#also he asked for me to make a painting for his bday and it made me ���
hobiespick · 1 day
Sam Winchester x reader headcanons
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a/n: if you thought I only made shitty Sam headcanons, WRONG‼️ cuz I also made a shitty moodboard (i'm extra like that yeehaw)
- Takes notice of the books you read, that is if you don't give him recomendations bc if you do that boy has a whole ass notepad and is a fast writter so try him.
- "Y/n would like this" "Y/n would probably know" "Y/n was right"- Dean gets seriously tired and makes jokes about how often Sam talks about you
- you think he's joking untill Sam isn't glaring daggers at him- but instead he starts blushing and straching the back of his head like a damn schoolboy.
- reads your body language very well- "What's wrong?" Sam asks putting all of his attention onto you. "Nothing" You shrug it off (you're not slick at all). "Bull." Sam chides still looking at you hoping you'll tell him.
-literally the happiest when you sigh defeated and tell him what's wrong but shakes it off to actually listen to you.
- uses the soft tone he talks to victims with on you- not because he thinks you're weak or fragile
- you're a badass and he knows it
- you complimented him once on it (his voice) saying he is good at comforting and how no wonder people open up that easily when he talks like THAT to them.
- "Miss, when was your neighbour killed?" All puppy eyes furrowed eyebrows and soft tone almost sticking his chin to his chest + that fake ass FBI badge, You: "Yes-"
- Sam probably met Jess through the art courses he took I'm sobbing-
- I watched that episode and I had no idea (I'm so happy google exists) what he was talking about and I'm damn art student jesus christ
- "It's good for meeting girls." So good- SHHSAJGSS I'M FOAMING AT THE MOUTH SAM PLEASE
- Artsy Sam save me, Please Artsy Sam
- So touch starved, hug this man PLEASE
- If you're an artist yourself and draw, sketch, paint whatever, he'll want to see it
- even teach him some stuff, LAWD
- researches stuff abt you when he can't get you out of his head- for example : the meaning of your name, your zodiac sign, which celebrity you share your bday with, etc (he can't help it)
- reads banned literature (isn't he's so dreamy? 💞)
- his favourite movie is the notebook or pride and prejudice (and book!) because I said so
- Unconciously mirros your movements or tics, for example if you rub your nose with your wrist, he starts doing it too (it's contagious)
- Dean points it out but Sam wasn't raised to be fair so he justifies himself by saying he had that tic first and YOU are the one who started mimmicking him
- it's an ongoing war for some time but beacuse the system's corrupt the bastard lawboy Sam wins
- you two share an interest? HE IS SO HAPPY
- oh no! His t shirt accidentally made it's way into your bag! How did that happen? (It's him officer, that is the loverboy take him away)
- Alexa/google play good old fashioned loverboy by queen
- really likes earthy smells (freshly cut grass, pine trees and so on)
- Dean when he says your instead of you're
- love language is definetly quality time and touch
a/n: it took alot of self encouragement to post this so feedback would be very much appreciated<3! And for every person who voted "YEAHHH" on the poll, I hope your pillow is cold tonight 💞🫶
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rubenesque-as-fuck · 1 year
Well damn, today did not go how I expected
#life of faye#woke up normal and actually started to get stuff done#then got distracted texting d#which turned into us having a long deep conversation about our whole situation#like probably more in depth than we've really discussed it since he left portland#or possibly ever#i definitely ended up confessing that I am kinda sorta in love with him and don't know how not to be#and that I feel like a bad friend for still wanting to fuck him but also that I feel like there's been some mixed signals in that regard#and he talked about how he's not comfortable pursuing a relationship with me or anyone else right now#and that he would be open to something fwb-related but he didn't think I would be interested/comfortable with that arrangement#especially considering my own confessed feelings and everything#but I told him I can work with that because at least I would have a chance to occasionally fuck someone I trust#and i already know he fucks like a champ#like fwb fuckfest every once in a while- even if it's only every year or two- is still preferable to ~1 shitty new stranger date per year#and maybe it's pathetic of me to stuff down my love to at least get sex#but fucking a friend that just doesn't love me back is still better than fucking a stranger to me#anyway we haven't really nailed down it all yet but the conversation has finally been started#also he asked for me to make a painting for his bday and it made me 🥹#nobody has ever specifically asked me to paint them something before#my date with sweet d
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harufluff · 7 months
enhypen on your bday /ᐠ - ˕ -マ Ⳋ
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warnings - mentions of food, lots of skinship :))
genre - fluff, enhypen x fem!reader, established relationship au, non-idol au
wc - 3.9k words
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happy birthday to me and sorn 🥳💕
lee heeseung
honestly he wanted nothing more than to make you feel special. he had a hard time figuring out what to do with you cause you’re never specific about what exactly you want.
hee ends up making you a cute handmade card with a bunch of kisses that he used your lipstick to make 🫠🫠
ends up accidentally sleeping over at your place the night before and having to run back to his apartment before you wake up, to which you thank him for when he comes back :))
more undercut !!
park jay
another who just has a need to make you feel special. but jay’s love language is gift giving, so obviously he was a little flashier.
wakes you up in the morning with breakfast in bed and cuddles with you until 1 o’clock, when he makes you get ready and go shopping with him. he gets you everything that you are even remotely interested in cause he wants you to have everything you want :DD
at the end of the night, jay takes you to a nice restaurant and you end the night with a movie night together in the comfort of your shared home 💕💕
sim jake
wants you so see quite literally everyone who you care about. jakes such a sweetheart that he plans everything and anything for the day months ahead of time.
he makes all the calls to your family, friends, and even just the girl at the grocery store you like talking to lol. the entire day gets him kinda stressed out, but he’s just happy you’re having fun and enjoying your special day.
the two of you end up just laying in bed and falling asleep at 9 o’clock to some old movie in the background 💞
park sunghoon
another one who thinks a handmade gift and a good meal are the perfect thing ⭐️⭐️ he gets to your place around 9 o’clock cause he wanted to let you sleep in, but he also wanted to be the first person you see when you woke up.
he made you one of those cute little ‘boyfriend coupons’ that you see on pinterest, and was considering putting his on pinterest himself.
sunghoon spent the whole day with you in his arms and he quite literally would not take his hands off you urgen after both of you were sleeping peacefully in bed with the love of your lives.
kim sunoo
more shopping to make his birthday girl feel special!! his main focus of the day was just to spend as much time with you before you were whisked off by your friends at night time (that he planned to have them do)
he made sure that you were having fun every second of the day, to which you answered with yes every time. sunoo with his fluffy personality shinning through, pre-ordered cute matching hoodies with his and your own initial ❤️❤️
after picking you back up from hanging out with your friends, he drew a bath for you and you ended the night with some good snacks and your perfect boyfriend.
yang jungwon
also wants your birthday to be perfect, but also wants to be a little selfish for once and keep you to yourself. he had asked you what you wanted to do weeks prior and you had both agreed that you wanted to just stay at home together on the day of, and then have some fun the day after.
he was completely ecstatic. he started off the day with waking you up with sweet words in your ears and a cute stuffed animal given to you by wonnie. throughout the day you lounged around the house together, in the kitchen, living room, bedroom, honestly even the bathroom.
a calm day with your sheep was all you wanted and much more needed for your special day :))
nishimura riki
part of him wanted to stay home and cuddle with his birthday girl, but the other side of him wanted to have a cute little date day. he decided that he wanted to bring you to pottery studio and glaze some cups. he had jay help him plan the scheduling
if he’s being honest, he thought you looked adorable focusing on painting with your tongue poking the side of your cheek.
when you got home, he literally tackled you into the couch, which is where you stayed for hours and letting some show fade into the background as you basked in each other comforting presence.
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©️harufluff 2023
hope you liked it!! comments and reblogs are highly appreciated.
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robertdowneyjjr · 13 days
HAPPY BDAYYYY !!! coincidentally it is also my mom's bday today lol, here's a lil buckytony for u !!!
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which connects to my prompt: tony is used to feeling cold, he had to be (the cave was so cold in the death of the night) and he knows that bucky is, too, even if the man always seem to run hot due to the serum. well, it's the winter season, what better excuse does he have except that he needs a human blanket? basically tony holding hands, hugging, or cuddling bucky to fend off the cold !!
happy birthday again !!!
hello!!! i’m SO sorry this took practically half a year but i just want you to know that your art makes me so happy and seeing this in my inbox was one of the best gifts i could have asked for. bucky and tony are so fucking cute and i’m obsessed with bucky’s blush and tony’s eyelashes 🥰 i hope your mom also had a lovely time celebrating her birthday!!
anyway, without delaying this any further than i already have—
Bucky had never been able to feel anything with the heavy silver arm that was forced onto him, which made it useful as a shield as well as a blunt force weapon. It was perfect for the Winter Soldier, the unfeeling assassin whose sole existence was to comply orders and complete missions. Having it blown off may have been a shock at first, but it had quickly morphed into relief when Bucky had realized that losing the arm was the first real step towards finally, truly breaking free from the shackles of Hydra.
Since having his triggers removed and embarking on his slow journey towards recovery, Bucky has decided that he has no interest in fighting anymore, keen to stay home and monitor the feeds while the rest of the team is out being heroes. He’s happy to be retired, happy to uncover new things about himself as he learns how to bake croissants and build terrariums. It’s a kind of peace he never thought he’d be able to have when he was trapped for seventy years as a prisoner of war, and he wouldn’t trade it for anything.
So when he had been asked what he would like in a new prosthetic, Bucky had said, just a regular arm; no super strength, no nifty weapons hidden in the plates. Just a functional part of his body for him to get through his daily life.
Tony had gone above and beyond, presenting Bucky with a prosthetic that had far exceeded his expectations. Not only is the arm intuitive, with nanobots that shift like real muscle and fat as Bucky moves, but it is also regulated to match the rest of Bucky’s body in strength and temperature. If it had been painted a color to match Bucky’s skin, it would almost be indiscernible to a real arm.
Despite the prosthetic being made with the most advanced technology the world has to offer—despite all the cyborg jokes his friends like to tease him with—Bucky has never felt more human.
With the new arm, Tony hadn’t just given Bucky back a sense of normalcy. He’d also given Bucky a brighter future than he had ever dared to imagine.
He still remembers the day in the lab after they had run through their last series of tests with the new arm.
He had just put down the stress ball they used for the pressure test, still marveling at how he could feel the texture of the rubber, when Tony had spoken up.
“Okay. One last thing I’d like us to try. Hold your hand out?”
Bucky had done as he was asked, not quite sure what to expect, when Tony had reached out with his right hand and wound their fingers together. He hadn’t been able to hold back a gasp, staring at their joined hands as he felt the cold of Tony’s hand seeping through the warmth that he hadn’t realized was coming from his own arm. Then Tony had squeezed once, affectionately, stepping closer until they were only inches apart, and Bucky’s heart had stuttered in his chest as he glanced up and saw the way Tony had been smiling at him.
“How does this feel?” Tony had asked, red faintly dusting his cheeks in a way Bucky had been sure no one else had ever seen before.
Feeling whole and brave, and like the ice in his veins is finally starting to melt for the first time in decades, Bucky had gently squeezed back.
“Good. It feels nice. You feel nice.”
“Yeah. I like it.”
“Well, good. You’re warm, so I think I’ll be holding on to you for a while. You know, just to stave off the cold,” Tony had declared.
“Sure thing, doll.”
Tony is tactile. That had been the first thing that Bucky learned about Tony when the team had been pardoned, made their amends with each other, and gone back to New York.
His touches are gentle and reassuring, drawing smiles from whoever he has focused his attention on at the moment. Rhodes leans into the hand that Tony brushes against his back as he walks by, for a moment relying on his friend’s strength instead of his leg braces. Natalia is a constant presence by Tony’s side during movie nights, bumping her head against his hand like a cat just so he would play with her hair. Peter beams like he’s aced a test every time Tony squeezes his shoulder affectionately after helping with his physics homework. Steve rolls his eyes fondly whenever Tony pokes his abs teasingly after a workout, but always teases right back by lifting his shirt up to goad Tony into doing it again.
Being touched by Tony is like a drug, and Bucky has been addicted since the first time Tony held his hand. Which is just as well, because when Tony said he would be holding on for a while, he wasn’t kidding.
After that first time in the lab, Tony always, always holds Bucky close when they’re together.
He takes Bucky by the hand and drags him to dinner with the team, never loosening his grip even when Sam raises a pointed eyebrow at their joined hands. “For warmth,” Tony says, and when he takes his place at the table, he promptly kicks Steve out of his usual spot because he refuses to release their entwined fingers. Bucky just watches amusedly as Steve takes his old seat next to Rhodes and sits down next to Tony, only letting go so he can scoot closer and swing his arm across the back of Tony’s chair as they eat.
He drapes Bucky’s left arm over his shoulder when they’re out, snuggling close to his side as they take the long way walking home after dinner. “For warmth,” Tony says, even though he’s wrapped up in several layers of expensive wool and cashmere. Bucky just pulls him in tighter and steers him towards their favorite gelato bar for dessert, because even though Tony runs cold and always claims he doesn’t like sweets, Bucky knows he’d never say no to ice cream.
He sleeps on the right side of the bed so he can use Bucky’s arm as another pillow, despite knowing the hard planes of metal can’t possibly be comfortable for him. “For warmth,” Tony says as he presses a kiss to Bucky’s reconstructed shoulder and dozes off under their weighted blanket made of the fluffiest down feathers. Bucky just smiles indulgently and curls in closer, perfectly happy to tolerate overheating in his sleep if it means going to bed every night with his favorite person in the world.
Having Tony in his arms warms him from the inside out, like an endless summer after a lifetime spent lost in the cold.
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choccy-milky · 6 months
Hi! I started reading your story sometime in the last week and I’m OBSESSED! I normally don’t have much patience and can’t get myself to read anything past like 15k or anything that’s still being worked on, but your story hooked me almost instantly! I really liked the description and decided to give it a try and I’m so glad I did. The detailed descriptions you give pull me into the story and the way you seamlessly switch points of view feels so natural. I just wanted to let you know how much I’m enjoying reading so far and I’m excited for more! ❤️
AW TYSM😭😭 this means a lot, esp since ive been kinda self conscious about the length of my fic lately (and also how long its gonna end up being once im actually done LMFAO) and ik my chapters have gotten ginormous BAHAHA so im glad that even if you don't usually read long stuff you still gave my fic a try and enjoyed it so much + are looking forward to more!!💖💖so ty again😭🙏 AND as usual i'll be using this to answer other asks:
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thank you and AA im glad to hear it!! a lot of people have been telling me ive been inspiring them to draw lately and i love it (im just sorry i dont have any concrete tips to give people other than keep practicing LOL) but good luck and i hope you keep at it!!🥰🥰
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GIRL IDK, IDEK HOW LONG THE STORY IS GONNA BE, but assuming im still brainrotted even when its done then YEAH u wouldnt be able to stop me if you tried😊 (im glad you like them so much as well, ty!!😭)
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thank you!! and yes i usually have at least a vague idea of what i want in the story before i start, though a lot of it didn't become concrete until i started writing/things evolving from there. i made a big (slightly) vague timeline of the entire fic from beginning to (almost) end, and then i keep fleshing it out from there as the ideas keep coming to me/evolving, and for each chapter i make an even more detailed outline, and THEN i get started on the final chapter. so its a bit of a process bahaha, but the brainstorming is really fun!! as for any advice, im not sure. maybe just brainstorm/write down scenes and ideas that you know for a fact that you want to put in your fic, and then try to find a way to connect them to other scenes from there and work backwards. basically WRITE WHAT YOU WANT TO READ, cuz like im my own biggest fan fr, thats the most important part LMAO
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LMFAO speaking of outlining future events.....this may or may not happen in the future/in an epilogue when clora is pregnant and she got those pregnant woman hormones that seb is fighting for his LIFE to keep up with HAHAHA
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ive been drawing since i was 4 years old so...a while. LOL. and if you even look back to the beginning of my blog, my first drawings of seb were SO UGLY💀💀 so if you just keep drawing you constantly get better naturally (also in response to the other ask you sent as well, i use clip studio paint to draw!)
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AW TYYY. AND YES CLORA WILL HAVE ANOTHER MC MOMENT, the ranrok confrontation is still coming, after all...👀👀 and true, idek who would win if clora and seb duelled again with neither of them holding back, but u are so right. even if clora DID win that would do nothing to change sebs mind about how protective he is LMFAO. THANK YOU AGAIN im glad you like my fic + drawings so much!!💖💖
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BAHAHAH in my fic (for smut reasons and so that they could be 17 when they did the nasty) i made clora's bday april 3rd and sebs february 12, so clora is an aries and seb is an aquarius (and yes i just checked and apparently they ARE compatible, so seb can rest. also i just read up on aquarius and damn it unintentionally suits seb so well?? LOL "Aquarius is undoubtedly the most innovative, progressive, rebellious, and humanitarian. " and "They have incredible energy, though they may not always use it wisely. They find it easy to get through life on charm and good looks." LMFAO. ok king we love that
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 1 year
Hakuoki Tsukikage Kazama Short Story
This is the last translation to make up for March (only four not five since i don't count a week because of my bday)... I'm probably just going to translate the rest of what I can for April...
Also I hate tax law. Taxes themselves are something I'm okay with to a degree since I'm probably more federalist and like health care and the idea of dental care, but looking through who knows how many statues and laws from the CRA for just one thing is something I wish I didn't subject myself to lol.
The story for this translation was originally published in B's-LOG 2019年11月号.
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the last of these I'll be able to translate are the Souji one with the books, the Saito story with the flower in winter, the Harada story and the one for Souma.... i think those haven't been translated?
Hakuoki Tsukikage B’s Log 2019年11月 Kazama Short Story “Nagatsuki (長月)” [meaning the 9th month of the lunar calendar]
Translation by KumoriYami
"This was all that could be prepared."
"No, it's nothing. I should be the one apologising for forcing you to do this."
With a plate in my hand that I received from the hostess who bowed her head to apologise, I greeted her before going back to the room.
On our journey to Aizu, this was the only inn we could find.
The closer to the battlefield, the fewer people there were, and the once lively stores and inns tightly shut their doors.
This was something that had been realized after camping out several times, [though] Amagiri-san found that there was inn operating at the end of the road/street [not sure about the first half here].
(It was thanks to Amagiri-san...)
Chizuru sighed as she thought this.
"...Too slow."
Back in the room, Kazama-san had already put on his yukata and was relaxing as he looked out the window.
Ever since we left Edo, Kazmaa-san had been wearing simple western-style sleeves.
Although that really suited him, I still thought he was more attractive while wearing a kimono.
"Out of kindness, the hostess provided me with a choushi. What do you think about this?"
According to ChatGPT (since I could not find a response I liked through google): "In Japanese, 铫子 (choushi) is called "yakan" (ヤカン) which refers to a kettle or a pot used for boiling water or heating liquids, often made of metal or ceramic. It is commonly used for making tea or coffee, but can also be used for warming sake or other alcoholic beverages." T/N: the raw itself uses "铫子"
"Hmph… this sake is not to my taste, but if you want to pour it, I'll drink it."
In response to his arrogant statements, I smiled wryly and poured some sake for him.
I wasn't used to his behaviour before, but now I've completely accepted it.
(He is actually a very emotional person…)
I already know that now.
As I listened to the sound of insects in the distance, I poured sake into his cup.
In this private room [In private?], he was unexpectedly quiet, and was fond of silence, so I didn't have to force myself to greet him.
His posture as he looked up at the moon was so graceful, like the appearance of someone in a painting—
(What am I thinking...)
For some reason, I was now very concerned about Kazama-san's inner thoughts/opinions.
"It's almost the fifteenth night [Alternatively, this can be interpreted as "the night of the full moon" like in the Juugoyabana drama].
"This sake is no good, but I can it's not bad as a side dish to appreciating the moon."
In contrast to his sarcasm, his eyes were gentle.
"When you're satisfied and aren't asking for more, it's easy to get what you want. In this world, there are too many foolish fossils [term is for people out of date or have fallen behind] who have forgotten this."
His words penetrated deeply into my heart.
With my own eyes, I have witnessed what people who pursue profit and those who have robbed others to satisfy their own desires. I saw firsthand what that looked like to the state of my hometown.
If Kazama-san wasn't at my side, perhaps I wouldn't be able to endure it.
"...So, are you satisfied now?"
"What a foolish question."
The corners of his mouth curled into a smile at the me who was feeling shy.
"If you want me to feel satisfied, let me satisfy myself first… it is useless to have another's person way of thinking/thoughts fulfilled by someone else."
(...He truly is a gentle person.)
The words I heard were a comfort to me who was worrying about those still fighting, and those yet to fight.
As he looked up towards the moon again, and I silently thanked him.
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channelinglament · 1 year
Eyyy Happy birthday to me <3
Let's pretend that you share birthday with me if it's not your bday today
if you do share it with me, then happy birthday to you too!<33
This is a small birthday special...blurb? Idk
All the gifs were made by @hitechlatte
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Probably was preparing for it for a whole 2 weeks
He got you a gift card, a gift (I think he tried cooking for you but failed and endned up buying you a teddy bear), your fave flowers and of course - Himself.
By that I mean he literally follows you around doing anything with you.
You two probably went to park (or Todd if you like animals/puppies) and lost the track of time. He didn't really let you walk btw
it's your day, whether you celebrate it or not, he's here to make it better <3
It's your special day after all
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I feel like he had a whole plan for the day since first knowing when your bday was.
I think he didn't really sleep
He made Mikey cook, bought you something cool and weird, probably made something himself! Portales you somewhere nowhere, had adventure with you, congratulated you two surviving it, dedicated a whole poem for you and ofcourse- Pizza
He made you a pizza, giant one
Probably made your favorite or just mashed whatever you like to eat together even though it may not go together well
Anything else, like cake - made by Mikey
You too had a crazy day
If you prefer quiet peaceful days, then you two watched shows/played whatever you like to play/ doing your hobby, eating your favorite food, and just enjoyed each other's company.
Basically his gift to you was this amazing memory of this day ☆
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Same as Leo-
Made you a robot similar to Shelldon, now you have two have 2 kids
Ordered your favorite food
You two played video games! And watched some cool or awful sows to diss on them and laugh at how bad it is.
I also think he asked you what you want and bough you it?
Two words: Lazer tag (?)
You know, like the one where April met Sunita. I think it's called Lazer tag, if not then sorry :")
He wore his purple Hoodia and went playing
You won.
You spent a lot of time together, just chatting and making yourself superior lmao
Best birthday ever lmao (I like winning-)
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My goodness, he probably is the best when it comes to birthdays-
He cooks all, and I mean ALL your favorite dishes/foods
It doesn't matter that don't go together, you like it? That's all that matters
You can eat ice cream and cake and then pizza and then goulash and etc lmao
You probably visited your favorite places, did your hobbies together (if you're an artist too, you were both doing whatever art you're in for! Or all-)
He probably made you a painting-
I hc that he has a camera memory so he could draw you without you being nearby
That's his gift
One of them-
He probably also made you the "love you like a candy note"
Uhh idk how it's called, but I call it that way-
Basically a journal that compliments you and has a candy attached to you
"You're my only choice, unlike twix" "You don't need snickers to be yourself" "Let's get these bounties done" (yes genshin since it's my birthday and it doesn't matter that I play it rarely)
Probably even sang your fave songs along with you (or himself if you don't like singing)
You two definitely had a slumber party
Fairy Lights, Throw Pillows, Matching Robes, Snacks, Drinks, you name it
You drew on his shell
Fondue: Warm chocolate, fresh strawberries, and soft marshmallows
You can't tell me he won't/can't do that
Sorry if it's a bit ooc
Yet again, happy birthday to me and those who share it with me!
I wish us an amazing day, whether you celebrate it or not. Make a wish, just do it even without the cake
It should work because of the "birthday magic"
Never worked for me, but I like to say it does? It works on any other day for some reason
I am sending you a virtual hug
Here, have some love, 'cuz you're epic ✨️🩵❤🧡💜
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danothan · 5 months
dc dreams i’ve had in 2023
- reconnected with an old friend who asked what i’ve been up to lately and i immediately started showing him my (non-existent) flash collection, including but not limited to: flash jacket, flash lunchbox, and a flash figure (i need all of these now.)
- superman/GL crossover comic where clark kept outshining hal and hal was getting mad abt it but then clark gave him a big ol hug and it wasn’t such a big deal anymore
- my therapist made me annotate a batman comic bc they thought i would have a lot in common with him 😭 edit: the dream that diagnosed me w ocd.
- went to an ice creamery with jason who was begrudgingly playing a video game with damian bc dami wouldn’t stop yelling at him to over messages, but by the end of the dream he was proudly showing me his scores
- wally and martian manhunter’s nephew m’hammed were friends and wally was helping m’hammed disguise himself as human and hide in society and it took ages for anyone to pick up that “muhammed” was actually a martian. also wally was a kid but barry was already dead in this version :(
and the rest of em are below cut:
- nightwing/GL crossover comic where dick and hal were cowboys that came with cowboy trading cards
- dc pride parade where multiple alt universe barries showed up, one of them had the nonbinary flag painted on their face
- babysitting damian (twice recurring)
- halbarry making plans in the gc 🙄
- found a comic where hal was an orange lantern
- wonder woman was nimona’s mentor
- yja artemis finally became a character in the comics and they made a figure of her to celebrate!
- halcarol wedding in an airport
- brought my hal and superman plushies with me to go somewhere but i got confused why barry wasn’t with me :(
- tried to buy a christopher reeves’ superman vinyl for my sibling’s bday gift
- barry puppy plushies. 5 of them. woke up to have NONE.
- some terrible stuff was happening idk, i was too busy infodumping abt barry to someone and making sure they wrote it down. archiving history as the world ends ig, that’s my contribution
- found an awful comic called darkseid warside (?? had nothing to do w darkseid) that was beautifully drawn and had sooo many fun characters details (ex: barry won the lottery and named his winning ticket betty, there was also a letter in his handwriting that was perfect for character studying, hal kept sneaking selfies to commemorate his time w carol, ollie and roy were simultaneously trying to figure out how to talk to each other again and it was sad + sweet, etc) but it was so horribly written. so so ooc, basically injustice again but so much more gory, thawne died in the first issue and it wasn’t even bc of the flash, it was superman ripping his body into two and there were intestines splayed out everywhere (in front of the young justice too). it was so awful, but the character details and panelling were so unique, everything i couldve asked for, so i lamented abt having to buy it. the clerk was like “you don’t have to” and i was like “but im gonna 😔”
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littleoanh · 2 years
AGGHHHHH!!! My favorite series It Started With a Smile ended!! Fridays will never be the same. I really really love your writing. Its so addicting I cant stop reading. You’re really doing a good job at this. I’m sad thet the series is over (i will miss Ran series from you) but I trust that you wont get get tired writing about Ran. I’m not much into reading but you made me get addicted to your works Albie!!!
You might be getting a lot of requests but if you have time can you grant my request for below scenario abour Ran?
- Y/N (Fem Reader) had been busy doing art abroad. Since she’s done with her exhibit, it’s time to go back home to recharge and get new inspo for her next project! She also wanted to go home in time for her bestie’s bday. The celebration is in a club owned by Bonten. Y/N went to the club even though she hated it and only wear basic clothes (white top and black trousers and sneaks). She met her bestie but since she doesn’t know her other friends that well, she stayed at the bar to wait. Then suddenly, a bouncer asked her to go to the vip room (as instructed by Ran). She turned to the room and told the bouncer to tell the vip that she aint a wore and to go fuck himself haha! Turned out Ran was a childhood friend of her bestie’s boyfriend and introduced them in the party then Ran mentioned to Y/N that he knows she aint whore 😆 Ran was turned on by Y/N IDGAF attitude so he digged his friends to provide info about her. But her friends seem to be protected telling Ran to play with anyone but her (you can create a mystery about Y/N like a past experience that hurt her, death of someone important). Lucky Ran, he accidentally ran into you buying paint brushes in this art district where Bonten have businesses. Ask you out for lunch then everything started there. Keeps visiting you on studio and eventually finding out about Y/N’s soft side and sad past. Making Ran be soft for her and falling in love with her! I am in my late 20s so please make it smut smut but in a romantic way 🥰
Gosh im thinking about scenarios like these while reading your series. Albie, you are such an effective writer!!! Hope you’ll expand the request mentioned and please dont stop writing!! Will be here always reading and supporting you!!
- Lory (im anon coz im a little shy but im always here to support you!)
A/N: Hi Lory!! Thank you so much for reading my first mini series <3. That really means a lot to me. And you are absolutely right, I will never be tired of writing for my beloved Ran Haitani!!! And WOW that’s such a thoughtful compliment, thank you! I really appreciate the love and support! And don’t worry about being an Anon, I completely understand about feeling shy. I’m a total introvert. ANYWAYS! I really hope you enjoy this piece :) Sorry, I really got carried away and didn't realize how long this was … 
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Because I Have You
Characters: Ran Haitani x fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff (lots of kisses, Ran being a sweetheart [but not at first] and cuddles), angst (talks of a character’s death, emotional trauma, anxiety), cursing, and smut (unprotected sex, mention about pubic hair, Ran calling reader ‘baby girl’, oral, and creampie).
Like, reblogging, and kind comments are appreciated.
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“Oh my God, [Y/n]! You made it!!!” Your bestie, Shinzu screams over the loud upbeat EDM music playing in the background of a popular club in Tokyo. She jumps over to give you a big bear hug, you haven’t seen each other in a long time due to your work trip abroad. “I’m so glad you’re here.” She talks in your ear with contentment while still holding you in her arms.  
“Of course, I wouldn’t miss your birthday.” You smile softly, you landed in Tokyo about an hour ago and dropped off your luggage back at your minimalistic apartment. Then headed right to the club without changing your clothes, you weren’t a party person and didn’t have clubwear. You came here wearing a white boyfriend button up with the sleeves rolled up, black trousers and your favorite Converse sneakers. 
“Hey, good to see you [Y/n]!” Tora, Shinzu’s boyfriend, comes to greet you with a bear hug too and pulls the both of you into his strong muscular arms. “How’s your art exhibit in Paris?” He lets go of you but still has his arm around Shinzu. 
“Good, it was very busy and fuckin exhausting but totally worth it.” Your lazy smirk appears on your tired expression. “Feels good to be home though.” You turn your attention to the bartender and order shots for the three of you.
“Staying here for a while, I hope?” Shinzu smiles brightly, hoping you won’t go on another long international trip. The bartender pours liquor into three shot glasses.
“That’s my plan,” You hand two shot glasses to both of them. “I need to recharge and prepare for my next expo. But enough about me!” You lift your shot glass in the air, “Let’s take fuckin shots! To Shinzu for being born today!!”
“Kanpai!” The three of you clink your shot glasses and chug, your chest feels burned from the alcohol and return the shot glasses on the bar counter. 
“Shinzu!!!” A group of loud squealing girls approach the bar area, surrounding Shinzu and grabbing a hold of her.
“Come on, why are you taking so long?”
“Let’s get on the dance floor!”
“Forget the dance floor, let’s get on the poles!” They are practically dragging Shinzu away from you, but she manages to use her heels to stop them from hauling her and looks back at you.
“[Y/n], do you wanna come with us?” The girls are staring at you, waiting for your answer. 
“No, you guys go ahead. I’m good here.” You motion them to go on without you, the truth is you are not comfortable with Shinzu’s other friends since you don’t know them that well. The girls drag her away and Tora sighs.
“I’m going to follow them in case they cause trouble,” He looks back at you, “You sure you’re good here?” You give him a thumbs up.
“Don’t worry about me.” Tora nods then follows the girls behind, you turn back to the bartender and order yourself a beer. The bartender pops the cap and hands you a nice cold beer. You instantly take a gulp of it, the dance floor is crowded and so many girls are grinding on guys or on their girlfriends. This scene is completely out of place for you, you much rather have a quiet night in but Shinzu likes to party. You lean back against the bar counter, wondering how long you should stay here for. 
“Miss.” You are not certain if the ‘miss’ is for you but your eyes flicker in the direction of a big scary man, most likely a bouncer. Holy shit he’s huge, he is staring right at you. “Can you please follow me to the VIP room?”
“Are you talking to me?” You point at yourself, why would the bouncer want you to follow him to a VIP room? 
“Yes, you have been invited by one of our VIPs.” 
The fuck … is this some kind of joke?
The bouncer shows you the direction up at the balcony where the VIP rooms are located. You follow where he is aiming, there is someone standing by the balcony. There are flashing lights near them, giving you a glimpse of who this person is. From what you can tell, it is a tall man wearing a striped purple pantsuit. He possibly has multicolored hair, too dimmed for you to tell. He is not alone, there are women with revealing dresses clinging onto him. Maybe he is bored of them because he is focused on you, but what pisses you off is that cocky grin on his face. Does he think you’re easy?
Tch who the hell does he think he is, you scowl. You turn back to the bouncer looking unimpressed.
“Go tell your VIP I’m not a whore and for him to go fuck himself.” The bouncer who is stoic at first is bewildered by your response. You take another chug of your beer, now ignoring the bouncer. 
Hm? Ran’s lavender eyes spots the bouncer coming back to the VIP room alone, why are you not with him? “Mr. Haitani.” The bouncer appears to be hesitant.
“Where is she?” Ran gets to the point, Rin and Sanzu snickers when you don't show up. 
“She um … she wants me to give you a message.” One of Ran’s eyebrows arched, oh? 
“What does she want to tell me?” Ran’s iconic lazy grin appears, did you want to meet him somewhere else? Were you too shy to come up here? He could tell from the moment you were at the bar that this was not your scene. You are even bold enough to come to Bonten’s most popular club wearing a white big shirt and pants. You are different and he is completely intrigued by you. 
“Pardon me for saying this, here is her message.” The bouncer clears his throat to help with his nerves, “She said ‘I’m not a whore and for you to go fuck yourself.’” Rin and Sanzu are howling in laughter while Ran is speechless. He had never been rejected by a woman before, they would always do what he instructed. This is actually a nice change of pace and is turned on by your IDGAF attitude. He stands up, taking off his tie with a smirk.
“Where are you going?” Rin asks his brother, who is now leaving the room. Ran stops his movements, to turn back to him.
“Going down to meet with an old friend of ours.” 
Your eyes catch Shinzu and her friends returning to the bar area, you also notice Tora coming back laughing with someone. “[Y/n]! Come here and meet Tora’s friend.” Shinzu waves you over, you sigh and are reluctant to meet someone new. However, if it’s Tora’s friend … how bad can he be? 
“[Y/n],” Tora’s big hand pulls you closer to them and his hand is also on his friend’s shoulder, “this is Ran Haitani, my childhood friend. He is also one of the owners of this club, so basically a VIP.” One of your eyebrows instantly perk up and get a closer look at him. 
“Mother fucker …” You mutter, it’s the same cocky VIP who was standing at the balcony. Ran showed off his charming smile and wave.
“Nice to meet you, [Y/n].” Ran’s tall stature comes closer to you and leans down in your personal space. He sees the look of annoyance, his charming smile changes to a devilish one. “For the record, I know you’re not a whore.” 
“What, you think I need your validation or something Mr. VIP?” Your angry smile spur Ran even more. Why do you look so fuckin hot when you’re mad? “Also, get out of my fucking face. Don’t need your cockiness up in my personal space.” You push Ran’s broad chest to back the fuck up. 
“Uhhh, is something goin on here?” Tora looks back and forth between the both of you. 
“It’s non-existent.” You want to nip this in the bud, you whip your head back to your bestie who is also concerned about what is happening. “Shinzu, I’m going to head out. I had a long flight and my jet lag is about to knock me out.” She nods.
“Oh of course, I wasn’t expecting you to stay long. Do you want me to come out and wait with you?” Before you can answer, Ran jumps in.
“I can drive you home.” 
“How about you jump in your own ass and fuck off?” Shinzu’s friends are astonished at how badly you are treating Ran. He is being a gentleman, offering you a ride home and you chose to be rude. You didn’t care what they think, you are now focusing on Shinzu again, “I’ll be fine. You don’t need to wait with me. Go enjoy yourself. I’ll give you your birthday present later.” 
“Oh okay, at least let me walk you to the door.” She follows you right out, Ran’s lavender eyes follow the both of you out of the club. He needs to know more about you. Tora put his hand on Ran’s shoulder, breaking his thoughts.
“Hey, don’t take what she says to heart. She’s really a sweet person.” Ran’s lips quiver upwards.
“Is she? Could you tell me more about her?” Tora knows where this is going and needs to put his foot down.
“Don’t. I know what you’re thinking but you can’t be interested in her.” Ran is surprised Tora is cockblocking him. “There are plenty of girls here for you to be playing with, just not [Y/n]. She’s off limits.” 
“Off limits?” Ran chuckles darkly, “You should know better who you are talking to.” He comes closer to Tora with an intimidating stance, “I take what I want. So either you tell me more about her, or I will use my methods. Your choice.”
“No.” Tora knows Ran well enough that he will not hurt him. “I’m asking you as my brother, leave [Y/n] alone.” Ran frowns, then steps away from Tora and sighs in defeat. 
“Alright, fine. I’ll leave her alone.” Tora pats Ran’s shoulder and smiles softly.
“Thanks, brother.” 
It has been a few weeks since Ran last saw you at the club, he continues to keep his promise with Tora to leave you alone. He really did his best to forget about you, but how could he? You have plagued his mind. You are completely different from the women he’s been with. A fresh breath of air. He is bored of the same type of women. The only way he can temporarily forget about you is to keep himself busy with work.
Ran is at the Art District in Shibuya, Bonten owns several businesses here and he needs to collect payment. At the last stop, Ran happens to notice an art supply store across the street. His lavender eyes are shaken, he finds a familiar face … yours. You are wearing a white crop top with short dark blue overalls and white sneakers. He couldn’t help but to smile, you are adorable no matter what you wear. What should he do? Should he come say hello? Maybe come into the store and buy those paint brushes in your small hands? 
He is distracted by his thoughts that he almost didn’t notice you have already stepped out of the art supply store. I know I shouldn’t but … his long legs take off running. Ran can’t help himself, he needs to see you again. “[Y/n]!” He touches your shoulder to grab your attention, you on the other hand are about ready to deck him in the face but stop when you see him.
“You, again?” You lower your fist, which Ran finds amusing. You are definitely unique. “What are you doing here?” 
“Got some business to attend to.” Ran is happy you are at least talking to him, maybe this can start something new. “Then I happened to see you and wanted to say hi.” He displays his famous charming smile.
“Could’ve kept walking …” You mumble, then look back at him. “Is that all?”
“Have lunch with me.” Your eyes widen, why would he want to have lunch with you when you have been so cold towards him? Is he some kind of masochist? Right when you are about to reject his offer, your stomach starts growling … traitor, you called your stomach.
“Fine, but you’re paying.” 
“Wouldn’t have it any other way.” Ran is elated you agreed to have lunch with him, he can finally start to get to know you. 
“You’re a painter, right?” Ran asks at a casual sushi restaurant that serves sushi on a conveyor belt. You arch one eyebrow, then he nods at your bag. “You have paint brushes, I assume you’re a painter.” 
“You’re right, Sherlock. I am a painter.” You pick up a salmon roll and plop it in your mouth. 
“What kind of paintings do you do?” 
“Landscapes.” You answer curtly, however it doesn’t seem to bother Ran. He genuinely is content that you are at least answering his questions. Your eyes flicker in his direction, he seems enthralled. “My style is impressionist landscape either with acrylic or oil painting.”
“That’s fascinating, I am terrible with art. How did you get into art?” You have a sorrowful gaze when you pick up an eel roll. 
“A family member inspired me.” He sensed you didn’t want to talk about it and didn’t want to put pressure on you. 
“Have you done any art exhibits?” Ran changes the subject to make you feel more comfortable with him.
“I came back from Paris about three weeks ago and now I am working on another expo.” He places his arm on the table and his hand is under his chin.
“Oooh, am I invited to this one?” You arch one of your eyebrows again.
“You’re interested in art?” 
“I’m interested in whatever you make.” Ran gives you a cutesy smile, you almost want to roll your eyes but he does look cute when he smiles like that. You also never realized how pretty his lavender eyes are. Actually now you have a better look at him, he’s quite handsome. His tattoo on his neck is quite … sexy. Your eyes trail from his tattoo to his large hand, then you look back up to his eyes again and he definitely notices you are checking him out. “Thinking of painting a portrait of me, darling?” Ran playfully winks, you turn away to hide your redden cheeks.
“As if I want to.” You mumble. The rest of lunch went pleasantly and you didn’t find Ran intolerant as much anymore. You are becoming a little intrigued by him. JUST A LITTLE.
“You’re back here again?” Ran has been frequently visiting your art studio nearly every single day. It was a bit annoying at first, but now you are looking forward to his visits. He always comes with a lunch box for you since the first time he came, you missed lunch because you were too focused on your painting. 
“Of course, I wouldn’t miss visiting my favorite little paintbrush.” Ran holds up a brown bag with pack lunches for the both of you. You wash the splatter paints off your hands and take a seat with Ran. 
“You missed a spot.” Ran tells you, you look down on your hands to check but you don’t see any paint on you, he chuckles. “On your face.” He points to the spot.
“Oh.” You grab a paper towel to wipe where Ran mentions but he grabs your wrist to stop.
“A paper towel will be too rough on your skin, let me.” He wipes your cheek, “Gosh, you have another spot here and here.” He continues to wipe your face, however you feel your cheeks feel wet. That’s when you catch on his fingertips, there are paints on them.
“You asshole! You’re making a mess on my face!” Ran laughs as you tackle him down while grabbing some paint of your own and start painting on his face. “Since you are being devilish,” You paint his face with little devil horns and a funny moustache, “I’ll paint you as the devil.” Ran doesn’t even fight you, he enjoys watching you paint on him. “There!” You just realize you are on top of him and leaning close to his face. Right when you are about to get off of him, Ran holds you in place and uses his strength to pull you closer to his lips. His hand is in your loose ponytail, playfully tugging them. 
His lavender eyes are filled with a fiery passion, he’s been wanting to kiss you this whole time. Now he has you in his arms, he doesn’t want to let go. Ran leans in but is interrupted by a phone call. “Shit.” He reluctantly releases you and sees a call from Kakucho, something must have happened with the mission. “Sorry, I have to go. Work call.”
“Uh, before you go.” You quickly climb off of him with your heart beating expeditiously. You wet a paper towel for him to use to wipe his face. “Here.”
“Thanks. See you later.” Ran walks out of your painting studio.
“See you …” 
Later that night, Ran comes back to check if you are still at your painting studio. He still sees the lights on, so he decides to come in. When he opens the door, he hears you talking in panic but why are you getting worked up? He takes a peak to see you are talking to Shinzu, Tora’s girlfriend.
“I can’t have feelings for him,” Your eyes are brimming with tears, “not after Yuki’s death.” Who’s Yuki, Ran questions himself. 
“[Y/n], Yuki would want you to move on.” Shinzu tries to calm you down with a soothing tone, “It’s been five years, you deserve to live your life and be happy.” 
“Happy?” The word sounds bitter in your mouth, “It was my fault he died!” Your tears are now dripping on your face.
“That wasn’t your fault!”
“I couldn’t hold onto him!” You are visibly shaking, admitting this out loud. “I couldn’t … I was too weak and my hand … let go. I still have nightmares about it … I can’t even look at his last unfinished painting without feeling haunted by him.” Ran’s chest softens when he sees you crying into your small hands. Shinzu walks over to give you a comforting hug.
“I know I can’t understand losing a twin,” Ran’s heart plummets, so it was your brother? He can’t imagine the pain you are feeling, “but I know Yuki doesn’t want you to be plagued by his death. You need closure to move on. Finish his painting. Finish what he started.” 
“I-I can’t.” Your anxiety and guilt is eating you up. “I can’t do it. I’m not brave enough to face him.” 
“Then let’s face him together.” Ran steps into view, startling the both of you. “I will be right by your side.” 
“What the hell, Ran?!” Your face scrunched up in anger, “Were you listening this whole time?!”
“Yes and I’m not sorry that I did.” Ran approaches you and Shinzu. “If you are scared, then take my hand.” He extends his hand out for you to take it. “I’ll be your anchor. Your rock. Every time you are feeling anxious, I’ll be right here with you. I promise, I won’t leave by your side. If you fall, I will pick you right back up.” Your eyes are shaken, feeling hesitant to take his hand.
“Take his hand, [Y/n].” Shinzu encourages you, she sees how much Ran cares for you. You look at Ran’s downturned eyes, they’re that passionate again. His steady arm, waiting for you to take his hand. He’s not going to give up on you. You slowly reach out for him and he does not hesitate to take your hand, pulling you into him.
“I won’t let go. Not until you’re done.” 
Ran kept his word, he stood by you while holding your hand and watched you work on your twin brother’s painting. Every time he felt like you were feeling overwhelmed or anxious, he whispered encouraging and sincere words. After a while, he senses your determination to finish your brother’s work. You needed both of your hands to do the texturing and Ran still remained by your side. Your bravery and willful attitude made Ran fall for you. 
“It’s … complete.” This painting took the whole night into the morning without any rest. Ran stares at the finished canvas. This is a painting of a couple hugging under a sakura tree, the sakura tree is textured making it look 3D. The male looks similar to you, Ran guesses that is your twin brother and the female must have been his significant other. You painted the landscape beautifully, it looked as though it’s from a fairy tale. 
“It’s beautiful.” Ran compliments your work, “I’m sure your brother would be happy you finished his work.” 
“...Yeah.” The painting may be completed but there is still one more person you need to face. 
Ran stands beside you while you nervously ring the doorbell, it takes a few minutes before someone opens up the door. He recognizes the woman, she is the girl in your painting. She is surprised to see you after five years, you apologized for your absence and told her you had a gift for her. You hand her the present, containing the painting. She unwraps your gift, the moment she sees the painting, she bursts into tears. She pulls you into a hug, telling you thank you and you hug her back with tears. Still apologizing for your brother’s death. She tells you that she never once blamed you and wishes you all the happiness. The burden you had on your shoulders has now lifted. 
You have woken up from your nap, feeling more refreshed compared to the last 5 years. You turn your head to find Ran sleeping peacefully next to you. Because you have him, you are able to move on. You lean close to him and place a gentle kiss on his cheek, when you pull away his arm snakes around you.
“Where do you think you’re going?” His lavender eyes are gradually opening, meeting your content gaze. “It’s a crime to kiss me when I’m not awake.” Your lips quirk upwards.
“How would you know that happened if you weren’t awake?” Ran prop his other arm up to have a good view of you. Your bedhead looks like a bird’s nest but he still finds you pretty. 
“Touche, but-” His arm that is around you pulls you closer to him, “I want you to kiss me when I’m more awake. Such as right now.” A playful grin spread on his lips and you are a bit flustered.
“I can’t do it if-” Ran slant his lips against yours, his lips feels good on yours. It’s been so long since you have kissed someone. You kiss him back without feeling guilty, he deepens the kiss and uses his tongue to swipe across your bottom lip. You grant him access to let him play with your tongue. The way his tongue dances with yours makes you feel good and turns you on. 
Ran rolls you on your back and he climbs on top of you, placing loving kisses from your lips down to your neck. Licking, sucking, and biting your plush skin, earning some sultry moans from you. His hands lift up your shirt to gain access to your tits, giving them some squeezes and plays with your nipples. He strategically rolls your nipples with his skillful fingers, making you twitch from his touch. Ran moves his lips down to your abdomen, coming closer to your nether region.
“Wai-wait.” You stop him before he proceeds to take off your pants. “It’s been awhile since … I … um.” Your cheeks are now blushing, it’s so cute how shy you are. “You don’t need to-” Ran kisses your lips once again to interrupt you.
“Let me take care of you, baby girl.” He gently takes off your pants along with your white cotton panties. You close your legs in embarrassment, but of course he’s not going to let you stay like that for long. Ran spread your legs, lowering himself down and looks are your glistening cunt. You have some hairs but not enough to deter Ran from eating you. He opens your pussy lips, takes one long stride of your lips and moans. You are fuckin delicious. 
Ran messily eats your pussy, you hear him slurping and so many lewd wet sounds but you feel too good to care how embarrassing it sounds. He laps your clit and sticks two fingers in your hole. As you mention, it has been awhile so your pussy is extremely tight. He sucks on your clit, making you shake and scream from pleasure. Your walls pulsate around his fingers, letting him know you have cummed. Ran sits back up, unbuttoning his pants and releasing his thick cock and sucking on the fingers that were in your pussy. 
He leans down, putting a little weight on you, “I’m going to need you to listen to me.” Ran talks roguishly in your ear, “I want you to take a deep breath for me.” You listen, taking a deep breath, “Now exhale through your pretty lips.” The moment you exhale, you feel something big plunging in your pussy and nearly taking your breath away.
“Fuckkk …” 
“You’re doing so well, baby girl. Just a bit more.” Ran slowly pushes his thick cock into you, making you feel every inch and vein. He finally bottoms out, waiting for you to adjust his size. You feel so full with him so deep inside you. Ran starts thrusting in a slow pace, you whimper and make cute moans for him. He kisses you with more heat and gradually increases his rhythm. You wrap your arms around his neck, moaning into his lips and enjoying the pleasure. He thrusts even deeper, making you hug him tighter in your arms and crying into his neck. Ran wraps you close to him and keeps hitting your g-spot. 
“Oh god, yes! Ran!” You cry out his name, Ran grunts and groans into your ear. You cup Ran’s face for him to look into your feverish eyes, “Please … please go faster and harder.” How can he say no to you? He gives you another sloppy kiss before granting your plea. “Oh Ran!” You are calling his name like a prayer and he ravishes you. “I’m about to cum, I’m about to cum.” Ran keeps the fast pace and goes harder to have you cum on his angry cock. You let out a pornographic moan and arching your back. “Ran, Ran!” He captures your lips, feeling your gummy walls squeezing him.
“Feel so good, baby girl.” He continues to pump his cock into you, letting you enjoy your high. He keeps going until he is getting close to ejaculating. “Where do you want me to cum?” 
“In-inside, please. I want to feel your love.” 
“Fuck, [Y/n]. Let me show you how much I love you.” Ran continues to slam his cock, about to bust and he let out a loud guttural groan. He paints your gummy walls white, creating his own artform. He waits for a few minutes before taking his cock out, thick cum is spilling out of his pussy. It is stunning. He lays down next to you, pulling you into his arms and tenderly kissing you. “Are you okay?”
“I’m more than okay, better than before.” You look up with a loving gaze, “Thank you. I … wouldn’t have been able to do this without you.”  Ran smile softly, then place your head against his neck for you to nuzzle into.
“I promise you, didn’t I?” Ran huskily talks while stroking your disarray hair, “I won’t leave your side.” 
“Does … does it still apply since … now I’m done with my brother’s painting?” There is a moment of silence, you have a slight panic that Ran will up and leave you.
“[Y/n] …” You are almost scared to look at him but you need to face your anxiety, you make eye contact, “if it’s alright with you, I want to stay here with you.”
“You do?” Your voice cracks a little.
“Yeah,” Ran caresses your cheek, “I’m not planning on leaving even if you push me away. I will always be here.” 
“Ran …” You wrap your arms around his neck and lean in to kiss him with longing. Who knew you would find someone at a club that would change your life?
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2022 © littleoanh — do not repost or translate my work on this platform or any other platform. likes, reblogs, and kind comments are welcome. must be 18+ to interact.
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digitaldollsworld · 19 days
what hobbies do your ocs enjoy??
Hiiii friend !! First of all I will try to keep this So Short second of all I love you forever for asking me this . I’ll just run thru the guys I used for rps with my friends!
Ariana: a super Normal average girl with Normal Average hobbies—> she likes listening to music and she sews rlly well! She actually wanted to go to school for Fashion Design but well. Whomp whomp … I figure she would also looove 2 cook
Elijah: well he’s my Ultimate Rollerskater so that one’s on the list! He can also rollerblade and ice skate and likes to do those too. He also likes to embroider and to garden. He likes to bake too!!
Gillian: Giju my ultimate fashion diva that I derived one of my names from is dramatic and likes Many Things. He’s my Ultimate Ventriloquist so puppets are His Thing and he makes them all himself, sewing, gluing, wiring, rooting (hair), etc. etc.
He also canonically loooves poetry and will Recite Some Shit for you (in the rp he was straight up soliloquizing shhdnsjs). He also is canonically into tarot and as he gets older gets even more in depth into it
He also is a True Crime girly (unfortunate) and he makes a lot of his own clothes! Ohh and he knits!
Leilani: My dancing queen (who is not 17 she was 33) is a holistic girly and outside of aerials she likes to do yoga and exercise. Loves the outdoors and I figure she would love to hike I know she would love it here and all the trails we have. RIP girly you would’ve loved Tarot Time With Giju
Frankie: Oh This Bastard ok the Wonderful Handsome etc etc Dr. Wo is also a guy of Many Hobbies as they’ll tell you. They LOVE motorcycles, like to ride and tinker with them! They’re just a Car Guy in general. If you got any problems or questions they Got You
They’re my Blacksmith so they love making weapons. They canonically like to crochet and also paint! (Can’t wait for our friend Doom’s bday party in rp bc of this… teehee 😁) they’re also a horror girly so talk shop with them abt horror movies alll day!
Okay if you made it to the end thank you so much for coming to my TED talk
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wanderrlust0 · 6 months
also my bf is being weird again….!!!! everyy time i hang out with snow (which has been a month or two apart) he gets weird with me again!!! he acts cold and short with me and its always like the next day. he swears im gonna cheat or not want him anymore, no matter how much i tell him that i wont and that i love him too much to think about wanting to leave him. like, i feel secure in our relationship and theres only a few things that could make me feel like its not. when he gets all anxious like this about us i feel like its bc he just doesnt feel fully secure with the relationship.. even tho weve been together for 4.5YeaRs. hes also had way more dreams than he should be having of me breaking up or leaving him. bc of his anxiety and fear of being cheated!!! like he gets upset bc they feel real in his dream and then he thinks what if its trueee. i feel like thats not fair to me in a way bc im not doing anything bad behind his back or seeking out someone else to make me happy. i also think maybe him feeling insecure with himself plays a factor into it. like maybe he feels like no one wants to stay with him or i dont love him anymore and he doesnt feel good about himself and then ends up suffering in his thoughts alone and becomes a hermit crab. i didnt mention anything to his mood yesterday bc i didnt wanna pester him with more to think about and i wont be able to see him in person for like a wk. i just wanted to seem fine..but maybe ill say something today. yesterday when i was contemplating on talking about it, i was going to be like howve you been, are you okay, do you still love me. mostly the do you still love me question bc seriously. so im also thinking that he saw snows bday post on ig since theyre not private and saw how they posted my card&drawing i did for them and ofc that made him feel a type of way. like, why is she making good art for someone else. i did it bc they didnt even want me to buy a gift for them or treat them or anything. they suggested to make something bc they like to display art in their room from other friends who have given them art. like the two people who i met the other day, they both create digital art of people. but thats why i made that drawing. aaand im planning on painting something for my other friend for her xmas gift. so i dont see giving my art as like a romantic gesture or anything, its just another way to give a personalized gift and it saves money lol. like, i just wanna shout “you have nothing to worry about!” i mean they were literally gushing to me about a guy they started seeing and they went on their first date yesterday and texted me about it and im just replying like im their hypewoman. i feel like this whole thing is making it feel like his worst nightmare and it shouldnt beeeee
edit: 12.14 / alright so i asked him “do you still love me?” and he says, “well yeah, nothing has happened yet to make me think otherwise” ………YET….. YET?!? like why are you beingggg like thiss to meee
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orbleglorb · 1 year
The thing! About Parker! Tell me about Parker (which one? Thanks for asking!)
i made this post a while ago where i go off the rails explain my headcanons for each and every parker. however, i do have more! i have also changed some stuff. but go ahead and read both posts so you get the full experience >:)
i really really really really want to draw them in a line up one day.
prime (he/him but does not care): uses a quad cane to get around and he's decorated it with stickers, mostly those barcode stickers that are on fruits. gives incredibly good hugs but might burn you a bit. has a hard time making and keeping friends/romantic partners/platonic partners/etc but once he gets close to someone he gets very clingy
ii (it/he): was an artist, liked graffiti and spray paint. it really enjoyed painting as well and could paint beautiful landscapes and portraits. over time, it learned some magic and would enchant these paintings, to give the viewer extra luck or a feeling of vertigo (or something else entirely)
iii (he/him or se/ser): in the last post, i mentioned that he is dating wyatt mason. they met at wyatt's 17th bday party, which also doubled as a Diplomatic Mission to make blaseball gods and klickball gods not as mad at each other! (for context: wyatt mason is the child of a klickball god). that didn't work very well, but wyatt and iii met and became friends. at the time of meeting wyatt, iii was 18 but he later turned 19 a few months later. wyatt and iii would meet in "secret" (aka they would hang out in los angeles and iii would do ser best to not be spotted). they frequented parks a lot. wyatt would grab a basketball, go "this one's for you!", shoot the ball, and miss. and iii would be endeared every time. they had a qpr that iii kept mostly hidden from the coin. when the grand unslam and wyatt masoning happened, wyatt mason was gone and replaced by NaN, who is kind of a different being? and wyatt mason as we know him became the microphone. iii was pretty messed up after wyatt's death but tried very hard to appear normal. one of ser favorite things to do with wyatt before his death was make tea, sit huddled up to each other, doing different things. like iii would read a book and wyatt would play geometry dash.
iiii (he/they): universal friend. was really excited for christmas when he died. they liked all typical fair foods; pickles, corn dogs, funnel cakes, etc. they loved going to farmer's markets.
iiiii (any, primarily he/she/they but doesn't mind neos): my poor little meow meow......... i think he liked beyblade some. never really got into it but did impulse buy a bey once. i think he definitely liked neopets. had a blumaroo. she had trouble with food textures and would avoid eating sometimes, and eventually started getting or making smoothies. has the same energy as a possessed kid in a horror movie but that's just because she is putting on an act! they're actually really sweet and softspoken
iiiii alt (she/he): vegetarian. has a patterned headband collection. gets reading glasses and wears them on a chain around her neck. likes argyle and floral print (although maybe not together), and usually wears a blouse and floor-length skirt. he put flames on the side of her wheelchair. really really sweet and talkative. also really lonely! she needs a friend :(
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3vocatio · 1 year
peeped here out of curiosity (i know u have good takes and rb good/interesting takes + filtered words don’t work when viewing blogs and i’ve filtered every single om tag ever) and uknow what? while there’s aspects of the (supposedly) satan-focused i greatly enjoyed (mostly as writing inspo and just the enjoyment of the moment itself more than its part in the overall narrative tbh) i was endlessly frustrated by the fact that diavolo got the true highlight. i couldn’t place why the hell it made me so annoyed but you’re right—the real main character of the story was diavolo and it annoys the hell out of me that satan was painted as more of the bad guy. despite having the most screen time, satan felt like he was simply a means to an end, with the end being some way to show/remind the audience all of diavolo’s princely qualities that often get sidelines in favor of his usual behavior in events.
like. i greatly enjoyed seeing satan lose his shit to the point of terrifying crowds of demons. i liked seeing him lock himself away after to try and process everything by himself. the bits of vulnerability when mc finally manages to speak to him? love. (not that much of it is actually new info but i do enjoy that it’s there)
but the rest of everything else has me pulling at my hair. especially the ending… i wanted mc to ask for something that would be primarily to satan’s benefit after all the bullshit that happened. (and also satan thanking diavolo for giving mc his stars felt… idk. it felt like it encapsulated how a lot of the story key part felt; reminding us that diavolo’s the actual ‘hero’ here and not satan.)
ahdksjakdja so yknow. just some thoughts i wanted to send you. i didnt wanna log into my om blog even though i probably should for thoughts like this >.>;; once again a majority of my real fun came from rewriting everything, which i guess is something since almost all of the non-bday om content for the last several months hasn’t even gotten me inspired enough to bother rewriting anything.
/end yet another rant abt om content shdjssjs
hello...pretend i responded to this first /j
to validate what you mentioned, i also only enjoyed snippets of that event (though as we know, it's been like this for most obey me events for a long time); diavolo aside, witnessing satan compose himself with such sincerity and generousity felt like a blessing tbh. he knows his limits, he knows what upsets him and he should be listened to, even if he gets emotional about it. so what! most of us become emotional when defending something we hold close to our hearts, and satan was no different.
i've said this in the other ask you sent, but you came back right on time as the new lore-focused obm game has been announced! satan was one of their focal points that they mentioned, as well as lore surrounding the (pre & post) celestial realm, solomon, and the attic. it's gotten the entire fandom riled up including myself, and everything looks promising so far :)
i was wondering why the spacing between events in-game have been getting longer and longer, and i'm glad to know it's because they're putting importance on quality over quantity. they began making baby steps in the previous "single character-focused" events, but i'd like to mention that i am very satisfied with the release of simeon's new birthday event, especially when you compare it to the first one for symbolism reasons.
i won't go in-depth about it now unless someone asks me to share my thoughts, but it was the right amount of promising writing i needed to give me hope. for you specifically, satan didn't delve into any cat shenanegains and when he confronted lucifer & brought up a good point, he was acknowleged and listened to. everyone did such a good job...aaaa <3
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linawritesocs · 1 year
seth's birthday ssr vignette + art!
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it's the protag's birthday!! the main boy's birthday!! i've actually almost forgot about his bday i genuinely thought it was supposed to be in june okay, so i know that most of my ocs will be getting their union bday vignettes this year, but since seth was the last twst oc i've made, not counting my twstsona (and cole, but he's like an adopted son to me djkslssl), he gets the birthday boy vignette this year.
and yes, this is one of the sadder ones.
[ part 1 ]
[ ramshackle dorm - birthday party venue ]
minnie: happy birthday, seth.
seth: ah, minnie-chan! hehe, thank you~
seth: and thank you for throwing this party for me! did jay-chan help you?
minnie: he did, surprisingly. he said that he wants to thank you for everything you've done for him and even though he hates parties, if it's for you, he will throw the best birthday party you've ever had.
seth: .. he really said that?
minnie: *nods*
seth: ...
minnie: .. are you crying?
seth: no, i'm not! i'm just.. very glad that you two are my friends.
minnie: of course we are, dummy.
minnie: now, remember how you interviewed other students when it was their birthday?
minnie: i'm going to be the one who interviews you this time.
seth: ooh, yeah, i've been thinking about it and i was like: "what, do i have to interview myself or something?"
minnie: but would you do that though?
seth: yeah, most likely. it sounds fun.
minnie: .. *laughs*
minnie: i didn't expect to hear anything else from you.
minnie: okay, are you ready for the first question then?
seth: of course, i am!
minnie: so.. you have a lot of hobbies, right? can you tell us more about them?
seth: ah, i have like a whole list of them, actually.
seth: let's see.. drawing, painting, sewing, designing outfits, making candles, oh, i like making soap too, cooking, baking, reading, painting my nails or someone else's, i've also started to learn how to-
minnie: .. h-how do you find time for all that, considering that you're the prefect?
seth: that's a good question. if i think that other students can solve their problems themselves, i just ignore them and do what i want.
seth: yes, i like to treat some of them like my kids and i would also do anything for a cute boy, but i have my limits.
minnie: oh..
seth: some students say i'm irresponsible, but i think it's their fault for doing dumb things without thinking.
minnie: you also do dumb things very often though.
seth: i think before doing them. and then i still do them.
seth: and look at me! i'm the ramshackle prefect, i'm good at almost everything i do, i have so many pretty boyfriends and i also have the best friends i could've ever asked for! yeah, king behavior, i know.
minnie: still, you don't have the best reputation even though you're so confident.
seth: minnie-chan, i've literally made one of the most strict and responsible nrc students fall in love with me. i don't have to worry about anything anymore.
minnie: i still don't get how you did that, you were pretty rude to riddle after we saved him from his overblot.
seth: eh, who knows, maybe he liked it or something.
minnie: actually, yeah, i've noticed that a lot of students, like.. love you and hate you at the same time.
minnie: can't they make up their mind already-
seth: next question, minnie-chan~
[ part 2 ]
minnie: okay. how do you feel about celebrating your birthday in twisted wonderland?
seth: it feels great! i'm free to do what i want, all of this feels so exciting, i've received so many gifts today!
minnie: ah, yes, can you tell us more about the gifts you got from other students?
seth: which ones?
minnie: .. what do you mean?
seth: *sighs*
seth: minnie-chan, you know that i'm friends with rsa and nbc students as well.
minnie: .. oh.
minnie: tell me about the nrc students then.
seth: okay~ so, ace-chan and deuce-chan wished me a happy birthday earlier, they looked so embarrassed, haha. it was so cute.
seth: ace-chan gave me this card deck, he remembered me saying that i want to learn to play card games and that's why he got it for me.
seth: deuce-chan got me this adorable little sketchbook, he was so worried that i won't like it.. he's so silly, he should already know that i have like fifty sketchbooks and i never get tired of collecting them.
minnie: f-fifty..
minnie: do you even draw in them??
seth: yes, but even if i didn't, would it still matter? they still make me happy, especially if i got them from my friends.
seth: and about other students.. i think i got gifts from, like, most of them, actually?
minnie: ah.. that explains all these new things you have in your room now.
minnie: but wow, even though so many people keep criticizing you, you really are popular.
seth: i wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that i have a secret fan club. i mean, i'm so cute, it would be more weird if i didn't have one.
seth: let's see.. here's a new phone case from cater-chan.. kalim-chan got me these really cool earrings and bracelets- don't look at me like that, i know they're expensive, vil-chan got me some hair products, oh, and i still don't know how rook-chan found out that i want this-
minnie: and what about those students you are particularly close with?
seth: ah, riddle-chan got me this really cute tea set and some birdies brought me these really pretty brushes that silver-chan got for me, and if we're talking about rsa and nbc-
minnie: okay, okay, i get it, your reputation is much better than i thought it is.
minnie: it must feel nice to be loved by so many people.
seth: .. i don't know. maybe.
minnie: .. maybe?
seth: i mean.. it's only natural to get something cool for your prefect, right?
seth: i play a pretty important role here, and i've also said that if they treat me more nicely, maybe i'll actually start helping them more often.
seth: so.. yeah, i don't know if they really do love me, haha~
minnie: .. you think they got you all of these gifts only because they want you to help them with overblots and other stuff?
seth: is that another question, minnie-chan? if not, can we just go back to the interview?
seth: "is this what other students felt like when i was the one interviewing them?.."
[ part 3 ]
minnie: o-okay.. tell me about the previous birthdays you've had.
seth: ...
seth: okay! so, my big sister always was the only person i've celebrated my birthday with. she would throw a small, but cute party for me, even though there would be no guests, she would wake me up and wish me a happy birthday and then-
minnie: wait, your big sister was the only person you've ever celebrated your birthday with?..
seth: yeah, what's wrong with that?
minnie: .. but what about your parents?
seth: .. eh, who cares. i don't know anything about them anyway.
minnie: now that i think about it, i've never heard you talk about them..
seth: minnie-chan. i've stopped asking you about your parents and your brother after you told me that you're uncomfortable with that, right?
seth: so just pretend like everything is fine and move on, okay? yes, i don't have parents, whatever, it's not a big deal.
minnie: .. but it's a big deal to me.
minnie: i won't ask you anything about them if you don't want to answer, but i just feel like..
seth: .. like i've been lying to you this whole time, right?
minnie: maybe. it just feels like even though i thought we were friends, i actually don't know anything about you.
seth: you know all my favorite colors, you know that i'm afraid of frying pans, you know that i want to leave nrc-
seth: .. oh, i've forgot to tell you that, didn't i..
minnie: seth, why? why are you like this?
seth: listen, i'm just tired, okay? yes, that's me, admitting that i'm tired!
seth: "seth, you have to do this", "seth, you have to do that", "seth, if you say no once again, it means you're useless to us", I DON'T CARE ABOUT BEING USEFUL TO YOU!
seth: .. i just want to have fun.. i've finally got the freedom that i've always wanted to have, why do i have to do all of this now?
seth: and this world is much more dangerous than i thought it would be..
seth: maybe she was right all along-
minnie: seth.
minnie: i don't know if this is your real personality or not, but i want you to know that.. um..
minnie: i will support you no matter what.
seth: huh?
minnie: of course, i will be sad if you leave. even though you can be pretty- no, very annoying sometimes, you're still important to me.
minnie: you're like one of the few guys i can actually trust.
minnie: but if you feel like this isn't the best place for you and you feel like others are just using you..
minnie: maybe you really should transfer.
minnie: to be honest, i can still see you being a nrc student, but when i see you hanging out with rsa students or hear your stories about the nbc students.. i start feeling like you really don't belong here and you should find a better school.
minnie: it's your choice in the end.
seth: ...
seth: .. *starts crying*
minnie: great, now i made the birthday boy cry. you're making me feel even more guilty now.
seth: hehe, sorry..
seth: it's just.. you're really making it so hard to leave this place..
seth: i don't want to be a nrc student, but i also love this dorm too much.. and i don't want you and jay-chan to miss me..
seth: what should i do-
seth: !
minnie: *hugs him*
seth: .. minnie-chan, you're more affectionate than usual today, haha.
minnie: shut up. am i not allowed to show that i care about you?
minnie: happy birthday, seth. i hope you'll be able to find your happiness in twisted wonderland.
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gimmethatagustd · 2 years
i’d also like to drop questions
60. what inspired paint me naked 🥺
(i’ve made my non army non fic reader friends read that because i was so overwhelmed by it and now that i’ve known your bias is tae im thinking how did you make him an asshole😂)
also also also 77.
LOL LISTEN DON'T LET M AND HALI HEAR YOU SAY THESE THINGS !! i'm yoongi biased but tae is my sneaky link and they like to tease me for it 😫 i like writing tae as an asshole cuz i think it's hot lmfaoo. but like, for example, i cannot bring myself to write an asshole yoongi 🥺 ig cuz he's baby to me
What inspired "Paint Me Naked"?
multiple things! first, paint me naked by ten. it's such a fucking cute song -
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and then some of jungkook's personality/the stuff that happened in the story are based on one of my college friends (JUST FRIENDS). we used to spend all night painting in his studio instead of doing our poetry assignments lol and we actually tried developing film at his house (and he DID fuck it up by picking the wrong type of film). i often incorporate real-life experiences into my stories cuz i think it makes them feel more real (while, of course, taking some creative liberties cuz my life isn't THAT interesting)
Why do you enjoy writing fanfiction?
ughhh i just love to write. i studied poetry in college, but i've always loved doing short prose pieces ever since i was really young (i started off on writing roleplay sites, as well as harry potter fanfic). i personally think i'm much better at poetry - like, the real shit i write, not the silly stuff in PMN lol, but i just get that itch to create stories and characters. i just have to let it out or my brain will actually explode. writing is literally a necessity for me. when i don't have the time to do it, i really get irritable, like some restless energy sort of? idk how to explain it
and it's SO NICE to have a community of people who also enjoy writing, so we can share and learn from each other
send me an ask? it's my bday so i gotta answer and say yes to everything, i don't make the rules
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gonnagocrynow · 2 years
kinda wanna go off in a long ass rant about everything that's wrong in my life rn but that will just make me sad so here's a long ass rant about everything that's right in my life rn
I started drawing/painting again and some of it is finally positive. I made something for my friend and I'm excited to see her reaction. I've planned something else for another one of my friends and am excited to make it and see her reaction. I bunked a class and got caught but not scolded (by the teacher or my parents). Infact my mom told me "It's ok kids bunk sometimes, its that age, just don't do it too often". I got an appreciation award thingy for work I did that I thought was being taken for granted. A teacher who literally doesn't even remember my name half the time and gives me a lot of work finally praised me and called me the backbone of the club. I wrote a sexy af answer for an english question (which unfortunately my teacher didn't read but the satisfaction stays). My friend read the answer and specifically praised one certain line that I was really proud of. I saw Enola Holmes 2 which I loved. I made 2 random posts about it on tumblr and got like 300 notes on each of them overnight (now they're 500 and 600 notes). Finally actually talked in a group that I was part of but rarely texted in. My mom who isn't very supportive of me doing clubwork or being part of clubs put up the appreciation award I got right in front of the door so anyone who walks in will be able to see it. I listened to my cry song without crying or feeling sad for the 1st time ever. I sat in the park for an hour during which I just listened to music and did the sudoku instead of staring at my phone or something. A cat was running away from me when I pspssed it but when I stopped, it came back to me. I got invited to a new friend's bday party. I did questions from a chapter that I thought was pretty tough. I missed 2 classes but still managed to catch up (mentally, the notes though...). I started working on something that I'm gonna give to all my old, new and current friends when school ends. I talked to my sister after ages, like just talked about random shit instead of calling to ask each other for help. (tw??) I haven't stood in front of a mirror checking if my belly looks good or not for like a week now. My outfit looked good for like 3 continuous days. A smart kid asked for my help with a question. My smart friend who I always check my answers with, checked his answers with me. And I was right. He still wears a bracelet thingy I got for him like a month ago. One of my friends told me I'm an excellent story teller. She also almost cried cuz she was laughing so hard at what I was telling her. One of my friends gave me one of her rings to keep. Her bf is being petty about it (in a friendly way). One of my friends said my posts are always a vibe. I made a reel for my friend's bday and everyone commented saying it's very creative and I made sexy edits.
ok that's enough for now ig, im sleepy and this is TMI, if someone who knows me irl comes across this they would immediately realize it's me so bye
I feel better now
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