#also used the recommended weather mod for it too
nvoc · 4 months
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cripplecharacters · 2 months
Do you know any good sources for burn scar care?
I’m writing a character who was burned in a spaceship crash. The story is set several years after the fact, and I want to incorporate that detail into the story. What would a burn scar care routine look like?
I generally recommend medical websites for this kind of stuff. There are tons of information readily available online, especially about things as common as a burn injury. Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors or MSKTC can be helpful for you!
While caring for a burn scar will be different for everyone (there's many types, degrees, plus just individual differences between burn survivors themselves) some of the things that you can include;
Burnt skin doesn't produce its own oils, so it gets dry. It needs to be moisturized, oil-based products (think coconut or grape seed oil) are often used. The heavier the lotion, the fewer times a day it needs to be applied.
Massaging a scar, especially when it's relatively new. It can be a massage, but stretching or just putting pressure on it is part of that too. It helps the skin from becoming extremely sensitive. Initially you do it delicately, but after the scars are matured it's fine (or recommended even) to put some force into it. This loosens them up.
Itching is a huge issue. Both massaging and moisturizing help with that, but if it's still causing problems then there are medications that could provide some relief.
Protecting the skin from the sun. All year, including cloudy weather. Sunblock, big hats, sunglasses if needed, all that. This applies to people with darker skin as well because the skin loses its pigment after a burn (it can sometimes come back but it's definitely not a guarantee).
Avoiding the heat. A lot of burn survivors will have problems with temperature regulation because burns damage the sweat glands, so they overheat faster. There's nothing burn-specific here, same protocol as for avoiding a heatstroke - drink water and keep out of the sun.
Wearing softer and looser clothing. Rough and tight clothes can cause blisters, and that is a Problem. Inappropriate materials could also induce more itching.
Taking pain meds. Chronic pain is common, so your character might need medication.
I definitely wouldn't say that this is an exhaustive list, but I think it's a good start! If you need more details, I think the resources linked above should work.
I'm glad to see people interested in burn scars being a disability that requires a lot of care rather than seeing it as a solely visual thing! Makes it much more authentic :-)
I hope this helps!
mod Sasza
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leidensygdom · 2 months
I've seen you posting about what I think is a DnD campaign, and I'm wondering what software the screenshots are from?
It is a DnD campaign, even if an odd one!!
We use FoundryVTT, which is an absolute godsend. It's a Virtual TableTop (like roll20), with a few differences:
It's single payment. $50, but it goes on sale, and it's very lenient with the license (one person gets it, the whole group can use it to DM as they'd wish! they don't really care)
No subscriptions or extra payments after that. You get the entire software with all of its utilities for that.
It's self-hosted (think like Minecraft servers) but it's easy to set up and it's wonderful since you don't need to worry about storage
It comes with just all sort of functionalities out of the box and it's far much more fleshed out than roll20. There's a lot of integrated TTRPG systems in it already (including 5e, Pf2e, Blades in the Dark, Call of Cthulhu, etc), which update constantly
The software itself is also actively updated and they add more functionalities constantly- It's already VERY good, but they keep expanding it!
A very important one, but it allows modding and has a very active modding community, so if there's a functionality the base software doesn't have, chances are that someone already did it. for example, the healthbar or the turn markers are mods
Honestly the devs are pretty cool too and I appreciate the work they do
For some of the cool functionalities it has that I really use (most of which roll20 doesn't have)
It's just really well optimized and they actively work on optimizing it further with every update!
This one is very important to me, but it allows animations natively, which I use quite a bit for animated tokens. There's people who have done animated spell effects and such too. It supports webm, which are much better than gifs
Overall a LOT of visual customization. You can set lights in the scene with lots of animation, filters, there's a mod to add weather and particle effects, you can have forehead tiles (basically stuff that is over the character), etc.
The sheet and inventory management system is so much better than roll20! you can drag and drop features, classes, spells, all that sort of stuff. Pf2e's module is particularly well done and you can just drag about everything and get a sheet ready in no time
it has a delightful vision system with integrated walls, fog of war and so on (yknow, that thing that roll20 has behind a paywall, but better)
integrated rulers and templates too!
and of course just endless customization with mods
a really nice system for journals, player notes, handouts, etc
fairly specific but you can make both lootable chests and interactive shops for your players with a mod and I LOVE that
I could fawn ALL day about how much I love this software. I ran my campaign in roll20 for two years and the amount of wrestling I had to do with it was infuriating! I really recommend FVTT to pretty much anyone. It can be a bit overwhelming at first since it's a bit harder (given how much functionality it has), but once you get used to it, it's hard to go back to other stuff tbh
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genderqueerdykes · 2 years
do you have any tips on passing (or just looking more masc) for pre-transition trans guys?
sure, i do! =) i had to spend a long time in that phase!
cutting your hair is very scary and often times the hardest thing to commit to. do NOT force yourself to cut your hair right away if it scares you. work on your wardrobe, accessories, and how you act and talk first. if you want to chop all your hair off, however, i recommend doing it. go for the longest hairstyle you'd be comfortable with, then you can work your way down shorter if it's too long. you can experiment to find what you like, i just honestly recommend googling "modern men's hairstyles" or whatever to get a good idea
trying to push your voice ALL the way down into your chest at once is not going to work, but if you slowly start deepening your voice by speaking less out of your nose/throat area, you can begin to masculinize your voice and prepare it for T, if that's where you're headed. you can literally just practice talking like guys or people with husky voices. i also recommend listening to how guys and masculine people talk and just kind of practicing their mannerisms. it's okay to emulate someone from a movie, show, etc. and practice how they act
also watching how men and masculine people walk, sit, hold themselves, etc. goes a long way, even changing how you hold your shoulders helps. pay attention to if you sway your hips a lot when you walk.
as for clothes, like many other trans men, I preach the gospel of layering clothes! this is what helped me a lot when i was in school. I would wear tank tops underneath t shirts underneath a button-down shirt when the weather was appropriate, and it would create enough layers to draw away from the chest while i was still using sports bras instead of a binder
men's jeans actually have a wider variety of cuts than you'd think, and you can experiment with different ones you like. you can also look into men's slacks, shorts, and things like cargo pants. i love cargo pants, but i guess that makes sense as a butch lesbian LOL. i don't understand why people hate them, having pockets is literally a lifesaver. men's shorts are also really fun, honestly basketball shorts are a very trans manlook. we love basketball shorts
small masculine accessories can go a loooonnngg way. i used to wear a wallet chain, for example, and i used to stack masculine necklaces like thick chains, dragons, stuff like that. boots and hiking shoes are also very masculine, as well as most brands of sneakers. you can even get away with converse and vans if you're an emo/alternative boy. if you're into body modding, eyebrow and bridge piercings are very masculine.
some trans men do wear masculinizing makeup, such as painting on five o' clock shadow, putting mascara in one's eyebrows and/or facial hair if you have a natural/light mustache, contouring the face to look more rugged and masculine, such as making one's cheek bones look more pronounced and steep, squaring one's jaw, pronouncing and sharpening the brow ridge, and so on.
basically it's up to you how hard you wanna push it! hope that information was helpful! that's a list of things that can help you before you've transitioned or started hormones! if you'd like to know anything else feel free to stop by and send another ask, take care, stay safe! love yourself
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misty79 · 3 months
Stardew Valley Basic Mods Guide
I’ve been playing a lot of stardew valley because 1.6 is dropping soon and I’ve never done a Joja run before, wanted to see it before there were any potential changes. Anyways since I’ve been playing modded and while looking for new mods I realized it’s kinda overwhelming to find ones I like, so here’s some I recommend.
First off How To Mod Stardew Valley its much easier than it sounds. Every mod requires SMAPI or Stardew Moding API, Follow that link or go to nexus mods and search SMAPI then do manual download, slow download, then unzip the zip folder into your stardew mods folder (i recommend pining this to quick access), then follow the instructions in the installer and your all set, just add any mods to that mod folder, unziped, and your all set. Trouble shooting Guide on the stardew wiki or linked in the description on the nexus page.
Note, there are other ways to download mods that aren't through nexus, but nexus is the most simple in my opinion and has the most mods on it.
UI info suit, if you’re watched any modded playthrough you’ve seen this one. It adds icons under the mini calendar on the top right showing your daily luck, if the traveling merchant is there, if it’s someone’s birthday, if Queen Of Sauce is on, how long machines or crops take to finish, and so many other things you can check out on the nexus page
To-Dew, the name explains it pretty well, it is a to-do list that you can add things to and they show up in the top left corner. These can be daily, seasonal, a certain day of the week, certain week of the season, one day of the season, raining/not raining on farm/island, you can add headings if you have a lot on the list. It is one of the most useful mods I've found.
Convenient Inventory, sorts items from your inventory to nearby chests, you can also favorite items so they are not sorted out of your inventory
Generic Mod Config Menu, This mod allows you to change settings on almost any mod added while in the game from the bottom of the game settings page.
Visible Fish, Another super popular mod for almost any playthrough you could find, adds catchable fish to waters and optionally trash.
Dynamic reflections, Adds reflections to the water, puddles after rainy days, stars in the water at night
See NPC Map locations, Just what it sounds like, shows NPC locations on the map
Stardew Notification, adds more notifications for machines, cave harvests, morning silo report, next day weather, birthdays and more
CJB Show item sell price
Seasonal Outfits
Dynamic night times, adds transition skylines between day and night
Part of the Community, when you talk to or gift villagers if others are near they also gain friendship
Skillful clothes, Adds skill increase to clothes based on what they are, ex farmers pants +1 farming, sailor top +1 fishing
Cat Gifts, your cat will occasionally leave gifts for you
Happy Birthday, Adds your birthday to the game, on your birthday villagers will gift you when talked to
I have over 100 mods downloaded so there's more I can talk about but these are my favorites and don't change the game too much.
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simslegacy5083 · 1 year
Say Goodbye to Bad Townie Fashion With MCCC/MC Dresser!
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One of the biggest game changers for me playing Sims 4 was learning how to use MC Command Center Dresser to auto generate pre-selected outfits on the townie sims.  
There are a bunch of sites out there that go over the process, but I wanted to try and make a basic “one stop shop” of all the things I have learned and do to make my game the best it’s ever been!
First some notes so you aren’t disappointed:
Pre-Seasons Townies and the Seasons Expansion Pack: MC Command Center fixes outfits when an NPC is generated or ages up.  In a new save that means the fix will NOT be applied to the hot and cold weather outfits of NPCs like Don Lothario or The Pancakes, who are already in the new world when it loads.  
To fix this you can create a template save of your own and fix it permanently yourself (highly recommended) or run the dresser cleaner cheat in Step 3 of this article every time you start a new save.  
Career, Situation, and Create-A-Sim Outfits: This process will not alter the outfits generated for careers, situations, or when generating a band new sim in CAS.  
Turning off situation outfits will be covered.
I haven’t found a permanent way to alter career or create-a-sim outfits but career outfits in my experience are mostly OK and when creating a sim, I think most of us are taking the time to change all their clothes anyway.  
Be mindful when you download sims off the gallery, if the user didn’t have Seasons you might end up with some funky hot and cold weather looks!  I always recommend a quick check.
OK – now onto the good stuff!
Step 1: Watch This Video
I learned about this magic from this 7-minute video.  It’s still the best one I have found to cover the basics of what we’re trying to accomplish.
Don’t worry too much right now about adding your own saved outfits.  That’s a nice extra but its not the main way you’ll want to begin this process. More on that below.
This video also covers getting rid of the situation outfits I mentioned above.
Step 2: Create/Download Your MC_Dresser.cfg File
In order for MC Dresser to work it needs saved outfits to pull from.  These comes from your mc_dresser.cfg file.  You don’t have to try and create your own from scratch, other wonderful simmers have already done that for you!  
Below are links to 4 sites that have shared their dresser files. To make it easy I have combined all the basegame items into 1 file for you (all credit to the original creators!).  My all in file includes outfits for all life stages, including infants.
HardTurtlePirate NPC Fashion
Lover’s Lab Fashion Police
Just Eva Bad Townie Outfit Fix
EG Warhammer MCCC Dresser Tips (1) Basics
My All in One file
You can add onto your existing dresser file at any time (that’s were the save new outfit option from the video comes in handy).  You can also easily delete a saved outfit you no longer want.
Put the .cfg file in your mods folder, wherever you keep your MC Command Center files.
Step 3: Run the Dresser Cleaner!
This is covered at the end of the video in Step 1.  If you don’t do this, you will not see your new outfits. You can do this at any time, as often as you’d like.
Step 4: Don’t Lose Your .cfg File!
MC Command Center needs updated on a regular basis and the last thing you want to do is accidently toss your precious dresser .cfg file out when updating.  The mc_dresser.cfg file should be copied and added back to your mods folder each time you update the mod.
That’s it!  It may sound like a lot but its actually really easy to do and if you’re like me you’ll thank yourself a thousand times over for taking the time to do it.
Happy Simming!
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sahmandbean · 1 year
Inherited Manor Challenge 2023 - a Sims 4 Gameplay and Build challenge for anyone who loves games like Homescapes and Lily's Garden
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TW: fire, murder
Lucky Montresim took his name a little too literally on a recent Batuu vacation and found himself in serious gambling debt. In an effort to pay off the debts quickly and avoid being taken by a bounty hunter, he decided to list the family manor. The housing market took a downturn and the house didn’t sell. Driven insane by the stress of looking over his shoulder every minute and now the failed sale of his home, he turned his rage towards his neighbors and invited them over for one last dinner party. Surely their antics had resulted in the property values tanking and left him in this mess! Poor quality Pufferfish Nigiri was only the first course of punishment for the failed home sale: his “friends” found themselves locked in various rooms, lit up by fireworks, electrocuted, and even the subject of voodoo. Lucky burned as much of the evidence as possible, but it seems he either left or was taken before the manor burned completely. Once the news hit the family, they drew straws and decided you were the one who had to deal with the mess. You’ve always been the black sheep of the family, so while you are pretty sure the draw was rigged, you’re not mad about this fresh start. You have $1000, the photos from the real estate listing, and a heck of a lot of ghosts to deal with.
Content order: Maps Gameplay Rooms Links I will make a separate post with FAQs because otherwise this will be entirely too long.
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If you have all of the required packs, I recommend using the save file for the full experience:
Cottage Living
Island Living
Get Together
Laundry Day
Get to Work
Discover University
Tiny Living
City Living
Cats and Dogs
If any of these packs are not in your game, it will affect the save file. There is also a gallery download available which has been adjusted accordingly; burned items have been removed, etc.
Start as a single Young Adult sim. Gender, lifespan, aging, neighborhood stories, season length, and weather effects can be set to whatever you want to play with. There is no time limit.
If playing with the save file:
Load the game from the Load Game menu, not Resume
Select the lot and move in a new household
Create or place your Sim in CAS
If playing with the gallery download:
Select the save file you want to play in, whether new or existing
Place the lot ‘Inherited manor 2023’ on a 64x64 lot. I used the mainland lot in Windenberg.
Once the lot is ready:
Create or locate your Sim
Use ‘freerealestate on’ to move onto the lot
Use ‘testingcheats on’ and ‘money 1000’ to set your starting funds.
The main objective is to restore the manor one room at a time by cleaning, fixing, and refurnishing each room to reach the target Simoleon amount. Some rooms contain ghosts, some are more damaged than others, some require specific items (read as at least, not at most), and all those things are listed below and available in the ‘Listing Photos’ your Sim has access to to help with the challenge. These listing photos are below with each room requirement.
The listing photos are merely suggestions: you can redecorate however you like, so long as the requirements are met! And once the challenge is complete of course you can do whatever you like with the lot.
Lot traits and challenges are allowed.
No selling landscaping or furniture from finished rooms to make a quick buck!
You can earn money any way in the game, but no cheats for money! Get a job, kidnap the neighbors, even marry Father Winter, but once the game has started you shouldn’t be opening the cheat bar for money anymore (aside from the ghosts).
Mods are permitted but if you want to keep the bragging rights of completing the challenge, please keep them in the spirit of the challenge: no hundred thousand dollar child support payments, living on multiple lots, etc.
Marriage, kids, etc are all allowed BUT spouses and kids must live on the lot with you until Young Adulthood.
When you reach the Living Room, you will also have to start a graveyard. This is the only time you’re allowed to sell some landscaping; if you need to rearrange or make space for the headstones.
When you finish a room with an urn, place it in the graveyard. You may either release the ghost and receive a gift from the afterlife ($1000 through the rosebud cheat) OR add the ghost to your family to put them to work. You may not simply leave the ghost wandering as you found it. The poor souls have been through enough: give them rest or a family.
If playing with the gallery download, you can add a ghost to your family by doing the following:
Open your cheat bar and type ‘testingcheats on’ and ‘cas.fulleditmode’
Shift-click your Sim and select “modify in CAS”
Use the “add Sim from gallery” option to add the ghost to the family
You can find all of the manor ghosts in the gallery under “[ghost name] IMC2023”. For example, when you complete the laundry room, you can add Eliza Pancakes by finding “Eliza Pancakes IMC2023” on the gallery. They have been calibrated to not affect household funds, but if that bugs out (I know, this game? Have issues?) either work it into your story or use ‘money xxxx’ to set your funds to what they were before adding the ghost.
You may revive and/or marry the ghosts, but not with cheats.
Bills will be about $16-18k/wk assuming you don’t have any lot or character traits to modify it (those are allowed). If the repo man takes anything from a room you have already finished, you must replace it before you continue.
If an item breaks in a room you have already completed, you must repair or replace it before continuing.
To check the value of the Room, go into build mode and select the Room. Some Rooms are made of multiple rooms: for example, the carriage house is three rooms on the main floor and one room on the second. Add all the individual rooms together to get the total for the Room by selecting each space, selecting “save room” (no need to actually save it of course), and adding the totals and checking them against the Target Amount listed below. This price will include walls and windows, so it’s less than you think. No need to grab top notch appliances for the Carriage House just to hit the goal!
Gallery players: because you do not have the smoke and fire damage, you must keep the ‘Filthy’ lot trait enabled until the last room is completed (assuming you have City Living). You can also enable and keep Gremlins if you want to replicate the ghostly chaos other players are experiencing, or add some ghosts of your own, or take the advantage.
Optional gameplay if this isn’t enough of a challenge:
Double the Simoleon requirement for each room. As it stands you pretty much just need to replace everything to reach the goal but if you want to be forced to decorate more, double the amount you need to hit before you can move on.
Enable all your lot challenges and remove one at a time at random as you complete rooms. You may choose to NOT remove the randomly selected lot trait (ie, keep Off the Grid if the bills are too much already) BUT you must complete another room before rolling again. One room, one roll, take it or leave it. Gallery players must keep ‘Filthy’ until the end.
Change the lot type to Haunted House.
Revive Paolo Rocca and Jade Rosa and return them to the Partihaus household.
In the end, I want you to enjoy this challenge. If it becomes too frustrating to play, take a deep breath, gift yourself a little cash, and keep redecorating and saving those ghosts!
Huge special thanks to my amazing playtesters: Alasmina daleksndemons Jellyfluff131 katie.dickman otherlaine
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1: Carriage House Target amount: $10,000 Ghost: none Must include: full kitchen, bath, and bedroom with dresser/wardrobe
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2: Entry Hall (three levels, but the second level doesn’t register as a separate room in build mode because reasons) Target amount: $25,000 Ghost: none Must include: one skill or activity item, one art piece $2,000+, two matching art pieces over the door (where the knights are)
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3: Living Room Target amount: $15,000 Ghost: Ulrike Faust Must include: seating for five, fireplace, one skill or activity item
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4: Laundry Room Target amount: $10,000 Ghost: Eliza Pancakes Must include: full bath and laundry. If no Laundry Day, plus one skill item
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5: Kitchen Target amount: $17,000 Ghost: Gunther Munch Must include: full kitchen, plus one skill or activity item
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6: Dining Room Target amount: $15,000 Ghost: Julia Wright Must include: seating for 8, fireplace, three pieces of art
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7: Game Room Target amount: $20,000 Ghost: none Must include: three games or activities, one skill item, seating for three aside from any game tables
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8: Library (two levels) Target amount: $23,000 Ghost: Reuben Vu Must include: desk, four bookshelves, fully stocked fish tank (or three fishbowls if you don’t have cats and dogs)
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9: Conservatory (two levels: includes small balconies) Target amount: $20,000 Ghost: none Must include: two planters, fountain, seating for five, chess table, eight plants
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10: Ballroom (two levels) Target amount: $46,000 Ghost: Paolo Rocca Must include: piano, guitar, bar, mic, seating for eight; dance floor and DJ booth or the Landlord Whisperer if you don’t have Get Together.
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11: Pink Bedroom Target amount: $13,000 Ghost: Bob Pancakes Must include: sleeping space for two, desk/table, dresser, two skill or activity items
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12: Blue Bedroom Target amount: $10,000 Ghost: none Must include: sleeping space for one, dresser, two skill or activity items
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13: Family Bath Target amount: $7,000 Ghost: Jade Rosa Must include: full bath, two sinks
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14: Main Bedroom Target amount: $30,000 Ghost: Penny Pizzazz Must include: full size bed, seating for two, full bath, two dressers, one skill or activity item
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15: Gym Target amount: $15,000 Ghost: Summer Holiday Must include: treadmill, weight machine, punching bag, stereo, large mirror 
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16: Orange Apartment Target amount: $20,000 Ghost: Rosemary Briscoe Must include: full kitchen, full bath, sleeping space for two sims, dresser, fireplace, seating for five, desk
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17: Green Apartment Target amount: $15,000 Ghost: none Must include: sleeping space for two, full kitchen and bath, dresser, desk, two pieces of art
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18: Yellow Apartment Target amount: $30,000 Ghost: none Must include: sleeping space for two, full bath, full kitchen, dining for four, bar, additional seating for two, one additional skill or activity item
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19: Back Deck, halls, and small bathroom Target amount: $30,000 Ghost: Johnny Zest Must include: half bath, grill, three planters, DJ booth or stereo, bar, seating for 12
To place the save file, use this link and download the file.
Go to Documents > Electronic Arts > Sims 4 > Saves. BEFORE SAVING MAKE SURE THE FILE NAME DOES NOT MATCH ANY EXISTING FILES. You can now load this save when you open your game just like any other saved game you have created. This is not available for console players and I am also very sad about it.
To download from the gallery:
Lot title: Inherited Manor 2023 Ghosts: [ghost name] IMC2023 Gallery ID: sahmandbean Gallery hashtag: IMC2023
This is a link to the FAQs post here on Tumblr
This is a link to the Reddit post
This is a link to a video guide to help you get started, if you're interested
This is a link to the official Inherited Manor Challenge Discord Server
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mayorwhiskers-ii · 1 year
Sims 4 Townie upgrade SAVE FILES V1 & V2
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I have two save files to share for anyone sick of starting new saves with the warped and poorly put together townies we all know and *cough* love. 
What am I offering? Two versions of a Vanilla CC FREE save file. One for townie makeovers and one for those same makeovers plus world changes. 
Packs Used (though I tried to balance game packs and stuff packs where if you don’t have a few listed only a few clothing pieces would need replaced in game and tried not to use kits on townies at all): ALL EXPANSIONS up to high school. GAME PACKS: outdoor retreat, Spa day, Dine out, vampires, parenthood, Strangerville, Realm of Magic, Dream home decorator, Werewolves. STUFF PACKS: Movie hangout, romantic garden, kids room, backyard stuff, vintage glamour, toddler stuff, laundry day, Moschino, Tiny living, paranormal stuff. 
V1: Townie appearances are updated and clothing updated/used across packs  (see below for more details and download)
V2: Everything in V1, but also with updates to townie homes as well as a few community lots (Thank you to a whole slew of different creators big and small on the gallery- save a build to your library to view original creators and visit their profiles please!) And a rehaul of the Clubs system from Get together that now includes perks for sims across worlds to want to join them if they can. Sims also have more relationships and every sim has a character bio. 
Again, these are only the most basic changes made to start new plays or worlds in, the point is to change them. grow them, shape them from here in any way you want. If you want to change a few things cool, if you want to change everything cool. I just got tired of making the same changes and having a world full of sims I needed to tweak so I made this for me and decided to share. 
V1: DOWNLOAD HERE -SFS- Townie appearances are updated (see below for more details) and clothing updated across packs
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I do love the townies so what I did for myself originally is go through and remake all of them CC FREE to give everyone a little glow-up. I slightly corrected (darkened) many skin tones, made faces and bodies a little more balanced and believable (lowered chests, thickened thighs and waists, etc), I updated their styles to include cold and hot weather wear (and corrected outfits that made no sense). I adjusted a few walk styles, and I even restyled a few households to better suit my preferences because it’s my base save file. For example, Roomies are now styled after Golden Girls rather than The New Girl -residing in oasis springs. Baby Ariel is now Billie Eilish. The game now also includes the Broke and Smith households from S2 and the Pleasant Family includes the parents. 
The only changes to the world are a few of my own community builds tossed down but easy to remove or replace them if preferred. 
This version is purely townie aesthetics 
V2: DOWNLOAD HERE -sfs- Everything mentioned above but now with clubs that range across the worlds rather than just in Windenburg. After becoming a 3 star celebrity join the ranks of Judith Ward to gain boosts to your career and even more social acclaim. As a vampire, join Vlad’s clan for skill boosts around your vampire powers, but be warned that the spellcaster coven takes issue with your clan. Maybe you just want to join Summer Holiday’s Yoga group- that’s fine too! Plus, houses are updated from the gallery for lived on lots- though you’re welcome to change them however you wish. Relationships are updated, so finally, Zest knows the Landgraabs. 
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Also, this is completely optional, but if you wish to have your sims look even better with almost no CC, I use and recommend this default skin HERE (tumblr) by @plumbheadsims​ and default eyes -heliantheas super bland comic eyes default HERE (Mod the sims). 
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rockethorse · 1 year
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Day 3: Four fully-furnished starter tiny homes at varying budgets!
Most starter homes are meant to be blank canvases, but I wanted some that already had personality so you could jump right into playing. I was also inspired by “smallest home possible for X Sims/Y budget-” YouTube videos for TS4 and wanted to try it in TS2! Edit: I forgot to mention- as usual, these are CC free.
§20k Starters for up to 8 Sims
The first two are both your average 20k starter designed to house large families. The blue house has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and is furnished for four Sims by default, while the red house has four bedrooms, two bathrooms, and is furnished for eight Sims (!) by default.
Both have a whole 10x10 worth of backyard space, because that's kind of important when things are so crowded - but if you want to shave off even more space or money, the actual houses are built such that the lots can easily be shrunk with the Lot Adjuster to just 10x10 total.
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§19,650 - 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom
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§19,952 - 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom
Both lots have the same downstairs layout, while the red house has a smaller upstairs landing to facilitate an extra bedroom. By default, the red house assumes two baby/toddler residents, but you can sell both cribs and the potty to afford two more beds whilst staying under-budget.
The back yards are half-”paved” in free-to-own terrain paint in preparation for any outdoor furniture you might want to place. I recommend making use of neighbourhood decorations for free landscaping! Obviously they look boxy and a bit funny on their own, but they look good placed in a row, or squeezed into a small space in an already-populated suburb.
BE AWARE that neither house includes burglar or fire alarms/sprinklers; however, the blue house will leave you with enough Simoleons to afford both. You could also choose to buy enough supplies for a cat and/or a dog with the budget left over.
The staircases have been placed with Nopke’s mod which allows Sims to pass underneath spiral stairs, functionality which should stick even if you don’t have the same mod (unless you buy new stairs). However, the house still functions even if Sims can’t pass underneath the stairs.
The little 2x1 space by the back door ended up being quite useful in such a tight layout, especially the 4-bedroom, like so:
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But if you use an open staircase mod, feel free to consider this alternative layout:
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§10k Starter for Single Sim or Couple
This one is perfect for newcomer Sims saving up for a bigger house, retired Elders who want to leave the family estate to their adult kids, or frugal Sims who simply have no desire to start a family.
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§9,919. The layout is not so large as to feel lonely but not too small that Sims can’t entertain a guest or two. No backyard to this one - it’s a true 1x1 lot.
§2k Shelter
And the ultimate budget challenge - trying to make a decent shack for Sims under 2k. I actually love how it turned out; it looks so cute and cottage-y from the outside and feels so cozy and safe on the inside.
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§1,956. No shower, but Sims can sponge bathe in the sink if they get desperate. The toilet is outside but that’s honestly preferable in such a small space. Most of the walls are actually made from roofing to keep the price down but the house is fully weather-proof.
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This looks a little silly - but it works! Sims can access the toilet through the cutout provided under this extra roof. Put some neighbourhood deco trees around for privacy and for the woodland fairy cottage vibes. This lot was mostly just a fun challenge, so it’s not super practical, but I do think it could be useful for down-on-their-luck Sims who need a place to crash in a hurry.
Download 4 Budget Starter Tiny Homes @ SFS
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calder · 1 year
What would be your recommended fnv mod list? I’m starting the game for the thousandth time around and would like to spice it up a bit!
lemme open it up and see what i recommend
keep in mind i approach this as a sandbox and literally pretend to be a time wizard so my definition of immersive is very specific
underwater home rapturefied is nice because it gives you a transponder, a mark/recall, and the ability to move the entrance hatch anywhere outdoors. mine is in an alley near the ferris wheel in point lookout
im currently enjoying uxc which has since been replaced by mux series. uxc lets me pull up a menu of the ESPs and poke around in them for cells to visit, npcs to spawn, etc. it has a clunky mcm predecessor with exclusive powers in itembrowser v11, which allows you to set quest stages. i think he removed this feature bc idiots yelled at him for "breaking their save" (lol.)
small animator and FEEL expressions make photomode interesting
try out the smoothcam included in istewieaitweaks
it's worth it to install frontier just to spawn jeeps through itembrowser. this mod cleans up mojave roads for road travel
go ahead and do someguy series
im curious about atom shrines and children of atom for flavor. tho i think one of them might be crashy. definitely install living desert for random encounters and realism redux DNW for weather
i also highly recommend you install some variant of monstermod. the ttw revision is really good. note that if you must not enable momod.esm with ttw, only the momod.esp from the ttw patch
warzones too tho ive heard its really old and crashy. doesnt stop me
also dig up solid project on google for sprint and immersive first person anims !!!!!!!!!! and use enhanced camera to see your whole body!
save perks for later
ttw interiors combo and two wastelands redesigned, or just mojave landscape overhaul
bloom and water fog fixes. dusty distance random, eye clipping fix ... theres too much stuff like this to list, look at the modding guides, it makes a difference
can't find my clutter improvement mod rn but i'll recommend it when i identify it. hope this help
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hpdrizzle · 1 year
☔ HP Drizzle 2023 Rules & Guidelines ☔
Welcome to HP Drizzle fest, a weather based, anonymous fest for all ships in the Harry Potter fandom!
☔ What do we mean by weather based?
Any work that centers around weather!
Your characters kissing in the rain? Absolutely!
Send them rainbow hunting? Yes, please!
Stargazing constantly gets ruined by a cloudy sky? Send it in!
Heat waves hitting them? Snowed in? Fighting rain on a camping trip? We can't wait to see it!
We will accept all ships and all ratings, so don't hold back!
☀️ What does anonymous mean?
Claiming, creating and posting are entirely anonymous. Nobody but the mods, the creators themselves, and their alpha/beta/cheerleader are to know claimants or creators until all works are revealed. During the creation period, take care not to identify what you are working on, and while asking for assistance with your work (such as reaching out for a beta reader) be careful not to give away your work. We recommend not identifying the fest, or providing too much information about the content.
Whilst you are not permitted to discuss your work, we do encourage you to tell people you are participating in Drizzle! We love seeing excited people.
At the end of the fest, the mods will reveal the collection, and with it the creators of this fest. At this time you are permitted to shout to everyone about your work. We also recommend you acknowledge your creative team, such as your cheerleader(s) and beta reader(s).
Individuals who share their fest creations during the anonymity period may be removed from the fest.
🌬️ Fest Timeline
🌧️ Prompting opens: 23 April
☔ Prompting closes: 05 May
☀️ Claiming begins: 13 May
⚡ Claiming closes: 20 August (or once we reach our limit)
🍃 Submissions due by: 31 August
❄️ Posting: 15 September
☔ Prompting
⚡ Prompting opens 23 April 2023 and will remain open until 05 May 2023.
You may submit up to ten prompts. These can be named or anonymous. We trust our prompters to abide by this, even if they are prompting anonymously. You do not have to be creating a work for the fest in order to submit a prompt.
All prompts must be centred around weather.
Anyone over the age of 18 can claim a prompt. You do not have to prompt to claim. Leaving a prompt does not oblige you to claim any prompts.
Please include any extra prompt details that you would love to see incorporated into the work. If you wish, you can also include a ship, maximum rating and any squicks you would prefer not to read/see (for example, Maximum Rating: Wolfstar. Explicit. No MCD). Please note that these are for inspiration only and creators may not fulfil all aspects of your wishes.
We also allow self prompting. You can either prompt what you wish to write, and then take your chance claiming it (but bear in mind, someone might beat you to it!), or you can simply wait and submit your own prompt as you sign up when claiming opens.
➡️ We'll post the Prompting Form on April 23. Keep your eyes open for the post!
➡️ Prompts will be open for viewing on 08 May.
☔ Claiming for Art, Craft and Fic
⚡ Claiming opens on 13 May at 2pm GMT+1 (what time is that for me?), and will remain open until 20 August, or once we reach 80 claims for fic. Art claiming closes on 20 August with no cap.
HP Drizzle is an 18+ fest, and we will require all claimants to confirm that they are aged 18 or over.
The minimum word count for submitted fics is 1,000 words.
Each prompt can be claimed once for fic and once for art/craft. You may claim for BOTH fic and art/craft at the same time, either as an individual or as a collaboration. If you are doing a collab, please email us at [email protected] to inform the mods. Prompts will be awarded on a first come first served basis, and claiming will happen via an Airtable form.
Please choose your top three prompts of any ship when claiming, in order of preference (i.e. your top prompt as prompt choice 1, second choice as prompt choice 2, etc).
This is in case your first choice has already been claimed. However, if you’ve got your heart set on just one prompt, you are welcome to submit the form with just the one prompt! You might be lucky!
You may only claim one prompt at a time. If you finish your prompt, you may claim an additional prompt, if claims are still open at that time. If you have finished your first prompt, and wish to claim another, please submit your completed work as per submission guidelines below and then email [email protected] and let us know you wish to claim an additional prompt. If we have additional writer slots available, we'll send you an email to confirm and instructions on claiming your next prompt.
If you claim a prompt and subsequently feel unable to complete the work, please inform us as soon as possible at [email protected]. We understand that life can get in the way! Unfortunately, however, in such circumstances, you won't be eligible to claim a further prompt for 2023.
➡️ We will post the claim form on 13 May at 2pm GMT +1 (what time is that for me?). Keep your eyes open for the post on tumblr!
☔ Claiming for Podfic
⚡ Claiming opens on 13 May at 2pm GMT+1 (what time is that for me?), and will remain open until 20 August.
If you wish to claim for podfic, you must have the author's permission, or a blanket permission stated publicly by the author allowing for podfics. We require written proof for the permission either via a direct link to their page with the blanket permission, or a screenshot of the conversation via email at [email protected].
All podfics must be of works within the Harry Potter fandom and be heavily influenced by the theme of weather. We allow any ratings and pairings for podfics, but the podfics must be recorded specifically for this fest. If you are looking for fics to podfic, you can always start by looking at previous works within the HP Drizzle collections!
Please be aware that works must also meet the minimum word count of 1,000 words to be eligible!
The podfics will be posted anonymously, but podficcers are allowed to state their name in the podfic recording.
A masterlist with all the works (art, crafts, fic, collab and podfic) will go up at the end of the fest.
☔ Creating
Fics, art, and crafts must use the weather event of the prompt claimed, though other weather may also be featured. Just because you claimed for rain doesn't mean they have to be miserable and drown in rain for weeks.
☔ For fics and podfics, there is a minimum word count of 1,000 words and no maximum. ☔
AI generated works of any format are not permitted in this fest.
We encourage you to get inspired by the prompters' additional details. You may also wish to take into consideration your prompter's squicks when creating. This is not a requirement, but we ask that you do not gift the creation to the prompter if you are not taking the squicks into consideration, and as always, be sure to tag your work appropriately.
All fics must be beta-read (If you are unable to find a beta, please let us know), and podfics should be beta-listened for accuracy before submitting.
Creations must be complete works. Please do not submit a draft for a fic that has not been completed (or single chapters of a multi-chaptered work). Only make your submission when the work is complete. Additionally, all creations must be individual works, and cannot be part of a series, or a prequel/sequel to an existing work. If you are planning to continue the work with either of these, we ask that you please do not reference this in your creation (including in your creator notes) until after the fest.
All creations must be in English or include a translation.
This fest employs a mixture of both anonymous and non-anonymous posting for creations.
All creations are posted anonymously. However, for art, we allow artists to include watermarks on their creations if they wish. Podfics will also be posted anonymously, but the podficcers are allowed to state their name in the podfic recording itself. If you are looking for an alpha or beta reader in a public forum, please keep the information provided to a minimum.
☔ Submitting
⚡ Once you have completed your work, it’s time to submit! Submissions are due 31 August, but if you are finished before this date, you are welcome to submit early.
Submission Requirements
You are required to add drizzle_mod as co-creator when uploading your creation. This is primarily so that we can change the posting date, and add in the standard fest end note and the tag for HP Drizzle 2023. We will not make any other changes to your work, and we will remove the mod account after reveals.
Add your fic to the Drizzle collection. All works must be posted directly to the AO3 collection here.
Podfics should be linked to the original work using the AO3 function: “This work is a remix, a translation, a podfic, or was inspired by another work” and pasting the URL of the original fic. Please state the title, author, rating and any major archive warnings in the audio intro of the podfic. Any art or images used for cover art should be copyright-free or have the consent of the artist. Any music or sounds used within the podfic should be copyright-free.
Please tag appropriately: Be sure to include all appropriate warnings, tag your work correctly and please be mindful when choosing your tags. We enjoy a fun tag as much as the next person, but overly specific tagging may be recognisable to some readers, and give you away. As such we ask that you think very carefully about your tag usage.
We encourage you to acknowledge your creative team in your notes anonymously! This includes alphas, betas, cheerleaders, and anyone else who helped you along the way! As this fest is anonymous, please do not mention these people by name, as this can sometimes lead to the creators being identified. A good way to anonymously acknowledge your support team is to use a pseudonym for them, or simply refer to these individuals with an initial. Please do remember to come back and acknowledge these people publicly after the reveals!
Please include your prompt in the creation notes at the beginning of the work to share the inspiration for your work.
Complete your submission header form. We will be sending out a form to complete the header submission. This will be sent directly to participants with the submission information, however, if you finish early please email us to request for the form link.
The information below will be asked in the submission form. We will acknowledge a successful receipt/submission upon receiving it.
☀️ For Art, Craft and/or Fic:
Word count (if applicable):
Art/Craft medium (if applicable):
Prompt #:
Link to work:
☀️ For Podfic:
Original Author:
Word count:
Link to podfic:
Link to original work:
NOTE: If, at any point, you decide to change your header after submission, please make sure to send the mods your updated version at [email protected].
The mods will proof all fics and podfics and inform you if there are any additional requirements. Please check your emails regularly to see if we’ve sent you a message regarding your work.
Please don't change the date on your creation of your own accord. The mods reserve the right to remove your work from the collection if we see that the date has been changed during or after the fest.
Your work must remain in the collection for at least six months. If you remove your work from the collection before that, you may be banned from participating in the fest for the following year/s.
Please contact the mods if you have any issues with/when posting your work.
☔ Extensions
You can contact the mods at:​ [email protected]. If you need an extension, or have to drop out, please let us know by email. For extensions, we will require you to provide your WIP document, an estimate of how much you have left to go (such as the estimated final word count), and how much time you think this will take you. Please do not be afraid to reach out about this, we want to hear from you if you think you might require an extension!
☔ Posting
The mods will post your creation on the scheduled day. We do not release the posting schedule as this is subject to change.
Once your creation has been posted, please be mindful not to reveal yourself as the creator.
We ask that you do not respond to comments on your creations until after reveals. This is to ensure that you do not identify yourself in your response. Additionally, responding after reveals can be a lovely way for the commenter to find out who created the work they loved so much!
While we hope that it will not happen, sometimes creations receive negative comments. If you receive a nasty or critical comment, please contact the mods via email asap. We have a process for handling these events, but will work with you to do so, so that you are included in every step, if you wish to be — or excluded from this, if that is your wish.
☔ Further information
The prompts are not available to be claimed unless you are participating in the HP Drizzle Fest itself. Once HP Drizzle 2023 posts the final reveals, the prompts are no longer being used by the festival, and if you have found something you are particularly inspired by, please message the prompter to ask for their consent for a work to be created outside of the fest.
For general questions about the fest, don’t hesitate to contact the mods at [email protected] (sending an email is the best form of communication). But keep in mind that we're operating in multiple time zones, that we need to eat, and sleep, and take care of real life business, hence we aren't available 24/7. We will aim to respond within a reasonable timeframe.
For general questions about the fest, don’t hesitate to contact the mods at [email protected] (sending an email is the best form of communication). But keep in mind that we're operating in multiple time zones, that we need to eat, and sleep, and take care of real life business, hence we aren't available 24/7. We will aim to respond within a reasonable timeframe.
Your weather forecasters
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lonepower · 1 year
@laudanine​ reblogged your post “all right since I’m sure a lot of you have...”
I’m not a professional at that game by any measure but fwiw:Don’t sell lumber, you’ll want it later. Develop a...
@can-of-genderfluid​ reblogged your post “all right since I’m sure a lot of you have...”
Spring- grow cauliflowers (or strawberries, but for max profits I recommend bulk buying strawberries and then planting... #stardew valley #sdv #i have strong opinions on this #Clint sucks ass but he unfortunately is useful
@sirkaid​ reblogged your post “all right since I’m sure a lot of you have...”
Check the weather on the TV every day. The best time to get a lot of work done anywhere that isn’t the farm is when it’s...
  @floofyboi57​ reblogged your post “all right since I’m sure a lot of you have...”
Befriend Caroline to get the recipe for tea saplings, they’re easy to craft and can make for good money at the start of...
wait this is actually all really good, useful advice, thank yall so much (especially re: the prismatic shard, because i Definitely would’ve given that to the museum under my “FIRSTBORN GOES TO THE OWL” animal crossing policy otherwise)! I haven’t unlocked, uh, a lot of the things you guys have mentioned (i need one (1) green bean which should sprout tomorrow for the first kitchen bundle and I got the first bridge repair bundle and That’s It, rip), so I’ll try and prioritize those! my primary source of income is definitely cauliflower but I am getting a little braver in the mines. I’m scared to go too far past 20 with only a wooden sword though-
re: friendships - I think Pam has adopted me, actually, i’m at 4 hearts with her and 0 or 1 with everyone else. i don’t even know how that happened, I thought she hated me. please leah i want to be friends please leave your house ever pl- also if you’ve met me for more than 5 minutes you absolutely know who i’m planning on marrying (it’s krobus)
and my dog’s name is Stella! I also have a modded cat chicken named Nancy who sleeps on my bed and meows. she’s a very advanced chicken.
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moving her would make me a war criminal so it looks like i’m sleeping on the floor tonight.
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The last and the newest world by XKandDF is called Miniportis. It is also steep world, like Hillspatch from the previous post, but it has darker colors, more rainy weather, rocky shores with cliffs, and it gives very Twinbrook vibes. I think there’s more public lots and small parks, than in previous world too.
It’s also tiny world and uses probably only University expansion pack. More pictures and relation under the cut.
Most houses are squished behind city hall, near corner of the world. These small pathways gives very cozy and cameral effect. It’s also very decadent to live on the literal edge of the world. xd
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The large green building at the beginning of the alley with small houses, was actually a library, it’s spacious as for lot this size. It has three floors.
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As you can guess, houses here are quite small, but I still like the design and atmosphere.
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There are several district with various architecture though. On opposite side of world you can find more modern houses, with more space inside.
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There’s even gym on this small district.
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What I found really cute, is small replica of Goth Family house from The Sims 1, it’s near the cemetery. It’s sadly too small and doesn’t have kitchen, but textures inside were recreated perfectly comparing with original.
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But if you’re looking for something really chic, then check out these modern buildings near entrance to office area. They also have three floors.
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This office complex get me quite lost the first time when I was looking at it. Rabbit holes are placed on top of each other, and between them there are a few secret places to discover.
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For example, there’s hidden spa somewhere inside.
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The entrance to the science lab is hidden also. It’s under floor of hospital rabbit hole. Floors doesn’t vanish when you close up, so I had to tilt camera to see it. Keeping eyes on your sims might be tricky in this environment, but I like it. It’s definitely something different.
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If you’re looking for something bigger, for family type of gameplay, then this alley, with victorian houses, might be for you. Something similar was in previous world by this creator.
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This time it gets more floral, path is wider, and interiors seems bigger.
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Central place in this town is destined for festival park. If I recall coreclty, it was called Rosebud Plaza. Another reference to The Sims 1.
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And when it comes to other nooks and special places on fresh air, these bellow are my favorites:
- small gazebo with lake, between science lab and modern houses
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- a terraced balconies around restaurant and grocery store
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- waterfall under cliffs, with a place to relax
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- terraced garden opposite school
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- a house that looks like from Twikki Island from The Sims 2 Bon Voyage
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and many more :)
I didn’t show all places that I wanted, this overview would be too long. There are also other charming areas like mine entrance, the inside of dome near science lab, few parks in the middle, houses behind theatre and probably even more. As for for world this tiny, it has so many things to see.
It’s hard to show everything by screenshots, my laptop isn’t good enough for video rendering, but maybe someone will make overview in video form as well.
I would only recommend mods by Nraas like overwatch and maybe also error trap. This world was built only with base game and University EP, but when you have Pets installed, a wild horses might block in some places, so better to have that in mind.
I hope this overview was useful to you, thanks for reading. 💛
(one more view at the end, cause why not)
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inkedmyths · 1 year
Cosplaying with your mom that sounds awesome :O And yes please show us ur first cosplay! I never did any cp personally, and i have so much awe for pple who do! (well, tbh i've never been to a con bc i grew up in a small country where these things were... not happening at the time lol. Where i live now i technically _could_ go to cons but by now i'm a chicken about it bc most people my age kinda stop these hobbies, not start them :"D) ~TA
Hey, you're never too old for fun! Mom's in her late 40's and still dresses up and does cosplay stuff. She also mods for a Discord server, among other things. And it can be hard breaking into a new hobby or interest, but if a con sounds like it might be fun, I definitely recommend it! All of my con experiences have been an absolute blast (aside from whining about achey feet or the weather)
Aaaaand without further ado, baby's first cosplay!
I appear with my mom and her friend around the 3:16 mark. Mind you, I've never read Black Butler, but if there are any fans here they'll probably appreciate it
Another year me and mom did Aegis and her Persona, from Persona 3. I'd have to ask her to digvup those pictures.
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townievilletales · 1 year
How I’m gonna play Townieville
Hiya! I have a few rules for my gameplay and I thought I’d just list them here:
I play rotationally, Monday to Monday for each household. I also set seasons as 7 days long using the weather controller so each round is a different season
I don’t know of any order that was recommended to play the families in so I’m just playing them in alphabetical order (starting with the Bendett-LeTourneau family)
I have added a University to the Hood, Mission State University from Mod The Sims
I use a custom age span, the same one PleasantSims uses (2 days for babies, 3 days for toddlers, 7 days for children, 6 days for teens, and 38 days for adults). This makes 1 day = 1 year feel more realistic. Also I use the 18-hour pregnancy mod from her too! (can you imagine being pregnant for 3 years???)
That’s all the gameplay rules I can think of for now, I’ll update if I think of more!
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richardthurman544 · 1 year
Samba Crop Top: The Best Summer Outfit For Women
Samba Crop Top: The Best Summer Outfit For Women It’s that time of year again: the weather is warm, the sun is shining, and people are out on the town. What better way to celebrate than by wearing a samba crop top? This mod-style top is a great choice for summer because it’s comfortable and stylish. Plus, it can be dressed up or down according to your mood. If you’re looking for a summer outfit that will make you feel confident and beautiful, try a samba crop top! https://www.anibrook.com/product/samba-crop-top/
What is a Samba Crop Top? There’s no denying that crop tops are in this summer. Whether worn as an everyday piece or for a more daring look, these tops are perfect for any summer outfit. So what is the best samba crop top? Here are some of our favorites: The first samba crop top on our list is from American Eagle. This top features blue and green stripes running down the middle of the shirt, with a high neckline. It’s a perfect style for days spent outside enjoying the sun or evenings out with friends. Next up is a style from H&M that we think is equally as stylish. The top has horizontal stripes running down the front and back, forming a V-shape when worn. It also comes with a tight fit, so it will show off your curves while still being comfortable to wear all day long. If you’re looking for something that’s slightly less risqué, we recommend checking out Topshop’s version of this style. The shirt comes in both solid colors and patterns, making it versatile enough to wear anywhere from the beach to work. Finally, we have one last favorite on our list – something a little more unique than either of the other two options mentioned so far. This shirt comes from Zara and features bright pink and blue flowers all over it. Not only does it look super pretty on, but it also provides some much-needed ventilation in hot weather conditions How to Wear a Samba Crop Top When you want to look your best this summer, consider wearing a samba crop top. This style is perfect for those hot days when you want to bask in some sun but also stay cool and comfortable. Here are some tips on how to wear a samba crop top: 1. To start, choose the right size. A samba crop top should fit snugly, so make sure you select the correct size before buying it. You don't want it to be too tight or too loose; just right. 2. Next, decide which color you would like to wear your samba crop top in. There are many different colors and styles available on the market, so feel free to explore and find one that fits your style perfectly. 3. Finally, put on your favorite pair of shoes and clothing and enjoy looking stylish and cool! What to Wear Under a Samba Crop Top When it comes to dressing for the summer, there are plenty of options for women who want to show off their curves. One option is a Samba crop top. This outfit is perfect for women who want to show off their curves and look stylish at the same time. A Samba crop top is a great outfit for women who want to look fashionable and sexy at the same time. It's also a great option for women who want to show off their curves. The crop top is cut low on the chest, which will give women plenty of exposure. Plus, the cropped style will show off your assets while still looking stylish. There are many different ways to wear a Samba crop top. You can wear it as an everyday outfit or you can use it as an accessories piece. You could add some slick pumps or someStatement earringsto complete your look. There's really no wrong way to wear this trendy style! Conclusion Summer is coming and that means temperatures are going to be in the triple digits. That being said, there’s no need to sacrifice style for comfort when it comes to summer wear. In this article, we’re giving you our top pick for the best samba crop top outfit for women this season. This versatile piece can be dressed up or down, making it a great choice for any event or outing during the hot months ahead. So whether you’re looking to channel your inner samba queen or just want an all-around comfortable wardrobe item, check out our top pick for the best samba crop top outfit for women!
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