#and do not try to woobify this fucking man by taking that away from him
oflgtfol · 1 year
“obi-wan couldnt have known the anakin survived the fight on mustafar because that would make him cruel” even if anakin had died it was still cruel to leave anakin burning without putting him out of his misery. like the fact obi-wan left anakin there is so near and dear to my heart let this man be a lil messed up
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rakkuntoast · 3 months
Your talks about Missa's mischaracterization are exactly why I made a post specifically asking for Missa mains to give me their analyses for me to reference in Awake Me From My Nightmare.
I even went as far as to slap some parts of the post in Google Translate encouraging Spanish qsmp fans to reply to me and I'd just have someone translate their analysis for me. Which I did (thank u Kami ily). And I was so fucking happy when more of my responses came from Spanish speaking fans than English. Peak QSMP moment <3
But anyway yeah. Missa's characterization has been lowkey my biggest concern writing the fic tbh. I wanna do him justice. He definitely isn't written as a pathetic woobified uwu cinnamon roll, that's for sure.
I've been staring very hard at the paragraphs people gave me on his character and I THINK I've been doing a decent job at balancing the "gets overwhelmed by things" wet cat side Crows see AND the "um actually he could kick your ass and can be a bitchy little shit" reality?? Mans is getting lots of moments where he's like "fuck this" and gets ready to Literally Fight God. There's still lots of tears, but like, if YOUR husband was in front of you covered in his own blood and lookin like he's rapidly wasting away in real time, you'd be an emotional wreck too. So I'm decently confident in his characterization, but I still have that "AAAAA I HOPE I'M DOING THIS RIGHT" worry. 100% gonna be clinging to comments from readers about if I did him justice. So far I've characterized everyone (Phil, Fit, Etoiles) super well according to readers. 😭🙏🏻 Hoping I keep up the streak with Missa in Chapter 3.
The discussion you've been having is exactly why I'm doing my best to do him actual justice. And I might actually read back through your posts and translate the Spanish bits just to get even more insight. I don't see enough people talking about qMissa like this.
And on a semi-related note, GOD I wish there were more YouTube clip compilations of Missa moments. Like idec if they're not just qsmp, I want more of them in general!! Idk if I just wasn't searching well enough or what but when I went looking a while back, there were MAYBE 2 videos at all, let alone Eng subtitled so I could understand them. And rooting through Tumblr for clips is a pain. 💀
Tldr thanks for talking abt this Rakk, this is exactly why I've been busting my ass trying to not write Missa reduced to one trait or the other. Tbh I've been seeking out proper analysis/understanding of qMissa even before I was writing him in a fic. Bc I KNOW what we Crows see is a fraction of his character.
ISAAAA you're doing God's work honestly, the "fights God through tears" is peak qmissa characterization akfknsjx
I do think we need more translated Missa content, sadly like the best thing you can get is qsmp clips translated or someone on twt decided to translate this one bit from his videos (like him having a crush on a pineapple)
it's sad that it doesn't get talked about how clever the guy is and while the fix is pretty easy (just getting more missasaurios to talk about him) it's just a case of bothering to translate stuff cuz that shit takes time and effort
as well as missa's miscaracterization not being talked about as much cuz a lot of the ppl who talk abt him are English crows who think he's a sopping wet cat<- i am BEGGING for people to unlearn this word it's making me insane
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hawkogurl · 4 months
Not 100% a harry osborn apologist (yet) but finally, someone else that doesn't like how they did norman in nwh, hell I dislike what they did to otto as well it just smacks of ableism
You will be a Harry apologist you have no choice here /lh
I think the thing that bothers me on top of everything involving ableism and Norman in NWH is just… the characterization issues with Norman that result from the mcu being too lazy to write an actual redemption arc in which this absolute warmongerer misogynistic classist egotistical utilitarian bastard actually changes and instead write him as a woobified liddle baby who didn’t mean to it was the goblin guys also he LOVED his son which makes all the abuse totally okay you guys is that like… the narrative totally collapses when you try to look at the trilogy under the impression that he was totally an okay and chill guy who did nothing wrong, on a narrative level, everything fucking collapses. I do not have the energy to get into this right now but I’ll probably write a miscellaneous list of reasons things stop working once I’ve not just worked eight hours.
On top of that it’s pretty funny that the changes from raimiverse to NWH resemble the actual way that the concept of the Jekyll and Hyde trope changed from the original short story to the modern concept. Like, just like in the raimiverse, Mr. Hyde is originally a mere alter ego Jekyll takes on so he can do bad thing while avoiding the consequences of doing those bad things. It’s just a way to get away with doing bad things, just like how the raimi trilogy establishes over and over that the goblin just does what Norman can’t do without consequences. This is literally explicitly stated but because it doesn’t align with the idea Norman’s just a little guy who did nothing wrong, it’s stated. And in the short story, Jekyll does start referring to Hyde as another person. And it’s not because Hyde is another person. It’s because Jekyll doesn’t want responsibility for his actions. that’s exactly what happens in the movies. We are told over and over that Norman isn’t trustworthy. When Norman tries to frame it as if the goblin did it, not him, he’s manipulating Peter! He’s trying to avoid the consequences! The entire narrative point of their parallels is give a man a mask and see who he really is! Norman is showing you who he really is: he’s just too much of a coward to own up to it!
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I need to talk about how utterly incandescent with rage thr MCU's handing of Zemo makes me. Because in all media I had seen before Civil War do you know what Baron Zemo was? A Nazi. Motherfucker was a fucking Nazi. He was Hydra to his god damned core. What did the MCU do? They made an entirely different and utterly mediocre and uninteresting villain (as they usually do) and just slapped the name Zemo on him cos 'cool comic reference I guess!' With no fucking regard for what that would do. I don't even have the right words to explain why taking a nazi character and trying to make them 'sympathetic' is fucking gross, and frankly i shouldn't need to! That should be a perfectly understandable fact of existence! I wonder why Disney and Marvel are so reluctant to portray nazi and right wing characters on screen as evil now? I wonder why they shy away from that? Oh hello US military propaganda contract, I didn't see you there! Almost like showing nazis as they are would maybe look too similar to other things! So now! I get to see some dumb fuck straight white girl woobifying their precious little blorbo Zemo and shipping themselves with the Red Skull's successor. Or! Shipping Bucky fucking Barnes with him. You know. One of Hydra's best known victims in the MCU??? A man who damn near gave his life fighting nazis??? Yeah we should ship him with the sanitised nazi dude that's a good idea! Don't. Get me started. On the fucking flag smashers. I will never know Peace.
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I have had people responding to a Twitter post I made acting like I am either oblivious to what has happened in-text or that I want Zenos to be not an asshole and it makes me want to shake them
(Spoilery ranting about EW things under the cut)
I made that post bc I think the plot twist with Zero is fucking boring! It strips potential complexity and Good Drama from her and the rest of the writing either doesn't go into it enough (because let's be real she is weirdly chill with having her will stripped away from her) or doesn't acknowledge that Fandanny is very much the reason Zenos had the ability to do that in the first place (at least in English, I know fandanny gets mentioned more in other translations (which, can we discuss how fucking weird it is that the clown, a major antagonist for EW, is being glossed over this hard in favor of Zenos, who was for much of 6.0 a glorified side character despite his buildup in 5.x? I fucking hate it, on both counts))! Having the contract be mutual and having Zenos just be the shittiest client known to Voidsent is just way more interesting for everyone involved, because he's still a trash man but in a way that isn't boring stereotypied villain behavior that sends me to sleep and it means the Scions have to grapple with Zero knowingly harming people even if she had no malice behind it!
Like, I'm already not happy that Zero seems to be heading down the path of either having all her interesting traits sanded off to make her more universally appealing or getting the axe (I think the former is more likely due to the power of being in marketing material, but who knows given that this is the ff4 expac and Zeromus is a thing/historical problems 14 has had with introducing characters to kill them off the same expac), but that one thing in particular (combined with making her a normal person, fuck you guys I wanted a fucked up monster girl, I am aware of the writing justification for it and i think it is the realm of COWARDS) I think should have been a warning for how they would handle her and it displeases me that she's going down the way that signaled in the end, especially since a lot of the other Scions have had the sanding issue happen to them as well.
Idk, I just get annoyed when people see a very specific complaint and think it means "oh we want our villain woobified" instead of "I have found many aspects of how they handled these two narratively dissatisfying and it's only gotten worse with time, here is my take on probably the biggest with the most knock-on problems", or that it means I'm being misogynist about zero when my frustration with zero is that the writers keep swerving away from narrative complexity with her and have consistently chosen to not offer any novel insight to Zenos with her criticisms of him—"Zenos bad" is boring and uninteresting after the first time (where it at least gives info about Zero herself) and the English translation veering away from 6.3's "Zenos and Fandaniel are very alike in how they perceive the world" in favor of more "Zenos bad" is particularly frustrating bc it removes relatively novel info about why they could have been drawn to work with each other for no reason except a Zenos hateboner, as far as I can tell (literally, Fandaniel gets a full namedrop in every other version of that line, it's not like the translators didn't know he was included).
Turns out when you strongly bind two characters together, boring choices for one tends to negatively affect the other too! God. I'm just, so tired of people deliberately reading my fucking lukewarm at most "character writing in 6.x suffers from the scale it is trying to handle in the space it is given" takes in the most negative fashion possible.
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yellowocaballero · 3 years
hello what are your thoughts on loki so far :) if you'd be willing to share ofc
I'm enjoying it a lot! Haha how'd you guess! shoves pile of reblogged Loki fanart under the bed
As a disclaimer to all of this, I am not and never was a 2012 Loki fan. I swear. I liked the character but eventually all of the Hiddleston stuff got weird so I veered away. However, I've been a fan of the comics character for a while (Gillian's Journey Into Mystery the most but I really love + have to recommend Thor & Loki: Double Trouble). I'm really, really not an MCU fan, but I am a huge closet comic book fan. So I will still get angry over how they did Spider-man dirty but if they roll up with a really good comics character I'm there. So I know that this is really all cringe fail and I'm really embarrassed about this, etc.
However, I am really enjoying Cringe Fail Demigod Loki's Therapy Hour
Man, it's fun. It's really far from perfect, but the voice and personality of Hiddleston and the team really comes through. It's insanely character driven, which makes perfect sense - you're rolling up to the Loki show because you probably really like Loki. It kind of feels like a fanfic I would write of a much worse show - it's just people talking, strong character dynamics, bad jokes, some mystery and a romp. The character dynamics are just wonderful, and the way the show interrogates Loki as a person is so interesting. And it works because the show never takes him seriously. Ever. It clearly has so much affection for him and yet every single person in it hates him. He is a fucking loser and every episode is just an hour of delving into HOW BIG of a loser he is.
The entire story is just Loki trying to figure himself out and what he wants. He's lost everything, he's lost who he was, and the man who defined himself by his roles and labels is now without any of those things. He's been ejected from his storyline and his supervillainy. He's humiliated every two seconds and he's powerless. His head is being dunked in the metaphorical toilet continuously. He just found out he was a frost giant like, a week ago? What can he do now? Who is he?
Well, he gets to decide that. The hedonist how has freedom. What crimes will he commit.
So many contradictions! This insane egotism against his hilarious incompetency. The god complex and the inferiority complex. How he can never trust anybody but how he is instantly vulnerable to anybody who is in his vicinity for too long. His terrible attempts at being intimidating but how easily he starts ranting about how much he loves his Mom. How he wants love, but how he resents that desire. His joy over NOTHING MATTERING! but also how everything matters to him all the time. Wanting to trust, but being incapable. It's rich and complex character work.
But, most importantly, he's just so fucking cringe fail all the time. Every time he opens his mouth everyone around him is like. shut up shut up shut up. He switches relentlessly between being a 16yo emo kid to being an 8yo on pixie sticks to being a 12yo on his first group project. He's very sensitive and he wants you to know that. The show doesn't woobify him and it doesn't ask me to like him as a person - it just has this relentless desire to understand someone who desperately wants to be understood.
Wish I wasn't enjoying this much but! It is EXACTLY the kind of story I love! So I'm enjoying this very imperfect and very weird show highly.
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theliterarywolf · 3 years
Can someone at Disney explain to me why, out of ALL the villains that you could recontextualize into sympathetic anti-heros, you picked the puppy murderer who wanted to skin adorable innocent animals into coats? Like say what you want about Maleficent and how it's ruined Disney and Hollywood as a whole, at least she didn't perform animal cruelty!
Silly Taka, no one at modern Disney can think more than two moves ahead. They needed a girl-boss anti-villain! Could they have created a new one and had their first new merchandise mascot in almost a decade? -- when I say 'Merchandise Mascot', I'm referencing characters that are plastered onto so much merchandise that a good percentage of the population hasn't even seen the original films they come from, i.e.: Jack Skellington, Tinkerbell, Stitch -- Yes, but that's haaaaard~
Anon said: To be fair they could pull a maleficent and have this be an alternate timeline where she doesn't become a villain and skin puppies for a coat and they just chose cruella for the aesthetics. Or maybe they'll have the cruella personality somehow split off and whatever her actual name will have to fight her to keep the dogs safe god that dropped my iq typing that
People keep telling me that that's close to what they did... Which leads further into my frustrations of 'Disney, do something original for fuck's sake *looks at Raya* Not like that'
Anon said: Not only do the dalamations actually kill Cruella's mom, they did it in the stupidest way possible. Do they bite or maul her to death? No, one of them jumps on her and pushes her off a cliff and into the ocean.
Well, I mean, everyone knows that an average of 3 British middle-aged women are killed by level 20 Dalmatians using Tackle every year. It's common knowledge, anon, gosh.
Anon said: Just to play De Vil's advocate, her Stepmoms death isn't actually used to justify her puppy hatred, in fact it's not even really connected to why she wants a dalmatian coat, she's shown to like them towards the end of the movie, though with the implication she still wants to skin their babies for fashion. Imo the movie was pretty fun and she's still very much a villain protag where that scene is really only meant to further her grudge with the Baroness. The scene is still stupid though.
Okay, even if I tried to look at this through a similar perspective of someone like Wolf from Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts where a character is actively wearing the pelt of something that tried to kill her as a symbol of 'Fuck around and find out', it still feels like they handled it in a clumsy way here. Especially with 'Oh, I feel no grudge towards your kind... But I am still going to commit a crime against your species in the future, so keep an eye out~'
More and my responses beneath the break
Anon said: Actually if I had to say a few things about Cruella it's that it actually never delves into why she's so obsessed with furs. Fashion yes, but not furs specifically. General consensus I've heard though is that the movie could've been a really good standalone unconnected to any prior ips.
THAT'S ALL I WANT! FOR DISNEY TO JUST MAKE NEW IPs! I wouldn't care so much if we were following a murderous girl-boss anti-villain as long as we're not trying to woobify a pre-existing character who is already evil for evil's sake!
Anon said: Hey, since we're all collectively ragging on Cruella, thought I'd share something I stumbled on during a 2am YouTube crawl. Some dude on YouTube made a fake trailer for a theoretical Live Action Origin Movie about the dude that shot Bambi's mom
... As bad as this is for me to say, I wouldn't actually be opposed to watching a film following a guy who has essentially lost everything (job, family, house, etc.) and is living as a hermit in the forest. One day he happens upon a clearing full of animals and he needs to stock his rations for the upcoming winter and he manages to snag a doe.
Of course, as he's retrieving his kill, he sees the poor, now-orphan fawn looking at him in fear and horror before it bounds away into the woods. The rest of the movie is about the hunter trying to survive, thinking about his (mankind's) place in nature and just how much he should be taking and hurting to justify his own existence. The climax of the movie could be the fire but now written as a forest-clearing event that takes out the hunter's shelter and meager possessions. As he's trying to see what little can be saved, he hears a crack. Immediately grabbing for his gun, he takes aim and sees a buck. However... As both man and animal stare each other down, the hunter recognizes the buck as the same scared fawn from all those years ago.
And, thus... He lets him go. Bambi turns away and guides his family away from the burnt remains of the woods, and the hunter finally decides to go back to the city to try and rebuild a life without encroaching on the natural world.
Or something like that.
Anon said: You know who's actually a well written, sympathetic, female Disney villain, Demona from Gargoyles. An animated series from the 80s did a better job at giving a reason for being a villain than "wah, my mom got killed by Dalmatians but I'll still adopt them and use faux fur." I might even say Eclipsa from Star vs was a better "villain" than 2021 Cruella. I put " " because Eclipsa didn't really feel like a villain, more of a morally grey character IMO.
Sad to say, I doubt Disney will ever give us something in the same vein as Gargoyles anytime soon.
God... *holds back a scream* Season 4 of Star vs. would have been so much better if we just focused on Eclipsa and the other Queens of Mewni! Why couldn't Seasn 4 of Star vs. focused on Eclipsa and the other Queens of Mewni!!
Anon said: I feel like you probably could do a decent Cruella movie. A young woman starts her career in fashion at the bottom with earnest intentions to make an honest living. Heck she could be against fur in the beginning, but finds that she has to compromise more and more on her ethics until her rise to the top were she has lost all of her morality and no longer recognizes the person in the mirror. At that point, she's too far gone, and in the pursuit of even higher fashion heights, is willing to make a coat from puppies.
Anon, are you in my head? Because that's close to how I rewrote the premise of a movie like this when the trailer first dropped.
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thehollowsoldat · 3 years
Your portrayal is magnificent! I love-love-love how you write Bucky, he's been dehumanized so much on screen but you take a humanistic, loving, honest approach and complement his complexity with your own experiences. To where I feel it's Bucky at his true self: a man who still has the same good heart underneath all the things and patterns he has to unlearn from his time as the Winter Soldier. Keep up the ~marvel~ous work!
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Thank you so much!!! I've been reading and rereading this ever since it came in. <3 Now, I don't know exactly how a veteran with C-PTSD and brainwashing feels. But I do relate to the 'things I'm not at fault for but I feel responsible for' that's baked into Bucky.
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While my Steve has been off and on throughout the years, I never really stopped playing Bucky, even when I was off of tumblr. (I'm terrified my Steve is lousy but people keep saying he's good so I'm doing something right???)
Random thoughts that got out of hand under the cut.
Things I try and keep in mind when I write Bucky:
To not woobify Bucky. Fanon!Woobie!Bucky drives me up the wall. Hopefully I succeed! His response to his own pain is to get angry and attempt to do something about it. Usually with violence.
(Bucky's response to 'poor lil meow meow' is a horrified look and a "fuck off.")
Play with the blank slate and dehumanization angles of Winter Soldier but Bucky is also in there. Winter Soldier is not a robot.
Keep Bucky as good-hearted but constantly fighting his Winter Soldier role. Either being hypervigilant or breaking a lot of things in his life because he's trying to fix the thing. He's the Winter Soldier, the Winter Soldier is himself. It's easy to fall back into form because he never left.
His traumas have traumas. His trust issues have trust issues. He hates himself. People say he's a good man, that it wasn't his fault, that he's redeemed himself. But he'll never believe any of that. Any good parts of his life are constantly kicked out from under him. Then he gets used to the bad as the new normal.
He's not a serial killer or unhinged. He's not going to murder hobo his way through life. He's good at killing. People sometimes just need to die. But it's never thoughtless or without purpose. He won't lose sleep over it. Sometimes it terrifies him how good he's at and easy it is to kill.
He fucks up! Regularly! In canon. Which is 100% way more interesting than a woobie. Tries to do everything alone. Atonement as a way forward but also self-harm.
Bar Fights Random Dudes who badmouth Cap. Everyone gets knocked out and Bucky's standing going "Cap would be disappointed in me. And that makes me miss him even more."
Ditches the Captain America suit, shield, and Natasha to go fight The Man With No Face as the Winter Soldier. Jim Hammond's/Original Human Torch corpse and Namor were on the line. Not to mention, the whole world. Plus, he had been sent to kill TMWNF's boss back in the 1960s and wound up killing the boss' wife. oops.
The whole Black Widow Hunt in 616 (Editorial Mandated BuckyNat breakup). He's unraveling. Beats up so many people badly. Plays right into Bad Guy's hands and willingly conditions himself to be Soviet Winter Soldier in a desperate attempt to find Natasha. Her memories of him are wiped completely. So he walks away in a mix of respect for Natasha's agency and self-hate (but very much Editorial Mandated Breakup. Someone should have told her that she was missing a person and see what she said about it).
RJ (kid trained by HYDRA to be Bucky/Winter Soldier). At first, things are pretty good. They're bonding, Bucky's showing RJ a way forward. Not having to be a killer. When RJ's dad shows up, Bucky accidentally alienates RJ when trying to protect him (granted, RJ's dad has bad intentions but still).
The whole Zemo thing and how he treats Sam in TFATWS!
I really love how 616 made him a Fixer. (as of Winter Soldier 2018). The guy who helps people out of supercrime. He's actively working on his issues. He's mostly doing the right thing for probably the right reasons. But a chunk of it is trying to save himself and remind himself that he's worth saving.
He loves so hard and much. Bucky will do everything he possibly can for his loved ones, even to sacrifice himself. Like Steve, he's always ready to throw down his life.
Steve and Bucky are two sides of the same coin. Anger issues, avoids therapy and bleeding on people, fierce in love, a good man who tries to do the right thing. Steve just hides his issues under the Cap Persona. Bucky considers Steve to be the better man because Steve is moral, just, and Good.
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 3 years
Admittedly, I write unrequited cheng/xian (more ownership than love) purely for the purpose of shitting on every woobified jc trope and exploring how he completely fucked his own chances and will be a cuck for his entire life, but the people that think it should've been endgame and their virulent hatred of mxtx (who CREATED little purple cuck boy) are just so bizarre to me, ntm their aggressiveness and outright misogynist behaviour.
Thank you nonny, I chocked on potatoes laughing at "little purple cuck boy" and will forever have an image in my head of a grape being squeezed like a stress toy that just shrieks like Jiang Cheng. You have made my evening.
Personally, when it comes to thinking of Wei Wuxian himself and with MXTX referring to how he would always choose Lan Wangji no matter what happened regardless, Chengx!an as anything resembling equals is just not a possibility between them. They are on diametric opposite sides and as they grow older that rift gets wider as their ideals in life have formed by the time they are 15 and continue to show that what their ideal person in life is not the other in anyway.
I can see some sort of strange thing on Jiang Cheng's end given he seems entitled to everything of Wei Wuxian due to his sect raising him. But where that childhood romance could have been an argument is non-existent on Wei Wuxian's end as his only interest with pursuing someone earnestly, even obliviously, is Lan Wangji. It's enough to take even Jiang Cheng by surprise each instance Wei Wuxian continues to reach out and tries to reprimand him for it. Am I personally interested in exploring this as a full fledged idea, nah not really. Others can, but I have my canon gay pair that is very happily together and very fulfilling for me personally in the way MXTX explored their love as well as their sexual experiences as consenting adults and the promise of very strongly being a united unit in a marriage that is accepted by those important to them. The other one just doesn't seem all that interesting to explore outside of a meta-textual conspiracy reading of a failed relationship next to the better mirror.
I suppose my major discomfort in terms of the fanbase for this ship, as you say, is the blatant misogyny (that is very disturbingly steeped in a lot of racism also towards a chinese woman), along with the huge attacks of homophobia against Lan Wangji who is the bhgay male LI of the plot, and the abusive dynamics and emasculation they put on him, while propping up Jiang Cheng and inserting Wei Wuxian into a role of heavy feminization that Jiang Cheng has sneered at in story. This part is interesting since Wei Wuxian as Mo Xuanyu tries to use that hate to draw away Jiang Cheng's attention, as well as Lan Wangji who Jiang Cheng had always told Wei Wuxian hated that sort of blatant flirting and hated him for flirting with him as he would with a woman. It is Lan Wangji's acceptance of this outlandishness that helps tear down Wei Wuxian's defenses and he quickly comes to trust Lan Wangji as a non-judgmental good person that he has grown to become. He is allowed to explore his opening love for this man without pressure for once.
I don't actively enjoy ship fandom discussions outside of what I am shown in the canon text of works. Call me boring, but I do enjoy the exploration of canonical pairs in things, more so with any that are LGBT that are intrinsically important to mirror other relationships (it's why I have a soft spot for the Raven Cycle and it's sequels). Certain ships within the sphere of MDZS fandom are also heavily feminized by western standards while looking down culturally how Chinese masculinity is presented.
There is just a lot of fetishization, in a number of categories, that the author and fans of wangxian (and yes I can say some do that I also prefer not to interact with as well as the accusation of "Fujo" from western fans not really making sense in context of what it means in East Asian media as well as very hypocritical to continue to engage with a media that is that) get accused of in this particular circle of "make Jiang Cheng queer". I do not personally find anything redeeming about the louder fans circling the Jiang Cheng obsession due to this as well as their victim fishing among their numbers when they actively attack others in very petty ways while trying to call foul.
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beaufale · 2 years
BruAbba fic outline I don't if i'm gonna write
Firstly, this story centres on a weird Bruno, I mean an off-the-wall unhinged Bruno. He is extremely weird in canon and, though i do like it from time to time, the fandom really woobifies him. This idea is going to take is weird creepiness to the extreme.
It takes place after Bruno has recruited Abba and finally has a non-teenager on his team he feels he can explore his stand on. This Bruno is aware that Leone would do anything for him, but he doesn't realise it's from a place of romantic adoration and not extreme mafia loyalty, with a lil bit of sexual attraction. I'm thinking this Bruno has been a little warped by growing up in the mafia and finds it hard to tell the difference between love, lust and loyalty.
Anyway, Bruno approaches Abba with something he's been wanted to test out with his stand, basically he wants to try out potential torture technics, or just the limits of his stand, without actually hurting Leone, but he's lacked the ability to do so. Depending on who's on his team, he either has one or two teens and he never felt right about faux-torturing them, and usually he just kills any enemies outright, and things work differently on him because it's his stand, but he'd like to stretch his usefulness in Passione and gain rank.
Abba is wary, though he loves the man with all his heart and knows he's good in a way most mafioso couldn't be, he's also been on missions with Buccellati and has seen how terrifying he can be. But he can't say no to Bruno so he agrees readily.
Bruno doesn't actually want to hurt Abba in any way, so he does his best to sanitise the kitchen and gets Abba to lay on the bench before unzipping his chest like an autopsied corpse. He begins to touch the different organs, asking how it feels, squeezing them just to the point of pain, applying pressure in different ways, etc.
Leone's trying not to show it, but his gripping the bench with white knuckles, more than a little freaked, but somehow a little aroused, which is only freaking him out more. It must be because of the direct attention and care from Buccellati, because he sure as hell can't enjoy getting his liver stroked and squeezed. (I don't have any medical knowledge, I'm just here for a wack time)
Then Bruno takes out Leone's heart, like he unzips it carefully and is so excited to see it still beats when unattached like this. He imagines how terrifying it would be for a victim to see their heart outside their body. Leone readily agrees. Bruno asks if it still feels like it's in his chest, and Abbacchio confirms it does, but he can feel his hands on it and it's definitely a weird sensation. Bruno then wonders how long he could keep Leone's heart for and how far away he could take before there's any consequences, which scares Leone, but he's also really in awe of the literal fact that Bruno has his heart in his hands.
Bruno admits he can't test that on Leone, not wanting to risk the man, and if something happened to Bruno, he'd die as well, so he shelves that idea, but not before imagining how useful it would be to store all their organs outside their body, so wounds can't kill them. Just before he puts the heart back, Bruno licks it, freak that he is, and asks Abba how that felt. Leone's lungs literally constrict as he chokes on air and Bruno can see them do so, so he does it again, lapping at it and watching Abbacchio's chest cavity.
Much to his horror, Leone is getting hard. The sensation is weird as fuck, and he can't really say he likes it, but Bruno mouthing at his actual heart is sending him. He tries to explain how it feels but when he tries to speak, a strangled moan comes out instead.
Both of them stare at each other, eyes widening and a ripe blush spreading over Leone's face. In the position that he's in, he can't do much to hide his hardness in his pants, so when Bruno's eyes wander downward, Abbacchio wants to die.
"Well, I didn't anticipate that reaction," Bruno says, "Is it because this feels good, or because it's me?"
Remember, Bruno knows Abba is attracted to him, just not that he's in love with him as well. Abba doesn't know this and thinks he's just given himself away entirely. He wants to run away but Bruno is literally holding his heart and his chest is fully open, with Bruno making no move to change this.
He stumbles through an explanation, it feels weird but not bad, he hasn't been this close to someone in ages, Bruno must know he's very attractive but Leone doesn't mean to jeopardise their working relationship in any way.
Bruno cuts off his rambling and says he understands, it's not easy to meet people while working in the mob, even just a hook-up can be potentially dangerous, Bruno's been sorely missing company too.
For a moment Abbacchio's sighs a breath of relief, his secret is safe. But then Bruno says
"If you're amendable, we could help each other with that. It'd be a very safe way for the two of us to find relief without risking our positions. But please don't just agree because I'm your superior. If i found out you only slept with me because you thought you had to, it would destroy me."
Leone damn-near dies on the spot. How the fuck could he say no? But is it wrong to start something like this knowing he feels so much more than Bruno does? Would he be taking advantage of him? In the end, Abba is too selfish to turn it down and the smile Buccellati gives him makes his heart throb. Literally.
Bruno reattatches his heart but pauses before closing him up.
"Now, I'm being very forward, I don't even know what your preferences are, but could I fuck you right here right now? Do you think we'd be able to see my cock moving in you? You're bladder might be in the way, but I could just remove it." The thought does make Bruno very aroused.
Leone chokes hard, god knows he wants too, he'd let Bruno do anything to him but it's a lot more than he anticipated their first time being like, if he'd ever even hoped he'd get anything from Bruno.
In the end, Leone stutters out "Is the kitchen the right place for this?"
"Oh how thoughtless of me, you must be really stiff (heh, no pun intended) from laying here already. We can do it another time."
"No! I mean, no, I want to do it, I really do. I just, if we could go to the bedroom or even the couch, I'd appreciate it."
"But the sterilisation..."
"Buccellati, you licked my heart, how sterile was that?"
"Aha, I suppose I got a bit carried away. Alright, if you're sure, then lets move to the bedroom. Let me zip you up first, i'd hate to have your organs fall out."
And then they fuck, if you want to see the smut, you'll have to convince me to write this for real. As it is, this post really got away from me damn.
Anyways, hope it intrigues someone, and if somebody else is inspired by this, pls send a link.
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theropoda · 3 years
usually when i post something here related to yakuza its with the intention of sharing it with others and wanting to know what other ppl think of it but this time i simply just want to have a record of my thoughts written down that i can see later lol
anyways. babaposting (spoilers for yakuza 5)
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gonna be honest and say that to people who are Normal this is going to seem a lot like me rambling about something that is obvious; but i guess this is a post made out of spite in response to how i sometimes see people boil down baba's character into softboy twink bottom which bothers me way, WAY more than it should. admittedly, he is not as developed as the main 5 characters of the game and his role is more of a side character? but i still think there's more to him to than that, regardless.
i dont think baba is as big as a softboy twink as some people percieve him as. imo he's more the kind of guy who's actually more cold blooded and ruthless than you'd think, who hides this under a timid and meek demeanor. while it's never said outright, (or at least i dont remember if its said so, oops) im pretty sure he is an assassin-- or at least, experienced enough with taking people out from afar that the kuroha family would trust him with such an important target like haruka. my point is, this dude literally kills ppl. so it bothers me a lot when people straight up infantilize him :/
he does definitely have his weaknesses though, i dont wanna deny the fact that when it comes to some things he is Weak but ill get to that a little later.
during the prison segment of saejima's part in yakuza 5, other characters (including saejima) describe baba as shy, friendly and timid and he definitely lives up to those descriptions in his behavior too. he really does seem like a little ooh-woo boy. oshima even says baba cried to him once:
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so he sure gives off the appearance of someone who is quite innocent and emotional. but, fast forward to the Twist, and baba says this irt everything he has said about himself in abashiri:
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yeah. of course this immediately tells us his backstory is a lie but this dialogue also makes me think that the timid behavior he displayed in his time in abashiri is a part of this lie. baba appearing as friendly and harmless not only gets him closer to saejima but also makes him less likely to be suspected of being involved in a big conspiracy or plot. he is purposely acting all 🥺👉👈, and it bothers me when people see this as a genuine expression of who he is. i, honestly, don't think it is.
i am not denying the fact that he has a heart though. because what IS real, however, is of course the feelings he has developed for saejima. the conflict between his orders and his heart is literally a vital point of both his character and the bigger story, so of course he has a heart. and a weak one: he's so emotionally distraught that he tries to kill himself not once but twice! once because he'd rather die than kill saejima and again because he's so guilty of being complicit in kurosawa's plan to fuck over the tojo clan, that he'd rather die than bear to confront saejima after all he's done. he honestly, in my eyes is a bit of a coward for trying to run away from these problems via suicide but maybe i'm being too harsh because what the fuck would i do in that situation? lol
but i guess what im trying to do here is explain why it bothers me when people go ahh baba sweet baby boy bc it feels like such a mischaracterization. he is certainly emotionally....frail/weak but not as much of a baby as some people make him out to be. he's a grown man who's literally an assassin by trade. he breaks down and cries in the moments he does cause i think anyone else would too.
his vulnerable moments are what i really love about him, it's just that sometimes people go overboard on woobifying him and make that his entire character. so i just like to keep a balanced mix of "grown ass man who is much more capable of things like murder than you thought" AND "genuinely heartbroken and panicked over the clashing of the orders he's given and the feelings he has developed". we can have both, folks! the same way light can't shine without dark, baba's vulnerability cannot be interesting without his more colder more cunning side.
baba is at his most interesting when he shows vulnerability despite his orders and job demanding otherwise.
i also think hes a little whore, he could have kept his jacket on during his reveal to saejima but he takes it off, which accomplishes literally nothing. in fact this would just impact him negatively by making him cold as all hell. so there is only one reason why he would reveal 2 the world his tiny waist and its cause hes a slut
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legacysam · 3 years
"#*erases a rant about fandom cas characterization bc god who has the energy*" me. i have the energy. give me the rant.
*cracks knuckles* okay let’s see if any of these particular intellectual muscles still work.
I am always pro-cas-being-canonically-dickish posts (even if they are misleading one way or another, more on that later) because dear GOD this fandom loves to infantalize the man. He’s a “baby in a trenchcoat.” He’s dumb about pop culture and clueless about human things isn’t it adorable? SHUT UP!!!! And pls especially shut up if you’re using his ignorance as a way of making another character look cool or smart by comparison. “it’s a shortened version of my name” was 100% Cas fucking with Dean because he is a dick sometimes! and it’s great! Also: Cas’s indifference to pop culture isn’t a weakness just because pop culture knowledge is a major currency on tumblr!!! It’s indicative of the fact that he’s got much bigger and more important things on his mind. (Also. listen. This trait was canonically erased by Metatron and it was literally the only good thing that fucking character ever did so can we please as a fandom just acknowledge that little slice of canon? pls?)
(Can I also just say.....fish out of water stories are only good when they are on the side of the fish and not just using the fish to make jokes. Just. as a note on the trope in general but specifically re: every time this shows up in fanfic with Cas or any other similar character. Thor comes to mind.)
Anyway Cas isn’t a child, he’s ANCIENT and TIRED and CONFLICTED about major moral issues, which is FASCINATING for an angel character and forces us as an audience to consider more deeply the actual differences between heaven and hell, good and evil, destiny and free will. Is this how we expect an angel to behave? What does this tell us about Heaven? If Cas is an aberration, what does that tell us about Heaven and goodness and God? So his expressions of anger and frustration and his impatience with or indifference to human courtesies are a really great part of his character and people should appreciate them more (and not just when it’s funny!)
(Sidenote bc I always think about this when I think about fandom and Cas, the reductive fandom approach to “””crazy!cas””” (what a fun way of saying “deeply affected by horrible trauma and guilt and trying to repress it so he can function.” thanks for that fandom) as comic relief or a woobified victim is. hm. bad. That’s all I’ll say about that one.)
{ANOTHER sidenote, this one for fan artists in particular but fan writers definitely aren’t free from sin: Cas isn’t pale or short and he isn’t a fuckin twink pls stop projecting weird m/f stereotypes onto your queer ships pls and thank}
ANYWAY about these screenshots specifically: Listen I love this post but the context of these scenes is SO MUCH MORE INTERESTING than Cas being a dick to Sam. They aren’t really about Sam at all, actually. “Don’t ask stupid questions” is such a painful fucking response to Sam asking if he’s okay, because he’s clearly not okay--he’s still struggling with the knowledge that God has given up and abandoned them--but he can’t be vulnerable about it. So he redirects to ask what Sam needs from him because that’s what he does, it’s what he is, he’s a tool. He’s a solution to problems (except his own). And his unwillingness to confront his pain (while also not being able to hide it) isn’t really about his relationship with Sam, it’s about his relationship with God and with himself and his own failures. The visibility of that struggle while he continues to try to help in this episode is just really fucking moving, okay?
Also there’s absolutely nothing hostile about “Sam, of course, is an abomination” in context. Like. Not a damn thing. There’s a task that needs to be performed by a “servant of heaven,” and Cas is explaining why none of the three of them qualify, and we know he feels shame about the fact that HE doesn’t qualify by how he reacts later, calling himself a poor example of an angel. He’s as much an abomination as Sam is in this moment.
Actually you know what? Literally everything in these screenshots that gets interpreted as “Cas hates Sam” is 100% actually Cas hating himself. He hates Sam’s voice while he’s stuck using a human voice himself to communicate, through technology he’s hostile to because it’s limiting compared to angelic communication. He rejects Sam’s compassion because he doesn’t want to talk about his own weakness. He calls Sam an abomination in the same breath that he acknowledges that he isn’t a servant of heaven anymore, and with much less anger than when he later calls himself a poor example of an angel. He sees himself in Sam but he hates himself too much to use that as a point of connection and pushes away from it instead. (I’m not going to go on a shipper detour here but sastiel shippers....you know)
So Cas is angry and complicated and self-hating and yeah, it’s funny, but if you don’t respect those feelings and their complexity, maybe don’t try to write Cas or write about him. Maybe if you only like Cas when he’s making you laugh you don’t actually like Cas.
And this isn’t to be like...”writing fluffy shippy fic with Cas being sweet is bad” or whatever. That fills a need for some people, I get it. I’ve written fic where he’s sweet! There’s a difference between someone lovingly wrapping a character in a blanket and going “nice things will happen for you now” versus using that character for a reductive joke.
There’s also a difference between people who are actually carefully writing fic and people who are, yknow, tagging posts or circulating meme-like gifsets with this kind of commentary. Which, bc I don’t read fic as often anymore, tends to be the most common way anything like analysis of Cas reaches me. I do NOT recommend this method of engaging with fandom because it’s really the worst, unfunniest, most simplistic takes that get repeated over and over again (I would pay money to never see anyone call Sam “moose” or “sammy” again dear lord), and it obscures the actually really good work some folks are doing when they write these characters.
tl;dr 1. Cas is not a child and he is not stupid. 2. Cas doesn’t hate Sam but he DOES project onto him and it’s fascinating. 3. fandom wants to be transformative but bc of meme culture and the way tumblr works it can be painfully reductive and it’s exhausting
ps nb I haven’t watched a single episode since they killed Charlie off and I don’t know much about what happened after that lol. so don’t come at me “well actuallying” bc honestly I don’t care and bc canon has been a dumpster fire for years and all extended analysis of it including my own is really nonsense just by virtue of the source material being nonsense.
pps the showrunners are ABSOLUTELY complicit in this but I can’t. I just cannot get into that. I am too tired.
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docholligay · 4 years
Doc Loves Garbage: Shark Tank
I loathe reality TV. I hate the lies of it, I hate the inane personal dramas that I’m meant to give a shit about, I hate the tragic anime backstories, I hate the artificial driver of competition. It is absolutely the lowest common denominator of television, and I especially hate it when it posits to be doing something valuable or teaching anything. 
Venture capitalism is a way for the very worst of people, whose only skill is in hoarding money, to make more money based on the clever ideas of others. It’s asking people to chip away at ownership of their dreams and feeling literally no guilt over it as you climb into your next yacht. Billionaires are bad people. There is no way to become a billionaire and be a good person. Millionaires are pretty close behind. 
But apparently when you combine them, ALL IS BLISS IN THE COURT OF DOCTOR HOLLIGAY, as she slorps her ramen noodles on the couch. 
The basic premise of Shark Tank, for those of you with a currently functioning system of taste and morality, is that “Sharks” who are just millionaires and billionaires who have apparently ~built their own way~ lololololol okay, hear out ideas for different companies and products and decide what to invest in, for what share of the company. It’s literally making a game out of watching people try to defend their dreams, and no one is happier than when someone breaks down crying because the sharks tell them it’s fucking stupid. 
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This woman is crying about natural and organic cookie mixes. 
What makes it even worse is that I get invested enough in watching this show that I SHARK PREFERENCES. I look at these millionaires and billionaires and instead of rightly taking them to the guillotine I apparently decide to make them my waifu because bootlicking wasn’t enough. THIS SHOW MAKES YOU WOOBIFY PEOPLE WITH PRIVATE PLANES AND YET HERE I AM, LINING UP. 
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Look at this man. He is the epitome of every smug, know it all dude that takes pride in “not being fancy” (translation: slovenly and refusing to look nice for other people) because he thinks it makes him “real”. This man has probably explained the American West to me in an airport bar. He owns a fucking SPORTS TEAM, for god’s sake, he’s like if Bezos and Bros had a baby. 
He’s the living embodiment of the “why are you booing me, I’m right meme,” and he is absolutely my favorite shark. In my tiny defense, he is always the one to jump on any health claims, not matter how well it sells, and yell at the other sharks for even considering buying them, so it suggests he has one crumb of morality (as a treat!) also in fairness he paid his hourly workers during the closure of the center he owns, but like, let’s not scream comrade Cuban to a billionaire just yet. 
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This man is laughing because he literally just evicted me from my home in the middle of winter, and I let him do it because he always has a nice pocket square and a positive attitude. 
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This photo says everything I need to say about why I vibe with Barbara. 
This show brings nothing of value to the table other than the joy of being an armchair investor. I sit there in my fucking giant beanbag, drinking a beer going, “Oh, that is just not enough profit margin to be sustainable. And those customer acquisition costs? You must be fucking stupid.” It allows me to feel smarter than someone who actually got up off their ass and did something about an idea they had while I’m sitting here complaining about how nobody makes a synced step counter that’s tiny and simple. AND I WILL CONTINUE TO DO NOTHING. 
It’s like some sort of weird capitalist fap session, and I don’t know why I continue to watch this when I could literally be watching something of actual human value, including but not limited to the many, many shows of actual substance and ideas that I have been recommended. I watch so little TV, and yet here I am, wasting the sub-4 hours a week I watch watching THIS. 
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geraltcirilla · 4 years
Your latest daisy/sousa gifset ? Gorgeous, is the quote you used from a showrunner chloe or is it like from someone in the fandom also ie agent carter, everyone was white like the two main female characters were right and so was everyone else, and I don't think it had anything to do with the time period there are shows set way before that are 1000% more inclusive like anne with an e or black sails also no lgbtq characters although that's an issue aos had as well
Thank you!! :’) The quote I used is from Maurissa Tancharoen from this interview with Hypable. I’ll go ahead and give you the entire Daisy portion of that interview because it’s filled with gold.
On the romantic side of things, Chloe Bennet (and several of her co-stars) couldn’t be happier with Daisy’s choice of Daniel Sousa as her partner.
“He’s so stable, and so supportive, and so willing, and so understanding of who she is,” Bennet says. “[Daisy needs] that kind of stability in her life, and that support. And I think it doesn’t hurt that he’s a strapping young man!”
“She has become such a kind of a power house, physically,” Bennet continues. “I love that he kind of brings her down to Earth a little bit.”
For Enver Gjokaj, Sousa’s relationship to Daisy’s power was a crucial factor in their developing bond.
“They don’t seem to have a lot of [things] in common,” he notes, “But the fact that he’s attracted to strong women, and that he’s worked with strong women in his past, and that’s who he is — I think that becomes the foundation for a relationship. The fact [that Daisy’s power is] not threatening to him at all, that that’s actually a positive, that… made total sense to me.”
“And [Gjokaj] played it with such a quiet confidence, and just you’re so grounded,” Bennet continues. “Sousa is so grounded in himself, and he’s not threatened by her as an entity and by Quake, and it actually finds it slightly amusing. which I think is really sweet, actually.”
Clark Gregg also expressed a certain relief at Daisy’s choice, which he feels reflects maturity on the part of friend and castmate Bennet.
“One of the things that happens, especially when you do play a character for 200 years as I have… is that the life and art blend together,” he says, noting that it was challenging to repeatedly “watch Chloe/Daisy go through these various things and get her heart broken, and have people die.”
So “to have Enver show up and create — recreate — the new version [of Sousa], dealing with different kinds of stuff, was just cool!” Gregg says. The character’s new incarnation on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was “tough. Not calling attention to himself. It felt so real, and I love so much what he did, and the way that [he and Chloe] just kind of quietly backed into this thing that everybody has been rooting for. [It’s] such a testament to their work in the chaotic final season, and how lucky we were to get Enver. It’s just facts!”
For their part, showrunners Jeff Bell, Maurissa Tancharoen, and Jed Whedon felt it was critical that their cast of female characters be seen as much more than partners in relationships, regardless of how matters concluded.
“They’ve had relationships [but] we never defined them by that,” says Bell. “But Daisy hasn’t had great luck in the past, bad things that happened or it hasn’t worked out. And so when Enver showed up, it was more than we could have imagined. We’d hoped that they would have chemistry, and the fact that it worked so well was great.”
Bell also observes that even more significant than the romantic developments was Daisy’s re-formation of a new kind of family for herself.
It was important, he says to let Daisy’s sister “Kora come over at the end and [give] Daisy family to continue. So it wasn’t just ‘Now I have a boyfriend!’ It was like she had a new unit. I think that was something that happened organically through the force of the storytelling that was a nice thing that we hadn’t foreseen.”
“The whole drive of Daisy’s character arc was, she was in search for her identity. She was in search for her family and where she came from,” agrees Tancharon. “And what she stumbled upon was new one, and so at the end, it’s very clear that she is actually starting her own little family in space, with the man she loves and her actual sister.”
I really love this interview and I’ve loved EVERY interview the cast has done post-series. I don’t think I’ve ever shipped a couple quite so beloved by every single cast member, even people totally uninvolved like Clarke Gregg and Elizabeth Henstridge. This interview was especially sweet because Maurissa confirmed that Sousa and Daisy are in love, which we all though but it’s nice to get the showrunners backing that.
Re: Agent Carter, even when it comes to the female characters Peggy Carter was the only one listed as main cast. Peggy, Jarvis, Jack, Sousa, and Dooley are main cast, Angie, Dottie, and Ana are credited as reoccurring. And Angie was only in s1 (she made a brief cameo in s2 in a dream sequence), and Ana was only in s2. Only Dottie was in both seasons 1 and 2 and she was a villain. So I don’t think I can even give Agent Carter credit for having white women in the show. It’s really bad if you can’t even have white women in your main cast.
Agent Carter had an issue with lack of women, lack of BIPOC cast, and lack of LGBT characters (like you said AOS also has that last issue). The writers of the show actually claimed at the time (because even back then people were calling them out for this) that they were just being “truthful to the time period”, which we all know is a crock of shit. As you said BIPOC and LGBT didn’t suddenly spring into existence in the 2000s and lots of other period piece shows include them as characters. 
Also as I said in my previous post, the writers have this unsettling need to woobify and coddle bigots because “they’re a product of their time” and the writers are constantly justifying their behavior and actions and trying to make them seem sympathetic. 
But not only that, the feminism felt incredibly shallow and performative.
For example, one of the famous “feminist” lines of the show was “I know my worth. Anyone else’s opinion doesn’t really matter.” Peggy said this after Jack Thompson took all the credit for her work and effort in s1. I remember at the time people were livid because that was a terrible message to be sending women and girls. It’s okay if a man steals your work so long as you believe in yourself...? No. Hell no. That’s not how society progresses forward. Peggy should NOT have accepted that outcome and should have FOUGHT Jack to demand he give her her proper credit. But she didn’t. She rolled over and took it, and we as an audience were supposed to applaud her for it.
Another “feminist moment” is when Sousa catches Peggy helping Howard Stark and the SSR think that she’s a terrorist. So after they arrest her they all take turns interviewing her and she calls them out, saying: “I conducted my own investigation because no one listens to me. I got away with it because no one looks at me, because unless I have your reports, your coffee, or your lunch, I’m invisible.” Except this isn’t exactly true. She wasn’t invisible to Sousa and she didn’t get away with it because he literally caught her. Since episode one Sousa was investigating a strange blonde-haired woman with a scar on her right shoulder who he believed was helping Howard Stark. That woman was Peggy. And he actually figured that out in episode 1x05 and tried to arrest in her 1x06. Given that this is only an 8 episode season Sousa knew about Peggy for almost half the season, but was hunting her for technically the whole season. How is that you being invisible? How is that you getting away with it? How?? 
Peggy continues and says: “You think you know me, but I've never been more than what each of you has created. [At Dooley] To you, I'm the stray kitten, left on your doorstep to be protected. [At Jack] The secretary turned damsel in distress. [At Sousa] The girl on the pedestal, transformed into some daft whore." This statement was also weird as fuck to me because Sousa never thought she was a whore, never called her a whore, and never accused her of being a whore, etc. When the SSR found out Peggy was helping Howard Stark they were trying to figure out why she would do it. A working theory was she was in love with him (a fair theory given Howard’s a bit of a womanizer and actually has hit on Peggy in the past). So Sousa (along with literally everyone else interviewing her) accused her of having an affair with Howard. But somehow only Sousa received that scalding drag, when technically it was true of everyone. Also how was he viewing her on a pedestal when he called her out all the time (during their “quirky banter”) and once again, investigated her for terrorism. Some pedestal huh. (This quote actually bugs me a lot because some people to this day will reference it as a reason to hate Sousa - “He was obsessed with her and then when he thought she was with Howard he called her a whore!” That never happened, that’s Peggy’s false version of events. I have eyes and a working brain and I watched the season myself and it’s simply untrue.)
Peggy will just say stuff that sound Cool and Empowering but if you break it down and analyze it, make no sense and mean absolutely nothing. It’s just cringey.
And let’s not even get in to the ableist implications of Peggy fantasizing about Sousa suddenly having two legs and being able to walk perfectly. That was her romantic vision of him. A version that could not only walk, but dance. Who throws aside his cane like it was just an accessory. Okay.
I really did not like Agent Carter at all (problematic stuff aside the actual plot sucked) but I watched the whole thing because I was a fan of Peggy Carter and Jarvis and I really wanted to make it work. When it was cancelled I didn’t cry about it, I was actually relieved I wouldn’t have to watch a third season. That show was just such a cringey, embarrassing mess.
Sorry for the long rant about it. It’s been a long time since I talked about this show and it still bothers me to this day because people reflect on the show so fondly and are still making petitions to bring it back as if it’s wasn’t a heaping mess.
Thank God Sousa was saved from that show. lol
Disclaimer to anyone reading this: Me hating the Agenter Carter show is not me hating Peggy Carter. Obviously I love my mans Sousa, and I also love Jarvis and Angie. I loved a lot of the characters and my issues with the show has to do with the showrunners and the writing.
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dalekofchaos · 5 years
How I would change Billy in Stranger Things season 3
After watching It Chapter 2 and remembering that Billy is meant to be the Henry Bowers of Stranger Things, I am even more annoyed at the Duffer Bros deciding to try and humanize Billy Hargrove. And here’s how I would change Billy. Short story is I am making Billy Hargrove the villain and a willing participant in the Mind Flayer’s game and keeping Billy as repulsive as possible. No humanizing or woobifying whatsoever.  
Cut out the weird and creepy attraction between Billy and Karen. Instead just make a romantic pairing between Billy and Heather, at the annoyance of the creepy and cringey predatory middle aged women.
Have it be revealed that Billy is still pissed off that Max is hanging out with the party and still seeing Lucas, even going as far as saying “I can’t believe that little bitch is seeing that N*****” when talking to Heather
Have Heather be just as awful as Billy, you could have Robin mention in her confession to Steve that Heather harassed her for staring at Tammy and being who she was and outed her to the entire school.
Have Billy and Heather talk about how much they hate their families. Heather being expected to be a perfect young women by Tom and her mother, Billy hating his mother for leaving him and his abusive father and being stuck with Max. 
Have Billy fully embrace becoming the Mind Flayer’s vessel.  It was his choice and he wants to punish his sister, her friends and Steve and the Mind Flayer accepts such a willing vessel.
Billy convinces Heather to embrace being flayed alongside him, they are awful together before being flayed, so they are awful together afterwords. 
Make it clear that Max hates Billy as much as Billy hates her  just like in season 2. Keeps warning El about Billy with fear in her voice
When El and Max come for Billy and Heather, Billy mocks Max for being with El. “What’s this Max? You go from being a N***** lover to being a D****? You are a piece of work, Max” Which prompts El to psychically trip Billy to defend Max. We later get a scene of El hugging Max to make her feel better.
After we see Heather killing her parents and possessing their bodies, we later get to see Billy killing Neil and Susan.
When Billy is in the sauna. He will say “I’ve done bad things Max...and I loved every minute of it.” mocking Max after he tells her he killed Neil and Susan. Max is in tears because she lost her mother, not because of Billy being possessed by the Mind Flayer.
Lucas still getting the shot in to help defend Max, even more after hearing what Billy did and later see Lucas comforting Max....give me Lumax damn it. Lucas would land another hit on Billy after Billy calls him the N-Word
Have Billy tell the party he embraced the Mind Flayer. He’s wanted revenge on them and how he wanted to kill them all one by one
Give us Billy and Will scenes. Billy telling Will that the Mind Flayer “missed you.” This sends Will in utter horror with those words. and “He told us everything about you Will, tell me, does Mike know about your feelings for him you little F**” then give us Will joining in on the Billy beat down, finally showing Will letting loose on the Mind Flayer. JUST GIVE WILL SOMETHING! LET. WILL. CONFRONT. HIS. ABUSER!
Instead of a sympathetic backstory, we see first a happy family, but Billy killing small animals and this sends Billy’s mother away in horror and what causes Neil to be abusive towards his son.
Finally with the party reunited, I would have Steve and Robin stay at Starcourt. Why? So Steve and Robin can finally confront the two people who have caused them and the kids so much pain. Instead, Jonathan and Nancy are the ones who take Dustin and co to get the code to Hopper
We do see Steve going to his car for one thing. Getting the bat out which Steve says to the bat “come to daddy”
Robin beats the shit out of Heather, weakening the Mind Flayer but also giving Robin the closure on the bully in her life.
When El loses her powers and Billy is about to bring El to the Mind Flayer, this is the opportunity to have Steve bash in Billy’s skull with the nail bat and Steve beating Billy to a pulp and finally knock Billy into the Mind Flayer’s mouth. This will give Steve his “finally won a fight moment” against Billy in the end. But Max would deliver the killing blow
We needed this. It would’ve been a fulfilling thing for Steve to do. This would be because -Steve finally wins a fight and against the man who almost killed him and his kids.   -Max finally ends her abuser -No sympathizing with a child abusive racist(just because he had a bad childhood doesn’t excuse abusing his little sister, singling out the sole black child and trying to kill children numerous times and trying to kill Steve, fuck Billy) -Steve fights to protect the kids -El would not sympathize with Billy…fuck that noise -Max would not cry for Billy, they had absolutely no positive interaction whatsoever, all we got was fear, hatred and abuse. So no unearned Max crying for Billy when all he was, was her tormentor.
Lucas and his family would take in Max after the loss of her family and Max would not let the loss of her mother consume her and she would absolutely not mourn the loss of her abuser
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aglaecan · 5 years
6 for everyone
questions for canon muses
6. What is the general opinion of your muse’s fandom about them? Do you agree with it?
for. all of the canons here, apparently. okay….
Beruthiel:  opinions, uh… “Beruthiel who?”  I mean, uh, some people might have caught thesingle reference to her in LoTR. Others, more familiar with the extendedlegendarium, probably know who she is. I really don’t know if there’s a generalopinion of her amongst those people; but I’ve seen a lot of art that is justsort of generic evil sorceress. There’s been some depiction of her as a WoC, given the Umbarim origin story; butI am not sure how much of that has really gone into the depth with her I have,trying to reframe her narrative in terms of xenophobia and prejudice.
Constantine: lemme just say, Ihave stayed away from the Hellblazerfandom so I have no idea of prevailing opinions beyond some very basics. It’san old series, and very much deals with very 80s issues. People who were fansof it at the time and people who are fans now seem to be different groups, inlarge part. There’s some opinion of Constantine that he’s straight as a man canbe and definitely some people have lionized his exploits and have enjoyed thefact that, frankly, he’s an ass. Meanwhile he’s clearly bi and I actually hate him lmao; like he’s such an ass andso fucking whiny that I had to writehim just to get into that mindset some, not because I thought he was actuallyas fun and badass as some of his fans seem to.
Faramir: uwu precious smolbean? Also there’s a big difference between book!fans and movie!fans, given thevastly different depictions of the House of Hurin in the two media. I thinkprobably I would agree more with opinions of book!fans, being one myself; butbasically – Faramir is a leader of men. He is a scholar. He is strong and wiseand never said to be lesser physically than his brother. Even his father was awarrior, still wearing armor beneath his robes; Faramir is not some striplingstringbean, people. He doesn’t need to be protected; he can handle that all onhis own thankyouverymuch.
Caranthir: oh sweet gallopingjesus on a pogo stick where do I start. I do not agree with any of the prevailing fanons on him.Blushy Caranthir. Stammering idiot around Haleth Caranthir. Miserly Caranthir.Broiderer Caranthir. None of it. People have taken a few lines in canon andspun them into these whole character traits without taking the wider contextinto account. I do think he is passionate and has trouble controlling hisanger. I do think he could be a real righteous ass. (Just like the rest of the family could.) But I alsothink we are shown by the narrative that he is able to create and maintaindiplomatic relations with two entirely different ethnic and cultural groups,that he shows a lot of tolerance for difference despite initial reactions (thedwarves being ‘unlovely’ etc) and that when the Silm says he got great wealthfrom the trade with the dwarves we need to look back at HoME and realize thatprimarily what he was getting from them was ore and worked steel for thedefense of the leaguer; and also that Caranthir comes from a people who prettymuch literally use diamonds and pearls to pave their roads; they value beauty, not coin.
Skinner Sweet: i………. don’tthink he has a fandom. I mean there are people who read them but???
Renfri: “Renfri who?” my habitof taking minor muses on strikes again!
Kaz: I stay out of the tags, soI have no idea. He seems like the sort who’d be woobified by his fandom andhave all the atrocities he commits handwaved away because uwu trauma but I don’tactually know if that happens. (My opinion on that is “cool motive, stillmurder;” I love him because he’s completelyfucked up, not the opposite.) Oh, I tend to think of him as less handsomeand/or generally pretty than a lot of the art I see depicts? He’s angular anddangerous and Matthias describes him as “pale and freakish.” Some of that islikely just Kaz’s… aura, for lack of a better word, but I like him as a littlestrange-looking, too. Like the demon he is, properly so. 
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