calypso and him were friends in any way. However, it seemed that for some odd reason there was a connection between the two that they both strongly cared for a certain blond headed lightweight. But they also both cared for a certain grinning engineer who spoke Spanish.
With his hand shoved in his pockets, he slowly turned his heel as if a magnet from afar was tugging on the metal heartstrings with his heart. His head was bowed towards the floor as he muttered the words under his breath.
“Tell him to call me when he wakes up tomorrow… We should probably talk and get everything out of the way.” Nico’s hair fell in front of his face, his eyes darting anywhere but Calypso’s face as to avoid her seeing his expression.
“Are you dating Leo?”
The abrupt question had Nico’s head snapping upwards so fast that I- the author- feared that he may have broken his neck had he moved any faster. The obvious answer was ‘no’. They had broken up long before Nico had even known someone like William Andrew Solace even existed; however, he didn't know if he could give such an honest answer so freely.
It was clear that Calypso was not just asking Nico this question for the sake of fun. She liked him.
And for some reason, Nico did not like that.
Leo wasn't his. He had his own feelings and decisions to make. But Nico didn't think she could handle the idea of Calypso being able to have both Will and Leo in her life- whether any of the relationships were platonic or not.
He had Leo, she had Will. It was only fair that it should stay that way.
But that said- If, if, he ever dated Will… would he give up Leo for the sake of fairness? Life isn't meant to serve everyone with equality. You get what you get and the rest you must fight for; Life was clearly a capitalist.
“Why does it matter to you?”
“Because,” she paused as if her reasoning was obvious. “If you are, I can’t let you play with Will or Leo like that.”
Nico snarled. “ Who said I was playing with either?”
“Isn't that what it's called? When you date two different people behind their backs?”
“I’m not dating Leo!” He yelled in frustration. Perhaps it was the wine. Or watching Will pass out on the floor and Percy poking him with his foot like an animal. Or maybe it was the fact that Will never tasted the food, but for some reason whether it was unbeknownst or not, Nico snapped. “Happy?”
Calypso smiled. “Very.”
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HIII can you write an imagine with ron x reader where they have feelings for each other but can it be the scene in deathly hallows pt 1 where Harry and hermoine danced together in the tent except it’s Ron x reader instead and one of them admits their feelings 😭 and can it be fluffy and awkward THANKSSS i rarely see any Ron content around here 😄😄
Ron Weasley
Requested: Yes
Ron looked at his friends sitting on the stones in front of him, their backs turned, each watching the bloody sunset, lost in their own thoughts, their own memories. Dark skies loomed over them, a dark reminder of all that had occurred. They sat in silence, surrounded by what seemed to be nothingness, the quiet only interrupted by the wind and their own breaths. At the edge of a breakdown, Ron couldn't bear to watch as the skies turned darker with each passing second, as it seemed the world grew colder around him, the heaviness on his shoulders becoming heavier with the setting of the sun. The memories of all those lost, of all those missing only making him more frustrated, terrified, wanting nothing more than to get away from it all.
He trudged back into the tent, where, after what seemed like such a long time, the radio was just playing music. A calming melody that soothed his senses. Or maybe it was the warmth of the girl sitting with her arms resting on her knees, face hidden in her hands that soothed him.
The power of the Salazar's locket was a lot to bear for all of them, but Ron would've worn it forever if that meant he wouldn't have to see it around (Y/N)'s neck as he did now. He swallowed dryly, slowly walking to the girl who was too lost in her thoughts to look at him. The ginger kneeled in front of her, gently stroking (Y/N)'s hand before clasping it between his own. He offered her a small, crooked smile and (Y/N) smiled back, the sadness reflected plainly, just as it was on Ron's face.
He pulled her to her feet. His hands slowly moving to the back of the girl's neck, unclasping the hocrux which caused them so much unease. She let him get closer, his touch soothing a bit of the pain she felt on the inside. It was comforting to have him so close, bound by their shared loss, they found solace in each other.
Dropping the locket on the table beside them, Ron grabbed the girl's waist, afraid that if he pulled her any closer she'd fade away. He closed his eyes, letting the melody fill his mind, the soft scent of the girl in front of him filling his senses. As he lost himself in the melody and the feel of the girl before him, he found himself swaying to the song. (Y/N) swayed along with him, her arms settling over his shoulders. In that moment, he regretted not paying more attention to McGonagall when she tried teaching him how to dance.
They stumbled around, Ron's clumsiness making him trip, causing (Y/N) to chuckle, a sound that brought comfort to Ron's fears and causing the butterflies in his stomach to flutter. Slowly they swayed together until the song faded, leaving them looking into each other's eyes, hands still wrapped around the other, in an increasingly unbearable silence. (Y/N) was the first to break the silence.
"Do you think it's fair to do this now?"
"No, I- I don't. It's not. I don't know..." Ron blurted, letting go of (Y/N) and stumbling backwards. He turned his back to her, hiding his face in shame.
"Ron!" (Y/N) cried out in frustration, "You were supposed to say yes, to say we deserve it."
"Well, how am I supposed to know what you want me to say?" Ron scoffed, turning back towards her with a frown creasing his forehead.
"Oh Merlin!" (Y/N) was getting frustrated. "You aren't! You're supposed to just feel that way." Suddenly saddened, she averted her gaze to the ground, wishing it  would open up and swallow her.
It didn't, but Ron's hand on her shoulder made her forget that thought, even for a moment.
"I'm sorry," she said. "It's the stress."
"I'm sorry too," Ron smiled, "I'm just as concerned for my family, our friends, everyone..."
(Y/N) knew very well what Ron was feeling. For her, it wasn't just the ones who were away. She was scared for Hermione and Harry too, but more than anyone, she was terrified for this idiot in front of her, with his kind eyes and his pure soul, oblivious to her feelings. As much as she knew it wasn't time for love, she couldn't deny the goosebumps she got everytime Ron touched her or the safety she felt when she was close to him.
Ron pulled away from the hug, but kept his arms around (Y/N)'s slight form.
"I don't want to let you go," Ron whispered. "I'm afraid to. I just want to hold you and forget the world and what's happening around us. It's selfish, but i just want you, (Y/N), I just want to feel you and to have you all to myself." The boy's cheeks flushed, rivalling his red hair, but for one moment he felt the bravest he'd ever been. "I love you, (Y/N). I love you so much it terrifies me."
Holding his breath, Ron waited what seemed like an eternity for (Y/N) to say something. He'd made peace with the thought of rejection, he was courageous enough to face his feelings, to share them, and as much as it would hurt him, it was better to share them than to leave them as unspoken words.
"You're selfish," (Y/N) smiled, her hands cupping the freckled cheeks of the boy, "but so am I." She couldn't wait any longer, she'd been waiting too long for this moment and she was afraid it would be their last chance. She pressed her lips to his, startling Ron. But he was quick to respond, his arms pulling (Y/N) closer, holding her tighter than ever before. Smiling into the kiss, he gave in to the incredible sensation of the girl he loved being in his arms finally, kissing him as if it was the last time they'd be able to hold each other. He pulled back slightly, gazing into her eyes, imprinting this moment into memory.
(Y/N) pulled the boy to her, needing to feel him as close as possible, and for one precious moment, it was just them. No evil wizards after them, no hocruxes to find, no one else to be concerned about. Until...
"Ahem." Harry made them both jump, breaking their kiss, and shattering their bubble of calm, pulling them back to reality. A small smile played at the corners of his lips, while Hermione snickered behind him. "I wanted to see if you need me to get the locket."
Ron looked away, flurstered. His gaze focussed on the locket, forgotten on the table, then back at (Y/N). His eyes held her in place, clinging to her just as the rest of him he desired to be with her forever. 
"I'll take it," he volunteered. And maybe, just maybe, with (Y/N) there, it won't be as bad.
Thank you @pettyluxury for the request and i hope you enjoy it and that's what you wanted 🥰
Requests are open so please don't hesitate to request, it makes things easier for me. I'll try to write them in a couple of days max, depending on how much inspiration I get. Part 2 of the Fred one is coming soon too. Hope I'll get it done by this time tomorrow.
Lots of love,
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spellthemoon · 3 years
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Mark Tuan x Reader. Angst.
Winter, 2019
Today, there was a rude customer. She treated me like i'm her servant. I really wanted to scream but i bit my tongue to keep being professional. It wasn't a good day but i'm finally in my room wearing my pajama. I hope tomorrow will be a better day. How's your day, Mark?
Today i went to a cafe alone. It was so comfortable. But there's a couple sitting in front of me. They looked so cute. It made me miss you more. How are you, Mark?
Spring, 2019
I'm so sad now. I fight my with friend. I caught her boyfriend holding hands with another girl and i told her but she didn't trust me. She said i should mind my own business. Am i wrong?
Summer, 2019
I feel so lonely these days. I feel like everyone is leaving me one by one. You too.
Winter, 2020
After a long tiring day, the thought of writing an email for you is enough to give me strength through the day. I know you're not going to reply. Maybe you will not even read my emails. Well, do you even still use this email? Regardless, please allow me to use this email to talk to you. This is the only way to reach you and it's enough for me. Anyway, how's the weather in LA?
Summer, 2020
Why did you leave me without a word?
I miss you. Please come back to me. I miss you so much.
Winter, 2020
Mark, how's your day? I hope you're healthy and doing well. Mark, Mark Tuan. The name i really miss to call. The name that brings me smile and tears.
Mark, i'm sorry for everything. If you read all my emails, i must be look so pathetic to you. It's been two years but i keep doing this. I didn't understand why you left just like that. I didn't understand why you cut me off just like that. Even when i can finally meet you, i will not ask any question. From now on, i'll just accept it. Now i know what i need is not an answer. What i need the most is acceptance. I'll accept that we have to parted ways like this. I'll accept the fact that we already ended. I'm sorry it took me two years. I'll stop what i've been doing for the past two years. Goodbye, Mark. I'm sorry..
It's been two months since you stopped send any email to him again. It's still hard for you because you used to do that whenever you need someone to listen to you about what you feel. You can't tell anyone else but him. You used his inbox as your own diary and now you decided to close it forever. So much questions are still lingering on your mind. Why he left you without a word when the two of you didn't even fight? What kind of mistake you did to be left alone just like that? How could you heard it from anyone else? Leaving you like a fool. Why did he treat you like you didn't exist? Why did he has to hurt you like that?
Day by day, the questions are on your mind. You keep thinking about it every single night for the whole two years. Your heart is broken into pieces and you can't even cry anymore. But right now, you decided to close all the feelings and memories. It's time to accept the fact that someone whom you love has dumped you. He abandoned you. You have to accept it so you heart will be in peace.
You started with the emails and deleting all the pictures you have with him. You throw away his clothes from your closet. You still have a hard time to erase all the memories of him from your mind but you do it little by little. You tried to not have any grudge, you tried to only remember him as a good person, as someone you once loved. You do that for your own good. So, you won't be living your life in vain. So, you can fully accept it and start your day with the new you. You, who stop hoping for someone who doesn't want to be on your side.
You decided to have a night walk on your way home. It's the end of winter season so the wind still feels so cold but not freezing. You love it this way. Winter is your favorite season although it brings some an odd feelings to you. Winter is the season when you feel so lonely the most but it's also the season that makes you calm.
You enjoyed the night breeze and walked slowly. It's how you relieve the stress through the day. You feel refresh again. You looked up to the sky and really appreciated the moon that gives the light to your night.
You just looked around the streets and the branches that soon will have a beautiful flower. The night was so more beautiful than usual. It was when you see a really familiar figure about five meters from you, you stopped your step. Your whole body was malfunctioning in second. You were in the verge of crying when you thought that you're just hallucinating. You can't trust your own eyes. The person who also looked at you without a sound, took his step closer to you.
When you saw Mark moved forwards from his place, you took a step back. Three more steps back when he took another step to you. You wanted to scream at him, telling him to stop but you can't even open your mouth.
Mark hesitated to take another step when he saw you took a step back. His heart was pounding crazily. His hands were so cold. It's so hard for him catch a breath. Mark kept move forwards to get closer to you. He took other steps more confidently when you stayed at your place. He could see your expression and he felt like someone just throw a big punch to his chest.
"It's been a while." He said when he's already in less than one meter from you.
You couldn't avoid the situation even though you wanted to escape from this so badly. You were so confident that you already forgetting everything about him but it's all crushed when he's here, sitting next to you at the park in winter night. You couldn't even look at his face because you're afraid that you'll cry like a mess. You don't want that. He's no one, right now.
"How are you?" Mark started the conversation carefully. He looked at you who still avoiding to look at him.
"I'm good." You said. You tried to show him that you don't want a further conversation even though you still have all the questions of why he left on your mind. But you buried those deep inside your heart. It's over already.
"I'm here just to see you."
You really didn't know what to answer. You just wanted to run away from this situation so you just stayed quiet. You didn't care about his reason why he wanted to see you. At least you tried to convince yourself that you don't care anymore.
"I want to explain anything. For what i did two years ago." Mark said in a calm manner.
How could he? How could he's so calm like that when he knows he crushed your heart two years ago.
You hold back your tears. You have promised yourself you will not cry because of him again. You will not let yourself hear a word from him. Not after two years.
"You don't need to. It's already two years ago." You said, still didn't look at him.
"But i still​ think i have to explain everything to you. I want..."
"And i think i have a right to not want to hear it, don't you think so?" You cut him off and raised your voice intentionally.
"I always read your emails." Mark's words made you close your mouth. "I.. i always waited for your email. Everytime."
Now he made you more confused than before. You don't understand his mind at all. "What are you saying?"
Mark looked down because the guilt feelings attacked him strongly. He suddenly couldn't face you. He deserves tha hatred look from your eyes.
"I needed to go back to LA because of family matters. My parents needed me to be there."
"I said i don't want to hear it." You stood up and ready to walk away from him but Mark hold your hand.
He let go of your hand when he realized that it feels so strange to hold your hand after two years.
"Please. Please let me explain everything. I know it won't change anything but please give me time to tell you what happened." Mark pleaded.
"I didn't tell you anything and just left you without saying anything was because i was so scared that i wouldn't have a guts to leave. I was so scared that i would abandoned​ my family for you. I was scared if i came to you before i go back, i wouldn't be able to leave." Mark finished his words and gasping. He didn't​ let you cut his words. "Reading your email always saddened me but it kept me working hard to settle my family matters so i can come back to here. To you. You suddenly stop sending email for months and i was so worried."
Now you can look at Mark's eyes. He got teary eyes just like you. But you won't let a single tear falls.
"You did those things for yourself, right? But did you ever think about me? For how broken i was? We were just talking at night and suddenly you're gone in the morning and left me with nothing." You're out of breath. "I was worried like a mad woman, did you know that? When your friend told me that you're going back to LA, did you know how confused i was? And now what? You said you read my emails? You wait for it?" You let out a hurtful laugh. You're so sure people nearby can hear how thick the sadness you have in your voice.
"Mark, you didn't​ just broke my heart as a girl. You broke me as a person." You took a deep breath. You have to finish this fast because you feel like you'll throw up. Your head is so hurt. "For the past two years, i can't sleep peacefully. I feel so lost. I keep asking myself what did i do to you. When i decided to stop send you an email was because i wanted to forget everything about you. I'm almost there. It's no use to explain everything to me right now. It's too late, Mark."
You hope Mark will stop because you can't handle anything anymore. Him explaining everything to you is like reminding you to the wound that almost healed.
Mark couldn't say anything because he heard you. He heard how your voice was so hoarse and how your face was full of sorrow and frustration. Mark knew he's selfish. He hurts you twice. When he left you, he was only thinking about himself and now when he came to you after two years, he's only thinking about himself too. If Mark was someone else, he'd make sure to punch himself hard on the face.
Mark could not even call your name when you turned your back and walked away from him. He was looking at your back with regrets.
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favoniuscodex · 3 years
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ok so there’s like a quadrillion anti-k*eluc things in my inbox (like every time this topic comes up)
yea these all shit on k*eluc but if you like that ship idk why you’re here cw: death threat mention (NO ACTUAL THREATS), typical k*eluc bullshit
anon said:  if we're talking about incest, I've seen some shit in this fandom k*eluc could not compare. I wish there was a way to block people/tags in ao3... everyday I roll my eyes so hard to go blind and never see some of the shit in ao3 again
i like... dont want to shame people for their interests because ultimately fanfiction is a way to get some like... weird shit outta your system without harming anyone but like... MAN... some of the fics i’ve seen make me wonder if the authors have ever gone outside and touched grass before,,, and im saying this as someone who fantasizes about 2d pixels for fun.
anon said:  The thing about kaeluc, i heard from somewhere that some ppl tend to go overboard with the warnings.. true, that ship is disgusting, but to warning them with death threat/su*cide? They talk about toxicness of kaeluc but without realizing it, they themselves are toxic. I'm not defending kaeluc stans cuz i've had some bad experience with kaeluc stans too. But I wish they realized that block button exist.
i mean, yes. this is basic human decency (blocking people and not harassing them). the internet has always been pretty reactionary to things they don’t like and is pretty toxic as a whole. idc if you dont like something, death threats are never a viable solution. but imma be honest, i’ve never seen that happen when it comes to that ship and therefore i have no time nor energy to devote to yelling at people for it. not my place.
anon said: I've seen some people saying k*eluc was ok in eastern side of the fandom because it is a cultural difference kind of thing. I don't agree with this because like... that means eastern people want to fuck their siblings??? that's a stupid argument. I don't ship it bc it weirds me out but I also don't really care people shipping it since it's just fiction
though this doesn't mean that it's okay to ship them imo. I just try to stay away from conflict
yea as a white person this sounds like some bullshit lie some asian fetishizing white person made up to justify shipping two brothers. additionally diluc is clearly like... germanic/white ancestry so like... is this argument even still valid? anyways that argument just reeks of racism and holds 0 ground. it’s weird as fuck. also anon, its cute that you want to avoid conflict, i wish that was me. i think this ship is overall pretty nasty and i will take sides LMAO
anon said:  “ayo how can we ruin a fandom” *red/blue ship* sounds an awful lot like kl*nce shippers 🦍💨
yea i wasnt even in that fandom and i heard about it which shows how bad it is,,,
always the red and blue shippers ong
anon said: Just a little snippet from what they said because I constantly have to go back to it and laugh about that because it doesn’t take more than a few secons to go on google an be like “are diluc and kaeya brother” to which the big fat answer will be “yes”"…kaeya has basically disowned himself…Either way it’s fine and not incest if that’s the issue!”How do you disown yourself-
d... disowning yourself means you no longer want contact with your family, it doesn’t change the fact that you once viewed them as family.... what the.... FMKLDSMFLMSD,,, that person you were arguing with is WEIRD
anon said: if people want to ship an ice/fire dynamic that badly why not ship chongyun and bennett or something. sighs. why do people have to be Like That
TRUE,,,, true,,,, this is 100% facts and lowkey thats a big brained ship nonnie
anon said: I've just been reading through the asks about a certain *cough* fire/ice *cough* ship and let me also add something. Everytime i search Genshin on Ao3 I have to make sure one of the excluded tags is said said ship so that it cuts down alot and I mean alot so I can see others but at the same time, some good fic has that tag, not really the focus but still has it, which saddens me because I try to avoid it as much as possible. Also any fics on twitter that talks about the individual (either the fire or ice) in said ship I tend to just "nope" and quickly scroll down(unless it's a het ship weirdly enough it's a little calmer) I just wanted some good fluff and someone just had to ruin the good fluff by arguing that the fire/ice ship is superior than the one in the fic. Like I just want GOOD FLUFF 😭 WHY DO YOU HAVE TO RUIN IT?!I FEEL NEUTRAL BACK THEN NOW I AM JUST ANNOYED. Also sorry for ranting peace 🕊️
i literally only look at ao3 at this point for zhongchi or xiaoven shit so i cannot relate but like gjldgkmldfkglg. k*eluc shippers are inescapable on twitter though i hate it. remember the time the genshin official account reblogged some k*eluc art JSKLD:FKFSMP:GDL i hate it here,
anon said: broke: shipping kaeluc
woke: shipping yourself with both of them and thus creating a love triangle full of angst and a lot of tension and competitiveness between them
bespoke: having them realise that they value each other as brothers more than having petty arguments over the same person they like and thus instead of reader becoming a s/o to one of them we become best friends with both of them and the gang's all happy
i can’t tell if this is oomf trying to convince me to alter the ending of inheritance gjkdsnjskdlskj or if it’s just a genuine big-brained idea. either way... i can get on this train of support. OR the reader picks one of them but the other moves on and lives a happy life because why spend time being hung up over reader when you could find someone else.
anon said: all this kael*c (🤢) talk reminded me of the first scene in which we see diluc (yk the one with collecting dvalin's tears with kaeya in the temple? and at the end diluc comes in and destroys the hydro abyss mage? yeah that one) so I went and rewatched it and hrueizkxbd i now remember why i am first and foremost a diluc simp
diluc was fine as fuck especially in the scene where he interrogates the abyss mage,,, ugh /chef’s kiss/. thank you fellow diluc simp.
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