azspot · 3 months
It should be noted that Ramaswamy was replying to a post by Jack Posobiec, a notorious conspiracy peddler best known for his involvement in amplifying Pizzagate, the false and debunked claim that (clears throat) Satanic pedophilic Democrats were trafficking children through the basement of a D.C. pizza restaurant. (Posobiec had posted some nonsense about Taylor Swift being influenced into becoming a “super liberal” by none other than George Soros.)
The Far-Right Is Swiftly Unraveling
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lambpaca · 2 years
Hi if you consider yourself a terf, a radfem, a nazi, altright, or if you believe certain types of people are better than others and that certain types of people should die, get the FUCK away from my blog, get the FUCK off this website, get the FUCK off the internet, get the FUCK out of the house, and go get yourself some THERAPY and dont come back until you learn that not everything is about YOU, you DUMB FUCKING CUNTS
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nando161mando · 12 days
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Why is the alt-right like this?
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paleo-punk · 2 years
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This is the best, most succinct way i’ve seen this put
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That sounds like the “Majority”! Stormfront, VDARE, KKK, Proud Boys, National Vanguard, Alt-right, and the rest of them who claim “victim” status!
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
I hate it when people say “that’s not a healthy coping mechanism” as a *moral* argument, unless my coping mechanism is something that directly hurts other people, it’s not a moral augment, and I don’t owe anyone “healthy”. Weather something is unhealthy for me is only my and my therapist’s business, not strangers on the internet.
It just reaks concern trolling.
(This is about the whole trace thing, but it goes for in general)
I actually want to pivot from the trace thing for a moment because this actually applies a lot to what I've heard directed at the tulpa community SO MANY TIMES.
Even while current studies have shown positive health improvements from tulpamancers, we still are constantly hit with accusations of being unhealthy. Acceptance in the general population is a struggle that often feels insurmountable.
So many people have created tulpas to help cope with depression or social anxiety, and so often, we're accused of being unhealthy. And I just don't believe that these people are legitimately concerned for our mental health in most cases. I think it makes people uncomfortable. It's the same reason you have the alt-right claiming that transitioning is unhealthy. A group of people makes them uncomfortable, but outright bullying them isn't morally acceptable in society, so they instead try to dictate what's healthy for them when their real issue is their own personal discomfort.
If there's one thing I want to drill into people's heads, it's that you don't get to be the one to decide if a coping mechanism is healthy for someone else.
And healthy and culturally acceptable aren't the same things.
We wouldn't get a fraction of the people telling us we're unhealthy if we were getting drunk, because drinking is culturally acceptable. Someone spends an hour in the Wonderland talking to headmates and it's seen as dysfunctional. Someone spends several hours diving into video games and it's completely fine.
I am so tired of people thinking they have a right to decide what's healthy for us and other systems.
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gamer2002 · 2 years
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Tsar Russia, also known as Soviet Union, also known as Russian Federation, only ever had one ideology - cynical imperialism.
Everything else was about fooling Western useful idiots.
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lily-orchard-archives · 4 months
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May 2nd, 2017
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blackandredblog · 6 months
Anarchapulco 2024
I don't know what craziness I've just stepped into. But it's a rabbit hole that is fucking terrifying.
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I was watching a video from More Perfect Union about how the US and Puerto Rico itself have created a wealth inequality that is as profoundly unique as it is disturbing.
In a clip from this video, I noticed something called Anarchapulco in the background. So, I paused it and looked it up.
Original More Perfect Union video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4ulSk0EqX
Upon looking up this AnarchApulco nonsense, I first click to see what it costs, completely missing the fact that they have a menu at the top for NFTs.
The tickets are $600 per person.
So I click on the speaker page. It's as diverse as a Connecticut country club squash team, filled with white grifters pushing conspiracy theories, crypto, and tips to living like them (which never includes being handed their wealth or social connections to acquire wealth).
The speaker page: https://anarchapulco.com/speaker-page-2024/
The leader of this shitshow is a self-proclaimed AnCap Libertarian named Jeff Berwick. Dude pushes Crypto, NFTs, and his own newsletter called the Dollar Vigilante.
Next is Max Igan. Max Igan has links to MeWe and Rumble (far-right friendly platforms). He also uses the term "globalist" in his biography on "The Other Side of Midnight" which appears to be some sort of right-wing, online radio station.
For those unfamiliar, "Globalist" is a euphemism for Jew. It's a frequent term used by far-rights, like Alex Jones.
The biography here: https://www.theothersideofmidnight.com/bio-max-igan/
Next is Larken Rose. He's another AnCap Libertarian. He's done time for tax evasion. And is well-known enough that Wesley Snipes tried to use Rose's arguments at his own tax evasion trial.
Rose is pushing his new movie, about a plantation that likens actual slavery to wage slavery and capitalism. While there are parallels, Rose (who is white) wrote a script in which he drops the N-word in an opening scene. Beyond that, the movie is full of exposition and lacks any real talent or vision for storytelling.
I'm not going to go through every grifter on this list, because I do have actual work to do, but there are two more standouts beyond the pasty homeopaths, internet-only radio disk jockeys, and COVID deniers.
Next up is David Weiss. He's a flat earther. And I'm not just being an asshole calling him names, he RUNS the Flat Earth Podcast. He truly believes we live on a flat earth.
Worse than even being a science-denier, this dumb motherfucker has a "Flat Earth Crash Course" whose opening YouTube video features Owen Benjamin.
For those unfamiliar with Owen Benjamin. He's a failed actor and comedian that is an Olympic-level racist and antisemite. He's recently popped back up on Alex Jones' InfoWars because he needs a new audience to grift after his last scam fell through. Who'd have guessed your neighbors wouldn't let you crowd fund a members-only, "free speech" Ruby Ridge-style compound... in Idaho.
Benjamin's Wikipedia Page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Owen_Benjamin
I was going to do one last sketch on Ian Smith, but, to be honest, he's just a gymbro science-denier that sells "water treatments" and supplements.
What's the point of all this?
These grifters are insidious and the far-right is trying to appropriate leftist terminologies and twist them.
They take small grains of truth, the base rhetoric of AnComs and grow genetically modified shitmuffins from them. If you ever doubt this is happening, remember that Nazi is short for National Socialist German Workers' Party.
Watch yourselves out there, keep your heads on a swivel, and don't assume that people are who they say they are.
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burnmyh4nd · 5 months
eu me descobri lgbt num periodo em que aqui no brasil tava em ascenção o discurso neo conservador e o panico moral em torno de lgbts
e eu tenho muito medo hoje em dia de sequer interagir com crianças e me olharem como predador
es adultes
pq as crianças raramente demonstram como se estivessem com receio ou medo de mim
e eu realmente gosto de estar perto de crianças, mas hoje em dia, mesmo quando tenho oportunidade, evito, por medo de apanhar ou de ser acusado de abuso. e não é um medo como os medos do toc, é um medo bastante apropriado.
mas es adultes
porra essus são foda
e se eu falar essas paradas muita gente vai falar que eu to imaginando coisa. ou que é normal pais terem medo por sues filhes. como essa proteção/medo não fosse atravessada por estigmatização.
quero a se foda quem passa pano pra esse povo nojento
i came out as lgbt in a time when alt right was in ascension in brazil, and the moral panics around lgbt and trans people, especially with the discourse of children's security/protection
today i'm allways afraid to be around chuldren and for people to see me as a predator
and i really like to be ariund them (but i never am, even when it's possible, bc of fear)
and they rarely seem afraid or something like that around me
but the adults
man they are though
and if I say any of this, many people will say i'm delusional. or will say the adults are right, that is normal for them to be afraid for their kids. fuck them, like this protection/fear isn't real or biased.
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sleepyzane · 8 months
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azspot · 9 months
But a parallel development was also taking place online, outside of the public spotlight. Dissident right wingers, angry with neoconservatives and embittered about changing demographics, were finding one another and building forums and networks that would be greatly enhanced in the coming decade by the power of social media. The wide open space of the internet created a mass, if diffuse, audience for forbidden ideas and both incubated and spread the distinctively bleak and transgressive culture that emerged on sites like 4Chan. It likewise enabled alt-lite venues to outflank mainstream conservative outlets by selling sensationalist and edgy political content. In the context of Trump’s emergence and subsequent victory in the 2016 election, there was an assumption, mostly correct, that the ideological guardrails had collapsed.
The Rise of the Alt-Right
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A man broke in to the house of the U.S. Speaker of the House of Representatives in a potential assassination attempt. And while said assassination attempt was meant for the person who is SECOND in the line of succession, she was not home. So, the attacker got her husband instead and violently assaulted him with a hammer.
Most of the response to this I have heard so far vary from conspiracies that this attack was was actually motivated by a quarrel over an affair to, "Well, I don't much like democrats anyway. Fuck Nancy Pelosi."
Have we been so desensitized to right-wing, fascistic political violence that we cannot see the severity of this? You don't have to like the democratic "establishment" or party leaders to understand the gravity of this and to understand that this is a symptom of a very large and very serious issue.
I listen to NPR's WBEZ while at work. And they regularly interview Kathleen Belew, a tenured associate professor of history at Northwestern University and an international authority on the white-power movement, when news stories involving right-wing violence are in the news cycle. (Belew wrote the books Bring the War Home: The White Power Movement and Paramilitary America and A Field Guide to White Supremacy.) Getting my information from sources such as Belew combined with my educational background may be part of the reason why I find stories like these alarming.
And I-- I really don't know what I can do to convince people that this is serious beyond educating people about white supremacy and the dangers it presents:
This is some of the sort of stuff I casually listen to. It's not uplifting and it's not comfortable, but it's also a privilege to choose to be blissful in the face of such serious threats to people's lives, the achievement of civil emancipation, and the creation of a democratic union.
The attack of Paul Pelosi is part of a series of similar events happening all over the country from the death threats our office has received, to armed vigilantes in tactical gear waiting in the parking lots of polling locations, to the attempted kidnapping of Governor Whitmer. And the people being charged in these crimes are all citing a similar pipeline of radicalization that has been endorsed, not denounced, by the GOP.
Make no mistake, this is a pattern that shows a rise in fascist behavior.
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nando161mando · 10 months
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Twitter is now paying people to spread hate
Reminder: if you’re still on Twitter—your presence and your interactions generate revenue. You’re literally funding the alt right.
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paleo-punk · 2 years
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Just openly admitting with their whole chest "losing arguments radicalized me" like some sort of infant. When I lose arguments I just learn and change. Imagine being such a self sabotaging idiot that you go the other way, by doubling down on your stupidity. Couldn't be me lmao.
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ogmagzi · 10 months
Joel Davis is continually attacking Libraries for hosting LGBTQI+ events.
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we need to counter act this hate!
// OG Mag_Zi
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