#and I fall hard and fast and then I can't sleep anyway until I have drawn that person at least 600 times
thymelessink · 4 months
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honeydazai · 5 months
୨୧·࣭࣪̇˖ 𝆬  sharing a bed with them 𓏸
feat.: Dazai, Chūya, Ranpo, Fyodor, Nikolai, Sigma
content: pre-relationship bed sharing, flirty/mildly sexual implications
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It's truly unfortunate that, while on a mission for the Agency, you have to share a bed with DAZAI — or so you think, at least. He doesn't share the sentiment in the slightest, instead smiling as innocently as possible the moment his gaze falls onto the single bed in the hotel room booked for the night. While he pretends to offer you the bed, he'll guilt-trip you about the couch being way too short for his long legs and about his back already aching until, eventually, you give in and share it with him.
Naturally, he gets into your space more than necessary at night, pretending he's asleep while cuddling close to you, given how, then, you can't cuss him out for wrapping an arm around your waist and burying his face in your neck, breath warm against your throat. It's worse that he knows if you won't get any amount of sleep whatsoever, much too busy with fighting off arousal while he's pressed flush against your back.
“Hm? No, it's alright. I don't mind taking the couch. What kind of man would I be if I let you sleep on there? Still, it's just — it's way too short and hard. Couches this uncomfortable shouldn't exist, really. I doubt I'll be able to get even a wink of sleep tonight, what a shame.”
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When there turns out to only be one bed in the hotel room you're supposed to stay in for the night, CHŪYA doesn't even hesitate before offering you the bed, immediately going for the couch instead. He won't accept any protests either; no matter whether you're worried about his comfort or just think it's polite to refuse his offer, he won't allow you to spend the night on a sofa. He's not making a huge deal out of it and, if you keep being annoying about it, he gets more and more exhausted by the minute.
Eventually, he might give in to the idea of sharing the bed. He has no trouble keeping to himself — or so he believes, because, once he's actually asleep, softly snoring into your ear, he's moving wildly, one leg eventually thrown over your body, arms stretched out. If you mention it to him in the morning, his cheeks flush soft pink.
“Hm? The fuck you mean, you'll be taking the sofa? Definitely not. I'm already here — and I don't mind. Go lie down and get some sleep. We've got a busy day tomorrow.”
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RANPO, the very moment he steps foot into the room, decides he wants the bed to himself. The idea of taking the couch doesn't even cross his mind; instead, he makes his way over to the bed all too quickly, though, when you end up either glaring at him or asking him to share, he just shrugs.
Really, he doesn't make too big of a deal out of sharing a bed, not even seeming a little nervous at the idea of lying down beside you for hours on end. Meanwhile, at night, he cuddles up close to you — actually asleep, unlike a certain someone —, arms wrapped around you, for once completely unaware of you being all flustered because of him. In the morning, it'll be like nothing happened, even though you can't quite stop thinking about
“What are you looking at me like that for? I said we can share. If you're hoping to have it for yourself, tough luck. I was here first, just saying. Just get in or move to the couch already, I'm tired.”
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All of FYODOR'S decisions are based on logic; this one is no exception. If the bed is large enough to fit two people, it's large enough for the two of you to share — though, if you feel like taking the couch instead, he won't protest. That's your decision to make, after all.
While actually sharing the bed with him, it's basically like you're alone in there, anyway. He doesn't move when asleep, doesn't make a sound; it's all too easy to imagine he's not even there, even though, occasionally, a dark strand of hair might brush against your face. What you don't know, however, is that he, at night, while you're fast asleep, he takes the time to watch you up close, lilac eyes tracing over every plane of your face.
“I do not mind sharing the bed with you. I hope you feel similarly. We both are adults, are we not? I doubt this will be an issue. Just lie down.”
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NIKOLAI is undoubtedly amused by the idea of sharing a bed with you. He doesn't waste a single thought towards either of you taking the sofa instead; nonsense, just why would you do that? There's a perfectly fine bed right there, and surely both of you are mature enough to share one without any issues, right? Wrong.
He makes a point of being as obnoxious as possible, cuddling close to you the very second you lie down. It doesn't help that he's both tall and strong, his arms closed around your waist so you can't even try to get away or up, and he makes a point of whining whenever you attempt to squirm away. It's going to be a long night.
“What's the matter? Why are you moving so much? Stop it, I won't be able to fall asleep this way. Or — ah, are you trying to rile me up on purpose? That's naughty of you, sweetheart.”
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SIGMA immediately makes a beeline for the couch the second he notices the dilemma of having a double bed rather than two separate ones booked. He won't even discuss the topic with you; he doesn't want you to feel uncomfortable or forced to sleep on a sofa, so he'll do it instead. There's no whining or guilt tripping from his end; he simply accepts his fate for the night. There's worse things to endure.
If you're incredibly serious about convincing him, however, he might just give in, even though his cheeks feel a little warmer than usual when he lies down next to you, making sure there's an appropriate amount of distance between the two of you. If there's anything he doesn't want, it's you thinking he's trying to be creepy after you've decided to trust him — he probably ends up barely getting any sleep, just because he's worried about accidentally getting too close to you.
“Are you sure you're alright with this? I really don't mind spending the night on the sofa instead. ... Well, if you're sure — thank you.”
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NEW POST AGAIN FINALLY AA my commissions are open, by the way!! dm me if interested! 💜
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tags: @irethepotato @beandaifuku , @the-foreigner , @ranpobb, @arixsux, @dei-lilxc , @atsyushi @satoruislove @pastelsbaby @marina-and-the-memes @texchou @shiggysredhead @savagemickey03 @rosepxtlz @nikolaiswife @okura-s @ladykatakuri @lunerenzo @berywritesstuff @Chxrry-doll @xelia25 @yuuotosaka3 @double-black-dazai @alice0blog @fyodorstolenushanka @ttaiyaki @itsnovariella @black-rose-29 @fyodorscumsock @ayshaashaya @qxxstuff @serenareiss @atsvsh1 @dilucshandholder @reiikonee @1-800-mocha
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sensei-venus · 1 year
Imagine Miguel getting hard in the middle of the night and tossing and turning until he finds his wife.
She's snuggled into her pillow on the other side of the bed, fast asleep. Miguel's half wake and the room is cold enough to keep him awake. Even with their thick blanket, he can feel the chilly air. Suddenly he's pulling his sleeping wife closer, spooning her from behind.
His eyes are half-lidded as he stares at her back. His eyelids flutter a little as his hard cock digs into the fat of her thigh. She so soft and warm and it pulls him in. He can't help but rut into her plush thigh.
“Máma wake up....hey wake up...”
She moans a little at the sound of her husband's deep sleep laced voice. Her eyes slowly open as she starts to wake.
“What's wrong Miggy?” her voice is gentle and calm as she questions him.
“I'm cold and I have a little issue going on in my pants right now that won't go away, I might need your help.”
“What are you talking about-”
She gasps as she feels his now bare cock slide between her thighs. He ditched his boxers a minute ago. She feels pre between her soft thighs, it tickles her skin and makes a sticky noise as he thrusts gently against her.
“Can you help me out here babe?”
“Sure as long as you let me go back to sleep...” she whispers back to him.
He smirks saying “Ok roll over my way, I want you on top of me.”
She doesn't understand exactly what he's getting at, what he going to do. But she turned over anyway and faces him. She gasps a little as he pulls her shorts and underwear down, flinging them off the side of the bed and onto the floor. She almost yelps as he grabs a hand full of the back of her thigh right under her ass. He lifts her up and pulls her onto his body.
Her fat tits push against the bottom of his. The only thing keeping them from comply touching is her thin t-shirt. Her nipples grow hard and dig into him in such a good way.
A minute later he is rubbing his fat cock head against her moist folds. Dragging it around to get her wet. A few minutes later he finally pushes into her. Her tight pussy walls cling to him as he slowly pushes in and bottoms out. His balls twitch as they meet her fat ass.
She whimpers and lets her head fall into his chest. One of Miguel's hands grips at a hand full of her ass while the other one rubbed at her back lovingly.
“Love you...”
“Love you too.”
The two of them end up falling asleep a few minutes later. Miguel's cock stuffed into her fat cunt for the rest of the night.
The next morning has the woman groans as she awakes. Her pussy is throbbing with need. As soon as her eyes open she moans so pretty. Her cunt clenches and twitches around the very soft cock inside her.
She feels Miguel's hot seed spilling out of her raw cunt, she even feels him dripping still inside of her. She has no idea how many times he came while in her during the night. But from the feeling of how sticky her thighs and belly were along with her ass, it was a lot. It only took a few hard grinds of her own his down into his to trigger her own orgasm. Her clit brushed against his hard pelvis and just right to get her off. It was soft and sweet as she lay limp against him.
Their mixed cum drooling out of her now used hole. Miguel's thick dick still stuffed inside of her keeping her filled to the brim with cum.
She smiled as he rubbed her back, still sleeping.
She could cockwarm him a bit longer~
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Omg your sibling scara is the cutest!!! Could you do some head cannons of them when they where younger? Like how they would spend time together like collecting flowers, ingredients, stuff like that? ❤️
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❀ synopsis: the sacred scriptures stated that 6000 years from now you would descend to Teyvat once more. Thousands of years passed and it's now 200 years until you descend. Little do they know, you defy the holy scriptures and descended 200 years earlier than what was prophecized, just in time for Kabukimono to find you homeless and broke.
❀ notes: guys I still haven't made it to Inazuma so please bare with me on this one. And also keep note since the reader is the "divine creator" they are immortal in this headcanon.
❀ pronouns: they/them
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When Scaramouche was left behind by Ei he didn't have anywhere to go and continued to wander mindlessly in the woods. Soon he found a small pavilion and decided to stay there to shield himself from the rain. Most of his days consist of sleeping and exploring to find any sort of fruit to get his hands on. But one day when the rain was pouring the sky split open and a human falls from the sky. It was only for a second before it closed again.
He rushes towards you when you fell harshly to the ground, he observes you for a moment when he saw your strange attire. How did you fall off the sky? Why did you fall from the sky? Did your mother leave you here too? He quickly leaves his trance to bring you under the pavilion with him since you might fall ill.
Most of his days consist of staying with you on the beach side. He would sometimes follow you around like a duckling when he notices you exploring since he has nothing better to do anyway. When you sleep he would cuddle onto your side and stay there for as long as you're unconscious.
he thinks you're strange, he doesn't understand why you would touch his hair or pinch his cheeks when all he did was sit down and do nothing. And sometimes you would educate him on things he didn't know about. His favorite moments are when he would lay himself beside you while you tell him stories about another world.
He wants to thank you for all that you have taught him, but finding exquisite gifts in a place far from civilization is hard. So most of his gifts consist of giving you flowers or helping you cook by finding ingredients. You had to save him from electro slimes more than once its not even funny-
When the both of you made it to the village of Tatarasuna he always asks for your assistance in helping him with basic needs. Most villagers would look at both of you and consider you siblings and Scaramouche would agree. If you clarify to the villagers that you two are in fact not siblings he would be dumbfounded, you don't consider him as your brother? But you both have been living together for a long time! A-are you going to leave him soon then?
His habit of sleeping beside you never passes, if you both have separate rooms he wouldn't be able to sleep. Not when the nightmares of you leaving haunt him every night. So when you're fast asleep in the middle of the night Scaramouche would enter your room and shake you awake, claiming he had another nightmare again and asking if he can sleep beside you. If you don't wake up he will cuddle beside you anyway, holding you tight before sleeping himself.
After the two betrayals he would consider you as one of his ONLY trusted ally, he would never tell anyone that he considers you as family. What if they use you against him? Or worse, what if they try to get close to you and you abandon him for them? He can't risks that.
Once it's known that you are actually the Divine Creator of Teyvat it now makes sense to him why you fell down from the sky all those centuries ago. But he wouldn't treat you any different, so what about his sibling being the almighty creator? They are still his family, he wouldn't subject you to high expectations. But that doesn't mean he wouldn't be overprotective. Cause now you have all these new responsibilities, plus your clingy pets- *cough* excuse him- acolytes are always with you, and he barely gets to spend time with you! And it infuriates him to no end.
Why can't they just leave him and his sibling alone? He was the first person you met when you descended, so what right do they have to think they can take you away from him?
"You don't need to be around those bumbling idiots all the time. Just ditch them and travel with me. I know a place where those pests won't follow us."
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maxislvt · 11 months
pls tell us more about omega!wanda x beta!nat x alpha!reader 👁👁
warnings: amab!reader (no gendered terms), smut, omegaverse, sub!reader, dom! WandaNat, pegging, voyeurism, collaring, mating claims, breeding kinks, spanking, threesomes
i said I was gonna sleep but that's nawt happening so uhhh here!
okay so similar dynamic to my usual omega!wanda fics. You're rather soft and sappy for an alpha. since you face a lot of bullying for it, you hide your identity at work and don't really pursue a relationship because you've always been told that no omega would want an alpha like you.
for this I'd like to think Wanda and Natasha are a match made in hell. they're not dating each other yet. they have feelings for each other but both of them are really dominant and lack interest in being submissive so they're hesitant to commit
They both have their eyes on you before they even figure out you're an alpha. at first it's like a game for them. the first one to take you out on a date gets to do all the nasty and inappropriate things they want to you and tease the other for not getting you first!!
however that goes out the window really fast because they realize you're really bashful and it's just too cute to keep from the other. also you tend to turn and run the second you think you'll be alone with one of them for even a second.
Wanda is subtle. the way she touches you seems so innocent and kind that you almost ignore how close she is to your crotch. You usually don't catch on to her innuendos until much later into the conversation. She never forces you to stay but something is always compelling you to stay put and listen
Natasha on the other hand is very bold and doesn't hold back. sometimes you're literally pinned down and forced to deal with all her perverted comments. you couldn't run away even if you wanted to. her intentions are very explicit and there's little room for what she wants to do with you
it only gets worse when they find out you are an alpha. mainly because their nasty little fantasies can get really explicit now but also because they know exactly how to tease you. they never push too hard, but just enough to get you worked up
you don't know that they know but after falling victim to their coordinated attempts at courting, you assumed that they guessed incorrectly about what rank you are. in an attempt to have some peace, you make this grand reveal to them and they're so unphased. in fact, they're more focused on how good your scent is more than anything.
one thing leads to another and suddenly you're sandwiched between the two of them and fucked out of your mind. they don't even let you put up another act about how alphas should behave and keep you spoiled in bed all day until you stop pouting and promise to give them a fair chance
they do make an effort to take you on nice dates and buy you actual courting gifts. they're really expensive and have a lot of thought put into them. some of them are literally just sex toys they wanna use on you at a later date. like the first thing they buy you is a vibrator and lube. the hope was that you'd be curious but too inexperienced to do it on your own and come running to them
they're very horny romantics. so their claim bites on are either layered on top of each other to make a heart or symmetrical somewhere on your body. the choice is yours but I think it'd be the same way on all three of you.
anyways, you guys are a very practical pack I feel. the three of you would love to have everything be matching and constantly do cuddle piles but it doesn't always get to happen. sometimes it's as simple as one of you is on a mission and can't do the cuddle pile. other times it's the simple fact that Wanda likes to wear pajama pants, you only sleep in shorts, and nat typically goes without pants when sleeping.
and I think that practically carries over into sex as well. in my mind Wanda and Nat are a complementary pair. Wanda is soft and Natasha is strict. That isn't to say they can't come together and spoil or tease you though.
if it's just you and nat or you and Wanda, the whole scene was likely recorded and there's a million photos of how you looked.
Wanda prefers to get you really deep into subspace and wait until you're practically leaking through your underwear before stripping you naked and filling your ass to the brim. she'll let you cum as much as you want so long as you're good and let her have fun too
Natasha likes to tease. She'll edge you for hours before she even thinks about pegging you. Nat is not above spanking you just for fun! After she's marked up your skin and left you a sticky mess, she'll spank your ass bright red until you have a hand print
80% of the time they top you together is to spoil you. it doesn't have to be a special event, but they like making you feel good together and watching you make a mess of yourself. they'll stretch your ass out with both of their straps and go for as long as they can.
The other 20% is always a punishment and not even Wanda's pampering nature can save you. If you break their rules, then you have to suffer the consequences. Since Natasha is a sadist and spanks you all the time, they get a little more creative. They fuck each other right in front of you and make you edge yourself with a simple fleshlight.
The only time they let your top is if you're in a rut and that doesn't mean you're not subbing. most of the time, you're breeding Wanda while Natasha is controlling your hips and keeping you in check via a collar.
Natasha likes to watch while you and Wanda fuck out your cycles. Maybe she'll ride you during rut if she's really horny and wants to be knotted but she prefers to watch you try and act all dominant and tough sometimes.
also their straps are enchanted and they love fucking your face. Natasha likes actually fucking your throat but Wanda just thinks you look absolutely adorable on your knees and desperate to please her.
the aftercare is always wonderful. they follow a similar routine even if they're not fucking you together because it's tailored to what they think you need most after sex. cuddles and a bath are mandatory, even if Wanda has to drag you to the bathroom with her magic. if they've tipped you together, they prefer you just go right into taking a nap but they will let you watch TV or play a videogame if they weren't too rough.
honestly they seem like the type to not even consider sex if they know you haven't eaten anything, but they still keep a few in the mini fridge just in case you need something.
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optimist-pine · 3 months
Dermatillomania (Daryl Dixon x Reader)
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Summary: Dealing with the aftermath of the fall of the Greene Farm in a way your therapist would not approve of.
Warnings: Typical TWD content! Dermatillomania (BFRB's, self-inflicted injury), mentions of death, etc.
Word Count: 719
Era: Follows directly after the season 2 finale
A/n: Just a personal vent... Dunno if anyone else relates.
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It hadn't been easy to stop necessarily, but anything other than going cold turkey hadn't really been an option. When you absentmindedly find yourself starting to pick, a quick reminder that it could get you killed is all it takes to shut it down. Most of the time anyways... Tonight though? Oh, tonight you've fallen into old habits so fast and hard that you're stuck there in that state, in the worst session you've had since it all began.
You're tucked away in your own little corner of the ruins and firelight, shadowed enough that no one's really paying attention to what you're up to. At some point, your arms have come out of the sleeves of your coat and it's shrugged loosely around you, leaving skin exposed to the chilly air. You don't notice.
It's all catching up now, all replaying in your mind like the final straw has been plucked. That horrible night at the quarry, the panic when what had been a safe place was so quickly turned into a graveyard. Leaving Jim to die. The terror at the CDC of almost being murdered as a mercy. Leaving Jacqui to die. Sophia... Dale... The farm could've been a safe place, you'd truly believed it until they were somehow just - everywhere. Patricia, Jimmy, Shane... Leaving Andrea to die...
You can feel how it's all too much for your mind to handle, how it's trying to relieve the pressure in this way. It's no good, but your body doesn't know better and you don't know how to make it stop. You can't make any of it stop. Your fingernails desperately search raw skin for any bump, or blemish, or imperfection. They're everywhere. Maybe you'd feel ashamed if bigger and uglier emotions weren't cramming it out of the way.
The cold air cools drops of hot blood on your skin, you can feel it, and yet you feel separate from it simultaneously. Like the same way you breathe without thinking about the breathing part. The fire crackles low and leaves rustle out in the trees as the others hunker down. Nobody's really sleeping though. Not tonight.
Daryl's keeping watch on the perimeter when his eyes settle on you. Your fingers pause in their assault; you can't continue with an audience. Please just look away so I can keep going, some darkness in your mind pleads. But no, you scramble to pull the coat over yourself to conceal the evidence.
"What's this?" He asks, his voice low enough that the others won't really notice.
"Nothing. I'm fine." You can't meet his eyes, shame has finally pushed its way to the forefront now.
You don't try to stop him as he slides the coat off your shoulder, revealing your handiwork. Even in the darkness, you're sure the ugly redness has to be so obvious. You're not only weak, you're weak and stupid.
He pulls your backpack over and digs through it. "Your first aid kit in here?"
You nod once, but that only initiates the tears. What feeling are they from? Anger? Guilt? Fear? This was always the worst part, hating what you've done and wishing for nothing more than to go back and undo it. After everything that had happened... pathetic.
Daryl finds the antibacterial spray and gets to work. His care and surprising tenderness only make you feel that much worse. You were so incapable of handling yourself that you've got a full-grown man treating you like... like the broken thing that you are.
After that he takes a couple of bandages and wraps them around your upper arms, fingers steady and slow. "Leave 'em alone an' let 'em heal. You're tougher than that." He packs up the supplies, helps you fit your arms back into the sleeves, then waits. You're not sure what he expects from you, but then he mimes a zippering motion. You comply and close up your coat. With a single nod, he turns and returns to his watch of the dark surrounding forest.
Maybe you're just thoroughly messed up, but you trade the repeating images in your mind for his words. The past. You have to leave it alone. You have to let it heal. You're here, now, in the present. Alive. You would be tough enough to stay that way. You would.
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thequietkid-moonie · 6 months
Getting delusional after losing his darling
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[ ONE-SHOT, YANDERE ] [ Beelzebub ]
[ Shuumatsu no Valkyrie / Records of Ragnarok ]
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Hehe I got a lot of fun while writing this, it was a really interesting prompt, I wouldn't mind writing it again 🤭
hope you enjoy it as much as i did, dear reader
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He knew this was going to happen, he always knew that getting close to you was a bad idea, ve didn't deserve you after all. But at the same time he was so desesperate to be close to you that he couldn't just get away from you, he forced this to happen when he started to follow you and now he hates himself even more for it
Despite he being a cursed man you did just smiled at him and offered your hand to him to take, he shouldn't accept it but he just wasn't able to stop himself and - the moment he held your hand on how your destiny was sealed, he know it but he wanted to believe that he could find a way to avoid it or he even had believe that he would have the strenght to get away from you before it happened, but he was a fool, an idiotic fool that was so desperate for your love that he was blinded, he chose to ignore the cruel reality and now he is paying the price
Countless have been the times that whenever he is finally able to fall sleep and try to get some rest that fades away in a second, quickly waken up by his own screams of terror at the nightmares that terrorize him every night, is always the same nightmare, and the worst is that it isn't actually a nightmare, everytime he manage to fall sleep the memory of your dead body came to him, and Beelzebub can't do anything but look at you, like if all those details where screaming at him to be look at, your terrified expression, your blood covering all your body and the floor, that immense injury on your chest, right were your hearts was once, and, at the end, his hand covered in your blood
Everytime is the same, he can't stop looking until the terror is so much that he just wakes up screaming, but he can't do anything, there is no way to bring you back and no matter what he does he can't find the comforting end he has been craving for since what feels like an eternity, he is just doomed to be tortured by the memory and the guilt, by the disgusting feeling of your warm and bright blood in his hands that seems to never leave him alone neither
Beelzebub has even tried to cut his hand off, the hand that had killed you, but not matter how hard he try he can't, not even this he can do and it just frustrated him more and more, he can't do anything anymore since the guilty feeling is eating him alive
All of this reach a point where even living is soffocating, he doesn't has to fall sleep anymore to be tortured with the memory, guilt is driving Beelzebub insane to the point where he swears he can heard Satan laughing at his missfortune everytime he wakes up from that terrible nightmare
This is too much for him, he can't even live with his own mind now. The constant toruture continued until one day a little ray of hope came to his life, one of those days where he was just trying to hold back together his own self, were he felt like he was falling apart in the most horrible way posible, when he was begging to whatever could heard him to help him this pain stop a gentle hand was placed on his shoulder, imediatly startled by it Beelzebub turn his head so fast that he could easily had break his neck, his desesperated eyes quickly found the most beautiful sight he has ever seen before (or at least that was what he felt), it was you
You were standing right beside him, your beautiful eyes filled with worry and with a little frown you asked him whats wrong with the sweetness voice in the world
In that moment everything seem to stop for Beelzebub, unable to do anything aside from looking at you in awe, he doesn't know how long it took him to be able to react again (not that he cares anyways), completely scare but at the same time desperate he throw himself into your arms, crying desperate apologies, crying his eyes out and apologizing, saying how he was so undeserving of you and how he was nothing but a monster, but at the same time expressing how much he had missed you and how he didn't know how to keep going without you
Beelzebub cried and cried until he literally had passed out because of how exhausted he was, being a complete mess but finally being able to have an actual rest. Once he finally wake up again it take him only a second to remember what happened and jump on his place, extremely scare of the posibility of not seeing you again, fearing that you being there was just a dream, but luckily for him you were still there, offering that beautiful and sweet smile that he loves so much along with a "good morning", and that was enough for him to feel like everything was going to be alright, that he has nothing to fear anymore
However, despide the fact that Beelzebub's mental state seem to slowly improve with you here is actually the opposite, he slowly insolate himself more and more as the time pass because he only needs his beloved darling for him to be alright, besides he is incredibly scare about the posibility of losing you again so he prefers to never leave your side
Beelzebub had never been liked for much people but even people who barely know him had start to worry about him, watching him go around holding onto nothing and talking to himself has become a pretty common sight, and yet a creppy one, something that no matter how much you look at you don't get used to it. His closest ones had tries to talk to him, to explain that, in fact, you aren't here but everytime someone barely just present that posibility Beelzebub quickly snaps against that person, calling them a liar in the most harsh way posible before dragging you away from those who just want to get into your relationship
Beelzebub slowly get more and more insane, depending completely on that imagine of you that makes him company but he doesn't care, that fragile imagine is enough for him to make life more bearable and he won't lose it for anything, even if that means hide from the rest of the world so it can be just the two of you
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bobohu4eva · 11 months
Good to You - Part 5
Characters: Idol!Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: Maid AU, fluff, smut
Warnings for this chapter: Explicit unprotected sex
WC: 4.1k
Tag List: @scentlacigarette @ltamiee @listxn
A/N: Last part y'all! (unless I decide it needs an epilogue lol)
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The bliss of laying there together was rudely uninterrupted by his alarm, and you both groaned at the shrill sound. He quickly turned it off, and sat up, pulling you up out of bed with him. Once standing, his hand brought your face to his one more time, kissing you with a gentleness very different from the rough passion he’d shown you only minutes earlier. He pulled away too quickly, smiling again and then he finally started getting his clothes on for the day. 
You too started getting ready, and when you stepped in front of the bathroom mirror you groaned at the state he’d left your neck and chest in. In the past he’d left small marks here and there that were easy enough to cover with clothing or makeup, but this time, he’d left you with large purple splotches reaching from your chest, all the way up to your jaw. There was no way you’d be able to cover that, and it would surely stick around for days. 
“What is it?” He must've heard your reaction, and a second later he was standing next to you. 
His eyes widened when he saw the purple marks covering so much of your neck and chest, but he also had to fight back a smile. 
“Oh shit.” He let out quietly, now shamelessly grinning. 
“It's not funny! It'll be days till they're gone, what if someone sees me leaving here and gets the wrong idea?” 
His smile vanished, falling into a look of disappointment. You could see how fast his heart dropped. 
“The wrong idea? You still want to keep denying it, even now?” It came out sounding pained, confused.
“Denying what?” You knew you were playing dumb at this point, but you felt the confrontation you’d tried so hard to avoid coming at you now at full force. 
He sighed, running one hand through his hair. The inner turmoil was clear on his face, eyes squeezing shut for a moment before finally meeting yours again. 
“Really, y/n? We have sex, we sleep in the same bed, you let me kiss you and cum inside you but you still think people might get the ‘wrong idea?’” 
He was tired, defeated. You couldn’t remember ever seeing him look this upset.
 “That’s not what I meant.” 
“Then tell me what’s going on here, please, we can't just keep ignoring everything.”
You could see it clearly in his eyes, he was pleading with you, he needed you to give him some kind of confirmation, before he broke down completely. 
But you couldn’t, and he knew that, the desperate way you looked at him told him enough. You were begging him not to take this conversation where you both knew it was headed. He didn’t want to force you to talk about something you weren’t ready to talk about, but his own frustration was becoming too much. If you weren’t going to be the one to finally address it, he would. It had been too much, for too long, and he had to get it off his chest. Now that the last barriers had fallen, barriers meant to convince you both that it wasn't ‘real’, he knew he couldn’t keep acting like this was all normal and fine. 
“I care about you, a lot, and I know you care about me too, and not just because you work for me. We both know we like each other too much and not talking about it is making me feel like i'm losing my fucking mind” 
The way your lip quivered broke his heart even more. You didn’t have it in you to acknowledge it, you’d been pushing it away for too long, but now you had to, he left you no choice. He had a right to know, you knew it was cruel to do all of this with him without ever talking about what it meant. But that was the only way you’d been able to stay sane, by denying to yourself that he really liked you, or was attainable in any real way. Having him was impossible in your eyes, and you didn’t deserve it anyway, so you lied to yourself, until you were so deep in denial that his sudden admission made you go mute.
“Please, y/n. Just tell me that I’m not crazy, tell me you care about me the same way I care about you.” 
You couldn't stay quiet when he looked at you like that, imploring you to give him even the smallest semblance of hope that you might finally validate the undeniable feelings you two shared for each other. But the words were still too hard to form, and the tears came before you could form a proper sentence. 
You choked on the first sob, but eventually forced it out. “You’re right” 
The intensity of your crying made it clear to him that you weren't able to say any more, so he just wrapped his arms around you, letting your tears stain his shirt as he reassured you that everything was okay, that the two of you would figure it out. 
When even after a few minutes your tears showed no signs of slowing down, he started to talk again, saying everything he'd wanted to for so many months, finally admitting everything to you. 
“Contacting that company, and them sending you here that day, is the best thing that's happened to me in a really long time. You know you're so much more to me than a housekeeper, and I know I'm not just your boss either. I want you, I don't want you to work for me, I want you to live here and sleep in my bed and have sex with me because there's something real between us and not because I pay you, and you know that. I told you how I feel about you a while ago already, and I know it's asking too much and I could never be a good enough lover to you anyway, but that's what I want. I just want you to be mine.”
His words hit you like a tsunami after all of the months of denial, confirming both your wildest dreams but also greatest fear. The tears had finally slowed down a bit by the time he'd finished his confession, but words were still too difficult. When you were able to pull back enough to meet his eyes, all you could think to do was kiss him. 
“I'm sorry if that was too much, you don't have to say anything, if you aren't ready.” He said when your lips eventually parted. 
You shook your head, and after a few deep breaths, finally gathered the strength to speak again. “I've been lying to myself so much, I really didn't want to believe that someone like you could fall for someone like me, you're way too good for me, I don't deserve you at all.” 
“Whoa, what? Why would you think that?” Of all the reasons to deny what had been going on, he'd never once even considered that. The confused look on his face tugged at your heartstrings.
“I'm just some girl who showed up to help clean one day, and then never really left. But you, I mean, there's a reason millions of people love you so much. You could have anyone you want, and I'm just me.” 
Despite having the strength to talk again, you were still crying. The way you looked at him when you said it had a lump forming in his chest. Baekhyun had kept the tears at bay so far, but now, he too felt them spill over. 
You could feel his tears wetting your forehead as he held you again, your words bringing on an onslaught of emotions, none being good. To him, hearing you speak of yourself so negatively was gut wrenching. 
“You're so fucking wrong, I wish you could see yourself through my eyes, even if it's just for a little while, if anything, it's me who doesn't deserve you. I'll never be able to take you out to a movie, or a nice dinner, or even just a fucking walk down the street, you constantly have to worry about crazy people seeing you come in or out of here, my work schedule is an insane mess, I’m only ever going to make your life harder than it has to be, you deserve so much better than that.” 
You shook your head as best you could while buried in his chest. “You're crazy.” 
“I'm not crazy, I just love you.” 
Both of you tensed up, he hadn't meant to let it slip so soon, but taking it back wasn't an option, he knew he meant it. 
“You.. love me?” That one word stole your breath and left you wide eyed, staring up at him. 
“I- I didn't mean to tell you so soon, and you don't have to say anything back, but yeah. I love you.”  This time, those three words were barely above a whisper.
Both hands reached for his face, resting on his red cheeks, swollen from crying, as you took him in. He wouldn't meet your eyes, too embarrassed by his slip up, and too worried that you wouldn't say it back. 
“Baekhyun?” You needed him to look at you, and finally, he did. “I love you too.” 
The way he perked up at those simple words was devastatingly cute. “Really?” 
You nodded, smiling, and he just looked so happy in that moment, you wished you could burn it into the back of your brain for eternity. 
Once again, all you could think to do was kiss each other even more, in a feeble attempt to make up for lost time. But one question still plagued the back of your mind. 
“What happens now? Being your housekeeper and working for you, it just feels..wrong” 
He thought for a second, and then a lightbulb seemed to go off in his mind. 
“Marry me.” 
He blurted it out without as much as a second thought, but he didn't take it back. Instead, he started getting down on one knee, and the tears were back, trickling down your face even more urgently than before. 
“I mean it, no more working for me, what's mine is yours, all that, I just want you here with me. Fuck the household stuff I'll do both of our laundry I'll even learn to cook, and you can hold me to that. I don't have a ring but we can go get one, any ring you want I'll buy it, and then we can go to the courthouse. We can worry about everything else later.” 
The look of complete shock still very clear on your face made him swallow, nervous, as he went on.
“Ever since I was a kid I always thought I'd grow up to get married and start a family, but then I debuted and I just kind of learned to deal with the fact that that would never happen. But when I met you, you made it feel like I was finally getting a little taste of that. Whenever I come home and you're here smiling and waiting for me, it just feels so good and right and especially since we started sleeping together it's like that dream I had before debuting is actually possible, just barely out of reach, because you wouldn't let it go quite that far, until this morning. And for a while now, every time I think about that kind of life, coming home to a wife who loves me, maybe a few kids someday, I can only imagine it with you. You're the only one I want that with. You're the one I want to make my wife, if you'll let me.” 
He looked up at you, teary eyed, but hopeful, waiting for your response. 
You nodded, and eventually, a “yes” passed your lips. 
There was a part of you that was screaming to take it back, to say no to him, but deep down, you simply couldn't. You trusted him more than anyone else, and the more it sunk in, really, truly, loved him too. Not only that, but he loved you. Of course marrying so soon was kind of stupid, and everything else was terrifying and uncertain, but if you had him, you knew you'd figure it out. You'd been staying at his place for long enough, you knew him well, and there wasn't a single ounce of doubt within you, that he would be anything less than the best husband a girl could ask for. Baekhyun was the sweetest, loveliest, funniest, warmest person you'd ever met. He felt like home. Of course you would marry him. 
It was almost laughable how dramatic it all was in the moment, but the way you both smiled and laughed while he stood up and kissed you just felt right, and you knew that was where you were supposed to be. 
“I can't believe I asked you that, and I really can't believe you said yes, what the fuck, that's so cool. I love you so much.” 
By now you were smiling so hard it was starting to hurt your face, but you couldn't have cared less. He kept peppering kisses across your face, each one paired with another “I love you”, until he finally pulled away enough to get some air. 
“You're gonna be my wife, my lovely, beautiful, caring, super sexy wife.” 
You could never get sick of his smile, it lit up the room so effortlessly, banishing any negative feelings to hell, making it impossible for you not to smile back. 
“Let's go get a ring.” He said. 
“But don't you have-” 
You both realized at the same time, that he was already almost an hour late for work, and the ring would have to wait. For a second he considered ditching again, but two days in the row would be hard to forgive. 
Luckily he was already dressed and pretty much ready, so all you said was ‘go’ and another ‘I love you’ before basically pushing him out the door, as he kept his hands on you as long as possible, insisting on one more kiss before he left. 
Now alone, you played it all over again in your head, and again, and it still almost felt too good to be true, but now you knew that it wasn't. There was no more denying it, hell, you were gonna marry him. And you couldn't have been happier about it. 
When Baekhyun finally arrived on set, not even the annoyed faces of the staff and his band mates could bring his mood down. He went right up to his friends and started hugging them, still smiling, as they looked more and more confused.
Junmyeon was the first to speak up. “What took you so long? Where the hell were you yesterday? Why are you so happy? Are you on drugs?” 
Once he'd given everyone a hug, he looked back at their baffled faces, still grinning like an idiot. 
“I'm engaged.” 
“You're what?” Chanyeol was never really the best at keeping quiet in situations like these. 
“I'm serious.” 
“You don't even have a girlfriend?!” 
That was when Sehun connected the dots, eyes going wide before laughing out loud, almost crying from his amusement. “I fucking knew it!” 
The rest of the men still stood there stunned and confused as Baekhyun just stood there with a big silly grin on his face, and Sehun had fallen to the floor from how hard he was laughing. 
“Knew what??” At least two of the others said, almost in unison. 
“He's marrying his maid.” 
They looked at Baekhyun, expecting him to argue such a ridiculous claim, but instead he nodded happily. 
“Is he serious..?” Chanyeol still didn't buy it. 
“She's not working for me anymore now, obviously, that would be super weird, but I asked her to marry me and she said yes!” 
“And you're sure that's a good idea?” 
The others were still skeptical, sure, but they hadn't seen their friend look so happy in years, and at the end of the day, that was what mattered. If he thought this was the way to go, they'd support him. 
Luckily the shoot went by quickly and they ended up back on schedule by the end of the day, and Baekhyun had never been more ready to get back home in his life. 
You too had been waiting anxiously for his return, and when he came back on time rather than an hour late as you'd expected you were overjoyed, running to the door and wrapping yourself around him before he even had the chance to close it again. 
“Did someone miss me?” 
“Are you kidding, those were the longest 8 hours of my life.” 
He chuckled, “mine too, baby, mine too.” 
His lips were on yours again in no time, his hands on your thighs keeping your legs wrapped around his waist. Holding onto him like this, he felt so nice and strong, an anchor for you, your biggest source of comfort. You never wanted to let go. His body was warm and firm and his lips tasted like home, so much so that you whined a little when he inevitably pulled away.
“Do you want to go pick out a ring?” His forehead was pressed to your own, still holding you up. 
You pouted, “Wanna stay like this.” 
“Okay my love, whatever you say.” 
He walked you both to the couch, sitting down with you now on his lap. You couldn't get enough, hands feeling up his chest and shoulders, kissing him with greed and urgency, all of which he returned. 
You two had had sex before, of course, but this was nothing like those other times. Just getting to kiss you and touch you without any restrictions made everything so much better, and neither of you had even started getting undressed yet. Just the feeling of having you on his lap straddling him, kissing him and touching him for no other reason than that you wanted to, nearly made him cry with joy. 
“You're gonna kill me, fuck, you're so perfect.” 
“Take me to bed,” you whispered in his ear, and he let out a soft moan before standing up, walking you both to his room. 
You were quickly laid down on the bed, hands impatiently tugging at your clothes until they were mostly gone. 
Baekhyun had always been… orally fixated, to say the least, and he was almost unreasonably excited to finally get his mouth on you the way he's been craving for months. His hands made quick work of your underwear, sliding them off before he placed his face right between your thighs.
“So pretty.” He mumbled, moreso to himself, as he stared at your most intimate area, making you squirm and whine for him to just get on with it. 
Instead, he attached his mouth to your inner thigh, sucking a mark onto the soft skin, before doing the same again, and again.
“You have no idea how many times I've imagined this, how fucking bad I've wanted to do this the last few months.” And then, ever so softly, he pressed his lips to your clit. 
Finally, it seemed, he was done teasing you. His tongue slipped its way between your folds, eagerly licking up your wetness, before enveloping you in his mouth completely. And fuck, was it good. 
Too good, almost. He didn't hold back one bit, devouring you with unmatched enthusiasm, moaning into your pussy unabashedly. Within mere minutes, he had you teetering on the edge, ready to cum in his mouth. Your hands were tugging on his hair, probably a bit too hard, but he was too busy to give a shit. He'd probably let you scalp him if it meant he got to stay between your legs. 
Once he’d figured out what made you whimper and pull his hair the hardest, he didn’t stop, not even when you started to fall. 
The first orgasm was like an electric shock, shaking you physically, mentally, hell, probably even spiritually. As he brought you to that first peak you twitched and writhed, broken up versions of his name falling off your lips along with moans and gasps. 
Once it was over, your thighs tried to close around his head, willing him to give you a break, but his hands just pulled your legs back open. He pushed you through the over sensitivity, straight into the build up of another earth shattering orgasm. 
He didn't want to hear anything coherent from you, and you gave him exactly what he craved. You were a mess, desperate, sweating, completely under his spell. His tongue by itself was enough to have you almost crying, begging for more, so when he pushed two slender fingers into you, you nearly screamed. 
It was too much, his mouth, and now his fingers, pushing in and out as his tongue stayed flicking your clit, sucking it past his lips every now and again to see how crazy he could make you feel. And before you even had time to fully realize where he was taking you, you were cumming again. 
Once again he rode you through it, only  pulling away when the overstimulation made you twitch so intensely you nearly kicked him.
His face, when you could finally see it again, was beaming at you, mouth and chin wet with your arousal. “You taste so fucking good.” 
His smile grew when you made grabby hands at him, and he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before moving back up your body, his hips now resting between your own. 
You tugged on his clothes, just now realizing how completely dressed he still was while you were only left in your bra. His lips pressed themselves to yours, and his hand snuck behind your back, undoing the clasp until you were fully nude, and finally, he got up to strip himself as well. 
When he was finally between your thighs again, he was naked as you, and you felt his hardness between your legs. 
“Y/n, baby.” The hand that wasn't propping him up was on your face, and the way he was looking at you stole your breath. “I love you, so, so, much.” 
Before you could return his words, his hips were pushing forward, and he was inside you. The whimper you let out was music to his ears, but he needed to hear something else. 
“Look at me.” Your eyes met his. “Say it, tell me you love me.” 
You tried to get the words out, but they got caught in a moan when he started to move, slowly rolling his hips. 
“Fuck, please.” 
His words broke the trance, and finally, you said it. “I love you, Baekhyun.” 
His lips were on yours again, and now, you didn't ever want them to leave. You just needed him close, as close as humanly possible. Your legs wrapped around him, hands on his back pushing him into you, even when your chests were already completely flush. 
You too felt how different it was, having sex, without any holding back, knowing that you loved him and he loved you. With every push into you, a moan fell from your lips, which he swallowed with his own. He somehow felt warmer, heavier, even more irresistible than you could've dreamed of. You wanted to melt into him completely, feel every inch of his body against your own, no matter how impossible that might be. This was heaven, it had to be. 
He was just as affected, so much so, that he felt himself start to lose control far too soon. 
“Fuck, baby, I'm gonna- I can't-” 
You looked at him, his eyes squeezed shut as he tried to hold himself back, but when your hand reached his face he opened them again. 
“I love you.” You told him, again, and that was all it took. A few more thrusts and he let go, taking you with him as he fell. 
You both stayed there, heavy breaths slowly mellowing out as the high faded away. Neither of you wanted to move, but the sweaty stickiness of it all finally had him rolling off of you. 
His arm was slung across his eyes, and he was just smiling so big. 
“I love you.” He said, and then again, and again, like a mantra, until your head rested itself on his chest, and his lips found your forehead. 
His love for you, and your love for him, felt so certain, like something you could almost reach out and touch. It washed over you like a warm blanket, and you layed there, using him as your pillow, with one of his strong arms securing you in place. And just like that, you both drifted to sleep, dreaming of all the wonderful things you'd do together, for many, amazing years to come. 
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lolahasmoxie · 1 year
Making Up for Lost Time - E.M.
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So like 4 months ago, I wrote "Sleep Tight" which I can't believe has over 1300 notes. Anyway, I am finally writing something else with these two.
As background, Eddie and Reader have known each other since they were kids. The reader left Hawkins after graduating (Eddie's first try @ Senior Year) and moving to Chicago for college. They lose contact with each other for about 10 years until Reader returns to Hawkins. Eddie has a 4-year-old son Ronnie, and Eddie and Reader are about 28.
Tags are at the end from everyone who said they wanted a part 2.
WORD - 1.8k
WARNINGS - smut and feels. Angst w/ a happy ending
Italics are flashbacks
You were waiting in your driveway, looking down the street anxiously for any sign of Eddie's white van.
"Peanut, we need to get going." your dad said with a sigh. Your mom was already in the passenger seat, the back of the station wagon filled with what you would be taking to Chicago. You were genuinely ready; your best friend was the only thing missing.
He had promised he would be here. He promised he would be here to send you off on your next adventure, yet the road in front of your house was silent, with no sign of Eddie's van.
"Just five more minutes, ok?" you asked, and your dad simply smiled as he shook his head. You continued standing there, arms crossed across your chest. With a defeated sigh, you turned towards your car when you heard it. The sound of a fast-coming vehicle approaching, and with a grin on your face, you watched as your best friend came to a screeching stop in front of your house.
"I'm here!" he shouted, nearly falling out of the driver's seat as he made his way towards you, not giving a single fuck about the volume of his voice and how it might irritate your neighbors at 7am.
"I knew you would make it," you said with a smile as you hugged him eagerly. Eddie looked past your shoulder and waved at your parents.
"Good to see you, son." your Dad chuckled. "Was afraid you were gonna be a no-show."
"No way," Eddie said with a grin. "Couldn't let the college girl go without seeing her off proper." Your dad chuckled to himself before he climbed into the driver's seat. "So, you ready for Chicago?"
"The question is, is Chicago ready for me," you said with a tone of pure confidence that made Eddie's heart skip in his chest.
"You're gonna be fine; you'll slay 'em dead," he said with an assured voice. He paused when he saw a look of worry flash across your face. "Hey, what's wrong?"
"It's nothing," you said, looking away for a moment before you spoke again. "It just, what if..."
"What is it?"
"What if I fail?" When you looked back at Eddie, you were met with his warm brown eyes, a warm smile spreading across his face.
"Are you kidding me? You were the class salutatorian; you're gonna do great!" Eddie said with an assured voice.
"That was here; Hawkins is a tiny ass pond compared to Chicago. What if I fuck it all up?"
"Then you come back home, lick your wounds, and we'll get you back into the big bad world." Eddie sounded so sure, but he had always been your biggest cheerleader.
"Maybe I should stay," you said quietly. Eddie let out a sigh and placed his hands on your shoulders.
"You could," he started, his heart clenching at your hopeful face." But I know you, and you would hate yourself if you didn't go." You sighed, knowing every word he spoke was accurate.
"What will I do without you?" you asked, and Eddie hated the hitch in your voice.
"You're gonna be fine. And besides, if anyone gives you problems, just call me, and I'll roll in and kick some ass." You chuckled, your hand quickly moving to wipe a few tears that had fallen down your cheeks. Eddie didn't say anything; he simply pulled you into a bone-crushing hug. He rested his head on yours, inhaling deeply and trying hard to remain stoic.
"Y/N," you heard from the car. "We gotta get going if we want to make it by check-in!" You pulled back and looked up at Eddie. You slowly pulled away but stopped when you felt his hand in yours holding on. You turned towards your friend, the one who knew you better than anyone else. He looked like he wanted to speak, and you tilted your head at him.
"Eddie," you asked quietly. He sighed before he squeezed your hand.
"Just," he said before letting out a heavy sigh. "Call me when you get there. I want to know you got there safe." You nodded before turning back towards your car. You opened the door but paused before closing it and returning to Eddie. His heart beat wildly, bracing himself as you leaped into his arms.
"I'm gonna miss you," you said, and he squeezed you tighter. He placed you back on the ground and ran a hand over your hair before running a thumb over your cheeks.
"You're gonna see me in two weeks. Plus, you're amazing; you'll have new friends in no time."
"But they won't be you."
"Damn straight," he said with a cocky grin that made you chuckle. "You'd better get going; we both know your dad is a stickler for a schedule." You nodded before reaching up on your tiptoes to place a soft kiss on Eddie's cheek.
"I'll call you when we get there." Eddie nodded as he watched you climb back into the car. He watched as your dad started the station wagon and smiled as you leaned out the window to wave goodbye to him. He stood there until your car had vanished down the road and was no longer in sight, on its way to take you to a new city and a new life without him.
He climbed back into his van and took his time driving back to Forest Hills. The ride was silent; he just didn't have it in him to turn on the radio. He parked the van and entered his trailer, standing in the center of the living room and only turning when he heard Wayne's pickup. He didn't move as his uncle entered their home.
"Hey boy, you back already from seeing your girl off?" his uncle asked with a hopeful grin. "Tell me everything; what did she say?" Wayne's grin fell when he noticed Eddie's shoulders slump.
"I couldn't do it."
"What?" Wayne asked in a quiet voice. He moved to stand before his nephew; he hadn't seen him look that heartbroken since the night the police had dropped Eddie in his care. "What do you mean you couldn't tell her?"
"She's going off to a new life; she doesn't need me holding her back."
"That's horseshit, and you know it, boy," Wayne said with gruff certainty. "Shit, you've loved her since you were 13." Eddie sat down with a huff on their old sofa. He rested his elbows on his knees, his head resting in his hands as he looked up at his uncle.
"She said thought about staying," he said quietly. Wayne's face lit up.
"Are you kidding me? That was your in, boy!"
"I told her to go." Wayne let out a heavy sigh before taking a seat next to Eddie. "I told her to go because I didn't want her to hate me when she realized she should have left Hawkins when she had the chance."
"Oh, Eddie," Eddie sniffled this time, and Wayne wrapped his arms tightly around his boy when Eddie finally started crying. Eddie hugged his uncle back, letting out his grief that his best friend had left and had taken a piece of his heart with her. His best friend had left, and he had done nothing to stop her.
The feel of calloused fingers down your back brought you slowly out of sleep. You shifted closer to Eddie, your arms tightening around his ribs as you turned your sleepy face towards him to see his brown eyes already focused on you.
"You're being a creep," you said, causing Eddie to pull you closer to his side. You couldn't help the content hum from you as you felt his lips against your hair.
"Couldn't help it; spent years dreaming about just this scenario," he said as his lips found yours again.
Your first date had been a smashing success and was hands down the best either of you had ever had. It was nothing fancy; Eddie had taken you to a movie, followed by a last stop at the diner. You had concluded that the date was going so well because you already knew everything about each other, so there was none of that awkward get-to-know-you bullshit. On your porch, you had kissed and kept kissing before asking if he would like to come in for coffee. Two rounds of coffee later, you had fallen into a blissful sleep until now.
You glanced at your alarm clock, seeing 3:15am staring back at you. Shuffling closer to him, you placed soft kisses on his chest, over the demon's head tattoo that you had held his hand through when he was 16. "It's late," you mumbled before placing your head over his heart.
"We've got time," Eddie said, and you smiled as you felt his hand lift your chin up to look at him. Before you could reply, his lips were on yours again, his tongue sliding into your mouth when you gasped at the feel of his other hand trailing down your sternum. He shifted you until you were underneath him, all sense of sleepiness gone as you felt his cock hot and heavy against your thigh as Eddie's lips moved to your neck. Your breaths were heavy when he pulled back, reaching a hand down to run his cock through your folds as a whine left your throat.
"Besides," he said as he pushed forward, entering you fully before resting his forehead against yours. "We have so much time to make up for."
His chest was pressed against yours, his hips grinding deeply against yours, hands intertwined and clasped tightly. When you came, it was with his name on your lips, heart nearly bursting when he did the same seconds later. In the afterglow, you noticed tears brimming in his eyes, and all you could think of was how you wanted to live in this moment forever. Your hands cupped his face and brought him down for a deep kiss, pouring your love into him before pulling him down to rest against you. His head against your chest, you could feel your own tears beginning as you felt his lips place soft kisses over your heart.
"Ssssh," you whispered as you ran a hand over his hair. "I'm not going anywhere, promise." He shifted his hips, his cock finally pulling from your heat as he shuffled the two of you onto your sides. He pulled you against his body, his grip firm as if he feared you would disappear into the night.
"Love you," he said softly. You felt your body blush as his lips moved against your hair. He finally let out a sleepy yawn before he continued. "Gonna marry you, so act surprised, yeah?" You couldn't help the smile as soft snores told you that Eddie had fallen asleep. You yawned, feeling sleep coming for you as well, and you pressed a final kiss on Eddie's chest before closing your eyes.
"Looking forward to it."
@kimmi-kat @feltonswifesworld87 @mrsmunsonxquinn @iguessyourejustwhatineeded @hahahafucku @emilyroxy @ihatepeanutss @mackyboo21
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sleepyboywrites · 1 year
Hii! How are ya? ^^ I hope your well, since I dont know if requests are open I might just send one in anyways, if it isn’t open though I hope you can forgive me 😭 anywho
May I request Brian/Hoodie, Homicidal Liu and Jeff the Killer with a Male!S/O who has a John Doe Personality? This link should be able to explain everything about him, also youtube helps since I know a dude who explains him
Anyways thank you!
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You're so sweet! I'm doing alright I hope you're doing well as well!! Requests are always welcome so don't be shy to ask!! <33
Brian/Hoodie, Homicidal Liu, and Jeff the Killer w/ a Male!S/O w/ a John Doe Personality
Tw: Mutual Stalking/insanity, brief mentions of violence, kidnapping, love being treated as a manipulation game.
- You met each proxy at a Halloween party. They had stopped someone from messing with your drink and had watched it for you. They smiled awkwardly at you when you returned and told you that you really should ask someone to watch your drink when you left because some people can be real douches. An act of kindness and caring so foreign to you that you quickly gained an obsession over them.
• Brian first notices you when you start following him
• He knows you're there he can tell someone is watching but when he turns around and looks for his stalker, he can't see or find you.
• Your skills allow you to ensure that he won't but your emotions are unstable at best so points of weakness can be easily observed.
• Meanwhile you keep looking for a way into his "normal" life. You learn pretty fast his life is anything but normal but you're having a hard time reading him.
• In fact you guys don't talk since Halloween that is until he finds you out and corners you weapon in hand.
• You'll try to explain yourself as he stares at you.
• If you tell him the truth of you finding him interesting but not finding "an in" to his life. He'll cock his head in confusion.
• "I just wanna hang out, honest. Meet me at the Park, 10 pm?" You'll finish with a smile as you walk away with a calm exterior but a giddy and excitable interior.
• To your surprise as you say on the swing set as the clock struck 10 Hoodie arrived. You talked and Hoodie listened with a few nods and one word inquiries and when you asked for another meeting he agreed on the condition you stop following him.
• You do... Or at least try...or find other methods.
• Soon nightly swing set talks because your "in" and after a month or so Hoodie started talking more. You guys really hit it off and you knew the lingering touches held more meaning than being just friends.
• Soon talking one a night at a park turned into him walking you home, handing you his hoodie one cold night, and then to watching you sleep and you couldn't be more ecstatic.
• You find yourself fighting the urge to just stare at him back after all he's the first person to love you the same way you do.
• You settle for facing the window when you fall asleep and using his hoodie as pajamas.
• He likes that and you know it so you use that Intel to further his insanity for you in your game of manipulation.
• Growing annoyed with your teasing Hoodie eventually sneaks in and starts sleeping under your covers with and without you, when he stops by during the day.
• When he stops by on nightly he'll snake his arms around your back and pull you into him all while muttering "mine" and "this boy is mine." repeatedly into the crook of your neck while he does so.
• One night too much is too much and he takes you. Just takes you and locks you away for himself.
Homicidal Liu
• Liu first notices you at the Halloween party, he had been sent after one of the attendants as a mission and that attendant had been the one to try and put something in your drink to begin with.
• The system knew why, as a dark thought, I mean you had a sort of charm to you that seemed to try to attract the most, intense personalities.
• When you took your cup back with a blush on your face and a small thank you on your lips, even he wasn't immune.
• Sully however starts noticing you when you start following and Stalking the system.
• "I know someone's there, come out." Silence before Sully lunges in the direction where you were hiding just for you to not be there anymore. You should've been there but with slight manipulation to your surroundings and now everything is mirrored. You are on the opposite side.
• It takes Liu an embarrassingly long time to connect the dots that his stalker and you are the same person.
•I mean after all you, the sweet boy who's been asking him to go get coffee and go on walks with the charming smile who makes him feel so normal and loved is the same one stalking him? Not possible.
• He feels like he's being mocked by the stalker so finding out the two of you are the same person came as a bit of a shock and left the System wondering which of the presented attitudes was true.
• Least violent about his confrontation. He finally catches you watching one night, pins you down and screams, "Why the fuck are you doing this y/n!?"
• You'll tell him it's because you love him and want to keep an eye on him to make sure he's safe but he won't necessarily believe that answer. Especially since he most likely finds you when his senses are sharp post kill.
• He'll confront you about that too and if you still tell him you love him, with a soft albeit slightly crazy lovesick look as you trace his scars on his face.
• A gesture you've lovingly done time and time again when he started coming to your place for hangouts and he'll lose it.
•Scoop you up at take you with him type lose it and you will have successfully obtained your goal of him falling madly in love with you. As his death grip tightens and bruises from his fingers imprinting to your skin.
• And part of him will hate himself for it because this wasn't part of the mission and what is he going to tell the operator because a boy like you? He's never going to let go.
Jeff the Killer
• The two of you meet again while stalking each other.
• While Jeff believes he's watching you sleeping soundly in your bed you're actually watching him from a tree right beside his hiding spot.
• Jeff suddenly feeling quite threatened starts searching and you who had dozed off in your spot had been spotted.
• He stares at you looks back to where he believed you to be looked back. And when he repeated that process you had somehow, unbeknownst to him, back in your room seemingly asleep.
• That caught his attention and he spent more time just observing you.
• As happy as you were about this you were also incredibly upset because now you had a much harder time watching him. While he got to watch you the easy way you had to rely on your skills which wasn't fair and frankly exhausting.
• You started to try and approach him but he'd never stay or listen. In fact most of the time he'd lunge at and attack you, and while you obsess over all the attention he gives you and find his blood lusting insanity beautiful, it was getting on your nerves that he wouldn't communicate with you.
• You eventually left a letter on the windowsill. Once things calmed down and the normal he stares at you through your window started up again. He took it you know he did and the red tint on his face made your heart melt. It seemed to be a good indicator.
• Weeks pass and he's seemingly stopped stalking you causing a near unbearable amount of despair to make it's roots in your being.
• Another one scared away without a trace and sure you could alter reality to bring him back and to watch him again but with how much you did that to watch him watch you you were exhausted and would need a moment.
• Eventually, however, a response is left lying on your bed when you get home one day. As you scan your surroundings you know someone is still in the room watching and waiting.
• You picked up the bloodstained envelope enthusiastically, gingerly opening it and excitedly reading its contents. Oh what wonderful wonderful news, he had written that with words like that he may just have to take you.
• And I suppose your red face and smile was as enough of a response that Jeff needed. Because then he lunged out of your closet, tackled you, knocked you out, and took you away.
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Whenever Feminist Mikasa pictured herself falling in love, she always imagined she would fall for a nice, respectful guy who's a feminist just like herself. Instead, here she is, on a Wednesday night, anxiously looking at her phone waiting for a 'u up?' text from this asshole she can't get out of her mind💀💀
She hates it, she can't stand it at all, actually just contemplates throwing her phone against the wall.
Because why the fuck is she still awake, it's 1 am, she has class tomorrow at noon, with the very object of her ire actually. And because as of right now he hasn't texted her, she should really be going to sleep, because the very fact that he hasn't texted her means that tomorrow she'll be taking the bus to class, which means she'll have to leave at 9 am, at the earliest, instead of rolling out of Eren's bed at 11:30 and rushing to wake him up in time for class.
She should be happy, she'll go to class refreshed, if not a little windblown from the air outside and switching buses twice, but she'll be wearing clean clothes, freshly showered, and smell like lavender and not Eren's body wash.
It'll be nice. So why the fuck can't she fall asleep, pacing around her room irritably, glancing at her phone every few seconds, her watch to see if a delayed notification has come in. This has been their routine for weeks now, text her at an unseasonably late hour of night, order her an uber to his place, they fuck, too loudly and for far too long, but god is it ever good, and then the next morning, she wakes up at 11:00 on the dot, freaks out, tries to get herself ready and when she inevitably realizes it's 11:45 and Eren is her ride, she wakes him up too. And they both arrive to their gender women's studies class in a haphazard heap of unwashed clothes, smelling vaguely of sex and body wash, and they both go their seperate ways down the aisle of the lecture hall, Mikasa to Sasha and Eren to Jean.
Where the awkward conversations will progress, and Mikasa will lie through her teeth and say she just had a 'rough morning', that her alarm clock didn't go off, and she'll vaguely overhear Eren touting some similar bullshit, but with a lot more chuckles, and suggestive remarks about 'the babe' he'd had over last night. It's an exhausting practice, so why does she want it to continue ?
And yet, even as she falls into bed, teeth brushed, hair combed, skin care complete she can't sleep. It's like she's had an energy drink, a shot of caffeine, 150 mg at 1 am, and she's revving to go with energy.
At 2 am, just as she's about to slip up and take a melatonin she is rewarded for her hard work. It's embarassing how fast she snatches her phone.
Eren Yeager, 2:05 am
u up?
She has never been more relieved in her life. She resists the urge to text back right away, she can't let him know she was waiting, physically aches, pouring over with affection for those two little words. It's a game, how long can she wait before she replies, and how long until he falls asleep, too tired to stay up for her response. Mikasa makes it a whopping five minutes.
Mikasa, 2:10 am
Eren Yeager, 2:11 am
i'm sending ur uber, be ready, i'm fucking tired.
Mikasa, 2:12 am
I hate you.
Eren Yeager, 2:13
God why does even his pathetic string of emojis give her the shivers, she's so fucking frat-boy coded now it's ridiculous.
Nonetheless, she gets in the uber anyway.
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baldeslut · 9 months
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Warnings: p in v sex, etc just smut again
This is a blurb i wrote on my wattpad! Im just putting it here because i have 2 blurbs sitting in my drafts rn and im waiting till the morning to write it on my laptop bc writing on my phone is a struggle. Anyways enjoy☺️
You're laying on the bed after overthinking what you just told Alejandro. What made you think calling him a bitchy liar would do anything? You loved him too much, but you knew he was right. He didn't cheat on you. The sniffles coming right out of your door knowing he will dash out of the house any second. Just go for it.
"ALEJANDRO" you yell
You can feel the tension in the air becoming more heavy on you. Your heart just paces as you just yelled out his name. As he comes in to your room shirtless, he starts walking towards you. He kisses you sloppily from your lips and down. He places himself under you sitting on the bed with you. No words in exchange but just the sound of heavy breathing all around. As you play around with the waistband of his boxers, his sweats start to fall off from him squirming around. You even try to keep his hips locked by keeping one hand on his hips and the other on the back of his head.
"Mm fuck you Y/n" he says
You chuckle and start pulling his boxers down leaving him bare. His kisses are leaving you weak as you slowly ride on his dick. His hands play with your hair as he gives hickeys all over your neck to indicate that he's yours and only yours. You seize his jaw pulling it away to make eye contact in between your kisses. The tingling and cramping of your thighs slow you down but you'd literally do anything for this man. His puppy eyes looking up at you knowingly that he wanted more, still. He thrusted hard into you; intentionally. It made you gasp. He clasps both of your thighs down to keep them spread apart. The thrusts of your hips set the mood; fast but swift. The way he throws his head back and his jaw loosened just turns you on even more. As you two still making out, your lips slip away from his but still containing the eye contact. His tired eyes look, and both bodies pressed against each other on the huge bed. The soft moans and groans coming from him can just lull you to sleep. Your thighs are numbing, you just can't feel them anymore. You need Alejandro to give you the support. He slaps your ass and puts his grip onto them; one other hand on your hips. Moving them back and forth, up and down bouncing on his lengthy dick. Both of you can be as vocal as you wanted. It was an isolated space, away from everyone. The feeling of pleasure escalating in your body as the sound of skin slapping against each other continues.
Your name slips out of his mouth as you can feel his shaft twitch inside of you knowing that he'll cum in you anytime soon. He tries to make you go a few more thrusts until he cums all over you. You're still deciding if you gonna hold a grudge on him after that, but it can't be.
In any way, you can't let Alejandro down after this.
A/N yes its very short and honestly i dont like it i wrote this back in may😭
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Oh my lord, I just saw a thing on Pinterest that said: Of course I cum fast- I'm a busy man. I have places to be.
And first of all- hysterical. 10 out of 10. This man will not be shamed.
Second of all, of course- Here are the Horror Men I think would abandon you after cumming themselves VS The ones that would never leave you high and dry like that (Indented):
Warnings: Orgasm denial, selfish fucking/loving
(Most of) These men in this post:
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Animal The Cannibal: If Manny calls on him I bet he would go 😅 Sorryyyyy.
Billy Loomis: He likes the feeling of you cumming around him too much for that. Don't get me wrong- he is a pretty selfish lover. It's just that, part of his pleasure happens to come from yours.
Bo Sinclair: Nahhhhh. It's not that he's wanting to be kind to you- he just thinks it's a mark of a sissy if he can't get his lover to cum for him. It's for bragging rights.
Bubba Sawyer: Yeahh... sorry Y/N. If one of his brothers call on him he will ALWAYS go.
Candyman: Look, its not always!, so don't get me wrong- Daniel is a good lover. I'm sure he is. But at times he just... doesn't have the time 😅
Captain Spaulding: Sorry doll, he's got like 3 insane middle aged children running about not cleaning up their messes and he's gotta get on that shit XD
Chop Top Sawyer: If you've got his attention, which you certainly do if you're engaging in sex with him, then he's all yours. He's all for you.
Chucky Lee Ray: He's full of bullshit but he is also quite busy so... take this as you will.
Dr Suave: Ain't nothin' gonna keep him from the face you're gonna make sweet thing... (*Cough* Sweet talker)
Drayton Sawyer: GENUINLEY REAL BUSY!! He'd stay if he could!! Don't sulk though, he'll get pissy at you.
Freddy Krueger: Damn, you're waking up! Well- Goodluck!~ (This asshole)
Harper Alexander: This man is Buckman's bitch- he literally pimps himself out for him 😅 So... yeah... Maybe you could talk to Buckman? Ask him not to call on Harper during the hours of 5-8pm On Friday Nights please??? 😆
Inkubus: Not his style.
Jack Dante: It depends on where his head is. It's hard to keep him in one place for long- if he's got his head in the clouds, his show is on, or he's got 'work to do', he'll literally just take care of himself and then fuck off. (If you manage to hold his attention though he WILL go until you fall asleep and then be there waiting when you wake up again. Stamina for days, I swear).
Jason Voorhees: The chances are, if you've gotten Jason to engage in... the act!!... then its gonna be all about you, anyway. He might not want to cum. It's in his nature to take care of the people he loves, anyway. So it's kinda the other way around, here... but voluntarily.
Jedidiah Sawyer: Too sweet. Plus, without a family shooing him this way and that anymore, he's suddenly got so much more time on his hands! Haha.
Jerry Dandridge: If he's sleeping with you his full attention is on you, and very little will have to power to stop it.
Kieran Wilcox: I love the idea that this too-cool-for-school, bastard guy- has really bad stamina (: So (: Yeah (:
Leslie Vernon: This asshole 😅 He's like sorry sweetie, I have preparations to do, *Forehead kiss*, love you so much, see ya! (He's being genuine, too. This is not a line because he's being lazy or selfish- He gets tunnel vision something fierce).
Lester Sinclair: I swear he hates leaving you unfulfilled, he really really hates it, but sometimes he just needs a little something to keep him happy before going to see his brothers and he doesn't have time to take care of you. He will when he gets back!! He promises.
Max Grief: He just wouldn't wanna leave you displeased. He wants to make you happy (:
Mayor Buckman: This one genuinly makes me laugh XD This man, oh my lord. Someone will knock on the door and he'll be OFF- forgetting in his eagerness to be do Town Duties that he first has duties to you goddamnit!-
Mental Manny: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh what a dick. I'm sorry, but a dick appointment with Manny is just that- an appointment. And like any asshole with an appointment book he will decide once he's got what he wanted out of the transaction that oh, sorry, time is up! He has to go preach to some devotees for an hour. Bye sweetheart!~
Michael Myers: You just know he would. He does not care.
Mickey Altieri: Just not a selfish lover. It's equal with him.
Midnight Man: He might think its a game... 😅
Monty Hewitt: Well fuck, who knows what Hoyt might saw off him if he ignores him this time?? Please believe him when he says he wants to stay though, he really fucking does.
Otis B Driftwood: 'I'll go around back and take control, like I always fucken do'- Otis has clearly got a complex for being the Big Man in Charge, yes. And this is part of the reason he will leave you high and dry... the other part though is him being a DICK.
Patrick Bateman: Like Michael, he doesn't care. You can finish up yourself while he gets his keto dinner started.
Pennywise: I feel like with Penny its marathon sex or it's nothin', so yeah you're gonna cum. Do not fear.
Rocco The Clown: No way in hell will anyone ever tear him away from you. Oh, no. He (And I) would like to see them try.
Stu Macher: Would also genuinely say that 😅 Will answer every beck and call of Billy's and so thinks he's a very busy man. Call him back though and he probably will listen to you. Sorry Billy.
Stuart Lloyd: Okay- this man has probably not had sex for a LONG time- if ever. So yeah- even the muse gets ignored during that time XDD 😅 He~ is~ desperate (:
DBD The Clown: Sometimes he's too tired, which is understandable I suppose, but the asshole part?? He giggles about it. I mean, after that he coughs because he has not taken care of his body, but first he definetly giggles =_=
DBD The Deathslinger: He ain't as young as he once was- you just gotta give him a moment to breath XD Usually. Sometimes he will just smirk at you and leave, though. Cuz he's an EVIL COWBOY.
The Djinn: Not his style- Part 2.
The Man: He just would =_=
The Taxidermist: Like Stuart he is has been very dry for a very long time and he is NOT about to mess up this chance.
Thomas Hewitt: I would say he's the same as Bubba... but Thomas is a little tougher. Unless Luda Mae tried to call him away... you're good. He'll always finish you off before answering anyone else. (And Luda Mae wants grandbabies too much to pull him away XDD )
Vincent Sinclair: Sex is a whole night with him. He will have planned to have the whole evening and through the night without an interruption, so you don't run into any problems like this ^^
Winslow Foxworth Coltrane: Nahhhhhhh. He's likin' what's going on here too much. Not even Otis on cocaine with a gun will separate him from you.
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hlficlibrary · 5 months
hello, do you know fics where they start dating because of a bet or one of them makes a bet to sleep with the other one
Hi, anon! I do know of some...the first is an obvious one, but I'll list a few more as well...
Soft Hands, Fast Feet, Can't Lose by dolce_piccante / @haydolce
American Uni AU. Harry Styles is a frat boy football star from the wealthy Styles Family athletic dynasty. A celebrity among football fans, he knows how to play, he knows how to party, and he knows how to fuck (all of which is well known among his legion of admirers).
Louis Tomlinson is a student and an athlete, but his similarities to Harry end there. Intelligent, focused, independent, and completely uninterested in Harry’s charms, Louis is an anomaly in a world ruled by football.
A bet about the pair, who might be more similar than they originally thought, brings them together. Shakespeare, ballet, Disney, football, library chats, running, accidental spooning, Daredevil and Domino’s Pizza all blend into one big friendship Frappucino, but who will win in the end?
More than a bet by larrysbitchx
“I bet you my signed Manchester United jersey, and drinks on me for the rest of the year if you can make him fall in love with you and then dump his arse in a week” Stan said, smirking afterwards and quirking an eyebrow at Louis who was sitting there feeling himself shift in his seat.
Or the one where Louis makes a bet to date the art freak, Harry Styles, for a week and dump him. But what happens when he ends up falling hard for him?
Milkshake by Speechless / @smokingluckiesalltheway
He's been saying it for years. He doesn't care that it makes Liam roll his eyes and Zayn sigh and Niall crack up. Lots of things he does get that kind of reaction from the boys anyway. Louis won't stop saying it, 'cause it's true. His milkshake does bring all the boys to the yard. It's a fact.
So the day he decides to get into Harry Styles' pants he says it again, when all three of his roommates are there to witness it. "I'll fuck him by the end of the month. You'll see."
my kingdom for a kiss (tonight you're on my mind) by @leighbot
“Oh fuck, I’m going to have to tell my mum,” Louis says, closing his eyes.
The silence stretches between them for a long moment until Harry starts breathing heavily. “I’m going to have to tell the Queen,” he says, “and my mum.”
Or, the one where Zayn and Louis make a friendly wager and it goes too far, Harry's a baker with a heart of gold and really great hair, Liam is an overworked PA who just wants to enjoy his holiday and Niall is completely at ease, as always. An accidentally married AU mixed with a splash of modern royalty.
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sulphuryasecretcloset · 6 months
It's just a nightmare
It's a stupid thing that triggers it. A stupid, STUPID thing. And of course it is Corin's fault.
He's making dinner and gets distracted by Grogu. He completely forgets about the food until the stench of burning meat reaches his nose and reminds him with a jolt. Running back into the kitchen, Corin grabs the frying pan and mindlessly yanks it away from the heat. The intense smell of the charred remains hits him hard, makes forgotten memories stir, and causes him to abruptly drop the pan into the sink. The loud sound of metal slamming into metal combined with Din unexpectedly barging into the kitchen rather noisily to find the source of the fire makes Corin's entire body freeze. His brain lights up with blind panic for several seconds.
“Corin?” Din calls out for him, almost a little cautiously, as he takes a step closer. “Corin, are you okay?”
His heart is racing as if he's in some kind of horrible danger, which makes no kind of sense. Corin gulps for air. “I'm fine.” He mumbles, trying to pull himself together. He's acting like an idiot. “I, uh, I...” Corin clears his throat. “I burned dinner. Sorry.”
“I wasn't hungry anyway.” Din half-heartedly jokes, inching closer like he's approaching a skittish animal. “You didn't get burned, though, right?”
Corin swallows, slowly regaining control of his body again in time for him to lift his hand and look down to see the red skin where he'd held the pan. A bit of bad luck. “Nothing a little bacta can't fix.”
Din takes a hold of his hand, studies the damage done, and sighs.
A worried coo reveals the presence of the little bean. He's standing in the doorway, looking over at them with concern all over his adorable face.
“I'll fix him up, Grogu.” Din replies. “I'll look after him, I promise.”
Corin swallows down a wave of nausea. That smell... “I'm...” That smell and some loud sounds shouldn't be enough to reduce him like this. He should be stronger than this. “I'm fine.” “Yeah. I know.” Din doesn't sound convinced. He just sounds sad.
That should have been the end of it. The bacta heals Corin's hand and Din manages to make dinner that isn't set ablaze and tastes really good. Corin cuddles and rocks the little bean into a peaceful sleep. It's a stupid moment caused by his own stupid negligence, harmless and forgotten by the time Corin crawls into bed, settles on his side and Din wraps his arms around him from behind. They fall asleep curled up together. It makes absolutely no sense why, instead of sweet dreams, a horrible nightmare rages through Corin's brain, filling him with screams and blood and shadows, until he jolts awake with a gasp and his heart now racing so fast it physically hurts.
“Corin?” Din whispers from behind him.
“I'm fine.” Corin forces the words out between numb lips. He's still curled up on his side with Din behind him, which is good because that means Din can't see his face. Corin already ruined dinner today, he's not going to ruin Din's sleep as well. It was just a nightmare, after all. Not memories. Just a nightmare. There was nothing familiar about it. Just random horror. A nightmare. Bad luck. “Did I wake you? Sorry. Go back to sleep.”
“You're safe.” Din tells him instead of asking him anything. There is a light touch to Corin's shoulder. “You're here, with me, with us. You're safe, Corin.”
Corin nods, a jerky and too eager movement. “I know. I'm fine. I'm sorry.” Or, he will be fine. His heart just needs to stop racing like crazy and the dread needs to uncoil from his belly. It will pass because it always does. He's had countless nightmares before after all. It's just a nightmare.
Din strokes Corin's arm in a soothing gesture. “You're safe.” He repeats rather than contradicting Corin's words. He doesn't sound angry or annoyed, proving yet again he's among the kindest souls in the Galaxy. “Everything is okay, I promise you. You're safe now.”
Eventually Corin's breathing returns to normal and his heart calms too under Din's gentle touch and words. He tries to keep as quiet and as still as possible so not to disturb Din any more that night. Din needs his rest. But despite knowing it was just a bad dream, Corin can't get himself to close his eyes and go back to sleep. He's haunted by some irrational dread that the nightmare might start up again. There are outlines of screams removed from his brain, voices he tells himself are random or made up, and then there is that damn smell... It's been over half a day since he burned the food and yet Corin swears the smell still lingers in his nose. He stares into the darkness of their bedroom.
A couple of minutes later, Din breaks the silence with a quiet question; “Do you want to back to sleep?”
Corin hesitates. He doesn't want to make Din worry, but he simply cannot lie to him. “No.” He whispers apologetically, knowing this means Din won't sleep either because he is that good of a man.
“Okay.” Din says, still without a trace of anger or irritation. He sits up and gets out of bed, reaching out a hand towards Corin. “Come on.”
Sitting up, Corin frowns confused. “What?”
“Come.” Din wiggles his fingers and when Corin takes it, he makes him leave the bed and follow him out of the room.
“Din?” Corin asks, increasingly confused as he trails after his Mandalorian.
“I'm making you some warm tea.” Din says, with ease, as if it no big deal to do this in the middle of the night because your partner is a weak creature who can't even get sleeping right.
However, not even guilt and self-loathing stand a chance against the feelings Din brings out in him when they sit on opposite sides in the widow sill of the warm living room and look out the window. Outside they can barely make out the snowflakes, quietly falling amidst the calm darkness, while steam rises from the cup between Corin's hands. No words are spoken. Din doesn't ask him about the nightmare or try to distract him with other topics, merely sits with him in silence with nothing but their ankles touching as the sill isn't really made to fit two grown men.
Corin's gaze shifts from the snow falling outside the window over to rest on Din and his heart glows with how much he loves this man. Din is so kind, patient and selfless that not even bad luck stands a chance against him. Deprived of his sleep, Din should be annoyed, he has every right to be, but he's not. He seems perfectly content to just sit there with him, in serene silence, watching the snow fall.
And that is how, long after the tea is gone, Corin finally relaxes, the phantom smell goes away, and his eyelids grow heavy. So very heavy.
“Back to bed?” Din asks, his voice a quiet, warm caress.
Corin manages a drowsy smile and nods. He can sleep now.
“Okay.” Din gets up and surprises him yet again by backing up to him and crouching down a little. “Hop on.”
Even if he wasn't half-asleep, Corin suspects he would have been every bit as confused. Is Din seriously offering him a piggyback ride? His lips tug at a smile. “Din...” It's Corin's brain that is messed up, there's nothing wrong with his legs.
“I would carry you back bridal style, but you're heavy and I'm too tired.” Din says with a slight grin in his words.
Corin huffs a laugh. “I can walk, Din.”
“I know you can.” Din replies, but doesn't straighten up. “Now, jump on.”
Corin hesitates, as usual, torn between not wanting to burden Din further, quite literally, and the childish urge to accept the offer. He remembers when Din had carried him on his back at the Covert and how surprised he had been at meeting Din's more playful side. He really loves that side of him.
It's silly, they're too old to be acting like this, yet... Corin fights against a smile as he does as Din asks. “Don't blame me if you ruin your back.”
“You're not 'that' heavy.” Din snorts, hoisting him a little and getting a good grip on Corin's thighs with his capable hands.
Corin grins and slides his arms around him, partially to hold on and partially to simply hug him. Corin 'is' heavy, he's far from Liita-sized, but Din is strong, in so many ways, which is probably why Din carries him, physically and more, without any problem. Corin rests his cheek to Din's shoulder and smiles.
Maybe one day Corin will be able to face the root of the nightmares, maybe one day he'll be able to tell Din about them, but right now he convinces himself it was nothing but made up horrors from his stupid brain and savors Din's warm, solid presence and knows he's safe.
There are no more bad dreams that night.
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highcaliberstupidity · 8 months
Whumptober Day 1 Cracked Brain Pans
Rating Mature CW's/Tags Major Character Injuries, concussions, broken bones, being partially buried, open ending, Ghoap if you really really squint Characters John 'Soap' MacTavish, Simon 'Ghost' Riley, Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick, Johnathan Price Summary
"-Op, I repeat, what is your condition?" What was his condition? Wrenching his arm free of the debris, he wraps weak fingers around his radio, clearing his throat with a rattling cough. "Alive, sir." He manages, letting his head fall back against the sheetrock.
Soap doesn't miss things, not usually anyway. 
Because missing things in his line of work is deadly . 
But, Soap is also human, unfortunately. 
Going on 72 hours of five-second naps doesn't help either. His reaction time is buggered and he knows it, but the others are just as bad off. 
Ghost on overwatch, running on caffeine pouches and disgusting mouthfuls of bitter MRE coffee grounds while the breaching squad relied on adrenaline and stims. 
It sucked, and they'd all crash hard when it was over. 
But all Soap could currently think about was getting out from underneath the door frame he was currently trapped under. He's not even sure how long he lays there, dazed and confused as pain splits his skull and he fights off waves of nausea and exhaustion.
It would be so easy, to give in to the crushing wave of black that keeps pushing on his eyelids, to just sleep , just for a moment. 
But he can distantly hear Price shouting his name, somehow both muffled and ear-splitting all at once. 
"-Op, I repeat, what is your condition?!" 
What was his condition?
Wrenching his arm free of the debris, he wraps weak fingers around his radio, clearing his throat with a rattling cough. 
"Alive, sir." He manages, letting his head fall back against the sheetrock. 
"Sitrep Sergeant." Ghosts haggard voice crackles in his ears, and Soap groans as he forces himself to lift his head again and take stock of himself. 
His left arm was pinned under himself, the shoulder on fire while his fingers remained stubbornly numb. Dislocated, could be worse. His spine was twisted at an odd, and not comfortable angle, but it didn’t feel broken. When he tried, his toes wiggled, which meant he still had legs and confirmed his spine was intact.  
All in all, alive, but more than a little fucked. 
"Yellow." Usually, tags were left by medics, but Soap and everyone else on the 141 understood them enough to understand the gravity of the situation. 
He was stable but in a bad way. 
"Left arms pinned, pretty sure my shoulders dislocated. Definitely got a broken rib or two, and I'm half-buried. Damn trip wires." He hisses, wincing as each breath puts pressure on everything . 
"Hold fast Soap, we're coming to you." It's Price again, and Soap scrambles to get his fingers on the radio again. 
"Negative, get that fuckin intel first, Sir." He barked, knowing he'd have hell to pay for that. "I'm solid here, no one's gonna come and look for me if you and Gaz are still on base. You said it yourself, we can't fuck this mission." 
Silence falls for a minute, and all Soap can hear is the creaking of rubble and his own pained breathing. 
"...Copy, but if the situation changes, you say something. Understood?" Price's voice is tight, and Soap can already see the expression on his face. 
"Rog, make it snappy, aye?" He quips, before dropping his hand and letting himself go limp for just a moment. 
He knows he needs to stay awake, knows he needs to start trying to free himself. 
But fuck, all he wants to do is fucking sleep . 
He doesn't even realize he's passed out until he hears shouting, feels the weight on his ribs finally lift . 
He takes in a sharp gasp of air, eyes fluttering open as he takes in the first full breath of air he's had in hours . And then the pain hits, broken ribs screaming from the pressure of his lungs as he curls into himself. 
"Soap, hold still son, hold still." Price's voice floats into his ears, and he can hear him and Gaz going back and forth over his head as agony runs like fire in his veins. 
He opens his eyes when he feels a tap on his cheek, Gaz's face swimming into view. 
"Come on, keep those pretty blues open MacTavish. How many fingers?" He sees his hand move, watches as it distorts, and watches it move three more times before his stomach clenches, and he has to shut his eyes again. 
"Can't. F-fuck, gonna be sick if I open my eyes again." He groans, feeling more debris being displaced around him as Price continues to dig him free. 
"Major concussion then, dislocated arm, definitely broken some ribs. Anything else feel broken?" 
He shakes his head, only to bite down on his own tongue as he nearly hurls again. "Na, t-think I'm okay. Just fuckin knackered." He grumbles, feels hands roaming over his body, poking, prodding, testing. 
"Sorry mate, no rest for you until we get you to med. Now hold fast, this is gonna hurt." And fuck, hurt it fucking does. Together Gaz and Price heft him up, firm hands guiding him up until he's propped with his good arm thrown over Price's shoulders. 
His Captain slings an arm around him, and he looks thunderous . Soap's definitely going to get the reaming of his life when medicals finally done with him. 
But Price doesn't say anything to him, instead gripping his radio as he hugs him close to his side. Gaz takes point and begins to lead them down the hall towards their rendezvous point. 
"Watcher, intel and Bravo 7-1 secured, he's alive but needs immediate medical attention. Ghost, move for the rendezvous, we're heading out." 
"Roger, on the move." Ghost responds, and he sounds relieved . Soap tries not to feel too warm about that.
"Bravo, exfil is five mics out. Advise you haul ass." The pilots voice crackles in their ears, and Soap can feel his eyelids drooping. 
He knows he has to stay awake, that sleeping with a concussion can kill him.
But as Price hauls him across the empty compound courtyard and towards the green smoke of exfil, he thinks a nap might not be so bad. 
He hears several voices yelling at him to stay awake, a growling staticky threat in his ear from Ghost, as his steps falter and his feet begin to drag. 
"Mmmm, just a mo, m' solid." He slurs, and Price's arm around his middle squeezes. 
"Almost to the helo son, keep your fucking eyes open, that is an order ." His Captain growls, and Soap tries, he really, really does. 
But as his boots scrape against metal and a second set of hands reaches out to maneuver him with gruff instructions, he can feel his grip on reality slipping from his hold like grains of sand. 
The last thing he hears is his name, from Ghost's mouth, as he's being laid out on the cold, vibrating metal floor of the exfil helo.
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