#also i got to entertain my mom by explaining the plot
Batman: Gotham War was pretty BAD, but at least we got:
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A cool scarecrow
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a heartbreaking hug
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fashion ✨
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Scarface robin 💖💖💖
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and the worst Jason face I've ever seen!
all for the low low price of the most poorly written batman I've ever encountered (tho granted i am new-ish to modern comics batman)
(spoilers below, also my descent into insanity)
... some writers really do just want to write batman punching people, huh...
(edit: I'm adding more now that i've had a few more minuets to just... let it all sink in...)
also, what is Selina gonna do now?? am i really going to keep reading modern batman comics to find out???
i am not being hyperbolic when i say i am screeming. I quite literally am, or was, because this. is. insane. and the more i think about all this the more confused and upset i get because WHAT??? WHAAAAT???? HUHH? WHAT????! I AM GOING FERAL
(please tell me the writers will pull bat-mite out their ass to retcon all this shit please [lease plzzzz )
(who the hell green lit this shit??? is it supposed to be absolutely insane??? is that the arc going on right now????)
WHY was the Vandal Savage plot line needed??? The rogues would have teamed up eventually, they did not need Savage to coordinate that and there could have still been a mole in Selina's crew. Then when the rogues finaly strike the Bats and the Cats could have worked together and then finaly talked things out ( if this was writen by a sane person)
also they kill Ra's Al Ghul of screen?? is he dead for good?? explain??
the more and more i think of this the more unwell i get.
it's been a month or two and only now has it hit me...
i also want to acknowledge Salina more; even though this was equally her story i barely talked about her and i am sorry. You deserve so much better Salina, both from me and from Bruce. You had an idea that would be considered good in the context of Gotham and what the writers were willing to humor
( even though had the writers been sane she could have offered my earlier proposal to Bruce, but sadly we don't live in that timeline U_U )
...Hey, how did she survive falling in the newly born Lazarus pit?? was she wounded enough that the pit healed instead of killed?? is that what we're going with here??
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dreamnoteprincess · 2 months
WTDW Mermaid AU
So I may or may not write this, but figured I share what I got so far:
The story is VERY Wilight coded!
For this mermaid AU: Wiatt and the Founder Trio are in their teens. So no facility, no deaths (of the main cast), but Litho still causes problems!
In the AU Wiatt is a mermaid and one of the only mermaids alive. He and Lewis meet when they were children (8-9 years old). The two become best friends.
When Wiatt and Lewis are 16, Wiatt asks him out, which prompts the question Can a Human Date a Merman? (This will MOST LIKELY BE THE TITLE!!) Wiatt kisses him in the cheek and tells him, "I don't know, but fuck it let's do it!" They plan a date, and Lewis forgets that day is how he, Oliver and Sara became friends.
Speaking of Sara, she still gets bullied, but her bullies don't die AND she also meets Lewis and Oliver WAY earlier in the story then in middle/high school like in the canon.
Also the Founder Trio still compete in events, but instead of building a Children's Entertainment Center it's either the trio are future Game Devs, or a group that makes web comics.
Lewis tries to make an excuse why he can't plan the event, which gets Sara suspicious and her and Oliver follow their friend. They find Lewis who had fallen into the water, but he lies about Wiatt because he's nervous telling his friends he's now dating a merman.
The two friends get upset, and sorta avoid Lewis for a bit. Lewis tells Wiatt he needs to tell his friends, and Wiatt told him he didn't need to keep him a secret. Lewis explains that his friends may not believe him or what's worse Sara could tell the whole town. Wiatt realizes "oh."
One night during Wilight meetings, Lewis sees Wiatt got injured and takes him home (his mom is traveling for work so it's fine). He treats his tail and soon enough Sara and Oliver show up in hopes they make amends.
Lewis forgives his friends, and decides now he'll tell them about Wiatt. He introduces his merman boyfriend to his two best friends. And...they faint.
Oliver is in shock because in his words, "Ok my sister LOVES the little mermaid, but here your living THAT story!?"
That's all I have for the main plot, but here are a few things I do plan on adding.
Alyssa is friends with the trio and studies marine biology and loves learning about Sea Monsters.
Litho is either a kraken or Cthulhu like creature.
Carlos/Winnie is a merman who is evil.
Wiatt gives Lewis, Sara and Oliver the ability to breathe underwater for long periods of time. (Decided not to turn them into merpeople too because I already have this in another Mermaid AU)
Wiatt is a merman for the first half of the fanfic, and at some point he'll become human.
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marithlizard · 5 months
Watched the early access episodes! Non-spoilery summary: I enjoyed them, but not as much as the pilot or Helluva Boss. I think they overdid the Disney-esque sincerity and simplicity a bit for my tastes.
Production quality is great, as are the voices. I can tell Vox and Adam are going to be very entertaining, and Velvette seems promising.
Introducing new viewers who haven't seen the pilot was always going to be a challenge. I am not sure how well they pulled it off and will be curious to hear some reactions.
We got handed SO much of the plot and lore straight up that I have to hope there's misdirection going on here. Is Charlie's storybook about her parents accurate? (Who made it, anyway, and for what audience? "Lucifer despaired and forgot how to dream" is not something Charlie's parents would write for her, surely, and it certainly would NOT be an approved official history book. ) The more I think about that the weirder it feels. Clunky exposition is not a problem in either the HH pilot or HB and I do not want to think it's the case here. But it also feels off for Vaggie to ask if Charlie has heard from her mom. Wouldn't she already know? Unless Charlie does not talk about Lilith as a rule...but she seems like an oversharer if anything.
I wonder how much of the audience is familiar with the Lilith version of the Garden of Eden - it's not something I would have known about if not for the Sandman comic. Eve is Adam's second wife, made from Adam's rib as a more obedient replacement for Lilith. (So what happened to Eve? I'm sure we will find out.)
Somebody pointed out that when Adam taunts Charlie with food, it's a plate of ribs. HA
Lilith and Alastor are working together? Alastor is covertly at the hotel on her behalf to protect Charlie? That's a massive second-act reveal being clearly implied in the second episode! But I don't know how else to interpret it. And it would explain why he's being (for him) so patient and benign.
We didn't get to see the second commercial at all! I hope we get to see it later.
Charlie's songs....are too simple for me. Especially the "sorry" one, I'm with Nifty. And I have immense sympathy for Angel being trapped in her twee notions of rehab exercises.
All this time I was worried about the major character voices, and they turned out great. I never expected it would be Katie Killjoy, Tom Trench and the Egg Boiz that would sound all wrong. :)
Overall...I hope these first two episodes are laying the ground for a more complicated story and more character development. Because you know those movie previews where you think "welp, now I don't have to see the movie"? Yeah.
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icedteaandoldlace · 3 months
🥑🥤❄️🧩🧃 for the writers game >:3
🥑 ⇢ You accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
All I know is it WON'T be @kittehexpress. She's already made it abundantly clear she will hide bodies for no one! 😂
🥤 ⇢ Recommend an author or fanfic you love
I know I recommend @orangesunsets12's Avalanche a lot...but I'm gonna do it again. It really is one of the best fics ever. It's just...it's got everything. It's fantastic. I love it.
❄️ ⇢ What's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
Team Citizen Charlie's Angels AU. I have something in the works that kiiiiiiiiiind of fits that vibe, but not quite. Also, anything Team Citizen related with Linda as a member. I think they'd all work great together, and I'd love to see it happen. I'd also really love an AU that's mostly canon compliant and set in a middle/later season, but Ronnie's been alive and part of the Team Flash Family the whole time. I hadn't really given any thought to who I would want to read these kinds of fics by, but the first person to come to my mind is @kitkatt0430, who has a good handle on everyone's personalities and a really enjoyable writing style (I'm not dropping hints here, just making a statement—don't feel pressured to do anything about it 😅).
🧩 ⇢ What will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Not counting the things I won't click into in the first place here, no paragraph breaks is a big one. Death-panic-midnight writing is another. Y'know, when everything is SO DRAMATIC!!!! so early into a fic. Overuse of epithets and dramatic speech signifiers, or someone bursting into tears with no build up to it, so instead of feeling the emotions™️ with the characters, you're just overwhelmed because So Much Is Happening Right Now, and you don't even know what room everyone's in, or why character A is suddenly "roaring" at character B for what sounded like a reasonable question. Like, ease me into it or have the central character feel as bewildered as I do about what in heck is going on here.
🧃 ⇢ Share some personal lore you never posted about before
So when I was little (maybe 4 or 5), my family went out to a fancy restaurant, or at least what I considered to be fancy at the time. I don't remember the event that preceded it, but considering we were in a different town and with a big group of people from church, it was probably either a revival or choir tour (or, come to think of it, that might've been the night we saw the Gaithers in concert). It was a fun night out for the adults, but for us kids, it was tedious (the food was good, though, when it finally came out).
At some point, my older brother started entertaining himself with what little resources he had at the table. He got some paper, which might have been napkins or might have been a kids' menu, and folded it into a shape resembling a paper airplane, and poured some pepper into the groove down the middle. After getting me to look his way, he blew through his paper creation and sent pepper flying—right into my eyes.
He realized a split second too late that he'd fucked up when I started screaming and crying, getting everyone's attention at the table, and probably the whole restaurant. In the back of my mind—the part that wasn't overwhelmed by how badly my eyes stung—I was a little worried that my mom would be mad because I was being loud in a restaurant, and I would have to explain what happened. But of course, when you're screaming because you have pepper in your eyes and you can't even open them for how bad it hurts, it's obvious to everyone around you that something is wrong.
My mom very quickly led me into the bathroom, where she took me to the sink and started flushing the pepper out of my eyes, and it was the biggest relief when the pain started to fade and I could stand to open my eyes again. Everything was a little blurry at first, but that issue resolved itself soon enough.
My brother had to apologize, which he did profusely, because he didn't know that blowing pepper in my face was gonna do that, and my dad chewed him out, told him that he could have blinded me, and made him walk around with his eyes closed for a little while after we got home so he would "know what it's like to be blind" (not really the most accurate thing, but he made his point).
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taco-night-frenzy · 10 months
Graveyard Keeper Review
I couldn't post this on Steam since I technically don't own it there (even though I paid for the DLC) but I wrote this all out for a Steam Review and I am not wasting it.
ANYWAYS. Here's my review of the game Graveyard Keeper under the cut.
Warning, it is negative, and I did not like it very much. I don't hate it though. I gave this game a solid 40 hours with all the DLCs.
Really thought I'd like this game, but it gets old and it gets old FAST. I wouldn't say it's a terrible game by any means, I legit got some entertainment out of it at the start, but it quickly falls apart when you realize you just never…. do anything. I played this game with all the DLCs installed and I think that give it a feeling of lots of 'content' and made it addicting for a while when I wasn't quite sure what awaited me.
This is like baby's first Factorio/Stardew Valley game but you get the worst of both worlds.
You're tasked to be a Graveyard Keeper, but honestly, that's like 10 percent of the game. You very rarely do any graveyard keeping. And when you do, like everything else in this game, it is extremely poorly explained. The thing you'll be spending more time than anything doing is just… walking back and forth. You're given a clunky teleport pretty early on and maybe later you'll find out you can keep buying speed potions if you can't live like this anymore, but that seems to be it. There's no mounts, there's no better system of travel, no upgrading that.
The gameplay revolves around your standard Factorio / Stardew Valley type things… gather resources, find a way to min/max gathering those resources etc. It's a bit addicted at first because min/maxing them is incredibly easy when you understand the game. Sadly, when you understand the game, you also realize there is nothing awaiting you for doing any of these tasks. The 'rewards' you get are mediocre at best.
The soundtrack is also just… not good. You get maybe 2 songs on a 2 minute loop for this intensely long grindy game. Bring your own music.
I'd say by far the worst part of this game though is the writing. I don't think this matters to some people and that's fair, but the writing here is just bland, boring, dry, and riddled with typos and spelling mistakes. There's some sort of spelling error in almost every scene.
The plot and the characters are way worse than I expected. The plot turns out to be an ISEKAI. Yes, that's right. This is a cut and dry ISEKAI somehow. You play as John Milk Toast Normal Guy and get hit by a car and end up in this boring world that makes you a Graveyard Keeper. That was a red flag off the bat, but I tried to be open minded.
Throughout the game though, you'll learn that not a single one of these characters is likeable in any sense. They're all vaguely buttheads and kind of rude. They have a lot to say, but it's never fun, it's just bad stale jokes and quips without any kind of style or flair added to them.
(Note: I LIKE rude characters. But they're ALL weirdly low level rude and dull as dishwater.)
The OTHER red flag should have been noticing all the DLCs just titled after popular TV shows. Stranger Sins, Better Save Soul, etc…. none of these references have literally anything to do with DLCs. It is just, "Hey this one is sin related, let's make the title look like Stranger Things."
And tying in with the rewards sucking, your rewards 90% of the time are just waiting through these incredibly dull scenes that feel like they were written by a 15 year old boy going through an edgy phase (but also doesn't want to upset Mom)
Final Bit: This game is just sadly mediocre. It's not a terrible game, but it is certainly not good. It has no strong points. Play Factorio, Oxygen Not Included, something like that if you need the grind. Play Stardew Valley or Sun Haven if you want that Harvest Moon farm feel. This game does not scratch the itch of either. If you can get the full game and the three DLCs all at once for extremely cheap? I guess it's not the worst, but it is still not fun enough.
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sinisterhaven · 1 year
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-ˋˏMeet Our Sinister Haven Admin Teamˎˊ-

-ˋˏ Faith ˎˊ-
I am the mother of the SH admin family with my darling three children who can do no wrong, definitely not, and wife to my loving husband.
I largely will world build for SH, coming up with weather events and plot events to keep things interesting at all times. I also will do entertainment events such as contests, special rp opportunities and more.
I'm a high spirited blend of cheer, a touch of anxiety, and a heaping helping of confidence.

-ˋˏ Cleaver ˎˊ-
I am the reluctant father of two admin children & husband to their incredible mother.
My job on the site is to fix any programming bugs, invent silly new features for our Discord bot Starstar, and once a month to remember to roleplay.

-ˋˏ Sen ˎˊ-
I am the edgy eldest child of the trio, and enable the younger two's bad behavior.
My specialty is thinking up all sorts of trouble and most often murdering everyone's beloved characters (with permisson, of course). You want villains or character names that you can't pronounce? I got a trench coat
Just say the word 'fire' and I'll happily burn it all down, so be careful what you wish for.

-ˋˏ Racer ˎˊ-
I am the angelic middle child of the SH admin family, and dad's favorite child. I REFUSE to share my title as middle child, no matter how many kids mom decides to adopt..
I am known for getting into mischief, elaborate plots, scheming, posting silly gifs, and staying up past my bed time. I do a lot of the code for Sinister Haven alongside of Cleaver.
Think of me as a honey badger, but in squishmallow form. Cute and cuddly on the outside, but with incredible endurance and tenacity.

-ˋˏ Jade ˎˊ-
I am the great and terrible Jade.
I am known as the youngest child, which explains why I am everyone's favorite.

-ˋˏSH ✧ L I N K S ˎˊ- -
Link to our website and discord server. Please note that you must join our discord server in addition to the website to have your account verified. You will not be able to see the full website until an administrator has verified your account.
Discord Link »» https://discord.gg/eKW686fNB4
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ciegeinc · 5 months
Movie Review...The Marvels
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(2.5-3/5) An uncertain score for the MCUs latest addition, The Marvels. The movie left me with more questions than entertainment. Before all the questions or negative thoughts on the film, let's start with the positive ones. The action was there, and the character Kamala was funny. I actually haven't seen the Ms. Marvel show, but this movie made me more interested in the character and what she could bring to the MCU.
Now to some questions and bad stuff.
The power entanglement was my biggest issue with the film. Marvel explained our heroes' power entanglement just as quickly as their time travel explanation. So fast that the average movie goer would just accept it. "It made sense to them, so it has to make sense." And just like the explanation of time travel...I do not accept.
The origins of their powers are all different (ancient Kree artifacts, walking through the Scarlet Witch's barrier and Terrigen Mist/Inhuman) and although they all have the commonality of light base...that shouldn't connect them. To the point that they can teleport through space time when one uses their power. That was a poor excuse to bring these three together for the sake of pushing some women can lead an action film agenda. The other possible reason for bringing them all together is that the creators didn't think Captain Marvel had a strong enough stand-alone sequel story. Them randomly and comically switching places also "disneyfies" the plot.
Another issue with the film was with the timeline. With the abysmal Secret Invasion airing before this film. Where does this film take place? Before or after Secret Invasion. And does the actions and events of that show have any weight in the new addition to the MCU? Does events on the Tarnax and New Asgard have any connection to Secret Invasion? Does the ending of Loki season 2 have any weight on the film as well?
Now to Carol and Dar-Benn
The clarity of Dar-Benn's motives made her purpose clear but also simplistic. Wanting to gain this power to restore life to her world that was destroyed by Captain Marvel is the foundational story. But it is filled with other people's issues and obsessions with Captain Marvel along with revelations of her journeys while absent from Earth (a very Disney musical language planet...the most unnecessary part of the film).
Captain Rambeau's beef stemmed from childhood abandonment issues, which was illustrated by a cold, distant shoulder that didn't make sense initially and panned out to be childish in the end. Your mom's friend gains inhuman powers (inhuman trash...#mutantpride) and becomes an intergalactic superhero, and once she finally can come to earth, you are distant and weird for half the movie?
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Girl, bye...all the stuff you went through with the Scarlett Witch and all that has happened in the MCU since...you got time to be mad still? Once Carol revealed why she couldn't come back just yet, Monica was just like, "Oh, okay."
Her reasoning for not returning was because of the guilt of destroying Tarnax. The film briefly shows her attacking the main city but never shows any evidence of her trying to reverse her actions. Instead, in the heat of battle, Monica reminds her how powerful she is and that she herself can restart a dying star which would help the planet. And again, the overall conclusion is just, "Oh, Okay."
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Like what is happening in this movie.
Dar-Benn is then overpowered and destroyed by the power she sought. Her destruction led to the breakdown of the space jumping network. Monica's power was the solution to sealing the tear in space time. Instead of pulling the tear together from her side, she decides to push the tear closed from the other side. A decision that would trap her on the other side. A decision she was aware of. The reasoning behind her decision was not clear. Did she not want to live anymore? Did she want to sacrifice herself? What was the reason?
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The after credit scene added more questions. Although my inner child was drooling at the mouth, my critical adult gave a skeptical eye squint. Monica wakes up to what looks to be her mother, but it turns out to be someone else from a parallel universe, and they are in the X mansion under the care of Dr Heny McCoy aka Beast.
So Kree Bangles have the power to open gateways in the same universe as well as the multiple verse?
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And we just happen to find that out when Dar-Benn put them together? Make it make sense. Now the X Men have officially been introduced to the MCU for a 2nd time. But is this the way such a mighty team should be introduced to the MCU? This multiverse crap, the unclear direction of the MCU makes me nervous of what they are going to do to my XMEN.
Have you seen the Marvels?
Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel has reclaimed her identity from the tyrannical Kree and taken revenge on the Supreme Intelligence. But unintended consequences see Carol shouldering the burden of a destabilized universe. When her duties send her to an anomalous wormhole linked to a Kree revolutionary, her powers become entangled with that of Jersey City super-fan, Kamala Khan aka Ms. Marvel, and Carol's estranged niece, now S.A.B.E.R. astronaut Captain Monica Rambeau. Together, this unlikely trio must team-up and learn to work in concert to save the universe as "The Marvels." (Rottentomatoes.com)
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robbickent · 9 months
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aaron   taylor-johnson.     he/him.     cis man.      ›      spotted   at   the   met   steps   ,   robert   ‘robbie’   kent   ,   most   likely   listening   to   should   i   stay   or   should   i   go   by   the   clash   with   their   airpods   pro   .   the   twenty   eight   year   old   gained   quite   a   reputation   ,   known   to   be   -impulsive   yet   +passionate   to   anyone   who   knows   them   .   you'll   easily   spot   them   when   you   hear   about   black   eye   and   busted   lips,   never   reading   or   replying   to   texts,   broken   bottles   in   the   middle   of   the   room   ,   followed   by   musk   by   lorenzo   villoresi   .   latest   nepoupdates   article   talks   about   divorce   lawyers   have   robbie   kent   to   thank!   “not   my   problem”:   robbie   is   tired   of   talking   about   married   people’s   problems,   following   the   third   couple   in   hollywood   to   split   after   oscar-winning   actress   spotted   on   his   yacht   in   venice   ,   but   i   guess   any   reputation   is   good   reputation   .   
full name: robert kent. nicknames: robbie. age: twenty-eight. date of birth: march 23rd. astrology: aries. gender: cis man. pronouns: he / him. orientation: biromantic , bisexual. birthplace: manhattan, nyc. occupation: actor, boxer. languages: english. siblings: andrew (allinmymincl), brother #2.
andrew's oldest brother
your typical childhood actor story
as the oldest, he took the brunt of it from their mom, shielding his brothers as much as he can
mostly fell in line growing up, did his job, brought the family the kind of fame his mom wanted
hollywood heartthrob! showered in love and attention
until he had enough. then followed: arrests, scandals, depositions
every move had been documented and criticised since he was a kid, leaving him with lots and lots of issues
he has made mistakes -- lots of them! and the whole world starts turning on him
finally emancipates from his parents, they blacklist him from hollywood, dropped from all projects and impossible to get cast in anything
falls out with his brothers, breaks off all contact - sad
went on more benders, drinking and drugs, met someone who got him into boxing and he did that for a few years
beat jake paul and logan paul and that’s all that matters, he doesn’t think of it as an accomplishment tho
makes a comeback via an indie movie and it blows up! does an interview where he talks about abuse from his parents
now he's booked and busy, despite the bad press that still follows, but he continues to drag his reputation through the mud
just an asshole with lots of issues
in his ariana grande era (breaking up marriages)
brutally honest
jokes that he's made it past 27
half the internet loves him, half hate him
he is the type to sleep with his friend's partner but also he is a good friend ??? i can't explain it
has established himself as a respectable actor, chooses projects wisely
lots of indie projects, big name directors, no franchises and superhero movies, famous for his villain roles
honestly his pr team needs a raise, doesn't care about his rep, will say or do anything without hiding anything
it's all a bit of bravado, puts on a show, *gladiator vc* are you not entertained?!
wanted plots.
a ryan gosling x rachel mcadams type deal: costars who hated working with each other has insane chemistry on screen, supposed to be dating each other for publicity reasons but robbie isn't holding up his end of the deal
or costars who hated working with each other, just been cast to work together again
ex friends -- could be something to do with when he got blacklisted from hollywood?
exes etc. just anything w conflict pls
friends of andrew's he can bully ? or befriend ? enemies he can befriend ?
plus all the other general ones: roommates, neighbours, friends, etc. etc.
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helpfulbug · 1 year
wooohooo got tagged by @lostcryptids thank u isabel ur media analysis are always so funny and entertaining!!
Last song you listened to -
ive been listening to bowie on repeat while playing splatoon idk why heroes fits so well w splatoon just something about getting shot at and being in berlin it seems...
Last movie you watched - hm. my mom and i watched 'if these walls could sing' yesterday. its a doc about abbey road studios done by paul mccartneys daughter its really sweet but nothing new unearthed in there really. the last actual movie i watched? might have been 'batman forever' w my friend. SUCH a good movie i screamed when he used the hearing aid to crack the safe jim carrey slays as always nicole kidman sooooo horny in this kids movie where they cant show blood robin calls batman gay they were right when they called this batman forever. oh also we kept pausing the movie to solve the riddlers riddles before batman did and also searched for a specific sound effect for 20 minutes on youtube (i love watching movies w my adhd besties)
Currently Reading - IN THEORY im reading crime and punishment rn....im taking my sweet time tho. i DO like the story im excited to see how it ends (yes idk yes i live under a rock pls i want to get surprised) look at this awesome mini volume it got tho^-^ it has a shimmering cover and a glossary/footnotes to explain subtle references yayyy (little Thang & the stamp for size)
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Currently Watching - started to rewatch the x files and its sooooo much fun^-^ i love how single episode is so insane but also self contained. i remember growing tired of the overarching plots of the later seasons but these early episodes are iconic for a reason. lol had to explain txf lore to my mom bc she wanted to watch an episode w me but didnt know anything about this show
Currently Craving - im having my period rn so yess so much but also i dont wanna eat anything-_- kinda craving broth rn
im tagging @poptartmochi @gaensegurgel @antivillainous @abslghost @uppertwist @oujibaka @afraid-of-woodpeckers (im sorry i know someone else send me this ask game but i cant find ittttt. if i forgot to tag u just act like i did pleaseee)
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Now that Sandman is kinda trending I thought I might give my shitty list of things, that were written by Neil Gaiman, for people to read. Enjoy. Or not. (Btw I did not read every single thing he wrote, 'cus that's like a lot and i have somewhat of a social life and other hobbies, but a part of my bookshelf is dedicated to his books so idk maybe I am semi qualified like my old PE teacher who was 100% stoned at all times and wasn't even a real teacher). Also I kinda left out good omens since I think it doesn't need to be mentioned anyways, its a work of art go read it. Additionally I have zero knowledge with comics so yeah u can Google his involvement with comics on ur own.
- the ocean at the end of the line.
I love it. Was genuinely horrific at points. Loved that. ( insert essay on how the book feels like a children's book written by him, but at the same time it's not and dont give your children that to read. Or do. Am i ur mom) anyway there is a very pretty version of it out with lots of pretty pictures in black and white.
10/10 will not read again I already have sleeping problems
- a study in emerald
As a lover for cosmic horror and sherlock homes, this was amazing. U can read it for free online. There is a comic/visual novel(? Idk it is all pictures and text) it's very good.
Can someone explain y most of Neil Gaimans work is illustrated. It's cool but ot doesn't seem very common with other authors.
10/10 more green slimy things yes pls
- his children's books r cool I guess
Coraline, the milk one, I am to lazy to get up from my bed but u know which one if u google it, and the graveyard book. Again all illustrated and/or haver graphic novels(whats the difference between graphic novels and comics/gen)
10/10 they make me feel like I had a cozy and happy childhood
- the sleeper and the spindle
Did I buy this one because it had two pretty lady's kissing? Maybe, but I am just too gay not to. Again illustrated. Chris Riddell did great with this one(I got up from my bed for this, btw it's 'fortunately the milk' for the book that I mentioned before) it's surprising to say the least. A twist on a classic tale.
10/10 pretty pictures, pretty ladies and a pretty story what else do u need
- the view from the cheap seats
Tbh I bought it on sale because no way am I paying 30 euros for a collection of essays and forewords. It was interesting? I guess. I enjoyed it. Half the time I didn't know what he was talking about. But maybe that was just me being on painmeds at the time of reading.
10/10 got some nice book recommendations that I probably never gonna read.
- American gods and anansi boys
So I know that American gods is kinda known and so on, but I never see much about the 'sequel'( it's not really a sequel as much it is just a different tale in the same universe with one reoccurring character. But he dies in like the first few chapters lol. Kinda.) Anyways. I enjoyed it a bit more. Take that with a grain of salt, because I can't remember shit from the books. Again it's either my very horrible memory or the painmeds. But I remember they were entertaining.
10/10 don't give Blowjobs to people who r driving a car. That's irresponsible. Just don't. (How is that pretty much the only part I remember) there is a short story that acts a bit like an epilogue or side story for American gods. Its good. Again I can't remember the plot, I just remember that it contained an important piece of lore that's finally got confirmed with the side story.
- his short stories
Mmmmmmmh. Read at own risk. I still wake up in sweat at night because of that one short story about narnia. It disturbed me. Alot. I remember Neil Gaiman wrote about this short story in the collection of essays. I hope he loves fucking with people's heads, because he certainly gave me a serious brainfuck. Then again one of the books with a collecting of sort stories is called 'trigger warning' so maybe read that as a real warning lol.
10/10 I am too stupid to understand some of his short stories (certified idiot). But a fool doesn't need to know the intentions of things, he can make fun of it regardless. Anyways. They good. They make idiot happy or sad. Depends on the story. Most likely sad and depressed. Read at ur own risk.
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trve-grimdark · 2 years
Prey (Predator Movie) Spoiler Free Review
Overview: So, I have had my expectations subverted you could say. 
That is to say, everything I thought was going to be wrong with this movie wasn’t really ‘wrong’ and everything I expected to be good was bad. If I had to give this movie a sarcastic title it would be Trope Hunt. 
And really that’s Prey in a nutshell.  The culmination of when a franchise that has been traded back and forth and has gotten progressively less entertaining and further from it’s source material since the first instalment established it, gets handed to a direct to streaming service group that takes some...liberties, with the look and idea, and spits it out as a mess of tropes derived from various portions of the franchise in a big muddled directionless mess.
And it’s a shame, because the general idea was a good idea, it’s just simply wasted. So onto the review. Spoiler free of course.
Plot (2/5) Your general Pred plot. Hunter is dropped off on Earth to hunt, ends up encountering group of humans. Mayhem ensues. Problem is, its all done wrong. 
Why is the Pred hunting in what looks like a fairly mild temperate snow capped mountainous area devoid of major conflict? Don’t know, guess the whole “Only hunts in the hottest of times and where there is conflict” stuff gets tossed right out the window. Why is the Pred dead set on killing hapless animals right in front of obviously more intelligent humans and revealing itself? Don’t know, we need scenes of animal dismemberment I guess. How do the random Euro trappers know its there? Never explained, just shut up and watch ‘ugly bad white man from Europe’ trope and don’t ask questions. Why does the main character want to be a hunter? Because everyone in this fucking movie except her mom is a hunter, I guess. 
Characters (1/5) I’d give this a 2 if the movie had been about the older brother, because he’s the only character in this that has kind of an arc. All I’m going to do is list the characters as tropes because that’s what they are plain and simple.
Wants to Hunt- Main character, you can tell Disney owns the company that owns this license. Princess like trope of quirky snarky above average intelligence girl, wants to hunt real bad because reasons, with an animal sidekick. Upside is, despite what the trailers made it seem, she’s not the standard OP “Strong Female” trope. She just has no character beyond Wants to Hunt Older Cool Brother- Should have been main character. Spends movie doing what everyone else says they are good at doing but he is the only one good at it. Why? Because he’s the older brother. I mean, obviously right?  Asshole to main character for no reason 1,2 and 3-side characters that are obnoxiously mean and critical to Wants to Hunt, because they are.  Fuck-Ugly Euro dudes 1,2 and 3- Also Assholes, kill buffalo needlessly because Dances with Wolves said that’s what they did all the time. Needlessly shitty to everyone, obviously bad, because, well, ummm... White Man in Native American movie?  Predator: Well...its there. It kills shit. Often times pointlessly. 
Effects (0/5) Shitty streaming service original CGI. I mean its worse than the average for this type of thing. I’m not expecting Marvel level here, but at one point The CGI bear literally loses it’s fur texture and runs like its got a corn cob in it’s ass. Also Pred has random CGI moments (and its face)  Complete shit looking. Half the kills in this movie happen in the blink of an eye or off screen with little to no gore. Not even sure how this movie got an R rating. I think AVP was more violent.
Action (3/5) Highest score of the movie. Some of the scenes are well done, and the part with the Pred chasing Wants to Hunt and Asshole #3 through the field was actually a bit frightening. Beyond that, tame killing sequences and lack luster jump cuts. Most of the blood in the movie seemed to come from the Pred as it literally makes a habit of getting skewered, shanked, stabbed, shot, wolf trapped and bit every time its on screen. Also what the fuck perfectly balanced stone tomahawk with matrix physics. Because...that’s a thing.
Music (1/5) This movie has music, I think...
Predator (0/5) Remember when I said the things I thought would be good where what turned out to be bad? This is the crux of that. Even at the worst lowest points of the other Pred movies, we have always been assured of having a badass alien hunter who will eventually spawn lines of collectable figurines and cool gif memes. Not so here. The “redesign” is atrocious. No more ‘Predlocks’ just basic bitch hair, and a weird gaping hole of a maw face with stubby mandibles that was so terribly animated and designed I wanted to claw my eyes out every time it was on screen without a helmet. 
This Pred also had to have been the participation award kid in hunting school. Not only does it needlessly reveal itself by pointlessly killing less dangerous creatures in front of people (or leaving its kills randomly around to be found), but this cat takes more damage for no other reason than it jumps right into traps, and in front of armed and dangerous foes just so it can get...injured, I guess? 
Remember when Jungle Hunter could see all the traps laid out for it? Remember when City hunter stalked down and killed a bunch of heavy armed Special Forces dude in a meat factory without a scratch? Well this guy cant even kill a random wolf without getting hurt. And jumping into a circle of French trappers armed with muskets? Well apparently that was an off day given how hard of a time it had with that. 
Final Score/Summary (Worst Pred movie ever): Prey is, at the end of the day terrible. I wont even score it because it shouldn’t even exist. Every character is a One Dimensional Trope. The Pred looks, hunts and fights like shit, and the plot gets lost in a slew of derivative clichés that go no where, and exist in the movie because “reasons”
If I had to guess, I would say this is the result of a bunch of Streaming Service no names, who one night got together, binged all the pred movies (And also the B-movie knock offs) then went and read a bunch of random fan-wiki articles, slapped a bunch of the tropes together and said “This is what Pred fans like right?”
 Look! The Pred skinned something! That’s a thing! Look, some one said a One Liner from the other movies! That’s a thing! Look, Wrist Blades coming out in front of the camera! Look, the tri-laser sight! Look, People setting traps! Look he loses his helmet at the end! wE mAkE gOoD pReDaToR mOvIe! What? What’s that? What’s the movie about? Ummm hey look Native Americans! Awesome movie right? Right?
Total garbage. Not even a guilty pleasure like the AVP movies. I may even make a ‘how to fix it” post at some point because I feel the need to correct this pile of fail in my brain so I can sleep, and Natives battling Preds in the distant past deserves better.
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Repost from amino for my friend who doesn't have it
My amino profile is http://aminoapps.com/p/4rk5jr
This post is my theory on what's really going on in Fnaf 4, this game's plot is quite the thing to try and solve and some of you are bound to disagree with my take, and that's okay! Just please remember to remain civil if you take issue with any of the points I make here.
The Theory
There is More Than an Illusion to Fear
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• In Night 3 of Sister Location we are tasked with repairing Funtime Freddy, while we work on him we get a look at his "power module", however, it is suspiciously similar in appearance to the description of a device called an illusion disc from The Twisted Ones novel. The animatronics that use these discs are given descriptions that are also very similar to the Funtime animatronics as a whole. We know that the Funtimes were designed to lure and disorient children so having Illusion discs to aid in that purpose would make alot of sense.
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•In Ultimate Custom Night the character Nightmare Fredbear has a voiceline that goes like this; "This time there is more than an Illusion to fear." This line implies that the nightmare animatronics in FNAF 4 were illusions, but in UCN they are not. While this could be interpreted as meaning they were just dreams before I think the specific use of the word illusion is something of note.
•Thanks to the private room cameras and breaker room map layout we know that the FNAF 4 bedroom is a real place and that William likely monitored it. From the breaker room we can see that this building is connected to the private room with some sort of tunnel or vent, meaning the Funtimes could have access to the FNAF 4 house. The area being monitored suggests William was aware of this or possibly even caused it.
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•In Five Nights at Freddy's AR the character Springtrap re-uses some old Nightmare lines from UCN, suggesting a connection between them. To add fuel to the fire in UCN we play as William and one of Nightmare's lines is; "I am your wickedness given flesh." This suggests Nightmare is literally a representation of William's evil.
• In the FNAF Survival Logbook on a page asking about recent dreams Michael Afton has drawn what appears to either be Nightmare Fredbear or Nightmare, I believe it is Nightmare, with him literally being his namesake, a bad dream Michael had about his past experiences in that bedroom.
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• In FNAF VR Help Wanted there is an easter egg in the Plushtrap minigame where a Minireena can appear, this coupled with the breaker room map showing that the area is directly linked to Ballora Gallery could imply that Plushtrap is a Minireena in disguise.
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•In FNAF Security Breach there are some hidden therapy logs that detail Vanessa's past, but something doesn't seem quite right. Vanessa's dad is named Bill in these tapes, however, Bill can be a nickname for William. In these tapes Bill manipulates his daughter into lying about her mother so he can win a custody battle against her. It is possible this was a story Glitchtrap told Vanessa that she used to avoid talking about her real issues out of fear of Glitchtrap. If this is the case then it's likely that it was Elizabeth who did this. If the afton's originally lived apart its possible this is how William got custody of the kids and why they'd be under his care in later events, like we see with him warning Elizabeth about Baby or Michael returning to William's home after each shift in Baby's Entertainment and Rentals. It's likely this custody battle happened after the death of the Crying Child explaining why in the fnaf 4 minigames he's living at his mom's house.
•In the graphic adaptation of The Twisted Ones Graphic Novel the unaltered appearances of two of the Twisted animatronics look similar to Funtime Freddy and Nightmare Foxy. The Twisted animatronics also end up in an underground Freddy's by the end of the book, located beneath Henry Emily's house. This is a pretty direct parallel to William Afton's house being above Baby's Entertainment and Rentals.
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•In the novel The Fourth Closet the animatronic Circus Baby is seen using illusion discs to look like Charlie, one of the book's protagonists. Mangle is also seen using an illusion disc to look like Funtime Foxy, atleast in the graphic novel. (I haven't read the full novel but I'd assume this also happens in that.)
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• The Plushtrap hallway building isn't attached to Mrs Afton's house OR William's house, leaving Henry's as the only real option. However I think it's unlikely that William built a secret passageway to Henry's house without his knowledge.
•Not everything in this theory lines up perfectly, such as Nightmare Foxy becoming a plushie when properly dealt with. This would suggest it was either the plushie that had the disc or that it really was a dream. Another example would be the hospital room easter eggs.
It seems we've reached the end of this little theory of mine, I hope you enjoyed reading this and that you agree with it. If you have anything big to either prove this or debunk this feel free to calmly inform me.
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ilonga · 2 years
so I watched Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness last night and I have some thoughts:
Overall, I enjoyed it a lot more and I thought it was a lot better than Spider-Man NWH, the last MCU movie I watched. DS:MoM was a fairly entertaining watch overall. But I definitely agree with the comments I’ve seen that it... isn’t that great of a movie? The dialogue feels quite stilted, the plot jumpy and forced, and none of the characters particularly compelling except for Wanda, who’s just mainly fun to watch as the villain. That being said, the things I liked:
- Wanda: I was one of the people who was rooting for her to be revealed as the villain when Wandavision was originally airing because she’d be epic as an antagonist--and she was. Loved how unhinged she was here.
- The Multiverse hopping: YES PLEASE LITERALLY MY FAVORITE TROPE. The Captain Carter cameo was spoiled for me beforehand and I did enjoy it, but WHY IS NOBODY TALKING ABOUT MARIA RAMBEAU AS CAPTAIN MARVEL!!! PERFECTION!!! SHE WAS SO BADASS!!! so glad to see my girl maria again, I missed herrr
- America Chavez: She was pretty fun! I think the movie could have made her more compelling but it is what it is. I liked her moms and I liked that her arc was left concluded but pretty open ended. Was the last battle with Wanda a little cheesy? Yeah, but not in an annoying way (to me, at least). More in a “yeah, I saw that coming” sort of way. I do wish we had gotten a bit more character work for her in a more natural way--the memory lane just suddenly revealing her backstory was really contrived.
- Wong: Icon. 
Things I didn’t like/was more ambivalent about:
- Dialogue: Felt super forced. Especially the jarring switches between “Marvel joke-y mode” and seriousness. A lot of the dialogue sounded a hell of a lot better in the trailer than it did in the actual movie.
- Plot: Mehhhhhhh
- Doctor Strange: He’s just... not a super compelling character. They kind of tried to give him a character arc here with him having to learn to open up and “being afraid of being vulnerable” and his whole “unhappiness” schtick but like... didn’t really put in the effort to see it through. And LMAO @ him getting a “not like other girls” moment 
- Also the Multiverse: They should have done SO MUCH more with it. This movie marketed itself as “different in tone from previous marvel movies” but it really wasn’t. At all. Why couldn’t they have thrown in more sci-fi/speculative stuff? What was stopping them? Another thing is that the movie forgets its own rules: if one of the rules of multiversial travel is that you “don’t know anything”, why would Doctor Strange assume that both he and Sinister Strange had a sister? What guarantees that? What guarentess that the sister died in both universes, and in the same way, at that? What even guarantees that every Doctor Strange became a doctor, and acquired his powers the same way? And joined the fight against Thanos? Just like... this movie is very tame in regard to the multiverse aspect which is disappointing.
- The horror aspect: Listen I’m a person who REFUSES to watch any horror but come on, this movie was so tame. WHERE was the spooky. WHERE. There was just a hint of horror-ish vibes, there could have been so much MORE
- Also Wanda?? I’m a bit conflicted on this. While I LOVED seeing her as an unhinged villain, it was definitely a complete 180 from where her character arc in Wandavision left her. It didn’t feel like a very natural turn of her character, more like she acted the way she did because it was plot-necessary. They just hopped from Point A from Point B with her and didn’t really explain how she got there other than “Darkhold corruption *hand-wave*”. And I don’t actually mind that all that much but what’s sticking on my mind now is that it undercuts Monica’s arc in Wandavision a ton, and Monica has a movie coming up soon. In Wandavision, Monica’s empathy and faith in Wanda is rewarded and proven right, and she wins because of it. Hayward is wrong to not listen to her, and villainous for his callous treatment of her, the trio, and of Wanda. But now this movie kind of... ends up doing the opposite? I hope it doesn’t impact Monica’s character too badly but idk at this point
- The action scenes: I know this isn’t a movie that’s intended to have impressive looking fight scenes since most of it is cgi magic but still... a lot of it looked awkward
- Sinister Strange: So... why did he decide to go around murdering Doctor Stranges? How did we get from Point A (all Doctor Stranges are depressed) to Point B (I must murder them for funsies). Not to mention that the battle between them was out-of-nowhere (why are they fighting with music? is this meant to be comedic?)
- Oh yeah and there was a lot of stopping and staring when characters were being chased. What was up with that.
- The Illuminati: WHY WOULD THEY CALL THEM THAT IT SOUNDS SO DUMB anyways. Their logic about Doctor Strange was... super inconsistent. “We have to kill our Doctor Strange because he’s a threat so we’ll keep him around until Thanos is defeated then murder him with his permission” to “this new Doctor Strange is also a threat because he’s a Doctor Strange even if he’s from the multiverse and we have no idea what his universe is likeso we should kill him” to “everyone makes mistakes :)” like. what. And their deaths were super glossed over. Like this universe’s Avengers were all just murdered and they’re pretty fucked now but we’re just gonna ignore that for the rest of the movie. RIP Earth 838 sucks to be you I guess. 
- America opened her first portal and lost her mothers because of a bee. I’m sorry but that’s too comedic to work as a serious moment. Definitely a jarring scene in terms of tone and they could have done a lot better with that moment.
- Christine: I’m fully ambivalent about her. 
And also there’s no way Wanda’s dead. 
Can’t think of anything else at the moment but yeah. Overall a 6 or 7/10 I’d say. Definitely a much more fun watch then NWH, because NWH was just infuriating.
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silentxxsoul · 2 years
The 'this is going to be hella chaotic bc its week 3 wee woo and week 4 tyler higbee please go off i need the points' reaction dump
Listen I'm like deadlocked this week in fantasy football and really need my guy Tyler to show OUT against the 49ers but I'm also invested in all things Bathena so this could not be a worse scenario for my mediocre focusing skills.
I've got so many screens going at once idk how this is gonna go lmao
Lord help me when its playoff baseball and NHL bc 💀
Anyway, gimme all the Bathena tonight PLEASE. I feel like we've only really gotten crumbs from them since COVID hit and Peter and Angela took a step back (also Angela filming BP2), and I'm so, so hyped for more1
The way the actress is playing Athena's mom is talking with her hands is soooo Athena. IDK if it was a conscious decision or not but I love that little detail.
Man, that had to be so terrifying and traumatizing for her
The fact that the foundation was so exposed is sus, but also the timeline is hella confusing. I feel like Jr's dad was only mentioning it so that Athena would question her dad more and not look at him, the guy who poured the foundation. Plus the odd looks Junior was giving his dad--the man knows something.
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Bobby being supportive husband ♥♥♥
my lil tyler bud out there doing tight end thins
Honestly, props to Athena for recognizing she really doesn't know who her dad is beyond her house. A lot of family members can't take the blinders off (literally happening in my family rn) or refuse to entertain the idea their family members might be a bad person.
Wait - they both snuck out ??? I mean, that explains the quick change from wanting to shoot Athena point blank and then inviting her inside, but yikes
Something definitely happens at this party, I can feel it. Then Junior and his dad cover up by hiding her body in the foundation. That's the reason for the girls hearing the truck...
Also, I'm still not convinced JR isn't a bit sus outright, especially after the comment about chasing Athena around. He's clearly older--old enough to be passable for drinking age, probably 15/16/17, so that's 10ish on Athena. It's a bit gross to think he was chasing her or however they worded it being that much older than her.
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Bobby is about to lose his shit. Like I can see why he'd take her in, but also I can't actually believe they're taking her in.
Is he going to try something ??
Well, actually he is but you don't know that yet
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Oh look Matty boy got sacked again lololol
oh christ woman why didn't you put it up?
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Unrelated but Kittle my guy, I'm gonna need you to get some yards here in the next 3 quarters okay?
Always with the villain monologue. I remember in the promo Athena clocked a dude with a shovel and I was pretty sure it was Jr, so like give it a little more oomph
I mean this dude is a fucking creep, right?
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kinda poetic it's going to end here though, she can get her peace while he gets justice where it all happened.
Okay, so I knew this was going to be a heavy episode but holy shit was this a heavy episode I mean ----
Holy shit there were more
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I'm just
holy shit that ending
I -
I need 3-5 bus days to process yall bc WHAT
Like, this was such a good episode. I know people will be booing because it was Bathena only "aNd noT tHe 118", but y'all this was fucking fantastic. The acting, the story, the execution. Like, the TWISTS. I knew it was likely to be a plot of this kind but the way they got there I was not expecting. Also, to get the supportive!Bobby and his dad-glasses moments ?? S - W - O - O - N
Plus bad ass Athena again? Clocking the shit out of that creep? Doing detective things with her hubby? In this economy??
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((tyler you're doing great sweetie!!!))
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the-spaced-out-ace · 2 years
Daddy You, Daughter Me (2017)
An attempt at a review
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(I ran the entertainment section on my high school’s newspaper, but I had to review recent releases. It occurred to me that on tumblr I can talk about whatever weird things I find that I want)
So. This movie certainly exists. I don’t love it, but I definitely don’t hate it, either. It’s just…there.
Daddy You, Daughter Me (아빠는 딸, “Abbaneun Ddal” in Korean) is a movie I came across the other day while trying to remember the name of a completely different East Asian media that had been recommended to me (which I have since found, but that isn’t the point). The movie is about the typical parent-child Freaky Friday plot, but instead of the mother, it’s the FATHER that swaps with the daughter.
The movie is apparently based on a Japanese novel called Seven Days For a Dad and a Daughter, but given I’ve never read the book, I can’t say if it’s a loyal adaptation. I CAN say it follows a lot of the same plot beats as the 2003 remake of Freaky Friday (which is one of my favorite movies) in the first half of the story, but it begins to diverge more as the story goes on, and I can only assume must have been in the book.
The movie has a lot of great visual humor (such as when the daughter, as the dad, walks to the train station while jamming to pop music through brightly colored headphones, or the father, as the daughter, rocking very stereotypically Dad Clothes whenever he can. There were a few good jokes told as well, but I think it’s possible that I missed several, as the subtitles on the copy I had were often a very literal translation and/or grammatically incorrect. That being said, I got the vibe that English wasn’t the first language of whoever translated the movie, so even though there were definitely parts I didn’t fully understand, I let it slide.
The characters were honestly kinda lacking. The reason I love Freaky Friday and it’s adaptations (including the musical, but NOT Disney Channel’s version of the musical) is because it makes you care for the whole cast, not just the two protagonists. You get to learn about their family, the daughter’s friends and love interest, the parent’s coworkers. There were certainly elements of that in this movie, but not to the same extent. In fact, something that stood out to me was the father and daughter agreeing “we can’t tell Mom,” but not long after, the mom completely disappears from the plot. The focus is exclusively on the father-daughter relationship, but even then, there wasn’t too much depth to the exposition. The only name of any character I can remember is the daughter, Do-yeon.
Even though the characters weren’t stellar, the plot was actually really strong. Strong for being a movie whose main trope has like maybe two gimmicks, but I’m a sucker for these kinds of stories and I like seeing various takes on it. Do-yeon and her father make a mutual wish that they’d try to understand each other’s lives under a ginkgo tree in her grandfather’s yard, which he explains will grant wishes made from the bottom of the heart. Once they actually switch, the grandfather explains that such a spell takes seven days, and then it will fix itself, implying something like this has happened before. First off, I really like that they know ahead of time how long the situation will last, seeing them count down was nice continuity. And having a longer time frame than other body swap stories made the plot feel busy, because there was more time to get things done. Could be a plus.
The themes….kinda lost me. Do-yeon feels she will be an embarrassment to her father if she can’t keep up in school and go to college, her father feels that they’re not as close as they were when she was a child and wants to be listened to again. Having to take a high school exam shows him that school has changed, and he comes to the conclusion that you don’t need college to be successful. Do-yeon has fun at work, but she also finds out how stressful and lonely adult life can be. The movie makes it look like they’ll come to an agreement….and then Do-yeon realizes she was a complete bitch and was completely in the wrong. And also, she goes to college anyway. And the dad doesn’t change much, other than having a BIT more patience with her.
I understand this is a cultural thing, since familial devotion is a HUGE deal in South Korea, but it doesn’t seem fair to have that set up and not pay off. It doesn’t help we don’t see any of Do-yeon’s life beforehand. She’s introduced as a sweet child, and then a sullen teen who gets easily embarrassed by her parents, and this is apparently an objectively bad thing. She doesn’t talk about her own struggles until the end, making her seem impulsive and rude until she suddenly decided to grow up, but there’s no way to know if that’s what she’s actually like.
Overall the movie is just….fine. Nothing special, but fine. 5/10, I guess.
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witheringvoice · 2 years
One Ball, One Chance
first one i'm looking at is one ball one chance because I want to get over with the cringe as fast as possible
this may or may not be a tsukishima fanfiction
again, my coping mechanisms are very odd
but as someone on the asexual spectrum who started feeling something close enough to romantic interest for the first time, I needed to use simping as a coping mechanism
plus haikyuu was my hyperfixation at the time (which is another coping mechanism haha---)
and tsukishima has pretty eyes in some of the scenes (I've said this before and I'll say it again, gojo satoru's eyes are overrated. nice eyes, but overrated eyes)
also i found it very entertaining to write haikyuu fanfiction because I loved writing the volleyball parts, even though I almost never got a chance to write them (because I didn't put them in as often as I should have honestly).
also this point in time, when i was writing haikyuu fanfiction is when I had my first big spark with writing and started kicking off me realizing how much I loved writing (then at the end of that year when I started writing those poems and realized i always loved writing just never put much time into it)
I know i got pretty far into the storyline i was going for (though I didn't have much of a plan, I just knew it was gonna end soon enough lol)
Do I really want to read 81 pages of cringe though...
i mean it'll pass the time
to explain the type of characters i simp for, they have to have eyes I find pretty. but personality wise, either they have to be confident or they have to be determined. they have to be sarcastic or a ray of sunshine. and I have to find them funny. if you make me laugh, I love you <3
just kidding my preference is so complicated idfk what it is
because it's nonexistent
because i'm on the asexual spectrum
that's just the bare minimum
if you make me laugh, wheeze, AND (not or) giggle, then I like you in some way. most likely platonically but still---
okay there are 19 chapters in this incomplete story/fanfiction of mine...let's read the cringe
oh yeah at the time i felt like my mom was slowly abandoning us so i kinda made it that her mom abandoned her in this one lol
at least it isn't like hope where her mom and stepfather are very abusive...but in that one I was really fucking depressed and the main plot is---NOT THE STORY---
Oh wait no i guess i changed it to be more realistic because her mom didn't just up and abandon her at like eleven years old or something
cool cool
nevermind she was abandoned lol
well not quite
her mom moved out which---
yeah i have no idea how i'd continue that story...how long did it take to read lol?
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