#and also because him helping Carol to get out of her addiction and in the process stoping himself from relapsing is cute and I rly enjoy it
just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
I'll always be impressed how the MCU who portrays Tony in a way better light than most comics do made Tony's actions in Civil War worse and than never acknowledged it.
I mean Tony lost any defense he had on Civil War somewhere between cloning Thor, locking the heros in the Negative Zone and If I recall correctly straight up sending his murderous "ex" villains team to kill Spiderman. But he was not the one that caused the problems (it had nothing to do with Ultron and if it had Tony still wasn't the one who build Ultron in the comics), he had no other motives besides wanting personal responsability (movie Tony wanted to have Pepper and still build armors), he had public support and Maria Hill at his side to bolt (and it was very priviledged of him to not notice the anti-mutant sentiment behind this support), he doesn't break the accords himself for personal gain at the first chance he has (the closer to it would be the secret meeting Tony and Steve had to try to convince the other to give up without violence) and his actions had grave consequences he spend years having to deal with including the mistrust of his friends and other heros.
I mean comic Tony did worse things but he was more consistent and the overall situation made easier to understand where he was comic from (it was all terrible places and it didn't justify at all but it was more than we got on the movies) and look while I started reading MARVEL with Civil War (bad idea) I do think there were some very very OOC moments from almost everyone there (I do think Peter, Clint and Matt were on point) and the follow through also lead to some weird decisions but it doesn't matter because this isn't a defense of comic Tony. No, this is an atack against MCU Tony because it says a lot about his characther that he was if nothing equiparable to comic Tony when comic Tony was writen as a villain while he was theorically only misgiven and being manipulated.
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creedslove · 10 months
a headcanon with dave and reader where they accidentally meet maybe in a cafe?idk, they End up in a relationship and then reader finds out dave is marrried, she gets upset, she end things and then dave ends it with his wife to be with reader😭😭😭 im so delu about that man
Dave York x f!reader
A/N: I gotta be honest anon, Dave is slowly becoming my biggest addiction because he is so perfect and I love him sooo much 😭😭😭
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• it was just another trio back home after another excruciating mission Dave York was assigned and paid very well to take another man's life
• in the beginning, he was always eager to go home and see his family, after all, they were the reason why he did all of that, so he could have enough money to provide them
• he loved his beautiful girls to death, they were the most important thing in the world for him, but he simply couldn't stand Carol anymore
• he didn't know exactly when their relationship started to fall apart, but it was likely when she began nagging him about every single thing, complaining about his business trips, about having to take care of the kids, driving them around all the time and the fact that Dave didn't earn much money according to her, even if she had a huge house, two brand new cars in the garage and stupid expensive clothes
• she was just so ungrateful he couldn't stand being around her anymore
• just as she couldn't stand being around him either
• and that was when they decided to get divorced
• they were technically separated, still living under the same roof while the official paperwork wasn't ready, besides, the kids weren't aware of it, still too young to understand which caused them both to act as if nothing had happened
• including keeping their wedding rings on around them, but they'd always come off as soon as the girls were out of sight
• and that's how you met Dave at the new cafe downtown
• he was standing in line in front of you, absent-mindedly waiting until it was his turn to order, getting his coffee and turning around and bumping into you
• it was both a miracle he hadn't spilled hot coffee on you, and also extremely odd Dave - who always had great reflexes - ended up colliding against the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen
• but it turned out as a good thing, because that gave you two a reason to talk and get to know each other a little bit better
• so one coffee became one exchange of numbers, that became a date and that went on until you realized you were in deep for that handsome mysterious man
• you knew he had two daughters, was separated and worked for the government which meant he couldn't talk a lot about his job
• but he seemed to be in love just as you were in love with him
• still, his time was pretty divided between you and his daughters and you absolutely respected that and understood it, which made you admire him even more
• you decided to take your dog for a walk in the park one Sunday morning, Dave told you he wouldn't be able to see you that day and you knew he would be with his daughters so it was a pretty sweet coincidence to spot Dave himself along with the two small girls just a few meters away from you
• he hadn't noticed you, being so focused on helping them control their balance and not fall from their bikes and proud to see them being able to ride it with not much struggle
• you watched the scene from afar, enjoying to see what a great dad Dave was, it made your heart warm and it even made you have a delusional moment of picturing yourself having a child with Dave
• the scene was perfect, until a brunette woman walked in, towards Dave and handing him a bottle of water, the girls immediately cheered and shouted "MOMMY!" excitedly and you felt a pang in your heart
• you reminded yourself you couldn't panic, he knew he must have been co-parenting his daughters with her so perhaps they just had the habit of spending time together, that was until the woman wrapped her arms around his neck and the girls giggled happily, at the display of affection given by her parents
• and the moment Dave took the water bottle to his mouth with his left hand, you were able to spot his wedding ring
• you gasped as you stood there shocked; it had been too good to be true, of course he was lying: he was married and having his fun with you, while you'd been too stupid to fall in love with him
• as the small family walked away, you could only drag yourself back to your home, locking yourself in and crying your heart out
• and the next few days, Dave called and texted but you ignored all of his attempts of getting in touch with you, you decided you wouldn't that lying cheating man the time of the day
• but of course he went after you, wanting to know what the fuck had happened so you would completely ghost him like that
• and when he literally broke into your apartment and waited for you, you two got into a heated argument, you accused him of lying and cheating on his wife, talking about the family scene you'd witnessed
• while he tried defending himself by saying he was just acting that way because the girls didn't know anything about it yet
• you didn't believe him, and above all, you were hurt, so even if his words were true, it didn't matter, you had broken up with him right there and then
• and Dave was pretty upset too
• he didn't think he would take that breakup that hard, he had no idea you were that important to him until he had lost you
• but that also made him realize he needed to make a decision and face his fears
• so in the weeks he'd been away from you, he managed to talk to Carol and then have an honest conversation with his daughters, explaining to them he would always love them no matter what
• after some crying things seemed to be falling into the right track, but there was still something he needed to do
• he went after you, finding you at the same cafe you'd met and it took you a lot of convincing to follow him to some place
• on the way, he explained to you how he never lied and he was already separated from Carol but they still shared the same house, which you only listened to but didn't say anything
• he parked in front of a building and took you to an apartment, showing him it was his new place and there was something else he wanted to do in front of you: sign the divorce papers
• he assured you he was starting a new chapter in his life and he really wanted you to be a part of it
• you couldn't resist Dave, jumping into his arms you kissed his lips, after all, he was divorced now
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marjoriestotch · 1 year
My headcanons about the parents and families in general I guess since I'm starting to accumulate many...
I think I should start by saying that all the parents being in their 40s makes a lot of things just not make sense, especially how they talk about their past and while its not strange to have kids when youre in your 30s, it def confuses me since they dont act like it, yknow? Like having kids in your 30s is the sane choice imho for competent adults, and none of them are that. So just go with the flow with me that their ages fluctuate from family to family
The Broflovskis:
OKAY so we know Gerald was a drug addict at some point (cat piss but i think other things too, surely), i think it was in his teens and early twenties along with Stuart and he decided to clean up to get into college (which Stuart resents). Gerald in fact over compensates and becomes completely straight edge teetotaler, so when he meets Sheila at a party it unlocks something he tried really hard to repress. Shes wild and sexy and is overflowing with confidence and he finds that irresistible like a drug and becomes absolutely smitten with her, and Sheila finds him really cute in the beginning but just considers him a casual fling. He fell in love first but she falls much harded as they go along. Heres the less fun part; i think with Sheilas partying and very active sex life and Geralds drug abuse problems of the past, they have fertility issues. Kyle is essentially their rainbow baby and is a complete and utter surprise, and they work hard together to completely flip their whole lives around, moving out of Jersey and into South Park, etc. Sheila develops a strong attachment to Gerald through his time and its why she dotes on Kyle so much as she does, he's her little bubula, her miracle. This explains why they adopt Ike, too. And, of course, while Sheila considers Gerald the anchor that pulled her to the shore, she doesn't fully know Gerald's wild past, as is seen in major boobage and chicken pox, etc etc. But they arent also a completely traditional either - i think they swing, as we see Sheila hook up with Chef (with Gerald's enthusiastic consent) and Gerald willing to do stuff with Randy in the hot tub. Also yes he took her last name, he may be a fucked up little piss troll but he does love/submit to Sheila fully.
The Marshes:
We know a lot about Randys past but nothing about Sharon so I'll talk mostly about her. Unpopular opinion but I think Sharon is a big bisexual girlie and had a strong preference for women, but felt pressured to settle down with a man and have a family after her brother Jimbo came out to the family and moved out of town into the wild with Ned, so she attached to Randy since he was the first decent guy to get on her radar. Of course, she doesnt know about Randys wild ass side since I think he was very good at masking it at first. She internalizes this great anxiety about seperating from Randy because of this and when they had shelly and stan there was a part of her that thought it would help to sort of anchor her in the marriage but it backfired and made her feel trapped instead. I imagine they married young and she was still a stupid young woman when she had Shelly so she wasn't able to be there for her properly but had more experience with Stan. In a flashback we saw Sharon with long hair and I think she cuts her hair as like symbolic of her unhappiness with her life but trying to be practical with what she has. It depends on the day whether I think shes hooked up with the other moms behind Randy's back.
Liane Cartman
Not much to say about her other than I think she's def hooked up with Sheila and Sharon and thats how Cartman got to hang around with Kyle and Stan when they were little babies. Wouldnt it be hilarious? Imagine the field day Kyle would have with Cartman if he knew that. I also think Liane and Carol partied a lot together when they were younger, which is how Cartman and Kenny are close. Speaking of
I still dont know where the fanon came from where Stuart is a pedo creep but thats not how I see things obvi. Theyre just both fucked up poor people who were stupid kids that got knocked up and disowned by their families. Its been shown that Stuart has a very defeatist attitude with a victim mentality, and I think Carol also has the same mindset, even if she does roll up her sleeves and finds work as a waitress and dishwasher. They bond over feeling like theyre the only people in town to "get" each other like that, like theyre the outcasts in the world yknow, the under dogs that gotta stick together, even though they are way better off just being friends. They joined fringe groups like the cthulhu cult not only in search for drugs and alcohol but also community, yknow? And they keep having kids thinking it will just start making things make sense but it doesnt cuz theyre dumb. I also def think they sleep with other people but not even in a swing-y way like the Broflovsks, they are barely a couple as it is. I've said this in a previous post but I def think Carol and Sheila became fast friends when the Broflovskis moved into town, meeting through their husbands and bonding over being wild party girls at heart. Hence why Kenny and Kyle developed a friendship, cuz otherwise Gerald and Stuart would prefer to avoid each other completely. This doesnt make complete sense in chickenpox, but I'm just gonna ignore that.
The Blacks
OKAY SO IVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT THEM A LOT and i def didnt type up this post just to talk about them :) this is 200% just complete fanon speculation so like shut off your brain for this one my south parkies if the show wont tell us anything about them then I can day dream. AND YES i have been informed that his name is "Steve" and not "Stephen" but...i do not care!!! He is Stephen in my mind and Linda calls him "Stevie" even if it embarrasses him. Okay so the reason I think/write that Linda is fond of Stan in my stolkien fic is that she sees young Stephen in him - a little geeky, moody kid. They're childhood sweethearts like Wendy and Stan, Stephen straight up just used to throw up like Stan around her from all nerves, the parellels are impossible to miss. Except of course unlike stan and wendy, Linda and Stephen are perfect end game. Stephen is the one from the rich family who had a vacation home out in Aspen where he'd run into Linda as kids and they'd later on reconnect and formally date in college. He thinks he has to really flash his fortune to keep her interested, but she has to assure him that she loves him for him which has him very gooey and pukey inside. Stephen could afford to flip flop between careers but Linda had always set her heart in medicine. They were responsible people who only decided to have a kid when they were 30, married and well off, of course. (They are hence the oldest of the parents and are thus more levelheaded, which is funny in my head to imagine old Stephen getting picked on by his junior Randy). I imagine Stephen wanted to name Tolkien way dorkier names, straight up like Gandalf or Bilbo, and Linda had to wind him down until she eventually grew fond of "Tolkien". Linda had made sure Stephen took Tolkien with him to work as often as she had, not wanting to give up her career to become a full time mom like all her friends, and Stephen just became a stay at home dad at some point, hence switching from lawyer to financial consultant. (Very involved parents that didn't want nannies like Stephen had growing up). I imagine that Tolkien was actually picked on and bullied in his fancy school when he was itty bitty and so Linda and Stephen decided to move and start over in South Park, Linda's hometown, and thats why Tolkien freaked out when he thought the other boys didn't like him and tried to fit in best he could. I imagine he has a lot of cousins on his dads side, Stephen being the youngest of his brothers, and so Tolkien is also the youngest and gets negged on a lot even if it comes out of a place of love. They call him twinkle toes or fairy dust cuz of his namesake and its partially why he hates it. Overall the Black family is actually the american pop culture dream come true, which is bizarre in south park.
As for the other families i dunno 🤷‍♀️ not that different from the general fanon consensus i guess? These are just the ones ive been thinking about a lot.
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kiseiakhun · 5 months
Halkyle serial killer au thoughts
(being forced by @wajjs to post this at gunpoint) (they literally have a gun to my head) (help)
Kyle kills for a reason. He's insane but he's a more controlled, methodical insane vs Hal who seems more in control of himself normally (because of emotional repression) but he becomes UNHINGED when he kills. Kyle does things with a purpose but Hal just goes hog wild
Hal has saved Kyle. The first time was a fluke. The second time was personal. Every time after that? Well. Hal keeps asking himself the same question.
Kyle's probably gotten away with it for so long BECAUSE of Hal. Because Kyle is messy and he doesn't really care that much about not getting caught. Hal is like his anchor to safety
Kyle is Hal's anchor, period, because it's the first time in his life he could really connect with someone on this level
it's the first time in BOTH their lives. They immediately fell in love.
Kyle made the first move. He tried to kill Hal first. It just makes SENSE that he has to make the last move too
Hal does more things for Kyle but Kyle is the more active one in the relationship. Hal mostly reacts to Kyle. It's Kyle making Hal save him, Kyle pushing Hal past his limits, Kyle who admits he loves him first. Hal revolves around Kyle
Kyle wants Hal to kill him because he romanticizes that expression of Ultimate Passion. Kyle is passionate. He flips between extremes of emotion. He's addicted to experiences with strong emotional impact. (Hal is an experience with strong emotional impact)
Hal is also something beautiful
Hal is in love with Kyle but he doesn't know it
death = intimacy to kyle, more than even sex. What's an act more intimate than taking the life of the person you love the most, with your bare hands? Their last moments in life will be filled with you. You get to touch them, literally and metaphorically, their outside and the very thing that makes them tick. It's a gift you're giving them and also a sacrifice you're making yourself. Your beloved will die thinking of you. You'll lose them forever. They'll never fall out of love with you while you're forced to continue on living without them
Kyle is addicted to self sacrifice. He knows what he's doing is wrong, but he's also too addicted to stop. That's why he's not careful. That's why he keeps goading Hal into pushing further and further. That's why he WANTS Hal to kill him, because he's self sacrificial but also selfish
the ultimate act of selflessness for him would be to give that up and give it to Hal instead. Because Hal feels the same way.
Kyle's using Hal. Probably not on purpose, but he's definitely the one getting more out of this partnership. Hal has connections. Hal has experience. Hal will hurt himself and Kyle in order to keep Kyle safe. Kyle's a wildcard and Hal is the only thing capable of keeping him under control, and just barely at that. He's the only one who pushes Kyle far enough - at detriment to himself.
Hal looks at Kyle and he sees Carol. He sees her dark hair and her drive and her fragility, taken in one moment of passion. He'll drag Kyle from a crime scene and look down at him covered in blood and his hands will instinctively go to his neck, and it's Kyle's unresistance that makes him stop, that takes him back to reality. Carol struggled to the end. Carol never looked at him with so much love while he squeezed the life out of her.
their tale will always end in tragedy, because, you know, murder, but if Kyle kills Hal... Kyle takes control of that tragedy. He's the only one who'll have to live with himself, after.
it has to be Kyle. Kyle's the only one who can do it. Kyle's in control of the relationship. Kyle wants Hal to give him that gift, but if he does, Hal will be left with nothing. He would've given Kyle everything he has.
for once, Kyle has to be selfless
Hal loves Kyle. He'll never admit it to himself. He'll never admit it to kyle. But Kyle doesn't need him to say it in order to know. Kyle kills because Alex was taken from him, because he had no choice. None of the other killings felt right because he didn't have that personal connection to them. Art comes from the heart - you need that emotional connection, that intimacy with the subject, especially when it comes to sculpture. You're making something with your bare hands, touching it, molding it, bringing it to life in a very literal way. None of the other killings felt right because losing Alex was about having a very literal part of himself ripped away, and to this day he's still trying to make sense of the feeling. But killing random strangers doesn't have the same impact. It has to hurt in the same way. Losing Hal would destroy him. It's the only thing worthy enough to be compared to Alex's memory
Kyle is searching for beauty. Beauty isn't just about appearances - it's about the emotions associated with it. You hear it over and over again - the piece that the artist is most proud of is not the most well known, or technically proficient, it's one that has personal meaning
Kyle has to kill Hal. He has to sacrifice Hal for the memory of Alex. It's the only thing that can compare to her. Kyle needs to give Hal up.
Hal is selfish too. He's so afraid of taking, of glutting himself and then having to contend with the wreckage, after. He doesn't want to take responsibility. He'll never take the first step. He can never admit to loving Kyle because admitting it means he'll have to lose Kyle, and it'll be his own fault
Kyle is the only one who can do it
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gamertwins13 · 1 year
Friday Night Funkin: Guys’ Night Out
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Behold, the sequel pic to Girls' Night Out, this time featuring some cool male characters! All of these guys are members of the Anti-Daddy Dearest Force. The Anti-Daddy Dearest Force (or A.D.D.F. for short) is an organization of people (mostly males) who fell victim to the evildoings of Daddy Dearest, and are now plotting revenge against him to make the demonic ex-rockstar pay for what he has done to them. When they're not busy thinking of ways to get rid of Daddy Dearest, they talk about the problems they've been facing and give each other a bit of advice from their own experiences. It's kind of like group therapy, in some way.   While his girlfriend Carol is out on the dancefloor with her friends, Whitty has decided to sneak into the club with some of his friends from the A.D.D.F.. All of them have their own ideas of having fun at the club on their minds.   Senpai only wants to check out some of the beautiful girls in the club, but the other guys think he focuses way too much on flirting with girls (which is something he can't help because he's an AI from a dating simulator game), and want him to hang out and rap with them. Senpai thinks that rapping with the other guys might help him show all the ladies in the club just how cool he is. Garcello is with the guys because he brought Annie to the club with him, so while he's just chilling and watching the guys rap against each other, he's also keeping a careful watch on Annie, who's at the bar. He's making sure she doesn't overdo it on the drinks, especially the "Liquid" that she's so addicted to. Everyone knows what happens when Annie gets drunk, and it's not a pretty sight.   Tabi and A.G.O.T.I. want to show off their incredible singing talents, hoping to step back into the spotlight again after they fell off the radar thanks to Daddy Dearest. However, Tabi isn't so sure if people will recognize him as the same person now that he's an invisible man with a goat skull and skeleton hands. Thankfully, being his best friend, A.G.O.T.I. reassures him that his fans will still love him despite his intimidating-looking appearance. Ever since Salty escaped the game machine he was trapped in, he wants to catch up on all the fun he missed in the real world throughout the years he was gone. Luckily, he agreed to come to the club with the other boys to test out his rapping skills, and it seems like he's still got it. On weekends, Yukichi likes to take a break from patrolling space and come to Earth to see what kinds fun things await him on the planet. He especially enjoys going to the club. He likes the music, atmosphere, and all the friendly Earthlings who usually hang out there. He thinks it's a great way to interact with people who aren't from his planet. NOTE: Despite being also a victim of Daddy Dearest, Berzerk is not present because he just won't care about partying at a club anyway. Pico, Ayana, Rosie, and Shirakami are also not present because they aren't members of the Anti-Daddy Dearest Force. Yes, they were hired by Daddy Dearest to get rid of Boyfriend, but that doesn't mean they were victims to his evildoings. Senpai belongs to PhantomArcade and Moawling Whitty belongs to SockClip and NateAnim8 Garcello belongs to Atsuover and Rageminer Tabi belongs to Homskiy Salty belongs to Tsuraran A.G.O.T.I. belongs to SugarRatio Yukichi belongs to Pierogii
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redgoldsparks · 2 years
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September Reading and Reviews by Maia Kobabe
I post my reviews throughout the month on Storygraph and Goodreads, and do roundups here and on patreon. Full reviews below the cut.
The Breakaways by Cathy G Johnson
Faith is a quiet fifth grader, prone to daydreaming and doodling. She is not very sporty, but she is talked into joining the middle-school girl's soccer team and falls into a web of friendships, grudges, crushes, and aspiring punk musicians. The book weaves together scenes of most of the team member's various struggles and experiments as they all try to get through life in the tumultuous junior high years. I wished the story had focused on a slightly smaller cast, as I felt like I only only got a little slip of story about each player, but what I did get I liked.
A Lady for Duke by Alexis Hall read by Kay Eluvian
Viola Caroll fought as a soldier in Waterloo; when she was left for dead on a battlefield, but nursed back to health by farmers, she decided to renounce her old life as a viscount and live as her true self, a woman. At the start of the story, only her younger bother and sister-in-law know the story of Viola's past. But a cry for help brings her back in contact with the Duke of Gracewood, her childhood best friend, bosom companion, and fellow Waterloo survivor. Viola had decided the best thing she could do was cut off her old friend and never reveal to him that she lived. But she finds him haunted by fears, addictions, and PTSD; left with a permanent limp and a terrible grief, he is barely surviving. She commits to caring for him temporarily, but when he begins to fall in love with her, Viola feels trapped between her own feelings and her fear of telling him the truth of their past. This historical romance is almost completely free of homophobia and transphobia; what ends up separating the characters for much of the story is not their genders or sexualities but their social class. The cast of the book is rounded out with a delightful set of quirky family members, from Gracewood's dreamy oddball of a teen sister to Viola's Mrs Bennett-like sister-in-law. I read so little romance, I don't even have a virtual shelf for it. I liked this one, but also thought it was at least 50 pages too long, and wished the pace had moved more quickly through some sections. The tone switched from humor to melancholy very abruptly sometimes mid-scene, and the final confrontation with the main villain was a bit ridiculous, but ultimately I did enjoy the book.
Crier's War by Nina Varela
Crier is an Automae, an AI being made by human creators at the order of her father, the Automae king of most of Zulla. She is beautiful, smart, stronger than a human, and close to invulnerable, but she is also very naïve and has seen little of the world. Ayla is a human girl who's whole family was killed by Automae; she is in touch with many rebels in the oppressed human population, but she is more interested in revenge than rebellion. She wants to kill Crier and make her father suffer as Ayla has suffered. But Ayla isn't prepared for the warm sympathy and understanding Crier will offer her- or the spark of attraction between them. This is a very fast read, and if you are looking for a quick, easy queer YA to kick you out of a reading slump this might hit the spot. Don't, however, spend too much time thinking about the plot or the worldbuilding because both are extremely sloppy and full of holes. There are a lot of first-book weaknesses here from flat character introductions to an overuse of flashbacks. But I do still want to know how the story ends and will probably read the second book of the duology to satisfy my curiosity!
Siren Queen by Nghi Vo
I think this is my favorite Nghi Vo novel yet, which is saying a lot, because I loved all of the others as well! Set in pre-Code Hollywood, the Chinese-American protagonist falls in love with movies after a single black and white picture at a nickel theater in Hungarian Hill, Los Angeles, where she lives over her family's laundry. She stumbles into a movie set and ends up getting a single-line uncredited role by being in the right place at the right time. This only feeds her desire for stardom- which is literal in this story, where most Hollywood studios feed on magic, deals with devils, equinox sacrifices of innocents, and actors can ascent to the sky if they glow bright enough on the screen. This world is woven thorough with miracles and dangers, some which hunt Hollywood hopefuls with teeth and others with predatory contracts. Our main character looses her name but gains entry to the movie world, were she falls into an affair with another actress in the shadows of greats. I loved how deeply queer and Asian-American this story was; our lead finds solidarity and friendship with the few other closeted queer and POC actors on the studio lots who often have to hid their differences but still manage to find each other and hold each other up.
A Mirror Mended by Alix E Harrow read by Amy Landon
I accidentally read this book before its prequel because I didn't notice in the Libby app that it was part of a series! Oh well, it stood alone well enough. In the first book, the main character, Zinnia, discovered an ability to slip out of our real world (where she has a genetic condition which will probably kill her by her mid-twenties) into the alternate universes of fairytales. She has made a business of rescuing princesses from their own stories and helping them find truer happy endings. But when she is pulled through a mirror not by the needs of a protagonist but under the power of a wicked queen, Zinnia has to face some harsh realities. The evil queen claims she wants to leave her tale and live- which is exactly what Zinnia is doing, and it seems to be weakening the walls between universes. Also, Zinnia has been avoiding calling home for months, unwilling to face a conversation with her best friend and family about her health. Then she lands in the darkest and bloodiest story she's experienced yet- only to find she has allies in unexpected places. Very queer, very meta. I often avoid fairytale retellings but this one brought some nice originality to the genre.
The Emperor's Soul by Brandon Sanderson read by Angela Lin
I have never read any Sanderson, but this novella was recommended to me as a good stand-alone. It opens with magical forger, Shai, in prison in the bowels of the imperial palace. She was captured in the act of stealing and replacing several very valuable palace objects with magical replicas. Shai expects to face execution for her acts, but instead is offered a secret, dangerous, challenging task: to magically replicate the soul of the emperor who barely survived an assassination attempt. I liked the clever way magic worked in this world, but wasn't wowed by the prose or the larger political world of this story, so I am unlikely to pick up a full length Sanderson, especially given that they are SO LONG. But if anyone else wants to dip their toes into his world, I think this story is worth a try.
A Spindle Shattered by Alix E Harrow read by Amy Landon
After accidentally listening to the second book in this series, I went back for the first one. The story opens with Zinnia's 21st birthday, which she expects might be her last. She has a very rare chronic condition which has proven fatal to everyone who has it by their early 2os. Zinnia has grown up knowing her life will be shorter than most, and partly because of that fell hard for the fairytale of Sleeping Beauty- a story of a woman who fell into a death-life sleep but woke up to a second chance. When Zinnia's best friend throws her a Sleeping Beauty themed birthday party, Zinnia jokingly pricks her finger on the spindle... only to be sucked directly into a fairytale, in time to stop another young woman from pricking her finger on a spindle as well. Zinnia has no idea what's going on, but luckily she has a degree in folklore and also her cell phone still has service, so she's able to text her best friend at home. This premise could have come off as so hokey and silly, but Harrow gives it an unexpected emotional weight, and a queer happily every after at the end. I can see why it was Hugo nominated! I liked it a lot, and plan to read more from this author.
Thieves by Lucie Bryon
I love Lucie Bryon's art and I've been anticipating this book for years. Set in France, Ella is a high school senior with a snarky no-nonsense best friend and a crush on a somewhat mysterious fellow senior, Madeline. Ella only gets a chance to really talk to her crush at a party, but then she drinks to much and wakes up some how at home surrounded by a pile of stolen possessions. When Madeline shows up to check on Ella, and comments offhand that some of her stuff was stolen last night from her room, Ella realizes that she has accidentally drunkenly burgled the girl she most wants to kiss. What follows is a hilarious kind of re-verse heist in Ella (and also Madeline) attempt to return items to their former owners. Along the way they also have to figure out their feelings for each other, and how to communicate, and forgive each other's inevitable fuckups. A queer coming of age story after my own heart.
Wash Day Diaries by Jamila Rowser and Robyn Smith
I had the pleasure of buying this book from one of the authors at SPX! A sweet story of the intertwined lives of four Black women, best friends, each navigating life, love, careers, hard conversations with family, and supporting each other through it all. Each chapter is focused around one character on wash day, and the theme of hair weaves through the whole book beautifully.
SpyxFamily vol 1 by Taksuya Endo
I've been hearing a lot about this manga, so I decided to give the series a try! In a fictional Europe, a spy named Twilight is tasked with infiltrating a very high end private elementary school. But to do so, he must acquire a fake wife and child to pose as a family man. The child he ends up adopting from an orphanage is physic, and the woman who ends up agreeing to his fake marriage ruse for her own reasons is an assassin. None of them tell each other their big secrets, but they are all so weird they don't really notice how weird the other two are. The set up is SO SILLY, but I am curious enough to try a few more volumes to see how it plays out. The art is fun!
Witch Hat Atelier vol 9 by Kamome Shirahama
Art-wise, this is one of my favorite manga series of all time. I also adore the main cast of little witch students and their teachers. However, the series has introduced so many side characters at this point that I'm having a hard time remembering who they all are and having any emotional investment in them from volume to volume. I wish the would stick a bit more closely to Coco and her education, because all of the fantasy politics might lose me.
Threshold by Anke Gladnic
This comic, loosely exploring identity, gender, and transition, moves from dreamy meditation to nightmare and back again. Beautifully drawn in soft greys and smoky blacks, it's more of a stream of consciousness than a story per say, but it leaves powerful lingering feelings of self-acceptance despite doubts and struggles.
Faster by Jesse Lonergan
Beautifully drawn, creatively laid out, and impeccably paced. This short comic follows a set of racers in an intense high-speed car race on a dangerous track. There are rivalries and friendships among the racers, some of whom are confident, some of whom just want to make it out of the race alive.
Die Horny by Rebecca Mock
Rebecca Mock described this comic as a love letter to horny 90s anime, and that influence very clearly shows! In a post-monster-based-apocalypse world, one human man, Iggy, and his gigantic monster queen wife, Wortizabella, just want to have a romantic honeymoon in the wastelands. But their trip is interrupted by a call for help from a boy who escaped a mining camp run by another monster. Iggy and Wortizabella investigate to find a human girl with superpowers being held captive for her ability to sense quartz crystals, which monsters consume for energy. To infiltrate the operation, Wortizabella pulls on her history as the more dangerous and violent monster warrior who has ever lived, and Iggy dons a leather bondage hood and begs to be stepped on. The line art is loose and full of lively energy, and the character designs are powerful and silly by turns. It's a delight to see such a talented cartoonist leaning fully into self-indulgence.
Nona The Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
Oh my gosh, what even to say about this book!! No spoilers, but if you enjoyed Gideon, then struggled with Harrow, I think it's very worth it to read Nona. It's told chronologically (like Gideon, unlike Harrow) and instead of being clouded with the unbearable grief and denial Harrow feels for her own actions and situation, this book is colored by a pure, child's joy at discovering the world for the first time. It's still a terrible world, a dangerous one, war-torn, full of refugees, paranoia, and death, but Nona finds so many small things to delight over. Petting dogs, making friends, being a teacher's assistant, swimming in the ocean, and the friends who look after her and taught her everything she knows in the six months she has been alive. This book didn't confuse me as much as Harrow, though I was left with many big questions about where the series is going at the end, I felt like the reveals were more evenly distributed throughout the story instead of all being stacked into the last 25%. This series is so weird, so convoluted, and mysterious, and I am having such a good time buddy-reading it along with a bunch of friends. I expressed this elsewhere, but I have not been so excited for the release of the middle volume of a series like this since the HP books were coming out. I preordered this book, a hardback, picked it up on release day, and read almost a 1/3 of it the same day it came out! I can't wait to see what's coming in the fourth book. I am so curious how Muir will land this skeleton-encrusted plane.
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carylismyboo · 2 years
The reason's why Melissa, Carol and Caryl fans are upset.
Seems the only ones that are supporting Melissa are fans. Well the fans that are not so far up Norman's ass are supporting her. So many things have happened to disrespect Melissa over the years.
Anti's calling her old, granny, drug addict and Daryl's mom. Treating her like she is just a waste of space on the show. Thinking B level characters are better than her. Lol give me a break.
Castmate's calling her Daryl's odd mom while getting a pass from the anti's off the fandom. Not one article writer or review defended or supported Mel on this. Hell one writer did an article on Lynn C having a little bit of grey hair saying how much of a breakthrough it was. Lol now that Lynn is off the show she already dyed her hair. Where was the article about Mel being a trailblazer for keeping her grey hair? I'll wait.
Then you have two actresses on the show that were apart of two Daryl ships. That not one time defended Mel or even told their fans to chill out about their so called friend. One keep supporting her icky ship even after she knew her character was dead. Just adding more fuel for her fans to be nasty idiots. Then the other actress said this " Well shipping! Oh, I will say that the Caryl-ers and Donnie shippers will continue to waging that war. I think they'll keep it going. And I love, I love seeing that I happen." Like are you kidding me her fans have been so hateful to Carol and Mel and she is going to say this. Very disappointed in her and will never be a supporter of hers.
Then we get to Norman. He has seen and heard the things said about Melissa and Carol. Not ONE DAMN TIME DID HE SUPPORT OR DEFEND HER. He just added more to the hate with saying mom and sister shit. When that was only how he got into the scene and not how Daryl felt about Carol. He is terrible for making her go through all of this when he knows how much it hurts her. Any other leading man would defend their scene partner and leading lady. Not him he is too childish and doesn't want to piss the fans off. Oh wait he doesn't want to piss the haters of Mel and Carol off. When they actually hate and don't support him. All while piss off and pushing the fans that have supported him for years away.
Then we get to the Spin Off. Rumors started going around about the SO being moved because Norman wanted to be close to his family. The news comes out that "McBride dropped out of the spinoff because relocating to Europe to shoot the show proved “logistically untenable” for her, AMC said in a statement. " Just so happens Norman's women comes out a week before saying he would be in France with her all summer. Years ago DK said if she ever had kids she would raise them in France. This was said many many times by her. She said this in April 2022 ' I really enjoyed living in Paris. I hope we live there again" Just so happens the SO was moved to France after her saying all of this. Oh wait there's more DK had a movie that was to be filmed in France when Covid hit. It was pushed back to last summer than they had to postpone it again. Finally in the first f two months of 2022 it is finally going to be filmed in France the summer of 2022. Around the same time the rumors of moving the spin off came about. So it isn't hard to put two and two together that Norman had a lot to do with the SO moving and Mel being let go. Oh and Norman and Jeffery saying Mel needed a break just makes them look like ageist jerks. Acting like Mel is two weak to hang with the boys. And they are the only two that have said this. Mel not making a statement through her people tells me she was not the one that wanted out of this SO.
Hope this helps with why some of us are mad and disappointed at Norman and also AMC
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blackypanther9 · 2 years
Sex Ed class - Fem!Loki x Wanda x Carol x Natasha x Male!Reader
Requested by @natashaxmarvelmen I hope the tagging worked, I am new to this. Lol.
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(Don't mind the marking, I just did that for myself and forgot to make it disappear.)
WARNING!: Multiple Orgasms, squirting, Blowjob, oral Sex, Anal Sex, Vaginal Sex, Anal Fingering, gagging, Vaginal fingering, talk about Sex, Sex education class, multiple positions AND MORE ! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!!
I will be honest here now…. I NEVER HAD SEX ED CLASS ! I had Biology and we just talked briefly about what a male has and what a female has, how they are build and that Sex is for them to join their Sexes and fuck and with that sperm is set out after an orgasm and then if the female has a egg cell to fertilize the seed will fertilize it and where it all happens and then how a Baby is growing. So I make stuff probably up, but hey… IT IS A FANIFIC…right ? FANTASY IS FREE TO ROAM IN THESE !
Also, Loki and Thor aren’t related nor siblings here. Loki never got adopted, the reason I say this you will find out in this chapter. No worries nothing is in detail, just mentioned.
Here they are again… Sex ed class… Not many chose that subject, because many felt uncomfortable about talking it. So they were a very small class. There was M/n, Ms. Carol the teacher, Natasha, Wanda and Loki.
“Today we talk about something way different.”, Carol said as class started.
“And that is ?”, Loki asked curiously.
“We will be talking about how Sex works and why it is very healthy and how it is usually done right.”
At that M/n already got hard. And without lying the rest of the girls got wet already.
“Why should Sex be healthy ? All it does is making you addicted.”, Natasha asked bored.
“No, Natasha. A good sex life is good for your heart. Besides being a great way to raise your heart rate, sex helps keep your estrogen and testosterone levels in balance. When either one of those is low you begin to get lots of problems, like osteoporosis and even heart disease. Having sex more often may help people.”, Carol tutted her.
“I didn’t know that…”, Natasha said in awe.
“But then why are men always so desperate ? They are more crazy for Sex than the female.”, Wanda now said.
“The reason men seem obsessed with sex is that they experience it differently from women. For women, it is more about the anticipation and how you get there. It is the longing that is the fuel for desire. Women's desire is more layered on emotion, Wanda.“
„Oh… So men don’t care about emotion and all, just about laying a woman to have fun ?”
“You can put it that way. Not every man is like that though.”, Carol said.
M/n rolled his eyes.
“And what happens if my man wouldn’t satisfy me sexually ?”, Loki asked.
“What do you think, Loki ?”, M/n asked annoyed.
“If you know the answer then speak it out.”, Wanda snapped.
M/n looked at her annoyed.
“When a woman is not sexually satisfied, she may become angry and bitter. Like you, Wanda. You never had a cock before that is why you are such a little Bitch some times and so rude.”, he shot at her.
“Oh and you had Sex before, huh ?!”, Wanda yelled at him in disgust.
“My sexual life doesn’t concern you, so keep your nose out of it !”, M/n snarled.
“M/n…have you already had Sex ?”, Carol asked him.
“Only once, and I was influenced by drugs. I didn’t watch my drink at a club with my previous friends, one of them mixed something into my punch and the next day I was naked and in a woman’s bed. I cut off all connections with my previous friends and moved with my family here.”, he mumbled out.
“They drugged you ?!”, Loki asked in horror.
M/n looked at her and nodded, then fumbled with his fingers.
“I never found out which one of them, but they all knew and laughed at me the next day.”
“That is cruel !”, Natasha yelled.
“It was my own fault. I should have watched my drink better.”
“Since then you never had…?”, Loki asked softly.
“A Girlfriend and Sex ? No. I just don’t have the time now. I study a lot and my family keeps me busy.”, M/n shrugged.
“Wow… That took a dark turn…”, Nat said quietly.
“Then how do you know that a sexually unsatisfied female may turn angry and bitter ?”, Carol asked.
“Easy, my Mother. My Father either shoved her away or when he fucked her, she never came and he finished without her reaching her peak. Mostly because he is exhausted from work, but still, Mother unleashes her wrath at everyone, even me.”
“Oh dear.”
“She is just yelling and telling me what to do… Nothing drastic.”
“Alright. Now let us go to the other part we will talk about today !”, Carol said.
She turned on a screen as big as a Writing Board. The screen came to live and they saw a picture of a cock and a vagina. Carol took a staff and then pointed at the cock with sack.
“As we all know the Penis of a male has an addition, the testicles also called sack, balls, jewels and more. In the testicles is the seed, it gets produced – blah blah blah…”
M/n didn’t listen to it, he knew already. But damn that picture of the Vagina made him horny as fuck. The girls listened intently, wetness pooling between their legs.
They were all so focused on Carol, that M/n slipped off his shirt and pants with underwear and started to stroke himself, biting the inside of his cheek to stay silent.
“For the seed to be set free, a male has to cum. He can cum by masturbation or by fucking another person. Which is why we go over to the female’s Vagina now.”, Carol explained, not once turning around.
M/n bit his cheek harder to not moan. He looked forward and listened to how the Vagina is built and what is what supposed to do and all.
“In order to get pregnant, a male and a female have to have Sex. Which mean the Penis has to go into the Vagina. But that is not all, you don’t simply get seed like that or cum like that. There needs to be caused a friction. The male moved his hips and with that his penis rubs against the walls and sensitive spots of the Vagina. That is causing both of them pleasure and with time they will want more of that friction, moving faster, going deeper and harder. The friction build and builds until they have a feeling of a knot in their lower belly, that means to most of the people that they are close to cum.”, Carol explained.
All M/n did was listen and imagine it. Damn he was close, so, so close… Just a bit faster.
“Of course, when a Female and a male have Sex and are joined, the sack of the male slaps against the Female’s skin and because of the arousal, better said the wetness, of the Vagina it makes wet slapping sounds. It adds to the pleasure. Many people love to hear it and it feels even better.”, Carol continued.
“Ah~”, M/n moaned, not even realizing it as he stroked himself to a finish.
Everyone turned to him and saw as he came all over himself. Carol only smiled as he was panting and walked over to him. He was so messy. She knelt down and then started to lick all the cum from his stomach, chest and face. He hummed at the feel of her tongue on him, it felt amazing…
“You taste good, M/n~”, Carol moaned and continued to clean him.
M/n only hummed, while his cock twitched and came back to life, ready to fuck some cunt.
As Carol cleaned all this mess up, he pulled him in front of the class.
“Change of lesson plans. All undress and then stand in a row. Let us see who M/n will fuck first. This way you will learn everything way faster.”, Carol said.
All the girls hungrily stared at M/n and his cock. They did as told and undressed, then stood in a row. M/n always had his eyes on them all, but damn it would be so sexy to start with his teacher first, so he pulled her to her desk and ripped off her clothes. She only giggled as he cornered her on her desk.
“Get on the desk and stay on all fours, ass and cunt to me.”, M/n growled.
Carol moaned and did as told. M/n turned to Wanda and Nat.
“You two ! Get me another Table !”
They scrammed and pushed one to him, he climbed on it and they pushed the teachers desk and the other desk together. He then turned to Loki.
“Grab the keys and lock the door !”
Loki did as she was told and grabbed the teacher’s keys, locking the door.
“Block the space between floor and door and leave the keys in the lock.”
Loki rushed around and did as told.
M/n spanked Carol’s ass in the mean time and made her gasp. He rubbed her ass and then reached between her legs, going between her lips and started to finger her clit.
“Shush, Ms. Carol, or shall I say whore ? We don’t want anyone to know our dirty little lesson, do we ?”
“N-no, of course not, mmm~”
“Then be quiet.”, M/n snarled and slapped her clit harshly, making her whimper.
‘So hot…’, the other 3 girls dreamily thought.
“Good girl~ Now be a dear and let me in~”, M/n purred out and pushed 3 fingers inside Carol’s cunt.
“Oh god~!”, she gasped.
“I said be quiet.”, M/n lowly growled.
Then he turned to the other three girls, that were soaking.
“Get me something to shut her up !”, he said.
They all three rushed around.
“The one who finds something to stuff her mouth shut, will be the next one I will fuck.”, M/n added.
All three doubled the effort and soon Nat grabbed a rag and dragged it over to M/n. He took it and then silenced her with it, stuffing her mouth shut.
Loki and Wanda were jealous that Nat will go next, but there was nothing they could have done now.
Soon he fingered Carol’s cunt loose enough and pulled out, making her whine, which she received a slap for.
“Shut up, whore !”, M/n snarled.
Then he pushed Carol’s ass up higher and positioned his cock at her entrance and in one go he slammed inside her, making her moan. M/n wasted no time and started to instantly roughly and fastly fuck her.
Carol moaned against the rag in her mouth and M/n soon had to find out that she came fast. What a fun~
Soon she moaned louder and he felt her walls tighten around him, he rubbed her clit with his left hand while he wrapped his right arm around her waist to keep her in place. All of a sudden her cunt inside became wetter, but she didn’t cum yet.
‘Oh~ A squirting whore I see~’
M/n fucked her faster and rubbed her clit faster with more pressure and she screamed against the rag as she came and squirted at the same time.
“Aww~ Did our squirting whore squirt on the table~? When I’m done with you, you will lay in your own squirted juice~”, M/n promised her darkly and Carol only whimpered at that.
She didn’t even calm down yet, but M/n continued his rough and fast pace, making her moan loudly against the rag and soon she came again, squirting more on her table.
M/n smirked darkly and continued to fuck her.
“I am not even done yet~ And you will be marked as my Sextoy forever~ As soon as I cum, you are my Sextoy and always at my service, understood.”, M/n growled.
Carol moaned and nodded wildly. Then M/n grabbed her hair and pulled her back, making her arch her back. He continued to fuck her and soon again she came squirting.
“Look at the big puddle you already made yourself with your own juices~ And later you will lay in it~”, M/n purred darkly.
And again she came squirting. M/n enjoyed this far too much. Four times she came already and she looked a bit exhausted, but M/n continued to her 5th and 6th and 7th and 8th orgasm. The girls in the meantime couldn’t do anything else, but watch like hypnotized little puppies.
Their own arousal was already forming a puddle on the floor. M/n was so hot as the dominant one in Sex. The filthy words and the way he fucked their teacher…it was just so fucking hot.
At Carol’s 10th orgasm he chuckled darkly and continued to abuse her cunt.
“So fucking adorable. The whole table covered in your juices. Desperate whore~ But I fear our playtime is over now~”, M/n said and fucked her harsher, making both tables move back and forth.
M/n was close and he felt that she was also close again, so he continued and soon groaned as he came inside her, marking her as his Sextoy. While he covered her walls in her cunt with his seed, she was squirting again.
She felt his seed flowing inside her and at that she came squirting again. M/n pushed deeper inside her cunt, so his load will stay inside her and he can finish.
As he finished he pulled out, making Carol whimper at the loss. Then he pulled out the rag.
“Like I said, you will lay in your own mess now and NOT move. You shall turn around though, I want you to see how I fuck the others~”
Carol did as told, she turned around and then laid in her own juices.
“Good girl~ And remember, you are my Sextoy now.”
“Yes, Master.”, Carol said.
Then he turned around to Natasha.
“Get your ass bend over your table and hold your panties out to me.”, M/n said.
Nat instantly had her panties in hand and bent over her own table. He took her panties from her and then stuffed her mouth with it, silencing her.
“Be a good girl for me and I will reward you.”, M/n said.
Nat only moaned quietly at that and spread her legs apart.
M/n smirked and then drove his fingers between her lips and to her clit, he rubbed her a bit, making Nat squirm and moan here and there and then he shoved one finger inside her, making her moan a bit louder.
“Not a virgin anymore, eh ? I bet you fucked with Bruce once, the chemistry and physics nerd.”
Nat moaned and nodded her head.
“Filthy thing. Time I teach you a lesson, eh ?”
With that he pulled his fingers out and positioned his cock at her entrance, then he pushed in and Nat moaned lowly.
“Such a little needy, filthy cunt~ I will fuck you and mark you as my next Sextoy~”
All Nat did was moan and nod for that to happen. M/n pressed Nat down on the table, making her chest press on the table. She was totally flat now and she felt every stroke of his cock inside her cunt as he roughly fucked her. She was moaning and practically begging with her eyes to the bookshelf, that she won’t be left alone again, like Bruce did.
Bruce found his own peak, but he never got Nat to finish or cum. That was why Nat broke it off with Bruce a few months ago.
She moaned loudly as M/n hit her G – spot with full force.
“Found it~”, M/n smirked.
Then he started to abuse her G – spot, making Nat moan louder against her own panties and she was becoming even wetter. He fucked her so deep that her belly started to bulge as he fucked in. She didn’t know if that was good or bad, but it felt fucking amazing.
Soon she felt a knot and her walls clenched around M/n’s cock. She was very close, so M/n thrusted harshly into her and she came moaning loudly, while M/n filled her cunt with his seed.
“You’re my next Sextoy at my service~”, M/n purred into her ear.
Nat moaned at that and nodded.
After he filled her up he pulled out, put still pressed her down.
“Actually, I want to mark something else too~”
With that he slipped one lubricated finger into Nat’s ass, making her moan in discomfort.
M/n pushed deeper and then wiggled and curled his finger around, making her loosen up a bit, then the next was inside and soon the third finger was in there too. She was moaning loudly as M/n loosened her ass up.
Then he took his cock and aimed, then pushed in, Nat moaned lowly again, it was a bit painful. After she adjusted, M/n started to fuck her ass and Nat’s cunt was wet yet again. So wet.
M/n didn’t take long to fuck her ass roughly, making her moan louder in utter bliss. Her eyes rolled back in her head and soon she again felt that knot. M/n reached down his left hand and rubbed her clit, making her squirm and moan. The only result she got from that, was that M/n shoved his cock inside her ass deeper and all of a sudden, it hit a spot, her prostate.
She came again, moaning loudly. M/n came too, filling her ass and smirked.
Then he went over to Loki. She looked at him with big doe eyes.
“Kneel.”, he said.
She instantly did and looked at him.
“Suck my cock and I will make you cum on my cock.”
Instantly Loki got to work. She licked his cock and even sucked on his sack, making them hard and full of seed again. She took as much as she could in her mouth and started to suck and swirl her tongue around his cock.
“Good girl~ Such a good, filthy girl~”, he praised her as he stroked her hair.
She moaned around him at that and continued to clean him. Then M/n smirked and pulled her all the way down his cock, making her choke slightly. And then he came down her throat.
“Take it all~ Drink it~”
Loki let him cum in her mouth and as he pulled out she swallowed what was left in her mouth, showing him that she drank it. His seed wasn’t even salty, it was more…sweet.
Then he let Loki stand up and he pressed her against a wall, he bent her over as her chest was pressed against the wall and spread her legs, then he lined his cock up and pushed in, biting her neck as she moaned in her throat.
He let no time go to waste as he made quick work of her. At first he fucked her sensually and slow, careful to not hurt her, but then he roughened up is pace and soon she was a whimpering, whining, moaning, sobbing mess. She was always very quiet, so it was no surprise to M/n that she was so good at being as quiet as possible.
“I love your tight little cunt~ Feels like you never fucked anyone before~ But we all know you once fucked Thor Odinson~ Isn’t that right, Loki Laufeydottir~?”
“Mmmnnnyes~!”, she moaned out.
“I bet his cock was as small as a nut~ Heard you broke up with him 2 days later~”
“Mmmmnnn~ Daddy hates him~! He just wanted to fuck me~ His cock was very small~”
“As much as I know your Dad only hates Thor, because he knew that Thor was a “Jump to the next rabbit” person.”, M/n chuckled.
He continued to fuck her a bit rougher, making Loki feel what Nat felt, her belly bulge. M/n made her feel way better than the guy before him. Oh fuck this was heaven.
M/n leaned over her left ear and pressed a hand on her lower belly.
“Can you feel me, Baby girl~?”, he asked with a seductive purr.
“How does it feel~?”
“Gwood~ Mmmnnn~ Close~”
M/n smirked and hit the mouth of her cervix harshly, making Loki moan louder. He continued that abuse and with one hand he rubbed her clit and with the other he messaged a boob of hers, making her moan louder.
“I bet you will squirt too~”, he purred.
Loki moaned louder at that and pressed her ass further to M/n, which was a mistake, because he hit her cervix a bit harder and she came squirting hard and screaming.
M/n turned her head around and silenced her with his own. He pressed her flat against the wall and bumped his cock softly in and out of her, while he came, helping her riding her first orgasm out. She was twitching slightly and moaning in the kiss, but she felt his cum filling her too and she grew weak in her knees as she did.
‘So warm and so…good. I want more…More inside me…’
After M/n was empty he pulled out, making Loki whine and then yelp. He turned her around and then pressed her back against the wall.
“Jump.”, he said.
She did and he wrapped her legs around himself and pressed her harshly against the wall again. Then he started to line his cock up again and pushed in, causing Loki to moan from her oversensitive cunt.
M/n immediately started to fuck her rough and fast again. She was moaning louder, but M/n didn’t care at the moment, all he wanted was her again at his mercy.
“I will fuck you so good… You will be begging for me to fuck you again and I would say yes~”, M/n groaned.
Loki moaned at that.
“Maybe you would even, like the rest here, consider carrying my child one day~”
“God that round little belly you all would have~ Fuck~! I would not be able to NOT fuck you~”, M/n groaned out as he fucked rougher and faster, nearing his peak and feeling Loki close too.
“Fuck, M/n~! Don’t be so filthy~!”, Loki whined.
Loki already was in these thoughts and really wanted a child now. Her Father would murder M/n and her.
Then she was screaming again and M/n quickly shut her up by a deep kiss. She came squirting all over his cock again. And this time he even broke through her cervix and filled her womb directly, bumping her walls softly and carefully as he filled her nicely.
“My little Creampie baby….”, M/n mumbled and kissed her neck.
To be honest he wanted to fuck Loki even more, but he still had one woman to satisfy. Wanda. And she was easy as he heard from Vision. Before he found another girl and cheated on Wanda.
He pulled out after she was filled, which made Loki whimper. He went over to Wanda and pushed her on the table, back on it and face and chest to him.
“I will have fun ruining you~”, M/n growled seductively and licked his lips.
Wanda gulped.
All M/n did was go down on her and attacked her cunt with his own mouth, making Wanda moan and squirm. He licked her clit and even all the way down to her entrance. He teased her cunt with his tongue by fastly pulling it away and pressing it on the clit again for 2 seconds.
Wanda was writhing in that moment and she was so ready to cum soon. Then M/n latched his mouth on Wanda’s clit and sucked on it and flicked his tongue up and down.
“Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck~!”, Wanda moaned and came.
M/n drank it all up and then went back to standing. He lined his cock up and pushed in, fucking her cunt just like he did to Loki’s and Nat’s. In a matter of 10 minutes she came again and was left exhausted. All she could feel was M/n’s seed in her and when he pulled out, which gave her a painful feeling of emptiness.
“New Sextoy.”, was all M/n said.
He turned and looked at all the spend girls he just entertained.
“Get all in a row next to one another. I have a last gift to give~”, M/n said.
They did their best with their exhausted bodies, to do as he said and as they were in one row, he jerked his cock off. It didn’t take long and he came on their faces. He marked all the girls’ faces.
Then the bell rang and M/n cleaned himself up, then he dressed himself. He looked at the exhausted girls and decided to help them get cleaned up too. After that was done and they were all dressed and clean, they unlocked the door and left the classroom.
They all went home. And as M/n was home and in his room he only thought one thing…
‘Can’t wait to fuck them again next time~’
Somehow I wanna make a second part to this and I don’t know why… *Thinks hard* Would a part 2 even be a good idea ? Tell me !
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headcanon that there’s a big divide between who drinks tea and who drinks coffee at avengers tower
Tony: coffee. Is this even a question? God forbid tony sleep more than two hours each night
Steve: also coffee, he used to not like it but grew to like it in the war. The team jokes it’s the only thing he and Tony agree about
Nat: she says she prefers coffee, but Clint is convinced she’s secretly a tea person but she wants to look cool
Bruce: tea, he finds it’s a very calming drink. he and tony have gotten into a lot of arguments in the lab over the superior caffeinated drink, they’ve even done science experiments to prove their drink is better
Clint: honestly Clint likes both, which is why he created his signature CoffeeLINTea™ which is just coffee and tea combined. The name came from Clint putting the words coffee and tea in his own name. He loves to make it in the morning then take a big thermos up in the vents and drink it all day. Right now he’s trying to get it patented. Tony refuses to sell CoffeeLINTea™ as a Stark Industries product but Clint insists it could make millions of dollars
Thor: as we know from the diner scene in the first Thor movie Thor is a big fan of coffee. The avengers have tried to stop him from smashing mugs when he wants more, but he keeps forgetting, so Tony pays Stephen twenty dollars a day to magically repair whichever coffee mug Thor smashed that day
Peter: this kid is addicted to coffee, he drinks more than the rest of the coffee lover avengers combined. He insists it helps with his spider sense, but when Sam threw a pillow at his head after his twenty third cup and it just bounced off without Peter noticing, Sam decided this was false
Bucky: he also drinks coffee. He has a very precise routine and if you disturb him in the morning while he’s making coffee he will detach his metal arm and throw it at you. All of the avengers have gotten good at ducking suddenly when they hear Bucky detach his arm, and it’s a regular sight to see it flying across the kitchen in the morning
Sam: he loves sweet tea of course, he was raised in Lousiana. He does like herbal tea in the morning, though. He also likes coffee as well, but not as much as tea. He usually makes all the tea loving avengers' tea in the morning cause he's the only one who can interrupt Bucky's routine without getting a metal arm thrown at his head
Rhodey: doesn’t really have a preference. He drinks coffee on the week days and tea on the weekends. Despite liking them equally, he refuses to try CoffeeLINTea™
Wanda: she drinks tea for the same reason as Bruce, it calms her down. She’s become rather a tea connoisseur and only buys the fanciest teas
Vision: can’t drink. However he is the only one allowed to help Wanda shop for tea, and he loves telling her facts about different teas as they shop
T’challa: loves coffee. How Wanda is with tea, T’challa is with coffee. He only buys the best and very few people are allowed to drink it. If T’challa is proud of you, you will know because he will invite you to drink coffee with him. No one turns down a coffee date with T’challa. Even Shuri isn’t allowed to drink his coffee though, and she gets back at him by making fun of his fancy coffee
Shuri: likes coffee, but “not as much as some people (cough cough T’challa)”. She regularly joins in on Bruce and Tony’s experiments to find the best caffeinated beverage, but does ridiculous experiments like finding out which drink is the least slippery. Bruce and Tony aren’t sure how that’s gonna help find the superior caffeinated beverage but they have fun doing it
Carol: also a coffee drinker. She thinks “tea is for the weak.” She didn’t actually say that but Shuri thought it would be funny if everyone thought she did so she spread the rumor. Now all the tea drinkers are slightly scared Carol is constantly judging them. Carol loves going to obscure diners and trying the coffee. It gives her the experience of Earth she misses while she’s in space, and often Thor will join her because it reminds him of his first time trying coffee
Scott: he likes tea. Coffee makes him too hyper, but he likes it as well. That’s why he's one of the only other avengers who drinks Clint’s CoffeeLINTea™
Hope: somehow the bitterness of coffee has always been too much for her so she drinks tea. When she was estranged from Hank she only drank coffee because she wanted to be different from him, and he prefers tea. But now she's back to being friends with him she drinks tea
Stephen: coffee, he says the bitterness helps him focus on his magic. He has high standards for coffee so he and T'Challa have struck up on odd friendship around quality coffee.
Yelena: coffee, she's the type of person who puts ridiculous amounts of sugar and cream in her coffee. Nat says she doesn't drink coffee, she just drinks sugar with a tiny bit of coffee flavoring. However she also drinks tea and is a fan of CoffeeLINTea™
Xialing: tea, without a doubt. She frowns on coffee for being so popular in America, and makes fun of Katy for drinking so much of it
Shang-Chi: he also prefers tea. He grew up drinking it and when he makes it he always thinks of his mother fondly because she used to make it for him
Katy: obsessed with coffee. She's probably the only one who can compete with the amount of coffee Peter drinks. She regularly tries to convince Xialing and Shang-Chi that its better than tea, but they only laugh at her
Kate Bishop: coffee, Clint has tried to get her to try CoffeeLINTea™ many times but she always refuses and says it's gross. She's the only one who can say its disgusting and not offend him
whenever someone new joins the Avengers they are expected to choose a side on the coffee vs. tea debate, because both sides take it very seriously
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The Kids Will Be Alright
Chapter 9
Single dad!Bucky, single mom!reader; Social Media AU
Summary: Bucky and Y/n have been friends for over ten years, since high school. Nothing has ever happened between them until one lonely night a few years ago. That one night left them with a little surprise. They agreed to raise their child together as friends. As their child gets older, as they get older, they’re faced with new challenges as co-parents, and possibly secret feelings (according to their friends).
[a/n: less social posts than normal, but I had to write half of the chapter out so figured it makes up for it. Hope you guys enjoy it! Also if i forgot to add you to the taglist, or if you want to be added, please just inbox/message me, it’s easier to keep track of them that way.]
Series Masterlist
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*Later that Day*
Y/n decided to pay Natasha a visit later in the day. She brought a bag of hangover goodies.
She rang the doorbell and waited for an answer.
“Oh hey Y/n!” Sam greeted opening the door and letting her in, “Wasn’t expecting you today.”
“Thought I’d pay Nat a surprise visit with some goodies,” she says holding up the bag.
“She’s in the living room,” he says, “I’m heading to the gym.”
“Bye,” she waves as she exits the door.
She walks into the living room where Nat was laid across the couch underneath a blanket, watching the Food Network.
“Hey Nat,” Y/n quietly said walking over to the couch to sit down.
“Y/n, what brings you here?” Nat sat up as Y/n walked into the room.
“Snacks and I wanted to check on you,” she said handing Nat the bag of snacks.
“Oh my gosh, you’re a lifesaver. Thank-you,” Nat said grabbing the bag of goodies.
“Is Sam still mad?”
“A bit,” she rolled her eyes, “He’ll be fine once he gets back from the gym.”
“How are you feeling? She asks scooting closer to Nat, getting under the blanket to get comfortable.
“Better than this morning, probably shouldn’t drink like that again.”
“At least until Val’s and Carol’s bachelorette party,” Y/n jokes.
“At least I won’t be the only one,” she laughs opening up the Gatorade.
“Nat,” she softly says after a few moments of silence.
“Yeah?” Nat says looking over at Y/n.
“I need you to be honest with me. Should I be concerned about your sister?” She asks, “After seeing the way you’re taking all of this, especially after last night. I just need to make sure Bucky isn’t bringing a horrible person around our daughter. I mean your her sister and if you’re acting like this, maybe I need to have a more serious talk with Bucky.”
Nat let out a deep breath through her nose wondering how she can properly explain her feelings.
“Listen Y/n, I shouldn’t be letting my personal feelings get in the middle of what’s going with you and Bucky,” Nat says,” You guys are raising this wonderful child together, and I shouldn’t be creating more drama”
“But I respect your opinion Nat. You’re taking this way harder than I am.”
“My relationship with Yelena is complicated,” Nat explained, “I didn’t really grow up with her. She lived with our dad, and her mom, while I was raised by my mom. I never really told anyone this aside from Sam, but my father left my mother for Yelena’s. He completely abandoned us. He’d send the occasional gift here and there. He never helped my mom financially, she had to work two jobs. It wasn’t until I was in my senior year of high school that he made a reappearance and truth be told I only accepted him back into my life because I knew my mother wouldn’t have been able to help with college. So my father and I struck a deal, he pays for my schooling and I come around a few times a year. They had already moved to London at that point.
“By the time I officially started hangin around Yelena, it was too late. She was already a pre-teen. A spoiled one at that. I couldn’t help but feel jealous and resented towards her. She never had to struggle. Her parents gave her everything she could ever wanted. She’s never had to work for anything. She still doesn’t. It’s not that I think Yelena is an evil person. I just don’t think she’s mature enough to for all this. She doesn’t know the first thing about being a. Selfless person. And admittedly, I hate that she’s snaking her way into our group. You guys are my friends. My family. She already got my dad. The last thing I need is for her to take my friends.”
“She’s not going to take us Nat,” Y/n comfortingly said, “We’re not going anywhere. There’s no replacing you in our lives. No one would allow that. I won’t allow that. We’re all stuck with each other for life. No one can ruin that.”
“She can,” Nat mumbled, her eyes tearing up.
“You need to have this conversation with Bucky,” Y/n says, rubbing her back, “Let him know how you feel and why. He’d understand Nat. This is Bucky we’re talking about, he wouldn’t intentionally hurt anyone. He wouldn’t alienate you, just because Yelena tells him to. This is the same guy who threatened to kill Sam if he hurt you when you guys got together. This is the same man who walked you down the aisle after your dad got stuck because of a storm. He’s not going to let anyone get in the way of your relationship.”
“I guess that’s part of the reason why I’m taking this so hard,” she says wiping her eyes, “because he felt like he couldn’t tell me he was with her. It just feels like a betrayal.”
“Talk to him,” she pats Nat’s hand.
“Okay I will,” Nat agrees nodding her head.
The girls spent the rest of the night watching movies and eating takeout.
Series taglist: @splaine-to-me @aikeia @kmuir1 @that-one-person @sebastianstansqueen @slytherinambitious @shadowolf993 @sebssssthighssss @lharrietg @prentisswrites @mylifeiscrazy0423 @tanakaslastbraincell @puddinsqueen @its-yasbxtch @sarcastic-and-cool
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ariaadagio · 3 years
Things I loved about S6
Spoilers below the cut:
1. I never thought I’d enjoy Lucifer being a touchy-feely talks-about-his-feelings hug addict. If you’d asked me in S1, I’d say “holy out of character, batman.” But OMG I loved this development. The man is an expressive octopus, now, and I just cannot deal with how adorable that is.
2. Chloe. Chloe. Chloe. Chloe. Lucifer said Chloe’s name like 47 times this season and I WILL NEVER TIRE OF IT.
3. So. Many. Callbacks. 
4. So. Many. Little. Details. Like this:
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5. The Ghost homage in the everything is fine room.
6. Dan being a ghost and dealing with his guilt!
7. G O R G E O U S   M A E V E   W E D D I N G.
8. No Deckerstar wedding. 
9. Ella’s apocalypse board! I had FEEI flashbacks. 
10. Rory serving up big fat servings of character development for both Lucifer & Chloe.
11. Carol. I did not expect to like this guy but I ended up loving him. What a great dude.
12. The first thing cartoon Lucifer does is check to see if he’s got bits.
13. Chloe also checks herself, but later. Lol.
15. Lucifer performing with a drag queen. 
16. Lucifer’s duet with Rory.
17. All the Lucifer performances lol.
18. Ella finds out!
19. Ella finds out without being told!
21. Michael is scrubbing Hell’s floors with a toothbrush. Hee!
25. I never in my fucking life thought I’d enjoy watching Lucifer be a parent, but ... yup. Lucifer being a parent. How do you do this to me, show?
26. Chloe becoming a detective again!
27. Amenagod.
28. Linda’s vision of Godifer with socks and Birkenstocks. 
29. Lucifer did not become God.
30. The nightmare that is this show’s Hell canon is getting a major facelift. 
31. The facelift is turning Hell loops into Linda’s office. 
32. Maze & Lucifer’s goodbye. Scoop my heart out with a spork, I can’t watch this without crying. This was so long in the making. Beautiful.
33. Linda was writing a book about Lucifer. I hope she revisits it when her embarrassment about the draft has cooled. Because holy hell I imagine Lucifer is a fascinating as fuck case study and I bet it would sell like hotcakes in the psychology community.
34. Lucifer gaining control over his invulnerability. 
35. So. Many. Heartfelt. ILYs.
36. Trixie & Dan’s final scene. Return with the spork and finish me off, please.
37. Lucifer has a picture of Dan on his nightstand.
38. Chloe has Trixie’s Devil art on her desk.
39. Chloe makes Lieutenant! YASSS, GIRL. GET IT!
40. Adam is a douchey dudebro and his casting is just. Ugh. Perfect.
41. Eve walking herself down the aisle.
42. Linda walking Maze!
43. Fight scenes!
45. The Magic Castle. 
46. So much great humor. 
47. So much Deckerstar! (I know I already listed this but I feel it was enough to merit two mentions)
48. The writers playing with perspectives in the episode where Linda’s book got read. 
49. Science gak. 
50. Happy Shirt! 
51. Dan’s vs Maze’s memory of their pre-murder car chat. 
52. Toxic masculinity. Lol.
53. Lucifer helping Maze get Eve back. 
54. "Something old and something new, in something borrowed, with lots of nasty blue bits.”
55. Character growth.
56. Character growth.
57. Character growth.
58. Lucifer’s speech to Rory in episode 9, about feeling like a monster and that he hopes he never made her feel that way. Another one I can’t get through without crying. 
59. "Hello, Detective.”
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fangirlovestuff · 3 years
All’s Well that Ends Well - Wanda Maximoff x female!reader
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a/n - hello lovely people!! i wasn’t gonna write another part for this because i didn’t really want to venture into the future with this series since i like the ending i have in water under the bridge, BUT i got this lovely ask and it was an amazing idea and i’m so happy / shocked that people still remember this so here’s another part! i hope you enjoy<3
Summary: a collection of moments in your journey, from Wanda’s eyes. (not moments that appeared in the previous parts!)
Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings: i’m pretty sure none. maybe the faintest alluding to smut you have ever seen but i don’t even know if that counts. also a smidge of angst but not really
read the previous parts: Silver Lining || Water Under The Bridge
Wanda was walking through the long corridors of the compound, a frown on her face, a product of the mission she just came back from. They made it work, but things definitely weren't ideal for a while there. She expected Cap would go over that in the debriefing, the one she was currently making her way to.
Ugh. She liked Steve, appreciated his professional opinion, considered him a friend, most times. But damn it, can't the debriefing wait until she had something to eat, had a shower, slept?
Apparently not, she scowled as she quickened her steps. The last thing she wanted was to be late for this and get lectured by Steve. More than she's already going to be considering how the mission went.
She felt like banging her head against a wall.
Suddenly, she heard a sweet laugh. "No! The Black Widow herself is addicted to Pop Tarts? Well, that certainly makes me feel better about myself," the voice giggled.
Curious, since she didn't recognize who it was, she couldn't resist sticking her head into the room from which she heard the sounds.
"I'm glad, but it's a secret, so shhhh," Natasha smiled that half-smile half-smirk of hers, the fondness evident in her voice as she put her finger to her plush lips to imply silence. Next to her stood the most beautiful woman Wanda has ever laid eyes on. You were standing next to the black widow, who was considered a symbol for beauty and grace, yet Wanda found herself unable to take her eyes of off you.
"Oh, hi!" you smiled once you saw someone had entered the room.
"Hey," Wanda smiled timidly as she opened the door a bit wider.
"Wanda," Natasha smiled at her. To the untrained eye, she seemed completely normal, just as she did a moment ago, but Wanda thought she could see the faintest hint of surprised irritation in her eyes. Natasha introduced the two of you, and Wanda's grin went involuntarily wider when you shook her hand warmly.
"Lovely to meet you," you grinned.
"Likewise. Natasha, I thought you'd like to know we all came back from the mission, Carol included," she raised her eyebrow slightly.
"Carol?" you asked. "Oh! Captain Marvel? Oh my god, Captain Marvel's here?" your eyes went almost comically wide as you connected the dots.
"Yeah," Wanda chuckled. "She is. But she's gonna be a bit occupied for the next hour or so, since Steve insisted we do a debriefing now, which is just where I should be going if I don't wanna be late. I'll see you around," she said in what she hoped was a friendly tone and not too high pitched.
As she walked to the meeting room, even faster than she was walking before, her mind wandered to you. You looked so… energized. God, she wished that was her. She sighed and accepted her fate, entering the room.  
"Hey, Wanda!" Wanda heard you calling after her a few days after you got to the compound. She was just on her way to the training room, but he figured talking to you for a few minutes wouldn't hurt. If she could keep her mouth shut about her little crush, that is.
"What's up?" she turned around, waiting for you to catch up to her.
"Well, I just saw you and I figured I'd say hi," you smiled, "trying to get to know everyone and such. How are you?"
"I'm great! How are you? I mean, how's settling in and all? I know from experience that can be a little daunting," Wanda smiled sympathetically.
"I guess," you giggled, and Wanda really hoped she was only giving you internal heart eyes and not external ones. "but so far so good. I mean, everyone's just so nice. Just the other day Carol offered to help me train. Oh my god, I still can't believe I'm on first name basis with Captain Marvel!" you laughed.
Wanda hoped her disappointment didn't show on her face. "That's great!"
"Yeah, it's really awesome. Anyways, I'm sure you have better things to do, so um, I'll leave you to it," you said, that gorgeous smile never leaving your face.
Which was unfair really, since it definitely made Wanda's brain cells leave her head. Maybe that's why the next thing she said was, "Oh well, not really, I was going to go train for a while, but if you want maybe you could come with me. I'm no Carol but I'm not that bad either," she chuckled.
"Really?" your eyes lit up.
Needless to say, Wanda didn't get a lot of training time done that day. She spent most of it staring at you, so she could "um… correct your, uh, technique," as she so elegantly put it when you asked her if she didn't want to train as well.
It wasn't her fault you looked so pretty.
Per your request, she did show you a couple of things using her powers when you were finished. Your squeal of delight when she lifted up a super heavy weight bench made her cheeks blush slightly.
"That's so cool! So, can you like, read my thoughts or something?" you asked.
"I can," she smirked when you gaped at her. "but don't worry, I don't. I made a habit not to look into other people's minds when I don't absolutely have to."
"That's good to know," you grinned at her, your eyes shining with mirth.
She tried to remind herself she didn't stand a chance, she didn't even know if you liked girls, and even if you did she was no Carol or Natasha, but to no avail. No matter how much she repeated it, even after the three of you got together, she couldn't stop herself from falling a little more in love every time she saw you.
Bucky and Wanda were an unlikely duo. Pretty much everyone agreed on that. Except for Steve.
"I think you two have more in common than you'd like to admit," he had smiled. When they asked him what he meant, he simply mimed locking his mouth up and throwing the key. "If you don't know, I'm not going to tell you."
They both knew what he meant, of course. The abnormal strength, fighting for the wrong side. They both made their mistakes, grew to be better. They never talked about it, not really. But when a sound made Bucky's jaw clench a certain way, or a mission was especially draining, or Wanda saw something that brought more memories of home than she'd like, they were there for each other. Actions, not words, but they understood.
Right now, Bucky greeted Wanda as she entered the kitchen on a chilly morning.
"So, you hear about the new trouple?" Bucky asked her, handing her a mug of tea he made because he knew she needed it in the mornings.
"Trouple?" Wanda frowned, before sipping her tea and humming gratefully at him.
"Well, like a couple but… three," Bucky chuckled awkwardly. "Tony said that."
"Oh, um… no, I guess I didn't," she shrugged.
He explained that you were dating Nat and Carol. "It took me a minute to register it too, so I get it," he smiled at her expression.
"No, I mean, I totally get it. That was fast," she raised her eyebrows. When he didn't reply, she continued, "I hope they'll end up well. For the team, you know," she shrugged, gulping before taking another sip of her tea.
"Hey," Bucky laid a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I know you liked her."
"Which her?" she quipped back. He just gave her a look and she sighed, her shoulders slumping. "Yeah. But I mean, she's with two of the most powerful women in the world. The universe, probably. I can't exactly compete with that," she shrugged helplessly.
"Wanda, you're amazing. I hope you know that," Bucky said, his eyes sincere.
"I guess," she smiled at him.
"Wanna go eat ice cream and watch a sappy movie?"
"You know me so well," she giggled and magicked the fridge open, sending two tubs flying into her hands, as well as two spoons from the drawer.
"Showoff," he scoffed, taking one from her outreached hand.
"You love it," she winked, drawing a chuckle from him.
"Yeah, yeah. Let's go watch that movie of yours, young lady."
She laughed and followed him out of the kitchen.
After the breakup, Wanda was getting closer and closer to you. She didn't want to be a rebound, but also… she just couldn't resist. But, her intentions were purely platonic. For now, at least.
At first, you didn't want to talk to her about it. She understood, didn't push. She knew you needed time.
And indeed, after a couple of days, she heard a knock on her door. She used her magic to open it since she was on her bed, going over some files, which she immediately discarded once she saw you, the state you were in. You have clearly been crying, the tear tracks evident on your face, your quiet sniffle reaching her ears.
"What's wrong?" she asked, gesturing for you to come sit down with her.
You sat down and took a deep breath. She wrapped her arms around you, pulling your head to rest on her shoulder. That's what made you break down again. In the comfort of her arms, you felt safe enough to cry, to fall apart.
She started to pull away when she felt your shivers, but stopped when you clung to her tighter, letting your tears flow freely. She just stroked your hair gently, letting you cry as much as you needed, mumbling reassurances.
When you calmed down enough, you raised your head. "I'm sorry," you mumbled, averting your bloodshot eyes from hers.
"No, don't apologize. I'm here," she nudged your shoulder, prompting you to meet her gaze. "What's wrong?"
"I just… I guess it took a couple of days until it felt real. Until I realized…" you cleared your throat. "I- Wanda, I've been dating them for the absolute most of the time I've been an Avenger. What if… what if I don't have a place in the team without them? What if I'm not strong enough without them?"
"Don't think that, not even for a second," she squeezed your shoulder. "You are one of the most powerful people I know. You belong here, in this team. I've seen you fight, and you're incredible. You're strong, you're smart. All of that has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with them. I know losing them may hurt, but that hurt doesn't change who you are."
"Thank you," you said. It wasn't enough, so you wrapped your arms around her, squeezing her tight, hoping she'd understand.
"It's the truth," she said, stern but not harsh.
That night, after you left, with plans to hang out tomorrow, she took a couple of deep breaths, calmed herself down. If she didn't, she was sure she'd go out there and kick the asses of two of her extremely stupid teammates.
Okay, they weren't actually stupid. But at that moment, Wanda was ready to hurt them, only for making you feel like this. Like you needed them. Seeing you like this made her want to blast them both into oblivion.
But you'd be fine, and you certainly didn't need her to interfere in your business. Besides, she got caught up thinking about the smile you gave her before you left.
She'd move planets to see that smile as often as possible.
Wanda smiled when she saw you approaching, your swimsuit wet since you had already jumped in the water. Because of course, Tony had a pool in the compound, and of course, he insisted everyone would come together at least one day a year and "bond". Honestly, the man was a bit of a sap. Not that Wanda minded, if it gave her opportunities for sights like these, she mused as she looked at you above her sunglasses.
"Having fun?" she asked once you were close enough to hear her.
You smiled. "Yeah. But you know what would be even more fun? If my lovely girlfriend will join me in a game of chicken against two annoying super soldiers? Maybe, you know, work your magic?" you batted your eyelashes at her innocently.
"Are you asking me to help you cheat so you can make Steve drop Bucky from his shoulders and you would win?" she chuckled.
"No! I mean, maybe. Ugh, his shoulders are so big Wanda, it's unfair! Bucky has so much more space than I do! Clint can't hold me properly," you grumbled half heartedly at your teammate. "But if I hold you up on my shoulders, and you'd, you know," you gestured in a way that was supposed to be similar to how she uses her magic, but only made her giggle at your antics, "I really think we can win."
"Alright, I'm convinced," Wanda announced, pulling off her sundress and revealing her swimsuit so she can get in the pool. "But only because I'd love to see Bucky's face when he falls into the pool and ruins his hair. Steve wouldn't hear the end of it either," she giggled. "Come on, let's go," she said as she started walking towards the pool.
"Babe?" she turned back to find you staring at her.
"Yeah?" you said, shaking your head a little.
"Are you coming?" she smirked.
"Oh, I dunno, I think I was in the sun for a long time, it's getting kinda hot. Maybe we should go inside, cool down a little, and I could kiss you, and-"
You got cut off by Wanda pressing her lips to yours gently. "Now come on," she smirked when you parted, "we have a pair of super soldier asses to kick."
And you did indeed kick their asses. Even without using her magic, Wanda managed to knock Bucky off with you balancing on one leg and using the other one to kick Steve under the water, making him lose enough of his balance.
You both laughed when Bucky and Steve went out of the water, Bucky complaining about his ruined hair and, "God Steve, I pulled you out of the river and you drop me in the pool?"
"I'm pretty sure you were the reason I ended up in that river in the first place," Steve snarked back. When Bucky opened his mouth to protest, Steve continued, "And I’d fall into that river for you again if I had to. Besides, your hair looks just fine," he smiled sweetly at Bucky, who stopped glaring daggers at him and was instead giving him the usual heart eyes.
"Punk," Bucky muttered as Steve went out of the pool. He extended his hand to help Bucky out, who instead pulled on his arm and made him fall into the water at him.
"Jerk," Steve shook the water from his hair before picking Bucky up and getting them both out of the pool as Bucky laughed.
You and Wanda looked at them with a smile.
"I'm glad they're happy," she said, moving her hands in the water in slow motions.
"They deserve it. You do too," you told her sincerely.
"I am happy," she smiled. "You make me happy," she cupped your cheek in her hand, and you kissed her sweetly.
"You make me happy too," you said, "the happiest."
Later, when you were all gathered around an outdoor table, it somehow ended up with you and Wanda sitting across from Natasha and Carol. Now at first, Wanda half considered being rude and asking to switch with someone.
But then she realized, maybe this isn't so bad.
"Hey baby, can you pass me that salad?" she asked you, sneaking a side look at Nat and Carol. They were talking between them, but the way they tensed up let her know they were paying attention. Good.
"Sure thing," you reached or the salad she gestured at, passing it.
"Thank you," she grinned, planting a firm but sweet kiss on your lips.
You hummed in delight. "Not that I'm complaining, but what was that for?"
"For passing me the salad," she shrugged with a smile.
You let it go, not thinking anything of it, but Wanda snuck another look across the table, and sure enough, Carol's jaw was tightly clenched, while Natasha was looking down at her plate, moving her food around as if she lost her appetite.
It wasn't as good as kicking their asses, but it would do. She barely managed to contain the smug grin that threatened to spread across her face. Having you to herself was more than enough, it was everything she could've ever wanted.
But, having your ex-girlfriends realize what they lost? Well, it certainly didn't hurt.
She didn't do it a lot, didn’t brag or show you off around them most times. But every now and then, she couldn't help herself, because you deserved it. She knew you'd probably never really confront them about how they made you feel, so when she could, she subtly did it for you.
You didn’t deserve what they put you through. No, you deserved the world, you deserved to smile and laugh and be happy and loved. Wanda hoped she could be that, give you that, for the rest of your lives.
tell me your thoughts!! i couldn’t help but make stevebucky date because i love them hehe. the little look into Wanda’s friendship with Bucky was really fun too, i felt like i sorta alluded to it in the previous ones but yeah, anyways i love them and i hope you liked it<3
Taglist:  @horny-nd-bored​ @shannon124 @perfectlyharolds​ @wintersoldierslut​ @iceebabies​  @sleepingpapermouse @steverogerswasalwaysworthy @holtzkinnon @angelicl-y @stydia-4-ever @thatoneperson5000 @fangirlfree​ @kaitcordx25 @bequeening​ @steve-barry-damon-logan​ @itscrazycherryblossomcollection​ @hollandxmarvel​ @stargazingfangirl18 @readsreblogsfics @onetwo3000 @beritmetal @harrystylesholland @jazbot2000 @anobscurename @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @peggycarter-steverogers @evansphnx12 @starlightcrystalline @procrastinatingsapphictrash
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doctorofmagic · 3 years
My thoughts on Stephen and Carol
That was... unexpected, to say the least. Now I have this task to elaborate my feelings and opinions in a way that is paradoxically personal and rational at the same time.
Let’s begin.
Carol and Stephen know each other for a very, very long time. Their first team-up happened in Marvel Team-Up v1 #76 (1978), when Silver Dagger captured Clea (again - and yes, I’ll talk about her later). Both Spider-Man and Ms. Marvel decided to offer a helping hand to Stephen.
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Stephen also assisted Carol in a mystic issue, combining their powers in Ms. Marvel v2 #4-5 (2006). It’s from this very run I suspect Kelly Thompson pictured the idea of a relationship between them. Nothing official, but all it takes to assume there’s something else going on is a mere look.
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It’s true they were on opposite sides post Civil War, but Carol decided to join the New Avengers later on, which also gives this relationship one more layer.
Lastly, Aaron’s Avengers also featured them on the same team for a while, in addition to the previous Captain Marvel v10 #6-7, in which they swapped bodies and Carol had a taste of Stephen’s pain. We’re also considering Captain Marvel v10 #19 because, at this point, it’s clear that Thompson had plans for them since 2019.
Captain Marvel #27
Since this a blog dedicated to Stephen, it’s hard for me not to look through his perspective. I know the story is about Carol and how she’s struggling to mourn. But you’re all here for him. So this is my very detailed yet not-so-reliable review about their moment together.
Stephen is so sweet, wtf.
First, he confesses that he lost a patient on the table, WHICH MEANS that Thompson is following the events of Surgeon Supreme. Honestly? It’s the first comic book to do so. But fine. I can live with that.
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Man is not having a good day. In fact, it’s a terrible day, which probably justifies the end. Here we another glimpse that Stephen still can’t deal with loss. Life is so important to him precisely because he has lost so much. In addition, for a moment, he forgets that Carol isn’t supposed to be drinking. So he turns the whiskey into Seltzer. In the meantime, Carol can’t help but relate to him. I know, Carol, I’VE BEEN THERE.
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There’s another moment that warmed my heart (in a sense because it’s quite sad when you think about it). Stephen asked Carol if he was bothering her. Do you have any idea how insecure Stephen is? BECAUSE HE IS. He’s always afraid of bothering people and that’s why he isolates himself. That’s why he’s always pushing people away. That’s why he’s so miserable and lonely.
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Stephen is the sweetest, I can’t. He doesn’t even know his own favorite color. COME ON, STEPHEN.
I admit, though. They know how to flirt. Stephen is the kind of person who flirts through self-loathing, which is only natural given his mental health. And Carol... Well, she’s a girlboss. It’s perfect. Also he’s sassy. And do I love my sassy boi? Very much.
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But here’s another sad thing. Stephen is not seen as a “good addiction”. He’s simply not the worse one. And he’s aware of that. Do you know how I know? I mean, despite all the countless articles I wrote about his self-loathing?
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Because of this:
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Yet again Stephen is aware that he used someone else to fill his void. And yet again, he was used. I can’t remember the last time Stephen had a healthy relationship. In fact, I can. It was with Linda, the Night Nurse. And that was a loooong time ago. I can’t even begin to comprehend how lonely he feels. And how miserable he feels whenever he fails to create a solid bond. Not only romantic ones, but also platonic relationships and friendships as well. I want him to be happy, it’s not too much. So why am I on the verge of tears?
Fine. I dissected the issue panel by panel, such is my commitment. But how I truly feel about them? Before answering that...
Things to be considered
Hear me out. There’s a very famous forbidden OTP party in Secret Wars: Secret Love #1. I can’t remember the author of the post but here, on this very hellsite, they confirmed some of those OTPs were ships that Marvel would never allow to happen because they’re, well, LGBTQIA ships. Cherik? Yes. Stony? Yes. Kate Bishop and America Chavez? Yes. CarolJess? YES. It’s the closest we’ll ever get to Marvel’s main characters to be queer.
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I’m quite open to shipping Stephen with any character. However, I cannot look away when I’ve always rooted for Carol to be an LGBTQIA character. So, much to my surprise, as I was checking the spoilers on the hopes that Jess and Carol would finally have a revelation... STEPHEN HAPPENED. Trust me, Carol stans, this was as much unexpected to me as it was to you.
Truth be told, as a Stephen stan, I get tons of hate, because people mostly know him for his Illuminati era and how patronizing he behaves sometimes. But this is the reason why I made this blog. I want more people to know Stephen as deeply as I do. I know it’s frustrating. But I’m not the enemy. You have no idea how hard I try to find subtle words and clues that Stephen is not straight (because he isn’t, please).
So, after all is said and done... I still think they’re cute. And please, do not hand me down a guilty verdict yet.
I think of Stephen a lot on a daily basis, so it’s only natural to headcanon which heroes he has hooked up with throughout the years. And I swear to Vishanti, Carol crossed my mind a few times. I only figured it would never happen. But it did and now I don’t know what I’m supposed to feel. But it’s okay. Because it’s not going to last - and I’ll explain why.
The future
Despite the fact that CarolJess should be a thing™, when it comes to canon, she’s deeply connected to Rhodes. Their relationship is so important to Carol that she sacrificed it out of love. She’s mourning. There’s this feeling of emptiness in her heart, pretty much similar to what Stephen experienced when Clea left him the first time.
They’ve met in a very delicate and frail state of mind and spirit. Some (most?) people do it, as an attempt to fill the void with anything or anyone that resembles affection. They’re aware of that.
That’s why I don’t think it will last. It’s not a relationship born through mutual growth, it’s a relationship born in mourning and sorrow.
You know me, mates. I’d do anything for Stephen’s happiness. But that’s not it. His happiness lies on a powerful sorceress from the Dark Dimension. You know her name. And Carol? Well, if not on Jess because Marvel desires to keep selling comic books to homophobes, then on Rhodes.
It feels just like my hook up list headcanon, only better because there’s angst. And boi, do I love angst?
That said... We have more issues coming, in addition to that beautiful cover for #29. Let’s wait and see. I do think Carol and Stephen share an angsty a beautiful background and that’s why I’d rather have them instead of Elektra. No offense, Elektra and Stephen are HOT. But I believe Carol and Stephen offer deeper layers. And this is why I made such a long post about them and didn’t do the same to Savage Avengers. No matter how hard I try to be rational, when it comes to Stephen, it’s just stronger than me.
PS: forgive me if I missed something, I’m truly exhausted but my mind wouldn’t allow me to rest until I made this post. Thank you for your support.
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gamertwins13 · 1 year
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“Friday Night Funkin’: Girls’ Night Out”
What does Girlfriend do when Boyfriend isn't available to go out on a date with her? She spends a night on the town with her female friends, of course! Sometimes on Friday nights, these girls head on over to the nightclub, where they hit the dance floor and sing some karaoke together. Girlfriend likes to sing karaoke because it helps her improve her singing skills so that someday, she will be just as talented as her parents. She certainly has a bright future as the next demon rockstar ahead of her. Carol, GF's best friend, really likes to boogie on the dance floor. Some people call her a "disco diva" because she loves anything involving disco and has some really sweet moves she wants to show off. Even though Sarvente knows that partying is a very "unholy" thing to do, she still thinks it's great to go out and loosen up sometimes. She is a demon in disguise, after all. She only goes to the club on her own, as she doesn't bring Ruv along because she knows that he's not a party person and if she ever brought him to sing karaoke, his loud, booming voice might destroy the place. Instead, she leaves him at the church to make sure it doesn't get trashed by some sneaky pranksters. Annie isn't much of a dancer, but she still likes to sing some of her favorite songs with the girls. When she's not on the mic, she's at the bar, swigging down drinks while Garcello keeps an eye on her, making sure she doesn't overdo it, especially on the "Liquid" that she's so addicted to. Everyone knows what happens when Annie gets drunk, and it's not a pretty sight. Ayana often goes to the club because her girlfriend Dalia works there as a part-time DJ. She loves to get funky and sing the night away while Dalia spins the tunes. Monika and Miku like to hang out at the club, too. Monika thinks it's so nice to go and see the world outside her game sometimes, just like her boyfriend Senpai. When it comes to karaoke, Miku likes to sing popular Vocaloid songs, and often invites Monika to sing with her. QT sometimes goes to the club, too, because even though she's basically a killer robot in disguise, she thinks singing karaoke and dancing are a great way for her to control KB and keep it from dropping her human disguise and going on a rampage. She's also a fan of Miku, and hopes that she'll get a chance to sing with the teal-haired Vocaloid someday. We do not own any of the characters. Girlfriend belongs to PhantomArcade Carol belongs to bbpanzu Annie belongs to Atsuover Sarvente belongs to Dokki.doodlez Miku belongs to Crypton Future Media Monika belongs to Dan Salvato Ayana belongs to RatNonFat Dalia belongs to IagoAnims QT belongs to Hazardous24
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realcube · 3 years
karasuno boys spending christmas with you 🎄
;tw// christmas (?), santa ig, extreme fluff, shoplifting, underage drinking, violence, ennoshita, kinoshita and narita exclusion 😞
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(a/n): ik the gif isn’t hq but look how cute it is (○` 3′○). also i’m aware that i wrote a rather western-washed version of Christmas (despite the characters in question not being western) but as someone of an asian ethnicity, imo western traditions surrounding Christmas are a lot more..festive (?) which i hope that isn’t offensive considering that Christmas was popularised by the west. so, in short, sorry the traditions aren’t those that are celebrated in japan (or asia) but i just found it i had a lot more inspiration to write it this way. :) perhaps i’ll make a part 2 with aoba johsai or nekoma celebrating Christmas with japanese traditions
Shōyō Hinata
you spend christmas at his house bc he wants to be with his sister on the day
and any sibling that you live with, he insists that they stay over too 
but if you don’t have any younger siblings then y’all just spend the whole day spoiling natsu
hinata absolutely adores how well you get on with his sister, it just makes him so happy seeing his two favourite people having fun together 
although, it did make him a bitter when he asked natsu if she likes the doll he bought her and she said,
“Yeah, thank you. But look at the Furby (L/N) got me! It’s pink and so fluffy, feel it! And it talks, it’s eyes move and-” Then she continues to rave on about how amazing your gift was.
honestly, y’all spend the whole day pampering natsu; making sure she has the best christmas possible
y’all made gingerbread cookies with her, helped her built a snowman (or rather, a snowwoman because she insisted that it was a lady), snowangels, opening presents, christmas crackers, watching movies - the whole shabang.
probably the only time in the day were she was sad was at 10PM when hinata insisted that she goes to bed
natsu looked at you to back her up in her argument that she should be allowed to stay up late on christmas but you kinda just stood there like 🧍‍♀️/🧍‍♂️
not wanting to get involved in their family drama (unproblematic liege 😍😩)
eventually though, natsu did go to bed and as soon as she was sound asleep, you and hinata spent the night cuddling while watching more christmas movies as you were both too tired to do anything else
you ended up falling asleep in his arms and it was a christmas miracle that his arm didn’t get pins and needles like it usually did while cuddling for a long period of time
Tobio Kageyama 
i’m a firm believer that he doesn’t celebrate christmas
not that he doesn’t like the concept, it’s just doesn’t understand the hype
plus - other than going to nationals - there isn’t much he wants and from what he knows, santa can’t make that happen
but as soon as you come over to his house on christmas day with a tub filled with cookies shaped and decorated like volleyballs, suddenly christmas is his favourite holiday
he invites you inside to eat the cookies with him and you notice that he’s watching a volleyball match on the TV
you giggle at how passionate he is about about the sport and offer to cast a Christmas movie from your phone onto the TV
he says yes since this is probably the 10th time he’s rewatched the same match 
you scroll through the list of christmas movies available on Netflix, “Wanna watch Arthur Christmas?”
“How about the Grinch?”
“Eh, no.”
“Ooh! What about the Nativity? I love that movie-”
“No thanks.”
So you ended up watching Frozen and Frozen 2 (on a different streaming site) because Kageyama didn’t like any of the Christmas movies available on Netflix
You figured that Frozen kinda counted as a Christmas movie because..there was snow :) 
anyway, you already knew Kageyama tolerated Disney Movies so Frozen was your best bet
and as it turns out, he was oddly engaged by the movie which gave you an opening to slip into his arms, stifling an evil snicker the whole time
as we all know, when Kageyama is into something he is into it.
so whenever the climax of the movie comes up (or any part with high suspense) you feel him squeeze you slightly and tense up 
so yeah your christmas with him is not overly Praise The Lord but it very fun and cute since it mostly consists of Disney movies
(also Barbie: A Christmas Carol because it gave you both overwhelming nostalgia since he has a big sister who i now headcanon to be a barbie movie addict ✋)
Kei Tsukishima 
the biggest grinch™
mostly bc every year he drops hints to both his mum and brother that he wants new headphones but every year he still gets a snowglobe from his mum and something dinosaur related from his brother
even though his brother is aware that he is ‘too old for that shit’ now 
but Akiteru just loves seeing his brother’s pissed off face whenever he opens his gift (which is a similar size to a headphones box) to find something like a Jurassic Park Lego set
anyway, backstory over - in short, Tsukishima very much dislikes Christmas
So when you appear at his door with a gift, he slams the door closed
“Tsukishima!” You roar as that was quite rude - even for Tsukishima - since it was snowing and you were clearly freezing, “Let me in! I’m freezing my tits off out here!”
Eventually, he did let you in and gave you a hot chocolate as an apology but as soon as you tried to hand him the give, he refused to take it
“Why not?” You whined, clearly upset that he wouldn’t take the gift you went through so much effort to get your hands on.
“Because I didn’t get you anything.”
You rolled your eyes, “You got me this hot chocolate - now, take it. It’s seriously not much.”
Upon eyeing the wrapped box in your hand, he realised it was about 9x9″ - the same size as the tub you usually deliver food in, meaning that the gift was probably some sweet treats
“Alright.” He sighed, accepting he gift as he figured that he could easily pay you back by making Christmas cookies with you or something
He hummed, delicately unwrapping the gift and his heart skipped a beat as he noticed the present inside was in a black box rather than a clear tub which you normally gave homemade treats in
nevertheless, he persevered in unwrapping the box 
when he finally finished, his heart dropped yet he couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with joy
“Wireless headphones.” He muttered to himself, doing everything in his power to resist the smile tugging on the corner of his lips but it was challenging, to say the least
“Yeah!” You chirped, “Don’t worry about the price though, I got them on a Black Friday sale.” You lied, aware that it was usually considered rude to talk about the price of a gift you’ve given but knowing if you didn’t say anything, Tsukishima would assume you paid full price (which you did smh) and immediately empty his bank account in order to pay you back
You could almost envision the situation already; “Would you like it in cash or cheque?”
“Neither, Kei!” 
“You seriously got me branded headphones?” Non-imaginary Tsukishima asked, unable to pry his eyes off the long-awaited gift in his hands
“Y-Yeah.” You stuttered at his unusually sinister voice. “I wanted to buy you noise-cancelling headphones and Google said these were the best ones available that weren’t selling for millions of y--”
“I love you.”
You did a double-take, “Huh?”
“I love you.”
You did a..triple-take.. “I-I don’t think I heard you correctly.”
“I’m not saying it again, dumbass.”
now, tsukishima wasn’t a very affectionate person but considering you paid full price for headphones (yes, he knows. you’re not a very good liar 😐) for him, the least you deserved was forehead kisses 
plus, he was determined to make you as happy as you made him that day
so can get all the kisses you want, all the hugs, all the cuddles, all the smiles, all the cookies-  everything!
but that’s not to say that he’s not going to get you anything in return as subtly through the day he was gathering info on what to get you 
by the end of it, he had a whole list but unfortunately - after looking at his bank account - he realised that the only thing he could afford was an easy-bake oven (┬┬﹏┬┬)
Tadashi Yamaguchi
y’all spent Christmas at your house because Yamaguchi was absolutely entranced by your massive Christmas tree
he also slept over because you both wanted experience the Christmas morning buzz together 
also because your parents were working on Christmas day and Yamaguchi didn’t want you to be alone 🥺
(he didn’t tell you that though as he didn’t want you to think that he felt bad for you or anything)
after you both completed you morning routines, you raced downstairs (quite literally raced; you won.) to open the presents
the milk and cookies you both hand left out for ‘Santa’ was gone because your parents chugged the milk and scarfed the cookies before they left for work
“Open the presents I got you first!” You urged Yamaguchi, pointing to the two presents wrapped in Sanrio wrapping paper
 Yamaguchi did so; sitting on the floor cross-legged to open the larger, box-shaped gift first
“Candy!” He chirped with a smile, gently shifting through the selection of sweets you got him, his grin stretching as he did so and once he was finished, it was beaming ear-to-ear. “You know me so well, thank you so much, (L/N).” 
You giggled, a light blush crossing your features at the praise - then motioning to the second, smaller, thinner gift.
Yamaguchi accidently tore the wrapping paper off to reveal basic, charcoal face masks.
You quickly interjected to explain, “You said that you were embarrassed about how the animal-themed face masks your mum bought you were too childish and that they just made your skin more oily so bought you those; less embarrassing and supposedly good for oily skin.”
Yamaguchi’s heart fluttered upon hearing how much attention you paid during his random rants, “Thank you, babe!” He enthused, hugging the mask to his chest.
After that, you opened the gift he bought you and were over the moon when you realised that it was a box full of adorable stationary 
“I noticed how you kept complaining about your pens running out of ink during class and..yeah..I hope you like it..”
You obviously loved it and expressed that by giving him a big bear hug and many kisses (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ (*≧︶≦))
By then, it was around Midday so you had time to play in the snow for a bit before Yamaguchi had to go home to spend the rest of Christmas with his family
but of course he came back on Boxing Day to binge watch movies and cuddle with you 🥰
Daichi Sawamura
okay; I am going to say this and you aren’t going to argue with me bc I know that I’m right:
if you have any younger siblings or cousins staying in your house for Christmas (and I mean younger like 5 or less) and the kid isn’t a little shit
daichi (with your assistance) will dress up as Santa and you will dress up as an elf to surprise the child with a visit 
daichi would be like ‘ho ho ho!’ and you’d be like ‘shut up, santa, you fatass.’ 
and the kid would be like ✪ ω ✪
y’all would take pictures and shit before santa dips 🚶‍♂️🛷
after that, you both would head back to his place to celebrate a kid-free christmas 
you don’t open gifts because you both mutually agreed not to get anything for each other this year since you had ‘grown out of presents’ (tsk).
but you did get a RingFit Adventure from one for your relatives for Christmas so you and Daichi spend an hour or two playing that 
it’s surprisingly taxing though so you’re both puffed afterwards
so you decided to make spaghetti for yourself and Daichi and a Christmas miracle occurred..he got off of his ass to help you cook 🤩
usually he’d hide his fear off fucking up under toxic masculinity but today he actually let you teach him how to make food and he was a natural chef tbh
however, his habit of grabbing your ass or holding your lower back wasn’t especially helpful while he had tomato sauce all over his hands
you changed into a different pair of bottoms as the spaghetti cooled down
then, a second Christmas miracle occurred
Daichi gave you both permission to eat in the living room, on the couch, so y’all could watch a movie or something as you ate
every other day of the year, daichi would have to be killed before he let anybody eat in the living room - forget on his new couch 
but today was a special so he let it slide
originally, the plan was to watch a Christmas movie but then you noticed that a new episode of y’alls favourite show was out - House Hunters - so you just watched that instead 
hey, it made you both happy so why not?
especially with daichi’s running commentary which you outwardly expressed annoyance to but internally loved
“Andromeda will never be Suzanne, rest easy.”
“That house is so ugly, next.”
“Why’s their budget so low? May as well just buy a caravan.”
“They are so fucking picky.”
“Her face annoys me.”
anyway, merry christmas to the daichi stans and that is from me, not daichi - he actually forgot it was Christmas at noon
Kōshi Sugawara
y’all bake christmas cookies together, exchanges small gifts, bake carrot cake, watch The Polar Express, bake pudding, kiss under the mistletoe, bake-- yeah, there was a lot of baking
get ready to work out twice as much and start dieting if you don’t want to develop an illness due to the amount of sugar you consumed
to be honest, Suga was kinda lost for things to do on the actual day of Christmas bc y’all were so hyped preparing for it so he had no idea how to top that
I mean, you both went on romantic, late night car drives to buy a tree
cute couple trips to the store to purchase decorations 
planning out and putting the decorations around the house (and with both of your keen eyes for design, the house ends up looking gorgeous ofc)
you ornamented the tree in his living room but it was so tall that he couldn’t reach the very tip to put the final decoration on top
so you hopped onto his shoulders and stuck the star on top with a smile
but he wasn’t done with you yet, he rushed around the house with you on his shoulders while you clung onto his hair as if your life depended on it 
he did most of the festivities with you before Christmas but he saved one special one for the day
“(Y/N), let’s bake something.” 
You sighed, shooting him a weary smile, “Suga, we’ve been baking all day.”
“Just one last thing! It’s not even baking actually, more like assembling.”
You quirked an eyebrow at his statement, “Hm? What is it?”
“Let’s make our dream houses with gingerbread!”
Of course you agreed. Not just because he is the cutest thing you’ve ever laid your eyes on but also since it sounded rather fun
“What are those?” You pointed to the weird rectangular designs on the roof of his house
“Solar panels.” He hummed, elegantly icing the sides of his house, “I want my future house run on that energy.”
“Anyway, what’ve you got on your house?” Finishing off the final swirl on his door, he turned to look at your gingerbread home and deadpanned 
A sheepish grin formed on your lips as you noticed his blank expression towards your ‘dream home’ which has walls garnished with golden, edible glitter and sugar paper sanrio characters on the roof along with many other extremely unconventional things 
“Hey,” you shrugged, “Let me have my dreams.”
“Of course,” Suga agreed, his usual sweet smile returning, “Although, in an ideal world, I thought we’d end up living together and starting a family. However, I don’t think we can do that if you planning on putting a horse head on our front door.”
Asahi Azumane 
you both spent christmas day in your respective households, promising each other that you’d spend boxing day together 
until around 7PM when you had to come over to his house bc he called you, extremely puzzled at the fact that random mutuals from school (and the whole volleyball team) were on his instagram page, facebook, snapchat and any/every other social media platform wishing him a happy birthday
“I don’t get it.” He spoke through the phone, confusion and anxiety apparent in his voice, “My birthday isn’t for another six days. Why do they think it is today? Is this a joke?” 
“Uh, can I come over? I’d love to see you.” 
“Um, sure.” He replied, even more confused that you didn’t answer his question and instead asking one yourself
you spent the rest of the day with him, trying your very best to distract him from social media by doing various activities 
you both baked, watched movies, played board games (he’s a beast at battleships) then you moved on to other games like charades - basically every bs excuse you could come up with to get him to stay away from his phone
but that’s not to say you didn’t enjoy every second of it bc you did
he is so cute like whenever you are doing an action which he can’t interpret, his automatic guess is ‘are my beautiful gf (Y/N) (L/N) who i love very much? (= ❛ ᴗ ❛=)’
and then you are just like, ‘yes, i am, baby. but i am also optimum prime. your turn.’
anyway, by the end of the day there was no way you were able to prevent him from finding out about the joke now
so you just decided to tell him - figuring that it’d be better for him to hear it from you rather than someone else
“See.. y’know how jesus was allegedly born on christmas day? well, the joke is that..you kinda look like what people assume jesus would’ve looked like..”
Asahi had to do a double-take at what you just said, “Th-they..think I look like jesus?”
Ryūnosuke Tanaka
you’re both broke af so you spend Christmas day pretending you are a rich couple
you slept over at his house too so you could start early in the morning and by that I mean 10:30AM
firstly, you and tanaka flick through an Argos catalogue (which you found on the ground, so there were a few mud stains on it 😶) to select the gift(s) you were going to buy for your ‘children’
but really it was just you and him going through it and circling all the toys y’all wanted as kids but couldn’t afford/didn’t get
“I super badly wanted one of those kiddie monster trucks that you could control with a remote as a child so my son is going to need one of those.” Tanaka said, circling the monster truck with a marker
“Yes, of course. And I asked for Monster High dolls every year as a kid but my parents said they were everything god hates so let’s buy that because we stan satan in this house, apparently .”
“Of course, of course.” He said in his best ‘rich person’ voice which was actually just an english accent
After resenting your parents for around an hour, you both moved onto the next activity of your rich person Christmas which included reading your horoscope in an english accent
that only lasted a few minutes though because both of you couldn’t be bothered to read
you also planned to look at the stock market (just like all rich people do on christmas day, obvs) but it was so boring
you took a glance then just went ‘okay, bye.’
next, you had caviar - just like rich people eat for every meal of the day, i think.
except it was actually black pop rocks  
“ah, yes. scrumptious.” “the flavour is immaculate.” 
then, as dawn drew close, you and tanaka preformed your final rich person activity 
no, it wasn’t being rude to minimum wage workers
no, it wasn’t being ungrateful
no, it wasn’t exploiting the working class under capitalism
no, it wasn’t being generally stuck-up and cocky
instead, it was going to the grocery shop and buying everything rather than shoplifting :)
“what should we get, babe?” you asked tanaka, in awe at how many different brands of toilet paper were on the shelves. “Have you ever noticed how spoiled we are for choice when it comes to toilet paper?”
“uh, no.” he replied in reference to the toilet paper question, “Hm, how about some gingerbread men or something?”
his suggestion was just met by a blank stare and silence
“Hell yeah!” 
luckily, because tanaka looked a lot older than 17 and also since the cashier was too tired to check his ID, you both managed to buy the drinks without getting caught
“Merry Christmas, Ryū.” You hummed, fidgeting with his hand which was interlocked with yours as you walked through a rather prestigious neighbourhood and admired all the extravagant christmas lights
“Merry Christmas, (Y/N). Love you.”
Yū Nishinoya 
you and noya spent the whole day in his backyard and since it was a white christmas, you were able to spend the 90% playing in the snow
at first, you both went outside with the intention of making snowangels and taking cute couple photos in the snow 
but the weather was just so inviting that you had to stay for a little longer even when you did finish taking pictures; so you made the ‘ultimate’ snowman  
by that, it was just the biggest snowman y’all could make without it falling apart with stones for eyes, spiking out twigs for hair and an empty Monster Energy can for a nose 
once you had completed the snowman and basked in it’s glory for a moment, you went to head inside - but then you felt something hit your back
you turned around to see noya snickering, a mischievous grin on his face which you couldn’t stand
so what started out as him playfully throwing a snowball at your back, eventually turned into a full-on snowball battle to the death
there were snow forts, piles of snow ammunition, mini snow-warriors guarding the edges of your fort, a snow-princess which you were trying to steal from each other’s fort to win (basically like capture the flag but colder..) and a few brunch bars in the middle of the battle field for snack breaks 
it was all going smoothly until Noya ran up to your base, obviously with the intention to steal your princess 
“stay away from her, you fiend!” You yelled, jumping into an offensive stance - your neighbours must hate you bc of all the noise you and Noya made.
Noya screaming his battle cry as he rushed towards your fort, batista bombing you to the ground before you had a chance to attack him with a snowball
now that you were out of the equation, he scurried over to your princess which was perches on a little snow podium you made for her
he grabbed it, lifting it above his head like a trophy and letting out a loud victory cry “I win!”
he then turned to you and laughed upon noticing that you had your face buried into the snow in shame, “You have been defeated, (L/N)! And the great Rolling Thunder prospers!” 
“That’s a stupid nickname.” You groaned, outstretching your arms to allow him to pick you up, “Now take me inside, I’m tired.”
“Alright, babe.” He spoke softly, seemingly coming down from his adrenaline high. 
He strolled towards you, scooping you up into his arms - off the snow - and carrying you inside
unbeknownst to him, you had fallen asleep as he held you and once he put you down on the couch and noticed- i- my man almost died of happiness
“Oh my god, (Y/N)! You’re so fucking cute! (❤´艸`❤)” he hollered, peppering your face in kisses
“Shhh..” you hushed Noya, sticking your bottom lip out to form a pout 
Noya nodded understandingly before hopping onto the couch beside you and snuggling up 
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hongnanglen-arina · 3 years
“No, tea it is.” | Choi Seungcheol/S.Coups
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Genre: Fluff
Pairing: barista!Seungcheol x fem reader
Warnings: none
Words: 1.710
A/N: Hi there! Here’s something for our leader. He needs all the love, yes yes! As always, English isn’t my first language so excuse my grammar ♡
[6:41 am]
The look on your watch told you that you had to wait at least 70 more minutes until your family would finally land. As always, you were early but because it was a sunday, you had to take an even earlier connection to get to the airport, not wanting to be too late that it would get stressful or that your family had to wait for you. But seeing the time on your watch, it was still a little too early for your taste.
Yawning loudly, your gaze wandered to the two stores that offered coffee. "That one.... or that one??" You asked yourself while your feet took you to one of them absentmindedly. Maybe your feet decided for themselves because of... the cashier? Your steps slowed down a bit while you studied the boy from outside the store. He was handsome, his hair ash blonde and he was dressed in a very oversized rose cardigan which was halfway covered with a black apron. When you stepped inside, you could hear calming christmas songs through the speakers and you were immediately surrounded by the delicious smell of coffee beans. Sighing happily, you couldn't suppress the smile on your face. You haven't had your coffee yet but you already felt so much better. And again, you were surprised what effect coffee had on you aka how addicted you were to it. 
Not noticing how the boy was watching you from behind the counter, you looked around a little, trying to find the perfect spot to relax for an hour until the plane with your family would be landing. It wasn't crowded at all. Maybe thanks to the day and time.
"Welcome! May I help you?"
A warm and friendly voice pulled you back to reality and your head snapped to the said direction, now facing the cashier from before. He was smiling at you, hands folded neatly in front of his apron as he was waiting for your response. 
His expression was warm and friendly but the closer you got to him, the more you noticed the soft dark circles under his eyes, telling you that you might not were the only sleepy one here. But it didn’t make him less attractive to your surprise.
Now standing right in front of the counter and in front of this very handsome boy, your gaze wandered up to the menu. With pretty strokes, a wide range of drinks were written with white chalk on a black board, some other colors were used for green tea leaves or brown coffee beans combined with blue ice cubes and of course, christmas decorations. You wondered if he was the one who wrote it. 
“Uhm… it’s hard to decide.” It really was. Everything with coffee literally screamed your name. It’s been a while since you had a lavender latte or mint latte. Also pumpkin spice wasn’t on your christmas agenda yet. But even the regular drinks like caramel latte seemed nice at the moment. “Can you recommend something nice and warm?”
When your gaze met his again, the boy made a thinking sound. "No offense but you seem like a coffee type of girl."
"How does a coffee type of person look like?"
"Uhm, I don't know..” He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. “You just give me the feeling you are? Maybe I have that special sense because of my job? So, coffee it is?"
The corner of your lips twitched and he wiggled his eye brows in a cocky way, very sure about his opinion of you. “No, tea it is. I love tea.”
His eyes widen at your reply. As if his inner triumph just crashed just by a single word. He’s never been wrong with it before. When he noticed, he quickly cleared his throat and pointed to the selection of tea his work place offered. Grinning to yourself, you listened to him and were very amused about the fact that you caught him off guard so easily. While he was explaining the different tea styles and leaves, you looked at his name tag. Seungcheol. You spoke his name several times in your head, finding it kind of fitting to the boy in front of you. You noticed how soft his cardigan was and how good it suited him. It made his features so much softer. And even with the delicious smell of coffee, your nose met his own perfume that you really liked.
“So I would recommend our special homemade green tea. What do you think?”
Smiling at him, you nodded. “Sounds good.”
You payed your drink and took a seat in the back after Seungcheol told you he would bring your drink over once it’s done. A look at your watch told you, that 14 minutes passed by. Checking the flight schedule again, you decided to walk to the arrival hall in about an hour since it wasn’t too far away from the spot you were right now. 
It didn’t took too long for Seungcheol that he stood in front of your table, carefully setting the tea down with a donut. Before you could say anything, he waved his hand okay. “It’s a little apology for me assuming you are a coffee type of girl. Sorry about that. Anyways, it suits perfectly with the tea so I hope you like it.”
You blinked at the powdered sugar donut and then up to the boy. “Thank you. That’s very kind of you.”
With an exaggerated bow, he walked away again, making you giggle. He was cute. You waited a bit before the tea was ready to drink but once it was, you hummed agreeingly. The tea was really good and Seungcheol was right, the donut was perfect with it. He surely had a good taste. 
The hour was slow. Just a few customers made their way to the store and they were all greeted by a cheerful Seungcheol. You couldn't help but to watch him work, also you didn’t have anything else to do anyways. Talk to the customers, smile at them and even ask them if they are a tea or coffee type of person just as he did with you. At first you rolled your eyes, finding his trademark start of a conversation stupid but he got it right every time, shooting you a wink as he caught you looking and you started to find it amusing. It quickly became some kind of silent competition in which you two locked eyes, exchanged smiles or shook your head at the other with a grin. 
It made you thought he was more than cute. And so did he.
When your hour was nearly coming to an end, you stood up and put the little tray with your order away before walking over to Seungcheol again who was cleaning the counter, looking up at you.
"Leaving already?” 
"Yeah, I need to pick up family. Mind if I order a coffee before I leave?"
"I don't mind making coffee for you but I do mind you leaving me. It was fun."
You smiled at him with pink cheeks, the same color he wore on his own. "Yeah, it was. But we might meet again… somewhen, someday."
He cocked his head to the side. "Is that so, miss tea-lover?"
"Oh, according to your reaction, you are a coffee-lover, right? Beep. Sadly no match."
His laughter filled your ears and you suddenly wished you could hear it more often as you joined. "So I guess this coffee is for the person you are going to pick up. Which one can I prepare for you?"
"Y/n." Your eyes widen after realizing what you just said out loud, instantly covering your mouth. "Uhhh I mean.. uhm... one lavender latte please.. and.. with an extra shot espresso please.."
Seungcheol chuckled at your shy mumbling and gave you a nod. "Alright, lavender latte, extra shot for your family it is. It will be ready in a bit... y/n.”
You pressed your lips in a thin line to hide your happy grin as best as you could and after you shortly thanked him, you waited at the side, eyes falling down to the napkins in front of you. Biting your lower lip, you watched Seungcheol prepare your drink while humming to the christmas carol in the background. His soft hair fell lightly over his eyes, his big cardigan was rolled up so his hands were free to work with. Admiring his features from the side, you decided something you’ve never done before. 
Just in time when you shoved your pen back into your backpack, your coffee was ready. Seungcheol had decorated it with a smiley on top, making you giggle. “Thank you… Seungcheol.”
His smile faded a bit as his mouth fell open in a surprised manner, just to change to an even wider smile. “My pleasure, y/n.”
With your credit card, you payed the drink and stopped moving, sheepishly looking at the boy in front of you, who nervously kneaded the wet cloth on the counter. “So…. see you around I guess?” There was something in his voice that caused goosebumps to form on your skin. 
Exhaling deeply, you quickly put - what was in your hand - down on the counter in front of you and turned around, waving at him before almost rushing out of the store in embarrassment. 
Seungcheol watched you half in confusion, half with a chuckle but then his attention fell onto the little folded napkin in front of him. After a short and curious peek in your direction, he took and opened it.
//You were right. I’m a coffee type of girl and this drink is for myself. I wonder what else you would get right about me so if you want, you can… text me and we can get to know each other more? :)//
His eyes read over the numbers you wrote down on the little napkin as a smile crept onto his lips. This was the first time a cute girl gave her number to him. Today had already been a day with a couple of first times. He wondered how many more he would experience with you and he couldn’t wait to find out.
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