#also i love Chuckles
ennaih · 7 months
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Every Film I Watch In 2023:
205. Toy Story 3 (2010) -- obvs a rewatch
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spittyfishy · 3 months
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Tenko Chabashira’s Precious Little Life
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saturdaysky · 2 months
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a little morning pick-me-up
A morning on the way to Baldur's Gate. The party booked themselves into an inn and enjoyed real beds, hot baths, and privacy for the first time since the Nautiloid.
Gale and Mayhew shared a room, of course. They were filled with the relief of surviving the shadows and the glow of finally getting together, so their private room was probably a blessing for the whole party, honestly.
This was some ascended anatomy practice! Referenced some great stock from @null-entity.
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mumbledramblings · 3 months
livio's situation after the release of stampede is so funny bc you look in his tags and you see art of a weird little beanstalk in one post and the most beautiful bear you have ever laid eyes upon in another and they're both the same guy
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ride-a-dromedary · 8 months
#also *is* it canon that he’s like 7ft at least?? bc he has to be#average elf height is 6ft I know this bc. yknow. I’ve read the elf parts of the 5e descriptions#and iirc bg3 moooooostly follows that#so everybody saying ‘oh Halsin is 6ft tall’ THATS NOT EVEN TALL FOR AN ELF THAT IS AVERAGE
@whatever-man-whatever I have been summoned!!
The short answer is no; Halsin's height has not been canonically confirmed in game as far as I'm aware (though I would be a little dodgy if it was anyway, and you'll see why in a moment, but mainly due to the fact that because Halsin is still considered a medium creature, as an elf, the game lists his weight as 75KG - look me DIRECTLY in the eye and tell me that man is 165lbs). And, as far as I am aware, there hasn't been any confirmation of his height from Larian either (though I am happy to be corrected if they have).
But you know whose height has been canonically confirmed? Astarion's. And you know that that leads to? The long answer, which is: logical approximation time with yours truly.
Larian tweeted Astarion's height as being 5'9" in 2021:
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Which is slightly contradicted by the fact that, when playing as a Gith character in the full release, you can choose the option to describe Astarion literally to him when he asks:
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Which - while understandably says 'approximately', so it is just a logical guess on Tav's part - obviously contradicts what Larian indicated previously by implying he's 5'11". Likely this was changed in the two years, or just tossed out there as a joke, or genuinely just mixed up (but I much prefer the 'gith count hair as height or are just not very good at height estimation' and @winter2468's theory that Astarion just wears lifts in his shoes).
However, what this does give us is a point of reference, with the possible height range of Astarion (and I suppose by extension the lithe elf body type in player characters) being somewhere between 5'9" and 5'11" (both a little on the taller side of the average for an Elf in 5e descriptions, but very tall for - say - 3e descriptions).
Now, this has to be taken with a grain of salt because all of the smaller male body types are the same height, so a visual doesn't necessarily say TOO much, however:
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(Note that this is the two of them standing side by side in their idle pose, which means they are balancing weight on one of their hips, cocking it to the side. Astarion's idle pose also has him lifting his chin considerably, which makes him look a little taller. These both affect the measurement slightly but bear with me. I have also made an estimation as to where Astarion's skull would actually begin in relation to the bouffant of his hair)
So what this immediately tells me is that Halsin cannot be only 6ft - he stands significantly taller than an individual who is allegedly between 5'9" and 5'11"
A few more for good measure:
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(The left bottom image is Astarion standing straighter with Halsin still bent at the knee - I have also noted that Halsin's left shoulder slopes lower than his right when standing idly)
So it's evident, by visual average, Astarion stands pretty consistently at about Halsin's shoulder. The only times they don't stand at this same relation in height difference is in character sheet screens (and level up screens by extension):
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Which is what I meant by a little dodgy in visual base, so for the sake of this we'll keep outside of menus.
The average height between the shoulder and the top of a head is approximately 1 ft (with of course variations of neck length and head size in between, but let's stick with average for ease)
THEREFORE - if it looks to be that Astarion stands pretty consistently at the height of Halsin's shoulder, give or take an inch or two, Halsin is approximately about a foot taller than he is. And if Halsin is about a foot taller than he is, and Astarion's canonical height sits somewhere in the range of 5'9" - 5'11", that leads to reason that Halsin stands at somewhere in the range of 6'9" - 6'11".
(The other source of this conclusion is that I feel it in my heart that Halsin is pushing 7ft because I reason his height would need to be significantly above average for everyone to make a comment on it)
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ncthandrake · 8 months
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ASH WILLIAMS Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II
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Balls - Bridgewater Hall, Manchester - 27-05-2023
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In goofy David Tennant/Michael Sheen Loud news, my husband stumbled upon an edit with David Tennant and Michael Sheen about how they’re In Love ® and he’s been solidly on the ‘Yeah, they’re prob fuckin’ train because of me & he was like, “I don’t get it, they’re not physically compatible at all, one is really skinny and the other is cherubic—“ and I was like bruh you literally described the one who plays an angel on TV as cherubic 💀 💀 💀 certifyibly Good ™️ casting big rare W to Neil Gaiman
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levinbolts · 5 months
nothing sexier than a skilled, effortlessly lethal man
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koskela-knights · 4 months
Behind The Scenes
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flamingfalcon3 · 6 months
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hollownest-whore · 22 hours
Nobody cares but hc that bardoon's kind are a type of lesser Wyrm "worms" that specifically feed off the decomposing bodies/kingdoms of dead Wyrms as they grow
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mayhasopinions · 1 year
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i am not debating this
Edit 5/7/23: also yes I am aware that John Laurens is a real person. I’m talking about his musical counterpart character, who, as everyone is probably aware, is nothing alike to the actual John Laurens lmao
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signanothername · 1 year
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Mikey and Raph’s relationship are usually very tense, as Raph’s overprotective and Mikey doesn’t like to be suffocated, thing is Mikey’s very verbal about his displeasure with Raph and that ends with them fighting a lot, going as far as physical fights (said physical fights are usually Mikey attacking and Raph simply going for defense, as Raph never dares left a finger against any of his brothers, especially his baby brother)
However it’s all a matter of perspective, neither of them is technically in the wrong, from Raph’s perspective, Mikey’s reckless actions has put out a name for him, making him a target for many, and whether Mikey can handle himself isn’t really in the equation in Raph’s thought process, as Raph isn’t taking any chances when it comes to his baby brother’s safety
From Mikey’s perspective, his eldest brother is suffocating him with his overprotective nature, making him very frustrated and in turn, even more violent, so he goes out and intentionally causes problems as a way to challenge Raph’s authority over him, he usually causes these problems to intentionally rile Raph up, he never succeeds, Raph is very quiet and barely even raises his voice let alone show any kinda outburst or even as far as an angry face, it frustrates Mikey to never end, sometimes escalating to said physical fights
Ironically however, despite their tense relationship, Mikey and Raph are almost inseparable, they usually play favorites, and Mikey is always very vocal about Raph being his favorite brother, a tiny detail I included in my Mikey design is the three bracelets, you see each holding a color representing one of his brothers, and Mikey has Raph’s bracelet the first before any of the others, signaling that Raph is his favorite brother, Mikey sometimes says that Raph “is no longer his favorite” yet you’d never see him ever rearranging the bracelets’ order
not only that but Mikey’s nature of “always keep up a smile” is never broken in front of anybody except Raph, cause as much as Mikey hates Raph’s overprotectiveness, his eldest brother succeeds at making him feel safe enough to drop the act and show what he’s truly feeling without any fear of any judgment
I wanted to talk about Mikey’s and Raph’s relationship for so damn long you don’t know fuhchcch
Pspspspsps this may or may not be related to this post in some way shape or form >:)
Raph’s ref sheet
Mikey’s ref sheet
Pspspsps I talked about the disaster twins’ relationship here
Villainous brothers AU masterpost
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saionjeans · 2 months
nanami snail scene was literally the first moment that got me into the show. like i didn’t really get what the point was and then the snail moment made me crack up and after that i was sold. everyone who’s like “nanami is unlikable” “why is there so much filler dedicated to following this little blond bitch around” “ewww i hate this stupid cat-drowning cunt” is so fundamentally unrelatable to me bc she was immediately my favorite character in the show and she still is and she always will be. and if you don’t appreciate nanami you don’t understand utena period. [chuckling smugly] nanami is a very intellectual character many of you could not understand her subtleties and nuances because you simply lack the capacity of mind…… stomps you to death with my bovine dyke hooves.
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sovereignjojoz · 1 year
How they’d react if their kid told them they have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush.
Featuring: Rohan and Dio.
Warnings: readers position is ambiguous, fluff, crack.
Notes- Dio should’ve had a daughter too idc!!!! All kids are age 4. I had originally written others too but they got DELETED when I put it in my tumblr drafts, so I’ll rewrite them later.
“Hello father. Hi daddy!”
Dio glanced up from his book upon hearing Giorno and Baby Brando walking into the room. Giorno entered his peripheral vision first as baby Brando held his hand, skipping alongside him.
He closed his book and leaned back in his plush throne, “hello children,” He skimmed the room quickly, “where are your other brothers?”
Giorno shrugged in response to his latter question, “don’t know, I only walk home with her,” he gestured to baby Brando, “since she’s the youngest.”
He hummed.
“And school?”
“It was fine.” Giorno sighed, adjusting baby Brando’s school uniform collar as she smiled up at her coolest big brother, “oh and I’m going to Mista’s house in five minutes.”
Dio raised an eyebrow, “To do what? Why wasn’t I notified prior.”
Giorno clicked his tongue, his father was so nosey. “Just because. It’s not a big deal I go there every week anyway.” Giorno walked to the door, “anyway I’m leaving now, bye.”
Dio scoffed, pre-teens were so sassy, he wished all his kids could just stay at the age where they were cute and docile.
Baby Brando jumped on the couch, shoes still on, and opened the window, hanging out so she could see Giorno.
“Bye Giogio! Love you!”
Baby Brando’s eyes widened as dio lifted her up and placed her on his shoulder.
He held her securely by placing his hand on her back, “Don’t do that.”
Baby Brando smiled toothily at him, “Okay daddy!”
Dio brought her forward, hanging her upside down by her legs, “why are you so happy today stinks?” He eyed her suspicions.
Baby Brando giggled from the weird motion, squirming, causing a heart shaped chocolate to fall out of her school dress pocket.
“Because someone gave me a chocolate today in school!”
Dio’s face contorted into disgusted. What vile vermin was giving confession candy to his daughter? As if he (or her brothers for that matter) would ever allow them near her.
Dio put her down, causing her to look up at him adoringly. “Who?”
“Umm! I dunno his name! Think it started with a j but he said he really really really really loves me and I was like huh really!” She slapped her hands on her cheeks, re-enacting the scene for her father, making sure to capture the full dramatic effect of what happened.
His frown deepened, “Really?”
“Uh huh!”
Dio bent down to his daughter’s eye-level, partially smirking “shall I eat him?” He said with a guise of seriousness.
Baby Brando couldn’t believe he just said that! She covered her mouth with her hands and gasped, “daddy no! That’s bad!”
Dio snickered and lightly pulled on her blonde pigtails, “then no boyfriends.”
“Daddy Daddy!” Baby Rohan kicked her school shoes off and ran into the mangaka’s study.
His eyes flickered to the green haired girl, “Hm.”
“Look!” She came to stand in-between his legs and proudly held up a colourful piece of paper, a little bit too close to his face. “That’s me, and that’s you and that’s the cat and that’s mama!”
Rohan put his pen down and examined the drawing slightly closer, in actuality it was all scribbles yet even so he’d be framing it in his study.
“Wow, very good.” He pulled her to sit on his lap so he could resume his work, “when did you make this.”
“Today, at Josuke’s house…” she blushed.
Rohan clicked his tongue, yes, he had to send his sweet girl to that imbecile’s house yet it wasn’t of his own will, he had an important deadline coming up and his partner was at work, to say he was very reluctant to let Josuke babysit would be an underst- wait. Rohan closed his eyes, he had to have been seeing incorrectly because there’s no way he saw what he thinks he just saw.
Did baby Rohan just blush at Josuke’s name?
“Did you have fun at…Josuke’s.” He tested.
“Yes!” Baby Rohan nodded vigorously, “he’s so cool and fun!” She added, her flush deepening.
No way. Rohan’s mouth hung agape in disbelief as he pulled Baby Rohan closer to him. What did he do!
“Um daddy are you okay?” Baby Rohan asked concerned, poking his cheek.
“Yes, I’m fine.” He was so done with Josuke, when he next see him he ought to-
Ding dong.
Still irritated, Rohan dragged himself to the door, who could have even been at the door this time, it was almost 9pm!
“Hey Rohan I-”
“Jojo!” Baby Rohan gasped, “Daddy open the door don’t be mean!”
Rohan opened the door the tiniest milli-fraction, “what.” He glared at the young jojo.
“Hi jojo!”
“Hi!” He reached to pinch the young girls cheek however Rohan was faster. He put up a finger warning him.
“Don’t.” He grit his teeth, “you know what Josuke. Take five steps back and maintain this distance.
Josuke looked befuddled but did as told anyway, “umm okay?” He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, “anyway I left my wallet here the other day can I just-”
“Don’t take a single step in here.” He couldn’t come in and contaminate the house.
“I can get it!” Baby Rohan beamed.
Rohan brashly grabbed the wallet and chucked it towards him. “Next time be more aware.”
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